Ограбление сценарий судного дня

The Doomsday Heist — трехэтапное ограбление, доступное в Grand Theft Auto Online. Оно было добавлено, как часть обновления «Судный день». Доберитесь до (место определяется случайно) Украдите скорую помощь Скройтесь от полиции Помогите доставить скорую помощь на базу Санитары: Садитесь в скорую помощь Доберитесь до морга Войдите в здание морга Идите в хранилище Обыщите трупы Доберитесь до офиса коронера Загрузите данные из ноутбука Покиньте морг Встретьтесь в Savage Вертолетчики: Цели: Доберитесь

The Doomsday Heist — трехэтапное ограбление, доступное в Grand Theft Auto Online. Оно было добавлено, как часть обновления «Судный день».



Дело 1: Утечка данных


Мёртвый курьер


Основная статья: Paramedic Equipment


  • Доберитесь до (место определяется случайно)
  • Украдите скорую помощь
  • Скройтесь от полиции
  • Помогите доставить скорую помощь на базу

Мёртвый курьер

Основная статья: Dead Courier



  • Садитесь в скорую помощь
  • Доберитесь до морга
  • Войдите в здание морга
  • Идите в хранилище
  • Обыщите трупы
  • Доберитесь до офиса коронера
  • Загрузите данные из ноутбука
  • Покиньте морг
  • Встретьтесь в Savage


Перехват сигналов


Основная статья: Deluxos


Перехват сигналов

Основная статья: Signal Intercepts


Серверная ферма


Основная статья: Akula


Серверная ферма

Основная статья: Server Farm


Ограбление: Утечка данных



  • Доберитесь до базы ЦУР и проникните внутрь
  • Перебейте врагов
  • Предотвратите взлом серверов ЦУР
  • Встретьтесь с дружественными агентами


  • Доберитесь до базы ЦУР
  • Перебейте противников
  • Проберитесь через базу ЦУР
  • Перебейте противников
  • Доберитесь до штаба
  • Задействуйте камеру на турели
  • Перебейте противников


  • $650,000 (сложно)

Дело 2: Операция «Богдан»




Основная статья: Keycards



Основная статья: Avenger (миссия)


Спасение агента ОСГ

Данные ОСГ

Основная статья: ULP Intel


Спасение агента ОСГ

Основная статья: Rescue ULP


Сбор жёстких дисков

Грузовик Riot

Основная статья: Riot Control Van


Сбор жёстких дисков

Основная статья: Salvage Hard Drives


Сбор жёстких дисков


Основная статья: Strombergs



Основная статья: Torpedo ECU



Основная статья: Submarine Recon


Ограбление: Операция «Богдан»



  • Доберитесь до подлодки на Stromberg
  • Проникните на подлодку и устраните противников
  • Найдите связного и выясните местонахождение данных
  • Сфотографируйте данные и обезвредьте подлодку
  • Встретьтесь с командой воздушной поддержки

Дело 3: Сценарий «Судного дня»


Спасение Агента 14

Меченые деньги

Основная статья: Marked Cash



Основная статья: Recon


Спасение Агента 14


Эскорт агента ОСГ


Основная статья: Chernobog


Эскорт агента ОСГ

Основная статья: Escort ULP



Траектория полёта

Основная статья: Flight Plan





Сбор информации

Основная статья: Test Site Intel



Основная статья: Khanjali


Воздушная оборона

Бортовой компьютер

Основная статья: Onboard Computer


Воздушная оборона

Основная статья: Air Defenses


Ограбление: Сценарий «Судного дня»



  • Отправляйтесь на гору Чилиад в Barrage или Khanjali
  • Проберитесь в ракетную базу через тоннели
  • Уничтожьте оставшиеся техники Эйвона
  • Найдите способ остановить ядерную ракету

Эйвон и Клифффорд готовы запустить сценарий Судного дня. Игрокам предстоит штурмовать подземный бункер, в котором укрылись злодеи и остановить апокалипсис.

  • Количество игроков: 2-4;
  • Награда: $1 500 000 (сложный уровень);
  • Цель: Система обороны Сан-Андреаса взломана. Спасите агентов и прекратите наращивание военного потенциала, чтобы спасти мир от уничтожения.
  • Элитное испытание: «завершите за 30 минут», «150 выстрелов в голову», «без ошибок взлома», «без смертей».

С тех пор, как Эйвон сбежал, он не сидел сложа руки: он закупился военной техникой, похитил двух агентов ЦУР и теперь готовится уничтожить мир. Героям ничего не остается, как прибегнуть к помощи Богдана. Вместе с ним и ЦУР, игрокам нужно спасти похищенных агентов и предотвратить судный день.

Спасение Агента 14

Агент 14 был похищен людьми из «Мерриуэзер» и теперь игрокам нужно выкупить его у них. Для этого нужно раздобыть деньги и придумать план, на тот случай, если сделка пойдет не так.

Меченые деньги (подготовительное задание)

Украдите сумку с мечеными купюрами из тайника, за которым наблюдают агенты ФРБ.

Деньги герои собираются позаимствовать у ФРБ, которые как раз устраивают засаду на какого-то плохиша. Что ж, сегодня у него счастливый день. Отправляйтесь к указанной ж/д станции. Около нее будет тихо, поэтому спокойно поднимайтесь на платформу и хватайте сумку. Тут то и начинается веселье: вам дадут четыре звезды и полиция переключится на вас. Если удирать от полиции влом, то можно позвонить Лестеру. Как сбросите звезды, отправляйтесь на базу.

Слежка (подготовительное задание)

Доберитесь до верфи Pacific Allied и сделайте снимки места, где должна пройти сделка.

Доверять наемникам «Мэрриузер» не стоит, а потому не мешало бы обследовать место, где состоится сделка. Берите автомобиль и гоните к верфи. Когда окажетесь на месте, доставайте свой телефон, фотографируйте главные ворота и отправляйте фото Лестеру. Ему, кстати, нужен подробный план этого места, потому продолжайте фотографировать указанные места, после чего просто покиньте район.

Спасение Агента 14 (финальное задание)

Доберитесь до верфи Pacific Allied и выкупите Агента у «Мерриуэзер».

Настало время сделки. Садитесь во что-нибудь покрепче, вроде бронированной курумы и двигайте к верфи. По пути выяснится, что «Мэрриуэзер» решили кинуть вас и сделка будет засадой. Ладно, пора их проучить. Когда окажетесь на территории верфи, начинайте поливать противников свинцом, не дожидаясь огня с их стороны. Агента 14 вы найдете внутри за одним из контейнеров.

С наемниками «Мерриузер» покончено, но это еще не конец всех проблем: к верфи подъехали люди Эйвона. Обычные бандиты опасности не представляют, но зато несколько джаггернаутов с миниганами легко могут отправить вас на тот свет. А их костюмы еще и оснащены… стелс-технологией. Надевайте очки, которые предусмотрительно оснащены тепловизором и палите по тепловым сигнатурам джаггернаутов.

Расчистив путь, сопроводите Агента 14 к точке эвакуации, продолжая расправляться с противниками. Около точки эвакуации останется разобраться еще с парочкой джаггернаутов, а затем просто садитесь в вертолет и отвезите агента к указанному месту.

Эскорт агента ОСГ

Агент ОСГ в руках у Эйвона — отчасти, благодаря игрокам. Теперь нужно снова его вызволить и на этот раз окончательно. Для обеспечения огневой поддержки, понадобится ракетно-пусковая установка.

Chernobog (подготовительное задание)

Украдите у «Мерриуэзер» пусковую установку баллистических ракет Chernobog.

Отправляйтесь в лагерь «Мэрриуэзер». Там избавьтесь от всех охранников, забирайте пусковую установку и везите ее на базу. По пути наемники будут пытаться вас остановить. Но габаритов Чернобога достаточно, чтобы не беспокоиться из-за этой проблемы. После доставки грузовика, задание закончится.

Эскорт агента ОСГ (финальное задание)

Сопроводите и защитите агента ОСГ на Chernobog во время его побега.

Агенту ОСГ удалось сбежать, но в одиночку до безопасного места ему не добраться. Прыгайте в машину и двигайте к стройке, на которой спрятана пусковая установка. Там вас встретят люди Эйвона. Познакомьте их с вашими пушками и забирайте установку. Затем езжайте к указанному месту и ждите агента ОСГ.

Появится он в сопровождении нескольких преследующих его вертолетов. Используя ракетную установку сбейте их и следуйте за агентом. Сложность задания заключается в том, что пусковая установка не может стрелять во время движения. Поэтому постарайтесь двигаться следом за вертолетом агента и останавливаться, чтобы прицелиться в противников. В основном, враги будут на вертолетах, но иногда будут встречаться и дорожные заграждения. Когда агент ОСГ доберется до безопасного места, задание завершится.


Пора вмешаться в планы Эйвона. Совсем недавно он заказал военный вездеход Barrage, обладающий мощным вооружением. Нельзя, чтобы он попал в руки к нему и его психованному ИИ.

Траектория полета (подготовительное задание)

Устраните торговца оружием и добудьте сведения о Barrage, который должны доставить в Лос-Сантос.

Когда доберетесь до указанного места, дождитесь, пока цель покинет здание и следуйте за ней. В безлюдном месте, пускайте дилеру пулю в голову, забирайте кейс и гоните на базу.

Barrage (финальное задание)

Перехватите воздушный конвой торговца оружием. Сбейте грузовой вертолет и захватите Barrage.

Сделка по продаже Barrage состоится через считанные часы! Отправляйтесь к обсерватории и занимайте удобную позицию. Вскоре в небе появится конвой, перевозящий Barrage. Доставайте снайперку и начинайте по нему палить. С разрывными патронами, которыми вас обеспечил Лестер, это не составит труда. Грузовой вертолет с вездеходом уничтожайте в последнюю очередь. Постарайтесь подгадать момент, когда Barrage окажется как можно ближе к земле.

Но это еще не все, как только вы сядете в вездеход, Лестер сообщит, что на аэродроме Сэнди-Шорз прямо сейчас перевозят оборудование Эйвона. Жмите на газ и дуйте на аэродром. Там принимайтесь уничтожать все, что попадется под руку и самолет в том числе. Когда покончите с жалким мусором Эйвона, просто доставьте транспорт на базу.


Команда продолжает портить планы Эйвона. Как считает Лестер, Герц разрабатывает экспериментальный стелс-танк. Если это так, то пора пополнить коллекцию.

Сбор информации (подготовительное задание)

Заберите из дома одного из сотрудников Эйвона координаты полигона, где идут испытания Khanjali.

Эйвон снял целый дом, где вероятно и происходит разработка нового танка. Отправляйтесь туда и принимайтесь зачищать местность: на улице вас ждут два охранника и еще несколько вооруженных ученых в самом доме. Ваша цель: ноутбук с данными, который находится где-то в квартире, как заберете его, выходите на улицу и садитесь в свой автомобиль. Прежде, чем двигать на базу, сбросьте звезды, которыми вас наградили за перестрелку.

Khanjali (финальное задание)

Уничтожьте партию оружия врага на свалке в Гранд-Сеноре и угоните танк Khanjali.

Как показали данные, танк действительно существует и в текущий момент базируется на свалке самолетов. Заранее закупитесь патронами и бронежилетом, а еще лучше — обзаведитесь бронированной курумой: на месте вас ждет та еще бойня.

Сперва осторожно расправьтесь со всеми врагами, тактично отсиживаясь в укрытиях. Когда расчистите местность, хватайте гранатомет или липучие бомбы и принимайтесь уничтожать указанное оборудование.

Танк будет отмечен на радаре, так что найти его среди груды этого мусора, не составит труда. Как окажетесь в нем, не обращая внимание на новую пачку врагов, везите его к точке сброса прямо через пустыню. Чтобы отстреливаться от преследователей, используйте рельсовую пушку, установленную на танке.

Воздушная оборона

Эйвон засел в бункере под горой Чилиад. Прежде, чем штурмовать его и наказывать гаденыша, нужно покончить с системой защиты бункера: целой сетью турелей.

Бортовой компьютер (подготовительное задание)

Сбейте экспериментальный прототип Hydra и заберите с места крушения сигнал оповещения врагов.

В небе над Сан-Андреасом курсирует истребитель, оснащенный нужным вам модулем. Перед заданием лучше сразу приготовить себе какой-нибудь боевой вертолет, вроде Буззарда. Летите к истребителю и аккуратно подбейте его так, чтобы не уничтожить. Самолет пойдет на снижение, следуйте за ним. Неважно куда приземлится истребитель: на сушу или в воду. В любом случае, вы сможете забрать нужный модуль из кабины.

Воздушная оборона (финальное задание)

Уничтожьте турели ПВО на горе Чилиад при помощи Volatol.

Садитесь в автомобиль и отправляйтесь к аэродрому Сэнди-Шорз. Там пересаживайтесь на самолет и летите к горе Чилиад. Нужно уничтожить 12 турелей, установленных по всей горе Чилиад. Благодаря модулю, турели не будут открывать по вам огонь, но нужно остерегаться вражеских вертолетов. Как все турели будут уничтожены, возвращайтесь на базу и смотрите ролик.

