Поздравление с thanksgiving day на английском 2020

Ищете пожелания с Днем благодарения на английском? Посмотрите в нашей подборке! У нас собраны лучшие поздравления с Днем благодарения на английском. Портал поздравлений к любой дате – Datki.

Поздравления с Днем благодарения на английском

The year has turned its circle,
The seasons come and go.
The harvest all is gathered in
And chilly north winds blow.
Orchards have shared their treasures,
The fields, their yellow grain,
So open wide the doorway —
Thanksgiving comes again!

T for time to be together, turkey, talk, and tangy weather.
H for harvest stored away, home, and hearth, and holiday.
A for autumn’s frosty art, and abundance in the heart.
N for neighbors, and November, nice things, new things to remember.
K for kitchen, kettles’ croon, kith and kin expected soon.
S for sizzles, sights, and sounds, and something special that abounds.
That spells «THANKS» for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving!

Let us give thanks to God above,
Thanks for expressions of His love,
Seen in the book of nature, grand
Taught by His love on every hand.
Let us be thankful in our hearts,
Thankful for all the truth imparts,
For the religion of our Lord,
All that is taught us in His word.
Let us be thankful for a land,
That will for such religion stand;
One that protects it by the law,
One that before it stands in awe.
Thankful for all things let us be,
Though there be woes and misery;
Lessons they bring us for our good-
Later ’twill all be understood.
Thankful for peace o’er land and sea,
Thankful for signs of liberty,
Thankful for homes, for life and health,
Pleasure and plenty, fame and wealth.
Thankful for friends and loved ones, too,
Thankful for all things, good and true,
Thankful for harvest in the fall,
Thankful to Him who gave it all.

At Thanksgiving, this time of great gratitude, it is most fitting that we express our sincere appreciation for your business and support. Our company would not be what it is today if it were not for people like you. You are not only a valued customer – you’re also a true friend to us.
Here’s wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving, full of relaxation and joy. Thank you again, from everyone on our staff.

T…Turkeys, tablespreads, being together,
H…Happiness and homes to protect us from all weather,
A…Aunts and uncles, a reunion in Fall,
N…Nieces and nephews, family members all!
K…Kind-hearted kin coming over for dinner,
S…Surely you’ll have fun, but you won’t get thinner!
G…Gourds and pumpkins, mouths open wide.
I…Indians and Pilgrims we remember with pride.
V…Very special times-there could even be snow.
I…Imagine what it was like at Plymouth long ago.
N…Never forget how the settlers led the way,
G…Giving thanks and blessing this special day.

For the hay and the corn and the wheat that is reaped,
For the labor well done, and the barns that are heaped,
For the sun and the dew and the sweet honeycomb,
For the rose and the song and the harvest brought home —
Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!
For the trade and the skill and the wealth in our land,
For the cunning and strength of the workingman’s hand,
For the good that our artists and poets have taught,
For the friendship that hope and affection have brought —
Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!
For the homes that with purest affection are blest,
For the season of plenty and well-deserved rest,
For our country extending from sea unto sea;
The land that is known as the «Land of the Free» —
Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! All the year round may material prosperity stay with you, and your home always be full of happiness, beauty and friends. Do not forget to thank your family and friends for the fact that they are always with you, remember about it not only once a year, but every day.

T is for turkey on Thanksgiving Day,
H is for «Hurry, I’m hungry!» we say.
A is for Auntie, she works and she mends,
N is for Native American friends.
K is for kitchen, the oven’s on low,
S is for silverware, set in a row.
G is for Grandma, the one we love most,
I is for inside, where we’re warm as toast.
V is for vegetables, eat them we try,
I is for icecream on top of the pie.
N is for never do we have enough dressing,
G is for Grandpa, who gives thanks for our blessings.

Thanksgiving Day —
Wonderful rest.
A silent pray
For all the best.
We look towards
The better life
And say the words
Which give us drive.
Thanksgiving Day —
Hope for a chance
But anyway
Let’s sing and dance.

Карта раздела

Thanksgiving — День Благодарения, праздник, который празднуется в Америке ежегодно четвертый четверг ноября. В 2018 году Thanksgiving day США отмечает 22 ноября. В этот день семья собирается за общим праздничным столом. Символ праздника — запеченная индейка. На стол ставят клюквенный морс, тыквенный пирог, виноград, початки кукурузы, виноград — как олицетворение достатка и благополучия.

Американцы благодарят Бога и жизнь в принципе, за всё, что у них есть. Кто-то, читает благодарственные молитвы. День Благодарения является государственным праздником и официально не рабочим днем. Американцы очень трепетно относятся к этому дню, поэтому, поздравьте их простым и теплым поздравлением.

Здесь я подготовила примеры, как поздравить американца с Thanksgiving на английском языке. Все тексты взяты из реальной жизни носителей английского языка.

Пожелания на День Благодарения на английском языке с переводом — Happy Thanksgiving 2018!

Happy Thanksgiving!
С Днем Благодарения!

Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Поздравляю тебя с Днем Благодарения!

Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Счастливого Дня Благодарения!

Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving!
Желаю Вам/тебе счастливого Дня Благодарения!

Our/My best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving!
Наши/мои наилучшие пожелания с Днем Благодарения!

Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your loved ones!
Поздравляю тебя/Вас и Ваших/твоих близких с праздником Дня Благодарения!

Warm wishes from our family to yours for a Happy Thanksgiving!
Теплые пожелания Вашей семье от нашей с Днем Благодарения!

Sending my warm thoughts and wishes for you and your family.
Шлю Вам/тебе и Вашей семье мои самые теплые мысли и пожелания.

Wishing you the happiness of good friends, the joy of a happy family, and the wonder of the holiday season. Have a memorable Thanksgiving!

Желаю вам счастья, хороших друзей, радости счастливой семьи и праздничного чуда. Желаю незабываемого праздника!

Have a joyful Thanksgiving and a healthy, happy and prosperous year!
Счастливого Дня благодарения и здорового, счастливого и процветающего года!

May you wake up every morning with renewed hopes and great values. Have a joyous thanksgiving!

Просыпайтесь каждое утро с новыми надеждами и вечными ценностями. Желаю радостного праздника!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Hoping your Thanksgiving is filled with blessings and joy!
Поздравляю с праздником! Надеюсь, это День Благодарения наполнен благословениями и радостью!

Sending you my warm wishes from home to home and from heart to heart to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Шлю мои теплые пожелания из моего дома Вашему дому, от моего сердца — Вашему, чтобы пожелать Вам счастливого Дня Благодарения!

May this day be a beautiful reminders of the wonderful things in life.
Пусть этот день станет прекрасным напоминанием о чудесных вещах в жизни.

May you have a wonderful time this Thanksgiving, with friends and family. Enjoy. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Желаю прекрасно провести время в этот День Благодарения, с друзьями и семьей. Наслаждайтесь. С Днем Благодарения!

Warm thoughts are prayers for you, may you have a happy and peaceful year all the through.
Теплые мысли — это молитвы за Вас, пусть у Вас будет счастливый и мирный год.

Wishing you the joy of happy family, company of good friends and wonder of the Holiday season.Happy Thanksgiving!
Желаю вам радости счастливой семьи, компании хороших друзей и праздничного чуда. С Днем благодарения!

Wishing that your Thanksgiving is full of love, warmth, and extra special moments. Have a happy Thanksgiving!
Желаю, чтобы Ваш День благодарения был полон любви, тепла и супер особенных моментов. Счастливого Дня благодарения!

I wish you a lovely holiday, thank you for being my best friend — Happy Thanksgiving!
Желаю Вам прекрасного отдыха, спасибо, что у меня есть такой лучший друг — С Днем Благодарения!

Посмотрите другие открытки на моем сайте.

Thanksgiving Day is more than just baking, cooking, and drinking wine. It’s that time when families get together to share their stories and celebrate all the blessings they’ve received throughout the entire year. It’s also a special day for people to show their appreciation for everyone in their lives.

So, on this precious holiday, make the celebration extra meaningful with these best Thanksgiving wishes and greetings.

Thanksgiving Quotes

As you sit down to enjoy your Thanksgiving day feast, remember all the people that are not as lucky and be thankful for everything in our lives today. Happy Thanksgiving.

best thanksgiving feast wishes

Happy Thanksgiving. There are so many things I am thankful for this year, but at the very top of that list is you. Wishing you a wonderful holiday filled with the warmth and happiness of the season.

It is not just the festivities that make Thanksgiving special. It is a time to ponder upon the lessons we learned through the year, and the happiness we spread around. So, look back at the memories of the year, and look forward to another great year.

best thanksgiving special wishes

My heart is filled with gratitude, my life is filled with amazing people and I am thankful for these gifts from God. May you have an abundance of blessings to count this Thanksgiving!

May you celebrate the thanksgiving day with love in your heart, prosperous vision in your mind, and gratitude in your being. Thanksgiving wishes to everyone!

May your apple and pumpkin pie be scrumptious and your Thanksgiving turkey tongue-tickling. Happy Thanksgiving!

best thanksgiving pie wishes

Happy Thanksgiving. May the warm glow of autumn surround you as you celebrate the holiday with family & friends.

My heart is filled with joy and gratitude because I have a friend like you. I wish you a happy Thanksgiving and a terrific holiday season!

This is to wish you a bountiful and a joy-filled Thanksgiving Day! I hope that this lovely day leaves so much happiness and many special moments that are absolutely cherishing for you.

best thanksgiving joy wishes

Happy Thanksgiving. Here’s hoping that whatever you do today brings you delight from morning until night. May the holiday bring you nothing but wonderful things in abundance.

May your blessings be multiplied this year and throughout all your life. Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you!

best thanksgiving blessings wishes

Making others life beautiful is more challenging than making the life of self. On this Thanksgiving Day, I give you thanks for making my life spectacular.

Happy Thanksgiving. May the holiday bring you good things in abundance that stay with you all year long.

Sending you my warm wishes from home to home and from heart to heart to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! May this day be a beautiful reminder of the wonderful things in life.

best thanksgiving home wishes

We gather on this day to be thankful for what we have, for the family we love, the friends we cherish, and for the blessings that will come. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Wishes and Messages

Thanksgiving is more than the festivities. It gives us time ponder upon what lessons we have learned and how we can spread happiness around, to look back at all the great memories and good people who came in our lives. Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your loved ones!

At this time of Thanksgiving celebration, our thoughts turn gratefully to you with warm appreciation. Our best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you the happiness of good friends, the joy of a happy family, and the wonder of the holiday season. Have a memorable thanksgiving!


I am enclosing with this greeting the abundant love and God’s blessing for a beautiful long life. May you wake up every morning with renewed hopes and great values. Have a joyous thanksgiving!

Gratitude is what makes a soul noble. This Thanksgiving, may you show your gratitude for all your blessings in life. Happy Thanksgiving!

May you be bestowed upon with the best of everything and have the strength to surpass any obstacle. The Lord will lead your way. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!


Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Hoping your Thanksgiving is filled with blessings and joy!

There have been times when I forgot to thank you for being there for me. I take this day to tell you how special you are and how great my life has become because of you. Have a memorable Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving for people is the morning sun and the setting moon, the cheerful bird and the dancing mood, the silent waters and the playful dunes. But more than that, I cherish you. Wishing you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving wishes from across the miles from our house to yours. May your home be filled with laughter and happiness!


Gratitude is our most direct line to God and the angels. If we take the time, no matter how crazy and troubled we feel, we can find something to be thankful for. The more we seek gratitude, the more reason the angels will give us for gratitude and joy to exist in our lives.

Thanksgiving is a time to gather around loved ones, to be grateful for all that we have been so abundantly blessed with and also to spare a thought for those not so lucky. It is a season of bountifulness and a reason to share the same. True Thanksgiving is in actually doing that- Giving.

May your Thanksgiving be filled with love and cheer, but also with full tummies. Happy Thanksgiving!


A thankful heart is the parent of all virtues. This Thanksgiving, may you give thanks for everything you are blessed with. Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you the gift of faith and the blessing of hope this thanksgiving day!

Sending you my warm wishes from home to home and from heart to heart to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! May this day be a beautiful reminder of the wonderful things in life.

Thanksgiving is a blessing in disguise. With your friends and family near, make this day as special as you can and thank them with your heart. Happy Thanksgiving!


Let us all remember the great times spent together, delicious turkeys eaten and awesome clothes bought to celebrate this day. Have a great Thanksgiving day!

Being a family means you are part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life- no matter what. Happy Thanksgiving!

The gift of wonderful friends is the nicest blessing of all. You are in my heart and prayers all year, and, especially during this special season.


Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. Happy Thanksgiving to those closest to my heart.

We gather on this day to be thankful for what we have, for the family we love, the friends we cherish, and for the blessings that will come. Happy Thanksgiving!

You are a very special blessing to us. May love, joy, and happiness be yours in abundance this holiday season!

May you have a wonderful time this Thanksgiving, with friends and family. Enjoy. Happy Thanksgiving Day.


November is the time to be thankful, a time to remember and to embrace those who enrich our lives. I’m thankful for a lot of things, but I’m most thankful for You!

Drive away all the negative thoughts from your mind and look towards the future with hope and optimism. May this Thanksgiving Day bring you loads of good luck and opportunities.

Doing good is what seems best. Doing good also earns you respect. But more than that, it makes you feel good about yourself. Thus, do a good deed this Thanksgiving! Wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving Day!

happy thanksgiving cards

Also Read: 20 Happy Thanksgiving Memes To Help You Celebrate

At this time of Thanksgiving, we pause to count our blessings. The freedom of this great country in which we live. It’s an opportunity for achievement. The friendship and confidence you have shown in us. For all of these things, we are deeply thankful. Our best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving!

Whatever is beautiful, whatever is meaningful, whatever brings you happiness, may it be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!

Let the wine flow and the spirits soar on this Thanksgiving Day. Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Celebrating Thanksgiving Day doesn’t always have to be grand. These Thanksgiving wishes and greetings can be enough to show your appreciation for all the blessings and for your family and friends.

♥ Connect with SayingImages on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter!

Last updated: January 12, 2023

Send these Happy Thanksgiving wishes to your friends, family, and co-workers to let them know how much you appreciate them. You’ll find beautifully written wishes, blessings, and inspirational quotes that you use in cards, group chats, or on social media.

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on everything that we’re grateful for; all that sustains, nourishes, and supports us. For many, the winter holidays are a whirlwind of good food, family gatherings, and even a little well-meaning chaos. Thanksgiving brings us homes decorated with warm autumnal accents and hearty food, but this holiday also offers an amazing opportunity to spend time with the people who make our lives special.

Maybe your celebration resembles a traditional feast of turkey and cider, or perhaps you’re embracing something a little different. Whatever our menu, this cozy holiday is a day to express gratitude for the presence of our friends and loved ones in our lives.

At its heart, the most important part of the holiday is always about the people. Recent years have made it more difficult to celebrate Thanksgiving in person. This has allowed many of us to create new traditions, such as smaller gatherings and more local «Friendsgiving» dinners.

Since we can’t always have everyone we love at the table, Thanksgiving wishes and messages are more important than ever to reach friends and family. A thanksgiving card lets your loved ones and colleagues know that you’re still thinking of them and that you’re thankful for their presence in your life.

Scroll down the page to see all our Thanksgiving messages and quotes, or use these links to jump to a particular section.

Everyone |
Family |
Friends |
Funny |
Coworker/Boss |
Quotes |
Religious/Biblical |
Coronavirus/Hard times

Happy Thanksgiving Wishes for Everyone

It’s time to enjoy fall vibes, including delicious food, spiced pies, willed ciders, and cozy gatherings. Likewise, Thanksgiving messages have a way of warming the heart and spreading the cheer of a family gathering.

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to be thankful for all the amazing gifts we have been blessed with. I hope your holiday is full of love and joy.

May your Thanksgiving be full of peace, love, and joy.

Happy turkey day! I wish you the best time with your family and friends, as the holiday fills your home with warmth and laughter. Enjoy the feasting!

Sending along warm wishes for a holiday spent surrounded by the people who make life worth living!

Just a little gratitude can unlock the great fullness of love. Wishing you a wonderful holiday full of love and plenty.

