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Есть два основных Ида, или праздника, которые отмечают мусульмане по всему миру. Каждый из них имеет много названий, но чаще всего их называют Ид аль-Фитр, Праздник разговения, и Ид аль-Адха, Праздник жертвоприношения. Во время обеих праздников люди молятся и занимаются благотворительностью, одаряя малоимущих, а также празднуют со своей семьей и друзьями.
Отмечайте праздник в конце Рамадана. Ид аль-Фитр означает ‘Праздник разговения’. Он припадает на первый день лунного месяца Шавваль после месяца поста Рамадан. В некоторых регионах мусульмане собираются на холмах, чтобы понаблюдать за луной, и празднуют, как только местные религиозные деятели объявляют начало Ида. Иногда наблюдать нужно два или три дня, но в некоторых мусульманских странах заранее могут планироваться три государственных выходных дня, чтобы они точно совпали с этим праздником.
- Так как Ид основывается на исламском лунном календаре, он не выпадает на один и от же день по григорианскому (западному) календарю. Чтобы узнать, когда будет этот праздник в этом году, посмотрите в интернете или спросите у тех, кто его празднует.
Вы должны выглядеть на все 100%. Покупать новую одежду для Ида – широко распространенная традиция, и те, кто не могут себе этого позволить, все равно будут стараться выглядеть как можно лучше. Мусульманки в Южной Азии часто разрисовывают кожу хной ночью на кануне Ида. Мужчинам желательно использовать парфюм или одеколон.
- Многие выполняют гусль (ритуальное омовение), принимая душ или ванну утром в Ид.
Заканчивайте пост сразу после восхода солнца. Мусульманам нельзя придерживаться поста во время Ид аль-Фитра, так как они празднуют его окончание. Перед тем как идти на молитву, желательно поесть. Иногда те, кто отмечают праздник, следуют примеру пророка Мухаммеда, заканчивая пост нечетным количеством фиников (обычно одним или тремя).
- Мусульманам также рекомендуется выполнить такбир перед восходом солнца. Для этого нужно поднять руки и сказать: «Аллаху акбар» (Аллах – величайший). Если вы пришли на молитву, о чем будет сказано ниже, молящиеся будут это делать несколько раз во время молитвы.
Сходите на священную молитву. Имамы проводят специальные молитвы на Ид рано утром обычно в большой центральной мечети, на открытом поле или стадионе. В некоторых регионах все мусульмане присутствуют на этом событии. В других женщинам приходить желательно, но не обязательно, в остальных это событие только для мужчин. По завершении молитвы, верующие обнимают друг друга и говорят «Ид мубарак», или «Благословенного праздника», чтобы пожелать друг другу всего хорошего. Событие заканчивается проповедью имама.
Отмечайте праздник в семье и со сладкой пищей. Иногда Ид аль-Фитр называют «сладкий праздник», так как обычно, когда празднуют конец поста Рамадана, едят сладкую еду. В мечетях могут ее подавать до или после молитвы, но также многие сами готовят десерты и празднуют дома.
- Нет никаких требований касательно того, что нужно есть (кроме соблюдения халаля), но в некоторых регионах по традициям нужно есть финики, халву, фалуду, печенье с молоком, пахлаву и лапшу.
Дарите подарки младшим. На Ид взрослые обычно дарят детям и молодым людям деньги или подарки и иногда обмениваются подарками друг с другом. После утреннего празднования семьи часто навещают своих соседей и родственников, чтобы поздравить их и обменяться подарками.
Помогайте малоимущим. «Закят аль-фитр,» или обязательство отдавать в этот день малоимущим, касается каждого мусульманина, у которого есть на это средства. Как правило, один человек должен пожертвовать приблизительную стоимость обеда в виде денег, еды или одежды.
Отмечайте праздник до конца дня. Многие устраивают обед и/или ужин с семьей и едят мясо, картофель, рис, ячмень или любую другую пищу. Некоторые после обеда отдыхают после дня, который у них начался с восходом солнца. Другие ходят на ярмарки и мероприятия, которые организовываются на Ид, вечером посещают вечеринки с друзьями или навещают могилы умерших друзей или родственников.
- Во многих регионах Ид празднуют три дня или в другие дни, в зависимости от группы мусульман. При желании вы можете на следующий день рано проснуться, заново отпраздновать и помолиться.
Отмечайте праздник в конце паломничества. Ид аль-Адха отмечается прямо после хаджа, паломничества к Мекке. Обычно он выпадает на десятый день исламского лунного месяца Зуль Хиджа, но может припадать и на другой день, в зависимости от религиозных учреждений в разных регионах. [1]
Все мусульмане отмечают этот праздник, даже если в этом году они не осуществляли хадж.- Так как праздник определяется лунным календарем, он не выпадает на одну и ту же дату по григорианскому (западному) календарю каждый год.
Посетите молитву на Ид. Как описано в секции об Ид аль-Фитре, мусульмане, иногда только мужчины, как правило, рано утром ходят на праздничную молитву, после которой идет проповедь. Все стараются как можно лучше одеться и прилично выглядеть, принимают душ или ванну утром и надевают новую одежду, если могут ее позволить.
- В отличие от Ид аль-Фитра, не делается особый акцент на сладости или окончание поста.
Принесите четырехногое животное в жертву. Каждый человек или хозяйство, которое может себе это позволить, на Ид аль-Адху должно принести в жертву овцу, корову, козу или верблюда, чтобы почтить память животного, которое Аллах послал Аврааму, чтобы тот принес его в жертву вместо своего сына. Животное должно быть здоровым, и забивать его нужно согласно халялю.
Приготовьте и раздайте мясо. Мясо животного, которое принесли в жертву, готовиться любым способом по вашему вкусу. Треть съедается хозяйством или группой, которая принесла животное в жертву, треть раздается родственникам и друзьям, часто во время отдельной трапезы, треть отдается малоимущим или голодающим.
- Люди часто собираются группами на барбекю или поесть мясо, приготовленное в духовке. Другую еду тоже едят, но нет никаких особых требований, кроме соблюдения халяля.
Если вы не можете принести в жертву животное, найдите другой вариант. Во многих западных странах запрещен забой животных за пределами скотобойни, а в некоторых городах трудно найти животное. В таких ситуациях мусульмане полагаются на два варианта:
- Можно отправить деньги знакомым, проживающим в другой стране или в другом регионе, которые сделают жертвоприношение и раздадут мясо от вашего имени.
- Мясники, исповедующие ислам, могут предоставить место и помощь в жертвоприношении, чтобы это можно было сделать законно и согласно халялю.
- На обеих Идах часто подают арабский кофе.
- Ид можно праздновать и не с мусульманами. Посвятите своих друзей или соседей немусульман в эти традиции.
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Ураза-байрам — это привычное для тюркских народов название священного праздника Ид-аль-Фитр, известного также как «Праздник разговения». В этот день правоверные мусульмане отмечают завершение самого длинного и сложного поста в месяц Рамадан. Три десятка дней верующие отказывались от еды и питья в светлое время суток. Только после утренней молитвы в день Ураза-байрама строгие ограничения снимаются, а на стол можно ставить любые разрешенные Исламом яства.
Когда отмечается Ураза-байрам в 2023 году
Мусульмане ориентируется не на солнечный, а на лунный календарь, поэтому дата Ураза-байрама ежегодно сдвигается. В 2023 году праздник разговения отмечается 21 апреля, а если быть точнее, то начинается он на закате в ночь на 21 апреля — первый день новолуния.
В мусульманских странах Ураза-байрам, равно как и Курбан-байрам — выходной день, а в некоторых странах его отмечают несколько дней подряд. В России региональные власти могут самостоятельно вводить отдельный выходной во время религиозных праздников. Так, 21 апреоя 2023 года объявлен выходным днем в Татарстане, Башкирии, Чечне, Дагестане, Ингушетии, Карачево-Черкесии, Кабардино-Балкарии, Адыгее и в республике Крым.
История праздника
Ураза-байрам — один из самых древних мусульманских праздников. Его отмечали еще во времена пророка Мухаммеда, в 624 году. На арабском языке он называется Ид-аль-Фитр, что переводится как «праздник прекращения поста». В тюркских языках он получил название от персидского слова «Руза» — «пост» и турецкого слова «Байрам» — «праздник».
Традиция отмечать Уразу-байрам распространялась вместе с продвижением Ислама, со времен Арабского халифата. Праздничные столы на Ид-аль-Фитр накрывали в Османской империи, Египте, странах северной Африки, Афганистане, Пакистане и других странах. При этом праздник разговения одинаково важен как для суннитов, так и для шиитов.
Традиции праздника
Вокруг Ураза-байрама сложилось множество традиций. Так, верующие поздравляют друг друга знаменитым выражением «Ид мубарак!», что в переводе означает «Желаю тебе благословенного праздника!». Очень важной традицией является выплата специальной милостыни — Закят-аль-Фитр. Это могут быть как продукты питания, так и деньги, которые мусульманская община отправляет самым обделенным людям той же местности — больным, бедным, а также тем, кто попал в сложную жизненную ситуацию.
Пожалуй, самым главным символом Ураза-байрама является переполненный стол. После длительного и очень сложного поста, во время которого мусульмане отказывались от еды и воды, они получают шанс есть и пить что угодно и когда угодно. Конечно же, исключая запрещенные в Исламе нехаляльные продукты и алкоголь. Но приступать к трапезе можно только после коллективной молитвы — Ид-намаза.
Суть Ураза-байрама
Помимо общих традиций, во время празднования Ураза-байрама следует соблюдать ряд правил.
К празднику начинают готовиться накануне. Верующие убираются в доме и во дворе, готовят праздничные блюда. Перед праздником мусульмане совершают полное омовение, надевают лучшие свои наряды и ходят в гости к родственникам (в том числе и на могилы усопших) и друзьям, даря им подарки, улыбки и поздравления.
Коллективная молитва обычно проходит не только в мечетях, но и во дворах перед ними, а иногда и на больших площадях в центре города. Завершается праздничный намаз обращением к Аллаху, когда имам просит Всевышнего простить грехи и ниспослать блага.
После молитвы верующие идут в свои дома, где их уже ждут столы с едой и напитками. Отдельных указаний или правил, которые регулируют праздничное меню, нет. Но считается, что на Ураза-байрам принято готовить свои лучшие блюда. Само собой, что по-прежнему действует запрет на нехаляльную еду, например, свинину. Алкоголь для верующего мусульманина также под полным запретом.
Что можно и нельзя делать в праздник Ураза-байрам
После наступления дня разговения, мусульманам разрешается многое из того, что было запрещено во время поста в месяц Рамадан:
- можно есть и пить днем,
- можно курить и нюхать табак днем, но при этом стоит помнить, что религия призывает заботиться о своем здоровье и этих действий желательно избегать.
Что нельзя делать во время праздника Ураза-байрам:
- не следует заниматься домашними делами,
- не следует работать в поле,
- не следует портить отношения с близкими и друзьями, ругань во время Ид-аль-Фитра в Исламе порицается.
May 21 2020, 17:30
- Праздники
- Cancel
По окончанию поста в месяц Рамадан, которые держат мусульмане, наступает праздник разговления. Это значит, что месяц испытаний души и тела, когда верующие не принимали пищу и питье с рассвета до заката, закончился и можно разговляться. Праздник Аид эль Фетр проходит несколько дней – 3 или 4.
В Египте этот праздник называется по арабски Eid el Fitr, ну а в постсоветских исламских странах – Ураза Байрам, на тюркских лад. Про это название в арабском языке никто не слышал. Так вот, это один из главных праздников в году. Второй – это праздник Курбан Байрам (если на русский лад) или Eid el Adha, который наступит через 60 дней после первого. Это два главных и единственных больших праздников, которые празднуют мусульмане.
Обычно на Аид эль Фетр принято:
- На рассвете в первый день совершать коллективную праздничную молитву — обычно людьми заполнены все улицы, так как выходят практически все и места в мечетях всем не хватит.
- Готовить много сладостей и выпечки – печенье, пряники с начинками, восточные сладости, торты.
- Приглашать к себе домой на сладкий стол родственников и друзей – каждый день проводятся пиры и застолья.
- Покупать детям гостинцы – одежду, сладости, игрушки или просто дарить деньги.
- Перед праздником, в любое время в период поста, делать милостыню в пользу бедных (родственников или незнакомых).
Это очень интересный период и сравнить его можно наверное с Рождеством у Христиан по размаху и любви к празднику. Второй праздник (Eid el Adha) уже больше соизмерим по размаху и значимостью с Пасхой и тоже при этом совершается паломничество в святые места (только у христиан это Иерусалим, а у мусульман — Мекка).
Eid el Fitr называют еще «Малым праздником», тогда как Eid el Adha – «большим». Если первый это праздник сладостей, то второй – праздник мясных блюд.
Магазины и рынки готовятся в празднику разговления, выставляя на прилавках традиционные сладости – песочное печенье и сдобу с различными начинками. Такие подарочные упаковки люди покупают и приносят с собой, когда идут в гости. На этот праздник все обычно устраивают пикники, встречи большими компаниями с детьми, все родственники собираются вместе и радуются, накрывают сладкие столы. В гости приходят после обеда, готовять именно к чаепитию. О традициях в период Рамадана читайте здесь.
В этом году праздник придется на период с 24 по 27 мая 2020 года. Хотя в условиях карантина никто не сможет отпраздновать его нормально. Впервые в истории закрыты мечети с марта, даже Мекка закрыта для паломничества и даже для посещения и молитвы. Везде изоляция, пустота, недоумение и обида верующих на такие меры…
Ураза байрам
- Что такое Ураза-Байрам
- Хадисы
- Дни празднования
- Ураза-байрам в России
- Поздравления
- Что нужно сделать до начала праздника
- Порядок церемонии празднования
- Ид-намаз
- Праздничные гулянья
Тюркское название Праздника Разговения, который венчает Священный месяц Рамадан (Рамазан) — Ураза байрам. Арабское название праздника Разговения — Ид аль-Фитр. Также можно встретить такое его название как «Рамадан байрам». В мусульманском календаре существует два самых главных дня, и одним из них является как раз этот день, в который все мусульмане мира празднуют ознаменование конца поста Священного месяца Рамадан. В этот день завершается пост, который мусульмане держали весь месяц. История этого праздника начинается с 624 года, в период жизни Пророка Мухаммада ﷺ.
Ураза-байрам имеет важнейшее значение в Исламе, и он неоднократно упоминается в хадисах Пророка Мухаммада ﷺ.
В хадисе, переданном Мусой ибн Исмаилом и Хаммадом ибн Хумейдом со слов Анаса, сказано, что, когда Пророк Мухаммад ﷺ прибыл в Медину, жители Медины отмечали лишь два праздничных дня, которые праздновали с помощью игр. И когда Посланник Аллаха ﷺ спросил у них, что это за дни, ему ответили, что традиция празднования этих дней длится еще со времен язычества, и тогда Пророк Мухаммад ﷺ сказал им, что Всевышний Аллах заменил эти дни двумя днями, которые гораздо лучше — это день Жертвоприношения и день Разговения, и с тех пор мусульмане начали праздновать их. Этот хадис приводится в сборнике Абу Дауда, ат-Тирмизи и ан-Насаи.
