Китайский праздник голодных духов

Фестиваль голодных духов Чжунъюань Легенда о происхождении Фестиваль голодных духов Чжунъюань в Китае Праздник связан с легендой о злой

Фестиваль голодных духов Чжунъюань


Легенда о происхождении Фестиваль голодных духов Чжунъюань в Китае  

Праздник связан с легендой о злой женщине и ее сыне, решившем посвятить свою жизнь служению богу. Женщина была против, и решила отомстить сыну тем, что подложила в храм мясо в еду для пожертвований. Боги были в гневе, ведь это являлось страшным грехом, и за ее поступок отправили ее в ад. Добрый сын пожалел мать и преподнес ей мясо к вратам ада, чтобы она смогла утолить свой голод. Но его попытки были напрасны, как только дух матери протянул руки к еде, вся еда вспыхнула пламенем. Однако боги проявили милосердие, и позволили грешным душам на месяц отойти в земной мир, чтобы вкусить земной пищи.


О культуре Фестивали голодных духов Чжунъюань в Китае 

Древнекитайское предание гласит, что когда открываются Врата Ада, души грешников получают возможность возвратиться на бренную землю на 30 дней. Они являются в дома родственников злыми и голодными. Их необходимо всячески ублажатьподношениями в виде специальных ритуальных блюд, расставлять благовония и букеты цветов. Почитать мертвых следует в обязательном порядке, в противном же случае они будут преследовать и мучить живых. По прошествии срока, мертвые возвращаются обратно на просторы ада, где продолжают нести бремя своих грехов.

 Фестиваль голодных духов Чжунъюань

До сих пор не определено, как именно появились призраки. Люди верят, что призраки — это неупокоенные души умерших, которых похоронили без соблюдения положенных религиозных обычаев, либо те, кому не воздали надлежащих почестей после захоронения. Внешний вид призраков вызывает мурашки по коже: они худощавы, их шея неестественно худая и вытянутая от того, что им не воздавали подобающие почести и не подносили трапезу после смерти.


Голодный дух появляется во многих культурах стран Азии. Особенно культ почитания мертвых распространен в Сингапуре, Тайланде, Вьетнаме и в Китае. Истоки появления такой мистического поклонения берут начало в даосских и буддистских культах, которые смешались с конфуцианскими традициями почитания предков.

Фестиваль голодных духов является кульминацией Месяца призраков, который длится один день и выпадает на 15-ое числа 7 месяца по лунному календарю. Считается, что в этот день духи мертвых исключительно активны.

Чем отличается Фестиваль голодных духов Чжунъюань и праздником Цинмин в Китае?

Стоит различать Фестиваль голодных духов с днем поминовения усопших Цинмин. Согласно поверью, во время праздника Цинмин живые посещают усопших родственников и воздают им дань уважения. А на фестиваль голодного призрака происходит наоборот, призраки посещают живых и в каком-то смысле держат тех в страхе.

Традиционным блюдом для подношения мертвым считается торт в виде красной черепахи. В восточной культуре черепаха символизирует долголетия, а красный является цветом счастья и процветания. Во время фестиваля принято также поджигать купюры или имитирующие деньги бумажки, чтобы обеспечить благосостояние родственников по ту сторону света. Помимо того, сжигают позолоченную бумагу с надписями, которая приравнивается к бытовым предметам, одежде или даже золотым слиткам.

Люди верят, что мир мертвых является искаженным отражением мира живых со всеми присущими материальными благами. Все воздаяния, которые совершаются живыми на религиозных алтарях “пересылаются” в мир мертвых.


Ритуальную пищу принято выносить во дворы дома и сооружать некое подобие алтаря. Возле него зажигается свеча, чтобы духи не блуждали в поисках еды, а могли быстрее отыскать угощение.


О привычках китайцев ,которых связанны с Фестиваль голодных духов в Китае

С мертвыми шутки плохи, их следует чтить и уважать. С самого детства родители учат детей не втыкать палочки для еды в рис. Такое поверье связано с тем, что в таком положении едальные палочки напоминают благовонные ароматические палочки, воткнутые в прихрамовый ладан для возношения молитв предкам.

О привычках китайцев ,которых связанны с Фестиваль голодных духов в Китае

Известно, что духов привлекают громкие звуки, поэтому во время фестиваля голодных призраков устраиваются различные представления, шествия “призраков”, которые проходят оглушительно громко и с небывалым размахом. По окончанию представлений, на воду опускаются бумажные светящиеся фонари, чтобы духи не заблудились на пути к дому.


На протяжении месяца мертвых существуют устоявшиеся табу. Так, не следует устраивать свадебные церемонии, не устраивать пышные праздненства, покупать новые вещи или приобретать жилье. Также не следует ходить ночью в одиночку, вечером смотреться в зеркало, свистеть в темных помещениях, поднимать чужие предметы на улице. Не рекомендуется проводить сложные операции и планировать важные дела. На протяжении месяца надлежит носить обереги и освещенные амулеты от призраков.


Это интересно !

В течении месяца не следует открывать зонт в помещении. Зонты в китайской культуре имеют особое символическое значение. Ни в коем случае не следует дарить китайцу зонт, таким образом вы можете ненарочно намекнуть ему, что больше не желаете иметь с ним дела. На китайском языке слово “зонт”(伞) созвучно со словом “расставание” (散).

Каждый год в пятнадцатый день седьмого лунного месяца, (в текущем году он выпадает на 12 августа) в Китае (и на Тайване) празднуется «Фестиваль голодных духов».

Фестиваль, посвященный почитанию духов предков, имеет глубокие корни и отмечается с древнейших времен. В буддистской традиции он называется «Юй Лань». Считается, что в первый день седьмого лунного месяца владыка царства мертвых («Царства голодных призраков») открывает врата подземного мира и позволяет его обитателям целый месяц блуждать среди людей.

Чтобы задобрить духов, китайцы готовят «трапезу» для гостей с того света: традиционно это может быть рис, каша, вода. Алтари для призраков сооружаются на улице, чтобы духи не заходили в дом. В честь духов зажигают ароматные благовония, ставят на алтари живые цветы и запускают небесные и водяные фонарики, чтобы заблудшие духи во тьме нашли дорогу обратно.

Также принято сжигать деньги, настоящие и не очень, чаще это имитация денежных банкнот, «цзиньчжи». Считается, что огонь переносит дары и подношения в мир духов.

По окончании фестиваля улицы традиционно посыпаются рисом и солью.

загробный мир в представлении китайских художников

По легенде, мать одного буддийского монаха угодила в мир голодных духов за свои прегрешения. Узнав о том, как мучается его мать, Мулань (так звали того монаха) спустился в подземное царство к ней, чтобы накормить её. Однако пожертвованная пища тут же сгорела в адском пламени. Тогда Мулань обратился к Будде: божество сжалилось над юношей, и позволило всем грешникам один месяц в году покидать ад, чтобы навестить родных и полакомиться земной пищей.

Мулань спускается в ад

По этой причине седьмой лунный месяц считается «несчастливым» для любых начинаний и перемен, (например, переезд или свадьба).

В течение всего месяца следует соблюдать ряд правил, чтобы не навлечь на себя несчастье, (и не позволить призракам забрать вас с собой):

— не стоит выходить на улицу ночью, ибо во мраке могут скрываться духи;

— нельзя носить обувь на каблуке или высокой платформе, потому что духи могут решить, что вы парите над землей, а не ступаете по ней, и примут вас за «своего»;

— нельзя угощаться подношениями для призраков и, тем более, воровать;

— нельзя произносить свое имя, ведь духи могут его услышать и запомнить, а не стоит привлекать их внимание;

— не ложитесь спать поздно;

— не стоит купаться, да и вообще желательно держаться подальше от водоемов, потому что духи могут утащить вас на дно;

— не вздумайте оглядываться, если кто-то окликнул вас или вам показалось, что некто следует за вами по пятам, особенно в сумерках или ночью;

— нельзя втыкать палочки в еду, потому что духи могут принять их за свечу, и решить, что вы желаете разделить с ними трапезу, ведь тарелка по форме похожа на ритуальную курильницу с благовониями, которые зажигают на время фестиваля;

— не гуляйте в одиночку;

— не поднимайте валяющиеся на дороге деньги;

— снимите висящие в доме «колокольчики»: музыка ветра привлекает духов, и, увы, не только добрых;

— не носите вещи тёмно-зелёного или чёрного цвета. Белый цвет также не подойдёт для месяца голодных духов, поскольку это цвет погребальной одежды и траура в Китае, особенно это касается обуви.

А вот красного цвета духи остерегаются, ведь это цвет крови. Считается, что люди, умершие в красной одежде, обращаются в особо свирепых и кровожадных призраков.

Также духи не любят жёлтый.

На случай, если вам довелось наткнуться на «голодного призрака», (ну а вдруг), также существует ряд правил.

Это, своего рода, загробный этикет:

— не стоит кричать, вы можете разозлить духа или привлечь внимание других представителей загробного царства;

— не убегайте, иначе он оскорбится;

— не закрывайте глаза, иначе вас примут за «своего»;

— не задерживайте дыхание (по той же причине);

— также запрещено падать в обморок, но тут уж как повезёт.

Фестиваль голодных духов в Китае — это один из самых мистических праздников в этой стране, а также в других странах Юго-Восточной Азии. Прочитав эту статью, вы узнаете историю праздника, и как проходит Фестиваль голодных духов в Китае.

Фестиваль голодных духов

1. Легенда про Фестиваль голодных духов 

День голодных духов в Китае и других странах Юго-Восточной Азии появился в глубокой древности. Его возникновение связывают с легендой, в которой рассказывается история одной злой и жадной женщины, жившей с сыном. Матери не понравилось, что её сын решил посвятить свою жизнь служению Богу.