Hoping you have a Thanksgiving holiday full of laughter, cheer, and satisfied tummies!

Wishing you a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!

Cheers to a bountiful harvest of blessings, good health, and happy memories.

May you enjoy a grand feast and the loving company of your family. Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! May the autumn glow and delicious harvest of the season bring you happiness and prosperity!

May your life be full of both Thanks and Giving!

Although our houses may be far apart, our hearts remain as close as ever. Wishing you a season of wonder and abundance for the holidays. Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you the bright company of good friends, the joy of a happy family, and the loving wonder of the holiday season.

May all my friends and family have a happy Thanksgiving holiday. I am so grateful for each and every one of you.

This Thanksgiving, let go of any holiday stress that you may be harboring and embrace the freeing spirit of gratitude and holiday cheer!

We are so grateful for you and your family! Sending you all our love and best wishes for a very happy Thanksgiving!

Have a most blessed Thanksgiving Day!

Happy Thanksgiving

But cards aren’t everything. These short messages for everyone are also good for sending social media posts and emails too!

Eat, Drink, and be Thankful!

Let us give thanks with grateful hearts.

Happy Fall Y’all!

Happy Turkey Day!

It’s Turkey Time!

Thankful, Grateful, Blessed.

To do: Eat, drink, nap. Repeat.

Enjoy the feasting! Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Messages for Family

Thanksgiving is a time for gathering the family and uniting despite past differences. The holiday offers us a way to let our family members know how much we care about them. But in case you can’t get home for the holiday, send them a message of love and thanksgiving to let them know how much they matter to you.

Sending you warmest wishes from our home to yours for a loving and happy Thanksgiving. May this day be a wonderful reminder of the best and most important things in life.

Thanksgiving always brings back childhood memories of mouth-watering food, family games, and delicious pie. Although I can’t make it this year, I’ll still be there in spirit. Happy Thanksgiving, I miss you.

Thank you for being my greatest blessing!

Among all the wonderful things in this world, I’m grateful to be a part of such a wonderful, supportive, and loving family!

I want to thank you for all the times that you have been there for me. You are so special and important to my life. I hope you have a memorable Thanksgiving!

Sometimes, I may take you for granted, and things might have been tense lately. But, I want you to know that I appreciate you very much and I’m grateful to have you in my life. Happy Thanksgiving!

This Thanksgiving, we’re wishing you a home full of food, good company, and plenty of cheer to go around.

Sending autumnal greetings to you and your family, and wishing you a holiday season full of peace, gratitude, and plenty.

Thanksgiving offers us a special time to think of and remember all those amazing people who enrich our lives. Thank you for being such an amazing part of my life.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Messages for Friends

How often do you get a chance to tell your close friends how much they mean to you? Thanksgiving marks the ideal occasion to let a friend know that they’re in your thoughts. Sending messages of gratitude to your close friends is a kind way of letting someone know how much they mean to you.

It’s been a long year, but finally we’re all together again! So glad to spend this special day with you. Let’s raise our glasses and give thanks.

While I’m giving thanks for all the things I’m grateful for in my life, I want you to know that you’re among them. I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

As the fall season chills the air and fills our homes with the aroma of pumpkin spice, I want you to know how grateful I am to have you in my life.

This Friendsgiving, let’s enjoy the laughter of friends, mouth-watering aromas and cheer that we’ll remember for years to come.

There’s nothing better than having a friend who sticks with you in your good times and your rough ones. This Thanksgiving, you’re my guest of honor.

Happy Thanksgiving! Let’s not get too busy this holiday season to spend some time together (even if it is on Zoom!).

The gift of close friends is the best of all. Thanks for being there to share so many wonderful memories!

You’re my personal hero. All my life, you’ve taught me how to be a better person. I hope you enjoy a warm and lovely Thanksgiving.

We’re not usually sappy like this, but since it’s the time of year for thanking people… I want to say that having you as a friend has made my life more meaningful. Thanks for being my partner in crime! Happy Thanksgiving!

As the year begins to run down, let us look back and be thankful for all the fun and happy memories we made throughout the year. Happy Thanksgiving, and I’m looking forward to another year full of memories.

This year, I’m grateful for so many things, but you’re at the top of my list.

Funny Thanksgiving Quotes & Wishes

The best way to diffuse the tension of a family gathering is to get everyone laughing. Turkey puns, dad jokes, and whimsical decorations bring good humor to the Thanksgiving potlatch. And let’s not forget the physical discomforts of too much feasting. Let these funny Thanksgiving messages create the opportunity for laughter and blowing off some steam.

«An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day.»
~ Anonymous

«This Thanksgiving, cherish the time spent with your family as a reminder of why you moved very far away from your family.»
~ Anonymous

I only have pies for you!

There’s at least one thing I’m sure to be grateful for this holiday season. I’m just glad I wasn’t born a turkey! Happy Thanksgiving and may your feast be abundant!

«Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie.»
~ Jim Davis

The turkey is in the oven, the cider is spiked with rum, now let the family gossip begin. Happy Thanksgiving!

Don’t bother counting calories today, just your blessings. Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving!

May your stuffing be tasty,
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious,
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner stay off your thighs!

Keep calm and pass the gravy.

Cheers to Thanksgiving! May your pants be stretchy, your glasses ever-brimming, and your family avoid talking politics.

«You can tell you ate too much for Thanksgiving when you have to let your bathrobe out.»
~ Jay Leno

«Thanksgiving, man. Not a good day to be my pants.»
~ Kevin James

Time to gobble ’til you wobble.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Messages for a Boss or Co-worker

The workplace is full of people who could use a little appreciation, whether they’re a favorite co-worker, client, or your boss. Our colleagues support our successes and often make our lives easier, despite the ups and downs of work. If you’re wondering how to say Happy Thanksgiving in an email with both professionalism and sincerity, check out our messages below.

I’m lucky to have a colleague like you who helps to build this workplace into a thriving community. Enjoy your holiday to the fullest!

Wishing you a restful and relaxing holiday!

I appreciate the way you are always able to motivate me and keep me going. You’ve been a real gift to work with. Wishing you a joyful Thanksgiving.

Thank you for all that you have done and given. We count you among our blessings and send our warmest wishes to you and your family this Thanksgiving

I’m thankful for all that you do. Have an amazing holiday!

I couldn’t be more thankful to have a selfless teammate like you. Have a wonderful holiday with your friends and family.

I’m so glad to work with someone like you. Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with someone of your expertise and understanding. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me throughout this year. I hope you have a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving!

Every morning, I’m grateful for your positive energy and calm guidance. Happy Thanksgiving!

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, I wanted to let you know that I’m forever grateful for all the support and inspiration you have given me. Wishing a lovely and restful holiday to such an amazing mentor and boss. Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to our amazing team. This [business/organization/shop] wouldn’t be the same without you. We are grateful for your continued work and dedication, which is the root of our success. We wish you a restful and enjoyable holiday!

Inspirational Happy Thanksgiving Quotes

Thanksgiving gives us the chance to gather around a beautiful meal, spend some quality time together, and count all the things we’re grateful for. These quotations fit nicely into a greeting card or text message and offer powerful inspiration for the season.

«Let us be thankful to the people who bring us happiness; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. «
~ Marcel Proust, from Pleasures and Days

«Forever on Thanksgiving Day the heart will find the pathway home.»
~ Wilbur D. Nesbit

«Even in the trials of life, if we have eyes to see them, we can find good things everywhere we look.»
~ Joanna Gaines

«Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.»
~ G.B. Stern

«Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year because it reminds us to give thanks and to count our blessings. Suddenly, so many things become so little when we realize how blessed and lucky we are.»
~ Joyce Giraud

«As we grow older and realize more clearly the limitations of human happiness, we come to see that the only real and abiding pleasure in life is to give pleasure to other people.»
~ P.G. Wodehouse, Something New

«Gratitude is the memory of the heart.»
~ Jean-Baptiste Massieu

«After a good dinner, one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relations.»
~ Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance

«To say thank you is in recognition of humanity.»
~ Toni Mont

«None is more impoverished than the one who has no gratitude. Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy.»
~ Fred De Witt Van Amburgh

«Two kinds of gratitude: The sudden kind we feel for what we take; the larger kind we feel for what we give.»
~ Edwin Arlington Robinson

«As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.»
~ John F. Kennedy

«There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy.»
~ Ralph H. Blum

«Gratitude turns what we have into enough.»
~ Anonymous

«Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude.»
~ E.P. Powell

«We have so much to be thankful for. One day a year hardly seems adequate…»
~ Anonymous

«Gratitude can transform common days into Thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.»
~ William Arthur Ward

«If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share.»
~ W. Clement Stone

«Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.»
~ W.J Cameron

«Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie.»
~ David Mamet’s, from Boston Marriage

«The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest.»
~ William Blake

«Kindness is always fashionable and always welcome.»
~ Amelia Barr

«I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.»
~ G.K. Chesterton

«Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our Thanksgiving.»
~ W.T. Purkiser

«Appreciation can change a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.»
~ Margaret Cousins

«Reflect upon your present blessings — of which every man has many — not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.»
~ Charles Dickens

«Grumbling and gratitude are, for the child of God, in conflict. Be grateful and you won’t grumble. Grumble and you won’t be grateful.»
~ Billy Graham

«We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.»
~ Thorton Wilder

«When eating fruit, remember the one who planted the tree.»
~ Vietnamese Proverb

Happy Thanksgiving

Religious Happy Thanksgiving Blessings & Bible Quotes

Thanksgiving traditionally revolves around harvest and feasting. It provides us the chance for shared appreciation for the food prepared and prosperity in life. These blessings and Thanksgiving bible quotes offer a religious perspective on the holiday. They work just as well in person, at a gathering, or sent with kindness to loved ones.

May you enjoy blessings in abundance, and may your good fortune remain with you all through the year.

I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 1:4

On this Thanksgiving Day, let us take a moment to count our numerous blessings. We are sincerely grateful for life and creation, the beauty of the world, the smiles and laughter of our family and friends, and the opportunity to live and thrive.

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26

May the presence of your good friends and loving family nourish your soul this holiday, as you give thanks for all that you are given, as well as all that you are able to give of your own.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

May you enjoy the bounty of Thanksgiving, the joy of the holidays, and great health as the New Year approaches.

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy.

Philippians 1:3-4

«Dear Lord; we beg but one boon more: Peace in the hearts of all men living, peace in the whole world this Thanksgiving.»

~ Joseph Auslander

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

Colossians 3:15

This Thanksgiving, may you be able to look back with humility and gratitude at all you have done and learned. This reflection will give you the strength to overcome obstacles in your path. With warmth and appreciation, Happy Thanksgiving.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.

Psalm 107:8-9

This Thanksgiving, let us take time to consider the lessons we have learned throughout the year. Let us think of how we can spread happiness, and look back on our favorite memories and all the wonderful people who have graced our lives. Have a happy Thanksgiving Day, from one grateful heart to another.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

May your feast be plentiful and your blessings abundant.

I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

Psalm 9:1

This Fall, let’s make time to evaluate what we have and how we live, as we work toward helping others with our giving and charity.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Psalm 100:4-5

When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you.

Deuteronomy 8:10

Click here for more Thanksgiving Bible Verses and Scriptures.

Happy Thanksgiving Messages for Coronavirus Pandemic 2023

The past few years have been challenging illness, loss, uncertain employment, and isolation due to COVID-19 and the global pandemic. For many, this has caused long-term changes in how we travel, gather, and celebrate holidays. These greeting card messages can help you cross distances to extend your gratitude to those you can’t join this Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving! We may be apart today, but you’re always in our hearts. Take care and stay safe in these uncertain times. We miss you!

This card is packed full of virus-free hugs and kisses just for you! May you have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving.

We hope you can gather together this year and celebrate Thanksgiving with your family. We all have so much to be thankful for!

Sending all our love to your family this Thanksgiving. We know that this past year has been challenging, and we pray that the coming months bring more certain times for your family. With our sights on better days ahead.

We are so grateful for all the sacrifices that you have made this year to support and serve others. May this Thanksgiving be a time for you to rest and reflect on all that you have achieved. Wishing you a joyful and blessed day.

Gratitude offers us a direct connection with the powers above. Today, let us remember that no matter how turbulent and difficult our lives may feel, we can always find something to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. We’re so sorry you’ve been ill and hope you are feeling stronger and better every day. May this holiday season be a time of rest as you recover, and may the coming months bring you renewed health and happiness.

We want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers every day as we remember [name] and miss him terribly. We know this Thanksgiving will be very difficult, and we wish we could gather around you in person to support you more. We are sending all our love from afar, and if there is anything you need, please let us know.

Happy Thanksgiving Image Collection

If you’re looking for Happy Thanksgiving images to share on social media or send as a text message, take a look at our collection of Happy Thanksgiving images here.

happy thanksgiving image eat drink and be thankful

Funny Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids

Share these hilarious Thanksgiving jokes with your friends and family around the dinner table! From funny turkey jokes and corny pumpkin jokes to roll-your-eyes bad dad jokes about all things Thanksgiving, there’s something for everyone. Click here to go to our hilarious Thanksgiving Jokes collection!

thanksgiving jokes

Thanksgiving Coloring Pages for Kids & Adults

I hope you enjoyed these Happy Thanksgiving wishes, messages, and quotes! To keep the kids busy and entertained while you prepare for the holidays, check out our Thanksgiving coloring pages for a huge range of fun pictures to color in!

thanksgiving coloring pages

More thanksgiving messages

If you’re looking for more ways to say «Happy Thanksgiving», then take a look at our other pages:

Thanksgiving Messages to Teams & Employees
Thankful Quotes
Thanksgiving Prayers
Thanksgiving Bible Verses

Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

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  • 72 Grateful Thanksgiving Messages, Wishes and Quotes for Family & Friends

72 Grateful Thanksgiving Messages, Wishes and Quotes for Family & Friends

In this Article

  • 37 Best Thanksgiving Wishes and Messages for Your Loved Ones
  • 35 Amazing Quotes and Thoughts on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is so much more than feasting on delicious food. It’s a day when families and friends get together to spend time exchanging stories, recollecting fond memories, and enjoy each other’s company. It’s also a day when we show our appreciation for our loved ones, our life, and talk about everything that we are thankful for, especially the things that usually go unsaid. So, make this Thanksgiving extra special by sending Thanksgiving greetings to your friends and family. We’ve curated 60 of our favourite Thanksgiving wishes and quotes to send to the people you love and appreciate.

37 Best Thanksgiving Wishes and Messages for Your Loved Ones

The celebration cannot be complete without sending some ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ messages to family and friends. Whether you’re looking for emotional or funny Thanksgiving sayings or wishes, these Thanksgiving messages will have you sorted.

  • This Thanksgiving, I wish that God showers you and your loved ones with peace, love, warmth, and joy. Have a joyous Thanksgiving!
  • On this festival of gratitude, I thank you for all the love, kindness and support you have ushered me throughout the years. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • This Thanksgiving, let’s be grateful for the food and the company that we share. May God always protect our loved ones. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • You are strong, supportive, admirable, loving, and understanding. Thank you for being my parents. Happy Thanksgiving, Mom and Dad!
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, Happy Thanksgiving from the bottom of my heart to you!
  • Sending good wishes to you this Thanksgiving! Good food that fills your table, Good health as you work hard, and Good times with family and friends. May you have all the best delights in life. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Happy Thanksgiving! As I take time to give thanks for many blessings in my life, I want to let you know how grateful I am that you are one of them.
  • May your apple and pumpkin pie be scrumptious and your Thanksgiving turkey tongue-tickling. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Thank you for the joy, love and kindness that you have expressed to me over the past year. I would like to wish you all the very best in your life. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • There have been times when I haven’t thanked you for being there for me. I take this day to tell you how special you are and how great my life has become with you in it. Have a memorable Thanksgiving!
  • Wishing you a Thanksgiving full of love and blessings.

