Национальные праздники беларуси на английском

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

National holidays in Belarus are classified into state holidays and other holidays and commemorative days, including religious holidays. Nine of them are non-working days.[1]

Public holidays (non-working days)[edit]

Date English Name Local Name Remarks
1-2 January New Year’s Day Новы год (Novy Hod)
7 January Orthodox Christmas Каляды праваслаўныя (Kalady pravasłaŭnyja)
8 March International Women’s Day Мiжнародны жаночы дзень (Mižnarodny žanočy dzień)
moveable Radonitsa Радунiца (Radunica) 9 days after Orthodox Easter
1 May Labour Day Дзень працы (Dzień Pracy)
9 May Victory Day Дзень Перамогi (Dzień Pieramohi) Marks the victory against Germany in World War II
3 July Independence Day Дзень Незалежнасцi (Dzień Niezaležnasci) Adopted in 1996, in commemoration of the Red Army’s 1944 liberation of Minsk during the Minsk Offensive
7 November October Revolution Day Дзень Кастрычніцкай рэвалюцыі (Dzień Kastryčnickaj revalucyi)
25 December Christmas Day Каляды каталiцкiя (Kalady katalickija)

Other holidays[edit]


Date English Name Local Name Remarks
23 February Defender of the Fatherland and Armed Forces Day Дзень абаронцы Айчыны і Дзень Узброеных Сіл (Dzień abaroncy Ajčyny i Dzień Uzbrojenych Sil)
4 March Day of the Police of Belarus Дзень міліцыі Беларусі (Dzień milicyi Bielarusi)
15 March Constitution Day Дзень Канстытуцыi (Dzień Kanstytucyji) Adopted in 1994
2 April Unity of Peoples of Russia and Belarus Day Дзень яднання народаў Беларусі i Расii (Dzień jadnańnia narodaŭ Biełarusi i Rasii)
Second Sunday of May State Flag and State Emblem Day Дзень Дзяржаўнага Сцяга i Дзяржаўнага Герба (Dzień Dziaržaŭnaha Sciaha i Dziaržaŭnaha Hierba)
17 September National Unity Day День народного единства

Commemorative and remembrance days[edit]

Date English Name Local Name Remarks
15 February Afghan War Veterans Day Дзень памяці воінаў-інтэрнацыяналістаў (Dzień pamiaci voinaŭ-internacyjanalistaŭ) It commermorates the end of the Soviet-Afghan War.
26 April Chernobyl tragedy commemorative day Dzień čarnobylskaj trahiedyji
22 June Day of Remembrance of the victims of the Great Patriotic War Дзень усенароднай памяці ахвяр Вялікай Айчыннай вайны (Dzień usienarodnaj pamiaci achviar Vialikaj Ajčynnaj vajny) In solemn remembrance of all the victims of the Second World War, and in commemoration of the heroic last stand of Brest Fortress in 1941, on the very country and city (Brest) in which the Eastern Front began.

Traditional holidays[edit]

Also, there are a number of traditional holidays.

Date English Name Local Name Remarks
6-7 July Kupalle Купалле (Kupalle)
2 November Dziady Дзяды (Dziady)
moveable Catholic Easter Вялiкдзень каталiцкi (Vialikdzień katalicki)
moveable Orthodox Easter Вялiкдзень праваслаўны (Vialikdzień pravasłaŭny)


  1. ^ «Belarus official holidays»


We all adore holidays and everyone values them in their own way, because these are the days of unity, large-scale shows, bright events and concerts. The time has come to tell you about the national holidays of Belarus: many of them will seem very familiar to you, while others will be thrown into frank shock.

VETLIVA plunges you into the world of incendiary days!

Belarusian national holidays

  Holiday Date
  New Year 1 January
  Orthodox Christmas 7 January
  Fatherland Defenders day of the Republic of Belarus  23 February
  Women’s Day 8 March
  Constitution Day 15 March
  Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl tragedy  26 April
  Orthodox Easter 28 April (in 2019)
  Labour Day (Worker’s Day) 1 May
  Day of the National Emblem and Flag of Belarus 2nd Sunday in May
  Commemoration Day (Radonitsa)   9th day after Orthodox Easter  
  Victory Day 9 May
  Independence Day 3 July
  Kupalle 6–7 July
  October Revolution Day 7 November
  Catholic Christmas 25 December

National holidays in Belarus

New Year

When: 1 January

The classic Belarusian New Year includes a traditional holiday tree, a loud feast, noisy fun with friends and family, fireworks. And we definitely eat a lot of tangerines, Olivier salad with mayonnaise, drink champagne and watch “The Irony of Fate” (this is a favorite Soviet New Year comedy with the status of Frank Capra’s “It’s a Wonderful Life”) and concerts of the eighties and nineties. Every home is saturated with the spirit of celebration and happiness.

Advice: you can celebrate the New Year anywhere, we advise you to pay attention to the Belovezhskaya Pushcha, where the residence of the Belarusian Father Frost is located.

Orthodox Christmas

When: 7 January

Orthodox Christmas in Belarus has the character of not only a religious, but also a national holiday. The celebration begins the day before, on Christmas Eve, on the evening of the 6th of January.

Orthodox Christmas is celebrated, observing certain traditions; one of them is to refrain from eating after the morning service until the first evening star appears.

Christmas dinner is usually lean. One of the main dishes is traditional Belarusian kuttya: boiled wheat or rice grains, flavored with honey. We also drink a brew — a compote of dried fruit. Despite the traditional quiet family gatherings, young people with pleasure celebrate Kolyada: they dress up in fairy tale characters, sing songs and get for that candies. It’s a bit like Halloween, but more religious.