Она решила мстить монахам за это и стала подкладывать в еду для пожертвований мясо. Это считалось грехом, и женщина за свой поступок попала в ад. Юноше было жаль своей матери. Он, прихватив с собой еды, появился у ворот ада. Однако избавить мать от голода ему не удалось. Пища превратилась в огонь. Тогда сын стал просить милости у Богов для родительницы. Боги сжалились и разрешили всем грешным душам на один месяц покидать ад и вкушать земную пищу. Так и появился духов месяц, в его рамках, Фестиваль голодных духов.

Фестиваль голодных духов

2. Кто эти духи? Почему они голодные?

Прежде чем ответить на вопрос:»Кто эти духи? Почему они голодные?», заметим, что в Китае исповедуется несколько религий и учений. Это даосизм, буддизм, конфуцианство и христианство. Помимо этого здесь стоит вспомнить, что в глубокой древности весь мир для китайцев был полон духов. Эти духи отвечали за все процессы, происходящие на Земле.

Фестиваль голодных духов

Под влиянием разных религий и учений у китайцев сформировалось своё мнение о загробной жизни. Согласно нему обитатели потустороннего мира не теряют связи с «миром живых». «Мёртвые» и «живые» взаимно помогают друг другу. Духи предков охраняют род от бед и несчастий. Их, ныне живущие, потомки облегчают им жизнь на том свете.

Фестиваль голодных духов в Китае

И наконец попытаемся ответить на вопрос о голодных духах. Голодные духи — это злые духи, за которых никто не молится, или духи умерших, которые при жизни были алчными. Однозначно, что это грешники, которые попали в ад! Их жизнь полна тяжких испытаний! Они и есть голодные духи!  Эти тёмные силы и представляют угрозу всем живым.

3. Фестиваль голодных духов в Китае

Чтобы задобрить голодных духов китайцы и придумали Духов месяц и в его рамках Фестиваль голодных духов. Начинается празднество 15 августа и заканчивается в сентябре. Открываются ворота рая и ада, чтобы отпустить призраков на Землю. На Земле все готовы к встрече с духами. Во-первых, для всех них,  добрых и злых, готовится пиршество. На специальные постаменты в домах и храмах ставят цветы и угощения. Обязательное лакомство — торт в виде красной черепахи.

Во-вторых, призраки любят развлечения и для них открываются двери театров китайской оперы и драмы. Там в ночное время демонстрируются шумные постановки. В зрительных залах обязательно имеются пустые места для призраков. Проводится также парад представителей потустороннего мира.

Фестиваль голодных духов в Китае, костюмы

Повсюду можно увидеть самые впечатляющие демонстрации продуктов питания для голодных духов. Их обычно контролирует  чучело лидера голодных духов, Тай Си Вонг. Считается, что именно он держит блуждающих призраков в узде. Тем самым он предотвращает  слишком большой вред от их пребывания на Земле.

Чтобы «сделать духам подарки», китайцы «сжигают подарки». Это могут быть, как бумажные деньги, различные предметы, так и картинки с их изображением. Это действие сулит хорошие условия для дарителя в загробной жизни. И в завершение праздника — опускание на воду фонарей, которые освещают духам путь домой.

Фестиваль голодных духов

4. Запреты во время Фестиваля голодных духов в Китае

И какие только запреты не существуют во время Фестиваля голодных духов в Китае. Нельзя жениться, покупать недвижимость, поднимать с земли деньги, свистеть и петь дома. Ещё много чего запрещено в это время. Можно потерпеть конечно, чтобы избежать проблем и неприятностей в жизни.

Фестиваль голодных духов

Многие пытаются сравнивать Китайский фестиваль голодных духов с мексиканским Днём мёртвых. Очевидно есть какие-то общие черты. Но и очевиден тот факт, что китайцы уникальная нация во всём, а в организации праздников и подавно!

Вот так отмечается Фестиваль голодных духов в Китае! Про другие праздники и фестивали в Китае читайте здесь:

Праздники и фестивали Китая

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Фестиваль предков в Камбодже

Про фестиваль Обон в Японии

Хэллоуин, День всех Святых и День всех Душ

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Фестиваль призраков

Фестиваль призраков, также известный как Праздник голодного призрака/ Чжунъюань Цзе/ Гуй Цзе или Фестиваль Юлань — это традиционный буддийский и даосский фестиваль, отмечаемый в некоторых азиатских странах. Согласно китайскому календарю, фестиваль Призраков приходится на 15-ю ночь седьмого месяца.

В китайской культуре этот день называется Днем Призраков, а седьмой месяц в целом считается Месяцем Призраков, в котором призраки и духи, в том числе и умершие предки, выходят из подземного царства. Полагают, что в отличие от Фестиваля Цинминга (весной), когда живые потомки отдают дань уважения своим умершим предкам, во время Фестиваля Призраков умершие сами посещают живых.

Как отмечают праздник

На пятнадцатый день врата между двумя мирами открываются, и верующие совершают ритуалы, чтобы прекратить страдания умерших. Мероприятия в течение месяца включают в себя ритуальные преподношения пищи, сжигание ладана и жгучей бумаги, папье-маше материальных предметов, таких как одежда, золото и другие вещи для духов предков. Готовятся разнообразные вегетарианские блюда, столы накрываются с пустыми местами для каждого из умерших в семье, как если бы они все еще были живы.

Поклонение предкам — это то, что отличает Фестиваль Цинминга от Фестиваля Призраков, потому что последний включает в себя уважение ко всем умершим, включая молодых, в то время как первый праздник включает только старшие поколения.

Мероприятия включают в себя выпуск миниатюрных бумажных лодок и фонарей на воду — это указание направления заблудившимся призракам и духам предков.

Фестиваль проводится в течение седьмого месяца китайского календаря. Он совпадает по времени празднования с полнолунием, началом нового сезона, сбором урожая. В течение этого месяца врата ада открываются, и призраки могут бродить по земле, где они ищут еды и развлечений. Считается, что эти призраки являются предками тех, кто забыл воздать им должное после их смерти или тех, кого похоронили без соблюдения религиозных обычаев. У них длинные тонкие шеи, потому что их не накормила семья, или в качестве наказания, чтобы они не могли глотать пищу. Члены семьи молятся своим умершим родственникам, предлагают им еду и питье и сжигают бумагу joss (китайский амулет). Считается, что бумажные предметы Joss имеют ценность в загробной жизни, они могут иметь форму различных материальных предметов: люди сжигают бумажные дома, автомобили и телевизоры, чтобы угодить призракам. Семьи также воздают должное другим неизвестным странствующим призракам, чтобы эти бездомные души не вторгались в их жизнь и не приносили несчастья. Большой праздник проводится для призраков в четырнадцатый день седьмого месяца, когда люди приносят пищу и помещают её на стол для приношений, чтобы угодить призракам и отвратить неудачу.

В некоторых восточноазиатских странах в этот день проводят живые выступления и приглашают всех желающих. Первый ряд сидений всегда пуст, так как здесь сидят призраки. Шоу всегда ставится ночью и длится довольно долго, поскольку считается, что звук привлекает и радует призраков. Некоторые шоу включают китайскую оперу, драмы, а в некоторых областях — даже бурлеск-шоу. Традиционно китайская опера была основным источником развлечений, она вместе с новыми шоу, концертами, постановками и т.д. называются Гетай, что означает «веселье».

Буддисты и даосисты проводят церемонии, чтобы освободить призраков от страданий, монахи и священники бросают рис или другие мелкие продукты в воздух во всех направлениях, чтобы разделить их с призраками. Вечером перед входной дверью дома зажигают благовония.

Благовония в китайской культуре означают процветание, поэтому семьи верят, что чем больше ладана жечь, тем больше благополучия это принесет.

Во время фестиваля некоторые магазины закрыты, так как они хотят оставить улицы свободными для призраков. Посреди каждой улицы стоит жертвенник ладана со свежими фруктами и дарами, возложенными на нем. Через 14 дней после фестиваля (дабы убедиться, что все голодные призраки вернулись в ад) люди вылавливают из воды фонари и выставляют их перед входом в свои дома.

Фестиваль призраков

Фото и видеоматериалы об этом празднике

This article is about the Chinese festival and its related traditions. For the festival in the Thai province of Loei, see Phi Ta Khon.

Ghost Festival
HK ShatinYuLanFestival KingOfGhost.JPG

A paper effigy of the Ghost King in Shatin, Hong Kong

Official name Zhōngyuán Jié
(中元节; 中元節) The same name in Taoism and Folk Belief.
Name in Buddhism:
(simplified Chinese: 盂兰盆; traditional Chinese: 盂蘭盆; pinyin: Yúlánpén)
Also called Ghost Month
Observed by Buddhists, Taoists, Chinese folk religion believers
primarily in Hong Kong, Vietnam, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia with related traditions and festivals observed in Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka and Thailand
Significance The opening of the gates of Hell and Heaven, permitting all ghosts to receive food and drink
Observances Ancestor worship, offering food (to monks as well as deceased), burning joss paper, chanting of scriptures
Date 15th night of the 7th Chinese month
2022 date August 12
2023 date August 30
Related to
  • Obon (in Japan)
  • Baekjung (in Korea)
  • Tết Trung Nguyên (in Vietnam)
  • Sen Kbal tek, សែនក្បាលទឹក, observed by Chinese ancestry (Pchum Ben, Khmer traditional similar fest, a month later.) (in Cambodia)
  • Boun Khao Padap Din (in Laos)
  • Mataka dānēs (in Sri Lanka)
  • Sat Thai (in Thailand)
Ghost Festival
Ancestor worship003.JPG

