Звездные войны скрытая угроза сценарий

Сценарий фильма «Звездные войны: Эпизод 1 - Скрытая угроза» на сайте KINOMANIA.RU
    • Автор сценария:
    • Джордж Лукас
    • Режиссер:
    • Джордж Лукас

Первый эпизод знакомит нас с юным Анакином Скайуокером, мальчиком с особым даром, не осознающим, что путешествие, в которое он отправился, превратит его в зловещего Дарта Вейдера. Оби-Ван Кеноби, мудрый старый джедай из первых частей фильма, пока еще только молодой отважный ученик, а Палпатин, известный как ужасный Император, — амбициозный сенатор Галактической Республики. Это то самое время, когда рыцари-джедаи являются хранителями мира и спокойствия в нестабильной галактике, и юная королева сражается за спасение своего народа. А в тени таится темная сила, выжидая нужного момента для атаки.


                                                                 STAR WARS : EPISODE 1 : THE PHANTOM MENACE

               "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...."

               A vast sea of stars serves as the backdrop for the MAIN TITLE, 
               followed by a ROLL UP, which crawls up into infinity.


               "Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic. The taxation of 
               trade routes to outlaying star systems is in dispute.  Hoping 
               to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, 
               the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the 
               small planet of Naboo.

               While the congress of the Republic endlessly debates this 
               alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly 
               dispatched two Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace and 
               justice in the galaxy, to settle the conflict....."

               PAN DOWN to reveal a small space cruiser heading TOWARD CAMERA 
               at great speed. PAN with the cruiser as it heads towardthe 
               beautiful green planet of Naboo, which is surrounded by 
               hundreds of Trade Federation battleships.


               In the cockpit of the cruise, the CAPTAIN and PILOT maneuver 
               closer to one of the battleships.

                                     QUI-GON (O.S.)

               The Captain turns to an unseen figure sitting behind her.

                         Yes, sir?

                                     QUI-GON (O.S.)
                         Tell them we wish to board at once.

                         Yes, sir.

               The CAPTAIN looks to her view screen, where NUTE GUNRAY, a 
               Neimoidian trade viceroy, waits for a reply.

                         With all due respect for the Trade 
                         Federation, the Ambassadors for the 
                         Supreme Chancellor wish to board 

                         Yes, yes, of coarse...ahhh...as you 
                         know, our blockade is perfectly legal, 
                         and we'd be happy to recieve the 
                         Ambassador...Happy to.

               The screen goes black. Out the cockpit window, the sinister 
               battleship looms ever closer.


               The small space cruiser docks in the enormous main bay of 
               the Federation battleship.


               A PROTOCOL DROID, TC-14, waits at the door to the docking 
               bay. Two WORKER DROIDS, PK-4 and EG-9 watch.

                         They must be important if the Viceroy 
                         sent one of those useless protocol 
                         gearheads to greet them.

               The door opens, and the Republic cruiser can be seen in the 
               docking bay.  Two darkly robed figures are greeted by TC-14.

                         I'm TC-14 at your service. This way, 

               They move off down the hallway.

                         A Republic cruiser! That's 
                         trouble...don't you think?

                         I'm not made to think.


               A door slides open, and the two cloaked shapes are led PAST 
               CAMERA into the formal conference room by TC-14.

                         I hope you honoured sirs with the 
                         most comfortable here. My master 
                         will be with you shortly.

               The droid bows before OBI-WAN KENOBI and QUI- GON JINN. He 
               backs out the door and it closes. The JEDI lower their hoods 
               and look out a large window at the lush green planet of Naboo. 
               QUI-GON sixty years old, has long white hair in a ponytail. 
               He is tall and striking, with blue eyes. OBI-WAN is twenty 
               five, with very short brown hair, pale skin, and blue eyes. 
               Several exotic, bird-like creatures SING in a cage near the 

                         I have a bad feeling about this.

                         I don't sense anything.

                         It's not about the mission, Master, 
                         it's somethging...elsewhere...elusive.

                         Don't center on your anxiety, Obi-
                         Wan. Keep your concentration here 
                         and now where it belongs.

                         Master Yoda says I should be mindful 
                         of the future...

                         ...but not at the expense of the 
                         moment. Be mindful of the living 
                         Force, my young Padawan.

                         Yes, Master...how do you think the 
                         trade viceroy will deal with the 
                         chancellor's demands?

                         These Federation types are cowards. 
                         The negotiations will be short.



               NUTE GUNRAY and DAULTRAY DOFINE stand, stunned, before TC-

                         What?!? What did you say?

                         The Ambassadors are Jedi Knights, I 

                         I knew it! They were sent to force a 
                         settlement, eh. Blind me, we're done 

                         Stay calm?  I'll wager the Senate 
                         isn't aware of the Supreme 
                         Chancellor's moves here. Go. Distract 
                         them until I can contact Lord Sidious.

                         Are you brain dead? I'm not going in 
                         there with two Jedi! Send the droid.

               Dofine turns to TC-14, who lets out a squeaky sigh.


                         Is it their nature to make us wait 
                         this long?

               The door to the conference room slides open, and TC-14 enters 
               with a tray of drinks and food.

                         No. I sense an unusual amount of 
                         fear for something as trivial as 
                         this dispute.

               Obi-Wan takes a drink.


               Nute, Dofine, and Rune Haako are before the hologram of Darth 
               Sidious, a robed figure whose face is obscured by a hood.

                         This scheme of yours has failed, 
                         Lord Sidious. The blockade is 
                         finished! We dare not go against 
                         these Jedi.

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         You seem more worried about the Jedi 
                         than you are of me, Dofine. I am 
                         amused.. Viceroy!

               Nute, looking very nervous, steps forward.

                         Yes, My lord.

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         I don't want that stunted slime in 
                         my sight again. Do you understand?

                         Yes, My Lord.

               Nute gives Dofine a fierce look, and Dofine, terrified, rushed 
               off the bridge.

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         This turns of events is unfortunate. 
                         We must accelerate our plans, Viceroy. 
                         Begin landing your troops.

                         Ahh, My Lord, is that, Legal?

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         I will make it legal.

                         And, the Jedi??

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         The Chancellor should never have 
                         brought them into this. Kill them, 

                         Ye..Yes, My Lord. As you wish.


               In the Cockpit of the Cruiser, the Captain and Pilot look up 
               and see a gun turret swing around and point directly at them.

                         Captain !? Look !!

                         No! Warn...


               The battle gun fires. The Republic Cruiser explodes.


               Gui-Gon and Obi-Wan leap up to a standing position with their 
               light sabers drawn. TC-14 jumps back, startled, spilling the 
               drinks tray.

                         Ahhh, Sorry, sir. The Viceroy... 

               Gui-Gon and Obi-Wan turn off their swords and listen intently. 
               A faint hissing sound can be heard.


               Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan each taken a sudden deep breath and 
               holding it.  The exotic bird-like creatures in the cage dorp 


               A hologram of NUTE , surrounded by BATTLE DROIDS, appears in 
               the conference room hallway.

                         They must be dead by now. Blast, 
                         what's left of them.

               The hologram fades off, as a BATTLE DROID, OWO-1, cautiously 
               opens the door. A deadly green cloud billows from the room.  
               BATTLE DROIDS cock their weapons as a figure stumbles out of 
               the smoke. It is TC-14 , carrying the tray of drinks.

                         Oh, excuse me, so sorry.

               The PROTOCOL DROID passes the armed camp just as two flashing 
               laser swords fly out of the deadly fog, cutting down several 
               BATTLE DROIDS before they can fire.


               The bridge is a cocophony of alarms. NUTE and RUNE watch OWO-
               1 on the viewscreen.

                         Not sure exactly what...

               OWO-1 is suddenly cut in half in mid-sentence. RUNE gives 
               NUTE a worried look.

                         What in blazes is going on down there?

                         Have you ever encountered a Jedi 
                         Knight before, sir?

                         Well, not exactly, but I don't...
                         Seal off the bridge.

                         That won't be enough, sir.

               The doors to the bridge SLAM shut.

                         I want destroyer droids up here at 

                         We will not survive this.


               QUI-GON cuts several BATTLE DROIDS in half, creating a shower 
               of sparks and metal parts. OBI-WAN raises his hand, sending 
               several BATTLE DROIDS crashing into the wall.

               QUI-GON makes his way to the bridge door and begins to cut 
               through it.


               The CREW is very nervous as sparks start flying around the 
               bridge door.

               QUI-GON and OBI-WAN are on the view screen.

                         Close the blast doors!!!

               The huge, very thick blast door slams shut, followed by a 
               second door, then a third. There is a hissing sound as the 
               huge doors seal shut. QUI-GON tabs the door with his sword. 
               The screen goes black as a red spot appears in the center of 
               the blast door.

                         ...They're still coming through!

               On the door, chunks of molten metal begin to drop away.

                         Impossible!! This is impossible!!

                         Where are those destroyer droids?!


               Ten ugly destroyer WHEEL DROIDS roll down the hallway at 
               full speed. Just before they get to the bridge area, they 
               stop and transform into their battle configuration. QUI-GON 
               can't see them but senses their presence.

                         Destroyer droids!  

                         Offhand, I'd say this mission is 
                         past the negotiaion stage.

               The WHEEL DROIDS, led by P-59, rush the entry area from three 
               hallways, blasting away with their laser guns. They stop 
               firing and stand in a semi-circle as the smoke clears. OBI-
               WAN and QUI-GON are nowhere to be seen.

                         Switch to bio...There they are!

               The Jedi materialize at the far end of the hallway and dash 
               through the doorway that slams shut. The WHEEL DROIDS blast 
               away at the two JEDI with their laser swords.

                         They have shield generators!

                         It's a standoff! Let's go!


               NUTE and RUNE stand on the bridge, watching the view screen 
               as the WHEEL

               DROIDS' POV speeds to the doorway.

                         We have them on the run, sir...they're 
                         no match for destroyer droids.

                                     TEY HOW
                         Sir, they've gone up the ventilation 


               QUI-GON and OBI-WAN appear at a large vent in a giant hanger 
               bay. They are careful not to be seen. Thousands of BATTLE 
               DROIDS are loading onto landing craft.

                         Battle droids.

                         It's an invisible army.

                         It's an odd play for the Trade 
                         Federation. We've got to warn the 
                         Naboo and contact Chancellor Valorum. 
                         Let's split up. Stow aboard separate 
                         ships and meet down on the planet.

                         You were right about one thing, 
                         Master. The negotiations were short.


               TEY HOW recieves a transmission.

                                     TEY HOW
                         Sir, a transmission from the planet.

                         It's Queen Amidala herself.

                         At last we're getting results.

               On the view screen, QUEEN AMIDALA appears in her throne room. 
               Wearing her elaborate headdress and robes, she sits, 
               surrounded by the GOVERNING COUNCIL and FOUR HANDMAIDENS, 
               EIRTAE, YANE, RABE, and SACHE.

                         Again you come before me, Your 
                         highness. The Federation is

                         You will not be pleased when you 
                         hear what I have to say, 
                         Viceroy...Your trade boycott of our 
                         planet has ended.

               NUTE smirks at RUNE.

                         I was not aware of such a failure.  

                         I have word that the Senate is finally 
                         voting on this blockade of yours.

                         I take it you know the outcome. I 
                         wonder why they bother to vote.

                         Enough of this pretense, Viceroy! 
                         I'm aware the Chancellor's Ambassadors 
                         are with you now, and that you have 
                         beencommanded to reach a settlement.

                         I know nothing about any 
                         Ambassadors...you must be mistaken.

               AMIDALA, surprised at his reaction, studies him carefully.

                         Beware, Viceroy....the Federation is 
                         going too far this time.

                         Your Highness, we would never do 
                         anything without the approval of the 
                         Senate. You assume too much.

                         We will see.

               The QUEEN fades off, and the view screen goes black.

                         She's right, the Senate will never....

                         It's too late now.

                         Do you think she suspects an attack?

                         I don't know, but we must move quickly 
                         to disrupt all communications down 


               The QUEEN, EIRTAE, SACHE and her Governor, SIO BIBBLE, stand 
               before a hologram of SENATOR PALPATINE, a thin, kindly man.

                         ...How could that be true? I have 
                         assurances from the Chancellor...his 
                         Ambassaodrs did arrive. It must be 

               The hologram of PALPATIONE sputters and fades away.

                         Senator Palpatine?!?
                              (turns to Panaka)
                         What's happening?

               Capt. Panaka turns to his SARGEANT. 

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         Check the transmission generators...

                         A malfunction?

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         It could be the Federation jamming 
                         us. Your Highness.

                         A communications disruption can only 
                         mean one thing. Invasion.

                         Don't jump to conclusions, Governor. 
                         The Federation would not dare go 
                         that far.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         The Senate would revoke their trade 
                         franchise, and they'd be finished.

                         We must continue to rely on 

                         Negotiation? We've lost all 
                         communications!...and where atre the 
                         Chancellors Ambassadors? How can we 
                         negotiate? We must prepare to defend 

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         This is a dangerous situation, Your 
                         Highness.  Our security volunteers 
                         will be no match against a battle-
                         hardened Federation army.

                         I will not condone a course of action 
                         that will lead us to war.


               Six landing craft fly in formation toward the surface of the 
               planet Naboo.


               Three landing craft slowly descend through the cloud cover 
               of the perpetually gray twilight side of the planet. One by 
               one, the Federation warships land in the eerie swamp.  OBI-
               WAN's head emerges from the mud of a shallow lake. For in 
               the background, the activities of the invasion force can be 
               seen in the mist.

               OBI-WAN takes several deep breaths, then dissapears again 
               under the muddy swamp. Troop Transports (MTT's) emerge from 
               the landing craft.


               The droid invasion force moves out of the swamp and onto a 
               grassy plain.

               OOM-9, in his tank, looks out over the vast ARMY marching 
               across the rolling hills. A small hologram of RUNE and NUTE 
               stands on the tank.

                         ...and there is no trace of the Jedi. 
                         They may have gotton onto one of 
                         your landing craft.

                         If they are down here, sir, we'll 
                         find them.  We are moving out of the 
                         swamp and are marching on the cities. 
                         We are meeting no resistance.


               EXT. NABOO SWAMP - TWILIGHT

               QUI-GON runs through the strange landscape, glancing back to 
               see the monstrous troop transports, emerging from the mist. 
               Animals begin to run past him in a panic.

               An odd, frog-like Gungan, JAR JAR INKS, squats holding a 
               clam he has retrieved from the murky swamp.  The shell pops 
               open. JAR JAR's greta tongue snaps out and grabs the clam, 
               swallowing it in one gulp.

               JAR JAR looks up and sees QUI-GON and the other creatures 
               running like the wind toward him. One of the huge MTT's bears 
               down on the JEDI like a charging locomotive. JAR JAR stands 
               transfixed, still holding the clam shell in one hand.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Oh, noooooooooo!

               JAR JAR drops the shell and grabs onto QUI-GON as he passes. 
               The JEDI is caught by surprise.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Hey, help me! Help me!!

                         Let go!

               The machine is about tp crush them as QUI-GON drags JAR JAR 
               behind him.  Just as the transport is about to hit them, QUI-
               GON drops, and JAR JAR goes splat into the mud with him. The 
               transport races overhead.

               QUI-GON and JAR JAR pull themselves out of the mud. They 
               stand watching the war machine dissapear into the mist. JAR 
               JAR grabs QUI-GON and hugs him.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Oyi, mooie-mooie! I luv yous!

               The frog-like creature kisses the JEDI.

                         Are you brainless? You almost got us 

                                     JAR JAR
                         I spake.

                         The ability to speak does not make 
                         you intelligent. Now get outta here!

               QUI-GON starts to move off, and JAR JAR follows.

                                     JAR JAR
                         No...no! Mesa stay...Mesa yous humble 

                         That wont be necessary.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Oh boot tis! Tis demunded byda guds. 
                         Tis a live debett, tis. Mesa culled 
                         Jaja Binkss.

               In the distance, two STAPS burst out of the mist at high 
               speed, chasing OBI-WAN.

                         I have no time for this now...

                                     JAR JAR
                         Say what?

               The two STAPS barrell down on OBI-WAN.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Oh, nooooo! Weesa ganna....

               QUI-GON throws JAR JAR into the mud.

                         Stay down!

               His head pops up.

                                     JAR JAR

               The two troops fire laser bolts at OBI-WAN. QUI-GON deflects 
               the bolts back, and the STAPS blow up. One-two. OBI-WAN is 
               exhausted and tries to catch his breath.

                         Sorry, Master, the water fried my 

               OBI-WAN pulls out his burnt laser sword handle. QUI-GON 
               inspects it, as JAR JAR pulls himself out of the mud.

                         You forgot to turn your power off 
                         again, didn't you?

               OBI-WAN nods sheeplishly.

                         It won't take long to recharge, but 
                         this is a lesson I hope you've 
                         learned, my young Padawan.

                         Yes, Master.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Yousa sav-ed my again, hey?

                         What's this?

                         A local. Let's go, before more of 
                         those droids show up.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Mure? Mure did you spake??!?

               OBI-WAN and QUI-GON start to run. JAR JAR tries to keep up.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Ex-squeeze me, but da moto grande 
                         safe place would be Otoh Gunga. Tis 
                         where I grew up...Tis safe city.

               They all stop.

                         A city! 
                              (JAR JAR nods his 
                         Can you take us there?  

                                     JAR JAR
                         Ahhh, will...on second taut...no, 
                         not willy.


                                     JAR JAR
                         Iss embarrissing, boot... My afrai 
                         my've bean banished. My forgoten der 
                         Bosses would do terrible tings to 
                         my. Terrible tings if my goen back 

               A PULSATING SOUND is heard in the distance.

                         You hear that?

               JAR JAR shakes his head yes.

                         That's the sound of a thousand 
                         terrible things heading this way...

                         When they find us, they will crush 
                         us, grind us into little pieces, 
                         then blast us into oblivion!

                                     JAR JAR
                         Oh! Yousa point is well seen. Dis 
                         way! Hurry!

               JAR JAR turns and runs into the swamp.


               QUI-GON, OBI-WAN and JAR JAR run into a murky lake and stop 
               as JAR JAR tries to catch his breath.  The TRANSPORTS ARE 
               HEARD in the distance.

                         Much farther?

                                     JAR JAR
                         Wesa goen underwater, okeyday?

               QUI-GON and OBI-WAN pull out small capsule from their utility 
               belts that turn into breathing masks.

                                     JAR JAR
                         My warning yous. Gungans no liken 
                         outlaunders. Don't expict a wern 

                         Don't worry, this has not been our 
                         day for warm welcomes.

               JAR JAR jumps, does a double somersault with a twist, and 
               dives into the water.

               Breath masks on, QUI-GON and OBI-WAN wade in after him.


               QUI-GON and OBI-WAN swim behind JAR JAR, who is very much at 
               home in the water. Down they swim into murky depths. In the 
               distance the glow of Otoh Gunga, an underwater city made up 
               of large bubbles, becomes more distinct.

               They approach the strange, art nouveau habitat. JAR JAR swims 
               magically through one of the bubble membranes, which seals 
               behind him. OBI-WAN and QUI-GON follow.

               INT. OTOH GUNGA - CITY SQUARE

               GUNGANS in the square scatter when they see the strange JEDI. 
               Four GUARDS armed with long electro-poles ride two-legged 
               KAADUS into the square. The GUARDS, led by CAPTAIN TARPALS, 
               point their lethal poles at the dripping trio.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Heyo-dalee, Cap'n Tarpals, Mesa back!

                                     CAPT. TARPALS
                         Noah gain, Jar Jar. Yousa goen tada 
                         Bosses. Yousa in big dudu this time.

               CAPT. TARPALS gives JAR JAR a slight zap with his power pole. 
               JAR JAR jumps and moves off, followed by the two JEDI.

                                     JAR JAR
                         How wude.


               The Bosses' Board Room has bubble walls, with small lighted 
               fish swimming around outside like moving stars.  A long 
               circular judge's bench filled with GUNGAN OFFICIALS dominates 
               the room. OBI-WAN and QUI-GON stand facing BOSS NASS, who 
               sits on a bench higher than the others.

                                     BOSS NASS
                         Yousa cannot bees hair. Dis army of 
                         mackineeks up dare tis new weesong!

                         That droid army is about to attack 
                         the Naboo. We must warn them.

                                     BOSS NASS
                         Wesa no like da Naboo! Un dey no 
                         like uss-ens. Da Naboo tink day so 
                         smarty den us-ens. Day tink day brains 
                         so big.

                         After those droids take control of 
                         the surface, they will come here and 
                         take control of you.

                                     BOSS NASS
                         No, mesa no tink so. Mesa scant talkie 
                         witda Naboo, and no nutten talkie it 
                         outlaunders. Dos mackineeks no comen 
                         here! Dey not know of uss-en.

                         You and the Naboo form a symbiont 
                         circle.  What happens to noe of you 
                         will affect the other. You must 
                         understand this.

                                     BOSS NASS
                         Wesa wish no nutten in yousa tings, 
                         outlaunder, and wesa no care-n about 
                         da Naboo.

                              (waves his hand)
                         Then speed us on our way.

                                     BOSS NASS
                         Wesa gonna speed yousaway.

                         We need a transport.

                                     BOSS NASS
                         Wesa give yousa una bongo. Da speedest 
                         way tooda Naboo tis goen through da 
                         core. Now go.

                         Thank you for your help. We go in 

               QUI-GON and OBI-WAN turn to leave.

                         Master, whats a bongo?

                         A transport, I hope.

               The JEDI notice JAR JAR in chains to one side, waiting to 
               hear his verdict.

               QUI-GON stops. JAR JAR gives him a forlorn look.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Daza setten yous up. Goen through da 
                         planet core is bad bombin!!

                         Thank you, my friend.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Ahhh...any hep hair would be hot.

               JAR JAR's soulful look is counterpointed by a sheepish grin.

                         We are short of time, Master.

                         We'll need a navigator to get us 
                         through the planet's core. This Gungan 
                         my be of help.

               QUI-GON walks bact to BOSS NASS.

                         What is to become of Jar Jar Binks 

                                     BOSS NASS
                         Binkss brokeen the nocombackie law.  
                         Hisen to be pune-ished.

                         He has been a great help to us. I 
                         hope the punishment will not be too 

                                     BOSS NASS
                         Pounded unto death.

                                     JAR JAR

               OBI-WAN looks concerned. QUI-GON is thinking.

                         We need a navigator to get us through 
                         the planet's core. I have saved Jar 
                         Jar Binks' life. He owes me what you 
                         call a "life debt."

                                     BOSS NASS
                         Binks. Yousa havena liveplay with 
                         thisen hisen?

               JAR JAR nods and joins the JEDI. QUI-GON waves his hand.

                         Your gods demand that his life belongs 
                         to me now.

                                     BOSS NASS
                         Hisen live tis yos, outlauder. Begone 
                         wit him.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Count mesa outta dis! Better dead 
                         here, den deader in da core...Yee 
                         guds, whata mesa sayin?!

               EXT. NABOO CITY - UNDERWATER - SUB (FX)

               A strange little submarine propels itself away from the Otoh 
               Gunga, leaving the glow of the settlement in the distance.


               OBI-WAN in the co-pilots seat, JAR JAR guides the craft.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Dis is nusen.

                         Master, why do you keep dragging 
                         these pathetic life forms along with 
                         us?...Here, take over.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Hey, ho? Where wesa goen??

                         You're the navigator.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Yo dreamen mesa hopen... 

                         Just relax, the Force will guide 

                                     JAR JAR
                         Ooooh, maxibig..."da Force"...Wellen, 
                         dat smells stinkowiff.

               JAR JAR veers the craft to the left and turns the lights on. 
               The coral vistas are grand, fantastic, and wonderous.

                         Why were you banished, Jar Jar?

                                     JAR JAR
                         Tis a long tale, buta small part 
                         wawdabe mesa... ooooh... aaaa... 

                         They banished you because you're 

               As the little sub glides into the planet core, a large dark 
               shape begins to follow.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Mesa cause-ed mabee one or duey lettal 
                         bitty axadentes...yud-say boom da 
                         gasser, un crash Der Bosses 
                         heyblibber...den banished.

               Suddenly there is a loud CRASH, and the little craft lurches 
               to one side.

               QUI-GON looks around and sees a huge, lumimnous OPEE SEA 
               KILLER has hooked them with its long gooey tongue.

                         Full speed ahead.

               Instead of full ahead, JAR JAR jams the controls into reverse. 
               The sub flies into the mouth of the creature.

                                     JAR JAR

                         Give me the controls.

               OBI-WAN takes over the controls and the OPEE SEA KILLER 
               instantly releases the sub from its mouth.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Wesa free!

               As the sub zooms away they see a larger set of jaws, munching 
               on the hapless KILLER. The jaws belong to the incredible 
               SANDO AQUA MONSTER. The lights on the tiny sub begin to 
               flicker as they cruise deeper into the gloom.

                         There's always a bigger fish.


               NUTE and RUNE stand before a hologram of DARTH SIDIOUS.

                         The invasion is on schedule, My Lord.

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         Good. I have the Senate bogged down 
                         in procedures. By the time this 
                         incident comes up for a vote, they 
                         will have no choice but to accept 
                         your control of the system.

                         The Queen has great faith the Senate 
                         will side with her.

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         Queen Amidala is yound and naive. 
                         You will find controlling her will 
                         not be difficult. You have done well, 

                         Thank you, My Lord.

               DARTH SIDIOUS fades away.

                         You didn't tell him about the missing 

                         No need to report that to him, until 
                         we have something to report.


               Sparks are flying, and water is leaking into the cabin. The 
               sound of the power drive drops.

                         ...we're losing power.

               OBI-WAN is working with the sparking wires. JAR JAR panics.

                         Stay calm. We're not in trouble yet.

                                     JAR JAR
                         What yet? Monstairs out dare! Leak'n 
                         in here, all'n sink'n, and nooooo 
                         power! You nutsen! WHEN YOUSA TINK 
                         WESA IN TROUBLE?!!!?

                         Power's back.

               The lights flicker on, revealing an ugly COLO CLAW FISH right 
               in front of them.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Monstairs back!

               The large COLO CLAW FISH is surprised and rears back. The 
               sub turns around and speeds away.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Wesa in trouble now??


               QUI-GON puts his hand on JAR JAR's shoulder. JAR JAR relaxes 
               into a coma.

                         You overdid it.

               The COLO CLAW FISH leaps after the fleeing sub as it shoots 
               out of the tunnel and into the waiting jaws of the SANDO 
               AQUA MONSTER.

                         This is not good!

               JAR JAR regains consciousness.  

                                     JAR JAR
                         Wesa dead yet?? Oie Boie!

               JAR JAR's eyes bulge, and he faints again. The sub narrowly 
               avoids the deadly teeth of the AQUA MONSTER. The COLO CLAW 
               FISH chasing them isn't so lucky. It is munched in half by 
               the larger predator. The little sub slips away.

                         Head for that outcropping.


               The long columns of the DROID ARMY move down the main road 
               leading to Theed, the Naboo capital.

               EXT. THEED PLAZA - DAY (FX)

               As the QUEEN watches helplessly from a window in the palace, 
               a transport carrying NUTE and RUNE lands in Theed Plaza. 
               They exit the transport.

                         Ah, victory!

               INT. NABOO LAKE - UNDERWATER - SUB (FX)

               The little sub continue to propel itself toward the surface, 
               which is brightly lit.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Wesa dude it!

               EXT. THEED - ESTUARY - DAY

               Paradise. Billowing clouds frame a romantic body of water. 
               There is a LOUD RUSH OF BUBBLES, and a small sub bobs to the 

               The current in the estuary begins to pull the sub backward 
               into a fast moving river. OBI-WAN switches off the two 
               remaining bubble canopies.

               QUI-GON stands up to look around. JAR JAR lets out a sigh of 

                                     JAR JAR
                         Wesa safe now.

                         Get this thing started.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Dissen berry good. Hey?

                         What is it?

               JAR JAR looks back to where they're drifting. He sees they 
               are headed for a huge waterfall.

                                     JAR JAR
                         What!!?? Oie boie!

               OBI-WAN tries to start the engine. The long props behind the 
               sub slowly begin to rotate. OBI-WAN struggles until finally, 
               a few feet short of the waterfall, the sub starts and is 
               able to generate enough power to stop drifting backward in 
               the powerful current. The sub slowly moves forward. In the 
               background, QUI-GON takes a cable out of his belt. The engine 
               coughs and dies. They start drifting backward again. JAR JAR 

                                     JAR JAR
                         Iyiiyi, wesa die'n here, hey!

               QUI-GON shoots the thin cable, and it wraps itself around a 
               railing on the shore. The sub pulls the cable taut, and the 
               little craft hangs precariously over the edge of the 

                         Come on...

               OBI-WAN climbs out of the sub and pulls himself along the 
               cable. QUI-GON starts in after him.

                         Come on, Jar Jar.  

                                     JAR JAR
                         No! Too scary!

                         Get up here!

                                     JAR JAR
                         No a mighty no!

               JAR JAR looks back and sees he is hanging over the waterfall.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Oie boie...mesa comen. Mesa comen!

               JAR JAR starts to climb out of the sub. OBI-WAN is on shore 
               and helps to pull QUI-GON out of the water.

                         That was close.

                                     BATTLE DROID 3B3 (O.S.)
                         Drop your weapons!

               The TWO JEDI turn around to see a BATTLE DROID standing in 
               front of them.

                                     BATTLE DROID 3B3

                                     JAR JAR

               EXT. THEED - PALACE - DAY

               The waterfalls of Theed sparkle in the noonday sun.


               (EIRTAE, YANE, PADME, RABE, SACHE) are surrounded by TWENTY 
               DROIDS. Capt. Panaka and FOUR NABOO GUARDS are also held at 
               gunpoint. NUTE and RUNE stand in the middle of the room.

                         ...how will you explain this invasion 
                         to the Senate?

                         The Naboo and the Federation will 
                         forge a treaty that will legitimize 
                         our occupation here. I've been assured 
                         it will be ratified by the Senate.

                         I will not co-operate.

                         Now, now, your Highness. You are not 
                         going to like what we have in store 
                         for your people. In time, their 
                         suffering will persuade you to see 
                         our point of view. Commander.
                              (OOM-9 steps forward)
                         Process them.

                         Yes, sir! 
                              (turns to his sergeant)
                         Take them to Camp Four.

               The SERGEANT marches the GROUP out of the throne room.

               EXT. PALACE - PLAZA - DAY

               QUEEN AMIDALA, PADME, EIRTA, YANE, RABE, SACHE, Capt. Panaka, 
               SIO BIBBLE,

               and FOUR GUARDS are led out of the palace by ten BATTLE 
               DROIDS. The plaza is filled with tanks and BATTLE DROIDS, 
               which they pass on their way to the detention camp. 
               Unbeknownst to them, QUI-GON, OBI-WAN, and JAR JAR sneak 
               across on a walkway above the plaza and jump from a balcony 
               to begin an attack to rescue the QUEEN.

               FOUR BATTLE DROIDS are instantly cut down. MORE DROIDS move 
               forward and are also cut down by the JEDIS' flashing 
               lightsabres until there is only the DROID SERGEANT left. The 
               SERGEANT starts to run but is pulled back to QUI-GON by the 
               Force, until finally he is dispatched by the JEDI.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Yousa guys bombad!

               QUEEN AMIDALA and the OTHERS are amazed. JAR JAR is getting 
               used to this.  They move between two buildings.

                         Your Highness, we are the Ambassadors, 
                         for the Supreme Chancellor.

                         Your negotiations seem to have failed, 

                         The negotiations never took place. 
                         Your Highness, we must make contact 
                         with the republic.

               Capt. Panaka steps forward.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         They've knocked out all our 

                         Do you have transports?

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         In the main hanger. This way.

               THEY disappear down an alleyway as the ALARMS are sounded


               Capt. Panaka cracks open a side door to the central hanger. 
               QUI-GON looks in over his shoulder. OBI-WAN, JAR JAR, and 
               the rest of the group are behind him. They see several Naboo 
               spacecraft guarded by about FIFTY BATTLE DROIDS.  ALARMS can 
               be heard in the distance.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         There are too many of them.

                         That won't be a problem. 
                              (to Amidala)
                         Your Highness, under the 
                         circumstances, Isuggest you come to 
                         Coruscant with us.

                         Thank you, Ambassador, but my place 
                         is here with my people.

                         They will kill you if you stay.

                         They wouldn't dare.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         They need her to sign a treaty to 
                         make this invasion of theirs legal. 
                         They can't afford to kill her.

                         The situation here is not what it 
                         seems. There is something else behind 
                         all this, Your Highness. There is no 
                         logic in the Federation's move here. 
                         My feelings tell me they will destroy 

                         Please, Your Highness, reconsider. 
                         Our only hope is for the Senate to 
                         side with us... Senator Palpatine 
                         will need your help.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         Getting past their blockade is 
                         impossible, Your Highness.
                         Any attempt to escape will be 

                         Your Highness, I will stay here and 
                         do what I can...They will have to 
                         retain the Council of Governors in 
                         order to maintain control. But you 
                         must leave...

               The QUEEN turns to PADME and EIRTAE.

                         Either choice presents a great 
                         risk...to all of us...  

                         We are brave, Your Highness.

                         If you are to leave, Your Highness, 
                         it must be now.

                         Then, I will plead our case before 
                         the Senate. 
                              (to Bibble)
                         Be careful, Governor.

               INT. CENTRAL HANGER - DAY

               The door opens to the main hanger. QUI-GON, OBI-WAN, JAR 
               JAR, Capt. Panaka, TWO GUARDS, and THREE HANDMAIDENS (PADME, 
               EIRTAE, RABE), followed by QUEEN AMIDALA, head for a sleek 
               chrome spacecraft. SIO BIBBLE, YANE and SACHE stay behind. 
               The HANDMAIDENS begin to cry.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         We need to free those pilots.

               Capt. Panaka points to TWENTY GUARDS, GROUND CREW, and PILOTS 
               held in a corner by SIX BATTLE DROIDS.

                         I'll take care of that.

               OBI-WAN heads toward the group of captured pilots.

               QUI-GON and the QUEEN, Capt. Panaka, JAR JAR, and the rest 
               Of the GROUP approach the GUARDS at the ramp of the Naboo 

                                     GUARD DROID
                         Where are you going?

                         I'm Ambassador for the Supreme 
                         Chancellor, and I'm taking those 
                         people to Coruscant.

                                     DROID GUARD
                         You're under arrest!

               The DROID GUARD draws his weapon, but before any of the DROIDS 
               can fire, they are cut down. OTHER GUARDS run to their aid. 
               OBI-WAN attacks the GUARDS around the PILOTS. QUI-GON stands, 
               fighting off DROIDS as the OTHERS rush on board the 
               spacecraft. OBI-WAN, the FREED PILOTS (including RIC OLIE), 
               GUARDS and GROUND CREW MEMBERS rush on board the ship.  The 
               OTHER PILOTS and GUARDS race to SIO BIBBLR. After everyone 
               has made it onto the ship, QUI-GONjumps on board. ALARMS 
               sound. MORE DROIDS rush into the hanger and fire as the ship 
               takes off.

               EXT. THEED - HANGER ENTRY - DAY (FX)

               The ship exits the hanger. BATTLE DROIDS standing in the 
               hanger shoot at them.

               EXT. SPACE (FX)

               The sleek spacecraft speeds away from the planet of Naboo 
               and heads for the deadly Federation blockade.


               The PILOT, RIC OLIE, navigates toward the massive battleship, 
               QUI-GON and Capt. Panaka watch.

                                     RIC OLIE
                         ...our communications are still 


               JAR JAR is led into a low, cramped doorway by OBI-WAN.

                         Now stay here, and keep out of 

               OBI-WAN closes the door. JAR JAR looks around and sees a 
               long row of five short, dome-topped ASTRO DROIDS (R-2 units). 
               The all look alike, except for thier paint color, and they 
               all seem to be shut down.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Ello, boyos.
                              (no response)
                         Disa wanna longo trip...hey?

               JAR JAR taps a bright red R-2 UNIT on the head, and its head 
               pops up a bit.  He lets out a gasp as he lifts the head.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Tis opens?...Oooops! 

               Many springs and things come flying out.

               JAR JAR quickly closes it again, very embarrassed.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Yoi! Just yoken!

               EXT. SPACE BATTLE

               The Naboo Spacecraft, surrounded by explosions, head even 
               closer to the massive Federation battle ships.


                                     RIC OLIE
                         There's the blockade, hang on.

               Alarm sounds fill the Cockpit as Obi-Wan enters.

                                     RIC OLIE
                         The shield generator's been hit. Our 
                         deflector shields can't withstand 
                         this. Power down... Hopefully the 
                         repair droids can fix it.


               The lights go on, and all the Droids are activated. Droids 
               rush to an exterior air lock, except for the red one, who 
               runs into a wall. JAR JAR holds on for dear life.

               One Little blue Astro Droid, who is especially dedicated, 
               lets out a loud screech as he passes JAR JAR, causing the 
               Gungan to jump.

               The little Droid enters an air lock and is ejected onto the 
               exterior of the ship.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         Stay on course!

                         Do you have a cloaking device?

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         No, this is not a warship, we have 
                         no weapons. We're a non- violent 
                         people, that is why the Federation 
                         was brave enough to attack us.

                                     RIC OLIE
                         We won't make it. The shields are 


               The Droids pop onto the exterior of the Naboo Spacecraft; 
               the ship races across the surface of the massive Federation 
               Battleship, as its guns blast two Astro Droids to pieces.

                         We're losing droids fast.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         If they can't get those shield 
                         generators fixed we will be sitting 

                                     RIC OLIE
                         The shields are gone.


               The Federation Battleship blows away one more Atro Droid. 
               The blue Droid connects some wires, causing sparks to fly.

                                     RIC OLIE
                         Powers back! That little droid did 
                         it. He bypassed the main power drive. 
                         Deflector shield up, at maximum.

               The lone BLUE DROID finishes his repairs and goes back into 
               the ship. The Naboo spacecraft races away from the Federation 

                                     RIC OLIE
                         There's not enough power to get us 
                         to Coruscant...the hyperdrive is 

                         We'll have to land somewhere to refuel 
                         and repair the ship.

               QUI-GON studies a star chart on a monitor.

                         Here, Master. Tatooine... It's small, 
                         out of the way, poor... The Trade 
                         Federation has no presence there.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         How can you be sure?

                         It's controlled by the Hutts...

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         The Hutts??

                         It's risky... but there's no 

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         You can't take Her Royal Highness 
                         there! The Hutts are gangsters... If 
                         they discovered her...

                         ...It would be no different than if 
                         we landed on a system controlled by 
                         the Federation... except the Hutts 
                         aren't looking for her, which gives 
                         us an advantage.

               CPATAIN PANAKA takes a deep breath in frustration.


               The Naboo spacecraft races away.


               NUTE and RUNE sit around a conference table with a hologram 
               of DARTH SIDIOUS.

                         We control all the cities in the 
                         North and are searching for any other 

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         Destroy all high-ranking officials, 
                         Viceroy... slowly... quietly. And 
                         Queen Amidala, has she signed the 

                         She has disappeared, My Lord. One 
                         Naboo cruiser got pat the blockade.

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         Viceroy, find her! I want that treaty 

                         My Lord, it's impossible to locate 
                         the ship. It's out of our range.

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         ...not for a Sith...

               A second SITH LORD appears behind DARTH SIDIOUS.

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         ...Viceroy, this is my apprentice. 
                         Lord Maul. He will find your lost 

                         Yes, My Lord. 

               The hologram fades off.

                         This is getting out of hand...now 
                         there are two of them.

                         We should not have made this bargain. 
                         What will happen when the Jedi become 
                         aware of these Sith Lords?


               QUI-GON, OBI-WAN, Capt. Panaka, and the LITTLE BLUE DROID 
               stand before QUEEN AMIDALA and her THREE HANDMAIDENS, PADME, 
               EIRTAE and RABE.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         ...An extremely well put together 
                         little droid. Without a doubt, it 
                         saved the ship, as well as our lives.

                         It is to be commended... what is its 

               The LITTLE BLUE DROID lets out a series of bleeps. Capt. 
               Panaka leans over and scrapes some dirt off of the side of 
               the DROID and read the number:

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         R2-D2, Your Highness.

                         Thank you, Artoo Detoo. You have 
                         proven to be very loyal... Padme!

               PADME bows before the QUEEN.

                         Clean this droid up the best you 
                         can. It deserves our gratitude...
                              (to Panaka)
                         Continue, Captain.

               Capt. Panaka looks nervously to OBI-WAN and QUI-GON.

                         Yor Highness, we are heading for a 
                         remote planet called Tatooine. It is 
                         a system far beyond the reach of the 
                         Trade Federation. There we will be 
                         able to make needed repairs, then 
                         travel on to Coruscant.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         Your Highness, Tatooine is very 
                         dangerous.  It's controlled by an 
                         alliance of gangs called the Hutts. 
                         I do not agree with the Jedi on this.

                         You must trust my judgement, Your 

               AMIDALA and PADME exchange looks. PADME moves next to the 


               PADME sits in the Main Area, cleaning R2-D2, the brave little 
               Astra Droid.  JAR JAR pops out of an open door.

                                     JAR JAR

               Both PADME and ARTOO jump and let out a little SCREAM. The 
               Gungan is embarrassed that he frightened them.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Sorry, nomeanen to scare yousa.

                         That's all right.

                                     JAR JAR
                         I scovered oily back dare. Needen 

                         Thank you. This little guy is quite 
                         a mess.

               JAR JAR hands PADME the oil can.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Mesa Ja Ja Binksss... 

                         I'm Padme, I attend Her Highness, 
                         You're a Gungan, aren't you? 
                              (Jar Jar nods)
                         How did you end up here with us?

                                     JAR JAR
                         Me no know... mesa day starten pitty 
                         okeyday witda brisky morning munchen. 
                         Den boom... getten berry skeered, un 
                         grabbed dat Jedi, and before mesa 
                         knowen it... pow! Mesa here.
                              (he shrugs)
                         ...getten berry berry skeered.

               ARTOO BEEPS a sympathetic beep.


               OBI-WAN, QUI-GON, and Capt. Panaka watch over RIC OLIE'S 
               shoulder. A large yellow planet appears directly ahead.  RIC 
               OLIE searches his scopes.

                         That's it. Tatooine.

                                     RIC OLIE
                         There's a settlement...a spaceport, 
                         looks like.

                         Land near the outskirts. We don't 
                         want to attract any attention.

               EXT. TATOOINE - SPACE (FX)

               The ship heads toward the planet of Tatooine.


               The Naboo spacecraft lands in the desert in a swirl of dust. 
               The spaceport of Mos Espa is seen in the distance.


               OBI-WAN is hoisting the hyperdrive out of a floor panel. JAR 
               JAR rushes up to him and falls to his knees.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Obi-Wan, sire, pleeese, no mesa go!

                         Sorry, Qui-Gon's right. You'll make 
                         things less obvious.

               JAR JAR walks back to ARTOO in the hallway as QUI-GON (dressed 
               as a farmer) enters the main area.

                         The Hyperdrive generator is gone. We 
                         will need a new one.

               QUI-GON moves closer to OBI-WAN and speaks quietly to him.

                         Don't let them send ant transmissions. 
                         Be wary... I sense a disturbance in 
                         the Force.

                         I fell it also, Master.

               QUI-GON goes into the hallway to meet up with ARTOO and JAR 
               JAR. They head to the exit ramp.


               They start their trek across the desert toward the city of 
               Mos Espa.  In the distance, a strange looking caravan makes 
               its way toward the spaceport.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Dis sun doen murder tada skin.

               From the spaceship, Capt. Panaka and PADME run toward them.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA

               QUI-GON stops as they catch up. PADME is dresses in rough 
               peasant's garb.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         Her Highness commands you to take 
                         her handmaiden with you. She wishes 
                         for her to observe the local... 

                         No more commands from Her Highness 
                         today, Captain. This spaceport is 
                         not going to be pleasant...

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         The Queen wishes it. She is curious 
                         about this planet.

                         I've been trained in defense... I 
                         can take care of myself.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         Don't make me go back and tell her 
                         you refuse.

                         I don't have time to argue. But this 
                         is not a good idea. Stay close to 

               He gives PADME a stern look.

               EXT. MOS ESPA - STREET - DAY

               The little GROUP walks down the main street of Mos Espa. 
               They pass dangerous looking citizens of all types. PADME 
               looks around in awe at this exotic enviroment.

                         ...moisture farms for the most part, 
                         but also a few indigenous tribes and 
                         scavengers. The few spaceports like 
                         this one are havens for those who do 
                         not wish to be found...

                         ....like us. 

               JAR JAR is in a constant state of panic.

               ARTOO whistles along, with perfect confidence.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Dissen berry berry bad. 
                              (steps in ooze)


               The GROUP comes to a little plaza surrounded by several junk 
               spaceship dealers.

                         We'll try one of the smaller dealers.

               They head for a little junk shop that has a huge pile of 
               broken spaceships stacked up behind it.

               INT. WATTO'S JUNK SHOP - DAY

               QUI-GON, JAR JAR, PADME, and ARTOO enter the dingy junk shop 
               and are greeted by WATTO, a pudgy blue alien who flies on 
               short little wings like a hummingbird.

                                     WATTO (SUBTITLED)
                         Hi chuba da naga? 
                         (What do you want?)

                         I need parts for a J-type 327 Nubian.

                         Ah yes, ah yes. Nubian. We have lots 
                         of that. What kinda junk?  
                         Peedenkel! Naba dee unko
                         (Boy, get in here! Now!)

                         My droid here has a readout of what 
                         I need.

               A disheveled boy, ANAKIN SKYWALKER, runs in from the junk 
               yard.  He is about nine years old, very dirty, and dressed 
               in rags. WATTO raises a hand, and ANAKIN flinches.

                                     WATTO (SUBTITLED)
                         Coona tee-tocky malia?
                         (What took you so long?)

                                     ANAKIN (SUBTITLED)
                         Mel tassa cho-passa...
                         (I was cleaning the bin like you...)

                                     ANAKIN (SUBTITLED)

                                     WATTO (SUBTITLED)
                         Chut-Chut! Ganda doe wallya. 
                         (Never mind! Watch the store) 
                         Me dwana no bata. 
                         (I've got some selling to do here.) 
                              (to Gui-Gon)
                         Soooo, let me take- a thee out back. 
                         Ni you'll find what you need.

               ARTOO and QUI-GON follow WATTO toward the junk yard, leaving 
               JAR JAR with PADME and the young boy ANAKIN. JAR JAR picks 
               up a gizmo, trying to figure out its purpose. QUI-GON takes 
               the part out of his hand and puts it back.

                         Don't touch anything.

               JAR JAR makes a rude face to QUI-GON's back and sticks out 
               his long tongue.

               ANAKIN sits on the counter, pretending to clean a part, 
               staring at PADME.

               She is the most beautiful creaure he has ever seen in his 
               life. PADME is a little embarrassed by his stare, but she 
               musters up an amused smile.

               Finally, he gets the courage to speak.

                         Are you an angel?


                         An angel.  I've heard the deep space 
                         pilots talk about them. They live on 
                         the Moons of Iego I thimk. They are 
                         the most beautiful creatures in the 
                         universe.  They are good and kind, 
                         and so pretty they make even the 
                         most hardened spice pirate cry.

               PADME looks at him, not knowing what to say. PADME : I've 
               never heard of angels.

                         You must be one...maybe you just 
                         don't know it.

                         You're a funny little boy. How do 
                         you know so much?

                         Since I was very little, three, I 
                         think. My Mom and I were sold to 
                         Gardulla the Hutt, but she lost us, 
                         betting on the Podraces, to Watto, 
                         who's a lot better master than 
                         Gardulla, I think.

                         You're... a slave?

               ANAKIN looks at PADME defiantly.

                         I am a person! My name is Anakin.

                         I'm sorry. I don't fully understand. 
                              (looking around)
                         This is a strange world to me.

               ANAKIN studies her intently.

                         You are a strange girl to me.

               JAR JAR pushes the nose on what appears to be a LITTLE DROID, 
               and it instantly comes to life, grows legs and arms, and 
               starts marching around, knocking over everything. JAR JAR 
               hold on but can't stop it.

                         Hit the nose!

               JAR JAR hits the nose, and the DROID collapses back into its 
               original state. ANAKIN and PADME laugh. ANAKIN watches PADME 
               straighten her hair.


               WATTO reads a small portable monitor he is holding. He stands 
               before a hyperdrive.

                         ...Here it is...a T-14 hyperdrive 
                         generator!! Thee in luck, I'm the 
                         only one hereabouts who has one...but 
                         thee might as well buy a new ship. 
                         It would be cheaper, I think...Sying 
                         of which, how's thee going to pay 
                         for all this?  

                         I have 20,000 Republic dataries.

                         Republic credits?!?  Republic credits 
                         are no good out here. I need something 
                         more real...

                         I don't have anything else. 
                              (raising his hand))
                         But credits will do fine.

                         No they won'ta. 

               QUI-GON, using his mind power, waves his hand again.

                         Credits will do fine.

                         No, they won'ta. What you think you're 
                         some kinda Jedi, waving your hand 
                         around like that? I'm a Toydarian. 
                         Mind tricks don'ta work on me-only 
                         money. No money, no parts! No deal! 
                         And no one else has a T-14 hyperdrive, 
                         I promise you that.

               INT. WATTO'S JUNK SHOP - DAY

               JAR JAR pulls a part out of a stack of parts to inspect it, 
               and they all come tumblimg down. He struggles to catch them, 
               only to knock more down.

               ANAKIN and PADME are oblivious.

                         ...wouldn't have lasted long if I 
                         weren't so good at fixing things. 
                         I'm making my own droid...

               QUI-GON hurries into the shop, followed by ARTOO. 

                         We're leaving.

               JAR JAR follows QUI-GON. PADME gives ANAKIN a loving look.

                         I'm glad I met you, ...ah...



                         Anakin Skywalker.

                         Padme Naberrie.

               PADME turns, and ANAKIN looks sad as he watches her leave.

                         I'm glad I met you too.

               WATTO enters the junk yard, shaking his head.

                                     WATTO (SUBTITLED)
                         Ootmians! Tinka me chasa hopoe ma 
                         booty na nolia.
                         (Outlanders! They think because we 
                         live so far from the center, we don't 
                         know nothing.)

                                     ANAKIN (SUBTITLED)
                         La lova num botaffa. 
                         (They seemed nice to me.) 

                                     WATTO (SUBTITLED)
                         Fweepa niaga. Tolpa da bunky dunko. 
                         (Clean the racks, then you can go 

               ANAKIN lets out a "yipee" and runs out the back.

               EXT. MOS ESPA - STREET - ALCOVE - DAY

               QUI-GON, ARTOO, JAR JAR, and PADME have found a quiet spot 
               between two buildings. The busy street beyond is filled with 
               dangerous looking creatures. QUI-GON is talking on his com-
               link, while JAR JAR nervously watches the street. OBI-WAN is 
               in the main hold of the Naboo craft.

                         ...Obi-Wan, you're sure there isn't 
                         anything of value left on board?

                                     OBI-WAN (V.O.)
                         A few containers of supplies, the 
                         Queen's wardrobe, maybe. Not enough 
                         for you to barter with. Not in the 
                         ammounts you're talking about.

                         All right. Another solution will 
                         present itself. I'll check back.

               QUI-GON puts his comlink away and starts out into the main 
               street. JAR JAR grabs his arm.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Noah gain...da beings hereabouts 
                         cawazy. Wesa be robbed un crunched.

                         Not likely. We have nothing of value, 
                         that's our problem.

               EXT. MOS ESPA - STREET - MARKET - DAY

               QUI-GON, PADME, JAR JAR, and ARTOO move out into the street. 
               JAR JAR is walking behind the others. They walk by an outdoor 
               cafe filled with a rough gang of aliens, one of which is 
               especially ugly, SEBULBA, a spider-like creature. JAR JAR 
               stops for a moment in front of a stall selling dead frogs 
               hanging on a wire. He looks around to see if anyone is 
               looknig, then sticks out his tongue, and gets hold of one, 
               pulling it into his mouth.

               Unfortunately, the frog is tied tightly to the wire. The 
               vendor suddenly appears.

                         Hey, that will be seven truguts!!

               JAR JAR opens his mouth in surprise, and the frog snaps away, 
               ricochets around the market, and lands in Sebulba's soup, 
               splashing him. As JAR JAR moves away from the VENDOR, SEBULBA 
               jumps up on the table and grabs the hapless Gungan.

                                     SEBULBA (SUBTITLED)

                                     JAR JAR
                         Who, mesa?? 

                                     SEBULBA (SUBTITLED)
                         Ni chuba na?? 
                         (Is this yours??)

               SEBULBA holds the frog up to the Gungan threateningly. SEVERAL 
               OTHER CREATURES start to gather. SEBULBA shoves JAR JAR to 
               the ground. The Gungan desperately tries to scramble to 

                                     JAR JAR
                              (to himself)
                         Why mesa always da one??

                                     ANAKIN (O.S.)
                         Because you're afraid.

               JAR JAR turns to see ANAKIN pushing his way next to him. The 
               boy stands up to SEBULBA in a very self-assured way.

