Также на арте засветились персонажи спин-оффа сериала.
Создатели «Ходячих мертвецов» опубликовали праздничный кроссовер-арт с персонажами шоу и его спин-оффа «Бойтесь ходячих мертвецов». Он приурочен ко Дню благодарения, который празднуется в США в последний четверг ноября.
Арт был опубликован в официальном аккаунте «Ходячих мертвецов» в Twitter. На снимке изображена идиллическая картина, демонстрирующая празднующих основных персонажей двух сериалов со множеством пасхалок. Так, над головой пропавшего в девятом сезоне «Ходячих» Рика Граймса — три военных вертолета, на одном из которых его, вероятно, и увезли. Антагонисты обоих проектов Ниган и Вирджиния мило беседуют, обсуждая, скорее всего, захват власти в своих группах выживших.
Также на картинке можно увидеть вернувшуюся в конце десятого сезона Мэгги и ее подросшего сына Хершела Ри, чей дебют ожидается в следующем году, а еще детей Рика Граймса — Джудит и Эр-Джея. Сбоку расположилась Кэрол, которая с интересом читает газету с анонсом предстоящего безымянного сериала про ее с Дэрилом приключения. Поодаль стоит Конни, рассматривая загадочную надпись «Конец — это только начало», за которой стоят новые антагонисты шестого сезона «Бойтесь ходячих мертвецов».
Напомним, продолжение обоих сериалов ожидается в следующем году. Телеканал AMC покажет шесть бонусных эпизодов десятого сезона «Ходячих мертвецов», а также продолжение шестого сезона «Бойтесь ходячих мертвецов». В декабре на премиальном сервисе AMC+ зрители увидят праздничный спецэпизод The Walking Dead Holiday Special.
Источник фото: Legion-Media
Автор: Мария Овчарева
Ходячие мертвецы: в Мексике прошел традиционный парад в честь Дня мертвых
Хотя раньше Хэллоуин имел сакральное значение, сейчас он превратился в веселый праздник хаоса и шалостей. В Мексике же от старинных традиций не отступают и ежегодно проводят парад в честь Дня мертвых (Dia de los Muertos). Несмотря на жуткий вид участников, этот фестиваль фокусируется на любви и уважении к памяти усопших предков. Загляните на мексиканский парад ходячих мертвецов вместе с нами.
Тысячи мексиканцев вышли на улицы столицы в пугающем гриме и жутких нарядах, чтобы принять участие в ежегодном параде, посвященном памяти предков. День мертвых — один из самых главных и впечатляющих праздников в стране. Участники шествия тщательно готовятся к мероприятию: создают устрашающий макияж и надевают жуткие костюмы, а потом гуляют по городу в течение трех дней — с 31 октября до 2 ноября. Таким образом они отдают дань почтения усопшим.
Мексиканцы рассматривают смерть как часть жизненного цикла, поэтому верят, что мертвые родственники участвуют в параде вместе с ними. Эта традиция берет начало со времен ацтеков, которые проводили подобные празднования в честь богини Миктлансиуатль. Сакральный фестиваль сейчас занесен в Репрезентативный список нематериального культурного наследия человечества ЮНЕСКО.
Столица страны, Мехико, считается центром проведения парада ходячих мертвецов, но подобные шествия происходят и в других странах Центральной и Южной Америки, в том числе в Боливии и Бразилии.
В Мексике смерть воспринимается совсем по-другому — не так, как в наших широтах. Для мексиканцев усопшие родственники продолжают существовать в параллельном измерении рядом с ними, поэтому смерть здесь стала частью обыденной жизни. День мертвых отвергает страх перед концом и превращается в праздник, объединяющий два мира в одну большую семью.
Хэллоуин — один из любопытнейших праздников. Эта традиция, привезенная иммигрантами, сегодня стала популярнейшим событием в США, но откуда же он все-таки взялся? Вот 13 фактов о Хэллоуине, которых вы не знали.
Смотрите также — 27 лучших костюмов на Хеллоуин для любителей кино
Источник: The Sun
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The following is a timeline for the TV show, explaining what happened each day. Citations are given for almost every single day; the overall timeline of 147 months (~12 Years) is not a guess, but rather a careful count of everything that we have seen in the show so far.
According to Fear the Walking Dead, the year of the outbreak began is confirmed to be 2010. (Date of Death)
Note: For the Fear the Walking Dead timeline go here: Fear the Walking Dead Timeline. The events of the main show and the companion series are happening within the same timeline. The two have been separated, however, so as not to overfill a single timeline. Webisodes are included here. For the events of The Walking Dead: World Beyond, see World Beyond Timeline. For a complete timeline including all three media go here: Television Universe Timeline.
Before the Global Outbreak
Pre-Global Outbreak | |
Pre-Global Outbreak |
Shootout day |
After the shootout day |
After the Global Outbreak
Day 0-53 (August 25th-October 17th, 2010)
Outbreak Beginning | |
Day 0 / Day 2 |
Day 3 |
(Day +1 / Day +5) |
Day +14 |
Day +15 / Day +17 |
Day +23 |
Day +17 / Day +53 |
Day +30 / Day +33 |
Day +43 |
Day +53 |
Day +59-83 (October 23rd-November 16th, 2010)
Season 1 & 2 | |
Day +59 |
Day +60
[3] |
Day +61 |
Day +62
[4] |
Day +63 |
Day +64
[5] |
Day 65 |
Day +66
[6] |
Day +67 |
Day +68
[7] |
Day +69 |
Day +70 |
Day +71
[8] |
Day +72
[9] |
Day +73 / Day +80 |
Day +80
[10] |
Day +81
[11] |
Day +82 |
Day +83
[13] |
Day +83-293 (November 16th, 2010-June 14th, 2011)
Season 2 / 3 Interim | |
Day +83 / Day +293 |
Day +115[14] |
Day +117[15] |
Day +300-321 (June 21st, 2011-July 12th, 2011)
Season 3 | |
Day +300 (approximate)
[16] |
Day +301 |
Day +302
[17] |
Day +303 (approximate) |
Day +304 |
Day +305 |
Day +303 / Day +309 |
Day +309
[18] |
Day +310
[19] |
Day +311 |
Day +312 |
Day +313
[20] |
Day +314
[21] |
Day +314 / Day +316 |
Day +317 (approximate)
[22] |
Day +318 |
Day +319
[23] |
Day +320 |
Day +321 |
Day +321-511 (July 12th, 2011-January 18th, 2012)
Season 3 / 4 Interim | |
Day +321 (approximate)
[24] |
Day +322
[25] |
Day +323 |
Day +324 |
Day +325 / Day +326 |
Day +327 (approximate) |
Day +328 |
Day +329 |
Day +330 (approximate)
[26] |
Day +330 / Day +520 |
Day +330 / Day +360 |
Day +360 (approximate)
[27] |
Day +381 / 504 (approximate)
[28] |
Day +493 (approximate)
[29] |
Season 4 | |
Day +500 (approximate)
[30] |
Day +501
[31] |
Day +502
[32] |
Day +503
[33] |
Day +504
[34] |
Day +505 |
Day +506 |
Day +507 |
Day +508 |
Day +509 |
Day +510 |
Day +511 |
Day +511-547 (January 18th, 2012-Febuary 23rd, 2012)
Season 5 | |
Day +511 |
Day +512 |
Day +513 |
Day +514
[35] |
Day +514 / Day +530 |
Day +521 |
Day +522 |
Day +523 (approximate)
[36] |
Day +531
[37] |
Day +532 / Day +534 |
Day +535
[38] |
Day +536
[39] |
Day +537
[40] |
Day +538 |
Day +539 |
Day +540 |
Day +541 |
Day +542 |
Day +542 / Day +544 |
Day +545 (approximate)
[41] |
Day +546
[42] |
Day +547
[43] |
Day +548-598 (February 24th, 2012-April 14th, 2012)
Season 6 | |
Day +548
[44] |
Day +549
[45] |
Day +550
[46] |
Day +551
[47] |
Day +552
[48] |
Day +553 |
Day +554 |
Day +554 / Day +584 |
Day 584 (approximate)
[49] [50] |
Day +585 |
Day +586 |
Day +587 |
Day +587 (approximate)
[51] |
Day +595 |
Day +596 |
Day +597 |
Day +598 |
Day +598-610 (April 14th, 2012-April 26th, 2012)
Season 7 | |
Day +598 |
Day +599 |
Day +599 (approximate)
[52] |
Day +599 / Day +600 (approximate)
[53] |
Day +600 |
Day +601 |
Day +602 |
Day +603
[54] |
Day +604 |
Day +605 |
Day +606 |
Day +607 |
Day +608 |
Day +609 |
Day +610 |
Day +621-627 (May 7th, 2012-May 13th, 2012)
Season 8 | |
Day +621 |
Day +622 |
Day +623 |
Day +624 |
Day +625 |
Day +626 |
Day +627 |
Day +628 |
Day +628-1,170 (May 14th, 2012-November 13th, 2013)
Season 8 / 9 Interim | |
Day +628 — +1,170
[55] |