Food offerings for the Ghost Festival

Traditional Chinese 中元節
Simplified Chinese 中元节
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin zhōng yuán jié
Bopomofo ㄓㄨㄥ ㄩㄢˊㄐㄧㄝˊ
Wade–Giles chung yüan2 chieh2
Yale Romanization jūng ywán jyé
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Chûng-ngièn-chiet
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization jūng yùhn jit
Jyutping zung1 jyun4 zit3
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tiong-goân-cheh
Tâi-lô Tiong-guân-tseh
Teochew Peng’im Dong1 nguêng5/nguang5 zoih4
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Dṳ̆ng-nguòng-cáik
Alternative Chinese name
Traditional Chinese 盂蘭盆
Simplified Chinese 盂兰盆
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Yú lán pén
Bopomofo ㄩˊㄌㄢˊㄆㄣˊ
Wade–Giles 2 lan2 p’ên2
Yale Romanization yú lán pén
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Chhit-ngie̍t-pan (七月半)
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization yùh làahn pùhn
Jyutping jyu4 laan4 pun4
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Chhit-goe̍h-poàⁿ(七月半)
Tâi-lô Tshit-gue̍h-puànn (七月半)
Teochew Peng’im Cig4 ghuêh8 buan3 (七月半)
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Uò-làng-buòng

The Ghost Festival, also known as the Zhongyuan Festival (traditional Chinese: 中元節; simplified Chinese: 中元节) in Taoism and Yulanpen Festival (traditional Chinese: 盂蘭盆節; simplified Chinese: 盂兰盆节; pinyin: Yúlánpénjié) in Buddhism, is a traditional Taoist and Buddhist festival held in certain East Asian countries. According to the Chinese calendar (a lunisolar calendar), the Ghost Festival is on the 15th night of the seventh month (14th in parts of southern China).[1][2]: 4, 6  [note 1]

In Chinese culture, the fifteenth day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar is called Ghost Day and the seventh month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month (鬼月), in which ghosts and spirits, including those of deceased ancestors, come out from the lower realm.[which?] Distinct from both the Qingming Festival (or Tomb Sweeping Day, in spring) and Double Ninth Festival (in autumn) in which living descendants pay homage to their deceased ancestors, during Ghost Festival, the deceased are believed to visit the living.[3]

On the fifteenth day the realms of Heaven and Hell and the realm of the living are open and both Taoists and Buddhists would perform rituals to transmute and absolve the sufferings of the deceased. Intrinsic to the Ghost Month is veneration of the dead, where traditionally the filial piety of descendants extends to their ancestors even after their deaths. Activities during the month would include preparing ritualistic food offerings, burning incense, and burning joss paper, a papier-mâché form of material items such as clothes, gold and other fine goods for the visiting spirits of the ancestors. Elaborate meals (often vegetarian meals) would be served with empty seats for each of the deceased in the family treating the deceased as if they are still living. Ancestor worship is what distinguishes Qingming Festival from Ghost Festival because the latter includes paying respects to all deceased, including the same and younger generations, while the former only includes older generations. Other festivities may include buying and releasing miniature paper boats and lanterns on water, which signifies giving directions to the lost ghosts and spirits of the ancestors and other deities.[4]


As a Taoist festival: Taoism has the «Three Yuan Theory», from which the name «Zhong Yuan» comes from. In the Tang Dynasty, when the rulers admired Taoism, the Taoist Zhongyuan Festival began to flourish, and the «Zhongyuan» was gradually fixed as the name of the festival. The festival was set on July 15 of the lunar calendar and has continued to the present day.

As a Buddhist festival: The origin story of the modern Ghost Festival, ultimately originated from ancient India, deriving from the Mahayana scripture known as the Yulanpen or Ullambana Sutra.[5]: 301, 302  [note 2] The sutra records the time when Maudgalyayana achieves abhijñā and uses his newfound powers to search for his deceased parents. Maudgalyayana discovers that his deceased mother was reborn into the preta or hungry ghost realm. She was in a wasted condition and Maudgalyayana tried to help her by giving her a bowl of rice. Unfortunately as a preta, she was unable to eat the rice as it was transformed into burning coal. Maudgalyayana then asks the Buddha to help him; whereupon Buddha explains how one is able to assist one’s current parents and deceased parents in this life and in one’s past seven lives by willingly offering food, etc., to the sangha or monastic community during Pravarana (the end of the monsoon season or vassa), which usually occurs on the 15th day of the seventh month whereby the monastic community transfers the merits to the deceased parents, etc.,[6]: 185  [note 3] [5]: 293  [note 4] [7]: 286  [note 5]

The Theravadan forms of the festival in South and Southeast Asia (including Cambodia’s Pchum Ben) are much older, deriving from the Petavatthu, a scripture in the Pali Canon that probably dates to the 3rd century BC.[8] The Petavatthu account is broadly similar to that later recorded in the Yulanpen Sutra, although it concerns the disciple Sāriputta and his family rather than Moggallāna.


A young girl performing during Ghost Festival in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The red seats in front are reserved for ghosts.

Chinese lotus lanterns floating in a river

The Ghost Festival is held during the seventh month of the Chinese calendar. It also falls at the same time as a full moon, the new season, the fall harvest, the peak of Buddhist monastic asceticism, the rebirth of ancestors, and the assembly of the local community.[9] During this month, the gates of hell are opened up and ghosts are free to roam the earth where they seek food and entertainment. These ghosts are believed to be ancestors of those who forgot to pay tribute to them after they died, or those who were never given a proper ritual send-off. They have long needle-thin necks because they have not been fed by their family, or as a punishment so that they are unable to swallow. Family members offer prayers to their deceased relatives, offer food and drink and burn hell bank notes and other forms of joss paper. Joss paper items are believed to have value in the afterlife, considered to be very similar in some aspects to the material world. People burn paper houses, cars, servants and televisions to please the ghosts.[10] Families also pay tribute to other unknown wandering ghosts so that these homeless souls do not intrude on their lives and bring misfortune. A large feast is held for the ghosts on the fourteenth day of the seventh month, when people bring samples of food and place them on an offering table to please the ghosts and ward off bad luck. Lotus-shaped lanterns are lit and set afloat in rivers and out onto seas to symbolically guide the lost souls of forgotten ancestors to the afterlife.

In some East Asian countries today, live performances are held and everyone is invited to attend. The first row of seats are always empty as this is where the ghosts sit. The shows are always put on at night and at high volumes as the sound is believed to attract and please the ghosts. Some shows include Chinese opera, dramas, and in some areas, even burlesque shows. Traditionally Chinese opera was the main source of entertainment but the newer shows, concerts, dramas, wars and so forth are referred to as Getai.[11] These acts are better known as «Merry-making».[12]

For rituals, Buddhists and Taoists hold ceremonies to relieve ghosts from suffering, many of them holding ceremonies in the afternoon or at night (as it is believed that the ghosts are released from hell when the sun sets). Altars are built for the deceased and priests and monks alike perform rituals for the benefit of ghosts. Monks and priests often throw rice or other small foods into the air in all directions to distribute them to the ghosts.[12]

During the evening, incense is burnt in front of the doors of households. Incense stands for prosperity in Chinese culture, so families believe that there is more prosperity in burning more incense.[12] During the festival, some shops are closed as they want to leave the streets open for the ghosts. In the middle of each street stands an altar of incense with fresh fruit and sacrifices displayed on it.[12]

Fourteen days after the festival, to make sure all the hungry ghosts find their way back to hell, people float water lanterns and set them outside their houses. These lanterns are made by setting a lotus flower-shaped lantern on a paper boat. The lanterns are used to direct the ghosts back to the underworld, and when they go out, it symbolizes that they have found their way back.[12]

Celebrations in other parts of Asia[edit]

Singapore and Malaysia[edit]

Concert-like performances are a prominent feature of the Ghost Festival in Singapore and Malaysia. Those live concerts are popularly known as Getai in Mandarin or Koh-tai in Hokkien Chinese.[13] They are performed by groups of singers, dancers, entertainers and opera troops or puppet shows on a temporary stage that is set up within a residential district. The festival is funded by the residents of each individual district. During these Getai the front row is left empty for the special guests—the ghosts.[14] It is known to be bad luck to sit on the front row of red seats, if anyone were to sit on them, they would become sick or similarly ailed.


In Indonesia, the festival popularly known as Chit Gwee Pua (Chinese: 七月半), Chit Nyiat Pan in Hakka, Cioko, or Sembahyang Rebutan in Indonesian (Scrambling prayer). People gather around temples and bring an offering to a spirit who died in an unlucky way, and after that, they distribute it to the poor, the way people scramble the offerings is the origin of the festival name, these festival mostly known in Java Island. Other areas like at North Sumatra, Riau and Riau islands also held a live concert or known as Getai like those Chinese in Malaysia or Singapore, and there are also time for people who do Tomb sweeping or known as Sembahyang Kubur to respect to the ancestor spirit and looking for some luck, they will bought like a hell notes or Kim Cua (Chinese: 金纸) and paper-based goods like paper house, paper horse, paper car etc., those goods will end up burned as it was believed that goods will sent to help the spirit feel better in afterlife.


Traditionally, it is believed that ghosts haunt the island of Taiwan for the entire seventh lunar month, when the mid-summer Ghost Festival is held.[15] The month is known as Ghost Month.[16] The first day of the month is marked by opening the gate of a temple, symbolizing the gates of hell. On the twelfth day, lamps on the main altar are lit. On the thirteenth day, a procession of lanterns is held. On the fourteenth day, a parade is held for releasing water lanterns. Incense and food are offered to the spirits to deter them from visiting homes and spirit paper money is also burnt as an offering.[17] During the month, people avoid surgery, buying cars, swimming, moving house, marrying, whistling and going out or taking pictures after dark. It is also important that addresses are not revealed to the ghosts.[citation needed]



Chūgen (中元), also Ochūgen (お中元), is an annual event in Japan on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month, when people give gifts to their superiors and acquaintances. Originally it was an annual event for giving gifts to the ancestral spirits.