Where to spend Christmas?

Advice: celebration is held at home but there are always many concerts in honor of the holiday so you can visit them, for example, in Minsk.

Fatherland Defenders and Armed Forces day of the Republic of Belarus

When: 23 February

Historically, this is the day of the Red Army of the USSR, but after its collapse the holiday is still celebrated. This is a holiday of men, which are customary got presents from women. On February 23, big concerts and parades are held.

Advice: you can visit the parade in any city of Belarus, and the real show is held on the Stalin Line, in Victory Park in Minsk and so on.  

Women’s Day

When: 8 March

Here, everything is a classic: International Women’s Day is traditionally a day off, flowers are given to women (most often tulips) and gifts. Even in schools, children read poems and give cards to girls, and in shops men congratulate unfamiliar saleswomen: this always brings a smile.

Women’s Day in Belarus

Advice: the holiday is celebrated everywhere, in many cafes and restaurants, women are served meals for free, so do not forget to have a tasty meal. Do not get lost in the abundance of «tasty» places, just read our guide on this topic!

Constitution Day

When: 15 March

The Belarusian Constitution has undergone many changes, starting with the history of the USSR to this day. It was finally approved (not counting some additions) on March 15, therefore it is celebrated on this day. No loud parades are held, but in all cities houses are decorated with national flags, and concerts are played on TV.

Advice: there are no special celebrations on this day, but you can visit the capital and see the richly decorated avenues and squares.

Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl tragedy

When: 26 April

Honestly, it is not even a holiday, it is the day of memory of the victims of the most terrible tragedy associated with the explosion at a nuclear power plant. The release, which occurred due to the explosion on April 26, 1986, affected some areas of Belarus. As a result, a large number of people died and became seriously ill.

Advice: check our events page to get information about specific concerts on that day if you want to express condolences and imbued with the history of the terrible day.

Orthodox Easter

When: 28 April (in 2019)

Easter is the main event of the year for all Christians and the biggest Orthodox holiday for the whole world and for Belarus particularly.

The week before Easter is full of worries: cooking food, cleaning the house, painting eggs. The obligatory ritual is the all-night vigil, during which the curds, tarts, and painted eggs are consecrated. At the festive table, one eats a piece of boiled egg first, and then everything else.

A peculiarity of Easter in Belarus is the walking of the volochybniki — guys and young men who glorified in their songs the farmer, his family, and his hard work. Each family, to which the people come, treats them with bread, lard, eggs, cheese. Volochybniki go all night, and in the morning they are staying at someone’s house to celebrate. In Belarus, Catholic and Jewish Easter are also celebrated.

Orthodox Easter in Belarus

Advice: it is a holiday that is celebrated at home, so you can get to it if you have close friends and relatives in Belarus.

Labour Day (Worker’s Day)  

When: 1 May

As in many other countries, the Day of Solidarity of Workers, despite its name, is a day off and is celebrated in a big way. In Belarus, this day marks the beginning of the May holidays and the start of the season of kebabs and outdoor recreation. Families and groups of friends go to nature to the lakes and rivers, set up tents, a brazier and make fires, sit until late night with guitars, sing songs and bathe in still cold water. In Brest one of the famous parks is called May 1, and it is on this day that many attractions and cafes provide free entrance!

Advice: we advise you to pay attention to country houses and cottages, where you can celebrate May 1 in the classic Belarusian style.  

Day of the National Emblem and Flag of Belarus

When: 2nd Sunday in May

Purely Belarusian holiday. State symbols are represented by a flag, a coat of arms and a hymn, and the day of the celebration was chosen in 1998. The emblem, flag and anthem of the state are the main symbols of independence, conveying the historical and cultural heritage of our people, emphasizing the national spirit and dignity of Belarusian citizens. They reflect certain aspects of the nation and state, giving an idea of the country’s historical path and its national values.

Belarusian flag

Advice: there are no special places, but the parade and the concert are held on the square in Minsk, which is called the Square of the National Flag.

Commemoration Day (Radonitsa)

When: 9th day after Orthodox Easter

A very specific holiday that Día de los Muertos in Mexico reminds many people about: it is the day of commemoration of the dead, which is celebrated after the Orthodox Easter.

Back in the middle of the 20th century, Belarusians used to bake drachena (egg pancakes) and cakes, cooked porridge and kutia, painted eggs in peels and brewed beer. Then they went to the cemetery, invited the priest for a memorial service, left sweets on the graves, commemorated the dead.

In the evening, the holiday becomes more large-scale: everyone plays «bitki» (Easter game, during which two people take painted boiled eggs and beat them until the first crack), sing songs, and dance. From here came the phrase: “Radonitsa is crying until the dinner and dancing after it”.

Advice: this is a spend-at-home holiday, so you can get to it only at the invitation of family or friends.

Victory Day

When: 9 May

The largest military public holiday of Belarus dedicated to the victory over the fascist invaders in the Great Patriotic War. This is a day off, during which all the cities are decorated, many people wear the Soviet uniform, old military songs are played everywhere, parades and concerts are held in the cities, fireworks are fired.

Despite this scale, for many it is also a day of grief, so traditionally there is a Minute of silence before the processions.

Victory day in Belarus WW2

Advice: to see the largest parades, visit the Brest Fortress, the Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk and other memorials.

