Пиноккио сценарий на английском языке

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Jiminy Cricket






Jiminy: I’m sorry. Didn’t you recognize
me? I’m a real magic cricket Jiminy. My occupation is travelling.

Butterfly: As for me, dear
friends, I’m a red butterfly. (
указывая на сверчка) he’s a friend of
mine. Well, I know your memory keeps many stories, my old friend.

Jiminy: You are right, there are many
wonderful fairy tales in my memory.

Butterfly: I’m looking forward
to hear your new story

Jiminy: Oh, I’d like to tell you a story
about friendship and I’m ready to start

Butterfly: Yes!

Jiminy: let’s begin right now. Imagine a
small room of a lonely woodcarpenter. His
name is Geppetto

На сцену хромая выходит Джузеппе. В руках
у него кукла.

GEPPETTO: Well, I’ve just finished my
last wooden puppet. You must look alive! What name shall I give you? I think
I’ll give you the name of Pinocchio. Hello, my son Pinocchio!

Oh, I’m so old and I can’t see well and I
have a terrible backache. I wish I had a real son! I’ll go for a walk with him
and buy a new ABC and I’ll love him very much! But…. You’ll never become a real
boy! Goodbye, my boy!

(показывая на звезду) Oh, the wishing

Star light, star
First star I see tonight

I wish my son
Pinocchio became a real boy! Goodbye , my wooden boy!

Джузеппе уходит. А на сцене
появляются Бабочка и Сверчок.

Butterfly: Tshhhhh! It’s
quiet. Everybody is sleeping. I like this old Geppetto.

Jiminy: Don’t you want
to make him happy?

Butterfly: I think it’s a
good idea. Jiminy, where is my magic wand?

Jiminy: Take it, please

Butterfly: Thank you

Butterfly+Jiminy: Little puppet made
of pine — wake (the
wand touches Pinocchio)
 The gift of life is tine!

 (Пиноккио оживает).

Pinocchio: Oh, I can talk, I can move! But…. Who am I? Where am I? and
who are you? (
показывает на сверчка)

Jiminy: You are
Pinocchio, Geppetto’s son. I’m Jiminy Cricket. I’ve lived here all my life.

Butterfly: And I’m a red

Pinocchio: Funny! Am I a
real boy now?

Butterfly: No, my dear friend.  Geppetto wished for a real boy but much time will pass
before you become real. It’s up to you to be or not to be a real boy.

Pinocchio:  up to
me? What?

 Prove yourself brave, truthful and unselfish

and someday you will be a real boy!

Jiminy: It’s not easy!

What are you driving at?

You must learn to choose between right and wrong.

But how will I know?

Your conscience will tell you. This little cricket will be your teacher.

Jiminy: I will be

I dub you Pinocchio’s conscience. Arise, Sir Jiminy Cricket!

What a funny word ‘conscience’? What is it?

Jiminy: It’s a very
useful thing it doesn’t allow people to behave badly.

Now remember, Pinocchio, be a good boy!

Jiminy Cricket: Well, you want to be a real boy, don’t you?

Pinocchio: Uh-huh.

Jiminy Cricket: All right. Sit down, son. Now you see the world
is full of temptations.

Pinocchio: Temptations?

Jiminy Cricket:  Temptations! The wrong things can be right, and
the right things can be wrong. Our life is like a long journey where you must
become a good driver, understand?

Pinocchio: No, go away!

Jiminy: It remains to be seen. Ill do my best ( уходит со сцены)

Появляется Джузеппе.

Geppetto: I can hear voice

Pinocchio: It’s me, father!

Geppetto: Oh, you are alive! And you are talking! I’m dreaming
in my sleep! Wake up, man!

Pinocchio: Oh, father, it’s me!

Geppetto: I’m so happy. Finally I have a son! Pinocchio, you
must go to school with real boys and girls.

PINOCCHIO: I will go to school! I will study hard so that I
can have a good job and earn a lot of money.

Geppetto: Wait a moment! Take your ABC and go to school! Bye,
Pinocchio. I’ll be waiting for you!

Пиноккио убегает. На сцену выходят лиса и
кот. Танцуют

Fox: I’m a fox

Cat: I’m a cat

Fox+Cat: We like money!

Они видят Пиноккио

Fox: Where are you going, my little friend?

Pinocchio: to school

Fox: to school?! It’s so boring! Are you mad?

Cat: Let’s go to the theatre! Listen to us,
we know a road to success!

Fox: We are speaking about the theatre,
applause and money!

Pinocchio: Really! I can
become a real star! I’m going to be an actor! I’ll be a celebrity! Let’s go to
the theatre!

Выбегает сверчок

Jiminy: Pinocchio, you shouldn’t go
there! You must go to school! They are cheaters! I’m your majesty personal conscience!

Pinocchio: I don’t listen
to you. Go away!

Jiminy: little knowledge is a dangerous

Сверчок, лиса и кот уходят. Пиноккио
садится на сцену. На сцену выходят куклы.

Doll1: Is he Pinocchio?

Doll2: Yes!

Doll1: Come up to me! Lets dance!

На сцене появляется Стромболи!

Stromboli: Stop, silly
puppets! My name is Stromboli. I’m a real master of puppets and the theatre.
I’m from Italy. Sorry for my poor English.  Our show will begin for you and you
and you and you! Dance
, puppets!