One of the three days that form the sangen (三元) of Daoism, it is sometimes considered a zassetsu, a type of seasonal day in the Japanese calendar.


Japanese volunteers perform tōrō nagashi: placing candle-lit lanterns for the dead into flowing water during Obon, in this case into the Sasebo River.

Obon (sometimes transliterated O-bon), or simply Bon, is the Japanese version of the Ghost Festival. It has since been transformed over time into a family reunion holiday during which people from the big cities return to their home towns and visit and clean the resting places of their ancestors.

Traditionally including a dance festival called Bon Odori, Obon has existed in Japan for more than 500 years. In modern Japan, it is held on July 15 in the eastern part (Kantō) and on August 15 in the western part (Kansai). In Okinawa and the Amami Islands, it is celebrated as in China, on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month. In 2019, Obon was held on the same date in Kansai, Okinawa and the Amami Islands, as August 15 on that year, was also the 15th day of the 7th lunar month.


A white and a red rose issued to guests at a Lễ Vu Lan service

This festival is originally known as Tết Trung Nguyên and is viewed as a time for the pardoning of condemned souls who are released from hell. The «homeless» should be «fed» and appeased with offerings of food. Merits for the living are also earned by the release of birds and fish. The lunar month in which the festival takes place is colloquially known as Tháng Cô Hồn — the month of lonely spirits, and believed to be haunted and particularly unlucky.

Influenced by Buddhism, this holiday coincides with Vu Lan, the Vietnamese transliteration for Ullambana.

In modern times, Vu Lan is also seen as Parents’ Day. People with living parents would bear a red rose and would give thanks while those without can choose to bear a white rose; and attend services to pray for the deceased.


In Asian Theravadin Buddhist countries, related traditions, ceremonies and festivals also occur. Like its Ullambana Sutra-origins in Mahayana Buddhist countries, the Theravada scripture, the Petavatthu gave rise to the idea of offering food to the hungry ghosts in the Theravada tradition as a form of merit-making. In stories published in the Petavatthu Maudgalyayana, who also plays the central role in the rise of the concept in the Mahayana tradition, along with Sariputta also play a role in the rise of the concept in the Theravada tradition.[18][19][20] Similarly to the rise of the concept in Mahayana Buddhism, a version of Maudgalyayana Rescues His Mother, where Maudgalyayana is replaced by Sariputta is recorded in the Petavatthu and is in part the basis behind the practice of the concept in Theravadin societies.[21] The concept of offering food to the hungry ghosts is also found in early Buddhist literature, in the Tirokudda Kanda.[22]


In Cambodia, a fifteen-day-long annual festival known as Pchum Ben occurs generally in September or October. Cambodians pay their respects to deceased relatives up to seven generations. The gates of hell are believed to open during this period and many people make offerings to these hungry ghosts.[23]


In Laos, a festival known as, Boun khao padap din usually occurs in September each year and goes on for two weeks. During this period, it is believed that hungry ghosts are freed from hell and enter the world of the living. A second festival known as Boun khao salak occurs directly after the conclusion of Boun khay padab din. During this period, food offerings are made to the hungry ghosts.[24]

Sri Lanka[edit]

In Sri Lanka, food offerings are made to the hungry ghosts on the seventh day, three months and one year after the death day of a deceased person. It is a ceremony conducted after death as part of traditional Sri Lankan Buddhist funeral rites and is known as mataka dānēs or matakadānaya.[25][26][27] The offerings that are made acquire merit which are then transformed back into the equivalent goods in the world of the hungry ghosts.[25] The offering that is offered on the seventh day, comes a day after personalized food offerings are given in the garden to the spirit of the deceased relative, which occurs on the sixth day.[28][29] The deceased who do not reach the proper afterworld, the Hungry Ghost realm, are feared by the living as they are believed to cause various sicknesses and disasters to the living. Buddhist monks are called upon to perform pirit to ward off the floating spirits. The rite is also practiced in Thailand and Myanmar and is also practiced during the Ghost Festival that is observed in other Asian countries.[30]


In Thailand, a fifteen-day-long annual festival known as Sat Thai is celebrated between September and October in Thailand especially in southern Thailand, particularly in the province of Nakhon Si Thammarat.[31] Like related festivals and traditions in other parts of Asia, the deceased are believed to come back to earth for fifteen days and people make offerings to them. The festival is known as Sat Thai to differentiate it from the Chinese Ghost Festival which is known as Sat Chin in the Thai language.[32]



The performance of Shraddha by a son during Pitru Paksha is regarded as compulsory by Hindus, to ensure that the soul of the ancestor goes to heaven. In this context, the scripture Garuda Purana says, «there is no salvation for a man without a son». The scriptures preach that a householder should propitiate ancestors (Pitris), along with the gods (devas), ghosts (bhutas) and guests. The scripture Markandeya Purana says that if the ancestors are content with the shraddhas, they will bestow health, wealth, knowledge and longevity, and ultimately heaven and salvation (moksha) upon the performer.[33]


In Bali and some parts of Indonesia, particularly among the indigenous Hindus of Indonesia, ancestors who have died and cremated are said to return to visit their former homes. This day is known as Hari Raya Galungan and celebrations typically last over two weeks, often in the form of specific food and religious offerings along with festivities.[34][35] The festival date is often calculated according to the Balinese pawukon calendar and typically occurs every 210 days.[36]

In popular culture[edit]

This article was the topic of conversation in the first episode of series two of the web series «Two Of These People Are Lying» hosted by The Technical Difficulties. Notably, Tom Scott believed it. [37]

See also[edit]

  • Buddhist art
  • Chinese ghosts
  • Nine Emperor God / Festival of Nine Emperor God (Chinese: 九皇, Hokkien: Kow Ong Yah, Cantonese: Kow Wong Yeh)
  • Phi Ta Khon
  • Tōrō nagashi

Notes on references[edit]

  1. ^ Chow, page 4, quoting 1783 Qianlong era «Annals of Guishan County» (歸善縣志) Scroll 15 — Customs:
    English translation:
    ‘The Ghost Festival originally was on the 15th day of the 7th month in the lunar calendar, but during the late Yuan to early Ming period, it’s said that the Hakkas in order to escape the Yuan troops, celebrated the Ghost Festival one day earlier, in order to escape disaster they fled southward. Since that time and continuing today, the date of the Ghost Festival changed to the 14th day of the 7th [lunar] month’ [in parts of Southern China].
  2. ^ Karashima:
    On p. 302 ‘Although this sutra has often been regarded as apocryphal [Japanese version has in recent times], the contents and ideas in it are well rooted in India as we have seen above. In addition to that, the vocabulary and usage of Chinese words are more archaic, compared with Kumārajīva’s corpus (401-413 CE), while they resemble greatly the translations by Dharmarakṣa (fl. 265?-311 CE). Moreover, the transliteration 鉢和羅 (EH pat γwa la > MC pwât γwâ lâ} of Skt. pravāra (ṇā), which only occurs in this sutra and its adaptation, i.e. the Baoen Fengpen jing 報恩奉盆經 (T. 16, no. 686, 780a20), indicates clearly that this sutra is not apocryphal but a genuine translation, because only somebody who knew the original Indian form was able to transliterate it thus correctly into Chinese. In conclusion, I assume that [<-preceding 3 words missing in Japanese version] this sutra is not apocryphal, but a translation from an Indian text translated by Dharmarakṣa or somebody else in pre-Kumārajīva times [Japanese version has 3rd to 4th century CE]. [c.f. p 189 for equivalent in Japanese version]
    c.f. p 301 for derivation of Yulan from Middle Indic (Gandhari) *olana.
  3. ^ Karashima:
    English Translation:
    ‘Both the East Asian Urabon [Yulanpen] and Southeast Asian Wan Ok Phansa [Thai name for Pravāraṇā] are celebrated on the 15th day of the seventh month, the day of Pravāraṇā just as it was promulgated in Lord Buddha’s time (in Japan, this matter is not known to people). In Southeast Asian countries, they use the ancient Indian calendar [or Buddhist calendar] as opposed to East Asian countries where they use the Chinese calendar. As there is a two month difference between the two calendars, few people realized that the two are [in fact] the same event.’
  4. ^ Karashima:
    Pravāraṇā (Pāli Pavāraṇā) zizi 自恣 and suiyi 隨意 in Chinese, is a ceremony held at the end of the three-month rainy season retreat [also called vassa] by Buddhist monks. In Theravada Buddhism and in Nepal, it was and is still held on the full moon day of the seventh or eight month. i.e. Āśvina (September–October) or Kārttika (October–November) respectively.
  5. ^ Karashima:
    English Translation: ‘From the Buddhist viewpoint, based on the Ancient Indian calendar [or Buddhist calendar] (New Years is in the middle of March to the middle of April [in the Gregorian calendar]) the 15th day of the fourth month [Āṣāḍha] (June to July [in the Gregorian calendar]) or the 15th day of the fifth month [Śrāvaṇa] (July to August [in Gregorian calendar]) is the start of three month period called vassa. From ancient times to even today, the monastic community of Tibet, Nepal and Southeast Asia still follow this schedule to observe vassa. This custom was also transmitted to China which does not have a rainy season, the calendar and dates preserved unchanged from the original but instead of using the ancient Indian calendar, the lunar Chinese calendar is used. In China, Japan, the Korean peninsula and other East Asian regions, vassa starts on the fourth month of the lunar Chinese calendar (May (in the Gregorian calendar) and lasts 3 months.’ [n.b. Since the start of vassa is fixed in East Asia in the fourth month, Pravāraṇā is also fixed to the 15th day of the seventh month].


