Истинная красота дорама сценарий

«Истинная красота» - это романтическая комедия о Джу Гён (Мун Га Ён), которая использует макияж, чтобы бороться с неуверенностью в своей внешности. Она

Дорама «Истинная красота»: Ча Ын У, Мун Га Ён и Хван Ин Ёп впервые посетили чтение сценария

«Истинная красота» — это романтическая комедия о Джу Гён (Мун Га Ён), которая использует макияж, чтобы бороться с неуверенностью в своей внешности. Она влюбляется в Ли Су Хо (Ча Ын У из ASTRO), единственного парня, который видел её истинное лицо.

Смотрите также: Милая собачка Мими из дорамы «ДоДоСольСольЛяляСоль» стала главным «героем» корейских телезрителей

Троица присутствовала на чтении сценария вместе с Пак Ю На, Пак Хо Сан, Чан Хе Джин, Им Се Ми, Ким Мин Ки, Пак Хён Джон, О Ы Сик и Ким Бён Чун. Несмотря на то, что это было только их первое чтение, актёры продемонстрировали взрывную синергию со своей страстной игрой и идеальной химией.

Дорама «Истинная красота»: Ча Ын У, Мун Га Ён и Хван Ин Ёп впервые посетили чтение сценария

Мун Га Ён призналась, что для неё это честь работать с такими именитыми актёрами. Все были очарованы её решимостью и позитивной энергией, которую она привнесла в свою героиню Им Джу Гён.

Ча Ын У добавил воодушевляющего настроения, пожелав всем оставаться здоровыми и счастливыми во время съёмок. Затем он полностью превратился в своего персонажа Ли Су Хо, когда принял холодное поведение с горящими глазами и резкой речью.

Смотрите также: Знаменитости, которые учились или учатся в Университете Сонгюнгван

Хван Ин Ёп, который будет играть персонажа Хан Со Джуна, мгновенно привлёк всеобщее внимание своим низким голосом. Все актёры, участвовавшие в чтении сценария, исключительно хорошо показали своих персонажей.

По окончании чтения, режиссёр Ким Сан Хёп прокомментировал, что этот процесс помог ему получить более чёткое представление о проекте в его голове. Он добавил, что с нетерпением ждёт съёмок, увидев, насколько хорошо актёры продемонстрировали своих героев, потому что они сделали их более интересными, чем он ожидал. Он пообещал поработать над тем,

чтобы процесс съёмок был весёлым и увлекательным для всех, на что его заявление вызвало аплодисменты присутствующих.

Сценарист проекта поделился: «Мы так душевно посидели, что потеряли счёт времени. Благодаря этому чтению мы смогли подтвердить химию между Хван Ин Ёп, Мун Га Ён и Ча Ын У, а также остальными актёрами. Этой зимой мы увидимся в дораме, наполненной сладким волнением и весельем, так что ждите с нетерпением «Истинную красоту»».

Дорама «Истинная красота» выйдет в эфир в декабре этого года.

Истинная красота (2020) — сюжет, описание серий сериала

Другое название: True Beauty, 여신강림, Yeosin-gangnim
Режиссер: Ким Сан-хёп
Сценарист: Ли Щи-ын, Яони
Жанр: мелодрама, комедия
Страна: Южная Корея
Премьера: 9 декабря 2020
Количество серий: 16
Ограничения по возрасту: 16+

В ролях: Мун Га-ён, Чха Ын-у, Хван Ин-ёп, Пак Ю-на, Лим Сэ-ми, Пак Хо-сан, О И-щик, Кан Мин-а, Щин Джэ-хви, Чон Хе-вон

Сюжет сериала Истинная красота (2020)

В дораме Истинная красота 18-летняя Джу Гён страдает от жутких комплексов по поводу своей внешности. Сверстники издеваются над ней, и замученная девушка решает свести счеты с жизнью. К счастью, ее план идет наперекосяк, и она переводится в новую школу, а заодно достигает совершенства в искусстве макияжа и преображается в обаятельную красотку. За ней начинают ухаживать самые видные парни школы, но они не знают ее тайну…

Описание серий сериала Истинная красота (2020)

1 серия «Девушка на побегушках»

Дети ненавидят ее только потому, что она уродлива. И по той же причине ее возлюбленный жестоко отвергает ее признание. Думая о том, чтобы покончить с собой, Джу Гён стоит на краю крыши. Именно тогда Су Хо бросается, чтобы спасти ее. Несколько дней спустя Джу Гён натыкается на несколько техник макияжа и не может поверить своим глазам. В ее первый день в качестве переводной ученицы дети очарованы внешностью Джу Гён.

2 серия «С макияжем или без»

Как только Су Хо видит Джу Гён в магазине комиксов, он понимает, что это та же самая девушка, которую он видел на крыше. Он немного разочарован тем, что она, кажется, не помнит его. Джу Гён очень хочет увидеть, как Су Хо отреагирует в школе на следующий день, но, как ни странно, он, кажется, вообще не узнает ее.

3 серия «Месть это блюдо, которое подают холодным»

Кажется, Су Хо знает, что Джу Гён без макияжа в магазине комиксов — тот же человек, что и накрашенная Джу Гён в школе. Джу Гён беспокоится, что он может рассказать всем о том, какая она на самом деле уродливая. Она обещает ему, что сделает все, что он попросит, но это начинает ее утомлять.

4 серия «Джу Гён идет на свидание вслепую»

Джу Гён готовится пойти на свидание вслепую. Она просит помощи у матери в ее парикмахерской, но затем в салон заходит Со Джун, когда Джу Гён без макияжа на лице. Она старается избегать встречи с ним. Тем временем Су Хо участвует в соревновании по математике, но его беспокоит тот факт, что Джу Гён встречается с мужчиной на свидании вслепую.

5 серия «Если у него есть ко мне чувства»

Су Хо идет на встречу с Джу Гён поздно ночью под неубедительным предлогом. Джу Гён начинает задаваться вопросом, есть ли у Су Хо чувства к ней. Она спрашивает его. Тем временем над первокурсницей издеваются одноклассники из-за ее уродливой внешности. Это напоминает Джу Гён о ее прошлой школьной жизни, и она решает предложить помощь.

6 серия «Джу Гён сталкивается с хулиганами»

Отец Су Хо посещает среднюю школу Сэбом, чтобы встретиться с учителем Су Хо. Всех в школе удивляет тот факт, что отец Су Хо — актер Ли Джу Хон. Тем временем Джу Гён сталкивается с хулиганами, которые издевались над ней перед переводом в среднюю школу Сэбом. Су Хо случайно видит их и решает помочь Джу Гён.