Сценарий Судного дня

Эйвон и Клифффорд засели в подземном бункере, расположенном в недрах горы Чилиад. Проникнуть в него можно через заброшенный секретный тоннель. По пути туда придется сделать остановку в Грейпсиде, где вас дожидаются Khanjali и Barrage. К сожалению, вы можете использовать только одну из машин, в то время как вторая отправится на продажу. Продажа Khanjali принесет вам больше прибыли.

Отправляйтесь к горе Чилиад и въезжайте в технический тоннель. Будьте осторожны: в стенах тоннеля есть углубления, в которых прячутся вооруженные наемники. Уничтожайте противника из танка или маневрируйте между ними на Barrage. В конце тоннеля дорогу вам преградят бетонные заграждения — с этого момента передвигаться придется на своих двоих.

Осторожно продвигайтесь вглубь бункера, методично отстреливая противников. Если нужно пополнить здоровье или броню, ныряйте в укрытие и через меню взаимодействия используйте все, что нужно. Вскоре ваша команда окажется перед развилкой и будет вынуждена разделиться. Там начинайте уничтожать припасы Эйвона, можете использовать бомбу-липучку или просто расстрелять коробки. Параллельно не забывайте расправляться с противниками, которыми набит бункер. Против джаггернаутов используйте миниган, гранатометы или штурмовой дробовик.

В итоге, вы окажетесь перед запертой дверью. Смотрите забавную катсцену, в которой Лестер ловко обдурит Клифффорда и тот откроет вам дверь. В это же время, злобный компьютер инициирует протокол запуска ядерной ракеты. Необходимо отменить его. Отстреливая болванчиков Эйвона, доберитесь до сервера и начинайте взлом. Представляет он собой мини-игру, в которой нужно направлять луч на специальные пакеты (синего цвета), избегая брандмауэры (красного цвета). Чтобы направить луч на пакеты, нужно двигать зеркальные узлы так, чтобы луч, отражаясь от них добрался до пакетов. Противники не открывают огонь по хакеру, поэтому прикрывать его нужно только в последний момент, когда взлом завершен и ваш напарник движется к укрытию.

Нужно покончить с Клифффордом. Поднимайтесь на верхний уровень базы и задействуйте пульт управления орбитальной пушкой. Уничтожьте с ее помощью все сервера и надоевший ИИ замолкнет навсегда. Эйвон тем временем пытается уйти через шахту на джетпаке, так что бросайтесь к выходу. К счастью, там припасена еще парочка реактивных ранцев, как раз для героев.

Преследуйте неудачливого миллиардера. Вам попытаются помешать боевые вертолеты. Расстреливайте их из установленных на ранце ракет, не теряя из виду Эйвона. Как угроза будет устранена, выпускайте последнюю ракеты по самому Герцу и судный день будет предотвращен.

Доберитесь до обсерватории, посмотрите финальный ролик и получайте заслуженную награду!

This article (or section) refers to content in the Enhanced and Expanded & Enhanced version for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S release of Grand Theft Auto Online that may be absent from other versions.
For a complete list of the features of the Enhanced and Expanded & Enhanced version for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S version of Grand Theft Auto Online, please see here.



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A Missile Launch Base has fallen into the wrong hands. Storm the base, clear it out, stop the warhead from launching, and save the day.

— Brief.

The Doomsday Scenario is a heist featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of The Doomsday Heist update. It is the heist finale of the Act 3 of The Doomsday Heist and the final mission of the same mission strand.


The crew is instructed to go to a lot in Grapeseed to pick either the Barrage ATV or the TM-02 Khanjali tank. Lester will tell the crew that the vehicle not used by them will be sold for an additional profit for the crew member who set up the operation.

With the vehicle picked, the crew is ready to go to Mount Chiliad’s secret entrance in the tunnel. Once close to it, Lester manages to hack the secret entrance door behind a set of electrical boxes so the crew has an opportunity to get in there.

Once inside, the crew is instructed to go to the end of the tunnel while dealing with Avon’s army, who will try to stop the crew with barricades consisting of barrels and Mesas, as well as Insurgent Pick-Ups. Once the crew reaches the end of the tunnel, the crew clears the site from four Juggernauts armed with Miniguns. However, the vehicle is unable to pass through the tall barriers, forcing the crew to fight on foot. Phoenicia Rackman and Agent 14 instructs the crew to destroy five Avon’s supply boxes while clearing up the loading bay from more Avon’s mercenaries. Eventually, Cliffford shows up, knowing that they would come to stop them and taunting the crew while they fight off against more mercenaries and a Juggernaut. As the crew manages to destroy the supplies, they are instructed to go to the blast doors, but suddenly, through Avon and Cliffford’s conversation, Cliffford activates the launch protocol for the missile.

Outside the blast doors, a cutscene plays where the crew is unable to open them, with Cliffford taunting them for this. Lester, however, tricks him by saying he has not hacked the door since he never opened it in the first place, and that he should prove it, after which Cliffford proceeds to open the door, allowing the players to progress.

Inside the control room, the crew is instructed to hack the four consoles on the second floor while fighting off endless waves of enemies, all within the 20 minute limit before the missile is launched. The player will be then set into a hacking «minigame» where they have to move a set of panels to guide a beam and burst Pockets (blue nodes) while avoiding the Firewalls (red nodes) within a five-minute limit. If the player successfully manages to burst the blue nodes, the minigame is completed and they have to repeat the process for all of them.

Once the four terminal consoles are hacked, the launch protocol is shut down, but the crew must continue with the next objective. After taking out all of Avon’s goons, the crew head to the Orbital Cannon controls upstairs to destroy the four mobile cloud servers around the state, being Brickade trucks. Each crew member can use their own terminal. Destroying a truck severely affects Cliffford’s functionality to the point that it «dies» once all four trucks are destroyed. Avon, however, claims that he will bring it back with the original code he still has. Rackman instructs the crew to go to the silo to stop Avon, again while fighting off more mercenaries on the way.

The player as he goes after Avon Hertz.

Once the crew arrives, a cutscene plays where Avon takes a Thruster and escapes through the launch chamber. The crew fails to stop him with their Pistols and Lester orders them to take the other Thrusters and chase him. As the cutscene ends, the crew is instructed to chase and kill Avon while taking care of enemies in Buzzard Attack Choppers and Akulas. The crew then manages to take out the defense group and ultimately kill Avon. Once the task is done, Agent 14 instructs the crew to regroup at the Galileo Observatory, after which the mission is completed.


After delivering the vehicles, a cutscene plays where Mrs. Rackman will thank the team for their efforts, awarding them with a large sum of money before leaving with Agent 14. Lester then thanks the team as well before parting ways, with the crew members also celebrating.

Mission Objectives

  • Go to Grapeseed.
  • Get into the Barrage or the Khanjali.
  • Wait for your team to get into the same vehicle.
  • Go to the tunnel entrance.
  • Get to the end of the tunnel.
  • Go through the tunnels.
  • Destroy the supplies.
  • Get to the control center.
  • Go to the second floor.
  • Go to the server.
  • Protect your team while they hack the server.
  • Take out Avon’s goons.
  • Go to the top floor.
  • Wait for the rest of the team to arrive.
  • Go to an Orbital Cannon.
  • Destroy the mobile cloud servers.
  • Go to the Lab exit.
  • Get to the Silo.
  • Take out Avon Hertz.
  • Deliver the Thruster to the Observatory.
  • Help deliver the Thruster to the Observatory.

Elite Challenges

  • Complete in under 30:00 minutes
  • 0 hacks failed
  • 150 headshots
  • Nobody gets wasted

Video Walkthrough


GTA Online Doomsday Heist Act 3 — The Doomsday Scenario Finale (Elite & Mastermind II)


  • When approaching the tunnel to where the supplies need to be destroyed, Mrs. Rackman may sometimes speak dialogue of the player successfully destroying the supplies, even before any has been destroyed.


  • This is the second time in the Grand Theft Auto series where a silent protagonist «saves the world» from a missile launch under orders of the government. The first one being the GTA London Protagonist, who saved the whole Great Britain from a intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launcher under orders of a secret agency within the British government during the events of Grand Theft Auto: London 1969.


  1. $1,200,000 prior to The Criminal Enterprises.
  2. $1,500,000 prior to The Criminal Enterprises.



v  d  e

Grand Theft Auto series

Grand Theft Auto

Protagonists | Liberty City (and New Guernsey) | San Andreas | Vice City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats

Grand Theft Auto:

London 1969

Protagonists | London | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats

London 1961

Protagonists | London | Manchester | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations

Grand Theft Auto 2

Claude Speed/GBC Protagonists | Anywhere City (Downtown | Residential | Industrial) | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats

Grand Theft Auto III

Claude | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats

Vice City

Tommy Vercetti | Vice City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats

San Andreas

Carl Johnson | State of San Andreas (Los Santos • San Fierro • Las Venturas • Red County • Flint County • Whetstone • Bone County • Tierra Robada) | Characters | Missions | Gangs | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats


Mike | Liberty City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Cheats

Liberty City Stories

Toni Cipriani | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats

Vice City Stories

Victor Vance | Vice City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats

Grand Theft Auto IV

Niko Bellic | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats

Grand Theft Auto:
Episodes from Liberty City

The Lost and Damned

Johnny Klebitz | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats

The Ballad of Gay Tony

Luis Fernando Lopez | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats

Chinatown Wars

Huang Lee | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats

Grand Theft Auto V

Michael De Santa | Trevor Philips | Franklin Clinton | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blaine County) | State of North Yankton (Ludendorff) | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Weapons | Vehicles | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats

Grand Theft Auto Online

GTA Online Protagonist (Crews | Organizations | Motorcycle Clubs) | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blaine County) | The Caribbean (Cayo Perico) | Missions | Jobs | Gangs | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Reputation (Arena Points | LS Car Meet) | Content Updates | Events | Achievements/Trophies | Awards


Upcoming Grand Theft Auto title | Collectibles | Multiplayer | Modifications | Controversy

v  d  e

Missions in Grand Theft Auto Online


Introduction | Mall or Nothing | Learning the Ropes

Lamar Davis

Ballas to the Wall | San Andreas Seoul | Ticket to Elysium | Going Down the GOH | Caught Napping | Lost MC RIP | No Smoking

Lowriders Lowriders-GTAOe-RadarIcon-Intro.png

Community Outreach | Slow and Low | It’s a G Thing | Funeral Party | Lowrider Envy | Point and Shoot | Desperate Times Call For… | Peace Offerings


Pier Pressure | Death Metal | Deal Breaker | Flood in the LS River | Meth’d Up | No Hay Bronca | Hit ‘Em Up | Gassed Up | Violent Duct | Hard Labor | War and Pieces | Chumash and Grab | Dish the Dirt

Last Play GeraldsLastPlay-GTAOe-RadarIcon-Intro.png

Bad Companies | Deal With It | End Product | Fast Peddling | Go Figure | Make Ends Meat

Simeon Yetarian

Where Credit’s Due | Rockford Roll | Rich Men in Richman | Chasers | It Takes a Thief | Gentry Does It | All in the Game | El Burro Heists | Blow Up | GTA Today | Chasers II | Blow Up II | ATV Steal† | Blow Up III

Premium Deluxe Repo Work PremiumDeluxeRepoWork-GTAOe-RadarIcon-Intro.png

Blow Up IV | Burn Rate | Do You Even Lift? | GTA Today II | RV Nearly There? | Sasquashed | Simeonomics | Under the Hammer

Ron Jakowski

TP Industries | Romance Isn’t Dead | Fuelling the Flames | Turbine Carbine | Daemon Run | Base Invaders | Crank Up the Volume | A Boat in the Bay† | Landing Gear | Wet Workers

Trevor Philips

Lost My Mind | Crystal Clear Out | Chop Chop | Out of Harmony | Satellite Communications | Method in the Madness | Chopper Tail | Diamonds are for Trevor

Lester Crest

Denial of Service | Master Data | Cops Capacity | Crime Scenester | Landing Strip | A Titan of a Job | Last Chopper Outta LS | High Priority Case | Quarry Quarry | By Land, Sea and Air | Teaser Trailer | Four Trailers | Bust Out | Sinking Feeling | The Parking Garage | Hack and Dash | On Maneuvers | American Exports | Chemical Extraction† | Docks to Stock | Stocks and Scares | Docks to Stock II†

Martin Madrazo

On the List | Artificial Scarcity | Handle with Care | Time To Get Away | Pickup Sticks† | Out of Court Settlement | Death From Above | Check Out Time | Water the Vineyard | Grab Your Ballas | Stick Up the Stickup Crew | The Los Santos Connection | Effin’ Lazers | Editor and Thief | Mixed Up With Coke | Dry Docking | Cleaning the Cat House | Extradition | Holed Up — Burton | Show Me the Monet | Judging the Jury | Defender | Rooftop Rumble | Trash Talk

Dispatch Services MadrazosDispatchMissions-GTAOe-RadarIcon-Intro.png

I | II | III | IV | V | VI


Airport Parking | Crooked Cop | Escape From LS | Hippy Hunting | Into the Wild | Island Getaway | Roadgame | Truck Off | Underhand Contraband | Weed Killer | Welcoming Party

