Конспект урока по английскому языку для 5 класса
По УМК Кузовлева В.П. Английский язык 5 класс
Тема урока: «Festival of British holidays».
Цель урока: активизировать коммуникативные навыки учащихся.
1. образовательные:
— тренировать учащихся в лексике по теме «Праздники,
— практиковать в составлении монологического высказывания по структуре,
— тренировать в диалогическом общении по образцу,
— активизировать лингвокультурологический материал по теме: «Праздники».
2. развивающие:
— развивать коммуникативные навыки,
— развивать орфографические навыки,
3. воспитательные:
— воспитывать чувства уважения и доброжелательности к стране изучаемого языка и ее народу, своим сверстникам,
— развивать и поддерживать устойчивый интерес к английскому языку, речевому и культурному общению друг с другом.
Применяемые технологии:
— коммуникативное — ориентированное обучение,
— отработка техники чтения,
— составление мини – монолога с различными речевыми задачами,
— развитие познавательного интереса.
— наглядность: тематические картинки, лексические таблицы, комплекты дидактических раздаточных материалов, проектор,компьютер
1. Организационный момент.
— Stand up, please.
— Stand still.
— Good morning, dear children
+ Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you,
Good morning, good morning,
I’m glad to see you.
— Thank you, sit down, please.
Today we have an unusual day.
I hope you will have a wonderful time.
Let us learn, play and sing together!
— Now, children, answer my questions, please.
— What’s the date today?
+ Today is the 19th of March.
— What day of week is it today? – Is it Monday or Saturday?
+ Today is Saturday
— What season is it now? Is it summer, is it spring, is it winter?
+ It’s winter.
— What the weather is it today?
— Is it cold or hot?
+ Today it’s cold.
— Is it today cloudy?
+ No, today it’s not cloudy. Today it’s sunny.
— Is it today frosty?
+ No, today it’s not frosty.
— Good, thank you.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
Now, our phonetic exercises,
Sing a song.
Now, let’s have a break. Do morning exercises.
(выбираю ученика для проведения зарядки)
— Who is eager to show the exercises?
— Stand up, stand still.
— Listen to the music.
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands (clap, clap)
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands (clap, clap)
If you are happy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands (clap, clap)
If you are happy and you know it
Stomp your feet (stomp, stomp)
If you are happy and you know it
Stomp your feet (stomp, stomp)
If you are happy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Stomp your feet (stomp, stomp)
If you are happy and you know it stap your knees
(stap, stap)
If you are happy and you know it stap your knees
(sap, stap)
If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it
If you are happy and you know it stap your knees
(stap, stap)
If you are happy and you know it click your fingers
(click, click)
If you are happy and you know it click your fingers
(click, click)
If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it
If you are happy and you know it click your fingers
(click, click)
If you are happy and you know it do all four
(clap,clap, stomp, stomp, stap,stap, click,click)
If you are happy and you know it do all four
(clap,clap, stomp, stomp, stap,stap, click,click)
If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it
If you are happy and you know it do all four
(clap,clap, stomp, stomp, stap,stap, click,click)
If you are happy and you
— Good, thank you. Sit down, please. Take your places. Go on our work
You’re clever boys and girls.
3. Речевая зарядка.
— Today, I will tell you a lot of interesting facts about… What about will we talk today? What do you think? (Учащиеся должны догадаться о чем пойдет речь, судя по картинкам)
New Year,
St. Valentine’s Day,
Pancake Day.
1. Показываю картинки с праздниками,
2. Сразу не перевожу, дети могут помогать,
3. Предлагаю вспомнить, когда эти праздники отмечаются.
— O’k, let’s remember when these holidays are celebrated. Look at the board, please. This is a table.
— Look at the 1st column: These are the names of the holidays
— Look at the 3nd colum: The dates when these holidays are celebrated.
Match the holidays with their dates. (ученики заполняют по желанию таблицу.)
New Year’s Day Christmas Easter Halloween St. Valentine’s Day Pancake Day |
is celebrated |
in March January, 1 October, 31 December, 25 in April February, 14 |
— Good thank you. Now answer my questions:
— Do you like holidays?
+ Yes, I like holidays.
— Do people cook dinner on holidays?
+ Yes, they do.
— Do people make funny costumes?
+ Yes, they do.
— Do people send greeting cards?
+ Yes, they do.
— Do you like presents?
+ Yes, I like presents.
— Do you like parties?
+ Yes, I like parties.
— Do you like to sing at the parties?
+ Yes, I like to sing at the parties.
— Do you like to dance at the parties?
+ Yes, I like to dance at the parties.
— Very well done! Thank you.
4. Ввод новой лексики.
— Today we’re going to learn some new words.
Look at the board, please
1. I’ll read new words.
(показываю картинки).
1) Christmas tree
2) greeting card
3) Father Christmas
4) presents
5) to decorate
6) to celebrate
7) to present
9) chocolate eggs and hears
10) pancakes
2. I’ll read and you repeat after me, please.
(читаю дети за мной повторяют)
1. O’K now I’ll mix these words.
Say in English: “What is this?”
Altogether, please
-What is this?
+ It’s a pumpkin…
(мешаю карточки, дети хором называют слово на английском)
2. Thank you, now I want to listen to everyone, in English.
(спрашиваю каждого ученика, как будет это слова на английском)
3. I’ll show you the cards and translate into Russian “What is this?” please.
— Thank you, good. Look at the board, please. There is a table. You can see 3 columns:
— Holiday’s symbols, what can you do on holidays? Holiday’s meal.
— Take card from the board and put the new words into these columns.
Christmas tree greeting card father Christmas presents pumpkin |
to decorate to celebrate to present |
chocolate eggs and hears pancakes |
— let’s check. (на экране появляется табличка с правильным заполнением)
— Good, you’re right.
5. Чтение.
(раздаю на парты листы с текстами, читаем тексты с праздниками по очереди)
— Now we are going to read the texts about the most popular holidays in Britain.
— Begin, please.
New Year’s Day
New Year’s Day celebrates the start of a new year. It is less popular in Britain than Christmas. But it is also celebrated there. Not all English people celebrate New Year.
They have a New Year party at home. On that day they wish a “Happy New Year”. English and American people often make New Year’s resolutions.
The most popular holiday in Britain is Christmas. It is a happy holiday for many people. Some weeks before it, people send greeting cards to the friends.
You can buy Christmas cards or you can make them. People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, balls. At night Father Christmas comes. He has got a big bag of presents for children.
St. Valentine’s Day
In February the British have a holiday for all lovers – St. Valentine’s Day. Nobody knows much about St. Valentine. On this day children write their names on cards.
People give them to the friends. Many people give cards and flowers. St. Valentine’s Day is the day of love for many people.
Pancake day
In England there is a day for pancakes. It is a funny holiday. It is usually in March. At home families have pancakes for dinner.
At school the children have pancakes for lunch. People have a lot of fun on that day. This holiday is popular in England.
In April English people celebrate Easter day. They celebrate it as the start of spring. In England it is time to get presents. On Easter Sunday children get chocolate egg, rabbits.
You can buy them before Easter. “Happy Easter!” – say people in Great Britain greeting each other.
Autumn comes and it is time to celebrate Halloween. It is a funny holiday. Halloween is a great holiday.
In the past this festival was a time of fear. People believed in witches and they stayed at home.
— That’s quite good.
And now let’s try to do true and false statements.
6. Монолог.
Make up a story about your favourite holiday.
Look at the board, please.
(объясняю, как по схеме составить монолог)
I’ll give you 1 min.
My favourite holiday is …
— Christmas
— New Year
— St. Valentine’s Day
— Pancake Day
— Easter
— Halloween
It is celebrated in …
— winter
— spring
— summer
— autumn
The symbols are …
— Father Christmas
— St. Valentine’s Day
— presents
— boiled eggs and chocolate hears
— pancakes
— pumpkin
The favourite meal is …
— sweets
— cakes and candies
— chocolate eggs
— pancakes
On this day people …
— wish a merry Christmas
— say “Happy Easter”
— wish “Happy New year”
— have pancakes for lunch
— sing, dance
— get presents
— Good, thank you.
7. Игра.
Дети делятся на 2 команды, каждой из которой выдаются лепестки, на задний стороне которых написаны поздравления и праздники, детям необходимо на время к сердцевине с названием «Поздравления» прикрепить поздравления, с названием «Праздник» прикрепить праздники, чья команда быстрее та и победила.
8. Письмо
Учитель обясняет детям, что самый любимый праздник это конечно День Рождения и предлагает заполнить приглашения на праздник по примеру.
— O’K, but the favourite holiday is your birthday. Let’s write the invitation to your birthday party. Look at the picture.
Dear Sue,
Please come to my party.
On Saturday
Time 8 o’clock
From Jane
9. Рефлексия.
10. Домашняя работа.
Написать сочинение про свой любимый праздник.
11. Подведение итогов урока.
Список используемой литературы:
Кузовлев В.П. Английский язык 5 класс
Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 5 классе
по учебнику “Spotlight”
под редакцией Ю. Ваулиной, Дж. Дули, О. Подоляко, В. Эванс.
