Праздник ивана купалы перевод на английский

Перевод контекст "Праздник Ивана Купалы" c русский на английский от Reverso Context: Согласно устоявшейся традиции, праздник Ивана Купалы в 2020 году придется на летнее солнцестояние.

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Перевод «Праздник Ивана Купалы» на английский

Согласно устоявшейся традиции, праздник Ивана Купалы в 2020 году придется на летнее солнцестояние.

According to established tradition, the holiday of Ivan Kupala in 2020 will fall on the summer solstice.

С тех пор и величает народ этот праздник Ивана Купалы.

Языческий праздник Ивана Купалы тоже, кстати, уходит корнями в глубь древних славянских верований.

The pagan holiday of Ivan Kupala, also, incidentally, goes back into the old Slavic beliefs.

Вот так и проходил праздник Ивана Купалы — в разгульных обрядах, гаданиях и прочих веселых и милых шалостях.

That was how the holiday of Ivan Kupala used to be — rituals, divination and other cheerful and lovely pranks…

Праздник Ивана Купалы отмечают 24 июня.

С самого основания поселения проводятся ежегодные праздники: День Земли (23 июля), Праздник Ивана Купалы, Масленица, Новый год.

Since the establishment of the settlement are held annual holidays: Earth Day (23 July), Ivan Kupala Holiday, Maslenitsa, New Year.

Желающие окунуться в красоту и таинственность славянских традиций и обрядов приглашаются на Праздник Ивана Купалы в Суздаль сокровенный (г. Суздаль, 7 июля).

Those wishing to plunge into the beauty and mystery of the Slavic traditions and rituals are invited to the Feast of Ivan Kupala in Suzdal the cryptic (Suzdal, July 7).

Праздник Ивана Купалы или Иванов день — Отдых на просторах Украины

Многие отмечают праздник Ивана Купалы с кострами, которые горят на протяжении всей ночи.

На Руси этот день известен как праздник Ивана Купалы.

Праздник Ивана Купалы в России

Часто задают вопрос: когда праздник Ивана Купалы по славянскому календарю?

Top of the Morning: When is Scarlet Snow Belo’s Exact Birthday?

По народным поверьям, в праздник Ивана Купалы вода может «дружить» с огнем, а их союз считается прир…

On the feast of Kupala, according to popular belief, water can «make friends» with fire, and their union is a natural force.

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Результатов: 13. Точных совпадений: 13. Затраченное время: 31 мс


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Перевод «праздник Ивана Купала» на английский

holiday of Ivan Kupala

Midsummer festival

Например, праздник Ивана Купала был связан с летним солнцестоянием, в это время традиционно девушки знакомились с парнями, искали себе пару, праздновали помолвки.

For example, the holiday of Ivan Kupala was associated with the summer solstice, at this time, traditionally the girls were picking up guys, was looking for a couple that celebrated engagement.

Народный праздник Ивана Купала в 2018 году приходится на ночь с пятницы на субботу

Праздник Ивана Купала раньше праздновали 24 июня, то есть в дни летнего солнцестояния, когда были самые продолжительные дни и самые короткие ночи.

Midsummer festival formerly celebrated on June 24. so in the days of the summer solstice, when the longest days and the shortest nights.

Праздник Ивана Купала являл собой своеобразный карнавал по-славянски.

От Карпат до севера Руси все праздновали этот мистический, загадочный, но в то же время веселый праздник Ивана Купала.

From the Carpathians and all around Russia people celebrated this mystical and enigmatic, though rackety and merry holiday of Ivan Kupala.

Кроме того, украинцы отмечают национальные праздники, такие как День Победы (9 мая) в честь победы в Великой Отечественной войне, праздник Ивана Купала (7 июля), который отмечается в селах в честь летнего солнцестояния.

In addition, Ukrainians also celebrate national holidays such as Victory Day (May 9) in honour of victory in the Great Patriotic War, the holiday of Ivan Kupala (July 7), which is celebrated by villagers in honour of the summer solstice.