Day +1,170-4,190 (November, 13th 2013-December 3rd, 2021)
Season 9 | |
Day +1,170 |
Day +1,171 |
Day +1,205 |
Day +1,206 |
Day +1,207 |
Day +1,447 |
Day +1,448 |
Day +1,448 / Day 3,397 |
Day +1,968[57] |
Day +2,333[58] |
Day +2,555 |
Day +4,056[59][60] |
Day +4,057 |
Day +4,058 |
Day +4,059 |
Day +4,060 |
Day +4,061 |
Day +4,062 |
Day +4,063 |
Day +4,064 |
Day +4,064
[61] |
Day +4,065 |
Day +4,188
[62] |
Day +4,189 |
Day +4,190[63] |
Day +4,349-4,498 (May 11th, 2022-September 7th, 2022
Season 10 | |
Day +4,349 [64] |
Day +4,457 |
Day +4,458 |
Day +4,459 |
Day +4,460 |
Day +4,461 |
Day +4,462 |
Day +4,463[65] |
Day +4,464 |
Day +4,465[66] |
Day +4,466 |
Day +4,467 |
Day +4,468 |
Day +4,469 |
Day +4,470 |
Day +4,471 |
Day +4,472 |
Day +4,473 |
Day +4,478[69] |
Day +4,479 |
Day +4,480 |
Day +4,481 |
Day +4,483[70] |
Day +4,484 |
Day +4,485 |
Day +4,486 |
Day +4,493[71] |
Day +4,494 |
Day +4,495 |
Day +4,496 |
Day +4,497[72] |
Day +4,498 |
Day +4,499-5,065 (September 8th, 2022-May 8th, 2024
Season 11 | |
Day +4,499 |
Day +4,500 |
Day +4,501 |
Day +4,502 |
Day +4,503 |
Day +4,504 |
Day +4,505 |
Day +4,508[73] |
Day +4,538[74] |
Day +4,539 |
Day +4,564 |
Day +4,565 |
Day +4,567[75] |
Day +4,568[76] |
Day +4,572[77] |
Day +4,573 |
Day +4,574 |
Day +4,575 |
Day +4,669[78] |
Day +4,676 |
Day +4,683[79] |
Day +4,690[80] |
Day +4,691 |
Day +4,692 |
Day +4,693 |
Day +4,694 |
Day +4,695 |
Day +4,696 |
Day +4,697 |
Day +4,698 |
Day +4,699 |
Day +4,700 |
Day +5,065[81] |
Unknown Point |
Overall timeline
- Dr. Edwin Jenner notes in «Wildfire» that the zombie virus initially arose 194 days prior to the events of that episode and went global 63 days prior to the events of that episode.
- There is a time skip of one day between season 1 and season 2: Rick Grimes informs Morgan Jones via walkie-talkie in «What Lies Ahead» that the group «lost another of [their] own the day before last»; he says this in reference to Jacqui, who died at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention at the end of season 1.
- There is a time skip of seven to eight months, an entire winter, between season 2 and season 3: Andrea informs Merle Dixon that the Greene family farm was overrun seven or eight months prior to the events of «Walk With Me».
- In «Sick», Tomas informs Rick’s group that he and his fellows were locked in the cafeteria of the West Georgia Correctional Facility ten months prior to the events of that episode during riots at the onset of the global outbreak; Oscar specifies that it was 292 days before, while Axel gives his own count of 294 days.
- Hershel Greene mentions in a flashback in «A» that, by that time, they have been at the prison for two months; this supports that the entirety of Season 3 occurs in a span of less than two months.
- There is a time skip of six months between season 3 and season 4. While it is never stated in the show itself, those associated with the show have confirmed it: Andrew Lincoln, who plays Rick, describes season 4 as occurring «six-ish months later» in one interview[82] and Scott M. Gimple, executive producer and showrunner, reveals in a video from AMC that «about six or seven months has passed.»[83]
- There is no time skip between season 4 and season 5: Rick and his group are incarcerated in Terminus and break out on the very same day, as indicated by the gunshots that Carol Peletier and Tyreese Williams hear on the tracks in «No Sanctuary», which are in fact the gunshots herding the survivors into the train car at the end of «A».
- The Talking Dead episode for «Strangers» reveals that Father Gabriel Stokes was in his church for 17 months before Rick’s group found him. Seth Gilliam, who plays Gabriel, claims that it was 18 months during his appearance on the episode for «Them». With season 3 concluding nearly 11 months into the outbreak, a time skip of six months between season 3 and season 4, and season 4 spanning upwards of a month, an approximation of 18 months since the onset of the global outbreak by the beginning of season 5 is reasonable.
- There is a small time skip of some number of days between season 5 and season 6; however, the intermediary days are filled in through flashbacks.
- There is a time skip of two months between season 6 episode 9 «No Way Out» and episode 10 «The Next World», as revealed by Danai Gurira on the Talking Dead episode for «The Next World». However, this is later contradicted in the show by Abraham Ford, who says in episode 11 «Knots Untie» that the run-in with the Saviors on the road occurred only a month ago, not two. This count of a single month is reaffirmed in a conversation between two Saviors in season 7 episode 7 «Sing Me a Song», one of whom refers to the incident as «last month», indicating that a single-month skip was likely intended within the show’s timeline and that Danai Gurira is likely mistaken.
- Season 7 picks up some minutes after season 6, but the intermediary minutes are filled in through flashbacks.
- When Dr. Gale Macones explains her story to Karina in the webseries «The Oath», she states that it’s «been a few months» since the military overran the hospital. This is the same hospital in which Rick recovers in his coma. The webisodes take place prior to Rick’s awakening, as indicated by the fact that, in the final webisode, Paul paints the «Don’t Open Dead Inside» warning on the doors to the cafeteria that Rick sees in the pilot. However, if Rick wakes up 59 days into the global outbreak, then there could not have been a «few-month» time lapse between the military’s attack, which took place after the start of the global outbreak, and the events of the webisodes, unless Macones is getting her dates wrong or she is not using «few» to mean «three» as it often does mean.
- According to Dave Erickson, executive producer for the companion series Fear the Walking Dead, Rick was in his coma for «four to five weeks», which would mean, if we are to take Dr. Jenner’s word for how far into the apocalypse we were by «Wildfire», that Rick was shot some time after the outbreak had gone global. This is not entirely impossible, but it is notable that: police officers were still on duty after civilization had fallen and children were still going to school after the living dead had taken over the world. Whether Erickson is misinformed or Jenner was relaying false information remains to be known.
- Additionally, if Rick had been in his coma for a mere «four to five weeks», then Macones’ claim that the military attacked a «few months» ago, when Rick was in his coma (as seen in a flashback in «TS-19»), is even more dubious.
- It should be noted that Fear the Walking Dead takes place in the same time frame as The Walking Dead. According to Tobias, there were already outbreaks in five states at the time Fear started, and with nothing reported in the news other than a strange ‘virus’, it is possible that Dr. Jenner is counting from the first case that the CDC became aware of rather than the first case that the public became aware of. Since there were no cases reported of walker infection in the five states mentioned in Fear, it is possible that the infection was underway at the time Rick was shot.
- No speculation is in fact needed at all for this because Jenner says in «Wildfire» as well that the virus first arose 194 days before, so naturally it would have been present prior to Rick’s entering the coma. However, Jenner’s specific statement that it went global, not just in a few states, 63 days before makes the fact that it was not as big a deal in «Days Gone Bye» rather questionable.
