The campaigns in the Age of Empires games are separate series of scenarios based on historical or mythical events that feature cinematic cutscenes, narrative elements, often special objectives, and unique units.
The Campaign Editor (contained in the Scenario Editor) allows players to create custom campaigns.
Age of Empires[]
Age of Empires[]
- Tutorial Campaign: Ascent of Egypt (Egyptians, previously Ascent of Egypt Learning Campaign in Age of Empires)
- Glory of Greece (Greeks)
- Voices of Babylon (Babylonians)
- Yamato, Empire of the Rising Sun (Yamato)
Demo campaigns[]
- Dawn of Civilization (Egyptians, beta only)
- Reign of the Hittites (Hittites, officially added in the Definitive Edition)
- Armies At War, A Combat Showcase (Egyptians)
The Rise of Rome[]
- The Rise of Rome (Romans, previously Rise of Rome in The Rise of Rome)
- Ave Caesar (Romans)
- Imperium Romanum (Romans, Palmyrans, previously Pax Romana in The Rise of Rome)
- Enemies of Rome (Carthaginians, Macedonians, Romans, Palmyrans)
Demo campaigns[]
- The First Punic War (Carthaginians, officially added in the Definitive Edition)
With the release of the Definitive Edition, both Reign of the Hittites and First Punic War campaigns are included officially.
Age of Empires II[]
The gold, silver, and bronze medals awarded upon scenario/campaign completion.
In Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition , a completed scenario selection will be marked with a bronze, silver or gold medal depending on whether the scenario was beaten on the «standard», «moderate», or «hard» difficulty respectively (except for The Art of War, where the medal is dependent on how well the player does). If an entire campaign is completed, the selection of the campaign will also feature a medal, which corresponds to the lowest difficulty all of the scenarios of that campaign are completed at. In The Conquerors and Age of Empires II: HD Edition, Campaigns are listed by their expansion under the Single Player tab, while in the Definitive Edition, all campaigns are classified by continent, with both the Battles of the Conquerors and the Battles of the Forgotten grouped into one section called «Historical Battles»:
Saladin (Saracens)
Francisco de Almeida (Portuguese)
Tariq ibn Ziyad (Berbers)
Sundjata (Malians)
Yodit (Ethiopians)
Historical Battles
Battles of the Conquerors (Franks, Vikings, Turks, Britons, Spanish, Japanese, Koreans)
Battles of the Forgotten (Persians, Mayans, Vikings, Magyars, Chinese, Japanese, Britons, Turks)
The campaign menu in The Age of Kings
Montezuma (Aztecs)
Pachacuti (Incas)
Genghis Khan (Mongols)
Prithviraj (Gurjaras)
Bayinnaung (Burmese)
Le Loi (Vietnamese)
Suryavarman I (Khmer)
Gajah Mada (Malay)
Tamerlane (Tatars)
The Art of War (Byzantines, Goths, Teutons, Celts, Koreans, Bulgarians, Berbers, Malay, Italians)
William Wallace (Celts)
Joan of Arc (Franks)
Barbarossa (Teutons)
Attila the Hun (Huns)
El Cid (Spanish, Saracens)
Alaric (Goths)
Vlad Dracula (Magyars, Slavs, Turks)
Bari (Byzantines)
Sforza (Italians)
Ivaylo (Bulgarians)
Kotyan Khan (Cumans)
West Europe[]
Edward Longshanks (Britons)
The Grand Dukes of the West (Burgundians)
The Hautevilles (Sicilians, renamed as Normans)
East Europe[]
Algirdas and Kestutis (Lithuanians)
Jadwiga (Poles, Lithuanians)
Jan Zizka (Bohemians)
South Asia[]
Babur (Tatars, Hindustanis)
Rajendra (Dravidians)
Devapala (Bengalis)
El Dorado (Incas, Spanish)
- It is believed that the Pachacuti campaign replaces the El Dorado due to the uncanny design of the latter, generally considered as unfit for the game. Also, the player rarely controlled the Incas in El Dorado; instead, the player controlled the Spanish more often, being seen more as another Spanish campaign, which is evidenced in the plot. El Dorado can still be downloaded via mods for the Definitive Edition.
