Любимый праздник джека рождество

"Что, чёрт возьми, с тобой не так?" - Джек Феликсу Кранкену в эпизоде "BunnyFarm"Джек Уолтен (Jack Walten) - являлся одним из соучредителей компании Bon's Burgers Establishment. Хороший друг Феликса Кранкена, муж Розмари Уолтен и отец Софи, Эдда и Молли Уолтен. Пропал 11-го июня 1974, за неделю до открытия ресторана, тем самым став первым исчезнувшим в хронологическом порядке. Родился же он 23-го сентября 1932-го года. Его описывают как трудолюбивого человека. У него была довольно счастливая жиз

«Что, чёрт возьми, с тобой не так?» — Джек Феликсу Кранкену в эпизоде «BunnyFarm»

Джек в эпизоде «Кроличья Ферма»

Джек Уолтен (Jack Walten) — являлся одним из соучредителей компании Bon’s Burgers Establishment. Хороший друг Феликса Кранкена, муж Розмари Уолтен и отец Софи, Эдда и Молли Уолтен. Пропал 11-го июня 1974, за неделю до открытия ресторана, тем самым став первым исчезнувшим в хронологическом порядке.

Родился же он 23-го сентября 1932-го года. Его описывают как трудолюбивого человека. У него была довольно счастливая жизнь до начала событий «The Walten Files». Джек обучался в «Cleary University» в округе Ливингстон, выпустившись в 1959-ом, а затем женившись в том же году, будущий основатель компании заводит собственную семью.

Уолтен становится очень известной личностью в Брайтоне благодаря «Bunny Smiles Incorporated» и ресторанной франшизе «Bon’s Burgers».

2-го мая 1974 года, пока Джек трудился на работе, а Розмари была занята тем, что отвозила Софи на приём к стоматологу, он решил позвонить Феликсу и попросить его об одной услуге — отвезти своих младших детей, Эдда и Молли, на проходящую в школе вечеринку, а затем вернуть их к девяти вечера. Тот, по началу, отказывается, так как, неизвестно для Джека, жена Кранкена ушла от друга из-за его сильных проблем с алкоголизмом. Но когда Феликс узнаёт, что это касается Эдда и Молли, то незамедлительно соглашается.

Во время вечеринки Феликс оставляет детей, проводя остаток дня в зоне для взрослых, в которой располагался бар, где сильно напивается. После того как Молли и Эдд находят его в нетрезвом состоянии, все трое начинают собираться домой, ведь прошло уже больше часа с момента окончания всего действа и Феликс уже давно должен был везти их. На пути к дому Уолтенов, из-за помутнения рассудка, Кранкен теряет контроль над управлением, из-за чего машина попадает в автокатастрофу, после которой дети сразу же умирают, а друг семьи закапывает их тела в Лесу Святой Джуаны ( Saint Juana’s Forest).

Неизвестно, что могло произойти после той ночи между Джеком и Феликсом до его исчезновения (40 дней). Тот факт что он пропал может обозначать и его смерть, однако есть некоторые детали, которые могут наталкивать на мысль о том что он всё ещё жив. Фанатами предполагается, что его душой одержим аниматроник Бон, а Феликс мог сыграть в его смерти важную роль. Однако, на данный момент сия версия событий не была подтверждена.

После открытия бургерной, его жена ходила туда каждый день в надежде обнаружить своего мужа. Однако он не возвращался. Кто-то заманил её в заднюю часть ресторана, где она нашла Бона, после чего тот жестоко расчленил женщину, засунув труп внутрь Ша. Теневая фигура сумела застать аниматроника за данным процессом и ресторан был закрыт.

Внешний вид[]

В самом сериале Джека показывают как белого мужчину с вьющимися чёрными волосами, доходящими до подбородка, одетого в чёрный пиджак с белой рубашкой и чёрным галстуком.

Благодаря сайту https://www.findjackwalten.com/ стало известно что Джек — 42-летний мужчина с волосами каштанового оттенка и чёрными глазами. Его костюм, в свою очередь имеет тёмно-красный цвет в чёрную крапинку.

Его рост составляет 6’2 фута (около 188 см).


Феликс Кранкен

Феликс Кранкен и Джек встретились в университете. Они горели желанием создать свой ресторан с аниматрониками и в итоге их общая мечта смогла воплотиться в реальность. Они стали основателями «Bon’s Burgers». Их взаимоотношения встали очень остро после события с детьми Джека, через некоторое время после которого Уолтен без вести пропал.

Несмотря на то, что он по-настоящему заботится о Феликсе, именно последний периодически заставляет терять Джека самообладание.

Розмари Уолтен

Розмари является женой Джека. Не было показано никаких признаков ссор или драк между ними. Пропажа мужа являлась единственным из ряда выходящим случаем.

Мартин писал, что взаимоотношения пары являются здоровыми и они действительно любили друг-друга.



По словам Мартина Уоллса, создателя сериала, Джек взял на себя роль, аналогичную Уильяму Афтону из франшизы FNaF.

«Вступительная лента компании»[]

В первой части эпизода видно, что на фотографии Джек пожимает руку Феликсу. Его искажённое лицо можно увидеть на телевизоре, на плакате о пропавшем без вести в сегменте «Little Bon’s Neighborhood».

«Проект переезда»[]

Лента пытается удалить любое упоминание о Джеке, но тщетно, т.к. тот появляется в виде лагов. В первой ленте Джек ведёт фургон с аниматрониками и появляется внутри рюкзака Бона.

«Кроличья ферма»[]

Джек появляется ближе к концу серии, прося Феликса отвезти на школьное мероприятие его младших детей, Эдда и Молли. Когда дети не приезжают вовремя, мужчина оставляет 25 сообщений другу, спрашивая, где его дети.

Интересные факты[]

  • Внешний вид Джека был основан на одном из основателей Atari, Нолане Бушнелле. Бушнелл также являлся основателем франшизы Chuck E. Cheese — сети ресторанов для детей с поющими роботами-аниматрониками.
  • Джек озвучен Мартином Уоллсом, создателем The Walten Files.
  • Как лицо Джека, так и Феликса это фото одного из основателей Atari, которые были изменены в фотошопе.
  • Во всех эпизодах, кроме вступительного, Мартин Уоллс использовал своё лицо для Джека.
  • Существует официальный сайт нацеленный на нахождение Джека
  • По словам Мартина, Джек плохой повар
  • Он и Розмари танцевали медленный танец
  • Его любимый художник это Розмари
  • Любимый праздник Джека — это Рождество
  • В колледже, Джек любил устраивать розыгрыши
  • Имя «Джек» является распространенным уменьшительным от «Джон», которое происходит от еврейских имен Йоханан («Милостивый Богом») и Йохан («Бог милостив»). Следует отметить, что «Джуана» также происходит от этих имен. Немецкое слово «Уолтен» можно перевести как «царствовать», «преобладать», «править» и «в действии (как сила или принцип)».


    Джек и Феликс в начале Вступительной ленты компании


    Джек среди друзей Маленького Бона


    Джек на кассете с фильмом


    «ПРОПАЛ Джек Уолтен Последний раз видели: 11/06/74»



    Спрайт Джека во второй серии


    Джек за забором около нового ресторана


    Нарисованный Джек во второй серии


    Лицо Джека в BunnyFarm


    Фото Джека1

    The one and only Jack Walten

    Фото прототипа Джека




    «Неужели вы забыли обо мне?»

    Jack guilty

    «Что, чёрт возьми, с тобой не так?»

    Young Jack and Rosemary

    Джек и Розмари в старшей школе

Игра Рождество Эльзы и Джека

Для Эльзы и Джеке, Рождество самый любимый праздник! Именно Рождество для пары самое волшебное и непредсказуемое. Поэтому подготовление к празднику проходит за несколько дней. В сегодняшней игре, вы будете помогать Эльзе и Джеку готовится к их волшебному Рождеству. Для этого, вам необходимо пройти пять этапов игры!

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Игра Рождество Эльзы и Джека

Игра Рождество Эльзы и Джека

Рождество остается самым любимым праздником для очаровательной пары Джека и Эльзы. Они долго ждали его и теперь полностью погрузились в процесс подготовки. Помогите любимым героям сделать свой праздник по-настоящему волшебным. Для этого у вас будет целых пять уровней игры. Первый этап подготовки – украшение специального рождественского печенья. После этого можно отправиться в гардеробные и подумать, во что одеть своих персонажей. Нарядов и прочих красивых вещей у них огромное количество, поэтому выбор точно будет. Закончив с одеждой, переходите к елке – Рождество немыслимо без нарядно украшенной елочки. Развешайте самые лучшие игрушки на видные места. Если все сделано, то пара написать всем друзьям в ФБ и отправить приглашения.


Игры Холодное Сердце


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Игра Рождество Эльзы и Джека

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  3. Рождество Эльзы и Джека
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The nightmare before christmas poster.jpg

Original theatrical release poster

Directed by Henry Selick
Screenplay by Caroline Thompson
Adaptation by Michael McDowell
Story by Tim Burton[a]
Produced by
  • Tim Burton
  • Denise Di Novi
  • Danny Elfman
  • Chris Sarandon
  • Catherine O’Hara
  • William Hickey
  • Glenn Shadix
  • Paul Reubens
  • Ken Page
  • Ed Ivory
Cinematography Pete Kozachik
Edited by Stan Webb
Music by Danny Elfman


  • Touchstone Pictures[note 1]
  • Skellington Productions[2]
Distributed by Buena Vista Pictures Distribution[2]

Release dates

  • October 13, 1993 (limited)
  • October 29, 1993 (United States)

Running time

76 minutes[3]
Country United States
Language English
Budget $24 million[4]
Box office $91.5 million[5]

The Nightmare Before Christmas (also known as Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas) is a 1993 American stop-motion animated musical dark fantasy film directed by Henry Selick (in his feature directorial debut) and produced and conceived by Tim Burton. It tells the story of Jack Skellington, the King of «Halloween Town», who stumbles upon «Christmas Town» and schemes to take over the holiday. Danny Elfman wrote the songs and score and provided the singing voice of Jack.[6] The principal voice cast also includes Chris Sarandon, Catherine O’Hara, William Hickey, Ken Page, Paul Reubens, Glenn Shadix, and Ed Ivory.

The Nightmare Before Christmas originated in a poem written by Burton in 1982 while he was working as an animator at Walt Disney Productions. With the success of Vincent in the same year, Burton began to consider developing The Nightmare Before Christmas as either a short film or a half-hour television special, to no avail. Over the years, Burton’s thoughts regularly returned to the project, and, in 1990, he made a development deal with Walt Disney Studios. Production started in July 1991 in San Francisco; Disney initially released the film through Touchstone Pictures because the studio believed the film would be «too dark and scary for kids».[1]

The film met with critical success upon release, earning praise for its animation (particularly the innovation of the stop-motion art form), characters, songs and score. While only a modest box office hit at first, it has since garnered a large cult following. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects, a first for an animated film, but lost to Jurassic Park.[7] The film has since been reissued by Walt Disney Pictures and was re-released annually in Disney Digital 3-D from 2006 until 2010.


Halloween Town is a fantasy world populated by various monsters and beings associated with the holiday. Jack Skellington, respected by the citizens as the «Pumpkin King», leads them in organizing the annual Halloween celebrations. However, this year, Jack has grown tired of the same annual routine and wants something new. Wandering in the woods the next morning, he encounters seven trees containing doors leading to other holiday-themed worlds (Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, Valentine’s Day, and St. Patrick’s Day) and stumbles into the one leading to Christmas Town. Awed by the unfamiliar holiday, Jack returns home to show his friends and neighbors his findings, but unaware of the idea of Christmas, they compare everything to their ideas of Halloween. However, they do relate to one Christmas Town character: its ruler, Santa Claus, or «Sandy Claws» as Jack mistakenly calls him. Jack sequesters himself in his house to study Christmas further and find a way to rationally explain it. After studying and experimentation accomplish nothing, Jack ultimately decides that Christmas should be improved rather than understood and announces that Halloween Town will take over Christmas this year.