Family on Thanksgiving

  • Let us remember the great times spent together, delicious turkey eaten and awesome clothes bought to celebrate this day. Have a great Thanksgiving!
  • Lucky should be my name, for I am blessed and thankful to have you in my life. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • May this Thanksgiving bring you good luck and prosperity. Let’s pray to God and thank him for the many blessings that he has bestowed upon us.
  • On this Thanksgiving day, let’s express our gratitude to our belts, which are going to work extra hard for us this day to keep our pants up. And let’s not forget to take a moment of silence for the belt’s forgotten brother: the suspenders. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Thank you for being so understanding, for always having my back, and for being a true friend. And most of all I’m thankful I found you. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • You came into my life with a thousand blessings. I feel lucky all the time for having such a beautiful person in my life. Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving Day!
  • Make this Thanksgiving holiday wonderful by having your families and relatives under one roof. I wish you all the best on this joyous day!
  • I wish that you are bestowed with good health, happiness, and all the best things in your life. Enjoy your Thanksgiving day with your loved ones!
  • Here comes another year of giving thanks for all the blessings we have received. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating. I hope you have a great year ahead!
  • Sending my warm wishes from home to home and heart to heart. Happy Thanksgiving! May this day be a beautiful reminder of the wonderful things in life.

Thanksgiving saying

  • Today is the time to be thankful, remember good times, and embrace those who enrich our lives. I’m thankful for a lot of things, but I’m most thankful for You! Happy Thanksgiving!
  • May the turkey and pumpkin pie never go to WAIST. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Happy Thanksgiving. From our table to yours, we’re wishing you a bounty of blessings today this holiday season.
  • Sending warm wishes for a joyful holiday surrounded by people who make life worth celebrating. Happy Thanksgiving day!
  • Happy Thanksgiving to you. Wishing you and your family a day to remember. One filled with laughter and joy, great conversation, with thankful hearts and a renewed appreciation for all that life has to offer.
  • Happy Thanksgiving! Sending a note your way to say that I hope you enjoy this delightful day and all it has to offer, especially the desserts!
  • Some say that nothing is better than a grateful heart. While that’s true, and I’m grateful, I think great friends and amazing food come in at a close second. Cheers to all of the above. Happy Thanksgiving and may we spend many more together!
  • Wishing you the best things in the universe this Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful one!
  • The gift of wonderful friends and family is the nicest blessing of all. You are in my heart and prayers all year, and, especially during this special season. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • I wholeheartedly thank you for all the incredibly beautiful colours you bring into my world. Have a remarkable Thanksgiving!
  • I know this year has been rough, but your strength and courage never dipped. Thank you for being full of positivity and teaching me the importance of courage. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
  • Packing you some blessings, laughter, fun, and lots of stuffing for this year’s thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving dear friend!
  • Sending you my best Thanksgiving greetings from (city, state, country, any attraction, etc.)!
  • This year has taught us all the importance of people in our lives and made us stronger than ever. You are a precious part of my life. Happy Thanksgiving dear!
  •  Who says I don’t love you or appreciate you? My delicious Thanksgiving turkey for you will say everything. Happy Thanksgiving dear friend!
  •  May your Thanksgiving be bountiful with reasons to be grateful.

Praying on Thanksgiving

35 Amazing Quotes and Thoughts on Thanksgiving

Funny Thanksgiving quotes for kids and adults never fail to crack everyone in the room up, while meaningful Happy Thanksgiving quotes for friends and family are profound and bring a smile to people’s faces. Here are 35 Thanksgiving thoughts and quotes that you’ll definitely want to post on social media or send to your loved ones.

  • “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” — Oprah Winfrey
  • “Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips and shows itself in deeds.” — Theodore Roosevelt
  • “Best of all is it to preserve everything in a pure, still heart, and let there be for every pulse a thanksgiving, and for every breath a song.” — Konrad Von Gesner
  • “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude.” — E.P. Powell
  • “I love Thanksgiving because it’s a holiday that is centred around food and family, two things that are of utmost importance to me.” — Marcus Samuelsson
  • “Give thanks not just on Thanksgiving Day, but every day of your life. Appreciate and never take for granted all that you have.” — Catherine Pulsifer
  • “Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” — Charles Dickens
  • “Thanksgiving is one of my favourite days of the year because it reminds us to give thanks and to count our blessings. Suddenly, so many things become so little when we realize how blessed and lucky we are.” –—Joyce Giraud
  • “Small cheer and great welcome make a merry feast.” — William Shakespeare

Thanksgiving thought

  • “To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone.” — Reba McEntire
  • “Thanksgiving offers us an annual pause from the pace of life return to places we do not often visit and gather with people we do not often see.” — Jay Milbrandt
  • “Thanksgiving day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude.” — E.P. Powell
  • “I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual.” — Henry David Thoreau
  • “But see, in our open clearings, how golden the melons lie; Enrich them with sweets and spices, and give us the pumpkin-pie!” — Margaret Junkin Preston
  • “Remember God’s bounty in the year. String the pearls of His favour. Hide the dark parts, except so far as they are breaking out in light! Give this one day to thanks, to joy, to gratitude!” — Henry Ward Beecher
  • “When asked if my cup is half-full or half-empty my only response is that I am thankful I have a cup.” — Sam Lefkowitz
  • “Thanksgiving, man. Not a good day to be my pants.” — Kevin James
  • “The more my heart is parked in a place of thanksgiving and rejoicing, the less room I have for grumpiness.” — Lysa TerKeurst
  • “What we’re really talking about is a wonderful day set aside on the fourth Thursday of November when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving?” — Erma Bombeck

Thanksgiving quote

  • “We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” — John F. Kennedy
  • “Stand up, on this Thanksgiving Day, stand upon your feet. Believe in man. Soberly and with clear eyes, believe in your own time and place. There is not, and there never has been a better time or a better place to live in.” — Phillips Brooks
  • “Learn the lesson of thanksgiving. It is due to God, it is due to ourselves. Thanksgiving for the past makes us trustful in the present and hopeful for the future. What He has done is the pledge of what He will do.” — A. C. A. Hall
  • “Thanksgiving Day has a history attached to it. Like the Latin word ‘virtue,’ it is a history which runs through the entire life of a people.” — William Adams
  • “One of the ways we express our thanksgiving to God is by treating others with gratitude and kindness.” — Dr David Jeremiah
  • “Thanksgiving is a special day, a day we share the joy. We come before a lavish meal, one we quite enjoy.” — Julie Hebert
  • “A day for Thanksgiving was set aside as a holiday so that we, as a nation, could collectively give thanks to God for all of His blessings – to express our gratitude for His love and protection and provision.” — Warren B. Smith
  • “The unthankful heart… discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!” — Henry Ward Beecher
  • “Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.” — W. J. Cameron
  • “Appreciation can change a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.” — Margaret Cousins
  • “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.” — John F. Kennedy
  • “We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” — Cynthia Ozick
  • “You can tell you ate too much for Thanksgiving when you have to let your bathrobe out.” — Jay Leno
  • “It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a little emotional scarring.” — FRIENDS
  • “There’s always something to be thankful for on Thanksgiving. Even if it’s just not being a turkey.” — Unknown

Thanksgiving banner

This Thanksgiving, don’t hesitate to tell your loved ones just how thankful you are for them. Send them a message with a quote wishing them Happy Thanksgiving and making them feel appreciated. Have a safe and joyous holiday!

Also Read:

Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes You Should Try
Amazing Thanksgiving Stories for Kids

Gauri Ratnam completed her Masters in English Literature from the University of Pune. She began her journey as a German translator soon after completing her graduation, but later moved on to pursue her passion for writing. Having written for both digital and print media in a varied range of industries, she has the ability to write relatable and well-researched content, benefical for anyone seeking advice or direction.


Каждый человек должен уметь и знать много. Все начинается в школе, где детей обучают разным предметам, чтобы они были всесторонне развитыми. В университете студенты получают профессию, чтобы в дальнейшем заниматься определенным делом и приносить пользу обществу.

Для большинства из нас важно реализовать свой потенциал, построить карьеру и хорошие отношения с друзьями. Часто во всех этих нелегких делах может помочь одна простая вещь — благодарность.

Быть благодарными другим людям за любую помощь, судьбе — за прекрасные возможности, родным — за поддержку и заботу, себе — за собственные достижения. Очень важно замечать хорошие вещи, которые происходят с нами, и уметь благодарить за них.

Конечно, не всегда и не всем удается наработать такой ​​навык. Однако, на помощь приходят праздники, напоминающие это делать. Например, Thanksgiving Day, который в этом году 24 ноября празднуют американцы.

Если у вас есть друзья, родственники или коллеги в США, то вы непременно захотите их поздравить и поблагодарить за все хорошее.

Мы собрали теплые, трепетные и красивые пожелания, которые пригодятся вам. А если вам некому отправить несколько приятных слов, воспринимайте этот блог как возможность прокачать свой английский, узнать новые слова и выражения. Итак, вперед!

История праздника

История праздника уходит корнями в далекий 1620 год. Тогда английские переселенцы прибыли на американский континент на корабле Mayflower.

Они высадились в нынешнем штате Массачусетс. К сожалению, в первую зиму от холода и болезней более половины переселенцев погибли. Весной остальные основали Плимутскую колонию, которая положила начало заселению европейцами Северной Америки.

Обрабатывать землю, выращивать и собирать урожай переселенцев научило коренное население — американские индейцы. Когда собрали первый удачный урожай, губернатор колонистов инициировал большой праздник, чтобы выразить благодарность Богу. На него пригласили почти сотню индейцев того племени, которое помогло отцам-пилигримам. Так состоялось первое в истории празднование Дня благодарения.

Полтора столетия праздник был неофициальным, а после утверждения независимости США тогдашний президент Джордж Вашингтон предложил отмечать День благодарения как национальный праздник ежегодно 26 ноября. После окончания Гражданской войны президент Авраам Линкольн назначил четвертый четверг ноября Днем благодарения. Его рекомендацию выполняли не по всей стране.

Уже в 1941 году глава Белого дома Теодор Рузвельт подписал документ, которым утвердили официальную дату праздника.

Заметим, что День благодарения первоначально был праздником выражения благодарности Богу, равно как семье и друзьям, за материальное благополучие и хорошее отношение. Однако впоследствии в США и Канаде он утратил религиозное значение и стал общенародным.

Будем честными — нам об этом празднике известно прежде всего благодаря американским фильмам и сериалам. К примеру, почти в каждом сезоне «Друзей» знаменитая шестерка отмечала День благодарения. Вспомним эти невероятные эпизоды при помощи видео.

Далее предлагаем вам разные варианты поздравлений для родных и близких, друзей, знакомых и коллег.

Поздравления для семьи

Начнем, конечно, с поздравлений и теплых слов для родителей и других родственников, которые занимают самое важное место в вашей жизни.

  • Having a family means you are blessed by the grace of God. It means you will love and always be loved by special ones
    no matter what.

    несмотря ни на что

    Happy Thanksgiving, Mom and Dad!

  • Dearest parents, may you be blessed with everything that you wish for on this day. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.
  • I may not express my heartfelt feelings to you so


    but my heart always beats for you. Thank you, mom and dad for raising me so perfectly! Happy Thanksgiving!

  • I am so grateful that I have such an


    family. Thank you so much for all the


    things you have done for me.

  • We might be a crazy family, but I would never ever wish it to be any other way. I am
    so deeply thankful

    глубоко благодарен

    to you for everything!

  • Words can’t express
    how thankful I am

    как я благодарен

    to have you as my family! Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Being a family means you are part of something very


    It means that you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. No matter what. Happy Thanksgiving!

  • You are the people who always make a difference in my life and who always help me get through the toughest times. I am


    to you this Thanksgiving!

  • Among all the wonderful things in this world, I’m grateful to be a part of such a


    and loving family!

  • Today is the time to be thankful, remember good times, and
    embrace those who enrich our lives.

    обнять тех, кто делает нашу жизнь богаче

    I’m thankful for a lot of things, but I’m most thankful for you. Happy Thanksgiving!

Поздравления для друзей

Друзья в нашей жизни играют очень большую роль. Они способны поддержать нас в трудные времена, дать совет, послушать жалобы, сорваться вместе в путешествие и многое другое.

Поэтому эти замечательные люди заслуживают самых красивых праздничных поздравлений.

  • Where would I be without you? I’m so thankful and

    горжусь тем, что

    that I get to call you my friend.

  • There is nothing better in life than a friend who is always there for you. Thank you for being that friend for me!
  • Big thanks to a friend who loves me no matter what. Happy Thanksgiving, my

    моя лучшая подруга

  • Wishing you hope, joy, peace, good health and love on this Thanksgiving Day!
    Your friendship is indeed a great blessing to me.

    Твоя дружба действительно великое благословение для меня

  • Happy Thanksgiving! Out of everything I am so very thankful for this Thanksgiving season, our friendship
    is at the top of the list.

    главная в моем списке

  • The gift of close friends is the best of all. Thanks for being there to share so many wonderful memories!

  • The fabulous thing I’m most thankful

    Невероятная вещь, за которую я очень благодарен

    about on this Thanksgiving Day is you. Thanks for coming into my life. Happy holiday!

  • Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving, best friend. May you
    stumble upon the best things

    натыкался на лучшие вещи

    in life, all of which you deserve.

  • Happy Thanksgiving, dear! On this meaningful day,
    I would like to express my utter gratitude

    Хочу выразить безграничную благодарность

    and love to you for being a good companion and an even better human being!

Поздравления для коллег и руководителей

Конечно, есть специальные поздравления и для людей, с которыми вы проводите немало времени на работе. Выберете для них красивое пожелание из следующего списка.

  • Thank you for bringing your positive attitude to work every day. I hope you have an enjoyable Thanksgiving with your loved ones!
  • I am so grateful to work under such a
    kind and caring

    добрый и заботливый

    boss. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving with your family!

  • It feels great to have someone help me out in the office every now and then, so I am really grateful to you! Happy Thanksgiving!
  • I never face
    Monday morning blues,

    понедельниковой хандрой

    because of fun colleagues like you. Thank you. I hope you enjoy your time at home with those close to your heart this holiday season.

  • I’m very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with someone of your
    expertise and understanding.

    экспертизу и понимание

    Thank you
    for sharing your wisdom

    делишся своей мудростью

    with me throughout this year. I hope you have a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving!

  • I couldn’t be more thankful to have
    a selfless teammate

    самоотверженный товарищ по команде

    like you. Have a wonderful holiday with your friends and family.

  • I could not have asked for
    a better work-mate,

    лучший друг по работе, лучший коллега

    thanks for everything and happy Thanksgiving.

  • At this time of Thanksgiving, I want to express my gratitude towards you. Working with you has been an amazing opportunity.
    I appreciate your high standards, your persistence, your encouragement, and your sense of humor.

    Я ценю ваши высокие стандарты, вашу настойчивость, вашу поддержку и ваше чувство юмора.

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

  • I find myself lucky for having a fabulous workmate like you having
    wonderful expertise and great professional calibre.

    отличный опыт и высокий профессиональный уровень

    I really appreciate the knowledge and wisdom you have. Happy Thanksgiving.

  • To all my dear colleagues,
    I consider myself lucky

    Я считаю себя счастливым

    to work in an office with such amazing employees. Thanks for making the office an interesting place to be at. Happy Thanksgiving!

Короткие поздравления для всех

Напоследок предлагаем короткие универсальные поздравления, которые вы можете отправить хорошим знакомым, соседям или старым друзьям.

  • May your life be full of both Thanks and Giving!
  • Thinking of you this Thanksgiving season and wishing you all peace and love.
  • I am beyond thankful to have you all in my life, this and every year! Sending my love!

May this Thanksgiving be filled with many blessings and immeasurable joy. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Your excellence drives everyone to success. Thank you and a happy Thanksgiving from all here.

Hoping you have a Thanksgiving holiday full of laughter, cheer, and satisfied tummies!

A heartfelt message for you this season: successful people look like you! Have an inspirational Thanksgiving.

  • Wishing you a Thanksgiving full of love and happiness. I hope all the good things happen in your life.
  • You hold a dear place in my heart, and during this Thanksgiving, you remain in my heart and prayers all around the year.
  • I hope all good things in life are yours, not just on Thanksgiving, but throughout the entire year as well.

Надеемся эти искренние и добрые приветствия найдут отклик в сердцах тех людей, которым вы их пришлете. А для того, чтобы научиться самостоятельно писать хорошие и грамотные тексты, приглашаем записаться на курс английского в Первый Кембриджский образовательный центр.

