Что подарить машиностроителю

Что подарить ко Дню Машиностроителя

Что подарить на День машиностроителя? Этот вопрос всегда возникает перед последними выходными сентября.
Ведь профессиональный праздник работников машиностроительной сферы ежегодно отмечается в конце месяца,
а именно в четвертое воскресенье сентября. Поздравления в этот день получают инженеры, технологи,
конструкторы, рабочие заводов и все те, кто занимается разработкой и производством новых машин и
не только их. Благодаря труду этих людей у нас есть автомобили, промышленное оборудование, техника и бытовые приборы.

Выбирая подарки для представителей этой важной отрасли, не забывайте, что презент должен быть полезным,
качественным, и таким, чтобы его приятно было использовать каждый день. Может показаться, что из-за
специфического направления сферы машиностроения подобрать такой сувенир будет не так просто. На самом
деле это не так. Ведь компания «Нью-Тон» уже собрала для вас тематическую коллекцию корпоративных подарков,
чтобы вы легко смогли найти нужный вариант.

На странице представлены как сувениры, которые отражают специфику отрасли (рулетки, наборы инструментов
и т д), так и практичные подарки, которые также придутся к месту: термокружка, power bank, флешка, рюкзак.
Выбирайте и дарите с удовольствием)

Что подарить на День машиностроителя?

Что подарить на машиностроителям на профессиональный праздник?День машиностроителя – это не просто профессиональный праздник или знаменательная дата в российском календаре. Его отмечают согласно Указу Президиума Верховного Совета ежегодно в последнее воскресенье сентября. В этот праздничный день традиционно проходят торжественные мероприятия на машиностроительных заводах, в городах проводятся концерты, а также награждаются ветераны и ведущие сотрудники!

Машиностроение является одной из ведущих отраслей современной экономики каждого государства, представляя собой целый комплекс, производящий огромный ассортимент продукции. Сотрудники автомобильных, приборостроительных заводов, комбинатов по изготовлению и ремонту любых технических средств, вооружения и товаров народного потребления – все ждут искренних поздравлений и памятных подарков на День машиностроителя. Химики, которые следят за производственным процессом, технологи, создающие чертежи сложных конструкций и аппаратов и многие другие специалисты, которые мужественно трудятся на благо развития машиностроительной отрасли, достойны самых теплых слов.

Подарок машиностроителю должен быть не только оригинальным, но и символическим. Он должен напоминать о профессии и о том вкладе, который получатель внес в ее развитие. Кроме того, подарок на День машиностроителя должен быть практичным, ведь вряд ли серьезному инженеру понравится милая безделушка! Однако следует отметить, что сувенирная продукция, выбранная с умом, является прекрасным вариантом поздравления.

Оригинальный подарок машиностроителю

Если Вы выбираете корпоративный подарок на День машиностроителя или решили преподнести оригинальный сувенир руководителю, то обратите внимание на канцелярские товары – автоматическая ручка, с выполненной на корпусе гравировкой в память о празднике – замечательное и практичное решение. 

Настольная лампа, набор чертежных принадлежностей, изысканная визитница – вариантов подарка может быть много. Самое главное – не забыть об индивидуализации. Обязательно нанесите на сувенир логотип компании или предприятия, а также дату профессионального праздника. Позаботьтесь об оригинальной упаковке, и тогда Ваш подарок на День машиностроителя непременно понравится руководителю, сотрудникам, коллегам и родным.

Как сделать оригинальный подарок машиностроителю?Ваш подарок на День машиностроителя непременно будет самым оригинальным!

Не менее оригинальным корпоративным подарком машиностроителям станут шоколадные подарки. Вы можете найти специальные подарочные наборы из шоколада, выполненные к этому профессиональному празднику. Такое поздравление обязательно запомнится каждому получателю надолго. В дополнение к этому решению, Вы можете нанести на упаковку и на сам шоколад логотип своей компании! Изысканный подарок машиностроителям!

Если Вы выбираете подарок для родных или друзей, которые работают в сфере машиностроения, то имеет смысл обратить внимание на их хобби. Например, закажите специальные шахматы с логотипом машиностроительного предприятия или сувенирный подарочный нож с гравировкой и поздравительной надписью.

В подарок ветеранам отрасли и заслуженным машиностроителям Вы можете заказать хорошие наручные часы, а на их тыльной стороне выгравировать свое поздравление с днем машиностроителя! 

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Европейская культура подарков
Европейская культура подарков не отличается такой богатой историей как, например, восточная кудьтураКак и на любом другом континенте, ни один праздник в Европе не обходится без подарков. Они служат своеобразными символами признания, уважения и хороших взаимоотношений. Поводов для вручения подобных сувениров в европейских странах очень много. Это и Новый год, и День рождения, и свадьба, и множество профессиональных праздников. Порой небольшие подарки вручаются европейцами при первой встрече.

Новогодние подарки с алкоголем корпоративным клиентам
Как выбрать новогодний подарок с алкоголем корпоративным клиентам?Ни в коем случае не стоит забывать, что алкоголь корпоративным клиентам – это, в первую очередь, подарок! Вы преподносите памятный сувенир, а не просто бутылку с напитком.

Как поздравить коллегу с повышением
Как поздравить коллегу с повышениемНаверное, каждый сотрудник компании, вне зависимости от сферы ее деятельности и объемов, мечтает подняться по карьерной лестнице. Безусловно, для каждого человека этот путь индивидуален, однако можно быть абсолютно уверенным, что для большинства – он чрезвычайно труден и тернист.

Упаковка для корпоративных подарков на Новый год
Упаковка для корпоративных подарков на Новый годКаждый человек любит подарки. Поздравления клиентов, партнеров и руководителей, особенно с такими значимыми праздниками, как Новый год, являются важной традицией каждой компании и частью корпоративной культуры.

