Кому отправлять сценарий фильма

Поговорили с главным редактором "Нон-стоп Продакшн" Антоном Токтоновым о том, чем занимаются редактора на студии, читают ли заявки, которые приходят на корпоративную почту, почему часто над проектом работают одни и те же люди, чего не хватает современному кино и как учиться на сценариста и редактора.

Поговорили с главным редактором «Нон-стоп Продакшн» Антоном Токтоновым о том, чем занимаются редактора на студии, читают ли заявки, которые приходят на корпоративную почту, почему часто над проектом работают одни и те же люди, чего не хватает современному кино и как учиться на сценариста и редактора.

		Антон Токтонов на питчинге студии Снегири	</p>

Антон Токтонов на питчинге студии Снегири

Функционал редактора довольно разнообразный и отличается в разных кинокомпаниях. В «Нон-Стоп Продакшн» это поиск сценаристов для собственных проектов компании, их сопровождение на всех этапах создания сценария, работа с консультантами и, конечно, чтение и оценка входящих сценарных материалов. 

Сценарный девелопмент – самый напряженный этап в работе над проектом для редактора. Слегка выдохнуть получится на стадии продакшна, хотя и здесь есть редакторские задачи, а дальше на посте (постпродакшн) редактора ждет новый виток серьезной работы — участие в монтаже, работа по озвучиванию, дописывание каких-то реплик, например, массовочных, отсмотр материала, составление комментариев и рекомендаций для режиссера и продюсеров. 

Редактор работает на всех этапах производства картины, сценарная часть работы никогда не заканчивается.

Как правило, редактор ведет параллельно несколько проектов, от момента, когда он рождается в виде заявки, и до выхода в прокат или сдачи проекта на канал. 

Мне кажется, что профессиям сценариста и редактора практически невозможно научиться за партой — только на практике. Это не отменяет необходимости базового образования, но, скажем, на редактора кино сейчас практически нигде не учат, разве что во ВГИКЕ был специальный курс. В основном в редакторы идут сценаристы, но довольно много и людей, так скажем, «со стороны». 

Я отношусь как раз ко второй категории, никогда ничего сам не писал и пока не планирую. По образованию я филолог, но всю жизнь любил кино и мечтал работать в этой сфере, правда, довольно долго не понимал, кем именно. В итоге попал в пиар-отдел одной из ведущих кинокомпаний, поработал в рекламном агентстве, а потом пришел в «Нон-стоп Продакшн». 

Все, что я сейчас знаю и умею, я приобрел здесь, учась на собственном опыте. 

«Дылда» 2019, производство ««Нон-Стоп Продакшн», AR Content

Путь сценария, на самом деле, очень короткий и состоит всего из двух этапов:

Первый этап — получение сценария редактором, чтение, обсуждение с другими редакторами. Креативно-редакторский отдел принимает решение, интересен ли студии такой проект. 

Если да, начинается второй этап : сценарий выносят на обсуждение с продюсерами. ( Рассказываем, как стать креативным продесером >>>>>)  После одобрения продюсерами, проект запускается в работу.

Конечно! Мы ежедневно проверяем студийную почту. Ни одно письмо не пропускаем. Другой вопрос – будет ли прочитан целиком тот текст, который к письму прикреплен. Читать абсолютно все невозможно физически. С учетом количества приходящих писем целый отдел должен заниматься только этим. 

Поэтому очень важно, как отправитель преподносит свой проект, умение им заинтересовать с первых строк. Как минимум, стоит писать сопроводительное письмо, а не отправлять пустой мэйл с вложенным файлом. К сожалению, даже такими элементарными вещами начинающие авторы часто пренебрегают.

Присылать можно все, что автору кажется достойным внимания.
Любые формы. Это может быть и уже полностью написанный сценарий, и заявка на одну страницу. Однако если у вас уже есть сценарий, то все равно приложите к нему логлайн, заявку или синопсис (в идеале – все перечисленное).

Еще раз повторю, что

важно написать внятное письмо о том, что за проект вы присылаете, кто его автор, почему этот автор считает, что его идея может быть студии интересна, и почему ее нужно реализовать.