Уроки проходят по удобному расписанию, есть возможность отработать пропущенные. Также наши студенты могут каждые выходные бесплатно посещать разговорный клуб, который является полноценным дополнительным занятием. После успешного прохождения курса студенты получают сертификат с указанием уровня владения английским.

Не теряйте времени и зарядите себя английским уже сейчас!

Thanksgiving is one of the most exciting holidays of the year; at least, it’s exciting to have time off from work and enjoy time with family and friends!

Feeling thankful gives us an opportunity to reflect on the many blessings in our lives and appreciate the things that we tend to take for granted most days of the year.

A lot of people are away from family and friends during thanksgiving. So it’s important to send them warm, heartfelt and very happy Thanksgiving wishes through email and text messages to let them know that you are thinking about them.

Here is a list of 150+ Best Wishes for Thanksgiving day greetings that you can send to your family, friends, colleagues, clients, business partners and those who are away from home this holiday season.

These thanksgiving greetings and messages will help you to make your loved ones feel appreciated on this special occasion. These thankful wishes are also very thought provoking and you can also make use of them as greeting cards on other occasions like birthdays or anniversary as well.

So, share these Cute and short thanksgiving messages with everyone to make their turkey taste even better.

  1. 150+ Thanksgiving wishes
  2. Happy thanksgiving wishes
  3. Best Wishes for thanksgiving
  4. Thanksgiving wishes images
  5. Thanksgiving wishes for family
  6. Good Thanksgiving wishes quotes
  7. Funny thanksgiving wishes
  8. Thanksgiving wishes to employees
  9. Thanksgiving wishes from business
  10. Thanksgiving wishes to friends and family
  11. Cute Thanksgiving day wishes
  12. Happy thanksgiving wishes for everyone
  13. Thanksgiving wishes for coworkers, colleagues and team
  14. Warm Thanksgiving wishes for cards
  15. Thanksgiving wishes for friends
  16. Thanksgiving wishes for clients and customers
  17. Thanksgiving wishes for birthday
  18. Thanksgiving wishes for teachers
  19. Thanksgiving wishes for boss
  20. Free thanksgiving wishes
  21. Belated thanksgiving wishes
  22. Religious thanksgiving wishes Christian
  23. Thanksgiving wishes for Facebook or Instagram
  24. Thanksgiving wishes messages
  25. Thanksgiving wishes email
  26. Thanksgiving wishes for boyfriend or girlfriend
  27. Thanksgiving wishes for neighbors and relatives


The following is a great list of best thanksgiving wishes to send on this Thanksgiving holiday season:

1. May you celebrate Thanksgiving day with love in your heart, prosperous vision in your mind, and gratitude in your being. Thanksgiving wishes to everyone! #happythanksgiving

2. When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed. This Thanksgiving day, we wish you a year full of faith, blessings, and gratefulness.

3. May your Thanksgiving be a time of joy, peace, and gratitude. May your family be united by love and laughter and may your table be laden with delicious food and good company. Happy Thanksgiving season. #thanksgivingwishes

4. May all your worries wash away in a tide of gratitude, and may this Thanksgiving be a time of healing and renewal. Happy Thanksgiving wishes.

5. May your Thanksgiving be a time of joy and peace, a time to celebrate the life you have been given and the life you are creating. May all your loved ones be with you on this special day.

6. Happy and healthy Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family from ours!

7. Thanksgiving is a time to come together, to give thanks for all that we have, and to celebrate the blessings in our lives. We hope you have a joyful and joyous Thanksgiving.

8. The Thanksgiving holiday is a time to reflect on all the good in our lives, and to be thankful for all the people, places, things and experiences that make our lives happy. We hope you have a holiday that is full of love, laughter, and happiness.

9.  Thanksgiving is the perfect time to ponder upon the great memories and people who came into our lives. Let’s celebrate and spread happiness all around with warm appreciation and wishes. Happy Thanksgiving.

10. As we celebrate Thanksgiving, let us remember all the people who are struggling around the world.

Let’s be thankful for all that we have, and let’s help others who are less fortunate. Thank you for your love, support and understanding during this holiday season.

Also read: 200 Thanksgiving Greetings t0 make your near and dear ones day special


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Happy thanksgiving wishes

Here is a list of Happy Thanksgiving wishes for your loved ones:

1. I am very GRATEFUL. For our families, for our friends both old and new. For friendly faces and kind words, and smiles to warm the soul. I am thankful for YOU. My Best Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family.

2. Thanksgiving wishes from across the miles from our house to yours. May your home be filled with laughter and happiness.

3. Thanksgiving wishes for a bountiful holiday season. May all your prayers and blessings be answered. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

4. We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives. Happy Thanksgiving wishes to everyone.

5. Thanksgiving is a celebration of abundance. May we never forget how lucky we are and may we always remember that not everyone has as much as we do.

6. It’s my favorite holiday of the year because it’s about being grateful for everything life has given us and celebrating togetherness.

7. I want to take this opportunity to send out my best thanksgiving wishes to all those who have made an impact on me or those who mean something special in my life-you know who you are!

8. I am forever thankful for my friends and family, who bring joy and love into my life every day. My best Thanksgiving wishes to you all!

9. Let’s give thanks for all of the good things in our lives and work towards making it even better.

10. The harvest was a success, but there was still plenty left over to share with neighbors, friends and family. Let us share what we have and show them just how much they matter to us. Happy Thanksgiving Wishes.


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Best Wishes for thanksgiving

These are some best wishes for thanksgiving Day:

1. Life is more than the sum of its parts, yet it takes each individual part working together to create one cohesive whole. So, On this thanksgiving Eve Let’s together give Thanks To all the peoples around Us, Who help make Our Lives Worthwhile And Joyful.

2. Give Thanks To God Above Who Grants Us All These Blessings Each Day Of Our Lives. Happy Thanksgiving.

3. Thankful for peace in our homes, love and joy around us, we are grateful that we can be blessed every day!

4. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such an important part of my life! I’m so happy that we’re celebrating together on this special day. The world would not be as beautiful without you! My best wishes for thanksgiving day.

5. Thanksgiving has always been a celebration to show gratitude – but if we can’t find anything to give thanks for then how do we have anything?

So, let’s remember to count all those little things like family dinners, years of friendship, love and funny moments too.

They may not seem important to someone else but they sure matter to me! I wish you and everyone a happy thanksgiving day.

6. I hope this year’s Thanksgiving day is inspiring for you. May it make you laugh or just remind you what true thanksgiving is about- giving thanks for everything good in your life- no matter how big or small it may seem.

After all, what other thing do we have going on in our lives at any given moment? I wish you a very happy thanksgiving to everyone in my life.

7. Wishing you a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving holiday surrounded by loved ones. 

Also read: 500 Thanksgiving messages (For friends, family, business, team, clients, coworkers, employees) Ultimate Edition

Thanksgiving wishes images

Here is a list of Happy thanksgiving wishes images:


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“Thanksgiving day is a good day to recommit our energies to giving thanks and just giving. Happy Thanksgiving From us to you and your family.”


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“There are so many things to be thankful for – family, friends, health, success and happiness. Here’s to wishing you all of these and more. My best thanksgiving wishes to each and every one.”


Share me to your near and dear ones

“Thanksgiving is a time to give, a time to love, and a time to reflect on the things that matter most in life. I wish you a very spiritual thanksgiving to you all my dearest humans.”


Share me with your family and friends

“Today be thankful for the food before us and the friends & family beside us. Wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.”


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“Be kind, Be Thoughtful, Be genuine but most of all Be thankful. Happy Thanksgiving Eve my kindred spirits of the universe. Be safe and healthy.”


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Related: 150 Thanksgiving conversation starters for family at thanksgiving dinner table

Thanksgiving wishes for family

Here is a list of Happy Family thanksgiving wishes that make everyone feel extra special this holiday season:

1. I am forever thankful for my family, who bring joy and love into my life every day. My best Thanksgiving wishes to you all!

2. They are the ones that make me laugh when I’m feeling down or give me a big hug when I need it most. They’re the ones that remind me how lucky I am to have them in my life.

I am very grateful for my Mom, Dad, Sister, brother, Grandma, Grandpa and each and every one of my family members.

Let our thanksgiving dinner be your reminder of how much we care about you, this holiday season.

 3. There is nothing more important than family – so please remember that this Thanksgiving dinner is just as much about us as it is about you. Happy thanksgiving to your family from our family!

4. We hope you enjoy your time with your family on this Thanksgiving day. Because our time with Family is what matters most. Happy thanksgiving to all the beautiful families in the world

5. You’re always on our mind and in our heart, especially during holidays like these. To show how much we care, here’s a special thanksgiving message for everyone out there: Thankful?

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. So let’s start being more thankful for what we have now, because there will come a time when none of us will have anything left.

Also read: 100+ Thanksgiving trivia questions and answers for all ages (ultimate game edition for family)


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Good Thanksgiving wishes quotes

Here are some Best Quotes happy thanksgiving wishes:

1. Thanksgiving after all, is a word of action.

2. Give Thanks for a little and you will find a lot.

3. The heart that gives thanks has everything, and the heart that grumbles has nothing.

4. What we give thanks for becomes ours forever.

5. The way to live is to live each day as if it were your last; what we are doing today does not matter so much as what we are becoming tomorrow!

6. Be Grateful for everything you have and haven’t. Happy Thanksgiving.

7. Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.

8. Gratitude makes sense out of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.

9. A thankful person attracts positive outcomes in his or her life because he or she is grateful even when bad things happen.

10. If we are going to be thankful for all the good things in life, then let’s also be thankful for some of the less than perfect moments and people who enter our lives.

11. Remember, it is an honor and a privilege to serve others with love at this time of year no matter how big or small the deed may seem.

12. Being kind isn’t always easy but being kind sometimes changes someone else’s entire day-and maybe their week-and maybe their year too!

Also read: 300 Thanksgiving captions to fill your social media feed with gratitude


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Funny thanksgiving wishes

The following are a few Funny happy thanksgiving wishes to brighten your loved ones day:

1. The Thing I am most thankful for right now is the elastic waistbands.

2. For those of you who cannot be with family this thanksgiving, please resist the urge to brag. Happy Thanksgiving by the way anyway…!

3. Here’s a sweet little poem: Eat a meal and then eat another, drink water so your thirst don’t get any worse. And make sure not to forget that it’s your thanksgiving day.

4. Sure it’s all about giving thanks but let’s not forget about the whole colonial era thing where we celebrate how grateful our forefathers were for massacring thousands of indigenous people for their land.

5. There is nothing more important than appreciating what we don’t have in life – with those things, some of us would not even be here. Happy Thanksgiving for everything we don’t have.


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Thanksgiving wishes to employees

Here is a list of Beautiful Thanksgiving wishes for employees to make their day even more special:

1. Every day, we count our blessings that we have you as part of our work family. We want to thank you not only for being an amazing human being on the job but also off the job. We wish you a happy Thanksgiving that is filled with love, hope, and blessings!

2. You’re a wonderful person and it’s been such an honor having you as part of this team. You bring so much light into our workplace every day with your personality and friendliness. Happy thanksgiving to you and your loved ones

3. Even though it may seem like things are tough, I just wanted to let you know that there are so many people in this world who care about what happens to you and we are one of them. We are very thankful for you being a part of our company.

4. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at ___ Thank You for everything that you do!!!

5. It’s so nice knowing that you always go above and beyond for everyone around you. It’s important for us to take time out of our days and really appreciate the people around us because life can get hectic sometimes.

The best way to combat all of life’s craziness is by taking some time out once in a while to think about how lucky we are.

We take this thanksgiving as an opportunity to be grateful for all the employees in our company. We wish you a very warm and delicious thanksgiving.

Also read: 150+ Thanksgiving Instagram Captions to get you in the Turkey day spirit


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Thanksgiving wishes from business

Here are some Happy and Good Thanksgiving wishes for business: From business to clients, business partners, loyal customers and loved ones:

1. We are counting our blessings this thanksgiving. And working with you is one of them. Our Best Thanksgiving wishes to you and your family.

2. We are grateful for your loyalty and support, as we hope that you have a wonderful time celebrating Thanksgiving day with friends and family.

3. Thank you so much for being such an important part of our team! We know that your work is not easy, but we do appreciate everything you do.

4. Let’s all be thankful together this year and make each other feel more blessed than ever before!

5. Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all we are grateful for. This year, we are especially thankful for our amazing clients and partners, who trust us to help them navigate the ever-changing digital landscape.

We are thankful for the continued opportunity to do what we love – helping businesses grow and succeed online. From all of us at____ Our Warm Thanksgiving wishes to you and your near and dear ones.

6. Our entire team would like to extend our warmest thanksgiving wishes to you and your family. We hope you’re enjoying a restful weekend filled with laughter, love and of course… delicious food.

Our offices are closed today but we are looking forward to connecting with you tomorrow. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving to all our Business partners and loyal customers.

Also read: 300+ Thanksgiving activities that are sure to get you in the holiday spirit (2022 Edition)

Thanksgiving wishes to friends and family

Here are some Cute Thanksgiving wishes for family and friends:

1. Your family and friends will be super excited to see your happy faces. Be prepared for the Thanksgiving spirit and get ready to “Gobble till your Delicious Turkey Wobble.” Wishing you an advanced Happy Thanksgiving.”

2. I wish that you have a very fantastic turkey day full of love, laughs, and great food! May your families be able to bond with each other more during thanksgiving day because for sure it is going to be fun. Happy Thanksgiving!

3. At this time of year, the most important thing we can do is appreciate everything we have in our lives. Whether it’s good or bad, know that there are people out there who would trade their life for yours any given second.

I am so grateful to have a very special family and friends in my life. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving from my friends and family to yours.

4. As this holiday season draws near its end, take some time today to reflect on how lucky we all are to have been blessed with one another’s company in this beautiful life!

5. I am so deeply thankful for being surrounded by some of the kindest, smartest, funniest and best looking friends I could ever ask for.

6. You’ll always be in my thoughts as I celebrate this Thanksgiving Day without you. But even if we’re miles away, I’m still sending you all the love possible through these words:

7- My deepest gratitude goes to my family and friends who have helped me become a better person over these last few years. Wish you a Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Cute Thanksgiving day wishes

Here is a list of Happy Wishes on thanksgiving day:

1. Gratitude and appreciation are what this time of year is all about, so be thankful for the love and family that you have today! My best Thanksgiving wishes to everyone.

2. Every Thanksgiving we are reminded to thank the blessings in our lives, but also to look around at those who don’t have enough food or a place to call home this holiday season.

3. Embrace the joy of Thanksgiving without forgetting to reflect on those less fortunate. Giving back is one way to give thanks while sharing with others on this special day.

4. Remember that Thanksgiving isn’t just about giving thanks, it’s also about being thankful for the people and things in your life – your health, your happiness and loved ones too!

5. Take some time out from feasting tomorrow to do something good for someone else in need – volunteering at a local soup kitchen will allow you to enjoy yourself while helping someone else enjoy their meal as well!


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Happy thanksgiving wishes for everyone

These are a few happy thanksgiving wishes for everyone to make this holiday the best ever:

1. May the good things of life bring you cheer. May your plate be full, may your glass be dry, may you have a place to sleep and someone to love you near. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

2. From our house to yours, we wish you a happy Thanksgiving with friends and family!

3. We hope that this Thanksgiving brings joy into your heart and peace into your home. My best Happy thanksgiving wishes for everyone in my life.

4. A big round of applause for all the people who work hard year-round making sure that we all have food on our tables. Happy Thanksgiving day to you and your loved ones.

5. You will never get enough time to count all the reasons why you are thankful. So, just focus on being grateful today and every day. Best Thanksgiving wishes to everyone.

6. As the turkey roasts and potatoes simmer, I want to say thank you for being there when I needed support and encouragement; thank you for listening patiently when I had something important to say;

Thank you for lending an ear when I needed a sympathetic ear; thank you for laughing at my jokes even though they weren’t funny. I am so grateful for everyone in my life. Feasty thanksgiving holiday to you.

