Сказка «Курочка Ряба» на английском языке: текст и перевод
На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 1.3к. Опубликовано 27 октября, 2022
Обновлено 27 октября, 2022
Сегодня мы расскажем вам сказку «Курочка Ряба» на английском языке. Текст сказки с переводом будет полезен учителям английского во время повторения темы Family, Food, animals. Мы эту сказку используем как фонетическую зарядку, прорабатываем и звуки и изученные слова.
Текст сказки «Курочка Ряба» на английском языке
Riaba The Hen
Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. They had a hen, Riaba by name.
One day the hen laid an egg. It was not an ordinary egg, but a golden one.
The old man hit it and hit it, but could not break it. The old woman hit it and hit it, but could not break it.
A mouse ran by, waved its tail and the egg fall to the floor. It was broken.
The old man cried, the old woman cried, and the hen cackled:
“Don’t cry the old man! Don’t cry the old woman! I will lay you a new egg, not a golden one, but an ordinary one!”
Перевод сказки «Курочка Ряба» на русский
Давным-давно жили-были старик и старуха. У них была курица по имени Ряба. Однажды курица снесла яйцо. Это было не обычное яйцо, а золотое. Старик бил его и бил, но не мог сломать. Старуха била его и била, но не могла сломать. Мимо пробежала мышь, махнула хвостом, и яйцо упало на пол. Он был сломан. Старик плакал, старуха плакала, а курица кудахтала: “Не плачь, старик! Не плачь, старуха! Я снесу тебе новое яйцо, не золотое, а обычное!
The hen Ryaba.
Once grandfather and grandmother lived. And they had the hen Ryaba.
Ryaba: I am Rayba. And I give you an egg. It is not a simple egg, it is a gold egg.
Grandfather: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.
Grandmother: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.
The little mouse: I am the little mouse. I can wave the tail and break the egg. Look! (she does it). I am the strongest mouse.
Grandfather and grandmother are crying.
Ryaba: Don’t cry grandfather! Don’t cry grandmother! I will give a new egg.
The hen Ryaba.
Once grandfather and grandmother lived. And they had the hen Ryaba.
Ryaba: I am Rayba. And I give you an egg. It is not simple egg, it is gold egg.
Grandfather: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.
Grandmother: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.
The little mouse: I am the little mouse. I can wave the tail and break the egg. Look! (she does it). I am the strongest mouse.
Grandfather and grandmother are crying.
Ryaba: Don’t cry grandfather! Don’t cry grandmother! I will give a new egg.
The hen Ryaba.
Once grandfather and grandmother lived. And they had the hen Ryaba.
Ryaba: I am Rayba. And I give you an egg. It is not simple egg, it is gold egg.
Grandfather: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.
Grandmother: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.
The little mouse: I am the little mouse. I can wave the tail and break the egg. Look! (she does it). I am the strongest mouse.
Grandfather and grandmother are crying.
Ryaba: Don’t cry grandfather! Don’t cry grandmother! I will give a new egg.
The hen Ryaba.
Once grandfather and grandmother lived. And they had the hen Ryaba.
Ryaba: I am Rayba. And I give you an egg. It is not simple egg, it is gold egg.
Grandfather: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.
Grandmother: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.
The little mouse: I am the little mouse. I can wave the tail and break the egg. Look! (she does it). I am the strongest mouse.
Grandfather and grandmother are crying.
Ryaba: Don’t cry grandfather! Don’t cry grandmother! I will give a new egg.
Мини-спектакль «КУРОЧКА» (на английском языке)
Действующие лица:
Курочка (Hen)
Собака (Dog)
Кот (Cat)
Утка (Duck)
Цыплята (Сhicks)
Переводчик (Interpreter)
Реквизит: мячик, мягкая игрушка Мышка, лопатки, лейки, скалки, пирог, стол, скатерть; презентация с музыкальным сопровождением.
Звучит вступительная музыка. На сцену выходит Hen
Hen: Hello! I’m a hen. I‘ve got three friends.
На сцену под музыку («Выход Собаки) выбегает Dog
Dog: Bow-wow-wow! Hello! I‘m a dog.