From tool roll bags to fender protectors and tool chests, don’t miss our list of the best gifts for mechanics. We’ve included all kinds of gifts for family and friends who love all things auto—including those with a sense of humor!

The Gifts for Mechanics Option

Photos: depositphoto.com

Have a mechanic or two in your life? Then you know how much they love to get their hands dirty under the hood of a car. Whether they’re repairing an alternator, a broken water pump, installing a better sound system, or restoring an old beauty, they find great satisfaction working on cars and trucks. So if you need to find some good gifts for mechanics that will fit nearly any budget, you’re in the right place. Finding the best gifts for mechanics can feel challenging when they seem to have everything they need, but we’ve put together a comprehensive list that includes helpful items, funny gifts, and must-have tools.

Gifts for car mechanics on Amazon
DIY gifts for mechanics on Etsy
Gifts for auto mechanics from The Home Depot
Cool gifts for mechanics from Northern Tool

The Best Gifts for Mechanics

Browse through our list of the best gifts for mechanics to find inspiration for what to buy a mechanic. We’ve included gift ideas for mechanics who are just learning how cars work and gifts for mechanics who have everything.

Gifts Under $25

1. FOR THE SWEET TOOTH: ChocolatePresents Small Chocolate Wrench

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: ChocolatePresents Small Chocolate Wrench

Photo: etsy.com

Does your mechanic have a sweet tooth and a sense of humor? Then opt for this chocolate treat that’s shaped like a mechanic’s wrench. You can choose from dark or milk chocolate and even have it personalized. It’s a fun and unexpected gift for mechanics who will get a kick out of a unique gift.

Get the Chocolate Wrench on Etsy for $8.26

2. TOUGH ON STAINS NOT HANDS: Grip Clean Heavy Duty Hand Cleaner

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Grip Clean Heavy Duty Hand Cleaner

Photo: amazon.com

True mechanics might never get all the black grease out from under their fingernails, but there are soaps designed to make the job easier. Rather than using harsh chemicals that can irritate skin, this Grip Clean soap is made with bentonite clay, which is very effective at getting rid of tough grease and grime without excessive scrubbing. As an added benefit, it includes coconut oil and olive oil to add moisture back into the hands, which is nearly unheard of in a tough mechanic soap.

Get the Grip Clean Hand Cleaner on Amazon for $10.50

3. THE MUST-HAVE GADGET: SE 30″ Telescopic Magnetic Pick-Up Tools (2 Pack)

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: SE 30" Telescopic Magnetic Pick-Up Tools (2 Pack)

Photo: amazon.com

Dropping screws, nails, nuts, bolts, and washers is just part of working on cars—or any DIY project, for that matter. The frustrating part is when they drop just out of reach. Problem solved with this helpful magnetic pick-up tool. It can telescope up to 30 inches so you can reach just about anywhere to pick up a stray washer or nail. It’s one of the most useful gifts for mechanics.

Get the Magnetic Pick-Up Tool on Amazon for $11.58

4. SWEET AND CLEAN: BeeLovelyBotanicals Mechanics Soap

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: BeeLovelyBotanicals Mechanics Soap

Photo: etsy.com

This is an elegant option for getting the tough grease and grime off your mechanic’s hands. It’s made with pumice, honey, shea butter, coconut oil, and several other natural ingredients. The aroma of rosemary and lavender also makes it a nice way to relax after a long day in the shop. You might even want to gift this soap to yourself!

Get the Mechanics Soap on Etsy for $12

5. FOR A GOOD LAUGH: Rogue River Tactical Store Mechanic Coffee Mug

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Rogue River Tactical Store Mechanic Coffee Mug

Photo: amazon.com

Get your mechanic’s engine started with this coffee mug—the human engine, that is. If your mechanic runs on coffee, then they will definitely appreciate this hilarious coffee mug that says “Starter Fluid” on it. This funny gift for mechanics will get a laugh for sure. They’ll also appreciate that it’s safe to use in dishwashers and microwaves.

Get the Starter Fluid Coffee Mug on Amazon for $13.99

6. FOR THE CAR OBSESSED: Triple Gifffted Store Silicone Drink Coasters

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Triple Gifffted Store Silicone Drink Coasters

Photo: amazon.com

These silicone drink coasters are a cool gift for mechanics. They’re shaped like little rubber floor mats, which is fun since they function in a similar manner for drinks! Keep a mechanic’s (or your) coffee tables safe from spills with these handy and cool silicone drink coasters.

Get the Triple Gifffted Silicone Drink Coasters on Amazon for $16.55

7. UNFORGETTABLE GADGET: Wizsla Set of 2 Magnetic Wristbands

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Wizsla Set of 2 Magnetic Wristbands

Photo: amazon.com

For the guy or gal who has everything, perhaps they’ll appreciate this unique gift. It’s a set of magnetic wristbands that hold small items like screws, nails, and drill bits on the wide surface. The small one fits on a wrist, and the large one could fit on a belt. These handy accessories are great for the mechanic who always seems to forget where they left their screws.

Get the Wizsla Magnetic Wristbands on Amazon for $17.97


The Gifts for Mechanics Option: How Cars Work

Photo: amazon.com

For the beginner mechanic, consider this paperback book that details the 250 most important parts of a car and how they work.”How Cars Work” also includes a glossary of terms to help learn the industry lingo, a test after each chapter, and guidance for diagnosing common car problems. Overall, it’s a highly rated resource for anyone who wants to have a better understanding of cars, which is why it makes a great gift for budding auto mechanics.