7 серия «Взаимные чувства любви»

Сердце Джу Гён, кажется, не успокаивается всякий раз, когда она видит Су Хо. К сожалению, она узнает, что уже есть кто-то, кто нравится Су Хо. Опустошенная и разочарованная, Джу Гён начинает естественно избегать его. Тем временем Хён Джин, лучший бейсболист из старшей школы Сонил, признается в своих чувствах Джу Гён. Зная это, Со Джун и Су Хо также испытывают прилив нежных чувств к Джу Гён.

8 серия «Непонимание»

Ученики старшей школы Сэбом отправляются в школьную поездку. Су Хо решает сказать Джу Гён, что испытывает к ней чувства, и даже покупает для нее украшения. Однако Джу Гён разбивается горем, думая, что Су Хо любит Су Джин. Тем временем Хи Кён без предварительного уведомления переводится в другой отдел на работе.

9 серия «Тайный парень»

Вскоре после того, как Джу Гён и Су Хо успокоили чувства друг друга, они придумывают план, похожий на фильм, чтобы сохранить свои отношения в секрете в школе. Однако из-за этого им трудно наслаждаться обычным свиданием. Су Хо даже мирится с неловкими моментами для Джу Гён. Между тем, Со Джун с трудом справляется с Джу Гён, когда сталкивается с ней в неожиданном месте.

10 серия «Между любовью и дружбой»

Джу Гён до сих пор не хочет, чтобы ее друзья знали, что ее парень — Су Хо. Су Джин говорит Джу Гён, что планирует сказать Су Хо, что испытывает к нему чувства. Джу Гён разрывается между любовью и дружбой. Тем временем Су Хо и Со Джун случайно встречаются в доме Джу Гён и начинают делать пельмени с семьей Джу Гён.

11 серия «Правда о Се Ён»

Наткнувшись на правду о смерти Се Ён, Су Хо попадает в аварию, когда выбегает из офиса своего отца, и Со Джун также вмешивается, пытаясь спасти Су Хо. Госпитализированные в одной палате, Су Хо и Со Джун узнают друг друга немного лучше. Тем временем Джу Гён и Су Хо приходят к соглашению, что они оба несут ответственность за драку ранее. Однако Су Хо, кажется, не может избавиться от горького чувства.

12 серия «Студент по обмену»

В школе Су Хо возвращается в свой класс, а Джу Гён сталкивается с Хе Мин, которая только что перевелась. Хе Мин спрашивает Джу Гён, знают ли они друг друга, но Джу Гён отрицает это и продолжает избегать ее в школе. Тем временем Су Джин и Се Ми заключают сделку, и Се Ми делится с Су Джин фотографиями Джу Гён без макияжа на лице.

13 серия «Только дураки судят других»

Видео с Джу Гён приводит в смятение всю школу. Когда Джу Гён узнает, что ее прошлое из старой школы разоблачено, она убегает. Тем не менее, Су Хо ничуть не беспокоит то, что говорят другие. Единственное, что его беспокоит, это в порядке ли Джу Гён или нет. Между тем, Со Джун делает все возможное, чтобы разобраться в происходящем, и потрясен, когда находит человека, ответственного за видео.

14 серия «Поездка на море»

Джу Гён решает пойти в школу с лицом без макияжа и рассказывает всем о своих отношениях с Су Хо. Она примиряется с Су-а, который чувствовал себя преданным из-за того, что не узнал правду раньше. Су-хо пытается убедить Су-джин извиниться перед Джу-гён, зная, что что-то, кроме простой ревности, должно было привести ее к очернению Джу-гён. Шокирующие новости из-за границы подвергают испытанию отношения Джу Гён и Су Хо.

15 серия «Неожиданная встреча»

У Джу Гён и Су Хо нет другого выхода, кроме как смириться с расставанием. После этого Джу Гён натыкается на тот факт, что Су Хо — тот самый мальчик, которого она встретила в комиксах о принце, когда была маленькой, и борется еще больше. Между тем, Со Джуну трудно скрывать чувства к Джу Гён, и он решает действовать в соответствии с этим. Сбитая с толку неожиданным признанием Со Джун, Джу Гён направляется в Намсан.

16 серия «Счастливый конец»

Джу Гён и Су Хо наконец подтверждают, что их чувства друг к другу не изменились за все эти годы. Пролив слезы от воссоединения, они начинают свои счастливые отношения, которые стали более взрослыми со школьных лет. Тем временем Со Джун, который теперь ушел от своей безответной любви, готовится к дебюту, в то время как Хи Кён просит Су Хо включить «Missing Love» в дебютный альбом Со Джуна.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

True Beauty
True Beauty TV series poster.jpg

Promotional poster





Literal meaning The Advent of a Goddess
Revised Romanization Yeosin-gangnim
Genre Romance
Slice of life
Based on True Beauty
by Yaongyi[1]
Developed by Studio Dragon
Written by Lee Si-eun
Directed by Kim Sang-hyeop [ko]
  • Moon Ga-young
  • Cha Eun-woo
  • Hwang In-youp
  • Park Yoo-na
Opening theme «Milky Way»
by Park Se-joon & Na Sang-jin
Ending theme Various themes[a]
Composer Park Se-joon et al.[2][b]
Country of origin South Korea
Original language Korean
No. of episodes 16 (list of episodes)
Executive producers Kim Young-gyu
Jang Jung-do
Song Jin-seon
Producers Kwon Mi-kyung
Moon Seok-hwan
Oh Kwang-hee
Running time 73 minutes
Production companies
  • Bon Factory Worldwide
  • Studio N
Distributor tvN
Original network tvN
Audio format Dolby Digital
Original release December 9, 2020 –
February 4, 2021

True Beauty (Korean: 여신강림) is a South Korean television series starring Moon Ga-young, Cha Eun-woo, Hwang In-youp, and Park Yoo-na. Based on the Line Webtoon of the same name by Yaongyi, it centers on a high school girl who, after being bullied and discriminated against because of being perceived as ugly, masters the art of makeup to transform herself into a gorgeous «goddess».[3][4][5][6] It aired on tvN from December 9, 2020 to February 4, 2021, every Wednesday and Thursday at 22:30 (KST).[7]


Episode-1 :
High school student Jugyeong (Moon Ga-young) is bullied at school just because she is ugly. One day she goes to the rooftop, but a man saves her, thinking she was suicidal. Meanwhile, she has to move houses because of her father.

