Украшения из огурцов
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Украшения из огурцов
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Украшение из огурца
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Украшение из огурца
Розочки из огурцов
Украшение из огурца
Украшение из огурца
Украшение из огурца для салата
Розочка из огурца
Карвинг из огурца
Украшение блюда из огурца
Красиво нарезать огурцы
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Украшение блюд из овощей и фруктов
Красиво нарезать огурцы
Салат мадмуазель
Блюда на детский день рождения
Салат Ландыш
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Украшение блюд из овощей и фруктов
Украшение нарезки овощей
Рулетики с огурцом
Карвинг из огурца и редиски
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Украшение из огурца
Закуска из огурцов
Красиво нарезать огурцы
Красиво порезать огурец
Новогодняя елка из огурцов
Салаты с огурцами на скорую руку
Украшение из овощей помидоры
Современная подача салатов
Салат изумрудный
Украшение из огурца для бутербродов
Композиция из огурца
Розочки из огурцов
Украшение салатов из огурцов
Фигурное украшение из овощей
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Овощная нарезка на праздничный стол
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Украшение из огурца и помидора
Украшения блюд из огурцов
Из огурцов интересное
Украшение с огурцов
10 Июля 2020 19:17
18 тыс
Летом мы хотим побаловать себя и близких обилием вкусных овощей на столе, а если приходят гости, то хочется подать любое блюдо так, чтобы оно было не только вкусным, но и красивым. Но далеко не всегда есть возможность потратить много времени на красивое оформление блюда.
Поэтому оформление должно быть простым и красивым. Хочу предложить вам несколько простых способов овощной нарезки, а конкретно — нарезки огурца. Думаю, что вы сможете освоить их без труда. Попробуем вместе?
1. Веер
Наверное, один из самых простых вариантов нарезки огурца. Для этого нам нужно нарезать пять тонких долек огурца следующим образом: четыре дольки прорезать немного не до конца, как будто вы сделали глубокие надрезы, но до конца их так и не отрезали, а пятую дольку уже отрезать полностью.
Разрезать огурцовые дольки пополам, причем сделать это там, где они не прорезаны до конца.
Разложить огурцовые дольки веером. Обратите внимание, что на фото я сделала два веера из пяти и шести огурцовых «лепестков». Но очень большой веер лучше не делать, он уже так красиво не развернется
2. Волна
От огурца нужно отрезать не до конца две тонкие дольки следующим образом: одну дольку прорезать немного не до конца, а вторую уже отрезать полностью.
На получившихся дольках огурца сделать небольшой надрез в том месте, где дольки не прорезаны до конца.
Развернуть части долек огурца в разные стороны.
И расправить обе дольки огурца
3. Простая геометрия
От огурца отрежем кусочек , примерно 7-8 см в длину.
Затем огурец разрезаем вдоль пополам и на верхней части огурца делаем четыре среза, напоминающие по форме треугольники.
Потом нарезаем огурец вдоль средними дольками
И чуть-чуть сдвигаем дольки в разные стороны.
Красивая нарезка готова!
4. Цветок
Мы будем резать огурец, начиная с самого края. Острым ножом прорежем пять лепестков по всей окружности огурца. Не забываем, что прорезать нужно и сердцевину огурца, а не только кожуру.
Аккуратно отделим цветок от самого огурца. И наш цветок готов!
5. Огурец на шпажке
Берем кусок огурца (примерно 7-8 см), разрезаем его вдоль. Одну часть отрезанного огурца нарезаем полудольками.
Затем надеваем его на шпажку. Ставим наши нарезанные полудольки вертикально.
Потихоньку начинаем сдвигать полудольки веером в сторону
И вот какой огурчик на шпажке у нас получился!
Надеюсь, что эти простые способы нарезки огурца помогут вам легко и быстро украсить ваши блюда и порадовать близких и друзей!
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There are many different ways you can cut a cucumber. Learn some of the most popular culinary cucumber cuts which can also be applied to other vegetables. Cut your cucumbers quickly and uniformly to add a professional and appealing look to any dish.
Pick and wash the cucumbers. When selecting cucumbers, always choose firm darker colored cucumbers with no wrinkles or spongy spots. Some cucumbers at the store are waxed to prevent them from spoiling when they are out of season. The skins contain vitamin A, so try to buy unwaxed cucumbers, whose skin you can eat. Run unwaxed cucumbers under cold water and lightly scrub them.
