Anno 1404 comes with six scenario maps that act as a bridge between the campaign and continuous mode. The scenarios contain small story vignettes with a few main goals, and completing each scenario unlocks an achievement, new player title, and a medal. There are two easy, two medium, and two hard scenarios.
Anno 1404: Venice adds fifteen new scenarios, each with stronger story elements (introductory and ending cut-scenes, voice acting through the quest stages) than the original six scenarios from the main game. Several of the first scenarios act as tutorials for the new game mechanics of Venice, such as espionage, the city council, and the Bailiwick building. New achievements, player titles, and medals are awarded for completing certain Venice scenarios.
Note: the original six Anno 1404 scenarios can also be played in the Venice expansion, under the «Classic» tab in the scenarios menu. These are identical to the originals, however all the new Venice game mechanics and changes are applied to each. Therefore, the original six scenarios are a bit easier when played in Venice, due chiefly to having a third trading partner and being able to buy cities.
Classic Scenarios[]
Elector / Electress[]
Difficulty: (easy) Build your population
Winning conditions[]
- Accumulate 150,000 Gold coins.
- Settle 5,000 Inhabitants worldwide.
- Settle 2,000 Noblemen worldwide.
Starting Conditions
- Warehouse with Full Storage
- 80,000 Gold Coins
- Full Refund of Construction Costs
Difficulty Settings
- Small map
- Large Islands
- Easy Island difficulty
- Abundant Fertilities
- Abundant Resources
- No Disasters
AI Powers
- All Mentors (Lord Richard Northburgh, Al Zahir, Giacomo Garibaldi)
- No Corsairs
- No Expanding Computer Players
- Few Neutral Powers
Master Builder[]
Difficulty: (easy)
Use large fertile islands on which to build cities that will be the envy of all.
Winning conditions[]
- Build an Imperial cathedral
- Settle 10,000 Inhabitants worldwide
- Settle 5,000 Noblemen worldwide
Starting Conditions
- Full Warehouse
- 50,000 Gold Coins
- Full Refund of Construction Costs
Difficulty Settings
- Medium sized map
- Large Islands
- Easy Island difficulty
- Abundant Fertilities
- Abundant Resources
- No Disasters
AI Powers
- All Mentors (Lord Richard Northburgh, Al Zahir, Giacomo Garibaldi)
- Weak Corsairs
- 1 Easy Expanding Computer Player (Leif Jorgensen, Hildegard von Lewenstein, Willem van der Mark)
- Some Neutral Powers
Difficulty: Medium
Discover the culture of the Orient and act as an ambassador between the two people.
Winning conditions[]
- Build a Sultan’s mosque.
- Settle 5,000 Envoys worldwide.
- Complete 5 quests for the Sultan.
Starting Conditions
- Flagship with standard item
- 30,000 Gold Coins
- 50% Refund of Construction Costs
Difficulty Settings
- Large map
- Medium sized Islands
- Medium Island difficulty
- Normal Fertilities
- Normal Resources
- All Disasters excluding Tornado
AI Powers
- All Mentors (Lord Richard Northburgh, Al Zahir, Giacomo Garibaldi)
- Medium Corsairs
- 2 Medium Expanding Computer Players (Sir Gavin Langton, Marie d’Artois, Helena Flores, Guy Forcas)
- Some Neutral Powers
This scenario allows you to focus nearly exclusively on your oriental settlement. 5,000 Envoys can easily fit on a moderately sized island, so it’s easiest to only build one main oriental settlement. It’s best to try to build the Sultan’s mosque as fast as possible, since upon completion the Sultan will arrive at Al Zahir’s island and then offer you quests at random intervals. Note that sometimes the Sultan can take a long time to offer quests and there’s no way to speed up the process.
Guild Master[]
Difficulty: Medium
Use thrift to turn your meagre start capital into a huge amount of wealth.
Winning conditions[]
- Accumulate 500,000 Gold coins.
- Obtain an Alliance with all the other players simultaneously.
- Complete 5 Quests for the Emperor.
Starting Conditions
- Flagship
- 10,000 Gold Coins
- 50% Refund of Construction Costs
Difficulty Settings
- Huge map
- Medium sized Islands
- Medium Island difficulty
- Normal Fertilities
- Normal Resources
- All Disasters excluding Tornado
AI Powers
- All Mentors (Lord Richard Northburgh, Al Zahir, Giacomo Garibaldi)
- Medium Corsairs
- 1 Easy Expanding Computer Player
- 2 Medium Expanding Computer Players
- Many Neutral Powers
- Simultaneously blocking the AI’s advancement and befriending them: it is possible to monopolize an island without the AI being too angry about it. The trick is to allow them to settle the island, but not give them enough room to actually build anything useful. If you block all coastal areas of an island and stop the AI from settling entirely, they complain about it repeatedly, eventually leading to war. If you allow them to build a warehouse, but nothing more, then they will complain once about your settlement on the island, then settle it themselves, and be happy with their own ‘settlement’. I recommend doing this for herbs: it is the rarest of the northern patrician-level resources, and will stop the AI from advancing to Nobleman level. Depending on the map, you might also consider monopolizing a different commodity. Cornering the Indigo market, for example, will prevent the AI making Carpets or Books.
- You do not need to maintain your alliances with the AI once you have obtained them. Once the victory condition is fulfilled, it cannot be lost. After you have lured them all into alliances, you are free to betray and exterminate them, if you want to. Note that you can build within the AI’s military radius when you are allied with them.
- If you are in a game with Marie d’Artois and Sir Gavin Langton as AI’s, postpone your alliance with Sir Gavin until you are allied with Marie. Sir Gavin tends to break the alliance and every time you re-ally with him, you lose up to 8 reputation points with Marie.
Difficulty: Hard
Bring all your adversaries to their knees.
Winning conditions[]
- Be the last survivor.
- Sink 40 ships.
Starting Conditions
- Flagship
- 10,000 Gold Coins
- No Refund of Construction Costs
Difficulty Settings
- Huge map
- Medium sized Islands
- Medium Island difficulty
- Normal Fertilities
- Normal Resources
- All Disasters
AI Powers
- All Mentors (Lord Richard Northburgh, Al Zahir, Giacomo Garibaldi)
- Strong Corsairs
- 1-2 Medium Expanding Computer Players
- 1-2 Hard Expanding Computer Players (Giovanni Di Mercante, Baronessa Constanza Zanchi)
- Some Neutral Powers
- See Scenario: General for main article.
- See also Hard AI guide.
Imperator / Imperatrix[]
Difficulty: Hard
Build your own empire under the most difficult conditions!
Winning conditions[]
- Be the last survivor.
- Secure all Attainments.
- Build an Imperial cathedral and a Sultan’s mosque.
- Accumulate 1 million Gold coins.
- Settle 10,000 Noblemen worldwide.
- Settle 10,000 Envoys worldwide.
- Complete 15 Quests for the Sultan or the Emperor.
The Latin word Imperator was a title originally roughly equivalent to commander during the period of the Roman Republic.
Starting Conditions
- Flagship
- 10,000 Gold Coins
- No Refund of Construction Costs
Difficulty Settings
- Huge map
- Medium sized Islands
- Medium Island difficulty
- Normal Fertilities
- Few Resources
- All Disasters
AI Powers
- All Mentors (Lord Richard Northburgh, Al Zahir, Giacomo Garibaldi)
- Strong Corsairs
- All Hard Expanding Computer Players (Giovanni Di Mercante, Baronessa Constanza Zanchi, Cardinal Lucius)
- Many Neutral Powers
- See also: Hard AI guide.
- See also: Imperator Scenario: Early Game Tips
- First get rid of all your opponents, and then start worrying about any other assignments.
- As such, you’re basically re-doing General, but now with Kardinal Lucius present. See Scenario: General for tips on how to do this. The example map listed there is also one of the possible maps for Imperator. You may have to resort to warfare sooner than in General though, as it is very hard to stay at peace with Lucius. Otherwise there is little difference with the opponents you’ve faced in General.
- Without items granting additional ascension rights, you’re going to need 857 occidental and 572 oriental houses to reach 10,000 noblemen/envoys[1]. Each bonus item will save you at least 50 houses, so keep your eyes open for them at Northburgh/Al Zahir after constructing the monuments!
- The 250 noblemen houses you’ll need all fit within the influence range of a single imperial cathedral. That means you can demolish those debtor’s prisons.
Venice Scenarios[]
The addon Venice includes fifteen new scenarios.
I: Vendetta[]
Difficulty: Easy
Focus: Diplomacy
Objective: Drop the enemy’s population morale to zero.
- Place a Base of Operations within your city’s limits.
- Send a spy to various safe houses and commit acts of espionage until morale reaches zero.
You must use the Venetian Base of Operations to send a spy into the enemy island, where he can commit acts of Espionage. Espionage reduces the morale of the enemy population and lowers your reputation with whomever you commit the acts against. When your enemy’s population reaches zero morale, the scenario is won. If your reputation drops too low, the enemy will declare war on you, and you will lose the scenario.
Gavin Langton is a medium AI and is not easily provoked into War.
Remember to use the Relationships screen (F7) to occasionally check your reputation with the enemy, and pay tribute to him to raise reputation if necessary.
II: Ray of hope[]
Difficulty: Easy
Focus: Adventure
Help Willem by finding some clues as to his daughter’s whereabouts.
The hope of finding his daughter has brought new life to the otherwise melancholic Willem. However, with age taking its toll, he is glad that you have agreed to his request to help him with the investigations. Willem is convinced that together you will be able to track down the long lost Beatrice.
- You have a mercenaries’ castle on your settlement that you can make use for taking over Guy’s island. All you need is to buy some weapons from the NPCs.
III: The key to power[]
Difficulty: Medium
Focus: Diplomacy
Achievement: There’s an achievement for purchasing the key to the city on all three of Leif’s Occidental islands. This means you must purchase at least three council seats on each of his three Occidental islands in order to buy the keys on each. Make sure you buy the keys to the two secondary islands before his main island since acquiring the main island key ends the scenario!
You must buy three council seats from your opponent’s main island in order to buy the key to the city, thus winning the scenario. In order to buy council seats in another city, you must have the Venetian attainment «Hostile Takeover,» which is not available until the Patrician level. Grow your city until Patricians move in.
Once you reach the Patrician level, buy Hostile Takeover from the attainments menu (F10) and begin buying your opponent’s council seats without starting a war. There are continual, optional side quests from the neutral powers that generate large amounts of money to aid in buying the seats and key, which can be very expensive.