Jack assigns the residents many Christmas-themed jobs, including singing carols, making presents, and building a sleigh pulled by skeletal reindeer. Sally, a feminine creation of local mad scientist Doctor Finkelstein, experiences a vision detailing that their efforts will end disastrously. Jack, whom she secretly loves, dismisses this and assigns her the task of making him a Santa Claus suit. He also tasks mischievous trick-or-treating trio Lock, Shock and Barrel to abduct Santa and bring him to Halloween Town. Jack tells Santa he will be handling Christmas in his place this year and orders the trio to keep Santa safe, but against his wishes, they deliver Santa to Jack’s long-time rival, Oogie Boogie, a bogeyman with a passion for gambling, who plots to play a game with Santa’s life at stake. Sally attempts to rescue Santa to save both him and Jack from their potential fates, but she is captured as well.

Jack departs to deliver his presents in the real world, but they instead frighten the populace, who contact the authorities and are instructed by them to lock down their homes and residences for protection. When word spreads about Jack’s presumed wrongdoings, he is ultimately shot down by military forces, causing him to crash in a cemetery. While all of Halloween Town sadly believe him to be dead, Jack actually survives. As he bemoans the disaster he has caused, he finds he enjoyed the experience nonetheless, reigniting his love of Halloween, but soon realizes he must act fast to fix his mess. Jack returns home and infiltrates Oogie’s lair, rescuing Santa and Sally before confronting Oogie and defeating him by unraveling a thread holding his cloth form together, causing all the bugs inside him to spill out and reduce him to nothing. Jack apologizes for his actions to Santa, to which he, despite being furious at Jack for the trouble he caused and not heeding Sally’s forewarnings, assures him that he can still save Christmas. As Santa replaces Jack’s presents with genuine ones, all of Halloween Town celebrates Jack’s survival and return. Santa then shows Jack that there are no hard feelings between them by bringing a snowfall to the town, which fulfills Jack’s original dream in a way and causes the residents to finally realize the true meaning of Christmas. Afterwards, Jack and Sally declare their love for each other.

Voice cast[edit]

The voices for Jack Skellington’s spoken lines and Sally were respectively provided by Sarandon and O’Hara.

  • Chris Sarandon (speaking voice) and Danny Elfman (singing voice) as Jack Skellington, a skeleton known as the «Pumpkin King» of Halloween Town. Elfman was initially cast as Jack’s singing voice and, after the songs were recorded, Sarandon was cast to match Elfman’s voice style.[8][9]
    • Elfman also voices:
      • Barrel, one of the trick-or-treaters working for Oogie Boogie.
      • The Clown with the Tear-Away Face, a self-described clown who rides a unicycle.
  • Catherine O’Hara as Sally, a rag doll/Frankenstein’s monster-like creation of Finkelstein and Jack’s love interest. She is a toxicologist who uses various types of poison to liberate herself from the captivity of her «father». She is also psychic and has premonitions when anything bad is about to happen. O’Hara had previously co-starred in Burton’s Beetlejuice.
    • O’Hara also voices Shock, one of the trick-or-treaters working for Oogie Boogie.
  • William Hickey as Doctor Finkelstein, a mad scientist and the loving but overbearing «father» of Sally. He is listed in the credits only as «Evil Scientist» and is only mentioned by name twice in the film.
  • Glenn Shadix as the Mayor of Halloween Town, an enthusiastic leader who conducts town meetings. His wild mood swings from happy to distraught because his head spins between a «happy» and «sad» face; where some career politicians are described as figuratively two-faced, the mayor is literally so. Shadix and Burton had previously worked on Beetlejuice.
  • Ken Page as Oogie Boogie, a villainous bogeyman in Halloween Town, who has a passion for gambling and rivalry with Jack.
  • Ed Ivory as Santa Claus, the ruler of Christmas Town. Santa is responsible for the annual celebration of Christmas, in which he delivers presents to children in the real world. He is also referred to by Jack and Halloween Town’s residents as «Sandy Claws». Ivory also provides the brief narration at the start of the film.
  • Paul Reubens as Lock, one of the trick-or-treaters working for Oogie Boogie. Reubens and Burton had previously worked on Pee-wee’s Big Adventure and Batman Returns.
  • Frank Welker as Zero, Jack’s pet ghost dog who has a tiny Jack-o’-lantern on top of his nose.

The cast also features Kerry Katz, Carmen Twillie, Randy Crenshaw, Lisa Donovan Lukas, Debi Durst, Glenn Walters, Sherwood Ball, John Morris and Greg Proops voicing various characters. Patrick Stewart recorded narration for a prologue and epilogue. While not used in the final film, the narration is included on the soundtrack album.[10]



As writer Burton’s upbringing in Burbank, California, was associated with the feeling of solitude, the filmmaker was largely fascinated by holidays during his childhood. «Anytime there was Christmas or Halloween, […] it was great. It gave you some sort of texture all of a sudden that wasn’t there before,» Burton would later recall.[11] After completing his short film Vincent in 1982,[11] Burton, who was then employed at Walt Disney Feature Animation, wrote a three-page poem titled The Nightmare Before Christmas, drawing inspiration from television specials of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, How the Grinch Stole Christmas! and the poem A Visit from St. Nicholas.[12] Burton intended to adapt the poem into a television special with the narration spoken by his favorite actor, Vincent Price,[13] but also considered other options such as a children’s book.[14] He created concept art and storyboards for the project in collaboration with Rick Heinrichs, who also sculpted character models;[15][16] Burton later showed his and Heinrichs’ works-in-progress to Henry Selick, also a Disney animator at the time.[17] After the success of Vincent in 1982, Disney started to consider developing The Nightmare Before Christmas as either a short film or 30-minute holiday television special.[15] However, the project’s development eventually stalled, as its tone seemed «too weird» to the company.[18] As Disney was unable to «offer his nocturnal loners enough scope», Burton was fired from the studio in 1984[13] and went on to direct the commercially successful films Beetlejuice (1988) and Batman (1989) for Warner Bros. Pictures.[18]

Director Henry Selick (left) and producer Tim Burton (right) on the Nightmare Before Christmas set

Over the years, Burton regularly thought about the project. In 1990, Burton found out that Disney still owned the film rights.[19] He and Selick committed to produce a full-length film with the latter as director.[17] Burton’s own success with live-action films piqued the interest of Walt Disney Studios chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg, who saw the film as an opportunity to continue the studio’s streak of recent successes in feature animation.[20] Disney was looking forward to Nightmare «to show capabilities of technical and storytelling achievements that were present in Who Framed Roger Rabbit[21] Walt Disney Pictures president David Hoberman believed the film would prove to be a creative achievement for Disney’s image, elaborating «we can think outside the envelope. We can do different and unusual things.»[20]

Nightmare marked Burton’s third consecutive film with a Christmas setting. Burton could not direct because of his commitment to Batman Returns, and he did not want to be involved with «the painstakingly slow process of stop motion».[17] To adapt his poem into a screenplay, Burton approached Michael McDowell, his collaborator on Beetlejuice. McDowell and Burton experienced creative differences, which convinced Burton to make the film as a musical with lyrics and compositions by frequent collaborator Danny Elfman. Elfman and Burton created a rough storyline and two-thirds of the film’s songs.[4] Elfman found writing Nightmares eleven songs to be «one of the easiest jobs I’ve ever had. I had a lot in common with Jack Skellington.»[15] Caroline Thompson had yet to be hired to write the screenplay.[4] With Thompson’s screenplay, Selick stated, «there are very few lines of dialogue that are Caroline’s. She became busy on other films and we were constantly rewriting, re-configuring and developing the film visually.»[22]


Selick and his team of animators began production in July 1991 in San Francisco, California, with a crew of over 120 workers, utilizing 20 sound stages for filming.[17][23] Joe Ranft was hired from Disney as a storyboard supervisor, while Eric Leighton was hired to supervise animation.[24] At the peak of production, 20 individual stages were simultaneously being used for filming.[25] In total, there were 109,440 frames taken for the film. The work of Ray Harryhausen, Ladislas Starevich, Edward Gorey, Étienne Delessert, Gahan Wilson, Charles Addams, Jan Lenica, Francis Bacon, and Wassily Kandinsky influenced the filmmakers. Selick described the production design as akin to a pop-up book.[15][22] In addition, Selick stated, «When we reach Halloween Town, it’s entirely German Expressionism. When Jack enters Christmas Town, it’s an outrageous Dr. Seuss-esque setpiece. Finally, when Jack is delivering presents in the ‘Real World’, everything is plain, simple and perfectly aligned.»[26] Vincent Price, Don Ameche, and James Earl Jones were considered to provide the narration for the film’s prologue; however, all proved difficult to cast, and the producers instead hired local voice artist Ed Ivory.[8] Patrick Stewart provided the prologue narration for the film’s soundtrack.

On the direction of the film, Selick reflected, «It’s as though he [Burton] laid the egg, and I sat on it and hatched it. He wasn’t involved in a hands-on way, but his hand is in it. It was my job to make it look like ‘a Tim Burton film’, which is not so different from my own films.»[22] When asked about Burton’s involvement, Selick claimed, «I don’t want to take away from Tim, but he was not in San Francisco when we made it. He came up five times over two years, and spent no more than eight or ten days in total.»[22] Walt Disney Feature Animation contributed with some second-layering traditional animation.[17] Burton found production somewhat difficult, because he was simultaneously filming Batman Returns and pre-production of Ed Wood.[4]

The filmmakers constructed 227 puppets to represent the characters in the movie, with Jack Skellington having «around four hundred heads», allowing the expression of every possible emotion.[27] Sally’s mouth movements «were animated through the replacement method. During the animation process, […] only Sally’s face ‘mask’ was removed in order to preserve the order of her long, red hair. Sally had ten types of faces, each made with a series of eleven expressions (e.g. eyes open and closed, and various facial poses) and synchronized mouth movements.»[28] The stop-motion figurine of Jack was reused in James and the Giant Peach (also directed by Selick) as Captain Jack.


The film’s soundtrack album was released in 1993 on Walt Disney Records. The film’s soundtrack contains bonus tracks, including a longer prologue and an extra epilogue, both narrated by Sir Patrick Stewart. For the film’s 2006 re-release in Disney Digital 3-D, a special edition of the soundtrack was released, featuring a bonus disc that contained covers of five of the film’s songs by Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, Marilyn Manson, Fiona Apple, and She Wants Revenge. Four original demo tracks by Elfman were also included.[29] On September 30, 2008, Disney released the cover album Nightmare Revisited, featuring artists such as Amy Lee, Flyleaf, Korn, Rise Against, Plain White T’s, The All-American Rejects, and many more.[30]

American gothic rock band London After Midnight featured a cover of «Sally’s Song» on their 1998 album Oddities.

LiLi Roquelin performed a French cover of «Sally’s Song» on her album Will you hate the rest of the world or will you renew your life? in 2010.

Pentatonix released a cover of «Making Christmas» for their 2018 Christmas album Christmas Is Here!.[31]

In 2003, the Disneyland Haunted Mansion Holiday soundtrack CD was released. Although most of the album’s songs are not original ones from the film, one song is a medley of «Making Christmas», «What’s This?», and «Kidnap the Sandy Claws». Other songs included are original holiday songs changed to incorporate the theme of the film. However, the last song is the soundtrack for the Disneyland Haunted Mansion Holiday ride.