Русские традиционные игры на праздник Ивана Купала.

В ночь с 6 на 7 июля отмечается древний праздник Ивана Купала (или середина лета).

On the night from the 6th to the 7th of July the ancient holiday of Ivana Kupala (or Midsummer) is celebrated.

Старинный летний народный праздник Ивана Купала широко отмечают не только в Украине, но и в других славянских странах.

The ancient summer folk festival of Ivan Kupala is widely celebrated not only in Ukraine, but also in other Slavic countries.

Например, молодежный, а еще озорной, поэтический и очень старый праздник Ивана Купала (в ночь на 7 июля), как у многих славян, когда-то был связан с Днем солнцестояния.

For example, mischievous, poetic and very old celebration of Ivana Kupala (the night of July 7) was once associated with the day of Solstice.

Праздник Ивана Купала: один из самых мистических дней в году

Ivan Kupala: the most mysterious night of the year

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 11. Точных совпадений: 11. Затраченное время: 26 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kupala Night

Night on the Eve of Ivan Kupala,
by Henryk Hector Siemiradzki

Also called Feast of St. John the Baptist; Иван-Купала; Купалле; Іван Купала; Noc Kupały
Observed by Slavic people
Significance celebration relates to the summer solstice
  • June 21-22[citation needed] or 23–24 (western Slavic)
  • July 6–7 (eastern Slavic)
Related to Summer Solstice, Nativity of St. John the Baptist

Kupala Night (Belarusian: Купалле, Polish: Noc Kupały, Russian: Иван-Купала, Ukrainian: Івана Купала, Купайла), also called Ivanа Kupala, is a traditional Slavic holiday that was originally celebrated on the shortest night of the year, which is on 21-22[citation needed] or 23-24 of June (Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia) and in Eastern Slavic countries according to traditional Julian calendar on the night between 6 to 7 July (Belarus, Russia and Ukraine). Calendar-wise, it is opposite to the winter holiday Koliada. The celebration relates to the summer solstice when nights are the shortest and includes a number of Slavic rituals.[1][2] It involves herb collecting, bonfire lighting, and bathing in the river.[3]


Simon Kozhin. Kupala Night, Divination on the Wreaths (2009).

The name of the holiday was originally Kupala; a pagan fertility rite later adapted into the Orthodox Christian calendar by connecting it with St. John’s Day which is celebrated on 24 June.[4] Eastern Christianity uses traditional Julian calendar which is misaligned with actual solstice; 24 June in Julian calendar falls on 7 July in more modern Gregorian calendar.[2]

This holiday symbolizes the birth of the summer sun – Kupalo. In the 4th century AD, this day was proclaimed the holiday of the birth of John the Baptist – the forerunner of Jesus Christ. As a result of the Christianization of the pagan feast the name «Kupala» got connected with the Christian «Ivan».[5]

The Ukrainian, Belarusian name of this holiday combines «Ivan» (Joan/Johan/John, in this case John the Baptist) and Kupala which was thought to be derived from the Slavic word for bathing, which is cognate. However, it likely stems from the proto-Slavic kump, a gathering. The two feasts could be connected by reinterpreting John’s baptizing people through full immersion in water. However, the tradition of Kupala predates Christianity. The pagan celebration was adapted and reestablished as one of the native Christian traditions intertwined with local folklore.[6]

Folklore and Slavic religious beliefs[edit]

Івана Купала (Ivanа-Kupala). Stamp of Ukraine (1998)

Many of the rites related to this holiday are connected with the role of water in fertility and ritual purification. This is due to the ancient Kupala rites.
On Kupala day, young people jump over the flames of bonfires in a ritual test of bravery and faith. The failure of a couple in love to complete the jump, while holding hands, is a sign of their destined separation.

Wreath thrown in water on Ivan Kupala Day Feast of St. John the Baptist

Girls may float wreaths of flowers (often lit with candles) on rivers, and attempt to gain foresight into their romantic relationship fortune from the flow patterns of the flowers on the river. Men may attempt to capture the wreaths, in the hope of capturing the interest of the woman who floated it.

