- Автор сценария:
- Ллойд Фонвилль
- Кевин Джарр
- Стивен Соммерс
- Джон Л. Балдерстон
- Нина Путнэм
- Ричард Шэйер
- Режиссер:
- Стивен Соммерс
На бескрайних просторах египетской пустыни компания сорвиголов разных национальностей рыщет в поисках несметных сокровищ фараона, над которыми тяготеет жуткое древнее проклятие. Рядом с кладом покоится мумия коварного жреца, жестоко казненного за ужасное убийство могущественного правителя Египта. Золотоискатели потревожили многовековой покой гробницы, и мумия встает из могилы, чтобы погрузить мир в царство кошмара…
THE MUMMY By Stephen Sommers The UNIVERSAL PICTURES globe spins. Then comes to a stop on the African continent. A golden papyrus MAP of ANCIENT EGYPT rises up. WE PUSH IN on it, towards a CITY along the Nile, it's name written in hierarchic. WE KEEP PUSHING IN until the golden map turns to golden sand and we find ourselves DESCENDING on this ancient Egyptian city. Only it's not ancient. SUPERIMPOSED across the SCREEN are the WORDS: THEBES - 2,134 B.C Accompanied by a NARRATOR with a very thick Egyptian accent: NARRATOR Thebes. City of the Living. Crown jewel of Pharaoh Seti the First. The CAMERA sets-down in an open plaza. An Arabian horse-drawn CHARIOT comes barreling right at us, driven by PHARAOH SETI; an aristocratic, virile old man. The chariot WIPES FRAME. INT. ANCK-SU-NAMUN'S BALCONY WINDOW - PALACE - DUSK Glaring out over the city at the setting sun is a handsome, muscular MAN with intense, evil eyes. This is IMHOTEP. NARRATOR Home of Imhotep, High Priest of Osiris, Keeper of the Dead. A gorgeous, olive-skinned goddess enters the outer foyer. It takes us a moment to realize that the skin-tight dress she's wearing isn't a dress at all, but rather her entire naked body has been PAINTED in the ancient Egyptian manner She's a stunning sight to behold. This is ANCK-SU-NAMUN. NARRATOR (CONT'D) Birthplace of Anck-su-namun. Pharaoh's Mistress. No other man was allowed to touch her. She makes her way through the ornate statuary. The CAMERA comes to a stop on a CRACKED STONE FACE. A BEAT. And then it's eyes suddenly POP OPEN. It's really a strange looking TATTOOED MAN. Several more of these hideous, bald MEN stand nearby. They are the PRIESTS of Osiris. Imhotep's guys. Their eyes watch Anck-su-namun vanish through the bedroom curtains. Anck-su-namun embraces Imhotep, they kiss passionately, feverishly. Imhotep's hands roam over her perfect body, smearing the paint. The Narrator's VOICE fills with lust: NARRATOR (CONT'D) But for our love, we were willing to risk life itself. And we realize that the Narrator is actually Imhotep himself on the other-side of the curtains, the bald Priests rush over and close the doors. But just as they do, the doors suddenly BURST OPEN. Pharaoh angrily strides in, looks at the Priests. The following DIALOGUE is in ANCIENT EGYPTIAN -- SUBTITLED. PHARAOH What are you doing here? The Priests back away, scared shitless, obviously his arrival was unexpected. Pharaoh strides for the curtains. Throws them back. Anck-su-namun stands alone. Gives him a sexy smile. Pharaoh sees the smeared body paint. Points his finger. PHARAOH (CONT'D) WHO HAS TOUCHED YOU?! From behind him, his sword is ripped out of its scabbard. Pharaoh spins around. It's Imhotep. Pharaoh is shocked. PHARAOH (CONT'D) Imhotep? .... My priest. Behind him, Anck-su-namun lifts a dagger and plunges it into his back. Pharaoh SCREAMS. Imhotep raises Pharaoh's sword. The hideous bald Priests SLAM the doors and bolt them tight. Through the curtains, they see the SHADOWS of Anck-su-namun and Imhotep stab away at Pharaoh. Suddenly, the doors are RAMMED from the other side --WHAM! Imhotep and Anck-su-namun turn and look. --WHAM! The doors are RAMMED again. The two lovers share desperate looks. --WHAM! The bald Priests run up and grab Imhotep and try and pull him towards the balcony. PRIESTS Pharaoh's bodyguards! Imhotep tries to break free, but Anck-su-namun rips Pharaoh's sword out of his hand and pushes him towards the balcony. ANCK-SU-NAMM You must go. Save yourself. Only you can resurrect me. Imhotep's face fills with despair. The DOORS EXPLODE OPEN. MEN with BLUE-TINTED SKIN and strange PUZZLE-TATTOOS over their bodies stride in, armed to the teeth. These are the MUMIA. The Priests hustle Imhotep out onto the dark balcony just as the Mumia rip through the curtains. Anck-su-namun points at Pharaoh and hisses-- ANCK-SU-NAMUN My body is no longer his temple! She PLUNGES the sword into her own heart. out on the balcony, Imhotep's mouth opens into a horrible silent scream... NARRATOR/IMHOTEP For murdering Pharaoh, Anck-su namun's body was to be cursed. And it was I, the High Priest, whose duty it was to curse it. EXT. SAND DUNES - NIGHT Imhotep leads-a TORCH-LIT procession across the dunes. Anck su-namun's mummy is carried by NUBIAN SLAVES. They put her down in the sand along with FIVE JEWEL ENCRUSTED JARS. IMHOTEP Her body was mummified, her vital organs removed and placed in sacred canopic jars Imhotep, filled with dread, reads from a "BOOK" made out of pure GOLD. THIS IS THE BOOK OF THE LIVING. IMHOTEP (CONT'D) The Book of The Living contained sacred incantations that would send the evil dead on a journey into the dark underworld. Strange LIGHT suddenly FLASHES across Anck-su-namun's body and across the faces of the slaves and the EGYPTIAN SOLDIERS Suddenly, everyone's fear-filled eyes all rise, as if watching Anck-su-namun's body rising. Then one last HUGE FLASH, accompanied by a BLAST OF WIND, and it's over. Anck-su-namun's body now lies twisted on the ground. Imhotep's Priests place the body into a stone sarcophagus. The Nubian slaves lower it into a hole and bury it with sand Imhotep then signals to the Soldiers, who throw their spears at the Nubians. Killing them. INHOTEP The slaves were killed.... Imhotep's knife-wielding Priests attack the now unarmed Soldiers, hacking at them in the flickering darkness as Imhotep and the Mumia solemnly watches. IMHOTEP .... and the soldiers who killed them were also slain, so that no unholy person should ever know the exact location of the burial site. The Mumia walk off across the sand and then, one by one, the Priests stop their frenzied stabbing and stare off at the vanishing Mumia. As the last Mumia disappears over a distant dune, Imhotep nods, and the Priests leap onto Anck-su-namun's grave and begin digging it back up with their hands. EXT. SAHARA DESERT - NIGHT CHARIOTS race out into the moonlit desert. Imhotep leads the way. A "hearse" carries Anck-su-namun's mummy. THE MAP OF ANCIENT EGYPT FADES UP. The chariots race across the map. IMHOTEP But there was another book, The Book Of The Dead, which was never to-be opened, never to be read, for it contained the incantations that could bring a dead body back to life a most unholy thing. The chariots arrive at a place marked on the map in hieratic. They race up the stone ramp and in through the city gates. SUPERIMPOSED across the SCREEN are the WORDS: HAMUNAPTRA - City of the Dead IMHOTEP (CONT'D) It was hidden at Hamunaptra, City of the Dead, inside the statue of Anubis, so that no such sacrilege might ever disgrace Egypt. EXT. HAMUNAPTRA - ANUBIS SITE - NIGHT Imhotep pulls an ORNATE CHEST out of a SECRET COMPARTMENT inside the giant STATUE OF ANUBIS. He opens the chest and lifts out THE BOOK OF THE DEAD, made of black stone. IMHOTEP But for my love of Anck-su-namun I was willing to defy the gods. INT- UNDERGROUND NECROPOLIS - NIGHT Big hairy RATS scurry through the mausoleums and over the headstones of this very large, scary, UNDERGROUND CEMETERY. A DETRITUS MOAT surrounds the cemetery, --muck made out of filthy water and human remains. Skulls bob in the goop. The Priests have gathered in a circle. Their hooded, lifeless eyes seem dead to this world. Their bald heads rock back and forth as they CHANT, a quiet eerie HUM. Heinous creatures. In the middle of the circle is a strange, twisted ALTAR. Imhotep has unwrapped Anck-su-namun's gorgeous, lifeless body and placed her five sacred canopic jars around her. IMHOTEP Anck-su-namun's vital organs were still fresh, so a human sacrifice would not need be made As Imhotep begins to read from The Book of The Dead, a large SWIRLING HOLE starts to open in the detritus bog. Several Priests look over at it, frightened, then quickly look back down and resume CHANTING. A strange MIST wafts up out of the swirling hole and over to the jars, it passes through them and into Anck-su-namun's body. One of the jars SHUDDERS, the heart inside begins to BEAT. The CHANTING PRIESTS, SWIRLING HOLE, WAFTING MIST, BEATING HEART and IMHOTEP'S READINGS are reaching a crescendo. Anck-su-namun's EYES suddenly FLY OPEN. IMHOTEP (CONT'D) Anck-su-namun soul had come back from the dead! Now all that was needed, was to return her organs to their rightful place within her body. Imhotep lifts a sacrificial knife above Anck-su-namun's breast, about to plunge it down. The CHANTING, SWIRLING and BEATING heart CLIMAX. And that's when the Mumia BURST IN and storm through the startled Priests. The HEAD MUMIA SMASHES the jar with the beating heart. The MIST instantly sucks back out of Anck-su-namun's body and IMPLODES back into the swirling hole. Anck-su-namun's eyes close. Dying once again. Imhotep SCREAMS in rage. The Mumia grab him and his Priests. IMHOTEP (CONT'D) My Priests were condemned to be mummified alive. INT. EMBALMER'S CHAMBER (necropolis re-vamp) - NIGHT Inside a TORCH-LIT CHAMBER, Imhotep is held by Anubis-headed EMBALMERS. He cringes at the flickering, impressionistic glimpses of his Priests being embalmed and mummified alive. The horrid-looking Embalmers, using knives, needles and thread, calmly perform their ghastly surgery on the SCREAMING Priests, who are going insane from the procedure. A red hot POKER is pulled out of a pit of burning coals. A Priest's head is wedged between two strong boards. His eyes widen in terror as an Embalmer moves to insert the red hot poker up his nose. But just before he does, WE QUICKLY CUT TO IMHOTEP'S FACE, horrified, as OFF CAMERA, the Priest SCREAMS. WE GO WIDE on the chamber. All twenty-one of Imhotep's Priests squirm inside their wrappings. Imhotep is forced to his knees. His arms are held back. His mouth is pried open. IMHOTEP (CONT'D) As for me, I was condemned to endure the HOM-DAI. The worst of all ancient curses. One so horrible, it had never before been bestowed. Using a pair of tongs, an Embalmer slowly pulls Imhotep's TONGUE out of his mouth, then places a very sharp knife on top of it. WE-GO TIGHT on IMHOTEP'S EYES as his tongue is apparently cut out. The Embalmer flings Imhotep's tongue onto the floor. The Mumia's dogs attack and quickly eat it. Imhotep is WRAPPED. Only his mouth, nostrils and fear-filled eyes are left free of the slimy bandages. Detritus muck boils inside a black cauldron. Embalmers scoop out the fetid muck and apply it to Imhotep's wrappings as he squirms. He's then laid in a wooden COFFIN inside a stone SARCOPHAGUS. An Embalmer with a BUCKET steps up and looks into the coffin. Imhotep's wild eyes stare back. The Embalmer empties the bucket over Imhotep's chest: dozens of SCARABS, disgusting dung beetles. They scurry across Imhotep's SCREAMING face. Some vanish into his tongue-less mouth and up his nostrils. INHOTEP By eating the sacred scarabs, I would be cursed to stay alive forever. And by eating me, they were cursed just the same. The lid to the coffin is SLAMMED SHUT. Then, using a strange four-sided KEY, the Head Mumia locks the coffin lid tight. The heavy sarcophagus lid is shoved into place and with a loud WHOOSH seals itself airtight. Once again, the Head Mumia uses the strange key, locking the sarcophagus lid tight. IMHOTEP I was to remain sealed inside my sarcophagus, the undead for all of eternity. The blue-skinned, strangely tattooed man carefully collapses the sides of the key, --turning it into a little puzzle BOX. INHOTEP They would never allow me to be released. For I would arise a walking disease, a plague upon mankind, an unholy flesh-eater, with the strength of ages, power over the sands, and the glory of invincibility. Imhotep's sarcophagus is dropped into a DETRITUS PIT. The disgusting muck SPLASHES up, drools down it's sides, and then is mysteriously sucked into it's seams, vanishing clean. INHOTEP (CONT'D) And if I could raise my beloved Anck-su-namun from her place in hell, together, we would be an unstoppable infection upon this world. The Apocalypse. The End. Imhotep's horrifying tongue-less SCREAMS can be heard coming from inside his sarcophagus as grave diggers shovel dirt onto it. THE MAIN TITLE IS SUPERIMPOSED ON THE SCREAM: THE MUMMY. The heavily armed Mumia stand guard around Imhotep's grave. Looking down on the burial site is the huge statue of ANUBIS, the jackal-headed god of death. It stares at us. Then begins to DECAY before our very eyes, aging 4,159 years in only seconds. And then we find ourselves and the decrepit, half-buried statue of Anubis out in the middle of the desert. EXT. SAHARA - HAMANAPTRA RUINS (1925) - DAY Imhotep's horrifying SCREAMS become the SCREAMS of a TUAREG HORSEMAN. Racing across the desert with two thousand of his warrior brethren. Armed to the teeth. SUPERIMPOSED across the SCREEN are the WORDS: TEE SARKRA - 1925 A mile across the scorching desert TWO HUNDRED FRENCH FOREIGN LEGIONNAIRES scurry through the ruins, preparing for the onslaught. OUR HERO is up on the wall. His Kepi sits at a jaunty angle. Dashing and handsome. This is RICK O'CONNELL. He looks out at the massive SCREAMING horde galloping at him. O'CONNELL I knew this was gonna be a lousy day. A doughy little Frenchman joins him as he makes his way across the top of the wall. This is BENI. BENI Personally, I would like to surrender. Why can we not just surrender? O'CONNELL Shut-up and gimme your bandolier. Beni pulls off his cartridge belt. Hands it to O'Connell. BENI Then let's run away. Right now. While we can still make it. O'Connell throws it on, crisscrossing his own bandolier. O'CONNELL Now gimme your revolver, you'll never use it anyway. Beni pulls out his pistol and chucks it to O'Connell BENI Then let's play dead, huh? Nobody ever does that anymore. O'Connell slides it into his belt, next to his own revolver O'CONNELL Now go find me a big stick. BENI In the desert? What for? O'Connell turns and goes nose-to-nose with him. O'CONNELL So I can tie it to your back, you appear to be without a spine. The horde of warriors THUNDERS forward. Now a half mile out. Scimitars RATTLING. O'Connell and Beni run through the ruins. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) How'd a guy like you end up in the Legion anyways? BENI I got caught robbing a synagogue. Lots of good stuff in them holy places; churches, temples, mosques, and who's guarding them? O'CONNELL Altar boys? BENI Exactly! I speak seven languages, including Hebrew, so my specialty was synagogues. How about you? Kill somebody? Beni trips and accidentally tackles O'Connell to the ground. O'Connell gives him a nasty look. O'CONNELL No, but I'm considering it. They get up and run out the gate and down the stone ramp BENI What then? Robbery? Extortion? Kidnapping! O'CONNELL None of the above, thank you BENI Then what the hell are you doing here!? They both skid to a stop at the front line as they see the horde of warriors.-The SOUND of CHARGING HORSES is deafening. O'Connell gives Beni a big cheesy smile. O'CONNELL I was just looking for a good time. And that's when the cowardly Legionnaire Colonel suddenly panics, cuts and runs. O'Connell instantly stiffens. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) Oh shit Steady! Gives the men around him courage. But onward comes the horde Hoofs pounding the sand. Several more Legionnaires take off. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) STEADY! (to himself) What the hell am I sayin'? The Tuaregs let loose with those horrifying oooo-loo-loog SCREAMS. More Legionnaires haul-ass. Beni is one of them. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) STEADY!! (to himself) What the hell am I doin'? The Tuaregs set their rifles and take aim. O'Connell steels himself, cocks and locks. The cartridge in his mouth suddenly snaps, he spits it into the sand. Another BEAT. And then-- O'CONNELL (CONT'D) FIRE! The Legionnaires on the ground FIRE. The rifles report with a CRASH. The BLAST blows dozens of Tuaregs clean off their mounts. The prone Legionnaires quickly begin to reload. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) FIRE! The kneeling Legionnaires FIRE. More Tuaregs bite the sand. The remaining warriors OPEN FIRE. THUNDER and SMOKE rip the hot air. A third of the Legionnaires are killed instantly. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) FIRE! The remaining standing Legionnaires FIRE. Tuaregs spin off their mounts. Crash to the sand. And then the entire Tuareg force plows into the ruins and through the Legionnaires. O'Connell grabs the barrel of his rifle and starts CLUBBING riders off their steeds, fighting like a man possessed. Beni on the other hand, is bellycrawling across the sand, whimpering in full retreat as Legionnaires fall dead all around him. He crawls through the front gate. O'Connell throws his rifle down and goes for his guns. He cross-draws, gun in each hand, starts blowing riders off their mounts. Beni crawls faster, and then he spots an open TEMPLE DOORWAY amongst the rocks. He gets up and sprints for the door as the last of the Legionnaires are shot off their feet behind him. O'Connell's guns go empty. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) Son-of-a-bitch. He turns and runs like hell, right through the front gate. Four Tuareg warriors on massive Arabians haul-ass after him. O'Connell hurdles a stone column, hits the ground running. He spots Beni inside the Temple doorway, trying to close the heavy sandstone door. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) Hey! Beni! Wait up! Beni has no intention of waiting up, he pushes harder. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) What are ya doing?! Wait up! O'Connell runs faster. Beni pushes harder. The four Horsemen LEAP the big column and CHARGE after him. HOOFS POUNDING. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) Don't you close that door! DON'T YOU CLOSE THAT DOOR! Beni closes the door just as O'Connell reaches it. O'Connell SLAMS his body into the door. It doesn't budge O'CONNELL (CONT'D) I'm gonna get you for this! He turns and bolts off around the rocks. Running for his life, weaving through the ruins. The Arabians getting closer and closer. The POUNDING hoofs getting LOUDER and LOUDER. O'Connell finally spins around and faces his attackers. The four massive horses crash to a stop in front of him. The vicious Tuaregs raise their rifles to finish him off. O'Connell just stands there, exhausted and beaten, then he slowly lifts his right hand and gives them the bird. And that's when the horses go ape-shit. All four of them REAR UP. Two of the Riders are THROWN to the ground. The horses SCREECH and BELLOW and SNORT in fear, then buck like fury and haul-ass away as if the devil himself had scared them. The thrown Riders get up and race off after their mounts. O'Connell just stands there, stunned, then he lifts his right hand and checks out his middle finger. And then he feels the evil himself, and turns around. --The shattered, decrepit statue of Anubis stares back at him. Suddenly, the sand begins to shift under O'Connell's feet. He starts to back away, keeping his eyes on the transforming sand, it looks like huge snakes are wiggling and writhing beneath it, forming lines and shapes --drawing a picture. O'Connell quickly turns and runs off through the ruins. The sand stops moving, and we can now see that, drawn in the sand, is a picture of IMHOTEP'S SCREAMING FACE. EXT. RIDGE - DAY Up on a ridge, A GROUP OF RIDERS watch O'Connell stumble clear of the decrepit city. O'Connell feels their presence and looks up. Very different from the Tuaregs, they have BLUE TINTED SKIN and faces covered in strange PUZZLE-TATTOOS. The Mumia. Still watching Imhotep's grave after all this time. The MUMIA LEADER is a huge, fierce Man in black robes, with dual scimitars across his waist. His face is both handsome and horrible, blue and tattooed. Meet ARDETH BAY. His dark eyes watch O'Connell stagger off into the open desert... EXT. CAIRO - DAY Cairo, a city so old the stars have actually changed their positions in the sky since it's birth. A city teeming with every form of life. A strange, mysterious, wonderful city. WE SUPERIMPOSE it's name across the SCREEN: CAIRO INT. CAIRO MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES - DAY Deep in the bowels of the museum lie the STACKS. Rows upon rows of towering bookshelves. Filled with literature on the Antiquities. Standing at the top of a tall ladder between two of these rows and leaning against one of the bookshelves, is a rather uninteresting British GIRL: eye-glasses, hair-in-a bun, long boring dress, your typical prudish nightmare. This is EVELYN CARNARVON. We're going to fall in love with her. Evelyn pulls a book out from a stack under her arm, blows the dust off it, then places it on a shelf with other books whose titles all begin with the letter "O". Then she grabs another book out from under her arm and reads the title. EVELYN Tuthmosis? .... Now how did you get up here? Carefully, so as not to lose her balance, she looks over her shoulder to the bookshelf behind her, where all the titles begin with the letter 'T'. Then she looks down. It's a long way to the bottom. Evelyn gently sets the other books down on the top shelf, then turns and gingerly starts to reach across the aisle with the Tuthmosis book. It's a little too far, so she stretches, reaching, holding the top of the ladder with her fingertips, she's almost got it, closer now closer. And that's when the ladder pulls away from the shelf. Evelyn YELPS, flings the Tuthmosis book and grabs the top of the ladder, which stands straight up. Evelyn holds her breath, swaying precariously, a long BEAT, and then she loses her balance, the ladder swings around and Evelyn starts stiltwalking down the aisle. EVELYN (CONT'D) OHEIUGM! ! AHHHHHH! The ladder crosses the aisle, does an about face and heads back the way it came. Evelyn clings to the top, struggling for balance. The ladder teeters out into the main aisle and picks up speed. Evelyn SCREAMS as it does a 180, spins into another aisle and finally crashes to a stop at the top of a bookshelf. Evelyn holds her breath, then SIGHS HEAVILY. And that's when the bookshelf falls away from her and CRASHES into the next bookshelf. Evelyn slides down the ladder and plops to the floor. She looks up just as the domino effect kicks-in: each bookshelf crashing into the next. And onward it goes. Bookshelf after bookshelf. Thousands of volumes flinging off shelves and scattering across the floor. It finally ends as the last shelf CRASHES into a wall. Evelyn's eyes are closed. She opens one eye. Looks left. Then right. Then opens the other eye and stares at the huge mess. EVELYN (CONT'D) Oops. The Egyptian CURATOR storms in. CURATOR Look at this! Sons of the Messiah! Give me frogs, flies, locusts, Anything but this! Compared to you, the other plagues were a joy! Evelyn quickly gets up and starts gathering books. EVELYN I'm sorry, it was an accident. CURATOR When Ramesses destroyed Syria, it was an accident. You are a catastrophe! Why do I put up with you? Evelyn turns to him, trying to contain herself. EVELYN You put up with me, because I can read and write ancient Egyptian, decipher hieroglyphs and hieratic, and I'm the only person within a thousand miles who knows how to properly code and catalogue this library. CURATOR Who needs smart women? I put up with you because your mother and father were our finest patrons, Allah rest their souls. Now straighten up this mess! The Curator storms out. Evelyn just stands there, steaming. And then she hears a NOISE and quickly turns around. A BEAT. EVELYN Hello? Quiet. Eerie. And then she hears it again, like feet, slowly shuffling across the floor, coming from a nearby gallery. EVELYN (CONT'D) Abdul? Mohammed? Bob? Evelyn walks through the stacks and enters-- INT. THE RAMESSEUM Filled with treasures and plunder from the Middle Kingdom, it's very dark and quiet in here, the only LIGHT is from FLICKERING TORCHES at either end of the spooky gallery. The NOISE again! From the far side of the room. Feet, slowly shuffling, plodding across the floor. Evelyn grabs a torch. Looks around,-at a statue of Anubis, another of Horus, they stare down at Evelyn, who is starting to get scared now. She walks down the aisle. Past a closed sarcophagus. Past cases of ancient artifacts. Past another sarcophagus, --only this one is OPEN! Evelyn freezes, swallows hard, nervously looks around to see who could have opened it. Then she slowly leans forward with the torch, and peers inside. --A hideous rotted MUMMY sits up and SCREECHES at her! Evelyn SCREAMS, drops the torch and backs away, scared out of her wits. And then, coming from inside the sarcophagus, she hears a Man LAUGHING. Her eyes narrow as a foppish cad crawls out from behind the Mummy, laughing his ass off, half drunk. EVELYN You... ! YOU... ! JONATHAN Drunkard? Fool? Rat-bastard? Please call me something original. Meet JONATHAN CARNARVON. As he crawls out of the sarcophagus, Evelyn pulls a cigarette out of the mummy's mouth. EVELYN Have you no respect for the dead? JONATHAN Right now, I only wish to join them. He grins drunkenly. Evelyn punches him hard in the chest. EVELYN Well I wish you'd do it sooner rather than later, before you ruin my career the way you've ruined yours. JONATHAN My dear, sweet, baby sister, I'll have you know, that at this moment my career is on a high note. He BELCHES, then falls back and sits on the edge of a tomb. EVELYN High note? Ha! For five years you've been scrounging around Egypt, and what have you to show for it? Nothing. Jonathan excitedly starts scrounging around in his jacket. JONATHAN Oh yes I do! I have something right here! EVELYN Oh no, not another worthless trinket, Jonathan, if I bring one more piece of junk to the Curator to try and sell for you. Jonathan pulls out a small, ancient BOX; the collapsed KEY to Imhotep's sarcophagus and coffin. Evelyn is instantly curious, she grabs the box out of his hand. EVELYN (CONT'D) Where did you get this? Jonathan knows her weaknesses, gives her a mischievous smile. JONATHAN On a dig, down in Thebes. Evelyn rolls the box around in her hands, mumbling to herself as she translates the hieratics and hieroglyphs covering it. Jonathan licks his lips in anticipation. JONATHAN (CONT'D) My whole life I've never found anything, Evy Tell me I've found something. Evelyn's fingers play with the various little slats on the box, shifting them this way and that way, it's like a puzzle box. Then suddenly, it UNFOLDS ITSELF, almost-mechanically, turning itself into the KEY. Sitting inside the open key/box is a folded piece of GOLDEN PAPYRUS. An ANCIENT MAP. EVELYN Jonathan? JONATHAN Yes? EVELYN I think you found something. INT. CURATOR'S OFFICE - DAY The Curator sits at his desk, staring through a jeweler's eyepiece at the key/box. Evelyn hovers behind him, excited. EVELYN See the cartouche there, it's the official royal seal of Seti the First, I'm sure of it CURATOR Perhaps Jonathan leans in from across the desk. JONATHAN Two questions. Who the hell is Seti the First? And was he rich? EVELYN He was the last Pharaoh of the Old Kingdom, said to be the wealthiest Pharaoh of them all. JONATHAN Alright, good, that's good. I like this fellow, like him very much. The Curator picks up the MAP. It's actually the exact same map that we established in the opening scenes of the movie. EVELYN I've already dated it, this map is almost four thousand years old. And the hieratics over here.... (Inhales deeply) It's Hamunaptra. The Curator freezes, suddenly very nervous, then he recovers CURATOR My dear girl, don't be ridiculous, we are scholars, not treasure hunters. Hamunaptra is a myth. JONATHAN Are we talking about the Hamunaptra? EVELYN Yes. The City of The Dead. Where the early Pharaohs were said to have hidden the wealth of Egypt. JONATHAN Right, right, in a big underground treasure chamber. Everybody knows the story. The entire necropolis was rigged to sink into the sand. On Pharaoh's command, a flick of the switch! And the whole place could disappear beneath the dunes. EVELYN All we know is that the city mysteriously vanished around 2,134 B.C. The Curator holds the map closer to the burning CANDLE LAMP. CURATOR As the Americans would say: it's all fairy tales and hokum. The map 'accidentally,' CATCHES ON FIRE. The Curator throws it to the floor. Jonathan drops to his knees and quickly puts it out. Lifts it up. The left third of the map is now missing. JONATHM You burned it! You burned off the part with the lost city! CURATOR It's for the best, I'm sure. Many men have wasted their lives in the foolish pursuit of Hamunaptra, no one has ever found it, most have never returned. JONATHAN (DEVASTATED) You killed my map. CURATOR I'm sure it was a fake, anyway, I'm surprised at you, Miss Carnarvon, to be so fooled. The Curator reaches for the key/box. Evelyn quickly snatches it off the desk and gives him a very angry, suspicious look. EXT. CAIRO PRISON - GALLOWS COURTYARD - DAY Cairo prison. One of the worst hell holes on earth. Every low life form of scumbag can be found here. The WARDEN, a first rate scumbag himself, escorts Evelyn and Jonathan across the gallows courtyard. Evelyn whispers to Jonathan. EVELYN You told me you found it on a dig down in Thebes! JONATHAN I was mistaken. EVELYN Lied to me! JONATHM I lie to everybody, what makes you so special? EVELYN I'm your sister. JONATHAN That just makes you more gullible. EVELYN You stole it from a drunk at the local Casbah?! JONATHAN Picked his pocket, actually EXT. VISITORIS PEN - DAY The Warden ushers Evelyn and Jonathan into the holding pen. EVELYN And what is he in prison for? WARDEN I did not know, so when I heard you were coming, I asked him that myself. EVELYN And what did he say? WARDEN He said,....he was just looking for a good time. The interior cell door BURSTS OPEN. O'Connell is in chains, dragged by FOUR GUARDS, they shove him up to the cell bars. From the looks of it, he's been here awhile; his face is half hidden by long hair, a scraggly beard and many new bruises. Evelyn looks at him, disgusted by his appearance. EVELYN But he's just a filthy criminal? JONATHAN (CRINGING) Way to go, Evy. O'Connell gives Evelyn the once over, then looks at Jonathan. O'CONNELL So who's the broad? EVELYN Broad?! JONATHAN She's my sister, actually. O'CONNELL Yeah? Well...I'm sure she's not a total loss. Evelyn is stunned and furious. The Warden heads out the door. WARDEN I'll be back in a moment. O'CONNELL (SARCASTIC) I tremble with anticipation. A Guard CLUBS O'Connell across the head, O'Connell's face bounces off the metal bars. He shows no pain, but just looks back and gives the Guard a nasty look. Evelyn steps closer. EVELYN We uh,...found .... your puzzle box, and we've come to ask you about it. O'CONNELL No. EVELYN No? O'CONNELL No. ...You came to ask me about Hamunaptra. Evelyn and Jonathan quickly look around, hoping the guards didn't hear him. They step closer. Evelyn plays coy. EVELYN How do you know the box pertains to Hamunaptra? O'CONNELL Because that's where I found it. I was there. Evelyn is dumbstruck. But Jonathan looks suspicious JONATHAN How do we know that's not a load of pig swallow? O'Connell looks closer at Jonathan, a glint of recognition. O'CONNELL Hey...don't I know you? JONATHAN Um, well, you see.... O'Connell's FIST comes flying through the bars, hits Jonathan square in the jaw, DECKS HIM. He hits the floor. Out cold. A Guard CLUBS O'Connell. His head bounces off the bars again. He shows no pain, but gives the Guard another nasty look. Evelyn looks down at her brother, then back at O'Connell. EVELYN You were actually at Hamunaptra? O'CONNELL I just decked your brother EVELYN Yes, well, (shrugs) I know my brother. O'Connell almost smiles. There's a bit of spark to this girl. O'CONNELL Yeah, I was there. EVELYN You swear? O'CONNELL Every damn day EVELYN No, I mean-- O'CONNELL --I know what you mean. I was there, alright. Seti's place. The City Of The Dead. EVELYN What did you find? What did you see? O'CONNELL I found sand. I saw death. The warden enters. Evelyn quickly leans closer to O'Connell. EVELYN Could you tell me how to get there? The exact location? O'CONNELL Want to know? Evelyn leans in even closer EVELYN Yes. O'CONNELL Really want to know? She leans her face right up to the bars, nervous and excited. EVELYN Yes. O'Connell steps forward and KISSES her full on the lips. O'CONNELL Then get me the hell outta here. Evelyn is stunned. A Guard CLUBS him, his face bounces off the bars again, but before he can react the Guards GRAB him, YANK him away from the bars and DRAG him out of the room. EVELYN Where are they taking him? WARDEN To be hanged. Evelyn is shocked. The warden shows-off his green teeth WARDEN (CONT'D) Apparently, he had a very good time. EXT. GALLOWS COURTYARD - DAY Hundreds of filthy PRISONERS stare down onto the gallows as the hangman's noose is draped over O'Connell's head and cinched tight around his neck. Evelyn follows the warden onto a balcony above the gallows. The prisoners all go dead quiet at the sight of her; like jackals staring at fresh meat. WARDEN No women allowed. EVELYN I am an English woman. This seems to confuse the Warden, he shrugs and sits down. O'Connell looks up as Evelyn plops down beside the Warden EVELYN (CONT'D) I will give you one hundred pounds to spare his life. WARDEN I would pay one hundred pounds just to see him hang. EVELYN Two hundred pounds. WARDEN Proceed! EVELYN Three hundred pounds! O'Connell can hear every word, he looks hopeful. Other than Evelyn, you could hear a pin drop. The HANGMAN turns to him HANGMAN Any last requests, pig? O'CONNELL Yeah, I'd like ya to let me go. The Hangman grabs the lever to the trapdoor. EVELYN FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS! The Warden sets his greasy, lecherous hand on Evelyn's leg. WARDEN And what else? Evelyn is revolted, she quickly shoves his hand away. Insulted, the Warden angrily turns and gestures to the Hangman, who pulls the lever. The trapdoor DROPS AWAY. EVELYN NOOO! O'Connell DROPS through the hole. The rope pays-out. Then JERKS TAUGHT. O'Connell's body SNAPS at the end of the rope. But he's still alive, because-- WARDEN His neck did not break! Good! Now we watch him strangle to death. The prisoners go ape-shit, SCREAMING and SHOUTING in anger. The GUARDS look around, nervous. O'Connell struggles at the end of the rope, gagging. Evelyn is horrified, she quickly turns to the warden, leans forward and whispers in his ear. EVELYN He knows the location to Hamunaptra. The warden spins around and faces her WARDEN You lie. EVELYN I would never! At the end of the rope, O'Connell is choking and gagging and turning several shades of red. The Warden stares at Evelyn. WARDEN Are you saying this filthy godless son of a pig knows where to find The City Of The Dead? Truly? EVELYN Yes and if you cut him down, we will give you ten percent. WARDEN Fifty percent. EVELYN Twenty. WARDEN Forty. Evelyn hesitates, bites her lip. O'Connell's eyes bulge as he looks up at her, he can't believe this girl. O'CONNELL Give .... give him .... give him GLAAAA--! EVELYN Twenty-five percent, and not one single farthing more. The warden flashes a big green smile, then YELLS in Arabic A scimitar SLASHES the air. The rope is CUT. O'Connell CRASHES to the ground. Half dead. Rolls over. GAGGING. All of the prisoners BURST INTO CHEERS. O'Connell looks up at Evelyn. She smiles broadly and waves down at him. CURATOR'S OFFICE - NIGHT CANDLE LIGHT FLICKERS across the Curator's face. CURATOR She must die Standing in the shadows across from his desk are THREE MUMIA: blue tinted skin, hideous facial tattoos, --the works. One of the Mumia has a rusty metal HOOK for a hand. He shrugs. HOOK She is like all the others. She will die in the desert. CURATOR No! She has seen too much. She knows too much. The Curator leans across his desk, fear in his eyes. CURATOR (CONT'D) Not only does she have a map, but she has the key. Spooks the hell out of the Mumia guys. HOOK The key!? She has the lost key!? CURATOR Yes. No one has ever had so much, been so close. We must stop her, or it will be the end of us all. HOOK Then we will kill her, we will kill her and all those with her. CURATOR And burn the map and retrieve the key. HOOK It will be done. But what of the American expedition? They leave tomorrow as well. CURATOR Forget the bumbling Americans, they will be like all the others. without the map to guide them, how can they possibly find Hamunaptra? EXT. GIZA PORT - DAY SMASH CUT TO: our old traitorous friend BENI. BENI It is three days down the Nile, then two days by camel, sahibs. WE CRANE BACK: to reveal Beni standing on the bow of a PASSENGER BARGE. Surrounded by DANIELS, HENDERSON and BURNS, DANIELS For all the money we're paying you, something better god-damned well be under that sand. WE KEEP CRANING BACK: as Henderson slaps Daniels on the back. HENDERSON "Hamunaptra," Daniels, that's all ya gotta keep sayin, to yourself, "Hamunaptra." Now we see all of GIZA PORT: Team of explorers swarm the docks. Across the Nile, the PYRAMIDS spike the sky. Evelyn and Jonathan walk along the boardwalk besieged by HAWKERS selling everything from toy tombs to King Tut action figures. EVELYN Do you really think he'll show up? JONATHAN Undoubtedly, I know the breed, he may be a cowboy, but his word is his word. EVELYN Personally, I think he's filthy, rude and a complete scoundrel. I don't like him one bit. O'CONNELL (O.S.) Anyone I know? They both turn. O'Connell walks up; shaved, showered, spit and polished, with a new haircut and clothes. He looks more dashing and handsome than ever. Evelyn is suitably impressed. EVELYN Oh .... um,...hello. Jonathan grabs O'Connell's arm and shakes his hand. JONATHAN Smashing day for the start of an adventure, eh, O'Connell? O'Connell quickly checks his pockets. O'CONNELL Yeah, sure, smashing. He finds his wallet and relaxes. DIRECTLY ABOVE HIM: on the bow of the barge, Burns wipes his bifocals and turns to Beni. BURNS You're sure Hamunaptra is out there? BENI Along with the scorched bones of my entire garrison, sahib. And that's when Beni spots O'Connell. Beni shakes his head, as if seeing a mirage, then starts backing away from the men. BENI (CONT'D) A thousand pardons, my good sahibs but there is much work to be done. Beni quickly scurries off, vanishing down into the hold. BACK DOWN WITH: Evelyn, recovering, she clears her throat. EVELYN Mister O'Connell, can you look me in the eye, and guarantee me this is not some sort of flimflam? Because if it is, I'm warning you-- --O'Connell steps up close to Evelyn, invading her space looks her straight in the eye. Evelyn doesn't back away. O'CONNELL All I can tell you, miss, is that my Colonel found that map in an ancient fortress, and the whole damn garrison believed in it so much, that without orders, we marched halfway across Libya and into Egypt to find that city. Like I told ya, all I saw was sand. Everybody else was wiped-out by Tuareg warriors. I'll take your bags. O'Connell takes her bags and heads up the gangplank and onto THE SAME PASSENGER BARGE THAT BENI AND THE AMERICANS ARE ON. Evelyn's eyes follow him, a bit wistfully. Jonathan sees it. JONATHAN Yes, yes, you're right, filthy, rude, a complete scoundrel, nothing to like there at all. Evelyn gives him a look. Jonathan just grins. And that's when the warden suddenly brushes past, tipping his raggedy hat. WARDEN A bright good morning to all. EVELYN What are you doing here? WARDEN I have come to protect my investment, thank you very much. And up the plank he goes. Evelyn and Jonathan share a look. WE GO WIDE AGAIN: as the barge pulls out and heads down the Nile. WE TILT UP: to the SUN, which then DISSOLVES into-- EXT. RIVER NILE - NIGHT --The MOON, shining down on the desert. The THREE VICIOUS MUMIA quietly glide a narrow skiff out onto the river. The one with the hook sits in the middle of the skiff, the other two row, heading for the PASSENGER BARGE coming their way. EXT. THE BAR AT THE BOW - NIGHT Jonathan and the three Americans are playing poker. O'Connell comes out a door carrying a GUNNY-SACK. JONATHAN Sit down, O'Connell, sit down, we could use another good player. O'CONNELL I only gamble with my life, never my money. DANIELS Never? What if I were to wager five hundred dollars says we get to Hamunaptra before you? O'Connell returns Daniel's cocky look. O'CONNELL Yer on. Burns slips on his dirty bifocals. BURNS What makes you so confident, sir? O'CONNELL What makes you? Henderson spits a wad of chew into a spittoon. HENDERSON We got us a man who's actually been there. O'Connell's poker face drops, perplexed. Same with Jonathan JONATHAN I say, what a coincidence, why-- O'Connell 'accidentally' hits him in the ribs with the gunny sack, shutting him up. Jonathan quickly covers. JONATHAN (CONT'D) --whose deal is it? Is it my deal? I thought I just dealt? EXT. BARGE - NIGHT Evelyn sits on a table, staring out over the passing river. The gunny-sack DROPS onto the table, startling her. O'CONNELL Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya ELVELYN The only thing that scares me, Mister O'Connell, are your manners, O'CONNELL Still angry that I kissed ya, huh? EVELYN If you call that a kiss. O'Connell reaches into the gunny-sack and starts pulling out revolvers, pistols, hunting knives, a massive elephant gun, and a half dozen carefully wrapped sticks of dynamite. EVELYN (CONT'D) Did I miss something? Are we going into battle? O'CONNELL The last time I was at that place everybody I was with died. This takes the smile off Evelyn's face. O'Connell starts dismantling and cleaning the guns. