Сценарий фильма плохие парни

Сценарий фильма «Плохие Парни» на сайте KINOMANIA.RU
    • Автор сценария:
    • Джордж Галло
    • Майкл Барри
    • Джим Малхолланд
    • Дуг Ричардсон
    • Режиссер:
    • Майкл Бэй

Они — полная противоположность друг другу. Один из них — примерный семьянин и не имеет большого состояния, другой богат и пользуется всеми благами холостяцкой жизни. Помимо дружбы, их объединяет работа: они — полицейские. Их новое задание — поймать жестокого преступника, укравшего наркотики с секретного склада, а также спасти девушку, которая случайно оказалась на его пути. Но для этого друзьям придется на время поменяться местами…


                                                        BAD BOYS
                        Revised Draft

                       DOUG RICHARDSON

                                FADE IN:

1   EXT. MIAMI LANDSCAPE - NIGHT                                   1
    The sun might be down, but the city is baking. Waves of
    heat ascend into the sky while an unmarked van navigates

2   INT. UNMARKED VAN - IN MOTION - NIGHT                          2
    The driver is EDDIE DOMINGUEZ. And riding in the passen-
    ger seat is a man dressed in black, called FOUCHET. He
    looks to the rear.
               What's taking so long back there?
                                                  CUT TO:

    Where the rest of the gang waits.      NOAH, KUNI, FERGUSON,
    and CASPER. All dressed in black      like Fouchet, except
    for ANDY. He stands and shows off      his Miami PD uniform.
    His English is poor, yet he's got     a big, happy-to-be-
    along grin on his face.
               How do I look? Like the real
               thing, yeah?
               Step back and lemme get a good
               look at you.

    THROUGH which Eddie can watch the action. Andy steps
    further to the rear, almost to the door, facing the
               Tell me again about your
               assignment, Andrew?
               I'm the decoy.
               Right you are.
    Over the seat Fouchet reveals a SHOTGUN.     BOOM!

3    EXT. VAN IN MOTION                                            3
     Andy's body is blown through the rear doors as the van
     turns a corner.

4    INT. VAN - FOUCHET                                            4
     He dials 911 on his cellular phone.     Fouchet sounds
              Please help! I just saw a
              policeman shot! Send help.
              Hurry! I'm at the corner of...

5    EXT. NEAR DOWNTOWN - VAN - NIGHT                              5
     A stream of PD CARS haul past, lights blazing and SIRENS
     on full.

6    EXT. COLONY HOTEL (SOUTH BEACH) - NIGHT                       6
     Crowds moving up and down Ocean Blvd. Beautiful people
     walking. Beautiful people watching. MUSIC BLENDS from
     nightclub to nightclub. A POLICE RADIO, holstered to the
     hip of a street cop. It CRACKLES with:
                            POLICE RADIO (V.O.)
              Report of an officer down. Be
              advised, all units. Corner of
              Lennox and Taylor.
     Slipping by the street cop: Intro MARCUS BURNETT and
     MIKE LOWREY. They shimmy through the hotel doors.

A7   INT. COLONY HOTEL - NIGHT                                     A7
     Where the buffed DESK MANAGER gets off the phone to
     greet the effeminate pair.
              Good evening.    I'm Mike --
              -- And I'm Marcus.
              We're lookin' for a couple of our
              Latin friends who checked in a
              little while ago. You might
              remember them?

A7   CONTINUED:                                                  A7
              No chest hair. And packin'.
                             DESK MANAGER
              I'm sorry.   But our guest list is
              Oh, didn't they say? There's
              going to be party! It's
              B.Y.O.B.O. --
                     (leans in close)
              The B.O. stands for baby oil.
              Maybe you can come. Get off after
              you get off?
     All three of them laugh.
                            DESK MANAGER
              Well, now that you mention it.
              They were kinda cute. Suite 202.

7    INT. COLONY HOTEL - STAIRWELL - NIGHT                       7
     Lowrey and Burnett clip on their shields and unholster
     their guns. The posing is over. This is business.

A8   INT. COLONY HOTEL - SUITE 202 - NIGHT                       A8
     On the table are two briefcases. Each opened. One
     containing cocaine. The other, cash. A pistol next
     to each.

     REVEAL the dealers. Two young Dominicans seated across
     from the TV, getting high, drinking beer and laughing out
     loud at the Spanish language version of Time Traxx.
     Then --
     BANG! The door's kicked in and Lowrey's first through.
     Burnett on backup.
              Police!   On the floor!
     But the dealers split, rolling out of their chairs.   One
     goes left and the other, right.
                                               CUT TO:

B8   BEDROOM                                                      B8
     Lowrey tackles the first dealer to the floor. A LATINA
     girl screams. Lowrey unfortunately looks and takes a
     hard fist across the ear from the dealer. Angered,
     Lowrey swings his pistol up underneath the perp's jaw
     and knocks him through the bathroom door. Lowrey cuffs
     him to the sink. Meanwhile... Back to:

8    LIVING ROOM                                                  8
     Burnett's in trouble. He's still got his gun in hand.
     But the other dealer has him pinned underneath the legs
     of a chair.
     Burnett stomps the bad guy's instep. The guy buckles.
     Burnett rolls away and stands in front of a window, just
     in time to see the angry Dominican heading straight for

A9   EXT. COLONY HOTEL - CONTINUOUS ACTION                        A9
     Burnett   and the other dealer come crashing out onto the
     balcony,   then over onto an awning, rolling off onto some
     occupied   cafe tables. Patrons scatter. Uniformed cops
     move in   to assist.

9    LOWREY                                                       9
     appears soon after, walking down the hotel steps, leading
     the Latina in his cuffs, and wearing his jacket.

                       (scraped, bruised,
                Nice backup.
     We TILT UP as POLICE HELICOPTER flies overhead.

     causeways, waterways and hotels that line the beach.
     Something is happening in the balmy city as we CRUISE
     downtown and ZERO IN ON...

     The HELICOPTER ROARS low over the rooftops toward the
     causeway bridge.

     As the helicopter passes over, he appears  from behind a
     large exhaust port. Casper, Ferguson, and   Noah behind
     him, all wearing high-tech miner's helmets  with built-in
     radio headsets, and an array of high-tech  tools.
              It's time.
     The team crosses the roof to a huge air conditioning
     unit. They climb inside, carrying a six-foot-long metal
     case and what looks like a black scuba tank.

13   INT. AIR UNIT/SHAFTS                                        13
     Though it's windy and cramped in here, at least it's
     cool. From a prone position, Fouchet puts on his night
     vision goggles and reveals a palm top computer. Quickly
     he scrolls through the labyrinthine schematics loaded
     onto the unit. TILT DOWN to see the various ducts.
     Endless. Bottomless. But clearly, Fouchet's a man who
     knows his way.

     Seemingly empty.   From squad rooms to locker rooms to

15   INT. EVIDENCE ROOM - GUARD STATION                          15
     OFFICER BILL O'FEE, 50s, reads a magazine and drinks
     coffee. Video monitors in front of him show the
     different lockers inside the evidence room. We see one
     room with stacks upon stacks of heroin.

16   IN AIR UNIT                                                 16
     The team, attached to cables, slide into the building's
     guts and disappear. STATIC CRACKLES:
              We're in.     Start the video.

17   EXT. POLICE STATION - ALLEY - NIGHT                           17
     Kuni finds the conduit he's looking for, splices it,
     cuts into it with a Makita battery-powered circular saw,
     then attaches a handheld high-8 video machine and starts
     the video feed. The unit is strapped to the conduit.

18   INT. GUARD STATION - NIGHT                                    18
     The MONITORS FLUTTER, then STABILIZE.    Turning the page,
     O'Fee sugars his coffee.

19   INT. TRASH CHUTE ROOM - NIGHT                                 19
     An air vent smashes to the floor.    Two guys pull the
     metal case inside the room.

20   INT. EVIDENCE ROOM - HEROIN LOCKER - NIGHT                    20
     BANG! Another air conditioning vent grate crashes to
     the floor. Their headlights blazing, two men clamber
     into the cavernous room, Fouchet along with Casper. This
     is the special Drug Holding Room: The lock cuts like
     butter and the steel door is yanked open. One hundred
     million dollars in heroin. Each kilo brick is stamped
     with a distinctive octopus logo.
                     (into mic)
              Where's Deputy Dog?
                            FERGUSON (V.O.)
                     (over radio mic)
              He made us.

              Then do him, now!

21   GUARD STATION                                                 21
     Sure enough.    As O'Fee stands from his desk --
                                                  CUT TO:

22   VENT ABOVE                                                    22
     Where Ferguson is waiting with an air-powered tranquil-
     izer gun. He cuts loose a silent round that strikes
     O'Fee at the base of the neck. O'Fee stops. But before
     he can think to reach back at what hit him, his knees
     buckle and he drops to the linoleum. Out cold.

     One by one he moves backwards through the various levels
     of locks, torching each to look as if they'd entered the
     evidence room from inside the PD station.
     Meanwhile --

24   TRACH CHUTE ROOM                                            24
     Noah removes what looks like a flattened bobsled with
     large urethane wheels from the metal case and places it
     inside the air shaft.
     Ferguson attaches the black "scuba tank," labeled
     "NITROUS OXIDE," to a valve. This is connected to a
     metal-cased cable system that is piston-gunned into the
                                               CUT BACK TO:

25   HEROIN LOCKER                                               25
     Fouchet and Casper moving the stacks of heroin, placing
     them in the air duct on the bobsled. Once they're done,
     we hear RADIO GARBLE, then the sled is cabled to the con-
     traption. A button is pushed -- and the sled is pulled
     at breakneck speed through the duct.

26   EXT. POLICE STATION ALLEY - NIGHT                           26
     Bag after bag drops down the trash chute and tumbles into
     an open-roofed van where the last of the gang, Eddie
     Dominguez, waits with the ENGINE RUNNING.

27   IN AIR DUCT                                                 27
     The sled rockets by again -- WHOOSH -- loaded with more

28   INT. HEROIN LOCKER                                          28
     Casper and Fouchet throw the last of their gear down the
     chute and ride the sled out.

29   EXT./INT. VAN - POLICE STATION - ALLEY                      29
     One! Two! Three! Four! They all land atop the bags.
     Eddie GUNS the VAN, which rolls up the ramp and out the

29   CONTINUED:                                                  29
                            FOUCHET (O.S.)
              Haul ass!

30   EXT. POLICE STATION - ALLEY - NIGHT                         30
     On the ledge the tape runs out and RECORDER EXPLODES.
     Pieces scatter.

31   EXT. STREET - NIGHT                                         31
     The van drives off into the golden sunrise of Miami.

     One of those expensive condo buildings on Brickell Avenue
     with a circular driveway and a uniformed doorman.

33   INT. CONDO - MORNING                                        33
     CAMERA TRACKS THROUGH expensive and trendy bachelor's
     lair. State-of-the-art everything, gorgeous artwork.
     Spectacular view.
     CAMERA STALLS ON -- a perma-plaqued newspaper clipping
     with a photo depiction of Lowrey and Burnett in front of
     a giant pile of black heroin, thumbs up to the camera.

34   INT. LOWREY'S BEDROOM - MORNING                             34

     Where Lowrey wakes up in a king-sized bed. The pain on
     his face and empty, scattered bottles tell us he's
     nursing a world-class hangover. He sits up, carefully,
     holds his aching head. Hearing BREATHING, Lowrey lifts
     the sheet next to him.

