Мусульманские поздравления дочке с Днем Рождения
В этот день ты, доченька, рождена на свет,
Ты появилась вся солнечными лучами сверкая,
Теперь ты самый родной и важный человек,
И самый любимый, наша ты дорогая!
Я Аллаха каждый день молю за тебя,
Чтобы дал Он здоровья, мудрости, везенья,
Чтобы ты счастливо жила, взаимно любя,
Поздравляю, доченька, с днём рожденья!
Пусть в этот день отойдёт от тебя печаль,
Ветром радости все сложности сдувая,
Пусть грусти не коснётся тебя вуаль,
И вера в Аллаха в тебе прибывает святая!
Каждый день иди вперёд, над собой расти,
И не бойся делать в этих шагах ошибок,
Желаю тебе большой удачи в пути,
Пусть будет Аллах с тобой, ведь мир так зыбок!
Ты в жизни нашей стала настоящей отрадой,
Нашем ангелом и самой большой наградой,
Для нас ты, доченька, дар Аллаха бесценный,
В духовном мире клад драгоценный!
Поздравляем сегодня с торжеством рождения,
Пусть в жизни будет всегда вдохновение,
Пусть Аллах отводит беды стороною,
И вера во Всевышнего будет всегда с тобою!
Начинается твой праздник со светлой улыбки,
Друзья и родственники отправляют открытки!
В них столько добрых слов и пожеланий,
А сколько будет встреч сегодня и свиданий!
Всегда ты, дочка, была девочкой необычной,
Пусть будет ярко в жизни всё и фантастично,
Пусть счастьем пронизана будет каждая глава,
А мы Аллаха будем всегда молить за тебя!
Дочка, человек ты мой милый и дорогой,
Мой ангелочек любимый и золотой,
Твой день рожденья – лучший из дней,
Я буду молить Аллаха о судьбе твоей!
Сегодня сердцем материнским пожелаю,
Чтобы изобилия чаша добралась до края,
Чтоб была ты всегда любимой, счастливой,
Такой же доброй, светлой и очень красивой!
Как быстро летят счастливые мгновения,
Дочка, ты Аллаха любимое творение,
От года к году становишься ты красивей,
Не только лицом, но и сердцем мудрей.
С днём рожденья, с теплотою поздравляю,
Огромной радости в каждом дне желаю,
Чтобы Аллах был с тобою в сердце во век,
Мой любимый, дорогой и милый человек!
Я Аллаху до конца дней буду благодарна,
За тебя, моя дочка, за этот особенный свет,
За то, что ты улыбкой искренней, лучезарной,
Всегда мне улыбалась, милая, в ответ!
Твой день рожденья стал праздником главным,
Он стал датой самой счастливой для меня,
Пусть будет судьба твоя лёгкой и славной,
И без радости в сердце не проходит и дня!
Пусть, доска, муж тебя всегда обожает,
Бережёт тебя, любит, благами окружает,
Ведь ты женщина, существо ранимое,
Ты самим Аллахом любимая и хранимая!
Ну, а твоя главная, дочка, работа,
Это о семье своей и о детях забота,
Чтоб сверкал чистотой и благостью дом,
Чтоб было хорошо всегда мужу в нём!
Мои у тебя глаза, и улыбка моя тоже,
Ты так на меня, доченька, похожа,
Сегодня, в день рожденья, хочу пожелать,
Счастье, мужа любовь, добро повидать,
И с торжеством таким чудесным поздравляя,
Я материнским сердцем тебе желаю,
Чтоб любима была ты, хранима Аллахом всегда,
Чтоб не приходила к тебе никогда беда!
Поздравляет дочку с днём рожденья мама,
Я Аллаха за тебя всю жизнь благодарю,
За твой характер, за заботу и старанья,
За твою помощь, понимание, сердца теплоту!
Пусть ждёт тебя в жизни, дочка, только счастье,
Чтоб была она длинной, без всяких тревог,
И обошли тебя стороной болезни, ненастья,
Чтоб от злого всего Аллах тебя уберёг!
Охраняет пусть тебя, дочь, от греха и горя,
Защищает от врагов и бед Великий Аллах,
Я сегодня с рождения днём поздравляю,
И желаю тебе смиренности и духовных благ!
Процветания, изобилия, уюта дому,
Чтоб забота к семье выражалась в делах,
Пусть исполняет Небо твои желания,
Молись Аллаху, твоя жизнь в Его руках!
Любовь, смиренье – для женщины достижения,
Пусть будет путь твой к свету всегда открыт,
Мы поздравляем, дочка, с днём рожденья,
Всё в руках Аллаха, пусть он тебя хранит!
Желаем тебе сил духовных, телесного здоровья,
И чтоб всегда была любовь в семье твоей,
Чтоб любовь от мужа видела и понимание,
Чтобы радовали тебя успехи твоих детей!