Furthermore, if you use the arson sabotage and burn down a few houses the cost of the key to the city will be reduced.
Also, if you’re only short a few gold to buy the key, you can increase your tax rates to orange or red to bring in lots of money since it doesn’t matter if your people get mad since you’re about to win.
IV: Reign of the elements[]
Difficulty: Easy
Focus: Adventure
You must recover three artifacts on three islands using a mining unit (called «Treasure hunters» by the game). However, every time you settle an island with an artifact, Witches will cause a disaster on the island. You must deliver goods to friendly powers to help them stop the disasters in order to retrieve the artifacts.
This scenario is very easy, with the hardest part being the final quest which requires providing 10t clay and 10t herbs. To prepare for this, be sure to expand your occidental city to 550 patricians and your oriental city to 440 nomads and reach «The Sheik’s Ally» diplomatic rank.
V: Close to the wind[]
Difficulty: Medium
Focus: Adventure
1040 envoys plus all required production buildings crammed onto the small oriental island.
1) This scenarios is all about winning boat races. You need a fast ship with good items to win these races. See the Ships & Items page for more information. Oriental Ships are faster than Occidental ones. Being able to construct an oriental trading ship from the Oriental Shipyard requires 1,040 envoys, which requires 42 full houses. However, it’s much easier to ascend roughly 65 houses, which each have 16/25 residents, because envoys will not move into newly ascended envoy housing unless you provide them more goods like coffee.
Fitting 1,040 envoys plus all the required production on the small island provided requires efficient use of space. Remember that the noria exploit can be used to provide full yield farms without all fields.
For ship speed, get 2x +10% speed «Sails» items from the beggar island, and your ship is capable of winning the final race. Be warned that on the final race you will be attacked by enemy ships between waypoint 3 and 5.
2) Building an oriental trading ship is not the only solution. You can win the first 2 races with your flag ship (you will need the help of some sockets). I used the small caravel, much faster, and gave it the 10% flags. I won. The third race I used a war ship from Al Zahir (exchange with some honor); ensure you have the white flag and another trump card like the repairman. You’ll win easy as the other ships will be destroyed. When you get to the final race, I did as noted in the third solution. I WON :):):)
3) There is a third solution, probably easier still! — Take advantage of the large island which is alongside the course of this race. Build a warehouse at one end and a harbour master’s office at the other. Use one ship to drop off the treasure at one end, and another ship to pick up the treasure from the other end and take it to the finish. Credit for this solution to vulcanjedi on the Ubi forums «Close to the Wind — 4th Race»
For an alternative approach to this scenario, which requires minimal building work, see this page: Close to the Wind solution
4) The 4th solution, the most easiest for now.
Position near the lair.
You can take an advantage by glitch position near Hassan ben Sahid lair. Oriental warship was used with 2 +10% sail improvements and the 1st level attainment «Oriental Shipbuilding». Position your ship on the right side of the lair near the shore and Hassan ben Sahid will offer to start the race. Move camera to checkpoint, send the ship and then agree by clicking the tick mark.
VI: The di Mercante case[]
Difficulty: Medium
Focus: Adventure, Trade, Logistics
There is an achievement available called «Master detective» which requires you to complete all five sidequests during this scenario. This achievement was originally glitched and unable to be obtained, but the Venice patch 2.1 fixed it so it is attainable.
Three of the sidequests will start as you play the mission, but the «Groundless» quest only starts if you sail just a bit southwest of Al Zahir’s island and see the grounded ship. The next sidequest «Unknown Cargo» will immediately begin after completing the prior.
VII: Archipelago[]
Difficulty: Medium
Focus: Development, Economy
You will need at least 92 occidental houses to get noblemen. You can win by using about 2/3 of your main island for houses. The other 1/3 can be used for Cider farms, Lumberjacks huts, Forest glassworks, ect.
You will need at least 20 oriental houses in order to produce Indigo, which is necessary for Books.
Hemp can be grown on the small island east of your main island. Bread, beer, wood, tools, and stone can be obtained from the island to the far west of your main island. Pigs can be placed on the small oriental island to the southeast of your main island and then transported north to the only occidental island that has a river.
Note: There is an achievement for settling on all islands in this scenario titled «Lord of the Reefs»
VIII: A rotten bet[]
Difficulty: Medium
Focus: Development, Economy
This scenario requires fulfilling the following conditions and maintaining them for 60 seconds.
- Have at least 1000 beggars in your settlement
- Your balance in positive
- Your population is at least «Happy»
The beggar mechanics are slightly different than normal in this scenario.
- Many more beggars than normal arrive.
- Beggars refuse to enter hospices. This will be a serious drain on your capital: roughly 1500 gold per minute for 1000 beggars.
Note: There is an achievement for asking tribute from Northburgh, Al Zahir, or Garibaldi. It’s a good idea to ask for tribute repeatedly anyway.
- Refused or evicted beggars will not return. The only way to get more beggars is to expand your settlement further.
- Maintaining a positive balance: The number of beggar in your settlement is proportionate to the number of citizens (and up) you have. This means that you can have as many peasants and nomads/envoys as you like without being flooded with beggars. Create a large peasant city and slowly upgrade them to citizens to grow your beggar population without risk of going bankrupt.
- You only have to meet the requirements for 60 seconds. If you have problems maintaining a positive balance, but meet the other requirements, stockpile enough goods to keep your population «Happy», then start deleting your production buildings. This will quickly bring your balance to positive, thus allowing your to meet the objectives for 60 seconds.
- Don’t forget to set your oriental population to be happy in order to get the 60 second countdown started.
IX: Scourge of the seven seas[]
Difficulty: Medium
Focus: Adventure, Military
In this scenario you will start at the dead center of the map with a single corsair ship with 6 attack and the inherent auto repair ability. To increase your fleet size and rank with the corsairs you will have to pillage and plunder. With the money from the loot you gather from the ships and warehouses (mainly ships), you can buy corsair ships with 8 attack, these ships are brilliantly fast and have their auto repair. But the more you plunder the more large war ships start wrecking your party. These are quite hard beat and can destroy several of your corsair ships.
Eventually you will be so admired by Hassan he will send you to destroy a fleet of 4 large warships and 1 large trading ship. This trading ship holds an item called «loot» which finishes he scenario when given to Hassan.
You can buy a large fleet but another possibility is to just buy the key of power from Hassan. (Nobleman item) Sail into the ships and sink them. After that just sink that trading ship and you’ve won the scenario.
There are three achievements possible:
- Defeat 15 Navy (red) ships
- Acquire 80,000 total bounty (will be done naturally as you progress through the level usually)
- Achieve both the above achievements for the final one.
- Most important tip would be, keep clicking the refresh button as often as you can to make sure you have boarding teams to board large war ships. The first one I took was with the starter ship and one bought ship, simply dragged out the battle until one of my ships was almost destroyed then I used the other to board and it succeeded.
- Building on what the above tip said, make sure you take control of quest enemy ships. These ships are mainly named «Enemy Small Warship» or something similar with either 500 or 800 health. These ships are slow as dirt, have one item slot and cargo hold and they do either 6 or 10 damage pending on their size. Despite being limited, they have no upkeep cost and will not be attacked by the emperor’s navy, an AI’s navy or any military buildings. This is most likely a glitch, but these quest ships can be left in front of a harbor to build up your bounty and they will never be destroyed. Also good for finishing off the final quest as they once again will not be attacked.
- The bought ships are perfect for taking out small ships and getting away with the booty and doing so continuously, so keep buying them.
- Basic fighting skills like focusing all fire power on a single ship generally makes for a won battle.
- Blocking the main port of a player gives quite a lot of loot at once, just put one or two large war ships in front of it beyond the range of the towers and let the corsair ships pick up everything. Be sure to get away before an overwhelming force of large war ships arrives though.
- Enemy ship AI is rather stupid. They will typically focus on one of your ships and ignore the rest, allowing you to move the focused ship just out of range of the enemy while the rest of your ships continues shooting without counterattack. This is especially true in the final battle: those warship do not move at all, allowing you to pick them off one at a time.
- To get money without increasing your rank among the corsairs, board large trade-ships, repair them, and fill with valuable cargo. Then sell ship at a much higher price. The cargo will be dropped in front of the corsair trade building and can be reused for next ship.
X: Noblesse oblige[]
Difficulty: Medium
Focus: Development, Trade, Logistics
Your task is to reach noblemen, using oriental islands only. The scenario is won as soon as you obtain your first nobleman.
Note that although the quest description states that you are to build a Metropolis, you do not need to reach «Metropolis» city status (3500 noblemen/5240 envoys). A status of «City» (1190 patricians) is enough to produce the single nobleman that is required.
This is actually a quite tricky scenario. It requires you to play quite differently because there aren’t the proper fertilities to grow all the goods you need. The key to winning is to set up many passive purchase orders on all your islands and to also use customs items to boost your goods.
- You cannot produce cider, hemp, wheat, or herbs. Northburgh will never sell seeds for this either. You must use Passive Trading for these items. Withholding goods from your Occidental population is critical to conserve supply. You can restrict Peasants from Cider & Citizens from Linen without revolting.
- Adjust the sliders in the Passive Trading to set not only how much Cider and Hemp you want, but also how much you are willing to pay. You can do this at each island you have which will encourage more frequent visits from traders.
- You can optionally choose to not buy linen garments but buy hemp instead and produce the garments yourself. This is cheaper but Northburgh is the only one who sells Hemp and he prefers to not sell much, so you may want to buy both.
- Lumber and Coal are hard to find on Oriental Islands, but a Noria can be used to make fertile terrain and you can plant trees yourself to reach 100% productivity.
- You can produce books and leather jerkins entirely without buying goods. But so few books are needed to reach noblemen that you don’t even need to setup books production. You can just buy books.
- Focus on setting up a large Oriental island with at least 2 Bazaars with or nomad houses.
- Karim may offer «Duty Levied» items on occasion if you accomplish his quests. Therefore, you may consider developing your oriental population to at least 1040 Envoys in order to complete his tasks.
- Occasional sandstorms may affect the world, possibly halting production or causing the population to move out. Therefore don’t forget to check twice if the houses are full before letting the population consume goods that need to be bought in order to avoid upgrading delay and unnecessary loss of goods.
- Hoard Cider through passive trading, once you have enough to start ascending Citizens (40-50), get just enough Citizens enough to produce Iron & Tools, then start cutting off cider to Peasants and then focus on building up a huge Oriental Population all the way to at least 1 Envoy and passively/active sell Carpets or other profitable goods.
- Max out the Trading Fleet Attainments for Zahir and Northburgh to encourage frequent trades with them.