Ceremonial making a fire. Kupala Night near Ślęża, Poland. June 18, 2022

There is an ancient Kupala belief that the eve of Ivan Kupala is the only time of the year when ferns bloom. Prosperity, luck, discernment, and power befall whoever finds a fern flower. Therefore, on that night, village folk roam through the forests in search of magical herbs, and especially, the elusive fern flower.

Traditionally, unmarried women, signified by the garlands in their hair, are the first to enter the forest. They are followed by young men. Therefore, the quest to find herbs and the fern flower may lead to the blooming of relationships between pairs within the forest.

Ferns are not angiosperms (flowering plants), and instead reproduce by spores; they cannot flower.

In Gogol’s story The Eve of Ivan Kupala (also called Saint John’s Eve), a young man finds the fantastical fern-flower, but is cursed by it. Gogol’s tale was adapted by Yuri Ilyenko into a film of the same name, and may have been the stimulus for Modest Mussorgsky to compose his tone poem Night on Bald Mountain.

See also[edit]

  • Midsummer
  • Wianki (Poland)
  • Kupala
  • Kupalinka (Kupala Night Maiden), popular Belarusian song
  • Kupolė
  • Jāņi
  • Semik — a related spring holiday.
  • Janka Kupała — the pen-name of this Belarusian author refers to his birthday of July 7.
  • Loi Krathong — Thai autumn festival when people leave wreaths with candles on rivers
  • Chaharshanbe Suri — Iranian festival celebrated on the eve of the last Wednesday of the year


  1. ^ website «Guide to Russia» [1] Archived 2017-01-09 at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^ a b Megre, Vladimir (2008). Rites of Love. Ringing Cedars Press LLC. p. 231. ISBN 9780980181289. Retrieved 2020-07-15.
  3. ^ Tryfanenkava, Maryna A. 2001. “The Current Status of Belarusian Calendar-Ritual Tradition”. In: FOLKLORICA — Journal of the Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Folklore Association 6 (2): 44-45. https://doi.org/10.7161/folklorica.v6i2.3709.
  4. ^ Niżegorodcew (et alii), Anna (2011). Developing Intercultural Competence through English: Focus on Ukrainian and Polish Cultures. Warsaw: Developing Intercultural Competence through English: Focus on Ukrainian and Polish Cultures Anna Niżegorodcew , Yakiv Bystrov , Marcin Kleban Wydawnictwo UJ. p. 91. ISBN 9788323384366.
  5. ^ «Ivan Kupala Day». authenticukraine.com.ua. Retrieved 2022-05-19.
  6. ^ «/culture_art/traditions». russia-ic.com/. Retrieved 31 October 2014.

External links[edit]

  • Купалле
  • Ukrainian Kupala (alt. Kupalo, Kupailo) traditions
  • The Day of Ivan Kupala as it has survived in the Vologda Region
  • Kupalle holiday in Belarus (video) Archived 2020-09-27 at the Wayback Machine on the Official Website of the Republic of Belarus Archived 2020-04-02 at the Wayback Machine
  • Kupala Night in Poland

В наступающую пятницу – 24 июня (День Ивана Купалы) будут работать все отделения по обслуживанию клиентов „Šiaulių bankas“, находящееся в торговых центрах.

On 24 June (the Midsummer Day), i.e. on Friday, customer service points of Šiaulių Bankas operating in the trading centres will be open.

С июня до октября здесь будут проходить фестивали клубники, черешни, мяса, рыбы, региональных кухонь, а также день Ивана Купалы, Яблочный и Медовый Спас.

From June till October, it will host festivals dedicated to strawberries, cherries, meats, fish, regional cuisines, as well as Ivan Kupala Day, Savior of the Apple Feast Day, and Savior of the Honey Feast Day.