«Девятая»2019, производство «Нон-Стоп Продакшн» при поддержке Фонда кино, креативные продюсеры Антон Токтонов, Иван Филиппов

Как правило, из того, что приходит на почту, интересного материала сотые доли процента. Но случаи, когда материал, который присылали «из ниоткуда», потом шел в разработку, есть, и они не редкость. И не только в нашей компании. У нас сейчас в работе как минимум один такой проект. 

Теоретически важно и то, и другое. Но далеко не секрет, что в российской, да и мировой, киноиндустрии уже не первый год отмечается дефицит идей и сюжетов. Так что вопрос поиска сценаристов, которые умеют генерировать идеи, в сегодняшних реалиях стоит острее. 

Если есть идея, но ее не получается расписать — это решаемая проблема, всегда можно найти крепкого соавтора. Если же нет идеи – не будет и кино.

Лично я ни одного такого случая не знаю. Более того не вижу никакого смысла в том, чтобы идеи воровать. 

Дефицит идей и новых авторов столь велик, что как только ты получаешь от «ноунейма» что-то осмысленное и талантливое, первое твое желание — найти этого человека, обнять и расцеловать. 

Потом дать денег и подписать договор. Сценаристов сейчас холят и лелеют, никому не выгодно их обижать.


сериал «Следователь Тихонов» 2016, производство Нон-Стоп Продакшн по заказу телеканала «Россия» при поддержке Министерства Культуры РФ

( Если вы еще не знакомы с форматом заявки, мы все объяснили в материале как оформить сценарную заявку >>>>> ) 

Чаще всего поиск ведется среди тех, с кем уже работали и чьи возможности студия знает. Следующий шаг – авторы успешных проектов последних лет, но они чаще всего уже заняты на ближайшее десятилетие.

В нашей практике довольно редко бывает так, что объявляется открытый конкурс. В последний раз, когда так делали, познакомились с неплохими сценаристами, с одним из них заключили договор и стали писать проект, но, к сожалению, в какой-то момент решили расстаться. 

Начинающих сценаристов лучше брать с их собственными проектами. Все-таки включиться в чужую историю – это особое умение, специальный навык. Это в принципе не все умеют.

Из полных метров нас традиционно интересуют авторские, фестивальные проекты с международным потенциалом.

Что касается коммерческого кино, то мы сейчас нацелены на недорогие в производстве проекты, но с большим кассовым потенциалом. Скорее всего, комедии. Возможно, хорроры. Но в приоритете все оригинальное и необычное.

Мы сейчас живем в новую эпоху. Телевидение уходит в интернет: только в России уже открылось или в ближайшее время откроется около десяти стриминговых площадок, а за рубежом счет идет на десятки. Пока не понятно, к чему это все приведет и как долго продлится эта «золотая лихорадка», но очевидно, что 

на рынке сериалов спрос сейчас серьезно превышает предложение, студии и платформы готовы брать самые разные проекты, единственное требование — качество.

Мы, как и рынок в целом, открыты сейчас любым жанрам и форматам. От авторов ждем, в первую очередь, что-то более острое и актуальное по сравнению с тем, что идет на телеканалах. 

Речь, естественно, об остроте и актуальности тем и идей, про драматургию. Только секса и нецензурной лексики будет недостаточно, хотя мы против них ничего не имеем, главное, чтобы это было уместно.

«Нелюбовь» 2017, производство «Нон-Стоп Продакшн» совместно c «Фетисов Иллюзион», “Why Not Productions”, “Les Films du Fleuve”, “Senator Film”, “Arte France Cinema”, при поддержке Eurimages, ARTE FRANCE, Canal+, WDR, Cine+

Индустрии не хватает сценаристов. Это сейчас главный дефицит и главная валюта.

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So you’ve finished your blockbuster screenplay, but you may be wondering how exactly can you get it in the hands of a big-time Hollywood studio executive. The good news is that Hollywood is always looking for the next big script, so there are actually a number of ways for you to get your story out there so it can be picked up and turned into a movie. The best way to do it is to have an agent represent you so they can use their connections and ensure that you get paid what you deserve since they don’t get paid unless you do. However, there are also many other ways you can market your screenplay yourself and catch the attention of a producer, agent, or executive who may want to buy it from you.

