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Ассортимент товаров для флористов и садоводов не так уж мал, но выбрать нужный и в то же время оригинальный подарок может оказаться непросто. Мы учли общие потребности людей, неравнодушных к искусству выращивания растений, и составили список идей для подарка всем любителям цветов.
1. Фитолампа
Выращивание цветов и прочей зелени требует создания определенных условий для их комфортного роста. Если ваш друг увлечен садоводством – подарите ему специальный светильник. Фитолампы призваны восполнить недостаток естественного освещения, создавая наиболее благоприятные условия для развития и качественного роста растений.
Цены разные – ориентировочно от 1 500 рублей и до бесконечности в зависимости от мощности, типа, размера лампы, ее спектральных характеристик и прочих параметров.
2. Универсальный измеритель состояния почвы
Высокоточное устройство помогает отслеживать кислотность, влажность, температуру и освещенность почвы, поэтому несомненно пригодится владельцам садов. Такой подарок будет уместен не только профессионалам своего дела, а и новичкам. Точные данные о состоянии почвы, в которой произрастают растения, позволят предупредить образование неблагоприятных условий и сохранить зелень здоровой и красивой.
Цена – в пределах 2 000 рублей.
3. Удалитель сорняков
В саду, как и в огороде, очень много работы, поэтому дополнительная техника по уходу за участком будет уместной в качестве подарка флористу или садоводу. С помощью такого приспособления можно без лишних усилий удалить сорную траву с корнем, при этом не запачкав руки.
Цена – от 3 000 рублей.
4. Аккумуляторные ножницы для травы
Специальные ножницы предназначены для стрижки небольших участков кустов и травы. В отличие от газонокосилки, ножницы охватывают небольшую площадь, поэтому идеально подходят для выстригания фигур и мелких деталей. Нужное приспособление в арсенале каждого садовода!
Цена – от 4 000 рублей.
5. Декоративная поливалка
Оборудование и инвентарь – обязательный атрибут любого сада, но не дарите другу скучные предметы! В подарок лучше приобрести не просто функциональную, а еще и симпатичную декорацию. Устройство для полива растений в форме лягушки на камне – отличный вариант для ценителей эстетики в саду.
Цены на декоративные садовые поливалки стартуют от 2 000 рублей в зависимости от размеров и форм.
6. Фартук садовода
Качественный фартук из плотного брезента как ничто больше порадует любителя выращивать цветы и проводить время в саду. Такой фартук убережет одежду, сохранив ее чистоту и целостность, а еще он имеет удобные карманы для инструментов, так что теперь не нужно все носить в руках.
Цена – чуть менее 2 000 рублей.
7. Сумка для инструментов
Сумка для хранения и переноски инструментов – это то, что нужно любому флористу и садоводу. Стильная и прочная кожаная сумка станет не только полезной вещью дома, а и стильным аксессуаром для тех, кто часто работает на выезде. Представленная модель оснащена множеством отделов внутри для удобного размещения инвентаря разного размера. Мастера ручной работы изготовят презент с учетом индивидуальный пожелания относительно размеров, количества карманов и других параметров.
Сумка размером 50 см обойдется в 15 000 рублей.
8. Мебель для сада
Шезлонг-качели – отличный презент другу-садоводу на любой праздник и без повода. Ведь что может быть лучше, чем долгожданный, а главное комфортный отдых на открытом воздухе в собственном саду с созерцанием результатов своего труда? Выбирайте эргономичную модель с мягким сиденьем, наличие козырька – большой плюс.
Цена зависит от множества характеристик и стартует с 20 000 рублей.
9. Фигурная подставка для цветочных горшков
Оригинальные и в то же время функциональные декорации, которые напрямую связаны с темой цветов, станут отличным вариантом подарка флористу. Идей декоративных подставок в интернет-магазинах ну очень много – есть выбор на любой вкус и цвет. А наше внимание привлекли вот такие симпатичные сани, которые одинаково хорошо будут смотреться как на подоконнике, так и на полу.
Цена – 1 500 рублей.
10. Дизайнерские горшки для цветов
Коллекционные горшочки для посадки растений – неповторимый подарок для цветоводов прекрасной половины человечества. Горшочки могут быть дополнением к подставке либо выступать в роли самостоятельного презента. Сажать цветы в такие красивые емкости – одно удовольствие! Так что если вы намерены порадовать девушку – можете остановиться на этом варианте. Яркий свежий дизайн впишется в интерьер помещения и так же прекрасно дополнит атмосферу сада.
Цена – 4 000 рублей.
11. Дизайнерская лейка
Металлическая лейка, украшенная цветами в технике декупаж, будет хорошим подарком для креативных получателей, которые ценят не только практичность, но и внешний вид. Вы можете заказать любой понравившийся рисунок – мастера своего дела с удовольствием выполнят неповторимый презент на заказ.
Цена – в пределах 2 000 рублей.
12. Маркеры-таблички
Еще один достойный вариант подарка садоводу или флористу – специальные маркеры для растений. При посеве семян или посадке саженцев такие таблички станут незаменимой вещью – на них можно подписать название и дату посадки. Прекрасная идея для сюрприза как мужчине, так и женщине.
Цена за штуку – от 500 рублей и дороже (в зависимости от размера).
13. Ухаживающий комплекс для рук
Садоводство – это труд, который непосредственно связан с землей, и кожа, даже если руки защищены перчатками, подвергается иссушению и огрубеванию. Специальный комплекс по уходу за кожей рук на основе эфирных масел поможет сохранить гладкость, увлажненность, предупредить появление шелушения и образование мозолей. Идеальный презент для девушки-флориста, у которой есть все, что касается непосредственно выращивания цветов.
Цена за набор из двух дополняющих друг друга комплексов – 2 680 рублей.
Что бы вы ни выбрали в подарок, обязательно учитывайте качество изделия, особенно если это касается инструментов. Чтобы для вашего друга презент действительно оказался приятным и полезным, поинтересуйтесь у него, чем конкретно человек любит заниматься и чего ему не хватает для работы или вдохновения. А главное – дарите с любовью!