Acquire Targets

I | II | III

Air Force Zero

I | II | III | IV | V



I | II | III | IV | V


I | II | III | IV | V

Top Fun

I | II | III


Close Action | Coasting | Coveted | Crystal Clear Out II | Crystal Clear Out III | Dirt Road | Factory Closure | Potshot | Truck Together

Heists OnlineHeist-HUDIcon.png

Fleeca Job


Scope Out | Kuruma


The Fleeca Job

Prison Break


Plane | Bus | Station | Wet Work


The Prison Break

Humane Raid


Key Codes | Insurgents | EMP | Valkyrie | Deliver EMP


The Humane Labs Raid

Series A


Coke | Trash Truck | Bikers | Weed | Steal Meth


Series A Funding

Pacific Standard


Vans | Signal | Hack | Convoy | Bikes


The Pacific Standard Job

SecuroServ SecuroServ-GTAOe-RadarIcon-Intro.png
(Special Vehicle Work)

Escape Escort | Breakdown Recovery | Cleanup Op | Asset Seizure | Firewall Protection | Coast Guard Duty | End of Transmission | Arms Embargo

Agent 14 Gunrunning-GTAOe-RadarIcon-Intro.png
(Mobile Operations)

Severe Weather Patterns | Half-track Bully | Exit Strategy | Offshore Assets | Cover Blown | Mole Hunt | Data Breach | Work Dispute

The Doomsday Heist TheDoomsdayHeist-GTAOe-RadarIcon-Intro.png

Act 1:
The Data Breaches


Paramedic Equipment | Deluxos | Akula


Dead Courier | Signal Intercepts | Server Farm


The Data Breaches

Act 2:
The Bogdan Problem


Keycards | ULP Intel | Riot Control Van | Strombergs | Torpedo ECU


Avenger | Rescue ULP | Salvage Hard Drives | Submarine Recon


The Bogdan Problem

Act 3:
The Doomsday Scenario


Marked Cash | Recon | Chernobog | Flight Path | Test Site Intel | Onboard Computer


Rescue Agent 14 | Escort ULP | Barrage | Khanjali | Air Defenses


The Doomsday Scenario

Freemode Events

Air Checkpoints | Checkpoints | Criminal Damage | Dead Drop† | Freemode Challenges | Hold the Wheel | Hot Property | Hunt the Beast | Kill List | Kill List Competitive† | King of the Castle | Moving Target† | Penned In | Time Trials

Organization Work

Airfreight | Amphibious Assault | Asset Recovery | Executive Deathmatch | Executive Search | Fortified | Fully Loaded | Haulage | Headhunter | Hostile Takeover | Piracy Prevention | Plowed | Ramped Up | Sightseer | Stockpiling | Transporter | Velocity

Organization Challenges

Auto Buyout | Cashing Out | Courier Service | Due Diligence | Market Manipulation | Most Wanted | Point to Point | Salvage

Clubhouse Contracts ClubhouseContracts-GTAOe-RadarIcon.png

By the Pound | Cracked | Fragile Goods | Guns for Hire | Gunrunning | Jailbreak | Nine Tenths of the Law | Outrider | P.O.W. | Torched | Weapon of Choice | Hit the Roof | Life and Deathbikes

Motorcycle Club Work

Caged In | Deathmatch | Joust | Stand Your Ground

Motorcycle Club Challenges

Caged In | Criminal Mischief | On The Run | Race To Point | Rippin’ It Up | Search and Destroy | Wheelie Rider

Paige Harris
(Client Jobs)

Robbery in Progress | Data Sweep | Targeted Data | Diamond Shopping | Collector’s Pieces | Deal Breaker


Photo Clue | Three Clues | Treasure Chest | Headshot Challenge | Bounty Target

The Diamond Casino & Resort TheDiamondCasinoandResort-GTAOe-RadarIcon-Intro.png

Casino Missions HUDIcons-GTAO-AgathaBaker.png

Loose Cheng | House Keeping | Strong Arm Tactics | Play to Win | Bad Beat | Cashing Out

Casino Work

Bargaining Chips | Best Laid Plans | Damage Control | Department of Defense | Fake News | High Rollin’ | Judgment Call | Lost in Transit | One Armed Bandits | Recovery Time | Safe Bet | Severance | Tour de Force | Under the Influence | Undisclosed Cargo | When the Chips are Down

The Diamond Casino Heist TheDiamondCasinoHeist-GTAOe-RadarIcon-Intro.png


Equipment | Casino Scoping

Heist Preps

Heist Prep

Vault Contents | Unmarked Weapons | Getaway Vehicles | Hacking Device | Vault Keycards | Guard Patrol Routes | Duggan Shipments | Security Intel | Power Drills | Security Pass | Masks

Silent & Sneaky
Heist Prep

Nano Drones | Vault Lasers | EMP Device | Infiltration Suits

The Big Con
Heist Prep

Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 1 | Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 2 | Bugstar Gear Part 1 | Bugstar Gear Part 2 | Maintenance Gear Part 1 | Maintenance Gear Part 2 | Yung Ancestor: Dead Weight | Yung Ancestor: After Party | Heist Prep: Vault Drills | Heist Prep: Firefighter Gear | Heist Prep: NOOSE Gear

Heist Prep

Heist Prep: Thermal Charges | Heist Prep: Vault Explosives | Heist Prep: Reinforced Armor | Heist Prep: Tunnel Boring Machine


Silent & Sneaky | The Big Con | Aggressive

A Superyacht Life Blips-GTAO-PersonalYacht.pngHUDIcons-GTAO-Bridge.png

Overboard | Salvage | All Hands | Icebreaker | Bon Voyage | D-Day

The Cayo Perico Heist TheCayoPericoHeist-GTAOe-RadarIcon-Intro.png

Heist Preps


Gather Intel

Approach Vehicles

Kosatka | Alkonost (Pilot) | Velum | Stealth helicopter (Pilot) | Patrol Boat | Longfin


Demolition Charges | Safe Code | Plasma Cutter | Fingerprint Cloner | Cutting Torch

Weapon Loadout

Unmarked Weapons


Disrupt Weapons | Disrupt Armor | Disrupt Air Support


The Cayo Perico Heist

Robbery Contracts Blips-GTAO-AutoShop.pngContracts-GTAO-Icon.png


Impounded Car

The Bank Contract

Thermal Charges | Signal Jammers | The Robberies

The Data Contract

Safehouse Location | Defenses | The Robbery

The Superdollar Deal

Tracking Device | Virus Software | The Robbery

The Prison Contract

Inside Man | Access Point | The Hit

The Agency Deal

Entry Point | Security Pass | The Raid

The E.C.U Job

Train Inventory | Schedule | The Robbery

The Lost Contract

Lab Locations | Transport Method | The Job

The Union Depository Contract

Elevator Key | Vault Code | The Robbery

VIP Contract Agency-GTAO-RadarIcon.pngComputerIcon-GTAO.png

The Contract: Dr. Dre

On Course


Data Recovery

Nightlife Leak

The Nightclub | The Marina | Nightlife Leak

High Society Leak

The Country Club | Guest List | High Society Leak

South Central Leak

Davis | The Ballas | South Central Leak

Studio Time | Don’t Fuck With Dre

Security Contracts Agency-GTAO-RadarIcon.pngComputerIcon-GTAO.png

Asset Protection | Gang Termination | Rescue Operation | Liquidize Assets | Recover Valuables | Vehicle Recovery

Payphone Hits PayphoneHits-GTAO-RadarIcon.png

The Hitmen | The Popstar | The Tech Entrepreneur | The Trolls | The Judge | The Dealers | The CEO | The Cofounder

Short Trips RecordAStudios-GTAO-RadarIcon.pngShortTrip-GTAO-RadarIcon.png

Seed Capital | Fire It Up | OG Kush

Operation Paper Trail AgentULP-GTAOe-Blip.png
(Agent ULP)

ULP — Intelligence | ULP — Counterintelligence | ULP — Extraction | ULP — Asset Seizure | ULP — Operation Paper Trail | ULP — Cleanup

First Dose RonJakowski-GTAOe-RadarIcon.pngDax-GTAOe-RadarIcon.png

Welcome to the Troupe | Designated Driver | Fatal Incursion | Uncontrolled Substance | Make War not Love | Off the Rails

Fooligan Jobs

Crop Dustin’ | Heavy Metal | Liquid Assets | Working Remotely | Write-Off

Freemode Missions [?]

Ammu-Nation Contract | Auto Shop Service | Clubhouse Bar Resupply | Custom Bike Shop Service | DJ Requests | Exotic Exports | Nightclub Management | Random Events | Taxi Work


Vehicle Cargo (Steal Missions | Sell Missions) | Special Cargo (Steal Missions | Sell Missions | Export Mixed Goods) | Air Freight Cargo (Steal Missions | Sell Missions) | Bunker Supplies (Steal Missions | Sell Missions | Research) | MC Business Supplies (Steal Missions | Sell Missions) | Nightclub Goods (Business Battles | Steal Missions | Sell Missions) | Acid Product (Acid Lab Setup | Steal Missions | Sell Missions)

Missions in GTA Online (Category) | Missions | Beta Missions
Missions marked with » † » were removed from later updates.

DLC Content Missions
Los Santos Drug Wars | The Criminal Enterprises | The Contract | Los Santos Tuners | The Cayo Perico Heist | Los Santos Summer Special | The Diamond Casino Heist | The Diamond Casino & Resort | Arena War | After Hours | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | The Doomsday Heist | Smuggler’s Run | Gunrunning | Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Import/Export | Bikers | Cunning Stunts | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony | Lowriders: Custom Classics | Be My Valentine | January 2016 Update | Festive Surprise 2015 | Executives and Other Criminals | Halloween Surprise | Lowriders | Freemode Events Update | Heists Update | Flight School Jobs | San Andreas Flight School Update | Independence Day Special | High Life Update

This article (or section) refers to content in the Enhanced and Expanded & Enhanced version for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S release of Grand Theft Auto Online that may be absent from other versions.
For a complete list of the features of the Enhanced and Expanded & Enhanced version for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S version of Grand Theft Auto Online, please see here.


The Doomsday Heist is a content update for Grand Theft Auto Online, released on December 12, 2017.


A billionaire tech mogul, an idealistic intelligence agent, a socially awkward conspiracy theorist and a neurotic supercomputer have been forced into an unlikely alliance to save San Andreas from total annihilation. As apocalyptic threats mount from enemies unknown, you and your criminal crew are enlisted to un-tangle mysteries and eradicate threats spanning from the bustling streets of downtown Los Santos to the ocean floor and all the way to the inner depths of Mount Chiliad in an epic new online adventure.

— Rockstar Newswire

This update features a new storyline, which begins with the GTA Online Protagonists are reunited by Lester Crest and a new character, billionaire Avon Hertz. The protagonist, Lester, and Avon unite with government agents, including Agent 14 and Phoenicia Rackman. Avon believes that an unknown foreign entity is trying to start a war and would put San Andreas and the United States under a «doomsday scenario». The heist crew is involved in several missions, which introduce new military-grade vehicles and weapons featured within the update.

The Doomsday Heist itself is a three-act sequence of missions involving Heist Prep (skippable via payment of GTA$) and Setup missions before undertaking Heist Finales in each act.


Character Customization

  • Over 200 clothing items, 65 outfits, and 123 masks have been added.
  • 30 new tattoos have been added.
  • 26 new face paints have been added.


Six additional weapons can be upgraded into their Mk II variants in a Weapons Workshop, and are found alongside the six weapons previously added in the Gunrunning update. They have the same Research requirements as previous weapons, so any shared option can be unlocked.

An additional weapon is only available as part of a special quest introduced shortly afterwards, as part of an event.

Image Name Description
SNSPistolMkII-GTAV.png SNS Pistol Mk II Mark II version of the SNS Pistol. Resembles an AMT Backup.
HeavyRevolverMkII-GTAV.png Heavy Revolver Mk II Mark II version of the Heavy Revolver. Looks like a modernized Taurus Raging Bull.
SpecialCarbineMkII-GTAO.png Special Carbine Mk II Mark II version of the Special Carbine. Seems to retain the Heckler & Koch G36C appearance, but with changes in its main parts (handguard and stock).
BullpupRifleMkII-GTAV.png Bullpup Rifle Mk II Mark II version of the Bullpup Rifle. It appears to combine elements from the Kel-Tec RFB and the FAMAS.
PumpShotgunMkII-GTAV.png Pump Shotgun Mk II Mark II version of the Pump Shotgun. Still resembles a Mossberg 590, but with extra additions, such as a heat shield over its barrel and a different stock.
MarksmanRifleMkII-GTAV.png Marksman Rifle Mk II Mark II version of the Marksman Rifle. Appears to be based on a M39 EMR/Mk. 14 Mod 1 EBR, with a different grip and stock.
DoubleActionRevolver-GTAV.png Double-Action Revolver A double-action revolver based on the Colt M1892.