На сцену выходят куклы и танцуют. с ними
танцует Пиноккио

Stramboli; Bravo, Pinocchio!
Three hundred coins for one dance!

Pinocchio: They like me. Am
I a professional actor now?

Stramboli: Dear Pinocchio,
you were great! You were fantastic! Take these 5 coins, my dear boy (
отсчитывает монеты и дает их Пиноккио)

Pinocchio: Thanks! I will
go home to my father and help him

Stramboli: Home? Sure? Going
home to your father. Oh, ha-ha-ha

Pinocchio: Yes, I’ll be back in the morning.

Stromboli: Be back in the morning! (mumbling in Italian) Going
home? (
Страмболи привязывает Пиноккио)) this will be your home where I can find you

Pinocchio: No, no, no!

Stromboli: Yes, yes, yes! You belong to me. We will tour
the world: Paris, London, Monte Carlo…..

Pinocchio: No, no! Let me out of here! You can’t—

Stromboli: Quiet! Shut up! Good night, my little golden
puppet. Ha-ha-ha 

PinocchioNo! No, wait! Let me out!

Карабас уходит

Pinocchio: Jiminy, where
are you?

Jiminy: What’s up?

Pinocchio: Help me, please

Jiminy: Don’t worry.
I’ll free you.  But I can’t….. only a miracle can help us

Появляется Бабочка

Butterfly: Pinocchio, why didn’t you go to school and listen to your

Pinocchio: School? Well I met Two big monsters!
With big green eyes 

Butterfly: Perhaps you are telling lies, Pinocchio.

Jiminy: Perhaps?

Pinocchio: Oh,  please help me! I’m awfully

Jiminy: he’s awfully sorry. Please give him
another chance

Pinocchio: I’ll never lie again. I won’t.

Butterfly: I’ll help you but remember this is
the last time I can help you

Фея освобождает Пиноккио.

Jiminy + Pinocchio: Ok. Hurry
up to Geppetto

Появляются лиса и кот

Fox: Where are you going ,my friend ? And
what is ringing in your pocket?

Cat: Golden coins!

PINOCCHIO: Yes, I am going to
my father and see what I’ve got (
показывает коту и лисе свои золотые монеты)
Fox: Do you want much more money?

Pinocchio: Sure I want!

Cat: There’s a magic field of gold! Take your money,
dig a big hole, put your money there

Fox: and go to bed

Cat: In the morning a beautiful tree will grow and
it will give you a lot of money!

Pinocchio: I’ve got it. Good
business plan!

Fox+Cat: Follow us!

Jiminy: (выбегает на сцену и хватает Пиноккио) No, Pinocchio! You and
these cheaters again. Listen to me!

Fox: Who is he?

Jiminy: Put me down. I’m
Jiminy, his personal conscience

Pinocchio: Jiminy, you don’t stop
me now. It’s my life, stop bothering me!

Джимини убегает со сцены

На сцене появляется Бабочка

Butterfly: It was getting dark.
The new friends were lost in the forest. The
place was rather dangerous. (убегает со

Появляется Пиноккио, а за ним следом кот и лиса в масках

Fox: Your money or life?  Пиноккио падает, лиса и кот  убегают.

Cat: We were born under
unlucky star!

На сцене лежит Пиноккио, выходит Джузеппе

Geppetto: Where are you, my
little son! I’ve looked for you everywhere. It’s my fault, I couldn’t protect
you (
плачет) (находит Пиноккио) Pinocchio!

Pinocchio: Father!

Geppetto: Stand up!

Pinocchio: I’m alive! And we are
together forever. We are rather rich!

Geppetto: I’m top of the world. You
are safe and sound! That’s very important/ But do you know the main rule of

Pinocchio: I know! If you want to
be happy you should live in harmony with your conscience and help everybody who
needs your help

Geppetto: I’m so happy, my son!


Characters: Geppetto, Pinocchio, Boy, girl with the blue Hair, Harlequin , Punchinello, showman, Cat, Fox,  Monkey, Parrot , Medoro.

Scene 1

(Джепето сидит за столом в своей каморке и вырезает из полено куклу).

Geppeto: What name shall I give him? I think I`ll give him the name of Pinocchio. It`s a very nice name. First the puppet`s hair! Then i`ll make his head and then his eyes (напевает).

I have two eyes and I can see.

A book and a pen in front of me.

I see the window and the door,

I see the ceiling and the floor.

The eyes are ready. But they are looking at me! I`ll go on with my work. Now his nose. But it`s strange. This puppet wants a long nose. Well, i`ll make the body, then the arms and the hands. And now i`ll teach him to walk.

Pinocchio: That`s splendid. I`m ready (учиться ходить).

Geppetto: One, two, one, two.

Pinocchio: What must I do?

Geppetto: Three, four, three, four.

Pinocchio: Close the door.

 Geppetto: Five, six, five, six.

Pinocchio: Look at the chiks.

Geppetto: Seven, eight, seven, eight.

Pinocchio: Put the plate.

Geppetto: Nine, ten.

Pinocchio:By our fat hen.

Bye-bye, father! One, two, one, two.

Geppetto: Stop him, stop him (поет).

Stop! Look! Listen!

Before you cross the street,

Use your eyes, use your ears,

And then use your  feet.

Scene 2

(Пиноккио бежит по улице)


What are little boys made of?

What are little boys made of?