     The one from the Colony Hotel. He drops the sheet back
     over her head, reaches over to his nightstand and grabs
     an industrial-sized bottle of Excedrin. Empty. He opens
     the nightstand drawer, extracts another bottle. Empty.

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                                9.
35   INT. BATHROOM                                               35
     All marble and brass. Lowrey opens up his medicine
     cabinet. Locating a new bottle of aspirin... he suddenly
     realizes that the SHOWER is RUNNING. Confused, he pulls
     open the shower curtain slightly. From the back, it's an
     incredible body, then she turns around and it's --
     Yes.   The very same as the one he just saw in bed.    What?
                               LATINA TWIN
     Lowrey closes the curtain on her. Frowns at this
     impossibility. He steps back into the doorway and peers
     over at his bed. Yep, same face. Twins?
                      (shaking his head)
               Oh man...
     He tears open the bottle of aspirin.    Chug-a-lugs.

36   INT. BURNETT HOUSE - BEDROOM - MORNING                      36
     Burnett and his young wife, THERESA, are jarred awake by
     the CLOCK RADIO BLARING on the night stand. Theresa
     gropes for RADIO, shuts it OFF. Burnett playfully gropes
     for her.
               Marcus, what are you doing?
               We're always saying we should
               spend more quality time together.
               Well, I got the time... and you
               got the quality...
     She laughs.   He kisses her.
               I can remember when we used to
               do it every morning.
               That was how we got a three
               bedroom house filled with little
     She crawls from bed.
               Been over a week since I've had
               some quality time!

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                             10.
37   INT. BURNETT'S KITCHEN - MORNING                          37
     Pandemonium. There's the two-and-a-half-year-old,
     MEGAN, who's taking bites of food and spitting it back
     out, looking at it, then putting it back in. Six-year-
     old JILL, who is playing refrigerator magnet games on the
     fridge. And Marcus in the middle of it all, deftly side-
     stepping his eight-year-old boy, QUINCY, who appears on
     roller blades whizzing through with a hockey stick and
     ball. He body-checks Jill against the ice box.
              Mom, Quincy pushed me.
              Uncle Mike showed me that move.

              Quincy, never-you-mind. And take
              those things off in the house!
              Jill, stop with the book and eat
              your breakfast.
                     (then, exasperated)
              Marcus, why do I always have to
              discipline the kids? You play
              bad cop for a second.
     Alongside the kitchen screen door we see Lowrey's PORSCHE
     ROAR to a stop in the driveway.
              Kids, knock it off... or your
              momma's gonna whoop your butts!
     Theresa laughs in spite of herself as the kids continue
     to fight. Into this craziness enters Mike Lowrey...
              Ah, family life. Reminds me
              why I stay single.
                             JILL & QUINCY
              Uncle Mike!   Uncle Mike!
              Hiya, kids.   Mornin', Theresa.
     Lowrey pecks Theresa on the cheek.   She recoils.
              Don't kiss me, Lowrey. I don't
              know where those lips were last

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                            11.
37   CONTINUED:   (2)                                            37
              Tell us some stories, Uncle Mike.
              You know, the one about the
              Don't go tellin' my son about
              your sleazy sex life?
              I promise, Theresa. I only tell
              your husband about my sleazy
              sex life.

              I don't want him knowing about it
              either! Gives him ideas.
                     (answers the phone)
              Hello? Oh, sure. Which one of
              them do you want?
     Lowrey accepts the phone from Theresa and talks.
              You're live with Lowrey.
                     (listens for a
                      long beat)
              'Scuse me, Captain. I think you
              mean to say, 'Get the fuck down
              here, please?'
     Burnett automatically pulls on his jacket, hugs the
     children as Lowrey hangs up.

              Not so fast. You were going to
              take the kids to school today,
              remember, hon? I have a job
     Lowrey rolls his eyes.

38   EXT. BURNETT'S HOUSE - MORNING                              38
     Burnett's following Lowrey and the kids out his front
     door when his neighbor, DICK, accosts him from across
     the hedge.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                          12.
38    CONTINUED:                                                38
               Hey, Marcus. Did you know we got
               busted into again last night? When
               are you gonna do something about this?
               Hey, Dick. How many times I gotta
               tell you? I don't work robbery.
               I'm in Narcotics.
      Meanwhile, Lowrey's holding the car door open as the kids
      pile into the jump seat in the back.
               Don't get your sticky fingers all
               over my windows... and keep your
               feet off the seats, I just had the
               leather conditioned.
      The kids ignore him, gleefully continuing to squirm
      around. Before Burnett can get into the car, Theresa
      runs out.
               Marcus... I need you to stop at
               Save-More on the way home and pick
               up exactly what's on the list.
      She hands Burnett a long list.
               Oh, baby.   Damn.
      Lowrey shakes his head.

A39   EXT. MIAMI P.D. - DAY                                     A39
      Lowrey and Burnett pull up in Porsche.

B39   INT POLICE STATION - HALLWAY - DAY                        B39
      Lowrey and Burnett walking.
               If I'm lyin' I'm dyin'. Her
               sister came down and posted the
               girl's bail. And later? Man,
               talk about special effects.
               What special effects?

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                         A12A.
              Tell you later -- Mornin',
              Francine. Where's the smile?

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/20/94                                12A.
39   CONTINUED:                                                39
     FRANCINE, a civilian employee of the narcotics unit.
     She's got pictures of her children parked around her
     computer desktop. And though dowdy would be a
     compliment, she's usually got a pleasant smile for
     the boys. Except today...
              Evidence room. Howard's waiting
              for you.
              Your kids are lookin' sharp,
     She smiles.

40   INT. EVIDENCE ROOM - DAY                                  40
     Burnett and Lowrey know there's big problems when, at the
     bottom of the stairwell, the first thing they see is a
     yellow police tape and fingerprint team dusting a torched
     lock. Problem is, the building is nothing but cops and
     it looks as if the entire department is stomping all over
     the evidence room.

40   CONTINUED:                                                 40
              Let's see. There's Sleepy, Grumpy,
              Sneezy, Happy, Bashful... Now,
              who could we be missin'?
              Could it be... Dopey?
     Both laugh hysterically, while:
              If it ain't the leftovers from
              Miami Vice. Fashion casualties,
              lost somewhere in the eighties.
              And the women really go for that.
              Really, they do.
     As Burnett and Lowrey duck the tape, they note a very
     groggy O'Fee over in the corner being attended by a
     paramedic team. He's still out cold. An oh shit look
     passes between the two partners.

41   INT. HEROIN LOCKER - DAY                                   41
     Another torched lock noted as Burnett and Lowrey enter
     with Sanchez an Ruiz behind them. The room is emptied.
     Captain HOWARD appears. He's short, has a military
     haircut, and has a minor Napoleon complex and a major in
              Nice of you to roll in. And
              nothing particular is going on
              around here except, maybe, your
              dope is gone. That's right. The
              biggest dope bust in the history
              of this department up and walked
              out of this locker, along with
              maybe my job and the two of yours
              if we don't get the shit back.
              This can't be happening.

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/21/94                              14.
41   CONTINUED:                                                 41
              So here's what we're gonna do.
              Since it was originally your
              case, you two guys are on point.
              Sanchez and Ruiz, you back them
              up with whatever they need.
     Groans all around.
              So I guess we should start with
              the C.I.s and the perps from the
              original case. But hell if I
              know any dope dealers with the
              balls to pull this off. They're
              either dead or in the lock-up
              pending trial.
              How's O'Fee?
                            SINCLAIR (O.S.)
              Oh, he'll be just fine.
     From the side appears a cigar-chewing Internal Affairs
     suit named SINCLAIR. He circles close to Burnett and
     Lowrey, waving his cigar as he speaks.
              Name's Sinclair. Internal
              Affairs. He's our new proctologist.
              You see, what's got me confused
              is, why risk leaving a witness?
              Why not kill O'Fee instead?

              Because maybe this guy knows if
              you kill a cop the whole
              department'll get up his ass
              hard and fast.
              And who knows that better than
              anybody else? Cops.
              You're not sayin' this was an
              inside job. Cops wouldn't pull
              this shit.

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/21/94                              15.
41   CONTINUED:   (2)                                           41
              Not just cops. Narcotic cops.
              For example, the S.N.D. You've
              got access. You've got
              wherewithall. And most
              importantly, you've got the
              connections. Who else would know
              how to unload a hundred million
              dollars worth of heroin?
              Hey, fuck you and your cheap, off-
              the-rack suit.
              Enough. I.A.'s in it and there's
              nothing we can do about it. If
              any of this leaks, the shit's
              gonna hit our biggest fan.
              Remember him? The mayor? He
              created us and you can bet your
              jobs, boys, he'll rip us into
              little cop pieces. I figure we
              got seventy-two hours to find the
              dope and keep our jobs.
              Nothing like a little old-fashioned

     He walks to the center of the room and kneels to those
     four bolt holes in the floor. He fingers the paraffin
     filler, then looks above to the air conditioning grate.

              What about the air conditioning?
              So what about it?
                     (to Lowrey)
              What do you think?
              I think you should go ahead,
              crawl up and give it a good
              Why me?

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/21/94                    15A.
41   CONTINUED:   (3)                              41
              For one, it was your idea. Two,
              while my suit's fresh, you're
              dressed for the occasion.
              Don't say nothin' about my
              clothes. I paid for these.
              And I don't?
              Not on a cop's salary.

42   INT. HEROIN LOCKER - INSIDE SHAFT - BURNETT                42
     Burnett crawls up with some help from Lowrey below,
     stalling the oscillating fan with his cuffs and crawling
     through. The first thing Burnett notices are the track
     marks from the bobsled cutting through a coating of dust.
              Yeah. I got some weird track
              marks in here.
     Then Burnett notes a manufacturing stamp at the joint.

43   INT. HEROIN LOCKER ROOM - ON HOWARD                        43
     Who appears from below, framed in the vent shaft.
              Nice and cool up there, Burnett?
              Comfy? Maybe there's a new career
              for you in building maintenance.

44   INT. SQUAD ROOM - DAY                                      44
     Lowrey and Burnett with their desks opposite each other.
     The CAMERA CIRCLES while they lay the arm on some
              There's gonna be a lotta cash
              when the dope hits the street.
              We want you to put the word out
              through your bank and hustle the
              account.  You help us, maybe we
              can see about getting those R.T.C.
              auditors off your ass.
              Listen, Cedras. You and I both
              know you're the number one importer
              for the Simona Brothers. And I'm
              tellin' you there's a buttload of
              H on the move and someone's gonna
              wanna stick their dick in it. So
              it better not be yours. You hear
              something? You call us. You hear
              nada? You better get the fuck
              outta town.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                             17.
45    INT. UNMARKED CAR - DAY                                      45
      Lowrey's driving, no seatbelt, doing his usual speed-
      weaving. Burnett's hanging onto the handle above the
               Not a fucking lead. So now that
               we've done the obvious, we need
               a shortcut.
               Okay.   So we talk to Max.
               Huh uh. Not this time. I'm
               tired of you working pussy into
               everything we do.
               You got a better idea?

A46   EXT. CONGRESS GYM - ESTABLISHING - DAY                       A46
      Lowrey and Burnett arrive in the unmarked car.

46    INT. CONGRESS GYM - DAY                                      46
      Once-colorful stucco, fading and crumbling. Scrappy
      Cuban fighters spar and work out on the aging equipment
      while, at the same time, a remarkable amount of amazing-
      looking women work out on weight bags, shadow box with
      trainers. Curves and sweat, any way you look.


      enter. And while Lowrey cruises amongst the sweaty flesh
      as if it were a day in the park, Burnett lags. Maybe he
      has been married too long.

      she's doing sit-ups on an incline bench.     She notices
               Hi, Mike.   You come to work-out?
               Raincheck, darlin'. Gotta talk.
               Anyplace we can go?