30 new vehicles are now available:

  • 10 weaponized vehicles
  • 15 standard vehicles
  • 4 optional weaponized vehicles
  • 1 alternative model of a pre-existing vehicle (cutscene-only)
Image Name Description
Available to purchase immediately
Akula-GTAO-front.png Buckingham Akula An attack helicopter based on the RAH-66 Comanche, with elements from the Kamov Ka-50 «Black Shark».
Barrage-GTAO-front.png HVY Barrage A weaponized ATV seemingly based on the HDT Storm SRTV (Search & Rescue Tactical Vehicle).
Chernobog-GTAO-front.png HVY Chernobog A ballistic missile launcher truck strongly based on the MAZ-543M, but replacing the BM-30 Smerch with a 15-tube launch pod (which uses a standard box-shaped framing).
Raiden-GTAO-front.png Coil Raiden An electric sports sedan based on the Tesla Model S.
Yosemite-GTAO-front.png Declasse Yosemite A stanced pickup truck based on the Chevrolet C10. Returning from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Deluxo-GTAO-front.png Imponte Deluxo A flight-capable sports car inspired by the DeLorean DMC-12 based DeLorean time machine from the Back To The Future series. Returning from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.
Avenger-GTAO-front.png Mammoth Avenger A tiltrotor aircraft based on the V-22 Osprey.
Avenger2-GTAO-front.png An unobtainable variant of the Avenger with folded wings.

(used in the cutscene of the Avenger being parked in the facility)

Thruster-GTAO-front.png Mammoth Thruster A jet pack. Returning from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Pariah-GTAO-front.png Ocelot Pariah A sports car seemingly based on the Ferrari 812 Superfast.
Stromberg-GTAO-front.png Ocelot Stromberg A submersible sports car inspired by the Lotus Esprit based Wet Nellie from the 1977 James Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me.
CometSafari-GTAO-front.png Pfister Comet Safari Off-road variant of the Comet, which assumes the same body design as the Comet Retro Custom.
RCV-GTAO-front.png Brute RCV A law enforcement 6-wheeled armored truck resembling the INKAS Armored Riot Control Vehicle.
Khanjali-GTAO-front.png TM-02 Khanjali A futuristic stealth tank based on the Polish light tank PL-01.
SC1-GTAO-front.png Ubermacht SC1 A super car based on the BMW M1 Concept, with the rear resembling the BMW i8.
Riata-GTAO-front.png Vapid Riata A heavy duty off-road truck based on the Ford Bronco Concept.
Volatol-GTAO-front.png Volatol A jet bomber based on the Avro Vulcan.
Unlocked as part of Event Weeks Week
SentinelClassic-GTAO-front.png Übermacht Sentinel Classic A classic sports car based on the BMW M3 (E30). Festive Surprise 2017
December 19, 2017[1]
Streiter-GTAO-front.png Benefactor Streiter A suburban station wagon derived from the Mercedes-Benz E-Class All Terrain 4×4² Festive Surprise 2017
December 23, 2017[2]
Hermes-GTAO-front.png Albany Hermes Returning from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, based on the Mercury Eight. Festive Surprise 2017
December 25, 2017
Autarch-GTAO-front.png Overflod Autarch A hypercar based on the Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus SCG 003. Festive Surprise 2017
December 26, 2017
Savestra-GTAO-front.png Annis Savestra A classic compact Japanese sports car based on the Mazda RX3/Savannah. Savestra Week
January 2, 2018
Viseris-GTAO-front.png Lampadati Viseris A classic sports car based on the De Tomaso Pantera. Viseris Week
January 9, 2018
GT500-GTAO-front.png Grotti GT500 A classic sports car resembling the Ferrari 250 GT SWB. GT500 Week
January 16, 2018
Revolter-GTAO-front.png Übermacht Revolter A 4-door sports sedan based on the Cadillac Escala Concept. Revolter Week
January 23, 2018
Neon-GTAO-front.png Pfister Neon A four-door electric sports car that takes strong influences from the Porsche Mission E. Neon Week
January 30, 2018
Kamacho-GTAO-front.png Canis Kamacho An off-road utility truck based on the Jeep Crew Chief 715 concept. Battle Week
February 6, 2018
Hustler-GTAO-front.png Vapid Hustler Returning from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, based on the 1933 Ford Coupe. Valentine’s Day 2018
February 13, 2018
Z190-GTAO-front.png Karin 190z A classic sports car based on the Datsun 240Z. GTA Online Bonuses (February 2018)
February 20, 2018
CometSR-GTAO-front.png Pfister Comet SR Racing-oriented variant of the Comet, based on the Porsche 911 GT2 RS. GTA Online Bonuses (March 2018 Part 1)
February 27, 2018


9 new properties have been added to Maze Bank Foreclosures as base Facilities for the three Acts of the Doomsday Heist. Most of the new Warstock vehicles require the ownership of a Facility and land vehicles are stored within the player’s facility. The new Aircraft require Hangars for storage, with the exception of the Avenger, which is stored in the Facility. There is a Heist Setup room located inside the Facility.

Facilities provide garage space for 7 personal/weaponized vehicles.


  • Eight new achievements/trophies have been added to GTA Online.
  • The Battle Axe has been moved from the DLC weapon wall to the melee weapon cabinet in Ammu-Nation.
  • Lester’s “Remove Wanted Level” ability will become FREE upon completion of The Doomsday Heist.
  • Players can now control the doors of the Personal Aircraft via the “Door Control” Interaction Menu option.
  • The GUI Fonts for in-session missions, such as Organization Work, Vehicle Cargo, Doomsday Heist Prep Work and Special Cargo has been updated — the traditional Pricedown font has been replaced with the Chalet Comprime ’60 and its size has been increased.


  • A new radio station, blonded Los Santos 97.8 FM, is introduced to both GTA Online and GTA V. It is hosted by Frank Ocean.

New Characters

In order of appearance:

  • Facility Receptionist
  • Avon Hertz
  • Cliffford
  • Phoenicia Rackman
  • Agent ULP
  • Bogdan

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed inconsistencies between the amounts of stock the Free Trade Shipping Co. app displays and how much the Hangar owner actually has.
  • Fixed issues that resulted in players getting stuck when trying to enter/exit their Hangar.
  • Fixed a glitch that allowed players to add pearlescents on non-metallic paintjobs.
  • Adjustments to the brake disks that clipped on the Vagner.
  • Adjustments to door positioning on the Visione.
  • Changes made to the smashed windows effect on the Visione and Seabreeze.
  • Changes made to how Transform Races appear in the Rockstar Editor.

Discounts & Bonuses

  • Double GTA$ payouts for Associates of Organizations.
  • 25% Ammu-Nation discount on many weapons and upgrades:
    • All SMGs
    • All Pistols
    • All Shotguns
    • All Sniper Rifles
    • All Machine Guns
    • All Body Armor
    • All Explosives and Throwables
    • Luxury Finishes
  • Doomsday Social Club Sweepstakes offering the chance to win a range of Rockstar Warehouse gear:
    • Camo Merryweather Security Hat
    • Black Merryweather Tee
    • Merryweather Polo
    • GTAV Hoodie
    • Black Rockstar Camo Tee
    • Merryweather Heat Changing Mug
    • GTAV Gold Bar USB
    • GTAV Power Magnet
    • GTAV Chrome Zippo
  • A Doomsday-themed Snapmatic Contest is available to take part in between December 12 and December 18, 2017.
    • Players will need to tag their entry with «#DOOMSDAY».
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedules:
    • Premium Race — East Coast (locked to Super)
    • Time Trial — Up Chiliad
  • Features from the Festive Surprise update returned for the event, as well as an announcement for a snowfall, as well as upcoming features.
  • The Übermacht Sentinel Classic became available in Southern San Andreas Super Autos, for $650,000.
  • A new Adversary Mode, Occupy, was added.
  • Double GTA$ and RP in the Adversary Mode, Occupy, through January 8th.
  • 30% discount on selected properties and vehicles:
    • Arcadius Business Center
    • Fort Zancudo Hangar 3499
    • Galaxy Super Yacht (all models)
    • Pegassi Zentorno
    • Karin Kuruma (Armored)
    • Nagasaki Buzzard Attack Chopper
    • HVY Insurgent (both prices)
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedules:
    • From December 19th to December 25th
      • Premium Race — H200 (Locked to Sports)
      • Time Trial — Sawmill
    • From December 26th to January 1st
      • Premium Race — Double Loop (locked to Super)
      • Time Trial — Cypress Flats
  • Snowfall began and lasted for a few days, until December 25th.
  • The Benefactor Streiter became available in Southern San Andreas Super Autos, for $500,000.
  • Five Christmas-themed liveries were added for the Mammoth Thruster, for free.
  • Players were given 10 rockets for the Firework Launcher and a random special top.
  • Players who logged on on this day were awarded the Odious Krampus mask.
  • Players who logged on on this day were able to purchase the newly relased Albany Hermes for free. After this event, the Hermes was purchasable from Southern San Andreas Super Autos for $535,000.
  • Players’ snacks were replenished.
  • Players were also rewarded:
    • One free shot for owners of the Orbital Cannon
    • Carbine Rifle + 200 rounds
    • Marksman Rifle + 200 rounds
    • Basic Knuckle Dusters
    • Firework Launcher with 10 Firework Rockets
    • 25 Sticky Bombs
    • 25 Grenades
    • 5 Proximity Mines
    • 5 Molotov Coctails
    • Full Ammo for all existing weapons
    • Heinous Krampus mask
  • The Överflöd Autarch became available at Legendary Motorsport, for $1,955,000.
  • A new Adversary Mode, Slashers, was added.
  • Double GTA$ & RP in the Adversary Mode, Slashers, through January 8th.
  • The Annis Savestra became available at Legendary Motorsport, for $990,000.
  • Double GTA$ & RP in the Adversary Modes Occupy and Slashers.
  • Several discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Mobile Operations Center cabs (Phantom Custom and Hauler Custom) — 50% discount
    • Coil Cyclone & Grotti Visione — 30% discount
    • Ocelot Ardent, FH-1 Hunter, P-45 Nokota & HVY APC — 25% discount
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Duel (locked to Muscle)
    • Time Trial — Up n Atom
  • The Lampadati Viseris became available at Legendary Motorsport, for $875,000.
  • Double GTA$ & RP on all Lester Contact missions, through January 15th.
  • 25% discount on selected items:
    • Nagasaki Ultralight
    • Aircraft Weapons
    • Vehicle Armor
    • Headlights and Neons
    • Skirts
    • Spoilers
    • Suspension
    • Turbos
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Island Hopping (locked to Blazer Aqua)
    • Time Trial — Maze Bank Arena
  • The Grotti GT500 is made available from Legendary Motorsport, for $785,000.
  • A new Adversary Mode, Air Quota, is made available.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in the new Air Quota Adversary Mode.
  • 25% discounts on selected Facility upgrades:
    • Facility Graphics
    • Security Room
    • Facility Styles
  • 25% discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Buckingham Pyro (both prices)
    • HVY Nightshark
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Plummet (locked to Super)
    • Time Trial — Tongva Valley
  • The Ubermacht Revolter is made available from Legendary Motorsport for $1,610,000.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in the Air Quota Adversary Mode.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in all Rockstar-created Land and Stunt races.
  • 25% discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Benefactor Turreted Limo
    • HVY APC (both prices)
  • 25% discounts on Mk II Weapon Customization:
    • Mk II Magazines
    • Mk II Scopes
    • Mk II Muzzles
    • Mk II Weapon Liveries
  • 30% discount on all Mk II Weapon Upgrades
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race: Tube Rider (locked to Ruiner 2000)
    • Time Trial — Coast to Coast
  • The Pfister Neon is made available from Legendary Motorsport for $1,500,000.
  • A new Adversary Mode, Hardest Target, is made available.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in the new Adversary Mode.
  • 25% GTA$ increase in Special Cargo Sell Missions.
  • 25% increase on Research and Manufacturing time in the Bunker.
  • Discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Western Company Cargobob – 35% off
    • LF-22 Starling – 25% off (both prices)
    • Grotti Cheetah Classic – 25% off
  • 25% discounts on selected vehicle upgrades:
    • Vehicle armour
    • Bulletproof tires
  • 25% discounts on selected properties:
    • Farmhouse Bunker
    • Thomson Scrapyard Bunker
    • Bunker Renovations
    • All Special Cargo Warehouses
    • Executive Office Renovations
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Rally (locked to Sports)
    • Time Trial — Casino
  • The Canis Kamacho is made available from Southern San Andreas Super Autos for $345,000.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in the Motor Wars, Hardest Target, Slashers, and Occupy Adversary Modes.
  • Players who logged on during the event were awarded the Black Ammu-Nation T-Shirt.
  • Discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Mammoth Avenger — 25% off
    • HVY Chernobog — 25% off (both prices)
    • Bravado Half-track — 40% off (both prices)
    • Vom Feuer Anti-Aircraft Trailer — 35% off (both prices)
    • Declasse Weaponized Tampa — 40% off (both prices)
  • 30% discounts on selected vehicle upgrades:
    • All Aircraft Weapons
  • Discounts on selected Mk II weapons and upgrades:
    • All Mk II Upgrades — 30% off
    • All Mk II Ammo types — 50% off
    • Mk II Magazines — 25% off
    • Mk II Scopes — 25% off
    • Mk II Muzzles — 25% off
    • Mk II Weapon Liveries — 25% off
  • Discounts at Ammu-Nation:
    • Ammo — 50% off
    • Assault Rifles — 30% off
    • Sniper Rifles — 30% off
    • Melee Weapons — 30% off
    • Body Armor — 30% off
    • RPG — 30% off
  • 25% discount on the Security Room upgrade for Facilities.
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Bumblebee (locked to Rocket Voltic)
    • Time Trial — Route 68
  • The Vapid Hustler is made available from Legendary Motorsport for $625,000.
  • Players who logged on between February 16th and February 26th, 2018 were rewarded GTA$250,000. As well as this, a 10% rebate on every dollar spent throughout this period was deposited into the player’s account between February 27th and March 6th. This rebate covered up to GTA$10,000,000 spent, totaling up to a GTA$1,000,000 rebate.
  • Double GTA$ salaries for Bodyguards and Associates.
  • Double GTA$ and RP in the Till Death Do Us Part, Slasher, Resurrection, Deadline, and Lost Vs Damned Adversary Modes.
  • Discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Albany Roosevelt — 25% off
    • Albany Roosevelt Valor — 25% off
    • HVY Barrage — 35% off
    • Nagasaki Shotaro — 25% off
    • RCV — 35% off
    • Ocelot Stromberg — 25% off
    • Nagasaki Buzzard Attack Chopper — 25% off
  • 25% discounts on selected vehicle upgrades:
    • Benny’s Original Motor Works upgrades
  • 25% discounts on selected properties:
    • High-End Apartments with 10-car garages
    • Penthouses
    • Stilt Houses
    • Executive Offices
  • 25% discount on selected clothing and tattoos:
    • Valentine’s clothing
    • Smuggler’s Run clothing
    • Doomsday Heist tattoos
  • 25% discounts for Executive Assistant services.
  • 25% off the Gusenberg Sweeper
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Turbine (locked to Off-Road)
    • Time Trial — LSIA
  • The Karin 190z is made available from Legendary Motorsport for $900,000.
  • Players who logged on between February 16th and February 26th, 2018 were rewarded GTA$250,000. As well as this, a 10% rebate on every dollar spent throughout this period was deposited into the player’s account between February 27th and March 6th. This rebate covered up to GTA$10,000,000 spent, totaling up to a GTA$1,000,000 rebate.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in Air Freight Cargo Sell Missions.
  • 25% bonus GTA$ rewards in Biker Sell Missions.
  • 30% discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Mobile Operations Center Cabs
    • Ocelot Pariah
    • Ocelot XA-21
    • Coil Raiden
  • Discounts on selected properties:
    • Yachts and yacht renovations — 30% off
    • Mobile Operations Center renovations – 30% off
    • Bunker renovations – 30% off
    • Aircraft Workshop – 25% off
    • Biker Business upgrades — 25% off
  • 25% discounts on selected clothing items and tattoos:
    • The Doomsday Heist clothing
    • Import/Export tattoos
  • 25% discount on Biker Business supplies and Special Cargo.
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Damned (locked to Ruiner 2000)
    • Time Trial — Calafia Way
  • The Pfister Comet SR is made available from Legendary Motorsport for $1,145,000.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in Gunrunning Sell Missions
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in Special Vehicle Work.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in the Air Quota Adversary Mode.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in Rockstar-Created Transform Races.
  • Discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Mammoth Avenger — 25% off
    • Jobuilt P-996 LAZER — 25% off
    • Volatol — 25% off (both prices)
    • Western Company Seabreeze — 25% off (both prices)
    • Declasse Yosemite — 25% off
    • Vapid Riata — 25% off
    • Mobile Operations Center truck cabs — 30% off
    • HVY Insurgent Pick-Up — 30% off (both prices)
    • HVY Nightshark — 30% off
  • 25% discounts on selected Facility upgrades:
    • Facility Style
    • Facility Graphics
    • Security Room
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — City Air (locked to Sports)
    • Time Trial — Vinewood Bowl
  • Players who logged on during the event were awarded the Tartan livery for the Pegassi Oppressor.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in Rockstar-created and verified Stunt Races.
  • Discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Annis RE-7B – 35% off
    • Dewbauchee Vagner – 30% off
    • Emperor ETR1 – 30% off
    • Benefactor Streiter – 25% off
    • Lampadati Tropos Rallye – 25% off
    • Vapid Trophy Truck – 25% off
    • Pegassi Torero – 25% off
  • 25% Discounts on selected vehicle upgrades:
    • Engine Upgrades
    • Transmission
    • Brakes
    • Exhausts (incl. JATO Thrust)
    • Spoilers
    • Turbo
    • Liveries
  • 25% discounts on selected other items:
    • Weapon ammo (excluding Mk II ammo)
    • Cunning Stunts clothing
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Zebra II (locked to Rocket Voltic)
    • Time Trial — Power Station
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in the Occupy, Slasher, Every Bullet Counts, Juggernaut, Kill Quota, Resurrection, Trading Places, and Till Death Do Us Part Adversary Modes.
  • Discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Buckingham Alpha-Z1 — 25% off (both prices)
    • Buckingham Akula — 25% off (both prices)
    • Western Company Rogue — 25% off (both prices)
    • RM-10 Bombushka — 25% off (both prices)
    • Progen T20 – 30% off
    • Coil Cyclone – 25% off
    • Dewbauchee Rapid GT Classic – 25% off
    • HVY APC – 25% off (both prices)
    • Karin Technical – 25% off (both prices)
    • Benefactor Turreted Limo – 25% off
    • HVY Dump – 50% off
  • Discounts on selected properties:
    • Land Act Reservoir Facility – 30% off
    • Route 68 Facility – 25% off
    • Lago Zancudo Facility – 20% off
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Afterburner (locked to Motorcycles)
    • Time Trial — Raton Canyon