Поздравить хотим тебя с рожденьем,
Пусть путь жизни состоит лишь из добра,
Всегда с тобой будут мир и здоровье,
Много радости, счастья, людского тепла!
Пусть тебе дарует Аллах большую мудрость,
Пусть услышит каждую к нему мольбу,
И в трудный час поможет тебе и поддержит,
Лишь Ему мы доверяем дочкину судьбу!
Желаем тебе сил духовных и здоровья,
Чтоб дружной и крепкой была семья,
Дочка, поздравляем с днём рожденья,
И пусть Аллах на счастье благословит тебя!
Пусть поможет сбыться твоим желаньям,
В доме твоём Вера пускай воцариться,
С Аллахом в душе жизнь намного краше,
И мечтам помогает скорее сбыться!
Сегодня у дочери праздник наступил,
И вся семья его с улыбками встречает,
Мы молимся, чтобы тебя Аллах хранил,
Ему лишь вверить судьбу твою мы желаем!
Пусть звёздочки покидая свой небосвод,
Всегда желанья твои заветные исполняют,
А душа твоя пусть Веру в себе несёт,
Жизнь от бед и греховности скалой ограждая!
Мусульманские поздравления на День Рождения:
В стихах |
В прозе |
Мужчине |
Женщине |
Сестре |
Брату |
Сыну |
Голосовые поздравления с Днем Рождения
Мусульманские поздравления с днем рождения сестре
Дорогая уважаемая моя сестра! С твоим светлым днём рождения тебя! Желаю, чтобы долгая счастливая жизнь твоя была как в прекрасной восточной сказке. Пусть Аллах хранит тебя и помогает идти по истинному пути. Пусть крепнет твоя твердая вера. Пусть Всевышний одарит тебя своей бесконечной благодатью и милостью. Пусть Аллах проникнет в твою душу и сердце, поселив надежду и веру. Желаю тебе бесконечного мирского счастья, благоденствия, мирного неба над твоей головой, терпения, взаимопонимания, доброты. Побольше благословенных дней тебе и пусть всё, что казалось порой недосягаемым сбудется!
Милая, прекрасная моя сестра, всем сердцем поздравляю тебя с днём рождения! Ты волшебная, словно цветущий райский цветок, с безупречным сердцем и нравом. Пусть Аллах благословит тебя достойной дорогой жизнью, легкой и такой же красивой, как ты сама! Пусть замечательные люди всегда будут тебе опорой и поддержкой, а твой дом будет уважаемым и благополучным!
Да продлит Всевышний дни твои,
Да поселит радость в твоем доме!
В день рождения ты грусть из глаз гони,
Благодарна будь счастливой доле.
Помогай, сестра, всем, кто в беде,
Добротой своей делись и будь довольна,
Пусть Аллах даст шанс твоей судьбе
Жить богато, честно и достойно.
В доме мир храни, дари уют,
Пусть семья тобой всегда гордится.
Дай несчастным путникам приют,
Ведь все в жизни может пригодиться.
Родная моя сестренка! Поздравляю тебя с днем рождения! Пусть Всевышний услышит твои молитвы и увидит твои благочестивые цели. Пусть он одарит тебя счастьем и любовью, а также всех, кто тебе дорог. Пусть благополучие и достаток всегда тебя сопровождают. Пусть каждый день будет наполнен хорошими событиями и встречами с интересными людьми!
Тебе в День рождения, сестричка, желаю
Смиренной и чистой дорогой пройти,
Всегда уважение к себе вызывая,
В Аллахе спасенье душе обрести!
В молитве сердечной снискать Его милость,
Семью и родных своей верой хранить,
Для мира и света чтоб сердце открылось,
Пусть будет счастливой и долгою жизнь!
Я тебя поздравляю, сестра!
Будь же счастлива и благодарна.
Твоя жизнь не будет проста —
То Всевышнего воля данная.
Все невзгоды, что давят тебя,
Пусть не тронут, сестра, твою душу,
Ты живи, свою радость даря,
Сердце чистое свое слушай.
Пусть богатство на небесах
Ждет тебя по делам твоим верным,
Пусть не старят тебя годы, страх,
Гордо имя неси правоверное.
Любимая сестра! Сегодня день твоего рождения! Пусть твое большое и доброе сердце всегда будет открыто для Аллаха! Пусть в нем живёт любовь и чистота! Пусть сила веры защищает твой дом, а мир и тепло твоей дружной семьи цветёт как роскошный цветок!
Сестра! От сердца я желаю в День рождения,
Смиренной доброты, здоровья и терпения,
Пусть годы только мудрость прибавляют,
Пусть в доме детский смех не умолкает!
Пусть не будет для счастья и мира пределов,
Да осветит дом верность, добро и любовь,
Пусть Аллах постоянно в молитве пребудет,
Защищает тебя и семью вновь и вновь!
