Canterville ghost сценарий

Сценарий театрализованной постановки The Canterville Ghost

The Canterville Ghost.

By Oscar Wilde.

The Cast:

1.Sir Simon Canterville( Canterville Ghost-CG)

2.Lord Canterville( LC)


4.Mrs. Otis


6. Virginia

7. Aly

8. Jimmy

(звучит жуткая музыка, стоны, темнота, изображение замка на экране)

Canterville Ghost : Ladies and gentlemen! You are welcome to the Canterville Castle! I am Sir Simon  Canterville.

This is my house (подбегает к экрану, указывая на замок). The castle is cast,cast,cast…

(привидение исчезает. Заходит семья Отис с багажом)

Washington( an elder son): Oh, look! Here we are at the Canterville Castle!

CG: Excellent! Some new victims, I mean visitors ha-ha-ha…

Lord Canterville: Good evening, Mr. Otis. I am glad to see you! You are welcome! Come in.

Mr. Otis: Good evening, Lord Canterville! Let me introduce my family to you.

My wife, Mrs. Otis, my elder son Washington, my daughter Virginia, my twins Aly and Jimmy. They enjoy monkey tricks, naughty girls.

LC: How do you do.

All: How do you do.

LC:  So, Sir I must warn you. The castle is haunted. A ghost has been living here for 300 years. What do you say to it?

Mr. Otis: Rubbish! We, Americans, don t believe in such silly things.

LC: OK, it’s up to you to decide- to stay here or not.


Virginia: Look! It s blood! He wants us to leave!

Mr. Otis: There, there, my dear, there is nothing to worry about. I’ll rub it off. No more talks of ghosts!

Virginia: Can there be a ghost?

Washington: Oh, Virginia, it’s all people’s imagination! But if you think about it, it will definitely appear. WOOOO

Mr.Otis: Calm down, my dear children! No more talk of ghosts! No more ghosts! It’s time to go to bed. Good night!

All: Good night.

(все уходят, кроме супругов Отис)

Mrs Otis: I say, darling, to tell the truth I’m a little worried to be I this house.

Mr. Otis: Look, I’ll tell you what. We are the Otis family from America. We are clever people. All the yales about ghosts are nonsense!

Mrs. Otis: That may be true. But our twins are so little, so delicate, so touchy.

Mr. Otis: There, there. Don’t worry. I promise you, we’ll have a happy life in this place.

(Уходят, прибегают близнецы)

Aly: I say, Jimmy. Let’s put on our Halloween masks and scare the ghost!

Jimmy: That’s a great idea!

(подходит к краю сцены, смотрит на зрителей)

Aly and Jimmy : Sir Simon, where are you?

(привидение подкрадывается, пытаясь напугать, но близнецы атакуют его, привидение падает, закрывая голову руками, кричит. Подбегает Вирджиния)

Virginia: Excuse me, Mr. Ghost!

CG: What!!!? No! (убегает)

Virginia: Don’t be afraid! Wait!

Aly and Jimmy: This way! Come on! Catch him!

(Вашингтон хватает девчонок)

Washington: Why so much noise?

Mrs. Otis: What’ s happening?

Aly: We saw him!!!

Jimmy: He was there!!!

Mr.Otis: Where?

Aly and Jimmy: Over there!( показывает в разные стороны)

Mr. Otis: No ghosts! No talks of ghosts!

Aly: Yes, Dad!

Mr. Otis: Up!

Jimmy: He was there!

Mr. Otis: Up! Virginia, what do you know about this?

Virg: I saw 2 ghosts. One ghost was Aly and  the other one was Jimmy.

Mr. Otis: Bed! Now!

(девчонки уходят, понурив головы).

 CG: My dear Eleonore , I want to be with you. But I can’t. I have to haunt the Castle forever. I say, my dear, I’ve been the best ghost all over England for 300 years, haven’t I?

Eleonore: That’ s true…

CG: But these people have no fear! What shall I do?

Eleonore: Try and act again… And remember, you are the most horrible ghost…

See you…

(Элеонора исчезает)

CG: Thank you, I’ll do my best.

( клацая цепями, стонет, ходит по сцене)

Mr. Otis: What’ s now?

( КП стонет, рычит)

Mr. Otis: Excuse me, Sir?

(КП рычит)

Mr.Otis: Excuse  me, shall I call a doctor?

(КП стонет)

Mr. Otis: Look here, my man. You are wasting my time and your time. Don’t  

bother us again. Bye!

CG: Oh, what a shame! I’m a ghost loser.

( КП плачет, девчонки нападают на него с пистолетами)

Virginia: Leave him, girls!

CG: Oh, my! Oh, me…I’m scared of little boys! I’m a victim of tricks myself!

Virginia: Mr. Ghost, I’m sorry for you. Nobody will offend you if you behave well.

CG: Really? I’m a ghost! It’s my duty to haunt the house, to moan, to scream and clank my chains. If only anybody could help me to be free…

Virginia: I’ll help you.