A new soundtrack, created and mixed by Oh No, was featured as part of the update. The soundtrack can be heard during The Doomsday Heist setups and the finale. Several Adversary Mode remixes can also be found in the files, but are not currently in use.

As already noted, Frank Ocean created the playlist for the radio station blonded Los Santos 97.8 FM, which was released with the update. It features a range of Contemporary R&B, Psychedelic Rock, Hip-Hop and Rap music, among other genres.



Alternative crop of the artwork seen during GTA Online loading screens.

Pre-Release Screenshots


GTA Online The Doomsday Heist Official Trailer

GTA Online The Doomsday Heist Official Trailer

GTA Online The Doomsday Heist - All DLC Content

GTA Online The Doomsday Heist — All DLC Content

GTA Online Doomsday Heist - Criminal Mastermind Guide (Tips & Tricks)

GTA Online Doomsday Heist — Criminal Mastermind Guide (Tips & Tricks)

GTA Online Doomsday Heist - Elite Challenge Guide (Elitist Trophy Achievement)

GTA Online Doomsday Heist — Elite Challenge Guide (Elitist Trophy Achievement)


  • Originally, the update was intended to be released for single player in Grand Theft Auto V.
  • An unused IAA outfit was added for players. It contains a badge, credentials and a utility belt with a weapon holster. It’s similar to the one used by IAA agents.


  1. http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/60323/Festive-Surprise-2017-Plus-Ubermacht-Sentinel-Classic-Occupy-Adversa
  2. http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/60324/GTA-Online-New-Benefactor-Streiter-Snowfall-Plus-upcoming-Festive-Gift



v  d  e

Content Updates in Grand Theft Auto Online

Original version updates
(PS3 and Xbox 360)

Beach Bum Update | Holiday Gifts | Valentine’s Day Massacre Special | The Business Update | High Life Update | I’m Not a Hipster Update | Independence Day Special | San Andreas Flight School Update | Last Team Standing Update

Mutual updates
(PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One and PC)

Festive Surprise | Heists Update | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2

Enhanced version updates
(PS4, Xbox One and PC)

Freemode Events Update | Lowriders | Halloween Surprise | Executives and Other Criminals | Festive Surprise 2015 | January 2016 Update | Be My Valentine | Lowriders: Custom Classics | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony | Cunning Stunts | Bikers
| Import/Export | Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Gunrunning | Smuggler’s Run | The Doomsday Heist | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | After Hours | Arena War | The Diamond Casino & Resort | The Diamond Casino Heist | Los Santos Summer Special | The Cayo Perico Heist | Los Santos Tuners | The Contract

Mutual updates
(PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X)

The Criminal Enterprises | Los Santos Drug Wars

Additional content updates
(Already included on game disc)

Special/Collector’s Edition | Enhanced Edition | Expanded & Enhanced Version

Updates marked * are future updates

v  d  e

Events in Grand Theft Auto Online



Prison Break Weekend | Humane Labs Raid Week | Series A Funding Week


Pacific Standard Job Week | Labor Day Weekend Sales


Freemode Events Social Club Weekend


Lowriders Event Weekend


Friday the 13th Event Weekend | Lowriders Week | Thanksgiving Weekend Bonuses


Every Bullet Counts Weekend | Executives & Other Criminals Event Weekend | Festive Surprise 2015



GTA Online Event Weekend


VIP Bonuses Week | Be My Valentine Event 2016 | Friends in High Places Week | Rhino Hunt Week


Versus Missions Week | Ill-Gotten Gains Week


Tornado Week | Adversary Modes Week | Sabre Week | High Life Week | In and Out Week


Time Trials Week | Combat Week | Capture Week | Head to Head Week


Criminal Expansions Weekend | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony Bonus Week | Trading Places Week | Power Play Week | Pfister 811 Week


Independence Day 2016 | Seven-70 Week | Cunning Stunts Bonuses I | Cunning Stunts Bonuses II


Entourage Week | Executive Protection Bonuses | Stunts & Entourage Bonuses | Freemode Week


Sunday Drivers Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)


Daemon and Raptor Week | Vortex and Sanctus Week


Tornado Rat Rod Week | Shotaro Week | Esskey Week | Youga Classic Week | Online Creator Expansion and Bonuses Week


GTA Online Bonuses | Festive Surprise 2016



FCR 1000 Week | Itali GTB Week | Specter Week | GTA Online Bonuses


Valentine’s Bonuses 2017 | 2017 Stunt Race Week


Ruston Week | Infernus Classic Week


Turismo Classic Week | Land Grab Week | Duke O’Death Week | Tiny Racers Week


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)


Independence Day 2017


Cheetah Classic Week | Technical Custom Week | Torero Week


Insurgent Pick-Up Custom Week | Nightshark Week | XA-21 Week | Ardent Week


GTA Online Bonuses | Rapid GT Classic Week | RM-10 Bombushka Week | Howard NX-25 Week


Mogul Week | Pyro Week | Transform Race Week | Anniversary Specials 2017 | Halloween Specials 2017 | Halloween Bonuses 2017


P-45 Nokota Week | Cyclone Week | FH-1 Hunter Week | Black Friday Sales 2017 | P-996 LAZER Week


Doomsday Event Week | Festive Surprise 2017



Savestra Week | Viseris Week | GT500 Week | Revolter Week | Neon Week


Battle Week | Valentine’s Day 2018 | GTA Online Bonuses


GTA Online Bonuses | Stunt Race Week | GTA Online Bonuses | Ellie and Tezeract Week


Target Assault Week | Contraband Week | The Vespucci Job Week | Smuggler’s Week


Special Vehicle Stunt Race Week | Business Week | Trap Door Week | Memorial Day 2018 | Madrazo Dispatch Services Week


Transform Race and Creator Updates Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3)


Independence Day 2018 | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Tale of Us Residency Week


Dixon Residency Week | The Black Madonna Residency Week | Scramjet Week | Menacer Week


Freecrawler Week | Southern San Andreas Super Autos Inventory Update Week | Running Back (Remix) Week | Patriot and Romero Hearse Week


Sumo (Remix) Week | Futo, Prairie, and Ruiner Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Halloween Surprise 2018


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)


GTA Online Bonuses | Festive Surprise 2018



Unholy Hellbringer and Widowmaker Week | Tulip Week | Schlagen GT Week | RC Bandito Week


Deviant Week | Valentine’s Day 2019 | Deveste Eight and Doomsday Week | RC Bandito Races Week


Flight Week | Bikers Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2)


GTA Online Bonuses | Lowriders Week 2019 | GTA Online Bonuses | Premium Deluxe Repo Work Week


Survival Week | GTA Online Bonuses | Import/Export Week | Missile Base Series Week | GTA Online Bonuses


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Freemode Events Week | GTA Online Bonuses


Independence Day 2019 | GTA Online Bonuses


Neo Week | Gauntlet Classic Week | Emerus Week | Nebula Turbo Week | Locust Week


Gauntlet Hellfire Week | Krieger Week | Zion Classic Week | Survival Series Week


Hellion Week | Jugular Week | Dynasty Week | Zorrusso Week | Halloween Surprise 2019


Novak Week | Survival & King of the Hill Creators Week | GTA Online Bonuses | Peyote Gasser Week


GTA Online Bonuses | Festive Surprise 2019



Zhaba Week | Imorgon Week | Sultan Classic Week | Outlaw Week | V-STR Week


Drift Yosemite Week | Valentine’s Day 2020 | Blista Kanjo Week | Open Wheel Races Week