- In promotional material for Fear the Walking Dead, there is the first page of a six page memo released by the World Health Organization to all medical personnel how to deal with the recently deceased. The fact that the walker epidemic was being discussed at an international level even before the start of Fear (whose timeline predates the main shows by several days/weeks) indicates that the epidemic already had a global impact. Also, given that in Fear we see the epidemic spreading into Mexico and Canada, it is at least an international incident.
- In support of the above: In the pilot of Fear, Nick comes across Gloria as a walker and no one believes him when he tells them this. Also, it is heavily implied that Susan Tran witnessed a walker attack, or at least a walker. Thus, it is highly probable that when Rick was shot, there were outbreaks, but that they hadn’t reached epidemic levels- or at least, reached levels where an outbreak in California would be reported on news stations in Georgia.
- Again, not only is it probable, it is all but known for certain that there were outbreaks prior to Rick’s being shot. The virus arose over six months (194 days) prior to «Wildfire» (about five months prior to the shoot-out, if Rick was only comatose for four to five weeks), so it was very much present before Rick went into is coma. The real issue is that it had already gone global — it had reached the entire world, had reached epidemic proportions — and there is no sign of it in «Days Gone Bye».
Real-life time period
Robert Kirkman has been intentionally vague as to when the comics occur in relation to real-life time and, by extension, when the show occurs as well. In the Letter Hacks column for issue 58, he says, «[The Walking Dead] is set in modern times…but the book started in 2003 and only a year has passed in the book. But that doesn’t mean it’s 2004 in the book…maybe it’s 2009…who knows…who really cares? I don’t want to be specific.» The show follows a similar nature: There are no direct references to real-life time, and thus pinpointing when exactly the apocalypse began is difficult. However, there are some hints throughout the series that enable us to approximate a window in which the outbreak could have started.
- In «Killer Within», the Governor makes the remark to Merle that they «should visit Augusta. Take only the women and let them play. It’ll be historic.» and Merle adds, «And break decades of tradition.» They are referring to the Augusta National Golf Club, which, until August 2012, did not allow women to be members. This would place the onset of the outbreak prior to August 2012. However, it is possible that Merle is not up-to-date with his golf facts, or he is merely being jocular and referencing that well-known tradition regardless of what actually happened. It is to be noted that this episode was written prior to August 2012.
- In «Spend», the song «Internet Friends» by Knife Party is heard as part of Aiden Monroe’s «run mix». «Internet Friends» was released on December 12, 2011.
- Perhaps an anachronism, an issue of WORLD magazine from April 6, 2013 appears in the background in the RV in «The Distance».
- The green Hyundai Tucson seen in seasons 2, 3, and 4 is a 2012 model released in 2011.
- The SCAR 17S used by Aiden Monroe in «Forget» was released in 2010.
- A sign seen in the background of a scene from episode 2 of Fear the Walking Dead bares the date «08.07.10», or August 7, 2010, and advertises a «library week». The fact that the sign is up would indicate that this library week is coming up soon, or has recently passed and the sign has not yet been taken down. In any case, this would strongly suggest that the outbreak began sometime in August 2010, a relatively certain date that immediately increases the number of anachronisms in the show than if the outbreak had begun in August, 2012.[84]
- In the season 4 finale «A», Joe (the leader of the Claimers) says: Shit, and I was thinking of turning in for the night on New Year’s Eve. Now who’s gonna count down the ball dropper with me, huh?«. If that day really is December 31, 2011, math would confirm that the outbreak began around August 7, 2010.
- In season 2, episode 13 of Fear the Walking Dead there are some gravestones on the farm where Travis Manawa, his son Chris, and the American tourists are staying. These gravestones, two of which belong to characters who died onscreen, show the death year as 2010.[85]
- Deanna Monroe’s concern that she would lose reelection could be a reference to the 2010 midterm elections in the United States. In real life this was a wave election that saw many congressional districts flip.
- In «Here’s Negan», the part of the episode that is set just before the global outbreak appears to take place in November, according to the date on a character’s cell phone. It might be possible that different parts of the world were affected at different times (in «Wildfire», it is confirmed that the virus first arose 194 days before that episode and went global 63 days before); however, it seems unlikely that within the United States, both Los Angeles on the West Coast and Atlanta on the East Coast could be napalmed by the end of August, but in Virginia society is still fully intact, doctor’s appointments are being held, and the criminal justice system is still overseeing individuals on probation.
- It is very likely that this was simply a production error. Filming for the final six episodes of season 10 began in October 2020.[86] Thus, «Here’s Negan», or at least the part that is set before the global outbreak, was likely filmed in November, and the date on the phone was not changed to reflect the in-universe timeline.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 22: Taking Jenner’s math into account, when the virus was released is when Lucille learned of her cancer. Seven months later, she tells Negan she knew of his affair
- ↑ Jenner says the virus arose 194 days ago in Wildfire and Rick’s group arrives at the CDC on what is believed to be Day 62 of the global outbreak.
- ↑ The episode recap on the AMC website refers to this as «the next morning»
- ↑ Season 1: Episode 5 — «Wildfire» — Rick refers to the attack as «last night» in his message to Morgan
- ↑ Season 1: Episode 6 — «TS-19» — Lori tells Jenner that Andrea lost someone two days ago
- ↑ Season 2: Episode 1 — «What Lies Ahead» — Rick tells Morgan that they «lost another of their own the day before last»
- ↑ Season 2: Episode 4 — «Cherokee Rose» — Rick informs Hershel that «this’ll be day three» that Sophia has been lost
- ↑ Season 2: Episode 7 — «Pretty Much Dead Already» — Daryl says that he found Sophia’s doll «two days ago», on day 69
- ↑ Season 2: Episode 9 — «Triggerfinger» — Various characters refer to the events of earlier in the episode as «today»
- ↑ Season 2: Episode 10 — «18 Miles Out» — Rick remarks to Shane that he’s «been waiting a week till [they] were gonna do this»
- ↑ This tweet by Glen Mazzara reveals that the group reconvenes on the highway 12 days after finding Sophia; this is the tenth day out of those 12
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 22: Two days have passed since Lucille used their last bullet. Feasibly, that day starts the «Six Weeks Later» mark.
- ↑ This is the day immediately following the fall of the farm; this is 12 days after the group finds Sophia.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 22:Six weeks in between Negan finding the doctor
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 22:«Two or Three Days» has passed since Negan met Laura and Franklin.
- ↑ Season 3 — Various characters state that seven to eight months have passed
- ↑ Season 3: Episode 1 — «Seed» — Rick tells the group that they will find a cafeteria and an infirmary in the morning
- ↑ Season 3: Episode 4 — «Killer Within» — Oscar reveals that they’ve been clearing out bodies «all week»
- ↑ The episode recap on the AMC website refers to this as «the next morning» and Rick in the boiler room as «meanwhile»
- ↑ Season 3: Episode 11 — «I Ain’t a Judas» — The Governor tells Tyreese’s group that the prison group came at them «a few days ago», on day 310
- ↑ The episode recap on the AMC website says that Rick will go on a run «the next day», indicating that this is probably his intention in the episode itself
- ↑ Season 3: Episode 13 — «Arrow on the Doorpost» — The Governor refers to Rick, Carl, and Michonne’s return from King County as «the other day», implying not the day before, but some number of days
- ↑ Season 3: Episode 15 — «This Sorrowful Life (TV Series)» — This is the day on which Michonne is to be brought to the Governor, two days after his meeting with Rick
- ↑ Season 6: Episode 4 — «Here’s Not Here» — This is the closest date to when Rick encountered Morgan and Woodbury was rendered inactive (thus preventing Morgan from encountering Woodbury forces).
- ↑ Season 6: Episode 4 — «Here’s Not Here» — Since Morgan’s beard does not seem to grow and since Morgan would not have access to a razor, this and the next several scenes in the episode are assumed to happen over the next several days.
