Праздник зимы стардью валли

Ледовый праздник — это праздник, который проходит 8 числа каждой зимы. Для участия нужно зайти в Лес с 09:00 до 14:00. (Вы не сможете попасть в лес до 09:00.) Праздник заканчивается после объявления победителя подводного лова. Окончание праздника вернёт вас на ферму в 22:00. В день проведения праздника все дома и магазины в долине Стардью закрыты и вы не сможете в них попасть. Основной особенностью Ледового праздника является соревнование по подводному лову. Вам предстоит наловить рыбы из проруб

Ледовый праздник.jpg

Ледовый праздник — это праздник, который проходит 8 числа каждой зимы. Для участия нужно зайти в Лес с 09:00 до 14:00. (Вы не сможете попасть в лес до 09:00.) Праздник заканчивается после объявления победителя подводного лова. Окончание праздника вернёт вас на ферму в 22:00.

В день проведения праздника все дома и магазины в долине Стардью закрыты и вы не сможете в них попасть.

Основной особенностью Ледового праздника является соревнование по подводному лову. Вам предстоит наловить рыбы из проруби, а соперничать с вами будут Вилли, Пэм и Эллиот. Для победы необходимо поймать пять или больше рыб. За первую победу вы получите крючок с бородкой, украшенный спиннер, магнит и бескозырку. Победы в последующие годы принесут вам  2000.

Некоторые жители занимаются строительством иглу, лепят снеговиков и изготавливают скульптуры из льда. Остальные же просто любуются происходящим.


Вид Название Описание Цена
Редкое пугало 4.png Редкое пугало Собери их все! (4 из 8)  5000
Ёлка Зимней Звезды.png Ёлка Зимней Звезды Может быть выставлено в качестве украшения.  5000
«Замороженные сны».png «Замороженные сны» Можно поставить в доме.  2000
Ледяной коврик.png Ледяной коврик Можно поставить в доме.  4000
Обеденный стол «Зимний».png Обеденный стол «Зимний» Может быть выставлено в качестве украшения.  3000
Ледяной баннер.png Ледяной баннер Можно поставить в доме.  800
Настенный канделябр.png Настенный канделябр Можно поставить в доме.  1000
Приставной столик «Зимний».png Приставной столик «Зимний» Может быть выставлено в качестве украшения.  1000
Клюквенный соус.png Клюквенный соус Праздничное угощение.  200
Объеденье.png Объеденье Ах, запах свежего хлеба и шалфея.  200
Тыквенный суп.png Тыквенный суп Любимое блюдо сезона.  250


Каждый год Пенни спрашивает у вас, какого снеговика ей с Джас построить. У вас есть три варианта ответа:

  • «Традиционного. Нос морковкой, цилиндр, шарф.» — «Наверное, лучше и правда придерживаться классики.»
  • «Что-нибудь прикольное. Антенны из сосулек, глаза из шишек.» — «Хорошо! Звучит интересно.»
  • «Снеговики — это скучно. Мысли нестандартно!» — «Эм-м, ладно… Думаю, я всё же слеплю что-нибудь традиционное.»

Вилли спросит, готовы ли вы к соревнованию. У вас есть три варианта ответа:

  • «Да. Постараюсь изо всех сил!» — «Так держать!»
  • «Да, и ещe тебя обойду!» — «Посмотрим.»
  • «Честно говоря, рыбак из меня никудышный.» — «Ну, тогда это будет для тебя хорошим упражнением!»


Ледовый праздник I.png


  • Возможно ловить рыбу и из других мест помимо прорубей, однако в таком случае рыба не будет засчитана.
  • Если во время соревнования встать с правой стороны любой из свободных прорубей и закинуть удочку достаточно далеко влево, то вы сможете ловить рыбу сквозь текстуру льда.
  • Над волшебником появляется прозрачный значок диалога, когда игрок проходит мимо башни. Так как игрок слишком далеко, то при клике на него диалога не появится, однако текст его реплики можно найти в файлах игры.
    • Волшебник: «Ускользнуть вот так чтобы прийти в мою странную башню? Необычное поведение для обычного человека.».
Весна Яичный фестиваль • Цветочные танцы
Лето Луау • Танец полуночных медуз
Осень Ярмарка долины Стардью • День всех духов
Зима Ледовый праздник • Ночной рынок • Пир Зимней звезды

Feast of the Winterstar.png

Пир Зимней звезды — это праздник, который проходит 25 числа зимы ежегодно. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти в город Пеликан с 9:00 до 14:00 (вы не сможете зайти в город до 9:00). Когда праздник закончится, вы появитесь на ферме в 22:00.

Главное событие праздника — тайный обмен подарками. Вам сделает подарок случайно выбранный житель города, и вам в свою очередь нужно будет сделать подарок случайно выбранному жителю. Мэр Льюис пришлет вам письмо с именем вашего «тайного друга» 18 зимы, за неделю до праздника. О том, кто приготовил подарок для вас, вы узнаете только на празднике.

Праздник заканчивается, если уйти из города.


Подарок, который вы вручите на празднике, заработает вам в пять раз больше очков дружбы, чем обычно. Когда вы вручите свой подарок, подарок сразу же вручат вам.

Feast of the Winterstar Secret Santa.png

Возможные подарки

Ниже список подарков, которые игрок может получить на празднике. Дети в игре — это Джас и Винсент, все остальные взрослые. Дварф, Кробус, Марлон, Сэнди и волшебник не могут быть дарителями.

