Мы можем устроить сражение нёрф прямо у Вас дома или в офисе!
На выбранной площади раскладываются бластеры, стрелы и магазины. Игрокам завязывают глаза специальными банданами. По сигналу игроки начинают искать бластеры и всё необходимое снаряжение, а затем, вслепую, должны будут попасть в своих соперников. Побеждает последний «выживший» игрок.
Нёрф вслепую можно организовать даже в небольшом помещении от 25 кв.метров.
Вы не видите своего оппонента и куда выполняется выстрел, тоже не очень понятно. От этого игра получается увлекательной и яркой. Уже выбывшие участники с интересом наблюдают за оставшимися, а иногда даже дают подсказки или поддерживают.
1 000
- Персонал — 1 человек
- Арсенал — 15 бластеров
- Амуниция — Защитные очки
Blind Nerf
Оксана, руководитель отдела
Заказывали блайнд-нерф в офис для нашего отдела. Проводили групповую сессию по целям и добавили нерф для поднятия командного духа в самом конце дня. Вроде бы ничего особенного, но где-то через полчаса ты понимаешь, что уже на 100% в игре. Очень вовлекает и очень смешно смотреть на товарищей, которые пытаются найти стрелы для бластера раньше друг друга. Нам очень понравилось!!
Blind Nerf
Надежда Царёва
Ходила уже несколько раз, и всегда было очень позитивно! Безопасная войнушка, все что нужно для девчонок! 🙂 Несколько вариантов игры вносят позитивное разнообразие!
Сценарий Blind Nerf
Мы можем устроить сражение нёрф прямо у Вас дома или в офисе!
На выбранной площади раскладываются бластеры, стрелы и магазины. Игрокам завязывают глаза специальными банданами. По сигналу игроки начинают искать бластеры и всё необходимое снаряжение, а затем, вслепую, должны будут попасть в своих соперников. Побеждает последний «выживший» игрок.
Вы не видите своего оппонента и куда выполняется выстрел, тоже не очень понятно. От этого игра получается увлекательной и яркой. Уже выбывшие участники с интересом наблюдают за оставшимися, а иногда даже дают подсказки или поддерживают.
Нёрф вслепую можно организовать даже в небольшом помещении от 25 кв.метров.
1 000
- Персонал — 1 человек
- Арсенал — 15 бластеров
- Амуниция — Защитные очки
Отправить заявку
Заказывали блайнд-нерф в офис для нашего отдела. Проводили групповую сессию по целям и добавили нерф для поднятия командного духа в самом конце дня. Вроде бы ничего особенного, но где-то через полчаса ты понимаешь, что уже на 100% в игре. Очень вовлекает и очень смешно смотреть на товарищей, которые пытаются найти стрелы для бластера раньше друг друга. Нам очень понравилось!!
Blind Nerf
Оксана, руководитель отдела
Ходила уже несколько раз, и всегда было очень позитивно! Безопасная войнушка, все что нужно для девчонок! 🙂 Несколько вариантов игры вносят позитивное разнообразие!
Blind Nerf
Надежда Царёва
Introduction: Kids Nerf Party
So we Love having Nerf wars in our house, so it only felt natural to have a Nerf Birthday Party for my son.
Step 1: Plan Ahead!
So we knew we were doing this type of party so we planned ahead, way ahead and ordered extra darts and prize tickets from Aliexpress. They are way cheaper, decent quality and available in way more colors but take FOREVER to show up (ordered 3m in advance, showed up 2m later).
Step 2: Hit Up the Arsenal.
Next you need the Guns. If you don’t have enough on hand borrow some from friends and family, or even tell the kids to bring their favorite one with them if they want. Above is our Nerf wall, like I said we love Nerf.
Step 3: You Got a Friend in Me.
Next thing you need is people to run the games. We used family members but anybody would work.
Step 4: Where Did It Go?
Lastly the Cake. My wife made a Camo Cake with some Nerf Gun attachments. After making the cake batter she separated it into multiple piping bags and used different food colors to make it different shades of the camo. Then piped in the different colors in random spots to get the desired look. We are definitely not bakers or cake bosses, above is the cake inside and out.
Each child got five admission tickets for each game to follow
Step 5: DartBoard Balloon Pop
Shot the balloons and pop’em. Different color of paper inside gets you different prize ticket amounts.