- ↑ Season 5: Episode 12 — «Remember» — Ron tells Carl that Enid has been at the Safe-Zone for eight months
- ↑ Season 4: Episode 16 — «A» — Hershel says that they’ve been at the prison for two months, since day 300
- ↑ Season 4: Episode 6 — «Live Bait» — The Governor tells Lilly that he’s been on the road «a couple months», likely since his abandonment on day 321
- ↑ Season 4: Episode 1 — «30 Days Without An Accident» — Sasha reminds Bob on day 500 that «it’s only been a week» since he was found by Daryl
- ↑ Season 4 — Six months, or about 180 days, have passed since season 3
- ↑ Season 4: Episode 2 — «Infected» — Rick says that Patrick got sick «last night»
- ↑ Season 4: Episode 3 — «Isolation» — Carl tells Hershel that Rick gave his gun back «yesterday»
- ↑ Season 4: Episode 4 — «Indifference» — Tyreese remarks that they’ve lost an entire night
- ↑ The episode recap on the AMC website refers to this as «the next morning»
- ↑ Season 5: Episode 8 — «Coda» — Beth reminds Dawn that Carol has only been there one day
- ↑ Using the time Rick’s group took to reach Alexandria, this date is the approximate time Morgan began his journey.
- ↑ Greg Nicotero revealed on Talking Dead that 17 days have passed since «Coda»
- ↑ Season 5: Episode 10 — «Them» — Rick says that it’s been three weeks since Atlanta
- ↑ The episode recap on the AMC website refers to this as «the next day»
- ↑ The episode recap on the AMC website refers to this as «the next morning»
- ↑ Season 5: Episode 14 — «Spend» — Noah refers to the incident between Glenn and Aiden as «last week», which is not necessarily «a week ago»
- ↑ Season 5: Episode 16 — «Conquer» — Deanna the next day refers to her meeting with Gabriel as «the day before last»
- ↑ Season 5: Episode 16 — «Conquer» — Various characters refer to the fight between Rick and Pete as «last night»
- ↑ Season 6: Episode 1 — «First Time Again» — Eugene tells Heath that there was a meeting last night. Since Eugene recommends to Heath that he should talk to Deanna about the meeting, this is greatly implied to be the meeting at the end of Conquer.
- ↑ Season 6: Episode 1 — «First Time Again» — The previous day continued for too long to get a sufficient number of construction materials to the build site, so the first phase of construction shall get its own day.
- ↑ Season 6: Episode 1 — «First Time Again» — Compared to the previous day, many cars and trucks have now shifted positions. Several people helping to build — such as Jessie — are no longer present, whereas Deanna is now present. There has also been notable progress on the wall — instead of a collection of pikes in the ground, several steel slabs are now placed. Furthermore, since Rick and other Safe Zone residents would want to conserve resources, the building crew will carpool between the Safe Zone and the build site each day of construction. Therefore, the events of this day must occur on a new day.
- ↑ Season 6: Episode 1 — «First Time Again» — In the episode, Morgan says that it is evening when Rick offers to let him live with him. The last time the wall was seen, the wall required many more steel slabs to be placed and the RV to be properly positioned. This would not be able to be finished by noon during the previous day due to the speed of construction in the previous two construction days. Therefore, construction must complete on a separate day, allowing time for the builders to return to the Safe Zone in the evening.
- ↑ Season 6: Episode 1 — «First Time Again» — The intended day for the dry run occurs the day after Rick finds Jessie in the armory — he refers to this day as «tomorrow».
- ↑ Danai Gurira confirmed on Talking Dead that two months have passed since the last episode
- ↑ However, this is later contradicted in the show by Abraham Ford, who says in episode 11 «Knots Untie» that the run-in with the Saviors on the road occurred only a month ago, not two. This count of a single month is reaffirmed in a conversation between two Saviors in season 7 episode «Sing Me a Song», one of whom refers to the incident as «last month», indicating that a single-month skip was likely intended within the show’s timeline and that Gurira is likely mistaken.
- ↑ Season 6: Episode 14: — «Twice as Far» — A week is a reasonable amount of time for Morgan to convert an Alexandrian room into a jail cell, considering the supplies and brick decay needed to make the cell as seen in the beginning of the episode. It is also less than the two weeks for Tara’s return.
- ↑ Season 7: Episode 3: — «The Cell» — Seeing as Service will take place a week after The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be, there is lots of room to insert The Cell. It is reasonable to assume that the episode directly follows The Well because of this.
- ↑ Season 7: Episode 3: — «The Cell» — Four shots are shown of Daryl being awoken by Dwight. The first and third show Daryl clearly awake. The second and fourth show Daryl being awoken. It is reasonable to believe that a day passed between the first and second shot, as well as the third and fourth shot. This adds up to 2 days passing from the first shot.
- ↑ The recap on the AMC website describes Rick and Michonne’s conversation in the cell as occurring at night, supporting the conclusion that they must just have waited until the morning before heading to Hilltop.
- ↑ Season 9 begins about a year and a half after «Wrath».
- ↑ https://comicbook.com/thewalkingdead/2019/04/04/fear-the-walking-dead-when-season-5-takes-place-walking-dead-producer-showrunners-reveal/ Gimple said it’s been a couple of months since Negan’s defeat
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 18: Five years subtracted from where the episode Find Me takes place using the +Day 3,397 start off point.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 18: One year has passed since Daryl met Dog.
- ↑ To match as close as possible with the inconstancy with the flashback of Here’s Negan, This the date to be most approximate which creates a 659 day gap in the +Day 3,397 start off.
- ↑ Season 9: Episode 5:Six years have passed since Rick’s disappearance (according to the writers).
- ↑ Season 9: Episode 12: Siddiq mentions that the fair was «the day after tomorrow» which means two days have passed since then.
- ↑ Season 9: Episode 16: Ezekiel mentions a few months passed since Henry’s death. At least three to four months have gone by.
- ↑ Season 9: Episode 16: Carol tells Ezekiel she was leaving for Alexandria the next day after breaking up with him.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 8: It is revealed that Dante was in Alexandria for four months.
- ↑ It has been revealed in the episode «Silence the Whisperers» that this season takes place approximately one year since the pike deaths took place.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 5: Siddiq mentions that they’ve been looking for Negan all night and day.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 8: Michonne mentions that it takes two days to get to the island.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 15: Judith tells Daryl she contacted Michonne after the fire.
- ↑ In Morning Star, Stephanie mentioned to meet in one week. Eugene mentions in A Certain Doom they until «sundown tomorrow» to get to the meet spot.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 17: Maggie says they stay in the area a few days to make sure there are no Reapers in the area.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 19: Assuming that it is two weeks since the fall of the horde.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 22: 12 years since Negan killed the Viper Gang members
- ↑ Expecting that it takes 4 to 5 days to travel from the Commonwealth to Alexandria.
- ↑ Season 11: Episode 10: 30 days have passed since the Commonwealth came to Alexandria.
- ↑ Eugene mentions that Stephanie was missing for three days during a flashback.
- ↑ Season 11: Episode 11: One month has passed since Tyler Davis was charged for his actions at the gala.
- ↑ At least four to five days have passed depending on when the tour began.
- ↑ Season 11: Episode 14: This event occurred two weeks before «The Rotten Core»
- ↑ Season 11: Episode 13: One week has passed since Aaron’s asked for Gabriel’s help.
- ↑ Season 11: Episode 9: Six months have passed since The Commonwealth arrived in Alexandria.
- ↑ One year has passed since Pamela’s arrest.
- ↑ http://collider.com/andrew-lincoln-the-walking-dead-season-4-interview/
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKa4WuIAw14
- ↑ http://i.imgur.com/TagunqC.jpg
- ↑ https://imgur.com/a/z0dsZ
- ↑ https://winteriscoming.net/2020/10/13/the-walking-dead-resumes-filming-norman-reedus-daryl/
The following is a timeline for the TV show, explaining what happened each day. Citations are given for almost every single day; the overall timeline of 147 months (~12 Years) is not a guess, but rather a careful count of everything that we have seen in the show so far.
According to Fear the Walking Dead, the year of the outbreak began is confirmed to be 2010. (Date of Death)
Note: For the Fear the Walking Dead timeline go here: Fear the Walking Dead Timeline. The events of the main show and the companion series are happening within the same timeline. The two have been separated, however, so as not to overfill a single timeline. Webisodes are included here. For the events of The Walking Dead: World Beyond, see World Beyond Timeline. For a complete timeline including all three media go here: Television Universe Timeline.
