Эффект бабочки сценарий

Объяснение первой части фильма «Эффект бабочки» с Эштоном Катчером в главной роли. Смысл сюжета «Эффекта бабочки» и обзор основных сцен.

Неоднозначное понятие «Эффект бабочки» было определено Эдвардом Лоренцом в его Теории хаоса, и говорит о том, что даже взмах крыла легкой бабочки может привести к тайфуну на другом краю мира. В то же время это отсылка к творчеству писателя-фантаста Рэя Брэдбери, аллюзия к его произведению «И грянул гром». В одном из кадров фильма зритель видит плакат «Университет Брэдбери».

Сценарий к фильму «зачитали до дыр», но долгое время никто не брал его в работу. Актер Эштон Катчер решил вложить свои деньги в постановку картины, став ее продюсером. Фильм при бюджете $13 миллионов заработал при показе около $100 миллионов. Эштон Катчер сыграл главную роль в кинокартине.

Развитие сюжета

Шестилетний мальчик Эван Треборн живет в обычной семье с мамой. Таких семей очень много, но вот отец содержится в психиатрической клинике. Мать с тревогой наблюдает за необъяснимыми провалами памяти у ребенка. Она очень боится, что мальчик унаследовал заболевание отца. Врачи не находят никаких отклонений в его мозге. Однако, врач считает, что такие случаи – это своеобразная реакция детской психики на стрессовые ситуации.

Смысл фильма Эффект бабочки

Однажды школьная учительница показывает матери Эвана рисунок, который тот нарисовал по заданию «Кем я стану, когда вырасту». Пораженная мать разглядывает ужасный рисунок, на котором мальчик изобразил себя, стоящим над людьми, истекающими кровью с огромным окровавленным ножом в руке. Сам ребенок ничего не смог объяснить, он просто не помнил, как он нарисовал такой кошмар.

Паренек живет в сложной обстановке. Его мучает, что у него нет отца, а у всех ребят есть. Тогда мать решает устроить им встречу. Договорившись в клинике, чтобы мужу сделали успокоительные инъекции, она приводит Эвана на свидание с отцом. Однако больной мозг мужчины внезапно дает сбой, и он кидается душить собственного сына. Ребенок в ужасе, он снова получил огромный стресс.

После полного обследования, психиатр рекомендует Эвану вести дневник, чтобы не забывать основные события, которые с ним происходят. Он старательно выполняет наставления доктора.

Однажды мать привела его в гости к соседям, где росли брат и сестра Томми и Келли. Но и тут все не слава Богу. Отец ребят оказался извращенцем, снимающим непристойное видео с участием собственных детей. Теперь и Эван очутился в этом кошмаре. Опять у него возникают провалы в памяти.

Мальчик сильно привязался к своей новой подружке Келли, несмотря на явные садистские наклонности ее братца Томми. От рук этого малолетнего изверга погибает любимая собака Эвана. Вскоре Томми придумал устроить взрыв почтового ящика, при котором погибают женщина с маленьким ребенком. После этой жуткой сцены Эван опять потерял ориентацию во времени.

Смысл фильма Эффект бабочки

Мать не выдерживает очередного приступа ребенка и переезжает с ним в другой город. При этом Эван остро переживает разлуку с Келли и обещает вернуться за ней.

Следующие семь лет пролетели для парня с быстротой молнии. Он студент университета, изучает психологию, у него большая практика. Особо его интересуют случаи провалов в памяти и мозговые нарушения.

Однажды, после прекрасно проведенного вечера, он приходит с девушкой в свою комнату в студенческом кампусе. Случайно юноша натыкается на  детские дневники. Пролистав несколько страниц, с ним происходит что-то странное. Он оказывается в другом времени и глазами тогдашнего ребенка видит окружающий мир.

Смысл фильма Эффект бабочки

Режиссеры удачно передали этот момент. Путешествия во времени в кинематографе — тема довольно изъезженная. Им удалость придать этой линии полную реальность. Зритель верит в то, что происходит на экране и сопереживает главному герою.

Эван понял, что он умеет возвращаться в прошлое и, попав туда, может изменить будущее. Он использует «Эффект бабочки». На протяжении фильма несколько раз возвращаясь в свою прошлую жизнь, он, словно Господь Бог, меняет ход вещей и, соответственно, судьбы людей.

Герой Катчера раз за разом пытается изменить судьбу, каждый раз стараясь помочь Келли или даже спасти ее. Эван вызывает «Эффект бабочки», все время надеясь, что изменения помогут улучшить судьбы близких ему людей. Он постепенно привыкает к своим новым способностям, которые превращаются в своеобразную манию. Это действует на него, как наркотик.

Его можно понять! Кто из нас не мечтал вернуться в прошлое, постараться исправить роковую ошибку?  Но, к сожалению, жизнь переписать нельзя. А этот фильм дает, хоть и призрачную, но все-таки, надежду.

Актеры и роли

Фильм держит в постоянном напряжении до самого конца. Зритель до последнего кадра не догадывается о концовке фильма.

Эштон Катчер готовился к съемкам с полной отдачей. Он проштудировал множество книг по психологии, изучал эмоциональные аспекты устройства человека. Молодой актер посвятил много времени изучению психиатрии и теории хаоса.

Интересно, что в первых версиях сценария главного героя звали Крис Треборн. Позже решено было его переименовать в Эвана. Это связано с игрой слов и букв в имени. Переставив первую букву фамилии в конец имени, получим Chris Treborn -> Crist Reborn. В переводе на русский язык получается – Перерождающийся Христос. А с именем Эван получается такой вариант — Even Treborn -> Event Reborn – Перерождающий события.

Мать Эвана играет актриса Мелора Уолтерс, она всего лишь на 10 лет старше Эштона Катчера.

Смысл фильма Эффект бабочки

Актерский состав фильма составил прекрасную команду молодых людей, воплотивших образы своих героев на экране так, что каждый персонаж запомнился зрителю.

Келли – любимая девушка Эвана. Кажется, она и есть причина всех событий в кинокартине. Весь фильм парень пытается ее спасти, переворачивая с ног на голову людские судьбы, время и события. Весь ее вид взывал к сочувствию, хотя она себя считает независимой и самодостаточной. Но зритель понимает, что ее судьба целиком и полностью зависит от Эвана. И Эми Смарт полностью удалось воплотить на экране задумку режиссера.

Смысл фильма Эффект бабочки

Томми – брат Келли, неуравновешенный, жестокий парень с четкими наклонностями и даже любовью к садизму. Но и он абсолютно зависит от поступков главного героя. Малейшее вмешательство меняет его судьбу и характер на совершенную противоположность.

Смысл фильма Эффект бабочки

Необычно то, что актер Элдон Хенсон (Ленни) сначала снимался в сценах, идущих по хронометражу в более поздний период времени. Это придумали для того, чтобы актер снялся сначала в сценах, где он стройный и подтянутый. После этого Хенсон за месяц набрал около 10 кг для съемок того периода, когда его герой был толстым.

Смысл фильма Эффект бабочки

Впечатление от фильма

Нельзя сказать, что фильм оставляет о себе однозначное впечатление. Но в целом, картина вызывает живые эмоции и переживания, заставляет поверить в реальность происходящего на экране. Видимо, это оттого, что образ главного героя выверен до последней гайки. Его психологический портрет передает четкую картину переживаний. Гнетущая окружающая обстановка вызывает желание сопереживать молодому человеку так, как если бы эти события могли произойти в реальности.

Когда раскручивание сюжетной линии доходит до апогея, зритель уже не считает невероятным, что герой действительно может изменить реальность. В конце концов, начинаешь верить, что такое возможно не только в кино.

Эффект бабочки
The Butterfly Effect
Постер фильма

драма , триллер , кинофантастика


Эрик Бресс
Дж. Мэки Грубер


Крис Бендер
А. Дж. Дикс
Энтони Рулен


Дж. Мэки Грубер
Эрик Бресс

В главных

Эштон Кутчер
Эми Смарт
Эрик Штольц
Элден Хенсон
Итэн Сапли


Мэттью Ф. Леонетти


Майкл Суби


New Line Cinema


113 мин.
120 мин. (режиссёрская версия)


13 млн $


Flag of the United States.svg США




ID 0289879

«Эффект бабочки» (англ. The Butterfly Effect) — американский фильм 2004 года. Сценарий основан на понятии эффекта бабочки из теории хаоса. Номинировался на главный приз кинофестиваля Сандэнс в 2003 году[источник не указан 748 дней].


  • 1 Слоган
  • 2 Сюжет
  • 3 В ролях
  • 4 Интересные факты
  • 5 Удалённые сцены
  • 6 Альтернативный финал
  • 7 Саундтрек
    • 7.1 Песни
    • 7.2 Инструментальная музыка
  • 8 См. также
  • 9 Примечания
  • 10 Ссылки


  • «Change one thing, Change everything» — (Изменишь что-то одно, изменится все)
  • «Such minor changes, such huge consequences» — (Такие незначительные изменения, такие огромные последствия)
  • «Verändere die Zukunft, durch die Vergangenheit» («Change the future, through the past») — (Изменить будущее, посредством прошлого)
  • «Das Ende ist erst der Anfang» («The end is only the beginning») — (Конец — это только начало)


Дошкольник Эван Треборн растёт в неполной семье, без отца, и мечтает о том, чтобы отец вернулся в семью. Но это невозможно, потому что отец Эвана содержится в закрытой психиатрической клинике. По этой причине Эван страдает провалами в памяти и периодически наблюдается у психиатра.

Однажды мама Эвана видит, что тот стоит посреди кухни с большим ножом. На вопрос, зачем ему нож, Эван не может ответить — он забыл. На очередном приёме врач рекомендует матери Эвана, чтобы её сын вёл дневники, как можно подробнее фиксируя всё происходящее с ним.

В один прекрасный день (разумеется, только на первый взгляд) Эван и его мать переезжают на новое место жительства, и Эван знакомится с соседями — Келли и Томми Миллерами, а также с их отцом. Вскоре мама Эвана предлагает ему не идти в детский сад, а провести день с новыми соседями. Эван с радостью соглашается, ожидая увидеть счастливую семью во главе с отцом, однако мальчика ждёт жестокое разочарование. Отец Келли и Томми — разведённый педофил, заставляющий собственных детей, и Эвана тоже, участвовать в снимаемых им порнофильмах. В результате Томми растёт садистом, а Келли — козой отпущения.

Через некоторое время Эвану разрешают встречу с отцом. В процессе разговора Треборн-старший нападает на сына, у которого случается провал в памяти, а подоспевшая охрана, спасая Эвана, убивает Треборна.

Проходит несколько лет. Подростки Эван, Келли, Томми и их друг Ленни решили взорвать самодельную бомбу, которую Томми украл у своего отца. Томми подначивает нерешительного Ленни заложить и взорвать бомбу в почтовом ящике какого-то домика, поясняя, что Ленни ничего не угрожает. Ленни поджигает фитиль и убегает к приятелям. Келли зажимает руками Эвана свои уши, и происходит взрыв… Похоже, что-то случилось, так как Томми требует немедленно сматываться и велит Келли заткнуться, Ленни впадает в ступор, а у Эвана — очередной провал.

В результате подрыва бомбы Ленни получает психическую травму и некоторое время проводит в больнице. Через некоторое время Эван и Келли приходят к Ленни, выписавшемуся домой, и приглашают его проветриться. Гуляя по лесу, друзья слышат шум. Выбежав на открытое место, они видят, что Томми поймал собаку Эвана в мешок, развёл костер и собирается её сжечь. Когда Эван пытается освободить животное, Томми наносит ему удары увесистой палкой, и случайно бьёт Келли, которая теряет сознание. В отношении Ленни Томми ограничивается угрозой. Эван снова пытается помешать Томми и получает страшный удар, отправляющий его в нокаут.

Вскоре миссис Треборн решает переехать на новое место. Уезжая, Эван пишет Келли записку о том, что когда-нибудь он вернётся за ней.

Основные события начинают разворачиваться спустя семь лет. Эван живет в университетском кампусе и учится на психолога. Его сосед по номеру — неформал Тампер (Thumper, Топотун), здоровенный толстяк, ведущий разбитную жизнь. Несмотря на это, Эван и Тампер отлично ладят. Готовясь к очередной сессии, Эван перечитывает свои дневники, и вдруг перед его глазами начинают плыть картины из прошлого. При этом он видит не только то, что происходило с ним, но и с его друзьями детства, хотя он уже давно потерял с ними связь. И при этом его сознание перемещается как раз в то время, когда у него был очередной провал. Решив выяснить, что же случилось при взрыве бомбы, Эван едет к Ленни, который в итоге сошел с ума и сидит дома, склеивая модели самолетов. При попытках узнать правду Ленни на мгновение приходит в ярость и бросается на Эвана, выкрикивая слова, произнесённые тогда Томми, но также быстро успокаивается и снова садится за стол, продолжая своё дело.

Ничего не добившись от Ленни, Эван едет к Келли, которая работает официанткой в забегаловке, а Томми в это время сидит в тюрьме. Келли очень рада приезду Эвана, но стоило тому задать вопрос о том, что же случилось тогда, в подвале ее дома, во время съемок «фильма» про Робин Гуда, девушка резко обрывает разговор и убегает. Удручённый Эван возвращается в кампус и на следующий день узнает, что Келли покончила с собой. Тайно побывав на её похоронах, Эван впадает в отчаяние и, снова перечитывая свои дневники вечером, вдруг обнаруживает в себе способность воспроизводить наяву события, произошедшие в прошлом.

Как и многие, он считает, что если бы в своё время поступил иначе, то и жизнь сложилась бы несколько по-другому. Не только у него, но и у его близких друзей. Приняв решение, Эван воскрешает тот момент, когда Миллер-старший пытался заставить его и Келли «поиграть во взрослые игры». Вместо того, чтобы подчиниться, ребёнок Эван неожиданно заговорил с Миллером в приказном тоне, угрожая заявить в полицию. Шокированный негодяй обещает больше не снимать порнофильмов и не трогать Келли. В результате Эван добивается того, что Келли и он вместе учатся в университете, а Томми скатывается вниз, в бандитскую жизнь.

Вроде бы всё получилось великолепно: Эван — лидер одной из студенческих группировок, у него явно водятся деньги, и рядом с ним любящая его Келли. Но вернувшийся из отсидки Томми сперва разбивает шикарную машину Эвана, а потом нападает на него с битой, когда Эван провожает Келли. Во время драки Эвану удается выхватить из кармана газовый баллончик и прыснуть Томми в лицо. Перехватив инициативу, Эван входит в раж и убивает Томми, после чего оказывается за решёткой. По прибытии на место отсидки Эван немедленно подвергается издевательствам со стороны матёрых заключённых, поделённых на три группировки: белых, чёрных и латиносов. К счастью, ему удалось захватить с собой свои дневники. Сокамерник Эвана Карлос, человек религиозный и держащийся обособленно от всех, соглашается помочь Эвану, после того как тот, вернувшись в прошлое (в детский сад), режет себе руки и затем демонстрирует Карлосу появившиеся шрамы. Эван приходит к главарям, которые отняли у него нужные страницы дневника, заявляет, что смирился со своей участью и, усыпив их бдительность, внезапно наносит им раны заточкой. Карлос вбегает в камеру главарей и удерживает дверь, а Эван судорожно читает дневники и возвращается обратно в своё прежнее время.

Потерпев неудачу, Эван возвращается к тому эпизоду, когда Томми хотел убить собаку Эвана. Теперь, услышав шум, Эван даёт Ленни острый осколок,чтоб тот смог освободить собаку из мешка, а лишь потом бежит к Томми. В результате Эван, получив первый удар, отвлекает Томми разговорами, и ему в конечном счете даже удаётся убедить Томми, что его агрессия — не лучшее поведение, но подошедший сзади к Томми Ленни наносит тому удар в спину. В итоге Эван снова становится обычным студентом (каким был до первого изменения), Ленни содержится в клинике как буйнопомешанный, Келли становится проституткой. Эвану всё-таки удаётся узнать у Келли, что произошло при взрыве у домика. Оказывается, пока горел шнур, на машине подъехали хозяева, и молодая женщина с грудным ребёнком открыла почтовый ящик в момент взрыва.

Теперь Эван не колеблется. Воскресив в памяти этот жизненный эпизод, он бросается спасать женщину и её ребенка, которые вот-вот должны погибнуть. Оттолкнув их от почтового ящика, он хочет выбросить из него бомбу. Неожиданно для всех Томми, видя, что Эван уже не успевает, бежит к женщине с ребёнком и резко толкает их на газон, падая сверху сам. Эван достает бомбу из ящика, которая взрывается. Очнувшись, Эван просыпается уже молодым человеком. Снова светит солнце, а на соседней кровати смеющийся Ленни с кем-то обнимается. Обрадованный Эван хочет встать и… не может! На этот раз, спасая друзей от их будущего, Эван сам потерял практически все. После взрыва он оказался безруким сидячим инвалидом, а Келли влюбилась в Ленни. Правда, Томми при этом стал совешенно другим человеком: он фактически является опекуном Эвана и, более того, готовится стать священником. Вконец запутавшийся Эван после безуспешной попытки покончить с собой решает оставить всё как есть, но и это не выход: после случившейся с ним трагедии его мать стала много курить и теперь безнадёжно больна.

Эван догадывается, что причина не в произошедших событиях, а в чём-то другом. Чтобы разобраться в себе и в своем даре, он вспоминает свою последнюю встречу с отцом. На этот раз Эван говорит отцу, что знает, как ему помочь, и просит успокоиться. И тут выясняется, что тогдашняя агрессия Треборна-старшего была вызвана тем, что он тоже владеет этим даром и, узнав, что Эвану передалась эта способность, отец решает его убить, чтобы этот дар не передался больше никому. Перед тем, как его убьют охранники, отец что-то кричит про видео и фотографии.

Тогда Эван снова возвращается к моменту съёмки порнофильма. На этот раз он говорит Миллеру-старшему, чтобы он оставил в покое не только Келли, но и Томми, угрожая взорвать его самодельную бомбу. Миллер соглашается, удовлетворённый Эван роняет бомбу с заженным фитилем на пол, она катится к Келли, та её поднимает…

По возвращении в настоящее (точнее, в текущее, всё уже совсем запуталось) Эван сам попадает в психиатрическую клинику. Врач поясняет матери Эвана, что её сын скоро умрёт. Эван просит дать ему дневники, но ему отказывают, поясняя, что никаких дневников, равно как и провалов памяти, не существует, что это все — выдумка, плод фантазии Эвана, появившаяся по причине чувства вины за смерть Келли. Врач сообщает Эвану, что он (Эван) в этом плане очень похож на отца, который всё время требовал фотоальбом, которого тоже якобы не существует. Эван просит мать привезти фильмы, которые они снимали в детстве. Ночью Эван убегает из палаты, запирается в кабинете доктора и начинает просмотр фильма, снятого много лет назад, события которого он намерен изменить (содержание видео определяет 2 концовки фильма)…

(Первый вариант: для прокатной версии) Эван смотрит фильм, снятый на чьём-то дне рождения, где он и Келли впервые встретились. Маленькая Келли, тяжело переживающая развод родителей и не знающая еще, остаться ей с отцом или уехать с матерью в другой город, подходит к Эвану познакомиться. Эван угрожает девочке, и обиженная Келли уходит, принимая решение уехать с матерью, так как красивый мальчик Эван её не держит. После этого Эван возвращается в текущее время, где является студентом и учится вместе с Ленни. Затем они приходят на пустырь, чтобы сжечь все дневники, фотографии и видеофильмы Эвана о прошлом. Эван говорит, что он разобрался в себе, не страдает провалами, и зафиксированные воспоминания ему больше не нужны.

Проходит еще 8 лет. Эван выучился на психолога и имеет хорошую практику. Однажды, возвращаясь с работы, он видит в толпе… Келли! Она идет по улице с улыбкой на лице, красивая и успешная. По инерции пройдя ещё пару шагов, Эван останавливается как вкопанный и оборачивается вслед девушке: неужели это и есть награда за всё то, что он пережил? Но Келли, слегка обернувшись, удивленно смотрит на Эвана и идёт дальше. В душе Эвана кипят нешуточные страсти, но он овладевает собой. Эван и Келли уходят в разные стороны, чтобы больше никогда не встретиться. Судьба Томми остаётся неизвестной, хотя небольшой видеоряд в этой концовке показывает, как он с сестрой радуется переезду к матери и читает речь о любви к родителям во время выпускного, из чего можно сделать предположение, что он тоже вырос нормальным человеком.

(Второй вариант: для режиссёрской версии) Эван смотрит фильм, показывающий его мать на последнем месяце беременности. Он возвращается к моменту своего рождения и душит себя пуповиной в утробе. Его мать переживает муки, страдания и боль, потому что это уже 3-я её беременность и точно так же её плод умирает. А для Эвана это выход. Наконец-то все дорогие ему люди обрели лучшие судьбы, нежели раньше. Теперь во всей Вселенной никогда не существовало Эвана. Всё так, как бы было изначально, если бы его никогда не существовало…

(Третий вариант) Тот же что и первый, но при встрече Эвана и Келли, Эван догоняет её и заводит разговор. Эван разворачивается и идёт вслед за Келли. Обернувшись, Келли спрашивает: — Мы встречались? — Эван! — представляется Эван. — Келли,— хочет представиться Келли, но Эван опережает её и называет по имени, поясняя: — Вы просто выглядите как Келли.

В ролях

Актёр Роль
Эштон Катчер Эван Трэборн
Эми Смарт Келли Миллер
Элден Хенсон Ленни
Уильям Ли Скотт Томми Миллер
Джон Патрик Амедори Эван в 13 лет
Ирен Горовая Келли в 13 лет
Кевин Шмидт Ленни в 13 лет
Джесси Джеймс Томми в 13 лет
Логан Лерман Эван в 7 лет
Сара Виддоуз Келли в 7 лет
Джэйк Кезэ Ленни в 7 лет
Кэмерон Брайт Томми в 7 лет
Мелора Уолтерс Андреа, мать Эвана
Эрик Штольц Джордж Миллер, отец Келли и Томми
Каллум Кит Ренни Джейсон, отец Эвана
Итэн Сапли Табер

Интересные факты

  • В одном из эпизодов картины главные герои, будучи детьми, отправляются в кинотеатр на кинофильм «Семь» (1995). Другой картиной, демонстрирующейся в этот момент, является «Тупой и ещё тупее» (1994). Оба фильма наряду с «Эффектом…» являются собственностью кинокомпании New Line Cinema.
  • На роль Эвана претендовали Джош Хартнетт, Шон Уильям Скотт и Джошуа Джексон, однако в силу различных обстоятельств так и остались за бортом проекта.
  • Роль Келли вполне могла достаться Эли Лартер, участнице трилогии «Пункт назначения», но досталась её лучшей подруге.
  • Cценарием к картине зачитывались многие, однако желающих воплотить прочитанное на экране было не так много. Ситуация изменилась лишь после того, как сценарий попал в руки Эштона Кутчера. Актёр был настолько впечатлён прочитанным, что согласился стать одним из продюсеров и выделить часть собственных денег на запуск проекта.
  • Актёры Мелора Уолтерс и Эштон Кутчер играют в картине мать и сына. На самом деле Мелора всего лишь на 10 лет старше Эштона.
  • В ранних версиях сценария главного героя звали несколько иначе — Крис Треборн (Chris Treborn). Чуть позднее имя главного героя изменилось на Эвана. Если переставить первую букву фамилии в конец имени, то в переводе на русский язык данная словесная конструкция (Event Reborn) будет звучать как «Перерождающий события». В первом же варианте отчётливо виден «Christ Reborn» (Христос возродился).
  • Актёр Элден Хенсон, исполняющий роль Ленни, вначале принял участие в съёмке более поздних по хронометражу сцен, в которых его персонаж женится на Келли и заботится об инвалиде Эване. Это было сделано для того, чтобы Элдон успел набрать порядка 9 килограмм для съёмки других сцен, в ходе которых его герой сходит с ума. Для того, чтобы набрать необходимый лишний вес, актеру понадобился всего лишь месяц.
  • В рамках подготовки к исполняемой роли Эштон Кутчер уделил немало времени изучению психологии, душевных и психических травм, а также теории хаоса.
  • Сценарий фильма можно легко понять при помощи теории хаоса. В хаотическом мире трудно предсказать, какие вариации возникнут в данное время и в данном месте, ошибки и неопределённость нарастают экспоненциально с течением времени. Э. Лоренц назвал это явление эффектом бабочки: бабочка, взмахивающая крыльями в Айове, может вызвать лавину эффектов, которые могут достигнуть высшей точки в дождливый сезон в Индонезии. Так и герой фильма меняет события по данной аналогии.
  • Сценарий картины появился на свет во многом благодаря рассказу Рэя Бредбери «И грянул гром». В этом рассказе повествуется о группе исследователей, отправившихся в далекое прошлое поохотиться на динозавров. Один из героев случайно наступает на бабочку и убивает её. При возвращении обратно домой оказывается, что многие события имеют уже другой исход. Так, вместо президента-либерала у власти оказался диктатор.
  • В одном из эпизодов можно увидеть флажок с надписью «Bradbury», что является явной отсылкой к Рэю Бредбери.
  • Семилетний Эван с ножом в руке — очевидная цитата из фильма Хэллоуин (1978).
  • Композиция в концовке фильма исполнена британской рок-группой Oasis и носит название — Stop Crying Your Heart Out.