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) There's something out there, you know, something under that sand. EVELYN Yes, I'm hoping to find a certain artifact, a book, actually, my brother thinks there's treasure. What do you think is out there? O'Connell looks into Evelyn's eyes. O'CONNELL Evil. The Tuaregs and the Bedouin believe that Hamunaptra is cursed, they call it, "the doorway to hell". EVELYN Ahmar is Ossirion. "Passageway to the underworld", actually. She gives him a know-it-all grin. EVELYN (CONT'D) I don't believe in fairy tales and hokum, Mister 0'Connell, but I do believe that one of the most famous books in history is buried out there, The Book Of The Living It's what first interested me in Egypt as a child. It's why I came here, sort of a life's pursuit. O'CONNELL And the fact that they say it's made out of pure gold, makes no nevermind to you, right? Evelyn is surprised by his knowledge. EVELYN You know your history. O'CONNELL I know my treasure. Evelyn gets up to go, then she hesitates, nervous, she turns back to O'Connell, and as matter-of-fact as possible says: EVELYN By the way, ...why did you kiss me? O'Connell, cleaning his guns, just shrugs his shoulders O'CONNELL I was about to be hanged, seemed like a good idea at the time. Evelyn's eyes widen, furious, she turns and storms off. O'Connell looks up, watching her leave, a bit perplexed O'CONNELL (CONT'D) What? .... Wha'd I say? Then he hears someone SNICKERING under the table. He quickly reaches down, grabs that someone and lifts him up. It's Beni. BENI My very good friend! What a surprise O'CONNELL Why if it ain't my little buddy, Beni. I outta kill you. O'Connell sticks a knife under Beni's throat. Beni swallows hard, then tries to weasel his way out with a big grin. BENI You never were any good with the ladies, O'Connell. O'CONNELL So you're the one leading the Americans, I shoulda figured. So what's the scam? You get 'em out in the middle of the desert then leave 'em to rot? BENI Unfortunately no, these Americans are smart, they pay me only half now, half when I get them back to Cairo, so I must go all the way. O'Connell pulls the knife away. Beni relaxes, rubs his neck. BENI (CONT'D) You never believed in Hamunaptra, O'Connell. Why are you going back? The devil himself lives out there. They look as they hear Evelyn YELP. A single CAMEL in the HORSE PADDOCK takes another bite at her. She YELPS again and backs away. O'Connell grins as Evelyn flees down the deck. O'CONNELL The girl saved my life, figured it was the least I could do, keep her out of trouble. BENI You always did have more balls than brains. O'Connell's eyes narrow at the insult, he looks back at Beni O'CONNELL Let's make us even, shall we? BENI Even? O'Connell grabs him and chucks him over the side of the barge. Beni SPLASHES into the river. O'Connell takes his gunny-sack and starts walking off down the deck. BENI(O.S) (CONT'D) O'Connell! I am going to kill you for this! O'CONNELL Sounds familiar. And that's when he spots THREE SETS OF WET FOOTPRINTS, coming up over the railing from the river and heading down the deck. O'Connell quickly looks around, immediately on the alert. INT. EVELYN'S CABIN - NIGHT Evelyn, wearing a nightgown, stands in front of a mirror. She gives her head a good shake, letting her hair fall loose over her bare shoulders. Then she turns around, RIGHT THERE IS ONE OF THE HIDEOUS MUMIA! It's Hook. He slams his hand over her mouth and lifts up his hook, ready to strike. HOOK Where is the map? Evelyn's terrified eyes glance down. Hook looks over, sees the map lying next to a flickering candle on a nearby table, HOOK (CONT'D) And the key? Where is the key? Evelyn's eyes look confused. She shakes her head. Hook grins, HOOK (CONT'D) Then I'll find it myself. He cocks his hook, about to kill her. And that's when the door is KICKED OPEN. O'Connell BURSTS IN, gun in each hand. Hook spins Evelyn around and holds her out in front of him. O'Connell looks at her. O'CONNELL Friend of yours? Evelyn's eyes widen. And that's when the candle on the table FLICKERS. Everything happens at once. READ FAST: O'Connell spins around just as a window BURSTS OPEN. A Mumia leans in. FIRES A GUN. Woodchips BLAST OFF the wall next to O'Connell's head. He returns FIRE. Kills the Mumia. The Mumia falls back. FIRING BLINDLY. A LANTERN in the room is BLASTED. Kerosene SPLASHES across the wall. BURSTS INTO FLAMES. Evelyn grabs the candle on the table and JAMS IT back over her shoulder, right into Hook's EYE. He SCREECHES in pain and lets her go. O'Connell grabs her and YANKS her out of the FLAMING ROOM. HALLWAY - NIGHT O'Connell pulls Evelyn down the hall, she tries to jerk free. EVELYN The map! We need the map! He shoves her up against a wall. O'CONNELL Relax! I'm the map! (taps his forehead) It's all up here. EVELYN Oh that's comforting. O'Connell gives her a look, then pulls her forward O'CONNELL C'mon, there's still one more of those guys around here somewhere. EVELYN'S FLAMING ROOM - NIGHT Hot melted wax covers Hook's face as he holds his sore eye and struggles to the door. Then he notices the key/box on the floor. He bends over to pick it up. And that's when the door is KICKED OPEN again, it hits him in the ass and knocks him into the fire. Jonathan leans in. Sees nothing but flames. JONATHAN EVY!! Then he sees the key/box on the floor and picks it up, A HAND suddenly snatches the key/box away from him. JONATHAN (CONT'D) Hey that's mine--- it's Hook. His backside is now ON FIRE. He lifts his pistol. Jonathan quickly backpedals out the door as Hook OPENS FIRE. EXT. CAMEL PADDOCK - NIGHT O'Connell and Evelyn race out onto the deck near the horse paddock. People are SCREAMING and SHOUTING, lots of panic. BLAM! A chunk of the wall is BLOWN OFF next to Evelyn's head. O'Connell pivots and FIRES BACK. It's the last Mumia, on the other side of the paddock. He and O'Connell exchange GUNFIRE. Another LANTERN BURSTS INTO FLAMES. O'Connell SHOOTS OFF the paddock lock. The horses go nuts. O'Connell FIRES over their heads. They CHARGE FORWARD and CRASH through the door. The Mumia SCREAMS as the horses STAMPEDE over him. FLAMES sweep up the walls and race across the roof. Half the barge is now ON FIRE. O'Connell throws the gunny-sack over his shoulder. O'CONNELL Can you swim? EVELYN Well of course I can swim, if the occasion calls for it. O'CONNELL Trust me, He picks her up and throws her over the side O'CONNELL (CONT'D) The occasion calls for it. Evelyn SPLASHES into the water. O'Connell dives in after her. EXT. BARGE BOW - NIGHT Jonathan runs out onto the bow, sees the three Americans, guns in every hand, fanning their pistols, SHOOTING everything in sight. Jonathan just shakes his head. JONATHAN Americans. Hook suddenly stumbles up behind him --now a FLAMING TORCH. Jonathan turns around, Hook grabs him by the throat with his FLAMING ARM and pins him to the cabin wall. Jonathan's eyes widen as he sees a hook rising up inside the FLAMES about to strike him. The Americans pivot and OPEN FIRE. Blow Hook over the railing. Jonathan turns to the Americans and smiles. JONATHAN (CONT'D) I say! Good show! Then he points his thumb at himself JONATHAN (CONT'D) And did I panic? He lifts up his other hand --he has the key/box back. JONATHAN (CONT'D) I think not. And that's when the horses STAMPEDE onto the bow. Jonathan dives over one side, the three Americans dive over the other. NILE RIVERBANK - NIGHT O'Connell, Evelyn, Jonathan and the Warden wade out of the water. Evelyn's nightgown clings tight to her body as she wrings it out. She looks good. O'Connell notices. Everybody else, including the horses, is getting out on the far shore O'Connell spots Beni running up to the Americans. BENI Hey O'Connell! Looks to me like I got all the horses! O'CONNELL Hey Beni! Looks to me like you're on the wrong side of the river! Beni looks up at the stars, then angrily KICKS the sand CURSING. The FLAMING barge drifts off, slowly sinking... BEDOUIN TRADING POST - DAY O'Connell barters in ARABIC with a CAMEL TRADER at a trading post. Jonathan forks over some cash. The Trader hands them the reins of four ugly old camels. JONATHAN I can't believe the price of these fleabags. O'CONNELL We coulda had 'em for free, all we had to do was give 'em your sister. JONATHAN Yes, awfully tempting, wasn't it? O'CONNELL Awfully. And that's when Evelyn steps out of a trading tent. She's changed into a gorgeous, tightly fitted, Bedouin dress. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) Then again.... SAHARA DESERT SAND DUNES - DAY O'Connell, Evelyn, Jonathan and the warden are on camels in the middle of the frying pan; the endless, sunbaked Sahara. JONATHAN Never did like camels. Filthy buggers. They smell, they bite, they spit. Disgusting. The warden savagely attacks a chicken wing with his vile green teeth. Flies buzz around his head. He sucks at his gums, then spits out some gristle. O'Connell watches him. O'CONNELL Yeah, disgusting. Evelyn is having the time of her life on top of her camel. EVELYN Well I think they're cute. WE DO SEVERAL TIME DISSOLVES: showing the majesty of the desert, and our heroes getting deeper and deeper into it. FRYING PAN - NIGHT The MOON shines down an four lone camel rider's trekking across the vast wasteland. Jonathan is sound asleep, his head bobbing comically to the rhythm of his camel. On the camel next to him, the Warden SNORES LOUDLY. Up in front of them, Evelyn slowly starts to slide off her saddle. O'Connell reaches over and stops her, then gently pushes her back up onto her saddle, never waking her. For a long moment, his eyes watch Evelyn, and then he looks up at a distant ridge-- --where Ardeth Bay and a group of MUMIA RIDERS are pacing them. EXT. GIANT SAND DUNE - ENDLESS HORIZON - DAY The dawning sun hasn't yet crested the distant horizon as Jonathan and the Warden ride alongside a giant sand dune. JONATHAN And you snore! WARDEN I do not snore! JONATHAN All night you snored! WARDEN I have never snored! Up in front of them, O'Connell looks at Evelyn. O'CONNELL We're almost there. EVELYN Are you sure? O'Connell looks down at the ground. O'CONNELL Pretty sure. The others look down and see DOZENS OF SKELETONS sticking out of the ground. Bleached and eaten away. Some of the skeletons look like they're trying to crawl up out of the desert floor. JONATHAN What in bloody hell is this? The Warden shivers in fear. WARDEN Other seekers of Hamunaptra. The American Expedition rides out from behind the far end of the dune. The Americans are accompanied by TWO DOZEN NATIVE DIGGERS and an Arab EGYPTOLOGIST. Beni rides lead on a camel, the rest ride horses. BENI Good morning, my friend! O'Connell just nods. The two parties come to a stop a hundred feet apart. O'Connell turns and stares out across the endless horizon. Beni does likewise. The Americans look puzzled. DANIELS Well, what the hell we doin'? BENI Patience, my good sahib, patience. Henderson looks over at O'Connell. HENDERSON First one to the city, O'Connell! Five hundred! Cash bucks! O'Connell and Beni just stare out at the flat nothingness. Evelyn and Jonathan share a look. And then, the SUN starts to rise in the distance, breaking the flat horizon. O'CONNELL Get ready. Evelyn can feel the suspense and the majesty of the moment. EVELYN For what? O'CONNELL we're about to be shown the way. Far off to the right, a HUGE SHAPE begins to rise with the sun. A VOLCANO. O'Connell and Beni watch it, expressionless. Daniels, Henderson and Burns share a look, and then-- DANIELS/HENDERSON/BURNS HEYA! The Americans take off. Racing towards the rising volcano. DANIELS SEE YA THERE, O'CONNELL! Evelyn and Jonathan give O'Connell anxious, sarcastic looks. JONATHAN Ah, begging your pardon, but shouldn't we be going? EVELYN After all, you rode us night and day to win that bet. O'Connell doesn't say a word, staring hard. Beni watches the Americans and spits into the sand. BENI Fools. And then suddenly, the volcano SHIFTS ACROSS THE HORIZON. Passing across the sun as it goes. --It's a MIRAGE. The Americans crash their horses to a stop and race the other way, after the volcano. Evelyn and Jonathan smile, amazed. The volcano SHIFTS AGAIN, floating across the watery horizon. The Americans crash to a stop again and chase after the volcano. All three of them confused and CURSING. O'Connell and Beni just stare, waiting. The volcano SHIFTS AGAIN. And the Americans crash to a stop again. Burns is THROWN from his horse. Henderson angrily rips his hat off and chucks it to the ground. Daniels just curses as they give up the chase. The volcano comes to a stop on the far left of the horizon. The Americans are on the far right. Nothing moves. A BEAT. And then O'Connell grins. So does Beni. They share a look. And then SWAT their camels and RACE AWAY. Everybody else hauls-ass after them. O'Connell and Beni are neck-and-neck. And then Evelyn comes galloping up, hair flying in the wind. Beni takes out his camel whip and starts WHIPPING O'Connell. Trying to knock him off his camel. Once. CRACK! Twice. CRACK! But on the third try O'Connell grabs the whip and JERKS Beni off his camel. Beni SLAMS to the ground and TUMBLES. Evelyn and O'Connell race across the desert. Evelyn has never felt so alive. She LAUGHS. O'Connell grins; he likes this girl. Beni stumbles to his feet, then quickly dances out of the way as Jonathan and all the other riders stampede past him. Evelyn beats O'Connell to the stone ramp, racing hard. O'CONNELL Evelyn! Slow down! Evelyn ignores him as she races up the ramp towards the gate. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) SLOW DOWN, EVELYN! SLOW DOWN! THERE'S A REALLY BIG-- INT. HAMUNAPTRA - DAY --Evelyn goes ass-over-teacups through the air and crash lands in a sand dune. She sits up, stunned, sandy hair in her eyes. O'Connell stops at the edge of the ramp next to her camel. O'CONNELL Never mind. The Americans ride up and look in wonder at the ruins inside the volcano. O'Connell gives them a big, shit-eating grin. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) You boys owe me five hundred dollars. EXT. HAMUNAPTRA - DAY Under the guidance of the Egyptologist, the Diggers are busy hauling rock and dirt out of the Temple doorway. The three Americans are playing poker. Beni smokes a hookah and swats flies. Dozens of stray CAMELS roam the decrepit city; dusty backpacks and old saddlebags still slung over their humps. DANIELS Where'd all these camels come from? BENI They belong to the dead. They will wait years for their masters to return before leaving. EXT. OUR HEROES DIG - DAY O'Connell, Evelyn, Jonathan and the Warden are working next to a narrow CREVICE, which weaves it's way through the ruins. O'Connell ties a rope around a pillar and throws the rest of the coils into the crevice, about to rappel down. Jonathan bends over to have a look, his ass hits something, he YELPS and backs away. It's the decrepit FACE OF ANUBIS. JONATHAN That thing gives me the creeps. O'CONNELL Be nice. That thing saved my life. Evelyn is positioning ancient MIRRORS along the crevice. EVELYN That "thing" gets me excited O'CONNELL (sarcastic) The things that get you excited. EVELYN According to Bembridge Scholars, inside the statue of Anubis was a secret compartment, perhaps containing The Book Of The Living. O'CONNELL What are those mirrors for? EVELYN Ancient Egyptian trick. You'll see. O'Connell shrugs, then rappels down into the crevice INT. EMBALMER'S CHAMBER - DAY O'Connell waves a TORCH as Jonathan, Evelyn and the warden drop down next to him. Evelyn peers into the spooky darkness. EVELYN Do you realize, we are standing inside a room that no one has entered in over four thousand years. WARDEN Who cares? I don't see no treasure. O'CONNELL You're welcome to my share of the spider webs. JONATHAN And it stinks to high heaven in here. Evelyn just rolls her eyes. EVELYN Cretins. Jonathan sniffs the foul air, then he looks at the warden and realizes where the smell is coming from. He stops sniffing. Evelyn brushes COBWEBS away from a METAL DISK on the wall, then repositions it on it's pedestal, aiming it at a RAY OF LIGHT shining in from the outer mirrors --THE RAY OF LIGHT HITS THE DISK AND QUICKLY SHOOTS AROUND THE ROOM FROM ONE DISK TO ANOTHER UNTIL THE WHOLE CHAMBER IS LIT UP. LIGHT RAYS SHOOT OFF DOWN THE PASSAGEWAYS. It's the embalmer's chamber. O'CONNELL That is a neat trick. EVELYN Oh my god, It's a preparation room. O'CONNELL Preparation for what? EVELYN For entering the afterlife. O'Connell quickly draws his gun. Jonathan gently nudges him, JONATHAN Mummies, my good son, this is where they made the mummies. Evelyn heads down a narrow passageway. The others follow. INT. LABYRINTH - DAY O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan crouch as they make their way through a narrow, COBWEB INFESTED LABYRINTH. The short, squat Warden can stand straight up. Then they hear something and freeze. It sounds like somebody is clawing inside the walls. They share looks. Then slowly move forward. Getting darker and darker as they go. The strange sound getting louder and louder. And then it stops. Evelyn holds her breath. Jonathan licks his lips. O'Connell cocks his pistol. The Warden FARTS. O'Connell, Jonathan and Evelyn glare at him. ANUBIS CHAMBER - DAY They slowly creep out of the labyrinth and up to the foot of an enormous half-buried statue. The lower half of Anubis. Then they hear the sound again, coming closer now, from the other side of the statue. And closer. O'Connell pulls Evelyn behind him. And closer. O'Connell raises his gun. And CLOSER! O'Connell LEAPS OUT. --THREE HORRIBLE SWEATY FACES LUNGE AT HIM. O'Connell REACTS. But doesn't pull the trigger because it's just the Americans, their guns are up, cocked and aimed. HENDERSON Ya scared the bejeezus out of us, O'Connell. O'CONNELL Likewise. But nobody lowers their guns. Daniels grins, the tough one. DANIELS This here is our statue...friend. O'CONNELL Don't see your name on it...pal. And that's when Beni, five Diggers and the Egyptologist step out of the shadows --all holding guns aimed at O'Connell. BENI Ten to one, O'Connell, your odds are no-so-good. O'CONNELL I've had worse Jonathan clenches a tiny derringer. JONATHAN Yes, me too, O'Connell gives him a sideways glance. Beni cocks his gun, grinning, he wants it to happen. The tension thickens. Then Evelyn gently takes O'Connell's gun hand and pulls it down. EVELYN Let's be nice, children, if we're going to play together, we must learn to share. Evelyn pulls O'Connell away. Jonathan and the Warden follow. Beni and the Americans slowly lower their guns, laughing. The Egyptologist excitedly begins translating the hieroglyphs. INT. IMHOTEPIS CHAMBER - DAY O'Connell and Jonathan are using sledge-hammers against the ceiling. Evelyn is gently chipping away with a tiny chisel. EVELYN According to my calculations, we should be right under the statue. We'll come up right between his legs. (she blushes and laughs) Oh my. JONATHAN And when those dirty Yanks go to sleep-- (looks at O'Connell) No offense. O'CONNELL None taken JONATHAN --We'll sneak up and steal that book right out from under them. O'CONNELL And you're sure you can find the secret compartment? EVELYN Yes, if their Egyptologist hasn't already found it. Jonathan looks around. JONATHAN I say, what's our smelly little friend got himself up to? INT. SCARAB CHAMBER - DAY The Warden crawls into a DARK CHAMBER and LIGHTS A TORCH. A mural wall comes alive. Embedded into it are dozens of black amethyst SCARABS; glittering images of the sacred beetles. Awestruck, the Warden pulls out a pocket knife and starts prying away at one of the precious bugs. INT. ANUBIS' CHAMBER - DAY Beni and the Americans hover around the Egyptologist, who's found the SECRET COMPARTMENT inside Anubis. The Egyptologist brushes sand away from the seam . Henderson steps forward and grabs the seam --the Egyptologist quickly stops him. EGYPTOLOGIST Seti was no fool. Henderson sees the intense look in the Egyptologist's eyes HENDERSON Yeah, sure.... He looks back at the native Diggers. HENDERSON (CONT'D) We'll let them open it. The Egyptologist nods, then YELLS IN EGYPTIAN at the Diggers. The Diggers hesitate, filled with fear. Daniels pulls out his gun, aims it at three of the Diggers. The three Diggers hesitantly step forward with crowbars and stick them into the seams. The other Diggers back away, scared shitless. Beni and the Americans exchange looks, and then they back away as well. INT. IMHOTEPIS CHAMBER - DAY Three Heroes are still digging into the ceiling. O'CONNELL Lemme get this straight, they stuck a sharp, red hot poker up your nose, cut your brain into small pieces, then ripped it all out through your nostrils? JONATHAN OWCH! That's really got to hurt. EVELYN It's called mummification. You're dead when they do this. JONATHAN Still.... O'CONNELL Yeah, that'd bring you back to life. EVELYN You two are worse than a couple of schoolboys. And that's when a huge chunk of the roof suddenly GIVES OUT. O'Connell GRABS Evelyn and JERKS her clear. Jonathan DIVES for the far wall. A MASSIVE STONE CASEMENT DROPS OUT OF THE CEILING AND CRASHES to the floor. DUST FLIES. Fills the room. INT. ANLIBIS CHAMBER - Having heard the crash, Beni and the Americans have their guns pointed at the floor. The Egyptologist could care less, he looks at the Diggers, gripping their crowbars, and YELLS-- EGYPTOLOGIST FENI! The three Diggers PULL HARD. The ancient seams start to give, The Egyptologist YELLS again. The Diggers PULL HARDER. The compartment starts to loosen. Again he YELLS. The Diggers give one final pull and-- --AN INTENSE BURST OF LIQUID SPRAYS OUT OF THE SEAM. HITS THE THREE DIGGERS. MELTS THEIR SKIN CLEAN OFF. They SCREAM. Dying horribly. HALF SKELETAL by the time they hit the ground... INT. IMHOTEPIS CHAMBER - DAY The dust is starting to clear. O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan slowly get up and step over to the massive stone casement. We immediately recognize it as IMHOTEP'S SARCOPHAGUS. EVELYN Oh my god, ...it looks like, it looks like a sarcophagus. O'CONNELL Why would they bury somebody in the ceiling? EVELYN They didn't, they buried him at the foot of Anubis. He was either someone of great importance or he did something very naughty. INT. SCARAB CHAMBER - DAY The Warden drops an amethyst-scarab into his pouch, then greedily-starts prying away at another. It rips off, he drops it into his pouch --only he misses, and this scarab quietly falls to the sandy floor without the Warden noticing. CLOSE ON: the scarab on the floor. It begins to TRANSFORM. The amethyst starts to glow. Something inside starts to WIGGLE; as if the amethyst were some sort of strange cocoon. Then it splits open and a real live hideous SCARAB--BEETLE scurries out. It races over to the warden's shoe, quickly burrows into the leather and vanishes inside. The Warden's eyes FLY OPEN. He starts to SCREAM, drops his knife and frantically starts clawing away at his pant leg, higher and higher until he rips open his shirt revealing a large, hideous LUMP, BURROWING UNDER HIS SKIN. IT BURROWS IT'S WAY UP HIS FAT BELLY AND ACROSS HIS HAIRY CHEST. The Warden claws and scratches at it, trying to stop it. The lump BURROWS UP HIS NECK. The Warden starts GAGGING and COUGHING. And then the scarab lump VANISHES INTO HIS HEAD. INT. IMHOTEPIS CHAMBER - DAY Our Heroes clear the dirt off the top of the sarcophagus, revealing a single, ominous hieroglyph. Evelyn stares at it Jonathan impatiently strums his fingers across the lid. JONATHAN Well? .... Who is it? Evelyn stares at the hieroglyph, confused and concerned. EVELYN 'He that shall not be named. O'Connell dusts off the huge LOCK. O'CONNELL There's some sort of lock here. You say these thing's are made of granite with a steel interior? EVELYN Quarried granite with a cobalt lining. JONATHAN Whoever's in here, sure wasn't getting out. O'CONNELL No kiddin', without a key, it'll take us a month to crack this thing, EVELYN A key! That's it! That's what he was talking about. O'CONNELL Who was talking about what? Evelyn starts rummaging through the pack on Jonathan's back. EVELYN The man on the barge. The one with the hook, he was looking for a key. Evelyn pulls out the key/box. Jonathan tries to take it back, JONATHAN Hey that's mine! Evelyn slaps his hand and quickly unfolds the box -- it's now shaped exactly like the LOCK'S KEYHOLE. Evelyn smiles. And that's when they hear the Warden's SCREAMS echoing through the labyrinth. All three of them turn and take-off running. INT. LABYRINTH - DAY The Warden is SCREAMING and dancing insanely around the labyrinth, totally freaked from the extreme pain in his head. O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan run up just as the Warden starts RIPPING his own hair out of his head. O'Connell and Jonathan grab at the Warden's hands, but he's far too crazed, he shoves them aside, runs full bore down the length of the labyrinth and SLAMS his head straight into a rock wall. The Warden drops to the ground. Dead as lead. Eyes wide open. O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan just stand there staring, breathing hard, wide-eyed themselves... EXT. BASE CAMP - NIGHT Evelyn and Jonathan are nuzzled up to a campfire. EVELYN What do you suppose killed him? JONATHAN Did you ever see him eat? O'Connell comes up over some rocks. O'CONNELL Seems the Americans had a little misadventure of their own today, three of their diggers were killed. EVELYN How? O'CONNELL Salt acid. Pressurized salt acid. Some sort of ancient booby-trap. JONATHAN Maybe this place really is cursed. A GUST OF WIND blows through the camp. The campfire FLICKERS O'Connell and Jonathan share a nervous look. Evelyn laughs. EVELYN Foo! O'CONNELL Don't believe in curses, huh? EVELYN No. I believe if I can see it and I can touch it, then it's real. That's what I believe. O'Connell cocks his rifle, KA-CHANK! Gives her a big grin. O'CONNELL I believe in being prepared. Jonathan opens the Warden's POUCH, the one that held the scarabs. He reaches in, starts scrounging around. WE SLOWLY PUSH IN. Waiting for the attack. THE MUSIC BUILDS. And then, --Jonathan SCREAMS in pain and RIPS his hand back out of the pouch. O'Connell and Evelyn both jump. O'CONNELL/EVELYN WHAT?! WHAT IS IT?! Jonathan sucks his finger, then reaches back into the pouch and pulls out a LIQUOR BOTTLE, the top has been chipped off. JONATHAN Seagrams! Jonathan smiles at the bottle, then turns the pouch inside- out and shakes it, nothing but SAND is inside it. JONATHAN (CONT'D) Well, he may have been a stinky fellow,....but he had good taste Jonathan takes a swig. O'Connell and Evelyn laugh, guiltily And then O'Connell suddenly kneels down and sticks his ear to the sand. Evelyn and Jonathan watch him. A BEAT. And then a BARRAGE OF GUNFIRE IS HEARD coming from the American camp. O'Connell jumps up and throws the elephant gun to Evelyn. O'CONNELL Stay here! He takes off running through the ruins. Evelyn immediately gets up and runs after him. Jonathan grabs a gun, holds the bottle of Seagrams; tight and dashes after her. JONATHAN Evy! Excuse me! But didn't the man just say--! EXT. AMERICAN CAMP - NIGHT The American camp is under siege. Two dozen MUMIA RIDERS gallop through. FIRING RIFLES. Several Diggers are killed as they run. The Americans leap out of their tents FIRING. Kill multiple Riders. Daniels is shot, spins and falls, keeps SHOOTING. Henderson and Burns run to his aid, BLASTING AWAY. O'Connell races through the ruins and SLAMS right into Beni, who is obviously trying to high-tail-it out of there. O'CONNELL Goin' somewhere? BENI Just looking for you, O'Connell! I wanted to be with my friend! O'Connell drags him back towards the American camp. O'CONNELL C'mon, friend. BENI (struggling) Why do you like to fight so much? O'CONNELL 'Cause I look good doin, it. Ardeth Bay gallops through the camp, cutting Diggers down with his scimitar. O'Connell runs up on top of some rocks, LEAPS OUT and TACKLES him off his horse. The two men SLAM to the ground. O'Connell spins up onto one knee and FIRES, point blank. Blows the scimitar out of Ardeth Bay's hand. O'Connell is about to shoot again when a horse rides up between them. A scimitar swoops down, almost takes O'Connell's head off, misses him by an inch. O'Connell leaps up and blows the Rider off his mount. The horse BOLTS. --But Ardeth Bay is gone. Evelyn hides behind some rocks, watching the scene, suddenly, she hears something coming up behind her and spins around. A vicious tattooed Mumia Rider races at her. Evelyn quickly backpedals over the rocks, terrified. The Mumia Rider raises his scimitar, about to strike. Evelyn SCREAMS, trips over a rock and FIRES the elephant gun, - BLAM! Blows the Rider off his mount and CATAPULTS him twenty feet back into some ruins. At the same time, the kick blows Evelyn off her feet and over a ridge. She FLAILS through the air and lands in a sand dune. Jonathan and some - Diggers are holding their own near the temple door. Four Riders come CHARGING right at them. Jonathan takes a swig off the Seagrams. JONATHAN Let 'em have it, boys! Jonathan and the Diggers OPEN FIRE. When the smoke clears, the Riders are either dead or gone. Jonathan grins. JONATHAN (CONT'D) I say, bloody good show. And then several more Mumia leap off the temple and land behind them. Jonathan and the remaining Diggers spin around and suddenly find themselves in hand-to-hand combat. O'Connell is quickly loading his pistol. He hears something THUNDERING UP behind him. He spins around just as Ardeth Bay on a horse swings his scimitar. O'Connell instinctively raises his hands to protect his face, the scimitar STRIKES! Hits his gun --CHING! O'Connell's gun flips away. Disarmed, O'Connell dives and rolls and suddenly comes up with a stick of dynamite in his hand. He shoves the fuse into a fire. It IGNITES. He faces Ardeth Bay, towering above him. The two men lock eyes. The fuse continues to burn down. Ardeth Bay points his scimitar at O'Connell's head. ARDETH BAY LEAVE THIS PLACE! .... LEAVE THIS PLACE OR DIE! Ardeth Bay GALLOPS OFF. The remaining Mumia Riders race after him, vanishing into the night. O'Connell watches them leave, then turns to the burning fuse....and blows it out. Evelyn staggers up, looking very shaken. O'Connell gently takes her and holds her close. O'CONNELL You alright? Evelyn looks up into his strong eyes. It's the first time he's shown genuine concern for her. And she likes it. He's also holding her a little too close. And she likes that too. EVELYN Yes, ...fine, ...thank you. Beni crawls out from under some pillars as Henderson and Burns help Daniels to his feet. DANIELS See! That proves it! Old Seti's fortune's gotta be under this sand! HENDERSON For them to protect it like this, you just know there's got to be treasure down there. O'Connell looks up into the surrounding ridges, unsatisfied. O'CONNELL These men are a desert people they value water, not gold. Evelyn looks at O'Connell, suddenly very worried. EVELYN Where's Jonathan? EXT. BASE CAMP - NIGHT Jonathan falls into FRAME. Hits the ground. Eyes wide open. Mouth agape. Clearly dead. A BEAT. And then his eyes close and his mouth widens into a goofy smile. Shit-faced drunk. O'Connell and Evelyn laugh, both half-in-the-bag themselves, the bottle of Seagrams is almost gone. O'Connell offers the bottle to Evelyn, she waves it away, slurring badly-- EVELYN Unlike my brother, sir, I know when to say no. O'Connell polishes off the bottle and chucks it away. O'CONNELL Unlike your brother, Miss, you I don't get. You're a whole new brew. EVELYN I know, you're wondering, what's a place like me doing in a girl like this? O'CONNELL Something like that. EVELYN Egypt is in my blood. My father was a famous explorer, he loved Egypt so much that he married an Egyptian my mother! Who was quite an adventurer herself. O'CONNELL Okay, I get your father, I get your mother and I get your brother, but what are you doing here? Evelyn is insulted, she staggers to her feet. EVELYN I may not be an explorer, or an adventurer, or a treasure hunter, or a gunfighter! Mister O'Connell But I'm proud of what I am. O'CONNELL And what is that? Evelyn plops back down beside him, really drunk, she grins and proudly lifts her head high. EVELYN ..... am a librarian! She leans in, very close to his face, looks him in the eyes, EVELYN (CONT'D) I'm going to kiss you, Mister O'Connell. O'CONNELL No you're not. EVELYN I'm not? O'CONNELL Not unless you call me Rick EVELYN Why would I do that? O'CONNELL Because that's my name. She gives him a goofy smile. He leans forward and KISSES HER. Evelyn's eyes slowly close. And then she passes out, slumping into his arms. O'Connell looks down at her, and just smiles. INT. IMHOTEPIS CHAMBER - DAY Evelyn's HAND slips the KEY into the sarcophagus, lock and turns it. A series of STRANGE MECHANICAL-LIKE SOUNDS are heard, and then the sarcophagus unlocks with a GIANT HISS. O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan all look very, very hungover. They start to slide the heavy lid off the sarcophagus. PUSHING, SHOVING and GROANING, the lid budging, inch by inch. EVELYN I can't believe I allowed the two of you to get me drunk. JONATHAN Don't blame me, I don't even remember being there. EVELYN Well neither do I, thank you. O'Connell gives her a hurt look. O'CONNELL You don't? Evelyn gives O'Connell a nervous look. EVELYN No . .... Why? .... Should I? O'CONNELL Gee, yeah, you told me it was the best time you ever had. O'Connell gives her a big cheesy smile. Evelyn's face drops, appalled and embarrassed. And that's when the lid FALLS OFF and LOUDLY CRASHES to the ground. All three of them instantly grab their sore heads and MOAN. INT. ANUBIS' CHAMBER - DAY Several fear-filled, sweaty-faced Diggers reach into the secret compartment. Henderson and Burns hold guns on them. Daniels has his arm in a sling. The Diggers slowly pull out the ORNATE CHEST. They set the chest down on the sandy floor. Beni watches as the Egyptologist translates the hieratics. EGYPTOLOGIST There is a curse upon this chest. DANIELS Curse my ass. HENDERSON Yeah, who cares. The Egyptologist gives them the evil-eye. EGYPTOLOGIST In these hallowed grounds, that which was set forth in ancient times, is as strong today, as it was then. HENDERSON Yeah, yeah, okay, what's it? The Egyptologist slowly and carefully reads the inscription: EGYPTOLOGIST "Death will come on swift wings to whomever opens this chest". A GUST OF WIND blows through the chamber. TORCHES FLICKER All the Diggers suddenly turn tail and run off SCREAMING. The Americans look at each other, suddenly very nervous. EGYPTOLOGIST (CONT'D) It says, there is one, the undead, who if brought back to life, is bound by sacred law to consummate this curse. HENDERSON Yeah, well, let's just make sure we don't bring anybody back from the dead then, huh? The three Americans laugh. EGYPTOLOGIST He will kill all who open this chest, ...and assimilate their organs and fluids. DANIELS Assimilate their organs and fluids? Ya mean eat 'em? EGYPTOLOGIST And in so doing he will regenerate. And no longer be the undead, but a plague upon this earth. The WIND WHISTLES. Torches FLICKER. VERY SPOOKY. Beni and the Egyptologist share a fear-filled look. Henderson just shrugs. HENDERSON Ah hell, let's open it anyways, INT. IMHOTEP'S CHAMBER - DAY WHAM! Imhotep's wooden coffin is DROPPED to the ground next to his stone sarcophagus. Evelyn is very excited. EVELYN Oh my god, love dreamed about this ever since I was a little girl. O'CONNELL You dream about dead guys? Evelyn just gives him a look, then starts brushing dirt and cobwebs off the top of the coffin. Then she freezes. EVELYN Look, all the sacred spells have been chiseled off. The hieratics and hieroglyphs that protect the deceased on his journey into the afterlife, they've been removed. This man was cursed....doomed. O'Connell and Jonathan are too excited to care O'CONNELL Tough break. JONATHAN Yes, I'm all tears, now let's see who's inside, shall we? Evelyn can't believe these guys. Jonathan inserts the key/box into the coffin's lock. Turns it. The lid cracks open with a HISS. They all react to the FOUL STENCH. Then O'Connell grabs the lid. It's stuck. He pulls with all his might. Jonathan helps him. It starts to give way. Slowly. Slowly. Slooooowly. And then it suddenly POPS OPEN and THE MOST HIDEOUS, MAGGOT INFESTED, ROTTEN CORPSE IMAGINABLE JUMPS UP! O'CONNELL/EVELYN/JONATHAN AHHHHH!!! They all jump back. Scared to death. Imhotep is now the 'Elephant Man' of corpses; twisted and deformed. The years have not been kind. He slumps back into his coffin. INT. ANUBIS'-CHAMBER - DAY Henderson and Daniels start to pry at the lid of the wooden chest. Beni and the Egyptologist watch. In the background, Beni starts backing away, filled with fear, sweating buckets. BENI The curse ....beware the curse! He turns and bolts from the chamber. Daniels spits. DANIELS Stupid superstitious bastard. And that's when the seal breaks --A BLACK VAPOR BLASTS OUT OF THE CHEST. Everybody vanishes into the strange cloud. INT. IMHOTEPIS CHAMBER - DAY O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan slowly creep forward and carefully look back inside Imhotep's coffin, creeped-out. O'CONNELL Is he supposed to look like that? EVELYN No. I've never seen a mummy look like this. He's, he's still... JONATHAN Juicy? EVELYN Yes. He's more than four thousand years old and still decomposing. O'CONNELL And look at this. O'Connell points at the inside of the COFFIN LID, where there are FINGERNAIL SCRATCHES and DRIED BLOOD all over the inside. EVELYN Oh my god, he was buried alive, This sends a chill through everyone. Evelyn leans in closer, EVELYN (CONT'D) And he left a message. WE PUSH IN on a