На сцену под музыку («Выход Кошки) выбегает Cat
Cat: Meow! Hello! I’m a cat.
Под музыку («Танец маленьких утят») выходит Duck
Duck: Quack-quack! Hello! I’m a duck.
Hen: And I’ve got little yellow chicks.
Под музыку («Цыплята» выбегают Chicks)
Chicks: Hello! My name is… Hi! I am…
Hen: (Достаёт 5 семян, показывает зрителям)
Look! I’ve got five seeds. One, two, three, four, five.
Let’s count together- One, two, three, four, five.
Good job!
Hen: I want to plant the seeds.
(Обращаясь к Cобаке)Can you help me, Dog?
Dog: No, I can’t. I want to run.
Поёт песню, «бегая»
I can run, I can run.
I can run and run.
And I’m having lots of fun.
I can run, I can run.
Can you?
Hen: (Обращаясь к Cat) Can you help me, Cat?
Cat: No, I can’t. I want to jump!
Поёт песню, подпрыгивая на двух ногах
I can jump, I can jump.
I can jump and run.
And I’m having lots of fun.
I can jump, I can jump.
Can you?
Hen: (Обращаясь к Duck) Can you help me, Duck?
Duck: No, I can’t. I want to swim.
Поёт песню, «плавая и бегая»
I can swim, I can swim.
I can swim and run.
And I’m having lots of fun.
I can swim, I can swim.
Can you?
Hen: Can you help me, chicks?
Chicks: Yes, we can!
Hen: All right, let’s go.
Цыплята с Курочкой под музыку сажают семена
Hen: I want to water the plants. Can you help me, Dog ?
Dog: No, I can’t. I want to play with my ball!
Hen: Can you help me, Cat?
Cat: No, I can’t. I want to play with my mouse.
Hen: Can you help me, Duck?
Duck: No, I can’t. I want to fly.
Hen: Can you help me, chicks?
Chicks: Yes, we can!
Hen: All right, let’s go.
Поливают ростки из леек под музыку
Hen: Now I want to make a cake. Can you help me, Dog ?
Dog: No, I’m tired. I want to sleep.
Hen: Can you help me, Cat?
Cat: No, I’m tired. I want to sleep, too.
Hen: Can you help me, Duck?
Duck: No, I’m tired. I want to sleep very much.
Hen: Can you help me, chicks?
Chicks: Yes, we can!
Hen: All right, let’s go.
Пекут пирог под музыку «Пирожки»
Hen: Now it’s time to eat the cake.
Dog: Oh, a cake! I’m hungry!
Cat: I’m hungry, too!
Duck: I’m very hungry!
Dog, Cat, Duck: Can we eat the cake?
Hen: No, you can’t.
Dog: And who will eat the cake?
Hen: My chicks will eat the cake. They always help me!
Звучит заключительная музыка, под которую артисты выходят на поклон
Все вместе поют песенку:
Chuck, chuck, oh, my chickens,
Chuck, chuck, chuck, chuck, oh, my chickens,
Little, lovely, fluffy chickens,
White and yellow little chickens.
- Содействовать интересу к иностранному языку.
- Обучение правильному произношению.
- Развитие памяти, внимания, артистичности
Реквизиты: маски, костюмы, семена, хлеб, компьютер, CD.
- А Hen
- 2 Chickens
- A Cat
- A Dog
- A Duck
- A Mouse
Дополнительные герои для песни “Старый МакДональд”:
- A Cow
- A Sheep
Все герои поют и танцуют | Песня «Old MacDonald « | Рис. 1 | Слайд 2 |
A Hen | – I am a Hen. My name is Jen. – I’ ve got 3 friends: a cat, a dog and a duck. I have chickens. |
Слайд 3, 4, 5 | |
Chicken 1 | – I’ ve got a mother, I’ ve got a father, I’ ve got a sister, I’ve got a brother. |
Слайд 6, 7 | |
Chicken 2 | – My name is Ann. I’ ve got a sister, Her name is Nan, I’ ve got a brother, His name is Ben. |
A Hen | I have got seeds. I want to plant the seeds.