- Despite the fact that The Last Khans is an exclusive expansion of the Definitive Edition, in the game files it is possible to find the description of the campaigns for the expansion pack, which can be deduced that it was planned as another DLC for the HD Edition, and the Tamerlane campaign also has a slightly different description to the one seen officially.
- In the Definitive Edition, the The Forgotten campaign Dracula was renamed to Vlad Dracula. This is the only instance where a campaign has been renamed.
- Since the release of Dawn of the Dukes, every civilization has at least one playable campaign or scenario. Of the 42 civilizations, 32 got a playable campaign or scenario when introduced, five in the next expansion (Britons, Japanese, Turks, Vikings, and Mayans), and five in the one after that (Byzantines, Chinese, Goths, Persians, and Lithuanians).
- The Franks and Saracens are tied for being the most frequently played civilizations in the Campaigns, with eight playable scenarios each.
- If counting the hidden scenario, The Saxon Revolt, Franks have the most playable appearances at nine.
- Additionally, the Franks have the most AI player appearances in the Campaigns, appearing a total of 58 times as of Dynasties of India.
- On the inverse, there are four civilizations (Chinese, Persians, Koreans, and Mayans) that are only playable in one campaign scenario. Japanese, Vikings, and Slavs are only playable in two, whilst Turks and Magyars are only playable in three. All of these civilizations are only playable in individual Historical Battles scenarios or in the Vlad Dracula campaign.
- The Incas are arguably the most isolated civilization as far as scenario designs go. They only appear within their own campaign, Pachacuti. They’re both only playable within that campaign’s scenarios, and those are the only scenarios they are present in as AI players, with no other civilization appearing in any of the scenarios.
- On the other hand, the only campaign scenario played as Koreans is also the only level where a Korean AI player appears.
- Every The Conquerors scenario has a red team.
- Every The Conquerors campaign has exactly two scenarios with an orange team.
- There is not even one scenario in any campaign or Historical Battle with the player colour being Grey.
- The Definitive Edition campaigns/scenarios were made by the following campaign designers, according to a reddit post confirmed by the developers[1]:
- Freeman1302/The King of Wessex: William Wallace, Joan of Arc, Barbarossa, Attila the Hun, Alaric, Sundjata, Gajah Mada, and the Kotyan Khan campaigns, certain Battles scenarios (Agincourt, Lepanto, Kyoto, Noryang Point, Bukhara, Dos Pilas, Honfoglalas, Bapheus, and Lake Poyang), and certain scenarios from the Dracula (scenario 3), Yodit (scenario 4), and Le Loi (scenarios 2 and 5) campaigns.
- HockeySam18: Tariq ibn Ziyad, Suryavarman, Tamerlane, Edward Longshanks, Jan Zizka and Devapala campaigns, certain Battles scenarios (York and Kurikara), and certain scenarios from the Dracula (scenarios 1, 2, 4, and 5) and Yodit (scenario 2) campaigns.
- Filthydelphia/PhillySouljah (Ramsey Abdulrahim): Francisco de Almeida, Bayinnaung, Ivaylo, Sforza, Prithviraj, and The Hautevilles campaigns.
- Bassi: Saladin, Genghis Khan, El Cid, Montezuma, Bari, Pachacuti, The Grand Dukes of the West, Algirdas and Kestutis and Babur campaigns, certain Battles scenarios (Tours, Vinlandsaga, Hastings, Manzikert, and Cyprus), and certain scenarios from the Yodit (scenarios 1, 3, and 5) and Le Loi (scenarios 1, 3, 4, and 6) campaigns.
- Lord Basse: Jadwiga and Rajendra campaigns.