  1. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 1


    Write a synopsis of your screenplay to use when you pitch. A screenplay synopsis is brief summary of your script that’s intended to grab the attention of an agent, producer, or studio executive. Write a logline that basically sums up your story in 2 sentences so you have your short “elevator pitch.” Then, spend no more than 3 pages explaining the characters and summarizing your story so you have a full pitch put together.[1]

    • Keep your pitch short, sweet, and to the point so it grabs the listener’s attention.
    • Avoid explaining the entire story. Rather, include the main points along with information that makes it interesting.
  2. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 2


    Attend a pitch festival to network and pitch your screenplay.[2]
    Pitch festivals are exactly what they sound like: large events where attendees get to mingle with other screenwriters and pitch their scripts to agents, producers, and Hollywood executives. Look online for pitch festivals coming up and book your trip to attend them. While you’re there, deliver your pitch to as many people as you can to drum up excitement about your script. If a producer, agent, or executive likes what they hear, they may buy it from you![3]

    • There are pitch festivals held all over the world, so you may be able to find one that isn’t too far from you.
    • Use the opportunity to network with other screenwriters as well. Building connections and relationships with people in the business will help you sell your screenplays.
    • Attending pitch festivals in Hollywood will allow you to pitch directly to Hollywood producers and executives. A couple of the big ones there include Great American PitchFest and Hollywood Pitch Festival.


  3. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 3


    Submit a written pitch online to Virtual Pitch Fest, or VPF, is an online platform that allows you to submit a written pitch to a host of producers, agents, and film executives. Make an account and search through the list of producers and agents for Hollywood representatives that you think will like your script. Then, pay to submit your written pitch to them.[4]

    • For instance, if you have a screenplay for an action-packed sci-fi thriller, search through the list of people who are interested in those types of scripts to submit your pitch to.

    Pitch Tip: If you’re nervous about pitching your script in person, an online written pitch is a great way to go.

  4. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 4


    Set up a video conference pitch with producers through an agent. If you have an agent, ask them to set up a Skype call with producers that would potentially be interested in your screenplay so you can pitch it without having to travel to Hollywood in person. If you don’t have an agent, you can contact an agency and pay them to read your script. If an agent is interested in representing you, ask them to set up a video conference pitch.[5]

    • Your agent may ask you to do a video pitch to help sell your script to a Hollywood executive.
    • Spend some time practicing your pitch on your webcam so you can make sure you look and sound good.
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  1. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 5


    Use screenwriting contests to help sell your first screenplay. If you submit your screenplay to a contest, then only the people who read for the contest are the ones who will see it. If you win, then your screenplay has a great chance of being bought by a Hollywood producer. But if you lose or you decide to change something or revise your draft later, then you haven’t blown your shot with an agency or a Hollywood producer who saw a previous draft.[6]

    • If you’re trying to sell your first screenplay, contests are a great way to get your foot in the Hollywood door.
    • You can also submit to multiple contests and revise drafts to be submitted again in the future.
  2. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 6


    Look for screenwriting contests at Search the directory for screenplay contests that are accepting submissions. Look for contests that you think your script would have a good shot at winning and make a list or a spreadsheet that includes the name of the contest, the submission deadlines, and the submission fee.[7]

    • Choose contests that make sense for your screenplay. For instance, if there’s a screenwriting contest for new romantic comedies, and you’ve written a screenplay about World War 2, then you wouldn’t want to submit your script to that contest.
    • Many contests have multiple categories for you to choose from to submit to.
    • You can also search online yourself for local contests or contests that may not be listed on Movie Bytes.

    Note: There are many screenwriting contests that are free to submit to, but the biggest ones often require a submission fee.