Вид Название Описание Количество Даритель

Iridium Bar.png

Иридиевый слиток Слиток чистого иридия. 1 Клинт

Gold Bar.png

Золотой слиток Слиток чистого золота. 5 Клинт


Жеода Попросите кузнеца разбить еe. 5 от Клинта,
1 от ребенка
Клинт или любой из детей

Frozen Geode.png

Морозная жеода Попросите кузнеца разбить еe. 5 от Клинта,
1 от ребенка
Клинт или любой из детей

Magma Geode.png

Магма-жеода Попросите кузнеца разбить еe. 5 от Клинта,
1 от ребенка
Клинт или любой из детей


Яйцо Обычное белое куриное яйцо. 12 Марни


Древесина Прочный, но гибкий материал со множеством применений. 99 Робин


Камень Распространeнный материал со множеством применений. 50 Робин


Твердая древесина Особый тип древесины, отличающийся прочностью и красотой. 25 Робин

Warp Totem Beach.png

Тотем-телепорт: Пляж Перемещает прямо на пляж. Одноразовый предмет. 25 Вилли

Dressed Spinner.png

Украшенный спиннер Металлическая полоска и цветные ленточки завораживают рыбу. Увеличивает частоту клева. 1 Вилли


Магнит Увеличивает шанс найти сокровища на рыбалке. Правда, вкус этой приманки рыбам не очень-то нравится. 1 Вилли


Печенье Очень вязкое. 1 Эвелин


Глина Используется в строительстве и изготовлении предметов. 1 Любой ребенок

Ancient Doll.png

Древняя кукла Древняя кукла, покрытая грязью. Эта кукла могла быть игрушкой, украшением, или реквизитом к какому-нибудь ритуалу. 1 Любой ребенок

Rainbow Shell.png

Радужная ракушка Очень красивая ракушка. 1 Любой ребенок

Pumpkin Pie.png

Тыквенный пирог Шeлковый тыквенный крем под корочкой с хлопьями. 1 Любой взрослый, кроме Клинта, Эвелин, Марни, Робин или Вилли

Poppyseed Muffin.png

Маффин с маком Оказывает успокаивающий эффект. 1 Любой взрослый, кроме Клинта, Эвелин, Марни, Робин или Вилли

Blackberry Cobbler.png

Черничный коблер Другого такого вкуса не бывает. 1 Любой взрослый, кроме Клинта, Эвелин, Марни, Робин или Вилли

Glow Ring.png

Кольцо света Излучает свет. 1 Любой взрослый, кроме Клинта, Эвелин, Марни, Робин или Вилли

Deluxe Speed-Gro.png

СкороРост Делюкс Ускоряет рост листьев. Гарантирует увеличение скорости роста растений как минимум на 25%. Смешать с возделанной почвой. 10 Любой взрослый, кроме Клинта, Эвелин, Марни, Робин или Вилли

Purple Mushroom.png

Фиолетовый гриб Редкий гриб, растущий глубоко в пещерах. 1 Любой взрослый, кроме Клинта, Эвелин, Марни, Робин или Вилли

Nautilus Shell.png

Раковина наутилуса Древняя раковина. 1 Любой взрослый, кроме Клинта, Эвелин, Марни, Робин или Вилли


Вино Пейте в меру. 1 Любой взрослый, кроме Клинта, Эвелин, Марни, Робин или Вилли


Пиво Пейте в меру. 1 Любой взрослый, кроме Клинта, Эвелин, Марни, Робин или Вилли

Tea Set.png

Чайный набор Отличный фарфор. 1 Любой взрослый, кроме Клинта, Эвелин, Марни, Робин или Вилли

Pink Cake.png

Розовый торт Сверху на нeм конфеты в виде сердечек. 1 Любой взрослый, кроме Клинта, Эвелин, Марни, Робин или Вилли


Рубин Драгоценный камень, любимый за свой насыщенный цвет и красивый блеск. 1 Любой взрослый, кроме Клинта, Эвелин, Марни, Робин или Вилли


Изумруд Ярко-зелeный драгоценный камень. 1 Любой взрослый, кроме Клинта, Эвелин, Марни, Робин или Вилли


Нефрит Бледно-зелeный поделочный камень. 1 Любой взрослый, кроме Клинта, Эвелин, Марни, Робин или Вилли


Хочу уведомить вас о грядущем празднике, Пире Зимней звезды. Мы собираемся вместе всем городом и вспоминаем всё то хорошее, что случилось в уходящем году. Одна из наших любимых традиций — «тайный обмен подарками». Каждый в городе случайным образом получает себе по «другу». На сам праздник каждый приносит подарки своему «тайному другу» и удивляет их чем-то особенным! В этом году ваш «тайный друг» —  [Имя персонажа]
Никому не говорите! Праздновать мы будем 25-го числа на городской площади, с 10:00 до 14:00. Увидимся!


Возможно, название праздника — это отсылка к сериалу «Кулак Полярной звезды».

При вручении подарка из инвентаря, если в стопке было больше одного предмета, остальное перемещается в сундук к стопке того же предмета или, если таких предметов нет, то в случайный.


Праздник закончится в 22:00, но если вернуться на автобусную остановку, Пэм будет ждать там, и вы сможете уехать в пустыню Калико.


Весна Яичный фестиваль • Цветочные танцы
Лето Луау • Танец полуночных медуз
Осень Ярмарка долины Стардью • День всех духов
Зима Ледовый праздник • Ночной рынок • Пир Зимней звезды

Ледовый праздник — это праздник, который проходит 8 числа зимы ежегодно. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти в лес Синдерсэп с 9:00 до 14:00. Когда праздник закончится, вы появитесь на ферме в 22:00.

