- Автор сценария:
- Росс ЛаМанна
- Джефф Натансон
- Режиссер:
- Бретт Ратнер
Продолжение хита 1997 года. Поскольку детективы Картер и Ли становятся все больше и больше запутанными в преступном заговоре, вовлекающем их в смертоносную Триаду, то поездка в стиле нон-стоп от Гонконга до Лос-Анджелеса и Лас Вегаса, оборачивается для них безумно интересным и в то же время смешным приключением. Полицейские должны использовать все свои таланты, чтобы заманить в ловушку одного из самых опасных преступников в мире.
RUSH HOUR 2 BY Jeff Nathanson EXT. HONG KONG SKYLINE - ESTABLISHING A smoky haze dims the blazing sun. Skyscrapers sit like watchtowers over the city, where East meets West for five and a half million people a day. EXT. AMERICAN CONSULATE - HONG KONG - DAY THE AMERICAN EMBASSY - U.S. and Chinese flags side by side. HU LI, dark glasses, EXITS and slowly moves toward a STREET VENDOR across the street. She pays for an order of pork bao; as she takes her first bite we see: THE EXPLOSION BEHIND HER TWO OFFICES ON THE SIXTH FLOOR BLOWN OUT - a huge fireball erupting over one side of the embassy. People panic and run. Hu Li doesn't even flinch. She takes a bite of her pork bao as she casually turns to the stunned street vendor. HU LI (Chinese, subtitled) Someone better call the police. EXT./INT. LEE'S CAR - CONTINUOUS The passenger window rolls down and we see Carter, styling in a Chinese-cut suit. He's holding a Chinese-English dictionary, leaning out the window - giving his best "do me" look to two girls in a convertible. CARTER (int Chinese) Deng wa lu yun cai-shen wu. The HORRIFIED GIRLS speed off, and Carter turns to Lee, who is driving and singing to his radio. LEE (singing) ...wish they all could be California... wish they all could be California girls... Carter ejects the BEACH BOYS CD from the stereo and TOSSES it out of the SUNROOF. CARTER I warned you about playing that shit when I'm in the car. LEE That was my CD. Don't you ever touch a Chinese man's CD. CARTER Did you see the way those girls drove off? I did you a favor. LEE Those girls drove off because of you. CARTER All I did was invite them for a drink. LEE You invited them to get naked and sacrifice a small goat. CARTER (checking Chinese-English dictionary) I said that? Which word was "goat?" Lee picks up his CD case. LEE You owe me a copy of the Beach Boys Greatest Hits, Volume Two. CARTER Don't be giving me attitude, Lee. I've been here three days and we haven't done shit. We haven't been to a club, haven't even talked to a girl. I'm on vacation, and I want some mu-shu. LEE Mu-shu? You're hungry? CARTER Not Mu-shu. Mu-shu. I want to see some women. Now stop playing dumb and show me the shu! Carter flips through the dictionary. A CALL COMES in over LEE'S CELL PHONE. INTERCUT INT. SUPERINDENDENT CHIN'S OFFICE - NIGHT The following conversation is in Chinese, English subtitles. SUPERINDENDENT CHIN Lee, there was a bombing at the American Embassy. Two American translators were killed. LEE Any leads? SUPERINDENDENT CHIN (beat) We think it's Ricky Tan. If you don't want to take the case, I'll understand. LEE It's my responsibility. Lee hangs up the cell phone. CARTER What was that? Did you just pick up a case? Did we just take another damn case on my vacation? Lee smiles at Carter. LEE Of course not. My Superindendent invited us to a club tonight. Big party. CARTER Don't be messing with me, Lee. I will kick your ass. I'll hit you so hard you'll end up in the Ming Dynasty. LEE Carter, would I lie to you? EXT. RAVEN CLUB - NIGHT Carter follows Lee out of the car, the two men making their way to the door of the Raven Club. Carter is combing his hair, getting himself ready for a night on the town, stopping when he spots two hot WOMEN walking into the club. CARTER That's what I'm talking about. A real Hong Kong night club. You want an Altoid? LEE No. CARTER You better take one. Your breath has been a little funky all day. Let me look at you. Carter looks at Lee. Fixes his collar. CARTER (CONT'D) Just relax and don't worry about a thing. I'll hook you up in there. You got condoms? LEE No. CARTER Take this. It's a Magnum. You can fold it in half. Carter dances through the door, Lee follows. INT. RAVEN CLUB - NIGHT A dark, upscale club that is packed with GANGSTERS, BEAUTIFUL GIRLS and CIVILIANS. Lee and Carter walk in. Lee is trying to keep a low profile as Carter stares up at the stage, where a man sings Karaoke -- the most painful rendition of Michael Jackson's "DON'T STOP 'TILL YOU GET ENOUGH." LEE I'll meet you at the bar in ten minutes. They don't like tourists in here, so try to blend in. CARTER Blend in? I'm two feet taller than everyone here. Where you going? LEE Bathroom. Lee walks off, trying not to be seen as Carter steps up to the bar, takes a seat next to TWO CHINESE THUGS. CARTER How you boys doing tonight? The thugs ignore Carter as he motions to the stage, where the OLD MAN continues to sing. CARTER (CONT'D) That is the worst singing I've ever heard. That sounds like something you'd hear in prison after lights out. The thugs continue to ignore Carter. INT. RAVEN CLUB - BACK HALL - NIGHT Lee makes his way down a hallway -- looks through an open door - sees a private room. Several TRIADS are using hi-tech MACHINES to count stacks of AMERICAN HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS. CARTER (V.O.) Get closer to my body now. And just love me, till you don't know how... Lee steps back into shadow -- does a double take as he realizes he's hearing Carter belting out "DON'T STOP 'TILL YOU GET ENOUGH." INT. RAVEN CLUB - CONTINUOUS A room full of Chinese sitting with their mouths open, watching Carter on the Karaoke stage doing a dead-on Michael Jackson, singing his heart out. Dancing and making eyes at a few of the smitten women who are watching him. LEE (whispering from side of stage) Carter, get off that stage! CARTER Are you kidding, they love me. I'm a star, Lee. A god to these people! Carter resumes singing, really getting down. Moonwalking to the EDGE of the STATE where Lee PULLS HIM OFF. LEE This is a gangster bar, we're here undercover. CARTER I knew you were lying. LEE I'm sorry. CARTER Damn it, why are you ruining my night? I'm just starting to have fun. (beat) Well fine then, go ahead, pull your badge and do your thing. LEE No, we're here for information, to find out where a man named Ricky Tan is. We must tread softly and keep our ears open. CARTER Tread softly? Who taught you how to roost a bar? LEE Carter, you don't understand. These men are Fu-Cang-Long Triads. Part of the most deadly gang in China. CARTER Man, are you crazy? You think that scares me? I'm from L.A. We invented gangs. We were having gang wars before anybody even thought about it. We get royalties from other gangs. Now gimme your badge and gun and I'll show you how it's done. LEE No. You are a civilian. In China, I am Michael Jackson, and you are Toto. CARTER You mean Tito. We had Toto for dinner last night. Before Lee can react, Carter has lifted Lee's badge and gun. Carter bounds back on stage, pulls the plug on the music and fires three SHOTS into the ceiling, silencing the bar. CARTER (CONT'D) (Chinese) Deng wa lu yun, shen wu wattu masu wang lui. Nobody moves. Strange looks from the crowd. Carter turns to Lee. CARTER (CONT'D) (whispering) What'd I say? LEE You just said you're their worst nightmare - and to line their mothers up for a milking. CARTER Shit. C'mon, get up here and help me out. Reluctantly, Lee gets on stage. More looks from the Chinese as Carter speaks, Lee translating. CARTER (CONT'D) Okay, all the Triads and ugly women go to that side, all fine ass women on this side. Nobody moves. Carter fires two more shots in the ceiling. CARTER (CONT'D) Let's try this again. Who here knows Ricky Tan, raise your hand. Nobody moves. CARTER (CONT'D) Who here is named Lee? Raise your hand. Nobody moves. CARTER (CONT'D) Now I know you're lying. The crowd still hasn't moved. Except in the back, where Lee spots several GANGSTERS leaving. As Lee runs off stage -- CARTER (CONT'D) (as they run out) I come back and catch y'all singing Michael Jackson and you're all going to jail. EXT. RAVEN CLUB - NIGHT Lee and Carter run into the street, just in time to see HU LI and several gangsters round a corner. CARTER Stop! LAPD! Lee takes off and chases them on foot. EXT. HONG KONG STREET - NIGHT EXT. HONG KONG STREET - NIGHT The far end of the street is BLOCKED BY MARKET STALLS. The GANGSTERS look around frantically. An apartment building is under CONSTRUCTION, massive BAMBOO SCAFFOLDING top to bottom. Their only way out is UP. Lee and Carter dash around the corner to see the gangsters SWARMING UP THE SCAFFOLDING. Lee wastes no time going after them. With a running start, he JAMS A FOOT on the wall and VAULTS to the BOTTOM RUNG, GRABS HOLD AND SWINGS UP. CARTER Hang on, Lee. I'm coming. Carter jumps to grab hold of the scaffolding. NOT EVEN CLOSE. He backs up -- he's gonna take a running start! ABOVE - LEE REACHES 4 GANGSTERS. They all tear off the LENGTHS OF BAMBOO and square off. The clatter of wood against wood as they beat at each other. Wrestling over his pole, Lee FLINGS TWO of the GANGSTERS over the edge. BELOW, Carter has hold of the bottom rung, STRAINING MIGHTILY to pull himself up. Just as he gets his chin above the bar... snap! It BREAKS and he drops. Then... WHAM! WHAM! The two gangsters CRASH LAND ON EITHER side of CARTER. HE takes one look at their pain. CARTER (CONT'D) Forget this... He dashes into the stairwell. ABOVE, the last two GANGSTERS come at Lee. He stomps down, levering up floor boards, which SEE-SAWS them off-balance. With the advantage, he BATTERS them with his bamboo pole and knocks them off. He climbs after the GANGSTER LEADER. ON HU LI and the GANGSTERS Coming over the crest of the hill, seeing Carter climbing up the hill. EXT. ROOF - CONTINUOUS Lee pulls himself up onto the roof, takes a few steps when WHAM! He is clocked by a 16-foot BAMBOO POLE. Lee TOPPLES OVER THE EDGE! We see his adversary for the first time. HU LI - AGILE, GORGEOUS...DANGEROUS As she steps to the edge... BOOM! The STAIRWELL DOOR FLIES OPEN and CARTER EMERGES. Gun low and ready. Hu Li is gone. CARTER (out of breath) Freeze! Nobody move! Carter goes to the edge and sees Lee hanging on a pole below. Carter is blind-sided by Hu Li. She takes one sultry step towards him, then twists her heel and WINDMILLS a HARD KICK that sends Carter FLYING OFF THE ROOF! He falls along the side of the building. He manages to grab the end of a BAMBOO POLE that juts out from the scaffolding. LEE IS RIGHT THERE NEXT TO HIM! They're hanging side-by-side, holding on for their lives. Hu Li looks down at them. She has no weapon to finish them off. She turns and runs, disappearing in the night. CARTER AND LEE holding on with all their strength. The bamboo is starting to bend. CARTER (CONT'D) All I wanted was a little mu-shu. LEE Try to land on your feet. Carter looks down at a rancid dumpster below them. CARTER I can't believe I flew ten-thousand miles for this shit. The POLE BREAKS SUPER THE TITLE: RUSH HOUR 2: REMEMBER THE DRAGON INT. LEE'S UNMARKED POLICE CAR - LATER THAT NIGHT Carter and Lee drive through Hong Kong, the two men riding in silence, bruised and covered in garbage. CARTER You lied to me. LEE I'm sorry. CARTER You're sorry. I got somebody's old chopsticks stuck in my ass, so don't tell me you're sorry. Just take me home. LEE No time. There was an explosion at the American Embassy today -- two American translators were killed. Carter takes this in. Can't believe his own bad luck. CARTER So that Ricky Tan, he's the one who blew up the Embassy? EXT. MONASTERY SCHOOL - EARLY MORNING Lee and Carter walk into a massive COURTYARD, where thirty 12 year olds are going through their warm up routines. MASTER FU, 60's, wears a BLACK ROBE as he teaches his kids. CARTER I'm telling you right now, I'm tired of this shit. There's two billion Chinese - let one of them be your partner. LEE This won't take long. Master Fu barks out a barrage of SHAOLIN FIGHTING STANCES. MASTER FU Dragon kick! Like well-trained army, the students YELL AND KICK HARD. MASTER FU (CONT'D) Lotus block! The students YELL and form an "X" with their arms. Master Fu notices Carter and Lee watching from the back. MASTER FU (CONT'D) Twisting Tiger! No response. The students exchange baffled looks. MASTER FU (CONT'D (CONT'D) (staring straight at Lee) Twisting Tiger! Lee may be a big rusty, but he puts on a shit-kicking move that leaves the students blown away. Lee smiles, basking in the glow... ...until he sees Master Fu's disappointment. MASTER FU (CONT'D) Didn't I teach you to always arch your back? LEE (bowing, humbled) Yes, Master. While Lee follows Master Fu, Carter stands in front of the 12 YEAR OLDS, who sit motionless around a fighting circle. Carter starts stretching his legs, warming up. CARTER I was watching you kids. My name is Carter, LAPD, and I'm a third degree black belt. At least that's what I tell the girls at the Holiday Health Spa where I work out. Carter throws a series of QUICK PUNCHES, but the kids have no reaction. CARTER (CONT'D) Let me give you kids some tips. The key to Kung Fu is the follow through. Why don't you stand up. THE KIDS DON'T MOVE, no reaction. Carter continues to throw punches. CARTER (CONT'D) Go ahead, kick me, hit me. I'll show you how to block. Come on, stand up, give me your best shot -- try to kick right to my head. The kids still don't move. Carter, working up a sweat from shadow fighting, takes off his JACKET, DRAPING IT over the HOLY BUDDHA behind him -- a mistake. He swings back around to face the kids and NEVER SEES THE KICK that sends him flying back onto the mat. He looks around and sees ALL of the kids STANDING, in FIGHTING POSITION. CARTER (CONT'D) That's pretty good. Which one of you kids did that? INT. COURTYARD PATHWAY - CONTINUOUS Lee and Master Fu walking. LEE I need your help, Master. I'm seeking a man who used to train with you. He's become a killer - the worst kind of animal. MASTER FU Animals kill only from hunger or fear. The man you seek is lower than a serpent. (faces Lee) ...he kills for money. In the b.g., we see the kids leaping acrobatically over Carter from all sides. Carter, frustrated, tries to grab the kids out of the air as they fly by, but they elude him. They disappear O.S. Lee and Master Fu walk another moment, Master Fu lost in thought. MASTER FU (CONT'D) He was the best I ever trained, you know. LEE Ricky Tan? MASTER FU No. Your father. (Lee reacts) Your father and Ricky Tan were my favorite students... and for such awful things to happen as they did -- Lee cuts off Master Fu's reminisces -- he's obviously uncomfortable. LEE How do I find Ricky Tan? AGAIN IN THE B.G., Carter and the flying kids go zipping by in the other direction, disappear O.S. Master Fu pats the SOIL around a struggling plant. MASTER FU A seeding spends its entire life reaching towards Heaven. LEE I know, Master, but... MASTER FU The answers you seek can be found in Heaven on Earth. LEE Heaven on Earth? Master, I don't understand. (working it) A temple, where Heaven is on Earth? A mountain, where Earth reaches for the -- MASTER FU It's a massage parlor downtown. "Heaven on Earth." You will find your answers there. Lee bows to Master Fu, slowly turns to walk back down the pathway. MASTER FU (CONT'D) Wait! Put a c-note in the jar. Lee puts a few bills in the jar, heads down a pathway. Master Fu walks over and takes the cash. MASTER FU (CONT'D) Cheap bastard... EXT. MONASTERY SCHOOL - CONTINUOUS Lee emerges from the path, stops when he sees Carter -- two students headlocked under each arm, another two scissor locked between his legs, holding another two down with his hands, and sitting on the last one. CARTER And that's how you use the LAPD choke hold. Now start practicing and don't make me come back here! LEE Carter...you ready to have some fun!? EXT. HEAVEN ON EARTH MASSAGE PARLOR - DAY A neon light hangs above the upscale massage parlor. LEE Just follow my lead and act like a tourist. CARTER I am a tourist. INT. HEAVEN ON EARTH MASSAGE PARLOR - CONTINUOUS Lee and Carter walk into an upscale MASSAGE PARLOR and stand in a lobby. SOFT MUSIC is playing. HOSTESS Good afternoon, gentlemen. Lee bows, followed by Carter. LEE (in Chinese) Hello. CARTER How you doin'? LEE My friend is on vacation, from America. I want to show him a good time. HOSTESS Oh, you American? CARTER That's right. HOSTESS You bring American money? CARTER (holding up a Platinum AmEx) Never leave home without it. (to Lee) Lee, this one's on me. You save your money. The Hostess takes Carter by the arm, walks over to a HIDDEN SLIDING DOOR - slides it open to reveal TWENTY BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. Carter truly is in Heaven. HOSTESS You get massage from Chinese girl before? CARTER No. It's my first time. HOSTESS You pick any girl for you and your friend. Carter looks like a kid in a candy store. CARTER Any girl? Okay. Let's start with that one. HOSTESS Oh yes, she's very nice. CARTER She is nice. But I am very tense. I'm gonna need a lot of massages. I'll take that one, too. How you doin', baby? And...that one in pink. She can