Дни празднования
Традиционно праздник Ураза-байрам отмечают в первый день Шавваля. Как мусульманская традиция Ураза байрам включает в себя несколько праздничных дней: в мусульманских странах государственные учреждения, школы и прочие образовательные учреждения, а также магазины прекращают свою работу на два-три праздничных дня.
Поститься в праздничный день категорически нельзя, будь то дополнительный пост или восполнение пропущенных обязательных дней месяца Рамадана.
Поскольку день Уразы байрам устанавливается по мусульманскому лунному календарю, в разные годы он выпадает на разные календарные числа и даты: в 2015 год Ураза-байрам праздновали 18-18 июля, в 2016 году он выпал на 5 июля, в 2017 году Ураза-байрам пришелся на 25 июня, в 2018 году день празднования выпал на 15 июня, а в 2019 году Ураза-байрам отмечали 4 июня, в 2020 году праздник ожидается 24 мая.
Ураза-байрам в России
Официально нерабочим днем объявлен праздник Ураза-байрам в следующих регионах России:
- Республике Крым;
- Карачаево-Черкесия;
- Кабардино-Балкария;
- в Татарстане;
- Чечне;
- в Дагестане;
- Ингушетии;
- в Башкирии;
- Адыгее.
Этот закон не распространяется на федеральные органы. В столице России Москве этот праздник отмечается богослужением, которое пройдет в Соборной мечети, где его посещает несколько десятков тысяч человек, а верховный муфтий выступает с обращением к мусульманам.
В Ингушетии, Чечне и Дагестане главы республик принимают участие в праздничных намазах, которые проходят в мечетях, а накануне праздника по инициативе местных властей в столицах республик разворачиваются широкие сельскохозяйственные ярмарки. Улицы украшают тематическими плакатами, а по телевидению транслируют большое количество религиозных телепрограмм.
Традиционно после посещения праздничной молитвы в мечетях мусульмане готовят угощения, ходят в гости и дарят подарки своим близким и родным, а также обязательно выплачивают обязательное пожертвование — закят аль-фитр.
В некоторых мусульманских республиках России появляются и новые обычаи, связанные с празднованием Ураза-байрам: в Ингушетии и Чечне принято дарить мужчине, которые пришел в этот день в гости, носовой платок, а в Дагестане традиционно дарят носки. В Кабардино-Балкарии молодые мусульмане устраивают для прихожан мечети, целые концерты и театрализованные представления на религиозную тематику.
Традиция празднования Ураза байрам предписывает верующим мусульманам поздравлять друг друга в этот день словами: «Такаббаля-Лла́ху минна́ ва минкум!», что в переводе на русский язык означает «Да примет Аллах от нас и от вас!» или «Ид мубарак!», что означает «Благословенного праздника!».
Что нужно сделать до начала праздника
Выплатой милостыни Садакат-уль-Фитр заканчивается пост, и ее выплачивает в обязательном порядке каждый мусульманин, у которого есть имущество, превышающее его основные нужды. За несовершеннолетних мусульман, в том числе и маленьких детей должны также выплатить закят аль-фитр родители или их попечители. Средства из закят аль-фитр раздаются в пользу нуждающихся, чтобы у них была возможность тоже отпраздновать Ураза-байрам, накрыв стол с угощениями. Закят аль-фитр должен быть выплачен с захода солнца 30 Рамадана и обязательно до праздничного намаза 1 Шавваля, дозволяется выплачивать закят аль-фитр и заранее в последние дни Рамадана, если другой возможности не представляется.
Все благие дела, которые начались и завершены мусульманином в течение месяца Рамадан перед праздником Ураза байрам, Всевышний Аллах учитывает многократно, они имеют более важное значение, чем все те, что он совершил в обычные дни. Поэтому к выплате милостыни Садакат-уль-Фитр приурочивают и выплату годового налога закят.
Как передается в хадисе (слабый хадис) от Джарира ибн Абдулла, Пророк Мухаммад ﷺ завещал в этот праздник раздавать милостыню, поскольку «Пост Рамадана висит между небом и землей, пока раб божий не подаст следуемой с него милостыни», и пока верующий не выплатит садака, пост не будет засчитан ему.
Он ﷺ также отметил, что выплата равняется одному саа (мера сыпучих тел равной 3260 г), и она является обязательной и для свободного, и для раба, и для мужчины, и для женщины, и для взрослых, и для детей. Пророк Мухаммад ﷺ приказал выплачивать закят аль-фитр до начала праздничной молитвы. Выплачивать милостыню должен глава семьи, супруг выплачивает ее за себя, за свою жену и за своих детей, а также за свою прислугу, если она у него есть. Это могут быть сухие продукты питания или денежные средства в эквиваленте. Закят аль-фитр может быть выплачен напрямую нуждающимся или передан через благотворительную организацию, которая способна осуществить раздачу закята аль-фитр нуждающимся в установленные сроки, до наступления праздника Разговения.
Порядок церемонии празднования
Праздник Ураза-байрам – это день, счастливый для каждого мусульманина. Этот праздник очень любят дети: для них устраиваются всевозможные игры, а соседи и родственники по обыкновению угощают их сладостями и раздают подарки.
Праздник Ид ал-Фитр – это лучший день для того, чтобы раздавать бедным пожертвования. Для мусульман Ураза-байрам имеет смысл прощания со светлым месяцем Рамадан, в течение которого верующие держали пост, укрепляя свою веру, усмиряя страсти, а также помогали тем, кто нуждается и совершали различные благие дела.
Праздничная ритуальная молитва, совершаемая в день праздника Ураза-байрам, называется Ид-намаз. Обычно он совершается в утренние часы, после восхода солнца.
Посещение праздничного намаза в мечети является важным событием для каждого мусульманина, поэтому перед тем, как идти в мечеть, мусульмане совершают полное омовение, это мустахаб, надевают праздничную чистую одежду. Примером для подражания для мусульман является Посланник Аллаха ﷺ, который в эти дни и по пятницам использовал благовония.
Верующим следует приезжать в мечеть заранее, до того, как начнется намаз, стараясь занять место в передних рядах. Перед походом в мечеть лучше съесть что-нибудь сладкое, традиционно это могут быть финики, которые ел в день Разговения Пророк Мухаммад ﷺ.
Обычно праздничное религиозное богослужение проводится на большом открытом пространстве, поскольку на него приходит очень много мусульман, в больших городах их собирается десятки тысяч. Верующие совершают коллективную праздничную молитву, когда же намаз завершается, имам произносит небольшую проповедь, обращается к Всевышнему Аллаху с просьбой принять пост, отпустить грехи верующим и послать им благоденствие, после окончания проповеди верующие приветствуют друг друга.
Праздничные гулянья
После того, как будет выплачена милостыня и совершен коллективный намаз, мусульмане приступают к праздничной трапезе, поздравляют друг друга и угощают.
Традиционно в дни празднования Ураза-байрам мусульмане посещают могилы своих предков, где беднякам раздают милостыню, приводят могилы в порядок. Однако этому нет подтверждения в Сунне Пророка ﷺ.
Особенно в дни празднования Ураза-байрам поощряется щедрость, которую проявляет глава семьи по отношению к своей жене и детям, а также к родственникам, в эти дни мусульмане ходят друг к другу в гости, устраивают совместные детские развлечения.
Ураза-байрам — день окончания поста в священный месяц Рамадан, один из двух главных мусульманских праздников. В этом году он наступает 2 мая. О традициях Ураза-байрама — в материале vtomske.ru.
Ураза-байрам — праздник разговения — второй по значимости мусульманский праздник после Курбан-байрама — праздника жертвоприношения. Ураза-байрам наступает после окончания поста в Рамадан — священного месяца молитв, когда мусульманам предписано не есть и не пить от восхода до заката солнца.
Рамадан и Ураза-байрам тесно связаны с лунным мусульманским календарем, поэтому каждый год эти события выпадают на разные даты. В 2022 году священный месяц начался с заходом солнца 1 апреля, а закончится 1 мая.
На следующий день, 2 мая, верующие мусульмане будут отмечать праздник разговения, а если быть точнее, то начинается Ураза-байрам на закате в ночь на 2 мая.
История и обычаи
По-другому Ураза-байрам еще называют Ид ал-Фитр — это день благодарения Аллаху за то, что он дал мусульманам возможность испытать благословение месяца Рамадан. Мусульмане верят, что если верующий соблюдал пост в течение всего Рамадана, то Аллах дарует ему милость на небесах.
Традиция отмечать Ураза-байрам распространялась вместе с продвижением Ислама, со времен Арабского халифата. Праздничные столы на Ид-аль-Фитр накрывали в Османской империи, Египте, странах северной Африки, Афганистане, Пакистане и других странах.
В дни Ураза-байрама у мусульман принято приветствовать друг друга фразой «Ид мубарак», которая означает «благословенный праздник».
Для каждого мусульманина считается обязательным помолиться в ночь перед праздником и просить у Аллаха благословения, читать Коран. Считается, что произнесенные именно в Ураза-байрам и Курбан-байрам будут непременно услышаны.
Что можно и нельзя делать в Ураза-байрам?
Готовятся к Ураза-байраму мусульмане заранее и основательно — делают уборку, готовят праздничные блюда, раздают милостыню нуждающимся и малоимущим — деньги или продукты.
В праздник принято надевать лучшую одежду и собираться на праздничный ид-намаз — молитву, а после — собираться за праздничным столом вместе со всеми с родными и близкими. В это время принято дарить подарки и просить друг у друга прощения.
В целом в праздник разговения мусульманам разрешается многое из того, что было запрещено во время поста, например, есть и пить в течение светового дня.
Считается, что во время Ураза-байрама не следует заниматься домашними делами, работать в поле, а также не стоит портить отношения с близкими и друзьями, так как ругань в праздник разговения в исламе порицается.
Практически в каждой стране люди отмечают те или иные праздники, которые могут быть международными, национальными, религиозными, местными и так далее.
В мусульманском мире тоже имеются свои особенные торжественные дни, и некоторые из них напрямую связаны с исламской религией. Однако из-за наличия в исламе множества различных течений и правовых школ, некоторые праздники могут признаваться таковыми в одних общинах и не отмечаться – в других.
Лишь 2 праздника считаются общими для всех мусульман – это праздник разговения (Ид аль-Фитр, Ураза гает, Ураза-байрам) и праздник жертвоприношения (Ид аль-Адха, Курбан гает, Курбан-байрам). На это указывает хадис Посланника Всевышнего (с.г.в.), гласящий: «Воистину, Творец заменил их (доисламские праздники – прим. IslamGlobal) двумя лучшими днями: Днём разговения и Днём жертвоприношения» (приводит Абу Дауд).
Остановимся на этих торжественных датах мусульманского календаря подробнее.
Как отмечается Ураза-байрам
День разговения (Ураза-байрам) – праздник, отмечаемый мусульманами по случаю окончания поста, который соблюдается верующими в Священный месяц Рамазан. Он приходится на первый день месяца Шавваль (в 2022 году – 2 мая) и продолжает отмечаться ещё два дня.
Элементы праздника следующие:
1. Выплата фитр-садака
На протяжении месяца Рамазан правоверные выплачивают специальную милостыню – она служит своеобразным актом материальной поддержки нуждающихся и способом очищения от маленьких грехов, которые были совершены в течение священного месяца ислама. В хадисе говорится: «Посланник Всевышнего обязал раздавать закят уль-фитр как средство очищения от скверных и пустых слов для постящегося, а также как угощение для нуждающегося» (Абу Дауд).
Отсюда следует, что тем, кто не пожертвовал садака фитр на протяжении Рамазана, надлежит выплатить её в День разговения, однако совершить это нужно до начала праздничной молитвы.
2. Праздничная молитва (ид или гает-намаз)
Важнейшим событием этого дня для верующих должно стать совершение праздничного намаза. Время его совершения наступает приблизительно через полчаса после восхода солнца и завершается в момент нахождения солнца в зените.
В то же время в среде мусульманских богословов имеется разброс мнений относительно необходимости совершения данной молитвы. Одни мусульманские учёные относят это к категории необходимых деяний (ваджиб), другие же полагают, что выполнение ид-намаза желательно (суннат).
Кроме того, богословы разошлись во взглядах и насчёт возможности индивидуального совершения данной молитвы. Одни уверены, что читать праздничный намаз дозволено только с джамаатом, то есть коллективно, другие же полагают, что его совершение допускается и индивидуально.
При этом все мусульманские учёные едины во мнении, что от коллективного чтения ид-молитв в мечетях освобождаются следующие категории людей:
— женщины, которым праздничный намаз лучше совершить дома и в индивидуальном порядке;
— несовершеннолетние (с исламской точки зрения), то есть дети, не достигшие полового созревания;
— путники – ими, согласно Шариату, признаются люди, отдалившиеся от дома на расстояние более 87 км и на срок не более 15 суток;
— недееспособные как физически, так и душевно больные люди.
Перед праздничной молитвой мусульманам надлежит очиститься путём совершения полного омовения (гусль), одеть чистую и красивую одежду и надушиться благовониями.
Сам праздничный намаз в целом схож с любым иным намазом, хотя и имеет свои отдельные особенности. Молитва состоит из двух ракаатов, в каждом из которых верующие совершают по 3 такбира. А в первом ракаате за прочтением суры «Открывающая», как правило, следует сура «Высочайший».
Кроме того, правоверные в этот день обычно навещают родственников, совершают благие дела, раздают милостыню, посещают могилы своих покойных родных и близких и т.д.
Как провести Курбан-байрам
Вторым по счёту, но не по значению, в исламском вероучении идёт праздник жертвоприношения (Ид аль-Адха, Курбан-байрам). Его отмечают десятого числа месяца Зуль-Хиджа (в 2022 году он приходится на 9 июля) – спустя 70 дней после праздника разговения. В этот день мусульмане начинают совершать курбан в знак благодарности своему Создателю за те блага, коими Он их наделил. Само жертвоприношение может длиться до четырёх дней (см. ниже).
Ид аль-Адха включает следующие религиозные обряды:
1. Совершение праздничного намаза
Аналогично Дню разговения, верующие в Ид аль-Адха совершают праздничный намаз, который не имеет никаких отличительных особенностей от намаза, совершаемого в Ид аль-Фитр.
2. Жертвоприношение
Основное же событие Курбан-байрама – это, безусловно, сам обряд жертвоприношения. Совершение его в этот день восходит ко временам Пророка Ибрахима (а.с.), когда Аллах ниспослал тяжелейшее испытание, а именно – приказал ему принести в жертву своего старшего сына, Пророка Исмаила (а.с.). Убедившись, что Ибрахим (а.с.) готов с достоинством пройти данное испытание, Всевышний в последний момент уберёг Исмаила (а.с.) и повелел его отцу зарезать в качестве жертвы барана. В сборнике хадисов от Абу Дауда даже можно встретить изречение Милости миров Мухаммада (с.г.в.): «Жертвоприношение – это сунна Пророка Ибрахима».
