Сегодня хостеры России отмечают профессиональный праздник (Фото: MilousSK, Shutterstock)
В 2011 году у людей и организаций, чья деятельность связана с Интернетом, появился новый праздник, получивший название «День хостинг-провайдера». Сейчас хостеры России могут отмечать профессиональную дату 1 марта каждого года.
Учреждение праздника стало тем случаем, когда изменения в календарь дат вносятся по инициативе коммерческих организаций. Идею Дня хостинг-провайдера предложили руководитель фирмы «ХостОбзор» Петр Паламарчук и начальник одного из отделов группы компаний ФИЛАНКО Матвей Алексеев.
«Дело в том, что о хостинге как услуге и технической платформе знают только специалисты, но наша работа хоть и незаметна, но незаменима. Создание нашего собственного праздника есть не что иное, как дань уважения тем, кто днями и ночами работает над усовершенствованием систем хранения и передачи информации», — объяснили создатели Дня свою затею.
Напомним, что хостинг-провайдер или хостинговая компания — организация, занимающаяся предоставлением услуг размещения оборудования, данных и web-сайтов на своих технических площадках (хостинг).
В настоящее время праздник относится к числу неформальных. Однако многие компании, занимающиеся предоставлением услуг интернет-хостинга, уже приняли этот праздник в качестве профессионального.
Кроме того, хостеры наравне с другими работниками и пользователями сети Интернет могут отмечать Всемирный день информационного общества, который празднуется 17 мая.
Полезный подарок для занятий физкультурой в рамках акции «Елка желаний» вручили Ибрагиму Гусейнову.
В рамках доброй новогодней акции «Елка желаний» в Волгодонске мальчик с особенностями развития получил подарок от главы администрации города и зампреда городской Думы. 30 января Сергей Макаров и Игорь Батлуков наведались в гости к семье Гусейновых и привезли подарок мальчику, мама которого отправила пожелание на сайт акции «Елка желаний».
Как сообщает пресс-служба администрации Волгодонска, Камила Захидовна воспитывает сына одна, мальчик растет с особенностями развития из-за родовой травмы, но Гусейновы не сдаются: укрепляют физическую форму, занимаются в школе «Восхождение», участвуют в общественной жизни и верят в лучшее.
Взрослые привезли в подарок Ибрагиму спортивный комплекс «Богатырь» три в одном, сочетающий турник, шведскую стенку и навесную скамью Flexter для занятий спортом. Комплекс крепится к стене и не занимает много места, а занятия на нем позволяют укрепить практически все группы мышц.
Глава администрации Волгодонска Сергей Макаров поздравил Гусейновых с Новым годом, пожелал маме Ибрагима сил и здоровья, так необходимых ей для воспитания сына. Сергей Михайлович отметил, что важно делать добрые дела каждый день, но новогодние праздники – время особенное, когда все верят в лучшее и мечтают о чуде, а мечты обязательно должны сбываться!
Константин Прибрежный
Новости на Блoкнoт-Волгодонск
День хостинг-провайдера
Дата в 2023 году: | 1 марта , среда |
Работа сети Интернет невозможна без услуг хостинг-провайдеров. Постоянное увеличение пользователей ведет к росту нагрузки на хостинг. Функционирование хостинг-провайдеров без перебоев возможно только в сотрудничестве с другими участниками интернет-сообщества. Чтобы привлечь внимание пользователей Интернета к существующим разработкам и проблемам индустрии хостинга, был учрежден праздник – День хостинг-провайдера.
Хостеры России отмечают свой профессиональный день ежегодно 1 марта. Инициаторами учреждения праздничной даты в 2011 году выступили руководители частных компаний – Матвей Алексеев (фирма Filanko) и Петр Паламарчук (ХостОбзор), с целью признания труда тех, кто обеспечивает стабильную работу Сети в онлайн-режиме.
Календарной основой праздника стал день основания российской кампании ХостОбзор, которая в 2011 году отметила первое десятилетие своего существования. 1 марта – дата, равноудаленная от двух праздников: 8 марта и День защитников Отечества. Она подчеркивает равенство мужчин и женщин среди сотрудников проекта.
День хостинг-провайдера стал неофициальным профессиональным праздником для специалистов интернет-технологий, предоставляющих технические платформы для размещения и хранения данных. Российские хостеры рассчитывают, что он найдет отклик у иностранных коллег и станет международным.
Какого числа День хостинг-провайдера в 2024, 2025, 2026 году
2024 | 2025 | 2026 |
1 мартаПт | 1 мартаСб | 1 мартаВс |
Другие праздники
Праздники России
Читать ~2 мин.
Сколько просмотров за сегодня: 1
Сколько всего было просмотров: 4342
День хостинг-провайдера
Дата в 2023 году | 1 марта 2023 года, Среда |
Празднуется: | В России |
Значение: | Объединение российских хостинг-провайдеров, привлечение внимания к проблемам в области информационных технологий |
Учрежден: | Ассоциацией электронных коммуникаций Российской Федерации |
Традиции: | Поздравление коллег и вручение именных подарков |
День хостинг-провайдера празднуется ежегодно, его дата — 1 марта. Это профессиональный праздник специалистов, которые дают возможность доступа к интернету.
Когда проходит?
Ежегодно День хостинг-провайдера отмечают 1 марта. На официальном уровне его еще не утвердили, но большинство организаций, занимающихся предоставлением услуг интернет-хостинга, отмечают его. 1 марта равноудалено от 23 февраля и 8 марта, что указывает на равноправие мужского и женского полов в этой профессии.
Кто отмечает?
Этот праздник стал профессиональным для специалистов web-технологий, которые посвятили себя работе в компаниях по предоставлению технических площадок для сбора и хранения информационных данных. Сегодня его отмечают только в нашей стране, но российские хостеры надеются, что коллеги из других стран в скором времени их поддержат, и праздник станет международным.
Идею учреждения Дня хостинг-провайдера выдвинули руководители частных коммерческих организаций: Петр Паламарчук (директор компании «ХостОбзор») и Матвей Алексеев (руководитель одного из структурных подразделений холдинга ФИЛАНКО). В этом их поддержала ассоциация электронных коммуникаций Российской Федерации. День празднования был приурочен к дате учреждения компании «ХостОбзор», и в честь ее десятилетия в 2011 году было внесено предложение о профессиональном празднике хостинг-провайдеров. Свою идею они объяснили необходимостью популяризации профессии хостинг-провайдер, желанием отдать дань уважения людям, которые посвятили ей свою жизнь.
Так как праздник молодой, традиций по его празднованию еще не установилось. На официальном уровне пока не проходит никаких мероприятий, но хостинг-провайдеры поздравляют друг друга с профессиональным днем и в рамках своих предприятий чествуют коллег, особо отличившихся в работе.
О профессии
Хостинговая организация — это компания, предоставляющая свои технические площадки для размещения информации и интернет-сайтов. Специалисты, работающие в таких организациях, — хостинг-провайдеры — следят за бесперебойной работой серверных установок, которые хранят информацию. В их обязанности входит также разработка методов более надежного хранения информации и способов ее передачи, обеспечение сохранности данных пользователей.
Интересные факты
Вероятно, этот праздник все-таки внесут в число государственных, так как область информационных технологий развивается очень быстро, число сотрудников этой профессиональной области растет, а официальная дата чествования только одна — Всемирный день информационного сообщества.
До праздника «День хостинг-провайдера» осталось:
На данном счетчике вы можете следить сколько осталось дней до праздника «День хостинг-провайдера»
Анализ популярности ключевого навыка для специализации выполняется на основе вакансий, соответствующих специализации (рассматриваются только те вакансии, для которых указаны ключевые навыки). Под общим термином «специализация» могут подразумеваться термины «должность», «уровень должности», «профессия», «специализация по технологии», «технология» и так далее. Все вакансии взяты с hh.ru. Популярность ключевого навыка в исследовании измеряется количеством вакансий, в которых навык указан как ключевой (отношение количества вакансий по специализации с ключевым навыком к общему количеству вакансий по специализации). Обновление данных обычно происходит не реже 1 раза в неделю (частота обновления данных также зависит от частоты появления новых вакансий по специализации).
Какие вакансии рассматривались: поиск вакансий по наличию слов ‘ХОСТЕС’ (или их синонимов) внутри заголовка вакансии.
Область (местоположение) поиска вакансий: ‘РОССИЯ’.
Понятие ‘хостес’ рассматривается как общее понятие, поэтому при формировании набора навыков также учитываются навыки из вакансий для следующих специализаций: ‘кассир-хостес’, ‘хостес (ресторан)’ и так далее. Специализации перечислены в разделе «Ключевые навыки по некоторым профессиям и специализациям»: возможно, списки навыков по уточнённым специализациям будут более полезными.