На празднике можно полюбоваться на ледовые скульптуры и иглу. Кроме того, вы можете поучаствовать в соревновании по подледному лову, где вашими соперниками будут Пэм, Вилли и Эллиот. Чтобы выиграть, надо выловить минимум пять рыб.
В первый раз в награду вы получите три рыболовные снасти (Barbed Hook.png Крючок с бородкой, Dressed Spinner.png Украшенный спиннер и Magnet.png Магнит) и бескозырку. В последующие годы вы получите денежный приз в размере Gold.png2000 з..

Проруби для лова рыба довольно маленькие, и в них может быть сложно попасть. Легче всего встать вплотную к проруби и закинуть удочку на минимальное расстояние.
В верхней проруби клюёт немного лучше, чем во второй из доступных, так что лучше ловить в ней (нужно подтверждение).
Можно ловить рыбу и не в прорубях, однако эта рыба не будет засчитана.


Каждый год Пенни спрашивает вас, какого ей с Джас слепить снеговика. У вас три варианта ответов:

  • Традиционного. Нос морковкой, цилиндр, шарф. — [Она улыбнется и ответит: «Наверное, лучше и правда придерживаться классики».]
  • Что-нибудь прикольное. Антенны из сосулек, глаза из шишек. — [Она улыбнется и ответит: «Хорошо! Звучит интересно».]
  • Снеговики — это скучно. Мысли нестандартно! — [Она ответит, что хочет слепить что-нибудь традиционное.]

Вилли спросит, готовы ли вы к соревнованию. У вас три варианта ответов:

  • Да. Постараюсь изо всех сил! — [Он улыбнется и ответит: «Так держать!»]
  • Да, и ещe тебя обойду! — [Он скажет: «Посмотрим».]
  • Честно говоря, рыбак из меня никудышный. — [Он улыбнется и ответит: «Ну, тогда это будет для тебя хорошим упражнением!»]


Festival of Ice 1.jpg
Festival of Ice 2.jpg


Festival of Ice Mail RU.png


После окончания соревнования Льюис скажет: «Ого, сколько рыбы!» Это отсылка к глупой цитате из фильма «Годзилла» (1998).

Если поговорить с Абигейл, она спросит, как вам её снежный монстр. Это отсылка к серии стрипов «Кельвин и Хоббс» 1991 г. (есть в коллекции Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons), в которой Кельвин лепит несколько снеговиков-мутантов.

Весна Яичный фестиваль • Цветочные танцы
Лето Луау • Танец полуночных медуз
Осень Ярмарка долины Стардью • День всех духов
Зима Ледовый праздник • Ночной рынок • Пир Зимней звезды

Feast of the Winterstar.png

The Feast of the Winter Star is a festival that takes place on the 25th of every Winter. The player attends the festival by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 2pm. When the player leaves the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.

The main event of the Feast of the Winter Star is secret gift-giving. A random villager will be selected to give the player a gift, and the player is assigned a random villager to give a gift to. A week beforehand, on the 18th, Mayor Lewis will send a letter telling the player who their gift recipient is. The player finds out who is giving them a gift at the festival.

The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.


Pierre has a booth from which he sells the following items.

Image Name Description Price

Winter Banner.png

Winter Banner Can be placed inside your house. Gold.png1,000g

L. Light String.png

L. Light String Can be placed inside your house. Gold.png800g

S. Pine.png

S. Pine Can be placed as decoration. Gold.png500g

Ornate Window.png

Ornate Window Can be placed inside your house. Gold.png1,000g

House Plant 7.png

House Plant Can be placed as decoration. Gold.png700g

Festive Dining Table.png

Festive Dining Table Can be placed as decoration. Gold.png3,000g

Large Red Rug.png

Large Red Rug Can be placed inside your house. Gold.png1,000g

Decorative Axe.png

Decorative Axe Can be placed inside your house. Gold.png1,000g

Wood Panel.png

Wood Panel Can be placed inside your house. Gold.png500g

Log Panel 1.png

Log Panel Can be placed inside your house. Gold.png500g

Log Panel 2.png

Log Panel Can be placed inside your house. Gold.png700g

Tree of the Winter Star.png

Tree of the Winter Star Can be placed as decoration. Gold.png5,000g

Manicured Pine.png

Manicured Pine Can be placed as decoration. Gold.png800g


The gift the player selects for their villager will be worth 5x the normal amount of friendship points. After the player gives their gift, their Secret Gift-Giver will reveal themself and give them their present.

Feast of the Winterstar Secret Santa.png

Possible Received Gifts

This is a list of gifts the player can receive from their secret gift-giver. The only children are Jas, Vincent, and Leo (if he has moved into Stardew Valley); everyone else is an adult. The Dwarf, Krobus, Marlon, Sandy, and the Wizard are never secret gift givers.

