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Полиция Бостона засылает своего агента под прикрытием в крупнейшую ирландскую мафиозную группировку, орудующую в штате. Тем временем ирландцы внедряют самого перспективного бойца в ряды полиции. Задача обоих быть глазами и ушами своих боссов в стане врага. Но долго так продолжаться не может: обе стороны понимают, что в их рядах предатель. Разоблачение приведет к кровавой бойне, да и самим агентам теперь не так просто подставить под удар своих новых «коллег».
THE DEPARTED Written by William Monahan Based on Infernal Affairs SCRIPT AS SHOT COMPILED SEPTEMBER 2006 FADE UP ON THE SOUTH BOSTON HOUSING PROJECTS. A MAZE OF BUILDINGS AGAINST THE HARBOR. COSTELLO (V.O.) I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product...of me. YELLOW RIPPLES PAST THE CAMERA AND WHEN IT CLEARS WE SEE THROUGH DIESEL SMOKE: A BUSING PROTEST IN PROGRESS. THE SCHOOL-BUS, FULL OF BLACK KIDS, IS HIT WITH BRICKS, ROCKS. N.B.: (THIS IS NOT SETTING THE LIVE ACTION IN 1974; IT IS A HISTORICAL MONTAGE, THE BACKGROUND FOR COSTELLO'S V.O.). INT. THE AUTOBODY SHOP. DAY. COSTELLO's profile passes in a dark room. COSTELLO (V.O.) Years ago, we had the Church. That was only a way of saying we had each other. The Knights of Columbus were head-breakers. They took over their piece of the city. EXT. SOUTHIE. VARIOUS The neighborhood. 1980's. We won't be here long. This isn't where Costello ends up. It's where he began. Liquor stores with shamrocked signs. MEN FISHING near Castle Island. Catholic SCHOOLKIDS playing in an asphalted schoolyard. COSTELLO (V.O.) Twenty years after an Irishman couldn't get a job, we had the presidency. That's what the niggers don't realize. If I got one thing against the black chaps it's this. No one gives it to you. You have to take it. INT. LUNCH COUNTER. DAY COSTELLO comes in. The shop is one that sells papers, sundries, fountain drinks...and fronts a bookie operation. YOUNG COSTELLO (leaning over cluttered counter) Don't make me have to come down here again. (CONTINUED) 2. CONTINUED: PROPRIETOR Won't happen again, Mr. C. The frightened proprietor hands over money. Fifty bucks, a hundred, doesn't matter. COSTELLO is never the threatener. His demeanor is gentle, philosophical. Almost a shrink's probing bedside manner. He has great interest in the world as he moves through it. As if he originally came from a different world and his survival in this one depends on close continual observation and analysis. YOUNG COLIN looks up. CLOSE ON his eyes. He is fourteen or fifteen, but small for his age. Bookish. COSTELLO eyes the proprietor's TEENAGE DAUGHTER, working behind the counter. He takes a propane lighter, and, strangely, pays for it (the proprietor startled) and waits for change. He lights a MORE cigarette with the lighter. YOUNG COSTELLO Carmen's developing into a fine young lady. You should be proud. You get your period yet, Carmen? The PROPRIETOR is uneasy. COSTELLO turns to YOUNG COLIN (about 14) staring at the local hero. Costello reaches up above and behind the counter and takes down some cigarettes. YOUNG COSTELLO (CONT'D) You Johnny Sullivan's kid? COLIN nods. YOUNG COSTELLO (CONT'D) You live with your grandmother? COLIN nods. YOUNG COLIN Yeah. COSTELLO tells the Proprietor to takes three loaves of bread and some soup off the shelves and puts them in Colin's bag. COSTELLO Get him three loaves of bread. And a couple of half gallons of milk. And some soup. He goes over to the fridge and puts two half gallons of milk in the bag. Some soup. Costello turns to Colin. (CONTINUED) 3. CONTINUED: (2) COSTELLO (CONT'D) Do you like comic books? Colin nods. He adds a couple of comic books. When the PROPRIETOR looks at him, he takes out the money he put in his pocket and gives back half. YOUNG COSTELLO You do good in school? YOUNG COLIN nods, holding the big bag of loot. COLIN Yes. YOUNG COSTELLO That's good. I did good in school. They call that a paradox. He gives some money to Carmen. YOUNG COSTELLO (CONT'D) Buy yourself some makeup. Keep the change. Looks intently at COLIN to see if he gets it. Colin does. YOUNG COSTELLO (CONT'D) You ever want to earn a little extra money, you come by L street. You know where I am on L street. COLIN nods: everybody does. YOUNG COLIN Thank you. He pushes out with the bags of groceries. The PROPRIETOR can do shit about it. YOUNG COSTELLO watches YOUNG COLIN go off down a slummy street. INT. A CHURCH. MORNING. 1985-ISH YOUNG COLIN, the good boy, the very good boy, is serving at a funeral Mass. Various views of the church. Stained-glass light. The altar is still wreathed in the smoke of incense. (CONTINUED) 4. CONTINUED: PRIEST (V.O.) To you, O Lord we commend the soul of Alphonsus, your Servant; in the sight of this world he is now dead; in your sight may he live forever. Forgive whatever sins he committed through human weakness and in your goodness grant him everlasting peace. ALL Amen. CLOSE on COLIN'S face. PRIEST (VO) May the angels lead you into paradise; May the martyrs come to welcome you and take you to the holy city, The new and eternal Jerusalem. A liturgical bell tings. INT. THE AUTOBODY SHOP. DAY COSTELLO is talking informally (we realize that this is a continuation of the philosophical talk, the shadowy pacing). YOUNG KIDS. Useful young men. YOUNG COLIN, three years older, is among them. YOUNG COSTELLO Church wants you in your place. What sort of man wants to be kept in his place? Do this don't do that, kneel, stand, kneel, stand...I mean if you go for that sort of thing... YOUNG COLIN, the recent altar boy, visibly doesn't go for that sort of thing. YOUNG COSTELLO (CONT'D) I don't know what to do for you. A man makes his own way. No one gives it to you. You have to take it. (a beat) Non serviam. YOUNG COLIN James Joyce. (CONTINUED) 5. CONTINUED: YOUNG COSTELLO Him and Lucifer. And me. (to the room) Guineas from the North End and down Providence, tried to tell me what to do...And something maybe happened to them. EXT. A REMOTE BEACH. DAWN Rose-colored dawn. YOUNG COSTELLO, with a pistol, executes a MAN kneeling in the surf. She falls on the body of a man who has just been executed. COSTELLO Jeez, she fell funny. FRENCH moves forward with an axe in his hand. FRENCH Frank, you gotta see somebody. They go about their business. INT. THE AUTOBODY SHOP. DAY YOUNG COSTELLO walking, talking...Not continuous with the above. We see that only YOUNG COLIN is present. YOUNG COSTELLO You decide to be something, you can be it. That's what they don't tell you, the Church. MISTER FRENCH is doing books off behind a window of dirty glass. YOUNG COSTELLO (CONT'D) When I was your age, they would say, we become cops or criminals. Today, what I'm saying to you is this: When you are facing a loaded gun... very close on COSTELLO, holding Colin's shoulder. YOUNG COSTELLO (CONT'D) What's the difference? ECU: COLIN'S EYES swerve up. We are now on (MATURE) COLIN'S EYES eyes. This is how the character transits the "age leap"...on the unchanging eyes. 6. THE SAME EYES. Pull back to reveal: POLICE TRAINEES. (INCLUDING BARRIGAN, who is included in all Colin's trainee scenes). COLIN is in the class, wearing a trainee's uniform. He has a notebook, a pen. Writing. INSTRUCTOR The slug enters the skull by forming a small entrance hole. Blood and brain matter is ejected backwards from this hole. The bullet, which may expand, fragment or tumble, then passes through the brain... COLIN writes. INT. FIRING RANGE. DAY POLICE TRAINEES ON A FIRING RANGE. As we go along the line we see COLIN, firing dry and then speed-changing a clip in a BERETTA 92F. He is a perfect trainee. EXT. A TRAINING FIELD. DAY STATE POLICE TRAINEES standing in a pissing rain, a DI yelling at them OS. COLIN is staring forward. RAIN streaming down his face. His opinion on the experience is not decipherable. Ad libs: "Sir, yes, sir." EXT. THE BOSTON COMMON. DAY Guys we recognize from the previous shots at the State Police Academy (wearing Statie t-shirts), including COLIN and BARRIGAN, are playing rugby against some FIREFIGHTERS. Very rough game. The game breaks up with each group giving each other the finger. FIREFIGHTERS are moving away triumphantly. COLIN Fucking firemen are getting pussy for the first time in the history of fire. Or pussy. COLIN sits on a bench looking at THE GOLD DOME OF BEACON HILL. The terraces of fine townhouses. Aqueous golden light behind. Misty golden beauty. (CONTINUED) 7. CONTINUED: BARRIGAN What are you looking at? Forget it. Your father was a janitor, and his son's only a cop. COLIN (not vainglorious, but innocently stretching for the idea) You're in trouble if you're "only" anything. BARRIGAN Don't tell me I'm looking at the first dickhead-American president of the United States. COLIN doesn't have a great sense of humor but he knows how to pretend that he does. He smiles. EXT. STATE POLICE GRADUATION CEREMONY. DAY Bagpipes and bullshit. Flags cracking. Line after line of paramilitary-looking graduates, among them COLIN. SPEAKER (V.O.) The Massachusetts State Police has a long tradition of excellence. Your graduation today solidifies your acceptance into one of the finest law enforcement agencies in our nation. As the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I am confident each and every one of you will serve with distinction, honor and integrity. CAMERA swirls around COLIN as he moves, a lone person, through the breaking up crowd. Other graduates are hugged by family. COLIN, alone, comes to the gates of the yard. THE MAYOR VO Congratulations. You are dismissed. The bagpipe band plays "Minstrel Boy." COLIN'S POV: AN OLDSMOBILE. COSTELLO and MISTER FRENCH standing by the car. (CONTINUED) 8. CONTINUED: COLIN walks over to the car. COSTELLO gives COLIN a BOX. COLIN flips open the top and then quickly closes it. NOTE: The box could contain an eyeball, money, drugs, a picture of Colin fucking his school teacher...we will never know. COSTELLO School's out. You earned it. Yeah, no more teachers, no more books. INT. AN EXAMINATION ROOM. DAY TITLE: FOUR YEARS LATER A test is reversed on a desk lit with fluorescents. BILLY takes up a Number Two pencil. He is in a room full of trainees, far enough along in their traineeship that their hair has grown in. A CLOCK TICKS, sweep hand coming around. BILLY'S EYES on it. INSTRUCTOR (O.S.) Begin. BILLY takes the test, marking multiple choice answers swiftly while all around him trainees are sweating and still trying to read the questions. EXT. A TRACK. DAY BILLY, wearing a State Police sweatshirt is running, alongside BROWN a black trainee with specs. BROWN She tells me, you never finish anything. (puff puff) You finish the police course you get taken care of again baby. (puff puff) So after graduation (puff puff) I get a blowjob again. BILLY That's great. Your mom must be a wonderful woman. BROWN Fuck yourself. (CONTINUED) 9. CONTINUED: BILLY Look at it this way, you're a black guy in Boston. You don't need any help from me to be completely fucked. BROWN Ways to get ahead, though, man, ways to get ahead. BILLY (exasperated by this) To where. (Yeah) BROWN is left thinking about this. EXT. TRAINING FIELD. DAY BILLY with other trainees is being braced by a DI. DRILL INSTRUCTOR This is not the regular police. This is the state police. Your training will illustrate the difference. What's the difference? BILLY (sotto voce to BROWN) Rage issues and lower median IQ. DRILL INSTRUCTOR You say something? BILLY Sir, I was agreeing with you about our obvious superiority to other forms of police, sir. DRILL INSTRUCTOR We're not superior, we're the best. BILLY Sir, yes sir. INT. FIRING RANGE. DAY BILLY, in glasses and ear-protectors, waiting for the target. Go from the GUN to 10. INT. A CRACKHOUSE. DAY. COLIN, four years a veteran of the gang unit, is on the job, on a raid, clearing rooms, part of a team working with massive aggression. He moves through a door. A SAD SACK OF SHIT is throwing drugs out a window. COLIN (calling to other cops) Douchebag! COPS enter past Colin and pigpile the man. COLIN is chewing gum, all testosterone and aggression, glad to be a cop. The smartest guy in the room. EXT. FIRING RANGE. DAY BILLY fires, and changes clips. EXT. A STREET IN BOSTON. DAY A BLACK-WINDOWED, MODERN, POLICE BUILDING, beetling over a plaza. Older Boston reflected in the featureless glass. The Boston of this film is almost futuristic. COLIN looks up at the building with great intensity. He puts on his sunglasses and walks towards the door. INT. QUEENAN'S OFFICE. DAY COLIN, in civvies (a very good suit), stands at suave attention before CAPTAIN QUEENAN, a mild and scholarly man who might as well be a Jesuit history-teacher. QUEENAN Congratulations on passing the detective exam, and welcome to the Special Investigation Unit. DIGNAM (tonelessly) Whoop-di fuckin' do. QUEENAN We won't be working directly together, you'll be working for Captain Ellerby, but I like to see everybody. (contemplating him) You're a worker, you rise fast. (CONTINUED) 11. CONTINUED: DIGNAM Like a twelve year old's dick. (Alt: Like a turd in the pool.) COLIN Thank you, Sergeant. DIGNAM My pleasure. COLIN (to Queenan) Thank you, sir. He turns to go. INT. QUEENAN'S OFFICE WAITING ROOM. DAY As COLIN leaves the office, looking very satisfied and not a little saturnine (it's not as if he isn't pleased by recognition and it's not as if he won't get revenge on Dignam), he barely glances--and does not actually see--the TRAINEE sitting off to one side. He sees polished brogues, and walks on. QUEENAN'S SECRETARY (whispering, joyful, in love with COLIN) Congratulations. COLIN Thanks, hon. As COLIN leaves she moderates her expression and: QUEENAN'S SECRETARY (coldly) You can go in there now. BILLY looks up. He has not seen COLIN, and COLIN has not seen him. He has his interview on his mind. INT. QUEENAN'S OFFICE. MOMENTS LATER BILLY stands at attention. The picture of a spit-and-polish trainee. QUEENAN You can sit. BILLY does. (CONTINUED) 12. CONTINUED: QUEENAN (CONT'D) So. BILLY has no idea why he is in this room with the brass. Sgt. Dignam is staring at him aggressively, with contempt, stirring his coffee. DIGNAM is more intelligent than he seems. QUEENAN (CONT'D) Do you know what we do here? My section? BILLY doesn't want to answer unless he can answer correctly. BILLY Sir, yes, sir, I have an idea... SGT. DIGNAM Whoa, let's say you have no idea and leave it there. No idea. Zip, none. If you had an idea about what we do we would not be good at what we do. We would be cunts. Are you calling us cunts? BILLY wouldn't normally take crap from this guy; but he does. He's openly intrigued by the situation. Dignam is staring at him. BILLY looks evenly at QUEENAN. QUEENAN (not looking up from papers) Staff Sergeant Dignam has a style of his own. I'm afraid we all have to deal with it. SGT. DIGNAM (getting to business, hard) You have family connections down in Southie. Through your father. Tell us about your uncle Jackie. BILLY Uncle Jackie was a carpet layer for Jordan Marsh. SGT. DIGNAM Uncle Jackie was a small-time bookie who tended bar at the Vets in Somerville. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 13. CONTINUED: (2) SGT. DIGNAM (CONT'D) He got popped by Nicastro in '95. They found his body out by the airport. BILLY says slowly: BILLY That's right. (tightly) I remember his funeral. SGT. DIGNAM (cruelly) Closed casket? BILLY That's right. SGT. DIGNAM You tell anybody at Deerfield - that is, before you got kicked out for whaling on a gym teacher with a folding chair - you had an uncle met his demise like that? BILLY says nothing. Eyes luminous. SGT. DIGNAM (CONT'D) I got a question. How fucked up are you? INT. CORRIDOR POLICE BUILDING. DAY COLIN, in his good suit, moves along the hall. He owns the building. He looks into offices. He is looking at his future. From one room BARRIGAN (still working in uniform) gives him the thumbs up. COLIN gets a coffee. He looks at a secretary's ass. Caught at it, he smiles beautifully. She smiles back. BARRIGAN What you got? (with admiration and envy) "Staff Sergeant". In four years you're a sergeant. COLIN SIU. What a country. BARRIGAN (after a beat) Perfect. (CONTINUED) 14. CONTINUED: Meaning to some extent "Perfect for a dick like you". This is how friends come apart. BARRIGAN is unable to continue his pose of congratulation. COLIN (close on Colin) is on to him. COLIN I don't mind going it alone. If you could go it alone you might get somewhere yourself. BARRIGAN We're cops. This isn't "somewhere". COLIN I know you're a worker. I might be able to do something for you. You got any suits at home or you like coming to work looking like you're gonna invade Poland. INT. QUEENAN'S OFFICE. DAY BILLY is still at attention. DIGNAM going with wet thumb through papers. SGT. DIGNAM Let's look at the rest of the family tree. Your maggot uncle Tommy Costigan--he's another goof-- got busted selling guns to federal officers. Among many, many, many other departures from, ah, "normative behavior". QUEENAN is inspecting Billy, watching his reactions. Specs catching light. BILLY What's this got to do with me? SGT. DIGNAM Why are you pretending to be a cop? INT. OCS CONFERENCE ROOM. CONTINUOUS COLIN is eyeing a woman COP across the table. She smiles at him and lowers her eyes. At the end of the table: ELLERBY This unit is new, and you are the newest members of it. You have been selected for it on the basis of intelligence and aptitude. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 15. CONTINUED: ELLERBY (CONT'D) This is an elite unit. Our job is to smash--or at least marginally disrupt-- (he gets the laugh he expected) --organized crime in this city by our own efforts and by enhanced cooperation with the FBI, represented here by Agent Frank Lazio-- (show the deeply unreliable dandy LAZIO) and we will do it. And by organized crime in this city...you know who we mean. SURVEILLANCE PHOTOS come up. COSTELLO in sunglasses standing in front of the Autobody shop. COSTELLO standing with UNCLE JACKIE COSTIGAN. ELLERBY (CONT'D) (clicking the button) That's Jackie Costigan...that's an old picture. Jackie met his demise. PHOTO OF JACKIE'S DEMISE: PHOTO OF JACKIE, DEAD. ELLERBY (CONT'D) Last known photograph. MORE RECENT PHOTOS. FITZY, DELAHUNT, FRENCH, all photographed with COSTELLO. Coming out of buildings, talking on the street, getting into cars. ELLERBY (CONT'D) Costello uses three key guys. There's Fitzy...off the boat psycho...lives in Brockton with his mother who looks like she's straight out of "Going My Way"... There's Delahunt, muscle, and here's French...the number one. But of course the rock star is...[you know who] A picture of COSTELLO comes up. COLIN looks at it. In the MUG SHOT Costello is serene, untouchable legally, untouchable at the heart. He's like a hilarious devil. ELLERBY (CONT'D) We've done a briefing book. Read up. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 16. CONTINUED: (2) ELLERBY (CONT'D) I want to have any and all ideas, so I can pass them off as my own. (laughter, a long beat) Do your jobs and you will rise fast. You're in the best position in the department. Let's go to work. The recruits disperse into a glittering modern office. COLIN, in his flash suit, gets a cup of coffee. He looks at the BRIEFING BOOK. He opens to a picture of COSTELLO. INT. QUEENAN'S OFFICE. DAY DIGNAM still working Billy. DIGNAM Your old man was a hump from Southie. Baggage-handler at the airport. Family's all criminals except your old man. BILLY And one priest. Since you seem to know everything. DIGNAM I ain't sure about him, either. (ALT: Last I heard he was happily married to a 12 year old boy and living on a beach in Thailand.) Family's dug into the Southie projects like ticks. Lifers down there. Three decker men at best. You grew up, however, up the North shore. La di (fuckin') da. Dignam leans over Billy. DIGNAM (CONT'D) You were kind of a double kid, I bet, right? One kid with your old man. One kid with your mother. Upper middle class in the week, and then dropping your 'r's and hanging in the Southie projects with daddy the donkey on the weekends. I got that right? BILLY, opened up expertly and crudely, stares with contained hatred. (CONTINUED) 17. CONTINUED: SGT. DIGNAM You have different accents? You did, didn't you. (You little fuckin' snake.) You were different fuckin' people. BILLY You a psychiatrist? SGT. DIGNAM If I was I'd ask you why you're a Statie making thirty grand a year. And I think if I were Sigmund fucking Freud himself I wouldn't get an answer. So tell me, what's a lace curtain motherfucker like you doing in the Staties? BILLY Well. Families are always rising or falling in America. Am I right? QUEENAN (appreciative, kindly, looking up from his papers) Who said that? BILLY Hawthorne. SGT. DIGNAM (although he knows perfectly well who Hawthorne is) makes a fart-noise with his mouth. BILLY looks at him with an "I'm going to kill you" expression which is not without wit and which Dignam seems to admire. DIGNAM What's the matter, smartass? You don't know any fuckin' Shakespeare? QUEENAN We have a question. You want to be a cop, or do you want to appear to be a cop. It's an honest question. Lot of guys want to appear to be cops. Gun. Badge. Pretend they're on TV... SGT. DIGNAM A lot of em just want to slam a nigger's head through a plate glass window. (CONTINUED) 18. CONTINUED: (2) BILLY I'm all set without your personal job application, Sergeant. DIGNAM (after a "we got a live one" glance at Queenan) What the fuck did you say to me, trainee? BILLY looks at him, and then looks forward. BILLY Sir, with all due respect, sir, what is it you want from me? DIGNAM Hey asshole, he can't help you. I know what you are, and what you aren't. I'm the best friend you ever had on the face of the earth. I'm gonna help you understand something: You're no fuckin' cop. QUEENAN He's right. (Billy looks at Queenan) We deal in deceptions here. But what we don't deal with is self- deception. In five years, you might be anything else in the world, but you won't be a Massachusetts State trooper. BILLY You sure of that? QUEENAN I'm sure of that. DIGNAM Guaranteed. QUEENAN (looking up from his papers) You don't have much family. CLOSE ON BILLY. (CONTINUED) 19. CONTINUED: (3) BILLY (deciding this on the spot) I don't have any family. EXT. HUNTINGTON AVENUE. LATE DAY A TROLLEY goes past. HOSPITAL HILL, above the trolley line, is sinister, quiet. HOSPITAL at the top like a malign fortress, above rows of endlessly repeated condominiums. BILLY CROSSES from the Trolley stop, desperately, an angry young man at his life's turning point. INT. A HOSPITAL ROOM. LATER BILLY'S MOTHER lies as if floating in her bed. Tubes, lights. A bald head on a barely-dented pillow. She is a cancer patient in a coma, weighing possibly 80 lbs. Gasping for air. Her airways are cleared with a suction tube. BILLY sits watching as the tube goes in. BILLY sits looking at her. EXT. THE HOSPITAL CORRIDOR. LATER BILLY is leaning against a wall. A maternal WASP UNCLE, a not- bright guy (pretensions, rather than status), speaks briefly to a DOCTOR further along the hall, then approaches BILLY, hands in the pocket of a good suit. WASP UNCLE What's this I hear from Stephanie about you becoming a policeman? BILLY You mean Stephanie who was the only one who came to my father's funeral? That Stephanie? UNCLE That Stephanie. BILLY Nothing much to it Uncle Edward. UNCLE Are you trying to prove something to the family? BILLY When you say "family", what do you mean? You? (CONTINUED) 20. CONTINUED: UNCLE You always question everything, don't you? BILLY Yeah, well, maybe it would have done you some good to have a question from time to time. "Am I an asshole?" "Are my kids a mess?" "Is my wife a money-grubbing whore?" Those are questions. (the UNCLE starts to leave) "Have I been good to my dying sister or am I just pretending to be?" (he's stung THE UNCLE) Too late now, right? UNCLE Do you need some money for the funeral? THE UNCLE moves away, bends to get his overcoat. BILLY When my mother dies we don't have any connection. You got it? EXT. BOSTON. TWILIGHT AERIAL. FLY FROM the HOSPITAL TO: THE GOLD DOME ON BEACON HILL INT. AN APARTMENT ON BEACON HILL. TWILIGHT A REALTOR switches on lights. An empty, flash apartment above the Parisian rooftops of Beacon Hill. A view of the Dome. More than you'd think a cop could afford. We see, as COLIN does, beyond his reflection in the glass, the STATE HOUSE DOME. REALTOR This is it. Nice. You've got high ceilings, parquet floors. There's a lock on the fridge in case you have eating issues.... Joke...not a very good one. (uneasy) So, you're a policeman? (CONTINUED) 21. CONTINUED: COLIN (like something he is used to reciting) I'm a State Police detective. REALTOR (wondering where he gets his money from) State Police Detective. You a married State Police Detective? COLIN (coming out of his reverie and coldly:) ...No. REALTOR Oh, cuz it's big and I wondered if a cop... COLIN I have a cosigner. REALTOR You intend to have a housemate. That's cool. COLIN Give me the fuckin' papers. EXT. HOSPITAL HILL OVERLOOK. NIGHT BILLY sits on a bench looking out over the whole city. (It is the best view of Boston, never seen in a film). He's smoking a cigarette, making his decision. INT. QUEENAN'S OFFICE. DAY Continuation of the interview. BILLY So what do I do? QUEENAN During the war, Churchill used river mines. He'd float them down the rivers into Germany. They'd either hit something, or not. That's what we'll use you for. I'll float you down the river. The rest will happen. Or it won't... (a beat) (MORE) (CONTINUED) 22. CONTINUED: QUEENAN (CONT'D) By the way, this isn't police work for peanuts. There's money behind this operation. You won't be paid as a cop, but there is a bonus involved. Tax free. QUEENAN writes on a slip of paper and hands it to BILLY. BILLY looks up from the paper, impressed. DIGNAM Luck of the Irish. All that and you're still young enough to fuck undergraduates. QUEENAN We can't conceal that you've been a trainee. You'll be convicted of a crime. We're thinking that a guilty plea to assault and battery might make sense. DIGNAM Given your nature. QUEENAN You'll serve enough jail time to convince anyone that it's no set- up. You'll be on probation. The whole nine yards. DIGNAM I need you, pal. You've already pretended to be a Costigan from South Boston. BILLY looks up with a glazed insolence. In one beat he is not a scared trainee but a smart criminal. BILLY Every weekend...Sergeant. DIGNAM Perfect. QUEENAN Do it again. For me. EXT. HOSPITAL HILL OVERLOOK. NIGHT BILLY throws down his cigarette. He has decided. FILM TITLE: THE DEPARTED 23. EXT. CEMETERY. DAY Priest's cassock whipping in the wind. A few mourners (shabby genteel ladies, contemporaries of his mother), but Billy seems to have no real connection with any of them. LATER BILLY is alone at the grave. He looks at the tags on wind- blown wreaths. One gives him pause. Under a picture of The Virgin it reads: "Heaven holds the Faithful Departed" and is signed: "F. Costello". INT. JAIL HOLDING TANK. DAY A CELL DOOR CLOSES. On Billy. Looking like a real criminal. Not a pretend one. Frightened and resolute at once. BILLY is in a holding tank. EXT. THE BALCONY OF COLIN'S APARTMENT. MORNING COLIN, in a bathrobe, leans on the rail and looks at Boston. THE GOLD DOME visible. Colin drinks coffee. Not satisfied: worried. INT. A PROCESSING FACILITY. DAY BILLY, naked, holds his clothes in a bundle. Being processed out of jail. Beside him another guy, furtive, gruff, not trying to be friendly. OTHER PRISONER You're Bill Costigan? BILLY Who wants to know? OTHER PRISONER Nothin.' I know a Sean Costigan. L Street. BILLY My cousin. OTHER PRISONER Connected but not too bright-- (BILLY looks at him with an only-I-can-insult-my- cousin look) No offense. Billy gets his clothes. 24. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM. DAY On the wall is a rogues gallery of COSTELLO and all his primary guys...MISTER FRENCH, DELAHUNT, FITZY. COLIN and others sitting listening. COLIN, reading a paper (Boston Herald) which may or may not have the headline, CASE DROPPED AGAINST DRUGS CADET (featuring a picture of Billy), looks up as SGT. DIGNAM comes in. SGT. DIGNAM Sorry I'm late. ELLERBY Staff Sergeant Dignam is our liaison with the undercover section. Their undercover work is extensive. He's here to give us his report. Sgt. Dignam. SGT. DIGNAM OK. They're out there, my people. They're like the fuckin' Indians. You're not gonna see them. You're not gonna hear about them except through me or Captain Queenan. You will not, ever, know the identity of undercover people. This shit hole, unfortunately, has more fuckin' leaks than the Iraqi navy. ELLERBY Fuck yourself. SGT. DIGNAM I'm tired from fucking your wife. ELLERBY How's your mother? SGT. DIGNAM Good. She's tired from fucking my father. (opens a FILE) OK, today, girls, what I got for you is microprocessors. LAZIO, the Fed, comes in and sits down. With folders, pencil. (CONTINUED) 25. CONTINUED: SGT. DIGNAM (CONT'D) Somebody, as you may already know, stole one hundred microprocessors from the Mass Processor Corp out Route 128. They're the kind of processors they put into computers that can put a cruise missile up the ass of a camel from the other side of the planet. That's what they do out there on "America's Technology Highway". Worth a hundred grand apiece. Guy worked for the company two months walked out the door with a box of processors on Tuesday, has a ticket booked for Florida on Wednesday, but on Thursday he gets found in a dumpster. You know where this dirt ball started his life? Southie projects. COLIN What was his name? The, ah, departed. SGT. DIGNAM Myles Kennefick. Got the job with a forged UMass transcript. UMass Boston, which incidentally happens to be in... LAZIO South Boston? SGT. DIGNAM Who forged your transcript, dickhead? COLIN I know that guy. His father runs the Hibernian Liquor Mart. Kennefick's. ELLERBY We are not here to solve the "Case of the Dead Scumbag". We are here to nail Costello. COLIN stands down, embarrassed. (CONTINUED) 26. CONTINUED: (2) SGT. DIGNAM We got a guy says that he hears Costello is moving the processors to China...that he set up the whole fuckin' job and popped Kennefick. (LAZIO is writing, lawyerish.) You don't want to miss it if Costello takes a dump. ELLERBY We'd miss less if your informants were available to us, and of course to the FBI (Bureau)... LAZIO Without asking for details, do you have anyone in with Costello presently? SGT. DIGNAM Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck yourself. My theory on Feds is they're like mushrooms. Feed 'em shit and keep in the dark. You girls have a nice day. EXT. A STREET OF TENEMENTS IN SOUTHIE. DAY BILLY steps off a bus at a corner. He goes up to a house, and knocks on the door. A Southie hag answers. On an oxygen cylinder, smoking. BILLY'S AUNT Billy? BILLY nods. BILLY Aunt Cathy? His aunt takes her cigarette out of her mouth and then embraces him fiercely. BILLY takes it like the imposter he is. But he might well love his aunt. BILLY'S AUNT Good to see you. Good to see you. INT. BILLY'S AUNT'S KITCHEN. DAY BILLY is eating soup. (CONTINUED) 27. CONTINUED: BILLY'S AUNT They said you were in the Staties, I couldn't believe it. BILLY I got kicked out about four months ago. SEAN It was in the papers. Sean is a villain leaning in a doorway. Bad tie: he takes it off. He has been at a funeral. BILLY Well. So you know. SEAN And why are we graced with your presence? BILLY I brought your mother some pictures of my father. It's true. They are on the table. BILLY (CONT'D) My mother had them. My mother's dead. SEAN (reflexively) I'm sorry. I'm sorry for your troubles. Sean opens the fridge, opens a beer, and hands it to BILLY. He opens one for himself. SEAN (CONT'D) I was at a funeral myself. Myles Kennefick, knew him in school. Beat the fuck out of him seven or eight times as a matter of fact. (affably to Billy) You workin'? BILLY No. 28. EXT. THE PORCH OF THE THREE-DECKER. LATER Sean and BILLY are still drinking beer. SEAN When did I see you after that? BILLY Not for a long time. Down the cape after Rose's wedding. I think. SEAN Fuck, oh shit. I remember that, dude. I had that fuckin' buck knife, right, and I cut all the brass numbas off the doors at the hotel. I was trippin'...All of them. That was a night. Sean looks deflated. BILLY Listen, I got twenty thousand dollars when my mother died. Insurance. SEAN Yeah? BILLY In your line of work, if I gave you ten thousand dollars what could you give me back? SEAN My line of work... I'm not in that line of work just presently because I don't have ten thousand dollars. As a matter of fact I have never had ten thousand dollars. BILLY That's what I'm saying. Sean nods, and nods. SEAN You know what we usually say at these moments. (CONTINUED) 29. CONTINUED: BILLY You fuckin' moron. What are you talking about? I'm not a cop. I'm your cousin. INT. BILLY'S CAR. NIGHT BILLY is waiting. Sean comes out of a squalid looking house and gets into a car. Fast. Billy puts the car in gear. SEAN Fuckin' Ricans think they know everything. If they knew shit they wouldn't be Puerto Ricans. He has a paper bag full of money. He opens a beer. SEAN (CONT'D) (high as a kite) Double the money, double the fun. (confusing his TV jingles) Cinnamon toasty apple bun... R is for Ricans...P is for pigs... They drive past a BPD cruiser. Sean hides his beer. SEAN (CONT'D) I can't stop drinkin. BILLY laughs. BILLY Why would you even think of stopping drinking? SEAN He don't like it. He don't like drinkin...he don't like fightin... (Sean looks sad) ...he says stay out of the bars... You know, we're not even supposed to do this on this side of fuckin' Worcester. BILLY Who says? SEAN He says. Costello says. God says, as far as you're concerned. 30. INT. A HORRIBLE BAR IN SOUTHIE. NIGHT Sean, beyond wasted, is talking to some people, including MISTER FRENCH. A table wet with spilled beer. SEAN Not a cop. He got out of the joint three weeks ago. Dead up. He talks like his shit don't stink but he's good people. VILLAIN Cunt cop. MISTER FRENCH I knew his father. I liked his uncle Jackie better. SEAN Uncle Jackie was excellent. AN IRISH VILLAIN Fucking guineas. They solemnly toast uncle Jackie and his fate among the fucking guineas. Across the crowded room, BILLY is ordering at the bar. BILLY A cranberry juice. WELL-DRESSED SCUMBAG AT BAR It's a natural diuretic. My girlfriend drinks it when she got her period. (to BILLY) You got your period? BILLY glances over at the table where MISTER FRENCH sits with SEAN, and then smashes his glass into the face of the WELL DRESSED SCUMBAG. He stands waiting for the SCUMBAG to get up he is grabbed and shoved against the wall by MISTER FRENCH. Popped into a pay phone hard. The pay phone comes off the hook. BILLY Get your hands off me. MISTER FRENCH Do you know me? (CONTINUED) 31. CONTINUED: BILLY No. BILLY shakes his head no. MISTER FRENCH I'm the guy who tells you there are guys you hit and there are guys you don't. That's not quite a guy you can't hit, but it's almost a guy you can't hit, so I'm fucking ruling on it right now that you don't hit him, understand? BILLY Yeah. Excellent. Fine. MISTER FRENCH I know you. I know your family. Also I know you do another drug deal with your idiot fucking cop- magnet cousin I'll forget your grandmother was very nice to me and cut your fucking nuts off. You understand that? BILLY Yeah. MISTER FRENCH Now you know me. BILLY Yeah. A beat: they stare at each other. MISTER FRENCH What are you drinking? BILLY Cranberry juice. A beat. MISTER FRENCH What is it, your period? BILLY laughs. MISTER FRENCH (CONT'D) Get him a cranberry juice. (CONTINUED) 32. CONTINUED: (2) The WELL-DRESSED SCUMBAG is bleeding, incredulous. MISTER FRENCH takes him by the shoulder. MISTER FRENCH (CONT'D) (sotto voce to WELL- DRESSED SCUMBAG) That's Jackie's nephew. WELL-DRESSED SCUMBAG Oh... MISTER FRENCH Oh, what? FRENCH demolishes him with body blows. FRENCH Get the fuck out of here. EXT. A HOUSING PROJECT IN SOUTHIE. DAY COLIN and BARRIGAN (who Colin has moved to plain clothes) stand at the door, talking, or trying to talk, with a fearful MRS KENNEFICK. MRS KENNEFICK looks like she starts drinking whiskey at 9 in the morning. COLIN Mrs. Kennefick, Myles and I were in school together. Myles was behind me in school but I knew him. I will get those responsible. Don't you want to see us catch whoever used him to do a robbery and then killed him? MRS KENNEFICK Allegedly. COLIN (grimaces) "Allegedly". MRS KENNEFICK If he was killed he probably did something wrong. COLIN You don't mean robbery do you, Mrs Kennefick? That's not what you think he did wrong. MRS. KENNEFICK notices COSTELLO driving by. 33. INT. COSTELLO'S CAR. DAY. Costello and Gwen are in the car. Gwen is dressed like Jackie O. COSTELLO Wave to your girlfriend. EXT. A HOUSING PROJECT IN SOUTHIE. DAY. MRS KENNEFICK I mean fuck yourself. She slams the door. As COLIN walks away from the door he notices the TAIL: a maroon sedan and a damaged white delivery van. COLIN You get that? BARRIGAN "Allegedly" or "fuck yourself?" COLIN Welcome to the neighborhood. EXT. AN INTERSECTION. MOMENTS LATER FRENCH pulls up to a light. [COSTELLO blows a red light and leaves the tail (including the Surveillance Van which we will see again) behind him in a snarl of traffic.] COSTELLO Cut 'em here. French steps on it and blows through the light, leaving the follow cars behind. COSTELLO (CONT'D) Bye, bye. INT. THE ELEVATOR AT POLICE HEADQUARTERS. DAY COLIN boards with a bunch of other cops and workers. On board, directly beside him, is MADOLYN. COLIN's age, beautiful, wearing a business suit. She has a thick stack of medical-looking files. She's a psychiatrist on contract to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. She does probation counselling work with "violent offenders" and also sees policemen. (CONTINUED) 34. CONTINUED: COLIN Making a house call? MADOLYN Have I seen you professionally? COLIN No, no. I know what you do. I know who you are. MADOLYN nods, and then because this is a (relatively) sensitive subject ignores COLIN, but she is visibly attracted by him. COLIN (CONT'D) When guys have to "use their "service revolvers" in the "course of duty" they get to talk to you about their "feelings" and whatnot. MADOLYN laughs. COLIN (CONT'D) No. Oh, I know how it goes. You're a mental health professional. MADOLYN (laughing) I have an appointment on this floor. The door opens. COLIN That's good. They're all fuckin' crazy on that floor. (points up) I'm one floor up. MADOLYN Oh, fancy policeman. COLIN That's right. Fancy. MADOLYN Are you a Statie? After she steps out he prevents the door from closing. (CONTINUED) 35. CONTINUED: (2) COLIN Yeah, I'm also getting my law degree. MADOLYN Suffolk, nights? COLIN They don't run Harvard Law at night, last time I checked. MADOLYN When was the last time you checked? COLIN Before I went to fucking Suffolk. MADOLYN I went to U Mass. I wasn't insulting you. COLIN Well I thought you were, and for that you have to take me to dinner. MADOLYN Maybe you could shoot someone and I'd have to see you professionally. COLIN Whatever it takes. I'll stab someone in the heart with an icepick right now if it gets me dinner with you. MADOLYN hands him a card. COLIN (CONT'D) I don't need a card, I'm a detective. She hesitates. He takes the card. COLIN (CONT'D) I'm only joking. Nice to meet you... "Madolyn". The doors close. The elevator takes him up. He takes out his cellphone as if he's forgotten something. As the doors open, the signal bars light up, and the phone rings. (CONTINUED) 36. CONTINUED: (3) COLIN (CONT'D) (walking, voice low) I didn't know about your tail until I saw it myself. I couldn't call, I had the other guy with me. Blue sedan and a white delivery van, fucked up with graffiti on the side. The van is audio surveillance. OK, have a nice day. INT. A COFFEE SHOP IN SOUTHIE. MORNING The same shop in which YOUNG COSTELLO talked to YOUNG COLIN, all those years ago. Two ITALIANS are in the shop, talking hard to the Pakistani PROPRIETOR (SINGH). These are hard guys but they're not being threatening, just persistent: the guy DOES owe them money. BILLY is finishing his breakfast. Watching. He goes over. The two GUINEAS are amazed. [Dialog on separate document]. Billy is finishing his breakfast. Watching. He goes over.... BILLY You guys from Providence? The GUINEAS look at him. The younger one moves to intervene. BILLY smiles and destroys them both. Maniacal violence. The biggest beatdown in gangster movie history--and obviously that's saying something. In the course of the beat-down Billy breaks his left hand--a "boxer's fracture". BILLY stands over his victims, breathing hard, holding his broken hand. PROPRIETOR What have you done to my place! Get out of here. BILLY goes. INT. EMERGENCY ROOM. NIGHT BILLY, unlit cigarette in his mouth, is having his hand wrapped in plaster by a lady doctor. In another life he might have dated her. Not in this one. INT. FRENCH RESTAURANT. NIGHT A romantic restaurant. The best Boston has (which isn't saying much, but whatever). COLIN, looking great, a man on the rise. MADOLYN in pearls, also looking great. But maybe the conversation has lapsed and the date gone south. (CONTINUED) 37. CONTINUED: COLIN You also do probation work, right? MADOLYN That's right. I see "violent offenders". COLIN Bad guys. MADOLYN That's one way to look at it. Not necessarily. COLIN wonders if she's breaking his balls. A DESSERT arrives: some towering Japanesey concoction with a fan of sugar candy spines, sitting in a pool of sauce. COLIN looks at it, fork poised. MADOLYN looks at it. He looks up at her. COLIN That have this and they don't have duck l'orange. MADOLYN smiles: she likes him. Even with the dinner-long bitterness over the duck l'orange. MADOLYN Was your dinner OK? COLIN (holding balloon of inappropriate wine) Oh, the lobster was excellent. I just thought, French restaurant... The look at the dessert. MADOLYN I'm waiting for you to make your move. COLIN I don't know what you're gonna do, but if it moves I'm going to arrest it (shoot it). MADOLYN laughs. COLIN sees his shot: he's got her laughing. (CONTINUED) 38. CONTINUED: (2) COLIN (CONT'D) What's it like having people "find themselves?" All day long people "finding themselves." Does it get messy with all those feelings flying around the room? MADOLYN Why, does that make you uncomfortable? Colin stares at her. Water glass nearly goes over. MADOLYN (CONT'D) You know what Freud said about the Irish? COLIN Yes I do. MADOLYN If you actually do I'll see you again. COLIN Who says I want to see you again? MADOLYN (concerned, perhaps unexpectedly) Don't you? COLIN Yes, course I do. (a beat) What Freud said about the Irish is We're the only people impervious to psychoanalysis. MADOLYN is impressed. COLIN (CONT'D) Tough luck for you with a client list of Mick cops, isn't it. "Opening up"? Good luck to you. COLIN laughs but looks nervous about the concept of "opening up". COLIN (CONT'D) Why do you do it? (CONTINUED) 39. CONTINUED: (3) MADOLYN Some people do get better. COLIN takes it seriously; admires it. COLIN Fair enough. MADOLYN Sometimes, though, I want people to forget about their personal bullshit and do their jobs. Unsaid: Like I do. COLIN Including the criminals? MADOLYN If they don't do their jobs you don't have one. COLIN Me? I'd just arrest innocent people. I'll arrest you right now. MADOLYN You're trouble. COLIN You don't know the half of it. INT. A HORRIBLE BAR IN SOUTHIE. NIGHT A slow night. BILLY IS AT THE BAR bent over a glass of cranberry juice. The women available are two CRONES. [Dialog on separate document]. Stark contrast to COLIN'S EVENING. A BOOKMAKER on the phone. BILLY, by the glances of people looking at him, has made his bones. He's treated with respect. His hand and wrist in a cast. Out of nowhere (though Billy is aware conversation has stopped he does not look around)... COSTELLO sits down beside him AT THE BAR. BILLY observes: MISTER FRENCH sitting down at a far table. Watching. Covering the room. COSTELLO is brought a glass of water by the silent bartender. No sound whatsoever in the bar. (CONTINUED) 40. CONTINUED: They say nothing, look at each other. BILLY notices DELAHUNT and FITZY, entering. They stand by MISTER FRENCH. BILLY sits motionless. COSTELLO Do you know who I am? BILLY does: but shakes his head. BILLY No. COSTELLO You met my friend, Mister French the other night. BILLY Is his real name Mister French? COSTELLO No. (a beat) Come with me. (As BILLY hesitates) I'm not the cops. I'm not askin' you. BILLY stands up. MISTER FRENCH stands up. BILLY, COSTELLO, and MISTER FRENCH move towards the back room. As they walk to the back room of the bar, we hear COSTELLO: COSTELLO (CONT'D) You know something, they just do not stop having the Mafia in Providence, and this can cause problems for me. INT. BACK ROOM OF THE BAR. CONTINUOUS. COSTELLO Those guys you tuned up are connected down Providence. What they're going to do is come back up with some guys and kill you. Which, sure as you're born, they will do unless I stop them. Do you want me to stop them? BILLY Is it something I can't do personally? (CONTINUED) 41. CONTINUED: COSTELLO appreciates the balls of this. He looks at Mister French. Then back at Billy, smiling. COSTELLO I'm going to have my associate search you. BILLY tenses. Exactly as he might if he were wearing a wire. BILLY Search me? Search me for what? MISTER FRENCH and COSTELLO look at each other. MISTER FRENCH C'm here. COSTELLO Contra-fucking-band. Take your fuckin' shoes off. MISTER FRENCH Shoes off. BILLY slips out of them. MISTER FRENCH inspects the shoes. COSTELLO'S cold eyes are on BILLY. MISTER FRENCH searches BILLY. Looks into his wallet. The wallet is emptied onto a table. COSTELLO I knew your father. BILLY Yeah. He's dead. COSTELLO I'm sorry. How did he go? BILLY He didn't complain. COSTELLO That was his problem. BILLY Who said he had a fuckin' problem. COSTELLO I just said he had a fuckin' problem. There's a man could have been anything. (CONTINUED) 42. CONTINUED: (2) BILLY Are you saying he was nothing? COSTELLO I'm saying he worked at the airport. COSTELLO turns to MISTER FRENCH. MISTER FRENCH He's clean. COSTELLO The arm. With amazing violence MISTER FRENCH smashes the cast on the corner of a table. Billy drops to his knees in tears of pain. MISTER FRENCH sorts through the pieces of the cast. Ad libs: "such a fuckin' pussy." COSTELLO (CONT'D) (holding Billy by the collar) It makes me curious to see you in this neighborhood. Regressing. And, if I can slander my own formative environment, it makes me sad, this regressing. Plus, I don't know if it's beyond some cop prick like fucking Queenan to pull you out of the Staties, and send you after me. I just can't know. I don't know what they do in...that department, anyway. He grabs Billy's broken right hand. COSTELLO (CONT'D) Are you still a cop? BILLY No. COSTELLO twists Billy's broken hand. COSTELLO You swear on your mother's grave that you're not a cop. BILLY I am not a cop. (CONTINUED) 43. CONTINUED: (3) COSTELLO You stop doing coke deals with your jerk-off cousin? BILLY Yes! COSTELLO lets go of Billy's hand. Billy is weeping on the floor. COSTELLO straightens his suit. COSTELLO Take it easy. Get your hand taken care of. I'm sorry. It was necessary. As for our problem with Providence...let's not cry over spilled guineas. INT. THE MAIN PART OF THE BAR. MOMENTS LATER COSTELLO, the visiting king, points at a group of drinkers, including a BLOND WOMAN (1st), GWEN. COSTELLO What's this IRA motherfucker doing in my bar? The IRA MOTHERFUCKER is terrified. COSTELLO (CONT'D) (slapping him on the back) Only kidding. How's your mother? JIMMY Ah, she's on her way out. COSTELLO We all are. (straightens suit and tie) Act accordingly. Costello exits. INT. COSTELLO'S APARTMENT. NIGHT MISTER FRENCH is methodically shelling and eating peanuts. COSTELLO Do you trust him? MISTER FRENCH These days, who's reliable? (CONTINUED) 44. CONTINUED: COSTELLO His Uncle Jackie was. MISTER FRENCH The Costigans are talented in general. COSTELLO You don't trust a guy behaves like he's got nothin' to lose. MISTER FRENCH I'm reliable. And he is. COSTELLO Well, you're one in a million. MISTER FRENCH Ten million. COSTELLO What about your wife? MISTER FRENCH I thought she was. COSTELLO She wasn't. SILENT FLASH of MISTER FRENCH strangling his wife with a wire in a 70's bathroom. MISTER FRENCH She got reliable. GWEN looks up: GWEN Don't you people ever shut the fuck up? COSTELLO "Another county heard from." MISTER FRENCH One too many. 45. EXT. LYNN MARSHLAND. DAWN SEAGULLS squabble over unusual food. POWER PLANT IN THE DISTANCE, the MTA-train going by. TWO BODIES lie in a tidal ditch in the salt-marsh. They are the Italians who Billy fought in the restaurant. Hands taped together behind their backs. Two in the head each. COLIN is with the LYNN POLICE and the State Police forensics people. COLIN gets down and lifts a soaking lapel. Revealed is the tag of a men's shop in Providence. COLIN The principles of detection tell me that these men came from Providence. LYNN DETECTIVE I'd appreciate it if you got out of my crime scene. COLIN This is my crime scene, but knock yourself out. COLIN gets up. He walks back across the marsh. Opens his cell phone. COLIN (CONT'D) (walking) I saw a dead guy. I think I have post traumatic stress. You available for lunch? See you then. At a PAY PHONE he dials another number. INT. COSTELLO'S CONDOMINIUM ON THE HARBOR. MORNING One of Costello's homes. COSTELLO Who's the lead detective?...Good, he's a moron. BILLY cannot hear what COSTELLO is saying. He has an aluminum brace taped on his wrist and hand. COSTELLO (CONT'D) I want you to get the cops to look at Jimmy Pappas for the hit. Of course he had nothing to do with it and will say so. You look in (MORE) (CONTINUED) 46. CONTINUED: COSTELLO (CONT'D) his car...and find...the gun that did it. COLIN In the trunk or the glove box?... All right. EXT. LYNN MARSHLAND. CONTINUOUS COLIN deadpan, appreciative, hangs up the phone. BARRIGAN walks in the middle distance, giving the man his privacy. COLIN Wanna see some dead guys? INT. COSTELLO'S CONDOMINIUM ON THE HARBOR. MORNING COSTELLO sits down in the breakfast area in his bathrobe. He has a bowl of cornflakes. COSTELLO Have a seat, Billy. BILLY Thank you. COSTELLO (he looks up) You know John Lennon? BILLY sits. MISTER FRENCH are nearby. BILLY Yeah, he was president before Lincoln. COSTELLO (smiles) Lennon said `I'm an artist. You give me a fuckin' tuba and I'll get you something out of it'. BILLY I'd like to squeeze some fuckin' money out of it. COSTELLO and MISTER FRENCH look at each other. COSTELLO Smart mouth. Too bad. COSTELLO lifts a piece of plastic on the table revealing a severed human hand. BILLY tries to conceal his shock. 47. INT. SURVEILLANCE OFFICE. CONTINUOUS QUEENAN and STAFF SGT. DIGNAM are listening to the live broadcast. QUEENAN is benign. Lights of equipment in his specs. INT. A CONDOMINIUM ON THE HARBOR. CONTINUOUS. COSTELLO takes the ring off the finger of the severed hand. Partial exchange with MISTER FRENCH. BILLY watches. COSTELLO The point with John Lennon is a man can look at anything and make something out of it. For instance, I look at you and I think what can I use you for? COSTELLO (CONT'D) (giving the hand to Mister French) Get rid of this. (back to Billy) Maybe we can work something out. Let me get dressed. He gets up. INT. COSTELLO'S BATHROOM. DAY BILLY runs the water in the sink. He starts to leave the bathroom and then impulsively takes off his wire and chucks it out the window as far as he can. EXT. THE BUILDING. DAY The wire falls into the water. INT. SURVEILLANCE OFFICE. CONTINUOUS. Queenan reacts mildly to the loss of the signal. He removes his headphones. DIGNAM That was quick. He dead already? EXT. "ACROPOLIS RESTAURANT". DAY A GREEK GUY (JIMMY PAPPAS) in chef's whites is cuffed and stuffed by TACTICAL OFFICERS. He has no idea what is going on. COLIN and BARRIGAN follow. (CONTINUED) 48. CONTINUED: COLIN This will get Captain Ellerby on the six o'clock news. BARRIGAN No wonder you get ahead. EXT. A STREET BY THE HARBOR. DAY BILLY walking and talking on the phone. BILLY I won't do it if I have to wear a wire. No wires. Ever, ever, you understand me? You don't know what this is like. (listens) Micro what? INT. SURVEILLANCE OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Queenan on the phone. QUEENAN Microprocessors. We'll probably be at war with the Chinese in twenty- odd years and Costello is selling them military technology. Microprocessors, chips, computer parts. Anybody says anything about anything like that, you let us know. EXT. POLICE BUILDING. DAY. TELEVISION IMAGE. ELLERBY is before a thicket of microphones. REPORTER Did you have a tip from an informant? ELLERBY No, it was tireless police activity that ah effected ah the arrest of the ah alleged perpetrator. INT. COLIN'S OFFICE #1. DAY COLIN is rolling a quarter across the backs of his fingers. BROWN (last seen as Billy's friend) and BARRIGAN, new plainclothes recruits to Colin's special squad, sit across from him. (CONTINUED) 49. CONTINUED: COLIN I've been put in charge of this unit. It is a small surveillance sub-unit but it is mine. And I didn't take this job in order to fuck it up, or to let anyone else fuck it up, whosoever they may be. I hand picked this group. You are my A-team so I want you to conduct yourselves accordingly. Through glass we see ELLERBY, preening. ELLERBY gives the thumbs up. COLIN (CONT'D) Hi, Captain. And our primary target is obviously Frank Costello. But we don't communicate with anyone else in this shop. Queenan is compartmentalizing everything in SIU. It's the right thing to do, personally I don't trust these fucking troopers either. We think we might have a problem. We think Costello's got a rat in the State Police. BROWN Really? COLIN Yeah. Really. BROWN Do we have direct access to Queenan's undercovers? COLIN (not happy about this) No. Ah...not presently. Not presently. But I'm hoping to get things...reorganized. That's it. Congratulations. Don't disappoint me. BROWN and BARRIGAN leave. Colin leaves as well. BARRIGAN (to Brown) I know why I'm here. I made him feel guilty. Why are you here? (CONTINUED) 50. CONTINUED: (2) BROWN Intelligence and aptitude. BARRIGAN That's new. COLIN opens his cell phone. COLIN Hello Dad. I have a new job. (ALT: I got a promotion.) INT. A BOOKIE SHOP. DAY MISTER FRENCH backhands a guy into a table of betting slips. MISTER FRENCH Where's your fucking license? I don't see no fucking license. BOOKIE What license. BILLY, who is not wearing a cast anymore, watches. MISTER FRENCH There's no such thing as a license, of course, but you definitely have to have one. (grabs the bookie by the ear) If you are not being run by us you will be run by someone else, which means you will have let undesirable elements into Mr. Costello's area. A HARD GUY sitting reaches inside his coat. BILLY in a flash breaks his jaw with a pistol barrel and then covers the sprawled HARD GUY with the gun. HARD GUY (spitting teeth) I was going for my fucking cigarettes... He was. They fall from his fingers. MISTER FRENCH Hey, that's Jimmy Bags. What the fuck you doin'? (CONTINUED) 51. CONTINUED: BILLY What the fuck. I didn't know.... BOOKIE There's no profit if I pay him two grand a week. I'm in the hole if I pay him two grand a week. MISTER FRENCH Then make more money or go out of business. This is America. If you don't make money you're a fucking douchebag. What are you going to do? BOOKIE Make more money. MISTER FRENCH That's the spirit. EXT. THE STREET OUTSIDE THE BOOKIE SHOP. LATER BILLY and MISTER FRENCH emerge. MISTER FRENCH Very interesting. BILLY Yeah, well. Fuck. MISTER FRENCH Don't worry about it. Guy didn't need need his teeth anyway. Maybe if he was an Eskimo. But in this country we eat a variety of items. They get into COSTELLO'S CAR. Billy in the front seat. Mister French in the back. MISTER FRENCH (CONT'D) He knocked Jimmy Bags teeth out. COSTELLO does an Edgar Kennedy. COSTELLO So? BILLY He was... (CONTINUED) 52. CONTINUED: MISTER FRENCH Reaching for his cigarettes. BILLY Okay! You gonna give me shit, it wasn't no reason----he put his hand in his coat! I don't know if he's a bookie or what the fuck he's doing... COSTELLO (interrupting) Well, you know what the fuck a bookie does? BILLY (to Costello) Pays you. COSTELLO Bingo. Anyway, I like a guy who goes around knocking guys teeth out for no reason. He takes out a cell phone and hands it to BILLY. COSTELLO (CONT'D) Here. From now on call the bar and ask for Mikey. Just Mikey. You ask for Mikey because there's no Mikey. Wait. We'll call. MISTER FRENCH Forty-eight hours from the time this phone first rings, you take the fucking chip out - like so - and you fucking destroy it. After three days a phone ain't clean. If you use a phone which is not clean, you will have a accident. You never call us. We call you. You got that? BILLY I got it. MISTER FRENCH I can't fuckin' hear you. BILLY I got it. 53. INT. A HARBOR RESTAURANT. BOSTON. DAY A lobster-bib kind of place. DAYTIME DRINKERS, MICKS in bad boat shoes, hyper-aware of... COSTELLO and BILLY in a back table. COSTELLO, having finished his lunch, is drawing. Billy is unused to being the subject of so many stares. He has sort of a coked-out nervousness, dirty hair. BILLY Don't look. There's a white van across the parking lot? WE see it through the smeared glass: the WHITE VAN we always see. This time with a different magnetic business sign. COSTELLO (lifting and looking at his sketch) They don't have directional microphones. BILLY What, do you got x-ray vision? COSTELLO (not taking his eyes off his sketch) They don't have directional microphones. BILLY registers what seems to be inside information. COSTELLO looks over his half-glasses at Billy's untouched food. COSTELLO is sizing Billy up: has been thinking about him. COSTELLO (CONT'D) People looking at you make you self- conscious? BILLY shrugs. Indicating: Yeah, well, who the fuck wouldn't be. BILLY I don't know. COSTELLO Why? They're minuses. They can't tell the difference between a rock star and a career criminal. BILLY Anyone not a criminal is a minus? (CONTINUED) 54. CONTINUED: COSTELLO What are you soft? That's not what I said. Eat something, Jesus Christ, we got a nice day by the water. Sun's shining, gulls are up...Nice smell of ozone... TWO PRIESTS and a NUN are sitting two tables over. An older priest and a younger one. COSTELLO notices. THE NUN gets up and leaves. COSTELLO (CONT'D) You know if your father were alive and saw you, sitting here with me, let's say he would have a word with me about this, in fact, he'd kill seven guys just to cut my throat. And he could do it, which is something you may not know about William Costigan, Sr. BILLY He never, ah, I mean never? COSTELLO He kept his own counsel. He never wanted money. You can't do a thing with a man like that. Your uncle Jackie needed a lot of money. But even though he got his money from me, he also would kill my entire fucking family if he saw me here with you. And I think about this. BILLY So what are talking about here? COSTELLO Fact is you're not a guy fresh from the zoo who wants to run a spring water distributor and I don't see you up the dog track as a general manager. BILLY Look at it this way. It's like a tuba. I want to see if I can get something out of it. COSTELLO smiles at this, then looks at his sketch. (CONTINUED) 55. CONTINUED: (2) COSTELLO You ever think of going back to school? BILLY With all due respect, Mr. Costello, school's out. COSTELLO Well that's your problem. Maybe someday you'll wake the fuck up. He gets up and leaves the table, leaving BILLY sitting there. COSTELLO stops to speak to the priests. COSTELLO (CONT'D) Good day, Fathers. PRIESTS (terrified and simultaneously) Good morning [day], Francis, good morning. The OLDER PRIEST is very nervous, looking around. The YOUNGER PRIEST concerned for his elder but personally not implicated. COSTELLO leans over the OLDER PRIEST, a pathetic man. COSTELLO You recall our chat? (the OLDER PRIEST nods, terrified) "I am as God made me", was that what you said? May I remind you, God don't run the bingo in this archdiocese. YOUNG PRIEST May I remind you, Mr. Costello, that pride comes before the fall. COSTELLO What comes before the Fall is the Summertime. COSTELLO notices that THE NUN is heading back to the table. COSTELLO (CONT'D) How is Sister Mary Theresa doing? We had a tasty relationship before she took her vows. Enjoy your clams, cocksuckers. 