обзор навыков для различных профессий
Хостес: обзор зарплат из вакансий
690 ключевых навыков: расширенный список ключевых навыков для хостеса
Ключевой навык (key skill) | Доля вакансий для ‘хостес’ с этим ключевым навыком |
грамотная речь | 64.74% |
работа в команде | 61.01% |
деловое общение | 24.52% |
пользователь пк | 19.9% |
грамотность | 18.38% |
хостес | 13.72% |
навыки межличностного общения | 12.71% |
умение работать в команде | 11.91% |
английский язык | 10.22% |
дружелюбность | 8.25% |
телефонные переговоры | 8.19% |
организаторские навыки | 7.09% |
работа с людьми | 5.95% |
встреча гостей | 5.47% |
опрятный внешний вид | 4.52% |
общественное питание | 4.49% |
точность и внимательность к деталям | 4.13% |
прием посетителей | 4.04% |
опрятность | 3.86% |
приветливость | 3.85% |
стандарты гостеприимства | 3.44% |
многозадачность | 3.41% |
обучение и развитие | 3.24% |
прием и распределение телефонных звонков | 3.16% |
клиентоориентированность | 2.85% |
коммуникабельность | 2.75% |
улыбчивость | 2.54% |
корпоративная этика | 2.23% |
позитивный настрой | 2.15% |
доброжелательность | 2.11% |
дружелюбие | 2.05% |
умение работать с людьми | 1.99% |
креативность | 1.85% |
деловая коммуникация | 1.83% |
поиск информации в интернет | 1.77% |
консультирование | 1.73% |
работа с большим объемом информации | 1.73% |
обучение персонала | 1.71% |
стрессоустойчивость | 1.69% |
консультирование клиентов по телефону | 1.57% |
умение работать в коллективе | 1.47% |
урегулирование конфликтов | 1.46% |
входящие звонки | 1.42% |
внимательность к мелочам | 1.37% |
грамотная устная и письменная речь | 1.37% |
управление персоналом | 1.31% |
ресторанный менеджмент | 1.26% |
ответственность | 1.24% |
деловой этикет | 1.16% |
общение | 1.15% |
деловая переписка | 1.13% |
умение работать в режиме многозадачности | 1.13% |
организация мероприятий | 1.12% |
администрирование | 1.11% |
способность к обучению и восприятию информации | 1.1% |
презентабельный внешний вид | 1.09% |
организация встреч | 1.06% |
материальная ответственность | 1.04% |
умение проявлять тактичность и толерантность | 1.04% |
деловая этика | 1.03% |
активные продажи | 1.01% |
ориентация на результат | 1.01% |
способность быстро обучаться | 0.96% |
улаживание конфликтов | 0.95% |
навыки продаж | 0.92% |
общение с клиентами | 0.9% |
умение общаться с людьми | 0.9% |
работа с кассой | 0.89% |
чистоплотность | 0.82% |
планирование карьеры | 0.81% |
сервис | 0.77% |
ориентация на клиента | 0.74% |
умение проявлять внимание, заинтересованность, дружелюбие | 0.74% |
работа с клиентами | 0.72% |
работа с оргтехникой | 0.71% |
ведение переговоров | 0.67% |
обслуживание гостей | 0.67% |
r-keeper | 0.67% |
модельный бизнес | 0.64% |
умение планировать | 0.62% |
работа в условиях многозадачности | 0.6% |
проведение опросов клиентов | 0.58% |
харизматичность | 0.57% |
навыки презентации | 0.55% |
оформление заказов | 0.55% |
ведение отчетности | 0.52% |
желание зарабатывать | 0.52% |
ms powerpoint | 0.51% |
общение с людьми | 0.5% |
прием и распределение звонков | 0.49% |
оформление документации | 0.48% |
исходящие звонки | 0.47% |
консультирование клиентов | 0.46% |
internet | 0.44% |
навыки обслуживания людей, умение проявлять тактичность и толерантность | 0.44% |
творческое мышление | 0.44% |
позитивное мышление | 0.43% |
пунктуальность | 0.42% |
администратор | 0.42% |
общительность | 0.42% |
690 ключевых навыков: расширенный список ключевых навыков для хостеса
Профессия, специальность или технология | Ключевые навыки в порядке убывания популярности |
кассир-хостес |
работа в команде грамотная речь деловое общение навыки межличностного общения работа с кассой общественное питание умение работать в команде пользователь пк хостес материальная ответственность … |
хостес (ресторан) |
грамотная речь работа в команде деловое общение грамотность пользователь пк английский язык навыки межличностного общения хостес телефонные переговоры организаторские навыки … |
Тирсо |
от 30 000 руб. на руки
грамотная речь
общественное питание
пользователь пк
работа в команде
умение работать в команде
Перейти к вакансии
Реста Менеджмент |
от 35 000 руб. на руки
грамотная речь
навыки межличностного общения
работа в команде
Перейти к вакансии
Малашкина Оксана Алексеевна |
от 15 000 руб. на руки
грамотная речь
опрятный внешний вид
презентабельный внешний вид
терпимость и гибкость в различных ситуациях
точность и внимательность к деталям
Перейти к вакансии
BerryWood Family |
от 25 000 руб. на руки
грамотная речь
деловое общение
работа в команде
Перейти к вакансии
от 35 000 руб. на руки
грамотная речь
работа в команде
Перейти к вакансии
Global Kitchen |
от 25 000 руб. на руки
грамотная речь
работа в команде
ресторанный менеджмент
Перейти к вакансии
Нордритэйл |
грамотная речь
деловое общение
пользователь пк
работа в команде
телефонные переговоры
Перейти к вакансии
LightRoom (ИП Федосеев Сергей Вадимович) |
от 50 000 руб. на руки
грамотная речь
работа в команде
телефонные переговоры
Перейти к вакансии
Реста Менеджмент |
от 35 000 руб. на руки
английский язык
грамотная речь
организаторские навыки
организация встреч
работа в команде
Перейти к вакансии
22 сантиметра М |
40 000 — 50 000 руб. на руки
английский язык
грамотная речь
деловая коммуникация
пользователь пк
работа в команде
Перейти к вакансии
Food Pictures |
от 35 000 руб. на руки
грамотная речь
консультирование клиентов по телефону
ориентация на клиента
ориентация на результат
работа в команде
телефонные переговоры
умение работать в команде
Перейти к вакансии
Лаундж-кафе Botticelli |
от 35 000 руб. на руки
грамотная речь
деловое общение
работа в команде
умение общаться с людьми
Перейти к вакансии
от 50 000 руб. на руки
английский язык
грамотная речь
деловое общение
навыки межличностного общения
работа в команде
Перейти к вакансии
Бруклин боул |
от 25 000 руб. на руки
грамотная речь
работа в команде
стандарты гостеприимства
Перейти к вакансии
Цитадель |
45 000 — 150 000 руб. на руки
грамотная речь
пользователь пк
работа в команде
Перейти к вакансии
Restostory |
45 000 — 80 000 руб. на руки
грамотная речь
организаторские навыки
работа в команде
Перейти к вакансии
Ginza Project |
от 35 000 руб. на руки
грамотная речь
опрятный внешний вид
прием посетителей
работа в команде
Перейти к вакансии
Железное алиби |
от 40 000 руб. на руки
грамотная речь
грамотная устная и письменная речь
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Россияне в феврале будут отдыхать четыре дня в честь Дня защитника Отечества. Длинные выходные начнутся в четверг, 23 февраля, и продлятся до воскресенья, 26 февраля. Как пояснили в Роструде, «лишний» выходной день появился благодаря новогодним праздникам. Поскольку 1 января выпало на воскресенье, выходной перенесли на пятницу, 24 февраля. Таким образом, сотрудники, работающие на пятидневке, уйдут на длинные выходные с 23 по 26 февраля. А среда 22 февраля пройдет по сокращенному графику: рабочий день закончится на час раньше.
Следующие дополнительные выходные ждут россиян в среду 8 марта. Затем четыре выходных выпадут только на майские праздники — с 6 по 9 мая 2023 года.
Как платят за работу в выходные дни
Эксперт по трудовому праву, юрист hh.ru Татьяна Нечаева рассказала «Известиям», на каких условиях компании могут привлекать сотрудников к работе в выходные дни.
Во-первых, нерабочие праздничные дни — не основание для снижения зарплаты работникам, получающим оклад, пояснила Нечаева. Тем, кто работает сдельно или на почасовой оплате, работодатель должен выплатить дополнительное вознаграждение. Его размер может устанавливаться в самом трудовом договоре или в локальном нормативном акте/коллективном договоре.
Во-вторых, труд в выходные или нерабочие праздничные дни по Трудовому кодексу РФ оплачивается в двойном размере. Либо оплачивается как обычно, но сотрудник получает дополнительный выходной. Работник самостоятельно решает, что для него выгоднее: дополнительный день или двойная оплата.