Предмет: английский язык |
Класс: 5 |
Дата: 04/ 04/2019 |
Время реализации урока: 45минут |
Ф.И.О. учителя: Марчук Диана Валентиновна |
Тема урока: Праздники. |
Тип урока: открытия новых знаний |
Цель урока: |
развитие социокультурной и информационной компетенции. |
Задачи урока: |
Воспитательные: |
Формируемые УУД: |
Личностные: |
Формы организации деятельности учащихся: |
Урок решения практических задач. Фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная и групповая формы работы. |
Используемые технологии: |
В ходе урока используются элементы следующих педагогических технологий — личностно-ориентированное обучение; — обучение с использованием ИКТ – технологий; — здоровьесберегающие технологии; — технология сотрудничества; -проектная технология Применяются следующие методы: — проблемное изложение — Словесные: беседа, вопросно-ответные упражнения. — Наглядно-демонстрационные: использование видеороликов. — Практические: работа в группе Приемы: — прием сравнения. — прием самоконтроля. |
Техническое обеспечение урока: |
Телевизор с локальной сетью, учебная доска в кабинете, компьютерная презентация. |
Список учебной и дополнительной литературы: |
Структура урока: |
1) Организационный этап. 2) Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся. 3) Актуализация знаний. 4) Первичное усвоение новых знаний. 5) Первичная проверка понимания. 6) Первичное закрепление. 7) Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению |
Межпредметные связи |
география, информатика, литература, история, музыка |
Данная разработка предназначена для первого урока по теме: «Праздники/ Celebrations», модуль 8А из УМК «Английский в фокусе — 5 класс» под редакцией Ю. Е. Ваулиной, Дж. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс, но она может быть также использована для других УМК по схожей тематике. В результате работы на уроке учащиеся повторяют лексику и грамматику по теме, узнают о праздниках урожая в разных странах мира и в разное время года, соотносят зрительно продукты, которые едят на разные праздники, страны на карте и их флаги. Они учатся составлять спайдерграмму, как план, и высказываться по поводу прослушанного и прочитанного о праздниках, чтобы в дальнейшем самостоятельно подготовить сообщение об известном празднике урожая.
Языковой материал для использования на уроке:
Лексика – celebrate, cook special food, decorate the house, dress up, exchange gifts, have a family dinner, have street parades, light bonfires, set off fireworks, seasons, harvest, moon, turkey, pumpkin, wheat, sauce, variety, cookery, fruit, vegetable, competition, dish, cranberry, different, popular, run free, Thanksgiving, Holi, Chuseok
Грамматика — Present Simple, there is/are, одинаковая форма глаголов и существительных (verb, noun)
Ход урока:
1. Структура урока усвоения новых знаний:
1) Организационный этап.
Учитель приветствует детей.
Good morning, students, I’m glad to see you at our lesson today. How are you today? Are you ready to work? Let`s greet our guests. You’ll have an unusual lesson; you have a lot of guests today. Let’s turn around and say them ‘’Good morning ‘How are you? How is your mood? I’m a bit nervous but I’m in a good mood and what about you? Show me the signs of your mood.
Who is on duty today?
What day of the week is it ?
What date is it today?
What season is it now?
What is the weather like today?
What can you do in such weather?
What clothes do you wear in such weather?
2) Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.
Have a look at the blackboard, please. Here is a puzzle for you to do. Name all the words in the pictures, take only the first letter of each word and you will read the theme of today’s lesson. If you have difficulties look at the pictures, they help you.
T: For example, “cat” – letter “C”. Say key word have we got? Right – Celebrations.
C |
E |
L |
E |
B |
R |
A |
T |
I |
O |
N |
S |
Учитель: What are the goals of our lesson? What are we going to do? (open your books and look through p.96)
P: We are going to…learn new words
read texts
listen to the speaker
do exercises.
T: Why do we do it?
P: …to speak English better, to improve our speaking, reading, writing and listening skills.
We are going to…. |
We want to… |
learn new words read texts listen to the speaker do exercises. |
… speak English better, … improve our speaking, reading, writing and listening skills. |
We want to tell about holidays and their celebrations
T: If you do everything you’ll be able to make a report about holidays.
T: Are celebrations important in our life? Why? How do we celebrate holidays?
P: We sing songs, dance, play games, eat cakes.
T: Celebrations are very important in our life because they are the part (element) of our culture. Every country has its celebrations and holidays, for example, Ivan Kupala Festival in Russia, St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland, Strawberry Festival in the USA.
T: Look at the picture. Children are going to celebtate a holiday. Are the happy? Why?
Ребята, чего- же не хватает на картине? (праздничного настроения) Как создать праздничное настроение, и что, по вашему мнению, нам поможет создать его? Что является символами и атрибутами каждого праздника? (звёздочки) Сегодня на уроке эти удивительные символы помогут нам не только создать праздничный настрой, но и оценить свою работу и работу товарищей, а также увидеть и оценить свои личные достижения.
T: At our lesson you’ll get special points (stars) for good work and stick them on the clouds. If you get more stars you’ll become the winner.
Сегодня на уроке мы с вами украсим праздничную картину.
Речевая разминка
T: — Do you like holidays?
— What’s your favorite holiday? What holidays do you like most of all?
Фонетическая зарядка
T: Do you remember Mr Tongue? He lives in our mouth and helps us to speak. There are some difficult sounds in the words. Repeat them after me.
th |
Thanksgiving, thanks, three, third |
th |
This, that, there |
t |
October, harvest, dessert, turkey, sweet, festival, light |
d |
Decorate, dress, December, different, during |
r |
Spring, parade, celebrate, run, free, parade, street, cranberry, free |
T: People in Ireland celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on the 17th of March. The traditional colour of this day is green. People dress up green costumes and decorate streets. Everything is green on March 17.
Things that are green
The trees are green, the grass is green,
My clothes are green, my nose is green-
Your chair is green, your hair is green-
Everything’s green on March seventeen.
3) Актуализация знаний.
T:- What holidays do we celebrate in winter?
— What holidays do we celebrate in autumn?
— What holidays do we celebrate in spring?
— What holidays do we celebrate in summer?
T: Choose the correct answer.
We celebrate |
New Year Day |
in |
February |
Christmas Day |
November |
Defender’s Day |
March |
Maslenitsa |
August |
Women’s Day |
September |
Easter Day |
May |
May Day |
June |
Victory Day |
December |
Children’s Day |
April |
Ivan Kupala Festival |
October |
Teachers’ Day |
July |
Harvest Festival |
January |
4) Первичное усвоение новых знаний.
T: Как вы считаетете, можете ли вы рассказать нам о том, как празднуют различные праздник по всему миру на английском языке? Почему?
T:If you want to tell us about holidays and celebrations you should learn new wordsand expressions. Match the words and their translations.
1 Dress up |
A Устраивать семейный ужин/ обед |
2 Have street parades |
B Запускать фейерверки |
3 Light bonfires |
C Готовить специальную еду |
4 Set off fireworks |
D Переодеваться |
5 Decorate the house |
E Устраивать уличные парады |
6 Exchange gifts |
F Зажигать костры/ огни |
7 Have a family dinner |
G Украшать дом |
8 Cook special food |
H Обмениваться подарками |
Игра с мячом Т-Р-Р
5) Первичная проверка понимания- работа в рабочих листах
T: What are the most popular holidays all over the world? How do we celebrate them? What do we do?
T: You’ll work in your worksheets.
Лист и задание ребёнок определяет по своему выбору и уровню подготовки.
Вариант 1
On |
1 New Year Day |
people |
A Dress up |
2 Christmas Day |
B Have parades |
3 St. Valentine’s Day |
C Light bonfires, eat blinis |
4 Maslenitsa Day |
D Set off fireworks |
5 Thanksgiving Day |
E Decorate the New year trees and their houses |
6 Halloween Day |
F Exchange gifts, flowers |
7 Easter Day |
G Have a family dinner |
8 Victory Day |
H Cook special food |
9 Ivan Kupala Festival |
I Swim in the rivers |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
e d c h |
g |
f |
c h |
h |
a |
g h |
b |
i |
0-1 |
2-3 |
4-5 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
Вариант 2
Match (соедините) the words. Which best describe the picture? (Какие выражения лучше подходят к картинке?). Write them. (Запишите их)
Рис.1 Рис.2
Рис.3 Рис.4
Dress ____ A. the house
Street ____ B. dinner
Special ____ C. gifts
Light ____ D. fireworks
Family ____ E. fires
Decorate ____ F. up
Exchange ____ G. food
Set off ____ H. parade
Рисунок 1 |
Рисунок 2 |
Рисунок 3 |
Рисунок 4 |
T: How do you celebrate your birthday? I’m sure, you dance. Let’s have a rest and dance.
6) Первичное закрепление.
a) Объяснение особенностей перевода глаголов и существительных, имеющих одинаковое значение и форму, работа со словарём.
T: Ребята, к какой части речи относятся данные слова: печь? В английском языке тоже есть слова, которые имеют одинаковую форму, но относятся к разным частям речи. Нам важно запомнить. Что в АЯ строгий порядок слов и в «+» предложении всегда подлежащее стоит на первом месте, сказуемое- на – втором. В словаре также указывается часть речи в скобках после слова. Translate my sentences.
I drink water every day.
She waters flowers on Monday.
The dress is beautiful.
We dress up on Halloween.
My mother is a cook.
She cooks very well.
Групповая работа. Каждой группе даётся задание, найти и перевести слова и предложения.
b) Предварительная работа над текстом, прогнозирование, развитие логической догадки. Ex. 2a p. 96.
T: Look at the title of the text and the first sentence. What do you expect to read?
c) Аудирование и чтение.
T: How do the people celebrate the festivals? Выборочное чтение
T: Answer my questions:
When do people celebrate Thanksgiving in America?
What is traditional food on Thanksgiving Day?
What is Holi?
What do farmers do with their cows? How do the decorate them?
How do people celebrate Banana festival?
Where do people celebrate Chuseok? How do people celebrate it?