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Wow the green-thumb enthusiast in your life with a meaningful or helpful gift that appeals to their love for plants. Our curated list of gifts for plant lovers has something for everyone.
Photo: etsy.com
Plants are nature’s great gift to us. We enjoy the lush greenery (when it’s taken care of), vibrant colors, and fresh aromas of flowers, all while they provide us with fresh oxygen that ensures our own survival. These are just some of the reasons plant lovers can’t get enough of their houseplants. If you have a plant lover in your life, chances are you’ve wondered if they would appreciate yet another plant as a gift. There’s a high probability they would, but you could also consider less common—but unique—ideas like moss picture frames, glass misters, microgreen planting kits, DIY macrame plant hangers, vintage flower artwork, and many other ideas. Gifts for plant lovers can be traditional or unexpected, but they’re always appreciated as thoughtful gestures. Our list of gifts for plant lovers is sure to help solve your conundrum as you decide how to express your appreciation for a friend or loved one with a meaningful gift.
Find Plant Gifts on Burpee
Find Great Gifts for Plant Lovers and Gardeners on Gardener’s Supply Company
Grow Produce at Home With Lettuce Grow
Elegant Gifts for Plant Lovers on Terrain
Photo: amazon.com
The Best Gifts for Plant Lovers
True plant lovers find joy in receiving gifts that take their passion into account. From pots and plants to artwork and moisture testers, keep reading to find the best gifts for plant lovers.
Gifts Under $25
Photo: etsy.com
For a wow-worthy gift at a great value, opt for this special digitized recreation of an Adolphe Millot illustration of common flowers and their names. The artwork is printed on special matte paper from a studio in France. This type of paper helps prevent shiny reflections, boosts color saturation, and gives a little texture to the print that you don’t get with regular paper. You can choose between several sizes ranging from 8 inches by 10 inches to 20 inches by 30 inches. Starting at $9.43 on Etsy.
Photo: amazon.com
Plant lovers don’t have to own bonsai plants to need a good pair of pruning shears. If they own any indoor plants with flowers or that need occasional trimming to maintain their size, then a pair of pruning shears is a great gift to consider. The blades are better suited to pruning and deadheading plants than regular kitchen scissors, and they can double for outside use as well. We like this pair of pruners for their smaller blades that work well with small plants. $11.24 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
A hygrometer and a thermometer make for a unique product with two possible recipients: plant lovers who are trying to maintain the correct humidity in a greenhouse or sunroom, and plant lovers who have never considered checking humidity levels in their house but would find it fascinating. With this tool, they can check humidity, current temperature, and the day’s high and low temperature at a glance. $13.22 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
Get a high-tech but easy-to-use gift for a plant lover who owns some finicky growers. Some plants require more special care than others, so having a tool to show some data about the health and condition of the plant’s soil can be quite helpful. Opt for this handy three-in-one tool that measures water, soil pH, and light for a particular plant. It will come in handy for a new plant or a plant that can’t make up its mind about whether it wants to thrive or not. $14.99 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
True green-thumb enthusiasts relish the idea of growing new starts from existing plants. It’s a low-cost way to help them add more plants to their own indoor garden. Those plants can even become gifts for their own friends! For these plant lovers, you’ll hit the mark with this glass bulb plant propagation station. It’s stylish and functional so new plants can get off to a good start. Alternatively, you could also fill the vases with silk flowers for chic, permanent decor. $16.95 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
This House Plant Collection from Hirt’s Gardens makes a fabulous housewarming gift for a plant lover who just moved to their first house. It includes a parlor palm, spider plant, and snake plant. All of these plants are low maintenance and are air purifiers, so they’re three of the most popular houseplants available. They come in small 4-inch pots, which is just the right size to thrive in their new home. $18.99 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
Plant lovers aren’t born with an ingrained understanding of how to care for every houseplant available. Whether you know a budding plant lover or an experienced one who’s looking to add to their collection, this book is a helpful tool. The author includes easy-to-follow instructions for how to care for over 100 common houseplants from palms to cacti and provides information on topics from soil to sunlight. $19.54 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
Is your plant lover also a cat lover? Then this cat grass growing kit is the one to buy. The plant is edible so cats can enjoy nibbling on a healthy plant rather than a potentially toxic one. It’s formulated with nutrients for healthy digestion, too. It’s formulated with nutrients for healthy digestion, too, and it’s great at preventing hairballs. A healthy cat is a happy cat, and cats will also enjoy rubbing on this soft grass that’s also great at preventing hairballs from forming. $19.95 on Amazon.
Photo: shopterrain.com
Just as humans enjoy a little moisturizer from time to time, plants do, too. While they shouldn’t be sprayed with lotion, misting them with a little water can be the pick-me-up they need on a hot afternoon. This gorgeous cut-glass mister is eye-catching enough to double as decor. Update a tired old spray bottle with this elegant little accessory that makes a great gift for plant lovers. $20 on Terrain.
Photo: amazon.com
For another upgrade, this Mkono plant stand makes a great choice. Plant lovers will appreciate this sleek, trendy plant holder that quickly dresses up their pots. If two are purchased, one can be flipped over to offset two plants at different height settings for an asymmetrical design. This wooden pot holder works for 10-inch pots, which is a standard size. $21.99 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
We love this plant lover gift: It’s crafty and useful all in one. Macrame is a popular activity that has long been used for making hanging plant holders. This kit gives your plant lover the chance to make their own plant hanger, which is helpful if they wish they had more floor space. Following the instructions, they can make one large plant hanger or two mini ones. It makes for a great activity to do with kids or for kids to do on their own. $22.99 on Amazon.