do my feet. Lee elbows Carter. LEE What are you doing? CARTER She said I could pick any girl I want. LEE Well, hurry up. CARTER Hey! You don't break in front of a black man in a buffet line. HOSTESS (to Lee) Your friend have big appetite. (handing ROBES to Lee and Carter) Please put these on and wait upstairs in the quiet room. INT. QUIET ROOM MASSAGE PARLOR - DAY TWENTY MEN in SILK ROBES lie in reclining chairs, women massaging their feet and hands. There are BIG SCREEN TV's showing nature films, relaxation music playing in the background. Lee and Carter sit in the quiet room dressed in MATCHING PURPLE ROBES. Lee wears SLIPPERS, Carter wears his HIGH TOPS. Carter is enjoying a hand and neck massage at the same time. A WOMAN walks over and hands them each a drink. CARTER Now I'm on vacation. I knew you'd come through, Lee. LEE doesn't respond. LEE IS STARING AT SOMEONE ON THE FAR SIDE OF THE ROOM. A man who radiates a unique blend of sophistication and brutality. CARTER (CONT'D) What's wrong? LEE Over there -- that's Ricky Tan. CARTER That's Ricky Tan? He's four feet tall. I'll go over with you right now, shake him down. LEE This is a very dangerous man. CARTER I'm a dangerous man. You're not gonna ruin my massage because of some midget in a house coat. LEE I'm calling for back up! Lee gets up from a chair, hurriedly exits. Carter looks at RICKY TAN -- sitting quietly in his chair with his LAPTOP COMPUTER on his knees. Carter makes a decision, gets up and walks towards him. CARTER Ricky Tan, I've been looking all over for you. Get up. Tan looks up for a moment, a smile. RICKY TAN I'm busy at the moment. CARTER I said get on your feet! RICKY TAN I know you, Detective Carter, right? You're Lee's American friend. Enjoying your visit? CARTER I'm Lee's new muscle, his right arm -- and don't let the robe fool you. This is the only color they had left. Now get up! Tan laughs, goes back to his laptop. CARTER GRABS THE LAPTOP from Ricky and throws it across the room - SHATTERING IT against the wall. Ricky glances at his men who are seated around the room waiting to move. CARTER (CONT'D) I told you to get on your feet! Having heard the commotion, Lee arrives by Carter's side, breathless, as Tan looks up, surprised. RICKY TAN Lee, I've missed you, brother. (getting up, giving Lee a hug) I heard about the two Americans, I'm so sorry, you must be under great pressure. LEE You must come with me for questioning. CARTER Let's go. I've got girls and chicken and hot oil waiting for me. RICKY TAN I don't think so... A nod of Ricky Tan's head, and TEN LARGE MEN in robes and towels spring out of reclining chairs -- menacingly facing Lee and Carter. A beat... CARTER I'd like to pay you for that laptop. RICKY TAN It's no problem. But I must excuse myself, inspector. CARTER That's Chief Inspector, he got promoted. Tan bows to Lee and Carter. RICKY TAN Congratulations. And good day. As Tan starts to exit, Lee and Carter move to intercept him. But they are blocked by TAN'S MEN. Lee grabs one of the men's towels and pulls it off. The man covers his naked body. Lee is grabbed by one of the other henchmen, but he escapes and begins kicking ass, using the towel and his own robe to block and wrap another man's arms -- blocking, kicking, and punching everything in sight -- all the while managing to keep his privates covered with a towel, his robe, or some other found object. Carter, meanwhile, uses his quick hands to send several men flying back -- grabbing a towel of one of them. CARTER (ref: his privates) Damn! No wonder you're pissed off. Carter uses the towel like Lee did to block and trap one of the men's punches. In the middle of fighting, Lee is suddenly exposed -- he flinches to cover himself and is punched from behind. Momentarily stunned, he's lifted from behind -- two men throwing him out the front door. Carter is also overpowered by two men, who lift him over their shoulders. EXT. HONG KONG HIGHWAY - DAY Ricky Tan's black limo SCREECHES to a stop. The door flies open and Lee and Carter are TOSSED out onto the highway. Both men are completely naked. EXT. HONG KONG POLICE STATION - DAY A packed street - Lee and Carter dodging in and out of people. The CAMERA PANS and we see Lee and Carter from behind. CARTER Goddamn you got a small ass. LEE Don't look at my ass! INT. HONG KONG POLICE STATION - BULLPEN - DAY PANDEMONIUM The station is packed with Americans -- FBI AGENTS, SECRET SERVICE... they've set up shop right in the middle of the bullpen. SUPERINDENDENT CHIN is arguing with SPECIAL AGENT STERLING, a 50-year old hard ass who is in charge of this circus. SPECIAL AGENT STERLING Chin, you have been ordered by the Ministry of Public Security to assist the FBI and Secret Service with our investigation, to provide us with whatever we need. If you have information, it belongs to us. SUPERINDENDENT CHIN This is still Hong Kong. SPECIAL AGENT STERLING Two Americans have been killed on United States Government property -- this is our investigation. SUPERINDENDENT CHIN Chief Inspector Lee will brief your people... SPECIAL AGENT STERLING No. He will report to me. Do we understand each other? SUDDENLY ALL EYES turn as Carter and Lee enter the bullpen. Out of breath, still robed: Lee covering himself with a trash can lid, Carter using a red construction cone. SPECIAL AGENT STERLING (CONT'D) Who the hell is that? SUPERINDENDENT CHIN (humiliated) That is...Chief Inspector Lee. The detective in charge of our investigation. SPECIAL AGENT STERLING Put a diaper on him, Chin. I want to talk to the great Inspector Lee. INT. LEE'S OFFICE - DAY The shades are down as Lee frantically gets dressed, putting on a suit and fixing his tie. Carter finishes putting on a BLACK CHINESE STYLE SUIT from Lee's closet, then moves for the door. LEE Where are you going? CARTER Back to Heaven on Earth. I need my damn passport back. I'm going home. LEE Fine. Go home. Who needs you. CARTER Why you mad at me? You needed back-up, so I backed you up. I was about to take out Ricky Tan and those bodyguards. LEE Stop! I'm sick of your bullshit! CARTER My bullshit? I'm not the one who goes to a karaoke bar filled with gangsters! I'm not the one who goes to massage parlors to bust crime lords! LEE It's my job! CARTER You're pathetic, man. When's the last time you had some fun? When's the last time you took a night off, had a date? LEE I have plenty of dates. CARTER Really? When's the last time you had some Mu-shu Let's hear it, Lee, when was it? Year of the rat? LEE You would never understand my life. You're not Chinese. CARTER And you ain't black! The two men look at each other for a long BEAT. Lee quickly walks out, slamming the door behind him, leaving Carter half dressed. INT. SUPERINDENDENT CHIN'S OFFICE - DAY Lee walks in, sees Sterling sitting at Chin's desk. Chin stands in the back. SUPERINDENDENT CHIN Lee, this is Special Agent Sterling from the United States Secret Service. LEE The Secret Service? Why? STERLING What I'm about to tell you cannot leave this room. The men who were killed yesterday were not American translators. They were undercover U.S. customs agents trying to break a Triad smuggling ring. We don't know what they're transporting out of Hong Kong, but whatever it is, it got the agents killed. LEE How can we help? STERLING Stay the hell out of our way. LEE I can get to Ricky Tan. STERLING We know all about Tan. That's why we're leaving him out there as bait. We think this is a lot bigger than just Ricky Tan and his Fu-Cang-Long Triads. INT. LEE'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Carter is on the phone, his feet on Lee's desk. As he talks he opens a drawer, pulls out a wad of cash and pockets it. CARTER Captain, you're gonna have to speak up. I'm on a car phone! INT. CAPTAIN DIEL'S OFFICE - LAPD HEADQUARTERS - DAY CAPTAIN DIEL sits behind his desk talking on the phone. CAPTAIN DIEL Is it true, Carter? Are you in Hong Kong right now? CARTER Hong Kong? I'm not in Hong Kong. I'm in Hollywood -- right at Sunset and Vine, two minutes from the station. How about I pick you up right now and take you to dinner? CAPTAIN DIEL It's nine-thirty in the morning. CARTER Did I say dinner? I meant diner. Biscuits and gravy, you love that shit. CAPTAIN DIEL Do you know what happened yesterday, Carter? I was officially nominated for the Commissioner's post for the LAPD. There was a dinner last night, two hundred LAPD officers were there. CARTER Two hundred cops? Was Mario Sanchez there? He owes me money. CAPTAIN DIEL I've waited my whole life for this job, but I don't have a shot in hell of getting it. Do you know why? CARTER Is it because of the hookers, sir? You tell them there's no crime in being lonely. CAPTAIN DIEL No, Carter. The reason I'm screwed is because the entire department is about to find out the stolen credit cards we impounded were used to buy two first class upgrades to Hong Kong. And what the hell is Heaven on Earth? CARTER Sir, I'm working on a big case over here -- and by the time I get back they're gonna make you Governor. Captain, you there? Hello? Shit! As Carter walks out the DOOR, he brushes past HU LI, who is standing in the hallway disguised as a FED EX DELIVERY PERSON. Carter checks her out as he exits. EXT. STREET - DAY CARTER starts walking down the street, making his way past an outdoor BUTCHER MARKET, getting strange looks from locals and tourists alike. He motions to an OLD WOMAN who is selling LIVE DUCKS, PIGEONS AND CHICKENS CARTER How you doing? Can you direct me to the Heaven on Earth massage parlor? The OLD WOMAN stares at Carter, starts motioning to her CAGES filled with birds. CARTER (CONT'D) No, I don't eat live birds. I like my birds dead and deep fried. You ever been to Popeyes? The Woman takes out a bird, holds up a HATCHET. CARTER (CONT'D) No, don't do that, I had a big lunch. I'm warning you, I'm a police officer -- just put the blade down and let the bird go. INT. HONG KONG POLICE STATION - BULLPEN/LEE'S OFFICE - DAY Lee walks out of the Captain's office, heads for his own office - but never gets there. AN EXPLOSION rips through the second floor of the station. Lee diving for safety as glass and debris shoot over his head. Sheer pandemonium as Lee quickly looks up at his destroyed office, tries to get to his feet. STUNNED POLICE OFFICERS and DETECTIVES are crowded around Lee's office, looking at the rubble. Lee pushes through the crowd -- it's all smoke and fire. Now way anyone held back by the heat. LEE Carter! CARTER! EXT. HONG KONG STREET - DAY Carter walks down the street holding a CAGE WITH A LIVE RED BIRD inside. He stops a MAN who is sweeping in front of his store. CARTER How you doing? I'm looking for Heaven on Earth. The man stares at Carter, watches as he pulls out his: ENGLISH/CHINESE DICTIONARY CARTER (CONT'D) Shan-shui cao guo-jiu, pao gai niu tao zi. MAN You wish to spank my sister with a ping pong paddle? CARTER No man, I was just asking... MAN Wait here. I'll go see if she's awake. As the man walks into his store, Carter runs off. Pause. Carter strolls back INTO FRAME, peering into the store to see if it's worth staying... INT. HONG KONG POLICE STATION - BULL PEN - DAY Lee sits by himself in shock. Superindendent Chin approaches. LEE All he wanted was some mu-shu. SUPERINDENDENT CHIN Are you okay, Lee? Beat. LEE I'm sorry, I have to go. EXT. HEAVEN ON EARTH MASSAGE PARLOR - AFTERNOON Carter finally makes his way to the massage parlor, moving for the FRONT DOOR when he sees RICKY TAN EXIT. Carter ducks to the side and watches as Ricky climbs into the back of a waiting Daimler. The Daimler drives off. Carter rushes to the middle of the street with a determined look on his face. CARTER I'm gonna solve this case myself. Taxi! Carter flags down a CAB, jumps in the back seat. INT. TAXI - EVENING The CAB DRIVER turns to Carter, who motions to the limo. CARTER (loud) Follow that limo. The Cab Driver continues to stare at Carter. CARTER (CONT'D) You understand what I'm saying? Follow that car! Where it goes, you go! This is a chase -- we are chasing that limo! (beat) We are still parked -- we're not moving! This is the opposite of chasing -- drive the car or I will kill you! The driver slowly turns, holding out his hand. Carter fishes in his pocket hands the cab driver a wad of cash. CAB DRIVER Now you speak my language. INT. LEE'S CAR - DAY Lee drives, misty-eyed. RAP MUSIC playing over the stereo. Lee turns it up, slowly moving his head to the music, in tribute to Carter. His CELL PHONE rings, he turns down the music. INTERCUT -- INT. CHIN'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS SUPERINDENDENT CHIN Lee, we just got a call from the harbor patrol. Ricky Tan is throwing a little party on his boat tonight. Victoria harbor. If you don't want to... LEE Did you tell Sterling? SUPERINDENDENT CHIN Let him find out on his own. I want the Hong Kong police handling this. LEE Thank you. Lee hangs up. A look of intensity. He CRANKS the RAP MUSIC up, a man on a mission. EXT. YACHT - HARBOR - NIGHT A 190-FOOT YACHT is anchored in Victoria Harbor. Ricky Tan walks along the top deck with HU LI, disappearing into a crowd of people who are partying on the ship. Carter steps out of the cab. CARTER Stay here. I'll be right back. You understand? CAB DRIVER Yes. I understand. Carter steps out of the cab, which immediately drives off, leaving him alone on the docks. Carter looks around the dock -- a pull up valet station parking fancy cars, RICH PEOPLE getting on the boat as their names are checked off a list by two DOORMEN. INT. YACHT - NIGHT A huge PARTY, a live band plays for a crowd of business men, politicians and beautiful women - a who's who of Hong Kong. CARTER walks up to the front of the boat -- TWO DOORMEN HOLDING clipboards immediately stop him. DOORMAN #1 Invitation, please. CARTER I'm with the band. I'm the lead singer. DOORMAN #1 The band has been playing over an hour. CARTER I got held up at a wedding in Tai Koo. Ricky here yet, I need to get his requests. As Carter walks past the doorman -- DOORMAN #1 Wait. CARTER Last party all he wanted was Sting -- not one person danced. Tonight I'm doing Superfreak, I don't care what he says. Where is he? DOORMAN #1 Mr. Tan is not to be disturbed by the help. Carter turns back to the doorman, grabs him by the collar. CARTER Help? I'm not the help, man -- I'm the star. That's my band up there -- I control the mood, the groove, the atmosphere. Carter cuts a smoking DANCE MOVE. CARTER (CONT'D) Can you do that? (man shakes head "no") That's why you're down here and I'm up there. Now this is my party -- don't forget it! Carter walks onto the ship, starts singing to himself. EXT. YACHT - HARBOR - CONTINUOUS The SHIP'S HORN SOUNDS, the yacht starts to head out to sea. Lee steps out of his car, sees the yacht is pulling out of the slip. He runs along the side of the boat, has no choice but to jump from the end of the pier, landing hard on the side of the ship, somehow holding onto a PORTHOLE WINDOW. He clings to the yacht, then throws himself toward a hanging LIFEBOAT, climbs up the side and jumps toward the TOP RAIL -- EXT. YACHT - CONTINUOUS As Carter walks through the ship, he grabs a handful of food from a waiter, his eyes searching the crowd, rounds a corner - almost stepping right into HU LI, who's approaching STEVEN REIGN. Steven Reign is in his 50's -- perfectly groomed, impeccably dressed - his looks and bearing say one thing -- money. He's got the big party smile on, but as Hu Li arrives, Reign's face shifts and his eyes go dead -- the billionaire as sociopath. Carter steps back, but sees Reign Whisper to Hu Li. Carter hides and turns away as Hu Li instinctively scans the room for signs of trouble. He heads into the main party. Carter stops walking when he comes upon ISABELLA MOLINA, a stunning brunette, sitting at the bar drinking a glass of champagne. Carter lights her cigarette for her. CARTER How you doing, baby? My name is Prince Mubutu from Nigeria. ISABELLA Isabella Molina, from San Juan. That seat is taken. CARTER (in mangled Spanish) San Juan! You must know my good friend Pedro Martinez Hernandez Hector Elizondo. ISABELLA (in English) I don't think so. CARTER I'm sorry, you looked like you traveled in the best circles. But hey, I understand. Make yourself at home, Isabella. Champagne, caviar, whatever you want. My ship is your ship. ISABELLA This is your ship? CARTER That's right. I'm the owner, the Captain -- you can call me El Capitan. ISABELLA El Capitan? CARTER I don't want to play games with you, Isabella. I like you. I can see myself with you -- in one of those bathrooms over there in about five minutes. ISABELLA Well, I'm very tempted. It's such a beautiful yacht. What's it called? CARTER Called? What's my ship called? (he has no idea) Well...it's called the S.S. Minnow Johnson. ISABELLA The S.S. Minow Johnson. Funny, the name on the back was "Red Dragon." CARTER Red Dragon? You sure about that? ISABELLA I'm sure, because this is my friend's yacht. And it's his party. CARTER Your friend's ship? (looking around) Oh, man. I must've walked onto the wrong yacht. I knew there was a reason my keys didn't work. STEVEN REIGN (taking seat next to Isabella) Who's your friend? ISABELLA Somebody