grouping of hieratics WRITTEN IN BLOOD. EVELYN (CONT'D) It says: 'Death is only the beginning'. Jonathan shivers. O'Connell looks around. O'CONNELL Where's my gun? JONATHAN What are you going to do? Shoot him? O'CONNELL If he decides to wakes up, hell yes! INT. ANUBIS' CHAMBER - DAY The vapor is settling. The Americans have their guns aimed at the chest. The Egyptologist slowly steps up, reaches inside, and lifts out a heavy burlap bag. Everyone's eyes widen in excitement as he sticks his hand into the bag and slowly pulls out the black BOOK OF THE DEAD, the same book Imhotep used in his attempt to bring Anck-su-namun back to life. EGYPTOLOGIST I have heard told of this book, but I never truly believed it existed. This, good gentlemen, is a most priceless treasure. Henderson kicks the sandy floor in anger. HENDERSON I wouldn't trade ya for a brass spittoon! DANIELS Yeah! It's supposed to be made outta pure gold! Daniels kicks the chest. It breaks open, unfolding to reveal a lower compartment. Inside, are Anck-su-namun's FIVE JEWEL ENCRUSTED CANOPIC JARS (one is shattered and without jewels) EXT. BASE CAMP - NIGHT The two camps have now joined together. O'Connell and Beni are roasting chunks of hairy meat over a fire. Jonathan wrinkles his nose, disgusted by the smell. JONATHAN What is this stuff? It smells like our late friend, the warden. O'Connell and Beni both grin. Jonathan looks horrified. JONATHAN (CONT'D) You did not!? .... We're not!? O'CONNELL Rat gizzards. They smell bad and taste worse, but that's the best the desert has to offer. The gloating Americans sit down, fondling their jeweled jars. HENDERSON Say O'Connell, whadaya think these honey's'll fetch back home? BURNS We hear you gentlemen found yerselves a nice gooey mummy. Congratulations. DANIELS Ya know if ya dry him out, you can sell him for firewood. The Americans laugh. Evelyn walks up, sits down and drops a pile of big dusty BUG SKELETONS onto the ground. EVELYN Scarabs, flesh eaters, I found them inside our friend's coffin. They can stay alive for years living off the flesh of a corpse, or in this case... She shrugs, then looks at the roasting meat EVELYN (CONT'D) Famished. O'Connell and Jonathan stare at the bug skeletons, disgusted. O'CONNELL Are you saying somebody threw these things in with our guy, and they slowly ate him alive? EVELYN Very slowly. JONATHAN He certainly was not a popular fellow when they planted him. O'CONNELL Must of got a little too frisky with the Pharaoh's daughter. EVELYN According to my readings, our friend suffered the HOM-DAI, the worst of all ancient Egyptian curses, one reserved for only the most evil blasphemers. In all of my research, I've never read of this curse actually having been performed. O'CONNELL That bad huh? EVELYN Yes, they never used it because they feared it so. It's written, that if a victim of the HOM-DAI should ever arise, he would bring with him the ten plagues of Egypt. O'CONNELL The ten plagues? ... You mean all ten plagues. BENI Like what that Moses guy did to that Pharaoh guy? EVELYN That's one way of putting it. JONATHAN Let's see, there was frogs, flies, locusts.... BURNS Hail and fire. HENDERSON The sun turning black. DANIELS Water turning to blood. JONATHAN And my personal favorite: people covered in boils and sores. All the men share nervous looks, really spooked. Evelyn just laughs at them, then pulls a meat stick out of the fire. EVELYN Fried gizzard anyone? EXT. CAMP - LATER THAT NIGHT Having just freshened up for bed, Evelyn exits the temple and steps past the sleeping Diggers. She spots the Egyptologist, his jeweled canopic jar snug under one arm, the Book Of The Dead laying loose under the other. Evelyn stares at the Book, nervously biting her lip, then she sneaks over, carefully steals it, and quickly tip-toes away. Lying on some blankets by the campfire, O'Connell rolls over and sees Evelyn, sitting wide-eyed, staring at the Book. O'CONNELL You sure you outta be playin, around with that? EVELYN It's just a book, no harm ever came from a book. Evelyn opens the cover. THE FIRE FLICKERS. She and O'Connell share a nervous look, then Evelyn shrugs and starts reading. EVELYN (CONT'D) Ahm kum Ra. Ahm kum Dei. Evelyn continues READING THE BOOK ALOUD IN ANCIENT EGYPTIAN. INT. IMHOTEPIS CHAMBER - NIGHT Evelyn's VOICE is OVERLAID as WE START WIDE on Imhotep's chamber and SLOWLY PUSH IN on his sarcophagus. WE PUSH IN over the lip of the coffin, then closer and closer towards Imhotep's rotten, twisted head, until his putrid face fills FRAME --and then suddenly his crusty eyelids Pop OPEN! Revealing EMPTY SOCKETS. --BIG SCARY MUSIC STING. EXT. BASE CAMP - NIGHT The Egyptologist sits bolt upright. Quickly looks around, sees Evelyn reading the Book. He gets up and runs for her. EGYTOLOGIST NO! NOOOO! YOU MUST NOT! He skids to a stop as a strange, piercing WHINE is heard, coming from out in the desert. O'Connell and the others all leap to their feet. The Americans run out of their tents. The SOUND gets LOUDER and CLOSER. And then from out of the darkness a HUGE WALL OF LOCUSTS SWIRLS into camp and envelops everyone. O'Connell grabs Evelyn, and with Jonathan at their side they race for the crevice, trying to fend off the horrid vermin as they go. Beni and the Americans run for the temple. The Egyptologist is covered in locusts. He stares at The Book Of The Dead, looking haunted. EGYPTOLOGIST What have we done? The campfire is SUCKED UP INTO THE AIR. INT. LABYRINTH CORRIDOR - NIGHT O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan race down the labyrinth, slapping at themselves and picking locusts out of their hair JONATHAN Did you see that!? Grasshoppers! Billions of grasshoppers! O'CONNELL That's one of the plagues, right? The grasshopper plague! EVELYN This is not a plague. It's generational. Every so many years the locusts of Egypt have a population explosion and they all take flight. Evelyn steps forward, something SQUISHES. O'Connell lowers his TORCH, --the entire floor is FILLED WITH SLIMY FROGS. O'CONNELL Okay, ....and what about frogs? INT. LABYRINTH PASSAGEWAY - NIGHT The Americans, Beni and the Diggers race into a passageway. Burns is knocked down, his bifocals skitter across the ground, they get CRUSHED in the stampede. Burns staggers to his feet, squinting. BLURRY FIGURES vanish into the darkness, BURNS Daniels! Henderson! INT. LABYRINTH CORRIDOR - NIGHT The ground under O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan starts to SHAKE. Then suddenly, right in front of them -- HUNDREDS OF CHITTERING SCARAB-BEETLES BOIL UP OUT OF THE SAND. Start scurrying towards them. Evelyn SCREAMS. Jonathan SCREAMS. Even O'Connell almost screams. They turn around and haul-ass. INT. PASSAGEWAY - NIGHT Burns staggers down a passageway, squinting, his hands out in front of him, groping, trying not to bump into anything. Then ten feet in front of him, a dark, blurry FIGURE steps out. BURNS Daniels? .... is that you? Burns half-blindly staggers forward. The Figure doesn't move. BURNS (CONT'D) Henderson? Burns TRIPS, stumbles forward, towards the Figure, his hands reach out and SINK INTO IMHOTEPIS PUTRID CHEST CAVITY. Burns jumps like a scalded cat, pulls his hands out and looks at them, --HIS HANDS ARE COVERED IN MOLTEN FLESH ROT. He starts to SCREAM. A SKELETAL HAND clamps over his mouth. LABYRINTH STAIRCASE - NIGHT O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan race up the staircase, just ahead of the mass of SCURRYING, CHITTERING SCARABS. O'Connell leaps out onto a pedestal. Jonathan jumps up next to him. Evelyn jumps up into a grotto on the other side of the narrow stairway. The horrible herd of vicious scarabs scurries between them, their ear-piercing CRITTERS send shivers up Evelyn's spine. She leans back. THE WALL MOVES. Evelyn falls backwards through an opening. O'Connell and Jonathan watch the scarabs vanish up the staircase. Then they look across the way. Evelyn is gone. JONATHAN EVY!? SCARAB CHAMBER - NIGHT Evelyn sits up, shakes the sand out of her hair, fearfully looks around. It's almost PITCH BLACK. She gets up and feels her way along the dark walls. She rounds a corner. A shaft of MOONLIGHT filters in through a crack in the ceiling. A MAN stands in the middle of the room. Evelyn walks towards him. EVELYN Oh thank goodness, you're one of the Americans, aren't you? Just as she reaches him he turns around. It's Burns. BOTH OF HIS EYES ARE MISSING. He stares at her with vacant sockets. Evelyn SCREAMS in horror and backs away, hyperventilating, she bumps into something. She SCREAMS again and spins around It's Imhotep. With two fresh EYEBALLS in his sockets. Evelyn SCREAMS again and backs away into a wall. Her hair is down, her face is dirty and sweaty, her blouse is ripped, her dress is torn, she's never looked sexier. Imhotep SQUINTS. IMHOTEP Anck-su-namun? LABYRINTH STAIRCASE - NIGHT O'Connell is feeling his way around inside the grotto O'CONNELL Damn-it! Must be a trap door around here or somethin'. And then they heat MEN SCREAMING, and suddenly, Henderson, Daniels and one of the Diggers come running down the stairs. HENDERSON RUN, YOU SONS-A-BITCHES! RUUUUN! O'Connell and Jonathan join them as they hear the herd of CHITTERING scarabs coming their way. The Digger suddenly trips and falls. O'Connell slows down, about to go back and help him. But it's too late. The Digger SCREAMS in horror as the herd of scarabs run over him, eating straight through him, leaving behind the Digger's half eaten skeleton. Daniels Henderson and Jonathan react in horror. O'Connell's already running, races right past them. The others turn and haul-ass. SCARAB CHAMBER - NIGHT Imhotep steps forward, --the sand around him seems to MAGNETIZE, swirling and dancing around his flaking skeletal legs. Evelyn starts backing away, horrified, looks at Burns EVELYN Help me, ...please, ...help me. Burns opens his mouth, but can only GURGLE and MOAN because HIS TONGUE IS MISSING. Imhotep grabs him, throws him to the ground and sets his skeletal foot on Burns' chest, like a big game hunter standing on his kill. Imhotep then parts his fetid lips -- A FRESH TONGUE FLAPS BETWEEN HIS ROTTED TEETH. IMHOTEP Kadeesh pharos Anck-su-namun! Evelyn shivers in fear. Suddenly, O'Connell comes flying around the corner and runs right up to her. O'CONNELL Would you quit playin, around! Let's get outta here already! O'Connell sees the look in her eyes and turns around, --at the sight of Imhotep. O'Connell jumps back in fright. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) WHOA! O'Connell and Evelyn start backing away down the wall. Imhotep glides sideways with them, like a tiger cornering his prey, the sand around him SWIRLS and DANCES. Burns starts to crawl away, whimpering as he goes. Imhotep suddenly stops and UNHINGES his skeletal jaw, his skinless mouth stretches to an inhuman size, and he lets out a horrific, primordial SHRIEK. IMHOTEP ANCK-SU-NAMUUUUUN!!!! Evelyn SCREAMS. O'Connell shudders, then, embarrassed by his fear, he opens his own mouth and ROARS right back at him-- O'CONNELL Ahhhhhhhh!! Then BLASTS him with the elephant gun -- BLAM! Through the SMOKE AND FLAMMAGE we see Imhotep blown off his feet, his ribcage half torn away. O'Connell grabs Evelyn and runs. EXT. CREVICE - NIGHT SAND and WIND whip through the ruins as O'Connell and Evelyn stumble up out of the crevice and COME FACE-TO-FACE WITH TEN ARMED MUMIA. The Mumia quickly raise their guns. O'Connell and Evelyn quickly raise their hands. Jonathan, Henderson, Daniels and the Egyptologist are already on their knees, hands over their heads. Ardeth Bay steps forward. ARDETH BAY I told you to leave or die, you refused, and now you may have killed us all. For you have unleashed the creature that we have feared for more than four thousand years. O'CONNELL Relax, I got him. ARDETH BAY No mortal weapons can kill this creature. He is not of this world. O'CONNELL Are we talkin, about the same creature? The walking corpse? Really big mouth? Really bad breath? INT. ANUBIS' CHAMBER - NIGHT Beni slowly backs up around Anubis, eyes wide, gun up. He turns around, --IMHOTEP IS RIGHT THERE! Beni SCREAMS, backs away and OPENS FIRE. Six GUNSHOTS perforate Imhotep, but have no effect except to SPLATTER molten flesh rot onto the back wall. Beni retreats into a corner, scared shitless. Imhotep moves forward, his one hand trying to stop the molten mummy guts from oozing out of the large shotgun hole in his side. Beni drops his gun and grabs at the CHAINS around his neck, 'RELIGIOUS SYMBOLS AND ICONS dangle from each chain. Beni holds the first one up: A CHRISTIAN CRUCIFIX. He quickly makes the sign of-the cross and blesses himself in English: BENI May the good Lord protect and watch over me as a shepherd watches over his flock. And may Satan in all his forms be vanquished forever. It has no effect on Imhotep, who continues forward. Beni quickly grabs at the other symbols and icons, holding them out towards Imhotep, one after the other, trying to slow his progress: an Islamic Sword and Crescent Moon necklace; a Hindu Brahma medallion; a small Buddhist Bodhisattva statue. All while blessing himself in Arabic, Hindi, Chinese and Latin. Nothing works. Imhotep's skeletal hand reaches for Beni's throat. Tears run down Beni's cheeks he's so freaked. And that's when he holds up THE STAR OF DAVID and blesses himself in HEBREW. Imhotep stops in his tracks. His hand lowers. His grotesque new eyeballs stare at Beni. IMHOTEP (SUBTITLED) The language of the slaves. Looks at him quizzically. Imhotep takes a step back. IMHOTEP (IN HEBREW - SUBTITLED) (CONT'D) I may have use for you. And the rewards will be great. Imhotep reaches into his tattered robe, and then holds out his fetid hand, filled with squirming MAGGOTS. Beni cringes, about to throw up, but then the maggots part - revealing a tiny pile of little JEWELS. Beni's eyes widen. Imhotep raises his other hand, it holds Anck-su-namun's BROKEN CANOPIC JAR. IMHOTEP (SUBTITLED) (CONT'D) Where are the other sacred jars? EXT . CREVICE - NIGHT Several Mumia drag Burns up, he stares out with vacant sockets. Daniels and Henderson are especially horrified. DANIELS You bastards! HENDERSON What did you do to him!? ARDETH BAY We saved him! Saved him before the creature could finish his work Now leave, all of you, quickly, before he finishes you all. JONATHAN You're not going to kill us? Evelyn ELBOWS Jonathan in the ribs. ARDETH BAY We must now hunt him down, and try and find a way to kill him, before he consumes the earth. Allah be with us. Ardeth Bay and the Mumia start heading down into the crevice. O'Connell yells at them, trying to convince himself- O'CONNELL I told ya, I already got him! Ardeth Bay stops and looks back, deadly serious. ARDETH BAY Know this, the creature will be coming for you. He must consummate the curse. And until he does, he will never eat, he will never sleep, and he will never stop. Ardeth Bay turns and jumps down into the crevice, EXT. RUINS - NIGHT O'Connell and Jonathan boost Evelyn up onto a camel. Daniels and Henderson throw Burns up onto another. The Egyptologist, still clutching The Book Of The Dead, gets up on yet another. They all head off into the dark, windblown desert ... And then in the extreme foreground, A SKELETAL HAND SUDDENLY PUNCHES UP OUT OF THE SAND, ACCOMPANIED BY THE MOST HORRIFIC, PRIMORDIAL SHRIEK IMAGINABLE--- IMHOTEP ANCK-SU-NAMUUUUUN!!!! EXT. BRITISH FORT - CAIRO - DAY A British flag flies over BRITISH SOLDIERS manning the front gate. Our tired, disheveled Heroes saunter up on their dusty camels. The Soldiers check their papers, then let them enter. INT. EVELYN'S QUARTERS - DAY A steamer trunk is slammed to the floor and thrown open. O'Connell chucks a load of DRESSES into the trunk. O'CONNELL I thought you didn't believe in this stuff!? O'Connell heads for the closet. Evelyn UNPACKS the dresses EVELYN Having an encounter with a four thousand year old walking-talking corpse tends to convert one. O'CONNELL Forget it, we're out the door down the hall and gone. EVELYN No, we are not, O'Connell throws a handful of her underthings into the trunk, O'CONNELL Oh yes we are. O'Connell continues to PACK Evelyn's clothes as she continues to UNPACK them: EVELYN No we are not. We woke him up, and we must try and stop him. O'CONNELL We?! What we?! You didn't read that book. I told you not to play around with that thing. EVELYN Alright then, Me, I, ...I read the book, I woke him up and I intend to stop him. O'Connell angrily stretches a bra between his hands. O'CONNELL How!? You heard the man, no mortal weapons can kill this guy. Evelyn grabs the bra and throws it into a drawer. EVELYN Then we'll have to find some immortal ones. O'CONNELL There goes that "we" again. Not me, I am outta here! O'Connell stuffs a pile of Evelyn's shoes into the trunk. Evelyn KICKS the lid shut, slamming it on his fingers. O'Connell YELPS and angrily storms around the room sucking his fingers as Evelyn follows him. EVELYN According to that Book, once this creature has been reborn, his curse will spread, and as he grows in strength, so will his curse grow, infecting the people until the whole of the earth is destroyed. O'CONNELL Yeah? So? Is that My problem? EVELYN (INCREDULOUS) It's everybody's problem! O'CONNELL Look lady, I appreciate you saving my life and all, but when I signed on, I agreed to take you out there and bring you back, and I did, now we're even, end of job, end of story, contract terminated. EVELYN That's what I am to you? A contract? O'CONNELL You can either tag along with me, or you can stay here and play around with Mister Maggot. EVELYN I'm staying. O'CONNELL FINE! O'Connell storms out and SLAMS the door. A BEAT. Then the door opens and O'Connell's hand reaches back in and throws a handful of frilly panties to the floor. SLAM goes the door. EXT. BRITISH FORT COMPOUND - DAY O'Connell angrily strides through the compound. He sees Beni coming up the path with a MAN dressed in hooded robes, his face covered by an ornate death mask. Imhotep disguised. O'CONNELL Beni ya little stinkweed, where did you slink off to? BENI You left me! You left me in the desert to rot. O'CONNELL Oh yeah, ....sorry bout that (gestures to Imhotep) So who's this guy? BENI This is Prince Imhotep, High Priest of Osiris. O'CONNELL Oh, hey, how ya doin'? O'Connell sticks out his hand, --Imhotep instantly recoils O'Connell gives him the once-over. Beni quickly covers. BENI The Prince does not like to be touched by other humans. A Silly eastern superstition, I'm afraid. O'CONNELL Yeah, well, we all got our little problems today don't we? BENI He has come to help Mister Burns Somehow I feel responsible. O'CONNELL Don't gimme that, you never had any scruples. BENI Do you know where I can steal some? O'Connell fake-punches him. Beni flinches. O'Connell gives Imhotep a look as he strides off. O'CONNELL See ya around, Padre. Imhotep's grotesque new eyes glare out from behind the mask. INT. CASBAH - DAY The proverbial den-of-iniquity. Hard men, hard women and hard liquor. Lots of deals going down. An OLDER GUY with a walrus mustache is drunk and talking to some tough customers. He wears British WWI fighter pilot gear. Meet WINSTON HAVLOCK. WINSTON I'm the last of the Royal Force still stationed here, you know? All the other laddies died in the air and were buried in the sand. The tough customers shove him away. Winston staggers over to O'Connell and Jonathan at the bar, not missing a beat. WINSTON (CONT'D) Ever since the end of the Great War, there hasn't been a single challenge worthy of a man like me. O'CONNELL I've heard it before, Winston. O'Connell shoves him away. Winston staggers back to Jonathan. WINSTON I just wish I would've chucked it with the other laddies, gone down in a flame of glory, instead of sitting around here, rotting from boredom and booze! Jonathan shoves him towards another group of unlucky sods Henderson and Daniels sidle up to the bar next to them. Burns, now tongue-less, talks with a severe impediment BURNS The drawer there, spectacles. (tries to laugh) As you see, I won't be needing them. Imhotep opens the drawer and pulls out some bifocals. He puts the bifocals on over his death mask, --and grins broadly, his rotted teeth showing through the mouth hole. BENI Mister Burns, Prince Imhotep thanks you for your spectacles, - and for your eyes, ....and for your tongue. The expression on Burns' face starts to change, very puzzled. BENI (CONT'D) But I am afraid more is needed, the Prince says he must finish the job, consummate the curse which you and your friends have brought down upon yourselves. A look of pure fear registers on Burns, face. Beni quickly backs away and runs out of the room. Imhotep picks up the sacred canopic jar, then removes the death mask, revealing his hideous, shattered CORPSE-SKULL. INT. CASBAH - DAY Three shot glasses clink together. O'Connell, Jonathan and Henderson slug 'em down -- all three of them instantly SPIT OUT the liquid. Half the bar SPITS OUT their drinks as well. HENDERSON Sweet Jesus! That tasted just like, ....like... O'CONNELL Blood. They all look at each other, even more nervous. JONATHAN "And the rivers and waters of Egypt went red and were as blood." A look passes over O'Connell's face, a realization. O'CONNELL He's here He sudden1y jumps away from the bar and runs for the door. JONATHAN Who's here!? O'CONNELL The guy! The Priest! THE MUMMY! EXT. BRITISH FORT COMPOUND - DAY LIGHTNING FLASHES as O'Connell races across the compound, knocking several Soldiers out of his way, panic stricken. O'CONNELL Evelyn!! EVELYYYYNN!!! EXT. BRITISH FORT COURTYARD - DAY Evelyn calmly steps into a courtyard carrying a handful of books. A BLAST OF THUNDER AND LIGHTNING scares her. She drops half the books. Then a HAND GRABS HER! She jumps again and drops the rest of the books. It's O'Connell, breathing hard. O'CONNELL We got problems. And that's when a barrage of HAIL AND FIRE slams into the courtyard. O'Connell and Evelyn jump back. A water fountain bursts into STEAM. A wooden trellis catches FIRE. O'Connell and Evelyn run under the eaves as SOLDIERS, SERVANTS and CAMELS run in every direction, trying to avoid the maelstrom. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) He's here! I saw him! That thing is here! EVELYN The creature!? Are you sure!? O'Connell gives her an incredulous look and gestures at the HAIL and FIRE. O'CONNELL Pretty sure! The HAIL and FIRE come to a stop. Everything goes dead quiet. O'Connell and Evelyn freeze. And then a BLOOD CURDLING SCREAM is heard coming from the living quarters directly above them. O'Connell and Evelyn race up the stairs. INT. BURNS' QUARTERS - DAY O'Connell and Evelyn race into the room, past the Servant who is running out SCREAMING. They skid to a stop as they spot Burns, or what's left of him, lying dead on the floor --HIS BODY IS SHRIVELLED TO HALF IT'S SIZE. Drained of all organs and liquids. O'Connell and Evelyn are shocked. Then they hear a LOUD MOAN and notice Imhotep standing on the far side of the room. O'Connell draws his gun. Imhotep is REGENERATING: A thick skin FORMS over powerful new musculature. His tendons RIPPLE. His bones BULGE and REFORM. His mouth opens to an inhuman size as he MOANS and CRIES OUT, in severe pain. And then it's over. And he looks like an incredibly muscular, corpse-like vision from hell. The 'Terminator' Mummy. O'Connell and Evelyn are stunned. O'CONNELL we are in serious trouble. Imhotep starts to move towards them, staring at Evelyn. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) Back off, creep Imhotep keeps coming. O'Connell OPENS FIRE. BLASTING Imhotep Bullets RIP through his body. Imhotep doesn't seem to mind. Jonathan, Henderson and Daniels run into the room. They're all stunned at the sight of Imhotep. O'Connell steps forward, throws a RIGHT HOOK, punches Imhotep in the face -- HIS FIST GOES THROUGH IMHOTEP'S SKULL AND GETS STUCK DEEP INSIDE HIS HEAD. O'Connell stares at it, shocked, then quickly YANKS his fist back out. The area of Imhotep's face that came into contact with O'Connell's fist quickly DEGENERATES and DECAYS, right down to the bone, as if O'Connell's hand instantly infected it. Imhotep angrily turns, grabs O'Connell, and with no effort, THROWS him across the room and into Jonathan and the others knocking them down. Imhotep looks at his hand, the one that just grabbed O'Connell, --IT STARTS TO SHRIVEL and DECAY. He quickly turns to Evelyn. Evelyn backs away into a wall, terrorized. Imhotep steps up to her. IMHOTEP (SUBTITLED) You saved me from the undead. For this, I shall make you immortal. He leans in, about to kiss her with his decayed face. And that's when a WHITE CAT jumps onto the piano, HISSING. Imhotep SHRIEKS. The balcony doors BLOW OPEN. Imhotep spins into a BLAST OF WIND AND SAND and SWIRLS out the doors. Gone. O'Connell, Evelyn, Jonathan and Daniels stand transfixed. Henderson kneels next to Burns, shriveled body, horrified. HENDERSON The curse the curse INT. MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES - DAY O'Connell, Jonathan, Henderson and Daniels follow Evelyn across the Ramesseum. EVELYN There's only one person I know who can possibly give us some answers. They round a corner and come upon the Curator -- who is talking with Ardeth Bay. Everybody stops. EVERYBODY YOU! O'Connell and the American's quickly draw their guns. Ardeth Bay just scowls. The Curator nods his head. CURATOR Miss Carnavon. Gentlemen. EVELYN What is he doing here? CURATOR Do you truly wish to know or would you prefer to just shoot us? Everybody tenses, guns up. Then O'Connell uncocks his .38. O'CONNELL I just saw my fist vanish into some guy's head. He slides his gun back into his shoulder-holster. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) I'm willin, to go on a little faith, here. CURATOR You will not believe it O'CONNELL Try me. INT. RAMESSEUM - MOMENTS LATER Everyone is assembled around the tomb display of Seti The First. We recognize his chariot and sword. The Curator sits on Seti's throne. CURATOR We are part of an ancient secret society, the cult-of-the-Mumia, and we have a sacred mission, passed down through thirty-nine generations. For over four thousand years we have guarded The City Of The Dead. We are sworn at manhood to do any and all in our power to stop the High Priest Imhotep from being reborn into this world. ARDETH RAY And because of you, we have failed. EVELYN (APPALLED) And you think this justifies killing innocent people!? CURATOR To have stopped this creature? Yes! O'CONNELL Okay, let's cut to the chase. He's afraid of cats, what's that about? CURATOR According to the ancients, cat's are the guardians at the gates of the underworld. Imhotep will fear them until he is fully regenerated, and then he will fear nothing. Daniels is totally wigged-out, he looks at O'Connell. DANIELS Right! And ya know how he gets fully regenerated?! By killing everybody who opened that chest and sucking us dry! That's how! CURATOR Yes, the creature must first try and regenerate, and then he will attempt to resurrect the one he has loved for more than four thousand years. EVELYN Anck-su-namun. The Curator and Ardeth Bay look at Evelyn, thunderstruck. EVELYN (CONT'D) In the necropolis, when I saw him, alive...walking, he called me Anck su-namun. And then in Mister Burns' quarters he tried to kiss me. CURATOR It is because it was you who read from the Book. He has chosen you to be the human sacrifice needed to regenerate the body of Anck-su namun. Jonathan scratches his ear with the barrel of his pistol. JONATHAN This is not good. Not good at all Ardeth Bay has been staring out a wall of windows. ARDETH BAY Tonight is the full moon. The moon of Osiris. It will begin tonight. Everyone follows Ardeth Bay's eyes, through the windows we can see the SUN -- which is now going into a FULL ECLIPSE. JONATHAN "...and he stretched forth his hands towards the heavens, and there was darkness throughout the land of Egypt." EXT. BRITISH FORT - WINDOW - DAY FOR NIGHT O'Connell looks out a window at the British Soldiers manning the walls. Above and beyond them -- is the BLACK SUN. EXT. EVELYN'S FOYER - DAY FOR NIGHT Evelyn and Jonathan are pacing the foyer EVELYN We must stop him from regenerating. She turns to Daniels and Henderson EVELYN (CONT'D) Who opened that chest? HENDERSON Well, there was me and Daniels here and then poor Burns of course, oh yeah, and that Egyptologist fella. O'Connell turns from the window. O'CONNELL What about my buddy, Beni? DANIELS Naw, he scrammed outta there, EVELYN We must find the Egyptologist and bring him back here to the safety of the fort, before the creature can get to him. O'Connell looks at Evelyn, Daniels and Henderson. O'CONNELL Okay, ...Evelyn, you wait here, you two come with me. All three of them pounce on him at once-- HENDERSON The hell with that! I'm not goin' nowhere! We're safe here. DANIELS Yeah, I'm not leavin, this fort for nothin'. EVELYN Who put you in charge? You can't just leave me behind like some old suitcase. I'm the one responsible for this mess and I intend to be the one to clean it up. O'Connell just shakes his head and SIGHS. Totally put-upon. Then he takes Evelyn, shoves her into the bedroom, slams the door and locks it with a skeleton key. From inside her room we can hear Evelyn POUNDING on the door and YELLING. O'Connell throws the skeleton key to Daniels. O'CONNELL Keep an eye on her. If you leave her door, I'll rip your spleen out. C'mon, Jonathan. Jonathan swallows hard and points to himself JONATHAN Me? CAIRO ALLEYWAYS - BAZAAR - DAY FOR NIGHT The Egyptologist stumbles through the dark alleys, looking haunted. He clutches the Book of The Dead in one hand and his SACRED CANOPIC JAR in the other. Imhotep is stalking him. A STREET VENDOR turns and sees Imhotep's horribly decayed face. He reacts and scurries away. Imhotep lifts his robe, covers his face, and moves in on the Egyptologist, who is heading into the bazaar. WE PAN UP TO-- THE EGYPTOLOGIST'S OFFICE - DAY FOR NIGHT Beni is RANSACKING the joint, pulling out drawers and files and throwing them on the floor. He finds a silver pocket watch, shakes it, then throws it into his pocket, then he starts tipping over bookcases and clearing shelves. O'CONNELL(O.S.) well, well, well. Beni spins around. O'Connell and Jonathan stand in the door. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) Lemme guess, spring cleaning? Beni turns and runs for an open window. O'Connell grabs a chair, FLINGS IT into his path. Beni TRIPS and CRASHES into a wall. O'Connell strides over, grabs him and lifts him up the wall. Beni's feet dangle off the floor. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) Where's your new friend? BENI What friend? You're my only friend. O'Connell quickly slides his knife up under Beni's chin O'CONNELL Then you got no excuse for living. What the hell you doin, being buddies with this creep, Beni? What's in it for you? BENI It is better to be the right hand of the Devil,....than in his path. As long as I serve him, I am immune. O'CONNELL Immune from what? BENI You shall see. O'CONNELL What are you looking for? Lie, and I'll slit your throat. O'Connell shoves the knife deeper into Beni's skin. BENI The book! The black book they found at Hamunaptra! Imhotep wants it back. Said to me it would be worth it's weight in diamonds. O'CONNELL What does he want the book for? BENI (SHRUGS) Something about bringing his dead girly-friend back to life He needs the book.... (looks at Jonathan) And your sister. O'Connell looks at Jonathan. Beni seizes the moment and KNEES O'Connell in the balls. O'Connell doubles over and collapses. Beni leaps out the window. Jonathan cringes. JONATHAN That looked rather painful O'CONNELL (WINCING) Ya know, ever since I met you, my luck has been for crap. JONATHAN Yes, I know, I do that to people. And that's when they hear a BLOOD CURDLING SCREAM coming from down in the bazaar. O'Connell and Jonathan scramble to the window and look out-- EXT. BAZAAR - DAY FOR NIGHT Down in the bazaar, people are SCREAMING and quickly backing away from the SHRIVELLED CORPSE OF THE EGYPTOLOGIST. A partially decayed HAND reaches down and takes the sacred canopic jar out of the Egyptologist's shriveled hand. It's Imhotep, having regenerated even further. He looks up and catches eyes with O'Connell. Imhotep grins, then UNHINGES his jaw, his mouth stretches to an inhuman size, and then a huge SWARM OF FLIES comes out of his mouth and races straight up at O'Connell and Jonathan. They both SLAM the shutters. The flies SLAM into the closed window and immediately spread throughout the bazaar. Sending people SCREAMING and running. EGYPTOLOGISTS OFFICE - DAY FOR NIGHT O'Connell and Jonathan look at each other, panicked O'CONNELL Damn-it! That's two down and only two to go. JONATHAN And then he'll be coming after Evy. They turn and race out of the office. BRITISH FORT - WINDOW --NIGHT Daniels stares out a window, watching the British Guards at the front gate. More Soldiers march the encircling parapet. SOLDIER Ten O'clock! All is well! The lights and MUSIC from the Casbah come up from below INT. EVELYN'S FOYER - NIGHT Daniels turns from the window. Henderson sits in a chair next to Evelyn's door, chain smoking. Both look wired with fear. DANIELS The hell with this. I'm goin, downstairs to get me a drink. You want somethin,? HENDERSON Yeah, get me a glass of bourbon, a shot of bourbon and a bourbon chaser Daniels nods and heads out. Henderson just sits there, alone, smoking. He reaches into his jacket pocket, pulls out his SACRED CANOPIC JAR and fondles it. A BREEZE suddenly comes in through the open window. The curtains flutter. Henderson gets up and goes over to shut it. He looks out the window. The CAMERA races over the compound, into the window and HITS Henderson square in the FACE just as he's about to scream. Henderson is lifted into the air by a mass of SWIRLING SAND. His body TWISTS and TURNS and Slowly SHRIVELS as the life is SUCKED out of him. Then he COLLAPSES to the floor. On the wall above him, the SHADOW of the SWIRLING SAND condenses, forming a SHADOW of a human body. The SHADOW CONVULSES as the body REGENERATES. And then it's over. Imhotep steps into view. He's regenerated even further and looks almost normal now, his face no longer decayed. He steps over Henderson's shriveled body and up to Evelyn's door, rattles the knob. It's locked. Imhotep grins. EVELYN'S ROOM - NIGHT Evelyn is asleep in her bed as SAND begins streaming in through the keyhole, pouring onto the floor, forming a large mound. Evelyn starts to toss and turn. WE PAN BACK OVER TO THE DOOR: The mound of sand is gone and in it's place is Imhotep. INT. FOYER - NIGHT O'Connell and Jonathan race into the foyer and skid to a stop as they see Henderson's shriveled body on the floor. O'Connell runs up to Evelyn's door and rattles the knob, still locked. He bends down and looks in through the KEYHOLE. EVELYN'S ROOM - NIGHT Imhotep leans down towards Evelyn, about to kiss her as she sleeps. The door starts to CRASH and BANG from O'Connell. Imhotep ignores it. And KISSES Evelyn. His lips and mouth instantly start to DEGENERATE and DECAY. Right down to the bone. The door BURSTS OPEN. Evelyn wakes-up. Sees Imhotep's rotted mouth kissing her. She SCREAMS and shoves him away. Imhotep's putrid mouth grimaces in sadness. O'CONNELL Get your hands off my girl, pal. Imhotep's sadness turns to anger as he spins around and faces O'Connell. Imhotep licks his fetid lips. O'Connell smirks. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) Nice lips. Imhotep starts to move for O'Connell. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) I figured you might be here, so I brought a friend. He throws the white cat at Imhotep. Imhotep instinctively catches it. He SHRIEKS, drops the cat and stumbles back towards the window -- which suddenly BLOWS OPEN. Imhotep spins like a dervish and BURSTS INTO A WHIRLWIND OF SAND. Everybody covers their eyes. The Imhotep/sand-devil EXPLODES out the window and vanishes over the compound. Jonathan aims his gun at the window, his hand shaking badly. O'Connell hugs Evelyn as she wipes her mouth in disgust. Daniels walks in, looks at Henderson's shriveled body on the floor . .... and drops the martini glasses. INT. 1923 CONVERTIBLE DUSSENBERG - NIGHT Jonathan races his big convertible through the streets, HONKING constantly. Evelyn sits between him and O'Connell, looking scared and nervous, then she gives O'Connell a look. EVELYN You called me your girl? O'CONNELL What? ... Oh yeah, that was just um, you know, figure a speech. EVELYN I think you were jealous O'CONNELL Jealous? You kiddin' me? Did you see that guy's face? Daniels leans forward from the back seat, filled with fear, DANIELS Shut-up! JUST SHUT-UP! We gotta do somethin'! we gotta do somethin, NOW! Before it's too late! They race into the driveway of the museum of Antiquities. EXT. CAIRO BAZAAR - NIGHT A FULL MOON now shines down on the bazaar, still bustling with activity. Suddenly, a BREEZE kicks-in. GREEN MIST begins to SWIRL down the street and through the stalls. The people begin to CHOKE and COUGH and RETCH, as if being hit by a severe sickness. --It's already too late. Imhotep strolls through the sickened mob, his face half rotted off, his deformed mouth grinning happily. Beni is at his side, looking very nervous. And then, one-by one, the people silently begin to follow Imhotep, their skin now covered in disgustingly hideous BOILS AND SORES. INT. MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES - NIGHT O'Connell, Jonathan, Daniels, the Curator and Ardeth Bay fo11ow Evelyn as she strides through the museum. EVELYN Last month I came across an inscription that mentioned The Book Of The Dead. DANIELS That book we found at Hamunaptra? EVELYN Yes. I dismissed it, because it talked about bringing people back from the dead. A notion I was unwilling to believe. O'CONNELL Believe it, sister. That's what brought our buddy back to life. JONATHAN And now he's going to use it to bring his girlfriend back ARDETH BAY And if he succeeds, the two of them together will bring about the apocalypse. The Curator joins Evelyn at her side as she heads up the stairs, everyone else in hot pursuit. THE CURATOR The plagues we have seen so far, are merely Imhotep flexing his muscles. Only at the moment of Anck su-namun's resurrection will he be truly invincible. They reach the display cases. Evelyn quickly opens them. EVELYN I'm thinking that if the black Book Of The Dead can bring people back to life-- CURATOR --then perhaps, the golden Book Of The Living can return them to the underworld. EVELYN Exactly - O'CONNELL So your sayin', if we find the book made outta gold-- CURATOR --And read the sacred incantations contained inside it. O'CONNELL You think it'll send this guy back to hell? CURATOR Correct. And that's when LOUD CHANTING is heard coming from outside They all rush over to the upper windows and look down-- OUTSIDE: A large, CRAZED MOB covered in hideous boils and sores comes CHANTING up the driveway: 'Anck-su-namun! Anck-su namun! ARDETH BAY It has begun. The beginning of the end. EVELYN Not quite yet it hasn't. C'mon. Evelyn dashes back to the display cases. Everyone follows. EXT. MUSEUM - NIGHT The crazed mob CRASHES into the huge front doors, which are locked. They pound furiously, throwing themselves at it while CHANTING CONSTANTLY. Imhotep solemnly comes up the driveway. INT. MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES - UPPER BALCONY - NIGHT The BANGING on the doors can be heard as Evelyn and the Curator quickly sort through broken pieces of stone tablets. The others watch. Evelyn pulls out a large piece. EVELYN Got it! O'CONNELL Got what? The BANGING gets LOUDER. Multiple windows SHATTER. Evelyn talks while quickly translating the tablet: EVELYN Since the black Book of The Dead was found inside the statue of Anubis, then according to this, the golden Book of The Living should be inside... Evelyn finds the translation in the tablet and smiles. O'CONNELL What? JONATHAN What? DANIELS WHAT!? EVELYN The golden Book Of The Living, is inside the statue of Koz-us. CURATOR Which would be located not far to the east of the Anubis statue. O'CONNELL Don't tell me we gotta go back out there? CURATOR If we want to kill the creature, yes. TWO HIDEOUS BOIL & SORE-COVERED MEN charge out of a doorway, SCREAMING. O'Connell and Ardeth Bay grab them and chuck them over the railing. The men fly through the air and CRASH into the lower display cases. The front doors suddenly BURST OPEN, The crazed mob pours into the museum. Our heroes haul-ass across the balcony and down the staircase. EXT. MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITY - NIGHT Jonathan sneaks out of some bushes and quickly heads for his convertible. Suddenly, a splinter group of the diseased mob comes around the side of the museum. Jonathan instantly bugs his eyes out, starts drooling, and begins CHANTING--- JONATHAN Anck-su-namun! Anck-su-namun! The crazed group runs past him and heads into the front doors of the museum. Jonathan leaps into the convertible, fires it up and 180's it back over to the bushes. O'Connell, Evelyn, Daniels, Ardeth Bay and the Curator jump inside the car. Beni steps out of the museum and sees them. BENI Imhotep! IMHOTEP! Imhotep looks out of the museum from the shattered upper windows just as the convertible PEELS OUT. O'Connell points a finger at Beni as they race past him. O'CONNELL You're gonna get yours, pal! Imhotep UNHINGES his jaw, his mouth stretches to an inhuman size, he lets out one of his horrific, primordial SHRIEKS. His disease-ridden disciples immediately begin pouring out of the front doors of the museum and chasing after the car. EXT. BAZAAR - NIGHT The convertible hauls-ass down the narrow bazaar street. Crazies start jumping out of stalls and LEAPING onto the car. O'Connell and the others fight them off, throwing them overboard. More people JUMP on. Jonathan SWERVES the car, CRASHES through some stalls, knocking them off, but not before they manage to open the back door and YANK Daniels out. He TUMBLES across the pavement. Gets up SHOOTING. Backs into a corner, FIRING his pistol into the hideous rabble, killing several, keeping them at bay. His gun goes empty, CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! But the mob stays back, looking at him like rabid vultures. Daniels eyes them, filled with fear. The mob parts like the red sea as Imhotep walks through them and up to Daniels. Daniels whimpers in fear, tears pour down his cheeks. Then he gets an idea, reaches into his pocket, and pulls out his jewel encrusted SACRED CANOPIC JAR. He holds it out for Imhotep. Imhotep takes it and grins. Through his tears, Daniels grins back, hopeful that he'll be spared. WE CUT WIDE: Somewhere in the middle of the crazed, diseased mob, we hear Daniels give out A BLOOD CURDLING SCREAM... INT./EXT. CONVERTIBLE - STREETS - NIGHT The convertible slowly motors down the narrow alleys. WE DOLLY across the hood of the car from Jonathan to Evelyn to O'Connell. Ardeth Bay and the Curator are still in the back. All of them staring out the front windshield. Freaked-out. Then suddenly one of the hideous ghouls CRASHES through the windshield! Everybody SCREAMS. Jonathan hits the gas, loses control, the car SLAMS into a wall. O'Connell grabs Evelyn. O'CONNELL C'mon! C'mon! Let's go! Let's go! They all leap out of the car. But the angry, festering mob quickly surrounds them. O'Connell quickly reaches into his gunny-sack, pulls out a stick of dynamite, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a match. He looks around for a way to light it, then reaches over and strikes it across Ardeth Bay's stubbly face. Ardeth Bay YELPS. O'Connell holds the lit match near the fuse. The crazed, CHANTING mob gives O'Connell a wide berth, staring at him and the others with insane, bloodshot eyes. And then Imhotep steps through, --having fully regenerated, he now looks as young and handsome and muscular as he did the day he was buried alive. Evelyn stares at him. EVELYN He's gorgeous. O'Connell gives her a look, the match burns his fingers. He YELPS and throws it down, grabs another match and strikes it across Ardeth Bay's face again. Ardeth Bay YELPS and gives O'Connell a look to kill. The Curator shakes his head. THE CURATOR He has consummated the curse, now all he need do is raise Anck-su namun from the dead, then it will be the end of us, and the beginning for them. Imhotep moves forward, heading right for them. O'Connell LIGHTS THE FUSE. Imhotep steps up to O'Connell and stops, watching the fuse burn down. It's a game of chicken. The tension mounts. The LIT FUSE is about to vanish inside the stick of dynamite, blowing it up, --when Evelyn leans forward and blows it out. O'Connell exhales, but keeps his eyes on Imhotep, who extends his hand to Evelyn. IMHOTEP Koontash dai na. Beni steps through the swarming mass, translating. BENI Take his hand and he will spare the others. Evelyn hesitates, looks around at the huge, bloodthirsty crowd surrounding them, holding axes, picks and scimitars, waiting to pounce, then she looks at Imhotep, confident, powerful, invincible. Then she looks at O'Connell. EVELYN Any bright ideas? O'Connell talks through angry, grit teeth. O'CONNELL Sorry, fresh out. Evelyn looks back at Imhotep, then starts to reach out to take his hand. Both O'Connell and Jonathan move to stop her, -but Ardeth Bay grabs them both and holds them tight. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) Don't do it, Evelyn. EVELYN I have no choice. Evelyn's trembling hand touches Imhotep's: His hand closes around hers. Nothing happens. Imhotep smiles. IMHOTEP Keetah mi pharos, aja nilo, isirlan. BENI Come with me my princess. It is time to make you mine, forever. Evelyn gives Beni a nasty look, correcting him-- EVELYN All eternity, idiot. Then she looks at O'Connell and puts on her best face. EVELYN (CONT'D) You better think of something, because if he turns me into a mummy, you're the first one I'm coming after. O'Connell almost smiles O'CONNELL Got guts, lady. EVELYN Yes, I know, and I'd like to keep them. Imhotep suddenly notices something. He reaches forward and-- RIPS THE KEY/BOX OUT OF JONATHAN'S UPPER JACKET POCKET. JONATHAN Hey that's mine--! Ardeth Bay holds Jonathan back. Imhotep pulls Evelyn away. O'Connell can't take it anymore, he tries to break free of Ardeth Bay's grip. O'CONNELL Evelyn! The huge, powerful man holds him tight. ARDETH BAY Be calm. There is still time. We can stop him yet. The crowd parts for Imhotep and Evelyn. And then Imhotep stops and looks back at O'Connell. IMHOTEP Pared oos. Evelyn SCREAMS. EVELYN NOOO!! Beni smiles. BENI Kill them. Imhotep pulls her away. O'Connell breaks free of Ardeth Bay's grip and stumbles forward. O'CONNELL EVELYN! But the rabid vultures are already moving in for the kill. O'Connell quickly bends down, pulls open a CISTERN/MANHOLE COVER and shoves Jonathan down inside it, then jumps in after him. The Curator pushes Ardeth Bay towards the cistern hole. CURATOR Go! Find a way! Kill the creature! The Curator turns and throws himself at the mob as Ardeth Bay crawls down into the hole. The mob tears the Curator apart. INT. CATACOMBS - NIGHT O'Connell, Jonathan and Ardeth Bay slosh their way down the watery catacomb, crazies pouring in behind them. Up ahead, a LIGHT suddenly shines in from another cistern hole, and then more of the infected crowd drop down, SCREECHING like rats. O'Connell jags right, pushing Jonathan and Ardeth Bay ahead of him, he strikes a match off the wall, lights the nubby fuse on a stick of dynamite, throws it, and runs like hell. FIRE BLAST incinerates a bunch of crazies. STREET - ALLEY - NIGHT The EXPLOSION blows a cistern cover fifty feet into the air, followed by a mass of FLAMMAGE .............. EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT A sewer grate is kicked out of a wall. O'Connell, Jonathan and Ardeth Bay climb out of the hole and into AN ALLEY. O'CONNELL We gotta get her back. JONATHAN I'm with you, old man. No one touches my sister like that and gets away with it. O'Connell looks at Ardeth Bay, O'CONNELL You know where he's taking her? ARDETH BAY Yes. To Hamunaptra. To perform the ritual. Jonathan looks worried. JONATHAN And what ritual would that be? ARDETH BAY The ritual to bring the body of Anck-su-namun back to life. JONATHAN And how does one do that? ARDETH BAY By reading the Book Of The Dead. JONATHAN Oh yes, of course. ARDETH BAY And then killing your sister. JONATHAN Excuse me? Ardeth Bay looks at O'Connell, ARDETH BAY Imhotep is now able to cross the desert with great haste. Jonathan taps him in the shoulder. JONATHAN Begging your pardon, but I wasn't quite clear on that last part. Ardeth Bay ignores him. ARDETH BAY If he arrives before us, it will be too late. JONATHAN Did you say 'kill' my sister? O'Connell smiles O'CONNELL I know how to beat him to it. And on that WE SMASH CUT TO-- THE ERFOUD DUNES - DAWN Jonathan's bashed-in convertible steams it's way up to a set of semi-abandoned Quonset huts. A single WWI BIPLANE with R.A.F. INSIGNIAS sits in the sand beside them. A SIGN READS: HIS MAJESTY'S ROYAL AIR CORP EXT. QUONSET HUT - DUNES - MINUTES LATER O'Connell, Jonathan and Ardeth Bay stand before Winston Havlock, the massive dunes of Erfoud as our background. WINSTON So what's your little problem got to do with His Majesty's Royal Air Corp? O'CONNELL Not a god-damned thing. Winston looks intrigued. WINSTON Is it dangerous? O'CONNELL You probably won't live through it. This really interests him. WINSTON By Jove, do you really think so? JONATHAN Everybody else we've bumped into has died, why not you? Winston nods his head, he's hooked. WINSTON So what's the challenge then? O'CONNELL To save the damsel in distress, kill the bad guy and steal his treasure. A slow grin spreads across Winston's face, then he gives them a snappy salute. WINSTON Winston Havlock at your service, sir! SAHARA - DAY Way off across the desert, a large SAND-DEVIL races over the dunes. The SANDY WHIRLWIND comes to a stop and starts to dissipate. Evelyn and Beni are suddenly ejected out of it, they land in a dune. The SWIRLING SAND CONDENSES AND FORMS INTO IMHOTEP. He looks up into the sky, listening carefully. Evelyn shakes the sand out of her hair and looks at Beni. EVELYN What just happened? BENI All I remember is him turning into a blast of sand, ....and then I remember nothing. Then they hear a plane in the sky and look up. INT. BIPLANE - DAY The WIND whips at Winston in the cockpit. O'Connell sits in the gunner's compartment. Jonathan is strapped spread-eagle across the left wing, Ardeth Bay is tied tight to the right. Both men are scared out of their wits and SCREAMING in fear. EXT. SAHARA - DAY Imhotep's jaw UNHINGES, his mouth opens to an inhuman size, he lets fly with another one of his horrible SHRIEKS. --And a massive WALL OF SAND rises up out of the desert BIPLANE - DAY O'Connell watches the desert below him come alive and rise up towards the plane. Winston looks over the side and sees what's coming. He laughs, throws the throttle, and puts the plane into a dive. WINSTON Hang on, men! WE GO WIDE AS: The sandstorm chases the diving, twisting biplane. Getting closer and closer, about to engulf it. O'Connell looks back into the blinding sand and sees a GIANT FACE forming inside the sandstorm. It's Imhotep. Grinning. O'Connell grabs the Lewis machine-gun, cocks the bracket and FIRES, blasting away at Imhotep's giant face inside the sandstorm. Imhotep's face begins to laugh, then his jaw unhinges, his mouth opens wide, and he ENGULFS the plane. Winston blindly fights for control, elated. WINSTON (CONT'D) We're going down! The biplane SPINS inside the BLOWING SAND. Engines ROARING. Wind HOWLING. Jonathan and Ardeth Bay SCREAMING. Winston Havlock LAUGHING. WINSTON (CONT'D) Here I come, laddies! O'Connell braces himself for impact, SAHARA - DAY Evelyn leaps to her feet and runs over to Imhotep. EVELYN Stop it! You'll kill them! Imhotep grabs her, pulls her close, her beautiful eyes stare into his shockingly intense ones. Then he kisses her, hard. Evelyn's eyes widen, stunned and mesmerized, then she pushes herself away and falls back into the sand. Imhotep laughs. EXT. BIPLANE - DUNES - DAY The biplane SMASHES over a dune, ROLLS OVER and CRASHES upside-down into another dune. The SAND SWIRLS as O'Connell falls out of the gunner's compartment. The left wing is jammed into the dune, Jonathan hangs upside down. JONATHAN Excuse me. ...A little help would be useful. ...IF IT'S NOT TOO MUCH TROUBLE!! O'Connell goes to help Jonathan. Ardeth Bay stumbles over to the gunner's compartment and tears the Lewis gun off it's mount. He throws the machine-gun over one shoulder, a cartridge belt over the other and staggers away. O'Connell and Jonathan look into the cockpit. Winston Havlock is dead. A smile on his face. The plane suddenly starts to move, the sand sinks under their feet, they quickly high-tail it away. O'Connell, Jonathan and Ardeth Bay make it to some rocks and look back. The biplane, with Winston Havlock inside, slides away over a dune. O'Connell gives it a salute. The plane vanishes over the dune and into the SWIRLING SAND ........... HAMUNAPTRA - DAY O'Connell, Jonathan and Ardeth Bay come down a ravine in the volcano and look out over the ruins of Hamunaptra. O'CONNELL Okay, now what the hell does this Horus guy look like? JONATHAN He's a big fellow with pointy ears and a face like a falcon. O'CONNELL Got it HAMUNAPTRA STAIRWAY - DAY Carrying TORCHES, O'Connell, Jonathan and Ardeth Bay make their way down a long, winding, narrow staircase. Heading into the bowels of the necropolis. A passageway to hell. NECROPOLIS - DAY Evelyn follows Imhotep into the underground cemetery. She stops at the sight of all the big hairy rats scurrying through the mausoleums and over the gravestones. Beni shoves his rifle into her back and pushes her forward. BENI Keep moving Evelyn gives him a look. EVELYN You know, nasty little fellows such as yourself, always get their comeuppance. Beni suddenly looks worried. BENI Yeah? EVELYN Oh yes, always, Beni looks even more worried, he nervously starts chewing on his lip. All three of them walk over the bridge crossing the disgusting DETRITUS MOAT. Evelyn looks down at it, horrified. INT. PASSAGEWAY - DAY O'Connell and Ardeth Bay are busy digging out a collapsed doorway. Jonathan notices an AMETHYST SCARAB on the far wall. JONATHAN I say, look at that. He walks over and tries to jiggle it free. It comes loose in his hand. He looks at the scarab in his palm. It starts to glow. And then something inside it starts to WIGGLE. JONATHAN (CONT'D) Say, gents! You should come have a look at this. The wiggling continues; a long, agonizing BEAT, and then the scarab breaks out of it's cocoon and instantly BURROWS into Jonathan's palm. Jonathan starts to freak out and SCREAM. O'Connell runs up and rips the arm off Jonathan's shirt. The scarab is now BURROWING UP JONATHAN'S ARM. O'Connell whips out his butterfly-knife, snaps it open and grabs Jonathan's arm. Jonathan's eyes widen in terror as the knife passes in front of his face. Jonathan SCREAMS LOUDER, obviously being cut open. O'Connell's hand flicks something away. The scarab hits the floor and immediately starts scurrying back towards Jonathan, wanting to finish the job. O'Connell pulls out his gun and blows it away, --BLAM! INT. CEMETERY - DAY The GUNSHOT echoes into the cemetery as Imhotep, Evelyn and Beni step up to the strange ALTAR, where four thousand years ago Imhotep tried to bring Anck-su-namun back to life. Imhotep scowls at the sound and angrily reaches into a CANOPIC JAR. He pulls out the crusted remains of Anck-su- namun's heart, crushes it to dust in his hand and starts reading from The Book Of The Dead. Then he BLOWS the dust against a mausoleum wall --THE WALL STARTS TO COME ALIVE. Evelyn and Beni stare at the wall, both of them wide-eyed. TWO FORMS emerge from the mausoleum's wall. Horrific-looking mummified CORPSES. Two of Imhotep's long dead Priests. They bow to Imhotep then turn and move off down a passageway. INT. PASSAGEWAY - DAY O'Connell helps Ardeth Bay mend Jonathan's wound. O'CONNELL From now on, don't touch anything. Not a damn thing. Keep your hands off the furniture, got it? Jonathan swallows hard and nods vigorously. INT. CEMETERY - DAY Imhotep prepares the altar while speaking in HEBREW. Beni holds his gun on her, translating: BENI Prince Imhotep wants your heart. Evelyn blushes, feeling complimented by the handsome prince. EVELYN Tell him, I'm truly flattered. ... but that it's already taken. Imhotep continues SPEAKING while laying the four jewel encrusted canopic jars next to the shattered one. BENI He wants your heart and your brain, your liver, your kidneys... Evelyn's eyes widen BENI (CONT'D) ... and how do you say? Those slimy things, in your stomach? EVELYN Intestines BENI Yeah! Them. Evelyn can't believe it, she furiously turns to Imhotep. EVELYN You only want me for my organs?! Imhotep looks at her and grins, then BACKHANDS her --WAP! Evelyn goes down for the count. Imhotep stares at her, cold, malevolent, then he turns and walks off into the mausoleums. Beni nervously glances around, then quickly scurries away. TREASURE CHAMBER - DAY O'Connell squeezes through a small crevice in a wall and drops to the floor of a dark chamber. He picks up his gunny- sack and scans the darkness. Something GLITTERS. Jonathan and Ardeth Bay crawl in behind him. O'Connell notices a SHAFT OF LIGHT, high above him, shooting through a small hole in the ceiling and stopping against a wall next to one of those mirror disks. O'Connell aims his gun. FIRES. The bullet STRIKES the disk's pedestal, spinning the mirror into the shaft of light, --And WHAM! THE SHAFT OF LIGHT HITS THE DISK AND QUICKLY BOUNCES AROUND THE ROOM FROM ONE DISK TO ANOTHER UNTIL THE WHOLE CHAMBER IS LIT UP. It's an enormous TREASURE CHAMBER. Filled to overflowing. Everything sparkles and shines. The wealth of Egypt. O'Connell, Jonathan and Ardeth Bay are speechless -- that's when the two mummified Priest-mummies walk in. O'CONNELL who the hell are these guys? ARDETH BAY Priests. Imhotep's priests. O'Connell pulls the elephant gun out of his gunny-sack. O'CONNELL I never killed a priest before, ARDETH BAY They are evil, cursed, they matter not. O'CONNELL Well, okay then. O'Connell FIRES the elephant gun. SMOKE and FLAME shoot out. BLASTS one of the mummies. Blows it's upper torso clean off. O'Connell pumps the gun, the huge spent cartridge flips through the air. He FIRES again. BLASTS the other mummy, b1ows this one's torso clean off as well. The smoke clears. The two sets of LEGS keep walking forward, unaffected by the loss of their upper torsos. O'Connell can't believe it. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) Oh come on, gimme a break here. And then the disemboweled upper torsos start to move, turning over and crawling towards our heroes, who start to back away. INT. CEMETERY -DAY Imhotep turns from the altar as he hears more GUNSHOTS echoing out of the passageways. He angrily reaches into another of Anck-su-namun's canopic jars, pulls out her crusty liver and crushes it to dust, then quickly starts reading a passage from the Book and BLOWS the dust down a passageway. IMHOTEP (ANCIENT EGYPTIAN - SUBTITLED) Kill them! Kill them all! And bring me the Book Of The Living! INT. TREASURE CHAMBER - DAY A dusty BREEZE blows into the chamber as O'Connell, Jonathan and Ardeth Bay back away from the mummy pieces. The floor where they were just standing suddenly STARTS TO MOVE. Two more mummies slowly dig their way up out of the floor. More mummies start coming out of the walls and crawling out of the piles of gold. All the mummies head for our heroes. O'Connell lifts the elephant gun. Ardeth Bay stops him. ARDETH BAY My turn. Ardeth Bay OPENS UP with the Lewis gun. BLASTING the shit out of the mummies. They keep on coming. Even more now. O'Connell OPENS FIRE with the elephant gun, pumping and FIRING as all three of the men back away and haul-ass. The mummies and mummy pieces follow them into the passageway. Then Beni creeps into the chamber. He stares in wonder at all the treasure. Then falls backwards into a pile of jewels and rolls about. INT. CEMETERY - DAY Evelyn-wakes up, lying chained to the top of the altar. She blinks then turns her head, --and looks right into the ROTTED FACE of Anck-su-namun's corpse. Evelyn SCREAMS. INT. LABYRINTH PASSAGEWAYS - DAY The elephant gun FIRES, blasting FLAME and SMOKE right into the LENS. O'Connell, Jonathan and Ardeth Bay race down a passageway, a dozen mummies striding after them. O'CONNELL This whole place is comin, alive! The men race around a corner. More mummies. They race around another corner. More mummies. Onward they come. Methodical. Relentless. Boxing in our heroes O'Connell and Ardeth Bay FIRING as they go. Ardeth Bay goes empty. ARDETH BAY I'm out He throws the machine-gun down and they all race into-- HORUS CHAMBER - DAY --A small chamber. The lower half of the giant statue of HORUS stands in the middle of the chamber. JONATHAN There he is! They run up to the base of the statue, JONATHAN (CONT'D) Hello Horus old boy. O'Connell looks back at the mummies coming down the passageway. He reaches into his gunny-sack and pulls out a stick of dynamite. Ardeth Bay taps him on the shoulder. ARDETH BAY Allow me. O'Connell hands him the dynamite and a match, then turns to look at the statue. Ardeth Bay reaches forward and strikes the match off O'Connell's stubbly face. O'Connell YELPS. Ardeth Bay lights the dynamite and throws it down the passageway. They all hit the deck. The dynamite EXPLODES. Ripping apart the creatures, causing a CAVE-IN and sealing the passageway with rock and dirt. Now there's only one way out --another dark, creepy passageway. INT. CEMETERY Chained tight to the top of the altar, Evelyn hopelessly struggles to free herself. She stops as Priest mummies start surrounding the altar. Evelyn is horrified as the hideous mummies kneel down and begin to CHANT --which now sounds even more horrific due to the lack of tongues, jaws and mouths in the room. Imhotep steps up carrying the black Book Of The Dead. His hand reaches out and lovingly caresses Anck-su-namun's decayed cheek. INT. HORUS CHAMBER - DAY O'Connell and Jonathan are digging away at the seams of the secret compartment, it starts to give. And that's when Ardeth Bay spots another group of rotting mummies coming down the dark passageway, heading right for them. O'Connell looks up. O'CONNELL These guys just don't quit. Ardeth Bay grabs the elephant gun and a handful of shells and runs off towards the mummies. ARDETH BAY Keep digging! O'Connell and Jonathan redouble their efforts, pulling harder on the seam. The compartment starts to loosen. About to give. The last time this happened, salt acid sprayed out, remember? Our heroes keep tugging. The tension mounts ... And that's when a SKELETAL HAND BURSTS UP OUT OF THE GROUND and grabs O'Connell's ankle. Several more moldy hands BURST up out of the ground. O'Connell and Jonathan struggle with the mummies as they crawl up out of the dirt floor. One of the mummies violently shoves O'Connell away. Another grabs Jonathan by the throat and starts to strangle him. A third mummy grabs at the secret compartment and pulls hard. AN INTENSE BURST OF ACID SPRAYS OUT OF THE SEAM AND HITS ALL THREE OF THE MUMMIES. The one strangling Jonathan gets it in the back and drops him. All three mummies melt horribly. INT. CEMETERY Imhotep begins to read from The Book Of The Dead. A large SWIRLING HOLE starts to open in the detritus bog. Evelyn's eyes widen in amazement and horror. IINT. HORUS CHAMBER - DAY Ardeth Bay BLASTS AWAY at the oncoming mummies. Over at the base of the statue, O'Connell and Jonathan pull an ornate chest out of the secret compartment. O'Connell rips off the lid, reaches inside and pulls out a heavy burlap bag. He and Jonathan exchange nervous, excited looks. Then he reaches into the bag and slowly pulls out the SOLID GOLD Book Of The Living- GOLDEN LIGHT reflects off their faces as they stare at it in wonder. The elephant gun goes empty. Ardeth Bay takes it by the barrel and wades into the remaining mummies swinging. ARDETH BAY Save the girl! Kill the creature! The mummies quickly overwhelm and start to tear him apart. O'Connell lights the last stick of dynamite and throws it against the far wall. He and Jonathan hit the deck. O'CONNELL That's the last one, we better get lucky. The wall BLOWS. Debris COLLAPSES, --but now here's a hole for them to get out. O'Connell and Jonathan race out through the hole just as the remaining mummies enter the chamber. EXT. HAMUNAPTRA RUINS - DAY Outside, Beni staggers across the sand with a saddlebag filled with treasure. He throws it over the rear of a camel. Starts to climb up. Hesitates. Looks back at the temple door. Licks his lips. And then his greed gets the better of him and he quickly climbs down and scurries back towards the door. INT. CEMETERY - DAY Imhotep READS from the Book. The rotten Priest-mummies rock back and forth, CHANTING. Evelyn struggles. Then suddenly, the strange MIST wafts up out of the swirling hole and over to the sacred jars, it passes through them and into Evelyn. Evelyn JERKS as though she's been electrified. The MIST passes through her and into Anck-su-namun's body. The CHANTING PRIESTS, SWIRLING HOLE, WAFTING MIST and IMHOTEPIS READINGS reach a crescendo. Anck-su-namun's crusty EYELIDS suddenly POP OPEN. Evelyn stares at her in disbelief. Anck-su-namun's rotted head turns and looks at Evelyn with empty sockets. Evelyn freaks out and struggles wildly, then she notices Imhotep holding the ancient sacrificial knife. IMHOTEP (SUBTITLED) With your death, my love and I will be invincible! He raises it up over Evelyn's chest, about to plunge it down. Evelyn's eyes widen in horror And that's when O'Connell and Jonathan BURST IN. Imhotep spins around and faces them. Jonathan beams as he holds up the golden Book Of The Living. JONATHAN I found it, Evy! I found it! EVELYN Shut-up and get me off of here! O'Connell grabs an ancient sword out of a statue's hand, jumps up onto a gravestone and leaps out over the Priests. The Priest-mummies stop chanting. The MIST vanishes. Imhotep steps forward. O'Connell STRIKES the sacrificial knife out of his hand. Imhotep BELLOWS a command. The Priests stand up, swords and knives in hand, they ATTACK O'Connell. EVERYTHING HAPPENS AT ONCE, READ FASTER: EVELYN (CONT'D) Open the book, Jonathan! Open the book! That's the only way to kill him! O'Connell RACKS and CHOPS at the attacking Priest-mummies, fighting his way to Evelyn. The skeletal creatures wildly SWING their swords, trying to STAB O'Connell. Jonathan fumbles with the book, struggling to open it, --he can't. JONATHAN I can't open it! It's locked or something! O'Connell CUTS two of the mummies in half, then swings his sword down at Evelyn, --CLANG! One chain breaks free. Jonathan spots a series of SOLID GOLD, FOUR-SIDED LOCKS along the binder. It hits him like lightning-- JONATHAN (CONT'D) We need the key! Imhotep grins, then grabs the KEY/BOX hanging from a chain around his neck, rips it off and shoves it into his pocket He picks up the sacrificial sword and heads for Jonathan. JONATHAN (CONT'D) What do I do, Evy!? What do I do!? EVELYN Read the inscription on the cover! O'Connell swings his sword down again, --CLANG! Evelyn now has one hand and one leg free. More mummies attack O'Connell force him back. Jonathan quickly starts translating the cover inscription, but his ancient Egyptian is clearly awful. JONATHAN Keetash-something, naraba something. Jonathan starts to backpedal through the cemetery, clutching the golden book; wide-eyed, as Imhotep moves in on him. JONATHAN (CONT'D) Ebarra im hatu Kashka ummmmm--? Jonathan trips and falls on his ass. Imhotep CHARGES FORWARD. O'Connell SLASHES another chain. Only one more left holding Evelyn. Jonathan sits up and quickly looks back at the cover. JONATHAN (CONT'D) Rasheem Aaaaa ANUBIS! Imhotep raises the sacrificial sword, about to kill Jonathan. And that's when the giant statue of Anubis suddenly CRASHES through the wall --shades of Ray Harryhausen, only better. The god of Deaths, horrible, decrepit STONE FACE stares angrily down. Jonathan stares back. JONATHAN (CONT'D) Oh boy O'Connell DECAPITATES a mummy and looks up at Anubis. O'CONNELL (SARCASTIC) This just keeps gettin, better and better. Imhotep leaves Jonathan and heads for the giant statue. O'Connell leaps over and with one last swing of the sword, frees Evelyn from her chains. More Priest-mummies attack, forcing him away. Evelyn jumps off the altar and starts to head for O'Connell, -a SKELETAL HAND grabs her! Spins her around. It's Anck-su namun's rotted corpse. Evelyn reacts. Imhotep looks up at Anubis, points to O'Connell, and in ANCIENT EGYPTIAN commands him to attack. Anubis moves for O'Connell, STOMPING over mausoleums and through the detritus moat on his way. O'Connell quickly backs away. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) Do something, Jonathan! Kill it! JONATHAN You have got to be joking? Evelyn is backing away from Anck-su-namun. EVELYN Finish the inscription, idiot! JONATHAN Oh. Anck-su-namun ATTACKS Evelyn. Evelyn fends her off as best she can. Jonathan quickly looks back at the hieroglyphs on the book cover, fumbling badly under the pressure- JONATHAN (CONT'D) Ummm, Hootash im .... Hootash im now what is this last symbol here? EVELYN What's it look like!? Anck-su-namun grabs Evelyn by the throat. The statue of Anubis corners O'Connell, reaches down and GRABS him with it's MASSIVE TALONS. O'Connell HACKS away at it. Jonathan stares at the inscription, slightly oblivious. JONATHAN It's an Anck symbol, with two little squiggly lines above it, and a bird, a stork on either side! Evelyn is being STRANGLED by Anck-su-namun, EVELYN -Ah! Ah! Ahmenophus! JONATHAN Yes, ...I see. The talons lift O'Connell up and start to CRUSH him. JONATHAN (CONT'D) Hootash im Ahmenophus! The giant statue of Anubis instantly freezes in it's tracks and PETRIFIES. It's off balance. Starts to fall. O'Connell slides free of it's talons. Evelyn SHOVES Anck-su-namun away, Anck-su-namun looks up and opens her fetid mouth to scream just as Anubis CRASHES DOWN on top of her, SMASHING HER to powder and DRIVING her into the ground. Imhotep SHRIEKS in rage and horror, then turns and angrily heads for Jonathan. Jonathan, sitting on his ass, quickly backpedals on his hands and heels. O'Connell leaps to his feet, sword in hand and runs for Imhotep. Imhotep grabs Jonathan, lifts him up, rips the golden Book Of The Living out of his hand and pins him to a wall. O'Connell runs up and swings his sword at Imhotep, --WAP! SLICES Imhotep's 'right arm off. It drops to the ground, still clutching The Book Of The Living. Imhotep drops Jonathan and spins around, facing O'Connell. O'Connell grins. O'CONNELL Okay pal, let's see how tough you are without your right arm. Imhotep grabs O'Connell with his left arm and THROWS him half way across the cemetery. O'Connell SLAMS into a gravestone, bounces off and crashes to the ground. He shakes it off. O'CONNELL (CONT'D) Alright, ...so he's left handed. Imhotep is already striding towards him. Jonathan lifts up his hand, --HE HAS THE KEY/BOX BACK! He smiles at Evelyn. JONATHAN I got it! Evelyn runs for Jonathan. O'Connell SWINGS his sword and CLEAVES a big chunk of molten flesh rot out of Imhotep's stomach on the outside, Imhotep looks human, but on the inside he is still a rotten old mummy. Imhotep BACKHANDS O'Connell. Knocks him twenty feet back. O'Connell staggers to his feet. Imhotep is right there. CLUBS him hard with his left arm. O'Connell spins through the air, SLAMS into the side of a mausoleum. Imhotep approaches, rage in his eyes. O'Connell gets up, quickly pivots and HACKS into Imhotep's head. Imhotep grins and PUNCHES O'Connell in the face. O'Connell is thrown back, pulling his sword with him. He bounces hard off the mausoleum. Lands on his feet. Totally beat-to-shit. Knees buckling. He can barely stand. Jonathan lifts up the heavy gold book, --Imhotep's severed hand still clings to it. Jonathan cringes in disgust. Evelyn yanks it off, throws it away, then start furiously working the key into the series of locks, unlocking each of them. Imhotep strides forward. O'Connell backs into the mausoleum, swings the sword, Imhotep tries to catch it, --it CLEAVES through his palm and deeply imbeds itself into his forearm. No matter, Imhotep rips the sword away from O'Connell and casually flings it away. The golden Book Of The Living opens with a HISS. Jonathan holds it tight as Evelyn quickly turns the heavy gold pages Looking for something. O'Connell turns to run, but Imhotep grabs him by the throat and lifts him off his feet. O'Connell hangs there, a dazed mess. Imhotep grins, says something in ANCIENT EGYPTIAN, then starts to strangle O'Connell. O'Connell chokes. About to die. Evelyn turns and faces Imhotep and reads an inscription: EVELYN Kadeesh mal! Kadeesh mal! Pared oos! PARED OOS!! Imhotep pivots and looks at Evelyn, a look of sheer terror on his face. Then he looks over at the detritus bog. Which starts to BUBBLE and SHIFT. The SWIRLING HOLE begins to open. And then suddenly THE SPIRITS OF THE EGYPTIAN GODS waft out of the black bog and SWIRL around the Priest-mummies. The mummies all collapse and turn to dust. And then the spirits attack Imhotep. Lifting him and O'Connell up into the air. Imhotep let's go of O'Connell, who falls to the ground. Evelyn and Jonathan fearfully stumble away from the spirits, Jonathan trips and falls and accidentally throws The Book of The Living into the detritus bog. Evelyn watches as the golden book sinks into the black putrescence. Jonathan looks like he's about to cry. Ten feet off the ground, the spirits SWIRL around Imhotep's body, TWISTING IT and TURNING IT and slowly SHRIVELING IT. Accompanied by the same strange FLASHING LIGHT we saw at the beginning of the movie when Anck-su-namun was cursed one last HUGE FLASH, accompanied by a BLAST OF WIND, and Imhotep is spit out and thrown to the floor. He staggers to his feet, he looks perfectly normal. His body is completely intact. O'Connell swings his sword. Imhotep jerks back. The sword scrapes Imhotep's chest, --a swath of blood appears across Imhotep's chest where the sword hit him. Imhotep touches the blood on his chest, amazed and horrified. He's mortal. O'Connell runs Imhotep through with the sword and shoves him backwards. Imhotep stumbles back and falls into the detritus bog. The sword still in his stomach. Evelyn and Jonathan run up next to O'Connell. They watch as Imhotep gently sinks into the fetid swamp, slowly dying. And then, just before his head goes under, Imhotep looks up at them, grins broadly, and says something in ANCIENT EGYPTIAN. Evelyn translates: EVELYN (CONT'D) Death is only the beginning. Imhotep's grinning face vanishes under the black bile STAFF CHAMBER - DAY Beni staggers across a chamber, straining under the weight of another saddlebag filled with treasure. He spots a large, ornate STAFF sticking out of a wall. He throws the saddlebag over the staff and collapses against the wall. Exhausted. A BEAT. And then the weight of the treasure PULLS THE STAFF DOWN. Which starts a massive AURAL CHAIN-REACTION. Beni backs away from the wall, wide-eyed, filled with fear. ALL THE WALLS START TO SINK INTO THE GROUND. Driven by tons of pouring sand. Beni turns and hauls-ass out of the chamber. CEMETERY - DAY O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan look around as all the walls start to DESCEND. O'Connell grabs Evelyn's hand. O'CONNELL C'mon! He pulls her forward and all three of them race past sinking pillars. They duck as they run into a descending doorway. INT. PASSAGEWAY - DAY Beni scampers down a passageway, the ceiling getting lower and lower until he has to crouch. And then he has to stick the TORCH between his teeth and crawl on his hands and knees INT. TREASURE CHAMBER - DAY O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan crouch-run into the treasure chamber. Evelyn skids to a stop. Looks in wonder at all the treasure. SAND rains down on them. O'Connell grabs her again and quickly pulls her through the mounds of treasure towards a SINKING DOORWAY on the far side of the room. The SOUND of the sinking walls is deafening. Beni crouch-runs into the treasure chamber. O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan race past him. He joins them as they run up a staircase heading for a DESCENDING DOORWAY, which is already half gone, it's now only four feet high -- now three feet high -- now two feet. Jonathan dives through the narrow gap. Then O'Connell dives through, he spins around. Evelyn dives, but gets stuck in the middle, about to get cut in half. O'Connell grabs her arm and YANKS her through in the nick of time. Beni reaches through the narrowing gap with his hand-- BENI O'CONNELL!! O'Connell grabs it, but it's too late. Beni yanks his hand back just as the top of the door CRASHES to the floor. Sealing him in. Beni quickly crawls back down the stairs as the ceiling SLAMS down behind him. He stands up and looks around with his diminishing torch. All the doorways FINISH CLOSING. There's no way out. He's trapped. And then he hears something, and turns around. Over in the corner, a scarab beetle stares at him, CHITTERING. Beni waves his flickering torch at the scarab and backs away. BENI (CONT'D) Go away. He stands in the middle of the treasure chamber as dozens upon dozens of scarabs boil up out of the floor around him. Beni is absolutely terrified. The scarabs start to move in. And that's when Beni's torch goes out. PITCH BLACK. A BEAT. And then we hear Beni start SCREAMING in horror and pain. And the scarabs CHITTERING hungrily. EXT. HAMUNAPTRA - DAY The temple COLLAPSES as O'Connell, Evelyn, Jonathan and a pack of stray camels race through the ruins. A SINKING CREVICE DROPS OUT right behind them. Chasing them out through the front gates. The whole place RUMBLES ominously. They make it down the ramp as more ruins CRASH DOWN behind them. A MASSIVE CLOUD OF SAND AND DUST billows out over the wall and into the air our heroes and all the stray camels race out into the desert .......... SLOW DISSOLVE TO: EXT. PLATEALT - DAY O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan stand in the middle of the plateau, surrounded by stray camels. They stare off at the sandy, dusty, volcano as it continues to RUMBLE-ominously. JONATHAN Well, ...I guess we go home empty handed. O'Connell looks at Evelyn O'CONNELL Wouldn't say that. Evelyn returns the look, A BEAT, and then she wraps-her arms around his neck and kisses him. O'Connell returns it. Jonathan just rolls his eyes, snorts in disgust and climbs up onto a camel. When the kiss is-over, O'Connell and Evelyn share a smile, then O'Connell leaps up into the saddle, reaches down, grabs Evelyn's hand and pulls her up behind him. Evelyn wraps her arms around his waist. O'Connell and Jonathan slap the reins. O'CONNELL/JONATHAN TUK-TUK-TUK!! The camels start to move out. WE PAN DOWN: to the saddlebag behind Evelyn, hidden under the closed back flap, --we can see that it's filled with Beni's stolen TREASURE. O'Connell, Evelyn and Jonathan ride off into the SUNSET. THE END
Почти три года тому назад я делал обзор сценария надвигавшегося ребута «Мумии» за авторством Джона Спэйтса. Не могу сказать, чтобы тогда его работа меня сильно впечатлила. Но как это часто бывает, после просмотра итогового фильма я словил себя на мысли, что возможно тот вариант был еще не таким уж и плохим. Так что я решил сделать небольшое сравнение между ранней версией сценария и тем, что показали в кинотеатрах.