T: Are the Statements TRUE or FALSE?
Thanksgiving is a harvest festival. T
People in America celebrate it in October. F
Pumpkin pie is Thanksgiving dessert. T
Farmers decorate their cows with flowers on Holi. T
During the Banana Festival children dress up in banana costumes and dance in the streets. T
People make sweet apple cakes with lemon on Chuseok. F
0-1 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
d) Активизация лексического материала в речи. Работа над творческим проектом.
T: Summer is coming. People are going abroad to spend their holidays. Would you like to visit and see new countries and take part in different celebrations? Now you have a chance to make your own radio program and invite us to visit different celebrations. Work in groups and make your projects. All members of your group should take part in it.
Что необходимо, чтобы грамотно составить рассказ-рекламу? (составить план) О чём мы должны рассказать и каковы наши пункты плана? О чём мы должны упомянуть?
Welcome to ______________ Festival.
People in___________________ celebrate it in___________________.
The symbols are________________________
The main food is______________________
We’re going to__________, ______________ and ___________.
You’ll have a lot of fun! Join us!
7) Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению
T: You’ve worked hard at our lesson and I’m sure learnt a lot of new and interesting information about holidays and festivals. What do you think about your homework. Your homework is
1. Report
“ How we celebrate ___________”
2. WB Ex. 1-2 p. 59
3. A postcard “ My Favourite Holiday”
Рефлексия. Подведение итогов
Взаимооценивание. Обсуждение результатов.
Т: Evaluate your work at our lesson
Finish the sentences:
Now I know…
Now I can…
It was interesting…
It was difficult …
Т: Давайте украсим нашу праздничную картину, приклейте свои звёздочки и при помощи разноцветных шаров проанализируйте работу на уроке.
Т: I want you to decorate our picture.
I could do everything.
У меня всё получилось.
I had some difficulties but I could do everything.
У меня были трудности, но я всё преодолел.
I had some difficulties and I could not do everything.
У меня были трудности, я не всё мог сделать, но я буду стараться.
Т: Расскажите мне, что на уроке вы узнали?
— Вам понравился урок?
— А что вам особенно понравилось?
— Чему мы с вами научились?
— Who was the most active at our lesson?
Какое настроение осталось у вас после урока? Оцените свою работу на уроке. Вот какую прекрасную картину мы создали, с ней наш праздник будет ещё прекрасней
That’s all for today. You have worked well today. Thank you. Your marks are … Our lesson is over.
Good bye, children. I wish you good luck!
Celebrations 1 существительное
interesting happy 2 прилагательных
Decorate cook dress up 3 глагола
Holidays are celebrated all over the world предложение— основная мысль
Holiday (festival) синоним
It is the most important holiday in our country. It is in spring. People have street parades in the afternoon and set off fireworks when it is dark. (Victory Day)
It’s a big festival in the USA and Canada to celebrate the harvest. The special foods on the table are a turkey, sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce. (Thanksgiving Day).
People decorate the houses with bright lights and ornaments. They exchange postcards and gifts. Children like this holiday very much, because they always find presents early in the morning. (Christmas)
The traditional colours of this holiday are orange, black and yellow. Children dress up in costumes of skeletons, goblins, black cats and spiders. There are many jack-o-lanterns in the streets when it is dark. (Halloween)
People send special cards to someone they love. Usually they don’t sign their names. (St Valentine’s Day)
At this holiday in England schools close for two weeks. People give each other chocolate eggs. (Easter)
It is in March. It is for women. They usually get flowers and presents from husbands and children. (Mother’s Day)
8.Children make presents to their mothers.
9.Children present flowers to war veterans.
10.Children with flowers are at the entrance of their school.
11.Children present flowers to their teachers.
12/Children sing carols.
13.Children and parents decorate a Christmas tree.
Самоанализ урока в 5 классе
Данный урок является изучением нового материала по теме «Special days».
Содержание данного урока работает на дальнейшее использование освоенного лексического материала не только в учебных ситуациях, но и в реальных жизненных ситуациях.
Предмет: английский язык |
Класс: 5 |
Дата: 13/ 03/2019 |
Время реализации урока: 45минут |
Ф.И.О. учителя: Марчук Диана Валентиновна |
Тема урока: Праздники (Celebrations) |
Тип урока: открытия новых знаний |
Цель урока: |
развитие социокультурной и информационной компетенции. |
Задачи урока: |
Воспитательные: |
Формируемые УУД: |
Личностные: |
Формы организации деятельности учащихся: |
Урок решения практических задач. Фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная и групповая формы работы. |
Используемые технологии: |
В ходе урока используются элементы следующих педагогических технологий — личностно-ориентированное обучение; — обучение с использованием ИКТ – технологий; — здоровьесберегающие технологии; — технология сотрудничества; -проектная технология Применяются следующие методы: — проблемное изложение — Словесные: беседа, вопросно-ответные упражнения. — Наглядно-демонстрационные: использование видеороликов. — Практические: работа в группе Приемы: — прием сравнения. — прием самоконтроля. |
Техническое обеспечение урока: |
Телевизор с локальной сетью, учебная доска в кабинете, компьютерная презентация |
Список учебной и дополнительной литературы: |
Структура урока: |
1) Организационный этап. 2) Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся. 3) Актуализация знаний. 4) Первичное усвоение новых знаний. 5) Первичная проверка понимания. 6) Первичное закрепление. 7) Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению |
Межпредметные связи |
география, информатика, литература, история, музыка |
Технологии, методы и приемы обучения.
Мозговой штурм, работа с таблицами и словарём, вопросы после текста, словесный метод, двигательный, т.д.
Формы работы:
— фронтальная форма;
Ход урока
Урок проводился в 5 классе. В классе 15 обучающихся. У учащихся данной группы высокая мотивация на изучение иностранного языка с хорошими речевыми и языковыми способностями.
Реализация принципов обучения:
На уроке были реализованы следующие принципы:
принцип направленности обучения на комплексное решение задач;
принцип доступности обучения;
принцип наглядности.
Каждый вид наглядности использовался для более доступного восприятия речи учителя и развития навыка монологического высказывания.
Принцип систематической последовательности формирования знаний, умений и навыков соблюдался правильно, был правильный переход от простых заданий к сложным. В начале урока я также актуализировала имеющиеся знания обучающихся.
Сознательность, активность и самостоятельность учащихся достигалась с помощью наводящих вопросов, руководство учением школьников осуществлялось со следующим схемам:
Учитель – ученик; ученик – ученик.
Развитие учащихся на уроке осуществлялось, в полной мере были задействованы все учащиеся, в том числе и слабоуспевающие.
Преобладающий характер познавательной деятельности – творческий.
Структура урока полностью соответствует логике проведения заявленного типа урока, так как моей основной организационной задачей являлось создание условий для изучения нового материала. На мой взгляд, такие условия были созданы на проведенном уроке.
Отобранное содержание урока, оборудование урока, организация активной мыслительной деятельности учащихся на всех этапах урока, индивидуальные, парные, групповые и фронтальные формы организаций учебной деятельности школьников, применение словесных, визуальных методов, работа с учебником, раздаточным материалом способствовали достижению образовательных целей урока, стимулировали познавательные интересы учащихся.
Уровень самостоятельного мышления школьников, их познавательную активность, уровень усвоения и использования материала я оцениваю как хороший. На мой взгляд, этот урок послужит опорой для дальнейшей познавательной деятельности учеников.
Особый аспект на уроке имел здоровьесберегающий эффект: я постаралась создать ситуацию психологического комфорта для детей, когда каждый ребёнок вовлечён в зарядку.
При планировании занятия я постаралась учесть возрастные, поведенческие, учебные, индивидуальные особенности пятиклассников. Таким образом осуществлялся дифференцированный подход в обучении. Постаралась учесть особенности темперамента детей. Непоседливых холериков спросить в первую очередь, подбодрить неуверенного меланхолика, если он стесняется отвечать.
Учащихся на уроке были в меру активны, внимательны, работоспособны. Я считаю, что выбранная форма организации учебной деятельности школьников была достаточно эффективной. Были соблюдены с моей стороны нормы педагогической этики и такта, культура общения «учитель – ученик».
Организационный момент урока начался с проведения речевой зарядки, включающей в себя отработку лексических единиц, которые являлись необходимыми для развития темы урока.
На уроке были использованы электронные образовательные ресурсы, такие, как мультимедийная презентация, видеофайл с песней на английском языке для зарядки. Современные технические средства обучения помогают заменить многочисленный раздаточный и иллюстративный материал, ярче представить содержание урока и поддерживать мотивацию к изучению английского языка.
На данном уроке поставленные задачи оказались в основном решены.
Перегрузки учащихся как физической, так и психической, не было, благодаря смене видов деятельности и форм работы. Слайды презентации выполнены контрастными цветами и крупным шрифтом, что не портило зрение детей.
Все этапы урока были пройдены. Временные рамки урока соблюдены. Считаю, что каждая из целей урока была достигнута, о чем ребятам было сообщено в качестве положительных оценок в конце урока.
В целом задачи урока выполнены, поставленные цели реализованы.
Перспективы видятся в дальнейшем совершенствовании монологической речи учащихся, умения работать в парах и группах.
Урок английского языка в 6 классе.
Тема: “Holidays/Праздники”.
Цели урока:
Активизация и закрепление лексического материала по теме, совершенствование монологической, диалогической, письменной речи, совершенствование навыков аудирования в рамках заданной темы.
Развитие памяти, внимания, логического мышления, познавательных навыков.
Воспитание толерантного отношения к традициям (праздникам) народов других стран, воспитание ответственного отношения к обучению, к традициям (праздникам) России.