Gifts $25 to $50
Photo: amazon.com
Plants need sunlight, but their growing environment might not provide them with sufficient light. Solve this challenge for your favorite plant lover with this dimmable plant grow light. With four adjustable lights and numerous settings, the plant light will allow their plants to thrive under the extra light. Grow lights are especially helpful for seedlings, hydroponic plants, and greenhouses that receive less light in winter. $27.99 on Amazon.
Photo: shopterrain.com
For a distinctive wall piece, this tillandsia on grapewood makes a great gift for plant lovers. This evergreen desert plant survives with occasional water and a bit of misting. The fact that it grows on a piece of grapewood is just a bonus that plant lovers will love since it reuses a natural element that could have been tossed away. Choose this special living art for the plant lover who seems to have everything else they need for their hobby. $28 on Terrain.
Photo: amazon.com
With the exception of desert plants, most plants benefit from a little extra humidity, so consider choosing this humidifier that will hydrate plants and humans alike. The increased moisture content in the air will keep plants looking fresh and healthy so they can keep doing their job to promote fresh oxygen in the house. $28.49 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
Growing a bonsai tree is a lesson in patience and an opportunity for zen at the same time. Gift your plant lover with this distinctive plant kit that includes everything needed to plant and nourish four kinds of bonsai plants. They’ll get to watch these traditional plants grow from a seedling into a magnificent specimen. A digital guide for tending bonsai plants is included with each purchase, so they’ll feel confident that they can tackle this fun challenge. $35 on Home Grown.
Read More: Best Humidifiers for Plants
Photo: thegrommet.com
Just because a plant lover enjoys tending their plants doesn’t mean they wouldn’t appreciate a gift that lightens the burden. With this double planter, all they have to do is place two 4.5-inch potted plants in the box and fill the reservoir with water. The plants get all the water they need for up to 12 weeks. It’s great for adding a pop of color to any room. This sleek planter could work well in an office, too. $35.95 on The Grommet.
Photo: thegrommet.com
Is the plant lover in your life also a health-conscious foodie? Then surprise them with their own microgreens growing kit. Microgreens grow well even in low-light areas, so as long as they are watered once, they should sprout in no time. The seed quilts come with non-GMO spicy daikon radish seeds and a super salad mix. And best of all, the seed quilt is compostable after use, which makes this an environmentally responsible choice as well. $39 on The Grommet.
Photo: shopterrain.com
Though it might sound as if this is a planter to grow fiber-rich foods, it simply refers to the kind of material the jar is made of. This planter is handcrafted with durable fiber cement and tapered at the top to mimic vintage-style planters. Use this planter indoors or outdoors for small- to medium-size plants. For an added touch of flair, plant lovers can mix and match colors and sizes to make a fun arrangement of pots and plants. $48 on Terrain.
Gifts $50 to $100
Photo: amazon.com
Artificial plants are worthy of a mention on this list of gifts for plant lovers. If your favorite plant lover travels a lot, then a fake plant can satisfy the need for greenery in the home—without dying from neglect. They’re also great for offices without adequate lighting. This ficus tree is perfectly sized at 4 feet tall and is built with a real wood trunk and silk leaves. This pop of greenery can be added almost anywhere that needs a little interest. $51.35 on Amazon.
Read More: Best Fake Plants
Photo: etsy.com
The set of 4 small indoor planters is a beautiful addition for plant lovers with a modern aesthetic who want to add a handmade touch to their homes. Made for succulents or cacti, these planters are made of recycled wood and bioplastic made from corn, so they’re an excellent gift for the eco-conscious homeowner. Each planter is 5.5 centimeters tall with an inside diameter of 5.5 centimeters to fit smaller plants and still pack a punch. $59.07 on Etsy.
Photo: amazon.com
This collection of air-purifying plants is a great starter kit for plant lovers who are just getting the hang of taking care of their own plants. Included in this set are a peace lily, parlor palm, snake plant, and golden pothos. One of the plants’ best features is their ability to purify the air by removing allergens and promoting oxygen. Each plant has the ability to grow and expand by several feet, so they’re best for large spaces. $80 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
The plant lover in your life might really appreciate a way to organize their smaller plants, flowers, and terrariums. Surprise them with this bamboo plant stand that can hold up to 12 small potted plants. This plant stand organizer has open wooden slats for shelves that upgrade a traditional shelf. With this gift, their plants will go from an unorganized mess to an eye-catching statement. $95.99 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
Herb gardening has never been easier with this smart indoor herb garden growing pod. Even a plant lover with a black thumb can try growing herbs with this growing pod that includes an LED growing light, a water reservoir, and 50 pre-seeded pods. Plant lovers of all kinds will love growing their own strawberries, basil, thyme, chili peppers, and more. With this smart herb garden, they’ll be good to grow. $99.95 on Amazon.
Gifts $100 to $250
Photo: amazon.com
With the Click and Grow Smart Garden 3, plant lovers can grow herbs and other small plants from the comfort of their kitchen or other indoor space. Regardless of whether they live in rainy Seattle or sunny California, the smart garden’s energy-efficient LED grow lights enable plants to grow no matter the weather. Users can simply drop in the included plant pods, fill the reservoir with water, and plug the self-watering planter in for a garden that maintains itself. Plant lovers can grow everything from mint and thyme to fresh strawberries and chili peppers. $139.95 on Amazon.
Photo: etsy.com
For a fun piece of decor that will brighten any room, you can give the plant lover in your life the Monstera Leaf LED Neon Sign. Made from acrylic and vinyl, this sign looks like the popular Monstera plant without the need to water or repot it. You can choose among a variety of colors for the pot and the plant, including white, green, red, purple, orange, and blue, in addition to several others. Size options range from 12 inches by 16 inches to 16 inches by 22 inches. The sign can also be customized if you want to make it a truly unique gift. Starting at $102 on Etsy.
Photo: amazon.com
Give the gift that keeps on giving. If your favorite plant lover has a house with plenty of sun in the winter, this indoor and outdoor Meyer lemon tree is worth considering. Plant lovers will rave about the chance to grow their own Meyer lemon tree. These lemons are uniquely sweet and acidic, which makes them a coveted ingredient in many recipes. This lemon tree arrives between 3 and 4 feet tall, eager to produce its first fruits within a year. $119.99 on Amazon.