«Вчера, 24 июня 2016 года (день Ивана Купалы) Я ЕСМЬ Присутствие Единого 100% простил так называемый первородный грех Адама и Евы, и Каина. Карма, которая отягощала их и их потомков, преобразована стопроцентно.

Yesterday, on 24 June 2016 (Midsummer, Saint John’s Day) I AM Presence of the One have forgiven 100% the so-called original sin of Adam and Eve, and Cain. The karma that weighed upon them and their descendants was transformed 100%.

Праздник Ивана Купалы или Иванов день

Feast of Ivan Kupala or Ivanov day

Праздник Ивана Купалы или Иванов день — Отдых на просторах Украины

Feast of Ivan Kupala or Ivanov day — Rest in Ua

Ежегодно в предстоящую ночь с 6 на 7 июля православные отмечают праздник Ивана Купалы или Иванов день, имеющий яркий языческий оттенок, давнюю историю и полные таинства обычаи.

Every year in the coming night of 6 July 7 Orthodox celebrate Ivan Kupala, or Midsummer Day, which has a bright shade of a pagan, a long history and full of mystery traditions.

Иван Купала День празднуется по всей Россией и происходит, как правило перевод - Иван Купала День празднуется по всей Россией и происходит, как правило английский как сказать

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Иван Купала День празднуется по все

Иван Купала День празднуется по всей Россией и происходит, как правило, 7 июля. Он проводится, чтобы отпраздновать праздник Иоанна Крестителя (Ивана Купалы), и он по-прежнему очень популярен и сегодня среди молодежи России.
Все, что связано с празднованием относится к воде. Накануне вечером под названием Творила ночь, дети устраивают водные бои и выливают ведра воды друг на друга.
Некоторые люди считают день Иван Купала первым днем купального сезона, и если вода достаточно теплая, мальчики и девочки часто плавают весело на реках и озерах до поздней ночи. Девушки любят пускать в плавание свечи и нежные цветы в надежде, что это принесет им счастливый брак. В прошлом, молодые люди жгли костры и прыгали над ними радостно, взявшись за руки. Существует также поверье, что в канун Ивана Купалы магические травы можно найти в лесах.
В деревнях по всей стране люди с нетерпением ждут дня Ивана Купалы с энтузиазмом. Это древний праздник, который продолжает быть веселым для всех членов семьи, независимо от их возраста.


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


Ivan Kupala Day is celebrated throughout Russia and is generally 7 July. It is held to celebrate the feast of John the Baptist (Ivan Kupala), and it is still very popular today among young people in Russia.Everything connected with the celebration belongs to the water. The previous evening, entitled Amazing night, kids arrange water fights and poured buckets of water on each other.Some people believe the day of Ivan Kupala first day of swimming season, and if the water is warm enough, the boys and girls often float fun on rivers and Lakes until late at night. Girls love to let in swimming candles and delicate flowers in the hope that it will bring them a happy marriage. In the past, young people burned fires and leaping over them happily holding hands. There is also a belief that on the eve of Ivan Kupala magical herbs can be found in the forests.In villages across the country people are eagerly waiting for the day of Ivan Kupala day with enthusiasm. This ancient Festival, which continues to be fun for all family members, regardless of their age.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