CG: Oh, no! It’s very dangerous!

Virginia: Oh, look over there!

( Virginia reads the lines on the screen)

When a gentle girl can win

A prayer from out the lips of sin,

When a child bursts into tears,

When the Barren Almond bears,

Then shall all the house be still.

And peace shall come to Canterville.

CG: Oh, this poem is for me. You are a gentle girl and I am so bad…

Virginia: Look, I’ll tell you what, Sir Simon, you must pray. Besides, you must forgive yourself.

CG: OK, I’ll try my best.

(КП и Вирджиния плачут)

Oh, a gentle girl is crying for me… And peace shall come to Canterville and peace shall come to me! I’m free! Thank you for your kindness, Miss Virginia… Thank you…

(КП улетает)

Virginia: Farewell, Sir Simon, I’ll never forget you.

Mrs. Otis: Oh, my girl. Where have you been?

Virginia: I’ve talked to Simon. He was really sorry for his  bad deeds. Now he rests in peace. Let’s all forgive him, shall we?

Mr. Otis: With great pleasure! May there always be love and happiness!

( актеры кланяются и уходят).

Муниципальное автономное учреждение

Дополнительного образования детей

«Центр детского творчества «Юность»

Дзержинского района

Сценарий постановки

«The Centerville Ghost»

по мотивам книги Оскара Уайлда


Ефимовских А.Е.

педагог дополнительного образования

Пермь, 2015.


Пояснительная записка

Сценарий постановки « Кентервильское привидение» на английском языке

предназначен для постановки в детском коллективе, возраст участников которого 13

16 лет (7 – 9 класс). Дети должны владеть английским языком на достаточном

уровне (pre-intermediate), чтобы справиться с поставленной задачей сыграть на

сцене данный спектакль.

Цель создания постановки – развитие лингвистических способностей

учащихся через участие в творческом процессе работы над спектаклем,

обогащение их словарного запаса.

Сценарий может быть использован педагогами английского языка,

работающими с детьми среднего и старшего школьного возраста, педагогами

дополнительного образования.


Кентервильское привидение.

Lord Simon Centerville (the Ghost)

Lady Eleanore Centerville

Lord Centerville

Mr. Otis

Mrs. Otis

Miss Virginia E. Otis

Twin 1

Twin 2

Mrs. Umney

Сцена 1 «Убийство»

Сцена 3 «Знакомство»

Леди за столом. Лорд присаживается. Леди стучит чайной

ложкой, размешивая сахар.

Stop doing this. Она опять.

Don`t do this. Why was the estate on fire?

I don`t know. Why do you shout at me every day?

Стук ложки. Он сидит какоето время, потом хватает нож

и убивает ее.

So Lady Eleanore de Centerville was murdered by her own

husband, Sir Simon de Centerville, in 1575. Sir Simon

disappeared suddenly under very mysterious circumstances. His

body has never been found, but his guilty spirit still haunts the

Centerville castle.

Sir, I must be honest with you Mr. Otis. There is something very

strange about this house.

And what is that strange about the place?

There is a ghost. Oh, these mysterious noises that come from

the corridor and the library.

Really, My Lord. Can I have a look at it?

It doesn`t appear when you want him to. But I fear that the ghost

exists. It was seen many times by the servants and members of

my family.

What? You want to buy a Ghost? I don`t understand.

What don`t you understand? You sell the ghost, I buy it.

But I am not selling a family ghost. I will give it to you for free.

Oh, you are a very rich man, Lord Centerville. And you can give

such presents.

OK if you don’t mind a ghost in the house, it is all right. Only you

must remember I warned you.

Подписывают договор.

Welcome to the Centerville castle.

Все семейство входит, осматривается.

It is an old prophecy. Nobody can read it.


Сцена 4 «Ночные издевательства»

I am afraid something has been spilt there.

(низким таинственным голосом) Yes, madam, blood has been

spilt on that spot.

Oh, how horrid. I don’t want any blood-stains in my sitting-room. It

must be removed at once.

But it`s impossible, Madam. It is the blood of Lady Eleanore de

Centerville, who was murdered on that very spot by her own

husband, Sir Simon de Centerville, 3 hundred years ago. His

spirit still wonders in the castle. Tourists admire this blood-stain.

Присоединяется. What are you looking at?

A blood stain. This Lady says it can`t be removed.

That is all nonsense. Pinkerton’s Champion Stain Remover will

clean it up in a moment. Look.

(Стирает пятно). That`s all. I knew Pinkerton would do it. And

you are talking about ghosts.

(Молния освещает комнату. Mrs. Umney падает в

обморок.) What a monstrous climate! England is so densely

populated that the luck of weather is obvious.

Oh, my dear, what can we do with a woman who faints?’

Charge it to her like breakages and she won’t faint after that.

Mrs. Umney поднимается, начинает убирать со стола.