Это правило действует для сотрудников, которые работают по производственному календарю с выходными в субботу и воскресенье. В случае если сотрудник работает в сменном графике, то правила оплаты меняются, поскольку его выходные и рабочие дни не совпадают с общепринятыми. Для таких сотрудников работа в субботу и воскресенье по графику дополнительно не оплачивается. Однако смены в нерабочие праздничные дни должны быть оплачены в двойном размере.
Что подарить на 23 Февраля
Специально для наших читателей: лучшие подарки для мужчин к 23 Февраля — идеи для любимых, коллег и сыновей, а также лучше и худшие подарки на 23 Февраля и 8 Марта. Россияне рассказали, какие подарки готовят близким и коллегам к 23 Февраля и 8 Марта, сколько на это тратят и что хотели бы получить сами. Оказалось, что женщины чаще всего покупают парфюмерию и косметику, которые возглавили антирейтинг у мужчин, а мужчины — цветы, но с ними чаще всего разочарований не бывает.
В материале «Известий» — календарь выходных и праздничных дней на 2023 год.
A hostess club is a type of night club found primarily in Japan. They employ primarily female staff and cater to men seeking drinks and attentive conversation. The modern host club is a similar type of establishment where primarily male staff attend to women. Host and hostess clubs are considered part of mizu shōbai (literally «water trade»), the night-time entertainment business in Japan.
Hostess clubs[edit]
In Japan, two types of bars are hostess clubs: kyabakura (キャバクラ), a portmanteau of kyabarē (キャバレー, lit. «cabaret»); and kurabu (クラブ, lit. «club»). Kyabakura hostesses are known as kyabajō (キャバ嬢) (cabaret girl), and many use professional names, called «genji name» (源氏名, genji-na). They light cigarettes, provide beverages for men, offer flirtatious conversation, and sing karaoke to entertain customers. They can be seen as the modern counterpart of geishas, providing entertainment to groups of salarymen after work. The clubs also often employ a female bartender usually well-trained in mixology, and who may also be the manager or mamasan.[citation needed] Hostess clubs are distinguished from strip clubs in that there is no dancing, prostitution or nudity.
Hostesses often drink with customers each night, and alcohol problems are fairly common.[1] These problems can be the result of frequent consumption of alcohol, from which many consequences may arise. Most bars use a commission system by which hostesses receive a percentage of sales. For example, a patron purchases a $20 drink for the hostess, these are usually non-alcoholic concoctions like orange juice and ginger ale, and the patron has purchased the hostess’s attention for the subsequent 30–45 minutes. The hostess then splits the proceeds of the sale with the bar 50/50. The light or no alcohol content of the drinks maximizes profits and ensures that the hostess does not become intoxicated after only a short time at work.[citation needed]
Businesses may pay for tabs on company expense with the aim of promoting trust among male co-workers or clients. At one establishment, about 90% of all tabs were reportedly paid for by companies.[2]
Patrons are generally greeted comfortably at the door and seated as far away from other customers as possible. In some instances, a customer is able to choose with whom he spends time, while most often that is decided by the house. In either case, the hostess will leave after a certain amount of time or number of drinks, offering the customer a chance to see a fresh face. While most establishments have male touts outside to bring in customers, it may also fall upon a (usually new) hostess to do so. While hostess clubs are clearly gendered in the way that women serve men, research has also revealed the complexity of intra-gender dynamics and sometimes tension among hostesses as well, and the ways that male customers often work to mitigate problems among hostesses as well as between hostesses and Mama-san.[3]
Hostess clubs have a strict «no touching» policy, and patrons who try to initiate private or sexual conversation are removed.[4][5][6][7] However a red-light district version of the host/hostess club exists, called seku-kyabakura or ichya-kyabakura, where patrons are permitted to touch their host/hostess above the waist and engage in sexual conversation topics or kissing, although this type of establishment is not common.[4][7][8][9] Normal hostess clubs are classified as food and entertainment establishments and regulated by the Businesses Affecting Public Morals Regulation Act, prohibiting any form of sexual contact between employees and customers. Normal hostess clubs also need a permit to allow dancing.[10] Clubs are inspected often by the Public Safety Commission. Any club found violating its permitted activities can have its business license suspended, until corrections are made.[11]
Hostessing is a popular employment option among young foreign women in Japan, as demand is high. Most visa types do not allow this type of work (as hostessing falls under the category of «fūzoku» (風俗)),[12] so many choose to work illegally. The clubs sometimes take advantage of the women’s precarious legal situation.[13] The industry and its dangers were highlighted in 1992 when Carita Ridgway, an Australian hostess, was drugged and killed after a paid date, and in 2000 when Lucie Blackman, a British hostess, was abducted, raped and murdered by the same customer.[citation needed] The government promised to crack down on illegal employment of foreigners in hostess bars, but an undercover operation in 2006 found that several hostess bars were willing to employ a foreign woman illegally.[14] In 2007, the Japanese government began taking action against these hostess clubs, causing many to be shut down and many hostesses to be arrested and deported.
In December 2009 the Kyabakura Union was formed to represent hostess bar workers (see «Kyabakura Union» below).[15][16]
Snack bars[edit]
A «snack bar» (スナックバー, sunakku bā), or «snack» for short, refers to a kind of hostess bar, an alcohol-serving bar that employs female staff who are paid to serve and flirt with male customers. Although they do not charge an entry fee (and often have no set prices on their menus), they usually either have an arbitrary charge or charge a set hourly fee plus a «bottle charge». (Customers purchase a bottle in their own name, and it is kept for future visits.)[17]
Venues outside Japan[edit]
Hostess bars are also found in other east Asian countries, and in Hawaii, Guam, California, and Vancouver, Canada. In Hawaii, approximately half of Oahu’s 300 bars are licensed as hostess bars.[17]
Some bars in Thailand label themselves as hostess bars; these are loosely related to the East Asian practice, although they are basically a class of the local go-go bars that do not feature dancing.[18]
Host clubs[edit]
A host club (ホストクラブ, hosuto kurabu) is similar to a hostess club, except that female customers pay for male company. Host clubs are typically found in more populated areas of Japan, and are famed for being numerous in Tokyo districts such as Kabukichō, and Osaka’s Umeda and Namba. Customers are typically wives of rich men, or women working as hostesses in hostess clubs.[19]
The first host club was opened in Tokyo in 1966.[20] In 1996, the number of Tokyo host clubs was estimated to be 200, and a night of non-sexual entertainment could cost US$500–600. Professor Yoko Tajima of Hosei University explained the phenomenon by Japanese men’s lack of true listening to the problems of women, and by women’s desire to take care of a man and be loved back.[21]
Host ROLAND has become a mainstream TV personality. In addition to holding various records in regards to his host career, he is also a businessman. Entertainer Jin Shirosaki worked as a host for five years.[22] Comedian Hiroshi was also once a host. Ryuchalo gained international attention for being styled as a host from the age of 4 throughout elementary school by his blogger mother, Chiimero.
Male hosts pour drinks and will often flirt with their clients, more so than their female counterparts.[citation needed] The conversations are generally light-hearted; hosts may have a variety of entertainment skills, be it simple magic tricks or charisma with which to tell a story. Some host clubs have a dedicated stage for a performance, usually a dance, comedy sketch, etc.[citation needed]
Hosts’ ages usually range between 18 and the mid-20s. They will take a stage name, usually taken from a favourite manga, film, or historical figure, that will often describe their character. Men who become hosts are often those who either cannot find a white-collar job, or are enticed by the prospect of high earnings through commission.[20]
While hostess bars in Tokyo often have designated men out on the streets getting clients to come into their clubs, some hosts are often sent out onto the streets to find customers, who are referred to as catch (キャッチ, kyatchi), but these are usually the younger, less-experienced hosts. A common look for a host is a dark suit, collared shirt, silver jewellery, a dark tan,[23] and bleached hair.
Pay is usually determined by commission on drink sales with hosts often drinking far past a healthy limit, usually while trying to hide their drunkenness. Because the base hourly wage is usually extremely low, almost any man can become a host regardless of looks or charisma (depending on the bar).[citation needed] However, hosts who cannot increase their sales usually drop out very soon, because of the minimal wage. The environment in a host bar is usually very competitive, with tens of thousands of dollars sometimes offered to the host who can achieve the highest sales.