Милая, любимая сестричка! Среди множества дней в году Аллах выбрал самый лучший и сделал его твоим днем рождения. Пусть этот день будет наполнен светом и радостью! Пусть небо будет лазурным, солнце – золотым, цветы – ароматными, а пожелания – добрыми!
С Днем рожденья, сестра! Бережет пусть Аллах
От болезней, врагов и от бед!
Пусть покинут тебя и тревоги, и страх,
Согревает надежды пусть свет.
Наградит пусть Всевышний здоровьем тебя,
В трудный час верь в Аллаха, молись!
Добра со всеми ты будь, постарайся, любя,
Отыскать жизни ценность и смысл!
С Рождением.ру » Мусульманские открытки с Днём Рождения
Мусульманские поздравления с Днём Рождения, открытки, гифки
Прикольные и красивые мусульманские поздравления, открытки, мерцающие гифки с именами и душевными пожеланиями на День Рождения мужчин и женщин. Впишите в поздравление, прямо на открытку любое имя, отчество, фамилию, или трогательное прозвище и создайте открытку за 5 секунд! (Это бесплатно!)
День рождения
С Днём Рождения Гифки с анимацией С Юбилеем Именные С красивыми стихами Смешные с юмором С Цветами С Тортами С Котиками С Шампанским С Салютом С Шарами Христианские Мусульманские
Женщине Подруге Дочери Внучке Жене Любимой Маме Сестре Тёще Свекрови Тёте Племяннице Крёстной Крестнице Золовке Невестке Куме Сватье Мужчине Сыну Мужу Другу Брату Внуку Племяннику Дяде Тестю Зятю Свёкру Куму Свату Крестнику Детские Детские с Мультгероями Аниме С Прошедшим ДР Доброе утро, с ДР С Именинами (Днём Ангела)
Красивые Мусульманские поздравления с Днём Рождения
- По популярности
- По скачиваниям
- Новые
Гифка с Днём Рождения, «Пуская Аллах поддерживает тебя»
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Мусульманская гифка с Днём Рождения, с салютом
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Мусульманская открытка с Днём Рождения, с четверостишьем
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Гифка с Днём Рождения, с мусульманским поздравлением
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Мусульманская открытка с Днём Рождения «Пусть Аллах хранит тебя!»
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Мусульманская открытка с Днём Рождения, с поздравлением от души
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Красивая мусульманская открытка с Днём Рождения, с поздравлением
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Креативная мусульманская открытка с Днём Рождения, с пожеланием
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Оригинальная мусульманская открытка с Днём Рождения
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Открытка с Днём Рождения, с мусульманским поздравлением в стихах
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Авторская мусульманская открытка с Днём Рождения
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Яркая мусульманская открытка с Днём Рождения, с поздравлением
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Дизайнерская мусульманская открытка с Днём Рождения, с поздравлением
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Исламские пожелания
Поздравление мусульманина с днем рождения
С днём рождения мужчине с приподой
Поздравление на арабском
Мудрые пожелания
Поздравления с днём рождения бббрату
Арабские открытки с днем рождения
Пророк Мухаммад Рабиуль Авваль
Поздравления на арабском языке
Ассаламу алейкум братья поздравляю вас наступающим с новым годом
Поздравления с днём рождени мужчине красивые
Мусульманские поздравления
Роза в Исламе
Картина мусульманской матери
Христианские поздравления с днём рождения мужчине
Торт ИД мубарак
Стихи с днём рождения
День рождения пророка Мухаммеда
Обложка для поздравления с днем рождения
Поздравление мусульман
Открытки с днём рождения женщине мусульманке
Открытки мусульманские праздники
Мусульманские пожелания
Мавлид АН-Наби рождение пророка Мухаммеда
Исламские открытки
Поздравления с днём рождения женщине
С днем рождения теща
Исламские пожелания
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С благословенной пятницей на арабском
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С днем рождения
Celebrating a birthday is a big milestone in everyone’s life. Check out these Islamic birthday wishes for father and other family members. Send them a positive note, and bless them from the bottom of your heart.
Source: UGC
Every single instant of our lives is the result of Allah’s love and blessing. Turning a year older is always a blessing, and we should constantly be grateful for it. Check out these selections of Islamic birthday wishes and quotes to share.
It can be challenging to come up with the ideal birthday wishes. Even if you have a lot to say, you might not have the words to express it or the time to create heartfelt birthday wishes. We have compiled a list of creative ways to wish your parents, other family members, and friends a happy birthday.
Dua Islamic birthday wishes for father
Wondering what you can tell your father on his special day? Here are some birthday messages for dad you can use. Send him one of these birthday wishes for dad in an Islamic way, and he will feel loved and appreciated by his child.
- I pray to Allah that he always keeps you surrounded by happiness and guides you toward the path of honesty and integrity! Happy b-day, father!