- Hoard Hemp and use your own weaver hut. One will be enough if you’re restricting supply. Once you have around 100 Linen, Advance enough Patricians to reach Glass. Then restrict linens to just Patricians. At this point you should only be needing a steady source of Hemp and Cider. Build the Church when you can.
- Start hoarding Wheat and Herbs and produce a large supply of Bread and Beer. Never let Patricians consume these goods until you’re ready to advance them. You can let them consume Jerkins as Pigs can be made anywhere. Actively buy Paper from Northburgh and horde it in your Occidental City, along with sufficient Indigo to produce books quickly.
- When you have around 50 Beer, 50 Bread, 100 Linens, and 150 Cider, and a large stockpile of Glass, Stone, Tools, and Wood in your Occidental City; start aggressively advancing the entire population. Move all their sliders into Euphoric. Once you reach the second last stage of the Patricians, you’ll need to build books quickly. Put down 2-3 Print Houses to quickly pump out books to keep up with the demand. As soon as you have the Debtor’s Prison, plunk it down and advance a single Patrician to win the scenario.
- Get the attainment Imperial Merchant Fleet. This allows you to buy more goods, and more frequently[2].
XI: Incognito[]
Difficulty: Hard
Focus: Development, Logistics
This scenarios is comprised of several assignments with a time limit. If you fail to complete any of the tasks within the time limit, you also have the option to pay a fine. Failing to pay the fine will fail the scenario.
- Introduction. Time available: 8 minutes. Task: visit Garibaldi’s ship. Upon expiry of time: automatically advance to first assignment.
- First inspection. Time available: 30 minutes. Upon expiry of time: a fine of 20,000 gold coins, to be paid within 4 minutes. Task: build the following.
- a city wall connecting the two existing towers
- 1 gatehouse
- 2 watchtowers
- 2 large statues
- Second inspection. Time available: +30 minutes. Upon expiry of time: a fine of 30,000 gold coins, to be paid within 4 minutes. Tasks:
- 1 church
- 1 bailiwick
- no beggars on the streets
- Third inspection. Time available: +30 minutes. Upon expiry of time: a fine of 45,000 gold coins, to be paid within 4 minutes. Tasks: build the following.
- 10 nomad houses
- 1 mosque
- 13 palm trees
- Fourth inspection. Upon expiry of time: a fine of 100,000 gold coins, to be paid within 4 minutes. Time available: +30 minutes. Tasks:
- 1190 patricians
- 1 manorial palace
- 4 corners
- 4 residential wings
- 1 gatehouse (ornamental)
Winning this scenario is pretty easy, but the real challenge is completing the scenario with at least 30 minutes to spare to get the achievement ‘I work best under pressure’.
This scenario is about fast and cost-effective building. There is plenty of space, so don’t bother about efficient building.
The inspector uses the 4 platforms to «check» if you’ve built what is required, so don’t build around these spaces. Each platform has an influence area when you click on them that reveal the circle the game ‘checks’ to see if the required buildings are present. The administrator will stand there for inspection and you have to build the assignments within his influence area (also the nomad houses and mosque of the third inspection!).
Once you’ve completed an assignment you are free to demolish the buildings. This applies mostly for the Towers and Mosque as they offer your city little when built and have a reasonable upkeep.
Building all structures requires at least 1190 Patricians (for Manorial Palace), and at least 450 Nomads with enough favor to gain access to Quartz and a Mosque. Aim for these objectives while simultaneously completing the require objectives.
Use as much from the introduction time as possible since you don’t get a reward for unused time. Time left from the assignments creates honour and bonus time, so always complete each stage as fast as possible!!
Also request quests from the mentors to get honour faster. You really only need honour for buying enough diplomatic ranks to reach «Sheik’s Ally». Once that happens, use all additional honour to ask for grants from all the mentors.
Start by immediately setting up three complete tools production chains on your main island. Connect Brother Hilarious and buy extra goods and buy all the Tools from Northburgh who is just north of your island. from him in the beginning. Also set up all four stonemason huts and about 10 lumberjacks. You can grab an additional Stonemason Hut on the Spice Island and ship this over.
Build a harbour masters office in the south-west for more efficient handling of the oriental trade routes. Edit the current spice route to go to your new harbour.
Do not colonize another occidental island (no need) but do colonize one of the two large oriental islands in the south or southwest.
One trick is to immediately demolish the oriental houses on ‘Aschgabad’ and change the trading route to bring both spices and dates to your main island. Now build a new oriental city right by your occidental city (where the south-east little platform is below your main city layout. Now build goat farms on your occidental island. Build an extra noria or two on ‘Aschgabad’ and build 2 more spice farms and 2 more dates farms.
Get enough nomads to unlock the quartz mines, mosaic quarries, and mosque (440 nomads). Now build two quartz mines on either large oriental island and ship it back. You need 75 Glass & Stone to complete the Manorial Palace.
You’ll probably run out of money before the final stage where you have to build the very costly manorial palace parts. Produce extra linen garments, bread, tools, and ropes for a nice cash boost. Actively sell and passively sell as many surplus goods as possible and request Grants from the NPCs. Generate more money out of passive sales by maximizing the trading fleets in the attainments menu.
If you’re really efficient, you can beat this level with close to an hour left. Note that the «I work best under pressure» achievement for completing the scenario with 30 minutes or more remaining on the clock was supposedly fixed to work in version 2.1, but sometimes you still don’t get the achievement. The Unofficial Patch can be used to force this achievement.
- Note: One devious strategy is to demolish each manorial segment after you build it. For instance, once all four corners are built, demolish all them. This saves the maintenance, although this method is a bit of an exploit.
XII: Istar’s labyrinth[]
Difficulty: Hard
Focus: Adventure
Find 16 treasures hidden in the labyrinth.
[Spoiler Warning!] Here’s a map of the labyrinth including locations of all items, goods, and treasures.
Notice in the storm on the right side, you can find a boarding crew. With this item you can take over one of the small war ships.
XIII: Elysium[]
Difficulty: Hard
Focus: Development, Economy
Attain 1404 noblemen. Tax income is disabled.
With tax income disabled, you will have to make your money from trade. Active trade and passive trade are both viable options for gathering enough money to complete this scenario.
XIV: Pact with a bard[]
Difficulty: Hard
Focus: Development, Military
Destroy Baroness Zanchi’s manorial palace on her main island. Do not allow Leif to be destroyed.
The player starts with neutral reputation with Zanchi and an alliance with Leif. Ingratiation and tributes to Zanchi are disabled. Zanchi will make regular demands for tribute. Failing to pay these results in war.
Note: There is an achievement for beating this scenario in only 1 real-life hour. This means you can and should use fast-forward as much as possible to make this deadline.
The easiest method to victory is to only recruit Trebuchets through the Robber Baron’s Castle. You simply wait about 20 minutes and accumulate about 10 of these units. While waiting, expand production to meet your people’s needs, such as more Cider, Linen Garments, and Bread. Then declare war, and land right at the upper part of the Baroness’s island. Then destroy the main gate with all your Trebuchets. Move directly on to destroying the Manorial Palace. Keep building more Trebuchets. You’ll probably have to do a couple waves of attack.
Meanwhile, have your 4 starting ships go stay by her Warehouse and keep destroying all her ships. You shouldn’t ever need to build any more Ships. The Baroness is very stupid and victory can be had if you trick her into sailing her troops into the water so you can kill them. If she was smart, this mission would become nearly impossible.
You can also try for a slower, more economic route to victory. At the start you can expand settling Leif’s main island and claim the river sites. Those will come in very handy when producing leather jerkins and books. Ingratiate him and pay a bit of tribute to compensate for the lost reputation.
It is possible to buy out Zanchi’s main island. This will be very expensive. When you buy the key to the city, you become owner of the Manorial Palace and can simply demolish it to achieve victory.
You want to aim for 3 large military camps, and 2 trebuchet positions from Barnabas.
You can complete this scenario in 20 minutes, really easily. Build a few more houses, an extra hemp production chain, a weapons chain, 2 more stone masons, and a spare weapons smelter near your other tools production (but keep it deactivated for now). Also build another beer chain. Set the tax income for your Patricians and nomads to happy (light-green), and once you have enough patrician houses (enough for 38 unit limit — around 36-38 Patrician houses), also change the tax income on your Citizens.
Build the keep, and enable your second weapons smithy, disabling the toolmakers as long as you have a surplus (probably around 25t) of tools. This is so you can rebuild your city when it gets sabotaged. Before you run out of money, donate your honor for money (the 150 honor interaction), to get some extra funds. Also attempt to sell any surplus goods you have.
Position your military camps (transport ships) near the beach which is nearest to the Palace, along with your warships. By quickly declaring war, using your ships to protect your ships, land using one of the trebuchet units, and quickly place all 4 of your remaining troops down, making sure that one of your large military camps is the first to land, so it can tank the shots from the gatehouse. Now, send all your camps to attack the gatehouse, and once its destroyed, move them up next to the Manorial Palace. You can place your trebuchet position in direct range of the Palace, without having to destroy any of the smaller buildings. Now, just set it to attack the Palace, and protect it with your 3 military camps. You may end up loosing the Castle that you landed with, but don’t worry. As long as you destroy the Palace, you automatically win.
XV: Barren lands[]
Difficulty: Hard
Focus: Development, Trade, Logistics
- Build a city with 4,000 noblemen in a world with minimal fertility.
- Rid the world of the corsairs. Each island cleared gives 400 honour and 5000 gold coins. Upon completion of this quest (the keep and the three Watchtowers around it can be left intact despite the Quest’s «63» Tower count which should be «60»), the player receives The last contingent.
- The last contingent. Destroy a fleet of 13 corsair ships. Completion enables trade (both passive and active) with Hassan ben Sahid. The corsairs are the only source of seeds on this map.
It’s best to play this map in two distinct phases: fighting the corsairs & building the cathedral.
- Fighting the corsairs:
- Build a settlement and begin to gather coin in order to buy honour from Lord Richard Northburgh.
- You can get tools by trading with Lord Richard Northburgh or by buying them from a monastery located on the island you start on.
- There is an excavation site on the island; I highly recommend providing the required equipment for the excavation as it will create items. Most of the items will be useless but can later be traded for a large sum of honour from Lord Richard Northburgh.
- With enough honour buy 2 small war ships and explore the map. Find the Grand Vizier Al Zahir so you are able to trade honour for large oriental warships.
- Destroy the 60 Harbour Towers located around the coasts of islands. You do NOT need to destroy the Keep and three Watchtowers on the upper-right island, despite the game counting the Watchtowers in its total 63 towers. You just need to destroy the armies.