Обряд жертвоприношения в Ид аль-Адха входит в число наиважнейших видов поклонения Единому Богу. Ведь в Своём Откровении Он призывает нас:
Совершай намаз ради своего Господа и закалывай жертву… (108:2)
Однако в среде мусульманских богословов имеются разногласия относительно обязательности совершения жертвоприношения. Одни относят это к категории необходимых действий (ваджиб). И в качестве довода приводят вышеупомянутый аят. Другие же учёные относят жертвоприношение в Курбан-гает к категории желательных действий (суннат). Сторонники такой позиции опираются на хадис: «Пусть тот, кто желает совершить жертвоприношение, ни в коем случае не подстригает ни волос, ни ногтей до тех пор, пока не принесёт жертву!» (Муслим). В данном случае эта часть учёных заостряет внимание на словах «кто желает совершить жертвоприношение…», что, на их взгляд, прямо указывает на желательный характер данного обряда.
Совершить курбан верующие могут как в 10-й день месяца Зуль-Хаджа, так и в последующие трое суток, именуемые днями ташрика, которые так же считаются праздничными.
Добавим, что в Курбан-байрам, как и в дни празднования Ид аль-Фитр, правоверные посещают своих родственников, усердствуют в совершении благих дел, раздают милостыню и т.д.
Eid al-Fitr | |
From top: Muslims performing the Eid prayer at Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey; cakes and sweets, which are popularly consumed during the celebration in Algeria; a sparkler being lit during Eid celebrations in Indonesia |
Official name | Arabic: عيد الفطر, romanized: Eid al-Fiṭr |
Also called | Festival of Breaking the Fast, Lesser Eid, Sweet Eid, Sugar Feast |
Observed by | Muslims |
Type | Islamic |
Significance | Commemoration to mark the end of fasting in Ramadan |
Celebrations | Eid prayers, charity, social gatherings, festive meals, gift-giving, dressing up, Lebaran |
Date | 1 Shawwal[1] |
2023 date | 21 – 22 April[a][2] |
2024 date | 10 – 11 April |
Related to | Ramadan, Eid al-Adha |
Eid al-Fitr (; Arabic: عيد الفطر, romanized: Eid al-Fiṭr, lit. ‘Holiday of Breaking the Fast’, IPA: [ʕiːd al ˈfitˤr])[4] or the Festival of Sweets is the earlier of the two official holidays celebrated within Islam (the other being Eid al-Adha). The religious holiday is celebrated by Muslims worldwide because it marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan.[5] It falls on the first day of Shawwal in the Islamic calendar; this does not always fall on the same Gregorian day, as the start of any lunar Hijri month varies based on when the new moon is sighted by local religious authorities. The holiday is known under various other names in different languages and countries around the world. The day is also called Lesser Eid, or simply Eid.[6]
Eid al-Fitr has a particular salat (Islamic prayer) that consists of two rakats (units) generally performed in an open field or large hall. It may only be performed in congregation (jamāʿat) and features seven additional Takbirs (raising of the hands to the ears while saying «Allāhu ʾAkbar», meaning «God is the greatest») in the Hanafi school of Sunni Islam: three at the start of the first rakat and three just before rukūʿ in the second rakat.[7] Other Sunni schools usually have 12 Takbirs, similarly split in groups of seven and five. In Shia Islam, the salat has six Takbirs in the first rakat at the end of qira’a, before rukūʿ, and five in the second.[8] Depending on the juristic opinion of the locality, this salat is either farḍ (فرض, obligatory), mustaḥabb (strongly recommended) or mandūb (مندوب, preferable). After the salat, Muslims celebrate the Eid al-Fitr in various ways[9] with food («Eid cuisine») being a central theme, which also gives the holiday the nickname «Sweet Eid» or «Sugar Feast».[10][11]
Native names[edit]
Language | Name | Meaning |
Acehnese | Uroë Raya Puasa Rojar Id | «Festival of breaking fasting» |
Albanian | Fitër Bajrami, Bajrami i vogel |
«Big festival» |
Arabic | عيد الفطر ‘Īd al-Fitr | «Happiness of breaking fasting» |
Assamese | ৰমজান ঈদ Romzan Īd | «Eid of Ramadan» |
Bengali | রোজার ঈদ Rojar Īd | «Eid of the fasting» |
Bosnian | Ramazanski Bajram | «Festival of Ramadan» |
Chinese | 開齋節(traditional) 开斋节(simplified) Kāi zhāi jié |
«Festival for the end of fasting» |
Hausa | Karamar Sallah | «Little Eid» |
Hebrew | עיד אל-פיטר | |
Hindi | छोटी ईद Chhoṭī Īd, मीठी ईद Mīṭhī Īd, रमज़ान ईद Ramzān Īd |
«Little Eid», «Sweet Eid, «Eid of Ramadan» |
Kashmiri | لۄکٕٹ عیٖز | «Little Eid» |
Indonesian | Lebaran | |
Malay | Hari Raya Puasa, Hari Raya Aidilfitri |
“The Day of Celebration after Fast», «Eid al-Fitr Celebration Day” |
Malayalam | ഈദുൽ ഫിത്ർ Cheriya Perunnal | «Little ‘Great Day'» |
Pashto | کوچنې اختر ، کمکې اختر ، وړوکې اختر | |
Persian | جشن روزهگشا Jashne rōzeh gosha | |
Tamil | நோன்பு பெருநாள் Nōṉpu perunāḷ | |
Turkish | Ramazan Bayramı, Şeker Bayramı |
«Festival of Ramadan», «Festival of Sweets» |
Urdu | چھوٹی عید Chhoṭī Īd, میٹھی عید Mīṭhi Īd |
«Little Eid», «Sweet Eid» |
According to Muslim tradition Eid al-Fitr was originated by the Islamic prophet Muhammad.[12] According to certain traditions, these festivals were initiated in Medina after the migration of Muhammad from Mecca. Anas, a well-known companion of the Islamic prophet, narrated that, when Muhammad arrived in Medina, he found people celebrating two specific days in which they entertained themselves with recreation and merriment. At this, Muhammad remarked that God had fixed two days of festivity: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.[13]
General rituals[edit]
Traditionally, Eid al-Fitr begins at sunset on the night of the first sighting of the crescent moon. If the moon is not observed immediately after the 29th day of the previous lunar month (either because clouds block its view or because the western sky is still too bright when the moon sets), then the holiday is celebrated the following day.[14] Eid al-Fitr is celebrated for one to three days, depending on the country.[15] It is forbidden to fast on the Day of Eid, and a specific prayer is nominated for this day.[16] As an obligatory act of charity, money is paid to the poor and the needy (Zakat-ul-fitr) before performing the ‘Eid prayer.[17]
Eid prayer and eidgah[edit]
The Eid prayer is performed by the congregation in an open area such as a field, community center, or mosque.[15] No call to prayer is given for this Eid prayer, and it consists of only two units of prayer, with a variable amount of Takbirs and other prayer elements depending on the branch of Islam observed. The Eid prayer is followed by the sermon and then a supplication asking for God’s forgiveness, mercy, peace and blessings for all living beings across the world. The sermon also instructs Muslims as to the performance of rituals of Eid, such as the zakat.[18] The sermon of Eid takes place after the Eid prayer, unlike Friday prayer which comes first before prayer. Some imams believe that listening to the sermon at Eid is optional.[19] After the prayers, Muslims visit their relatives, friends, and acquaintances or hold large communal celebrations in homes, community centers, or rented halls.[15]
Many Muslims often bring prayer rugs to the Mosque on Eid al-Fitr.
Sunni procedure[edit]
As ritual dictates, Sunnis praise God in a loud voice while going to the Eid prayer:
Allāhu Akbar, Allāhu Akbar. Lā ilāha illà l-Lāh wal-Lāhu akbar, Allahu akbar walil-Lāhi l-ḥamd
Recitation ceases when they get to the place of Eid or once the Imam commences activities.[20]
The prayer starts by doing «Niyyah» for the prayer, before the Takbir is said by the Imam and his followers. Next, the Takbirat al-Ihram is performed, by saying Allahu Akbar three times, raising hands to the ears and dropping them each time, except for the last when the hands are folded. The Imam then reads the Al-Fatihah, followed by another Surah. The congregation performs ruku and sujud as in other prayers. This completes the first rak’ah.
The congregation rises up and folds their hands for the second rak’ah, after which the Imam recites Surah Fatiha followed by another Surah. After this, three Takbirs are called out just before the ruku, each time raising hands to the ears and dropping them. For the fourth time, the congregation says Allahu Akbar and subsequently goes into the ruku. The rest of the prayer is completed in the regular manner. This completes the Eid prayer. After the prayer, there is a khutbah.[21]
Shia procedure[edit]
The prayer starts with the Niyyat followed by five Takbirs. During every Takbir of the first rakat, a special Dua is recited. Then, the Imam recites Sūrat al-Fātiḥah and Surat Al-‘A`lá and the congregation performs Ruku and Sujud as in other prayers. In the second Rakat, the same above steps (five Takbeers, Sūrat al-Fātiḥah and Surat Al-‘A`lá, Ruku and Sujud) are repeated. After the prayer, Khutbah starts.[22]
Post-prayer celebration[edit]
A panorama in 12 folds showing an imperial Eid al-Fitr procession by Bahadur Shah II (Mughal Empire, present day Indian subcontinent/Afghanistan/Iran)
During the Eid celebration, Muslims greet each other by saying ‘Eid Mubarak’, which is Arabic for «Blessed Eid». As it comes after a month of fasting, sweet dishes and foods are often prepared and consumed during the celebration. Muslims typically decorate their homes, and are also encouraged to forgive each other and seek forgiveness. In countries with large Muslim populations, it is normally a public holiday with most schools and businesses closed for the day. Practices differ by country and region.[23]
Practices and culture by country[edit]
West Asia[edit]
A girl with henna on her hand, during the Eid prayer
Arab States of the Persian Gulf[edit]
In the United Arab Emirates and other Arab states of the Persian Gulf countries like Qatar, men would typically buy new Kandora (traditional white long robe) or dye their existing Kandoras with walnut oil. Women would wear special clothes for the occasion along with special perfumes and braids. Most majlises would offer fruits, dates, tea or coffee to visitors. Those who live in rural areas tend to celebrate more modestly.[24] Buildings, shops, roads and houses in UAE cities get decorated in bright festive lights.[25] Many shows such as theatres would also occur.[26]
In Bahrain, families often celebrate the festival with an eid dinner consisting of quzi or machboos rice dishes, while popular sweets include halwa or khanfroosh (see Bahraini cuisine). Men typically wear thawbs and women wear abayas, the latter also painting Arabic henna tattoos on their hands or feet.[27]
Saudis decorate their homes and prepare sumptuous meals for family and friends. They prepare new clothes and shoes for the festival. Eid festivities in Saudi Arabia may vary culturally depending on the region, but one common thread in all celebrations is generosity and hospitality. It is a common Saudi tradition for families to gather at the patriarchal home after the Eid prayers. Before the special Eid meal is served, young children will line up in front of each adult family member, who dispense money as gifts to the children.[28]
Omanis would typically eat foods such as shuwa with kahwa coffee (see Omani cuisine). In some places such as Ibri, folklore songs and traditional dancing are often performed.[29]
Kids in Qatif wearing traditional costumes and carrying textile bags to collect candy
Children gather in small choir groups in front of a home and sing. The song is intended to call on God to bless the youngest child of the family, to keep him or her healthy that the mother will remain happy. The more they sing, the more nuts and sweets they receive. The Qarqee’an tradition is intended to spread love, happiness and affection among adults and children Gargee’an.
In modern times, supermarkets, corporates, and malls compete to attract children during this time via advertising in newspapers and on TV, and by offering special promotions and arranging closed Qarqee’an events to market themselves.[30]
In Iran, at the last days of the month of Ramadan, several groups of experts representing the office of Ayatollah Khamenei go to the different zones of the country to determine the date of Eid al-Fitr.[31] Iranian Muslims take part in the Eid al-Fitr prayer and pay the Zakat al-Fitr.[32] The Eid al-Fitr prayer, and the following sermon, has been led by Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran, at Tehran’s Imam Khomeini Grand Prayer Grounds (Mossalla).[33] The celebration is typically marked by a one- or two-day national holiday.[34]
In Turkey, nationwide celebrated holidays are referred to as bayram, and Eid al-Fitr is referred to as both Ramazan Bayramı («Ramadan Bayram«) and Şeker Bayramı («Bayram of Sweets/Sugar»). It is a time for people to attend prayer services, put on their best clothes (referred to as bayramlık, often purchased just for the occasion), visit all their loved ones (such as relatives, neighbors, and friends), and pay their respects to the deceased with organised visits to cemeteries. It is also customary for young children to go around their neighborhood, door to door, and wish everyone a «Happy Bayram«, for which they are awarded candy, chocolates, traditional sweets such as baklava and Turkish delight, or a small amount of money at every door.[35]
Mosques, minarets and public fountains tend to be lighted up for the occasion, and popular events such as Sufi music concerts and dervish dancing ceremonies, Shadow Puppets show are held in the nights.[36]
Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon[edit]
After the Eid al-Fitr prayer, the people of Jerusalem will decorate the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque with toys for children who come from all Palestinian areas to participate in the Eid al-Fitr prayer rituals. Many Palestinians go out to visit the families of those imprisoned, visit the prisons themselves, and visit the graves of the martyrs to lay wreaths on them.[37]
A day before Eid, Al-Aqsa Mosque is decorated with Eid decorations, minarets chant with takbeer, and the old markets are filled with children and women carrying trays of cakes towards bakeries.
Palestinians and Jordanians,
decorate their homes and prepare sumptuous meals for family and friends. They prepare new clothes and shoes for the festival. Eid festivities in Palestine and Jordan may vary culturally depending on the region, but one common thread in all celebrations is generosity and hospitality. It is a common
Palestinian Jordanian tradition for families to gather at the patriarchal home after the Eid prayers. Before the special Eid meal is served, young children will line up in front of each adult family member, who dispense money as gifts to the children. Jordanians would also hang fanous lanterns.[23]
In Lebanon, many concerts take place during Eid al-Fitr by Lebanese and other Arab superstars. Musicians also perform on the Beirut waterfront. Other activities include art exhibitions.[38]
Ma’amoul and Kahk are popular cookie treats baked and consumed during Eid in Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.[39]
In Iraq, kleicha (the traditional snack)[40] and lamb are popular foods.[41]
The Iraqi Kurds tend to visit cemeteries to remember their lost ones one day before the festival. After the prayers, Iraqi Kurdish families would gather together for large breakfasts of rice and stew, as well as candies, nuts and caffeinated beverages.[42]
In Yemen, Bint al-sahn is the preferred snack during Eid celebrations.[43]
Colorful Ramadan lanterns (fanous) at a souk in Egypt
Egyptians spend the first day of Eid al-Fitr to gather all family members and celebrate the Eid at public gardens. It is customary for children to also receive an Eidi, a small sum of money to be spent on activities throughout the Eid.[44] Egyptians like to celebrate with others, so the streets are always crowded during the days and nights of Eid.[45]
Eid is popularly known as Small Sallah in Nigeria. During the day, people generally greet each other by saying Barka Da Sallah, which when translated means «Greetings on Sallah» in the Hausa language
The celebrations last as long as 3 days
Tunisia celebrates Eid for three days (with preparations starting several days earlier), two of which are national holidays. Special Sweets and biscuits, including Baklava and several kinds of «ka’ak», marzipan, cookies are made or buy to give to friends and relatives on the day.[47] kids receive gifts from parents and elderly relatives, usually money or even toys. They also invite close friends and relatives for the Eid dinner. After Eid dinner people love to sing and dance.