56. INT. BASEMENT - NIGHT FITZY beats up a guy with a pipe. Billy watches from the background. EXT. WATERFRONT - NIGHT FITZY and the Costello gang blow up a car as Billy watches. Laughing, they hop in their vehicles and drive off. INT. ELLERBY'S OFFICE. MORNING OFFICE decorated with golf implements. ELLERBY has a hangover. Sunglasses. Eating baby aspirin by the small fistful. COLIN I'm not making enough progress with Costello? ELLERBY "Progress" is hard to define. I make progress every day. In fact, I'm making progress now. There are guys in this department make excellent progress for twenty years without ever getting anything you could definitively call a result. It's like any American industry. Nobody minds if you don't succeed as long as you don't fuck up. He has a bowl of ice water on his desk. ELLERBY (CONT'D) Objectives get lost sight of: fair enough. Who did the two guys from Providence? COLIN Jimmy Pappas. ELLERBY And what happened to Jimmy Pappas? COLIN He had a heart attack in jail and got knifed in his bed at Boston City Hospital. I believe it's been in the papers. ELLERBY stares at COLIN. (CONTINUED) 57. CONTINUED: ELLERBY Are you happy with this result? COLIN It's a result. ELLERBY Yeah, but cui bono? Who benefits. COLIN Cui gives a shit. It's got a bow on it. ELLERBY (with true appreciation) I think you are a cop, my son. He drops his face into the bowl of ice water. INT. BILLY'S MOTHER'S APARTMENT. MORNING A stripped HOSPITAL BED stands in a fall of light. This is the apartment where his mother became ill. Billy has packed half of his mother's things into boxes--and then stopped. Billy doesn't use the bedroom. He sleeps on the couch among boxes of pictures, papers, teacups wrapped in newspaper. BILLY is sitting on the couch. He reaches into a box and lays out photographs like cards. Scenes from his life. His former life. His family life, his life as a child, his romantic life. He sits and stares at the pictures. He rearranges the photographs in different ways. NOTE: THIS IS A MEMORY BILLY HAS AS HE IS LOOKING AT PHOTOGRAPHS ON HIS MOTHER'S APARTMENT. FRENCH and BILLY break in, surprising the MAN (BRIAN), seated at his dining room table. He throws a child's toy at them. FRENCH ducks out of the way and the toy hits BILLY in the cheek. FRENCH draws his pistol and approaches the table. BRIAN rises and starts to flee. Cut off, he retreats the other way. BRIAN No, please... FRENCH Brian, stop it, I ain't gonna hurt you. (CONTINUED) 58. CONTINUED: He fires, using a soda bottle as a silencer. BRIAN drops to the floor. FRENCH approaches him assessing his victim. He turns to leave, passing BILLY. He give him a slap. FRENCH (CONT'D) Wake the fuck up. They leave. EXT. A BEACH NEAR A POWERPLANT. DAY BILLY leans against the wall of a concession stand. His knuckles are cut. A cut over his eye. He is agitated. Smoking. A car pulls up and Queenan and Dignam get out of it. In appearance, if anybody's watching, they're bracing Billy. QUEENAN Hey. Let's go through the routine. DIGNAM You think you can pop someone. There's no special card to play. The guy whose jaw you broke was Boston Police Department. BILLY I'm going fuckin' nuts. I can't be someone else every day. DIGNAM Most of the people in the world do it every day. What's the big deal? Dignam is drinking coffee. BILLY I'm not them. DIGNAM You're nobody. You signed the paper. We're the only people in the world who know that you're a cop. Maybe we'll just erase your file. This is Billy's deepest fear. (CONTINUED) 59. CONTINUED: DIGNAM (CONT'D) And zip, you're a soldier for Costello, open to arrest for how many felonies? Maybe we'll do that. BILLY Maybe I'll fucking kill you. He gets free of DIGNAM and punches him. QUEENAN Easy now. That was a joke, Billy. DIGNAM Just because you play a fucking tough guy doesn't mean you are one, you lace curtain fucking pussy. The fight. QUEENAN grabs Billy and holds him against the wall. QUEENAN (gently, like a man calming a wild animal) Be smart. If someone was watching how are we supposed to not arrest you? BILLY looks desperately inland. REVERE BEACH condominium buildings. A thousand empty terraces, five thousand empty windows. BILLY is desperate. QUEENAN (CONT'D) Get in the car. They do. QUEENAN (CONT'D) Keep your act together. It's just a little while longer. BILLY nods, out of it. DIGNAM is looking at blood on his hands in disbelief. BILLY When are you going to take Costello? What's wrong with taking 'em on any one of the million felonies you've seen him do. Get him for pissing in the street. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 60. CONTINUED: (2) BILLY (CONT'D) What, are you waiting for him to chop me up and feed me to the poor? DIGNAM Well. That would stick... QUEENAN You shut up. We're building a case. It takes time. You know that. BILLY There's something wrong. QUEENAN Maybe. Maybe. DIGNAM Keep your ears opened. No bullshit. QUEENAN I want you to listen for any chatter about a spy in the Special Investigation Unit. (BILLY looks at him) You hear anything like that? BILLY shakes his head. BILLY Are you serious? QUEENAN I'm afraid so. BILLY Jesus H. Christ. QUEENAN Hang tight for me. Just a little longer. We're this close. BILLY nods reluctantly. BILLY Okay. QUEENAN Thank you, Billy 61. INT. OBSERVATION OFFICE. DAY COLIN walks into the office. BROWN and other team members are watching a closed-circuit monitor. The MONITOR shows FITZY sitting in an interrogation room. COLIN is spooked. COLIN (to Brown) What have you got? BROWN Uniform clipped him on the Pike for a suspended licence. However, as he's the subject of an open investigation---- COLIN At least one. He's one of Costello's crew. BROWN ----we're entitled to get a warrant. We can't get an address off him. He paged his lawyer but the lawyer hasn't called back yet. COLIN Who's the lawyer? BROWN He didn't know the name. He just had the number on a card. Beeper number. COLIN Did he beep him? BROWN Twice. COLIN All right. COLIN glances around and sees: a briefcase lying on a desk. He picks it up. He takes off his ID badge and tosses it on a desk. COLIN (CONT'D) Give me your phone. (to Barrigan) Turn the camera off. Turn it off. (CONTINUED) 62. CONTINUED: He takes Brown's cellphone out of Brown's pocket goes into the interrogation room. BROWN What? COLIN Give my your phone and turn the fucking camera off. Who's is this? I'm gonna take this. He picks up a BRIEFCASE. BARRIGAN touches two buttons and switches off the sound recorder and video feed. COLIN goes into the interrogation room. BROWN He can't do that, can he? BARRIGAN He just did. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM. CONTINUOUS FITZY looks up at COLIN hopefully. COLIN says nothing. He sits down, opens his case, takes out a yellow pad. COLIN Mr. Fitzgibbon, afternoon. FITZY You my attorney? COLIN What do you think? Did you make any statements or phone calls I need to be aware of? FITZY I beeped you. The card they gave me...that's it. COLIN That's it? Don't you have to call your mother and tell her you're not gonna be home for supper? ON FITZY. He looks up at the CCTV camera. (CONTINUED) 63. CONTINUED: COLIN (CONT'D) The cameras are off. (gently puts phone on the table) Call your mother. Fitzy hesitates. COLIN (CONT'D) Lookit. They're in there suiting up for a raid. I don't know where they are going, but they do. And so do you. Call your mum. COLIN puts a cellphone on the table. FITZY takes up the phone and punches in a number. It is answered. FITZY Mum, I'm not gonna make it for supper. I got held up. Yeah, talk to you later. INT. A HOUSE WHERE DRUGS ARE BEING HANDLED. CONTINUOUS BILLY looks up at MISTER FRENCH, who is on the phone. Other men are frozen, holding bags of Ex. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM. CONTINUOUS. FITZY closes the cellphone. He puts it into COLIN'S hand. INT. A HOUSE WHERE DRUGS ARE BEING HANDLED. CONTINUOUS MISTER FRENCH Everybody out. Move. The DRUGS are swept up instantly, in sheets laid over the tables. MISTER FRENCH lights a cigarette with his ZIPPO, and then reaches out and lights the curtains on fire as BILLY watches. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM. CONTINUOUS. COLIN takes the cellphone and puts it in his pocket. FITZY Who are you? When do I get out of here? (CONTINUED) 64. CONTINUED: COLIN I think you need another attorney, after all, Mr. Fitzgibbon. Have a nice day. INT. OBSERVATION OFFICE.CONTINUOUS COLIN comes out and hands BROWN the CELLPHONE. COLIN Run the last number called. That'll be his house. Whatever the location is I'll swear I surveilled him at it. Abracafuckindabra. BROWN Why'd you use my phone? COLIN Because you didn't go in there. INT. COLIN'S APARTMENT - DAY COLIN, hung-over, sits at the breakfast table. Madolyn looks at him. MADOLYN The light's nice here in the morning. COLIN doesn't respond. MADOLYN (CONT'D) It's all right. Guys tend to make a big deal out of it. It's actually quite common. COLIN I gotta go to work. COLIN simply gets up and walks away. INT. MADOLYN'S OFFICE. DAY A clock ticking. Madolyn is looking across at ...Billy. Madolyn is very much a guarded shrink. But no one's more guarded than Billy. BILLY It's like confession. Isn't it. This sort of thing. (CONTINUED) 65. CONTINUED: A beat. BILLY (CONT'D) People make things up in confession. You know that? MADOLYN I know they do. BILLY People are liars. They want to be stars of their little films. MADOLYN That's an interesting observation. BILLY Do you lie? MADOLYN Why do you? BILLY I'm asking if you lie. MADOLYN Honesty isn't synonymous with truth. BILLY You lie. So, is it to do some good, to get somewhere personally, or just for the fuck of it? MADOLYN I expect sometimes...people...do it to keep things...on an even keel. BILLY So, you had a parent who was a drunk? MADOLYN looks up at him, transpierced. Tables turned on the psychiatrist. BILLY smiles at her. MADOLYN (flustered) Did you? BILLY (simply) No. (CONTINUED) 66. CONTINUED: (2) MADOLYN Let's keep this with you. BILLY (abruptly) There was a cop leaving when I came in. MADOLYN How do you know he was a cop? BILLY Bad haircut, no dress sense and a slight air of scumbag entitlement. You see cops? MADOLYN That's part of what I do. Although, I don't normally see cadets who were kicked out of the Academy. BILLY You should get a better job... BILLY (CONT'D) Do they all come in and cry...your cops? MADOLYN Sometimes they cry if they had trouble at home or if they've had to...use their weapons. BILLY Let me tell you something. They signed up to use their fuckin' weapons. Most of them. But they watch enough TV so they know they have to "weep" after they use their weapons. No one's more full of shit than a cop. Except a cop on TV. MADOLYN I looked through your file and I see you have a record of assault. What was it like for you in jail? BILLY You want to hear about the showers? MADOLYN Did something happen to you? (CONTINUED) 67. CONTINUED: (3) BILLY No. (a beat) You sit there with a mass murderer, your heart-rate jacked, your hand...steady. That's one thing I found out about myself in prison. My hand doesn't shake, ever. MADOLYN What do you expect from coming here? BILLY I have to come here. MADOLYN I know it's not elective...on your part...but, now that you're here, what do you want? BILLY You want the truth? (a beat) Valium. MADOLYN If you lied, you'd have an easier time getting what you wanted. BILLY What's that say about what you do for a living? Madolyn is taken aback. She closes her file. MADOLYN Look, I think we better have a few more meetings before we can even talk about prescriptions. She closes his file and puts it in the rack behind her. BILLY I'm having panic attacks. You didn't even ask about that. Last night I thought I was having a fucking heart attack. I puked in a trash barrel on the way in here, I haven't slept for weeks. (CONTINUED) 68. CONTINUED: (4) MADOLYN Is this true? BILLY Yes. I said something true. I want some fucking pills and you close my file? I thought I was supposed to tell the truth here. MADOLYN Yes, you are. BILLY If only fuckin' here. She retrieves his folder. BILLY (CONT'D) (giving into stress) Guy comes in in pain, against every instinct of ...privacy, of, of, self reliance... that he has, and you don't help him? You send him off to score smack on the fucking street?! (Is that what you do, Mrs. Fuckin' Doctor?) MADOLYN stares at him, then lowers her eyes, takes out a small packet of two pills. She hands it over to him. BILLY looks at it. BILLY (CONT'D) Two pills. She nods. BILLY reaches out and deliberately places the pills on the desk. BILLY (CONT'D) Why don't you just give me a bottle of scotch and a handgun to blow my fucking head off. Are we done here with this psychiatry bullshit? MADOLYN is taken aback, guilty, astonished. MADOLYN You can leave! BILLY What if that was a legitimate threat? (Hot shot). (CONTINUED) 69. CONTINUED: (5) BILLY leaves. MADOLYN stares after him. MADOLYN Fuck... EXT. PLAZA OUTSIDE THE OFFICE BUILDING. DAY Very windy. Papers blowing. Billy is walking. Madolyn catches up to him. MADOLYN Why is the hardest patient of the day always the last one? BILLY Because you're bored and tired and don't give a shit. It's not supernatural. MADOLYN Look, I'm not just...somebody you have to see or they put you in jail. If you are in distress I will help you. Madolyn holds out a paper and a business card. BILLY What's this? MADOLYN My card. And a prescription for twenty Lorazepam. BILLY stands holding the prescription. BILLY Is it enough to kill myself? MADOLYN (she fixes him with a stare) Maybe it is. All right? Have I done my job up to your goddamned standards? Because by my standards you fit the model of drug-seeking behavior, and fuck you if you don't like my initial clinical reaction. BILLY (re: prescription) Thank you. (CONTINUED) 70. CONTINUED: MADOLYN I'm transferring you to another counselor. She starts to go back inside. BILLY You wanna get a cup of coffee? INT. COMMAND CENTER (UPSTAIRS). NIGHT. A WEEK LATER It's an otherwise disused floor of a new luxury office building. Cables and monitors and computers everywhere. It's crawling with State Cops as well as FBI (LAZIO is present, very nattily dressed). COLIN comes in with BROWN and BARRIGAN. This operation is all new to Colin. ELLERBY All right, let's bring it in, please. Come in please. (addressing room) Our target is a major transaction of microprocessors. Yes, those. I don't know what they are. You don't know what they are. Who gives a fuck? Cash will be handed over in a building which we have under AV surveillance. Staff Sergeant Sullivan's team... (he nods at COLIN) Will ID the bad guys and listen in on the phones. COLIN (to his guys) Did you guys know anything about this? No. ELLERBY (to LAZIO) How long have we been tapped on this building? ELLERBY (CONT'D) Our unit will not take action until a man Captain Queenan has inside the operation has verified the transaction. Questions? Anyone? This is who we're after. (taps picture of Costello) (MORE) (CONTINUED) 71. CONTINUED: ELLERBY (CONT'D) We've been after this cocksucker for a long time, and tonight we're gonna get him. Get to work. ON COLIN as he reflexively touches his cell phone and thinks about the best way out of this. ELLERBY (CONT'D) We've been after this son of a bitch for a long time, and we're getting him tonight. Get to work. COLIN (to team) Go find out what we're doing and get on it. COLIN wanders off in the mill of officers. He is taking out his cell phone when ELLERBY comes up to him. ELLERBY Sorry to get you at the last minute. But things leak. This lead came from Queenan's undercover guy. ELLERBY walks on to a COFFEE STATION, a yard away. COLIN (into cell) Dad? COSTELLO (O.S.) (on phone) Yes? COLIN is completely normal on the phone. COLIN I'm not going to make dinner. Something big has come up. INT. COSTELLO'S APARMENT. CONTINUOUS COSTELLO is on the phone. COSTELLO Too bad. Your mother worked all goddamned day. We'll just have to sit down without you and your friends. 72. INT. COMMAND CENTER. CONTINUOUS COLIN turns away from the activity. COLIN Oh, my friends are still coming. COLIN sees QUEENAN staring at him. COLIN (CONT'D) We'll just say lunch tomorrow. All right, bye. COLIN ends the call. QUEENAN is there. QUEENAN The readiness is all. You know the players, call the game. COLIN Thank you, Captain. He gives him the clipboard, Colin goes to the work area. LATER COLIN joins his team (BROWN AND BARRIGAN), who are seated in a U shaped work-area. COLIN, still stunned by the fact of this operations center, swallows as he notices on video three angles of a building he seems to know very well. He sits down and puts a headset on. A GEEK COP leans over and shakes his hand. GEEK COP Piece of cake. I'll operate the cameras. You ID the guys and log them. COLIN nods. QUEENAN comes up. QUEENAN All cellphone signals are under surveillance through the courtesy of our Federal friends over there... COLIN looks: sees LAZIO and two others. ELLERBY (as if on coke and he probably is) Patriot Act. Love it. Love it. (CONTINUED) 73. CONTINUED: COLIN, using his left hand, not looking, opens his cellphone, autodials, and then taps an instant message into it, pushes "Send." DETAIL OF IM: "No Phones" ONSCREEN, CARS PULL UP IN FRONT OF THE TARGET BUILDING. COLIN All right. That's Costello right there. Costello, Mister French, Fitzy, Delahunt, Billy Costigan the new guy...Time is 10.46. BROWN Who are they meeting? ELLERBY (leaning over screens) I don't know. Some Chinamen from points unknown. They're already inside. DETAIL OF COLIN'S PHONE. COLIN hits "send", sending the message "No phones". THE SCREEN then reads "Erasing Sent Message". EXT. TARGET BUILDING. NIGHT COSTELLO and the boys go into the building, moving past TWO IDLING CARS. We see Costello look casually at his phone. INT. COMMAND CENTER. CONTINUOUS Watching images. COSTELLO'S GUYS move through pillars and disappear. CAMERA GEEK COP We have a blind spot. ELLERBY Why do you have a blind spot? CAMERA GEEK COP We had two hour's notice. Two hours. What the fuck you think this is, NASA? ELLERBY It never crossed my mind. You get a camera in the back? (CONTINUED) 74. CONTINUED: TECH COP IN DOWN VEST What back? Ellerby blows his nose. He is on coke. COLIN sends another TEXT MESSAGE: "Blind spot inside door." INT. TARGET BUILDING. CONTINUOUS - REVISED 6/8-9/05 COSTELLO looks at his IM screen and turns to his guys. COSTELLO Turn off your cell phones. FITZY and some others mutter. COSTELLO (CONT'D) Check your weapons...Fitzy has the chicken... Everyone turns off their phones, including BILLY (but we know Billy has TWO phones). BILLY looks around at the pillared distances. He sees: A GROUP OF THREE MEN waiting and FIVE OTHER MEN spreading out through the pillars. Armed. INT. COMMAND CENTER. CONTINUOUS CAMERA COP (to no one, and maybe OS) Maybe if we had some Homeland security money like some other fucking douchebags I could mention... Both Brown and Colin have their headsets on. QUEENAN Any calls? PHONE TECH COP They turned off their phones. COLIN looks utterly innocent. ELLERBY Search randomly for calls made from the area. (CONTINUED) 75. CONTINUED: PHONE TECH COP Eight hundred seven phones are live in this area. ELLERBY Narrow the area. LAZIO What you see for coverage is what you get. DIGNAM (like Queenan, an observer of Ellerby's operation) Why the fuck did they turn off their phones? PHONE TECH COP Wait, there's still one phone up. DIGNAM Where? A single light on the screen. QUEENAN looks at an IM (from Billy) on his phone. DETAIL: "buyers here". ("$") QUEENAN The buyers are there. COLIN wonders how Queenan knew this. The single light winks out on the screen. ELLERBY looks at Queenan, impressed. ELLERBY You know, direct access to your fucking guys would have certain fuckin' advantages. QUEENAN (mildly) Not to my guy. ELLERBY stares at him. DIGNAM This is unbelievable. (looking at screens) Fuck it, who put the cameras in the fucking place? (CONTINUED) 76. CONTINUED: (2) CAMERA TECH COP Who the fuck are you. DIGNAM I'm the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy. QUEENAN Hey, hey, hey... INT. AN OPEN AREA IN THE RUINED BUILDING. NIGHT COSTELLO'S BOYS spread out. Across the open, lumber-strewn area, CHINESE GANG MEMBERS are waiting. A LOCAL CHINESE-AMERICAN MAN acting as the interpreter and fixer stands waiting near a SUITCASE on the floor. With the CHINESE GANGSTERS is a more official looking MAN IN A BAD SUIT - terrified. FITZY carries a case containing the processors. COSTELLO (to translator) How you going, Robert? CHINESE TRANSLATOR Tops, Mr. Costello. I want to tell you that at least two of these gents have machine guns. COSTELLO takes it all in. The CHINESE GANGSTER looks like a Malay pirate. Costello's gunmen are perched above, automatic weapons trained on the Triad. BILLY sneaks a message to Queenan via Text Message,"$" to indicate "buyers here." CHINESE GANGSTER (in Cantonese, not subtitled) Waiting, waiting. We almost departed! This man is from the Embassy. He will have to blow his brains out if he is captured. His entire family will be killed. CHINESE TRANSLATOR He's a little upset. COSTELLO Tell him light on the starch. (CONTINUED) 77. CONTINUED: BILLY is watching carefully. [As (INSERT) ONSCREEN in the OPERATIONS ROOM the last lights wink off...] He removes his hand from his pocket, having just switched off his phone. CHINESE TRANSLATOR (roughly translating) He's fronting the Chinese government and he's just scared shitless. COSTELLO Government man. (loudly, to Chinese) I'm concerned about Chinamen who think it's wise to bring automatic weapons to a business transaction. The CHINESE GANGSTER interjects -- CHINESE GANGSTER Ngup, Ngup, Ngup. Ngaw um ming. Kay ngup mutt. [Yap, yap, yap. I don't understand. What is he saying?] The CHINESE TRANSLATOR translates Costello's statement about "concern." SEVERAL OF THE TRIAD, hearing a "automatic weapon," stupidly raise their MACHINE GUNS. They don't aim them. COSTELLO For his own good, tell Bruce Lee and the Karate Kids none of us are carrying automatic weapons because here, in this country, it don't add inches to your dick. You get a life sentence for it. We (but no one else) hear a double click as MISTER FRENCH cocks a pistol behind his back. CHINESE GANGSTER (in Cantonese) Put away that machine gun. The MACHINE GUN is put away. (CONTINUED) 78. CONTINUED: (2) COSTELLO If these chinks want to nuke Taiwan any time in this century, you tell them they better shape up fast and show me one million dollars. The CHINESE TRANSLATOR translates. COSTELLO (CONT'D) What we generally do in this country is one guy shows up with the items, and the other guy pays him. No tickee...no laundry. COSTELLO gestures and a BOX of PROCESSORS is put on the floor. Opened. The CHINESE GANGSTER gestures and a case of money is put on the floor. Opened. FITZY looks at it, nods. CHINESE GANGSTER Nay tiey ching chaw yut bok mon. [Make sure it's real. It's a million dollars.]. ALTERNATE/ALSO (insult): Ne dei yeeche ling ngnaw dong maw gok nay chun. [Next time you make me wait, I'm going to cut your dick off. COSTELLO In English, thank you, also. CHINESE GANGSTER Du ne. [Fuck you.] The deal is done. COSTELLO The expedition continues this way. To Billy's surprise both Costello's men and the Chinese head out through the back industrial windows onto a canal-side pier. INT. COMMAND CENTER. CONTINUOUS The CARS of the CHINESE GUYS are driven away, passing a van full of... Startled TACTICAL COPS. TWO TACTICAL UNITS are hidden outside. 