who got on the wrong yacht. CARTER Wait a second. You're Steven Reign? You're big time. You own all them big hotels. What are you doing in Hong Kong? STEVEN REIGN (ushering away Isabella) I'm just in town for the weekend, taking in the sights. ISABELLA Enjoy the party, Mr. Carter. Carter nods, waves. Steven Reign and Isabella walk away. Carter's watching. INT. SHIP'S HALLWAY - NIGHT Lee makes his way toward a STAIRCASE that is blocked by a BODYGUARD. He quickly disarms the guard and grabs him by the throat, pushing him against the wall. LEE Ricky Tan. Where is he? BODYGUARD #1 Who's asking? LEE The Hong Kong Police. He killed a detective today and he's not getting away with it. Now where is he? CARTER Yeah. Tell us! And don't play games or we'll kick your lying ass! Lee slowly turns around and looks at Carter, who is standing right behind him. LEE Carter? CARTER Who died? LEE You. CARTER Detective Yu? Never met him. LEE Not Yu. You! CARTER Who? LEE Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? CARTER Nobody understands the words that are coming out of your mouth. BODYGUARD #1 Get your hands in the air. Lee and Carter turn to see FOUR BODYGUARDS standing in front of them with GUNS in hand. BODYGUARD #1 (CONT'D) Ricky Tan is expecting you. INT. RICKY TAN'S YACHT - MAIN CABIN - NIGHT It looks like HUGH HEFNER'S BEDROOM complete with ROUND BED and SUNKEN BAR. Ricky Tan sits in front of a big screen satellite TV screaming at the Lakers. Hu Li opens the door and the bodyguards lead Lee into the bedroom. RICKY TAN Come on, Shaq, hit a damn free-throw! You can do it, big guy. ON TV We see Shaq miss his free throw. RICKY TAN (CONT'D) Shit! He still doesn't follow through. I just lost five grand. Tan turns off the TV, turns to Lee. RICKY TAN (CONT'D) Why don't we go on the deck, get some air...and some privacy. (to Hu Li) Leave us alone. Hu Li hesitates, upset at being dismissed. RICKY TAN (CONT'D) (to Lee) Could you have your partner wait for us outside? CARTER I ain't his partner, I'm a tourist. I got proof. See, I got a mini-bar key. LEE (to Carter) I'll meet you on the main deck in ten minutes. Carter pulls Lee aside. CARTER What, leave you alone so he can cap you? LEE I'm okay, you go. CARTER Why the hell should you believe him? He had us beat up. Naked. That's nasty shit. LEE Remember I told you my father was a policeman? (beat) Ricky Tan was his partner for ten years. CARTER (pause) What the hell is going on here? No answer. Carter holds Lee's glance for a beat, then turns and walks the other way. EXT. RICKY TAN'S YACHT - UPPER DECK - NIGHT Tan and Lee reach the upper deck, where they are alone. RICKY TAN Despite what people suspect...what you suspect -- LEE Don't. Ricky Tan hears the steel in Lee's voice, acknowledges it. RICKY TAN ... if your father were alive, I would be turning to him now. (beat) I didn't blow up the American Embassy, but I believe some of my people did. My enemies are trying to frame me. (beat) There is a war going on within the Triads -- and I am going to lose. My name has been written into the book of death. LEE The police can protect you. RICKY TAN Nobody can protect me. I'll make a deal with you, Lee. But only iff you'll get me out of Hong Kong. LEE Tell me why they killed the customs agents. RICKY TAN There is a ship, in the Hong Kong Harbor... Hu Li BURSTS onto the deck, flanked by FOUR BODYGUARDS. Ricky Tan screams something at Hu Li in Chinese. Hu Li screams back as SHE EMPTIES HER GUN INTO RICKY'S CHEST. Tan falls back, over the rail, and into the water. Lee MOVES TOWARDS HU LI, but the four bodyguards are on Lee, attacking from all sides. Hu Li exits as Lee tries to fight off the bodyguards. INT. RICKY TAN'S YACHT - MAIN CABIN - NIGHT Reactions from the crowd as GUNSHOTS echo from the deck above. INT. SHIP'S HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Hu Li moves quickly down the hallway, rounding a corner and suddenly goes FLYING, landing flat on her face. It's Carter, who ran to the sound of the gunshot, and TRIPPED Hu Li with his leg. CARTER All right, get your hands up. Hu Li backflips up -- kicking Carter in the head. EXT. UPPER DECK - CONTINUOUS Lee takes down Bodyguard #1, but is still fighting three on one. A furious exchange of acrobatic blows between Lee and Bodyguard #2. INT. SHIP'S HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Carter and Hu Li face off. CARTER You wanna piece of me? C'mon, I'll give you a little LAPD ass kickin'. Hu Li savages Carter with a series of punishing blows. INT. UPPER DECK - CONTINUOUS Lee manages to defeat Bodyguards #3 and #4. As he catches his breath the sound of a SPEED BOAT starting its engines. LEE Hu Li! Lee runs to the rail -- looks down to see a SPEEDBOAT starting to pull away from the ship. Hu Li jumps onboard the moving boat. Lee starts to turn for the stairs, running down towards the stern. EXT. YACHT - STERN - CONTINUOUS Lee and Carter run up to the stern at the same time -- watching helplessly as Hu Li gets away in the speed boat. Carter turns his head, sees -- -- STEVEN REIGN at the other end of the boat, watching Hu Li escape, not at all behaving like a panicky billionaire should during a gangland shooting. Wordlessly, Reign disappears back into the shadows. EXT. DOCK - NIGHT The yacht is anchored. A few TRIADS led away in handcuffs. Thrown into PATROL CARS that have surrounded the docks. Sterling, Chin, Lee and Carter on the dock. SPECIAL AGENT STERLING Quite a night, Inspector. Ricky Tan was our only bait, and now he's gone. You finally got your revenge - at the expense of a U.S. Government investigation. CARTER What "revenge" is he talking about? SPECIAL AGENT STERLING I don't know if the Fu-Cang-Long paid you to get rid of Tan, or whether it was a pure vendetta killing -- but you're off this case. I don't ever want to see you again, you got that? CARTER Hey, you, Secret Service Man, what are you -- SPECIAL AGENT STERLING Stay out of it, Carter. You're going back to L.A. CARTER Fine with me. Sterling walks away disgusted. SUPERINDENDENT CHIN I'm sorry Lee, but my orders are to fully cooperate with the Secret Service. Lee nods a respectful but bitter acknowledgment. Chin motions for two uniformed Hong Kong police officers to approach. SUPERINDENDENT CHIN (CONT'D) (to police officers) Escort Detective Carter to the airport -- LEE I'll take him. CARTER Hell no. The Hong Kong police officers produce HANDCUFFS. Beat. CARTER (CONT'D) (to Lee) Fine. But don't expect me to talk to you. Carter stalks off. LEE Don't push me, Carter. I'm in no mood for your bullshit. Carter gets in Lee's face. The two men look like they're about to come to blows. CARTER What are you gonna do about it, grasshopper? LEE I'll bitch slap you into Bangkok. CARTER Give me your best shot, you flat assed mama's boy. LEE Don't be talking about my mama. Or my ass! CARTER I heard your mama pulls a rickshaw. LEE No. She's a school teacher. CARTER You're not very good at this, are you? LEE Good at what? CARTER Forget it. A long beat while Lee considers what to say. LEE Five years ago, my father was Chief Inspector working a big international smuggling case. CARTER Ask me if I give a shit. Lee waits a beat, then drops the bombshell. LEE Ricky Tan killed my father. Carter is suddenly all ears, listening intently now to Lee. LEE (CONT'D) He found out his partner, Tan, had been working for the Triads all along. (beat) Before my father could prove it, he was killed in the line of duty. CARTER How the hell did Tan get away with it? LEE All the evidence against him disappeared, the smuggling case was unsolved. Tan resigned and went over to the Triads openly. CARTER (pause) This is about your Daddy's death? Hell, Lee, you know my father died on the job. You could have told me... (realizing) This is about more than all that, isn't it? This is about your Daddy's last case, right? Lee's caught, fibs badly. LEE No, no, that would be crazy -- CARTER You thought the "Customs Agents get blown up" and "smuggling" and "Ricky Tan" and you put it all together and came up with a five year old case. That's why you didn't tell me what we were doing... LEE I thought you'd think it was crazy. CARTER IT IS CRAZY! LEE I know. I know. I am sorry. Lee inclines his head, stiffly, turns and walks toward his car. Carter watches him. Finally he rolls his eyes and yells. CARTER So are you getting on the plane or not?! LEE What? CARTER Come on, we still got time to order the Kosher meal. Always get the kosher meal, they bring it first. LEE I cannot go to LA... Carter steps close, and for a second we see the man and the cop beneath the attitude. CARTER It sounds impossible -- LEE You said -- CARTER -- but if somebody gave me the chance to square up my father's death, I'd go to hell to do it. Carter turns, walks away without looking back. CARTER (CONT'D) You want to figure out why they killed your Daddy, get on the plane. LEE Why LA? CARTER (still not turning) I guess you're going to have to trust me on this one. INT. 747 PASSENGER COMPARTMENT Carter and Lee are getting comfortable among all the other passengers, preparing to take off. Lee has a moment of doubt. LEE I should go back. Ricky Tan mentioned a boat in Hong Kong Harbor... CARTER Lee, let me introduce you to the Carter Theory of Criminal Investigation: Follow the Rich White Man. LEE Follow the Rich White Man? CARTER Almost, but you've got to say "Rich White Man" all run together like it's one word. LEE Follow the RichWhiteMan... CARTER Not bad. Now every crime, somewhere, has a rich white man taking his cut. Every single one. Now in our case, we know the rich white man is Steven Reign. LEE Who? CARTER Big hotel billionaire. He was on Ricky Tan's boat ordering Hu Li around just before Ricky got smoked. LEE How do you know he's our man? CARTER Because when the shooting started he was way too cool. See most white people, when there's shooting, they either hide in a toilet or start screaming high pitched like "Aaaahhh!!! Aaaahh!!!! LEE You sound like that all the time. CARTER Black people keep their cool when the shit goes down. LEE Maybe. But not like Asians. We never panic. CARTER Yeah, what about when Godzilla was coming? You people were screaming your asses off. LEE Just tell me where I can find this Steven Reign. CARTER The same place you find all RichWhiteMen. (a tray arrives) Gefilte Fish. Lox and bagel. I love this stuff. Here, try it with a smear. BINOCULARS P.O.V. THE REIGN TOWERS HOTEL CUT TO REVEAL -- Carter standing at a window holding high-powered binoculars. Lee standing next to him. WE ARE: INT. CHEAP HOTEL ROOM - DOWNTOWN LA - NIGHT Cartons of Chinese food are all over the sleazy, run down hotel room. The LIGHTS LOW, the curtains open a crack. BINOCULARS P.O.V. - THE REIGN HOTEL Traveling up the side of the Reign Hotel. Stopping at the penthouse floor - where we see ISABELLA talking with Steven Reign in a hotel room. After a BEAT, Reign walks to the door. Carter flips the binoculars to Lee, who starts watching. CARTER Yeah, that's definitely the woman from Ricky Tan's boat, and she's staying in his suite at his hotel, I told you this would work out. They still just talking? LEE He just left. Kissed her on the cheek. CARTER He'll be back soon. LEE How do you know? CARTER Look at her. Now, wake me in an hour, I'll take over. Lee lowers the binoculars, turns to Carter, who is trying to sleep on the bed. LEE Carter, there's something I have to tell you. You were right about what you said in Hong Kong. All I do is work. Never take a day off. It's all I have right now. CARTER Hey, I didn't mean to call you pathetic. LEE The truth is, I haven't had any mu-shu in six months. CARTER You pull a muscle or something? LEE My fiancee left me over the summer -- a month before our wedding. CARTER I'm sorry, Lee. Why did she leave you? LEE It's a long story. CARTER Let me guess, she couldn't handle the cop thing -- never knowing if you were dead or alive. I've seen it a million times. LEE No. It was my singing. CARTER Excuse me? LEE She hated my voice. Said it drove her crazy. I sang to her all the time - in bed - in the shower - I thought she liked it. She finally told me it was driving her crazy. Carter stares at Lee for a long BEAT. CARTER Lee, maybe it's best if we don't discuss our personal lives. Let's die curious. LEE LIFTS THE BINOCULARS - turns back to the building. CARTER (CONT'D) What's she doing? BINOCULARS P.O.V. - ON ISABELLA She walks to the bedroom, where we see her through SHEER CURTAINS. Slowly taking off her coat. CARTER (CONT'D) Lee? You okay? Lee's eyes go wide as Isabella drops her coat and starts to unbutton her blouse. LEE She's just standing around -- not doing much. CARTER Just don't fall asleep. Sooner or later something's gonna happen. LEE I'll try to stay awake. It's so boring. Isabella starts to remove her blouse. Lee starting to sweat as he watches her undress. LEE (CONT'D) Slow down, baby. CARTER What did you say? LEE Nothing. I said nothing. Lee lowers his binoculars, steps away from the window. LEE (CONT'D) Is it hot in here? CARTER Hot? I'm freezing my ass off. LEE I'm gonna go in the hall and get a bucket of ice. You want some ice? CARTER What's going on? Lee stares at Carter, looks dazed. LEE She's getting undressed. CARTER Gimme the binoculars. LEE No. It's not right. CARTER Gimme the binoculars or I will shoot you. Lee hands Carter the binoculars, then turns his back as Carter watches to the window. LEE What's she doing? CARTER Oh, sweet glory hallelujah... LEE I don't want to hear this. CARTER Skirt just came off. She's in black bra and panties -- Victoria Secret Spring Catalogue, page 27 -- wait a sec - there's a tattoo on her left thigh... it looks like Snoopy. LEE Snoopy? I love Snoopy. CARTER She just took her hair down. Now she's going for the bra -- the clasp is in front -- she's using both hands. (to Lee) You better get that ice. Lee steps in front of Carter, blocking his view. LEE That's enough. We shouldn't be doing this! Isabella suddenly drops undressing and walks back to the living room to pick up the PHONE. We see her clearly now in bra and panties. CARTER This is our job. We took an oath as police officers. If we don't do this, who will? Firemen? Lee backs off, and Carter steps back to the window. He sees Isabella hang up the phone. CARTER (CONT'D) Wait a sec - what the hell is that between her legs? LEE What? CARTER She's reaching into her panties -- something is strapped to her leg. Oh, God...please don't let it be a dick. LEE What is it? CARTER No, I don't believe this shit -- it's a microphone. Lee, she's wired... CLOSE ON ISABELLA As she turns to the window. A TAPE RECORDER in hand. She puts the recording device away, walks back into the bedroom and puts on a robe. LEE I don't understand? CARTER She's walking back towards the door. BINOCULARS P.O.V. We see Isabella wearing a robe - standing at the door of her hotel room talking with someone. CARTER (CONT'D) She opened the door. Someone is delivering a package. BINOCULARS P.O.V. Inside the hotel room WE SEE HU LI handing her a package. CARTER (CONT'D) Lee...it's the girl who delivered the package to your office. It's a bomb! Lee and Carter bolt on the move - sprinting out of the room. INT. REIGN TOWERS HOTEL - PENTHOUSE SUITE - NIGHT Isabella closes the door. She BRINGS THE BOMB WITH HER as she walks into the bedroom -- EXT. REIGN TOWERS HOTEL - CONTINUOUS Carter and Lee run across the street, heading towards the entrance of the hotel. INT. REIGN TOWERS HOTEL - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Lee and Carter sprint out the Penthouse Elevators, running down the hallway. INT. REIGN TOWERS HOTEL - PENTHOUSE SUITE - CONTINUOUS Isabella takes her robe off, glances at the package, picks it up and starts to open it as Lee and Carter come BURSTING THROUGH the BEDROOM DOOR. LEE/CARTER NO! Carter and Lee stare at Isabella, who stands in bra and panties. CARTER Damn girl, you fine. Lee lowers his eyes as Isabella looks at him, grabbing the BOMB, Carter following him as they sprint out the bedroom. INT. REIGN TOWERS HOTEL - CONTINUOUS Lee and Carter run out the suite - Lee throwing the BOMB toward the END OF THE HALL as he and Carter dive to the floor. Nothing happens. Lee looks up, SEES a HOTEL EMPLOYEE pushing a room service CART, about to walk right past the package -- LEE GET DOWN!! Lee and Carter run back to the bomb. CARTER Pick it up! LEE It's your turn! CARTER I don't need a turn! Carter picks it up, starts running with it through the hall, heading for the elevator. LEE Throw it! Carter is about to throw it in, when HE SEES AN OLDER COUPLE STANDING INSIDE. HOTEL GUESTS Do you want us to hold the elevator? CARTER Get the hell away from here! Carter is still holding the bomb, doesn't know what to do with it -- LEE Stairs! Carter throws him the bomb, and Lee runs to the stairs -- INT. STAIRWELL - NIGHT Lee is about to throw the bomb down the stairwell -- when he sees TWO MAIDS WALKING toward him. CARTER Get out of the building! Lee looks horrified as he hangs onto the package, has no choice but to throw it back to Carter. LEE Roof! EXT. REIGN TOWERS HOTEL - ROOF - NIGHT Lee and Carter burst through the roof door - Carter trying to hold the bomb as far away from himself as possible. He looks over the side for a place to dump it - the streets are filled with PEOPLE AND CARS. LEE Wait! There's people down there! CARTER There's people up here! LEE Get it out of here! CARTER Take it! Lee takes the bomb, quickly ROLLS IT across the roof -- Lee and Carter diving to the ground once again as the bomb slides to the center of the roof - COMING TO A STOP RIGHT IN FRONT OF ISABELLA. She's wearing a bathrobe now, clearly pissed off as she slowly bends down and picks up the package. ISABELLA Get on your feet. Lee and Carter stand and face Isabella - watch as Isabella begins to open the package. CARTER I wouldn't do that!!! LEE It's a bomb. Isabella opens the package, removing a stack of a HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS. ISABELLA You see, no bomb. Now stay away before I throw you both in jail for obstruction. CARTER Throw us in jail? I'm about to bust you right now. ISABELLA I'm an undercover agent for the United States Secret Service. CARTER How do we know you're not lying? Let me see your badge. Isabella opens her bathrobe -- WE SEE a small BADGE pinned to her bra. CARTER (CONT'D) Let me see it again? LEE We can help you. I'm a detective in Hong Kong. ISABELLA I know who you are, Inspector Lee. LEE Then you know I'm not walking away from this case. CARTER Yeah, that's right. ISABELLA We need to get out of sight. Come down to my suite. INT. ISABELLA'S SUITE - LATER ISABELLA (she locks the door) Look, I've been working this case for months now... CARTER So what's your story? ISABELLA They think I'm a crooked customs agent. Lee examines the stack of HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS from Hu Li's package. Carter checks out the suite, pocketing some of the food from the mini fridge. LEE Is this a payoff? ISABELLA No. It's a sample. You guys ever heard of the Superbill? CARTER It's a myth. Some kind of counterfeit. ISABELLA It's much more than a counterfeit. 