Find the 10 hidden words традиция королева праздновать чай национальный фестиваль праздник индейка

3.Find 10 hidden words

3.Find 10 hidden words











4.Read the text and put the missing word from give below.

Christmas in Different Parts of the United Kingdom

In the north of England up to the middle of the 20th century, it (1) ________ common to find a dish of “Mugga” on the Christmas Eve table. This (2) __________ a kind of wheat porridge, sweetened with honey, which (3) ________ before the main meal, and also throughout Advent, which is the month leading up to Christmas. It (4) _________ a remnant left over from Viking times. But it (5) ________ up in similar forms all over Europe. In Poland for example they (6) ______ “Kuia” which is a cereal dish made from wheat, fermented overnight in milk, sweetened with honey and spiced. In Scotland they (7) _______ “Athol Brose” which is made from oats. It also has whisky in it and (8) _______ as a drink!

1. A. is B. Are C. was D. had been

2. A. is B. Are C. was D. had been

3. A. ate B. eat C. eats D. was eaten

4. A. has been B. was C. is D. are

5. A. turned B. was turned C. turn D. turns

6. A. has B. have C. had D. have had

7. A. have B. has C. had D. have had

8. A. is served B. was served C. serves D. served


Методическая разработка урока по дисциплине «Английский Язык»для студентов 2 курса по теме: «Традиции Британии.»

Преподаватель английского языка: Петросян Е.Н.

Учитель английского языка: Е.Н.Петросян

Урок в группе 17 омд ,по теме “British Traditions”

Цели урока:

Тренировка учащихся в устной речи по теме «Британские традиции», формирование знаний по теме и умение оперировать ими


Практическая: совершенствование практических навыков владения лексикой по теме путем привлечения дополнительного материала, развитие навыков восприятия речи на слух и навыков чтения с целью основного и полного понимания прочитанного, развитие навыков аудирования и говорения, развитие ассоциативной памяти, внимания и быстрой реакции,совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи по данной теме с использованием грамматической структуры условных предложений 2 типа и элементами игровой технологии.

Воспитательная: воспитание уважения к чужой культуре, традициям; для реализации вышеперечисленных целей используется аутентичный и актуальный материал учебника, специальные технические информационные и языковые средства; учитываются личностные характеристики учащихся: сообразительность, интерес, творческие способности, взаимопонимание и взаимопомощь. на уроке реализуется принцип коммуникативной направленности и для его осуществления используются фронтальные, индивидуальные, парные и групповые формы работы. Использование игрового метода обучения способствует выполнению важных методических задач, таких как:

— создание психологической готовности учащихся к речевому общению;

— обеспечение естественной необходимости многократного повторения языкового материала;

— тренировку учащихся в выборе нужного речевого варианта, что является подготовкой к ситуативной спонтанности речи вообще.

Развивающая: развитие внимания, воображения, умения слушать собеседника, сравнивать, прийти к определённому выводу, высказывать своё мнение, аргументируя свой ответ.

Образовательная: познакомить с некоторыми традициями Великобритании.

Оборудование: Учебник Planet of English, Безкоровайная Г.Т., Соколова Н.И., компьютер, видеопроектор, экран ,доска, видеоролики и презентация о Британских традициях, диалоги с использованием грамматической структуры условных предложений второго типа, упражнения по данной теме, кроссворд, пазлы с фразами для составления диалога.

Ход урока:

1. Teacher: Good morning dear friends! I am very glad to see you at our lesson. How are you today? I hope our lesson will be useful and interesting to you.

Well, to begin with, I’d like you to pay attention to the saying written on the blackboard. Here it is: “So many men, so many minds”. How can you comment on the following opinion?

S.1. I think that people live in different countries and on different continents, they speak different languages and have different ideas, opinions and culture.

S.2: And I want to add that besides they are of different nationalities who wear different clothes, have their own manners.

S.3: More over they have different holidays, habits and traditions.

T: Well, I absolutely agree with you and today we are to speak about some traditions of Great Britain that expand your view of the world and you will be able to conduct dialogues about traditions and ceremonies of Great Britain ..and begin our lesson –two charming quides .They will tell us some information about tradition of Great Britain..(presentation)and do some exs..