Image Name Description Quantity Gift Giver

Iridium Bar.png

Iridium Bar A bar of pure iridium. 1 Clint

Gold Bar.png

Gold Bar A bar of pure gold. 5 Clint


Geode A blacksmith can break this open for you. 5 from Clint,
1 from any child
Clint or any child

Frozen Geode.png

Frozen Geode A blacksmith can break this open for you. 5 from Clint,
1 from any child
Clint or any child

Magma Geode.png

Magma Geode A blacksmith can break this open for you. 5 from Clint
1 from any child
Clint or any child


Egg A regular white chicken egg. 12 Marnie


Wood A sturdy, yet flexible plant material with a wide variety of uses. 99 Robin


Stone A common material with many uses in crafting and building. 50 Robin


Hardwood A special kind of wood with superior strength and beauty. 25 Robin

Warp Totem Beach.png

Warp Totem: Beach Warp directly to the beach. Consumed on use. 25 Willy

Dressed Spinner.png

Dressed Spinner The metal tab and colorful streamers create an enticing spectacle for fish. Increases the bite-rate when fishing. 1 Willy


Magnet Increases the chance of finding treasures when fishing. However, fish aren’t crazy about the taste. 1 Willy


Cookie Very chewy. 1 Evelyn


Clay Used in crafting and construction. 1 Any child

Ancient Doll.png

Ancient Doll An ancient doll covered in grime. This doll may have been used as a toy, a decoration, or a prop in some kind of ritual. 1 Any child

Rainbow Shell.png

Rainbow Shell It’s a very beautiful shell. 1 Any child

Pumpkin Pie.png

Pumpkin Pie Silky pumpkin cream in a flakey crust. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy

Poppyseed Muffin.png

Poppyseed Muffin It has a soothing effect. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy

Blackberry Cobbler.png

Blackberry Cobbler There’s nothing quite like it. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy

Glow Ring.png

Glow Ring Emits a constant light. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy

Deluxe Speed-Gro.png

Deluxe Speed-Gro Stimulates leaf production. Guaranteed to increase growth rate by at least 25%. Mix into tilled soil. 10 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy

Purple Mushroom.png

Purple Mushroom A rare mushroom found deep in caves. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy

Nautilus Shell.png

Nautilus Shell An ancient shell. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy


Wine Drink in moderation. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy


Beer Drink in moderation. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy

Tea Set.png

Tea Set Fine porcelain. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy

Pink Cake.png

Pink Cake There’s little heart candies on top. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy


Ruby A precious stone that is sought after for its rich color and beautiful luster. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy


Emerald A precious stone with a brilliant green color. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy


Jade A pale green ornamental stone. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy


“Dear [Player],
I would like to give you some information about an upcoming event: the Feast of the Winter Star. It’s a time for the community to come together and think back on all the good fortune we’ve had this year.
A favorite tradition is the «secret gift exchange», where everyone in town is randomly assigned to someone else. On the day of the festival, everyone brings a gift for their secret friend and surprise them with something special!

This year, your secret friend is:
Don’t tell anyone! The feast will take place on the 25th from 10AM to 2PM at the town square. See you then!
-Mayor Lewis”


  • Speaking to Willy gives the player the option to hear the story of the Winter Star:
«In the night sky of winter, there is a bright star only visible from this valley. No one knows why this is… but in times of old people would come from far and wide to see it. They believed that anyone who laid eyes on the Winter Star would be blessed with good fortune. Some even claim that the mysterious fruit known as Stardrop is connected to the Winter Star in some way.»
  • On the shipping summary screen at end of day on the 24th of Winter, Santa Claus will ride across the sky with his sleigh and reindeer.
  • If the player talks to George, he will deprecate the feast and shout «Humbug!», a reference to Ebenezer Scrooge, the elderly protagonist of Charles Dickens’ novel A Christmas Carol.


  • After the player has unlocked Ginger Island but before gaining six friendship hearts with Leo, he may be selected as the player’s «secret friend». Since he lives on the island and does not attend the Feast, the player is unable to give him a gift.


  • 1.3.32: Fixed bug where the player could not move after receiving their gift.
  • 1.4: Fixed bug where the entire stack of items given to the secret gift recipient would be consumed. Fixed NPCs following non-festival schedules after the festival.
  • 1.4.4: Quest items and non-giftable items can no longer be given as gifts at the festival.
  • 1.5: Introduced Pierre’s booth.
  • 1.5.1: Leo can no longer be the player’s secret friend if he is not in town.
Spring Egg Festival • Flower Dance
Summer Luau • Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
Fall Stardew Valley Fair • Spirit’s Eve
Winter Festival of Ice • Night Market • Feast of the Winter Star

Feast of the Winterstar.png

The Feast of the Winter Star is a festival that takes place on the 25th of every Winter. The player attends the festival by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 2pm. When the player leaves the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.

The main event of the Feast of the Winter Star is secret gift-giving. A random villager will be selected to give the player a gift, and the player is assigned a random villager to give a gift to. A week beforehand, on the 18th, Mayor Lewis will send a letter telling the player who their gift recipient is. The player finds out who is giving them a gift at the festival.

The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.


Pierre has a booth from which he sells the following items.

Image Name Description Price

Winter Banner.png

Winter Banner Can be placed inside your house. Gold.png1,000g

L. Light String.png

L. Light String Can be placed inside your house. Gold.png800g

S. Pine.png

S. Pine Can be placed as decoration. Gold.png500g

Ornate Window.png

Ornate Window Can be placed inside your house. Gold.png1,000g

House Plant 7.png

House Plant Can be placed as decoration. Gold.png700g

Festive Dining Table.png

Festive Dining Table Can be placed as decoration. Gold.png3,000g

Large Red Rug.png

Large Red Rug Can be placed inside your house. Gold.png1,000g

Decorative Axe.png

Decorative Axe Can be placed inside your house. Gold.png1,000g

Wood Panel.png

Wood Panel Can be placed inside your house. Gold.png500g

Log Panel 1.png

Log Panel Can be placed inside your house. Gold.png500g

Log Panel 2.png

Log Panel Can be placed inside your house. Gold.png700g

Tree of the Winter Star.png

Tree of the Winter Star Can be placed as decoration. Gold.png5,000g

Manicured Pine.png

Manicured Pine Can be placed as decoration. Gold.png800g


The gift the player selects for their villager will be worth 5x the normal amount of friendship points. After the player gives their gift, their Secret Gift-Giver will reveal themself and give them their present.