I have seen terrific things in this castle. Be careful with the ghost.

It is his blood-stain.

When will it appear at last?

Be patient, children. Lord Centerville seems to be an honest

person. Come. And let`s look at the other rooms.

Mr. Otis спит. Входит привидение. Оно издает страшные

звуки, звенит цепями.

My dear sir, I really must insist on your oiling those chains. They

make very loud noise. It`s impossible to sleep. Take this small

bottle of the Machine oil. I shall leave it here for you on the table.

And I will be happy to supply you with more if you need.

(Дает привидению бутылку и ложится спать. Привидение

бросает бутылку на пол.)

(Уходит. Появляются близнецы. У них в руках подушки. Они

начинают кидать подушки в приведение.

Приведение проливает краску на пол.)

Pillows are of no use here. We`d better pick up some stones.

Great. Next time… He won`t escape.

(Далее идет к выходу и натыкается на Mrs. Otis) I am afraid

you are far from well. Do you have indigestion? I have brought

you a bottle of Dr. Dobells tincture. If it is indigestion, it will help

you quickly.

Близнецы натягивают веревку, приведение спотыкается,

падает. Они отрывают у него кусочек одежды. Дерутся из

за него.

Give me. It`s mine. I was the first.


Сцена 5 «Опять пятно»

Сцена 6 «Вирджиния»

I`m not a fool. For this piece of cloth I will get 1 hundred dollars.

(Вдруг кусок исчезает. Ребята убегают.)

No, no, no. I can`t stand any longer. Fool me, throw pillows at me,

suggest machine oil and indigestion tincture. To me, the horror of

the Centerville castle. But some time ago I caused women

screaming and fainting, men shouting and running.

Вздыхает, уходит. Утро.

Входит Mrs. Umney, накрывает на чай. Появляется вся


I have no wish to do the ghost any personal injury, and I don’t

think it is polite to throw pillows at him. On the other hand, if he

doesn`t use the Machine oil, we shall have to take his chains from

him. It would be impossible to sleep, with such a noise.

Замечает пятно на полу.

What`s this?

You can`t understand. It is green blood.

I said to you it must be he. I cannot sleep. I cannot close my eyes

at night. And you can see the blood again.

I clearly remember removing the stain myself yesterday and

locked the door with the key. Perhaps it was really a ghost who

did it. And the stain is green today.

OK Pinkerton’s Champion Stain Remover will clean it

up.(Очищает все пятновыводителем)

Father, let us deal with him.

Please, don`t do any harm to him. (Близнецы смеются)

Вирджиния в комнате одна. Она рассматривает стены,

потом прислушивается. Входит привидение. Он не

замечает ее идет рисовать пятно на полу. Тихонько


I am so sorry for you, but you behave yourself, no one will annoy


It is absurd asking me to behave myself… Quite absurd. I must

rattle my chains, and groan through keyholes, and walk at night. It

is my only reason for existing

It is no reason at all for existing, and you know you have been

very wicked. Mrs. Umney told us, the first day we arrived here,

that you had killed your wife.

Well, it was a purely family matter, and concerned no one else.

It is very wrong to kill any one.

Oh, my wife was very plain and knew nothing about cookery.

However, I don’t think it was very nice of her brothers to starve

me to death, though I did kill her.

Starve you to death? Oh, Mr. Ghost, I mean Sir Simon, are you


Приведение и Вирджиния уходят.

Сцена 7 «Final»

hungry? I have a sandwich in my case. Would you like it?

No, thank you, I never eat anything now; but it is very kind of you.

You are much nicer than the rest of your horrid, rude, vulgar,

dishonest family.

Stop! (топает ногой) It is you who are rude, and horrid, and

vulgar. And as for dishonesty, you know you stole the paints out

of my box. First you took all my reds, then you took the emerald-

green and the yellow. I was very much annoyed, and it was most

ridiculous. Who ever heard of emerald- green blood?

Well, really, what was I to do? It is a very difficult thing to get real

blood nowadays. As for colour, that is always a matter of taste:

the Centervilles have blue blood, the very bluest in England.

(Вирджиния хочет уйти).

Please don’t go, Miss Virginia, I am so lonely and so unhappy,

and I really don’t know what to do. I have not slept for three

hundred years

Poor, poor Ghost, have you no place where you can sleep?

Have you seen the old prophecy on the library window?

Oh, often. I know it quite well. It is difficult to read.

When a golden girl can win

Prayer from out the lips of sin,

When the barren almond bears,

And a little child gives away its tears,

Then shall all the house be still

And peace come to Canterville.

But I don’t know what they mean.

They mean that you must weep for me for my sins and pray with

me for my soul and then, if you have always been sweet, and

good, and gentle, the Angel of Death will have mercy on me. The

old withered almond-tree will be in blossom.

I am not afraid, and I will ask the Angel to have mercy on you.

Come back, little Virginia. Come back.