14 out of 15 world banks can't tell the difference. The paper is Crane linen blend -- and the bills are printed on U.S. Intaglio presses. CARTER How're they getting into the U.S. Mint to use the presses? ISABELLA In 1959, the United States was very friendly with the Shah of Iran. We wanted his oil, so for the Shah's birthday, the government gave him a gift -- a U.S. Treasury Intaglio press. The only one to ever leave the country. Five years ago Ricky Tan bought that press on the black market. LEE Five years ago?! (beat) That's right before he left the force. Lee and Carter exchange looks. ISABELLA It wasn't hard to spot the fakes until this past year. Then Tan got hold of one of a kind Swiss made hundred dollar plates -- and started making superbills. LEE (understanding) And Hu Li killed him for the plates. ISABELLA Yes. They've printed and shipped one hundred million dollars, and there's only one way to spot a fake. Isabella lights a HUNDRED DOLLAR BILL on fire, and it burns RED. ISABELLA (CONT'D) They use an optical transfer ink from India that burns red -- the real ink burns black. CARTER What the hell are they going to do with a hundred million dollars in funny money? ISABELLA The real question is, where are the plates? If we can find the plates, we can stop the whole operation. Isabella thinks for a beat. ISABELLA (CONT'D) Maybe that's where you can help us. Carter, this is your city, right? Carter nods. ISABELLA (CONT'D) And Lee, you know Hu Li and the Triads? Lee nods. ISABELLA (CONT'D) Okay, find out where Hu Li's keeping the plates. (hands Lee a card with a phone number) Welcome aboard, gentlemen. From this moment on, you're working for the United States Secret Service. Isabella opens the door to let Lee and Carter out. They exit quickly, trying to hide their excitement. CAMERA STAYS on Isabella as she takes out her CELL PHONE, punches in a number. STERLING (O.S.) Sterling. ISABELLA Lee and Carter are officially out of the Secret Service's way... EXT. REIGN TOWERS HOTEL - CONTINUOUS Lee and Carter, both wearing dark sunglasses, walk through the street trying their best to look like Secret Service Agents. They approach Carter's parked VETTE. CARTER Secret Service Agent Carter. This is my calling, Lee. Give me six months and I'll be in Washington protecting a white guy. LEE We both know you would never take a bullet for someone else. CARTER They don't know that. What are they gonna do, try and shoot the President during the interview? I'll bet Isabella can pull some strings. You saw the way she was staring at me. LEE She never even looked at you. CARTER You're just jealous 'cos the girl picked me. I'm tall, dark and handsome, you're third world ugly. LEE I am not third world ugly. Women like me, they think I'm cute. Like Snoopy. CARTER Snoopy is about six inches taller than you. I'm sorry, Lee, you never had a chance. Carter's had the last word, he gets into the Vette. Lee reluctantly gets in, too. EXT. CRENSHAW KITCHEN - CHINESE SOUL FOOD RESTAURANT - NIGHT Carter's Vette pulls up in front of a hole in the wall. INT. CRENSHAW KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Carter and Lee pass through the restaurant, only two tables are occupied. INT. KITCHEN Carter and Lee enter the busy kitchen where the OWNER, a BLACK MAN named KENNY, is yelling in Chinese to an over worked waiter. Kenny's wife, a spectacular looking Chinese woman, works the stove. A couple of cute half-black, half Asian kids run around the kitchen. CARTER Kenny! How you doin'? Kenny looks up at Carter. A cool, appraising glance. CARTER (CONT'D) How's the action tonight? The house making out okay? Kenny follows as Carter opens a door to -- INT. BACK ROOM - CONTINUOUS MEN seated around several card tables, playing MAH-JONGG for big money. Lee and Kenny follow Carter inside. It's very smokey and very crowded. CARTER (to Kenny) This is where I say I'm LAPD in a loud voice, they all scream and run and shit. Watch. It's real funny. Kenny grabs Carter's shoulder, pulling him aside. KENNY Come with me. INT. KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Kenny leads Carter and Lee in, closes the door. KENNY Hear you got your ass kicked in Hong Kong, James. CARTER What?? Where'd you hear that? KENNY I got my sources. CARTER And I got mine, meaning you. Nice how that works out. (beat) I'm serious this time, I'm closing this place down. KENNY James, you see my kids back there? You know how much I'm paying for private school? How can you come in here with this attitude, you being little Chang's godfather? CARTER Little Chang is gonna have to go visit his daddy in jail if you don't cooperate. KENNY Jail!? James, you better back off. Badge or no badge, I'll kick your ass. CARTER I'd like to see you try. Kenny takes a step back and throws a lightning fast martial arts move. Lee gets in front of Carter to protect him -- countering Kenny's move. KENNY (to Lee) We're on, then. Kenny throws out another precision martial arts sequence -- Lee BLOCKS -- Kenny ends in an advanced fighting stance. LEE (impressed) That's a good Twisting Tiger -- where did you learn that? They switch to Chinese. KENNY Master Ching taught me. LEE The Praying Mantis school, in Bejing? KENNY No. Freddy Ching's, in Crenshaw. Lee smiles, Carter looks back and forth from Lee to Kenny. KENNY (CONT'D) What are you doing hanging out with Baby Duck? LEE Baby Duck? KENNY That's what we all used to call him when he was a kid -- cause he was always quacking. Never shut up. CARTER I heard that. Lee and Kenny laugh. CARTER (CONT'D) Look, I need some info and I don't have time to play around. KENNY Is this about the funny money? CARTER How'd you know? KENNY You've been asking loud questions in all the wrong places all morning. How come you always save me for last, James? When are you gonna learn. Shit don't happen I don't know about. CARTER So tell me what you know. KENNY I know Teddy Wu is cranking out a pretty good double sawbuck -- but you knew that too, didn't you? CARTER Yeah. We already been there. This is big, Kenny. Benjamins. Secret Service calls 'em superbills. Banks can't even tell the difference. Kenny considers this for a moment. CARTER (CONT'D) What? KENNY One of my regulars lost fifty thousand dollars at the table here last week. I was about to send my boys down to tune his ass up, when the guy comes in and pays off the whole thing. Including the vig -- brand new sequential hundred dollar bills. I knew something was wrong. Cause this guy's got a regular job, no way he comes up with fifty grand in cash. But I tested the bills, infrared. The whole thing. And they checked out. 100%. LEE Do you still have the bills? KENNY I still have my lunch money from third grade. CARTER Lemme see 'em. Kenny pushes a Chinese painting aside to reveal a WALL SAFE. He opens the safe and hands Carter a $100 bill. Carter checks it out. KENNY See. It's perfect. Carter takes out a LIGHTER and holds the flame to it. KENNY (CONT'D) Whoa, what are you doing? Kenny's question is answered as the BILL BURNS BRIGHT RED. KENNY (CONT'D) (pissed off) I knew it. The guy's name is Zing. He works at the kitchen at Reign Plaza. CARTER All right, Kenny. Thanks. You're off the hook. For now. Carter and Lee move for the door. KENNY You sure you guys don't want to stay and have a bite? My wife's got the best mu shu this side of Compton. Carter and Lee exchange a look as we CUT TO: EXT. REIGN PLAZA - DAY Establishing. Carter and Lee park their car and walk inside. EXT. REIGN SHIPPING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Carter and Lee enter. CARTER (to a worker) We're looking for a guy named Zing. Is he here? Zing hears Carter, turns and sees them. Then RUNS. Carter and Lee exchange looks and run after him. INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Zing sprints down an employee hallway, through a doorway and down some stairs. Carter and Lee in pursuit. EXT. LOADING DOCK PLATFORM - REIGN PLAZA - CONTINUOUS Carter and Lee burst out the door at the bottom of the stairway -- coming almost face to face with -- HU LI Who has her gun out. Waiting for them. ISABELLA is standing near by, and ZING is visible off to the side. An 18-WHEELER in the loading bay is just being shut and locked. A LIMO is parked beside it. Lee and Carter both assume fighting positions. When most of the other WORKERS pull guns; other TRIAD SOLDIERS step out, putting their guns close on Lee and Carter. They can't blink without getting mowed down. HU LI (in Chinese) The great Chief Inspector Lee -- I will be remembered for ridding the Triads of your petulance. Hu Li savors the moment. CARTER I hope you just said I have no business being here, 'cos I was just leaving. Carter starts to leave, and Hu Li trains her gun on him, freezing him in his tracks. Isabella slowly walks several feet, ending up behind Lee as she speaks. ISABELLA Hu Li, I think there's someone who will want to talk to them first. Hu Li looks at Isabella, nods an acknowledgement. BANG! Lee falls. Isabella's knocked him out from behind with the butt of her gun. BANG! Carter drops to one knee as Hu Li POUNDS him across the jaw with her fist. CARTER ...oh, that's a filling right there. That's gonna cost you. Hu Li lunges forward and KICKS Carter, sending him backwards. HU LI Put them in the truck. The WORKERS pick up Lee, bring him to the back of the truck. CARTER I should kill you right now, but I'm gonna let you live, 'cause you're fine, and maybe you can be reformed. The WORKERS start towards Carter. He holds up his hands. CARTER (CONT'D) No more hitting. I'll get in the truck myself. As Carter walks towards the truck by Hu Li, they exchange a look of sheer hatred. As soon as he passes by her, Hu Li COLDCOCKS Carter with her gun. EXT. LOADING DOCK PLATFORM - DAY The eighteen wheeler, the limo and the black Lincoln Town car pull out of the loading dock, headed for the highway. EXT. EIGHTEEN WHEELER - DAY The truck pulls onto a HIGHWAY, the LIMO close behind it. INT. EIGHTEEN WHEELER - TRUCK BED - DAY LEE and CARTER are in the back with crates filled with MONEY. They're both in pain, trying to recover from the head blows. Carter is flexing his battered body. LEE Are you okay? CARTER What's the first thing I told you -- never trust nobody. How could you fall for that shit? I knew she was dirty. LEE She saved our lives. CARTER For how long? Face it, Lee, she's playing both sides. Lee looks disappointed. CARTER (CONT'D) Look, man I'm sorry. I know you got a thing for her. LEE Shhh, my head hurts. CARTER I'm about to be killed and you "Shhh" me! This wasn't my case, Lee. Ricky Tan didn't kill my father, the Fu-Cang Long are not in South Central. I didn't have to help you. LEE Why did you help me? CARTER It doesn't matter. Lee thinks about this for a BEAT. LEE I'm not used to having a partner. CARTER We are not partners. Between your daddy, my daddy, and the beating I just took, as far as I can tell all partners get you is dead. LEE Well we're not friends. CARTER You got that right. And we ain't brothers. Maybe we should just end this right here. LEE Fine with me. CARTER I won't talk to you, you don't talk to me. We'll die in peace. LEE See you in the next world. A BEAT OF SILENCE CARTER I don't believe in reincarnation. So I won't see you in the next world. LEE Fine. CARTER I believe in heaven. You people believe in heaven? LEE Yes. We have heaven. CARTER Is it the same heaven, or is it a Chinese heaven? LEE What's a Chinese heaven? CARTER I thought it might be like those five foot and under basketball leagues. They don't let everybody in. LEE I think we should stop talking. CARTER Fine by me. ANOTHER BEAT OF SILENCE CARTER (CONT'D) You thinking about that girl that dumped you? LEE No. CARTER If she was the right girl, you'd be thinking about her. LEE Mind your own business. CARTER How was the sex? LEE There was no sex. She was very traditional. We were waiting until we were married. CARTER You're kidding. No sex? Nothing? No mu-shu? LEE No mu-shu. CARTER What about a little king pao chicken? LEE No kung pao chicken. Never. CARTER Steamed dumplings? LEE Once in a while, steamed dumplings. But only when she was drunk. CARTER That's rough, man. If I don't get steamed dumplings once a week, I go crazy. LEE Tell me the truth, Carter. Do you think I have a good voice? CARTER Are you serious? LEE Forget it. It doesn't matter. Lee turns away from Carter. CARTER As long as you're asking...I think you have a pretty good voice. LEE I knew it. What does she know. You want me to sing something? CARTER That depends. How do the Fu-Cang-Long usually kill their victims? LEE They'll probably torture us first, shock our privates, then put two bullets in our eyes and one in the back of the head. CARTER Go ahead. Sing your ass off. Lee clears his voice. LEE Did you happen to see the most beautiful girl in the world...and if you did, was she crying, crying...hey! EXT. DESERT HIGHWAY - DAY The 18-WHEELER drives by followed by the LIMO. INT. LIMOUSINE - DAY Hu Li and Isabella sit in the back of one of the limos that is driving behind the truck. Hu Li is on the car phone. HU LI Don't worry, the plates are safe. Yes, the dragon's been fed. She HANGS UP and glances at Isabella, who is doing her best to appear completely uninterested. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY The LIMO splits off from the 18-WHEELER. INT. 18-WHEELER - TRUCK BED - CONTINUOUS Carter works at opening one of the crates. Lee steps up, takes a deep breath, searches the crate looking for the sweet spot, and PUNCHES a hole in one of the thick boards. They start prying the crate open. CARTER Very nice. LEE It's focus. Every opponent has a weak spot. You ignore everything around you, and put all your energy into one perfect strike. CARTER I'll remember that next time I'm fighting a box. Carter opens the crate -- it's filled with SUPERBILLS, about $1,000,000 worth. He tosses a stack to Lee. CARTER (CONT'D) Hello, Benjamin. LEE Who's Benjamin? CARTER Benjamin Franklin, he discovered electricity. LEE A Chinese man discovered electricity. CARTER No Chinese man discovered electricity. LEE Yes he did. He also invented the bicycle. CARTER Now that I believe. Carter pockets two stacks of superbills. Lee looks at him. CARTER (CONT'D) You never know. Besides, I always wanted to die rich. The truck lurches. LEE We're slowing down. This must be it. CARTER End of the line. LEE You've been a good friend, James Carter. CARTER Oh no you don't. Don't you be getting corny on me, Lee. I'll kick your ass from here to Compton. LEE You could never kick my ass. You mama's boy. CARTER Don't you talk about my mama. (winks at Lee) That's more like it. EXT. 18-WHEELER - CONTINUOUS The truck is parked in the underground loading docks. It's approached by FOUR TRIAD SOLDIERS. Soldier #1 opens the TRUCK'S DOUBLE DOORS to find. Lee and Carter are gone. Except for boxes of money, the truck bed is EMPTY. Two soldiers enter the truck bed. ANGLE UP TO REVEAL Lee and Carter WEDGED up against the CEILING of the truck bed. Above the doors and over the soldiers. Lee and Carter SWING DOWN in unison -- knocking both soldiers to the ground. In the next instant: ON LEE still holding on to the door frame -- swings and backflips onto the roof of the truck. ON CARTER who swings onto the ground -- grabbing one of the guards to use a shield as gunfire erupts. Lee jumps off the truck, knocking the last guard to the ground. He then grabs the guard Carter is using as a shield and together THEY SWING him into the truck -- KNOCKING DOWN the first two guards. Carter and Lee slam the back doors SHUT -- bolting them CLOSED and run like hell - scrambling into what looks like the closest way out: A LARGE OPEN PIPE on the side of the tunnel. INT. SEWER TUNNEL - CONTINUOUS Lee and Carter run through - it extends out from the underground loading docks. LEE This way. I see some lights. Lee and Carter spot a tiny sliver of light coming through a MANHOLE COVER. They start climbing up the metal stairs that lead up to the street. EXT. LAS VEGAS BLVD. - DUSK The blvd.'s packed with PEOPLE and CARS. CLOSE ON Lee and Carter coming up from the manhole -- standing together in stunned disbelief as they look out at the LAS VEGAS STRIP. They cover their eyes, blinded by the greatest light show in the world. LEE Vegas... CARTER Lee. I just got an idea how someone could launder a hundred million dollars in cash. They both turn around and come FACE TO FACE WITH: A TEN-STORY DRAGON. Fire shoots from its nostrils every 60 SECONDS. EXT. RED DRAGON HOTEL AND CASINO - NIGHT FIRE BALLS BLOW out over the strip as Lee and Carter look up at the RED DRAGON. The HUGE NEON SIGN READS: GRAND OPENING - EVERYBODY'S A WINNER! Lee and Carter come out of the sewer. LEE Red Dragon. CARTER That was the name of Ricky Tan's boat. Lee and Carter watch as limos pull up to the front of the hotel -- it's like a HOLLYWOOD PREMIERE. The richest of the rich are making their way inside. LEE Let's go. CARTER Wait a second. We can't go in like this. Look at this place, we gotta look fly. We gotta Mac out. LEE What is Mac out? CARTER Follow me my Asian brother. Carter and Lee start to walk away. CARTER (CONT'D) Just stay down wind, because I think you stepped in some serious rat shit down there. EXT. VERSACE BOUTIQUE - NIGHT Lee and Carter are walking into the upscale clothing store. INT. VERSACE BOUTIQUE - CONTINUOUS As they enter, a SALESMAN approaches them. SALESMAN May I help you gentlemen? Carter flashes his biggest smile as he pulls out a stack of superbills. CARTER Black. 42-long. Nothing touches this body but pure silk. And get my partner something from the children's department. Carter puts his hand on Lee's shoulder. SALESMAN Would your partner like silk as well? I personally like it when a couple matches. Carter takes his hand off Lee's shoulder. CARTER Couple? No, you got it wrong, there's no couple here. Just two single police officers working a very dangerous case. LEE Yes. We have lots of big men chasing us. SALESMAN I'm sure all the boys are chasing you two. Don't worry, I'll make you guys the bell of the ball. He WINKS as he walks off, and Carter looks at Lee. CARTER This is the last time I go shopping with you. EXT. RED DRAGON - NIGHT Lee and Carter enter frame, dressed to kill - perfectly tailored couture Versace suits, gold watches, the whole bit. Le is awkward in "player" guise. CARTER (whispering) Remember, Lee, you're a player now. You own the place. Carter pulls out his ALTOIDS, and he and Lee each take one as they walk through the doors. LEE I own the place. INT. RED DRAGON - CONTINUOUS Carter STRUTS through the lobby, Lee doing his best to imitate Carter's pimp and roll. THEY WALK PAST THE GIANT BUDDHA -- CARTER That looks exactly like my Uncle Darrell. LEE Buddha is the symbol of luck and good fortune. CARTER Buddha is the symbol for fat and lazy. The man has the biggest tits in Asia. They are moving through the MAIN ENTRY HALL lined with TERRA COTTA CHINESE SOLDIERS - posed and dressed for battle. RICKSHAWS and BICYCLES take people through the hotel. The MAIN CASINO is roped off and empty. People crowded around the perimeter - a sign reads: SIGN $50,000 buy in -- EVERYBODY'S A WINNER! The LIGHTS DIM - a spotlight comes on and finds STEVEN REIGN on the balcony overlooking the ENTRANCE. STEVEN REIGN A thousand years ago, a small, wealthy village in China hired a young Dragon to guard their treasure in a cave, hoping to scare off potential bandits. Their plan worked quite well, until the people of the village started sneaking the Dragon extra food -- hoping to make him bigger and stronger. The Dragon ate so much and grew so big -- that he eventually got stuck inside the cave -- and the treasure was stuck behind him for all eternity. (beat) Ladies and gentlemen, I have found that lost treasure. It is here, inside the greatest casino in the world! Welcome to the Red Dragon, where everybody is a winner! Reign smiles, flips a switch -- the CASINO COMES TO LIFE. Fireworks, bright lights, endless rows of tables, dealers waiting. A BAND PLAYS on a stage in the casino lounge. Chinese ACROBATS perform suspended from the ceiling and on the balconies above. Applause all around as the FLAME shoots out of the dragon's nostrils and the acrobats perform. Carter and Lee walk down the red carpet. CARTER (to waitress) Bring us some twelve-year old scotch... (to a cigarette girl) Get us a box of your finest cigars. (to a change girl) Give me ten dollars in nickels. INT. CASINO - NIGHT CLOSE ON Dice ROLLING on a craps table. CRAPS DEALER Winner! Seven! We see BLACKJACK DEALERS BUSTING - paying out CUSTOMERS. Hundred dollar slot machines paying out jackpots. GAMBLERS winning all over the casino. Then going to the main cage and exchanging their chips for SUPERBILLS. CARTER Look at this place, Lee. The biggest front in the world. As people pour into the casino, Steven Reign is making his way through the crowd, shaking hands and posing for pictures. LEE Carter...here comes the rich white man. CARTER Wait here. I'll handle this. As Carter walks off, a WOMAN grabs Lee and pulls him onto the dance floor. INT. LOUNGE - CONTINUOUS The woman spins to face Lee, her face half-hidden under the dance floor lights. ISABELLA Put your arms around me. LEE Excuse me? Isabella grabs him around the waist, pulls him close. ISABELLA Hold me close. There's cameras everywhere. An ASIAN BAND sings STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT as Lee tries his best to slow dance. An intimate moment between Isabella and Lee, her face nestled in the crook of his neck, hiding her face. LEE What's going on? ISABELLA I need your help. LEE Last time you needed my help I ended up in the back of a truck. ISABELLA I'm undercover. I had no choice. You have to trust me. Lee starts to get into the music, moving his hips in a slow, sensual rhythm. ISABELLA (CONT'D) You move well. LEE Just trying to make it look real. ISABELLA Look over there. That's the eye in the sky room. Lee looks over her shoulder. ISABELLA (CONT'D) Behind me is the soft count room. We're pretty sure the plates are back there. LEE Why don't you go get them? ISABELLA If I'm wrong then my cover is blown. INT. CASINO - NIGHT As Steven Reign makes his way through the casino, Carter steps right in front of him, giving him a big hug. CARTER Stevie, how's it going my man? Somebody get a picture, we can use it for a mug shot. STEVEN REIGN Detective Carter, you always seem to show up where you don't belong. CARTER Lemme ask you something, Steven. And I want the truth. Is there any way I can date your daughter? Just dinner and a movie, maybe go listen to some jazz... STEVEN REIGN Vegas has been my town for 30 years. I crawled out from under the first rock. Do you really think you can intimidate me here? CARTER You're right, you're a smart guy. Most counterfeiters only get ten cents on the dollar. But this is an even swap. Pure genius. STEVEN REIGN You play games with me, Detective, and you'll lose every time. Don't forget. The odds are always in favor of the house. Reign walks off with his men. Carter watches him leave. INT. DANCE FLOOR - NIGHT Lee is dancing close with Isabella. ISABELLA The Secret Service almost busted Reign at his casino in Macao, but the place burned down before we could move in. LEE How do I know I can trust you? ISABELLA Dip me! Lee dips her, holds her in his arms for a long BEAT. ISABELLA (CONT'D) I'm asking for real now -- will you help the Secret Service? LEE No. (beat) But I'll help you. Lee holds her for a long BEAT, their lips almost touching. He finally lets her go, and she disappears into the crowd. Carter walks up, sees Lee standing alone on the dance floor. CARTER Lee, what the hell are you doing? LEE Dancing? CARTER Dancing? I'm out here trying to strong arm Steven Reign, putting my life on the line, and you're up here dancing with some bimbo. Did she have a friend? LEE It was Isabella. She says the plates are in the soft count room. Lee motions to the room, where WE SEE a SECURITY GUARD standing in front of a small door. CARTER Isabella? Are you crazy, man? She almost got us killed. She's setting you up again! LEE No. I'm going to find out. CARTER Wait a second. There's guards all over the place. You'll need a distraction. Carter looks around the casino. CARTER (CONT'D) I'll go to the craps table, make a big scene. When security comes over, you make your move. LEE Try to keep them busy for five minutes. CARTER I'll give it my best shot. INT. CASINO - CONTINUOUS Carter walks up to a CRAPS TABLE, everyone turning to stare. CRAPS DEALER Sir, you're aware that we require a fifty-thousand dollar buy in to gamble here this weekend? Carter throws a HUNDRED THOUSAND in $100 BILLS onto the table. CARTER I saw the sign, I can read. Now gimme a hundred-thousand in chips. And a Diet Coke and some wash-n-dries. Let's move, people, I came to play. The DEALER pushes 100K worth of CHIPS in front of Carter. CARTER (CONT'D) What the hell is that? CRAPS DEALER Those are five hundred dollar chips. CARTER Did you give me five-hundred dollar chips because I'm black? CRAPS DEALER No, I just assumed... CARTER You assumed a brother coming in here can only afford five-hundred dollars a roll, is that right? Are you a racist? CRAPS DEALER No, sir. CARTER (starting to scream) Everyone else at the table has thousand dollar chips, but the black man gets the nickel, is that it? Did my people survive two-hundred years of slavery so you could send us back to the cotton fields with five-hundred dollar chips? Do I look like Chicken George to you? The PIT BOSS gets on his walkie-talkie. PIT BOSS Floor security, we have a problem at table nine. EXT. SOFT COUNT ROOM - NIGHT The SECURITY GUARD lowers his walkie-talkie, starts moving towards Carter's table. INT. CRAPS TABLE - NIGHT TWO SECURITY GUARDS approach Carter's table. CARTER Answer me one question. How come Ben Vereen isn't performing here at the hotel? Is Ben Vereen not good enough for you people? PIT BOSS Lionel Ritchie is performing here tonight. CARTER Lionel Ritchie hasn't been black since the Commodores. PIT BOSS Sir, you're going to have to calm down. Carter watches as Lee moves past the guard and makes his way into the soft count room. CARTER I have a dream, where black people and white people can gamble together without getting different chips! A BIG CROWD has gathered as the Security Guards try and push their way through. The pit boss picks up the phone, calls upstairs. CARTER (CONT'D) Sing with me! "We shall overcome!" Carter starts clapping, and the confused crowd joins in as the Security Guards move in. CARTER (CONT'D) Thank you. Now in the spirit of brotherhood, let's play craps! INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT Lee walks into the hallway, moving like a cat as he hugs the walls and tries to make his way to the soft count room. He hears noise, TWO SECURITY GUARDS coming behind him through the casino door. He has no choice but to crawl over the back of a money cart and hug the top. He lies as still as he can, trying not to be seen -- until he realizes he's staring directly into the EYE IN THE SKY cameras that are in the ceiling. WE SEE LEE'S FACE as he passes directly under the camera, clearly mouthing the words "oh shit" as he rolls by. Lee looks to his left, sees the SOFT COUNT ROOM -- a mountain of COUNTERFEIT SUPERBILLS that are waiting to be paid out. On the opposite side, the REAL MONEY is being WHEELED OUT toward a waiting TRUCK that is parked at the back door. Lee sees two more cameras in the ceiling, knows his cover is blown. He jumps down off the cart, is standing in front of the locked vault. There's no way to get the plates. Isabella has set him up again. He turns and smiles at the confused SECURITY GUARDS. LEE Hi. How's it going? You guys have change for a twenty? The GUARDS make their move. And Lee starts to fight them down the hall, using the cart as a shield as he RAMS into TWO MORE GUARDS, fights them off as he turns the corner toward the casino door -- but he gets slammed to the ground by a right cross. Hu Li threw the punch, a roll of quarters in her hand as she stands over him with FIVE TRIAD SOLDIERS. She holds a knife to Lee's throat. HU LI (in Chinese) Open your mouth. She puts the small grenade in Lee's mouth, tapes it shut. She holds the detonator in her hand. HU LI (CONT'D) (continuing in Chinese) That's a ying-tao grenade, Inspector. Please follow me or I'll blow 32 teeth into your brain. INT. CASINO - CONTINUOUS A crowd has gathered behind Carter who is at the table rolling dice, a huge stack of chips in front of him. CRAPS DEALER Winner six! CARTER How much is that? CRAPS DEALER Two-hundred thousand! CARTER Two-hundred thousand dollars? Who wants a hundred dollars? Carter turns to the MAN next to him, who wears a traditional AFRICAN ROBE and is standing with a giant blonde escort. CARTER (CONT'D) Here, your highness, have a hundred dollars. The Viagra is on me tonight! GAMBLER (South African accent) I am not royalty, sir. CARTER Don't say that, we're all royalty. My great grandmammy was Queen Nephertit -- we probably cousins, man. How much you got on the table? GAMBLER One million. CARTER Yeah, we definitely cousins now. Who wants to blow on my hand for luck? Carter turns to a BIG TEXAN who is standing with a GORGEOUS YOUNG GIRL who is falling out of her dress. CARTER (CONT'D) Hey, Marlboro man, you mind if your lady blows on my hand for luck? TEXAN (embarrassed) She's not my lady. She's my niece. CARTER Can I come over for Thanksgiving? Come on, baby, give me some luck. The GIRL blows on the dice, and Carter stares down at her. CARTER (CONT'D) Nice blowing. When's your next birthday, I'll be the cake. TEXAN Hey, buddy, watch yourself. CARTER Don't threaten me. I got friends in this town that will bite off your ears. Just sit tight, because I've got the dice and I am on fire! Carter throws the dice. CRAPS DEALER Winner, seven! The table erupts as Carter grabs the dice. CARTER Let it ride! INT. UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - NIGHT The elevator doors OPEN and Lee is led toward the eye in the sky room by Hu Li and the three Triads. As they walk into the room, the Triads remain outside guarding the room. INT. EYE IN THE SKY ROOM - CONTINUOUS FORTY VIDEO MONITORS show every inch of the hotel. A MAN stands in front of the two-way mirror looking down at the casino, the reflection off the glass obscuring his features. Lee has the tape around his mouth and his hands tied behind his back as he's led into the room by Hu Li. RICKY TAN Imagine a business where people hand you money. And you hand them back absolutely nothing. Ricky Tan - alive and well, turns around and stares at Lee. Isabella is standing next to him. Lee is shocked at the sight of Ricky Tan alive. RICKY TAN (CONT'D) Now that's a true American dream. Thanks to a few pieces of metal and a very greed driven US Customs agent. Ricky Tan walks toward Lee, starts to smile. RICKY TAN (CONT'D) Look at you, you're ridiculous. You know it didn't have to be like this. But it's too bad! Like father, like son. Lee stares at Isabella for a BEAT. Hu Li motions to one of the monitors. HU LI (in Chinese) He's going for the plates. Ricky Tan looks at one of the MONITORS, sees Steven Reign walking down a hallway, about to walk into the PENTHOUSE SUITE. RICKY TAN Look at this old fool, what does he think he's doing? Ricky Tan shifts his attention back to Lee. RICKY TAN (CONT'D) It's almost impossible to find a partner that's trustworthy and loyal. Wouldn't you agree, Lee? ON ANOTHER SCREEN We see Carter at the craps table having the time of his life. Ricky Tan turns to walk out of the room, motioning to Isabella as he goes. RICKY TAN (CONT'D) Well, at least you will die with honor. But choy Gien. SUBTITLES: "Won't see you again." INT. CASINO - CONTINUOUS Carter has two racks of chips in front of him, a huge crowd surrounding him. CRAPS DEALER Winner! Four, winner! CARTER I'm up a hundred and fifty-grand. That's a Ferrari. Do they sell those here in the gift shop? Somebody cash me out! Several TRIAD SOLDIERS dressed like SECURITY GUARDS approach Carter's table. PIT BOSS Sir, we'd like to escort you to the cashier. CARTER That would be great. Don't want any of these rich white people to jump me. As they walk toward the door marked "VIP ROOM", Carter glances at the MEN, knows he's in deep shit. INT. EYE IN THE SKY ROOM - NIGHT Ricky Tan