Help me |
Рис. 2 | Слайд 8 |
A Cat | – I do not want to help you. I want to dance.
(танец кошки и мышки) |
Рис. 3 | Слайд 9 |
A Hen | Can you help me, the dog? | Слайд 10 | |
A Dog | I do not want to help you. I want to play, too.
– I I like to play, I like to do it every day. |
Слайд 11 | |
A Hen | Can you help me, the Duck? | Рис. 4 | Слайд 12 |
A Duck | – I do not want to help you. I want to swim. | Слайд 13 | |
A Hen | – Can you help me to plant the seeds, my chickens? | Слайд 14 | |
Chickens | – Yes, we can.
(курочка с цыплятами сажает семена) |
A Hen | Now I ‘ ve got many seeds.
I want to make bread. – Help me to make bread, please, my friends. |
Рис. 5 | Слайд 15 |
A Cat | – I do not want to make bread. I want to play. | Слайд 16 | |
A Cat | – Little Mouse, little Mouse,
Where is your house? |
A Mouse | – Little Cat, little Cat,
I have no flat I am a poor Mouse, I have no house. |
A Cat | Little Mouse, little Mouse
Come to my house. |
A Mouse | Little Cat, little Cat
I cannot do that You want to eat me! |
A Cat | I like mice!
I think mice are very nice! |
A Hen | Can you help me to make bread, the Dog? | Слайд 17 | |
A Dog | I do not want to make bread. I want to run.
I am a I like to look for your sock! |
Слайд 18 | |
A Hen | Can you help me to make bread, the Duck? | Слайд 19 | |
A Duck | I do not want to make bread. I want to swim. | Слайд 20 | |
A Hen | What a pity.
Can you help me to make bread, my chickens? |
Слайд 21 | |
Chickens | Of course, we can. With great pleasure.
(курочка с цыплятами “делают” хлеб) |
A Hen | Now we’ ve got bread! | Слайд 22 | |
A Hen | Do you want to eat bread? | Рис. 6 | |
A Cat | Yes, I do. I am hungry. | Слайд 23 | |
A Dog | Of course, I do. I am very, very hungry. | ||
A Duck | Yes, I do. I am hungry, too. | Слайд 24 | |
A Hen | Let’ s drink tea and sing a song. | Слайд 25 | |
Все герои поют и танцуют | Песня “The more we are together, the happier we’ ll be”. |
- Верещагина И.Н., Притыкина Т. А. Английский язык: Учеб. для II кл.
шк. с углубл. изуч. англ. яз., лицеев, гимназий, колледжей. – 7-е изд.– М.:
Просвещение, 1999. – 239 с.: ил. - Чистякова Т.А. Чернушенко Е.М., Солина Г.И. Обучение иностранным
языкам в детских садах. – М.: Просвещение, 1964. - www. free.abcsongs.com/ oldmacdonald (песня).
There once was an old man and an old woman and they had a hen called Riaba. Once the hen laid an egg, and not an ordinary one, but a golden one. The old man hit it and hit it, the old woman hit it and hit it, but could not break it. A mouse ran past, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke. The old man cried, the old woman cried, and the hen cackled: «Don’t cry old man, don’t cry old woman. I will lay you a new egg, not a golden one, but an ordinary one!»
There once was an old man and an old woman, they had a speckled hen. The hen laid an egg, not an ordinary one, but a golden one.
The old man hit it and hit it but could not break it. The old woman hit it and hit it but could not break it.
They both hit it and hit it but could not break it. A mouse ran past,
waved its tail, the egg fell and broke! The old man and the old woman cried, the hen cackled: «Don’t cry old man, don’t cry old woman. I will lay you a new egg, not a golden one, but an ordinary one.»
Play Жили-были дед да баба, была у них курочка ряба; снесла курочка яичко: не простое, а золотое.
Баба била, била — не разбила… Дед бил, бил — не разбил…
Оба били-били — не разбили… Мышка пробежала,
хвостиком махнула, яичко упало и разбилось!
Дед и баба плачут, курочка кудахчет: «Не плачь, дед, не плачь, баба. Я снесу вам яичко, не золотое, а простое.»