  1. ^ «Zhongyuan festival». China.org.cn. China Internet Information Center. Archived from the original on October 19, 2017. Retrieved November 1, 2017.
  2. ^ Chow 2015
  3. ^ «Culture insider — China’s ghost festival». China Daily. August 8, 2014. Archived from the original on November 7, 2017. Retrieved November 1, 2017.
  4. ^ «Chinese Ghost Festival — «the Chinese Halloween»«. Peoples Daily (English). October 30, 2009. Archived from the original on November 7, 2017. Retrieved November 1, 2017.
  5. ^ a b Karashima 2013a
  6. ^ Karashima 2013b
  7. ^ Karashima 2014
  8. ^ Langer (2007), p. 276.
  9. ^ Teiser (1988).
  10. ^ «Hungry Ghost Festival». Essortment, 2002. Retrieved 20 October 2008. Essortment Articles. Archived February 23, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
  11. ^ «Chinese Culture: Hungry Ghost Festival» Modern China Archived February 3, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
  12. ^ a b c d e «Ghost Festival» ChinaVoc 2001–2007, Online Store. Archived 8 June 2009 at the Wayback Machine
  13. ^ «Hungry Ghost Festival». Archived from the original on July 26, 2018. Retrieved July 26, 2018.
  14. ^ «Hungry Ghost Festival». Archived from the original on July 26, 2018. Retrieved July 26, 2018.
  15. ^ Mid-Summer Ghost Festival Archived January 18, 2011, at the Wayback Machine, Chine Town Connection Archived September 19, 2010, at the Wayback Machine.
  16. ^ Ghost Month Archived 3 December 2010 at the Wayback Machine, Ghost Festival Archived 29 December 2010 at the Wayback Machine, Government Information Office Archived 3 April 2005 at the Wayback Machine, Taiwan.
  17. ^ Taiwan’s Ghost Festival and Other Religious Events Archived October 29, 2010, at the Wayback Machine, Go2Taiwan.net Archived August 31, 2010, at the Wayback Machine.
  18. ^ Pearce, Callum (2013). «Buddhist funeral cultures of Southeast Asia and China». Mortality. 18 (4): 388–389. doi:10.1080/13576275.2013.843512. S2CID 144383079.
  19. ^ Schober, Juliane (2002). Sacred Biography in the Buddhist Traditions of South and Southeast Asia. ISBN 9788120818125. Archived from the original on February 12, 2017. Retrieved February 11, 2017.
  20. ^ Hecker, Hellmuth, Maha-Moggallana, archived from the original on February 18, 2006, retrieved February 11, 2017
  21. ^ «StackPath» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on February 11, 2017. Retrieved February 11, 2017.
  22. ^ Gouin, Margaret (September 10, 2012). Tibetan Rituals of Death: Buddhist Funerary Practices. ISBN 9781136959172. Archived from the original on December 20, 2016. Retrieved December 7, 2016.
  23. ^ Holt, John Cli ord (April 2012). «Caring for the Dead Ritually in Cambodia» (PDF). Southeast Asian Studies. 1 (1): 3–75. Archived (PDF) from the original on April 20, 2019. Retrieved September 3, 2018.
  24. ^ Ladwig, Patrice (2012). «Visitors from hell: transformative hospitality to ghosts in a Lao Buddhist festival». Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 18: S90–S102. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9655.2012.01765.x. ISSN 1359-0987.
  25. ^ a b Langer (2007), pp. 153, 155, 173, 187, 191.
  26. ^ Buswell, Robert E (2004). Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Macmillan Reference USA. p. 21. ISBN 978-0028659107.
  27. ^ Williams, Paul (2005). Buddhism: Buddhism in South and Southeast Asia. ISBN 9780415332330.
  28. ^ Harding, John S (June 17, 2013). Studying Buddhism in Practice. ISBN 9781136501883. Archived from the original on December 20, 2016. Retrieved December 7, 2016.
  29. ^ «Archived copy» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on May 27, 2016. Retrieved December 7, 2016.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  30. ^ «Ancestors — Dictionary definition of Ancestors | Encyclopedia.com: FREE online dictionary». Archived from the original on February 6, 2017. Retrieved February 6, 2017.
  31. ^ «Archived copy». Archived from the original on February 7, 2017. Retrieved February 6, 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  32. ^ «Thailand Events & Festivals of October». Archived from the original on February 6, 2017. Retrieved February 6, 2017.
  33. ^ Sastri, S. M. Natesa (1988). Hindu feasts, fasts and ceremonies. Asian Educational Services. pp. 15–17. ISBN 978-81-206-0402-5.
  34. ^ «Galungan and Kuningan in Bali — Bali Magazine». Archived from the original on July 3, 2019. Retrieved July 3, 2019.
  35. ^ «Balinese ceremonies: Galungan and Kuningan». Archived from the original on July 3, 2019. Retrieved July 3, 2019.
  36. ^ «The calendars of Bali». Archived from the original on July 3, 2019. Retrieved July 3, 2019.
  37. ^ Thin Necks and Terrifying Tractors | Two Of These People Are Lying 2×01 | The Technical Difficulties, retrieved January 8, 2023

General bibliography[edit]

  • Bandō, Shōjun, ed. (2005), «The Ullambana Sutra (Taishō Vol. 16, No. 685)», Apocryphal Scriptures (PDF), Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai English Tripitaka Series, Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, pp. 17–44, ISBN 978-1-886439-29-0, archived from the original (PDF) on February 10, 2013.
  • Chow, Shu Kai (周樹佳) (2015), 鬼月鉤沉-中元、盂蘭、餓鬼節 [Investigation of Ghost Month — Zhong Yuan, Ullambana and Hungry Ghost Festivals] (in Traditional Chinese), Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Books (Hong Kong), ISBN 9789888366392
  • Langer, Rita (2007), Buddhist Rituals of Death and Rebirth: Contemporary Sri Lankan Practice and Its Origins, Abingdon: Routledge, ISBN 9781134158720.
  • Karashima, Seishi (2013a), «The Meaning of Yulanpen 盂蘭盆 «Rice Bowl» On Pravāraṇā Day», Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advance Buddhology at Soka University for the Academic Year 2012, XVI: 289–305
  • Karashima, Seishi (辛嶋静志) (2013b), 「盂蘭盆」の本当の意味 ―千四百間の誤解を解く [The Real Meaning of Urabon [Yulanpen] –The Solution to a 1400 Year Misunderstanding], 大法輪 (The Great Wheel of the Dharma) (in Japanese): 182–189
  • Karashima, Seishi (辛嶋静志)(in Chinese as 辛島靜志) (2014), translated by Qiu, Yun Qing (裘雲青), 盂蘭盆之意-自恣日的“飯鉢” [The Meaning of Yulanpen 盂蘭盆 «Rice Bowl» On Pravāraṇā Day], 中華文史論叢 (Journal of Chinese Literature and History) (in Traditional Chinese) (114): 279–301
  • Mair, Victor H. (1989), T’ang Transformation Texts, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, ISBN 9780674868151.
  • Teiser, Stephen F. (1988), The Ghost Festival in Medieval China, Princeton: Princeton University Press, ISBN 978-0-691-02677-0.

External links[edit]

  • The Bristol University Buddhist Death Ritual Project Images and a documentary film by Ingmar Heise and Han Zhang «The Spirit’s Happy Days: Buddhist Festivals for the Dead in Southeast China» can be downloaded there.
  • Zhongyuan Festival
  • Chinese Ghost Culture
  • Hong Kong University Library Digital Archives Oral History Project of Hong Kong
  • Waters, Dan (2004). «The Hungry Ghosts Festival in Aberdeen Street, Hong Kong» (PDF). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch. 44: 41–55.

This article is about the Chinese festival and its related traditions. For the festival in the Thai province of Loei, see Phi Ta Khon.

Ghost Festival
HK ShatinYuLanFestival KingOfGhost.JPG

A paper effigy of the Ghost King in Shatin, Hong Kong

Official name Zhōngyuán Jié
(中元节; 中元節) The same name in Taoism and Folk Belief.
Name in Buddhism:
(simplified Chinese: 盂兰盆; traditional Chinese: 盂蘭盆; pinyin: Yúlánpén)
Also called Ghost Month
Observed by Buddhists, Taoists, Chinese folk religion believers
primarily in Hong Kong, Vietnam, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia with related traditions and festivals observed in Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka and Thailand
Significance The opening of the gates of Hell and Heaven, permitting all ghosts to receive food and drink
Observances Ancestor worship, offering food (to monks as well as deceased), burning joss paper, chanting of scriptures
Date 15th night of the 7th Chinese month
2022 date August 12
2023 date August 30
Related to
  • Obon (in Japan)
  • Baekjung (in Korea)
  • Tết Trung Nguyên (in Vietnam)
  • Sen Kbal tek, សែនក្បាលទឹក, observed by Chinese ancestry (Pchum Ben, Khmer traditional similar fest, a month later.) (in Cambodia)
  • Boun Khao Padap Din (in Laos)
  • Mataka dānēs (in Sri Lanka)
  • Sat Thai (in Thailand)
Ghost Festival
Ancestor worship003.JPG

Food offerings for the Ghost Festival

Traditional Chinese 中元節
Simplified Chinese 中元节
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin zhōng yuán jié
Bopomofo ㄓㄨㄥ ㄩㄢˊㄐㄧㄝˊ
Wade–Giles chung yüan2 chieh2
Yale Romanization jūng ywán jyé
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Chûng-ngièn-chiet
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization jūng yùhn jit
Jyutping zung1 jyun4 zit3
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Tiong-goân-cheh
Tâi-lô Tiong-guân-tseh
Teochew Peng’im Dong1 nguêng5/nguang5 zoih4
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Dṳ̆ng-nguòng-cáik
Alternative Chinese name
Traditional Chinese 盂蘭盆
Simplified Chinese 盂兰盆
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyin Yú lán pén
Bopomofo ㄩˊㄌㄢˊㄆㄣˊ
Wade–Giles 2 lan2 p’ên2
Yale Romanization yú lán pén
Pha̍k-fa-sṳ Chhit-ngie̍t-pan (七月半)
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanization yùh làahn pùhn
Jyutping jyu4 laan4 pun4
Southern Min
Hokkien POJ Chhit-goe̍h-poàⁿ(七月半)
Tâi-lô Tshit-gue̍h-puànn (七月半)
Teochew Peng’im Cig4 ghuêh8 buan3 (七月半)
Eastern Min
Fuzhou BUC Uò-làng-buòng