- Allah has truly blessed me by making you, my father. I always pray to him for better days. HBD, Dad. May Allah bless you, always.
- Happy blessed day to my beloved father! May Allah always bless you!
- May Allah accept my prayers and keep you safe from every harm and evil. Enjoy your day, dad.
- My father, I thank Allah for you. Today we celebrate your birthday with happiness in our hearts. I wish a long life to you.
- The more I grow, the more I become like you. I celebrate my living legend today. Happy birthday, dad.
- May success never leave your path, and always follow whatever you do in life. HBD father.
- May Allah grant you a great life to achieve all of your dreams. Enjoy your big day.
- Dear father, you are indeed a blessing from Allah. May He guide you and help you find the truth about life. Enjoy your life, and always remember to say your prayers. May you age peacefully.
- HBD to you. You are the best dad alive in the world. I am blessed that I have gotten such a wonderful father.
- On behalf of the family, I wish you another year of Allah’s graciousness. HBD dad. We love you!
- Happy birthday to my favourite person. I am sending lots of love and good wishes to you.
- Happy birthday to you, dear father. Another year has passed, and today your friends and family are here. We, your children, wish you success and all the best; we thank Allah for you.
- All of us, your children, are here today to congratulate you, our dear father. Your faith and devotion to Allah have always inspired us. Your justice and honour have always been an example for us. Today we are happy to congratulate you on your big day.
- You’ve been my inspiration since I knew my left hand for the right one. May Allah continue to fill you with more wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Happy b-day to you, dad.
- Happy birthday. May Allah bless you, dear dad. I am praying for your good health and long life.
- Allah packaged perfection into a man and called Him my father. I’m blessed to have you, dad. Happy birthday to you.
- Happy birthday, my dad. May Allah surround you with endless happiness, joy, and prosperity.
- As today is your birthday, I would like to thank Allah for sending you into our lives and making them joyous. Always have faith in Him. We are blessed to have you.
- Happy born day to you! May this special day start an amazing, prosperous and bright future for you. Sending you my sincere wishes and prayers!
- Having a father who teaches his son to be strong and brave is so important. My dear father, on your birthday, I want to thank you. I thank Allah for such a father. Your wisdom has always fascinated me, and your power has always been inspiring. I’m grateful to you, my closest person.
Islamic birthday wishes for mother
Source: UGC
One of the most influential people in your life is your mother. She has been important in ensuring your well-being. Mothers should feel valued and special just like fathers do. Sending her any of these birthday wishes in Islamic way will melt her heart.
- My loving and caring mom, I’m so happy to have you. You fill my days with joy and laughter, and your presence makes me feel happy and secure.
- May Allah give you a prosperous life ahead, mom. I hope Allah allows you to share more of your joyous moments with us. Enjoy your day.
- As you celebrate this special day, I pray Allah grants you a graceful birthday and a happy life.
- Enjoy this special day of your life to the fullest. Always remember that my prayers are always with you in all the good and bad times in life. HBD mom.
- Happy birthday, mother. May Allah give you a prosperous life ahead and allow you to share more happy moments with us.
- My dearest mom, I pray that the negative plans of your enemies against you will never prosper. Have a wonderful day.
- Happy birthday, dear mother. You are Allah’s best gift to me. May he protect you and bless you always.
- May the years ahead be full of Allah’s blessings and happiness. Happy birthday, dear mother.
- On this special day, I can’t express my feelings and how I love you through words, but I pray that Almighty Allah grants you good health.
- May Allah grant you peace of mind and joy. Happy birthday to the best mom ever!
- Enjoy this special day of your life to the fullest. Always remember that my prayers are always with you in all the good and bad times in life. Happy born day, mummy.
- May Allah bless you with total integrity and greatness in life. May all you wish for in life come true as soon as possible. Happy blessed day, mum.
- I sincerely pray to Allah that he showers your life with his divine generosity & heavenly love. Happy birthday to you from the deepest part of my heart!
- Our childhood was happy, thanks to you, dear mother. May Allah protect you, and may he give you strong health and many joyful days. We thank you and wish you happiness.
- May Allah bless you with boundless happiness and endless joy throughout this year and in all the years of your life yet to come. Happy birthday!
- All I pray is that Allah gives you a long life. My life without you is incomplete, mom. HBD.
- It’s your day, and I pray to Allah that he gives you all you’ve been wished for. Enjoy the day, mother.
- I am forever grateful to Allah for adding another year of joy, prosperity, and blessings to your life. May we share a stronger bond in the upcoming year.
- I am extremely happy to have you as a mom. Have lots of fun and happiness today as you celebrate your birthday. I pray to Allah to give you good health and let your light continue to glow brighter and brighter.
- On your special day, I pray to Allah for your happiness. May you get blessed with lots of blessings. May I get to serve you well, mom. Happy returns of the day. I love you.