79. INT. COMMAND CENTER. CONTINUOUS ELLERBY is staring at the screens. ELLERBY Don't tell me those cars were empty. Please don't tell me those Chinamen's cars were empty. (to Camera Tech Cop) Do you have a camera in the back. An IMAGE comes up. Nothing. ELLERBY (CONT'D) Can I talk to you a minute? As the Camera Technician gets up, Ellerby pounces on him. EXT. BEHIND THE BUILDING. CONTINUOUS Tied to the pier there are two boats, a NOVI LOBSTER BOAT and a BOSTON WHALER with a guys we've never seen at the wheel (random getaway hires). The TRIAD members get into the NOVI, and chug away. Fitzy carries the SUITCASES OF MONEY onto a BOSTON WHALER and it takes off. COSTELLO turns to Billy. COSTELLO See, no surveillance here. They didn't figure we had a navy. Always figure an exit for your business partners. What with everything all dug up, you can't trust a slant to find the Mass Pike and, with or without Staties out front, frankly I don't approve of orientals driving to begin with. BILLY What about us, Frank? What're we gonna do? COSTELLO We depart. We didn't commit no illegalities. BILLY is stunned. Admiring. MISTER FRENCH Except sell the ching chongs a bunch of fuckin' plastic. (CONTINUED) 80. CONTINUED: The CHINESE GUYS, staring back, chug away down the canal in the lobster boat. BILLY watches COSTELLO go, admiringly, and then follows him. EXT. STREET NEAR TARGET BUILDING - NIGHT 103A A few blocks from the target building, a Police Tactical unit stops the departing Triad cars with a roadblock. As officers approach the cars they realize they are empty except for hired Caucasian drivers. An officer reports this to the command center. INT. COLIN'S APARTMENT. DAY Colin is asleep on the couch, in a bachelor disaster of Chinese food boxes. Something on TV: "Audition." A key in the door: He wakes as MADOLYN comes in carrying a bag of coffees and a BOX OF EFFECTS. MADOLYN Good Morning. MADOLYN smiles at him, also shy. COLIN Good morning. MADOLYN I beat the movers. COLIN How was the last night in the, ah, old establishment? MADOLYN (putting the box on the kitchen counter) Lonely. COLIN I'm glad to hear that. It sucked here, too. They kiss. MADOLYN takes in the apartment. MADOLYN I'm gonna thank your Uncle Alphonsus for the square footage. COLIN Uncle Alphonsus is in heaven. So am I. (CONTINUED) 81. CONTINUED: MADOLYN unpacks food. Coffee. Croissants. MADOLYN French donut? COLIN (re: box of stuff) Yeah. Hey, can I... MADOLYN Sure yeah. He sorts through the box. It's all Madolyn's key stuff - a mug, a few critical books...framed family pictures, breakables...and comes up with: A PHOTOGRAPH of a young Madolyn standing in front of a North East rust belt slum. COLIN Well, we're not having this out. MADOLYN What? MADOLYN isn't prepared to be at cross-purposes. But she is taken aback. She puts the photo quietly away. Contaminated. COLIN You don't see any pictures of where I came from. Look, I respect who you are, but not in the living room. We might have company. MADOLYN Company? She laughs. COLIN looks at a diploma. Veritas. COLIN Why work for the state? MADOLYN Why not? You do. COLIN Not forever, and you don't have to. You've got degrees...you're a hot shit... I mean, what you do, why make as much as a guidance counselor? (CONTINUED) 82. CONTINUED: (2) MADOLYN (deadpan, over her coffee cup) I believe in public service. COLIN stares at her. COLIN Now you're just being ridiculous. MADOLYN (kissing him, and intently:) You like me living here? COLIN (hands down her shorts) Yes I do. THE PHONE (landline with mobile handset) rings. COLIN (CONT'D) Answer it. You live here. MADOLYN, not 100% confused by his seizing on the interruption, gets the phone. MADOLYN Mayor Sullivan's Office. After a moment she holds the receiver out to COLIN. MADOLYN (CONT'D) (whispering) I'm sorry! COLIN Who is it? MADOLYN I think it's a guy with a, ah, (She touches her throat, and whispers) A cancer guy. COLIN reaches in his pocket and looks at his cellphone: dead. A bad mistake in his situation. He crams the phone into a table charger beside the landline and takes the handset. COLIN Hello? (CONTINUED) 83. CONTINUED: (3) COLIN exits the kitchen. COLIN (CONT'D) (to Madolyn) Something for work. MADOLYN looks after him. She doesn't start eating again, she watches Colin. She is seen staring at him through the following scene. COSTELLO (V.O.) What the fuck is it with your phone? EXT. THE CHELSEA YACHT CLUB. CONTINUOUS COSTELLO, with his collar turned up, is walking along the floats. Wearing a headset. INTERCUT TERRACE OF COLIN'S APARTMENT/CHELSEA YACHT CLUB. CONTINUOUS COLIN hunches, closing the glass door, and glancing in at Madolyn. COLIN Nothin', nothin'. It doesn't have any power, that's all. It just happened once. COSTELLO Was that that shrink cunt answered the phone? COLIN Yes. Yes. As I said, she was gonna move in, so she moved in. COSTELLO You better get organized, quick. COLIN Last time I checked, I tipped you off and you're not in jail. COSTELLO Are you listening to me? COLIN Yes. (CONTINUED) 84. CONTINUED: COSTELLO Are listening to me, son? Do you like Little Miss Thing sucking your cock? COLIN looks in at MADOLYN. COLIN Yes. Yes I do. COLIN is frustrated. COSTELLO So earn it. (a beat) I'm gettin' the feeling we got a cop in my crew. COLIN I been gettin' that same feeling. COSTELLO He's one of yours. Inside. Have you seen anything? COLIN Look, I have no access to undercover files in Queenan's department. It's locked up. Queenan and Dignam run the snitches. They don't give anybody a peep. I'm doing the best... COSTELLO (interrupting) Your best? What do you think we're in, the fuckin' haberdashery business? COLIN takes a breath, tries to reason and mind his place. COLIN Please Frank, if you don't relax I can't relax. Let's start with this...get me all the information on the people around you last night. Everyone that works for you. Get me real first names. Get me... (CONTINUED) 85. CONTINUED: (2) COSTELLO (interrupting Colin) Get you? Give you? Who the fuck do you work for? COLIN Okay, Frank...I'm sorry...could you please get me social security numbers, ah, I need drivers license numbers, full names, dates of birth, anything like that. Bank account numbers, everything that you don't get from a criminal record or, or a wrap sheet or a... COSTELLO (relenting a little) Collie, calm down or you'll shoot in your pants. I'll get you the records and whatnot. You'll have 'em but listen to me son, don't disappoint me on this, or some other guy will be putting their cock up Little Miss Freud's ass. EXT. DOCK/WATERFRONT - CONTINUOUS Costello hangs up and walks along and sees QUEENAN and DIGNAM step out. QUEENAN How are you, Francis? COSTELLO My mother called me Francis. QUEENAN I know she did. And your father called you the tumor. COSTELLO, not liking that: COSTELLO Oh, what did your father call you, Charlie? Oh yeah, I forgot, he wasn't around. QUEENAN Where are the real microprocessors, Frank? (CONTINUED) 86. CONTINUED: COSTELLO Microprocessors...oh yeah, I heard that story. You arrested some Chinese government guy at the border carrying some light sockets or somethin'. DIGNAM I can't wait to wipe that fuckin' smirk off your face. COSTELLO (to Dignam) Wouldn't you rather wipe my ass for me? QUEENAN I will get you, Frank. COSTELLO If you could've you would've but I guess you like to go at your own pace. From off-stage we hear a young, angelic GIRLS CHOIR begin to sing. COSTELLO (CONT'D) Excuse me, I've got a date with some angels. As Costello walks away: QUEENAN Sooner than you think, Francis. INT. COLIN'S APARTMENT. CONTINUOUS COLIN, looking worried, folding his phone away, comes into the apartment. MADOLYN is staring at him. COLIN What? MADOLYN You have a boss that has a laryngectomy? COLIN No, no, no. That was a guy who works for me. (CONTINUED) 87. CONTINUED: MADOLYN You're lying to me. COLIN Not exactly. (the charming Colin:) There are certain things I will not be able to talk to you about. I cannot allow you to jeopardize an ongoing investigation. (Or your own life.) (more seriously, after a long beat) There really are things connected to my job that you can't ask about. That you don't want to know about. MADOLYN (after a beat) Okay, then say that. COLIN looks at her steadily: if she's serious, she's pure gold. COLIN I will. Thank you. He kisses her. The DOORBELL RINGS. MADOLYN That's the movers. COLIN You still wanna stay? MADOLYN I do. The doorbell safely ringing, Colin kisses Madolyn. COLIN (re: doorbell) All right. All right. I'm coming. INT. QUEENAN'S OFFICE. CONTINUOUS DIGNAM is alone. We see Queenan's empty desk in a fall of light. We see Dignam's arm, wrist, phone, an expensive heavy watch. (CONTINUED) 88. CONTINUED: BILLY (O.S.) I'm gonna get on a plane unless you put Queenan on the phone. DIGNAM Queenan had a funeral to go to. This is my shift. Calm down. INT. IM PEI TYPE FOOTBRIDGE WITH A PEDESTRIAN CONVEYOR. DAY (INTERCUT) BILLY is talking on the phone, in a fury. BILLY Why shouldn't I get on a fucking plane? Meet up? Do you actually want me dead? There's a rat in your unit. That's a fact. You just don't know it. Where's Queenan? DIGNAM He's not here. BILLY They knew you had cameras in the building. You have a leak from the inside. It's real. Smoke him out. DIGNAM And how do we do that Mr... fucking genius who didn't even graduate the academy? BILLY Disinform. Let it slip to SIU that you're getting a sealed wiretap warrant for Costello's apartment. Don't tell anyone in our department but tell SIU. Flush it and see if it comes out of the pipe on my end. That's first. Narrow it down. Where's Queenan. DIGNAM Are you deaf? He's not here. Call me when you get something real. BILLY is in a full-on panic attack. He takes a pill, leans back against a wall, closes his eyes. The second phone rings. He stares at it: opens it. (CONTINUED) 89. CONTINUED: BILLY It's me. INT. DESERTED CAFE - DAY Madolyn and Billy sit at a table. Talking like friends now, emphatically non-clinical. Billy is zoned out, preoccupied, nervous. MADOLYN I'm assuming you want to change things, you know, change the people you know, change the people you meet, change everything, anything. Too many choices can see like no choice at all... BILLY Confucius say that? MADOLYN So you do...something radical. BILLY "Something radical," huh? MADOLYN ...yeah, you do... Sometimes it's just a matter of picking a thing and doing it... BILLY So how long you been with this guy? MADOLYN Oh, four months. About four months. BILLY You love this guy? MADOLYN It's pretty serious, yeah, it is. BILLY A head case or anything? I'm just curious... MADOLYN No more than I am. (CONTINUED) 90. CONTINUED: BILLY Then you're lucky. Considering the odds, right? He lifts his cup to drink. BILLY (CONT'D) Good, give him a shot. This may not be exactly what Madolyn wants to hear. But she nods. MADOLYN Doctors aren't supposed to have illusions. BILLY Yeah, that's because of vastly superior intelligence. Godlike, really. Smiles, called on her shit. MADOLYN OK, I'm in a serious, newly serious, relationship...there are...ups and downs...everybody has doubts, problems -- I mean doubts. She realizes she may have glazed and gone a little too far on "problems". BILLY What would you do if he was standing right there and saw us? MADOLYN I'd lie. To keep things on an even keel. You know all about it. INT./EXT. BANKROBBER'S APARTMENT. CHARLESTOWN. DAY The BANKROBBER, a junkie, wakes up to a vision: JESUS, indicating the sacred heart. BILLY smashes the glass and the frame over the guy's head. CUT TO OUTSIDE: MISTER FRENCH has lit a cherry-bomb. He throws it. He hands out fireworks to KIDS. (CONTINUED) 91. CONTINUED: BACK INSIDE: BILLY shoves him down on the couch and crams the gun to his head. BILLY You take off an armored car at the Dedham Mall and what do you do. Do you pay guineas in Providence? BANKROBBER Fucking now I do. BILLY What the fuck do you do. BANKROBBER What, I pay Costello and wait for him to trade me to the FBI? Cause that's what he does. BILLY FBI? What the fuck are you talking about. {Firecrackers off} BANKROBBER Oh my God, is that French out there? BILLY (grabbing him by the shirt) What the fuck did you just say about the FBI? BANKROBBER Forget what I said. I'm fucking high, I'm high. Firecrackers continue to go off outside. The BANKROBBER knows what this means. BILLY Whatever's going through your very poor, very limited, brain...I'm not going to hurt you. Just tell me what you just fucking said. (CONTINUED) 92. CONTINUED: (2) BANKROBBER Forget it, I'm high, I must be high, I would never say what you thought I said. As the firecracker sounds increase outside (Maybe French's "Do what you have to do"), BILLY, no way out of what he has to do, glances at the window, shoots the guy through the kneecap. BLOOD sprays everywhere. The bankrobber screams. BILLY Tell me what the fuck you said. BANKROBBER (covered with blood) Why do you think he's not arrested? Costello's a protected FBI informant. He'll trade you out. (a beat) I thought I was supposed to go into shock. I'm not in shock. It fucking hurts. It fucking hurts. BILLY gets out of the house. OUTSIDE MISTER FRENCH is benignly watching kids light cherry bombs. BILLY Let's go. ON SOUND: Sextet from LUCIA di LAMMAMOOR. INT. A THEATER. NIGHT From behind COSTELLO'S HEAD, which almost fills the frame, we see a blur of beautiful color. ON STAGE, an opera is in progress----LUCIA DI LAMMAMOOR done with masks. CUT TO COSTELLO, revealing Costello's rapt face and PAN to reveal on his Left a beautiful WHITE PROSTITUTE. PAN back over COSTELLO'S face to reveal a beautiful BLACK PROSTITUTE. PERFORMERS with MASKS sing on stage. As the music soars, COSTELLO moves crinolines up the women's legs. INT. A BEDROOM. NIGHT. COSTELLO fucks...and fucks weird. 93. EXT. QUEENAN'S HOUSE IN WEST ROXBURY. NIGHT A street of three-deckers. QUEENAN gets out of his unmarked cruiser. As he does: BILLY steps out into the light. The two men stare at each other, each lit by their own streetlight. BILLY Hey, it's me. QUEENAN What do you want? What are you doing here? BILLY Come here. QUEENAN approaches him. BILLY (CONT'D) Costello is giving people up to the FBI. QUEENAN stares. QUEENAN The FBI? BILLY He gives information to the FBI. He's a protected informant. Aren't they trying to make it a Federal case? And it never gets made? QUEENAN (realizing he has to be very careful) Go around the back. Go around the back. INT. QUEENAN'S HOUSE. MOMENTS LATER BILLY sits on a bench in a hallway, exhausted, staring. THE SACRED HEART and JFK are on the walls. QUEENAN comes along the hall. QUEENAN My wife's asleep. She left supper out. Come and have something to eat. BILLY shakes his head. (CONTINUED) 94. CONTINUED: BILLY No, I... QUEENAN We'll talk in the kitchen. Come and have something to eat. BILLY follows him towards the lighted kitchen door. EXT. DRIVING RANGE. DAY (WINDY) COLIN is watching ELLERBY hit golf balls. Well. ELLERBY Congratulations. Haven't seen a guy like you since me. You'll be transferred to Internal Investigations but you will continue to work right where you are in the Special Investigation Unit. COLIN I don't get it. ELLERBY We are all convinced that Costello has at least one mole in the Special Investigation Unit. COLIN Right. ELLERBY You'll investigate. Everybody. Anybody. COLIN Well, that's just a dream job for a cop. ELLERBY We have considered all possible candidates. You have an immaculate record. Some people never trust a guy with an immaculate record. I do. (a beat) I have an immaculate record. ELLERBY hits a drive. (CONTINUED) 95. CONTINUED: ELLERBY (CONT'D) Play golf? COLIN No. ELLERBY That's a pity. Pretty much sucks as a game but you get to form relationships. (a beat) How's the wedding coming along? COLIN Everything's great. On schedule. She's a doctor. ELLERBY Outstanding. That's good. Marriage is an important part of getting ahead. You don't want anyone thinking you're a homo. Married guy seems stable. People look at a wedding ring and think: someone can stand the son of a bitch. Ladies see the wedding ring and know immediately that you must have some cash and that your cock works. COLIN Oh, it's working. Overtime. ELLERBY I'm glad to hear that. Hits a drive. Ponk. EXT. CONSTRUCTION AREA. DAY HEAVY EQUIPMENT stands on the thrashed earth. Hoardings. BILLY crosses the road under what remains of the Expressway, and after hiding in an angle of the building and cocking the gun in his pocket bangs on the door of a dead bar. The door is unlocked by: DELAHUNT. INT. THE DEAD BAR. DAY It's another of COSTELLO'S "locations". BILLY looks around. Every man from the previous night is there--but no COSTELLO. DELAHUNT closes the door behind him and bars it. Men are oddly enough filling out forms. These are not men used to pencil and paper. Billy is nodded at. (CONTINUED) 96. CONTINUED: MISTER FRENCH Boss wants your real name, your social, your license number, all your bank account numbers. BILLY I don't have a bank account. MISTER FRENCH I'm a cash business myself. BILLY What's he doing, setting up IRAs? MISTER FRENCH You fill in the papers, real name, all your numbers, no fucking around, and then we all wait here. MISTER FRENCH (CONT'D) No, I ain't. MISTER FRENCH goes off into a separate room. BILLY takes a paper and, sitting at the bar beside FITZY, writes down his information. The other men are mostly finished and DELAHUNT is collecting the papers. DELAHUNT tosses the brown envelope on the bar. DELAHUNT Put the forms in there. FITZY I don't know if this is how you spell Citizens'. BILLY glances at what FITZY is crawling: CITTIZINS TRUST. BILLY No, no, no. Jesus Christ. He takes the brown envelope, and writes on it CITIZENS. FITZY What are you, retarded? That ain't right. BILLY gives up. Both of their forms are stuffed in an envelope. BILLY gets up. DELAHUNT Billy, he said to stay here. (CONTINUED) 97. CONTINUED: (2) BILLY I'm not sitting in this room without a tetanus shot. I'm not staying. MISTER FRENCH Where you going? BILLY goes out. DELAHUNT puts his coat on. He picks up the brown envelope on which CITIZENS TRUST is written. EXT. THE WATERFRONT. DAY BILLY is holding his bottle of tranqs. He traces with his finger the doctor's name...MADOLYN MADDEN. His "police" phone vibrates and he takes it out. ONSCREEN Follow the envelope. BILLY deletes the IM and dials Queenan directly. BILLY Why can't Ellerby's guys? SIU. INT. QUEENAN'S OFFICE. DAY QUEENAN closes his door. QUEENAN They can't. They are compromised. EXT. COSTELLO'S APARTMENT. NIGHT Costello emerges, in an overcoat. Carrying the envelope. He gets into his Oldsmobile. BILLY starts his car and follows. INT. CINEMA. NIGHT REVISED ON SET 5/31/05 Dark theater, movie in progress. Wobbly porno music. A thin audience of raincoat artists. The door opens and COSTELLO enters. He moves slowly down the aisle and sees: COLIN sitting alone. He sits down in front of COLIN. Costello is wearing the dildo. He watches the movie, moaning. COSTELLO Oh yeah, be dirty. Colin goes for his gun. Costello gets up, shows him the dildo. (CONTINUED) 98. CONTINUED: COSTELLO (CONT'D) See anything you like? COLIN unnerved, recognizing COSTELLO now. COLIN Jesus Christ, Frank, I almost shot you. Frank sits, closer to Colin. COSTELLO You're not indulging in self abuse are you? COLIN Frank, we got problems. COSTELLO I hope you're not turning into one of those sob sisters, who wants to get caught. You're not crackin' up are you? COLIN I don't crack up. COSTELLO Pick a place where any cop could see you... COLIN Why did you show up then? COSTELLO I own the place. COLIN Why am I not fuckin' surprised. Look... COSTELLO You're gettin' reassigned. COLIN How the fuck did you know that? COSTELLO Where'd they put you? COLIN I have to find myself. (CONTINUED) 99. CONTINUED: (2) COSTELLO chuckles, truly enjoying this. COSTELLO You're telling me, sonny boy. COLIN I have to find the guy you have in the department. COSTELLO With everybody looking up their own ass and you looking for yourself, I put my money on nobody finding nothing. We see in Colin's face hurt and hatred for Costello. His idol doesn't like him. COLIN Frank, for me, you've got to lay low. COSTELLO Laying low is not what I do. COLIN Yeah, big fuckin' daddy Frank. Lookit, Frank, what good am I to you if you don't listen to me? Queenan's compartmentalizing. He's fuckin' smart, you know that. I will find this rat if you let me do it my way. If you let me do my job. COSTELLO Okay. (gives him the envelope) But Colin, I hope I won't have to remind you, that if you don't find that cheese eating rat bastard in your department so we can give him a halo, most likely it won't be me who pays for it. COLIN nods, sweat on his lip. COLIN Why would you need to remind me of that? I didn't know that would I be any good at what I do? Trust me, I know how to do this. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 100. CONTINUED: (3) COLIN (CONT'D) It involves lying, and I'm pretty fucking good at that, right? COSTELLO (looking at the screen) Maybe it's because it's always been so easy for me to get cunt that I never understood jerking off in a theatre. Costello gets up to go. COSTELLO (CONT'D) Who knows what's easy? Collie, take care of business. The door opens again at the back of the theater and we see: BILLY in a dark back seat. COSTELLO, after hesitating as Colin sweats, shoves the brown envelope to COLIN, and goes. BILLY receives a text message: "Get visual ID suspect." He slumps in his seat as Costello marches up the aisle and out of the theater. He has barely recovered from this when: The dark shape of COLIN is moving rapidly towards and through the emergency exit beside the screen. Billy follows. INT. CINEMA BACK STAIRCASE AND ALLEY. NIGHT It's open, and gives on to what Boston keeps trying to call the Theater District and what keeps being The Combat Zone. COLIN vanishes around a corner. BILLY follows, looks left and right, then goes after EXT. A STREET OF CHINESE SHOPS. CONTINUOUS COLIN, who is walking along, putting the envelope into his coat. BILLY is speeding up, moving through pedestrians, desperate to see Colin's face. COLIN will be caught up to within seconds. He turns down another street. BILLY starts into a half-run. He turns the corner. ANOTHER STREET painted with neon light (quiet). BILLY'S POV: COLIN is halfway down the street. (CONTINUED) 101. CONTINUED: BILLY follows. BILLY is nearly up to COLIN on this quieter street (And COLIN is aware of the tail) when... BILLY'S cellphone rings. His phone has fucked up, as they do. Instead of turning around, COLIN accelerates. The only thing on his agenda is to not have his face seen. BILLY spins into a door-opening and silences the ringer. TEXT MESSAGE DETAIL Make arrest. COLIN takes a right at the end of the street, into an alley. EXT. AROUND THE NEXT CORNER. MOMENTS LATER COLIN is waiting, in a doorway of his own. He has a knife open in his hand. He waits, listening to (faltering) footsteps: a MAN, face invisible in shadow, turns the corner. COLIN pulls him into the doorway and rips upwards with a knife. As the body falls we see: it isn't Billy. It's a CHINESE MAN. COLIN backs away in horror, and hurries off down the street. EXT. ANOTHER STREET. MOMENTS LATER COLIN, sweating, staggering, hurries along. No sign of Billy, no sign of a follower. But he does notice: CCTV cameras at the intersection. He spins and gets out of there, heading off through. CHINATOWN. Colin, holding his envelope, walks, sweating, fast, then faster, past repeated ideograms in neon (the ideograms say--flash--"Departed"). EXT. CHINATOWN. MOMENTS LATER BILLY has lost Colin. He hears a hubbub from the corner where a small crowd of Chinese speakers is gathering and pushes through the crowd to see: blood running on the pavement. BILLY backs away, gets out of there. INT. CCTV ROOM. NIGHT COLIN is looking at CCTV tapes. We see COLIN, unrecognizable on cheap video. Then we see a blurred image of BILLY. Crossing the street in beats. No more use as ID than the Shroud of Turin. 102. EXT. MADOLYN'S CELLAR APARTMENT. NIGHT (RAINING) Through grated windows we can see Madolyn finishing up her packing. BILLY KNOCKS on the door, which leads only into Madolyn's basement apartment. A long beat and she opens the door. The chain on. BILLY Your name's on the pill label. I thought you weren't supposed to be in the book, in case of obsessive patients. MADOLYN How obsessive are you? BILLY Medium. MADOLYN Are you okay? Why are you here? BILLY I really liked our conversations. I've been...regretting that we didn't continue...our conversations. MADOLYN I'm glad you want to see me...it's nice to see you...I enjoyed talking...I enjoyed having coffee with you, very much...but I don't see people...I don't see people in my home. Billy gets soaked. INT. MADOLYN'S CELLAR APARTMENT. CONTINUOUS BILLY looks around and sees: boxes, transition. The furniture already gone. An air-mattress on the floor. There are still tea things on the counter. A basic life is still possible here. Madolyn has been making tea here, sleeping here, reading in bed. Billy, soaked, a drowned rat, is looking vulnerable and honest. BILLY Thanks. If this is inappropriate... I can leave. MADOLYN takes a moment to react. (CONTINUED) 103. CONTINUED: MADOLYN No, it's, it's, it's not inappropriate...you're not a patient... BILLY You moving in or out? MADOLYN I still have three weeks on the lease... BILLY is looking at THE PICTURE to which Colin objected. A young girl in front of a rust belt slum, tilted in a box of effects. MADOLYN (CONT'D) That's me. BILLY Yeah, I know. He hangs the picture on a nail. MADOLYN (the kettle whistles OS) Would you like a cup of tea? BILLY nods. BILLY Yeah. Yeah I would. Thank you. Madolyn leaves him looking vaguely around the apartment. In the kitchen, it appears that Madolyn has forgotten how to make a cup of tea. She perseveres, comes out holding two cups. Billy is looking at the handful of books still in the apartment. MADOLYN Do you want some... BILLY Sugar? No... She hands him the cup of tea. Strung out, he spills his tea, slightly, unobserved by Madolyn. Madolyn looks over at the bed, the book, the lamp, the incontrovertible evidence that she's probably really, in fact, not that into Colin.. MADOLYN I've always needed my own place. (CONTINUED) 104. CONTINUED: (2) BILLY Hedging your bets? MADOLYN No. I'm not "hedging my best"...I told you when we had coffee...There's a choice. You choose...you have to make a... BILLY Decision. MADOLYN ...decision...and stick by what...you choose...you have to... BILLY Move in with your boyfriend? MADOLYN Yes. Stick by what you...otherwise it's... I have to say that your vulnerability is really freaking me out right now. Is it real? BILLY Yeah, I think so. Tick...tick...tick. BILLY (CONT'D) You don't have cats. MADOLYN No. BILLY I like that. That's good. INT. CCTV ROOM. NIGHT Colin is still studying the blurry image of Billy. INT. MADOLYN'S BASEMENT APARTMENT. NIGHT In the tiny kitchen BILLY is kissing MADOLYN and unbuttoning her shirt. Her hands start to move to push him away. He continues. 105. INT. CCTV ROOM. NIGHT Still studying the blurry image of Billy, COLIN tenses as someone comes into the office and switches off the tape. He glances at his coat. The envelope is visible folded into the breast pocket. He takes his coat and goes. EXT. CHARLES STREET. NIGHT Wet empty streets. The "gaslights" are on. About midnight. INT. CHARLES STREET BRASSERIE. NIGHT A Costello business. The restaurant is closed for the night. One bartender is sweeping up and the other is counting the takings. In a darker alcove of the bar COSTELLO sits alone at a broad table, drinking brandy. On sound, classical music. As a knocking is heard Costello looks up. A BARTENDER lets Billy in. COSTELLO watches Billy approach. We hear him sit down. COSTELLO You got a girlfriend? BILLY No. No. What does that matter? COSTELLO Depends. I'm sure you know by now there's an informer in my crew. Cop. Staties or Boston Police department, I'm not sure. He pours Billy some brandy. Then starts to draw a sketch. BILLY What about the FBI. COSTELLO It ain't. Trust me. The ex-wife, an old friend or stupid...that's what brings you down in this business. BILLY Stupid...Well, that leaves me out. COSTELLO Past days, case like this...I killed everybody who works for me. BILLY Better safe than sorry, I suppose. (CONTINUED) 106. CONTINUED: COSTELLO On the other hand, back then, it was only five...or six...and French. But COSTELLO, maybe, is sorry. BILLY I look around at your guys. They're all murderers right? I think "could I do murder?" And all I can answer myself is, "what's the difference". COSTELLO Give em up to the Almighty. Like that. BILLY Yeah, that's my point. You accuse me once, I put up with it. You accuse me twice, I quit. If you make me fear for my life, I put a fucking bullet in your head as if you were anybody else. COSTELLO looks up. This is new: but he's impassive. And impressed. COSTELLO (to Billy) You got something you want to say to me, William? BILLY You're seventy fucking years old. One of these guys is going to pop you. As for running drugs, what the fuck. You don't need the pain in the ass, and they're going to catch you. And you don't need the money. COSTELLO smiles, and continues with the sketch. Later he will light up the paper. COSTELLO I haven't needed "the money" since I took Archie's milk money in the third grade. Tell the truth, I don't need pussy any more,but I still like it. (MORE) (CONTINUED) 107. CONTINUED: (2) COSTELLO (CONT'D) Point I'm making...you see...I got this rat...gnawing, cheese eating fucking rat...questions come up...questions...see, Bill, you're the new guy...and the girlfriend. Why don't you stay in the bar when I get the numbers. Your numbers. Everybody's numbers. BILLY Is there something you want to ask me, Frank? COSTELLO Start with, you agree there is a rat? BILLY You said there is one. I base most of what I do on the idea that you're pretty fucking good at what you do. COSTELLO Sure, sure, all that aside...but you Bill, what would you do? COSTELLO sketching. BILLY How many of these guys been with you long enough to be disgruntled? Who needs more money than you pay them? You don't pay much, you know. It's almost a feudal fuckin' enterprise. (COSTELLO nods, accepting this) The question is, who thinks that they would do what you do better than you? COSTELLO Only one that can do what I do is me. You want to be me? BILLY stares over a precipice: he knows this as well. BILLY I probably could be you. I know that much. But I don't want to be you. (CONTINUED) 108. CONTINUED: (3) COSTELLO Heavy lies the crown...sort of thing. FRENCH comes in from the kitchen. MISTER FRENCH Francis. BARTENDER We're out of here, Mister Costello. You'll have to set the alarm. COSTELLO (eyes on Billy) Thank you, Jimmy. See you tomorrow. ON SOUND the door closes and locks. COSTELLO (CONT'D) There's a boat coming in, up in Gloucester. French will give you all the details. COSTELLO leaves. INT. COSTELLO'S KITCHEN. DAY/INTERCUT: INT. COLIN'S OFFICE COSTELLO is on the phone. MISTER FRENCH is sitting on a stool, smoking. OPERA playing on sound. COSTELLO You heard nothing? COLIN No. COSTELLO Nothing about drugs. Nothing about new guys, nothing about Gloucester? COLIN No, Frank, not a thing. And I promise you I would have heard about it. COSTELLO hangs up and turns to MISTER FRENCH. COSTELLO You're sure. No other departments, no codes, like that... (CONTINUED) 109. CONTINUED: COLIN'S VOICE Frank. You can relax on this one. COSTELLO Okay, Collie. I will. Costello hangs up and turns to Mr. French. COSTELLO (CONT'D) (emotionally) It ain't Bill. No way, he says. Thank God for Billy. INT. POLICE HEADQUARTERS. DAY Everybody is busy in the office. It's COLIN's first day of Internal Investigations. COLIN'S moving through the bullpen. COPS stare at him with resentment. COLIN Morning. He comes up to Queenan's door just as Dignam comes out. DIGNAM faces COLIN down. COLIN (CONT'D) A problem? DIGNAM Yeah, I run rat fucks like you. I don't like them. COLIN The day you wouldn't take a promotion, you let me know. And I wouldn't even have a job if you did yours. DIGNAM Fuck yourself. COLIN I need to know the identity of your undercovers. DIGNAM Blow me. Not literally, there's no promotion in it for ya. He walks away. COLIN goes into Queenan's office. 