                                     ANAKIN (SUBTITLED)
                         Chess ko, Sebulba...Coo wolpa tooney 
                         (Careful, Sebulba...This one's very 

               SEBULBA stops his assault on JAR JAR and turns to ANAKIN.

                                     SEBULBA (SUBTITLED)
                         Tooney rana nu pratta dunko, shag. 
                         (Connected?? Whada you mean, slave?)

                                     ANAKIN (SUBTITLED)
                         Oh da Hutt...cha porko ootman 
                         geesa...me teesa rodda co pana pee 
                         choppa chawa.
                         (As in Hutt...big time outlander, 
                         this one... I'd hate to see you diced 
                         before we race again.)

                                     SEBULBA (SUBTITLED)
                         Neek me chowa, wermo, mo killee ma 
                         (Next time we race, wermo, it will 
                         be the end of you!)
                         Una noto wo shag, me wompity du pom 
                         (If you weren't a slave, I'd squash 
                         you right now.)

               SEBULBA turns away.

                                     ANAKIN (SUBTITLED)
                         Eh, chee bana do mullee ra.
                         (Yeah, it'd be a pity if you had to 
                         pay for me.)

               QUI-GON, PADME and ARTOO arrive.

                         Hi! Your buddy here was about to be 
                         turned into orange goo. He picked a 
                         fight with a Dug. An especially 
                         dangerous Dug called Sebulba.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Nosir, nosir. Mesa hate crunchen. 
                         Dat's da last ting mesa wanten.

                         Nevertheless, the boy is right... 
                         you were heading for trouble. Thank 
                         you, my young friend.

               PADME looks at ANAKINB and smiles; he smiles back. They start 
               walking down the crowded street.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Mesa doen nutten!

                         Fear attracts the fearful. He was 
                         trying to overcome his fear by 
                         squashing you... be less afraid.

                         And that works for you.

                         To a point. 
                              (he smiles)


               OBI-WAN stands in front of the Naboo spacecraft as the wind 
               picks up and begins to whip at his robe. Capt. Panaka exits 
               the ship and joins him.

                         This storm's going to slow them down.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         It looks pretty bad. We'd better 
                         seal the ship.

               Capt. Panaka'S comlink sounds off.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         We'll be right there.


               ANAKIN and the GROUP stop at a fruit stand run by a jolly, 
               but very poor, old lady named JIRA.

                         How are you feeling today, Jira?  

                         The heat's never been kind to me, 
                         you know, Annie!

                         Guess what? I've found that cooling 
                         unit I've been searching for.

               It's pretty beat up, but I'll have it fixed up for you in no 
               time, I promise.

                         You're a fine boy, Annie.

                         I'll take four pallies today. 
                              (to Padme)
                         You'll like these...

               ANAKIN reaches in his pocket and comes up with three coins. 
               He drops one.

               QUI-GON picks it up, revealing for a moment, his lightsabre.

                         Whoops, I thought I had more... Make 
                         thgat three, I'm not hungry.

               The wind picks up. SHOP OWNERS are starting to close up their 
               shops as JIRA gives them their pallies.

                         Gracious, my bones are aching... 
                         storm's coming on, Annie. You'd better 
                         get home quick.

                              (to QUI-GON)
                         Do you have shelter?

                         We'll head back to our ship.

                         Is it far?

                         On the outskirts.

                         You'll never reach the outskirts in 
                         time... sandstorms are very, very 
                         dangerous. Come with me. Hurry!

               The GROUP follows ANAKIN as he rushes down the windy street.


               The wind is blowing hard as QUI-GON, JAR JAR, and PADME follow 
               ANAKIN down the street and into a slave hovel.

               INT. ANAKIN'S HOVEL - MAIN ROOM - DAY

               QUI-GON, JAR JAR, ARTOO, and PADME enter a small living space.

                         Mom! Mom! I'm home.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Dissen cozy.

               Anakin's mother, SHMI SKYWALKER, a warm, friendly woman of 
               forty, enters from her work area and is startled to see the 
               room full of people.

                         Oh, my!! Annie, what's this?

                         These are my friends, Mom. This is 
                         Padme, and...gee, I don't know any 
                         of your names.

                         I'm Qui-Gon Jinn, and this is Jar 
                         Jar Binks. ARTOO lets out a little 

                         ...and our droid, Artoo-Detoo.

                         I'm building a droid. You wanna see?

                         Anakin! Why are they here?

                         A sandstorm, Mom. Listen.

               The wind HOWLS outside.

                         Your son was kind enough to offer us 

                         Come on! Let me show you Threepio!

               ANAKIN leads PADME into the other room. ARTOO follows, beeping 
               all the way.

               QUI-GON takes five small capsules from his utility belt and 
               hands them to SHMI.

                         I have enough food for a meal.

                         Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. 
                         I'm sorry if I was abrupt. I'll never 
                         get used to Anakin's surprises.

                         He's a very special boy. 

               SHMI looks at him as if he's discovered a secret.

                         Yes, I know.

               INT. ANAKIN'S HOVEL - BEDROOM - DAY

               ANAKIN shows off his ANDROID, which is lying on his workbench. 
               There is one eye in the head; the body, arms, and legs have 
               no outer coverings.

                         Isn't he great?! He's not finished 

                         He's wonderful!

                         You reall like him? He's a protocol 
                         droid...to help Mom. Watch!

               ANAKIN pushes a switch, and the DROID sits up. Anakin rushes 
               around, grabs an eye and puts it in one of the sockets.

                         How do you do, I am See-Threepio, 
                         Human Cyborg Relations. How might I 
                         serve you?

                         He's perfect.

                         When the storm is over, you can see 
                         my racer. I'm building a Podracer!

               PADME smiles at his enthusiasm. ARTOO lets out a flurry of 
               beeps and whistles.

                         I beg your pardon... what do you 
                         mean I'm naked?

               ARTOO BEEPS

                         My parts are showing? Oh, my goodness. 
                         How embarrassing!


               AMIDALA, EIRTAE, RABE, and OBI-WAN watch a very bad 
               transmission of a SIO BIBBLE hologram.

                         ...cut off all food supplies until 
                         you return... the death toll is 
                         catastrophic... we must bow to their 
                         wishes, Your Highness...Please tell 
                         us what to do! If you can hear us, 
                         Your Highness, you must contact me...

               AMIDALA looks upset...almost nervous.

                         It's a trick. Send no reply... Send 
                         no transmission of any kind.

               INT. ANAKIN'S HOVEL - MAIN ROOM - DAY

               QUI-GON listens to his comlink. OBI-WAN is in the cockpit.

                         ...the Queen is upset... but absolutly 
                         no reply was sent.

                         It sounds like bait to establish a 
                         connection trace.

                         What if it is true and the people 
                         are dying?

                         Either way, we're running out of 


               DARTH SIDIOUS and DARTH MAUL look out over the vast city.

                                     DARTH MAUL
                         Tatooine is sparsely populated. If 
                         the trace was correct, I will find 
                         them quickly, Master.  

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         Move against the Jedi first... you 
                         will then have no difficulty taking 
                         the Queen back to Naboo, where she 
                         will sign the treaty.

                                     DARTH MAUL
                         At last we will reveal ourselves to 
                         the Jedi. At last we will have 

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         You have been well trained, my young 
                         apprentice, they will be no match 
                         for you. It is too late for them to 
                         stop us now. Everything is going as 
                         planned. The Republic will soon be 
                         in my command.

               The hologram of DARTH MAUL fades off as DARTH SIDIOUS looks 
               out over the city. 

               EXT. MOS ESPA - SANDSTORM - DAY

               The giant sandstorm engulfs the town, including the Naboo 
               spaceship on the outskirts of the city center, where Watto's 
               ship is; and the slave quarters, where drifts of sand begin 
               building up against Anakin's house.

               INT. ANAKIN'S HOVEL - MAIN ROOM - DAY

               QUI-GON, ANAKIN, SHMI, JAR JAR, and PADME are seated around 
               a makeshift table, having dinner as the wind howls outside.

               JAR JAR slurps his soup rather loudly. Everyone looks at 
               him. He turns a little brighter red.

                         All slaves have transmitters placed 
                         inside their bodies somewhere.

                         I've been working on a scanner to 
                         try and locate them, but no luck.

                         Any attempt to escape...

                         ...and they blow you up...poof!

               PADME and JAR JAR are horrified.

                                     JAR JAR
                         How wude.

                         I can't believe there is still slavery 
                         in the galaxy. The Republic's anti-
                         slavery laws...

                         The Republic doesn't exist out here... 
                         we must survive on our own.

               An awkward silence. ANAKIN attempts to end the embarrassment.

                         Have you ever seen a Podrace?

               PADME shakes her head no. She notices the concern of SHMI. 
               JAR JAR snatches some food from a bowl at the other end of 
               the table with his tongue.

               QUI-GON gives him a dirty look.

                         They have Podracing on Malastare. 
                         Very fast, very dangerous.

                         I'm the only human who can do it.

               SHMI looks at her son.

                         Mom, what? I'm not bragging. It's 
                         true. Watto says he's never heard of 
                         a human doing it. 

                         You must have Jedi reflexes if you 
                         race Pods.

               ANAKIN smiles. JAR JAR attempts to snare another bit of food 
               from the bowl with his tongue, but QUI-GON, in a flash, grabs 
               it between his thumb and forefinger. JAR JAR is startled.

                         Don't do that again.

               JAR JAR tries to acknowledge with some silly mumbling. QUI-
               GON lets go of the tongue, and it snaps back into JAR JAR's 

                         I... I was wondering... something...


                         Well, ahhh... you're a Jedi Knight, 
                         aren't you?

                         What makes you think that?

                         I saw your laser sword. Only Jedi 
                         carry that kind of weapon.

               QUI-GON leans back and slowly smiles.

                         Perhaps I killed a Jedi and stole it 
                         from him.

                         I don't think so... No one can kill 
                         a Jedi Knight.

                         I wish that were so...

                         I had a dream I was a Jedi. I came 
                         back here and freed all the slaves... 
                         have you come to free us?

                         No, I'm afraid not...

                         I think you have... why else would 
                         you be here?

               QUI-GON thinks for a moment.

                         I can see there's no fooling you...
                              (leans forward)
                         You mustn't let anyone know about 
                         us... we're on our way to Coruscant, 
                         the central system in the Republic, 
                         on a very important mission, and it 
                         must be kept secret.

                         Coruscant... wow... how did you end 
                         up here in the outer rim?

                         Our ship was damaged, and we're 
                         stranded here until we can repair 

                         I can help! I can fix anything!

                         I believe you can, but our first job 
                         is to aquire the parts we need...

                                     JAR JAR
                         Wit no-nutten mula to trade.

                         These junk dealers must have a 
                         weakness of some kind.

                         Gambling. Everything here revolves 
                         around betting on those awful races.

                         Podracing... Greed can be a powerful 
                         ally.. if it's used properly.

                         I've built a racer! It's the fastest 
                         ever... There's a big race tomorrow, 
                         on Boonta Eve. You could enter my 
                         pod. It's all but finished...

                         Anakin, settle down. Watto won't let 

                         Watto doesn't know I've built it. 
                              (to Qui-Gon))
                         You could make him think it's your's, 
                         and you could get him to let me pilot 
                         it for you.

               QUI-GON looks to SHMI. She is upset.

                         I don't want you to race, Annie... 
                         It's awful. I die every time Watto 
                         makes you do it.

                         But Mom, I love it... and they need 
                         help... they're in trouble. The prize 
                         money would more than pay for the 
                         parts they need. 

                                     JAR JAR
                         Wesa ina pitty bad goo. 

                         Your mother's right. Is there anyone 
                         friendly to the Republic who might 
                         be able to help us?

               SHMI shakes her head no.

                         We have to help them, Mom...you said 
                         that the biggest problem in the 
                         universe is no one helps each other...

                         Anakin, don't...

               JAR JAR belches. There is silence for a moment as they eat.

                         I'm sure Qui-Gon doesn't want to put 
                         your son in danger. We will find 
                         another way...

                         No, Annie's right, there is no other 
                         way... I may not like it, but he can 
                         help you... he was meant to help 

                         Is that a yes? That is a yes!

               The storm continues to rage outside the slave hovel.


               The storm has passed. VENDORS and STREET PEOPLE clean up the 
               mess and rebuild their food stalls.  JAR JAR sits on a box 
               in front of Watto's parts shop, watching all the activity 
               with growing nervousness. ARTOO is standing next to him. 
               PADME stops QUI-GON as he is about to enter the shop.

                         Are you sure about this? Trusting 
                         our fate to a boy we hardly know. 
                         The Queen will not approve.

                         The Queen does not need to know.

                         Well, I don't approve.

               QUI-GON turns and starts into the shop.

               INT. WATTO'S JUNK SHOP - DAY

               WATTO and ANAKIN are in the middle of an animated discussion 
               in Huttese.

                         Patta go bolla!

                         No batta!

                         Pedunky. Maa kee cheelya.

                         Bayno, Bayno!

               QUI-GON walks in, and WATTO and ANAKIN join him.

                         The boy tells me you wanta sponser 
                         hi insa race. You can't afford parts. 
                         How can you do this? Not on Republic 
                         credits, I think. 
                              (he laughs)

                         My ship will be the entry fee.

               QUI-GON pulls a small object that looks like a watch out of 
               his pocket, and a hologram of the Naboo spacecraft appears 
               about a foot long in front of WATTO. He studies it.

                         Not bad... not bad... a Nubian.  

                         It's in good order, except for the 
                         parts we need.

                         ...but what would the boy ride? He 
                         smashed up my Pod in the last race. 
                         It will take some time to fix it.

               ANAKIN is embarrassed and steps forward.

                         Ahhhh....it wasn't my fault really... 
                         Sebulba flashed me with his vent 
                         ports. I actually saved the Pod... 

                         That you did. The boy is good, no 
                         doubts there.

                         I have... acquired a Pod in a game 
                         of chance. "The fastest ever built."

                         I hope you didn't kill anyone I know 
                         for it. 
                         So, you supply the Pod and the entry 
                         fee; I supply the boy. We split the 
                         winnings fifty-fifty, I think.

                         Fifty-fifty!?! If it's going to be 
                         fifty-fifty, I suggest you front the 
                         cash for the entry. If we win, you 
                         keep all the winnings, minus the 
                         cost of the parts I need... If we 
                         lose, you keep my ship.

               WATTO thinks about this. ANAKIN tries not to be nervous.

                         Either way, you win.

                                     WATTO (SUBTITLED)
                         Deal! Yo bana pee ho-tah, meedee ya. 
                         (Your friend is a follish one, 


               OBI-WAN stands outside the Naboo spacecraft, speaking into 
               his comlink.

               QUI-GON is on the back porch of the hovel.

                         What if this plan fails, Master? We 
                         could be stuck here for a long time.

                                     QUI-GON (V.O.)
                         A ship without a power supply will 
                         not get us anywhere, and there is 
                         something about this boy...


               QUI-GON puts the comlink away as SHMI comes onto the porch 
               PADME, ANAKIN, JAR JAR, and ARTOO work on the engines of the 
               Podracer in the courtyard below.

                         You should be proud of your son. He 
                         gives without any thought of reward.

                         He knows nothing of greed. He has...

                         He has special powers.


                         He can see things before they happen. 
                         That's why he appears to have such 
                         quick reflexes. It is a Jedi trait.

                         He deserves better than a slave's 

                         The Force is unusally strong with 
                         him, that much is clear. Who was his 

                         There was no father, that I know 
                         of... I carried him, I gave him 
                         birth... I can't explain what 
                         happened. Can you help him?

                         I'm afraid not. Had he been born in 
                         the Republic, we would have identified 
                         him early, and he would have become 
                         Jedi, no doubt...he has the way.  
                         But it's too late for him now, he's 
                         too old.


               KITSTER (a young boy about Anakin's age), SEEK (a boy of 
               ten), AMEE (a girl of six), and WALD (a Greedo Type, six 
               years old) join ANAKIN, JAR JAR, ARTOO, and PADME securing 
               some wiring.

                         Padme and Jar Jar, this is my friend 
                         Kitster, and Seek, Amee, and Wald.

               All whistle, hoot, and speak a greeting.

                         Wow, a real Astro Droid...how'd you 
                         get so lucky?

                         This isn't the half of it. I'm entered 
                         in the Boonta Race tomorrow!

                         What? With this??

                                     WALD (SUBTITLED)
                         Annie, Jesko na joka. 
                         (You are such a joke, Annie.)

                         You've been working on that thing 
                         for years. It's never going to run.

                         Come on, let's go play ball. Keep it 
                         up, Annie, and you're gonna be bug 

               SEEK, WALD, and AMEE take off, laughing. JAR JAR is fiddling 
               with one of the energy binder plates.

                         Hey! Jar Jar! Stay away from those 
                         energy binders...

                                     JAR JAR
                         Who, mesa?

                         If your hand gets caught in that 
                         beam, it will go numb for hours.

               JAR JAR peeks at the energy plate; it makes a little 
               electronic pop, zaps him in the mouth and jumps back. JAR 
               JAR tries to say something, but his mouth is numb and his 
               words are garbled.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Ouch-dats muy bigo Oucho. 

                         But you don't even know if this thing 
                         will run.

                         It will.

               QUI-GON approaches the GROUP and gives ANAKIN a small battery. 
               JAR JAR gets his hand caught in the afterburner and tries to 
               tell Anakin, but can't get words out that make sense.

                         I think it's time we found out. Use 
                         this power charge. 

                         Yes, sir!!

               ANAKIN jumps into the little capsule behind the two giant 
               engines. He puts the power pack back into the dashboard. 
               EVERYONE backs away, except for JAR JAR who calls for help. 
               Finally PADME frees him and the engines ignite with a ROAR. 
               EVERYONE cheers.


               SHMI, watching from the porch, smiles sadly.


               ANAKIN sits on the balcony rail of his hovel as QUI-GON tends 
               to a cut. The BOY leans back to look at the vast blanket of 
               stars in the sky.

                         Sit still, Annie. Let me clean this 

                         There are so many! Do they all have 
                         a system of planets?

                         Most of them.

                         Has anyone been to them all?

                         Not likely.

                         I want to be the first one to see 
                         them all... Ouch!

               QUI-GON wipes a patch of blood off ANAKIN'S arm.

                         There, good as new...

               SHMI yells from inside the hovel.

                                     SHMI (O.S.)
                         Annie, bedtime!

               QUI-GON scrapes ANAKIN's blood onto a comlink chip.

                         What are you doing?

                         Checking your blood for infections.

                         I've never seen...

                                     SHMI (O.S.)
                         Annie! I'm not goiung to tell you 

                         Go on, you have a big day tomorrow. 

               ANAKIN rolls his eyes and runs into the hovel. QUI-GON takes 
               the blood stained chip and inserts it into the comlink, then 
               calls OBI-WAN.


                         Yes, Master.

                         Make an analysis of this blood sample 
                         I'm sending you.

                         Wait a minute...

                         I need a midi-chlorian count.

                         All right. I've got it.

                         What are your readings?

                         Something must be wrong with the 

                         Here's a signal check.

                         Strange. The transmission seems to 
                         be in good order, but the reading's 
                         off the chart... over twenty thousand.

                              (almost to himself)
                         That's it then.

                         Even Master Yoda doesn't have a midi-
                         chlorian count that high!

                         No Jedi has.

                         What does it mean?

                         I'm not sure.

               The JEDI KNIGHT looks up and sees SHMI in the doorway watching 

               Embarrassed, she goes back into the kitchen while QUI-GON 
               ponders the situation.


               The sinister looking Sith spacecraft lands on top of a desert 
               mesa at dus, scattering a herd of banthas. DARTH MAUL walks 
               to the edge of the mesa and studies the landscape with a 
               pair of electrobinoculars. He picks out the lights of three 
               different cities in the distance, then pushes buttons on his 
               electronic armband.

               Six football-sized PROBE DROIDS float out of the ship and 
               head off in three different directions toward the cities.

               DARTH MAUL stands on the mesa and watches them through his 


               Padme exits the hovel.


               As the twin suns rise, ARTOO is busy painting the racing 
               Pod. ANAKIN is asleep. PADME passes ARTOO.

                         I hope you're about finished.

               ARTOO whistles a positive reply. PADME sees KITSTER riding 
               toward them on an EOPIE, a strange camel-lile creature. He 
               is leading a second EOPIE behind him.  PADME goes over to 
               ANAKIN. He looks very vulnerable as he sleeps. She watches 
               him, then touches him on the cheek. ANAKIN wakes up, yawns, 
               and looks at her, a little puzzled.

                         You were in my dream... you were 
                         leading a huge army into battle.

                         I hope not, I hate fighting. Your 
                         mother wants you to come in and clean 
                         up. We have to leave soon.

               ANAKIN stands up and stretches just as KITSTER arrives.

                         Hook 'em up, Kitster. 
                              (to Padme))
                         I won't be long. Where's Qui-Gon?

                         He and Jar Jar left already. They're 
                         with Watto at the arena.

               EXT. MOS ESPA - ARENA - MAIN HANGER - DAY

               RACE CREWS mill about outside the Main Hanger.

               INT. MOS ESPA - ARENA - MAIN HANGER - DAY

               The hanger is a large building with a dozen or so Podracers 
               being readied for the race. ALIEN CREWS and PILOTS rush about, 
               making last minute fixes on their vehicles. WATTO, QUI-GON, 
               and JAR JAR walk through the activity.

                         ...I want to see your spaceship the 
                         moment the race is over.  

                         Patience, my blue friend. You'll 
                         have your winnings before the suns 
                         set, and we'll be far away from here.

                         Not if your ship belongs to me, I 
                         think... I warn you, no funny 

                         You don't think Anakin will win?

               WATTO stops before an orange racer. Sitting to one side, 
               having his shoulders and neck massaged by TWIN YOBANAS, is 

                         Don't get me wrongo. I have great 
                         faith in the boy. He's a credit to 
                         your race, but Sebulba there is going 
                         to win, I think.


                         He always wins. 
                         I'm betting heavily on Sebulba.

                         I'll take that bet.

                              (suddenly stops 
                         What??!! What do you mean?

                         I'll wager my new racing pod 
                         against... say... the boy and his 

                         A Pod for slaves. I don't think so... 
                         well, poerhaps. Just one...the mother, 
                         maybe...the boy isn't for sale.

                         The boy is small, he can't be worth 

               WATTO shakes his head.

                         For the fastest Pod ever built?!

               WATTO shakes his head again.

                         Both, or no bet.

                         No Pod's worth two slaves... not by 
                         a long shot... one slave or nothing.

                         The boy, then...

               WATTO pulls out a small cube from his pocket.

                         We'll let fate decide. Blue it's the 
                         boy, red his mother...

               WATTO tosses the cube down. QUI-GON lifts his hand slightly; 
               it turns blue.

               QUI-GON smiles. WATTO is angry.

                         You won the small toss, outlander, 
                         bou you won't win the race, so... it 
                         makes little difference.

               ANAKIN and PADME enter the hanger on one of the EOPIES, 
               pulling an engine.  KITSTER, on the other EOPIE, is pulling 
               another engine. With THREEPIO walking alongside, ARTOO 
               trundles behind, pulling the Pod with SHMI sitting on it. 
               WATTO passes ANAKIN as he leaves.

                                     WATTO (SUBTITLED)
                         Bonapa keesa pateeso, o wanna meetee 
                         (Better stop your friends betting, 
                         or I'll end up owning him, too.)

               WATTO walks off, laughing.

                         What did he mean by that?

                         I'll tell you later.

               ARTOO beeps at THREEPIO.

                         Oh my! Space travel sounds rather 

               ARTOO emits a series of beeps.

                         I can assure you they will never get 
                         me onto one of those dreadful 

                              (to Anakin)
                         This is so wizard! I'm sure you'll 
                         do it this time, Annie.

                         Do what?

                         Finish the race, of course!

                         You've never won a race?

                         Well... not exactly...

                         Not even finished?!

               ANAKN looks sheepish.

                         ...but Kitster's right, I will this 

                         Of course you will.

               EXT. MOS ESPA - STREET - DAY

               One of Darth Maul's PROBE DROIDS slowly floats down the main 
               street of Tatooine. It looks in shops and studies PEOPLE as 
               it searches for OBI-WAN, QI-GON, or the QUEEN.


               An EXTREME HIGH WIDE ANGLE reveals a vast arena in the 
               Tatooine desert. A large semi-circular amphitheatre that 
               holds at least a hundred thousand people dominates the 
               landscape. Large viewing platforms loom over the racetrack. 


               A two-headed ANNOUNCER describes the scene.

                         A: Toogi! Toogie!
                         Toong mee cha kulkah du Boonta magi! 
                         tah oos azalus ooval Poddraces.
                         (We have perfect weather today for 
                         the Boonta classic. The most hazardous 
                         of all Podraces.)
                         B : That's absolutly right.  And a 
                         big turnout here, from all corners 
                         of the Outer Rim territories. I see 
                         the contestants are making their way 
                         out onto the starting grid.


               On the left side of the tracks across from the grandstands, 
               a line of Podracers emerges from the large hanger, surrounded 
               by several CREW MEMBERS. Pods are pulled by a wide variety 
               of CREATURES and are led by aliens carrying flags. The PILOTS 
               stand facing the royal box.

                                     FODE/BEED (O.S.)
                         A : La Yma beestoo
                         (Yes, there they are!)
                         B : I see Ben Quadinaros from the 
                         Tund system.   
                         A : ...eh Gasgano doowa newpa Ord 
                         (And Gasgano in thenew Ord Pedrovia.)
                         B : Two time winner, Boles Roor...
                         A : Poo tula moosta, woe grane champio 
                         Sebulba du Pixelito! Splastyleeya 
                         bookie ookie!!  (On the front line 
                         the reigning champion, Sebulba from 
                         Pixelito. By far the favorite today.)  
                         B : And a late entry, Anakin 
                         Skywalker, a local boy.
                         A : Wampa peedunkee unko
                         ( I hope he has better luck this 
                         B : I see the flaggers are moving 
                         onto the track.


               Colorful canopies shade some of the SPECTATORS. VENDORS sell 
               barbecued creature parts and colorful drinks.

               EXT. MOS ESPA - ARENA - ROYAL BOX - DAY (FX)

               All the PILOTS bow from the waist as JABBA THE HUTT enters 
               the box and waves to the crowd.

                         A : O grandio lust, Jabba Du Hutt, 
                         amu intoe tah parena.
                         (His honor, our glorious host, Jabba 
                         the Hutt has entered the arena.)

               The crowd ROARS. SEVERAL OTHER SLUG-LIKE HUTTS follow, along 
               with humans and aliens. Several SLAVE GIRLS on a chain are 
               led alongside JABBA.

                                     JABBA (SUBTITLED)
                         Chowbaso! Tam ka chee Boonta rulee 
                         ya, kee madda hodrudda du wundee. 
                         Sebulba tuta Pixelito...


               SEBULBA, who is right next to ANAKIN, stands and waves to 
               his fans. A small pep band plays as his fans wave and cheer.

               KITSTER attaches the giant engins to Anakin's Pod with a 
               long cable. SHMI gives ANAKIN a big hug and kiss. She looks 
               him right in the eye.

                         Be safe.

                         I will, Mom. I promise.

               She leaves as ANAKIN checks the cable hitches.

                         ...Mawhonic tuta Hok, Teemto Pagalies 
                         tuta Moonus Mandel, Anakin SKywalker 
                         tuta Tatoonine....

               The CROWD YELLS. ANAKIN waves to the crowd, as JABBA continues 
               with his introductions. SEBULBA moves over to one of Anakin's 
               engines. KITSTER and JAR JAR unhitch the EOPIES, and KITSTER 
               leads them away. ARTOO beeps that everything is OK. JAR JAR 
               pats ANAKIN on the back.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Dis berry loony, Annie. May da guds 
                         be kind, mesa palo.

               PADME comes up and gives ANAKIN a little kiss on the cheeek. 
               SEBULBA bangs on a part protruding from Anakin's engine. He 
               looks around to see if anyone has noticed.

                         You carry all our hopes.  

                         I won't let you down.

               PADME moves away as SEBULBA edges his way next to ANAKIN and 
               gives him a sinister grin.

                         Bazda wahota, shag. Dobiella Nok. 
                         Yoka to Bantha poodoo.
                         (You won't walk away from this one, 
                         slave scum! You're Bantha poodoo.)

                                     ANAKIN (SUBTITLED)
                         Cha skrundee da pat, sleemo. 
                         (Don't count on it, slime-ball.)

               ANAKIN looks the evil SEBULBA in the eye with a cold stare. 
               QUI-GON approaches, and SEBULBA backs off toward his racer.

                                     JABBA (SUTITLED)
                         ...Ka bazza kundee hodrudda! 
                         (...Let the challenge begin!)

               The CROWD lets out a LOUD CHEER. QUI-GON helps ANAKIN into 
               his Pod. The boy straps himself into the tiny racer.

                         Are you all set, Annie? 
                              (Anakin nods)
                         Remember, concentrate on the moment. 
                         Feel. Don't think. Trust your 
                              (he smiles)
                         May the Force be with you.

               QUI-GON steps away as ANAKIN puts on his goggles. The PILOTS 
               flip switches, and powerful energy binders shoot between the 
               engines. ANAKIN flips a switch, and his engine starts. The 
               incredible ROAR of high-powered engines igniting echoes 
               throughout the arena. One driver, ODY MANDRELL, yells at a 
               droid (DUM-4) to get away from the front of his engine.  The 
               crowd is tense.


               The giant power-house engines torque as the PILOTS gun them. 
               The PILOTS flip switches, and poerful energy binders shoot 
               between the engines. Aliens carrying large flags move off 
               the track. JAR JAR covers his eyes.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Mesa no watch. Dissen ganna be messy!

                         A : Ya pawa culka doe rundee! (The 
                         power couplings are being activated)
                         B : Hey, it looks like they're 
                         clearing the grid.


               SHMI looks nervously to QUI-GON as he enters a veiwing 
               platform. PADME and JAR JAR are already on board. The platform 
               rises like an elevator.

                         Is he nervous?  

                         He's fine.

                         You Jedi are far too reckless. The 

                         The Queen trusts my judgment, young 
                         handmaiden. You should too.

                         You assume too much.


                         B : Start your engines.

               The earth-pounding ROAR of the engines revving is deafening.

               EXT. MOS ESPA - ARENA - ROYAL BOX - DAY (FX)

               Jabba bites off the head of a frog and spits it at a gong, 
               signaling the start of the race.


               On a bridge over the track, a great green light at the center 
               flashes. The Podracers shoot forward with a high-pitches 
               scream. ANAKIN'S engine floods and coughs - then dies. All 
               the other Podracers except one swerve around him and dissapear 
               down the track. The slave boy struggles to get his racer 
               started. The two-headed announcer reports.

                                     FODE/BEED (O.S.)
                         A : An dare ovv!
                         (And they're off!)
                         B : Oh...wait. Little Skywalker has 

               PADME and JAR JAR are very dissapointed with ANAKIN. QUI-GON 
               puts his arm around a very worried SHMI to comfort her. 
               Finally, Anakin's engines ignite. He zooms away after the 
               receeding pack of competitors, leaving one quadra-Pod racer 
               still trying to get started. The two-headed ANNOUNCER 
               describes the race as it progresses.

                                     FODE/BEED (O.S.)
                         B : And there goes Skywalker... He'll 
                         be hard pressed to catch up with the 
                         leaders today.

               EXT. MOS ESPA - RACETRACK - DAY (FX)

               The Podracers fly across the desert. SEBULBA is running neck 
               and neck with MAWHONIC. They round the first turn in the 
               track, side by side.  SEBULBA drives his Pod into his rival, 
               forcing him into the wall of a large rock formation. MAWHONIC 
               crashes in a spectacular display of fire and smoke.  ANAKIN 
               is much faster than the back-end stragglers and passes them 

               One of the drivers, GASGANO, won't let ANAKIN by. ANAKIN 
               tries to pass him on one side and is cut off. He then tries 
               to pass him on the other side ansd is cut off. As they come 
               up on a cliff drop-off, ANAKIN backs off, then guns it as 
               GASGANO goes over the cliff. ANAJIN accelerates so fast that 
               he sails right over the top of GASGANO and speeds away.

               Four TUSKEN RAIDERS perched above the race course fire their 
               rifles at the Pods racing in the canyon below them. One shot 
               ricochets off the back of Anakin's Pod.

                         B : Looks like a few Tusken Riaders 
                         have campe out on the canyon dune 


               JABBA THE HUTT and the crowd watch the progress of the race 
               on small, hand-held view screens. JAR JAR is looking over 
               the shoulder of a strange alien named FANTA.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Where's Skywalker?

               FANTA moves the view screen out of Jar Jar's view. PADME, 
               SHMI, and QUI-GON watch another screen and look worried.

               ARTOO, down in the pits with KITSTER, lets out a worried 
               sigh. The driver of the quadra-Pod looks worried.

               EXT. MOS ESPA - RACETRACK - DAY (FX)

               ANAKIN is powering around corners and over hills and cliffs, 
               passing other racers right and left. SEBULBA is in the lead.  
               He is being challenged by another racer, XELBREE.

               SEBULBA slows a little, and as XELBREE pulls alongside, he 
               opens a side vent on the racer's engine and the exhaust starts 
               to cut through the alien's engine.

               The blast cuts along the engine until finally it EXPLODES. 
               SEBULBA deftly veers away.

               ANAKIN works his way through a dense mass of racers as they 
               zoom over a dune sea, kicking up dust.  His Pod shakes 
               violently as he goes over a jump.

               One of the Podracers, ODY, catches one of his engines in the 
               sand, and the whole thing EXPLODES.


               QUI-GON sits quietly, meditating. PADME and SHMI search the 
               landscape for any sign of the racers.  JAR JAR is still 
               annoying FANTA for information.  The crowd SCREAMS. WATTO is 
               laughing with his friends, confident in Anakin's defeat.

               The quadra-Pod engines start just as the racers come around 
               the corner. The DRIVER, BEN QUADINAROS, puts it in gear, and 
               the four engines go off in all directions, EXPLODING in a 
               spectacular display. The Pod drops to the ground as SEBULBA 
               enters the arena, closely followed by all the OTHER RACERS.

               KITSTER strains to see as ARTOO beeps excitedly. The announcer 

                                     FODE/BEED (O.S.)
                         B ; There goes Quadinaros' power 
                         A : Sebulba! Ka pa me cheespa wata! 
                         (Here comes Sebulba in record time.)

               QUI-GON, PADME, SHMI, and JAR JAR yell for joy as ANAKIN 
               passes. JAR JAR is very nervous and pounds on the back of 
               his alien neighbor, FANTA. 

                                     JAR JAR
                         What gooie-on?

                         Bug off.

               Lap two. SEBULBA and the pack race past the main arena. The 
               crowd stands and YELLS as the Podracers scream off into the 
               distance. QUI-GON and PADME look worried.

                                     JAR JAR
                         He musta crash-ud.

                         Here he comes!

               EXT. MOS ESPA - ARENA - PIT AREA - DAY (FX)

               ARTOO lets out an excited whistle, as KITSTER yells.

               THREEPIO : He has to complete two more circuits? Oh dear!

               EXT. MOS ESPA - RACETRACK - DAY (FX)

               Sure enough, coming around the bend is ANAKIN, quickly gaining 
               on the pack.

               The two-headed announcer describes the action. The crowd 
               goes wild.

                                     FODE/BEED (O.S.)
                         B : It looks like Skywalker is moving 
                         up through the field. He's in...
                         A : Steeth pa nagoola! 
                         (Sixth place, not bad.)

               ANAKIN continues to gain on the pack. Tension for SHMI and 
               PADME is unbearable.

               ODY stops in the pits. Droids work on his engines. DUM-4 
               stands in front of the engine and is sucked in, causing the 
               engine to die. DUM-4 is spit out the back of the engine, 
               very bent up. The engine lets out one final wheeze, then 
               EXPLODES in a puff of smoke.

                                     FODE/BEED (O.S.)
                         A : Ody Mandrell! Coona wa wunda 
                         (Ody Mandrell into the pits for some 


               TERTER is getting close to SEBULBA, who purposely breaks a 
               small part off his Pod, sending it into Terter's engine, 
               causing him to veer into ANAKIN, and unhooks one of the main 
               straps on Anakin's engines that links the Pod to his engines.  
               ANAKIN struggles to keep control of the little Pod. It whips 
               about wildly.

               As the Pod swings near the broken engine strap, ANAKIN grabs 
               for it.

               Finally, he catches the strap and manages to unhook it to 
               the Pod.

               SEBULBA cuts the engine of OBITOKI with his side exhaust, 
               and the racer crashes with a cloud of dust. A THIRD RACER, 
               HABBA, flie into the cloud of dust and crashes into OBITOKI. 
               ANAKIN rounds a corner and heads into the cloud of smoke. He 
               hits a part of one of the engines but regains control.

                                     FODE/BEED (O.S.)
                         B :At the start of the third and 
                         final lap, Sebulba is in the lead, 
                         closely followed by Skywalker...

               ANAKIN finally catches up with SEBULBA, and runs neck and 
               neck over the rough terrain. JAR JAR, QUI-GON, SHMI, and 
               PADME all SCREAM s ANAKIN comes through the arena. The lights 
               in the tower indicate that this is the third and last lap. 
               WATTO begins to worry.

               SEBULBA uses his side exhaust port to try to cut through 
               Anakin's engines.

               ANAKIN manages to avoid having his engine disabled but is 
               forced off course.

                                     FODE/BEED (O.S.)
                         B : Skywalker is forced onto the 
                         service ramp!
                         A : Oh noah!

               On a tight corner, ANAKIN dives to the inside and takes the 

                                     FODE/BEED (O.S.)
                         B : Amazing... a controlled thrust 
                         and he's back on course! What a move!

               SEBULBA is furious. He stay's right on Anakin's tail, crowding 
               him and pushing him through the turns.

               SEBULBA pushes ANAKIN harder, and the young boy has a 
               difficult time keeping control. One of the parts on Anakin's 
               engines begins to shake loose. ANAKIN sees it and switches 
               over to an auxiliary system. While he is trying to accomplish 
               this maneuver, SEBULBA races past him.

               ANAKIN tries to get around SEBULBA, to no avail. Every move 
               ANAKIN makes, SEBULBA is able to block.

               Finally, ANAKIN fakes a move into the inside as he usually 
               does, then tries to go around SEBULBA on the outside. They 
               race sid by side down the final stretch of the track.

                                     FODE/BEED (O.S.)
                         B : He's catching Sebulba.
                         A : Inkabunga. 

               SEBULBA veers toward ANAKIN and bangs into his Pod. He crashes 
               into ANAKIN over and over. The young boy struggles to maintain 
               control as the steering rods on the two Pods become hooked 
               together. SEBULBA laughs at ANAKIN.

                                     FODE/BEED (O.S.)
                         B : That little human being is out 
                         of his mind.
                         A : Punda tah punda! 
                         (They're neck and neck!)
                         B : They're side by side!
                         A : Bongo du bongu! 
                         (Shoulder to shoulder!)

               As they head for the final stretch, ANAKIN fights to unlock 
               the steering rods by trying to pull away from SEBULBA. The 
               strain on the steering rod is tremendous. Suddenly, ANAKIN's 
               steering arm breaks, and his Pos starts spinning.

               The release of tension sends SEBULBA into an ancient statue. 
               One engine EXPLODES, then the other.  SEBULBA skids through 
               the fire-balls, blackened, but unhurt. He slides to a smoking 
               stop, gets out of his racer, and throws what's left of a 
               shifter arm on the ground. Suddenly he realizes his pants 
               are on fire, and he struggles to put them out.  ANAKIN flies 
               through the EXPLOSION as the crowd stands, CHERRING.  PADME 
               and JAR JAR jump up and down with excitment, PADME screaming 
               for joy. ARTOO and KITSTER whistle hysterically. QUI-GON and 
               SHMI smile. ANAKIN races over the finish line, the winner.


               The two-headed announcer excitedly calls the finish.

                         B : It's Skywalker! The crowd are 
                         going nuts! Oh Ah Oh Ah (rock head 
                         in tandem with partner)

               EXT. MOS ESPA - ARENA - DAY

               As ANAKIN stops the Podracer, KISTER turns up, and they 
               embrace. Hundreds of SPECTATORS join them and put ANAKIN on 
               their shoulders, marching off, CHEERING AND CHANTING. Darth 
               Maul's PROBE DROIDS move through the crowd.

               INT. MOS ESPA - ARENA - PRIVATE BOX - DAY

               Several ALIENS leave Watto's box, laughing and counting their 
               money. WATTO sees QUI-GON standing in the doorway.

                         You! You swindled me! You knew the 
                         boy was going to win! Somehow you 
                         knew it! I lost everything.

               WATTO flies up to QUI-GON and puts his face right up against 

               QUI-GON simply smiles.

                         Whenever you gamble, my freind, 
                         eventually you'll lose. Bring the 
                         parts to the main hanger. I'll come 
                         by your shop later so you can release 
                         the boy.  

                         You can't have him! It wasn't a fair 

                         Would you like to discuss it with 
                         the Hutts...I'm sure they can settle 

                         No, no! I want no more of your tricks! 
                         Take him!

               The SITH PROBE DROID watches with great interest.

               EXT. MOS ESPA - ARENA - MAIN HANGER - DAY

               The Main Hanger is almost deserted as RACERS depart.

               INT. MOS ESPA - ARENA - MAIN HANGER - DAY

               JAR JAR gives ANAKIN a great hug, then PADME gives him a 
               hug, then SHMI.

                         Ah, gee...enough of this...

                         It's so wonderful, Annie. You have 
                         brought hope to those who have none. 
                         I'm so very proud of you...

                         We owe you everything.

                         Just feeling this good was worth it.

               In the background, QUI-GON has harnessed the EOPIES to 
               containers full of parts.

                         Padme. Jar Jar, let's go, we've got 
                         to get these parts back to the ship.

               The GROUP walks over to QUI-GON and the EOPIES.

               PADME climbs on behind QUI-GON. JAR JAR swings up onto the 
               second EOPIE, only to slwly slide off the other side. ARTOO 
               whistles. ANAKIN and SHMI wave as they ride off.

                         I'll return the eopies by midday.


               ARTOO cruises ahead of QUI-GON and PADME, who are riding one 
               of the EOPIES; JAR JAR ridses the other. They stop in front 
               of the sleek Naboo spacecraft.

               OBI-WAN comes out of the ship and joins them.

                         Start getting this hyperdrive 
                         generator installed. I'm going 
                         back...some unfinished business. I 
                         won't be long.

                         Why do I sense we've picked up another 
                         pathetic life form...?

                         It's the boy who's responsible for 
                         getting those parts.

               On a hill far overlooking the Naboo spacecraft, the SITH 
               PROBE DROID turns and speeds away.


               ANAKIN and A GREEDO are rolling around on the floor, fighting. 
               About A DOZEN OR SO KIDS are standing around them, yelling.  
               Suddenly, a long shadow is cast over the TWO BOYS; they stop 
               fighting and look up. QUI-GOMN is towering above them. KITSTER 
               is with them.

                         What's this?  

                         He said I cheated.

                         Did you?


                         Do you still think he cheated?


                         Well, Annie. You know the truth... 
                         You will have to tolerate his opinion, 
                         fighting won't change it.

               QUI-GON moves off down the street. Anakin follows. The GREEDO 
               wanders over to WALD who has been watching the goings-on.

                         Keep this up, Greedo, and you're 
                         gonna come to a bad end.

               Farther down the street QUI-GON and ANAKIN head toward 
               Anakin's hovel.

               QUI-GON takes a handful of credits from beneath his poncho 
               and hands them to the boy.

                         These are yours. We sold the Pod.

                              (suddenly beaming))

               INT. ANAKIN'S HOVEL - MAIN ROOM - DAY

               SHMI is cleaning up as ANAKIN bursts through the door, 
               followed by QUI-GON.

                         Mom, he sold the Pod. Look at all 
                         the money we have!

               ANAKIN pulls a bag of coins out of his pocket.

                         Oh, my goodness, That's wonderful.

                         And Anakin has been freed.


                         You're no longer a slave.

               ANAKIN jumps for joy! SHMI is stunned.

                         Did you hear that, Mom? 
                              (to Qui-Gon)
                         Was that part of the prize, or what?

                         Let's just say Watto has learned an 
                         important lesson about gambling.

                         Now you can make your dreams come 
                         true, Annie. You're free! 
                              (turns to Qui-Gon)
                         Will you take him with you? Is he to 
                         become a Jedi?

                         Our meeting was not a coincidence. 
                         Nothing happens by accident.
                              (to Anakin)
                         You are strong with the Force, but 
                         you may not be accepted by the Coucil.

                         A Jedi! Mighty blasters, you mean I 
                         get to go with you in your starship 
                         and everything?!

               QUI-GON kneels down to the boy.

                         Anakin, training to be a Jedi will 
                         not be a easy challenge. And if you 
                         succeed, it will be a hard life.

                         But it's what I want. What I've always 
                         dreamed about. Can I go, Mom?!

                         This path has been placed for you, 
                         Annie; the choice to take it is yours 

               ANAKIN thinks, looks to his mother, then to QUI-GON.

                         I want to go.

                         Then, pack your things. We haven't 
                         much time.


               ANAKIN hugs his mom and starts for the other room, then stops. 
               SHMI and QUI-GON give each other a knowing look. ANAKIN has 
               realized something.

                         What about Mom? Is she free too? 
                         You're coming, aren't you, Mom

                         I tried to free your mother, Annie, 
                         but Watto wouldn't have it.

                         But the money from selling...

                         It's not nearly enough.

               SHMI comes over to her son and sits next to him. Taking both 
               of his hands in hers, she draws him close.

                         Son, my place is here. My future is 
                         here. It is time for you to let go... 
                         to let go of me. I cannot go with 

                         I want to stay with you. I don't 
                         want things to change.

                         You can't stop change any more than 
                         you can stop the suns from setting. 
                         Listen to your feelings; Annie, you 
                         know what's right.

               ANAKIN takes a deep breath, drops his head. QUI-GON and SHMI 
               exchange a look of concern.  When ANAKIN raises up, there 
               are tears in his eyes.

                         I'm going to miss you so much, Mom...

                         I love you, Annie... now hurry.

               ANAKIN and SHMI hug. ANAKIN runs into the other room.

                         Thank you.

                         I will watch after him. You have my 
                         word. Will you be all right?

                         He was in my life for such a short 


               ANAKIN has thrown the last of his things in a small backpack. 
               As he leaves, he stops and pushes the button that wakes his 
               droid up. THREEPIO stares at him blankly.

                         Well, Threepio, I'm free...and I'm 
                         going away...in a starship...

                         Master, Annie, you are my maker, and 
                         I wish you well. Although I'd like 
                         it better if I were a little less 

                         I'm sorry I wasn't able to finish 
                         you, Threepio... give you coverings 
                         and all... I'm going to miss working 
                         on you. You've been a great pal. 
                         I'll make sure Mom doesn't sell you 
                         or anything. Bye.

               THREEPIO stares at ANAKIN as he rushes out of the room.

                         Sell me?!?


               KITSTER runs up to ANAKIN as he and QUI-GON exit Anakin's 
               hovel. SHMI stands in the doorway. ANAKIN pulls a handful of 
               coins out of his pocket and gives them to KITSTER.

                         There are so many of us who want you 
                         to stay, Annie... You're a hero.

                              (looks to Shmi)
                         I... have to go.

               QUI-GON has moved a short way down the street.



                         Thank's for every moment you've been 
                         here. You're my best friend.

                         I won't forget.

               ANAKIN hugs KITSTER and runs toward QUI-GON, then stops to 
               look back at his mother standing in the doorway. He turns 
               back to QUI-GON, then turns and runs back to his mother.

                              (starting to cry)
                         I can't do it, Mom. I just can't.

               SHMI hugs ANAKIN. QUI-GON watches from the distance. She 
               kneels down and looks him in the face.

                         Annie, remember when you climbed the 
                         great dune in order to chase the 
                         Banthas away so they wouldn't be 
                         shot... Remember how you collapses 
                         several times, exhausted thinking 
                         you couldn't do it?

               ANAKIN shakes his head.

                         This is one of those times when you 
                         have to do something you don't think 
                         you can do. I know how strong you 
                         are, Annie. I know you can do this...

                         Will I ever see you again?

                         What does your heart tell you?

                         I hope so...yes...I guess.

                         Then we will see each other again.

                         I.. will become a Jedi and I will 
                         come back and free you, Mom... I 

                         No matter where you are, my love 
                         will be with you. Now be brave, and 
                         don't look back... don't look back.

                         I love you so much.

               SHMI hugs ANAKIN, then turns him around so he is facing QUI-
               GON, and off he marches, like the brave little trooper that 
               he is. He marches right past QUI-GON, starring right ahead, 
               tears in his eyes, determined not to look back.

               EXT. TATOOINE - DESERT MESA - DAY

               The PROBE DROID beeps and whistles to DARTH MAUL. The SITH 
               LORD gets on a speeder bike and follows the PROBE DROID into 
               Mos Espa.


               ANAKIN and QUI-GON exit WATTO'S and stop before JIRA'S fruit 
               stand. ANAKIN hands JIRA some coins.

                         I've been freed, and I'm going away. 
                         Buy yourself a cooling unit with 
                         this... Otherwise I'll worry about 

               JIRA is astonished. She stares, not knowing what to say.

                         Can I give you a hug? 


               She gives him a hug.

                         I'll miss you, Annie... there isn't 
                         a kinder boy in the galaxy. You be 

               ANAKIN runs to join QUI-GON, who has already started down 
               the street. As they walk along together, QUI-GON notices 
               something out of the corner of his eye.  Suddenly, without 
               breaking his stride, he ignites his laser sword, swing around, 
               and lunges forward and cuts a lurking PROBE DROID in half. 
               QUI-GON inspects the sparking and fizzing DROID.

                         What is it?

                         Probe droid. Very unusual... not 
                         like anything I've seen before.

               Come on.

               QUI-GON and ANAKIN start running.


               QUI-GON and ANAKIN run toward the Naboo spacecraft. ANAKIN 
               is having a hard time keeping up.

                         Master Qui-Gon,sir, wait!

               QUI-GON turns to answer and sees a DARK-CLOAKED FIGURE bearing 
               down on a speeder bike.

                         Anakin, drop!

               ANAKIN drops to the ground just as DARTH MAUL sweeps over 
               him. DARTH MAUL jumps off his speeder bike, and before he 
               has hit the ground, the Sith Lord has swund a death blow 
               with his laser sword that is barely blocked by QUI-GON.

               ANAKIN picks himself up. The two galactic warriors, Sith and 
               Jedi, are bashing each other with incredible blows. They 
               move in a continual cloudof dust, smashing everything around 
               them. This is a fierce fight. ANAKIN gets up, bewildered by 
               the confrontation.

                         Annie, get to the ship! Take off! 
                         Go! Go!

               QUI-GON struggles to fend off the relentless onslaught as 
               ANAKIN races to the ship.


               ANAKIN runs into the main hallway of the spaceship, where 
               PADME and Capt. Panaka are working.

                         Qui-Gon's in trouble. He says to 
                         take off...now!!

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         Who are you?

                         He's a friend.


               Capt. Panaka, ANAKIN, and PADME rush into the cockpit where 
               OBI-WAN and RIC OLIE are checking the hyperdrive.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         Qui-Gon is in trouble, he says to 
                         take off!

                         I don't see anything.

                         Over there! Fly low!

               In the distance is a small cloud of dust.


               QUI-GON and DARTH MAUL continue theirsword battle. Leaping 
               over one another in an incredible display of acrobatics, the 
               two warrios hear the ship fly over them a few feet off the 
               ground. QUI-GON almost dissapears for a moment.  Before DARTH 
               MAUL knows what's happening, QUI-GON is on the spacecrat's 


               The SITH LORD immediately jumps onto the ramp after QUI-GON, 
               but barely makes it. His heels hang over the edge of a forty-
               foot drop. QUI-GON swings his laser sword with all his might 
               and knocks DARTH AMUL off the ramp and onto the desert floor. 
               The ramp closes, and the Naboo craft rockets away, leaving 
               the Sith Lord standing alone.


               The sleek spacecraft rockets away from the planet Tatooine.


               ANAKIN and OBI-WAN rush into the hallway to find QUI-GON 
               collapsed on the floor opposite the entry.  ARTOO is looking 
               over him. The JEDI is breathing hard, wet with sweat and 
               covered in dirt.

                         Are you all right?

                         I think so... that was a surpirse I 
                         wont soon forget.

                         What was it?

                         I don't know... but he was well 
                         trained in the Jedi arts. My guess 
                         is he was after the Queen...

                         Do you think he'll follow us?

                         We'll be safe enough once we're in 
                         hyperspace, but I have no doubt he 
                         knows our destination.

                         What are we going to do about it?

               OBI-WAN gives ANAKIN a "who are you?" look. ANAKIN returns 
               an innocent stare.

                         We will be patient. Anakin Skywalker, 
                         meet Obi-Wan Kenobi.