With this game we went to Michael’s (Scraping Store) and got two-sided tape squares (or just use folded over tape) and stuck them to a board (Used one from a storage crate I had). Then we put different color paper in the balloons and blew them up. Next we modified some Nerf mega darts by removing the soft head, placing a push pin in the middle of the soft head and gluing the soft head back on.
Note: Make sure you choose a gun that won’t have any problems with the added length of the push pin.
Step 6: Gun Golf
Shoot the balls off the Tee. The more you knock down the more tickets you win.
I cut a 2×4 into 3 different length pieces, found the center of each piece and screwed them together. I spray painted it cause I’m like that. Next I drilled holes in the middle of the open area of each board and on each side big enough to fit a golf tee in. Dropped some white glue in the holes and stick in the tee. Just used whatever small balls we had laying around.
Step 7: Can Shoot
Knock the cans over. The more cans knocked down, the more tickets you get.
This one we ordered from amazon and just set them up.
Step 8: Tissue Paper Plate Tear
Shoot out the tissue paper and win tickets.
This one took forever because we didn’t know how many to make (and we made TOO MANY). We got Styrofoam plates (100, way too many) and used a small glass plate as a template to make all the circles the same size. Once the hole was cut we then placed glue on the back around the hole and stuck on the tissue paper. Make sure the paper is on tight or it could be tough to break thru. I then used a board, stapled different length strings to the board and tied bulldog clips on the ends of the strings. Clip on the plates and replace them when they rip.
Step 9: Hole in a Box
Shoot in the hole. Different sized holes gets you different ticket amounts.
This one is easy. Get a box, cut different sized holes in it. Spray paint if you want to.
Step 10: Whats Your Name
Give them 2 darts more than the number of letters in their name. Win tickets for every letter they get.
This one was messy so we used plastic drop cloth from the dollarstore. We cut out letters from card stock and randomly placed them on a few sheets of bristle board. Used some easy clean craft paint and dipped a dart in it.
NOTE: The person working this station should not have a problem with getting messy.
Step 11: ALL OUT WAR
Last but not least, ALL OUT WAR. After cleaning up the games and moving around some tables, we thru out 5000 dart and let loose the kids of war. We bought “party” glasses from the Dollarstore for the kids so none of them would shot their eye out. Each kid was also giving their own Nerf Jolt for the War and to keep. After the War was over they got to keep whatever darts they could find.
Step 12: EndGame
So you are asking, “Why all these tickets?” We went to the Dollarstore and our local party store (Glow Promotions) and got candy, toys and other items for the kids to pick from using the tickets they earned and that was used as their party grab bag to bring home.
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Introduction: Kids Nerf Party
So we Love having Nerf wars in our house, so it only felt natural to have a Nerf Birthday Party for my son.
Step 1: Plan Ahead!
So we knew we were doing this type of party so we planned ahead, way ahead and ordered extra darts and prize tickets from Aliexpress. They are way cheaper, decent quality and available in way more colors but take FOREVER to show up (ordered 3m in advance, showed up 2m later).
Step 2: Hit Up the Arsenal.
Next you need the Guns. If you don’t have enough on hand borrow some from friends and family, or even tell the kids to bring their favorite one with them if they want. Above is our Nerf wall, like I said we love Nerf.
Step 3: You Got a Friend in Me.
Next thing you need is people to run the games. We used family members but anybody would work.
Step 4: Where Did It Go?
Lastly the Cake. My wife made a Camo Cake with some Nerf Gun attachments. After making the cake batter she separated it into multiple piping bags and used different food colors to make it different shades of the camo. Then piped in the different colors in random spots to get the desired look. We are definitely not bakers or cake bosses, above is the cake inside and out.
Each child got five admission tickets for each game to follow
Step 5: DartBoard Balloon Pop
Shot the balloons and pop’em. Different color of paper inside gets you different prize ticket amounts.
With this game we went to Michael’s (Scraping Store) and got two-sided tape squares (or just use folded over tape) and stuck them to a board (Used one from a storage crate I had). Then we put different color paper in the balloons and blew them up. Next we modified some Nerf mega darts by removing the soft head, placing a push pin in the middle of the soft head and gluing the soft head back on.