  3. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 7


    Follow the guidelines and submit your screenplay in the right category. Each screenwriting contest will have its own specific guidelines regarding how you submit your script, so take some time to look them over while you’re putting together your materials. Search through the list of categories for the contest and choose the one that’s most appropriate for your screenplay so it goes to the right readers. Upload or submit your screenplay using the method requested by the contest.[8]

    • Most contests ask you to submit your script using a hosting service like DropBox or by sending a PDF.
    • If there’s a fee to enter the contest, be sure to pay it using the requested payment method.
  4. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 8


    Enter multiple contests to increase your chances of winning. There isn’t a limit on how many contests you can submit to, so send out your script to multiple contests to boost your odds. You can even win multiple contests with the same screenplay, which would really elevate your script and increase the chances of it being picked up by a Hollywood studio.[9]

    • Be sure to follow the submission guidelines of each of the contests.
  5. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 9


    Wait to be contacted by the contest or festival. Avoid reaching out and contacting a contest to find out if your screenplay won or what the status of announcing a winner is. Most contests list the dates they’ll announce a winner on their website, but even if they don’t, wait until they contact you before you try to bug them with a follow-up email.[10]

    • Many contests will only contact you if you actually win. So if you don’t hear anything after they announce the winners, then you likely won’t hear from them.
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  1. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 10


    Write a query letter that you can submit to potential agents. A query letter is a brief, concise letter that introduces who you are and provides a short summary of your screenplay. Draft a solid query letter that includes biographical information, a synopsis of your screenplay, and leave some room for you to personalize the letter to allow yourself to tailor it to specific agents, managers, or producers when you send it.[11]

    • Include a hook that sums up your main character and will get an agent interested in reading your full screenplay.
    • In your biographical information, include any credentials, experience, and list any previously published work that you’ve done.
    • If you have personal experiences that make you the best writer for the screenplay, make sure you mention it! For instance, if your story is a crime drama about a dirty cop, and you worked as a police officer, then it would definitely elevate your screenplay’s status.
  2. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 11


    Search online for agencies and agents that suit your genre. With your script and query letter ready to go, look online for the big Hollywood agencies. Read their descriptions and look for agencies that have marketed movies that are similar to the screenplay you’ve written or fall within the same genre so you’re sending yours to the right place. Check out specific agents that specialize in specific genres as well because they’ll know how to market your screenplay best.[12]

    • Many agencies have agents that specialize in different genres and types of films. For instance, a large agency may have an agent that caters to horror films as well as an agent that knows the romantic comedy scene inside and out.
    • Some of the biggest agencies in Hollywood include Creative Artists Agency (CAA), International Creative Management Partners (ICMP), United Talent Agency (UTA), and William Morris Endeavor (WME).
    • There are also a ton of agencies that specialize in certain genres. For instance, Heroes and Villains is an agency that focuses on comic books.
  3. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 12


    Email your query letter to agencies following the submission guidelines. Make a list of agencies that you believe your screenplay will have a good chance of getting attention. Review their submission guidelines and be sure to follow them closely or your submission may not be read at all. Go through your list and personalize each of your query letters for the agency that you’re submitting it to and send it off.[13]

    • Don’t send your screenplay with your query. Wait until an agency asks you to send it or you might blow your chance of having it read.
    • If you don’t hear anything back after 2 weeks, send a follow-up email just to make sure they received it.
  4. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 13


    Submit your screenplay if an agency asks to see it. If an agency responds to your query and asks you to send over your screenplay, submit it using the method that they request. Many agencies will ask for a digital file that you’ll upload to their site or submit through a hosting service like DropBox. If they ask for a hard copy, mail it to them at the address they provide.[14]

    • After you send your screenplay, send an email to make sure they received it and are able to access the file.
    • If you have to mail a hardcopy, consider using a form of certified mail so you can be sure it’s delivered correctly.

    Script Tip: You can pay some agencies to read your script, which would give you more of a chance of landing a contract.