2.T: Have a look on the board and sort the traditions according the season they are celebrated:

G.B. Traditions

St.David’s Day summer

Guy Fawkes Day autumn

Swan Upping winter

May Day

The Trooping of the Colour spring

Highland Games


The State Opening of Parliament

3. T: Now you are to fill in the chart suggested. But before working on the board listen to short stories of your classmates about some traditions popular in G.B.

Sort the statements:

The swan keeper chooses and marks the best swans and these swans become royal ones.

People danced round the maypole.

People wear daffodils in the buttonholes of their coats and jackets.

Young girls washed their faces with dew.

The queen travels in a gold carriage.

Soldiers carry the national flag.

People throw the hammer.

Beautiful swans swim along the river.

People burn a guy on the bonfire.

People build a model of a Viking ship.

Burning of bush



Highland Games

May Day

The State Opening of Parliament

Swan Upping

Guy Fawkes Day

The Trooping of the Colour


Christmas day

Now, will you fill in the chart on the board — decide when do they do this. (This ceremony… takes place …)

S. 1: Spring

My story deals with spring traditions. To begin with I want to say just a few words about St. David’s day. English people celebrate this important day on the first of March. As far as I know St David is the national saint of Wales. On this day the Welsh people wear daffodils in the buttonholes of their coats and jackets.

What is more the British people celebrate May Day as the beginning of summer. On May Day people decorate houses and streets with branches of trees and flowers. As a rule many years ago young girls went to the fields and washed their faces with dew to become beautiful. And young men won prizes with bows and arrows. Besides, people danced round the maypole.

S. 2: Summer

It was a surprise for me to know that the English Queen has 2 birthdays: her real birthday is in April and her official birthday is in June. They say that on the Queen’s official birthday you can see a big parade with brass bands and hundreds of soldiers who carry the national flag of the country. It is the ceremony of the Trooping of the Colour. I want to add that millions of people watch this interesting ceremony on T.V.

Now I suggest you listening a short story about one more wonderful tradition — Swan Upping. It is an old royal tradition when hundreds of beautiful swans swim on the Thames- river and the swan keeper chooses and marks the best swans and these swans become royal ones.

Besides, Scottish people organize Highland games. As a matter of the fact they are sports competitions. Thousands of visitors see how sportsmen toss the caber and throw the hammer.

S. 3: Autumn

I want to tell you about the State Opening of Parliament. The English Queen opens the Parliament every autumn. She travels from Buckingham Palace to the Houses of Parliament in a gold carriage, sits on the throne and reads the Queen’s Speech. I want to add that on this day she wears a crown and royal jewels.

Besides in November 5th the British people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day when they build bonfires, put a guy on top of the fire and burn it. They say that Guy Fawkes was a conspirator. He wanted to kill the king. But he was caught and after that executed. Little children go from house to house and ask for money. After that they spend money on fireworks.

S. 4: Winter

My story has to do with winter traditions. As far as I heard, in the 19th century the Vikings came to Britain in ships and took away gold, animals and even people. The British people remember this historical period and organize the festival “Up-Helly-Aa”. On this day people build a model of a Viking ship with a head of a dragon and after that they carry the ship to the sea and burn it.

There is a tradition of ‘burning of bush’on Christmas day, which is considered to be a symbol of burning of all past evils and making a new beginning. Other than this, the New Year morning see young kids waking up early, and then making rounds of neighborhood while singing New Year celebration sings

3. Now what ceremony would you see if you went to G.B?

S1. If I were in the country, I’d rather see the ceremony of Guy Fawkes Day as in my opinion it is original, exciting and more over, I could see the ceremony of burning of a guy.

S2: If I had a chance, I would choose to see… wonderful tradition — Swan Upping.

S.3. If I were in the country, I’d rather see the ceremony of the Trooping of the Colour and a big parade with brass bands and hundreds of soldiers who carry the national flag of the country.

4. T; O’K than. Can you imagine that you are English. What ceremony would you advise me to see in G.B?

Possible variants:

Dialogue 1.

What ceremony would you advise me to see?