Get the How Cars Work book on Amazon for $19.85

9. BEST HAND PROTECTION: Mechanix Wear: M-Pact Tactical Work Gloves

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Mechanix Wear: M-Pact Tactical Work Gloves

Photo: amazon.com

You might not think of work gloves for a mechanic, but the Mechanix Wear Tactical Work Gloves aren’t your average work gloves. These have knuckle and finger guards to reduce pinching and crushing from heavy objects. In addition, there are two pads on the palms that help to dissipate high-impact energy when struck. All in all, these gloves can make working on the bigger mechanic jobs easier and safer—not to mention they’ll keep the hands a little cleaner.

Get the Mechanix Work Gloves on Amazon for $21.44

Read More: Best Mechanic Gloves

10. FENDER PROTECTOR: OCM Premium Magnetic Fender Cover

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: OCM Premium Magnetic Fender Cover

Photo: amazon.com

While a mechanic never intends to damage a car while they work on it, accidents can happen. That’s why this OCM magnetic fender cover is a great gift idea since it protects the fenders of cars from dropped tools or spilled fluids. It also protects the car from being scratched by the mechanic when they lean against the fender. As a bonus, the magnets might even hold some tools and parts while the mechanic is working.

Get the OCM Magnetic Fender Cover on Amazon for $21.99

11. THOUGHTFUL STORAGE: Northern Tool + Equipment Bucket Boss Tool Roll

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Northern Tool + Equipment Bucket Boss Tool Roll

Photo: northerntool.com

Heavy-duty tool rolls are the envy of a lot of mechanics. They’re well designed, made with oil-absorbing material, and easy to carry. Upgrade your mechanic’s tool set by giving them this tool roll that’s convenient to use and more comfortable to carry than traditional tool boxes. This one from Northern Tool + Equipment includes 25 pockets and 17 loops for plenty of tool storage.

Get the Northern Tool + Tool Roll Bag at Northern Tool for $24.99

12. SAVES THE KNEES: NoCry Professional Knee Pads

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: NoCry Professional Knee Pads

Photo: amazon.com

Being a mechanic is hard on the back, knees, and shoulders. You can alleviate the stress on a mechanic’s knees with the NoCry soft but heavy-duty knee pads. They’re ergonomically designed to better fit most knees while still being breathable, and the adjustable straps stay in place well. Save the stress on the knees with these helpful knee pads.

Get the NoCry Professional Knee Pads on Amazon for $24.99

Gifts $25 to $50


The Gifts for Mechanics Option: MOTOPOWER Car OBD2 Scanner Code Reader

Photo: amazon.com

Mechanics typically enjoy the process of diagnosing what’s wrong with a car—it’s basically part of the job description. But some diagnoses rely on the help of accessories that can measure a problem with a system or sensor in the car. That’s why we’ve included this OBD2 scanner code reader on our list of best gifts for mechanics. They’ll be able to identify more serious problems quickly with the help of this gadget.

Get the MOTOPOWER Car OBD2 Scanner on Amazon for $25

14. ILLUMINATE THE DARK: Northern Tool + Equipment Milwaukee Headlamp

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Northern Tool + Equipment Milwaukee Headlamp

Photo: northerntool.com

Cars have been known to break down at night when it’s impossible to see what’s wrong under the hood. But if your mechanic is armed with this Milwaukee headlamp, they’ll feel like they have super powers to see into the dark cavern of the engine. In reality, this is helpful even for working in a garage if there just isn’t enough light in one particular area. Mechanics will really appreciate this thoughtful gift.

Get the Milwaukee Headlamp at Northern Tool for $39.97

15. POWERFUL SUCTION: VacLife Handheld Vacuum

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: VacLife Handheld Vacuum

Photo: amazon.com

Another less-common gift for mechanics—but no less useful—is a handheld vacuum like the VacLife handheld vacuum, which is especially great for quickly cleaning up dust and dirt in a car. Mechanics may have a dirtier job than some, but it doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate keeping their own car clean. Opt for this handheld vacuum that you might even benefit from having around!

Get the VacLife Handheld Vacuum on Amazon for $39.99

Read More: Best Handheld Vacuum

16. FOR MUSIC LOVERS: 3M WorkTunes Connect Hearing Protector

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: 3M WorkTunes Connect Hearing Protector

Photo: amazon.com

Is your mechanic also a music enthusiast? Then opt to buy them these 3M over-the-ear headphones. They’re noise canceling and Bluetooth capable for picking up streaming from any compatible device. Even better, they have a built-in microphone so your mechanic can take calls without having to remove the headphones. Though you might have a harder time getting their attention, mechanics might love being immersed in their work without external distractions.

Get the 3M Headphones on Amazon for $40.39

17. TOTAL CLEANING POWER: Meguiar’s Complete Car Care Kit

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Meguiar’s Complete Car Care Kit

Photo: amazon.com

Many mechanics also love to keep the outside of their car looking sharp, and they’re always on the lookout for some great car cleaning kits. Opt for this complete car care kit that includes 12 products to make the interior and exterior shine. Unlike most car care kits, this one also has clay bars and plastic cleaners to help remove some bonded contaminants and surface scratches, which makes it a great DIY gift for mechanics who really love to repair and clean their cars.

Get the Complete Car Care Kit on Amazon now starting at $49.90

Gifts $50 to $100

18. PROTECTS AND COLLECTS: Dickies Men’s Basic Blended Coverall

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Dickies Men’s Basic Blended Coverall

Photo: amazon.com

Does your mechanic have a knack for getting grease on every piece of clothing—even the clothes that aren’t designated for working in the garage? Then it might be time to buy them these Dickies coveralls. You can buy a size up so they have plenty of room for their clothes underneath, but they’ll appreciate how much room is already built into the shoulders for full range of motion. Honestly, this is practically a no-brainer gift for car mechanics, so give it a try.