- If you have purchased waxed cucumbers, make sure to peel them and discard the skin.
Peel the cucumbers (optional). The skin of cucumbers is slightly tough and a little bitter, but it’s perfectly fine to eat. If you prefer not to eat the skin, use a vegetable peeler to slice the skin off in shallow strips long ways all over the cucumber.
Lay the cucumber horizontally onto your cutting board. There are many different ways to slice your cucumber for basic everyday slicing. Create cucumber medallions by slicing through the length of the cucumber to create cucumber medallions.
Hold your knife properly. Grip your knife handle with your middle, ring, and pinkie finger on the knife handle and your thumb and forefinger on the sides of the blade to steady your cut.[1]
- Hold on to the cucumber with your opposite hand. Grip it lightly with your fingertips curled into it.
Make careful cuts. Start with the knife handle up and the knife point resting on the cucumber in the place where you want to make your first cut. Push the knife forward and down into each cut.
Slice your cucumber into whatever size and shape you desire. You can make cucumber sticks for a vegetable platter or chop up small pieces and toss them in a salad.
Hold your knife properly. Grip your knife handle with your middle, ring, and pinkie finger on the handle and your thumb and forefinger on the sides of the blade to steady your cut.[2]
- Hold on to the cucumber with your opposite hand. Grip it lightly with your fingertips curled into it.
Take one of your squared off pieces and slice it length-wise. Try to slice each piece evenly and aim for a thickness of 1-2mm (1/16in). This will leave you with thin rectangular cuts. Begin each cut with the knife handle up and the tip down into the cucumber. Push the blade forward as you push it down to create your cuts.
- Your hand position should allow the side of the knife blade to gently rest against the knuckles of your other hand as you hold the cucumber. Making this cut with confidence takes practice. If you are nervous, grip your cucumber further back from your knife blade.
Slice again. Take each thin slice and repeat the same technique.[3]
Aim for dimensions of about 2mm X 2mm X 4cm (1/16in X 1/16in X 2in). -
Slice using the Batonnet method (optional). The Batonnet method is a variation of the Julienne cut which produces thicker pieces.
- Simply cut your pieces into 6 cm (2.5 inch) long pieces, then cut each of those pieces into 6mm (1/4th) thick slices. Stack those slices, then cut them lengthwise into 6mm (1/4th) wide sticks.[4]
- Simply cut your pieces into 6 cm (2.5 inch) long pieces, then cut each of those pieces into 6mm (1/4th) thick slices. Stack those slices, then cut them lengthwise into 6mm (1/4th) wide sticks.[4]
Enjoy! Julienne cut cucumbers work great in a salad, on a vegetable platter, or rolled into a sushi roll.
Dice your cucumbers. Instead of slicing cucumber medallions, you can dice your cucumber by cutting it in half longways, and then cutting it in half longways again. Line the halves up horizontally on your cutting board and slice through the length of your cucumber to dice it.
Dice cucumbers with the Brunoise Dice. Dicing your cucumbers adds just one step to the Julienne cut you have already done. Take your julienne cuts and bunch them up with your hand. Then cut the julienne into equally shaped dice. That’s it!
- Aim for dimensions of about 2mm X 2mm X 2mm (1/16 in X 1/16 in X 1/16 in).
- You can also dice your cucumbers into thicker pieces if you prefer.
Dice the Batonnet cut. If you’d like to produce cubes, you can use what’s called the Medium dice to cut your Batonnet pieces.[5]
Hold each piece and cut cubes of about 6mm X 6mm X 6mm (1/4 in X 1/4 in X 1/4 in)- Aim to get your pieces as even as possible.
Slice and dice with the paysanne cut. If you would like smaller thinner cubes, slice each cube into about 12mm X 12mm X 3mm (1/2 in X 1/2 in X 1/8 in) squares from one side of the cube to the other.[6]
Spiral cut your cucumbers. Use a sharp knife or vegetable peeler (recommended if you don’t have experience in spiral cutting cucumbers) and begin peeling at one side in a circular motion. You should be creating a very thin peel. Continue until you have reached the end of your cucumber.
- Be careful with the knife or vegetable peeler, always cut away from your hands and fingers.
- Try to keep the shaving intact, but it’s okay if it breaks off too.
- If you’d like, you can use a knife or apple corer to take the seeds out before you begin peeling.
- Spiral cut cucumbers are a fun way to garnish a salad. You can even dress spiral cut cucumbers with a light dressing and a little bit of pepper for a creative salad. Put spiral cut cucumbers on a sandwich or burger for a twist.