The Ghost Festival, also known as the Zhongyuan Festival (traditional Chinese: 中元節; simplified Chinese: 中元节) in Taoism and Yulanpen Festival (traditional Chinese: 盂蘭盆節; simplified Chinese: 盂兰盆节; pinyin: Yúlánpénjié) in Buddhism, is a traditional Taoist and Buddhist festival held in certain East Asian countries. According to the Chinese calendar (a lunisolar calendar), the Ghost Festival is on the 15th night of the seventh month (14th in parts of southern China).[1][2]: 4, 6  [note 1]

In Chinese culture, the fifteenth day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar is called Ghost Day and the seventh month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month (鬼月), in which ghosts and spirits, including those of deceased ancestors, come out from the lower realm.[which?] Distinct from both the Qingming Festival (or Tomb Sweeping Day, in spring) and Double Ninth Festival (in autumn) in which living descendants pay homage to their deceased ancestors, during Ghost Festival, the deceased are believed to visit the living.[3]

On the fifteenth day the realms of Heaven and Hell and the realm of the living are open and both Taoists and Buddhists would perform rituals to transmute and absolve the sufferings of the deceased. Intrinsic to the Ghost Month is veneration of the dead, where traditionally the filial piety of descendants extends to their ancestors even after their deaths. Activities during the month would include preparing ritualistic food offerings, burning incense, and burning joss paper, a papier-mâché form of material items such as clothes, gold and other fine goods for the visiting spirits of the ancestors. Elaborate meals (often vegetarian meals) would be served with empty seats for each of the deceased in the family treating the deceased as if they are still living. Ancestor worship is what distinguishes Qingming Festival from Ghost Festival because the latter includes paying respects to all deceased, including the same and younger generations, while the former only includes older generations. Other festivities may include buying and releasing miniature paper boats and lanterns on water, which signifies giving directions to the lost ghosts and spirits of the ancestors and other deities.[4]


As a Taoist festival: Taoism has the «Three Yuan Theory», from which the name «Zhong Yuan» comes from. In the Tang Dynasty, when the rulers admired Taoism, the Taoist Zhongyuan Festival began to flourish, and the «Zhongyuan» was gradually fixed as the name of the festival. The festival was set on July 15 of the lunar calendar and has continued to the present day.

As a Buddhist festival: The origin story of the modern Ghost Festival, ultimately originated from ancient India, deriving from the Mahayana scripture known as the Yulanpen or Ullambana Sutra.[5]: 301, 302  [note 2] The sutra records the time when Maudgalyayana achieves abhijñā and uses his newfound powers to search for his deceased parents. Maudgalyayana discovers that his deceased mother was reborn into the preta or hungry ghost realm. She was in a wasted condition and Maudgalyayana tried to help her by giving her a bowl of rice. Unfortunately as a preta, she was unable to eat the rice as it was transformed into burning coal. Maudgalyayana then asks the Buddha to help him; whereupon Buddha explains how one is able to assist one’s current parents and deceased parents in this life and in one’s past seven lives by willingly offering food, etc., to the sangha or monastic community during Pravarana (the end of the monsoon season or vassa), which usually occurs on the 15th day of the seventh month whereby the monastic community transfers the merits to the deceased parents, etc.,[6]: 185  [note 3] [5]: 293  [note 4] [7]: 286  [note 5]

The Theravadan forms of the festival in South and Southeast Asia (including Cambodia’s Pchum Ben) are much older, deriving from the Petavatthu, a scripture in the Pali Canon that probably dates to the 3rd century BC.[8] The Petavatthu account is broadly similar to that later recorded in the Yulanpen Sutra, although it concerns the disciple Sāriputta and his family rather than Moggallāna.


A young girl performing during Ghost Festival in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The red seats in front are reserved for ghosts.

Chinese lotus lanterns floating in a river

The Ghost Festival is held during the seventh month of the Chinese calendar. It also falls at the same time as a full moon, the new season, the fall harvest, the peak of Buddhist monastic asceticism, the rebirth of ancestors, and the assembly of the local community.[9] During this month, the gates of hell are opened up and ghosts are free to roam the earth where they seek food and entertainment. These ghosts are believed to be ancestors of those who forgot to pay tribute to them after they died, or those who were never given a proper ritual send-off. They have long needle-thin necks because they have not been fed by their family, or as a punishment so that they are unable to swallow. Family members offer prayers to their deceased relatives, offer food and drink and burn hell bank notes and other forms of joss paper. Joss paper items are believed to have value in the afterlife, considered to be very similar in some aspects to the material world. People burn paper houses, cars, servants and televisions to please the ghosts.[10] Families also pay tribute to other unknown wandering ghosts so that these homeless souls do not intrude on their lives and bring misfortune. A large feast is held for the ghosts on the fourteenth day of the seventh month, when people bring samples of food and place them on an offering table to please the ghosts and ward off bad luck. Lotus-shaped lanterns are lit and set afloat in rivers and out onto seas to symbolically guide the lost souls of forgotten ancestors to the afterlife.

In some East Asian countries today, live performances are held and everyone is invited to attend. The first row of seats are always empty as this is where the ghosts sit. The shows are always put on at night and at high volumes as the sound is believed to attract and please the ghosts. Some shows include Chinese opera, dramas, and in some areas, even burlesque shows. Traditionally Chinese opera was the main source of entertainment but the newer shows, concerts, dramas, wars and so forth are referred to as Getai.[11] These acts are better known as «Merry-making».[12]

For rituals, Buddhists and Taoists hold ceremonies to relieve ghosts from suffering, many of them holding ceremonies in the afternoon or at night (as it is believed that the ghosts are released from hell when the sun sets). Altars are built for the deceased and priests and monks alike perform rituals for the benefit of ghosts. Monks and priests often throw rice or other small foods into the air in all directions to distribute them to the ghosts.[12]

During the evening, incense is burnt in front of the doors of households. Incense stands for prosperity in Chinese culture, so families believe that there is more prosperity in burning more incense.[12] During the festival, some shops are closed as they want to leave the streets open for the ghosts. In the middle of each street stands an altar of incense with fresh fruit and sacrifices displayed on it.[12]

Fourteen days after the festival, to make sure all the hungry ghosts find their way back to hell, people float water lanterns and set them outside their houses. These lanterns are made by setting a lotus flower-shaped lantern on a paper boat. The lanterns are used to direct the ghosts back to the underworld, and when they go out, it symbolizes that they have found their way back.[12]

Celebrations in other parts of Asia[edit]

Singapore and Malaysia[edit]

Concert-like performances are a prominent feature of the Ghost Festival in Singapore and Malaysia. Those live concerts are popularly known as Getai in Mandarin or Koh-tai in Hokkien Chinese.[13] They are performed by groups of singers, dancers, entertainers and opera troops or puppet shows on a temporary stage that is set up within a residential district. The festival is funded by the residents of each individual district. During these Getai the front row is left empty for the special guests—the ghosts.[14] It is known to be bad luck to sit on the front row of red seats, if anyone were to sit on them, they would become sick or similarly ailed.


In Indonesia, the festival popularly known as Chit Gwee Pua (Chinese: 七月半), Chit Nyiat Pan in Hakka, Cioko, or Sembahyang Rebutan in Indonesian (Scrambling prayer). People gather around temples and bring an offering to a spirit who died in an unlucky way, and after that, they distribute it to the poor, the way people scramble the offerings is the origin of the festival name, these festival mostly known in Java Island. Other areas like at North Sumatra, Riau and Riau islands also held a live concert or known as Getai like those Chinese in Malaysia or Singapore, and there are also time for people who do Tomb sweeping or known as Sembahyang Kubur to respect to the ancestor spirit and looking for some luck, they will bought like a hell notes or Kim Cua (Chinese: 金纸) and paper-based goods like paper house, paper horse, paper car etc., those goods will end up burned as it was believed that goods will sent to help the spirit feel better in afterlife.


Traditionally, it is believed that ghosts haunt the island of Taiwan for the entire seventh lunar month, when the mid-summer Ghost Festival is held.[15] The month is known as Ghost Month.[16] The first day of the month is marked by opening the gate of a temple, symbolizing the gates of hell. On the twelfth day, lamps on the main altar are lit. On the thirteenth day, a procession of lanterns is held. On the fourteenth day, a parade is held for releasing water lanterns. Incense and food are offered to the spirits to deter them from visiting homes and spirit paper money is also burnt as an offering.[17] During the month, people avoid surgery, buying cars, swimming, moving house, marrying, whistling and going out or taking pictures after dark. It is also important that addresses are not revealed to the ghosts.[citation needed]



Chūgen (中元), also Ochūgen (お中元), is an annual event in Japan on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month, when people give gifts to their superiors and acquaintances. Originally it was an annual event for giving gifts to the ancestral spirits.

One of the three days that form the sangen (三元) of Daoism, it is sometimes considered a zassetsu, a type of seasonal day in the Japanese calendar.


Japanese volunteers perform tōrō nagashi: placing candle-lit lanterns for the dead into flowing water during Obon, in this case into the Sasebo River.

Obon (sometimes transliterated O-bon), or simply Bon, is the Japanese version of the Ghost Festival. It has since been transformed over time into a family reunion holiday during which people from the big cities return to their home towns and visit and clean the resting places of their ancestors.