110. INT. QUEENAN'S OFFICE. MOMENTS LATER QUEENAN puts the cig into a cup of water, and throws it into the trash. COLIN Morning, Captain. QUEENAN Look who's here. The Queen of the prom. COLIN They are not happy with me. Especially Staff Sergeant Dignam. QUEENAN What do you expect? Everybody knows you're assigned here to find Costello's rat. They want to find the leak as much as you do. What they do not want is to be accused of being the rat. COLIN sits uneasily. COLIN Fair enough. Well one of them has to be dirty, We know that, right? QUEENAN Two days ago, my undercover guy in Costello's organization---- COLIN Who is that? QUEENAN Lots of luck. (Not a chance.) You can go over my head, high as you like. You still won't get an answer. COLIN Fair enough. QUEENAN As I said, two days ago, my guy nearly found out who Costello's rat is. He lost him in the street. (CONTINUED) 111. CONTINUED: COLIN Really? Did he get a look at him? QUEENAN ...No. COLIN Nothing that could help us? QUEENAN Nah. COLIN (swallows) (Too bad.) Any advice? Generally? QUEENAN Costello can't do (much) business without coordinating with his source... (gestures out window) Who is here. In SIU. Follow Costello and you'll find his rat. COLIN realizes: Just follow Queenan and you'll find his rat. QUEENAN (CONT'D) (turns away) You're going to be looking at my people. Going through their bank statements, phone bills, medical records. Don't expect them to get you a coffee or invite you to their houses. Let me get you a coffee. INT. COLIN'S OFFICE #2. DAY COLIN is sitting in his office alone, remembering what Queenan has just told him: QUEENAN (V.O.) Follow Costello and you'll find his informer. In the fishbowl of his glass office, COLIN is being stared at by pissed-off cops. COLIN calms down. He opens the gray envelope. He takes out the forms that he was given by Costello, opens up POLICE PERSONNEL DATABASE and starts searching. He types in SS numbers. One, then another, then another. The result is always: "Person not found". He types in Costigan, William M, hits return. It comes up: "Person not found". COLIN keeps working. 112. INT. COLIN'S OFFICE #2. LATER MUGSHOTS of all of Costello's guys. He looks at them desperately...no one squares up with the blurred, impossible, images he saw on the CCTV screen (which he has printed out).COLIN closes the curtains on his fishbowl office (not fast enough to avoid seeing Dignam give him the finger), locks his door. He picks up the phone. VOICE ON PHONE (V.O.) Internal Investigations. COLIN This is Sullivan. I need constant surveillance on Captain Queenan, starting right now. INT. COLIN AND MADOLYN'S NEW BEDROOM. SAME NIGHT COLIN is lying in bed, his back to MADOLYN. COLIN If I wasn't with the Mass State Police. If I did it full time,law school, I'd be through in a year. I'm thinking that. If I wasn't a trooper. MADOLYN What's going on? COLIN Nothing. Nothing. There's nothing going on. Just thinking. MADOLYN Okay, all right. (thinking about it; blows a breath) And what about money? COLIN I got some money. Another city...I'm thinking that. Another city doesn't seem unattractive to Madolyn, who's in her own cut-and-run crisis -- but maybe she can't believe that Colin is thinking about it. She blows a breath. MADOLYN Another city? It'd be a clean slate. (CONTINUED) 113. CONTINUED: COLIN is in hell. He looks at her intensely. COLIN I want you to know you don't gotta stay. If we're not going to make it, it's got to be you that gets out. I'm not capable (a beat) I'm fuckin' Irish, so I'll deal with something being wrong for the rest of my life. Long pause. MADOLYN Not a bad idea, another city. EXT. THE CHARLES STREET BRASSERIE. DAY FITZY and DELAHUNT are smoking on the sidewalk outside the restaurant. DELAHUNT Of course I know how to spot a cop. FITZY Oh yeah, how's that? DELAHUNT If he's not paying attention to us, he's a cop. THEIR POV: A MAN across the street is looking into the window of an antique shop. DELAHUNT (CONT'D) See that guy over there, he's a cop. He's not paying attention to us. He's a cop. FITZY Lot of fucking cops. A WOMAN walks by definitely ignoring both men, dragging a lapdog. FITZY (CONT'D) What kind of dog is that? No response. (CONTINUED) 114. CONTINUED: FITZY (CONT'D) She's a cop. DELAHUNT She's probably the fucking Police Commissioner. INT. CHARLES STREET BRASSERIE. CONTINUOUS Too early to be opened for business. COSTELLO and NEW GUYS, six hard customers, come in through the fire door. At the BAR, BILLY is drinking coffee. He notices the NEW GUYS. Off the boat Dublin toughs. COSTELLO and FRENCH come in from the kitchen. FRENCH tells the NEW GUYS to move to the back. COSTELLO HAS BLOOD ON HIS SLEEVES. He comes over to the bar and looks at BILLY. COSTELLO You can get out of here. This is the crew for tonight. BILLY I thought I was on for that. COSTELLO I changed my mind. Take the night off. (to Bartender) Jimmy, get the mop. COSTELLO heads to the back of the restaurant. MISTER FRENCH, grabs the BAR KNIFE from behind the bar. BILLY looks up at him. MISTER FRENCH Go out the back. Some guys answer the questions right. Some don't. MISTER FRENCH goes towards the back of the restaurant, holding the big knife. BILLY closes his paper. EXT. THE CHARLES STREET BRASSERIE. MOMENTS LATER BILLY steps out, ignoring DELAHUNT and FITZY. DELAHUNT You're a cop. BILLY Huh? (CONTINUED) 115. CONTINUED: DELAHUNT You're ignoring us. You're a cop. We're guessing who cops are. Most good looking women are cops. BILLY Right. I'm going home. He's playing with his new boys. DELAHUNT See you later. BILLY Later. BILLY walks down the street and heads into an alley. Around the corner, he opens his phone. BILLY (CONT'D) He's moving something with all new guys. (A whole new crew.) I don't want to tell you what or where. It might be disinformation. It probably is. Just keep following him. I need to see you today. (a beat...reacting to Queenan, Billy continues) No. Today. EXT. POLICE STATION/COLIN'S OFFICE. DAY A DETECTIVE (DETECTIVE 1) is leading the team to trail after Queenan. On foot. A plug in his ear. Two other DETECTIVES sit in a sedan nearby. (These three detectives are new guys, never seen before, the I.I. surveillance team working for Colin). DETECTIVE 1 Can I ask a question, Sergeant? COLIN Yes, go ahead. DETECTIVE 2 Why the fuck are we following Captain Queenan? To find out about the good Catholic life? (CONTINUED) 116. CONTINUED: COLIN (angrily) I have to follow every lead, however unlikely, however fucking painful it might be to your delicate fucking sensibilities. DETECTIVE 1 Who says I have delicate sensibilities? COLIN I have reason to believe that Queenan is Costello's informer. Follow him, and don't get made. DETECTIVE 1 Copy that, Sarge The detectives in the car get alert and start their car as QUEENAN comes out of the building. DETECTIVE 1 (CONT'D) We got him. DETECTIVE 2 Sarge, we got the target. EXT. TREMONT STREET/FINANCIAL DISTRICT. DAY DETECTIVE 1 trails Captain Queenan through the crowds of people heading towards work. INT. PARK ST. SUBWAY STATION. MORNING QUEENAN begins to light a cigarette and then gives it up. A TRAIN comes in, and Queenan boards. DETECTIVE 1 boards the next car. INT. DETECTIVE 1'S SUBWAY CAR. MOMENTS LATER Looking through smeared glass into the next car as the train begins to move DETECTIVE 1 sees QUEENAN answer a cell call. INT. QUEENAN'S SUBWAY CAR. CONTINUOUS QUEENAN is on his cell. QUEENAN Where are you now? (CONTINUED) 117. CONTINUED: BILLY Look down the car. QUEENAN looks up mildly as the car rocks. BILLY (CONT'D) Got me? QUEENAN'S POV: BILLY is slumped in a seat at the far end, not looking towards QUEENAN. BILLY (CONT'D) Any reason you'd have a tail? QUEENAN No...Of course not. BILLY (on the verge of hyperventilating) I'm watching a guy... QUEENAN I don't have a tail, Billy. Through the glass we see DETECTIVE 1 watching Queenan. BILLY Okay. Get off at South Station. You wait there for ten minutes. After I leave I'll text message you the address where we'll meet. I'll make sure you don't have a tail. QUEENAN South Station. Wait ten minutes. As the train stops BILLY vaults off of it. On the platform he walks along, texting. EXT. SOUTH STATION SUBWAY EXIT. LATE MORNING QUEENAN, mild in his specs, chewing gum with his dentures, comes out of the station, and looks at the TEXT MESSAGE on his phone. 118. EXT. A STREET SOUTH OF FT. POINT CHANNEL. MOMENTS LATER A building under rehab, covered with scaffolding, but still functioning as a corporate building. QUEENAN goes along to the entrance, and in. DETECTIVE 1 comes along after him. We see the Internal Investigations car up the street. DETECTIVE 1 dials his cellphone. DETECTIVE 1 He went into a building on the waterfront. Address is 344 Wash... INT. THE LOBBY. MOMENTS LATER DETECTIVE 1 looks at the elevator-indicator, and the building directory. DETECTIVE 1 He went to the top floor. It's empty. No tenants. INT. COLIN'S OFFICE #2. CONTINUOUS COLIN, listening, playing with a COIN. EXT. COMMERCIAL BUILDING. MOMENTS LATER DETECTIVE 1 emerges from the building and joins other detectives in the car. DETECTIVE 1 I don't know what we're doing here. INT. COLIN'S OFFICE #2/BRASSERIE. CONTINUOUS COLIN, after fumbling between cell phones, dials the correct one. COLIN (to COSTELLO) I think I've got him. I think Queenan is meeting with him right now. EXT. CHARLES STREET BRASSERIE. MOMENTS LATER FITZY and DELAHUNT'S phones ring simultaneously. DELAHUNT Get the van. Get the boys. 119. EXT. COMMERCIAL BUILDING ROOFTOP. CONTINUOUS BILLY is waiting on the roof as QUEENAN finally arrives. QUEENAN I assume these premises do not have an anti-smoking ordinance. So, what's going on? BILLY I told you, he's got dope coming in, I don't know where. He's getting spooky, Captain... QUEENAN What do you mean? BILLY He's crazy. I just saw the man. He had blood all over him. I can't get any more information for you. I can't trust it. He's not including his regular guys... I'm telling you, he's gonna find out who I am. He's gonna fuckin' kill me, I know it. QUEENAN All right, all right. I hear you. I'm sorry for you trouble. Look, I'm not gonna jeopardize your safety any longer. I'll get you out. I can't do it overnight but I'll do it. We can bust him for what we have. At least I think we can...I hope. You're out of there ASAP. BILLY nods, and nods. BILLY Yeah? What about the FBI? QUEENAN They're compromised. BILLY What? QUEENAN They're fucked, just like this lighter. (CONTINUED) 120. CONTINUED: BILLY'S phone rings. INT. FITZY'S VAN. CONTINUOUS DELAHUNT is calling Billy from a van crowded with Costello's usual bad guys as it scorches through traffic. DELAHUNT Billy, where the fuck are you? We been trying to reach you. We found the rat. Top man says we're gonna take care of him. The address is 314 Washington Street. You got it? All right. See you there. EXT. COMMERCIAL BUILDING ROOFTOP. CONTINUOUS BILLY listens in horror, staring at the oblivious QUEENAN. QUEENAN What? BILLY You were fucking followed. QUEENAN By who? BILLY Costello's people. QUEENAN Impossible. BILLY No. One of the cops he's got inside tipped him. QUEENAN realizes that his enemy might be... INT. COLIN'S OFFICE #2. CONTINUOUS COLIN raises his eyes. Diabolical. EXT. COMMERCIAL BUILDING. MOMENTS LATER FITZY'S VAN stops outside the building. COSTELLO'S MEN get out of the van, and head into the lobby. INT. INTERNAL INVESTIGATIONS CAR. CONTINUOUS The DETECTIVES are watching. (CONTINUED) 121. CONTINUED: DETECTIVE 1 What the fuck is going on? DETECTIVE 2 Holy fucking shit. Looks like Queenan's meeting with all of them. INT. COLIN'S OFFICE #2. CONTINUOUS COLIN listens. COLIN Yes. INT. STAIRCASE. DAY Billy and Queenan are running downstairs when they hear footsteps coming up from below. They immediately go back up to the elevator lobby. Pushing through plastic sheeting. INT. LOBBY ON THE TOP FLOOR. CONTINUOUS Billy is slamming elevator buttons. The indicator shows both elevators coming up. BILLY They'll be on the elevators, too. QUEENAN Take the back fire escape. BILLY What'll you do? QUEENAN I'll be fine. If you get made I can't protect you. Go down the fire escape. Now. That's an order. I'll be fine. BILLY goes. Queenan waits. Watching the elevator indicator. QUEENAN, in his specs, very mild, takes out his gun and breaks the cylinder, checking that it is loaded, and putting a shell into the empty sixth chamber. EXT. FIRE ESCAPE. MOMENTS LATER BILLY climbs out onto the fire escape at the back of the building and starts dropping down, fast. 122. INT. THE TOP FLOOR LOBBY. DAY The elevator door opens, revealing DELAHUNT and BOYS. QUEENAN looks right as the door to the staircase opens revealing FITZY and boys. QUEENAN Can I help you gentlemen? FITZY I guess we've had enough of this shit. Where's your boy? QUEENAN doesn't answer, and never will. He draws his gun and is tackled. EXT. BACK ALLEY, COMMERCIAL BUILDING. DAY BILLY drops off the fire escape and runs down the alley. EXT. COMMERCIAL BUILDING. MOMENTS LATER BILLY towards the front doors just as-- QUEENAN'S BODY bounces off the scaffolding, smashes into the pavement and explodes. BLOOD splashes all over BILLY. INT. INTERNAL INVESTIGATIONS CAR. CONTINUOUS DETECTIVE 1 screams into his headset. DETECTIVE 1 Fuck! Something came off the roof. COLIN What came off the roof? What do you mean something came off the roof? Go again with that information. EXT. THE COMMERCIAL BUILDING. CONTINUOUS FITZY, DELAHUNT and boys come out. The crew has seen the UNMARKED COP CAR. FITZY grabs BILLY. FITZY You're fuckin' late. Where the fuck were you? Get in the fuckin' van. (CONTINUED) 123. CONTINUED: BILLY What the fuck happened? I came to meet you. They start piling into a van. INT. THE INTERNAL INVESTIGATIONS CAR. CONTINUOUS DETECTIVE 2 is yelling both at his partner and into the mic. DETECTIVE 1 Stay in the fucking car. Stay in the fucking car. This is a surveillance unit. (into mic to Colin) Do I pursue. INT. COLIN'S OFFICE #2. CONTINUOUS COLIN is sitting very calmly. COLIN No. Stay where you are. I need some fucking information here. What came off the building? DETECTIVE 1 I'm not sure. INT./EXT. INTERNAL INVESTIGATIONS CAR/ THE STREET. CONTINUOUS DETECTIVE 1 No pursuit. No pursuit. DETECTIVE 1 (CONT'D) Fuck that. DETECTIVE 1 gets out of the car and runs towards the fleeing men, gun drawn. FITZY turns on DETECTIVE 1 with a pistol drawn. DETECTIVE 1 fires and DELAHUNT is hit in the stomach. FITZY shoots the detective (he is wounded in the hand, not killed). The VAN takes off. DETECTIVE 4 Thirty-two X to CP. Thirty-two X to CP. We're being fired upon. I repeat. 124. INT. COLIN'S OFFICE #2. CONTINUOUS ON RADIO. "Officer down", etc. COLIN has never felt more guilty in his life. DETECTIVE 4 (V.O.) We have an officer down. An officer has been shot. Request immediate assistance. He switches off the light and sits in the dark as the afternoon gathers. INT. THE DEAD BAR. NIGHT FITZY, BILLY, and the BOYS are drinking. Dirty, paranoid, guilty, frightened, smoking. DELAHUNT has been shot, is dying, on a dirty couch. FITZY sits down and looks at Billy. FITZY And where the fuck were you? BILLY Boss told me to go home. FITZY Maybe he did and maybe he didn't. At any rate you weren't fuckin' home. BILLY I was in a fucking grocery store with no signal. When I got a signal I got the call. What the fuck do you want. Was I there or was I not there? Huh? FITZY walks away. DELAHUNT (OS) Billy. Billy (Billy goes over to him) BILLY (re: his wounds) Jesus Christ. (CONTINUED) 125. CONTINUED: DELAHUNT Two days...two days ago the Boss says to me, it's been ten years already, and you've never done me wrong. He asked me, if one of the other guys is a rat, would I take him out. I told him I would but I don't know if I would. Now I know I can't. I've done a lot of bad things but I've never been a murderer. BILLY realizes that DELAHUNT is dying. DELAHUNT (CONT'D) Hey Billy, I don't want no one to put me in a dumpster. Just don't put me in a dumpster. BILLY When you're dead it makes no difference where they put you. BILLY lights him a cigarette. DELAHUNT You know what I thought today? BILLY What's that? DELAHUNT Who didn't show up today is the rat. BILLY Yeah, so? DELAHUNT You never been late in your life. And when I called you... I made a mistake. I gave you the wrong address. But you showed up at the right one. DELAHUNT grips his arm. BILLY is terrified. DELAHUNT (CONT'D) Tell me why I didn't say anything. Tell me why. (CONTINUED) 126. CONTINUED: (2) He waits for DELAHUNT to continue. But DELAHUNT after an odd smile of complicity, finally dies. BILLY, the only one who knows that DELAHUNT is dead, stares down at him. FITZY (drinking) That cop was tough. We were excessive with the cop. BILLY walks past the table. BILLY He's dead. I'm going home. BILLY leaves by the front door. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM. NIGHT All hands present. Dignam is in a black silent rage. ELLERBY Do you know why Queenan went to that building? COLIN No. DIGNAM A better question is why your fuckers were following him. COLIN I told Internal Investigations to follow him. DIGNAM Why? COLIN That's internal Investigations business. DIGNAM grabs COLIN by the neck and runs him into a wall. COLIN gets a palm under Dignam's chin and comes close to breaking his neck. The men at length are separated. COLIN straightens his good clothes. COLIN (CONT'D) I have to investigate everybody and anybody. I don't have to justify anything. Nor does anyone have to like it. I now have information... (MORE) (CONTINUED) 127. CONTINUED: COLIN (CONT'D) from a very good source...that Queenan may have been killed by his own undercover. COLIN is trying this on. DIGNAM That's a fucking lie. COLIN Captain Queenan and Staff Sergeant Dignam here have information on this undercover, and other informants, in a locked file. I need those files unlocked. DIGNAM I don't have the password. Why don't you come down to the garage... COLIN That's a lie. DIGNAM hits COLIN in the face. COLIN goes down hard, into the crook of a file cabinet and the wall. Blood from his mouth. DIGNAM No one calls me a liar. Especially when I'm lying. ELLERBY Everybody shut up. (to BROWN) Work with the tech guys to unlock the files. Dignam. You take a leave of absence. DIGNAM Leave of what? ELLERBY Queenan's dead. That makes me your boss. DIGNAM I'll hand in my papers first. COLIN What? (CONTINUED) 128. CONTINUED: (2) ELLERBY Hey, world needs plenty of bartenders. Two weeks with pay. DIGNAM Good. COLIN I need those codes. ELLERBY No, you want those codes. EXT. MADOLYN'S OFFICE BUILDING. NIGHT When she comes out: BILLY is waiting. BILLY I tried to call you a few times. MADOLYN I know. (I know.). I can't... He leans close to her. She strokes his head. MADOLYN (CONT'D) I can't be a friend to you. I can't. I'm sorry. BILLY It's okay, okay, I know. MADOLYN walks away. INTERCUT COLIN'S OFFICE #2/COSTELLO'S CONDOMINIUM. NIGHT COLIN needs a shower and is gun-shy as people move past the glass windows. He is still rinsing blood out of his mouth. COSTELLO is listening to LUCIA di LAMMAMOOR. GWEN sits nearby in attractive lingerie, reading a book. COSTELLO Now, when I hear Lucia, I can't stop thinking about the cocaine curtsy you did on that nigger broad's face. (the phone rings. Costello answers:) What? (CONTINUED) 129. CONTINUED: COLIN (into phone) Your shouldn't have killed Queenan. COSTELLO One of us was going to have to die. With me it tends to be the other guy. COLIN (agitated) You're crazy, Frank. You killed the guy who has all the information. And Dignam's not in the office, he's gone. He resigned. COSTELLO I don't give a fuck about Dignam. COLIN He's fucking gone. They took his papers in. He's not talking. I don't know where he is. COSTELLO Don't get your balls in an uproar, Collie. That Irish piss-ant won't be a problem. He's so hot for me, we give him a whiff of my ass, he'll crawl right in it. Let's give him a whiff. COLIN I will. COSTELLO Don't worry. I'll take care of it. COSTELLO turns to the GWEN. COSTELLO (CONT'D) Sweetheart, you're giving me a hard- on. He starts to dial the phone. GWEN Are you sure it's me or all that talk about whiffin' and crawlin' up asses? (CONTINUED) 130. CONTINUED: (2) COSTELLO Hey, watch your fucking mouth. GWEN You watch it. She rises and as she crosses: GWEN (CONT'D) Let me straighten you out. COLIN looks out into the bullpen. People working. On a table he sees PLASTIC BAGS which contains Queenan's bloodstained effects-- broken glasses, smashed wristwatch, and CELLPHONE. He glances around, and picks up the CELLPHONE. Blood gets on his fingers. He moves into the office, and seen through the glass, he seizes the phone and with trembling fingers punches up the last incoming number. INT. BILLY'S MOTHER'S APARTMENT KITCHEN. NIGHT BILLY is looking at a chipped SANTA MUG from his childhood and is eating something--sheer maintenance, and drinking wine from the bottle. His phone rings. He looks at the ID and is stunned. Queenan's number! He picks up the call but remains silent. The caller is also doing the same. INT. COLIN'S OFFICE #2. CONTINUOUS COLIN hears that the other side has hung up the phone. He sees: ELLERBY looking at him through the glass. But Ellerby hasn't seen the phone. INTERCUT BILLY'S MOTHER'S APARTMENT/COLIN'S OFFICE #2. CONTINUOUS BILLY is agitated. Exhausted. Frightened. He paces, and looks at the phone. He begins to pack, assembling clothes, money. Finally, like a man committing suicide--it's that intense-- he dials the number. INTERCUT. COLIN Yeah. BILLY You called this number on a dead guy's phone. Who are you? COLIN So it is you. Thank God you're all right. We were very worried. (CONTINUED) 131. CONTINUED: BILLY Who are you? COLIN You're talking to Sergeant Sullivan. I'm taking over Queenan's unit. BILLY Let me talk to Dignam to confirm it. COLIN Staff Sgt. Dignam has... taken a leave of absence. He's very upset. We're all very upset. The best thing would be for your to come in. We need you to come in. BILLY listens to Colin go on. Then shuts off the phone. His other phone rings. COLIN dumps out the box of Queenan's belongings. In the diary he sees an entry showing undercover suspects Costello is FBI informant. BILLY listens to Colin go on. Then shuts off the phone. His other phone rings. INT. THE CHARLES STREET BRASSERIE. DAY COSTELLO is sitting with his key guys, including FRENCH and FITZY. A TV station plays above the zinc bar. BILLY is drinking, hitting it heavily. NEWS ANCHOR State Police have confirmed that the body of the man found dead in the Fenway marshes yesterday afternoon is that of Timothy Delahunt, an undercover policeman for the City of Boston.. This was the scene today.... If you have any information about this murder, you are urged to call the Boston Police. The TV shows DELAHUNT'S BODY being loaded into an ambulance. A crime scene. COSTELLO's eyes have widened slightly. But he is strangely undisturbed. (CONTINUED) 132. CONTINUED: FITZY Fuck. I can't believe it. MISTER FRENCH Don't believe what? FITZY I'm embarrassed. How the fuck did they find him so fast? I spent all fuckin' night out there, dragged the poor bastard.... I must have been there seven hours. In three feet of mud. What the fuck is a marsh? And who walks their dog in a fuckin' marsh? In three feet of water? I don't believe it. I still don't believe he's a fuckin' cop. COSTELLO The cops are saying he's a cop so I won't look for the cop. (to FITZY) Are you soft? The next time I tell you to dump a body in the marshes, put it in the fuckin' marshes, not where some guy from John Hancock goes every Thursday to get a blowjob! He makes a move for the door. COSTELLO (CONT'D) Proceed. They get up to leave, following him. EXT. SOUTHEAST EXPRESSWAY. NIGHT Two cars carrying Costello and his men are speeding down the highway. Behind them, two SIU CARS are trailing. INT. COLIN'S OFFICE #2/COSTELLO'S CAR. CONTINUOUS COLIN closes his door and punches in a number. IN COSTELLO'S CAR, his cell phone rings. COSTELLO Jesus Christ. He answers it. (CONTINUED) 133. CONTINUED: COSTELLO (CONT'D) What? COLIN Don't go. You've got a tail. Two cars. Not very subtle. They won't be subtle from now on. That's what I've been trying to tell you. COSTELLO Get rid of them. COLIN There's no need to go yourself, Frank. COSTELLO Get rid of the fuckin' tail! CLOSE on COLIN as what he has to do crystallizes. COLIN I will. All right. A cold look in his eye, Colin leaves his office and goes down the hall. IN THE CAR Costello remarks to French -- COSTELLO Tails. Fuckin' rats. This rat shit is wearing me thin. FRENCH Francis, they're all rats. Women are rats... cunts...Yeah, we're becoming a nation of rats. INT. SURVEILLANCE OFFICE. MOMENTS LATER BROWN is there. BARRIGAN. ELLERBY. Others. COLIN Stop. Stop. Pull these guys off. Tell your team to stop following Costello. We don't need to surveil him. COLIN stands in the door like a gunfighter. Everyone looks at him. (CONTINUED) 134. CONTINUED: ELLERBY What the fuck are you talking about? COLIN I have it from an undercover: Costello knows he's being followed. Let our UC take him in. ELLERBY What informant? COLIN Queenan's guy. He called me when he found out Queenan was dead. I'm running him. Everyone is impressed. ELLERBY No. You give him to me. COLIN No. But I can give you Costello's destination. ELLERBY You know where he's going? COLIN Yes. And what he's about to do. Call off the tail, and get Special Ops. Get them on standby. We meet him where he's going. Suit up. We're gonna take this prick tonight. BROWN (to crew on the road) All units fall back. Everyone moves at once. EXT. SOUTHEAST EXPRESSWAY. NIGHT COSTELLO is checking the rearview mirror. He sees: The TWO SIU CARS exit the highway onto Atlantic Avenue. COSTELLO smiles. The cars exit the highway. The cars pass through a maze of industrial streets. (CONTINUED) 135. CONTINUED: BILLY, riding in the back seat, is trying desperately to see where they are. He sees a STREET SIGN and taps out a text message on his phone. INT. COMMAND VAN. NIGHT (MOVING) COLIN, in vest, observed by Brown, reads the message. COLIN It's the heavy equipment warehouse Costello owns on Sheffield. He must have a container or a truck in there. (his big moment of decision) Go. EXT. PARKING GARAGE. NIGHT It is an unfinished structure, the lower parts used, the upper parts accessible but still under construction. It is built on a pier, the harbor lights beyond it. The COMMAND VAN and POLICE CARS pull up with lights off. A TACTICAL VAN disgorges TACTICAL OFFICERS who spread out through the dark. INT. COMMAND VAN. CONTINUOUS. COLIN (into mic) There's an exit on the other side. Cover it. We'll take him when he comes out. COLIN checks the load on his pistol. INT. AN UPPER FLOOR OF THE PARKING GARAGE. CONTINUOUS COSTELLO unlocks a CONTAINER with a construction company logo on it, opens the doors, and steps back. BILLY looks into the container. It's cocaine or heroin in kilo bricks. Men stand around with MP5s under their coats. COSTELLO Load it. BILLY, trying to save Costello... BILLY How do you know you don't have a tail? COSTELLO looks at him. (CONTINUED) 136. CONTINUED: COSTELLO Were you in the fuckin' car? BILLY What if they took one off and put another one on, Frank? COSTELLO Load. The drugs having been loaded fast by the crew, including FNG's, the container is hosed out. BILLY turns from FITZY'S CAR as everyone gets it. BILLY Frank told me to check out the back. You guys go ahead. FNG DENNIS Watch your ass. Instead of getting into COSTELLO'S CAR on the other side of the container, he steps back into shadows as both cars leave. INT. COSTELLO'S CAR. NIGHT FOUR CARS with no headlights bracket the vehicles as soon as they come out of the garage. COSTELLO realizes that something has gone wrong. COSTELLO Cocksucker. LIGHTS come on, and Policemen are everywhere, guns in their hands. COLIN is not visible among them. POLICE open fire at Costello's car. THE CAR reverses back into the garage. MISTER FRENCH (the driver) is shot in the arm, and the car crashes into a wall. A gunfight opens up. FNG's exchange fire with brutally efficient tactical cops and are shot down expertly. COSTELLO, limping, gets out of the action, fast. He runs into the parking garage. French drives away (alternately is shot, or commits suicide). INT. PARKING GARAGE. NIGHT COSTELLO, shot through the stomach, is moving through the dark. All that's stored in this garage is heavy equipment for the big dig. Plenty of places to hide. We hear gunfire in the distance. COSTELLO hides between two pieces of heavy equipment and dials his telephone. To his surprise the phone rings quite nearby. And keeps ringing. (CONTINUED) 137. CONTINUED: COSTELLO moves out into the open, and sees, at a near distance, COLIN, his shadow long on the concrete. He has a gun in his hand. Costello moves out to face him. COLIN You're an FBI informant. COSTELLO comes out of the shadows. COSTELLO Jesus Colin, grow up. Course I'm talking to