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                            18.
46   CONTINUED:                                                  46
              Equipment room. Hiya, Marcus.
              How's your wife?
              That's what I thought.

47   INT. EQUIPMENT ROOM - DAY                                   47
     This room isn't enclosed. It's walled by wire mesh.
     Private enough, though. Max shuts the door.

              Sorry to come around only when
              I need something.
              Forget about it. I owe you the
              rest of my life, Mike.
     Lowrey just gives her an "oh please" look.
              Don't be lookin' at me like I'm
              getting all sentimental.
              Hey, I didn't open my mouth.
              Listen, there's some major, major
              ill shit happening down at the
              P.D. Lotta heroin involved. There's
              gonna be a lotta cash involved, too.
              Gonna be some happy motherfuckers
              around that wanna party.
              So you want me to check around?
              Just make a coupla calls. See what's
              what. Don't be doin' no wild shit.
              Just call me if you hear something.

48   INT. BOXING GYM - DAY                                       48
     Burnett is surrounded by beautiful, sweaty women. One of
     them is a fabulous BLACK WOMAN with legs so long and
     toned, they're not just legs, they're weapons. Burnett
     can't help but stare.

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                           19.
48   CONTINUED:                                                 48
                            BLACK WOMAN
              Who's Max's friend?
              A cop.
                              BLACK WOMAN
              Oooh.    I love cops.
     The other girls are suddenly interested, too.   Burnett
     swallows and...
              You know? I'm a cop. I shot
              somebody just last week. Didn't
              kill him, just shot him in the
     Stone cold looks from them all. They walk away with
     Burnett giving a "what did I say" look. Lowrey appears.
              You know, that was really smooth.
              Think you could do that again?
                     (as they start
              Ohh. I'll tell you, when the wife
              gets meaner, the grass gets greener.
              Green ain't the color I was
              thinkin' of. More of a coco puff.
              Just real shiny, thick...

49   EXT. BOXING GYM                                            49

     As they head toward their car, Burnett's BEEPER SOUNDS.
     He switches it OFF.
              Damn! The woman's got fuckin'
              radar on my ass. Sensed me
              lookin' at another woman. Bet
              she wants me to pick up Huggies
              'stead of those baby Garanimals
              that they wear.
              I don't think anybody could be
              that married.

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                            19A.
50   INT. UNMARKED POLICE CAR - IN MOTION - DAY                 50
     Burnett drives cautiously while both he and Lowrey bob
     to Ice-T's "COP KILLER." They get a kick out of the
              Miami's the perfect town for you,
              Burnett. You drive like a one-
              hundred-seven-year-old lady with
              her turn signal on.
              And I plan on living to be old
              just like 'em. Rubbin' Ben Gay
              on my joints and everythin'.

     An old guy passes them even though his car is pulling
     an Airstream camper behind it. Lowrey can't believe it.
              You gonna let every old
              motherfucker pass you? Or just
              the ones with big-ass trailers
              draggin' behind? A-c-c-el-er-ate.
              I don't have a death wish like
              you. I  got a family that counts
              on me.  A mortgage to pay. And
              I'm not sayin' it's me, but most
              of the guys in the station think
              you're some rich kid playin' cop.
              Who said that?

     Burnett mumbles an answer.
              If somebody's talking about me, I
              wanna know... Man, I'm so sick of
              this. I don't apologize for
              nothing I do. I get up early and
              take it to the max every day. I'm
              always the first guy through the
              door. And the last guy to leave a
              crime scene. So fuck 'em all. I
              could give a shit what those boot
              lickin', brown-nosin', ass kissin'
              motherfuckers think of Mike Lowrey.
     What can Burnett say to all that, but...

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                          20.
50   CONTINUED:                                                50
              I love you, man.
     He lets loose a big grin.
              Oh, fuck you, Marcus.
                            DISPATCHER (V.O.)
                     (over radio)
              Two-one? I got that address for
              you on the air conditioning
              company. Oh, and Theresa called,
              she added something to your grocer
              list: Muppets toothpaste. Bubble
              gum flavor. She says Quincy
              doesn't like mint.
     Lowrey rolls his eyes, glances at Burnett, who's
              Yeah. Roger that. Gimme the
                            DISPATCHER (V.O.)
              Orona's been working out of his
              house. He's at...

     Burnett and Lowrey step from their unmarked car and
     start up the steps to this stony, estate-sized house.

              The air conditioning business
              has been good to Orona.
     Lowrey rings the bell.   They wait.   No answer.
              Well, we can leave a note or we
              can break and enter --
              Wait. Hear that? I thought I
              heard Orona beating his wife.

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                              21.
52   INT. ESTATE - REAR DOOR                                       52
     Lowrey kicks the door in.
              Uh oh.    No alarm.
              Aw, man.    Did you cut one?
              No, man.    Musta been you.
              Not me.
     Lowrey and Burnett look at each other and draw guns.

                               LOWREY AND BURNETT
              Dead guy.

53   INT. ORONA'S DEN - DAY                                        53
     The door is unlocked and swings open easily to reveal
     Lowrey and Burnett in an instant, repulsed reaction to
     Orona's body which sits upright in his office chair, the
     body grotesque and bloated.
              Now what?
     A sickened Burnett goes over to the body, speaking to
     Orona as if he were alive.
              Where are the drugs?
                     (no answer)
              Where... are... the... drugs?
              He ain't sayin' nothin'. He must
              be guilty of somethin'.
     Meanwhile, Lowrey's got   no problem with the dead body.
     He tries opening a desk   drawer, but Orona's rigor mortis-
     stiffened knee is in the   way. So Lowrey gives it a shove
     and the chair swivels.    Orona's dead arm sweeps the lamp
     off the desk.
              Whoa. Watch where you're swinging
              them dead arms, Orona. You're
              gonna fuck up your own crime

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                             22.
53   CONTINUED:                                                   53
     Lowrey braves the body and gingerly pokes around his
                Watch what you touch.   That's
                Not touching. Browsing... Mr. Orona.
                You've got the right to remain
                silent. Anything you say'll
                surprise the shit out of us.

                       (finds small notepad)
                Jai-Alai. Dog track. Lotta
                bookies. Phone numbers.
                Lemme guess. Guy does the air
                conditioning contract for the P.D.
                He'd have the plans.
                He trades the plans for his paper
                and gets popped by the perps.
                Works for me. Now can we go?
                I'm gonna puke.

54   EXT. LOIS FIELD'S MANOR - SUNSET                             54

     A Palm Beach styled antique.

55   INT. LOIS FIELD'S MANOR - SUNSET                             55
     As antique as the exterior. Well-tended. Lots of potted
     ferns amongst rattan and craftsman era furniture.
     Enter --

     Matronly, in her flowered dress and bare feet, she
     carries a tea tray toward the kitchen. Max is following.

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                          23.
55   CONTINUED:   (A1)                                         55
              Please, Lois. Make some calls.
              That's all. I'm looking for a
              party with fresh cash.
              I'm not doing any favors for
              Mike Lowrey.
              Then call it a favor for me.
              Okay, then. I'll make the calls.
              But you have to talk to Julie.
              I'll talk to her but she's not
              into it.
              All you have to say is that
              she'll be getting paid for what
              she already does for free.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/21/94                                 24.
55    CONTINUED:                                                    55
               And she'll say, 'There's one big
               difference. I do it for fun. I
               don't ever have to blow anyone I
               don't like.'
                                                   CUT TO:

56    FRONT DOOR                                                    56
      It swings open to reveal JULIE MOTT, 24, just as
      beautiful as Max and dressed to be undressed. She drops
      one of those big, model's shoulder bags to the floor and
      gazes curiously back at Lois and Max. Her ears are
               Okay.   So what'd I miss?

      The hotel bustles with activity.     Cabs pull up.   Doormen.
      Bellhops. Rich people.

57    EXT. BILTMORE HOTEL - COURTYARD - DUSK                        57
      As Max and Julie walk through...
               Bad moods after a bad round of
               golf... I had blonde hair, then.
               What about Ronny?
               Sex addict.     Coke addict.
               You were a redhead?
               Only for two days. It wasn't
               even a phase.
               Okay.   Mark.

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/21/94                       25.
57   CONTINUED:                                          57
              Oooh. Bad loser and bad, bad
              blonde. Farrah, frosted kinda
              big bad blonde. Oooh.
     Max laughs.
              But that's my point. I remember
              my hair phases more than I
              remember the men.
                     (playful, sarcastic)
              So, a party in a Biltmore Hotel
              suite? Yeah, that'll really rock.

              It's a favor for a friend. If it
              sucks after a half-hour, we'll
              split and head to South Beach.
              A favor?
              You know, my friend Mike Lowrey.
                     (rolls her eyes)
              Mike Lowrey. Not again. Will you
              just have sex with the man and get
              it over with.
              He's just a friend.
              Yeah, right.     You're in love.
              It's never gonna happen. I'm
              great at turning lovers into
              friends. But turning friends
              into lovers, I can't do.
              Well, I don't date cops. They
              never have enough money and
              they're always too tired to
              Well, I've told you before, my
              Mike isn't like that. If I were
              in real trouble, Mike Lowrey is
              the only person I'd call.

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/21/94                                 25A.
58   OMITTED                                                       58

59   INT. BILTMORE HOTEL - AL CAPONE'S SUITE - DUSK                59
     Upon arrival, the door is opened to Max and Julie by
     Eddie Dominguez, instantly recognizeable from the heist.
     Eddie's pouring champagne into a glass.
               Max, my little carina. It's
               been a long time. And who's
               your friend?
               Eddie.   Julie.

     Julie sizes him up.    Good taste.   His suit.   Bad taste.
     His personality.
               Come on, Julie. Come in, Max.
               Welcome to the Al Capone suite.
     Thev're stepped into a grand, opulent suite. High
     arched ceilings. Magnificent antique furniture. Killer
     view. No party guests.
               I'm not kidding. Capone had
               the place fixed up with secret
               passages and hidden stairways.
               Can you dig it? People were
               actually killed within these
     He's moved behind them and reveals a concealed staircase
     that rises into darkness.

     Not happy. Stuck at the Biltmore with a Scarface
     wannabe. She looks over at Max. Let's get outta here.
               Excuse me?   I need to use the
     Julie crosses to the bathroom.
               Wow, Maxi. I thought you dropped
               off the edge of the earth and died.
               Either that or you moved to

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/21/94                           25B.
59   CONTINUED:   (A1)                                      59
              So, Eddie. Looks like we're
              way too early. How's about we
              come back later?

59   CONTINUED:                                                 59
              No. Don't go yet. We can
              party. Just us three. Look at
              what Eddie's got to play with.
     From underneath the couch Eddie reveals a single key of
     heroin. Max tries to hide the recognition that she just
     hit paydirt on the very first try.

60   INT. BATHROOM - JULIE                                      60
     Where she's silently cursing Max for getting her into
     this lame-ass party when she hears MUFFLED VOICES outside
     the bathroom. Instinctively, Julie peers through the
     louvered shades.