Get the Dickies Coverall on Amazon starting at $49.99

19. VERSATILE SCOOTING: Pro-Lift 36″ Z-Creeper Seat

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Pro-Lift 36" Z-Creeper Seat

Photo: amazon.com

Space is limited in most garages, which is why we love this Pro-Lift Z-Creeper Seat. You get two accessories in one: a seat and a creeper. Your mechanic will love being able to switch between the two options that make working on cars more comfortable, thanks to the padded seat and headrest. And with the six caster wheels, they can scoot just about anywhere with little effort rather than wriggling into place on the floor.

Get the Z-Creeper Seat on Amazon for $54.75

20. INDULGENT RELAXATION: Shiatsu Back and Shoulder Neck Massager with Heat

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Shiatsu Back and Shoulder Neck Massager with Heat

Photo: amazon.com

Ahh, the sweet relief of a heated neck massager. Give the gift that keeps on giving with this popular Shiatsu heated neck massager that works the neck, upper back, and shoulders. No one ever said that mechanics had to get only tool-related gifts! Besides, after a long day bending over a car or reaching up under the belly of a car, they’ll appreciate this thoughtful gift that helps to alleviate aching muscles.

Get the Shiatsu Neck Massager on Amazon for $56.99

21. HAND AND JOINT REVITALIZER: Comfier Cordless Hand Massager with Heat

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Comfier Cordless Hand Massager with Heat

Photo: amazon.com

If the mechanic in your life suffers from carpal tunnel or arthritis, then the Comfier hand massager is definitely the gift to choose. It’s a heated hand massager that can help alleviate the tension and pain of sore hands—a common problem for many mechanics. The palm, knuckles, and fingers are all massaged using any of the heat and intensity settings, which ensures the hands will be well rested for the next day.

Get the Comfier Hand Massager on Amazon for $72.98

22. TOP CHOICE FOR FOOT SAFETY: Timberland PRO Men’s Pit Boss Work Boot

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Timberland PRO Men’s Pit Boss Work Boot

Photo: amazon.com

Steel-toed work boots aren’t just for construction. There are safety hazards when working on cars as well, so it might be time to get the mechanic you know a pair of durable Timberland work boots. Unlike some work boots, these Timberlands are designed to also keep feet comfortable all day with the comfort suspension technology. Make your mechanic’s life safer and more comfortable with these top work boots.

Get the Timberland Work Boots on Amazon for $94.94

Gifts $100 to $250

23. GARAGE ESSENTIAL: Blackhawk Black/Red Fast Lift Service Jack

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Blackhawk Black/Red Fast Lift Service Jack

Photo: amazon.com

Kick the old jack to the curb and get your mechanic the customer-favorite Blackhawk hydraulic service jack. It takes the hard work out of getting a car lifted up for maintenance and can usually get the car higher than the jack in the trunk. They’ll wonder how they ever managed to work on a car before you got them this helpful—perhaps even necessary—mechanic’s tool.

Get the Blackhawk Service Jack on Amazon for $171.25

Read More: Best Floor Jack For Trucks

24. BEGINNER TOOL SET: Crescent 170 Piece General Purpose Tool Set

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Blackhawk Black/Red Fast Lift Service Jack

Photo: amazon.com

A mechanic is only as good as their tool set. For the beginner mechanic or the mechanic who’s lost several key pieces, then this Crescent tool set is the perfect choice. This set has just about every option mechanics need to get started repairing cars. It includes pliers, ratchets, standard and metric sockets, wrenches, hex or Allen wrenches, and much more.

Get the Crescent Tool Set on Amazon for $184.88

Read More: Best Mechanic Tool Set

25. FOR EMERGENCY POWER: NOCO Boost 2000 Amp 12-Volt Jump Starter Box

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: NOCO Boost 2000 Amp 12-Volt Jump Starter Box

Photo: amazon.com

Give your mechanic a jump when they need it most—a jump-start that is. In the unfortunate event that a car won’t start and there isn’t another car available to jump it, this all-in-one jump starter by NOCO could be a lifesaver. It can power up V8 cars and 6-liter diesel engines, not to mention charge a dead phone. And the built-in flashlight can illuminate the engine if it’s dark. You can’t go wrong with this jump-starter box.

Get the NOCO Jump Starter Box on Amazon for $199.95

26. NEXT-GEN TOOL SET: Craftsman 230-Piece Mechanics Tool Set

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Craftsman 230-Piece Mechanics Tool Set

Photo: amazon.com

Is it time to upgrade your mechanic’s mismatched tool set? Then take a look at this incredible tool set from Craftsman. With the set’s whopping 230 pieces included, your mechanic will feel like a kid in a candy store as they inspect every shiny new piece. It includes several extenders, 40 Allen keys, and over two dozen bits.

Get the Craftsman Mechanics Tool Set on Amazon for $207

Read More: Best Mechanic Tool Set

27. POWER CLEANING POWER HOUSE: Westinghouse Outdoor Power Equipment Pressure Washer

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Westinghouse Outdoor Power Equipment Pressure Washer

Photo: amazon.com

For the mechanic who really likes to keep things clean, check out the Westinghouse gas powered pressure washer. It’s gentle enough to use on cars but strong enough to also clean away grit and grime on concrete. Your mechanic can even add soap to this pressure washer for extra cleaning power. And you might even find they start to use it on the patio, windows, and other surfaces in need of a serious cleaning, too!

Get the Westinghouse Pressure Washer on Amazon for $248.90

Read More: Best Pressure Washer

Gifts $250 and Above

28. ULTIMATE TOOL STORAGE: On Shine High Capacity Rolling Tool Chest

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: On Shine High Capacity Rolling Tool Chest

Photo: amazon.com

Serious mechanics need serious storage options. That’s why we’ve included the On Shine high-capacity rolling tool chest on our list of gifts for mechanics. With its eight drawers and a large tool cabinet on the bottom, this tool chest will provide plenty of places to stash their tools safely. And since it’s on wheels, this tool chest is easy to move closer to where they’re working for added convenience. Great value at a great price!