Age of Empires III[]
Age of Empires III[]
- Act I: Blood
- Act II: Ice
- Act III: Steel
The WarChiefs[]
- Act I: Fire
- Act II: Shadow
The Asian Dynasties[]
- Act I: Japan
- Act II: China
- Act III: India
Definitive Edition[]
The Definitive Edition contains all of the campaigns from Age of Empires III, with two new ones: Historical Battles and The Art of War. Just like Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, the completed scenarios will be marked by a medal, depending on the difficulty. It will be bronze for easy, silver for moderate and gold for hard. The The Asian Dynasties campaigns can be played freely instead of being unlocked, and some story changes were made for the The WarChiefs campaign Act II: Shadow. Three new Historical battles are also added with the expansion The African Royals. Also, another three historical battles were added with the release of the Mexicans civilization add-on.
Age of Mythology[]
Age of Mythology[]
In Age of Mythology campaigns, the player will be given the option whether to proceed to the next campaign scenario immediately, or otherwise return to the campaign main menu.
- Learn to Play
- Fall of the Trident
- The Golden Gift
- Close to Home (bonus scenario)
The Titans[]
- The New Atlantis
Tale of the Dragon[]
- Tale of the Dragon
Age of Empires IV[]
Campaigns in Age of Empires IV are playable on the dataset in which they were created. Not only do balance changes have no effect, but they also feature units and buildings scrapped before release. Like in Age of Empires III, due to the scarcity of civilizations, these campaigns feature non-playable civilizations, like the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Normans. Campaigns are also divided into various chapters, encompassing different time periods.
Campaign | Civilization | Main opponents | Years | No of scenarios |
The Normans | Normans |
Danes Anglo-Saxon England French |
1066-1217 | 10 |
The Rise of Moscow | Novgorod Republic Grand Duchy of Lithuania |
1238-1552 | 8 | |
The Hundred Years War | 1351-1450 | 8 | ||
The Mongol Empire | Kingdom of Poland Kingdom of Hungary |
1213-1273 | 9 |
Before the player can start the campaign scenarios, a short movie describing the historical background of the scenario is played.
- ↑
Asian campaign screen in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition.
American campaign screen in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition.
African campaign screen in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition.
Historical Battles screen in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
Western Europe screen in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition — Lords of the West
Eastern Europe screen in Age of Empires II: Definitive Editon — Dawn of the Dukes
Southern Asia screen in Age of Empires II: Definitive Editon — Dynasties of India
Act I: Fire campaign screen in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition
Act II: Shadow campaign screen in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition
Act I: Japan campaign screen in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition
The campaigns in the Age of Empires games are separate series of scenarios based on historical or mythical events that feature cinematic cutscenes, narrative elements, often special objectives, and unique units.
The Campaign Editor (contained in the Scenario Editor) allows players to create custom campaigns.
Age of Empires[]
Age of Empires[]
- Tutorial Campaign: Ascent of Egypt (Egyptians, previously Ascent of Egypt Learning Campaign in Age of Empires)
- Glory of Greece (Greeks)
- Voices of Babylon (Babylonians)
- Yamato, Empire of the Rising Sun (Yamato)
Demo campaigns[]
- Dawn of Civilization (Egyptians, beta only)
- Reign of the Hittites (Hittites, officially added in the Definitive Edition)
- Armies At War, A Combat Showcase (Egyptians)
The Rise of Rome[]
- The Rise of Rome (Romans, previously Rise of Rome in The Rise of Rome)
- Ave Caesar (Romans)
- Imperium Romanum (Romans, Palmyrans, previously Pax Romana in The Rise of Rome)
- Enemies of Rome (Carthaginians, Macedonians, Romans, Palmyrans)
Demo campaigns[]
- The First Punic War (Carthaginians, officially added in the Definitive Edition)
With the release of the Definitive Edition, both Reign of the Hittites and First Punic War campaigns are included officially.
Age of Empires II[]
The gold, silver, and bronze medals awarded upon scenario/campaign completion.
In Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition , a completed scenario selection will be marked with a bronze, silver or gold medal depending on whether the scenario was beaten on the «standard», «moderate», or «hard» difficulty respectively (except for The Art of War, where the medal is dependent on how well the player does). If an entire campaign is completed, the selection of the campaign will also feature a medal, which corresponds to the lowest difficulty all of the scenarios of that campaign are completed at. In The Conquerors and Age of Empires II: HD Edition, Campaigns are listed by their expansion under the Single Player tab, while in the Definitive Edition, all campaigns are classified by continent, with both the Battles of the Conquerors and the Battles of the Forgotten grouped into one section called «Historical Battles»:
Saladin (Saracens)
Francisco de Almeida (Portuguese)
Tariq ibn Ziyad (Berbers)
Sundjata (Malians)
Yodit (Ethiopians)
Historical Battles
Battles of the Conquerors (Franks, Vikings, Turks, Britons, Spanish, Japanese, Koreans)
Battles of the Forgotten (Persians, Mayans, Vikings, Magyars, Chinese, Japanese, Britons, Turks)
The campaign menu in The Age of Kings
Montezuma (Aztecs)
Pachacuti (Incas)
Genghis Khan (Mongols)
Prithviraj (Gurjaras)
Bayinnaung (Burmese)
Le Loi (Vietnamese)
Suryavarman I (Khmer)
Gajah Mada (Malay)
Tamerlane (Tatars)
The Art of War (Byzantines, Goths, Teutons, Celts, Koreans, Bulgarians, Berbers, Malay, Italians)
William Wallace (Celts)
Joan of Arc (Franks)
Barbarossa (Teutons)
Attila the Hun (Huns)
El Cid (Spanish, Saracens)
Alaric (Goths)
Vlad Dracula (Magyars, Slavs, Turks)
Bari (Byzantines)
Sforza (Italians)
Ivaylo (Bulgarians)
Kotyan Khan (Cumans)
West Europe[]
Edward Longshanks (Britons)
The Grand Dukes of the West (Burgundians)
The Hautevilles (Sicilians, renamed as Normans)
East Europe[]
Algirdas and Kestutis (Lithuanians)
Jadwiga (Poles, Lithuanians)
Jan Zizka (Bohemians)
South Asia[]
Babur (Tatars, Hindustanis)
Rajendra (Dravidians)
Devapala (Bengalis)
El Dorado (Incas, Spanish)
- It is believed that the Pachacuti campaign replaces the El Dorado due to the uncanny design of the latter, generally considered as unfit for the game. Also, the player rarely controlled the Incas in El Dorado; instead, the player controlled the Spanish more often, being seen more as another Spanish campaign, which is evidenced in the plot. El Dorado can still be downloaded via mods for the Definitive Edition.
- Despite the fact that The Last Khans is an exclusive expansion of the Definitive Edition, in the game files it is possible to find the description of the campaigns for the expansion pack, which can be deduced that it was planned as another DLC for the HD Edition, and the Tamerlane campaign also has a slightly different description to the one seen officially.
- In the Definitive Edition, the The Forgotten campaign Dracula was renamed to Vlad Dracula. This is the only instance where a campaign has been renamed.
- Since the release of Dawn of the Dukes, every civilization has at least one playable campaign or scenario. Of the 42 civilizations, 32 got a playable campaign or scenario when introduced, five in the next expansion (Britons, Japanese, Turks, Vikings, and Mayans), and five in the one after that (Byzantines, Chinese, Goths, Persians, and Lithuanians).
- The Franks and Saracens are tied for being the most frequently played civilizations in the Campaigns, with eight playable scenarios each.
- If counting the hidden scenario, The Saxon Revolt, Franks have the most playable appearances at nine.
- Additionally, the Franks have the most AI player appearances in the Campaigns, appearing a total of 58 times as of Dynasties of India.
- On the inverse, there are four civilizations (Chinese, Persians, Koreans, and Mayans) that are only playable in one campaign scenario. Japanese, Vikings, and Slavs are only playable in two, whilst Turks and Magyars are only playable in three. All of these civilizations are only playable in individual Historical Battles scenarios or in the Vlad Dracula campaign.
- The Incas are arguably the most isolated civilization as far as scenario designs go. They only appear within their own campaign, Pachacuti. They’re both only playable within that campaign’s scenarios, and those are the only scenarios they are present in as AI players, with no other civilization appearing in any of the scenarios.
- On the other hand, the only campaign scenario played as Koreans is also the only level where a Korean AI player appears.
- Every The Conquerors scenario has a red team.
- Every The Conquerors campaign has exactly two scenarios with an orange team.