Frogs and snails and little dog`s tails,

That`s what little boys are made of.

What are little girls made of?

What are little girls made of?

Sugar and ice and all things nice,

That`s what girls are made of.

But I am made of wood. It seems to me it`s drizzling. Where is my papa? Where is my papa? Pa-pa! Pa-pa! What shall I do? It`s very cold. There is not even a dog in the street.

Geppetto: Oh, little boy. Where are you?

Pinocchio: Here I am. I want to show you that I am a good boy. Tomorrow, tomorrow I`ll go to school.

Geppetto: Good boy.

Pinocchio: But I must have some clothes.

Geppetto: Here they are.

Pinocchio:I look like a gentleman now.

Geppetto: Yes, you do. But you should know this: it is not good clothes but clean clothes that make the gentleman.

Pinocchio:  Papa, I can`t go to school: I have no school-book.

Geppetto: My boy, wait a little, I`ll be back in minute.(Уходит)

Pinocchio: Well, I like to sing (Поет песню «What are little boys made of? ». Вскоре Джепето возвращается).  Where is your coat, Papa? It`s very cold today.

Geppetto: I sold it because it was too warm for  me. Take the school-book and go to school, my dear boy.(Джепето и Пиноккио вместе поют.)

Dance to your daddy, my little laddie,

Dance to your daddy, my little lamb.

You shall have a fishy on a little dishy,

You shall have a fishy, when the boat comes in.

Dance to your daddy, my little laddie,

Dance to your daddy, my little lamb.

Pinocchio: Tomorrow I`ll learn to write,

To read and to count. When I know how to read, write and count, I`ll begin to work. I`ll soon have a lot of money. I`ll begin to wark. I`ll soon have a lot of money. I`ll buy a beautiful new coat for my papa. He is so kind to me. He sold his coat and bought a school-book for me. I`ll be kind to him too. (Утро. Часы на сцене бьют семь раз.)

Geppetto: Get up, Pinocchio! Time to go to school. Take your school-book and good luck!

Pinocchio: Good bye, Papa.

Scene 3

(На переднем плане вывеска «Great Puppet Theatre». Слышны звуки музыки.)

Pinocchio: I don`t know what to do. Shall I go to school or shall I go and listen to the music? Today I`ll listen to the music and tomorrow I`ll go to school. But how can I get money for a ticket? I`ll sell my new school-book and buy a ticket. (Появляется мальчик. ) Boy! Come here.

Boy: What do you want?

Pinocchio: Buy my school-book, there are a lot of pictures in it.

Boy: (Разглядывает картинки) Oh, yes, there are a lot of pictures. Fine. (Отдает деньги за книгу)

Pinocchio: Thank you, boy (Подбегает к кассе) I want one ticket to the Puppet Theatre.

Girl: Let me see. I Have one seat in the boxes.

Pinocchio: What about the stalls?

Girl: Yes, I have a ticket for the stalls, too.

Scene 4

(Театр. Играет музыка. Пиноккио сидит в первом ряду.)

Harlequin: How do you do, my little spectators? I`m glad to see you in our theatre.

Punchinello: Good afternoon, children! Our theatre shows sad tragedies. But today you`ll see the comedy «The Girl with the Blue Hair». It`s a splendid show.

Harlequin: Yes, it really is a splendid show! Look, Punchinello, here`s Pinocchio! Come here, Pinocchio!

Punchinello: Oh, Pinocchio, come here (Пиноккио выскакивает на сцену.)

Pinocchio: My friends. I want to sing you a song. (Поет песню «What are little boys made of? »)

Showman: What is all that noise?

Pinocchio: I`m sorry, sir. Excuse me, please.

Showman: Continue the performance! We shall have a talk after the play. (После спектакля)

Showman: (показывая на Пиноккио) Harlequin, bring that puppet into my kitchen. I`ll put him on the fire and make a good dinner.

Pinocchio: Papa, oh, Papa come and save your Pinocchio! I don`t want to burn. I don`t want to burn in the fire.

Showman:  Stop crying. What is your father`s name?

Pinocchio: Geppetto, sir.

Showman: Has he a lot of money?

Pinocchio: Oh, no, he is very poor. He has nothing besides an old picture on the wall.

Showman: Poor old man! I am sorry for him. Here are five gold pieces. Go and give them to him.

Pinocchio: Thank you very much, sir.


Действующие лица:

Pinocchio                                                   KarabasBarabas

Papa Carlo                                               Fox Alice

Malvina                                                     Cat Bazilio

Pierro                                                        Cricket

Artemon                                                    Bats

Puppet 1 Turtle

Puppet 2 Frogs

Puppet 3

Puppet 4

Сцена 1.

Коморка  Папы Карло. На сцене висит нарисованный огонь и очаг. Звучит тихая музыка. Входит папа Карло, в руках у него полено. Он садится на стул и начинает строгать полено.

Papa Carlo: This is my nice new puppet. I’ll call him Pinocchio. These are his eyes. Such a funny look! These are his hands, legs, ears, a mouth, a nose. Oh, it’s too long!

Уходит и возвращается с Буратино.

Pinocchio: Hee, hee, hee! Don’t touch me anymore! It’s too much for me. Stop it!

Papa Carlo: Now listen to me, Pinocchio. Stop dancing, please. I’m going out to buy some food and you sit at home and be quiet.

Папа Карло уходит. Появляется сверчок со скрипкой. Звучит скрипка. 