Конечно, когда речь заходит о студийных франшизах, достаточно сложно понять, что именно является заслугой конкретно этого автора, что было взято им из работ предшественников, а какие элементы попали в работу исключительно потому, что так требовали продюсеры. Тем не менее, даже не зная всей этой внутренней кухни все равно можно сделать определенные выводы.
Итак, действие датированного 11 июля 2013 года сценария Спейтса начиналось со спецоперации отряда морских котиков в Ираке. Американские спецслужбы засекли подозрительный всплеск радиации где-то в пустыне и выслали на разведку группу, возглавляемую бравым солдатом по имени Тайлер Кольт. Именно он был главным героем скрипта Спэйтса.
Прибыв на место инцидента, отряд находил ассирийскую гробницу, а внутри — трупы вскрывших ее грабителей. Затем происходила всякая чертовщина. Тайлер натыкался на скрытый внутри гробницы саркофаг и начинал слышать голоса. Потом солдаты один за другим сходили с ума и убивали друг друга, ну а после все мертвые оживали. Каким-то чудом Тайлеру удавалось выбраться из гробницы и взорвать вход в нее.
Проходило два года. Мы узнавали, что после инцидента нашего героя сочли психом и комиссовали из армии. Теперь Тайлер водит грузовик и мучается кошмарами, в которых видит какого-то человека, сражающегося с весьма неприятными обитателями Царства мертвых. Однажды, к нему в гости наведывался полковник Робертсон из группы специальных вооружений. Это секретное подразделение собирающее по всему миру магические артефакты, которые можно использовать в военных целях. Полковник предлагал Тайлеру вернуться в Ирак и помочь извлечь содержимое гробницы, обещая, что это позволит ему избавиться от кошмаров. Поломавшись для вида, Тайлер соглашался. Параллельно, мы знакомились с главной героиней — археологом Дженни, которая активно работает на черном рынке древностей, а иногда и не брезгует красть артефакты у своих же клиентов.
Тайлер, Робертсон, Дженни и команда инженеров, которым конечно же осталось всего ничего до пенсии отправлялись в Ирак. Тайлер придумывал, как проникнуть внутрь гробницы и не сойти с ума. Благодаря этому героям удавалось успешно извлечь саркофаг. На обратном пути на конвой нападали, но героям удавалось сдержать атаку боевиков и улететь на самолете.
Далее следовала, вероятно, единственная сцена, которая осталась в итоговом фильме. Во время полета древнее зло в саркофаге пробуждалось. Самолет сталкивался со стаей птиц и начинал падать, в то время как почти все на борту превращались в каких-то зомби. В последний момент, Тайлеру, Дженни и Робертсону удавалось выпрыгнуть с парашютами.
Самолет падал на Рим. Мумия из саркофага просыпалась и начинала бесчинствовать — вначале высасывала жизнь из нескольких человек, а затем отправлялась на экскурсию в Ватикан. Герои следовали за ней. Робертсон жертвовал собой, тщетно пытаясь остановить мумию при помощи различных суперсовременных технических средств. Тайлер и Дженни тем временем забирали из архива Ватикана, то, искало зло — корону Ашшурбанапала.
Собственно говоря, вскоре выяснялось, что мумия это и есть Ашшурбанапал. Древний ассирайский царь очень не хотел умирать и заставил пленных египетских жрецов разработать ритуал, который бы позволил ему после смерти проникнуть в Царство мертвых, набраться там божественной силы, а затем вернуться на Землю, воскреснуть и править вечно. Правда, когда об этом узнал его преемник, то оперативно уничтожил Некрополь, а саркофаг с мумией спрятал в пустыне, чтобы Ашшурбанапал никогда не смог восстать из мертвых.
Вторая половина скрипта Спэйтса представляла собой набор из кучи экшн-сцен. Вначале герои отправлялись на греческий остров к нехорошему миллиардеру-коллекционеру, у которого хранился меч, без которого Ашшурбанапал не мог завершить ритуал по воскрешению. Вскоре, туда заявлялась и мумия.
Сбежав с острова, герои отправлялись в Стамбул, где находился штаб древнего ордена (типа тамплиеров), задачей которого было не допустить пробуждения зла. Но Ашшурбанапал легко преодолевал все древние магические барьеры, насылая на город огромную волну, сметавшую здания. Он забирал нужные ему артефакты, похищал Дженни и отправлялся к руинам Некрополя рядом с Мосулом, чтобы закончить древний ритуал и стать богом.
Тайлер и выжившие «тамплиеры» следовали за ним. Начиналась главная экшн-сцена скрипта. Ашшурбанапал уничтожал расположенную рядом с руинами иракскую базу, с легкостью раскидывая танки. Затем из под песков вылазила армия мертвых. Пока уцелевшие солдаты и «тамплиеры» сдерживали их натиск, Тайлер отправлялся внутрь Некрополя и дрался с мумией.
Конечно же, в последний момент герою удавалось спасти мир. Он получал девушку, ну а в финале с ним на связь снова выходила группа специальных вооружений и предлагала новую работу — в этот раз в Египте. В последней сцене Тайлер и Дженни вылавливали саркофаг, в котором судя по всему находилась мумия древнеегипетской принцессы. На этом скрипт заканчивался.
Повторюсь, что сценарий Спэйтса звезд с неба не хватал. Текст читался хорошо, но ничего нового в нем не было. Все это мы видели и не раз. Тем не менее, итоговый фильм не смог дотянуть даже до этого уровня. Почему так получилось, становится понятно, если взглянуть на титры, в которых указано аж три сценариста и три автора сюжета (в том числе и Спэйтс). Если учесть, что на каждого попавшего в титры автора обычно приходится хотя бы один не попавший, становится понятно, что количество версий сценария ребута «Мумии» видимо исчислялось двухзначными числами. И очень похоже на то, что фильм слепили, взяв по кусочку из каждого скрипта. Ничего хорошего из этого не получилось.
Начать можно с главного героя. У меня есть подозрение, что когда Том Круз подписывается на фильм, то в его стоимость по умолчанию включен стандартный пакет «личность героя блокбастера». Конечно, Круз порой все же может поднапрячься, и даже для разнообразия постебаться со своего образа. Но куда чаще он играет одного и того же человека — себя любимого.
«Мумия» не стала исключением. Тайлер Кольт хоть и не отличался особой оригинальностью, но у него было хоть что-то за плечами — солдат, потерявший свой отряд, которого все считают психом и который мучается кошмарами. При желании, это можно было бы во что-то развить и как-то отыграть. Но зачем напрягаться, если у нас есть Том Круз? Все же и так знают, кто он, так что на образ героя можно забить. Да и мумии заодно сменили пол и сделали ее красоткой, полфильма пытающейся склеить неуступчивого Круза. Ведь все же знают, что перед его обаянием не могут устоять даже трупы.
Ну а если без шуток, то после просмотра у меня даже появилась мысль, что сделай создатели ГГ женщину (а герой-мужчина, которого бы сыграл какой-то известный лицедей, скажем трагически погибал бы где-то в середине) — это могло бы и сработать. Но конечно, глупо было ждать от этого проекта подобных поворотов.
Также меня очень позабавили реплики героя Рассела Кроу, который несколько раз особо выделил «молодость» героя. И это при том, что Круз вообще-то на два года старше его (да, я понимаю что с точки зрения персонажей Джекиллу возможно сотни лет, но все равно, было очень смешно это слышать). Интересно, в стандартный контракт Круза входит обязательное восхваление его неувядаемой красы или создатели по собственной инициативе постарался сделать хорошему человеку приятно?
Но ладно бы только это. Создатели еще зачем-то решили сделать персонажа Круза в буквальном смысле слова бессмертным. Ага, в фильме про злую мумию, которая всех убивает, это же так повышает напряжение и накал от экшн-сцен, когда герой просто не может умереть как обычный человек.
А еще, чтобы все было как у Marvel, в фильм добавили юмора. Правда я так и не понял, на какую конкретно целевую аудиторию рассчитаны эти шутки про 15 секунд, смех от щекотания мумии и косплей «Американского оборотня в Лондоне». Но впечатление от них откровенно странное, особенно если учесть то, что фильм по большей части пытается изображать из себя что-то суперсерьезное, на что всячески намекает обилие темных сцен и стерильно-блеклая картинка. По мне так вот эта сцена из 1999 года уделывает все местные попытки пошутить.
Теперь пару слов о герое Рассела Кроу. В версии Спэйтса хоть и имелся намек на сиквелы и появлялся протоаналог местного S.H.I.E.L.D., но они, по крайней мере, хотя бы были хоть как-то вписаны в действие. Но с тех пор многое изменилось. В Universal поверили, что они ничем не хуже Marvel и решили сделать свою «темную» вселенную с героями своих классических хорроров.
Знакомьтесь, герои планируемой «темной» вселенной Universal. Джонни Депп подписался на «Человека-невидимку», Хавьер Бардем на «Франкенштейна»
Уверен, что на бумаге это была идея на миллиард. Но в Universal явно позабыли, что для киновселенной недостаточно просто показать какого-то персонажа, и народ после этого повалит на продолжения. Как бы банально это не звучало, он должен быть запоминающимся, интересным и хоть что-то делать для сюжета. Применимо ли все это к доктору Джекиллу? На мой взгляд, вопрос риторический. По сути, он исполняет роль свадебного генерала. Пускай и хорошо, но смысла это не меняет. Вырежете его сцены из фильма — и много ли от этого изменится?
В своем стремлении любой ценой склепать свою киновселенную богов и монстров в Universal дошли до откровенно странных решений. Чтобы хоть как-то увеличить экранное время Кроу, его всунули во вступительную сцену и доверили рассказать зрителям историю принцессы Амонет. И все бы ничего, но затем ровно эту же самую информацию еще раз сообщают герою Круза. А если учесть постоянно демонстрируемую нарезку флэшбеков из вступительной сцены, можно сказать, что суммарно историю Амонет показывают раза три за фильм. Спасибо конечно ребята, но вы явно переоценивает свои таланты. У вас не фильм «Помни», нам достаточно и одного раза. В версии Спэйтса вообще не было отдельного вступления. Мы вместе с героями узнавали о том, кто эта мумия и чего она хочет— и это вполне нормально работало.
Также можно попенять на географию локаций картины. В скрипте Спэйтса по крайне мере в каждой сцене было понятно, где герои сейчас, куда они направляются и где они были раньше. Ирак – США – Ирак – Рим – остров – Стамбул – Мосул. Все просто и доступно.
Итоговый же фильм состоит из кучи невзрачных локаций, и лично мне зачастую было достаточно сложно понять, каким образом они географически связаны друг с другом. Вот герои бегут по улице, через мгновение уже в каком-то туннеле, а потом внезапно оказываются там, где им надо. Лондон что, размером с двор пятиэтажки? Собственно, у меня сложилось впечатление, что некоторые из локаций вероятно изначально и не были связаны. И их склеили уже по факту, когда после всех переписываний сценарий нужно было хоть как-то смонтировать кино из отснятого материала.
Ну а последний гвоздь в крышку сюжетного гроба, это финал. Я даже не буду ничего говорить про поступки главных героев, отсутствие экранной химии и искать какую-то логику в происходящем. Но местный камень бесконечности, или как оно там правильно называлось, это финиш. Когда могущественный артефакт, способный отдать Землю силам тьмы, можно уничтожить, просто стукнув его о пол, и никто за многие тысяч лет не додумался этого сделать? После этого я просто обязан вставить это видео.
Хотя нет. Есть еще одна важная вещь, которую я забыл отметить. Размах действия. А точнее его отсутствие. Увы, но похоже на то, что 125 миллионов голливудских долларов образца 2017 года по своей эффективности не потянут и на половину 80 миллионов образца 1999 года (бюджет «Мумии» Стивена Соммерса). Не считая эпизода с самолетом, в новой «Мумии» по сути и нет каких-то запоминающихся сцен, и по масштабу действия она заметно уступает картине Соммерса. Уж не знаю, дело ли в инфляции, финансовых аппетитах Круза, хитрых голливудских схемах по уходу от налогов или еще в чем, но факт остается фактом. После просмотра ленты попробуйте вспомнить из нее хоть что-то крутое. А потом сравните впечатления с той же «Дорогой ярости», у которой был 140-миллионый бюджет.
Что ж, настало время подводить какие-то итоги. Но боюсь, ничего нового я не скажу. Постоянные переделки сценария, желание сделать свою кинематографическую вселенную как у Marvel без попыток понять, почему она работает, странные сценарные решения принятые то ли в угоду главной звезде, то ли из-за желания сэкономить, отсутствие сюжетной целостности — итоговый результат был вполне закономерен.
Возможно, на имени Круза студии и удастся собрать какие-то деньги, но что-то мне не верится, что они будут сногсшибательными. Собственно, из-за низких сборов в Universal уже исключили недавнего «Дракулу» из своей «темной» вселенной. Будет забавно, если это же произойдет и с «Мумией». Но ничего, у студии еще остались в запасе «Человек-невидимка», «Человек-волк», «Невеста Франкенштейна» и «Призрак оперы», которые они тоже в скором времени собираются перезапустить. По статистике рано или поздно у них ведь должен же получиться хороший фильм, верно? Главное только, чтобы ему не было слишком одиноко в этой самой «темной» вселенной.
The Mummy | |
Theatrical release poster |
Directed by | Stephen Sommers |
Screenplay by | Stephen Sommers |
Story by | Stephen Sommers Lloyd Fonvielle Kevin Jarre |
Produced by | James Jacks Sean Daniel |
Starring |
Cinematography | Adrian Biddle |
Edited by | Bob Ducsay |
Music by | Jerry Goldsmith |
Production |
Alphaville Films[1] |
Distributed by | Universal Pictures |
Release date |
Running time |
125 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English[2] |
Budget | $80 million[3] |
Box office | $416.4 million[3] |
The Mummy is a 1999 American action-adventure film written and directed by Stephen Sommers. It is a remake of the 1932 film of the same name, starring Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah and Arnold Vosloo in the title role as the reanimated mummy. The film follows adventurer Rick O’Connell as he travels to Hamunaptra, the City of the Dead, with a librarian and her older brother, where they accidentally awaken Imhotep, a cursed high priest with supernatural powers.
Development of the film took years, with multiple screenplays and directors attached. In 1997, Stephen Sommers successfully pitched his version of a more adventurous and romantic take on the source material. Principal photography took place in Morocco and the United Kingdom; the crew endured dehydration, sandstorms, and snakes shooting on location in the Sahara desert. Industrial Light & Magic provided many of the visual effects, blending live-action footage and computer-generated imagery to create the titular monster. Jerry Goldsmith provided the orchestral score.
The Mummy was theatrically released on May 7, 1999. Despite mixed reviews from critics, it was a commercial success and grossed over $416.4 million worldwide against a production budget of $80 million. The film’s success spawned two direct sequels, The Mummy Returns (2001) and The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008). It also led to spinoffs such as an animated series and the prequel The Scorpion King (2002), which generated its own sequels. Attempts to reboot the property and kickstart a new media franchise led to a 2017 film.
In Thebes, Egypt, 1290 BC, high priest Imhotep has an affair with Anck-su-namun, the mistress of Pharaoh Seti I. They kill the Pharaoh after he discovers their relationship. Imhotep flees, while Anck-su-namun kills herself, believing he can resurrect her. Imhotep and his priests steal her corpse and travel to Hamunaptra, the City of the Dead. The resurrection ritual is stopped by Pharaoh’s bodyguards, the Medjai. Imhotep’s priests are mummified alive, while Imhotep himself is tortured, cursed and buried alive with flesh-eating scarabs at the feet of a statue of the god Anubis. The Medjai are sworn to prevent Imhotep’s return.
In 1926 Cairo, Jonathan Carnahan presents his sister Evelyn—a librarian and aspiring Egyptologist working for museum curator Dr. Terence Bey—with an intricate box and map that lead to Hamunaptra. Jonathan reveals he stole the box from an American adventurer, Rick O’Connell, who discovered the city while in the French Foreign Legion. Evelyn and Jonathan find Rick in a local prison and make a deal with him to lead them to the city, bribing prison warden Gad Hassan to free him.
Rick guides Evelyn and her party to the city, encountering a band of American treasure hunters led by Rick’s cowardly acquaintance Beni Gabor. Despite being warned to leave by Ardeth Bay, leader of the Medjai, the two expeditions continue their excavations. Evelyn searches for the Book of Amun-Ra, made of pure gold. Instead of finding it, she stumbles upon Imhotep’s remains. The team of Americans, meanwhile, discover the black Book of the Dead, accompanied by canopic jars carrying Anck-su-namun’s preserved organs. Warden Hassan and several diggers are killed during the excavation.
At night, Evelyn reads from the Book of the Dead aloud, accidentally awakening the mummified Imhotep, who seems to briefly confuse Evelyn with Anck-su-namun. The expeditions flee back to Cairo, and Imhotep follows them with the help of Beni, who has agreed to serve him. He regenerates his full strength and human form by killing the members of the American expedition, and brings the Ten Plagues back to Egypt. Meanwhile, Evelyn learns that Terence is also working with the Medjai.
Rick, Evelyn, Jonathan and Terence meet Ardeth at the museum, who hypothesizes that Imhotep wants to resurrect Anck-su-namun by sacrificing Evelyn. She believes that if the Book of the Dead brought Imhotep back to life, the Book of Amun-Ra can kill him again and deduces the book’s whereabouts in Hamunaptra. Imhotep corners the group with an army of slaves. Evelyn agrees to accompany him if he spares the rest of the group. Although Imhotep does not honor his word, Rick and the others fight their way to safety, with Terence sacrificing himself to ensure their escape.
Rick, Jonathan and Ardeth recruit Captain Winston Havelock, a member of the Royal Air Force with a death wish to fly them back to Hamunaptra in pursuit of Imhotep. However, Imhotep magically conjures a sandstorm, crashing their plane and killing Havelock. Rick, Jonathan, and Ardeth locate the Book of Amun-Ra in Hamunaptra while Imhotep prepares to sacrifice Evelyn, also bringing Anck-su-namun’s mummified remains to life as part of the ritual. Rick manages to rescue her after a brutal fight with Imhotep’s mummified priests and mummified soldiers; Anck-su-namun’s mummy is also slain during the melee. Evelyn reads from the Book of Amun-Ra, making Imhotep mortal, and he is fatally wounded by Rick. Imhotep degenerates back into his mummified form and dies.
Beni accidentally sets off a booby trap while looting the city of its riches, and is killed by a swarm of flesh-eating scarabs as Hamunaptra collapses into the sand. Ardeth bids Rick, Evelyn, and Jonathan goodbye, and the trio rides away on a pair of camels, not realizing it is laden with Beni’s stolen treasure.