Photo: etsy.com
If you love getting truly unique and one-of-a-kind gifts for people, this preserved moss art will do the trick. The artist carefully preserves moss and ferns on a board and frames the piece so it can be placed on a wall or shelf. With rich, vibrant green colors and absolutely no maintenance needed, this work of art can elevate any room in an instant. Opt for this stand-out gift for plant lovers when you’re still not sure what to purchase. They’re sure to be surprised at how thoughtful and unique it is. Starting at $168 on Etsy.
Gifts $250 and Over
Photo: lettucegrow.com
There’s a solution to every problem, and the Farmstand is one of them. This clever product is a self-standing garden grower so your plant lover can grow their own food without needing a traditional dirt garden bed. It’s perfect if your plant lover wishes they could grow a garden but doesn’t have a yard to do so. They can grow over 100 kinds of non-GMO seeds as long as they add water, nourishment, and light. Urban gardening has never been easier. Starting at $348 at Lettuce Grow.
How to Choose the Best Gifts for Plant Lovers
Even if you don’t know exactly which plants the plant lover you’re purchasing for already owns, you probably have a good idea of their personal style. Some like large plants with expansive branches and leaves, and others love simple succulent plants—or everything in between. Ask yourself these questions to help you narrow down your choice.
- Does your gift recipient live in a warm, sunny climate, or a cool, cloudy climate? Houseplants have different needs, so if you opt for an actual plant, choose one that can tolerate your gift recipient’s climate zone or living situation. If you know their house has limited sunlight, you could look for a plant light that helps boost growth.
- Do they have small plants stacked on every available surface, taking up needed space? This plant lover may be in need of a stylish shelf organizer that allows each plant to have its own space with room to grow—or perhaps a hanging plant holder. Selecting a gift that solves a problem they may have (even if they don’t realize it’s a problem) can be a great way to narrow down gift options.
- Are they new to growing their own plants, or are they a green-thumb pro? Perhaps a book on successfully growing houseplants might intrigue them. Otherwise, they might appreciate some handmade or vintage plant artwork as a nice change from receiving actual plants.
- Is their living space small, or is it a full-size house? If you want to buy a plant, choose one that suits the size of their space. Some plants (such as the peace lily, snake plant, parlor palm, and English ivy) also do well in low-light areas, which makes them easy to tend. Alternatively, artificial plants are a great option for a plant lover who loves greenery but lacks the time to tend to living plants.
- Does your gift recipient have pets or children? If you are looking for a plant to add to their collection, you may want to consider purchasing one that won’t potentially pose a danger to their family.
How to Get the Best Deals on Gifts for Plant Lovers
Houseplants are always in season, though you may find more options available in the spring as nurseries start selling more plants for indoor and outdoor spaces. Plants are also sold online more frequently now since they can be packed carefully for transport. Opting for an accessory like a plant mister or a houseplant guide is easy to do year-round with the convenience of online shopping. Online browser extensions such as Honey will search the internet for coupons and apply them for you, and CouponCabin will help you with coupons and cash back if you search through their site or install their browser extension. Always check for deals around holidays when stores and websites offer lower prices. Gifts for plant lovers are popular all through the year, so bookmark your favorite item and watch for the item to go on sale.
Prices listed here were accurate at the time of publication on 8/24/2021.
Wow the green-thumb enthusiast in your life with a meaningful or helpful gift that appeals to their love for plants. Our curated list of gifts for plant lovers has something for everyone.
Photo: etsy.com
Plants are nature’s great gift to us. We enjoy the lush greenery (when it’s taken care of), vibrant colors, and fresh aromas of flowers, all while they provide us with fresh oxygen that ensures our own survival. These are just some of the reasons plant lovers can’t get enough of their houseplants. If you have a plant lover in your life, chances are you’ve wondered if they would appreciate yet another plant as a gift. There’s a high probability they would, but you could also consider less common—but unique—ideas like moss picture frames, glass misters, microgreen planting kits, DIY macrame plant hangers, vintage flower artwork, and many other ideas. Gifts for plant lovers can be traditional or unexpected, but they’re always appreciated as thoughtful gestures. Our list of gifts for plant lovers is sure to help solve your conundrum as you decide how to express your appreciation for a friend or loved one with a meaningful gift.
Find Plant Gifts on Burpee
Find Great Gifts for Plant Lovers and Gardeners on Gardener’s Supply Company
Grow Produce at Home With Lettuce Grow
Elegant Gifts for Plant Lovers on Terrain
Photo: amazon.com
The Best Gifts for Plant Lovers
True plant lovers find joy in receiving gifts that take their passion into account. From pots and plants to artwork and moisture testers, keep reading to find the best gifts for plant lovers.
Gifts Under $25
Photo: etsy.com
For a wow-worthy gift at a great value, opt for this special digitized recreation of an Adolphe Millot illustration of common flowers and their names. The artwork is printed on special matte paper from a studio in France. This type of paper helps prevent shiny reflections, boosts color saturation, and gives a little texture to the print that you don’t get with regular paper. You can choose between several sizes ranging from 8 inches by 10 inches to 20 inches by 30 inches. Starting at $9.43 on Etsy.