In the city of Sfax, a special meal is consumed on the first day generally before noon, composed essentially of Chermoula and cured salted fish, typically Bacalao.
People at the ocean beach during Eid al-Fitr in Mogadishu
In Somalia and other Islamic parts of the Horn region, Eid al-Fitr is observed by the Muslim communities. Celebrations marking the event are typically accompanied by elaborate banquets, where special dishes such as xalwo (halwo) and buskut (buskuit) are served.[48]
Muslims in Tanzania celebrate Eid al-Fitr, when they normally dress in fine clothes and decorate their homes with lights. Special foods are prepared and shared with family and visitors, while children receive gifts.[49] In Zanzibar it is popular for locals to buy new clothing, while women would shop for handbags, necklaces and other clothing. For some youngsters Eid nights involve dancing at a club. Children would receive coins of money from locals.[50]
South Africa[edit]
Muslims in Durban during Eid al-Fitr prayers
In Cape Town, hundreds of Muslims—each with something to share with others at the time of the breaking of the fast—gather at Green Point in the evening of the last day of Ramadan for the sighting of the moon. The Maghrib (sunset) prayer is then performed in congregation and the formal moon-sighting results are announced thereafter.[51]
Eid es-Seghir is the name of Eid al-Fitr among Moroccans. Many families have a tradition of buying new clothes for their children during the holiday. Common food choices for eid dinner include couscous, lamb or beef brochettes and others.[52] In the north, musicians play Andalusian music accompanied by fast clapping.[36]
Eid is an important event for Muslims in Ethiopia, who form the largest Muslim community in East Africa.[53]
In Sudan, where 97% of the population is Muslim,[54] preparations for Eid begin the last few days of Ramadan. For days, ka’ak (sugar powdered cookies), bettifour (dry baked goods including dainty biscuits, baked meringues and macaroons—whose name are derived from the French petit four), and popcorn are baked in large batches to serve to guests and to give to family and friends; dressy Eid clothes are either shopped for or sewn; girls and women decorate their hands and feet with henna; and parts of the house may even be painted. The night before Eid, the whole household partakes in cleaning the house and yard and setting out the finest bedsheets, table cloths, and decorations. On the day of Eid, men and boys (and occasionally women and girls) will attend the Eid prayer. For the next 3 days, families will then visit each other, extended family, neighbors, and close friends. In these short visits, the baked goods, chocolates, and sweets are served, and often large lunches are prepared for the visiting well-wishers. Children are given gifts, either in the form of toys or money.[55]
A Senegalese girl dressed in traditional attire during the Eid celebration
The holiday is widely called Korité in Senegal and elsewhere across West Africa. It is a national holiday, celebrated for three days, with families normally having new clothes made for the holiday. Gifts and donations are normally exchanged.[56]
Ivory Coast[edit]
In the Ivory Coast, Eid is a large feast among Muslims. The celebration lasts between two and ten days depending on region.[57]
Central Asia[edit]
In Tajikistan the holiday is known as Idi Ramazon[58] and is a national holiday.[59]
In Kyrgyzstan the day is known as Orozo Ait (Kyrgyz: Орозо айт). The local population celebrate in various ways such as by partying, eating and singing. Festivals often feature long distance horse racing and other horse-based sports. People would tend to wear fancy and bright clothes, while people would sing Jaramazan tunes and receive cooked bread, candy or cash in return.[60][61]
Ramazon Hayit or Roʻza hayiti is a public holiday in Uzbekistan and widely celebrated. Traditional pastry such as kush-tili, plov and chak-chak are prepared by Uzbek families the day before Eid al-Fitr for consumption. Businesses tend to sell a high range of candies and children’s toys during this period.[46]
Known as Oraza Ait (Ораза айт) Kazakh Muslims tend to visit each other during the celebration and handing out fried doughnuts such as baursaki to others. However mutton, soup, tea and kymyz (horse milk) are also popular food and drinks during the holiday.[62]
South Asia[edit]
An Afghan child eating a piece of candy received as a gift on Eid al-Fitr
In the predominantly Sunni Muslim culture of Afghanistan, Eid al-Fitr holds significant importance and is celebrated widely for three days. It popularly involves special festivities for children and the youngest members of families.[63] The most common greeting is Kochnai Akhtar (Blessed Eid) in the Pashto-speaking community. Afghans start preparing for the Eid al-Fitr festival up to ten days prior by cleaning their homes (called Khana Takani in Dari). Afghans visit their local bazaars to buy new clothes, sweets, and snacks including Jalebi, Shor-Nakhod (made with chickpeas), Cake wa Kolcha (a simple cake, similar to pound cake). The traditional Bolani (vegetarian flatbreads) is a popular meal during Eid al-Fitr in Afghanistan.[63]
On the day of Eid al-Fitr, Afghans will first offer their Eid prayers and then gather in their homes with their families, greeting one another by saying «Eid Mubarak» and usually adding «Eidet Mobarak Roza wa Namazet Qabool Dakhel Hajiha wa Ghaziha,» which means «Happy Eid to you; may your fasting and prayers be accepted by God, and may you be counted among those who will go to the Hajj-pilgrimage.» Family elders will give money and gifts to children. It is also common practice to visit families and friends, which may be difficult to do at other times of the year. Children walk from home to home saying «Khala Eidet Mubarak» («aunt happy Eid»), and they receive cookies or Pala. Young girls and women apply henna “tattoo”s on their hands and feet. The older women while applying it too, don’t do very complicated designs. The boys and young men in some communities might apply it as well but, with very simple designs like a circle in their palms or just coloring the fingertips. The older men might do those simple designs as well, but it is not that common. Henna is a “woman’s” thing in Afghanistan when it comes to doing designs on their hands and feet. At night, multiple campfires are set around houses, sometimes to the point that entire valleys may initially appear to be engulfed in flame. Celebratory fire with automatic rifles, particularly tracer rounds, can also be expected in high density.[64]
Mehndi is the application of henna as a temporary form of skin decoration, commonly applied during Eid al-Fitr.
Eid is a public holiday in India. The holiday begins after the sighting of the new moon on Chand Raat. On that evening, people head to markets to finish their shopping for Eid, for clothing and gifts, and begin preparing their food for the next day. Traditional Eid food often includes biriyani, sheer khurma, and sivayyan, a dish of fine, toasted sweet vermicelli noodles with milk and dried fruit, among other regionally-specific dishes.[65][66] Women and girls also put henna on each others’ hands. In the following morning, Muslims go to their local mosque or Eidgah for Eid Namaz and give Eid zakat before returning home. Afterwards, children are given Eidi (cash gifts) and friends and relatives visit each others homes to eat and celebrate.
In Pakistan, Eid al-Fitr is also referred to as چھوٹی عید, chhotī īd, ‘the Lesser Eid’ or میٹھی عید, mīṭhī īd, ‘Sweet Eid’.[6] People are supposed to give obligatory charity on behalf of each of their family members to the needy or poor before Eid day or, at most, before the Eid prayer, allowing for all to share in the joy of Eid. At home, family members enjoy a special Eid breakfast with various types of sweets and desserts, including Kheer and the traditional dessert Sheer Khurma, which is made of vermicelli, milk, butter, dry fruits, and dates. Eid is especially enjoyed by the kids, as they receive money in cash called «Eidi» as gift from their relatives and elders.[67] People tend to get fresh and crisp banknotes to gift children with. State Bank of Pakistan issues fresh currency notes every year for this purpose.[68]
Sri Lanka[edit]
Sri Lankan Muslims like to eat watalappam, falooda, samosa, gulab jamun, sheerkurma, oil cake and other national and regional dishes.[69]
The preparation for Eid in Bangladesh starts from the last quarter of the holy month of Ramadan. The markets and shopping malls become overwhelmed with people. Those who live away from their families for their job or livelihood, they return to their home towns and villages to celebrate the festival with family members and relatives. In the Chaand Raat children gather at the open field to see the Hilal (crescent moon) of the month of Shawwal. Girls decorate their hands with Mehndi. Like other South Asian countries, Lachcha semai (Vermicelli) are served with Roti or Paratha or Luchi as breakfast in Bangladesh. Then people attend the Eid prayer in Eidgah. Children do «Salam» by touching the feet of the elderly members of the family. And elders give them a small amount of money which is known as «Salami» or «Eidi (gift)», which is a major part of Eid happiness for children. Delicious dishes like Biryani, Polao, Pitha, Kabab, Korma, Payesh, Halwa etc. are served in the dining table. Wealthy Muslims in Bangladesh also distribute Zakat alms to the poor people. People visit the house of relatives, neighbour, and friends and greet each other saying «Eid Mubarak» (Happy Eid).[70]
Eid is a national holiday in Nepal. Nepalese Muslims often consume the popular Nepalese dessert sewai (vermicelli pudding) to mark the occasion. It is commemorated throughout the country with large prayers, dinners and social celebrations.[71]
Celebration in the Maldives include cultural performances such as fire performances.[72]
Southeast Asia[edit]
Pawai Obor or Torch festival in the eve of Eid in Majene Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia. Mass exodus, locally known as mudik is well-known Eid culture in Indonesia as many people homecoming from urban and big cities to rural areas to celebrate the Eid
Eid is known in Indonesia as Hari Raya Idul Fitri, or more popularly as Lebaran, and is a national holiday.[73] People return to their home town or city (an exodus known as mudik) to celebrate with their families and to ask forgiveness from parents, in-laws, and other elders.[74] Festivities start the night before with chanting the Takbir and lighting lamps. On the day itself, after Eid prayer in the morning, zakat alms for the poor are distributed in the mosques. People gather with family and neighbors in traditional clothing and have a special Lebaran meal. Children are given money in colourful envelopes.[75] Later, it is common for Muslims in Indonesia to visit the graves of relatives to ritually clean the grave. Muslims also visit the living in a special ritual called Halal bi-Halal sometime during or several days after Idul Fitri.[76]
Lebaran continues with drumming and street parades.[36]
Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei[edit]
In Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei, Eid is more commonly known as Hari Raya Aidilfitri (Jawi: هاري راي عيدالفطري), Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Hari Raya Puasa, Hari Raya Fitrah or Hari Lebaran. Hari Raya means ‘Celebration Day’.
Rows of Pelita (oil lamps) which is used to illuminate homes and the streets during the season. Seen here in Muar, Johor, Malaysia
It is customary for workers in the city to return to their home town to celebrate with their families and to ask forgiveness from parents, in-laws, and other elders. This is known in Malaysia as balik kampung (homecoming).
The night before Hari Raya is filled with the sounds of takbir in the mosques or musallahs. In many parts of Malaysia, especially in the rural areas, pelita or panjut or lampu colok (as known by Malay-Singaporeans) (oil lamps, similar to tiki torches) are lit up and placed outside and around homes, while tiki torches themselves are also a popular decoration for that holiday. Special dishes like ketupat, rendang, lemang (a type of glutinous rice cooked in bamboo) and Malay delicacies such as various kuih-muih are served during this day. It is common to greet people with «Salam Aidilfitri» or «Selamat Hari Raya» which means «Happy Eid». Muslims also greet one another with «maaf zahir dan batin», which means «Forgive my physical and emotional (wrongdoings)».
It is customary for Muslim-Malaysians to wear a traditional cultural clothing on Hari Raya. The Malay variant (worn in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Southern Thailand) is known as the Baju Melayu, shirt worn with a sarong known as kain samping or songket and a headwear known as songkok. Malaysian women’s clothing is referred to as Baju Kurung and baju kebaya. It is a common practice however for the Malays in Singapore and Johor, Malaysia to refer to the baju kurung in reference to the type of outfit, worn by both men and women.
Street festival during Eid in Geylang, Singapore
In Malaysia, especially in the major cities, people take turns to set aside a time for open house when they stay at home to receive and entertain neighbours, family and other visitors. It is common to see non-Muslims made welcome during Eid at these open houses. They also celebrate by lighting traditional bamboo cannon firecrackers known as meriam buluh, using kerosene in large hollow bamboo tubes or Chinese imported crackers. The traditional bamboo cannon, meriam buloh, and fireworks are notoriously loud and can be very dangerous to operator, bystander and even nearby buildings. These are usually bamboo tubes 5–10 cm (2.0–3.9 in) in diameter and 4–7 m (13–23 ft) long, filled with either: water and several hundred grams of calcium carbide, or heated kerosene, then ignited by match.
In Malaysia, children are given token sums of money, also known as «duit raya», from their parents or elders.[77][78]
There are almost 3 million Muslims in Thailand. In the southernmost provinces, wearing gold on Eid is a popular practice there along with neighbouring Myanmar. In some parts of the country, Muslim residences would open their homes with food specialities to visitors.[79]
Cambodia, Vietnam[edit]
The Muslims of Cambodia often open their homes to friends and neighbours to share food together.[80] Men, women and children dress in fine attire, while the preferred dress colour is white, symbolising the purity of the soul after a month of Ramadan.[81] It is customary during Eid for Cambodian Muslims to donate 3 kilograms of rice to the poor or disabled.[82]
Eid is also celebrated by the much smaller Muslim community of Vietnam, who are mostly of the same ethnic Cham people as in Cambodia.