The Nightmare Before Christmas was originally going to be released under Walt Disney Pictures as part of the Walt Disney Feature Animation lineup, but Disney decided to release the film under their adult themed label Touchstone Pictures, because the studio thought the film would be «too dark and scary for kids,» Selick remembered. «Their biggest fear, and why it was kind of a stepchild project, [was] they were afraid of their core audience hating the film and not coming.»[32] To convey Burton’s involvement and attract a wider audience, Disney marketed the film as Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas.[20] Burton explained that, «…it turned more into more of a brand-name thing, it turned into something else, which I’m not quite sure about.»[4] The film premiered at the New York Film Festival on October 9, 1993,[33] and was given a limited release on October 13, 1993, before its wide theatrical release on October 29, 1993.

The Nightmare Before Christmas was reissued under the Walt Disney Pictures label and re-released on October 20, 2006, with conversion to Disney Digital 3-D, and was accompanied by Pixar’s short film Knick Knack.[1] Industrial Light & Magic assisted in the process.[24] The film subsequently received three re-releases in October 2007, 2008, and 2009.[34] The El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, California, has been showing the film in 4-D screenings annually in October, ending on Halloween, since 2010.[35] The reissues have led to a reemergence of 3-D films and advances in RealD Cinema.[36][37]

In October 2020, The Nightmare Before Christmas was re-released in 2,194 theaters. It made $1.323 million over the weekend, finishing fourth behind Tenet.[38]

Home media[edit]

With years of successful home video sales, The Nightmare Before Christmas later achieved the ranks of a cult film.[24] Touchstone Home Video first released the film on VHS on September 30, 1994, and on DVD on December 2, 1997.[39] The Nightmare Before Christmas was released on DVD a second time on October 3, 2000, as a special edition. The release included an audio commentary by Selick and cinematographer Pete Kozachik, a 28-minute making-of documentary, a gallery of concept art, storyboards, test footage and deleted scenes. Burton’s Vincent and Frankenweenie were also included.[40] Both DVDs were non-anamorphic widescreen releases.

Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released the film on DVD again (this time with an anamorphic transfer) and on Blu-ray Disc (for the first time) on August 26, 2008, as a two-disc digitally remastered «collector’s edition», but still containing the same special features.[41][42]

Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released The Nightmare Before Christmas on Blu-ray 3D on August 30, 2011. The release included a Blu-ray 3D disc, Blu-ray disc and a DVD that includes both a DVD and digital copy of the film.

In 2018, Disney issued a singalong version of the film, accompanied by the theatrical cut and a Movies Anywhere copy, as a single-disc version for the film’s 25th anniversary.[43] The singalong version was also released on Disney+ on September 30, 2022.


Disney has extensively marketed the film and its characters across many forms of media and memorabilia, including action figures, books, games, art crafts, and fashion products. Jack Skellington, Sally, Pajama Jack, and the Mayor have been made into bendable figures,[44] while Jack and Sally even appear in fine art.[45] Sally has been made into an action figure and a Halloween costume.[46]

Various Disneyland and the branching theme parks host attractions featuring Nightmare characters, particularly during Halloween and Christmas seasons. Since 2001, Disneyland has given its Haunted Mansion Holiday attraction a Nightmare Before Christmas theme for the holiday season. It features characters, decorations and music from the film, in addition to Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party and Mickey’s Halloween Party featuring the film’s characters.[47] Additionally, Jack hosts the Halloween Screams, HalloWishes, and Not So Spooky Spectacular! fireworks shows at Magic Kingdom (where the host is Ghost Host) and Disneyland (where the host is Jack himself), as well as the Frightfully Fun Parade.[48]


Box office[edit]

Around the release of the film, Hoberman was quoted, «I hope Nightmare goes out and makes a fortune. If it does, great. If it doesn’t, that doesn’t negate the validity of the process. The budget was less than any Disney blockbuster so it doesn’t have to earn Aladdin-sized grosses to satisfy us.»[15] The film earned $50 million in the United States in its initial theatrical run[34] and was regarded as a moderate «sleeper hit».

The Nightmare Before Christmas made an additional $11.1 million in box office gross in its 2006 reissue.[49] The 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2020 reissues earned $15.8 million, $2.5 million, and $2.3 million respectively, increasing the film’s total box office gross to $91.5 million.[34]

Critical response[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds a rating of 95% based on 100 reviews, with an average rating of 8.27/10. The site’s critics consensus reads, «The Nightmare Before Christmas is a stunningly original and visually delightful work of stop-motion animation.»[50] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 82 out of 100, based on 30 critics, indicating «universal acclaim».[51] Audiences surveyed by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade «B+» on an A+ to F scale.[52]

Roger Ebert gave a highly positive review for Nightmare. Ebert believed the film’s visual effects were as revolutionary as Star Wars, taking into account that Nightmare was «filled with imagination that carries us into a new world».[53]

Peter Travers of Rolling Stone called it a restoration of «originality and daring to the Halloween genre. This dazzling mix of fun and fright also explodes the notion that animation is kid stuff. … It’s 74 minutes of timeless movie magic.»[54] James Berardinelli stated «The Nightmare Before Christmas has something to offer just about everyone. For the kids, it’s a fantasy celebrating two holidays. For the adults, it’s an opportunity to experience some light entertainment while marveling at how adept Hollywood has become at these techniques. There are songs, laughs, and a little romance. In short, The Nightmare Before Christmas does what it intends to: entertain.»[55] Desson Thomson of The Washington Post enjoyed the film’s similarities to the writings of Oscar Wilde and the Brothers Grimm, as well as The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and other German Expressionist films.[56]

Michael A. Morrison discusses the influence of Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! on the film, writing that Jack parallels the Grinch and Zero parallels Max, the Grinch’s dog.[57] Philip Nel writes that the film «challenges the wisdom of adults through its trickster characters», contrasting Jack as a «good trickster» with Oogie Boogie, whom he also compares with Seuss’ Dr. Terwilliker as a bad trickster.[58] Entertainment Weekly reports that fan reception of these characters borders on obsession, profiling Laurie and Myk Rudnick, a couple whose «degree of obsession with [the] film is so great that … they named their son after the real-life person that a character in the film is based on.»[59] This enthusiasm for the characters has also been profiled as having spread beyond North America to Japan.[60] Yvonne Tasker notes «the complex characterization seen in The Nightmare Before Christmas«.[61]

Danny Elfman was worried the characterization of Oogie Boogie would be considered racist by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).[62] Screenwriter Caroline Thompson raised similar concerns about the character, only to be told by Burton that she was «being oversensitve».[63] Elfman’s predictions came true; however, director Henry Selick stated the character was inspired by the Betty Boop cartoon The Old Man of the Mountain. «Cab Calloway would dance his inimitable jazz dance and sing ‘Minnie the Moocher’ or ‘Old Man of the Mountain’, and they would rotoscope him, trace him, turn him into a cartoon character, often transforming him into an animal, like a walrus,» Selick continued. «I think those are some of the most inventive moments in cartoon history, in no way racist, even though he was sometimes a villain. We went with Ken Page, who is a black singer, and he had no problem with it».[22]


The film was nominated for both the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects and the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation. Nightmare won the Saturn Award for Best Fantasy Film, while Elfman won Best Music. Selick and the animators were also nominated for their work. Elfman was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score. Most recently, the film ranked #1 on Rotten Tomatoes’ «Top 25 Best Christmas Movies» list.[64]

Possible sequel[edit]

In 2001, Disney began to consider producing a sequel, but rather than using stop motion, Disney wanted to use computer animation.[65] Burton convinced Disney to drop the idea. «I was always very protective of [The Nightmare Before Christmas], not to do sequels or things of that kind,» Burton explained. «You know, Jack visits Thanksgiving world or other kinds of things just because I felt the movie had a purity to it and the people that like it, because it’s a mass-market kind of thing, it was important to kind of keep that purity of it.»[37] The 2004 video game The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie’s Revenge did serve as a sequel of the film, with Capcom’s crew of developers going after Burton for advice[66] and having the collaboration of the film’s art director, Deane Taylor.[67] In 2009, Selick said he would do a film sequel if he and Burton could create a good story for it.[68]

In February 2019, it was reported that a new Nightmare Before Christmas film was in the works with Disney considering either a stop-motion sequel or live-action remake.[69] In October 2019, Chris Sarandon expressed interest on reprising his role as Jack Skellington if a sequel film ever materializes.[70]

On February 22, 2021, it was announced by Disney Publishing that a sequel was given to the 1993 film in the form of a young adult novel, released as Long Live the Pumpkin Queen. It was written by Shea Ernshaw and features Sally as the main character, told through her point-of-view, with events taking place after the film.[71] The book was released on August 2, 2022.[72]


Toys and games[edit]

A collectible card game based on the film called The Nightmare Before Christmas TCG was released in 2005 by NECA. The game was designed by Quixotic Games founder Andrew Parks[73] and Zev Shlasinger. It consists of a Premiere set and 4 Starter Decks based on four characters, Jack Skellington, the Mayor, Oogie Boogie, and Doctor Finkelstein. Each Starter Deck contains a rule book, a Pumpkin King card, a Pumpkin Points card, and a 48-card deck. The game has four card types: Characters, Locales, Creations, and Surprises. The Cards’ rarities are separated into four categories: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Ultra Rare.

Quixotic Games also developed The Nightmare Before Christmas Party Game that was released in 2007 by NECA.[74]

A collector’s edition The Nightmare Before Christmas-themed Jenga game was issued with orange, purple and black blocks with Jack Skellington heads on them. The set comes in a coffin-shaped box instead of the normal rectangular box.[75]

A 168-card Munchkin Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas-themed Munchkin was developed by USAopoly featuring the citizens of Halloween Town such as Jack Skellington, Oogie Boogie, Doctor Finkelstein, and Lock, Shock and Barrel. The game comes with a custom die similar to the ones used by Oogie Boogie in the film.[76][77]

On September 15, 2020, a The Nightmare Before Christmas-themed tarot card deck and guidebook was released and the illustration was done by Abigail Larson.[78]

Books, comics, and manga[edit]

In 1993, a pop-up book based on the film was released on October 1.[79] Another pop-up book calendar titled Nightmare Before Christmas Pop-Up Book and Advent Calendar was released September 29, 2020.[80][81] Jack is the titular character in the short story «Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack’s Story».[82] Disney Press released a Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Party Cookbook: Recipes and Crafts for the Perfect Spooky Party on August 21, 2017.[83] A behind-the-scenes art book titled Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas: The Film, the Art, the Vision was released on October 14, 1993, and a Disney Editions Deluxe edition was published July 28, 2009.[84][85]

In 2006, a picture book containing the poem Tim Burton wrote that originated the film was released on August 15.[86] In celebration of the film’s 20th anniversary, the poem was re-released with a hardcover edition in 2013.[87] On July 20, 2009, an illustrated book covering a rendition of «The Twelve Days of Christmas» song titled Nightmare Before Christmas: The 13 Days of Christmas was published. In celebration of the film’s 25th anniversary, a book and CD, featuring narration and sound effects, was released on July 3, 2018.[88]

In honor of the film’s 25th anniversary, a Cinestory Comic made by Disney and published by Joe Books LTD was released on September 26, 2017.[89] A graphic novel retelling of the film by Joe Books LTD was released on July 31, 2018, and digital and hardcover versions were released August 25, 2020.[90][91] On November 26, 2020, a novel retelling of the film version was released as part of the Disney Animated Classics series.[92] In 2021, another version of Nightmare Before Christmas 13 Days of Christmas came out on July 6 and was soon followed by Little Golden Books’s release of their adaptation of Nightmare Before Christmas on July 13, 2021.[93][94]

In 2017, Tokyopop secured exclusive licensing for two manga adaptions for Nightmare Before Christmas, with the first manga being an adaptation of the film’s plot line, with art by Jun Asuka, released October 17.[95][96] The second manga, a fully-colored series illustrated by Kei Ishiyama and titled Zero’s Journey, chronicles the adventures of Jack’s dog, Zero, in his experiences beginning in Christmas Town after accidentally getting separated from Jack, who tries to find him, and acts as a sequel to the film, with Tim Burton’s story approval.[97] The 20 issues were first published monthly, starting on October 2, and then collected into four full-color graphic novels, with a black-and-white collector’s edition manga edition as well.[98][99] Starting on July 21, 2021, Tokyopop released another sequel manga centered around Sally, titled The Nightmare Before Christmas: Mirror Moon, written by Mallory Reaves and fully-colored series illustrated by Gabriella Chianello, and Nataliya Torretta. The first two issues will be collected into a graphic novel that is slated to be released on October 26.[100][101][102]

A novelization of the film written by Daphne Skinner was published on January 1, 1994.[103] In 2021, a young adult novel written by Shea Ernshaw with Sally as the protagonist, with the premised described as «…takes place shortly after the movie ends. It’s the yet-to-be-told love story of Sally and Jack. But it’s also a coming-of-age story for Sally, as we see her navigate her new royal title as the Pumpkin Queen of Halloween Town». The novel introduced new characters and explored Sally’s past, as well as exploring other holiday worlds as Sally and Jack tackle a mysterious villain Sally has accidentally unleashed. The novel was slated to be released in July 2022.[71][104] On her Instagram, Shea Ernshaw revealed the novel’s title, Long Live the Pumpkin Queen; it was released on August 2, 2022.[105][106]

On November 1, 2022, Tokyopop announced a full-colored graphic novel series titled Disney Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Battle for Pumpkin King, which centers around the friendship and rivalry between a young Jack Skellington and Oogie Boogie. The graphic novel will consist of five issues and will be available for Halloween 2023.[107][108]

Video games[edit]

The Nightmare Before Christmas has inspired video game spin-offs, including Oogie’s Revenge and The Pumpkin King.