                         Pleased to meet you. Wow! You're a 
                         Jedi too?

               OBI-WAN gives the boy a skeptical look.

               INT. COCKPIT - SPACE

               RIC OLIE pulls back on the hyperdrive. OBI-WAN, QUI-GON, and 
               ANAKIN watch.

                         Let's hope this hyperdrive works and 
                         Watto didn't get the last laugh.

               The stars streak outside the cockpit window.


               The ship streaks into hyperspace.

               EXT. THEED - STREET - NIGHT (FX)

               SEVERAL FEDERATION DROIDS patrol a deserted city street. The 
               Palace can be seen in the distance.


               NUTE sits in a strange, mechanical walking chair, which 
               approaches SIO BIBBLE and SEVERAL OTHER NABOO OFFICIALS. 
               RUNE follows a few paces behind.

               DROID GUARDS surround SIO BIBBLE and THE OTHERS as FOUR 
               COUNCIL MEMBERS watch.

                         When are you going to give up this 
                         pointless strike? Your Queen is lost, 
                         your people are starving, and you, 
                         Governor, are going to die, much 
                         sooner than your people, I'm afraid. 
                         Take him away!

                         This invasion will gain you nothing. 
                         We're a democracy. The people have 
                         decided... They will not live under 
                         your tyranny.

               BIBBLE is taken away as OOM-9 approaches NUTE.

                         My troops are in position to begin 
                         searching the swamps for these rumored 
                         underwater villages... they will not 
                         stay hidden for long.


               The ship is asleep. The lights are dim as PADME walks into 
               the main room.

               She goes to a monitor and watches the BIBBLE plea recording. 
               JAR JAR is stretched out on the floor, snoring. ARTOO is to 
               one side, cooing as he rests.

               PADME appears tired. She senses someone watching her and 
               turns around with a start. She sees ANAKIN sitting in the 
               corner, shivering and looking verydejected. She goes over to 
               him. He looks up at her with tears in his eyes. He is holding 
               his arms to keep himself warm.

                         Are you all right?

                         It's very cold.

               PADME gives him her over-jacket.

                         You're from a warm planet, Annie. 
                         Too warm for my taste. Space is cold.

                         You seem sad.

                         The Queen is...worried. Her people 
                         are suffering...dying. She must 
                         convince the Senate to intervene, 
                         or...I'm not sure what will happen.

                         I'm...I'm not sure what's going to 
                         happen to me. I dunno if I'll ever 
                         see you again.. 
                              (he pulls something 
                              from his pocket)
                         I made this for you. Sou you'd 
                         remember me. I carved it out of a 
                         japor snippet... It will bring you 
                         good fortune.

               ANAKIN hands a wooden pendant to PADME. She inspects it, 
               then puts it around her neck.

                         It's beautiful, but I don't need 
                         this to remember you. Many things 
                         will change when we reach the capital, 
                         Annie. My caring for you will always 

                         I care for you too. Only I...miss...

               ANAKIN is disturbed about something. Tears are in his eyes.

                         ...You miss your mother.

               ANAKIN looks at her, unable to speak. She hugs him.


               MOVE with the ship as it heads toward Coruscant.


               The spacecraft dlies over the endlesscityscape of Coruscant, 
               the capital of the galaxy.


               ANAKIN looks out the cockpit window in awe.

                                     RIC OLIE
                         Coruscant...the capital of the 
                         Republic...the entire planet is one 
                         big city.  

                         Wow! It's so huge!

               INT. NABOO SPACECRAFT - DAY (FX)

               The ship flies through the cityscape of Coruscant.


               Supreme Chancellor VALORUM, SEVERAL GUARDS, and SENATOR 
               PALPATINE stand on a landing platform.

               The sleek Naboo spacecraft lands on the platform high above 
               the street level of the galactic capital. The ramp lowers. 
               OBI-WAN, QUI-GON, JAR JAR and ANAKIN descend the ramp first 
               and bow before PALPATINE and VALORUM.

               Capt. Panaka, TWO GUARDS, QUEEN AMIDALA, then PADME, RABE, 
               EIRTAE, and MORE GUARDS descend the ramp. QUEEN AMIDALA stops 
               before the group.

               ANAKIN and JAR JAR stand to one side, looking at the huge 
               city. PADME smiles at ANAKIN. PALPATINE bows before the Queen.

                         It is a great gift to see you alive, 
                         Your Majesty. May I present Supreme 
                         Chancellor Valorum.

                         Welcome, Your Highness. It is an 
                         honor to finally meet you in person. 
                         I must relay to you how distressed 
                         everyone is over the currant 
                         situation. I've called for a special 
                         session of the Senate to hear your 

                         I am grateful for your concern, 

               PALPATINE starts to lead QUEEN AMIDALA and her RETINUE off 
               the platform toward a waiting air taxi.

                         There is a question of precedure, 
                         but I feel confident we can overcome 

               JAR JAR and ANAKIN start to follow, then stop, noticing that 
               OBI-WAN and QUI-GON are staying with the SUPREME CHANCELLOR. 
               QUEEN AMIDALA waves to the duo to follow her.  ANAKIN looks 
               back to QUI-GON, and he nods to go ahead.

               ANAKIN and JAR JAR join the QUEEN, PALPATINE, PADME, RABE 
               and EIRTAE in the taxi. PALPATINE gives the Gungan and the 
               boy in the back of the taxi a skeptical look. JAR JAR leans 
               over to ANAKIN.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Da Queens- a bein grossly nice, mesa 
                              (he looks around)
                         Pitty hot!

               VALORUM and the JEDI watch the taxi move off into the city.

                         I must speak with the Jei Council 
                         immediately, Your Honor. The situation 
                         has become more complicated.


               QUEEN AMIDALA is sitting listening to PALPATINE. EIRTAE and 
               RABE stand behind the QUEEN; PADME is nowhere to be sen. 
               ANAKIN and JAR JAR are waiting in an adjoining room. They 
               can see the Queen but cannot hear what is being said.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Dissen all pitty odd to my.

                         Don't look at me. I don't know what's 
                         going on.

               Capt. Panaka enters, then goes into the room with QUEEN 


               PALPATINE is pacing as Capt. Panaka enters. EIRTAE and RABE 
               stand to one side.

                         ...the Republic is not what it once 
                         was. The Senate is full of greedy, 
                         squabbling delegates who are only 
                         looking out for themselves and their 
                         home sytems.  There is no interest 
                         in the common good...no civility, 
                         only politics...its disgusting. I 
                         must be frank, Your Majesty, there 
                         is little chance the Senate will act 
                         on the invasion.

                         Chancellor Valorum seems to think 
                         there is hope.

                         If I may say so, Your Majesty, the 
                         Chancellor has little real power...he 
                         is mired down by baseless accusations 
                         of corruption. A manufactured scandal 
                         surrounds him. The bureaucrats are 
                         in charge now.

                         What options do we have?

                         Our best choice would be to push for 
                         the election of a stronger Supreme 
                         Chancellor. One who will take control 
                         of the bureaucrats, enforces the 
                         laws, and give us justice. You could 
                         call for a vote of no confidence in 
                         Chancellor Valorum.

                         He has been our strongest supporter. 
                         Is there any other way?

                         Our only other choice would to be to 
                         submit a plea to the courts...

                         There's no time for that. The courts 
                         take even longer to decide things 
                         than the Senate. Our people are dying, 
                         Senator...more and more each day. We 
                         must do something quickly to stop 
                         the Federation.

                         To be realistic, Your Highness, I'd 
                         say we're going to have to accept 
                         Federation control for the time being.

                         There is something I cannot do.

               EXT. TEMPLE OF THE JEDI - DAY (FX)

               A unique building with it tall spires stands out against the 
               Coruscant skyline. A small transport passes by the vast 


               QUI-GON stands in a tall stately room. Twelve JEDI sit in a 
               semi-circle.  OBI-WAN stands behind QUI-GON in the center of 
               the room.

               The Senior Jedi is MACE WINDU. To his left is an alien Jedi 
               named KI-ADI-MUNDI, and to his right, the Jedi Master, YODA.

                         ...my only conclusion can be that it 
                         was a Sith Lord.

                                     MACE WINDU
                         A Sith Lord?!?

                         Impossible! The Sith have been extinct 
                         for a millenium.

                         The very Republic is threatened, if 
                         involved the Sith are.

                                     MACE WINDU
                         I do not believe they could have 
                         returned without us knowing.

                         Hard to see, the dark side is. 
                         Discover who this assassin is, we 

                         I sense he will reveal himself again.

                                     MACE WINDU
                         This attack was with purpose, that 
                         is clear, and I agree the Queen is 
                         the target.

                         With this Naboo queen you must stay, 
                         Qui-Gon. Protect her.

                                     MACE WINDU
                         We will use all our resources here 
                         to unravel this mystery and discover 
                         the identity of your attacker... May 
                         the Force be with you.

                         May the Force be with you.

               OBI-WAN turns to leave, but QUI-GON continues to face the 

                         Master Qui-Gon more to say have you?

                         With your permission, my Master. I 
                         have encountered a vergence in the 

                         A vergence, you say?

                                     MACE WINDU
                         Located around a person?

                         A boy... his cells have the highest 
                         concentration of midi-chlorians I 
                         have seen in a life form. It is 
                         possible he was conceived by the 

                                     MACE WINDU
                         You're referring to the prophesy of 
                         the one who will bring balance to 
                         the Force...you believe it's this 

                         I don't pressume...

                         But you do! Rrevealed your opinion 

                         I request the boy be tested.

               The JEDI all look to one another. They nod and turn back to 
               OBI-WAN and QUI-GON.

                         Trained as a Jedi, you request for 

                         Finding him was the will of the 
                         Force...I have no doubt of that.

               There is too much happening here...

                                     MACE WINDU
                         Bring him before us, then.

                         Tested he will be.


               Anakin, tentative, walks down one of the long hallways in 
               Senator Palpatine's quarters. He stops before a dor that is 
               flanked by TWO GUARDS.

                         May I help you, son?  

                         I'm...I'm looking for the handmaiden, 

               The GUARD speaks into his comlink as ANAKIN looks around a 
               bit nervously.

                         The boy is here to see Padme.

                         Send him in.

               The doors open, and ANAKIN enters the Queen's quarters.

               RABE greets ANAKIN as TWO OTHER HANDMAIDENS come and go into 
               the next room.

                         I'd like to speak with Padme, if I 

                         I'm sorry, Annie. Padme is not here 
                         right now.

               The Queen speaks out in the next room.

                                     AMIDALA (O.S.)
                         Who is it?

                         Anakin Skywalker, to see Padme, Your 

               The QUEEN moves into the doorway and studies ANAKIN. ANAKIN 
               bows and looks down, then takes a peek at her.

                         I've sent Padme on an errand.

                         I'm going to the Jedi temple to start 
                         my training, I hope.

               The QUEEN just stares at him.

                         I may not see her again... and... I 
                         just wanted to say goodbye.

                         We will tell her for you. We're sure 
                         her heart goes with you.

               ANAKIN bows again.

                         Thank you, Your Highness. I'm sorry 
                         to have disturbed you.

               The QUEEN dissapears behind the doorway, and ANAKIN exits.


               A large, distinctive looking domed building stands out amid 
               the cityscape of Coruscant.


               The Senate chambers are huge. Thousands of SENATORS and their 
               AIDES sit in the circular assembly area. CHANCELLOR VALORUM 
               sits in an elevated area in the center. Hindreds of AIDES 
               and DROIDS hurry about. SENATOR PALPATINE, QUEEN AMIDALA, 
               EIRTA, RABE, and Capt. Panaka sit in the Naboo congressional 
               box, which is actually a floating platform. PALPATINE leans 
               over to the QUEEN.

                         If the Federation moves to defer the 
                         motion...Your Majesty, Ibeg of you 
                         to ask for a resolution to end this 
                         congressional session.  

                         I wish I had your confidence in this, 

                         You must force a new election for 
                         Supreme Chancellor... I promise you 
                         there are many who will support us... 
                         it is our best chance... Your Majesty, 
                         our only, chance.

                         You truely believe Chancellor Valorum 
                         will not bring our motion to a vote?

                         He is distracted...he is afraid. He 
                         will be of no help.

                         The Chair recognizes the Senator 
                         from the sovereign system of Naboo.

               The Naboo congressional box floats into the center.

                         Supreme Chancellor, delegates of the 
                         Senate. A tragedy has occured on our 
                         peaceful system of Naboo. We have 
                         become caugt in a dispute you're all 
                         well aware of, which began right 
                         here with the taxation of trade 
                         routes, and has now engulfed our 
                         entire planet in the oppresion of 
                         the Trade Federation.

               A second box rushes into the center of the Senate. It is 
               filled with Federation trade barons led by LOTT DOD, the 
               Senator for the Federation.

                                     LOTT DOD
                         This is outrageous! I object to the 
                         Senator's statements!

                         The Chair does not recognize the 
                         Senator from the Trade Federation at 
                         this time. Please return to your 

               LOTT DOD reluctantly moves back to his place.

                         To state our allegations, I present 
                         Queen Amidala, the recently elected 
                         ruler of Naboo, to speak on our 

               QUEEN AMIDALA stands and addresses the assembly. There is 
               some applause.

                         Honorable representatives of the 
                         Republic, distinguished delegates, 
                         and Your Honor Supreme Chancellor 
                         Valorum, I come to you under the 
                         gravest of circumstances. The Naboo 
                         system has been invaded by force.
                         Invaded...against all the laws of 
                         the Republic by the Droid Armies of 
                         the Trade...

                                     LOTT DOD
                         I object! There is no proof. This is 
                         incredible. We recommend a commision 
                         be sent to Naboo to assertain the 


                                     LOTT DOD
                         Your Honor, you cannot allow us to 
                         be condemned without reasonable 
                         observation. It's against all the 
                         rules of procedure.

               A third box representing Malastare moves into the center of 
               the room. AKS MOE, the Ambassador, addresses the convention.

                                     AKS MOE
                         The Congress of Malastare concurs 
                         with the honorable delegate from the 
                         Trade Federation. A commision must 
                         be appointed...that is the law.  

                         The point...

               VALORUM confers with several of his AIDES and VICE CHAIRMAN 
               MAS AMEDDA.

               PALPATINE whispers something to the QUEEN.

                         Enter the bureaucrats, the true rulers 
                         of the Republic, and on the payroll 
                         of the Trade Federation, I might 
                         add. This is where Chancellor 
                         Valorum's strength will dissapear.

                         The point is conceded...Section 523A 
                         take precedence here. Queen Amidala 
                         of the Naboo, will you defer your 
                         motion to allow a commission to 
                         explore the validity of your 

               QUEEN AMIDALA is angry but remains composed.

                         I will not defer... I have come before 
                         you to resolve this attack on our 
                         sovereignty now.  I was not elected 
                         to watch my people suffer and die 
                         while you discuss this invasion in a 
                         committee. If this body is not capable 
                         of action, I suggest new leadership 
                         is needed. I move for a "vote of no 
                         confidence"...in Chancellor Valorum's 


               This causes a great stir in the assembly. A loud mumur 
               cresendos into a roar of approval and jeers. CHANCELLOR 
               VALORUM is stunned and stands speechless. His Vice Chair, 
               MAS AMEDDA, takes over.

                                     MAS AMEDDA
                         Order! We shall have order...

               Things settledown a little. The Federation box settles next 
               to AMIDALA.

               PRINCE BAIL ORGANA moves his box into the arena.

                                     BAIL ORGANA
                         Alderaan seconds the motion for a 
                         vote of no confidence in Chancellor 

                                     MAS AMEDDA
                         The motion has been seconded by Bail 
                         Organa of Alderaan.

               MAS AMEDDA turns to the confused VALORUM, and whispers 
               something to him.

                                     BAIL ORGANA
                         There must be no delays. The motion 
                         is on the floor and must be voted 
                         upon in this session.

                                     LOTT DOD
                         The Trade Federation moves the motion 
                         be sent to the procedures committee 
                         for study.

               The assembly begins to chant. VALORUM talks to MAS AMEDDA.

                         Vote now! Vote now! Vote now!

               PALPATINE stands next to AMIDALA.

                         You see, Your Majaesty, the tide is 
                         with us... Valorum will be voted 
                         out, I assure you, and they will 
                         elect in a new Chancellor, a strong 
                         Chancellor, one who will not let our 
                         tragedy continue...  

                                     MAS AMEDDA
                         The Supreme Chancellor requests a 
                         recess. Tomorrow we will begin the 

               The Federation delegation is furious. VALORUM turns to 

                         Palpatine, I thought you were my 
                         ally...my friend. You have betrayed 
                         me! How could you do this?


               OBI-WAN and QUI-GON stand outside the palace on a balcony.

                         The boy will not pass the Council's 
                         tests, Master, and you know it. He 
                         is far too old.

                         Anakin will become A Jedi... I promise 

                         Don't defy the Council, Master..not 

                         I will do what I must.

                         Master, you could be sitting on the 
                         Council by now if you would just 
                         follow the code. They will not go 
                         along with you this time.

                         You still have much to learn, my 
                         young apprentice.


               ANAKIN stands before the TWELVE JEDI. MACE WINDU holds a 
               small hand-held viewing screen. In rapid succession, images 
               flash across the screen.

                         A ship...a cup...a speeder.

               MACE WINDU turns the viewing screen off and nods toward YODA.

                         Good, good, young one. How feel you?

                         Cold, sir.

                         Afraid are you?

                         No, sir.

                                     MACE WINDU
                         Afraid to give up your life?

                         I don't think so.

               ANAKIN hesitates for a moment.

                         See through you, we can.

                                     MACE WINDU
                         Be mindful of your feelings...

                         YOur thoughts dwell on your mother.

                         I miss her.

                         Afraid to lose her..I think.

                              (a little angry)
                         What's that got to do with anything?

                         Eveything. Fear is the path to the 
                         dark side... fear leads to anger... 
                         anger leads to hate.. hate leads to 

                         I am not afraid!

                         A Jedi must have the deepest 
                         commitment, the most serious mind. I 
                         sense much fear in you.

                         I am not afraid.

                         Then continue, we will.


               QUEEN AMIDALA is standing, staring out the window, with JAR 
               JAR. The lights of the city shimmer before them. EIRTAE and 
               SABE stand near the door. JAR JAR turns to face the QUEEN 
               and sees her sadness.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Mesa wonder why da guds invent pain?

                         To motivate us, I imagine...

                                     JAR JAR
                         Yousa tinken yousa people ganna die?

                         I don't know.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Gungans ganna get pasted too, eh?

                         I hope not.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Gungans do die'n without a fight.... 
                         wesa warriors. Wesa gotta grand army. 
                         Dat why you no liken us, metinks.

               PALPATINE and Capt. Panaka rush into the rom and bow before 
               the QUEEN.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         Your Highness, Senator Palpatine has 
                         been nominated to succeed Valorum as 
                         Supreme Chancellor.  

                         A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome 
                         one. I promise, Your Majesty, if I 
                         am elected, I will bring democracy 
                         back to the Republic. I will put an 
                         end to corruption.  The Trade 
                         Fedreation will lose its influence 
                         over the bureaucrats, and our people 
                         will be freed.

                         Who else can be nominated?

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         Bail Antilles of Alderaan and Ainlee 
                         Teem of Malastare.

                         I feel confident...our "situation" 
                         will create a strong sympaphy vote 
                         for us... I will be Chancellor, I 
                         promise you.

                         I fear by the time you have control 
                         of the bureaucrats, Senator, there 
                         will be nothing left of our cities, 
                         our people, our way of life...

                         I understand your concern, Your 
                         Majesty; unfortunately, the Federation 
                         has possession of our planet. The 
                         law is in their favor.

                         With the Senate in transition, there 
                         is nothing more I can do 
                         here...Senator, this is your arena. 
                         I feel I must return to mine. I have 
                         decided to go back to Naboo. My place 
                         is with my people.

                         Go back!! But, Your Majesty, be 
                         realistic! You would be in danger. 
                         They will force you to sign the 

                         I will sign no treaty, Senator. My 
                         fate will be no different from that 
                         of our people. Captain!

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         Yes, Your Highness?

                         Ready my ship!

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         Please, Your Majesty, stay 
                         here...where it's safe.

                         No place is safe, if the Senate 
                         doesn't condemn this invasion. It is 
                         clear to me now that the Republic no 
                         longer functions as a democracy. If 
                         you win the election, Senator, I 
                         know you will do everything possible 
                         to stop the Federation. I pray you 
                         will bring sanity and compassion 
                         back to the Senate.

               AMIDALA and her RETINUE exit the room. PALPATINE has a self-
               satisfied smile on his face.


               ANAKIN, OBI-WAN, and QUI-GON stand before the TWELVE MEMBERS 
               OF THE JEDI COUNCIL.

                         ...Correct you were, Qui-Gon.

                                     MACE WINDU
                         His cells contain a high concentration 
                         of midi-chlorians.

                         The Force is strong with him.

                         He's to be trained, then.

               The COUNCIL MEMBERS look to one another.

                                     MACE WINDU
                         No. He will not be trained.

               ANAKIN is crestfallen; tears begin to form in his eyes.


               OBI-WAN smiles.

                                     MACE WINDU
                         He is too old. There is already too 
                         much anger in him.  

                         He is the chosen one...you must see 

                         Clouded, this boy's future is. Masked 
                         by his youth.

                         I will train him, then. I take Anakin 
                         as my Padawan learner.

               OBI-WAN reacts with surprise. ANAKIN watches with interest.

                         An apprentice, you have, Qui-Gon. 
                         Impossible, to take on a second.

                                     MACE WINDU
                         We forbid it.

                         Obi-Wan is ready...

                         I am ready to face the trials.

                         Ready so early, are you? What know 
                         you of ready?

               ANAKIN watches as QUI-GON and OBI-WAN exchange angry looks.

                         Headstrong....and he has much to 
                         learn about the living Force, but he 
                         is capabe. There is little more he 
                         will learn from me.

                         Our own council we will keep on who 
                         is ready. More to learn, he has...

                                     MACE WINDU
                         Now is not the time for this...the 
                         Senate is voting for a new Spreme 
                         Chancellor. Queen Amidala is returning 
                         home, which will put pressure on the 
                         Federation, and could widen the 

                         And draw out the Queen's attacker.

                         Events are moving fast...too fast.

                                     MACE WINDU
                         Go with the Queen to Naboo and 
                         discover the identity of the dark 
                         warrior.  That is the clue we need 
                         to unravel this mystery of the Sith.

                         Young Skywalker's fate will be decided 

                         I brought Anakin here; he must stay 
                         in my charge. He has nowhere else to 

                                     MACE WINDU
                         He is your ward, Qui-Gon...we will 
                         not dispute that.

                         Train him not. Take him with you, 
                         but train him not!

                                     MACE WINDU
                         Protect the Queen, but do not 
                         intercede if it comes to war until 
                         we have the Senate's approval.

                         May the Force be with you.

               OBI-WAN, QUI-GON, and ANAKIN leave.


               QUI-GON, OBI-WAN, and ANAKIN stand on the landing platform 
               outside the ship. ARTOO whistles a happy tune as he leans 
               over the edge of the platform, watching the traffic. Suddenly, 
               he leans over too far and falls overboard. After a moment, 
               he reappears, using his on-board jets to propel himself back 
               onto the landing platform. The wind whips at ANAKIN as he 
               listens to the JEDI.

                         It is not disrespect, Master, it is 
                         the truth.  

                         From your point of view....

                         The boy is dangerous...they all sense 
                         it. Why can't you?

                         His fate is uncertain, not dangerous. 
                         The Council will decide Anakin's 
                         future...that should be enough for 
                         you. Now get on board!

               OBI-WAN reluctantly boards the Naboo spacecraft followed by 
               ARTOO. QUI-GON goes over to ANAKIN.

                         Master Qui-Gon, sir, I do not wish 
                         to be a problem.

                         You won't be, Annie....I'm not allowed 
                         to train you, so I want you to watch 
                         me and be mindful...always remember, 
                         your focus determines your reality. 
                         Stay close to me and you will be 

                         Master, sir... I've been wondering... 
                         what are midi-chlorians?

                         Midi-chlorians are a microcopic 
                         lifeform that reside within all living 
                         cells and communicates with the Force.

                         They live inside of me?

                         In your cells. We are symbionts with 
                         the midi-chlorians.


                         Life forms living together for mutual 
                         advantage. Without the midi-chlorians, 
                         life could not exist, and we would 
                         have no knowledge of the Force. They 
                         continually speak to you, telling 
                         you the will of the Force.

                         They do??

                         When you learn to quiet your mind, 
                         you will hear them speaking to you.

                         I don't understand.

                         With time and training, Annie...you 

               Two taxis pull up, and Capt. Panaka, SENATOR PALPATINE, TWENTY 
               OR SO TROOPS, GUARDS, and OFFICERS walk briskly toward the 
               ship, followed by QUEEN AMIDALA, PADME, EIRTAE, and finally, 
               JAR JAR. AMIDALA and her HANDMAIDENS stop before the JEDI.

                         Your Highness, it is our pleasure to 
                         continue to serve and protect you.

                         I welcome your help. Senator Palpatine 
                         fears the Federation means to destroy 

                         I promise you, I will not let that 

               AMIDALA enters the ship, followed by her HANDMAIDENS. JAR 
               JAR hugs QUI-GON and ANAKIN.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Wesa goen home!

               They ALL move onto the ship. The ship takes off.


               NUTE and RUNE stand before a hologram of DARTH SIDIOUS.

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         The Queen is on her way to you. I 
                         regret she is of no further use to 
                         us. When she gets there, destroy 

                         Yes, my Lord.

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         Viceroy, is the planet secure?

                         Yes, my Lord, we have taken over the 
                         last pockets of primitive life forms.  
                         We are in complete control of the 
                         planet now.

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         Good. I will see to it that in the 
                         Senate, things stay as they are.  I 
                         am sending Darth Maul to join you. 
                         He will deal with the Jedi.

                         Yes, my Lord.

               DARTH SIDIOUS fades off.

                         A Sith lord here with us?!!


               ANAKIN stands next to the PILOT, RIC OLIE, pointing to various 
               buttons and gauges.

                         ...and that one?

                                     RIC OLIE
                         The forward stabalizer.

                         And those control the pitch?

                                     RIC OLIE
                         You catch on pretty quick.


               SABE and EIRTAE stand behind QUEEN AMIDALA as she talks with 
               QUI-GON and Capt. Panaka. OBI-WAN and JAR JAR watch.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         The moment we land the Federation 
                         will arrest you, and force you to 
                         sign the treaty.

                         I agree... I'm not sure what you 
                         hope to accomplish by this.

                         I'm going to take back what's ours.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         There are only twelve of us, Your 
                         Highness....we have no army.

                         I cannot fight a war for you, Your 
                         Highness, only protect you.

                         Jar Jar Binks!

               JAR JAR looks around, puzzled.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Mesa, Your Highness?

                         Yes. I need your help.


               The Naboo Cruiser heads toward the lush green planet. There 
               is only one Federation battle cruiser orbiting. OBI-WAN and 
               Capt. Panaka spot it on the view screen.

                         The blockade's gone.

                         The war's over...No need for it now.

                                     RIC OLIE
                         I have one battleship on my scope.

                         A droid control ship.

                         They've probably spotted us.

                         We haven't much time.


               The QUEEN, Capt. Panaka, TROOPS, and HANDMAIDENS get ready 
               to disembark as the ship alnds. The elevator door slides 
               open, and ANAKIN emerges into the hold area.  He see PADME 
               and run up to her.

                         Hi! Where have you been?  

                         Annie! What are you doing here?

                         I'm with Qui-Gon... but... they're 
                         not going to let me be a Jedi.  I'm 
                         too old.

                         This is going to be dangerous, Annie.

                         Is it? I can help... Where are we 

                         To war, I'm afraid. The Queen has 
                         had to make the most difficuld 
                         decision of her life. She doesn't 
                         believe in fighting, Annie. We are a 
                         peaceful people...

                         I want to help...I'm glad you're 

               ANAKIN smiles. PADME smiles back.

               EXT. NABOO SWAMP - DAY

               The Naboo spacecraft has landed in the Gungan swamp. TROOPS 
               unload the ships in the background as OBI-WAN approaches QUI-

                         Jar Jar is on his way to the Gungan 
                         city, Master.

               QUI-GON's thoughts are elsewhere.


               OBI-WAN and QUI-GON stand silently for a moment.

                         Do you think the Queen's idea will 

                         The Gungans will not easily be swayed, 
                         and we cannot use our power to help 

                         I'm... I'm sorry for my behavior, 
                         Master. It is not my place to disagree 
                         with you about the boy. I am grateful 
                         you think I am ready for the trials.

               QUI-GON looks at him for a long moment.

                         You have been a good apprentice. You 
                         are much wiser than I am, Obi-Wan.  
                         I foresee you will become a great 
                         Jedi Knight.


               JAR JAR swims down into Bubble City.

               INT. OTOH GUNGA - CITY SQUARE

               JAR JAR enters the main square of the bubble city. He stands, 
               stunned, in amazement and fear. He is nervous and shaking.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Ello! Where das everybody?

               The plaza is empty. He notices that many of the buildings 
               are shot up as if there had been a battle of some kind.

               EXT. NABOO SWAMP LAKE - DAY

               JAR JAR exits the swamp lake and walks over to QUEEN AMIDALA, 
               Capt. Panaka, OBI-WAN, and QUI-GON. PADME, EIRTAE, RABE, 
               ANAKIN, and ARTOO, FOUR PILOTS, and EIGHT GUARDS stand in 
               the background near the starship.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Dare-sa nobody dare. All gone. Some 
                         kinda fight, I tink. Sorry, no 
                         Gungas...no Gungas.  

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         Do you think they have been taken to 

                         More likely they were wiped out.

                                     JAR JAR
                         No... mesa no tink so. Gungan hiden. 
                         When in trouble, go to sacred place. 
                         Mackineeks no find them dare.

                         Do you know where they are?

               EXT. NABOO SWAMP - DAY

               The GROUP follows JAR JAR as he moves through the swamp. JAR 
               JAR stops and sniffs the air. The GROUP stop behind him.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Dissen it.

               JAR JAR makes a strange chattering noise. Suddenly, out of 
               nowhere, CAPTAIN TARPALS and SIX OTHER GUNGAN TROOPS riding 
               on KAADUS emerge from the brush.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Heyo-dalee, Captain Tarpals.

                                     CAPT. TARPALS
                         Binks!! Noah gain!

                                     JAR JAR
                         We comen to see da boss.

               CAPTIAN TARPALS rolls his eyes.

                                     CAPT. TARPALS
                         Ouch time, Binks... Ouch time for 
                         all-n youse.


               PADME, RABE,

               EIRTAE, and the rest of her group are led through a clearing 
               full of GUNGAN refugees.  At the far end are the ruins of a 
               grand temple with massive carved heads. BOSS NASS and several 
               other COUNCIL MEMBERS walk out on the top of a three-quarter-
               submerged head.

                                     BOSS NASS
                         Jar Jar, yousa payen dis time. Who's 
                         da uss-en others??

               QUEEN AMIDALA steps forward. Capt. Panaka and the JEDI stand 
               behind her.

                         I am Queen Amidala of the Naboo...I 
                         come before you in peace.

                                     BOSS NASS
                         Naboo biggen. Yousa bringen da 
                         Mackineeks... Dya busten uss-en omm. 
                         Yousa all bombad. Yousa all die'n, 
                         mesa tink.

               Capt. Panaka and HALF A DOZEN GUARDS and PILOTS look around 
               nervously, and the GUNGAN TROOPS lower their long power poles. 
               The JEDI stay relaxed.

               ANAKIN watches everything with great interest.

                         We wish to form an alliance...

               Suddenly, PADME steps forward.

                         Your Honor...

               ARTOO whistles a quiet "uh oh."

                                     BOSS NASS
                         Whosa dis?

                         I am Queen Amidala 
                              (points to Queen)
                         This is my decoy... my protection... 
                         my loyal bodyguard.

               ANAKIN is stunned. OBI-WAN and QUI-GON give each other a 
               knowing look.

                         ...I am sorry for my deception, but 
                         under the circumstances it has become 
                         necessary to protect myself. Although 
                         we do not always agree, Your Honor, 
                         our two great societies have always 
                         lived in peace...until now. The Trade 
                         Federation has destroyed all that we 
                         have worked so hard to build. You 
                         are in hiding, my people are in camps. 
                         If we do not act quickly, all will 
                         be lost forever...I ask you to help 
                         us...no, I beg you to help us.

               PADME drops to her knees and prostrates herself before BOSS 
               NASS. There is a gasp from Capt. Panaka, HIS TROOPS, and the 

                         We are your humble servants...our 
                         fate is in your hands.

               Slowly, Capt. Panaka and his TROOPS bow down before the GUNGAN 
               COUNCIL.  Then the HANDMAIDENS, ANAKIN, and finally the JEDI. 
               The GUNGANS are puzzled by this. BOSS NASS begins to laugh.

                                     BOSS NASS
                         Yousa no tinken yousa greater den da 
                         Gungans.. Mesa like dis.  Maybe wesa 
                         bein friends.


               NUTE, RUNE, and DARTH MAUL walk with a hologram of DARTH 

                         ...we've sent out patrols. We've 
                         already located their starship in 
                         the swamp... It won't be long, My 

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         This is an unexpected move for her.  
                         It's too aggresive... Lord Maul, be 

                                     DARTH MAUL
                         Yes, my Master.

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         Be patient... Let them make the first 


               A GUNGAN SENTRY sits on top of the ancient temple heah, 
               searching the landscape with a pair of electrobinoculars. He 
               sees something and yells down to ANAKIN at the foot of the 

                                     GUNGAN LOOKOUT
                         Daza comen!

                         All right. They're here!

               ANAKIN yells and runs over to PADME and the JEDI, who are 
               discussing a battle plan with FIVE GUNGAN GENERALS. SABE and 
               EIRTAE stand nearby. BOSS NASS puts his arm around JAR JAR.

                                     BOSS NASS
                         Yousa doen grand. Jar Jar bringen da 
                         Naboo together.

                                     JAR JAR
                         Oh, no, no, no...

                                     BOSS NASS
                         So, wesa maken yousa Bombad General.

                                     JAR JAR
                         General??! Oh, no..

               JAR JAR's eyes roll back, his tongue flops out and he faints.

               FOUR SPEEDERS pull up to the GROUP. Capt. Panaka and a DOZEN 
               OR SO GUARDS and PILOT pile out and join the group.

                         What is the situation?  

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         Almost everyone's in camps. A few 
                         hundred police and guards have formed 
                         an underground movement. I brought 
                         as many of the keaders as I could. 
                         The Federation Army's also much larger 
                         than we thought, and much stronger. 
                         Your Highness, this is a battle I do 
                         not think we can win.

                         The battle is a diversion. The Gungans 
                         must draw the Droid Army away from 
                         the cities. We can enter the city 
                         using the secret passages on the 
                         waterfall side.  Once we get to the 
                         main entrance, Capt. Panaka will 
                         create a diversion, so that we can 
                         enter the palace and capture the 
                         Without the Viceroy, they will be 
                         lost and confused.

               QUI-GON and OBI-WAN look on with interest.

                         What do you think, Master Jedi?

                         The Viceroy will be well guarded.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         The difficulty's getting into the 
                         throne room. Once we're inside, we 
                         shouldn't have a problem.

                         There is a possibility with this 
                         diversion many Gungans will be killed.

                                     BOSS NASS
                         Wesa ready to do are-sa part.

               JAR JAR smiles a very worried and sheepish grin. ANAKIN 
               watches with interest, as does ARTOO.

                         We have a plan which should immobilize 
                         the Droid Army. We will send what 
                         pilots we have to knock out the Droid 
                         control ship which is orbiting the 
                         planet. If we can get past their 
                         rayshields, we can sever communication 
                         and their droids will be helpless.

                         A well-conceived plan. However, 
                         there's great risk. The weapons on 
                         your fighters may not penetrate the 
                         shields on the control ship.

                         And there's an even bigger danger. 
                         If the Vicroy escapes, Your Highness, 
                         he will return with another droid 

                         That is why we must not fail to get 
                         to the Viceroy. Everything depends 
                         on it.

               INT. THEED - PALACE - THRONE ROOM - DAY

               NUTE, RUNE, DARTH MAUL, OOM-9, and a hologram of DARTH SIDIOUS 
               walk through the throne room.

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         ...she is more foolish than I thought.  

                         We are sending all available troops 
                         to meet this army of hers assembling 
                         near the swamp. It appears to be 
                         made up of primitives. We do not 
                         expect much resistance.

                         I am increasing security at all Naboo 
                         detention camps.

                                     DARTH MAUL
                         I feel there is more to this, My 
                         Master. The two Jedi may be using 
                         the Queen for their own purposes.

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         The Jedi cannot become involved. 
                         They can only protect the Queen. 
                         Even Qui-Gon Jinn will not break 
                         that conenant.... This will work to 
                         our advantage...

                         I have your approval to proceed then, 
                         My Lord.

                                     DARTH SIDIOUS
                         Proceed. Wipe them put...all of them. 

               INT. NABOO SWAMP LAKE - DAY (FX)

               All is peaceful. SMALL CRITTERS drink out of a large swamp 
               lake. Suddenly there is a disturbance in the middle of the 
               lake. A rush of bubbles, then a GUNGAN SOLDIER riding a KAADU 
               emerges from the water, followed by SEVERAL OTHERS. FROGS 
               and OTHER LITTLE ANIMALS flee in all directions as the GUNGAN 
               ARMY marches through the swamp. The KAADU shake themselves 
               off as they exit the lake. When JAR JAR's KAADU shakes off, 
               JAR JAR falls off.

               SOLDIERS on huge, lizard-like FAMBAAS with large shield 
               generators mounted on their backs follow the marching 
               WARRIORS. The GUNGAN ARMY heads out of the swamp and onto 
               the rolling grassy hills.

               HUNDREDS OF GUNGAN WARRIORS march in lon lines toward the 

               Federation tanks move up to a ridge and stop. In the distance 
               they see the GUNGAN ARMY marching toward them. The GUNGAN 
               GENERAL CEEL sees the tanks on the ridge and orders a halt. 
               The GUNGANS are spread out in a large line.

               JAR JAR is nervous. GENERAL CEEL signals to the shield 

                                     GENERAL CEEL
                         Energize the shields.

               A red ray shoots out of the generator and blasts into a large 
               dish on the back of a second FAAMBA and spreads like an 
               umbrella over the assembled WARRIORS.

               EXT. THEED - CENTRAL PLAZA - DAY

               PADME, followed by EIRTAE, OBI-WAN, QUI-GON, ANAKIN, and 
               ARTOO, stealthily makes her way toward the entrance to the 
               main hanger. They are followed by about TWENTY NABOO GUARDS, 
               PILOTS, and TROOPS.  They stop, and PADME uses a small red 
               laser light to signal across the plaza to Capt. Panaka, RABE 
               and TWENTY OTHER ASSORTED NABOO TROOPS. They signal back. 
               QUI-GON leans over to ANAKIN.

                         Once we get inside, Annie, you find 
                         a safe placeto hide and stay there.  


                         And stay there!

               DROID TROOPS mill about the tank-filled plaza. At the far 
               end of the plaza, SEVERAL DROIDS begin to run and fire. NABOO 
               SOLDIERS begin to fire back at the BATTLE DROIDS.

               As the ruckus erupts at one end of the plaza, PADME and her 
               TROOPS rush into the main hanger. Capt. Panaka and HIS 
               SOLDIERS continue to engage the DROIDS outside.

               INT. THEED - CENTRAL HANGER - DAY

               PADME's TROOPS rush into the hanger. BATTLE DROIDS begin 
               firing at them as they run for cover. ANAKIN runs under a 
               Naboo fighter. The JEDI deflect bolts aimed at PADME back 
               onto the BATTLE DROIDS, causing them to EXPLODE.


               NUTE, RUNE, and FOUR COUNCIL MEMBERS watch the plaza battle 
               on a large view screen.

                         I thought the battle was going to 
                         take place far from here...this is 
                         too close!

                         What is going on?

               DARTH MAUL enters the throne room.

                                     DARTH MAUL
                         I told you there was more to this... 
                         the Jedi are involved.

               EXT. NABOO GRASS PLAINS - DAY (FX)

               The Federation tanks begin to fire on the GUNGANS, but they 
               are protected by their energy shield.  The tanks stop firing, 
               and the GUNGANS CHEER, until they see the doors to the massive 
               transports open, and racks of BATTLE DROIDS are pulled out 
               and lined up by a squad of STAPS.

               The BATTLE DROIDS reconfigure into their standing position. 
               The GUNGANS get ready for an attack. OOM-9 gives the command 
               to move forward, and THOUSANDS OF DROIDS march toward the 

               The GUNGANS power up their weapons. The DROIDS slowly march 
               through the protective shield and start firing.  The GUNGANS 
               throw their power poles and fling small balls of energy with 
               slingshots.  The WARRIORS dump large balls of energy into 
               mortars that heat up and fire the energy goo onto the BATTLE 
               DROIDS, causing them to short out.

               The battle rages and the GUNGANS defend their shield 
               generators against the ARMY OF DROIDS. OOM-9 watches from a 
               tank on a hill overlooking the battle.

               INT. THEED - CENTRAL HANGER - DAY

               ANAKIN hides behind one of the Naboo fighters, ducking as 
               large bolts whiz past and EXPLODE near him. PADME and the 
               TWO JEDI destroy BATTLE DROIDS right and left. The QUEEN'S 
               TROOPS and EIRTAE also blast away at the DROIDS. PADME signals 
               to her pilots.

                         Get to your ships!

               The PILOTS and ARTOO UNITS run for the Naboo fighter craft 
               stacked in the hanger bay. ONE OF THE PILOTS jumps into a 
               fighter right above where ANAKIN is hiding.

                                     FIGHTER PILOT
                         Better find a new hiding place, kid. 
                         I'm taking this ship.

               The ship begins to levitate out of the hanger. BATTLE DROIDS 
               fire at it as it falls in behind five other fighters. ARTOO 
               whistles to ANAKIN from a second fighter not far away. ANAKIN 
               runs and jumps into the second fighter to hide.

               EXT. THEED - CENTRAL PLAZA - DAY (FX)

               Two Naboo starfighters exit the main hanger. A tank fires at 
               them, hitting one of them, which causes it to pinwheel into 
               the ground and EXPLODE.

               INT. THEED - CENTRAL HANGER - DAY

               Capt. Panaka, SABE and NABOO TROOPS rush into the hanger and 
               overwlm the few remaining BATTLE DROIDS. PADME, OBI-WAN, and 
               QUI-GON join forces with Capt. Panaka.

                         My guess is the Viceroy is in the 
                         throne room.

               She looks to QUI-GON.

                         I agree.

               They start to head for the exit, on the way passing the 
               fighter where ANAKIN is hiding. ARTOO whistles a greeting as 
               ANAKIN peeps out of the cockpit.

                          Hey! Wait for me.  

                         No, Annie, you stay there. Stay right 
                         where you are.

                         But, I...

                         Stay in that cockpit.

               They head for the exit. As they are about to go through the 
               door, suddenly everyone scatters, revealing DARTH MAUL 
               standing in the doorway. Capt. Panaka, PADME, and HER TROOPS 
               back away. QUI-GON and OBI-WAN step forward.

                         We'll handle this...

               The TWO JEDI take off their capes and ignite their laser 
               swords. DARTH MAUL takes off his cape, and ignites his laser 
               sword. Both ends of the sword light up.

               At the far end of the hanger, SIX WHEEL DROIDS roll in and 
               transform into their battle position.  ARTOO calls ANAKIN's 
               attention to the DROIDS.  The JEDI begin to fight the Sith 

                         Oh, no...

               The DROIDS begin to advance and start firing on PADME and 
               HER TROOPS.

                         We gotta do something, Artoo.

               ARTOO whistles a reply. Suddenly, the ship's systems go on, 
               and the ship begins to levitate.

                         All right, thanks Artoo! Great idea! 
                         I'll take over.  Let's see...

               ANAKIN steers the ship toward the DROIDS. He pushes a button, 
               and the ship begins to shake.

                         Where's the trigger? Oops, wrong 
                         one.. Maybe this one....

               ANAKIN pushes a second button, and the lasers begin to fire, 
               wiping out several DESTROYER DROIDS. ARTOO whistles a cheer.

                         Yeah, all right. "Droid blaster." 

               The JEDI are engaged in a fierce sword fight with DARTH MAUL. 
               They have moved into the center of the hanger. While the 
               WHEEL DROIDS are momentarily distracted by ANAKIN, Capt. 
               Panaka, PADME, and HER TROOPS exit into a palace hallway.

               The WHEEL DROIDS start firing at ANAKIN. There are EXPLOSIONS 
               all around him.

                         Oops...shield up! Always on the 
                         right...shields always on the right.

               ANAKIN flips several switches, and the after-burner ignites.

                         I know we're moving. I'll shut the 
                         energy drive down.

               The fighter rockets out of the hanger. ARTOO and ANAKIN hold 
               on for dear life.

                         Oops!! Wrong one.

               ARTOO beeps.

                         I'm not doing anything!

               ARTOO beeps.

                         I know...I didn't push anything.

               The SITH LORD's moves are incredible. He is fighting the TWO 
               JEDI at once, flipping into the air, outmaneuvering them at 
               every turn.


               The Naboo fleet leaves the planet and heads toward the space 

                                     RIC OLIE
                         Bravo Flight A, take on the fighters. 
                         Flight B, make the run on the 

                                     BRAVO TWO
                         Roger, Bravo Leader.

               The fleet approaches the space station. Many Federation 
               fighters exit the hangers and attack.

                                     RIC OLIE
                         Enemy fighters straight ahead!

               EXT. NABOO GRASS PALINS - DAY

               JAR JAR's clumsiness works for him in the battle. He gets 
               caught up in the wiring of a blasted DROID, dragging the 
               torso around with him, the DROID's gun firing randomly, 
               accidently blasting SEVERAL DROIDS in one process.

               OOM-9 decides to send in the WHEEL DROIDS and gives the 
               signal.  HUNDREDS OF WHEEL DROIDS roll out of the transports 
               and head down toward the battle.

               They slowly roll through the deflector shields, then transform 
               themselves once they get on the other side. The GUNGANS blast 
               the WHEEL DROIDS with energy balls. The DESTROYER DROIDS 
               blast many GUNGANS.


               A giant dogfight ensues. ANAKIN's fighter flies into space 
               above Naboo.

               ARTOO beeps a worried concern.

                         The Autopilot is searching for what 
                         other ships?

               ARTOO beeps and whistles.

                         There is no manual override, Artoo. 
                         You'll have to rewire it or something.

               ARTOO chirps that he's trying.

                         Look! There they are! That's where 
                         the autopilot is taking us.

               ANAKIN's fighter flies toward the Federation Battleship.

               INT. THEED - CENTRAL HANGER - DAY

               The SITH LORD drives the JEDI out of the hanger and nto the 
               power generator area next door.


               Three swords are crossed in an intense display of 
               swordmanship. The JEDI and the SITH LORD fight their way 
               across the narrow bridge of the Theed power generator. DARTH 
               MAUL jumps onto the bridge above them. The JEDI follow, one 
               in front of the SITH LORD and one behind. They continue their 
               sword fight.

               INT. THEED - PALACE - HALLWAY - DAY

               PADME, Capt. Panaka, EIRTAE, SABE and THIER TROOPS are trapped 
               in a hallway by BATTLE DROIDS.

                         We don't have time for this, Captain.  

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         Let's try the outside stairway.

               Capt. Panaka blasts a hole in the window, and they make their 
               way outside the building onto a ledge about six stories above 
               a raging waterfall.  SABE, EIRTAE and about TWENTY NABOO 
               SOLDIERS stay in the hallway to hold off the BATTLE DROIDS.


               PADME, Capt. Panaka, and about TEN OTHER NABOO SOLDIERS are 
               lined up along the edge. They have pulled small attachments 
               out of their pistols and fire at a ledge about four stories 
               above them. Thin cables shoot out of the pistols and are 
               embedded into the ledge. PADME, Capt. Panaka, and the OTHERS 
               begin to climb up the wall.


               The GUNGAN ARMY is no match for the DESTROYER DROIDS. JAR 
               JAR tries to run from the BATTLE DROIDS.

                                     GENERAL CEEL
                         Retreat! Retreat!

               The GUNGANS begin to turn and run, on foot, on their kaadu, 
               and in wagons.

               JAR JAR attempts to escape on a wagon of energy balls but 
               only manages to unhitch the back gate, causing all of the 
               energy balls to roll out of the wagon and down the hill. JAR 
               JAR scrambles to avoid being hit by one of the balls. FOUR 
               DESTROYER DROIDS aren't so lucky. They get blasted by the 
               energy balls.

               The GUNGANS renew their attack on the DROID ARMY. JAR JAR's 
               bumbling destroys several more DESTROYER DROIDS.


               ANAKIN finds himself in the middle of the space battle. A 
               ship explodes behind him (over his left shoulder).

                         Whoo, boy! This is tense!

               He looks forward to see enemy ships approaching head on.

                         Oops! Artoo, get us off Autopilot!

               ARTOO screams a reply.

                         I've got control?

               ANAKIN fips switches.

                         Okay, let's go left!

               He moves the controls left and the ship responds, turning 

                         Yes...I've got control. You did it, 

               ARTOO beeps

                         Go back!?! Qui-Gon told me to stay 
                         in this cockpit and that's what I'm 
                         gonna do. Now c'mon!

               An enemy fighter comes into his sights. ANAKIN pushes the 
               controls and instead of firing, his fighter accelerates past 
               the enemy ship.

                         Oops! Whoa!

               Now the enemy ship is on his tail. He tries evasive 

                         I'll try spinning, that's a good 

               ANAKIN rolls the ship as ARTOO screams desperately.

                         I know we're in trouble! Hang on! 
                         The way out of this mess is the way 
                         we got into it.

               ARTOO beeps a reply.

                         Which one? This one?

               ANAKIN yanks on the reverse thrusters and the ship slows 
               instantly- the enemy fighter shoots past and explodes against 
               the space station.


               The SQUADRON attacks the space station.

                                     RIC OLIE
                         Bravo flight...go for the central 

                                     BRAVO TWO
                         Roger, Bravo Leader.

               The attack is fruitless.

                                     RIC OLIE
                         Their deflector shield is too strong. 
                         We'll never get through it.

               Meanwhile, ANAKIN is being chased by another fighter. ARTOO 

                         I know, Artoo! This isn't Podracing!

               The enemy ship fires and hits ANAKIN's fighter, sending it 
               into a spin.

               ARTOO screams.

                         We're hit!

               ANAKIN regains control as his ship enters the space station 

                         Great gobs of bantha poo-doo!

               ANAKIN's ship dodges parked transport ships and other 
               obstacles. A huge bulkhead blocks his way. ARTOO beeps.

                         I'm trying to stop! I'm trying to 
                         stop! Whoa!

               ANAKIN hits the reverse thrusters and the ship skids to a 
               stop on the hanger deck. ARTOO givesout a worried whistle.

                         All right! All right! Get the system 

               ANAKIN ducks down to adjust a control panel.

                         Everything's overheated. All the 
                         lights are red.

               ARTOO sees DROIDS appraoching, and beeps frantically.


               The laser sword battle continues on the small catwalk around 
               the vast power pit. DARTH MAUL kicks OBI-WAN off one of the 
               ramps and he falls several levels. QUI-GON knocks the DARK 
               LORD off another ramp, and he lands hard on a ramp two levels 
               below. QUI-GON jumps down after him. The DARK LORD backs 
               away along the catwalk into a small door. QUI-GON follows as 
               OBI-WAN runs to catch up.


               The SITH LORD, followed by QUI-GON, enters a long hallway 
               filled with a series of deadly rays that go on and off in a 
               pulsing pattern that shoots down the corridor every minute 
               or so. DARTH MAUL makes it down several walls of deadly rays 
               before they close. QUI-GON is one wall away from the DARK 
               LORD. OBI-WAN is just starting into it and is five walls way 
               from DARTH MAUL.

               The JEDI must wait until the next pulse to advance down the 

               OBI-WAN is impatient and paces, waiting for the wall of rays 
               to open.

               QUI-GON sits and meditates. The SITH LORD tries to patch up 
               his wounds.


               A window in the hallway blasts apart. PADME, Capt. Panaka, 
               and HER SOLDIERS climb into the hallway. They head for the 
               door to the throne roo.

               Suddenly, two DESTROYER DROIDS skitter in front of the door. 
               PADME turns around and sees TWO MORE appear at the far end 
               of the hallway, trapping them in the middle.

               PADME throws down her pistol and turns to Capt. Panaka.

                         Throw down your weapons. They win 
                         this round.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         But we can't....

                         Captain, I said throw down your 

               Capt. Panaka and HIS MEN throw down their weapons.

               EXT. NABOO GRASS PLAINS - DAY

               A DESTROYER DROID blasts one of the shield generators, causing 
               it to EXPLODE. The protective shield begins to weaken and 
               fall apart.OOM-9 sees the shield weaken and orders his tanks 
               forward. The GUNGAN GENERAL signals a retreat as the tanks 
               enter the battle.