Enjoy! Sliced and diced cucumbers make a great addition to salads or sprinkled on top of dishes. Bring a professional look to your dishes with these slicing and dicing methods.
Add New Question
If I’m making a recipe that asks me to cut the cucumber into «cuts» for a drink, would I just chop it up?
If you’re blending the drink, I would chop the cucumber up into small pieces. If you’re using it as a garnish, then I would cut it into slices.
How do I know if a cucumber is rotten?
It’s slimy, blackened, or has visible mold.
How do I cut cucumbers into shapes?
You can cut foods into shapes with cookie cutters or by free-handing it with a knife.
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If you don’t want the cucumber skin on the sliced cucumber pieces, you can use a potato peeler in order to get rid of the cucumber rind.
Slicing vegetables is an art that comes with a bit of a compromise. If you want speed and low waste, you’ll lose uniformity. If you want low waste and uniformity, you’ll lose speed. If you want speed and uniformity, you’ll have more waste. Most chefs will find a middle ground which they prefer.
Try slicing your cucumbers thinly and adding them to a sandwich.
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Always wash vegetables before eating.
Make sure to always cut away from your fingers and hands.
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Article SummaryX
To slice a cucumber, first scrub the cucumber clean under cool water. If you want the slices to be skinless, peel the cucumber. Then, cut the stem ends off with a knife. To cut discs, slice the cucumber crosswise into ½ inch (1.25 cm) slices. To make half-moons, cut the cucumber in half lengthwise and slice each half into vertical ½ inch (1.25 cm) slices. To make square shapes, you can trim the round sides of the cucumber off. Then, use cross-cuts to slice the rectangle into smaller rectangles or squares. You can also cut the cucumber in half widthwise and cut the two halves vertically into long, thin strips. For tips on how to spiral cut your cucumbers for a fun salad garnish, read on!
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There are many different ways you can cut a cucumber. Learn some of the most popular culinary cucumber cuts which can also be applied to other vegetables. Cut your cucumbers quickly and uniformly to add a professional and appealing look to any dish.
Pick and wash the cucumbers. When selecting cucumbers, always choose firm darker colored cucumbers with no wrinkles or spongy spots. Some cucumbers at the store are waxed to prevent them from spoiling when they are out of season. The skins contain vitamin A, so try to buy unwaxed cucumbers, whose skin you can eat. Run unwaxed cucumbers under cold water and lightly scrub them.
- If you have purchased waxed cucumbers, make sure to peel them and discard the skin.
Peel the cucumbers (optional). The skin of cucumbers is slightly tough and a little bitter, but it’s perfectly fine to eat. If you prefer not to eat the skin, use a vegetable peeler to slice the skin off in shallow strips long ways all over the cucumber.
Lay the cucumber horizontally onto your cutting board. There are many different ways to slice your cucumber for basic everyday slicing. Create cucumber medallions by slicing through the length of the cucumber to create cucumber medallions.
Hold your knife properly. Grip your knife handle with your middle, ring, and pinkie finger on the knife handle and your thumb and forefinger on the sides of the blade to steady your cut.[1]
- Hold on to the cucumber with your opposite hand. Grip it lightly with your fingertips curled into it.
Make careful cuts. Start with the knife handle up and the knife point resting on the cucumber in the place where you want to make your first cut. Push the knife forward and down into each cut.
Slice your cucumber into whatever size and shape you desire. You can make cucumber sticks for a vegetable platter or chop up small pieces and toss them in a salad.
Hold your knife properly. Grip your knife handle with your middle, ring, and pinkie finger on the handle and your thumb and forefinger on the sides of the blade to steady your cut.[2]
- Hold on to the cucumber with your opposite hand. Grip it lightly with your fingertips curled into it.
Take one of your squared off pieces and slice it length-wise. Try to slice each piece evenly and aim for a thickness of 1-2mm (1/16in). This will leave you with thin rectangular cuts. Begin each cut with the knife handle up and the tip down into the cucumber. Push the blade forward as you push it down to create your cuts.
- Your hand position should allow the side of the knife blade to gently rest against the knuckles of your other hand as you hold the cucumber. Making this cut with confidence takes practice. If you are nervous, grip your cucumber further back from your knife blade.
