Поздравление от дэдпула с днем рождения

Ryan Reynolds' Merc With A Mouth, Deadpool himself sends Happy Birthday wishes to Betty White, as the latter celebrates turning 96.

Ryan Reynolds’ Merc With A Mouth, Deadpool himself sends Happy Birthday wishes to Betty White, as the latter celebrates turning 96.

Deadpool has sent Betty White Happy Birthday greetings for her 96th birthday. The Merc With a Mouth, gearing up for the theatrical release of his sequel Deadpool 2 later this year, took to Twitter to share good wishes for the beloved nonagenarian.

The Golden Girls actress is still going strong at 96 and has seen a resurgence in popularity that films like Deadpool and Deadpool 2 have contributed to, thanks to the Merc with a Mouth’s interest in breaking the typical anti-hero mold. Deadpool has a comic based interest in The Golden Girls. He hallucinated Bea Arthur during one of his runs and calling her «an angel of God.» Everything about the character has tied into that TV show, from the names of the mercenary’s Katanas (Bea and Arthur, respectively) to the Deadpool 2 teaser trailer that features a Betty White joke.


Factoring in the character’s massive comics history, Deadpool wishing Betty White a happy birthday isn’t just a piece of clever marketing (as well as the polite thing to do), it’s also something the character would probably try and do in canon. The wonderfully weird and utterly delightful marketing team behind Deadpool 2 have both the easiest job in the world and the hardest, when marketing their film. Deadpool blurs the line between the world he inhabits and the world watching Deadpool, just like he does in the comics. That’s why Deadpool 2 wishing Betty White a happy birthday (see the tweet embedded below) is much more than just a pleasant wish, a tie-in, and a funny joke.

Deadpool 2 stars Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson aka. Deadpool, Josh Brolin as Cable, Zazie Beatz as Domino, and Jack Kesy as Black Tom Cassidy. The newcomers are joined by returning characters Briana Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Stefan Kapicic as Colossus, Karan Soni as Dopinder, and Monica Baccarin as Vanessa.

Although the Deadpool sequel has encountered multiple roadblocks over the course of its development by now, it continues to soldier on (much like Wade Wilson himself), and is even set to hit theaters two weeks earlier than previously scheduled now. As such, fans can expect the marketing for Deadpool 2 to start ramping up in a  meaningful way, sooner than later. Reynolds as Deadpool tends to weigh in on everything from birthdays to major corporate deals through his Twitter account, so you can expect to see even more of that in the coming weeks. There’s already been some of that recently, when Reynolds (hilariously) invited a lucky fan to the Deadpool 2 premiere through his social media channel.

Consequently, people should start gearing up and girding themselves to see more of Deadpool online in preparation for Deadpool 2 in general. Just don’t forget to swing by Betty White’s own Twitter account and wish her a happy birthday too.

MORE: Domino Gets New Comic Series Just In Time For Deadpool 2

Source: Deadpool Movie Twitter

Key Release Dates

Ryan Reynolds’ Merc With A Mouth, Deadpool himself sends Happy Birthday wishes to Betty White, as the latter celebrates turning 96.

Deadpool has sent Betty White Happy Birthday greetings for her 96th birthday. The Merc With a Mouth, gearing up for the theatrical release of his sequel Deadpool 2 later this year, took to Twitter to share good wishes for the beloved nonagenarian.

The Golden Girls actress is still going strong at 96 and has seen a resurgence in popularity that films like Deadpool and Deadpool 2 have contributed to, thanks to the Merc with a Mouth’s interest in breaking the typical anti-hero mold. Deadpool has a comic based interest in The Golden Girls. He hallucinated Bea Arthur during one of his runs and calling her «an angel of God.» Everything about the character has tied into that TV show, from the names of the mercenary’s Katanas (Bea and Arthur, respectively) to the Deadpool 2 teaser trailer that features a Betty White joke.


Factoring in the character’s massive comics history, Deadpool wishing Betty White a happy birthday isn’t just a piece of clever marketing (as well as the polite thing to do), it’s also something the character would probably try and do in canon. The wonderfully weird and utterly delightful marketing team behind Deadpool 2 have both the easiest job in the world and the hardest, when marketing their film. Deadpool blurs the line between the world he inhabits and the world watching Deadpool, just like he does in the comics. That’s why Deadpool 2 wishing Betty White a happy birthday (see the tweet embedded below) is much more than just a pleasant wish, a tie-in, and a funny joke.