the FBI. COLIN Do they know who I am? COSTELLO says nothing for a moment. COSTELLO I never gave up anybody who wasn't goin' down anyway. COLIN instantly raises the pistol to shoot him. COLIN Did you give me up? COLIN'S PISTOL wavers. COSTELLO Nobody knows nothin'. COLIN shakes his head and cocks the gun. COLIN Frank, Frank, do they know about me? COSTELLO I know you, Colin. You know I'd never give you up. You're like... COLIN A son...to you? Is that what it is about, all that murderin' and fuckin' and no sons? What are you, shooting blanks? COSTELLO tries to raise his gun which is inside his sleeve. He's sitting on his coat so that the shot goes off sideways as COLIN shoots him. (CONTINUED) 138. CONTINUED: (2) COSTELLO topples backward into the bucket of the bucket loader. ANGLE ON COLIN. Then from the bucket loader, a post death tremor sets off one last shot from COSTELLO'S gun. Ricochet. COLIN fires into the dead body again and again. He backs away. COLIN (CONT'D) I got Costello! I got Costello here! INT. POLICE HQ/CONFERENCE ROOM - NIGHT Colin is debriefed concerning the shooting of Costello. [Dialog separate document]. INT. BULLPEN AREA. DAY COLIN enters, tired from a debriefing. Applause from everyone in the office--the full crew. COLIN is embarrassed by the attention. BROWN is leading the whole team to a standing ovation. COLIN looks past the heads of the crowd and sees: Dignam, staring at him evenly. COLIN (to crowd) It's not any reason for, ah... QUEENAN'S SECRETARY brings him some wine. COLIN (CONT'D) Thank you. QUEENAN'S SECRETARY No, thank you. He takes a glass of wine. Then guiltily, almost in tears, he drinks. BROWN jerks a thumb towards Colin's office #2. BROWN He's waited a long time for you. (COLIN looks up and sees BILLY) How'd you get him without the files? COLIN Caller ID. On Queenan's phone. You know that guy? (CONTINUED) 139. CONTINUED: BROWN Yeah, we were classmates together. COLIN I'm gonna go talk to him. COLIN goes off. INT. COLIN'S OFFICE #2. NIGHT In Colin's office BILLY sits with his ankle on his knee. He looks very tired, dirty. Wearing a VISITOR badge. COLIN Good to see you Trooper. BILLY Yeah. "Trooper". COLIN Colin Sullivan. We spoke on the phone. How long have you been undercover? BILLY Long time. Long fuckin' time. COLIN I can't begin to tell you what a debt we owe you. I want you to know I'll be recommending you for the Medal of Merit. BILL Medal of Merit. Oh, yeah. That's kinda like a gold star around here, right? COLIN It's the highest honor we got. BILLY I just want my identity back. COLIN You want to be a cop again? BILLY No, being a cop's not an identity. I want my identity back. COLIN takes it. (CONTINUED) 140. CONTINUED: BILLY (CONT'D) You'll have to excuse me. My only contact has been with a police shrink. COLIN (throat clicks) A police shrink. (instead of asking the obvious) Was that... helpful for you? BILLY What are you gonna do about the rat in this building? COLIN I'm gonna find him. Don't you worry about that. You got anything? Did Frank, ah, say anything... BILLY I'm all done being a cop. I just want to get my money and go home. COLIN Fair enough. You've given a lot. I can get you your file. I just need your password. BILLY The password's my name, William Costigan, Jr. They gave it to me in case something happened to them and I had to explain myself to someone like you. He writes it. Colin takes the paper and hides his astonishment. COLIN All right, Bill. Just give me a minute. I'm gonna go in the other room. This computer's gone blooey on me. Billy nods. He goes. 141. INT. COMPUTER ROOM. NIGHT COLIN accesses the personal database, enters the password. Billy's confidential file opens up. Every fact about the man. Photos. INT. COLIN'S OFFICE #2. CONTINUOUS Billy takes a drink from the bottle COLIN has put on the desk. As he puts the bottle down he sees, sticking out of a box, a BROWN ENVELOPE. On it is written "CITIZENS." BILLY picks up the envelope...and knows everything. INT. COMPUTER ROOM. CONTINUOUS COLIN is reviewing it Billy's file. Outside the glass wall we see BILLY, staring at COLIN's back...and then moving on. INT. COLIN'S OFFICE #2. LATER COLIN enters, holding a printout of Billy's personnel file. He looks around the empty room. He sees the BROWN ENVELOPE lying on the desk, and understands everything. He sits down at his own computer--which does in fact work, and opens the personnel file. COLIN clicks DELETE. "Do You Really Want to Delete?" COLIN clicks "Yes" and Billy's picture, file, life, disappear. EXT. POLICE BUILDING. NIGHT BILLY exits the police building and moves across the plaza. INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE MADOLYN'S OFFICE - DAY BILLY waits outside Madolyn's office. MADOLYN, carrying work, breakfast, rounds the corner and sees him standing and waiting for her. She's a little spooked, opens her mouth to speak... BILLY I know. I'm not here to...I'm not here for that. I've got something to...to give to you...something I need you to keep. For me. MADOLYN What is it? (CONTINUED) 142. CONTINUED: BILLY (stopping her from speaking) I need you to be my friend here and not ask any questions. That's for you to hold. He gives her a manila envelope. BILLY (CONT'D) Only you. Open this if I'm dead or if I call you and tell you to open it. Please do exactly what it says. Exactly what it says, please. Madolyn is a friend. She's not going to ask questions. She accepts the envelope. MADOLYN All right. BILLY I'm sorry to show up here like this. There was no one else I could give it to. I'm sorry. There was no one else. He backs away, and then turns to go. MADOLYN I...we... (he turns) I've, it's, been so confused... I just want to say... He turns and looks at her. She doesn't speak: can't. BILLY Whatever you have to say, really think about it, and if you still want to tell me, tell me in two weeks, all right? She moves her head slightly, watches him go. INT. MADOLYN'S OFFICE. MOMENTS LATER. MADOLYN sits at her desk, devastated, looking at a fall of light. The envelope lies on her blotter. She sits on ... then straightens up, takes a marker and writes "COSTIGAN" on the envelope and puts it in her desk drawer. (CONTINUED) 143. CONTINUED: We DISSOLVE to a SONOGRAM. INT. COLIN'S APARTMENT. MORNING A SONOGRAM picture of a fetus. It looks to him at first like a CCTV picture blown up. COLIN stares as if at something in a horror film. COLIN I was dreaming... MADOLYN What? COLIN I was dreaming I was dead. MADOLYN Death is hard. Life is much easier. Referring to the envelope COLIN What's this? MADOLYN Open it He does. COLIN Really? MADOLYN Yeah. COLIN Really? MADOLYN Yeah. COLIN You're joking... MADOLYN It's not a joke, it's a human being. Colin belatedly thinks of what a human being might do in these circumstances and kisses her. (CONTINUED) 144. CONTINUED: INT COLIN'S APARTMENT - LATER COLIN is in the shower. MADOLYN moves into the kitchen and puts the kettle on. She checks the mail, lying there on the counter. It's tied with a string. She undoes the string and sorts through the mail. Suddenly, she freezes looking at: AN OVERSIZED ENVELOPE addressed to COLIN: [COLIN SULLIVAN, 20 Pickering Street, Apt TK, Boston, MA, zip TK], with a return address of Wm. Costigan, 13 Conant St., Boston, etc., etc.] MADOLYN stares at the envelope, listening to the shower going. Billy has written to her fiance. She starts to put the envelope down, and then realizes...she has to hide it...she has to open it. Inside the envelope is a jewel case: EXILE ON MAIN STREET. And a note: PLAY ME NOW. MADOLYN puts the CD into the machine. She puts on the headset and listens...and listens. COLIN comes out of the bathroom, dressed in jeans and t- shirt, barefoot, his hair wet. He looks at Madolyn, realizing that something is wrong. COLIN What? MADOLYN pulls the headphone jack out of the stereo and roughly the following booms out of the speakers. [NOTE: THIS RECORDING WAS DONE IN POST -- I THINK FROM THE PORN THEATRE DIALOGUE.] COLIN (CONT'D) Your guys shouldn't have done that. COSTELLO One of us was going to have to die. It tends to be the other guy. COLIN stares at her and we ought to think murder is a possibility. COLIN I'm now in charge of everything here. Including Queenan's informers. Theoretically. I can't unlock the files until after the brass squeezes Dignam. If the brass squeezes Dignam. (CONTINUED) 145. CONTINUED: (2) COSTELLO So Dignam's the only one with the keys to the kingdom. COLIN He's fucking resigning. He put his papers in. He's not talking. COSTELLO Give me his location. Tonight. COLIN and MADOLYN stare at each other. MADOLYN I thought I was the liar. COLIN I can explain. She goes into the bedroom. COLIN'S PHONE RINGS. He answers it. EXT. COMMERCIAL BUILDING ROOFTOP. DAY BILLY is walking, on the phone, happy, and twisting the knife. BILLY Costello recorded everything. He put all the tapes in a little box and kept them with his lawyer. That was his insurance. His lawyer came to me. Costello trusted me the most. Imagine that you rat fuck. Sound quality good enough? I was a little worried. INT. MADOLYN AND COLIN'S APARMENT. CONTINUOUS COLIN closes a door to speak privately. COLIN What do you want? BILLY I want my identity, you two-faced rat prick. COLIN Where are you? (CONTINUED) 146. CONTINUED: BILLY Three o'clock. Where Queenan died. You keep your cell on. COLIN goes to the bedroom door and tries it. Locked. He knocks. No answer. COLIN Did we not talk about this? This is my job. It's over. He starts to punch the door, and then does not. EXT. COMMERCIAL BUILDING. DAY COLIN comes along and walks into the lobby. He is not looking for a tail... EXT. COMMERCIAL BUILDING ROOFTOP. DAY COLIN looks out through the door, no gun drawn, but very much a cop clearing his corners. He steps out and--BILLY takes him from behind the door, his only blind side, and grabs the back of his collar and crams a pistol into the bottom of his skull. BILLY Get your hands up. Hands. Hands. COLIN Put the fuckin' gun down. BILLY turns Colin around and puts the pistol to Colin's forehead, hard enough to break the skin. He takes out Colin's belt gun and puts it in his pocket. (Billy screams "hands!" at Colin every time he makes a move). COLIN (CONT'D) I came here to talk some fucking sense to you. You get a hold of yourself and put down the fuckin' firearm and act professional and I can get you your money. BILLY (turning him around) What did you say? COLIN I can get you your... (CONTINUED) 147. CONTINUED: BILLY cracks him across the jaw with the gun. COLIN goes down. COLIN is drooling blood, his bell rung, one eye open. Billy throws away Colin's ankle gun. COLIN (CONT'D) (spitting teeth) Fuck, shit... BILLY (going for Colin's cuffs) You didn't come here to talk, you fuckin' maggot, you came here to get arrested. COLIN Arrested? Arrested for what. (as BILLY cuffs him) So you got tapes of what? Costello was my informant. I was his rat? Fuck you. Prove it. I say he was my informant. BILLY Get up and shut your fuckin' mouth. COLIN What is this, a citizen's arrest? Blow me, prick. Only one of us is a cop, here, Bill. Nobody knows who you are. Nobody knows who you are. BILLY Would you shut the fuck up. COLIN I'm a sergeant in the Mass. State Police. Who the fuck are you? Nobody. I ERASED YOU. BILLY puts the gun to Colin's head. BILLY You erased me? COLIN Go ahead. Shoot a cop, Einstein. See what happens. BILLY What would happen is the bullet would go right through your fuckin' head. (CONTINUED) 148. CONTINUED: (2) COLIN Watch what happens. BILLY What, you think you're gonna get the parade? The bagpipes and bullshit? Fuck you. (safeties the gun) I'm arresting you. COLIN That's the stupidest thing you could do. BILLY Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up. (hits him) I don't give a fuck if these charges don't stick. (whaling him in the beats) But I'm still fucking arresting you. COLIN is hammered to his knees. Head down, blood in his hair, drooling blood, thinking (impossibly) about his next move. He seems to realize he's fucked. BILLY (CONT'D) [You are what you do.] Get up. (COLIN doesn't move.) I said get the fuck up. BILLY grabs the back of Colin's collar and puts the gun to Colin's head. A crunch of gravel, off. BILLY and COLIN both hear it. BROWN Put down the weapon and step away from Sergeant Sullivan. BILLY drags COLIN to his feet and using Colin as a shield aims the pistol at: BROWN. Brown is aiming his weapon. BILLY I called you. You specifically. You know who I am. I'm not gonna shoot. I told you to meet me downstairs. COLIN Help me. (CONTINUED) 149. CONTINUED: (3) Billy realizes he's in a truly shitty situation: appearances are everything. BROWN Put the weapon on the deck and step away from Sergeant Sullivan. COLIN (a mess, bloody-mouthed) Shoot the fuckin' prick. BILLY (desperqte) Where's Dignam? I told you to bring Dignam! COLIN Shoot the motherfucker! BROWN Put the weapon on the ground and we'll discuss it. BILLY He was Costello's rat. I got evidence. Tapes. Other documents. BROWN Maybe you do, but right now I need you to drop the weapon. BILLY I told you I've got the evidence cold linking this prick to Costello... (BROWN wavers) You fuckin' know who I am. I'm taking him downstairs now. BROWN, weapon ready, follows into the elevator lobby. INT. ELEVATOR LOBBY/ELEVATOR. DAY BILLY moves COLIN into the elevator and as the doors close looks back at BROWN, still in a Mexican stand-off. COLIN, nose broken, blood masking his face. COLIN I can't wait for you to try to explain this to a Suffolk County grand jury. This is gonna be fun. (CONTINUED) 150. CONTINUED: The indicator ticks. Down, down, down. Colin sobs. COLIN (CONT'D) Just fucking kill me. BILLY I am killing you. The doors open and for a frozen moment BILLY, holding the gun on COLIN, stares out of the car. A LOUD BANG. BILLY is shot through the head. BLOOD sprays the walls, and COLIN is hit by flying blood and matter. BILLY falls, crumpled, on his face, half in and half out of the elevator. The doors try to close...open...COLIN, covered with blood, looks up. BARRIGAN lowers his pistol. COLIN slumps, covered with blood. BARRIGAN uncuffs him. COLIN feels his wrists. BARRIGAN picks up BILLY'S gun. The other elevator doors open and BROWN emerges. He looks into the bloody elevator and down at the dead man. BROWN (holstering his gun) Shit... BARRIGAN raises BILLY'S GUN and shoots BROWN in the head. COLIN stares at him. BARRIGAN Did you think you were the only one he had? Costello was going to sell us to the FBI. It's you and me now. We have to take care of each other. You understand? COLIN All right. Give me that. BARRIGAN casually hands COLIN BILLY'S GUN. COLIN presses the gun against BARRIGAN's forehead and fires. EXT. THE COMMERCIAL BUILDING. DAY POLICE TAPE, plenty of cars. Three corpses being loaded onto ambulances. COLIN, hands free, is drinking coffee from a paper cup, being checked out by a doctor. INT. POLICE HQ/CONFERENCE ROOM - NOT MUCH LATER (CONTINUED) 151. CONTINUED: COLIN has been cleaned up a little by paramedics. He's maybe had his lip stitched, but he's still wearing his bloody clothes. COLIN At that time, Trooper Barrigan, who I now understand to have been Francis Costello's informer in SIU, intercepted us in the lobby and shot Trooper William Costigan once in the head. (drinks water) At that time Barrigan retrieved Trooper Costigan's undercover weapon and shot Trooper Brown as he was approaching our location. I attempted to subdue Trooper Barrigan and in the ensuing struggle was struck several times with the Walther pistol. I was able to wrestle the weapon away, at which time Barrigan drew his own weapon and took aim at me. I was able to get off a single shot, striking Barrigan in the head. I then checked for vital signs of Troopers Brown and Costigan and discovered that they had expired. COLIN looks up, eyes clear, perfectly believable. As we transition to the FUNERAL...bagpipes coming up. COLIN (CONT'D) I'd like to go on record that I am recommending Trooper William Costigan for the Medal of Merit. ON SOUND BAGPIPES (Something like"Cross of Fire") as we DISSOLVE TO: EXT. CEMETERY. DAY BILLY'S GRAVESITE. The same cemetery as his mother is buried in. UNIFORMED POLICEMEN (not only State, but MDC, the way they do it, for "brother officers"), saluting. MADOLYN is at the gravesite, dry-eyed though in, distinctly apart from COLIN. He looks at her. She looks away from him, apparently forever. (CONTINUED) 152. CONTINUED: COLIN squares off: his job in the world is to get ahead. A salute is fired with rifles. But later... COLIN and MADOLYN are walking through the graves. COLIN What about the baby? She moves away from him without answering. MADOLYN walks out through the cemetery gates. COLIN hesitates. INT. THE STAIRWAY OF COLIN'S APARTMENT. EVENING COLIN has a bag of expensive groceries and wine. Living the Beacon Hill dream. He climbs the steps slowly. He nods to a neighbor, an old lady coming down with her dog (who incidentally will never accept him as a neighbor, and COLIN briefly seems aware of this). (Don't be afraid to get a bit French here). He gets to his door, and starts to cry, and nearly crumples. But he gets the door open. He looks up and sees a gun. Behind it, stepping fast out of the shadows, DIGNAM. Avenging a guy he didn't even like, because it's the right thing to do. COLIN looks down and sees that Dignam has plastic hospital boots on his feet. COLIN (accepting it, sort of, but only in a COLIN way) OK. DIGNAM fires. Flash groceries fall all over the floor. DIGNAM'S FEET step over COLIN's body, crushing one of a half dozen croissants, and DIGNAM goes down the expensive staircase, leaving the door to the apartment open. The strangest thing happens: a rat emerges and begins to eat the dead man's croissants. The rat hears something and runs so it's not in the shot when it FREEZES.
Отступники | |
The Departed | |
Жанр |
криминальный фильм |
Режиссёр |
Мартин Скорсезе |
Продюсер |
Брэд Питт |
Автор сценария |
Уильям Монахан |
В главных ролях |
Леонардо Ди Каприо |
Оператор |
Михаэль Балльхаус |
Композитор |
Говард Шор |
Кинокомпания |
Warner Bros. |
Длительность |
151 мин |
Бюджет |
90 млн $ |
Сборы |
289,8 млн $ |
Страна |
Год |
2006 |
IMDb |
ID 0407887 |
«Отступники» (англ. The Departed) — американский художественный фильм, криминально-драматический триллер 2006 года, снятый режиссёром Мартином Скорсезе. Фильм является ремейком популярного гонконгского криминального триллера «Двойная рокировка», вышедшего в 2002 году. Сценарий «Отступников» был написан Уильямом Монаханом (англ.)русск. на основе оригинального сценария Феликса Чонга и Алана Мака. В главных ролях задействованы Леонардо Ди Каприо, Мэтт Деймон и Джек Николсон.
Фильм стал лауреатом многочисленных кинопризов и наград, в том числе четырёх премий «Оскар», включая победу в номинации «Лучший фильм»[1]. Действие картины происходит в Бостоне, штат Массачусетс. Ирландский гангстер Фрэнк Костелло отправляет своего подручного Колина Салливана в качестве информатора в полицию, тем самым заставляя его сотрудничать на «два фронта». Салливану поручают найти предателя в отделе, которым он, по иронии судьбы, и является. Колину предстоит работать бок о бок с Билли Костиганом, который с каждым днем все больше подозревает именно Салливана.
- 1 Действующие лица
- 2 Сюжет
- 3 Сценарий
- 4 В ролях
- 5 Кассовые сборы
- 6 Зрительская реакция
- 7 Награды и номинации
- 7.1 Награды
- 7.2 Номинации
- 8 Саундтрек
- 9 Примечания
- 10 Ссылки
Действующие лица
- Уильям Мэтью «Билли» Костиган младший (Леонардо Ди Каприо) — полицейский из Массачусетса, внедрённый в преступную группировку Фрэнка Костелло. Окончил полицейскую академию параллельно с Колином Салливаном. По характеру Костиган очень вспыльчив, но очень отзывчив — всегда с пониманием относится к окружающим.
- Колин Шон Салливан (Мэтт Деймон) — ирландский мафиози, внедрённый в полицию по указанию главы ирландской преступной группировки Фрэнка Костелло. Салливан параллельно с Костиганом закончил полицейскую академию и получил работу в полиции с целью передачи Костелло необходимой информации и выполнения необходимых действий в его криминальных интересах. Имел романтические отношения с психологом Мэдолин Мэйдден.
- Фрэнсис «Фрэнк» Костелло (Джек Николсон) — глава ирландской преступной диаспоры в Бостоне. По характеру чёрствый и безжалостный, но достаточно сдержан, чтобы не показывать это на людях. Также, Костелло очень расчётлив в своих действиях.
- Оливер Чарльз Куинан (Мартин Шин) — начальник департамента полиции по подготовке шпионов в Массачусетсе. В отличие от своего заместителя Шона Дигнама, Куинан всегда пытается вести себя достаточно тактично с подчинёнными при доведении задач и проведении инструктажей.
- Шон Дигнам (Марк Уолберг) — заместитель начальника департамента полиции по подготовке шпионов в Массачусетсе. Ведёт себя достаточно грубо с коллегами и подчинёнными, однако готов сделать всё возможное для защиты личности и жизни шпионов.
- Мэдолин Мэйдден (Вера Фармига) — доктор психологии отдела полиции в Массачусетсе. Имела романтические отношения с Колином Салливаном. Мэйдден предпочла работу в полиции работе простого врача с целью помочь не только отдельным людям, но и обществу.
- Арнольд «Мистер Француз» Фрэнч (Рэй Уинстон) — «правая рука» Фрэнка Костелло. Француз является закоренелым ирландским преступником. Он очень надёжен: готов вести переговоры с враждующими преступными группировками и самостоятельно участвовать в совершении преступлений.
- Джордж Эллерби (Алек Болдуин) — начальник отдела расследований полиции. Эллерби несёт ответственность, непосредственно, в расследовании дела Костелло.
Билли Костиган, мистер Француз и Фрэнк Костелло
Фильм начинается с предыстории. В Бостоне, штат Массачусетс, криминальный босс Фрэнк Костелло (Джек Николсон) берёт «под своё крыло» десятилетнего Колина Салливана, собираясь в будущем сделать его своим человеком в полиции. Проходят годы, и Салливан (Мэтт Деймон) оканчивает школу полиции штата Массачусетс. Вместе с ним там учились Бэрриган (Джеймс Бэдж Дэйл), Браун (Энтони Андерсон) и Билли Костиган (Леонардо Ди Каприо).
Поступив в полицию штата, Салливан начинает передавать информацию Костелло; а в это время капитан Куинан (Мартин Шин) и сержант Дигнам (Марк Уолберг) направляют Костигана на совершение нападения, после которого он попадает в тюрьму, а выйдя оттуда, начинает продавать наркотики вместе со своим кузеном, чтобы привлечь внимание Костелло, войти в его окружение и шпионить для полиции. Салливан вскоре идёт на повышение в Отдел специальных расследований (ОСР), возглавляемый капитаном Эллерби (Алек Болдуин). Тем временем Костиган устраивает несколько драк на территории Костелло, чем вызывает к себе с его стороны интерес; Костелло вскоре испытывает Билли и принимает в свою команду. У Салливана завязываются романтические отношения с психологом-криминалистом Мэдолин Мэйдден (Вера Фармига), которая в то же время назначена наблюдать за психическим состоянием Костигана. Костиган вместе с правой рукой Костелло, Мистером Французом (Рэй Уинстон), участвует в нескольких преступных акциях и параллельно собирает информацию.
Спустя год Костелло собирается продать украденные микропроцессоры для ракет китайцам и находится под постоянным наблюдением полиции штата. Используя SMS, Салливан пытается спасти людей Костелло от ареста, в то время как Костиган продолжает собирать информацию и передавать её полиции. Когда становится ясно, что шпионаж идёт в обе стороны, Костиган паникует. Салливан, который только что переехал в новую квартиру вместе с Мэдолин, просит Костелло собрать у его людей данные социального страхования, чтобы проверить их по полицейской базе данных и выявить засланного агента. Костиган же обнаруживает, что Костелло является информатором ФБР. Костелло и Салливан встречаются в порнокинотеатре, где Костелло передаёт Салливану конверт с данными всех своих людей. Костиган также находится там и преследует Салливана, но тот обнаруживает слежку и ухитряется скрыться, так и не раскрыв себя. По иронии судьбы Салливан получает задачу раскрыть бандитского шпиона в ОСР, которым сам и является, а также хочет выявить информатора в числе людей Костелло, то есть разоблачить Костигана.
Салливан приставляет полицейских для слежки за Куинаном, надеясь, что тот выведет его на своего информатора. Через несколько дней Костиган и Куинан встречаются на крыше высотного здания; Салливан направляет туда людей Костелло, но Костиган также получает сообщение и предупреждает Куинана о том, что за ним следили. Им не удаётся сбежать до прибытия людей Костелло, поэтому Куинан приказывает Костигану бежать через пожарный выход, пока он сам будет отвлекать бандитов. Как только Костиган выбирается из здания, к его ногам падает мёртвое тело Куинана. В завязавшейся перестрелке между бандитами и полицейскими людям Костелло вместе с Костиганом, который устроил всё так, как будто он просто опоздал, удаётся уйти. Из-за смерти Куинана между Салливаном и Дигнамом вспыхивает ссора, и Дигнам (который подозревает в Салливане двойного агента) увольняется после ссоры с начальством, вследствие чего обрываются все ниточки между полицией и Костиганом.
Изучая документы Куинана, Салливан находит записку Костигана, в которой сообщается, что Костелло — информатор ФБР, из-за чего Салливан начинает бояться, что его личность будет раскрыта. Он звонит Костигану по телефону Куинана, представляясь полицейским, который занял место Куинана в этом деле. Салливан предлагает Костигану выйти из дела и вернуться за своей наградой. Через несколько дней Костелло со своими людьми отправляется на заброшенный склад, чтобы забрать партию кокаина. Салливан возглавляет группу захвата, которая окружает склад. Начинается перестрелка, в ходе которой все люди Костелло погибают, а сам Салливан застреливает Костелло, узнав от него, что тот работает на ФБР. После этого Салливан разговаривает в участке с рассекреченным Костиганом. Когда Костиган спрашивает о человеке Костелло в полиции, Салливан отвечает: «Мы найдём этого урода». Салливан на время оставляет Костигана в своём офисе, чтобы проверить его данные на компьютере.
В это время Костигану на глаза случайно попадается тот самый конверт с данными людей Костелло. В этот момент Костиган сразу понимает, что Салливан и есть информатор Костелло. Костиган тайно передаёт Мэдолин конверт, который нужно открыть, если с ним что-то случится. Вскоре он посылает Салливану аудиозапись, на которой записан разговор Салливана с Костелло по телефону, который сам же Костелло и записывал, но Мэдолин успела прослушать диск с записью первой. По телефону Костиган договаривается с Салливаном о встрече на крыше здания, где убили Куинана, и там арестовывает его. Туда прибывает Браун, но позволяет Костигану спуститься с Салливаном в наручниках на лифте. Там их поджидает Бэрриган, который выстрелом в голову убивает Костигана, а затем и Брауна. Он — ещё один человек Костелло в полиции, о котором никто не знал. Бэрриган освобождает Салливана и предлагает ему держаться вместе, однако Салливан неожиданно убивает самого Бэрригана. Салливан посещает похороны Костигана, где Мэдолин вся в слезах отказывается с ним разговаривать. Салливан возвращается домой, где его поджидает Дигнам с пистолетом. Всё, что успевает сказать Салливан — это «Ну и ладно» («Okay» в оригинале), после чего Дигнам убивает его и уходит. По подоконнику пробегает крыса (символ вражеского тайного агента), из окна открывается вид на массачусетский Капитолий, служивший символом амбиций Салливана.
Сценарист фильма Уильям Монахан (октябрь 2010 года)
Сценарий к фильму был написан Уильямом Монаханом (англ.)русск.. Он является видоизменённым вариантом работы китайских сценаристов Феликса Чонга и Алана Макана, положенной в основу трилогии 2002 года «Двойная рокировка» (англ. Infernal Affairs) и представляет собой классическую историю о хорошем и плохом полицейском с сложным «закрученным» сюжетом. В отличие от версии Чонга и Макана, действия картины происходят в Бостоне, США. Место события и персонажи картины (ирландская мафия) были выбраны не случайно. В Бостоне проживает большое количество ирландских эмигрантов, которые переехали в Америку во времена Великого голода, им было трудно приспособиться к новым условиям и некоторые, из-за отсутствия рабочих мест, шли на криминал. Монахан хотел показать различия между различными этническими группами и народами. Режиссёр фильма Мартин Скорсезе признался, что интересуется ирландской поэзией и прозой и, как он выразился, чувствует «родство с этим народом».
Мартин Скорсезе:
Я знаю кино Гонконга. Я чувствовал, что то что они делают — хорошо, а я не могу это сделать. Я должен был найти свой собственный путь, и я думаю, сценарий Билла открыл этот путь. Я думаю в миниатюре, он описал людей: кто эти люди, как они вели себя, какой язык они использовали — суммировал это всё. История о доверии и предательстве, только поставленная в контекст ирландского католического мира Бостона — родственный характер народов мира, который он изображает. Оба персонажа, и Мэтта и Лео, имеют отношения с персонажем Веры, но они никогда не знали об этом. Затем добавьте характер Джека, и все эти персонажи связаны, таким образом, родственно.