Удалённые сцены

В режиссёрской версии фильма присутствуют сцены, вырезанные из финальной версии:

  • Эван узнаёт, что его дед также мог перемещаться во времени и, как и его отец, был признан сумасшедшим. Также выясняется, что мать Эвана была беременна дважды до его рождения, и оба ребёнка родились мёртвыми. То есть подразумевается, что способности отправляться в прошлое безусловно передаются по наследству (эта идея затронута во второй части фильма), мертворождённые дети в этой реальности на самом деле родились и жили своей жизнью, но, выяснив, что изменения в прошлом приводят только к худшим последствиям (эта идея продолжена во второй и третьей части фильма), в итоге приняли решения вернуться в утробу матери и убить себя. Что в конечном счёте сделал и Эван в альтернативном финале.
  • Эван и Андреа идут к гадалке, которая говорит, что у Эвана нет линии жизни.
  • Сцена в тюрьме, где заключённые публично читают дневники Эвана.
  • Заключённые приходят ночью в камеру к Эвану, чтобы изнасиловать его.
  • Более длинная версия разговора Эвана и его больной матери в больнице.

Кроме того, в канадской версии фильма есть сцены с обнажённой натурой.

Альтернативный финал

Существует несколько версий концовки:

  1. Официальная. Главные герои расходятся в разные стороны.
  2. Режиссерская. Эван убивает себя в утробе матери, затянув вокруг горла пуповину. Считалась основной до тестового просмотра, на котором зрители пришли в ужас, и создатели решили показать другой финал[1].
  3. Открытая. Эван разворачивается и идёт вслед за Келли. Обернувшись, Келли спрашивает:

— Мы встречались?
— Эван! — представляется Эван.
— Келли,— хочет представиться Келли, но Эван опережает её и называет по имени, поясняя:
— Вы просто выглядите как Келли.



  • Oasis — «Stop Crying Your Heart Out»
  • Bauhaus — «Dark Entries»
  • Departure Lounge — «Alone Again And»
  • AP2 — «The End»
  • AP2 — «Heroin Hate»
  • Jimmy Eat World — «May Angels Lead You In»
  • The Chemical Brothers — «My Elastic Eye»
  • Even Rude — «When Animals Attack»
  • Scott Eversoll — «Sittin’ Single»
  • Brian Ginsberg — «Something Static»
  • Triggerpimp — «Lost»
  • The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion — «The Midnight Creep»

Инструментальная музыка

  1. Evan’s Plan / Evan & Mom (2:49)
  2. Mom and Evan / Evan’s Drawing (2:07)
  3. In the Basement / Knife Blackout (1:27)
  4. Going to see Dad (0:24)
  5. Jason’s Funeral (0:48)
  6. Lenny’s Explosive Flash / Hypnosis (3:10)
  7. Tommy’s Right Hook/We’re moving (1:26)
  8. Burnt Crockett (1:37)
  9. Drive to see Lenny / Inside Lenny’s Room (2:16)
  10. The Mailbox (1:14)
  11. The Diner (1:06)
  12. Kayleigh’s Funeral (1:40)
  13. Evan’s Warning (2:53)
  14. Sorority Strut (1:00)
  15. Evan Kills Tommy (2:04)
  16. Prison Escape (0:47)
  17. Prison (1:07)
  18. Stigmata Flashback (0:52)
  19. Evan & Kayleigh / Kayleigh Loves Lenny (2:42)
  20. Blowing Up Kayleigh (1:14)
  21. Lockdown Lenny / Send You a Postcard (3:15)
  22. Evan’s Escape (1:48)
  23. Everyone’s Fixed Memories / The Butterfly Effect Reprise (3:20)

См. также

  • Пиджак (фильм)
  • Господин Никто


  1. Эффект Бабочки — альтернативная концовка на YouTube


  • Официальный сайт
  • Фильм на сайте КиноТеатр. Ру
  • «Эффект бабочки  (англ.) на сайте Internet Movie Database»
  • Рецензия «Эффект бабочки или Дефект папочки»
 Просмотр этого шаблона Эффект бабочки
Фильмы Эффект бабочки • Эффект бабочки 2 • Эффект бабочки 3: Откровения
Актёры Эштон Кутчер • Эми Смарт • Эрик Лайвли • Эрика Дюранс • Крис Кармак
Термины Эффект бабочки • Путешествие во времени
    • Автор сценария:
    • Дж. Мэки Грубер
    • Эрик Бресс
    • Режиссер:
    • Эрик Бресс
    • Дж. Мэки Грубер

Один молодой человек пытается найти ключ к двери, за которой находятся его детские воспоминания. Вскоре, он находит способ, позволяющий ему путешествовать назад в прошлое и, оказавшись снова мальчиком, изменить свое будущее. Однако, скоро он начинает понимать, что каждое изменение хода истории несет за собой совершенно непредсказуемые последствия.


                                        	                                  "THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT"

                                      Screenplay by

                              J. Mackye Gruber & Eric Bress

                                      SHOOTING DRAFT


               INT. SUNNYVALE - DOCTOR'S OFFICE - NIGHT - 2002

               EVAN, 20, good-looking but with dark haunted eyes, frantically 
               hides himself in an unlit Doctor's office. His face and chest 
               are covered in blood. He holds his forehead in pain.

               FLASHLIGHT BEAMS stab through the darkened corridor hunting 
               for him. ALARMS SOUND. GUARDS are heard shouting to each 
               other. Evan grabs a cardboard box and hides under a doctor's 
               desk. He grabs some paper and begins writing in shorthand.

                              (as he writes)
                         If anyone finds this, then I guess 
                         my plan didn't work and I'm already 

               He takes a deep breath.

                         But if I can just go back to the 
                         beginning of all this, I still might 
                         be able to save her.

               Fatigue overwhelms him, but he continues writing...

               INT. BUSY HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - DAY - 1982


               ANDREA TREBORN, twenty-five, an attractive pregnant woman 
               strapped to a gurney, is rolled down a busy hospital corridor. 
               She is clearly ready to give birth, and as she flails her 
               arms, she knocks another patient's IV bottle into the wall.


               A tearful Andrea holds newborn EVAN in her hands.


               INT. BUSY HOSPITAL - RECOVERY ROOM - DAY - 1982

               Smiling Andrea holds baby Evan up to the camera, then places 
               him in a crib.

               EXT. PLAYGROUND - DAY - 1983

               A playground. Evan's father, JASON (23), puts a 1-year old 
               on a slide.

               EXT. LENNY'S HOUSE - DAY - 1987

               A birthday party for LENNY, 5, a chubby kid with only a few 
               friends. Evan, now 5, is gently prodded by Andrea toward 
               KAYLEIGH, 5, a quiet sweet-looking girl with beautiful hair.

               Evan clumsily shakes her hand and she quickly leans over and 
               kisses his cheek.

               He blushes and runs to hug his mother's leg.

               END MONTAGE & TITLES.

               EXT. ANDREA'S HOUSE - EARLY MORNING - 1989

               In the driveway, 7-year old Evan plays with CRICKETT, a frisky 
               cocker spaniel puppy.

               Andrea, wearing a mechanic's jumpsuit, works impatiently on 
               the carburetor of a Toyota Celica. Evan pets the dog as he 
               watches his mother work.

                         Okay, okay... what now?

               Evan quickly eyes the situation and grabs the 5/16" wrench 
               from the toolbox.

                         We're gonna be late again.

                         When did you ever care about getting 
                         to school on time?

                         We're putting up pictures for Parent's 

               Evan impatiently watches Andrea turn the bolt.

                         Righty-tighty, lefty-lucy.

                         Thanks. Don't worry Evan, you'll 
                         have plenty of time.

               The carburetor will not set properly. She bangs on it with 
               the wrench.

                              (re: carb)
                         Darn it!

                         Um... can dad come this time?

                              (getting impatient)
                         You know the answer to that.

                         Can't he come out for one day?

                         We've been over this a hundred times. 
                         It's too dangerous for him.

                         But Lenny said that his dad's 
                         coming... and Tommy and Kayleigh's 

               Andrea hands the wrench to Evan.

                         Here, Ev... Finish this up for me.

               Evan beams as he climbs onto the bumper and screws the carb 
               back together.

               Andrea, meanwhile, strips off her coveralls, revealing a 
               spotless nurse's uniform underneath.

                         All the dads are gonna be there.

                         I get the point, kiddo. But I'm not 
                         so bad, am I?


                         Good. Because I've been waiting to 
                         see your art projects all week and 
                         I'd feel terrible if all you thought 
                         about was your father not being there.

               Evan, disappointed, passes the wrench back to Andrea.

                         Done. Try it.

               Andrea gets behind the wheel. She turns the ignition and the 
               engine roars to life. Evan wears a proud smile.

                         You're amazing, kiddo.

               EXT. SCHOOL PARKING LOT - MORNING - 1989

               Andrea races through the school zone and heads for the main 
               doors. Evan's already got the car door open and his foot on 
               the ground by the time the car skids to a halt. Andrea checks 
               her watch.

                         Okay have a great day I love you 
                         I'll pick you up later gotta go...

               Evan blows Andrea a kiss goodbye and runs into the school. 
               As Andrea pulls away, MRS. BOSWELL, 35, taps the car window.

                                     MRS. BOSWELL
                         Mrs. Treborn! I need to speak with 

                         I'm sorry, but can it wait til 
                         tonight? I'm already late for work --

               Mrs. Boswell's morbid expression stops Andrea.

                                     MRS. BOSWELL
                         I think you really need to see this.


               The classroom is filled with screaming, running children. 
               Mrs. Boswell enters the classroom with Andrea and immediately 
               calls out to TOMMY, a tough seven-year old kid who swings a 
               whiffle bat at LENNY, now seven, a sniffling, chubby kid.

                                     MRS. BOSWELL
                         TOMMY! LEAVE LENNY ALONE! DON'T MAKE 
                         ME SEND YOU TO MR. VOYTEK'S OFFICE!

               Evan is surprised to see his mother enter with Mrs. Boswell, 
               but continues playing with Kayleigh, now seven, a quiet, 
               sweet-looking girl.

               Mrs. Boswell leads Andrea over to the teacher's desk.

                                     MRS. BOSWELL
                         I was going to show this to the 
                         principal, but I wanted to talk to 
                         you first.

                         What is it?

                                     MRS. BOSWELL
                         Yesterday I had all the children 
                         draw pictures of what they wanted to 
                         be when they grew up. Most of them 
                         made drawings of what their parents 
                         did, but this...

               Mrs. Boswell opens the bottom drawer of her desk and pulls 
               out a drawing. Andrea turns to stone when she sees it.

                         I don't understand... Evan did this?

               The drawing shows a child holding a bloody knife while 
               standing on a heap of dead bodies. It's extremely 
               sophisticated for a seven-year old. Some of the corpses have 
               been cut open and the insides are surprisingly anatomically 

               Andrea sees Evan playing with Lenny, harmless as a bunny, 
               and struggles to control her concern.

                         Thank you for showing it to me first. 
                         I'll... I'll take care of it. Can I 
                         have the picture?

                                     MRS. BOSWELL
                         Of course. There is one more thing, 
                         Mrs. Treborn. And I feel bad for 
                         mentioning it...


                                     MRS. BOSWELL
                         When I asked Evan about his drawing, 
                         well, he didn't remember doing it.

               Andrea is visibly shaken now.

                         I have to go.


               Andrea seems so impacted by this revelation that she cannot 
               even start the car.


               The children hang artwork on the walls in prep for Parent's 
               Night. Each child has a picture of his or her family made 
               from colored construction paper and macaroni. Evan's picture 
               (no longer sophisticated) depicts his mother, Crockett and 
               himself on a green hill. Tommy and Kayleigh's pictures each 
               show two kids and a single father. And their 'mother' is 
               stuck to the far end of page.

               Lenny beams as he pins-up his picture of an ideal nuclear 
               family. He looks at Tommy's picture and is confused.

                         You put the mommy too far away. Mrs. 
                         Boswell has macaroni and glue if you 
                         wanna fix it.  

                         You're such a retard!

                         Mommy lives far away but she comes 
                         and visits.

                              (to Tommy)
                         If I'm retarded, why didn't my mommy 
                         move away from me?

               Tommy gets upset. He swipes his hand down Lenny's picture 
               and his macaroni "mother" crumbles to the floor. Lenny begins 
               to cry.

                         Hey, what'd you do that for?

                         Fat little baby, crying for mommy.

               Evan takes the ruined picture and leans down next to Lenny.

                         Come on, Lenny. It's not that bad. 
                         You can still see your mom a little.

               Lenny, unable to stop crying, begins hyperventilating out of 
               control. His desperate gasps for breath are frightening.

               Evan, scared, looks around for Mrs. Boswell, but cannot find 
               her. He reaches up to his own picture and quickly tears his 
               own macaroni "mother" apart and places it over Lenny's 
               picture. It's a nuclear family again. Lenny slowly is able 
               to catch his breath.

                         Can... can... Can I have this?

                         Sure. I was gonna make a new one, 

               Kayleigh helps Lenny glue a new "mother" in place and she 
               smiles gratefully at Evan.

               As Evan smiles back at Kayleigh, Mrs. Boswell calmly enters 
               the room in time to see Evan tacking up his butchered family 
               portrait. She shivers.

               EXT. SUNNYVALE INSTITUTION - DAY - 1989

               Gothic. Imposing. Andrea runs up the stairs.


               DR. HARLON REDFIELD, 40, a handsome and extremely genial 
               man, scrutinizes a disturbing drawing.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         And you say he doesn't remember any 
                         of it?

                         Not according to his teacher. It 
                         just got me thinking about Jason and 
                         what if Evan's inherited his father's 

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Hold it, hold it, Andrea. Let's not 
                         jump to conclusions. I'll run some 
                         preliminary tests, see what we can 
                         rule out.

               Andrea nods and forces a thankful smile.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Tell you what, bring Evan here tonight 
                         and we'll run a CAT-scan series.


               The looming building looks even more frightening at night. 
               Andrea and Evan head up the stairs.

                         I don't like this place, Mom. It's 
                         creepy. Please can we go? I promise 
                         I won't make any more bad pictures!

                         You'll be fine. Dr. Redfield just 
                         wants to give you some tests. You'll 
                         like him.


               Andrea leads Evan into Dr. Redfield's office. Dr. Redfield 
               warmly greets Evan at the door.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Hello, Evan. It's very nice to meet 
                              (to Andrea)
                         He's as handsome as his father.

                         You know my father?

               Before Dr. Redfield can answer, Andrea cuts him off.

                         That's why I wanted you to come here, 
                         Evan. Dr. Redfield already has a 
                         background in memory loss.

                         My father has a bad memory, too?

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                              (off Andrea's look)
                         Uh, tell you what, Evan. If it's 
                         okay with your mother, I'd like to 
                         run some tests. Nothing scary.

               Evan raises an eyebrow at the doctor.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Okay, it might be a little scary...


               Evan looks terrified as he lies on a medical platform as a 
               series of CAT-scan images are taken. In another part of the 
               room, a distressed Andrea speaks quietly with Dr. Redfield.

                         Just tell me that Evan doesn't have 
                         Jason's illness...

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Look, Andrea, I'm sure he'll test 
                         negative for brain disorders. But 
                         there's something else you can try 
                         to monitor his memory.


                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         A journal. Just have him write down 
                         everything he does.

                         Why? What for?

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         It could be extremely useful to jog 
                         his memory. See if he remembers 
                         anything new the next day. And I'll 
                         have the test results back in a few 


               The next morning. Evan busily writes in his new black-marble 
               mead comp book:

               EVAN'S DIARY

               "Today Mommy is taking me to play with Kayley and Tommy. I 
               will mete there father and see what a real dad is like. Maybe 
               one day I will mete my Dad."

               Andrea, meanwhile, speaks into the phone as she pours Lucky 
               Charms into a cereal bowl for Evan.

                         Thanks, George. I really appreciate 
                         you watching him, he won't be any 
                         trouble at all.

               Evan puts down the journal and eats breakfast. He separates 
               the green clovers from the cereal and drops them to the floor 
               for Crockett to nibble.

                         These'll bring you luck, Crockett.

                              (into phone)
                         Great. I'll see you soon.

               Andrea hangs up the phone and walks into the next room.

               INT. HOUSE - DAY

               Andrea grabs the pocket book off the coffee table and heads 
               back into the kitchen. She drops her purse in shock when she 
               sees: Evan, in doorway, expressionless and holding a large 
               BUTCHER KNIFE by his side.


               Evan sees her but remains expressionless.

                         Evan? What are you doing with that 

               Life suddenly springs into Evan's face. He seems stunned to 
               find himself holding the knife and drops it.

                         What happened?

                         Honey. What were you doing with that?

                              (tears welling)
                         I... I don't remember.

               EXT. MILLER HOUSE - MORNING

               Andrea, still shaken, drops Evan off at the house of GEORGE 
               MILLER, 35, a handsome athletic man with an infectious smile. 
               He approaches the car and opens the door for Evan.

                                     MR. MILLER
                         Hey, Andrea.
                              (to Evan)
                         Hello little man.

               Andrea writes nervously on a piece of paper as Evan gets 

                         Thanks a lot George. Here's my work 
                         number in case there are any problems.

                                     MR. MILLER
                              (lighthearted laughter)
                         Whaddaya kidding? We're going to 
                         have a great time today, right Evan?

               Andrea nods thanks and nervously drives away. Evan walks up 
               to Mr. Miller and momentarily reaches for his hand. Mr. Miller 
               flinches his hand away and chuckles at Evan.

                                     MR. MILLER
                         You waiting for an invitation? The 
                         kids are inside.

               Evan appears confused for a moment at Mr. Miller's unexpected 
               rudeness, but walks inside.

               INT. MILLER'S HOUSE - DAY

               Evan enters the well-kept middle class home and sees his 
               classmates Kayleigh and Tommy. Kayleigh is dressed in a make-
               shift Medieval gown and Tommy is also dressed in a period 

                              (excited to see Evan)
                         Evan, guess what? Dad got a new video 
                         camera and we're all gonna be in a 

                         I don't think Evan gets to be in it --

                         Quit it, Tommy. Evan gets to be Robin 
                         Hood. I'm gonna be Maid Marian, and 
                         you're the Sheriff of Nottingham!

                         I thought I was the bad guy!

                         You are, silly. He's a bad sheriff.

               Mr. Miller, holding a full glass of scotch in one hand, sets 
               the circa-80's bulky video camera on a tripod and plugs it 
               into the porta-deck.

                         We're really gonna be in a movie!?

                                     MR. MILLER
                         That's right, Evan, and you get to 
                         be the star.

                         I thought I was the star.

                                     MR. MILLER
                         Shut up, moron. Now get in your 
                         costume, Evan. And you have to 
                         promise, your bestest super-duper 
                         promise, that this will be our little 
                         secret. Think you can do that?

               Evan nods and sticks his arms straight up in the air. Mr. 
               Miller downs his drink and helps Evan off with his clothes. 
               Suddenly --

                                                               HARD CUT TO:


               Evan comes to in an unfamiliar place. The rec-room/basement. 
               Evan's eyes dart from the fireplace to Mr. Miller's camera 
               lens and finally to Kayleigh, whose ashen face trembles 

               Panic spreads across Evan's face.

                         Where am I? What happened? Where did 
                         we all go?

                                     MR. MILLER
                         Calm down, kid. Stand still.

               Evan backs up and awkwardly scurries around the basement, 
               grabbing his clothes.


                         I was just somewhere else -- how did 
                         I get here?

                                     MR. MILLER
                         Quit acting like some retard or I'll 
                         call your mother and tell her what a 
                         naughty little shit you've been.

                         Kayleigh? What happened?

               Kayleigh's eyes are unable to leave the floor. She begins 
               adjusting her disheveled clothing. Evan trembles.

                         What's wrong with me?

               Tommy silently watches from the top of the basement stairs, 
               absently wringing the head off one of his sister's dolls.


               Dr. Redfield places Evan's CAT-scan slides on the light box. 
               Andrea squints, unable to interpret them.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Well, the good news is that the 
                         results are negative. I've found no 
                         evidence in the way of lesions, 
                         hemorrhaging, tumors...

                         And the bad news?

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Unfortunately, we've got nothing to 
                         work with. It's harder playing 
                         detective now.

                         But you must have something to go 

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         If I had to guess, I'd say the 
                         blackouts are stress related.

                         But he's seven. What kind of stress 
                         can he have?

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Plenty. Who knows? Maybe he's got 
                         severe coping problems about not 
                         having a father. Did you say the 
                         last blackout occurred when he was 
                         with his friend's dad.

                         Come on, I doubt the answer's that 

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         You'd be surprised how often they 

                         Well, he has been pushing me to meet 
                         his father, but I've been putting it 

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         It's worth a shot. I can arrange a 
                         controlled meeting. A careful dose 
                         of sedatives for Jason, some security, 
                         you and I monitoring. Evan comes in 
                         for a quick visit and with any luck, 
                         no more missing father complex.

                         How soon?...


               Evan, dressed in his Sunday best, writes copiously in a 
               journal marked "AGE 7."

               EVAN'S DIARY

               "April 15. Today I get to mete my father. His name is Jason 
               and he is crazy. I hope he lets me call him dad."


               Andrea tightly grips Evan's hand as the pair follow Dr. 
               Redfield down a corridor. Evan's enthusiasm is dampened by 
               the sounds of distant screams and bloodcurdling laughter.

                         Dad lives here?

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Not in this wing, actually. No.

                         Now your father may seem sleepy to 
                         you, but that's just because of his 
                         medicine, okay?


               They walk to the end of the corridor and come to a "Visitor's 

               Dr.Redfield leads Evan inside. Andrea begins to follow, but 
               the doctor gestures that she stay outside.


               Evan takes a seat at a long rectangular table. His eyes are 
               fixated on the door on the other side of the room. Finally, 
               a dark figure can be seen through the opaque glass.

               JASON, thirty and haggard looking, enters the room. His eyes 
               want to sparkle at seeing his son for the first time. But 
               tranquilizers have dulled the effect.

               Evan's eyes fixate on the leg-restraints and handcuffs that 
               hinder Jason's movement. Finally Jason sits.

               He smiles warmly and speaks in over-enunciated tones.

                         It's okay. I won't bite. You've seen 
                         pictures of me, right?

                         Uh-huh. Mom says I have your eyes 
                         and your --

                                                              SMASH CUT TO:


               Evan "comes to" in another unfamiliar place. Rather than 
               seeing his father across a table, he's looking up at a 

               Blocking his view of the ceiling is Jason, whose face is now 
               monstrous with rage, and whose cuffed hands are wrapped around 
               Evan's throat, choking the life out of him.

                              (through clenched 
                         I... love... you.

               Suddenly, ORDERLIES tackle Jason from both sides and wedge a 
               baton under his jaw to wrench him away. Andrea frantically 
               struggles to rescue Evan from Jason's clutches.

                         He has to die! You don't understand! 
                         It's the only way to stop it!

               Jason wrestles the baton from under his chin, hits an orderly 
               in the kneecap and comes for Evan with the baton!

               Orderly #2 acts quickly, beating Jason with his baton. As 
               Jason makes another desperate grab for Evan, Orderly #2 is 
               forced to bash him in the skull. Down for the count.

               Andrea hugs Evan, now in shock.

                         I'm sorry, Evan. I'm sorry.

               And ALARM sounds and Andrea tries to cover Evan's eyes, but 
               through her fingers he can see a quick blur of a pool of 
               blood spreading from Jason's head.

                                                             FADE TO BLACK:

               FADE IN:

               EXT. CEMETERY - DAY - 1989

               Dressed in black, Andrea and Evan watch Jason's casket being 
               lowered into the ground. Andrea's tears soak through her 
               veil. A few feet back, Kayleigh stands behind Evan.

                         Ashes to ashes... dust to dust.

               Evan watches the coffin descend, disappearing from sight. 
               Kayleigh steps up to Evan and takes his hand. A moment. And 
               she softly whispers in Evan's ear.

                         You're better off anyway.

               A rumble of thunder. Evan looks up at the brooding dark 

               EXT. CEMETERY - DUSK

               Gray skies. Andrea drives the children home. Evan stares at 
               the passing tombstones that flutter by like a white picket 
               fence. The flickering strobe effect that intensifies into a 
               white blur is hypnotic.

                                                        SLOWLY DISSOLVE TO:

               EXT. MILLER'S HOUSE - DAY - 1995

               Bright and sunny. The lawn freshly cut. A Toro lawnmower has 
               been carelessly left in the grass-strewn driveway.

               TITLE: SIX YEARS LATER

               CRANE DOWN to the window of the --


               Evan, Kayleigh, Tommy and Lenny are now THIRTEEN. Evan exhales 
               cigarette smoke, taps his ash and finishes sketching a 
               portrait of Kayleigh in his journal.

               Tommy wears a leather jacket and now has traces of peach 
               fuzz on his upper lip.

               Kayleigh's hair is longer now, albeit stringy and unkempt.