Stryder Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3)


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3) | Gerald’s Last Play Week | GTA Online Bonuses


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3) | Weeny Issi Week


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Speed Week | GTA Online Bonuses


Independence Day 2020 | Pilot Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3)


Galaxy Superyacht Week | San Andreas Prix Week


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3) | Mobile Operations Week


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4) | Halloween Week 2020


GTA Online Bonuses | The Heist Challenge | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 3)


GTA Online Bonuses | Cayo Perico Heist Bonuses | Holiday Bonuses 2020 | GTA Online Bonuses



Weevil Week | Manchez Scout Week | Slamtruck Week | Vetir Week


GTA Online Bonuses | Valentine’s Day 2021 | Verus Week | Weaponized Dinghy Week


Brioso 300 Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Biker Week


Stunt Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Panther Statue Week | Stunt Racing Week


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Deadline Week


Independence Day 2021 | Survivals Week | Comet S2 Week


Dominator ASP Week | Vectre Week | Kart Krash: Full Auto Week | Sultan RS Classic Week


Cypher Week | Previon Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3)


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3) | Halloween Week 2021


Heist Month (Week 1) (Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4)


Gunrunning Event | Festive Surprise 2021 | Patriot Mil-Spec Week



Comet S2 Cabrio Week | Double Down Week | I-Wagen Week | Granger 3600LX Week


Reever Week | Valentine’s Day 2022 | Imani Tech Week | GTA Online Bonuses


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3) | The Vespucci Job (Remix) Week


GTA Online Bonuses | Dewbauchee and Överflöd Spotlight Week | Import/Export Bonuses Week | Los Santos Tuners Bonuses Week | Independence Day 2022


GTA Online Bonuses


SM722 Week | Cayo Perico Series Week | Ruiner ZZ-8 Week | Brioso 300 Widebody Week


Vigero ZX Week | Nightclub Bonuses Week | Community Series Week | Kanjo SJ and Postlude Week | Junk Energy Skydives Week


Halloween 2022 (Week 1) (Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4)


The Heists Event (Week 1) (Week 2 | Week 3) | The Heist Challenge 2022


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Festive Surprise 2022 | Powersurge Week



GTA Online Bonuses | Gun Van Week | Taxi Work Week | Issi Rally Week

Events (Category)

DLC Events
Los Santos Drug Wars | The Criminal Enterprises | The Contract | Los Santos Tuners | The Cayo Perico Heist | Los Santos Summer Special | The Diamond Casino Heist | The Diamond Casino & Resort | Arena War | After Hours | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | The Doomsday Heist | Smuggler’s Run | Gunrunning | Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Import/Export | Bikers | Cunning Stunts | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony | Lowriders: Custom Classics | Be My Valentine | January 2016 Update | Festive Surprise 2015 | Executives and Other Criminals | Halloween Surprise | Lowriders | Freemode Events Update | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists Update | Festive Surprise/Holiday | Last Team Standing Update | San Andreas Flight School Update | Independence Day Special | «I’m Not a Hipster» Update | High Life Update | Business Update | Valentine’s Day Massacre Special | Beach Bum Update

This article (or section) refers to content in the Enhanced and Expanded & Enhanced version for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S release of Grand Theft Auto Online that may be absent from other versions.
For a complete list of the features of the Enhanced and Expanded & Enhanced version for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S version of Grand Theft Auto Online, please see here.


The Doomsday Heist is a content update for Grand Theft Auto Online, released on December 12, 2017.


A billionaire tech mogul, an idealistic intelligence agent, a socially awkward conspiracy theorist and a neurotic supercomputer have been forced into an unlikely alliance to save San Andreas from total annihilation. As apocalyptic threats mount from enemies unknown, you and your criminal crew are enlisted to un-tangle mysteries and eradicate threats spanning from the bustling streets of downtown Los Santos to the ocean floor and all the way to the inner depths of Mount Chiliad in an epic new online adventure.

— Rockstar Newswire

This update features a new storyline, which begins with the GTA Online Protagonists are reunited by Lester Crest and a new character, billionaire Avon Hertz. The protagonist, Lester, and Avon unite with government agents, including Agent 14 and Phoenicia Rackman. Avon believes that an unknown foreign entity is trying to start a war and would put San Andreas and the United States under a «doomsday scenario». The heist crew is involved in several missions, which introduce new military-grade vehicles and weapons featured within the update.

The Doomsday Heist itself is a three-act sequence of missions involving Heist Prep (skippable via payment of GTA$) and Setup missions before undertaking Heist Finales in each act.


Character Customization

  • Over 200 clothing items, 65 outfits, and 123 masks have been added.
  • 30 new tattoos have been added.
  • 26 new face paints have been added.


Six additional weapons can be upgraded into their Mk II variants in a Weapons Workshop, and are found alongside the six weapons previously added in the Gunrunning update. They have the same Research requirements as previous weapons, so any shared option can be unlocked.

An additional weapon is only available as part of a special quest introduced shortly afterwards, as part of an event.

Image Name Description
SNSPistolMkII-GTAV.png SNS Pistol Mk II Mark II version of the SNS Pistol. Resembles an AMT Backup.
HeavyRevolverMkII-GTAV.png Heavy Revolver Mk II Mark II version of the Heavy Revolver. Looks like a modernized Taurus Raging Bull.
SpecialCarbineMkII-GTAO.png Special Carbine Mk II Mark II version of the Special Carbine. Seems to retain the Heckler & Koch G36C appearance, but with changes in its main parts (handguard and stock).
BullpupRifleMkII-GTAV.png Bullpup Rifle Mk II Mark II version of the Bullpup Rifle. It appears to combine elements from the Kel-Tec RFB and the FAMAS.
PumpShotgunMkII-GTAV.png Pump Shotgun Mk II Mark II version of the Pump Shotgun. Still resembles a Mossberg 590, but with extra additions, such as a heat shield over its barrel and a different stock.
MarksmanRifleMkII-GTAV.png Marksman Rifle Mk II Mark II version of the Marksman Rifle. Appears to be based on a M39 EMR/Mk. 14 Mod 1 EBR, with a different grip and stock.
DoubleActionRevolver-GTAV.png Double-Action Revolver A double-action revolver based on the Colt M1892.


30 new vehicles are now available:

  • 10 weaponized vehicles
  • 15 standard vehicles
  • 4 optional weaponized vehicles
  • 1 alternative model of a pre-existing vehicle (cutscene-only)
Image Name Description
Available to purchase immediately
Akula-GTAO-front.png Buckingham Akula An attack helicopter based on the RAH-66 Comanche, with elements from the Kamov Ka-50 «Black Shark».
Barrage-GTAO-front.png HVY Barrage A weaponized ATV seemingly based on the HDT Storm SRTV (Search & Rescue Tactical Vehicle).
Chernobog-GTAO-front.png HVY Chernobog A ballistic missile launcher truck strongly based on the MAZ-543M, but replacing the BM-30 Smerch with a 15-tube launch pod (which uses a standard box-shaped framing).
Raiden-GTAO-front.png Coil Raiden An electric sports sedan based on the Tesla Model S.
Yosemite-GTAO-front.png Declasse Yosemite A stanced pickup truck based on the Chevrolet C10. Returning from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Deluxo-GTAO-front.png Imponte Deluxo A flight-capable sports car inspired by the DeLorean DMC-12 based DeLorean time machine from the Back To The Future series. Returning from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.
Avenger-GTAO-front.png Mammoth Avenger A tiltrotor aircraft based on the V-22 Osprey.
Avenger2-GTAO-front.png An unobtainable variant of the Avenger with folded wings.

(used in the cutscene of the Avenger being parked in the facility)

Thruster-GTAO-front.png Mammoth Thruster A jet pack. Returning from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Pariah-GTAO-front.png Ocelot Pariah A sports car seemingly based on the Ferrari 812 Superfast.
Stromberg-GTAO-front.png Ocelot Stromberg A submersible sports car inspired by the Lotus Esprit based Wet Nellie from the 1977 James Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me.
CometSafari-GTAO-front.png Pfister Comet Safari Off-road variant of the Comet, which assumes the same body design as the Comet Retro Custom.
RCV-GTAO-front.png Brute RCV A law enforcement 6-wheeled armored truck resembling the INKAS Armored Riot Control Vehicle.
Khanjali-GTAO-front.png TM-02 Khanjali A futuristic stealth tank based on the Polish light tank PL-01.
SC1-GTAO-front.png Ubermacht SC1 A super car based on the BMW M1 Concept, with the rear resembling the BMW i8.
Riata-GTAO-front.png Vapid Riata A heavy duty off-road truck based on the Ford Bronco Concept.
Volatol-GTAO-front.png Volatol A jet bomber based on the Avro Vulcan.
Unlocked as part of Event Weeks Week
SentinelClassic-GTAO-front.png Übermacht Sentinel Classic A classic sports car based on the BMW M3 (E30). Festive Surprise 2017
December 19, 2017[1]
Streiter-GTAO-front.png Benefactor Streiter A suburban station wagon derived from the Mercedes-Benz E-Class All Terrain 4×4² Festive Surprise 2017
December 23, 2017[2]
Hermes-GTAO-front.png Albany Hermes Returning from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, based on the Mercury Eight. Festive Surprise 2017
December 25, 2017
Autarch-GTAO-front.png Overflod Autarch A hypercar based on the Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus SCG 003. Festive Surprise 2017
December 26, 2017
Savestra-GTAO-front.png Annis Savestra A classic compact Japanese sports car based on the Mazda RX3/Savannah. Savestra Week
January 2, 2018
Viseris-GTAO-front.png Lampadati Viseris A classic sports car based on the De Tomaso Pantera. Viseris Week
January 9, 2018
GT500-GTAO-front.png Grotti GT500 A classic sports car resembling the Ferrari 250 GT SWB. GT500 Week
January 16, 2018
Revolter-GTAO-front.png Übermacht Revolter A 4-door sports sedan based on the Cadillac Escala Concept. Revolter Week
January 23, 2018
Neon-GTAO-front.png Pfister Neon A four-door electric sports car that takes strong influences from the Porsche Mission E. Neon Week
January 30, 2018
Kamacho-GTAO-front.png Canis Kamacho An off-road utility truck based on the Jeep Crew Chief 715 concept. Battle Week
February 6, 2018
Hustler-GTAO-front.png Vapid Hustler Returning from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, based on the 1933 Ford Coupe. Valentine’s Day 2018
February 13, 2018
Z190-GTAO-front.png Karin 190z A classic sports car based on the Datsun 240Z. GTA Online Bonuses (February 2018)
February 20, 2018
CometSR-GTAO-front.png Pfister Comet SR Racing-oriented variant of the Comet, based on the Porsche 911 GT2 RS. GTA Online Bonuses (March 2018 Part 1)
February 27, 2018


9 new properties have been added to Maze Bank Foreclosures as base Facilities for the three Acts of the Doomsday Heist. Most of the new Warstock vehicles require the ownership of a Facility and land vehicles are stored within the player’s facility. The new Aircraft require Hangars for storage, with the exception of the Avenger, which is stored in the Facility. There is a Heist Setup room located inside the Facility.

Facilities provide garage space for 7 personal/weaponized vehicles.


  • Eight new achievements/trophies have been added to GTA Online.
  • The Battle Axe has been moved from the DLC weapon wall to the melee weapon cabinet in Ammu-Nation.
  • Lester’s “Remove Wanted Level” ability will become FREE upon completion of The Doomsday Heist.
  • Players can now control the doors of the Personal Aircraft via the “Door Control” Interaction Menu option.
  • The GUI Fonts for in-session missions, such as Organization Work, Vehicle Cargo, Doomsday Heist Prep Work and Special Cargo has been updated — the traditional Pricedown font has been replaced with the Chalet Comprime ’60 and its size has been increased.


  • A new radio station, blonded Los Santos 97.8 FM, is introduced to both GTA Online and GTA V. It is hosted by Frank Ocean.

New Characters

In order of appearance:

  • Facility Receptionist
  • Avon Hertz
  • Cliffford
  • Phoenicia Rackman
  • Agent ULP
  • Bogdan

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed inconsistencies between the amounts of stock the Free Trade Shipping Co. app displays and how much the Hangar owner actually has.
  • Fixed issues that resulted in players getting stuck when trying to enter/exit their Hangar.
  • Fixed a glitch that allowed players to add pearlescents on non-metallic paintjobs.
  • Adjustments to the brake disks that clipped on the Vagner.
  • Adjustments to door positioning on the Visione.
  • Changes made to the smashed windows effect on the Visione and Seabreeze.
  • Changes made to how Transform Races appear in the Rockstar Editor.