Episode-2 :
Jugyeong encounters Suho (Cha Eun-woo) with no make-up at a comic book store. Meanwhile, during her first day of her new school, she becomes popular with her make-up. However, she is anxious Suho will find out about her true face behind her make-up.

Episode-3 :
Suho saves Jugyeong who almost exposes her true face. As a result, Jugyeong shows Suho her true face and tells him everything, and she becomes his errand-girl. Meanwhile, Seojun (Hwang In-yeop) tells Jugyeong to return his helmet.

Episode-4 :
Suho and Seojun fight, and the school thinks they fought because of Jugyeong. Meanwhile, Seojun notices that Suho likes Jugyeong, so he deliberately approaches Jugyeong.

Episode-5 :
Seojun approaches Jugyeong to annoy Suho, and Suho keeps his distance with Jugyeong to protect her. Meanwhile, Jugyeong sees a junior getting bullied just like her, so she helps her.

Episode-6 :
Jugyeong is confused at Suho’s cold attitude, and Suho feels sorry for Jugyeong. Meanwhile, Jugyeong and Seojun become closer. However, Jugyeong soon encounters students who used to bully her.

Episode-7 :
Jugyeong realizes her affection towards Suho, but soon finds out that Suho likes someone else. Meanwhile, Seojun tries his best to refrain from thinking about Jugyeong.

Episode-8 :
Jugyeong misunderstands that Suho’s lover is Sujin (Park Yoo-na), her best friend and Suho’s chidhood friend. Meanwhile, on the school trip, Seojun and Jugyeong become closer as they play games, and Suho notices that Seojun also likes Jugyeong.

Episode-9 :
Jugyeong and Suho express their feelings and start dating secretly, which Seojun knows and disappoints. Meanwhile, Jugyeong meets her role model, and decides to become a make-up artist.

Episode-10 :
Jugyeong feels uncomfortable when she finds out that Sujin likes Suho. Eventually, Suho and Jugyeong quarrel based on a big misunderstanding that relates to Seojun and Sujin.

Episode-11 :
Jugyeong finally tells Sujin about her and Suho’s relationship, and they confirm their friendship once again. Meanwhile, Seojun and Suho’s misunderstandings are resolved, yet Seojun feels bitter seeing Suho and Jugyeong happy together.

Episode-12 :
Jugyeong feels uncomfortable with the new transfer student who used to be her old school friend, as she might notice her true identity. Meanwhile, Sujin is hurt after hearing Suho’s affection towards Jugyeong.

Episode-13 :
Jugyeong’s past videos spread across the school, and she falls in despair. Jugyeong skips school, and Suho goes to Jugyeong to comfort her. Meanwhile, Seojun tries to find the person who spread the video.

Episode-14 :
Jugyeong comes back to school without make-up, and confesses her relationship with Suho to everyone. Meanwhile, Seojun decides to give up on Jugyeong.

Episode-15 :
Jugyeong and Suho part each other, and they become college students after time passes. Jugyeong becomes a make-up artist student, while Seojun expresses his feelings to her.

Episode 16 :
Suho and Jugyeong meet, and start dating again, while Seojun gives up on Jugyeong. Meanwhile, Suho’s song is inserted in Seojun’s debut album and everything has a happy ending.



  • Moon Ga-young as Lim Ju-kyung[8]
    • Lee Go-eun as young Ju-kyung
A newcomer student of Class 2-5 recently transferred to Saebom High School; Having been constantly discriminated by her family and bullied by her peers in previous school due to being perceived as ugly, she masters to wear makeup by binge-watching tutorial videos in the Internet and her makeover proves to be transformative as she quickly rises to fame and her peers in new school call her a «goddess», unaware of her real appearance. Ju-kyung prefers reading horror comic books and listening to heavy metal music.
  • Cha Eun-woo as Lee Su-ho[9]
    • Lee Seung-woo as young Su-ho
A student of Class 2-5 in Saebom High School; He is very popular for his handsome looks and being the top of his class. His dysfunctional family and a tragic incident from a year ago have turned him into an ice-cold boy who hates being the center of attention. He is formerly best friends with Seo-jun. Su-ho shares Ju-kyung’s penchant for horror comic books.
  • Hwang In-youp as Han Seo-jun[10]
A student of Class 2-5 in Saebom High School; Seo-jun is a handsome and equally-popular student at his school who, despite being a tough-looking, is a kind, loving and soft person, especially to his mother and sister. He is formerly best friends with Su-ho and a former idol trainee but a tragic incident a year ago leads to him abandoning his path to stardom and severing his friendship with Su-ho, with whom he has since become extremely hostile.
  • Park Yoo-na as Kang Su-jin[11]
A student of Class 2-5 in Saebom High School; She is Su-ho’s childhood friend and becomes close friends with the transferee Ju- but is being forced by her parents to excel at school and always being compared with Su-ho.


Lim Ju-kyung’s family[edit]

  • Jang Hye-jin as Hong Hyun-sook
Lim Jae-pil’s wife and mother of Hee-kyung and, Ju-kyung and Ju-young. She is the matriarch of the Lim family who owns a beauty shop named Pandora which is popular among older women.
  • Park Ho-san as Lim Jae-pil[12]
Hong Hyun-sook’s husband and father of Hee-kyung and, Ju-kyung and Ju-young. He loses a great sum of money to a dubious investment which leads to the family having to move back to their old house.
  • Im Se-mi as Lim Hee-kyung[13]
    • Park Seo-kyung as young Hee-kyung (Ep. 1)
Ju-kyung’s older sister; She is adored by the family for being pretty and intelligent. She works at Move Entertainment and develops feelings for Ju-kyung’s homeroom teacher Han Joon-woo.
  • Kim Min-gi as Lim Ju-young
    • Park Ju-hwan as young Ju-young (Ep. 1)
Ju-kyung’s younger brother; He harbors a crush on Han Seo-jun’s younger sister Go-woon after hearing her sing.

Lee Su-ho’s family[edit]

  • Jung Joon-ho as Lee Joo-heon[14]
Su-ho’s father; He is a famous actor and CEO of Move Entertainment who is quick to find a new woman after his wife died, much to Su-ho’s resentment.