               The GUNGANS flee as fast as they can. JAR JAR is blown off 
               his KAADU and lands on one of the tank guns. A GUNGAN WARRIOR 
               signals JAR JAR to jump off. JAR JAR is afraid. The gun swings 
               around trying to knock JAR JAR off.

               JAR JAR hangs from the tank barrel as it moves along. Finally, 
               he jumps onto a KAADU behind a GUNGAN WARRIOR. EXPLOSIONS 
               from the tank fire are everywhere. It is chaos.


               The electric rays cycle as QUI-GON sits meditating. The wall 
               of the deadly rays turn away, and OBI-WAN starts running 
               toward QUI-GON and the DARK LORD. When the wall between QUI-
               GON and DARTH MAUL opens, QUI-GON is in a split second 
               fighting the DARK LORD with a ferocity not seen before. They 
               move into the area at the end of the corridor called the 
               melting pit, a small area that is mostly made up of a deep 

               The electron ray gates begin to close. OBI-WAN tries to make 
               it to the melting pit but is caught one gate short. He slides 
               to a stop just before he hits the deadly electron field.

               QUI-GON and DARTH MAUL battle around the melting pit as a 
               frustrated OBI-WAN watches.

               DARTH MAUL cathces QUI-GON off guard. The SITH makes a quick 
               move, bashes his lightsaber handle into QUI-GON's chin, and 
               runs him through. QUI-GON slumps to the floor in a heap.

               EXT. NABOO GRASS PLAINS - DAY

               The GUNGANS have beeb overrun. Some flee into the hills, 
               chased by BATTLE DROIDS on STAPS. Many OTHERS are herded 
               into groups by BATTLE DROIDS and DESTROYER DROIDS.

               JAR JAR and GENERAL CEEL are held in a small group with OTHER 

                                     JAR JAR
                         Dissa bad, berry bombad.

                                     GENERAL CEEL
                         Mesa hopen dissa working for da Queen.


               PADME, Capt. Panaka, and SIX OTHER OFFICERS are brought by 
               TEN BATTLE DROIDS before NUTE and RUNE and FOUR NEIMOIDIAN 
               COUNCIL MEMBERS.

                         Your little insurrection is at an 
                         end, Your Highness. Time for you to 
                         sign the treaty... and end this 
                         pointless debate in the Senate.

               SADBE dressed like the Queen appears in the doorway with 
               SEVERAL TROOPS.

               Several destroyed battle droids can be seen in the distance.

                         I will not be signing any treaty, 
                         Viceroy, because you've lost!

               NUTE and THE OTHERS are stunned to see a SECOND QUEEN. NUTE 
               yells at the TEN GUARDS in the room.

                         After her! This one is a decoy!

               SIX OF THE DROIDS rush out of the throne room after SABE. 
               NUTE turns to PADME.

                         Your Queen will not get away with 

               PADME slumps down on her throne and immediately hits a 
               security button that opens a panel in her desk opposite Capt. 
               Panaka.  PADME grabs two pistols, tosses one of the to Capt. 
               Panaka and one to an OFFICER. She takes a third pistol and 
               BLASTS the last of the BATTLE DROIDS.

               The OFFICERS rush to the door control panel as PADME hits 
               the switch to close the door. The OFFICER at the door jams 
               the controls. Capt. Panaka throws more pistols to the OTHER 
               GUARDS. The NEIMODIANS are confused and afraid.

                         Now, Viceroy, this is the end of 
                         your occupation here.

                         Don't be absurd. There are too few 
                         of you. It won't be long before 
                         hundreds of destroyer droids break 
                         in to rescue us.


               OBI-WAN screams as the pulsing electron gate opens, and the 
               SITH LORD attacks him. The DARK LORD is relentless in his 
               assault on the young JEDI.

               OBI-WAN and DARTH MAUL use the Force to fling objects at 
               each other as they fight. DARTH MAUL seems to have the upper 
               hand as OBI-WAN grows weary.

               DARTH MAUL catches OBI-WAN off guard, and the JEDI slips 
               into a melting pit. He is barely able to hold onto a nozzle 
               on the side of the pit. DARTH MAUL grin evilly at OBI-WAN as 
               he kicks OBI-WAN's lightsaber down the endless shaft.

               The SITH LORD smiles as he goes in for the kill. At the last 
               moment, OBI-WAN jumps up out of the pit, calls QUI-GON's 
               lightsaber to hi, throwing DARTH MAUL off. The young JEDI 
               swings with a vengeance, cutting the SITH down. DARTH MAUL 
               falls into the melting pit to his death.

               OBI-WAN rushes over to QUI-GON, who is dying.

                         Master! Master!

                         It is too late...It's...


                         Obi-Wan promise... promise me you'll 
                         train the boy...

                         Yes, Master...

                         He is the chosen one... he will... 
                         bring balance... train him!

               QUI-GON dies. OBI-WAN cradles his Master, quietly weeping.


               ANAKIN peeks over the edge of the cockpit to see BATTLE DROIDS 
               surrounding the ship. He ducks back down.

                         Uh oh. This is not good.

               He looks at the dashboard to see red lights.

                         The systems are still overheated, 

               The BATTLE DROID CAPTAIN walks up to the ship and sees ARTOO.

                                     BATTLE DROID CAPTAIN
                         Where's your pilot?

               ARTOO beeps a reply.

                                     BATTLE DROID CAPTAIN
                         You're the pilot?

               ARTOO whistles.

                                     BATTLE DROID CAPTAIN
                         Let me see your identification!

               ANAKIN sees the dashboard lights go from red to green.

                         Yes...we have ignition.

               He flips the switch and the engine starts.

                                     BATTLE DROID CAPTAIN
                              (seeing Anakin)
                         You! Come out of there or we'll blast 

                         Not if I can help it! Shields up!

               ANAKIN flips a switch and the ship levitates, knocking over 
               the BATTLE DROID CAPTAIN. The OTHER DROIDS shoot, but the 
               lasers are deflected by ANAKIN's shields. ARTOO beeeps.

                         his should stop them.

               ANAKIN fires lasers as the ship begins to rotate.

                         ...and take this!

               He presses a button and launches two torpedos which miss the 

                         Darn...I missed!

               The two torpedos fly down a hallway and explode inside the 
               reactor room.

                         Let's get out of here!

               ANAKIN's ship roars through the hanger deck, bouncing over 
               the DROIDS.

                         Now, this is Podracing! Whoopee!


               TEY HOW turns to CAPTAIN DOFINE.

                                     TEY HOW
                         Sir, we're losing power... There is 
                         some problem with the main reactor...

                         Impossible!! I don't...

               The bridge explodes.


               RIC OLIE watches in amazement as the Federation battleship 
               starts to explode from the inside out.

                                     BRAVO TWO
                         What's that?? It's blowing up from 
                         the inside.

                                     RIC OLIE
                         I don't know, we didn't hit it.

                                     BRAVO THREE
                         Look! One of ours! Outta the main 

               EXT. NABOO GRASS PLAINS - DAY

               Suddenly, all of the DROIDS begin to shake upside down, run 
               around in circles, then stop. The GUNGANS carefully move out 
               to inspect the FROZEN DROIDS. JAR JAR pushes one of the BATTLE 
               DROIDS, and it falls over.

                                     JAR JAR

               EXT. THEED - CENTRAL HANGER - DAY

               ANAKIN and ARTOO follow the squad of yellow Naboo starfighters 
               into the main hanger.

               INT. THEED - CENTRAL HANGER - DAY

               RIC OLIE and the OTHER PILOTS gather around as they exit 
               their ships.

                                     BRAVO TWO
                         He flew into the hold, behind the 
                         deflector shield and blasted the 
                         main reactor...  

                                     BRAVO THREE
                         Amazing... They don't teach that in 
                         the academy.

               ANAKIN's ship skids to a stop behind the other Naboo 
               starfighters. RIC OLIE, BRAVO TWO, the OTHER PILOTS, and 
               GROUND CREW rush to his ship.

                                     RIC OLIE
                         We're all accounted for. Who flew 
                         that ship?

               ANAKIN sheepishly opens the cockpit and stands up. All the 
               PILOTS stare in amazement.

                         I'm not going to get into trouble, 
                         am I?

               ARTOO beeps. oh. oh.


               The large, grand cruiser of the Supreme Chancellor lands in 
               the courtyard of the main hanger. Capt. Panaka and TWENTY 
               TROOPS guard NUTE GUNRAY and RUNE HAAKO. OBI-WAN, the QUEEN, 
               and her HANDMAIDENS stand before the NEIMOIDIANS.

                         Now, Viceroy, you are going to have 
                         to go back to the Senate and explain 
                         all this.

                                     CAPT. PANAKA
                         I think you can kiss your Trade 
                         franchise goodbye.

               The main ramp of the cruiser is lowered as OBI-WAN and Capt. 
               Panaka lead the VICEROY and HIS ASSISTANT toward the ship.  
               descend the walkway, followed by YODA and SEVERAL OTHER JEDI 

               The CHANCELLOR PALPATINE is greeted by the QUEEN.

                         Congratulations on youer election, 
                         Chancellor. It is so good to see you 

                         It's good to be home. Your boldness 
                         has saved our people, Your Majesty. 
                         It is you who should be congratulated. 
                         Together we shall bring peace and 
                         prosperity to the Republic.

               OBI-WAN greets YODA and the OTHER JEDI as Capt. Panaka takes 
               the NEIMODIANS onto the cruiser.


               The sun streams into the multi-windowed room at a low angle. 
               It is not quite sunset. YODA paces before OBI-WAN, who is 
               kneeling in the center of the room.

                         Confer on you, the level of Jedi 
                         Knight the Coucil does. But agree on 
                         you taking this boy as your Padawan 
                         learner, I do not.  

                         Qui-Gon believed in him. I believe 
                         in Qui-Gon.

                         The Chosen One the boy may be; 
                         nevertheless, grave danger I fear in 
                         his training.

                         Master Yoda, Igave Qui-Gon my word. 
                         I will train Anakin. Without the 
                         approval of the Council if I must.

                         Qui-Gon's defiance I sense in you. 
                         Need that, you do not. Agree, the 
                         council does. Your apprentice, young 
                         Skywalker will be.


               QUI-GON's body goes up in flames as the JEDI COUNCIL, the 
               QUEEN, SIO BIBBLE, Capt. Panaka, the HANDMAIDENS, and ABOUT 
               WAN (standing with ANAKIN), JAR JAR, BOSS NASS, and TWENTY 
               OTHER GUNGAN WARRIORS watch. There is a drum roll that stops. 
               Doves are released, and the body is gone. ANAKIN looks to 

                         He is one with the Force, Anakin...You 
                         must let go.

                          What will happen to me now?

                         I am your Master now. You will become 
                         a Jedi, I promise.

               To one side, MACE WINDU turns to YODA.

                                     MACE WINDU
                         There is no doubt. The mysterious 
                         warrior was a Sith.

                         Always two there are... no more... 
                         no less. A master and an apprentice.

                                     MACE WINDU
                         But which one was destroyed, the 
                         master or the apprentice?

               They give each other a concerned look.

               EXT. THEED - CENTRAL PLAZA - DAY

               CHILDEREN SING and throw flowers on the passing GUNGAN 
               SOLDIERS. The CROWDS CHEER. It is a grand parade.

               QUEEN AMIDALA stands next to the SUPREME CHANCELLOR PALPATINE, 
               stands in front of the QUEEN'S HANDMAIDENS and whistles at 
               the parade. QUEEN AMIDALA and PALPATINE smile at one another 
               In the parade are BOSS NASS and his GUARDS, JAR JAR and 
               GENERAL CEEL. The GUNGANS ride KAADU.  They stop before the 
               QUEEN and walk up the steps to stand by her side. BOSS NASS 
               holds up the Globe of Peace. EVERYONE CHEERS.

               The parade marches on.

                                                                  IRIS OUT:

               END TITLES

«Каждая сага имеет начало».
— Слоган фильма (источник)

«Звёздные войны. Эпизод I: Скрытая угроза» (англ. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace) — научно-фентезийный фильм 1999 года, сценаристом и режиссёром которого выступил Джордж Лукас. Это четвёртый фильм саги «Звёздные войны» и первая её глава согласно внутренней хронологии. В 2012 году он стал первым фильмом франшизы, вышедшим в 3D формате.

Фильм начинается с того, что два джедаяДжедайДжедай/Канон, назначенных послами для разрешения торговых разногласий, прибыли на орбиту находящейся в опасности планеты НабуНабуНабу/Канон. Когда напряжённая ситуация обернулась военным вторжением, джедаи, вместе с Падме АмидалойПадме Амидала НаберриПадме Амидала/Канон, королевой планеты, покинули Набу, в надежде добраться до столицы Галактической РеспубликиГалактическая РеспубликаГалактическая Республика/Канон — планеты КорусантКорусантКорусант/Канон. Там они надеялись найти мирное и дипломатическое разрешение возникших разногласий, приведших к конфликту. Однако во время полёта их корабль совершил вынужденную посадку для ремонта на планете ТатуинТатуинТатуин/Канон. Там джедаи встретили Энакина СкайуокераЭнакин СкайуокерЭнакин Скайуокер/Канон, мальчика рабаРабствоРабство/Канон, который обладал необычной связью с Великой СилойСилаСила/Канон. После возвращения на Набу герои обнаружили, что ситуация оказалась намного хуже, чем казалась изначально: ситхиСитхиСитхи/Канон, древние враги джедаев, которые считались уничтоженными, вернулись спустя тысячу лет.

Фильм вышел 19 мая 1999 года, спустя почти 16 лет после выхода последнего на тот момент фильма саги «Звёздные войны. Эпизод VI: Возвращение джедая». Выход картины сопровождался обширной пиар-кампанией в средствах массовой информации, и на него возлагались большие надежды. Несмотря на смешанные отзывы как критиков так и поклонников, фильм заработал $924.3 миллиона в мировом прокате, став самым прибыльным фильмом саги «Звёздные войны» без учёта инфляции. Переиздание фильма в формате Blu-ray вышло в сентября 2011 года, а 10 февраля 2012 года в кинотеатрах вышла переработанная версия в формате 3D.

Фильм стал первой крупной историей эпохи приквелов и, согласно новой каноничной внутренней хронологии «Звёздных войн», являлся отправной точкой для пятнадцатилетней истории этого временного промежутка. События фильма получили развитие в двух последующих частях трилогии приквелов, а также в анимационном фильме «Звёздные войны: Войны клонов» и в одноимённом телесериале. Множество сюжетов Легенд «Звёздных войн» также рассказывали о событиях или, в большей или меньшей степени, относились к событиям, показанных в «Скрытой угрозе» и её продолжениях.


в далёкой-далёкой галактике…

Star Wars Russian Logo.png

Эпизод I

Неспокойные времена настали для Галактической Республики. Налогообложение торговых путей к отдаленным солнечным системам стало причиной раздоров.

В стремлении добиться своего обуянная алчностью Торговая Федерация с помощью мощных боевых кораблей взяла в кольцо блокады маленькую планету Набу, лишив её всех поставок.

В то время как члены Конгресса Республики ведут напряженные дебаты в связи с тревожными событиями, Верховный канцлер втайне от всех поручил двум рыцарям-джедаям — хранителям мира и справедливости в Галактике — урегулировать конфликт…


«У меня нехорошие предчувствия».
«Я ничего не заметил».
«Это не связано с нашей миссией. Это нечто… неуловимое».
— Оби-Ван Кеноби — Квай-Гону Джинну (источник)

Квай-Гон Джинн и Оби-Ван Кеноби приготовились с боем покинуть корабль Торговой федерации.

Спор между Торговой федерациейТорговая федерацияТорговая федерация/Канон и отдалёнными звёздными системами Галактической РеспубликиГалактическая РеспубликаГалактическая Республика/Канон приводит к блокаде небольшой планеты НабуНабуНабу/Канон. КанцлерВерховный канцлерВерховный канцлер/Канон Республики ВалорумФинис ВалорумФинис Валорум/Канон тайно отправляет на флагман Торговой федерации двух рыцарей-джедаевРыцарь-джедайРыцарь-джедай/Канон Квай-Гон ДжиннаКвай-Гон ДжиннКвай-Гон Джинн/Канон и его падаванаПадаванПадаван/Канон Оби-Вана КенобиОби-Ван КенобиОби-Ван Кеноби/Канон в качестве послов. Заданием джедаев является вступить в переговоры с вице-королемВице-король Торговой федерацииВице-король Торговой федерации/Канон Нутом ГанреемНут ГанрейНут Ганрей/Канон и уладить конфликт, однако они не подозревают, что глава Федерации подчиняется таинственному Дарту СидиусуПалпатинШив Палпатин, — тому, кто приказывает Ганрею вторгнуться на Набу, а послов-джедаев — убить по их прибытии. В то время как республиканский корабльСияющий VIIСияющий VII/Канон уничтожен, Квай-Гон и Оби-Ван избегают отравления при помощиКонтроль дыханияКонтроль дыхания/Канон СилыСилаСила/Канон, после чего прорываются сквозь дроидов-стражников и попадают на поверхность планеты, спрятавшись в десантном корабле Торговой федерацииДесантный корабль C-9979Десантный корабль C-9979/Канон. Вскоре королеваКоролеваКоролева/Канон АмидалаПадме Амидала НаберриПадме Амидала/Канон выходит на связь с Ганреем и выражает своё неодобрение блокады Набу, на что тот отвечает, что блокада полностью законна и получила одобрение в Сенате РеспубликиГалактический СенатГалактический Сенат/Канон. Сразу после диалога Ганрей отдаёт приказ заблокировать все средства связи на планете и начать вторжение. В момент, когда связь неожиданно прерывается, Амидала ведёт разговор с сенаторомсенаторсенатор/Канон Палпатином о послах, отправленных на переговоры с Федерацией. Губернатор Сио БибблСио БибблСио Биббл/Канон выражает предположение, что сбой связи является первым признаком вторжения захватчиков.

Джедаи освободили королеву и её стражников от конвоирующих их боевых дроидов.

Среди набуанских болот и лесов Квай-Гон спасает аборигена-изгоя, Джа-Джа БинксаДжа-Джа БинксДжа-Джа Бинкс/Канон, который приводит их в подводное поселениеОто-ГунгаОто-Гунга/Канон своего народаГунганыГунганы/Канон и помогает таким образом скрыться от сил вторжения. Сами же войска Торговой Федерации осаждают столицу ТидТидТид/Канон и берут в заложники лидера планеты, королеву Амидалу, одновременно занимаясь поисками джедаев. Квай-Гон и Оби-Ван встречаются с вождём гунганов, БоссомБоссБосс/Канон НассомРугор НассРугор Насс/Канон, и просят его помочь населению Набу, однако Насс отказывается, хотя и предлагает им транспортТрёхпузырчатое бонгоГунганское подводное бонго. Вместе с этим Квай-Гон убеждает Насса отдать им Джа-Джа, поскольку того ждёт казнь за совершённые им преступления. Во время подводного путешествия сквозь ядро планеты, джедаи вместе с Бинксом подвергаются нападению несколькихМорской убийца опиМорской убийца опи/Канон морскихКоло-когтерыбаРыба-коготь коло/Канон чудищВодное чудовище сандоВодное чудовище сандо/Канон, вследствие чего транспорт повреждается, однако путники благополучно добираются до Тида, где спасают Амидалу от дроидов Федерации. При поддержке местных сил безопасностиКоролевские силы безопасности НабуКоролевские силы безопасности Набу/Канон они угоняют из доков королевский корабльНубийский королевский корабль 327 типа «J»Королевский звёздный корабль Набу, чтобы попытаться добраться до КорусантаКорусантКорусант/Канон, столицы Республики, где намереваются просить помощи у Сената. На орбите планеты звездолёт попадает под обстрел боевого корабля ФедерацииГрузовой корабль LH-3210 типа «Барышник»Грузовой корабль LH-3210 типа «Барышник»/Канон и едва не уничтожается, однако дроид-астромеханикДроид-астромеханикДроид-астромеханик/Канон R2-D2R2-D2R2-D2/Канон героически чинит корабль, позволив сбежать от захватчиков.

Ввиду серьёзных повреждений звездолёт вынужден совершить посадку на ближайшей планете. Невзирая на возражения капитана ПанакиКуарш ПанакаКуарш Панака/Канон — начальника службы безопасности Амидалы — временным убежищем становится отдалённая пустынная планета ТатуинТатуинТатуин/Канон, контролируемая хаттамиХаттыХатты/Канон. Вместе с Квай-Гоном и Джа-Джа в ближайший город Мос-ЭспаМос-ЭспаМос-Эспа/Канон направляется одна из служанок королевы, Падме. Вскоре они находят лавкуЗапчасти ВальдаМагазин Уотто/Канон тойдарианцаТойдарианцыТойдарианцы/Канон-старьёвщика УоттоУоттоУотто/Канон, у которого имеются нужные запчасти, однако торговец не намерен отдавать товар за республиканскую валютуГалактический стандартный кредитКредит/Канон, в чём не помогают даже трюки Силы Квай-Гона. Там же, в лавке, Падме знакомится с мальчиком-рабом по имени Энакин СкайуокерЭнакин СкайуокерЭнакин Скайуокер/Канон, который, очарованный красотой девушки и заметивший световой меч Квай-ГонаСветовой меч Квай-Гона ДжиннаСветовой меч Квай-Гона Джинна/Канон, решает помочь путникам. Поскольку начинается песчаная буря, мальчик приводит троицу в дом, знакомя со своей мамой ШмиШми Скайуокер-ЛарсШми Скайуокер-Ларс/Канон и сконструированным лично им дроидом C-3POC-3POC-3PO/Канон. Во время обеда обсуждается положение рабов на Татуине и местные гонкиГонки на подахГонки на подах/Канон — единственный, как считает Шми, выход получить запчасти от Уотто. Энакин вызывается пилотом гоночного подаГоночный подГоночный под/Канон, несмотря на протесты Квай-Гона и матери, однако в итоге Шми соглашается, зная, что судьба её сына лежит за пределами Татуина. Несмотря на то, что Падме сомневается в мальчике, Квай-Гон заключает сделку с Уотто, ставя на кон набуанский корабль против запчастей к нему же. Энакин, будучи одарённым механикомТехникТехник/Канон, завершает ранее начатую гоночную машинуГоночный под Энакина СкайуокераГоночный под Энакина Скайуокера/Канон. Ощущая в мальчике Силу, Квай-Гон берёт у него кровь на анализ, благодаря чему узнаёт, что уровень мидихлорианМидихлорианыМидихлорианы/Канон Энакина больше, чем у любого из джедаев.

Энакин обогнал Себульбу во время гонки Бунта Ив Классик.

Под давлением Федерации Сио Биббл отправляет на корабль королевы сообщение, в котором просит о помощи, однако Оби-Ван запрещает отвечать, мотивируя тем, что это может быть ловушка. Тем не менее, владыка Дарт Сидиус получает известие о возможном местоположении беглецов, за которыми отправляет своего ученика, Дарта МолаДарт МолДарт Мол/Канон, предписав ему убийство джедаев — то, чего так долго ждал ученик — и захват королевы Амидалы. Мол сажает свой корабль-невидимкуКинжалКинжал/Канон на Татуине, где проводит поиск при помощи разведывательных дроидовРазведывательный дроид DRK-1 «Тёмный глаз»Разведывательный дроид DRK-1 «Тёмный глаз»/Канон. Утром, перед гонкой, уверенный в победе Энакина Квай-Гон заключает новое пари с Уотто, поставив гоночный под против мальчика-раба. Между тем, в великом состязании, помимо Энакина, участвует десяток других гонщиков, среди которых выделяется чемпион из расы даговДагиДаги/Канон по имени СебульбаСебульбаСебульба/Канон. Однако, невзирая на нечестные приёмы Себульбы, тускенских налётчиковНарод песковНарод песков/Канон и временные неполадки своей машины, Энакин Скайуокер вырывается в лидеры и побеждает в состязании. Уотто вынужден выполнить условия сделки, вследствие чего набуанский корабль получает нужные запчасти, а Энакин — свободу. Хотя мальчик рад случившемуся, он не желает оставлять маму, но Шми убеждает сына в обратном, уверенная, что Энакин однажды станет великим джедаем. Между тем, Дарт Мол находит нужный корабль и появляется в тот момент, когда команда собирается покинуть планету. Квай-Гон вступает с неожиданным противником в дуэльДуэль на Татуине (Набуанский кризис)Дуэль на Татуине (Набуанский кризис)/Канон на световых мечахСветовой мечСветовой меч/Канон и, не дав тому взобраться на корабль, благополучно сбегает сам.

Амидала и Палпатин на заседании Сената по вопросу кризиса на Набу.

По прибытию на Корусант сенатор Палпатин и королева Амидала обсуждают сложившуюся ситуацию: Палпатин сомневается в том, что Сенат поможет Набу. Между тем, Квай-Гон сообщает Совету джедаевВысший совет джедаевВысший совет джедаев/Канон о своём сражении с таинственным, но обученным воином, в котором подозревает ситха — представителя ордена Тёмной стороны СилыТёмная сторона СилыТёмная сторона Силы/Канон, однако он, как считалось, вымер тысячу лет назад. Также мастера Совета узнают об Энакине — о том, кого Квай-Гон называет «точкой сосредоточения Великой Силы» и кого называет ИзбраннымИзбранныйИзбранный/Канон, способным, согласно пророчеству, принести равновесие в Силу. Совет тестирует мальчика и, хотя уровень Силы испытуемого весьма высок, мастер ЙодаЙодаЙода/Канон замечает исходящий от Энакина страх, что может привести на Тёмную сторону. Одновременно с этим проходящее в Сенате заседание складывается не в пользу Набу, поскольку Федерация отрицает всяческую вину. Канцлер Валорум, находясь под давлением бюрократических законов и сотен сенаторов, не может разрешить ситуацию, и тогда, не без влияния Палпатина, королева Амидала выносит вотум недоверияВотум недоверияВотум недоверия/Канон руководителю Республики. Дальнейшие события приводят к срочным выборамВыборы Канцлера Республики, 32 ДБЯВыборы Канцлера Республики, 32 ДБЯ/Канон нового канцлера, а сенатор Палпатин становится одним из кандидатов.

Совет джедаев отказывается обучать мальчика, объясняя это тем, что Энакин слишком взрослый, и тогда Квай-Гон сам изъявляет желание быть наставником. Мастера напоминают об Оби-Ване, как о единственном падаване, в то время как сам Оби-Ван пытается убедить Совет в том, что он готов стать рыцаремРыцарь-джедайРыцарь-джедай/Канон. Тем не менее, джедаи вынуждены отложить обсуждение и вернуться к политическим вопросам, поскольку Амидала решает вернуться на Набу, к своему народуНабуанцыНабуанцы/Канон — Сенат, погрязший в бюрократии и коррупции, смог бы принять нужное решение слишком поздно. Оби-Ван и его наставник назначены Советом для сопровождения Амидалы. Поскольку Энакин летит с ними, Квай-Гон всё же даёт мальчику определённые наставления: в частности, объясняет роль мидихлориан, живущих в каждом существе и позволяющих джедаям касаться Силы. Во время перелёта Энакин дарит Падме талисманТалисман из джапораТалисман из джапора/Канон в знак своих чувств. Между тем, Оби-Ван, изначально поссорившийся с учителем из-за Энакина, просит прощения у Квай-Гона.

Босс Насс в Священном месте гунганов.

В то время как Федерация окончательно захватывает Набу, Дарт Сидиус, знающий о возвращении Амидалы, отправляет Мола к Ганрею, которому приказывает довести до конца начатое — заставить королеву подписать договор. Поскольку по успешному возвращению на родину Амидала уже познакомилась с Джа-Джа, первым делом она решает просить помощи у гунганов, чтобы набуанцы получили шанс сразить захватчиков. Однако Джа-Джа, наведавшийся в подводный город, сообщает, что все гунганы покинули поселение, после чего он отводит набуанцев и джедаев в священное местоСвященное место гунгановСвященное место гунганов/Канон, где Амидала просит у Босса Насса поддержки. Вождь гунганов отказывается, и тогда выходит Падме, которая раскрывает себя как настоящую королеву Амидалу, чьё место занимала верная служанкаСабеСабе/Канон. Мольбами Падме удаётся добиться союза, и пока гунганы собирают армиюВеликая армия гунгановВеликая армия гунганов/Канон, Панака и его люди освобождают заключённых из лагерей Федерации.

План боевых действий таков: пока гунганы отвлекают основные силы дроидовАрмия дроидов Торговой федерацииАрмия дроидов Торговой федерации/Канон, выманивая их из города, ударная группа проникает в Тид, где основной целью является ангар королевского дворцаКоролевский дворец ТидаКоролевский дворец Тида/Канон и истребителиЗвёздный истребитель N-1Звёздный истребитель N-1/Канон — единственная возможность уничтожить станцию управления дроидамиЛинейный корабль типа «Барышник»Линейный корабль типа «Барышник»/Канон на орбите Набу. Воинство Насса под командованием капитана ТарпальсаРус ТарпальсРус Тарпальс/Канон и новоявленного генерала Джа-Джа, встречает дроидов на травянистых равнинах за городом. Первая атака противника не наносит ущерба благодаря защитным полям гунганов, после чего пехотные войска дроидов проникают под щиты, и завязывается битва. Одновременно с этим ударная группа, ведомая Падме, Панакой и джедаями, пробивается в ангар, где звено набуанских пилотовЭскадрилья «Браво»Эскадрилья «Браво»/Канон садится на истребители и отправляется к орбите. Энакин, не отходящий от Квай-Гона, тем не менее, вынужден спрятаться в кабине одного из оставшихся истребителей, который вскоре намеренно поднимает транспорт в воздух, открывая огонь по дройдекамДройдекаДройдека/Канон и защищая таким образом своих друзей. Неожиданно на пути группы встаёт Дарт Мол — Квай-Гон и Оби-Ван вступают с ситхом в дуэль на световых мечах, пока Падме и её люди идут другим путём, поднимаясь к верхним этажам дворца при помощи подъёмных тросовСиловой гарпунСиловой гарпун/Канон. Обученный владению двухклинковым мечомДвухклинковый световой мечДвухклинковый световой меч/Канон, Мол не уступает джедаям, однако битва перемещается в комплекс плазмыКомплекс по переработке плазмыГенератор энергии Тида, где в какой-то момент Оби-Ван выбывает из сражения.

Квай-Гон и Оби-Ван вступили в схватку с Дартом Молом во время битвы за Набу.

Несмотря на техническое превосходство гунганов, битва складывается не в их пользу, когда дроиды уничтожают генератор защитного поля. В дело вступают танки ФедерацииБронированный штурмовой танкБронированный штурмовой танк/Канон, обращающие врага в бегство; Джа-Джа и Тарпальс оказываются в числе окружённых дроидами гунганов. Поражение альянса кажется неизбежным, поскольку и королева с охранниками, попадающие в засаду, сдаются Ганрею. В этот момент Энакин, случайно доставленный на орбиту автопилотом, присоединяется к космическому сражению, где набунацы-пилоты, ведомые Риком ОлиеРик ОлиеРик Олие/Канон, тщетно пытаются сбить станцию. Когда R2-D2 отключает автопилот, а Энакин разбирается с управлением, его подбивают дроиды-истребителиБоевой дроид-истребитель с изменяемой геометриейБоевой дроид-истребитель с изменяемой геометрией/Канон, вследствие чего мальчик совершает аварийную посадку внутри ангара станции. Здесь R2 удаётся починить корабль, и тогда Энакин атакует местных дроидов, однако выпущенные протонные торпедыПротонная торпедаПротонная торпеда/Канон повреждают критические системы станции, после чего та взрывается изнутри, а дроиды в космосе и на поверхности — выходят из строя. Падме и её подчинённые успешно расправляются с сопротивлением Ганрея, арестовывая главу Федерации. Между тем, Оби-Ван, отрезанный от схватки силовым полем, вынужден наблюдать, как ситх в поединке с Квай-Гоном теснит мастера и пронзаетШиакБой на световых мечах/Канон его световым мечом. После исчезновения поля ведомый местью Оби-Ван сам сражается с Молом, но, несмотря на то, что ученику-джедаю удаётся перерубить напополам световой меч противника, Дарт Мол продолжает бой с одним клинком и толчком Силы сбрасывает противника в шахту. Зацепившись за выступ, Оби-Ван оставляет ярость, а затем концентрируется и прыгает вверх, одновременно притягивая световой меч павшего учителя, чтобы рассечьСай токРасчленение/Канон противника. Поверженный ученик Сидиуса падает в тёмную бездну. Перед смертью Квай-Гон просит Оби-Вана стать учителем Энакина, и тот даёт слово, что сделает из мальчика джедая.

Сенатор Палпатин одерживает победу в выборах и, став новоиспечённым лидером Республики, первым делом прилетает на Набу. Пока Нут Ганрей отправляется отбывать наказание за свои преступления, канцлер поздравляет королеву Амидалу с её победой, а юному Энакину обещает «следить за успехами». Члены Совета джедаев также прибывают на Набу, где мастер Йода жалует Оби-Вану звание рыцаря и от лица Совета даёт разрешение обучать Энакина; сам Энакин узнаёт об этом на похоронахПохороны Квай-Гона ДжиннаПохороны Квай-Гона Джинна/Канон Квай-Гона, в ходе которых тело погибшего мастера с почестями кремируютКремацияКремация/Канон. Йода и мастер ВиндуМейс ВиндуМейс Винду/Канон, обсуждая произошедшее, соглашаются с выводом об участии ситхов, что означает лишь одно: древнейшие враги джедаев возвращаются из небытия, но, поскольку ситхов всегда двоеПравило двухПравило двух/Канон — учитель и ученик — кроме погибшего на Набу существует другой.

Гунганы и жители Набу празднуют общую победу.

Спустя сутки, жители Набу и гунганы устраивают в Тиде большой праздник с парадом в честь освобождения Набу от Торговой Федерации. Кульминацией торжества становится вручение королевой Амидалой подаркаСфера мираСфера мира/Канон Боссу Нассу в знак дружбы и уважения между двумя народами.


Разработка концепции

Во время написания сценария к оригинальному фильму «Звёздные войны», Джордж Лукас осознал, что придуманная им история слишком объёмна, чтобы уместить её в один фильм. Оригинальная картина задумывалась как своеобразное введение в обширную сюжетную арку, которая должна была раскрыться в продолжениях, в случае успеха первого фильма. Впоследствии, «Звёздные войны» эволюционировали из одного фильма, в целую серию[1][2]. Во время работы над третьим черновым вариантом фильма, Лукас заключил контракт, давший ему разрешение на создание двух продолжений. Работая над сценарием, он параллельно создавал предысторию придуманного им мира[3]. Во время подготовки сценария к первому сиквелу «Империя наносит ответный удар», Лукас провёл много времени, обдумывая дальнейшее развитие сюжета. Он сделал Дарта Вейдера, центрального отрицательного персонажа первого фильма, отцом главного героя — Люка СкайуокераЛюк СкайуокерЛюк Скайуокер/Канон, и создал предысторию, согласно которой Вейдер некогда был рыцарем-джедаемРыцарь-джедайРыцарь-джедай/Канон Энакином СкайуокеромЭнакин СкайуокерЭнакин Скайуокер/Канон — могущественным воином, павшим на Тёмную сторону Силы[3]. Создав предысторию, Лукас принял решение превратить серию в трилогию, переименовав фильм из «Эпизода II» в «Эпизод V»[4]. К финальному фильму трилогии — «Возвращение джедая», Вейдер превратился в трагического персонажа, в конечном итоге, искупившего свои грехи. Как сказал Лукас, он был «сожжён» и теперь мог отдохнуть от истории[5].

После потери большей части своего состояния из-за развода в 1987 году, Джордж Лукас принял решение о возвращении к работе над «Звёздными войнами», и неофициально отменил свою трилогию сиквелов, действие которой должно было развернуться после событий «Возвращения джедая». Это произошло из-за того, что у Лукаса уже была готова объёмная предыстория, поэтому идея приквелов всё больше захватывала его[3]. В начале 1990-х интерес к «Звёздным войнам» вновь возродился, причиной чему стали комиксы Dark Horse и книжная трилогия Тимоти Зана. Видя по-прежнему огромный интерес к его идеям для трилогии приквелов и стремительное развитие компьютерных спецэффектов, Лукас подтвердил своё возвращение в режиссёрское кресло новых фильмов по созданной им саге[3]. В 1993 году, в журнале «Variety» и некоторых других источниках, появилось подтверждение того, что он начал работу над приквелами. Работу Лукас начал с описания общих черт сюжета. Главным героем стал Энакин Скайуокер, сменивший Оби-Вана КенобиОби-Ван КенобиОби-Ван Кеноби/Канон, а фильмы должны были раскрыть трагедию становления Дарта Вейдера. Вместе с этим, Лукас начал изменять хронологию приквелов относительно оригинальной серии, наполняя их историю и добавляя предыстории, которые должны были существовать параллельно или каким-то образом касаться оригинальной истории. Таким образом, приквелы должны были стать отправной точкой единой истории, начавшейся в детстве Энакина и завершившейся вместе с его смертью. Это был первый шаг по превращению франшизы в сагу[3].

Джордж Лукас начал работу по написанию сценария новой трилогии «Звёздных войн» 1 ноября 1994 года[6]. Под сценарий был адаптирован пятнадцатистраничный набросок Лукаса, написанный им в 1976 году, и предназначавшийся для помощи в отслеживании предыстории персонажей и основных событий, произошедших до событий оригинальной трилогии[6]. В нём Энакин впервые был описан как ребёнок двенадцатилетнего возраста, однако Лукас исправил его возраст на девять лет, пояснив это тем, что так было проще объяснить эмоциональную привязанность мальчика к его матери после их разлуки. В результате, юный возраст Энакина вынудил Лукаса переписать его участие в финальной битве, вставив небольшую сцену, в которой тот разбирается в управлении корабля с помощью подсказок R2-D2R2-D2R2-D2/Канон, что сделало историю более правдоподобной[7]. Рабочий подзаголовок фильма звучал как «Происхождение» (англ. The Beginning)[6]. Позже Лукас раскрыл настоящий подзаголовок — «Скрытая угроза»; подразумевая ПалпатинаПалпатинШив Палпатин, скрывавшего свою истинную личность злого Лорда ситховЛорд ситховЛорд ситхов/Канон, за образом добропорядочного государственного служащего[8].

Огромный бюджет и возможности, открывшиеся благодаря развитию компьютерных эффектов, позволили Лукасу создать, как он говорил: «более грандиозные, более масштабные сцены — сделать «Звёздные войны» такими, какими я всегда мечтал их видеть.»[9] История первого фильма новой трилогии оканчивалась одновременно пятью сюжетными линиями, которые плавно перетекали одна в другую. В центре сюжета стояло намерение Палпатина занять пост канцлера, для достижения которой он возглавил атаку Торговой федерацииТорговая федерацияТорговая федерация/Канон на НабуНабуНабу/Канон, куда были отправлены джедаи, которые встретили Энакина, и на фоне всего этого произошло возрождение лордов ситхов. Как и в оригинальной трилогии, в «Скрытой угрозе» Лукас выстроил повествование таким образом, что смог раскрыть несколько поднятых тем в одном фильме. Двойственность являлась одной из основных тем фильма: королева АмидалаПадме АмидалаПадме Амидала/Канон, скрывающаяся за личностью служанки, Палпатин, играющий за обе стороны конфликта и Оби-Ван, конфликтующий со своим упорным наставником, но в итоге приходящий к выводу, что Квай-ГонКвай-Гон ДжиннКвай-Гон Джинн/Канон противостоял своей бунтарской натуре, и приняв свои обязанности. В фильме также была сильная линия равновесия: Энакин якобы являлся избранным, решения которого должны были принести равновесие в Силу и у всех персонажей был тот, кто мог повлиять на них. Лукас говорил: «Энакину нужна мать, Оби-Вану нужен учитель, Дарту Сидиусу нужен ученик», это всё было необходимо, так как без взаимодействий и диалогов «у вас не будет драмы.»[7]

Предварительное производство и дизайн

До того, как Лукас взялся за написание сценария, его производственный партнёр Ричард Мак-Каллум занялся подготовкой к фильму. Мак-Калум признался, что многие его наработки для сериала «Хроники молодого Индианы Джонса» воплотились в работе над «Скрытой угрозой». Это и долгосрочные контракты с актёрами и арендаторами павильонов, и работа с недавними выпускниками, не имевшими опыта работы в кинематографе, и создание декораций и пейзажей с помощью компьютерных технологий. В апреле 1994 года, Мак-Калум начал подбор художников в художественных, архитектурных и дизайнерских учебных заведениях, и спустя полгода он начал поиски натуры с производственным дизайнером Гэвином Боке. Арт-директор Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) Даг Чан очень впечатлил своими работами Мак-Калума и был назначен директором по дизайну[7][10].

За три или четыре месяца до начала Лукасом работы над написанием сценария, Чан и его команда дизайнеров начали просмотр тысяч дизайнерских работ к фильму[11]. Чан говорил, что Лукас хотел, чтобы «Эпизод I» отличался от остальных фильмов «Звёздные войны». Он должен был быть «богаче и стать частью того периода, так как это была история, приведшая к «Новой надежде». Ключевыми локациями должны были стать три планеты, на которых были места, сильно различающиеся своим дизайном: города людей и гунгановГунганыГунганы/Канон на Набу, различные экстерьеры и интерьеры зданий на КорусантеКорусантКорусант/Канон. За исключением города гунганов, дизайн которого был вдохновлен направлением ар-нуво, все остальные места имели некоторое внешнее сходство с реальными строениями. Концептуальные рисунки Ральфа Маккуорри, созданные для оригинальной трилогии, послужили основой для создания Мос-ЭспыМос-ЭспаМос-Эспа/Канон, который также создавался под впечатлением от старых тунисских отелей и зданий. Он также имел некоторые черты, такие как рынок, отличающие его от Мос-ЭйслиМос-ЭйслиМос-Эйсли/Канон, показанного в «Новой надежде». Рисунки Маккуорри послужили основой и для создания Корусанта, в частности, конструкция метрополиса, которая послужила основой для здания СенатаЗдание СенатаЗдание Сената/Канон[7]. Позже Боке развил идеи команды Чана, переведя концепты в конструкторские чертежи окружения и архитектурных стилей, и сделал их приближенными к реальному миру, чтобы «дать зрителям возможность глубже погрузиться» в фильм[7]. Некоторые элементы фильма были созданы под впечатлением от оригинальной трилогии. Так, описывая боевых дроидов, Лукас указал на то, что они являются предшественниками штурмовиковШтурмовикШтурмовик/Канон. Чан отталкивался от этого ориентира при создании боевых дроидовБоевой дроид B1Боевой дроид B1/Канон, делая их похожими на имперских солдат. Однако, создавая их облик, он делал большой уклон в общую стилистику фильма, поэтому в их дизайне использовались удлинённые черты, перенятые Чаном в племенном африканском искусстве[9].

Террил Уитлэтч, у которой был опыт работы в зоологии и анатомии, занималась дизайном существ. Многие инопланетные существа представляли собой гибриды, состоящие из комбинаций черт реальных животных. Порой, прорабатывались целые пищевые цепи, несмотря на то, что в фильме был показан лишь небольшой процент всех трудов художника. Уитлэтч также разработала детальные скелеты большинства персонажей и лицевые мышцы Джа-Джа БинксаДжа-Джа БинксДжа-Джа Бинкс/Канон, с которыми работали аниматоры ILM. Каждое созданное существо отражало окружение, в котором оно находилось. Так, существа с Набу делались более привлекательными, так как планета была «пышной и более благосклонной к животным», в то время как существа ТатуинаТатуинТатуин/Канон имели грубый вид с «обветренной шкурой, защищающей их от суровых условий пустыни», а на Корусанте обитали двуногие, похожие на людей, инопланетяне[7].

Дуэль Квай-Гона Джина и Дарта Мола. Лукас желал ускорить битвы на световых мечах, сделать их более интенсивными, чтобы показать какие были джедаи в период их расцвета.

Для разработки нового боевого стиля джедаев в новой трилогии был приглашён постановщик трюков Ник Гиллард. Он провёл параллель между битвой на световых мечах и игрой в шахматы, где «каждый удар, был шахом». Гиллард считал, что используя оружие ближнего боя, джедаи должны были выработать боевой стиль, объединяющий несколько стилей сражения на мечах, начиная с кэндо и других стилей кэндзюцу, и заканчивая различными размашистыми техниками, таким как теннисный размах и рубящий стиль. Для тренировок Лайама Нисона и Эвана Макгрегора Гиллард написал последовательность ударов протяжённостью почти 60 секунд, объединяющие по пять или шесть серий ударов в течение битвы[12]. Позже Лукас определил джедаев как «переговорщиков», а не машин для убийства. Предпочтение, отдаваемое джедаями рукопашному поединку, должно было подчеркнуть их духовную и интеллектуальную роль[12]. Поскольку Гиллард считал, что прыжки актёров и каскадёров, выполненные при помощи специальных тросов, выглядели нереалистично, он принял решение использовать портативные катапульты, которые подбрасывали их в воздух на самом деле[7].

Чтобы передать более сложное общественное устройство в новых фильмах, по сравнению с оригинальной трилогией, Лукас решил использовать более сложные костюмы. Дизайнер Триша Биггар и её команда создали более 1000 костюмов, которые были вдохновлены одеждой различных культур[13]. Биггар работала в тесном сотрудничестве с дизайнером концептов Иэном Маккейгом для создания цветовой палитры, подходящей жителям каждой из показанных в фильме планет: Татуин следовал «Новой надежде», с её выцветшей на солнце одеждой цвета песка, одежда Корусанта была серых, коричневых и чёрных оттенков, а люди Набу облачались в зелёный и золотой, в то время как гунганы носили «похожую на их собственную кожу» кожаную одежду. Костюмы джедаев переняли классический образ из оригинальных фильмов[7]. Костюм Оби-Вана был основан на костюме, который носил Алек Гиннесс в «Новой надежде». Лукас говорил, что он и Биггар просмотрели все концепты и «перевели эти наброски в ткани, выкройки и материалы, которые не выглядели глупыми в реальности.» Биггар также консультировалась с Гиллардом, для создания более практичных костюмов, которые подошли бы для боевых сцен, и отделом разработки существ, чтобы определить ткани, которые «не будут носимыми» на коже инопланетных существ. Огромный отдел на киностудии Leavesden был отдан под размещение 250 костюмов главных персонажей и 5000 костюмов массовки[7].


Остатки Мос-Эспа в Тунисской пустыне.

Съёмки, проходящие большей частью на киностудии Leavesden в Англии, начались 26 июня 1997 года, и закончились 30 сентября в том же году. Leavesden была арендована на два с половиной года, для того, чтобы съёмочная команда могла вернуться туда после окончания основных съёмок и доснять всё необходимое[7]. Лесные сцены Набу снимались в парке Кассиобери, что в Уотфорде, Хартфордшир[14][15]. Дополнительные съёмки проходили между августом 1998 года и февралём 1999, после чего Лукас показал черновой вариант фильма своим друзьям и коллегам в мае 1998 года[7]. Большая часть экшен-сцен и трюков была отснята второй командой Роджера Кристиана, которая работала параллельно с основной командой, чтобы успеть завершить съёмки вовремя[7].

Для съёмок сцен Татуина вновь была выбрана Тунисская пустыня[16]. Мос-Эспа был построен недалеко от города Таузар. На третьи сутки возле Таузара, ночью, неожиданная песчаная буря накрыла место съёмок и уничтожила большое количество декораций и реквизита. Производственная команда смогла быстро устранить повреждения, поэтому съёмки в Тунисе закончились без задержек и ровно в запланированный срок[17]. Итальянский Королевский дворец в Казерте использовался в качестве интерьера для Королевского дворцаКоролевский дворец ТидаКоролевский дворец Тида/Канон города ТидаТидТид/Канон[16]. На период съёмок, продлившихся четыре дня, он был закрыт для посетителей. Сцены взрывов были сняты на фоне воссоздающих облик итальянского дворца декораций, построенных на студии Leavesden[7].

Reggia Di Caserta (Казерта, Италия) послужил декорацией для воплощения Королевского дворца Набу.

Для того чтобы грамотно спланировать съёмочный период, был создан стенд с раскадровками, где отмечались сцены, которые было необходимо снимать на натуре, и сцены, снятые на фоне синего экрана хромакея, которые позже обрабатывались с помощью CGI. Зачастую декорации строились фрагментами, многие из них не превышали в высоту роста актёров задействованных в сцене. Хромакей широко использовался для дополнения цифровыми объектами декораций, создания задников и персонажей, которых было бы сложно воплотить без использования CGI. Также компьютерные эффекты использовались для корректировки сцен, в которых, по указанию кинооператора Дэвида Таттерсолла, необходимо было скрыть мощные лампы прожекторов, освещавших декорации. Специалист по визуальным эффектам Джон Нолл написал специальный скрипт, удалявший синие и зелёные отражения экранов хромакея со всех отражающих поверхностей. Нолл, который находился на съёмочной площадке на протяжении большей части съёмок, тесно сотрудничал с Таттерсоллом, чтобы убедиться, что эффекты выстрелов будут корректно смотреться после добавления компьютерной графики. Все камеры на съёмочной площадке были оборудованы специальным модулем, собиравшим технические данные, необходимые специалистам при добавлении CGI[7].

«Скрытая угроза» стала последним фильмом «Звёздных войн», снятым на 35 мм плёнку. Некоторые сцены, в особенности те, где использовались спецэффекты, были сняты на камеры высокой чёткости. Это было сделано для того, чтобы протестировать производительность цифровой записи, которую Лукас и Мак-Каллум считали следующим логическим шагом развития кинематографа. Цифровые технологии удешевили процесс съёмок. По сравнению с высокой стоимостью оцифровки снятого материала, стоимость прямой съёмки на цифровые камеры с записью на цифровые носители, удобные для последующей обработки и наложения компьютерных спецэффектов, обходилась дешевле. Для съёмок всех последующих фильмов использовались видеокамеры высокой чёткости Sony CineAlta[7][18].

На монтаж отснятого материала ушло два года. Пол Мартин Смит начал свою работу в Англии, сфокусировавшись на тяжёлых сценах диалогов. Бен Бёртт, бывший звуковым дизайнером фильма, отвечал за последовательность действия под руководством Лукаса. Система нелинейного монтажа сыграла ключевую роль в переносе на экран видения Лукаса своего фильма. Он постоянно перестраивал, исправлял и перерабатывал кадры и сцены. Финальное сведение звука было окончено в марте 1999 года, и в последующие месяцы фильм был окончен, после добавления в некоторые кадры недостающих визуальных спецэффектов.


«Написание сценария в этот раз было более приятным, потому что меня ничто не сдерживало. Вы не сможете написать ни один из этих фильмов, если не будете знать, как это можно реализовать. Имея CGI в своём распоряжении, я знал, что смогу воплотить всё что захочу.»
— Джордж Лукас

Более 1950 кадров «Скрытой угрозы» содержали визуальные эффекты. Единственной сценой, снятой без компьютерной обработки, был момент выпуска газа в переговорную комнату, в которой находились джедаи[19]. Работа по созданию спецэффектов была настолько интенсивной, что руководителям трёх подразделений пришлось разделить весь объём работы между своими подразделениями. Джон Нолл руководил работой на съёмочной площадке и работой над сценами гонок на подах и космических сражений. Деннис Мьюрен управлял работой по созданию подводных сцен и наземных битв. Скотт Сквайрс, вместе с командой миниатюрщиков и аниматоров, работал над эффектами световых мечей[7].

Ахмед Бест, в образе Джа-Джа Бинкса, во время съёмок сцены диалога с Джейком Ллойдом.

До начала работы над фильмом многие использованные в нём спецэффекты ещё не были разработаны, а добиться того же уровня качества, используя стандартные миниатюрные модели мэт-пэйнтинг и различные методы съёмки, не представлялось возможным. Однако, к тому времени, когда началась работа над «Скрытой угрозой», качество CGI значительно улучшилось, благодаря множеству фильмов, созданных при помощи этой технологии. Перед началом работы над эффектами Нолл просмотрел 3500 изображений раскадровки, с пояснениями Лукаса о том, какие кадры будут сняты на натуре и в каких будут использованы визуальные эффекты. Позже Нолл говорил, что услышав пояснения по раскадровке, он не имел ни малейшего понятия о том, как это воплотить на экране. В итоге было принято решение совместить стандартные методы создания спецэффектов с новейшими цифровыми технологиями, чтобы зритель не смог различить, где какая используется технология. Ноллу и его команде по созданию визуальных эффектов пришлось написать новое программное обеспечение, способное решить поставленные задачи. Так была создана программа симуляции ткани, позволяющая создать реалистичную одежду для цифровых персонажей, созданных для фильма. Ещё одной задачей было создание компьютерных персонажей, способных гармонично взаимодействовать с живыми актёрами. Во время съёмок сцен с участием цифровых персонажей, Лукас приводил на съёмочную площадку актёров, озвучивающих этих персонажей, и разыгрывал сцену с ними. После чего актёры озвучки удалялись из кадра методами цифровой обработки, и казалось, будто актёры играют свои роли в одиночку. Позже в кадр добавляли CGI персонажей и их взаимодействие с живыми актёрами выглядело очень естественным и реалистичным[20]. Также Лукас использовал CGI для добавления или удаления актёров в некоторых сценах[19]. Физические модели и миниатюры использовались для создания более реалистичных сцен общего плана, фонов, визуального расширения пространства и моделей техники, которые сканировались для создания цифровых моделей или использовались для съёмок космических кораблей и гоночных подов[7].