The Kingdom Hearts series includes Halloween Town as a world, appearing in the titles Kingdom Hearts, Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, and 358/2 Days, with Christmas Town also as a major area in Kingdom Hearts II. Jack Skellington appears as a party member of the protagonist, Sora, while other important characters from the film appear as supporting characters in the world. The games adapt parts of the plot of The Nightmare Before Christmas.

A Jack Skellington figurine is available for the Disney Infinity video game, allowing the character to be playable in the game’s «Toy Box Mode».[109] The main characters of the film (except Santa Claus) appear as playable characters in the video game Disney Magic Kingdoms, as well as in some attractions based on locations of the film, in new storylines in which the characters are involved.[110][111][112][113] Jack and Oogie Boogie are feature as playable units in many Disney-related mobile games, such as Disney Heroes: Battle Mode, Disney Sorcerer’s Arena, and Disney Mirrorverse.

In 2021, a collaboration between Disney and Fall Guys released a seasonal challenge themed after The Nightmare Before Christmas, which was available from December 16 through December 27.[114][115]


Elfman’s The Nightmare Before Christmas live at the Hollywood Bowl, 2015.

A live concert, produced by Disney Concerts, was held at the Hollywood Bowl in October 2015 and was followed by subsequent performances in 2016 and 2018. The shows featured Elfman, O’Hara, and Page reprising their roles from the film. In December 2019, this show came to Europe, with dates in Edinburgh, Glasgow, London and Dublin.[116]

A one-night-only virtual benefit concert presentation of the film, presented by The Actors Fund and produced by James Monroe Iglehart with the cooperation of Burton, Elfman, Disney and Actors’ Equity Association, streamed on October 31, 2020. 100% of the proceeds will benefit the Lymphoma Research Foundation, as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the performing arts. The cast included Iglehart as Oogie Boogie, along with Rafael Casal as Jack Skellington, Adrienne Warren as Sally, Danny Burstein as Santa Claus and the Narrator, Nik Walker as Lock, Lesli Margherita as Shock and Rob McClure as Barrel. Rounding out the cast were Kathryn Allison, Jenni Barber, Erin Elizabeth Clemons, Fergie L. Phillipe, Jawan M. Jackson and Brian Gonzalez.[117][118]

In October 2021, Disney hosted a live-to-film concert of Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas for two nights at LA’s Banc of California Stadium on October 29 and 31. The show featured Billie Eilish singing as Sally and Danny Elfman reprising his role as Jack. Ken Page reprised the role of Oogie Boogie, while «Weird Al» Yankovic sang as Lock. The concert included a full orchestra led by acclaimed conductor John Mauceri to perform the film’s score and songs live.[119][120][121][122]

In October 2021, Disney announced that they were hosting another live-to-film concert at the OVO Arena Wembley in London on December 9 and 10, 2022. The show featured Elfman and Page reprising respective their roles, while John Mauceri returned as conductor alongside the BBC Concert Orchestra. Acclaimed singer and songwriter Phoebe Bridgers took on the role of Sally.[123]

Other media[edit]

Disney Interactive Studios released an As Told by Emoji animated adaptation of The Nightmare Before Christmas in 2016, which can be found on their official YouTube channel.[124] In 2019, a behind-the-scenes podcast series about The Nightmare Before Christmas was made, featuring the animators, producers and other crew discussing the making of the movie, totaling 38 episodes.[125]

See also[edit]