Han Seo-jun’s family[edit]

  • Yeo Joo-ha as Han Go-woon
A student at Saebom High School; Seo-jun’s younger sister. She has great singing talent, but is bullied by her peers for being perceived as ugly. She befriends with Ju-kyung after Ju-kyung saves her from bullies.
  • Park Hyun-jung as Lee Mi-hyang
Mother of Seo-jun and Go-woon; an acquaintance of Hyun-sook (Ju-kyung’s mother). She suffers from an illness requiring a kidney transplant.

Kang Su-jin’s family[edit]

  • Seo Sang-won as Kang Jun-hyuk
Su-jin’s father; professor and doctor-in-charge of a medical school. He teaches Su-jin to be competitive and abuses her mentally and physically.
  • Yoo Dam-yeon as Kim Ji-yeon
Su-jin’s mother. Passive with her husband’s abuse at first. Later divorces him and leaves Korea with Su-jin.

Saebom High School[edit]

  • Oh Eui-shik as Han Joon-woo
Homeroom teacher of Class 2-5 and literature teacher in Saebom High School. He falls in love with Hee-kyung.
  • Kang Min-ah as Choi Soo-ah[15]
A student of Class 2-5 in Saebom High School; Ju-kyung and Su-jin’s best friend and classmate; Tae-hoon’s girlfriend.
  • Lee Il-jun [ko] as Yoo Tae-hoon
A student of Class 2-5 in Saebom High School; Soo-ah’s boyfriend. Tae-hoon often seeks the approval of Su-ho and later becomes friends with him.
  • Lee Sang-jin as Ahn Hyun-gyu[16]
A student of Class 2-5 in Saebom High School.
  • Han Yi-young as Ha Ji-young
A student of Class 2-5 in Saebom High School.
  • Lee Woo-je as Kim Cho-rong
A student in Saebom High School; Seo-jun’s friend.
  • Kim Hyun-ji as Kim Si-hyun
A student in Saebom High School.
  • Kim Myung-ji [ko] as Jin Hee-jeong
A Year 1 student in Saebom High School; webmaster of school’s online community. She once bullied Go-woon.
  • Kim Byung-chun [ko] as the vice-principal of Saebom High School.

Yongpa High School[edit]

  • Shin Jae-hwi as Lee Sung-yong[17]
A student in Yongpa High School. He is a bully who formerly acquainted with Seo-jun.
  • Jeon Hye-won as Park Sae-mi[18]
A student of Yongpa High School. A popular girl with pretty face, who used to bully Ju-kyung before she transferred to Saebom High School.
  • Oh Yoo-jin as Joo Hye-min
A student in Yongpa High School who later transfers to Saebom High School after being bullied tremendously at her old school.
  • Seo Hye-won as Park Ji-hee
A student in Yongpa High School; a friend of Park Sae-mi.


  • Im Hyun-sung [ko] as Wang Ja
The owner of Prince Comics, the comic book store that Ju-kyung and Su-ho frequents.
  • Park Young-soo [ko] as Columbus Park
The man who tricks Ju-kyung’s father out of his money.

Special appearances[edit]

  • Kang Chan-hee as Jung Se-yeon
    (Ep. 1, 4–5, 11–12, 16)[19]
Su-ho and Seo-jun’s late best friend. Se-yeon was a member of a boy group under Move Entertainment. A victim of harsh online shaming and fake scandals, he committed suicide by jumping off a tall building. His tragic death becomes the center of the broken friendship between Seo-jun and Su-ho, Seo-jun’s animosity towards Su-ho’s father and Su-ho’s life of immense guilt.
  • Go Woo-ri as Selena
A famous makeup-artist whom Ju-kyung idolizes and later works for.
  • Lee Tae-ri[20] as Wang Hyun-bin (Ep. 1)
A handsome nutritionist of Yongpa High School’s canteen whom Ju-kyung had a crush on.
  • Ok Joo-ri as a neighbourhood woman (Ep. 1)
  • Cha Young-ok [ko] as a neighbourhood woman (Ep. 1–2)
  • Lee Jae-eun as Su-ho’s housekeeper (Ep. 3)
  • Song Hoon as a history teacher (Ep. 3)
  • Uhm Tae-yoon as a customer (Ep. 3)
  • Kim Jeong-hak [ko] as Joo-heon’s associate (Ep. 3)
  • Jang Young-hyun as a guy at the convenience store (Ep. 3)
  • Moon Hak-jin [ko] as a guy at the convenience store (Ep. 3)
  • Ham Tae-gyun as a guy at the convenience store (Ep. 3)
  • Kim Hye-yoon[20] as Eun Dan-oh (Ep. 4)
Baek Kyung’s classmate and fiancée; Ha-ru’s girlfriend whom Suho mistakes as Jugyeong
  • Lee Jae-wook[20] as Baek Kyung (Ep. 4)
Dan-oh’s classmate and fiancé whom Suho mistakes as Woo-hyun, Jugyeong’s blind date.
  • Jung Gun-joo as Ryu Hyung-jin[21]
A baseball star playing for Seonil High School who has a crush on Ju-kyung and asks her out. (Ep. 7)
  • Woo Hyun as the camping site manager (Ep. 8)
  • Kim Jae-wook [ko] as MC Jaerong, recreation MC (Ep. 8)
  • Jung Ye-nok as the head of imaginary bullies (Ep. 9)
  • Lee Han-wi as Min Jae-joon (Ep. 13)
A plastic surgeon.
  • Kim Young-dae as Oh Nam-joo (Ep. 15)[22][d]
A stranger whom Ju-kyung runs into at Namsan Tower, and she mistaken him as Su-ho.
  • Lim Da-young as Chae-ni (Ep. 15–16)
A celebrity under Move Entertainment.



In July 2019, it was announced that the Line Webtoon True Beauty would be adapted into a television series.[39] In August 2020, the production team confirmed the casting of Moon Ga-young, Cha Eun-woo and Hwang In-youp in the lead roles.[40] The first script reading session was held in October 2020.[41][42] Filming was temporarily halted in late December 2020 after Kim Byung-chun [ko] tested positive for COVID-19.[43] The first stills from filming were released on November 10, 2020, one month prior to the series premiere.[44]


The series was originally made available for streaming through Viu and Rakuten Viki.[45] In 2021, it became available on Amazon Prime Video from October 21.[46]

Original soundtrack[edit]

True Beauty:
Original Soundtrack
Soundtrack album by

Various artists

Released February 5, 2021[2]
  • Soundtrack
  • K-pop
Length 118:32[2]
  • Korean
  • English
Label Stone Music Entertainment

True Beauty: Original Soundtrack[edit]

The following is the official track list of True Beauty: Original Soundtrack album, which was released by Stone Music Entertainment on February 5, 2021.[2][47] The tracks with no indicated lyricists and composers are the drama’s musical score; the artists indicated for these tracks are the tracks’ composers themselves.