Feast of the Winterstar Secret Santa.png

Possible Received Gifts

This is a list of gifts the player can receive from their secret gift-giver. The only children are Jas, Vincent, and Leo (if he has moved into Stardew Valley); everyone else is an adult. The Dwarf, Krobus, Marlon, Sandy, and the Wizard are never secret gift givers.

Image Name Description Quantity Gift Giver

Iridium Bar.png

Iridium Bar A bar of pure iridium. 1 Clint

Gold Bar.png

Gold Bar A bar of pure gold. 5 Clint


Geode A blacksmith can break this open for you. 5 from Clint,
1 from any child
Clint or any child

Frozen Geode.png

Frozen Geode A blacksmith can break this open for you. 5 from Clint,
1 from any child
Clint or any child

Magma Geode.png

Magma Geode A blacksmith can break this open for you. 5 from Clint
1 from any child
Clint or any child


Egg A regular white chicken egg. 12 Marnie


Wood A sturdy, yet flexible plant material with a wide variety of uses. 99 Robin


Stone A common material with many uses in crafting and building. 50 Robin


Hardwood A special kind of wood with superior strength and beauty. 25 Robin

Warp Totem Beach.png

Warp Totem: Beach Warp directly to the beach. Consumed on use. 25 Willy

Dressed Spinner.png

Dressed Spinner The metal tab and colorful streamers create an enticing spectacle for fish. Increases the bite-rate when fishing. 1 Willy


Magnet Increases the chance of finding treasures when fishing. However, fish aren’t crazy about the taste. 1 Willy


Cookie Very chewy. 1 Evelyn


Clay Used in crafting and construction. 1 Any child

Ancient Doll.png

Ancient Doll An ancient doll covered in grime. This doll may have been used as a toy, a decoration, or a prop in some kind of ritual. 1 Any child

Rainbow Shell.png

Rainbow Shell It’s a very beautiful shell. 1 Any child

Pumpkin Pie.png

Pumpkin Pie Silky pumpkin cream in a flakey crust. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy

Poppyseed Muffin.png

Poppyseed Muffin It has a soothing effect. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy

Blackberry Cobbler.png

Blackberry Cobbler There’s nothing quite like it. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy

Glow Ring.png

Glow Ring Emits a constant light. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy

Deluxe Speed-Gro.png

Deluxe Speed-Gro Stimulates leaf production. Guaranteed to increase growth rate by at least 25%. Mix into tilled soil. 10 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy

Purple Mushroom.png

Purple Mushroom A rare mushroom found deep in caves. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy

Nautilus Shell.png

Nautilus Shell An ancient shell. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy


Wine Drink in moderation. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy


Beer Drink in moderation. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy

Tea Set.png

Tea Set Fine porcelain. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy

Pink Cake.png

Pink Cake There’s little heart candies on top. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy


Ruby A precious stone that is sought after for its rich color and beautiful luster. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy


Emerald A precious stone with a brilliant green color. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy


Jade A pale green ornamental stone. 1 Any adult except Clint, Evelyn, Marnie, Robin, or Willy


“Dear [Player],
I would like to give you some information about an upcoming event: the Feast of the Winter Star. It’s a time for the community to come together and think back on all the good fortune we’ve had this year.
A favorite tradition is the «secret gift exchange», where everyone in town is randomly assigned to someone else. On the day of the festival, everyone brings a gift for their secret friend and surprise them with something special!

This year, your secret friend is:
Don’t tell anyone! The feast will take place on the 25th from 10AM to 2PM at the town square. See you then!
-Mayor Lewis”


  • Speaking to Willy gives the player the option to hear the story of the Winter Star:
«In the night sky of winter, there is a bright star only visible from this valley. No one knows why this is… but in times of old people would come from far and wide to see it. They believed that anyone who laid eyes on the Winter Star would be blessed with good fortune. Some even claim that the mysterious fruit known as Stardrop is connected to the Winter Star in some way.»
  • On the shipping summary screen at end of day on the 24th of Winter, Santa Claus will ride across the sky with his sleigh and reindeer.
  • If the player talks to George, he will deprecate the feast and shout «Humbug!», a reference to Ebenezer Scrooge, the elderly protagonist of Charles Dickens’ novel A Christmas Carol.


  • After the player has unlocked Ginger Island but before gaining six friendship hearts with Leo, he may be selected as the player’s «secret friend». Since he lives on the island and does not attend the Feast, the player is unable to give him a gift.


  • 1.3.32: Fixed bug where the player could not move after receiving their gift.
  • 1.4: Fixed bug where the entire stack of items given to the secret gift recipient would be consumed. Fixed NPCs following non-festival schedules after the festival.
  • 1.4.4: Quest items and non-giftable items can no longer be given as gifts at the festival.
  • 1.5: Introduced Pierre’s booth.
  • 1.5.1: Leo can no longer be the player’s secret friend if he is not in town.
Spring Egg Festival • Flower Dance
Summer Luau • Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
Fall Stardew Valley Fair • Spirit’s Eve
Winter Festival of Ice • Night Market • Feast of the Winter Star

18 июля 2021
Рубрика: Новости, Обзоры
Платформы: Android, iOS, Разные

Доброго времени суток, дорогие читатели! Сегодня мы рассмотрим еще один праздник в Stardew Valley, а именно — ледовой праздник.