Beware! Little Virginia, beware! We may never see you again.

Oh, again. (Глядя на пятно)

We`ll see who wins next time.

No one will do any harm to him.

Good heavens! Child, where have you been? You must never

play these practical jokes any more.

Except on the Ghost! Except on the Ghost!

My own darling, thank God you are found. You must never leave

my side again.

I have been with the Ghost. He is dead, and you must come and

see him. He had been very wicked, but he was really sorry for all

that he had done, and he gave me this box of beautiful jewels

before he died.

What? What do you mean by he is dead? This castle doesn`t cost

the money I paid without a Ghost in it. And by the way, do you

know that your Ghost killed his own wife.

She was very plain and knew nothing about cookery.

Hallo! Hallo! The old withered almond-tree has blossomed. I can

see the flowers quite clearly in the moonlight.


Бурцева Ирина Вячеславовна

учитель иностранного языка

Сценарий «The Canterville Ghoust» является разработкой спектакля для школьного драматического кружка (Drama Club «Miracle»). Этот материал будет полезен для всех, кто неравнодушен к английскому языку и хочет развить интерес учащихся к своему предмету.



Содержимое разработки

Бурцева Ирина Вячеславовна

МБОУ «СОШ №1» г. Мегион

Учитель иностранного языка

Сценарий спектакля «Кентервильское привидение»

по произведению Оскара Уайльда

Действующие лица:

Мистер Хайрам В. Отис, американский посол

Миссис Отис, жена посла

Миссис Амни, домоправительница Кентервильского замка

Дочь Вирджиния. 16 лет

Сын Вашингтон, старший сын мистера Отиса

Двое близнецов, сыновья мистера Отиса

Лорд Кентервиль

Юный герцог Чеширский

Кентервильское привидение

Место действия-Англия, замок Кентервиль

Сцена 1

Замок — холл

(Лорд и домоправительница Миссис Амни)

Lord: Mrs Umney, the guests must arrive soon. We need to meet them according to the customs of the family Canterville.

Mrs. Umney: Are they your relatives?

Lord:No, they aren’t. They are American. They want to buy this castle.

Mrs. Umney: These Americans are very brave. They are going to live in a house with ghost? Are they not afraid?

Lord: They know all story. But they don’t worry about it. Americans! What can I say? Americans!


Lord: It seems to me these are our Americans.

Mrs. Umney: Don’t worry sir, I will meet them.

(Выходит навстречу гостям и возвращается в их обществе)

Сцена 2

Mr.Otis: (высокий, широкоплечий мужчина с густыми усами) YouareLordCanterville,arentyou?

Lord: Yes, I’m .Welcome to Canterville Chase! I’m glad to see you and your family!

Mr.Otis: (Представляет свою семью) Let me introduce you my family. This is my wife, Mrs. Lucretia Otis.

Mrs. Otis: (Крепкопожимаетруку) You can name me Lucretia.

Mr. Otis: This is my eldest son, Washington. Named after the fine intrepid American President…

Mrs. Otis: … George Washington.

Washington: (Пожимаетлордуруку) Nice to meet you.

Mr. Otis: This is my daughter, Virginia. Named after the fine intrepid American State, Virdginia.

Virginia: (Слегкаприседая) I’m glad to see the true English Lord.

Lord: (Целуярукудевушке) I’m very happy to see you here.

( В это время двойняшки Билл и Мартин уже устроили возню, схватив по старинной шпаге и пытаясь фехтовать. Мистер Отис тут же отбирает у них реликвии и, надавав подзатыльников, представляет своих младших детей.)

Mr. Otis: And those are the twins. They are named Bill and Martin. Say hi to James.

Bill:Hi James, where is the fridge? I’m thirsty!

Mark: Hey, fanny hat you have there!

Lord: Sorry, I must go . This is Mrs. Umney. She is the housekeeper. (Кланяется,уходит)

Mr. Umney: (проводитэкскурсию) This is the door to the kitchen next to the fireplace.

This table here is 450 years old, mad from walnut.

Virdginia: Mother! Look at this, it looks like something was spilled on the rug here.

Mr. Otis: Oh dear, it looks like blood.

Mrs. Otis: How horrible! I don’t want blood on my floor!

Mrs. Umney: That is the blood of Lady Eleanore de Canterville. Her husband, sir Simon de Canterville, murdered her there in 1575. Sir Simon disappeared suddenly nine years later. No one ever found his body, but his ghost haunts this house.

Близнецыкричат: Ghost! Ghost! We will find him! We will catch him! (убегают)

Mrs. Otis: Be careful, boys!

Mrs. Umney: No one can clean the blood from the floor.

Washington:(со средством в руках) Thatssilly!I can clean it up right now with “Pinkerton’s Stain Remover”! Youwillsee!

(Выливает средство на пятно. Гремит гром, сверкает молния. Mrs.Umney не хорошо, падает в обморок).