Thanksgiving wishes for coworkers, colleagues and team

Here are some Simple Thanksgiving wishes to coworkers, colleagues and your team for the perfect thanksgiving feast:

1. Warm greetings on the occasion of Thanksgiving to our team and coworkers. Give work a break and make the most of this day with your family and friends.

2. The most awaited occasion of thanksgiving is here , so I thank you my coworkers for all that you have done for the growth of the company. Our warm Thanksgiving wishes to you and your loved ones.

3. May this Thanksgiving be filled with joy, love, laughter and good food to our colleagues who are far away from their families. Here’s wishing you a happy Thanksgiving!

4. So thankful to have wonderful people like you as teammates, friends and colleagues in our lives! Enjoy this holiday season with your loved ones today!

5. We hope that you enjoy the upcoming holidays as much as we do- take care and we’ll see you soon comrades!

6. After working so hard each and every day, it’s important to pause and appreciate what we have in life. And since nothing says gratitude better than giving back, we want to say thank you for being part of our success story by helping us grow into a company that cares about its employees.

7. Thankful for having such amazing coworkers at _____ Company. It’s time for turkey day- don’t forget to share with your co-workers!

Warm Thanksgiving wishes for cards

This is a list of Sweet, short and Elegant Thanksgiving card wishes to make the turkey taste even better:

1. The Thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Have an amazing day celebrating with all the people you love!

2. No one has ever become poor by giving. So, be thankful for what you have and give generously. Happy Thanksgiving wishes to all..

3. Be mindful of how blessed we are to live in this beautiful country surrounded by so much history. Most importantly, spend time with loved ones and friends that are near or far today- because it’s not every day we can say Happy Thanksgiving!

4. As we express our gratitude, let us also remember those less fortunate than us. Let’s make a commitment to share our bounty with those who need it most. Best Thanksgiving wishes to you.

5. If we put more kindness into the world, it will put more out there too! Today is the perfect day to reach out to someone in need. Heartfelt thanksgiving wishes.


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Thanksgiving wishes for friends

Here is a list of Happy thanksgiving wishes to a friend. These loving thanksgiving wishes for friends will bring happiness their beautiful faces:

1. Friends are there when others forget you when things go wrong when you need company or comfort when nothing seems right.

They encourage us to look ahead even when we want to look back.

Sometimes they know us better than we know ourselves – just because they care enough to stay in touch with who we really are – deep down inside where few people ever see.

So, I am very grateful for the very few friends who stuck with me through thick and thin.

I wish you nothing more than Happiness and Healthy life. May This Thanksgiving provide everything you wished for very long.

2. Best wishes on this lovely Thanksgiving day that brings together family and friends! I am very thankful to the universe for bringing such an amazing friend into my life.

3. Your friendship has helped me so much over the years, thanks for always being there when I need a shoulder to lean on or just someone to talk to. All my prayers and Thanksgiving wishes are with you my dearest friend.

4. You’ve helped me through some difficult times in my life; you’re one of my favorite people in the whole world! I wish all your goals to be fulfilled this Thanksgiving Season.

5. Happy Thanksgiving my sweetest friend! Thank you for showing up every time I need someone by my side.

6. Happy Thanksgiving my dear one! Thank you for always being there for me even when we don’t see each other often. You’re such a blessing in my life, may blessings come to you abundantly this Thanksgiving Day.

7. It’s been hard without our chats these days – it feels like it’s been forever since we’ve spoken! Happy Thanksgiving my one and only friend.

8. May all the good things of life be yours, not only at Thanksgiving but throughout the coming year. I am very grateful to be your friend and thank you for being a great human!


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Thanksgiving wishes for clients and customers

Here are some more simple Thanksgiving wishes to customers and clients:

1. Thank you for supporting our small business through the trials of this year. We are grateful for your loyalty and wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

2. Our gratitude goes out to you and your family this Thanksgiving. Thank you for being an amazing client, we hope you have an awesome holiday season. If there’s anything we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

3. Thank you so much for understanding and supporting us. You are our valuable customers. We hope that all of your Thanksgiving days are filled with happiness and joy. Be sure to take some time to enjoy yourself on Thursday as well!

4. May God bless all those who walk into our store, whether it’s just once or 100 times – all have been greatly appreciated by us. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving to all our clients and loyal customers!

5. On behalf of our whole team here at XYZ Inc., thank you for making this such a great year for us. We’re looking forward to many more years of growth and success because of you!

6. With thanksgiving in mind, we thank you for your support in this crazy economy. It has not been easy these past few months but we appreciate the opportunity to serve you, and extend to all those who work with us.

Thanksgiving wishes for birthday

If your loved ones celebrate their birthday on thanksgiving. Here are some special thanksgiving wishes for birthday to make their day even more special:

1. Wishing you a very yummy and delicious Happy Thanksgiving Birthday.

2. We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to celebrate your Birthday on this special Thanksgiving day with you! We hope that it was everything you hoped for! Happy Birthday Champion.

3. You’re such an important part of our family and we just wanted to take the time to say thank you, from the bottom of our hearts! And Lucky to celebrate your birthday and Thanksgiving day at the same time. We wish you many more such happy returns of the day honey.

4. We all love you so much and we are thankful that God blessed us with a son like you. I am thankful for your cheerful nature, I am thankful for all the love in your heart, and I’m most thankful that God gave me my son. Happy Thanksgiving day and Birthday.

5. You bring joy to everyone around you because of who you are and what you do every single day! Happy Birthday and Thanksgiving day to you my love.

Thanksgiving wishes for teachers

Here are some appropriate Thanksgiving wishes to teacher as a gratitude:

1. Thank you for all of the time and special attention you’ve given me. It made such a difference in my attitude and grades. I am very grateful for being your student. I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving my favorite teacher.

2. I know it’s tough being a teacher, so I want to thank you for all your hard work and guidance. Happy Thanksgiving Ma’am.

3. You have taught me so much about myself, about other cultures and about different ways of thinking that have helped me grow into an educated and open-minded person.

Thank you so much for everything you have taught me. I would like to take this thanksgiving as an opportunity to send my heartfelt wishes and greetings to you. Happy Thanksgiving season Teacher.

4. I am grateful to be part of your class this year because it has been one of the best parts of my school experience thus far! Happy thanksgiving to you sir.

5. Thank you for teaching me important lessons that will stick with me forever – lessons like how to love others no matter their differences, how to stand up for what I believe in, how to handle tough situations calmly and responsibly, how not to judge people by their appearances but by who they are inside.

Thanksgiving wishes for boss

Here are some of the Warm Happy Thanksgiving wishes to boss:

1. Wishing a very Happy Thanksgiving to the most inspiring and encouraging boss. May your home be full of prosperity, happiness and smiles.”

2. Thank you so much for everything that you do to make my work days fulfilling and rewarding. Happy Thanksgiving BOSS.

3. You are such a great leader, it is an honor to work with you every day. My prayers and support are with you on this thanksgiving day BOSS.

4. Thank you for teaching me many things about what it means to be great at my job! Happy Turkey Day boss!

5. I am grateful to have someone who has been so supportive of me in my career journey. I hope you enjoy your time off with family and friends, if not eat too much turkey haha ;).

6. Thanks again for all the Inspiring experiences we have shared in these past months and always looking forward to more Encouraging times ahead Boss. Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your family.

7. Wishing a very happy Thanksgiving Day Boss!


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Free thanksgiving wishes

Here is a list of Free happy thanksgiving wishes to send your near and dear ones:

1. Life is short, eat dessert first. Happy Thanksgiving!

2. Sharing food builds community, brings families together, and reinforces friendships. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

3. I am grateful for my blessings everyday but I am especially grateful on days like today where I get to count them twice, once as they come my way and once as they go away. Amazing Thanksgiving Feast to you.

4. Remembering the good times always makes me smile. There’s nothing like being able to sit back and reflect on everything you’ve accomplished. I am very grateful for everything in my life. Happy Thanksgiving celebrations.

5. You don’t need a holiday to be thankful; simply taking stock of all the things you have (big or small) will suffice. Take this thanksgiving as an opportunity to help yourself grow.

Belated thanksgiving wishes

The following is a list of Late and belated thanksgiving wishes to greet everyone:

1. Thanksgiving greetings! Just a little bit late.

2. Happy Belated Thanksgiving wishes to all my friends in America, Canada, and everywhere else across the globe celebrating today.

3. I hope it’s not too late to wish you a happy Thanksgiving. I hope your day was filled with love, laughter, family, friends, fun and happiness.

4. Enjoy this wonderful time of year with all that you are thankful for because you deserve it after enduring such a long cold winter! By The way, Belated Thanksgiving wishes from me to you.

5. If it’s okay for you to hear me say, “Happy Thanksgiving Feast to you.” even after a day of Thanksgiving then let it be. (Haha..) Hope you had an amazing day and night with your family and friends.

Religious thanksgiving wishes Christian

Here is a list of Spiritual and Religious happy thanksgiving wishes

1. My heart goes out to those who are not able to enjoy a meal today with their family or friends. We can’t always control what happens in our lives, but we can count on others when we need them most.

Hope this thanksgiving provides every opportunity for everyone to grow and heal.

2. Love others just as God loves them because he gives his only son for the whole world- including you and me! My Heartfelt greetings to you on this Thanksgiving day.

3. My best Thanksgiving wishes are for you to always be happy and healthy. Have a wonderful holiday and may God bless you abundantly with joy.

4. God is good all the time, even if we don’t understand why sometimes. He is good because he gave us a gift that is eternal life through Christ Jesus.

Thank you God for all of your blessings this year and thank you Lord for saving my life from Evil.

5. Thankful that I’m alive to celebrate Thanksgiving with my loved ones after such an eventful year full of ups and downs. Wish you a Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Thanksgiving wishes for Facebook or Instagram

Here are some Unique Thanksgiving wishes to post on facebook as well as on Instagram:

1. Beautiful memories, warm gatherings, and delicious food come to mind when I think of Thanksgiving. It’s a time to reflect on the blessings in our lives and show gratitude for the year that’s passed.

2. I hope you enjoy your holiday with friends and family! May this Thanksgiving season be filled with love and joy!

3. It’s always so great to get together with people we care about – it reminds us how much we have going for us. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

4. The best part of this day is being able to be thankful and grateful for all the things we have in life, big or small! My Best Wishes and prayers to you all.

5. All the things that happen during the course of one day (or week) can seem like they’re weighing down on us at times; but looking back at what we’ve accomplished over a lifetime really puts everything into perspective! Hope this thanksgiving keep us grounded.

Also read: 300 Thanksgiving questions to ask to strengthen relationships (Icebreakers, conversation starters, trivia)

Thanksgiving wishes messages

Here are a few Short inspirational thanksgiving wishes messages for a stress-free holiday:

1. Friends are family members we choose ourselves. so happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

2. Friendships and family are precious gifts given to us from God. Take this time to think about all the blessings in your life and be thankful. I hope that you have a wonderful holiday season with your dearest friends who love you!

3. May your Thanksgiving day be filled with many blessings, both large and small! My Special thanksgiving wishes to all.

4. I hope that you enjoy a relaxing day with those who matter most.Happy Thanksgiving.

5. Make sure to take time to express your gratitude for all the things that you have been blessed with over these last few months and years, it is not easy but worth it!

Thanksgiving wishes email

Here is a list of some formal Thanksgiving wishes to send through email:


To Team,

Thank you for being such an important part of our life this year. We are so lucky to have each of you in our lives and we’re so thankful to have the opportunity to work with you on a daily basis!

I hope that your Thanksgiving weekend is filled with lots of love and good food, and that we get to see each other again soon!

Yours truly,



To clients,

 It has been our pleasure to serve you and support your growth and we look forward to continuing to build a long-lasting relationship with you and help you achieve your goals.

Thank you for trusting us, we are grateful for every bit of it. Wishing each of you a happy thanksgiving day!

Yours truly,



To Employees,

We are all looking forward to working together as we continue on and all the many years ahead.

Take care of yourself during the holiday season, give back where you can, and be sure to enjoy time with friends and family as well.

Yours Truly,



To Family and Friends,

 On behalf of all of us, we would like to take a moment to show you how much we appreciate you and all that you do for us.

We are so grateful to have each of you in our lives and your support has made a significant impact in our work. So once again, thank you for always being there for us!

Yours lovingly,



To Followers and users,

 The time, effort and faith that you have placed on us is heart-warming. We are extremely grateful to have all of you as a part of our community, and we look forward to continue growing and developing together.

Thank you for being with us. Here’s wishing you a happy thanksgiving day!

Yours truly,


Thanksgiving wishes for boyfriend or girlfriend

Here is a list of Nice and meaningful thanksgiving wishes for boyfriend or girlfriend:

1. The occasion of Thanksgiving is a reminder to me that I am so fortunate to have you in my life. Warm wishes on Thanksgiving to you my love.

2. With lots of love and trust, from the bottom of my heart, I want to say happy Thanksgiving baby.

3. Thank you for bringing so many smiles into my life. I’m so lucky to have found someone who loves me unconditionally. I hope your Thanksgiving day is just as special as you are.

4. Wishing you all the happiness this world has to offer today and always sweetie pie!

5. May all your dreams come true, may all your wishes come true, may all your hopes come true, and may God bless you abundantly this Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving wishes for neighbors and relatives

Here is a list of Wonderful thanksgiving wishes for neighbors and relatives:

1. Not only are you a fantastic neighbor but also a par-excellent human being that everyone looks up to as an ideal. I am so grateful to have someone like you in my life.

I hope this Thanksgiving season is full of laughter and happiness for you, your family, and all the people in your life.

2. Thank you for being so amiable and respectful. You’re always willing to lend a hand when it’s needed and even when it isn’t.

You bring out the best in others with your friendly attitude and amazing spirit! May you be blessed abundantly this holiday season!

3. As you embark on Thanksgiving Day with friends, family, and loved ones please know how very fortunate we are to have each other as such great neighbors!

4. We are very grateful for such wonderful neighbors like you who make our lives so much richer and brighter with their companionship.

5. I don’t know what we would do without such soulful neighbors who keep us company and watch over our homes when we’re away. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

6. We love having someone to celebrate special occasions with who understands the meaning of true friendship without question or judgment; thank you for being just that person for us!

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Thanksgiving Wishes: Nothing beats a thankful heart and thanksgiving is the perfect occasion to let your heart speak for all the things that you are grateful for. Thanksgiving is a very special day where we get to be thankful to God and everyone else in our life for all the good things. Thanksgiving is a blessing in disguise. So, be thankful for everything and let sheer happiness take over your day. Count your blessings one by one and let the happiness and the positivity spread. Send some warm thanksgiving messages to everyone associated with you and let the love flow.

  • Thanksgiving Wishes
  • Thanksgiving Messages
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  • For Her
  • For Him
  • Family
  • Brother
  • Sister
  • Mom
  • Dad
  • Wife
  • Husband
  • Romantic
  • Religious
  • Colleagues
  • Business
  • Quotes

Happy Thanksgiving! May you have a blessed and joyous holiday!

Happy Thanksgiving to all! May you enjoy the day with your family and friends!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. May God keep blessing you and fulfill all your wishes and dreams.

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing you a Thanksgiving full of love and happiness. I hope all the good things happen in your life.

Happy Thanksgiving! May you all enjoy a memorable holiday with your near and dear ones.

Sending you my warm love and best wishes on this special day. Happy Thanksgiving Day 2022!

Praying that God may bless you with His mercy, grace, and love. May God bless you this Thanksgiving and always. Wishing you a blissful thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving to the love of my life. May this occasion light up your life and fill it with joy as you did mine. I love you, my sweetheart!

I wish you a happy Thanksgiving that is filled with God’s blessings. Don’t forget to express your gratitude to God for all the love he has given you on Thanksgiving. Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving.

thanksgiving text messages

Happy Thanksgiving to you all, lovely people. May your days ahead be filled with good health and great memories.

Happy Thanksgiving and the warmest wishes to you all. I pray for each of you to have the best things in life.

Happy Thanksgiving to my family and friends. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.

I am forever grateful to have such an amazing friend like you. Happy Thanksgiving.

I am so lucky to spend this glorious day with you, love. I pray that we can spend every occasion of our life together.

Wish you have a blessed thanksgiving. May peace and prosperity follow you today and every day.