Photo: amazon.com
Plant lovers don’t have to own bonsai plants to need a good pair of pruning shears. If they own any indoor plants with flowers or that need occasional trimming to maintain their size, then a pair of pruning shears is a great gift to consider. The blades are better suited to pruning and deadheading plants than regular kitchen scissors, and they can double for outside use as well. We like this pair of pruners for their smaller blades that work well with small plants. $11.24 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
A hygrometer and a thermometer make for a unique product with two possible recipients: plant lovers who are trying to maintain the correct humidity in a greenhouse or sunroom, and plant lovers who have never considered checking humidity levels in their house but would find it fascinating. With this tool, they can check humidity, current temperature, and the day’s high and low temperature at a glance. $13.22 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
Get a high-tech but easy-to-use gift for a plant lover who owns some finicky growers. Some plants require more special care than others, so having a tool to show some data about the health and condition of the plant’s soil can be quite helpful. Opt for this handy three-in-one tool that measures water, soil pH, and light for a particular plant. It will come in handy for a new plant or a plant that can’t make up its mind about whether it wants to thrive or not. $14.99 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
True green-thumb enthusiasts relish the idea of growing new starts from existing plants. It’s a low-cost way to help them add more plants to their own indoor garden. Those plants can even become gifts for their own friends! For these plant lovers, you’ll hit the mark with this glass bulb plant propagation station. It’s stylish and functional so new plants can get off to a good start. Alternatively, you could also fill the vases with silk flowers for chic, permanent decor. $16.95 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
This House Plant Collection from Hirt’s Gardens makes a fabulous housewarming gift for a plant lover who just moved to their first house. It includes a parlor palm, spider plant, and snake plant. All of these plants are low maintenance and are air purifiers, so they’re three of the most popular houseplants available. They come in small 4-inch pots, which is just the right size to thrive in their new home. $18.99 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
Plant lovers aren’t born with an ingrained understanding of how to care for every houseplant available. Whether you know a budding plant lover or an experienced one who’s looking to add to their collection, this book is a helpful tool. The author includes easy-to-follow instructions for how to care for over 100 common houseplants from palms to cacti and provides information on topics from soil to sunlight. $19.54 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
Is your plant lover also a cat lover? Then this cat grass growing kit is the one to buy. The plant is edible so cats can enjoy nibbling on a healthy plant rather than a potentially toxic one. It’s formulated with nutrients for healthy digestion, too. It’s formulated with nutrients for healthy digestion, too, and it’s great at preventing hairballs. A healthy cat is a happy cat, and cats will also enjoy rubbing on this soft grass that’s also great at preventing hairballs from forming. $19.95 on Amazon.
Photo: shopterrain.com
Just as humans enjoy a little moisturizer from time to time, plants do, too. While they shouldn’t be sprayed with lotion, misting them with a little water can be the pick-me-up they need on a hot afternoon. This gorgeous cut-glass mister is eye-catching enough to double as decor. Update a tired old spray bottle with this elegant little accessory that makes a great gift for plant lovers. $20 on Terrain.
Photo: amazon.com
For another upgrade, this Mkono plant stand makes a great choice. Plant lovers will appreciate this sleek, trendy plant holder that quickly dresses up their pots. If two are purchased, one can be flipped over to offset two plants at different height settings for an asymmetrical design. This wooden pot holder works for 10-inch pots, which is a standard size. $21.99 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
We love this plant lover gift: It’s crafty and useful all in one. Macrame is a popular activity that has long been used for making hanging plant holders. This kit gives your plant lover the chance to make their own plant hanger, which is helpful if they wish they had more floor space. Following the instructions, they can make one large plant hanger or two mini ones. It makes for a great activity to do with kids or for kids to do on their own. $22.99 on Amazon.
Gifts $25 to $50
Photo: amazon.com
Plants need sunlight, but their growing environment might not provide them with sufficient light. Solve this challenge for your favorite plant lover with this dimmable plant grow light. With four adjustable lights and numerous settings, the plant light will allow their plants to thrive under the extra light. Grow lights are especially helpful for seedlings, hydroponic plants, and greenhouses that receive less light in winter. $27.99 on Amazon.
Photo: shopterrain.com
For a distinctive wall piece, this tillandsia on grapewood makes a great gift for plant lovers. This evergreen desert plant survives with occasional water and a bit of misting. The fact that it grows on a piece of grapewood is just a bonus that plant lovers will love since it reuses a natural element that could have been tossed away. Choose this special living art for the plant lover who seems to have everything else they need for their hobby. $28 on Terrain.
Photo: amazon.com
With the exception of desert plants, most plants benefit from a little extra humidity, so consider choosing this humidifier that will hydrate plants and humans alike. The increased moisture content in the air will keep plants looking fresh and healthy so they can keep doing their job to promote fresh oxygen in the house. $28.49 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
Growing a bonsai tree is a lesson in patience and an opportunity for zen at the same time. Gift your plant lover with this distinctive plant kit that includes everything needed to plant and nourish four kinds of bonsai plants. They’ll get to watch these traditional plants grow from a seedling into a magnificent specimen. A digital guide for tending bonsai plants is included with each purchase, so they’ll feel confident that they can tackle this fun challenge. $35 on Home Grown.
Read More: Best Humidifiers for Plants
Photo: thegrommet.com
Just because a plant lover enjoys tending their plants doesn’t mean they wouldn’t appreciate a gift that lightens the burden. With this double planter, all they have to do is place two 4.5-inch potted plants in the box and fill the reservoir with water. The plants get all the water they need for up to 12 weeks. It’s great for adding a pop of color to any room. This sleek planter could work well in an office, too. $35.95 on The Grommet.
Photo: thegrommet.com
Is the plant lover in your life also a health-conscious foodie? Then surprise them with their own microgreens growing kit. Microgreens grow well even in low-light areas, so as long as they are watered once, they should sprout in no time. The seed quilts come with non-GMO spicy daikon radish seeds and a super salad mix. And best of all, the seed quilt is compostable after use, which makes this an environmentally responsible choice as well. $39 on The Grommet.
Photo: shopterrain.com
Though it might sound as if this is a planter to grow fiber-rich foods, it simply refers to the kind of material the jar is made of. This planter is handcrafted with durable fiber cement and tapered at the top to mimic vintage-style planters. Use this planter indoors or outdoors for small- to medium-size plants. For an added touch of flair, plant lovers can mix and match colors and sizes to make a fun arrangement of pots and plants. $48 on Terrain.