Наученный горьким опытом предыдущих фильмов, когда съёмки приходилось откладывать из-за отсутствия или проблем с реквизитом, необходимым для воссоздания R2-D2, Лукас позволил отделению ILM и отделу разработки спецэффектов в Великобритании создавать свои версии робота. Таким образом, было создано девять моделей R2-D2: одна для актёра Кенни Бейкера, который управлял дроидом изнутри, семь было создано специалистами из ILM и были оборудованы двумя небольшими двигателями, способными перемещать груз массой до 200 кг. Эти модели использовались в основном в качестве декораций. Ну и последний R2-D2 был создан специалистами из британской студии. Он оборудовался двумя или тремя пневматическими ногами. Эта модель использовалась для съёмок в Тунисе, так как её электропривод подходил для езды по песку[21].

Изначально Лукас планировал создать большинство инопланетян при помощи компьютерной графики, однако, если создание какого-то существа было экономически целесообразнее с использованием классических масок и аниматроники, то их созданием занималась команда Ника Дадмэна. Таким образом были созданы неймодианцыНеймодианцыНеймодианцы/Канон, фоновые персонажи в Мос-Эспа, Совете джедаевСовет джедаевСовет джедаев/Канон и Галактическом СенатеГалактический СенатГалактический Сенат/Канон. Команда Дадмэна приступила к созданию существ за полгода до начала основных съёмок. Костюмы неймодианцев, которых изначально планировалось создавать на компьютере, были готовы и доставлены на съёмочную площадку всего за день до начала съёмок сцен с их участием. Для отбора существ, к которым требовалось создать костюмы, Дадмэн наведывался на Ранчо Скайуокера, где просматривал существ из оригинальной трилогии, которых можно было бы реализовать, и перечитывал сценарий, чтобы отделить тех, которых нельзя было создать без использования CGI[7].

Во время исследования того, как должны выглядеть гоночные подыГоночный подГоночный под/Канон, команда специалистов по визуальным эффектам посетили свалку реактивных самолётов, находящуюся вблизи города Финикс, в Аризоне и забрали оттуда четыре двигателя от самолёта Boeing 747[19]. Специалисты по спецэффектам создали полноразмерные копии двигателей, которые были отправлены в Тунис, чтобы использовать их для съёмок. Однако кроме сцены с Джейком Ллойдом в гидравлически управляемой кабине и нескольких сцен с реальными моделями гоночных подов, вся остальная гонка была создана на компьютере[7][16].


Как и к предыдущим фильмам «Звёздные войны», музыка к фильму «Звёздные войны. Эпизод I: Скрытая угроза» была написана композитором Джоном Уильямсом. Он начал компоновать саундтрек в октябре 1998 года и начал запись с London Voices и Лондонским симфоническим оркестром на студии Эбби-Роуд 10 февраля 1999 года. Уильямс решил использовать электронные инструменты, такие как синтезаторы, чтобы усилить звук и хоровую составляющую, что позволило «захватить волшебную, мистическую силу, которую оркестру обычно не удаётся воспроизвести», и создать атмосферу фильма «более загадочной и таинственной и менее милитаристской», чем в оригинальной трилогии[22]. В одной из наиболее известных композиций «Дуэль судеб», используется хоровое пение, для придания большей религиозности, и создания ощущения, будто находишься в храме, во время эпической дуэли на световых мечах[23]. При написании темы Энакина Уильямс старался отразить невинность его детства и предзнаменовать его превращение в Дарта Вейдера, используя элементы «Имперского марша»[22].

Саундтрек фильма был издан Sony Classical Records 4 мая 1999 года. Структура альбома была несколько перестроена и отличалась от построения музыки в фильме. Уильямс пошёл на это сознательно, так как объём носителя не позволял поместить всю музыку фильма на один диск[24]. Двухдисковое «Полное издание» увидело свет 14 ноября 2000 года. Альбом почти полностью повторял порядок композиций, в котором они располагались в фильме, со всеми обработками[25].

Источники вдохновения и отсылки

Раскраска лица Дарта Мола является своеобразной отсылкой к каноническому для христианской религии изображению Дьявола.

Как и в предыдущих фильмах «Звёздные войны», в «Скрытой угрозе» присутствуют отсылки как к историческим событиям, так и к фильмам, которые Джордж Лукас смотрел в юности. Обычной практикой для фильмов «Звёздные войны», стало сплетение нескольких различных мифологий вместе[26].

Джедаи практикуют похожую на дзэн медитацию и боевые искусства так же, как это делали древние японские воины самураи. Имя «Квай-Гон» (англ. Qui-Gon) является адаптацией термина цигун (англ. Qigong), обозначающего древнее китайское искусство, включающее в себя практику китайских боевых искусств, медитативную практику и гимнастические упражнения, направленные на освобождение от телесных зажимов и энергетических блоков, а также на контроль жизненной энергии называемой «Чи» или «Ци» (англ. Chi или Qi). Слово Чи (англ. Chi) (Китайский), ки (англ. ki ) (Японский) и индийский эквивалент «Прана» обозначают энергию, которая, как считается, протекает через все живые организмы, и исходит от единого источника всех чи (или энергии) который известен как «Путь» или «Дао» (англ. Tao) в китайской философии. В даосской философии Путь происходит из инь и ян, противоположных, но взаимодополняющих аспектах реальности и природы. В отличие от китайской философии, в которой инь и ян не являлись моральными качествами, в Зурванизме, древнем персидском философском течении, присутствовало учение о том, что дуализм сил тьмы и света скован вечным противостоянием, будучи сторонами единой «Силы», силой самого времени, Зурвана — олицетворявшего время и пространство. Источником этих элементов в основном являются восточные и иранские религии и мифы[26].

В фильме также много отсылок и к христианской мифологии. К примеру — Дарт Мол. При создании его образа дизайнеры отталкивались от традиционного изображения Дьявола в христианстве, где тот предстаёт с красной кожей и рогами[26]. Татуировки на лице Мола созданы под впечатлением от ритуальных татуировок коренного народа Бразилии[9]. Фильмы цикла «Звёздные войны» отличает довольно сильное соответствие истории Энакина Скайуокера и христианской легенды о Мессии: он «избранный», тот, кому предначертано принести баланс в Силу, был рождён от непорочного зачатия и через соблазн присоединившийся к ситхам. Однако падение Энакина на тёмную сторону Силы, на какое-то время, лишило его возможности исполнить пророчество «избранного». История непорочного зачатия была переплетена с концепцией разработанной Джозефом Кэмпбеллом в его работе «Герой с тысячью лицами», которая, в значительной степени, повлияла на Лукаса во время работы над сценарием оригинальной трилогии «Звёздные войны»[26].

Японские фильмы, такие как фильм Акиры Куросавы «Скрытая крепость», повлиявший на Лукаса при создании оригинального фильма «Звёздные войны», также стали источником вдохновения для режиссёра и при создании «Скрытой угрозы». Историки кинематографа Джефф Кинг и Таня Кшивийска писали: «Костюмы и грим … являются смесью готичного и восточного, что, к тому же, ещё и очень футуристично. Готическое наиболее сильно проявляется в демонических рогах Дарта Мола, а чёрно-красная раскраска его лица напоминает древние японские маски, изображающие демонов». Кинг и Кшивийска писали: «Конский хвост [причёска] Квай-Гона и положение Оби-Вана как ученика позволяет рассматривать их взаимоотношения с точки зрения самурайских традиций». Также они добавляют: «Амидала, в соответствии с её статусом и характером, имеет несколько весьма официальных нарядов … под которые создаются причёски, обрамляющие макияж, свойственный актёрам традиционных японских театров»[27].


Один из самых популярных рекламных постеров к фильму.

Выход «Скрытой угрозы» сопровождался огромным интересом как среди поклонников, так и среди широкой аудитории. Одновременно с выходом «Скрытой угрозы» в прокат вышло несколько фильмов других киностудий. Среди них были такие студии как DreamWorks и Universal Studios, выпустившие «Любовное послание» и «Ноттинг-Хилл» соответственно. В результате, «Любовное послание» ожидал кассовый провал, в то время как «Ноттинг-Хилл» показал довольно неплохой результат, заняв второе место по сборам, оказавшись довольно близко к «Скрытой угрозе»[28]. По оценкам Challenger, Gray & Christmas of Chicago, консалтинговой фирмы, специализирующейся на вопросах трудоустройства, 2.2 миллиона штатных сотрудников не вышли на работу в день премьеры фильма, принеся таким образом общий ущерб экономике США в размере 293 миллионов долларов. По сообщению «The Wall Street Journal», число работников, сообщивших о своём намерении не выходить на работу в день премьеры, было настолько велико, что некоторые компании объявили этот день выходным[29]. Многие поклонники, чтобы попасть на фильм в день премьеры, начинали занимать очередь перед кинотеатрами за месяц до начала продажи билетов[30].

Множество очередей перед кинотеатрами появилось после объявления о том, что билеты на фильм начнут продаваться лишь за две недели до премьеры. Это было связано с опасением, что те поклонники, которые решат совершить семейный поход на премьеру, не смогут получить билеты, либо будут вынуждены покупать их по более высокой цене. По этой причине было принято решение продавать билеты по классической схеме продажи, непосредственно перед показом[31]. Однако, после встречи с представителями Национальной ассоциации владельцев кинотеатров, Lucasfilm согласились на предварительную продажу билетов, начиная с 12 мая 1999 года, на условии, что в одни руки будет отпускаться не более 12 билетов[32]. В результате, некоторые из предварительно проданных билетов были перепроданы «спекулянтами» по цене более $100 за штуку, что, по утверждению главы дистрибьюции, было «ужасно», и который заявил, что именно этого они и старались избежать[33]. По сообщению «Daily Variety» владельцы кинотеатров получили строгие инструкции от Lucasfilm, согласно которым, фильм обязан был демонстрироваться в крупнейших залах кинотеатров в течении первых 8—12 недель, а отчисления дистрибьютору 20th Century Fox должны были поступить в течении семи дней[34].

Несмотря на опасения не закончить фильм к сроку, за две недели до премьеры Lucasfilm перенёс дату релиза с 21 мая на 19 мая 1999 года. На ShoWest Convention, Лукас заявил, что это сделано для того, чтобы дать фанатам «фору», чтобы самые нетерпеливые смогли посмотреть фильм в течении недели, оставив семьям возможность сходить на фильм в выходные. В знак того, что будущее кинематографа за цифровыми технологиями, Лукас объявил о выходе фильма в четырёх залах с цифровыми проекторами 18 июня 1999 года[35]. Одиннадцать благотворительных премьер состоялись по всем Соединённым Штатам 16 мая 1999 года. В Лос-Анджелесе состоялось мероприятие, с корпоративным доступом в $5,000 и $25,000, средства с которого пошли в Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation[36]. Остальные благотворительные премьеры прошли в Далласе, средства с которой пошли в Children’s Medical Center, Нью-Йоркскую премьеру проводил Aubrey Fund, собиравший средства для Pediatric Cancer Research находящегося в Sloan-Kettering Hospital, средства с премьеры в Филадельфии пошли в Big Brother/Sister Assn., и премьера в Вашингтоне собирала средства для Children’s National Medical Center. Согласно отчёту, некоторые билеты продавались по цене в $500, а некоторые места в зале были зарезервированы для детей из малоимущих семей[37].


Lucasfilm потратили 20 миллионов долларов на рекламную компанию фильма и подписание лицензионных соглашений с Hasbro, Lego, Tricon Global Restaurants и PepsiCo[38]. Lucasfilm также помогла фан-клубу «Звёздных войн» организовать мероприятие под названием Star Wars Celebration, прошедшее в Денвере, Колорадо, с 30 апреля по 2 мая 1999 года[39].

Тизер «Скрытой угрозы» был показан перед фильмом «Знакомьтесь, Джо Блэк» 17 ноября 1998 года, и, как сообщали СМИ, люди платили за полный сеанс, чтобы посмотреть небольшой тизер «Звёздных войн»[40]. Второй трейлер был показан 12 марта 1999 года, перед фильмом «Командир эскадрильи». И снова многие поклонники пошли на фильм, чтобы посмотреть новый трейлер[41]. В тот же день в Интернете появилась пиратская версия трейлера, снятая в одном из кинотеатров, где проходил предпоказ[42]. На следующее утро трейлер был опубликован на официальном сайте фильма, и вскоре после этого его сервера оказались перегружены[43]. Показ полноценного трейлера вызвал больший ажиотаж, так как был показан не только в кинотеатрах, но также и на ShoWest Convention в Лас-Вегасе, и по телевидению на «Entertainment Tonight» и «Access Hollywood»[44]. Необычная рекламная компания прошла в Великобритании, где тизер был показан 2 декабря 1998 года, а затем, шестью неделями спустя, был изъят из кинотеатров[45].

Тизер-постер, на котором был изображён Энакин, отбрасывающий тень в форме силуэта Дарта Вейдера, был представлен 10 ноября 1998. Позже Лукас назначил художника Дрю Струзана, ответственного за постеры к Специальному изданию, в качестве основного художника для театральных постеров. Плакат был представлен 11 марта 1999 года. Для иностранных дистрибьюторов фильма Lucasfilm поставил условие, что единственным изображением, которым можно рекламировать фильм, должна быть иллюстрация Струзана, на которой разрешалось менять только текст, а все другие элементы должны были оставаться неизменными[46].

Выходу фильма сопутствовал выпуск множества связанной с ним продукции: видеоигра от LucasArts для PlayStation и PC[47], пинбольный аппарат от Williams[48], комиксовая адаптация в четырёх частях, выпущенная издательством Dark Horse Comics[49], и детская новеллизация, выпущенная издательством Scholastic[50]. Официальная новеллизация фильма была написана Терри Бруксом, который получил одобрение Лукаса и часто консультировался с ним[51].

Выход на видеоносителях

Сравнение кукольного ЙодыЙодаЙода/Канон, показанного в театральной и DVD версиях фильма, и его компьютерной модели, представленной в версии фильма на Blu-ray и в 3D версии.

Мировой релиз VHS версии фильма состоялся между 3 и 8 апреля 2000 года. В Северной Америке были выпущены две версии фильма: стандартная масштабированная версия и широкоэкранная версия коллекционного издания. В первые два дня продаж было продано 4,5 миллиона копий обычной версии фильма и 500 000 ограниченного издания[52]. «Скрытая угроза» стал первым фильмом серии «Звёздные войны», официально вышедшим на DVD 16 октября 2001 года. В это издание входило семь удалённых сцен, доработанных специально для DVD, дорожки с комментариями Лукаса и продюсера Ричарда Мак-Каллума и несколько документальных фильмов, включая полнометражный фильм «Создавая Эпизод I». «Скрытая угроза» стала самым продаваемым DVD в истории США, продавшись 2,2 миллионами копий за первую неделю начала продаж[53].

DVD версия была переиздана в составе трилогии приквелов 4 ноября 2008 года[54]. Laserdisc-версия «Скрытой угрозы» была выпущена в Японии за месяц до начала продаж DVD версии в США[55]. На Blu-ray Disc обе трилогии «Звёздных войн» вышли 16 сентября 2011 года[56]. В этой версии изображение «Скрытой угрозы» было восстановлено и улучшено, но пропали дополнительные материалы с предыдущего DVD релиза. Всего было восстановлено примерно 8 % кадров картины[57]. В Blu-ray версии «Скрытой угрозы» кукольный ЙодаЙодаЙода/Канон был заменён на CGI модель, созданную для второго и третьего фильмов трилогии приквелов[58].

7 апреля 2015 года Walt Disney Studios, Lucasfilm и 20th Century Fox совместно объявили о выходе шести первых фильмов саги «Звёздные войны» в цифровом формате. Так как студии Lucasfilm принадлежали права на распространение в цифровом формате Эпизодов I—III и V—VI, то Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment представила «Скрытую угрозу» на онлайн площадках 10 апреля 2015 года[59].

Несмотря на то, что после приобретения в 2012 году студии Lucasfilm Ltd., Walt Disney Company получила права на распространение всех будущих фильмов по вселенной «Звёздные войны», оригинальные права на распространение фильма «Звёздные войны. Эпизод IV: Новая надежда» в любом виде по всему миру остались у компании Fox, которая занималась его продюсированием и финансированием. Также Fox сохраняла права на коммерческий, некоммерческий показ и распространение физических копий последующих пяти картин, которые Lucasfilm производила и финансировала как независимая студия, до мая 2020 года, когда права должны были перейти к Disney. Такие сложные отношения между Fox и Disney, особенно пожизненное право Fox на Эпизод IV, являлось серьёзным препятствием для выпуска полного сборника из всех девяти фильмов, которые должны были выйти в будущем[60]. Но 14 декабря 2017 года The Walt Disney Company объявила о приобретении большей части материнской компании Fox, 21st Century Fox, включая киностудию и все права на распространение «Новой надежды»[61]. 20 марта 2019 года сделка о слиянии компаний была официально завершена[62]. За этим последовал анонс 12 апреля 2019 года выпуска полного собрания всех девяти фильмов саги «Звёздные войны», конвертированных под разрешение 4К, на Blu-ray в 2020 году[63].

3D версия

Афиша переиздания «Скрытой угрозы» в 3D формате.

28 сентября 2010 года было объявлено о том, что все шесть фильмов серии будут конвертированы в 3D. В связи с чем, каждый эпизод должен был вновь выйти в прокат, начиная со «Скрытой угрозы», которая была показана в кинотеатрах в феврале 2012 года.[64] Конвертирование проводила компания Prime Focus Limited, под чётким руководством специалистов ILM[65]. Однако, релиз 3D версий картин «Звёздные войны. Эпизод II: Атака клонов» и «Звёздные войны. Эпизод III: Месть ситхов» был отложен, после того, как Lucasfilm был приобретён The Walt Disney Company, которая решила сфокусироваться на разработке «Звёздные войны. Эпизод VII: Пробуждение Силы»[66].

Согласно высказыванию Джорджа Лукаса, 3D версия фильма является просто конвертированной версией фильма, выпущенной в 2011 на Blu-ray, без каких-либо добавлений или изменений[67]. Единственным подтверждённым изменением была магнитная палка Энакина, в сцене гонки на подах, которая была изменена, чтобы трёхмерная картинка точнее соответствовала оригинальному двухмерному изображению[68].

Релиз в России

27 июля 1999 года на телеканале «ОРТ» (ныне «Первый канал»), в программе «Тихий дом» Сергея Шолохова все тридцать минут были посвящены «Скрытой угрозе»[69]. 29 июля «Гемини Фильм Интернациональ» в рамках церемонии закрытия XXI Московского международного кинофестиваля в кинотеатре «Пушкинский» осуществил российскую кинопремьеру фильма «Эпизод I. Скрытая угроза»[70]. Для презентации фильма в Москву приехал продюсер картины Рик Маккаллум[71]. Перевод фильма сделала Ольга Воейкова[72], дубляж осуществляла студия «Невафильм»[73]; картина заработал в российском прокате 2.300.000$ и занял по итогам 1999 года второе место в целом и первое место среди зарубежных картин. В мировой кассе (без США и Канады) Россия заняла 30 место[74].

16 мая 2000 года «Лазер Видео Интернешнл» осуществил российский релиз VHS версии «Эпизод I. Скрытая угроза». По итогам российских продаж видеофильмов в 2000 году релиз занял третье место в целом и первое место среди зарубежных фильмов[75].

11 мая 2002 года телеканал «РТР» (ныне «Россия 1») осуществил российскую телепремьеру фильма «Эпизод I. Скрытая угроза»[76]. 15 мая 2005 телеканал «Первый канал» осуществил показ «Эпизод I. Скрытая угроза» со стереозвуком. В 2002 году телеканал «Россия» осуществил телепремьеру с монозвуком[77].

9 декабря 2010 года «Двадцатый Век Фокс СНГ» осуществил российские релизы DVD версий всех шести эпизодов, из которых пять (кроме «Эпизод III. Месть ситхов») выходили на российском DVD-рынке впервые. DVD выпускались в виде 6 однодисковых изданий, содержавших только соответствующий эпизод (без дополнительных материалов), и двух трёхдисковых изданий «Эпизоды I, II, III» и «Эпизоды IV, V, VI» (вновь только фильмы без дополнительных материалов)[78].

15 сентября 2011 «Двадцатый Век Фокс СНГ» осуществил российские релизы Blu-Ray всех шести эпизодов в виде двух трёхдисковых изданий «Эпизоды I, II, III» и «Эпизоды IV, V, VI» (только фильмы без дополнительных материалов) и полного девятидиского издания (6 дисков с фильмами и 3 диска с дополнительными материалами)[79].

3 февраля 2012 кинотеатр «Starlight на Багратионовской» (и ещё 10 кинотеатров по всей России), совместно с телеканалом «2×2» и «Двадцатый век Фокс СНГ» в рамках акции «Люк, я твой отец» провели эксклюзивный одноразовый предварительный показ «Эпизод I. Скрытая угроза в 3D» и более широкий кинопоказ анимационной пародии «Робоцып: Звёздные войны III»[80]. А 9 февраля состоялась российская кинопремьера фильма «Эпизод I. Скрытая угроза в 3D». Фильм заработал в российском прокате 2.442.000$. В мировой кассе (без США и Канады) Россия заняла 7 место[81].


Отзывы критиков

Фильм получил в основном смешанные отзывы. На начало 2015 года «Скрытая угроза» имела рейтинг обзоров 57 % на сайте Rotten Tomatoes, со средним баллом 5.8/10, основанном на 191 отзыве, с замечанием критиков: «Лукасу необходимо поработать над сюжетом и развитием персонажей, но в фильме есть множество конфеток для глаз, которые приковывают к экрану.»[82] Фильм также обладает 51 из 100 баллов на Metacritic, основанных на 36 обзорах[83]. На обоих сайтах у фильма наименьший рейтинг среди других фильмов серии «Звёздные войны», за исключением анимационных продолжений, таких как «Звёздные войны: Войны клонов». Критике подверглись многие аспекты сценария, особенно это касается персонажа Джа-Джа Бинкса, которого отрицательно восприняли многие старые поклонники серии, за его кукольность и за то, что его создали для увеличения продаж мерчендайза, а не как важного персонажа[84][85]. Кеннет Теран из «Los Angeles Times» описывал Бинкса как «большой промах, абсолютно комиксовый персонаж, который оказался абсолютно не смешным.» [86] В ответ на нелестные отзывы, Джордж Лукас раскритиковал американские СМИ за то, что те использовали комментарии из Интернета в качестве источников для новостей[87]. В 2002 году, во время выхода «Атаки клонов», Юэн Макгрегор сказал следующее, что «Скрытая угроза» была «довольно скучной», и добавил, «Мне кажется, что в Эпизоде II будет больше юмора и … цвета[88] Дрю Грант из «Salon.com», написала: «Возможно, обладающий полной творческой свободой, режиссёр Джордж Лукас и получал удовольствие, во время придумывания ‘комических’ сцен — без участия представителей студии и минимальном влиянии независимого участия актёров — но это путь на тёмную сторону.» [89]

В то же время, Роджер Эберт из «Chicago Sun-Times» дал фильму три звезды из четырёх, назвав его «удивительным достижением в области кинопроизводства», и добавил: «Лукас рассказал отличную историю.» Эберт также написал, что: «Если какие-то из персонажей менее проработаны, возможно так и должно было быть», потому как фильм открывает новую трилогию. Завершил он свой обзор, сказав, что вместо фильмов «Звёздный путь», режиссёры могли бы «давать мне прозрачные подводные города и огромный купол сената каждый день.»[90] Оуэн Глейберман из «Entertainment Weekly» поставил фильму оценку B и похвалил игру Лиама Нисона и боевые сцены[91]. В обзоре от «Entertainment Weekly» DVD версии фильма, Марк Бернанрин поставил ей C, назвав её «беспомощно выстроенной, ужасно написанной и рассчитанной на несовершеннолетних»[92]. Автор ReelViews.net Джеймс Берардинелли писал;

После просмотра картины, несмотря на все её недостатки, можно сказать — «Скрытая угроза» по прежнему является лучшей и самым весёлым «праздником за грош» из всего, что показывают в кинотеатре. В ней нет свежести оригинальных «Звёздных войн» и отсутствует тематическое разнообразие и повествовательная целостность «Империя наносит ответный удар», но она куда лучше «Возвращения джедая». На самом деле, после «Возвращения джедая» мне не хотелось вновь возвращаться к «Далёкой, далёкой галактике», но «Скрытой угрозой» Лукас вновь пробудил во мне интерес к серии.[93]

Эндрю Джонстон из «Time Out New York» писал: «Давайте взглянем правде в глаза — ни один фильм не удовлетворил бы столько ожиданий, сколько обрушилось на «Эпизод I: Скрытая угроза». Это не значит, что вышедший фильм стал разочарованием, напротив, он невероятно интересный, особенно если воспринимать его в отрыве от предыдущих работ. Как самостоятельный фильм, он предстаёт историей путешествия мальчика, банальной, но с ярким духовным подтекстом. Эффекты и постановка просто потрясающие, и они всегда работают на сюжет, а не иначе[94] Сьюзэн Вложина из «USA Today» назвала фильм «довольно достоверным» и отметила персонажей Дарта Мола и Уотто[95]. Девид Корнелиус с сайта efilmcritic.com сказал, что лучшие моменты фильма «не только уравновешивают слабые — они их полностью свергают.»[96] Колин Кеннеди из журнала «Empire» сказал, что несмотря на проблемы со сценарием, фильм «по прежнему доставит удовольствие от просмотра, из-за экшн-сцен, в которых показаны джедаи во всей их мощи.» Он отметил визуальную составляющую и игру Лиама Нисона, и назвал дуэли между Дартом Молом и джедаем — «самой лучшей битвой на световых мечах из всей саги»[97].

Журнал «Empire» внёс «Скрытую угрозу» в список «500 величайших фильмов всех времён»[98], в то время как «Entertainment Weekly» и Comcast внесли его в списки худших фильмов-продолжений[99][100]. Джеймс Берардинелли писал: «»Скрытая угроза» была, пожалуй, наиболее раздутой в прессе картиной за последнее десятилетие (если не больше), и в результате её репутация пострадала в связи с неудовлетворенностью безосновательно завышенных ожиданий.«[101] Уильям Арнольд из «Seattle Post-Intelligencer» согласился с тем, что многие негативные реакции относительно фильма были вызваны большой шумихой и высокими ожиданиями, он писал: «завышенные ожидания просто не могли быть воплощены, поэтому многие элементы фильма не смогли удивить зрителя.» Он также отметил что фильм был «хорошо и интересно снят» и был намного лучше других кассовых фильмов, вышедших в том же году: «Мумия» и «Матрица»[102].

Введение в мифологию саги мидихлорианМидихлорианыМидихлорианы/Канон — микроскопических организмов, являющихся посредником для пользования Силой — вызвало разногласия в среде поклонников. Некоторые рассматривали введение этой концепции как отрицание духовной составляющей Силы, однако в фильме по прежнему Сила изображалась как таинственная сущность, позволяющая использовать мидихлорианы для общения со всеми живыми существами. Историк кино Дэн Динелло говорил: «Многие фанатики «Звёздных войн» предали фильм анафеме, за то, что он свёл концепцию Силы до какой-то вирусной инфекции, на самом же деле, мидихлорианы стали своего рода биологическим интерфейсом, связывающим физические тела с духовной энергией.»[103] Религиозный эксперт Джон Ди. Капуто писал: «В описанном в «Евангелии от Лукаса» мире, неразрешимые противоречия, мучившие религиозных мыслителей на протяжении веков, пришли к примирению. Способности, которыми обладают мастера-джедаи получили совершенно правдоподобную научную основу, даже если сама связь выглядит по прежнему таинственно: клетки их тел имеют большую концентрацию мидихлориан, чем у обычных живых существ.»[104]

После выхода фильма начались споры о том, что представители инородных рас отражают расовые стереотипы. К примеру, глупый, бестолковый Джа-Джа Бинкс, с длинными, напоминающими дреды ушами и говорящий с сильным, как многие посчитали, карибским говором, напоминавшим ямайский креольский язык[105]. Жадные и коррумпированные неймодианцы из Торговой федерации говорили с восточно-азиатским акцентом, а беспринципный торговец УоттоУоттоУотто/Канон был воплощением стереотипов о евреях, напоминающем персонажа Феджина из произведений Чарльза Диккенса. Лукас опроверг эти сравнения[84]; однако, аниматор Роб Колман признался, что использовал образ Феджина, созданного Алеком Гиннессом для фильма «Оливер Твист», при создании Уотто[106]. Один из критиков описал Джа-Джа Бинкса как «раболепский и трусливый … стереотипный чёрный менестрель, наподобие Степина Фетчита»[89] Майкл Эрик Дайсон, профессор Джорджтаунского университета, говорил, что весь народ гунганов наводит на мысли о примитивных африканских племенах. Дайсон говорил, «Лидер племени Джа-Джа представляет из себя толстого, неуклюжего шута с громогласным голосом и это выглядит как карикатурное представление о вождях африканских племён.»[107].


«Скрытая угроза» была трижды выдвинута на премию «Оскар», в номинациях: За лучший звуковой монтаж, За лучшие визуальные эффекты и За лучший звук (Гэри Райдстром, Том Джонсон, Шон Мёрфи и Джон Мидгли); все из которых достались фильму «Матрица»[108][109]. Фильм получил семь наград премии «Золотая малина» в номинациях: За худший фильм, За худшую режиссуру, За худший сценарий, За худшую мужскую роль второго плана (Джейк Ллойд в роли Энакина), За худшую женскую роль второго плана (София Коппола за роль СашеСашеСаше/Канон), За худший актёрский дуэт (Джейк Ллойд и Натали Портман) и актёр сыгравший Джа-Джа Бинкса — Ахмед Бест — выиграл в номинации За худшую мужскую роль второго плана[110]. Фильм получил премию «Сатурн» в номинациях За лучшие костюмы и За лучшие спецэффекты[111], награду MTV Movie Award за лучшую экшн-сцену[112], и премию «Молодой актёр» за игру Джейка Ллойда[113]. Он также был номинирован, помимо прочего, на премию BAFTA за лучшие визуальные эффекты и звук[114], а также на премию «Грэмми» в категории За лучший альбом, являющийся саундтреком к фильму, телевидению или другому визуальному представлению[115].

Удалённые сцены

  • Сцена с водопадом — Когда Квай-Гон, Оби-Ван и Джа-Джа попадают в Тид, на своём бонгоТрёхпузырчатое бонгоГунганское подводное бонго, они всплывают перед гигантским водопадом и вынуждены в спешке покинуть транспортное средство.
  • Рассвет перед гонкой — Энакин проснулся на рассвете, чтобы подготовить свой под к гонке, и немного поговорил с Падме.
  • Полная сцена подготовки к гонке — Эта сцена показывает больше участников гонки и существ из толпы. Позже была добавлена в DVD версии.
  • Расширенный второй круг гонки — На этом круге подробнее показано, как СебульбаСебульбаСебульба/Канон «творчески интерпретировал правила гонки», и ещё одно доказательство особенности Энакина. Позже была добавлена в DVD версии.
  • Драка Энакина и ГридоГридоГридо/Канон — Эта сцена должна была следовать после гонки и служила иллюстрацией вспыльчивости и злости, таившейся в Энакине, но Джордж Лукас вырезал её, так как хотел показать юного Энакина как исключительно положительного персонажа, который начнёт становиться злее с возрастом.
  • Прощание с ДжиройДжираДжира/Канон — Эта сцена происходит, когда Квай-Гон и Энакин покидают Мос-Эспа и мальчик останавливается передохнуть и попрощаться с Джирой. Один из дроидов-разведчиковРазведывательный дроид DRK-1 «Тёмный глаз»Разведывательный дроид DRK-1 «Тёмный глаз»/Канон следует за ними в этот момент, до тех пор, пока Джинн не замечает его и, в конечном итоге — уничтожает его, проходя мимо «Пыльной уткиПыльная уткаПыльная утка/Канон».
  • Сцена с воздушным такси — Сцена полёта на такси демонстрирует нам в течение примерно 10 секунд поверхность Корусанта. Позже была добавлена в DVD версии.

The Waterfall Sequence

Сцена с водопадом

Dawn Before the Podrace

Рассвет перед гонкой

Complete Podrace Grid Sequence

Полная сцена подготовки к гонке

Extended Podrace Lap Two

Расширенный второй круг гонки

Anakin vs Greedo

Драка Энакина и Гридо

Farewell to Jira

Прощание с Джирой

The Air Taxi Sequence

Сцена с воздушным такси


Новеллизация фильма была написана Терри Бруксом. В неё входило три главы с материалом, созданным лично Бруксом и являющимся эксклюзивом для книги. В первых двух главах книги показана тревога Энакина перед гонкой и её последствия, а в последующий главе описывается столкновение между ним и раненым тускеномНарод песковНарод песков/Канон в пустыне.

Прежде чем написать книгу, Брукс встречался с Лукасом, от которого получил одобрение и поддержку, а также информацию о том, в каком ключе будут развиваться события Эпизода 2 и 3. Это можно заметить в таких моментах, как сцена с тускеном, которые, по иронии судьбы, становятся причиной смерти матери Энакина во втором эпизоде, и драка с родианскимРодианцыРодианцы/Канон мальчишкой Гридо, показывающий, как предстоящий уход Падме вызвал у Энакина приступ ярости (предвещая часть Эпизода III).

Новеллизация имела успех также из-за раскрытия части истории ситхов, в том числе и Дарта БэйнаДарт БэйнДарт Бэйн/Канон. В своих мемуарах, «Иногда магия случается», Терри Брукс упоминал о том, что Лукас беседовал с ним по телефону целый час, обсуждая историю джедаев и ситхов. Поэтому, информация, представленная в книге Брукса, получена им непосредственно от самого Лукаса. Также в этой новеллизации впервые была упомянута Гиперпространственная война Старка.

В своей книге «Иногда магия случается» Брукс посвятил целую главу написанию текстовой версии Эпизода I, чем, по его утверждению, он очень гордился и был счастлив взяться за эту работу.

Связь с другими источниками

В «Скрытой угрозе» впервые появляется Стража СенатаСтража СенатаСтража Сената/Канон, представители которой были облачены в синие доспехи, напоминающие доспехи Императорских гвардейцевИмператорская гвардияИмператорская гвардия/Канон из «Возвращения джедая». Таким образом, Стража Сената стала предшественницей Императорской гвардии.

Во время титров в самом конце фильма можно услышать тему юного Энакина, однако в самый последний момент титров тема сменяется на первые несколько нот темы Дарта Вейдера из Имперского марша и, когда пропадает последний логотип THX, можно услышать три тяжёлых вдоха Вейдера, что является отсылкой к тому, что Энакин в будущем превратится в Дарта Вейдера.


За кулисами

Интересные факты

  • Первой в ходе съёмок была снята сцена разговора между Дартом Сидиусом и Дартом Молом.[источник?]
  • Сцена битвы на световых мечах между Дартом Молом и Оби-Ваном с Квай-Гоном снималась на протяжении месяца. Это первая схватка такого рода, в которой принимали участие более двух джедаев или ситхов.[источник?]
  • Звук трепещущих крыльев торговца Уотто был достигнут звукооператором Беном Бёрттом в результате раскрытия и закрытия обычного зонтика.[источник?]
  • До съёмок в роли королевы Амидалы Натали Портман не видела ни одного фильма из оригинальной трилогии «Звёздных войн».[источник?]
  • Натали Портман пропустила мировую премьеру «Скрытой угрозы» по причине подготовки к сессии в университете.[источник?]
  • София Коппола и Кира Найтли получили короткие роли служанок Падме в фильме. Фактически поразительное внешнее сходство Натали Портман и Киры Найтли стало залогом последующей актёрской карьеры последней.[источник?]
  • Вопреки распространённому мнению, в большинстве сцен королеву Амидалу под гримом играла не Натали Портман, игравшая Падме, а Кира Найтли.[источник?]
  • Из-за высокого роста Лайама Нисона декораторам пришлось потратить ещё 150 000 долларов на новые декорации, в которых актёр смог бы уместиться.[источник?]
  • На пресс-конференции, посвящённой выходу «Мести ситхов» на DVD, директор по анимации Роб Колман объявил, что готовится обновлённая версия «Скрытой угрозы», благодаря чему первый эпизод станет последним фильмом саги, в котором кукольного Йоду заменят генерированным при помощи цифровых технологий.[источник?]
  • В титрах Джабба ХаттДжабба Десилиджик ТиуреДжабба Десилиджик Тиуре/Канон, открывающий гонки на подах, обозначен «Джабба Хатт в роли самого себя». Одновременно в титрах не указывается, что Иэн Макдайармид играет Дарта Сидиуса.
  • «Скрытая угроза» — единственный фильм «Звёздных войн», в котором представлена уникальная способность джедаев к ускорению.[источник?]
  • Передатчик (комлинкКомлинкКомлинк/Канон) Квай-Гон Джинна представляет собой слегка модифицированную бритву «Жиллетт Сенсор Эксель».[источник?]
  • Образы всех гунганов были созданы на движке Джа-Джа Бинкса.[источник?]
  • Во время битвы гунганов с войсками Федерации мелькает дроид с серийным номером «1138» на спине: это число входило в название первого полнометражного фильма Джорджа Лукаса, называвшегося «THX 1138».
  • Один из кораблей, пролетающих над Корусантом за миг до разговора Дарта Сидиуса и Дарта Мола, идентичен «Дискавери» из «Космической одиссеи 2001 года». Спасательная капсула этого же корабля видна в сцене разговора между Квай-Гоном и Уотто на заднем плане среди прочих ржавых деталей в лавке УоттоМагазин УоттоМагазин Уотто/Канон на Татуине.[источник?]
  • В сцене заседания Галактического Сената можно разобрать несколько делегаций, в том числе вукиВукиВуки/Канон и группу инопланетян, напоминающих знаменитого E.T. из фильма Стивена Спилберга «Инопланетянин».
  • В ранних версиях сценария планета королевы Амидалы называлась УтапауУтапауУтапау/Канон, но в итоге это название отошло к планете, где Оби-Ван сражается с генералом ГривусомГривусГривус/Канон в «Мести ситхов».[источник?]
  • Во время съёмок сражений Эван МакГрегор часто непроизвольно изображал звук светового меча.[источник?]
  • Изначально Мэйс Винду должен был быть инопланетянином.
  • «Падме» с санскрита означает «лотос».[источник?]
  • Дарт Мол за весь фильм моргает всего пару раз. Это было вызвано тем, что сыгравшему его Рэю Парку было трудно моргать в контактных линзах, поэтому Парк предложил идею о злодее, который никогда не моргает.[источник?]
  • Имя «Джа-Джа» придумал сын Лукаса.
  • На роль юного Энакина Скайуокера пробовались Хейли Джоэль Осмент и Майкл Ангарано.[источник?]




Примечания и сноски

  1. George Lucas intro to Осколок кристалла власти 1994 reissue
  2. Rinzler, J.W. (2007) The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 Kaminski, Michael. The Secret History of Star Wars (2007). secrethistoryofstarwars.com. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  4. Bouzereau, Laurent (1997) Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays с. 123
  5. Clarke, Gerald; Worrell, Denise. I’ve Got to Get My life Back Again (1983-05-23). Time. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 All I Need Is An Idea DVD Special Featurette, [2001]
  7. 7,00 7,01 7,02 7,03 7,04 7,05 7,06 7,07 7,08 7,09 7,10 7,11 7,12 7,13 7,14 7,15 7,16 7,17 7,18 Bouzereau, Laurent; Duncan, Jody (1999) The Making of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
  8. Bowen, Jonathan L. (2005). Anticipation: The Real Life Story of Star Wars: Episode I-The Phantom Menace
  9. 9,0 9,1 9,2 Shay, Don. Return of the Jedi (July 1999). cinefex.com 15–32. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  10. Christopher, James. Greetings, Earthlings; Arts (12 April 2000). thetimes.co.uk. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  11. Thousands of Things DVD Special Featurette, [2001]
  12. 12,0 12,1 Prime of the Jedi DVD Special Featurette, [2001]
  13. Costumes DVD Special Featurette, [2001]
  14. The Park on TV. Cassiobury Park website. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  15. Star Wars trek: Whippendell Woods — November 2001. Star Wars Locations. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  16. 16,0 16,1 16,2 «The Beginning» Making Episode I Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace DVD documentary, [2001]
  17. It’s Like War Now DVD Special Featurette, [2001]
  18. Metz, Cade. Hollywood Reboots (2006-05-23). books.google.com 70–71. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  19. 19,0 19,1 19,2 Cinema: Ready, Set, Glow!. Time. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  20. Visual Effects DVD Special Featurette, [2001]
  21. Bad Droid Karma DVD Special Featurette, [2001]
  22. 22,0 22,1 Chat with John Williams (1999-05-06). starwars.talkcity.com. TalkCity. Архивная копия оригинала на 13.10.1999.
  23. Movie Music DVD Special Featurette, [2001]
  24. [[[:Шаблон:Allmusic]] Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] [The Ultimate Edition]]. [[[:Шаблон:Allmusic]]// шаблон:allmusic]. Allmusic. (Шаблон:Allmusic архивная копия не проверена!)
  25. The Ultimate Edition — Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. ultimateeditionsoundtrack.com. Sony Classical. Архивная копия оригинала на 13.04.2001.
  26. 26,0 26,1 26,2 26,3 Of Myth And Men (1999-04-26). Time Magazine. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  27. King, Tanya; Krzywinska (2000) Science Fiction Cinema: From Outerspace to Cyberspace London: Wallflower Press. с. 109
  28. Un-Menaced. IMDb. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  29. May 19th: A «Cultural Holiday?». IMDb. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  30. When Will They Start Lining Up?. IMDb. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  31. Forces Of Feet. IMDb. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  32. The Wait Gets Shorter. IMDb. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  33. Scalpers Cleaning Up On The Internet. IMDb. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  34. Lucas Calls The Shots. IMDb. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  35. Not So Far Away. IMDb. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  36. L.A. Premiere For Episode 1 Set. IMDb. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  37. Kids Causes To Host Star Wars Debut. IMDb. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  38. The Media Business: Advertising—The Hype Is With Us; The Lucas Empire Is Invading; Resistance Is Futile (May 14, 1999). The New York Times. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  39. Star Wars Celebration 1999 (1999-04-30). starwars.com. StarWars.com. Архивная копия оригинала на 03.01.2006.
  40. Now Playing: Two New Minutes of ‘Star Wars’ (1998-11-23). The New York Times. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  41. New ‘Star Wars’ trailer makes debut in theaters (March 13, 1999). Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  42. «Star Wars» trailer: The bootleggers strike back (1999-03-10). Salon 21st. Архивная копия оригинала на 15.02.2009.
  43. Net Force Clogged (1998-11-19). Empire. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  44. Lucas: Fox Won’t Use New Star Wars Trailer To Hype New Movie. IMDb. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  45. Lucas Planning Unusual Star Wars Strategy In UK. IMDb. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  46. Star Wars: Episode I – The Making of the Poster (1999-03-10). starwars.com. StarWars.com. Архивная копия оригинала на 03.06.2011.
  47. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999-05-18). ign.com. IGN. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  48. Star wars Pinball 2000. pinball.com. Williams Electronics Games. Архивная копия оригинала на 22.08.2007.
  49. The Phantom Menace Online Comic (1999-05-01). starwars.com. Архивная копия оригинала на 09.06.2009.
  50. Star Wars, Episode I — The Phantom (Junior Novelization), publishe —Scholastic Paperbacks, author — Patricia C. Wrede, date 1999-05-03
  51. Sometimes the Magic Works: Lessons from a Writing Life, author — Brooks, Terry, isbn= 0-345-46551-2, publisher=Del Rey Books, date 2004-02-03
  52. Wilson, Wendy. Star Wars fans snap up two VHS versions despite no DVD. (2000-04-07). Video Business. Архивная копия оригинала на 19.10.2006.
  53. Star Wars breaks DVD records (2001-10-24). news.bbc.co.uk. BBC News. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  54. Star Wars Saga Repacked in Trilogy Sets on DVD (2008-08-28). Lucasfilm. StarWars.com. Архивная копия оригинала на 26.10.2008.
  55. Laserdisc Review – Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (Japanese Import) (2000-04-13). thedigitalbits.com. The Digital Bits. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  56. The Star Wars Saga on Blu-Ray (May 4, 2011). StarWars.com. Lucasfilm. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  57. The Best on Blu-ray: Restoring the Star Wars Saga for the HD Generation (August 23, 2011). StarWars.com. Lucasfilm. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  58. George Lucas talks about adding a digital Yoda to «The Phantom Menace» (February 2, 2012). Entertainment Weekly. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  59. StarWars.com The Star Wars Digital Movie Collection Coming April 10 на StarWars.com (сохранённая копия на Archive.org)
  60. Tangled Rights Could Tie Up Ultimate ‘Star Wars’ Box Set (Analysis) (2012-10-30). The Hollywood Reporter. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  61. The Walt Disney Company To Acquire Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc., After Spinoff Of Certain Businesses, For $52.4 Billion In Stock (2017-12-14). The Walt Disney Company. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  62. Disney Closes $71.3 Billion Fox Deal, Creating Global Content Powerhouse (2019-03-19). The Hollywood Reporter. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  63. Exclusive: Disney are working on a 4K Blu-ray box set for Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (updated) (April 12, 2019). thedigitalfix.com. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  64. ‘Star Wars: Episode I’ 3D Gets Theatrical Release Date From Lucasfilm, Fox (March 3, 2011). The Hollywood Reporter. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  65. Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace. primefocusworld.com. Prime Focus. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  66. Focusing on Episode VII, Lucasfilm Postpones Episodes II and III 3D (January 28, 2013). StarWars.com. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  67. 5 Questions With George Lucas: Controversial ‘Star Wars’ Changes, SOPA and ‘Indiana Jones 5’ (February 9, 2012). The Hollywood Reporter. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  68. Harvey, Shannon. May 3-D be with you (2012-02-12). The West Australian. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  69. «Звёздные войны» В «ТИХОМ ДОМЕ» СЕРГЕЯ ШОЛОХОВА. (27 июля, 1999). Первый канал. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  70. Человек, которому есть что показать (27 июля, 1999). Коммерсант.ru. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  71. МОСКОВСКИЙ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ (2 апреля, 2004). Журнал «Академия Успеха». (архивная копия не проверена!)
  72. Актёры и творческая группа русского дубляжа
  73. Алла Борисова. КАК В ПЕТЕРБУРГЕ СТАВИЛИ “ЗВЁЗДНЫЕ ВОЙНЫ”… (август 1999г.). nevafilm.ru. «Вечерний Петербург». Архивная копия оригинала на 22.07.2003.
  74. TOP 100 (по данным жрнала «Кинобизнес Сегодня») (2 апреля, 2004). Кинобизнес сегодня. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  75. Российское кино — самое продажное (16 января, 2001). Коммерсант.ru. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  76. РТР начинает показ всех серий «Звёздных войн» (6 мая, 2002). NEWSru. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  77. ТЕЛЕПРОГРАММА. 1 КАНАЛ. Воскресенье, 15 Мая 2005 (15 мая, 2005). Первый канал. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  78. Все «Звёздные войны» на лицензионных DVD! (28 декабря, 2010). Profi Cinema. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  79. «Звёздные войны» выйдут на Blu-Ray в 2011-м году (14 октября, 2011). Film.ru. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  80. «Люк, я твой отец!» (26 января, 2012). Film.ru. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  81. Завтра — мировая премьера 3D-фильма «Звёздные войны. Эпизод 1 — Скрытая угроза» (Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace) (8 февраля, 2012). Украинский кинопрокат. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  82. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999). rottentomatoes.com. Rotten Tomatoes. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  83. Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace. metacritic.com. Metacritic. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  84. 84,0 84,1 Michael Okwu. Jar Jar jars viewers, spawns criticism (1999-06-14). cnn.com. CNN. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  85. Steve Wilson. I was a Jar Jar jackass (1999-06-08). Salon. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  86. The Prequel Has Landed (1999-05-18). articles.latimes.com. Los Angeles Times. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  87. Star Wars: Lucas Strikes Back (1999-07-14). news.bbc.co.uk. BBC News. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  88. Gary Susman. Naboo-boo (2002-04-12). Entertainment Weekly. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  89. 89,0 89,1 I was a Jar Jar jackass — Star Wars. salon.com. Salon.com. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  90. Ebert, Roger. Star Wars – Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999-05-17). Chicago Sun Times. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  91. Movie Review: Star Wars: Episode I—The Phantom Menace (1999) (1999-05-21). Entertainment Weekly. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  92. Marc|work=Entertainment Weekly|title=Movie Review: Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace (DVD)|date=2001-10-16}}
  93. http://www.reelviews.net/php_review_template.php?identifier=171
  94. Time Out New York, May 12-19, 1999, p. 13
  95. Hyped up ‘Menace’ runs on overdrive (2005-05-17). USA Today. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  96. Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace. rottentomatoes.com. Rotten Tomatoes. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  97. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Empire. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  98. Empire’s 500 Greatest Movies Of All Time. Empire. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  99. The worst movie sequels ever — Countdown!. Entertainment Weekly. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  100. Worst Sequels of All Time. xfinity.comcast.net. Comcast. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  101. James Berardinelli. Review: Star Wars (Episode II): Attack of the Clones. reelviews.net. ReelViews. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  102. Arnold, William. Phantom: A Menace To Other Summer Films? (April 29, 1999). Seattle Post-Intelligencer. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  103. Technophobia!: Science Fiction Visions of Posthuman Technology Daniel Dinello, 2005, University of Texas, isbn=0-292-70986-2
  104. On Religion John D. Caputo, 2001, Routledg, isbn=0-415-23332-1
  105. Guylaine Cadorette. Jar Jar Less Conspicuous in «Clones». hollywood.com. Hollywood.com. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  106. G Force: George Lucas fires up the next generation of Star Warriors (May 1999). archive.wired.com. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  107. Jar Jar jars viewers, spawns criticism (June 9, 1999). cnn.com. CNN. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  108. The 72nd Academy Awards (2000) Nominees and Winners. oscars.org. oscars.org. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  109. Oscar winners in full (2000-03-27). news.bbc.co.uk. BBC. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  110. 1999 RAZZIE Nominees & «Winners». razzies.com. Golden Raspberry Foundation. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  111. Past Saturn Awards. saturnawards.org. Saturn Awards. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  112. MTV Movie Awards Past Winners: 2000. mtv.com. MTV. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  113. 21st Annual Young Artist Awards: 1998–1999. youngartistawards.org. Young Artist Foundation. (архивная копия не проверена!)
  114. Film Nominations 1999. bafta.org. British Academy of Film and Television Arts. Архивная копия оригинала на 05.05.2009.
  115. John Williams (PDF) (2009-02-05). gsamusic.com. The Gorfaine/Schwartz Agency, Inc. (архивная копия не проверена!)

Звёздные войны. Эпизод I: Скрытая угроза

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Эпизоды «Звёздных войн»

Эпизод I:
Скрытая угроза
Эпизод II:
Атака клонов
Эпизод III:
Месть ситхов
Эпизод IV:
Новая надежда
Эпизод V:
Империя наносит ответный удар
Эпизод VI:
Возвращение джедая
Эпизод VII
Пробуждение Силы
Эпизод VIII
Последние джедаи
Эпизод IX
Скайуокер. Восход

Star Wars Russian Logo.png

Сага «Звёздные войны»:
Приквелы: «Скрытая угроза» · «Атака клонов» · «Месть ситхов»
Оригинальные: «Новая надежда» · «Империя наносит ответный удар» · «Возвращение джедая»
Сиквелы: «Пробуждение Силы» · «Последние джедаи» · «Скайуокер. Восход»
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«Star Wars 1» redirects here. For the first Star Wars film, see Star Wars (film).

Star Wars: Episode I –
The Phantom Menace
Illustration depicting various characters of the film, surrounded by a frame which reads at the top "Every saga has a beginning." In the background, there is of a face with yellow eyes, and red, and black tattoos. Below the eyes are a bearded man with long hair, a young woman with face paint and an intricate headdress, three spaceships, a short and cylindrical robot besides a humanoid one, a boy wearing gray clothes, a young man wearing a brown robe holding a laser sword, and an alien creature with long ears. At the bottom of the image is the title "Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace" and the credits.

Theatrical release poster by Drew Struzan

Directed by George Lucas
Written by George Lucas
Produced by Rick McCallum
  • Liam Neeson
  • Ewan McGregor
  • Natalie Portman
  • Jake Lloyd
  • Ian McDiarmid
  • Anthony Daniels
  • Kenny Baker
  • Pernilla August
  • Frank Oz
Cinematography David Tattersall
Edited by
  • Paul Martin Smith
  • Ben Burtt
Music by John Williams


Lucasfilm Ltd.