turns to Hu Li. RICKY TAN Chai Hu Li. ("Little Fox") Have fun. Ricky Tan walks out. Hu Li holds the detonator up to Lee, plays with the button. HU LI (in Chinese) In a few minutes...you'll beg me to push this button. Hu Li pulls her KNIFE, moves towards Lee. She holds the blade to his face. About to cut him. When Isabella pulls her gun. Isabella walks toward Lee, whose hands are still tied behind his back. Hu Li clutches the detonator in one hand, her knife in the other. She takes a step toward Isabella. ISABELLA It's time to end this, Inspector. Isabella cocks the gun, spins back and kicks the detonator from Hu Li's hand -- slamming her against the wall and sticking the gun under her chin. ISABELLA (CONT'D) Don't move! United States Secret Service. Hu Li WHIPS her KNIFE around, catches Isabella across the hand -- the GUN SLIDING across the room near the detonator -- the TWO WOMEN fight around it. Lee watches them almost step on it - dives to the floor and rolls toward the detonator. He's about to grab it when: THE TRIADS OPEN THE DOOR They're about to move in. HU LI Get the detonator! The Triads go for the detonator -- as Lee gets to his feet, KICKS Hu Li's legs out from under her. One of the Triads about to pick up the detonator - but Lee gets to him first. He fights with one hand tied behind his back. Hu Li and Isabella fight it out in the EYE IN THE SKY ROOM. Lee gets kicked towards the Eye In The Sky WINDOW. INT. CASINO - CASHIER Two security guards lead Carter away from the table when: CRASH! An AIRBORNE Lee rockets through the EYE IN THE SKY WINDOW. In a rain of glass, he lands HARD on the casino floor. The NOISE grabs everyone's attention, including: CARTER Lee!! The guards restrain him. CARTER (CONT'D) Lemme ask you something. Any of you ever felt $500,000 before? He SLAMS THE RACK OF CHIPS ACROSS THEIR FACES -- chips flying as the GUARDS hit the floor. CARTER (CONT'D) Doesn't feel so good, does it? INT. EYE IN THE SKY ROOM - CONTINUOUS Hu Li picks up the detonator. WHACK! A heeled foot kicks it from her grasp. Isabella has recovered! The detonator FLIES OUT THE BROKEN WINDOW. INT. CASINO - CONTINUOUS On his back, Lee watches the detonator SAIL OVER HIS HEAD AND DISAPPEAR into the crowd. It lands on a DRINK CART. Before Lee can get there, a WAITRESS changes trays and carries the detonator on her rounds. Panicked, Lee searches for the detonator. He JUMPS atop a BLACKJACK TABLE to get a better vantage. He can't see it, but he does see: ACROSS THE CASINO Carter on top of a CRAPS TABLE, keeping security guards at bay with a croupier stick. CARTER Black man gets on a hot streak and you're all trippin'? Carter and Lee see each other. They have the same simultaneous though: CARTER (CONT'D) (help!) Lee! LEE (help!) MMMMMM!!!! Carter is Lee's only hope to get the bomb out of his mouth. But from here to there, a MASS OF PEOPLE. The quickest way is the HIGH WAY. Lee leaps from TABLE to TABLE. Scattering playing cards. Reaching the carpeted divide...Lee doesn't stop. He launches off the bent-over back of a high roller -- landing on a RICKSHAW, SURFING IT to the tables on the other side. Carter looks around for Lee, catches a glimpse of the Eye in the Sky Room. He grins. CARTER Check it out. Catfight! POW! He socks a GUARD in the face. INT. EYE IN THE SKY ROOM - CONTINUOUS Isabella and Hu Li are locked in battle. Rolling to the floor, they both see the gun. They scramble over each other to get to it first. INT. CASINO - CONTINUOUS A security guard CLIMBS on the table to level Carter when Lee arrives. He kicks the guard off and turns to Carter, his plea MUFFLED. CARTER What the HELL are you doing with tape on your face? No time to explain -- two more security guards arrive. Kicks and punches fly, but Lee CAN'T GET HIT IN THE MOUTH! He bobs and weaves, holding his hands to Carter to untie them in between swings. Suddenly: BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! GUNSHOTS from the Eye In The Sky Room. Everyone HITS THE DECK. Carter and Lee dive on to the floor as panic ripples through the Casino. People FLEE for the EXITS. THE WAITRESS DESERTS HER TRAY. It gets knocked over and TIPS on the floor. The DETONATOR LANDS feet away from Carter. CARTER (CONT'D) This can't be good. Lee's eyes BUG - he sees it too, feet STAMPEDING past it! A high heel misses it by a fraction of an inch. He LUNGES for it, manages to CRADLE it in his taped hands when -- WHAM! He is BUMPED and it FLIES AWAY. The second it hits the floor, it is KICKED, skittering down the red carpet. ABOVE...the victor emerges in the Eye in the Sky Room. Hu Li STEPS OUT on the PAGODA ROOF and JUMPS DOWN. The DETONATOR ROLLS right past Hu Li. As she bends to PICK up the detonator, Lee knows he won't get there in time. Horrified, he SCREAMS at CARTER through the tape. Hu Li lifts the detonator. Carter finally pulls the TAPE OFF Lee's face. Lee SPITS the grenade into the air. LEE (diving on Carter) Bomb!!! Hu Li HITS the TRIGGER just as it lands on a roulette table. KABOOM! The table is BLOWN OFF IT'S FOUNDATION. Chips and cash volcano. Hu Li is blown backwards by the force of the blast. SHEER PANDEMONIUM grips the casino. AS THE SMOKE CLEARS Carter and Lee peer out from behind a row of slot machines. The place is deserted. CARTER Why didn't you tell me you had a bomb in your mouth? LEE I did! CARTER No you didn't! LEE Yes I did. I said MMMMMM! A hand on Carter's arm. THIS IS SERIOUS. LEE (CONT'D) Ricky Tan is alive. CARTER What?!?! LEE We have to get to the Penthouse. Lee jumps up, SPRINTS toward the elevators at the dragon end of the casino. CARTER Hold on! Carter stuffs his pockets with chips, then races after Lee. But halfway up the carpet. Carter stops. Lee turns to see what is holding him up. Hu Li SURVIVED the blast and Carter has turned to face her. CARTER (CONT'D) You go after Ricky. I got this. LEE Carter... CARTER Just GO! Lee turns and runs off past the dragon. Unfortunately, FIVE TRIADS block his path. In a flurry of PUNCHES, Lee makes short work of them, and races toward the elevators. DEAD CENTER ON THE RED CARPET - HU LI AND CARTER FACE OFF! Each readying in their own manner. Hu Li carefully wraps her long hair into a bun on top of her head. Carter stretches, flexes, ready to sting like a bee. CARTER (CONT'D) I'm not gonna hold you back this time just because you're a woman. I'm gonna pretend you're a man. She pulls off her jacket, prepares to fight him in her undershirt. CARTER (CONT'D) A very beautiful man with a perfect body who I'd like to take to the movies. She takes a sword from a Terra Cotta statue, SWINGS IT AROUND like a master. CARTER (CONT'D) I may have been absent the day we went over this in karate class. Quick, Carter reaches for a fighting stick off a Terra Cotta soldier. WHOOSH! She SLICES IT IN HALF. Carter reaches for another. SLICE! She's toying with him. INT. ELEVATOR BANK - NIGHT Lee's in the elevator as the doors close. SUDDENLY, a HAND cuts through, parting the doors. It's ISABELLA! A wound on her shoulder. LEE Are you okay? ISABELLA I'm fine. She steps in, too weak and starts to fall. Lee grabs her and holds her in his arms. HE gently helps her down. LEE I didn't know which side you were on. ISABELLA Now you know. DING! The elevator doors open. Isabella holds up a ROOM KEY - the key to the SUITE. Lee takes the key, backs away and steps into the elevator. ISABELLA (CONT'D) I'll try to get backup. Be careful. The elevator doors close. INT. PENTHOUSE SUITE - CONTINUOUS Steven Reign is closing the safe. There are stacks of HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS on his desk, which he's putting in a black bag along with the plates. As he turns around, he comes face-to-face with Ricky Tan. RICKY TAN American's love to gamble. Don't they, Mr. Reign? STEVEN REIGN I'm cutting our deal short. I'm leaving. RICKY TAN And my plates? STEVEN REIGN They stay with me. I'm sure you won't have a problem with that. Reign shows Tan the gun in his belt. Grabs the bag and starts to walk toward the door. RICKY TAN I enjoyed that little story you told about the Dragon and the treasure. My mother used to tell it to me all the time. Do you know the moral of that story, Mr. Reign? STEVEN REIGN Greed will imprison us all. Tan grabs Reign from behind and stabs him with a knife. RICKY TAN I hate that fortune cookie shit. Lee BURSTS through the suite door - watches as Reign falls dead to the floor. Ricky takes the black bag off the desk. LEE Put the plates down. Ricky Tan looks down at the gun in Reign's belt. INT. CASINO - NIGHT WHOOSH! Another Terra Cotta fighting stick is in half in Carter's hands. CARTER Will you STOP?!?! (picks up cocktail umbrella) What am I supposed to fight you with? No more toying. Hu Li CHARGES Carter, who GRABS a ROULETTE WHEEL as a MAKESHIFT SHIELD. She SLICES it in HALF! He's got nowhere to hide. She JABS him with the sword. Carter SCREAMS. Falls back against the table, clutching his chest. Hu Li WINDMILLS, kicking a Terra Cotta soldier on top of Carter, but -- THWACK! The DOUBLE-BLADED BAMBOO POLE in its hand ricochets back and she is PIERCED THROUGH THE SHOULDER with the blade. Staring at Carter in stunned disbelief, she drops to her knees. Carter walks toward her, considers his options, then KICKS HER IN THE HEAD, knocking her out. CARTER (CONT'D) When are you people gonna learn? Don't mess with the brothas! WEAK in the KNEES, Carter looks to the SOUND ON HIS CHEST. He reaches through the slice in his jacket. Instead of a hand covered in blood, it comes out with a THICK WAD OF CASH! CARTER (CONT'D) Thank you, Benjamin! Carter runs for the elevator. INT. PENTHOUSE SUITE - CONTINUOUS Lee is walking toward Ricky Tan, the two men circling Reign's body. RICKY TAN You're just like your father, Lee. All these years hiding behind his badge. I wanted to help him, to share with him, but he was too afraid of change. When you think about it, I didn't really kill him. I just put him out of his misery. LEE Put the plates down. It's over. RICKY TAN I don't think it's over. There are casinos all over this country. Let me make you a rich man, Lee. Don't make the same mistake he did. Ricky glances at the gun in Reign's belt. LEE If you reach for that gun, I'm going to kill you. RICKY TAN Don't you remember? I'm already dead. Ricky makes a play for the gun, but Lee is much too fast, taking the gun and pushing Ricky against the wall just as Carter bursts in the room. CARTER Hey, Ricky, how's it going man? What's up, Lee? Lee has the gun pressed to Tan's head. We've never seen him like this before. RICKY TAN Would you like me to tell you how your father died? CARTER Lee, you okay? Lee doesn't respond. He keeps an eye on Ricky. RICKY TAN He never begged for his life. Or tried to make a deal. All that he asked me, just seconds before I pulled the trigger, was that I promise not to kill you. Lee's finger is on the trigger -- he wants to pull the trigger but can't. CARTER Lee, wait a second. It's not worth it, man. He's making you do this. LEE It's worth it to me. RICKY TAN Do you have it in you, Lee? Or are you gonna spend the rest of your life hiding like your father? CARTER C'mon, Lee. He's going to jail. You won, now just put the gun down. Lee is trying to pull the trigger, but he can't. RICKY TAN That's what I thought. Tan takes the black bag and swings it toward Lee -- the plates hit him across the face and knock him down. THE GUN IS LOOSE Tan reaches for it and is about to pull the trigger when: Lee and Carter come flying at him TOGETHER. Both KICKING HIM SQUARE IN THE CHEST. Tan falls back, SMASHING THROUGH THE WINDOW. Lee tries to grab Tan's hand, their fingers touch for a split second. But Tan pulls his hand away and falls 20 STORIES to the street below. EXT. STREET - NIGHT A TAXI is parked out front. Tan's BODY SLAMS on the roof. SMASHING THROUGH A SIGN ON TOP THAT READS: "EVERYBODY'S A WINNER!" INT. PENTHOUSE SUITE - NIGHT Lee and Carter are looking down at the street, both relieved it's finally over. Carter puts his hand on Lee's shoulder. CARTER I don't know about you, but I need a wine cooler. As they turn to the door -- Hu Li is walking toward them, bleeding and half-dead. She has ANOTHER BOMB IN HER HAND. This one twice the size of the one from earlier. HU LI (in Chinese) We'll go together, Inspector. CARTER Please tell me she just asked for a ride to the airport. Hu Li hits the switch - starts to smile. Lee and Carter turn and RUN for the OPEN WINDOW. EXT. BUILDING - NIGHT Lee and Carter DIVE OUT THE WINDOW, grab a cable just as the PENTHOUSE BLOWS! The FIREBALL SHOOTS out as they start to slide down the side of the hotel. THEY SCREAM AS THE CABLE BREAKS. Lee and Carter SWING toward a HUGE "GRAND OPENING" BANNER. They flip under it, do a loop before they SLAM AGAINST THE SIGN. It's KNOCKED LOOSE and they fall with it toward VEGAS BLVD. Lee and Carter hang on as they drop to the street. A HUGE TRUCK speeds toward them as they hold on for their lives. The entire STRIP SPEEDING toward them. LEE I can't believe I flew ten-thousand miles for this shit!! They lift their feet just as the TRUCK PASSES. The sign dips and they fall straight down into the open sunroof of a LARGE STRETCH LIMO. INT. LIMOUSINE - CONTINUOUS Lee and Carter land in the back. Slam into their seats and try to catch their breath. The TWO MEN STARTING TO LAUGH when they realize they're alive! CARTER We made it, man. LEE No problem. Lee and Carter look up to see the VERSACE SALESMAN and FOUR OF HIS FRIENDS sitting in the back of the limo staring at them. The BOYS are all drinking champagne and dressed for a night on the town. VERSACE SALESMAN Well, there is a God after all. Lee and Carter exchange looks as the limo stops in front of the hotel. LIMO DRIVER Here we are. The Red Dragon hotel. In front of the hotel WE SEE FIRE TRUCKS, AMBULANCE, POLICE CARS and Isabella and Sterling arresting TWENTY TRIADS. VERSACE SALESMAN We're all going gambling and then to see Siegried and Roy. I hope you two are feeling lucky! INT. LAS VEGAS AIRPORT - NIGHT Lee is talking with a bandaged Isabella, who is standing with Sterling and several other SECRET SERVICE AGENTS. Lee and Isabella hug goodbye. As she walks off to board her plane, Lee slowly walks back to Carter who is smiling. CARTER I saw that. She kissed you, didn't she? You played it cool, though. Walking away, never looking back. LEE She's going home to New York. I need some ice. Lee and Carter watch as she gets on the plane. CARTER That your gate down there? LEE Yes. CARTER I'm this way. I guess this is goodbye. LEE I guess so. Thank you, Carter. CARTER You take care of yourself, Lee. Carter steps back, BOWS TO LEE. Lee SHAKES CARTER'S HAND like a brother. The two men smile. Turn to walk away. LEE Carter, wait. There's something I want you to have. Lee pulls a BADGE from his pocket. Hands it to Carter. CARTER Your father's badge? No way, man. I can't take this. LEE It's okay. I can finally let it go. Carter takes the badge. Smiles. CARTER In that case, I got something for you. I picked it up at the hotel. Carter pulls out a WAD OF CASH. LEE What is this? CARTER About fifty grand. I won it at the tables. LEE No, Carter. I can't take this. CARTER It's okay, I got lots more. Carter pulls out another wad of cash. CARTER (CONT'D) They owe us, man. That's the least they can do. LEE This money is evidence. CARTER Come on, Lee. Stop being a cop for five minutes and live it up. There must be something you want. Lee looks back toward Isabella. LEE I always wanted to go to Madison Square Garden. See the Knicks play. CARTER New York City? LEE First class. CARTER The Plaza Hotel? LEE A little Mu-shu. CARTER Some Kung-Pao? They look at each other, smile. CARTER (CONT'D) I could use a little vacation. LEE Amen to that, brother. As Lee and Carter start to walk away together, the MUSIC SWELLS. "WAR" starts to PLAY. They dance their way through a crowd of people, their arms raised as the two friends make their way through the airport. END CREDITS
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Hour 2 | |
Theatrical release poster |
Directed by | Brett Ratner |
Written by | Jeff Nathanson |
Based on | Characters by Ross LaManna |
Produced by | Roger Birnbaum Jonathan Glickman Arthur M. Sarkissian Jay Stern |
Starring |
Cinematography | Matthew F. Leonetti |
Edited by | Mark Helfrich |
Music by | Lalo Schifrin |
Production |
Distributed by | New Line Cinema[1] |
Release date |
Running time |
90 minutes[1] |
Country | United States[1] |
Languages |
Budget | $90 million[2] |
Box office | $347.3 million[2] |
Rush Hour 2 is a 2001 American buddy action comedy film directed by Brett Ratner and written by Jeff Nathanson, based on the characters created by Ross LaManna. A sequel to Rush Hour, it is the second installment in the Rush Hour franchise and stars Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker reprising their roles from the first film. The story follows Chief Inspector Lee (Chan) and LAPD Detective James Carter (Tucker), who go to Hong Kong on vacation only to be thwarted by a murder case involving two U.S. customs agents after a bombing at the American embassy. Lee suspects that the crime is linked to the Triad crime lord Ricky Tan (Lone).