Gifts $50 to $100
Photo: amazon.com
Artificial plants are worthy of a mention on this list of gifts for plant lovers. If your favorite plant lover travels a lot, then a fake plant can satisfy the need for greenery in the home—without dying from neglect. They’re also great for offices without adequate lighting. This ficus tree is perfectly sized at 4 feet tall and is built with a real wood trunk and silk leaves. This pop of greenery can be added almost anywhere that needs a little interest. $51.35 on Amazon.
Read More: Best Fake Plants
Photo: etsy.com
The set of 4 small indoor planters is a beautiful addition for plant lovers with a modern aesthetic who want to add a handmade touch to their homes. Made for succulents or cacti, these planters are made of recycled wood and bioplastic made from corn, so they’re an excellent gift for the eco-conscious homeowner. Each planter is 5.5 centimeters tall with an inside diameter of 5.5 centimeters to fit smaller plants and still pack a punch. $59.07 on Etsy.
Photo: amazon.com
This collection of air-purifying plants is a great starter kit for plant lovers who are just getting the hang of taking care of their own plants. Included in this set are a peace lily, parlor palm, snake plant, and golden pothos. One of the plants’ best features is their ability to purify the air by removing allergens and promoting oxygen. Each plant has the ability to grow and expand by several feet, so they’re best for large spaces. $80 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
The plant lover in your life might really appreciate a way to organize their smaller plants, flowers, and terrariums. Surprise them with this bamboo plant stand that can hold up to 12 small potted plants. This plant stand organizer has open wooden slats for shelves that upgrade a traditional shelf. With this gift, their plants will go from an unorganized mess to an eye-catching statement. $95.99 on Amazon.
Photo: amazon.com
Herb gardening has never been easier with this smart indoor herb garden growing pod. Even a plant lover with a black thumb can try growing herbs with this growing pod that includes an LED growing light, a water reservoir, and 50 pre-seeded pods. Plant lovers of all kinds will love growing their own strawberries, basil, thyme, chili peppers, and more. With this smart herb garden, they’ll be good to grow. $99.95 on Amazon.
Gifts $100 to $250
Photo: amazon.com
With the Click and Grow Smart Garden 3, plant lovers can grow herbs and other small plants from the comfort of their kitchen or other indoor space. Regardless of whether they live in rainy Seattle or sunny California, the smart garden’s energy-efficient LED grow lights enable plants to grow no matter the weather. Users can simply drop in the included plant pods, fill the reservoir with water, and plug the self-watering planter in for a garden that maintains itself. Plant lovers can grow everything from mint and thyme to fresh strawberries and chili peppers. $139.95 on Amazon.
Photo: etsy.com
For a fun piece of decor that will brighten any room, you can give the plant lover in your life the Monstera Leaf LED Neon Sign. Made from acrylic and vinyl, this sign looks like the popular Monstera plant without the need to water or repot it. You can choose among a variety of colors for the pot and the plant, including white, green, red, purple, orange, and blue, in addition to several others. Size options range from 12 inches by 16 inches to 16 inches by 22 inches. The sign can also be customized if you want to make it a truly unique gift. Starting at $102 on Etsy.
Photo: amazon.com
Give the gift that keeps on giving. If your favorite plant lover has a house with plenty of sun in the winter, this indoor and outdoor Meyer lemon tree is worth considering. Plant lovers will rave about the chance to grow their own Meyer lemon tree. These lemons are uniquely sweet and acidic, which makes them a coveted ingredient in many recipes. This lemon tree arrives between 3 and 4 feet tall, eager to produce its first fruits within a year. $119.99 on Amazon.
Photo: etsy.com
If you love getting truly unique and one-of-a-kind gifts for people, this preserved moss art will do the trick. The artist carefully preserves moss and ferns on a board and frames the piece so it can be placed on a wall or shelf. With rich, vibrant green colors and absolutely no maintenance needed, this work of art can elevate any room in an instant. Opt for this stand-out gift for plant lovers when you’re still not sure what to purchase. They’re sure to be surprised at how thoughtful and unique it is. Starting at $168 on Etsy.
Gifts $250 and Over
Photo: lettucegrow.com
There’s a solution to every problem, and the Farmstand is one of them. This clever product is a self-standing garden grower so your plant lover can grow their own food without needing a traditional dirt garden bed. It’s perfect if your plant lover wishes they could grow a garden but doesn’t have a yard to do so. They can grow over 100 kinds of non-GMO seeds as long as they add water, nourishment, and light. Urban gardening has never been easier. Starting at $348 at Lettuce Grow.
How to Choose the Best Gifts for Plant Lovers
Even if you don’t know exactly which plants the plant lover you’re purchasing for already owns, you probably have a good idea of their personal style. Some like large plants with expansive branches and leaves, and others love simple succulent plants—or everything in between. Ask yourself these questions to help you narrow down your choice.
- Does your gift recipient live in a warm, sunny climate, or a cool, cloudy climate? Houseplants have different needs, so if you opt for an actual plant, choose one that can tolerate your gift recipient’s climate zone or living situation. If you know their house has limited sunlight, you could look for a plant light that helps boost growth.
- Do they have small plants stacked on every available surface, taking up needed space? This plant lover may be in need of a stylish shelf organizer that allows each plant to have its own space with room to grow—or perhaps a hanging plant holder. Selecting a gift that solves a problem they may have (even if they don’t realize it’s a problem) can be a great way to narrow down gift options.
- Are they new to growing their own plants, or are they a green-thumb pro? Perhaps a book on successfully growing houseplants might intrigue them. Otherwise, they might appreciate some handmade or vintage plant artwork as a nice change from receiving actual plants.
- Is their living space small, or is it a full-size house? If you want to buy a plant, choose one that suits the size of their space. Some plants (such as the peace lily, snake plant, parlor palm, and English ivy) also do well in low-light areas, which makes them easy to tend. Alternatively, artificial plants are a great option for a plant lover who loves greenery but lacks the time to tend to living plants.