- There is not even one scenario in any campaign or Historical Battle with the player colour being Grey.
- The Definitive Edition campaigns/scenarios were made by the following campaign designers, according to a reddit post confirmed by the developers[1]:
- Freeman1302/The King of Wessex: William Wallace, Joan of Arc, Barbarossa, Attila the Hun, Alaric, Sundjata, Gajah Mada, and the Kotyan Khan campaigns, certain Battles scenarios (Agincourt, Lepanto, Kyoto, Noryang Point, Bukhara, Dos Pilas, Honfoglalas, Bapheus, and Lake Poyang), and certain scenarios from the Dracula (scenario 3), Yodit (scenario 4), and Le Loi (scenarios 2 and 5) campaigns.
- HockeySam18: Tariq ibn Ziyad, Suryavarman, Tamerlane, Edward Longshanks, Jan Zizka and Devapala campaigns, certain Battles scenarios (York and Kurikara), and certain scenarios from the Dracula (scenarios 1, 2, 4, and 5) and Yodit (scenario 2) campaigns.
- Filthydelphia/PhillySouljah (Ramsey Abdulrahim): Francisco de Almeida, Bayinnaung, Ivaylo, Sforza, Prithviraj, and The Hautevilles campaigns.
- Bassi: Saladin, Genghis Khan, El Cid, Montezuma, Bari, Pachacuti, The Grand Dukes of the West, Algirdas and Kestutis and Babur campaigns, certain Battles scenarios (Tours, Vinlandsaga, Hastings, Manzikert, and Cyprus), and certain scenarios from the Yodit (scenarios 1, 3, and 5) and Le Loi (scenarios 1, 3, 4, and 6) campaigns.
- Lord Basse: Jadwiga and Rajendra campaigns.
Age of Empires III[]
Age of Empires III[]
- Act I: Blood
- Act II: Ice
- Act III: Steel
The WarChiefs[]
- Act I: Fire
- Act II: Shadow
The Asian Dynasties[]
- Act I: Japan
- Act II: China
- Act III: India
Definitive Edition[]
The Definitive Edition contains all of the campaigns from Age of Empires III, with two new ones: Historical Battles and The Art of War. Just like Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, the completed scenarios will be marked by a medal, depending on the difficulty. It will be bronze for easy, silver for moderate and gold for hard. The The Asian Dynasties campaigns can be played freely instead of being unlocked, and some story changes were made for the The WarChiefs campaign Act II: Shadow. Three new Historical battles are also added with the expansion The African Royals. Also, another three historical battles were added with the release of the Mexicans civilization add-on.
Age of Mythology[]
Age of Mythology[]
In Age of Mythology campaigns, the player will be given the option whether to proceed to the next campaign scenario immediately, or otherwise return to the campaign main menu.
- Learn to Play
- Fall of the Trident
- The Golden Gift
- Close to Home (bonus scenario)
The Titans[]
- The New Atlantis
Tale of the Dragon[]
- Tale of the Dragon
Age of Empires IV[]
Campaigns in Age of Empires IV are playable on the dataset in which they were created. Not only do balance changes have no effect, but they also feature units and buildings scrapped before release. Like in Age of Empires III, due to the scarcity of civilizations, these campaigns feature non-playable civilizations, like the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Normans. Campaigns are also divided into various chapters, encompassing different time periods.
Campaign | Civilization | Main opponents | Years | No of scenarios |
The Normans | Normans |
Danes Anglo-Saxon England French |
1066-1217 | 10 |
The Rise of Moscow | Novgorod Republic Grand Duchy of Lithuania |
1238-1552 | 8 | |
The Hundred Years War | 1351-1450 | 8 | ||
The Mongol Empire | Kingdom of Poland Kingdom of Hungary |
1213-1273 | 9 |
Before the player can start the campaign scenarios, a short movie describing the historical background of the scenario is played.
- ↑
Asian campaign screen in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition.
American campaign screen in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition.
African campaign screen in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition.