- Brendan Fraser as Rick O’Connell
- Rachel Weisz as Evelyn Carnahan
- John Hannah as Jonathan Carnahan
- Arnold Vosloo as Imhotep
- Kevin J. O’Connor as Beni Gabor
- Jonathan Hyde as Dr. Allen Chamberlain
- Oded Fehr as Ardeth Bay
- Erick Avari as Dr. Terence Bey
- Stephen Dunham as Isaac Henderson
- Corey Johnson as David Daniels
- Tuc Watkins as Bernard Burns
- Omid Djalili as Warden Gad Hassan
- Aharon Ipalé as Pharaoh Seti I
- Bernard Fox as Captain Winston Havelock
- Patricia Velásquez as Anck-su-namun
In the late 1980s, producers James Jacks and Sean Daniel decided to update the original 1932 Mummy film for the modern era.[4] Universal gave them the go-ahead, but only if they kept the budget around $10 million.[5] Jacks remembers that the studio «essentially wanted a low-budget horror franchise».[5] In 1987, George A. Romero wrote a film treatment, and was attached to direct. Screenwriter Abbie Bernstein recalled that Universal Studios wanted an unstoppable Mummy akin to the Terminator. Bernstein’s story took place in the present; scientists inadvertently bring a mummy to life, who wants to use an ancient device to destroy all life on earth. «[The Mummy] had no more social interaction than the T-Rex did in Jurassic Park,» Bernstein recalled. Romero drifted away from the project and the script was abandoned.[6]: 29
Next, Jacks and Daniel recruited horror filmmaker/writer Clive Barker to direct. Barker’s 1990 treatment and a successive 1991 screenplay by Mick Garris were dark and violent, with the story revolving around an art museum that rebuilds an entire Egyptian tomb in Beverly Hills.[4][7][6]: 29 Jacks recalls that Barker’s take was «dark, sexual and filled with mysticism»,[5] and that, «it would have been a great low-budget movie».[7] Barker recalled the concept was too weird for the studio, and that his vision treated the Mummy as a jumping-off point for the film instead of the central character.[6]: 30
Alan Ormsby, unaware of the previous efforts to launch the film, was brought on next. Ormsby pitched a more straightforward update to the 1932 film, again focusing on the Mummy as a relentless Terminator-like character. Joe Dante was attached as director, increasing the budget for his idea of Daniel Day-Lewis as a brooding Mummy.[5] This version’s draft was later re-written by John Sayles. It was set in contemporary times and focused on reincarnation with elements of a love story.[7] It came close to being made—with some elements like the flesh-eating scarabs making it to the final product[4]—but Universal balked at the higher price tag.[6]: 30
George A. Romero returned to the project in 1994[6]: 30 with a vision of a zombie-style horror film similar to Night of the Living Dead, but which also relied heavily upon elements of tragic romance and ambivalence of identity. Romero completed a draft in October 1994, co-written with Ormsby and Sayles, that revolved around female archaeologist Helen Grover and her discovery of the tomb of Imhotep, an Egyptian general who lived in the time of Ramesses II.[5] Unfolding in a nameless American city in modern times, events are set into motion when Imhotep inadvertently awakens as a result of his body having been exposed to rays from an MRI scan in a high-tech forensic archaeology lab.[5]
Helen finds herself drawn into a tentative relationship with Imhotep while also experiencing clairvoyant flashbacks to a previous life in the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt as a priestess of Isis. Summoning mystical powers through incantation, Imhotep later resurrects the mummy of Karis, a loyal slave. Karis embarks on a vengeful rampage against the grave robbers of his tomb. Romero’s script was considered too dark and violent by Jacks and the studio, who wanted a more accessible picture. Romero was unable to extricate himself from another contract he had in negotiation with MGM, and so his involvement with the film was severed and the development of an entirely new script was commissioned.[5]
Mick Garris returned in 1995, developing a script that combined elements of the 1932 film and 1942’s The Mummy’s Tomb. This draft was a period piece awash in Egyptian art-inspired Art Deco, but the vision once again proved too expensive for the studio and was discarded for a modern setting. While the project came close to entering production, Universal was sold to Seagram. Sheinberg chose to produce The Mummy through his independent company and write a new script. Unable to find a suitable high-profile writer and director (Wes Craven was offered the film but turned it down[7]) the project unraveled again, and Garris left the project for the second time.[6]: 30–31 [8]
Still determined to create a new Mummy film, in 1996 Universal hired Kevin Jarre to write a new screenplay. According to Jacks, the executives were now convinced the film should be a larger-budget period piece.[6]: 31 Stephen Sommers called Jacks and Daniel in 1997 with his vision of The Mummy «as a kind of Indiana Jones or Jason and the Argonauts with the mummy as the creature giving the hero a hard time».[5] Sommers had seen the original film when he was eight, and wanted to recreate the things he liked about it on a bigger scale.[9] Discussing other classic horror characters, Sommers recalled that «Frankenstein made me sad—I always felt sorry for him. Dracula was kind of cool and sexy. But The Mummy just plain scared me.» He had wanted to make a Mummy film, but other writers or directors were always attached.[10]: 52
After the box office disappointment of Babe: Pig in the City and other films, Universal needed a hit film. At the time, Universal’s management had changed in response to the box office failures, and the losses led the studio to revisit its successful franchises from the 1930s.[11] New chair Stacey Snider distributed packets detailing the studio’s holdings—including nearly 5,000 old scripts and films.[12]: 156 Sommers received his window of opportunity and pitched his Mummy to Universal with an 18-page treatment.[4]
Sommers did not want to remake the original film; instead of making another straight horror movie, he wanted to turn it into a romantic adventure with horror elements. Conscious of how the shambling, bandaged Mummy of the old films had become something of a punchline, he wanted a faster, meaner, and scarier monster.[10]: 52 Sommers incorporated his own research and the services of a UCLA archaeology professor to make the ancient Egyptian language accurate.[6]: 27 Snider recalled that Sommer’s treatment was unique in that it took place in the 1920s, rather than a contemporary setting.[13] Universal liked the treatment so much that they approved the concept and increased the budget,[14][a] and Sommers spent a year working on the screenplay.[16]: 103
Producer James Jacks offered the role of Rick O’Connell to Tom Cruise (who was later cast in the reboot film), Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, but the actors were not interested or could not fit the role into their respective schedules.[5] Jacks and director Stephen Sommers were impressed with the money that George of the Jungle was making at the box office and cast Brendan Fraser as a result;[5] Sommers also commented that he felt Fraser fit the Errol Flynn swashbuckling character he had envisioned for Rick perfectly.[13] Fraser’s turn in George bolstered his perceived star power, yet he remained far cheaper than the biggest actors working.[12]: 155 The actor understood that his character «doesn’t take himself too seriously, otherwise the audience can’t go on that journey with him.»[17]
Evelyn Carnahan was named in tribute to Lady Evelyn Carnarvon, the daughter of amateur Egyptologist Lord Carnarvon, both present at the opening of the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922.[18] The studio originally considered American actresses, and Rachel Weisz auditioned multiple times before getting the part.[15] Rachel Weisz was not a big fan of horror films, but saw the movie as more of a «hokum» comic book.[19] John Hannah was picked for the role of Jonathan Carnahan, despite the fact that Hannah felt he was not a comedic actor, with Sommers saying that, «He had no idea why we cast him.»[15]
Jacks had previously produced Hard Target with Arnold Vosloo. The South African actor liked the Mummy script, but told Sommers he wanted to play the role «absolutely straight. From Imhotep’s point of view, this is a skewed version of Romeo and Juliet.»[5][20] He was offered the role after a single audition.[6]: 27 Carrying some extra weight and conscious of it because of Imhotep’s skimpy costume, Vosloo lost 10 to 15 pounds for the role by eschewing alcohol and sugar.[6]: 28
Filming began on May 4, 1998, and lasted 17 weeks.[21] The crew could not shoot in Egypt because of unstable political conditions, so principal photography began in Marrakech, Morocco.[22] Marrakech had the extra advantage of being a much less modern city than Cairo, making it easier to dress like the 1920s. The production set up two weeks before filming, taking down telephone wires and cables and shipping in period cars and camels.[6]: 27 Locals served as extras for crowd scenes.[16]: 116 After shooting in Marrakech, filming moved to the Sahara desert outside the small town of Erfoud. Production designer Allan Cameron found a geologic feature, Gara Medouar, where the exteriors for Hamunaptra could be constructed.[21]
A concrete ramp was built to allow access into the horseshoe-shaped formation, where the city was built from prefabricated parts shipped from England.[23][21][24][16]: 103 A survey of the area was conducted so that an accurate model and scale models of the columns and statues could be replicated back at Shepperton Studios, where all of the scenes involving the underground passageways of the City of the Dead were shot. These sets took 16 weeks to build, and included fiberglass columns rigged with special effects for the movie’s final scenes.[21]
To avoid dehydration in the scorching heat of the Sahara, the production’s medical team created a drink that the cast and crew had to consume every two hours.[17] Sandstorms were daily inconveniences, and wildlife were a major problem, with many crew members having to be airlifted to medical care after being bitten or stung.[22] Brendan Fraser nearly died during a scene where his character is hanged.[19] The production had the official support of the Royal Moroccan Army, and the cast members had kidnapping insurance taken out on them.[7]
After shooting in North Africa, production moved back to the United Kingdom before completion of shooting on August 29, 1998.[21] Here, the dockyards at Chatham doubled for the Giza Port on the Nile River.[25] This set was 600 feet (183 m) in length and featured «a steam train, an Ajax traction engine, three cranes, an open two-horse carriage, four horse-drawn carts, five dressing horses and grooms, nine pack donkeys and mules, as well as market stalls, Arab-clad vendors and room for 300 costumed extras».[21]
Special effects[edit]
The filmmakers reportedly spent $15 million of the budget on the special effects alone.[16][26] The Mummy features hundreds of shots that required optical or digital special effects in post-production. Effects house Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) contributed more than 140 shots to the film, with additional work done by Cinesite (60 shots) and Pacific Title/Mirage (45 shots, and the film’s title sequences.)[27]: 60
Sommers engaged ILM while still developing the script, having previously worked with ILM effects supervisor John Andrew Berton, Jr. on Deep Rising. ILM was eager for the challenge the film provided, and produced a proof of concept for The Mummy‘s effects in late 1997 to demonstrate the feasibility of Sommers’ vision to executives.[16]: 103
The filmmakers sought to make something faster and scarier for the title creature, using cutting-edge techniques to create something never before seen.[16] ILM started developing the look of the Mummy three months before filming started.[21] «We wanted to create a photorealistic corpse that was obviously not a man in a suit, obviously not an animatronic, and obviously alive,» he recalled.[6]
Over a months-long period, the designers worked on developing four distinct stages for the Mummy. Stage one was the mummy at its most decayed, with tattered bits of clothing, skin, and sinew hanging over a skeleton. Stage two added areas of regenerated skin, with stages three and four having the Mummy almost fully regenerated with only small areas of its innards showing through. The artists developed black-and-white sketches, then moved on to color treatments before building the creature in the computer; models were also made to use as reference for the digital artists.[16]: 103
The initial states of the Mummy were created entirely by computer, while later stages combined live-action performance. To supplement prosthetics and makeups applied on set, LED lights and pieces of tape served as tracking points so that digital «cutouts» could be applied to Vosloo’s face and body in postproduction;[27]: 61 Vosloo remarked that walking around the set he felt like a Christmas tree.[13]
The final creature was created with a combination of live-action acting with prosthetics and digital imagery.[10]: 55 A digital representation of the Mummy was created in Alias, featuring simulated muscles for much of the body attached to a skeleton.[27]: 60 The animators controlled parts of the Mummy via procedural animation; animating the underlying bones in turn controlled the stretch and movement of the overlaid muscles. Finally, layered on top of the procedural animation and motion capture was additional animation to tweak the performance; given the limitations of the technology, subtle movements like facial or hand animations had to be done by hand.[27]: 61 Shots that featured Vosloo with overlaid computer-generated prosthetics were the most difficult for the effects team, requiring careful match-moving.[16]: 114
Rather than using a stunt performer, Vosloo performed the motion capture for the character himself.[27]: 61 Scenes were blocked out and performed on set during principal photography (first with Vosloo in the scene, then without). The shots were then replicated in the motion capture studio, with Vosloo’s performance recorded by eight cameras from different angles.[16]: 111
In addition to the Mummy, the script called for numerous effects shots to magnify the sweeping adventure of the film. Vistas like a flashback shot of the ancient city of Thebes combined location footage shot in the desert with composited actors shot on green screen, model miniatures, matte paintings, and computer-generated effects.[16]: 115 The plagues Imhotep unleashes were accomplished using particle-based computer graphics, with ILM designers swapping out models of different qualities depending on how far from the camera the swarming «insects» were.[27] While the film made extensive use of computer-generated imagery, many scenes, including ones where Rachel Weisz’s character is covered with rats and locusts, were shot using live animals.[22]
Another close-up shot used footage of anesthetized locusts attached to a stunt performer combined with extra computer-generated pests.[16]: 116 Sandstorms used procedural graphics based on programs used to create tornados in Twister, while the masses of flesh-eating scarabs used techniques developed for Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace.[16]: 115 [6]: 27 A shot of a firestorm engulfing Cairo combined real palm trees, physical models, and matte paintings with computer-generated hail, fire, and rubble. Pacific Title/Mirage also enhanced shots with digital camera shake.[27]: 64
The finale involves an army of mummies coming to Imhotep’s defense. Many of these mummies were created by Make-Up Effects Supervisor Nick Dudman, who produced makeup, prosthetics, and animatronic effects in the film.[22] Each suit came with variations for stunt moves or pyrotechnics. After principal photography, the suits were sent to ILM to scan and be modeled in the computer. Using parts of the Imhotep mummy to save time, ILM recreated the underlings digitally to add into the scenes, and used motion capture to animate them. The animators credited Fraser’s ability to consistently re-enact his movements in multiple takes as saving time when it came to match the motion-captured digital mummies to the live-action fight scenes.[16]: 118–199
The score for The Mummy was composed and conducted by Jerry Goldsmith, with orchestrations provided by Alexander Courage.[28] Goldsmith had previously scored Deep Rising for Sommers. As he reached the final few years of his career, Goldsmith was coming off a number of action and adventure films in the 1990s, from multiple Star Trek films to Air Force One. Goldsmith provided The Mummy with suitably bombastic music, with the traditional European orchestra supplemented with regional instruments such as the bouzouki.[29]
The opening of the film contains nearly all of Goldsmith’s major themes for the score, with what music critic Jeff Bond calls an «Egyptian theme» reused in different configurations throughout to establish the epic settings and sense of place for Hamunaptra; a theme for Imhotep/the Mummy that is performed in an understated manner early in the film, before repeating in more forceful, brassy renditions after the Mummy has regenerated; a love theme used for both Imhotep/Anck-su-namun and Rick/Evelyn; and a heroic theme for Rick.[29] In addition to the extensive brass and percussion elements,[30] the score uses sparing amounts of vocals, unusual for much of Goldsmith’s work.[30]
The soundtrack was released by Decca Records on May 4, 1999. Overall, Goldsmith’s score was well received. AllMusic described it as a «grand, melodramatic score» which delivered the expected highlights.[28] Other reviews positively noted the dark, percussive sound meshed well with the plot, as well as the raw power of the music. The limited but masterful use of the chorus was also lauded, and most critics found the final track on the CD to be the best overall.[30][31] On the other hand, some critics found the score lacked cohesion,[32] and that the constant heavy action lent itself to annoying repetition.[30] Roderick Scott off CineMusic.net summed up the score as «representative of both Goldsmith’s absolute best and his most mediocre. Thankfully […] his favourable work on this release wins out.»[31]
Test audiences reacted poorly to the film’s title, which conjured up negative impressions of an old horror film, but domestic marketing president Marc Shmuger recalled that they decided «we would redefine the myth with the film» rather than change the title.[13] Enthusiasm for the film was low, but Universal took out a television spot for the Super Bowl (reportedly costing $1.6 million)[13] that Sommers recalled immediately reversed the discussion of the film’s prospects.[15]
Box office[edit]
The producers were concerned that the imminent release of The Phantom Menace would sink the film’s box office fortunes, resulting in them moving the release date from May 21 to 7.[13][12]: 157 The Mummy was the number one film in the United States and Canada on its opening weekend, grossing $43 million in 3,210 theaters. Its weekend take was the highest non-holiday May opening, and ninth-biggest opening of all time.[33][34] The film later fell to second place behind The Phantom Menace. The Mummy grossed over $155.4 million in the United States and Canada and $261 million internationally, grossing over $416.4 million worldwide.[3]
Critical response[edit]
The Mummy received mixed reviews from critics.[34] On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 61%, based on 101 reviews, with an average rating of 5.9 out of 10.[35] On Metacritic, the film has a score of 48 out of 100, based on 34 critics, indicating mixed or average reviews.[36] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of «B» on an A+ to F scale.[37]
Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the film a positive review, writing, «There is hardly a thing I can say in its favor, except that I was cheered by nearly every minute of it. I cannot argue for the script, the direction, the acting or even the mummy, but I can say that I was not bored and sometimes I was unreasonably pleased.»[38] Critics such as Entertainment Weekly‘s Owen Gleiberman and The New York Times‘ Stephen Holden concurred with the sentiment of the film as a breezy crowd-pleaser.[39][40][41]
Less positively, Keith Phipps of The A.V. Club wrote that the film’s attempt to create a big, Indiana Jones-inspired action film felt «forced» and the result was unsatisfying.[42] Other reviews complained of an overstuffed plot or recycled elements from better movies.[43][40] Reviewers comparing the film to the 1932 original sometimes favored the original’s focus on atmosphere and dread,[43] though others welcomed the change to a more energetic Indiana Jones-type film.[44]
The effects were generally praised, especially the title creature.[45] Ernest Larson’s review for Jump Cut felt that the effects were too similar to ILM’s other work, and that the effects alone could not support the weight of the rest of the movie.[46] Bob Graham of the San Francisco Chronicle and Hal Hinson from the Dallas Observer agreed that the effects never overshadowed the human aspects of the film.[45][47] Gleiberman noted that the horrors of the effects were undercut by the lightheartedness of the film, while the BBC’s Almar Haflidason felt that the effects were occasionally unconvincing, and the heavy reliance on cutting-edge computer-generated imagery would likely date the film heavily as time passed.[39][48]
Critics generally praised the acting,[47][44] with Haflidason writing that the efforts of the cast sold material that would otherwise have been cheesy.[48] David Hunter of The Hollywood Reporter wrote that all the actors managed to hold their own amid the special effects, although he felt Vosloo was largely wasted after Imhotep regenerates and the screenplay gives him little to do.[49] Reviews from USA Today, the British Film Institute, and The A.V. Club noted the film featured questionable casting of ethnic roles and occasionally traded in stereotypes of Arabs.[43][50]
Writing to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the film’s release, writer Maria Lewis noted that on paper, The Mummy should not have been a success, as yet another period adventure film coming after a decade of failed period adventure films. Its connection with audiences, if not critics, was down to its successful blend of «heart, humour, [heroics], and horror.» She declared it the «pivotal blockbuster of the nineties.»[51] Emma Stefansky, writing for Thrillist, noted it was «the beginning of the end» for action-adventure films, as superhero films would soon supplant it in the coming years.[52] Rotten Tomatoes called the film «Indiana Jones for a new generation.»[53] Reviewers noted Fraser’s portrayal of Rick set a new mold for action heroes that more films would follow in the years after,[54][55] while also considering Evelyn a character allowed to break free from a traditional damsel in distress role.[52][56]
Home media[edit]
The Mummy was released on home video in VHS and DVD formats in September 1999.[63] The title was a tremendous success for Universal on home video, selling 7 million units on VHS and 1 million on DVD, making it the year’s best-selling live-action VHS and second-best-selling DVD (behind The Matrix). The Mummy‘s performance helped Universal gross over $1 billion in home video sales.[64] The film was later digitally remastered and received a Blu-ray release in 2008.[65] It was subsequently re-released on 4K Ultra HD in 2017 as both a stand-alone title and in a trilogy pack with its sequels.[66]
The Mummy‘s box office performance led to numerous sequels and spinoffs. The film sequel The Mummy Returns (2001) features most of the surviving principal characters. As a married couple, Rick and Evelyn confront Imhotep and the Scorpion King.[67] The film also introduces the heroes’ son, Alex.[67] A second sequel, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008), takes place in China with the Terracotta Emperor inspiring the villain, and Rachel Weisz replaced with Maria Bello.[68][69]
The films inspired both an animated TV series titled The Mummy, which lasted two seasons,[70] and a spin-off prequel, The Scorpion King (2002).[71] Universal announced plans in 2012 to reboot the franchise;[72] a new film, also titled The Mummy, was released in June 2017 to poor critical and box office performance.[73]
Developer Konami Nagoya published two video game adaptations of The Mummy under license from Universal Interactive Studios, in 2000: an action-adventure game for the PlayStation and Microsoft Windows developed by Rebellion Developments,[74] as well as a Game Boy Color puzzle game.[75] There was also a 2002 video game based on the 2001 animated series, published by Ubisoft for Game Boy Advance.[76] The film also inspired a roller coaster, Revenge of the Mummy, found in three Universal Studios Theme Parks: Hollywood, California; Orlando, Florida; and Sentosa, Singapore.[77]
- ^ While various sources report The Mummy‘s final budget as $80 million, a 2019 retrospective quoted Sommers as pegging the number at $62 million.[15]
- ^ McNary, Dave (January 20, 2014). «‘The Mummy,’ ‘Dazed and Confused’ Producer James Jacks Dies in Los Angeles». Variety. Variety Media, LLC. Retrieved December 10, 2020.
- ^ «Release». BFI Film & Television Database. London: British Film Institute. Archived from the original on January 3, 2014. Retrieved May 8, 2013.
- ^ a b c «The Mummy (1999)». The Numbers. Retrieved July 5, 2020.
- ^ a b c d «The Mummy That Wasn’t». Cinescape. May 3, 1999.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Hobson, Louis B (May 1, 1999). «Universal rolls out new, improved Mummy«. Calgary Sun.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Fordham, Joe (June 1999). «The Mummy, Resurrected». Cinefantastique. 31 (6): 22–31. ISSN 0145-6032.
- ^ a b c d e Slotek, Jim (May 2, 1999). «Unwrapping The Mummy«. Toronto Sun.
- ^ Chase, Donald (May 3, 1999). «What Have They Unearthed?». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved September 4, 2019.
- ^ Snead, Elizabeth (May 7, 1999). «Updating A Well-Preserved Villain». USA Today.
- ^ a b c Counts, Kyle (June 1999). «Sarcophagus Rising». Starlog. 1 (263): 52–56. ISSN 0191-4626.
- ^ Bonin, Liane (May 7, 1999). «That’s a Wrap». Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on December 20, 2008. Retrieved April 1, 2008.
- ^ a b c Raftery, Brian (2020). Best. Movie. Year. Ever.: How 1999 Blew Up the Big Screen. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-1-5011-7539-8.
- ^ a b c d e f Staff (May 14, 1999). «Show Me The Mummy». Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on December 20, 2008. Retrieved April 1, 2008.
- ^ Argent, Daniel (1999). «Unwrapping The Mummy: An Interview with Stephen Sommers». Creative Screenwriting.
- ^ a b c d Collis, Clark (August 13, 2019). «Snakes, sandstorms, and strangulation: The making of 1999’s The Mummy». Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on August 24, 2019. Retrieved July 10, 2021.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Shay, Estelle (April 1999). «Thoroughly Modern Mummy». Cinefex. 1 (77): 100–119. ISSN 0198-1056.
- ^ a b Braund, Simon (July 1999). «Equally Cursed and Blessed». Empire.
- ^ Doran, Sarah (November 23, 2016). «Did Howard Carter and Evelyn Carnarvon have a romantic relationship?». Radio Times. Immediate Media Company. Retrieved March 14, 2019.
- ^ a b Jones, Alison (June 26, 1999). «Great Excavations». The Birmingham Post.
- ^ Roger Ebert (2003). Roger Ebert’s Movie Yearbook 2004. Andrews McMeel Publishing. p. 451. ISBN 978-0-7407-3834-0. Retrieved March 11, 2010.
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- ^ a b c d e f g «Behind the Scenes». The Mummy Official Site. Universal Studios. 1999. Archived from the original on June 2, 2007. Retrieved May 24, 2007.
- ^ a b c d Portman, Jamie (May 5, 1999). «Mummy Unearths Horror, Humour». Ottawa Citizen.
- ^ Capel, Chloé (2013). «Jebel Mudawwar: une montagne fortifiée au Sahara. Site étatique ou site communautaire ?». In Bourrouilh, Antoine; Pierre-Emmanuel, Paris; Haidar Vela, Nairusz (eds.). Appréhension et qualification des espaces au sein du site archéologique. Archéo.doct (in French). Paris: Sorbonne. pp. 101–122. ISBN 979-1035100094.
- ^ Teng, Rick (May 1999). «The Art of ‘The Mummy’«. Starlog. 1 (262): 33–38. ISSN 0191-4626.
- ^ «The Mummy (1999)». Kent Film Office. Archived from the original on October 14, 2013.
- ^ Slotek, Jim (May 9, 1999). «Mummy Unwraps a New Fraser «Cartoon» Character». Toronto Sun.
- ^ a b c d e f g Magid, Ron (August 1999). «Visual Effects Review; Raging Rags and Bones». American Cinematographer. pp. 60–64. ISSN 0002-7928.
- ^ a b «The Mummy [1999] [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack]». AllMusic. Retrieved February 12, 2008.
- ^ a b Bond, Jeff (2018). The Mummy Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (liner notes). Intrada Records. ISC402.
- ^ a b c d «The Mummy (Jerry Goldsmith) Soundtrack Review». ScoreReviews. Archived from the original on February 15, 2008. Retrieved January 1, 2008.
- ^ a b Coleman, Christopher (2000). «The Mummy by Jerry Goldsmith». TrackSounds. Archived from the original on May 22, 2008. Retrieved February 21, 2008.
- ^ «The Mummy: Editorial Review». FilmTracks. Archived from the original on February 28, 2008. Retrieved February 21, 2008.
- ^ «Variety’s Summer Cup: Milestones». Daily Variety. September 8, 1999. p. A1.
- ^ a b Welkos, Robert W. (May 11, 1999). «‘Mummy’ Brings Sunshine to Universal». Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on December 22, 2014. Retrieved December 9, 2014.
- ^ «The Mummy (1999)». Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango Media. Retrieved October 15, 2020.
- ^ «The Mummy (1999) Reviews». Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved September 1, 2019.
- ^ «CinemaScore». cinemascore.com. Retrieved March 14, 2019.
- ^ Ebert, Roger (May 7, 1999). «The Mummy Movie Review & Film Summary (1999)». RogerEbert.com. Retrieved September 1, 2019.
- ^ a b Gleiberman, Owen (May 7, 1999). «The Mummy«. Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on December 20, 2008. Retrieved December 19, 2006.
- ^ a b Holden, Stephen (May 7, 1999). «Sarcophagus, Be Gone: Night of the Living Undead». The New York Times. Retrieved January 27, 2021.
- ^ Turan, Kenneth (May 7, 1999). «Modern ‘Mummy’ Has Its Boyish Features». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved July 21, 2021.
- ^ Phipps, Keith (May 7, 1999). «The Mummy». The A.V. Club. Retrieved July 21, 2021.
- ^ a b c Newman, Kim (June 1, 1999). «Sight and Sound: The Mummy». British Film Institute. Archived from the original on April 10, 2008. Retrieved April 4, 2008.
- ^ a b Savlov, Mark (May 7, 1999). «The Mummy». The Austin Chronicle. Archived from the original on December 21, 2008. Retrieved March 12, 2008.
- ^ a b Graham, Bob (May 7, 1999). «‘Mummy’ — It’s Alive / Fraser unwraps the laughs in comic remake of horror classic». San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved September 1, 2019.
- ^ Larsen, Ernest (July 2000). «The Mummy: traffic in mummies». Jump Cut (43): 12–15, 128. Archived from the original on December 18, 2008. Retrieved April 9, 2008.
- ^ a b Hinson, Hal (May 7, 1999). «Mummy dearest». Dallas Observer. Archived from the original on December 20, 2008. Retrieved March 20, 2008.
- ^ a b Haflidason, Almar (May 4, 2001). «The Mummy (1999)». BBC. Retrieved July 21, 2021.
- ^ Hunter, David (May 3, 1999). «‘The Mummy’: THR’s 1999 Review». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved July 21, 2021.
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- ^ Lewis, Maria (February 4, 2019). «Why ‘The Mummy’ Was The Pivotal Blockbuster Of The Nineties». Junkee. Retrieved May 12, 2019.
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- ^ «Nominees & Winners for the 72nd Academy Awards». Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Retrieved March 23, 2022.
- ^ «BAFTA Awards Search | The Mummy». British Academy Film Awards. Retrieved March 23, 2022.
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- ^ «BMI Honors Top Film and TV Composers». BMI Film & TV Awards. May 15, 2000. Retrieved March 23, 2022.
- ^ «MTV Movie Awards: 2000 Awards». IMDb. Retrieved August 14, 2022.
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- ^ Fitzpatrick, Eileen (September 11, 1999). «The Mummy». Billboard. Vol. 111, no. 37. p. 49.
- ^ Fitzpatrick, Eileen (December 25, 1999). «‘Mummy’ shoots Universal’s sales over $1 bil.; retailers win with sight and sound». Billboard. Vol. 111/112, no. 52/1. p. 63.
- ^ Douglass, Todd (July 15, 2008). «The Mummy (1999)». DVD Talk. Retrieved July 21, 2021.
- ^ «The Mummy 4K Blu-ray (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray)».
- ^ a b Travers, Peter (May 9, 2001). «The Mummy Returns». Rolling Stone. Archived from the original on December 3, 2007. Retrieved April 1, 2008.
- ^ Garrett, Diane; Fleming, Michael (April 11, 2007). «Fraser returns for ‘Mummy 3’«. Variety. Archived from the original on April 15, 2007. Retrieved April 12, 2007.
- ^ Fleming, Michael (May 13, 2007). «Bello replaces Weisz in ‘Mummy’«. Variety. Penske Media Corporation. Archived from the original on May 16, 2007. Retrieved May 13, 2007.
- ^ Trumbore, Dave (July 25, 2020). «‘The Mummy’ Animated Series Exists, But Should It?». Collider. Retrieved December 7, 2020.
- ^ Holden, Stephen (April 19, 2002). «Film Review; In a Prequel to the ‘Mummy’ Series, a Mountain of Muscle Makes a Parody». The New York Times. p. E20. Retrieved December 7, 2020.
- ^ Kroll, Justin; Snieder, Jeff (April 4, 2012). «U sets ‘Mummy’ reboot with Spaihts». Variety. Penske Media Corporation. Archived from the original on April 7, 2012. Retrieved March 14, 2019.
- ^ Kroll, Justin (January 21, 2016). «Tom Cruise’s ‘The Mummy’ Gets New Release Date». Variety. Archived from the original on January 22, 2016. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
- ^ «The Mummy». IGN. January 5, 2001. Retrieved July 12, 2020.
- ^ «The Mummy (GBC)». GameSpot. Archived from the original on December 9, 2008. Retrieved February 21, 2008.
- ^ «The Mummy (Game Boy Advance)». Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved December 6, 2020.
- ^ Resorts World Sentosa (December 26, 2008). «Premier Rides tapped to build Mummy ride for Universal Singapore». CoasterBuzz. Retrieved November 18, 2012.
External links[edit]
This audio file was created from a revision of this article dated 20 January 2022, and does not reflect subsequent edits.
The Mummy | |
Theatrical release poster |
Directed by | Stephen Sommers |
Screenplay by | Stephen Sommers |
Story by | Stephen Sommers Lloyd Fonvielle Kevin Jarre |
Produced by | James Jacks Sean Daniel |
Starring |
Cinematography | Adrian Biddle |
Edited by | Bob Ducsay |
Music by | Jerry Goldsmith |
Production |
Alphaville Films[1] |
Distributed by | Universal Pictures |
Release date |
Running time |
125 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English[2] |
Budget | $80 million[3] |
Box office | $416.4 million[3] |
The Mummy is a 1999 American action-adventure film written and directed by Stephen Sommers. It is a remake of the 1932 film of the same name, starring Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah and Arnold Vosloo in the title role as the reanimated mummy. The film follows adventurer Rick O’Connell as he travels to Hamunaptra, the City of the Dead, with a librarian and her older brother, where they accidentally awaken Imhotep, a cursed high priest with supernatural powers.
Development of the film took years, with multiple screenplays and directors attached. In 1997, Stephen Sommers successfully pitched his version of a more adventurous and romantic take on the source material. Principal photography took place in Morocco and the United Kingdom; the crew endured dehydration, sandstorms, and snakes shooting on location in the Sahara desert. Industrial Light & Magic provided many of the visual effects, blending live-action footage and computer-generated imagery to create the titular monster. Jerry Goldsmith provided the orchestral score.
The Mummy was theatrically released on May 7, 1999. Despite mixed reviews from critics, it was a commercial success and grossed over $416.4 million worldwide against a production budget of $80 million. The film’s success spawned two direct sequels, The Mummy Returns (2001) and The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008). It also led to spinoffs such as an animated series and the prequel The Scorpion King (2002), which generated its own sequels. Attempts to reboot the property and kickstart a new media franchise led to a 2017 film.
In Thebes, Egypt, 1290 BC, high priest Imhotep has an affair with Anck-su-namun, the mistress of Pharaoh Seti I. They kill the Pharaoh after he discovers their relationship. Imhotep flees, while Anck-su-namun kills herself, believing he can resurrect her. Imhotep and his priests steal her corpse and travel to Hamunaptra, the City of the Dead. The resurrection ritual is stopped by Pharaoh’s bodyguards, the Medjai. Imhotep’s priests are mummified alive, while Imhotep himself is tortured, cursed and buried alive with flesh-eating scarabs at the feet of a statue of the god Anubis. The Medjai are sworn to prevent Imhotep’s return.
In 1926 Cairo, Jonathan Carnahan presents his sister Evelyn—a librarian and aspiring Egyptologist working for museum curator Dr. Terence Bey—with an intricate box and map that lead to Hamunaptra. Jonathan reveals he stole the box from an American adventurer, Rick O’Connell, who discovered the city while in the French Foreign Legion. Evelyn and Jonathan find Rick in a local prison and make a deal with him to lead them to the city, bribing prison warden Gad Hassan to free him.
Rick guides Evelyn and her party to the city, encountering a band of American treasure hunters led by Rick’s cowardly acquaintance Beni Gabor. Despite being warned to leave by Ardeth Bay, leader of the Medjai, the two expeditions continue their excavations. Evelyn searches for the Book of Amun-Ra, made of pure gold. Instead of finding it, she stumbles upon Imhotep’s remains. The team of Americans, meanwhile, discover the black Book of the Dead, accompanied by canopic jars carrying Anck-su-namun’s preserved organs. Warden Hassan and several diggers are killed during the excavation.
At night, Evelyn reads from the Book of the Dead aloud, accidentally awakening the mummified Imhotep, who seems to briefly confuse Evelyn with Anck-su-namun. The expeditions flee back to Cairo, and Imhotep follows them with the help of Beni, who has agreed to serve him. He regenerates his full strength and human form by killing the members of the American expedition, and brings the Ten Plagues back to Egypt. Meanwhile, Evelyn learns that Terence is also working with the Medjai.
Rick, Evelyn, Jonathan and Terence meet Ardeth at the museum, who hypothesizes that Imhotep wants to resurrect Anck-su-namun by sacrificing Evelyn. She believes that if the Book of the Dead brought Imhotep back to life, the Book of Amun-Ra can kill him again and deduces the book’s whereabouts in Hamunaptra. Imhotep corners the group with an army of slaves. Evelyn agrees to accompany him if he spares the rest of the group. Although Imhotep does not honor his word, Rick and the others fight their way to safety, with Terence sacrificing himself to ensure their escape.
Rick, Jonathan and Ardeth recruit Captain Winston Havelock, a member of the Royal Air Force with a death wish to fly them back to Hamunaptra in pursuit of Imhotep. However, Imhotep magically conjures a sandstorm, crashing their plane and killing Havelock. Rick, Jonathan, and Ardeth locate the Book of Amun-Ra in Hamunaptra while Imhotep prepares to sacrifice Evelyn, also bringing Anck-su-namun’s mummified remains to life as part of the ritual. Rick manages to rescue her after a brutal fight with Imhotep’s mummified priests and mummified soldiers; Anck-su-namun’s mummy is also slain during the melee. Evelyn reads from the Book of Amun-Ra, making Imhotep mortal, and he is fatally wounded by Rick. Imhotep degenerates back into his mummified form and dies.
Beni accidentally sets off a booby trap while looting the city of its riches, and is killed by a swarm of flesh-eating scarabs as Hamunaptra collapses into the sand. Ardeth bids Rick, Evelyn, and Jonathan goodbye, and the trio rides away on a pair of camels, not realizing it is laden with Beni’s stolen treasure.