- Does your gift recipient have pets or children? If you are looking for a plant to add to their collection, you may want to consider purchasing one that won’t potentially pose a danger to their family.
How to Get the Best Deals on Gifts for Plant Lovers
Houseplants are always in season, though you may find more options available in the spring as nurseries start selling more plants for indoor and outdoor spaces. Plants are also sold online more frequently now since they can be packed carefully for transport. Opting for an accessory like a plant mister or a houseplant guide is easy to do year-round with the convenience of online shopping. Online browser extensions such as Honey will search the internet for coupons and apply them for you, and CouponCabin will help you with coupons and cash back if you search through their site or install their browser extension. Always check for deals around holidays when stores and websites offer lower prices. Gifts for plant lovers are popular all through the year, so bookmark your favorite item and watch for the item to go on sale.
Prices listed here were accurate at the time of publication on 8/24/2021.
Сразу мы покупаем один домашний цветок, а затем двадцать! Так бывает. Потому что комнатные растения такие красивые и делают нашу жизнь ярче.
Разве может что-то сравниться с красотой домашних цветов? Но такая красота, как говорится, требует определенных жертв. Те, кто занимаются цветоводством дома, знают, как нелегко вырастить то, что потом так греет душу. На всю эту красоту уходит просто уйма времени и нервов. Прозевал, не доглядел — и любимое растение погибло.
К счастью, сегодня существует тысяча полезных мелочей, которые облегчают быт любителей домашних растений. Если вы начинающий флорист, или, к примеру, не знаете, что подарить тому, что без ума от домашних цветов — смело изучайте нашу подборку. Notagram.ru отобрал наиполезнейшие вещи, делающие жизнь цветоводов приятной.
Светодиодный светильник для выращивания растений
Фото: Amazon
цена: 500 — 2 500 рублей
Светодиоды принесли настоящую революцию в мир освещения: они холодные, яркие, энергоэффективные. Как раз то, что нужно нашим зеленым любимчикам. Сегодня в продаже можно найти массу специальных светодиодных лент или светильников, которые можно как программировать, так и просто оставлять включенными целые сутки.
Набор садовых инструментов для дома
Фото: Amazon
цена: 200 — 400 рублей
Набор из двух лопаток и граблей, практически все, что нужно, чтобы перенести растения в любой новый дом. В продаже можно найти массу таких наборов, но лучше выбирать те, которые сделаны из прочной пластмассы (дешевле и не ржавеют) и защелкиваются на кольце, чтобы не потерялись.
Современные терракотовые горшки с блюдцами
Фото: Amazon
цена: 70 — 200 рублей за штуку
Кстати, если вы пересаживаете растения, то лучше использовать современные специальные горшки. Например, неглазурованные терракотовые — лучшие друзья суккулентов, кактусов и любых других растений, с которых все начинают, и которым так не нравится, когда их корни остаются влажными.
Измеритель для проверки почвы
Фото: Amazon
цена: 500 — 2 000 рублей
Чем дольше мы занимаемся своими растениями, тем больше узнаем о массе нюансов, важных для почвы. А пока еще мы не набили руку, отличным подспорьем станет обычный измеритель почвы, который расскажет нам о влажности, кислотности и освещенности. Кстати, он точно пригодится и на даче.
Липкие ловушки от вредных мошек
Фото: Amazon
цена: 100 — 500 рублей за набор
Надоедливая мошка просто обожает влажную почву комнатных растений. Чтобы навсегда избавиться от этой вредной напасти, обманем их специальными ловушками, которые удобно помещаются в почву. Вся эта крылатая дрянь, мешающая жизни нашей любимой флоры, канет в лету.
Сетчатые прокладки для дренажных отверстий
Фото: Amazon
цена: 20 — 50 рублей за штуку
Устали от выпадения почвы из дренажных отверстий горшков, когда пересаживаете или поливаете растение? Просто поместите одну из этих удобных прокладок на дренажное отверстие и забудьте про уборку полов и подоконников. В продаже можно найти сетки с любым уровнем зазоров для любой почвы.
Увлажнитель для растений
Фото: Amazon
цена: 700 — 2 000 рублей
Большинству самых красивых растений нравится влажная среда, потому что все они родом из тропиков. Чтобы не превращать свой балкон или комнату во влажные джунгли, достаточно просто разместить между горшков цветочный увлажнитель воздуха. Заряжаются они от USB и работают 12-48 часов.
Лейка со сменными длинными носиками
Фото: Amazon
цена: 300 — 1 000 рублей
Ох, как же трудно порой добраться самодельной «брызгалкой» до почвы в подвесных горшках или поливать растения, листья которых должны оставаться сухими. Чтобы избежать мучений и пролитой воды, лучше найти специальный набор со сменными длинными узкими носиками, и навсегда забыть про «потоп» на полу и стенах.
Сосновая кора для аэрации почвы
Фото: Amazon
цена: 100 — 300 рублей за литр
Сосновая кора — это просто находка для растений, особенно для орхидей. Минимульча из сосновой коры может быть отличным аэрирующим дополнением к специальным смесям для растений, которые любят слегка кислую и быстро дренирующуюся почву. Аспидистры, сингониумы, пилеи и монстеры скажут нам за нее спасибо.
Органический перлит для улучшенного дренажа
Фото: Amazon
цена: 50 — 200 рублей за литр
Перлит — это вулканическое стекло природного происхождения, нагретое до такой степени, что оно раздувается, как попкорн. Он помогает аэрировать и дренировать почву. Большинство предварительно расфасованных смесей для комнатных растений содержат перлит, но некоторым растениям очень полезно добавить в смесь дополнительную горсть или две.
Фото на превью: Chuck Hildebrant/Unsplash
Если вы нашли ошибку, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.
Любителей комнатных растений легко поздравить с праздником. Главное – завернуть презент в тематическую упаковку. Люди с достатком дарят цветоводам дорогие увлажнители воздуха или горшки Лечуза. Но угодить друзьям могут и те, чей доход более чем скромный.