Проходит он каждую зиму 8 числа. Чтобы попасть на праздник, нужно прийти в лес около дома Марни не раньше 9 часов утра и не позже 14 часов дня.


На празднике будет несколько скульптур, иглу и снеговиков. Однако главной фишкой праздника является кое-что другое.

Вы можете поучаствовать в соревнованиях по подледному лову.


Для начала соревнования нужно подойти к мэру Льюису, стоящему рядом с озером с несколькими прорубями, и поговорить с ним, и при желании вы можете начать соревнование


Суть соревнования следующая: Несколько участников встают около прорубей и начинают ловить рыбу. Вам же нужно рыбачить, как на обычной рыбалке. Для победы вам нужно выловить как минимум 5 рыб из одной из двух свободных прорубей. Рыбу можно ловить и в реке или в озере, однако она не засчитается.

После первой победы вам дадут несколько снастей: магнит, крючок с бородкой и украшенный спиннер, а также бескозырку. За следующие победы вас будут награждать 2000 монетами.

По окончании соревнования мэр подведет итоги, выдаст награду победителю, а затем вы вернетесь домой в 22.00.

А на этом все! Спасибо за внимание и приятной игры!

Смотрите также:

  • Где найти сохранения в Stardew Valley на телефоне
  • Как найти шахту в Stardew Valley
  • Где найти топор Робин в Stardew Valley
  • Где найти глину в Stardew Valley
  • Где хранить вещи в Stardew Valley
  • Как убрать грядку в Stardew Valley
  • Как расширить инвентарь в Stardew Valley
  • И многое другое — тут!

Автор — Enigalt

Festivals are special events in Stardew Valley. Mayor Lewis will send the player a letter in advance of each festival, describing when and where it will take place. On the day of the festival, a pop-up on left-hand side of the screen will let the player know when the festival has begun. If they choose to attend a festival (other than the Night Market), upon leaving they will be returned to The Farm late at night.

If it is a festival day other than the Night Market, animals do not need to be fed; the game will automatically consider them fed.

Attendance at festivals is entirely optional. Speaking to villagers at festivals will increase friendship points, the same as any other day. Some festivals can have special effects on friendship, such as increasing friendship with every known villager, or increased friendship for gifting.

In a multiplayer game, every player who is present needs to enter the festival area to proceed (except for the Night Market). The same goes for leaving it, if it doesn’t end automatically. Generally only the host can initiate further events.

Shop Closures

Main article: Shop Schedules

All buildings and homes in Stardew Valley are «locked» on all festival days where the festival begins before 7pm (i.e., all festivals other than Spirit’s Eve and Dance of the Moonlight Jellies). The Sewers, Community Center, Movie Theater, and Spa will remain open. The exception to this rule is the Night Market, where homes and shops are open, and time continues to pass during the festival. These buildings remain locked all day, even if the player does not attend the festival.


Egg Festival

Main article: Egg Festival

The Egg Festival takes place on the 13th of every Spring. The player enters the festival by entering Pelican Town Square between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.

The featured attraction of the Egg Festival is the Egg Hunt. The player and some other villagers search for small colored eggs hidden around Pelican Town. The Egg Hunt starts by talking to Mayor Lewis. The player must gather 9 colored eggs (in 50 seconds, real time), or else Abigail will win. (In multiplayer games, less than 9 eggs are required to win.) If they win, they will receive a Straw Hat as a reward the first year they win, and Gold.png1,000g afterwards.

There is a booth set up where the player can purchase a decorative Lawn Flamingo, Plush Bunny, Seasonal Plants, and Strawberry Seeds. (Planting the strawberry seeds on or before Spring 16, will allow the player to harvest Strawberries two times before Summer).

The festival ends after Mayor Lewis announces the winner of the Egg Hunt.

Flower Dance

Main article: Flower Dance

The Flower Dance event takes place on the 24th of every Spring. The player enters the dance by entering Cindersap Forest between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.

The dance takes place in the far west of the forest, across the bridge that is south of the Wizard’s Tower. This area is accessible only during the Flower Dance.

There is a booth set up where the player can purchase a Dandelion, Daffodil, Tub o’ Flowers, Seasonal Decor, Seasonal Plants, and Rarecrow #5.

During this festival, the player can dance with one of the bachelors or bachelorettes, or another player in multiplayer. They must talk to them (twice) and invite them to dance, but they will refuse unless the player has at least four hearts of friendship with them. The player can talk to the other villagers and they will have event-related dialogue.

Dancing will increase friendship with their partner by 1 heart (250 points). The dance begins after talking to Lewis. The festival ends after the dance is performed.



Main article: Luau

The Luau takes place on the 11th of every Summer. The player attends the Luau by entering The Beach between 9am and 2pm. When the Luau ends, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.

A central feature of the Luau is the potluck soup. Villagers bring different ingredients to prepare this soup for the Governor, who tastes and judges it. The soup-tasting begins by talking to Mayor Lewis.

Depending upon the type and quality of the ingredients the player supplies for the soup, there will be different reactions from the Governor and Mayor Lewis. The outcome may increase or reduce friendship points with all villagers.

The Luau ends automatically after the Governor tastes the soup.

Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

Main article: Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

The Dance of the Moonlight Jellies takes place on the 28th of every Summer. The player enters the festival by entering The Beach between 10pm and 12am. When the festival ends, they will be returned to The Farm at 12am.

During the festival, villagers gather at the docks to watch migrating jellyfish who are attracted to the light of a torch that Mayor Lewis lights. Talk to Mayor Lewis to begin the festival.

The festival ends automatically after watching the jellyfish.