  5. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 14


    Meet with an agent to interview and sign a contract. If an agency likes your screenplay and wants to try to sell it to a Hollywood studio, they’ll set up a meeting with you to sign a contract regarding your payment and so you can’t sell the script somewhere else. They’ll also discuss the process of getting your screenplay to be made into a film, including any changes they’d like you to make to your current draft.[15]

    • Once you sign a contract on your screenplay, then you’ve managed to sell it. Congratulations!
    • An agency may also sign you as a screenwriter so you can easily pitch any other screenplay ideas you have or sign on to write on other projects.
  6. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 15


    Make any requested changes or revisions to finalize your screenplay. If an agent takes you on as a client, they’ll likely have notes and feedback about your screenplay. They may even have an editor take a look through it. They know the market for your screenplay, so work to make the changes they request so your final script is rock solid.[16]

    • Screenplays can often be a collaborative effort, so it’s important that you’re open to feedback and willing to implement the suggested changes.
  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 16


    Use an online listing directory so filmmakers can find your screenplay. A listing directory allows you to upload your script so other people can find it and read it, including producers, agents, and Hollywood executives. Many directories have ranking systems that allow readers to score your script. If your script gets a high enough score, it may catch the attention of a big-time Hollywood filmmaker.[17]

    • Most directories have a monthly or annual fee to be a member or host your scripts, but some are free.

    Script Tip: An online listing directory is also a great way to direct people to your screenplay. For example, if you’re at an event and you meet a Hollywood producer, you can point them to your script on the directory so they can find it.

  2. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 17


    Post your script to InkTip for lower budget films. InkTip is a well-known listing directory and is a little more affordable than some of the other options. It’s often used by filmmakers and directors working on a lower budget or made-for-TV movie, so if you have a screenplay that falls within a specific genre and doesn’t need the full-force of a giant studio to make the movie, then InkTip is a great option.[18]

    • You can visit InkTip and make an account at
    • InkTip requires a monthly fee to keep your screenplay up on its site.
  3. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 18


    Add your script to The Black List for major studios to find it. The Black List started as a master list of screenplays that went unproduced and was passed around Hollywood studios for executives looking to make a film. As a modern website, it allows you to host your screenplay and have it reviewed and scored by producers and agents to gather attention. If your script builds enough traction, an executive searching the site may see it and want to buy it to turn it into a movie.[19]

    • You can visit The Black List’s website at
    • The Black List requires a fee of $30 USD a month for each script you host on it.
  4. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 19


    Submit your script to Spec Scout to keep it listed for free. Spec Scout is another well-known online listing directory that’s often used by producers, filmmakers, and agents looking to put together a movie. The advantage to using Spec Scout is once you pay to have your script hosted, you don’t need to pay to keep it up on their site.[20]

    • If a talent agent has a character actor that they’re looking for a specific role for, they may use Spec Scout to find a script that’s perfectly suited for their client.
  5. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 20


    Pay an online listing service to have your script read by producers. All of the online listing directories allow you to pay them to have your script evaluated. The bigger names, like The Black List, will have an actual producer read your script, while smaller listing directories may have a lesser-known screenwriter review it. They’ll give you feedback and will score your script on the website. If your screenplay gets a high enough score, it may attract the attention of a big-time Hollywood producer or executive.[21]

    • The price of having your script evaluated can vary, and can also be affected by the status of the person you choose to read your script. A seasoned and respected critic will cost more than a film school student, for instance.
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  • Question

    Can the writer of a screenplay also star or co-star in the movie?

    Community Answer

    Yes, plenty of writers and directors appear in their own works.

  • Question

    Can I send my screenplay to Hollywood online?

    Community Answer

    Yes. Start by saving your screenplay as a PDF (to make it easier to view regardless of who you send it to). Then, go online, start collecting some websites or email addresses that accept screenplay submissions, and begin sending out your screenplay!

  • Question

    Is there a certain age that I have to be to submit a screenplay?

    Community Answer

    Generally, no, though you will have to be 18 to sign a contract to sell your script, or have an adult available to sign on your behalf.

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  • Practice your pitch on a friend or family member so it’s engaging and you have it memorized.

  • Make sure your script is well-written and properly formatted or it may never have the chance to be read.


  • Have your screenplay copyrighted so it can’t be stolen or used without your permission.



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  • Gwen Davis

    «It’s helpful to know the different step-by-step pieces necessary to prepare for a pitch.»