Traditionally including a dance festival called Bon Odori, Obon has existed in Japan for more than 500 years. In modern Japan, it is held on July 15 in the eastern part (Kantō) and on August 15 in the western part (Kansai). In Okinawa and the Amami Islands, it is celebrated as in China, on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month. In 2019, Obon was held on the same date in Kansai, Okinawa and the Amami Islands, as August 15 on that year, was also the 15th day of the 7th lunar month.


A white and a red rose issued to guests at a Lễ Vu Lan service

This festival is originally known as Tết Trung Nguyên and is viewed as a time for the pardoning of condemned souls who are released from hell. The «homeless» should be «fed» and appeased with offerings of food. Merits for the living are also earned by the release of birds and fish. The lunar month in which the festival takes place is colloquially known as Tháng Cô Hồn — the month of lonely spirits, and believed to be haunted and particularly unlucky.

Influenced by Buddhism, this holiday coincides with Vu Lan, the Vietnamese transliteration for Ullambana.

In modern times, Vu Lan is also seen as Parents’ Day. People with living parents would bear a red rose and would give thanks while those without can choose to bear a white rose; and attend services to pray for the deceased.


In Asian Theravadin Buddhist countries, related traditions, ceremonies and festivals also occur. Like its Ullambana Sutra-origins in Mahayana Buddhist countries, the Theravada scripture, the Petavatthu gave rise to the idea of offering food to the hungry ghosts in the Theravada tradition as a form of merit-making. In stories published in the Petavatthu Maudgalyayana, who also plays the central role in the rise of the concept in the Mahayana tradition, along with Sariputta also play a role in the rise of the concept in the Theravada tradition.[18][19][20] Similarly to the rise of the concept in Mahayana Buddhism, a version of Maudgalyayana Rescues His Mother, where Maudgalyayana is replaced by Sariputta is recorded in the Petavatthu and is in part the basis behind the practice of the concept in Theravadin societies.[21] The concept of offering food to the hungry ghosts is also found in early Buddhist literature, in the Tirokudda Kanda.[22]


In Cambodia, a fifteen-day-long annual festival known as Pchum Ben occurs generally in September or October. Cambodians pay their respects to deceased relatives up to seven generations. The gates of hell are believed to open during this period and many people make offerings to these hungry ghosts.[23]


In Laos, a festival known as, Boun khao padap din usually occurs in September each year and goes on for two weeks. During this period, it is believed that hungry ghosts are freed from hell and enter the world of the living. A second festival known as Boun khao salak occurs directly after the conclusion of Boun khay padab din. During this period, food offerings are made to the hungry ghosts.[24]

Sri Lanka[edit]

In Sri Lanka, food offerings are made to the hungry ghosts on the seventh day, three months and one year after the death day of a deceased person. It is a ceremony conducted after death as part of traditional Sri Lankan Buddhist funeral rites and is known as mataka dānēs or matakadānaya.[25][26][27] The offerings that are made acquire merit which are then transformed back into the equivalent goods in the world of the hungry ghosts.[25] The offering that is offered on the seventh day, comes a day after personalized food offerings are given in the garden to the spirit of the deceased relative, which occurs on the sixth day.[28][29] The deceased who do not reach the proper afterworld, the Hungry Ghost realm, are feared by the living as they are believed to cause various sicknesses and disasters to the living. Buddhist monks are called upon to perform pirit to ward off the floating spirits. The rite is also practiced in Thailand and Myanmar and is also practiced during the Ghost Festival that is observed in other Asian countries.[30]


In Thailand, a fifteen-day-long annual festival known as Sat Thai is celebrated between September and October in Thailand especially in southern Thailand, particularly in the province of Nakhon Si Thammarat.[31] Like related festivals and traditions in other parts of Asia, the deceased are believed to come back to earth for fifteen days and people make offerings to them. The festival is known as Sat Thai to differentiate it from the Chinese Ghost Festival which is known as Sat Chin in the Thai language.[32]



The performance of Shraddha by a son during Pitru Paksha is regarded as compulsory by Hindus, to ensure that the soul of the ancestor goes to heaven. In this context, the scripture Garuda Purana says, «there is no salvation for a man without a son». The scriptures preach that a householder should propitiate ancestors (Pitris), along with the gods (devas), ghosts (bhutas) and guests. The scripture Markandeya Purana says that if the ancestors are content with the shraddhas, they will bestow health, wealth, knowledge and longevity, and ultimately heaven and salvation (moksha) upon the performer.[33]


In Bali and some parts of Indonesia, particularly among the indigenous Hindus of Indonesia, ancestors who have died and cremated are said to return to visit their former homes. This day is known as Hari Raya Galungan and celebrations typically last over two weeks, often in the form of specific food and religious offerings along with festivities.[34][35] The festival date is often calculated according to the Balinese pawukon calendar and typically occurs every 210 days.[36]

In popular culture[edit]

This article was the topic of conversation in the first episode of series two of the web series «Two Of These People Are Lying» hosted by The Technical Difficulties. Notably, Tom Scott believed it. [37]

See also[edit]

  • Buddhist art
  • Chinese ghosts
  • Nine Emperor God / Festival of Nine Emperor God (Chinese: 九皇, Hokkien: Kow Ong Yah, Cantonese: Kow Wong Yeh)
  • Phi Ta Khon
  • Tōrō nagashi

Notes on references[edit]

  1. ^ Chow, page 4, quoting 1783 Qianlong era «Annals of Guishan County» (歸善縣志) Scroll 15 — Customs:
    English translation:
    ‘The Ghost Festival originally was on the 15th day of the 7th month in the lunar calendar, but during the late Yuan to early Ming period, it’s said that the Hakkas in order to escape the Yuan troops, celebrated the Ghost Festival one day earlier, in order to escape disaster they fled southward. Since that time and continuing today, the date of the Ghost Festival changed to the 14th day of the 7th [lunar] month’ [in parts of Southern China].
  2. ^ Karashima:
    On p. 302 ‘Although this sutra has often been regarded as apocryphal [Japanese version has in recent times], the contents and ideas in it are well rooted in India as we have seen above. In addition to that, the vocabulary and usage of Chinese words are more archaic, compared with Kumārajīva’s corpus (401-413 CE), while they resemble greatly the translations by Dharmarakṣa (fl. 265?-311 CE). Moreover, the transliteration 鉢和羅 (EH pat γwa la > MC pwât γwâ lâ} of Skt. pravāra (ṇā), which only occurs in this sutra and its adaptation, i.e. the Baoen Fengpen jing 報恩奉盆經 (T. 16, no. 686, 780a20), indicates clearly that this sutra is not apocryphal but a genuine translation, because only somebody who knew the original Indian form was able to transliterate it thus correctly into Chinese. In conclusion, I assume that [<-preceding 3 words missing in Japanese version] this sutra is not apocryphal, but a translation from an Indian text translated by Dharmarakṣa or somebody else in pre-Kumārajīva times [Japanese version has 3rd to 4th century CE]. [c.f. p 189 for equivalent in Japanese version]
    c.f. p 301 for derivation of Yulan from Middle Indic (Gandhari) *olana.
  3. ^ Karashima:
    English Translation:
    ‘Both the East Asian Urabon [Yulanpen] and Southeast Asian Wan Ok Phansa [Thai name for Pravāraṇā] are celebrated on the 15th day of the seventh month, the day of Pravāraṇā just as it was promulgated in Lord Buddha’s time (in Japan, this matter is not known to people). In Southeast Asian countries, they use the ancient Indian calendar [or Buddhist calendar] as opposed to East Asian countries where they use the Chinese calendar. As there is a two month difference between the two calendars, few people realized that the two are [in fact] the same event.’
  4. ^ Karashima:
    Pravāraṇā (Pāli Pavāraṇā) zizi 自恣 and suiyi 隨意 in Chinese, is a ceremony held at the end of the three-month rainy season retreat [also called vassa] by Buddhist monks. In Theravada Buddhism and in Nepal, it was and is still held on the full moon day of the seventh or eight month. i.e. Āśvina (September–October) or Kārttika (October–November) respectively.
  5. ^ Karashima:
    English Translation: ‘From the Buddhist viewpoint, based on the Ancient Indian calendar [or Buddhist calendar] (New Years is in the middle of March to the middle of April [in the Gregorian calendar]) the 15th day of the fourth month [Āṣāḍha] (June to July [in the Gregorian calendar]) or the 15th day of the fifth month [Śrāvaṇa] (July to August [in Gregorian calendar]) is the start of three month period called vassa. From ancient times to even today, the monastic community of Tibet, Nepal and Southeast Asia still follow this schedule to observe vassa. This custom was also transmitted to China which does not have a rainy season, the calendar and dates preserved unchanged from the original but instead of using the ancient Indian calendar, the lunar Chinese calendar is used. In China, Japan, the Korean peninsula and other East Asian regions, vassa starts on the fourth month of the lunar Chinese calendar (May (in the Gregorian calendar) and lasts 3 months.’ [n.b. Since the start of vassa is fixed in East Asia in the fourth month, Pravāraṇā is also fixed to the 15th day of the seventh month].