Note: Make sure you choose a gun that won’t have any problems with the added length of the push pin.
Step 6: Gun Golf
Shoot the balls off the Tee. The more you knock down the more tickets you win.
I cut a 2×4 into 3 different length pieces, found the center of each piece and screwed them together. I spray painted it cause I’m like that. Next I drilled holes in the middle of the open area of each board and on each side big enough to fit a golf tee in. Dropped some white glue in the holes and stick in the tee. Just used whatever small balls we had laying around.
Step 7: Can Shoot
Knock the cans over. The more cans knocked down, the more tickets you get.
This one we ordered from amazon and just set them up.
Step 8: Tissue Paper Plate Tear
Shoot out the tissue paper and win tickets.
This one took forever because we didn’t know how many to make (and we made TOO MANY). We got Styrofoam plates (100, way too many) and used a small glass plate as a template to make all the circles the same size. Once the hole was cut we then placed glue on the back around the hole and stuck on the tissue paper. Make sure the paper is on tight or it could be tough to break thru. I then used a board, stapled different length strings to the board and tied bulldog clips on the ends of the strings. Clip on the plates and replace them when they rip.
Step 9: Hole in a Box
Shoot in the hole. Different sized holes gets you different ticket amounts.
This one is easy. Get a box, cut different sized holes in it. Spray paint if you want to.
Step 10: Whats Your Name
Give them 2 darts more than the number of letters in their name. Win tickets for every letter they get.
This one was messy so we used plastic drop cloth from the dollarstore. We cut out letters from card stock and randomly placed them on a few sheets of bristle board. Used some easy clean craft paint and dipped a dart in it.
NOTE: The person working this station should not have a problem with getting messy.
Step 11: ALL OUT WAR
Last but not least, ALL OUT WAR. After cleaning up the games and moving around some tables, we thru out 5000 dart and let loose the kids of war. We bought “party” glasses from the Dollarstore for the kids so none of them would shot their eye out. Each kid was also giving their own Nerf Jolt for the War and to keep. After the War was over they got to keep whatever darts they could find.
Step 12: EndGame
So you are asking, “Why all these tickets?” We went to the Dollarstore and our local party store (Glow Promotions) and got candy, toys and other items for the kids to pick from using the tickets they earned and that was used as their party grab bag to bring home.
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Как организовать тематическую вечеринку NERF?
Ваш фанат NERF скоро отмечает свой день рождения? NERF– крутая и довольно сложная в реализации тема праздника на первый взгляд. Ваш фанат NERF скоро отмечает свой день рождения? Организованная командой LENZO вечеринка получилась насыщенной событиями и в буквальном смысле поразила цель. Присоединяйтесь к имениннику и его гостям и рассмотрите в деталях фанатскую лихорадку NERF!
Эта вечеринка проходила на открытой площадке, чтобы игра получилось динамичное и насыщенное адреналином приключение. Перед началом великой битвы каждому гостю была предоставлена возможность выбрать себе экипировку и снаряжение NERF. Невозможно не любить сочетание королевского синего, оранжевого и желтого — тема NERF подходит для любого пола.
Внимание к деталям было ключевым моментом на станции снабжения NERF. Каждый ребенок чувствовал себя таким же особенным, как именинник, со своим персональным ведерком, заполненным дротиками и бластерами. Завершая экипировку, каждый ребенок получил метку гостя VIP-вечеринки, чтобы записать свою статистику.
Декораторы превратили газон на площадке в арену, пригодную для битвы крошечной армии с помощью старых шин и бочек и небольшого количества краски. Тачка трансформировалась в «дозаправочную» станцию с патронами.
С бластерами гости вечеринки с именинником отправились на поле битвы, где они соревновались в испытаниях, проверили свои навыки в стрельбе по стаканчикам и уверенно уворачивались от пуль!
Бойцы основательно нагуляли аппетит, пришло время отбросить соперничество и подкрепиться! Вокруг стола стояли синие стулья, стол был сервирован праздничной посудой NERF, декором и закусками в оттенках бластеров NERF — от молочных коктейлей с изогнутой соломкой до гирлянды из воздушных шаров. Синее и оранжевое драже в высоких вазах и пиньята в виде патрона NERF стали завершающим штрихом.