61   JULIE'S POV - THROUGH SHADES                               61
     She sees Eddie opening the door to Fouchet.   Casper and
     Noah follow him inside.
                                               CUT BACK TO:

62   INT. AL CAPONE SUITE                                       62
     Eddie is instantly nervous in the presence of Fouchet.
              Who's the girl, Eddie?
              Just a hooker --

              My name's Max.
                     (outstretched hand)
              I'm just a friend.
              I could use a friend who looks
              like you. Turn around. Lemme
              get a good look.
     Max tries to size this man, then chooses to submit. She
     does her best model's turn. Slowly giving him a view of
     the rear when --
     Fouchet draws a PISTOL -- BAM BAM!!
     Max tumbles forward and CRASHES through a GLASS TABLE.

63   INT. BATHROOM - JULIE                                         63
     Instant horror. Julie saw Max killed and retreats to
     the opposite side of the bathroom in total fright.
                                                 CUT BACK TO:

64   INT. CAPONE SUITE                                             64
     Now, Fouchet swings the gun onto Eddie.
               You're a fucking idiot. Hookers
               talk. Now, is that my dope?
               Our dope... That was the deal,
               yeah? Right. Until we got the
               money --
     BAM!   Fouchet SHOOTS Eddie in the knee.   Eddie screams!
               You fucker... fucker fucker
               I have four more days until I
               make the deal. When it's done
               you get your money. Now, what
               part don't you understand?
               Hey, man.   You need me.
               I don't need anybody. I got three
               little angels looking over my

     Fouchet UNLOADS THREE MORE SHOTS.    BAM BAM BAM!!!   Blood
     spatters onto Casper.
               Aw, man. You got blood on my
               new suit.
               Ever hear of dry cleaning? Now,
               shut the fuck up, check for the
               rest of my dope.

65   INT. BATHROOM - JULIE                                      65
     Half-panicked, half-trying to keep her head. There's no
     way out of the bathroom. All she can do is switch off
     the light. And now she sees Casper's shadow as he

     As it turns. Julie suddenly reaches for it and pulls
     open the door with a surge. Casper stumbles in, his
     face hitting the hard tile with a crunch.

66   INT. CAPONE SUITE - JULIE                                  66

     Making her move, she hauls as fast as she can across the
     room. Aiming for that secret fireplace door.

     Wheels with his PISTOL, unloads the clip. BULLETS are
     catching up, ripping up the couch and the rest of the
     suite. Julie dives right into the secret door.

67   INT. SECRET PASSAGEWAY - SAME TIME                         67
     Dark. Twisting. We MOVE WITH Julie as she races through
     it, heart in her throat. She comes upon some old metal
     stairs, a sliver of light at the top, and clambers up...

68   EXT. BELL TOWER - NIGHT                                    68
     High atop the Biltmore, this is where the passageway
     leads out to. A door flies open and Julie appears.
     Panicked. Wind whipping all around her. A bird flies
     by, startling her. Hearing the APPROACHING THUGS, Julie
     sprints as best she can across the Spanish-tiled roof.
     Turns to see --

69   EXT. BELL TOWER - NIGHT                                    69
     Noah and Casper appear in the Bell Tower. Noah scans
     the roof, takes aim and FIRES, but he's too far away --
     and Julie disappears behind a rise in the roof.

70   EXT. BILTMORE - ROOFTOP - JULIE - NIGHT                    70
     She steps towards the edge of the roof. Quickly peers
     over. A huge swimming pool, five stories down.

70   CONTINUED:                                                 70
     She weighs the options.   Jump or die.

     As they try running across the harsh-tiled roof...
              Now look. My fuckin' shoes.      My
              fuckin' Italian shoes!
     Then Julie prays silently, takes a running start and
     leaps from the roof. SLOW-MOTION as Julie flies through
     the air like some glamorous angel.

71   EXT. BILTMORE POOL - UNDERWATER - NIGHT                    71
     as Julie breaks the surface with a huge splash. The
     water swirls as her aching body struggles to the surface.

72   EXT. BILTMORE POOL - SURFACE - NIGHT                       72
     Julie breaks water like a dolphin, gasping for breath.
     She's dazed and confused, but alive -- for the moment.

73   INT. AL CAPONE SUITE - NIGHT                               73
     Fouchet reaches down and picks up Max's purse, then
     flicks it across the room to the defeated pair of Casper
     and Noah.
              She's a hooker. Find out who
              she works for. Find out where
              she lives.

74   EXT. BILTMORE HOTEL - HALF-HOUR LATER                      74
     Several police cars, an ambulance and a coroner's van
     are now parked in front, the lobby awash in strobing
     red and blue lights. CAMERA PANS PAST the crime scene
     personnel to find Burnett and Lowrey pulling up to the
     scene. They get out and thread their way through the
     growing chaos.

75   INT. BILTMORE - AL CAPONE SUITE - NIGHT                    75
     The place is a mess. Homicide detectives are already on
     the scene, drawing chalk circles around casings on the

75   CONTINUED:                                                  75
     On the far side of the commotion, the two bodies have
     been photographed and are covered. Chief Howard is
     conferring with a technician who's dusting for prints.

     But Sanchez and Ruiz are already on the scene.
               You guys watch where you're walking
               or you'll fuck up the crime scene.

               Looks like you're already doing
     Burnett's quick to point out the trail of bloody foot-
     prints Ruiz just tracked across the carpet.

     Which Julie left on the fireplace mantel. Lowrey's quick
     to note the two separate shades of lipstick.
               Two dead. A hood registered as
               Eddie Dominguez and some Jane
               Doe. But the table over there's
               covered in high-grade dope. Sound
               I think we    got us a witness.
               Over here    I got two different
               shades of    lipstick on one
               champagne    glass.
     Meanwhile --

     He drops the sheet on Eddie's body, then moves over to
     Max's. He doesn't know it's her until --
               Jesus, no...
               Whatcha got?

75   CONTINUED:   (2)                                             75
     Burnett drops the sheet, turns and puts a protective
     shoulder between Lowrey and the body.
              What?     Who is it?
     Lowrey instintively pushes past his partner and kneels
     at the body. He pulls back the sheet. Right now he
     could kill the shooter, then himself. In that order.
     Lowrey's eyes well up.
              I shoulda told you to be careful.

76   INT. BILTMORE HOTEL - LOBBY - NIGHT                          76
     The elevator doors open and out step Burnett and Lowrey
     into a lobby full of cops. Lowrey goes straight to the
     front desk.
              Eddie Dominguez. I want his
              phone calls.
     He flashes a badge.
                            HOTEL CLERK
              You pay the bill you can see
              his phone calls.
              I'm sorry.     Maybe I wasn't polite
     With a flashing right jab, Lowrey pops the snooty Clerk.
     After the Clerk finds his feet, eyes peering over the
              I wouldn't fuck with him right

77   EXT. BILTMORE HOTEL - NIGHT                                  77
     Walking down the steps toward their car, Lowrey passes
     the phone sheet off to Burnett.

77   CONTINUED:                                                   77
               Three calls to Lois Fields.
               I'm going to stop by her place
               and tell her a bedtime story.
               You can catch a ride with Howard.
     Lowrey jumps in the car.
               Uh oh... Alright, you check out
               Lois, then check in --

78   INT. LOIS FIELD'S MANOR - MASTER SUITE - NIGHT               78

     Replete with balcony and billowy curtains, the old-styled
     madame LOIS FIELDS sits up on her bed covered in pillows
     and exotic stuffed animals. She thumbs an old, leather-
     bound looseleaf binder full of modeling photos and
                             LOIS FIELDS
               I'm sorry, Jimmy. But you can't
               have her. Shelly only models and
               that's all... That's right. Like
               I always say, some girls do, some
               girls don't, and the rest you
               can't afford --
                      (line cuts out)
               Hello? Jimmy... Jimmy?
     Suddenly, the power is cut.

79   INT. LOIS FIELD'S MANOR - FRONT DOOR - NIGHT                 79

     CRASH!   The front DOOR breaks down.   Noah appears.

80   EXT. LOIS FIELD'S MANOR - NIGHT                              80
     Lowrey parks the Porsche.

81   INT. LOIS FIELD'S MANOR - NIGHT                              81
     The door is open and the deadbolt looks smashed with
     something heavy like a sledgehammer. Lowrey pulls a
     radio with one hand and his pistol with the other.

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                               33.
81   CONTINUED:                                                  81
                     (into mic)
              This is twenty-one two. I'm
              gonna need back-up at 614 Reach
     Lowrey eases inside the darkness of the doorway. He
     checks the lights, but the power is off. Slipping the
     radio into his coat pocket, he returns with a mini-
     flashlight and begins to clear a path, doorway by
     doorway, then moving up a wide stairwell.

82   INT. MIAMI PD - SQUAD ROOM - NIGHT                          82

     Howard is sitting at the edge of the desk while Burnett
     is on the phone with Theresa.
              Did you check parole? How about
              F.B.I. or D.E.A.? They're
              supposed to be compliant with our
              requests? And where the hell's
                     (hand over phone)
              Following this Lois Fields lead.
              I just paged him.
              The madame? What's it with this
              guy? It's always girls, girls,
                     (as Theresa screams)
              No, Theresa... No, he wasn't
              talking about you.

83   INT. LOIS FIELD'S MANOR - UPSTAIRS - NIGHT                  83
     MOVING THROUGH the doors of the master suite where a light
     breeze blows through balcony of sheer curtains, Lowrey
     turns ever-so-slowly with his flashlight following a beat
     behind. The beam comes to rest on a bludgeoned body
     laying on the bed amongst huge pillows and exotic stuffed
     animals. The telephone cord is wrapped around her neck.
     Lowrey's closer inspection reveals --

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                                  34.
83   CONTINUED:                                                      83
     Where an obvious page   and photo have been ripped out.
     Julie's. Lowrey goes    for the phone. Picks it up with
     his handkerchief. No    dial tone. So he drops the
     receiver and heads out   of the room. But just as he
     reaches the doorway --
     Suddenly -- Lowrey's BEEPER SOUNDS.
     He jumps.    Reaches down to switch it off when --
     From out of those billowing curtains -- Noah!
     Sledgehammer in hand, he swings at Lowrey, who instinc-
     tively blocks and ducks as the hammer misses and crushes
     the bannister railing. It gives under Lowrey's weight,
     who reaches over and traps the sledgehammer, only to find
     one of Noah's hammy fists battering him behind the ear
     until --
     The rail finally gives way.
     Lowrey falls and crashes onto a Craftsman table covered
     in antique picture frames. It collapses underneath him.
     Then --

     Laying next to him.    It SQUAWKS LOUDLY...
                               BACK-UP COPS (V.O.)
                        (over radio)
                 Pulling up now, twenty-one-two.
                 Give us your twenty in the
                 residence... twenty-one-two. Do
                 you copy. Twenty-one-two...
     The CAMERA LIFTS to reveal that Noah has vanished.

84   INT. MIAMI PD - SQUAD ROOM - NIGHT                              84
     Howard can't believe his ears.       Is every cop's wife such
     a pain in the...
                 Theresa, I know it was my idea. I
                 know I was the one who wanted a
                 little quality time.  It's just
                 that this can't wait.  Can't I
                 just wake you up when I get home?

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                               35.
84   CONTINUED:                                                   84
     Lowrey's PHONE RINGS.    But Howard's close so he picks it
              It's about fuckin' time.
              Howard here.