- I always had my every ounce of faith that Allah has stored only good things for you, dear mom. Many happy returns of the day. I love you.
- May Allah fill the days of your life with fun, good health, and happiness! I love you, Mom.
Islamic birthday wishes for wife
Source: UGC
Your wife’s birthday is one of her greatest days, so do everything in your power to make it special for her with Islamic birthday wishes for wife.
- Happy birthday, my dear wife! I wish you the most wonderful birthday ever. May Allah shower you with more blessings than you deserve. I adore you to pieces.
- Happy birthday to the woman who makes my life brighter, my dear, caring and loving wife!
- I beseech the great one to bestow you greatness, total prosperity, and greatness. Get all of your life’s desires, and if possible, get them as soon as possible. Merry Christmas!
- As you blow out the candles this evening, I pray to the Almighty to guide you and watch over you forever! Sweetheart, happy birthday!
- Are you prepared for your special birthday present? I’m on my way to your surprise, so keep smiling, as my love is already with you.
- I’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve a girl like you in my life. So, on your birthday, I’d like to thank the stars for sending you my way.
- Hello, babe! It’s your birthday, and I can’t stop grinning and waiting for the sun to set so that I can surprise you with my gift.
- I ask Allah to bless you with positivity, generosity, happiness, and success in your life. Always remember to pray to Allah. Happy birthday, my dear. I adore you to pieces.
- Happy birthday, my lovely wife; I adore you to pieces. I am overjoyed that Allah has chosen me to be your life partner. I will love you until the last star in the sky falls.
- May Allah be with you and may He give you a long, healthy and happy life. May Allah guide us to do the will of Allah, Ameen Ameen!
- Happy birthday, lovely! You are my soulmate, wife, and the mother of my children, and I am thrilled to be spending this day with you.
- My dear wife, Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you the most wonderful birthday ever. May Allah shower you with more blessings than you deserve. I adore you to pieces.
- I can’t express how much you mean to me. You are my wife, my children’s mother, and the love of my life.
- Blow out your candles and make a lovely wish. I will go out of my way to make your birthday wishes come true. Happy birthday, my dear!
- Happy birthday to my lovely wife, who brings me so much joy. I cherish every moment we spend together and wish our happiness never ends.
Birthday wishes for father-in-law in Islam
Source: UGC
If you are looking for a good birthday wish for your father-in-law, check out these birthday wishes for father in Islamic way.
- Allah loves you greatly because he has blessed you with another year to live, laugh, and love. Happy birthday!
- As you celebrate your birthday, I pray that Holy Allah grants you peace of mind and success. May he fill this special day with loads of love, joy, and happiness. Happy birthday.
- This is the most beautiful day of the year for me because today is your birthday. I pray to Almighty Allah so that he accepts you as a good servant of him, HBD.
- Wishing you a wonderful birthday, my dear father. May Almighty Allah bless you with happiness and all the incredible opportunities in the world.
- You’re my support when I feel down. Thank you for always being there for me, Dad!
- Praise be to Merciful Allah for this amazingly wonderful moment in your life. I pray that Allah grants you fortune, wisdom, and hope. May this special day bring you uncountable reasons to smile.
- I pray to Allah on this precious day for your good health. May Allah’s divine grace and blessings always stay with you, dad. HBD, I love you, dad.
- I always say that my father is Allah’s best gift to me. I thank you for your wisdom and kindness. Happy birthday my father.
- May Allah protect you, and may your faith guide you. My dear father, today we pray and thank God for you. HBD, our beloved father.
- May Allah bless you with happiness and healthy life. That’s my birthday wish for you. Enjoy this day.
- The greatest gift we could ask for is a dad like you. Happy birthday!
- This is your day; make the most of it. May Allah bless you today and every day! HBD.
- Happy birthday to you. You are the best dad alive in the world. I am blessed that I have gotten such a wonderful father.
- Allah will be with you and guide you through all your endeavours. May he grant you more years to grow toothless.
- I pray that the blessings of Allah always lead you to the right path wherever you go. May you find more blessings on your way as you grow old.
- Hope on this special day of yours, Allah showers his blessing on you, making you the luckiest and happy person on this planet! HBD! Stay blessed!
- May Allah protect you, my dear. Today I pray to Allah sincerely and ask him to bless you with health and happiness forever and always.
- Happy birthday. May Allah guide you in every step of your life and make you happier than yesterday.
- You have greatly influenced our life. We love you more every day. May Allah bless you abundantly today.
- Happy birthday, father! You are Allah in our lives.
- I wish you health, longevity, happiness and prosperity in the upcoming year. May Allah grant you many more blessings in the years to come.
Islamic birthday wishes for brother
Source: UGC
Is your brother’s birthday approaching? It is important to come up with insightful, happy birthday, Allah bless you quotes to demonstrate how much you care for him. Check the examples below.