During Ramadan, in small towns and big villages with significant Muslim populations, Burmese Muslim youth organize singing teams called Jago (meaning «wake up»). Jago teams usually do not use musical instruments apart from the occasional use of harmonica mouth organs.[83] The roving groups of singers will take the tunes of popular Hindi movie songs, replaced with Burmese lyrics and invocations about fasting, the principles of Islam, and the benefits of Salat.[84]
Among Muslim Filipinos in the Philippines, Eid al-Fitr is commonly known as Hariraya, Buka, Hariraya Buka, or Hariraya Buka Puasa.[85][86][87] It is also known as Wakas ng Ramadan (literally «End of Ramadan»), Araw ng Raya («Feast Day»), or Pagtatapos ng Pag-aayuno («End of the Fast») in Filipino. It was proclaimed a legal holiday for Muslim Filipinos in 1977 by Presidential Decree 1083. In 2002, this was upgraded to a public national holiday by Republic Act 9177. It is also sometimes known by its Malay name «Hari Raya Puasa»; and by its Indonesian name «Lebaran».[88][89][90]
Its beginning is decided by the sighting of the crescent moon (hilal), followed by morning prayers in mosques or public plazas.[91] When this occurs can sometimes differ depending on the regional government. In some places it is based on the physical sighting of the hilal; while in others it is determined by the Regional Darul Ifta’ of Bangsamoro (RDI-BARMM) or the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF), especially during cloudy days.[85][92][93]
The sighting of the hilal is traditionally marked by the beating of drums in some regions. In modern times, this has evolved into a noise barrage known as «Mobile Takbir», where celebrants, especially youths, rev their motorcycles or honk their horns while driving through the streets. Guns are also sometimes fired. These practices have been discouraged by the Grand Mufti of Bangsamoro and local government officials as not being in accordance with Islamic teachings as well as being dangerous and causing accidents in the past.[93][94][95]
Hariraya is characterized by the giving of gifts (known as Eidi), food sharing (salu-salo), and visiting the elderly and the sick.[95][96] Food, alms, and basic necessities are also donated to the poor, a practice known as Fitrana or Zakat al-Fitr. This is usually done a day before Eid al-Fitr.[88][97] Various traditional sweet delicacies of the different Muslim Filipino ethnic groups are served for breakfast, including daral, dodol, browas, tinagtag, panyalam, jampok, and so on.[98] Various activities also mark the celebrations, including dancing, boat races, horse races, and carabao fighting in cities and towns with significant Muslim populations. In Metro Manila, the celebrations are usually held at the Manila Golden Mosque and the Quirino Grandstand.[91] The celebration lasts for three days.[92]
East Asia[edit]
China mainland[edit]
An ethnic Hui family celebrating Eid al-Fitr in Ningxia
In mainland China, out of 56 officially recognized ethnic groups, Eid al-Fitr is celebrated by at least 10 ethnic groups that are predominantly Muslim. These groups are said to total 18 million according to official statistics, but some observers say the actual number may be much higher. It is also a public holiday in China in certain regions, including two Province Prefecture Level regions, Ningxia and Xinjiang. All residents in these areas, regardless of religion, are entitled to either a one-day or three-day official holiday. Outside the Muslim-majority regions, only Muslims are entitled to a one-day holiday. In Xinjiang province, Eid al-Fitr is even celebrated by the Han Chinese population. During the holiday, supplies of mutton, lamb and beef are distributed to households as part of a welfare program funded by government agencies, public and private institutions, and businesses. In Yunnan, Muslim populations are spread throughout the region. On Eid al-Fitr, however, some devotees may travel to Sayyid ‘Ajjal’s grave after their communal prayers. There, they will conduct readings from the Quran and clean the tomb, reminiscent of the historic annual Chinese Qingming festival, in which people go to their ancestors’ graves, sweep and clean the area, and make food offerings.[citation needed] Finally the accomplishments of the Sayyid ‘Ajall will be related in story form, concluded by a special prayer service to honour the hundreds of thousands of Muslims killed during the Panthay Rebellion, and the hundreds killed during the Cultural Revolution.[99]
The Eid al-Fitr prayer and celebration in Taiwan draws much attention from local media. Special features of the event are regularly carried out in the newspapers and aired on televisions. These phenomena gives a boost to the Islamic activities in Taiwan.[100][101] Muslims, mostly Indonesian blue collar men and women, typically gather at Taipei Main Station to perform the prayer.[102]
Albanian Muslims generally celebrate the day as with most other countries. The day is known as Fitër Bajrami or Bajrami i Madh in Albania.[103] Magiritsa (Greek Easter soup) is popularly consumed.[46]
Bosnia and Herzegovina[edit]
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Eid al-Fitr is locally known as Ramazanski bajram. It is a three-day public holiday. Worshipers attend a dawn prayer and a sermon, after which people visit each other, give gifts to children and popularly consume baklava.[104][105]
Eid al-Fitr (i.e. Seker Bayram, Sugar Feast) is celebrated in Greece mainly in the Western Thrace region from the local Muslim minority (Turks, Pomaks and Roma), along with the other two major celebrations, Kurban Bayram (Sacrifice Feast) and Hıdırellez. On the day of the Bayram, family gathers together, wear their best clothes, and celebrate with a common meal, after attending the morning prayer. The women prepare and offer sweets to family and visitors, while small children go around and pay their respects to the elderly by kissing their hands. The elder in turn reward them with candies, sweets, and small amounts of money.[106][107] Local Muslim shopkeepers close their shops this day, while Muslim minority schools have a 5-day holiday for the feast.[107]
In Russia where 10 million Muslims reside,[citation needed] Eid al-Fitr is often known as Uraza Bayram (Russian: Ураза-байрам) and is a public holiday in the republics of Adygea, Bashkortostan, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Tatarstan and Chechnya.[108] Most festive dishes consist of mutton, but salads and various soups are also popular. As the Muslim population is diverse, traditional festive dishes differ between regions – for example in Tatarstan pancakes are popularly baked.[109]
Russian Muslims go to festive worships at mosques in the morning of Eid al-Fitr, after which they often visit older relatives as a sign of respect. In the North Caucasian republics, children popularly go past various houses with a bag to get it filled with candy, specially stored by locals for the celebration. In Dagestan, eggs with bright stickers is a popular traditional dish served there during Eid al-Fitr. People generally dress more during this day – women choose bright dresses with beads while older people would wear papakhas.[110] In many places in the country master classes are also hosted where families take part in activities such as embroidery and clay making.[110]
In Ukraine, Eid al-Fitr (Ukrainian: Рамазан-байрам) as well as Eid al-Adha have been official state holidays since 2020.[111] During the festival, Ukrainian Muslims (most of whom are Crimean Tatars) often gather with loved ones.[112]
United Kingdom[edit]
Although Eid al-Fitr is not a recognized public holiday in the United Kingdom,[113] many schools, businesses, and organisations allow for at least a day’s leave to be taken for religious celebrations.[114][115]
Most of the masajid in the United kingdom hold special events after Eid prayer, including Islamic musical performances, brunch buffets, rides such bouncy castles and carousels.
New Eid tradition are born in internet era. As elsewhere, Muslims in the United Kingdom celebrate Eid by decorating houses, gift giving and Eid parties for kids.
United States[edit]
Muslim US soldiers performing the Eid prayer
In New York City, alternate side parking (street cleaning) regulations are suspended on Eid. Beginning in 2016, New York City public schools also remain closed on Eid.[116] In Houston, Texas, the annual prayers are offered at the George R. Brown Convention Center in downtown Houston, organised by the Islamic Society of Greater Houston (ISGH).[citation needed] In other states, with smaller Muslim populations, it is common that schools will remain open on Eid al-Fitr.
The United States Postal Service (USPS) has issued several Eid postage stamps, across several years—starting in 2001—honoring «two of the most important festivals in the Islamic calendar: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.» Eid stamps were released in 2001–2002, 2006–2009, and 2011.[117][118][119][120]
Most masaajid in the North America held special events after Eid prayer including Islamic musical performance, Brunch Buffets, rides such Bouncy, Carousel, Slide for kids.[citation needed]
New Eid traditions have been born in the Internet era. Some Muslim in North America now celebrating Eid with decorating houses, gift giving and Eid parties for kids.[citation needed]
Trinidad and Tobago[edit]
The Muslim population of Trinidad and Tobago popularly eat sawine/vermicelli, a sweet dessert, to mark the celebration,[121] but the feast also consists of curries, rotis, and chicken and curry goat.[122] Eid al-Fitr is a public holiday in Trinidad and Tobago.
Suriname, Guyana[edit]
Eid al-Fitr is a public holiday in Suriname and Guyana.[123]
In Argentina, Eid (Spanish: Fiesta del Fin del Ayuno) is officially a non-working holiday for Muslims.
In the Gregorian calendar[edit]
Conversion of Hijri years 1343 to 1500 to the Gregorian calendar, with first days of al-Muharram (brown), Ramadan (grey) and Shawwal (black) bolded, and Eid al-Adha dotted – in the SVG file, hover over a spot to show its dates and a line to show the month
Although the date of Eid al-Fitr is always the same in the Islamic calendar, the date in the Gregorian calendar falls approximately 11 days earlier each successive year, since the Islamic calendar is lunar and the Gregorian calendar is solar. Hence if the Eid falls in the first ten days of a Gregorian calendar year, there will be a second Eid in the last ten days of the same Gregorian calendar year, as happened in 2000 CE. The Gregorian date may vary between countries depending on the local visibility of the new moon. Some expatriate Muslim communities follow the dates as determined for their home country, while others follow the local dates of their country of residence.
The following table shows predicted dates and announced dates based on new moon sightings for Saudi Arabia.[1]
Islamic year | Umm al-Qura predicted | High Judiciary Council of Saudi Arabia announced |
1406 | 02 March 1995 | 02 March 1995 |
1407 | 19 February 1996 | 19 February 1996 |
1408 | 08 February 1997 | 08 February 1997 |
1409 | 29 January 1998 | 29 January 1998 |
1410 | 18 January 1999 | 18 January 1999 |
1421 | 08 January 2000 | 08 January 2000 |
1422 | 16 December 2001 | 16 December 2001 |
1423 | 05 December 2002 | 05 December 2002 |
1424 | 25 November 2003 | 25 November 2003 |
1425 | 14 November 2004 | 13 November 2004 |
1426 | 03 November 2005 | 03 November 2005 |
1427 | 23 October 2006 | 23 October 2006 |
1428 | 13 October 2007 | 12 October 2007 |
1429 | 01 October 2008 | 30 September 2008 |
1430 | 20 September 2009 | 20 September 2009 |
1431 | 10 September 2010 | 10 September 2010 |
1432 | 30 August 2011 | 30 August 2011 |
1433 | 19 August 2012 | 19 August 2012 |
1434 | 08 August 2013 | 08 August 2013 |
1435 | 28 July 2014 | 28 July 2014 |
1436 | 17 July 2015 | 17 July 2015 |
1437 | 06 July 2016 | 06 July 2016 |
1438 | 25 June 2017 | 25 June 2017 |
1439 | 15 June 2018 | 15 June 2018[124] |
1440 | 04 June 2019 | 04 June 2019[125] |
1441 | 24 May 2020 | 24 May 2020[126] |
1442 | 13 May 2021 | 13 May 2021[127] |
1443 | 02 May 2022 | 02 May 2022[128] |
1444 | 21 April 2023 | |
1445 | 10 April 2024 | |
1446 | 30 March 2025 | |
1447 | 20 March 2026 | |
1448 | 09 March 2027 | |
1449 | 26 February 2028 | |
1450 | 14 February 2029 | |
1451 | 3 February 2030 | |
1452 | 24 January 2031 | |
1453 | 14 January 2032 | |
1454 | 02 January 2033 | |
1455 | 11 December 2034 | |
1456 | 01 December 2035 | |
1457 | 19 November 2036 | |
1458 | 09 November 2037 | |
1459 | 29 October 2038 |
Because the Hijri year differs by about 11 days from the AD year, Eid al Fitr can occur twice a year, in the year 1023, 1055, 1088, 1120, 1153, 1186, 1218, 1251, 1283, 1316, 1348, 1381, 1414, 1446, 1479, 1512, 1544, 1577, 1609, 1642, 1674, 1707, 1740, 1772, 1805, 1837, 1870, 1902, 1935, 1968, 2000, 2033, 2065, 2098, 2131, 2163, 2196, 2228, 2261 and 2293 (will continue to occur every 32 or 33 years).
British Muslim soldiers and merchant seamen from India, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan, Palestine, Transjordan, Syria, Arabia, Aden and Somaliland, performing the Eid prayers at the East London Mosque in 1941
Muslims in Singapore celebrating Eid al-Fitr
An Indonesian family celebrating lebaran with various culinary dishes specific to this holiday
Sweets being sold in a store in Ankara, Turkey
Lighted up Commercial Street in Bangalore, India during Eid al-Fitr
See also[edit]
- Quds Day
- ^ «The actual date may vary as per the moon sighting»
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In the subcontinent, this Eid, Eid-ul-Fitr, is known as ‘Choti Eid’, or the ‘Lesser Eid’. This immediately sets up a contrast with ‘Bari Eid’, or the ‘Greater Eid’, which takes place just two months and a bit later. This distinction is also known in the Arab world, but by calling ‘Bari Eid’ bari, this Eid is already disadvantaged. It is the ‘other Eid’.’Bari Eid’, or Eid-ul-Azha, has the advantage of having two major rituals, as both have the prayer, but it alone has a sacrifice. ‘Bari Eid’ brings all Muslims together in celebrating Hajj, which is itself a reminder of the Abrahamic sacrifice, while ‘Choti Eid’ commemorates solely the end of the fasting of Ramazan.
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- ^ Neikbanzaw magazine, No. 1 & 2, December 1952 & 1953
- ^ Interview by Khin Khin Yie with Haji U Bar Bar @ U Win Maung, composer of Jago songs, 28×81 street Mandalay. Published in Prophet Muhammad’s Day Golden Jubilee magazine page 88, column 2 paragraph 2
- ^ a b Lidasan, Mussolini S. (10 June 2019). «To Eid or not to Eid, again». SunStar Cagayan de Oro. Archived from the original on 15 January 2020. Retrieved 15 January 2020.
- ^ McKenna, Thomas M. (1998). Muslim Rulers and Rebels: Everyday Politics and Armed Separatism in the Southern Philippines. University of California Press. p. 43. ISBN 9780520210165. Archived from the original on 17 December 2021. Retrieved 31 October 2020.
- ^ Pendatun, Datu Shariff Khaled Ada. «What You Need to Know About Eid al Fitr». Spot.ph. Archived from the original on 15 January 2020. Retrieved 15 January 2020.
- ^ a b Tan, Nigel (5 June 2019). «Fast Facts: What you should know about Eid al-Fitr, end of Ramadan». Rappler. Archived from the original on 15 January 2020. Retrieved 15 January 2020.
- ^ Vila, Alixandra Caole (29 July 2014). «Celebrating Eid al-Fitr around the table». PhilStar Global. Archived from the original on 15 January 2020. Retrieved 15 January 2020.
- ^ Raslan, Karim (10 June 2019). «OPINION: What it’s like to celebrate Eid al-Fitr in a Muslim minority country». ABS-CBN News. Archived from the original on 15 January 2020. Retrieved 15 January 2020.
- ^ a b «Hari Raya». Tagalog Lang. Archived from the original on 17 December 2021. Retrieved 15 January 2020.
- ^ a b «10 Things You May Not Know About Eid al-Fitr». ChoosePhilippines. Archived from the original on 15 January 2020. Retrieved 15 January 2020.
- ^ a b Cabrera, Ferdinandh B. (4 June 2019). «Marawi marks Eid’l Fitr day ahead of date set by Darul Ifta». MindaNews. Archived from the original on 30 July 2020. Retrieved 15 January 2020.
- ^ Rosalado, RJ (3 June 2019). «June 5, 2019 declared as Eid’l Fitr in PH». ABS-CBN News. Archived from the original on 15 January 2020. Retrieved 15 January 2020.
- ^ a b Jocson, Liza; Cabilbigan, Erwin; Ordonez, Erwin (17 July 2015). «Muslims celebrate Eid’l Fitr». CNN. Archived from the original on 15 January 2020. Retrieved 15 January 2020.
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- ^ «SLIDESHOW: Filipino Muslims celebrate Eid’l Fitr». ABS-CBN News. 15 June 2018. Archived from the original on 15 January 2020. Retrieved 15 January 2020.
- ^ Gunting, Ayunan G. (2 July 2016). «The spirit–and food–of Ramadan». Lifestyle.Inq. Archived from the original on 15 January 2020. Retrieved 15 January 2020.
- ^ Armijo, Jacqueline M. «East Asian culture and Islam.» Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim world, p. 191
- ^ Huang, Maggie (24 June 2017). «Eid al-Fitr celebration to kick off in Taipei on Sunday». Taiwan News. Archived from the original on 3 February 2018. Retrieved 25 June 2017.