- You can destroy the corsair’s armies with your ships. Build a warehouse on one of their islands and any armies on it will move in to destroy it, putting them in range of your ship’s cannons.
- Now complete the fraternization quest, which requires destroying the Corsair fleet.
- The 13 ships of The last contingent can be taken out with a single harbour defence tower. See screenshot for demonstration. Only the center ship fights back, the rest completely ignores the tower. They all eventually die without putting up much of a fight. This method exploits the bad AI, so you may wish to use the old fashioned method of attacking with Ships, retreating to heal, and repeating until you win. Although, you will lose many Ships trying to attack them.
Taking out 13 corsair ships with one tower
- Building the cathedral:
- Buy seeds from Hassan. Grow Cider and Hemp on islands.
You cannot buy any seeds from the corsairs until you have completed the missions.
- You require 521 Houses total, with no Beggars or Envoys, to settle 4000 Noblemen.
- The entire game you will only be able to plant cider and hemp seeds (date fertility is already provided) so all other resources will have to be traded for.
- Settle all islands and put in purchase orders for Bread, Beer, and other goods. Then set up trade routes to bring these goods to your main island.
- Settle the volcanic island and buy a geologist, who will allow you to make any number of the types of mines he provides. For example, you can build five salt mines with just one brine geologist.
- Disallow Goods for your people that you cannot produce yourself. Only briefly allow all goods to push for further city levels. Don’t worry about upsetting your population.
- Other resources:
- Article on Barren lands on German Anno Wiki
- Great Walkthrough from Thread on Barren lands on Ubi forums
- ↑ Calculated using the Population Calculator
- ↑
Anno 1404 comes with six scenario maps that act as a bridge between the campaign and continuous mode. The scenarios contain small story vignettes with a few main goals, and completing each scenario unlocks an achievement, new player title, and a medal. There are two easy, two medium, and two hard scenarios.
Anno 1404: Venice adds fifteen new scenarios, each with stronger story elements (introductory and ending cut-scenes, voice acting through the quest stages) than the original six scenarios from the main game. Several of the first scenarios act as tutorials for the new game mechanics of Venice, such as espionage, the city council, and the Bailiwick building. New achievements, player titles, and medals are awarded for completing certain Venice scenarios.
Note: the original six Anno 1404 scenarios can also be played in the Venice expansion, under the «Classic» tab in the scenarios menu. These are identical to the originals, however all the new Venice game mechanics and changes are applied to each. Therefore, the original six scenarios are a bit easier when played in Venice, due chiefly to having a third trading partner and being able to buy cities.
Classic Scenarios[]
Elector / Electress[]
Difficulty: (easy) Build your population
Winning conditions[]
- Accumulate 150,000 Gold coins.
- Settle 5,000 Inhabitants worldwide.
- Settle 2,000 Noblemen worldwide.
Starting Conditions
- Warehouse with Full Storage
- 80,000 Gold Coins
- Full Refund of Construction Costs
Difficulty Settings
- Small map
- Large Islands
- Easy Island difficulty
- Abundant Fertilities
- Abundant Resources
- No Disasters
AI Powers
- All Mentors (Lord Richard Northburgh, Al Zahir, Giacomo Garibaldi)
- No Corsairs
- No Expanding Computer Players
- Few Neutral Powers
Master Builder[]
Difficulty: (easy)
Use large fertile islands on which to build cities that will be the envy of all.
Winning conditions[]
- Build an Imperial cathedral
- Settle 10,000 Inhabitants worldwide
- Settle 5,000 Noblemen worldwide
Starting Conditions
- Full Warehouse
- 50,000 Gold Coins
- Full Refund of Construction Costs
Difficulty Settings
- Medium sized map
- Large Islands
- Easy Island difficulty
- Abundant Fertilities
- Abundant Resources
- No Disasters
AI Powers
- All Mentors (Lord Richard Northburgh, Al Zahir, Giacomo Garibaldi)
- Weak Corsairs
- 1 Easy Expanding Computer Player (Leif Jorgensen, Hildegard von Lewenstein, Willem van der Mark)
- Some Neutral Powers
Difficulty: Medium
Discover the culture of the Orient and act as an ambassador between the two people.
Winning conditions[]
- Build a Sultan’s mosque.
- Settle 5,000 Envoys worldwide.
- Complete 5 quests for the Sultan.
Starting Conditions
- Flagship with standard item
- 30,000 Gold Coins
- 50% Refund of Construction Costs
Difficulty Settings
- Large map
- Medium sized Islands
- Medium Island difficulty
- Normal Fertilities
- Normal Resources
- All Disasters excluding Tornado
AI Powers
- All Mentors (Lord Richard Northburgh, Al Zahir, Giacomo Garibaldi)
- Medium Corsairs
- 2 Medium Expanding Computer Players (Sir Gavin Langton, Marie d’Artois, Helena Flores, Guy Forcas)
- Some Neutral Powers
This scenario allows you to focus nearly exclusively on your oriental settlement. 5,000 Envoys can easily fit on a moderately sized island, so it’s easiest to only build one main oriental settlement. It’s best to try to build the Sultan’s mosque as fast as possible, since upon completion the Sultan will arrive at Al Zahir’s island and then offer you quests at random intervals. Note that sometimes the Sultan can take a long time to offer quests and there’s no way to speed up the process.
Guild Master[]
Difficulty: Medium
Use thrift to turn your meagre start capital into a huge amount of wealth.
Winning conditions[]
- Accumulate 500,000 Gold coins.
- Obtain an Alliance with all the other players simultaneously.
- Complete 5 Quests for the Emperor.
Starting Conditions
- Flagship
- 10,000 Gold Coins
- 50% Refund of Construction Costs
Difficulty Settings
- Huge map
- Medium sized Islands
- Medium Island difficulty
- Normal Fertilities
- Normal Resources
- All Disasters excluding Tornado
AI Powers
- All Mentors (Lord Richard Northburgh, Al Zahir, Giacomo Garibaldi)
- Medium Corsairs
- 1 Easy Expanding Computer Player
- 2 Medium Expanding Computer Players
- Many Neutral Powers
- Simultaneously blocking the AI’s advancement and befriending them: it is possible to monopolize an island without the AI being too angry about it. The trick is to allow them to settle the island, but not give them enough room to actually build anything useful. If you block all coastal areas of an island and stop the AI from settling entirely, they complain about it repeatedly, eventually leading to war. If you allow them to build a warehouse, but nothing more, then they will complain once about your settlement on the island, then settle it themselves, and be happy with their own ‘settlement’. I recommend doing this for herbs: it is the rarest of the northern patrician-level resources, and will stop the AI from advancing to Nobleman level. Depending on the map, you might also consider monopolizing a different commodity. Cornering the Indigo market, for example, will prevent the AI making Carpets or Books.
- You do not need to maintain your alliances with the AI once you have obtained them. Once the victory condition is fulfilled, it cannot be lost. After you have lured them all into alliances, you are free to betray and exterminate them, if you want to. Note that you can build within the AI’s military radius when you are allied with them.
- If you are in a game with Marie d’Artois and Sir Gavin Langton as AI’s, postpone your alliance with Sir Gavin until you are allied with Marie. Sir Gavin tends to break the alliance and every time you re-ally with him, you lose up to 8 reputation points with Marie.
Difficulty: Hard
Bring all your adversaries to their knees.
Winning conditions[]
- Be the last survivor.
- Sink 40 ships.
Starting Conditions
- Flagship
- 10,000 Gold Coins
- No Refund of Construction Costs
Difficulty Settings
- Huge map
- Medium sized Islands
- Medium Island difficulty
- Normal Fertilities
- Normal Resources
- All Disasters
AI Powers
- All Mentors (Lord Richard Northburgh, Al Zahir, Giacomo Garibaldi)
- Strong Corsairs
- 1-2 Medium Expanding Computer Players
- 1-2 Hard Expanding Computer Players (Giovanni Di Mercante, Baronessa Constanza Zanchi)
- Some Neutral Powers
- See Scenario: General for main article.
- See also Hard AI guide.
Imperator / Imperatrix[]
Difficulty: Hard
Build your own empire under the most difficult conditions!
Winning conditions[]
- Be the last survivor.
- Secure all Attainments.
- Build an Imperial cathedral and a Sultan’s mosque.
- Accumulate 1 million Gold coins.
- Settle 10,000 Noblemen worldwide.
- Settle 10,000 Envoys worldwide.
- Complete 15 Quests for the Sultan or the Emperor.
The Latin word Imperator was a title originally roughly equivalent to commander during the period of the Roman Republic.
Starting Conditions
- Flagship
- 10,000 Gold Coins
- No Refund of Construction Costs
Difficulty Settings
- Huge map
- Medium sized Islands
- Medium Island difficulty
- Normal Fertilities
- Few Resources
- All Disasters
AI Powers
- All Mentors (Lord Richard Northburgh, Al Zahir, Giacomo Garibaldi)
- Strong Corsairs
- All Hard Expanding Computer Players (Giovanni Di Mercante, Baronessa Constanza Zanchi, Cardinal Lucius)
- Many Neutral Powers
- See also: Hard AI guide.
- See also: Imperator Scenario: Early Game Tips
- First get rid of all your opponents, and then start worrying about any other assignments.
- As such, you’re basically re-doing General, but now with Kardinal Lucius present. See Scenario: General for tips on how to do this. The example map listed there is also one of the possible maps for Imperator. You may have to resort to warfare sooner than in General though, as it is very hard to stay at peace with Lucius. Otherwise there is little difference with the opponents you’ve faced in General.
- Without items granting additional ascension rights, you’re going to need 857 occidental and 572 oriental houses to reach 10,000 noblemen/envoys[1]. Each bonus item will save you at least 50 houses, so keep your eyes open for them at Northburgh/Al Zahir after constructing the monuments!
- The 250 noblemen houses you’ll need all fit within the influence range of a single imperial cathedral. That means you can demolish those debtor’s prisons.
Venice Scenarios[]
The addon Venice includes fifteen new scenarios.
I: Vendetta[]
Difficulty: Easy
Focus: Diplomacy
Objective: Drop the enemy’s population morale to zero.
- Place a Base of Operations within your city’s limits.
- Send a spy to various safe houses and commit acts of espionage until morale reaches zero.
You must use the Venetian Base of Operations to send a spy into the enemy island, where he can commit acts of Espionage. Espionage reduces the morale of the enemy population and lowers your reputation with whomever you commit the acts against. When your enemy’s population reaches zero morale, the scenario is won. If your reputation drops too low, the enemy will declare war on you, and you will lose the scenario.