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So you’ve finished your blockbuster screenplay, but you may be wondering how exactly can you get it in the hands of a big-time Hollywood studio executive. The good news is that Hollywood is always looking for the next big script, so there are actually a number of ways for you to get your story out there so it can be picked up and turned into a movie. The best way to do it is to have an agent represent you so they can use their connections and ensure that you get paid what you deserve since they don’t get paid unless you do. However, there are also many other ways you can market your screenplay yourself and catch the attention of a producer, agent, or executive who may want to buy it from you.

  1. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 1


    Write a synopsis of your screenplay to use when you pitch. A screenplay synopsis is brief summary of your script that’s intended to grab the attention of an agent, producer, or studio executive. Write a logline that basically sums up your story in 2 sentences so you have your short “elevator pitch.” Then, spend no more than 3 pages explaining the characters and summarizing your story so you have a full pitch put together.[1]

    • Keep your pitch short, sweet, and to the point so it grabs the listener’s attention.
    • Avoid explaining the entire story. Rather, include the main points along with information that makes it interesting.
  2. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 2


    Attend a pitch festival to network and pitch your screenplay.[2]
    Pitch festivals are exactly what they sound like: large events where attendees get to mingle with other screenwriters and pitch their scripts to agents, producers, and Hollywood executives. Look online for pitch festivals coming up and book your trip to attend them. While you’re there, deliver your pitch to as many people as you can to drum up excitement about your script. If a producer, agent, or executive likes what they hear, they may buy it from you![3]

    • There are pitch festivals held all over the world, so you may be able to find one that isn’t too far from you.
    • Use the opportunity to network with other screenwriters as well. Building connections and relationships with people in the business will help you sell your screenplays.
    • Attending pitch festivals in Hollywood will allow you to pitch directly to Hollywood producers and executives. A couple of the big ones there include Great American PitchFest and Hollywood Pitch Festival.


  3. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 3


    Submit a written pitch online to Virtual Pitch Fest, or VPF, is an online platform that allows you to submit a written pitch to a host of producers, agents, and film executives. Make an account and search through the list of producers and agents for Hollywood representatives that you think will like your script. Then, pay to submit your written pitch to them.[4]

    • For instance, if you have a screenplay for an action-packed sci-fi thriller, search through the list of people who are interested in those types of scripts to submit your pitch to.

    Pitch Tip: If you’re nervous about pitching your script in person, an online written pitch is a great way to go.

  4. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 4


    Set up a video conference pitch with producers through an agent. If you have an agent, ask them to set up a Skype call with producers that would potentially be interested in your screenplay so you can pitch it without having to travel to Hollywood in person. If you don’t have an agent, you can contact an agency and pay them to read your script. If an agent is interested in representing you, ask them to set up a video conference pitch.[5]

    • Your agent may ask you to do a video pitch to help sell your script to a Hollywood executive.
    • Spend some time practicing your pitch on your webcam so you can make sure you look and sound good.
  5. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 5


    Use screenwriting contests to help sell your first screenplay. If you submit your screenplay to a contest, then only the people who read for the contest are the ones who will see it. If you win, then your screenplay has a great chance of being bought by a Hollywood producer. But if you lose or you decide to change something or revise your draft later, then you haven’t blown your shot with an agency or a Hollywood producer who saw a previous draft.[6]

    • If you’re trying to sell your first screenplay, contests are a great way to get your foot in the Hollywood door.
    • You can also submit to multiple contests and revise drafts to be submitted again in the future.
  2. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 6


    Look for screenwriting contests at Search the directory for screenplay contests that are accepting submissions. Look for contests that you think your script would have a good shot at winning and make a list or a spreadsheet that includes the name of the contest, the submission deadlines, and the submission fee.[7]

    • Choose contests that make sense for your screenplay. For instance, if there’s a screenwriting contest for new romantic comedies, and you’ve written a screenplay about World War 2, then you wouldn’t want to submit your script to that contest.
    • Many contests have multiple categories for you to choose from to submit to.
    • You can also search online yourself for local contests or contests that may not be listed on Movie Bytes.

    Note: There are many screenwriting contests that are free to submit to, but the biggest ones often require a submission fee.