ivan kupala day is celebrated throughout russia and tends to 7 july. he is held to celebrate the feast of john the baptist (ivan kupala)and he is still very popular today among the youth of russia. «anything to do with the refers to the water. the night before, called either the nightchildren have water fights and pouring buckets of water at each other. some people think the first day of ivan kupala day bathing season, and if the water is warm enough.boys and girls often has fun in the rivers and lakes until late into the night. girls love to sail the candles and delicate flowers in the hope that it will bring them a happy marriage. in the past,young people were burning fires and jumping over them happy, holding hands. there is also a legend that ivan kupala eve magic herbs can be found in the woods.in villages across the country, people are looking forward the ivan kupala day with enthusiasm. it is an ancient festival, which continues to be fun for all the family members, regardless of their age.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Ivan Kupala 
Summer festival of pagan origin, is celebrated on 6 and 7 July. The holiday is associated with summer solstice. Traditions: bonfires and jump over them, dance, weave wreaths, to collect herbs. The celebration begins the night before. The name of the holiday comes from the name John the Baptist. The main feature of Ivan Kupala are cleansing fires to be cleansed of evil spirits inside the man, hed have to jump through these fires.
When Ivano Kupalo feast ?
A) April 1 b) C6 to 7 July in C) on 8 March 
The name of the holiday comes from the name…
A) John the Baptist b)Peter 1 C) Alexander Nevsky 
The main feature of Ivan Kupala is ….
A) burning the Scarecrow b) the cleansing fires C) kalecki 
The holiday is associated with …
B) the departure of winter b) the birth of Jesus Christ C) summer solstice
Begin a holiday…
A)a week b)next day C)the night before

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иван купала

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    Иван Купала

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    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Иван Купала

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    ед. St. John Baptist’s Day

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    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > Иван Купала

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    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > Купала

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    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > Иван

См. также в других словарях:

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  • ИВАН КУПАЛА — и Иван Купало (И и К прописные), Ивана Купалы (Купала), мн. нет, муж. У православных праздник 24 июня старого стиля, посвященный т.н. Иоанну Крестителю. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 …   Толковый словарь Ушакова

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Ivan Kupala Traditions in Russia

Since ancient times all peoples of the world have celebrated the end of June, the peak of the summer. Russia’s version of such a holiday is Ivan Kupala. On the night of 23 June, everyone celebrated this mystical but at the same time jolly holiday full of ritual acts, rules and prohibitions, songs, chants and all kinds of fortune-telling, legends, and beliefs.

Even in the time of the ancient pagan deity Ancient Russians used to have Kupalo, the God of summer fertility. In his honor people of sang songs and jumped over the bonfire. This ritual act has become an annual celebration of summer solstice, combining a pagan and Christian traditions. Kupala got the name Ivan after the baptizing of Russia, when he was replaced by John the Baptist (the way he was percepted by common people), who baptized Christ and whose birthday was celebrated on 24 June.

Ivan Kupala Rituals in Russia

On that day people wore girths of flowers and wreaths of herbs. They reeled, sang songs, stoked bonfires with poles topped by burning wheel, the symbol of the sun.

Songs that were sung in villages mentioned Kupala as loving, clean, and cheerful. On the day of Ivan Kupala girls made wreaths of herbs, and in the evening let them float on the water watching them go away. The sinking wreath meant the end of love and that there would be no wedding.

Another tradition was to pour dirty water on everyone in sight. It was believed that the more often people run to swim the purer their souls would become. The most healing swimming was considered at dawn. 

The swimming night was lit with purifying bonfires to dance around and jump over. The highest jumper was the luckiest. Mothers used to burn the shirts of their sick children in those bonfires hoping to get rid of the awful In diseases. Young people participated in noisy games, brawls, running competitions. The most played was the game of race-and-catch. 

People believed that all the miraculous and healing herbs bloomed during Ivan Kupala night. Therefore, knowledgeable and experienced people, and especially the village healers never missed that night and collected medicinal roots and herbs to keep for the whole year ahead.

There was a rumor that at midnight fern starts to bloom. Miraculous fiery flower could point to a buried treasure no matter how deep it had been hidden. Around midnight a bud appeared on the wide leaves. It rose higher and higher and then started to ”jump” around. As midnight came, the ripe bud burst and a fiery red flower came out. No man could pick up the flower. But if you saw it any wish would come true.

There was always something miraculous about the day of Ivan Kupala. No one slept at night, since it was believed that all evil became active: witches, werewolves, vampires, mermaids … People thought that Ivan Kupala was the day when witches had their holiday too, trying to cause as much harm to humans as they possibly could. 

That was how the holiday of Ivan Kupala used to be — rituals, divination and other cheerful and lovely pranks…

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