Gavin Langton is a medium AI and is not easily provoked into War.
Remember to use the Relationships screen (F7) to occasionally check your reputation with the enemy, and pay tribute to him to raise reputation if necessary.
II: Ray of hope[]
Difficulty: Easy
Focus: Adventure
Help Willem by finding some clues as to his daughter’s whereabouts.
The hope of finding his daughter has brought new life to the otherwise melancholic Willem. However, with age taking its toll, he is glad that you have agreed to his request to help him with the investigations. Willem is convinced that together you will be able to track down the long lost Beatrice.
- You have a mercenaries’ castle on your settlement that you can make use for taking over Guy’s island. All you need is to buy some weapons from the NPCs.
III: The key to power[]
Difficulty: Medium
Focus: Diplomacy
Achievement: There’s an achievement for purchasing the key to the city on all three of Leif’s Occidental islands. This means you must purchase at least three council seats on each of his three Occidental islands in order to buy the keys on each. Make sure you buy the keys to the two secondary islands before his main island since acquiring the main island key ends the scenario!
You must buy three council seats from your opponent’s main island in order to buy the key to the city, thus winning the scenario. In order to buy council seats in another city, you must have the Venetian attainment «Hostile Takeover,» which is not available until the Patrician level. Grow your city until Patricians move in.
Once you reach the Patrician level, buy Hostile Takeover from the attainments menu (F10) and begin buying your opponent’s council seats without starting a war. There are continual, optional side quests from the neutral powers that generate large amounts of money to aid in buying the seats and key, which can be very expensive.
Furthermore, if you use the arson sabotage and burn down a few houses the cost of the key to the city will be reduced.
Also, if you’re only short a few gold to buy the key, you can increase your tax rates to orange or red to bring in lots of money since it doesn’t matter if your people get mad since you’re about to win.
IV: Reign of the elements[]
Difficulty: Easy
Focus: Adventure
You must recover three artifacts on three islands using a mining unit (called «Treasure hunters» by the game). However, every time you settle an island with an artifact, Witches will cause a disaster on the island. You must deliver goods to friendly powers to help them stop the disasters in order to retrieve the artifacts.
This scenario is very easy, with the hardest part being the final quest which requires providing 10t clay and 10t herbs. To prepare for this, be sure to expand your occidental city to 550 patricians and your oriental city to 440 nomads and reach «The Sheik’s Ally» diplomatic rank.
V: Close to the wind[]
Difficulty: Medium
Focus: Adventure
1040 envoys plus all required production buildings crammed onto the small oriental island.
1) This scenarios is all about winning boat races. You need a fast ship with good items to win these races. See the Ships & Items page for more information. Oriental Ships are faster than Occidental ones. Being able to construct an oriental trading ship from the Oriental Shipyard requires 1,040 envoys, which requires 42 full houses. However, it’s much easier to ascend roughly 65 houses, which each have 16/25 residents, because envoys will not move into newly ascended envoy housing unless you provide them more goods like coffee.
Fitting 1,040 envoys plus all the required production on the small island provided requires efficient use of space. Remember that the noria exploit can be used to provide full yield farms without all fields.
For ship speed, get 2x +10% speed «Sails» items from the beggar island, and your ship is capable of winning the final race. Be warned that on the final race you will be attacked by enemy ships between waypoint 3 and 5.
2) Building an oriental trading ship is not the only solution. You can win the first 2 races with your flag ship (you will need the help of some sockets). I used the small caravel, much faster, and gave it the 10% flags. I won. The third race I used a war ship from Al Zahir (exchange with some honor); ensure you have the white flag and another trump card like the repairman. You’ll win easy as the other ships will be destroyed. When you get to the final race, I did as noted in the third solution. I WON :):):)
3) There is a third solution, probably easier still! — Take advantage of the large island which is alongside the course of this race. Build a warehouse at one end and a harbour master’s office at the other. Use one ship to drop off the treasure at one end, and another ship to pick up the treasure from the other end and take it to the finish. Credit for this solution to vulcanjedi on the Ubi forums «Close to the Wind — 4th Race»
For an alternative approach to this scenario, which requires minimal building work, see this page: Close to the Wind solution
4) The 4th solution, the most easiest for now.
Position near the lair.
You can take an advantage by glitch position near Hassan ben Sahid lair. Oriental warship was used with 2 +10% sail improvements and the 1st level attainment «Oriental Shipbuilding». Position your ship on the right side of the lair near the shore and Hassan ben Sahid will offer to start the race. Move camera to checkpoint, send the ship and then agree by clicking the tick mark.
VI: The di Mercante case[]
Difficulty: Medium
Focus: Adventure, Trade, Logistics
There is an achievement available called «Master detective» which requires you to complete all five sidequests during this scenario. This achievement was originally glitched and unable to be obtained, but the Venice patch 2.1 fixed it so it is attainable.
Three of the sidequests will start as you play the mission, but the «Groundless» quest only starts if you sail just a bit southwest of Al Zahir’s island and see the grounded ship. The next sidequest «Unknown Cargo» will immediately begin after completing the prior.
VII: Archipelago[]
Difficulty: Medium
Focus: Development, Economy
You will need at least 92 occidental houses to get noblemen. You can win by using about 2/3 of your main island for houses. The other 1/3 can be used for Cider farms, Lumberjacks huts, Forest glassworks, ect.
You will need at least 20 oriental houses in order to produce Indigo, which is necessary for Books.
Hemp can be grown on the small island east of your main island. Bread, beer, wood, tools, and stone can be obtained from the island to the far west of your main island. Pigs can be placed on the small oriental island to the southeast of your main island and then transported north to the only occidental island that has a river.
Note: There is an achievement for settling on all islands in this scenario titled «Lord of the Reefs»
VIII: A rotten bet[]
Difficulty: Medium
Focus: Development, Economy
This scenario requires fulfilling the following conditions and maintaining them for 60 seconds.
- Have at least 1000 beggars in your settlement
- Your balance in positive
- Your population is at least «Happy»
The beggar mechanics are slightly different than normal in this scenario.
- Many more beggars than normal arrive.
- Beggars refuse to enter hospices. This will be a serious drain on your capital: roughly 1500 gold per minute for 1000 beggars.
Note: There is an achievement for asking tribute from Northburgh, Al Zahir, or Garibaldi. It’s a good idea to ask for tribute repeatedly anyway.
- Refused or evicted beggars will not return. The only way to get more beggars is to expand your settlement further.
- Maintaining a positive balance: The number of beggar in your settlement is proportionate to the number of citizens (and up) you have. This means that you can have as many peasants and nomads/envoys as you like without being flooded with beggars. Create a large peasant city and slowly upgrade them to citizens to grow your beggar population without risk of going bankrupt.
- You only have to meet the requirements for 60 seconds. If you have problems maintaining a positive balance, but meet the other requirements, stockpile enough goods to keep your population «Happy», then start deleting your production buildings. This will quickly bring your balance to positive, thus allowing your to meet the objectives for 60 seconds.
- Don’t forget to set your oriental population to be happy in order to get the 60 second countdown started.
IX: Scourge of the seven seas[]
Difficulty: Medium
Focus: Adventure, Military
In this scenario you will start at the dead center of the map with a single corsair ship with 6 attack and the inherent auto repair ability. To increase your fleet size and rank with the corsairs you will have to pillage and plunder. With the money from the loot you gather from the ships and warehouses (mainly ships), you can buy corsair ships with 8 attack, these ships are brilliantly fast and have their auto repair. But the more you plunder the more large war ships start wrecking your party. These are quite hard beat and can destroy several of your corsair ships.
Eventually you will be so admired by Hassan he will send you to destroy a fleet of 4 large warships and 1 large trading ship. This trading ship holds an item called «loot» which finishes he scenario when given to Hassan.
You can buy a large fleet but another possibility is to just buy the key of power from Hassan. (Nobleman item) Sail into the ships and sink them. After that just sink that trading ship and you’ve won the scenario.
There are three achievements possible:
- Defeat 15 Navy (red) ships
- Acquire 80,000 total bounty (will be done naturally as you progress through the level usually)
- Achieve both the above achievements for the final one.
- Most important tip would be, keep clicking the refresh button as often as you can to make sure you have boarding teams to board large war ships. The first one I took was with the starter ship and one bought ship, simply dragged out the battle until one of my ships was almost destroyed then I used the other to board and it succeeded.
- Building on what the above tip said, make sure you take control of quest enemy ships. These ships are mainly named «Enemy Small Warship» or something similar with either 500 or 800 health. These ships are slow as dirt, have one item slot and cargo hold and they do either 6 or 10 damage pending on their size. Despite being limited, they have no upkeep cost and will not be attacked by the emperor’s navy, an AI’s navy or any military buildings. This is most likely a glitch, but these quest ships can be left in front of a harbor to build up your bounty and they will never be destroyed. Also good for finishing off the final quest as they once again will not be attacked.
- The bought ships are perfect for taking out small ships and getting away with the booty and doing so continuously, so keep buying them.
- Basic fighting skills like focusing all fire power on a single ship generally makes for a won battle.
- Blocking the main port of a player gives quite a lot of loot at once, just put one or two large war ships in front of it beyond the range of the towers and let the corsair ships pick up everything. Be sure to get away before an overwhelming force of large war ships arrives though.
- Enemy ship AI is rather stupid. They will typically focus on one of your ships and ignore the rest, allowing you to move the focused ship just out of range of the enemy while the rest of your ships continues shooting without counterattack. This is especially true in the final battle: those warship do not move at all, allowing you to pick them off one at a time.
- To get money without increasing your rank among the corsairs, board large trade-ships, repair them, and fill with valuable cargo. Then sell ship at a much higher price. The cargo will be dropped in front of the corsair trade building and can be reused for next ship.
X: Noblesse oblige[]
Difficulty: Medium
Focus: Development, Trade, Logistics
Your task is to reach noblemen, using oriental islands only. The scenario is won as soon as you obtain your first nobleman.
Note that although the quest description states that you are to build a Metropolis, you do not need to reach «Metropolis» city status (3500 noblemen/5240 envoys). A status of «City» (1190 patricians) is enough to produce the single nobleman that is required.
This is actually a quite tricky scenario. It requires you to play quite differently because there aren’t the proper fertilities to grow all the goods you need. The key to winning is to set up many passive purchase orders on all your islands and to also use customs items to boost your goods.