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- ^ «Muslims celebrate the end of Ramadan in Moscow». www.rbth.com. 5 July 2016. Archived from the original on 9 May 2021. Retrieved 9 May 2021.
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- ^ Bentley, David (19 June 2018). «Should the UK Government make Eid a public holiday?». birminghammail. Archived from the original on 6 June 2020. Retrieved 6 June 2020.
- ^ «How to handle holiday requests for staff celebrating Eid». Peninsula UK. Archived from the original on 6 June 2020. Retrieved 6 June 2020.
- ^ Bentley, David (14 June 2018). «Can children take time off school for Eid? These are the rules». birminghammail. Archived from the original on 6 June 2020. Retrieved 6 June 2020.
- ^ McCarthy, Tom. «New York City adds two Muslim holidays to public school calendar». The Guardian. Archived from the original on 17 July 2015. Retrieved 17 July 2015.
- ^ «2011 USPS Eid Forever stamp, with the quotation about the festivals». US Postal Service. 28 March 2011. Archived from the original on 20 January 2012. Retrieved 11 August 2013.
- ^ «2009 USPS Eid stamp, with mention of other dates». US Postal Service. 28 March 2011. Archived from the original on 17 December 2021. Retrieved 11 August 2013.
- ^ «2008 USPS Eid stamp». US Postal Service. 28 March 2011. Archived from the original on 17 December 2021. Retrieved 11 August 2013.
- ^ «2007 USPS Eid stamp». US Postal Service. 28 March 2011. Retrieved 11 August 2013.
- ^ «The most popular Eid sweet in the Caribbean». Di Soca Analysts. 3 June 2019. Archived from the original on 9 May 2021. Retrieved 9 May 2021.
- ^ «Break the fast with these sweet treats for Eid». thestar.com. 6 July 2016. Archived from the original on 9 May 2021. Retrieved 9 May 2021.
- ^ «Eid-ul-Fitr: The end of the fast». July 2015. Archived from the original on 12 May 2021. Retrieved 12 May 2021.
- ^ Saudi confirms start Eid al-Fitr Archived 4 June 2019 at the Wayback Machine, Gulf Business
- ^ Announced Eid al-Fitr in Saudi on Tuesday Archived 4 June 2019 at the Wayback Machine, Gulf News
- ^ «Iran calendar» (PDF). calendar.ut.ac. Archived (PDF) from the original on 25 May 2020. Retrieved 30 April 2020.
- ^ Bentley, David (13 May 2021). «Eid 2021 LIVE updates — when is Eid ul Fitr in Saudi Arabia, UK, rest of world». BirminghamLive. Archived from the original on 13 May 2021. Retrieved 13 May 2021.
- ^ Fatwa-Online Admin (30 April 2022). «‘Eed al-Fitr 1443 – Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia – Fatwa-Online | eFatwa». Fatwa-online.com. Retrieved 1 May 2022.
General sources[edit]
- Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. Edited by Martin, Richard C. Macmillan Reference, 2004. Vol. 1.[ISBN missing]
- The Umm al-Qura calendar of Saudi Arabia (with computed and announced dates for Eid al-Fitr)
External links[edit]
Media related to Eid al-Fitr at Wikimedia Commons
The dictionary definition of Eid al-Fitr at Wiktionary
Eid al-Fitr | |
From top: Muslims performing the Eid prayer at Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey; cakes and sweets, which are popularly consumed during the celebration in Algeria; a sparkler being lit during Eid celebrations in Indonesia |
Official name | Arabic: عيد الفطر, romanized: Eid al-Fiṭr |
Also called | Festival of Breaking the Fast, Lesser Eid, Sweet Eid, Sugar Feast |
Observed by | Muslims |
Type | Islamic |
Significance | Commemoration to mark the end of fasting in Ramadan |
Celebrations | Eid prayers, charity, social gatherings, festive meals, gift-giving, dressing up, Lebaran |
Date | 1 Shawwal[1] |
2023 date | 21 – 22 April[a][2] |
2024 date | 10 – 11 April |
Related to | Ramadan, Eid al-Adha |
Eid al-Fitr (; Arabic: عيد الفطر, romanized: Eid al-Fiṭr, lit. ‘Holiday of Breaking the Fast’, IPA: [ʕiːd al ˈfitˤr])[4] or the Festival of Sweets is the earlier of the two official holidays celebrated within Islam (the other being Eid al-Adha). The religious holiday is celebrated by Muslims worldwide because it marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan.[5] It falls on the first day of Shawwal in the Islamic calendar; this does not always fall on the same Gregorian day, as the start of any lunar Hijri month varies based on when the new moon is sighted by local religious authorities. The holiday is known under various other names in different languages and countries around the world. The day is also called Lesser Eid, or simply Eid.[6]
Eid al-Fitr has a particular salat (Islamic prayer) that consists of two rakats (units) generally performed in an open field or large hall. It may only be performed in congregation (jamāʿat) and features seven additional Takbirs (raising of the hands to the ears while saying «Allāhu ʾAkbar», meaning «God is the greatest») in the Hanafi school of Sunni Islam: three at the start of the first rakat and three just before rukūʿ in the second rakat.[7] Other Sunni schools usually have 12 Takbirs, similarly split in groups of seven and five. In Shia Islam, the salat has six Takbirs in the first rakat at the end of qira’a, before rukūʿ, and five in the second.[8] Depending on the juristic opinion of the locality, this salat is either farḍ (فرض, obligatory), mustaḥabb (strongly recommended) or mandūb (مندوب, preferable). After the salat, Muslims celebrate the Eid al-Fitr in various ways[9] with food («Eid cuisine») being a central theme, which also gives the holiday the nickname «Sweet Eid» or «Sugar Feast».[10][11]
Native names[edit]
Language | Name | Meaning |
Acehnese | Uroë Raya Puasa Rojar Id | «Festival of breaking fasting» |
Albanian | Fitër Bajrami, Bajrami i vogel |
«Big festival» |
Arabic | عيد الفطر ‘Īd al-Fitr | «Happiness of breaking fasting» |
Assamese | ৰমজান ঈদ Romzan Īd | «Eid of Ramadan» |
Bengali | রোজার ঈদ Rojar Īd | «Eid of the fasting» |
Bosnian | Ramazanski Bajram | «Festival of Ramadan» |
Chinese | 開齋節(traditional) 开斋节(simplified) Kāi zhāi jié |
«Festival for the end of fasting» |
Hausa | Karamar Sallah | «Little Eid» |
Hebrew | עיד אל-פיטר | |
Hindi | छोटी ईद Chhoṭī Īd, मीठी ईद Mīṭhī Īd, रमज़ान ईद Ramzān Īd |
«Little Eid», «Sweet Eid, «Eid of Ramadan» |
Kashmiri | لۄکٕٹ عیٖز | «Little Eid» |
Indonesian | Lebaran | |
Malay | Hari Raya Puasa, Hari Raya Aidilfitri |
“The Day of Celebration after Fast», «Eid al-Fitr Celebration Day” |
Malayalam | ഈദുൽ ഫിത്ർ Cheriya Perunnal | «Little ‘Great Day'» |
Pashto | کوچنې اختر ، کمکې اختر ، وړوکې اختر | |
Persian | جشن روزهگشا Jashne rōzeh gosha | |
Tamil | நோன்பு பெருநாள் Nōṉpu perunāḷ | |
Turkish | Ramazan Bayramı, Şeker Bayramı |
«Festival of Ramadan», «Festival of Sweets» |
Urdu | چھوٹی عید Chhoṭī Īd, میٹھی عید Mīṭhi Īd |
«Little Eid», «Sweet Eid» |
According to Muslim tradition Eid al-Fitr was originated by the Islamic prophet Muhammad.[12] According to certain traditions, these festivals were initiated in Medina after the migration of Muhammad from Mecca. Anas, a well-known companion of the Islamic prophet, narrated that, when Muhammad arrived in Medina, he found people celebrating two specific days in which they entertained themselves with recreation and merriment. At this, Muhammad remarked that God had fixed two days of festivity: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.[13]
General rituals[edit]
Traditionally, Eid al-Fitr begins at sunset on the night of the first sighting of the crescent moon. If the moon is not observed immediately after the 29th day of the previous lunar month (either because clouds block its view or because the western sky is still too bright when the moon sets), then the holiday is celebrated the following day.[14] Eid al-Fitr is celebrated for one to three days, depending on the country.[15] It is forbidden to fast on the Day of Eid, and a specific prayer is nominated for this day.[16] As an obligatory act of charity, money is paid to the poor and the needy (Zakat-ul-fitr) before performing the ‘Eid prayer.[17]
Eid prayer and eidgah[edit]
The Eid prayer is performed by the congregation in an open area such as a field, community center, or mosque.[15] No call to prayer is given for this Eid prayer, and it consists of only two units of prayer, with a variable amount of Takbirs and other prayer elements depending on the branch of Islam observed. The Eid prayer is followed by the sermon and then a supplication asking for God’s forgiveness, mercy, peace and blessings for all living beings across the world. The sermon also instructs Muslims as to the performance of rituals of Eid, such as the zakat.[18] The sermon of Eid takes place after the Eid prayer, unlike Friday prayer which comes first before prayer. Some imams believe that listening to the sermon at Eid is optional.[19] After the prayers, Muslims visit their relatives, friends, and acquaintances or hold large communal celebrations in homes, community centers, or rented halls.[15]
Many Muslims often bring prayer rugs to the Mosque on Eid al-Fitr.
Sunni procedure[edit]
As ritual dictates, Sunnis praise God in a loud voice while going to the Eid prayer:
Allāhu Akbar, Allāhu Akbar. Lā ilāha illà l-Lāh wal-Lāhu akbar, Allahu akbar walil-Lāhi l-ḥamd
Recitation ceases when they get to the place of Eid or once the Imam commences activities.[20]
The prayer starts by doing «Niyyah» for the prayer, before the Takbir is said by the Imam and his followers. Next, the Takbirat al-Ihram is performed, by saying Allahu Akbar three times, raising hands to the ears and dropping them each time, except for the last when the hands are folded. The Imam then reads the Al-Fatihah, followed by another Surah. The congregation performs ruku and sujud as in other prayers. This completes the first rak’ah.
The congregation rises up and folds their hands for the second rak’ah, after which the Imam recites Surah Fatiha followed by another Surah. After this, three Takbirs are called out just before the ruku, each time raising hands to the ears and dropping them. For the fourth time, the congregation says Allahu Akbar and subsequently goes into the ruku. The rest of the prayer is completed in the regular manner. This completes the Eid prayer. After the prayer, there is a khutbah.[21]
Shia procedure[edit]
The prayer starts with the Niyyat followed by five Takbirs. During every Takbir of the first rakat, a special Dua is recited. Then, the Imam recites Sūrat al-Fātiḥah and Surat Al-‘A`lá and the congregation performs Ruku and Sujud as in other prayers. In the second Rakat, the same above steps (five Takbeers, Sūrat al-Fātiḥah and Surat Al-‘A`lá, Ruku and Sujud) are repeated. After the prayer, Khutbah starts.[22]
Post-prayer celebration[edit]
A panorama in 12 folds showing an imperial Eid al-Fitr procession by Bahadur Shah II (Mughal Empire, present day Indian subcontinent/Afghanistan/Iran)
During the Eid celebration, Muslims greet each other by saying ‘Eid Mubarak’, which is Arabic for «Blessed Eid». As it comes after a month of fasting, sweet dishes and foods are often prepared and consumed during the celebration. Muslims typically decorate their homes, and are also encouraged to forgive each other and seek forgiveness. In countries with large Muslim populations, it is normally a public holiday with most schools and businesses closed for the day. Practices differ by country and region.[23]
Practices and culture by country[edit]
West Asia[edit]
A girl with henna on her hand, during the Eid prayer
Arab States of the Persian Gulf[edit]
In the United Arab Emirates and other Arab states of the Persian Gulf countries like Qatar, men would typically buy new Kandora (traditional white long robe) or dye their existing Kandoras with walnut oil. Women would wear special clothes for the occasion along with special perfumes and braids. Most majlises would offer fruits, dates, tea or coffee to visitors. Those who live in rural areas tend to celebrate more modestly.[24] Buildings, shops, roads and houses in UAE cities get decorated in bright festive lights.[25] Many shows such as theatres would also occur.[26]
In Bahrain, families often celebrate the festival with an eid dinner consisting of quzi or machboos rice dishes, while popular sweets include halwa or khanfroosh (see Bahraini cuisine). Men typically wear thawbs and women wear abayas, the latter also painting Arabic henna tattoos on their hands or feet.[27]
Saudis decorate their homes and prepare sumptuous meals for family and friends. They prepare new clothes and shoes for the festival. Eid festivities in Saudi Arabia may vary culturally depending on the region, but one common thread in all celebrations is generosity and hospitality. It is a common Saudi tradition for families to gather at the patriarchal home after the Eid prayers. Before the special Eid meal is served, young children will line up in front of each adult family member, who dispense money as gifts to the children.[28]
Omanis would typically eat foods such as shuwa with kahwa coffee (see Omani cuisine). In some places such as Ibri, folklore songs and traditional dancing are often performed.[29]
Kids in Qatif wearing traditional costumes and carrying textile bags to collect candy
Children gather in small choir groups in front of a home and sing. The song is intended to call on God to bless the youngest child of the family, to keep him or her healthy that the mother will remain happy. The more they sing, the more nuts and sweets they receive. The Qarqee’an tradition is intended to spread love, happiness and affection among adults and children Gargee’an.
In modern times, supermarkets, corporates, and malls compete to attract children during this time via advertising in newspapers and on TV, and by offering special promotions and arranging closed Qarqee’an events to market themselves.[30]
In Iran, at the last days of the month of Ramadan, several groups of experts representing the office of Ayatollah Khamenei go to the different zones of the country to determine the date of Eid al-Fitr.[31] Iranian Muslims take part in the Eid al-Fitr prayer and pay the Zakat al-Fitr.[32] The Eid al-Fitr prayer, and the following sermon, has been led by Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran, at Tehran’s Imam Khomeini Grand Prayer Grounds (Mossalla).[33] The celebration is typically marked by a one- or two-day national holiday.[34]
In Turkey, nationwide celebrated holidays are referred to as bayram, and Eid al-Fitr is referred to as both Ramazan Bayramı («Ramadan Bayram«) and Şeker Bayramı («Bayram of Sweets/Sugar»). It is a time for people to attend prayer services, put on their best clothes (referred to as bayramlık, often purchased just for the occasion), visit all their loved ones (such as relatives, neighbors, and friends), and pay their respects to the deceased with organised visits to cemeteries. It is also customary for young children to go around their neighborhood, door to door, and wish everyone a «Happy Bayram«, for which they are awarded candy, chocolates, traditional sweets such as baklava and Turkish delight, or a small amount of money at every door.[35]
Mosques, minarets and public fountains tend to be lighted up for the occasion, and popular events such as Sufi music concerts and dervish dancing ceremonies, Shadow Puppets show are held in the nights.[36]
Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon[edit]
After the Eid al-Fitr prayer, the people of Jerusalem will decorate the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque with toys for children who come from all Palestinian areas to participate in the Eid al-Fitr prayer rituals. Many Palestinians go out to visit the families of those imprisoned, visit the prisons themselves, and visit the graves of the martyrs to lay wreaths on them.[37]
A day before Eid, Al-Aqsa Mosque is decorated with Eid decorations, minarets chant with takbeer, and the old markets are filled with children and women carrying trays of cakes towards bakeries.