Independence Day

When: 3 July

Another big holiday dedicated to the liberation of Belarus during the Second World War. All the same salutes, parades of military equipment, large concerts and salutes will be waiting for you on this day. Go to Minsk, as it is here in the city center you can see the holiday in all its glory.

VETLIVA reminds: the celebration will last more than one hour, and you can visit all local holidays only if you stay in Minsk for a day or two. So do not forget to choose the perfect accommodation for this day.


When: 6-7 July

This holiday, dedicated to the summer solstice, is perhaps the most unusual thing that you can see in the current calendar of events in Belarus. The night of Ivan Kupala is filled with rites associated with water, fire and herbs. The main part of the Kupala ceremonies is performed at night. Toward sunset, on high ground or near rivers, clearing fires were kindled. Sometimes fire was mined in the ancient way — by rubbing a tree against a tree.

The Belarusians set up a pole on which a wheel was mounted on top in the center of the Kupala fire. Sometimes a horse skull, called «vidma», is put on the wheel and knocked into the fire, where it burned; after which the youth have fun, sing and dance around the fire.

In Belarus, old unwanted things are collected in all the yards taken to the place chosen for the celebration (edge, clearing, high bank of the river), where they are later burned.

On the night of Ivan Kupala, “narrowed” are chosen and marriage rites are performed: jumping over a fire holding hands, exchanging wreaths (a wreath is a symbol of girlhood), searching for a fern flower (“paparats-kvetka”) for good luck  and bathing in the morning dew. The treat consists of cottage cheese (dumplings), cheese, flour porridge (kulagi), unleavened bread (babki) with pounded hemp seed, kvass and kholodnik, fried eggs on lard (vereshchaga).

Bathing is also obligatory: it is believed that on this day all the water becomes free from evil. Also on this day, many herbs acquire magical properties and it is possible to collect them only on the Kupala night.

Kupalle in Belarus

Advice: celebrations take place in the forests near rivers and lakes, but you can go to Dudutki, that also organizes grandiose ritual nights on this day.

October Revolution Day

When: 7 November

Every year on November 7 in Belarus is celebrated a nationwide holiday — the Day of the October Revolution, which is an official off-time in the country.

On this day in Minsk a traditional ceremony is held annually — laying flowers at the Lenin monument on Independence Square. Representatives of the Communist Party of Belarus, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as all concerned citizens take part in this action.

Advice: memorable meetings, festive concerts, as well as educational and scientific events are held in the capital of Belarus on this day. There are also tours of the memorable places of the October Revolution. One of these places — the house-museum of the First Congress of the RSDLP.

Catholic Christmas

When: 25 December

This important holiday for all Christians coincided with the ancient traditions of celebrating the winter solstice. Therefore, there are still many pagan customs among the people. So, among today’s Christmas traditions a special place is occupied by cheerful folk festivals, which last from December 25 and right up to the old New Year (13 January).

Also Christmas services are held in all Catholic churches.

For Christmas, housewives must decorate the house and cook festive dishes, first lean, because fasting lasts until Christmas night. In the feast itself, after the church, people continue to celebrate at home and lay a table on which, according to tradition, there must be kutya and many meat dishes for breaking fast. On the tablecloth or under it put a little hay, as a symbol of the fact that Jesus was born in the manger, on the table should be a candle symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem.

Advice: the holiday is usually held with the family, but you can attend one of the grandiose concerts in the cities of the country.

National holidays of Belarus

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Belarusian holidays: exciting shows in every home

Thus, we told you about national holidays in Belarus. Besides them, there are still many professional events, as well as borrowed traditions, but these holidays are especially loved and appreciated in the country. Belarusians celebrate everything magnificently and in a big way, so it will be very interesting to visit the country on one of these days.

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Before 990 A.D. belarusians (several eastern slavic and baltic tribes, mostly Kryvichi and their branches, Jatviags, Lits) were pagans. They believed in the God of Sun — Yaryla, celebrated seasons of nature according to sun and moon calendar. The cycles of folk songs that were sang at these celebrations still exist.

«Spring Greeting»

«Spring Greeting»— is a cycle of celebrations designed to «awake’ mother Earth from the winter sleep which was important for such agricultural people as belarusians.

This cycle includes such holidays as «Maslenitsa», «Vialikdzen'» (Easter), «Yur’ya» and others.Each celebration is characterized by specific cycles of «vesnavyia» (spring) songs. The most ancient celebration is «Yur’ia».

Yur’ia is in fact christianized name for pagan God-Sun — Yaryla. The typical ritual on Yur’ia (reflected in «yur’iauskiia» songs is calling for Yaryla (Yur’ya), the Sun-God, to bring out the keys and open his mothers (Earth, Nature) womb — to let out the grass, and flowers, and animals.

As usual these holidays are also celebrated by specific ritual food — eggs (symbol of life in most of indo-european cultures), pancakes (circle is an important magical shape — it depicts sun).

Kupalle (Solstace, June 21)

Kupalle (Solstace, June 21) — is the most loved and charished pagan holiday in contemporary Belarus.

The tradition is very ancient. Under different names this holiday is celebrated by all peoples of indo-european group.

During the summer Solstice, Yaryla (God-Sun) was reaching its biggest power. Kupalle — is a gedonistic summer celebration of the lands fertillity in the name of a female God — Kupala.

It seems like she is considered a lunar Goddess by some pagan sources, although direct translation of the name is «She Who Bathes». Lately it was renamed into a christian celebration of a male saint — Ivan Kupala.