Deadpool 2 stars Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson aka. Deadpool, Josh Brolin as Cable, Zazie Beatz as Domino, and Jack Kesy as Black Tom Cassidy. The newcomers are joined by returning characters Briana Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Stefan Kapicic as Colossus, Karan Soni as Dopinder, and Monica Baccarin as Vanessa.

Although the Deadpool sequel has encountered multiple roadblocks over the course of its development by now, it continues to soldier on (much like Wade Wilson himself), and is even set to hit theaters two weeks earlier than previously scheduled now. As such, fans can expect the marketing for Deadpool 2 to start ramping up in a  meaningful way, sooner than later. Reynolds as Deadpool tends to weigh in on everything from birthdays to major corporate deals through his Twitter account, so you can expect to see even more of that in the coming weeks. There’s already been some of that recently, when Reynolds (hilariously) invited a lucky fan to the Deadpool 2 premiere through his social media channel.

Consequently, people should start gearing up and girding themselves to see more of Deadpool online in preparation for Deadpool 2 in general. Just don’t forget to swing by Betty White’s own Twitter account and wish her a happy birthday too.

MORE: Domino Gets New Comic Series Just In Time For Deadpool 2

Source: Deadpool Movie Twitter

Key Release Dates

Дэдпул всея кинематографа Райан Рейнольдс поздравил своего друга, актёра Хью Джекмана, с юбилеем. Райан сделал это традиционно в соцсетях, и это тролльское поздравление может быть больше адресовано не Хью, а Росомахе.

Играющий Дэдпула Райан Рейнольдс, помимо своих ролей, известен своими соцсетями. Ведь в личных аккаунтах Райан даже без грима продолжает вести себя как наёмник из комикса, например, не оборачивается на внезапные взрывы, или во время проморолика невзначай отжимает у миллиардера авиакомпанию. Знает Райан толк и в поздравлениях.

Актёр в инстаграме поздравил с 50-летием своего коллегу, актёра Хью Джекмана. Но сделал это тоже по-дэдпуловски, использовав для фото не только свой костюм, но и реквизит. Им стала фигурка в виде Росомахи, погибшего в последнем фильме «Логан».

«С 50-летием, Хью Джекман. Это же дерево, верно?» — написал Рейнольдс-Дэдпул и бесцеремонно выпустил в Росомаху клуб табачного дыма.

Да, в финале фильма «Логан» некогда неубиваемого Росомаху (СПОЙЛЕРЫ СПОЙЛЕРЫ СПОЙЛЕРЫ) проткнуло насмерть какой-то заострённой корягой.

Нет, вы не заставите нас плакать (снова).

Вероятно, Рейнольдс недаром выбрал для поздравления именно образ Росомахи, несмотря на то что Джекман сыграл множество других ролей, включая Шерлока Холмса.

Дело в том, что, Райан давно уговаривает старого друга Хью воскреснуть в роли Росомахи и сняться в новом фильме про Дэдпула. Однако Джекман всякий раз отказывается. Правда, складывается чувство, что Дэдпул уже довёл его своей настойчивостью до паранойи. Даже во время одного из недавних интервью, когда журналистка спросила, не собирается ли Джекман возвращаться к роли Росомахи, актёр настороженно спросил: «Вас Райан Рейнольдс попросил задать этот вопрос?»

Однако Джекман ответил, что к роли возвращаться не собирается.

Вы знаете, что я люблю Райана Рейнольдса. Но сейчас, Райн, извини, приятель. Тебе придётся работать усерднее.

Помимо Хью Джекмана, в новом «Дэдпуле» может появиться Канье Уэст. А почему бы и нет? Рэпер и сам признавался, что обожает этот фильм. И ответ Рейнольдса не заставил себя ждать.

Впрочем, в последнем «Дэдпуле» снималась масса знаменитостей, которых вы могли и не заметить. Да и самого Рейнольдса в нём оказалось четыре.

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