Rush Hour 2 opened on August 3, 2001, to generally mixed reviews. The film was a commercial success, grossing $347.3 million worldwide, making it the highest-grossing film in the franchise. It became the year’s 11th-highest-grossing film worldwide as well as the second-highest-grossing PG-13 film. A sequel, Rush Hour 3, was released on August 10, 2007.
LAPD Detective James Carter is in Hong Kong on vacation with his partner, Hong Kong Police Force Chief Inspector Lee. His vacation is put on hold when a bomb at the US Consulate General kills two undercover US Customs agents. Lee is assigned to the case and discovers that his late father’s police partner, Ricky Tan, is somehow involved. Lee and Carter attempt to question Ricky, now a leader of the Triads, resulting in a brawl with his bodyguards.
The U.S. Secret Service, led by Agent Sterling, and the Hong Kong Police Force fight over jurisdiction of the case. Lee’s office is bombed and Lee, unaware Carter has left the building, believes him dead. They cross paths at a party on Ricky’s yacht, where Ricky scolds his underling, Hu Li. Lee and Carter confront Ricky, who claims he is being framed by his enemies and asks for protection, but Hu Li shoots him and escapes. Sterling holds Lee responsible for Ricky’s death and orders him off the case. Carter is ordered back to Los Angeles, but convinces Lee to return to Los Angeles with him.
Carter assures Lee that every large criminal operation has a rich white man behind it; in this case, he believes that man is Steven Reign, a billionaire Los Angeles hotelier he saw acting suspiciously at Ricky Tan’s party. Staking out Reign Towers, they spot Isabella Molina, whom Carter met on Ricky’s yacht, receiving a delivery from Hu Li. Mistaking the package for another bomb, Lee and Carter try to intervene, but Molina reveals she is an undercover U.S. Secret Service agent, looking into Reign’s laundering of $100 million in superdollars.
Lee and Carter visit Kenny, an ex-con, now Carter’s informant who runs a gambling den in the back of his Chinese restaurant. He tells them about a customer with a suspicious amount of hundred-dollar bills, which Carter confirms are Reign’s counterfeits. They trace the money to a bank, where they are captured by Hu Li. Taken to Las Vegas in a Triad truck, Lee and Carter escape, realizing that Reign is laundering the $100 million through his new Red Dragon Casino.
At the Red Dragon, Molina points Lee to the engraving plates used to print the counterfeit money, while Carter creates a distraction to help Lee sneak past security. Hu Li captures Lee, taping an explosive in his mouth before bringing him to Ricky, who is still alive. When Ricky departs, Molina tries to arrest Hu Li but is shot, and Lee removes the explosive before it detonates, evacuating the casino.
Carter fights Hu Li, accidentally taking her out with a spear, while Lee pursues Ricky. In the penthouse, Reign prepares to escape with the plates but Ricky fatally stabs him. Lee and Carter confront Ricky, who admits to killing Lee’s father. In the ensuing scuffle, Ricky falls to his death when Lee accidentally kicks him out of the window. Hu Li enters the room with a time bomb, forcing Lee and Carter to escape on a makeshift zip line as Hu Li dies in the explosion.
Later at the airport, Molina thanks Lee for his work on the case and kisses him. Planning to go their separate ways, Lee and Carter change their minds when Carter reveals the large amount of money he won at the casino, and the pair head to New York City to indulge themselves.
- Jackie Chan as Chief Inspector Lee of the HKPF. He invites Carter to Hong Kong for a vacation but accepts a case involving Ricky Tan, the man who killed his father.
- Chris Tucker as LAPD Detective James Carter, who is in Hong Kong for vacation but quickly becomes entangled in an international investigation.
- John Lone as Ricky Tan, a Triad gangster working with Steven Reign.
- Zhang Ziyi as Hu Li, a Triad assassin and enforcer.
- Roselyn Sánchez as Agent Isabella Molina of the Secret Service. She is working undercover, posing as a corrupt agent while also enlisting Lee and Carter to help her stop the Triads.
- Alan King as Steven Reign, a corrupt Los Angeles businessman in league with the Triads to use his new casino to launder counterfeit money.
- Harris Yulin as Special Agent-In-Charge Sterling
- Kenneth Tsang as Captain Chin
- Don Cheadle as Kenny,[3] the owner of a Chinese restaurant in L.A. that also houses an illegal gambling den.
- Joel McKinnon Miller as Tex
Jeremy Piven,[4] Saul Rubinek,[5] and Gianni Russo[6] have cameo appearances as a Versace salesman, a casino box man, and a pit boss respectively.
This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (September 2021) |
Filming took place between December 11, 2000 and April 30, 2001.
Fake-money controversy[edit]
The prop masters for the film created approximately $1 trillion in fake money to be used as props in the film. The money was realistic enough that some of the film’s extras pocketed it and attempted to spend it illegally outside of the production, which led to said fake money being confiscated and destroyed by the United States Secret Service.[7]
Audio sample of the main title from Rush Hour 2
Lalo Schifrin returned to compose the score for the film. According to him, «The music for Rush Hour 2 is completely different from Rush Hour. The first 20–30 seconds of the main title is a reprise of the music from Rush Hour – but that’s it.»[8] He said that Ratner had requested a «symphonic score», which he incidentally found suitable for Rush Hour 2:
For the sequel, he asked me to do a symphonic score. It was bigger than life – like an epic score. I ignored the comedy – the actors took care of that. I played to the chases and the danger. It’s a serious score in the sense of an «epic» score, like Raiders of the Lost Ark or an Errol Flynn film. Also, you must realize that the symphony orchestra allows many more possibilities. Mozart didn’t need a rhythm section to «drive». I was able to create a lot of energy without the use of drums and electric guitars and all that.[8]
Schifrin performed the Rush Hour 2 score with the Hollywood Studio Symphony. Varèse Sarabande released its album on compact disc in August 2001.[9] In a 2001 interview with Dan Goldwasser for Soundtrack.Net, Schifrin was asked whether he would score Rush Hour 3, and he stated: «Oh, I’m not a prophet!»[8] By 2007, Schifrin began composing the score for Rush Hour 3,[10] which, as of 2018, is his last motion picture score.[11]
Before its August 3 release, Rush Hour 2 premiered on July 26, 2001, on-board the United Airlines Flight 1 from Los Angeles to Hong Kong renamed, «The Rush Hour Express».[12] The Hong Kong Board of Tourism teamed up with United Airlines and New Line Cinema in a campaign that offered both trailers for the movie for passengers on all domestic United flights during July and August reaching an expected three million people, as well as Hong Kong travel videos to inspire tourists to visit the country where the film was set.[12]
Box office[edit]
Rush Hour 2 earned $226.2 million in North America and an estimated $121.2 million in other countries, for a worldwide total of $347.3 million (surpassing Rush Hour and Rush Hour 3‘s worldwide box-office receipts).[2][13] The film went at number one during its opening weekend, grossing $67.4 million at 3,118 locations.[2] The film stayed in the Top 10 until October 11 (10 weeks total).[14] It became one of the four 2001 films to generate $60 million in their first three days of release, with the others being Monsters, Inc., The Mummy Returns and Planet of the Apes.[15] The film also had the fourth-highest opening weekend of all time, behind the latter two films and The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Additionally, Rush Hour 2 achieved two other records during its opening weekend, beating The Sixth Sense for having the biggest August opening weekend and Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me for scoring the largest opening weekend for a New Line Cinema film.[16] The August opening weekend record would be held for six years before getting surpassed by The Bourne Ultimatum in 2007.[17] Despite being overtaken by American Pie 2, the film made $31.5 million during its second weekend.[18] It was 2001’s second-highest-grossing PG-13 film and the 11th highest-grossing film worldwide.[19][20] Rush Hour 2 surpassed the 1984 film The Karate Kid as the highest-grossing martial arts action film, and was ranked as the second-highest-grossing buddy comedy film behind the 1997 film Men in Black.[21][22] The film was also ranked as the third-highest-grossing second installments in live action comedy film franchises (behind the 2004 film Meet the Fockers and the 2011 film The Hangover Part II).[23]
Reviews for Rush Hour 2 were mixed.[24][25] On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 52% based on 128 reviews, with an average rating of 5.4/10. The website’s critical consensus states that the film «doesn’t feel as fresh or funny as the first, and the stunts lack some of the intricacy normally seen in Chan’s films.»[26] On Metacritic, the film has a score of 48 out of 100 based on 28 reviews, indicating «mixed or average reviews».[27] Audiences polled by CinemaScore during Rush Hour 2‘s opening weekend gave the film an average grade of A on an A+ to F scale.[28]
Roger Ebert gave it one and half stars out of a possible four and called Chris Tucker «an anchor around the ankles of the humor».[29] Conversely, Robert Koehler of Variety called it a «superior sequel» and «the very model of the limber, transnational Hollywood action comedy».[30]
Rush Hour 2 earned a total of 27 award nominations and 10 wins, including an MTV Movie Award for Best Fight, a Teen Choice Award for Film-Choice Actor, Comedy, and 3 Kids’ Choice Awards; Favorite Movie Actor for Tucker, Favorite Male Butt Kicker for Chan, and Favorite Movie.
Because of various issues during development hell and production, Rush Hour 3 wasn’t released until August 10, 2007; six years after Rush Hour 2. Rush Hour 3 failed to receive the critical and commercial acclaim of predecessors.[31]
See also[edit]
- Buddy cop film
- Jackie Chan filmography
- ^ a b c «Rush Hour 2». American Film Institute. Retrieved May 9, 2018.
- ^ a b c d «Rush Hour 2». Box Office Mojo. IMDb (Amazon). Retrieved May 9, 2018.
- ^ Lockett, Dee. «Don Cheadle Didn’t Realize His Rush Hour 2 Character Inspired Kendrick Lamar». Vulture. Retrieved 2017-12-08.
- ^ «Watch Jeremy Piven recall meeting Mike Tyson on the set of ‘Rush Hour 2’«. EW.com. Retrieved 2017-12-08.
- ^ «Rush Hour 2». TVGuide.com. Retrieved 2017-12-08.
- ^ «Bio | Gianni Russo». www.giannirusso.com. Retrieved 2017-12-08.
- ^ «How Fake Money Is Made For Movies And TV». Movies Insider. October 10, 2020. Archived from the original on 2021-12-21. Retrieved September 20, 2021 – via YouTube.
- ^ a b c Goldwasser, Dan. «Schifrin’s Latest Rush». Soundtrack.Net. Archived from the original on October 4, 2017. Retrieved May 10, 2018.
- ^ «Rush Hour 2 [Original Motion Picture Score]». AllMusic. Archived from the original on October 16, 2017. Retrieved May 10, 2018.
- ^ Goldwasser, Dan (10 July 2007). «Lalo Schifrin turns 75, and scores Rush Hour 3«. ScoringSession.com. Archived from the original on May 10, 2018. Retrieved May 10, 2018.
- ^ «Lalo Schifrin». Soundtrack.Net. Archived from the original on May 10, 2018. Retrieved May 10, 2018.
- ^ a b «New Line Cinema and United Airlines Team with Hong Kong Tourism Board for In Flight ‘Rush Hour 2’ Promotion». Time Warner. July 12, 2001. Archived from the original on May 11, 2018. Retrieved May 11, 2018.
- ^ «Rush Hour». Box Office Mojo. IMDb (Amazon). Retrieved May 11, 2018.
- ^ «Rush Hour 2 (2001) — Financial Information».
- ^ «‘Monsters’ scares up win at box office». United Press International. 4 November 2001. Archived from the original on February 11, 2022. Retrieved 11 February 2022.
- ^ Linder, Brian (August 7, 2001). «Weekend Box Office: Rush Hour Jams Theaters». IGN. Retrieved July 13, 2022.
- ^ «Bourne Ultimatum Breaks August Box Office Record!».
- ^ «Sequel weekend: Pie 2 takes $45m, Rush Hour 2 $31m».
- ^ «2001 Yearly Box Office for PG-13 Rated Movies». Box Office Mojo. IMDb (Amazon). Retrieved May 11, 2018.
- ^ «2001 Worldwide Grosses». Box Office Mojo. IMDb (Amazon). Retrieved May 11, 2018.
- ^ «Action — Martial Arts (1980–present)». Box Office Mojo. IMDb (Amazon). Retrieved May 11, 2018.
- ^ «Action — Buddy Comedy». Box Office Mojo. IMDb (Amazon). Retrieved May 11, 2018.
- ^ «Comedy — Sequel (Live Action)». Box Office Mojo. IMDb (Amazon). Retrieved May 11, 2018.
- ^ Passafiume, Andrea. «Rush Hour 2». Turner Classic Movies. Turner Broadcasting System (Time Warner). Archived from the original on May 11, 2018. Retrieved May 11, 2018.
- ^ «Rush Hour 2 rumbles to top». BBC. 6 August 2001. Archived from the original on May 12, 2018. Retrieved May 12, 2018.
- ^ «Rush Hour 2 (2001)». Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango Media. Retrieved March 2, 2019.
- ^ «Rush Hour 2». Metacritic. CBS Interactive (CBS Corporation). Archived from the original on May 10, 2018. Retrieved May 10, 2018.
- ^ «Official website». CinemaScore. Retrieved October 28, 2017.
- ^ Roger Ebert (August 3, 2001). «Rush Hour 2». Chicago Sun-Times.
- ^ Robert Koehler (July 27, 2001). «Rush Hour 2». Variety.
- ^ «Rush Hour 3». Box Office Mojo. Retrieved 2008-03-13.
External links[edit]
- Rush Hour 2 at IMDb
- Rush Hour 2 at AllMovie
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Hour 2 | |
Theatrical release poster |
Directed by | Brett Ratner |
Written by | Jeff Nathanson |
Based on | Characters by Ross LaManna |
Produced by | Roger Birnbaum Jonathan Glickman Arthur M. Sarkissian Jay Stern |
Starring |
Cinematography | Matthew F. Leonetti |
Edited by | Mark Helfrich |
Music by | Lalo Schifrin |
Production |
Distributed by | New Line Cinema[1] |
Release date |
Running time |
90 minutes[1] |
Country | United States[1] |
Languages |
Budget | $90 million[2] |
Box office | $347.3 million[2] |
Rush Hour 2 is a 2001 American buddy action comedy film directed by Brett Ratner and written by Jeff Nathanson, based on the characters created by Ross LaManna. A sequel to Rush Hour, it is the second installment in the Rush Hour franchise and stars Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker reprising their roles from the first film. The story follows Chief Inspector Lee (Chan) and LAPD Detective James Carter (Tucker), who go to Hong Kong on vacation only to be thwarted by a murder case involving two U.S. customs agents after a bombing at the American embassy. Lee suspects that the crime is linked to the Triad crime lord Ricky Tan (Lone).
Rush Hour 2 opened on August 3, 2001, to generally mixed reviews. The film was a commercial success, grossing $347.3 million worldwide, making it the highest-grossing film in the franchise. It became the year’s 11th-highest-grossing film worldwide as well as the second-highest-grossing PG-13 film. A sequel, Rush Hour 3, was released on August 10, 2007.
LAPD Detective James Carter is in Hong Kong on vacation with his partner, Hong Kong Police Force Chief Inspector Lee. His vacation is put on hold when a bomb at the US Consulate General kills two undercover US Customs agents. Lee is assigned to the case and discovers that his late father’s police partner, Ricky Tan, is somehow involved. Lee and Carter attempt to question Ricky, now a leader of the Triads, resulting in a brawl with his bodyguards.
The U.S. Secret Service, led by Agent Sterling, and the Hong Kong Police Force fight over jurisdiction of the case. Lee’s office is bombed and Lee, unaware Carter has left the building, believes him dead. They cross paths at a party on Ricky’s yacht, where Ricky scolds his underling, Hu Li. Lee and Carter confront Ricky, who claims he is being framed by his enemies and asks for protection, but Hu Li shoots him and escapes. Sterling holds Lee responsible for Ricky’s death and orders him off the case. Carter is ordered back to Los Angeles, but convinces Lee to return to Los Angeles with him.
Carter assures Lee that every large criminal operation has a rich white man behind it; in this case, he believes that man is Steven Reign, a billionaire Los Angeles hotelier he saw acting suspiciously at Ricky Tan’s party. Staking out Reign Towers, they spot Isabella Molina, whom Carter met on Ricky’s yacht, receiving a delivery from Hu Li. Mistaking the package for another bomb, Lee and Carter try to intervene, but Molina reveals she is an undercover U.S. Secret Service agent, looking into Reign’s laundering of $100 million in superdollars.