- You are exemplary generous, kind, and caring. Happy birthday my dear brother.
- I am proud of all your achievements and pray that Almighty Allah blesses you with health today and always. HBD, big bro!
- Congratulations on your birthday, bro! I just wanted to remind you that I will be right there to pick you up if you fall and celebrate your wins.
- My lovely brother, Happy birthday to you! You have never failed to care for your parents, and I always ask for Allah’s mercy upon you. Bless you!
- My dear brother, I pray that Allah may reward you for your every good deed. Happy birthday.
- You’ve matured into a fine young guy. I can honestly say that I’ve been proud to witness your development every step of the way. Happy birthday, young man!
- Wish you good luck in your future endeavours. Happy birthday, my wonderful brother!
- My dear brother, I always cherish your thoughtfulness and today, I’m so happy to celebrate this wonderful day with you as you add another year to your life today.
- May Allah’s blessings be upon you. Wishing you a very lovely happy birthday, dear brother.
- Every day, I appreciate Allah for giving me the older brother that you are. As you celebrate your birthday today, I’d like to thank you for being the best elder brother ever. Have a wonderful day!
- Happy birthday, bro! May Allah keep showering his blessing on you!
- Happy birthday to you, brother. I sincerely pray to Allah to add more joyful days to your life and remove all the sadness and suffering!
- May Allah accept my prayers and keep you safe from every harm and evil. HBD bro.
- On this day, I wish you strength, joy, love, and a fantastic future since Allah blessed me with an incredible brother-in-law. Happy birthday, and may all of your wishes come true!
- May Allah add lots of happiness and beautiful memories to your life. HBD, big bro.
- May Allah help you to have a great life ahead and help you to achieve all of your beautiful dreams. You are a great brother, and I am so proud of you.
- Brothers like you are a treasure that must be safeguarded and cherished. I am eternally grateful that you were born into this world. I wish you a happy birthday.
- As you blow out your birthday candles tonight, I will silently pray to Allah to turn all your dreams into reality. HBD.
- Words can never fully explain how joyful you make my heart by being an adorable sibling to me. HBD, bro, I love you.
- Dear brother, HBD! You are not only the pillar of our family but also a great brother and a kind son! May Allah grace you with constant happiness!
- Dear bro, my love for you is the only thing in this world that cannot be measured. I wish you continued success as you get older.
- Having a kind, loving, and supportive brother like you qualify me for Allah’s highest blessings. You are our champion.
Dua Islamic birthday wishes for sister
Source: UGC
Here are amazing Islamic birthday wishes for baby girl. Make her feel special on her big day.
- Being your sister is one of my greatest blessings. I love you always and forever. You are a wonderful sister and an amazing woman. May Allah watch over us and help us find our way as we continue on this journey.
- Dear sister, HBD! May Allah shower you with loads of love and boundless happiness today and always.
- Thank you for bringing so much joy and love into my life. I wish you the best on this special day. Happy birthday, sis.
- My sister, as you turn over the old book today, I pray that every page of the new book is filled with the blessings of Allah! HBD to you!
- Dear sister, I wish you a happy birthday celebration. I hope Allah showers upon you the choicest blessings of happiness always.
- It makes me happy that my sister would always be by my side during difficult times. Congratulations on your birthday, sis.
- Dear sister, you are an embodiment of loveliness and care! A big happy birthday to you! May Allah grant all your aspirations and wishes!
- You are the kindest and most loving sister anyone could ask for. May all your wishes come true, and may Allah shower you with his blessings. HBD.
- My beautiful sister, I sincerely wish you a fulfilling, peaceful, prosperous life. May Allah bless you with all that shall benefit you in this world and the hereafter.
- Wishing you a very HBD, sister! May your prayers be answered sincerely, and Allah rewards good deeds vastly! Have a joyous day!
- Happy birthday to my sister and best friend. Thank you for your never-ending love and support.
- Accept these kisses and hugs from your sister. I miss you and wish to be there to share your birthday.
- I consider myself fortunate to have a sister like you. The best is you! I hope you always have all you could possibly want in life because I love you.
- May Allah give you a nice and contented life, my pretty sister. A very happy birthday to you!
- Sweet sister, I pray to Allah on your birthday to fill your life with happiness tenfold. I hope you have a beautiful birthday celebration with good moments.
- My dear sister, May Allah protect you during your youth and your old age, and may he show you his path.
- Dearest sister, wishing you an HBD celebration filled with love. I wish Allah gift the choicest blessings of joy upon you.
- Happy birthday, my sweet sister! May Allah grant you a long life full of joy. I hope to be there for your next birthday so we can celebrate together.
- Today is my sister’s birthday. Happy birthday to you, dear. I pray to Allah so that you can follow Islam your entire life.