Cricket: Chirico chuck, chirico chuck! 

Pinocchio: Hey, who’s that?

Cricket: It’s me.

Pinocchio: And who are you?

Cricket: I’m a cricket. I’ve been living here for more than a hundred years.

Pinocchio: I am the boss around here. And you go away!

Cricket: All right. I’ll go. But before I go, let me give you some advice.

Pinocchio: I don’t want any advice from a silly little cricket like you!

Cricket: Pinocchio, don’t be naughty. Listen to Papa Carlo. You must go to school and study well.

Pinocchio: I don’t want to study! I don’t want to go to school! I know everything!

Cricket: Well, how much is two and two?

Pinocchio: It’s five.

Cricket: Wrong answer!

Pinocchio: Never mind! It doesn’t matter to me.

Cricket: It’s a pity, Pinocchio. You will have a lot of problems.

Pinocchio: Papa Carlo, Papa Carlo!

Сверчок уходит. Входит Папа Карло без куртки с азбукой в руках.

Papa Carlo: You must go to school, my dear boy. This is an ABC book for you.

Pinocchio: An ABC book for me? It’s wonderful! But where is your jacket, Papa Carlo?

Papa Carlo: Oh, I sold it. I can do without it. I must look after you.

Pinocchio: When I grow up and learn everything, I’ll buy you a thousand new jackets.

Сцена 2.

На сцене висит плакат “The Puppet Theatre”.

Pinocchio: School can wait a bit. I’d better sell my ABC book and buy a ticket for the Puppet Theatre.

Является Карабас Барабас с плеткой в руках. За ним выходят куклы в красивых платьях.

Karabas Barabas: Come on! Come on! Here’s my wonderful comedy!

Карабас бьет плеткой. Звучит песня и грустные куклы начинают танцевать. Карабас садиться на стул и засыпает. Вбегает Буратино и танцует вместе с куклами. Куклы оживляются, подходят к Буратино, окружают его.

Puppet 1: Oh, who are you?

Pinocchio: I’m Pinocchio.

Puppet 2: Such a nice new puppet!

Puppet 3: Oh, he can dance and sing!

Puppet 4: Join us! Let’s be friends!

Puppet 1: It’s so boring and sad in our theatre!

Puppet 2: You’ll bring joy and fun to us!

Puppet 3: We will play and have a good time!

Puppet 4: Stay with us, please!

Puppets: Please! Please! (хором)

Puppet 4: Oh, I like you! I think I’ll stay for some time!

Karabas Barabas: How can you interrupt my wonderful comedy! Oh, a piece of dry wood. I’ll put you in the fire and my supper will be ready in no time.

Pinocchio: That’s not a good idea. I’d better go home to Papa Carlo. I have supper there and we have a nice picture of a fireplace.

Karabas Barabas: Where do you live, my dear? Please, show me. Here are some coins for you. One, two, three, four, five. Go home and wait for me!

Pinocchio: There is a secret here, I think. I want to know it, too.

Сцена 3.

Под веселую музыку появляется Лиса Алиса и Кот Базилио в черных очках и тростью в руке. Они танцуют. Буратино пересчитывает деньги.

Cat Bazilio: Oh, Pinocchio. What are you going to do with all your money?

Fox Alice: Dear Pinocchio, would you like to have ten times money than you have now?

Pinocchio: Of course, I would.

Cat Bazilio: Just come along with us to the field of dreams.

Fox Alice: Say “Crickety, pickety” three times.

Cat Bazilio: Put the gold into the hole, water it and go to bed.

Fox Alice: Next morning a little tree with a lot of gold coins will grow.

Pinocchio: You are lying.

Cat Bazilio: Pinocchio, stop!

Буратино убегает от Лисы Алисы и Кота Базилио. Лиса Алиса, догоняет, забирает монеты и танцует от радости. Кот Базилио присоединяется к ней.

Fox Alice: You take one coin and I’ll take four.

Cat Bazilio: Why?

Fox Alice: Well, well. Take two and I’ll take two. Ha, ha, ha!

Сцена 4.

В доме Мальвины. На сцене стол с чернильницей и стул. За столом сидит Буратино и задирает ноги на стол. ВходитМальвина.

Malvina: Oh, you are not very polite. Who taught you manners?  

Pinocchio: Sometimes Papa Carlo, sometimes nobody at all.

Malvina: I’ll do it! Now sit down. Put your hands in front of you, please. We are going to have Maths. You’ve got two apples in your hands.

Pinocchio: That’s not true.

Malvina: Let’s imagine. One apple is taken away. How many apples are left?

Pinocchio: Two.

Malvina: Why?

Pinocchio: Because I wouldn’t let anyone take my apples away.

Malvina: Oh, no! You are bad at Maths. Let’s have a dictation!

Буратино макает свой нос в чернильницу.

Malvina: You are a very naughty boy! You must be punished at once. Artemon!

Artemon: Yes, please. What do you want, your Majesty?

Malvina: Take him away to the cellar!

Pinocchio: You, silly sausage!

Artemon: Don’t be rude or I’ll bite you!

На сцене в углу сидит Буратино. Под громкую музыку появляются Летучие Мыши.

Bat 1: We are bad black bats!

Bat 2: We are so scary!

Bat 3: Are you afraid of us?

Pinocchio: I am not afraid of you.