I would advise you to see ….because I think it is original and impressive on the one hand and on the other hand on this day people …

Thank you. I’d rather follow your advice.

Not at all.

Dialogue 2.

What ceremony would you recommend me to see?

I would recommend you to see ….


Because in my opinion it is really wonderful and unforgettable and more over you can see how people …

Thank you very much.

My pleasure.

Dialogue 3.

What would you advise me to see?

If I had a chance I would see …because to my mind it is really interesting on the one hand and on the other hand on this day people …

Thanks. I’d rather do it.

Don’t mention it.

5.Let’s play. .”Who will be the first”

Our group are divided into two small team.


Find 10 hidden words.

Традиция; королева; праздновать; чай; национальный; фестиваль; праздник; индейка; обычай; страна.

Task2. Fill in the gaps with the following words and word combinations.

1)Halloween or….of all saints Day is celebrated on October 31.
2)Though there are few …working today , a sweeps festival is celebrated in Rochester on the first weekend in may in honour of this old profession.
3) St. valentines Day is celebrated on….14.
4)To present …on Christmas is a good tradition .
5)….is a characteristic feature of English people.
6)I know that many English people like …animals.
7) Thanksgiving Day is very popular in….
8)The people can spend …with their families as it is a four-day holiday.
9)As the….cooks make the simple homemade….
10) The lord Chancellor presides over parliament sitting on a …which symbolizes the importance of wool in English history. 
A) gifs
b) the USA
c) Turkey
d) February
E) Politeness
f) wool sack
g) Thanksgiving Day
h) cranberry sauce
i) domestic
j the eve
k) Chimney sweeps


Ask some questions and answer them.”Who will be the first”


Make up two dialogues from “puzzles” .”Who will be the first”

1.-Hello , Alex!
-Hi , Ann! Haven’t seen you for ages! Where have you been?
-Oh , I was at my relatives .We celebrated Christmas .
It was wonderful! We decorated
the house and the Christmas tree. I love this tradition. I bought present for my relatives and I got a lot of nice presents.
-You’re lucky . Did you go out anywhere?
-Yes , we walked a lot. And we also visited some of their friends.
-Do you plan to go there next Christmas witches.
-Yes,I’d love to.

2. -Hello ,Nadia ! What are your plans for October 31st?
— Hi , Pete! Don’t you know we are celebrating Halloween? It’s an old English tradition and we also like it.
-Yes , I heard something about it, but I never took part in it. Could you tell me about it?
-Sure! Listen. On that day many homes are decorated and lit by lanterns made from pumpkins that have been hollowed out.
-Really? That’s interesting. Go on, please.
-We dress up as witches ,gobline and ghosts and go trick-or-treating to neighbours.
-But why?
-Well, it’s an old tradition. Besides , its rather funny.

5.Рефлексия деятельности на уроке, выставление оценок.

Our lesson is over. We’ve made so much today about traditions in Great Britain. I want to say that though we live in different countries and continents, we should respect each other .How do you think about it? Do you agree with me?

S1 .I absolutely with you. People should respect different nationalities, cultures, languages, traditions

S2. Besides they respect their ideas, opinions, habits, manners, national costumes.

Was the information we have discussed useful? Are you satisfied with your work at the lesson? Do you like our lesson. .?

6.The conclusion – home task: write a short letter to your imaginary pen pal (10-13 lines), about your favourite tradition and what ceremony would you see if you went to G.B or ex.12p.167

Let’s say «Good-bye» to our guests.

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Find the 10 hidden words

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По горизонтали (начиная с верхней строки):

opposite — напротив

chair — стул

corner — угол

floor — этаж

study — кабинет

cosy — уютный

kitchen — кухня

chute — мусоропровод

По вертикали:

flat — квартира (в первом столбце)

sofa — диван (в предпоследнем столбце)

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

Find the 10 hidden words

Oтвет в приложении.

По горизонтали:

opposite — напротив

chair — стул

corner — угол

floor — этаж

study — кабинет

cosy — уютный

kitchen — кухня

chute — мусоропровод

По вертикали:

flat — квартира 

sofa — диван 

RE: Find the 10 hidden words

  • Комментариев (0)

Ваш ответ

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