Оборудование урока:
дидактический материал;
наглядный материал.
Ход урока:
Организационный этап.
Good morning, girls and boys! Good morning, dear guests! I am glad to see you! How are you? So, we begin.
«Мозговой штурм». Определение темы урока.
На доске развешены листы с названиями праздников:
New Year, Christmas, Women’s Day, May Day, Victory Day, Easter, Motherland Defender’s Day, Independence Day, Day of Knowledge, Day of Russia, Space Day, Teacher’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, St. Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, April Fool’s Day, birthday, wedding, jubilee.
Учащимся предлагается сформулировать тему урока – Holidays (слайд 1).
Фонетическая зарядка.
Repeat after me:
Учащиеся повторяют за учителем названия праздников, затем читают названия некоторых праздников по транскрипции (слайд 2).
Read and translate the word combinations:
Учащиеся читают и переводят словосочетания, написанные на доске:
make presents for my relatives
make telephone calls
have a picnic with my friends
visit my friends and relatives
buy presents for my friends and relatives
send postcards
cook special dishes
go out with my friends
invite my friends to my place
Речевая зарядка.
Answer the questions:
Do you like holidays?
What do you usually do on holidays?
Whom do you invite to your holidays?
Do you get and give presents?
(слайд 3)
Совершенствование навыков чтения.
Учащиеся читают и переводят микротексты о праздниках (слайды 4 – 11).
In Great Britain children don’t go to school on the 1st of September. They begin to study on the second Tuesday of September.
On the 31st of October there is Halloween. People make it from a pumpkin. Children like Halloween parties; they put on witch’s and ghost’s dresses. They go “trick or treat”.
On the 25th of December there is the greatest holiday of all in England – Christmas. People send X-mas cards to their friends and relatives. People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, coloured balls and lights. Children wake up early to find stockings full of small presents on their bed.
New Year
New Year British people celebrate on the 31ST of December. Most people see with friends and relatives.
At midnight they sing New Year songs and wish a happy New Year.
St. Valentine’s Day
On the 14th of February there is St. Valentine’s Day. People send Valentine’s cards to someone they love. Usually they don’t sign them – you must guess who sent cards to you.
Mother’s day
In March there is a holiday for English women – Mother’s Day. People in the family try to help her.
On that day they visit their mothers and give them presents and “A Mother’s Day Card”.
In April or at the end of March English people celebrate Easter Day. On Easter Sunday children get chocolate eggs and rabbits.
April Fool’s Day
April Fool’s Day is on the 1st of April. English children like this day very much. They play jokes and tricks on their friends.
Father’s day
In June the English people celebrate Father’s Day. On that day children send cards and give presents to their father.
Работа в парах. Прочитать тексты, найти и исправить в них ошибки (в данном задании используется технология развития критического мышления).
Let’s read the texts about holidays. The texts have some mistakes. Please, find and correct them. Work in groups. Fill in the table.
1) On the 2th of June there is St. Valentine’s Day. People send Valentine’s cards to someone they don’t love. Usually they don’t sign them – you must guess who sent cards to you.
2) New Year British people celebrate on the 1ST of February. Most people don’t want to see with friends and relatives. At midnight they sing New Year songs and wish an unhappy New Year.
3) In Russia children don’t go to school on the 1st of September. They begin to study on the second Tuesday of September.
4) In August there is a holiday for Russian women – Mother’s Day. People in the family don’t try to help her. On that day they visit their fathers and give them presents and “A Mother’s Day Card”.
Correct sentence |
Text 1. |
Text 2. |
Text 3. |
Text 4. |
Тренировка лексических навыков.
Учащимся предлагается ответить на вопрос: When is … celebrated?
Игра “Find your Pair” (также служит в качестве физкультминутки).
Учащиеся получают карточки. На одних названия праздников, на других – даты. Учащиеся ищут свою пару.
We can divide all holidays into 4 groups: official, non-official, religious, special days.
Учащиеся соотносят напечатанные названия праздников с названиями групп.
Совершенствование монологической речи.
Speak about your favourite holiday! (слайд 14)
Совершенствование навыков письма.
Children, your summer holidays will come soon.
Do you like summer holidays?
What are you going to do on your summer holidays?
Учащиеся слушают песню “Summer song”.
And now write please the letter to your friend about your summer holidays.
Учащимся пишут свое письмо по образцу. (слайд 15)
3rd May 2014
Dear __________
I really I am sorry I haven`t answered your letter sooner. Please, forgive me. But I enjoy your letters very much.
My summer holidays will come soon!!! It’s_______________________________________________________
The weather is______________________________________________________________________im summer.
I am going to ___________________________________________________________________________in June.
In July and in August I will ______________________________________________________________________
As for me I am OK. And how are you? What do you do on weekends? Are you going to come and see me? I am waiting for my summer holidays, because I want to see you very much. I miss you.
Write me back, please.
With love
Your ________________
(Дополнительное задание – Рабочая тетрадь – упр. 22, стр.75).
Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия с помощью инструмента «PMI» (плюс, минус, интересно).
plus |
minus |
interesting |
План-конспект открытого урока по
английскому языку
в 8 классе по теме
«Holidays and traditions».
Учитель: Шестакова Инна
Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 8
Дата: 05.02.18
урока: Праздники
и традиции.
Цель: к концу урока учащиеся смогут использовать лексический материал по
теме «Праздники», сравнивать праздники разных стран.
1. Систематизация
и закрепление лексико-грамматического материала по теме.
2. Развитие
навыков устной речи, языковой догадки.
3. Воспитание
уважения к традициям и обычаям других стран.
организации учебной деятельности: фронтальная, групповая.
Оборудование: тематические
картинки, дидактический раздаточный материал, карточки c заданиями;
Ход занятия:
Организационно-мотивационный этап урока: (определение
темы урока, целеполагание)
Good afternoon, students and our guest! I am glad to see you today. Look at the blackboard. How do you think what we
are going to have a talk today?
We are going to speak about some holidays in the UK and our country.
know that every country has its own traditions, customs and habits. It is very
important to follow special traditions.
you like holidays?
What is your favourite holiday and why?
Do you want to know what is my favourite holiday? Ask me.
aims for the lesson today are:
repeat words and grammar material on the theme “Holidays and traditions”
enlarge our countrystudy skills
develop a language guess and logical thinking.
respect traditions and customs of other countries
stick them on the board. At the end of the lesson we’ll check whether we
achieved them or not.
Речевая зарядка:
Answer my question: What does a holiday mean?
a holiday is an extended period of leisure;
it is a tradition, a custom and a habit of the country;
a holiday is a ritual of the religious group.
Now, I summarize the definition: A holiday is an extended period of leisure,
is connected with traditions, customs, habits and rituals of the country.
What British holidays do you know? Name some of them.
S: Christmas, Easter, New Year, May Day, Mother’s Day, April Fools Day…
OK, thank you.
You could see how subgroup divided holidays on 3 types. Name them in English.
are religious, state and traditional)
Now divide the holidays into three types: Religious, State, Traditional.
What are religious holidays?
Easter are religious holidays)
What are state holidays?
Year, May Day are state holidays)
What are traditional holidays?
are Mother’s Day, April Fool’s Day are traditional holidays)
домашнего задания:
Guys, your homework was to prepare 5-6 sentences about holidays and customs of
Great Britain. Let’s speak about Religious British holidays.
Come to the blackboard and tell us about some religious holidays.
students: Listen attentively: What are they? When are they celebrated? What
symbols of the holidays do you know?
Now, we repeat the main British holidays and compare with Belarussian ones.
Most of them are identical, but some ones have differences.
Основная часть
OK, we have heard about some holidays and now summarize our knowledge about
them and do some exercises.
I’ll give you some cards with the names of different holidays and the pictures
of Belarus and Britain. Where are these holidays celebrated?
— Children! I have prepared a surprise for you. Here is a magic
box. Let’s open it! Take the cards! (Дети открывают волшебный сундучок
по очереди и достают открытки, на которых написаны вопросы):
1.What do you know about Christmas?
2. When do English people celebrate St.Valentine’s Day?
3. When do people celebrate Halloween? Are you afraid
of ghosts?
4. When is Mother’s Day celebrated?
What symbols of Easter do you know?
6. What do children give or send to their fathers and
grandfathers on Father’s day?
7. How is Father Frost called in Great Britain?
8. What do people do in April Fool’s Day?
— Well! I see that you have learnt much about British traditions
and holidays.
Предтекстовый этап. (Text №
Let’s continue our
lesson. Now, I want to divide you into 2 groups. Look at the unknown words.
Repeat this words after me.
gradual — постепенный
painful — болезненный
to impose taxes — облагать налогами
Revolutionary War — война за независимость
Continental Congress — континентальный конгресс
to approve — утвердить
Declaration of independence — Декларация независимости
tree-legged races — бег наперегонки в парах; у каждой
пары две ноги связаны
pie-eating/water-melon-eating contests — соревнование, цель которого съесть как можно больше пирога или арбузов
founding fathers — отцы—основатели
Текстовый этап.
Let’s read this text and find the answers
to the following questions
On July 4 the Americans celebrate
their national holiday — Independence Day. The United States received
independence as a result of gradual and painful process. By the
mid 1700’s, it became difficult for British colonies in the New World to be
ruled by a king 3000 miles across the ocean. The King imposed high taxes
upon the colonies.
In 1775, the Revolutionary War
began. On July 4, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration
of independence. But the War of independence lasted until 1783. After the
war Independence Day became an official holiday.