There is a whole complex of traditional rituals, beliefs, love and agricultural magic. Supposedly in ancient times Kupalle was celebrated in the night from July 6 to July 7. During the day of July 6 young girls were going into the meadows to collect different «kupal’skiia» (made on Kupalle) plants and remedies — corn flower, ferns, etc.

It was considered that the plants gathered at this time have particular strengths for curing and magic. Part of these plants were used in food.

Some plants were used for magical protection and the wreaths of these plants were put on the walls of the houses to protect against bad spirits.

Some of the plants were used in the «kupal’skiia» wreaths which were weared on the head by young men and women durin Kupalle celebration. Here is more of the description of Kupalle celebration among ancient eastern slavs from the Saint Petersburg’s Naturist Society.

The central part in Kupalle celebration was a fire. This fire was symbolizing life and Yaryla, and was expelling deathj. During the day young men would prepare the place to start ther fire. They would go around the village collecting old things — clothes, broken barrels — and would take them out to the chosen for festivity place.

Usually it would be a meadow, a forest glade, a bank of a river. Guys would. Then later the youth would go around the village calling with their special Kupalle songs for the celebration.

Special ritual food was cooked on the fire — fried eggs (egg symbolized both sun and life), kulaha (a sort of a puding made of wheat powder), vareniki (dumplings stuffed with berries — blueberries, cherries, raspberies). The oiled wooden wheel would be set on fire to symbolize sun.

Kupalle usually involves youth going into the forests and the meadows, wearing flower and grass garlands and wreaths on their heads (see this modern picture of Katia on Kupala night). There will be many rituals ofl purification practiced — jumping through the fire, bathing in the river or rolling in the grass dew.

There would be a lot of dancing in karagods, competing in strength. A popular type of magic practiced on Kupalle night was fortune telling. The girls would put their wreaths on the water and let the river carry them.

The one that would come to the bank or get entangled with another mean that there will be a marriage.

Also it was believed that if you pick the leaf of plantain growing at the crossroads and put it under the pillow — you are verylikely to dream your future spouse on Kupalle night. One could burn a bunch of flux plants in Kupalle fire and chant:»Flux, give birth», to increase its crops.

It was believed once in a year on Kupalle night near the midnight the fern has a glowing flower — «Paparac’-kvetka».

The lucky couple that would find it would live happily and would be able to foresee the future. It was believed that on Kupalle night rivers are glowing with a special light, trees can speak in the human language and even walk from place to place. It was believed that the Sunset on Kupalle night is special. The Sun sets down «playing» — dividing into concentric circles that expand and contract.

Kupalle fireIt was also believed that the witches could spoil things on this night. Different ways to protect yourself and your household were used. You could put garlands of special plants that have magical protective properties on the outside of your house. You can put into your rye burning coals from Kupalle fire.

Of course the hands of working women were protected by red ornament on the sleves. Sometimes to be completely safe you have to drive all your cattle through the purifying Kupalle fire. The purifying power of Kupalle fire was so believed that people would dry out on it the shirts of the sick to cure them, or bring little children close to it to expell all bad spirits.

For those interested, you can watch a documentary «Night on Ivan Kupala» to learn more. Also here are some notes about celebration of Kupalle by ukrainians in Canada.


Dzyady — prechristian celebration originating from the cult of ancestors. It is a ritual dinner (a sort of wake) for commemoration of the dead relatives. Usually «Dziady» is also called the day on which the ritual is performed and the same name is used for the commemorated dead persons.

Dziady was celebrated during particular days 3-4 times a year (depends on the region). The main Dziady were «asianiny» — on the first Saturday preceeding St. Dzmitry day (October 26).Also Dziady were celebrated in early spring on «radaunitsa», «maslenitsa» and «siomuha».

The special ritual food is cooked for Dziady dinner — «kyccia» (fine barley porridge with berries), «bliny» (pancakes), fried eggs, meat. According to the tradition part of the food and drink is left in a special plate and glass for the dead.

At this day families are going to the graveyards to take care of the graves. Sometimes the have food by the grave. Then it is customary to pour some vodka on a grave. Unlike Haloween it’s a light holiday of commemoration of dead. It does not involve any blood, fake teeth and other satanic stuff.


Kaliady (December 25 — January 7) — prechristian celebration of the end of year. It comes from Latin «Calendae», which is the name for the first day of each month. Another version of the origin of the word is the word «Kola» (the wheel) which is related tothe turn of the year.

In the annual cycle of folk rituals and celebrations this holiday was the beginning. Later it was very nicely adopted for Christmas celebration by Orthodox and Catholic churches. Sine the Catholic Christmas is on December 25 and the Orthodox Christmas is on January 5 — Kaliady are now celebrated between these two dates.

The ritual food was cooked for three ritual dinners: «posnaia viachera»(Engl.: fasting dinner) with no meat or fat in the beginning, «toustaia»(Engl.: fat) or «miasnaia» (Engl.: «meat») dinner with meat, eggs and sweets on New Year Eve and the last one — «halodnaia» (Engl.: hungry) or «vadzianaia» (Engl.: watery) at the end of Kaliady. During Kaliady there were a lot of fun going on.