Discounts & Bonuses

  • Double GTA$ payouts for Associates of Organizations.
  • 25% Ammu-Nation discount on many weapons and upgrades:
    • All SMGs
    • All Pistols
    • All Shotguns
    • All Sniper Rifles
    • All Machine Guns
    • All Body Armor
    • All Explosives and Throwables
    • Luxury Finishes
  • Doomsday Social Club Sweepstakes offering the chance to win a range of Rockstar Warehouse gear:
    • Camo Merryweather Security Hat
    • Black Merryweather Tee
    • Merryweather Polo
    • GTAV Hoodie
    • Black Rockstar Camo Tee
    • Merryweather Heat Changing Mug
    • GTAV Gold Bar USB
    • GTAV Power Magnet
    • GTAV Chrome Zippo
  • A Doomsday-themed Snapmatic Contest is available to take part in between December 12 and December 18, 2017.
    • Players will need to tag their entry with «#DOOMSDAY».
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedules:
    • Premium Race — East Coast (locked to Super)
    • Time Trial — Up Chiliad
  • Features from the Festive Surprise update returned for the event, as well as an announcement for a snowfall, as well as upcoming features.
  • The Übermacht Sentinel Classic became available in Southern San Andreas Super Autos, for $650,000.
  • A new Adversary Mode, Occupy, was added.
  • Double GTA$ and RP in the Adversary Mode, Occupy, through January 8th.
  • 30% discount on selected properties and vehicles:
    • Arcadius Business Center
    • Fort Zancudo Hangar 3499
    • Galaxy Super Yacht (all models)
    • Pegassi Zentorno
    • Karin Kuruma (Armored)
    • Nagasaki Buzzard Attack Chopper
    • HVY Insurgent (both prices)
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedules:
    • From December 19th to December 25th
      • Premium Race — H200 (Locked to Sports)
      • Time Trial — Sawmill
    • From December 26th to January 1st
      • Premium Race — Double Loop (locked to Super)
      • Time Trial — Cypress Flats
  • Snowfall began and lasted for a few days, until December 25th.
  • The Benefactor Streiter became available in Southern San Andreas Super Autos, for $500,000.
  • Five Christmas-themed liveries were added for the Mammoth Thruster, for free.
  • Players were given 10 rockets for the Firework Launcher and a random special top.
  • Players who logged on on this day were awarded the Odious Krampus mask.
  • Players who logged on on this day were able to purchase the newly relased Albany Hermes for free. After this event, the Hermes was purchasable from Southern San Andreas Super Autos for $535,000.
  • Players’ snacks were replenished.
  • Players were also rewarded:
    • One free shot for owners of the Orbital Cannon
    • Carbine Rifle + 200 rounds
    • Marksman Rifle + 200 rounds
    • Basic Knuckle Dusters
    • Firework Launcher with 10 Firework Rockets
    • 25 Sticky Bombs
    • 25 Grenades
    • 5 Proximity Mines
    • 5 Molotov Coctails
    • Full Ammo for all existing weapons
    • Heinous Krampus mask
  • The Överflöd Autarch became available at Legendary Motorsport, for $1,955,000.
  • A new Adversary Mode, Slashers, was added.
  • Double GTA$ & RP in the Adversary Mode, Slashers, through January 8th.
  • The Annis Savestra became available at Legendary Motorsport, for $990,000.
  • Double GTA$ & RP in the Adversary Modes Occupy and Slashers.
  • Several discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Mobile Operations Center cabs (Phantom Custom and Hauler Custom) — 50% discount
    • Coil Cyclone & Grotti Visione — 30% discount
    • Ocelot Ardent, FH-1 Hunter, P-45 Nokota & HVY APC — 25% discount
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Duel (locked to Muscle)
    • Time Trial — Up n Atom
  • The Lampadati Viseris became available at Legendary Motorsport, for $875,000.
  • Double GTA$ & RP on all Lester Contact missions, through January 15th.
  • 25% discount on selected items:
    • Nagasaki Ultralight
    • Aircraft Weapons
    • Vehicle Armor
    • Headlights and Neons
    • Skirts
    • Spoilers
    • Suspension
    • Turbos
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Island Hopping (locked to Blazer Aqua)
    • Time Trial — Maze Bank Arena
  • The Grotti GT500 is made available from Legendary Motorsport, for $785,000.
  • A new Adversary Mode, Air Quota, is made available.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in the new Air Quota Adversary Mode.
  • 25% discounts on selected Facility upgrades:
    • Facility Graphics
    • Security Room
    • Facility Styles
  • 25% discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Buckingham Pyro (both prices)
    • HVY Nightshark
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Plummet (locked to Super)
    • Time Trial — Tongva Valley
  • The Ubermacht Revolter is made available from Legendary Motorsport for $1,610,000.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in the Air Quota Adversary Mode.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in all Rockstar-created Land and Stunt races.
  • 25% discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Benefactor Turreted Limo
    • HVY APC (both prices)
  • 25% discounts on Mk II Weapon Customization:
    • Mk II Magazines
    • Mk II Scopes
    • Mk II Muzzles
    • Mk II Weapon Liveries
  • 30% discount on all Mk II Weapon Upgrades
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race: Tube Rider (locked to Ruiner 2000)
    • Time Trial — Coast to Coast
  • The Pfister Neon is made available from Legendary Motorsport for $1,500,000.
  • A new Adversary Mode, Hardest Target, is made available.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in the new Adversary Mode.
  • 25% GTA$ increase in Special Cargo Sell Missions.
  • 25% increase on Research and Manufacturing time in the Bunker.
  • Discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Western Company Cargobob – 35% off
    • LF-22 Starling – 25% off (both prices)
    • Grotti Cheetah Classic – 25% off
  • 25% discounts on selected vehicle upgrades:
    • Vehicle armour
    • Bulletproof tires
  • 25% discounts on selected properties:
    • Farmhouse Bunker
    • Thomson Scrapyard Bunker
    • Bunker Renovations
    • All Special Cargo Warehouses
    • Executive Office Renovations
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Rally (locked to Sports)
    • Time Trial — Casino
  • The Canis Kamacho is made available from Southern San Andreas Super Autos for $345,000.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in the Motor Wars, Hardest Target, Slashers, and Occupy Adversary Modes.
  • Players who logged on during the event were awarded the Black Ammu-Nation T-Shirt.
  • Discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Mammoth Avenger — 25% off
    • HVY Chernobog — 25% off (both prices)
    • Bravado Half-track — 40% off (both prices)
    • Vom Feuer Anti-Aircraft Trailer — 35% off (both prices)
    • Declasse Weaponized Tampa — 40% off (both prices)
  • 30% discounts on selected vehicle upgrades:
    • All Aircraft Weapons
  • Discounts on selected Mk II weapons and upgrades:
    • All Mk II Upgrades — 30% off
    • All Mk II Ammo types — 50% off
    • Mk II Magazines — 25% off
    • Mk II Scopes — 25% off
    • Mk II Muzzles — 25% off
    • Mk II Weapon Liveries — 25% off
  • Discounts at Ammu-Nation:
    • Ammo — 50% off
    • Assault Rifles — 30% off
    • Sniper Rifles — 30% off
    • Melee Weapons — 30% off
    • Body Armor — 30% off
    • RPG — 30% off
  • 25% discount on the Security Room upgrade for Facilities.
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Bumblebee (locked to Rocket Voltic)
    • Time Trial — Route 68
  • The Vapid Hustler is made available from Legendary Motorsport for $625,000.
  • Players who logged on between February 16th and February 26th, 2018 were rewarded GTA$250,000. As well as this, a 10% rebate on every dollar spent throughout this period was deposited into the player’s account between February 27th and March 6th. This rebate covered up to GTA$10,000,000 spent, totaling up to a GTA$1,000,000 rebate.
  • Double GTA$ salaries for Bodyguards and Associates.
  • Double GTA$ and RP in the Till Death Do Us Part, Slasher, Resurrection, Deadline, and Lost Vs Damned Adversary Modes.
  • Discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Albany Roosevelt — 25% off
    • Albany Roosevelt Valor — 25% off
    • HVY Barrage — 35% off
    • Nagasaki Shotaro — 25% off
    • RCV — 35% off
    • Ocelot Stromberg — 25% off
    • Nagasaki Buzzard Attack Chopper — 25% off
  • 25% discounts on selected vehicle upgrades:
    • Benny’s Original Motor Works upgrades
  • 25% discounts on selected properties:
    • High-End Apartments with 10-car garages
    • Penthouses
    • Stilt Houses
    • Executive Offices
  • 25% discount on selected clothing and tattoos:
    • Valentine’s clothing
    • Smuggler’s Run clothing
    • Doomsday Heist tattoos
  • 25% discounts for Executive Assistant services.
  • 25% off the Gusenberg Sweeper
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Turbine (locked to Off-Road)
    • Time Trial — LSIA
  • The Karin 190z is made available from Legendary Motorsport for $900,000.
  • Players who logged on between February 16th and February 26th, 2018 were rewarded GTA$250,000. As well as this, a 10% rebate on every dollar spent throughout this period was deposited into the player’s account between February 27th and March 6th. This rebate covered up to GTA$10,000,000 spent, totaling up to a GTA$1,000,000 rebate.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in Air Freight Cargo Sell Missions.
  • 25% bonus GTA$ rewards in Biker Sell Missions.
  • 30% discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Mobile Operations Center Cabs
    • Ocelot Pariah
    • Ocelot XA-21
    • Coil Raiden
  • Discounts on selected properties:
    • Yachts and yacht renovations — 30% off
    • Mobile Operations Center renovations – 30% off
    • Bunker renovations – 30% off
    • Aircraft Workshop – 25% off
    • Biker Business upgrades — 25% off
  • 25% discounts on selected clothing items and tattoos:
    • The Doomsday Heist clothing
    • Import/Export tattoos
  • 25% discount on Biker Business supplies and Special Cargo.
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Damned (locked to Ruiner 2000)
    • Time Trial — Calafia Way
  • The Pfister Comet SR is made available from Legendary Motorsport for $1,145,000.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in Gunrunning Sell Missions
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in Special Vehicle Work.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in the Air Quota Adversary Mode.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in Rockstar-Created Transform Races.
  • Discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Mammoth Avenger — 25% off
    • Jobuilt P-996 LAZER — 25% off
    • Volatol — 25% off (both prices)
    • Western Company Seabreeze — 25% off (both prices)
    • Declasse Yosemite — 25% off
    • Vapid Riata — 25% off
    • Mobile Operations Center truck cabs — 30% off
    • HVY Insurgent Pick-Up — 30% off (both prices)
    • HVY Nightshark — 30% off
  • 25% discounts on selected Facility upgrades:
    • Facility Style
    • Facility Graphics
    • Security Room
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — City Air (locked to Sports)
    • Time Trial — Vinewood Bowl
  • Players who logged on during the event were awarded the Tartan livery for the Pegassi Oppressor.
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in Rockstar-created and verified Stunt Races.
  • Discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Annis RE-7B – 35% off
    • Dewbauchee Vagner – 30% off
    • Emperor ETR1 – 30% off
    • Benefactor Streiter – 25% off
    • Lampadati Tropos Rallye – 25% off
    • Vapid Trophy Truck – 25% off
    • Pegassi Torero – 25% off
  • 25% Discounts on selected vehicle upgrades:
    • Engine Upgrades
    • Transmission
    • Brakes
    • Exhausts (incl. JATO Thrust)
    • Spoilers
    • Turbo
    • Liveries
  • 25% discounts on selected other items:
    • Weapon ammo (excluding Mk II ammo)
    • Cunning Stunts clothing
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Zebra II (locked to Rocket Voltic)
    • Time Trial — Power Station
  • Double GTA$ and RP rewards in the Occupy, Slasher, Every Bullet Counts, Juggernaut, Kill Quota, Resurrection, Trading Places, and Till Death Do Us Part Adversary Modes.
  • Discounts on selected vehicles:
    • Buckingham Alpha-Z1 — 25% off (both prices)
    • Buckingham Akula — 25% off (both prices)
    • Western Company Rogue — 25% off (both prices)
    • RM-10 Bombushka — 25% off (both prices)
    • Progen T20 – 30% off
    • Coil Cyclone – 25% off
    • Dewbauchee Rapid GT Classic – 25% off
    • HVY APC – 25% off (both prices)
    • Karin Technical – 25% off (both prices)
    • Benefactor Turreted Limo – 25% off
    • HVY Dump – 50% off
  • Discounts on selected properties:
    • Land Act Reservoir Facility – 30% off
    • Route 68 Facility – 25% off
    • Lago Zancudo Facility – 20% off
  • Premium Race and Time Trial schedule:
    • Premium Race — Afterburner (locked to Motorcycles)
    • Time Trial — Raton Canyon


A new soundtrack, created and mixed by Oh No, was featured as part of the update. The soundtrack can be heard during The Doomsday Heist setups and the finale. Several Adversary Mode remixes can also be found in the files, but are not currently in use.

As already noted, Frank Ocean created the playlist for the radio station blonded Los Santos 97.8 FM, which was released with the update. It features a range of Contemporary R&B, Psychedelic Rock, Hip-Hop and Rap music, among other genres.



Alternative crop of the artwork seen during GTA Online loading screens.