Mr. Otis: What terrible weather they have in this country!

Virginia: Look at Mrs. Umney!

Mrs. Otis: My dear, what can we do with a woman who faints?

Mr. Otis: We can take money from her wages every time she faints!

Mrs. Umney: You must not make the ghost angry, sir. Terrible things happen in this house.

Mrs. Otis: Ghosts! Ha!

Mr. Otis: We don’t believe in ghosts!

Mrs. Otis: Now, if you excuse us, we are all very tired. Good night!

Mrs. Umney: Good night!

Сцена 3

Полумрак. Появляется приведение, начинает греметь цепями, громко смеяться и издавать страшные звуки. Гаснет свет, звуки завывающего ветра и раскаты грома. Вспышки молнии озаряют темноту.

Sir Simon: Who do this people think they are? They walk in here like they own the place, leave their staff all about, remove my bloodstain. And that’s just on the first day!

I’ve kept this bloodstain here for 300 years, 11 months and 15 days now, and I’m not about to let a few Americans ruin my reputation.

Yes, I must evict these people. I will send them scarring to find the next ship back to America.

(Смеется, снова гром и молния, гремит цепями).

Появляются мистер и миссис Отис

Mrs. Otis: (спузырькомвруках) My dear Sir, Your chains are making a terrible noise. You really must oil them. This is a bottle of Tammany Rising Sun Lubricator. Itsjustwhatyouneed!

(ставит пузырек на стол. Приведение в недоумении.Появляются близнецы, видят приведение и кидаются подушками, смеются).

Twins: Take that, you silly ghost! Boo! Ha!Ha!Ha! (Все уходят). (Приведение убегает).

Сцена 4

Утро. Все собираются за столом. Mrs. Umney приноситчай.

Mr. Otis: Good Morning, Mr. Umney! How are you?

Mrs. Umney: Good, thank you!

Washington: Look here, the stain is on the floor again.

Mr. Otis: Yes, the bloodstain.

Virginia: But, it’s green.

Mr. Otis: Don’t worry children! (достает платок и промакивает пятно, нюхает) Itslikeoilpaint.What the hell? Mrs. Eleanore de Canterville had green oil paint insteag blood!?

Twins: Let me smell it! Andme! (прыгают вокруг отца, нюхают платок и пятно) Fie!(закрываютносрукой) This ghost is crazy! We will shoot him! Pow! Pow!

Mrs. Otis: Be quiet, children!

(Раздается стук в дверь. Миссис Отис вскрикивает).

Mrs. Umney: Don’t worry! I’ll open the door.


Mrs. Umney: Let me introduce you the Duke of Cheshire.

Duke: I’m glad to meet the new owners of Canterville Chase.

Mr. Otis: Welcome! I’m Mr. Otis. (Протягиваетрукумолодомучеловеку). Where did you know about us?

Duke: I’m your neighbor. Lord Canterville let me know.

Mrs. Otis: Let me introduce. ImMrs.Otis. (Герцог целует ей руку). Nice to meet you. Do you know anything about the ghost?

Duke: Yes, Madame. There are many different stories about Sir Simon.

Mr. Otis: My Dear, introduce, please our children!

Mrs. Otis: Oh, yes! This is our elder son Washington.

Duke:Like President Washington? So nice.

Washington: (сквозьзубы) Yes, very nice. (жметруку).

Mrs. Otis: These are our twins Bill and Martin. (Дети прячутся за отца, выскакивают и пугаютBoo!)

Mrs.Otis: (Подводит герцога к Виржинии). And this is our daughter Virginia.

Duke: (смущенно целует руку). VirginiaSo beautiful name!

Mr. Otis: OK. Boy. Would you stay by us for a week? You will tell my wife all stories about this ghost. It seems me now that you say “Yes” (ухмылка)

Mr. Otis: Great idea, my darling! Stay in our home! That will be fine!

Duke: Oh, my Got! I can’t believe it. It’s like a dream. I’m so happy to be with …

Washington: Happy to be with …? With whom? It’s a secret?


Bill:He is happy to be with Virginia.

Mrs. Otis: Bill. It’s not very polite!

Mr. Otis: What is your decision?

Duke: I stay. I’m not busy now. I have holidays.

Mr. Otis: Fine. And what do you like to do in your free time?

Duke: I like horse riding. And you Ms. Virginia? Do you like horse riding?

Virginia: Yes. I like it.

Duke: Would you ride with me?

Virginia:It will be fine.


Mrs. Otis: My darling, we can walk in a garden!

Mr. Otis: Good idea, children, come with us!

(Все уходят, наступает ночь)

Сцена 5

(Отблески молнии, гром, выходит приведение и натыкается на чучело)

Sir Simon: A storm! Tonight is the night! It is time to frighten those stupid Americans! First, I must frighten that boy who keeps cleaning up the bloodstain! Aaaaagh!


Who’s that? Two ghosts are better than one. We can frighten the family together.