Яркий праздник завершился тортом — кулинарным творением, прямо как с поля битвы. Декорированный дротиками торт вызвал настоящий восторг. Его украсил логотип NERF из помадки, мишени для дротиков, а из середины торта вырвались яркие разноцветные конфеты!
Наевшись торта, дети были готовы наброситься на свою следующую цель — праздничную добычу — пиньяту в виде дротика NERF!
После разрезания торта и уничтожения пиньяты пришло время для кэнди-бара.
Полный восторг для глаз! Шикарный кэнди-бар с кондитерскими шедеврами и фантастическими десертами был идеальным местом для окончания вечеринки! Детей невозможно было оторвать от печенья в виде мишеней, пончиков в качестве целей для дротиков и капкейков с патронами.
Гостям вечеринки были вручены лучшие подарки с собой — их собственные бластеры, дротики и аксессуары NERF, чтобы вновь пережить эпическое приключение в их собственных дворах! Каждый чувствовал себя победителями на призовой станции NERF.
Источник: LENZO
Нерф-шоу на детский прадник в Солнечногорске. Нерфы на день рождения в Зеленограде. Нерф-шоу для детей в Клину. Детские прадники в Истре. Организация детских праздников в Красногорске. Аниматоры на день рождения в Зеленограде. Организация детских праздников в Москве.
Самая популярная компьютерная игра у мальчишек в формате Нерф вечеринки. А видели бы Вы, что происходит с девчонками, когда они входят во вкус — все парни боятся выходить из своей крепости))) Наша программа продумана до мелочей. А еще мы регулярно вносим новые интересные детали в наше нерф-шоу, постоянно обновляем оружие и у нас появился даже пулемет!
Нерф-шоу — это зажигательная и веселая программа на детский праздник с применением одноименных бластеров. Сценариев нерф вечеринки у нашей команды много, но для победы всегда необходимо быть быстерее, энергичнее и точнее соперника. Наши аниматоры приедут с нерф-шоу к Вам домой, на дачу, в кафе, детский центр. Наша программа адаптируется под любое пространство и рассчитана на любое количество детей. Ребята познакомятся с основами военного дела, научатся пользоваться самыми разными видами нерф-оружия, устроят стрельбу по падающим и левитирующим мишеням и конечно же затеют захватывающий бой-перестрелку. В этой программе никто не останется в стороне, включая родителей, которые всегда с удовольствием берут в руки игрушечные автоматы и становятся настоящими воинами!
В программу нерф-шоу входит:
- Выезд на детский праздник: приедем в любую точку подмосковья и Москвы. Проведем наше шоу на любой Вашей площадке;
- Монтаж украплений: привозим и устанавливаем специальные укрытия и украпления для игры в нерфы. Весь реквизит яркий6 мягкий и абсолютно безопасный;
- Инструктор-аниматор: весь праздник с нерфами проводит наш зажигательный ведущий. Он не только следит за правилами игры, но и создает атмосферу праздника;
- Защита и безопасность: обязательный инструктаж перед началом нерф-битвы. Каждому участнику выдаются специальные нерф-очки;
- Оружие и бластеры NERF: на празднике с NERF будет 80 единиц бластеров, 20 разных моделей, начиная от пистолетов и заканчивая пулеметами;
- Бравлбол;
- Захват кристаллов и многое другое по мотивам супер-игры;
- Гибкая система стоимости нерф-шоу «под ключ» от 8000-15000.
Азарт, эмоции и драйв! Все это видно по детским лицам!
Заказать организацию детского праздника в Солнечногорске Зеленограде Клину москве Истре Красногорске по телефону 8-926-618-00-18
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Nerf wars are tons of fun to play with friends and family, or with local nerfers you connected with online. There are many different ways to organize a Nerf game, and you can play several of these in one day if you’d like to organize a big Nerf war event.
Choose a location. Nerf wars are usually more fun in large, outdoor areas, such as parks and playgrounds, but if you have access to a large, indoor space or backyard, consider them as well. Make sure the location you select has the following features:[1]
- Restrooms should be available nearby. Water fountains and places to buy food are optional, but recommended.
- Cover for people to hide behind. Almost any location besides an open field will have this. You can also bring some barrels or even inflatable cover if you have a portable air compressor.