Historical Battles screen in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
Western Europe screen in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition — Lords of the West
Eastern Europe screen in Age of Empires II: Definitive Editon — Dawn of the Dukes
Southern Asia screen in Age of Empires II: Definitive Editon — Dynasties of India
Act I: Fire campaign screen in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition
Act II: Shadow campaign screen in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition
Act I: Japan campaign screen in Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition
Это сценарий на игру bloody europe без событий.
ВЫ должны вернуть былое величие Рима, причем не важно где начнется история, в самом Риме, или в Багдаде. Мы требуем хлеба, зрелищ, и востановление Римской Империи.
Старые гегемоны мира стали разваливаться, как экономически, так и политически. Что же сделаешь ты в этой суматохе, попытаешься восстановить равновесие сил демократии и коммунизма в мире, или же объединишь весь мир под
Сценарий рассказывает о войне в Украине 2014 года. События начинаются в 2013 году. Украина имеет полную территориальную целостность. В 2014, Россия аннексирует Крым и создает ДНР.
Данный сценарий сделан про первую мировую войну, в нём Германия легко одолела Францию, а Россия не успела мобилизоваться и тоже проиграла.
Альтернативный сценарий для стратегии Age of History 2, в котором победил Наполеон, и он вдохновлен модом Victoria 2: Napoleons Legacy.
Сценарий «1919» для мода посвящен событиям после Первой Мировой Войны.
Twenty Thirty Five является альтернативный модом, действия которого проходят в 2035 году. Несколько десятков (я что, их считать должен?) кастомных государств.
Данный сценарий посвящён второй мировой войне, историчность которой будет подпитываться реалистичными ивентами, чьё количество достигает 103 штук.
Сценарий и карта Земли, посвященные Австро-Венгерской империи. Языки: испанский, английский.
Age of Empires 2 вышла безумно давно, ещё в 2002 году. И совсем недавно авторы выпустили два шикарных переиздания — HD и Definitive Edition, специально для мощных компьютеров. Однако оригинальная игра всё ещё остаётся актуальной, и для неё тоже выпускаются моды. Так давайте же поговорим о них.
Моды на Age of Empires 2 устанавливаются через Steam. Перед тем как устанавливать какой-либо мод, тщательно читайте инструкции.
age of vampires
Создатель: Ivacula
Вот представьте, что было бы, если у вампиров были империи? Таковой была идея, пришедшая в голову автору мода. С тех пор он и смешивал викторианский стиль ужасов с традиционной славянской мифологией и намеками на темные главы румынской и венгерской истории. Результатом является что-то вроде войны вампиров в Восточной Европе.
Автор предупреждает, что анимация ранений и убийств в Age of Vampires крайне жуткая и превосходит саму себя в оригинальной игре. Насилию в реальной жизни не место, однако жестокость, изображенная здесь, точно соответствует традиционной мифологии вампиров.
tales of middle-earth
Создатель: ToME Studio
Средиземье в Age of Empires 2. Задействован период от падения Белерианда до Великой Эпохи Людей и Войны за Кольцо. Здесь можно играть за одну из 18 уникальных фракций. Вы можете быть королём мудрых и справедливых эльфов — Линдона, Ривенделла, Мирквуда, Эрегиона и Лотлориэна. Либо же можете пасть под влияние Тени в Ангмаре, Мордоре, Изенгарде, Дол Гулдуре или Минас Моргуле. Правда если вы поклонник людей, то вам лучше играть за их легендарные королевства, вроде Арнора, Гондора и полузабытого Нуменора. Также вы можете кататься по полям и равнинам с жителями Рохана, Рованиона, Харада, Умбара или Кханда.
Вам доступны сражения на новых случайных картах, основанных на реальных локациях Средиземья. Можно исследовать бесчисленные новые технологии и определять путь развития своей фракции. Можно и создавать альянсы, чтобы пополнить свои армии солдатами из других регионов, или даже звать на помощь гномов и хоббитов. Было спроектировано более ста зданий, в том числе чудеса, основанные на знаменитых достопримечательностях Средиземья, таких как Ортханк, Барад-Дур, Золотой Зал Эребора или Дом Элронда. Кроме того, добавлено множество новых графических элементов. Мод предназначен для многопользовательского, одиночного и сценарного режимов.
age of world empires
Создатель: WES studio
Age of World Empires — это независимый скин-мод для Age of Empires 2 The Conquerors. Он включает независимые скины юнитов для разных цивилизаций и фракций. Вы увидите множество вариаций юнитов, таких как монгольская тяжелая кавалерия, византийская кавалерия, китайские копья, отличающиеся от европейского рыцаря.