- The joy I feel seeing you enjoy another year of your life in such a lovely way is beyond words. Congratulations on my only sister’s birthday.
- May Allah bless you with joyous life. That’s my wish for you. Happy birthday, sister.
- Sis, Allah loves you very much. That’s why he has blessed you with this life. Now you have to make the best out of it. Have a blessed birthday!
Islamic birthday wishes for father from daughter
Source: UGC
A daughter’s first affection is always her father. The two have a strong and unbreakable friendship. If you are fortunate enough to have a loving father in your life, use these Islamic birthday wishes for dad to show him how much you adore him.
- I pray that Allah will grant you the perseverance, fortitude, and courage to handle everything in your life. Happy birthday to you, dad. Enjoy the rest of the year and your day. I cherish you.
- May Allah bestow his mercy, grace, and blessings on you. May he provide you peace and health and keep you in his care forever!
- I hope Allah gives you patience, strength, and courage to deal with everything in your life. Happy birthday, dear father. Enjoy your day and the rest of the year. I love you.
- Every day in my prayers, I take your name and ask Allah to bless and keep you for me. You are a good father, and I am proud to have you in my life.
- As you grow older, I pray that Allah’s kind and soothing hand will touch your life now that another year has passed. On your special day, may you sense his love. Papa, happy birthday.
- When I count my blessings, I double them. You are the king in my life, and I wish you all the best on your special day. HBD.
- A very happy birthday to you! I ask Allah to keep you laughing and smiling and to keep you surrounded by those who love you.
- Father, happy birthday. May Allah provide you with a prosperous future and the opportunity to share many happy moments with us.
- I pray that the merciful Almighty removes all the obstacles of your life and blesses you with the patience to tolerate hardships! Happy birthday!
- Our family today is here to congratulate you, dear father. May your dreams come true, let them be strong and let Allah give you many years of life. Happy birthday dear father.
- Happy birthday, sweet father. Allah’s greatest gift to me is you. May he always keep you safe and bless you.
- On this special day, I make a prayer to Allah for your continued health. Dad, may Allah’s merciful favour and blessings are with you always. Happy birthday; I love you.
- I pray that you are only given the best of all blessings to come your way, and I pray that you receive a long life full of joy, peace and happiness.
- I can never express my gratitude to you enough for your assistance throughout my life. I hope you live to see your grandchildren and that you have a wonderful HBD.
- Have a fantastic birthday to the most amazing dad who has touched my life in many ways.
- Dad, you are the most amazing gift and blessing I could ever ask for. May Allah always protect you and keep you in His care.
- My father, I thank Allah for you. Today we celebrate your birthday with happiness in our hearts. I wish a long life to you.
- Many happy returns of the day! Age is an issue of mind over matter. Love you, dad.
- You have done enough. Be easy today, celebrate, and have fun; it’s your birthday. Be a happy dad today.
- I pray that genuine happiness will accompany you from this wonderful day until the end of time as you celebrate your big day.
- This is the day to remember your incredible experiences and love for your only daughter. Happy birthday to a truly amazing individual!
Islamic birthday wishes for son
Source: UGC
Your son’s birthday is a special day for you as a parent. Here’s a list of heartfelt birthday wishes for your son that you can use to show him how much you care on his special day.
- I’m not sure if you’ll be a firefighter, an astronaut, or a football star, but I know you’re a special kid. Have a great time on your birthday.
- We’ve given you many birthdays presents over the years, but nothing compares to the joy you’ve brought us simply by being you.
- Your birthday reminds me of your maturity and readiness to face the world on your own. You’ll always be my sweet little boy.
- You deserve it all, our dear son: unending love, undivided attention, endless pampering, unending affection, and care. Keep smiling and have fun today.
- May Allah bless and protect you, my dear son. In your brief life, you have touched the hearts of many people.
- I hope Allah accepts my prayer for your long life. I pray to Allah to keep you alive until you are very old, so we can share old age’s joys and sorrows.
- Oh, how I wish I could hold you in my arms, my sweet baby boy. I will be there for you until the end of time.
- I wish you a very happy birthday on your special day, my son. May Allah grant you everything you desire in life.
- My dear son, you appear to be flawless and pure. You are my son, and you are a true blessing. I pray to Allah to grant you everything you desire in this life.
- Words cannot express how grateful I am to have you as my son. I adore you. You make my life more interesting and complete.
- On this day, I became a mother, and I thank you for coming into my life and giving me purpose. My prince, happy birthday!
- Every father secretly wishes his son would grow taller and wiser than him. Congratulations — at least you’ve grown taller!
- Dearest son, I’d like to wish you a very happy birthday. Thank you for providing me with all of life’s luxuries. I always wish you the best of health and happiness. Remember to practice all of the virtues of a good man that I have always taught you.