Choose a backup location nearby. Most Nerf wars are played in public spaces, and you may arrive to find the location already in use. Plan around this in advance by looking for a backup location within walking distance.
- Some public spaces can be reserved in advance through your local community center or school, but this is not always possible.
Choose a date and time. Plan the Nerf war at least three weeks in advance, especially if you are trying to recruit new people. Choose a time slot about four hours long if you are holding a typical Nerf war. If you are recruiting more than twenty people or planning for a special occasion, you might plan a longer Nerf war, but eight hours is an exhausting upper limit.[2]
- Remember to include meal breaks if necessary. Allow at least half an hour if people are bringing their own lunches, and at least an hour if people plan to eat at restaurants or hold a potluck picnic.
- Pick a time to start wrapping up, at least fifteen minutes before the official end of the war. This lets everyone help gather darts and clean up together, and avoids irritating parents who don’t want to wait around for this to happen.
Recruit Nerfers. You can have a Nerf war with three or four players, but if you’re doing all this planning in advance, you probably have a bigger event in mind. Start contacting your friends as far in advance as you can, and send out a reminder to people who haven’t responded within a few days. If you’d like more players, you can try to recruit local players from the Nerf Internet Community, using websites such as Reddit and Discord.
- Be aware that Nerf players you find online may be used to a strict set of rules, and will often show up with modified Nerf guns and homemade ammo that can shoot farther and faster than regular Nerf darts. Make rules clear when you post online, but don’t ban mods, since people would find loopholes around it and bring blasters like the Nexus Pro. FPS caps are a much better way of limiting power. 130 FPS is a good low-powered cap, 160 starts getting into high-powered blasters, 200-250 is in the «hyperstock» category, and 300 FPS is known as Dartsoft, since extremely powerful blasters are allowed, such as the Caliburn.
Announce the rules you’ll be using. Once you have enough people, let them all know the rules you’ll be using in advance. There are many different rules you can use in a nerf war, but the important part is to announce them in advance so everyone is playing by the same rules.
- ”West Coast rules”: Each player has five lives. When someone is hit, they loses one life. They then walks to a pre-designated respawn point with their blaster in the air. When they’re in the respawn point, they can get back in the game when they leave. They can’t camp the respawn point, and if you’re alive and enter the respawn point, you loose a life. They leave the game permanently if he is down to zero hit points.
- «East Coast rules”: Each player has ten lives, and loses one each time they are hit. There is no respawn point, but if several darts from the same blaster hit you at the same time, this typically only counts as one hit. You leave the game once you are out of hit points.
Tell everyone about safety equipment and allowable blasters. Eye protection is mandatory for every person present at a Nerf war. In addition, some Nerf blasters and ammo are often banned for safety reasons, or to make it fairer for all players. These vary from game to game, but here are some suggested rules to follow:
- Homemade ammo must be tested and must not have a solid tip.
- Blasters that shoot BBs or paintballs are banned (but some wars allow gel blasters).
- Blasters must have an orange or red tip and must not look like a real firearm (no black/silver/gray/camo).
- Nerf Hyper ammo is banned for environmental and safety reasons. #teamseas
- Blasters that shoot over X FPS are banned.
Decide on one or more Nerf games. A Nerf war can last many hours, but usually, one game doesn’t take nearly that long to finish.
- You don’t need to figure out an order to play these in in advance. Sometimes it’s best to see whether everyone is enjoying themselves, and suggest a switch to a new type of game once people seem bored.
Hold a straightforward Nerf battle. You don’t need much structure to have a fun Nerf war. Pick one of the rules for getting hit described in the section above before the war starts. Divide the group into teams and separate onto opposite ends of the area before you begin the game. You can even have a free-for-all, with each player fighting every other player until one remains.
- If you have a good sense of which players are better than others (or have better equipment), you can divide the group into two equal teams. Otherwise, make the teams at random, and switch the teams after each game.
Play Humans vs Zombies. This is a popular Nerf game that is especially useful if you don’t have enough weapons for everyone. Divide the group into two teams, the Humans, and the Zombies (with less zombies than humans). The Human team has Nerf blasters as usual, but the Zombies have no blasters at all. When a Zombie touches a Human, the Human becomes a Zombie. Zombies have infinite lives. If a zombie tags a human and goes back to where the zombies started, they can upgrade, and can now only be eliminated with Mega, Mega XL, and rockets.