The album peaked on number 5 on weekly Gaon Album Chart and as of March 2021, 40,786 copies have been sold.[48][49]


The following is the track list of singles from True Beauty: Original Soundtrack.


True Beauty : South Korea viewers per episode (thousands)

Season Episode number Average
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 1083 1000 1162 1178 1095 1086 1154 973 1361 1120 1216 1107 1215 1143 1353 1270 1157

Source: Audience measurement performed nationwide by Nielsen Korea[58]

Average TV viewership ratings

Ep. Original broadcast date Average audience share
(Nielsen Korea)[58]
Nationwide Seoul
1 December 9, 2020 3.573% (2nd) 4.056% (2nd)
2 December 10, 2020 3.626% (1st) 3.963% (1st)
3 December 16, 2020 3.813% (2nd) 4.711% (2nd)
4 December 17, 2020 3.586% (1st) 3.824% (1st)
5 December 23, 2020 3.859% (2nd) 4.293% (2nd)
6 December 24, 2020 3.333% (1st) 3.724% (1st)
7 January 6, 2021 3.892% (2nd) 4.198% (2nd)
8 January 7, 2021 2.909% (1st) 3.003% (1st)
9 January 13, 2021 4.265% (2nd) 4.938% (2nd)
10 January 14, 2021 3.411% (1st) 3.870% (1st)
11 January 20, 2021 3.850% (2nd) 4.303% (2nd)
12 January 21, 2021 3.418% (1st) 4.069% (1st)
13 January 27, 2021 4.000% (2nd) 4.547% (2nd)
14 January 28, 2021 4.125% (1st) 4.802% (2nd)
15 February 3, 2021 4.579% (2nd) 5.371% (2nd)
16 February 4, 2021 4.458% (1st) 5.087% (1st)
Average 3.794% 4.297%
  • In the table above, the blue numbers represent the lowest ratings and the red numbers represent the highest ratings.
  • This drama airs on a cable channel/pay TV which normally has a relatively smaller audience compared to free-to-air TV/public broadcasters (KBS, SBS, MBC and EBS).
  • No episode aired on December 30 and 31 due to the broadcast of a special year-end holiday program.[59]


Award ceremony Year Category Nominee Result Ref.
Indonesian Hallyu Fans Choice Awards 2021 K-Drama of the Year True Beauty Won [60]


  1. ^ The end themes used vary per episode but are all singles from True Beauty: Original Soundtrack. See the list of singles for details.
  2. ^ See True Beauty: Original Soundtrack for the names of all involved musical score composers.
  3. ^ Kim Young-dae’s cameo role alludes to his role as Oh Nam-joo in Episode 32 of Director Kim Sang-hyeop’s Extraordinary You (2019).
  4. ^ a b Original song by The Nolans, released in 1979.


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  21. ^ Lee Seung-gil (January 5, 2021). «정건주, 김혜윤·이재욱·이태리 이어 ‘여신강림’ 특별출연…’어하루’ 의리» [Jung Kun-ju, Kim Hye-yoon, Lee Jae-wook, and Italy, followed by a special appearance in’The Goddess Advent’… ‘Oh day’ loyalty]. Mydaily (in Korean). Naver. Retrieved January 5, 2021.
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  38. ^ «Nielsen Korea Cable Daily -TOP 10 LIST FOR TV PROGRAMS». AGB Nielsen Media Research. Retrieved February 5, 2021.
  39. ^ ««True Beauty» Gets Virtual Casting Following Drama Confirmation». HanCinema. July 2, 2019. Retrieved October 14, 2020.
  40. ^ Park, Phanseok (August 12, 2020). ‘여신강림’ 문가영X차은우X황인엽, 웹툰 찢은 비주얼..2020년 하반기 방송[공식] [‘Goddess Advent’ Moon Ga-young x Cha Eun-woo x Hwang In-yeop, webtoon ripped visuals.. 2nd half of 2020 broadcast [Official]]. Daum (in Korean). OSEN. Retrieved October 20, 2020.
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  42. ^ Sun, Mi-kyung (October 12, 2020). ‘여신강림’ 문가영x차은우x황인엽, 첫 대본리딩..유쾌+청량 케미 예고 [‘Goddess Advent’ Moon Ga-young x Cha Eun-woo x Hwang In-yeop, the first script reading.. pleasant + refreshing chemistry preview]. Daum (in Korean). OSEN. Retrieved October 20, 2020.
  43. ^ Schwartz, William (December 22, 2020). «Kim Byung-choon of «True Beauty» Tests Positive for COVID-19″. HanCinema. Retrieved December 29, 2020.
  44. ^ ««True Beauty», Moon Ga-young’s First Stills». HanCinema. November 10, 2020. Retrieved November 13, 2020.
  45. ^ Bjornson, Greta (December 16, 2020). «Where to Watch the K-Drama ‘True Beauty’ in the US». Decider. Retrieved December 29, 2020.
  46. ^ «Amazon Prime Video announces its K-Drama slate, includes Mr Queen and True Beauty». India Today. October 21, 2021. Retrieved October 22, 2021.
  47. ^ a b c «여신강림 OST» [True Beauty OST]. Melon (in Korean). February 5, 2021. Archived from the original on February 5, 2021. Retrieved February 5, 2021.
  48. ^ «True Beauty OST» (in Korean). Korea Music Content Association. March 7–13, 2021. Archived from the original on March 18, 2021. Retrieved October 21, 2021 – via Gaon Chart.
  49. ^ 2021년 03월 Album Chart [March 2021 Album Chart]. Gaon Music Chart (in Korean). Retrieved December 27, 2021.
  50. ^ «True Beauty (Original Television Soundtrack)». Apple Music. February 5, 2021. Archived from the original on February 5, 2021. Retrieved February 5, 2021.
  51. ^ «여신강림 OST Part 1» [True Beauty OST Part 1]. Melon. Retrieved December 10, 2020.
  52. ^ «여신강림 OST Part 2» [True Beauty OST Part 2]. Melon. Retrieved December 17, 2020.
  53. ^ «여신강림 OST Part 3» [True Beauty OST Part 3]. Melon. Retrieved January 7, 2021.
  54. ^ «여신강림 OST Part 4» [True Beauty OST Part 4]. Melon. Retrieved January 13, 2021.
  55. ^ «여신강림 OST Part 5» [True Beauty OST Part 5]. Melon. Retrieved January 14, 2021.
  56. ^ «여신강림 OST Part 6» [True Beauty OST Part 6]. Melon. Retrieved January 21, 2021.
  57. ^ «여신강림 OST Part 7» [True Beauty OST Part 7]. Melon. Retrieved January 28, 2021.
  58. ^ a b «Nielsen Korea Cable Daily -TOP 10 LIST FOR TV PROGRAMS». AGB Nielsen Media Research. Retrieved February 5, 2021.
  59. ^ Schwartz, William (December 29, 2020). ««True Beauty» to Not Broadcast New Episodes This Week». HanCinema. Retrieved December 30, 2020.
  60. ^ «Treasure, Secret Number, D.O., & ‘True Beauty’ Jawara IHCA 2021» [Treasure, Secret Number, D.O., & ‘True Beauty’ IHCA Winners 2021]. Korean Cultural Center Indonesia (in Indonesian). December 30, 2021. Archived from the original on July 22, 2022. Retrieved July 22, 2022.