Летучие мыши начинают кружиться, затем хватают Буратино и убегают с ним.

Сцена 5.

Буратино оказывается на болоте. На сцене черепаха Тротила в окружении лягушек и Буратино. Он мокрый и грязный. Он расстроен.

Turtle: Why are you here? You should be at home!

Pinocchio: I wanted to have more money for Papa Carlo. I went to the field of dreams. But I was cheated. And now I am here.

Turtle: I know!

Pinocchio: I want to go home! Please help me!

Frogs: Help him! Help him!

Черепаха смотрит на луну какое-то время, что-то вспоминает.

Turtle: Wait for me! I’ll come back soon!

Frog 1: People hurt her once.

Frog 2: Now she does not trust them.

Frog 3: She knows a great secret!

Появляется черепаха с золотым ключиком.

Turtle: Take it!

Pinocchio: What is it?

Turtle: It’s a golden key. It belongs to Karabas Barabas. He dropped it long ago. He asked me to find it. But I didn’t.

Turtle: Thank you!

Turtle: It will make you and your friends happy when you open the door with it.

Черепаха медленно уходит.

Pinocchio: What door?

Frog 1: She doesn’t remember!

Frog 2: She is too old!

Frog 3: Don’t lose it!

Буратино растерян. Он торопиться домой.

Сцена 6.

На сцене Пьеро и Буратино.

Piero: Oh, where is Malvina? Oh, where? Oh, where? She has disappeared.

Pinocchio: What are you doing here?

Piero: I’m looking for the most beautiful girl-Malvina.

Pinocchio:  Well, I ran away from that girl yesterday.

Piero: I must help her. She’ll be happy when we find the key to the Puppet Theatre.

Pinocchio:  Here it is! This is the key.

Выбегает пудель Артемон и Мальвина.

Artemon: Karabas Barabas and the dogs will be here in a minute.

Pinocchio:  Don’t panic! Off we go!

Появляется Карабас Барабас.

Karabas Barabas: Give me the key!

Artemon: We are going to fight!

Буратино увидел Папу Карло, который уже давно его ищет

Pinocchio:  Papa Carlo!

Папа Карло бежит на помощь.

Papa Carlo: I’ll help you, Pinocchio.

Под музыку все герои прогоняют Карабаса со сцены.

Pinocchio:  Here is the key to the Puppet theatre!

Malvina: Now we can open it!

Papa Carlo: Hurry up! We’ll go to the magic world of the Puppet Theatre.

Pinocchio: Let’s sing and dance!

Все очень счастливы. Танцуют и поют.

The end.

План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 5 классе для детей с ОВЗ

«Сказочная постановка “Pinocchio”

Цель: привитие детям любви к театру; развитие памяти и актерского дарования.


  1. способствовать раскрытию возможностей, снятию психологической напряженности у детей с ОВЗ, созданию оптимистического настроения;

  2. развивать речь, мышление и воображение;

  3. способствовать воспитанию сознательной дисциплины, организованности, настойчивости и трудолюбия, смелости и уверенности в своих силах;

  4. способствовать развитию познавательной и творческой активности учащихся.

Оборудование: музыкальное сопровождение, сценические костюмы для участников постановки.

Ход мероприятия.

1 сцена

Учитель: Good day, welcome to our performance devoted to Christmas. How do you imagine Pinocchio now? Let’s see. Once upon a time there was one man. He was alone and decided to make a son. (Звучит музыка, папа Карло доделывает сына, Пиноккио стоит с закрытыми глазами).

Папа Карло: I will call you Pinicchio. (Пиноккио открывает глаза и говорит).

Пиноккио: Папа, папа, я родился.

Папа Карло: What’s the strange language! I should correct something (крутит нос, на фоне звук настраиваемого радио).

Пиноккио: Father, learn me to step!

Папа Карло: Look at me son and repeat (показывает как ходить).

Пиноккио: I will do it myself (танцует).

Папа Карло: It will be Christmas soon. I want you to visit a doll theatre. Take 3 gold coins. Go and have fun! (Пиноккио забирает монеты и уходит).

2 сцена

Учитель: And Pinocchio set off. He met the cat Basilio and the fox Alice who were local gangsters and kept in a fear the whole city.

(Музыка на фоне. Кот и лиса стоят и просят милостыню, сталкиваются с Пиноккио)

Лиса Алиса: (со злостью) Oh, you’re a crazy boy! You spoiled my favourite dress!

Кот Базилио: (шепотом) Stop Alice, perhaps, he has money!

Лиса Алиса: (подлизываясь) Oh, what a lovely boy! What a beautiful hat!

Кот Базилио: What a great nose! I like it so much!

Пиноккио: And who are you?

Кот Базилио: (выходит вперед и представляется с важностью) I’m Lord Basilio, the son of…

Лиса Алиса: (отталкивает кота) And I’m the stolen Princess, Alice. What’s your name?

Пиноккио: Pinocchio

Кот Базилио: Where are you going?

Пиноккио: My father gave me 3 gold coins to watch a Christmas play.

Лиса Алиса: It’s not interesting! But if you give us your gold coins, we show you the way to the magic place where all your dreams come true!

(Лиса Алиса забирает монеты и убегает, Кот Базилио закручивает Пиноккио, показывая ему путь).

Кот Базилио: 50 steps to the right, 60 steps to the left and you’ll be near the magic tree, where you’ll find your happiness (убегает, оставляя Пиноккио).