- Use a bandana to easily identify team members. Humans wear bandannas on their arm, while Zombies tie it around their head.
- Zombies are not allowed to use blasters even if they steal one.
Organize a Capture the Flag game. Each team keeps a flag (or any other recognizable object) near the «base» they start out in, but far enough away that it’s difficult to defend the base. The team that brings both flags back to its own flag station wins the game.[3]
- Instead of using the usual rules you decided on, when you’re hit, return to your base and count for 20 seconds before returning to the game.
- Consider a 20-minute time limit to avoid the game dragging on too long. Whichever team gets the enemy flag closest to its base by the end of the time limit wins.
- For an alternative without flags, divide candy among the players. When a player is hit, they must drop any candy they are holding and return to base. Once one team has all the candy, it wins.
Try a quick Defend the Fort game. The Defender team gets to choose a defensive position, often a play structure or an area of high ground with plenty of cover. They switch after the defenders are all tagged out, and whichever team survives the longest wins. If the Attacker team knocks all the Defenders out of the game before then, it wins. Attackers have infinite lives, but defenders only have one.
- Optionally, you can have a Defender leave the fort and become an Attacker once he is hit three times. This may be a good idea if the Fort is especially easy to defend.
Play Hunter with just one Nerf blaster. This is a simple game of tag played with a single Nerf gun. When someone is hit, they take the Nerf gun. The last person to avoid getting hit by a nerf dart wins.[4]
Play GoldenEye. Named after the James Bond video game GoldenEye 007, each person uses a low-capacity blaster (6 darts or less ready to fire without reloading) and only has 3 lives, with no time between them.
- Golden Gun is this taken to its fullest extent, with one-dart-capacity blasters and one life each. A spray-painted Jolt would be a good idea for this.
- It would be a good idea to have multiple rounds, due to the quick round speed.
Add New Question
Can I do a free for all without cover?
It’s unlikely to work out. If you have cover, the game will probably last longer.
What if I want to be with my friends in one team but some people think that’s too overpowered?
Use a team randomizing app on a phone or iPad to split up the teams. That will make it fair.
What do I need to make a nerf war fort?
Old cardboard boxes work just fine. Just stack them up how you want and you are ready to go.
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Bring plenty of darts. You’ll end up losing more than you think. Dart Zone wafflehead darts are the choice of r/Nerf, the Nerf Wiki on Fandom, and most Nerf YouTubers (Bradley Phillips prefers Dart Zone Pro darts).
If you are using a mag-fed (Nerf calls it «cLiP sYsTeM» blaster, make sure you have spare refill magazine.
Get a second blaster in case your primary ever fails you.
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Make sure that you (or others if you are a host or are helping the host) are not messing with, engaging, or attacking bystanders (or players who are «out», if playing a game-mode where players can get «out») during your war if you are playing in somewhere like a public park.
Ensure that every player has eye protection before the Nerf War starts. Getting hit in the eye will be painful and might cause permanent damage.
Pretending to be out of the game (by raising your blaster in the air) in order to ambush another player is usually considered bad Nerf war behavior, even if it is not specifically disallowed by the rules. Target people who do this.
If someone is yelling for help, it is a good idea to check it out or tell the host of the event. Most games have a «hold» rule, where anyone can pause the game if someone is injured.
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Article SummaryX
Before you have a Nerf war, talk to everyone about safety equipment, like eye protection. Then, agree on ground rules, such as how many hit points you get, and how long you need to wait after you’re hit before you can start firing again. When you play, pick 1 person to be the leader, and make them responsible for strategy, such as when to attack or retreat. Try to take as much high ground as possible, so you can see farther and shoot at longer range. Additionally, set traps using trees or walls for cover, then lure your opponents in for the hit. To learn how to play Humans versus Zombies, Capture the Flag, or other Nerf war variations, scroll down!
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Nerf wars are tons of fun to play with friends and family, or with local nerfers you connected with online. There are many different ways to organize a Nerf game, and you can play several of these in one day if you’d like to organize a big Nerf war event.
Choose a location. Nerf wars are usually more fun in large, outdoor areas, such as parks and playgrounds, but if you have access to a large, indoor space or backyard, consider them as well. Make sure the location you select has the following features:[1]
- Restrooms should be available nearby. Water fountains and places to buy food are optional, but recommended.