External links[edit]

  • Official website (in Korean)
  • True Beauty at IMDb
  • True Beauty at HanCinema
  • True Beauty on Viki
  • True Beauty at Daum (in Korean)
  • True Beauty at Line Webtoon (in Korean)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

True Beauty
True Beauty TV series poster.jpg

Promotional poster





Literal meaning The Advent of a Goddess
Revised Romanization Yeosin-gangnim
Genre Romance
Slice of life
Based on True Beauty
by Yaongyi[1]
Developed by Studio Dragon
Written by Lee Si-eun
Directed by Kim Sang-hyeop [ko]
  • Moon Ga-young
  • Cha Eun-woo
  • Hwang In-youp
  • Park Yoo-na
Opening theme «Milky Way»
by Park Se-joon & Na Sang-jin
Ending theme Various themes[a]
Composer Park Se-joon et al.[2][b]
Country of origin South Korea
Original language Korean
No. of episodes 16 (list of episodes)
Executive producers Kim Young-gyu
Jang Jung-do
Song Jin-seon
Producers Kwon Mi-kyung
Moon Seok-hwan
Oh Kwang-hee
Running time 73 minutes
Production companies
  • Bon Factory Worldwide
  • Studio N
Distributor tvN
Original network tvN
Audio format Dolby Digital
Original release December 9, 2020 –
February 4, 2021

True Beauty (Korean: 여신강림) is a South Korean television series starring Moon Ga-young, Cha Eun-woo, Hwang In-youp, and Park Yoo-na. Based on the Line Webtoon of the same name by Yaongyi, it centers on a high school girl who, after being bullied and discriminated against because of being perceived as ugly, masters the art of makeup to transform herself into a gorgeous «goddess».[3][4][5][6] It aired on tvN from December 9, 2020 to February 4, 2021, every Wednesday and Thursday at 22:30 (KST).[7]


Episode-1 :
High school student Jugyeong (Moon Ga-young) is bullied at school just because she is ugly. One day she goes to the rooftop, but a man saves her, thinking she was suicidal. Meanwhile, she has to move houses because of her father.

Episode-2 :
Jugyeong encounters Suho (Cha Eun-woo) with no make-up at a comic book store. Meanwhile, during her first day of her new school, she becomes popular with her make-up. However, she is anxious Suho will find out about her true face behind her make-up.

Episode-3 :
Suho saves Jugyeong who almost exposes her true face. As a result, Jugyeong shows Suho her true face and tells him everything, and she becomes his errand-girl. Meanwhile, Seojun (Hwang In-yeop) tells Jugyeong to return his helmet.

Episode-4 :
Suho and Seojun fight, and the school thinks they fought because of Jugyeong. Meanwhile, Seojun notices that Suho likes Jugyeong, so he deliberately approaches Jugyeong.

Episode-5 :
Seojun approaches Jugyeong to annoy Suho, and Suho keeps his distance with Jugyeong to protect her. Meanwhile, Jugyeong sees a junior getting bullied just like her, so she helps her.

Episode-6 :
Jugyeong is confused at Suho’s cold attitude, and Suho feels sorry for Jugyeong. Meanwhile, Jugyeong and Seojun become closer. However, Jugyeong soon encounters students who used to bully her.

Episode-7 :
Jugyeong realizes her affection towards Suho, but soon finds out that Suho likes someone else. Meanwhile, Seojun tries his best to refrain from thinking about Jugyeong.

Episode-8 :
Jugyeong misunderstands that Suho’s lover is Sujin (Park Yoo-na), her best friend and Suho’s chidhood friend. Meanwhile, on the school trip, Seojun and Jugyeong become closer as they play games, and Suho notices that Seojun also likes Jugyeong.

Episode-9 :
Jugyeong and Suho express their feelings and start dating secretly, which Seojun knows and disappoints. Meanwhile, Jugyeong meets her role model, and decides to become a make-up artist.

Episode-10 :
Jugyeong feels uncomfortable when she finds out that Sujin likes Suho. Eventually, Suho and Jugyeong quarrel based on a big misunderstanding that relates to Seojun and Sujin.

Episode-11 :
Jugyeong finally tells Sujin about her and Suho’s relationship, and they confirm their friendship once again. Meanwhile, Seojun and Suho’s misunderstandings are resolved, yet Seojun feels bitter seeing Suho and Jugyeong happy together.

Episode-12 :
Jugyeong feels uncomfortable with the new transfer student who used to be her old school friend, as she might notice her true identity. Meanwhile, Sujin is hurt after hearing Suho’s affection towards Jugyeong.

Episode-13 :
Jugyeong’s past videos spread across the school, and she falls in despair. Jugyeong skips school, and Suho goes to Jugyeong to comfort her. Meanwhile, Seojun tries to find the person who spread the video.

Episode-14 :
Jugyeong comes back to school without make-up, and confesses her relationship with Suho to everyone. Meanwhile, Seojun decides to give up on Jugyeong.

Episode-15 :
Jugyeong and Suho part each other, and they become college students after time passes. Jugyeong becomes a make-up artist student, while Seojun expresses his feelings to her.

Episode 16 :
Suho and Jugyeong meet, and start dating again, while Seojun gives up on Jugyeong. Meanwhile, Suho’s song is inserted in Seojun’s debut album and everything has a happy ending.