(Подходит ближе и читает надпись)

It’s not very frightening at all. Oh! What does this say? “The Otis ghost. The only true ghost!”

These foolish Americans tricked me! How can I make them sorry for this?


I have to appear in the hall at night. I have to make strange and terrible noises. ItsmyjobandImustdoit.

(Появляются близнецы и стреляют из рогатки Boo!Boo!)

Ghost: AGH! Horrible children! (Пугается, убегает)

(Дети смеются SillyGhost!)

Сцена 6

(Выходит Виржиния. Видит грустное приведение. Подходит к нему.)

Virginia:Oh,ghost!You look sad! I’m so sorry for you. Don’t worry – my brothers are going back to school tomorrow. You must be good until them.

Ghost: How can I be good? It is my job to walk in the hall, to make a noise with my chains and to frighten people.

Virginia: Mrs. Umney told us that you killed your wife. Is that true?

Ghost: Yes, it is true. But it was a family problem, and it’s no one else’s business.

Virginia: It’s wrong to kill people.

Ghost: You don’t understand. My wife was a terrible woman. And her brothers starved me to death! That was unkind, even though I did kill her.

Virginia: They starved you to death? Oh, poor ghost! Are you hungry? I’ve got a sandwich in my bag.

Ghost: No, thank you. I never eat or sleep, but you are very kind. You are not like the rest of my rude, dishonest family. (плачет)

Virginia:Oh, don’t cry! Why are you sad?

Ghost: I haven’t slept for over 300 years, and I am so tired.

Virginia: Did you inscribe the verse etched in the library windowsill?

Ghost: Yes, I did.

Virginia: When a golden girl can win

Prayer from out the lips of sin

When the barren almond bears

Ghost: I know, I know.

Virginia: And a little child gives away its tears

Then shall all the house be still

And peace came to Canterville.

(В ту секунду, когда она произносит последнюю строку заклинания, на сцене появляется группа приведений, которые окружают Сэра Симона)

Voices:Go back, little Virginia! Go back!

Voices: Beware, little Virginia, beware! We may never see you again.

Ghost: Quick, quick, or it will be too late!

Voices: Turn back while you can!

Voices: Leave, now!

Ghost: Hurry! (УводитВиржинию)

(Гром. Молния. Завывания ветра. Гаснет свет.)

( Снова раскат, бьют часы. В Центре зала стоит Виржиния со шкатулкой в руках)

Сцена 7

(Вся семья в глубоком недоумении и беспокойстве выходит на сцену.)

Mrs. Otis: Virginia! Where were you? We were so worried!

Virginia: I was with sir Simon.

Washington: That ghost! Are you all right?

Virginia: I’m fine.

Mr. Otis: Sir Simon? Is he alive?

Virginia: He’s fine. He’s finally free now. He’s been forgiven.

Martin: Look! The bloodstain!

Washington: Remarkable! Is he dead?

Virginia: His sadness is over. Now he can sleep.

Duke: You are an angel!

(Входит лорд Кентервиль)

Lord:Well,well!The Canterville ghost is gone.

Mr. Otis: These jewels belong to your family. They are worth a lot of money, and you must take them.

Lord: No, no. These jewels are Virginia’s. Sir Simon wanted her to have them, and she must keep them.

Virginia: Thank you, Lord Canterville.

Duke: You can wear the jewels when we get married, Virginia. What do you say?

Virginia: Oh, Cecil! I’d love to!

Lord: So Virginia became the Duchess of Cheshire. The Duck and the Dushess loved each other very much, and they lived happily ever after at Canterville Chase.

(Все кланяются и уходят со сцены. Звучит торжественная музыка)

Адрес публикации:

Свидетельство участника экспертной комиссии

«Свидетельство участника экспертной комиссии»

Оставляйте комментарии к работам коллег и получите документ

Автор: Акименко Марина Юрьевна
Должность: учитель английского языка

Учебное заведение: МБОУ гимназия № 11
Населённый пункт: город Самара, Самарская область
Наименование материала: методическая разработка
Тема: Сценарий театрализованного представления » Кентервильское привидение».

Раздел: среднее образование

The Canterville Ghost.

By Oscar Wilde.

The Cast:

1.Sir Simon Canterville( Canterville Ghost-CG)

2.Lord Canterville( LC)


4.Mrs. Otis


6. Virginia

7. Aly

8. Jimmy

( terrifying music,moaning, darkness,the picture of the castle on the screen)

Canterville Ghost : Ladies and gentlemen! You are welcome to the Canterville

Castle! I am Sir Simon Canterville.

This is my house ( runs up to the screen, points at the castle} The castle is


(the Ghost disappears. The Otis family are going with their luggage to the castle}

Washington( an elder son): Oh, look! Here we are at the Canterville Castle!

CG: Excellent!Some new victims, I mean visitors ha-ha-ha…

Lord Canterville: Good evening, Mr. Otis. I am glad to see you! You are welcome!

