Эссе про праздник наурыз на английском

Nauryz is one of the oldest holidays on Earth. This holiday of spring and the renewed life of the Earth has been celebrated for over five thousand years by

Ағылшынша шығарма: 22 Наурыз - Наурыз мейрамы (Nauryz)

Nauryz is one of the oldest holidays on Earth. This holiday of spring and the renewed life of the Earth has been celebrated for over five thousand years by many cultures of the Middle and Central Asia and, according to some sources, by eastern Slavs as well.

Historical records referring to this holiday can be found in ancient and middle age documents. In the oriental chronology, it corresponds to Navruz, the Iranian New Year. Kazakhs, Uzbeks and Uighurs passed the Nauryz traditions from generation to generation. The Tajiks called it Gulgardon or Gulnavruz, the Tatars refer to it as Nardugan and the Ancient Greeks knew it as Patrich. The roots of this holiday can be traced to old pagan rituals. The celebration was meant to reflect people’s love to nature. People have preserved the rituals, and today the holiday has acquired new spiritual and ethical meaning.

This holiday has been celebrated on 22 March, the day of the spring equinox. That’s why the Kazakhs call the month of March Nauryz. It was celebrated as the day of the renewed life which comes with the spring. It was the day when the first spring thunder strikes, buds are swelling on the trees and vegetation grows wildly. Nauryz as a non-religious celebration of the spring and renewal is closely linked to some other Kazakh holidays, such as a «farewell to winter» festival. Boys born on this day would be called Nauryzbai or Nauryzbek, and girls Nauryz or Nauryzgul. It was seen as a good omen if it was snowing on that day.

The March snow is usually soft and particularly white. Beautiful girls were often compared to the white snow of Nauzys. In the past, the Kazakh called Nauryz the Day of the People or the Great Day of the People. People believed, the more generous the celebration of Nauryz was the happier the year would be. Therefore, there are so many rituals and festivities related to this holiday. On the eve of the holiday, people would clean their homes, pay back their debts and reconciled with their opponents because, as the old people used to say, if Nauryz entered the house, all diseases and failures would pass it by. On the night before the festival, all vessels in the house would be filled with milk, airan (plain yogurt), grain, and spring water because it meant that people would have a lot of milk, good yield and plenty of rain during the coming year.

During the day, everybody tried to be in good spirits, would give a big hug to each other and wish good fortune and happiness to others. The celebrations would begin with sunrise. There is an old ritual «If you see a spring, clean up its source». At dawn, all adults, youngsters and children would pick up spades, go to an agreed place near a spring or aryk (small water canal) and clean it. There, they would also plant trees under the supervision of respectable old people. During the process, they had to say: «Let a man leave a tree rather than a herd in the people’s memory» and «If you cut one tree, you will have to plant ten!»

Құрметті оқырман! Файлдарды күтпестен жүктеу үшін біздің сайтта тіркелуге кеңес береміз! Тіркелгеннен кейін сіз біздің сайттан файлдарды жүктеп қана қоймай, сайтқа ақпарат қоса аласыз! Сайтқа қосылыңыз, өкінбейсіз!

Толық нұсқасын секундтан кейін жүктей аласыз!!!

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Қарап көріңіз 👇


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Nauryz Holiday in Kazakhstan

Nauryz – Feast of Spring Renewal

March 21 — 23

In Kazakhstan, the arrival of spring on March 21st is celebrated with Nauryz, a holiday which welcomes not only the spring equinox but also the renewal of nature. For eastern nations, including Kazakhstan, New Year traditionally began not on January 1st but on Nauryz, and even the name of the holiday translates from Farsi as “New Day”.

Nauryz is not considered a religious holiday in Kazakhstan -it was celebrated before the arrival of Islam, and in fact is a remnant of ancient pagan cultic traditions which honored the forces of nature. Comparative celebrations include Lori, the last day of cold, in India; Jam en-Nessim, the beginning of spring, in Egypt; Tu BiShvat ,the season of rain, in Israel; and Sumarsdag, the arrival of summer, in Iceland.

The Nauryz holiday in Kazakhstan symbolizes fertility, friendship and love. On this special day people dress up, visit close friends and family and offer well wishes to everyone around them. The day is filled with singing, dancing, national games and special foods, most notably kumys, a fermented dairy product made of horse milk, and the must-try traditional dish called nauryz-kozhe.

Kazakhs believe that if you indulge in nayruz-kozhe on Nauryz, your year is bound to be prosperous. Nauryz-kozhe is a nutritionally rich soup that is cooked from seven ingredients: meat, water, flour, butter, millet (may be replaced with rice or corn), salt and milk. Just as the Nauryz holiday in Kazakhstan is filled with symbolism, each component of nauryz-kozhe symbolizes one of life’s seven prosperous elements: growth, luck, happiness, wealth, health, wisdom and heavenly protection.

Since the number seven holds special meaning at Nauryz, the seven ingredients of nauryz-kozhe are combined and poured into seven bowls which are placed in front of respected older men called aksakals. On Nauryz, each person should invite seven guests to his home and visit seven other houses in turn.

Nauryz isn’t just about the food, however. Congratulations of “Koktem tudi!” (Spring is born!) are proclaimed, and traditional poets called akins compete in lively competitions. Other national contests prominent at Nauryz celebrations in Kazakhstan include kazaksha-gures (national wrestling), a logic game called toguz kumalak and Kazakhstan’s famous horse games, kyz-kuu and bayga. Theatrical performances are enacted in city plazas while girls and boys gather together to socialize and play on large log swings called altybakan.