Slice again. Take each thin slice and repeat the same technique.[3]
Aim for dimensions of about 2mm X 2mm X 4cm (1/16in X 1/16in X 2in). -
Slice using the Batonnet method (optional). The Batonnet method is a variation of the Julienne cut which produces thicker pieces.
- Simply cut your pieces into 6 cm (2.5 inch) long pieces, then cut each of those pieces into 6mm (1/4th) thick slices. Stack those slices, then cut them lengthwise into 6mm (1/4th) wide sticks.[4]
- Simply cut your pieces into 6 cm (2.5 inch) long pieces, then cut each of those pieces into 6mm (1/4th) thick slices. Stack those slices, then cut them lengthwise into 6mm (1/4th) wide sticks.[4]
Enjoy! Julienne cut cucumbers work great in a salad, on a vegetable platter, or rolled into a sushi roll.
Dice your cucumbers. Instead of slicing cucumber medallions, you can dice your cucumber by cutting it in half longways, and then cutting it in half longways again. Line the halves up horizontally on your cutting board and slice through the length of your cucumber to dice it.
Dice cucumbers with the Brunoise Dice. Dicing your cucumbers adds just one step to the Julienne cut you have already done. Take your julienne cuts and bunch them up with your hand. Then cut the julienne into equally shaped dice. That’s it!
- Aim for dimensions of about 2mm X 2mm X 2mm (1/16 in X 1/16 in X 1/16 in).
- You can also dice your cucumbers into thicker pieces if you prefer.
Dice the Batonnet cut. If you’d like to produce cubes, you can use what’s called the Medium dice to cut your Batonnet pieces.[5]
Hold each piece and cut cubes of about 6mm X 6mm X 6mm (1/4 in X 1/4 in X 1/4 in)- Aim to get your pieces as even as possible.
Slice and dice with the paysanne cut. If you would like smaller thinner cubes, slice each cube into about 12mm X 12mm X 3mm (1/2 in X 1/2 in X 1/8 in) squares from one side of the cube to the other.[6]
Spiral cut your cucumbers. Use a sharp knife or vegetable peeler (recommended if you don’t have experience in spiral cutting cucumbers) and begin peeling at one side in a circular motion. You should be creating a very thin peel. Continue until you have reached the end of your cucumber.
- Be careful with the knife or vegetable peeler, always cut away from your hands and fingers.
- Try to keep the shaving intact, but it’s okay if it breaks off too.
- If you’d like, you can use a knife or apple corer to take the seeds out before you begin peeling.
- Spiral cut cucumbers are a fun way to garnish a salad. You can even dress spiral cut cucumbers with a light dressing and a little bit of pepper for a creative salad. Put spiral cut cucumbers on a sandwich or burger for a twist.
Enjoy! Sliced and diced cucumbers make a great addition to salads or sprinkled on top of dishes. Bring a professional look to your dishes with these slicing and dicing methods.
Add New Question
If I’m making a recipe that asks me to cut the cucumber into «cuts» for a drink, would I just chop it up?
If you’re blending the drink, I would chop the cucumber up into small pieces. If you’re using it as a garnish, then I would cut it into slices.
How do I know if a cucumber is rotten?
It’s slimy, blackened, or has visible mold.
How do I cut cucumbers into shapes?
You can cut foods into shapes with cookie cutters or by free-handing it with a knife.
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If you don’t want the cucumber skin on the sliced cucumber pieces, you can use a potato peeler in order to get rid of the cucumber rind.
Slicing vegetables is an art that comes with a bit of a compromise. If you want speed and low waste, you’ll lose uniformity. If you want low waste and uniformity, you’ll lose speed. If you want speed and uniformity, you’ll have more waste. Most chefs will find a middle ground which they prefer.
Try slicing your cucumbers thinly and adding them to a sandwich.
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Always wash vegetables before eating.
Make sure to always cut away from your fingers and hands.
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Article SummaryX
To slice a cucumber, first scrub the cucumber clean under cool water. If you want the slices to be skinless, peel the cucumber. Then, cut the stem ends off with a knife. To cut discs, slice the cucumber crosswise into ½ inch (1.25 cm) slices. To make half-moons, cut the cucumber in half lengthwise and slice each half into vertical ½ inch (1.25 cm) slices. To make square shapes, you can trim the round sides of the cucumber off. Then, use cross-cuts to slice the rectangle into smaller rectangles or squares. You can also cut the cucumber in half widthwise and cut the two halves vertically into long, thin strips. For tips on how to spiral cut your cucumbers for a fun salad garnish, read on!
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