  3. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 7


    Follow the guidelines and submit your screenplay in the right category. Each screenwriting contest will have its own specific guidelines regarding how you submit your script, so take some time to look them over while you’re putting together your materials. Search through the list of categories for the contest and choose the one that’s most appropriate for your screenplay so it goes to the right readers. Upload or submit your screenplay using the method requested by the contest.[8]

    • Most contests ask you to submit your script using a hosting service like DropBox or by sending a PDF.
    • If there’s a fee to enter the contest, be sure to pay it using the requested payment method.
  4. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 8


    Enter multiple contests to increase your chances of winning. There isn’t a limit on how many contests you can submit to, so send out your script to multiple contests to boost your odds. You can even win multiple contests with the same screenplay, which would really elevate your script and increase the chances of it being picked up by a Hollywood studio.[9]

    • Be sure to follow the submission guidelines of each of the contests.
  5. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 9


    Wait to be contacted by the contest or festival. Avoid reaching out and contacting a contest to find out if your screenplay won or what the status of announcing a winner is. Most contests list the dates they’ll announce a winner on their website, but even if they don’t, wait until they contact you before you try to bug them with a follow-up email.[10]

    • Many contests will only contact you if you actually win. So if you don’t hear anything after they announce the winners, then you likely won’t hear from them.
  6. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 10


    Write a query letter that you can submit to potential agents. A query letter is a brief, concise letter that introduces who you are and provides a short summary of your screenplay. Draft a solid query letter that includes biographical information, a synopsis of your screenplay, and leave some room for you to personalize the letter to allow yourself to tailor it to specific agents, managers, or producers when you send it.[11]

    • Include a hook that sums up your main character and will get an agent interested in reading your full screenplay.
    • In your biographical information, include any credentials, experience, and list any previously published work that you’ve done.
    • If you have personal experiences that make you the best writer for the screenplay, make sure you mention it! For instance, if your story is a crime drama about a dirty cop, and you worked as a police officer, then it would definitely elevate your screenplay’s status.
  2. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 11


    Search online for agencies and agents that suit your genre. With your script and query letter ready to go, look online for the big Hollywood agencies. Read their descriptions and look for agencies that have marketed movies that are similar to the screenplay you’ve written or fall within the same genre so you’re sending yours to the right place. Check out specific agents that specialize in specific genres as well because they’ll know how to market your screenplay best.[12]

    • Many agencies have agents that specialize in different genres and types of films. For instance, a large agency may have an agent that caters to horror films as well as an agent that knows the romantic comedy scene inside and out.
    • Some of the biggest agencies in Hollywood include Creative Artists Agency (CAA), International Creative Management Partners (ICMP), United Talent Agency (UTA), and William Morris Endeavor (WME).
    • There are also a ton of agencies that specialize in certain genres. For instance, Heroes and Villains is an agency that focuses on comic books.
  3. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 12


    Email your query letter to agencies following the submission guidelines. Make a list of agencies that you believe your screenplay will have a good chance of getting attention. Review their submission guidelines and be sure to follow them closely or your submission may not be read at all. Go through your list and personalize each of your query letters for the agency that you’re submitting it to and send it off.[13]

    • Don’t send your screenplay with your query. Wait until an agency asks you to send it or you might blow your chance of having it read.
    • If you don’t hear anything back after 2 weeks, send a follow-up email just to make sure they received it.
  4. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 13


    Submit your screenplay if an agency asks to see it. If an agency responds to your query and asks you to send over your screenplay, submit it using the method that they request. Many agencies will ask for a digital file that you’ll upload to their site or submit through a hosting service like DropBox. If they ask for a hard copy, mail it to them at the address they provide.[14]

    • After you send your screenplay, send an email to make sure they received it and are able to access the file.
    • If you have to mail a hardcopy, consider using a form of certified mail so you can be sure it’s delivered correctly.

    Script Tip: You can pay some agencies to read your script, which would give you more of a chance of landing a contract.