Get the On Shine Rolling Tool Chest on Amazon for $299.99

Read More: Best Tool Chests

29. SHEER LUXURY MEMORABILIA: Ferrari Collector’s Edition Historical Tome

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Ferrari Collector’s Edition Historical Tome

Photo: taschen.com

For serious Ferrari enthusiasts where money is no object, choose this Ferrari collector’s edition edition from Taschen. This magnificent 514-page book includes hundreds of unseen photographs from Ferrari’s archives and private collectors, plus a complete list of all of Ferrari’s accomplishments. What’s truly unique is how Taschen sculpted the case into a genuine Ferrari-motor look-alike. It’s not just a book, it’s a sculpted work of art.

Get the Ferrari Historical Tome at Taschen for $6,000

How to Choose the Best Gifts for Mechanics

Mechanics love tools and gadgets, which can make it easy to find them a gift. There are plenty of car gifts on the market from diagnostic tools to storage cases for tools, so browse the usual products you’d expect to find or dare to think outside the box with natural grime-fighting soaps or a hand massager. Let these considerations guide your purchase for the perfect mechanic’s gift.

  • Are they a beginner mechanic? Perhaps they would benefit from a book that gives an in-depth understanding of auto mechanics and basic diagnostics. You’ll also score high if you get them their first shiny-new tool set, too.
  • Is your mechanic often worn out at the end of the day and just wanting to relax? Then they’ll definitely love some out-of-the-box ideas like a neck or hand massager. They may also appreciate better footwear to reduce foot fatigue.
  • Do they love handy little gadgets? Consider ideas that save them time or effort by making their daily tasks easier. This is where a magnetic picker-upper really comes in handy.
  • Is it time to update any old manual tools to more efficient power or hydraulic tools? Look for ideas that can help them get their job done with less manpower. They’ll appreciate how it saves their back or shoulders.

How to Get the Best Deals on Gifts for Mechanics

Mechanics are busy all year long, whether it’s repairing a car after an accident or doing a regular tune-up. There’s no set time of year when mechanic gifts are “in season,” but you’ll always find some tools and gadgets on sale around holidays. Track that item you’ve been eyeing to see if it goes on sale over a specific weekend (especially Prime Day and Black Friday), or sign up to receive email alerts for sales from specific retailers. Bookmark your favorite items from our list so you’re ready to grab a sale as soon as it happens.

To get the best deals on gifts for mechanics as soon as you need them, you’ll want to have the Honey extension installed on your browser. It’s a helpful deal-finding tool that will scour the internet for available coupons and automatically apply them to your cart. Or you can use CouponCabin, which will help you with coupons and give cash back if you search through their site or install their browser extension. Retailers such as Walmart and Target also offer price matching on purchases, so you can pick up thoughtful gifts at the lowest price available.

Prices listed here were accurate at the time of publication on 12/13/2021.

From tool roll bags to fender protectors and tool chests, don’t miss our list of the best gifts for mechanics. We’ve included all kinds of gifts for family and friends who love all things auto—including those with a sense of humor!

The Gifts for Mechanics Option

Photos: depositphoto.com

Have a mechanic or two in your life? Then you know how much they love to get their hands dirty under the hood of a car. Whether they’re repairing an alternator, a broken water pump, installing a better sound system, or restoring an old beauty, they find great satisfaction working on cars and trucks. So if you need to find some good gifts for mechanics that will fit nearly any budget, you’re in the right place. Finding the best gifts for mechanics can feel challenging when they seem to have everything they need, but we’ve put together a comprehensive list that includes helpful items, funny gifts, and must-have tools.

Gifts for car mechanics on Amazon
DIY gifts for mechanics on Etsy
Gifts for auto mechanics from The Home Depot
Cool gifts for mechanics from Northern Tool

The Best Gifts for Mechanics

Browse through our list of the best gifts for mechanics to find inspiration for what to buy a mechanic. We’ve included gift ideas for mechanics who are just learning how cars work and gifts for mechanics who have everything.

Gifts Under $25

1. FOR THE SWEET TOOTH: ChocolatePresents Small Chocolate Wrench

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: ChocolatePresents Small Chocolate Wrench

Photo: etsy.com

Does your mechanic have a sweet tooth and a sense of humor? Then opt for this chocolate treat that’s shaped like a mechanic’s wrench. You can choose from dark or milk chocolate and even have it personalized. It’s a fun and unexpected gift for mechanics who will get a kick out of a unique gift.

Get the Chocolate Wrench on Etsy for $8.26

2. TOUGH ON STAINS NOT HANDS: Grip Clean Heavy Duty Hand Cleaner

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Grip Clean Heavy Duty Hand Cleaner

Photo: amazon.com

True mechanics might never get all the black grease out from under their fingernails, but there are soaps designed to make the job easier. Rather than using harsh chemicals that can irritate skin, this Grip Clean soap is made with bentonite clay, which is very effective at getting rid of tough grease and grime without excessive scrubbing. As an added benefit, it includes coconut oil and olive oil to add moisture back into the hands, which is nearly unheard of in a tough mechanic soap.

Get the Grip Clean Hand Cleaner on Amazon for $10.50

3. THE MUST-HAVE GADGET: SE 30″ Telescopic Magnetic Pick-Up Tools (2 Pack)

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: SE 30" Telescopic Magnetic Pick-Up Tools (2 Pack)

Photo: amazon.com

Dropping screws, nails, nuts, bolts, and washers is just part of working on cars—or any DIY project, for that matter. The frustrating part is when they drop just out of reach. Problem solved with this helpful magnetic pick-up tool. It can telescope up to 30 inches so you can reach just about anywhere to pick up a stray washer or nail. It’s one of the most useful gifts for mechanics.