Stardew Valley Fair

Main article: Stardew Valley Fair

The Stardew Valley Fair takes place on the 16th of Fall every year. The player enters the fair by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 3pm. When they leave the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm

There are several games where the player can gain Star Tokens, a currency that can be exchanged for prizes at the Shop near the entrance to the Bus Stop.

The Fair also has a Grange Display contest where the player can show the products of the farm and gain Star Tokens. Talking to Mayor Lewis after completing the Grange Display initiates the judging process. Once the items have been judged the player is notified and can return to Mayor Lewis to collect the results. Items displayed in the Grange Display are returned, but not automatically. If a player forgets to collect the items, they can be found in the lost and found box in the Mayor’s Manor.

During the Fair, the player can eat Survival Burgers cooked by Gus north of Pierre’s General Store for free.

The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.

Spirit’s Eve

Main article: Spirit’s Eve

The Spirit’s Eve festival takes place on the 27th of Fall every year. The player enters the festival by entering Pelican Town between 10pm and 11:50pm. When they leave the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 12am.

The festival features a maze where it is possible to obtain the Golden Pumpkin. Pierre has a shopping booth where the player can purchase festive items including a Rarecrow, Jack-O-Lantern, and the Jack-O-Lantern recipe.

The maze is located to the north of Pierre’s festive shop. The maze has few dead ends and progresses in a nearly linear fashion. There is no time limit to complete the maze. Towards the end of the maze, in the northwest corner of the map, walk through a block of hedges to the left of a wooden sign with a question mark. Once through, go north through an open cavern and continue east to get to the Golden Pumpkin.

The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.


Festival of Ice

Main article: Festival of Ice

The Festival of Ice takes place on the 8th of every Winter. The player enters the festival by entering Cindersap Forest between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, the player will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.

At the festival there are ice sculptures and igloos set up as well as a small shop selling festive decorations. There’s also an Ice Fishing Contest the player can take part in along with Pam, Willy, and Elliott. The player wins if they catch at least five fish. Players are automatically provided with a fishing rod for the duration of the competition. The first win earns the player two tackles, 1 Magnet bait, and a Sailor’s Cap. Subsequent years earn the player Gold.png2,000g.

The festival ends after Lewis announces the winner of the Ice Fishing contest.

Night Market

Main article: Night Market

The Night Market takes place during Winter 15-17, on the beach, from 5pm-2am. The festival features shops, a mermaid show, and a deep-sea fishing submarine where the player can catch unique fish.

Unlike other festivals, shops and homes throughout Stardew Valley are not closed on the days of the Night Market, and time continues to pass during the festival.

Feast of the Winter Star

Main article: Feast of the Winter Star

The Feast of the Winter Star takes place on the 25th of every Winter. The player attends the festival by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 2pm. When they leave the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.

The main event of the Feast of the Winter Star is secret gift-giving. A random villager will be selected to give the player a gift, and they are assigned a random villager to give a gift to. A week beforehand, on the 18th, Mayor Lewis will send a letter telling the player who their gift recipient is. At the festival, talking to their gift recipient will pop up their inventory to decide gift to give. Upon giving a gift, the recipient will give a response and player’s gift-receiving cutscene occurs, where they will find out who is giving them a gift at the festival.

The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.


  • 1.3.27: Added Night Market.
  • 1.4: Talking to villagers during festivals now gives friendship points. Time no longer passes differently inside farm buildings than outside on the farm.
Spring Egg Festival • Flower Dance
Summer Luau • Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
Fall Stardew Valley Fair • Spirit’s Eve
Winter Festival of Ice • Night Market • Feast of the Winter Star

Festivals are special events in Stardew Valley. Mayor Lewis will send the player a letter in advance of each festival, describing when and where it will take place. On the day of the festival, a pop-up on left-hand side of the screen will let the player know when the festival has begun. If they choose to attend a festival (other than the Night Market), upon leaving they will be returned to The Farm late at night.

If it is a festival day other than the Night Market, animals do not need to be fed; the game will automatically consider them fed.

Attendance at festivals is entirely optional. Speaking to villagers at festivals will increase friendship points, the same as any other day. Some festivals can have special effects on friendship, such as increasing friendship with every known villager, or increased friendship for gifting.

In a multiplayer game, every player who is present needs to enter the festival area to proceed (except for the Night Market). The same goes for leaving it, if it doesn’t end automatically. Generally only the host can initiate further events.

Shop Closures

Main article: Shop Schedules

All buildings and homes in Stardew Valley are «locked» on all festival days where the festival begins before 7pm (i.e., all festivals other than Spirit’s Eve and Dance of the Moonlight Jellies). The Sewers, Community Center, Movie Theater, and Spa will remain open. The exception to this rule is the Night Market, where homes and shops are open, and time continues to pass during the festival. These buildings remain locked all day, even if the player does not attend the festival.


Egg Festival

Main article: Egg Festival

The Egg Festival takes place on the 13th of every Spring. The player enters the festival by entering Pelican Town Square between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.

The featured attraction of the Egg Festival is the Egg Hunt. The player and some other villagers search for small colored eggs hidden around Pelican Town. The Egg Hunt starts by talking to Mayor Lewis. The player must gather 9 colored eggs (in 50 seconds, real time), or else Abigail will win. (In multiplayer games, less than 9 eggs are required to win.) If they win, they will receive a Straw Hat as a reward the first year they win, and Gold.png1,000g afterwards.

There is a booth set up where the player can purchase a decorative Lawn Flamingo, Plush Bunny, Seasonal Plants, and Strawberry Seeds. (Planting the strawberry seeds on or before Spring 16, will allow the player to harvest Strawberries two times before Summer).