Many of the clientele who visit host bars are hostesses who finish work at around 1:00 or 2:00 a.m., causing host bars to often begin business at around midnight and finish in the morning or midday, and hosts to work to the point of exhaustion. But business times have changed in recent years by order of the police due to the increased incidence of illegal prostitution by host club customers who could not pay the host club debts they had accumulated.[clarification needed] Nowadays most of these clubs open about 4:00 p.m. and have to be closed between midnight and 2:00 a.m.[24] Drinks usually start at about ¥1000 but can reach around ¥6 million (US$60,000) for a bottle of champagne.[citation needed]
Buying bottles of champagne usually means a «champagne call» (シャンパンコール, shanpan kōru).[17] All the hosts of the club will gather around the table for a song, talk, or a mic performance of some kind. The champagne will be drunk straight from the bottle by the customer, then her named host, and then the other hosts gathered. Often a wet towel will be held under the chin of the customer and hosts while they drink to prevent spills. The performance differs from club to club, and is believed to have originated at club Ryugujo in Kabukicho by the manager Yoritomo.[25][citation needed]
Also a «champagne tower» (シャンパンタワー, shanpan tawā) can usually be done for special events. Champagne glasses are arranged into a pyramid, and champagne is poured onto the top glass until it trickles down the layers of glasses. Depending on the champagne used, this can cost over 200万円 (US$20,000).[citation needed]
On the first visit to a host club, the customer is presented with a menu of the hosts available, and decide which host to meet first, but over the course of the night, the customer will meet most of the hosts. The customer then decides which host they like most, and can make him their named host (指名, shimei)[clarification needed]. This can be done by buying a «bottle keep» (a bottle of liquor that can be saved for next time), stating interest in a host. The named host will receive a percentage of the future sales generated by that customer. Most clubs operate on a «permanent nomination» (永久指名, eikyu shimei) system: once the named host has been nominated, a customer cannot change hosts at that club.
Sometimes a host will go with a customer for a meal or karaoke after hours.[26] This is called «after» (アフター, afutā). Staying longer at the host club is considered the proper way to treat a host. It is possible to go on day trips or travel with a host, but a host can only go with their own customer. A host interacting with another host’s customer is liable to be fined or fired from the club. Drinks can be purchased on tab, but contact information is taken and the customer must pay later. If the customer does not pay, the host must. It is considered rude to leave a customer alone, called «only» (オンリー, onrī). A customer who is abusive and troublesome is called a «painful customer» (痛客, itakyaku) and may be expelled from a club.[citation needed]
Business strategy[edit]
Usually, hosts try to make the clients feel loved without having sex with them, as it takes up their time and energy.[20] Sometimes, for instance if a customer pays a large amount of money and/or if the host likes them in return, the host can have sex with the client.[23] If the same host meets the same client, they have a higher chance of having sex than the host having sex with another client. The clients attempt to make the individuals very comfortable, thus they will feel compelled to provide for the businessmen in the future by some means. This exchange may be by political or economic means. There are other various methods of business. For example, «mail business» (メール営業) is the practice of a host emailing his customer regularly to ensure their return. Similarly, a host may call their customer, but this is fading in popularity now with the rise in popularity of mail business. Hosts will usually carry a business phone and a private phone.
Kyabakura Union[edit]
The Kyabakura Union (キャバクラユニオン, Kyabakura Yunion, lit. «Cabaret Club Union»)[27] is a trade union for hostess club employees in Japan.[28] It was formed on December 22, 2009 by Rin Sakurai, who formed the union in response to problems hostess-club employees reported with their employers, including harassment and unpaid wages.[29] The union is affiliated with the Part-timer, Arbeiter, Freeter & Foreign Workers Union, often referred to as the «Freeter» Union.[30]
Literature and films[edit]
There are many Japanese fictional works, such as TV dramas, novels, s, manga (and anime adaptations) which revolve around hostesses or host clubs, such as Club 9, Bloodhound, and the more light-hearted Ouran High School Host Club. These works reaching a general audience shows how accepted the clubs have become in general society. This even extends to non-Japanese fiction, for example with the crime novel Tokyo (2000), by British author Mo Hayder, which has as its main character a British hostess starting out in the industry. The episode «Meet Market» of the American TV drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation featured a version of a host club in Las Vegas. In Isaac Adamson’s novel Dreaming Pachinko, the character Miyuki worked at an exclusive hostess club in Ginza. The adventure video game series Yakuza allows the player to attend hostess clubs; some entries, such as Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami 2, have side-quests that allow the main character to become a host himself or manage a hostess club, gaining dominance in the area and hiring new talent.[31][32] Japanese 2018 drama Todome no Kiss features Kento Yamazaki playing the role of a popular host under the stage name Eight, who works in a Kabukichō nightclub called Narcissus. D3 Publisher created Last Escort, a series of host club-themed otome dating sim visual novel games.[33]
Rosa Kato starred in TV Asahi’s Japanese drama called Jotei in which she played a poor high school drop out who is compelled to succeed in the hostess business and become the number one hostess in Tokyo after her mother passes away to undiagnosed cancer.[citation needed] Kyabasuka Gakuen, another Japanese drama shown on Nippon TV and Hulu, is about a group of high school girls who open a hostess club to raise funds to prevent their school being shut down due to debt. The 2004 film Stratosphere Girl follows a young Belgian woman joining a Tokyo hostess club and trying to solve the mystery of a missing Russian hostess. In the Starz show Crash, the character Inez works as a hostess in Los Angeles. In NTV’s 2001 Ranma ½ live-action special/movie, Nabiki Tendo is a hostess at the establishment which her father, Ranma’s father, and the antagonist frequent. A South Korean live-action film, Beastie Boys, is about two young men, Seung-woo and Jae-hyun, who serve as hosts or male escorts for a discreet private women’s club in a posh district of Seoul. Hiro Mashima’s manga Fairy Tail features a guild called «Blue Pegasus» which acts as a host club to both male and female patrons, while Hideaki Sorachi’s manga Gintama has one of the main characters, Shimura Tae, work at a hostess club named ‘Snack Smile’, along with several storylines and one-shots being set in host clubs.
There are several fashion and lifestyle magazines, for example Koakuma Ageha, which mainly cater to hostesses and/or hosts, and sometimes also to their recruiters and fans. Koakuma Ageha was known as an unconventional fashion magazine modeled by real hostesses, and it was one of the highest-selling fashion magazines in Japan.
The Shōhei Imamura documentary History of Postwar Japan as Told by a Bar Hostess (にっぽん戦後史 マダムおんぼろの生活, Nippon Sengoshi: Madamu Onboro no Seikatsu) (1970) tells the story of a hostess/prostitute in postwar Yokosuka, Kanagawa.
In the 1994 book Nightwork: Sexuality, Pleasure, and Corporate Masculinity in a Tokyo Hostess Club, anthropologist Anne Allison, informed by her own work in the mid-1980s as a hostess in a Japanese bar, describes hostess bars as providing an atmosphere where masculinity is «collectively realized and ritualized».
The 1995 documentary Shinjuku Boys by Kim Longinotto describes a Tokyo host club in Shinjuku staffed by trans men.
Tokyo Girls is a 2000 documentary in which four Canadian women share their experiences working as hostesses in Japan.
The Great Happiness Space: Tale of an Osaka Love Thief is a 2006 documentary about a host club in Osaka.