- Brendan Fraser as Rick O’Connell
- Rachel Weisz as Evelyn Carnahan
- John Hannah as Jonathan Carnahan
- Arnold Vosloo as Imhotep
- Kevin J. O’Connor as Beni Gabor
- Jonathan Hyde as Dr. Allen Chamberlain
- Oded Fehr as Ardeth Bay
- Erick Avari as Dr. Terence Bey
- Stephen Dunham as Isaac Henderson
- Corey Johnson as David Daniels
- Tuc Watkins as Bernard Burns
- Omid Djalili as Warden Gad Hassan
- Aharon Ipalé as Pharaoh Seti I
- Bernard Fox as Captain Winston Havelock
- Patricia Velásquez as Anck-su-namun
In the late 1980s, producers James Jacks and Sean Daniel decided to update the original 1932 Mummy film for the modern era.[4] Universal gave them the go-ahead, but only if they kept the budget around $10 million.[5] Jacks remembers that the studio «essentially wanted a low-budget horror franchise».[5] In 1987, George A. Romero wrote a film treatment, and was attached to direct. Screenwriter Abbie Bernstein recalled that Universal Studios wanted an unstoppable Mummy akin to the Terminator. Bernstein’s story took place in the present; scientists inadvertently bring a mummy to life, who wants to use an ancient device to destroy all life on earth. «[The Mummy] had no more social interaction than the T-Rex did in Jurassic Park,» Bernstein recalled. Romero drifted away from the project and the script was abandoned.[6]: 29
Next, Jacks and Daniel recruited horror filmmaker/writer Clive Barker to direct. Barker’s 1990 treatment and a successive 1991 screenplay by Mick Garris were dark and violent, with the story revolving around an art museum that rebuilds an entire Egyptian tomb in Beverly Hills.[4][7][6]: 29 Jacks recalls that Barker’s take was «dark, sexual and filled with mysticism»,[5] and that, «it would have been a great low-budget movie».[7] Barker recalled the concept was too weird for the studio, and that his vision treated the Mummy as a jumping-off point for the film instead of the central character.[6]: 30
Alan Ormsby, unaware of the previous efforts to launch the film, was brought on next. Ormsby pitched a more straightforward update to the 1932 film, again focusing on the Mummy as a relentless Terminator-like character. Joe Dante was attached as director, increasing the budget for his idea of Daniel Day-Lewis as a brooding Mummy.[5] This version’s draft was later re-written by John Sayles. It was set in contemporary times and focused on reincarnation with elements of a love story.[7] It came close to being made—with some elements like the flesh-eating scarabs making it to the final product[4]—but Universal balked at the higher price tag.[6]: 30
George A. Romero returned to the project in 1994[6]: 30 with a vision of a zombie-style horror film similar to Night of the Living Dead, but which also relied heavily upon elements of tragic romance and ambivalence of identity. Romero completed a draft in October 1994, co-written with Ormsby and Sayles, that revolved around female archaeologist Helen Grover and her discovery of the tomb of Imhotep, an Egyptian general who lived in the time of Ramesses II.[5] Unfolding in a nameless American city in modern times, events are set into motion when Imhotep inadvertently awakens as a result of his body having been exposed to rays from an MRI scan in a high-tech forensic archaeology lab.[5]
Helen finds herself drawn into a tentative relationship with Imhotep while also experiencing clairvoyant flashbacks to a previous life in the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt as a priestess of Isis. Summoning mystical powers through incantation, Imhotep later resurrects the mummy of Karis, a loyal slave. Karis embarks on a vengeful rampage against the grave robbers of his tomb. Romero’s script was considered too dark and violent by Jacks and the studio, who wanted a more accessible picture. Romero was unable to extricate himself from another contract he had in negotiation with MGM, and so his involvement with the film was severed and the development of an entirely new script was commissioned.[5]
Mick Garris returned in 1995, developing a script that combined elements of the 1932 film and 1942’s The Mummy’s Tomb. This draft was a period piece awash in Egyptian art-inspired Art Deco, but the vision once again proved too expensive for the studio and was discarded for a modern setting. While the project came close to entering production, Universal was sold to Seagram. Sheinberg chose to produce The Mummy through his independent company and write a new script. Unable to find a suitable high-profile writer and director (Wes Craven was offered the film but turned it down[7]) the project unraveled again, and Garris left the project for the second time.[6]: 30–31 [8]
Still determined to create a new Mummy film, in 1996 Universal hired Kevin Jarre to write a new screenplay. According to Jacks, the executives were now convinced the film should be a larger-budget period piece.[6]: 31 Stephen Sommers called Jacks and Daniel in 1997 with his vision of The Mummy «as a kind of Indiana Jones or Jason and the Argonauts with the mummy as the creature giving the hero a hard time».[5] Sommers had seen the original film when he was eight, and wanted to recreate the things he liked about it on a bigger scale.[9] Discussing other classic horror characters, Sommers recalled that «Frankenstein made me sad—I always felt sorry for him. Dracula was kind of cool and sexy. But The Mummy just plain scared me.» He had wanted to make a Mummy film, but other writers or directors were always attached.[10]: 52
After the box office disappointment of Babe: Pig in the City and other films, Universal needed a hit film. At the time, Universal’s management had changed in response to the box office failures, and the losses led the studio to revisit its successful franchises from the 1930s.[11] New chair Stacey Snider distributed packets detailing the studio’s holdings—including nearly 5,000 old scripts and films.[12]: 156 Sommers received his window of opportunity and pitched his Mummy to Universal with an 18-page treatment.[4]
Sommers did not want to remake the original film; instead of making another straight horror movie, he wanted to turn it into a romantic adventure with horror elements. Conscious of how the shambling, bandaged Mummy of the old films had become something of a punchline, he wanted a faster, meaner, and scarier monster.[10]: 52 Sommers incorporated his own research and the services of a UCLA archaeology professor to make the ancient Egyptian language accurate.[6]: 27 Snider recalled that Sommer’s treatment was unique in that it took place in the 1920s, rather than a contemporary setting.[13] Universal liked the treatment so much that they approved the concept and increased the budget,[14][a] and Sommers spent a year working on the screenplay.[16]: 103
Producer James Jacks offered the role of Rick O’Connell to Tom Cruise (who was later cast in the reboot film), Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, but the actors were not interested or could not fit the role into their respective schedules.[5] Jacks and director Stephen Sommers were impressed with the money that George of the Jungle was making at the box office and cast Brendan Fraser as a result;[5] Sommers also commented that he felt Fraser fit the Errol Flynn swashbuckling character he had envisioned for Rick perfectly.[13] Fraser’s turn in George bolstered his perceived star power, yet he remained far cheaper than the biggest actors working.[12]: 155 The actor understood that his character «doesn’t take himself too seriously, otherwise the audience can’t go on that journey with him.»[17]
Evelyn Carnahan was named in tribute to Lady Evelyn Carnarvon, the daughter of amateur Egyptologist Lord Carnarvon, both present at the opening of the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922.[18] The studio originally considered American actresses, and Rachel Weisz auditioned multiple times before getting the part.[15] Rachel Weisz was not a big fan of horror films, but saw the movie as more of a «hokum» comic book.[19] John Hannah was picked for the role of Jonathan Carnahan, despite the fact that Hannah felt he was not a comedic actor, with Sommers saying that, «He had no idea why we cast him.»[15]
Jacks had previously produced Hard Target with Arnold Vosloo. The South African actor liked the Mummy script, but told Sommers he wanted to play the role «absolutely straight. From Imhotep’s point of view, this is a skewed version of Romeo and Juliet.»[5][20] He was offered the role after a single audition.[6]: 27 Carrying some extra weight and conscious of it because of Imhotep’s skimpy costume, Vosloo lost 10 to 15 pounds for the role by eschewing alcohol and sugar.[6]: 28
Filming began on May 4, 1998, and lasted 17 weeks.[21] The crew could not shoot in Egypt because of unstable political conditions, so principal photography began in Marrakech, Morocco.[22] Marrakech had the extra advantage of being a much less modern city than Cairo, making it easier to dress like the 1920s. The production set up two weeks before filming, taking down telephone wires and cables and shipping in period cars and camels.[6]: 27 Locals served as extras for crowd scenes.[16]: 116 After shooting in Marrakech, filming moved to the Sahara desert outside the small town of Erfoud. Production designer Allan Cameron found a geologic feature, Gara Medouar, where the exteriors for Hamunaptra could be constructed.[21]
A concrete ramp was built to allow access into the horseshoe-shaped formation, where the city was built from prefabricated parts shipped from England.[23][21][24][16]: 103 A survey of the area was conducted so that an accurate model and scale models of the columns and statues could be replicated back at Shepperton Studios, where all of the scenes involving the underground passageways of the City of the Dead were shot. These sets took 16 weeks to build, and included fiberglass columns rigged with special effects for the movie’s final scenes.[21]
To avoid dehydration in the scorching heat of the Sahara, the production’s medical team created a drink that the cast and crew had to consume every two hours.[17] Sandstorms were daily inconveniences, and wildlife were a major problem, with many crew members having to be airlifted to medical care after being bitten or stung.[22] Brendan Fraser nearly died during a scene where his character is hanged.[19] The production had the official support of the Royal Moroccan Army, and the cast members had kidnapping insurance taken out on them.[7]
After shooting in North Africa, production moved back to the United Kingdom before completion of shooting on August 29, 1998.[21] Here, the dockyards at Chatham doubled for the Giza Port on the Nile River.[25] This set was 600 feet (183 m) in length and featured «a steam train, an Ajax traction engine, three cranes, an open two-horse carriage, four horse-drawn carts, five dressing horses and grooms, nine pack donkeys and mules, as well as market stalls, Arab-clad vendors and room for 300 costumed extras».[21]
Special effects[edit]
The filmmakers reportedly spent $15 million of the budget on the special effects alone.[16][26] The Mummy features hundreds of shots that required optical or digital special effects in post-production. Effects house Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) contributed more than 140 shots to the film, with additional work done by Cinesite (60 shots) and Pacific Title/Mirage (45 shots, and the film’s title sequences.)[27]: 60
Sommers engaged ILM while still developing the script, having previously worked with ILM effects supervisor John Andrew Berton, Jr. on Deep Rising. ILM was eager for the challenge the film provided, and produced a proof of concept for The Mummy‘s effects in late 1997 to demonstrate the feasibility of Sommers’ vision to executives.[16]: 103
The filmmakers sought to make something faster and scarier for the title creature, using cutting-edge techniques to create something never before seen.[16] ILM started developing the look of the Mummy three months before filming started.[21] «We wanted to create a photorealistic corpse that was obviously not a man in a suit, obviously not an animatronic, and obviously alive,» he recalled.[6]
Over a months-long period, the designers worked on developing four distinct stages for the Mummy. Stage one was the mummy at its most decayed, with tattered bits of clothing, skin, and sinew hanging over a skeleton. Stage two added areas of regenerated skin, with stages three and four having the Mummy almost fully regenerated with only small areas of its innards showing through. The artists developed black-and-white sketches, then moved on to color treatments before building the creature in the computer; models were also made to use as reference for the digital artists.[16]: 103
The initial states of the Mummy were created entirely by computer, while later stages combined live-action performance. To supplement prosthetics and makeups applied on set, LED lights and pieces of tape served as tracking points so that digital «cutouts» could be applied to Vosloo’s face and body in postproduction;[27]: 61 Vosloo remarked that walking around the set he felt like a Christmas tree.[13]
The final creature was created with a combination of live-action acting with prosthetics and digital imagery.[10]: 55 A digital representation of the Mummy was created in Alias, featuring simulated muscles for much of the body attached to a skeleton.[27]: 60 The animators controlled parts of the Mummy via procedural animation; animating the underlying bones in turn controlled the stretch and movement of the overlaid muscles. Finally, layered on top of the procedural animation and motion capture was additional animation to tweak the performance; given the limitations of the technology, subtle movements like facial or hand animations had to be done by hand.[27]: 61 Shots that featured Vosloo with overlaid computer-generated prosthetics were the most difficult for the effects team, requiring careful match-moving.[16]: 114
Rather than using a stunt performer, Vosloo performed the motion capture for the character himself.[27]: 61 Scenes were blocked out and performed on set during principal photography (first with Vosloo in the scene, then without). The shots were then replicated in the motion capture studio, with Vosloo’s performance recorded by eight cameras from different angles.[16]: 111
In addition to the Mummy, the script called for numerous effects shots to magnify the sweeping adventure of the film. Vistas like a flashback shot of the ancient city of Thebes combined location footage shot in the desert with composited actors shot on green screen, model miniatures, matte paintings, and computer-generated effects.[16]: 115 The plagues Imhotep unleashes were accomplished using particle-based computer graphics, with ILM designers swapping out models of different qualities depending on how far from the camera the swarming «insects» were.[27] While the film made extensive use of computer-generated imagery, many scenes, including ones where Rachel Weisz’s character is covered with rats and locusts, were shot using live animals.[22]
Another close-up shot used footage of anesthetized locusts attached to a stunt performer combined with extra computer-generated pests.[16]: 116 Sandstorms used procedural graphics based on programs used to create tornados in Twister, while the masses of flesh-eating scarabs used techniques developed for Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace.[16]: 115 [6]: 27 A shot of a firestorm engulfing Cairo combined real palm trees, physical models, and matte paintings with computer-generated hail, fire, and rubble. Pacific Title/Mirage also enhanced shots with digital camera shake.[27]: 64
The finale involves an army of mummies coming to Imhotep’s defense. Many of these mummies were created by Make-Up Effects Supervisor Nick Dudman, who produced makeup, prosthetics, and animatronic effects in the film.[22] Each suit came with variations for stunt moves or pyrotechnics. After principal photography, the suits were sent to ILM to scan and be modeled in the computer. Using parts of the Imhotep mummy to save time, ILM recreated the underlings digitally to add into the scenes, and used motion capture to animate them. The animators credited Fraser’s ability to consistently re-enact his movements in multiple takes as saving time when it came to match the motion-captured digital mummies to the live-action fight scenes.[16]: 118–199
The score for The Mummy was composed and conducted by Jerry Goldsmith, with orchestrations provided by Alexander Courage.[28] Goldsmith had previously scored Deep Rising for Sommers. As he reached the final few years of his career, Goldsmith was coming off a number of action and adventure films in the 1990s, from multiple Star Trek films to Air Force One. Goldsmith provided The Mummy with suitably bombastic music, with the traditional European orchestra supplemented with regional instruments such as the bouzouki.[29]
The opening of the film contains nearly all of Goldsmith’s major themes for the score, with what music critic Jeff Bond calls an «Egyptian theme» reused in different configurations throughout to establish the epic settings and sense of place for Hamunaptra; a theme for Imhotep/the Mummy that is performed in an understated manner early in the film, before repeating in more forceful, brassy renditions after the Mummy has regenerated; a love theme used for both Imhotep/Anck-su-namun and Rick/Evelyn; and a heroic theme for Rick.[29] In addition to the extensive brass and percussion elements,[30] the score uses sparing amounts of vocals, unusual for much of Goldsmith’s work.[30]
The soundtrack was released by Decca Records on May 4, 1999. Overall, Goldsmith’s score was well received. AllMusic described it as a «grand, melodramatic score» which delivered the expected highlights.[28] Other reviews positively noted the dark, percussive sound meshed well with the plot, as well as the raw power of the music. The limited but masterful use of the chorus was also lauded, and most critics found the final track on the CD to be the best overall.[30][31] On the other hand, some critics found the score lacked cohesion,[32] and that the constant heavy action lent itself to annoying repetition.[30] Roderick Scott off CineMusic.net summed up the score as «representative of both Goldsmith’s absolute best and his most mediocre. Thankfully […] his favourable work on this release wins out.»[31]
Test audiences reacted poorly to the film’s title, which conjured up negative impressions of an old horror film, but domestic marketing president Marc Shmuger recalled that they decided «we would redefine the myth with the film» rather than change the title.[13] Enthusiasm for the film was low, but Universal took out a television spot for the Super Bowl (reportedly costing $1.6 million)[13] that Sommers recalled immediately reversed the discussion of the film’s prospects.[15]
Box office[edit]
The producers were concerned that the imminent release of The Phantom Menace would sink the film’s box office fortunes, resulting in them moving the release date from May 21 to 7.[13][12]: 157 The Mummy was the number one film in the United States and Canada on its opening weekend, grossing $43 million in 3,210 theaters. Its weekend take was the highest non-holiday May opening, and ninth-biggest opening of all time.[33][34] The film later fell to second place behind The Phantom Menace. The Mummy grossed over $155.4 million in the United States and Canada and $261 million internationally, grossing over $416.4 million worldwide.[3]
Critical response[edit]
The Mummy received mixed reviews from critics.[34] On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 61%, based on 101 reviews, with an average rating of 5.9 out of 10.[35] On Metacritic, the film has a score of 48 out of 100, based on 34 critics, indicating mixed or average reviews.[36] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of «B» on an A+ to F scale.[37]
Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the film a positive review, writing, «There is hardly a thing I can say in its favor, except that I was cheered by nearly every minute of it. I cannot argue for the script, the direction, the acting or even the mummy, but I can say that I was not bored and sometimes I was unreasonably pleased.»[38] Critics such as Entertainment Weekly‘s Owen Gleiberman and The New York Times‘ Stephen Holden concurred with the sentiment of the film as a breezy crowd-pleaser.[39][40][41]
Less positively, Keith Phipps of The A.V. Club wrote that the film’s attempt to create a big, Indiana Jones-inspired action film felt «forced» and the result was unsatisfying.[42] Other reviews complained of an overstuffed plot or recycled elements from better movies.[43][40] Reviewers comparing the film to the 1932 original sometimes favored the original’s focus on atmosphere and dread,[43] though others welcomed the change to a more energetic Indiana Jones-type film.[44]
The effects were generally praised, especially the title creature.[45] Ernest Larson’s review for Jump Cut felt that the effects were too similar to ILM’s other work, and that the effects alone could not support the weight of the rest of the movie.[46] Bob Graham of the San Francisco Chronicle and Hal Hinson from the Dallas Observer agreed that the effects never overshadowed the human aspects of the film.[45][47] Gleiberman noted that the horrors of the effects were undercut by the lightheartedness of the film, while the BBC’s Almar Haflidason felt that the effects were occasionally unconvincing, and the heavy reliance on cutting-edge computer-generated imagery would likely date the film heavily as time passed.[39][48]
Critics generally praised the acting,[47][44] with Haflidason writing that the efforts of the cast sold material that would otherwise have been cheesy.[48] David Hunter of The Hollywood Reporter wrote that all the actors managed to hold their own amid the special effects, although he felt Vosloo was largely wasted after Imhotep regenerates and the screenplay gives him little to do.[49] Reviews from USA Today, the British Film Institute, and The A.V. Club noted the film featured questionable casting of ethnic roles and occasionally traded in stereotypes of Arabs.[43][50]
Writing to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the film’s release, writer Maria Lewis noted that on paper, The Mummy should not have been a success, as yet another period adventure film coming after a decade of failed period adventure films. Its connection with audiences, if not critics, was down to its successful blend of «heart, humour, [heroics], and horror.» She declared it the «pivotal blockbuster of the nineties.»[51] Emma Stefansky, writing for Thrillist, noted it was «the beginning of the end» for action-adventure films, as superhero films would soon supplant it in the coming years.[52] Rotten Tomatoes called the film «Indiana Jones for a new generation.»[53] Reviewers noted Fraser’s portrayal of Rick set a new mold for action heroes that more films would follow in the years after,[54][55] while also considering Evelyn a character allowed to break free from a traditional damsel in distress role.[52][56]
Home media[edit]
The Mummy was released on home video in VHS and DVD formats in September 1999.[63] The title was a tremendous success for Universal on home video, selling 7 million units on VHS and 1 million on DVD, making it the year’s best-selling live-action VHS and second-best-selling DVD (behind The Matrix). The Mummy‘s performance helped Universal gross over $1 billion in home video sales.[64] The film was later digitally remastered and received a Blu-ray release in 2008.[65] It was subsequently re-released on 4K Ultra HD in 2017 as both a stand-alone title and in a trilogy pack with its sequels.[66]
The Mummy‘s box office performance led to numerous sequels and spinoffs. The film sequel The Mummy Returns (2001) features most of the surviving principal characters. As a married couple, Rick and Evelyn confront Imhotep and the Scorpion King.[67] The film also introduces the heroes’ son, Alex.[67] A second sequel, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008), takes place in China with the Terracotta Emperor inspiring the villain, and Rachel Weisz replaced with Maria Bello.[68][69]
The films inspired both an animated TV series titled The Mummy, which lasted two seasons,[70] and a spin-off prequel, The Scorpion King (2002).[71] Universal announced plans in 2012 to reboot the franchise;[72] a new film, also titled The Mummy, was released in June 2017 to poor critical and box office performance.[73]
Developer Konami Nagoya published two video game adaptations of The Mummy under license from Universal Interactive Studios, in 2000: an action-adventure game for the PlayStation and Microsoft Windows developed by Rebellion Developments,[74] as well as a Game Boy Color puzzle game.[75] There was also a 2002 video game based on the 2001 animated series, published by Ubisoft for Game Boy Advance.[76] The film also inspired a roller coaster, Revenge of the Mummy, found in three Universal Studios Theme Parks: Hollywood, California; Orlando, Florida; and Sentosa, Singapore.[77]
- ^ While various sources report The Mummy‘s final budget as $80 million, a 2019 retrospective quoted Sommers as pegging the number at $62 million.[15]
- ^ McNary, Dave (January 20, 2014). «‘The Mummy,’ ‘Dazed and Confused’ Producer James Jacks Dies in Los Angeles». Variety. Variety Media, LLC. Retrieved December 10, 2020.
- ^ «Release». BFI Film & Television Database. London: British Film Institute. Archived from the original on January 3, 2014. Retrieved May 8, 2013.
- ^ a b c «The Mummy (1999)». The Numbers. Retrieved July 5, 2020.
- ^ a b c d «The Mummy That Wasn’t». Cinescape. May 3, 1999.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Hobson, Louis B (May 1, 1999). «Universal rolls out new, improved Mummy«. Calgary Sun.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Fordham, Joe (June 1999). «The Mummy, Resurrected». Cinefantastique. 31 (6): 22–31. ISSN 0145-6032.
- ^ a b c d e Slotek, Jim (May 2, 1999). «Unwrapping The Mummy«. Toronto Sun.
- ^ Chase, Donald (May 3, 1999). «What Have They Unearthed?». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved September 4, 2019.
- ^ Snead, Elizabeth (May 7, 1999). «Updating A Well-Preserved Villain». USA Today.
- ^ a b c Counts, Kyle (June 1999). «Sarcophagus Rising». Starlog. 1 (263): 52–56. ISSN 0191-4626.
- ^ Bonin, Liane (May 7, 1999). «That’s a Wrap». Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on December 20, 2008. Retrieved April 1, 2008.
- ^ a b c Raftery, Brian (2020). Best. Movie. Year. Ever.: How 1999 Blew Up the Big Screen. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-1-5011-7539-8.
- ^ a b c d e f Staff (May 14, 1999). «Show Me The Mummy». Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on December 20, 2008. Retrieved April 1, 2008.
- ^ Argent, Daniel (1999). «Unwrapping The Mummy: An Interview with Stephen Sommers». Creative Screenwriting.
- ^ a b c d Collis, Clark (August 13, 2019). «Snakes, sandstorms, and strangulation: The making of 1999’s The Mummy». Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on August 24, 2019. Retrieved July 10, 2021.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Shay, Estelle (April 1999). «Thoroughly Modern Mummy». Cinefex. 1 (77): 100–119. ISSN 0198-1056.
- ^ a b Braund, Simon (July 1999). «Equally Cursed and Blessed». Empire.
- ^ Doran, Sarah (November 23, 2016). «Did Howard Carter and Evelyn Carnarvon have a romantic relationship?». Radio Times. Immediate Media Company. Retrieved March 14, 2019.
- ^ a b Jones, Alison (June 26, 1999). «Great Excavations». The Birmingham Post.
- ^ Roger Ebert (2003). Roger Ebert’s Movie Yearbook 2004. Andrews McMeel Publishing. p. 451. ISBN 978-0-7407-3834-0. Retrieved March 11, 2010.
vosloo mummy.
- ^ a b c d e f g «Behind the Scenes». The Mummy Official Site. Universal Studios. 1999. Archived from the original on June 2, 2007. Retrieved May 24, 2007.
- ^ a b c d Portman, Jamie (May 5, 1999). «Mummy Unearths Horror, Humour». Ottawa Citizen.
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- ^ Teng, Rick (May 1999). «The Art of ‘The Mummy’«. Starlog. 1 (262): 33–38. ISSN 0191-4626.
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- ^ Slotek, Jim (May 9, 1999). «Mummy Unwraps a New Fraser «Cartoon» Character». Toronto Sun.
- ^ a b c d e f g Magid, Ron (August 1999). «Visual Effects Review; Raging Rags and Bones». American Cinematographer. pp. 60–64. ISSN 0002-7928.
- ^ a b «The Mummy [1999] [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack]». AllMusic. Retrieved February 12, 2008.
- ^ a b Bond, Jeff (2018). The Mummy Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (liner notes). Intrada Records. ISC402.
- ^ a b c d «The Mummy (Jerry Goldsmith) Soundtrack Review». ScoreReviews. Archived from the original on February 15, 2008. Retrieved January 1, 2008.
- ^ a b Coleman, Christopher (2000). «The Mummy by Jerry Goldsmith». TrackSounds. Archived from the original on May 22, 2008. Retrieved February 21, 2008.
- ^ «The Mummy: Editorial Review». FilmTracks. Archived from the original on February 28, 2008. Retrieved February 21, 2008.
- ^ «Variety’s Summer Cup: Milestones». Daily Variety. September 8, 1999. p. A1.
- ^ a b Welkos, Robert W. (May 11, 1999). «‘Mummy’ Brings Sunshine to Universal». Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on December 22, 2014. Retrieved December 9, 2014.
- ^ «The Mummy (1999)». Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango Media. Retrieved October 15, 2020.
- ^ «The Mummy (1999) Reviews». Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved September 1, 2019.
- ^ «CinemaScore». cinemascore.com. Retrieved March 14, 2019.
- ^ Ebert, Roger (May 7, 1999). «The Mummy Movie Review & Film Summary (1999)». RogerEbert.com. Retrieved September 1, 2019.
- ^ a b Gleiberman, Owen (May 7, 1999). «The Mummy«. Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on December 20, 2008. Retrieved December 19, 2006.
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- ^ Turan, Kenneth (May 7, 1999). «Modern ‘Mummy’ Has Its Boyish Features». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved July 21, 2021.
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- ^ a b c Newman, Kim (June 1, 1999). «Sight and Sound: The Mummy». British Film Institute. Archived from the original on April 10, 2008. Retrieved April 4, 2008.
- ^ a b Savlov, Mark (May 7, 1999). «The Mummy». The Austin Chronicle. Archived from the original on December 21, 2008. Retrieved March 12, 2008.
- ^ a b Graham, Bob (May 7, 1999). «‘Mummy’ — It’s Alive / Fraser unwraps the laughs in comic remake of horror classic». San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved September 1, 2019.
- ^ Larsen, Ernest (July 2000). «The Mummy: traffic in mummies». Jump Cut (43): 12–15, 128. Archived from the original on December 18, 2008. Retrieved April 9, 2008.
- ^ a b Hinson, Hal (May 7, 1999). «Mummy dearest». Dallas Observer. Archived from the original on December 20, 2008. Retrieved March 20, 2008.
- ^ a b Haflidason, Almar (May 4, 2001). «The Mummy (1999)». BBC. Retrieved July 21, 2021.
- ^ Hunter, David (May 3, 1999). «‘The Mummy’: THR’s 1999 Review». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved July 21, 2021.
- ^ Wloszczyna, Susan (May 7, 1999). «Effects New Curse of The Mummy«. USA Today.
- ^ Lewis, Maria (February 4, 2019). «Why ‘The Mummy’ Was The Pivotal Blockbuster Of The Nineties». Junkee. Retrieved May 12, 2019.
- ^ a b Stefansky, Emma (May 7, 2019). «‘The Mummy’ Is the Only Perfect Movie». Thrillist. Retrieved May 11, 2019.
- ^ Grebey, James (May 7, 2019). «5 Reasons The Mummy Became the Indiana Jones for a New Generation». Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango Media. Retrieved September 1, 2019.
- ^ Mancuso, Vinnie (May 9, 2019). «20 Years After ‘The Mummy’, There Still Hasn’t Been an Action Hero Like Brendan Fraser». Collider. Retrieved May 11, 2019.
- ^ Donaldson, Kayleigh (May 8, 2019). «Brendan Fraser in The Mummy: The hottest action hero of the ’90s». Syfy Wire. Retrieved May 11, 2019.
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- ^ «Nominees & Winners for the 72nd Academy Awards». Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Retrieved March 23, 2022.
- ^ «BAFTA Awards Search | The Mummy». British Academy Film Awards. Retrieved March 23, 2022.
- ^ a b c d «Nominees Announced for ‘Sixth Annual Blockbuster Entertainment Awards(R)’ To Air in June on FOX» (Press release). Blockbuster. February 8, 2000. Archived from the original on January 12, 2014. Retrieved November 9, 2018 – via PR Newswire.
- ^ «BMI Honors Top Film and TV Composers». BMI Film & TV Awards. May 15, 2000. Retrieved March 23, 2022.
- ^ «MTV Movie Awards: 2000 Awards». IMDb. Retrieved August 14, 2022.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i «Saturn Awards: 2000 Awards». IMDb. Retrieved August 14, 2022.
- ^ Fitzpatrick, Eileen (September 11, 1999). «The Mummy». Billboard. Vol. 111, no. 37. p. 49.
- ^ Fitzpatrick, Eileen (December 25, 1999). «‘Mummy’ shoots Universal’s sales over $1 bil.; retailers win with sight and sound». Billboard. Vol. 111/112, no. 52/1. p. 63.
- ^ Douglass, Todd (July 15, 2008). «The Mummy (1999)». DVD Talk. Retrieved July 21, 2021.
- ^ «The Mummy 4K Blu-ray (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray)».
- ^ a b Travers, Peter (May 9, 2001). «The Mummy Returns». Rolling Stone. Archived from the original on December 3, 2007. Retrieved April 1, 2008.
- ^ Garrett, Diane; Fleming, Michael (April 11, 2007). «Fraser returns for ‘Mummy 3’«. Variety. Archived from the original on April 15, 2007. Retrieved April 12, 2007.
- ^ Fleming, Michael (May 13, 2007). «Bello replaces Weisz in ‘Mummy’«. Variety. Penske Media Corporation. Archived from the original on May 16, 2007. Retrieved May 13, 2007.
- ^ Trumbore, Dave (July 25, 2020). «‘The Mummy’ Animated Series Exists, But Should It?». Collider. Retrieved December 7, 2020.
- ^ Holden, Stephen (April 19, 2002). «Film Review; In a Prequel to the ‘Mummy’ Series, a Mountain of Muscle Makes a Parody». The New York Times. p. E20. Retrieved December 7, 2020.
- ^ Kroll, Justin; Snieder, Jeff (April 4, 2012). «U sets ‘Mummy’ reboot with Spaihts». Variety. Penske Media Corporation. Archived from the original on April 7, 2012. Retrieved March 14, 2019.
- ^ Kroll, Justin (January 21, 2016). «Tom Cruise’s ‘The Mummy’ Gets New Release Date». Variety. Archived from the original on January 22, 2016. Retrieved January 22, 2016.
- ^ «The Mummy». IGN. January 5, 2001. Retrieved July 12, 2020.
- ^ «The Mummy (GBC)». GameSpot. Archived from the original on December 9, 2008. Retrieved February 21, 2008.
- ^ «The Mummy (Game Boy Advance)». Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved December 6, 2020.
- ^ Resorts World Sentosa (December 26, 2008). «Premier Rides tapped to build Mummy ride for Universal Singapore». CoasterBuzz. Retrieved November 18, 2012.
External links[edit]
This audio file was created from a revision of this article dated 20 January 2022, and does not reflect subsequent edits.
Действие фильма начинается в Древнем Египте, в XIII веке до н. э. Верховный жрец Имхотеп влюбляется в Анк-су-намун, наложницу фараона Сети I. Когда фараон становится свидетелем измены, Имхотеп и Анк-су-намун предательски убивают его. Анк-су-намун затем убивает себя, прося Имхотепа воскресить её. После похорон Имхотеп похищает её тело и вместе со своими верными жрецами направляется к Хамунаптре, городу мёртвых, где они проводят церемонию воскрешения. Но стража фараона вмешивается в самый критический момент ритуала, и душа Анк-су-намун возвращается в загробный мир.
В наказание за это святотатство жрецов Имхотепа мумифицируют заживо, а самого верховного жреца приговаривают к проклятию «хом дай» — стражники отрезают ему язык и погребают заживо, подбросив в саркофаг плотоядных скарабеев. Проклятие состоит в том, что несчастный при этом становится бессмертным и вынужден переживать агонию своих ран веки вечные. Его погребают в строжайшей тайне, в саркофаге под статуей египетского божества Анубиса. За ним строго следят племена меджаев, потомки стражи фараона, ибо если Имхотепа кто-нибудь выпустит на волю, то сила этого бессмертного существа позволит ему напустить на Землю волну разрушения и смерти.
Через три тысячелетия, в 1923 году, американец по имени Рик О’Коннелл служит в звании капитана в отряде Французского Иностранного легиона, который путешествует к Хамунаптре в поисках сокровища, которое, по легенде, находится в городе. Когда они достигают этого легендарного места, на них нападает группа арабов. Командир легиона покидает своих солдат, и Рик вынужден встать во главе отряда. Силы неравны, арабы побеждают и Рик отступает в город. Окружённый врагом, О’Коннелл готовится к смерти, но арабы внезапно убегают. Озадаченный Рик внезапно слышит бестелесный голос и видит, как песок вокруг него начинает вздыматься. Убегая, он не видит, как в песке появляется лицо, искаженное агонией. Оставаясь в одиночестве в пустыне, Рик замечает, что за битвой следила группа меджаев. Однако они не трогают его и отпускают в пустыню, считая, что там он не выживет.
Через три года, каирская библиотекарь по имени Эвелин «Иви» Карнахан получает от своего брата Джонатана шкатулку, испещрённую иероглифами, в которой она обнаруживает карту. По словам Джонатана, он нашёл шкатулку в Фивах. Узнав, что карта указывает путь к Хамунаптре, Джонатан признаётся, что украл её у Рика, который сидит в тюрьме, ожидая казни. Связавшись с ним, Эвелин договаривается с Риком, что он раскроет ей местонахождение Хамунаптры взамен на спасение с эшафота. Рик держит своё слово и ведёт экспедицию к Хамунаптре, где они встречают американскую группу охотников за сокровищами под предводительством известного египтолога, доктора Аллена Чемберлена, ведомую Бени Габором, трусоватым бывшим легионером из отряда Рика, сбежавшим во время битвы с арабами.
После того, как обе группы достигают города, на них нападают меджаи под предводительством Ардета Бея, который предупреждает их о зле, погребённом в городе. Несмотря на предупреждение, обе экспедиции продолжают заниматься раскопками в различных частях города. Эвелин ищет Книгу Амона-Ра, золотую книгу, способную отбирать жизнь, но неожиданно обнаруживает останки Имхотепа, которые представляют собой всё ещё разлагающийся скелет, а не иссохшую мумию. Американцы тем временем обнаруживают Книгу мёртвых вместе с канопами, в которых находятся сохранённые органы Анк-су-намун; каждый из американцев берёт себе по сосуду как награду.
Ночью Эвелин выкрадывает Книгу мёртвых из палатки американцев и читает одну из страниц вслух, ненароком пробуждая Имхотепа. Хотя обе группы возвращаются в Каир, мумия начинает охоту за американцами, открывшими ящик, постепенно регенерируя с каждым убитым. Бени переживает встречу с Имхотепом, произнеся молитвы на иврите. Поскольку евреи в Древнем Египте были рабами, Имхотеп делает его личным слугой, обещая вознаграждения. Новоиспеченный слуга помогает мумии найти американцев и украденные сосуды в Каире. Эвелин осознаёт, что, раз Книга мёртвых дала Имхотепу жизнь, Книга Амона-Ра сможет её отобрать. Выясняется, что местоположение книг было перепутано. Эвелин делает вывод, что раз Книга мёртвых была обнаружена под статуей бога царства мёртвых Анубиса, то Книга Амон-Ра должна находиться под статуей бога света Гора. Вскоре после этого Имхотеп берёт Эвелин в плен, желая принести её в жертву для воскрешения своей любимой Анк-су-намун. Для этого они возвращаются в Хамунаптру. Рик и Джонатан освобождают Эвелин после яростной битвы с мумиями Имхотепа. Эвелин читает вслух из Книги Амона-Ра, что лишает Имхотепа бессмертия, а Рик затем его смертельно ранит. Быстро разлагаясь, Имхотеп опять покидает наш мир.
Когда они уходят, Бени ненароком активирует древнюю ловушку и становится жертвой полчищ скарабеев. Героям удаётся выбежать из разрушающейся Хамунаптры, и они уезжают на паре верблюдов, не зная, что жадный Бени под завязку забил мешки на верблюдах сокровищами.
Мания мумии. «Мумия», режиссер Стивен Соммерс
«Мумия» (The Mummy)
Авторы сценария Нина Уилкокс Патнем, Ричард Шейер,
Джон Л. Бальдерсторн, Стивен Соммерс,
Ллойд Фонвиль, Кевин Жарр
Режиссер Стивен Соммерс
Оператор Эдриан Бидл
Художник Аллан Кэмерон
Композитор Джерри Голдсмит
В ролях: Брендан Фрейзер, Рейчел Вайс, Джон Ханна,
Арнольд Вослу, Кевин Дж. О’Коннор, Одед Фер
«Мумия» |
Студия «Юниверсл» выпустила в прокат продолжение фильма Стивена Соммерса «Мумия» (1999) под названием «Мумия-2». Это настоящая сенсация в кинопроизводстве. Никогда сиквел не выходил на экраны так быстро. Хозяева «Юниверсл» свои ставки сделали молниеносно — на кону самый внятный символ главного человеческого страха — страха смерти. В ХХ веке благодаря кинематографу у него было много имен. «Мумия» — одно из последних.
1290 год до н.э. Фивы. Египтом правит фараон Сети I. Он не знает о том, что верховный жрец Имхотеп, хранитель Города Мертвых, сгорает от страсти к красавице Анк-Су-Намун, наложнице Сети, и она отвечает жрецу такой же пылкой любовью. И вот фараон узнает об измене. Но в этот же миг погибает от рук возлюбленной и Имхотепа. Анк-Су-Намун бесстрашно пронзает себя кинжалом над телом убитого фараона. Она слышит, как Имхотеп клянется вернуть ее душу из Царства Мертвых. Она знает, что Имхотеп сумеет ее воскресить…
Проходит несколько дней. Хамунаптра, Город Мертвых. Имхотеп со своими жрецами воскрешает Анк-Су-Намун. Ему остается лишь завершить ритуал. Но стража убитого Сети, выследив Имхотепа, хватает его над оживающим телом. Жрец проклят, он становится жертвой обряда Хум-Дай. Его мумифицируют заживо, вырывают глаза и язык, имя предают забвению. Ключ от гробницы должен пропасть навсегда. Тот, кто вызовет к жизни мумию приговоренного к Хум-Дай, приведет в движение десять проклятий Египта…
В 391 году н.э. потрясенная Александрия наблюдала за тем, как пламя пожара съедало наследие египетской цивилизации — Серапионову библиотеку. Люди, получив благословение патриарха Александрии Кирилла, выжигали язычество из своих душ. Четыре миллиона книг, хранившие память о трех тысячах лет восхождения к совершенству, исчезли в огне навсегда. И через несколько десятилетий — к середине V века н.э. — на Земле не осталось никого, кто мог бы говорить или читать на языке фараонов. Египет умолк, окаменев.
Началом возрождения Древнего Египта стал XIX век. Историк Жан Франсуа Шампольон нашел ключ к тайне криптограмм. Венцом всеобщего помешательства на Египте, конечно же, стало открытие гробниц. Как бы ни было любезно человечеству золото, найденное в захоронениях фараонов, ничего более грандиозного и ничего более бесспорного, чем мумия, мы в Египте уже никогда не отыщем.
1926 год. Каирский музей. Англичане Иви и ее брат Джонатан рассматривают странную шкатулку, которую Джонатан где-то украл. Внезапно шкатулка открывается. «О! На этот раз тебе повезло!» — говорит Иви, извлекая на свет древний папирус. Это карта, указывающая путь в Хамунаптру, путь за золотом, в Город Мертвых. Счастливая Иви спешит с уникальной находкой к владельцу музея. Хранитель как бы случайно подносит папирус к свече. Пламя съедает дорогу. Иви твердо решает отправиться в путь. Но карты нет, необходим проводник.
Итак, приключения «Мумии» начинаются. С поисков золота…
Мумия — это безупречное доказательство вечной веры людей в превосходство духа над плотью. И одновременно — единственное рукотворное изображение смерти. Останавливая распад плоти с помощью солей и бальзамов, египтяне формулировали конец жизни как разделение бессмертной души и бренного тела. Скрытая навеки от взглядов и прикосновений, мумия находилась в ожидании возвращения духа. Но через тысячи лет, извлеченная из усыпальницы, она стала пронумерованным музеями предметом. Глядя теперь на эту абсолютную неподвижность, кто из нас не подумает о том, что именно в эту секунду он преступает границы дозволенного человеку любопытства? Мумия свидетельствует: «Да, физическая смерть существует, поэтому я здесь, перед вами, недвижима и бескровна. Но, глядя на эту иссохшую плоть, кто из вас не видит меня живой и полной сил? Разве посмеете вы причинить этому телу вред, не побоявшись наказания? А те, кто не боялся, разве не платили за свою жестокость? Кто им отомстил, кто вам может отомстить? Только моя душа, которая и сейчас трудится, пытаясь помочь этому телу». Люди, узнав о древнем ритуале мумификации, не могли не услышать сквозь тысячелетия этот предупредительный шепот тонких миров. И человек сформулировал свое отношение к мумии — страх. Тем же, кто не боялся извлекать из страхов все необходимое для себя, оставалось сделать из мумии еще один, весьма прибыльный, культ.
…1923 год. Хамунаптра. Британские войска занимают Город Мертвых. Но египтяне выбивают их оттуда, не жалея ни людей, ни конницы. Англичане бросаются врассыпную, кто куда. Самый бравый из них — Рик О’Коннелл, красавец мужчина, сорвиголова — бежит, перелетая через гробницы. Секунда, и он будет убит. Но что это? Из-под камней доносится вой, пески «встают на дыбы». Враг исчез. О’Коннелл спасен, он, ковыляя, уходит в пустыню. И не слышит, как некто в черной чалме говорит ему в спину: «Монстр не выдал себя»…
Великий и неукротимый в своей властности аттракцион — кинематограф — нащупал путь к тайнам гробниц, едва успев появиться на свет. По сути, он сам близкий родственник мумий Египта: годами лежит без движения в железных коробках (гробах) и оживает в лучах яркого света.
Отголоски египтомании пригодились многим первопроходцам кинематографа, но «Глаза мумии Ма» Любича в 1918 году придали теме товарный вид. В истории влюбленной египтянки, покинувшей зловещую секту ради немецкого художника, не было бы ничего интересного. Если бы не одно «но»: Любич рассказывает историю женщины, которая работает «глазами» мумии — открывает и закрывает их перед толпами богатых белых туристов, думающих, что перед ними оживает тысячелетний мертвец. В этой картине было сформулировано главное: новый, арабский Египет выставляет свои древности на продажу и уважения не достоин. Но что же делали в это время Европа и Америка? Совсем не то, что художник Любича, спасающий девушку (Пола Негри). Они начали скупать «тайны», приспосабливая их к собственным рынкам. Как предприимчивые антиквары.
И к этой торговле их подготовил изысканный XIX век. К тому времени повсюду уже обычным становилось гадание на таро, знали Папюса, Эттейлу и Элифаса Леви. Брэм Стокер вслед за «Дракулой» издал «Сокровище Семи Звезд» — роман о мумии-убийце. Поэт и колдун Алистер Кроули со своими «блудницами в пурпуре» отметился оргиями у подножия пирамид, чем навлек на себя ненависть христианского мира. Каждый из тех, кто с открытой душой или с темными помыслами отправлялся в Египет, видел, слышал, переживал, понимал там «нечто». «Нечто» вступало в борьбу с общепринятым, ясным, удобным. Правда подчас оказывалась невозможнее вымысла. Загадочная смерть археологов, одного за другим, в лабиринтах пирамид, фатальность, преследовавшая семьи египтологов, породили суеверный страх перед Египтом. Но впереди страха бежало никогда не оставлявшее людей любопытство. И в наследство веку ХХ достался поразительный образ Египта — образ бездонной опасности, великой и манящей.
…Иви и Джонатан находят в Каире легионера О’Коннелла, по слухам, бывавшего в Хамунаптре. Но боец готовится к отправке на виселицу в местной тюрьме: его невзлюбил сам начальник. «Он знает путь в Хамунаптру!» — кричит, отчаявшись, Иви. Жадный тюремщик вынимает бунтаря из петли. Через несколько дней все четверо отплывают за золотом Сети. Навстречу костям Имхотепа…
Тысячу раз прав был Эрнст Любич, открыв Египет в кино и подарив экрану «Глаза мумии Ма»: пугая, он все-таки развлекал, не потрясая основ и не оскверняя храмов. Примерно так же поступали и менее талантливые его современники Эл Кристи, Ли Беггс и А.Е. Колби, выпустившие на экраны несколько комедий-короткометражек о суеверных страхах своих современников перед самим словом «мумия». Совсем в ином ряду стоит почтенная «Клеопатра» Сесиля Де Милля — роскошная пафосная постановка с Клодетт Кольбер, сделанная уже после прихода звука в кино. Истории, рассказанные этими художниками, деликатны, как и многие другие, появившиеся позже, включая и «Клеопатру» Манкевича, и «Фараона» Кавалеровича. Но возбужденное тайной пространство требовало и других образов Египта. В 1932 году выдающийся оператор Карл Фрейнд, снявший «Дракулу» Броунинга, «Метрополис» Ланга и «Последний смех» Мурнау, решается на режиссерский дебют. Его фильм с Борисом Карлоффом в главной роли называется «Мумия». В бесконечной череде самых грубых исторических подмен, на которые пускалось искусство кино за сто лет своего существования, «Мумия» Фрейнда не является ни первой, ни последней.
Фрейнд и три его сценариста впервые дали кинематографической мумии реальное имя величайшего человека, жившего в Древнем Египте. Это имя — Имхотеп. На экране жрец обратился в прах, затем обрел новую плоть и с экрана вновь был отправлен в небытие. Его удел — вечное страдание за убийство, совершенное во имя страсти, скитание во времени. Его желание — соединиться с потерянной возлюбленной. Не правда ли, знакомый сюжет? Снова монстр, одержимый любовью, Дракула по-египетски. Фильм Фрейнда был забыт очень скоро, он мог бы так и стоять мертвым грузом на полках синематек. Если бы не год 1999-й, приближение которого Голливуд стал отмечать вбросом апокалиптиче-ских сюжетов и разнообразными их вариациями. Красноречивее всех выступил «ХХ век — Фокс». Подытожив сто лет кино и уходящий век «Титаником», студия выстрелила «Звездными войнами» Джорджа Лукаса. А общий тон в кино продолжал задавать демонический сериал «Фокса» «Тысячелетие» от Криса Картера, создателя «Секретных материалов». Студии помельче бросились в ту же сторону, пытаясь подобрать самые верные отмычки к шифрам о конце света. «Юниверсл» отличилась римейком той самой, забытой «Мумии». Правда, в предвкушении гиганта Лукаса, которого ждали все, над «Мумией» заранее посмеивались.