Distributed by 20th Century Fox

Release dates

  • May 16, 1999 (Los Angeles)
  • May 19, 1999 (United States)

Running time

133 minutes[1][a]
Country United States
Language English
Budget $115 million[2]
Box office $1.027 billion[2]

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace is a 1999 American epic space opera film written and directed by George Lucas. It stars Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd, Ian McDiarmid, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Pernilla August, and Frank Oz. It is the fourth film in the Star Wars film series, the first film of the prequel trilogy and the first chronological chapter of the «Skywalker Saga». Set 32 years before the original trilogy, during the era of the Galactic Republic, the plot follows Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi as they try to protect Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo in hopes of securing a peaceful end to an interplanetary trade dispute. Joined by Anakin Skywalker—a young slave with unusually strong natural powers of the Force—they simultaneously contend with the mysterious return of the Sith. The film was produced by Lucasfilm, with 20th Century Fox distributing.

Following the release of Return of the Jedi, talks of a follow-up were proposed, but Lucas was unmotivated to return to the franchise. During the hiatus, the backstories he created for the characters, particularly Anakin’s own backstory, sparked interest in him to develop a prequel trilogy during the 1990s. After he determined that computer-generated imagery (CGI) had advanced to the level he wanted for the prequel trilogy’s visual effects, Lucas began writing The Phantom Menace in 1993, and production began in 1994. Filming started on June 26, 1997—at locations including Leavesden Film Studios and the Tunisian desert—and ended on September 30. The film marked Lucas’ first directorial effort after a 22-year hiatus following the original Star Wars[b] in 1977.

The Phantom Menace was released in theaters on May 19, 1999, almost 16 years after the premiere of Return of the Jedi. The film’s premiere was extensively covered by media and was widely anticipated because of the large cultural following the Star Wars saga had cultivated. Upon its release, The Phantom Menace received mixed reviews. While the visual effects, action sequences, musical score, and the performances of Neeson and McGregor were praised, criticism was largely focused on the screenplay, pacing, Lloyd’s performance, and characters, with Jar Jar Binks in particular receiving extremely negative reception. Furthermore, the film’s blend of complicated, politics-heavy storytelling and juvenile humor was perceived as incongruent. Despite the mixed reception, The Phantom Menace was a box-office success and broke numerous box-office records during its debut. It grossed more than $924.3 million worldwide during its initial theatrical run, becoming the highest-grossing film of 1999, the second-highest-grossing film worldwide and in North America (behind Titanic), and the highest-grossing Star Wars film at the time (inflation notwithstanding). A 3D reissue, which earned an additional $102.7 million and brought the film’s overall worldwide takings to over $1 billion, was released in February 2012. Attack of the Clones (2002) and Revenge of the Sith (2005) followed The Phantom Menace, rounding out the Star Wars prequel trilogy.


The Trade Federation creates turmoil in the Galactic Republic by blockading the planet Naboo in protest of recent legislation taxing major galactic trade routes. The Republic’s leader, Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, dispatches Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to negotiate with Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray. Darth Sidious, a Sith Lord and the Trade Federation’s secret benefactor, orders the Viceroy to kill the Jedi and begin a planetary invasion with an army of battle droids, but the Jedi escape and flee to Naboo. During the invasion, Qui-Gon rescues a Gungan outcast, Jar Jar Binks. Indebted to Qui-Gon, Jar Jar leads the Jedi to Otoh Gunga, the Gungans’ underwater city. The Jedi fail to persuade the Gungan leader, Boss Nass, to help the planet’s surface dwellers, but manage to obtain Jar Jar’s guidance and underwater transport to Theed, the capital city of Naboo. After rescuing Queen Amidala, the group make their escape from Naboo aboard her Royal Starship, intending to reach the Republic capital planet of Coruscant.

Passing through the Federation blockade, the ship is damaged in the crossfire, and its hyperdrive malfunctions. The ship lands for repairs on the outlying desert planet of Tatooine, situated beyond the Republic’s jurisdiction. Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, astromech droid R2-D2, and Queen Padmé Amidala (in disguise as one of her own handmaidens) visit the settlement of Mos Espa to purchase a new part for their hyperdrive. They encounter a junk dealer, Watto, and his nine-year-old slave, Anakin Skywalker, a gifted pilot and engineer who has built a protocol droid, C-3PO.

Qui-Gon senses a strong presence of the Force within Anakin, and is convinced that he is the prophesied «Chosen One,» destined to restore balance to the Force. With Watto refusing to accept payment in Republic currency, Qui-Gon wagers both the required hyperdrive part and Anakin’s freedom in a podrace. Anakin wins the race and joins the group to be trained as a Jedi, reluctantly leaving behind his mother, Shmi. En route to their starship, Qui-Gon encounters Darth Maul, Sidious’ apprentice, who was sent to capture Amidala. After a brief lightsaber duel Qui-Gon narrowly escapes aboard the starship with the others.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan escort Amidala to Coruscant so that she can plead her people’s case to Chancellor Valorum and the Galactic Senate. Qui-Gon informs the Jedi Council that his attacker was a Sith and subsequently asks for permission to train Anakin as a Jedi, but the Council refuses his request, concerned that Anakin’s age makes him vulnerable to the dark side of the Force. Undaunted, Qui-Gon vows to take up Anakin as his new apprentice. Meanwhile, Naboo’s Senator Palpatine persuades Amidala to call for a vote of no confidence in Valorum to elect a more capable leader in order to resolve the crisis. Though she is successful in pushing for the vote, Amidala grows frustrated with the now-apparent corruption in the Senate, and decides to return to Naboo. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are ordered by the Jedi Council to accompany the queen and investigate the return of the Sith, whom they had thought to be extinct for over a millennium.

On Naboo, Padmé reveals herself as the actual queen before the Gungans to gain their trust, and persuades them to help against the Trade Federation. Jar Jar is promoted to general and joins his tribe in a battle against the droid army, while Padmé leads the search for Gunray in Theed. Qui-Gon tells Anakin to hide inside a starfighter in the palace hangar, but he accidentally triggers its autopilot, and flies into space, joining the Naboo pilots in their battle against the Federation droid control ship. With R2’s help, Anakin pilots the fighter into the ship and causes its destruction from within, deactivating the droid army. Meanwhile, Maul, who has been dispatched by Sidious to assist Gunray, engages in a lightsaber duel with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Maul mortally wounds Qui-Gon, but is then sliced in half by Obi-Wan and falls down a shaft.[c] Qui-Gon asks Obi-Wan to train Anakin before dying in his arms.

Following the battle, Gunray is arrested by the Republic, and Palpatine is elected Chancellor. Master Yoda promotes Obi-Wan to the rank of Jedi Knight, and reluctantly accepts Anakin as Obi-Wan’s apprentice. A funeral is held for Qui-Gon, attended by the other Jedi, who contemplate that there is still one Sith remaining since there are always two of them. During a celebratory parade on Naboo, Padmé presents a gift of thanks to the Gungans to establish peace.


  • Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master who discovers Anakin Skywalker and under the belief that he is destined to bring balance to the force as the prophesied «Chosen One», insists that the boy be trained as a Jedi, despite the Jedi Council’s refusal to do so. Lucas originally wanted to cast an American actor in the role, but cast Neeson (who is Northern Irish) because he considered that Neeson had great skills and presence. Lucas said Neeson was a «master actor, who the other actors will look up to, who has got the qualities of strength that the character demands.»[3]
  • Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon’s twenty-five-year-old Jedi Padawan, who holds his master in high regard but questions his motives at times, especially when it seems he is breaking the rules of the Jedi. McGregor was cast from a shortlist of fifty actors, all of whom had to be compared to pictures of young Alec Guinness, who portrayed the elderly Obi-Wan, to make a believable younger version.[4] McGregor had a vocal coach to help his voice sound closer to Guinness’s. He also studied several of Guinness’s performances, from his early work and the original Star Wars films.[3]
  • Natalie Portman as Padmé Amidala, the fourteen-year-old Queen of Naboo, who hopes to protect her planet from the Trade Federation’s blockade invasion. Throughout most of the film, she uses her birth name Padmé Naberrie and poses as one of the queen’s handmaidens for protection. Over 200 actresses auditioned for the role.[5] The production notes stated that «The role required a young woman who could be believable as the ruler of that planet, but at the same time be vulnerable and open». Portman was chosen especially for her performances in Léon: The Professional (1994) and Beautiful Girls (1996), which impressed Lucas.[3] He stated, «I was looking for someone who was young, strong, along the lines of Leia [and] Natalie embodied all those traits and more».[3] Portman was unfamiliar with Star Wars before being cast,[3] but was enthusiastic about being cast as a character she expected to become a role model. Portman said, «It was wonderful playing a young queen with so much power. I think it will be good for young women to see a strong woman of action who is also smart and a leader.»[6]
  • Jake Lloyd as Anakin «Ani» Skywalker, a nine-year-old slave boy and a skilled pilot who dreams of becoming a Jedi. Hundreds of actors were tested across the UK, Ireland, Canada, and the United States[3] before the producers settled on Lloyd, who Lucas considered met his requirements of «a good actor, enthusiastic and very energetic». Producer Rick McCallum said that Lloyd was «smart, mischievous, and loves anything mechanical—just like Anakin.»[7]
  • Ian McDiarmid as Palpatine, a middle aged senator of Naboo and a secret Sith Lord who orchestrates the invasion of his home planet to get elected Supreme Chancellor. He is the Trade Federation’s mysterious benefactor, and the titular «Phantom Menace». McDiarmid was surprised when Lucas approached him sixteen years after Return of the Jedi to reprise the role of Palpatine, having assumed that a younger actor would play the role in the prequel films.[8]
  • Ahmed Best as Jar Jar Binks, a clumsy Gungan exiled from his home and taken in by Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Best was hired after casting director Robin Gurland saw him on a Stomp performance in San Francisco.[7] Best was originally intended to provide motion capture data, but his offer to voice the character was accepted. On the set, to provide references for the actors, Best was clothed in a suit made of foam and latex and a headpiece. Best’s filmed performance was later replaced with the computer-generated character.[9] Best frequently improvised movements to make Jar Jar look as clumsy and comedic as possible.[7]
  • Anthony Daniels as the voice of C-3PO, a protocol droid built by Anakin. He lacks a metal covering in this film; R2-D2 humorously refers to it as being «naked». Industrial Light & Magic’s Michael Lynch, dressed in a color closely matching the background—in a manner similar to the Japanese puppet theater Bunraku— manipulated a skeletal C-3PO figure attached to his front while Daniels read his lines off-camera. The puppeteer was erased from the film during post-production.[7][10]
  • Kenny Baker as R2-D2, an astromech droid from Naboo that saves Queen Amidala’s ship when other astro droids fail. Before the film’s production started, fans campaigned on the Internet to retain Baker as R2-D2; Lucas replied that the actor would reprise the role. Baker is used for scenes where R2-D2 bends forwards and backwards and wobbles from side-to-side. Robots and a digital model were used in other shots.[citation needed]
  • Pernilla August as Shmi Skywalker, Anakin’s mother, who is concerned for her son’s future and allows him to leave with the Jedi. August, a veteran of Swedish cinema, was chosen after auditioning with Liam Neeson. She was afraid of being rejected because of her accent.[9]
  • Frank Oz as the voice of Yoda, the centuries-old Jedi Grandmaster and head of the Jedi Council who is apprehensive about allowing Anakin to be trained. Yoda was mostly portrayed as a puppet designed by Nick Dudman based on Stuart Freeborn’s original design. Oz controlled the puppet’s mouth, and other parts were controlled by puppeteers using remote controls.[9] Lucas fitted Yoda’s filming around Oz’s schedule as he finished and promoted In & Out.[11] A computer-generated Yoda is featured in two distant shots. Warwick Davis (who played the part of the Ewok Wicket W. Warrick in Return of the Jedi in 1983) portrays him in the scene where Obi-Wan becomes a Jedi Knight.[12] Lucas said he originally wanted to use a full-time digital Yoda, but the attempts did not work well enough at the time. Beginning with the 2011 Blu-ray release of The Phantom Menace, which was also used for the 3D reissue, a CG Yoda replaced the puppet entirely.[13]
  • Oliver Ford Davies as Sio Bibble, the governor of Naboo.
  • Hugh Quarshie as Captain Quarsh Panaka, Queen Amidala’s chief of security at the Theed Palace.
  • Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu, a Jedi Master and high-ranking member of the Jedi Council who opposes training Anakin.
  • Ray Park as Darth Maul, Darth Sidious’ Zabrak Sith apprentice, who wields a double-bladed lightsaber.
    • Peter Serafinowicz as the voice of Darth Maul
  • Terence Stamp as Finis Valorum, the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic who commissions Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon to negotiate with the Trade Federation viceroy. Lucas described the character as a «good man but he’s beleaguered—a bit like [Bill] Clinton».[14]
  • Keira Knightley as Sabé, one of Queen Amidala’s handmaidens who serves as her decoy throughout the majority of the film.
  • Silas Carson as:
    • Nute Gunray, the viceroy of the Trade Federation who leads Naboo’s invasion and tries to force Queen Amidala to sign a treaty to legitimize their occupation of the planet.
    • Ki-Adi-Mundi, a wise and powerful Jedi Master who sits on the Council.
    • Lott Dod, a Trade Federation Senator.
    • An ill-fated pilot. This was the role for which Carson originally auditioned.[15]
  • Jerome St. John Blake as:
    • Rune Haako, Gunray’s chief lieutenant and Settlement Officer in the Trade Federation.
      • James Taylor as the voice of Rune Haako.
    • Oppo Rancisis, a Jedi Master and member of the Council.
    • Orn Free Ta, a Twi-lek senator.
    • Mas Amedda, a Chagrian politician and Vice Chair of the galactic senate.

Additionally, Brian Blessed voiced Boss Nass, the leader of the Gungan tribe who allies with the Naboo surface dwellers; Andy Secombe voiced Watto, a junk dealer on Tatooine who owns Anakin and his mother as slaves; and Lewis MacLeod voiced Sebulba, an aggressive, scheming podracer who is Anakin’s main rival at the Boonta Eve podrace. Greg Proops and Scott Capurro voiced Fode and Beed, respectively, the two-headed announcer of the Boonta Eve Race. Alan Ruscoe appears as Jedi Master Plo Koon and Neimoidian Daultay Dofine, commander of the Trade Federation’s droid control ships. Ralph Brown plays Ric Olie, commander of the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps and chief pilot aboard Queen Amidala’s starship, while Matthew Wood appears as the Twi’lek Bib Fortuna alongside a CGI Jabba the Hutt, who is voiced by an uncredited actor. Dominic West plays the role of an unnamed Naboo guard, and Sofia Coppola appears as Saché, one of Amidala’s handmaidens. Christian Simpson appears as Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes.[16] Lindsay Duncan voices TC-14, a protocol droid on the Federation ship. Sally Hawkins made her screen debut as an uncredited villager.



While writing the original Star Wars film,[b] Lucas decided the story was too vast to be covered in one film. He introduced a wider story arc that could be told in sequels if it became successful.[17][18] He negotiated a contract that allowed him to make two sequels, and over time created an elaborate backstory to aid his writing process.[19] While writing the second film, The Empire Strikes Back, Lucas considered directions in which to take the story. In the original trilogy, Darth Vader was revealed to have been Anakin Skywalker, a once-powerful Jedi Knight, and a traitor to the Jedi Order.[20] With this backstory in place, Lucas decided that the movies would work best as a trilogy.[21] In the trilogy’s final episode, Return of the Jedi, Vader is redeemed through an act of sacrifice for Luke.[22]

Throughout the 1980s, Lucas said he had no desire to return to Star Wars and had canceled his sequel trilogy by the time of Return of the Jedi. However, because Lucas had developed most of the backstory, the idea of prequels continued to fascinate him.[23] In the early 1990s, Star Wars saw a resurgence in popularity in the wake of Dark Horse’s comic line and Timothy Zahn’s trilogy of novels. Lucas saw that there was still a large audience for his idea of a prequel trilogy, and with the development of special effects generated with computer-generated imagery (CGI), Lucas considered returning to his saga and directing the film.[24] In 1993, it was announced in Variety and other sources that he would be making the prequels. Lucas began outlining the story; Anakin Skywalker rather than Obi-Wan Kenobi would be the protagonist, and the series would be a tragedy examining Darth Vader’s origins. A relic of the original outline was that Anakin would, like his son, grow up on Tatooine.[25] Lucas also began to change the prequels’ timeline relative to the original series; instead of filling in the tangential history, they would form the beginning of a long story that started with Anakin’s childhood and ended with his death. This was the final step toward turning the franchise into a saga.[26]

Lucas began writing the Star Wars prequel trilogy on November 1, 1994. The screenplay of Star Wars was adapted from Lucas’ 15-page outline that was written in 1976, which he designed to help him keep track of the characters’ backstories and events that occurred before the original trilogy.[27] Anakin was first written as a twelve-year-old, but Lucas reduced his age to nine because he felt that the lower age would better fit the plot point of Anakin being affected by his mother’s separation from him. Eventually, Anakin’s younger age led Lucas to rewrite his participation in the movie’s major scenes.[28] The film’s working title was The Beginning, with the title not being changed to The Phantom Menace until shortly before the film’s completion.[27] Lucas later revealed that the Phantom Menace title was a reference to Palpatine hiding his true identity as an evil Sith Lord behind the facade of a well-intentioned public servant.[29]

The larger budget and possibilities opened up by the use of digital effects made Lucas «think about a much grander, more epic scale—»which is what I wanted Star Wars to be».[30] The story ended with five simultaneous, ongoing plots, one leading to another. The central plot is Palpatine’s intent to become Chancellor, which leads to the Trade Federation’s attack on Naboo, the Jedi being sent there, Anakin being met along the way, and the rise of the Sith Lords. As with the original trilogy, Lucas intended The Phantom Menace to illustrate several themes throughout the narrative. Duality is a frequent theme; Amidala is a queen who passes as a handmaiden, Palpatine plays on both sides of the war, among others. «Balance» is frequently suggested; Anakin is supposedly «the one» chosen to bring balance to the Force—Lucas said, «Anakin needed to have a mother, Obi-Wan needed a Master, Darth Sidious needed an apprentice» as without interaction and dialogue, «you wouldn’t have drama».[31]

In November 2015, Ron Howard confirmed that he, Robert Zemeckis, and Steven Spielberg were approached by Lucas to direct The Phantom Menace. All three approached directors told Lucas that he should direct the film, as they each found the project «too daunting.»[32]

Pre-production and design[edit]

Before Lucas had started writing, his producing partner Rick McCallum was preparing for the film. McCallum stated that his experience with The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles led to many of his decisions on The Phantom Menace, such as long-term deals with actors and soundstages, the employment of recent graduates with no film experience, and the creation of sets and landscapes with digital technology. In April 1994, McCallum started searching for artists in art, architecture and design schools, and in mid-year he began location scouting with production designer Gavin Bocquet. Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) art director Doug Chiang impressed McCallum the most and was hired as the design director.[33][34] Art development on the film began in January 1995.[35]

Within three to four months of Lucas beginning the writing process, Chiang and his design team started a two-year process of reviewing thousands of designs for the film.[36] Chiang stated that Lucas intended Episode I to be stylistically different from the other Star Wars films; it would be «richer and more like a period piece, since it was the history leading up to A New Hope.» The story takes place on three planets, some with varied environments such as the human and Gungan cities of Naboo and three buildings in Coruscant. With the exception of the Gungan city, which had an art nouveau-inspired visual, these locations would be given distinctive looks with some basis in the real world. The concept drawings of Ralph McQuarrie for the original trilogy served as the basis for Mos Espa—which was also inspired by old Tunisian hotels and buildings and had touches such as a marketplace to differentiate it from A New Hopes Mos Eisley—and Coruscant, in particular a metropolis design that became the basis for the Senate.[37] Bocquet would later develop the work of Chiang’s team and design the interiors, translating the concepts into construction blueprints with environments and architectural styles that had some basis in reality «to give the audience something to key into.»[38] Some elements were directly inspired by the original trilogy; Lucas described the battle droids as predecessors to the stormtroopers. Chiang uses that orientation to base the droids on the Imperial soldiers, only in the same style of stylized and elongated features seen in tribal African art.[30]

Terryl Whitlatch, who had a background on zoology and anatomy, was in charge of creature design. Many of the aliens are hybrids, combining features of real animals. At times, entire food chains were developed, even though only a small percentage of them would appear in the film. Whitlatch also designed detailed skeletons for the major characters and facial muscles on Jar Jar Binks as a reference for ILM’s animators. Each creature would reflect its environment; those on Naboo were more beautiful because the planet is «lush and more animal-friendly», Tatooine has rough-looking creatures «with weather-beaten leathery skin to protect them from the harsh desert elements», and Coruscant has bipedal, human-looking aliens.[39]

The film made extensive use of the new technique of digital pre-visualization, using computers to essentially create 3-D animated storyboards. This was done for dozens of scenes in the film but was first and primarily used in the pod race sequence. Animatic supervisor David Dozoretz, also an ILM alum, worked on this sequence for nearly three years, and at one point had a 25 minute version of the race, although the film only included a 9-minute version.

Three men fight with laser swords in an hangar.

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi dueling Darth Maul. Lucas wanted the lightsaber battles to be fast and more intense than those of the original trilogy, depicting the Jedi in their prime. This scene was highly praised by critics and audiences.

Stunt coordinator Nick Gillard was recruited to create a new Jedi fighting style for the prequel trilogy. Gillard likened the lightsaber battles to a chess game «with every move being a check». Because of their short-range weapons, Gillard thought that the Jedi would have had to develop a fighting style that merged every swordfighting style, such as kendo and other kenjutsu styles, with other swinging techniques, such as tennis swings and tree-chopping. While training Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor, Gillard wrote a sequence that lasted around 60 seconds and intended to be around five or six sequences per fight.[40] Lucas later referred to the Jedi as «negotiators» rather than high-casualty soldiers. The preference of hand-to-hand combat was intended to give a spiritual and intellectual role to the Jedi.[40] Because Gillard thought that the stunt jumps with the actors and stuntmen dangling from wires did not look realistic, air rams were used to propel them into the air instead.[41]

Lucas decided to make elaborate costumes, because the film’s society was more sophisticated than the one depicted in the original trilogy. Designer Trisha Biggar and her team created over 1,000 costumes that were inspired by various cultures.[42] Biggar worked closely with concept designer Iain McCaig to create a color palette for the inhabitants of each world: Tatooine followed A New Hope with sun-bleached sand colors, Coruscant had grays, browns, and blacks, and Naboo had green and gold for humans while Gungans wore «a leathery look, like their skin». The Jedi costumes followed the tradition from the original film;[43] Obi-Wan’s costume was inspired by the costume that was worn by Guinness. Lucas said he and Biggar would look at the conceptual art to «translat[e] all of these designs into cloth and fabric and materials that would actually work and not look silly». Biggar also consulted Gillard to ensure that the costumes would accommodate action scenes, and consulted the creature department to find which fabrics «wouldn’t wear too heavily» on the alien skins. A huge wardrobe department was set up at Leavesden Film Studios to create over 250 costumes for the main actors and 5,000 for the background ones.[44]

Nute Gunray’s Thai accent was chosen after Lucas and McCallum listened to various languages to decide how the Neimoidians would speak.[45] The character design of Watto was an amalgam of rejected ideas; his expressions were based on video footage of Secombe’s voice acting, photographs of animation supervisor Rob Coleman imitating the character, and modeler Steve Alpin saying Watto’s lines to a mirror.[46] Lucas described Sebulba’s design as «a spider crossed with an orangutan crossed with a sloth»,[47] with a camel-like face, and clothing inspired by medieval armor.[48]


After Samuel L. Jackson expressed interest in appearing in a Star Wars film, he was approached by casting director Robin Gurland to play Windu.[7] Rapper Tupac Shakur was also considered for the role of Mace Windu.[49] Ray Park, a martial arts champion with experience in gymnastics and sword fighting, was originally a member of the stunt crew.[7] Stunt coordinator Nick Gillard filmed Park to demonstrate his conception of the lightsaber battles. Lucas and McCallum were so impressed with the test tape that they gave Park the role of Maul. His voice was considered «too squeaky» and was dubbed over in post-production by Peter Serafinowicz.[9] Keira Knightley’s parents tried to convince her not to audition, but the teenage actress still sought a role since she was a Star Wars fan.[50] The casting was influenced by Knightley’s remarkable similarity to Natalie Portman, with the actress admitting their mothers could not tell each other apart.[51] Knightley was reported to have «cried every single day» due to finding the wardrobe uncomfortable.[50]

Over 3,000 actors auditioned for the role of Anakin Skywalker including Haley Joel Osment, Cameron Finley, Justin Berfield and Michael Angarano before Jake Lloyd was finalised.[52] Vinette Robinson auditioned for the role of Padmé Amidala.[53] Benicio del Toro was originally cast as Darth Maul but later left the project when the character’s lines were cut.[54] Michael Jackson expressed interest in playing Jar Jar Binks but he wanted to do it in prosthetic make ups while George Lucas wanted to do it in CGI.[55] Joseph Fiennes auditioned for the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi and nearly landed the part until George Lucas’s young daughter rejected him upon meeting him during the second level of auditioning.[56]

Silas Carson was cast as Nute Gunray because another actor was uncomfortable with the costumes used by the Trade Federation characters, which were hot, exerted a lot of pressure on the bearer, and took about 15 minutes to apply. Hugh Quarshie considered the part of Panaka as «a good career move» and a production that would be fun to make.[57] Brian Blessed originally auditioned for the role of Sio Bibble, the Governor of Naboo,[58] for which he was considered «too loud».[59] Casting director Robin Gurland approached him to play Nass because it was a «bigger than life» character with «a kind of bravado».[60] Blessed described Nass as a «reluctant hero».[59] Sofia Coppola, daughter of Lucas’ long-time friend and creative partner Francis Ford Coppola, considers Lucas as «like an uncle to me». As she prepared the script for her directorial debut The Virgin Suicides, Coppola heard Lucas would make a new Star Wars film and asked him if she could accompany him during filming. Lucas offered Coppola a role in the royal entourage, which she accepted because it «seemed like a good vantage point to watch without getting in the way».[61]


Rocky buildings and an antenna-like structure in a desert.

Remains of Mos Espa in the Tunisian desert, near Nafta

Filming began on June 26, 1997, and ended on September 30 of that year, primarily taking place at Leavesden Film Studios in England. Leavesden was leased for a two and a half year period so the production company could leave the sets intact and return after principal photography had been completed.[62] The forest scenes on Naboo were filmed at Cassiobury Park in Watford, Hertfordshire.[63][64] Pick-ups were shot between August 1998 and February 1999 after Lucas screened a rough cut of the film for friends and colleagues in May 1998.[65] Most of the action and stunts were filmed by Roger Christian’s second unit, which worked alongside the main unit instead of afterwards because of the high number of shots to be completed daily.[41]

The Tunisian desert was again used for the Tatooine scenes;[66] Mos Espa was built outside the city of Tozeur. On the night following the third day of shooting in Tozeur, an unexpected sandstorm destroyed many of the sets and props. The production was quickly rescheduled to allow for repairs and was able to leave Tunisia on the date originally planned.[67] The Italian Caserta Palace was used as the interior of the Theed City Naboo Palace;[66] it was used as a location for four days after it had been closed to visitors. Scenes with explosions were filmed on replica sets in Leavesden.[68]

A binder with the film’s storyboards served as a reference for live-action filming, shots that would be filmed in front of a chroma key blue screen, and shots that would be composed using CGI. The sets were often built with the parts that would be required on screen; often they were built only up to the heights of the actors. Chroma key was extensively used for digital set extensions, backgrounds, or scenes that required cinematographer David Tattersall to seek powerful lamps to light the sets and visual effects supervisor John Knoll to develop software that would remove the blue reflection from shiny floors. Knoll, who remained on set through most of the production, worked closely with Tattersall to ensure that the shots were suitable to add effects later. The cameras were fitted with data capture models to provide technical data for the CGI artists.[69]

The Phantom Menace was the final Star Wars film to be shot on 35mm film until Episode VII (Star Wars: The Force Awakens). Some scenes, mostly of elements filmed by the special effects team, were shot on high definition, digital video tapes to test the performance of digital recordings, which Lucas and McCallum considered the next logical step because of the amount of digitizing—an expensive process compared to recording directly on digital media—for the compositing of computer-generated effects. All future films would be shot using Sony CineAlta high-definition video cameras.[70][71] Greg Proops and Scott Capurro were filmed wearing makeup and blue bodysuits so their heads could be joined in a computer-generated body. The visual effects crew did not like the original results and crafted Fode and Beed as an entirely computer generated alien.[72]

Editing took two years; Paul Martin Smith started the process in England and focused on dialogue-heavy scenes. Ben Burtt—who was also the film’s sound editor—was responsible for action sequences under Lucas’ supervision. Non-linear editing systems played a large part in translating Lucas’ vision; he constantly tweaked, revised, and reworked shots and scenes. The final sound mix was added in March 1999, and the following month, the film was completed after the delivery of the remaining visual effects shots.[73]


«Writing the script was much more enjoyable this time around because I wasn’t constrained by anything. You can’t write one of these movies without knowing how you’re going to accomplish it. With CG at my disposal, I knew I could do whatever I wanted».

 —George Lucas[74]

The film saw a breakthrough in computer generated effects. About 1,950 of the shots in The Phantom Menace have visual effects. The scene in which toxic gas is released on the Jedi is the only sequence with no digital alteration.[47] The work was so extensive that three visual effects supervisors divided the workload among themselves—John Knoll supervised the on-set production and the podrace and space battle sequences, Dennis Muren supervised the underwater sequence and the ground battle, and Scott Squires, alongside teams assigned for miniature effects and character animation, worked on the lightsaber effects.[75]

Until the film’s production, many special effects in the film industry were achieved using miniature models, matte paintings, and on-set visual effects—although other films had made extensive use of CGI. Knoll previewed 3,500 storyboards for the film; Lucas accompanied him to explain factors of the shots that would be practical and those that would be created through visual effects. Knoll later said that on hearing the explanations of the storyboards, he did not know how to accomplish what he had seen. The result was a mixture of original techniques and the newest digital techniques to make it difficult for the viewer to guess which technique was being used. Knoll and his visual effects team wrote new computer software, including cloth simulators to allow a realistic depiction of the digital characters’ clothing, to create certain shots. Another goal was to create computer-generated characters that could act seamlessly with live-action actors. While filming scenes with CGI characters, Lucas would block the characters using their corresponding voice actors on-set. The voice actors were then removed and the live-action actors would perform the same scene alone. A CGI character would later be added into the shot to complete the conversation.[76] Lucas also used CGI to correct the physical presence of actors in certain scenes.[47] Practical models were used when their visuals helped with miniature sceneries for backgrounds, set extensions, and model vehicles that would be scanned to create the digital models or filmed to represent spaceships and podraces.[77]

Lucas, who had previously confronted problems with the props used to depict R2-D2, allowed ILM and the production’s British special effects department to create their own versions of the robot. Nine R2-D2 models were created; one was for actor Kenny Baker to be dropped into, seven were built by ILM and featured two wheelchair motors capable of moving 440 pounds (200 kg), enabling it to run and be mostly used in stage sets, and the British studio produced a pneumatic R2-D2 that could shift from two to three legs and was mostly used in Tunisia because its motor drive system allowed it to drive over sand.[78]

Lucas originally planned to create many of the aliens with computer graphics, but those that would be more cost-effectively realized with masks and animatronics were created by Nick Dudman’s creature effects team. These included the Neimoidians, background characters in Mos Espa, the Jedi Council, and the Galactic Senate. Dudman’s team was told where the creatures would be required six months before principal photography begun, and they rushed the production. The Neimodian suits, which were originally intended as digital characters, were delivered one day before they would be required on set. Dudman traveled to Skywalker Ranch to see the original creatures that could be reused, and read the script for a breakdown of scenes with practical creatures, leaving only the more outlandish designs to be created using CGI.[79]

To research for the podrace vehicles, the visual effects crew visited a jet aircraft junkyard outside Phoenix, Arizona and scavenged four Boeing 747 engines.[47] Life-sized replicas of the engines were built and sent to Tunisia to provide reference in the film. Except for Jake Lloyd inside a hydraulically controlled cockpit and a few practical podracer models, the entire podracing scene—which the effects crew designed to be as «out of this world» as possible—is computer-generated.[66][80]


Like previous Star Wars films, The Phantom Menace makes several references to historical events and films that George Lucas watched in his youth. The Star Wars films typically mix several concepts from different mythologies together, drawing heavily from the hero’s journey, an archetypical template developed by comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell.[81] This film also notably borrows from Ben Hur, including the podrace sequence, which mirrors the chariot race scene; additionally, the end celebration scene closely resembles a Roman parade in Ben Hur.[82]

The face of Darth Maul drew upon depictions of the devil.

There are many references to Christianity in the film, such as the appearance of Darth Maul, whose design draws heavily from traditional depictions of the devil, complete with red skin and horns.[81] The Star Wars film cycle features a similar Christian narrative involving Anakin Skywalker; he is the «Chosen One»—the individual prophesied to bring balance to the Force—who was conceived of a virgin birth. However, unlike Jesus, Anakin will eventually fall from grace and seemingly fail to fulfill his destiny (until the prophecy comes true in Return of the Jedi).[83]

Japanese films such as Akira Kurosawa’s The Hidden Fortress influenced the original Star Wars film; scholars say that The Phantom Menace was likewise influenced by Korean and Japanese culture. Film historians Geoff King and Tanya Krzywinska write, «The costume and make-up designs … favour a mixture of the gothic and the oriental over anything very futuristic. The gothic is most strongly apparent in Darth Maul’s demonic horns and the red and black make-up mask that borrows from the facial designs found in depictions of Japanese demons». King and Krzywinska say that «Qui-Gon’s pony tail and Obi-Wan’s position of apprentice further encourage a reading in terms of the Samurai tradition». They also say «Amidala, in keeping with her status and character, has a number of highly formal outfits … to go with hair sculpted into a curve that frames make-up of a Japanese cast».[84]

The Jedi practice Zen-like meditation and martial arts, as did the ancient Japanese Samurai warriors. The name «Qui-Gon» adapts the term qigong, which refers to a Chinese discipline involving meditation and cultivation of the flow of the vital energy called «Chi» or «Qi» for healing, health, and combat. The words Ch’i (Chinese), gi (Korean), ki (Japanese), and the Indian term «Prana» all refer to the energy that is thought to flow through all living things, from the source of all chi (or power), which is «The Way» or «The Tao» in Chinese philosophy. In Taoist philosophy, from The Way, yin and yang—the opposing but complementary aspects of reality or nature—are born. Unlike Chinese philosophy, in which yin and yang are not moral qualities, the ancient Persian philosophy of Zurvanism taught that the dualism of dark and light forces are locked in an eternal battle while being two sides (or evolutes) of the same «Force», the force of time itself (Zurvan)—the prime mover. These elements derive primarily from Eastern and Iranian religions and myths.[81]

As with other Star Wars films, the themes about family and hope are featured prominently. In the episode «Legacy» of Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian, Dave Filoni explains that the use of «Duel of the Fates» during the lightsaber duel between Darth Maul against Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi represents the fight for the fate of Anakin Skywalker. According to Filoni, Qui-Gon Jinn acts like a father figure towards Anakin because he feels he needs one after taking him from his mother, having realized that the Jedi shouldn’t be opposed to love and care. In the end, Qui-Gon dies, and thus Anakin loses his father figure; Obi-Wan Kenobi ultimately becomes his master to honor Jinn’s dying wish despite his initial contempt for him, and while he comes to eventually see him like a brother as shown in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, he doesn’t act like a father, which coupled with the Jedi’s indifference, seals Anakin’s fate.[85]


As with previous Star Wars films, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menaces score was composed and conducted by John Williams. He started composing the score in October 1998 and began recording the music with the London Voices and London Symphony Orchestra at Abbey Road Studios on February 10, 1999. Williams decided to use electronic instruments such as synthesizers to enhance the sound and choral pieces to «capture the magical, mystical force that a regular orchestra might not have been able to provide», and create an atmosphere that was «more mysterious and mystical and less military» than those of the original trilogy.[86] One of the most notable tracks is «Duel of the Fates», which uses the chorus to give a religious, temple-like feel to the epic lightsaber duel. The track was made into a music video.[87] While composing Anakin’s theme, Williams tried to reflect the innocence of his childhood and to foreshadow his transformation into Darth Vader by using slight suggestions of «The Imperial March» in the melody.[86]

The film’s soundtrack was released by Sony Classical Records on May 4, 1999. This album featured the score, which Williams restructured as a listening experience; it is not presented in film order and omits many notable cues from the film because of the space restriction of the compact disc.[88] A two-disc «Ultimate Edition» was released on November 14, 2000. The set features the entire score as it is heard in the film, including all of the edits and loops that were made for the sound mix.[89]



Lucasfilm spent US$20 million on the film’s advertising campaign and made promotional licensing deals with Hasbro, Lego, Tricon Global Restaurants, and PepsiCo.[90] Lucasfilm also helped the Star Wars fan club to organize an event called Star Wars Celebration, which was held in Denver, Colorado, between April 30 and May 2, 1999.[91]

The first teaser trailer was released on selected screens accompanying Meet Joe Black on November 13, 1998, and media reported that people were paying full admission at theaters to see the trailer. Other films that played this trailer included The Waterboy, The Siege and A Bug’s Life.[92] To keep fans from leaving before the movie was over, some theaters played the teaser an additional time after the film finished.[93] The second trailer debuted on March 12, 1999, with the film Wing Commander. Again, many fans paid full theater admission to watch the new trailer.[94] A bootlegged version of the preview was leaked to the Internet the same day.[95] The next morning, the trailer was released on the film’s official website and shortly afterwards the servers became overloaded.[96] This trailer had over 1 million downloads within its first 24 hours of release.[97] It would achieve the record for being the most downloaded trailer until the following April when it was surpassed by The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.[98] The theatrical trailer caused even more media attention because it was premiered in theaters and screened at the ShoWest Convention in Las Vegas,[99] and was aired on Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood.[95]

The teaser poster, featuring Anakin with his shadow forming Darth Vader’s silhouette, was released on November 10, 1998. After Lucas opted for a drawn theatrical poster, Drew Struzan, the artist responsible for the Special Edition posters, was commissioned to illustrate, and the poster was unveiled on March 11, 1999. Lucasfilm dictated that, contractually, Struzan’s illustration was the only art the foreign distributors could use, and other than the text, it could not be modified in any way.[100] The film also reused the Godzilla slogan on teaser posters.[101]


A novelization was written by Terry Brooks, who met with Lucas before writing the book and received his approval and guidance. It includes some scenes that are not in the film and foreshadows pending developments in the following two installments of the series.[102] Additionally, a Scholastic junior novelization was written by Patricia C. Wrede.[103] A four-issue comic book adaptation was written by Henry Gilroy and published by Dark Horse Comics.[104] The film was again adapted as part of the all-ages Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy – A Graphic Novel, released by Disney-Lucasfilm Press in 2017.[105]

A LucasArts video game adaptation was released for the PlayStation and PC.[106] The podracing tie-in Star Wars Episode I: Racer was released for Nintendo 64, PC, and other platforms. A pinball machine was created by WMS Industries.[107]



The release of the first new Star Wars film in 16 years was accompanied by a considerable amount of attention.[108] According to The Wall Street Journal, so many workers announced plans to view the premiere that many companies closed on the opening day.[109] Queue areas formed outside cinema theaters over a month before ticket sales began.[110] More theater lines appeared when it was announced that cinemas were not allowed to sell tickets in advance until two weeks into the release. This was because of a fear that family theater-goers would be either unable to receive tickets or would be forced to pay higher prices for them. Instead, tickets were to be sold on a first-come-first-served basis.[111] However, after meetings with the National Association of Theatre Owners, Lucasfilm agreed to allow advance ticket sales on May 12, 1999, provided there was a limit of 12 tickets per customer.[112] As a result, some advance tickets were sold by scalpers at prices as high as US$100 apiece, which a distribution chief called «horrible» and said was exactly what they wanted to avoid.[113] Daily Variety reported that theater owners received strict instructions from Lucasfilm that the film could only play in the cinema’s largest auditorium for the first 8–12 weeks, no honor passes were allowed for the first eight weeks, and they were obliged to send their payments to distributor 20th Century Fox within seven days.[114]

Despite worries about the film being finished on time, two weeks before its theatrical release Lucasfilm moved the release date from May 21 to 19, 1999. At the ShoWest Convention, Lucas said the change was intended to give the fans a «head start» by allowing them to view it during the week and allowing families to view it during weekends. Eleven charity premieres were staged across the United States on May 16, 1999; receipts from the Los Angeles event, where corporate packages were available for between US$5,000 and US$25,000; proceeds were donated to the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation.[115] Other charity premieres included the Dallas premiere for the Children’s Medical Center, the Aubrey Fund for Pediatric Cancer Research at the Sloan-Kettering Hospital in New York, the Big Brother/Sister Association of the Philadelphia premiere, and the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C. A statement said that tickets were sold at US$500 apiece and that certain sections of the theaters were set aside for disadvantaged children.[116]

The film had its UK premiere at the Royal Film Performance, an event held in aid of the Film & TV Charity, on the 14th July, 1999 at the ODEON Leicester Square. This event was attended by the Prince of Wales and helped to raise £225,000 for the charity.[117]

The film opened at 12:01 am on Wednesday, May 19, 1999 in 2,010 theaters in the United States and Canada. An additional 960 theaters screened the film later in the day. About 120 theaters showed the film continuously on opening day, including the Ziegfeld Theatre in New York City and the Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles.[118] Foreshadowing his future conversion to digital cinematography, Lucas said the film would be released on four digital projectors (two in New York and two in Los Angeles) on June 18, 1999.[119] Few film studios released films during the same week: DreamWorks and Universal Studios released The Love Letter on May 21 and Notting Hill on May 28, respectively.[120] The Love Letter was a commercial failure but Notting Hill fared better and followed The Phantom Menace closely in second place.[121] Employment consultant firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas estimated that 2.2 million full-time employees missed work to attend the film, resulting in a US$293 million loss of productivity.

Home media[edit]

Comparison between the puppet of Yoda, present in the theatrical and DVD releases, and the computer-generated model, present in the Blu-ray Disc and 3D releases

The film was released on VHS on April 4, 2000. There were two versions of the film, which were a standard pan and scan version and a widescreen Collector’s Edition version. In its first two days of availability, the regular version sold 4.5 million copies and the limited edition sold 500,000.[122] A year later on June 19, 2001, it was announced that The Phantom Menace would become the first Star Wars film to be officially released on DVD, in a slightly extended cut from the theatrical releases.[123] This THX certified two-disc DVD release debuted on October 16 of the same year.[124] The first disc contains the film and the second disc contains special features. On the first disc, there are three randomized selected menus themed to the planets Naboo, Tatooine and Coruscant. There is an Easter egg located in the options menu. When the THX Optimizer is highlighted, the viewer can press 1-1-3-8. By doing this, some bloopers and DVD credits will be shown.[125] The special features include seven deleted scenes completed specifically for the DVD, a commentary track featuring Lucas and producer Rick McCallum, and several documentaries—including a full-length documentary entitled The Beginning: Making Episode I.[126] There are also DVD-ROM features, including trailers for Attack of the Clones.[127] The Phantom Menace became the fastest-selling DVD ever in the United States; 2.2 million copies were sold in its first week after release.[128] This surpassed the previous record, The Mummy Returns with 2 million copies.[129] Less than a month later, the record for the fastest-selling DVD was taken by Shrek when it sold 2.5 million copies in its first three days.[130]

The DVD version was re-released in a prequel trilogy box set on November 4, 2008.[131] A LaserDisc version of The Phantom Menace was released in Japan on April 7, 2000, one year and six months before it was available on DVD in the U.S.[132] The Star Wars films were released by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment on Blu-ray Disc on September 16, 2011;[133] The Phantom Menace was restored to improve the picture quality and remove the magnification present on the previous DVD release, restoring approximately 8 percent of the picture to the frame.[134] In the Blu-ray release of The Phantom Menace, the Yoda puppet was replaced with a CGI model, making it consistent with the other films of the prequel trilogy.[135]

On April 7, 2015, Walt Disney Studios, 20th Century Fox, and Lucasfilm jointly announced the digital releases of the six released Star Wars films. The Phantom Menace was released through the iTunes Store, Amazon Video, Vudu, Google Play, and Disney Movies Anywhere on April 10, 2015.[136]

Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment reissued The Phantom Menace on Blu-ray, DVD, and digital download on September 22, 2019.[137] Additionally, all six films were available for 4K HDR and Dolby Atmos streaming on Disney+ upon the service’s launch on November 12, 2019.[138] This version of the film was released by Disney on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray box set on March 31, 2020.[139]

3D re-release[edit]

On September 28, 2010, it was announced that all six films in the series would be stereo-converted to 3D. These would be re-released in episode order, beginning with The Phantom Menace, which was released to cinemas on February 10, 2012.[140] Prime Focus Limited did the conversion under the supervision of ILM.[141] However, the 3D re-releases of Episodes II–VI were postponed or canceled after Lucasfilm was bought by The Walt Disney Company, who decided to focus on the development of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.[142]

Lucas stated the 3D re-release was «just a conversion» of the film’s 2011 Blu-ray release and no additional changes were made.[143] Only a change to Anakin’s magnetic wand during the podrace scene—its tip was sharpened to more accurately fit the original 2D photography to the new 3D image—was confirmed.[144]

General Mills and Brisk were promotional partners in North America for the 3D re-release but promotion was limited.[145][146] The film was extensively promoted in Japan; promotional products were sold by 7-Eleven, Domino’s Pizza, Pepsi and Gari-Gari Kun.[147] Kellogg’s promoted the film internationally,[148][149] and French restaurant Quick launched three Star Wars-themed burgers. Lucasfilm also partnered with Variety, the Children’s Charity to raise funds for children through the sale of a special edition badge.[150]


Critical response[edit]

Following an advance screening on Saturday, May 8, 1999, several newspapers broke an agreement with Fox and published reviews of the film on Sunday, May 9. In a front page review, the Los Angeles Daily News gave it 3½ stars calling it «pretty good» overall and «outstanding in many parts». The New York Daily News was less positive giving it 2½ stars. Variety also made its review by Todd McCarthy available on the Sunday[151] with McCarthy calling it «the most widely anticipated and heavily hyped film of modern times» but said that the film «can scarcely help being a letdown on some levels, but it’s too bad that it disappoints on so many» and that «it is neither captivating nor transporting, for it lacks any emotional pull, as well as the sense of wonder and awe that marks the best works of sci-fi/fantasy».[152]

On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 51% based on 237 reviews, with an average rating of 5.9/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «Burdened by exposition and populated with stock characters, The Phantom Menace gets the Star Wars prequels off to a bumpy – albeit visually dazzling – start.»[153] As of July 2022, the film is the lowest-rated live-action film of the Star Wars series dropping below The Rise of Skywalker.[154] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 51 out of 100, based on 36 critics, indicating «mixed or average reviews».[155] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of «A−» on an A+ to F scale.[156]

Many aspects of the script and characters were criticized, especially that of Jar Jar Binks, who was regarded by many members of the older fan community as toyetic—a merchandising opportunity rather than a serious character.[157][158] Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times described Binks as «a major miscue, a comic-relief character who’s frankly not funny».[159] Drew Grant of Salon wrote, «Perhaps the absolute creative freedom director George Lucas enjoyed while dreaming up the flick’s ‘comic’ relief—with no studio execs and not many an independently minded actor involved—is a path to the dark side.»[160]

Conversely, Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave it three-and-a-half stars out of four and called it «an astonishing achievement in imaginative filmmaking» and said, «Lucas tells a good story.» Ebert also wrote that, «If some of the characters are less than compelling, perhaps that’s inevitable» because it is the opening film in the new trilogy. He concluded his review by saying that rather than Star Trek films, filmmakers could «[g]ive me transparent underwater cities and vast hollow senatorial spheres any day».[161] Owen Gleiberman of Entertainment Weekly gave the film a «B» grade and complimented Liam Neeson’s performance and the action scenes.[162] In an Entertainment Weekly review for the DVD release, Marc Bernardin gave the film a «C−», calling it «haplessly plotted, horribly written, and juvenile».[163] ReelViews’ James Berardinelli wrote, «Looking at the big picture, in spite of all its flaws, The Phantom Menace is still among the best ‘bang for a buck’ fun that can be had in a movie theater,» and said the film was a «distinct improvement» over Return of the Jedi.[164]

Andrew Johnston of Time Out New York wrote, «Let’s face it: no film could ever match the expectations some have for Episode I – The Phantom Menace. Which isn’t to say it’s a disappointment: on the contrary, it’s awesomely entertaining, provided you accept it on its own terms … Like the original film, it’s a Boy’s Own adventure yarn with a corny but irresistible spiritual subtext. The effects and production design are stunning, but they always serve the story, not the other way around.»[165] Susan Wloszczyna of USA Today said that the film did «plenty right» and praised the characters Darth Maul and Watto.[166] David Cornelius of efilmcritic.com said that the film’s better moments «don’t merely balance out the weaker ones—they topple them».[167] Colin Kennedy of Empire magazine said that despite problems with pacing and writing, «there is still much pleasure to be had watching our full-blown Jedi guides in action». He praised the visuals and Liam Neeson’s performance, and said that the duel between Darth Maul and the Jedi was «the saga’s very best lightsaber battle».[168]

Empire magazine ranked The Phantom Menace on its list of «500 Greatest Movies of All Time»,[169] while Entertainment Weekly and Comcast included the film on their lists of the worst movie sequels.[170][171] James Berardinelli wrote, «The Phantom Menace was probably the most overhyped motion picture of the last decade (if not longer), and its reputation suffered as a result of its inability to satisfy unreasonable expectations.»[172] William Arnold of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer agreed that the film’s massive hype caused many of the negative reactions, saying, «it built expectations that can’t possibly be matched and scuttled [the] element of storytelling surprise». He also said that the film was «well made and entertaining» and was much better than similar box office fare released around that year, such as The Mummy and The Matrix.[173] Ewan McGregor said in 2002 that he was «slightly disappointed» that the film was «kind of flat» and believed the next film in the franchise would have «much more humor and…color.»[174]

The introduction of midi-chlorians—microscopic organisms that mediate use of the Force—has been regarded as controversial.[175] Some viewed it as a concept that negates the Force’s spiritual quality. Film historian Daniel Dinello says, «Anathema to Star Wars fanatics who thought they reduced the Force to a kind of viral infection, midi-chlorians provide a biological interface, the link between physical bodies and spiritual energy.»[176] Religion expert John D. Caputo writes, «In the ‘Gospel according to Lucas’, a world is conjured up in which the intractable oppositions that have tormented religious thinkers for centuries are reconciled … The gifts that the Jedi masters enjoy have a perfectly plausible scientific basis, even if its ways are mysterious: their bodily cells have a heavier than usual concentration of ‘midi-chlorians’.»[177]

There has been some controversy over whether several alien characters reflect racial stereotypes. For example, the oafish, slow-witted Jar Jar Binks has long droopy ears reminiscent of dreadlocks and spoke with what many perceived as a Caribbean patois reminiscent of Jamaican Creole.[178] Drew Grant describes the character as «[s]ervile and cowardly … a black minstrel-ish stereotype on par with Stepin Fetchit.»[160] Georgetown University professor of African-American studies Michael Eric Dyson says that the entire Gungan species seems suggestive of a primitive African tribe, with Boss Nass portrayed as «a fat, bumbling … caricature of a stereotypical African tribal chieftain.»[157] The greedy and corrupt Neimoidians of the Trade Federation have been noted as resembling East Asian stereotypes,[179] and the unprincipled trader Watto has been interpreted as a Jewish stereotype reminiscent of Charles Dickens’ character Fagin.[180] Lucas has denied all of these implications,[157] instead criticizing the American media for using opinions from the Internet as a reliable source for news stories. Lucas added that it reflects more the racism of the commenters than it does the movie;[181] however, animator Rob Coleman said ahead of the film’s release that Watto’s mannerisms were inspired by footage of Alec Guinness as Fagin in Oliver Twist.[182]

Box office[edit]

Even though it received mixed reviews, The Phantom Menace was a financial success, breaking many box office records in its debut, and beating out The Mummy by taking number 1. The film broke The Lost World: Jurassic Parks records for the largest single-day gross for taking more than $28 million in the opening day and fastest to gross $100 million in five days. Additionally, it grossed $64.8 million in its opening weekend, the second-ever highest at the time, behind The Lost World: Jurassic Park.[183] It also became the quickest film to reach the $200 million and $300 million marks, surpassing Independence Day (1996) and Titanic (1997) respectively.[184][185] The Phantom Menace held both records before Spider-Man took them in 2002.[186][187] It would go on to earn $105.7 million, making it the highest five-day Wednesday opening weekend of all time.[183] The film had the biggest opening weekend for any 20th Century Fox film for two years until 2001 when it was taken by Planet of the Apes.[188] Its opening day record was handed to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone that same year.[189] Two years later in 2003, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King surpassed The Phantom Menace for having the largest five-day Wednesday opening weekend.[190] During its second weekend, The Phantom Menace made $51.3 million, making it the highest-grossing second weekend at the time, surpassing Jurassic Park. The film would hold this record until it was surpassed a year later by How the Grinch Stole Christmas.[191] In total, the film stayed at the top of the box office for three weeks until it was overtaken by Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me during its fourth weekend.[192] The Phantom Menace was 1999’s most successful film, staying in the Top 10 until August 5 (11 weeks total), earning $431.1 million in the United States and Canada.[193] Box Office Mojo estimates that the film sold over 84.8 million tickets in the US in its initial theatrical run.[194]

The film set an opening record in Japan, grossing $12.2 million in its first two days from 403 screens.[195] In the UK, the film also set an opening record with £9.5 million in its opening weekend (including previews), surpassing Men in Black.[196][197] It would go on to hold this record until it was taken by Toy Story 2 a few months later.[198] The Phantom Menace also grossed a record $11 million in its opening weekend in Germany.[199] Outside the United States and Canada, the film grossed over $10 million in Australia ($25.9 million), Brazil ($10.4 million), France and Algeria ($43 million), Germany ($53.9 million), Italy ($12.9 million), Japan ($109.9 million), Mexico ($12 million), Spain ($25 million), and the United Kingdom and Ireland ($81.9 million).[200] Its overseas total was $493.2 million, taking its worldwide total to $924.3 million.[193] At that time, the film was the third highest-grossing film in North America behind Titanic and Star Wars (1977), and the second highest-grossing film worldwide behind Titanic without adjusting for inflation of ticket prices. When adjusted for ticket price inflation, it ranked as the 19th-highest-grossing film domestically, making it the fourth Star Wars film to be in the Inflation-Adjusted Top 20.