Happy Thanksgiving to all! May you enjoy this wonderful occasion and have lots of fun throughout the whole year.

Enjoy each and every moment of this wonderful day and be grateful to God for all the blessings. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Wishing you a day full of joy, surrounded by your dearest family and friends with tables full of delicious food! Happy Thanksgiving to you!

You came into my life with a thousand blessings. I always feel lucky to have such a beautiful person in my life. Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving Day!

I am so deeply thankful for being surrounded by some amazing people like you throughout the year. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Wishing you a deliciously sweet Thanksgiving Day surrounded by the ones you love and the ones you cherish. May you have a grand holiday season!


Some friendships become more beautiful over time. Thank you for the color you add to my life! I wish you a heartfelt Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving Day to you! May this special occasion bring your family closer and bless the bond of love! Have a cheerful holiday ahead!

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours! We are grateful and delighted to be able to celebrate this wonderful occasion with you all!

Gratitude and appreciation double the blessings of life, so we are sincerely expressing our thankfulness to you! Happy Thanksgiving to you, dear!

Your presence is a delightful thing to have in life, and I am really grateful to have you around. Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Day to you! I wish you to be blessed with all the good of the world and enjoy the day with love and gratitude in your heart.

May you enjoy the feast and have lots of fun on this wonderful occasion. May you have a home filled with joy, laughter, freedom, and love. Happy Thanksgiving.

I’m thankful for Thanksgiving Day because it allows me to express my gratitude to you guys. I feel blessed to have you in my life. Happy Thanksgiving!

We may not always be close to each other, but our hearts are always close, whether it be a New Year or Thanksgiving. Sending love and hugs for you!

happy thanksgiving message

This Thanksgiving, I wish that God showers you and your family with peace, love, warmth, and joy. Have a joyous Thanksgiving!

On this Thanksgiving, we want to thank you all for your support throughout the year. You are the pride that we must show off! Wishing you a great holiday season!

Embrace the joy of Thanksgiving with a grateful heart because you’ve been blessed in more ways than you know. Happy Thanksgiving 2022!

May the good things of life be yours in abundance not only at Thanksgiving but throughout the coming year. Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Happy Thanksgiving Messages

Here comes another year of giving thanks for all the blessings we received. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating. I hope you have a great year ahead. Happy Thanksgiving.

On this festive of gratitude, I want to thank you for all the love, kindness and support you have ushered me throughout the years. Happy Thanksgiving.

This Thanksgiving, I am eternally grateful for having you as my partner. Your unwavering support, sheer loyalty, and unconditional love have made my life worth living. Happy Thanksgiving, my love!

May this Thanksgiving be filled with lots of love, sweetness, lights, and memories for you and your loved ones. Be thankful and spread gratitude among your family and others for this wonderful occasion! Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to the most special person in my life. I am grateful I met you in my walk of life, and I want to use this opportunity to let you know that I pledge to stand by you forever. I love you.

Happy Thanksgiving Wishes

May the warmth of this Thanksgiving season surround your life with favor like a shield. May you find happiness in everything and everything that makes you happy.

We need to be grateful every day to God for His blessings. Let’s take a moment to appreciate God’s mercy and love on this holiday. Happy Thanksgiving.

A true friend like you is a blessing in my life. As I count on my blessings this thanksgiving, I consider you as one of my greatest blessings. Happy Thanksgiving my friend.

May you have a great time with your loved ones during this Thanksgiving. May your times be filled with refreshing mornings and relaxing sunsets during this holiday season!

Thanksgiving is a blessing in disguise. With your friends and family near, make this day as special as you can and thank them with your heart. Happy Thanksgiving!

You have always sparked in me a desire to learn and grow, motivating me to think strategically about my life’s trajectory and improve myself. Your words have given me newfound confidence. Happy Thanksgiving dear teacher!

Celebrate this beautiful festive and be thankful for everything and everyone that brings you joy in your life. I hope you have a great thanksgiving. Happy turkey day!

May you find joy in abundance during this happy season of Thanksgiving. Wishing you a blissfully awesome harvest season this season. Happy Thanksgiving!

Once a year we get the chance to thank God, our family, our friends, and every little joy that comes each day. Let’s make this Thanksgiving an occasion that we will always remember! Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a day to remember all the good things regardless of how small or large- they may be. Thank you for being a constant in my life. Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving Image

On this thanksgiving, I wish that all your blessings get multiplied this year and throughout your whole life. Have a great holiday, and happy thanksgiving 2022.

I wish dear Lord bless you with all the peace, happiness, and joy on this thanksgiving. I also hope you’d stay sober this thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving.

May you be blessed with the divine blessings of the Lord on Thanksgiving and have a great year ahead. May God be there for you, always and forever.

There have been times when I forgot to thank you for being there for me. I take this day to tell you how special you are and how great my life has become because of you. Have a memorable Thanksgiving.

Read: Thanksgiving Prayers, Blessings and Bible Quotes

Thanksgiving Wishes for Friends

Dear friend, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! I am thankful to you for all the little things you do for me. Have a blessed and happy holiday!

Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your family! May the warmth of your heart and the kindness of your soul go a long way, my friend!

My friend, Happy Thanksgiving to you! May all your hard work bring color to your life and take you to the highest peak of success!

I want to express my profound gratitude to you for being my friend. May we always remain together and continue making memories. Happy Thanksgiving!

May all the roughness of this year fade away, and may God reward you with an abundance of happiness. Happy Thanksgiving, friend.

Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving, best friend. May you stumble upon the best things in life, all of which you deserve.

I have failed to tell you guys how much I am grateful for having you on so many occasions. But this time, I want to thank you all for always being there for me. Happy Thanksgiving!

thanksgiving message to friends

Wishing my best friend a happy turkey-filled Thanksgiving celebration. As the year slowly runs out, endeavor to enjoy the remaining months of it with your family, basking in love for one another.

Happy Thanksgiving Day. You are so healthy and puffy that sometimes I wonder If you were a turkey! Have a great day!

Happy Thanksgiving, dear! On this meaningful day, I would like to express my utter gratitude and love to you for being a good companion and an even better human being!

Buddy, you are the most generous and passionate person I know, and I pray that all your wishes come true one day. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

November is the time to be thankful, a time to remember and embrace those who enrich our lives. I’m thankful for a lot of things, but I’m most thankful for You!

Sending my heartfelt Thanksgiving wishes to the person who always gives me unconditional love. Happy Thanksgiving bestie!

thanksgiving text messages to friends

Happy Thanksgiving, buddy. Our friendship is truly precious to me, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Happy Thanksgiving, my dear friend. I adore you and all the memories we have made together.

Read More: Happy Thanksgiving Wishes for Friends

Thanksgiving Wishes for Her

Happy Thanksgiving, my love! Thank you for making every moment of my life so memorable and delightful! I wish to be with you all my life!

I consider myself fortunate to have someone beautiful both inside and out in my life. A very happy Thanksgiving to you, my love! I’m grateful for your every action towards me. I cannot imagine what I would do without your love.

I wouldn’t have been the person I am today without your love and support; thank you for existing! Have a joyous holiday, honey.

Happy Thanksgiving to my beloved person, for whom my heart is filled with profound love, affection, and utmost respect. Thank you for always being you, and letting me be myself all the time!

Thanksgiving Wishes for Her

I have a thousand things to be grateful for, but among them, the most precious one is you. Happy Thanksgiving, my love.

Thanksgiving is the time to reflect on our blessings and achievements. Thank you for blessing my life with your positive and happy spirit. I hope to contribute the same to your life. Happy Thanksgiving, my love!

Counting my blessings this season, I find you to be the biggest one! Thank you for being by my side and gracing my life with so much joy! Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear, you are the kindest soul I know and you deserve nothing but immense happiness in this world! Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!

Sweetheart, I cherish every second I spend with you! Happy Thanksgiving to you! May you spend a wonderful day surrounded by love and joy!

Happy Thanksgiving, sweetie. You are my queen, and I want you to have only the best things in life.

Happy Thanksgiving, my girl. Thank you for tolerating me and taking care of me with such dedication!

I am thankful to have someone like you in my life, who has made me a better man. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, baby!

Thanksgiving Wishes for Him

Happy Thanksgiving to my handsome man! Your existence makes everything better.

You’ve filled my life with your unconditional love, care, and support. Thank you for everything and happy Thanksgiving, my love.

Another thanksgiving to spend with a marvelous, kind-hearted, loving man I married. You are the best husband I could ever wish for. You have my heart, but don’t stand a chance of having my turkey leg!

I feel extremely grateful for all the blessings I have, a supportive family, a good career, and most importantly, YOU. On this Thanksgiving day, I want to thank you for being there for me.

Thanksgiving Wishes for Him

Today is the day to be grateful for all those things we feel blessed with. Among all the great people in my life, you are the one who is at the top of the list. Happy Thanksgiving, love.

Thanksgiving day is another scope to express my love and gratitude to you, my love. Thank you for being a big part of my small world. Happy thanksgiving day, dearest.

The thing I am most thankful for right now is having you by my side, my beloved. Happy Thanksgiving, and my heartfelt love to you.

Happy Thanksgiving, love. Thank you for being such an inseparable part of me and a never-ending source of happiness.

Having you as my partner makes my heart burst with pride and gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving, darling.

Happy Thanksgiving! You are the greatest gift I have got from life, and I am truly grateful for it.

Happy Thanksgiving Day! You were there for me when I was lost, devastated, and sad. You brought the light into my life. I’m greatly thankful to you, dear.

Thanksgiving Wishes for Family

Warm wishes for my family on this Thanksgiving day. May God bless my family in every possible way. Wishing my lovely family happy thanksgiving.

Having a family is one of the best blessings in life. Happy Thanksgiving to my most supportive family.

Words can’t express how thankful I am to have you as my family! Happy Thanksgiving to my family.

May this season of Thanksgiving bring peace and blessings to our home. May our year be fully loaded with enormous delights. Warmest wishes to our family on this Thanksgiving.

Being a family means you are part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. No matter what. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Wishes for Family

Gratitude is a great excuse to have a family dinner and I feel good to have thanksgiving cover my back. So grateful that Lord blessed me with this wonderful family.

Happy thanksgiving to the people who make me thankful for being me. Sending you thoughts of good tidings and a great thanksgiving meal.

Warm wishes on this great occasion of thanksgiving. May Lord bless you in every aspect of your life and give you every ounce of happiness that you deserve.

You are the people who always made a difference in my life and who always helped me get through the toughest times. I am grateful to you this Thanksgiving!

You’re in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping this day holds all the warmth, contentment, and love of a wonderful and happy thanksgiving to you and your family.

No occasion is complete without the family, but it is especially Thanksgiving that makes me feel lucky to have you, people. Enjoy the holiday!

Thank you so much, dear, for always being by my side like a sister/brother. You are the person with whom I can share all my happy and sad moments. You were always there to help me take care of myself. I hope that this Thanksgiving is the most memorable one for you!

You are a precious gift from God in my life. I am grateful and consider myself extremely fortunate to have you as a nephew! I pray and hope this Thanksgiving remains a memorable one for you, always!

Read More: Thanksgiving Wishes for Family

Thanksgiving Wishes for Brother

Dear brother, Happy Thanksgiving Day! I could not ask for a better brother and a better friend than you! Sending warm hugs and love your way!

Thanksgiving season brings up the memories of our happy childhood, so let us have a nostalgic week ahead. Happy Thanksgiving to you, my brother!

May God bless you on this Thanksgiving Day with all the happiness that your big heart can contain. Happy Thanksgiving, brother.

My brother, you have always loved me generously and taught me the ways of life. I am grateful to have a mentor like you in my life! Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to you, my dear brother! You are a true gem of my life. May the bond of our love only strengthen with time!

You always seem to know all my wishes and dreams. Thank you for always inspiring me to achieve them. I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving, brother.

You are the most wonderful brother on the planet. Thank you for everything, brother, have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Wishes for Sister

May this thanksgiving bring more blessings in your life because an amazing sister like you deserve it. Happy Thanksgiving, my lovely sis.

God has blessed me with His uncountable blessings and one of them is you, my sister. Thank you for being the most supportive sister. Warm wishes to you on this day.

Wishing the most beautiful Thanksgiving to the best sister I could have ever asked for. I wish you contentment in life and a beautiful Thanksgiving celebration with friends and family.

I’ve been waiting for this day for so long to express my gratitude to you, my sister. You are the one who was always there for me no matter what. Wishing you a blessed and cheerful thanksgiving.

I have always been thankful to God for having a caring sister like you. You are my role model and I wish your every dream to come true. Happy Thanksgiving.

You’ve shown me that sisters can be great friends as well. Thank you for being the best friend I’ve ever had. Wishing you an amazing Thanksgiving.

On this Thanksgiving, I’m sending you hugs and love. I consider myself fortunate to have you as a sister.

Thank you for being my life’s biggest support system, sister. Happy Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Greetings for Mom

Thank you so much for always being there for me, mom. Happy Thanksgiving! I love you.

Mom, Happy Thanksgiving to you! Thank you for showering me with unconditional love and care throughout my life. May you be blessed every day!

Mother, no word is enough to express how grateful I am to you for everything you have done for my well-being! Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Happy Thanksgiving to the most fabulous mom on Earth. Thank you for how strongly you have held this family together all through the years.

Thanksgiving Greetings for Mom

Mom, Happy Thanksgiving to you! Thank you for raising me into the person I am today. I pray for good health and happiness for you every day!

Even a lifetime of gratitude will fall short to express my respect and love for you, mother! May you always stay healthy! Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Happy Thanksgiving Day to you, Mom! May we celebrate this day with kindness in our hearts and generosity in our actions. Sending warm prayers your way!

Thank you for giving birth to me; I feel blessed to have been allowed to be born as your child. On Thanksgiving, I’m sending you hugs and kisses.

You always understood me when no one else did. Thank you very much, Mom. Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Greetings for Dad

I want to take the opportunity to appreciate how blessed I am to have you in my life, Dad. Thank you for your boundless love, care, and support. I love you.

Sending you my warm wishes on this Thanksgiving day. Wishing all the happiness to my Dad on this Thanksgiving Day and every day on this earth.

Happy Thanksgiving to the coolest dad in the world. Among all my blessings, nothing can be compared to you. Have a blessed and enjoyable Thanksgiving.

On this special holiday, I want to thank you for giving me the best life. You never failed to fulfill my wishes and needs. Thank you, dad. Happy thanksgiving day.

The thing I feel most grateful about is you, Dad. Thank you for teaching me the true values of life. Whatever I am today is only because of you.

You’ve always pushed me to work hard for my goals and desires. Thank you for having faith in me. I was able to achieve success because of you. Thank you, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving, dad.

Thank you for being my role model and showing me how to be a good human being, dad. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Wishes for Wife

Thanks for providing me with such an amazing life to live forever, my wife. I just want to hold your hands and give thanks to you for all you have done for me. You entered my life and changed everything like an angel!

The love I have for you is unlimited and never-ending. I wish you a box of hope, joy, and happiness in this Thanksgiving Day!

Thanksgiving Wishes for Wife

I already feel blessed that I got to celebrate another thanksgiving with you, my dear. Today on this very special day, I want you to know that I am incredibly thankful for you being in my life. Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving, my lovely wife.

Thanksgiving is a time to thank those who make our lives better. If I make a list of things for which I am grateful, you will always be on the top, my wife. You have made my life 100x times better.

I want to spend thousands of thanksgiving days with you, my dear. You are all I have ever dreamed of and you fulfilled all my dreams. No wonder why I keep calling you my dream girl. Wishing you a lovely Thanksgiving!

I am thankful to have someone like you in my life, dear wife. I cherish every moment spent with you. I wish you a delightful Thanksgiving, love!

Thanksgiving Wishes for Husband

My darling, I wish you a happy Thanksgiving day, and I sincerely pray that you never ever forget how much I love you and how grateful I am that you are in my life for good.

Any praise I do you would be less because all you have done for me has exceeded my expectations. Not only have I dreamed of having you, but you are also the husband that every woman wishes to have. Thanks for everything, sweetheart.

On this Thanksgiving, I want to thank you for all your effort and the hard work that you do every day for our family. You are truly an amazing life partner as well as an amazing father. Thank you, sweetheart, for loving us so much.