On July 4, Americans have holiday
from work. People have day-long picnics with favorite food like hot dogs,
hamburgers, potato salad, baked beans. Lively music is heard everywhere. People
play baseball or compete at three-legged races or pie-eating or
water-melon-eating contests.
Some cities have parades with
people dressed as the original founding fathers who march to the music
of high school bands. In the evening people gather to watch firework displays.
Wherever Americans are around the globe they will get together to celebrate
Independence Day.
Answer the questions:
1. When do
Americans celebrate Independence Day?
2. Was the process of gaining (получения) independence easy?
3. When was the Declaration of independence approved?
4. Do Americans work on this day?
5. What is the traditional meal?
6. What activities are popular on this day?
II. Предтекстовый этап. (Text №
Look at the
unknown words. Repeat this words after me.
Text № 2.
honor – честь, почитать
liberation – освобождение
Nazi forces – нацистские силы
Commemorates – отмечать
Occasion – случай
Supreme Council — Верховный Совет
Vote – голосовать
painful — болезненный
Unlike (В отличии от)
the other countries that formed the part of the Soviet Union, Belarus does not
celebrate its Independence Day to honor its freedom from the USSR.
Instead, it celebrates the liberation of its capital city, Minsk from
the Nazi forces in 1944. Each year the country commemorates this occasion
on July 3.
Until 1996,
Belarus celebrated its Independence Day on July 27, the day in 1990 when
Belarus’ Supreme Council official declared the country free from USSR.
That changed in 1996 when, through a referendum, people voted to make
July 3 the Independence Day of Belarus.
Independence Day
is observed as a national holiday in Belarus. The day usually begins with a
military and civil parade, and is followed by honoring the memory of the fallen
heroes who fought the Nazi forces in 1944. The Independence Day
celebrations also include concerts, and other festivities throughout the
country. The day finally comes to an end with fireworks.
Answer the
1. When do Belarus
celebrate Independence Day?
2. Was the process of gaining (получение) independence easy?
3. When was the Declaration of independence approved?
4. Do people work on this day?
5. What is the traditional meal?
6. What activities are popular on this day?
итогов. Рефлексия.
So children, what have we done at our
1. You know a lot about holidays of Great Britain and our country.
2. You have read some texts and understand them.
3. You can tell about British holidays and your favorite ones.
it’s time to write down your homework and to get marks for the lesson. I’d like
to thank you for good work at the lesson. I give excellent marks to …, good –
to …, etc.
Now summarize our work.
Your homework will be to make a presentation about your favourite holiday,
using your personal photos and pictures.
Thank you for your excellent work. The
lesson is over. Good-bye, children.
What do you know about
When do English people celebrate
St.Valentine’s Day?
When do people celebrate Halloween?
Are you afraid of ghosts?
When is Mother’s Day celebrated?
What symbols of Easter do you know?
What do children give or send to their
fathers and grandfathers on Father’s day?
How is Father Frost called in
Great Britain?
What do people do in April Fool’s Day?
Answer the questions about holidays in writing.
What holiday is not popular in Britain? (New Year)
Where do children get presents in Christmas? (in stockings)
What is decorated with flowers and ribbons for dancing? (Maypole)
What do people do in April Fool’s Day? (play jokes and trick on other people)
Список литературы и интернет-ресурсов:
А.В. Методика применения информационных технологий в обучении иностранным
языкам: учеб. пособие для студ. высш. учеб. заведений – М.: Издательский центр
«Академия», 2009. – 144 с.
книга преподавателя иностранного языка: справ.пособие/ Е.А. Маслыко, П.К.
Бабинская, А.Ф. Будько, С.И. Петрова. – 9-е изд., стер. – Мн.: Высш. шк..,
2004. – 522с.
Day The
first Monday of May used to be celebrated in Britain. May is the month for
traditional dancing around the Maypole. The original Maypoles were freshly
felled trees, stripped of their branches, and decorated with flowers and
ribbons. Many English villages still have a maypole, and the villagers dance
around it.)
What public holidays are in Great Britain? How is New
Year celebrated in Great Britain? When do English people celebrate
St.Valentine’s Day? What kind of holiday is it? 4. What is the most popular
emblem of Easter? 5. When do people celebrate Halloween? 6. Are you afraid of
ghosts? Have you ever heard a scary story? 7. Who is Saint George? 8. Why do
people celebrate Saint George’s Day on the 23rd of April? Is April Fool’s Day a
national holiday? What do children give or send to their fathers and
grandfathers on Father’s day?
к прослушиванию. Предтекстовая работа.
Mischief – шалость, проказы, crop – посев,
культура, урожай , livelihood – источник средства
к существованию
2. Текстовый
этап. Рослушивание текста.
April Fools Day
is the first of April. The first of April is traditionally called All Fools
Day, or April Fools Day. It is a day for mischief, or playing tricks on people;
and for getting people to believe things which are not true.
Today is the 50th Anniversary of one of the most famous April Fools Day tricks.
It was 1957. BBC television had a weekly documentary programme called Panorama.
Panorama was a serious and respected programme, reporting on news events around
the world. On 1 April, Panorama included a report about the problems facing
spaghetti farmers in Switzerland. There were pictures of people picking spaghetti
from spaghetti trees and laying it in the sunshine to dry. But the spaghetti
farmers were afraid that a late frost would damage the spaghetti crop, and
destroy their livelihood.
Fifty years ago, most British people did not know much about Italian food like
spaghetti. Many people apparently accepted the documentary at face value. Some
people say that it was many years before they found out that spaghetti does not
really grow on trees. (No. Spaghetti really does not grow on trees. It was a
joke. Alright?)
понимания прослушанного текста.
2. April
Fools Day is a day for getting people to believe things which are true.
3. Panorama
was a serious and respected programme.
4. Panorama
included a report about the problems facing spaghetti farmers.
5. There
were pictures of people picking spaghetti from spaghetti trees.
6. No one
believe in this documentary programme.
Answer the questions
1. When
was one of the most famous April Fools Day tricks?
2. What
was this trick about?
3. Why did
some people believe in this trick?
April Fools Day
is the first of April. The first of April is traditionally called All Fools
Day, or April Fools Day. It is a day for mischief, or playing tricks on people;
and for getting people to believe things which are not true.
Today is the 50th Anniversary of one of the most famous April Fools Day tricks.
It was 1957. BBC television had a weekly documentary programme called Panorama.
Panorama was a serious and respected programme, reporting on news events around
the world. On 1 April, Panorama included a report about the problems facing
spaghetti farmers in Switzerland. There were pictures of people picking
spaghetti from spaghetti trees and laying it in the sunshine to dry. But the
spaghetti farmers were afraid that a late frost would damage the spaghetti
crop, and destroy their livelihood.
Fifty years ago, most British people did not know much about Italian food like
spaghetti. Many people apparently accepted the documentary at face value. Some
people say that it was many years before they found out that spaghetti does not
really grow on trees.(No. Spaghetti really does not grow on trees. It was a
joke. Alright?)
The Panorama report was a spoof. Ever since then, it has been common for
newspapers to carry spoof stories on 1 April. So this morning, I opened my
newspaper eagerly, to find the spoof story. There was a story that the London
Transport lost property office had just found the owner of an urn containing
human ashes which had been left on the underground eight years ago. Surely that
was a spoof? But no, the story was in fact completely true.
And then I found it. I told you in an earlier podcast that our Prime Minister,
Tony Blair, is expected to retire later this year. What will he do when he is
no longer Prime Minister? According to the Observer newspaper, he will start a
new career as an actor. He has been offered a part in a play at a leading
London theatre in the autumn. He is already learning his lines. He is
practising them with his staff in 10 Downing Street. He has also been offered
parts in the BBC’s science fiction programme Dr Who, and in several comedy
But is this really an April Fool spoof? Our Prime Minister is one of the finest
actors in Britain today. He can convince people of anything. He can convince himself
of anything. Such as that there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Do you
know Shakespeare’s play, King Lear? It is about an arrogant and powerful king
who decides to retire. He divides his kingdom between his three daughters. But
he then argues, first with one daughter and then with the others, until in the
end he goes mad. Tony Blair as King Lear? Yes – I think so.
April Fools Day
is the first of April. The first of April is traditionally called All Fools
Day, or April Fools Day. It is a day for mischief, or playing tricks on people;
and for getting people to believe things which are not true.
Today is the 50th Anniversary of one of the most famous April Fools Day tricks.
It was 1957. BBC television had a weekly documentary programme called Panorama.
Panorama was a serious and respected programme, reporting on news events around
the world. On 1 April, Panorama included a report about the problems facing
spaghetti farmers in Switzerland. There were pictures of people picking spaghetti
from spaghetti trees and laying it in the sunshine to dry. But the spaghetti
farmers were afraid that a late frost would damage the spaghetti crop, and
destroy their livelihood.
Fifty years ago, most British people did not know much about Italian food like
spaghetti. Many people apparently accepted the documentary at face value. Some
people say that it was many years before they found out that spaghetti does not
really grow on trees.(No. Spaghetti really does not grow on trees. It was a
joke. Alright?)
April Fools Day
is the first of April. The first of April is traditionally called All Fools
Day, or April Fools Day. It is a day for mischief, or playing tricks on people;
and for getting people to believe things which are not true.
Today is the 50th Anniversary of one of the most famous April Fools Day tricks.
It was 1957. BBC television had a weekly documentary programme called Panorama.
Panorama was a serious and respected programme, reporting on news events around
the world. On 1 April, Panorama included a report about the problems facing
spaghetti farmers in Switzerland. There were pictures of people picking
spaghetti from spaghetti trees and laying it in the sunshine to dry. But the
spaghetti farmers were afraid that a late frost would damage the spaghetti
crop, and destroy their livelihood.