Come in.

Mr. Otis: Good evening, Lord Canterville! Let me introduce my family to you.

My wife, Mrs. Otis . My elder son Washington.

My daughter Virginia . My twins Aly and Jimmy. They enjoy monkey tricks,

naughty boys.

LC: How do you do.

All: How do you do.

L C: So,Sir I must warn you.The castle is haunted.

A ghost has been living here for 300 years. What do you say to it?

Mr. Otis: Rubbish!We, Americans, don t believe in such silly things.

LC: OK, it s up to you to decide- to stay here or not.

(on the screen-LEAVE THIS PLACE)

Virginia: Look! It s blood! He wants us to leave!

Mr. Otis: There,there, my dear, there is nothing to worry about. I ll rub it off. No

more talks of ghosts!

Virginia: Could there be such a thing as a ghost in this house?

Washington: Oh, Virginia, believe it or not, it’ s all people’ s imagination! But if

you think of a ghost so hard, it will definitely appear. WOOOO

Mr.Otis: Calm down, my dear children! No more talk of ghosts! No more ghosts!

It’ s time to go to bed.

Good night and good dreams to all.

All: Good night.

(all go away, except for Mr and Mrs Otis)

Mrs Otis: I say, darling, after all those talks of ghosts and the lights gone down I

must confess, I am a little uneasy.

Mr. Otis: Look, I’ ll tell you what. We are the Otis family from America. We are

educated people. So all the superstitions are stuff and nonsense, aren’ t they?

Mrs. Otis: That may be true. But our twins are so little, so delicate, so touchy. They

are not ready for such experience, are they?

Mr. Otis: There, there. Don’ t worry. I promise you, we’ ll have a happy life in this


( go away, the twins run)

Aly: I say, Jimmy. Let’ s put on our Halloween masks and scare the ghost, shall we?

Jimmy: That’ s a great idea!

(come up to the edge of the stage, looking at the audience)

Aly and Jimmy : Sir Simon, where are you?

(the ghost creeps from behind, trying to scare the boys, the boys attack him, the

ghost falls down,covers his head with his hands, cries. Virginia comes up)

Virginia: Excuse me, Mr. Ghost!

CG: What!!!? No!( runs away)

Virginia: There s no need to be frightened. Wait

Aly and Jimmy: This way! Come on! Catch him!

(Washington grabs the boys)

Washington: Why so much noise?

Mrs. Otis: What’ s happening?

Aly: We saw him!!!

Jimmy: He was there!!!

Mr.Otis: Where?

Aly and Jimmy: Over there!( point at different directions)

Mr. Otis:No ghosts! No talks of ghosts!

Aly: Yes, Dad!

Mr. Otis: Up!

Jimmy: He was there!

Mr. Otis: Up! Virginia, what do you know about this?

Virg: I saw 2 ghosts. One ghost was Aly& the other one was Jimmy.

Mr. Otis: Bed! Now!

(the twins go away with their heads down).

C G: My dear Eleonore , I wish I could join you. But I can’t fa I have to haunt the

Castle for ever. I say, my dear, I’ ve been the most successful ghost allover England

for 300 years, haven’t I?

Eleonore: That’ s true…

CG: But these people have no fear! What shall I do?

Eleonore: Try and act again… And remember, you are the most horrible ghost…

See you…

(Eleonore disappears)

CG: Thank you, I’ ll do my best.

( clanks his chains, moans, appears on the stage)

Mr. Otis: What’ s now?

( CG growls, moans)

Mr. Otis: Excuse me, Sir?

(CG growls)

Mr.Otis: Excuse me, shall I call a doctor?

(CG moans)

Mr. Otis: Look here , my man. You are wasting my time and your time. Don’t

bother us again. Bye!

CG: Oh, what a shame! I’ m a ghost failure.

( CG cries, the twins attack him with theirpistols)

Virginia: Leave him, you both!

CG: Oh,my! Oh, me…I’m scared of little boys! I’ m a victim of tricks and practical

jokes myself!

Virginia: Mr. Ghost, I’ m sorry for you. Nobody will offend you if you behave well.

CG: Are you kidding? I’ m a ghost! It’ s my duty to haunt the house, to moan, to

scream and clank my chains. If only anybody could help me to be free…

Virginia: I’ll help you.

CG: Oh, no! It’s very dangerous!

Virginia: Oh, look over there!

( Virginia reads the lines on the screen)

When a gentle girl can win

A prayer from out the lips of sin,

When a child bursts into tears,

When the Barren Almond bears,

Then shall all the house be still.

And peace shall come to Canterville.

CG: Oh, this poem is for me. You are a gentle girl and I have sinned.

Virginia: Look, I’ll tell you what, Sir Simon, you must pray. Besides, you must

forgive yourself.

CG: OK, I’ll try my best.