               Evan closes his journal and coolly ignites a STRIKE-ANYWHERE 
               MATCH with his thumb and lights Kayleigh's cigarette. Everyone 
               but Lenny smokes in the basement.

               Tommy, now with longer hair, ransacks his father's army locker 
               looking for something.

                         Tommy, I'm bored shitless over here. 
                         What's up already?

                         Hold your horses, man. It's here 
                         somewhere. I saw it when I was a 

               Tommy absently chucks an old Playboy toward Lenny. Kayleigh 
               seems uncomfortable by the sight of it.

                              (to Tommy)
                         We should go soon. If Dad catches us 
                         smoking down here, we're dead.

                         So let's go. This place creeps me 

               Evan claps his hands and stands up, Lenny and Kayleigh join 
               him. Finally, Tommy shakes an old army thermos and hears 
               something rattling inside.

                         I knew it had something to do with 
                         the army.

               Tommy opens the thermos, tips it over and a blockbuster (1/4 
               stick of dynamite) spills out. Tommy grins mischievously.

                         Let's blow the shit out of something!

               EXT. HALPERNS' FOREST - DAY

               Tommy leads Evan, Kayleigh and Lenny on a mission through 
               the woods. Everyone smokes except Lenny, yet he's the only 
               one who's wheezing. He pulls out an inhaler and takes a puff.

                         Guys, slow up, would you?

                         Evan, did I tell you? My mother said 
                         I might be able to visit her this 
                         summer in Orlando with her new family.

                         What did I say about mentioning that 

                         Where the hell are you taking us 
                         anyway? Just blow something up 

                         Just blow something up? Are you nuts? 
                         There's an art to mass destruction. 
                         Would you just paint the Mona Lisa? 
                         No. Besides, we're here already.

               Now at the edge of the woods, Tommy spots:


               A MAILBOX sits at the end of the driveway. It's exquisite. 
               An exact replica of a Colonial home it serves.

               Across the street, Tommy hands the blockbuster to Lenny.

                         Here you go, buddy.

                         What? No frigging way, man. I'm not 
                         touching that thing.

                         The hell you aren't. Anyone of us 
                         does it, you'll puss out and narc 
                         for sure.

                         Ain't gonna work this time, buddy. 
                         Look how small that fuse is! I'll 
                         get killed.

                         Not necessarily.

               All eyes turn to Evan as he takes his lit cigarette, breaks 
               off the filter and jams the fuse into the unlit end.

                         That should buy you ten minutes at 

                         Gee, thanks friend.


               Lenny paces back and forth next to the three-story mailbox, 
               desperately trying to appear nonchalant. He pretends to notice 
               his shoe's untied and bends down to tie it. From the woods, 
               the other kids watch anxiously.

                         Oh, for Christ's sake, just do it, 

               Finally, Lenny throws the bomb in the mailbox. Then sprints 
               like hell to the woods. Kayleigh shakes Lenny's inhaler and 
               hands it to him when he gets back.

                              (taking puff)

               Evan pats Lenny on the back.

                         You got balls, man.

               The four watch the mailbox in intense anticipation. Evan 
               smiles with the cigarette pressed tightly between his lips 
               and places his hands over Kayleigh's ears. She smiles back 
               at him and presses his hands against her head. Tommy catches 
               this and seems disturbed, and quickly turns back to --

               The mailbox. Tick-tock... tick-tock... It's like a staring 

                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               EXT. HALPERNS' FOREST - DAY

               Evan, running full speed, comes to in an unfamiliar place. 
               He instantly loses his footing and falls to the ground. Lenny, 
               falling on top of him.

                         Hurry! Let's go! Get him up, Evan! 
                         Come on!

                         What happened?? Where are we?!

               Evan gets up and starts running, then realizes he's not being 
               followed. Kayleigh and Tommy are helping Lenny up and carrying 
               him. Evan realizes that Lenny's completely dazed. Evan doubles 
               back, grabs Lenny's arm and he and Tommy drag Lenny through 
               the woods as fast as they can.

                         Oh God... what did we do?

                         Shit, Lenny. What's happened to you! 
                         We've gotta get help!

                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               EXT. LENNY'S HOUSE - DRIVEWAY - DAY

               Andrea's car screeches to the curb of Lenny's house. Lenny's 
               mother, Mrs. Kagan, frantically loads Lenny into an ambulance.

               As Andrea rushes up to the ambulance, Mrs. Kagan gives her 
               an icy glare and slams the ambulance door in Andrea's face. 
               Andrea turns to Evan, now trembling on the front stoop.

                         What is it? What happened?

                              (staring menacingly 
                              at the others)
                         We were just building a fort in the 
                         woods when Lenny freaked out. One 
                         minute he was fine, then he just 
                         froze up. Right guys?

                         What happened, Evan? The truth.

                         I don't know... I don't remember.

                         Something must've happened! What set 
                         him off?

                         I... I blacked out.

                              (building frustration)
                         Don't try to use your blackouts to 
                         get out of this one!

               Evan looks helpless.

                         You're not making this up, are you?

               Evan shakes his head "no". Almost ashamed...

                                                               DISSOLVE TO:

               INT. DR. REDFIELD'S OFFCIE - DAY

               Evan lies on a couch.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         With every breath you exhale, you 
                         can feel all of the tension draining 
                         from your body like water through a 
                         faucet. Nine, ten, and you're 
                         completely asleep. Relaxed.

               Evan breathes slowly. Deeply. Andrea watches nervously from 
               the far side of the room.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Now I want you to go back to the 
                         time you were in the woods with Lenny. 
                         Think of it like a movie. You can 
                         pause, rewind, or slow down any 
                         details you wish. Understand?


                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Where are you now?

                         I'm standing next to Kayleigh, my 
                         hands are over her ears.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Are you hurting her?

                         No, protecting her.

               Andrea suppresses the tiniest of proud smiles.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Okay. Then go a little forward in 
                         time. What do you see now?

                         I see a car.

               Evan's eyes suddenly roll back in his head.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Yes, tell me about the car.

               Evan moans and begins shaking.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Go on. Nothing can hurt you. Remember, 
                         this is only a movie. You're 
                         completely safe.

                         I can't... the car vanishes and all 
                         of a sudden I'm on the ground in the 

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         The car doesn't vanish Evan. The 
                         movie in your head has broken, that's 
                         all. But now I've re-spliced it and 
                         I want you to tell me about the car.

                         It's coming... argh! I can't!

               Evan moans and shakes on the couch.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Fight it Evan. Hurry. It's coming!

               Blood begins to trickle from Evan's nose as a guttural sound 
               is uttered from deep within him. Dr. Redfield bolts upright 
               in his chair and redirects the session.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Okay, Evan. Listen to my voice! On 
                         the count of ten, you're going to 
                         wake up. Feeling refreshed and 
                         remembering everything we talked 

               Evan moans in agony. Andrea darts into the room.

                         What's happening to him?? Make it 

               Dr. Redfield waves her away and concentrates on Evan.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         One. You're feeling more awake now. 
                         Two, your eyes no longer feel heavy.

               Andrea moves to stop the blood flowing from Evan's nose. She 
               lifts Evan's eyelids and sees only the whites of his eyes.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Five. Six. Refreshed and awake! Seven, 
                         eight. Come on, Evan, wake up, dammit!

               Evan is completely non-responsive.

                         Evan wake up, oh please wake up!

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Nine, ten. And you're awake! Open 
                         your eyes, dammit!

               Nothing but moans and blood. Dr. Redfield frantically opens 
               some desk drawers until he finds smelling salts. He breaks a 
               small capsule under evan's mouth, pinches his bleeding nose 
               closed and lets Evan inhale the vapor through his mouth.

               Evan lurches forward on the couch and falls off. Holding his 
               bloody nose.

                         What happened? Did it work?

               Evan deduces the answer from everyone's horrified faces.


               Andrea drops off Evan, Kayleigh and Tommy outside the complex. 
               Kayleigh, looking morose, shuts the car door and Andrea drives 
               off. They walk through the parking lot.

                              (to Kayleigh)
                         Wipe that sad-assed look off your 
                         face before you get us all busted. 
                         You see the way Evan's mom was looking 
                         at you?

                         I'm sorry.

                         Would someone just tell me already 
                         what the hell happened in the mailbox?

               On "mailbox", Tommy suddenly grabs Evan's jacket and SHOVES 
               him against a parked car. Tommy looks around to make sure 
               nobody heard anything.

                         Don't ever bring that shit up again. 
                         Not ever. Not to me, not to Kayleigh, 
                         or even Lenny. The stupid fuck if he 
                         ever learns to talk again. Understand?

               Evan nods, scared. Tommy gives a final shove.

                              (re: Kayleigh)
                         She don't want to talk about it, 
                         anyway. Do you Kayleigh?

               Tommy's right. Kayleigh clearly doesn't.


               Kayleigh shuffles behind Evan and Tommy as they head toward 
               the theatre. Evan drops back.

                         Are you okay?

               Kayleigh says nothing as Tommy sees the theatre playing SEVEN 
               and whispers.

                         There it is. Let's go.


               Andrea does the dishes as the TV plays a NEWSCAST in the 

                              (on TV)
                         ...was the grizzly aftermath of what 
                         police officials of upstate New York 
                         are calling a horrible act of 
                         vandalism gone awry.

               Andrea turns to the TV, blocking our view. We can only hear 
               the report as she watches intensely.

                         The powerful explosion is believed 
                         to have been caused by a small 
                         quantity of dynamite.

               Andrea's face looks haunted by the on-screen images. She 
               shakes her head in terror and grabs the remote.

                         Police thus far have no leads as to 
                         the suspects...

               She clicks off the TV, trembling.


               The movie's in progress. Evan and Kayleigh sit behind Tommy.

                         Holy shit! Look at that fat fuck! 
                         You'd have to wipe his ass with a 

               Some crowd members TURN around and give Tommy a SHUSH. Tommy 
               whips M&Ms at them.

                         Shut up, faggot. No one's talking to 

               Kayleigh, repulsed, suddenly darts from the aisle and runs 
               out. Evan follows.

               INT. LOBBY - CONTINUOUS

               Evan follows her to a small alcove.

                         I'm sorry Kayleigh. This was a bad 

                         You really don't remember anything 
                         that happened?

               Evan shakes his head "no". She looks devastated.

                         You're so lucky.

               She begins to cry. Evan makes sure no one's staring.

                         It's going to be okay. Lenny'll be 
                         fine. You'll see.

               He reaches to comfort her. But she winces.


                         I'm sorry.

               She pulls her sleeve up, revealing a large bruise.

                         It's not your fault. Mrs. Kagan called 
                         dad and blamed us for what happened 
                         to Lenny.

                         Damn. Your dad did this?

               Kayleigh pulls back her shirt collar to show an even larger, 
               darker bruise.

                              (looking down)
                         I deserve a lot worse.

                         What are you talking about? What you 
                         deserve is a better brother and 
                         father. All they do is make you feel 
                         like shit.

               She looks into his eyes.

                         You really have no clue how beautiful 
                         you are, do you?

               She searches his eyes for sincerity. And finds it. They lean 
               into each other for a TENDER KISS. After a moment, a ROAR 
               from nearby.

                                     TOMMY (O.S.)
                         What the fuck are you doing??

               They jerk back to see Tommy, shocked and betrayed, staring 
               at them from across a small crowd. By now, some teens chuckle 
               at Tommy.

                                     TEEN PUNK (O.S.)
                         Buying popcorn, what the fuck are 
                         you doing?

               Tommy rushes through the small crowd at Evan. His hands in 
               fists. Suddenly a FOOT reaches out and trips Tommy. Tommy 
               falls to the floor and the crowd cackles at him.

               Tommy slowly gets up, locks eyes with Evan. Hatred oozing.

               Evan looks guilty, weakly shaking his head, it's not what 
               you're thinking.

               Tommy suddenly lunges at the TEEN PUNK who must be at least 
               a foot taller than he is. Tommy lands a flurry of punches 
               before the Teen Punk can even defend himself, frequently 
               taking opportunities to eyeball Evan.

               Evan, Kayleigh and even the punk's FRIENDS look on helplessly 
               when TWO SECURITY GUARDS SEIZE TOMMY. Tommy valiantly 
               struggles against them at first. But the moment he realizes 
               it's hopeless, he allows his body to go slack.

               As Tommy is being dragged away, he turns to Evan, a sick 
               smile on his face.  Evan and Kayleigh look back, speechless.

               INT. ANDREA'S CAR - NIGHT

               Andrea drives through the winding roads.

               CLOSE UP

               Andrea's eyes. Tormented.

               REVEAL she's driving Evan and Kayleigh home. Evan's up front 
               and Kayleigh sits behind them. Everyone silent.

               Andrea stares through the rearview mirror into Kayleigh's 
               eyes. Probing. Searching.

                         So how was the movie?


               Andrea watches Kayleigh. A calculated beat.

                         Any exploding mailboxes?

               Kayleigh flinches at the question. And Andrea catches it. 
               Evan can't help but look back at Kayleigh. Oh my god, she 

                              (faking poorly)
                         What do you mean?

               Andrea pulls the car over and stops. After a moment, Kayleigh 
               realizes she's at her house. She exits the car in a hurry.


               Andrea stares at Evan, who keeps his eyes facing dead ahead. 
               She finally shifts the car into gear.

                         We're moving.

               Evan says nothing.

                                                             FADE TO BLACK:

               EXT. ANDREA'S HOUSE - MORNING

               A "For Sale" sign is now planted on the front lawn. Andrea, 
               in her nurse uniform, exits the house to her car.


               Evan discreetly watches her leave through the window. Grabs 
               his coat and exits frame.

               EXT. LENNY'S HOUSE - DAY

               Kayleigh and Evan walk down toward the house.

                         I can't believe Tommy's still pissed 
                         at me. He knows I'm moving away, 

                         He's been acting real strange lately. 
                         He won't even look me in the eyes 

                         Duck, here they come.

               As a station wagon rolls up the street, Evan and Kayleigh 
               duck in nearby bushes.

                         Did your mom say if Lenny was... 

                         He must be. They're letting him go, 

               The station wagon finally heads into the driveway. Evan puts 
               on a smile and charges the car, pounding the window.

                         Welcome home, Lenny!

               Inside the car, Lenny jerks back in horror. Mrs. Kagan looks 
               angry as she rolls the window down.

                                     MRS. KAGAN
                         I think your little homecoming's in 
                         bad taste.

               The smile fades from Evan's face. Kayleigh hangs back.


                                     MRS. KAGAN
                         Lenny's been through a hell of an 
                         ordeal no thanks to you.

               Evan and Kayleigh look guilty as the garage door opens up 
               and Mrs. Kagan continues into the garage.


               Alone, Lenny concentrates on a MODEL AIRPLANE. There is a 
               sudden KNOCK at the window. Lenny's head jerks around to see 
               Evan and Kayleigh smiling through the window.


               Evan and Kayleigh stand on the ivy-covered trellis.

                         Welcome home. Thought you might like 
                         some fresh air for a change.

                         Hi, Lenny.

               Lenny twitches ever-so-slightly.

                         Is Tommy with you guys?

               Evan shakes his head "no".

                         It's cool.

               Lenny looks back at the model airplane. Needs to think.

               EXT. JUNKYARD WOODS - DAY

               Evan, Lenny and Kayleigh pass a junk pile in the woods.

                              (to Lenny)
                         So what did you do in there?

                         It was awful. You can't sleep 'cause 
                         everyone's screaming all night long. 
                         I never want to go back.

               As Evan and Kayleigh absorb this in silence, they see a column 
               of smoke billowing in the horizon.

                         Do you see that?

               Evan and Kayleigh run toward the smoke. Lenny nervously 
               follows behind.

               They exit the woods to find:


               Tommy has stuffed a dog into a gunny sack which he douses 
               with lighter fluid.

               Next to a campfire.


               Evan and Kayleigh rush toward the trapped, helpless dog. 
               Tommy is ready for them. He drops the lighter fluid, picks 
               up a wooden plank and SWINGS! Evan ducks back at the last 
               minute and Tommy accidentally connects with Kayleigh's head.

               Knocking her unconscious.

                         Look what you made me do!

                         What's wrong with you?!

               Tommy, enraged, fakes a high swing, then goes for Evan's 
               knee cap. BASH! Evan doubles over in pain and falls to the 
               ground, clutching his knee. Tommy moves to the fire, Crockett 
               squirming inside the bag and picks up the lighter fluid.

               Evan painfully looks up from the ground and his eyes dart 
               from the sight of Kayleigh, unconscious, to Crockett, trapped 
               in the tied gunny sack.

                         Kayleigh! Wake up!

               No response.

                         Why don't you fucking kiss her, Prince 

               Tommy squeezes the bottle hard, creating a flaming fuse from 
               the campfire to the fluid soaked dog.

               As the flames near Crockett, Evan, seething with rage, stands 
               up with clenched fists and CHARGES Tommy at FULL SPEED --

                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               EXT. JUNKYARD - DAY

               Evan comes to in an unfamiliar place. Still in running mode. 
               His body contorts spastically like a fish on land, since he 
               is now lying face down on the ground.

               Evan regains himself and sits up painfully. His face is badly 
               bruised and he clutches his battered ribs.

                         How long was I out?

               He gets no answer from Lenny, who stands in the exact same 
               spot. Tommy is nowhere in sight and the sound is of Kayleigh 
               weeping. Evan spins to face her.

                         Kayleigh?! Are you okay? Where's 

               Kayleigh, her knees drawn tightly to her chest, is unable to 
               answer through her tears. Evan struggles to rise but he 
               becomes dizzy and falls back to the ground.

               Evan takes a quick glance toward the gunny sack, smouldering 
               then moans and buries his head in his hands.

               EXT. LENNY'S HOUSE - DAY

               A small neighborhood CROWD has gathered to watch an ambulance 
               with the SUNNYVALE insignia take an entranced Lenny away. 
               Mrs. Kagan is about to climb in the rear when she stops and 
               turns to Evan.

                                     MRS. KAGAN
                              (ice cold)
                         Do you know what you are? A monster.

               Evan stands there, speechless.

               EXT. ANDREA'S HOUSE - DAY

               A packed U-HAUL sits in front of Evan's house. Andrea shifts 
               the small truck into gear and slowly pulls out.

               Outside the truck, Kayleigh waves to Evan, tears spilling 
               shamelessly down her cheeks. Evan reaches behind his seat 
               and opens a large cardboard box. It is filled with past 
               journals. He finds the most recent journal, uncaps a pen and 
               writes something.

               Finished he presses the journal to the window.

               EVAN'S DIARY

               "I'll come back for you."

               Evan waves back to her, trying nonchalantly to wipe away his 
               own tears as she fades into the distance.

               When Kayleigh disappears from sight, Andrea looks over to 
               see what he's written.

                         I'm sorry.

               Evan returns the journal and begins writing furiously.

                                                          SLOW DISSOLVE TO:

               INT. COLLEGE CLASSROOM - DAY - 2002


               Evan, twenty now, continues writing in a college Blue Book. 
               He is older, dressed down in worn jeans, T-shirt and plaid 
               flannel. He closes the Blue Book with a cocky grin just as 
               PROFESSOR CARTER, 40, calls out to the class:

                                     PROFESSOR CARTER
                         Time! Please place your blue books 
                         on my desk before you leave.

               Evan grabs his psychology textbook from under his seat, gets 
               up and turns in his exam.

                                     PROFESSOR CARTER
                         How'd you do, Evan?

               Evan flashes a confident smile.

                         I'm not sure. I might have gotten 
                         some stories mixed up. Did Pavlov 
                         condition his dogs to lick his nuts?

                                     PROFESSOR CARTER
                         Typical psych major. A complete wise 
                         ass. And how's your project coming? 
                         Still planning to change the way we 
                         humble scientists view memory 

                         Hey, I got no choice.

               Professor Carter nods solemnly, obviously in the know.

               EXT. COLLEGE - QUAD - DAY

               Evan bikes past students.

               EXT. COLLEGE - FRAT HOUSE - DAY

               Evan bikes past some obnoxious GREEKS.

               EXT. COLLEGE - EVAN'S DORM - DAY

               Evan docks his bike and carries his knapsack inside.


               Evan's dorm is cluttered "double" whose walls are adorned 
               with head-shop posters of Gothic rock bands.

               By Evan's bed is a bookshelf filled with books on amnesia, 
               memory loss, fugues, hypnotism and other related bands.

               Evan's roommate, THUMPER, 19, is a completely punked out 
               Gothic boy who weighs 300 pounds. He currently hands a black 
               lacy dress to CRICKET, 17, a pierced Goth co-ed. She slips 
               the tattered dress on as Thumper wipes his post-coital self 
               off with a black tee-shirt.

               Evan barges through the door, throwing his pscyh books on 
               the bed and politely looking away from the half-naked girl.

                         Whoa. Smells like patchouli and... 

               Evan opens the window and checks out his Psych project: a 
               small maze has several flatworms at one end and a bowl of 
               cornflakes at the other.

                         Cricket, meet my well-mannered 
                         roommate, Evan.

               Cricket puts on her Doc Martens as Evan watches the worms.

                         Yeah, you're the one who fucked up 
                         the bell-curve on my Anthropology 
                         final. Later, Thumper.

                         Nice to meet you, too.

               As she leaves, Thumper takes the black T-shirt by his wallet 
               and throws it on Evan's bed.

                         Here, bro. Found your T-shirt.

               Evan nods thanks, picks up his journal. Reads something and 

                         Get dressed, Thumper, you're taking 
                         me out for my birthday.

                         I thought you were a December baby.

                         This is bigger. Seven years to the 
                         day. No blackouts.

               Thumper pulls out a bong.

                         Let's do this.

               EXT. DIRTY HANK'S BAR - DAY


               A popular watering hole. A dark rustic interior, blasting 
               alternative rock.

               Plenty of underage students carry pitchers of beer to their 

               Evan and Thumper play pool against two young women. HEIDI, 
               beautiful, wears ripped jeans, no make up. She sinks the 
               eleven ball off the rail. KRISTEN coolly smokes a cigarette, 
               confident that she and Heidi will hold the table.

                         So... which one of you has a pet 

               Thumper proudly steps forward.

                         Worms, plural.

                         That's so gross.

               Thumper steps back, points to Evan.

                         Talk to him about it, he's got the 

               Heidi sinks another ball and looks up at Evan strangely.

                         Actually, they're for a psych project. 
                         A study on memory.

               Heidi misses her shot and passes the cue to Evan.

                              (stifling a yawn)
                         Shit, better explain before all the 
                         excitement gives me a heart attack.

               Evan speaks as he knocks the one-ball in the corner pocket. 
               As he talks, at a table behind them, some obnoxious Greeks, 
               including HUNTER, SPENCER, and GWEN make fun of Thumper.

                         It's an experiment with flatworms 
                         and a maze. You take a flatworm and 
                         run it through the maze until he's 
                         memorized it. Then you put a new 
                         flatworm in the maze. He's clueless. 
                         Banging into walls, getting lost, 

                         Like Ozzy.

               Gwen giggles as Spencer throws popcorn at Thumper's head.

                         Ten bucks says he eats it off the 

               Thumper seems oblivious to their taunts as Evan knocks the 
               three-ball in the side.

                         You chop up the smart flatworm and 
                         feed it to the dumb one and presto, 
                         the dumb one suddenly knows the maze 
                         inside and out.

               Evan walks past Heidi, putting his hand on her shoulder to 
               squeeze by. The hand lingers longer than necessary and Heidi 
               doesn't mind. He sinks another ball.

                         Just by absorbing the first worm 
                         into its cellular structure, it gets 
                         all of the worm's memories.

                         That's probably why Hannibal Lecter's 
                         so smart.

               A handful of popcorn hits Thumper's face. They all try to 
               ignore Hunter and Spencer's jeers.

                         So what's the point?

                              (setting up the eight)
                         Maybe if I can figure out how the 
                         memories of a simple worm function, 
                         it'll help me understand the 
                         complexities of the human brain.

               Another barrage of popcorn hits Thumper's jacket. Although 
               his hand clenches on the cue. He meekly shuffles away to the 
               opposite side of the pool table from the cackling Greeks.

                         So are you planning on becoming a 
                         doctor or something?

               Thumper casually takes the pool cue from Evan.

                         No, I just don't want to lose my 

               As Heidi digests this, Thumper carefully lines up his shot... 
               The eight ball.

               CRASH!!! The cue ball intentionally jumps the table, rocketing 
               into the pitcher of beer on the Greek's table. They're all 
               soaked with beer and debris.

               Just as they begin to rise, Thumper smashes the cue stick on 
               the table, WHISTLING innocently (while now brandishing a 
               spear). They sit the fuck down.

               Kristin, impressed, casually wraps her arm around Thumper's 
               waist. He smiles coolly, it's nothing.

                              (to Heidi)
                         I think that's your game.

               INT. EVAN'S DORM - NIGHT

               Evan and Heidi, making out, burst through the door and fall 
               on the bed. Evan's shirt is unbuttoned and Heidi strokes his 
               chest. Suddenly Heidi stops and sniffs the air.

                         Smells like sex in here.

                         Thumper had a busy afternoon.

                         You're kidding. He's so... big.