Before the Global Outbreak
Pre-Global Outbreak | |
Pre-Global Outbreak |
Shootout day |
After the shootout day |
After the Global Outbreak
Day 0-53 (August 25th-October 17th, 2010)
Outbreak Beginning | |
Day 0 / Day 2 |
Day 3 |
(Day +1 / Day +5) |
Day +14 |
Day +15 / Day +17 |
Day +23 |
Day +17 / Day +53 |
Day +30 / Day +33 |
Day +43 |
Day +53 |
Day +59-83 (October 23rd-November 16th, 2010)
Season 1 & 2 | |
Day +59 |
Day +60
[3] |
Day +61 |
Day +62
[4] |
Day +63 |
Day +64
[5] |
Day 65 |
Day +66
[6] |
Day +67 |
Day +68
[7] |
Day +69 |
Day +70 |
Day +71
[8] |
Day +72
[9] |
Day +73 / Day +80 |
Day +80
[10] |
Day +81
[11] |
Day +82 |
Day +83
[13] |
Day +83-293 (November 16th, 2010-June 14th, 2011)
Season 2 / 3 Interim | |
Day +83 / Day +293 |
Day +115[14] |
Day +117[15] |
Day +300-321 (June 21st, 2011-July 12th, 2011)
Season 3 | |
Day +300 (approximate)
[16] |
Day +301 |
Day +302
[17] |
Day +303 (approximate) |
Day +304 |
Day +305 |
Day +303 / Day +309 |
Day +309
[18] |
Day +310
[19] |
Day +311 |
Day +312 |
Day +313
[20] |
Day +314
[21] |
Day +314 / Day +316 |
Day +317 (approximate)
[22] |
Day +318 |
Day +319
[23] |
Day +320 |
Day +321 |
Day +321-511 (July 12th, 2011-January 18th, 2012)
Season 3 / 4 Interim | |
Day +321 (approximate)
[24] |
Day +322
[25] |
Day +323 |
Day +324 |
Day +325 / Day +326 |
Day +327 (approximate) |
Day +328 |
Day +329 |
Day +330 (approximate)
[26] |
Day +330 / Day +520 |
Day +330 / Day +360 |
Day +360 (approximate)
[27] |
Day +381 / 504 (approximate)
[28] |
Day +493 (approximate)
[29] |
Season 4 | |
Day +500 (approximate)
[30] |
Day +501
[31] |
Day +502
[32] |
Day +503
[33] |
Day +504
[34] |
Day +505 |
Day +506 |
Day +507 |
Day +508 |
Day +509 |
Day +510 |
Day +511 |
Day +511-547 (January 18th, 2012-Febuary 23rd, 2012)
Season 5 | |
Day +511 |
Day +512 |
Day +513 |
Day +514
[35] |
Day +514 / Day +530 |
Day +521 |
Day +522 |
Day +523 (approximate)
[36] |
Day +531
[37] |
Day +532 / Day +534 |
Day +535
[38] |
Day +536
[39] |
Day +537
[40] |
Day +538 |
Day +539 |
Day +540 |
Day +541 |
Day +542 |
Day +542 / Day +544 |
Day +545 (approximate)
[41] |
Day +546
[42] |
Day +547
[43] |
Day +548-598 (February 24th, 2012-April 14th, 2012)
Season 6 | |
Day +548
[44] |
Day +549
[45] |
Day +550
[46] |
Day +551
[47] |
Day +552
[48] |
Day +553 |
Day +554 |
Day +554 / Day +584 |
Day 584 (approximate)
[49] [50] |
Day +585 |
Day +586 |
Day +587 |
Day +587 (approximate)
[51] |
Day +595 |
Day +596 |
Day +597 |
Day +598 |
Day +598-610 (April 14th, 2012-April 26th, 2012)
Season 7 | |
Day +598 |
Day +599 |
Day +599 (approximate)
[52] |
Day +599 / Day +600 (approximate)
[53] |
Day +600 |
Day +601 |
Day +602 |
Day +603
[54] |
Day +604 |
Day +605 |
Day +606 |
Day +607 |
Day +608 |
Day +609 |
Day +610 |
Day +621-627 (May 7th, 2012-May 13th, 2012)
Season 8 | |
Day +621 |
Day +622 |
Day +623 |
Day +624 |
Day +625 |
Day +626 |
Day +627 |
Day +628 |
Day +628-1,170 (May 14th, 2012-November 13th, 2013)
Season 8 / 9 Interim | |
Day +628 — +1,170
[55] |
Day +1,170-4,190 (November, 13th 2013-December 3rd, 2021)
Season 9 | |
Day +1,170 |
Day +1,171 |
Day +1,205 |
Day +1,206 |
Day +1,207 |
Day +1,447 |
Day +1,448 |
Day +1,448 / Day 3,397 |
Day +1,968[57] |
Day +2,333[58] |
Day +2,555 |
Day +4,056[59][60] |
Day +4,057 |
Day +4,058 |
Day +4,059 |
Day +4,060 |
Day +4,061 |
Day +4,062 |
Day +4,063 |
Day +4,064 |
Day +4,064
[61] |
Day +4,065 |
Day +4,188
[62] |
Day +4,189 |
Day +4,190[63] |
Day +4,349-4,498 (May 11th, 2022-September 7th, 2022
Season 10 | |
Day +4,349 [64] |
Day +4,457 |
Day +4,458 |
Day +4,459 |
Day +4,460 |
Day +4,461 |
Day +4,462 |
Day +4,463[65] |
Day +4,464 |
Day +4,465[66] |
Day +4,466 |
Day +4,467 |
Day +4,468 |
Day +4,469 |
Day +4,470 |
Day +4,471 |
Day +4,472 |
Day +4,473 |
Day +4,478[69] |
Day +4,479 |
Day +4,480 |
Day +4,481 |
Day +4,483[70] |
Day +4,484 |
Day +4,485 |
Day +4,486 |
Day +4,493[71] |
Day +4,494 |
Day +4,495 |
Day +4,496 |
Day +4,497[72] |
Day +4,498 |
Day +4,499-5,065 (September 8th, 2022-May 8th, 2024
Season 11 | |
Day +4,499 |
Day +4,500 |
Day +4,501 |
Day +4,502 |
Day +4,503 |
Day +4,504 |
Day +4,505 |
Day +4,508[73] |
Day +4,538[74] |
Day +4,539 |
Day +4,564 |
Day +4,565 |
Day +4,567[75] |
Day +4,568[76] |
Day +4,572[77] |
Day +4,573 |
Day +4,574 |
Day +4,575 |
Day +4,669[78] |
Day +4,676 |
Day +4,683[79] |
Day +4,690[80] |
Day +4,691 |
Day +4,692 |
Day +4,693 |
Day +4,694 |
Day +4,695 |
Day +4,696 |
Day +4,697 |
Day +4,698 |
Day +4,699 |
Day +4,700 |
Day +5,065[81] |
Unknown Point |
Overall timeline
- Dr. Edwin Jenner notes in «Wildfire» that the zombie virus initially arose 194 days prior to the events of that episode and went global 63 days prior to the events of that episode.
- There is a time skip of one day between season 1 and season 2: Rick Grimes informs Morgan Jones via walkie-talkie in «What Lies Ahead» that the group «lost another of [their] own the day before last»; he says this in reference to Jacqui, who died at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention at the end of season 1.
- There is a time skip of seven to eight months, an entire winter, between season 2 and season 3: Andrea informs Merle Dixon that the Greene family farm was overrun seven or eight months prior to the events of «Walk With Me».
- In «Sick», Tomas informs Rick’s group that he and his fellows were locked in the cafeteria of the West Georgia Correctional Facility ten months prior to the events of that episode during riots at the onset of the global outbreak; Oscar specifies that it was 292 days before, while Axel gives his own count of 294 days.
- Hershel Greene mentions in a flashback in «A» that, by that time, they have been at the prison for two months; this supports that the entirety of Season 3 occurs in a span of less than two months.
- There is a time skip of six months between season 3 and season 4. While it is never stated in the show itself, those associated with the show have confirmed it: Andrew Lincoln, who plays Rick, describes season 4 as occurring «six-ish months later» in one interview[82] and Scott M. Gimple, executive producer and showrunner, reveals in a video from AMC that «about six or seven months has passed.»[83]
- There is no time skip between season 4 and season 5: Rick and his group are incarcerated in Terminus and break out on the very same day, as indicated by the gunshots that Carol Peletier and Tyreese Williams hear on the tracks in «No Sanctuary», which are in fact the gunshots herding the survivors into the train car at the end of «A».