Вы также увидите алебардщиков европейского стиля, азиатских алебардщиков, японских пехотинцев асигару с флагами на спинах. Этот мод приносит нам больше визуального разнообразия, улучшает игровой опыт и делает игру исторически более достоверной.
aok realms
Создатель: Jorritkawehr
Realms — это проект, созданный для того, чтобы ещё больше погрузиться в Средневековье. Исследуйте новые способы ведения войны на вершинах Гималаев, побережьях Перу, джунглях Юго-Восточной Азии, Киликии, Маньчжурии и Европы с девятнадцатью новыми цивилизациями. Какие же это всё-таки цивилизации, спросите вы?
Вам доступны величественные Армяне, защищающие свои земли от Еревана до Аданы. Бамарцы, что возглавляют языческие племена авов, хантавади или таунгу. Балты, что яростно сражаются с подлыми крестоносцами и любителями несметных богатств. Богемцы, создающие новую армию, основанную на инновационных тактических доктринах. Отважные Булгары , вырезающие всё на своём пути и затаптывающие тяжёлой кавалерией. Также вы можете возглавить и целую порцию других держав, обладающих уникальной культурой и линейкой войск. Если вы искали по-настоящему классный фракционный мод, то Realms просто создан для вас!
tsars and salemen
Создатель: Ivacula
Тотальная конверсия, которая вводит различные торговые республики Италии (Венеция, Рагуза, Сицилия), Славянии (Великий Новгород) и Западной Европы (Фландрия). Кроме того, вы можете водрузить на себя корону могущественных Царств Сербии, России (Московское царство) и Болгарии. Некоторые цивилизации, такие как византийцы, турки, тевтонцы и тимуриды (персы), тоже не были обделены и получили много региональных юнитов (что сильно меняет их стратегию).
И последнее, но не менее важное — мод также увеличивает количество полезных гражданских лиц: придворных дам, пайперов (мастеров по игре на волынках) и саксонских шахтеров (экономических наемников).
Если вы сделали отличную и интересную карту (или сценарий) для Age of Empires II HD и хотите поделиться ей с сообществом — дерзайте! Я покажу на примере карты rms (со сценариями все тоже самое) как это делается.
1. Для начала, нужно правильно расположить наши файлы. Файлы с модами находятся здесь: пусть_к_игреsteamappscommonAge2HDmods . Там мы создаем папку с названием нашей карты (на моем примере она называется FFA Ring). В папке создаем:
_publish-info.txt (здесь будет описание игры для мастерской)
_preview-icon.jpg (превьюшка в виде картинки, например, с общим видом вашей карты)
Далее создаем папку и подпапки: resources > _common > random-map-scripts (в случае со сценарием «scenario») > название_карты.rms (сам файл с нашей картой)
Выглядит это как-то так:
Файлы _publish-info.txt и _preview-icon.jpg:
В _publish-info.txt мы пишем:
Description=Описание карты
Какие то особенности карты. Конфигурации. Настройки.
Тут пишем все что угодно или можно не писать ничего.
2. Теперь мы готовы загружать материалы в Стим. Запускаем игру. В главном меню выбираем: Мастерская Steam.
Теперь у нас в списке модов появился и наш мод (еще не опубликованный). Выбираем его и нажимаем внизу кнопочку Опубликовать.
В появившемся окошке удаляем майкрософтовское описание и пишем свое, подобно тому, что писали в _publish-info.txt (именно это описание загрузиться в мастерскую стима). Жмем Готово.
3. Если мы все сделали верно – то увидим вот такое окошко загрузки нашего мода в мастерскую:
4. После успешной загрузки, откроется окно мастерской Стим, где вы дополнительно сможете откорректировать информацию по вашему Моду (добавить дополнительные скриншоты, поправить описание и т.д.)
