File Description:
Beginner Helicopter mission for FSX Acceleration and Steam. Take tour groups from LGAV airport to the Acropolis complex. Mission uses the Bell Textron 412 chopper from Hovercontrol.
Filename: | |
License: | Freeware |
Added: | 28th October 2017, 07:16:31 |
Downloads: | 331 |
Author: | HeloMissionMan |
Size: | 6847kb |
Images related to this file:
- lgavscenery-1.jpg
File Description:
Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport (LGAV) Photorealistic scenery.
This scenery is part of the Athens area scenery project and it part of the AthensEast1 and AthensEast2 photorealistic scenery area.
The default FSX LGAV airport is not aligned exactly to the Satelite image therefore I desided to upload the photorealistic scenery bgls of the airport into a separate file.
Filename: | |
License: | Freeware |
Added: | 6th October 2010, 00:08:44 |
Downloads: | 4537 |
Author: | Angelo Tassoglou |
Size: | 58915kb |
Other files which are related to, or may be required by, this file:
- LGAT — Hellinikon International Airport — Athens, Greece (Download #190507)
- LGAT — Hellinikon International Airport — Athens, Greece *Fix* (Download #190514)
File Description:
Fix wrong night textures and instructions due to conflict issues with Fly Tampa’s LGAV scenery.
Filename: | |
License: | Freeware |
Added: | 10th June 2015, 21:30:59 |
Downloads: | 1012 |
Author: | Moraitis Vangelis |
Size: | 169kb |
Images related to this file:
- lgat_disused_v2-1.jpg
- lgat_disused_v2-2.jpg
Filename: | |
License: | Freeware, limited distribution |
Added: | 27th January 2014, 10:25:57 |
Downloads: | 1221 |
Author: | Kyprianos Biris |
Size: | 576kb |
Other files which are related to, or may be required by, this file:
- LGAV — Athens International Airport v2 (Download #156768)
- LGAV — Athens International Airport v2.1 (Download #189202)
- LGAV — Athens International Airport v2.2 (Download #195382)
Images related to this file:
- _285660-1.jpg
- _285660-2.jpg
- _285660-3.jpg
- _285660-4.jpg
Filename: | |
License: | Freeware |
Added: | 19th February 2011, 16:21:42 |
Downloads: | 16987 |
Author: | Moraitis Vaggelis |
Size: | 14343kb |
Other files which are related to, or may be required by, this file:
- LGAV — Athens International Airport v2 (Download #156768)
- LGAV — Athens International Airport v2.1 (Download #189202)
- LGAV — Athens International Airport v2.2 (Download #195382)
Images related to this file:
- _327348-1.jpg
- _327348-2.jpg
File Description:
Update for SAOxt_LGAV.V2 scenery (NEW afcad NEW ground and a few more texture fixes).
Filename: | |
License: | Freeware |
Added: | 15th March 2015, 15:31:23 |
Downloads: | 8335 |
Author: | Moraitis Vaggelis |
Size: | 21343kb |
Other files which are related to, or may be required by, this file:
- LGAV — Athens International Airport v2 (Download #156768)
- LGAV — Athens International Airport v2.1 (Download #189202)
- LGAV — Athens International Airport v2.2 (Download #195382)
Filename: | |
License: | Freeware |
Added: | 21st May 2016, 20:29:38 |
Downloads: | 11272 |
Author: | Moraitis Vangelis |
Size: | 1203kb |
Images related to this file:
- lgav_rs_fsx-1.jpg
- lgav_rs_fsx-2.jpg
- lgav_rs_fsx-3.jpg
- lgav_rs_fsx-4.jpg
File Description:
This airport update is for LGAV and made only for the FSX default airport: assigned parking with extra parking including a gate for the A380, extra fuel trucks, taxiways and taxi signs updated, support vehicle roads rebuilt and many other improvements, airport views are from inside the control tower (when in tower view) please view the readme before installation.