- The Talking Dead episode for «Strangers» reveals that Father Gabriel Stokes was in his church for 17 months before Rick’s group found him. Seth Gilliam, who plays Gabriel, claims that it was 18 months during his appearance on the episode for «Them». With season 3 concluding nearly 11 months into the outbreak, a time skip of six months between season 3 and season 4, and season 4 spanning upwards of a month, an approximation of 18 months since the onset of the global outbreak by the beginning of season 5 is reasonable.
- There is a small time skip of some number of days between season 5 and season 6; however, the intermediary days are filled in through flashbacks.
- There is a time skip of two months between season 6 episode 9 «No Way Out» and episode 10 «The Next World», as revealed by Danai Gurira on the Talking Dead episode for «The Next World». However, this is later contradicted in the show by Abraham Ford, who says in episode 11 «Knots Untie» that the run-in with the Saviors on the road occurred only a month ago, not two. This count of a single month is reaffirmed in a conversation between two Saviors in season 7 episode 7 «Sing Me a Song», one of whom refers to the incident as «last month», indicating that a single-month skip was likely intended within the show’s timeline and that Danai Gurira is likely mistaken.
- Season 7 picks up some minutes after season 6, but the intermediary minutes are filled in through flashbacks.
- When Dr. Gale Macones explains her story to Karina in the webseries «The Oath», she states that it’s «been a few months» since the military overran the hospital. This is the same hospital in which Rick recovers in his coma. The webisodes take place prior to Rick’s awakening, as indicated by the fact that, in the final webisode, Paul paints the «Don’t Open Dead Inside» warning on the doors to the cafeteria that Rick sees in the pilot. However, if Rick wakes up 59 days into the global outbreak, then there could not have been a «few-month» time lapse between the military’s attack, which took place after the start of the global outbreak, and the events of the webisodes, unless Macones is getting her dates wrong or she is not using «few» to mean «three» as it often does mean.
- According to Dave Erickson, executive producer for the companion series Fear the Walking Dead, Rick was in his coma for «four to five weeks», which would mean, if we are to take Dr. Jenner’s word for how far into the apocalypse we were by «Wildfire», that Rick was shot some time after the outbreak had gone global. This is not entirely impossible, but it is notable that: police officers were still on duty after civilization had fallen and children were still going to school after the living dead had taken over the world. Whether Erickson is misinformed or Jenner was relaying false information remains to be known.
- Additionally, if Rick had been in his coma for a mere «four to five weeks», then Macones’ claim that the military attacked a «few months» ago, when Rick was in his coma (as seen in a flashback in «TS-19»), is even more dubious.
- It should be noted that Fear the Walking Dead takes place in the same time frame as The Walking Dead. According to Tobias, there were already outbreaks in five states at the time Fear started, and with nothing reported in the news other than a strange ‘virus’, it is possible that Dr. Jenner is counting from the first case that the CDC became aware of rather than the first case that the public became aware of. Since there were no cases reported of walker infection in the five states mentioned in Fear, it is possible that the infection was underway at the time Rick was shot.
- No speculation is in fact needed at all for this because Jenner says in «Wildfire» as well that the virus first arose 194 days before, so naturally it would have been present prior to Rick’s entering the coma. However, Jenner’s specific statement that it went global, not just in a few states, 63 days before makes the fact that it was not as big a deal in «Days Gone Bye» rather questionable.
- In promotional material for Fear the Walking Dead, there is the first page of a six page memo released by the World Health Organization to all medical personnel how to deal with the recently deceased. The fact that the walker epidemic was being discussed at an international level even before the start of Fear (whose timeline predates the main shows by several days/weeks) indicates that the epidemic already had a global impact. Also, given that in Fear we see the epidemic spreading into Mexico and Canada, it is at least an international incident.
- In support of the above: In the pilot of Fear, Nick comes across Gloria as a walker and no one believes him when he tells them this. Also, it is heavily implied that Susan Tran witnessed a walker attack, or at least a walker. Thus, it is highly probable that when Rick was shot, there were outbreaks, but that they hadn’t reached epidemic levels- or at least, reached levels where an outbreak in California would be reported on news stations in Georgia.
- Again, not only is it probable, it is all but known for certain that there were outbreaks prior to Rick’s being shot. The virus arose over six months (194 days) prior to «Wildfire» (about five months prior to the shoot-out, if Rick was only comatose for four to five weeks), so it was very much present before Rick went into is coma. The real issue is that it had already gone global — it had reached the entire world, had reached epidemic proportions — and there is no sign of it in «Days Gone Bye».
Real-life time period
Robert Kirkman has been intentionally vague as to when the comics occur in relation to real-life time and, by extension, when the show occurs as well. In the Letter Hacks column for issue 58, he says, «[The Walking Dead] is set in modern times…but the book started in 2003 and only a year has passed in the book. But that doesn’t mean it’s 2004 in the book…maybe it’s 2009…who knows…who really cares? I don’t want to be specific.» The show follows a similar nature: There are no direct references to real-life time, and thus pinpointing when exactly the apocalypse began is difficult. However, there are some hints throughout the series that enable us to approximate a window in which the outbreak could have started.
- In «Killer Within», the Governor makes the remark to Merle that they «should visit Augusta. Take only the women and let them play. It’ll be historic.» and Merle adds, «And break decades of tradition.» They are referring to the Augusta National Golf Club, which, until August 2012, did not allow women to be members. This would place the onset of the outbreak prior to August 2012. However, it is possible that Merle is not up-to-date with his golf facts, or he is merely being jocular and referencing that well-known tradition regardless of what actually happened. It is to be noted that this episode was written prior to August 2012.
- In «Spend», the song «Internet Friends» by Knife Party is heard as part of Aiden Monroe’s «run mix». «Internet Friends» was released on December 12, 2011.
- Perhaps an anachronism, an issue of WORLD magazine from April 6, 2013 appears in the background in the RV in «The Distance».
- The green Hyundai Tucson seen in seasons 2, 3, and 4 is a 2012 model released in 2011.
- The SCAR 17S used by Aiden Monroe in «Forget» was released in 2010.
- A sign seen in the background of a scene from episode 2 of Fear the Walking Dead bares the date «08.07.10», or August 7, 2010, and advertises a «library week». The fact that the sign is up would indicate that this library week is coming up soon, or has recently passed and the sign has not yet been taken down. In any case, this would strongly suggest that the outbreak began sometime in August 2010, a relatively certain date that immediately increases the number of anachronisms in the show than if the outbreak had begun in August, 2012.[84]
- In the season 4 finale «A», Joe (the leader of the Claimers) says: Shit, and I was thinking of turning in for the night on New Year’s Eve. Now who’s gonna count down the ball dropper with me, huh?«. If that day really is December 31, 2011, math would confirm that the outbreak began around August 7, 2010.
- In season 2, episode 13 of Fear the Walking Dead there are some gravestones on the farm where Travis Manawa, his son Chris, and the American tourists are staying. These gravestones, two of which belong to characters who died onscreen, show the death year as 2010.[85]
- Deanna Monroe’s concern that she would lose reelection could be a reference to the 2010 midterm elections in the United States. In real life this was a wave election that saw many congressional districts flip.
- In «Here’s Negan», the part of the episode that is set just before the global outbreak appears to take place in November, according to the date on a character’s cell phone. It might be possible that different parts of the world were affected at different times (in «Wildfire», it is confirmed that the virus first arose 194 days before that episode and went global 63 days before); however, it seems unlikely that within the United States, both Los Angeles on the West Coast and Atlanta on the East Coast could be napalmed by the end of August, but in Virginia society is still fully intact, doctor’s appointments are being held, and the criminal justice system is still overseeing individuals on probation.
- It is very likely that this was simply a production error. Filming for the final six episodes of season 10 began in October 2020.[86] Thus, «Here’s Negan», or at least the part that is set before the global outbreak, was likely filmed in November, and the date on the phone was not changed to reflect the in-universe timeline.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 22: Taking Jenner’s math into account, when the virus was released is when Lucille learned of her cancer. Seven months later, she tells Negan she knew of his affair
- ↑ Jenner says the virus arose 194 days ago in Wildfire and Rick’s group arrives at the CDC on what is believed to be Day 62 of the global outbreak.