Fifty years ago, most British people did not know much about Italian food like
spaghetti. Many people apparently accepted the documentary at face value. Some
people say that it was many years before they found out that spaghetti does not
really grow on trees.(No. Spaghetti really does not grow on trees. It was a
joke. Alright?)
Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December and…
English children play jokes…
May is the month…
Easter Sunday children…
People in the UK go…
On that day sons and daughters…
… for traditional dancing around the Maypole.
… symbolize the birthday of Christ.
… or tricks on other people.
… to Trafalgar Square to see the fireworks and the fir-tree.
… get chocolate eggs and rabbits.
… visit their mothers and bring them flowers and presents.
Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December and…
English children play jokes…
May is the month…
Easter Sunday children…
People in the UK go…
On that day sons and daughters…
… for traditional dancing around the Maypole.
… symbolize the birthday of Christ.
… or tricks on other people.
… to Trafalgar Square to see the fireworks and the fir-tree.
… get chocolate eggs and rabbits.
… visit their mothers and bring them flowers and presents.
Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December and…
English children play jokes…
May is the month…
Easter Sunday children…
People in the UK go…
On that day sons and daughters…
… for traditional dancing around the Maypole.
… symbolize the birthday of Christ.
… or tricks on other people.
… to Trafalgar Square to see the fireworks and the fir-tree.
… get chocolate eggs and rabbits.
… visit their mothers and bring them flowers and presents.
Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December and…
English children play jokes…
May is the month…
Easter Sunday children…
People in the UK go…
On that day sons and daughters…
… for traditional dancing around the Maypole.
… symbolize the birthday of Christ.
… or tricks on other people.
… to Trafalgar Square to see the fireworks and the fir-tree.
… get chocolate eggs and rabbits.
… visit their mothers and bring them flowers and presents.
Mother’s Day is celebrated on the 1st of January.
When Big Ben strikes 12 English people drink a toast for New Year.
Christmas is marked by setting the fir-tree and decorating it with toys and
At Easter people usually dye eggs and exchange them with others.
English children like to play jokes and tricks on the 25th of
Mother’s Day is celebrated on the 1st of January.
When Big Ben strikes 12 English people drink a toast for New Year.
Christmas is marked by setting the fir-tree and decorating it with toys and
At Easter people usually dye eggs and exchange them with others.
English children like to play jokes and tricks on the 25th of
Mother’s Day is celebrated on the 1st of January.
When Big Ben strikes 12 English people drink a toast for New Year.
Christmas is marked by setting the fir-tree and decorating it with toys and
At Easter people usually dye eggs and exchange them with others.
English children like to play jokes and tricks on the 25th of
Mother’s Day is celebrated on the 1st of January.
When Big Ben strikes 12 English people drink a toast for New Year.
Christmas is marked by setting the fir-tree and decorating it with toys and
At Easter people usually dye eggs and exchange them with others.
English children like to play jokes and tricks on the 25th of
Mother’s Day is celebrated on the 1st of January.
When Big Ben strikes 12 English people drink a toast for New Year.
Christmas is marked by setting the fir-tree and decorating it with toys and
At Easter people usually dye eggs and exchange them with others.
English children like to play jokes and tricks on the 25th of
Mother’s Day is celebrated on the 1st of January.
When Big Ben strikes 12 English people drink a toast for New Year.
Christmas is marked by setting the fir-tree and decorating it with toys and
At Easter people usually dye eggs and exchange them with others.
English children like to play jokes and tricks on the 25th of
Mother’s Day is celebrated on the 1st of January.
When Big Ben strikes 12 English people drink a toast for New Year.
Christmas is marked by setting the fir-tree and decorating it with toys and
At Easter people usually dye eggs and exchange them with others.
English children like to play jokes and tricks on the 25th of
Mother’s Day is celebrated on the 1st of January.
When Big Ben strikes 12 English people drink a toast for New Year.
Christmas is marked by setting the fir-tree and decorating it with toys and
At Easter people usually dye eggs and exchange them with others.
English children like to play jokes and tricks on the 25th of
Mother’s Day is celebrated on the 1st of January.
When Big Ben strikes 12 English people drink a toast for New Year.
Christmas is marked by setting the fir-tree and decorating it with toys and
At Easter people usually dye eggs and exchange them with others.
English children like to play jokes and tricks on the 25th of
What are the most important national holidays in
284. What do we celebrate on the 9th of May?
285. When do we celebrate Independence Day?
286. What religious holidays do you know?
287. What is you favourite holiday?
288. What are the most important public holidays in Great Britain?
289. What are the most important public holidays in the United States?
290. Are Christmas and Easter celebrated at the same time in all Christian
291. How is New Year celebrated in your family?
292. Have you got a watch? What time is it now?
293. What are you doing now?
294. What will you be doing this time tomorrow?
295. What were you doing at six o’clock in the evening yesterday?
296. If you were a millionaire, how would you spend your money?
297. If you were free today, where would you spend the day?
298. If friends come to visit you tonight, how will you entertain them?
299. What are you going to do tonight?
300. If you are admitted to this faculty, what specialization would you like to
take up?
Customs and Traditions
There are fewer public holidays in Great Britain than in other
European countries. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Good
Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday and Summer Bank Holiday.
Public holidays in Britain are called bank holidays, because the banks as well
as most of the offices and shops are closed.
The most popular holiday is Christmas. Every year the people of Norway
give the city of London a present. It’s a big Christmas tree and it stands in
Trafalgar Square. Central streets are beautifully decorated.
Before Christmas, groups of singers go from house to house. They
collect money for charity and sing carols, traditional Christmas songs. Many
churches hold a carol service on the Sunday before Christmas.
The fun starts the night before, on the 24th of December.
Traditionally this is the day when people decorate their trees. Children hang
stockings at the end of their beds, hoping that Father Christmas will come down
the chimney during the night and fill them with toys and sweets.
Christmas is a family holiday. Relatives usually meet for the big
Christmas dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding. And everyone gives and
receives presents. The 26th of December, Boxing Day, is an extra holiday after
Christmas Day. This is the time to visit friends and relatives or perhaps sit
at home and watch football.
New Year’s Day is less popular in Britain than Christmas. But in
Scotland, Hogmanay is the biggest festival of the year.
Besides public holidays there are some special festivals in Great
Britain. One of them takes place on the 5th of November. On that day, in 1605,
Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I. He
didn’t succeed. The King’s men found the bomb, took Guy Fawkes to the Tower and
cut off his head.
Since that day the British celebrate the 5th of November. They burn a
dummy, made of straw and old clothes, on a bonfire and let off fireworks.
This dummy is called a «guy» (like Guy Fawkes) and children
can often be seen in the streets before the 5th of November saying, «Penny
for the guy.» If they collect enough money they can buy some fireworks.
There are also smaller, local festivals in Britain.
Christmas [‘krismas] Day Рождество (25 декабря) New
Year’s Day Новый год
Boxing [‘boksiQ] Day день рождественских подарков (принято дарить подарки)
Good Friday Великая пятница (пятница на страстной неделе)
Easter [1:sta] Monday первый понедельник после Пасхи
May Day майский праздник, праздник весны (отмечается в первое воскресенье мая)
Spring Bank Holiday весенний день отдыха (в мае или начале июня)
Summer Bank Holiday летний день отдыха (в августе или сентябре)
Trafalgar Square [tra;fselga ‘skwea] Трафальгарская площадь
Norway [‘no-.wei] Норвегия
Father Christmas Рождественский дед, Дед Мороз
Hogmanay [‘hogmanei] хогманей, канун Нового года
Guy Fawkes [,gai ‘fo:ks] Гай Фокс (глава «Порохового заговора«)
the Houses of Parliament [‘pavement] здание английского парламента
King James I [,d3eimz da «f3:st] Джеймс I (король
Англии с 1603
no 1625г.)
the Tower [‘taua] Тауэр
Christmas tree рождественская елка
to decorate [‘dekareit] украшать
charity [‘tfaeriti] благотворительность
carol [‘kaeral] кэрол (рождественская песня религиозного содержания, славящая рождение Христа)
service [‘saivis] служба (церковная)
to hang (hung) развешивать
stocking t’stokir)] чулок
chimney ftjimni] труба
relative f’relativ] родственник
turkey [‘ta:ki] индейка
Christmas pudding [‘pudio] рождественский пудинг (с изюмом, цукатами)
to blow up взорвать
to succeed [sak’shd] достигнуть цели, добиться
bomb [bom] бомба
to cut off smb’s head отрубить кому—либо голову
to celebrate [‘selibreit] праздновать, торжественно отмечать
to burn [Ьз:п] жечь, сжигать
dummy [Шт1] кукла, чучело, манекен
straw [stro:] солома
bonfire [‘bonfaia] костер
to let off fireworks [‘faiawarks] устроить фейерверк
penny [‘peni] пенни, пенс
local [‘laukl] местный
1. Are there many holidays in Great Britain?
2. What is a «bank holiday»?
3. What is the most popular holiday in Britain?
4. When is Christmas celebrated?
5. What are the traditional Christmas songs called in Britain?
6. What do children leave at the end of their beds and why?
7. What do the British do on Boxing Day?
8. What is the name of New Year’s Eve in Scotland?
9. When is Guy Fawkes Night celebrated?
10. What do you know about Guy Fawkes?
There are many national holidays in Russia, when people all over the
country do not work and have special celebrations.