               Evan drunkenly crosses the room, grabs two beers from the 

                         Charisma and eyeliner go a long way, 
                         I guess. Wanna beer?

               Heidi takes one. Looks under the bed.

                         Most guys tuck their porn under here, 
                         but all you have are... comp books.

                         Yeah. I've been keeping journals 
                         since I was seven.

                         Wow... read something.

               Evan chugs his beer and sits next to her on the bed and puts 
               his arm around her. Very drunk.

                         No way, I'd be too embarrassed.

               Heidi teasingly runs her fingers over his smooth torso.

                         Then keep drinking, worm-boy. You're 
                         too uptight.

               Evan stops short.

                         Freeze! No "worm-boy". No "Mr. Worm," 
                         and no "Worm-Master-General!" Once 
                         you get a nickname like that you 
                         can't shake it. And I don't want 
                         everyone thinking I've got tapeworms 
                         coming out of my ass or something, 

                         Deal. Now read me something.

               Heidi hands him a book marked "AGE 13". He flips it open to 
               a random place and takes the beer from her hand.

                              (re: her beer)
                         For courage.

               Evan takes and finishes her beer and begins reading. As he 
               reads, he seems more and more on the verge of passing out.

                         It's like my mind refused to believe 
                         what it was seeing. Hearing Crockett 
                         make those awful screams... Just 
                         writing about it gives me the shivers.

               Color drains from Evan's face as he realizes what he's 
               reading. He looks over at Heidi, who kisses him.

                         Come on, go on...

                         It was like Tommy was possessed or 
                         something. There was a hate in his 
                         eyes that I couldn't really call 

               As Evan reads, the world seems to ALMOST IMPERCEPTIBLY VIBRATE 
               around him LIKE A TUNING FORK. His voice becomes distant and 
               SOUNDS ECHO around him like distant memories resurrecting 


                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               EXT. JUNKYARD - DAY - 1995

               Evan is THIRTEEN again. The scene begins exactly where Evan's 
               blackout occurred as a child. Tommy has just knocked Kayleigh 
               unconscious with a wooden plank, Lenny is frozen at the sight 
               of Crockett in the fluid-soaked gunny sack. And Evan, seething 
               with rage, stands up with clenched fists and CHARGES Tommy 
               at full speed.

               Evan looks around, utterly confused by his surroundings.

                         What the hell is going on?

               Before an answer comes, Tommy smiles at his good fortune and 
               swings the plank, hitting Evan's head. Evan is sent sprawling 
               backwards, his forehead bleeding freely.

               Tommy knocks Evan hard in the ribs with his boots. Evan 
               writhes in agony, his face against the ground. Lenny moves 
               toward the gunny sack, lifts it and tugs desperately on the 
               rope that traps Crockett inside.

                         I can't undo the rope!

               Tommy spins around and flashes an evil smile.

                         Drop it or I'll slit your mother's 
                         throat in her sleep.

               As if on cue, Lenny does exactly as he's told. His eyes begin 
               to glaze over.

               Evan, beaten and bloody, reaches out with his last bit of 
               strength, grabs Tommy's foot and holds on.

                         I got him, Lenny. Help Crockett!

               Lenny remains frozen in place. Tommy yanks his leg back, 
               breaking Evan's grip.

               Evan groans on the ground in a writhing heap.

               Tommy's voice hitches. His eyes water from pent up 

                         Listen to me good, Evan. There's a 
                         million other sisters in the world. 
                         You didn't have to fuck with mine.

               Tommy smiles viciously at Lenny, traumatized to watch Tommy 
               pick up the lighter fluid and spray a liquid fuse from the 
               campfire to the soaked gunny sack.

               WHOOSH OF FLAMES

               And Evan passes out.


                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               INT. EVAN'S DORM - NIGHT - 2002

               Evan comes to with Heidi slapping him awake.

                         Oh my God! No! No!

               Heidi rolls her eyes.

                         Wake up, idiot. It was just a dream.

               She stands and angrily puts on her jacket.

                              (freaked out)
                         It didn't feel like a dream.

                         Maybe because they never do.
                         So Don Juan, you pass out on all 
                         your dates?

               Evan doesn't even hear her. After getting his bearings, he 
               grabs his jacket and exits, leaving her dumbfounded.

               INT. EVAN'S CAR - SUNRISE

               Evan drives...

               EXT. LENNY'S HOUSE - DAY

               Evan, exhausted, finally pulls into Lenny's driveway. Very 
               little has changed in the past seven years.


               ANGLE ON LENNY

               Now 20, making a model airplane. He's still overweight and 
               looks like his mother dresses him.

               PULL BACK TO REVEAL

               The room is filled with model airplanes. Hundreds of them.

               A KNOCK on Lenny's bedroom door. Mrs. Kagan, grayer, fatter, 
               opens the door and escorts Evan inside. She glares at Evan 
               while pretending to be cheerful.

                                     MRS. KAGAN
                         I've got a surprise for you, Lenny. 
                         You'll never guess who's here.

               Lenny looks up to see Evan, his jaw drops.

               ANGLE ON EVAN

               Looking around, shocked to see:


               Nothing has changed in the past seven years. 

               The same kids' toys, posters and comic books.


               We see he's working on the model again, in his own world. 
               The window of opportunity for conversation has closed.

                         Hey, uh, it's me. Evan.

               Silence. Lenny frowns.

                         What's that you're working on? A 


                         Well, you look busy, so maybe I should 
                         make this quick. I'd totally 
                         understand if you didn't want to get 
                         into this right now, but that day at 
                         the junkyard, could you help me 
                         remember what happened? Any details?

               No response. Evan picks up a model airplane from the desk.

                         I couldn't cut the rope.

                              (containing excitement)
                         Yeah, good, what else do you remember?

                         Drop it or I'll slit your mother's 
                         throat in her sleep.

               Evan, startled, drops the model on the desk. An epiphany.

                         Jesus Christ. It really happened.

               Lenny stares out the window.

                         What if I can get back all my lost 
                         memories with my journals.

               With lightning speed, Lenny jumps from his desk and 
               unexpectedly shoves EVAN IN TO THE WALL. Squadrons of hanging 
               planes crash to the floor. Lenny digs his fingers into Evan's 

                         Make one peep and I swear it'll be 
                         your last, motherfucker.

               Evan is terrified. Then Lenny suddenly moves back and begins 
               working on the model again, his eyes a million miles away. 
               Evan is speechless.

               The door bursts open. Mrs. Kagan looks at the smashed model 
               airplanes by Evan's feet. Evan ignores her accusing stare.

                         Well, thanks for seeing me, man. I 
                         shouldn't have waited so long.

               When Lenny doesn't respond, Mrs. Kagan hustles Evan back 
               into the hallway.

               INT. EVAN'S DORM - NIGHT

               Evan pulls a dozen journals from beneath his bed and begins 
               pouring over them.

               Nearby, Thumper empties a can of hairspray into his Mohawk.

                         You really think he wanted to kill 

                         All I know is that I might be able 
                         to unblock some of my repressed 

               He finds something he's looking for, marks the page with a 
               yellow post-it note marked, BLACKOUT and sets the book in a 
               separate pile.

               As he sets the next journal on the bed, it automatically 
               opens up to a place where the spine was bent. Staring up at 
               him is the message:

               EVAN'S DIARY

               "I will come back for you."

               Evan looks overcome by guilt.

               Later that evening:

               INT. EVAN'S DORM - NIGHT

               Evan has now organized a pile of five journals. He selects 
               an entry, begins reading and suddenly closes the journal. 
               Fear covers his face. He holds one of his hands up and isn't 
               surprised to see it trembling.

               He opens his journal again and reads out loud.

                              (reading aloud)
                         The last thing I remember before the 
                         blackout was holding my hands over 
                         Kayleigh's ears...
                              (his voice slowly 
                         I think I was more focused on her 
                         hands on mine than the mailbox across 
                         the street...

               His own words grow reverberant, distant. Furthermore, the 
               walls behind him vibrate, slightly worse than before.


                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               EXT. MRS. HALPERN'S HOME - DAY - 1995

               Evan, Kayleigh, Lenny and Tommy, all thirteen, watch the 
               mailbox across the street with intense anticipation.

               When Evan comes to in this memory, the lit cigarette absently 
               drops from his mouth and nestles into the folds of his shirt, 

               The mailbox... tick-tock, tick-tock... Like a staring contest.

                         Maybe it went out. Should someone 
                         check it?

                         Yeah, you do that, Lenny.

               Suddenly a car appears from down the street and slowly pulls 
               into the driveway.

               MRS. HALPERN, 24, an attractive young mother, gets out of 
               the car and walks to the mailbox.

               Across the street, Tommy digs his fingers into the nerves of 
               Lenny's shoulder.

                         Make one peep and I swear it'll be 
                         your last, motherfucker.

               Tommy's words make Evan flinch. From inside the car, a BABY 
               begins to cry. Mrs. Halpern walks back to the car.

               Evan looks on in horror and suddenly clenches his teeth in 
               pain and silently swipes the front of his shirt, sending the 
               lit cigarette to the ground. He pulls up his shirt revealing 
               a fresh BURN MARK on his stomach.

                                     MRS. HALPERN
                         How's my sweet girl? Awww, you need 
                         a change, don't you honey?

               Mrs. Halpern picks her up and carries her to the house. As 
               the mother unlocks the front door to the house, the kids 
               break into wide smiles of relief. But wait...

               The mother remembers the mail and carries the baby back to 
               the mailbox. Now Tommy is the only one left still smiling.

                                     MRS. HALPERN
                         You want to open the door, honey?

               The baby fumbles with the mailbox's door handle for a moment --

               ANGLE ON KIDS' FACES


               The blast is deafening. Evan, Kayleigh and Lenny watch the 
               results in stunned horror.

                         C'mon! Run!!

               Evan and Kayleigh slowly back away in shock and begin to run 
               a few steps when they realize that Lenny isn't with them.

                         Lenny? Come on!

                         Oh my God oh my God...

               Lenny doesn't seem to hear, his eyes fixated on the crimson 
               road. Evan and Tommy double back and grab him. They try to 
               make him break out into a run, but Lenny's feet drag limply 
               against the ground. Both Tommy and Evan grab an arm and begin 
               to run with Lenny through the woods.


                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               INT. EVAN'S DORM - NIGHT

               Evan comes to. Lurches his body over the bed and vomits.

               Sounds of squeaky bed springs fill the room. Looking sick 
               and pale, he lifts his shirt to see a NEW SCAR from the 
               cigarette burn.

                         What the hell?

               In the next bed, Thumper's head, wrapped in a blanket, pops 
               up from above a NAKED GESELA'S waist.

                         Christ, man. You wanna clean that up 
                         before I lose my appetite here?

               Evan sits upright in bed and begins writing in the margins 
               of the journal.

               INT. DORM LOBBY - DAY

               The lobby is decorated with colorful streamers, balloons, 
               posters and banners announcing PARENTS' WEEKEND.

               Carefree STUDENTS and their parents carry shopping bags toward 
               the bustling elevators. Evan leans against the side of a pay 
               phone, holding his ear to drawn out the noise.

                         Yes, hello, uh, Mrs. Kagan, this is 
                         Evan Treborn.
                              (rolling eyes)
                         I know. I'm sorry about that. But I 
                         really need to speak with him.

               She's obviously hung up on him. Suddenly, a HAND grabs his 
               shoulder. It's PROFESSOR CARTER.

                                     PROFESSOR CARTER
                         Whoa! Didn't mean to scare you, Evan. 
                         Just wanted to know how the flatworms 
                         project was coming.

                         Oh, fine I guess. It's been kind of 
                         crazy lately with my mom coming up, 
                         so I haven't...

                                     PROFESSOR CARTER
                         I know, I know. Who can think of 
                         worms when your libido's in full 
                         swing, right?

               Evan shrugs and forces a smile.

                                     PROFESSOR CARTER
                         Just don't drop the ball, okay?

                         I won't let you down, Professor 

               Carter waves to another student and her parents and walks 


               A waiter clears the dishes away from Evan and Andrea's table.

               REVEAL ANDREA

               Her hair now has gray streaks. As she signs for the bill, 
               she leans over and kisses Evan on the cheek.

                         Please, mom. People will talk.

                         I can't help it. I'm just so proud 
                         of you. You've got the highest grades 
                         in all of your classes.

                         Did Da -- Jason --- get good grades?

                         Please. He got straight A's without 
                         ever touching a book. That was the 
                         one area where his memory never failed 

                         Ma? Did he ever say that he figured 
                         out a way to recall a lost memory 
                         years after he blacked it out for 
                         the first time?

               Andrea's smile fades.

                         Why do you ask?

                         No, it's just weird with him being 
                         such a brain and all, I just wondered 
                         if he was ever able to remember stuff 
                         he'd forgotten.

                         When he was around your age... almost 
                         exactly your age. He said he figured 
                         out a trick to remember the past.

               Evan tries not to react.

                         I couldn't tell if they were real 
                         memories or just phantoms. You know, 
                         he might only have thought he actually 
                         remembered them...


                         And then, just before it got so bad 
                         that he had to be committed, he said 
                         that he could...

                         What? What could he do?

               Andrea shakes her head.

                         Forget it. It's nothing. He was far 
                         too sick by then.

               Evan nods, but something gnaws beneath the surface.

               INT. EVAN'S DORM - NIGHT

               Evan hastily hunts through his journals, tearing up the room 
               looking for a certain book. Thumper, lying on his bed, quietly 
               watches Evan with growing concern.

                              (reading aloud)
                         I never wanted to be in the movie 
                         anyway and it was cold so I wanted 
                         to wear my clothes but Mr. Miller 
                         took his shirt off --

                         What the fuck are you doing?

                         Shhh! I need quiet for this.

               Thumper jumps off the bed and snatches the journal away.

                         Are you stupid or what?


                         Shucks, I dunno. But maybe there's a 
                         reason why you've repressed the one 
                         day when some old lecher had you in 
                         your tighty whities, dammit!

               Thumper begins scanning the journal entry. A bitter laugh.

                         Yeah, man. I'd think twice about 
                         this. You could wake up a lot more 
                         fucked up than you are now.

               He hands the journal back to Evan. Evan opens it and begins 
               reading it silently.

               His hands begin to tremble and he slams the book shut in 

               INT. EVAN'S CAR - COUNTRYSIDE - DAY

               Evan, looking haggard and frail, wipes the greasy hair from 
               his eyes and punches the accelerator. His teeth are clenched 
               and he hammers his fist on the dashboard.

                                                               DISSOLVE TO:


               Evan pulls into a parking lot of a country diner. He eyes a 
               piece of paper with an address scrawled on it and gets out.


               A run-down greasy spoon. Filled with a number of TOWNIES and 
               TRUCKERS. The place is stale with cigarette smoke and appears 
               decorated in grime motif.

               Evan is about to enter when he spots Kayleigh coming out of 
               the kitchen with a tray full of food.

               Kayleigh, now twenty, looks pale and sickly thin. She bangs 
               her hip on the swinging door and an order of food crashes to 
               the floor. Her BOSS stares back in aggravation.

                         Can we get through one goddamned day 
                         without you breaking something?

               Kayleigh's face turns beet red as she bends down to clean up 
               the order. She is humiliated and Evan leans back against a 
               pay phone so that she can't see him watching her.

               As she brings the mess inside the kitchen, a CUSTOMER pinches 
               her ass. Evan closely studies her reaction to the offense. 
               She flinches uncomfortably but then composes a smile for the 
               customer. Evan backs out uncomfortably.


               Kayleigh struggles with the zipper of a shabby coat as she 
               exits. Evan steps out of the shadows. She's startled at first, 
               but eventually recognizes him. A smile flickers across her 
               face and she allows herself to be hugged.

                         God, Evan! I never thought I'd see 
                         you again. How've you been?

                         Oh, comme si, comme ca, you know...

                         No, Evan. I don't know. It's been a 
                         long time. Fill me in.

                         I'm going to State now. Things are 
                         going okay. I guess. Mom's good...

               Kayleigh nods and they walk down the street. She reaches 
               into her pocket, pulls out a pack of smokes.

                         Not since we were kids.

                         I've stopped a hundred times.

                         So how's Tommy?

                              (takes a long drag)
                         They kept him in juvy for a few years. 
                         Now he works over at Dale's Autobody.

               Evan nods and scrutinizes her face with his next question.

                         You still live with your dad?

               Her face is betrayed by a slight tick.

                         No. I emancipated myself when I was 

                         Wow. That must've taken some courage.

                         Not if you remember my dad.

                         Couldn't you have moved in with your 

                              (shaking her head)
                         She had a new family. Not enough 
                         space for me. Said I should have 
                         moved in with her when we were kids. 
                         But... whatever.

               They walk in silence for a moment.

                         Actually, Kayleigh, the reason I 
                         came back to town was to talk to 

                         Me? Are you kidding? Why?

                         Remember when I was a kid I had all 
                         these blackouts?

                         Of course.

                         Well, lately some of the memories 
                         have begun to come back and I'd kinda 
                         like to talk to you about one of 
                         them in particular. It'd be a big 

                         Well, sure. I'll try to remember. 

                         When we were kids. Your dad was making 
                         a movie. Robin Hood or something?

                         What do you want to know, Evan?

                         It's just... did he... what happened 
                         in the basement?

                         It was a long time ago.

                         I know, but...

                         Is that why you came all the way 
                         back? To ask a lot of stupid questions 
                         about Robin Hood?

                         No, but I think something really bad 
                         might've happened to us.

               Kayleigh stops walking and crushes her cigarette.

                         Is there a point to any of this?

               Evan's features shift from inquisitory to tenderness. He 
               steps closer to Kayleigh and softly strokes her face. She 
               flinches at first, but remains in the same spot.

                         Whatever happened, it wasn't our 
                         fault. You know we couldn't have 
                         stopped it.

               Kayleigh begins to tremble. Tears flow.

                         Look, Kayleigh. This may sound like 
                         bullshit coming from a guy who hasn't 
                         spoken to you in seven years...

               She moves her face away from his hand.

                         But you were seven years old and 
                         there's nothing you could've done to 

               Her face collapses and she turns away.

                         Just shut up, Evan. You're wasting 
                         your breath.

                         You can't hate yourself just because 
                         your dad's a twisted freak.

                         Who are you trying to convince, Evan?! 
                         You come all the way out here to 
                         stir up my shit just because you had 
                         a bad memory!? You want me to cry on 
                         your shoulder and tell you that 
                         everything's all better now? Well 
                         fuck you, Evan! Nothing's gonna be 
                         all better! Okay?! Nothing ever gets 

               Kayleigh runs, stops and turns back to Evan.

                         If I was so wonderful, Evan, why 
                         didn't you ever call me? Why'd you 
                         leave me here to rot?!

               She turns and runs away. Evan looks sick with guilt.

               EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS - QUAD - DAY - 2002

               A few GREEKS play frisbee and talk trash. Evan, tired and 
               depressed, sits on the lawn nearby, fingering the new burn 
               scar on his belly. Contemplating...

               INT. EVAN'S DORM - NIGHT

               Evan enters his dorm. He ignores Thumper, who sits on Evan's 
               bed sucking furiously from a gurgling bong. He chokes out a 

                         Some dude left a message for you.

               Evan puts a towel under the door.

                         You can smell it all the way in the 

               Evan hits "play" on the answering machine.

                                     ANSWERING MACHINE
                              (male voice)
                         Hi, Evan, this is Professor Carter. 
                         Just wondered why you didn't hand in 
                         your essay this afternoon. I was a 
                         bit concerned. Call me to schedule a 

               BEEP. Thumper offers Evan a magnified frown of disapproval.

                                     ANSWERING MACHINE
                              (male voice)
                         What did you say to my sister 
                         motherfucker?! Last night she cried 
                         on the phone for over an hour to me.
                              (enraged breathing)
                         She said you came and saw her last 

               Thumper coughs accidentally, tips the bong over on Evan's 
               bed. Reacting quickly, he grabs a towel from under the door 
               and wipes off Evan's comforter.

                                     ANSWERING MACHINE
                              (Tommy; cont'd)
                         She... she fucking killed herself 
                         tonight. She's dead.
                         And so are you.

               BEEP. Evan stares dumbstruck at the machine.

                         Whoa, bad news, bro. I don't think 
                         this is gonna come out.

                                                               DISSOLVE TO:

               EXT. CEMETERY - DAY

               Evan, dressed in black, gets out of his car at the edge of 
               the cemetery. A small cluster of friends and family gather 
               at the grave. Evan grabs a bouquet of roses and begins walking 
               to the grave. When he suddenly spots Mr. Miller and Tommy.  
               Evan's hands tense up into fists. He becomes weak in the 
               knees and stops walking. After an uncomfortable moment of 
               standing still, he retreats to his car and watches the 
               ceremony from the driver's seat.

                                                               DISSOLVE TO:

               EXT. CEMETERY - DAY

               The last of the mourners are filing away. Evan exits his car 
               and walks to the deserted grave. He drops the roses on the 
               casket and turns to make sure nobody is watching.

               Evan reaches into his pocket and pulls out a sheet of paper. 
               He unfolds it and leaves it on her gravesite:

               EVAN'S DIARY

               "I'll come back for you."

               INT. EVAN'S DORM - NIGHT

               He makes a weighty decision and gets up. He hastily hunts 
               through his journals, looking for a certain book.

               Evan opens his journal marked "Age 7". He plops on his bed 
               and starts writing sideways in the margins.

                                     EVAN (V.O.)
                         It's been said that a person's life 
                         is little more than the sum of his 
                         experiences. If that's true, then 
                         I'm not sure I know who I am anymore.
                         I definitely never knew Kayleigh.

               He turns the page and begins reading the journal. As he mouths 
               the entry to himself, the resonance of an older man's voice 
               seems to REVERBERATE throughout the room and the WORLD behind 
               his head FAINTLY VIBRATES.


                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               INT. MILLER'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY - 1989

               Mr. Miller plays with his camera and the kids are excited 
               about playing Robin Hood in a movie.

                                     MR. MILLER
                         Shut up moron. Now get in your costume 

               Evan slowly nods and begins to strip out of his clothes. Mr. 
               Miller takes a quick peek at him.

                                     MR. MILLER
                         I've got an idea. Let's go downstairs, 
                         it'll look more like a dungeon down 

               INT. MILLER'S BASEMENT - DAY - 1989

               Mr. Miller puts the camera on a tripod in the basement. 
               Kayleigh and Evan sit on folding chairs in front of the 
               camera. Tommy stands at the top of the basement stairs, 
               looking down.

                                     MR. MILLER
                              (to Tommy)
                         What did I say about keeping that 
                         door closed, stupid?

                         But I wanna see!

                                     MR. MILLER
                         You're gonna see my fist in about 
                         two seconds unless you do what I 
                         tell you.

               Tommy sulks and closes the door. Mr. Miller lowers his voice 
               and speaks to Evan and Kayleigh.

                                     MR. MILLER
                         Now in this part of the story, Robin 
                         Hood just married Maid Marian and 
                         they have to kiss and stuff like 
                         grown-ups do.

               Kayleigh giggles and covers her mouth with her hand. Evan 
               looks skeptical.

                                     MR. MILLER
                         So take your clothes off Kayleigh.

               Kayleigh stops giggling. Evan says nothing.

                                     MR. MILLER
                         Come on, like when you take a bath. 
                         Don't make a deal out of it. You 
                         too, Evan.

               Mr. Miller gets behind the lens. The room is dead silent.

                                     MR. MILLER
                         Let's go.

               ANGLE ON TOMMY

               Who silently opens the door at the top of the basement stairs 
               and watches with horror.

               Evan's face is flushed with rage. He walks behind Kayleigh 
               and cups his hands tightly around her ears. She can't hear 
               anything now.

                         What time is it?

                                     MR. MILLER
                         It's time for you to stand where the 
                         hell I told you.

                         Wrong answer, fuckbag. This is the 
                         very moment of your reckoning. In 
                         the next thirty seconds you're going 
                         to open one of two doors. The first 
                         door will forever traumatize your 
                         own flesh and blood.

               The mature speech seems completely surreal coming from a 
               seven-year old. Mr. Miller looks around the room as if he's 
               the butt of some sick joke.

                                     MR. MILLER
                              (stunned disbelief)
                         What's happened to -- How are you 
                         doing that?

                              (voice rising)
                         It'll change your daughter from a 
                         beautiful child into an empty shell 
                         whose only concept of trust was 
                         betrayed by her own sick pedophile 
                         father. Ultimately, it'll lead to 
                         her suicide. Nice work, daddy.

                                     MR. MILLER
                              (hoarse whisper)
                         Who -- who are you?

               Evan impatiently waves the question.

                         Let's just say you're being closely 
                         watched, George. Your other option 
                         is to get your porn off the rack and 
                         treat Kayleigh like... oh, let's say 
                         like how a loving father treats his 
                         daughter. Sound okay to you, Papa?

                                     MR. MILLER

                         Listen close then, fuckbag. You screw 
                         up again and I swear I'll flat out 
                         castrate you.

               The impact of the last sentence isn't lost on Mr. Miller.

                         One last thing.

               Evan leans over to whisper in Kayleigh's ear. Kayleigh stares 
               at the floor, then looks up at her father and shivers.

               Kayleigh looks into Evan's eyes for support. Evan nods go 
               on. His confidence brings a boldness to her lips.