3 сцена

Учитель: And Pinocchio went to the way offering by the gangsters and stopped near the theatre.

Пиноккио: 58, 59, 60… Where the magic tree? (оглядывается) They lied me! (топает ногой, начинает бросать снежки. Мальвина открывает дверь, в нее попадает снежок).

Пиноккио: I’m so sorry!

4 сцена

Учитель: Malvina invites Pinocchio to the theatre.

Мальвина: Boys, look! This is my new friend, Pinocchio! And this is Pjero and Artemon!

Пиноккио: Hello!

Пьеро: New friend? But what about me?

Артемон: Hi! Let’s better decorate a Christmas tree!

(Герои все вместе украшают елку).

Мальвина: You know this tree is magical.

Кот и лиса: (из-за угла) Magical?

Мальвина: If you tell your secret to the tree, it will come true!

Кот и лиса: Come true?

(Герои закрывают глаза и загадывают желания у елки).

Пьеро: (смотря на Мальвину) I wish one girl will love.

Мальвина: (смотря на Пиноккио) I wish one boy will love me.

Артемон: I wish Karbas Barabas will make us free.

Пиноккио: I wish my father to be happy.

Мальвина: Ok, let’s drink some tea!

(Все уходят пить чай, заходят Кот Базилио с Лисой Алисой и воруют елку)

Кот Базилио: Our dreams are more important!

Лиса Алиса: The Christmas tree is more necessary for us!

(Все возвращаются и видят, что елка пропала)

Пьеро: (падает на колени и плачет) Where is the Christmas tree?

Мальвина: (успокаивает Пьеро) Don’t cry we’ll find it!

Пьеро: Really?

Пиноккио: Don’t lie him. We’ll never find it!

Артемон: Friends, let’s go to the turtle for some advice! She will help us!

(Герои уходят к черепахе за советом).

5 сцена

(Все стоят вокруг черепахи и оживленно ей рассказывают, она сидит в центре и внимательно слушает).

Черепаха Тортилла: Of course, I’ll help you! (отрывает от цветка лепесток и кидает его).

Лети, лети лепесток

Через запад на восток,

Через север через юг,

Возвращайся сделав круг,

Лишь коснешься ты Земли-

Быть по-моему вели!

Let’s gangsters appear here right now!

(Все замерли в ожидании, но Кот и Лиса не появились).

Пьеро: (падает на колени и плачет) It doesn’t work!

Черепаха Тортилла: Boy, keep silence!

(Забегают лиса и кот и падают).

Мальвина:Who are they?

Черепаха Тортилла: They stole your tree!

Все вместе (стоя вокруг кота и лисы, топают ногами, хлопают в ладоши и поют): We will, we will kill you!

Лиса Алиса: Forgive me! I’m sorry. It’s all his fault!

Кот Базилио: Me? Oh you’re cunning fox!

(Кот с лисой дерутся, черепаха их разнимает)

Черепаха Тортилла: Stop it! Why do you need Christmas tree?

Лиса Алиса: I want to be famous!

Кот Базилио: I want to have power! But it doesn’t work…

Лиса Алиса: The tree isn’t magical…

Пьеро: (падает на колени и плачет) It couldn’t be!

Черепаха Тортилла: We don’t need a tree to make our dreams real! We should be good in our hearts and then happiness will come!

Герои все вместе берутся за руки и выходят на поклон.

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 4 классе. Пиноккио

Автор: Once in the morning in the fairy forest. Pinocchio woke up in a merry mood and good health, as if nothing had happened. A girl with blue hair was waiting for him in the garden. Sitting at a small table. Her face was washed, and there was pollen on her snub nose and cheeks

Blue Fairy: Good morning, wooden boy!

Pinocchio :Good morning, Blue Fairy!

Blue Fairy: Sit down to table, please! Artemon!

Artemon :What can I do for you, my lady?

Blue Fairy: Clean the table, please.

Blue Fairy: Do not sit on your leg! It should be under the table.

(She was opening and closing her eyes in indignation.)

Tell me please, who is brining you up?

Pinocchio : Sometime Papa Carlo brings me up and sometimes nobody

Blue Fairy: Don’t worry, now I will bring you up.

Pinocchio: Oh Oh Oh! I got into the mess!

Автор: He was sitting at the table so long that he started to shiver.

Blue Fairy: Sit down now and put your hands in front of you. Don’t stoop

your shoulders,

I tell you. The girl said and took a piece of chalk. We will study maths now. You have two apples in a pocket.

Pinocchio: You are lying, I have no apples in my pocket …

Blue Fairy: Think more.

Автор: Pinocchio screw his face, that is how well he was thinking.

Buratino :Two…

Blue Fairy: Why?

Pinocchio I will not give my apple to nobody, even if this person fights!

Blue Fairy: You know nothing in maths! We will write a dictation now.

(She looked at the ceiling with her pretty eyes.)

Write down: «A dog can jump.» Ready? Now read this phrase.

Автор: We know that Pinocchio has never seen a pen or ink.

Blue Fairy: Write down! (He put his nose into the inkpot and was really frightened

when the ink drop fell on the paper. The girl flung her arms up and burst into tears.)

Blue Fairy: You are an impudent boy! You must be punished!

Artemon, show Pinocchio into the room.

(Noble Artemon appeared in the doors and showed his white teeth.