The major holidays are: New Year’s Day, Women’s Day, May Day, Victory
Day, and Independence Day.
The first holiday of the year is New Year’s Day. People see the new
year in at midnight on the 31st of December. They greet the new year with
champagne and listen to the Kremlin chimes beating 12 o’clock.
There are lots of New Year traditions in Russia. In every home there
is a New Year tree glittering with coloured lights and decorations. Children
always wait for Father Frost to come and give them a present. Many people
consider New Year’s Day to be a family holiday. But the young prefer to have
New Year parties of their own.
A renewed holiday in our country is Christmas. It is celebrated on the
7th of January. It’s a religious holiday and a lot of people go to church
services on that day.
On the 8th of March we celebrate Women’s Day when men are supposed to
do everything about the house, cook all the meals and give women flowers.
The greatest national holiday in our country is Victory Day. On the 9th of May,
1945, our army completely defeated the German fascists and the Great Patriotic
War ended. We’ll never forget our grandfathers and grandmothers who died to
defend our Motherland. We honour their memory with a minute of silence and put
flowers on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Independence Day is a new holiday in our country. On the 12th of June,
1992, the first President of Russia was elected.
We also celebrate Day of the Defender of Motherland on the 23d of
February, Easter, Day of Knowledge and lots of professional holidays which are
not public holidays and banks, offices and schools do not close.
Independence [Jndi’pendans] Day День независимости
Father Frost Дед Мороз
Christmas f’krismes] Рождество
Easter [‘i:sta] Пасха
Day of the Defender [di’fenda] of Motherland
День защитника Отечества
Day of Knowledge [‘пэМз] День знаний
celebration [,seli’breijn] празднование
major [‘meidja] главный
to see the new year in встречать новый год
to greet [gri:t] встречать (возгласами, аплодисментами)
champagne [Jxnrpein] шампанское
chimes [tjaimz] куранты
to beat [bi:t] (beat, beaten) бить, отбивать
a New Year tree новогодняя елка
to glitter [‘glita] блестеть, сверкать
to consider [kan’sida] считать
the young молодежь, молодые люди
renewed [ri’nju:d] возобновленный, восстановленный
religious [ri’lidsas] религиозный
service [‘sa:vis] служба
men are supposed [sa’pauzd] to… предполагается (подразумевается), что мужчины…
to defeat [di’fi-.t] наносить поражение, разбивать
fascist [‘fsejist] фашист
to elect [i’lekt] избирать
public общенародный, общественный
1. What public holidays are celebrated in Russia?
2. What is your favourite holiday?
3. How is New Year’s Day celebrated in your family?
4. Do you see the new year in at home?
5. What New Year traditions do you know?
6. When is Christmas celebrated?
7. What holiday do we celebrate on the 8th of March?
8. What is the greatest national holiday in our country?
9. Why is the 9th of May so sacred (священный) for the Russian
10. What other Russian holidays do you know?
On July 4 the Americans celebrate their national holiday —
Independence Day. The United States gained independence as a result of gradual
and painful process. By the mid 1700’s, it became difficult for thirteen
British colonies in the New World to be ruled by a king 3000 miles across the ocean.
The British empire imposed high taxes upon the colonies.
In 1774, the First Continental Congress drew up a list of
grievances against the British crown. This document was the first draft of the
document that would formally separate colonies from England. In 1775, the
Revolutionary War began. On July 2, 1776, the Second Continental Congress
presented a second draft of the list of grievances. On July 4, the Continental
Congress approved the Declaration of independence. But the War of independence
lasted until 1783. After the war Independence Day became an official holiday.
On July 4, Americans have holiday from work. People have
day-long picnics with favorite food like hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad,
baked beans. Lively music is heard everywhere. People play baseball or compete
at three-legged races or pie-eating or water-melon-eating contests.
Some cities have parades with people dressed as the original
founding fathers who march to the music of high school bands. In the evening
people gather to watch firework displays. Wherever Americans are around the
globe they will get together to celebrate Independence Day.
1. When do
Americans celebrate Independence Day?
2. Was the process of gaining independence easy?
3. What was the draft of the Declaration of independence?
4. When was the Declaration of independence approved?
5. Do Americans work on this day?
6. What is the traditional July 4 meal?
7. What activities are popular on this day?
independence — независимость
to celebrate — праздновать
gradual — постепенный
painful — болезненный
to impose taxes — облагать налогами
grievance — претензия
draft — проект
Revolutionary War — война за независимость
War of independence = Revolutionary War
Continental Congress — континентальный конгресс
to approve — утвердить
Declaration of independence — Декларация независимости
tree-legged races — бег наперегонки в парах; у каждой
пары две ноги связаны
pie-eating/water-melon-eating contests — соревнование, цель
которого съесть как можно больше пирога или арбузов
founding fathers — отцы—основатели
firework — фейерверк
Unlike the other countries that formed the part of the
erstwhile Soviet Union, Belarusian does not celebrate its Independence Day to
honor its freedom from the USSR. Instead, it celebrates the liberation of its
capital city, Minsk from the Nazi forces in 1944. Each year the country
commemorates this occasion on July 3.
Until 1996, Belarus celebrated its Independence Day on
July 27, the day in 1990 when Belarus’ Supreme Council official declared the
country free from USSR. That changed in 1996 when, through a referendum, people
voted to make July 3 the Independence Day of Belarus.
Independence Day is observed as a national holiday in
Belarus. The day usually commences with a presidential address, and is followed
by honoring the memory of the fallen heroes who fought the Nazi forces in 1944
to proclaim freedom for Minsk. The Independence Day celebrations also include
military and civil processions, concerts, and other festivities throughout the
country. The day finally comes to an end with a display of fireworks gracing
the sky.
1. When do Belarus
celebrate Independence Day?
2. Was the process of gaining independence easy?
3. What was the draft of the Declaration of independence?
4. When was the Declaration of independence approved?
5. Do people work on this day?
6. What is the traditional July 3 meal?
7. What activities are popular on this day?
independence —
to celebrate — праздновать
painful — болезненный
New Year
May Day
Fool’s Day
Victory Day
Скачано с www.znanio.ru
Иностранные языки
Цель урока: Систематизация и обобщение знаний по теме « Праздники»
Компоненты цели:
- образовательный: обобщить и систематизировать изученный материал по теме «Праздники»;
- воспитательный: развивать толерантное отношение к культурам других стран;
- развивающий: развивать языковые способности учащихся;
- практический: формировать и развивать практические навыки владения английским языком, расширять словарный запас учащихся путём привлечения дополнительного материала, аудирования оригинальной речи.
Задачи урока:
- обобщать и систематизировать полученные знания по использованию грамматического материала – употребление настоящего продолженного времени; и лексического материала по теме « Праздники»;
- совершенствовать речевые умения по теме через индивидуальные выступления на уроке;
- совершенствовать навыки аудирования с целью извлечения необходимой информации для выполнения лексических упражнений;
- совершенствовать умение чтения через работу с учебником, дидактическим раздаточным материалом.
- видеокассета « Window on Britain»;
- грамматическая таблица «The Present Continuous Tense « (Настоящее продолженное время)
- дополнительный раздаточный материал.
Содержание конспекта (приложение 1)
Приложение 2
- Spotlight. Английский в фокусе. Учебник для 6 класса общеобразовательных школ. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В.Эванс. М., Просвещение, 2010г. Стр 48-49.
- Spotlight. Английский в фокусе. Английский язык. Рабочая тетрадь. 6 класс. Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений. М., Просвещение.2010 г Стр 30
- Oxford English Video. Window on Britain. Activity Book/Richard MacAndrew. Oxford University Press Стр 32-33
Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе по теме «Праздники»
Автор: Осолодкина Дарья Владимировна
Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний.
УМК: Английский язык. 5 класс : учеб. для общеобразоват. организаций / [Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс]. – 7-е изд. – М. : Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2016. – 164 с. : ил. – (Английский в фокусе). – ISBN 978-5-09-037681-5.
Цель урока: сформировать коммуникативную компетенцию обучающихся на основе изученных ранее лексических единиц (далее – ЛЕ), а также грамматических и речевых структур по теме «Celebrations».
Задачи урока:
1. Образовательные: совершенствование навыков и умений говорения и чтения; активизация ранее изученных ЛЕ по теме «Праздники/Celebrations»; введение новых ЛЕ по заданной теме; актуализация грамматических навыков по теме Present Continuous (Настоящее длительное время).
2. Развивающие: развитие навыков и умений монологической речи; аргументация собственных утверждений с использованием сложноподчиненных предложений с союзом because (потому что); использование в устной речи ранее изученное время Present Continuous; развитие навыков и умений чтения, извлечения необходимой информации из текста и записи выделенной информации в табличной форме.
3. Воспитательная: умение слушать и уважать мнение друг друга; воспитание интереса к изучаемому иностранному языку, а также культуре и традициям англоговорящих стран.