Japanese host, TV personality, and entrepreneur Roland released an autobiography titled Ore ka, Ore Igai ka. Roland Toiu Ikikata. (Kadokawa, March 11, 2019) ISBN 9784046041371
KTV/hostess bar in China[edit]
KTVs are a source of interactive musical entertainment through the utilization of a karaoke bar by which words appear on a large interactive television. It is important to distinguish the difference in desirable environments for individuals of different age groups within the KTV. Individuals within their early thirties to late forties typically prefer the exclusive, private realms of rented rooms rather than the stereotypical open dance floor disco environment. KTVs are usually found in East Asian nations and are a principal location for Chinese business meetings.[34]
Hostesses within the KTV[edit]
Chinese businessmen use various hostesses as a means of persuading the businessmen and as an outlet to earn favors in the future. This mentality is carried with many Chinese businessmen and has become the common perception on business for many of the Chinese men. These hostesses serve to please the client and allow the client to feel satisfied and trustworthy while present at the KTV.[35]
Hostesses are expected to pressure businessmen to drink, sing and gain as much attention as possible.[36]
The Chinese businessmen that visit the KTV maintain a main and sentimental priority of establishing connections within their respective companies. Hostesses internally degrade their personal and «moral appearance» in order to satisfy a sentiment of masculine pleasure. These implications directly integrate into the creation of hegemonic masculinity for the business world. This correlates to the value of male dominance throughout the business world and enhances the principle of hyper-masculinity which decreases diversity for Chinese ethics. This also leads to gender inequality for women not only in the KTVs, but more generally throughout many realms of life in China.[37]
This may entail the loss of moral code and ethics for the women in the KTV. These bars and clubs proclaim that they are not a front for prostitution, yet it appears that these acts are the mere start of something much more serious, which may include aspects of prostitution as it is traditionally thought of in Western culture.[38] These values also relate to the foundations of Guanxi, by which there is created a hierarchical system of social order because men clearly possess more power in the KTV than do the hostesses. Hierarchy systems of power generally will lead to gender discrimination throughout the future and add to the already existing gap of gender implications in China. Guanxi also maintains the business order for the owners of the KTV by creating a workplace that is managed by a hierarchical power system where again hyper-masculinity is fully engaged in the men’s favor.[citation needed]
Implications of mass alcohol consumption[edit]
KTVs are a typical location for Chinese business practices by which the businessmen attempt to formulate connections and loyalty amongst other various businessmen. The businessmen will try to establish a comfortable setting by providing fruit plates, women, or alcoholic drinks.[39] Chinese businessmen can be potentially seen consuming baijiu up to six or seven days per week solely to portray their loyalty to the businessmen principles and fulfill the pleasurable environment of the KTV. Mass alcohol consumption has negative effects on the bodies of the individuals that frequently visit KTVs. These consequences may include mental, physical, ethical, or even moral issues for the men.[citation needed]
Alcohol is a very prominent factor of KTVs and suitable with the overall culture of East Asian nations. Extreme consumption methods are usually used by the Chinese businessmen in exchange for personal health and moral conduct similar to the hostesses sacrificing their moral ethics to please the male consumer.[40]
Guanxi connection with the KTV[edit]
KTVs are used as a way to network within the business world through alcohol influenced cultivation of relationships with both «state officials and other entrepreneurs»,[41] which positively affects their «business ventures» . This idea of networking is known as building «guanxi». «Entrepreneurs» pursue prestige in their realm of business and the idea of prestige is overwhelmingly influenced by the strength of one’s network to a point where entertaining clientele becomes a second job. By entertaining a client, these businessmen are essentially building networks that are usually more developed and enhanced than building networks through actual relatable work. Guanxi is not based upon the actual credibility of the worker or the specific work he or she does, but is actually based on the fundamental of deriving connections. This world of guanxi is based upon social networking with other businessmen rather than having a more efficient and diligent work ethic. Guanxi is an extremely powerful sentiment when it comes to connections and ranking up in a company or simply establishing yourself in the business world.[42]
See also[edit]
- Bargirl
- List of public house topics
- Prostitution in Japan
- Maid cafe
- Long-term effects of alcohol consumption
- Karaoke box
- Human sexuality
- ^ As Lucie Blackman murder verdict approaches, foreign hostesses remain vulnerable, Japan Today, 13 April 2007
- ^ Anne Allison. Interview: May 4, 2003 Archived August 23, 2010, at the Wayback Machine
- ^ Gagne, Nana Okura (2010). «The Business of Leisure, the Leisure of Business: Rethinking Hegemonic Masculinity through Gendered Service in Tokyo Hostess Clubs». Asian Anthropology. 9 (1): 29–55. doi:10.1080/1683478X.2010.10552594. S2CID 143661034.
- ^ a b «セクキャバ/風俗初心者入門ガイド». C-naganaga.com. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
- ^ «おさわりとは|キャバクラ用語の意味を解説». Try18.jp. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
- ^ «キャバ嬢がおさわりされた時の対処法». Caba-manual.com. 2015-12-06. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
- ^ a b «キャバクラと風俗(デリヘル)の違い — 高級デリヘルコラム». Vip-deri.com. 2016-03-28. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
- ^ «ガチの色気で美女が急接近!高級いちゃキャバの甘美なる世界観 | 日刊SPA!». Nikkan-spa.jp. 2014-01-09. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
- ^ «セクシーキャバクラ(セクキャバ)のサービス、お仕事内容|職種辞典» (in Japanese). Momocaba.com. Archived from the original on 2016-06-25. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
- ^ «風俗営業許可(スナック・パブ・クラブ・キャバレーなどの営業許可申請)». Nagisa-office.com. 1999-02-22. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
- ^ «スナック・キャバクラ等の風営法開業許可手続き — トミタ行政書士事務所(埼玉・東京)». Tomitas.jp. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
- ^ «The Permit to work as a part-time job to earn wages. — working visa japan».
- ^ Japanese flesh traders targeting Western women Archived 2007-09-28 at the Wayback Machine, Asian Sex Gazette, 13 January 2005
- ^ Nightclub hostess world still seen as one where profit trumps visas, safety, The Japan Times, 3 July 2007
- ^ Kyodo News (December 2, 2009). «Kyabakura Bar Hostesses To Form Labor Union» (News agency article). Nihon Keizai Shimbun. Retrieved January 13, 2009.
- ^ Matsutani, Minoru (January 13, 2010). «Club hostesses unionize to fight gray-area abuses» (Newspaper article). The Japan Times. Retrieved January 13, 2009.
- ^ a b c Faier, Lieba (Feb 2007). «Filipina migrants in rural Japan and their profession of love». American Ethnologist. 34 (1): 148–162. doi:10.1525/ae.2007.34.1.148. JSTOR 4496790.
- ^ Winchell, Meghan (November 1, 2004). «To make the Boys Feel at Home». Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies. 25 (1): 190–211. doi:10.1353/fro.2004.0043. JSTOR 3347266. S2CID 143656260.
- ^ Japan Archived 2007-08-11 at the Wayback Machine, The International Encyclopedia of Sexuality, 1997–2001
- ^ a b c Akiko Takeyama. «Commodified Romance in a Tokyo Host Club» (PDF). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-03-17.
- ^ Clubs Where, for a Price, Japanese Men Are Nice to Women The New York Times, 8 September 1996
- ^ Utaban (July 13, 2006). Tokyo Broadcasting System
- ^ a b Tokyo plays host to sexual shift, The Guardian, 18 September 2005
- ^ Allison, Anne (October 2008). «Nightwork: Sexuality, Pleasure, and Corporate Masculinity in a Tokyo Hostess». Modern China. 98 (1): 206. JSTOR 683001.
- ^ «【明日から使えるホストの雑学講座】歌舞伎町の大手ホストグループの歴史! — HOSPARK(ホスパーク)». hostclub.biz. 27 May 2021.
- ^ Zheng, Tiantian (October 2008). «Commodifying Romance and Searching for Love: Rural Migrant Bar Hostesses’ Moral Vision in Post-Mao Dalian». Modern China. 34 (4): 442–476. doi:10.1177/0097700408319493. JSTOR 27746899. S2CID 220739207.
- ^ «フリーター全般労働組合|フリーター|キャバクラ». フリーター全般労働組合/キャバクラユニオン (in Japanese). Retrieved 2021-03-01.
- ^ Kyodo News (December 2, 2009). «Kyabakura Bar Hostesses To Form Labor Union». Nihon Keizai Shimbun. Archived from the original (News agency article) on December 19, 2012. Retrieved January 13, 2009.
- ^ Mainichi Shimbun (December 23, 2009). «Bar hostesses form union to combat workplace exploitation, sexual harassment» (Newspaper article). Retrieved January 13, 2009.
- ^ Matsutani, Minoru (January 13, 2010). «Club hostesses unionize to fight gray-area abuses» (Newspaper article). The Japan Times. Retrieved January 13, 2009.
- ^ Senior, Tom (2018-08-08). «I made a billion yen running a Yakuza 0 hostess club and I can’t stop». PC Gamer. Retrieved 2019-02-07.
- ^ Alexandra, Heather (18 December 2017). «I Completely Missed The Best Part Of Yakuza 0». Kotaku. Retrieved 2019-02-07.
- ^ «バレンタインはホストクラブで大人の恋愛!PS2/PSP『Last Escort -Club Katze-』発売日決定!».
- ^ Westwood, Clint. «Karaoke Chinese Style Aka KTV» The Single Dude’s Guide to Life Travel. N.p., 1 September 2011. Web. 23 October 2016
- ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqA0YKKIDtQ «KTV Cambodia, Coloso KTV Beautiful Girls Nightlife in Phnom Penh City.» YouTube. YouTube, 17 Feb. 2016. Web. 23 Oct. 2016.
- ^ Gaetano, Arianna (2015). Out to work: Migration, Gender, and the Changing Lives of Rural women in Contemporary China. Univ. of Hawaii. ISBN 978-0-8248-4098-3.
- ^ Fincher, Leta Hong (2014-05-12). «China’s growing gender gap: women are not just ‘leftover’ but left out». The Guardian. Retrieved 2017-12-21.
- ^ «The World of Chinese.» The World of Chinese. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016.
- ^ Vaseline, Marge (2015-05-12). «My Time as a Hostess in a Sleazy Chinese Karaoke Den». Vice. Retrieved 2017-12-21.