I never imagined that I would be so happy in my life after marrying you. Today I want to thank you for all the small gestures of love that made my day. You are a gem!

What a prestigious festive to express my utmost gratitude to God for bestowing me with a husband like you. You came into my life and changed it for the better. May this thanksgiving bring life to your dreams, and you prosper with every passing minute.

Life has put us through many turmoils, but it was you who made it worth fighting for. I don’t know what I would do without you. Happy thanksgiving to the king of my heart! I love you with every fiber in my body.

I am grateful to the lord for you every day, not only on Thanksgiving. Now, let’s dig into the scrumptious turkey we made together. Shall we?

Romantic Thanksgiving Love Messages

Happy Thanksgiving to the love of my life. May God bless you with the same happiness that you bring me.

Whenever I count the blessings in life, your name always comes to the top of the list. You really make me feel grateful all the time. Happy Thanksgiving my love!


Happy Thanksgiving, honey. I am truly thankful for all the hope and happiness you bring into my life.

May all the good things come to you like waves rushing over and crashing on the shore. My best wishes for you on this Thanksgiving!

I want to spend another hundred Thanksgiving Days with you by my side. You are the greatest gift from God. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

Thank you for being my best friend, soulmate, and best partner ever! Happy Thanksgiving 2022.

You unlocked the door of happiness in my life and now I’m drowning in the ocean of happiness. I am so grateful because I have you by my side on this Thanksgiving!

Being your lover means I’m a part of something so blissful, something so mesmerizing that just the simple thought of you makes me feel grateful to be alive. Happy Thanksgiving!

You are a miracle that has changed my life in the best way possible. So, this Thanksgiving, I want to thank you for being by my side.

Also Read: Thank You My Love Messages

Religious Thanksgiving Message and Blessings

May your every day fills with God’s uncountable blessings, memorable moments, and happiness. Wishing you a blessed thanksgiving.

Let us thank God on this occasion of thanksgiving for always looking after us. May he bless us more in the upcoming years. Amen. Happy Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is a wonderful opportunity to express gratitude to God for allowing us to live and for everything He has provided us with in life. Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving.

We should give thanks to God every day for everything He does for us every day. On this thanksgiving let us spend some time thanking and praising God for all His miracles! He will surely be kind enough to bless us more if we remain humble and grateful.

May this thanksgiving bring you good luck and prosperity. Let’s pray to God and thank him for the many blessings that he has bestowed upon us.

Religious Thanksgiving Message

Thanks to all the people who gathered around the table on this holy festival of thanksgiving. Let’s raise a toast to all the biblical sacrifices and be grateful to God. Amen.

Happy thanksgiving to everyone celebrating. Let us be thankful to God for creating us and allowing us to be the best of all kinds.

Wishing you the gift of blessing and faith in the hope of all the best things that are yet to come. Happy Thanksgiving, may Lord bless you.

Let us thank almighty for all of his temporal and spiritual blessings upon us on this Thanksgiving. May he continue to bless us throughout the year!

Thanksgiving is for praising God for all the good things he blessed us with throughout the year. Let us all extol him with music and song on this Thanksgiving!

Let us all gather before him and praise his wondrous works with Thanksgiving songs and music. May we all be blessed today and every day. Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Wishes for Colleagues

I cannot express how lucky I feel to have a compassionate, helpful, and understanding colleague like you! Have a happy Thanksgiving ahead!

Dear colleague, Happy Thanksgiving! It feels great to have someone help me out in the office every now and then, so I am really grateful to you!

Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving! Thank you for filling the workplace with energy and optimism.

Happy Thanksgiving to the colleague who always ensures I’ve got solutions to any problems I face. I am grateful to be in the presence of someone as amazing as you are.

I am so grateful to have teammates like you all. Amazingly, our team has always gets recognized for its outstanding teamwork and successes. I always look forward to the opportunity to work with the team in the future. Happy Thanksgiving!

Today, I want to express my gratitude to God for bestowing me with the best coworker. Thank you for your constant support and appreciation. Happy and warm thanksgiving to you!

Enjoy this Thanksgiving holiday to the fullest. Eat delicious foods, spend time with your family and relatives and come over here to join my family if you can!

May you be bestowed upon with the best of everything and have the strength to surpass any obstacle. The Lord will lead your way. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

thanksgiving wishes to colleague

May you find peace in every corner of your home, and may your career be filled with success. Wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

It is my utmost pleasure to have you as my colleague, and I want to wish you and your family a magical Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving! The office would never have been so lively without you, and I hope to work with you for many more days.

Read More: Thanksgiving Messages for Colleagues

Thanksgiving Messages for Business

We are thankful to get an opportunity to serve customers like you. We want to share our heartfelt wishes to you on this Thanksgiving day. Happy Thanksgiving.

Clients like you make my job easy and worth it. I hope you have a safe and great thanksgiving. I hope you enjoy your thanksgiving to the fullest.

We couldn’t have been in this place without you. Thank you so much. We have truly enjoyed serving you guys. Happy Thanksgiving.

A heart-warming thank you for the achievements and success you have brought to our company. Good fortunes are all we wish you in this season.

The true joy of Thanksgiving is seeing you happy and content at the end of the day. Thank you for always trusting us. Happy Thanksgiving!

Without you, our journey would never be this much enjoyable. Thank you for being an integral part of our business. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

We would never have come this far if it wasn’t for you. Our success is measured not by the profits we make but by the trust we gain. Happy Thanksgiving!

On this thanksgiving, I want to thank you guys so much. We have so much to be thankful for this year, especially having a loyal client like you. Thanks for being a part of the journey.

Thanksgiving Messages for Business

Thank you so much for trusting us; I wish you nothing but good luck for the upcoming year. Happy Thanksgiving! Have a safe and sound holiday.

A business isn’t managed by one individual but by everyone ready to put in the effort to make it successful. All of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

It is only because of all of you that we will be able to achieve all of our goals. Thanksgiving greetings for everyone!

Read More: Thanksgiving Messages for Business

Thanksgiving Text Messages

I wish you joy, happiness, and peace. Happy Thanksgiving.

I hope you are having a great time! Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Day! I wish you all the best on this day!

May your days ahead be as beautiful as the colors of autumn. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Thanks for bringing joy and hope to my life. Happy Thanksgiving Day, Love!

Sending warm wishes and gratitude your way! Happy Thanksgiving 2022!

Wishing you a delightful and happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours!

Happy Thanksgiving Day! Embrace each other with gratitude and enjoy!

Thank you for being one of my blessings without whom I cannot imagine my life.

May God always protect our loved ones. Happy thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Day Card Messages

Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to strengthen your bond with your beloved ones. Hope you will enjoy your time and have a great day with your loved ones.

May all the good things come flooding your way. Wishing you and your loved ones a great holiday. Happy Thanksgiving, have fun.

You are a blessing in my life and this thanksgiving, I want to thank Lord for sending you in my life. Happy Thanksgiving, have a great year ahead. Love you.

Thanksgiving Day Card Messages

Enjoy Your Thanksgiving! May your holiday be joyful and may happiness surround it, with good things on your table and those you love around it!

Celebrate this Thanksgiving with smiles in your heart, May you be the happiest person on earth, Wishing that God will continue to bless all your endeavors.

May your life be filled with nature’s bounty and the divine blessings of the Lord on this Thanksgiving. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is not just for expressing thanks for what you have. It is also a time to be grateful for what you are going to have. So have a Happy Thanksgiving Day!

May the good things of life be yours in abundance not only at Thanksgiving but throughout the coming year.

At this time of the Thanksgiving celebration, our thoughts turn gratefully to you with warm appreciation. Our best wishes for a happy Thanksgiving.

Happy holiday! I am grateful to be spending another Thanksgiving surrounded by your warm love.

Thanksgiving Quotes

“Thanksgiving is a time of togetherness and gratitude.” – Nigel Hamilton

“Thanksgiving Day is a good day to recommit our energies to giving thanks and just giving.” – Amy Grant

As you sit down to enjoy your Thanksgiving day feast, remember all the people that are not as lucky, and be thankful for everything in our lives today. Happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving Quotes

“He who thanks but with the lips Thanks but in part; the full, the true Thanksgiving Comes from the heart.” – J.A. Shedd

It’s a day like no other day. It’s a day to appreciate you for all those unpayable contributions that you made in my life. Happy Thanksgiving Day!

May God bless you on this Thanksgiving Day and fill your heart with love and happiness. I wish you have everything on this Thanksgiving Day and may God fulfill your wishes.

“Thanksgiving is a time to give, a time to love, and a time to reflect on the things that matter most in life.” – Danielle Duckery

I hope you know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Have a safe and great thanksgiving. May God bless you today and tomorrow.

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude.” – E.P. Powell

I do not wish you just because it is Thanksgiving Day, I wish you because people like you make worthy the Thanksgiving Day. Your goodness is treasured.

“To give thanks in solitude is enough. Thanksgiving has wings and goes where it must go. Your prayer knows much more about it than you do.” – Victor Hugo

“Thanksgiving is a time to count your blessings, one by one, as each relative goes home.” – Melanie White

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” – William Arthur Ward

happy thanksgiving quotes

“Thanksgiving is nothing if not a glad and reverent lifting of the heart to God in honor and praise for His goodness.” – Robert Casper Lintner

“What I love about Thanksgiving is that it’s purely about getting together with friends or family and enjoying food. It’s really for everybody, and it doesn’t matter where you’re from.” – Daniel Humm

“Give thanks not just on Thanksgiving Day, but every day of your life. Appreciate and never take for granted all that you have.” – Catherine Pulsifer

“For those of you who cannot be with family this Thanksgiving, please resist the urge to brag.” – Andy Borowitz

“Thanksgiving reminds us that no matter what befalls us in life, we can take the charred remnants and we can reconstruct a life unimaginably richer than that from which the shards and pieces fell.” – Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Let me encourage you to get up every day and focus on what you do have in life. Be thankful for the blessings of the little things, even when you don’t get what you expect.” – Victoria Osteen

Related: 200+ Thank You Messages, Wishes and Quotes

Happy Thanksgiving Captions

Happy Thanksgiving. May God bless you and your family.

I pray to God to bless you with happiness and health. Wish you a happy Thanksgiving.

Happy thanksgiving day. Wishing my lovely family lots of blessings, happiness, and love.

Happy Thanksgiving Captions

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I pray that you have a safe, joy-filled, and happy Thanksgiving holiday this year.

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the day by counting blessings, spreading joy, and filling your stomach with the tastiest foods.

Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving, my love. My heart could not be more thankful to you.

Wishing you a bundle of success, peace, and prosperity. Happy Thanksgiving!

May God bless our family with the joy and closeness that we are enduring. Happy Thanksgiving!

I wish everyone a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving. It’s the season of giving thanks and expressing gratitude, so I want you to know that you’re one of the blessings in my life!

Happy Thanksgiving, bestie. May you harvest the happiness of life, the joy of a happy family. Wishing you good health, and good times!

On this day, may God bless you and your family. I hope the bond between you and God becomes stronger. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

I hope you spend a wonderful holiday full of laughter and joy. #HappyThanksgiving

Let us take a moment to thank those in our lives who made us feel grateful throughout this year. Wishing you a blissful Thanksgiving season!

Thanksgiving is the time of the year where the world gets to witness the Christian system and how we express our appreciation for God and others. It is a very special day, so roast a turkey, invite your friends and family, have a great time, and be thankful for their existence. Make this Thanksgiving holiday wonderful by being there for your friends and family. Let’s not hesitate to show gratitude to all the things and people who make our lives wonderful with these happy thanksgiving messages and quotes! Have a memorable Thanksgiving with your loved ones. Wishing you and your family a thanksgiving overflown with peace, love, and laughter. Have a safe holiday.

Last updated on November 21, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving! Find the perfect way to greet anyone a happy Thanksgiving by choosing from this huge collection of happy Thanksgiving messages, wishes and quotes. We here at Wishes Poems absolutely love Thanksgiving because it is a time to gather with family, enjoy good food and be grateful for all that we have. On this special day we are reminded to be thankful for all the blessings in our lives. We hope this collection will help you to find just the right happy Thanksgiving wishes for everyone that you care about and are grateful for. Here you will find a huge selection of happy Thanksgiving greetings. This collection contains: 1) Thanksgiving wishes, 2) Thanksgiving wishes for friends, 3) funny Thanksgiving messages, 4) Thanksgiving messages for business use, 5) Thanksgiving messages to God and 6) more happy Thanksgiving quotes, wishes and messages. Fill your belly with turkey, gratitude and love!

Excited for Christmas? Check out our huge collections of Merry Christmas Wishes and Merry Christmas Images.

Happy Thanksgiving Wishes for Everyone

  • Wishing you a Thanksgiving overflowing with peace, love and laughter.
  • Thank you for being my greatest blessing.
  • We gather on this day to be thankful for what we have, for the family we love, the friends we cherish, and for the blessings that will come. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, Happy Thanksgiving from the bottom of my heart to you.
  • Wishing you abundance, hope, peace and a festive holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
  • Thank you for being my hero and for teaching me how to be a better person. May you enjoy a joyous Thanksgiving!
  • Wishing you a harvest of blessings, good health and good times. Happy Thanksgiving day!
  • May your blessings be multiplied this year and throughout all your life. Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you!
  • The gift of life is the best blessing of all. May you have a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving!
  • May the best things in life be yours, not only this Thanksgiving but throughout the years. Happy Thanksgiving from my heart to yours!
  • May the Lord hear your prayers and bless you with an eternal joy. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Thank you for being my role model. May you have a blessed Thanksgiving!
  • This is a special day to count our blessings and all things that we are grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • Here’s to enjoying the company of good friends and family. I wish you a happy Thanksgiving!
  • I am thankful for you and everything that you do. Thank you!
  • On this Thanksgiving day, I wish you a lifetime of happiness and health. Happy holidays!
  • Enjoy every moment of today and count all the blessings that you have. Happy Thanksgiving and holiday season!
  • May you enjoy the feast and the company of your family on Thanksgiving day.
  • I wish you a happy and festive holiday with your love ones. May you have a joyous Thanksgiving!
  • Here’s to another year of giving thanks for all our blessings. Happy Thanksgiving wishes for everyone!
  • May you have a home filled with laughter, freedom and love. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
  • Wishing you a picture perfect table with a positive mood on this holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • On this Thanksgiving day and every day I am grateful for you, and for all the things you’ve done for me.
  • Thank you for always being there, may you have a great Thanksgiving day.
  • I’d like to express my thanks to you. You made my life colorful and feel brand new. May you have a joyous Thanksgiving!
  • I appreciate all the things you do more than you ever know. May you enjoy a bountiful Thanksgiving!
  • May you enjoy this celebration with your family full of laughter and peace. Happy Thanksgiving greetings!
  • Have a joyful Thanksgiving and a healthy, happy and prosperous year.
  • I thank you for the unconditional love and unwavering support, I thank you for being you. Happy Thanksgiving my love!
  • You are strong, supportive, admirable, loving and understanding. Thank you for being my parents! Happy Thanksgiving Mom and Dad.
  • I may take you for granted, I may lash out at you but on this Thanksgiving day you deserve my everlasting gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving Mom and Dad!
  • A heartfelt thanks to you on this day, for being my guide, my teacher and my father. Happy Thanksgiving Dad!
  • I am truly grateful for you for being such an amazing woman. I am so lucky that you are my mother. Happy Thanksgiving Mom.
  • Thank you Mom for always making spectacular meals throughout the years! Thanksgiving won’t be the same without your special dishes.
  • A heartfelt thank you and big hug for you, because I am so grateful to be your child. Happy Thanksgiving Mom and Dad!
  • Thank you Mom and Dad for giving me food, shelter and unconditional love.
  • I am sending you hugs and kisses on this holiday. Thank you for being my friend in every way. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Because today is a special day, I want to let you know that I appreciate you every single day. Happy Thanksgiving wishes!
  • Warm thoughts and prayers for you, may you have a happy and peaceful year all the way through. Best wishes for Thanksgiving!
  • May you have a festive and abundant Thanksgiving meal. Happy holidays!
  • Christmas Wishes
  • New Year Wishes
  • Happy Birthday Wishes
  • Please share these happy Thanksgiving messages. Spread the gratitude, love and joy! Every little bit helps!