Get the Magnetic Pick-Up Tool on Amazon for $11.58

4. SWEET AND CLEAN: BeeLovelyBotanicals Mechanics Soap

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: BeeLovelyBotanicals Mechanics Soap

Photo: etsy.com

This is an elegant option for getting the tough grease and grime off your mechanic’s hands. It’s made with pumice, honey, shea butter, coconut oil, and several other natural ingredients. The aroma of rosemary and lavender also makes it a nice way to relax after a long day in the shop. You might even want to gift this soap to yourself!

Get the Mechanics Soap on Etsy for $12

5. FOR A GOOD LAUGH: Rogue River Tactical Store Mechanic Coffee Mug

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Rogue River Tactical Store Mechanic Coffee Mug

Photo: amazon.com

Get your mechanic’s engine started with this coffee mug—the human engine, that is. If your mechanic runs on coffee, then they will definitely appreciate this hilarious coffee mug that says “Starter Fluid” on it. This funny gift for mechanics will get a laugh for sure. They’ll also appreciate that it’s safe to use in dishwashers and microwaves.

Get the Starter Fluid Coffee Mug on Amazon for $13.99

6. FOR THE CAR OBSESSED: Triple Gifffted Store Silicone Drink Coasters

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Triple Gifffted Store Silicone Drink Coasters

Photo: amazon.com

These silicone drink coasters are a cool gift for mechanics. They’re shaped like little rubber floor mats, which is fun since they function in a similar manner for drinks! Keep a mechanic’s (or your) coffee tables safe from spills with these handy and cool silicone drink coasters.

Get the Triple Gifffted Silicone Drink Coasters on Amazon for $16.55

7. UNFORGETTABLE GADGET: Wizsla Set of 2 Magnetic Wristbands

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Wizsla Set of 2 Magnetic Wristbands

Photo: amazon.com

For the guy or gal who has everything, perhaps they’ll appreciate this unique gift. It’s a set of magnetic wristbands that hold small items like screws, nails, and drill bits on the wide surface. The small one fits on a wrist, and the large one could fit on a belt. These handy accessories are great for the mechanic who always seems to forget where they left their screws.

Get the Wizsla Magnetic Wristbands on Amazon for $17.97


The Gifts for Mechanics Option: How Cars Work

Photo: amazon.com

For the beginner mechanic, consider this paperback book that details the 250 most important parts of a car and how they work.”How Cars Work” also includes a glossary of terms to help learn the industry lingo, a test after each chapter, and guidance for diagnosing common car problems. Overall, it’s a highly rated resource for anyone who wants to have a better understanding of cars, which is why it makes a great gift for budding auto mechanics.

Get the How Cars Work book on Amazon for $19.85

9. BEST HAND PROTECTION: Mechanix Wear: M-Pact Tactical Work Gloves

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Mechanix Wear: M-Pact Tactical Work Gloves

Photo: amazon.com

You might not think of work gloves for a mechanic, but the Mechanix Wear Tactical Work Gloves aren’t your average work gloves. These have knuckle and finger guards to reduce pinching and crushing from heavy objects. In addition, there are two pads on the palms that help to dissipate high-impact energy when struck. All in all, these gloves can make working on the bigger mechanic jobs easier and safer—not to mention they’ll keep the hands a little cleaner.

Get the Mechanix Work Gloves on Amazon for $21.44

Read More: Best Mechanic Gloves

10. FENDER PROTECTOR: OCM Premium Magnetic Fender Cover

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: OCM Premium Magnetic Fender Cover

Photo: amazon.com

While a mechanic never intends to damage a car while they work on it, accidents can happen. That’s why this OCM magnetic fender cover is a great gift idea since it protects the fenders of cars from dropped tools or spilled fluids. It also protects the car from being scratched by the mechanic when they lean against the fender. As a bonus, the magnets might even hold some tools and parts while the mechanic is working.

Get the OCM Magnetic Fender Cover on Amazon for $21.99

11. THOUGHTFUL STORAGE: Northern Tool + Equipment Bucket Boss Tool Roll

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Northern Tool + Equipment Bucket Boss Tool Roll

Photo: northerntool.com

Heavy-duty tool rolls are the envy of a lot of mechanics. They’re well designed, made with oil-absorbing material, and easy to carry. Upgrade your mechanic’s tool set by giving them this tool roll that’s convenient to use and more comfortable to carry than traditional tool boxes. This one from Northern Tool + Equipment includes 25 pockets and 17 loops for plenty of tool storage.

Get the Northern Tool + Tool Roll Bag at Northern Tool for $24.99

12. SAVES THE KNEES: NoCry Professional Knee Pads

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: NoCry Professional Knee Pads

Photo: amazon.com

Being a mechanic is hard on the back, knees, and shoulders. You can alleviate the stress on a mechanic’s knees with the NoCry soft but heavy-duty knee pads. They’re ergonomically designed to better fit most knees while still being breathable, and the adjustable straps stay in place well. Save the stress on the knees with these helpful knee pads.

Get the NoCry Professional Knee Pads on Amazon for $24.99

Gifts $25 to $50


The Gifts for Mechanics Option: MOTOPOWER Car OBD2 Scanner Code Reader

Photo: amazon.com

Mechanics typically enjoy the process of diagnosing what’s wrong with a car—it’s basically part of the job description. But some diagnoses rely on the help of accessories that can measure a problem with a system or sensor in the car. That’s why we’ve included this OBD2 scanner code reader on our list of best gifts for mechanics. They’ll be able to identify more serious problems quickly with the help of this gadget.