  • List of ghost films
  • List of Christmas films
  • Santa Claus in film


  1. ^ Based on a story and characters by


  1. ^ The Nightmare Before Christmas was reissued as a Walt Disney Pictures release in 2006.[1]
  1. ^ a b c Mendelson, Scott (October 15, 2013). «‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ Turns 20: From Shameful Spawn To Disney’s Pride». Forbes. Archived from the original on December 23, 2013. Retrieved December 14, 2013.
  2. ^ a b «The Nightmare Before Christmas». American Film Institute. Retrieved September 3, 2020.
  3. ^ «The Nightmare Before Christmas (PG)». British Board of Film Classification. March 18, 1994. Retrieved December 7, 2016.
  4. ^ a b c d e Mark Salisbury, Tim Burton (2006). Burton on Burton. London: Faber and Faber. pp. 121–127. ISBN 0-571-22926-3.
  5. ^ «Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)». Box Office Mojo. Retrieved October 18, 2020.
  6. ^ Ng, David (October 24, 2015). «Danny Elfman can relate to ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ hero Jack Skellington». Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on October 14, 2019. Retrieved October 14, 2019.
  7. ^ «‘Jurassic Park,’ another Spielberg movie, also has good night with 3 awards». The Orlando Sentinel. March 22, 1994. p. 6. Archived from the original on September 21, 2022. Retrieved September 21, 2022 – via Newspapers.com. open access
  8. ^ a b Stern, Marlow (October 29, 2013). «Henry Selick on Directing ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’«. The Daily Beast. Archived from the original on September 27, 2016. Retrieved September 25, 2016.
  9. ^ Lammers, Tim (October 29, 2013). «Sarandon remains proud of ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ as film classic turns 20». Strictly Cinema. Archived from the original on September 27, 2016. Retrieved September 25, 2016.
  10. ^ «Patrick Stewart Reads The Nightmare Before Christmas Poem». The Mary Sue. December 16, 2013. Retrieved October 14, 2019.
  11. ^ a b Simpson, Blaise (October 10, 1993). «The Concept: Jack-o’-Santa : Tim Burton’s new movie for Disney isn’t exactly a steal-Christmas-kind-of-thing. It’s more like a borrow-it-and-give-it-a-weird-twist-kind-of-thing». Los Angeles Times. pp. 1–4. Archived from the original on November 29, 2017. Retrieved April 20, 2020.
  12. ^ Tim Burton, Henry Selick, The Making of Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Archived February 10, 2017, at the Wayback Machine, 2000, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
  13. ^ a b Carr, Jay (October 17, 1993). «Tim Burton’s Big Adventure». The Boston Globe.
  14. ^ Thompson, Frank T. (October 14, 1993). Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Film, The Art, The Vision. p. 8. ISBN 9780786880669. OCLC 28294626.
  15. ^ a b c d e Avins, Mimi (November 1993). «Ghoul World». Premiere: pp. 24–30. Retrieved on September 26, 2008.
  16. ^ Topel, Fred (August 25, 2008). «Director Henry Selick Interview – The Nightmare Before Christmas«. About.com. Archived from the original on September 25, 2008. Retrieved May 27, 2012.
  17. ^ a b c d e Salisbury, Burton, p.115—120
  18. ^ a b Broeske, Pat H. (January 20, 1991). «Dusting Off Burton». Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on October 18, 2013. Retrieved May 26, 2012.
  19. ^ Simpson, Blaise (October 10, 1993). «The Concept: Jack-o’-Santa : Tim Burton’s new movie for Disney isn’t exactly a steal-Christmas-kind-of-thing. It’s more like a borrow-it-and-give-it-a-weird-twist-kind-of-thing». Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on March 5, 2016. Retrieved September 25, 2016.
  20. ^ a b c Korkis, Jim (September 5, 2018). «The Making of Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas – Part One». Mouse Planet.com. Retrieved September 5, 2018.
  21. ^ «BV toons up down under». Variety. February 18, 1993. Archived from the original on November 5, 2012. Retrieved September 26, 2008.
  22. ^ a b c d e David Helpern (December 1994). «Animated Dreams», Sight & Sound, pp. 33—37. Retrieved on September 26, 2008.
  23. ^ Jones, Bill (October 22, 1993). «He Kept His Nightmare Alive». The Phoenix Gazette.
  24. ^ a b c Collura, Scott (October 21, 2006). «The Nightmare Before Christmas 3-D: 13 Years and Three Dimensions Later». IGN. Retrieved March 22, 2021.
  25. ^ «Nightmare: Truly the Stuff of Dreams». Electronic Gaming Monthly. No. 53. EGM Media, LLC. December 1993. p. 357.
  26. ^ Henry Selick, Pete Kozachik Archived February 20, 2017, at the Wayback Machine, DVD audio commentary, 2000, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
  27. ^ Richard Rickitt, Special Effects: The History and Technique (Watson-Guptill, 2000), 159-160 Archived June 11, 2020, at the Wayback Machine.
  28. ^ Maureen Furniss, Art in motion: animation aesthetics (1998), 168 Archived June 24, 2013, at the Wayback Machine.
  29. ^ Montgomery, James (August 28, 2006). «Fall Out Boy, Panic, Marilyn Manson Add To New ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ Soundtrack». MTV News. Archived from the original on December 5, 2008. Retrieved November 29, 2008.
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  31. ^ «Pentatonix Release ‘Making Christmas’ Video». Billboard. Archived from the original on October 14, 2019. Retrieved October 14, 2019.
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  33. ^ John Evan Prook (August 18, 1993). «Christmas comes to N.Y. Film Fest». Variety. Retrieved September 26, 2008.
  34. ^ a b c «Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas», Releases, Box Office Mojo, Retrieved September 18, 2009
  35. ^ «Tim Burton’s ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ To Use 4D in Special Event». Geeksofdoom.com. October 12, 2010. Retrieved October 14, 2010.
  36. ^ Shea, Cam (April 27, 2007). «Real D: The Future of Cinema». IGN. Archived from the original on September 18, 2008. Retrieved September 26, 2008.
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  39. ^ The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993). ASIN 6304711921.
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  44. ^ Frederick J. Augustyn, Dictionary of Toys and Games in American Popular Culture (Haworth Press, 2004), 18.
  45. ^ «New Disney Fine Art: Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas Limited Edition by Artist Jim Salvati,» TechWhack (November 3, 2008).
  46. ^ For an image of a Sally costume, see Bobwilson, «Halloween gives teens a chance to scare, be silly Archived July 14, 2011, at the Wayback Machine,» Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (October 31, 2008).
  47. ^ Ramin Setoodeh, «Haunted Parks», Newsweek 144.16 (October 18, 2004): 73.
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  50. ^ «The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)». Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango Media. Archived from the original on June 4, 2020. Retrieved May 23, 2020.
  51. ^ «The Nightmare Before Christmas Reviews». Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved April 13, 2018.
  52. ^ «Cinemascore». Archived from the original on December 20, 2018. Retrieved July 8, 2019.
  53. ^ Ebert, Roger (October 22, 1993). «The Nightmare Before Christmas». RogerEbert.com. Retrieved September 26, 2008.
  54. ^ Travers, Peter (April 11, 2001). «The Nightmare Before Christmas». Rolling Stone. Archived from the original on November 30, 2008. Retrieved September 26, 2008.
  55. ^ Berardinelli, James. «The Nightmare Before Christmas». ReelViews. Retrieved September 26, 2008.
  56. ^ Thomson, Desson (October 22, 1993). «The Nightmare Before Christmas». The Washington Post. Archived from the original on November 10, 2012. Retrieved September 26, 2008.
  57. ^ Michael A. Morrison, Trajectories of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Fourteenth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (Greenwood Publishing Group, 1997), 154.
  58. ^ Philip Nel, Dr. Seuss: American Icon (Continuum International Publishing Group, 2004), 95 Archived June 11, 2020, at the Wayback Machine.
  59. ^ «Obsessive Fans of the Week!» in Entertainment Weekly 909 (12/1/2006): 6.
  60. ^ Stephen Jones, The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror (Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2002), 75.
  61. ^ Yvonne Tasker, Fifty Contemporary Filmmakers (Routledge, 2002), 76 Archived June 11, 2020, at the Wayback Machine.
  62. ^ Hanke, Ken (1999). «Burtonland». Tim Burton: An Unauthorized Biography of the Filmmaker. Renaissance Books. pp. 137–148. ISBN 1-58063-162-2.
  63. ^ Sarkisian, Jacob (December 5, 2020). «‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ writer says she thinks the movie’s villain Oogie Boogie is racist and ‘looks like a Klu Klux Klansman’«. Insider. Retrieved November 2, 2022.
  64. ^ «The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993): Rank 1». Rotten Tomatoes. Archived from the original on December 24, 2008. Retrieved December 20, 2008.
  65. ^ Topel, Fred (August 25, 2008). «Director Henry Selick Interview – The Nightmare Before Christmas«. About.com. Archived from the original on September 25, 2008. Retrieved September 27, 2008.
  66. ^ «CYNAMATIC: EXCLUSIVE: Masato Yoshino Gets Oogie’s Revenge». MovieWeb. October 7, 2005. Retrieved January 6, 2011.
  67. ^ «Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie’s Revenge – Deane Taylor Interview». TeamXbox. September 19, 2005. Archived from the original on July 16, 2011. Retrieved January 6, 2011.
  68. ^ Otto, Jack (February 1, 2009). «How possible is a sequel to Nightmare Before Christmas?». Blastr. Archived from the original on July 8, 2011. Retrieved January 6, 2011.
  69. ^ Lowery, Mike (February 10, 2019). «Exclusive : Talks underway for Nightmare Before Christmas follow-up». Moviehole. Moviehole. Archived from the original on February 10, 2019. Retrieved February 10, 2019.
  70. ^ Cavanaugh, Patrick (October 10, 2019). «The Nightmare Before Christmas Star Would Crawl Across the Country to Play Jack Skellington in a Sequel». ComicBook.com. Archived from the original on October 10, 2019. Retrieved October 10, 2019.
  71. ^ a b Whitbrook, James (February 16, 2021). «Nightmare Before Christmas’ Sally Gets to Shine in a New YA Novel From Shea Ernshaw». Gizmodo. Retrieved October 13, 2021.
  72. ^ Long Live the Pumpkin Queen
  73. ^ «Quixotic Games — About Quixotic». quixoticgames.com. Archived from the original on April 16, 2016. Retrieved April 27, 2016.
  74. ^ «Quixotic Games — Ludography». quixoticgames.com. Archived from the original on April 14, 2016. Retrieved April 27, 2016.
  75. ^ «Nightmare Before Christmas Jenga». Craziestgadgets.com. Archived from the original on August 1, 2012. Retrieved July 31, 2012.
  76. ^ «Munchkin® The Nightmare Before Christmas». Worldofmunchkin.com. Archived from the original on April 23, 2016. Retrieved April 27, 2016.
  77. ^ «MUNCHKIN: Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas». Usaopoly.com. Retrieved April 27, 2016.
  78. ^ Siegel, Minerva (September 15, 2020). The Nightmare Before Christmas Tarot Deck and Guidebook. ISBN 978-1683839699.
  79. ^ Burton, Tim (1993). Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas: A Super Pop-up Book. ISBN 0453031323.
  80. ^ Sussman, Hillary (August 26, 2020). «Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Gets a Ghoulish Pop-Up Advent Calendar». CBR. Retrieved October 13, 2021.
  81. ^ The Nightmare Before Christmas: Advent Calendar and Pop-Up Book. Insight Editions. September 29, 2020. ISBN 978-1683839682.
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  85. ^ Thompson, Frank (July 28, 2009). Tim Burton’s the Nightmare Before Christmas: The Film — the Art — the Vision. ISBN 978-1423125419.
  86. ^ Burton, Tim (August 2006). The Nightmare Before Christmas. ISBN 0786849088.
  87. ^ Burton, Tim (August 6, 2013). The Nightmare Before Christmas: 20th Anniversary Edition. ISBN 978-1423178699.
  88. ^ «Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Book & CD». disney.com. Retrieved October 13, 2021.
  89. ^ Disney (September 26, 2017). Tim Burton’s the Nightmare Before Christmas Cinestory Comic: Collector’s Edition. ISBN 978-1987955200.
  90. ^ «BN No Results Page». Barnes & Noble. Retrieved June 10, 2022.
  91. ^ Ferrari, Alessandro (August 25, 2020). Tim Burton’s the Nightmare Before Christmas: The Story of the Movie in Comics. ISBN 978-1506717425.
  92. ^ Easton, Marilyn (November 26, 2020). Disney Animated Classics: The Nightmare Before Christmas. ISBN 9780794448257.
  93. ^ Davison, Steven (July 6, 2021). Nightmare Before Christmas 13 Days of Christmas. ISBN 9781368064576.
  94. ^ Arroyo, Jeannette (July 13, 2021). The Nightmare Before Christmas. ISBN 9780736441698.
  95. ^ Allen, Todd (August 1, 2017). «A Nightmare Before Christmas Sequel: TokyoPop Re-Emerges With Disney Licenses». Comicsbeat. Retrieved October 13, 2021.
  96. ^ Asuka, Jun (2017). Tim Burton’s the Nightmare Before Christmas. ISBN 978-1427857248.
  97. ^ Holub, Christian (October 31, 2017). «Jack and Zero get redesigned for Nightmare Before Christmas sequel comic». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved October 13, 2021.
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  103. ^ Skinner, Daphne; Burton, Tim (1994). The Nightmare Before Christmas. ISBN 0140371214.
  104. ^ Diaz, Eric (March 9, 2021). «Nightmare Before Christmas Sequel Novel Focuses on Sally». Nerdist. Retrieved October 13, 2021.
  105. ^ ««Nightmare Before Christmas» is Getting a Sequel…in Book Form!». Kingdom Insider. September 18, 2021. Retrieved October 16, 2021.
  106. ^ «‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ Sequel Book ‘Long Live The Pumpkin Queen’ Release Date Announced». Halloweendailynews. July 24, 2021. Retrieved October 16, 2021.
  107. ^ «Tokyopop Reveals A New Nightmare Before Christmas Series, The Battle For Pumpkin King». Graphic Policy. November 1, 2022. Retrieved December 24, 2022.
  108. ^ Leung, Hilary (November 1, 2022). «Nightmare Before Christmas Is About to Reveal Jack and Oogie Boogie’s Secret Friendship». CBR. Retrieved December 24, 2022.
  109. ^ «Disney Infinity: Jack Skellington». Disney. Archived from the original on January 6, 2017. Retrieved October 11, 2018.
  110. ^ «Update 5: The Nightmare Before Christmas | Livestream Pt. 1». YouTube. October 11, 2016.
  111. ^ «Update 24: Villain Tower Takeover | Livestream». YouTube. October 29, 2018.
  112. ^ «Update 44: The Nightmare Before Christmas, Pt. 3 | Livestream». YouTube. October 2, 2020.
  113. ^ «Update 63: Hocus Pocus 2 | Update Preview». YouTube. October 7, 2022.
  114. ^ «Exclusive Disney Tim Burton’s the Nightmare Before Christmas Goodies Come to Fall Guys!». Fallguys.com.
  115. ^ «Fall Guys Reveals Nightmare Before Christmas Theme». Screenrant.com. December 10, 2021. Retrieved June 10, 2022.
  116. ^ Kit, Borys (September 4, 2018). «‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ Getting 25th Anniversary Concert at Hollywood Bowl». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved September 6, 2018.
  117. ^ Evans, Greg (October 7, 2020). «‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ Benefit Concert Draws Broadway Voices: James Monroe Iglehart, Adrienne Warren, Danny Burstein, More». Deadline. Retrieved October 13, 2021.
  118. ^ Jones, Marcus (October 7, 2020). «Broadway is coming together for virtual The Nightmare Before Christmas Halloween benefit concert». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved October 13, 2021.
  119. ^ «Billie Eilish to Perform as Sally in ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ Live-to-Film Concert: Details». Billboard.
  120. ^ Kreps, Daniel (October 1, 2021). «Billie Eilish to Play Sally at ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ Concert Event, Because of Course». Rolling Stone.
  121. ^ Willman, Chris (October 1, 2021). «Billie Eilish to Join ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ Shows in L.A. Alongside Danny Elfman».
  122. ^ Lash, Jolie. «Billie Eilish joins ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ concerts film as Sally». Ew.com.
  123. ^ Corcoran, Nina (October 17, 2022). «Phoebe Bridgers Joins Danny Elfman’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Concerts». Pitchfork.
  124. ^ Disney Channel NL (October 29, 2016). «The Nightmare Before Christmas As Told By Emoji : Disney». youtube.com. Archived from the original on December 12, 2021. Retrieved October 13, 2021.
  125. ^ «Episodes». Weknowjackshow.com. Retrieved October 13, 2021.

Further reading[edit]

  • Thompson, Frank (July 2002). Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Film, the Art and the Vision (Paperback). Hyperion. ISBN 978-0-7868-5378-6.
  • Asaga, Jun (July 2002). Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas (Paperback). Disney Press. ISBN 978-0-7868-3849-3. Manga adaptation of the film.

External links[edit]

  • Official website
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas at IMDb
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas at the TCM Movie Database
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas at The Big Cartoon DataBase
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas at AllMovie
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas at Box Office Mojo
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas at Rotten Tomatoes
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas at The Tim Burton Collective
  • Scalzi, John (August 28, 2008). «Why Tim Burton’s Recurring Nightmare Remains So Popular». AMC. Archived from the original on September 12, 2008.
  • Nightmare Before Christmas Behind The Scenes A time lapse of the stop-motion animation process.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The nightmare before christmas poster.jpg

Original theatrical release poster

Directed by Henry Selick
Screenplay by Caroline Thompson
Adaptation by Michael McDowell
Story by Tim Burton[a]
Produced by
  • Tim Burton
  • Denise Di Novi
  • Danny Elfman
  • Chris Sarandon
  • Catherine O’Hara
  • William Hickey
  • Glenn Shadix
  • Paul Reubens
  • Ken Page
  • Ed Ivory
Cinematography Pete Kozachik
Edited by Stan Webb
Music by Danny Elfman


  • Touchstone Pictures[note 1]
  • Skellington Productions[2]
Distributed by Buena Vista Pictures Distribution[2]

Release dates

  • October 13, 1993 (limited)
  • October 29, 1993 (United States)

Running time

76 minutes[3]
Country United States
Language English
Budget $24 million[4]
Box office $91.5 million[5]

The Nightmare Before Christmas (also known as Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas) is a 1993 American stop-motion animated musical dark fantasy film directed by Henry Selick (in his feature directorial debut) and produced and conceived by Tim Burton. It tells the story of Jack Skellington, the King of «Halloween Town», who stumbles upon «Christmas Town» and schemes to take over the holiday. Danny Elfman wrote the songs and score and provided the singing voice of Jack.[6] The principal voice cast also includes Chris Sarandon, Catherine O’Hara, William Hickey, Ken Page, Paul Reubens, Glenn Shadix, and Ed Ivory.