85   INT. JULIE'S APARTMENT - JULIE                               85
     This small place is a typical, party girl pit  stop. Very
     little furniture, but closets overflowing with  clothes.
     Magazines, beer bottles, unmade bed. Wet and   frightened,
     Julie scurries around with a cordless phone at  her ear,
     locking all the doors and windows.
              I need to talk to Detective Lowrey!
              He's not here. How can I help you?
              You can get me Detective Lowrey!
              This isn't another paternity
              case, is it?
              No.     It's another murder case.
              Did this happen at the Biltmore
              Listen! I just saw my best friend
              murdered. I'm soaking wet. I'm
              alone, I'm scared and I'll only
              talk to Mike Lowrey!
              Don't hang up. Lemme find him.
                     (hand over phone)
              Page Lowrey. Find out where he
              Theresa.     I gotta go.
     Burnett hangs up and redials Lowrey's pager.

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/21/94                             35A.
86   EXT. LOIS FIELD'S MANOR - NIGHT                            86
     Lowrey, battered and barely conscious, is loaded into an
     ambulance. His BEEPER SOUNDS.

87   INT. JULIE'S APARTMENT - JULIE                             87
     She's so frustrated she's about to hang up.

87   CONTINUED:                                                 87
              I don't want to come downtown! I
              don't want police protection! If
              you can't gimme Detective Lowrey
              I'm just gonna blow town!

88   INT. SQUAD ROOM - HOWARD AND BURNETT                       88
              Don't leave town. Please, and
              don't hang up. I've got Lowrey
              right here. He just walked in.
                     (holds the phone
                      to Burnett)
              Be Lowrey.
              I can't be Lowrey.
              Shut up and listen! She'll only
              talk to Lowrey. She says she's
              our witness. That means she's our
              only link to the dope, not to
              mention my pension plan, so get on
              the phone.
     Burnett accepts the phone. Hand over the receiver, he
     does a quick Lowrey impression that starts as lame and
     ends pretty damn convincing.
              Yo, you are live with Lowrey...
                     (then into phone)
              Yo, you're live with Lowrey.

89   EXT. RESIDENTIAL STREET - NIGHT                            89
     Burnett's Volvo turns onto the block. He pulls over on
     the opposite side of the street and parks, his car
     blending in with others in the residential neighborhood.
     He gets out, crosses to the lobby of her building.

90   EXT. JULIE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT                             90
     Burnett knocks on the door.

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/23/94 PM                               37.
90   CONTINUED:                                                     90
     He notices his gold wedding band, hastily removes it.
     Just as he drops it into his jacket pocket --
                              JULIE (O.S.)
              Who's there?
              Mike Lowrey.

91   INT. JULIE'S APARTMENT                                         91
     She stands on the other side of the door with a baseball
     bat, cocked and ready to fly.
              How do I know it's Detective
              ... 'Cuz I'm Mike Lowrey.      I'm a
              cop. Wanna see my badge?
              Yes! I wanna see it now! I'm
              not letting you through the fucking
              door until I do. Hold it up to
              the peephole!
     Burnett shows his shield.    Holds it up to the peephole.
              Anybody can get one of those.

              Hey, lady. You called me,
              remember...? 'On the mike with
     After a beat, the door swings ajar.

92   INT. JULIE'S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS ACTION                     92
     But as Burnett enters the house, all he notices are that
     two DOGS start YAPPING HYSTERICALLY. He can't see her.
     But she can see him. From behind the door, she comes out
     swinging a bat. Burnett ducks and Julie smashes the hat
     stand instead.

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/23/94 PM                             37A.
92   CONTINUED:                                                 92
              What the fuck was that for?
              You're not Mike Lowrey!
              What do you mean I'm not Mike
              Lowrey? You never even met
              him! Me.
              The way Max described you was

              I'm undercover.
     She doesn't believe him and swings the bat.
              Okay.    I'm way undercover.
              Prove it!
              I knew her from way back. From
              time to time, you know... We'd get
              together. Mess around, you know?
     Julie swings for real, nearly taking Burnett's head off.

              Okay. Okay. So I exaggerated.
              It's a man thing.
     She swings again, but he's had enough, he moves quickly,
     catching the bat with his hand and ripping it away from
              You know what? You don't wanna
              believe me? That's fine with me!
              Go it alone.
     Burnett heads toward the open door.     Julie's veneer drops
     as she shrinks to the floor.

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/23/94 PM                               38.
92   CONTINUED:   (2)                                               92
              I saw it all... I watched him
              shoot her. Like she was nothing.
                     (trying to hold
                      it together)
              Please shut the door.
              You don't got any more golf clubs
              or bats, do you? Nothin' that you
              can swing at me, do you?
     She shakes her head.     He carefully steps forward.
              Then lemme introduce myself. I'm
              Mike Lowrey. And I'm here to help
              You're not what I expected.
              Yeah, well neither are you.      You
              swing like Barry Bonds.
     Burnett nods and crosses over to help Julie to her feet.
              Alright. Look here, I need to
              know if you've called anybody.
              Or if you told anybody else where
              you are?
              No.   Nobody.

              Good.     You got a back door?
     Julie nods, scoops up one of her dogs and grabbing
     another modeling bag off the table.
              Where are we going?
                     (as she stuffs
                      the dog into
                      the tote)

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/23/94 PM                                39.
92   CONTINUED:    (3)                                                92
                 Protective custody.
                        (pulls away)
                 Whoa! Fuck that. I'll only deal
                 with you. Otherwise, I'll take
                 my chances.
     Burnett's getting a "not again" look on his face when --
     A SHOTGUN BLAST blows the front door open.       Clutching the
     bag, Julie races around the living room.

                 Let's go!
                 Luke?!   Where's my other dog?!
                 Fuck the dog!
     Burnett sees the second dog cowering in the corner.       So
     he lunges over, scoops the dog up.
                                                     CUT TO:

93   OMITTED                                                          93

94   FRONT DOOR                                                       94

     As the remaining parts are kicked in from the outside.
     It's Casper, Noah and Kuni!

     Racing through the apartment toward the back door,
     Burnett wheels with the GUN and FIRES just as Kuni rounds
     a corner with the SHOTGUN. The room ERUPTS with plaster
     spray and NOISE. Julie shrieks, and Burnett shoves her
     through the back door, then spins and FIRES. Kuni
     tumbles and dies from multiple hits.

95   EXT. JULIE'S BACK DOOR - CONTINUOUS ACTION                       95
     Julie leads him down a metal stairway.        BULLETS RICOCHET
     left and right.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/23/94 PM                            40.
      FOLLOW Burnett and Julie as they race through the grungy
      alley to his station wagon --

96    EXT. OUTDOOR CAFE - CONTINUOUS ACTION                       96
      The cafe is between Julie's front door and the Volvo.
      Casper appears, FIRING his GUN. People scatter and
      scream. BULLETS RIP all about.
                                                  CUT TO:


      Burnett STARTS the ENGINE and lurches out into the

97    NOAH'S POV                                                  97
      The plates on Burnett's Volvo.

98    INT. VOLVO - IN MOTION                                      98
      One DOG starts to BARK.
               Fine time to bark. Where were you
               when they were comin' up the walk?
               Shit. Bet they got a look at my
               license plates. If you saw him
               again, would you remember the guy
               who shot Max?

               All I remember is one of them had
               really bad hair. Where are we
               I told you, I'm putting you into
               protective custody...
                      (cuts him off)
               No way. Listen, no offense, but I
               don't trust anybody.
               Yeah.   I noticed.

     BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/23/94 PM                        40A.
98   CONTINUED:   (A1)                                      98
              Believe me, it's not a new thing.
              Especially when my life is at
              stake. I read the newspaper you
              know, people disappear all the
                     (exasperated again)
              Fine. So what do you want to do?
              Where will you feel safe?
              I didn't really think about it.
              I guess it's your place or a plane
              ticket. Your place is cheaper.
              So you choose.
              My place? Okay, good.   No, wait.
              My place is wrong.

98    CONTINUED:                                                  98
               I mean right. As in good. My
               place is good. We'll go there
               My place.

99    EXT. LOWREY'S BUILDING - NIGHT                              99
      Burnett's Volvo pulls into the circular driveway of
      Oceanview Terrace.

100   INT. VOLVO - CONTINUOUS ACTION                              100
               Wait here.

101   INT. LOBBY - NIGHT                                          101
      Burnett walks over to CHET, the doorman, a shifty little
      guy who's always got his hand out. He's sitting on a
      folding chair reading Penthouse Forum.
               Detective Burnett... Mr. Lowrey is
               He told me I could use the place

               Didn't mention it to me.
      Chet holds out his hand. Burnett slips him ten. Chet
      sneaks a peek over at the car, sees Julie putting on
               Say.   How's that Mrs. Burnett?
      Burnett realizes this is going to cost him more. Gives
      him another ten. But for Chet it's still not enough.
               Your children good? Mr. Lowrey
               says you got a regular baby
               factory goin' over there.

101   CONTINUED:                                                   101
                      (all his money)
               Here. And if that's not enough,
               I'm gonna run you in for extortion.
               Now that I think about it, Mr.
               Lowrey did mention something
               about giving you the key.

102   INT. LOWREY'S CONDO - NIGHT                                  102
      The door opens, Burnett gropes awkwardly in the dark
      for the light switch. Finally finds it.

               I forgot I had those switches moved.
               Welcome to Casa del Lowrey.
      Julie enters, looking left and right, cautious but
      impressed by the stylish digs.
               Nice... very nice. All this on a
               cop's salary?
               I uh... I invest.
               Right. What was your last pick?
               A horse in the number two race at
               Pimlico? Or did a bookie give you
               an inside tip.

      Which Julie runs her hands across labels.   All French.
               -- My father invests... Listen.
               You must be tired --
               I'll ask you this only   once, Mike.
               Are you on the take?    And if you
               say no and I discover   you're lying
               to me, I'll walk. Are    we clear?

102   CONTINUED:                                               102
               Fair enough. I'm not on the take.
               Satisfied? Good. So... why don't
               you make yourself at home? Here's
               the T.V. remote. Watch yourself
               some 'Gilligan's Island' reruns or
      Hits "ON" button. Instead of TV, the room immediately
      becomes a seduction den: lights dim, romantic music.
               Heh -- all these damn things look
                      (switches it off)
               Well, gotta run... There's probably
               a couple of good steaks in the
               fridge for the dogs. Help yourself
               to whatever.
                      (starts to go)
               I'll check on you in the morning.
               Where are you going?
               Uh, back to the P.D. I got
               paperwork back on my desk to go
               through that's about this high.
                      (to his armpits)
               And now there's you, so that makes
               it this high.
      To his neck.
               You mean, you're going to leave me
               alone? In your place. With all
               your stuff?
               Why shouldn't I? Are you a thief
               or a vandal?
               Of course not. And I'm not a call
               girl, either.
               I didn't ask.
               I know you didn't. I just thought
               you should know.

102   CONTINUED:   (2)                                             102
               Okay. Important lesson. Julie's
               not a call girl. Can I go now?
               Just one more thing.
      Julie steps forward and wraps her arms around Burnett.
      It's a one-way hug. Uncomfortable, Burnett doesn't
      reciprocate other than a palsy pat on the back.
               Thank you.   For everything.
               Don't mention it.
      Burnett tries to break toward the door when the PHONE
      RINGS. Burnett stares at the phone, not knowing what
      to do.
               Aren't you going to --
                             LOWREY'S MACHINE (V.O.)
               Hi. You're live with Lowrey.
               Leave it at the beep.
      The PHONE BEEPS.
                             YVETTE (V.O.)
               Miiike... it's Yvette... I know I
               told you I don't date cops. And I
               know I told you I wouldn't sleep
               with a man I wasn't going to marry.
               But I've been thinking -- and I
               remember when you said thinking was
               a dangerous thing -- so I started
               feeling... well, lonely. Remember
               when you gave me that key --
      Burnett charges over and shuts OFF the MACHINE.
               It's uh... It's uh...
               You don't have to explain.
      Finally, they've reached consensus.     Burnett grins and
      is out the door.
               Lock the door. Don't open it for

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                              46.
103   INT. LOBBY - NIGHT                                            103
      As Burnett is racing back through to the car, he sees
      Chet behind the desk and stops.
               Listen, Chet. The girl? She's a
               witness. I'm gonna be gone for
               about an hour. Do me a favor.
               Keep your eye out, okay?
               You know, Mr. Burnett. I'm getting
               off in just a few minutes, so... I
               could watch the door if you like.
               You know. In a chair. I could
               just sit in it. Outside the door
               like cops do when they're guarding
               Just keep an eye out.
      Heads for the door.
               Yeah, I was gonna be a cop, you
               know? Just didn't work out. You
               know? Politics.