Filename: | |
License: | Freeware, limited distribution |
Added: | 5th April 2013, 12:35:39 |
Downloads: | 6476 |
Author: | Ray Smith |
Size: | 722kb |
File Description:
This file includes a new Afcad File for FSX default Scenery- LGAV — Airport Eleftherios Venizelos — Athens
— Ground structure was modified by Pics of Google Maps- some Taxiway�s have another structure now
— Requiered for Installation: Lights were added for a realer Airport feeling — ATTENTION: Please download the
following file by Jim Dhaenens: (category: FSX Scenery Design)
Filename: | |
License: | Freeware |
Added: | 30th March 2009, 22:45:13 |
Downloads: | 804 |
Author: | Dean Hammer |
Size: | 17kb |
Images related to this file:
- spata-3.jpg
- spata-2.jpg
- spata-1.jpg
- spata-4.jpg
- spata-5.jpg
Filename: | |
License: | Freeware |
Added: | 4th June 2013, 15:07:16 |
Downloads: | 10144 |
Author: | Nick Papa |
Size: | 109638kb |
AVSIM Library System Version 2.00 — 2004-May-01
© 2001-2023 AVSIM Online
All Rights Reserved
Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport (LGAV), Athens, Greece. This airport was designed with the latest version of ADE (Airport Design Editor) and made only for the FSX default airport. Improvements include assigned parking with extra parking, extra fuel trucks, support vehicle roads rebuilt and many other improvements. Airport views are from inside the control tower (when in tower view). Please view the readme before installation. By Ray Smith.
View of Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport.
There are 2 BGL files LGAV_ADE_RS.BGL and a LGAV_ADE_OBJ.bgl file.
To Install:
If you are using my earlier version please remove/delete these files first or overwrite them, if you would rather keep them remove them to another folder not associated with FSX.
- 1. Take the LGAV_ADE_RS.BGL file and place this file into: Flight Simulator X/Addon Scenery/scenery folder.
- 2. Take the LGAV_ADE_OBJ.BGL file and place this file into: Flight Simulator X/Scenery/Global/scenery folder.
- 3. Start up the Flight Sim and the changes will be present.
- NOTE: PLEASE ONLY USE ONE LGAV.BGL FILE. I.E. Make sure there is only ONE LGAV.BGL FILE in the Addon Scenery/scenery folder at any time, remove/delete any other LGAV.bgl to avoid incorrect parking.
- If you have any AI Traffic Addons please make sure they have «NOT» installed another Afcad for this airport as this will also cause a conflict.
To Uninstall:
1. Delete/remove the BGL files and the default will then be active.
Enjoy and happy flying.
Images & Screenshots
The archive has 8 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
LGAV.jpg | 05.18.12 | 145.57 kB |
LGAV1.jpg | 05.18.12 | 147.65 kB |
LGAV_ADE_OBJ.BGL | 11.15.09 | 315.70 kB |
LGAV_ADE_RS.BGL | 11.15.09 | 54.43 kB |
ReadMe.txt | 05.18.12 | 3.64 kB |
FSX_lgav_ade_rs | 05.18.12 | 0 B |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation of Add-on Aircraft/Scenery
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download.
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На чтение 1 мин Просмотров 368 Опубликовано 27.05.2010
Этот остров по моему любят не только российские туристы, но и сами греки, а вернее греческие разработчики сценариев для Flight Simulator. Вот вам очередной вариант сценария аэропорта Диагорас и самого острова. Разработчиками являются GREEK AIRPORTS PROJECT которые достаточно давно делали бесплатные сценарии для FS9. Данный сценарий поддерживает обе версии симулятора: FSX и FS 2004.
В данный продукт входит сценарий самого аэропорта Диагорас (LGRP), сцены города (старого и нового), морской порт, городской порт, так же туда включили сцену деревушки Paradisi.
Кроме того, версию для FSX отличает наличие фотореалистичных текстур земли (на 1/3 от всего острова) и разрешением 0,5 м/пиксель включая сезонные и ночные текстуры. Так же в версию для «десятки» входит улучшенный автоген вокруг города и деревень, ну и так же в наличие собственного наземного трафика (машинки, автобусы и т.д.). Дистрибутив для FSX «весит» 1,2 Gb, для FS 2004 — 18Mb
Так же кто любит Грецию, могут скачать пакет для FS 2004 от Hellas Scenery Project включающий бесплатные сценарии LGAL Alexandroupolis, LGAV Athens Venizelos, LGIR Iraklion, LGKO Kos, LGMK Mikonos, LGSA Chania, LGSO Syros, LGSR Santorini. Скачать его можно тут
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