  5. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 14


    Meet with an agent to interview and sign a contract. If an agency likes your screenplay and wants to try to sell it to a Hollywood studio, they’ll set up a meeting with you to sign a contract regarding your payment and so you can’t sell the script somewhere else. They’ll also discuss the process of getting your screenplay to be made into a film, including any changes they’d like you to make to your current draft.[15]

    • Once you sign a contract on your screenplay, then you’ve managed to sell it. Congratulations!
    • An agency may also sign you as a screenwriter so you can easily pitch any other screenplay ideas you have or sign on to write on other projects.
  6. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 15


    Make any requested changes or revisions to finalize your screenplay. If an agent takes you on as a client, they’ll likely have notes and feedback about your screenplay. They may even have an editor take a look through it. They know the market for your screenplay, so work to make the changes they request so your final script is rock solid.[16]

    • Screenplays can often be a collaborative effort, so it’s important that you’re open to feedback and willing to implement the suggested changes.
  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 16


    Use an online listing directory so filmmakers can find your screenplay. A listing directory allows you to upload your script so other people can find it and read it, including producers, agents, and Hollywood executives. Many directories have ranking systems that allow readers to score your script. If your script gets a high enough score, it may catch the attention of a big-time Hollywood filmmaker.[17]

    • Most directories have a monthly or annual fee to be a member or host your scripts, but some are free.

    Script Tip: An online listing directory is also a great way to direct people to your screenplay. For example, if you’re at an event and you meet a Hollywood producer, you can point them to your script on the directory so they can find it.

  2. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 17


    Post your script to InkTip for lower budget films. InkTip is a well-known listing directory and is a little more affordable than some of the other options. It’s often used by filmmakers and directors working on a lower budget or made-for-TV movie, so if you have a screenplay that falls within a specific genre and doesn’t need the full-force of a giant studio to make the movie, then InkTip is a great option.[18]

    • You can visit InkTip and make an account at
    • InkTip requires a monthly fee to keep your screenplay up on its site.
  3. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 18


    Add your script to The Black List for major studios to find it. The Black List started as a master list of screenplays that went unproduced and was passed around Hollywood studios for executives looking to make a film. As a modern website, it allows you to host your screenplay and have it reviewed and scored by producers and agents to gather attention. If your script builds enough traction, an executive searching the site may see it and want to buy it to turn it into a movie.[19]

    • You can visit The Black List’s website at
    • The Black List requires a fee of $30 USD a month for each script you host on it.
  4. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 19


    Submit your script to Spec Scout to keep it listed for free. Spec Scout is another well-known online listing directory that’s often used by producers, filmmakers, and agents looking to put together a movie. The advantage to using Spec Scout is once you pay to have your script hosted, you don’t need to pay to keep it up on their site.[20]

    • If a talent agent has a character actor that they’re looking for a specific role for, they may use Spec Scout to find a script that’s perfectly suited for their client.
  5. Image titled Sell Your Screenplay to Hollywood Step 20


    Pay an online listing service to have your script read by producers. All of the online listing directories allow you to pay them to have your script evaluated. The bigger names, like The Black List, will have an actual producer read your script, while smaller listing directories may have a lesser-known screenwriter review it. They’ll give you feedback and will score your script on the website. If your screenplay gets a high enough score, it may attract the attention of a big-time Hollywood producer or executive.[21]

    • The price of having your script evaluated can vary, and can also be affected by the status of the person you choose to read your script. A seasoned and respected critic will cost more than a film school student, for instance.
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  • Question

    Can the writer of a screenplay also star or co-star in the movie?

    Community Answer

    Yes, plenty of writers and directors appear in their own works.

  • Question

    Can I send my screenplay to Hollywood online?

    Community Answer

    Yes. Start by saving your screenplay as a PDF (to make it easier to view regardless of who you send it to). Then, go online, start collecting some websites or email addresses that accept screenplay submissions, and begin sending out your screenplay!

  • Question

    Is there a certain age that I have to be to submit a screenplay?

    Community Answer

    Generally, no, though you will have to be 18 to sign a contract to sell your script, or have an adult available to sign on your behalf.

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  • Practice your pitch on a friend or family member so it’s engaging and you have it memorized.

  • Make sure your script is well-written and properly formatted or it may never have the chance to be read.


  • Have your screenplay copyrighted so it can’t be stolen or used without your permission.



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  • Gwen Davis

    «It’s helpful to know the different step-by-step pieces necessary to prepare for a pitch.»

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