Folks would dress themselves as animals and fantastic beasts, carry the sun and the goat’s head on a stick and visit different houses trick-or-treating. They would sing special Kaliady carrols in which the performers greet the house owners, wish them success and plentitude. The youth were playing games, perform in folk theatre plays for public, «skamarohs» would entertain the crowd, play jokes on people.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Holidays Belarus)

National holidays in Belarus are classified into state holidays and other holidays and commemorative days, including religious holidays. Nine of them are non-working days.[1]

Public holidays (non-working days)[edit]

Date English Name Local Name Remarks
1-2 January New Year’s Day Новы год (Novy Hod)
7 January Orthodox Christmas Каляды праваслаўныя (Kalady pravasłaŭnyja)
8 March International Women’s Day Мiжнародны жаночы дзень (Mižnarodny žanočy dzień)
moveable Radonitsa Радунiца (Radunica) 9 days after Orthodox Easter
1 May Labour Day Дзень працы (Dzień Pracy)
9 May Victory Day Дзень Перамогi (Dzień Pieramohi) Marks the victory against Germany in World War II
3 July Independence Day Дзень Незалежнасцi (Dzień Niezaležnasci) Adopted in 1996, in commemoration of the Red Army’s 1944 liberation of Minsk during the Minsk Offensive
7 November October Revolution Day Дзень Кастрычніцкай рэвалюцыі (Dzień Kastryčnickaj revalucyi)
25 December Christmas Day Каляды каталiцкiя (Kalady katalickija)

Other holidays[edit]


Date English Name Local Name Remarks
23 February Defender of the Fatherland and Armed Forces Day Дзень абаронцы Айчыны і Дзень Узброеных Сіл (Dzień abaroncy Ajčyny i Dzień Uzbrojenych Sil)
4 March Day of the Police of Belarus Дзень міліцыі Беларусі (Dzień milicyi Bielarusi)
15 March Constitution Day Дзень Канстытуцыi (Dzień Kanstytucyji) Adopted in 1994
2 April Unity of Peoples of Russia and Belarus Day Дзень яднання народаў Беларусі i Расii (Dzień jadnańnia narodaŭ Biełarusi i Rasii)
Second Sunday of May State Flag and State Emblem Day Дзень Дзяржаўнага Сцяга i Дзяржаўнага Герба (Dzień Dziaržaŭnaha Sciaha i Dziaržaŭnaha Hierba)
17 September National Unity Day День народного единства

Commemorative and remembrance days[edit]

Date English Name Local Name Remarks
15 February Afghan War Veterans Day Дзень памяці воінаў-інтэрнацыяналістаў (Dzień pamiaci voinaŭ-internacyjanalistaŭ) It commermorates the end of the Soviet-Afghan War.
26 April Chernobyl tragedy commemorative day Dzień čarnobylskaj trahiedyji
22 June Day of Remembrance of the victims of the Great Patriotic War Дзень усенароднай памяці ахвяр Вялікай Айчыннай вайны (Dzień usienarodnaj pamiaci achviar Vialikaj Ajčynnaj vajny) In solemn remembrance of all the victims of the Second World War, and in commemoration of the heroic last stand of Brest Fortress in 1941, on the very country and city (Brest) in which the Eastern Front began.

Traditional holidays[edit]

Also, there are a number of traditional holidays.

Date English Name Local Name Remarks
6-7 July Kupalle Купалле (Kupalle)
2 November Dziady Дзяды (Dziady)
moveable Catholic Easter Вялiкдзень каталiцкi (Vialikdzień katalicki)
moveable Orthodox Easter Вялiкдзень праваслаўны (Vialikdzień pravasłaŭny)


  1. ^ «Belarus official holidays»

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Holidays Belarus)

National holidays in Belarus are classified into state holidays and other holidays and commemorative days, including religious holidays. Nine of them are non-working days.[1]

Public holidays (non-working days)[edit]

Date English Name Local Name Remarks
1-2 January New Year’s Day Новы год (Novy Hod)
7 January Orthodox Christmas Каляды праваслаўныя (Kalady pravasłaŭnyja)
8 March International Women’s Day Мiжнародны жаночы дзень (Mižnarodny žanočy dzień)
moveable Radonitsa Радунiца (Radunica) 9 days after Orthodox Easter
1 May Labour Day Дзень працы (Dzień Pracy)
9 May Victory Day Дзень Перамогi (Dzień Pieramohi) Marks the victory against Germany in World War II
3 July Independence Day Дзень Незалежнасцi (Dzień Niezaležnasci) Adopted in 1996, in commemoration of the Red Army’s 1944 liberation of Minsk during the Minsk Offensive
7 November October Revolution Day Дзень Кастрычніцкай рэвалюцыі (Dzień Kastryčnickaj revalucyi)
25 December Christmas Day Каляды каталiцкiя (Kalady katalickija)

Other holidays[edit]


Date English Name Local Name Remarks
23 February Defender of the Fatherland and Armed Forces Day Дзень абаронцы Айчыны і Дзень Узброеных Сіл (Dzień abaroncy Ajčyny i Dzień Uzbrojenych Sil)
4 March Day of the Police of Belarus Дзень міліцыі Беларусі (Dzień milicyi Bielarusi)
15 March Constitution Day Дзень Канстытуцыi (Dzień Kanstytucyji) Adopted in 1994
2 April Unity of Peoples of Russia and Belarus Day Дзень яднання народаў Беларусі i Расii (Dzień jadnańnia narodaŭ Biełarusi i Rasii)
Second Sunday of May State Flag and State Emblem Day Дзень Дзяржаўнага Сцяга i Дзяржаўнага Герба (Dzień Dziaržaŭnaha Sciaha i Dziaržaŭnaha Hierba)
17 September National Unity Day День народного единства

Commemorative and remembrance days[edit]

Date English Name Local Name Remarks
15 February Afghan War Veterans Day Дзень памяці воінаў-інтэрнацыяналістаў (Dzień pamiaci voinaŭ-internacyjanalistaŭ) It commermorates the end of the Soviet-Afghan War.
26 April Chernobyl tragedy commemorative day Dzień čarnobylskaj trahiedyji
22 June Day of Remembrance of the victims of the Great Patriotic War Дзень усенароднай памяці ахвяр Вялікай Айчыннай вайны (Dzień usienarodnaj pamiaci achviar Vialikaj Ajčynnaj vajny) In solemn remembrance of all the victims of the Second World War, and in commemoration of the heroic last stand of Brest Fortress in 1941, on the very country and city (Brest) in which the Eastern Front began.