- ↑ The episode recap on the AMC website refers to this as «the next morning»
- ↑ Season 1: Episode 5 — «Wildfire» — Rick refers to the attack as «last night» in his message to Morgan
- ↑ Season 1: Episode 6 — «TS-19» — Lori tells Jenner that Andrea lost someone two days ago
- ↑ Season 2: Episode 1 — «What Lies Ahead» — Rick tells Morgan that they «lost another of their own the day before last»
- ↑ Season 2: Episode 4 — «Cherokee Rose» — Rick informs Hershel that «this’ll be day three» that Sophia has been lost
- ↑ Season 2: Episode 7 — «Pretty Much Dead Already» — Daryl says that he found Sophia’s doll «two days ago», on day 69
- ↑ Season 2: Episode 9 — «Triggerfinger» — Various characters refer to the events of earlier in the episode as «today»
- ↑ Season 2: Episode 10 — «18 Miles Out» — Rick remarks to Shane that he’s «been waiting a week till [they] were gonna do this»
- ↑ This tweet by Glen Mazzara reveals that the group reconvenes on the highway 12 days after finding Sophia; this is the tenth day out of those 12
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 22: Two days have passed since Lucille used their last bullet. Feasibly, that day starts the «Six Weeks Later» mark.
- ↑ This is the day immediately following the fall of the farm; this is 12 days after the group finds Sophia.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 22:Six weeks in between Negan finding the doctor
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 22:«Two or Three Days» has passed since Negan met Laura and Franklin.
- ↑ Season 3 — Various characters state that seven to eight months have passed
- ↑ Season 3: Episode 1 — «Seed» — Rick tells the group that they will find a cafeteria and an infirmary in the morning
- ↑ Season 3: Episode 4 — «Killer Within» — Oscar reveals that they’ve been clearing out bodies «all week»
- ↑ The episode recap on the AMC website refers to this as «the next morning» and Rick in the boiler room as «meanwhile»
- ↑ Season 3: Episode 11 — «I Ain’t a Judas» — The Governor tells Tyreese’s group that the prison group came at them «a few days ago», on day 310
- ↑ The episode recap on the AMC website says that Rick will go on a run «the next day», indicating that this is probably his intention in the episode itself
- ↑ Season 3: Episode 13 — «Arrow on the Doorpost» — The Governor refers to Rick, Carl, and Michonne’s return from King County as «the other day», implying not the day before, but some number of days
- ↑ Season 3: Episode 15 — «This Sorrowful Life (TV Series)» — This is the day on which Michonne is to be brought to the Governor, two days after his meeting with Rick
- ↑ Season 6: Episode 4 — «Here’s Not Here» — This is the closest date to when Rick encountered Morgan and Woodbury was rendered inactive (thus preventing Morgan from encountering Woodbury forces).
- ↑ Season 6: Episode 4 — «Here’s Not Here» — Since Morgan’s beard does not seem to grow and since Morgan would not have access to a razor, this and the next several scenes in the episode are assumed to happen over the next several days.
- ↑ Season 5: Episode 12 — «Remember» — Ron tells Carl that Enid has been at the Safe-Zone for eight months
- ↑ Season 4: Episode 16 — «A» — Hershel says that they’ve been at the prison for two months, since day 300
- ↑ Season 4: Episode 6 — «Live Bait» — The Governor tells Lilly that he’s been on the road «a couple months», likely since his abandonment on day 321
- ↑ Season 4: Episode 1 — «30 Days Without An Accident» — Sasha reminds Bob on day 500 that «it’s only been a week» since he was found by Daryl
- ↑ Season 4 — Six months, or about 180 days, have passed since season 3
- ↑ Season 4: Episode 2 — «Infected» — Rick says that Patrick got sick «last night»
- ↑ Season 4: Episode 3 — «Isolation» — Carl tells Hershel that Rick gave his gun back «yesterday»
- ↑ Season 4: Episode 4 — «Indifference» — Tyreese remarks that they’ve lost an entire night
- ↑ The episode recap on the AMC website refers to this as «the next morning»
- ↑ Season 5: Episode 8 — «Coda» — Beth reminds Dawn that Carol has only been there one day
- ↑ Using the time Rick’s group took to reach Alexandria, this date is the approximate time Morgan began his journey.
- ↑ Greg Nicotero revealed on Talking Dead that 17 days have passed since «Coda»
- ↑ Season 5: Episode 10 — «Them» — Rick says that it’s been three weeks since Atlanta
- ↑ The episode recap on the AMC website refers to this as «the next day»
- ↑ The episode recap on the AMC website refers to this as «the next morning»
- ↑ Season 5: Episode 14 — «Spend» — Noah refers to the incident between Glenn and Aiden as «last week», which is not necessarily «a week ago»
- ↑ Season 5: Episode 16 — «Conquer» — Deanna the next day refers to her meeting with Gabriel as «the day before last»
- ↑ Season 5: Episode 16 — «Conquer» — Various characters refer to the fight between Rick and Pete as «last night»
- ↑ Season 6: Episode 1 — «First Time Again» — Eugene tells Heath that there was a meeting last night. Since Eugene recommends to Heath that he should talk to Deanna about the meeting, this is greatly implied to be the meeting at the end of Conquer.
- ↑ Season 6: Episode 1 — «First Time Again» — The previous day continued for too long to get a sufficient number of construction materials to the build site, so the first phase of construction shall get its own day.
- ↑ Season 6: Episode 1 — «First Time Again» — Compared to the previous day, many cars and trucks have now shifted positions. Several people helping to build — such as Jessie — are no longer present, whereas Deanna is now present. There has also been notable progress on the wall — instead of a collection of pikes in the ground, several steel slabs are now placed. Furthermore, since Rick and other Safe Zone residents would want to conserve resources, the building crew will carpool between the Safe Zone and the build site each day of construction. Therefore, the events of this day must occur on a new day.
- ↑ Season 6: Episode 1 — «First Time Again» — In the episode, Morgan says that it is evening when Rick offers to let him live with him. The last time the wall was seen, the wall required many more steel slabs to be placed and the RV to be properly positioned. This would not be able to be finished by noon during the previous day due to the speed of construction in the previous two construction days. Therefore, construction must complete on a separate day, allowing time for the builders to return to the Safe Zone in the evening.
- ↑ Season 6: Episode 1 — «First Time Again» — The intended day for the dry run occurs the day after Rick finds Jessie in the armory — he refers to this day as «tomorrow».
- ↑ Danai Gurira confirmed on Talking Dead that two months have passed since the last episode
- ↑ However, this is later contradicted in the show by Abraham Ford, who says in episode 11 «Knots Untie» that the run-in with the Saviors on the road occurred only a month ago, not two. This count of a single month is reaffirmed in a conversation between two Saviors in season 7 episode «Sing Me a Song», one of whom refers to the incident as «last month», indicating that a single-month skip was likely intended within the show’s timeline and that Gurira is likely mistaken.
- ↑ Season 6: Episode 14: — «Twice as Far» — A week is a reasonable amount of time for Morgan to convert an Alexandrian room into a jail cell, considering the supplies and brick decay needed to make the cell as seen in the beginning of the episode. It is also less than the two weeks for Tara’s return.
- ↑ Season 7: Episode 3: — «The Cell» — Seeing as Service will take place a week after The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be, there is lots of room to insert The Cell. It is reasonable to assume that the episode directly follows The Well because of this.
- ↑ Season 7: Episode 3: — «The Cell» — Four shots are shown of Daryl being awoken by Dwight. The first and third show Daryl clearly awake. The second and fourth show Daryl being awoken. It is reasonable to believe that a day passed between the first and second shot, as well as the third and fourth shot. This adds up to 2 days passing from the first shot.
- ↑ The recap on the AMC website describes Rick and Michonne’s conversation in the cell as occurring at night, supporting the conclusion that they must just have waited until the morning before heading to Hilltop.
- ↑ Season 9 begins about a year and a half after «Wrath».
- ↑ https://comicbook.com/thewalkingdead/2019/04/04/fear-the-walking-dead-when-season-5-takes-place-walking-dead-producer-showrunners-reveal/ Gimple said it’s been a couple of months since Negan’s defeat
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 18: Five years subtracted from where the episode Find Me takes place using the +Day 3,397 start off point.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 18: One year has passed since Daryl met Dog.