He grabbed Pinocchio at his coat and pulled him into the room.

The girl fell on the doll lace bed ,and cried)

Blue Fairy: I was so severe with my student. But I decided to bring him up and I must put it to the end.

Pinocchio: Who brings children in such a way?.. This is headache not the education… Do not sit like this, do not eat like that… A child doesn’t know letters and she is getting an inkpot!

Автор: Blue Fairy recovered.

Blue Fairy: Pinocchio , we need to talk! (Pinocchio looked out of the house)

You will go to school since tomorrow.

Pinocchio I think it is too late for me to go to school.

Blue Fairy: No, my dear. You should know it is never too late to learn!

Pinocchio: But I think it is very boring to learn.

Blue Fairy: My boy, those who think like this almost always goes to

prison or hospital. You should know that every person must do something, work.

The lazy person is never happy! Laziness is the most disgusting disease that must be cured in the childhood. When you grow up it will be difficult to get rid of it!

Pinocchio : I will study, I will work and I will do everything you tell me to do.

I am tired of life of a wooden person, I really want to be a real boy!

Blue Fairy: Now everything depends on you.

Автор: Pinocchio promised that he will study and behave well.

And he kept his promise. At the exams before vacations he was the best pupil in the school.

The teacher gave him knowledge that made him a real man.

Артемон: The teacher made a person even from a wood! (Woof-woof)

Страница 4 из 14

Сценарий сказки на английском языке

Characters: Geppetto, Pinocchio, Boy, girl with the blue Hair, Harlequin , Punchinello, showman, Cat, Fox, Monkey, Parrot , Medoro.
Scene 1
(Джепето сидит за столом в своей каморке и вырезает из полено куклу).
Geppeto: What name shall I give him? I think I`ll give him the name of Pinocchio. It`s a very nice name. First the puppet`s hair! Then i`ll make his head and then his eyes (напевает).
I have two eyes and I can see.
A book and a pen in front of me.
I see the window and the door,
I see the ceiling and the floor.
The eyes are ready. But they are looking at me! I`ll go on with my work. Now his nose. But it`s strange. This puppet wants a long nose. Well, i`ll make the body, then the arms and the hands. And now i`ll teach him to walk.
Pinocchio: That`s splendid. I`m ready (учиться ходить).
Geppetto: One, two, one, two.
Pinocchio: What must I do?
Geppetto: Three, four, three, four.
Pinocchio: Close the door.
Geppetto: Five, six, five, six.
Pinocchio: Look at the chiks.
Geppetto: Seven, eight, seven, eight.
Pinocchio: Put the plate.
Geppetto: Nine, ten.
Pinocchio:By our fat hen.
Bye-bye, father! One, two, one, two.
Geppetto: Stop him, stop him (поет).
Stop! Look! Listen!
Before you cross the street,
Use your eyes, use your ears,
And then use your feet.
Scene 2
(Пиноккио бежит по улице)
What are little boys made of?
What are little boys made of?
Frogs and snails and little dog`s tails,
That`s what little boys are made of.
What are little girls made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and ice and all things nice,
That`s what girls are made of.
But I am made of wood. It seems to me it`s drizzling. Where is my papa? Where is my papa? Pa-pa! Pa-pa! What shall I do? It`s very cold. There is not even a dog in the street.
Geppetto: Oh, little boy. Where are you?
Pinocchio: Here I am. I want to show you that I am a good boy. Tomorrow, tomorrow I`ll go to school.
Geppetto: Good boy.
Pinocchio: But I must have some clothes.
Geppetto: Here they are.
Pinocchio:I look like a gentleman now.
Geppetto: Yes, you do. But you should know this: it is not good clothes but clean clothes that make the gentleman.
Pinocchio: Papa, I can`t go to school: I have no school-book.
Geppetto: My boy, wait a little, I`ll be back in minute.(Уходит)
Pinocchio: Well, I like to sing (Поет песню «What are little boys made of? ». Вскоре Джепето возвращается). Where is your coat, Papa? It`s very cold today.
Geppetto: I sold it because it was too warm for me. Take the school-book and go to school, my dear boy.(Джепето и Пиноккио вместе поют.)
Dance to your daddy, my little laddie,
Dance to your daddy, my little lamb.
You shall have a fishy on a little dishy,
You shall have a fishy, when the boat comes in.
Dance to your daddy, my little laddie,
Dance to your daddy, my little lamb.
Pinocchio: Tomorrow I`ll learn to write,
To read and to count. When I know how to read, write and count, I`ll begin to work. I`ll soon have a lot of money. I`ll begin to wark. I`ll soon have a lot of money. I`ll buy a beautiful new coat for my papa. He is so kind to me. He sold his coat and bought a school-book for me. I`ll be kind to him too. (Утро. Часы на сцене бьют семь раз.)
Geppetto: Get up, Pinocchio! Time to go to school. Take your school-book and good luck!
Pinocchio: Good bye, Papa.