Оригинальный текст (англ.) I’m aware of all the Hong Kong cinema. I felt it was okay because what they do I cannot do. I have to find my own way and I think Bill’s script was the way. I think the microcosm that he described—the people, the way he described them, the way they behaved, the language they used— that all added up. The story of trust and betrayal, only set in the context of the Irish Catholic world of Boston, the incestuous nature of the world that that depicts. Both Matt’s character and Leo’s character have relationships with Vera’s character, but they never know that. Then you add Jack’s character, and all these characters are connected in this incestuous way[2]. |
Прототипами двух главных отрицательных персонажей фильма являются реально существующие люди. Прототипом Фрэнка Костелло является лидер ирландской мафии Бостона Джеймс Балгер, шестнадцать лет скрывавшийся от правосудия, который по возрасту не намного старше актёра Джека Николсона, который его сыграл[3]. Прототипом Колина Салливана, сыгранного Мэттом Деймоном, послужил бывший агент ФБР Джон Коннолли, поддерживавший тесные связи с бостонской мафией, в частности с Балгером[3][4].
Небольшие изменения в сценарий внёс Джек Николсон. Скорсезе и Монахан доверили его огромному опыту в области кинематографа и позволили внести свои новшества[2]. За сценарий к фильму Монахан был номинирован на получение различных престижных премий, в итоге он был награждён «Оскаром» и премией Гильдии сценаристов США.
В ролях
Актёр | Роль |
Леонардо Ди Каприо | Билли Костиган |
Мэтт Деймон | Колин Салливан |
Джек Николсон | Фрэнк Костелло |
Марк Уолберг | Шон Дигнам |
Мартин Шин | Оливер Куинан |
Вера Фармига | Мэдолин Мэйдден |
Алек Болдуин | Джордж Эллерби |
Рэй Уинстон | Арнольд Френч (Мистер Француз) |
Энтони Андерсон | Браун |
Роберт Уолберг | агент ФБР Лацио |
О’Хара, Дэвид | Фитци |
Марк Ролстон | Тимоти Делахант |
Кассовые сборы
В этом разделе не хватает ссылок на источники информации.
Информация должна быть проверяема, иначе она может быть поставлена под сомнение и удалена. |
В первый уикенд после своего выхода на экраны «Отступники» заняли первое место по дебютным кассовым сборам в США, заработав 26 887 467 долл. и опередив фильмы «Работник месяца» и «Техасская резня бензопилой: Начало». В Великобритании в дебюте фильм уступил только картине «Дьявол носит Prada», однако в следующую неделю вышел на первое место. По состоянию на 15 декабря 2006 года фильм собрал 118 740 373 долл. в США и 219 540 373 долл. по всему миру, став самым коммерчески успешным фильмом Скорсезе.
Зрительская реакция
Фильм получил отличные отзывы кинокритиков[5] и целый букет наград, включая шесть номинаций на «Золотой глобус» в категориях «лучший фильм», «лучший режиссёр», «лучший актёр» (Леонардо Ди Каприо), две «лучший актёр второго плана» (Джек Николсон и Марк Уолберг) и «лучший сценарий». Однако лишь в одной номинации — «за лучшую режиссуру» — фильму удалось получить приз.
Награды и номинации
Список наград и номинаций приведён в соответствии с данными IMDb.
Год | Номинация | Премия | Награждённый |
2006 | лучший режиссёр | Национального совета кинокритиков США | Мартин Скорсезе |
лучший актёрский ансамбль | Леонардо Ди Каприо, Мэтт Деймон, Джек Николсон | ||
2007 | лучшая режиссура | Оскар | Мартин Скорсезе |
лучший адаптированный сценарий | Уильям Монахан | ||
лучший монтаж | Тельма Шунмейкер | ||
лучший фильм | Грэм Кинг | ||
Премия Гильдии режиссёров США | Мартин Скорсезе | ||
за лучшую режиссуру | Золотой глобус | ||
за лучший сценарий | Премия Гильдии сценаристов США | Уильям Монахан |
Год | Номинация | Премия | Номинируемый |
2007 | лучшая мужская роль второго плана | Оскар | Марк Уолберг |
лучший фильм — драма | Золотой глобус | ||
лучший сценарий | Уильям Монахан | ||
лучшая мужская роль — драма | Леонардо Ди Каприо | ||
лучшая мужская роль второго плана | Джек Николсон | ||
Марк Уолберг | |||
лучший фильм в жанре боевик / приключения / триллер | Сатурн | ||
лучший фильм | BAFTA | Брэд Питт, Брэд Грей, Грэм Кинг | |
премия имени Дэвида Лина за режиссуру | Мартин Скорсезе | ||
лучший адаптированный сценарий | Уильям Монахан | ||
лучший актёр | Леонардо Ди Каприо | ||
лучший актёр второго плана | Джек Николсон | ||
лучший монтаж | Тельма Шунмейкер | ||
лучший американский фильм | Бодил | Мартин Скорсезе | |
лучший зарубежный фильм | Давид ди Донателло | ||
лучший актёр второго плана | Премия Гильдии киноактеров США | Леонардо Ди Каприо | |
лучшая игра актёрского состава | |||
2008 | лучший саундтрек | Гремми | Говард Шор |
Для создания саундтрека Мартином Скорсезе были приглашены многие известные группы и исполнители, представляющие разные музыкальные жанры. Саундтрек содержит две различные версии: оригинальную, на которой присутствуют песни всех исполнителей, принимавших участие в записи[6], и отдельный альбом, записанный композитором Говардом Шором[7]. В записи оригинальной версии альбома присутствовали исполнители, известные по работам над его предыдущими картинами, такие как Rolling Stones и Ван Моррисон, классический ритм-н-блюз от ЛаВерн Бейкер и другие. Фильм открывается «Gimme Shelter» — классической песней Rolling Stones. В саундтреке к фильму она отсутствует; её место занимает «Comfortably Numb» в исполнении Роджера Уотерса и Вана Моррисона. Доминирует в фильме композиция «I’m Shipping Up to Boston» бостонской панк-рок-группы Dropkick Murphys[6], на которую были сняты два видеоклипа, один из которых содержит кадры из фильма[8]. Знаменитый канадский композитор Говард Шор, обладатель трёх премий «Оскар» за музыку к фильмам, был приглашён специально для записи другой альбомной версии. По словам Скорсезе, «отражающей иную — более спокойную сторону фильма»[7]. Две его композиции присутствуют так же на оригинальной версии альбома[6]. Оба издания были выпущены на компакт-дисках[6][7].
The Departed (Original Soundtrack) | |
саундтрек Various Artists | |
Дата выпуска |
7 ноября 2006 |
Жанр |
Рок, R&B, кантри |
Лейбл |
Warner Sunset |
Профессиональные рецензии | |
The Departed (Original Score) | |
саундтрек Говард Шор | |
Дата выпуска |
5 декабря 2006 |
Жанр |
блюз, рок |
Длительность |
41:42 |
Лейбл |
New Line Records |
Профессиональные рецензии | |
Track listing | ||
№ | Название | Длительность |
1. | «Cops or Criminals» | 2:01 |
2. | «344 Wash» | 2:03 |
3. | «Beacon Hill» | 2:36 |
4. | «The Faithful Departed» | 3:01 |
5. | «Colin» | 2:09 |
6. | «Madolyn» | 2:14 |
7. | «Billy’s Theme» | 6:58 |
8. | «Command» | 3:15 |
9. | «Chinatown» | 3:16 |
10. | «Boston Common» | 2:53 |
11. | «Miss Thing» | 1:45 |
12. | «The Baby» | 2:48 |
13. | «The Last Rites» | 3:05 |
14. | «The Departed Tango» | 3:38 |
15. | «Give Me Shelter» | 3:05 |
- ↑ The 79th Academy Awards (2007) Nominees and Winners (англ.). The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Проверено 2 февраля 2012.
- ↑ 1 2 Brad Balfour Meeting With Martin and The Departed. Part 1. (англ.). timessquare.com (28 февраля 2007 года). Архивировано из первоисточника 3 июня 2012. Проверено 8 февраля 2012.
- ↑ 1 2 Cristina Corbin Public ID of Woman Who Outed Boston Crime Boss James ‘Whitey’ Bulger Puts Tipster In Danger, Former Prosecutors Say. (англ.). foxnews.com (10 октября 2011 года). Архивировано из первоисточника 3 июня 2012. Проверено 10 февраля 2012.
- ↑ Ex-FBI Agent Who Inspired ‘The Departed’ Convicted in 1982 Slaying. (англ.). foxnews.com (7 ноября 2008 года). Архивировано из первоисточника 3 июня 2012. Проверено 10 февраля 2012.
- ↑ The Departed Movie Reviews, Pictures — Rotten Tomatoes
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 Stephen Thomas Erlewine The Departed [Original Soundtrack] (англ.). allmusic.com. Архивировано из первоисточника 3 июня 2012. Проверено 7 февраля 2012.
- ↑ 1 2 3 James Christopher Monger The Departed [Original Score] (англ.). allmusic.com. Архивировано из первоисточника 3 июня 2012. Проверено 7 февраля 2012.
- ↑ videos Dropkick Murphys (англ.). dropkickmurphys.com. Архивировано из первоисточника 3 июня 2012. Проверено 24 августа 2011.
- Официальный сайт (англ.)
- «Отступники» (англ.) на сайте Internet Movie Database
- «Отступники» (англ.) на сайте allrovi
- Саундтрек «Отступников» (англ.) Вопросы, ответы и другая информация о музыке к фильму
- Сайт поклонников фильма (англ.)
Фильмы |
Кто стучится в мою дверь? (1967) • Берта по прозвищу «Товарный вагон» (1972) • Злые улицы (1973) • Алиса здесь больше не живёт (1974) • Таксист (1976) • Нью-Йорк, Нью-Йорк (1977) • Бешеный бык (1980) • Король комедии (1982) • После работы (1985) • Цвет денег (1986) • Последнее искушение Христа (1988) • Славные парни (1990) • Мыс страха (1991) • Эпоха невинности (1993) • Казино (1995) • Кундун (1997) • Воскрешая мертвецов (1999) • Банды Нью-Йорка (2002) • Авиатор (2004) • Отступники (2006) • Остров проклятых (2010) • Хранитель времени (2011) |
Короткометражки и эпизоды |
Что такая симпатичная девушка, как ты, делает в таком месте, как это? (1963) • Это не просто только ты, Мюррей! (1964) • Конкретная стрижка (1967) • Зеркальце, зеркальце (эпизод из «Удивительные истории», 1985) • Нью-йоркские истории (новелла «Уроки жизни») (1989) • Сделано в Милане (1990) • Подпольная империя (эпизод из «Подпольная империя», 2010) |
Документалистика |
Уличные сценки (1970) • Итало-американец (1974) • Американский парень (1978) • Последний вальс (1978) • История американского кино от Мартина Скорсезе (1995) • Моё путешествие в Италию (1999) • Из дальних странствий возвратясь (эпизод из «Блюз», 2003) • Нет пути назад: Боб Дилан (2005) • The Rolling Stones. Да будет свет (2008) • Джордж Харрисон: жизнь в материальном мире (2011) |
1927— 1940 |
Крылья (1927/28) • Бродвейская мелодия (1929) • На западном фронте без перемен (1930) • Симаррон (1931) • Гранд-отель (1932) • Кавалькада (1933) • Это случилось однажды ночью (1934) • Мятеж на «Баунти» (1935) • Великий Зигфелд (1936) • Жизнь Эмиля Золя (1937) • С собой не унесёшь (1938) • Унесённые ветром (1939) • Ребекка (1940) |
1941— 1960 |
Как зелена была моя долина (1941) • Миссис Минивер (1942) • Касабланка (1943) • Идти своим путём (1944) • Потерянный уикэнд (1945) • Лучшие годы нашей жизни (1946) • Джентльменское соглашение (1947) • Гамлет (1948) • Вся королевская рать (1949) • Всё о Еве (1950) • Американец в Париже (1951) • Величайшее шоу мира (1952) • Отныне и во веки веков (1953) • В порту (1954) • Марти (1955) • Вокруг света за 80 дней (1956) • Мост через реку Квай (1957) • Жижи (1958) • Бен-Гур (1959) • Квартира (1960) |
1961— 1980 |
Вестсайдская история (1961) • Лоуренс Аравийский (1962) • Том Джонс (1963) • Моя прекрасная леди (1964) • Звуки музыки (1965) • Человек на все времена (1966) • Душной южной ночью (1967) • Оливер! (1968) • Полуночный ковбой (1969) • Паттон (1970) • Французский связной (1971) • Крёстный отец (1972) • Афера (1973) • Крёстный отец 2 (1974) • Пролетая над гнездом кукушки (1975) • Рокки (1976) • Энни Холл (1977) • Охотник на оленей (1978) • Крамер против Крамера (1979) • Обыкновенные люди (1980) |
1981— 2000 |
Огненные колесницы (1981) • Ганди (1982) • Язык нежности (1983) • Амадей (1984) • Из Африки (1985) • Взвод (1986) • Последний император (1987) • Человек дождя (1988) • Шофёр мисс Дэйзи (1989) • Танцующий с волками (1990) • Молчание ягнят (1991) • Непрощённый (1992) • Список Шиндлера (1993) • Форрест Гамп (1994) • Храброе сердце (1995) • Английский пациент (1996) • Титаник (1997) • Влюблённый Шекспир (1998) • Красота по-американски (1999) • Гладиатор (2000) |
2001— 2011 |
Игры разума (2001) • Чикаго (2002) • Властелин колец: Возвращение короля (2003) • Малышка на миллион (2004) • Столкновение (2005) • Отступники (2006) • Старикам тут не место (2007) • Миллионер из трущоб (2008) • Повелитель бури (2009) • Король говорит! (2010) • Артист (2011) |
1928—1940 |
Льюис Майлстоун (комедия) и Фрэнк Борзейги (драма) (1928) · Фрэнк Ллойд (1929) · Льюис Майлстоун (1930) · Норман Таурог (1931) · Фрэнк Борзейги (1932) · Фрэнк Ллойд (1933) · Фрэнк Капра (1934) · Джон Форд (1935) · Фрэнк Капра (1936) · Лео Маккэри (1937) · Фрэнк Капра (1938) · Виктор Флеминг (1939) · Джон Форд (1940) |
1941—1960 |
Джон Форд (1941) · Уильям Уайлер (1942) · Майкл Кёртис (1943) · Лео Маккэри (1944) · Билли Уайлдер (1945) · Уильям Уайлер (1946) · Элиа Казан (1947) · Джон Хьюстон (1948) · Дзозеф Лео Манкевич (1949) · Дзозеф Лео Манкевич (1950) · Джордж Стивенс (1951) · Джон Форд (1952) · Фред Циннеманн (1953) · Элиа Казан (1954) · Делберт Манн (1955) · Джордж Стивенс (1956) · Дэвид Лин (1957) · Винсент Миннелли (1958) · Уильям Уайлер (1959) · Билли Уайлдер (1960) |
1961—1980 |
Джером Роббинс и Роберт Уайз (1961) · Дэвид Лин (1962) · Тони Ричардсон (1963) · Джордж Кьюкор (1964) · Роберт Уайз (1965) · Фред Циннеманн (1966) · Майк Николс (1967) · Кэрол Рид (1968) · Джон Шлезингер (1969) · Франклин Дж. Шеффнер (1970) · Уильям Фридкин (1971) · Боб Фосс (1972) · Джордж Рой Хилл (1973) · Фрэнсис Форд Коппола (1974) · Милош Форман (1975) · Джон Эвилдсен (1976) · Вуди Аллен (1977) · Майкл Чимино (1978) · Роберт Бентон (1979) · Роберт Редфорд (1980) |
1981—2000 |
Уоррен Битти (1981) · Ричард Аттерборо (1982) · Джеймс Брукс (1983) · Милош Форман (1984) · Сидни Поллак (1985) · Оливер Стоун (1986) · Бернардо Бертолуччи (1987) · Барри Левинсон (1988) · Оливер Стоун (1989) · Кевин Костнер (1990) · Джонатан Демми (1991) · Клинт Иствуд (1992) · Стивен Спилберг (1993) · Роберт Земекис (1994) · Мел Гибсон (1995) · Энтони Мингелла (1996) · Джеймс Кэмерон (1997) · Стивен Спилберг (1998) · Сэм Мендес (1999) · Стивен Содерберг (2000) |
2001—наст. время |
Рон Ховард (2001) · Роман Полански (2002) · Питер Джексон (2003) · Клинт Иствуд (2004) · Энг Ли (2005) · Мартин Скорсезе (2006) · Братья Коэн (2007) · Дэнни Бойл (2008) · Кэтрин Бигелоу (2009) · Том Хупер (2010) · Мишель Хазанавичус (2011) |
Полный список · (1928—1940) · (1941—1960) · (1961—1980) · (1981—2000) · (2001 — настоящее время) |
1927—1947 |
Бенджамин Глэйзер (1927/1928) • Ханс Кралы (1928/1929) • Джозеф Фарнэм / Мартин Флэвин / Фрэнсис Марион / Леннокс Марион (1929/1930) • Говард Эстабрук (1930/1931) • Эдвин Дж. Бёрк (1931/1932) • Виктор Хирмен / Сара Мэйсон (1932/1933) • Роберт Рискин (1934) • Дадли Николс (1935) • Пьер Коллингс / Шеридан Гибни (1936) • Геральд Хайнц / Геза Херцег / Норман Райлли Рэйн (1937) • Иэн Дэлримпл / Сесиль Артур Льюис / Уильям Перси Липскомб / Джордж Бернард Шоу (1938) • Сидни Ховард (1939) • Дональд Огден Стюарт (1940) • Сидни Бахмен / Сетон Ингерсолл Миллер (1941) • Джордж Фрешель / Джеймс Хилтон / Артур Уимперис (1942) • Филип Дж. Эпштейн / Джулиус Дж. Эпштейн / Говард Кох (1943) • Фрэнк Батлер / Фрэнк Кэветт (1944) • Чарльз Брэкетт / Билли Уайлдер (1945) • Роберт Эммет Шервуд (1946) • Джордж Ситон (1947) |
1948—1967 |
Джон Хьюстон (1948) • Джозеф Лео Манкевич (1949) • Джозеф Лео Манкевич (1950) • Гарри Браун / Майкл Уилсон (1951) • Чарльз Шни (1952) • Дэниел Тарадаш (1953) • Джордж Ситон (1954) • Пэдди Чайефски (1955) • Джон Фэрроу / Сидни Джозеф Перелмен / Джеймс По (1956) • Карл Форман / Майкл Уилсон / Пьер Буль (1957) • Алан Джей Лернер (1958) • Нил Патерсон (1959) • Ричард Брукс (1960) • Эбби Мэнн (1961) • Хортон Фут (1962) • Джон Осборн (1963) • Эдвард Энхэлт (1964) • Роберт Болт (1965) • Роберт Болт (1966) • Стирлинг Стиллифэнт (1967) |
1968—1987 |
Джеймс Голдмен (1968) • Вальдо Солт (1969) • Ринг Ларднер-младший (1970) • Эрнест Тайдимен (1971) • Марио Пьюзо / Фрэнсис Форд Коппола (1972) • Уильям Питер Блэтти (1973) • Марио Пьюзо / Фрэнсис Форд Коппола (1974) • Бо Голдмен / Лоуренс Хобен (1975) • Уильям Голдмен (1976) • Элвин Сарджент (1977) • Оливер Стоун (1978) • Роберт Бентон (1979) • Элвин Сарджент (1980) • Эрнест Томпсон (1981) • Коста-Гаврас / Дональд Стюарт (1982) • Джеймс Л. Брукс (1983) • Питер Шеффер (1984) • Курт Людтке (1985) • Рут Джабвала (1986) • Бернардо Бертолуччи / Марк Пепло (1987) |
1988—2007 |
Кристофер Хэмптон (1988) • Альфред Юри (1989) • Майкл Блэйк (1990) • Тед Толли (1991) • Рут Джабвала (1992) • Стивен Заиллян (1993) • Эрик Рот (1994) • Эмма Томпсон (1995) • Билли Боб Торнтон (1996) • Кёртис Хэнсон / Брайан Хелгеленд (1997) Билл Кондон (1998) • Джон Уинслоу Ирвинг (1999) • Стивен Гаан (2000) • Акива Голдсман (2001) • Рональд Харвуд (2002) • Фрэн Уолш / Филиппа Бойенс / Питер Джексон (2003) • Александр Пэйн / Джим Тэйлор (2004) • Ларри Джефф Макмёрти / Дайана Оссана (2005) • Уильям Монахан (2006) • Братья Коэн (2007) |
2008—2026 |
Саймон Бифой (2008) • Джеффри Шоун Флетчер (2009) • Аарон Соркин (2010) • Александр Пэйн, Нэт Фэксон, Джим Раш (2011) |
Полный список • (1927—1947) • (1948—1967) • (1968—1987) • (1988—2007) (2008 — настоящее время) |
1943—1960 |
Генри Кинг (1943) · Лео Маккэри (1944) · Билли Уайлдер (1945) · Фрэнк Капра (1946) · Элиа Казан (1947) · Джон Хьюстон (1948) · Роберт Россен (1949) · Билли Уайлдер (1950) · Ласло Бенедек (1951) · Сесиль Блаунт Де Милль (1952) · Фред Циннеманн (1953) · Элиа Казан (1954) · Джошуа Логан (1955) · Элиа Казан (1956) · Дэвид Лин (1957) · Винсент Миннелли (1958) · Уильям Уайлер (1959) · Джек Кардифф (1960) |
1961—1980 |
Стэнли Крамер (1961) · Дэвид Лин (1962) · Элиа Казан (1963) · Джордж Кьюкор (1964) · Дэвид Лин (1965) · Фред Циннеманн (1966) · Майк Николс (1967) · Пол Ньюман (1968) · Чарльз Джэррот (1969) · Артур Хиллер (1970) · Уильям Фридкин (1971) · Фрэнсис Форд Коппола (1972) · Уильям Фридкин (1973) · Роман Полански (1974) · Милош Форман (1975) · Сидни Люмет (1976) · Герберт Росс (1977) · Майкл Чимино (1978) · Фрэнсис Форд Коппола (1979) · Роберт Редфорд (1980) |
1981—2000 |
Уоррен Битти (1981) · Ричард Аттенборо (1982) · Барбра Стрейзанд (1983) · Милош Форман (1984) · Джон Хьюстон (1985) · Оливер Стоун (1986) · Бернардо Бертолуччи (1987) · Клинт Иствуд (1988) · Оливер Стоун (1989) · Кевин Костнер (1990) · Оливер Стоун (1991) · Клинт Иствуд (1992) · Стивен Спилберг (1993) · Роберт Земекис (1994) · Мел Гибсон (1995) · Милош Форман (1996) · Джеймс Кэмерон (1997) · Стивен Спилберг (1998) · Сэм Мендес (1999) · Энг Ли (2000) |
2001—наст. время |
Роберт Олтмен (2001) · Мартин Скорсезе (2002) · Питер Джексон (2003) · Клинт Иствуд (2004) · Энг Ли (2005) · Мартин Скорсезе (2006) · Джулиан Шнабель (2007) · Дэнни Бойл (2008) · Джеймс Кэмерон (2009) · Дэвид Финчер (2010) · Мартин Скорсезе (2011) |
Полный список · (1943—1960) · (1961—1980) · (1981—2000) · (2001 — настоящее время) |
«Отступники» — интересные факты о фильме
Фильм который хочеться посоветовать всем любителям современных детективов и криминалов.
Год: 2006
Страна: США, Гонконг
Слоган: «Свой среди чужих»
Режиссер: Мартин Скорсезе
Жанр: триллер, драма, криминал
Бюджет: $90 000 000
Сборы в США: $132 384 315
Сборы в мире: + $157 463 039 = $289 847 354
DVD в США: $132 740 980
Два лучших выпускника полицейской академии оказались по разные стороны баррикады: один из них — агент мафии в рядах правоохранительных органов, другой — «крот», внедрённый в мафию. Каждый считает своим долгом обнаружить и уничтожить противника, но постоянная жизнь в искажённых реалиях меняет внутренний мир героев.
Художественный фильм Мартина Скорсезе «Отступники» является более современной интерпретацией известной киноленты Эндрю Лау и Алана Мака «Двойная рокировка», снятого в Гонконге в 2002 году. История, предложенная Скорсезе, в своей основе дублирует оригинал за исключением некоторых сюжетных изменений.
Эту работу можно с уверенностью назвать знаковой в творчестве культового американского режиссера, продюсера и сценариста,Мартина Скорсезе. Непростой сюжет, интересные режиссерские ходы, непредсказуемая развязка, отличная актерская игра —все эти составляющие качественного боевика присутствуют в новой работе непревзойденного мастера американского кинематографа. В то же время «Отступников» Скорсезе никак нельзя назвать обычным «гангстерским» триллером, в классическом образце которого сцены перестрелок и погонь преобладают над самим сюжетом.
Этот фильм интересен тем, что режиссер акцентирует внимание на диалогах героев, на их душевных терзаниях и попытках познания самих себя. Насколько сильно человек может преодолеть себя? Как долго человек может врать близким людям и вредить окружающим? Фильм Мартина Скорсезе не дает ответов на эти и другие вопросы, предоставляя зрителю самому сделать свои собственные выводы.
Этот фильм был снят знаменитым мастером «гангстерского кино» вскоре после триумфа киноленты «Авиатор» (2004г.). Съемки картины проходили с 25 апреля по 15 сентября 2005 года в Нью-Йорке, хотя, по сюжету, события разворачиваются в Бостоне. В качестве съемочной площадки Нью-Йорк был выбран исключительно по финансовым соображениям. Тем не менее, некоторые наиболее ответственные сцены были отсняты в Бостоне.
Актерский состав
Актерский состав фильма никак нельзя назвать скучным. Блистательный квартет, в который вошли звезды мирового кинематографа, такие как Леонардо ДиКаприо, Джек Николсон, Мэтт Дэймон и Марк Уолберг, был подобран очень тщательно, что, в конечном итоге, принесло картине невероятный успех.
«Отступники» — третья совместная работа Мартина Скорсезе и Леонардо ДиКаприо (предыдущие работы — «Банды Нью-Йорка» (2002г.) и «Авиатор» (2004г.)). И с каждым разом актер раскрывал новые грани своего таланта. А спустя еще четыре года Скорсезе пригласит ДиКаприо на главную роль в психологическом триллере «Остров проклятых». Интересно, что во многих фильмах, в том числе картинах Мартина Скорсезе, ДиКаприо исполняет роли героев с психическими отклонениями. В «Острове проклятых» его герой Тедди Дэниелс страдает психофугой. Этому состоянию присуще резкое желание перемены места жительства, а также внезапная потеря памяти о «прежнем себе», при которой вся другая информация не личного характера сохраняется. В фильме «Авиатор» персонаж ДиКаприо страдал обессивно-компульсивным расстройством — неврозом навязчивых состояний, с которыми невозможно бороться. В фильме «Что гложет Гилберта Грэйпа» ДиКаприо исполнил роль человека с задержкой в развитии. Ну, и, наконец, «Отступники». Нельзя сказать, что в этой картине у главного героя Уильяма Костигана в исполнении ДиКаприо, имеется серьезное психическое расстройство, однако его персонаж терзается сильными душевными переживаниями, близкими к потере разума.
Изначально Леонардо ДиКаприо должен был исполнить главную роль в фильме «Ложное искушение». Съемки картины происходили в то же время, что и работа над фильмом «Отступники». Леонардо ДиКаприо предпочел работу с Мартином Скорсезе. Интересным является тот факт, что главную роль в «Ложном искушении» исполнил Мэтт Дэймон, который также был задействован в «Отступниках».
Мэтт Дэймон принял предложение сняться в картине уже будучи звездой. После его ролей в таких известных фильмах, как «Идентификация Борна» (2002г.), «Превосходство Борна» (2004г.), «Двенадцать друзей Оушена» (2004г.), «Одиннадцать друзей Оушена» (2001г.), «Догма» (1999г.), «Талантливый мистер Рипли» (1999г.), «Спасти рядового Райна» (1998г.) «Умница Уилл Хантинг» (1997г.), роль Колина Салливана в фильме «Отступники» принесла в кино-копилку Дэймона еще одну блистательную актерскую работу. Готовясь к съемкам, этот актер в течение нескольких месяцев работал полицейским в одном из отделений штата Массачусетс. Такая подготовка помогла Дэймону лучше прочувствовать роль, психологию персонажа, а также на практике обучиться профессиональным навыкам.
То же самое можно сказать и о Джеке Николсоне. Он в течение длительного времени не давал своего согласия на участие в проекте, но позднее согласился исполнить роль Фрэнка Костелло. Это решение Николсон принял после разговора с Мартином Скорсезе и Леонардо ДиКаприо. По словам самого Николсона, актер согласился участвовать в съемках «Отступников» в том числе и потому, что ему наскучили комедийные роли. В этот раз Николсону представилась возможность исполнить роль отрицательного персонажа. Последними фильмами, в которых сыграл Николсон, были комедии «Любовь по правилам и без» и «Управление гневом», так что смена амплуа с положительного на отрицательное, вероятно, была необходима. Один из самых успешных актеров современности Джек Николсон двенадцать раз номинировался на премию «Оскар» и трижды был награжден этой золотой статуэткой.
Одну из главных ролей исполнил известный американский актер Марк Уолберг. В его кинокарьере фильм «Отступники» стал решающим: за роль второго плана актер номинировался на престижную кинопремию «Оскар». Сам Марк Уолберг еще до начала съемок был уверен, что такой «шанс от Скорсезе» упускать никак нельзя. Поэтому, получив предложение, актер сразу дал согласие на участие в проекте, тем самым не дав попробовать себя в этой роли Рэю Лиотта и Денису Лири.