- ^ «Alcohol’s Effects on the Body | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).» U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016.[better source needed]
- ^ Osburg, John. Anxious Wealth: Money and Morality among China’s New Rich. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
- ^ International, US-Pacific Rim. «The Most Misunderstood Business Concept In China.» Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 24 Feb. 2011. Web. 03 Nov. 2016.
External links[edit]
- The Great Happiness Space: Documentary of Host Bar
- History of Postwar Japan as Told by a Bar Hostess at IMDb
- Diary of a Tokyo hostess, Salon.com
- My month as a poor man’s geisha, The Standard, 22 April 2006
- Ken Tanaka interviews hosts and hostesses in Tokyo’s Kabukichoo red light district, YouTube video.
A hostess club is a type of night club found primarily in Japan. They employ primarily female staff and cater to men seeking drinks and attentive conversation. The modern host club is a similar type of establishment where primarily male staff attend to women. Host and hostess clubs are considered part of mizu shōbai (literally «water trade»), the night-time entertainment business in Japan.
Hostess clubs[edit]
In Japan, two types of bars are hostess clubs: kyabakura (キャバクラ), a portmanteau of kyabarē (キャバレー, lit. «cabaret»); and kurabu (クラブ, lit. «club»). Kyabakura hostesses are known as kyabajō (キャバ嬢) (cabaret girl), and many use professional names, called «genji name» (源氏名, genji-na). They light cigarettes, provide beverages for men, offer flirtatious conversation, and sing karaoke to entertain customers. They can be seen as the modern counterpart of geishas, providing entertainment to groups of salarymen after work. The clubs also often employ a female bartender usually well-trained in mixology, and who may also be the manager or mamasan.[citation needed] Hostess clubs are distinguished from strip clubs in that there is no dancing, prostitution or nudity.
Hostesses often drink with customers each night, and alcohol problems are fairly common.[1] These problems can be the result of frequent consumption of alcohol, from which many consequences may arise. Most bars use a commission system by which hostesses receive a percentage of sales. For example, a patron purchases a $20 drink for the hostess, these are usually non-alcoholic concoctions like orange juice and ginger ale, and the patron has purchased the hostess’s attention for the subsequent 30–45 minutes. The hostess then splits the proceeds of the sale with the bar 50/50. The light or no alcohol content of the drinks maximizes profits and ensures that the hostess does not become intoxicated after only a short time at work.[citation needed]
Businesses may pay for tabs on company expense with the aim of promoting trust among male co-workers or clients. At one establishment, about 90% of all tabs were reportedly paid for by companies.[2]
Patrons are generally greeted comfortably at the door and seated as far away from other customers as possible. In some instances, a customer is able to choose with whom he spends time, while most often that is decided by the house. In either case, the hostess will leave after a certain amount of time or number of drinks, offering the customer a chance to see a fresh face. While most establishments have male touts outside to bring in customers, it may also fall upon a (usually new) hostess to do so. While hostess clubs are clearly gendered in the way that women serve men, research has also revealed the complexity of intra-gender dynamics and sometimes tension among hostesses as well, and the ways that male customers often work to mitigate problems among hostesses as well as between hostesses and Mama-san.[3]
Hostess clubs have a strict «no touching» policy, and patrons who try to initiate private or sexual conversation are removed.[4][5][6][7] However a red-light district version of the host/hostess club exists, called seku-kyabakura or ichya-kyabakura, where patrons are permitted to touch their host/hostess above the waist and engage in sexual conversation topics or kissing, although this type of establishment is not common.[4][7][8][9] Normal hostess clubs are classified as food and entertainment establishments and regulated by the Businesses Affecting Public Morals Regulation Act, prohibiting any form of sexual contact between employees and customers. Normal hostess clubs also need a permit to allow dancing.[10] Clubs are inspected often by the Public Safety Commission. Any club found violating its permitted activities can have its business license suspended, until corrections are made.[11]
Hostessing is a popular employment option among young foreign women in Japan, as demand is high. Most visa types do not allow this type of work (as hostessing falls under the category of «fūzoku» (風俗)),[12] so many choose to work illegally. The clubs sometimes take advantage of the women’s precarious legal situation.[13] The industry and its dangers were highlighted in 1992 when Carita Ridgway, an Australian hostess, was drugged and killed after a paid date, and in 2000 when Lucie Blackman, a British hostess, was abducted, raped and murdered by the same customer.[citation needed] The government promised to crack down on illegal employment of foreigners in hostess bars, but an undercover operation in 2006 found that several hostess bars were willing to employ a foreign woman illegally.[14] In 2007, the Japanese government began taking action against these hostess clubs, causing many to be shut down and many hostesses to be arrested and deported.
In December 2009 the Kyabakura Union was formed to represent hostess bar workers (see «Kyabakura Union» below).[15][16]
Snack bars[edit]
A «snack bar» (スナックバー, sunakku bā), or «snack» for short, refers to a kind of hostess bar, an alcohol-serving bar that employs female staff who are paid to serve and flirt with male customers. Although they do not charge an entry fee (and often have no set prices on their menus), they usually either have an arbitrary charge or charge a set hourly fee plus a «bottle charge». (Customers purchase a bottle in their own name, and it is kept for future visits.)[17]
Venues outside Japan[edit]
Hostess bars are also found in other east Asian countries, and in Hawaii, Guam, California, and Vancouver, Canada. In Hawaii, approximately half of Oahu’s 300 bars are licensed as hostess bars.[17]
Some bars in Thailand label themselves as hostess bars; these are loosely related to the East Asian practice, although they are basically a class of the local go-go bars that do not feature dancing.[18]
Host clubs[edit]
A host club (ホストクラブ, hosuto kurabu) is similar to a hostess club, except that female customers pay for male company. Host clubs are typically found in more populated areas of Japan, and are famed for being numerous in Tokyo districts such as Kabukichō, and Osaka’s Umeda and Namba. Customers are typically wives of rich men, or women working as hostesses in hostess clubs.[19]
The first host club was opened in Tokyo in 1966.[20] In 1996, the number of Tokyo host clubs was estimated to be 200, and a night of non-sexual entertainment could cost US$500–600. Professor Yoko Tajima of Hosei University explained the phenomenon by Japanese men’s lack of true listening to the problems of women, and by women’s desire to take care of a man and be loved back.[21]
Host ROLAND has become a mainstream TV personality. In addition to holding various records in regards to his host career, he is also a businessman. Entertainer Jin Shirosaki worked as a host for five years.[22] Comedian Hiroshi was also once a host. Ryuchalo gained international attention for being styled as a host from the age of 4 throughout elementary school by his blogger mother, Chiimero.
Male hosts pour drinks and will often flirt with their clients, more so than their female counterparts.[citation needed] The conversations are generally light-hearted; hosts may have a variety of entertainment skills, be it simple magic tricks or charisma with which to tell a story. Some host clubs have a dedicated stage for a performance, usually a dance, comedy sketch, etc.[citation needed]
Hosts’ ages usually range between 18 and the mid-20s. They will take a stage name, usually taken from a favourite manga, film, or historical figure, that will often describe their character. Men who become hosts are often those who either cannot find a white-collar job, or are enticed by the prospect of high earnings through commission.[20]
While hostess bars in Tokyo often have designated men out on the streets getting clients to come into their clubs, some hosts are often sent out onto the streets to find customers, who are referred to as catch (キャッチ, kyatchi), but these are usually the younger, less-experienced hosts. A common look for a host is a dark suit, collared shirt, silver jewellery, a dark tan,[23] and bleached hair.
Pay is usually determined by commission on drink sales with hosts often drinking far past a healthy limit, usually while trying to hide their drunkenness. Because the base hourly wage is usually extremely low, almost any man can become a host regardless of looks or charisma (depending on the bar).[citation needed] However, hosts who cannot increase their sales usually drop out very soon, because of the minimal wage. The environment in a host bar is usually very competitive, with tens of thousands of dollars sometimes offered to the host who can achieve the highest sales.
Many of the clientele who visit host bars are hostesses who finish work at around 1:00 or 2:00 a.m., causing host bars to often begin business at around midnight and finish in the morning or midday, and hosts to work to the point of exhaustion. But business times have changed in recent years by order of the police due to the increased incidence of illegal prostitution by host club customers who could not pay the host club debts they had accumulated.[clarification needed] Nowadays most of these clubs open about 4:00 p.m. and have to be closed between midnight and 2:00 a.m.[24] Drinks usually start at about ¥1000 but can reach around ¥6 million (US$60,000) for a bottle of champagne.[citation needed]
Buying bottles of champagne usually means a «champagne call» (シャンパンコール, shanpan kōru).[17] All the hosts of the club will gather around the table for a song, talk, or a mic performance of some kind. The champagne will be drunk straight from the bottle by the customer, then her named host, and then the other hosts gathered. Often a wet towel will be held under the chin of the customer and hosts while they drink to prevent spills. The performance differs from club to club, and is believed to have originated at club Ryugujo in Kabukicho by the manager Yoritomo.[25][citation needed]
Also a «champagne tower» (シャンパンタワー, shanpan tawā) can usually be done for special events. Champagne glasses are arranged into a pyramid, and champagne is poured onto the top glass until it trickles down the layers of glasses. Depending on the champagne used, this can cost over 200万円 (US$20,000).[citation needed]
On the first visit to a host club, the customer is presented with a menu of the hosts available, and decide which host to meet first, but over the course of the night, the customer will meet most of the hosts. The customer then decides which host they like most, and can make him their named host (指名, shimei)[clarification needed]. This can be done by buying a «bottle keep» (a bottle of liquor that can be saved for next time), stating interest in a host. The named host will receive a percentage of the future sales generated by that customer. Most clubs operate on a «permanent nomination» (永久指名, eikyu shimei) system: once the named host has been nominated, a customer cannot change hosts at that club.