5. Наслаждаемся результатом. Наша карта опубликована в Мастерской и доступна к подписке игрокам со всего мира
Просмотров: 4 642
November 11, 2022
Hungry for more Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition campaigns? We’ve recently played through three more fantastic Custom Campaigns that we simply have to recommend, each of them scratching our itch for more single player, historic and story driven gameplay.
We love community-created content and the huge effect it has had on Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition. Over the years we’ve seen everything from visual enhancements, to entirely new Game Modes, and even fully fledged Custom Campaigns.
We’ve got another three Custom Campaign recommendations that have been created by our fantastic community, ready for your enjoyment. If you’ve never played a Custom Campaign before, we have all the details below on how you can install and start enjoying these fantastic community creations below.
How To Install a Custom Campaign
- From the Main Menu, select the Gear Icon in the top right of the screen, near your profile icon. A new Menu will then appear, select the ‘Mods’ option.
- This will take you to the Mod Manager. From here at the top of the screen, select ‘Browse Mods’.
- Then on the right of the search bar, you have a drop-down menu you can click on to filter the type of mods being shown. Click the Campaigns option.
- Now you have a gigantic list of all the community created Custom Campaigns and scenarios available to be downloaded and played. You can sort these by clicking on the Name, Date Created, Last Updated or DL (Download) text. If you’re just getting started, we recommend sorting by DL.
- When you select a campaign, you’ll get a small description on the right of the screen. Once you’ve found a Campaign you like the description of, while you have it selected, click the Subscribe button at the bottom of your screen and it will begin downloading and installing.
- Once the Campaign has been downloaded and installed, which is indicated by a Tick next to the name, return to the Main Menu. Then select the Single Player option, the Campaigns option and then at the bottom of your screen you’ll see a button for Custom Campaigns.
- Click the Custom Campaigns button and a new menu will open up and you’ll be able to select your newly downloaded campaign. Click on the Select Campaign button, and you’re ready to go!
Now that you know how to install these campaigns, let’s look at some recommendations to get started having fun!
Tomislav By Hainaut183
From the ruins of Charlemagne’s Holy Roman Empire rises Croatia. Led by their brilliant and charismatic ruler Tomislav, the Croats quickly grow from a disorganized collection of primitive tribes into one of the mightiest empires of Southern Europe.
Featuring 6 fantastically creative campaign missions and a whole new civilization. Tomislav is a brilliant Custom Campaign that makes use of classic Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition gameplay, then twists it into it’s own special flavour, resulting in an absolutely fantastic gameplay experience.
- Don’t forget to download the recommended Tomislav Supplement mod to receive the intended and complete experience!
Willem Van Oranje by Shimakaze23
Follow the journey of William of Orange leading the Dutch Revolution against the Spanish Habsburgs. As one of the leaders of the Eighty Years’ War, he was the first ruler of the Dutch Republic. Under his leadership, the Netherlands pushed back Spanish rule and established the world’s first capitalist country, and the revolution he led was also the world’s first successful revolution.
Explore 6 beautifully crafted maps across 6 campaign missions filled with classic Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition build and destroy gameplay, with battles massive in scope! Escape ambushes, defeat armies and claim cities in this phenomenal Custom Campaign, which is sure to impress any fan of the franchise.
Komnenos – The Byzantine Restoration by PhillySouljah
Can a dying empire be saved? The Roman Empire is collapsing, plagued by internal power struggles, rebellions, and foreign invasions. As Alexios Komnenos, seize the throne from a failed emperor, fight the Turks and Normans to expand your realm, and fend off pretenders and rebels with their own aspirations for your crown.
Though only a single scenario, the beautiful map design, creative objectives and personality make this a must play Custom Campaign. Manage your resources and army to strategically re-establish your empire all while defending from the multiple enemy’s you’ve made through your choices.
- We found there’s lots of surprises, ensure you save often!
Are you inspired? Now it’s time to start downloading and get playing!
Let us know which Custom Campaigns you’ve enjoyed the most and please leave a recommendation for others to try!