104   INT. BURNETT HALLWAY                                          104
      As Doris storms toward her bedroom, Burnett trails her,
      apologetically --
               Don't you 'Honey Baby' me --

               -- I swear, baby, it's nothing.
               I was on the job --
      As she gets to the bedroom, Doris wheels around --
               And you just happened to lose
               your wedding ring -- 'on the
      He looks down at his ringless finger --
               No!   No!    I got it right here...

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                          46A.
104   CONTINUED:                                              104
      He hastily fishes into his jacket pocket, but too late --
      Doris slams the door in his face, LOCKS it.
      OFF Burnett's pained expression --

105   INT. MIAMI PD - HALLWAY - DAY                           105
      Burnett and Lowrey on the move.

105   CONTINUED:                                                 105
               If you were a real partner, instead
               of some no-backup, hot doggin',
               car chasin', skirt sniffin'
               motherfucker, I would be gettin'
               down to business with my wife
               instead of stuck in this situation.
               Yeah.   Thanks for the get-well card.

106   INT. POLICE BASKETBALL GYM                                 106
      Howard is in sweats, awkwardly shooting free throws as
      his morning workout. Parked on either side of the hoop,
      Lowrey and Burnett patiently retrieve each missed ball
      and send it back to him.
               Chief. I tried to set   the girl
               up with a sketch artist  but she
               won't. I tried to get   her to come
               in and look at the mug  books and
               she won't come in.
               She'll only deal with Mike Lowrey.
      He tosses a brick.
               That's right. So let her deal
               with the real Mike Lowrey! Who,
               I might add, shoulda been there to
               take the call instead of runnin'
               off like a hot dog without any
      Howard fires another missed shot. He's so bad, it's all
      Burnett and Lowrey can do to keep from spiking the ball.
               Hey. I'm not the one who left a
               strange hooker alone in my
               apartment. You know, she's
               probably on the street sellin'
               all my shit as we speak.
               I had to stash her somewhere!
               She's scared shitless... just
               like her dogs.

106   CONTINUED:                                                 106
               Dogs, too? I got Persian rugs,
               man. I'm going home... explain
               the whole thing, take her to the
               Motel Six, she'll understand...
               Not a good idea.
               Until she I.D.s the shotters, he's
               Mike Lowrey. Could take a coupla
               hours. Could take all day. You
               got a computer with a modem?
               Big computer.    Expensive --
               Yeah, I got a computer and you
               shouldn't touch it. It took me
               weeks to get it set up the way I
               want it and I don't want amateurs
               messing with it.
                      (brick number four)
               Burnett. I'll have Francine give
               you the user code for the computer
               files and you can run pictures for
               the girl on Lowrey's super duper
               So what about me? I can't    tell my
               wife I'm shacked up with a   female
               witness! Besides, I think    they
               made my car last night... I   gotta
               stay close to home, just in   case.
               Easy. Lowrey moves into your
               house. And you're on special
      Another brick.
               No way!   I'm not living in that
               My house ain't no zoo!

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                             49.
106   CONTINUED:   (2)                                             106
               Enough! You're him, he's you!
               Until she makes the shooters and
               we get the dope back, I don't
               care what you have to do, just
               make it work!
      Lowrey and Burnett feel hammered by Howard. Upon
      retrieving his final brick, Lowrey passes to Burnett,
      who feeds back Lowrey with a heel kick to the rim.
      And Lowrey slams the ball home. They exit with Howard
      simply staring.

107   INT. BURNETT BEDROOM - DAY                                   107

      Burnett's tossing some things into an overnight bag.
      Theresa watches him, concerned.
               You never had to go to Cleveland
               on police business before.
               Cleveland's where they collared the
               dealer. And that's where I gotta
               go to testify.
               But what about us? The
               neighborhood's had all break-ins.
               I won't feel safe if you're --
               Honey. I wouldn't go if I didn't
               have the most trustworthy man I
               know to look after my family...
               Oh, no,   Not Lowrey. Not in my
               Yes, Lowrey. I trust him with my
               life and, I most certainly trust
               him with yours.
               Why don't they send him to Cleveland?
               Baby. It's a Federal subpoena.
               I'm the witness. I'm the one who
               has to testify. Case closed. I'm
               the one going to Cleveland.
               Lowrey's staying here.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                               50.
108   EXT. BURNETT HOUSE                                          108
      Theresa stands at the door with arms crossed. Meanwhile,
      Burnett throws his bag in the trunk of the Porsche. He
      and Lowrey trade car keys, the Porsche for the Volvo.
                Don't forget to put Snail Guard on
                my lawn.
                Just leave Cleveland the way you
                found it.
      Burnett climbs in, waves out the window.
                Bye-bye, Theresa. Be good, kids.
      Lowrey joins Theresa on the porch.    Mockingly he puts his
      arm around her and waves.
                Why's he taking your car?
                He's dropping it off at the
                mechanic on the way to the
                airport. The engine  needs an
                overhaul... or will by the time
                he gets there.
      The Porsche heads down the block with a GRINDING of
      GEARS. Lowrey winces and heads for the Volvo when
      Theresa gets in his way.
                Where you think you're going? I
                got a list here of things that
                Marcus was supposed --
                -- that Marcus was supposed to do.
                That's right. Marcus. Not Mike.
                'Cuz Mike's a cop on a case with
                no time to waste.
      Lowrey's in the Volvo and pulling away as fast as he can.

109   OMITTED                                                     109
&                                                                 &
110                                                               110

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/20/94                             51.
111   EXT. BOATYARD - ESTABLISHING - DAY                        111
      One of Miami's famous canals, derelict ships are docked
      and rusting. One such ship, an old freighter called the

112   INT. FREIGHTER - LAB - DAY                                112
      CAMERA FOLLOWS Noah THROUGH a maze of tight corners
      and stairwells INTO a single, massive hold converted
      into a drug-processing lab. Huge, bakery-sized mixing
      BOWLS CHUG on one side of the room while lab workers form
      the doughy, cut heroin into pizza-sized forms, and shovel
      them into tractor ovens on the other side of the room.
      When the pies come out, more lab assistants re-form the
      pies into keys.

      He's dealing with his 26-year-old chemist named ELLIOT.
               Okay. Explain it to me, Elliot.
               Why are we behind?
               The cutting agent is highly
               volatile. You can't cook it like
               you would a pizza. I had to gear
               the ovens down to half-speed.
               We already accounted for that,
               Elliot. It's in our fucking
               timetable. So what else?

      Elliot is uncomfortable. He looks back at WALLY, his
      stoned-looking assistant, before forging ahead.
               There's too much moisture down
               here. The pies are taking longer
               to cook than we originally
               Yeah.   It's totally fucked.
               You.  Shut up.
                      (back to Elliot)
               Now, listen, you little pussy.
               We're not making pizza.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/23/94 PM                            52.
112   CONTINUED:                                                  112
                              FOUCHET (CONT'D)
                We're making money. I gave you a
                deadline. If you succeed, you're
                a millionaire. If you fail,
                you're a fuckin' corpse. And so
                help me God, Elliot. If you give
                me a fuckin' ulcer, I'll dig up
                your dead mother and fuck her with
                your severed dick, do you
                understand? Christ --
                       (calls out)
                Noah?! Bring me something for my
                stomach! A fuckin' Snapple or

113   OMITTED                                                     113

114   INT. LOWREY'S CONDO - DAY                                   114
      Burnett enters and instantly those DOGS of hers are
                Shut up before I step on you...
      He drops his bags and heads into bedroom where...

115   INT. BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS ACTION                           115
      Julie's fresh from a shower, towel about her and drying
      her hair.

                               BURNETT (O.S.)
                That you, Mike?
                                BURNETT (O.S.)
                Yeah.    It's me. Mike.
                At least your timing's good.
                Can you bring me the lotion on
                the nightstand?
      Burnett enters.    Julie has a towel wrapped around her

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/23/94 PM                           52A.
115   CONTINUED:                                                 115
               Thanks.   So I was thinking...
      Julie, obviously free with her body, suddenly drops the
      towel and starts applying lotion. Burnett averts his
      eyes, turning around a full one-eighty, but finds himself
      facing a mirror. Oops. Looks left, another shiny
      surface.   Shit.
                      (to himself)
               Crazy fuckin' woman.
      He steps from the bathroom and stands outside the door.

               The guy who killed Max. Now, he
               was looking for the heroin that
               Eddie stole from him... Max went
               to the party as a favor to you.
               You're a dope cop, right?
               Special Narcotics Division.
               So this isn't about Max's death
               at all. It's about dope.
               We find the dope, we find our
               shooter, too.
               There's some powder in there, too.
               Can you hand that to me?
                      (waits for an
               Mike? Mike?
      Burnett has disappeared into...
                                                  TIME CUT TO:

116   INT. BEDROOM CLOSET                                        116
      Burnett is going through Lowrey's extensive and meticu-
      lously coordinated wardrobe, shaking his way all the way

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/23/94 PM                            53.
116   CONTINUED:                                                  116
               Man, when this is over, I'm gonna
               get me somethin' better than
               quality time. It's gonna be me'n
               Theresa on a boat --
                             JULIE (O.S.)
               Mike? I borrowed a T-shirt and
               some boxer shorts until we can
               somehow get back over to my
               place to pick up some clothes.

117   INT. BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS ACTION                            117

      Burnett exits the closet to find Julie   brushing out her
      wet hair, wearing nothing but what she   described, a T-
      shirt and pair of Lowrey's boxers tied   up with a shoe
      string. This ensemble never looked so    good.
               Mug shots. We got mug shots to
               look at. 'Scuse me, I gotta hook
               into the P.D. computer.
      He heads out of the bedroom.
               Hey, Mike. Who's the guy in all
               the pictures?
      Burnett turns. And there behind Julie is a wall full of
      photos that he's never, ever noticed. Nearly all of
      Lowrey. All ego.
               That guy? Well, that's Marcus
               Burnett, my partner.
      Burnett gets closer and must look around until he finds
      the singular photo of the two of them. It's in a shitty
      frame, too.
               There's the two of us, see?     Me'n'...
                      (gestures to photos)
               ... My partner.
               Listen, Mike. I've known a lotta
               guys. And I've seen a good number
               of their bedrooms, okay? But I've
               never seen... I mean, look at it.
               It's like a shrine to him.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/23/94 PM                          54.
117   CONTINUED:                                                 117
               Yeah. Okay. Sure, I can see how
               it looks that way... But you see...
               you see... It's uh... a cop thing.
                      (then it comes)
               That's because I've put a picture
               up there for every time Marcus has
               saved my life.
               Saved your life?
               I save his life. He saves mine. He's
               got the same thing in his house.
               Pictures of me. More, even. Good
               family man, that Marcus.
               Okay, but Mike. This is like a
               lot of pictures. I mean, this
               isn't something by the bedstand.
               This is a whole wall... And I know
               Max said you were just friends.
               That's why I was thinking,
               maybe... you could be... gay.
      Burnett reacts, then recovers with...
               Me? Gay?   Are you outta your
               I didn't mean to offend you.