After its 3D re-release in 2012, the worldwide box office gross exceeded $1 billion.[201] Although in the intervening years, the film had lost some of its rankings in the lists of highest-grossing films, the 3D re-release returned it to the worldwide all-time Top 10 for several months.[202] In North America, its revenues overtook those of the original Star Wars as the saga’s highest-grossing film when not adjusting for inflation of ticket prices, and is the tenth highest-grossing film in North America as of August 2017.[203] In North America, its ranking on the Adjusted for Ticket Price Inflation list climbed to 16th place—one place behind Return of the Jedi.[204] The 3D re-release, which premiered in February 2012, earned $43 million—$22.5 million of which was in North America—worldwide.[205] The 3D re-release earned US$102,727,119 worldwide—including $43.5 million in North America—and has increased the film’s overall box office takings to $474.5 million domestically, and $552.5 million in other territories.[206] The film’s earnings exceeded $1 billion worldwide on February 22, 2012, making it the first Star Wars film and the 11th film in history—excluding inflation—to do so.[201][206]


The Phantom Menace was nominated for three Academy Awards: Best Sound Effects Editing, Best Visual Effects, and Best Sound (Gary Rydstrom, Tom Johnson, Shawn Murphy and John Midgley); all of which went to The Matrix.[207][208] The film won Saturn Awards for Best Costumes and Best Special Effects,[209] the MTV Movie Award for Best Action Scene,[210] and a Young Artist Award for Jake Lloyd’s performance.[211] It was also nominated for—among others—the BAFTAs for Visual Effects and Sound,[212] and the Grammy Award for Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media.[213] The film did however receive seven Golden Raspberry Award (Razzie) nominations for Worst Picture, Worst Director, Worst Screenplay, Worst Supporting Actor (Jake Lloyd as Anakin), Worst Supporting Actress (Sofia Coppola as Saché), Worst Screen Couple (Jake Lloyd and Natalie Portman), and Jar Jar Binks actor Ahmed Best won the Worst Supporting Actor category.[214]

The film was nominated Choice Drama Movie, Choice Movie Villain and Choice Summer Movie at 1999 Teen Choice Awards, but both lost to Cruel Intentions and Big Daddy, respectively.


A sequel, Attack of the Clones, was released in 2002.[215] The story continues a decade later with Anakin grown to adulthood, played by Hayden Christensen.[216][217] A second sequel, Revenge of the Sith, was released in 2005.[218]

A month after the film’s release, «Weird Al» Yankovic released the parody song and music video «The Saga Begins», in which he interprets the film’s plot from Obi-Wan’s point of view to the tune of «American Pie»; this was included as a bonus feature on a 2011 Star Wars Blu-ray. In a 2018 Saturday Night Live comedy rap video, Natalie Portman reprised her appearance as Queen Amidala from The Phantom Menace and defended the prequel trilogy.[219]

Darth Maul’s lightsaber-fighting style served as the inspiration for the 2003 viral video Star Wars Kid. Maul, who appears to die in The Phantom Menace, was resurrected for the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and he also appears in Star Wars Rebels and Solo: A Star Wars Story. In 2012, IGN named Maul the 16th-greatest Star Wars character.[220] A similar weapon to his dual-bladed lightsaber appears in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.[221]


  1. ^ The DVD released in 2001 extends the film by about three minutes, giving it a run time of 136 minutes.
  2. ^ a b Later titled Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
  3. ^ The 2008 animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars establishes that Maul survived.


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  • Bouzereau, Laurent (1997). The Annotated Screenplays. Del Rey. ISBN 0-345-40981-7.
  • Bouzereau, Laurent; Duncan, Jody (1999). The Making of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Ballantine. ISBN 0-345-43111-1.
  • Bowen, Jonathan L. (2005). Anticipation: The Real Life Story of Star Wars: Episode I-The Phantom Menace. iUniverse. ISBN 0-595-34732-0. Archived from the original on January 31, 2021. Retrieved September 13, 2020.
  • Kaminski, Michael (2007). «The Secret History of Star Wars». Archived from the original on July 6, 2007.
    • —— (2008) [2007]. The Secret History of Star Wars. Legacy Books Press. ISBN 978-0-9784652-3-0.
  • Rinzler, J.W. (2007). The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film (Star Wars). Del Rey. ISBN 978-0-345-49476-4.

Further reading[edit]

  • Michael J. Hanson, Michael J. & Kay, Max S. (2000). Star Wars: The New Myth. Xlibris, ISBN 978-1401039899
  • McDonald, Paul F. (2013). The Star Wars Heresies: Interpreting The Themes, Symbols and Philosophies of Episodes I-III. McFarland, ISBN 978-0786471812
  • Bortolin, Matthew (2005). The Dharma of Star Wars. Wisdom Publications, ISBN 978-1614292869

External links[edit]

Spoken Wikipedia icon

This audio file was created from a revision of this article dated 16 March 2007, and does not reflect subsequent edits.

  • Official website at StarWars.com
  • Official website at Lucasfilm.com
  • Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace on Wookieepedia, a Star Wars wiki
  • Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace at IMDb
  • Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace at AllMovie
  • Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace at Corona’s Coming Attractions

«Star Wars 1» redirects here. For the first Star Wars film, see Star Wars (film).

Star Wars: Episode I –
The Phantom Menace
Illustration depicting various characters of the film, surrounded by a frame which reads at the top "Every saga has a beginning." In the background, there is of a face with yellow eyes, and red, and black tattoos. Below the eyes are a bearded man with long hair, a young woman with face paint and an intricate headdress, three spaceships, a short and cylindrical robot besides a humanoid one, a boy wearing gray clothes, a young man wearing a brown robe holding a laser sword, and an alien creature with long ears. At the bottom of the image is the title "Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace" and the credits.

Theatrical release poster by Drew Struzan

Directed by George Lucas
Written by George Lucas
Produced by Rick McCallum
  • Liam Neeson
  • Ewan McGregor
  • Natalie Portman
  • Jake Lloyd
  • Ian McDiarmid
  • Anthony Daniels
  • Kenny Baker
  • Pernilla August
  • Frank Oz
Cinematography David Tattersall
Edited by
  • Paul Martin Smith
  • Ben Burtt
Music by John Williams


Lucasfilm Ltd.

Distributed by 20th Century Fox

Release dates

  • May 16, 1999 (Los Angeles)
  • May 19, 1999 (United States)

Running time

133 minutes[1][a]
Country United States
Language English
Budget $115 million[2]
Box office $1.027 billion[2]

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace is a 1999 American epic space opera film written and directed by George Lucas. It stars Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd, Ian McDiarmid, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Pernilla August, and Frank Oz. It is the fourth film in the Star Wars film series, the first film of the prequel trilogy and the first chronological chapter of the «Skywalker Saga». Set 32 years before the original trilogy, during the era of the Galactic Republic, the plot follows Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi as they try to protect Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo in hopes of securing a peaceful end to an interplanetary trade dispute. Joined by Anakin Skywalker—a young slave with unusually strong natural powers of the Force—they simultaneously contend with the mysterious return of the Sith. The film was produced by Lucasfilm, with 20th Century Fox distributing.

Following the release of Return of the Jedi, talks of a follow-up were proposed, but Lucas was unmotivated to return to the franchise. During the hiatus, the backstories he created for the characters, particularly Anakin’s own backstory, sparked interest in him to develop a prequel trilogy during the 1990s. After he determined that computer-generated imagery (CGI) had advanced to the level he wanted for the prequel trilogy’s visual effects, Lucas began writing The Phantom Menace in 1993, and production began in 1994. Filming started on June 26, 1997—at locations including Leavesden Film Studios and the Tunisian desert—and ended on September 30. The film marked Lucas’ first directorial effort after a 22-year hiatus following the original Star Wars[b] in 1977.

The Phantom Menace was released in theaters on May 19, 1999, almost 16 years after the premiere of Return of the Jedi. The film’s premiere was extensively covered by media and was widely anticipated because of the large cultural following the Star Wars saga had cultivated. Upon its release, The Phantom Menace received mixed reviews. While the visual effects, action sequences, musical score, and the performances of Neeson and McGregor were praised, criticism was largely focused on the screenplay, pacing, Lloyd’s performance, and characters, with Jar Jar Binks in particular receiving extremely negative reception. Furthermore, the film’s blend of complicated, politics-heavy storytelling and juvenile humor was perceived as incongruent. Despite the mixed reception, The Phantom Menace was a box-office success and broke numerous box-office records during its debut. It grossed more than $924.3 million worldwide during its initial theatrical run, becoming the highest-grossing film of 1999, the second-highest-grossing film worldwide and in North America (behind Titanic), and the highest-grossing Star Wars film at the time (inflation notwithstanding). A 3D reissue, which earned an additional $102.7 million and brought the film’s overall worldwide takings to over $1 billion, was released in February 2012. Attack of the Clones (2002) and Revenge of the Sith (2005) followed The Phantom Menace, rounding out the Star Wars prequel trilogy.


The Trade Federation creates turmoil in the Galactic Republic by blockading the planet Naboo in protest of recent legislation taxing major galactic trade routes. The Republic’s leader, Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, dispatches Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to negotiate with Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray. Darth Sidious, a Sith Lord and the Trade Federation’s secret benefactor, orders the Viceroy to kill the Jedi and begin a planetary invasion with an army of battle droids, but the Jedi escape and flee to Naboo. During the invasion, Qui-Gon rescues a Gungan outcast, Jar Jar Binks. Indebted to Qui-Gon, Jar Jar leads the Jedi to Otoh Gunga, the Gungans’ underwater city. The Jedi fail to persuade the Gungan leader, Boss Nass, to help the planet’s surface dwellers, but manage to obtain Jar Jar’s guidance and underwater transport to Theed, the capital city of Naboo. After rescuing Queen Amidala, the group make their escape from Naboo aboard her Royal Starship, intending to reach the Republic capital planet of Coruscant.

Passing through the Federation blockade, the ship is damaged in the crossfire, and its hyperdrive malfunctions. The ship lands for repairs on the outlying desert planet of Tatooine, situated beyond the Republic’s jurisdiction. Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, astromech droid R2-D2, and Queen Padmé Amidala (in disguise as one of her own handmaidens) visit the settlement of Mos Espa to purchase a new part for their hyperdrive. They encounter a junk dealer, Watto, and his nine-year-old slave, Anakin Skywalker, a gifted pilot and engineer who has built a protocol droid, C-3PO.

Qui-Gon senses a strong presence of the Force within Anakin, and is convinced that he is the prophesied «Chosen One,» destined to restore balance to the Force. With Watto refusing to accept payment in Republic currency, Qui-Gon wagers both the required hyperdrive part and Anakin’s freedom in a podrace. Anakin wins the race and joins the group to be trained as a Jedi, reluctantly leaving behind his mother, Shmi. En route to their starship, Qui-Gon encounters Darth Maul, Sidious’ apprentice, who was sent to capture Amidala. After a brief lightsaber duel Qui-Gon narrowly escapes aboard the starship with the others.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan escort Amidala to Coruscant so that she can plead her people’s case to Chancellor Valorum and the Galactic Senate. Qui-Gon informs the Jedi Council that his attacker was a Sith and subsequently asks for permission to train Anakin as a Jedi, but the Council refuses his request, concerned that Anakin’s age makes him vulnerable to the dark side of the Force. Undaunted, Qui-Gon vows to take up Anakin as his new apprentice. Meanwhile, Naboo’s Senator Palpatine persuades Amidala to call for a vote of no confidence in Valorum to elect a more capable leader in order to resolve the crisis. Though she is successful in pushing for the vote, Amidala grows frustrated with the now-apparent corruption in the Senate, and decides to return to Naboo. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are ordered by the Jedi Council to accompany the queen and investigate the return of the Sith, whom they had thought to be extinct for over a millennium.

On Naboo, Padmé reveals herself as the actual queen before the Gungans to gain their trust, and persuades them to help against the Trade Federation. Jar Jar is promoted to general and joins his tribe in a battle against the droid army, while Padmé leads the search for Gunray in Theed. Qui-Gon tells Anakin to hide inside a starfighter in the palace hangar, but he accidentally triggers its autopilot, and flies into space, joining the Naboo pilots in their battle against the Federation droid control ship. With R2’s help, Anakin pilots the fighter into the ship and causes its destruction from within, deactivating the droid army. Meanwhile, Maul, who has been dispatched by Sidious to assist Gunray, engages in a lightsaber duel with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Maul mortally wounds Qui-Gon, but is then sliced in half by Obi-Wan and falls down a shaft.[c] Qui-Gon asks Obi-Wan to train Anakin before dying in his arms.

Following the battle, Gunray is arrested by the Republic, and Palpatine is elected Chancellor. Master Yoda promotes Obi-Wan to the rank of Jedi Knight, and reluctantly accepts Anakin as Obi-Wan’s apprentice. A funeral is held for Qui-Gon, attended by the other Jedi, who contemplate that there is still one Sith remaining since there are always two of them. During a celebratory parade on Naboo, Padmé presents a gift of thanks to the Gungans to establish peace.


  • Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master who discovers Anakin Skywalker and under the belief that he is destined to bring balance to the force as the prophesied «Chosen One», insists that the boy be trained as a Jedi, despite the Jedi Council’s refusal to do so. Lucas originally wanted to cast an American actor in the role, but cast Neeson (who is Northern Irish) because he considered that Neeson had great skills and presence. Lucas said Neeson was a «master actor, who the other actors will look up to, who has got the qualities of strength that the character demands.»[3]
  • Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon’s twenty-five-year-old Jedi Padawan, who holds his master in high regard but questions his motives at times, especially when it seems he is breaking the rules of the Jedi. McGregor was cast from a shortlist of fifty actors, all of whom had to be compared to pictures of young Alec Guinness, who portrayed the elderly Obi-Wan, to make a believable younger version.[4] McGregor had a vocal coach to help his voice sound closer to Guinness’s. He also studied several of Guinness’s performances, from his early work and the original Star Wars films.[3]
  • Natalie Portman as Padmé Amidala, the fourteen-year-old Queen of Naboo, who hopes to protect her planet from the Trade Federation’s blockade invasion. Throughout most of the film, she uses her birth name Padmé Naberrie and poses as one of the queen’s handmaidens for protection. Over 200 actresses auditioned for the role.[5] The production notes stated that «The role required a young woman who could be believable as the ruler of that planet, but at the same time be vulnerable and open». Portman was chosen especially for her performances in Léon: The Professional (1994) and Beautiful Girls (1996), which impressed Lucas.[3] He stated, «I was looking for someone who was young, strong, along the lines of Leia [and] Natalie embodied all those traits and more».[3] Portman was unfamiliar with Star Wars before being cast,[3] but was enthusiastic about being cast as a character she expected to become a role model. Portman said, «It was wonderful playing a young queen with so much power. I think it will be good for young women to see a strong woman of action who is also smart and a leader.»[6]
  • Jake Lloyd as Anakin «Ani» Skywalker, a nine-year-old slave boy and a skilled pilot who dreams of becoming a Jedi. Hundreds of actors were tested across the UK, Ireland, Canada, and the United States[3] before the producers settled on Lloyd, who Lucas considered met his requirements of «a good actor, enthusiastic and very energetic». Producer Rick McCallum said that Lloyd was «smart, mischievous, and loves anything mechanical—just like Anakin.»[7]
  • Ian McDiarmid as Palpatine, a middle aged senator of Naboo and a secret Sith Lord who orchestrates the invasion of his home planet to get elected Supreme Chancellor. He is the Trade Federation’s mysterious benefactor, and the titular «Phantom Menace». McDiarmid was surprised when Lucas approached him sixteen years after Return of the Jedi to reprise the role of Palpatine, having assumed that a younger actor would play the role in the prequel films.[8]
  • Ahmed Best as Jar Jar Binks, a clumsy Gungan exiled from his home and taken in by Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Best was hired after casting director Robin Gurland saw him on a Stomp performance in San Francisco.[7] Best was originally intended to provide motion capture data, but his offer to voice the character was accepted. On the set, to provide references for the actors, Best was clothed in a suit made of foam and latex and a headpiece. Best’s filmed performance was later replaced with the computer-generated character.[9] Best frequently improvised movements to make Jar Jar look as clumsy and comedic as possible.[7]
  • Anthony Daniels as the voice of C-3PO, a protocol droid built by Anakin. He lacks a metal covering in this film; R2-D2 humorously refers to it as being «naked». Industrial Light & Magic’s Michael Lynch, dressed in a color closely matching the background—in a manner similar to the Japanese puppet theater Bunraku— manipulated a skeletal C-3PO figure attached to his front while Daniels read his lines off-camera. The puppeteer was erased from the film during post-production.[7][10]
  • Kenny Baker as R2-D2, an astromech droid from Naboo that saves Queen Amidala’s ship when other astro droids fail. Before the film’s production started, fans campaigned on the Internet to retain Baker as R2-D2; Lucas replied that the actor would reprise the role. Baker is used for scenes where R2-D2 bends forwards and backwards and wobbles from side-to-side. Robots and a digital model were used in other shots.[citation needed]
  • Pernilla August as Shmi Skywalker, Anakin’s mother, who is concerned for her son’s future and allows him to leave with the Jedi. August, a veteran of Swedish cinema, was chosen after auditioning with Liam Neeson. She was afraid of being rejected because of her accent.[9]
  • Frank Oz as the voice of Yoda, the centuries-old Jedi Grandmaster and head of the Jedi Council who is apprehensive about allowing Anakin to be trained. Yoda was mostly portrayed as a puppet designed by Nick Dudman based on Stuart Freeborn’s original design. Oz controlled the puppet’s mouth, and other parts were controlled by puppeteers using remote controls.[9] Lucas fitted Yoda’s filming around Oz’s schedule as he finished and promoted In & Out.[11] A computer-generated Yoda is featured in two distant shots. Warwick Davis (who played the part of the Ewok Wicket W. Warrick in Return of the Jedi in 1983) portrays him in the scene where Obi-Wan becomes a Jedi Knight.[12] Lucas said he originally wanted to use a full-time digital Yoda, but the attempts did not work well enough at the time. Beginning with the 2011 Blu-ray release of The Phantom Menace, which was also used for the 3D reissue, a CG Yoda replaced the puppet entirely.[13]
  • Oliver Ford Davies as Sio Bibble, the governor of Naboo.
  • Hugh Quarshie as Captain Quarsh Panaka, Queen Amidala’s chief of security at the Theed Palace.
  • Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu, a Jedi Master and high-ranking member of the Jedi Council who opposes training Anakin.
  • Ray Park as Darth Maul, Darth Sidious’ Zabrak Sith apprentice, who wields a double-bladed lightsaber.
    • Peter Serafinowicz as the voice of Darth Maul
  • Terence Stamp as Finis Valorum, the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic who commissions Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon to negotiate with the Trade Federation viceroy. Lucas described the character as a «good man but he’s beleaguered—a bit like [Bill] Clinton».[14]
  • Keira Knightley as Sabé, one of Queen Amidala’s handmaidens who serves as her decoy throughout the majority of the film.
  • Silas Carson as:
    • Nute Gunray, the viceroy of the Trade Federation who leads Naboo’s invasion and tries to force Queen Amidala to sign a treaty to legitimize their occupation of the planet.
    • Ki-Adi-Mundi, a wise and powerful Jedi Master who sits on the Council.
    • Lott Dod, a Trade Federation Senator.
    • An ill-fated pilot. This was the role for which Carson originally auditioned.[15]
  • Jerome St. John Blake as:
    • Rune Haako, Gunray’s chief lieutenant and Settlement Officer in the Trade Federation.
      • James Taylor as the voice of Rune Haako.
    • Oppo Rancisis, a Jedi Master and member of the Council.
    • Orn Free Ta, a Twi-lek senator.
    • Mas Amedda, a Chagrian politician and Vice Chair of the galactic senate.

Additionally, Brian Blessed voiced Boss Nass, the leader of the Gungan tribe who allies with the Naboo surface dwellers; Andy Secombe voiced Watto, a junk dealer on Tatooine who owns Anakin and his mother as slaves; and Lewis MacLeod voiced Sebulba, an aggressive, scheming podracer who is Anakin’s main rival at the Boonta Eve podrace. Greg Proops and Scott Capurro voiced Fode and Beed, respectively, the two-headed announcer of the Boonta Eve Race. Alan Ruscoe appears as Jedi Master Plo Koon and Neimoidian Daultay Dofine, commander of the Trade Federation’s droid control ships. Ralph Brown plays Ric Olie, commander of the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps and chief pilot aboard Queen Amidala’s starship, while Matthew Wood appears as the Twi’lek Bib Fortuna alongside a CGI Jabba the Hutt, who is voiced by an uncredited actor. Dominic West plays the role of an unnamed Naboo guard, and Sofia Coppola appears as Saché, one of Amidala’s handmaidens. Christian Simpson appears as Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes.[16] Lindsay Duncan voices TC-14, a protocol droid on the Federation ship. Sally Hawkins made her screen debut as an uncredited villager.



While writing the original Star Wars film,[b] Lucas decided the story was too vast to be covered in one film. He introduced a wider story arc that could be told in sequels if it became successful.[17][18] He negotiated a contract that allowed him to make two sequels, and over time created an elaborate backstory to aid his writing process.[19] While writing the second film, The Empire Strikes Back, Lucas considered directions in which to take the story. In the original trilogy, Darth Vader was revealed to have been Anakin Skywalker, a once-powerful Jedi Knight, and a traitor to the Jedi Order.[20] With this backstory in place, Lucas decided that the movies would work best as a trilogy.[21] In the trilogy’s final episode, Return of the Jedi, Vader is redeemed through an act of sacrifice for Luke.[22]

Throughout the 1980s, Lucas said he had no desire to return to Star Wars and had canceled his sequel trilogy by the time of Return of the Jedi. However, because Lucas had developed most of the backstory, the idea of prequels continued to fascinate him.[23] In the early 1990s, Star Wars saw a resurgence in popularity in the wake of Dark Horse’s comic line and Timothy Zahn’s trilogy of novels. Lucas saw that there was still a large audience for his idea of a prequel trilogy, and with the development of special effects generated with computer-generated imagery (CGI), Lucas considered returning to his saga and directing the film.[24] In 1993, it was announced in Variety and other sources that he would be making the prequels. Lucas began outlining the story; Anakin Skywalker rather than Obi-Wan Kenobi would be the protagonist, and the series would be a tragedy examining Darth Vader’s origins. A relic of the original outline was that Anakin would, like his son, grow up on Tatooine.[25] Lucas also began to change the prequels’ timeline relative to the original series; instead of filling in the tangential history, they would form the beginning of a long story that started with Anakin’s childhood and ended with his death. This was the final step toward turning the franchise into a saga.[26]

Lucas began writing the Star Wars prequel trilogy on November 1, 1994. The screenplay of Star Wars was adapted from Lucas’ 15-page outline that was written in 1976, which he designed to help him keep track of the characters’ backstories and events that occurred before the original trilogy.[27] Anakin was first written as a twelve-year-old, but Lucas reduced his age to nine because he felt that the lower age would better fit the plot point of Anakin being affected by his mother’s separation from him. Eventually, Anakin’s younger age led Lucas to rewrite his participation in the movie’s major scenes.[28] The film’s working title was The Beginning, with the title not being changed to The Phantom Menace until shortly before the film’s completion.[27] Lucas later revealed that the Phantom Menace title was a reference to Palpatine hiding his true identity as an evil Sith Lord behind the facade of a well-intentioned public servant.[29]

The larger budget and possibilities opened up by the use of digital effects made Lucas «think about a much grander, more epic scale—»which is what I wanted Star Wars to be».[30] The story ended with five simultaneous, ongoing plots, one leading to another. The central plot is Palpatine’s intent to become Chancellor, which leads to the Trade Federation’s attack on Naboo, the Jedi being sent there, Anakin being met along the way, and the rise of the Sith Lords. As with the original trilogy, Lucas intended The Phantom Menace to illustrate several themes throughout the narrative. Duality is a frequent theme; Amidala is a queen who passes as a handmaiden, Palpatine plays on both sides of the war, among others. «Balance» is frequently suggested; Anakin is supposedly «the one» chosen to bring balance to the Force—Lucas said, «Anakin needed to have a mother, Obi-Wan needed a Master, Darth Sidious needed an apprentice» as without interaction and dialogue, «you wouldn’t have drama».[31]

In November 2015, Ron Howard confirmed that he, Robert Zemeckis, and Steven Spielberg were approached by Lucas to direct The Phantom Menace. All three approached directors told Lucas that he should direct the film, as they each found the project «too daunting.»[32]

Pre-production and design[edit]

Before Lucas had started writing, his producing partner Rick McCallum was preparing for the film. McCallum stated that his experience with The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles led to many of his decisions on The Phantom Menace, such as long-term deals with actors and soundstages, the employment of recent graduates with no film experience, and the creation of sets and landscapes with digital technology. In April 1994, McCallum started searching for artists in art, architecture and design schools, and in mid-year he began location scouting with production designer Gavin Bocquet. Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) art director Doug Chiang impressed McCallum the most and was hired as the design director.[33][34] Art development on the film began in January 1995.[35]

Within three to four months of Lucas beginning the writing process, Chiang and his design team started a two-year process of reviewing thousands of designs for the film.[36] Chiang stated that Lucas intended Episode I to be stylistically different from the other Star Wars films; it would be «richer and more like a period piece, since it was the history leading up to A New Hope.» The story takes place on three planets, some with varied environments such as the human and Gungan cities of Naboo and three buildings in Coruscant. With the exception of the Gungan city, which had an art nouveau-inspired visual, these locations would be given distinctive looks with some basis in the real world. The concept drawings of Ralph McQuarrie for the original trilogy served as the basis for Mos Espa—which was also inspired by old Tunisian hotels and buildings and had touches such as a marketplace to differentiate it from A New Hopes Mos Eisley—and Coruscant, in particular a metropolis design that became the basis for the Senate.[37] Bocquet would later develop the work of Chiang’s team and design the interiors, translating the concepts into construction blueprints with environments and architectural styles that had some basis in reality «to give the audience something to key into.»[38] Some elements were directly inspired by the original trilogy; Lucas described the battle droids as predecessors to the stormtroopers. Chiang uses that orientation to base the droids on the Imperial soldiers, only in the same style of stylized and elongated features seen in tribal African art.[30]

Terryl Whitlatch, who had a background on zoology and anatomy, was in charge of creature design. Many of the aliens are hybrids, combining features of real animals. At times, entire food chains were developed, even though only a small percentage of them would appear in the film. Whitlatch also designed detailed skeletons for the major characters and facial muscles on Jar Jar Binks as a reference for ILM’s animators. Each creature would reflect its environment; those on Naboo were more beautiful because the planet is «lush and more animal-friendly», Tatooine has rough-looking creatures «with weather-beaten leathery skin to protect them from the harsh desert elements», and Coruscant has bipedal, human-looking aliens.[39]

The film made extensive use of the new technique of digital pre-visualization, using computers to essentially create 3-D animated storyboards. This was done for dozens of scenes in the film but was first and primarily used in the pod race sequence. Animatic supervisor David Dozoretz, also an ILM alum, worked on this sequence for nearly three years, and at one point had a 25 minute version of the race, although the film only included a 9-minute version.

Three men fight with laser swords in an hangar.

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi dueling Darth Maul. Lucas wanted the lightsaber battles to be fast and more intense than those of the original trilogy, depicting the Jedi in their prime. This scene was highly praised by critics and audiences.

Stunt coordinator Nick Gillard was recruited to create a new Jedi fighting style for the prequel trilogy. Gillard likened the lightsaber battles to a chess game «with every move being a check». Because of their short-range weapons, Gillard thought that the Jedi would have had to develop a fighting style that merged every swordfighting style, such as kendo and other kenjutsu styles, with other swinging techniques, such as tennis swings and tree-chopping. While training Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor, Gillard wrote a sequence that lasted around 60 seconds and intended to be around five or six sequences per fight.[40] Lucas later referred to the Jedi as «negotiators» rather than high-casualty soldiers. The preference of hand-to-hand combat was intended to give a spiritual and intellectual role to the Jedi.[40] Because Gillard thought that the stunt jumps with the actors and stuntmen dangling from wires did not look realistic, air rams were used to propel them into the air instead.[41]

Lucas decided to make elaborate costumes, because the film’s society was more sophisticated than the one depicted in the original trilogy. Designer Trisha Biggar and her team created over 1,000 costumes that were inspired by various cultures.[42] Biggar worked closely with concept designer Iain McCaig to create a color palette for the inhabitants of each world: Tatooine followed A New Hope with sun-bleached sand colors, Coruscant had grays, browns, and blacks, and Naboo had green and gold for humans while Gungans wore «a leathery look, like their skin». The Jedi costumes followed the tradition from the original film;[43] Obi-Wan’s costume was inspired by the costume that was worn by Guinness. Lucas said he and Biggar would look at the conceptual art to «translat[e] all of these designs into cloth and fabric and materials that would actually work and not look silly». Biggar also consulted Gillard to ensure that the costumes would accommodate action scenes, and consulted the creature department to find which fabrics «wouldn’t wear too heavily» on the alien skins. A huge wardrobe department was set up at Leavesden Film Studios to create over 250 costumes for the main actors and 5,000 for the background ones.[44]

Nute Gunray’s Thai accent was chosen after Lucas and McCallum listened to various languages to decide how the Neimoidians would speak.[45] The character design of Watto was an amalgam of rejected ideas; his expressions were based on video footage of Secombe’s voice acting, photographs of animation supervisor Rob Coleman imitating the character, and modeler Steve Alpin saying Watto’s lines to a mirror.[46] Lucas described Sebulba’s design as «a spider crossed with an orangutan crossed with a sloth»,[47] with a camel-like face, and clothing inspired by medieval armor.[48]


After Samuel L. Jackson expressed interest in appearing in a Star Wars film, he was approached by casting director Robin Gurland to play Windu.[7] Rapper Tupac Shakur was also considered for the role of Mace Windu.[49] Ray Park, a martial arts champion with experience in gymnastics and sword fighting, was originally a member of the stunt crew.[7] Stunt coordinator Nick Gillard filmed Park to demonstrate his conception of the lightsaber battles. Lucas and McCallum were so impressed with the test tape that they gave Park the role of Maul. His voice was considered «too squeaky» and was dubbed over in post-production by Peter Serafinowicz.[9] Keira Knightley’s parents tried to convince her not to audition, but the teenage actress still sought a role since she was a Star Wars fan.[50] The casting was influenced by Knightley’s remarkable similarity to Natalie Portman, with the actress admitting their mothers could not tell each other apart.[51] Knightley was reported to have «cried every single day» due to finding the wardrobe uncomfortable.[50]

Over 3,000 actors auditioned for the role of Anakin Skywalker including Haley Joel Osment, Cameron Finley, Justin Berfield and Michael Angarano before Jake Lloyd was finalised.[52] Vinette Robinson auditioned for the role of Padmé Amidala.[53] Benicio del Toro was originally cast as Darth Maul but later left the project when the character’s lines were cut.[54] Michael Jackson expressed interest in playing Jar Jar Binks but he wanted to do it in prosthetic make ups while George Lucas wanted to do it in CGI.[55] Joseph Fiennes auditioned for the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi and nearly landed the part until George Lucas’s young daughter rejected him upon meeting him during the second level of auditioning.[56]

Silas Carson was cast as Nute Gunray because another actor was uncomfortable with the costumes used by the Trade Federation characters, which were hot, exerted a lot of pressure on the bearer, and took about 15 minutes to apply. Hugh Quarshie considered the part of Panaka as «a good career move» and a production that would be fun to make.[57] Brian Blessed originally auditioned for the role of Sio Bibble, the Governor of Naboo,[58] for which he was considered «too loud».[59] Casting director Robin Gurland approached him to play Nass because it was a «bigger than life» character with «a kind of bravado».[60] Blessed described Nass as a «reluctant hero».[59] Sofia Coppola, daughter of Lucas’ long-time friend and creative partner Francis Ford Coppola, considers Lucas as «like an uncle to me». As she prepared the script for her directorial debut The Virgin Suicides, Coppola heard Lucas would make a new Star Wars film and asked him if she could accompany him during filming. Lucas offered Coppola a role in the royal entourage, which she accepted because it «seemed like a good vantage point to watch without getting in the way».[61]


Rocky buildings and an antenna-like structure in a desert.

Remains of Mos Espa in the Tunisian desert, near Nafta

Filming began on June 26, 1997, and ended on September 30 of that year, primarily taking place at Leavesden Film Studios in England. Leavesden was leased for a two and a half year period so the production company could leave the sets intact and return after principal photography had been completed.[62] The forest scenes on Naboo were filmed at Cassiobury Park in Watford, Hertfordshire.[63][64] Pick-ups were shot between August 1998 and February 1999 after Lucas screened a rough cut of the film for friends and colleagues in May 1998.[65] Most of the action and stunts were filmed by Roger Christian’s second unit, which worked alongside the main unit instead of afterwards because of the high number of shots to be completed daily.[41]

The Tunisian desert was again used for the Tatooine scenes;[66] Mos Espa was built outside the city of Tozeur. On the night following the third day of shooting in Tozeur, an unexpected sandstorm destroyed many of the sets and props. The production was quickly rescheduled to allow for repairs and was able to leave Tunisia on the date originally planned.[67] The Italian Caserta Palace was used as the interior of the Theed City Naboo Palace;[66] it was used as a location for four days after it had been closed to visitors. Scenes with explosions were filmed on replica sets in Leavesden.[68]

A binder with the film’s storyboards served as a reference for live-action filming, shots that would be filmed in front of a chroma key blue screen, and shots that would be composed using CGI. The sets were often built with the parts that would be required on screen; often they were built only up to the heights of the actors. Chroma key was extensively used for digital set extensions, backgrounds, or scenes that required cinematographer David Tattersall to seek powerful lamps to light the sets and visual effects supervisor John Knoll to develop software that would remove the blue reflection from shiny floors. Knoll, who remained on set through most of the production, worked closely with Tattersall to ensure that the shots were suitable to add effects later. The cameras were fitted with data capture models to provide technical data for the CGI artists.[69]

The Phantom Menace was the final Star Wars film to be shot on 35mm film until Episode VII (Star Wars: The Force Awakens). Some scenes, mostly of elements filmed by the special effects team, were shot on high definition, digital video tapes to test the performance of digital recordings, which Lucas and McCallum considered the next logical step because of the amount of digitizing—an expensive process compared to recording directly on digital media—for the compositing of computer-generated effects. All future films would be shot using Sony CineAlta high-definition video cameras.[70][71] Greg Proops and Scott Capurro were filmed wearing makeup and blue bodysuits so their heads could be joined in a computer-generated body. The visual effects crew did not like the original results and crafted Fode and Beed as an entirely computer generated alien.[72]

Editing took two years; Paul Martin Smith started the process in England and focused on dialogue-heavy scenes. Ben Burtt—who was also the film’s sound editor—was responsible for action sequences under Lucas’ supervision. Non-linear editing systems played a large part in translating Lucas’ vision; he constantly tweaked, revised, and reworked shots and scenes. The final sound mix was added in March 1999, and the following month, the film was completed after the delivery of the remaining visual effects shots.[73]


«Writing the script was much more enjoyable this time around because I wasn’t constrained by anything. You can’t write one of these movies without knowing how you’re going to accomplish it. With CG at my disposal, I knew I could do whatever I wanted».

 —George Lucas[74]

The film saw a breakthrough in computer generated effects. About 1,950 of the shots in The Phantom Menace have visual effects. The scene in which toxic gas is released on the Jedi is the only sequence with no digital alteration.[47] The work was so extensive that three visual effects supervisors divided the workload among themselves—John Knoll supervised the on-set production and the podrace and space battle sequences, Dennis Muren supervised the underwater sequence and the ground battle, and Scott Squires, alongside teams assigned for miniature effects and character animation, worked on the lightsaber effects.[75]

Until the film’s production, many special effects in the film industry were achieved using miniature models, matte paintings, and on-set visual effects—although other films had made extensive use of CGI. Knoll previewed 3,500 storyboards for the film; Lucas accompanied him to explain factors of the shots that would be practical and those that would be created through visual effects. Knoll later said that on hearing the explanations of the storyboards, he did not know how to accomplish what he had seen. The result was a mixture of original techniques and the newest digital techniques to make it difficult for the viewer to guess which technique was being used. Knoll and his visual effects team wrote new computer software, including cloth simulators to allow a realistic depiction of the digital characters’ clothing, to create certain shots. Another goal was to create computer-generated characters that could act seamlessly with live-action actors. While filming scenes with CGI characters, Lucas would block the characters using their corresponding voice actors on-set. The voice actors were then removed and the live-action actors would perform the same scene alone. A CGI character would later be added into the shot to complete the conversation.[76] Lucas also used CGI to correct the physical presence of actors in certain scenes.[47] Practical models were used when their visuals helped with miniature sceneries for backgrounds, set extensions, and model vehicles that would be scanned to create the digital models or filmed to represent spaceships and podraces.[77]

Lucas, who had previously confronted problems with the props used to depict R2-D2, allowed ILM and the production’s British special effects department to create their own versions of the robot. Nine R2-D2 models were created; one was for actor Kenny Baker to be dropped into, seven were built by ILM and featured two wheelchair motors capable of moving 440 pounds (200 kg), enabling it to run and be mostly used in stage sets, and the British studio produced a pneumatic R2-D2 that could shift from two to three legs and was mostly used in Tunisia because its motor drive system allowed it to drive over sand.[78]

Lucas originally planned to create many of the aliens with computer graphics, but those that would be more cost-effectively realized with masks and animatronics were created by Nick Dudman’s creature effects team. These included the Neimoidians, background characters in Mos Espa, the Jedi Council, and the Galactic Senate. Dudman’s team was told where the creatures would be required six months before principal photography begun, and they rushed the production. The Neimodian suits, which were originally intended as digital characters, were delivered one day before they would be required on set. Dudman traveled to Skywalker Ranch to see the original creatures that could be reused, and read the script for a breakdown of scenes with practical creatures, leaving only the more outlandish designs to be created using CGI.[79]

To research for the podrace vehicles, the visual effects crew visited a jet aircraft junkyard outside Phoenix, Arizona and scavenged four Boeing 747 engines.[47] Life-sized replicas of the engines were built and sent to Tunisia to provide reference in the film. Except for Jake Lloyd inside a hydraulically controlled cockpit and a few practical podracer models, the entire podracing scene—which the effects crew designed to be as «out of this world» as possible—is computer-generated.[66][80]


Like previous Star Wars films, The Phantom Menace makes several references to historical events and films that George Lucas watched in his youth. The Star Wars films typically mix several concepts from different mythologies together, drawing heavily from the hero’s journey, an archetypical template developed by comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell.[81] This film also notably borrows from Ben Hur, including the podrace sequence, which mirrors the chariot race scene; additionally, the end celebration scene closely resembles a Roman parade in Ben Hur.[82]

The face of Darth Maul drew upon depictions of the devil.

There are many references to Christianity in the film, such as the appearance of Darth Maul, whose design draws heavily from traditional depictions of the devil, complete with red skin and horns.[81] The Star Wars film cycle features a similar Christian narrative involving Anakin Skywalker; he is the «Chosen One»—the individual prophesied to bring balance to the Force—who was conceived of a virgin birth. However, unlike Jesus, Anakin will eventually fall from grace and seemingly fail to fulfill his destiny (until the prophecy comes true in Return of the Jedi).[83]

Japanese films such as Akira Kurosawa’s The Hidden Fortress influenced the original Star Wars film; scholars say that The Phantom Menace was likewise influenced by Korean and Japanese culture. Film historians Geoff King and Tanya Krzywinska write, «The costume and make-up designs … favour a mixture of the gothic and the oriental over anything very futuristic. The gothic is most strongly apparent in Darth Maul’s demonic horns and the red and black make-up mask that borrows from the facial designs found in depictions of Japanese demons». King and Krzywinska say that «Qui-Gon’s pony tail and Obi-Wan’s position of apprentice further encourage a reading in terms of the Samurai tradition». They also say «Amidala, in keeping with her status and character, has a number of highly formal outfits … to go with hair sculpted into a curve that frames make-up of a Japanese cast».[84]

The Jedi practice Zen-like meditation and martial arts, as did the ancient Japanese Samurai warriors. The name «Qui-Gon» adapts the term qigong, which refers to a Chinese discipline involving meditation and cultivation of the flow of the vital energy called «Chi» or «Qi» for healing, health, and combat. The words Ch’i (Chinese), gi (Korean), ki (Japanese), and the Indian term «Prana» all refer to the energy that is thought to flow through all living things, from the source of all chi (or power), which is «The Way» or «The Tao» in Chinese philosophy. In Taoist philosophy, from The Way, yin and yang—the opposing but complementary aspects of reality or nature—are born. Unlike Chinese philosophy, in which yin and yang are not moral qualities, the ancient Persian philosophy of Zurvanism taught that the dualism of dark and light forces are locked in an eternal battle while being two sides (or evolutes) of the same «Force», the force of time itself (Zurvan)—the prime mover. These elements derive primarily from Eastern and Iranian religions and myths.[81]

As with other Star Wars films, the themes about family and hope are featured prominently. In the episode «Legacy» of Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian, Dave Filoni explains that the use of «Duel of the Fates» during the lightsaber duel between Darth Maul against Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi represents the fight for the fate of Anakin Skywalker. According to Filoni, Qui-Gon Jinn acts like a father figure towards Anakin because he feels he needs one after taking him from his mother, having realized that the Jedi shouldn’t be opposed to love and care. In the end, Qui-Gon dies, and thus Anakin loses his father figure; Obi-Wan Kenobi ultimately becomes his master to honor Jinn’s dying wish despite his initial contempt for him, and while he comes to eventually see him like a brother as shown in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, he doesn’t act like a father, which coupled with the Jedi’s indifference, seals Anakin’s fate.[85]


As with previous Star Wars films, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menaces score was composed and conducted by John Williams. He started composing the score in October 1998 and began recording the music with the London Voices and London Symphony Orchestra at Abbey Road Studios on February 10, 1999. Williams decided to use electronic instruments such as synthesizers to enhance the sound and choral pieces to «capture the magical, mystical force that a regular orchestra might not have been able to provide», and create an atmosphere that was «more mysterious and mystical and less military» than those of the original trilogy.[86] One of the most notable tracks is «Duel of the Fates», which uses the chorus to give a religious, temple-like feel to the epic lightsaber duel. The track was made into a music video.[87] While composing Anakin’s theme, Williams tried to reflect the innocence of his childhood and to foreshadow his transformation into Darth Vader by using slight suggestions of «The Imperial March» in the melody.[86]

The film’s soundtrack was released by Sony Classical Records on May 4, 1999. This album featured the score, which Williams restructured as a listening experience; it is not presented in film order and omits many notable cues from the film because of the space restriction of the compact disc.[88] A two-disc «Ultimate Edition» was released on November 14, 2000. The set features the entire score as it is heard in the film, including all of the edits and loops that were made for the sound mix.[89]



Lucasfilm spent US$20 million on the film’s advertising campaign and made promotional licensing deals with Hasbro, Lego, Tricon Global Restaurants, and PepsiCo.[90] Lucasfilm also helped the Star Wars fan club to organize an event called Star Wars Celebration, which was held in Denver, Colorado, between April 30 and May 2, 1999.[91]

The first teaser trailer was released on selected screens accompanying Meet Joe Black on November 13, 1998, and media reported that people were paying full admission at theaters to see the trailer. Other films that played this trailer included The Waterboy, The Siege and A Bug’s Life.[92] To keep fans from leaving before the movie was over, some theaters played the teaser an additional time after the film finished.[93] The second trailer debuted on March 12, 1999, with the film Wing Commander. Again, many fans paid full theater admission to watch the new trailer.[94] A bootlegged version of the preview was leaked to the Internet the same day.[95] The next morning, the trailer was released on the film’s official website and shortly afterwards the servers became overloaded.[96] This trailer had over 1 million downloads within its first 24 hours of release.[97] It would achieve the record for being the most downloaded trailer until the following April when it was surpassed by The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.[98] The theatrical trailer caused even more media attention because it was premiered in theaters and screened at the ShoWest Convention in Las Vegas,[99] and was aired on Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood.[95]

The teaser poster, featuring Anakin with his shadow forming Darth Vader’s silhouette, was released on November 10, 1998. After Lucas opted for a drawn theatrical poster, Drew Struzan, the artist responsible for the Special Edition posters, was commissioned to illustrate, and the poster was unveiled on March 11, 1999. Lucasfilm dictated that, contractually, Struzan’s illustration was the only art the foreign distributors could use, and other than the text, it could not be modified in any way.[100] The film also reused the Godzilla slogan on teaser posters.[101]


A novelization was written by Terry Brooks, who met with Lucas before writing the book and received his approval and guidance. It includes some scenes that are not in the film and foreshadows pending developments in the following two installments of the series.[102] Additionally, a Scholastic junior novelization was written by Patricia C. Wrede.[103] A four-issue comic book adaptation was written by Henry Gilroy and published by Dark Horse Comics.[104] The film was again adapted as part of the all-ages Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy – A Graphic Novel, released by Disney-Lucasfilm Press in 2017.[105]

A LucasArts video game adaptation was released for the PlayStation and PC.[106] The podracing tie-in Star Wars Episode I: Racer was released for Nintendo 64, PC, and other platforms. A pinball machine was created by WMS Industries.[107]



The release of the first new Star Wars film in 16 years was accompanied by a considerable amount of attention.[108] According to The Wall Street Journal, so many workers announced plans to view the premiere that many companies closed on the opening day.[109] Queue areas formed outside cinema theaters over a month before ticket sales began.[110] More theater lines appeared when it was announced that cinemas were not allowed to sell tickets in advance until two weeks into the release. This was because of a fear that family theater-goers would be either unable to receive tickets or would be forced to pay higher prices for them. Instead, tickets were to be sold on a first-come-first-served basis.[111] However, after meetings with the National Association of Theatre Owners, Lucasfilm agreed to allow advance ticket sales on May 12, 1999, provided there was a limit of 12 tickets per customer.[112] As a result, some advance tickets were sold by scalpers at prices as high as US$100 apiece, which a distribution chief called «horrible» and said was exactly what they wanted to avoid.[113] Daily Variety reported that theater owners received strict instructions from Lucasfilm that the film could only play in the cinema’s largest auditorium for the first 8–12 weeks, no honor passes were allowed for the first eight weeks, and they were obliged to send their payments to distributor 20th Century Fox within seven days.[114]

Despite worries about the film being finished on time, two weeks before its theatrical release Lucasfilm moved the release date from May 21 to 19, 1999. At the ShoWest Convention, Lucas said the change was intended to give the fans a «head start» by allowing them to view it during the week and allowing families to view it during weekends. Eleven charity premieres were staged across the United States on May 16, 1999; receipts from the Los Angeles event, where corporate packages were available for between US$5,000 and US$25,000; proceeds were donated to the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation.[115] Other charity premieres included the Dallas premiere for the Children’s Medical Center, the Aubrey Fund for Pediatric Cancer Research at the Sloan-Kettering Hospital in New York, the Big Brother/Sister Association of the Philadelphia premiere, and the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C. A statement said that tickets were sold at US$500 apiece and that certain sections of the theaters were set aside for disadvantaged children.[116]

The film had its UK premiere at the Royal Film Performance, an event held in aid of the Film & TV Charity, on the 14th July, 1999 at the ODEON Leicester Square. This event was attended by the Prince of Wales and helped to raise £225,000 for the charity.[117]

The film opened at 12:01 am on Wednesday, May 19, 1999 in 2,010 theaters in the United States and Canada. An additional 960 theaters screened the film later in the day. About 120 theaters showed the film continuously on opening day, including the Ziegfeld Theatre in New York City and the Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles.[118] Foreshadowing his future conversion to digital cinematography, Lucas said the film would be released on four digital projectors (two in New York and two in Los Angeles) on June 18, 1999.[119] Few film studios released films during the same week: DreamWorks and Universal Studios released The Love Letter on May 21 and Notting Hill on May 28, respectively.[120] The Love Letter was a commercial failure but Notting Hill fared better and followed The Phantom Menace closely in second place.[121] Employment consultant firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas estimated that 2.2 million full-time employees missed work to attend the film, resulting in a US$293 million loss of productivity.