- Cover for people to hide behind. Almost any location besides an open field will have this. You can also bring some barrels or even inflatable cover if you have a portable air compressor.
Choose a backup location nearby. Most Nerf wars are played in public spaces, and you may arrive to find the location already in use. Plan around this in advance by looking for a backup location within walking distance.
- Some public spaces can be reserved in advance through your local community center or school, but this is not always possible.
Choose a date and time. Plan the Nerf war at least three weeks in advance, especially if you are trying to recruit new people. Choose a time slot about four hours long if you are holding a typical Nerf war. If you are recruiting more than twenty people or planning for a special occasion, you might plan a longer Nerf war, but eight hours is an exhausting upper limit.[2]
- Remember to include meal breaks if necessary. Allow at least half an hour if people are bringing their own lunches, and at least an hour if people plan to eat at restaurants or hold a potluck picnic.
- Pick a time to start wrapping up, at least fifteen minutes before the official end of the war. This lets everyone help gather darts and clean up together, and avoids irritating parents who don’t want to wait around for this to happen.
Recruit Nerfers. You can have a Nerf war with three or four players, but if you’re doing all this planning in advance, you probably have a bigger event in mind. Start contacting your friends as far in advance as you can, and send out a reminder to people who haven’t responded within a few days. If you’d like more players, you can try to recruit local players from the Nerf Internet Community, using websites such as Reddit and Discord.
- Be aware that Nerf players you find online may be used to a strict set of rules, and will often show up with modified Nerf guns and homemade ammo that can shoot farther and faster than regular Nerf darts. Make rules clear when you post online, but don’t ban mods, since people would find loopholes around it and bring blasters like the Nexus Pro. FPS caps are a much better way of limiting power. 130 FPS is a good low-powered cap, 160 starts getting into high-powered blasters, 200-250 is in the «hyperstock» category, and 300 FPS is known as Dartsoft, since extremely powerful blasters are allowed, such as the Caliburn.
Announce the rules you’ll be using. Once you have enough people, let them all know the rules you’ll be using in advance. There are many different rules you can use in a nerf war, but the important part is to announce them in advance so everyone is playing by the same rules.
- ”West Coast rules”: Each player has five lives. When someone is hit, they loses one life. They then walks to a pre-designated respawn point with their blaster in the air. When they’re in the respawn point, they can get back in the game when they leave. They can’t camp the respawn point, and if you’re alive and enter the respawn point, you loose a life. They leave the game permanently if he is down to zero hit points.
- «East Coast rules”: Each player has ten lives, and loses one each time they are hit. There is no respawn point, but if several darts from the same blaster hit you at the same time, this typically only counts as one hit. You leave the game once you are out of hit points.
Tell everyone about safety equipment and allowable blasters. Eye protection is mandatory for every person present at a Nerf war. In addition, some Nerf blasters and ammo are often banned for safety reasons, or to make it fairer for all players. These vary from game to game, but here are some suggested rules to follow:
- Homemade ammo must be tested and must not have a solid tip.
- Blasters that shoot BBs or paintballs are banned (but some wars allow gel blasters).
- Blasters must have an orange or red tip and must not look like a real firearm (no black/silver/gray/camo).
- Nerf Hyper ammo is banned for environmental and safety reasons. #teamseas
- Blasters that shoot over X FPS are banned.
Decide on one or more Nerf games. A Nerf war can last many hours, but usually, one game doesn’t take nearly that long to finish.
- You don’t need to figure out an order to play these in in advance. Sometimes it’s best to see whether everyone is enjoying themselves, and suggest a switch to a new type of game once people seem bored.
Hold a straightforward Nerf battle. You don’t need much structure to have a fun Nerf war. Pick one of the rules for getting hit described in the section above before the war starts. Divide the group into teams and separate onto opposite ends of the area before you begin the game. You can even have a free-for-all, with each player fighting every other player until one remains.
- If you have a good sense of which players are better than others (or have better equipment), you can divide the group into two equal teams. Otherwise, make the teams at random, and switch the teams after each game.