Известный американский актер Мартин Шин получил роль второго плана – он стал начальником отдела по подготовке шпионов. Изначально на эту роль претендовал Гарольд МакСорли. Американская актриса Вера Фармига исполнила роль подружки героя Мэтта Деймона. На эту роль претендовали Кейт Уинслет и Хиллари Суонк (Суэнк). Алек Болдуин сыграл роль начальника отдела расследований.
Однако актерская игра — это только часть всего проекта. А каков будет ее объем в процентном соотношении, зависит от каждой киноленты в отдельности. Другими, не менее значимыми частями, без сомнения, являются сюжет фильма, работа сценариста, режиссера, оператора, композитора.
Сценарий к «Отступникам» был написан Уильямом Монаханом, взявшим за основу текст гонг конской постановки «Двойная рокировка» (2002г). Китайскими сценаристами была воссоздана на экране классическая сюжетная линия о двух полицейских — плохом и хорошем с добавлением определенного количества неожиданных поворотов. Автор текста Уильям Монахан во многом изменил оригинальный сценарий. Действие картины переносится в Бостон. Основным объектом фильма выбрана ирландская мафия, и этот выбор объяснялся исторически: во времена Великого Голода в Ирландии (1845-1849 гг.) многие ее жители эмигрировали в США. Так получилось, что не все смогли приспособиться к новой действительности, поэтому некоторая часть переселенцев – тех, кто не знал, как существовать дальше, выбрали для себя криминальный путь. Таким образом, Уильям Монахан попытался отобразить различия между этническими группами и представителями разных народностей. Эту идею поддержал режиссер картины Мартин Скорсезе, объяснив свое решение любовью к ирландской литературе.
Незадолго перед смертью каждого из важных персонажей фильма в кадре появляется крест.
Слово «fuck» произносится в картине 237 раз.
Том Даффи был техническим консультантом на проекте. Он проработал почти тридцать лет в полиции и занимался борьбой с организованной преступностью. Том также принимал участие в поимке известного бостонского гангстера Уайти Балгера, образ которого частично лег в основу Фрэнка Костелло (Джек Николсон).
Фильм «Отступники» был высоко оценен и зрителями и кинокритиками. Работа Мартина Скорсезе получила престижную кинопремию «Оскар», став победительницей в четырех номинациях: за лучшую режиссуру, лучший сценарий, лучший монтаж, лучший фильм. Фильм также был удостоен таких престижных кинонаград, как: премии «Золотой глобус» (за лучшую режиссуру), премии «Гильдии режиссеров США» (как лучший фильм, и за лучший сценарий), премии «Национального совета кинокритиков США» (в номинациях «Лучший режиссер» и «Лучший актерский состав»). Помимо упомянутых премий, существует еще более длинный список не менее достойных кино-наград, которых была удостоена эта кинолента.
Ссылки по теме:
«Отступники» (англ. The Departed) — американский художественный фильм, эпический криминальный триллер 2006 года, снятый режиссёром Мартином Скорсезе. Ремейк гонконгского криминального триллера «Двойная рокировка», вышедшего в 2002 году. Сценарий «Отступников» был написан Уильямом Монаханом на основе оригинального сценария Феликса Чонга и Алана Мака. В главных ролях задействованы Леонардо Ди Каприо, Мэтт Деймон и Джек Николсон.
Фильм стал лауреатом многочисленных кинонаград, в том числе четырёх премий «Оскар», включая победу в номинации «Лучший фильм»[1]. Картина заняла 208 место в списке 500 лучших фильмов по версии журнала Empire[2].
Билли Костиган, мистер Француз и Фрэнк Костелло ломают гипс в поисках «жучка»
Фильм начинается с предыстории. В Бостоне, штат Массачусетс, ирландский криминальный босс Фрэнк Костелло (Джек Николсон) берёт «под своё крыло» десятилетнего Колина Салливана (Мэтт Деймон), собираясь в будущем сделать его своим человеком в полиции. Проходят годы, и Салливан оканчивает школу полиции штата Массачусетс. Вместе с ним там учились Бэрриган (Джеймс Бэдж Дейл), Браун (Энтони Андерсон) и Билли Костиган (Леонардо Ди Каприо).
Поступив в полицию штата, Салливан начинает передавать информацию Костелло. Костиган пытается также устроиться в полицию штата, но из-за его проблемной истории семьи, вспыльчивого поведения и не лучшей репутации капитан Куинан (Мартин Шин) и сержант Дигнам (Марк Уолберг) решают, что ему следует начать работать на полицию совсем другим образом. Они велят Костигану совершить нападение, после которого он попадает в тюрьму, а выйдя оттуда, начинает продавать наркотики вместе со своим кузеном, чтобы привлечь внимание Костелло, войти в его окружение и в дальнейшем работать под прикрытием.
Салливан вскоре идёт на повышение в Отдел специальных расследований (ОСР), возглавляемый капитаном Эллерби (Алек Болдуин). Тем временем Костиган устраивает несколько драк на территории Костелло, чем вызывает к себе с его стороны интерес; Костелло вскоре испытывает Билли и принимает в свою команду. У Салливана завязываются романтические отношения с психологом-криминалистом Мэдолин Мэйдден (Вера Фармига), которая в то же время назначена наблюдать за психическим состоянием Костигана. Костиган вместе с правой рукой Костелло, Мистером Французом (Рэй Уинстон), участвует в нескольких преступных акциях и параллельно собирает информацию.
Спустя год Костелло собирается продать украденные микропроцессоры для ракет китайцам, находясь под постоянным наблюдением полиции штата. Используя SMS, Салливан пытается спасти людей Костелло от ареста, в то время как Костиган продолжает собирать информацию и передавать её полиции. Когда становится ясно, что шпионаж идёт в обе стороны, Костиган паникует. Салливан, который только что переехал в новую квартиру вместе с Мэдолин, просит Костелло собрать у его людей данные социального страхования, чтобы проверить их по полицейской базе данных и выявить засланного агента. Костиган же обнаруживает, что Костелло является информатором ФБР. Костелло и Салливан встречаются в порнокинотеатре, где Костелло передаёт Салливану конверт с данными всех своих людей. Костиган также находится там и преследует Салливана, но тот обнаруживает слежку и ухитряется скрыться, так и не раскрыв себя. По иронии судьбы Салливан получает задачу раскрыть бандитского шпиона в ОСР, которым сам и является, а также хочет выявить информатора в числе людей Костелло, то есть разоблачить Костигана.
Салливан приставляет полицейских для слежки за Куинаном, надеясь, что тот выведет его на своего информатора. Через несколько дней Костиган и Куинан встречаются на крыше высотного здания; Салливан направляет туда людей Костелло, но Костиган также получает сообщение и предупреждает Куинана о том, что за ним следили. Им не удаётся сбежать до прибытия людей Костелло, поэтому Куинан приказывает Костигану бежать через пожарный выход, пока он сам будет отвлекать бандитов. Как только Костиган выбирается из здания, к его ногам падает Куинан, выброшенный людьми Костелло, и разбивается насмерть. В завязавшейся перестрелке между бандитами и полицейскими людям Костелло вместе с Костиганом, который устроил всё так, как будто он просто опоздал, удаётся уйти. Из-за смерти Куинана между Салливаном и Дигнамом вспыхивает ссора, и Дигнам (который подозревает в Салливане двойного агента) увольняется после ссоры с начальством, вследствие чего обрываются все ниточки между полицией и Костиганом.
Изучая документы Куинана, Салливан находит записку Костигана, в которой сообщается, что Костелло — информатор ФБР, из-за чего Салливан начинает бояться, что его личность будет раскрыта. Он звонит Костигану по телефону Куинана, представляясь полицейским, который занял место Куинана в этом деле. Салливан предлагает Костигану выйти из дела и вернуться за своей наградой. Через пару дней Костелло со своими людьми отправляется на заброшенный склад, чтобы забрать партию кокаина. Салливан возглавляет группу захвата, которая окружает склад. Начинается перестрелка, в ходе которой все люди Костелло погибают, а сам Салливан ликвидирует Костелло, узнав от него, что тот работает на ФБР. После этого Салливан беседует в участке с рассекреченным Костиганом. Когда Костиган спрашивает о человеке Костелло в полиции, Салливан отвечает: «Мы найдём этого урода». Салливан на время оставляет Костигана в своём офисе, чтобы проверить его данные на компьютере.
В это время Костигану на глаза случайно попадается тот самый конверт с данными людей Костелло. Костиган сразу понимает, что Салливан и есть информатор Костелло. Костиган тайно передаёт Мэдолин конверт, который нужно открыть, если с ним что-то случится. Вскоре он посылает Салливану аудиозапись, на которой записан разговор Салливана с Костелло в кинотеатре, который сам же Костелло и записывал, но Мэдолин успела прослушать диск с записью первой. По телефону Костиган договаривается с Салливаном о встрече на крыше здания, где убили Куинана, и там арестовывает его. Туда прибывает Браун, но позволяет Костигану спуститься с Салливаном в наручниках на лифте. Там их поджидает Бэрриган, который выстрелом в голову убивает Костигана, а затем и Брауна. Он — ещё один человек Костелло в полиции, о котором никто не знал. Бэрриган освобождает Салливана и предлагает ему держаться вместе, однако Салливан неожиданно убивает самого Бэрригана. Салливан посещает похороны Костигана, где Мэдолин вся в слезах отказывается с ним разговаривать. Салливан возвращается домой, где его поджидает Дигнам с пистолетом. Всё, что успевает сказать Салливан — это «Ну и ладно» («Okay» в оригинале), после чего Дигнам убивает его и уходит. По подоконнику пробегает крыса (символ вражеского тайного агента), из окна открывается вид на массачусетский Капитолий, служивший символом амбиций Салливана.
В ролях
Актёр | Роль |
Леонардо Ди Каприо | Билли Костиган |
Мэтт Деймон | Колин Салливан |
Джек Николсон | Фрэнк Костелло |
Марк Уолберг | Шон Дигнам |
Мартин Шин | Оливер Куинан |
Вера Фармига | Мэдолин Мэйдден |
Алек Болдуин | Джордж Эллерби |
Рэй Уинстон | Арнольд Френч (Мистер Француз) |
Энтони Андерсон | Браун |
Роберт Уолберг | агент ФБР Лацио |
Дэвид Патрик О’Хара | Фитци |
Марк Ролстон | Тимоти Делахант |
Джеймс Бэдж Дейл | Бэрриган |
Сценарист фильма Уильям Монахан (октябрь 2010 года)
Сценарий к фильму был написан Уильямом Монаханом и является видоизменённым вариантом трилогии 2002 года китайских сценаристов Феликса Чонга и Алана Макана «Двойная рокировка» (англ. Infernal Affairs) о хорошем и плохом полицейском со сложным, лихо закрученным сюжетом. В отличие от версии Чонга и Макана, действие картины происходит в Бостоне, США. Место событий и персонажи картины (ирландская мафия) были выбраны неслучайно. В Бостоне проживает большое количество потомков ирландских эмигрантов, переехавших в Америку во времена Великого голода; им было трудно приспособиться к новым условиям, некоторые из-за отсутствия работы шли в криминалитет. Не заморачиваясь излишней политкорректностью, Монахан делает акцент на этническом характере преступного мира в Америке. Сам же Скорсезе признавался, что не только интересуется ирландской поэзией и прозой, но и вообще чувствует родство с этим народом.
Мартин Скорсезе:
Я знаю кино Гонконга. Я чувствовал, что то что они делают — хорошо, а я не могу это сделать. Я должен был найти свой собственный путь, и я думаю, сценарий Билла открыл этот путь. Я думаю в миниатюре, он описал людей: кто эти люди, как они вели себя, какой язык они использовали — суммировал это всё. История о доверии и предательстве, только поставленная в контекст ирландского католического мира Бостона — родственный характер народов мира, который он изображает. Оба персонажа, и Мэтта и Лео, имеют отношения с персонажем Веры, но они никогда не знали об этом. Затем добавьте характер Джека, и все эти персонажи связаны, таким образом, родственно.
I’m aware of all the Hong Kong cinema. I felt it was okay because what they do I cannot do. I have to find my own way and I think Bill’s script was the way. I think the microcosm that he described—the people, the way he described them, the way they behaved, the language they used— that all added up. The story of trust and betrayal, only set in the context of the Irish Catholic world of Boston, the incestuous nature of the world that that depicts. Both Matt’s character and Leo’s character have relationships with Vera’s character, but they never know that. Then you add Jack’s character, and all these characters are connected in this incestuous way[3].
Прототипами двух главных отрицательных персонажей фильма являются реально существующие люди. Прототип Фрэнка Костелло — лидер ирландской мафии Бостона Джеймс Балджер, который шестнадцать лет скрывался от правосудия и по возрасту ненамного старше сыгравшего его актёра Джека Николсона[4]. Прототипом Колина Салливана, сыгранного Мэттом Деймоном, послужил бывший агент ФБР Джон Коннолли, поддерживавший тесные связи с бостонской мафией, в частности с Балджером[4][5].
Небольшие изменения в сценарий внёс Джек Николсон. Скорсезе и Монахан позволили ему это сделать, доверившись его огромному опыту в области кинематографа[3]. За сценарий к фильму Монахан был номинирован на получение различных престижных премий, в итоге он был награждён «Оскаром» и премией Гильдии сценаристов США.
Для создания саундтрека Мартином Скорсезе были приглашены многие известные группы и исполнители, представляющие разные музыкальные жанры. Саундтрек содержит две различные версии: оригинальную, на которой присутствуют песни всех исполнителей, принимавших участие в записи[6], и отдельный альбом, записанный композитором Говардом Шором[7]. В записи оригинальной версии альбома присутствовали исполнители, известные по работам над его предыдущими картинами, такие как Rolling Stones и Ван Моррисон, классический ритм-н-блюз от Лаверн Бейкер и другие. Фильм открывается «Gimme Shelter» — классической песней Rolling Stones. В саундтреке к фильму она отсутствует; её место занимает «Comfortably Numb» в исполнении Роджера Уотерса и Вана Моррисона. Доминирует в фильме композиция «I’m Shipping Up to Boston» бостонской панк-рок-группы Dropkick Murphys[6], на которую были сняты два видеоклипа, один из которых содержит кадры из фильма[8]. Знаменитый канадский композитор Говард Шор, обладатель трёх премий «Оскар» за музыку к фильмам, был приглашён специально для записи другой альбомной версии. По словам Скорсезе, «отражающей иную — более спокойную сторону фильма»[7]. Две его композиции присутствуют так же на оригинальной версии альбома[6]. Оба издания были выпущены на компакт-дисках[6][7].
Track listing | |||
№ | Название | Исполнитель | Длительность |
1. | «Comfortably Numb» | Роджер Уотерс (при участии Вана Моррисона и группы The Band) | 7:59 |
2. | «Sail On, Sailor» | The Beach Boys | 3:18 |
3. | «Let It Loose» | The Rolling Stones | 5:18 |
4. | «Sweet Dreams» | Рой Бьюкенен | 3:32 |
5. | «One Way Out» | The Allman Brothers Band | 4:57 |
6. | «Baby Blue» | Badfinger | 3:36 |
7. | «I’m Shipping Up to Boston» | Dropkick Murphys | 2:34 |
8. | «Nobody but Me» | The Human Beinz | 2:18 |
9. | «Tweedle Dee» | ЛаВерн Бейкер | 3:10 |
10. | «Sweet Dreams (of You)» | Пэтси Клайн | 2:34 |
11. | «The Departed Tango» | Говард Шор, Марк Рибо | 3:32 |
12. | «Beacon Hill» | Говард Шор, Шэрон Исбин | 2:33 |
Track listing | ||
№ | Название | Длительность |
1. | «Cops or Criminals» | 2:01 |
2. | «344 Wash» | 2:03 |
3. | «Beacon Hill» | 2:36 |
4. | «The Faithful Departed» | 3:01 |
5. | «Colin» | 2:09 |
6. | «Madolyn» | 2:14 |
7. | «Billy’s Theme» | 6:58 |
8. | «Command» | 3:15 |
9. | «Chinatown» | 3:16 |
10. | «Boston Common» | 2:53 |
11. | «Miss Thing» | 1:45 |
12. | «The Baby» | 2:48 |
13. | «The Last Rites» | 3:05 |
14. | «The Departed Tango» | 3:38 |
Фильм получил высокие оценки кинокритиков[9] и ряд наград, включая шесть номинаций на «Золотой глобус» в категориях «лучший фильм», «лучший режиссёр», «лучший актёр» (Леонардо Ди Каприо), две «лучший актёр второго плана» (Джек Николсон и Марк Уолберг) и «лучший сценарий». Однако лишь в одной номинации — «за лучшую режиссуру» — фильму удалось получить приз.
Кассовые сборы
В первый уикенд после своего выхода на экраны «Отступники» заняли первое место по дебютным кассовым сборам в США, заработав 26 887 467 долл. и опередив фильмы «Свидание моей мечты» и «Техасская резня бензопилой: Начало»[10][11]. В Великобритании в дебюте фильм уступил только картине «Дьявол носит Prada», однако в следующую неделю вышел на первое место. По состоянию на 15 декабря 2006 года фильм собрал 118 740 373 долл. в США и 219 540 373 долл. по всему миру, на тот момент.
Награды и номинации
Список наград и номинаций приведён в соответствии с данными IMDb.
Год | Номинация | Премия | Награждённый |
2006 | лучший режиссёр | Национального совета кинокритиков США | Мартин Скорсезе |
лучший актёрский ансамбль | Леонардо Ди Каприо, Мэтт Деймон, Джек Николсон | ||
2007 | лучшая режиссура | Оскар | Мартин Скорсезе |
лучший адаптированный сценарий | Уильям Монахан | ||
лучший монтаж | Тельма Скунмейкер | ||
лучший фильм | Грэм Кинг | ||
Премия Гильдии режиссёров США | Мартин Скорсезе | ||
за лучшую режиссуру | Золотой глобус | ||
за лучший сценарий | Премия Гильдии сценаристов США | Уильям Монахан |
Год | Номинация | Премия | Номинируемый |
2007 | лучшая мужская роль второго плана | Оскар | Марк Уолберг |
лучший фильм — драма | Золотой глобус | ||
лучший сценарий | Уильям Монахан | ||
лучшая мужская роль — драма | Леонардо Ди Каприо | ||
лучшая мужская роль второго плана | Джек Николсон | ||
Марк Уолберг | |||
лучший фильм в жанре боевик / приключения / триллер | Сатурн | ||
лучший фильм | BAFTA | Брэд Грей, Грэм Кинг | |
премия имени Дэвида Лина за режиссуру | Мартин Скорсезе | ||
лучший адаптированный сценарий | Уильям Монахан | ||
лучший актёр | Леонардо Ди Каприо | ||
лучший актёр второго плана | Джек Николсон | ||
лучший монтаж | Тельма Скунмейкер | ||
лучший американский фильм | Бодил | Мартин Скорсезе | |
лучший зарубежный фильм | Давид ди Донателло | ||
лучший актёр второго плана | Премия Гильдии киноактеров США | Леонардо Ди Каприо | |
лучшая игра актёрского состава | |||
2008 | лучший саундтрек | Грэмми | Говард Шор |
- ↑ The 79th Academy Awards (2007) Nominees and Winners (англ.). The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Дата обращения: 2012-2-2. Архивировано 6 октября 2014 года.
- ↑ 500 лучших фильмов по версии журнала Empire. Дата обращения: 28 января 2017. Архивировано 22 августа 2016 года.
- ↑ 1 2 Brad Balfour. Meeting With Martin and The Departed. Part 1. (англ.) (недоступная ссылка — история). timessquare.com (28 февраля 2007). Дата обращения: 8 февраля 2012. Архивировано 3 июня 2012 года.
- ↑ 1 2 Cristina Corbin. Public ID of Woman Who Outed Boston Crime Boss James ’Whitey’ Bulger Puts Tipster In Danger, Former Prosecutors Say. (англ.). foxnews.com (10 октября 2011). Дата обращения: 10 февраля 2012. Архивировано 3 июня 2012 года.
- ↑ Ex-FBI Agent Who Inspired ’The Departed’ Convicted in 1982 Slaying. (англ.). foxnews.com (7 ноября 2008). Дата обращения: 10 февраля 2012. Архивировано 3 июня 2012 года.
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 Stephen Thomas Erlewine. The Departed [Original Soundtrack] (англ.). allmusic.com. Дата обращения: 7 февраля 2012. Архивировано 3 июня 2012 года.
- ↑ 1 2 3 James Christopher Monger. The Departed [Original Score] (англ.). allmusic.com. Дата обращения: 7 февраля 2012. Архивировано 3 июня 2012 года.
- ↑ videos Dropkick Murphys (англ.). dropkickmurphys.com. Дата обращения: 24 августа 2011. Архивировано 3 июня 2012 года.
- ↑ The Departed Movie Reviews, Pictures — Rotten Tomatoes. Дата обращения: 26 февраля 2007. Архивировано 18 ноября 2009 года.
- ↑ The Departed. Box Office Mojo. Дата обращения: 17 января 2023.
- ↑ ‘Departed’ Out-Muscles ’Massacre’. Box Office Mojo. Дата обращения: 17 января 2023.
- Официальный сайт (англ.)
- Саундтрек «Отступников» Архивная копия от 18 декабря 2006 на Wayback Machine (англ.) Вопросы, ответы и другая информация о музыке к фильму
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Фильм начинается с предыстории. В Бостоне, штат Массачусетс, криминальный босс Фрэнк Костелло берёт «под своё крыло» десятилетнего Колина Салливана, собираясь в будущем сделать его своим человеком в полиции. Проходят годы, и Салливан оканчивает школу полиции штата Массачусетс. Вместе с ним там учились Бэрриган, Браун и Билли Костиган.
Поступив в полицию штата, Салливан начинает передавать информацию Костелло; а в это время капитан Куинан и сержант Дигнам направляют Костигана на совершение нападения, после которого он попадает в тюрьму, а выйдя оттуда, начинает продавать наркотики вместе со своим кузеном, чтобы привлечь внимание Костелло, войти в его окружение и шпионить для полиции. Салливан вскоре идёт на повышение в Отдел специальных расследований (ОСР), возглавляемый капитаном Эллерби. Тем временем Костиган устраивает несколько драк на территории Костелло, чем вызывает к себе с его стороны интерес; Костелло вскоре испытывает Билли и принимает в свою команду. У Салливана завязываются романтические отношения с психологом-криминалистом Мэдолин Мэйдден, которая в то же время назначена наблюдать за психическим состоянием Костигана. Костиган вместе с правой рукой Костелло, Мистером Французом, участвует в нескольких преступных акциях и параллельно собирает информацию.
Спустя год Костелло собирается продать украденные микропроцессоры для ракет китайцам и находится под постоянным наблюдением полиции штата. Используя SMS, Салливан пытается спасти людей Костелло от ареста, в то время как Костиган продолжает собирать информацию и передавать её полиции. Когда становится ясно, что шпионаж идёт в обе стороны, Костиган паникует. Салливан, который только что переехал в новую квартиру вместе с Мэдолин, просит Костелло собрать у его людей данные социального страхования, чтобы проверить их по полицейской базе данных и выявить засланного агента. Костиган же обнаруживает, что Костелло является информатором ФБР. Костелло и Салливан встречаются в порнокинотеатре, где Костелло передаёт Салливану конверт с данными всех своих людей. Костиган также находится там и преследует Салливана, но тот обнаруживает слежку и ухитряется скрыться, так и не раскрыв себя. По иронии судьбы Салливан получает задачу раскрыть бандитского шпиона в ОСР, которым сам и является, а также хочет выявить информатора в числе людей Костелло, то есть разоблачить Костигана.
Салливан приставляет полицейских для слежки за Куинаном, надеясь, что тот выведет его на своего информатора. Через несколько дней Костиган и Куинан встречаются на крыше высотного здания; Салливан направляет туда людей Костелло, но Костиган также получает сообщение и предупреждает Куинана о том, что за ним следили. Им не удаётся сбежать до прибытия людей Костелло, поэтому Куинан приказывает Костигану бежать через пожарный выход, пока он сам будет отвлекать бандитов. Как только Костиган выбирается из здания, к его ногам падает Куинан, выброшенный людьми Костелло, и разбивается насмерть. В завязавшейся перестрелке между бандитами и полицейскими людям Костелло вместе с Костиганом, который устроил всё так, как будто он просто опоздал, удаётся уйти. Из-за смерти Куинана между Салливаном и Дигнамом вспыхивает ссора, и Дигнам (который подозревает в Салливане двойного агента) увольняется после ссоры с начальством, вследствие чего обрываются все ниточки между полицией и Костиганом.
Изучая документы Куинана, Салливан находит записку Костигана, в которой сообщается, что Костелло — информатор ФБР, из-за чего Салливан начинает бояться, что его личность будет раскрыта. Он звонит Костигану по телефону Куинана, представляясь полицейским, который занял место Куинана в этом деле. Салливан предлагает Костигану выйти из дела и вернуться за своей наградой. Через несколько дней Костелло со своими людьми отправляется на заброшенный склад, чтобы забрать партию кокаина. Салливан возглавляет группу захвата, которая окружает склад. Начинается перестрелка, в ходе которой все люди Костелло погибают, а сам Салливан ликвидирует Костелло, узнав от него, что тот работает на ФБР. После этого Салливан разговаривает в участке с рассекреченным Костиганом. Когда Костиган спрашивает о человеке Костелло в полиции, Салливан отвечает: «Мы найдём этого урода». Салливан на время оставляет Костигана в своём офисе, чтобы проверить его данные на компьютере.
В это время Костигану на глаза случайно попадается тот самый конверт с данными людей Костелло. В этот момент Костиган сразу понимает, что Салливан и есть информатор Костелло. Костиган тайно передаёт Мэдолин конверт, который нужно открыть, если с ним что-то случится. Вскоре он посылает Салливану аудиозапись, на которой записан разговор Салливана с Костелло в кинотеатре, который сам же Костелло и записывал, но Мэдолин успела прослушать диск с записью первой. По телефону Костиган договаривается с Салливаном о встрече на крыше здания, где убили Куинана, и там арестовывает его. Туда прибывает Браун, но позволяет Костигану спуститься с Салливаном в наручниках на лифте. Там их поджидает Бэрриган, который выстрелом в голову убивает Костигана, а затем и Брауна. Он — ещё один человек Костелло в полиции, о котором никто не знал. Бэрриган освобождает Салливана и предлагает ему держаться вместе, однако Салливан неожиданно убивает самого Бэрригана. Салливан посещает похороны Костигана, где Мэдолин вся в слезах отказывается с ним разговаривать. Салливан возвращается домой, где его поджидает Дигнам с пистолетом. Всё, что успевает сказать Салливан — это «Ну и ладно» («Okay» в оригинале), после чего Дигнам убивает его и уходит. По подоконнику пробегает крыса (символ вражеского тайного агента), из окна открывается вид на массачусетский Капитолий, служивший символом амбиций Салливана.
«Отступники» — американская криминальная драма 2006 года с Леонардо ДиКаприо и Мэттом Дэймоном в главных ролях, снятая режиссёром Мартином Скорсезе.
Фильм является ремейком гонконгского криминального триллера «Двойная рокировка» 2002 г. Кинокомпания «Warner Bros.» приобрела права на ремейк картины за $1 750 000.
Мартин Скорсезе хотел пригласить Аль Пачино на роль Фрэнка Костелло, потому что режиссёр до этого момента никогда с ним не работал. Но актёр отказался. Джек Николсон стал вторым кандидатом на роль. Николсон тогда сказал, что ему надоело сниматься в комедиях, и он снова хочет сыграть злодея. А Аль Пачино позже появится у Скорсезе в картине «Ирландец» (2019).
Интересно, что режиссёр дал много свободы в импровизации Джеку Николсону, а также разрешил переписать диалоги своего персонажа, доверяя опыту актёра.
Первоначально Колина Салливана должен был сыграть Брэд Питт, который являлся продюсером картины с самого начала зарождения проекта. Но позже актёр передумал и ушёл сниматься в картину «Вавилон» 2006 г. На его место взяли Мэтта Дэймона, который ради подготовки к роли провёл много времени в реальном полицейском участке.
Леонардо Ди Каприо пришлось набрать 7 килограммов мышечной массы к началу съёмок.
Марк Уолберг играл полицейского, основываясь на личном опыте, потому что актёра в юности арестовывали десятки раз, а родители приходили и выручали его, отдавая последние деньги.
С самого начала режиссёр хотел, чтобы Мэдолин сыграла известная актриса, поэтому предлагал роль Кейт Уинслет, Эмили Блант, Хилари Суонк и Дженнифер Энистон. Но из-за загруженности своих графиков актрисы отказались, поэтому роль отдали Вере Фармига.
Картину снимали весной 2005 года. Хоть действие фильма происходит в Бостоне — почти все съёмки прошли в Нью-Йорке. Это было сделано из финансовых соображений, потому что Нью-Йорк делает налоговые льготы для кинематографистов.
Кстати, по словам Мартина Скорсезе первоначально фильм должен был стать малобюджетным, но из-за того, что в нём стало участвовать много знаменитых актёров — бюджет увеличили до $90 000 000 и больше половины него ушло на гонорары. Например, только Леонардо ДиКаприо получил $20 000 000.
В мировом прокате картина собрала $291 465 034 + на выпуске DVD $132 740 980.
Фильм «Отступники» получил 5 номинаций на премию «Оскар» и выиграл в 4 категориях: «Лучший фильм», «Лучший режиссер» (Мартин Скорсезе), «Лучший адаптированный сценарий», «Лучший монтаж».