                         Don't you ever touch me again.

                                     MR. MILLER
                         I -- I won't.

               Kayleigh summons her own new courage.

                         I'm cold. And I'm putting on my 

               As he leaves to pick up her clothes, Evan grins.

                         What you need to do is discipline 
                         your son Tommy, because the kid's 
                         one sadistic pup.

               Hiding at the top of the basement stairs, Tommy recoils in 
               horror and picks up one of his sister's dolls and begins 
               twisting the head back and forth...


                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               INT. SORORITY BEDROOM - MORNING - 2002

               A broad smile lines Evan's face as he slowly wakes up from 
               his slumber. He suddenly grabs his head as if suffering from 
               a pounding migraine.


               Quick cuts and flashes of Evan and Kayleigh growing older -- 
               she seems more carefree now, full of life and less self- 

               EXT. ANDREA'S HOUSE - DAY - 1989

               Evan pulls Kayleigh around in a little red wagon.

               INT. FAMILY RESTAURANT - DAY - 1989

               Evan and Kayleigh play in a tub of balls in the playroom.

               EXT. PLAYGROUND - DAY - 1989

               Kayleigh pushes Evan on a tire swing.

               INT. MULTIPLEX THEATER - NIGHT - 1995

               Tommy, glaring at Evan, thrashes the Teen Punk.

               EXT. JUNKYARD - DAY - 1995

               Burning sack in flames.

               EXT. ANDREA'S HOUSE - STREET - 1995

               QUICK FLASH of the U-Haul driving away.

               EXT. BUS STATION - DAY - 1995

               At thirteen, Kayleigh spunkily hops off a GREYHOUND BUS and 
               runs into Evan's arms.

               EXT. ANDREA'S NEW HOUSE - DAY - 1995

               Still thirteen, Evan peddles his bike by his new house, 
               Kayleigh riding on the handlebars.

               More memory flashes of Evan and Kayleigh throughout the teen 
               years, they grow up as lovers now:

               EXT. LAKE - DAY - 1997

               Evan and Kayleigh have romantic picnic on a rowboat.


               Evan and Kayleigh watch the sunrise after senior prom.

                                                                   BACK TO:

               INT. SORORITY BEDROOM - MORNING - 2002

               Finally the memory assault is over. Evan groans in pain as 
               blood trickles from his nose.

               An arm reaches over and touches his shoulder.

                                     KAYLEIGH (O.S.)
                         Honey, are you all right?

               Evan whips around to see Kayleigh watching him. Not only is 
               Kayleigh alive, but she's a ravishing beauty. Evan lurches 
               back from the shock of seeing Kayleigh and falls to the floor. 
               She sees Evan's nose bleed and her eyes go wide.

                         Oh my God, Evan. You're bleeding! 
                         Look at you!

               Evan, still stunned, can do little but stare from the floor.

                              (transfixed by her)
                         Jesus, Kayleigh, you're...
                              (looks around)

                         Mmmm... You give good compliment. 
                         Clean up and come back to bed.

               He stands in the middle of her bedroom, surrounded by sorority 
               plaques and pink preppy decor.

               Evan, hardly able to take his eyes off her as she hands him 
               a tissue. He reaches for his clothes at the foot of the bed 
               and comes up with a Greek-lettered fraternity sweatshirt and 
               brown suede jacket.

                         Where... where are my clothes?

                         Those are your clothes, silly.

               Evan frowns with distaste, grabs a towel and heads out.

               WE FOLLOW HIM INTO:


               At the sink, Evan washes the blood off his face and looks at 
               his reflection in the mirror. A nearby shower SHUTS OFF.

                         This is too amazing! Un-fucking-real!

                                     WOMAN'S VOICE (O.S.)
                         I wish I could get so excited about 
                         a nose bleed.

               Evan turns around and sees Gwen, one of the sorority brats 
               from the bar, exit the shower naked.

                         Whoops. Sorry. My bad.

               Evan blushes and turns back to the mirror through which Gwen 
               dries herself with a towel while staring flirtatiously back 
               at Evan.

                         Hey, you were with those assholes 
                         who threw popcorn at Thumper.

               Evan holds his temple in pain as another memory comes to 

                         And your name is... Gwen!

                         Seriously, Evan. Lay off the blow.

               She pats his ass and exits the bathroom.

               EXT. COLLEGE - QUAD - DAY - 2002

               Kayleigh, wearing a long skirt and tight red sweater, catches 
               the eye of every guy on campus. She and Evan stroll arm in 
               arm through the quad.

               Somehow, the world seems brighter now. Even the colors seem 
               more vibrant when compared to the somewhat grimmer world 
               we've known.

               MANY STUDENTS wave to Evan and call his name. He can't 
               remember all their names but it's kinda cool being the BMOC.

               Evan takes a long look at her and becomes curious.

                         Hey, uh, don't go freaking out on me 
                         over this, but do you remember when 
                         your dad first got his video camera? 

                         Well I remember he had one... but 
                         he, like, put it away after the first 
                         day. Why would that freak me out?

                         I dunno.
                              (goofy smile)
                         Just being weird.

               Kayleigh playfully sweeps her leg around to kick him on the 
               ass, then smiles as if a ghost must have done it.

                         Such a goofus. See you tonight.

               Kayleigh gives him a big unexpected kiss and walks away. 
               After a moment of wow, Evan runs off to class himself.

               INT. DORM LOBBY - DAY

               Evan inserts his last quarter into the lobby pay phone and 
               dials a telephone number.

                              (to himself)
                         Come on, Mom, be there!

                                     ANSWERING MACHINE
                              (Andrea's voice)
                              (Evan's voice)
                              (a strange, older 
                              man's voice)
                         And Chuck,
                              (all three)
                         Aren't home right now. You know what 
                         to do.

                         Hi, Mom and, uh, Chuck. Just calling 
                         to say hi and well, call me.

               Evan hangs up the phone, then checks his watch. No, wrist. 
               At that moment, Thumper passes Evan in the lobby.

                         Thumper! What time is it, man?

               Thumper eyes this strange preppy kid with distaste.

                         Whasamatter? Lost your Rolex?


                         Fuck off, frat boy.

               Thumper walks away, leaving Evan dumbfounded.


               Evan runs into the lecture hall and gets in line behind other 
               STUDENTS who are taking No. 2 pencils from a box on Professor 
               Carter's desk.

               Evan hears PEOPLE he cannot see calling his name. Somehow, 
               it's more creepy than cool. The Professor makes a loud 

                                     PROFESSOR CARTER
                         Remember, everyone! Only two weeks 
                         until your science projects are due.

                         I still owe you an essay from last 
                         week. Is there any way I could get 
                         an extension?

                                     PROFESSOR CARTER
                         And you are...?

                         Evan Treborn.

                                     PROFESSOR CARTER
                         The answer's 'no', Mr. Treborn. Now 
                         take a seat. The exam's about to 

               Evan walks up the aisle and takes a seat. As he sits down, 
               someone puts his ARM menacingly around Evan's throat.

               Evan flinches, turns around and sees Hunter, the frat guy 
               Thumper assaulted the other night at Dirty Hank's bar.

                         Leave me alone, asshole. I didn't 
                         lay a hand on you, okay?

               Hunter bursts out laughing.

                         Evan, you're hysterical. You study 
                         for this?

                         We'll find out soon enough.

                         Me neither.

               Hunter surreptitiously hands Evan a cheat-sheet to the exam. 
               Evan's face brightens.

                         You're kidding. Are these the 

                         Damn, Evan, on the D.L.

                              (holding it lower)
                         Thanks. Wow. Hey, I want to do 
                         something really special for Kayleigh 
                         tomorrow. If I said I needed some 
                         help from you and the brothers...

                         I'd say blow me. Get the pledges to 
                         do it.

               Evan nods and smiles as exams are passed down his row.


               Evan and Kayleigh have just finished having sex. She seems 
               incredibly satisfied, but he looks slightly uncomfortable.

                         Oh my God, that was good. Where'd 
                         you learn all those new tricks?

                         So it didn't feel... weird?

                         Yeah, if you call multiple orgasms 

               She giggles and snuggles into him. He's grateful for her 
               affection, but still looks uneasy. The PHONE RINGS and he 
               automatically answers it.


               Silence on the other end. More silence.

                         Fuck 'em.

               As Evan hangs up, he and Kayleigh share a giggle and he 
               resumes snuggle position.

                         What do you think it is about us 
                         that makes us so perfect? Like, 
                         looking back, whatever gave you the 
                         nerve to sneak out and visit me after 
                         I moved away?

                         As if my dad could've stopped me 
                         from seeing you. What's he gonna do 
                         to me?

               Evan smiles to himself. And hugs her tighter.

                         You think we'll always be together?

               For the first time she looks at him with concern.

                         That is the plan, right? Hell or 
                         high water?

               He's in heaven, but plays it cool.

                         Just making sure.

                                                               DISSOLVE TO:

               EXT. FRAT HOUSE - FRONT LAWN - DAY

               The pledges of Theta Chi busily gather around Evan, their 
               clothes covered in dirt, food and what might be vomit.

               Evan, now dressed like his usual self, bangs a wooden spoon 
               on a metal salad bowl that a poor THETA CHI PLEDGE wears as 
               a hat.

                         Order, order. So all you rushes know 
                         what you've got to do for me?

                                     THETA CHI PLEDGE
                              (correcting him)
                         Pledges, Sir Brother Evan, Sir.

                         Pledges, rushees, same difference. 
                         Now this is a one-time deal. You do 
                         all this for me and I'll never give 
                         you shit again. Promise.

               A buzz of excitement runs through the pledges.

                                                               DISSOLVE TO:


               It's peaceful now. Evan covers Kayleigh's eyes with his hands 
               as he leads her through the attic hallways. Both are dressed 
               to the nines.

                         I don't understand, where are you 
                         taking me?

                         You'll see.


               The wooden door to the rooftop swings open, revealing Kayleigh 
               and Evan. Kayleigh is dazzled by what she sees:

               The entire roof is decorated with fairy-lights, Chinese 
               lanterns and hundreds upon hundreds of candles. And elegant 
               romantic table for two awaits them, flanked by twelve FORMALLY 
               DRESSED SERVANTS (previously seen pledges) who respectfully 
               stare ahead with the utmost class.

               Two pledges immediately pull out two chairs and stand by. 
               Kayleigh applauds and laughs with delight.

                         I don't know what to say. It's 

                         Go on. Sit down.

               As she takes a step toward the table -- FLOWER PETALS shower 
               down on her. She looks up to see TWO MORE PLEDGES standing 
               on ladders, delicately tossing pedals.

               Kayleigh looks overwhelmed as she sits down.

                         Why are you doing all this for me?

                         Simple math. When I woke up this 
                         morning and saw your smile... I knew 
                         that I wanted to spend the rest of 
                         my life with you.

               Her hand reaches out to his and grabs it fiercely. Her eyes 
               tell him she feels the same way. A magical moment.

               And they lean into each other for a kiss so enchanted it 
               might as well be their first ever --

               Hunter bolts up the stairs, two at a time.

                         We been lookin' all over for you, 

                                     SENIOR BROTHER
                         Someone trashed your car.

               The moment's gone. Evan and Kayleigh exchange worried looks.


               Evan runs down the front lawn to his car, the Honda parked 
               at the bottom of the hill. His face collapses.

               Evan's car has been trashed and is surrounded by broken glass. 
               The seats and tires have been slashed, the hood has been 
               mysteriously yanked off and the steering wheel sits on the 

               The most unnerving thing, however, is a SPIKED LEATHER DOG 
               COLLAR hangs off the rearview mirror.

               By now a crowd has gathered. Evan runs up to people.

                         Did you see who did this? You see 

               No one will answer with anything more than a shrug.

                         Probably them Pika fuckers.

               But Kayleigh knows better. She stares at the collar.

                         How could he get away with this? 
                         Right in front of the goddamn frat 

               A SENIOR BROTHER angrily calls him from the lawn.

                                     SENIOR BROTHER
                         Frat house? Hey man, would you call 
                         your "country" a "cunt"?

               Kayleigh shudders and Evan puts his arms around her.

                         Don't. He's probably watching.


               Evan leads Kayleigh into his bedroom and shuts the door. 
               Evan can't help but look under the bed. No one. He then locks 
               the door, reaches into his desk and finds a tiny canister of 
               Pepper Spray.

                         It's my fault. I should have told 
                         you he was released a few weeks ago.

                         Might'a been nice.
                              (re: pepper spray)
                         Like this is gonna do any good. Maybe 
                         one of the frat guys has a gun.

                         Please, Evan. Don't even joke. He 
                         wouldn't hurt you. He's just trying 
                         to scare you away from me.

                              (shaking the cannister)
                         Yeah, right. Tell that to Crockett.

                         It's not his fault, Evan. You knew 
                         how bad he had it when we were kids.

                         Don't give me this Oprah-book club 
                         bad upbringing shit, because you 
                         turned out fine.

                         My father never laid a hand on me. 
                         It's like the prick saved it all up 
                         for Tommy.

               Evan sits in silence for a moment, contemplating this. 
               Kayleigh's eyes plead for him to have compassion.

                         Fine, then. We'll let campus security 
                         deal with him.

               EXT. COLLEGE QUAD - NIGHT

               Kayleigh and Evan walk through the all-but-deserted campus. 
               Evan seems especially paranoid. In the distance, some guy 
               vomits loudly.

                         Are you okay?

                         What do you mean?

                         It's just... you've been acting kinda 
                         strange, you know?

                         Like how?

                         I don't know. You seem... different. 
                         You make weird jokes. Your accents 
                         changed. You don't even walk the 

                         I walk differently?

                         I can't put my finger on it, but 
                         everything's a bit off. Even the 
                         dinner tonight. It was beautiful, 

                         I know I've been actin strange lately. 
                         It's just that... I don't want 
                         anything to happen to us.

               The guy along the path gags loudly into the bushes. Kayleigh 
               and Evan instinctively avert their eyes. Suddenly, Kayleigh's 
               ears perk and she stops walking mid-stride.

                         Wait. Something's not right. Isn't 
                         that your jacket?


               The guy, wearing Evan's brown suede jacket, suddenly springs 
               to his feet, revealing his face for the first time.


               Tommy has grown in the last seven years. He has long, greasy 
               hair and some tattoos. He holds a TIRE THUMPER (a short, 
               steel bat for truckers) menacingly in his right hand.

               Evan stands frozen in fear, his hands rooted in his coat 

                         Leave us alone you sick fuck!

                         Get this "us" shit. As if I was gonna 
                         lay a hand on my own sister. You've 
                         done nicely for yourself, Evan. Nice 
                         friends, nice life, not to mention 
                         you're fucking my sister. Not a bad 
                         piece of ass if I say so myself.

                         Shut up, Tommy!

                         Aw, hey now, that was a compliment.

               Tommy takes a few practice swings with the tire thumper.

                         What the hell are you doing?

                         It wasn't enough that the whole world 
                         loves you, but you had to take away 
                         the last person on earth who didn't 
                         think I was a piece of shit.

                              (suppressing panic)
                         No one thinks you're a piece of shit, 

                         Right, Evan. I believe you just said 
                         "sick fuck."

               Tommy rushes Evan and bashes him with the tire thumper in 
               the shoulder and ribs.

               Evan goes down. As Tommy prepares to bash his brains in, 
               Evan whips out the Pepper Spray and nails Tommy in the face.

               Tommy reels back in pain, covering his eyes with this free 
               hand. Evan struggles to his feet and circles around Tommy, 
               keeping a distance as he douses Tommy with Pepper Spray. 
               Kayleigh screams. Tommy blindly stumbles around, madly 
               swinging the tire thumper. Evan charges forward in an 
               uncontrollable rage, rips the weapon out of Tommy's hands 
               and sprays a lethal dose of pepper spray into Tommy's open 

                         Evan, stop! You're gonna kill him!

                         He's a fucking maniac!

               Evan knocks Tommy down with the tire thumper. Kayleigh screams 
               and tries to hold Evan back, but he easily wrestles free of 
               her. She runs to a blue streetlight on the quad.

                         He ruined Lenny's life --

               Evan kicks Tommy hard in the ribs. Kayleigh pushes a button 
               on the "Blue Light" lamp post and an ALARM WAILS.

                         He killed Crockett --
                              (kicks him)
                         Murdered that woman and her baby!
                              (kicks again)
                         And he's trying to kill me, Kayleigh! 
                         He's trying to fucking kill me!

               Evan raises the tire thumper for a final attack and swings 
               down OFF CAMERA.


               Evan sees what he's done and drops the weapon, horrified. 
               Kayleigh sees what Evan's done to her brother. And stops 
               cold when she sees the damage to Tommy.

               Evan rushes toward her and she stumbles backwards, still 
               terrified by his rage, and skitters away from him in a 
               crablike fashion.

               SIRENS come racing to the quad. Evan looks away from Tommy's 
               limp body.

               Collapses to the ground and begins to weep.

                                                               DISSOLVE TO:


               A SECURITY VEHICLE pulls through the ominous metal gates of 
               the large state prison. The vehicle stops and Evan, along 
               with nine other convicts, exit in leg and hand restraints.


               Evan, now wearing his standard issue inmate uniform, enters 
               the General Population area of the prison. PRISONERS begin 
               screaming vicious taunts and catcalls at the fresh batch of 
               new inmates. Evan tries to keep composed and walks toward 
               his cell. Evan looks up to see one of the men leaning over 
               the second tier, KARL, a huge muscular con with tattoos of 
               swastikas and other Nazi symbols on his arm, blows a kiss at 
               Evan and winks.

               INT. EVAN'S CELL - DAY

               Evan enters a dimly lit cell plastered with pictures of Jesus 
               Christ and various Saints. Burning flames on open cans of 
               shoe polish serve as candles to the large shrine.

               There is a stained bare mattress on the top bunk. Sitting on 
               the bottom bunk is CARLOS, 30s, a massive Hispanic convict 
               covered with faded Indian ink jail tats of Christ in agony.

               Carlos stares at Evan disinterestedly as Evan makes up his 
               bed on the top bunk.

                         First time?

               Evan nods glumly.

                         Best not bitch up. Wind up someone's 
                         luggage that way.

                         Can you protect me?

                         Jesus himself couldn't make me take 
                         on the Brotherhood. When they come, 
                         just put your mind in another place, 
                         man. Be somewhere else.

               A BUZZER SOUNDS. Carlos leaves the cell without another word.


               Evan sets his tray down at a table filled with Carlos and 
               some other INMATES. No sooner has he sat down to eat, do 
               eager forks reach onto his tray and steal his food. Carlos 
               shrugs at Evan and offers him a roll.


               Andrea sits across from Evan in the visitor's chamber. Her 
               hair is now bottle-blonde. Four inches of Plexiglas separate 
               the two and they talk on monitored phones. Andrea, frazzled, 
               twirls an unlit cigarette.

                         ...I spoke to your new lawyer about 
                         the appeal. He's sure he can get you 
                         off on self-defense, so if you're 

                         How long will I be in here?

                         I don't know. These things take time.

                         How's Kayleigh doing? She all right?

               Andrea's look tells him to look for hope elsewhere.

                         What about my journals, Mom? Did you 
                         bring the ones I asked for?

               Andrea nods, holding up two comp books. "AGE 7" and "AGE 

                         I found these. The others are still 
                         in storage.

                         Damn it, Mom. I told you I need them 

                         Fine. You'll get them, Evan. But I 
                         think it's far more important to 
                         focus on your case right now.

               Evan looks as if he's about to disagree with her, but he 
               closes his mouth and placates her.

                         Sure, Mom. You're right. Just try to 
                         tell Kayleigh I'm sorry.

               And officer signals Evan and points to his watch.

                         I'm not gonna lose you, kiddo. Promise 
                         me you'll hang on, Ev.

               They look at each other and Evan slowly lowers the phone. He 
               hangs up, Andrea still pressing her phone to her ear.


               Evan walks closely behind Carlos through a corridor, clutching 
               his journals. As he passes Karl, the Neo-Nazi, Karl reaches 
               over and firmly grabs Evan's crotch.

               Evan, totally violated, turns white with rage.

                         Shit on my dick or blood on my knife.

               Evan stands there, stunned, unable to react when --

               Another Neo-Nazi, RICK, swats Evan's journals out of his 
               hands and onto the floor. Life springs back into Evan as he 
               rushes for the journals. He and Rick grab the journals at 
               the same time. A minor tug of war.

                         Let go! They're mine!

               Rick tears them away, Evan coming up with only a few torn 
               pages. Evan sees the damage and goes mental.


               Evan swings at Rick and misses. INMATES CHEER! It's on! Rick 
               lunges for Evan, a brief and painful scuffle ensues, the 
               journals getting trampled. Suddenly -- The sounds of COCKED 
               RIFLES echo through the air. The fight stops instantly as 
               Rick and Evan look up to see --

               ANGLE ON

               OFFICER STATION. Officers aim rifles at the pair. From an 
               upper tier, even more officers with more rifles.

               Their barrels sight directly at Evan. Rick steps away, quick 
               to maliciously scoop up Evan's torn journals.

                         We'll be comin' for you tonight, 

               Evan catches his breath, then looks at the remaining few 
               pages on the floor.

               INT. EVAN'S CELL - DAY

               Evan enters the cell with a few entry pages. He looks through 
               them. Nothing there.

               Evan nods depressed, then sees the page from his "Age 7" 
               journal, grabs Carlos' duct tape and tapes the page over his 

               INT. PRISON CORRIDOR - DAY

               Evan, walking toward some White Supremacists, flinches 
               whenever the occasional INMATE brushes against him. Evan is 
               completely paranoid, waiting for an inevitable attack. Karl 
               makes himself visible among them, holding a journal. He reads:

                              (from Evan's journal)
                         Today I found my grandfather's death 
                         certificate. He died in a nut house, 
                         just like my father. Mom denies it, 
                         but she thinks I'm gonna end up the 
                         same way...

               The other Supremacists start laughing and calling "looney" 
               and "nut job." Evan rushes past them and they make chicken 
               clucks at him.

               EXT. PRISON YARD - DAY

               Evan and Carlos sit on BLEACHERS that overlook the other 
               prisoners working out.

               Evan closely watches Karl and Rick who stare daggers at him 
               from across the yard. A SKINHEAD PASSES SOMETHING with a 
               white-taped handle to Karl but no officers seem to notice.

               Evan slides closer to Carlos and stares at the Jesus Christ 
               tattoos all over Carlos' back.

                         You're religious Carlos, you believe 
                         that bit about "the Lord works in 
                         mysterious ways?"

                         Straight up.

                         Because I think he sent me to your 
                         cell on purpose. For you to help me.

                         Shit. I knew you were crazy.

                         I ain't bullshitting. Jesus speaks 
                         to me in my dreams.

               Carlos scoffs whatever.

                         Pack of smokes says I can prove it 
                         to you.

               Carlos is suddenly interested.

               INT. EVAN'S CELL - LATER

               Evan holds a tattered journal entry in his hand and finishes 
               up a conversation.

               Carlos looks dumbfounded.

                         So when I'm out, I need you to watch 
                         my face and hands closely.

                         You need to see the prison shrink, 

               Their conversation stops when a convict rolls a mail cart 
               by, Evan looking up expectantly.

                         Anything today?

                         Yep. Just not for you.

               Disappointed, Evan turns back to Carlos. Holds up his journal 

                         Just tell me if anything weird 

                         Weirder than this?

                         Marks, scars, I dunno. Anything could 
                         happen I guess.

               Evan studies the page.

               JOURNAL ENTRY

               "On Wednesday I got in trouble for a drawing that I didn't 
               do. Mommy wont let me see it."

               Then as he starts reading it to himself, the bars behind him 
               almost imperceptibly VIBRATE --

                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               INT. FIRST GRADE CLASSROOM - DAY - 1989

               Evan, seven, COMES TO in an old familiar place. WE are back 
               in Mrs. Boswell's first grade class. All of the children 
               draw colorful pictures. Evan sees some paper spindles sitting 
               on Mrs. Boswell's desk. As he heads over to them, Mrs. Boswell 
               firmly grabs his shoulders and steers him back to his own 

                                     MRS. BOSWELL
                         No monkey business, Evan. Sit still 
                         and finish your drawing.

               Evan, defeated, looks over at his blank piece of paper. He 
               smiles mischievously, and grabs some colored pencils.

                                     MRS. BOSWELL
                         That's great everyone! Just imagine 
                         anything you want to be. There are 
                         no limits.

               Soon enough, an image emerges: Evan holding a knife, stands 
               over a heap of several dead inmates Karl and Rick.

               When done, he sneaks over to Mrs. Boswell's desk, where the 
               two paper spindles sit. The metal needles reach up and skewer 
               a number of paper notes and messages.

               Evan looks over to see Mrs. Boswell holding up his drawing, 

                         Oh, Mrs. Boswelllllllll?

               She looks over in time to see Evan using all of his seven-
               year old strength to WHIP his hands down toward the spindles!

               The moment before his palms reach them there's a brief instant 
               where SOUNDSCAPES COLLIDE and the world behind him VIBRATES.