Напрасно. «Мумия» сделала для кино то, чего никогда не сделает ни технический гений Лукаса, ни его бюджет. Фильм произвел последнего монстра столетия — мумию с именем Имхотеп. С тем самым именем, которое посмел дать зловещей фантазии Фрейнд. Но что значит «посмел», и кто он такой, Имхотеп?
Тексты того, чье имя Имхотеп — «идущий с миром», — погибли в пожарах Александрии. Остались свидетельства из греческих источников VI века до н.э. (Солон). Историю Имхотепа рассказали картины и письмена египетских стел, называющие его сыном Птаха — бога, снабдившего Ра всеми элементами для составления мира и охранявшего подступы к Городу Мертвых. Этим человеком восхищался Платон, знавший, что именно Имхотеп с его великой религиозной реформой сумел примирить Фивы и Мемфис, поклонявшиеся разным богам. Имхотеп ввел в Древнем Египте культ одного создателя Вселенной, дав ему двойное имя Амон-Ра. Современные теософы, врачи и архитекторы, знакомые с древними источниками, называют Имхотепа первым человеком на земле, который представлял собой совершенного гения, идеал гармонизированной личности. Для экуменистов он — ни много ни мало — «египетский Моисей».
В конце ХХ века кинематограф предпочел не заметить ни одного из этих свидетельств. Уподобившись величайшему римскому пересмешнику Ювеналу, он предложил публике осмотреть экзотический зоосад: «Что за чудовища явились предметом почитания в этой сумасшедшей стране? Одна часть тела поклоняется крокодилу. Другая дрожит в суеверном страхе перед ибисом, охотящимся за гадом. Где еще вы встретите горящий золотом портрет длиннохвостой макаки?» «Мумия» режиссера Стивена Соммерса вышла такой же смешной и такой же хлесткой, как это Ювеналово хулиганство. Легкость, с которой проглатывается эта махина, наполненная скачками, стрельбой, пламенем и великолепными спецэффектами, заставляет поборников исторической корректности умолкнуть. Стыдно занудствовать после того, как прохохочешь и напереживаешься почти два часа. Но именно поэтому приходит в голову мысль о том, что назвавший монстра Имхотепом, сам не заметил, как частью тела поклонился крокодилу.
Американцы. Самовлюбленные, практичные. Они вошли в Хамунаптру, спутав все планы хорошенькой Иви. И этим холодным мужланам повезло намного больше, чем ей. Иви с друзьями находит истлевший скелет и горстку жуков-скарабеев. Конкуренты — ту самую «Книгу Мертвых». Стянуть ее ненадолго для девушки не проблема. При свете костра она начинает читать, и вдруг мертвец зашагал, ожил Имхотеп. На страну пирамид налетит саранча, встанут стеною пески, реки наполнятся кровью. И во всем виновата отважная девушка Иви? Что она сделала? Просто произнесла несколько слов, которых раньше не знала…
Если бы не имя жреца, «Мумия» Соммерса ничем не была бы обязана «Мумии» Фрейнда. Разве что завязкой сюжета. Новая «Мумия» использует только «скелет» фильма-оригинала, его ключевые слова. Это массивное шоу конца ХХ века — технология в гостях у приключения. Хотелось бы думать, что имя, прозвучавшее чрезвычайно не к месту и совсем не по делу, найдет другие способы для собственной реабилитации. Слишком сильна история того, кто на самом деле был Имхотепом. Соммерс сделал то же, что Иви, — случайно сказал незнакомое слово. Вот только неясно, какая теперь поднимется буря. Но это уже совсем не наша забота. Важно другое — в кино появился новый злодей. А Хичкок говорил: «Чем больше удался злодей, тем удачнее фильм». И вот на экране — «Мумия-2».
Так чем же удался злодей Имхотеп? Красотой артиста Арнольда Вослу? Вроде бы нет, есть артисты и получше, и красавцы потоньше. Разинутой пастью, сочиненной в компьютере Industrial Light & Magic? Звериным ревом из заготовок мастеров звукоцеха? Все эти прелести видели-слышали не раз и не два. Дело в другом. Соммерс призвал в сообщники юмор. Дав изысканно зловещую экспозицию, историю Имхотепа в Каире 20-х годов нашего столетия он превратил в комедию ужасов. Причем комедия в «Мумии» бежит впереди античных кошмаров. Для того чтобы дать зрителю правильную установку, Соммерс вводит для характеристики Имхотепа два показательных эпизода.
Эпизод первый. Оживший безглазый скелет крадется по закоулкам подземелья, отчаянно пугая зрителя и убегающих от его тени героев. Мумия нападает на американского археолога, становится говорящей и зрячей (детали бесчеловечного акта нам не демонстрируют). Но злодей с ходу делает самый неправильный выбор: забирает глаза у того, кто носит сильные очки. И затем, подобравшись к трепещущей Иви, заявляет: «Иди ко мне, Анк-Су-Намун!» Все. Это уже смешно. Остальное, кровавое — в правилах той игры, на которую пошел зритель, привлеченный страшным названием «Мумия».
Эпизод второй. Злодей с «недостроенным» ртом целует уснувшую Иви. Вспомнить одно лобзание Дракулы, и предвкушений знакомых кошмаров достаточно всем. Зритель понимает, что скоро от девушки Иви останутся рожки да ножки. В комнату врывается О’Коннелл — не с пистолетом (уже стреляли, не помогает), с кошкой. Обычное «мяу», и новый виток приключений: Иви жива, Имхотеп улетел, но скоро вернется.
Здоровый подход авторов «Мумии» к нездоровому людскому желанию пугаться больше, чаще и сильнее вызывает уважение. Похоже, кино с их помощью наконец-то бросило вызов инфернальным гостям. Новый монстр уязвим, новый монстр в меру смешон. А это значит, что у него есть шанс не только выжить, но и до известной степени развиться в нечто себе противоположное. На самом деле, для создателей «Мумии-2» это единственный верный шанс предложить истории кино нетривиальное решение — время сегодня требует сценарий, а не новые технологии. Ведь на ослепительно бездарном примере драматургии «Скрытой угрозы» многие поняли, что кино без героя и без сюжетных ловушек уже не работает. Собственно, проиграв аттракционам Лукаса, Соммерс и «Юниверсл» оказались изобретательнее и дальновиднее его в выборе темы, героя и жанра. Для Голливуда — это альфа и омега успеха. Победит тот, кто отыщет сюжет.
Бывает, что большая удача приходит к режиссеру средних возможностей, но обладающему сильной интуицией. Тогда его фильм на время становится объектом повышенного интереса как публики, так и производителей. «Мумия» — именно такой случай. Прежние фильмы Соммерса («Приключения Гекльберри Финна» и «Книга джунглей») говорили о том, что он в состоянии организовать работу большой группы и освоить солидный бюджет. Продюсеры «Мумии» сдали ему обычные карты из той же, освоенной режиссером колоды. И — ни одного козырного туза. В переводе на кинематографический язык — ни одной звезды. Расставив выбранных актеров по местам, Соммерс догадался призвать на помощь всю классику ужасов и приключений. Его главной звездой и главным героем «Мумии» стал кинематограф собственной персоной. Тихонечко, очень тактично Соммерс прошелся по знаковым кадрам, персонажам и сценам «Лоуренса Аравийского», «Индианы Джонса», «Золота Маккенны», «Английского пациента», «Дракулы», «Титаника». Не понять это как намек на то, что все кино мира десятилетиями работало на появление «Мумии», значит, обидеть Стивена Соммерса. Он, конечно, не первый в ряду тех, кто забавляется от души, играя в кинематографические угадайки. Но один из немногих, кому это удалось сделать изящно, ни разу не поставив цитату на службу сюжету. Сноски обрамляют изображение, придавая ему легкий шарм.
Например, что делает в «Мумии» «Титаник»? Многие не поверят, но «Титаник» у Соммерса сначала плывет (короткий план и прямая цитата: ночь, река, пароход). А потом тонет. Только теперь в роли корабля Джеймса Кэмерона выступает самолет Энтони Мингеллы, несущий над песками «Английского пациента» героев «Мумии». Развалившись ровно на две части, он торжественно погружается хвостом вниз в зыбучую желтизну пустыни. Лоуренс Аравийский — это живчик по имени Бени, бывший боец отряда О’Коннелла, жадина и хамелеон. Тот, кто привел американцев в Город Мертвых. Бени носит на шее амулеты всех культов и символы всех вер. Надо — еврей, надо — католик, случится иное — буддист. Говорит на всех языках, переодевается в любые одежды. Совершенно карикатурный герой, в меру смешной, в меру противный. С одной стороны, комический поклон «оскароносному» колоссу. С другой — сведение исторических счетов со шпионом.
«Смерть — это только начало», — говорит Иви. Так считали в Древнем Египте. Но до сих пор смерть остается для человечества обозначением конца. И древняя надпись на крышках гробниц безотчетно пугает. Потому что под крышками люди находят бинтами укрытую смерть: круг замыкается в рамках привычных мирских пониманий. Ведь если «это» — начало, то как же в Египте трактуют конец? Оккультисты и маги ХХ века внесли свою лепту в «разборки» с землей фараонов.
Например, так. Нефертити и Аменхотеп (Эхнатон) привиделись той, что предсказала Джону Кеннеди верную смерть в 1963 году: Джоан Диксон однажды сказала (и эти слова взбудоражили западный мир), что враг христианства родится от дальних потомков великой четы. Она вроде бы видела, как Нефертити и супруг ее Аменхотеп держат ребенка, обернутого грязным тряпьем. Ребенок — антихрист. Его корни — в Египте. Время прихода — конец ХХ века. Вот и все. Этот миф был выпущен Диксон на следующий день после затмения Солнца и парада планет 4 февраля 1962 года. Она рассказала еще и о том, что враг человечества будет действовать в 1999-м через глобальную электронную сеть. Как минимум ею предсказан был Интернет. Но сначала был опорочен далекий Египет.
Пророчества Диксон и многих других выводят из фразы «Смерть — это только начало» обещание конца света, надвигающегося из Египта. Запад знает об этом из газет и ток-шоу. Голливуд не сочиняет подобных историй, он подводит под ними черту. Образ рождается спросом, а тайны всегда являлись товаром не только в кино. Поэтому «Мумию» стоит считать результатом носившихся в воздухе старых, запрошенных ныне идей. Время сделало их конъюнктурой. Соммерс сумел подытожить, не впадая в вульгарный экстаз. И не случайно Запад теперь стоит на пороге новой волны увлечений — мании мумий. В залах суперсистемы гигантских экранов IMAX идет документальный блокбастер «Тайны Египта» от National Geographic. Бестселлерами становятся книги современного мистика Мустафы Гаддалы, одна из них — «Космогония Древнего Египта». Новое слово в европейском дизайне — иероглифоподобные шрифты и бумага, тисненная под папирус. «Мумия-2» оживает в подходящем климате.
Оживить «Мумию». Удивительная история создания фильма
8 лет назад · 10973 просмотров
Кто из нас, никогда в своей жизни не интересовался загадками самой древней и самой непредсказуемой цивилизации Древнего Египта? «Мумия» способна привлечь, а главное увлечь лишённых занудства и скептицизма зрителей своей авантюрно-комической стихией, впечатляющими съёмками в пустыне и разнообразными спецэффектами, которые выполнены студией «Индастриал лайт энд маджик» Джорджа Лукаса. Смотрите и не пожалеете!
Год: 1999
Страна: США
Режиссер: Стивен Соммерс
Жанр: фэнтези, боевик, приключения
Бюджет: $80 000 000
Сборы в США: $155 385 488
Сборы в мире: + $260 500 000 = $415 885 488
Конечно, вышедшая пятнадцать лет назад «Мумия» не является такой же культовой классикой как «Индиана Джонс: В поисках утраченного ковчега», точно так же какБрендан Фрэйзер не стал новым Харрисоном Фордом. Тем не менее, вряд ли кто-то из создателей картины мог бы быть недоволен ее итоговыми результатами, которые составили четыреста пятнадцать миллионов долларов кассовых сборов, сразу гарантировавших сиквел и сделавших фильм Стивена Соммерса самой кассовой приключенческой лентой 1990-х. Для самого же Соммерса «Мумия» в буквальном смысле слова стала спасительницей, вытащив его висевшую на волоске после провала«Подъема с глубины» карьеру.
В самом начале 1990-х продюсер Джеймс Джэкс задумал возродить одного из классических «монстров Universal», а именно — «Мумию». Студия не возражала, но при условии, что Джэкс сможет уложиться в небольшой десятимиллионный бюджет. Блокбастер с такими деньгами, разумеется, не получился бы, но их вполне хватило бы для небольшого хоррора.
И Джэкс предложил заняться этим проектом Клайву Баркеру. Незадолго до этого, при работе над «Восставшим из Ада III», Баркер уже предлагал использовать древний Египет в качестве источника происхождения таинственной шкатулки и первых Сенобитов. В итоге эта идея так и не была использована, но теперь у Баркера появилась возможность вернуться к этой теме и развить ее дальше.
Материал отснятый Баркером боссам ни капли не понравится. Сам Баркер как-то сказал, что молит богов о том, чтобы земля разверзлась и поглотила здание, где находится офис MPAA. Однако земля разверзлась не под зданием MPAA, а под самим Баркером. Universal первоначально была рада его участию, но когда продюсеры прочитали получившийся тритмент, то пришли в ужас и наотрез отказались рассматривать возможность постановки подобного фильма. Разумеется, после этого Баркер выбыл из проекта.
Но, как известно, в Голливуде пустое место недолго остается таковым. После ухода Баркера и отказа от его материала, кресло режиссера занял Джо Данте, а Джон Сэйлс иАлан Ормсби написали новый сценарий.
Большую часть их работы занимали любовные переживания главной героини, которая разрывалась между Имхотепом и ее новым другом археологом. Хелен гуляет с Майком, видит сны с Имхотепом, видит его во снах, затем встречает его в действительности — остальное же действие, по сути, заполняет промежутки между этими переживаниями. Благодаря этому мелодраматическому настроению создается стойкое ощущение, что будь фильм снят, то на выходе получился бы не триллер с элементами любовного фильма, а скорее любовный фильм с элементами мистического триллера.
Из-за этой неоднозначности Джо Данте очень понравилась работа Сэйлса и Ормсби и он всерьез подумывал попытаться пригласить Дэниэла Дэй-Льюиса на роль Имхотепа. Однако студия всё еще не хотела выходить за рамки низкобюджетного фильма и не собиралась выделять на картину больше пятнадцати миллионов долларов. А фильм по имевшемуся сценарию оценивался в сумму не меньше двадцати пяти миллионов — и студия не собиралась идти на компромисс.
В конце концов, Данте решил спасти фильм и отправился к своему приятелю Стивену Спилбергу, надеясь, что если ему понравится сценарий, то он сможет замолвить за него слово перед одной из самых больших шишек Universal — Сиду Шейнбергу, который некогда «открыл» самого Спилберга. Спилберг согласился помочь и дал скрипт Штейнбергу — но после прочтения тот прямо ответил, что он ему не нравится, так как, по его мнению, действие новой «Мумии» должно разворачиваться в начале XX века, а не в современности. Таким образом, попытка Данте провалилась, и он стал вторым режиссером, выбывшим из проекта.
Все знают, что Джордж Ромеро отец современного зомби-жанра. Но в 1990-е он на некоторое время отошел от зомби-тематики и имел возможность снять фильм про немного другой вид воскресших мертвых… Но обо всем по порядку.
Первоначально Ромеро подписался под проект лишь в качестве сценариста, но с возможностью последующей режиссуры фильма. Начал он с основательной переделки предыдущего сценария, который в его интерпретации стал менее романтичным, зато более кровавым и близким к хоррору.
В принципе, как небольшая хоррор-история, разворачивающаяся в современном мире, — такая «Мумия» вполне могла быть достаточно успешной. Хотя, конечно, нельзя не отметить, что как персонаж, который по умолчанию считается злодеем, но в финале оказывается трагическим героем, Имхотеп явно заслужил куда большей проработки, чем позволил ему Ромеро.
Эта версия укладывалась в отпущенный бюджет, и Ромеро твердо нацелился снимать фильм. Однако в этот раз студию не устроила общая мрачность и жестокость сценария. Скрипт нужно было переписать, чтобы уменьшить количество насилия, и как раз в этот момент перед Ромеро встала новая проблема.
Дело в том, что параллельно с «Мумией» Ромеро некоторое время работал над проектом под названием Before I Wake. У него был заключен соответствующий контракт с MGM, однако производство фильма застопорилось, и Ромеро был абсолютно уверен, что его уже не будут снимать. Но за двенадцать дней до истечения контракта MGM официально уведомило его, что съемки фильма в любом случае состоятся, и Ромеро пришлось отказаться от дальнейшей работы над «Мумией», чтобы не нарушать контрактные обязательства. Ирония заключается в том, что Before I Wake в итоге так и не был запущен в производство — так что один не снятый фильм в итоге утянул за собой другой.
Некоторое время наработками Ромеро занимался Мик Гаррис, который пару раз переписал сценарий. Кроме того, продюсеры попытались уговорить Уэса Крэйвенавзять бразды проекта в свои руки — но тот отказался в пользу «Крика».
В итоге «Мумию» от попадания в производственный ад спас Стивен Соммерс, который чуть ли не с детства мечтал снять свою версию фильма 1932 года. Соммерс предложил тритмент для масштабного летнего блокбастера в духе Индианы Джонса. Для этого он выбрал удачный момент — на студии как раз поменялось руководство, и новые лица решили дать Соммерсу полный карт-бланш. В результате, фильм, который еще недавно не мог сдвинуться с места из-за невозможности вписаться в пятнадцатимиллионную смету, получил огромный бюджет в восемьдесят миллионов долларов.
И эти деньги были потрачены не зря. Фильм Соммерса, конечно, не мог порадовать особыми сюжетными изысками — зато он получился весьма бодрым, практически без провисаний и развлекающим зрителя на полную катушку. А что еще нужно от блокбастера? Только продолжения — а они были, также как и спин-офф, и его два direct-to-video сиквела.
Но, как известно, всё хорошее когда-нибудь заканчивается, и любая киносерия имеет свой предел прочности. Воссозданная Соммерсом франшиза нащупала этот предел в 2008 году, когда на экраны вышла куда менее успешная, чем ожидалось, «Мумия: Гробница императора драконов».
Брендан Фрейзер во время съёмок сцены повешения его героя потерял сознание и чуть не расстался с жизнью из-за того, что верёвка на его шее была чересчур туго затянута.
Для участия в съёмках был специально приглашён учёный-египтолог, который должен был на своём примере показывать актёрам правильное произношение отдельных древнеегипетских слов и целых фраз.
Сцены, в которых героиня Рэйчел Уайс облеплена крысами и саранчой, были сняты с использованием реальных животных и насекомых, а не с помощью компьютерной графики, как это часто бывает в таких случаях.
За исключением набедренной повязки и нескольких ювелирных украшений костюм Патрисии Веласкес (Анк Су Намун) полностью состоял из нательной краски, наложение которой занимало 14 часов.
В реальности Имхотеп был знаменитым архитектором, который разработал постройку первых египетских пирамид, в том числе пирамиду Джосера примерно за 2600 лет до нашей эры. Талант древнего архитектора был настолько велик, что позднее о нём говорили как о человеке произошедшем от богов. Его имя в переводе означает «тот, кто приходит с миром».
Съемки заброшенного города Хамунаптра проходили на отдельной съёмочной площадке, построенной в кратере потухшего вулкана поблизости от Эрфуда. Позднее другая обширная съёмочная площадка была сконструирована в павильонах британской Shepperton Studios, где были сняты сцены в подземных переходах и галереях Хамунаптры.
Съёмки сцен в порту Гизы прошли на съёмочной площадке длиной 183 метра, построенной в британских доках Чэтэма. На ней находились паровоз, три портовых крана, открытая двуконная повозка, четыре повозки с лошадьми, ослы, мулы, ряды восточного базара с торговцами в арабской одежде и комната для 300 участников массовки.
Персонаж Ардет Бэя (вождя меджаев) по первоначальному варианту сценария должен был погибнуть в конце фильме, но режиссёр Стивен Соммерс настоял на том, что его судьба была изменена.
Главная роль Рика О’Коннора изначально была предложена Сильвестру Сталлоне, который практически сразу же отказался от проекта, ссылаясь на напряженный рабочий график. Также роль была предложена таким известным актерам, как Том Круз, Бред Питт и Мэтт Деймон.
Награды и премии
В 2000 году «Мумия» стала номинантом многих известных кинопремий, а за «Лучший грим» получила престижную награду «Сатурн». На получение высшей кинопремии «Оскар» фильм был представлен в номинации «Лучший звук». На премию канала «MTV» картина номинировалась в категории «Лучшая экшен-сцена». На получение премии Британской академии «BAFTA» постановка выдвигалась в категории «Лучшие визуальные эффекты». Претендуя на престижную кинопремию «Сатурн», фильм отметился в девяти номинациях: «Лучший фэнтези-фильм», «Лучший режиссер» в лице Стивена Соммерса, «Лучший актер» и «Лучшая актриса» (соответственно актеры Брендан Фрейзер и Рейчел Вайс). Фильм также номинировался по техническим категориям, таким как «Лучшие костюмы», «Лучшие спецэффекты», «Лучшая музыка» и «Лучший сценарий».
В этот раз студии Universal хватило всего четыре года, чтобы объявить о планах по очередному перезапуску «Мумии*». Правда, пока не слишком успешном, ибо за истекшие два года, проект уже сменил несколько режиссеров, и до сих пор непонятно, есть ли у продюсеров устраивающий их сценарий. Но, если вспомнить, что на предыдущий перезапуск потребовалось почти десять лет, это кажется сущими мелочами.
Пожалуй, было бы весьма символично, если бы в этот раз ситуация тоже развернулась на 180 градусов, и вместо огромного блокбастера, в итоге мы бы получили более камерный и мрачный фильм. Правда, судя по последним новостям, продюсеры, которые изначально намекали на что-то подобное, поменяли свое мнение и решили снова делать большой фильм для всей семьи. Впрочем, не будем забегать вперед: кто знает, какие еще перипетии переживет проект, прежде чем дойдет до больших экранов?
Материал из Википедии
Перейти к: навигация, поиск
У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Мумия (значения).
Мумия | |
The Mummy | |
267x300px | |
Жанр |
боевик |
Режиссёр |
Стивен Соммерс |
Продюсер |
Шон Дэниел |
Автор сценария |
Сценарий: |
В главных ролях |
Брендан Фрэйзер |
Оператор |
Адриан Биддл |
Композитор |
Джерри Голдсмит |
Кинокомпания |
Universal Pictures |
Длительность |
125 мин. |
Бюджет |
$80 млн |
Страна |
Язык |
английский |
Год |
1999 |
Следующий фильм |
Мумия возвращается |
IMDb |
ID 0120616 |
«Му́мия» (англ. The Mummy) — приключенческий фильм, сценаристом и режиссёром которого является Стивен Соммерс. В главных ролях Брендан Фрэйзер, Рэйчел Вайс и Арнольд Вослу. В фильме присутствует множество разговоров на древнеегипетском языке, для чего на съёмки был приглашён профессиональный египтолог. Фильм является вольным ремейком одноимённого фильма 1932 года, в котором роль мумии исполнил Борис Карлофф. Хотя изначально фильм был запланирован как малобюджетный ужастик, в конце концов, он превратился в приключенческий блокбастер. Фильм снимался в окрестности города Эрфуд в Марокко.
В 2001 году на киноэкраны вышло продолжение «Мумия возвращается» и его спин-офф «Царь скорпионов».
- 1 Сюжет
- 2 В ролях
- 3 Производство
- 3.1 Начальная стадия
- 3.2 Кастинг
- 3.3 Съёмки
- 3.4 Визуальные эффекты
- 4 Факты
- 5 Примечания
- 6 Ссылки
Действие фильма начинается в Древнем Египте, в XIII веке до н. э. Верховный жрец Имхотеп влюбляется в Анк-су-намун, наложницу фараона Сети I. Когда фараон становится свидетелем измены, Имхотеп и Анк-су-намун предательски убивают его. Анк-су-намун затем убивает себя, прося Имхотепа воскресить её. После похорон Имхотеп похищает её тело и вместе со своими верными жрецами направляется к Хамунаптре, городу мёртвых, где они проводят церемонию воскрешения. Но стража фараона вмешивается в самый критический момент ритуала, и душа Анк-су-намун возвращается в загробный мир.
В наказание за это святотатство жрецов Имхотепа мумифицируют заживо, а самого верховного жреца приговаривают к проклятию «хом дай» — стражники отрезают ему язык и погребают заживо, подбросив в саркофаг плотоядных скарабеев. Проклятие состоит в том, что несчастный при этом становится бессмертным и вынужден переживать агонию своих ран веки вечные. Его погребают в строжайшей тайне, в саркофаге под статуей египетского божества Анубиса. За ним строго следят племена меджаев, потомки стражи фараона, ибо если Имхотепа кто-нибудь выпустит на волю, то сила этого бессмертного существа позволит ему напустить на Землю волну разрушения и смерти.
Через три тысячелетия, в 1923 году, американец по имени Рик О’Коннелл служит в звании капитана в отряде Французского Иностранного легиона, который путешествует к Хамунаптре в поисках сокровища, которое, по легенде, находится в городе. Когда они достигают этого легендарного места, на них нападает группа арабов. Командир легиона покидает своих солдат, и Рик вынужден встать во главе отряда. Силы неравны, арабы побеждают и Рик отступает в город. Окружённый врагом, О’Коннелл готовится к смерти, но арабы внезапно убегают. Озадаченный Рик внезапно слышит бестелесный голос и видит, как песок вокруг него начинает вздыматься. Убегая, он не видит, как в песке появляется лицо, искаженное агонией. Оставаясь в одиночестве в пустыне, Рик замечает, что за битвой следила группа меджаев. Однако они не трогают его и отпускают в пустыню, считая, что там он не выживет.
Через три года, каирская библиотекарь по имени Эвелин «Иви» Карнахан получает от своего брата Джонатана шкатулку, испещрённую иероглифами, в которой она обнаруживает карту. По словам Джонатана, он нашёл шкатулку в Фивах. Узнав, что карта указывает путь к Хамунаптре, Джонатан признаётся, что украл её у Рика, который сидит в тюрьме, ожидая казни. Связавшись с ним, Эвелин договаривается с Риком, что он раскроет ей местонахождение Хамунаптры взамен на спасение с эшафота. Рик держит своё слово и ведёт экспедицию к Хамунаптре, где они встречают американскую группу охотников за сокровищами под предводительством известного египтолога, доктора Аллена Чемберлена, ведомую Бени Габором, трусоватым бывшим легионером из отряда Рика, сбежавшим во время битвы с арабами.
После того, как обе группы достигают города, на них нападают меджаи под предводительством Ардета Бея, который предупреждает их о зле, погребённом в городе. Несмотря на предупреждение, обе экспедиции продолжают заниматься раскопками в различных частях города. Эвелин ищет Книгу Амона-Ра, золотую книгу, способную отбирать жизнь, но неожиданно обнаруживает останки Имхотепа, которые представляют собой всё ещё разлагающийся скелет, а не иссохшую мумию. Американцы тем временем обнаруживают Книгу мёртвых вместе с канопами, в которых находятся сохранённые органы Анк-су-намун; каждый из американцев берёт себе по сосуду как награду.
Ночью Эвелин выкрадывает Книгу мёртвых из палатки американцев и читает одну из страниц вслух, ненароком пробуждая Имхотепа. Хотя обе группы возвращаются в Каир, мумия начинает охоту за американцами, открывшими ящик, постепенно регенерируя с каждым убитым. Бени переживает встречу с Имхотепом, произнеся молитвы на иврите. Поскольку евреи в Древнем Египте были рабами, Имхотеп делает его личным слугой, обещая вознаграждения. Новоиспеченный слуга помогает мумии найти американцев и украденные сосуды в Каире. Эвелин осознаёт, что, раз Книга мёртвых дала Имхотепу жизнь, Книга Амона-Ра сможет её отобрать. Выясняется, что местоположение книг было перепутано. Эвелин делает вывод, что раз Книга мёртвых была обнаружена под статуей бога царства мёртвых Анубиса, то Книга Амон-Ра должна находиться под статуей бога света Гора. Вскоре после этого Имхотеп берёт Эвелин в плен, желая принести её в жертву для воскрешения своей любимой Анк-су-намун. Для этого они возвращаются в Хамунаптру. Рик и Джонатан освобождают Эвелин после яростной битвы с мумиями Имхотепа. Эвелин читает вслух из Книги Амона-Ра, что лишает Имхотепа бессмертия, а Рик затем его смертельно ранит. Быстро разлагаясь, Имхотеп опять покидает наш мир.
Когда они уходят, Бени ненароком активирует древнюю ловушку и становится жертвой полчищ скарабеев. Героям удаётся выбежать из разрушающейся Хамунаптры, и они уезжают на паре верблюдов, не зная, что жадный Бени под завязку забил мешки на верблюдах сокровищами.
В ролях[править]
Актёр | Роль |
Брендан Фрэйзер | Рик О’Коннелл |
Рэйчел Вайс | Эвелин Карнахан |
Джон Ханна | Джонатан Карнахан |
Арнольд Вослу | Имхотеп |
Кевин О’Коннор | Бени Габор |
Одед Фер | Ардет Бей |
Джонатан Хайд | доктор Аллен Чемберлен |
Эрик Авари | доктор Терренс Бэй |
Омид Джалили | Хасан |
Стивен Данам | Хендерсон |
Кори Джонсон | Дэниелс |
Так Уоткинс | Бёрнс |
Патрисия Веласкес | Анк-су-намун |
В закадровой версии Первого канала принимали участие
- Виктор Бохон — Рик, Имхотеп
- Андрей Казанцев — рассказчик, Джонатан, Ардет и несколько мужских ролей
- Виктор Петров — доктор Тэрренс Бэй, Хасан, доктор Аллен Чемберлен и несколько мужских ролей
- Ольга Гаспарова — Эвелин
Начальная стадия[править]
У студии «Universal» ушло 9 лет на реализацию проекта — продюсер Джеймс Джекс решил перезапустить знаменитую франшизу ещё в начале 1990-х годов[1]. По первоначальной задумке, фильм должен был стать низко-бюджетным, не превышающим планку в $10 миллионов[2], хоррором о главе музея искусств, члене культа, пытающегося воскресить мумий[1][3]. Этот сюжет разработал знаменитый писатель и кинематографист Клайв Баркер, долгое время закреплённый за проектом — картина должна была быть «мрачной и сексуальной»[2], «первоклассным низкобюджетным триллером»[3]. У Джорджа Ромера было своё видение проекта — он предлагал снять классический в своём понимании зомби-хоррор[2]. Джо Данте также считался одним из кандидатов на место постановщика — в его версии роль мумии должен был сыграть Дэниэл Дей-Льюис[2] . Многие задумки из сценария, написанного Джоном Сейлесом были реализованы в фильме 1999 года — в частности, история стала более романтичной и динамичной[3], а также использовала такие элементы, как скарабеи, поедающие плоть[1]. Однако из-за того, что по задумке Данте бюджет должен был вырасти, боссы отказались от его услуг постановщика. Кажется, на том или ином этапе, постановку новой версии классики предлагали всем мэтрам жанра — включая Мика Гарриса[4] и Уэса Крейвена[3], автора культовых франшиз «Крик» и «Кошмар на улице Вязов». Гаррис, известный экранизациями произведений Стивена Кинга, выбыл из проекта достаточно быстро, а Крейвен и вовсе отказался от предложения.
Лишь в 1997 году Стивену Соммерсу выпал шанс — он мечтал заняться постановкой ремейка ещё в 1993 году, когда только появилась информация о том, что студия собирается вернуть обновлённую классику на экраны. К тому времени, боссы сменили свою стратегию относительно потенциально кассовых хитов[5], и вскоре 18-страничная концепция[1] Соммерса, которую он назвал «смесью приключений Индианы Джонс и Ясона и аргонавтов»[2], была одобрена и запущена в производство. По словам Соммерса, он хотел воссоздать всё, что ему нравилось в классическом фильме, который он посмотрел в восемь лет, но в гораздо больших масштабах[6]. Бюджет картины возрос с первоначальных $15 миллионов до $80 миллионов[7].
Роль Рика О’Коннелла предлагалась Сильвестру Сталлоне. Среди других претендентов — Том Круз, Бен Аффлек, Брэд Питт и Мэтт Деймон.
Роль в фильме начальника тюрьмы стала дебютом для английского комика и актёра Омида Джалили.
Съёмки первой картины проходили в Маракеше, Марокко с 4 мая 1998 года и длились 17 недель. Затем съёмки перенеслись в пустыню Сахара недалеко от маленького города-оазиса Эрфуд. Последний этап съёмок проходил в Великобритании, где они окончились 29 августа того же года[8]. Съёмкам в пустыне постоянно мешали нестабильная политическая ситуация[9], песчаные бури, скорпионы, змеи и пауки[9] — членов съёмочной группы постоянно лечили от укусов и обезвоживания. Медики съёмочной группы даже придумали специальный напиток, который помогал организму проще переносить жару — актёры пили его каждые два часа[10].
Во время съёмок сцены повешения произошёл несчастный случай, в результате которого Брендан Фрейзер перестал дышать. «Ему пришлось делать искусственное дыхание», — с ужасом вспоминает Рейчел Вайс[11].
Визуальные эффекты[править]
- В оригинальной версии в сцене воскрешения мумии, Иви, увидев Имхотепа, говорит «Он прекрасен…». Эту сцену даже сняли, но вырезали при финальном монтаже.
- В серии «Гробница» пятого сезона сериала «Звёздные врата: SG-1» герои обнаруживают гоа’улда Мардука, похороненного заживо в саркофаге, дающем вечную жизнь, вместе с животным, которое должно постоянно его поедать (а саркофаг воскрешать), то есть казнённого так же, как и в «Мумии».[источник не указан 4003 дня]
- Эвелин в разговоре с Риком упоминает, что её отец был известным археологом. Раскопками гробницы Тутанхамона в ноябре 1922 года руководил Говард Картер и Джордж Герберт, граф Карнарвон. На раскопках лорда сопровождала его дочь, Эвелин Карнарвон[12]. Фамилия Эвелин была изменена создателями фильма на Карнахан, и единственной отсылкой к сюжету о дочери проклятого лорда стало упоминание Эвелин о роде деятельности её отца.
- Фонология гласных звуков древнеегипетского языка неизвестна, то есть никто не знает, как правильно говорить по-древнеегипетски.
- ↑ 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 The Mummy That Wasn’t, Cinescape (May 3, 1999).
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 Hobson, Louis B. Universal rolls out new, improved Mummy, Calgary Sun (May 1, 1999).
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 Slotek, Jim. Unwrapping The Mummy, Toronto Sun (May 2, 1999).
- ↑ Chase, Donald. What Have They Unearthed?, Los Angeles Times (May 3, 1999).
- ↑ Bonin, Liane That’s a Wrap. Entertainment Weekly (7 мая 1999). Проверено 1 апреля 2008. Архивировано из первоисточника 5 декабря 2012.
- ↑ Snead, Elizabeth. Updating A Well-Preserved Villain, USA Today (May 7, 1999).
- ↑ Argent, Daniel. Unwrapping The Mummy: An Interview with Stephen Sommers, Creative Screenwriting.
- ↑ Behind the Scenes. The Mummy Official Site. Universal Studios (1999). Проверено 24 мая 2007. Архивировано из первоисточника 5 декабря 2012.
- ↑ 9,0 9,1 Portman, Jamie. Mummy Unearths Horror, Humour, Ottawa Citizen (May 5, 1999).
- ↑ Braund, Simon. Equally Cursed and Blessed, Empire (July 1999).
- ↑ Jones, Alison. Great Excavations, The Birmingham Post (June 26, 1999).
- ↑ Бацалев В., Варакин А. Тайны археологии. Радость и проклятие великих открытий
Universal | Мумия (1932) • Рука мумии (1940) • Гробница мумии (1942) • Призрак мумии (1944) • Проклятие мумии (1944) • Эбботт и Костелло встречают мумию (1955) |
Hammer | Проклятье фараонов (1959) • Проклятие гробницы мумии (1964) • Саван мумии (1967) • Кровь из гробницы мумии (1971) |
Ремейк | Мумия (1999) • Мумия возвращается (2001) • Мумия: Гробница императора драконов (2008) • Мультсериал (2001—2003) |
Ответвление (Царь скорпионов) | Царь скорпионов (2002) • Восхождение воина (2008) • Книга мёртвых (2012) • Потерянный трон (2014) |
Видео-игры | The Mummy (1999) • The Mummy Returns (2001) • The Mummy Returns (Game Boy Color) (2001) • The Mummy: The Animated Series (Game Boy Advance) (2002) • The Mummy: The Animated Series (2004) • The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor (2008) |
Персонажи | Рик О’Коннелл • Эвелин Карнахан • Джонатан Карнахан • Ардет Бей • Алекс О’Коннелл • Имхотеп • Царь скорпионов |
Приключения Гека Финна (1993) • Книга джунглей (1994) • Подъём с глубины (1998) • Мумия (1999) • Мумия возвращается (2001) • Ван Хельсинг (2004) • Бросок кобры (2009) • Странный Томас (2013) |
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