Nauryz is not only a 3-day public holiday in Kazakhstan, it is also acknowledged by the UN as an International Holiday. Nauryz is celebrated in every country in Central Asia and other countries in the region, including Georgia, India, Iran, China and Turkey.

Nauryz     Nauryz in Kazakhstan symbolizes fertility, friendship and love.

Now Kazakhstan is preparing to celebrate one of important nation holidays, Nauryz, so I want to introduce my readers with this holiday’s traditions and parallel to practise to writing compositions.

For kazakhs Nauryz is symbol of spring renew, grand of love, fertility and friendship. In old days before Nauryz arrival people had turned out their houses and farm, for holiday’s name after had planted trees and flowers. It is believed, that if Nauryz is coming in to clear home to good owner, illnesses, failures, hardships are comed around the side of.

«Nauryz» means «spring’s born». This is the most main and old festival for east nations. Properly speaking, the 22nd day of March is New Year in line with east calendary. It has other name, Ulys Kuni (New Year’s First Day) or Ulystyn Uly Kuni (People’s Great Day). It is believe, free celebrating of Nauryz will bring affluence and success for house for all year.

Celebrating accompanied universal fun, games, horses races and other jollity. The main ritual course of this holiday is Nauryz-kozhe, which consists of 7 ingredients, which symbolized 7 elements of live: water, meat, solt, fat, flour, grass (rise, maize/corn or wheat) and milk. This ingridients symbolizes joy, luck, wisdom, health, welfare, speed, growth and divine protection.

P. S. Я использовала текст на русском, привожу его ниже. При проверке своего сочинения уже вижу ошибки с самого первого предложения: Currently, Kazakhstan is actively preparing for the celebration of one of the major public holidays — Nauryz, so I would like to introduce my readers to the traditions of the festival, and of parallel practice in writing essays.

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В настоящее время Казахстан активно готовится к празднованию одного из значительных государственных праздников — Наурыз, поэтому я хотела бы познакомить моих читателей с традициями данного праздника, ну и параллельно потренироваться в написании сочинения.

Для казахов Наурыз мейрамы является символом весеннего обновления, торжества любви, плодородия и дружбы. В старину до прихода Наурыза, люди приводили свои дома и хозяйство в порядок, в честь праздника сажали деревья, цветы. Считалось, что если Наурыз входит в чистый дом к хорошему хозяину, то болезни, неудачи, невзгоды обходят его стороной.

«Наурыз» означает «рождение весны». Это наиболее важный и древний фестиваль восточных народов. Собственно говоря, 22 марта — это Новый Год согласно древнему восточному календарю. У него есть и другое название, Улыс Куны («Первый день Нового Года») или Улыстын Улы Куны («Великий день народа»). Считается, что щедрое празднование праздника Наурыз принесет в дом изобилие и успех на целый год.

Празднования сопровождаются повсеместным весельем, играми, лошадиными скачками и другими увеселениями. Главным ритуальным блюдом этого праздника является наурыз-коже, который должен состоять из 7 ингредиентов, символизирующих 7 элементов жизни: вода, мясо, соль, жир, мука, злаки (рис, кукуруза или пшеница) и молоко. Эти ингредиенты символизируют радость, удачу, мудрость, здоровье, благосостояние, скорость, рост и божественную защиту.

Автор:   •  Сентябрь 22, 2021  •  Эссе  •  396 Слов (2 Страниц)  •  1,888 Просмотры

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Nauryz is a long-awaited spring holiday, symbolizing the beginning of the new year. This is a great day, revered among the Kazakh people.The celebration of Nauryz falls on March 22. In the past, the Kazakhs named the New Year holiday ulys-kun — the day of unification of the entire tribe. Hence, the tradition began on this day to gather the whole family at the festive table, dress up the best clothes, give each other gifts, wish good and well-being. On the day of the beginning of the new year, it is customary to forget all grievances, and those who are in a quarrel will be reconciled. The main ritual dish on the table on the holiday of Nauryz has always been kozhe. The dish consists of seven ingredients representing the life principle.The ritual treat symbolizes the patronage of heaven, wisdom, health and wealth. This holiday brings a certain purification, meeting spring people want to refresh themselves physically and spiritually. For the holiday of Nauryz, Kazakhs prepare in advance, clearing themselves of debts, things that they no longer need, put their homes in order.

Nauryz is a holiday that instills respect for the traditions and culture of the native land, it brings together and teaches to understand and forgive each other. Every year I look forward to the beginning of the new year and the glorious holiday of Nauryz.

Наурыз – долгожданный всеми праздник весны, символизирующий начало нового года. Это великий день, почитаемый среди казахского народа.Празднование Наурыз выпадает на 22 марта. В минувшие времена праздником Нового года казахи нарекали улыс-куны – день объединения всего племени. Отсюда и началась традиция в этот день собираться всей семьей за праздничным столом, наряжать лучшие одежды, дарить друг другу подарки, желать добра и благополучия. В день начала нового года принято забывать все обиды, и примирятся тем, кто в ссоре. Основным обрядовым блюдом на столе в праздник Наурыз всегда было коже. Блюдо стоит из семи ингредиентов представляющих жизненное начало.Ритуальное угощение символизирует покровительство небес, мудрость, здоровье и богатство. Этот праздник несет некое очищение, встречая весну люди, хотят освежиться телесно и духовно. К празднику Наурыз казахи готовятся заранее, очищая себя от долгов, вещей которые им уже не нужны, приводят в порядок свои жилища.  

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