                                                         AND WE'RE BACK TO:

               INT. EVAN'S PRISON CELL - DAY - 2002

               Evan comes to as ECHOES OF SCREAMING CHILDREN FADE. Alertness 
               slowly creeps back up on him as he hears:

                         Oh sweet Jesus. It's true. It's a 
                         miracle! A miracle!

               Evan looks up to see Carlos staring at him with reverence.

                         Your hands. The stigmata!

               Evan looks to see two scars in the center of each palm.

                         What did you see? What did it look 

                         Signs of the Lord. They just appeared 
                         out of nowhere. I thought you were 

                         So you believe me?

               Carlos simply stares at him, awestruck, and hands over a box 
               of cigarettes.

               INT. KARL'S CELL - CONTINUOUS

               Evan nervously approaches. A CREW of Aryans block his path.

                         I want to make a deal.

               The Aryans laugh, make discrete eye contact with Karl, who 
               grins and signals to let Evan pass.

               INT. KARL'S CELL - CONTINUOUS

               Karl and Rick wait expectantly as Evan nervously enters. 
               They say nothing, relishing the fearful silence.

                         Look. I'm new to all this but I think 
                         I get how things work. You gotta 
                         join a gang or else end up dead meat.

               They continue to stare.

                         Well it sure ain't gonna fucking be 
                         with no niggers or spics. So how do 
                         we do this? You gotta work your way 
                         up, and I'm the new guy.
                              (looking ill)
                         So... should I... I mean, do I suck 
                         your dicks right now?

               Karl and Rick exchange looks.

                         Is your blood pure?

                         I ain't no fucking kike if that's 
                         what you mean.

               Rick stands. All muscle.

                         Let's see what you got. And watch 
                         the fucking teeth or you'll be leaving 
                         without 'em.

               Evan nods reluctantly and peacefully drops to his knees. 
               Karl and Rick lower their pants to their ankles. Evan looks 
               miserable, about to do the deed when -- CARLOS bulldozes 
               past the Aryans into the room, slamming Karl into the wall 
               and jamming a shank into Karl's crotch!

               Rick instantly charges Carlos, but trips on the pants around 
               his ankles. Evan, anticipating Rick's fall, stomps Rick's 
               face before snatching his journals from Karl's shelf.

               Evan frantically flips through them, hunting for something, 
               as the other WHITE SUPREMACISTS charge the cell.


               Carlos drops Karl's writhing body to the floor and presses 
               his girth against the cell door.

               Evan locates an entry and concentrates on the words just as 
               the other supremacists force the door open -- Evan focuses 
               on the words. Chanting quickly.

                         We took the woods behind the junkyard 
                         just to make sure we wouldn't bump 
                         into Tommy. We hadn't seen the smoke 

               WORDS from the entry begin to SHIMMER. REVERBERANT SOUNDS OF 
               BARKING break the sound barrier and the image of Aryans 
               storming the cell behind him become a FRENETIC BLUR

                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               EXT. JUNKYARD WOODS - DAY - 1995

               Evan, thirteen again, comes to in the woods. Evan stumbles 
               at first, then rights himself. He seems strangely exhilarated. 
               A sinister victory smile.

                         Rot in hell you fucking animals.

               Kayleigh and Lenny, walking by his side, do a double take. 
               Evan shrugs "just kidding" and looks around, getting his 
               bearings. He whips his hand out and stops them.

                         Wait. Before we --

               He suddenly notices Kayleigh who now no longer looks an 
               awkward and unkempt tomboy, but rather a vibrant and feminine 
               young girl. Whereas her clothes were loose and unflattering 
               before, she is now radiant and wears fashionable styles.  
               Evan remembers his mission and darts over to a JUNK PILE.

                         We need something to cut open the 

               Kayleigh and Lenny stare at him, concerned for his sanity.

               Evan roots through the trash until he finds something: a 
               razor sharp piece of metal about two feet long. Evan offers 
               it to Lenny.

                         I want you to take this, Lenny. 
                         Today's your day of atonement. I 
                         know how guilty you feel about that 
                         woman and her baby --

                         Evan. Stop it. It's not the time.

                         Now's the only time!
                              (to Lenny)
                         Today you get a chance to redeem 
                         yourself. Start over with a clean 
                         slate. Tabula rasa --

                         What are you talking about?

                         You're acting crazy!

                              (desperate; to Lenny)
                         Please. If you've ever trusted me 
                         before, trust me on this one.

               Evan places the metal shard in Lenny's hand.

                         Cut the rope.

               Lenny slowly follows Evan as he bolts away.

               EXT. JUNKYARD - LATER

               Evan groans on the ground, writhing. Tommy's voice hitches, 
               eyes watering from pent up frustration.

                         Listen to me good, Evan...

                         I'll do whatever you want. You don't 
                         want me to ever see Kayleigh again, 
                         fine. Just let Crockett go. Besides, 
                         you kill him now and they'll stick 
                         you in juvy for sure. And I know 
                         you'd never leave your sister alone 
                         with your father.

               Evan's words hit home and Tommy's anger slowly dissipates. A 
               look of understanding passes between them. Gratitude, even.

               Tommy looks at the sack and begins to untie it. Lenny comes 
               screaming from nowhere like a bat out of hell! With all of 
               the force he can muster, he jams the metal shard all the way 
               through Tommy's throat!

               Tommy clutches his throat, gagging in blood. Evan surveys 
               the scene in shock:

                         Oh fuck, Lenny, no!

               Lenny drops to the floor, Indian style, wipes the dirt in 
               his hands and freezes up completely. Kayleigh wakes up and 
               SCREAMS when she sees blood spurt from Tommy's throat.

               Meanwhile, Crockett escapes from the sack.

               EVAN'S POV

               Lenny, silhouetted by the sky, seems to vibrate violently as 
               if operating a jack-hammer.


                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               INT. COLLEGE - EVAN'S DORM - NIGHT - 2002

               Evan comes to in a familiar place. His original college dorm - 
               ONLY BACKWARDS.

                         Christ. Help me.

               He sits upright in bed and takes in his surroundings. When 
               suddenly, Evan clutches his head in severe pain.


               INT. SORORITY BEDROOM - DAY

               Color memories of Kayleigh's sorority fade to BLACK and WHITE 
               and dissipate.

               EXT. FRAT HOUSE - NIGHT - 2002

               Memories of Evan's vandalized car fade to BLACK and WHITE 
               and dissipate.

               INT. PENITENTIARY - DAY - 2002

               The faces of Karl and Rick all turn grainy...

               INT. COLLEGE - EVAN'S DORM - DAY - 2002

               As new images of THUMPER become more BRILLIANT.

               INT. SUNNYVALE - PADDED ROOM - DAY - 2005

               A new image overwhelms the others: Lenny, 13, with dark, 
               soulless eyes wearing a straight-jacket in a padded room.

               BACK TO EVAN:

               INT. EVAN'S DORM - DAY - 2002

               Evan's eyes roll back in his head. He shakes uncontrollably 
               and blood pours from his nose.

               Thumper opens the door, sees Evan convulsing and jumps back 
               in horror. He scans the hallways for assistance.

                         Someone call 9-1-1!


               Evan lies on an examining table undergoing another series of 
               CAT-scans. The machines are now state of the art and the lab 
               room has been redecorated.

               INT. DR. REDFIELD'S OFFICE - DAY

               Andrea nervously chews her fingernails as she watches Dr. 
               Redfield post CAT-scan results on the light box. A young 
               nurse pushes Evan, in a wheelchair, into the doctor's office.

                         Okay, doc. What's the damage? How 
                         much time have I got?

                         Cute, Evan.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         It's a little complicated. I haven't 
                         seen results exactly like these 

                         Are you sure? Not even with my father?

               Dr. Redfield and Andrea exchange looks.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Actually, these tests weren't 
                         available twenty years ago.

                         So what did you find.

               Dr. Redfield points to the CAT-scan slides, specifically, to 
               the outer lining of Evan's brain.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         This is where we're finding most of 
                         the hemorrhaging. The outer lining 
                         of the cerebral cortex.

                         Lemme guess. Would that be where the 
                         memories are stored?

               Dr. Redfield stares ahead. Transfixed by the slides.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         I've never seen anything like this. 
                         I've compared these to the ones taken 
                         last year, and there's evidence of 
                         severe hemorrhaging and massive neural 

               Andrea stares at him blankly. Evan impatiently "pops wheelies" 
               in the wheel chair.

                         What does that mean for Evan?

                              (to Andrea)
                         He's saying it's like forty years 
                         worth of new memories have been jammed 
                         in my brain since last year. Overload 
                         city. 'Sat about the gist of it, 

               Dr. Redfield nods, awed by Evan's effortless interpretation. 
               Evan springs out of the wheelchair and stretches his legs.

                              (to Andrea)
                         Mind if I wait in the car? The 
                         lighting here bugs my eyes.

               Andrea nods. Evan shakes Dr. Redfield's hand.

                         Well, it's nice seeing you again. 
                         But you know, people to see, things 
                         to read...

               Andrea shoots Dr. Redfield an apologetic look. Evan heads 
               out the door, accidentally knocking Dr. Redfield's jacket to 
               the floor. He shrugs apologetically and re-hangs it.


               Outside the office, Evan inspects Dr. Redfield's KEYS and 
               attached SECURITY CARD and smiles. Evan covertly winds himself 
               through the maze of corridors, careful not to be seen by the 

               He finally sees a wing marked "CRIMINALLY INSANE". Evan looks 
               around to make certain he's not being watched, then uses the 
               security card to open the door. He looks in every room of 
               the wing until he finds --


               Evan unlocks the door and is moved by what he sees.

               Lenny is strapped onto a metal bed, his arms and legs in 
               tight leather restraints. The dark five o'clock shadow and 
               his malicious grin radiate evil.

               His black and haunting eyes personify hate and murderous 

               Lenny seems neither surprised or happy to see Evan. That is, 
               if he's aware of Evan's presence at all...

                         Is there anything you need? Anything 
                         I can get you?

               Nothing from Lenny.

                         What about the models, man? Bet I 
                         can get you a shitload of models up 
                         in here.

               Still nothing. Not even a glance in his direction. Evan sighs 
               and gives up.

                         Okay, Lenny. Just wanted to say "hi".

               Evan turns around to leave.

                         You knew the whole time, didn't you?
                              (Evan spins around)
                         When you put the blade in my hand, 
                         you knew something big was going to 
                         happen. Didn't you?!

                              (jaw dropped)
                         Y... yes. I guess I did.

               Lenny's eyes seethe with hate.

                         Then you should be where I am. You 
                         should be where I am.

               Evan backs away, face guilt-stricken.

               INT. EVAN'S DORM - DAY

               Evan enters his dormroom (where everything's backwards), 
               reaches under his bed and is relieved to find the journal 
               marked "AGE 7".

               EXT. COLLEGE QUAD - DAY

               Evan is ignored by several Theta Chi pledges as he plops 
               himself by a tree and hunts through his journal to find the 
               entry from when he was seven and visited Jason at Sunnyvale.

               JOURNAL ENTRY

               "Today I get to mete my father. His name is Jason and he is 
               crazy. I hope he lets me call him dad."

               Evan takes a calming breath and begins reading.

                              (as if reciting a 
                         Today I get to meet my father. His 
                         name is Jason and he is crazy...

               Evan gets some strange looks, but continues. As he does, the 
               trees and frisbee-playing students behind him VIBRATE and 

                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               INT. SUNNYVALE VISITOR'S CHAMBER - DAY - 1989

               Seven-year old Evan comes to during the time he first met 
               his father, Jason.

               Jason waits patiently for young Evan to finish his sentence.

                         Are you okay? You looked like you 
                         were somewhere else for a second 

                         Look, Jason, I need some fast answers 
                         if I'm ever gonna fix what I've done.

               Jason is completely thrown.

                         I was praying this curse would have 
                         ended with me.

                         But it didn't. And now I need info 
                         to make things right again and you're 
                         the only one who can give it to me.

                         There is no "right". When you change 
                         who people are, you destroy who they 

                         Who's to say you can't make things 

               Jason seems extremely upset to hear Evan say this.

                         You can't play God, son. It must end 
                         with me. Just by being here, you may 
                         be killing your mother.

                         Bullshit. I'll send you a postcard 
                         when I've made everything perfect 

               Jason launches himself across the table, shackles and all, 
               and grabs hold of Evan's throat.

               EVAN'S POV

               As Jason looks down at us, frothing at the mouth, there's a 
               trick of the light where Jason's head seems to VIBRATE against 
               the ceiling.


                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               EXT. COLLEGE QUAD - DAY - 2002

               Evan's hands instinctively reach for his throat, then he 
               realizes his surroundings. Heartbroken, he shuts the journal 
               and stands up shakily.


               Evan eats in the same diner where Kayleigh used to work. As 
               he eats, his arm sits in front of his plate, protectively. 
               Guarding his food.

                         Just get out, didja?


                              (re: his arm)
                         Nothing. Just that my brother did a 
                         stint in the pen and he used to eat 
                         like that.

                         I come from a big family.

                         Meant no offense.

                         None taken. Hey, uh, does Kayleigh 
                         Miller still work here?

                         Sorry. Never heard of her.

               EXT. MILLER HOUSE - EVENING

               Evan slowly walks up the driveway, which is now a dilapidated 
               mess. Garbage litters the front lawn and paint chips rot off 
               the sides of the house. Inside, Mr. Miller yells at someone.

                                     MR. MILLER
                         Just shut the hell up already! Can't 
                         a man get a little goddman peace in 
                         his own home!
                              (Evan rings doorbell)
                         Oh, for Christ's sake, now what?

               Mr. Miller opens the door and sees Evan.

                                     MR. MILLER
                         Don't suppose you're here to sell 

               In a blur, Evan grabs Mr. Miller's shirt and violently shoves 
               him through the house and into a wall.

                         Good guess, fuckbag.
                              (off Miller's startled 
                         Remember me now? We had a great chat 
                         once when I was seven.

               Mr. Miller goes slack, his eyes wide with horror.

                         One question, fuckbag. Where can I 
                         find your daughter?

               EXT. SEEDY HOTEL - NIGHT

               Evan walks past some junkies and enters.


               Evan steps over some passed out bodies that litter the hallway 
               of an incredibly seedy motel. The kind with hourly rates. He 
               knocks on a door.

               Kayleigh, now haggard, strung-out junkie, opens the door and 
               immediately the contempt for Evan grows in her eyes. She 
               puts out an expression of disappointment.

                         Oh, I thought you were my eight 
                         o'clock. Make it fast, I'm expecting 

                         Nice to see you, too. Can I come in?

               She looks around, waves him in.

                         If I knew you were coming I'd have 
                         cleaned the stains off the sheets.


               The room is dirty and sparse, excepting charred-bottom spoons, 
               yellowed cotton balls and brown-spotted squares of tin foil. 
               Evan doesn't hesitate to sit on the "soiled" bed.

                         What do you want?

               Evan can't speak. His eyes begin to water.

                         I just needed to see... a friendly 

               His sincerity touches her.

                         Well, time is money, Evan. So you...

               Evan reaches for his wallet and throws it on her dresser. 
               Kayleigh eyes the wallet. But makes no move to pick it up.

                         Well, I guess I can spare ten minutes 
                         for an old friend, right?

               Tears fall freely from Evan's eyes.

                         So how's tricks? Sorry, occupational 

                         I get it. You can drop it now.

                              (angry again)
                         Oh, I'm sorry. Does my line of work 
                         make you uncomfortable, precious?

                         No. Just that you need to hurt me 
                         with it. I've been where you've been.

                         Ha! Where's that?

                         The bottom. When you're just a piece 
                         of meat waiting for the next attack.

               Kayleigh watches Evan silently.

                         What's happened to you?

                         You wouldn't believe me. I mean, 
                         people always say, "You wouldn't 
                         believe me", but in this case, it's 
                         not even worth trying.

                         I've seen some sickening shit. I 
                         don't blink twice anymore, especially 
                         in your case.

                         Why's that?

                         Because you're... different.

                         Different? How?

                         Let me ask you a question. Just a 
                         little one that's been gnawing at me 
                         for years.


                         On the bridge. How did you know that 
                         Tommy had your dog? That was no 
                         fucking hunch.

                         Do you remember when I was a kid and 
                         I had those blackouts?

               Evan continues and Kayleigh listens with a mixture of intense 
               interest and matched skepticism.

                                                         DISSOLVE TO LATER:

               INT. DINER - NIGHT

               Kayleigh finishes a plateful of food at a busy diner. She 
               lights up an after-dinner smoke.

                         You're right, Evan, I don't believe 

                         I never thought you would. That's 
                         why I've never bothered to tell a 
                         soul until now, and why I never will 

                         I'm the only person you've told? 
                         That's a great line. Does that make 
                         other girls swoon? Do they actually 
                         eat up this bullshit?

                         I couldn't give a shit if you believe 
                         me or not, and frankly I'm too tired 
                         to prove it to you.

                         Oh? There's proof now?

                         Shit. I dunno. How would I know about 
                         the twin moles on your inner thigh?

                         Anyone with fifty bucks could tell 
                         you that.

                         Then forget that. How about... you 
                         prefer the smell of a skunk to 
                         flowers, you hate cilantro because 
                         for reasons unknown to you, it reminds 
                         you of your step-sister.

               Kayleigh's jaw drops.

                         Oh! And when you orgasm, your toes 
                         go numb. I'm sure your clientele 
                         aren't privy to that one.

               Kayleigh tries to conceal the surprise in her eyes.

                         I just thought you should know.

                         Know what?

                         That I didn't leave you there to 

               Kayleigh flinches as if her should had been invaded, then 
               her eyes fill with distrust and contempt.

                         There's one major hole in your story.

                         Which is?

                         There is no fuckin' way on this planet 
                         or any other that I was in some 
                         fuckin' sorority.

               She opens Evan's wallet and leaves a twenty on the table.

                         Sure you don't want your wallet?

                         Don't think I'll need it where I'm 

                         Off to change everyone's life again, 
                         is that it? Maybe this time you'll 
                         pop up in some mansion while I wind 
                         up in Tijuana doing the donkey act.

                         I'm over it. Whenever I try to help 
                         anyone it all turns to shit.

                         Well, don't give up now, Slick. You've 
                         already done so much for me. Hell, 
                         why don't you go back in time and 
                         save Mrs. Halpern and her baby. Then 
                         maybe Lenny wouldn't freak out and 
                         ruin my family.

               She gets up and puts on her coat.

                         Oh, here's one! Go back when I'm 
                         seven and fuck me in front of Daddy's 
                         handicam, you know, straighten me 
                         out a bit...

               She tosses his wallet over her shoulder at him and leaves.

               INT. EVAN'S DORM - DAY

               Evan enters his familiar looking dorm and hears the familiar 
               sounds of Thumper having sex with another naked GOTHIC CO-
               ED. On Evan's bed.

                         Get out. Both of you.

                         Sorry, dude. Just figured it'd be 
                         okay with you bein' sick and all.

               Evan's temper flares and he picks up a chair and SMASHES it 
               against a wall above Thumper's head.

                         I'm not saying it again.

               Thumper and the co-ed quickly cover themselves in the blankets 
               and leave. Alone in the room, Evan looks under his bed and 
               breathes a sigh of relief to see all of his journals are 
               intact. He sifts through them again. He finally finds the 
               passage he needs. Something catches the corner of Evan's 
               eyes and he turns to examine it.

               To the left of Thumper's Buddha statuette sits a large VOTIVE 
               CANDLE that bears a portrait of Jesus Christ.

                         Lord give me the strength and guidance 
                         I need to set things right.

               As he begins reading a passage to himself, SOUNDS ECHO 
               backward at us from another time and place. And the entire 
               ROOM SHIMMERS around him --

                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               EXT. MRS. HALPERN'S HOUSE - DAY - 1995

               Evan comes to as he, Kayleigh, Lenny and Tommy -- all thirteen -- 
               watch Mrs. Halpern carry her baby back to the mailbox across 
               the street with intense anticipation. Evan suddenly comes to 
               life and makes himself visible, running across the street 

                         Lady, stay back! Don't go near the 

               Mrs. Halpern, startled, stares at the young kid skeptically 
               as she absently continues toward the mailbox.

                         I mean it, woman! Get the hell back!

               Lenny comes running across the street to Evan's aid, and 
               Tommy shrugs and follows after him.

                         There's a bomb in the mailbox. Get 

               Tommy, still running, cringes to hear Lenny's stupid 
               confession and rolls his eyes at the situation. Evan positions 
               himself between Mrs. Halpern and the mailbox, frantically 
               waving his hand at her to stay back, because she's STILL 

                         I'll save you lady!

               Tommy takes a running dive at Mrs. Halpern, perhaps a bit 
               too hard, and sends her and the baby to the pavement, hurt, 
               but no major injuries.

               Seeing things are safe, Evan backs away from the mail --


               The blast is deafening! Evan's body is hurled backwards 


                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               INT. EVAN'S DORM - DAY - 2002

               Evan comes to back in his dorm, the same posters are on the 
               wall, the sheets are the same. Even the familiar sounds of 
               Thumper having sex under the covers.

                         I thought I told you two to beat it.

               Evan's face falls as he hears a familiar voice, but not 

                         What? Hey, sorry, man. We wake you 

               Evan is confused by Lenny's presence, but smiles to himself 
               and shakes his head "no".

                         No, it's cool.
                              (re: Lenny's okay)
                         Really cool.

               Evan yawns, bringing his hand to his mouth, but there's no 
               hand. No arm, really, either. Just two FLESHY STUMPS!

               Evan bolts upright in bed and stares down at his amputations.


               We see countless and brief image flashes of Evan growing up 
               from the age of thirteen with NO ARMS, and requiring a 

               INT. MULTIPLEX THEATER LOBBY - DAY - 1995

               Tommy and Kayleigh load popcorn and drinks onto Evan's lap 
               as Lenny pushes the wheelchair.

               INT. ANDREA'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY - 1995

               Evan celebrates his 14th birthday and blows out the candles. 
               Andrea, Kayleigh, Tommy and Lenny all clap.

               EXT. CHURCH - DAY - 1995

               Tommy pushes Evan to church.

               INT. EVAN'S DORM - DAY - 2002

               Evan screams as blood pours from his nose. Lenny is out of 
               bed at once to help him... as is KAYLEIGH! (Now beautiful 
               and natural looking).


               EXT. LAKE - DAY - 1999

               Lenny and Kayleigh, as teens, sit together with Evan at the 
               far end of the boat.

               INT. HIGH SCHOOL - DAY - 1999

               Evan looks on longingly as Lenny and Kayleigh become lovers 
               in high school.

               EXT. WOODS - NIGHT - 1999

               A campfire. Evan sips from a BEER CAP as Lenny and Kayleigh 
               make out in plain sight with Tommy's bashful approval.

               BACK TO EVAN:

               INT. DORM HALLWAY - DAY - 2002

               Evan's in agony as Kayleigh opens a series of dorm doors and 
               Lenny rushes Evan's wheelchair through. Kayleigh carries a 
               pair of prosthetic arms in her hands.

               Evan moans and tries to rub his temple with his stump.

                         Where are we going?

                         We have to get you to Sunnyvale. 
                         You're having one of your famous 

                         Stop! Take me back!

                         Sorry, tough guy, no can do. Your 
                         mother would kill me.

               Evan launches his body forward and spills clumsily out of 
               the wheelchair. Lenny must halt in order not to crush Evan. 
               As Evan writhes about on the floor, his legs paralyzed, a 
               CROWD GATHERS.

               Evan focuses on Lenny, but it's hard to ignore the crowd 
               that titters and snickers in the background.

                         Take me back, Lenny!
                              (teeth clenched)
                         You owe me that much.

               Kayleigh turns to face the jeering crowd.

                         What are you geeks looking at? Must 
                         be nice to be so goddamned perfect, 
                         huh? Fucking losers.

               The crowd breaks up and leaves.

               EXT. COLLEGE QUAD - DAY

               It's calm now. Lenny and Kayleigh push Evan's wheelchair 
               around the quad. Evan now wears prosthetic arms. Random PEOPLE 
               call out to Lenny. He's extremely popular in this world.

                         'Sup, Sheila! We missed you at the 
                         party! Don't even think I'm giving 
                         you my lab notes either! Think I 
                         like getting up for "eight thirty's"?

               Lenny pushes Evan past Thumper and Cricket. Their conversation 
               stops and they stare at their feet as Evan gets wheeled by. 
               Evan boils to be treated as if he were non-existent.

                         Hey, there's Tommy.

               Evan spins around in fear. He sees Tommy, clean-cut, and 
               handing out flyers in front of a banner that reads "Campus 
               Crusade for Christ." Tommy seems good-natured now, working 
               hard and soliciting names for his list. He looks up as Evan 
               rolls along and his eyes brighten to see Evan.

                         I did what you said, man! We're 
                         pooling our student funds with Hillel 
                         House and we're going to have an 
                         Awareness Dance.

                         Oh goody, nothing like spinning my 
                         chair around to a techno mix of Hava 
                         Nagila til I puke.

               Tommy frowns and exchanges glances with Lenny, who shrugs 
               and nods back to him.

                         Uh, we should be getting to class 

                         Forget it. What's the point of Psych 
                         now? Tomorrow I could wake up as 
                         some dirt farmer in Bangladesh.