               It's a good thing that I'm secure
               in my manhood to see that you don't
               mean that. You know how many women
               I've had in that waterbed? Check the
               waves as they go by. Count 'em.
                      (turns back to
                       living room)
               Now, mug shots?

118   INT. LOWREY'S CONDO - NIGHT                                118
      Burnett and Julie are sitting at the computer looking at
      mug shots dialed in from the police database. She
      fiddles with, but does not eat her salad, while stealing
      sideways glances from the computer screen to the nasty,
      bologna sandwich Burnett is eating.

118   CONTINUED:                                                 118
               The shooter said four days until
               he makes the deal. What else
               did he say?
               Somethin' weird. Sounded like
               three angels... He wasn't worried
               because he had three little angels
               on his shoulders tellin' him
               something. I didn't get the rest.
                      (back to the mug
               I'm getting tired of looking at
               ugly people.

               Just a few more and we can take
               another break.
               I don't wanna take a break. Then
               we'd have to talk and I got
               nothing to say to a cannibal.
               A what?
               That was a living, breathing
               consciousness. It felt joy.
               Sadness. Maybe it even had a
               What had a name.

               That flesh you're shoveling
               into your mouth.
                      (stops chewing)
               It's just bologna.
               It was alive. Some farmer  fed it.
               Got it to trust him. Then  blew
               its brains out, dumped it in a
               cement mixer with a ton of
               carcinogens and now you're   eating

118   CONTINUED:    (2)                                            118
      Burnett never looked at it that way.     He starts to put it
                No. At least finish it so I
                won't have to look at it.
                       (back to the
                Let's look at some more ugly

      It's a photo of Noah along with his extensive rap sheet.

                Wait. Hold it. Go back...
                That's him! That's one of 'em.
                You sure?
      Julie nods.    She's certain.

119   OMITTED                                                      119

120   INT. BURNETT HOUSE - DEN - NIGHT                             120
      Lowrey is on the phone.
                Captain Howard, please.    It's

                                MEGAN (O.S.)
                Uncle Mike --
      Lowrey looks down to find little Megan pulling at his leg.
      She shows a picture book.
                But I have to go now!

121   INT. BATHROOM - LOWREY AND MEGAN                             121
      Lowrey is standing just outside, portable phone in hand.
      He's trying to keep his voice low.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94                                57.
121   CONTINUED:                                                   121
                I just talked to Marcus. The
                girl just I.D.'d one of the
                shooters --
                Uncle Mike!
                Okay... Hang on, Cappy.
                       (starts reading
                        from the book)
                This is Prudence and she has to
                go potty. This is a potty.
                Everyone has to poop and when they
                do they use the potty.
                       (turns page)
                Mommies poop.
                       (turns page)
                Daddies poop.
                       (turns page)
                Captain Howard poops. Even
                doggies poop.

122   INT. LOWREY'S CONDO - NIGHT                                  122
      Burnett is cleaning up dog shit    from one of Lowrey's
      Persian rugs. The stain won't     come out. So Burnett
      tries a can that he's grabbed.     It foams. Julie appears
      with a pile of clean laundry in    hand.
                Your dog took a shit.
                And you used Pledge to clean it
                       (looks at can)
                Lemon Pledge.
                Well, that makes a big difference.
                You just varnished that into the
                fabric. I'm sure it works great.
      Burnett doesn't quite know what    to do with the wad of
      dog poop in paper towels still    in his hand. Julie
      snatches it from him and heads    for the bathroom. Burnett
      follows. He suddenly realizes     that the clean clothes are

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94                            58.
122   CONTINUED:                                               122
               You cleaned my clothes?
               I just threw them in with mine.
               You cleaned my clothes?
      He's all appreciative until he notices something dis-
      turbing. A shirt of his has a large bleached area on it.
               What's this??

               I had a little accident.
               This is my favorite shirt.   My
               lucky shirt.
      As Burnett starts to walk away...
               Listen, Mike. I don't have any of
               my clothes. I wanna go back to my
               place to get some.
               Not going to happen.

               I need apparel. That and I need
               some food that's something more
               than a cold, slab of fear.
               Slab of fear?
               All you got in the place are
               frozen steaks.
               Alright. I left my wallet at the
               office so I'll give you some cash

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94                              59.
123   OMITTED                                                    123

124   INT. KIDS' BEDROOM - NIGHT                                 124
      Quincy and Jill are rapt as Lowrey does a quick security
      sweep, checking closets and window locks as he tells a
      bedtime story.
                              LOWREY (O.S.)
                ... so your daddy and I are
                trapped in this crack house in
                Little Havana. These dudes were
                real mean mothers... and they
                start coming at us with knives...
                Now I'm scared, thinkin' I'm out
                for the count when in comes your
                daddy like a Miami hurricane --

      Standing in the doorway.   Hands on her hips.
                Oh, hi, Theresa. Just tellin' the
                kids about --
                Thank you, but I'll tuck the kids
                in. Say good night to Uncle Mike.
                But we want to hear the rest of
                the story...
      Theresa silences Quincy with a look.   Sensing his cue,
      Lowrey kisses the kids.

                G'night, gang.
                              QUINCY AND JILL
                G'night, Uncle Mike.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                             60.
125   INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT                                  125
      Lowrey is seated on the couch, loading clips and dressing
      his weapon on the coffee table. As he pours a Coke,
      Theresa appears at the bottom of the stairwell.
               If you were my husband, I'd
               poison that.
               If you were my wife I'd drink it.
               Twelve years I'm married, Michael.
               And I never let Marcus bring his
               work home.

               Just a harmless bedtime story.
               Thought the kids deserved to
               know about the hero they have
               for a dad.
               We don't need any violence in
               this household and we certainly
               don't need any more heroes.
               What we need is a father and
               a husband.
               Husband? Theresa. He's your
               personal errand boy. You beep
               the poor S.O.B. every hour on
               the Goddamn hour? And why is
               it always about some useless
               bullshit that can wait until
               later. I mean, the guy's gotta
               job to do.
               You wanna know why I page him?
               Because until that phone rings,
               I don't know whether he's dead
               or alive. And lemme tell you.
               Those three minutes I'm waiting
               for him to call back? Those are
               the hardest three minutes for a
               cop's wife.
                      (toasts with the Coke)
               Touche, Theresa.

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                               61.
125    CONTINUED:                                                  125
                 Sheets and pillows are in the
                 hope chest. I'll see you in
                 the morning.

126    OMITTED                                                     126

A127   EXT. BURNETT HOUSE - NIGHT                                  A127
       Noah's car is parked down the block.

127    INT. NOAH'S CAR - CASPER AND NOAH - NIGHT                   127

       With night vision goggles they glass the house.

128    INT. LOWREY'S CONDO - NIGHT                                 128
       The CAMERA STARTS ON a beautiful SHOT of Julie sleeping
       in the bedroom, then PULLS BACK AND SWIVELS to reveal
       Burnett on the couch. Gun laid across his chest. He
       lays awake while Luke and Duke sniff at his feet.

129    EXT. POLICE HEADQUARTERS - DAY                              129
       Lowrey unhappily pulls into the parking lot driving
       Burnett's dilapidated Volvo. Ruiz and Sanchez, walking
       from the cars, spot him and laugh as he climbs out of
       the wreck.
                 Ooh, mean machine, Lowrey...

                 You should recognize trunk. It's
                 the one you came to America in.
                 You don't come from Cuba by car,
       Lowrey walks by his own cherished Porsche on the way in.

130    OMITTED                                                     130

131    INT. POLICE STATION - HALLWAY - DAY                         131
       Lowrey and Burnett on a roll.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                                 62.
131   CONTINUED:                                                    131
               I'm tellin' you, I've      had it with
               this witness. I wanna       go home and
               get back to my life as      it was. I
               got married so I could      stop lyin'.
               Oh, please. Big fucking deal.
               You know what I had to do? I
               drove your kids to school this
               morning. Your son forgot his
               homework. So I had to drive him
               all the way back in that junker of
               yours --
                      (as if looking at
                       Burnett for the
                       first time)
               What's that you're wearin'? Is
               that my new silk shirt? Is that
               my shirt?
               Yeah. I know, it's a little big
               on me. But cool. I figure, what
               about it? If I'm gonna be Mike,
               might as well dress like Mike!
               I wanna be, I wanna be like Mike.
      Lowrey's BEEPER SOUNDS.    He checks out the number.
               Ugh.   I gotta call the wife.
               The wife?
      Lowrey finds the nearest phone and dials.      Burnett is
      thinking Theresa?
               Yeah, what's up, baby. Uh-huh.
                      (pulls out notepad)
               Yeah. Okay. What else? You want
               me do what?
      Lowrey glances over at Burnett who's clearly loving the
      fact that it's Lowrey's turn at errand boy. So Lowrey...

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/23/94 (PM)                        62A.
131    CONTINUED:   (2)                                          131
                Mmm. Uh-huh. Hectic down here.
                I'll be in, nine. Nine-thirty.
                The kids alright? How's that
                potty thing? Yeah? Okay.
       Lowrey turns to block the phone, depressing the switch,
       but acting as if he's still on with Theresa.
                Say, why don't you rent a movie or
                somethin'? Uh-huh.
                       (teasing laugh)
                You're so silly.

       Burnett's burning now.
                So, baby.   What you wearin'?
                Gimme that phone.
                       (grabs it)
                Hello, Theresa? Theresa!
                Man, it's off. It was a joke.
                Hey, man. Don't mess with me!
                That's the mother of my children.
                Don't break up a happy home.

A132   INT. SAVE-MORE DRUGS - MORNING (Formerly Sc. 207)         A132

       Lowrey is annoyed. He holds the list Theresa just gave
       him as they walk down the aisle.
                Marcus, this is crazy. We are
                five minutes away from picking
                up this asshole and returning
                to our lives. And we're here
                doin' this shit. Where the fuck
                is it?
                Hey. Don't ask me to find it for
                you. You're the expert on my

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/23/94 (PM)                         62B.
A132   CONTINUED:                                                A132
                You know, this is like some really
                bizarre shit that you're on right
                now. Your wife asked me to do
                this, and I'm doin' it. Besides,
                I'm you, remember?
                You don't even know where you're
                going. You're in the wrong aisle.
       Lowrey follows Burnett to the next aisle, where Burnett
       gestures to the wall of feminine hygiene products.
                You think you know what Theresa
                needs, man, but I do this every
                Just look for 'Fresh Days.'
       Lowrey moves ahead.   There's too much to look at.
                You're unbalanced. Listen, I
                read the parole jacket on this
                guy Noah. Armed robbery.
                Attempted murder. He's a violent
                offender somethin' like nine
                times. Sweet guy. Not a single
                drug bust on his sheet.
                So? He's a new recruit. Keep
                looking, will ya? 'Fresh Days.'

                You know, it is a damn shame she
                makes you buy this stuff.
                Hey, this what husband's do.
                Terrible fuckin' job.
                       (examining shelves)
                It's like shaving cream.
                They're all the same. Fresh.
                Free. Confident. Secure.
                       (grabs a box)
                Super wide? What the fuck? We're
                takin' this one.