Pre-Release Screenshots


GTA Online The Doomsday Heist Official Trailer

GTA Online The Doomsday Heist Official Trailer

GTA Online The Doomsday Heist - All DLC Content

GTA Online The Doomsday Heist — All DLC Content

GTA Online Doomsday Heist - Criminal Mastermind Guide (Tips & Tricks)

GTA Online Doomsday Heist — Criminal Mastermind Guide (Tips & Tricks)

GTA Online Doomsday Heist - Elite Challenge Guide (Elitist Trophy Achievement)

GTA Online Doomsday Heist — Elite Challenge Guide (Elitist Trophy Achievement)


  • Originally, the update was intended to be released for single player in Grand Theft Auto V.
  • An unused IAA outfit was added for players. It contains a badge, credentials and a utility belt with a weapon holster. It’s similar to the one used by IAA agents.


  1. http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/60323/Festive-Surprise-2017-Plus-Ubermacht-Sentinel-Classic-Occupy-Adversa
  2. http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/60324/GTA-Online-New-Benefactor-Streiter-Snowfall-Plus-upcoming-Festive-Gift



v  d  e

Content Updates in Grand Theft Auto Online

Original version updates
(PS3 and Xbox 360)

Beach Bum Update | Holiday Gifts | Valentine’s Day Massacre Special | The Business Update | High Life Update | I’m Not a Hipster Update | Independence Day Special | San Andreas Flight School Update | Last Team Standing Update

Mutual updates
(PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, Xbox One and PC)

Festive Surprise | Heists Update | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2

Enhanced version updates
(PS4, Xbox One and PC)

Freemode Events Update | Lowriders | Halloween Surprise | Executives and Other Criminals | Festive Surprise 2015 | January 2016 Update | Be My Valentine | Lowriders: Custom Classics | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony | Cunning Stunts | Bikers
| Import/Export | Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Gunrunning | Smuggler’s Run | The Doomsday Heist | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | After Hours | Arena War | The Diamond Casino & Resort | The Diamond Casino Heist | Los Santos Summer Special | The Cayo Perico Heist | Los Santos Tuners | The Contract

Mutual updates
(PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X)

The Criminal Enterprises | Los Santos Drug Wars

Additional content updates
(Already included on game disc)

Special/Collector’s Edition | Enhanced Edition | Expanded & Enhanced Version

Updates marked * are future updates

v  d  e

Events in Grand Theft Auto Online



Prison Break Weekend | Humane Labs Raid Week | Series A Funding Week


Pacific Standard Job Week | Labor Day Weekend Sales


Freemode Events Social Club Weekend


Lowriders Event Weekend


Friday the 13th Event Weekend | Lowriders Week | Thanksgiving Weekend Bonuses


Every Bullet Counts Weekend | Executives & Other Criminals Event Weekend | Festive Surprise 2015



GTA Online Event Weekend


VIP Bonuses Week | Be My Valentine Event 2016 | Friends in High Places Week | Rhino Hunt Week


Versus Missions Week | Ill-Gotten Gains Week


Tornado Week | Adversary Modes Week | Sabre Week | High Life Week | In and Out Week


Time Trials Week | Combat Week | Capture Week | Head to Head Week


Criminal Expansions Weekend | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony Bonus Week | Trading Places Week | Power Play Week | Pfister 811 Week


Independence Day 2016 | Seven-70 Week | Cunning Stunts Bonuses I | Cunning Stunts Bonuses II


Entourage Week | Executive Protection Bonuses | Stunts & Entourage Bonuses | Freemode Week


Sunday Drivers Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)


Daemon and Raptor Week | Vortex and Sanctus Week


Tornado Rat Rod Week | Shotaro Week | Esskey Week | Youga Classic Week | Online Creator Expansion and Bonuses Week


GTA Online Bonuses | Festive Surprise 2016



FCR 1000 Week | Itali GTB Week | Specter Week | GTA Online Bonuses


Valentine’s Bonuses 2017 | 2017 Stunt Race Week


Ruston Week | Infernus Classic Week


Turismo Classic Week | Land Grab Week | Duke O’Death Week | Tiny Racers Week


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)


Independence Day 2017


Cheetah Classic Week | Technical Custom Week | Torero Week


Insurgent Pick-Up Custom Week | Nightshark Week | XA-21 Week | Ardent Week


GTA Online Bonuses | Rapid GT Classic Week | RM-10 Bombushka Week | Howard NX-25 Week


Mogul Week | Pyro Week | Transform Race Week | Anniversary Specials 2017 | Halloween Specials 2017 | Halloween Bonuses 2017


P-45 Nokota Week | Cyclone Week | FH-1 Hunter Week | Black Friday Sales 2017 | P-996 LAZER Week


Doomsday Event Week | Festive Surprise 2017



Savestra Week | Viseris Week | GT500 Week | Revolter Week | Neon Week


Battle Week | Valentine’s Day 2018 | GTA Online Bonuses


GTA Online Bonuses | Stunt Race Week | GTA Online Bonuses | Ellie and Tezeract Week


Target Assault Week | Contraband Week | The Vespucci Job Week | Smuggler’s Week


Special Vehicle Stunt Race Week | Business Week | Trap Door Week | Memorial Day 2018 | Madrazo Dispatch Services Week


Transform Race and Creator Updates Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3)


Independence Day 2018 | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Tale of Us Residency Week


Dixon Residency Week | The Black Madonna Residency Week | Scramjet Week | Menacer Week


Freecrawler Week | Southern San Andreas Super Autos Inventory Update Week | Running Back (Remix) Week | Patriot and Romero Hearse Week


Sumo (Remix) Week | Futo, Prairie, and Ruiner Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Halloween Surprise 2018


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)


GTA Online Bonuses | Festive Surprise 2018



Unholy Hellbringer and Widowmaker Week | Tulip Week | Schlagen GT Week | RC Bandito Week


Deviant Week | Valentine’s Day 2019 | Deveste Eight and Doomsday Week | RC Bandito Races Week


Flight Week | Bikers Week | GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2)


GTA Online Bonuses | Lowriders Week 2019 | GTA Online Bonuses | Premium Deluxe Repo Work Week


Survival Week | GTA Online Bonuses | Import/Export Week | Missile Base Series Week | GTA Online Bonuses


GTA Online Bonuses (Part 2) | Freemode Events Week | GTA Online Bonuses


Independence Day 2019 | GTA Online Bonuses


Neo Week | Gauntlet Classic Week | Emerus Week | Nebula Turbo Week | Locust Week


Gauntlet Hellfire Week | Krieger Week | Zion Classic Week | Survival Series Week


Hellion Week | Jugular Week | Dynasty Week | Zorrusso Week | Halloween Surprise 2019


Novak Week | Survival & King of the Hill Creators Week | GTA Online Bonuses | Peyote Gasser Week


GTA Online Bonuses | Festive Surprise 2019



Zhaba Week | Imorgon Week | Sultan Classic Week | Outlaw Week | V-STR Week


Drift Yosemite Week | Valentine’s Day 2020 | Blista Kanjo Week | Open Wheel Races Week


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Rockstar Games одарили нас поистине уникальным обновлением для GTA Online – «Судный день». Прошло вот уже пару дней и игроки вовсю исследуют обновку для своей любимой игры, а кто-то и вовсе только начал изучать ее. Что же собой представляет это обновление?


  • GTA Online: Судный день – как начать ограбление
  • GTA Online: Судный день – сколько вы получите за прохождение обновленяи
  • GTA Online: Судный день – новые транспортные средства
  • GTA Online: Судный день – как заказывать выстрел из Орбитальной пушки
  • GTA Online: Судный день – новое оружие, достижения и татуировки

По сути, это разветвленные кооперативные миссии по спасению Лос Сантоса, а также огромное количество всевозможного контента: целый арсенал новых транспортных средств, новый подвижный командный пункт, улучшения для оружия, новая радиостанция и многое, многое другое. Стоит заметить, что миссии обновления требуют наличия только двух игроков, а не четырех, как это можно было наблюдать в классических Ограблениях.

В данном материале мы рассмотрим несколько крайне интересных тем, с которыми будет полезно ознакомиться всем. Как начать играть в «Судный день», какие награды вас ожидают за завершение того или иного этапа обновления, каких цен на новые транспортные средства следует ждать, как заказать выстрел из орбитальной пушки(да, там и такое есть) и многое другое – все это вы найдете тут.

GTA Online: Судный день – как начать ограбление

Итак, давайте начнем с самого простого. Чтобы начать прохождение обновления «Судный день», одному игроку из вашей команды необходимо приобрести Учреждение, которые были добавлены на карту Лос Сантоса в количестве девяти штук. Как и со Складами, Байкерскими клабхаусами или Офисами, эти Учреждения могут быть кастомизированы и идут с личным персоналом, бесплатной закуской или другими важными функциями, например, оружейным шкафчиком.

Именно в Учреждениях вам и придется начинать «Судный день». Однако, будьте готовы, так как обновление длится примерно двенадцать часов, и разделено на три акта. Каждый из этих актов требует приготовлений в Свободном режиме для завершения задач и нахождения ресурсов. Вы сможете завербовать до восьми игроков, способных помочь вам с подготовительными миссиями в Свободном режиме, после чего ваша команда из двух-четырех человек отправится выполнять финальную часть акта.

GTA Online: Судный день – сколько вы получите за прохождение обновленяи

Завершая каждый акт в обновлении «Судный день», вы сможете получить достаточно приличную кучу денег, на которую определенно не жалко потраченного времени. Если вы завершите каждый из актов – сможете получить следующие награды:

  • Первый Акт: $812,500
  • Второй Акт:$1,187,500
  • Третий Акт: $1,500,000

В итоге, за прохождение всех трех актов нового обновления, вы получите сумму в виде $3,500,000. Однако, это еще не все – вы можете завершить еще кучу всяческих испытаний, за которые также предоставляется награда в виде денежных средств.

  • Первый раз (каждый Акт): $50,000
  • Все по порядку: $500.000
  • Верность II: $75,000
  • Верность III: $175,000
  • Верность IV: $375,000
  • Вспомогательная роль: $50,000
  • Гений преступного мира II: $750,000
  • Гений преступного мира III: $1,750,000
  • Гений преступного мира IV: $3,750,000

GTA Online: Судный день – новые транспортные средства

Мы надеемся, что вы экономили ваши денежки, так как в этом обновлении есть куча реально дорогостоящих игрушек, что, впрочем, ни для кого уже далеко не новость.

  • Deluxo (летающая машина, Делориан) – $3,550,000 – $4,721,500
  • Thurster (Джетпак) – $2,750,000 – 3,657,500
  • TM-02 Khanj (танк с опциональным рельсотроном) – $2,895,000 – $3,850,350
  • Stromberg (погружающаяся под воду машина) – $2,395,000 – $3,185,350
  • RCV (бронированный грузовик) – $2,350,000 – $3,125,500
  • Akula (стелс-вертолет) – $2,785,000 – $3,704,050
  • Volatol (стелс-бомбардировщик) – $2,800,000 – $3,724,000
  • Barrage (бронированный внедорожник) – $1,595,000 – $2,121,350
  • Chernobog (РСЗО) – $2,490,000 – $3,311,700

Вы уже наверняка заметили, что у каждого из транспортных средств присутствует по два ценника. Это еще не подтверждено, но мы ожидаем, что на ТС будут распространяться скидки для игроков, которые завершили определенные миссии обновления «Судный день». Некоторые транспортные средства также будут более дорогими, если кастомизировать их вооружением и гаджетами.

Помимо прочего, там также есть три новых автомобиля для покупки из каталога Legendary Motorsport и San Andreas Super Autos, но они не представляют собой что-то чрезвычайно волнующее.

  • Pfister Comet Safari – $710,000
  • Ocelot Pariah – $1,420,00
  • Ubermacht SC1 – $1,603,000
  • Vapid Riata – $380,000
  • Declasse Yosemite – $485,000

GTA Online: Судный день – как заказывать выстрел из Орбитальной пушки

Игроки и вправду с этого момента могут уничтожать друг друга с помощью орбитального выстрела, но вот сам выстрел обойдется вам в кругленькую сумму. Для начала вам нужно приобрести одно из девяти Учреждений, разбросанных по всей карте. В общем, точно также, как и Босс, который нуждается в Офисе.

Внутри вашего Учреждения вы найдете комнату с Орбитальной пушкой. Вы можете вручную наводиться на другого игрока, что обойдется вам в $500,000. Также вы можете воспользоваться автоматической наводкой, что выйдет уже несколько дороже – $750,000. Использоваться Орбитальная пушка может только один раз в игровой день, который составляет 48 минут в реальном времени. Проще говоря, кулдаун пушки составляет 48 минут.

GTA Online: Судный день – новое оружие, достижения и татуировки

Технически, в обновлении «Судный день» для GTA Online не было добавлено нового вооружения. Вместо этого, разработчики выпустили несколько улучшения MK2 для определенных пушек. Улучшению подверглись следующие образцы:

  • Особый карабин MK2
  • Булл-пап дробовик MK2
  • Револьвер MK2
  • Пистолет MK2
  • Помповый дробовик MK2
  • Марксманская винтовка MK2

Также в GTA Online было добавлено девять новых достижений/трофеев, за некоторые из которых, мы напоминаем, выплачиваются достаточно щедрые награды, например, Элитные испытания или Испытания Гения преступного мира.

И напоследок, в обновлении «Судный день» для GTA Online появились новые татуировки. А вот, собственно, и они:

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