Sometimes a host will go with a customer for a meal or karaoke after hours.[26] This is called «after» (アフター, afutā). Staying longer at the host club is considered the proper way to treat a host. It is possible to go on day trips or travel with a host, but a host can only go with their own customer. A host interacting with another host’s customer is liable to be fined or fired from the club. Drinks can be purchased on tab, but contact information is taken and the customer must pay later. If the customer does not pay, the host must. It is considered rude to leave a customer alone, called «only» (オンリー, onrī). A customer who is abusive and troublesome is called a «painful customer» (痛客, itakyaku) and may be expelled from a club.[citation needed]
Business strategy[edit]
Usually, hosts try to make the clients feel loved without having sex with them, as it takes up their time and energy.[20] Sometimes, for instance if a customer pays a large amount of money and/or if the host likes them in return, the host can have sex with the client.[23] If the same host meets the same client, they have a higher chance of having sex than the host having sex with another client. The clients attempt to make the individuals very comfortable, thus they will feel compelled to provide for the businessmen in the future by some means. This exchange may be by political or economic means. There are other various methods of business. For example, «mail business» (メール営業) is the practice of a host emailing his customer regularly to ensure their return. Similarly, a host may call their customer, but this is fading in popularity now with the rise in popularity of mail business. Hosts will usually carry a business phone and a private phone.
Kyabakura Union[edit]
The Kyabakura Union (キャバクラユニオン, Kyabakura Yunion, lit. «Cabaret Club Union»)[27] is a trade union for hostess club employees in Japan.[28] It was formed on December 22, 2009 by Rin Sakurai, who formed the union in response to problems hostess-club employees reported with their employers, including harassment and unpaid wages.[29] The union is affiliated with the Part-timer, Arbeiter, Freeter & Foreign Workers Union, often referred to as the «Freeter» Union.[30]
Literature and films[edit]
There are many Japanese fictional works, such as TV dramas, novels, s, manga (and anime adaptations) which revolve around hostesses or host clubs, such as Club 9, Bloodhound, and the more light-hearted Ouran High School Host Club. These works reaching a general audience shows how accepted the clubs have become in general society. This even extends to non-Japanese fiction, for example with the crime novel Tokyo (2000), by British author Mo Hayder, which has as its main character a British hostess starting out in the industry. The episode «Meet Market» of the American TV drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation featured a version of a host club in Las Vegas. In Isaac Adamson’s novel Dreaming Pachinko, the character Miyuki worked at an exclusive hostess club in Ginza. The adventure video game series Yakuza allows the player to attend hostess clubs; some entries, such as Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami 2, have side-quests that allow the main character to become a host himself or manage a hostess club, gaining dominance in the area and hiring new talent.[31][32] Japanese 2018 drama Todome no Kiss features Kento Yamazaki playing the role of a popular host under the stage name Eight, who works in a Kabukichō nightclub called Narcissus. D3 Publisher created Last Escort, a series of host club-themed otome dating sim visual novel games.[33]
Rosa Kato starred in TV Asahi’s Japanese drama called Jotei in which she played a poor high school drop out who is compelled to succeed in the hostess business and become the number one hostess in Tokyo after her mother passes away to undiagnosed cancer.[citation needed] Kyabasuka Gakuen, another Japanese drama shown on Nippon TV and Hulu, is about a group of high school girls who open a hostess club to raise funds to prevent their school being shut down due to debt. The 2004 film Stratosphere Girl follows a young Belgian woman joining a Tokyo hostess club and trying to solve the mystery of a missing Russian hostess. In the Starz show Crash, the character Inez works as a hostess in Los Angeles. In NTV’s 2001 Ranma ½ live-action special/movie, Nabiki Tendo is a hostess at the establishment which her father, Ranma’s father, and the antagonist frequent. A South Korean live-action film, Beastie Boys, is about two young men, Seung-woo and Jae-hyun, who serve as hosts or male escorts for a discreet private women’s club in a posh district of Seoul. Hiro Mashima’s manga Fairy Tail features a guild called «Blue Pegasus» which acts as a host club to both male and female patrons, while Hideaki Sorachi’s manga Gintama has one of the main characters, Shimura Tae, work at a hostess club named ‘Snack Smile’, along with several storylines and one-shots being set in host clubs.
There are several fashion and lifestyle magazines, for example Koakuma Ageha, which mainly cater to hostesses and/or hosts, and sometimes also to their recruiters and fans. Koakuma Ageha was known as an unconventional fashion magazine modeled by real hostesses, and it was one of the highest-selling fashion magazines in Japan.
The Shōhei Imamura documentary History of Postwar Japan as Told by a Bar Hostess (にっぽん戦後史 マダムおんぼろの生活, Nippon Sengoshi: Madamu Onboro no Seikatsu) (1970) tells the story of a hostess/prostitute in postwar Yokosuka, Kanagawa.
In the 1994 book Nightwork: Sexuality, Pleasure, and Corporate Masculinity in a Tokyo Hostess Club, anthropologist Anne Allison, informed by her own work in the mid-1980s as a hostess in a Japanese bar, describes hostess bars as providing an atmosphere where masculinity is «collectively realized and ritualized».
The 1995 documentary Shinjuku Boys by Kim Longinotto describes a Tokyo host club in Shinjuku staffed by trans men.
Tokyo Girls is a 2000 documentary in which four Canadian women share their experiences working as hostesses in Japan.
The Great Happiness Space: Tale of an Osaka Love Thief is a 2006 documentary about a host club in Osaka.
Japanese host, TV personality, and entrepreneur Roland released an autobiography titled Ore ka, Ore Igai ka. Roland Toiu Ikikata. (Kadokawa, March 11, 2019) ISBN 9784046041371
KTV/hostess bar in China[edit]
KTVs are a source of interactive musical entertainment through the utilization of a karaoke bar by which words appear on a large interactive television. It is important to distinguish the difference in desirable environments for individuals of different age groups within the KTV. Individuals within their early thirties to late forties typically prefer the exclusive, private realms of rented rooms rather than the stereotypical open dance floor disco environment. KTVs are usually found in East Asian nations and are a principal location for Chinese business meetings.[34]
Hostesses within the KTV[edit]
Chinese businessmen use various hostesses as a means of persuading the businessmen and as an outlet to earn favors in the future. This mentality is carried with many Chinese businessmen and has become the common perception on business for many of the Chinese men. These hostesses serve to please the client and allow the client to feel satisfied and trustworthy while present at the KTV.[35]
Hostesses are expected to pressure businessmen to drink, sing and gain as much attention as possible.[36]
The Chinese businessmen that visit the KTV maintain a main and sentimental priority of establishing connections within their respective companies. Hostesses internally degrade their personal and «moral appearance» in order to satisfy a sentiment of masculine pleasure. These implications directly integrate into the creation of hegemonic masculinity for the business world. This correlates to the value of male dominance throughout the business world and enhances the principle of hyper-masculinity which decreases diversity for Chinese ethics. This also leads to gender inequality for women not only in the KTVs, but more generally throughout many realms of life in China.[37]
This may entail the loss of moral code and ethics for the women in the KTV. These bars and clubs proclaim that they are not a front for prostitution, yet it appears that these acts are the mere start of something much more serious, which may include aspects of prostitution as it is traditionally thought of in Western culture.[38] These values also relate to the foundations of Guanxi, by which there is created a hierarchical system of social order because men clearly possess more power in the KTV than do the hostesses. Hierarchy systems of power generally will lead to gender discrimination throughout the future and add to the already existing gap of gender implications in China. Guanxi also maintains the business order for the owners of the KTV by creating a workplace that is managed by a hierarchical power system where again hyper-masculinity is fully engaged in the men’s favor.[citation needed]
Implications of mass alcohol consumption[edit]
KTVs are a typical location for Chinese business practices by which the businessmen attempt to formulate connections and loyalty amongst other various businessmen. The businessmen will try to establish a comfortable setting by providing fruit plates, women, or alcoholic drinks.[39] Chinese businessmen can be potentially seen consuming baijiu up to six or seven days per week solely to portray their loyalty to the businessmen principles and fulfill the pleasurable environment of the KTV. Mass alcohol consumption has negative effects on the bodies of the individuals that frequently visit KTVs. These consequences may include mental, physical, ethical, or even moral issues for the men.[citation needed]
Alcohol is a very prominent factor of KTVs and suitable with the overall culture of East Asian nations. Extreme consumption methods are usually used by the Chinese businessmen in exchange for personal health and moral conduct similar to the hostesses sacrificing their moral ethics to please the male consumer.[40]
Guanxi connection with the KTV[edit]
KTVs are used as a way to network within the business world through alcohol influenced cultivation of relationships with both «state officials and other entrepreneurs»,[41] which positively affects their «business ventures» . This idea of networking is known as building «guanxi». «Entrepreneurs» pursue prestige in their realm of business and the idea of prestige is overwhelmingly influenced by the strength of one’s network to a point where entertaining clientele becomes a second job. By entertaining a client, these businessmen are essentially building networks that are usually more developed and enhanced than building networks through actual relatable work. Guanxi is not based upon the actual credibility of the worker or the specific work he or she does, but is actually based on the fundamental of deriving connections. This world of guanxi is based upon social networking with other businessmen rather than having a more efficient and diligent work ethic. Guanxi is an extremely powerful sentiment when it comes to connections and ranking up in a company or simply establishing yourself in the business world.[42]
See also[edit]
- Bargirl
- List of public house topics
- Prostitution in Japan
- Maid cafe
- Long-term effects of alcohol consumption
- Karaoke box
- Human sexuality
- ^ As Lucie Blackman murder verdict approaches, foreign hostesses remain vulnerable, Japan Today, 13 April 2007
- ^ Anne Allison. Interview: May 4, 2003 Archived August 23, 2010, at the Wayback Machine
- ^ Gagne, Nana Okura (2010). «The Business of Leisure, the Leisure of Business: Rethinking Hegemonic Masculinity through Gendered Service in Tokyo Hostess Clubs». Asian Anthropology. 9 (1): 29–55. doi:10.1080/1683478X.2010.10552594. S2CID 143661034.