Home media[edit]

Comparison between the puppet of Yoda, present in the theatrical and DVD releases, and the computer-generated model, present in the Blu-ray Disc and 3D releases

The film was released on VHS on April 4, 2000. There were two versions of the film, which were a standard pan and scan version and a widescreen Collector’s Edition version. In its first two days of availability, the regular version sold 4.5 million copies and the limited edition sold 500,000.[122] A year later on June 19, 2001, it was announced that The Phantom Menace would become the first Star Wars film to be officially released on DVD, in a slightly extended cut from the theatrical releases.[123] This THX certified two-disc DVD release debuted on October 16 of the same year.[124] The first disc contains the film and the second disc contains special features. On the first disc, there are three randomized selected menus themed to the planets Naboo, Tatooine and Coruscant. There is an Easter egg located in the options menu. When the THX Optimizer is highlighted, the viewer can press 1-1-3-8. By doing this, some bloopers and DVD credits will be shown.[125] The special features include seven deleted scenes completed specifically for the DVD, a commentary track featuring Lucas and producer Rick McCallum, and several documentaries—including a full-length documentary entitled The Beginning: Making Episode I.[126] There are also DVD-ROM features, including trailers for Attack of the Clones.[127] The Phantom Menace became the fastest-selling DVD ever in the United States; 2.2 million copies were sold in its first week after release.[128] This surpassed the previous record, The Mummy Returns with 2 million copies.[129] Less than a month later, the record for the fastest-selling DVD was taken by Shrek when it sold 2.5 million copies in its first three days.[130]

The DVD version was re-released in a prequel trilogy box set on November 4, 2008.[131] A LaserDisc version of The Phantom Menace was released in Japan on April 7, 2000, one year and six months before it was available on DVD in the U.S.[132] The Star Wars films were released by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment on Blu-ray Disc on September 16, 2011;[133] The Phantom Menace was restored to improve the picture quality and remove the magnification present on the previous DVD release, restoring approximately 8 percent of the picture to the frame.[134] In the Blu-ray release of The Phantom Menace, the Yoda puppet was replaced with a CGI model, making it consistent with the other films of the prequel trilogy.[135]

On April 7, 2015, Walt Disney Studios, 20th Century Fox, and Lucasfilm jointly announced the digital releases of the six released Star Wars films. The Phantom Menace was released through the iTunes Store, Amazon Video, Vudu, Google Play, and Disney Movies Anywhere on April 10, 2015.[136]

Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment reissued The Phantom Menace on Blu-ray, DVD, and digital download on September 22, 2019.[137] Additionally, all six films were available for 4K HDR and Dolby Atmos streaming on Disney+ upon the service’s launch on November 12, 2019.[138] This version of the film was released by Disney on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray box set on March 31, 2020.[139]

3D re-release[edit]

On September 28, 2010, it was announced that all six films in the series would be stereo-converted to 3D. These would be re-released in episode order, beginning with The Phantom Menace, which was released to cinemas on February 10, 2012.[140] Prime Focus Limited did the conversion under the supervision of ILM.[141] However, the 3D re-releases of Episodes II–VI were postponed or canceled after Lucasfilm was bought by The Walt Disney Company, who decided to focus on the development of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.[142]

Lucas stated the 3D re-release was «just a conversion» of the film’s 2011 Blu-ray release and no additional changes were made.[143] Only a change to Anakin’s magnetic wand during the podrace scene—its tip was sharpened to more accurately fit the original 2D photography to the new 3D image—was confirmed.[144]

General Mills and Brisk were promotional partners in North America for the 3D re-release but promotion was limited.[145][146] The film was extensively promoted in Japan; promotional products were sold by 7-Eleven, Domino’s Pizza, Pepsi and Gari-Gari Kun.[147] Kellogg’s promoted the film internationally,[148][149] and French restaurant Quick launched three Star Wars-themed burgers. Lucasfilm also partnered with Variety, the Children’s Charity to raise funds for children through the sale of a special edition badge.[150]


Critical response[edit]

Following an advance screening on Saturday, May 8, 1999, several newspapers broke an agreement with Fox and published reviews of the film on Sunday, May 9. In a front page review, the Los Angeles Daily News gave it 3½ stars calling it «pretty good» overall and «outstanding in many parts». The New York Daily News was less positive giving it 2½ stars. Variety also made its review by Todd McCarthy available on the Sunday[151] with McCarthy calling it «the most widely anticipated and heavily hyped film of modern times» but said that the film «can scarcely help being a letdown on some levels, but it’s too bad that it disappoints on so many» and that «it is neither captivating nor transporting, for it lacks any emotional pull, as well as the sense of wonder and awe that marks the best works of sci-fi/fantasy».[152]

On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 51% based on 237 reviews, with an average rating of 5.9/10. The site’s critical consensus reads, «Burdened by exposition and populated with stock characters, The Phantom Menace gets the Star Wars prequels off to a bumpy – albeit visually dazzling – start.»[153] As of July 2022, the film is the lowest-rated live-action film of the Star Wars series dropping below The Rise of Skywalker.[154] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 51 out of 100, based on 36 critics, indicating «mixed or average reviews».[155] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of «A−» on an A+ to F scale.[156]

Many aspects of the script and characters were criticized, especially that of Jar Jar Binks, who was regarded by many members of the older fan community as toyetic—a merchandising opportunity rather than a serious character.[157][158] Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times described Binks as «a major miscue, a comic-relief character who’s frankly not funny».[159] Drew Grant of Salon wrote, «Perhaps the absolute creative freedom director George Lucas enjoyed while dreaming up the flick’s ‘comic’ relief—with no studio execs and not many an independently minded actor involved—is a path to the dark side.»[160]

Conversely, Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave it three-and-a-half stars out of four and called it «an astonishing achievement in imaginative filmmaking» and said, «Lucas tells a good story.» Ebert also wrote that, «If some of the characters are less than compelling, perhaps that’s inevitable» because it is the opening film in the new trilogy. He concluded his review by saying that rather than Star Trek films, filmmakers could «[g]ive me transparent underwater cities and vast hollow senatorial spheres any day».[161] Owen Gleiberman of Entertainment Weekly gave the film a «B» grade and complimented Liam Neeson’s performance and the action scenes.[162] In an Entertainment Weekly review for the DVD release, Marc Bernardin gave the film a «C−», calling it «haplessly plotted, horribly written, and juvenile».[163] ReelViews’ James Berardinelli wrote, «Looking at the big picture, in spite of all its flaws, The Phantom Menace is still among the best ‘bang for a buck’ fun that can be had in a movie theater,» and said the film was a «distinct improvement» over Return of the Jedi.[164]

Andrew Johnston of Time Out New York wrote, «Let’s face it: no film could ever match the expectations some have for Episode I – The Phantom Menace. Which isn’t to say it’s a disappointment: on the contrary, it’s awesomely entertaining, provided you accept it on its own terms … Like the original film, it’s a Boy’s Own adventure yarn with a corny but irresistible spiritual subtext. The effects and production design are stunning, but they always serve the story, not the other way around.»[165] Susan Wloszczyna of USA Today said that the film did «plenty right» and praised the characters Darth Maul and Watto.[166] David Cornelius of efilmcritic.com said that the film’s better moments «don’t merely balance out the weaker ones—they topple them».[167] Colin Kennedy of Empire magazine said that despite problems with pacing and writing, «there is still much pleasure to be had watching our full-blown Jedi guides in action». He praised the visuals and Liam Neeson’s performance, and said that the duel between Darth Maul and the Jedi was «the saga’s very best lightsaber battle».[168]

Empire magazine ranked The Phantom Menace on its list of «500 Greatest Movies of All Time»,[169] while Entertainment Weekly and Comcast included the film on their lists of the worst movie sequels.[170][171] James Berardinelli wrote, «The Phantom Menace was probably the most overhyped motion picture of the last decade (if not longer), and its reputation suffered as a result of its inability to satisfy unreasonable expectations.»[172] William Arnold of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer agreed that the film’s massive hype caused many of the negative reactions, saying, «it built expectations that can’t possibly be matched and scuttled [the] element of storytelling surprise». He also said that the film was «well made and entertaining» and was much better than similar box office fare released around that year, such as The Mummy and The Matrix.[173] Ewan McGregor said in 2002 that he was «slightly disappointed» that the film was «kind of flat» and believed the next film in the franchise would have «much more humor and…color.»[174]

The introduction of midi-chlorians—microscopic organisms that mediate use of the Force—has been regarded as controversial.[175] Some viewed it as a concept that negates the Force’s spiritual quality. Film historian Daniel Dinello says, «Anathema to Star Wars fanatics who thought they reduced the Force to a kind of viral infection, midi-chlorians provide a biological interface, the link between physical bodies and spiritual energy.»[176] Religion expert John D. Caputo writes, «In the ‘Gospel according to Lucas’, a world is conjured up in which the intractable oppositions that have tormented religious thinkers for centuries are reconciled … The gifts that the Jedi masters enjoy have a perfectly plausible scientific basis, even if its ways are mysterious: their bodily cells have a heavier than usual concentration of ‘midi-chlorians’.»[177]

There has been some controversy over whether several alien characters reflect racial stereotypes. For example, the oafish, slow-witted Jar Jar Binks has long droopy ears reminiscent of dreadlocks and spoke with what many perceived as a Caribbean patois reminiscent of Jamaican Creole.[178] Drew Grant describes the character as «[s]ervile and cowardly … a black minstrel-ish stereotype on par with Stepin Fetchit.»[160] Georgetown University professor of African-American studies Michael Eric Dyson says that the entire Gungan species seems suggestive of a primitive African tribe, with Boss Nass portrayed as «a fat, bumbling … caricature of a stereotypical African tribal chieftain.»[157] The greedy and corrupt Neimoidians of the Trade Federation have been noted as resembling East Asian stereotypes,[179] and the unprincipled trader Watto has been interpreted as a Jewish stereotype reminiscent of Charles Dickens’ character Fagin.[180] Lucas has denied all of these implications,[157] instead criticizing the American media for using opinions from the Internet as a reliable source for news stories. Lucas added that it reflects more the racism of the commenters than it does the movie;[181] however, animator Rob Coleman said ahead of the film’s release that Watto’s mannerisms were inspired by footage of Alec Guinness as Fagin in Oliver Twist.[182]

Box office[edit]

Even though it received mixed reviews, The Phantom Menace was a financial success, breaking many box office records in its debut, and beating out The Mummy by taking number 1. The film broke The Lost World: Jurassic Parks records for the largest single-day gross for taking more than $28 million in the opening day and fastest to gross $100 million in five days. Additionally, it grossed $64.8 million in its opening weekend, the second-ever highest at the time, behind The Lost World: Jurassic Park.[183] It also became the quickest film to reach the $200 million and $300 million marks, surpassing Independence Day (1996) and Titanic (1997) respectively.[184][185] The Phantom Menace held both records before Spider-Man took them in 2002.[186][187] It would go on to earn $105.7 million, making it the highest five-day Wednesday opening weekend of all time.[183] The film had the biggest opening weekend for any 20th Century Fox film for two years until 2001 when it was taken by Planet of the Apes.[188] Its opening day record was handed to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone that same year.[189] Two years later in 2003, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King surpassed The Phantom Menace for having the largest five-day Wednesday opening weekend.[190] During its second weekend, The Phantom Menace made $51.3 million, making it the highest-grossing second weekend at the time, surpassing Jurassic Park. The film would hold this record until it was surpassed a year later by How the Grinch Stole Christmas.[191] In total, the film stayed at the top of the box office for three weeks until it was overtaken by Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me during its fourth weekend.[192] The Phantom Menace was 1999’s most successful film, staying in the Top 10 until August 5 (11 weeks total), earning $431.1 million in the United States and Canada.[193] Box Office Mojo estimates that the film sold over 84.8 million tickets in the US in its initial theatrical run.[194]

The film set an opening record in Japan, grossing $12.2 million in its first two days from 403 screens.[195] In the UK, the film also set an opening record with £9.5 million in its opening weekend (including previews), surpassing Men in Black.[196][197] It would go on to hold this record until it was taken by Toy Story 2 a few months later.[198] The Phantom Menace also grossed a record $11 million in its opening weekend in Germany.[199] Outside the United States and Canada, the film grossed over $10 million in Australia ($25.9 million), Brazil ($10.4 million), France and Algeria ($43 million), Germany ($53.9 million), Italy ($12.9 million), Japan ($109.9 million), Mexico ($12 million), Spain ($25 million), and the United Kingdom and Ireland ($81.9 million).[200] Its overseas total was $493.2 million, taking its worldwide total to $924.3 million.[193] At that time, the film was the third highest-grossing film in North America behind Titanic and Star Wars (1977), and the second highest-grossing film worldwide behind Titanic without adjusting for inflation of ticket prices. When adjusted for ticket price inflation, it ranked as the 19th-highest-grossing film domestically, making it the fourth Star Wars film to be in the Inflation-Adjusted Top 20.

After its 3D re-release in 2012, the worldwide box office gross exceeded $1 billion.[201] Although in the intervening years, the film had lost some of its rankings in the lists of highest-grossing films, the 3D re-release returned it to the worldwide all-time Top 10 for several months.[202] In North America, its revenues overtook those of the original Star Wars as the saga’s highest-grossing film when not adjusting for inflation of ticket prices, and is the tenth highest-grossing film in North America as of August 2017.[203] In North America, its ranking on the Adjusted for Ticket Price Inflation list climbed to 16th place—one place behind Return of the Jedi.[204] The 3D re-release, which premiered in February 2012, earned $43 million—$22.5 million of which was in North America—worldwide.[205] The 3D re-release earned US$102,727,119 worldwide—including $43.5 million in North America—and has increased the film’s overall box office takings to $474.5 million domestically, and $552.5 million in other territories.[206] The film’s earnings exceeded $1 billion worldwide on February 22, 2012, making it the first Star Wars film and the 11th film in history—excluding inflation—to do so.[201][206]


The Phantom Menace was nominated for three Academy Awards: Best Sound Effects Editing, Best Visual Effects, and Best Sound (Gary Rydstrom, Tom Johnson, Shawn Murphy and John Midgley); all of which went to The Matrix.[207][208] The film won Saturn Awards for Best Costumes and Best Special Effects,[209] the MTV Movie Award for Best Action Scene,[210] and a Young Artist Award for Jake Lloyd’s performance.[211] It was also nominated for—among others—the BAFTAs for Visual Effects and Sound,[212] and the Grammy Award for Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media.[213] The film did however receive seven Golden Raspberry Award (Razzie) nominations for Worst Picture, Worst Director, Worst Screenplay, Worst Supporting Actor (Jake Lloyd as Anakin), Worst Supporting Actress (Sofia Coppola as Saché), Worst Screen Couple (Jake Lloyd and Natalie Portman), and Jar Jar Binks actor Ahmed Best won the Worst Supporting Actor category.[214]

The film was nominated Choice Drama Movie, Choice Movie Villain and Choice Summer Movie at 1999 Teen Choice Awards, but both lost to Cruel Intentions and Big Daddy, respectively.


A sequel, Attack of the Clones, was released in 2002.[215] The story continues a decade later with Anakin grown to adulthood, played by Hayden Christensen.[216][217] A second sequel, Revenge of the Sith, was released in 2005.[218]

A month after the film’s release, «Weird Al» Yankovic released the parody song and music video «The Saga Begins», in which he interprets the film’s plot from Obi-Wan’s point of view to the tune of «American Pie»; this was included as a bonus feature on a 2011 Star Wars Blu-ray. In a 2018 Saturday Night Live comedy rap video, Natalie Portman reprised her appearance as Queen Amidala from The Phantom Menace and defended the prequel trilogy.[219]

Darth Maul’s lightsaber-fighting style served as the inspiration for the 2003 viral video Star Wars Kid. Maul, who appears to die in The Phantom Menace, was resurrected for the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and he also appears in Star Wars Rebels and Solo: A Star Wars Story. In 2012, IGN named Maul the 16th-greatest Star Wars character.[220] A similar weapon to his dual-bladed lightsaber appears in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.[221]


  1. ^ The DVD released in 2001 extends the film by about three minutes, giving it a run time of 136 minutes.
  2. ^ a b Later titled Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
  3. ^ The 2008 animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars establishes that Maul survived.


  1. ^ «Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace». British Board of Film Classification. Archived from the original on June 12, 2016. Retrieved February 26, 2015.
  2. ^ a b «Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace«. Box Office Mojo. IMDb. Archived from the original on April 2, 2021. Retrieved April 2, 2021.
  3. ^ a b c d e f «Star Wars Episode I Production Notes: The Actors and Characters – Part I». StarWars.com. May 1, 1999. Archived from the original on October 23, 2004. Retrieved April 5, 2009.
  4. ^ Bouzereau & Duncan 1999, p. 44-45.
  5. ^ Bowen 2005, p. 3
  6. ^ «Return of the galaxy’s new beauty». CNN. 2002. Archived from the original on April 23, 2009. Retrieved April 5, 2009.
  7. ^ a b c d e f «Star Wars Episode I Production Notes: The Actors and Characters – Part II». StarWars.com. May 1, 1999. Archived from the original on October 23, 2004. Retrieved April 5, 2009.
  8. ^ «Homing Beacon #134: Palpatine Speaks». StarWars.com. April 14, 2005. Archived from the original on April 18, 2005. Retrieved April 5, 2009.
  9. ^ a b c d Daly, Steven (May 19, 1999). «Behind the scenes of The Phantom Menace«. Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on June 19, 2007. Retrieved April 5, 2009.
  10. ^ «The Man (Literally) Behind C-3PO». StarWars.com. November 2, 1999. Archived from the original on November 2, 2007. Retrieved April 24, 2009.
  11. ^ Bouzereau & Duncan 1999, p. 96.
  12. ^ Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace audio commentary. The Phantom Menace DVD: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment. 2001.
  13. ^ Ross, Dalton (February 3, 2012). «George Lucas talks about adding a digital Yoda to ‘The Phantom Menace’ – exclusive video». Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on June 7, 2013. Retrieved January 20, 2013.
  14. ^ Chernoff, Scott (December 1997 – January 1998). «Terence Stamp: Stamp of Approval». Star Wars Insider (41).
  15. ^ «Multiple Personality». Star Wars Insider (83). July 2005.
  16. ^ Simpson, Christian (June 4, 2014). «From Fandom to Phantom: When Star Wars Dreams Become Reality». Star Wars.com. Archived from the original on May 13, 2016. Retrieved July 15, 2016.
  17. ^ George Lucas intro to Splinter of the Mind’s Eye 1994 reissue
  18. ^ Rinzler 2007, p. 107
  19. ^ Kaminski 2007, p. 134
  20. ^ Kaminski 2007, pp. 164–165
  21. ^ Bouzereau 1997, p. 123
  22. ^ Clarke, Gerald; Worrell, Denise (May 23, 1983). «I’ve Got to Get My life Back Again». Time. Archived from the original on December 22, 2008. Retrieved April 23, 2009.
  23. ^ Kaminski 2007, p. 227
  24. ^ Kaminski 2007, pp. 294–295
  25. ^ Kaminski 2008, p. 318
  26. ^ Kaminski 2007, pp. 299–300
  27. ^ a b «Special Featurette», All I Need Is An Idea (2001), DVD
  28. ^ Bouzereau & Duncan 1999, p. 7.
  29. ^ Bowen 2005, p. 93
  30. ^ a b Shay, Don (July 1999). «Return of the Jedi». Cinefex (78): 15–32.
  31. ^ Bouzereau & Duncan 1999, pp. 8–9.
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  33. ^ Bouzereau & Duncan 1999, pp. 10–12.
  34. ^ Christopher, James (April 12, 2000). «Greetings, Earthlings; Arts». The Times. p. 16.
  35. ^ Vaz, Mark Cotta (2002). The Art of Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (1st ed.). New York: Ballantine Publ. Group. p. 2. ISBN 978-0-345-43125-7.
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  37. ^ Bouzereau & Duncan 1999, pp. 12–17.
  38. ^ Bouzereau & Duncan 1999, pp. 54–55.
  39. ^ Bouzereau & Duncan 1999, pp. 16–22.
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  41. ^ a b Bouzereau & Duncan 1999, pp. 102–3
  42. ^ Costumes DVD Special Featurette, [2001]
  43. ^ Bouzereau & Duncan 1999, p. 23.
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  68. ^ Bouzereau & Duncan 1999, pp. 57.
  69. ^ Bouzereau & Duncan 1999, pp. 77–79, 84–85.
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  • Bouzereau, Laurent (1997). The Annotated Screenplays. Del Rey. ISBN 0-345-40981-7.
  • Bouzereau, Laurent; Duncan, Jody (1999). The Making of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Ballantine. ISBN 0-345-43111-1.
  • Bowen, Jonathan L. (2005). Anticipation: The Real Life Story of Star Wars: Episode I-The Phantom Menace. iUniverse. ISBN 0-595-34732-0. Archived from the original on January 31, 2021. Retrieved September 13, 2020.
  • Kaminski, Michael (2007). «The Secret History of Star Wars». Archived from the original on July 6, 2007.
    • —— (2008) [2007]. The Secret History of Star Wars. Legacy Books Press. ISBN 978-0-9784652-3-0.
  • Rinzler, J.W. (2007). The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film (Star Wars). Del Rey. ISBN 978-0-345-49476-4.

Further reading[edit]

  • Michael J. Hanson, Michael J. & Kay, Max S. (2000). Star Wars: The New Myth. Xlibris, ISBN 978-1401039899
  • McDonald, Paul F. (2013). The Star Wars Heresies: Interpreting The Themes, Symbols and Philosophies of Episodes I-III. McFarland, ISBN 978-0786471812
  • Bortolin, Matthew (2005). The Dharma of Star Wars. Wisdom Publications, ISBN 978-1614292869

External links[edit]

Spoken Wikipedia icon

This audio file was created from a revision of this article dated 16 March 2007, and does not reflect subsequent edits.

  • Official website at StarWars.com
  • Official website at Lucasfilm.com
  • Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace on Wookieepedia, a Star Wars wiki
  • Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace at IMDb
  • Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace at AllMovie
  • Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace at Corona’s Coming Attractions

Terry Brooks “Star wars Episode I. The phantom menace”


Броневые панели космического челнока Республики рдели ясно-алым цветом. Рядом с громадой боевой станции он казался беспечным насекомым, прилетевшим на яркий свет.

– Если им вздумается открыть огонь, от нас и мокрого места не останется, – пробормотал второй пилот.

Капитан только пожала плечами. Корабли Торговой Федерации, облепившие планету, были похожи на какие угодно, только не на торговые. Они щетинились дулами лазерных пушек, готовые открыть огонь по любому нарушителю. Сейчас в роли нарушителя собирался выступить посольский челнок. Неудивительно, что его экипаж был более чем взволнован. Хотя по взглядам, которые пилоты время от времени бросали через плечо, отрываясь от панели управления, можно было подумать, что их больше тревожит рослая фигура закутанного в плащ человека, что стоял позади них в тени.

С экрана связи пилотов разглядывал наместник Федерации Нуте Гунрай. Капитан видела его лишь однажды, но правильно говорят, хоть раз увидишь неймодианца, никогда не забудешь его кислую физиономию. Кислую серо-зеленую глянцевую физиономию, про себя добавила капитан. Как будто съел что-то не то… – Капитан…

Она вновь покосилась на стоящего за ее креслом человека в плаще. Его голос был спокоен и глубок. Как океан, подумала капитан. Как безбрежный океан в безветренный день. И ей совсем не хотелось увидеть, как выглядит шторм в этом океане. Если Великий Космос будет к ней благосклонен, то и не придется…

– Скажите, что мы хотим подняться на борт. – Опущенный на лицо капюшон плаща едва заметно качнулся в сторону станции. – Слушаюсь…

Второй пилот выразительно глянул на нее, капитан снова пожала плечами: а что я могу сделать, если я их боюсь? Только душевнобольной захочет препятствовать Ордену. Хотя ее подчиненный, кажется, имел в виду нечто совсем другое. Но если уж и придется общаться с федера цией, так пусть на нашей стороне будет хотя бы их сила.

– Послы верховного канцлера просят разрешения немедленно подняться к вам на борт,– проговорила она в микрофон.

Нуте Гунрай пару раз мигнул, прежде чем ответить.

– Пожалюйста,– проскрипел он, тщательно выговаривая звуки. – Как вам изв’естно, установление блокады было абсол’ютно законным. И мы с радостью прим’ем высоких послов. С радостью, да.

Экран потемнел. Капитан в который раз за рейс оглянулась на посла. Тот кивнул – при желании это движение можно было принять за поклон – и вышел из рубки. Ему пришлось пригнуться, чтобы не задеть головой комингс люка.

Оставалось дождаться, когда закончится суматоха, связанная со сближением кораблей, посадкой на станцию – или, если быть точным, влетом в станцию и уже последующей посадкой на внутреннем деке. Посол Республики и его спутник ждали в отведенной им каюте, глядя через иллюминатор на приближающуюся станцию. Шар станции, окруженный полукольцом рабочих помещений и ангаров, казался плоским и черным на фоне зеленовато-голубой планеты, заполнившей почти все пространство.

Непонятно, размышлял посол. Да, Республика обложила налогами торговые пути, да, налоги высоки, и Федерация получила великолепный повод для жалоб. Но обычно она именно этим и ограничивалась. Да, их боевые дроиды и космические корабли могли бы оказаться серьезным аргументом, если бы дело дошло до войны. Но неймодианцы – торговцы, не воины. Как только они чувствуют запах жареного, у них слабеют колени или что у них там есть. Но теперь они нашли некий способ их укрепить. Так что дело все-таки дошло до войны… Или вот-вот дойдет.

Скрытая угроза
Phantom Menace
Постер фильма



Джордж Лукас


Джордж Лукас
Рик Маккаллум


Джордж Лукас

В главных

Эван Макгрегор
Натали Портман
Лиам Нисон
Иэн Макдайармид
Джейк Ллойд


Джон Уильямс




133 мин.


115 млн. $






ID 0120915

«Звёздные войны. Эпизод I. Скрытая угроза» (англ. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace) — научно-фантастический фильм, снятый Джорджем Лукасом, четвёртый по году выпуска, но хронологически первый фильм киносаги «Звёздные войны».

Двое рыцарей-джедаев назначены послами для урегулирования разросшегося конфликта между Торговой Федерацией и планетой Набу. Однако переговорам не суждено состояться — Владыка Ситхов приказывает лидерам Федерации уничтожить послов и приступить к оккупации Набу. Избежав смерти, рыцари вместе с королевой Набу Падме Амидалой убегают с планеты, в надежде добраться до столицы мира планеты-города Корусанта и добиться там правды выступив перед сенатом республики. По пути они вынуждены остановиться на пустынной планете Татуин. Здесь джедаи обнаруживают необычного мальчика-раба по имени Энакин Скайуокер в котором необычайно мощна Сила. Джедаи забирают мальчика с собой, чтобы обучить искусству джедая. Вскоре ситуация обостряется, когда джедаи узнают, что считавшиеся побежденными раз и навсегда Ситхи возвращаются. Не получив поддержки от сената королева Падме с кучкой людей возвращается на Набу, где в ходе дерзкой атаки ей удаётся пленить лидеров Федерации.

Премьера фильма состоялась 19 мая 1999 года, почти через 16 лет после выхода предыдущего фильма в серии — «Звёздные войны. Эпизод VI: Возвращение джедая». Выпуск фильма сопровождался обширной рекламной кампанией и огромным вниманием всего мира. Несмотря на самые разные отзывы критиков, фильм собрал около 924,3 миллионов долларов по всему миру.


  • 1 Создание
  • 2 Сюжет
  • 3 Реакция
  • 4 Персонажи и их исполнители
  • 5 Исторические и культурные намёки
  • 6 Ссылки на оригинальную трилогию
  • 7 Новеллизация
  • 8 Интересные факты
  • 9 См. также
  • 10 Источники
  • 11 Ссылки


После выхода всех фильмов из оригинальной трилогии Джордж Лукас сообщал, что вернётся к работе над очередной картиной к 20-летию премьеры фильма «Звёздные войны: Новая надежда». Работу над сценарием к новой трилогии «Звёздных войн» Лукас начал 1 ноября 1994 года.[1] Сценарий для «Скрытой угрозы» был написан на основе 15-страничного режиссёрского наброска, сделанного Лукасом в 1976 году. Этот набросок использовался Лукасом для прослеживания предысторий персонажей и событий, произошедших до оригинальной трилогии. Рабочим названием фильма было «Начало» (англ. Genesis/Beginning).[1] Позже Лукас обнародовал окончательное название — «Скрытая угроза»; в отличие от остальных названий фильмов в трилогии, название первого эпизода более неоднозначное, что должно подчёркивать неясность судьбы Энакина.

В течение трёх-четырёх месяцев, в то время как Лукас погрузился в процесс написания сценария, Дуг Чан и его команда дизайнеров начала двухгодичный процесс просмотра тысяч эскизов для фильма.[2] Для постановки трюков был нанят Ник Гиллард, который должен был создать новый стиль боя джедаев для новой трилогии. В одном из интервью Гиллард заявил, что бой на световых мечах — что-то вроде игры в шахматы, «где каждый ход должен быть продуман». Поскольку оружие джедаев имеет небольшой радиус поражения, Гиллард предположил, что джедаи должны были бы разработать стиль боя, совмещающий все известные стили боя на мечах, вроде кендо и самурайского, с другими техниками, использующими качающие движения, вроде тенниса. Лукас позже отметит, что джедаи в большей степени «посредники», нежели солдаты, поэтому рукопашный бой позволяет показать больше духовности и интеллектуальной роли джедаев.[3]

Съёмки начались 26 июня 1997 и закончились 30 сентября 1997. В основном они проходили на студии «Leavesden Film» в Англии; сцены на Татуине снимались в тунисской пустыне, а королевский дворец Набу — в итальянском дворце Палаццо Реале в городе Казерта.[4] Город Мос Эспа был построен в пустыне за городом Тозер. Ночью третьих суток съёмок неожиданная песчаная буря уничтожила большую часть декораций. В результате, чтобы не отходить от спланированного графика работ, съёмки продолжались на фоне уцелевших декораций, в то время как разрушенные продолжали ремонтировать.

В оригинальной трилогии для [5]

До создания «Скрытой угрозы» множество спецэффектов в фильмах достигались использованием миниатюрных моделей, рирпроекции и визуальных эффектов на декорациях. Лишь немногие фильмы использовали компьютерную графику для создания эффектов. Координатор визуальных эффектов Джон Нолл просмотрел 3500 зарисовок для фильма с объяснениями Лукаса того, какие сцены будут сниматься натурально, а какие — с использованием спецэффектов. В результате, спецэффекты создавали при помощи совмещения традиционной технологии с новыми цифровыми технологиями. Для создания некоторых сцен фильма Нолл и его команда написали несколько специальных компьютерных программ. Главной целью было создание компьютерных персонажей, неотличимых от реальных актёров. Наибольшего успеха создатели фильма достигли в создании образа Джар-Джар Бинкса, первого полноценного персонажа, генерированного компьютером. Во время съёмок сцен с компьютерными персонажами, актёры разговаривали сами с собой. После окончания создания компьютерных героев их добавляли в кадр, завершая общую картину сцены.

Бюджет «Скрытой угрозы» составил 115 миллионов долларов. Таким образом, фильм является самым дорогим в новой трилогии.


Ядовитый газ наполняет комнату с Квай-Гоном и Оби-Ваном.

События в фильме происходят в 32 году до я. б. за десять лет до начала войн клонов и являются своеобразной прелюдией к возвышению зла в Галактике. В начале фильма двое рыцарей-джедаев — учитель Квай-Гон Джинн и его ученик Оби-Ван Кеноби, назначаются послами для разрешения торгового спора между могущественной Торговой Федерацией и периферийной планетой Набу. Переговорам не суждено состояться, поскольку возглавляемые наместником Нуте Ганроем представители Торговой Федерации, выполняя указание своего нового владыки — Тёмного повелителя ситхов Дарт Сидиуса, — пытаются убить послов и уничтожают доставивший их корабль. Однако джедаям удаётся отбиться от боевых дроидов и бежать на Набу на борту посадочного транспорта Федерации C-9979.

На поверхности планеты джедаи встречают местного жителя — забавного лопоухого гунгана Джар-Джар Бинкса, изгнанного своими соплеменниками за неуклюжесть. Джар-Джар отводит своих новых друзей в подводный город гунганов Ото-Гунга, где они встречаются с гунганским правителем Босс Нассом. Босс Насс отказывается выступить против высадившихся на Набу боевых дроидов, но соглашается передать джедаям подводную лодку, на которой они, сопровождаемые Джар-Джаром, добираются до столицы планеты. Одновременно Торговая Федерация нападает на столицу Набу Тид и захватывает в плен четырнадцатилетнюю королеву Падме Амидалу. Джедаи спасают Амидалу и вместе с ней улетают с Набу, в надежде добраться до столицы Галактической республики — Корусанта, всё ещё надеясь на мирное решение проблемы. Корабли Федерации наносят серьёзные повреждения кораблю Амидалы, но проведённый астродроидом

По пути корабль вынужден остановиться на починку на отдалённой пустынной планете Татуин. Здесь Джедаи встречают Энакина Скайуокера, девятилетнего мальчика, находящегося вместе со своей матерью Шми Скайуокер в рабстве у тойдарианца Уотто, но обладающего необыкновенно мощной Силой и отлично разбирающегося в технике. Чувствуя Силу, Квай-Гон Джин решает, что мальчик является известным по древним пророчествам Избранным, призванным восстановить равновесие Силы и уничтожить ситхов.

Благодаря победе Энакина в опасных гонках на подах джедаи получают от Уотто необходимые детали для ремонта корабля и освобождают мальчика из рабства. Энакин покидает Татуин вместе с Падме, которая производит на мальчика неизгладимое впечатление, и джедаями — Квай-Гон собирается представить его джедайскому совету и обучить владению Силой. Между тем, Тёмный повелитель ситхов отправляет своего ученика-ситха Дарт Мол на поиски королевы и джедаев. Дарт Мол и Квай-Гон впервые встречаются в коротком бою как раз перед посадкой на корабль.

Прибыв на Корусант, Квай-Гон докладывает джедайскому совету о таинственных событиях и представляет магистрам-джедаям Энакина. Джедаи приходят к выводу о возрождении ордена ситхов, но отказываются обучать мальчика, считая его слишком взрослым. Корусант, погрязший в бюрократии, не может решить проблему с Набу из-за нерешительности канцлера Финиса Велорума. Поэтому, по призыву королевы Амидалы, поддавшейся на уговоры представителя Набу в Сенате сенатора Палпатина, бывшего канцлера снимают с должности, избрав на его место таинственного Палпатина. Королева Амидала не может больше ждать и решает лично справиться с Торговой Федерацией. Джедаи сопровождают королеву, когда та вновь отправляется на Набу.

На Набу Падме Амидала обращается за помощью к гунганам, соглашающимся выставить свою армию, чтобы помочь выбить дроидов Торговой Федерации из столицы. Пока гунганская армия сражается с дроидами и танками Федерации за чертой города, джедаи вместе с Амидалой отбивают дворец. В это время юный Скайуокер, случайно оказавшись в звездолёте-истребителе, попадает в самую гущу космического сражения, где он взрывает главный командный центр Торговой Федерации, обездвижив её армию.

Квай-Гон и Оби-Ван сражаются с Дартом Молом.

Когда кажется, что победа уже близка, появляется ученик повелителя ситхов — Дарт Мол, и джедаи вынуждены сражаться с ним. В нелегкой схватке Квай-Гон погибает, но Оби-Ван, почти побеждённый, все же сражает ситха, разрубив его пополам. Перед смертью учитель Оби-Вана успевает попросить его сделать Энакина джедаем, и в конце фильма Кеноби становится учителем мальчика.

Призрачная тень нависает над Галактикой — тёмные ситхи возвращаются.


«Скрытая угроза» получила неоднозначную оценку и смешанные обзоры (средний рейтинг среди критиков — 6/10).[6] Роберт Эберт из «Chicago Sun-Times» поставил фильму три с половиной звезды, отметив спецэффекты и назвав их «живыми».[7] Некоторые аспекты сценария также были раскритикованы. Больше всего недовольства вызвал персонаж Джар-Джар Бинкс, который, по мнению фанатов, слишком разительно отличается от остальных, более серьёзных персонажей фильма.[8][9][10] Появление мидихлорианов (микроскопические организмы, которые позволяют связываться с Силой) стало ещё более спорным моментом, поскольку оно идёт вразрез с оригинальной версией духовного качества Силы.[11] С другой стороны, множество фанатов и критиков согласились, что эпичная сцена битвы между Квай-Гоном, Оби-Ваном и Дартом Молом, представившая потрясающую хореографию и эффектность, является лучшей битвой на световых мечах во всей саге.[12]

После выхода фильма началась дискуссия на счёт того, что некоторые пришельцы в фильме отражают расовые и этнические стереотипы. Например, нелепый Джар-Джар Бинкс с длинными ушами, напоминающими дреды, говорит с акцентом, напоминающим пиджин-инглиш, — почти как карибский патио (в особенности ямайский креол)[13], причём некоторые критики указывали даже на само имя героя, якобы отсылающее к распространённому у растафарианцев именованию обожествлённого эфиопского императора Хайле Селассие I — Джа. Жадные и коррумпированные неймодианцы из Торговой Федерации разговаривают с азиатским (близким к китайскому) акцентом (в немецком — с французским, в итальянском — с русским); беспринципный Уотто смахивает на типичную антисемитскую карикатуру на еврейский народ. Лукас тем не менее категорически отрицает эти схожести.[8][14]

Несмотря на высказанную критику[15], «Скрытая угроза» стала самым успешным фильмом 1999 года, заработав более 431 миллиона долларов в Северной Америке и 439 миллионов долларов в остальном мире. Это соответствует пятому месту в американском и общемировом списке рекордных кассовых сборов.[15][16]

Фильм получил несколько номинаций на премию «Оскар»:

  • Бен Бертт и Том Бэллфорт были номинированы за лучшие звуковые эффекты.
  • Джон Нолл, Деннис Мьюрен, Скотт Скуаерс и Роб Колман получили номинацию за лучшие визуальные эффекты. «Матрица» стал первым фильмом, отбившим у «Звёздных войн» награду за визуальные эффекты.
  • Гарри Ридстром, Том Джонсон, Шон Мерфи и Джон Мидгли получили номинацию за лучший звук.

В то же время, фильм получил несколько номинаций на «Золотую малину»:

  • худший фильм;
  • худший режиссёр;
  • худший сценарий;
  • худший актёр второго плана (Джейк Ллойд);
  • худшая актриса второго плана (София Коппола);
  • худшая актёрская пара (Джейк Ллойд и Натали Портман).

Ахмед Бест удостоился награды «Худший актер второго плана» за роль Джар-Джар Бинкса (впрочем, сам актёр только озвучивал и в некоторых случаях схематически передавал движения своего героя, полностью созданного с помощью цифровых технологий).

Персонажи и их исполнители

Несколько основных персонажей «Скрытой угрозы». Слева направо: Джар-Джар Бинкс (Ахмед Бест), Падме Амидала (Натали Портман), Сабе (Кира Найтли), Оби-Ван Кеноби (Эван МакГрегор), Капитан Панака (Хью Куорши), Сио Биббл (Оливер Форд Дэвис) и Квай-Гон Джин (Лайам Нисон).

  • Квай-Гон Джин (Лиам Нисон, дублирует Владимир Петенков). Мастер-джедай и наставник Оби-Вана Кеноби. Встретив Энакина, он решает, что тот должен стать джедаем, несмотря на протесты совета. Любимый джедай детей-зрителей: самостоятельный, ответственный и благородный.
  • Оби-Ван Кеноби (Эван Макгрегор, дублирует Евгений Иванов). В будущем став мудрым рыцарем, здесь он — молодой джедай, ученик Квай-Гона Джинна. Он очень чтит Квай-Гона, но при этом иногда не понимает его мотивацию.
  • Йода (Фрэнк Оз, дублирует Борис Смолкин). Глава Совета джедаев, выступает против воспитания Энакина в качестве джедая, ссылаясь на Кодекс джедаев, не позволяющий начинать обучение мальчика в таком позднем возрасте.
  • Дарт Мол (Рэй Парк, дублирует Александр Пушин). Ситх Забрак, ученик Дарта Сидиуса, владеющий двойным световым мечом. Его озвучивал Питер Серафинович.
  • Королева Амидала (Натали Портман, дублирует Юлия Николаева). Юная и обаятельная королева Набу. Амидала надеется защитить свою планету от блокады Торговой Федерации. В целях безопасности Падме на протяжении длительного времени маскируется под служанку, в то время как «королеву» играет её двойник Сабэ.
  • Энакин Скайуокер (Джейк Ллойд, дублирует Игорь Семенов). Девятилетний мальчик-раб с Татуина. Его уровень мидихлориан гораздо выше, чем у любого джедая (даже могущественнейшего из них — магистра Йоды) и, следовательно, он избран Силой, чтобы уничтожить ситхов.
  • Шми Скайуокер (Пернилла Огаст, дублирует Светлана Шейченко). Мать Энакина. Беспокоясь за будущее своего сына, она позволяет ему уйти с джедаями.
  • Джар-Джар Бинкс (Ахмед Бест, дублирует Александр Завьялов). Неуклюжий Гунган, изгнанный из своего родного города Ото-Гунга. Джар-Джар присоединяется к Квай-Гону в его путешествии и сопровождает джедаев весь фильм, а также помогает им уладить отношения с гунганами. Неоднократно поддаваясь критике со стороны фанатов, он вместе с тем является одним из любимых персонажей детей-зрителей «Звёздных войн».
  • Энтони Дэниелс, дублирует Валерий Кухарешин). Весёлый туповатый переводчик Си-Трипио — только что созданный протокольный дроид, самостоятельно собранный Энакином. В фильме он (единственный раз в саге) представлен без металлического покрытия, из-за чего R2-D2 назвал его «голым».
  • Кенни Бейкер). Очень храбрый астродроид, спасший корабль Амидалы от уничтожения. Постоянный герой саги.
  • Сенатор Палпатин (Иэн Макдайармид, дублирует Вадим Яковлев). Сенатор Набу, демонстрирующий сильную обеспокоенность по поводу блокады Набу. На самом деле, Палпатин тождественен Дарт Сидиусу — Тёмному повелителю ситхов, подстрекающему Торговую Федерацию к агрессии против Набу.
  • Уотто (Энди Секомб, дублирует Рафик Кашапов). Тойдарианец, алчный торговец рухлядью на Татуине. Уотто владеет рабами — Энакином и его матерью.
  • Мэйс Винду (Сэмюэль Л. Джексон, дублирует Сергей Воробьев). Один из ключевых членов Совета Джедаев, также выступивший против обучения Энакина.
  • Финис Валорум (Теренс Стамп, дублирует Сергей Воробьев). Канцлер, отправивший Оби-Вана и Квай-Гона для урегулирования конфликта с Торговой Федерацией, и смещённый по предложению Падме Амидалы.
  • Босс Насс (Брайен Блессед, дублирует Борис Смолкин). Тучный, но поворотливый правитель гунганов. Босс Насс соглашается забыть о былых раздорах и объединиться с Набу в единый союз, чтобы остановить агрессоров из Торговой Федерации.
  • Сио Биббл (Оливер Форд Дэвис, дублирует Вадим Никитин). Губернатор Тида, столичного города Набу, оставшийся на планете, чтобы продолжать сопротивление Торговой Федерации
  • Капитан Панака (Хью Куорши, дублирует Артур Ваха). Капитан дворцовой стражи Падме. С долей подозрения относится к джедаям.
  • Рик Олие (Ральф Браун). Пилот, управлявший кораблём-«нубианом», на котором Падме и джедаи покидают Набу.
  • Сабэ (Кира Найтли). Служанка Падме Амидалы, предстающая в её образе для защиты королевы.
  • Наместник Нут Ганрей (Силас Карсон). Неймодианец из древнейшего торгового дома, руководящий Торговой Федерацией.
  • Руне Хаако (Джером Блейк). Помощник наместника Ганроя, сопровождающий его во всех сценах фильма.
  • Капитан Тарпальс (Стивен Спирс). Командующий силами безопасности Ото Гунга. Вместе с Джар Джаром принимает участие в сражении с армией дроидов.
  • Себульба (Льюис Мак-Леод). Фаворит гонок на подах, побеждённый Энакином Скайуокером.

Более 300 молодых актёров из США, Англии, Ирландии, Шотландии и Канады пробовались на роль Энакина Скайуокера. Среди них были Майкл Ангарано, Джастин Берфилд и Хэли Джоель Осмент. Осталось только три актёра, которые опрашивались Лукасом и пробовались с Натали Портман.

Исторические и культурные намёки

Рога и татуировки Дарта Мола делают его похожим на Дьявола.

«Звёздные войны» совмещают несколько избранных понятий из различных мифологий и религий[17]. Хотя джедаи практикуют основанную на принципах, схожих с дзеном, религию и военное искусство, при их создании Лукас вдохновлялся традицией самураев[17]. Имя «Квай-Гон» — перефразировка термина цигун, который обозначает китайскую дисциплину, включающую медитацию и военные искусства. Слова qi и chi — это термины, обозначающие энергию мысли, протекающую через все живые существа из Дао; Идея Силы джедаев возникла из китайского Дао. Эти элементы происходят в основном из восточных и индейских религий, морально-этических учений и мифологических систем. Многие имена в фильме, например «Падме» и «Амидала», позаимствованы из санскрита.[17]

В фильме также много христианских и библейских ссылок, вроде внешнего вида Дарта Мола. Окраска Мола сделана по традиционным описаниям Дьявола — красная кожа и рога завершают целостность демонического вида[17]. «Звёздные войны» повторяют повествование некоторых религий: Энакин, мессия, рожденный девственницей в результате непорочного зачатия, который был искушен ситхами — своими злейшими врагами — в попытке сохранить жизнь своей тайной жене, Падме. Это мешает ему выполнить свой долг «Избранного» — личности, призванной уничтожить ситхов. Вдохновение о «непорочном зачатии» было почерпнуто из исследований американского религиеведа Джозефа Кэмпбелла, в частности, его труда «Герой с тысячью лицами» («Тысячеликий герой»), оказавшей сильное влияние на Лукаса ещё во время подготовки сценария к оригинальной трилогии. В 1999 году Лукас и журналист Билл Мойерс сняли фильм-интервью «Мифология Звёздных войн с Джорджем Лукасом и Биллом Мойерсом», в котором изложили аллюзии «Звёздных войн» и их связь с трудами Кэмпбелла по мифологии.[17]

Классический фильм «Три негодяя в скрытой крепости» Акиры Куросавы был источником вдохновения не только для «Звёздных войн. Эпизод IV. Новая надежда», но также и для сцен на Таутине в середине «Скрытой угрозы» — отсутствует насилие, зато много диалогов, игр с судьбой, серий торговых сделок — здесь также заметно влияние фильма Куросавы. Сюжетная линия, в которой королева Амидала бежит от своих врагов и оказывается среди представителей низшего класса Татуина, также ссылается на «Скрытую крепость».[18]

Ссылки на оригинальную трилогию

Фильмы в новой трилогии объясняют предысторию оригинальной трилогии и рассказывают о юности героев. Помимо того, по замыслу Лукаса, каждый фильм трилогии-приквела должен был соответствовать определённому аналогу из оригинальной трилогии. Поэтому у «Скрытой угрозы» наблюдается целый ряд параллелей с «Новой надежой» (например, в обоих фильмах представители семьи Скайуокеров, несмотря на численное превосходство противника, уничтожают крупный военный космический аппарат; под конец обоих фильмов ситх убивает учителя-джедая на глазах у его ученика). В фильме появляются несколько героев оригинальной трилогии (Палпатин, Энакин Скайуокер, Оби-Ван Кеноби, Йода, Джабба Хатт, а также вездесущая парочка R2-D2 и C-3PO, присутствующая во всех фильмах киносаги).

Известная фраза «У меня плохое предчувствие насчёт этого…» (англ. I’ve got a bad feeling about this), употреблямая в каждом фильме саги, также присутствует в «Скрытой угрозе», где её произносит Оби-Ван Кеноби. Другое изречение, прозвучавшее из уст имперского штурмовика в «Новой надежде» — «Откройте рубку», — было обыграно в форме «Закройте дверь» («Блокировать рубку»).


Книга по мотивам фильма была написана популярным автором фэнтезийных и научно-фантастических произведений Терри Бруксом. Брукс встречался с Лукасом перед написанием книги, обеспечив себе поддержку режиссёра и получив информацию о предстоящих «Эпизоде II» и «Эпизоде III». Отсюда в романе появляются отсутствующие в фильме тускенские рейдеры (предвещающие гибель матери Энакина в «Атаке клонов») и драка Энакина с Гридо, показывающая душевные мучения Энакина по поводу отъезда Падме (предвещает события «Мести ситхов»).

Книга содержит три главы, написанных Бруксом исключительно для книги. Первые две главы посвящены эмоциональным переживаниям Энакина перед гонками и после гонок; третья глава описывает встречу Энакина с раненным тускенским рейдером в пустыне. Милосердие, проявленное мальчиком по отношению к представителю враждебно настроенного народа, резко контрастирует с той беспощадностью, с которой он расправляется с ними через десять лет в «Атаке клонов».

Книга Брукса представляет одно из первых описаний истории ситхов. Согласно воспоминаниям Терри Брукса, «Sometimes the Magic Works», Лукас потратил более часа на телефонный разговор с ним, выкладывая историю джедаев и ситхов.

Интересные факты

  • Первой в ходе съёмок была снята сцена разговора между Дарт Сидиусом и Дарт Молом.
  • Сцена битвы на световых мечах между Дарт Молом и Оби-Ваном с Квай-Гоном снималась на протяжении месяца. Это первая схватка такого рода, в которой принимали участие более двух джедаев или ситхов.
  • Звук трепещущих крыльев торговца Уотто получался звукооператором Беном Берттом в результате открывания и закрывания обычного зонтика.
  • До съёмок в роли королевы Амидалы Натали Портман не видела ни одного фильма из оригинальной трилогии «Звёздных войн».
  • Натали Портман пропустила мировую премьеру «Скрытой угрозы» по причине подготовки к сессии в университете.
  • София Коппола и Кира Найтли получили короткие роли служанок Падме в фильме. Фактически поразительное внешнее сходство Натали Портман и Киры Найтли стало залогом последующей актёрской карьеры последней.
  • Вопреки распространённому мнению, в большинстве сцен королеву Амидалу под гримом играла не Натали Портман, игравшая Падме, а Кира Найтли.
  • Из-за высокого роста Лиама Нисона декораторам пришлось потратить ещё 150 000 долларов на новые декорации, в которых актёр смог бы уместиться.
  • На пресс-конференции, посвящённой выходу «Мести ситхов» на DVD, директор по анимации Роб Колман объявил, что готовится обновлённая версия «Скрытой угрозы», благодаря чему первый эпизод станет последним фильмом саги, в котором кукольного Йоду заменят генерированным при помощи цифровых технологий.
  • В титрах Джабба Хатт, открывающий гонки на подах, обозначен «Джабба Хатт в роли самого себя». Одновременно в титрах не указывается, что Иэн Макдайармид играет Дарт Сидиуса.
  • «Скрытая угроза» — единственный фильм «Звёздных войн», в котором представлена уникальная способность джедаев к ускорению.
  • Передатчик (комлинк) Квай-Гон Джина представляет собой слегка модифицированную бритву «Жиллетт Сенсор Эксель».
  • После прокрутки всех титров в конце фильма слышно зловещее дыхание Дарта Вейдера.
  • Образы всех гунганов были созданы на движке Джар-Джар Бинкса.
  • Во время битвы гунганов с войсками Федерации мелькает дроид с серийным номером «1138» на спине: это число входило в название первого полнометражного фильма Джорджа Лукаса, называвшегося «THX 1138».
  • Один из кораблей, пролетающих над Корусантом за миг до разговора Дарт Сидиуса и Дарт Мола, идентичен «Дискавери» из «Космической одиссеи 2001 года». Спасательная капсула этого же корабля видна в сцене разговора между Квай-Гоном и Уотто на заднем плане среди прочих ржавых деталей в «лавке» Уотто на Татуине.
  • В сцене заседания Галактического Сената можно разобрать несколько делегаций, в том числе вуки и группу инопланетян, напоминающих знаменитого E. T. из фильма Стивена Спилберга «Инопланетянин».
  • В сериале «Звёздные врата SG-1» первая ассоциация, возникшая у Джаффа Тил’ка (инопланетянина и горячего поклонника «Звёздных войн») в связи с известием о непорочном зачатии Валы Мал Доран, связана не с библейской историей, а с рождением Энакина Скайуокера/Дарт Вейдера.
  • В ранних версиях сценария планета королевы Амидалы называлась Утапау, но в итоге это название отошло к планете, где Оби-Ван сражается с генералом Гривусом в «Мести ситхов».
  • Единственная сцена в фильме в которой не используются визуальные эффекты — это сцена заполнения газом комнаты встреч в начале фильма.
  • Во время съемок сражений Эван МакГрегор часто непроизвольно изображал звук светового меча.
  • Изначально Мэйс Винду должен был быть инопланетянином.
  • «Падме» с санскрита означает «лотос».
  • Дарт Мол за весь фильм моргает всего пару раз. Это было вызвано тем, что сыгравшему его Рэю Парку былу трудно моргать в контактных линзах, поэтому Парк предложил идею о злодее, который никогда не моргает. Тем не менее, когда разрубленный Дарт Мол падает в шахту, он успевает моргнуть
  • Имя «Джар-Джар» придумал сын Лукаса.
  • По утверждению создателей фильма, Татуин находится в далёкой-предалёкой галактике. Однако, замечено, что когда Дарт Мол посреди ночи выпускает своих разведдроидов на Татуине, слева от корабля можно ясно видеть созвездие Ориона.

См. также

  • «Звёздные войны: Буря в стакане», пародийный перевод фильма на русский язык Дмитрия «Гоблина» Пучкова


  1. 1 2 All I Need Is An Idea, Дополнение на DVD, [2001]
  2. Thousands of Things, Дополнение на DVD, [2001]
  3. Prime of the Jedi, Дополнение на DVD, [2001]
  4. It’s Like War Now, Дополнение на DVD, [2001]
  5. Bad Droid Karma, Дополнение на DVD, [2001]
  6. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999). Rotten Tomatoes (1999). Проверено 29 июня 2006.
  7. Ebert, Roger Star Wars — Episode I: The Phantom Menace. rogerebert.com (May 17 1999). Проверено 29 июня 2006.
  8. 1 2 Okwu, Michael Jar Jar jars viewers, spawns criticism. CNN (June 14 1999). Проверено 25 декабря 2006.
  9. Wilson, Steve I was a Jar Jar jackass. Salon Technology. Salon (June 8 1999). Проверено 25 декабря 2006.
  10. The First Star Wars Prequel. The Sith Order (July 25 2006). Проверено 25 декабря 2006.
  11. EPISODE III Spoiler Pics…. Coming Soon! Boards (January 2 2005). Проверено 25 июля 2006.
  12. RidolFi, Kevin The Phantom Menace. Renaissance Online Magazine. Проверено 25 июля 2006.
  13. Cadorette, Guylaine Jar Jar Less Conspicuous in «Clones». Hollywood.com. Проверено 25 июля 2006.
  14. Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Smartania’s Movie Reviews. Smartania. Проверено 25 июля 2006.
  15. 1 2 Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. The Numbers (December 1 2001). Проверено 25 июля 2006.
  16. Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace. Box Office Mojo. Проверено 25 июля 2006.
  17. 1 2 3 4 5 The Gospel According to Lucas Part II. Vantage Point Magazine (Fall 1999). Проверено 24 июля 2006.
  18. [http://www.blast.net/hart/StarWars.htm STAR WARS MADE MANY OF THE SAME MISTAKES AS GALACTICA]. Проверено 24 июля 2006.


  • Шаблон:Звёздные войны. Эпизод I: Призрачная угроза
  • Звёздные войны. Эпизод I: Скрытая угроза на MovieMistakes.com
  • Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace(англ.) на сайте Internet Movie Database
  • Звёздные войны. Эпизод I: Скрытая угроза на SWGalaxy.ru

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