( CG cries, Virginia cries too)

OH, a gentle girl is crying for me… And peace shall come to Canterville and peace

shall come to me! I’m free! Thank you for your kindness, Miss Virginia… Thank


(CG flies away)

Virginia: Farewell, Sir Simon, I’ll never forget you.

Mrs. Otis: Oh, my girl. Where have you been?

Washington: We’ve been looking for you everywhere.

Virginia: I’ ve been talking to Simon all the evening. He was really sorry for having

done a lot of mean deeds. Now he rests in peace. Let’s all forgive him, shall we?

Mr. Otis: With greay pleasure! May there always be love and happiness!

( all the actors bow and leave the stage).

The canterville Ghost 7 класс, английский язык «Forward» CHARACTERS:

Lord Canterville

Mrs Otis


The Twins

Mrs Amney

The Ghost (Sir Simon)

Scene 1

The Twins: Mum, we want a ghost. Give us a ghost.

Mrs Otis: (обращаясь к Лорду Кентервильскому) Well, let the ghost be sold with the furniture together. I’ve come from the country where everything can be bought for money.

Lord Canterville: I’m afraid, The Canterville Ghost does exist.

Mrs Otis: There are no such things as ghosts, Sir.

Lord Canterville: All right, if the old haunted house is OK, I don’t care. But remember, I’ve warned you, Madam.

Scene 2

Mrs Amney: (низко присев) Welcome to the Castle of Canterville!

Mrs Otis: (видит ковер с пятном) Sure, something has been shed here.

Mrs Amney: Yes, Madam. There’s some blood on the carpet.

Mrs Otis: Oh dear! I don’t want my living room to have any bloody spots! Let it be washed immediately!

Mrs Amney: (замогильным голосом) You see the blood of Lady Eleonore the Canterville, killed just here by Sir Simon…

Mrs Otis: Don’t be silly! The Pinkerton’s stain remover will take it away in one minute, (быстро вытирает пол маленькой черной палочкой, пятно исчезает) it won’t fail! (раздается раскат грома, все вскакивают, Миссис Амни лишается чувств)

I don’t want her always to be getting swoon! I’ll hold once from her salary to stop with it.

Mrs Amney: (приходит в себя) Madam, I had to see terrible things, everyone’s hair would stand on end.

Mrs Otis:The Otises aren’t scared of ghosts!

Mrs Amney: My fears should be extra paid.

Scene 5

(Ночь. Близнецы с подушками подбегают к комнате, где живет Привидение)

The Twins: Hey, silly Ghost, let’s have a pillow battle! Catch! (кидают в Привидение подушки, хохочут) Fight with us!

The Ghost: (Закрывается от Близнецов руками, дрожащим голосом) Horrid dishonest kids! Get away! (почти падает, сбитый очередной подушкой).

The Twins: Look! He is so clumsy!

Virginia: Hello, is anybody here? (Близнецы убегают) The door is open. Well, Sir Simon, you could behave yourself.

The Ghost: Nonsense, it is my job to misbehave. I must rattle my chains and walk about at night. It is my only reason for existing.

Virginia: That’s absurd. As soon as we arrived here, Mrs Amney told us that you had killed your wife. To kill is not good Sir.

The Ghost: Her death was an accident. Besides, my wife was so ugly and couldn’t cook at all.

Virginia: And why have you stolen the paints out of my box?

The Ghost: I didn’t see another way. Blood is not easy to get nowadays. I’ve just borrowed your paints.

Are you leaving? Please, don’t go, Miss Virginia. I’m so lonely, and I don’t know what to do. I want to go to sleep but I can’t. I have not slept for three hundred years. I’m so tired.

Virginia: (подходит к Привидению, гладит его по голове) Poor, poor Ghost, have you no place where you can sleep?

The Ghost: Far away behind the oak door there is a little garden where under a gigantic yew tree I could fall asleep for ever.

Virginia: Do you mean the Garden Of Death?

The Ghost: Yes, I do. Only a pure gentle soul like you can led me to a secret corridor. Love is stronger than Death. Have you ever read the Ancient Prophecy?

Virginia: Yes, I’ve read it lots of times and I’ve learnt it by heart. But I don’t understand what does it mean.

The Ghost: You have to pray for me and ask God to forgive my sins.

Virginia: I’m not frightened. I’ll ask Angel to give you a pardon.

Scene 7

Mrs Otis: (Семья пьет чай. Появляется Миссис Амни. Уносит чашки с чаем. Мадам Отис, глядя на часы) Where is Virginia?

Virginia: Here am I!

Mr Otis: Where have you been, my child?

Virginia: Mum, I have been with the Ghost. He died and gave me this box full of wonderful jewelry. Lets go. (семья встает и идет за Вирджинией. При виде миндального дерева все останавливаются в изумлении)

The Twins: Look! The dead almond tree is in blossom! The moon is shining and I can see the flowers very well.

Virginia: Now he can rest. God has forgiven him.

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