Traditional holidays[edit]

Also, there are a number of traditional holidays.

Date English Name Local Name Remarks
6-7 July Kupalle Купалле (Kupalle)
2 November Dziady Дзяды (Dziady)
moveable Catholic Easter Вялiкдзень каталiцкi (Vialikdzień katalicki)
moveable Orthodox Easter Вялiкдзень праваслаўны (Vialikdzień pravasłaŭny)


  1. ^ «Belarus official holidays»


Английский язык

ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему «Календарь белорусских праздников»

Презентация по английскому языку на тему «Календарь белорусских праздников»

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Belarus round the calendarBelarus round the calendar

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  • Сейчас обучается 63 человека из 35 регионов

  • Сейчас обучается 201 человек из 52 регионов

  • Сейчас обучается 288 человек из 72 регионов

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Belarus round the calendarBelarus round the calendar

    1 слайд

    Belarus round the calendar
    Belarus round the calendar

  • New Year’s DayIt’s celebrated on the 1st of January

    2 слайд

    New Year’s Day
    It’s celebrated on the 1st of January

  • Orthodox Christmas Day is celebrated on the 7th of January

    3 слайд

    Orthodox Christmas Day is celebrated on the 7th of January

  • Fatherland Defenders’ and Armed Forces Day
It’s celebrated on the 23d of Febr...

    4 слайд

    Fatherland Defenders’ and Armed Forces Day
    It’s celebrated on the 23d of February

  • Women’s Day is celebrated on the 8th of March

    5 слайд

    Women’s Day is celebrated on the 8th of March

  • Constitution Day is celebrated on the 15th of March

    6 слайд

    Constitution Day is celebrated on the 15th of March

  • Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia is celebrated on the 2d of...

    7 слайд

    Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia is celebrated on the 2d of April

  • Easter (Orthodox) on the 28th of April, Easter (Catholic) on the 21st of April

    8 слайд

    Easter (Orthodox) on the 28th of April, Easter (Catholic) on the 21st of April

  • Day of the National Emblem and Flag of the Republic of Belarus 
It’s celebrat...

    10 слайд

    Day of the National Emblem and Flag of the Republic of Belarus
    It’s celebrated on the second Sunday of May

  • Day of National Remembrance of the Victims of the
Great Patriotic War – 22 June

    11 слайд

    Day of National Remembrance of the Victims of the
    Great Patriotic War – 22 June

  • October Revolution Day is celebrated on the 7th of November

    13 слайд

    October Revolution Day is celebrated on the 7th of November

  • Remembrance Day (Dzyady)
It’s on the 2d of November

    14 слайд

    Remembrance Day (Dzyady)
    It’s on the 2d of November

  • Catholic Christmas Day
25 December

    15 слайд

    Catholic Christmas Day
    25 December

Краткое описание документа:

Презентация выполнена на основе материала учебного пособия для 8 класса, авторы: Л. М. Лапицкая, Н. В. Демченко, А. И. Калишевич, Н. В. Юхнель, А. В. Волков, Т. Ю. Севрюкова, –Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 2016.,на тему «Календарь белорусских праздников/ Belarus round the calendar». Презентация поможет учителю раскрасить урок по данной теме.

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Другие материалы

«Английский язык (базовый уровень)», Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В. и др.

«Английский язык (базовый уровень)», Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В. и др.

«Английский язык (в 2 частях)», Вербицкая М.В., Гаярделли М., Редли П., Савчук Л.О. / Под ред. Вербицкой М.В.

«Английский язык (в 2 частях)», Вербицкая М.В., Б. Эббс, Э. Уорелл, Э. Уорд./ Под ред. Вербицкой М.В.

«Английский язык», Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. и др.

«Английский язык (базовый уровень)», Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е., Снежко Н.Д.

«Английский язык (базовый уровень)», Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В. и др.

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Every year festivals and holidays are held in different cities of Belarus. These include music and theatre forums, festivals of folk culture and old handicrafts, environmental festivals and so on. We will tell you about the events of the year in Belarus, which you should not miss.

Festivals in Belarus in 2020

Gastrofest starts in February. Coffee. Coffee and dessert will be available in 20 places in Minsk for only 7 Br ($3.5).

In April, Alla Dukhova’s dance theater «TODES» returns to Minsk with the program «Continuation. The premiere of the play on April 11, the cost of tickets will start at $20.

April 18, Minsk will host the VII Minsk Craft Beer Fest. On this day, from 2 pm to 11 pm, you can drink beer, eat delicious food and listen to good music at 16 Oktyabrskaya Street.

Freaky summer party cannot be called just a festival. Here everyone will find entertainment: lectures on contemporary art, discussions, active games, dance master classes and so on.