               Another exchanged glance. Kayleigh looks at Evan.

                         Let's go for a stroll.

               Evan allows Kayleigh to roll him away from the others. To 
               the very spot where Evan once killed Tommy.

               Evan stares at his prosthetic hand which he can "magically" 
               will to open, close, open, close...

                         So Tommy's really into this Jesus 
                         kick, huh?

               Kayleigh looks at him curiously.

                         You know how spiritual he's gotten 
                         ever since he saved Mrs. Halpern and 

                         He saved Mrs. Halpern? Please, the 
                         twisted fuck.

               Kayleigh, now by a bench. Stops and sits. As she casually 
               uses her foot to turn his chair to face her, she pulls out a 
               granola bar and hands it to him.

               His prosthetic hand crushes it. It crumbles to dust. She 
               seems more confused.

                         Is something the matter?

                              (re: prosthetic arms)
                         Yeah, I think I gotta get these fixed 
                         or something.

               She leans into him, gently feeding him her remaining bar.

                         Kayleigh? Do you ever think about 
                         "us?" I mean, wonder if it could 
                         ever have been different between the 
                         two of us?

                         Sure, Evan, why not? You were the 
                         first person I really ever cared 

                         I was?

                         That's why when I was little I never 
                         went to live with my mother.

                         I don't get it.

                              (feeding another bite)
                         When my folks split, they gave me 
                         and Tommy a choice who we wanted to 
                         live with. I couldn't stand my dad, 
                         but I knew if I moved to my mom's 
                         I'd never see you again.

                         I never knew that. So then you still 
                         sometimes think of us... together?

                         It's crossed my mind from time to 


                         Well a lot of things cross my mind. 
                         I've always been a fast thinker, Ev. 
                         I can play out the movie of our entire 
                         lives in under a second. Boom -- we 
                         fall in love -- get married -- two 
                         kids, your keen analytical insight 
                         matched to my generous nature -- 
                         kids grow old as do we, relatively 
                         stable relationships, matching burial 
                         plots, the whole bit. It took a lot 
                         longer to spit out than to imagine.

                         Then you think it might have worked 

                         Why not? But that's not how things 
                         wound up. I'm with Lenny, Lenny's 
                         your friend. And there it ends.

               She looks into his eyes and shrugs almost apologetically. 
               Tears streak down Evan's face as he speaks in a pleading 

                         Would it make any difference if I 
                         told you that no one could possibly 
                         love anyone as much as I love you?

               Kayleigh shakes her head sadly, then suddenly looks up. Evan 
               turns to see Lenny waving her over. She puts her hand on 
               Evan's shoulder, stands and goes to Lenny.

               Evan can't take his eyes off her.

               ANGLE ON

               Lenny kissing Kayleigh. In painful slo-mo. Evan turns away, 
               utterly heartbroken.


               CLOSE UP

               Evan's stump turns on a BATHTUB FAUCET.


               Evan, fully clothed, lies in a bathtub that's filling with 
               water. Beside the tub, the wheelchair has been tipped over.

               The water rises past his mouth, to his nostrils -- Evan makes 
               his peace and takes a final breath.

               And the water spills over the side of the tub. All Evan can 
               do is watch it, still breathing easily through his nose.

               A beat. Then the door opens.

               TOMMY ENTERS. Immediately sizing up the situation.

                         You forgot to put the toaster on the 

               Tommy casually turns off the water, then pops open the DRAIN. 
               The water level lowers to Evan's mouth.

                         But you, Kayleigh and Lenny like 
                         toast. And that's really all that 
                         matters now.

               Tommy feels Evan's anguish and plops his ass on the wet floor 
               by the tub. He lays his head onto Evan's shoulder.

               Evan bristles at first, but finally gives in to his hatred, 
               ultimately resting his own head against Tommy's. Taking the 
               comfort offered.

                         I'll get you changed. Visiting hours 
                         are almost up.


               Tommy rolls Evan through a quiet hospital corridor.

                              (looking around)
                         What, did mom get transferred again?

               Tommy frowns, confused, then rolls Evan into --


               Evan is startled to see Andrea hooked up to several IV's, an 
               oxygen tank and a respirator. Several oxygen hoses connect 
               to a tracheotomy tube.

               Tommy smiles and kisses Andrea on the cheek. She tousles his 
               hair in return.

               Evan can hardly speak. As Tommy begins to wheel Evan's chair 
               closer to Andrea's bedside, Andrea utters a faint whisper.

                         Looking. Good. Kiddo.

               Evan eyes her MEDICAL CLIPBOARD as he's wheeled by.

                         Lung cancer?

                         Sorry, Mrs. T. He's been out of sorts 

               Andrea flinches to hear this. Evan stares at her, eyes wide.

                         Right... You started chain smoking 
                         after I blew myself up.

               Evan suddenly seems sick with guilt.

                         There must be a way to fix this.


                         I just need the entry about the 
                         blockbuster. Wait, shit, no arms. I 
                         never even got the chance to write 

               A flicker of recognition registers in her eyes.

                         Is Evan... different?

                         He's just going through some tough 

                         Mom. Don't cry. I can change this.

                         I think I'll go check out the chapel.

                         You're. Acting. Like your father.

                         Come on, Mom. Just 'cause Dad was my 
                         age when he started going crazy 
                         doesn't mean that I'm nuts.

               Andrea is shocked.

                         How. Did you. Know that?

                         You told me that on Parents' Weekend. 
                         Remember? Wait, that wasn't me. Or 

               She uses her left hand to pinch off the air to her oxygen 
               tube and forces herself to speak in a sick, GRAVELY manner.

                         Just. Like. Jason.

                         Don't worry. I'm gonna get you out 
                         of here.

               He pushes a lever and the mechanical wheelchair rolls itself 
               out of the room.

               Andrea forces her loudest raspy scream.

                         Stop him. Stop him. Stop him...

               INT. EVAN'S DORM - NIGHT

               Lenny tears through old cardboard boxes in Evan's closet. 
               Evan watches nearby.

                         Are you sure you even packed it?

                         My mom packed for me. I think she 
                         sent everything I ever owned. So 
                         we'll see.

               Evan watches Lenny eagerly as he dumps tons of Evan's junk 
               on the floor. Old report cards, books, toys and photo albums 
               fall on the floor.

                         Is this it?

               Evan beams when he sees Lenny holding his old journal. AGE 

                         What do you need it for? I don't get 
                         you lately.

                         Duly noted. Now I'm gonna ask you 
                         for one last favor.


                         Shhh. I need to concentrate on the 
                         blockbuster if I'm gonna destroy it.

                         Destroy it?

                         If I hadn't blown my arms off, Mom 
                         never woulda started smoking in the 
                         first place. Now shhhh.

               Lenny, utterly baffled, sits back in silence and watches 
               Evan begin reading his journal to himself for a beat.

               ON EVAN

               As new sounds ECHO BACKWARD. There's a --


                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               INT. ANDREA'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - MORNING - 1989

               Evan comes to in his childhood kitchen. He is only seven 
               years old. He coughs up Lucky Charms that have "magically" 
               appeared in his mouth. On a journal before him is the recently 
               written passage:

               JOURNAL ENTRY

               "Today Mommy is taking me to play with Kayley and Tommy. I 
               will mete there father and see what a real dad is like."

               Andrea is nowhere in sight. Evan springs to his feet and 
               flexes his real hands triumphantly.

                         Yes. Now how do I destroy the 

               He rummages through the utensil drawer and pulls out a large 
               butcher knife and grabs it. He tucks it into his sock but it 
               won't fit. He's still debating what to do when:

               ANDREA WALKS IN and is startled by the unexpected sight of 
               Evan holding a huge knife.

               Evan sees her but remains expressionless. Andrea's face 

                         Evan? What are you doing with that 


                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               INT. EVAN'S DORM - NIGHT - 2002

               Evan comes to to find Lenny still staring at him. Waiting 
               for something big to happen.

                         Well, that didn't work...

               Evan flips a single page of his journal and tries again. He 
               reads to himself, then relaxes his head --


                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               INT. MILLER'S BASEMENT - DAY - 1989

               Evan, seven again, stands in the basement dressed in his 
               Robin Hood costume as Mr. Miller prepares for the sex scene.

                                     MR. MILLER
                         Now in this part of the story, Robin 
                         Hood just married Maid Marian and 
                         they have to kiss and stuff like 
                         grown-ups do.

               Kayleigh giggles. There seems to be a new glint of 
               intelligence in Evan's eyes as he adjusts to his new 

                         Wait! I need my belt!

               Mr. Miller is puzzled, but watches Evan SKIP to the fireplace.

                              (overly childlike)
                         Loo loo, skip to my loo. Loo loo, 
                         skip to my loo.

               Mr. Miller puts his eye back to the viewfinder as Evan quickly 
               finds Mr. Miller's old army thermos in the bottom drawer of 
               the dresser, opens it and shakes out the blockbuster.

                         Loo, loo, skip to my loo.

               He tries to crack it with his own hands, but his seven-year 
               old body is too weak.

                                     MR. MILLER
                         Hey kid, don't bother with the belt.

               Mr. Miller finally turns around and sees Evan banging the 
               blockbuster on the table. Shock registers in Mr. Miller's 
               eyes and he takes a step towards Evan.

                         Back off, fuckbag!

               Mr. Miller freezes on that, and Evan smiles at him.

                         Amazing. That word never fails to 
                         make an impression with you...

               Mr. Miller takes a slow, non-threatening step toward Evan.

                                     MR. MILLER
                         Easy does it, Evan! Don't be a bad 
                         boy or I'll tell mommy you were 

                         And I'll tell the Child Protective 
                         Services about your kiddie porn 
                         endeavors. One step closer and I'll 
                         shove this up your ass!

               Kayleigh's mouth hangs open with utter amazement at the scene. 
               Tommy, hiding at the top of the stairs, slowly creeps down 
               to get a better view.

               Evan rummages in the bureau and finds the wooden "strike 
               anywhere" matches used at thirteen to light his cigarettes.

                                     MR. MILLER
                         That's dangerous! You could blow 
                         your hands off!

                         Been there, done that.

               Evan, standing near the fireplace, defiantly strikes the 
               match with this thumb and lowers the flame to the short fuse.

               Mr. Miller charges Evan just as the fuse is lit! Mr. Miller 
               knocks the blockbuster from Evan's hand and it rolls towards 
               the other side of the room, resting peacefully against the 
               video camera.

               Kayleigh's eyes are dazzled by the sparkling fuse and she 
               bends down to pick it up --

                                     MR. MILLER/TOMMY/EVAN
                         Kayleigh! NOOOOOooooo!

               EXT. MILLER'S HOUSE - DAY - 1989

               BOOM! The blast is deafening.


                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               INT. SUNNYVALE - EVAN'S ROOM - DAY - 2002

               Evan, twenty, wakes up with a bloody nose.

                         Oh God, Kayleigh...

               Evan gets a new series of QUICK IMAGES and FLASHED FACES.

               INT. FAMILY COURTROOM - DAY - 1989

               Evan (now seven) is institutionalized before a judge.

               INT. SUNNYVALE INSTITUTION - DAY - 1989-1994

               Evan (seven through twelve) GROWS UP in an institution.

               INT. DR. REDFIELD'S OFFICE - DAY - 1989-1994

               Evan undergoes years of therapy under Redfield's care.


                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               INT. EVAN'S ROOM - SUNNYVALE - DAY - 2002

               Evan lies in a room, same posters from college adorn the 
               walls. Blood flows freely now.

                              (sobbing uncontrollably)
                         Kayleigh... no! You can't die again! 
                         I won't let this happen. I won't!

               Evan fights off the pain and looks under his bed for 

                         Where are they?!

               His journals are missing! He runs from the room.

               INT. DR. REDFIELD'S OFFCIE - DAY

               Evan runs into Dr. Redfield's office just as another patient 
               is leaving.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Hey, Evan. What's the big rush? We 
                         don't meet for another hour.

                         Where are my goddamn books?

                                     DR. REDFIELD

                         My journals! Where are they?

               The doctor looks heartbroken, as if Evan has had a relapse.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         It kills me to have to go through 
                         this again. There are no journals. 
                         There never were. It's part of this 
                         fantasy world your mind created to 
                         cope with the guilt of killing...

               Evan looks stunned. Refusing to believe it.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Think Evan. You've invented a disease 
                         that doesn't exist. Alternate 
                         universes with colleges, prisons, 

                         But I... I need those books.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         You remind me of your father. He 
                         always screamed for a photo album 
                         even though he never had one.


               Evan's eyes roll back and he collapses lifelessly to the 


               Evan lies on a platform and gets another series of CAT-scans.

               INT. EVAN'S ROOM - NIGHT

               Evan, no longer incapacitated, stares out the window into 
               the darkness. Alone.

               Trapped. Hopeless.

               INT. DR. REDFIELD'S OFFICE - DAY

               Later that day, Dr. Redfield posts the new CAT-scan slides 
               on the light box and shudders when he sees the results. Andrea 
               looks on anxiously.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         Jesus, no.

               Andrea, biting her nails, is unable to conceal her fear.

                         No dances, just tell me.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         The hemorrhaging... the neural damage 
                         is irreparable. I'm frankly surprised 
                         he still has use of his motor 

               Andrea begins to break down in tears. Evan secretly listens 
               in from the hallway.

               His gaunt face looks deep in thought. He takes a breath and 
               enters the lab, making sure not to look directly at his 
               weeping mother.

                         Hey, Mom, didja remember to bring 
                         those goofy old home movies we used 
                         to make?

               Andrea wipes tears away, nodding in advance.


               Evan sees no one is watching him in the institution corridor 
               as he throws his weight into the door of the doctor's office, 
               breaking it open.

               Sporadically, severe VIBRATIONS invade Evan's environment, 
               threatening to distract him from his mission.


               Evan enters the office and tears the file cabinets apart, 
               looking for something.

               His nose bleeds profusely and he repeatedly wipes the blood 
               off his face with irritation.

               Evan sees a cardboard marked TREBORN, E. Grabs it and hides 
               under the doctor's desk.


               FLASHLIGHT BEAMS stab through the darkened corridor hunting 
               for him. An ALARM SOUNDS. GUARDS are shouting.


               Evan, under the doctor's desk, grabs some paper and begins 
               writing in shorthand.

                         If anyone finds this, then I guess 
                         my plan didn't work and I'm already 

               Again, the world flutters as if it were attached to a paint-
               shaker. He takes a deep breath.

                         But I -- I can just go back to the 
                         beginning of all this, I might be 
                         able to save her.

               Fatigue overwhelms him, but he continues writing...


               Dr. Redfield catches up with the rest of the guards.

                                     DR. REDFIELD
                         He's not in his room. Search the 


               The cardboard box is overturned. Evan finishes threading a 
               SUPER-8 film projector and turns it on. Careful not to let 
               any light spill against the wall, Evan projects it at the 
               underside of the desk.

               We see familiar home movie footage from his childhood: Lenny, 
               5, has a birthday party. Kayleigh is there.

               ANGLE ON EVAN'S EYES

               Getting lost in the memory.

               CHAOTIC NOISES of CHILDREN'S PARTY bleed into Evan's reality. 
               The world SHUDDERS UNCONTROLLABLY.

                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               EXT. LENNY'S BACKYARD - DAY - 1987

               Evan, 5, comes to at a birthday party. He's unexpectedly 
               gently prodded forward by Andrea.

                         Go on, Evan. Introduce yourself.

               Evan slowly approaches Kayleigh, only five. She smiles 
               bashfully at him. An old memory comes back to him.

                                     KAYLEIGH (V.O.)
                         When my folks split, they gave me 
                         and Tommy a choice who we wanted to 
                         live with. I couldn't stand my dad, 
                         but I knew if I lived with my mom, 
                         I'd never see you again...

               Evan slowly looks around the yard, taking in the reality of 
               this distant memory.

               He even inhales the aroma of the place. Savoring the moment. 
               He locks eyes with Kayleigh.

                                     ANDREA (O.S.)
                         He's not usually this shy.

               It's time. Evan leans over to Kayleigh as if he's about to 
               kiss her. Then whispers in her ear:

                         I hate you. If you ever come near me 
                         again, I'll kill you and your whole 

               Kayleigh reacts predictably. Bursting into tears and runs 
               into Kayleigh's mother's arms.

                                     KAYLEIGH'S MOTHER
                         What did you say to her? What 

               Evan ignores them. He can't take his eyes off Kayleigh.


               His eyes well up.


                                                              SMASH CUT TO:

               INT. EVAN'S DORM - DAY - 2002

               Evan wakes up with a bloody nose. He grabs a pillow and covers 
               his head with it as a flood of memories seizes him.

               Lenny (looking fit) grabs a towel from atop an award-winning 
               flatworms project and hands it to Evan.

                                     LENNY (O.S.)
                         You alright? Should I call the doctor?

               Evan groans and shakes his head "no". He rides out the pain 
               like a seasoned pro.

               When it finally subsides, he lowers the pillow and smiles 

                         I'll think I'll be alright this time.
                              (a new hope)
                         I really do.

               Lenny nods, still concerned.


               Evan opens the door to a concrete room with a large furnace. 
               He and Lenny carry cardboard boxes.

                         You sure about this?

               Evan nods. They silently dump tons of journals into the fire. 
               Evan steps outside and returns with a box of home movies, 
               photo albums, old report cards, etc. In they go.

               CLOSE ON

               Burning journals.

                                                               DISSOLVE TO:

               EXT. CITY STREET - DAY - 2010

               Evan, a suit now, walks down a city street cradling a cell 
               phone to his ear.

               TITLE CARD: YEARS LATER

                              (into phone)
                         Yeah, Ma. I'm running a little late 
                         for lunch. One of my patients had a 
                         breakdown. Anyway, order some soup 
                         in the meantime. See ya soon.

               As he clicks off, an attractive woman wearing a power suit 
               approaches from the other direction. Evan has to look closely, 
               but it's Kayleigh. A mature woman, now.

               He stumbles slightly, caught off guard. As she passes, her 
               eyes linger on his a little longer than necessary, but there's 
               no recognition. Evan watches her continue past him and down 
               the sidewalk.

               After a hesitant beat, he takes a breath, turns around and 
               follows her.

               FADE TO BLACK.

               Roll credits...

                                         THE END

На чтение 11 мин. Просмотров 4.2k. Опубликовано 03.11.2021

Страна: США, Канада

Жанр: фантастика, триллер, драма

Год производства: 2003

Режиссер: Эрик Бресс, Дж. Макки Грубер

Актеры: Эштон Кутчер, Эми Смарт, Элден Хенсон

Смысл фильма “Эффект бабочки” (The Butterfly Effect) заключается в том, что даже, казалось бы, незначительные события могут иметь серьезные последствия. В основе кинокартины лежит теория хаоса, согласно которой даже такое несерьезное явление, как взмах крыла бабочки, оказывает влияние на систему в совершенно ином месте – даже в другой точке земного шара.


  1. О чем фильм Эффект бабочки
  2. Сюжет
  3. Расшифровка
  4. Смысл концовки
  5. Актеры и роли
  6. И еще о смысле
  7. Фильм Эффект бабочки-2
  8. О чем фильм “Эффект бабочки-2”
  9. Третья часть

О чем фильм Эффект бабочки

Фильм по рассказу Рэя Брэдбери “И грянул гром” вышел в прокат в 2004 году и сразу стал одним из громких независимых проектов начала нулевых.

Картина (кстати, сценарист взял за основу только идею книги и создал оригинальное произведение) была достаточно спокойно воспринята публикой и критиками, но со временем обрела культовый статус. Любят “Эффект бабочки” в первую очередь за интересные идеи, которые вложили в этот фильм его создатели.

Краткое содержание картины. Молодой человек по имени Эван Треборн страдает психическим заболеванием. Также он унаследовал от отца редкий дар – он способен вмешиваться в события прошлого и изменять их.

Эффект бабочки главный герой

Главный герой Эван Треборн, роль которого сыграл Эштон Кутчер. Кадр из фильма.

Но не все так просто: вмешиваясь в события, Эван меняет жизнь не только одного человека, но и многих других. В конце концов, он понял, что “игры в Бога” ни к чему хорошему привести не могут, но только к этому моменту столько всего произошло, что остановить запущенный процесс стало возможно только очень страшной ценой.

Во всех разборах и рецензиях говорится, что идея фильма “Эффект бабочки” лежит на поверхности: благими намерениями может быть вымощена дорога в ад. Но у этой картины есть еще и скрытый смысл, и полное объяснение всему, что произошло на экране, зрителя ждет только ближе к финалу.


Итак, в фильме рассказывается история юноши по имени Эван. Мальчик с детства страдает кратковременной потерей памяти, поэтому вынужден вести дневник, в котором записывает абсолютно все, что с ним происходит.

Свои записи Эван не перечитывал вплоть до поступления в университет. Там совершенно случайно он обнаружил у себя невероятную способность: оказывается, чтение детских дневниковых записей отправляет его в прошлое и позволяет изменить его.

Пользуясь возможностью путешествовать во времени, Эван начинает исправлять свои самые ужасные детские воспоминания, будь то участие в съемках подпольного фильма эротического характера, устроенных соседом, случайное убийство молодой матери с ребенком, или ужасная смерть его собаки.

Но каждый раз, когда Эван путешествует в прошлое и меняет там какое-либо событие, меняется и будущее. После каждого изменения прошлого Эван проживает другую жизнь и оказывается в совершенно новых обстоятельствах.

В итоге молодой человек понимает, что все попытки исправить прошлое ведут только к еще более ужасному будущему. Более того, он никак не может спрогнозировать, как именно его поступки повлияют на будущее развитие событий.

В конце концов, Эван хочет совершить последнее изменение, а потом сжечь дневники.


Смысл фильма “Эффект бабочки” (2004 г) заключается в его названии. Этот феномен был впервые определен метеорологом Лоренцом (один из разработчиков Теории хаоса). В оригинале гипотеза звучит так: “Бабочка, взмахивая крыльями в Айове, может вызвать лавину эффекта, которые могут достигнуть эффекта высшей точки в дождливый сезон в Индонезии. Эффект бабочки заключается в том, что даже незначительные события в прошлом могут коренным образом изменить будущее”.

В кинематографе этот эффект часто используют как метафору того, что даже самое маленькое действие способно вызывать огромные последствия.

Фокус заключается в том, что мы никогда не можем с точностью определить, что действительно приведет к тем или иным событиям.

Объяснение названия (и смысла) картины “Эффект бабочки” такое: мир непредсказуем, и поэтому он часть Теории хаоса.

Получается, что в хаосе происходящего мы никогда не сможем увидеть четкую причинно-следственную связь, которая способна показать, как одни события приводят к другим.

Но что будет, если мы представим себе существо, которое могло бы помыслить все частицы во Вселенной?.. Этим вопросом задавался Пьер-Симон Лаплас, математик и астроном. Он разработал гипотезу, которая называется “Демон Лапласа”. Он предположил, что если такое существо может существовать хотя бы гипотетически, ему станет доступным знание прошлого и будущего. Это станет возможно, потому что он получит возможность рассчитать движение и взаимную обусловленность всего. Лаплас был детерминистом, и твердо верил в то, что все в этом мире подчиняется причинно-следственным связям.

В фильме “Эффект бабочки” поднимается тема предопределения судьбы человека. Действительно ли стоит вмешиваться в собственную судьбу? Или же человеческое вмешательство может только все усугубить?

“Эффект бабочки” не предполагает только одного ответа. С одной стороны, все попытки главного героя изменить свою судьбу приводили к плачевному результату: то его друг сходил с ума, то сам Эван попадал в тюрьму или терял обе руки в результате несчастного случая.

потеря обеих рук

Кадр из фильма.

В финале фильма Эван все-таки меняет, пусть и в последний раз, историю собственной жизни. Но действительно ли это так? Может быть, через десять лет цепь, казалось бы, несвязанных между собой событий, приведет к еще более ужасным последствиям, чем он себе представлял? На этот вопрос создатели картины не дают прямого ответа.

Внутри фильма находится идея о прочной связи прошлого и будущего, которая подана через путешествие во времени. Проблема в том, что как бы герой ни менял свое прошлое, ему никогда не достичь идеального будущего, так как его попросту не существует.

Фильм “Эффект бабочки” обнажает любовь зрителя к поиску закономерностей. Человек любит искать и находить связи – выискивать их в произведениях искусства и в своей собственной жизни.

Так в чем же смысл фильма? Скорее всего, его смысл заключается в принятии своего прошлого со всеми его проблемами: оно не в нашей власти, и оно уже повлияло на то, кем мы являемся сейчас.

Смысл концовки

Смысл концовки режиссерской версии фильма “Эффект бабочки” сильно отличается от финала театральной версии картины.

В прокатной версии герой отправляется в свое детство, в момент встречи с Келли, которая впоследствии станет его девушкой, и говорит, что ненавидит ее. Они больше не общаются, и в конце проходят мимо друг друга.

Режиссерская версия фильма “Эффект бабочки” гораздо более мрачная. Герой отправляет себя не куда-нибудь, а в материнскую утробу, и душит себя пуповиной.  То есть 25-летний Эван, осознав, что именно он является причиной всех проблем, проникает в сознание ребенка, и просто отказывается появляться на свет. В конце это якобы приводит к счастливому будущему всех его друзей. Но… “Нельзя исправить будущее, не изменив прошлого”, поскольку оно формируется не событиями, а самим человеком.