Palestinians and Jordanians,
decorate their homes and prepare sumptuous meals for family and friends. They prepare new clothes and shoes for the festival. Eid festivities in Palestine and Jordan may vary culturally depending on the region, but one common thread in all celebrations is generosity and hospitality. It is a common
Palestinian Jordanian tradition for families to gather at the patriarchal home after the Eid prayers. Before the special Eid meal is served, young children will line up in front of each adult family member, who dispense money as gifts to the children. Jordanians would also hang fanous lanterns.[23]
In Lebanon, many concerts take place during Eid al-Fitr by Lebanese and other Arab superstars. Musicians also perform on the Beirut waterfront. Other activities include art exhibitions.[38]
Ma’amoul and Kahk are popular cookie treats baked and consumed during Eid in Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.[39]
In Iraq, kleicha (the traditional snack)[40] and lamb are popular foods.[41]
The Iraqi Kurds tend to visit cemeteries to remember their lost ones one day before the festival. After the prayers, Iraqi Kurdish families would gather together for large breakfasts of rice and stew, as well as candies, nuts and caffeinated beverages.[42]
In Yemen, Bint al-sahn is the preferred snack during Eid celebrations.[43]
Colorful Ramadan lanterns (fanous) at a souk in Egypt
Egyptians spend the first day of Eid al-Fitr to gather all family members and celebrate the Eid at public gardens. It is customary for children to also receive an Eidi, a small sum of money to be spent on activities throughout the Eid.[44] Egyptians like to celebrate with others, so the streets are always crowded during the days and nights of Eid.[45]
Eid is popularly known as Small Sallah in Nigeria. During the day, people generally greet each other by saying Barka Da Sallah, which when translated means «Greetings on Sallah» in the Hausa language
The celebrations last as long as 3 days
Tunisia celebrates Eid for three days (with preparations starting several days earlier), two of which are national holidays. Special Sweets and biscuits, including Baklava and several kinds of «ka’ak», marzipan, cookies are made or buy to give to friends and relatives on the day.[47] kids receive gifts from parents and elderly relatives, usually money or even toys. They also invite close friends and relatives for the Eid dinner. After Eid dinner people love to sing and dance.
In the city of Sfax, a special meal is consumed on the first day generally before noon, composed essentially of Chermoula and cured salted fish, typically Bacalao.
People at the ocean beach during Eid al-Fitr in Mogadishu
In Somalia and other Islamic parts of the Horn region, Eid al-Fitr is observed by the Muslim communities. Celebrations marking the event are typically accompanied by elaborate banquets, where special dishes such as xalwo (halwo) and buskut (buskuit) are served.[48]
Muslims in Tanzania celebrate Eid al-Fitr, when they normally dress in fine clothes and decorate their homes with lights. Special foods are prepared and shared with family and visitors, while children receive gifts.[49] In Zanzibar it is popular for locals to buy new clothing, while women would shop for handbags, necklaces and other clothing. For some youngsters Eid nights involve dancing at a club. Children would receive coins of money from locals.[50]
South Africa[edit]
Muslims in Durban during Eid al-Fitr prayers
In Cape Town, hundreds of Muslims—each with something to share with others at the time of the breaking of the fast—gather at Green Point in the evening of the last day of Ramadan for the sighting of the moon. The Maghrib (sunset) prayer is then performed in congregation and the formal moon-sighting results are announced thereafter.[51]
Eid es-Seghir is the name of Eid al-Fitr among Moroccans. Many families have a tradition of buying new clothes for their children during the holiday. Common food choices for eid dinner include couscous, lamb or beef brochettes and others.[52] In the north, musicians play Andalusian music accompanied by fast clapping.[36]
Eid is an important event for Muslims in Ethiopia, who form the largest Muslim community in East Africa.[53]
In Sudan, where 97% of the population is Muslim,[54] preparations for Eid begin the last few days of Ramadan. For days, ka’ak (sugar powdered cookies), bettifour (dry baked goods including dainty biscuits, baked meringues and macaroons—whose name are derived from the French petit four), and popcorn are baked in large batches to serve to guests and to give to family and friends; dressy Eid clothes are either shopped for or sewn; girls and women decorate their hands and feet with henna; and parts of the house may even be painted. The night before Eid, the whole household partakes in cleaning the house and yard and setting out the finest bedsheets, table cloths, and decorations. On the day of Eid, men and boys (and occasionally women and girls) will attend the Eid prayer. For the next 3 days, families will then visit each other, extended family, neighbors, and close friends. In these short visits, the baked goods, chocolates, and sweets are served, and often large lunches are prepared for the visiting well-wishers. Children are given gifts, either in the form of toys or money.[55]
A Senegalese girl dressed in traditional attire during the Eid celebration
The holiday is widely called Korité in Senegal and elsewhere across West Africa. It is a national holiday, celebrated for three days, with families normally having new clothes made for the holiday. Gifts and donations are normally exchanged.[56]
Ivory Coast[edit]
In the Ivory Coast, Eid is a large feast among Muslims. The celebration lasts between two and ten days depending on region.[57]
Central Asia[edit]
In Tajikistan the holiday is known as Idi Ramazon[58] and is a national holiday.[59]
In Kyrgyzstan the day is known as Orozo Ait (Kyrgyz: Орозо айт). The local population celebrate in various ways such as by partying, eating and singing. Festivals often feature long distance horse racing and other horse-based sports. People would tend to wear fancy and bright clothes, while people would sing Jaramazan tunes and receive cooked bread, candy or cash in return.[60][61]
Ramazon Hayit or Roʻza hayiti is a public holiday in Uzbekistan and widely celebrated. Traditional pastry such as kush-tili, plov and chak-chak are prepared by Uzbek families the day before Eid al-Fitr for consumption. Businesses tend to sell a high range of candies and children’s toys during this period.[46]
Known as Oraza Ait (Ораза айт) Kazakh Muslims tend to visit each other during the celebration and handing out fried doughnuts such as baursaki to others. However mutton, soup, tea and kymyz (horse milk) are also popular food and drinks during the holiday.[62]
South Asia[edit]
An Afghan child eating a piece of candy received as a gift on Eid al-Fitr
In the predominantly Sunni Muslim culture of Afghanistan, Eid al-Fitr holds significant importance and is celebrated widely for three days. It popularly involves special festivities for children and the youngest members of families.[63] The most common greeting is Kochnai Akhtar (Blessed Eid) in the Pashto-speaking community. Afghans start preparing for the Eid al-Fitr festival up to ten days prior by cleaning their homes (called Khana Takani in Dari). Afghans visit their local bazaars to buy new clothes, sweets, and snacks including Jalebi, Shor-Nakhod (made with chickpeas), Cake wa Kolcha (a simple cake, similar to pound cake). The traditional Bolani (vegetarian flatbreads) is a popular meal during Eid al-Fitr in Afghanistan.[63]
On the day of Eid al-Fitr, Afghans will first offer their Eid prayers and then gather in their homes with their families, greeting one another by saying «Eid Mubarak» and usually adding «Eidet Mobarak Roza wa Namazet Qabool Dakhel Hajiha wa Ghaziha,» which means «Happy Eid to you; may your fasting and prayers be accepted by God, and may you be counted among those who will go to the Hajj-pilgrimage.» Family elders will give money and gifts to children. It is also common practice to visit families and friends, which may be difficult to do at other times of the year. Children walk from home to home saying «Khala Eidet Mubarak» («aunt happy Eid»), and they receive cookies or Pala. Young girls and women apply henna “tattoo”s on their hands and feet. The older women while applying it too, don’t do very complicated designs. The boys and young men in some communities might apply it as well but, with very simple designs like a circle in their palms or just coloring the fingertips. The older men might do those simple designs as well, but it is not that common. Henna is a “woman’s” thing in Afghanistan when it comes to doing designs on their hands and feet. At night, multiple campfires are set around houses, sometimes to the point that entire valleys may initially appear to be engulfed in flame. Celebratory fire with automatic rifles, particularly tracer rounds, can also be expected in high density.[64]
Mehndi is the application of henna as a temporary form of skin decoration, commonly applied during Eid al-Fitr.
Eid is a public holiday in India. The holiday begins after the sighting of the new moon on Chand Raat. On that evening, people head to markets to finish their shopping for Eid, for clothing and gifts, and begin preparing their food for the next day. Traditional Eid food often includes biriyani, sheer khurma, and sivayyan, a dish of fine, toasted sweet vermicelli noodles with milk and dried fruit, among other regionally-specific dishes.[65][66] Women and girls also put henna on each others’ hands. In the following morning, Muslims go to their local mosque or Eidgah for Eid Namaz and give Eid zakat before returning home. Afterwards, children are given Eidi (cash gifts) and friends and relatives visit each others homes to eat and celebrate.
In Pakistan, Eid al-Fitr is also referred to as چھوٹی عید, chhotī īd, ‘the Lesser Eid’ or میٹھی عید, mīṭhī īd, ‘Sweet Eid’.[6] People are supposed to give obligatory charity on behalf of each of their family members to the needy or poor before Eid day or, at most, before the Eid prayer, allowing for all to share in the joy of Eid. At home, family members enjoy a special Eid breakfast with various types of sweets and desserts, including Kheer and the traditional dessert Sheer Khurma, which is made of vermicelli, milk, butter, dry fruits, and dates. Eid is especially enjoyed by the kids, as they receive money in cash called «Eidi» as gift from their relatives and elders.[67] People tend to get fresh and crisp banknotes to gift children with. State Bank of Pakistan issues fresh currency notes every year for this purpose.[68]
Sri Lanka[edit]
Sri Lankan Muslims like to eat watalappam, falooda, samosa, gulab jamun, sheerkurma, oil cake and other national and regional dishes.[69]
The preparation for Eid in Bangladesh starts from the last quarter of the holy month of Ramadan. The markets and shopping malls become overwhelmed with people. Those who live away from their families for their job or livelihood, they return to their home towns and villages to celebrate the festival with family members and relatives. In the Chaand Raat children gather at the open field to see the Hilal (crescent moon) of the month of Shawwal. Girls decorate their hands with Mehndi. Like other South Asian countries, Lachcha semai (Vermicelli) are served with Roti or Paratha or Luchi as breakfast in Bangladesh. Then people attend the Eid prayer in Eidgah. Children do «Salam» by touching the feet of the elderly members of the family. And elders give them a small amount of money which is known as «Salami» or «Eidi (gift)», which is a major part of Eid happiness for children. Delicious dishes like Biryani, Polao, Pitha, Kabab, Korma, Payesh, Halwa etc. are served in the dining table. Wealthy Muslims in Bangladesh also distribute Zakat alms to the poor people. People visit the house of relatives, neighbour, and friends and greet each other saying «Eid Mubarak» (Happy Eid).[70]
Eid is a national holiday in Nepal. Nepalese Muslims often consume the popular Nepalese dessert sewai (vermicelli pudding) to mark the occasion. It is commemorated throughout the country with large prayers, dinners and social celebrations.[71]
Celebration in the Maldives include cultural performances such as fire performances.[72]
Southeast Asia[edit]
Pawai Obor or Torch festival in the eve of Eid in Majene Regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia. Mass exodus, locally known as mudik is well-known Eid culture in Indonesia as many people homecoming from urban and big cities to rural areas to celebrate the Eid
Eid is known in Indonesia as Hari Raya Idul Fitri, or more popularly as Lebaran, and is a national holiday.[73] People return to their home town or city (an exodus known as mudik) to celebrate with their families and to ask forgiveness from parents, in-laws, and other elders.[74] Festivities start the night before with chanting the Takbir and lighting lamps. On the day itself, after Eid prayer in the morning, zakat alms for the poor are distributed in the mosques. People gather with family and neighbors in traditional clothing and have a special Lebaran meal. Children are given money in colourful envelopes.[75] Later, it is common for Muslims in Indonesia to visit the graves of relatives to ritually clean the grave. Muslims also visit the living in a special ritual called Halal bi-Halal sometime during or several days after Idul Fitri.[76]
Lebaran continues with drumming and street parades.[36]
Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei[edit]
In Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei, Eid is more commonly known as Hari Raya Aidilfitri (Jawi: هاري راي عيدالفطري), Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Hari Raya Puasa, Hari Raya Fitrah or Hari Lebaran. Hari Raya means ‘Celebration Day’.
Rows of Pelita (oil lamps) which is used to illuminate homes and the streets during the season. Seen here in Muar, Johor, Malaysia
It is customary for workers in the city to return to their home town to celebrate with their families and to ask forgiveness from parents, in-laws, and other elders. This is known in Malaysia as balik kampung (homecoming).
The night before Hari Raya is filled with the sounds of takbir in the mosques or musallahs. In many parts of Malaysia, especially in the rural areas, pelita or panjut or lampu colok (as known by Malay-Singaporeans) (oil lamps, similar to tiki torches) are lit up and placed outside and around homes, while tiki torches themselves are also a popular decoration for that holiday. Special dishes like ketupat, rendang, lemang (a type of glutinous rice cooked in bamboo) and Malay delicacies such as various kuih-muih are served during this day. It is common to greet people with «Salam Aidilfitri» or «Selamat Hari Raya» which means «Happy Eid». Muslims also greet one another with «maaf zahir dan batin», which means «Forgive my physical and emotional (wrongdoings)».
It is customary for Muslim-Malaysians to wear a traditional cultural clothing on Hari Raya. The Malay variant (worn in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Southern Thailand) is known as the Baju Melayu, shirt worn with a sarong known as kain samping or songket and a headwear known as songkok. Malaysian women’s clothing is referred to as Baju Kurung and baju kebaya. It is a common practice however for the Malays in Singapore and Johor, Malaysia to refer to the baju kurung in reference to the type of outfit, worn by both men and women.
Street festival during Eid in Geylang, Singapore
In Malaysia, especially in the major cities, people take turns to set aside a time for open house when they stay at home to receive and entertain neighbours, family and other visitors. It is common to see non-Muslims made welcome during Eid at these open houses. They also celebrate by lighting traditional bamboo cannon firecrackers known as meriam buluh, using kerosene in large hollow bamboo tubes or Chinese imported crackers. The traditional bamboo cannon, meriam buloh, and fireworks are notoriously loud and can be very dangerous to operator, bystander and even nearby buildings. These are usually bamboo tubes 5–10 cm (2.0–3.9 in) in diameter and 4–7 m (13–23 ft) long, filled with either: water and several hundred grams of calcium carbide, or heated kerosene, then ignited by match.