Best festivals in Belarus

Music festivals

  1. A-fest

In August, the A-fest is held in Minsk Loshitsky Park. Artists and music groups perform there, and they also sell a lot of beer, because the main sponsor of the event is the company «Alivaria. For example, in 2019, A-fest was held there:

  • Plum Bum;
  • Groove Dealers;
  • Palina;
  • O.Torvald;
  • Nizkiz;
  • Boombox;
  • K-Maro.

Entrance to the festival is free. Guests under the age of 18 can only come to the festival accompanied by an adult.

  1. Nash Grundwald

The situation with good folk music in Belarus is good. At the festival of medieval culture «Nash Grunwald» fans of medieval and fantasy strategies will feel at home: you can compete in archery, participate in mass battles, watch a real equestrian knight tournament — and all this to the quality folk of Belarus and neighboring countries.

  1. Mirum music festival

Mirum music festival is held in August within the walls of Mir Castle. Music lovers from Belarus, Poland and Ukraine come here. This is the time when the season of meteor rains begins. In general, if you want to listen to music, look at the architecture and meteor rains, then you should come here.

Rock festivals of Belarus

  1. Rock za bobrov

Rock za bobrov is one of the most popular and old Belarusian festivals. This event will be interesting for fans of rock music.

In recent years Lyapis Trubetskoi, Chaif, Casta, Anacondaz have been performing at the festival. Add a unique atmosphere of real European Open Air, food courts and many other activities.

Photo by  rock.bobrov.by

  1. LidBeer

The LidBeer festival is held in one of the most picturesque cities in Belarus, Lida. Guests of the festival will enjoy a rich cultural program, as well as dancing to songs of Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian performers. Be sure to visit the recently renovated Lida Castle, «Lidskoye pivo» brewery and the historic city center.

Car Festival

SunDay is an automobile festival of Belarus, founded in 2010. The festival offers guests different shows: erotic car wash, Miss SunDay, BigBoss and others. Here you can also find a sports town, food trucks, camping with security, non-standard games for both children and adults, concerts and much more.

The festival is held in Grodno and involves 400 cars from 7 countries.

Theatre festivals

  1. Belaya Veja

Theatrical festival «Belaya veja» has been held in Brest since 1996. Its aim is to show the national art of different countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Georgia, Great Britain, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Romania, Turkmenistan and Ukraine. It is an opportunity for beginners and professional directors, actors and musicians to present their art to the audience.

The festival program includes stage performances, experimental drama, plastic drama, contemporary choreography, puppet shows, street performances, youth theatre and guest performances. The productions are shown in different genres: form theater, Gothic thriller, drama, improbable parable, school quest, phantasmagoria, rock opera, musical and comedy. The festival includes mono-productions, street and choreographic performances.

  1. International theatrical festival «Theatrical Kufar, BSU»

The festival program includes 14 amateur and professional performances, which involved 150 artists from 9 countries: Belarus, Georgia, Indonesia, Nepal, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, France, Estonia.

Every year the festival focuses on different types of performances. For example, in 2019 the emphasis was placed on plastic productions — a series of experimental performances without words, but only with the help of body movements.

The festival is held in Minsk.

  1. International festival of theatrical art «Slavic theatrical meetings»

The festival has been held since 1983, and its centers are Gomel (Belarus), Bryansk (Russia) and Chernigov (Ukraine). Over the years, the festival has hosted leading theater groups from Minsk, Kiev, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Chisinau, Odessa, Krakow, Vilnius and other cities of near and far abroad.

The festival hosts performances by directors from different countries for 6 days.

Vocal festivals

Slavyanski Bazar

Slavyanski Bazar in Vitsebsk has long been a symbol of the Belarusian pop scene. If you want to hear national pop music, then you’re on your way to Slavyanski Bazar.

It’s a national event. You can come here for two summer weeks at least to feel the festival atmosphere.

Photo by Newbel.by

Art Festivals

  1. Vitebsk Listopad

It is the annual open festival in Vitebsk of author’s song, poetry and visual arts. In the program of the festival:

  • songwriting competition;
  • competition of poets;
  • competition of performing arts;
  • competition of visual arts;
  • master-classes;
  • art workshop work and so on.
  1. International art festival «Art-Minsk»

For the whole June Minsk turns into an exhibition — the festival brings together exhibition sites throughout the city.

In 2019, 240 artists took part in the festival, and the organizers prepared a special map so that every visitor could see projects in the field of fine arts, photography and design. In 2019, exhibition projects from Estonia and Latvia were presented.

Fashion and Beauty Festival

Modafest is a celebration of fashion, beauty and style. This festival is a project of Fashion Collection magazine, which covered 4 major cities of Belarus: Minsk, Grodno, Gomel and Vitebsk.

During one day each city hosts master classes and lectures from invited speakers, fashion shows from fashion brands, as well as a market with the participation of the best Belarusian clothes designers and accessories.

Children’s Fashion Festival

As part of Belarus Fashion Week there is a festival of children’s fashion Kids’ Fashion Week. Guests of the event can see presentations of children’s collections by famous Belarusian brands and designers, as well as guests are waiting for street style shooting, photo zones and so on. The Children’s Fashion Day opens with a performance by young singers and singers.

International festivals taking place in Belarus

  1. Minsk Winter Jazz

February 14-16, Minsk will host the international fest Minsk Winter Jazz. The festival begins on Valentine’s Day and lasts three days. Here you can hear Belarusian and foreign jazz musicians.

Invited guests are British Cleveland Watkiss and soul band Dee Tree, who will present their own works as well as jazz classics.