Lee and Carter visit Kenny, an ex-con, now Carter’s informant who runs a gambling den in the back of his Chinese restaurant. He tells them about a customer with a suspicious amount of hundred-dollar bills, which Carter confirms are Reign’s counterfeits. They trace the money to a bank, where they are captured by Hu Li. Taken to Las Vegas in a Triad truck, Lee and Carter escape, realizing that Reign is laundering the $100 million through his new Red Dragon Casino.
At the Red Dragon, Molina points Lee to the engraving plates used to print the counterfeit money, while Carter creates a distraction to help Lee sneak past security. Hu Li captures Lee, taping an explosive in his mouth before bringing him to Ricky, who is still alive. When Ricky departs, Molina tries to arrest Hu Li but is shot, and Lee removes the explosive before it detonates, evacuating the casino.
Carter fights Hu Li, accidentally taking her out with a spear, while Lee pursues Ricky. In the penthouse, Reign prepares to escape with the plates but Ricky fatally stabs him. Lee and Carter confront Ricky, who admits to killing Lee’s father. In the ensuing scuffle, Ricky falls to his death when Lee accidentally kicks him out of the window. Hu Li enters the room with a time bomb, forcing Lee and Carter to escape on a makeshift zip line as Hu Li dies in the explosion.
Later at the airport, Molina thanks Lee for his work on the case and kisses him. Planning to go their separate ways, Lee and Carter change their minds when Carter reveals the large amount of money he won at the casino, and the pair head to New York City to indulge themselves.
- Jackie Chan as Chief Inspector Lee of the HKPF. He invites Carter to Hong Kong for a vacation but accepts a case involving Ricky Tan, the man who killed his father.
- Chris Tucker as LAPD Detective James Carter, who is in Hong Kong for vacation but quickly becomes entangled in an international investigation.
- John Lone as Ricky Tan, a Triad gangster working with Steven Reign.
- Zhang Ziyi as Hu Li, a Triad assassin and enforcer.
- Roselyn Sánchez as Agent Isabella Molina of the Secret Service. She is working undercover, posing as a corrupt agent while also enlisting Lee and Carter to help her stop the Triads.
- Alan King as Steven Reign, a corrupt Los Angeles businessman in league with the Triads to use his new casino to launder counterfeit money.
- Harris Yulin as Special Agent-In-Charge Sterling
- Kenneth Tsang as Captain Chin
- Don Cheadle as Kenny,[3] the owner of a Chinese restaurant in L.A. that also houses an illegal gambling den.
- Joel McKinnon Miller as Tex
Jeremy Piven,[4] Saul Rubinek,[5] and Gianni Russo[6] have cameo appearances as a Versace salesman, a casino box man, and a pit boss respectively.
This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (September 2021) |
Filming took place between December 11, 2000 and April 30, 2001.
Fake-money controversy[edit]
The prop masters for the film created approximately $1 trillion in fake money to be used as props in the film. The money was realistic enough that some of the film’s extras pocketed it and attempted to spend it illegally outside of the production, which led to said fake money being confiscated and destroyed by the United States Secret Service.[7]
Audio sample of the main title from Rush Hour 2
Lalo Schifrin returned to compose the score for the film. According to him, «The music for Rush Hour 2 is completely different from Rush Hour. The first 20–30 seconds of the main title is a reprise of the music from Rush Hour – but that’s it.»[8] He said that Ratner had requested a «symphonic score», which he incidentally found suitable for Rush Hour 2:
For the sequel, he asked me to do a symphonic score. It was bigger than life – like an epic score. I ignored the comedy – the actors took care of that. I played to the chases and the danger. It’s a serious score in the sense of an «epic» score, like Raiders of the Lost Ark or an Errol Flynn film. Also, you must realize that the symphony orchestra allows many more possibilities. Mozart didn’t need a rhythm section to «drive». I was able to create a lot of energy without the use of drums and electric guitars and all that.[8]
Schifrin performed the Rush Hour 2 score with the Hollywood Studio Symphony. Varèse Sarabande released its album on compact disc in August 2001.[9] In a 2001 interview with Dan Goldwasser for Soundtrack.Net, Schifrin was asked whether he would score Rush Hour 3, and he stated: «Oh, I’m not a prophet!»[8] By 2007, Schifrin began composing the score for Rush Hour 3,[10] which, as of 2018, is his last motion picture score.[11]
Before its August 3 release, Rush Hour 2 premiered on July 26, 2001, on-board the United Airlines Flight 1 from Los Angeles to Hong Kong renamed, «The Rush Hour Express».[12] The Hong Kong Board of Tourism teamed up with United Airlines and New Line Cinema in a campaign that offered both trailers for the movie for passengers on all domestic United flights during July and August reaching an expected three million people, as well as Hong Kong travel videos to inspire tourists to visit the country where the film was set.[12]
Box office[edit]
Rush Hour 2 earned $226.2 million in North America and an estimated $121.2 million in other countries, for a worldwide total of $347.3 million (surpassing Rush Hour and Rush Hour 3‘s worldwide box-office receipts).[2][13] The film went at number one during its opening weekend, grossing $67.4 million at 3,118 locations.[2] The film stayed in the Top 10 until October 11 (10 weeks total).[14] It became one of the four 2001 films to generate $60 million in their first three days of release, with the others being Monsters, Inc., The Mummy Returns and Planet of the Apes.[15] The film also had the fourth-highest opening weekend of all time, behind the latter two films and The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Additionally, Rush Hour 2 achieved two other records during its opening weekend, beating The Sixth Sense for having the biggest August opening weekend and Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me for scoring the largest opening weekend for a New Line Cinema film.[16] The August opening weekend record would be held for six years before getting surpassed by The Bourne Ultimatum in 2007.[17] Despite being overtaken by American Pie 2, the film made $31.5 million during its second weekend.[18] It was 2001’s second-highest-grossing PG-13 film and the 11th highest-grossing film worldwide.[19][20] Rush Hour 2 surpassed the 1984 film The Karate Kid as the highest-grossing martial arts action film, and was ranked as the second-highest-grossing buddy comedy film behind the 1997 film Men in Black.[21][22] The film was also ranked as the third-highest-grossing second installments in live action comedy film franchises (behind the 2004 film Meet the Fockers and the 2011 film The Hangover Part II).[23]
Reviews for Rush Hour 2 were mixed.[24][25] On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 52% based on 128 reviews, with an average rating of 5.4/10. The website’s critical consensus states that the film «doesn’t feel as fresh or funny as the first, and the stunts lack some of the intricacy normally seen in Chan’s films.»[26] On Metacritic, the film has a score of 48 out of 100 based on 28 reviews, indicating «mixed or average reviews».[27] Audiences polled by CinemaScore during Rush Hour 2‘s opening weekend gave the film an average grade of A on an A+ to F scale.[28]
Roger Ebert gave it one and half stars out of a possible four and called Chris Tucker «an anchor around the ankles of the humor».[29] Conversely, Robert Koehler of Variety called it a «superior sequel» and «the very model of the limber, transnational Hollywood action comedy».[30]
Rush Hour 2 earned a total of 27 award nominations and 10 wins, including an MTV Movie Award for Best Fight, a Teen Choice Award for Film-Choice Actor, Comedy, and 3 Kids’ Choice Awards; Favorite Movie Actor for Tucker, Favorite Male Butt Kicker for Chan, and Favorite Movie.
Because of various issues during development hell and production, Rush Hour 3 wasn’t released until August 10, 2007; six years after Rush Hour 2. Rush Hour 3 failed to receive the critical and commercial acclaim of predecessors.[31]
See also[edit]
- Buddy cop film
- Jackie Chan filmography
- ^ a b c «Rush Hour 2». American Film Institute. Retrieved May 9, 2018.
- ^ a b c d «Rush Hour 2». Box Office Mojo. IMDb (Amazon). Retrieved May 9, 2018.
- ^ Lockett, Dee. «Don Cheadle Didn’t Realize His Rush Hour 2 Character Inspired Kendrick Lamar». Vulture. Retrieved 2017-12-08.
- ^ «Watch Jeremy Piven recall meeting Mike Tyson on the set of ‘Rush Hour 2’«. EW.com. Retrieved 2017-12-08.
- ^ «Rush Hour 2». TVGuide.com. Retrieved 2017-12-08.
- ^ «Bio | Gianni Russo». www.giannirusso.com. Retrieved 2017-12-08.
- ^ «How Fake Money Is Made For Movies And TV». Movies Insider. October 10, 2020. Archived from the original on 2021-12-21. Retrieved September 20, 2021 – via YouTube.
- ^ a b c Goldwasser, Dan. «Schifrin’s Latest Rush». Soundtrack.Net. Archived from the original on October 4, 2017. Retrieved May 10, 2018.
- ^ «Rush Hour 2 [Original Motion Picture Score]». AllMusic. Archived from the original on October 16, 2017. Retrieved May 10, 2018.
- ^ Goldwasser, Dan (10 July 2007). «Lalo Schifrin turns 75, and scores Rush Hour 3«. ScoringSession.com. Archived from the original on May 10, 2018. Retrieved May 10, 2018.
- ^ «Lalo Schifrin». Soundtrack.Net. Archived from the original on May 10, 2018. Retrieved May 10, 2018.
- ^ a b «New Line Cinema and United Airlines Team with Hong Kong Tourism Board for In Flight ‘Rush Hour 2’ Promotion». Time Warner. July 12, 2001. Archived from the original on May 11, 2018. Retrieved May 11, 2018.
- ^ «Rush Hour». Box Office Mojo. IMDb (Amazon). Retrieved May 11, 2018.
- ^ «Rush Hour 2 (2001) — Financial Information».
- ^ «‘Monsters’ scares up win at box office». United Press International. 4 November 2001. Archived from the original on February 11, 2022. Retrieved 11 February 2022.
- ^ Linder, Brian (August 7, 2001). «Weekend Box Office: Rush Hour Jams Theaters». IGN. Retrieved July 13, 2022.
- ^ «Bourne Ultimatum Breaks August Box Office Record!».
- ^ «Sequel weekend: Pie 2 takes $45m, Rush Hour 2 $31m».
- ^ «2001 Yearly Box Office for PG-13 Rated Movies». Box Office Mojo. IMDb (Amazon). Retrieved May 11, 2018.
- ^ «2001 Worldwide Grosses». Box Office Mojo. IMDb (Amazon). Retrieved May 11, 2018.
- ^ «Action — Martial Arts (1980–present)». Box Office Mojo. IMDb (Amazon). Retrieved May 11, 2018.
- ^ «Action — Buddy Comedy». Box Office Mojo. IMDb (Amazon). Retrieved May 11, 2018.
- ^ «Comedy — Sequel (Live Action)». Box Office Mojo. IMDb (Amazon). Retrieved May 11, 2018.
- ^ Passafiume, Andrea. «Rush Hour 2». Turner Classic Movies. Turner Broadcasting System (Time Warner). Archived from the original on May 11, 2018. Retrieved May 11, 2018.
- ^ «Rush Hour 2 rumbles to top». BBC. 6 August 2001. Archived from the original on May 12, 2018. Retrieved May 12, 2018.
- ^ «Rush Hour 2 (2001)». Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango Media. Retrieved March 2, 2019.
- ^ «Rush Hour 2». Metacritic. CBS Interactive (CBS Corporation). Archived from the original on May 10, 2018. Retrieved May 10, 2018.
- ^ «Official website». CinemaScore. Retrieved October 28, 2017.
- ^ Roger Ebert (August 3, 2001). «Rush Hour 2». Chicago Sun-Times.
- ^ Robert Koehler (July 27, 2001). «Rush Hour 2». Variety.
- ^ «Rush Hour 3». Box Office Mojo. Retrieved 2008-03-13.
External links[edit]
- Rush Hour 2 at IMDb
- Rush Hour 2 at AllMovie
Час пик 2 | |
Rush Hour 2 | |
Жанр |
боевик / комедия |
Режиссёр |
Бретт Рэтнер |
Продюсер |
Артур Саркиссян |
Автор сценария |
Джефф Нэтансон |
В главных ролях |
Джеки Чан |
Оператор |
Мэттью Ф. Леонетти |
Композитор |
Лало Шифрин |
Кинокомпания |
New Line Cinema |
Длительность |
90 мин. |
Бюджет |
90 млн $ |
Сборы |
347 325 802 $ |
Страна |
Год |
2001 |
IMDb |
ID 0266915 |
«Час пик 2» (англ. Rush Hour 2) — кинофильм режиссёра Бретта Рэтнера.
События начинаются в Гонконге, где инспектор Ли показывает его новому другу Картеру достопримечательности родного города. Неожиданно они узнают о взрыве американского посольства. Полицейские, на свой риск, начинают вести расследование. Они выходят на опасного главаря преступной группировки Рики и его фанатичную помощницу, а также при довольно щекотливых обстоятельствах «знакомятся» с агентом секретной службы Изабеллой Молиной, которая в целях сохранения операции вынуждена вступить в контакт с не в меру активными ищейками.
Съёмочная группа
- Режиссёр: Бретт Рэтнер
- Сценарий: Джефф Нэтансон
- Продюсеры: Роджер Бирнбаум, Артур Саркиссян, Джей Стерн, Джонатан Гликмэн
- Исполнительные продюсеры: Эндрю З. Дэвис, Майкл Де Лука, Тоби Эммерих
- Оператор: Мэттью Ф. Леонетти
- Художник: Теренс Марш
- Композитор: Лало Шифрин
- Монтаж: Марк Хелфрич
- Костюмы: Рита Райак
В ролях
Актёр | Роль |
Джеки Чан | инспектор Ли |
Крис Такер | детектив Джеймс Картер |
Джон Лоун | Рики Тан |
Чжан Цзыи | Ху Ли |
Розелин Санчес | Изабелла Молина |
Харрис Юлин | агент Стерлинг |
Алан Кинг | Стивен Рейн |
Кеннет Цзэн Цзян (Цзанг Гонг) | капитан Цянь (Чхинь) |
Дон Чидл | Кенни |
- Джеки Чан — $ 15 000 000 + % от сборов (приблизительно $ 5 000 000)[1]
- Крис Такер — $ 20 000 000[2]
- Бретт Ратнер (режиссер) — $ 5 000 000[3]
Интересные факты
- Дон Чидл, который играет Кенни, согласился играть в фильме только в том случае, если он будет драться с Джеки Чаном и говорить по-китайски.
- Сцена, в которой раздетые Крис Такер и Джеки Чан бегут по улицам Гонконга — это реальная съёмка; съёмочная группа не имела возможности перекрыть движение по улице.
- Персонаж Ху Ли, роль которой исполняет Чжан Цзыи, изначально задумывался как мужской.
- Ху Ли в переводе с путунхуа означает «лиса».
- Когда герой Криса Такера говорит, что азиаты всегда паникуют, ссылаясь при этом на фильм «Годзилла», он кричит: «Хаяку! Хаяку!», что в переводе с японского языка значит «Быстрее! Быстрее!».
- Во время съёмок фильма Чжан Цзыи не владела английским языком, и Джеки Чану приходилось исполнять роль переводчика.
- В одном из эпизодов можно услышать песню Майкл Джексона Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough в исполнении Крис Такера.
- ↑ Biography for Jackie Chan
- ↑ Biography for Chris Tucker
- ↑ Biography for Brett Ratner
- Официальный сайт фильма
- Rush Hour 2 (англ.) на сайте Internet Movie Database
Фильмы Бретта Рэтнера |
Деньги решают всё • Час пик • Семьянин • Час пик 2 • Красный дракон • После заката • Люди Икс: Последняя битва • Час пик 3 • Как украсть небоскрёб • Полицейский из Беверли-Хиллз 4 |
О фильме
Детективы Ли и Картер снова вместе! На этот раз — в Гонконге, куда Картер приехал, чтобы отдохнуть и оттянуться в компании старого приятеля. Приятель же как раз в этот момент занят важным расследованием — он выслеживает одного из боссов Триады, подозреваемого в организации взрыва в американском посольстве. История еще больше запутывается, когда наша неразлучная пара выясняет, что между главой банды лос-анджелесских фальшивомонетчиков Стивеном Рейном и гонконгским мафиозным главарем Рики Таном, сыгравшем когда-то загадочную роль в смерти отца Ли, существует какая-то связь. Сломя голову, интернациональная команда вламывается в самую гущу разборок между Таном и соблазнительной, но очень опасной китаянкой с забавным (особенно для русского человека) именем Ху Ли. Вскоре опрометчивое решение оборачивается чередой рукопашных потасовок и других опасных для жизни событий. Ответ на многие вопросы лежит в Лос-Анджелесе, куда и направляются в итоге наши герои, ну а развязка наступает в Лас-Вегасе. В общем, жаловаться на жизнь Картеру не придется — более веселого отпуска у него в жизни не было.
20.12.2001 К.Тарханова
Его часы идут иначе
Уровень комедий с Джеки Чаном – это всегда как Олимпиада для инвалидов. Только в реальности у них проблемы с конечностями, а в кино у него – с извилинами. Поэтому сиквел прошлогоднего «Часа пик» и ругать грешно, и радоваться нечему. Заранее известно, что тинэйджерам…