  • Moon Ga-young as Lim Ju-kyung[8]
    • Lee Go-eun as young Ju-kyung
A newcomer student of Class 2-5 recently transferred to Saebom High School; Having been constantly discriminated by her family and bullied by her peers in previous school due to being perceived as ugly, she masters to wear makeup by binge-watching tutorial videos in the Internet and her makeover proves to be transformative as she quickly rises to fame and her peers in new school call her a «goddess», unaware of her real appearance. Ju-kyung prefers reading horror comic books and listening to heavy metal music.
  • Cha Eun-woo as Lee Su-ho[9]
    • Lee Seung-woo as young Su-ho
A student of Class 2-5 in Saebom High School; He is very popular for his handsome looks and being the top of his class. His dysfunctional family and a tragic incident from a year ago have turned him into an ice-cold boy who hates being the center of attention. He is formerly best friends with Seo-jun. Su-ho shares Ju-kyung’s penchant for horror comic books.
  • Hwang In-youp as Han Seo-jun[10]
A student of Class 2-5 in Saebom High School; Seo-jun is a handsome and equally-popular student at his school who, despite being a tough-looking, is a kind, loving and soft person, especially to his mother and sister. He is formerly best friends with Su-ho and a former idol trainee but a tragic incident a year ago leads to him abandoning his path to stardom and severing his friendship with Su-ho, with whom he has since become extremely hostile.
  • Park Yoo-na as Kang Su-jin[11]
A student of Class 2-5 in Saebom High School; She is Su-ho’s childhood friend and becomes close friends with the transferee Ju- but is being forced by her parents to excel at school and always being compared with Su-ho.


Lim Ju-kyung’s family[edit]

  • Jang Hye-jin as Hong Hyun-sook
Lim Jae-pil’s wife and mother of Hee-kyung and, Ju-kyung and Ju-young. She is the matriarch of the Lim family who owns a beauty shop named Pandora which is popular among older women.
  • Park Ho-san as Lim Jae-pil[12]
Hong Hyun-sook’s husband and father of Hee-kyung and, Ju-kyung and Ju-young. He loses a great sum of money to a dubious investment which leads to the family having to move back to their old house.
  • Im Se-mi as Lim Hee-kyung[13]
    • Park Seo-kyung as young Hee-kyung (Ep. 1)
Ju-kyung’s older sister; She is adored by the family for being pretty and intelligent. She works at Move Entertainment and develops feelings for Ju-kyung’s homeroom teacher Han Joon-woo.
  • Kim Min-gi as Lim Ju-young
    • Park Ju-hwan as young Ju-young (Ep. 1)
Ju-kyung’s younger brother; He harbors a crush on Han Seo-jun’s younger sister Go-woon after hearing her sing.

Lee Su-ho’s family[edit]

  • Jung Joon-ho as Lee Joo-heon[14]
Su-ho’s father; He is a famous actor and CEO of Move Entertainment who is quick to find a new woman after his wife died, much to Su-ho’s resentment.

Han Seo-jun’s family[edit]

  • Yeo Joo-ha as Han Go-woon
A student at Saebom High School; Seo-jun’s younger sister. She has great singing talent, but is bullied by her peers for being perceived as ugly. She befriends with Ju-kyung after Ju-kyung saves her from bullies.
  • Park Hyun-jung as Lee Mi-hyang
Mother of Seo-jun and Go-woon; an acquaintance of Hyun-sook (Ju-kyung’s mother). She suffers from an illness requiring a kidney transplant.

Kang Su-jin’s family[edit]

  • Seo Sang-won as Kang Jun-hyuk
Su-jin’s father; professor and doctor-in-charge of a medical school. He teaches Su-jin to be competitive and abuses her mentally and physically.
  • Yoo Dam-yeon as Kim Ji-yeon
Su-jin’s mother. Passive with her husband’s abuse at first. Later divorces him and leaves Korea with Su-jin.

Saebom High School[edit]

  • Oh Eui-shik as Han Joon-woo
Homeroom teacher of Class 2-5 and literature teacher in Saebom High School. He falls in love with Hee-kyung.
  • Kang Min-ah as Choi Soo-ah[15]
A student of Class 2-5 in Saebom High School; Ju-kyung and Su-jin’s best friend and classmate; Tae-hoon’s girlfriend.
  • Lee Il-jun [ko] as Yoo Tae-hoon
A student of Class 2-5 in Saebom High School; Soo-ah’s boyfriend. Tae-hoon often seeks the approval of Su-ho and later becomes friends with him.
  • Lee Sang-jin as Ahn Hyun-gyu[16]
A student of Class 2-5 in Saebom High School.
  • Han Yi-young as Ha Ji-young
A student of Class 2-5 in Saebom High School.
  • Lee Woo-je as Kim Cho-rong
A student in Saebom High School; Seo-jun’s friend.
  • Kim Hyun-ji as Kim Si-hyun
A student in Saebom High School.
  • Kim Myung-ji [ko] as Jin Hee-jeong
A Year 1 student in Saebom High School; webmaster of school’s online community. She once bullied Go-woon.
  • Kim Byung-chun [ko] as the vice-principal of Saebom High School.

Yongpa High School[edit]

  • Shin Jae-hwi as Lee Sung-yong[17]
A student in Yongpa High School. He is a bully who formerly acquainted with Seo-jun.
  • Jeon Hye-won as Park Sae-mi[18]
A student of Yongpa High School. A popular girl with pretty face, who used to bully Ju-kyung before she transferred to Saebom High School.
  • Oh Yoo-jin as Joo Hye-min
A student in Yongpa High School who later transfers to Saebom High School after being bullied tremendously at her old school.
  • Seo Hye-won as Park Ji-hee
A student in Yongpa High School; a friend of Park Sae-mi.


  • Im Hyun-sung [ko] as Wang Ja
The owner of Prince Comics, the comic book store that Ju-kyung and Su-ho frequents.
  • Park Young-soo [ko] as Columbus Park
The man who tricks Ju-kyung’s father out of his money.