Сценарий сказки на английском

Scene 3
(На переднем плане вывеска «Great Puppet Theatre». Слышны звуки музыки.)
Pinocchio: I don`t know what to do. Shall I go to school or shall I go and listen to the music? Today I`ll listen to the music and tomorrow I`ll go to school. But how can I get money for a ticket? I`ll sell my new school-book and buy a ticket. (Появляется мальчик. ) Boy! Come here.
Boy: What do you want?
Pinocchio: Buy my school-book, there are a lot of pictures in it.
Boy: (Разглядывает картинки) Oh, yes, there are a lot of pictures. Fine. (Отдает деньги за книгу)
Pinocchio: Thank you, boy (Подбегает к кассе) I want one ticket to the Puppet Theatre.
Girl: Let me see. I Have one seat in the boxes.
Pinocchio: What about the stalls?
Girl: Yes, I have a ticket for the stalls, too.
Scene 4
(Театр. Играет музыка. Пиноккио сидит в первом ряду.)
Harlequin: How do you do, my little spectators? I`m glad to see you in our theatre.
Punchinello: Good afternoon, children! Our theatre shows sad tragedies. But today you`ll see the comedy «The Girl with the Blue Hair». It`s a splendid show.
Harlequin: Yes, it really is a splendid show! Look, Punchinello, here`s Pinocchio! Come here, Pinocchio!
Punchinello: Oh, Pinocchio, come here (Пиноккио выскакивает на сцену.)
Pinocchio: My friends. I want to sing you a song. (Поет песню «What are little boys made of? »)
Showman: What is all that noise?
Pinocchio: I`m sorry, sir. Excuse me, please.
Showman: Continue the performance! We shall have a talk after the play. (После спектакля)
Showman: (показывая на Пиноккио) Harlequin, bring that puppet into my kitchen. I`ll put him on the fire and make a good dinner.
Pinocchio: Papa, oh, Papa come and save your Pinocchio! I don`t want to burn. I don`t want to burn in the fire.
Showman: Stop crying. What is your father`s name?
Pinocchio: Geppetto, sir.
Showman: Has he a lot of money?
Pinocchio: Oh, no, he is very poor. He has nothing besides an old picture on the wall.
Showman: Poor old man! I am sorry for him. Here are five gold pieces. Go and give them to him.
Pinocchio: Thank you very much, sir.

Адаптированная сказка 3 уровня.
Пиноккио — волшебная сказка о деревянной кукле, которая становится живой, о кукольном мастере и сверчке Джимини.

 Pinocchio  Пиноккио A long time ago, there was a man who made puppets. Давным-давно, жил человек, который делал кукол. His name was Geppetto. Его имя было(звали) Джеппетто. He lived with his cat and his goldfish. Он жил (вместе) с котом и золотой рыбкой. “I want a child,” he said to himself. “Я хочу дитя” говорил он себе. “I want someone to talk to.” “Я хочу с кем-нибудь разговаривать(беседовать)”.     One day he found some wood in the forest. Однажды он нашёл в лесу древесину. He decided to make a puppet. Он решил сделать куклу. He worked very hard. Он очень усердно работал. When he finished, he was pleased. Когда он закончил, он был доволен. The puppet was a beautiful wooden boy. Кукла была красивым деревянным мальчиком.     “I will call him Pinocchio,” he said. “Я назову его Пиноккио” сказал он. “He is a beautiful puppet, “Он красивая кукла, but I want him to be alive!” но я хочу, чтобы он (стал) живым!”     A fairy heard Geppetto. Фея услышала Джеппетто. She waved her magic wand Она взмахнула своей волшебной палочкой and touched Pinocchio. и коснулась Пиноккио. “Live, Pinocchio,” she said. “Живи, Пиноккио” сказала она. “Be a good boy and do “Будь хорошим мальчиком и делай то, what your father tells you.” что говорит(велит) тебе твой отец.”     Then she heard a noise. Потом(вскоре) она услышала шум. It came from a box on the table. Он шёл(исходил) из коробки на столе. Jiminy Cricket was in the box. В коробке был Джимини Крикет. The fairy said, (Затем) Фея сказала “You must be Pinocchio’s friend. “Ты должен быть другом (для) Пиноккио. You must tell him what is right Ты должен говорить(учить) ему(его), что правильно, and what is wrong.” а что неправильно(нет)”.     Geppetto woke up the next morning На следующее утро проснулся Джеппетто and he saw that Pinocchio was alive. и увидел, что Пиноккио был(стал) живым. He was very happy. Он был очень счастлив.     “Pinocchio!” he said, “Пиноккио!” говорил он “You are alive! “ты живой! You are wooden, Ты (сделан из) деревянный(дерева), but I love you. но (всё равно) я люблю тебя. You are my son!” Ты мой сын!”     But Pinocchio was a silly boy. Но Пиноккио был глупым мальчиком. When Geppetto or Jiminy Cricket tried to help him, Когда Джеппетто или(и) Джимини Крикет пытались помочь ему, he didn’t listen. (то) он не слушал. He hated school and he was very bad at lessons. Он ненавидел школу и был очень непослушным на уроках.     “School’s silly!” he shouted. “Глупая школа!” кричал он. “I don’t want to go to school.” “Я не хочу ходить в школу.”     The winter was very cold. Зима была очень холодной. Geppetto gave Pinocchio some warm clothes Джеппетто дал Пиноккио тёплую одежду and books for school. и книги для школы. Then he worked all day and all night. Затем он работал весь день и всю ночь. He was very cold and tired. Он очень замёрз и устал. Pinocchio saw this and he felt sad. Пиноккио увидел(узнал про) это и загрустил.     “I will come home after school “Я приду домой после школы and help my father,” he said. и помогу отцу” сказал он.

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