- Being a father is both difficult and rewarding. On this special day, I want you to know how much I appreciate you, son.
- I pray that as you celebrate your special day today, Allah will bless you with all of the earth’s riches, allowing you to shine as brightly as the sun.
Islamic birthday wishes for friend
Source: UGC
As your friend ages a year, you have the chance to honour their birthday anniversary and the strength of your friendship. Below are birthday wishes for friends you can share.
- May Allah reward you and make you righteous.
- I beseech Allah to guide you in achieving your goals.
- I hope you do something special for yourself on your birthday because you deserve it.
- May Allah bestow upon you all the desires of your heart. Congratulations on your birthday!
- You mean everything to me. After many years of friendship, I am grateful that you are still in my life. Have a great time on this wonderful day.
- May success never leave your path and follow you no matter what you do. Congratulations on your birthday!
- A few things in life make you happy, and one of these is our friendship. Have a wonderful b-day, my dear friend!
- May Allah shower you with boundless happiness and joy throughout this year and all the years ahead. Congratulations on your birthday!
- Birthdays are ideal occasions to express gratitude to Allah for the precious gift of life. It is highly valued, loved, and respected. Congratulations on your birthday.
- Congratulations on your birthday! I pray that Allah bestows His divine generosity and heavenly love on your life.
- Forget about the past and look forward to the future, because the best is yet to come. On this special day, best wishes.
- I wish you a very happy birthday on this very special day in your life. On this special day, may Allah shower you with happiness and blessings.
- You have completed another year; may Allah help you to spend the rest of your life filled with happiness and joy; that is my birthday wish for you.
- Don’t be concerned about gaining another year of age. Consider it this way: you’re a year closer to receiving all those senior citizen benefits!
- It’s a beautiful year to begin a new life. The past has passed, and it is now time to write a new chapter. May all good things come your way.
Happy birthday wishes in Islamic way
Source: UGC
Are you looking for a birthday prayer for dad in Islam? Here are loving birthday wishes for abbu and your mother you can send to express your love for them.
- HBD to you! I pray that Allah blesses your life with His divine generosity and heavenly love.
- I can never thank you enough for what you so profusely gave me all those years. May Allah bless you with peace and happiness. Happy birthday to you!
- With age comes wisdom and sensibility. On your birthday, I pray to Allah for his generosity in you. May he make you wiser with time! HBD.
- Happy birthday, big mum. May you have a good one. Love you!
- Happy birthday, my dear father. I pray Allah grants you the strength to face life’s storms.
- Spending my life with you is a huge blessing for me. May the times always bring us together in love, unity, and cheer. HBD!
- Happy b-day, my dear father! You make me proud and secure. I can’t express how glad I am for your existence. Being your child is a wonderful blessing!
- My dear mum, I wish you nothing but a year of resounding testimonies, overflowing blessings, unlimited favour and extravagant grace.
- May Allah’s loving presence in your life be felt strongly on your special day and every day.
- As you begin another year of your life, I hope the rains wipe away your sorrows, the sun smiles good luck, and each day takes you closer to your ambitions. HBD dad.
- You’re the best mother anyone could ever ask for. Happy birthday!
- Hi dad, as you open another chapter of your life book, I wish you all the best things in life. HBD dad.
- You are one-of-a-kind, and I love you so much. Happy birthday, mom! May Allah bless you on your birthday and always.
- Happy birthday, papa. Thank you for being so sweet and charming. I consider myself the luckiest since I am your son.
- Best wishes for your birthday, Dad. Stay healthy and comfortable. I adore you.
- Dad! You are my superhero. And for my superman, I just have the best wishes. Enjoy your big day.
- You have always been my biggest supporter. On your birthday, mum, I wish you Allah’s most abundant blessings!
- Happy birthday, daddy. Thank you for teaching me how to deal with the big issues and how to let go of the tiny stuff. May Allah always be with you.
- Happy birthday to my best friend and mom. I appreciate you just being you. I wish you the best and pray that Allah will always lead you.
- Thank you for teaching me how to rectify my own errors as I matured. Have a wonderful birthday today, papa. I adore you!
- A mother’s love is something that cannot be expressed in words. I hope you will always understand how much you mean to me. Happy birthday, my dear mother.
You can use any of the above Islamic birthday wishes for father and/or any family member or friend, or try creating one of your own. Remember that it is important to express your love to the people you love using the right words in the birthday messages and birthday quotes you send them.
READ ALSO: 100+ sweet birthday prayers, wishes and messages to a friend or family member
Legit.ng recently published an article including 100+ heartfelt birthday prayers and wishes to send to a friend or family member. A birthday is a fantastic occasion to thank God for the life and grace He has given you.
When a friend or family member’s birthday arrives, honouring them with kind words, quotes, and prayers is good. Check out this article for some wonderful birthday wishes and prayers for various folks.
Source: Legit.ng