- ^ a b «セクキャバ/風俗初心者入門ガイド». C-naganaga.com. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
- ^ «おさわりとは|キャバクラ用語の意味を解説». Try18.jp. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
- ^ «キャバ嬢がおさわりされた時の対処法». Caba-manual.com. 2015-12-06. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
- ^ a b «キャバクラと風俗(デリヘル)の違い — 高級デリヘルコラム». Vip-deri.com. 2016-03-28. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
- ^ «ガチの色気で美女が急接近!高級いちゃキャバの甘美なる世界観 | 日刊SPA!». Nikkan-spa.jp. 2014-01-09. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
- ^ «セクシーキャバクラ(セクキャバ)のサービス、お仕事内容|職種辞典» (in Japanese). Momocaba.com. Archived from the original on 2016-06-25. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
- ^ «風俗営業許可(スナック・パブ・クラブ・キャバレーなどの営業許可申請)». Nagisa-office.com. 1999-02-22. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
- ^ «スナック・キャバクラ等の風営法開業許可手続き — トミタ行政書士事務所(埼玉・東京)». Tomitas.jp. Retrieved 2016-06-05.
- ^ «The Permit to work as a part-time job to earn wages. — working visa japan».
- ^ Japanese flesh traders targeting Western women Archived 2007-09-28 at the Wayback Machine, Asian Sex Gazette, 13 January 2005
- ^ Nightclub hostess world still seen as one where profit trumps visas, safety, The Japan Times, 3 July 2007
- ^ Kyodo News (December 2, 2009). «Kyabakura Bar Hostesses To Form Labor Union» (News agency article). Nihon Keizai Shimbun. Retrieved January 13, 2009.
- ^ Matsutani, Minoru (January 13, 2010). «Club hostesses unionize to fight gray-area abuses» (Newspaper article). The Japan Times. Retrieved January 13, 2009.
- ^ a b c Faier, Lieba (Feb 2007). «Filipina migrants in rural Japan and their profession of love». American Ethnologist. 34 (1): 148–162. doi:10.1525/ae.2007.34.1.148. JSTOR 4496790.
- ^ Winchell, Meghan (November 1, 2004). «To make the Boys Feel at Home». Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies. 25 (1): 190–211. doi:10.1353/fro.2004.0043. JSTOR 3347266. S2CID 143656260.
- ^ Japan Archived 2007-08-11 at the Wayback Machine, The International Encyclopedia of Sexuality, 1997–2001
- ^ a b c Akiko Takeyama. «Commodified Romance in a Tokyo Host Club» (PDF). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-03-17.
- ^ Clubs Where, for a Price, Japanese Men Are Nice to Women The New York Times, 8 September 1996
- ^ Utaban (July 13, 2006). Tokyo Broadcasting System
- ^ a b Tokyo plays host to sexual shift, The Guardian, 18 September 2005
- ^ Allison, Anne (October 2008). «Nightwork: Sexuality, Pleasure, and Corporate Masculinity in a Tokyo Hostess». Modern China. 98 (1): 206. JSTOR 683001.
- ^ «【明日から使えるホストの雑学講座】歌舞伎町の大手ホストグループの歴史! — HOSPARK(ホスパーク)». hostclub.biz. 27 May 2021.
- ^ Zheng, Tiantian (October 2008). «Commodifying Romance and Searching for Love: Rural Migrant Bar Hostesses’ Moral Vision in Post-Mao Dalian». Modern China. 34 (4): 442–476. doi:10.1177/0097700408319493. JSTOR 27746899. S2CID 220739207.
- ^ «フリーター全般労働組合|フリーター|キャバクラ». フリーター全般労働組合/キャバクラユニオン (in Japanese). Retrieved 2021-03-01.
- ^ Kyodo News (December 2, 2009). «Kyabakura Bar Hostesses To Form Labor Union». Nihon Keizai Shimbun. Archived from the original (News agency article) on December 19, 2012. Retrieved January 13, 2009.
- ^ Mainichi Shimbun (December 23, 2009). «Bar hostesses form union to combat workplace exploitation, sexual harassment» (Newspaper article). Retrieved January 13, 2009.
- ^ Matsutani, Minoru (January 13, 2010). «Club hostesses unionize to fight gray-area abuses» (Newspaper article). The Japan Times. Retrieved January 13, 2009.
- ^ Senior, Tom (2018-08-08). «I made a billion yen running a Yakuza 0 hostess club and I can’t stop». PC Gamer. Retrieved 2019-02-07.
- ^ Alexandra, Heather (18 December 2017). «I Completely Missed The Best Part Of Yakuza 0». Kotaku. Retrieved 2019-02-07.
- ^ «バレンタインはホストクラブで大人の恋愛!PS2/PSP『Last Escort -Club Katze-』発売日決定!».
- ^ Westwood, Clint. «Karaoke Chinese Style Aka KTV» The Single Dude’s Guide to Life Travel. N.p., 1 September 2011. Web. 23 October 2016
- ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqA0YKKIDtQ «KTV Cambodia, Coloso KTV Beautiful Girls Nightlife in Phnom Penh City.» YouTube. YouTube, 17 Feb. 2016. Web. 23 Oct. 2016.
- ^ Gaetano, Arianna (2015). Out to work: Migration, Gender, and the Changing Lives of Rural women in Contemporary China. Univ. of Hawaii. ISBN 978-0-8248-4098-3.
- ^ Fincher, Leta Hong (2014-05-12). «China’s growing gender gap: women are not just ‘leftover’ but left out». The Guardian. Retrieved 2017-12-21.
- ^ «The World of Chinese.» The World of Chinese. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016.
- ^ Vaseline, Marge (2015-05-12). «My Time as a Hostess in a Sleazy Chinese Karaoke Den». Vice. Retrieved 2017-12-21.
- ^ «Alcohol’s Effects on the Body | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).» U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2016.[better source needed]
- ^ Osburg, John. Anxious Wealth: Money and Morality among China’s New Rich. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
- ^ International, US-Pacific Rim. «The Most Misunderstood Business Concept In China.» Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 24 Feb. 2011. Web. 03 Nov. 2016.
External links[edit]
- The Great Happiness Space: Documentary of Host Bar
- History of Postwar Japan as Told by a Bar Hostess at IMDb
- Diary of a Tokyo hostess, Salon.com
- My month as a poor man’s geisha, The Standard, 22 April 2006
- Ken Tanaka interviews hosts and hostesses in Tokyo’s Kabukichoo red light district, YouTube video.