The Nightmare Before Christmas originated in a poem written by Burton in 1982 while he was working as an animator at Walt Disney Productions. With the success of Vincent in the same year, Burton began to consider developing The Nightmare Before Christmas as either a short film or a half-hour television special, to no avail. Over the years, Burton’s thoughts regularly returned to the project, and, in 1990, he made a development deal with Walt Disney Studios. Production started in July 1991 in San Francisco; Disney initially released the film through Touchstone Pictures because the studio believed the film would be «too dark and scary for kids».[1]

The film met with critical success upon release, earning praise for its animation (particularly the innovation of the stop-motion art form), characters, songs and score. While only a modest box office hit at first, it has since garnered a large cult following. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects, a first for an animated film, but lost to Jurassic Park.[7] The film has since been reissued by Walt Disney Pictures and was re-released annually in Disney Digital 3-D from 2006 until 2010.


Halloween Town is a fantasy world populated by various monsters and beings associated with the holiday. Jack Skellington, respected by the citizens as the «Pumpkin King», leads them in organizing the annual Halloween celebrations. However, this year, Jack has grown tired of the same annual routine and wants something new. Wandering in the woods the next morning, he encounters seven trees containing doors leading to other holiday-themed worlds (Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, Valentine’s Day, and St. Patrick’s Day) and stumbles into the one leading to Christmas Town. Awed by the unfamiliar holiday, Jack returns home to show his friends and neighbors his findings, but unaware of the idea of Christmas, they compare everything to their ideas of Halloween. However, they do relate to one Christmas Town character: its ruler, Santa Claus, or «Sandy Claws» as Jack mistakenly calls him. Jack sequesters himself in his house to study Christmas further and find a way to rationally explain it. After studying and experimentation accomplish nothing, Jack ultimately decides that Christmas should be improved rather than understood and announces that Halloween Town will take over Christmas this year.

Jack assigns the residents many Christmas-themed jobs, including singing carols, making presents, and building a sleigh pulled by skeletal reindeer. Sally, a feminine creation of local mad scientist Doctor Finkelstein, experiences a vision detailing that their efforts will end disastrously. Jack, whom she secretly loves, dismisses this and assigns her the task of making him a Santa Claus suit. He also tasks mischievous trick-or-treating trio Lock, Shock and Barrel to abduct Santa and bring him to Halloween Town. Jack tells Santa he will be handling Christmas in his place this year and orders the trio to keep Santa safe, but against his wishes, they deliver Santa to Jack’s long-time rival, Oogie Boogie, a bogeyman with a passion for gambling, who plots to play a game with Santa’s life at stake. Sally attempts to rescue Santa to save both him and Jack from their potential fates, but she is captured as well.

Jack departs to deliver his presents in the real world, but they instead frighten the populace, who contact the authorities and are instructed by them to lock down their homes and residences for protection. When word spreads about Jack’s presumed wrongdoings, he is ultimately shot down by military forces, causing him to crash in a cemetery. While all of Halloween Town sadly believe him to be dead, Jack actually survives. As he bemoans the disaster he has caused, he finds he enjoyed the experience nonetheless, reigniting his love of Halloween, but soon realizes he must act fast to fix his mess. Jack returns home and infiltrates Oogie’s lair, rescuing Santa and Sally before confronting Oogie and defeating him by unraveling a thread holding his cloth form together, causing all the bugs inside him to spill out and reduce him to nothing. Jack apologizes for his actions to Santa, to which he, despite being furious at Jack for the trouble he caused and not heeding Sally’s forewarnings, assures him that he can still save Christmas. As Santa replaces Jack’s presents with genuine ones, all of Halloween Town celebrates Jack’s survival and return. Santa then shows Jack that there are no hard feelings between them by bringing a snowfall to the town, which fulfills Jack’s original dream in a way and causes the residents to finally realize the true meaning of Christmas. Afterwards, Jack and Sally declare their love for each other.

Voice cast[edit]

The voices for Jack Skellington’s spoken lines and Sally were respectively provided by Sarandon and O’Hara.

  • Chris Sarandon (speaking voice) and Danny Elfman (singing voice) as Jack Skellington, a skeleton known as the «Pumpkin King» of Halloween Town. Elfman was initially cast as Jack’s singing voice and, after the songs were recorded, Sarandon was cast to match Elfman’s voice style.[8][9]
    • Elfman also voices:
      • Barrel, one of the trick-or-treaters working for Oogie Boogie.
      • The Clown with the Tear-Away Face, a self-described clown who rides a unicycle.
  • Catherine O’Hara as Sally, a rag doll/Frankenstein’s monster-like creation of Finkelstein and Jack’s love interest. She is a toxicologist who uses various types of poison to liberate herself from the captivity of her «father». She is also psychic and has premonitions when anything bad is about to happen. O’Hara had previously co-starred in Burton’s Beetlejuice.
    • O’Hara also voices Shock, one of the trick-or-treaters working for Oogie Boogie.
  • William Hickey as Doctor Finkelstein, a mad scientist and the loving but overbearing «father» of Sally. He is listed in the credits only as «Evil Scientist» and is only mentioned by name twice in the film.
  • Glenn Shadix as the Mayor of Halloween Town, an enthusiastic leader who conducts town meetings. His wild mood swings from happy to distraught because his head spins between a «happy» and «sad» face; where some career politicians are described as figuratively two-faced, the mayor is literally so. Shadix and Burton had previously worked on Beetlejuice.
  • Ken Page as Oogie Boogie, a villainous bogeyman in Halloween Town, who has a passion for gambling and rivalry with Jack.
  • Ed Ivory as Santa Claus, the ruler of Christmas Town. Santa is responsible for the annual celebration of Christmas, in which he delivers presents to children in the real world. He is also referred to by Jack and Halloween Town’s residents as «Sandy Claws». Ivory also provides the brief narration at the start of the film.
  • Paul Reubens as Lock, one of the trick-or-treaters working for Oogie Boogie. Reubens and Burton had previously worked on Pee-wee’s Big Adventure and Batman Returns.
  • Frank Welker as Zero, Jack’s pet ghost dog who has a tiny Jack-o’-lantern on top of his nose.

The cast also features Kerry Katz, Carmen Twillie, Randy Crenshaw, Lisa Donovan Lukas, Debi Durst, Glenn Walters, Sherwood Ball, John Morris and Greg Proops voicing various characters. Patrick Stewart recorded narration for a prologue and epilogue. While not used in the final film, the narration is included on the soundtrack album.[10]



As writer Burton’s upbringing in Burbank, California, was associated with the feeling of solitude, the filmmaker was largely fascinated by holidays during his childhood. «Anytime there was Christmas or Halloween, […] it was great. It gave you some sort of texture all of a sudden that wasn’t there before,» Burton would later recall.[11] After completing his short film Vincent in 1982,[11] Burton, who was then employed at Walt Disney Feature Animation, wrote a three-page poem titled The Nightmare Before Christmas, drawing inspiration from television specials of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, How the Grinch Stole Christmas! and the poem A Visit from St. Nicholas.[12] Burton intended to adapt the poem into a television special with the narration spoken by his favorite actor, Vincent Price,[13] but also considered other options such as a children’s book.[14] He created concept art and storyboards for the project in collaboration with Rick Heinrichs, who also sculpted character models;[15][16] Burton later showed his and Heinrichs’ works-in-progress to Henry Selick, also a Disney animator at the time.[17] After the success of Vincent in 1982, Disney started to consider developing The Nightmare Before Christmas as either a short film or 30-minute holiday television special.[15] However, the project’s development eventually stalled, as its tone seemed «too weird» to the company.[18] As Disney was unable to «offer his nocturnal loners enough scope», Burton was fired from the studio in 1984[13] and went on to direct the commercially successful films Beetlejuice (1988) and Batman (1989) for Warner Bros. Pictures.[18]

Director Henry Selick (left) and producer Tim Burton (right) on the Nightmare Before Christmas set

Over the years, Burton regularly thought about the project. In 1990, Burton found out that Disney still owned the film rights.[19] He and Selick committed to produce a full-length film with the latter as director.[17] Burton’s own success with live-action films piqued the interest of Walt Disney Studios chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg, who saw the film as an opportunity to continue the studio’s streak of recent successes in feature animation.[20] Disney was looking forward to Nightmare «to show capabilities of technical and storytelling achievements that were present in Who Framed Roger Rabbit[21] Walt Disney Pictures president David Hoberman believed the film would prove to be a creative achievement for Disney’s image, elaborating «we can think outside the envelope. We can do different and unusual things.»[20]

Nightmare marked Burton’s third consecutive film with a Christmas setting. Burton could not direct because of his commitment to Batman Returns, and he did not want to be involved with «the painstakingly slow process of stop motion».[17] To adapt his poem into a screenplay, Burton approached Michael McDowell, his collaborator on Beetlejuice. McDowell and Burton experienced creative differences, which convinced Burton to make the film as a musical with lyrics and compositions by frequent collaborator Danny Elfman. Elfman and Burton created a rough storyline and two-thirds of the film’s songs.[4] Elfman found writing Nightmares eleven songs to be «one of the easiest jobs I’ve ever had. I had a lot in common with Jack Skellington.»[15] Caroline Thompson had yet to be hired to write the screenplay.[4] With Thompson’s screenplay, Selick stated, «there are very few lines of dialogue that are Caroline’s. She became busy on other films and we were constantly rewriting, re-configuring and developing the film visually.»[22]


Selick and his team of animators began production in July 1991 in San Francisco, California, with a crew of over 120 workers, utilizing 20 sound stages for filming.[17][23] Joe Ranft was hired from Disney as a storyboard supervisor, while Eric Leighton was hired to supervise animation.[24] At the peak of production, 20 individual stages were simultaneously being used for filming.[25] In total, there were 109,440 frames taken for the film. The work of Ray Harryhausen, Ladislas Starevich, Edward Gorey, Étienne Delessert, Gahan Wilson, Charles Addams, Jan Lenica, Francis Bacon, and Wassily Kandinsky influenced the filmmakers. Selick described the production design as akin to a pop-up book.[15][22] In addition, Selick stated, «When we reach Halloween Town, it’s entirely German Expressionism. When Jack enters Christmas Town, it’s an outrageous Dr. Seuss-esque setpiece. Finally, when Jack is delivering presents in the ‘Real World’, everything is plain, simple and perfectly aligned.»[26] Vincent Price, Don Ameche, and James Earl Jones were considered to provide the narration for the film’s prologue; however, all proved difficult to cast, and the producers instead hired local voice artist Ed Ivory.[8] Patrick Stewart provided the prologue narration for the film’s soundtrack.

On the direction of the film, Selick reflected, «It’s as though he [Burton] laid the egg, and I sat on it and hatched it. He wasn’t involved in a hands-on way, but his hand is in it. It was my job to make it look like ‘a Tim Burton film’, which is not so different from my own films.»[22] When asked about Burton’s involvement, Selick claimed, «I don’t want to take away from Tim, but he was not in San Francisco when we made it. He came up five times over two years, and spent no more than eight or ten days in total.»[22] Walt Disney Feature Animation contributed with some second-layering traditional animation.[17] Burton found production somewhat difficult, because he was simultaneously filming Batman Returns and pre-production of Ed Wood.[4]

The filmmakers constructed 227 puppets to represent the characters in the movie, with Jack Skellington having «around four hundred heads», allowing the expression of every possible emotion.[27] Sally’s mouth movements «were animated through the replacement method. During the animation process, […] only Sally’s face ‘mask’ was removed in order to preserve the order of her long, red hair. Sally had ten types of faces, each made with a series of eleven expressions (e.g. eyes open and closed, and various facial poses) and synchronized mouth movements.»[28] The stop-motion figurine of Jack was reused in James and the Giant Peach (also directed by Selick) as Captain Jack.