- You cannot produce cider, hemp, wheat, or herbs. Northburgh will never sell seeds for this either. You must use Passive Trading for these items. Withholding goods from your Occidental population is critical to conserve supply. You can restrict Peasants from Cider & Citizens from Linen without revolting.
- Adjust the sliders in the Passive Trading to set not only how much Cider and Hemp you want, but also how much you are willing to pay. You can do this at each island you have which will encourage more frequent visits from traders.
- You can optionally choose to not buy linen garments but buy hemp instead and produce the garments yourself. This is cheaper but Northburgh is the only one who sells Hemp and he prefers to not sell much, so you may want to buy both.
- Lumber and Coal are hard to find on Oriental Islands, but a Noria can be used to make fertile terrain and you can plant trees yourself to reach 100% productivity.
- You can produce books and leather jerkins entirely without buying goods. But so few books are needed to reach noblemen that you don’t even need to setup books production. You can just buy books.
- Focus on setting up a large Oriental island with at least 2 Bazaars with or nomad houses.
- Karim may offer «Duty Levied» items on occasion if you accomplish his quests. Therefore, you may consider developing your oriental population to at least 1040 Envoys in order to complete his tasks.
- Occasional sandstorms may affect the world, possibly halting production or causing the population to move out. Therefore don’t forget to check twice if the houses are full before letting the population consume goods that need to be bought in order to avoid upgrading delay and unnecessary loss of goods.
- Hoard Cider through passive trading, once you have enough to start ascending Citizens (40-50), get just enough Citizens enough to produce Iron & Tools, then start cutting off cider to Peasants and then focus on building up a huge Oriental Population all the way to at least 1 Envoy and passively/active sell Carpets or other profitable goods.
- Max out the Trading Fleet Attainments for Zahir and Northburgh to encourage frequent trades with them.
- Hoard Hemp and use your own weaver hut. One will be enough if you’re restricting supply. Once you have around 100 Linen, Advance enough Patricians to reach Glass. Then restrict linens to just Patricians. At this point you should only be needing a steady source of Hemp and Cider. Build the Church when you can.
- Start hoarding Wheat and Herbs and produce a large supply of Bread and Beer. Never let Patricians consume these goods until you’re ready to advance them. You can let them consume Jerkins as Pigs can be made anywhere. Actively buy Paper from Northburgh and horde it in your Occidental City, along with sufficient Indigo to produce books quickly.
- When you have around 50 Beer, 50 Bread, 100 Linens, and 150 Cider, and a large stockpile of Glass, Stone, Tools, and Wood in your Occidental City; start aggressively advancing the entire population. Move all their sliders into Euphoric. Once you reach the second last stage of the Patricians, you’ll need to build books quickly. Put down 2-3 Print Houses to quickly pump out books to keep up with the demand. As soon as you have the Debtor’s Prison, plunk it down and advance a single Patrician to win the scenario.
- Get the attainment Imperial Merchant Fleet. This allows you to buy more goods, and more frequently[2].
XI: Incognito[]
Difficulty: Hard
Focus: Development, Logistics
This scenarios is comprised of several assignments with a time limit. If you fail to complete any of the tasks within the time limit, you also have the option to pay a fine. Failing to pay the fine will fail the scenario.
- Introduction. Time available: 8 minutes. Task: visit Garibaldi’s ship. Upon expiry of time: automatically advance to first assignment.
- First inspection. Time available: 30 minutes. Upon expiry of time: a fine of 20,000 gold coins, to be paid within 4 minutes. Task: build the following.
- a city wall connecting the two existing towers
- 1 gatehouse
- 2 watchtowers
- 2 large statues
- Second inspection. Time available: +30 minutes. Upon expiry of time: a fine of 30,000 gold coins, to be paid within 4 minutes. Tasks:
- 1 church
- 1 bailiwick
- no beggars on the streets
- Third inspection. Time available: +30 minutes. Upon expiry of time: a fine of 45,000 gold coins, to be paid within 4 minutes. Tasks: build the following.
- 10 nomad houses
- 1 mosque
- 13 palm trees
- Fourth inspection. Upon expiry of time: a fine of 100,000 gold coins, to be paid within 4 minutes. Time available: +30 minutes. Tasks:
- 1190 patricians
- 1 manorial palace
- 4 corners
- 4 residential wings
- 1 gatehouse (ornamental)
Winning this scenario is pretty easy, but the real challenge is completing the scenario with at least 30 minutes to spare to get the achievement ‘I work best under pressure’.
This scenario is about fast and cost-effective building. There is plenty of space, so don’t bother about efficient building.
The inspector uses the 4 platforms to «check» if you’ve built what is required, so don’t build around these spaces. Each platform has an influence area when you click on them that reveal the circle the game ‘checks’ to see if the required buildings are present. The administrator will stand there for inspection and you have to build the assignments within his influence area (also the nomad houses and mosque of the third inspection!).
Once you’ve completed an assignment you are free to demolish the buildings. This applies mostly for the Towers and Mosque as they offer your city little when built and have a reasonable upkeep.
Building all structures requires at least 1190 Patricians (for Manorial Palace), and at least 450 Nomads with enough favor to gain access to Quartz and a Mosque. Aim for these objectives while simultaneously completing the require objectives.
Use as much from the introduction time as possible since you don’t get a reward for unused time. Time left from the assignments creates honour and bonus time, so always complete each stage as fast as possible!!
Also request quests from the mentors to get honour faster. You really only need honour for buying enough diplomatic ranks to reach «Sheik’s Ally». Once that happens, use all additional honour to ask for grants from all the mentors.
Start by immediately setting up three complete tools production chains on your main island. Connect Brother Hilarious and buy extra goods and buy all the Tools from Northburgh who is just north of your island. from him in the beginning. Also set up all four stonemason huts and about 10 lumberjacks. You can grab an additional Stonemason Hut on the Spice Island and ship this over.
Build a harbour masters office in the south-west for more efficient handling of the oriental trade routes. Edit the current spice route to go to your new harbour.
Do not colonize another occidental island (no need) but do colonize one of the two large oriental islands in the south or southwest.
One trick is to immediately demolish the oriental houses on ‘Aschgabad’ and change the trading route to bring both spices and dates to your main island. Now build a new oriental city right by your occidental city (where the south-east little platform is below your main city layout. Now build goat farms on your occidental island. Build an extra noria or two on ‘Aschgabad’ and build 2 more spice farms and 2 more dates farms.
Get enough nomads to unlock the quartz mines, mosaic quarries, and mosque (440 nomads). Now build two quartz mines on either large oriental island and ship it back. You need 75 Glass & Stone to complete the Manorial Palace.
You’ll probably run out of money before the final stage where you have to build the very costly manorial palace parts. Produce extra linen garments, bread, tools, and ropes for a nice cash boost. Actively sell and passively sell as many surplus goods as possible and request Grants from the NPCs. Generate more money out of passive sales by maximizing the trading fleets in the attainments menu.
If you’re really efficient, you can beat this level with close to an hour left. Note that the «I work best under pressure» achievement for completing the scenario with 30 minutes or more remaining on the clock was supposedly fixed to work in version 2.1, but sometimes you still don’t get the achievement. The Unofficial Patch can be used to force this achievement.
- Note: One devious strategy is to demolish each manorial segment after you build it. For instance, once all four corners are built, demolish all them. This saves the maintenance, although this method is a bit of an exploit.
XII: Istar’s labyrinth[]
Difficulty: Hard
Focus: Adventure
Find 16 treasures hidden in the labyrinth.
[Spoiler Warning!] Here’s a map of the labyrinth including locations of all items, goods, and treasures.
Notice in the storm on the right side, you can find a boarding crew. With this item you can take over one of the small war ships.
XIII: Elysium[]
Difficulty: Hard
Focus: Development, Economy
Attain 1404 noblemen. Tax income is disabled.
With tax income disabled, you will have to make your money from trade. Active trade and passive trade are both viable options for gathering enough money to complete this scenario.
XIV: Pact with a bard[]
Difficulty: Hard
Focus: Development, Military
Destroy Baroness Zanchi’s manorial palace on her main island. Do not allow Leif to be destroyed.
The player starts with neutral reputation with Zanchi and an alliance with Leif. Ingratiation and tributes to Zanchi are disabled. Zanchi will make regular demands for tribute. Failing to pay these results in war.
Note: There is an achievement for beating this scenario in only 1 real-life hour. This means you can and should use fast-forward as much as possible to make this deadline.
The easiest method to victory is to only recruit Trebuchets through the Robber Baron’s Castle. You simply wait about 20 minutes and accumulate about 10 of these units. While waiting, expand production to meet your people’s needs, such as more Cider, Linen Garments, and Bread. Then declare war, and land right at the upper part of the Baroness’s island. Then destroy the main gate with all your Trebuchets. Move directly on to destroying the Manorial Palace. Keep building more Trebuchets. You’ll probably have to do a couple waves of attack.
Meanwhile, have your 4 starting ships go stay by her Warehouse and keep destroying all her ships. You shouldn’t ever need to build any more Ships. The Baroness is very stupid and victory can be had if you trick her into sailing her troops into the water so you can kill them. If she was smart, this mission would become nearly impossible.
You can also try for a slower, more economic route to victory. At the start you can expand settling Leif’s main island and claim the river sites. Those will come in very handy when producing leather jerkins and books. Ingratiate him and pay a bit of tribute to compensate for the lost reputation.
It is possible to buy out Zanchi’s main island. This will be very expensive. When you buy the key to the city, you become owner of the Manorial Palace and can simply demolish it to achieve victory.
You want to aim for 3 large military camps, and 2 trebuchet positions from Barnabas.
You can complete this scenario in 20 minutes, really easily. Build a few more houses, an extra hemp production chain, a weapons chain, 2 more stone masons, and a spare weapons smelter near your other tools production (but keep it deactivated for now). Also build another beer chain. Set the tax income for your Patricians and nomads to happy (light-green), and once you have enough patrician houses (enough for 38 unit limit — around 36-38 Patrician houses), also change the tax income on your Citizens.
Build the keep, and enable your second weapons smithy, disabling the toolmakers as long as you have a surplus (probably around 25t) of tools. This is so you can rebuild your city when it gets sabotaged. Before you run out of money, donate your honor for money (the 150 honor interaction), to get some extra funds. Also attempt to sell any surplus goods you have.