  1.  III International Festival and Competition

The III International Festival and Competition of Laureates in the field of contemporary choreographic art ZA GRANYU begins on February 7. This is the main dance event of the year.

Competitions of the Republic of Belarus

National competitions

Belarus has a number of national contests organized under the leadership of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education:

  • the National Contest of Young Performers of Belarusian Popular Song;
  • the National Open Art Contest;
  • the S. Monyushko National Open Vocalist Contest;
  • national competition for choral and orchestra groups from children’s art schools and specialized secondary education establishments in the cultural sphere;
  • the Semenyako Republican Young and Composers’ Open Competition;
  • republican competition «National music prize in the field of popular music «Lira» and others.

The aim of these competitions is to identify young talents of the Republic of Belarus.

Literary contests

  1. International literary contest «Our Victory is 75!»

The competition is held until April 1, 2020 inclusive: in three categories: short story, poem and essay. Anyone can take part in it, regardless of age, place of residence and citizenship.

  1.  Bramamar

The competition for creative youth, which started on December 17, will continue until February 28.

Creative works are accepted for the contest in the following categories:

  • prose and poetry for high school students;
  • prose, poetry, criticism and playwrights for students and graduate students.

The contest is held in several stages:

  • initial selection by the Jury;
  • introduction of participants to each other and to the jury;
  • summarizing the competition.

Computer Science Contest «Bober»

The contest is fully computerized and online. The main purpose of the contest is to promote interest in information and computer technologies among Belarusian schoolchildren. The contest organizers believe that the contest contributes to the acquisition of skills necessary for the labor market in the future.

Vocal competitions


The contest will be held from March 26 to 28, 2020 in the capital of Belarus. The minimum age of a participant is 5 years. Applications can be submitted until February 14, 2020.

Contest program:

  • performances of the best contestants of the International Contest «Skryzhavanni. Minsk»;
  • a special gift for the contestants;
  • award ceremony for the winners of the nominations;
  • awarding ceremony of the Grand Prix;
  • after-party for the contestants.

Children’s contests

  1. RoskvitBY

It is a festival of children’s creativity, which brings together vocal, choreographic, instrumental and theatrical groups on its stage. RoskvitBY will be held in Mogilev.

  1. Belavezhskaya zorka

The festival allows guests to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the festival, and participants will be able to try on different roles and share experiences with other nominees of the competition. The Belavezhskaya Zorka takes place in Brest.


Zhyravlic — an Olympiad, which is held among schoolchildren of 2-11 grades with the aim of studying Russian language and literature. The competition does not imply preliminary selection and subsequent dropout. Those participants who score the highest score are awarded with a medal and a certificate of honor.


Another school Olympiad, but already in math. It imparts not only love for the subject, but also develops logical thinking in the process of preparation. The winners also receive medals and certificates.


Kolosok is a natural science competition that develops interest in science subjects among schoolchildren.

The contest was born in Ukraine in 2003, and since 2004 Belarusian schoolchildren have been participating in it. Pupils of the 2nd-6th grades may take part.

Na svoey zemle

This is an international art project which includes the following competitions: art, applied arts, literature, photography, eco-journalism, etc.

The project includes:

  • international painting and graphic competition;
  • international animation and diaphilm contest;
  • international conference of artists-teachers;
  • an exhibition following the results of the painting and graphics competition;
  • international art pleinairs and thematic readings.

Teacher of the Year Contest

The Academy of Postgraduate Education traditionally hosts the finals of the Republican contest of professional skills of teachers «Teacher of the Year of the Republic of Belarus», which is attended by the best teachers of the country — the winners of regional competitions.

Beauty Contest – Miss Belarus

Miss Belarus – contest for the most beautiful Belarusian. Girls must meet the following requirements: have Belarusian citizenship, age from 18 to 24 years, height not less than 174 cm, clean body without tattoos and piercing, and in addition, participants must not be married or raise children.

Contestants must go through several stages:

  • the qualifying round;
  • swimsuit fashion parade;
  • camera positioning of contestants.

Then there is the semi-final in Minыл, the final is also held in the capital, and the winner gets the opportunity to represent our country at the world beauty contest.

Best events of the year

The year 2020 started quite recently, so you can still have time to visit the best events of the year in Belarus.

  1. March

The International Youth Theatre Forum M.@rt.kontakt is waiting for you in March. It will take place in Mogilev and as part of this festival, you can watch productions from classic comedies and tragedies to novels. Acting troupes from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, the Baltic countries and others take part in the forum.

  1. May

In May you can get to the Night of Museums. There are interactive playgrounds, theatre shows, entertainment events, as well as a visit to the museums on this night is completely free.

Photo by Belarus.by

  1. July

In July, Vitebsk traditionally hosts the Slavonic Bazaar, which brings together Belarusian and foreign stars.

  1. August

In August, traditionally there is a music festival «Rock for beavers». Its headliners have already been DDT, Splin, Casta, Chaif and many other stars. And who will perform there in 2020 you will find out for yourself.

  1. October

The Yuri Bashmet International Festival has been held in Belarus since 2006. It gathers outstanding artists, both famous and young. Rising stars get a chance to perform together with their famous colleagues on the same stage.

  1. November

The annual international film festival «Listopad» is held in Minsk in November. Its program consists of screenings of feature and documentary films. Hundreds of film screenings are held at various venues in the city.

We have told you about the main events and competitions in Belarus, and you can already choose which festival or competition you would like to attend.

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