Get the MOTOPOWER Car OBD2 Scanner on Amazon for $25

14. ILLUMINATE THE DARK: Northern Tool + Equipment Milwaukee Headlamp

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Northern Tool + Equipment Milwaukee Headlamp

Photo: northerntool.com

Cars have been known to break down at night when it’s impossible to see what’s wrong under the hood. But if your mechanic is armed with this Milwaukee headlamp, they’ll feel like they have super powers to see into the dark cavern of the engine. In reality, this is helpful even for working in a garage if there just isn’t enough light in one particular area. Mechanics will really appreciate this thoughtful gift.

Get the Milwaukee Headlamp at Northern Tool for $39.97

15. POWERFUL SUCTION: VacLife Handheld Vacuum

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: VacLife Handheld Vacuum

Photo: amazon.com

Another less-common gift for mechanics—but no less useful—is a handheld vacuum like the VacLife handheld vacuum, which is especially great for quickly cleaning up dust and dirt in a car. Mechanics may have a dirtier job than some, but it doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate keeping their own car clean. Opt for this handheld vacuum that you might even benefit from having around!

Get the VacLife Handheld Vacuum on Amazon for $39.99

Read More: Best Handheld Vacuum

16. FOR MUSIC LOVERS: 3M WorkTunes Connect Hearing Protector

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: 3M WorkTunes Connect Hearing Protector

Photo: amazon.com

Is your mechanic also a music enthusiast? Then opt to buy them these 3M over-the-ear headphones. They’re noise canceling and Bluetooth capable for picking up streaming from any compatible device. Even better, they have a built-in microphone so your mechanic can take calls without having to remove the headphones. Though you might have a harder time getting their attention, mechanics might love being immersed in their work without external distractions.

Get the 3M Headphones on Amazon for $40.39

17. TOTAL CLEANING POWER: Meguiar’s Complete Car Care Kit

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Meguiar’s Complete Car Care Kit

Photo: amazon.com

Many mechanics also love to keep the outside of their car looking sharp, and they’re always on the lookout for some great car cleaning kits. Opt for this complete car care kit that includes 12 products to make the interior and exterior shine. Unlike most car care kits, this one also has clay bars and plastic cleaners to help remove some bonded contaminants and surface scratches, which makes it a great DIY gift for mechanics who really love to repair and clean their cars.

Get the Complete Car Care Kit on Amazon now starting at $49.90

Gifts $50 to $100

18. PROTECTS AND COLLECTS: Dickies Men’s Basic Blended Coverall

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Dickies Men’s Basic Blended Coverall

Photo: amazon.com

Does your mechanic have a knack for getting grease on every piece of clothing—even the clothes that aren’t designated for working in the garage? Then it might be time to buy them these Dickies coveralls. You can buy a size up so they have plenty of room for their clothes underneath, but they’ll appreciate how much room is already built into the shoulders for full range of motion. Honestly, this is practically a no-brainer gift for car mechanics, so give it a try.

Get the Dickies Coverall on Amazon starting at $49.99

19. VERSATILE SCOOTING: Pro-Lift 36″ Z-Creeper Seat

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Pro-Lift 36" Z-Creeper Seat

Photo: amazon.com

Space is limited in most garages, which is why we love this Pro-Lift Z-Creeper Seat. You get two accessories in one: a seat and a creeper. Your mechanic will love being able to switch between the two options that make working on cars more comfortable, thanks to the padded seat and headrest. And with the six caster wheels, they can scoot just about anywhere with little effort rather than wriggling into place on the floor.

Get the Z-Creeper Seat on Amazon for $54.75

20. INDULGENT RELAXATION: Shiatsu Back and Shoulder Neck Massager with Heat

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Shiatsu Back and Shoulder Neck Massager with Heat

Photo: amazon.com

Ahh, the sweet relief of a heated neck massager. Give the gift that keeps on giving with this popular Shiatsu heated neck massager that works the neck, upper back, and shoulders. No one ever said that mechanics had to get only tool-related gifts! Besides, after a long day bending over a car or reaching up under the belly of a car, they’ll appreciate this thoughtful gift that helps to alleviate aching muscles.

Get the Shiatsu Neck Massager on Amazon for $56.99

21. HAND AND JOINT REVITALIZER: Comfier Cordless Hand Massager with Heat

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Comfier Cordless Hand Massager with Heat

Photo: amazon.com

If the mechanic in your life suffers from carpal tunnel or arthritis, then the Comfier hand massager is definitely the gift to choose. It’s a heated hand massager that can help alleviate the tension and pain of sore hands—a common problem for many mechanics. The palm, knuckles, and fingers are all massaged using any of the heat and intensity settings, which ensures the hands will be well rested for the next day.

Get the Comfier Hand Massager on Amazon for $72.98

22. TOP CHOICE FOR FOOT SAFETY: Timberland PRO Men’s Pit Boss Work Boot

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Timberland PRO Men’s Pit Boss Work Boot

Photo: amazon.com

Steel-toed work boots aren’t just for construction. There are safety hazards when working on cars as well, so it might be time to get the mechanic you know a pair of durable Timberland work boots. Unlike some work boots, these Timberlands are designed to also keep feet comfortable all day with the comfort suspension technology. Make your mechanic’s life safer and more comfortable with these top work boots.

Get the Timberland Work Boots on Amazon for $94.94

Gifts $100 to $250

23. GARAGE ESSENTIAL: Blackhawk Black/Red Fast Lift Service Jack

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Blackhawk Black/Red Fast Lift Service Jack

Photo: amazon.com

Kick the old jack to the curb and get your mechanic the customer-favorite Blackhawk hydraulic service jack. It takes the hard work out of getting a car lifted up for maintenance and can usually get the car higher than the jack in the trunk. They’ll wonder how they ever managed to work on a car before you got them this helpful—perhaps even necessary—mechanic’s tool.