Position your military camps (transport ships) near the beach which is nearest to the Palace, along with your warships. By quickly declaring war, using your ships to protect your ships, land using one of the trebuchet units, and quickly place all 4 of your remaining troops down, making sure that one of your large military camps is the first to land, so it can tank the shots from the gatehouse. Now, send all your camps to attack the gatehouse, and once its destroyed, move them up next to the Manorial Palace. You can place your trebuchet position in direct range of the Palace, without having to destroy any of the smaller buildings. Now, just set it to attack the Palace, and protect it with your 3 military camps. You may end up loosing the Castle that you landed with, but don’t worry. As long as you destroy the Palace, you automatically win.
XV: Barren lands[]
Difficulty: Hard
Focus: Development, Trade, Logistics
- Build a city with 4,000 noblemen in a world with minimal fertility.
- Rid the world of the corsairs. Each island cleared gives 400 honour and 5000 gold coins. Upon completion of this quest (the keep and the three Watchtowers around it can be left intact despite the Quest’s «63» Tower count which should be «60»), the player receives The last contingent.
- The last contingent. Destroy a fleet of 13 corsair ships. Completion enables trade (both passive and active) with Hassan ben Sahid. The corsairs are the only source of seeds on this map.
It’s best to play this map in two distinct phases: fighting the corsairs & building the cathedral.
- Fighting the corsairs:
- Build a settlement and begin to gather coin in order to buy honour from Lord Richard Northburgh.
- You can get tools by trading with Lord Richard Northburgh or by buying them from a monastery located on the island you start on.
- There is an excavation site on the island; I highly recommend providing the required equipment for the excavation as it will create items. Most of the items will be useless but can later be traded for a large sum of honour from Lord Richard Northburgh.
- With enough honour buy 2 small war ships and explore the map. Find the Grand Vizier Al Zahir so you are able to trade honour for large oriental warships.
- Destroy the 60 Harbour Towers located around the coasts of islands. You do NOT need to destroy the Keep and three Watchtowers on the upper-right island, despite the game counting the Watchtowers in its total 63 towers. You just need to destroy the armies.
- You can destroy the corsair’s armies with your ships. Build a warehouse on one of their islands and any armies on it will move in to destroy it, putting them in range of your ship’s cannons.
- Now complete the fraternization quest, which requires destroying the Corsair fleet.
- The 13 ships of The last contingent can be taken out with a single harbour defence tower. See screenshot for demonstration. Only the center ship fights back, the rest completely ignores the tower. They all eventually die without putting up much of a fight. This method exploits the bad AI, so you may wish to use the old fashioned method of attacking with Ships, retreating to heal, and repeating until you win. Although, you will lose many Ships trying to attack them.
Taking out 13 corsair ships with one tower
- Building the cathedral:
- Buy seeds from Hassan. Grow Cider and Hemp on islands.
You cannot buy any seeds from the corsairs until you have completed the missions.
- You require 521 Houses total, with no Beggars or Envoys, to settle 4000 Noblemen.
- The entire game you will only be able to plant cider and hemp seeds (date fertility is already provided) so all other resources will have to be traded for.
- Settle all islands and put in purchase orders for Bread, Beer, and other goods. Then set up trade routes to bring these goods to your main island.
- Settle the volcanic island and buy a geologist, who will allow you to make any number of the types of mines he provides. For example, you can build five salt mines with just one brine geologist.
- Disallow Goods for your people that you cannot produce yourself. Only briefly allow all goods to push for further city levels. Don’t worry about upsetting your population.
- Other resources:
- Article on Barren lands on German Anno Wiki
- Great Walkthrough from Thread on Barren lands on Ubi forums
- ↑ Calculated using the Population Calculator
- ↑
Карту назвал столь пафосно не просто так. Я решил не только сделать саму карту, но и переработать квесты, награды, особенности персонажей игры и т. д.
— размер 2048 на 2048;
— цвет игрока — фиолетовый;
— 8 конкурентов, трое из которых активны (ведут себя как всегда) и пятеро — пассивны (колонизируют только один остров, после чего ничего не делают; с ними нельзя поговорить через дипломатию, но сами они могут (и будут) льстить/оскорблять/требовать дань/выплачивать дань игроку и заключать с ним договоры; можно торговать и получать квесты, если заключён соответствующий договор);
— использованы не только обычные острова, но и острова кампании и венецианских сценариев;
— переработаны и изменены (обычно в сторону усложнения) все квесты Лорда Нортберга, Аль-Захира, Хассана, Джакомо Гарибальди, всех конкурентов и всех нейтральных сил, а также часть квестов императора и султана;
— изменены награды за квесты Лорда Нортберга, Аль-Захира, Хассана и Джакомо Гарибальди (например, раньше Нортберг за квест мог дать один из нескольких десятков предметов, а теперь — один из более двухсот);
— изменён список предметов, которые может добыть Академия Мудрости;
— изменён список предметов, которые можно привезти из экспедиций (по картам, купленным у Хассана);
— изменён список предметов, которые могут добыть археологи;
— убраны расходы на содержание практически всех декоративных объектов, ибо раньше не было большого слысла их строить;
— добавлено много новых предметов (более сорока проектов зданий, несколько экспедиционных карт и другое);
— появилось два новых здания: башня корсаров и венецианская портовая башня (оба можно построить только с помощью проекта, который может быть создан в Академии Мудрости, получен в награду за квест Хассана или Гарибальди соотвественно (с очень низким шансом) либо куплен у них же (предметы вкладки патрициев, шанс тоже не слишком высок));
— много новых квестов, в частности новый вид — квесты на доставку кораблей или войск квестодателю (раньше такие квесты были только в сценариях Венеции и кампании);
— теперь у нейтральных сил есть гербы;
— цвета (всех конкурентов) и герб (только Мари д’Артуа и только на нормальной сложности) были изменены;
— все стихийные бедствия включены, причём некоторые были усилены (чума чаще срабатывает и быстрее распространяется, буря покрывает бОльшую площадь, вулкан извергается чаще, сильнее и дольше, камни вулкана при извержении летят дальше);
— Хассан на продажу предлагает новые виды кораблей (корабли с серебром, корабли с золотом, корабли эскорта…);
— военный флот Хассана стал куда более разнообразным (не только корабли корсаров, но и все военные и некоторые торговые корабли Запада, Востока и Венеции);
— вражеские корабли по квестам также были изменены;
— все конкуренты теперь могут покупать корабли у Хассана;
— конкуренты на старте имеют по несколько поселений;
— игрок тоже со старта имеет один крохотный островок возле Хассана, где из-за нехватки места нельзя ничего построить кроме порта, но зато изначально есть ремонтный кран;
— несколько островов на карте специально предназначались для игрока (те, что помечены на скриншоте сверху, где показано почти самое начало партии) — один на северо-западе карты (западный; рыцари-разбойники и археологи на одном острове) и два на юго-западе (восточные; один огромный с Академией Мудрости, другой огромный и весь зелёный);
— плотность островов очень высока;
— на некоторых восточных островах есть западные ресурсы (соль) и сельхоз. культуры (без комментариев) и наоборот (в основном на самых мелких и поганых островах);
— архив содержит три файла: easyverygreatmap (упрощённая версия), verygreatmap (стандарт) и hardverygreatmap (усложнённая версия), разница между которыми только в стартовых деньгах, славе и конкурентах:
— на лёгком — 70000 денег и 250 славы, активные конкуренты — Хильдегард, Виллем и Елена, а пассивные — Мари, Гай, Лейф, Гэвин, Констанца Занхи;
— на среднем — 50000 денег и 100 славы, активные конкуренты — Мари, Гай и Лейф, а пассивные — Хильдегард, Виллем, Елена, Гэвин, Луций;
— на сложном — 30000 денег и 0 славы, активные конкуренты — Луций, Констанца Занхи и Ди Мерканте, а пассивные — Лейф, Гай, Мари, Елена, Гэвин;
— и другое…
Обновлено: 31.01.2023
Вообще, редактор карт можно много где скачать, но после этого у многих возникает проблема. А именно: он не устанавливается на русскую версию игры, требуя английскую, которую найти ой как непросто.
Поэтому я решил выложить уже установленный редактор карт. Он-то точно (ну, почти наверняка) не будет ругаться на русскую версию игры.
Чтобы использовать его, вы должны перекинуть (с заменой) содержимое архива в папку с установленной игрой Анно 1404: Венеция.
Что касается работы в редакторе, то есть несколько важных файлов:
— WorldEditor2.exe — редактор карт в буквальном смысле данного слова, то есть в нём редактируются. карты. Размещаются острова, плодородные культуры и ресурсы, устанавливаются конкуренты, создаётся освещение, располагаются нейтральные силы. Также здесь меняется размер, название и описание карты. Только для оригинальной игры, без аддона!
— WorldEditor2AddonUserContent.bat — (да, запускается именно с .bat-файла, не с .exe !) — аналогично предыдущему, но для Венеции. Соответственно, содержит венецианские острова и тому подобное. Все карты для аддона создавать исключительно в нём.
— ToolOne.exe — редактор квестов, наград за квесты, особенностей поведения конкурентов, кораблей, зданий, предметов, товаров, цен, текстов,названий и многого, многого другого.
— ToolOneUserContent_Addon.bat — аналогично предыдущему, но для Венеции. Естественно, карты аддона редактируются в нём, а не в прошлом файле. Содержит не только предметы, корабли и другой контент оригинала, но и контент Венеции.
Также, что важно, в toolone можно переключить язык на русский (вкладка texteditor, рядом с вкладками file, edit, view, mode).
Так держать. Как раз сегодня утром пытался третий раз скачать подходящую версию игры, но ничего не вышло. Психонул — удалил всю игру и пакеты установщика. Через пару часов Вы нашли идеальный вариант. Вот же совпадения бывают. Так получается, что теперь та версия 1.1 нам не нужна теперь? Редактор островов есть, редактор мира теперь (благодаря вам) тоже есть.
Joel Alkosso Я уже расписал в комментарии под IslandEditor’ом. В общем, я думаю, что 1.1 не нужна. Спасибо, кстати, за скачивание. Приятно видеть, что труды не бесполезны, особенно, когда дело касается, к сожалению, далеко не самой популярной игры.
Turnox Теперь, после нервных недель, я должен заново скачать anno. Буду пробовать создавать острова ещё раз.
Наконец-то кто-то это сделал! А то кидают только установщики, а английскую версию игры мне искать лень, её ещё и устанавливать надо.. Вообщем огромное спасибо!)
Вот собственно моя карта для дополнения Венеция.
Карту делал для удобства(по скрину отметил два главных острова красным цветом)(синим отмечены острова Норберта,Венеция,Корсары и визирь.)(И оранжевым отмечены острова представляющие большую ценность. (первый-весьма необычный вулканический.второй-небольшой райский остров на котором растут все ресурсы!:)))
(Карта сделана на основе игровой карты «65432»)
Вес карты 88 кб
И некоторые,нужные параметры карты:
Игроки:Гай Форкас,Констанция Занхи,Луций.