In Malaysia, children are given token sums of money, also known as «duit raya», from their parents or elders.[77][78]
There are almost 3 million Muslims in Thailand. In the southernmost provinces, wearing gold on Eid is a popular practice there along with neighbouring Myanmar. In some parts of the country, Muslim residences would open their homes with food specialities to visitors.[79]
Cambodia, Vietnam[edit]
The Muslims of Cambodia often open their homes to friends and neighbours to share food together.[80] Men, women and children dress in fine attire, while the preferred dress colour is white, symbolising the purity of the soul after a month of Ramadan.[81] It is customary during Eid for Cambodian Muslims to donate 3 kilograms of rice to the poor or disabled.[82]
Eid is also celebrated by the much smaller Muslim community of Vietnam, who are mostly of the same ethnic Cham people as in Cambodia.
During Ramadan, in small towns and big villages with significant Muslim populations, Burmese Muslim youth organize singing teams called Jago (meaning «wake up»). Jago teams usually do not use musical instruments apart from the occasional use of harmonica mouth organs.[83] The roving groups of singers will take the tunes of popular Hindi movie songs, replaced with Burmese lyrics and invocations about fasting, the principles of Islam, and the benefits of Salat.[84]
Among Muslim Filipinos in the Philippines, Eid al-Fitr is commonly known as Hariraya, Buka, Hariraya Buka, or Hariraya Buka Puasa.[85][86][87] It is also known as Wakas ng Ramadan (literally «End of Ramadan»), Araw ng Raya («Feast Day»), or Pagtatapos ng Pag-aayuno («End of the Fast») in Filipino. It was proclaimed a legal holiday for Muslim Filipinos in 1977 by Presidential Decree 1083. In 2002, this was upgraded to a public national holiday by Republic Act 9177. It is also sometimes known by its Malay name «Hari Raya Puasa»; and by its Indonesian name «Lebaran».[88][89][90]
Its beginning is decided by the sighting of the crescent moon (hilal), followed by morning prayers in mosques or public plazas.[91] When this occurs can sometimes differ depending on the regional government. In some places it is based on the physical sighting of the hilal; while in others it is determined by the Regional Darul Ifta’ of Bangsamoro (RDI-BARMM) or the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF), especially during cloudy days.[85][92][93]
The sighting of the hilal is traditionally marked by the beating of drums in some regions. In modern times, this has evolved into a noise barrage known as «Mobile Takbir», where celebrants, especially youths, rev their motorcycles or honk their horns while driving through the streets. Guns are also sometimes fired. These practices have been discouraged by the Grand Mufti of Bangsamoro and local government officials as not being in accordance with Islamic teachings as well as being dangerous and causing accidents in the past.[93][94][95]
Hariraya is characterized by the giving of gifts (known as Eidi), food sharing (salu-salo), and visiting the elderly and the sick.[95][96] Food, alms, and basic necessities are also donated to the poor, a practice known as Fitrana or Zakat al-Fitr. This is usually done a day before Eid al-Fitr.[88][97] Various traditional sweet delicacies of the different Muslim Filipino ethnic groups are served for breakfast, including daral, dodol, browas, tinagtag, panyalam, jampok, and so on.[98] Various activities also mark the celebrations, including dancing, boat races, horse races, and carabao fighting in cities and towns with significant Muslim populations. In Metro Manila, the celebrations are usually held at the Manila Golden Mosque and the Quirino Grandstand.[91] The celebration lasts for three days.[92]
East Asia[edit]
China mainland[edit]
An ethnic Hui family celebrating Eid al-Fitr in Ningxia
In mainland China, out of 56 officially recognized ethnic groups, Eid al-Fitr is celebrated by at least 10 ethnic groups that are predominantly Muslim. These groups are said to total 18 million according to official statistics, but some observers say the actual number may be much higher. It is also a public holiday in China in certain regions, including two Province Prefecture Level regions, Ningxia and Xinjiang. All residents in these areas, regardless of religion, are entitled to either a one-day or three-day official holiday. Outside the Muslim-majority regions, only Muslims are entitled to a one-day holiday. In Xinjiang province, Eid al-Fitr is even celebrated by the Han Chinese population. During the holiday, supplies of mutton, lamb and beef are distributed to households as part of a welfare program funded by government agencies, public and private institutions, and businesses. In Yunnan, Muslim populations are spread throughout the region. On Eid al-Fitr, however, some devotees may travel to Sayyid ‘Ajjal’s grave after their communal prayers. There, they will conduct readings from the Quran and clean the tomb, reminiscent of the historic annual Chinese Qingming festival, in which people go to their ancestors’ graves, sweep and clean the area, and make food offerings.[citation needed] Finally the accomplishments of the Sayyid ‘Ajall will be related in story form, concluded by a special prayer service to honour the hundreds of thousands of Muslims killed during the Panthay Rebellion, and the hundreds killed during the Cultural Revolution.[99]
The Eid al-Fitr prayer and celebration in Taiwan draws much attention from local media. Special features of the event are regularly carried out in the newspapers and aired on televisions. These phenomena gives a boost to the Islamic activities in Taiwan.[100][101] Muslims, mostly Indonesian blue collar men and women, typically gather at Taipei Main Station to perform the prayer.[102]
Albanian Muslims generally celebrate the day as with most other countries. The day is known as Fitër Bajrami or Bajrami i Madh in Albania.[103] Magiritsa (Greek Easter soup) is popularly consumed.[46]
Bosnia and Herzegovina[edit]
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Eid al-Fitr is locally known as Ramazanski bajram. It is a three-day public holiday. Worshipers attend a dawn prayer and a sermon, after which people visit each other, give gifts to children and popularly consume baklava.[104][105]
Eid al-Fitr (i.e. Seker Bayram, Sugar Feast) is celebrated in Greece mainly in the Western Thrace region from the local Muslim minority (Turks, Pomaks and Roma), along with the other two major celebrations, Kurban Bayram (Sacrifice Feast) and Hıdırellez. On the day of the Bayram, family gathers together, wear their best clothes, and celebrate with a common meal, after attending the morning prayer. The women prepare and offer sweets to family and visitors, while small children go around and pay their respects to the elderly by kissing their hands. The elder in turn reward them with candies, sweets, and small amounts of money.[106][107] Local Muslim shopkeepers close their shops this day, while Muslim minority schools have a 5-day holiday for the feast.[107]
In Russia where 10 million Muslims reside,[citation needed] Eid al-Fitr is often known as Uraza Bayram (Russian: Ураза-байрам) and is a public holiday in the republics of Adygea, Bashkortostan, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Tatarstan and Chechnya.[108] Most festive dishes consist of mutton, but salads and various soups are also popular. As the Muslim population is diverse, traditional festive dishes differ between regions – for example in Tatarstan pancakes are popularly baked.[109]
Russian Muslims go to festive worships at mosques in the morning of Eid al-Fitr, after which they often visit older relatives as a sign of respect. In the North Caucasian republics, children popularly go past various houses with a bag to get it filled with candy, specially stored by locals for the celebration. In Dagestan, eggs with bright stickers is a popular traditional dish served there during Eid al-Fitr. People generally dress more during this day – women choose bright dresses with beads while older people would wear papakhas.[110] In many places in the country master classes are also hosted where families take part in activities such as embroidery and clay making.[110]
In Ukraine, Eid al-Fitr (Ukrainian: Рамазан-байрам) as well as Eid al-Adha have been official state holidays since 2020.[111] During the festival, Ukrainian Muslims (most of whom are Crimean Tatars) often gather with loved ones.[112]
United Kingdom[edit]
Although Eid al-Fitr is not a recognized public holiday in the United Kingdom,[113] many schools, businesses, and organisations allow for at least a day’s leave to be taken for religious celebrations.[114][115]
Most of the masajid in the United kingdom hold special events after Eid prayer, including Islamic musical performances, brunch buffets, rides such bouncy castles and carousels.
New Eid tradition are born in internet era. As elsewhere, Muslims in the United Kingdom celebrate Eid by decorating houses, gift giving and Eid parties for kids.
United States[edit]
Muslim US soldiers performing the Eid prayer
In New York City, alternate side parking (street cleaning) regulations are suspended on Eid. Beginning in 2016, New York City public schools also remain closed on Eid.[116] In Houston, Texas, the annual prayers are offered at the George R. Brown Convention Center in downtown Houston, organised by the Islamic Society of Greater Houston (ISGH).[citation needed] In other states, with smaller Muslim populations, it is common that schools will remain open on Eid al-Fitr.
The United States Postal Service (USPS) has issued several Eid postage stamps, across several years—starting in 2001—honoring «two of the most important festivals in the Islamic calendar: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.» Eid stamps were released in 2001–2002, 2006–2009, and 2011.[117][118][119][120]
Most masaajid in the North America held special events after Eid prayer including Islamic musical performance, Brunch Buffets, rides such Bouncy, Carousel, Slide for kids.[citation needed]
New Eid traditions have been born in the Internet era. Some Muslim in North America now celebrating Eid with decorating houses, gift giving and Eid parties for kids.[citation needed]
Trinidad and Tobago[edit]
The Muslim population of Trinidad and Tobago popularly eat sawine/vermicelli, a sweet dessert, to mark the celebration,[121] but the feast also consists of curries, rotis, and chicken and curry goat.[122] Eid al-Fitr is a public holiday in Trinidad and Tobago.
Suriname, Guyana[edit]
Eid al-Fitr is a public holiday in Suriname and Guyana.[123]
In Argentina, Eid (Spanish: Fiesta del Fin del Ayuno) is officially a non-working holiday for Muslims.
In the Gregorian calendar[edit]
Conversion of Hijri years 1343 to 1500 to the Gregorian calendar, with first days of al-Muharram (brown), Ramadan (grey) and Shawwal (black) bolded, and Eid al-Adha dotted – in the SVG file, hover over a spot to show its dates and a line to show the month
Although the date of Eid al-Fitr is always the same in the Islamic calendar, the date in the Gregorian calendar falls approximately 11 days earlier each successive year, since the Islamic calendar is lunar and the Gregorian calendar is solar. Hence if the Eid falls in the first ten days of a Gregorian calendar year, there will be a second Eid in the last ten days of the same Gregorian calendar year, as happened in 2000 CE. The Gregorian date may vary between countries depending on the local visibility of the new moon. Some expatriate Muslim communities follow the dates as determined for their home country, while others follow the local dates of their country of residence.
The following table shows predicted dates and announced dates based on new moon sightings for Saudi Arabia.[1]
Islamic year | Umm al-Qura predicted | High Judiciary Council of Saudi Arabia announced |
1406 | 02 March 1995 | 02 March 1995 |
1407 | 19 February 1996 | 19 February 1996 |
1408 | 08 February 1997 | 08 February 1997 |
1409 | 29 January 1998 | 29 January 1998 |
1410 | 18 January 1999 | 18 January 1999 |
1421 | 08 January 2000 | 08 January 2000 |
1422 | 16 December 2001 | 16 December 2001 |
1423 | 05 December 2002 | 05 December 2002 |
1424 | 25 November 2003 | 25 November 2003 |
1425 | 14 November 2004 | 13 November 2004 |
1426 | 03 November 2005 | 03 November 2005 |
1427 | 23 October 2006 | 23 October 2006 |
1428 | 13 October 2007 | 12 October 2007 |
1429 | 01 October 2008 | 30 September 2008 |
1430 | 20 September 2009 | 20 September 2009 |
1431 | 10 September 2010 | 10 September 2010 |
1432 | 30 August 2011 | 30 August 2011 |
1433 | 19 August 2012 | 19 August 2012 |
1434 | 08 August 2013 | 08 August 2013 |
1435 | 28 July 2014 | 28 July 2014 |
1436 | 17 July 2015 | 17 July 2015 |
1437 | 06 July 2016 | 06 July 2016 |
1438 | 25 June 2017 | 25 June 2017 |
1439 | 15 June 2018 | 15 June 2018[124] |
1440 | 04 June 2019 | 04 June 2019[125] |
1441 | 24 May 2020 | 24 May 2020[126] |
1442 | 13 May 2021 | 13 May 2021[127] |
1443 | 02 May 2022 | 02 May 2022[128] |
1444 | 21 April 2023 | |
1445 | 10 April 2024 | |
1446 | 30 March 2025 | |
1447 | 20 March 2026 | |
1448 | 09 March 2027 | |
1449 | 26 February 2028 | |
1450 | 14 February 2029 | |
1451 | 3 February 2030 | |
1452 | 24 January 2031 | |
1453 | 14 January 2032 | |
1454 | 02 January 2033 | |
1455 | 11 December 2034 | |
1456 | 01 December 2035 | |
1457 | 19 November 2036 | |
1458 | 09 November 2037 | |
1459 | 29 October 2038 |
Because the Hijri year differs by about 11 days from the AD year, Eid al Fitr can occur twice a year, in the year 1023, 1055, 1088, 1120, 1153, 1186, 1218, 1251, 1283, 1316, 1348, 1381, 1414, 1446, 1479, 1512, 1544, 1577, 1609, 1642, 1674, 1707, 1740, 1772, 1805, 1837, 1870, 1902, 1935, 1968, 2000, 2033, 2065, 2098, 2131, 2163, 2196, 2228, 2261 and 2293 (will continue to occur every 32 or 33 years).
British Muslim soldiers and merchant seamen from India, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan, Palestine, Transjordan, Syria, Arabia, Aden and Somaliland, performing the Eid prayers at the East London Mosque in 1941
Muslims in Singapore celebrating Eid al-Fitr
An Indonesian family celebrating lebaran with various culinary dishes specific to this holiday
Sweets being sold in a store in Ankara, Turkey
Lighted up Commercial Street in Bangalore, India during Eid al-Fitr
See also[edit]
- Quds Day
- ^ «The actual date may vary as per the moon sighting»
- ^ a b c Gent, R.H. van. «The Umm al-Qura Calendar of Saudi Arabia – adjustment». Archived from the original on 23 July 2015. Retrieved 22 July 2015.
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- ^ «Gregorian vs Hijri Calendar». islamicfinder.org. Archived from the original on 24 June 2020. Retrieved 4 June 2019.
- ^ Elias, Jamal J. (1999). Islam. Routledge. p. 75. ISBN 0415211654.
- ^ Barr, Sabrina. «Eid al-Adha 2019: When is it, How is it celebrated and How to Wish Someone Happy Eid». independent. Archived from the original on 11 August 2019. Retrieved 11 August 2019.
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In the subcontinent, this Eid, Eid-ul-Fitr, is known as ‘Choti Eid’, or the ‘Lesser Eid’. This immediately sets up a contrast with ‘Bari Eid’, or the ‘Greater Eid’, which takes place just two months and a bit later. This distinction is also known in the Arab world, but by calling ‘Bari Eid’ bari, this Eid is already disadvantaged. It is the ‘other Eid’.’Bari Eid’, or Eid-ul-Azha, has the advantage of having two major rituals, as both have the prayer, but it alone has a sacrifice. ‘Bari Eid’ brings all Muslims together in celebrating Hajj, which is itself a reminder of the Abrahamic sacrifice, while ‘Choti Eid’ commemorates solely the end of the fasting of Ramazan.
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General sources[edit]
- Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. Edited by Martin, Richard C. Macmillan Reference, 2004. Vol. 1.[ISBN missing]
- The Umm al-Qura calendar of Saudi Arabia (with computed and announced dates for Eid al-Fitr)
External links[edit]
Media related to Eid al-Fitr at Wikimedia Commons
The dictionary definition of Eid al-Fitr at Wiktionary