Thanksgiving Wishes for Friends

  • I wish you a joyful and peaceful thanksgiving. Thank you for being my friend.
  • Your friendship has made my life more meaningful. Thank you for always being by my side.
  • Thank you for making the world a better place, and most of all thank you for being my best friend!
  • If I count all my blessings I’ll count you twice. Thanks for being such a great friend.
  • I am thankful for all the joy that you bring into my life. Happy thanksgiving friend!
  • The thing I’m most grateful about right now is you. Thank you for everything, happy Thanksgiving!
  • Lucky should be my name, for I am blessed and thankful to have you in my life. Happy thanksgiving my friend!

thanksgiving wishes for friends

  • My heart is filled with joy and gratitude because I have a friend like you. I wish you a happy Thanksgiving and a terrific holiday season!
  • All my best to you on this holiday, thank you for being my best friend. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
  • I value you as my friend, thank you for being there for me till the end. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Here’s to giving thanks and to having a friend who loves me no matter what. Happy Thanksgiving best friend!
  • Wishing you a year full of success and all the best in life. Thank you for being my dear friend!
  • Today I want to let you know how much I appreciate you. I know that I may not say it all the time but I am grateful for all the things you do, I truly am. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • I take this opportunity to thank God for giving me a friend like you. May you have a happy Thanksgiving!

thanksgiving messages to god

  • My sincerest appreciation I give to you, for being my friend and a confidant too. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • You are a blessing to me. May you have a bountiful Thanksgiving full of blessings!
  • There are a lot of things to be thankful for, but I am most thankful for a great friend like you. Happy Thanksgiving my friend!
  • Thank you for being so understanding, for always having my back and for being a true friend. And most of all I’m thankful I found you.
  • I appreciate how you listen when I talk and for being my shoulder to cry on. Thank you for being a true friend.
  • Being a part of your life is what I’m grateful for. I wish you a happy Thanksgiving!
  • I wish you a wealth of love and a healthy, happy, long life. I am honored to be your friend.
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, happy Thanksgiving, I am thankful for you.
  • I cherish you more than you’ll ever know. Thank you for being my friend.
  • Birthday Wishes for Friends
  • Engagement Wishes
  • Marriage Wishes
  • Cute Love Poems
  • Please share these Thanksgiving messages for friends. Spread the thankfulness and joy! Every little bit helps!

Funny Thanksgiving Messages

  • On this Thanksgiving day, let us be grateful that we were not born turkeys.
  • I am thankful that I have a family that is as obsessed with food as I am!
  • On this Thanksgiving day, let’s express our gratitude to our belts, which are going to work extra hard for us this day to keep our pants up. And let’s not forget to take a moment of silence for the belt’s forgotten brother: the suspenders.
  • May the forks be with you.
  • Keep calm and gravy on.

thanksgiving card messages

  • May the turkey and pumpkin pie never go to WAIST. Happy thanksgiving!
  • I hope no one will get drunk from the gravy and get high from the turkey. May you have a bountiful thanksgiving!
  • I give grace to all my blessings and to the yummy turkey that’s staring me in the face.
  • Let’s be grateful that we no longer celebrate Thanksgiving the traditional way: invite everyone over, have enormous feast and then kill them and take their land.
  • This Thanksgiving may we all eat like upper 1% and drink like the 99%.
  • Let’s all be grateful to live in a land where we celebrate a holiday as important as Black Friday, um, I mean Thanksgiving!
  • The day after Thanksgiving is the busiest day for the plumbers. Let’s express our gratitude to them for keeping the toilet pipes flowing.
  • To spare you the trouble of our normal awkward Thanksgiving conversation, I will just bring you up to speed now: yes, I am still single, no, I haven’t gotten a real job yet and no, I don’t want you to set me up with anyone.
  • This Thanksgiving let’s all take a moment to smirk at the fact that there is a country that shares the exact same name as the bird we are munching on. Doesn’t anyone else wonder think that’s bizarre?!
  • This holiday is all about giving thanks so let’s give thanks for all the crazy relatives who we are lucky enough to live far away from.
  • I am grateful that the Native Americans gave the Pilgrims turkey and not donkey to eat, because if they did, we’d all be eating a piece of ass for Thanksgiving.
  • May your stuffing be delicious, may your turkey take the prize, may Thanksgiving dinner be filling and may it stay away from my thighs!
  • Funny Love Poems
  • Love Quotes for Her
  • Love Quotes for Him
  • Please share these funny Thanksgiving wishes. Spread the gratitude and laughter! Every little bit helps!

Thanksgiving Messages for Business Use – For Clients, Customers & Employees

  • As we count our blessings on this Thanksgiving day, we consider ourselves to be extremely lucky to have customers/clients like you. May we continue to have a flourishing and mutually beneficial relationship. Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving and a joyful holiday season.
  • To our dear clients on this Thanksgiving day: thank you for trusting us and helping us grow into a huge success. We couldn’t have done it without your support.
  • There has been much speculation and debate as to the secret of success, however, we already know it. It is you, our customer, our priceless key to our success. Thank you for all your support. Wishing you and yours a fantastic Thanksgiving.
  • On this day of Thanksgiving we pause and take a moment to be grateful for all our blessings: the freedom which this great country provides, the opportunity for growth and achievement, good health and the confidence and trust you have given to us. We wouldn’t be where we are without you. Our best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving.
  • We give thanks for our clients, business partners and community, which we value so greatly. Wishing you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.
  • In this season of thankfulness, we are especially grateful to you, who have worked so hard to build and create the success of our company. Wishing you and your family a Thanksgiving full of blessings.
  • To our amazing team: We absolutely couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for your tireless contributions and for a terrific year. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • As we pause on this Thanksgiving day and count our blessings, we want to express to you, our team, the gratitude we have for you. Thank you for all that you have given and contributed to make this a successful year. Our warmest wishes to you and your family on Thanksgiving.
  • Your excellence drives our success. Thank you and a happy Thanksgiving to you. – From your management team.
  • In this time of gratitude we give thanks to you. We value and appreciate your contribution. Counting you as one of our team is something which we are especially grateful. On behalf of all of us, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.
  • Get Well Soon Messages
  • Belated Birthday Wishes
  • Please share these Thanksgiving wishes from business. Spread the thankfulness and love! Every little bit helps!

Thanksgiving Messages to God

      • Thank you God for all the blessings you have given me and my loved ones. I am grateful for the strength you give me and for daily renewing my soul. Thank you for making my blessings too numerous to count.
      • Dear God, on this day of Thanksgiving, I wish to express to you my gratitude for the gift of life. Though there are difficulties and struggles in life, I know they make us better and stronger people. Thank you for the challenges we face which lead us to a richer and more meaningful life.
      • “Dear Lord; we beg but one boon more: Peace in the hearts of all men living, peace in the whole world this Thanksgiving.” – Joseph Auslander
      • I am grateful for the heart which you keep beating each and every day. I am grateful for the blood which flows through my body, sustaining me. I am thankful to you, oh God, for my eyes which see, my ears which hear and all the gifts that you have given me. Thank you God for keeping me alive.
      • Thank you, oh Lord my God, for watching over me and my loved ones, for keeping us healthy and strong and for bringing us to this joyous day where we can remind ourselves of the preciousness of the life which you have given us.
      • Heavenly Father, thank you for the miracle of life, the abundant and beautiful life here and eternal life with you in Heaven. Help me to celebrate and appreciate that life each and every day as I seek to walk your sacred path. Amen
      • “Our God we thank thee and praise thy glorious name.” – Chronicles 29:13 – May the grace and glory of God always be with you. Happy Thanksgiving.
      • Dear God, I woke up today, I breathed your air, I drank your water and I beheld your abundant world. Thank you for all the blessings and may you forgive me for all my complaints. Sometimes I forget how amazing your world is. I am truly grateful to you, God.

thanksgiving wishes

      • It is a wonderful feeling to wake up in the morning and realize that you, oh God, have given me another day to live. And I am especially grateful today, on this Thanksgiving, that I can be with my loved ones and honor your spirit. Amen.
      • Thank you God for always holding my hand and showing me the way. Thank you for being my guiding star, for keeping my cup overflowing, renewing my soul and being my shepherd.
      • On this Thanksgiving day, we pause and take a moment to be thankful for all of our blessings. Above all, we express our sincere gratitude to the source of all life and being. Thank you for the beauty of this world, for the smiles and laughter, for friendship and love, for the very gift of life itself. Thank you.
      • Short Quotes About Life
      • Please share these Thanksgiving messages to God. Spread the gratitude and love! Every little bit helps!

More Happy Thanksgiving Messages and Quotes

      • May you have a long, healthy and wonderful life. Have a happy Thanksgiving full of joy!
      • Without you I’d be lost and alone. Thank you for being by my side. Warmest wishes for Thanksgiving!
      • On this Thanksgiving I want to let you now that it is an honor to know you. Thank you for being my role model. May you have a joyous holiday!
      • “Thanksgivings take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not a coincidence.” – Erma Bombeck
      • “You can tell you ate too much for Thanksgiving when you have to let your bathrobe out.” – Jay Leno
      • “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not utter words, but to live by them.” – John F. Kennedy
      • “A grateful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.” – Cicero
      • “Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” – Brian Tracy
      • “Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” – William Arthur Ward
      • “Thanksgiving Day is a good day to recommit our energies to giving thanks and just giving.” – Amy Grant
      • “I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual.” – Henry David Thoreau

happy thanksgiving greetings

      • “Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.” – Hansa Proverb
      • “Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.” – W.J Cameron
      • “Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.” – Native American Saying
      • “Forever on Thanksgiving Day, the heart will find the pathway home.” – Wilbur D. Nesbit
      • I am forever indebted to you. Thank you for giving me a helping hand. May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
      • You are the most important person in my life. Thank you for believing in me. Have a happy Thanksgiving!
      • Happy Thanksgiving! May you have a bright, peaceful and fun-filled holiday.
      • I am so thankful that you came into my life. Thank you for all the wonderful memories. May you enjoy a joyous Thanksgiving!
      • Thank you for being a part of my life. Have a happy Thanksgiving!
      • May you always be blessed with people who are as selfless as you. Thank you for always being there for me. May you enjoy a bountiful Thanksgiving!
      • Wishing you loads of success, a loving family, and supportive friends. Best Thanksgiving wishes for you and yours!
      • Thank you for finding me, thank you for giving me a purpose in life. May you have a blessed Thanksgiving!
      • I couldn’t do what I do without you. Thank you for being my partner! Happy Thanksgiving my love!
      • May you be bestowed with all the best in life, good health and happiness. Enjoy your Thanksgiving day!
      • I want to express my gratitude to you. I am nothing without you. Thank you for being my rock. Sincerest Thanksgiving day wishes to you!
      • With all my heart I give thanks to you, for the love and all of the things you do. Happy Thanksgiving!

happy thanksgiving messages

      • Thank you for being the candle of my life. Happy wishes for Thanksgiving!
      • May your home be filled with aromas, laughter, peace and singing. May you have a blessed Thanksgiving!
      • Thank you for all the spectacular memories, you are the best! Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
      • You are such a blessing to me, thank you for making my life shine bright. Happy Thanksgiving greetings!
      • May your Thanksgiving be as sweet as a pumpkin pie, as bright as candles, and as satisfying as a turkey dinner!
      • Happy Thanksgiving to all of the people who makes me smile, who made me what I am today. Thank you for everything.
      • I am thankful that I am a part of this family. I am lucky to grow up with such loving people. May we all have a blessed Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving to my family.
      • We are deeply grateful to know a family like you. May you enjoy a plentiful Thanksgiving!
      • Thank you for coming to my life. You are such a blessing! Happy Thanksgiving from the bottom of our hearts!

happy thanksgiving quotes

      • May God bless you with a long, healthy and beautiful life. May you have a plentiful Thanksgiving!
      • If I think about a blessing I think about you. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
      • Family and friends gather round, we shall all give thanks for the blessings we’ve found. For the love, the joy and the turkey too, happy Thanksgiving, and thank you to you!
      • I treasure all the memories, the lessons and the laughter. Thank you for being the best teacher. I wish you a joyous and bountiful Thanksgiving!
      • Eat, pray, love and give thanks on this special day. Happy Thanksgiving!
      • Sending you warm thoughts, prayers and cheers and may you enjoy a bountiful Thanksgiving.
      • I am thankful for you. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
      • May you have a Thanksgiving full of joy, peace, harmony and may you have a wonderful holiday season too.
      • I wish you a heart filled with love and gratitude on this Thanksgiving and throughout the year.

happy thanksgiving wishes

        • Gratitude humbles us on this holiday season. Have a cheerful Thanksgiving!
        • May you enjoy a plentiful Thanksgiving. I wish you a year filled with happiness, good health and success.
        • On this Thanksgiving day, may we glorify God with our gratitude for all the blessing we have. May you have a happy Thanksgiving!
        • I thank God for giving me all the gifts in life, including you. May you have a blessed Thanksgiving!
        • As you gather around for a feast, may you remember to pray for those who are less fortunate. Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you and yours!
        • Love, peace and time with family and friends is what I pray for you on this Thanksgiving day and all the coming years too.
        • Have a bountiful Thanksgiving and a prosperous New Year!
        • Life is too short to complain. May you have a healthy, happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
        • May the grateful harvest of bountiful blessings be with us this year and throughout all the future. Happy Thanksgiving day wishes!

happy thanksgiving wishes for everyone

        • This Thanksgiving I hope we can find many things to be thankful for. May you have a joyous Thanksgiving!
        • Today may we acknowledge all the blessings in our life, big and small, and we may forever be grateful most of all. Happy Thanksgiving!
        • You are always in my thoughts and prayers all year. May you have a cheerful Thanksgiving!
        • I am missing you and am sending warm thoughts, prayers and love for a bountiful Thanksgiving to you and your family.
        • On Thanksgiving were thankful for all of our gifts and blessing and all the years we have been given.
        • May your Thanksgiving be cheerful, abundant and full of gratitude.
        • I am grateful for what I have and I am grateful for what I’m going to have. Have a blessed Thanksgiving everyone!
        • May you have a fantastic time with your family and friends and may you have a wonderful year ahead! Happy Thanksgiving greetings to you!
        • My heart is filled with gratitude, my life is filled with amazing people and I am thankful for these gifts from God. May you have an abundance of blessings to count this Thanksgiving!
        • Have a colorful and magical Thanksgiving!
        • Laughter with family and companionship with friends are the best part of Thanksgiving. May you have wonderful holiday season!
        • This Thanksgiving may you harvest the best things in life and may you be blessed with eternal happiness and peace.
        • I send you grateful thoughts, warm wishes for a joyous Thanksgiving and a healthy New Year too!
        • Christmas Wishes
        • Love Poems for Him
        • Love Poems for Her
        • Please share these happy Thanksgiving wishes. Spread the gratitude and love! Every little bit helps!

Wishing you a healthy and happy Thanksgiving! We truly hope you found much joy and gratitude from these happy Thanksgiving messages. Thanksgiving is one of the most special holidays. If you have friends, family, a romantic partner, co-workers, classmates, clients, customers, employers or employees then you have someone you can be grateful for. Though these people might not always be perfect, they enhance our lives in ways that simply couldn’t happen were we alone in life. Thanksgiving is not traditionally a gift-giving holiday, rather it is a “thanks-giving” holiday (as the name clearly suggests!). And when there are those in our life who have helped in one way or another to contribute to us, this is a great opportunity to express out gratitude in return by sending Thanksgiving day wishes, Thanksgiving card messages, funny Thanksgiving quotes, Thanksgiving text messages and so on! No matter which Thanksgiving day messages you choose, you will be helping to spread the joy, love and gratitude that Thanksgiving is all about. We hope you will receive much value from this collection of wishes for Thanksgiving. And we hope you will continue to get much value from this site. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

If you liked these Thanksgiving messages and wishes, please share them. Each and every share helps to keep this site going!

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  • Поздравление с 60 летием мужчине прикольные картинки бесплатно скачать
  • Поздравление с 95 летием мужчине в прозе от администрации