Возмещение при сносе здания-полное
Катастрофы:песчаная буря,грозовая буря,извержение вулкана.
Деньги-норм (30000)
Слава-мало (100)
Шпионаж и гор.совет включены
Условий победы нет
Установка:(для win7) В Документах заходим в папку «ANNO 1404 Венеция» там создаем папку «Scenarios» и в нее кидаем файл с картой.
Заходим в игру,и жмем кнопку «Пользовательские сценарии»
Жмем на карту и играем!)
Anno 1404 features a single-player story mode known as the Campaign. It tells the story of planned crusade-turned-plot to overthrow the Emperor. Besides introducing characters, it also doubles as a tutorial and introduction to the basics of Anno 1404 game-play.
It’s recommended that new players play through the Campaign before trying the scenarios or continuous mode.
Note: The cities you build in each chapter do not carry over to the next chapter.
There are special medals and achievements awarded for completing the campaign on easy, medium, and hard (You only need to play on the hard difficulty to unlock all three) and for completing every single quest in every single story mission.
Chapter 5: A Storm Breaks Out [ ]
«Avert the threat of War between the Occident
and the Orient and expose Guy Forcas
for the deceitful wretch he is.»
Chapter 7: The Man with the Mask [ ]
«Rescue Lord Ricard from exile with Al Zahir’s help, and save the Emperor’s life.»
Chapter 3: Departure for the Promised Land [ ]
«Build Guy Forcas a Harbour and prepare
the Crusader fleet for departure.»
Chapter 2: In the Sign of the Cross [ ]
«Expand your Settlement and supply
the growing Crusader army.»
Chapter 4: The Lost Children [ ]
«Solve the mystery of the missing Children and
establish the first contacts with the Orient.»
Chapter 6: Caught in a trap [ ]
«Stand up to Cardinal Lucius and help
Marie d’Artois defend her City.»
Points [ ]
Each of the 8 chapters contains a certain static amount of quests that are each worth a certain amount of points. Upon completing each chapter a victory screen will be displayed that lists the total points you earned. There is an achievement for completing all quests in all chapters on hard, which unlocks a special title as well. This achievement is also needed to get «The Gold Ship» achievement.
Most quests you can’t avoid and you’ll complete as you play each chapter, but there are a number of missable sidequests. A few of these are very easy to miss. The walkthrough labels all sidequests and tells you how and when to complete them, but be aware that if you skip around in the walkthrough, you might miss them.
Chapter 1: A Declaration of Faith [ ]
«Show that you are worthy of your Fiefdom and support Lord Richard Northburgh during construction of his Cathedral.»
Chapter 8: Pillars of Justice [ ]
«Complete the Cathedral construction in an unequal contest and put a stop to Cardinal
Lucius once and for all.»
Сообщество Империал: [Anno 1404] Любимый сценарий — Сообщество Империал
В Anno 1404 помимо бесконечной игры, с дополнением Venice предлагаются следующие сценарии:
Крутой бейдевинд
Продемонстрируйте свои способности, выиграв в гонке с контролем времени.
Специализация: приключения
Подготовьте свой город для тайной встречи Джакомо Гарибальди
Специализация: строительство, логистика
А какой сценарий выбираете вы? Часто ли вам удаётся одержать в нём победу?
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Осуществить рейд в мир пиратов. Очистка каждого острова дает 400 почестей, и 5000 золотых монет. По завершению задания игрок получает задание Последний Контингент (могут остаться нетронутыми цитадель и наблюдательные вышки, несмотря на значение счетчика башен «63», который должен быть равен «60»)
Игрок начинает с нейтральной репутацией у Занчи и в союзе с Лейфом. Заискивания перед Занчи, и платежи ей заблокированы. Занчи будет регулярно требовать о платежи. Отказ от них приведет к войне.
С отключенными налогами вам придется делать деньги на торговле. И активная, и пассивная торговля являются допустимыми вариантами для сбора достаточной суммы, чтобы завершить данный сценарий…
Данный сценарий состоит из нескольких заданий с ограниченным временем.
1. Ознакомление. Выделенное время: 8 минут. Задача: посетить корабль Гарибальди. По истечению времени: автоматический переход к первому заданию…
В данном сценарии вы начинаете в мертвом центре карты с единственным пиратским кораблем, способным выполнить 6 атак, и имеющим встроенные возможности автоматического ремонта. Для увеличения размера вашего флота, и своего статуса среди пиратов, вам необходимо грабить и мародерствовать.
Вы должны найти три артефакта на трех островах, используя подразделение копателей (называемое в игре «Охотники за сокровищами»). Однако каждый раз, когда вы развертываете поселение на острове с артефактом, Колдуньи вызывают на острове стихийное бедствие.
Этот сценарий о победе в морской гонке. Для победы в финальной гонке вам необходим восточный торговый корабль, так что вы можете сначала получить его, а только затем участвовать во всех гонках.
Надежда найти свою дочь приносит смысл в жизнь Вилема, впавшего в меланхолию. Однако его возраст берет свое, и он рад, что вы согласились выполнить его просьбу, и помочь ему с расследованием.
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Привет всем. Захотел установить пользовательские сценарии! Зашел на портал юбисофт, качнул (разрешение .rdu), воткнул в папку C:UsersUserDocumentsAnno 1404, а игра их не видит! В чем трабла? Коллекционка от нового диска, последний патч установленный автоматом! и Еще вопрос: неужели кампания такая короткая — всего 8 глав? |
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пуфик |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
Привет от гробокопателей |
Wonderboy |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
пуфик Скорее всего, ты планку налогов менял, чтобы побольше доходов выжать. 99%, что из-за этого горожане дальше и не хотят развиваться. Поставь назад, чтобы они счастливыми были (вроде так называется), и вскоре они начнут развиваться |
пуфик |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
Wonderboy писал(а): пуфик Скорее всего, ты планку налогов менял, чтобы побольше доходов выжать. 99%, что из-за этого горожане дальше и не хотят развиваться. Поставь назад, чтобы они счастливыми были (вроде так называется), и вскоре они начнут развиваться Да «давил» через раз на мак до предела когда чуть двинь и «уезжают» но потом обычно такое же время им давал оклематься на «эйфории» иначе бы их у меня было значительно мень чем 1250-1400 как сейчас Цитата: …..но не стоит упускать из виду развитие своей колонии, сразу же запрещаем жителям автоматический переход на новый социальный уровень.
Добавлено спустя 9 часов 4 минуты 16 секунд: |
Wonderboy |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
пуфик писал(а): Дал подольше горожанам поэйфорировать. В итоге стали мутировать в патрициев, хлеб есть и пиво кушать …что и требовалось доказать |
пуфик |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
Вот ещё для меня загадка #77 Бос пиратов мзу требует или договор для дальнейших общих дел заключить пытается? Я до сих пор его отшивал думая что он вымогает, но может я ошибаюсь и тем самым теряю какие то возможности в развитии? |
Tatsumi |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
пуфик писал(а): Бос пиратов мзу требует или договор для дальнейших общих дел заключить пытается? Это он мзду требует. Как я помню, это только дань, чтобы он корабли торговые не трогал. Если его так отшивать, то он таки нападёт них. |
пуфик |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
Каким колличеством не секрет? Сейчас я один на один топлю всё что плавает по заданиям. В первой разе он на порт напал и я его с корабля + 2 башни потопил на раз тут же залечившись. Но в открытом бою с этим кораблём уже бы точно не справился. Сейчас могу строить большие корабли. Видимо всё таки придётся делать большой военный корабль для сопровождения торговцев. Сейчас все поездки рядом с «Тартугой» сопровождаю флагманом для спокойствия. |
ReXaN |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
пуфик, ну, такую мзду я бы заплатил, потом наглеть начинает и сумма увеличивается. Заключишь с ним мирное временное! соглашение, потом опять будет требовать. Но ты сможешь у него покупать уникальные веши (например, карты сокровищь) и необходимые товары для развития, например готовые пушки. Но это полезно сделать в начале при быстром развитии. ПС: если я правильно помню. |
пуфик |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
Спасибо. К этому моменту я ещё потопил менее десятка его кораблей. Возможно поэтому он после каждого такого случая орёт об компенсации постоянно наращивая сумму «налога» от стартовых 2000 золотых. То что «платёж дружбы» будет не разовым само-собой понятно и вероятность нагления тоже не вызывала сомнений. Меня интересовали пусть временные но плюшки от таких взаимоотношений. Просто не хотел тем что заплатив один раз увеличить сумму одновременно справоцировать его на ранюю атаку меня… так как второй платёж я бы ему без явной личной выгоды 100% «завернул». |
24500 |
Junior Статус: Не в сети |
Есть ли разница в цене на товары при торговле с разными островами (игроками) и при торговле через контору (не через маршруты)? |
пуфик |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
Заметил что если везёшь товар туда где в нём нуждаются то навар может быть раза два выше чем черз контору. Если туда где не нуждаются и более того не из их продуктов, что они вообще не используют даже при полном отсутствии на их складе будет где то в два раза ниже чем через контору потому что там товар покупает тот кто в нём нуждается. |
eternity |
Junior Статус: Не в сети |
Всех любителей данной игры могу порадовать: игру переиздали в стиме, без DRM. В Российском сторе она доступна под названием Dawn of Discovery. Наконец-то это случилось, УРА! |
CoolCmd |
Advanced member Статус: Не в сети |
eternity не понял причину такой радости. и зачем было название менять? а 1701 в стиме есть? |
Haustmyrkr |
Заблокирован Статус: Не в сети |
Товарищи, нужен совет. Первый раз играю, сели с супругой и разбираемся. Не можем понять как добывать соль, такого здания как соляная шахта просто нет. Буду благодарен за совет, в инете только аналогичные вопросы, без ответов. P.S. играем в «Бесконечную игру». |
Wonderboy |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
Haustmyrkr писал(а): Не можем понять как добывать соль, такого здания как соляная шахта просто нет. А что, вы уже до патрициев докачались? |
Haustmyrkr |
Заблокирован Статус: Не в сети |
Wonderboy вас понял, спасибо! То есть нужно довольство поднимать, что они появлялись и потом всё появится (здания)? Ну, в принципе, логично. |
Иваныч07 |
Member Статус: Не в сети |
Где найти полный список квестов, которые выдают Султан и Император, после построй Султанской Мечети и императорского Собора? |
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