The film’s soundtrack album was released in 1993 on Walt Disney Records. The film’s soundtrack contains bonus tracks, including a longer prologue and an extra epilogue, both narrated by Sir Patrick Stewart. For the film’s 2006 re-release in Disney Digital 3-D, a special edition of the soundtrack was released, featuring a bonus disc that contained covers of five of the film’s songs by Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, Marilyn Manson, Fiona Apple, and She Wants Revenge. Four original demo tracks by Elfman were also included.[29] On September 30, 2008, Disney released the cover album Nightmare Revisited, featuring artists such as Amy Lee, Flyleaf, Korn, Rise Against, Plain White T’s, The All-American Rejects, and many more.[30]

American gothic rock band London After Midnight featured a cover of «Sally’s Song» on their 1998 album Oddities.

LiLi Roquelin performed a French cover of «Sally’s Song» on her album Will you hate the rest of the world or will you renew your life? in 2010.

Pentatonix released a cover of «Making Christmas» for their 2018 Christmas album Christmas Is Here!.[31]

In 2003, the Disneyland Haunted Mansion Holiday soundtrack CD was released. Although most of the album’s songs are not original ones from the film, one song is a medley of «Making Christmas», «What’s This?», and «Kidnap the Sandy Claws». Other songs included are original holiday songs changed to incorporate the theme of the film. However, the last song is the soundtrack for the Disneyland Haunted Mansion Holiday ride.


The Nightmare Before Christmas was originally going to be released under Walt Disney Pictures as part of the Walt Disney Feature Animation lineup, but Disney decided to release the film under their adult themed label Touchstone Pictures, because the studio thought the film would be «too dark and scary for kids,» Selick remembered. «Their biggest fear, and why it was kind of a stepchild project, [was] they were afraid of their core audience hating the film and not coming.»[32] To convey Burton’s involvement and attract a wider audience, Disney marketed the film as Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas.[20] Burton explained that, «…it turned more into more of a brand-name thing, it turned into something else, which I’m not quite sure about.»[4] The film premiered at the New York Film Festival on October 9, 1993,[33] and was given a limited release on October 13, 1993, before its wide theatrical release on October 29, 1993.

The Nightmare Before Christmas was reissued under the Walt Disney Pictures label and re-released on October 20, 2006, with conversion to Disney Digital 3-D, and was accompanied by Pixar’s short film Knick Knack.[1] Industrial Light & Magic assisted in the process.[24] The film subsequently received three re-releases in October 2007, 2008, and 2009.[34] The El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, California, has been showing the film in 4-D screenings annually in October, ending on Halloween, since 2010.[35] The reissues have led to a reemergence of 3-D films and advances in RealD Cinema.[36][37]

In October 2020, The Nightmare Before Christmas was re-released in 2,194 theaters. It made $1.323 million over the weekend, finishing fourth behind Tenet.[38]

Home media[edit]

With years of successful home video sales, The Nightmare Before Christmas later achieved the ranks of a cult film.[24] Touchstone Home Video first released the film on VHS on September 30, 1994, and on DVD on December 2, 1997.[39] The Nightmare Before Christmas was released on DVD a second time on October 3, 2000, as a special edition. The release included an audio commentary by Selick and cinematographer Pete Kozachik, a 28-minute making-of documentary, a gallery of concept art, storyboards, test footage and deleted scenes. Burton’s Vincent and Frankenweenie were also included.[40] Both DVDs were non-anamorphic widescreen releases.

Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released the film on DVD again (this time with an anamorphic transfer) and on Blu-ray Disc (for the first time) on August 26, 2008, as a two-disc digitally remastered «collector’s edition», but still containing the same special features.[41][42]

Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released The Nightmare Before Christmas on Blu-ray 3D on August 30, 2011. The release included a Blu-ray 3D disc, Blu-ray disc and a DVD that includes both a DVD and digital copy of the film.

In 2018, Disney issued a singalong version of the film, accompanied by the theatrical cut and a Movies Anywhere copy, as a single-disc version for the film’s 25th anniversary.[43] The singalong version was also released on Disney+ on September 30, 2022.


Disney has extensively marketed the film and its characters across many forms of media and memorabilia, including action figures, books, games, art crafts, and fashion products. Jack Skellington, Sally, Pajama Jack, and the Mayor have been made into bendable figures,[44] while Jack and Sally even appear in fine art.[45] Sally has been made into an action figure and a Halloween costume.[46]

Various Disneyland and the branching theme parks host attractions featuring Nightmare characters, particularly during Halloween and Christmas seasons. Since 2001, Disneyland has given its Haunted Mansion Holiday attraction a Nightmare Before Christmas theme for the holiday season. It features characters, decorations and music from the film, in addition to Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party and Mickey’s Halloween Party featuring the film’s characters.[47] Additionally, Jack hosts the Halloween Screams, HalloWishes, and Not So Spooky Spectacular! fireworks shows at Magic Kingdom (where the host is Ghost Host) and Disneyland (where the host is Jack himself), as well as the Frightfully Fun Parade.[48]


Box office[edit]

Around the release of the film, Hoberman was quoted, «I hope Nightmare goes out and makes a fortune. If it does, great. If it doesn’t, that doesn’t negate the validity of the process. The budget was less than any Disney blockbuster so it doesn’t have to earn Aladdin-sized grosses to satisfy us.»[15] The film earned $50 million in the United States in its initial theatrical run[34] and was regarded as a moderate «sleeper hit».

The Nightmare Before Christmas made an additional $11.1 million in box office gross in its 2006 reissue.[49] The 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2020 reissues earned $15.8 million, $2.5 million, and $2.3 million respectively, increasing the film’s total box office gross to $91.5 million.[34]

Critical response[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds a rating of 95% based on 100 reviews, with an average rating of 8.27/10. The site’s critics consensus reads, «The Nightmare Before Christmas is a stunningly original and visually delightful work of stop-motion animation.»[50] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 82 out of 100, based on 30 critics, indicating «universal acclaim».[51] Audiences surveyed by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade «B+» on an A+ to F scale.[52]

Roger Ebert gave a highly positive review for Nightmare. Ebert believed the film’s visual effects were as revolutionary as Star Wars, taking into account that Nightmare was «filled with imagination that carries us into a new world».[53]

Peter Travers of Rolling Stone called it a restoration of «originality and daring to the Halloween genre. This dazzling mix of fun and fright also explodes the notion that animation is kid stuff. … It’s 74 minutes of timeless movie magic.»[54] James Berardinelli stated «The Nightmare Before Christmas has something to offer just about everyone. For the kids, it’s a fantasy celebrating two holidays. For the adults, it’s an opportunity to experience some light entertainment while marveling at how adept Hollywood has become at these techniques. There are songs, laughs, and a little romance. In short, The Nightmare Before Christmas does what it intends to: entertain.»[55] Desson Thomson of The Washington Post enjoyed the film’s similarities to the writings of Oscar Wilde and the Brothers Grimm, as well as The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and other German Expressionist films.[56]

Michael A. Morrison discusses the influence of Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! on the film, writing that Jack parallels the Grinch and Zero parallels Max, the Grinch’s dog.[57] Philip Nel writes that the film «challenges the wisdom of adults through its trickster characters», contrasting Jack as a «good trickster» with Oogie Boogie, whom he also compares with Seuss’ Dr. Terwilliker as a bad trickster.[58] Entertainment Weekly reports that fan reception of these characters borders on obsession, profiling Laurie and Myk Rudnick, a couple whose «degree of obsession with [the] film is so great that … they named their son after the real-life person that a character in the film is based on.»[59] This enthusiasm for the characters has also been profiled as having spread beyond North America to Japan.[60] Yvonne Tasker notes «the complex characterization seen in The Nightmare Before Christmas«.[61]

Danny Elfman was worried the characterization of Oogie Boogie would be considered racist by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).[62] Screenwriter Caroline Thompson raised similar concerns about the character, only to be told by Burton that she was «being oversensitve».[63] Elfman’s predictions came true; however, director Henry Selick stated the character was inspired by the Betty Boop cartoon The Old Man of the Mountain. «Cab Calloway would dance his inimitable jazz dance and sing ‘Minnie the Moocher’ or ‘Old Man of the Mountain’, and they would rotoscope him, trace him, turn him into a cartoon character, often transforming him into an animal, like a walrus,» Selick continued. «I think those are some of the most inventive moments in cartoon history, in no way racist, even though he was sometimes a villain. We went with Ken Page, who is a black singer, and he had no problem with it».[22]


The film was nominated for both the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects and the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation. Nightmare won the Saturn Award for Best Fantasy Film, while Elfman won Best Music. Selick and the animators were also nominated for their work. Elfman was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score. Most recently, the film ranked #1 on Rotten Tomatoes’ «Top 25 Best Christmas Movies» list.[64]

Possible sequel[edit]

In 2001, Disney began to consider producing a sequel, but rather than using stop motion, Disney wanted to use computer animation.[65] Burton convinced Disney to drop the idea. «I was always very protective of [The Nightmare Before Christmas], not to do sequels or things of that kind,» Burton explained. «You know, Jack visits Thanksgiving world or other kinds of things just because I felt the movie had a purity to it and the people that like it, because it’s a mass-market kind of thing, it was important to kind of keep that purity of it.»[37] The 2004 video game The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie’s Revenge did serve as a sequel of the film, with Capcom’s crew of developers going after Burton for advice[66] and having the collaboration of the film’s art director, Deane Taylor.[67] In 2009, Selick said he would do a film sequel if he and Burton could create a good story for it.[68]

In February 2019, it was reported that a new Nightmare Before Christmas film was in the works with Disney considering either a stop-motion sequel or live-action remake.[69] In October 2019, Chris Sarandon expressed interest on reprising his role as Jack Skellington if a sequel film ever materializes.[70]

On February 22, 2021, it was announced by Disney Publishing that a sequel was given to the 1993 film in the form of a young adult novel, released as Long Live the Pumpkin Queen. It was written by Shea Ernshaw and features Sally as the main character, told through her point-of-view, with events taking place after the film.[71] The book was released on August 2, 2022.[72]


Toys and games[edit]

A collectible card game based on the film called The Nightmare Before Christmas TCG was released in 2005 by NECA. The game was designed by Quixotic Games founder Andrew Parks[73] and Zev Shlasinger. It consists of a Premiere set and 4 Starter Decks based on four characters, Jack Skellington, the Mayor, Oogie Boogie, and Doctor Finkelstein. Each Starter Deck contains a rule book, a Pumpkin King card, a Pumpkin Points card, and a 48-card deck. The game has four card types: Characters, Locales, Creations, and Surprises. The Cards’ rarities are separated into four categories: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Ultra Rare.