The festival ends after Mayor Lewis announces the winner of the Egg Hunt.

Flower Dance

Main article: Flower Dance

The Flower Dance event takes place on the 24th of every Spring. The player enters the dance by entering Cindersap Forest between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.

The dance takes place in the far west of the forest, across the bridge that is south of the Wizard’s Tower. This area is accessible only during the Flower Dance.

There is a booth set up where the player can purchase a Dandelion, Daffodil, Tub o’ Flowers, Seasonal Decor, Seasonal Plants, and Rarecrow #5.

During this festival, the player can dance with one of the bachelors or bachelorettes, or another player in multiplayer. They must talk to them (twice) and invite them to dance, but they will refuse unless the player has at least four hearts of friendship with them. The player can talk to the other villagers and they will have event-related dialogue.

Dancing will increase friendship with their partner by 1 heart (250 points). The dance begins after talking to Lewis. The festival ends after the dance is performed.



Main article: Luau

The Luau takes place on the 11th of every Summer. The player attends the Luau by entering The Beach between 9am and 2pm. When the Luau ends, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.

A central feature of the Luau is the potluck soup. Villagers bring different ingredients to prepare this soup for the Governor, who tastes and judges it. The soup-tasting begins by talking to Mayor Lewis.

Depending upon the type and quality of the ingredients the player supplies for the soup, there will be different reactions from the Governor and Mayor Lewis. The outcome may increase or reduce friendship points with all villagers.

The Luau ends automatically after the Governor tastes the soup.

Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

Main article: Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

The Dance of the Moonlight Jellies takes place on the 28th of every Summer. The player enters the festival by entering The Beach between 10pm and 12am. When the festival ends, they will be returned to The Farm at 12am.

During the festival, villagers gather at the docks to watch migrating jellyfish who are attracted to the light of a torch that Mayor Lewis lights. Talk to Mayor Lewis to begin the festival.

The festival ends automatically after watching the jellyfish.


Stardew Valley Fair

Main article: Stardew Valley Fair

The Stardew Valley Fair takes place on the 16th of Fall every year. The player enters the fair by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 3pm. When they leave the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm

There are several games where the player can gain Star Tokens, a currency that can be exchanged for prizes at the Shop near the entrance to the Bus Stop.

The Fair also has a Grange Display contest where the player can show the products of the farm and gain Star Tokens. Talking to Mayor Lewis after completing the Grange Display initiates the judging process. Once the items have been judged the player is notified and can return to Mayor Lewis to collect the results. Items displayed in the Grange Display are returned, but not automatically. If a player forgets to collect the items, they can be found in the lost and found box in the Mayor’s Manor.

During the Fair, the player can eat Survival Burgers cooked by Gus north of Pierre’s General Store for free.

The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.

Spirit’s Eve

Main article: Spirit’s Eve

The Spirit’s Eve festival takes place on the 27th of Fall every year. The player enters the festival by entering Pelican Town between 10pm and 11:50pm. When they leave the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 12am.

The festival features a maze where it is possible to obtain the Golden Pumpkin. Pierre has a shopping booth where the player can purchase festive items including a Rarecrow, Jack-O-Lantern, and the Jack-O-Lantern recipe.

The maze is located to the north of Pierre’s festive shop. The maze has few dead ends and progresses in a nearly linear fashion. There is no time limit to complete the maze. Towards the end of the maze, in the northwest corner of the map, walk through a block of hedges to the left of a wooden sign with a question mark. Once through, go north through an open cavern and continue east to get to the Golden Pumpkin.

The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.


Festival of Ice

Main article: Festival of Ice

The Festival of Ice takes place on the 8th of every Winter. The player enters the festival by entering Cindersap Forest between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, the player will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.

At the festival there are ice sculptures and igloos set up as well as a small shop selling festive decorations. There’s also an Ice Fishing Contest the player can take part in along with Pam, Willy, and Elliott. The player wins if they catch at least five fish. Players are automatically provided with a fishing rod for the duration of the competition. The first win earns the player two tackles, 1 Magnet bait, and a Sailor’s Cap. Subsequent years earn the player Gold.png2,000g.

The festival ends after Lewis announces the winner of the Ice Fishing contest.

Night Market

Main article: Night Market

The Night Market takes place during Winter 15-17, on the beach, from 5pm-2am. The festival features shops, a mermaid show, and a deep-sea fishing submarine where the player can catch unique fish.

Unlike other festivals, shops and homes throughout Stardew Valley are not closed on the days of the Night Market, and time continues to pass during the festival.

Feast of the Winter Star

Main article: Feast of the Winter Star

The Feast of the Winter Star takes place on the 25th of every Winter. The player attends the festival by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 2pm. When they leave the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.

The main event of the Feast of the Winter Star is secret gift-giving. A random villager will be selected to give the player a gift, and they are assigned a random villager to give a gift to. A week beforehand, on the 18th, Mayor Lewis will send a letter telling the player who their gift recipient is. At the festival, talking to their gift recipient will pop up their inventory to decide gift to give. Upon giving a gift, the recipient will give a response and player’s gift-receiving cutscene occurs, where they will find out who is giving them a gift at the festival.

The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.


  • 1.3.27: Added Night Market.
  • 1.4: Talking to villagers during festivals now gives friendship points. Time no longer passes differently inside farm buildings than outside on the farm.
Spring Egg Festival • Flower Dance
Summer Luau • Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
Fall Stardew Valley Fair • Spirit’s Eve
Winter Festival of Ice • Night Market • Feast of the Winter Star

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