  1. ^ «Zhongyuan festival». China.org.cn. China Internet Information Center. Archived from the original on October 19, 2017. Retrieved November 1, 2017.
  2. ^ Chow 2015
  3. ^ «Culture insider — China’s ghost festival». China Daily. August 8, 2014. Archived from the original on November 7, 2017. Retrieved November 1, 2017.
  4. ^ «Chinese Ghost Festival — «the Chinese Halloween»«. Peoples Daily (English). October 30, 2009. Archived from the original on November 7, 2017. Retrieved November 1, 2017.
  5. ^ a b Karashima 2013a
  6. ^ Karashima 2013b
  7. ^ Karashima 2014
  8. ^ Langer (2007), p. 276.
  9. ^ Teiser (1988).
  10. ^ «Hungry Ghost Festival». Essortment, 2002. Retrieved 20 October 2008. Essortment Articles. Archived February 23, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
  11. ^ «Chinese Culture: Hungry Ghost Festival» Modern China Archived February 3, 2009, at the Wayback Machine
  12. ^ a b c d e «Ghost Festival» ChinaVoc 2001–2007, Online Store. Archived 8 June 2009 at the Wayback Machine
  13. ^ «Hungry Ghost Festival». Archived from the original on July 26, 2018. Retrieved July 26, 2018.
  14. ^ «Hungry Ghost Festival». Archived from the original on July 26, 2018. Retrieved July 26, 2018.
  15. ^ Mid-Summer Ghost Festival Archived January 18, 2011, at the Wayback Machine, Chine Town Connection Archived September 19, 2010, at the Wayback Machine.
  16. ^ Ghost Month Archived 3 December 2010 at the Wayback Machine, Ghost Festival Archived 29 December 2010 at the Wayback Machine, Government Information Office Archived 3 April 2005 at the Wayback Machine, Taiwan.
  17. ^ Taiwan’s Ghost Festival and Other Religious Events Archived October 29, 2010, at the Wayback Machine, Go2Taiwan.net Archived August 31, 2010, at the Wayback Machine.
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  20. ^ Hecker, Hellmuth, Maha-Moggallana, archived from the original on February 18, 2006, retrieved February 11, 2017
  21. ^ «StackPath» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on February 11, 2017. Retrieved February 11, 2017.
  22. ^ Gouin, Margaret (September 10, 2012). Tibetan Rituals of Death: Buddhist Funerary Practices. ISBN 9781136959172. Archived from the original on December 20, 2016. Retrieved December 7, 2016.
  23. ^ Holt, John Cli ord (April 2012). «Caring for the Dead Ritually in Cambodia» (PDF). Southeast Asian Studies. 1 (1): 3–75. Archived (PDF) from the original on April 20, 2019. Retrieved September 3, 2018.
  24. ^ Ladwig, Patrice (2012). «Visitors from hell: transformative hospitality to ghosts in a Lao Buddhist festival». Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 18: S90–S102. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9655.2012.01765.x. ISSN 1359-0987.
  25. ^ a b Langer (2007), pp. 153, 155, 173, 187, 191.
  26. ^ Buswell, Robert E (2004). Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Macmillan Reference USA. p. 21. ISBN 978-0028659107.
  27. ^ Williams, Paul (2005). Buddhism: Buddhism in South and Southeast Asia. ISBN 9780415332330.
  28. ^ Harding, John S (June 17, 2013). Studying Buddhism in Practice. ISBN 9781136501883. Archived from the original on December 20, 2016. Retrieved December 7, 2016.
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  32. ^ «Thailand Events & Festivals of October». Archived from the original on February 6, 2017. Retrieved February 6, 2017.
  33. ^ Sastri, S. M. Natesa (1988). Hindu feasts, fasts and ceremonies. Asian Educational Services. pp. 15–17. ISBN 978-81-206-0402-5.
  34. ^ «Galungan and Kuningan in Bali — Bali Magazine». Archived from the original on July 3, 2019. Retrieved July 3, 2019.
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  37. ^ Thin Necks and Terrifying Tractors | Two Of These People Are Lying 2×01 | The Technical Difficulties, retrieved January 8, 2023

General bibliography[edit]

  • Bandō, Shōjun, ed. (2005), «The Ullambana Sutra (Taishō Vol. 16, No. 685)», Apocryphal Scriptures (PDF), Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai English Tripitaka Series, Berkeley: Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, pp. 17–44, ISBN 978-1-886439-29-0, archived from the original (PDF) on February 10, 2013.
  • Chow, Shu Kai (周樹佳) (2015), 鬼月鉤沉-中元、盂蘭、餓鬼節 [Investigation of Ghost Month — Zhong Yuan, Ullambana and Hungry Ghost Festivals] (in Traditional Chinese), Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Books (Hong Kong), ISBN 9789888366392
  • Langer, Rita (2007), Buddhist Rituals of Death and Rebirth: Contemporary Sri Lankan Practice and Its Origins, Abingdon: Routledge, ISBN 9781134158720.
  • Karashima, Seishi (2013a), «The Meaning of Yulanpen 盂蘭盆 «Rice Bowl» On Pravāraṇā Day», Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advance Buddhology at Soka University for the Academic Year 2012, XVI: 289–305
  • Karashima, Seishi (辛嶋静志) (2013b), 「盂蘭盆」の本当の意味 ―千四百間の誤解を解く [The Real Meaning of Urabon [Yulanpen] –The Solution to a 1400 Year Misunderstanding], 大法輪 (The Great Wheel of the Dharma) (in Japanese): 182–189
  • Karashima, Seishi (辛嶋静志)(in Chinese as 辛島靜志) (2014), translated by Qiu, Yun Qing (裘雲青), 盂蘭盆之意-自恣日的“飯鉢” [The Meaning of Yulanpen 盂蘭盆 «Rice Bowl» On Pravāraṇā Day], 中華文史論叢 (Journal of Chinese Literature and History) (in Traditional Chinese) (114): 279–301
  • Mair, Victor H. (1989), T’ang Transformation Texts, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, ISBN 9780674868151.
  • Teiser, Stephen F. (1988), The Ghost Festival in Medieval China, Princeton: Princeton University Press, ISBN 978-0-691-02677-0.

External links[edit]

  • The Bristol University Buddhist Death Ritual Project Images and a documentary film by Ingmar Heise and Han Zhang «The Spirit’s Happy Days: Buddhist Festivals for the Dead in Southeast China» can be downloaded there.
  • Zhongyuan Festival
  • Chinese Ghost Culture
  • Hong Kong University Library Digital Archives Oral History Project of Hong Kong
  • Waters, Dan (2004). «The Hungry Ghosts Festival in Aberdeen Street, Hong Kong» (PDF). Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch. 44: 41–55.

Совсем скоро в Таиланде, Китае и Вьетнаме наступает интересное время — 22 августа стартует «месяц голодных духов». Таинственный традиционный праздник, который бурно отмечается во всех крупных городах. Если ваше путешествие выпало как раз на этот период, поздравляем! Не вздумайте просиживать весь отпуск в отеле — рискуете пропустить подношения духам в виде торта «черепаха», ритуал сжигания денег и красочные карнавальные шествия по улицам города!

Что это за месяц такой?

По народным китайским верованиям во время седьмого месяца по лунному календарю призраки спускаются на землю и бродят в поисках утешения. В это время открываются ворота китайского ада и рая. Умершие родственники возвращаются в семьи, чтобы увидеться с близкими и отметить свой праздник. Отмечают традиционно — со вкусной едой и подарками. В этом году месяц начинается 22 августа и продлится до 19 сентября. Тайские, вьетнамские и китайские храмы наполнятся подношениями для духов в виде цветов и угощений. Дома местных жителей окутают ароматы особых благовоний. А на ступеньках появится особый сладкий хлеб — дар голодным духам.

Апогей праздника наступит 5 сентября: по реке начнут спускать китайские бумажные фонарики, чтобы показать духам обратную дорогу домой. Казалось бы, при чем тут река? Все просто — по китайскому поверию ад находится под океаном, поэтому водоем служит проводником для заблудших душ. После небольшого отпуска от ада им будет проще вернуться назад. В этот день азиаты приготовят пышный обед, чтобы накормить духов своих близких. После этого отправятся на традиционное шествие и театральные представления.

Табу и ритуалы

Считается, что в это загадочное время по улицам ходят безутешные духи. Для них нет ничего лучше, чем полакомиться душами тех, кто неправильно похоронен или не навещает родственников после смерти. Поэтому живым приходится выполнять необычные ритуалы, соблюдать множество запретов, чтобы только помочь «хорошим» призракам и обезопасить себя от «плохих» призраков.

В этот месяц запрещается:

  • жениться, разводиться, переезжать, крупные компании не должны заключать новые сделки и проводить важные мероприятия;
  • оборачиваться, если кто-то хлопает по плечу — это вполне может быть призрак;
  • наступать и пинать все, что лежит на обочине;
  • носить одежду красного и черного цвета, красить ногти черным лаком — иначе духи подумают, что этот человек — один из них.

Чтобы не дать голодным призракам попасть в дом, азиаты много молятся в храмах, оставляют на обочинах дорог еду. Раздолье для бездомных животных!

Еще одна интересная азиатская традиция, которая делает местных жителей похожими на туристов — это сжигание денег. Только прожигают они кровно накопленное не в ресторанах и массажных салонах, а в прямом смысле — на костре. Чем больше денег в Месяц голодных духов сожжешь, тем комфортнее будет загробная жизнь.

Что делать туристам в праздник голодных духов

Если вы не причисляете себя к буддистам и даосистам, соблюдать все азиатские запреты вам необязательно. Но лучше не обижать местных жителей в месяц голодных духов — вдруг один из его умерших родственников захочет отправиться с вами в Россию, а не возвращаться назад в свой уютный азиатский ад? В общем, не делайте следующих вещей:

  • не подбирайте упавшие монеты и не свистите — не злите духов;
  • не убивайте насекомых — в них могут вселяться призраки;
  • спите по ночам в гостинице, не под открытым небом — рискуете попасться на пути голодного духа;
  • не фотографируйте местных жителей и не открывайте зонтики внутри домов.

Фестиваль голодных призраков — самое красочное событие осени в Юго-Восточной Азии. Сотни бумажных фонариков, украшенные цветами улицы, карнавал и традиционный торт «красная черепаха» стоят того, чтобы их увидеть!

Запомните: 5 сентября, Таиланд, Вьетнам, Китай.

Выбирайте тур, берите с собой фотоаппарат и отправляйтесь гулять по улицам!

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  • Китайский праздник лодок драконов