Play Humans vs Zombies. This is a popular Nerf game that is especially useful if you don’t have enough weapons for everyone. Divide the group into two teams, the Humans, and the Zombies (with less zombies than humans). The Human team has Nerf blasters as usual, but the Zombies have no blasters at all. When a Zombie touches a Human, the Human becomes a Zombie. Zombies have infinite lives. If a zombie tags a human and goes back to where the zombies started, they can upgrade, and can now only be eliminated with Mega, Mega XL, and rockets.
- Use a bandana to easily identify team members. Humans wear bandannas on their arm, while Zombies tie it around their head.
- Zombies are not allowed to use blasters even if they steal one.
Organize a Capture the Flag game. Each team keeps a flag (or any other recognizable object) near the «base» they start out in, but far enough away that it’s difficult to defend the base. The team that brings both flags back to its own flag station wins the game.[3]
- Instead of using the usual rules you decided on, when you’re hit, return to your base and count for 20 seconds before returning to the game.
- Consider a 20-minute time limit to avoid the game dragging on too long. Whichever team gets the enemy flag closest to its base by the end of the time limit wins.
- For an alternative without flags, divide candy among the players. When a player is hit, they must drop any candy they are holding and return to base. Once one team has all the candy, it wins.
Try a quick Defend the Fort game. The Defender team gets to choose a defensive position, often a play structure or an area of high ground with plenty of cover. They switch after the defenders are all tagged out, and whichever team survives the longest wins. If the Attacker team knocks all the Defenders out of the game before then, it wins. Attackers have infinite lives, but defenders only have one.
- Optionally, you can have a Defender leave the fort and become an Attacker once he is hit three times. This may be a good idea if the Fort is especially easy to defend.
Play Hunter with just one Nerf blaster. This is a simple game of tag played with a single Nerf gun. When someone is hit, they take the Nerf gun. The last person to avoid getting hit by a nerf dart wins.[4]
Play GoldenEye. Named after the James Bond video game GoldenEye 007, each person uses a low-capacity blaster (6 darts or less ready to fire without reloading) and only has 3 lives, with no time between them.
- Golden Gun is this taken to its fullest extent, with one-dart-capacity blasters and one life each. A spray-painted Jolt would be a good idea for this.
- It would be a good idea to have multiple rounds, due to the quick round speed.
Add New Question
Can I do a free for all without cover?
It’s unlikely to work out. If you have cover, the game will probably last longer.
What if I want to be with my friends in one team but some people think that’s too overpowered?
Use a team randomizing app on a phone or iPad to split up the teams. That will make it fair.
What do I need to make a nerf war fort?
Old cardboard boxes work just fine. Just stack them up how you want and you are ready to go.
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Bring plenty of darts. You’ll end up losing more than you think. Dart Zone wafflehead darts are the choice of r/Nerf, the Nerf Wiki on Fandom, and most Nerf YouTubers (Bradley Phillips prefers Dart Zone Pro darts).
If you are using a mag-fed (Nerf calls it «cLiP sYsTeM» blaster, make sure you have spare refill magazine.
Get a second blaster in case your primary ever fails you.
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Make sure that you (or others if you are a host or are helping the host) are not messing with, engaging, or attacking bystanders (or players who are «out», if playing a game-mode where players can get «out») during your war if you are playing in somewhere like a public park.
Ensure that every player has eye protection before the Nerf War starts. Getting hit in the eye will be painful and might cause permanent damage.
Pretending to be out of the game (by raising your blaster in the air) in order to ambush another player is usually considered bad Nerf war behavior, even if it is not specifically disallowed by the rules. Target people who do this.
If someone is yelling for help, it is a good idea to check it out or tell the host of the event. Most games have a «hold» rule, where anyone can pause the game if someone is injured.
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Article SummaryX
Before you have a Nerf war, talk to everyone about safety equipment, like eye protection. Then, agree on ground rules, such as how many hit points you get, and how long you need to wait after you’re hit before you can start firing again. When you play, pick 1 person to be the leader, and make them responsible for strategy, such as when to attack or retreat. Try to take as much high ground as possible, so you can see farther and shoot at longer range. Additionally, set traps using trees or walls for cover, then lure your opponents in for the hit. To learn how to play Humans versus Zombies, Capture the Flag, or other Nerf war variations, scroll down!
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«I want to organize some Nerf War games in the area that I work (as part of my job). I didn’t know anything about…» more