Special appearances[edit]

  • Kang Chan-hee as Jung Se-yeon
    (Ep. 1, 4–5, 11–12, 16)[19]
Su-ho and Seo-jun’s late best friend. Se-yeon was a member of a boy group under Move Entertainment. A victim of harsh online shaming and fake scandals, he committed suicide by jumping off a tall building. His tragic death becomes the center of the broken friendship between Seo-jun and Su-ho, Seo-jun’s animosity towards Su-ho’s father and Su-ho’s life of immense guilt.
  • Go Woo-ri as Selena
A famous makeup-artist whom Ju-kyung idolizes and later works for.
  • Lee Tae-ri[20] as Wang Hyun-bin (Ep. 1)
A handsome nutritionist of Yongpa High School’s canteen whom Ju-kyung had a crush on.
  • Ok Joo-ri as a neighbourhood woman (Ep. 1)
  • Cha Young-ok [ko] as a neighbourhood woman (Ep. 1–2)
  • Lee Jae-eun as Su-ho’s housekeeper (Ep. 3)
  • Song Hoon as a history teacher (Ep. 3)
  • Uhm Tae-yoon as a customer (Ep. 3)
  • Kim Jeong-hak [ko] as Joo-heon’s associate (Ep. 3)
  • Jang Young-hyun as a guy at the convenience store (Ep. 3)
  • Moon Hak-jin [ko] as a guy at the convenience store (Ep. 3)
  • Ham Tae-gyun as a guy at the convenience store (Ep. 3)
  • Kim Hye-yoon[20] as Eun Dan-oh (Ep. 4)
Baek Kyung’s classmate and fiancée; Ha-ru’s girlfriend whom Suho mistakes as Jugyeong
  • Lee Jae-wook[20] as Baek Kyung (Ep. 4)
Dan-oh’s classmate and fiancé whom Suho mistakes as Woo-hyun, Jugyeong’s blind date.
  • Jung Gun-joo as Ryu Hyung-jin[21]
A baseball star playing for Seonil High School who has a crush on Ju-kyung and asks her out. (Ep. 7)
  • Woo Hyun as the camping site manager (Ep. 8)
  • Kim Jae-wook [ko] as MC Jaerong, recreation MC (Ep. 8)
  • Jung Ye-nok as the head of imaginary bullies (Ep. 9)
  • Lee Han-wi as Min Jae-joon (Ep. 13)
A plastic surgeon.
  • Kim Young-dae as Oh Nam-joo (Ep. 15)[22][d]
A stranger whom Ju-kyung runs into at Namsan Tower, and she mistaken him as Su-ho.
  • Lim Da-young as Chae-ni (Ep. 15–16)
A celebrity under Move Entertainment.



In July 2019, it was announced that the Line Webtoon True Beauty would be adapted into a television series.[39] In August 2020, the production team confirmed the casting of Moon Ga-young, Cha Eun-woo and Hwang In-youp in the lead roles.[40] The first script reading session was held in October 2020.[41][42] Filming was temporarily halted in late December 2020 after Kim Byung-chun [ko] tested positive for COVID-19.[43] The first stills from filming were released on November 10, 2020, one month prior to the series premiere.[44]


The series was originally made available for streaming through Viu and Rakuten Viki.[45] In 2021, it became available on Amazon Prime Video from October 21.[46]

Original soundtrack[edit]

True Beauty:
Original Soundtrack
Soundtrack album by

Various artists

Released February 5, 2021[2]
  • Soundtrack
  • K-pop
Length 118:32[2]
  • Korean
  • English
Label Stone Music Entertainment

True Beauty: Original Soundtrack[edit]

The following is the official track list of True Beauty: Original Soundtrack album, which was released by Stone Music Entertainment on February 5, 2021.[2][47] The tracks with no indicated lyricists and composers are the drama’s musical score; the artists indicated for these tracks are the tracks’ composers themselves.

The album peaked on number 5 on weekly Gaon Album Chart and as of March 2021, 40,786 copies have been sold.[48][49]


The following is the track list of singles from True Beauty: Original Soundtrack.


True Beauty : South Korea viewers per episode (thousands)

Season Episode number Average
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 1083 1000 1162 1178 1095 1086 1154 973 1361 1120 1216 1107 1215 1143 1353 1270 1157

Source: Audience measurement performed nationwide by Nielsen Korea[58]

Average TV viewership ratings

Ep. Original broadcast date Average audience share
(Nielsen Korea)[58]
Nationwide Seoul
1 December 9, 2020 3.573% (2nd) 4.056% (2nd)
2 December 10, 2020 3.626% (1st) 3.963% (1st)
3 December 16, 2020 3.813% (2nd) 4.711% (2nd)
4 December 17, 2020 3.586% (1st) 3.824% (1st)
5 December 23, 2020 3.859% (2nd) 4.293% (2nd)
6 December 24, 2020 3.333% (1st) 3.724% (1st)
7 January 6, 2021 3.892% (2nd) 4.198% (2nd)
8 January 7, 2021 2.909% (1st) 3.003% (1st)
9 January 13, 2021 4.265% (2nd) 4.938% (2nd)
10 January 14, 2021 3.411% (1st) 3.870% (1st)
11 January 20, 2021 3.850% (2nd) 4.303% (2nd)
12 January 21, 2021 3.418% (1st) 4.069% (1st)
13 January 27, 2021 4.000% (2nd) 4.547% (2nd)
14 January 28, 2021 4.125% (1st) 4.802% (2nd)
15 February 3, 2021 4.579% (2nd) 5.371% (2nd)
16 February 4, 2021 4.458% (1st) 5.087% (1st)
Average 3.794% 4.297%
  • In the table above, the blue numbers represent the lowest ratings and the red numbers represent the highest ratings.
  • This drama airs on a cable channel/pay TV which normally has a relatively smaller audience compared to free-to-air TV/public broadcasters (KBS, SBS, MBC and EBS).
  • No episode aired on December 30 and 31 due to the broadcast of a special year-end holiday program.[59]


Award ceremony Year Category Nominee Result Ref.
Indonesian Hallyu Fans Choice Awards 2021 K-Drama of the Year True Beauty Won [60]


  1. ^ The end themes used vary per episode but are all singles from True Beauty: Original Soundtrack. See the list of singles for details.
  2. ^ See True Beauty: Original Soundtrack for the names of all involved musical score composers.
  3. ^ Kim Young-dae’s cameo role alludes to his role as Oh Nam-joo in Episode 32 of Director Kim Sang-hyeop’s Extraordinary You (2019).
  4. ^ a b Original song by The Nolans, released in 1979.


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External links[edit]

  • Official website (in Korean)
  • True Beauty at IMDb
  • True Beauty at HanCinema
  • True Beauty on Viki
  • True Beauty at Daum (in Korean)
  • True Beauty at Line Webtoon (in Korean)

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