Quixotic Games also developed The Nightmare Before Christmas Party Game that was released in 2007 by NECA.[74]

A collector’s edition The Nightmare Before Christmas-themed Jenga game was issued with orange, purple and black blocks with Jack Skellington heads on them. The set comes in a coffin-shaped box instead of the normal rectangular box.[75]

A 168-card Munchkin Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas-themed Munchkin was developed by USAopoly featuring the citizens of Halloween Town such as Jack Skellington, Oogie Boogie, Doctor Finkelstein, and Lock, Shock and Barrel. The game comes with a custom die similar to the ones used by Oogie Boogie in the film.[76][77]

On September 15, 2020, a The Nightmare Before Christmas-themed tarot card deck and guidebook was released and the illustration was done by Abigail Larson.[78]

Books, comics, and manga[edit]

In 1993, a pop-up book based on the film was released on October 1.[79] Another pop-up book calendar titled Nightmare Before Christmas Pop-Up Book and Advent Calendar was released September 29, 2020.[80][81] Jack is the titular character in the short story «Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack’s Story».[82] Disney Press released a Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Party Cookbook: Recipes and Crafts for the Perfect Spooky Party on August 21, 2017.[83] A behind-the-scenes art book titled Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas: The Film, the Art, the Vision was released on October 14, 1993, and a Disney Editions Deluxe edition was published July 28, 2009.[84][85]

In 2006, a picture book containing the poem Tim Burton wrote that originated the film was released on August 15.[86] In celebration of the film’s 20th anniversary, the poem was re-released with a hardcover edition in 2013.[87] On July 20, 2009, an illustrated book covering a rendition of «The Twelve Days of Christmas» song titled Nightmare Before Christmas: The 13 Days of Christmas was published. In celebration of the film’s 25th anniversary, a book and CD, featuring narration and sound effects, was released on July 3, 2018.[88]

In honor of the film’s 25th anniversary, a Cinestory Comic made by Disney and published by Joe Books LTD was released on September 26, 2017.[89] A graphic novel retelling of the film by Joe Books LTD was released on July 31, 2018, and digital and hardcover versions were released August 25, 2020.[90][91] On November 26, 2020, a novel retelling of the film version was released as part of the Disney Animated Classics series.[92] In 2021, another version of Nightmare Before Christmas 13 Days of Christmas came out on July 6 and was soon followed by Little Golden Books’s release of their adaptation of Nightmare Before Christmas on July 13, 2021.[93][94]

In 2017, Tokyopop secured exclusive licensing for two manga adaptions for Nightmare Before Christmas, with the first manga being an adaptation of the film’s plot line, with art by Jun Asuka, released October 17.[95][96] The second manga, a fully-colored series illustrated by Kei Ishiyama and titled Zero’s Journey, chronicles the adventures of Jack’s dog, Zero, in his experiences beginning in Christmas Town after accidentally getting separated from Jack, who tries to find him, and acts as a sequel to the film, with Tim Burton’s story approval.[97] The 20 issues were first published monthly, starting on October 2, and then collected into four full-color graphic novels, with a black-and-white collector’s edition manga edition as well.[98][99] Starting on July 21, 2021, Tokyopop released another sequel manga centered around Sally, titled The Nightmare Before Christmas: Mirror Moon, written by Mallory Reaves and fully-colored series illustrated by Gabriella Chianello, and Nataliya Torretta. The first two issues will be collected into a graphic novel that is slated to be released on October 26.[100][101][102]

A novelization of the film written by Daphne Skinner was published on January 1, 1994.[103] In 2021, a young adult novel written by Shea Ernshaw with Sally as the protagonist, with the premised described as «…takes place shortly after the movie ends. It’s the yet-to-be-told love story of Sally and Jack. But it’s also a coming-of-age story for Sally, as we see her navigate her new royal title as the Pumpkin Queen of Halloween Town». The novel introduced new characters and explored Sally’s past, as well as exploring other holiday worlds as Sally and Jack tackle a mysterious villain Sally has accidentally unleashed. The novel was slated to be released in July 2022.[71][104] On her Instagram, Shea Ernshaw revealed the novel’s title, Long Live the Pumpkin Queen; it was released on August 2, 2022.[105][106]

On November 1, 2022, Tokyopop announced a full-colored graphic novel series titled Disney Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Battle for Pumpkin King, which centers around the friendship and rivalry between a young Jack Skellington and Oogie Boogie. The graphic novel will consist of five issues and will be available for Halloween 2023.[107][108]

Video games[edit]

The Nightmare Before Christmas has inspired video game spin-offs, including Oogie’s Revenge and The Pumpkin King.

The Kingdom Hearts series includes Halloween Town as a world, appearing in the titles Kingdom Hearts, Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II, and 358/2 Days, with Christmas Town also as a major area in Kingdom Hearts II. Jack Skellington appears as a party member of the protagonist, Sora, while other important characters from the film appear as supporting characters in the world. The games adapt parts of the plot of The Nightmare Before Christmas.

A Jack Skellington figurine is available for the Disney Infinity video game, allowing the character to be playable in the game’s «Toy Box Mode».[109] The main characters of the film (except Santa Claus) appear as playable characters in the video game Disney Magic Kingdoms, as well as in some attractions based on locations of the film, in new storylines in which the characters are involved.[110][111][112][113] Jack and Oogie Boogie are feature as playable units in many Disney-related mobile games, such as Disney Heroes: Battle Mode, Disney Sorcerer’s Arena, and Disney Mirrorverse.

In 2021, a collaboration between Disney and Fall Guys released a seasonal challenge themed after The Nightmare Before Christmas, which was available from December 16 through December 27.[114][115]


Elfman’s The Nightmare Before Christmas live at the Hollywood Bowl, 2015.

A live concert, produced by Disney Concerts, was held at the Hollywood Bowl in October 2015 and was followed by subsequent performances in 2016 and 2018. The shows featured Elfman, O’Hara, and Page reprising their roles from the film. In December 2019, this show came to Europe, with dates in Edinburgh, Glasgow, London and Dublin.[116]

A one-night-only virtual benefit concert presentation of the film, presented by The Actors Fund and produced by James Monroe Iglehart with the cooperation of Burton, Elfman, Disney and Actors’ Equity Association, streamed on October 31, 2020. 100% of the proceeds will benefit the Lymphoma Research Foundation, as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the performing arts. The cast included Iglehart as Oogie Boogie, along with Rafael Casal as Jack Skellington, Adrienne Warren as Sally, Danny Burstein as Santa Claus and the Narrator, Nik Walker as Lock, Lesli Margherita as Shock and Rob McClure as Barrel. Rounding out the cast were Kathryn Allison, Jenni Barber, Erin Elizabeth Clemons, Fergie L. Phillipe, Jawan M. Jackson and Brian Gonzalez.[117][118]

In October 2021, Disney hosted a live-to-film concert of Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas for two nights at LA’s Banc of California Stadium on October 29 and 31. The show featured Billie Eilish singing as Sally and Danny Elfman reprising his role as Jack. Ken Page reprised the role of Oogie Boogie, while «Weird Al» Yankovic sang as Lock. The concert included a full orchestra led by acclaimed conductor John Mauceri to perform the film’s score and songs live.[119][120][121][122]

In October 2021, Disney announced that they were hosting another live-to-film concert at the OVO Arena Wembley in London on December 9 and 10, 2022. The show featured Elfman and Page reprising respective their roles, while John Mauceri returned as conductor alongside the BBC Concert Orchestra. Acclaimed singer and songwriter Phoebe Bridgers took on the role of Sally.[123]

Other media[edit]

Disney Interactive Studios released an As Told by Emoji animated adaptation of The Nightmare Before Christmas in 2016, which can be found on their official YouTube channel.[124] In 2019, a behind-the-scenes podcast series about The Nightmare Before Christmas was made, featuring the animators, producers and other crew discussing the making of the movie, totaling 38 episodes.[125]

See also[edit]

  • List of ghost films
  • List of Christmas films
  • Santa Claus in film


  1. ^ Based on a story and characters by


  1. ^ The Nightmare Before Christmas was reissued as a Walt Disney Pictures release in 2006.[1]
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  12. ^ Tim Burton, Henry Selick, The Making of Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Archived February 10, 2017, at the Wayback Machine, 2000, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
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  14. ^ Thompson, Frank T. (October 14, 1993). Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Film, The Art, The Vision. p. 8. ISBN 9780786880669. OCLC 28294626.
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  25. ^ «Nightmare: Truly the Stuff of Dreams». Electronic Gaming Monthly. No. 53. EGM Media, LLC. December 1993. p. 357.
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  27. ^ Richard Rickitt, Special Effects: The History and Technique (Watson-Guptill, 2000), 159-160 Archived June 11, 2020, at the Wayback Machine.
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  33. ^ John Evan Prook (August 18, 1993). «Christmas comes to N.Y. Film Fest». Variety. Retrieved September 26, 2008.
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  75. ^ «Nightmare Before Christmas Jenga». Craziestgadgets.com. Archived from the original on August 1, 2012. Retrieved July 31, 2012.
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  78. ^ Siegel, Minerva (September 15, 2020). The Nightmare Before Christmas Tarot Deck and Guidebook. ISBN 978-1683839699.
  79. ^ Burton, Tim (1993). Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas: A Super Pop-up Book. ISBN 0453031323.
  80. ^ Sussman, Hillary (August 26, 2020). «Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Gets a Ghoulish Pop-Up Advent Calendar». CBR. Retrieved October 13, 2021.
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  86. ^ Burton, Tim (August 2006). The Nightmare Before Christmas. ISBN 0786849088.
  87. ^ Burton, Tim (August 6, 2013). The Nightmare Before Christmas: 20th Anniversary Edition. ISBN 978-1423178699.
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  92. ^ Easton, Marilyn (November 26, 2020). Disney Animated Classics: The Nightmare Before Christmas. ISBN 9780794448257.
  93. ^ Davison, Steven (July 6, 2021). Nightmare Before Christmas 13 Days of Christmas. ISBN 9781368064576.
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  113. ^ «Update 63: Hocus Pocus 2 | Update Preview». YouTube. October 7, 2022.
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  116. ^ Kit, Borys (September 4, 2018). «‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ Getting 25th Anniversary Concert at Hollywood Bowl». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved September 6, 2018.
  117. ^ Evans, Greg (October 7, 2020). «‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ Benefit Concert Draws Broadway Voices: James Monroe Iglehart, Adrienne Warren, Danny Burstein, More». Deadline. Retrieved October 13, 2021.
  118. ^ Jones, Marcus (October 7, 2020). «Broadway is coming together for virtual The Nightmare Before Christmas Halloween benefit concert». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved October 13, 2021.
  119. ^ «Billie Eilish to Perform as Sally in ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ Live-to-Film Concert: Details». Billboard.
  120. ^ Kreps, Daniel (October 1, 2021). «Billie Eilish to Play Sally at ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ Concert Event, Because of Course». Rolling Stone.
  121. ^ Willman, Chris (October 1, 2021). «Billie Eilish to Join ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ Shows in L.A. Alongside Danny Elfman».
  122. ^ Lash, Jolie. «Billie Eilish joins ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ concerts film as Sally». Ew.com.
  123. ^ Corcoran, Nina (October 17, 2022). «Phoebe Bridgers Joins Danny Elfman’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Concerts». Pitchfork.
  124. ^ Disney Channel NL (October 29, 2016). «The Nightmare Before Christmas As Told By Emoji : Disney». youtube.com. Archived from the original on December 12, 2021. Retrieved October 13, 2021.
  125. ^ «Episodes». Weknowjackshow.com. Retrieved October 13, 2021.

Further reading[edit]

  • Thompson, Frank (July 2002). Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Film, the Art and the Vision (Paperback). Hyperion. ISBN 978-0-7868-5378-6.
  • Asaga, Jun (July 2002). Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas (Paperback). Disney Press. ISBN 978-0-7868-3849-3. Manga adaptation of the film.

External links[edit]

  • Official website
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas at IMDb
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas at the TCM Movie Database
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas at The Big Cartoon DataBase
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas at AllMovie
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas at Box Office Mojo
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas at Rotten Tomatoes
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas at The Tim Burton Collective
  • Scalzi, John (August 28, 2008). «Why Tim Burton’s Recurring Nightmare Remains So Popular». AMC. Archived from the original on September 12, 2008.
  • Nightmare Before Christmas Behind The Scenes A time lapse of the stop-motion animation process.

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