- ↑ To match as close as possible with the inconstancy with the flashback of Here’s Negan, This the date to be most approximate which creates a 659 day gap in the +Day 3,397 start off.
- ↑ Season 9: Episode 5:Six years have passed since Rick’s disappearance (according to the writers).
- ↑ Season 9: Episode 12: Siddiq mentions that the fair was «the day after tomorrow» which means two days have passed since then.
- ↑ Season 9: Episode 16: Ezekiel mentions a few months passed since Henry’s death. At least three to four months have gone by.
- ↑ Season 9: Episode 16: Carol tells Ezekiel she was leaving for Alexandria the next day after breaking up with him.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 8: It is revealed that Dante was in Alexandria for four months.
- ↑ It has been revealed in the episode «Silence the Whisperers» that this season takes place approximately one year since the pike deaths took place.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 5: Siddiq mentions that they’ve been looking for Negan all night and day.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 8: Michonne mentions that it takes two days to get to the island.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 15: Judith tells Daryl she contacted Michonne after the fire.
- ↑ In Morning Star, Stephanie mentioned to meet in one week. Eugene mentions in A Certain Doom they until «sundown tomorrow» to get to the meet spot.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 17: Maggie says they stay in the area a few days to make sure there are no Reapers in the area.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 19: Assuming that it is two weeks since the fall of the horde.
- ↑ Season 10: Episode 22: 12 years since Negan killed the Viper Gang members
- ↑ Expecting that it takes 4 to 5 days to travel from the Commonwealth to Alexandria.
- ↑ Season 11: Episode 10: 30 days have passed since the Commonwealth came to Alexandria.
- ↑ Eugene mentions that Stephanie was missing for three days during a flashback.
- ↑ Season 11: Episode 11: One month has passed since Tyler Davis was charged for his actions at the gala.
- ↑ At least four to five days have passed depending on when the tour began.
- ↑ Season 11: Episode 14: This event occurred two weeks before «The Rotten Core»
- ↑ Season 11: Episode 13: One week has passed since Aaron’s asked for Gabriel’s help.
- ↑ Season 11: Episode 9: Six months have passed since The Commonwealth arrived in Alexandria.
- ↑ One year has passed since Pamela’s arrest.
- ↑ http://collider.com/andrew-lincoln-the-walking-dead-season-4-interview/
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKa4WuIAw14
- ↑ http://i.imgur.com/TagunqC.jpg
- ↑ https://imgur.com/a/z0dsZ
- ↑ https://winteriscoming.net/2020/10/13/the-walking-dead-resumes-filming-norman-reedus-daryl/
Много новинок в 2023-м.
«Ходячие мертвецы» идут с 2010 года и создали вокруг себя целую франшизу. Этого бы не случилось без отлично прописанной вселенной: зловещий мир после зомби-постапокалипсиса будоражит сознание миллионов людей. За 11 сезонов персонажи шоу полюбились многим – их новым приключениям и посвящены большинство будущих спин-оффов. Но ответвлений хватает – собрал все спин-оффы шоу: как прошлые, так и еще не вышедшие.
«Бойтесь ходячих мертвецов» (2015 – …)
Первый спин-офф поставил амбициозную задачу: забрать кусок пирога у главного шоу, при этом здорово сместив акценты. Судя по семи вышедшим сезонам, у него получилось. Герои FWD начинают в Лос-Анджелесе, где мы видим вспышку эпидемии и первые волнительные часы. После они спасаются бегством и кочуют по разным локациям, не давая фанатам заскучать.
Восьмой сезон «Бойтесь ходячих мертвецов», возможно, станет последним. Герои окажутся в Саванне, и авторы обещают напоследок «переосмыслить шоу». Что это значит, узнаем в 2023-м.
«Ходячие мертвецы: Мир за пределами» (2020 – 2021)
Сериал разнесли в пух и прах, видимо, не делая скидку на то, что это шоу про подростков для подростков. Канал AMC пытается расширить вселенную, привлекая все виды аудитории. «Мир за пределами» рассказывает историю первого поколения людей, которые родились в мире, захваченном зомби. Дети живут в безопасности, пока не ловят сигнал о помощи от пропавшего отца. Теперь им предстоит резко вырасти и увидеть жестокий мир за стенами поселения.
Что примечательно, у шоу сразу были конкретные сроки. Оно нацелилось на два небольших сезона, которые уже закончились. В сцене после титров даже есть намеки на истоки образования вируса.
«Истории ходячих мертвецов» (2022 – …)
В августе стартовал новый спин-офф с экспериментальной для франшизы идеей. «Истории…» идут по пути не цельного классического повествования, а разрозненных мини-историй длиной в серию. Формат сейчас очень популярен и используется во многих хоррор-сериалах или, например, в «Любви, смерти и роботах».
В первом сезоне было шесть серий и, судя по оценкам, они не снискали зрительской любви. Кажется, во втором сезоне нужно наращивать градус, или придется закрывать шоу.
Спин-офф про Дэрила (2023)
Изначально шоу должно было рассказать историю Дэрила и Кэрол. Главные герои WD классно взаимодействуют, и между ними есть химия, несмотря на отсутствие романтической связи. Увы, у Мелиссы Макбрайд не получилось поехать на съемки, запланированные во Франции, и спин-офф остался без ее участия.
Авторы обещают эпичное и масштабное действие во Франции. Как туда попадает Дэрил, пока не раскрывают. Любимый байкер с арбалетом наперевес столкнется с новой угрозой. Подробнее об этом можно узнать, посмотрев финал «Мира за пределами», но речь явно идет о появлении новых зомби. Обещали и знакомые лица – фанаты видели Эндрю Линкольна, долгие годы игравшего Рика, в Париже и много чего нафантазировали. Правду мы узнаем в 2023 году.
«Ходячие мертвецы: Мертвый город» (2023)
Неожиданный по составу главных героев мини-сериал – все-таки Ниган и Мэгги обоснованно недолюбливают друг друга. И тем не менее шоу точно выйдет: свежие октябрьские новости трубят о завершении съемок. Первый сезон «Мертвого города» состоит всего из шести серий, но они точно достойны внимания.
Герои окажутся на Манхэттене и в Нью-Джерси в совершенно новой обстановке. Впрочем, там тоже будут противоборствующие фракции, а изюминка же будет в передвижениях. Местные вовсю пользуются зиплайнами и канатными дорогами! Известна и дата выхода: мы впервые увидим постапокалиптический Нью-Йорк в апреле 2023-го.
Спин-офф про Рика и Мишон (2023)
Главный герой «Ходячих мертвецов» Рик Граймс покинул сериал еще в 2018 году – актер Эндрю Линкольн откровенно устал от шоу и хотел заняться чем-то другим. Но Линкольн сразу сказал, что согласен вернуться в формате фильма или даже нескольких. Проект долго был в работе, а съемки полнометражки даже стартовали в 2020-м. Коронавирус все испортил, а после авторы почему-то вновь стали работать над сценарием.
Сейчас планы повернулись в сторону, судя по всему, мини-сериала. В 2023 году мы вновь увидим Рика, а в пару к нему и Мишон, которая тоже давно выбыла из основного шоу. Подробностей совсем мало, но нам обещают «историю эпической любви после долгой разлуки» и что героям «вновь придется обрести себя».
В планах
На октябрьской New York Comic-Con авторы рассказали, что подумывают об адаптации комикса The Walking Dead Typhoon. Напомню, что его действие происходит во время зомби-апокалипсиса в Китае. Сроков пока нет, проект явно находится на стадии написания сценария.
Какой из спин-оффов вы больше ждете?
Сериал «The Walking Dead» повествует о жизни семьи шерифа после того, как «зомби»-эпидемия апокалиптических масштабов охватила всю планету. Шериф Рик Граймс путешествует со своей семьей и небольшой группой выживших в поисках безопасного места для жизни. Но постоянный страх смерти ежедневно приносит тяжелые потери, заставляя героев ощутить всю глубину человеческой жестокости. Рик пытается спасти свою семью и обнаруживает, что непреодолимый страх тех, кто выжил, может быть опаснее глупых мертвецов, которые блуждают по земле.
По мотивам одноименной серии комиксов Роберта Киркмана, Тони Мура и Чарли Адлара.
Сериал «Ходячие мертвецы» вышел в 2010 году и на данный момент насчитывает 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 сезон и 1-24 серий.
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