Актеры и роли

Эштон Катчер, которого многие знают как смазливого парня, играющего в ромкомах, на заре своей карьеры проявлял задатки неплохого драматического актера. К съемках в “Эффекте бабочки” он готовился с подлинной самоотдачей. Он изучал книги по психологии и физике, посещал лекции, и погрузился в попытку понять концепцию теории хаоса.

Эштон Катчер

Главный герой Эштона Катчера и его дневник. Кадр из фильма.

Сейчас Эштон продолжает сниматься в кино и в сериалах. Его последний проект, фильм “Месть”, выйдет в 2021 г.

Эми Смарт, сыгравшая подругу Эвана, Келли, также продолжает сниматься в кино. В копилке ее ролей имеются как кинокомиксы, так и серьезные драматические проекты.

Эми Смарт

Эми Смарт в роли подруги Эвана, Кайли Миллер. Кадр из фильма.

И еще о смысле

В фильме очень интересно построен принцип антагонизма: главной ценностью Эвана является совместное счастье с Келли. Недаром он формулирует свое осознанное желание обещанием вернуться к ней.

Пограничная ценность звучит так: “Я счастлив, но не с ней”. А вот противоположная ценность: “Мы оба несчастны, потому что не вместе”.

История начинается с пограничной ценности: Эван счастлив, но Келли рядом нет: именно ее не хватает его обыденному миру, чтобы тот наполнился счастьем. Когда Келли умирает, Эван оказывается в стадии отрицания и отправляется спасать Келли, добавив ее в свою жизнь: он считает, что только так она может быть счастливой. Но это иллюзия.

После двух убийств Томми становится очевидным, что счастье Келли во многом зависит не от наличия в нем Эвана, а от психического здоровья брата, что подтверждается реальностью, в которой у Эвана нет рук. Понять главное Эвану помогает только болезнь матери.

Чтобы понять смысл картины, нужно перестать путать причину и следствия. Не совсем правильно считать, что Эван возвращается в те моменты из своего прошлого, которые не помнит. Гораздо правильнее сказать так: Эван не помнит какие-то моменты своего прошлого, потому что вернулся в них из будущего.

Фильм Эффект бабочки-2

В фильме рассказывается о Николасе Ларсоне: волей судьбы он выживает в аварии, но выясняет, что его друзья и невеста погибли. Восстановившись после лечения, Ник обнаруживает, что обладает уникальным даром возвращаться в прошлое и менять его.

Он решительно возвращается в прошлое, чтобы спасти дорогих ему людей, но, к сожалению, он еще не знает, что все его действия могут привести к еще более жуткой катастрофе.

О чем фильм “Эффект бабочки-2”

Главная идея этого фильма перекликается с идеей оригинального “Эффекта бабочки”: любое изменение в прошлом может привести к непредсказуемым последствиям.

Этот фильм не является продолжением картины с Катчером, поэтому сказать, что это ее вторая часть, нельзя. Режиссером картины стал Джон Р.Леонетти (“Маска”, “Серфер души”). Главные роли исполнили Эрик Лайвли и Эрика Дюранс.

Эрик Лайвли и Эрика Дюранс.

Эрик Лайвли и Эрика Дюранс в главных ролях. Кадр из фильма Эффект бабочки – 2.

Главный герой картины – молодой человек по имени Ник. В отличие от Эвана, он получил свой страшный дар после автокатастрофы, в которой он чудом выжил. Дар Ник применяет своеобразно: если Эван использовал его только чтобы спасти и помочь, Ник прибегает к нему и в корыстных целях тоже.

Этой картине не удалось повторить успех первого “Эффекта бабочки”: по мнению критиков, фильм никак не развивал оригинальную мысль, не искал ответы на вопросы. Фильм просто повторяет сюжет, но с другими героями.

Смысл этой картины в целом тот же, что и у фильма с Катчером: не стоит играть в Бога, потому что есть риск заиграться.

Третья часть

В 2009 году вышел еще один фильм, “Эффект бабочки-3: откровение” (режиссер – Сет Гроссман, в главных ролях – Крис Кармак и Рэйчел Майнер).

Герой этой картины даже не пытался изменить прошлое. Свой уникальный дар он использовал, чтобы улучшить настоящее: он помогал искать преступников. Причем здесь, собственно, эффект бабочки, создатели фильма не объяснили: зрители увидели типичнейший кинопродукт о парне с необычными способностями.

Заманчивая идея о том, чтобы отправиться в прошлое и изменить его, отражена в похожей киноистории. Читайте по ссылке статью о смысле фильма “Господин Никто”.

Да! В своей жизни поменял бы примерно все.


Да, есть один пункт…


После этого фильма — ни за что.


Нет. Я не косячил, у меня все гуд.


Нет, что было — то было. И пусть все остается, как есть.


Проголосовало: 92

Серафима Вишняк

Киноман, сериаломан, писатель. Любит искать скрытый смысл даже в самых простых вещах. Пишет странные сказки, обожает сериалы про шпионов и Искусственный Интеллект.

Эффект бабочки
Butterflyeffect poster.jpg

Афиша театрального релиза

  • Эрик Бресс
  • Дж. Макки Грубер
  • Энтони Рулен
  • Крис Бендер
  • Эштон Катчер
  • Джей Си Спинк
  • А.Дж. Дикс
  • Эрик Бресс
  • Дж. Макки Грубер
В главных ролях
  • Эштон Катчер
  • Эми Смарт
  • Эрик Штольц
  • Уильям Ли Скотт
  • Элден Хенсон
  • Логан Лерман
  • Итан Сапли
  • Мелора Уолтерс
Музыка от Майкл Саби
Кинематография Мэтью Ф. Леонетти
Отредактировано Питер Амундсон



Распространяется New Line Cinema

Дата выхода

  • 23 января 2004 г.


120 минут
Страна Соединенные Штаты
Язык английский
Бюджет 13 миллионов долларов[1]
Театральная касса 96,8 млн. Долл. США[1]

Эффект бабочки американец 2004 года научная фантастика триллер фильм[1] написано и направлено Эрик Бресс и Дж. Макки Грубер, в главных ролях Эштон Катчер и Эми Смарт. Название относится к эффект бабочки, популярная гипотетическая ситуация, которая иллюстрирует, как небольшие начальные различия могут со временем привести к большим непредвиденным последствиям.

Катчер играет 20-летнего студента колледжа Эвана Треборна,[2] с Эми Смарт в роли возлюбленной его детства, Кейли Миллер, Уильям Ли Скотт как ее садистский брат, Томми, и Элден Хенсон как их сосед, Ленни. В детстве Эван испытывал обмороки и потерю памяти. Позже, в свои 20 лет, Эван обнаруживает, что может путешествовать во времени, чтобы жить в своем прежнем «я» в те периоды затемнения, когда его взрослый разум населяет его более молодое тело. Он пытается изменить настоящее, изменив свое прошлое поведение и наладив отношения для себя и своих друзей, но есть непреднамеренные последствия для всех. Фильм в значительной степени опирается на воспоминания из жизней персонажей в возрасте 7 и 13 лет и представляет несколько альтернативных исходов сегодняшнего дня, когда Эван пытается изменить прошлое, прежде чем остановиться на окончательном результате.

Фильм был плохо принят критиками.[3][4][5] Это был коммерческий успех, принесший довольно большой доход в 96 миллионов долларов из бюджета в 13 миллионов долларов. Фильм получил приз зрительских симпатий Pegasus Брюссельский международный фестиваль фантастических фильмов, и был номинирован на лучший научно-фантастический фильм Сатурн Награды и лучший фильм: триллер в Награды Teen Choice Awards, но проиграл Вечное сияние чистого разума и Техасская резня бензопилой, еще один фильм от New Line Cinema, соответственно.


В детстве Эван Треборн и его друзья Ленни и Кейли, а также ее брат Томми Миллер перенесли много тяжелых психологические травмы это часто заставляло Эвана затемнение. Эти травмы включают принуждение к участию в детская порнография Кейли и отец Томми, Джордж Миллер (Эрик Штольц ); его чуть не задушил до смерти его отец, Джейсон Треборн (Каллум Кейт Ренни ), которого затем убивают на его глазах охранники; случайно убив мать и ее маленькую дочь во время игры с динамит с его друзьями; и видя, как Томми сожгла свою собаку заживо.

Семь лет спустя, развлекая девушку в своей комнате в общежитии, Эван обнаруживает, что когда он читает из своих подростковых дневников, он может путешествовать во времени и переделывать части своего прошлого. Эпизоды его путешествий во времени являются причиной частых отключений, которые он испытывал в детстве, поскольку это моменты, когда его взрослое «я» занимало его сознание, например, момент, когда отец задушил его, когда он понял, что Эван разделяет его страдания от путешествий во времени. Однако его пересмотренный выбор имеет последствия, которые кардинально меняют его нынешнюю жизнь. Например, его временная шкала ведет к альтернативным вариантам будущего, в котором он оказывается, по-разному, в качестве студента колледжа. братство, заключенный, заключенный в тюрьму за убийство Томми, и четверной человек с ампутированной конечностью. В конце концов, он понимает, что, хотя его намерения исправить прошлое хорошие, его действия имеют непредвиденные последствия, от которых ужасно страдает либо он, либо хотя бы один из его друзей. Более того, ассимиляция десятков лет новых воспоминаний из альтернативных временных линий вызывает у него повреждение мозга и сильное носовое кровотечение. В конце концов он приходит к выводу, что у него и его друзей никогда не будет хорошего будущего, пока он продолжает изменять прошлое, и он понимает, что причиняет им боль, а не помогает.

Эван в последний раз возвращается в тот день, когда он впервые встретил Кейли в детстве. Он намеренно расстраивает ее, чтобы она и Томми после развода решили жить с матерью в другом районе, а не с отцом. В результате они не подвергаются деструктивному воспитанию, не растут с Эваном и продолжают счастливую и успешную жизнь. Эван просыпается в комнате общежития колледжа, где Ленни — его сосед по комнате. В качестве теста он спрашивает, где Кейли, на что Ленни отвечает: «Кто такая Кейли?» Зная, что на этот раз все в порядке, Эван сжигает свои журналы и видео, чтобы никогда больше не изменить график.

Восемь лет спустя в Нью-Йорк Эван выходит из офисного здания и проходит мимо Кейли по улице. Хотя на их лицах мелькает краткий взгляд узнавания, они оба решают продолжить идти.

Режиссерская версия

В режиссерская версия имеет другой финал.

С ужасно поврежденным мозгом и пониманием, что его отправят в психиатрическое учреждение, где он потеряет доступ к своей способности путешествовать во времени, Эван делает отчаянную попытку изменить временную шкалу, просматривая семейный фильм своего отца, который показал мать Эвана незадолго до она собиралась родить Эвана. Эван возвращается в тот момент и душит себя пуповиной в утробе матери, чтобы предотвратить многократноепроклятие поколений от продолжения, что согласуется с добавленной сценой, где ясновидящий хиромант говорит Эвану и его матери, «у вас нет спасательного круга» и что он «не принадлежит этому миру».

Затем Кейли рассматривается как ребенок в новой временной шкале, который предпочел жить со своей матерью, а не со своим отцом, и монтаж предполагает, что жизни других детских персонажей стали любящими и менее трагичными.


  • Эштон Катчер как Эван
  • Эми Смарт как Кейли
  • Эрик Штольц как г-н Миллер
  • Уильям Ли Скотт как Томми
  • Элден Хенсон как Ленни
  • Логан Лерман как Эван в 7
  • Джон Патрик Амедори как Эван в 13 лет
  • Ирина Горовая в роли Кейли в 13 лет
  • Кевин Г. Шмидт как Ленни в 13
  • Джесси Джеймс как Томми в 14
  • Итан Сапли как Тампер
  • Мелора Уолтерс как Андреа

Кроме того, Каллум Кейт Ренни играет Джейсона, отца Эвана, а Натаниэль Дево играет доктора Редфилда.


Критический прием

Критический прием для Эффект бабочки в целом было плохо.[3][4][5] На агрегатор обзоров интернет сайт Гнилые помидоры у фильма рейтинг одобрения 33% на основе 172 отзывов; в средний рейтинг составляет 4,8 / 10. Согласие сайта гласит: «Предпосылка интригующая, но она поставлена ​​на службу переутомленному и безвкусному триллеру».[3] На Metacritic, еще один агрегатор обзоров, он имеет оценку 30 из 100 на основе 35 отзывов, что указывает на «в целом неблагоприятные отзывы».[4]

Роджер Эберт написал, что ему «понравилось Эффект бабочки, до определенной степени «и что» сюжет представляет собой демонстрацию актерского таланта, поскольку актеры должны играть персонажей, которые переживают дикие колебания «. Однако Эберт сказал, что научное понятие эффект бабочки используется непоследовательно: изменения Эвана должны иметь более широкую реверберацию.[6] Шон Аксмейкер из Сиэтл Пост-Интеллидженсер назвал это «метафизическим беспорядком», критикуя механику фильма за то, что она «в лучшем случае нечеткая, а в остальное время — просто небрежная».[7] Майк Кларк из USA Today также дал фильму отрицательную рецензию, заявив: «Обычно такая предпосылка выглядит либо интригующей, либо глупой, но болезненный подсюжеты (есть тюремный секс тоже) предотвратить Эффект превратиться в непреднамеренного ревуна, которым он мог бы стать иначе «.[8] Кроме того, Тай Берр из Бостонский глобус зашел так далеко, что сказал: «Какие бы удовольствия от крушения поезда вы ни находили здесь, они испорчены гнусными поступками, совершаемыми персонажами».[9]

Мэтт Сёргель из The Florida Times-Union оценил его на 3 звезды из 4, написав, «Эффект бабочки нелепа, лихорадочная, жуткая и играет роль Эштона Катчера в драматической роли. Это взрыв … солидно развлекательный фильм категории B. Иногда это даже довольно забавно … «[10] Майами Геральд сказал, «Эффект бабочки лучше, чем вы могли ожидать, несмотря на его неловкое, медленное начало, постепенно привлекающее вас и окупающееся удивительно эффективными и горько-сладкими способами », и добавил, что Катчер« привлекателен и правдоподобен … Эффект бабочки довольно хорошо придерживается своих правил … в целом фильм выдержан в своих полетах фантазии «.[11] В Вустерская телеграмма и газета оценил его как «тревожный фильм» и «первый действительно интересный фильм 2004 года», добавив, что Катчер «уносит это»:

Автор сценария и режиссер Эрик Бресс и Дж. Макки Грубер, написавшие в соавторстве Конечная цель 2, это намного умнее, чем можно было бы предположить из их более раннего фильма … Эффект бабочки может быть слишком нетрадиционным, чтобы добиться успеха у массовой аудитории, но кинозрители, утверждающие, что хотят «чего-то отличного» от Голливуда, должны принять это к сведению.[12]

В ретроспективе Питер Брэдшоу из Хранитель написал, что критики, в том числе и он сам, были слишком суровы к фильму во время его выхода. Описывая фильм как получивший покровительство, Брэдшоу процитировал критическое презрение к Катчеру, которое сделало фильм некрутым, чтобы понравиться.[5]

Театральная касса

Фильм имел коммерческий успех, заработав 17 065 227 долларов и заняв первое место в первые выходные.[13] При бюджете в 13 миллионов долларов Эффект бабочки собрали около 57 938 693 долларов в кассах США и 96 060 858 долларов по всему миру.[1]

Награды и номинации

Премия Сатурн от Академии научной фантастики, фэнтези и фильмов ужасов 2004 года
  • Лучший научно-фантастический фильм — назначен[14]
2004 Брюссельский международный фестиваль фантастических фильмов
  • Приз зрительских симпатий Pegasus — Эрик Бресс, Дж. Макки Грубер — выиграл[15]
2004 Награды Teen Choice Awards
  • Лучший фильм: триллер — назначен[16]

Домашние СМИ


Фильм вышел как на VHS, так и на DVD как Infinifilm 6 июля 2004 г. Это издание вышло с театральным монтажом (113 минут) на одной стороне и режиссерская версия (120 минут) с другой. DVD также включает два документальные фильмы («Наука и психология теории хаоса» и «История и очарование путешествий во времени«), дорожка с субтитрами, комментарий режиссера директорами Эрик Бресс и Дж. Макки Грубер, удаленные и альтернативные сцены, а также короткую статью под названием «Творческий процесс», среди прочего.[17]

Альтернативные концовки

Эффект бабочки имеет три разные концовки, снятые для фильма:

  1. В финале театрального релиза Эван проходит мимо Кейли по тротуару, он видит ее и узнает, но продолжает идти.
  2. Альтернативный финал «счастливого конца» показывает, как Эван и Кейли останавливаются на тротуаре, когда они пересекаются. Они представляются, и Эван приглашает ее на кофе.[18]
  3. «Открытый» альтернативный финал похож на тот, где Эван и Кейли проходят друг мимо друга по тротуару и продолжают идти, за исключением того, что на этот раз Эван после колебаний поворачивается и следует за Кейли.[19] Этот финал был использован в новеллизации фильма, написанной Джеймс Своллоу и опубликовано Black Flame.


Эффект бабочки 2 был выпущен на DVD 10 октября 2006 года. Режиссер Джон Р. Леонетти и в значительной степени не имел отношения к оригинальному фильму. В нем есть краткая ссылка на первый фильм в виде газетного заголовка, в котором говорится об отце Эвана, а также используется та же основная механика путешествия во времени. Он получил негативную оценку со стороны Reel Film Reviews, которая назвала его «отвратительным, бессмысленным продолжением».[20]

Третий выпуск в серии, Эффект бабочки 3: Откровения, был выпущен After Dark Films в 2009 году. Этот сиквел повествует о жизни молодого человека, который путешествует во времени, чтобы разгадать тайну смерти своей школьной подруги. Этот фильм не имеет прямого отношения к первым двум и использует другую механику путешествия во времени. Reel Film Reviews охарактеризовали третью часть как «очень незначительное улучшение по сравнению с почти недоступным для просмотра. Эффект бабочки 2[21]

Смотрите также

  • Получение Коди
  • Time Freak
  • Частота
  • Список фильмов с временными петлями
  • Список фильмов о призраках


  1. ^ а б c d Эффект бабочки в Box Office Mojo
  2. ^ Грубер, Дж. Макки; Бресс, Эрик. «Эффект бабочки: Драфт «. База данных сценариев Интернет-фильмов. Получено 12 августа, 2017.
  3. ^ а б c «Эффект бабочки (2004)». Гнилые помидоры. Получено 1 августа, 2018.
  4. ^ а б c «Эффект бабочки, обзоры». Metacritic. Получено 12 августа, 2017.
  5. ^ а б c Брэдшоу, Питер (13 августа 2009 г.). «Не бросайте» Эффект бабочки «на ветер времени». Хранитель. Получено 1 июня, 2016.
  6. ^ Эберт, Роджер. «Взад-вперед, и обратно — Эффект бабочки вызывает ощущение, что вас дергает «. Чикаго Сан-Таймс. 23 января 2004 г. с. 31. «Это предпосылка, известная научной фантастике, где в одной известной истории путешественник во времени наступил на таракана миллионы лет назад и уничтожил человечество. Замечательная вещь об изменениях в мире Эффект бабочки в том, что они так точно нацелены: они, по-видимому, влияют только на персонажей фильма ».
  7. ^ Axmaker, Шон (22 января 2004 г.). «Эффект бабочки ‘окутан коконом мрачной абсурдности «. Сиэтл Пост-Интеллидженсер. Получено 12 августа, 2017.
  8. ^ Кларк, Майк (22 января 2004 г.). «Изменения не так хороши для Катчера в« Эффекте бабочки »«. USA Today. Получено 12 августа, 2017.
  9. ^ Берр, Тай (23 января 2004 г.). «Катчер терпит неудачу в» Эффекте бабочки ««. Бостонский глобус. Получено 12 августа, 2017.
  10. ^ Соргель, Мэтт (23 января 2004 г.). «Раз за разом … Эштон Катчер снова и снова возвращается к своему прошлому». The Florida Times-Union. Джексонвилл, Флорида. п. WE-5. Получено 12 августа, 2017.
  11. ^ Огл, Конни (23 января 2004 г.). «Катчер эффективен в роли взрослого». Майами Геральд. п. 9G. Получено 7 мая, 2013.
  12. ^ Киммел, Дэниел М. (23 января 2004 г.). «Катчер превращается в серьезного актера в темноте Бабочка«. Телеграмма и газета. Вустер, Массачусетс. п. C5. Получено 7 мая, 2013.
  13. ^ «Эффект бабочки «поднимается на вершину кассовых сборов». AP. 25 января 2004 г. Архивировано с оригинал 1 октября 2012 г.. Получено 21 мая 2011.
  14. ^ «Номинации на Премию Сатурн». 2005-10-29. Архивировано из оригинал на 2005-10-29. Получено 2017-05-28.
  15. ^ «BIFFF — Эффект бабочки (2004)». Архивировано 17 января 2005 года.. Получено 2017-08-11.CS1 maint: BOT: статус исходного URL-адреса неизвестен (связь)
  16. ^ «Teen Choice Awards». IMDb. Получено 12 ноября, 2014.
  17. ^ «Эффект бабочки (Infinifilm Edition) (2004)».
  18. ^ Эштон Катчер (исполнительный продюсер). Счастливый конец. Кинотеатр New Line.
  19. ^ Эштон Катчер (исполнительный продюсер). Открытая концовка (DVD). Кинотеатр New Line.
  20. ^ Нусаир, Дэвид, «Эффект бабочки 2», Обзоры фильмов на катушках, получено 28 мая, 2017
  21. ^ Нусаир, Дэвид, «Эффект бабочки 3: Откровения», Обзоры фильмов на катушках, получено 28 мая, 2017

внешняя ссылка

  • Эффект бабочки на IMDb
  • Эффект бабочки в AllMovie
  • Эффект бабочки в Box Office Mojo
  • Эффект бабочки в Гнилые помидоры
  • Эффект бабочки в Metacritic

Эффект бабочки (The Butterfly Effect, 2004) 

Американский фильм 2004 года. Сценарий основан на понятии эффекта бабочки из теории хаоса. Номинировался на главный приз кинофестиваля Сандэнс в 2003 году.

Мальчик Эван перенял от своего отца-психопата странную болезнь — он не помнит некоторых эпизодов своей жизни, причем в эти моменты происходили довольно странные, а то и ужасные, события. Повзраслев он изучает дневники, которые он писал в детстве по совету врача, Эван может возвращаться в детство и своими действиями изменять будущее. К концу он должен понять, что, такие незначительные изменения могут иметь — такие огромные последствия.

Сценарий фильма можно легко понять при помощи теории хаоса. В хаотическом мире трудно предсказать, какие вариации возникнут в данное время и в данном месте, ошибки и неопределенность нарастают экспоненциально с течением времени. Э. Лоренц назвал это явление эффектом бабочки: 

бабочка, взмахивающая крыльями в Айове, может вызвать лавину эффектов, которые могут достигнуть высшей точки в дождливый сезон в Индонезии. 

Так и герой фильма меняет события по данной аналогии.

В режиссерской версии фильма (Unrated) присутствуют сцены, вырезанные из финальной версии, и они довольно интересны:

1.Эван узнает, что его дед также мог перемещаться во времени и, как и его отец, был признан сумасшедшим. Также выясняется, что мать Эвана была беременна дважды до его рождения, и оба ребенка родились мертвыми. То есть подразумевается, что способности отправляться в прошлое безусловно передаются по наследству, мертворожденные дети в этой реальности на самом деле родились и жили своей жизнью, но выяснив что изменения в прошлом приводят только к худшим последствиям, в итоге приняли решения вернуться в утробу матери и убить себя. Что в конечном счете сделал и Эван в альтернативном финале, но об этом немного позже.

2.Эван и Андреа идут к гадалке, которая говорит, что у Эвана нет линии жизни.

3.Сцена в тюрьме, где заключенные публично читают дневники Эвана (вот это было бы весьма интересно).

4.В канадской версии фильма есть сцены с обнаженной натурой (0_о).

У картины 2004 года, «Эффект Бабочки», существует несколько версий концовки: режиссерская, открытая и официальная.

Официальную версию финала, конечно же, помним мы все: Катчер (Кутчер) выходит из офиса, а на встречу ему идет прекрасная — Эми Смарт. И они  расходятся в разные стороны.

Интересный факт: Роль Келли, вполне могла достаться Эли Лартер, участнице картины «Пункт назначения», но досталась ее лучшей подруге.

А вот в открытой версии финала картины Эван разворачивается и идет вслед за Келли. Обернувшись, Келли спрашивает:

— Мы встречались?

— Эван! — представляется Эван.

— Келли,— хочет представиться Келли, но Эван опережает её и называет по имени, поясняя:— Вы просто выглядите как Келли.

В режиссерской же, Эван убивает себя в утробе матери, затянув вокруг горла пуповину. Эта версия считалась основной до тестового просмотра, на котором зрители пришли в ужас, и создатели решили показать другой финал. Какой ужас :)

Все вышеперечисленные финалы Вы можете посмотреть в данном видео.

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