Get the Blackhawk Service Jack on Amazon for $171.25

Read More: Best Floor Jack For Trucks

24. BEGINNER TOOL SET: Crescent 170 Piece General Purpose Tool Set

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Blackhawk Black/Red Fast Lift Service Jack

Photo: amazon.com

A mechanic is only as good as their tool set. For the beginner mechanic or the mechanic who’s lost several key pieces, then this Crescent tool set is the perfect choice. This set has just about every option mechanics need to get started repairing cars. It includes pliers, ratchets, standard and metric sockets, wrenches, hex or Allen wrenches, and much more.

Get the Crescent Tool Set on Amazon for $184.88

Read More: Best Mechanic Tool Set

25. FOR EMERGENCY POWER: NOCO Boost 2000 Amp 12-Volt Jump Starter Box

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: NOCO Boost 2000 Amp 12-Volt Jump Starter Box

Photo: amazon.com

Give your mechanic a jump when they need it most—a jump-start that is. In the unfortunate event that a car won’t start and there isn’t another car available to jump it, this all-in-one jump starter by NOCO could be a lifesaver. It can power up V8 cars and 6-liter diesel engines, not to mention charge a dead phone. And the built-in flashlight can illuminate the engine if it’s dark. You can’t go wrong with this jump-starter box.

Get the NOCO Jump Starter Box on Amazon for $199.95

26. NEXT-GEN TOOL SET: Craftsman 230-Piece Mechanics Tool Set

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Craftsman 230-Piece Mechanics Tool Set

Photo: amazon.com

Is it time to upgrade your mechanic’s mismatched tool set? Then take a look at this incredible tool set from Craftsman. With the set’s whopping 230 pieces included, your mechanic will feel like a kid in a candy store as they inspect every shiny new piece. It includes several extenders, 40 Allen keys, and over two dozen bits.

Get the Craftsman Mechanics Tool Set on Amazon for $207

Read More: Best Mechanic Tool Set

27. POWER CLEANING POWER HOUSE: Westinghouse Outdoor Power Equipment Pressure Washer

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Westinghouse Outdoor Power Equipment Pressure Washer

Photo: amazon.com

For the mechanic who really likes to keep things clean, check out the Westinghouse gas powered pressure washer. It’s gentle enough to use on cars but strong enough to also clean away grit and grime on concrete. Your mechanic can even add soap to this pressure washer for extra cleaning power. And you might even find they start to use it on the patio, windows, and other surfaces in need of a serious cleaning, too!

Get the Westinghouse Pressure Washer on Amazon for $248.90

Read More: Best Pressure Washer

Gifts $250 and Above

28. ULTIMATE TOOL STORAGE: On Shine High Capacity Rolling Tool Chest

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: On Shine High Capacity Rolling Tool Chest

Photo: amazon.com

Serious mechanics need serious storage options. That’s why we’ve included the On Shine high-capacity rolling tool chest on our list of gifts for mechanics. With its eight drawers and a large tool cabinet on the bottom, this tool chest will provide plenty of places to stash their tools safely. And since it’s on wheels, this tool chest is easy to move closer to where they’re working for added convenience. Great value at a great price!

Get the On Shine Rolling Tool Chest on Amazon for $299.99

Read More: Best Tool Chests

29. SHEER LUXURY MEMORABILIA: Ferrari Collector’s Edition Historical Tome

The Gifts for Mechanics Option: Ferrari Collector’s Edition Historical Tome

Photo: taschen.com

For serious Ferrari enthusiasts where money is no object, choose this Ferrari collector’s edition edition from Taschen. This magnificent 514-page book includes hundreds of unseen photographs from Ferrari’s archives and private collectors, plus a complete list of all of Ferrari’s accomplishments. What’s truly unique is how Taschen sculpted the case into a genuine Ferrari-motor look-alike. It’s not just a book, it’s a sculpted work of art.

Get the Ferrari Historical Tome at Taschen for $6,000

How to Choose the Best Gifts for Mechanics

Mechanics love tools and gadgets, which can make it easy to find them a gift. There are plenty of car gifts on the market from diagnostic tools to storage cases for tools, so browse the usual products you’d expect to find or dare to think outside the box with natural grime-fighting soaps or a hand massager. Let these considerations guide your purchase for the perfect mechanic’s gift.

  • Are they a beginner mechanic? Perhaps they would benefit from a book that gives an in-depth understanding of auto mechanics and basic diagnostics. You’ll also score high if you get them their first shiny-new tool set, too.
  • Is your mechanic often worn out at the end of the day and just wanting to relax? Then they’ll definitely love some out-of-the-box ideas like a neck or hand massager. They may also appreciate better footwear to reduce foot fatigue.
  • Do they love handy little gadgets? Consider ideas that save them time or effort by making their daily tasks easier. This is where a magnetic picker-upper really comes in handy.
  • Is it time to update any old manual tools to more efficient power or hydraulic tools? Look for ideas that can help them get their job done with less manpower. They’ll appreciate how it saves their back or shoulders.

How to Get the Best Deals on Gifts for Mechanics

Mechanics are busy all year long, whether it’s repairing a car after an accident or doing a regular tune-up. There’s no set time of year when mechanic gifts are “in season,” but you’ll always find some tools and gadgets on sale around holidays. Track that item you’ve been eyeing to see if it goes on sale over a specific weekend (especially Prime Day and Black Friday), or sign up to receive email alerts for sales from specific retailers. Bookmark your favorite items from our list so you’re ready to grab a sale as soon as it happens.

To get the best deals on gifts for mechanics as soon as you need them, you’ll want to have the Honey extension installed on your browser. It’s a helpful deal-finding tool that will scour the internet for available coupons and automatically apply them to your cart. Or you can use CouponCabin, which will help you with coupons and give cash back if you search through their site or install their browser extension. Retailers such as Walmart and Target also offer price matching on purchases, so you can pick up thoughtful gifts at the lowest price available.

Prices listed here were accurate at the time of publication on 12/13/2021.

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