- Книги и альбомы
- Полезные мелочи
- Горшки для цветов
- Самые бюджетные решения
- «Тематические» подарки
Книги и альбомы
Даже цветоводы с большим опытом пользуются справочниками и тематическими книгами. Или с удовольствием примут в дар красочный альбом с фото любимых растений. Всегда пригодятся популярные издания признанных авторитетов – доктора Д. Г. Хессайона или Яна Ван дер Неера.
Полезные мелочи
Это то, чем цветоводы с удовольствием бы пользовались, но постоянно откладывают покупку. Например, измеритель влажности или кислотности субстрата. Удобрения для растений классом чуть выше, чем привык пользоваться цветовод. Готовые к применению листовые подкормки и стимуляторы в пульверизаторах.
Любители монстер, филодендронов с удовольствием получат обернутую кокосовым волокном опору для растений. Те, кто выращивает легкие лианы – бамбуковую лесенку.
Горшки для цветов
Кашпо или контейнеры – всегда уместный подарок. Иногда сердце сжимается, когда видишь, в чем растут цветы – от пластиковых стаканчиков, емкостей из-под йогуртов или сметаны, до обрезанных баклажек.
Определить любимые растения в хороший горшок для хозяев – удовольствие. Тем более что сезон пересадок не за горами.
Самые бюджетные решения
Если с деньгами туго, а подарок хочется сделать нужный, цветоводам пригодится:
- субстрат для комнатных растений;
- керамзит для дренажа;
- недорогое, но качественное удобрение, например, «Мастер» или «Чистый Лист».
«Тематические» подарки
Среди любителей комнатных растений есть фанатичные приверженцы той или иной культуры. Им можно сделать особые подарки.
Поклонники сенполий обожают рассматривать изображения узамбарских фиалок. Не обязательно покупать дорогой альбом. Если поискать, можно найти массу журналов, в которых процентов 10 занимают полезные статьи, остальное место – фото.
Пригодятся фиалочникам упаковки перлита, вермикулита или мха сфагнума. Будут рады крошечным горшочкам или даже транспортным контейнерам.
Но лучший подарок – набор листиков для размножения от коллекционера. Только не надо думать, что посадочный материал хороших сортов обойдется «почти бесплатно».
Любителям кактусов и суккулентов
Трудно представить, чему могут обрадоваться кактусисты. Это надколотый керамический горшок, старая турка для крошечного садика суккулентов. Но дарить такое, конечно же, нельзя. А вот поискать на блошином рынке глиняные «винтажные» плошки уместно.
Как подарок подойдут ракушки, галька, камешки для аквариумов. В «хозяйстве пригодится» даже ведро гравия или отсева, особенно, если хозяевам их взять неоткуда.
Отличный подарок – целиком минеральный субстрат или компоненты: кусочки лавы, акадама. В магазинах их найти проблематично, там, в основном, все на основе торфа.
И, конечно, наборы черенков. Заказывать можно не только у местных профессионалов, но и через интернет. Все равно перед посадкой опытные цветоводы их подвяливают.
Здесь «ко двору» будут специальные прозрачные горшки, большие, толстые куски коры, оригинальные коряги, на которых можно выращивать орхидеи. Самый дешевый вариант – цитокининовая паста.
Бюджетный подарок цветоводу сделать несложно. Особенно если он отдает предпочтение конкретной культуре.
Если ваша близкая подруга или друг увлекаются разведением и уходом за комнатными растениями, то в качестве подарка необходимо выбирать те вещи, которые обязательно оценит настоящий любитель цветов. Подарок должен быть не только неожиданным, но и полезным в применении.
Что подарить любителю цветов?
Например, книга. В каждом книжном магазине найдется уголок цветовода, в котором можно найти книги о разведении комнатных растений или энциклопедии о редких представителях флоры, а также различные пособия по цветоводству.
Годовая подписка на журнал о цветоводстве или растениеводстве – это тоже очень полезный подарок. Каждый цветовод любитель занимается изучением информации и новых видах и сортах и покупает различные газеты и журналы. Нужно только осторожно выяснить, какое именно издание наиболее интересно вашему другу и сделать ему настоящий сюрприз в виде подписки.
Ежедневник или дневник также очень пригодится любителю комнатных растений. В нем можно записывать свои достижения, способы выведения растений, проблемы, связанные с их выращиванием. А праздничный, красивый и оригинальный экземпляр подобрать будет очень легко.
В качестве подарочного набора можно подарить цветоводу: удобрения, почвенные смеси, цветочные емкости, садовый мини-инвентарь, необычные садовые перчатки, измеритель уровня влажности грунта и распылители для опрыскивания растений.
Еще одним сюрпризом для именинника может стать мини-теплица, необычная подставка для растений или полочка для комнатных цветов ручной работы. Для быстро размножающихся и приобретаемых новых растений всегда не достает места в квартире. Поэтому такой подарок точно придется по вкусу цветоводу.
Подарочный сертификат
Еще одним необычным подарком, который уж точно не оставит никого равнодушным, будет подарочный сертификат на приобретение цветочной продукции из популярного каталога или членство в клубе любителей комнатных цветов. В качестве подарка может быть оплаченный вступительный взнос в такой клуб.
Каждый настоящий цветовод будет несомненно рад новому растению в своем многочисленном природном семействе. В качестве подарка стоит выбирать только те растения, которые считаются редкими и необычными и точно не присутствуют в цветочной коллекции именинника. Возможно у цветовода есть мечта – приобретение (комнатный цветок), которую можно осуществить в этот день.
Комнатный цветок
Если вы тоже разделяете увлечение своего друга и занимаетесь разведением комнатным растений, то можно подарить комнатный цветок, выращенный собственными руками. Потребуется всего лишь упаковать горшок с растением в красивую упаковку или перевязать праздничной лентой.
Каждый из предложенных подарков настоящий цветовод обязательно оценит по достоинству.