Ход урока:
Этап урока |
Содержание |
Режим работы |
Время |
1 |
Организационный момент |
Teacher (далее — T): Good morning, children! Glad to see you. Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. |
Учитель-класс |
1 мин |
2 |
Фонетическая и речевая зарядка |
T: Look at the blackboard, please, and read the title of our lesson. Pupils (далее – P): Celebrations! T: Right! Today we are going to speak and read about celebrations in different countries. Before we start our topic we should decide what the word “celebration” means. Open the page 96, look at the pictures and think what “celebration” means. P: Holiday. P: Birthday. P: Festival. T: Right! |
Фронтальный |
5 мин |
4 |
Семантизация лексики |
· Введение в тему урока: T: Look at the pictures again and say what celebrations we can see here. P: New Year`s Day. P: Birthday. P: Thanksgiving Day. P: Victory Day. T: What is your favourite celebration? P: My favourite celebration is my Birthday because I always get a lot of presents. P: My favourite celebration is New Year because my mother always cooks a lot of tasty food. · Лесика по теме «Celebrations»: T: Let’s work in pairs. Look at the pictures once again. What are the people doing? (Обучающиеся описывают друг другу картинки, используя Настоящее длительное время и ЛЕ из упр. 1 стр. 96). |
Фронтальный Фронтальный Работа в парах |
5 мин 5 мин 5 мин |
5 |
Физкультминутка |
T: It’s time to have a rest. Let’s do some exercises together. Stand up Sit down Stand up Turn to the window Turn to the door Look at the ceiling Look at the floor Sit down Stand up Sit down Thank you very much! Let’s continue our lesson. |
1 мин |
6 |
Работа с текстом |
T: Let’s have a look at the exercise 3, page 96. There are four texts about celebrations in different countries. Let’s read them and try to fill the gaps. Remember that we should understand the words that are next to the gap in order to fill it with a right word! Keys: 1. on 2. and 3. in 4. is 5. and) T: After filling the gaps we should read the texts again very carefully and complete the table that you can see at the blackboard. Let’s read the name of each column and translate it (Таблица представлена в приложении 1). P: What is the name of the COUNTRY? – Название страны P: What is the name of the FESTIVAL? – Название праздника P: WHEN do people celebrate this festival? – Когда люди празднуют этот праздник? P: What do people DO while celebrating? – Что люди делают во время празднования? P: What special FOOD do people cook? – Что люди готовят на этот праздник? T: Let’s fill the first column together! Read the name of the column and answer the question using the first text. P: What is the name of the COUNTRY? The USA. P: What is the name of the FESTIVAL? Thanksgiving day. P: WHEN do people celebrate this festival? People celebrate in November. P: What do people DO while celebrating? Have parades, have family dinners. P: What special FOOD do people cook? Turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie. |
Фронтальный, индивидуальный |
15 мин |
7 |
Запись домашнего задания |
T: Let’s open your record books and write down your homework. At home you will complete the table and add your favorite Russian celebration. |
Фронтальный |
2 мин |
8 |
Подведение итогов |
T: We learned a lot about celebrations today. Everybody was very active, so thank you very much. The lesson is over. Good bye. P: Goodbye! |
Фронтальный |
1 мин |
Приложение 1
What is the name of the COUNTRY? |
What is the name of the FESTIVAL? |
WHEN do people celebrate this festival? |
What do people DO while celebrating? |
What FOOD do people cook? |
The USA |
Thanksgiving Day |
November |
Have parades, have family dinners |
Turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie |
Canada |
October |
The Philippines |
The Banana Festival |
Early April |
Dress up in banana costumes, dance, have a cookery competition |
Bananas |
Northern India |
Holi |
Late February or early March |
Dress up, light fires, decorate cows |
— |
Korea |
Chuseok |
August- October |
Dress up |
Sweet rice cakes, fresh fruits |
Russia |
Приложение 2
Список литературы:
1. Английский язык. 5 класс : учеб. для общеобразоват. организаций / [Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс]. – 7-е изд. – М. : Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2016. – 164 с. : ил. – (Английский в фокусе). – ISBN 978-5-09-037681-5.
План—конспект урока
Тема: Праздники в Великобритании.
Цель урока: Развитие умения говорения
Задачи: 1.Развитие навыка монологической речи
2. Развитие навыка обсуждения изученного материала и беседы по пройденной
Языковой материал: а) новый: слова и выражения из видеоматериала; б) старый: ранее
изученный материал (слова и выражения по теме)
Учебные пособия: учебник, раздаточный материал, видеокассета с записью видеофильма
«Holidays In Great Britain», телевизор, видеомагнитофон.
Ход урока:
I. Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной речевой деятельности:
1. Приветствие.
2. Речевая зарядка. Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы:
— What’s the date today?
— Who’s absent? Where’s he/she? Is he/she ill?
— How are you?
— How was your weekend? What did you spend it?
II. Основная часть урока.
— Today we are going to continue studying the British holidays. We have already discussed
practically all of them. But before we start watching the video about two more special days in
Great Britain, let’s revise the information about the holidays we discussed at the previous lesson.
Your home task was to be ready to speak about them.
— What holiday did we celebrate not long ago?
— What do you know about the history of this day?
— What legends do you know?
— Have you found the information about any other legend?
— How do you mark this occasion in your school?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы небольшими монологическими высказываниями.
— And one more day is the day which has recently been celebrated in Great Britain is Pancake
Day. What do you know about it?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос монологическим высказыванием.
— Do we have a similar holiday in Russia?
— How is it called?
— How is it celebrated?
— Do you have any special traditions in your family connected with this holiday?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, рассказывают о русской Масленице.
— And now today’s holidays. The first one is Hallowe’en. It is not typical of Russia at all, though
lately it has been much spoken about. Let’s watch the video. While watching, try to learn as
much information as possible and pay attention to these words:
to frighten away evil spirits
pointed hat
— Now if you watched and listened attentively you’ll be able to complete the following text:
Учащимся выдается упражнение:
Complete the missing information:
In Great Britain and America, there are special celebrations on the night of the ….. of ……….. .
It’s the night before …….. Day and it’s called Hallowe’en. The name comes from ‘All Hallows’
(an old name for this day) and ‘evening’. It’s traditionally a night of magic, when all the ……
and …….. and warlocks (male witches) come out, so now people dress up in ………… costumes
and have parties.
On this day kids make special lamps out of a ……….. and put a candle in it. The lamp is placed
in the window in order to ……………… They also play a game. They dress up as ghosts and
witches and …….. at people’s doors and say: “…………………..”. The people in the house
must give them a ‘………..’ (a sweet or a small present). If they don’t the kids play a ………..
on them.
Учащиеся выполняют упражнение в группах, совещаясь друг с другом, затем – проверка
— Do you mark this day with anything special at school?
— What do you do?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.
— And the second day. It’s Guy Fawkes Night. This day is purely British as it’s connected with
British history. You have the same task. These are the words you’ll meet:
firework display
to blow up
(to) plot
to execute
to let off fireworks
Учащиеся смотрят видеозапись.
— Answer the questions:
1. When is Guy Fawkes Night observed?
2. How do the people prepare for the Night? What do they make? What is it usually made of?
3. What do they do with the Guy when it is ready? What do they say to passers-by? What do they
need the money for?
3. What do the people arrange in the back yard?
4. So What is done with Guy Fawkes on the 5
of November?
5. What happens at the end of the night?
6. Where is a big public festival held?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.
— Do you remember the history of the holiday? Correct the statements:
1. Guy Fawkes lived in the 19
2. Guy Fawkes was a sailor.
3. He was a protestant by religion while the king was a catholic.
4. He and his friends plotted to blow up Buckingham Palace.
5. Guy Fawkes was a success and praised after that.
Учащимся выдается упражнение и они его выполняют.
— As it has already been mentioned, Guy Fawkes Night appeared in Great Britain and is
celebrated only there. What about Russia. Can you think of a holiday which is celebrated only in
— What holiday is celebrated on the 4
of November?
— Is it an old holiday?
— Did anything special happened in our city to mark the occasion?
— And, of course, we can’t but mention about the last holiday we had. What was it? How did you
mark it?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы отдельными предложениями или небольшими
— And finally, to sum everything up, today we finish discussing British holidays. I’d like to learn
how well you remember all of them. Say what holiday these words refer to:
1. painted eggs 16. a thistle in the buttonhole
2. maypole 17. a procession of flower-carriers at Stratford
3. steel bands 18. Big Ben striking midnight
4. Auld Lang Syne 19. the custom of ‘first—footing’
5. Christmas tree 20. Good Friday
6. haggis 21. paper hats
7. cards and gifts 22. firework display
8. a daffodil or a leek on the jacket 23. pumpkin
9. pancakes 24. Trafalgar Square
10. a rose on the jacket 25. turkey with vegetables and gravy
11. top-crossed buns 26. gunpowder
12. military display 27. dancing with bells and handkerchiefs
13. Mystery plays 28. Notting Hill Street
14. West Indian costumes 29. a black pointed hat and a black cloak
15. bonfire 30. hanging stockings
III. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов, объяснение домашнего задания.
— Be ready to speak about your favourite holiday, either Russian or British.
Приложение 2
Complete the missing information:
In Great Britain and America, there are special celebrations on the night of the
……… of ……………….….. . It’s the night before ………….. Day and it’s called
Hallowe’en. The name comes from ‘All Hallows’ (an old name for this day) and
‘evening’. It’s traditionally a night of magic, when all the ……………..… and
…………………... and warlocks (male witches) come out, so now people dress up
in …..……………….……. costumes and have parties.
On this day kids make special lamps out of a ……………………….. and put a
candle in it. The lamp is placed in the window in order to
…………………………………………………………..………… They also play a
game. They dress up as ghosts and witches and ……………………….. at people’s
doors and say: “………………………………………..”. The people in the house
must give them a ‘……………..……..’ (a sweet or a small present). If they don’t
the kids play a ……………….….. on them.
firework display
to blow up
(to) plot
to execute
to let off fireworks
Приложение 3
Correct the statements:
1. Guy Fawkes lived in the 19
2. Guy Fawkes was a sailor.
3. He was a protestant by religion while the king was a catholic.
4. He and his friends plotted to blow up Buckingham Palace.
5. Guy Fawkes was a success and praised after that.