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/23/94 (PM)                        62C.
A132   CONTINUED:   (2)                                        A132
       Burnett snatches Lowrey's box and puts it back on the
                Hey, man, look! You're not even
                reading. These are panty liners,
       A woman chooses this moment to walk by.
                That's a whole 'nother category
                of thing! Man, for a guy that
                spends all his time chasing
                pussy, you sure don't know much
                about the woo woo.
                Here it is. Fresh Days. You
                pay for it.

132   EXT. GRUNGY TRAILER PARK - DAY                              132
      Burnett and Lowrey park and pop the trunk.    Inside are
      guns and uniforms.
               What are we gonna be today? Postal
               Inspectors or Water and Power?
               Water and Power.

133   EXT. TRAILER - DAY                                          133
      Approaching are Burnett and Lowrey, but now they're
      dressed in shorts and T-shirts with bright orange vests
      and caps reading "Water and Power." And as Lowrey knocks
      on the door.

      Wrapped around a pink refrigerator.    It moves.
               What do you think the chain's for?
               I dunno. Maybe some kind of
               hurricane anchor.
      They knock again.    The chain jerks slightly.
               Well, the anchor just moved.
      Both turn and look. And the chain is moving. At first,
      it simply sways back and forth, then it pulls taut and
      the FRIDGE JOLTS! A deep, GUTTURAL NOISE sounds. From
      around the corner, a shadow grows large. Lowrey and
      Burnett instinctively withdraw their guns and aim just as
      a LION rounds the corner, teeth bared, claws tearing at
      the deck.
      The door swings open.
      Burnett pushes Lowrey inside just as the big cat lunges.

134   INT. TRAILER - DAY                                          134
      Lowrey and Burnett are holding the door against the

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/21/94                               64.
134   CONTINUED:                                                  134
                                WOMAN (O.S.)
               Who are you?!
      Lowrey and Burnett heave, then turn. They're equally
      shocked to find a huge, three-hundred-pound WOMAN in
      nothing but her underwear.
               AAAAAAAAAAA-Animal Control!
               But your uniforms say Water and
               We're undercover! Now, we're
               lookin' for the owner of that
               Listen. The cat don't belong to
               me. It belong to my brother. And
               I don't know where he is.
               That's too bad. Because his
               lion's tied to your trailer. So
               you gotta move the beast. Or move
               the trailer.
               Move the trailer? Move it to
               Everglades. Only part of South
               Florida that's zoned for Wild
               Kingdom shit. 'Course, the crocks
               down there'll probably eat your
               brother's cat.
               But he loves that lion! Raised
               him from a little kitty!
               Well, little kitty's gonna be
               gator bait 'less you suddenly
               remember where your brother is.
      By the look on her face, her memory is coming back.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94                                64A.
135   EXT. LOWREY'S BUILDING - AFTERNOON                         135
      Lowrey and Burnett pull up in the unmarked police car.
      Chet is there to help with the door.
                      (to each of them)
               'Morning, Mr. Lowrey. 'Morning,
               Mr. Lowrey.
      Burnett grabs Lowrey and yanks him toward the elevators.

136   INT. LOWREY'S CONDO - CONTINUOUS ACTION                    136
      Keys in the door and Burnett and Lowrey enter the
      apartment. Julie's DOGS run up to them, YAPPING.

               It's me, Julie...
      Julie enters from the bedroom, dressed in something hot
      with the tag still hanging from a sleeve.
               I'll be ready in just a minute.
               I thought I'd have you tell --
      She stalls at the sight of Lowrey, a little spark of
      interest passes between them.
               Hi. I'm Julie. You must be
                      (hand outstretched)
               I recognize you from all the
               photographs. Nice to meet you.
                      (turns around for
               What do you think?
               Very nice.   The occasion?
               He said we were going to a club
               Yes. We were going to a club.     As
               in me and my partner.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94                            65.
136   CONTINUED:                                               136
               Oh,  that's fuckin' swell! And you
               call  this protective custody? I'm
               here  all day. I'm alone and scared.
               And  all I got to protect me is Chet
               the  doorman --
               What's that on the rug?    Looks
               like... a stain?
      Teeth grit.
               It was my babies, Luke and Duke.
               They get nervous in new
               surroundings. I offered to pay
               for the cleaning, but Mike
               wouldn't hear of it --
      Lowrey spots rings from glasses on the table.
               And have you ever heard of a new
               invention called the 'coaster'?
      As he tries buffing the table with his sleeve.

      She might be catching on here.
               Marcus, you act like it's your

               No. It's not my place. My wife.
               She's a designer. She decorated
               the whole place at a discount just
               for Mike. And when she hears about
               how he's been taking care of --
                      (glares witheringly
                       at dogs)
               Off the couch!
      Lowrey chases the dogs into the bedroom. One of the dogs
      runs out with a Cole Hahn loafer in his mouth. They both
      follow him into the bedroom.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94                              66.
137   INT. LOWREY'S CONDO - LIVING ROOM                          137
      Where the lock on the front door turns. The door opens.
      A mysterious WOMAN in an overcoat, sunglasses and spiked
      heels enters.
      The Woman strips off the overcoat -- under which she's
      breathtakingly naked, save for a garter belt and
      stockings. She drapes the coat over the nearest chair.
               I'm feeling really nasty right

      Burnett is first to appear from the bedroom -- and his
      expression goes off the charts. Startled, the woman
      shrugs back into her coat.
               Who the hell are you?
      Burnett charges her, instantly ushering her to the door.
               How did you get in here?
      Julie and Lowrey return from the bedroom.
               I have a key.     But, Mike...
               Maybe you should call first next
               time. What's your name?

               You don't quit stalking me,
               Yvette, I'm gonna place your ass
               under arrest! -- 'Bye!
      Burnett slams the door. She's SCREAMING on the other
      side, POUNDING the door with her fists, and cursing in
      mad Spanish. Finally she stomps off down the hall.
               'The hell's going on out here??

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                            67.
137    CONTINUED:                                                  137
                 Just that crazy Yvette, stalking
                 me again.
       Lowrey could kill.
                 Yvette!? You didn't just send
                 away Yvette?
                 That woman's into some weird shit.
       Julie's confused, to say the least.

                        (to Burnett)
                 So, Mike. Any other spontaneous
                 naked women with keys, that we
                 should know about?
                 We, as in Marcus and I, are going
                 to Club Hell. We're gonna nail
                 this Noah guy and get him to give
                 up Max's shooter. Anyone got a
                 problem with that?
                 I feel safer now.
       She turns and exits back into the bedroom. Burnett's
       about to follow when Lowrey swings him outside the door-
       way and gets into his face.
                 You are ruining my life!
                 Yeah, well this case is messin'
                 with mine, too.

138    OMITTED                                                     138

A139   EXT. CLUB HELL - NIGHT                                      A139
       The ultimate Miami night scene. A long line of local and
       Hip and cool couples are waiting. Lowrey and Burnett
       appear at the front of the line, coolly flashing their
       badges to a hipster couple.

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                          68.
A139   CONTINUED:                                                A139
                Hey, man. Got some bad news.
                Your car got busted into. There's
                some uniformed boys in the parking
                lot wanting to ask you some
       Pissed and panicked, the hipster pair head for the
       parking lot, while Lowery and Burnett take their place
       near the front of the line.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                                69.
139   INT. LOWREY'S CONDO - NIGHT                                  139
      Julie, still dressed for the evening, paces back and
      forth. Frustrated, she rips the tag from her dress, and
      sits back down at the computer. She plays with the
      keyboard and Noah's mug shot pops back into view. She
      stares at it a little too intently. Images flash in
      front of her, the sights and sounds of Max's death
      replaying itself in her mind.
      Snapping out of it, determined, she gathers her bag and

140   INT. CLUB HELL - NIGHT                                       140
      Hip. Hard rock. Crowded. Sexy. Burnett and Lowrey
      on cruise control, this club massed with people.

141   INT. CLUB HELL - OFFICE - NIGHT                              141
      High above the room, Fouchet looks out upon the dance
      floor with both Noah, Casper, and Ferguson behind him.
               My three little angels told me I'd
               get a visit from the cops tonight
               and there they are.
                      (turns and orders)
               When they split up, we'll drop
               the tall one and get the other
               one to lead us to the girl.

142   INT. CLUB HELL - NIGHT                                       142
      Lowrey and Burnett move to the bar.   There's a huge
      fishtank behind it.
               I say we split the room in half.
               Make our own moves. Hook back up
               at the bar in twenty minutes.
               Sounds good to me.
      Lowrey moves off and Burnett turns to the female
               Gin and tonic...
                      (smiling, with
                       Lowrey's platinum
               ... And add twenty for yourself.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                          70.
143   EXT. CLUB HELL VALET - LATER                               143
      Julie pulls up in Lowrey's Porsche. Before the valet
      can get to the door, she's opening Lowrey's glove box.
      In it there's a pistol. Julie mulls it over before
      removing it and stuffing it in her purse.

144   INT. CLUB HELL - NIGHT                                     144
      Lowrey meets Burnett back at the bar.
               Bartender says he works here. But
               she hasn't seen him all night.
                      (finishing his
               I gotta make a pitstop.

145   INT. CLUB HELL - MEN'S ROOM - NIGHT                        145
      And, believe it or not, the other side of the fishtank
      behind the bar. Burnett's at the urinal, blissfully
      relieving himself when Casper appears at his side.
      There's that awkward men-don't-talk-at-the-urinal moment
      until Burnett leans over...
               Oh, man.     Budweiser...
               Excuse me?
               Musta drank about a million
               Budweisers tonight, waitin' for my
               ol' friend Noah to show. Wouldn't
               know him, would ya? Guy practically
               raised me up from nothin'.
               Sorry.   Never heard of him.
               Too bad.
      Burnett shrugs, zips and reaches to flush when --

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                               71.
145   CONTINUED:                                                      145
      Which Casper wraps around Burnett's head.       Burnett gags.
                 Okay, hardon!    Tell me where the
                 girl is!
      Casper slams Burnett into the mirror. Burnett struggles,
      reaching for anything, he comes up with the towel dis-
      penser, rips it from the wall and starts pounding over
      Casper's head.

146   INT. BAR                                                        146

      Lowrey sips on a beer, totally unaware of what's
      happening on the other side of the fishtank.

147   INT. MEN'S ROOM                                                 147
      Burnett rips the bag off his head, reaches for his gun.
      But Casper's there, lunging into him and lifting him up
      and into the fishtank.

148   INT. BAR - LOWREY                                               148
      He's been watching the  fish in the tank, but turns back
      toward the bar just at  the moment of Burnett's impact.
      The tank cracks on the  bathroom side and water begins
      draining, unbeknownst  to Lowrey.

149   OMITTED                                                         149
&                                                                     &
150                                                                   150

151   INT. MEN'S ROOM - BURNETT AND CASPER                            151
      Burnett's gun lays amongst the flapping carp and sea-
      weed on the floor. Both Burnett and Casper go sliding
      across the wet floor and into a stall -- both reaching
      for the gun. Burnett's there a second too late.
      Casper's got the gun. He swings it onto Burnett and
      squeezes the trigger. But nothing happens. Burnett
      in turn, grabs Casper's ears and hammers the big guy's
      head into the toilet until he falls unconscious. Burnett
      picks up his gun.

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                             72.
151    CONTINUED:                                                   151
                Next time, learn how to work the
                safety with your punk ass.
                       (as he cuffs Casper
                         to toilet)
                Now where's my no good, no back-up
       Through the busted fishtank, Burnett catches sight of
       Lowrey, standing at the bar and making conversation with
       one of the club beauties.

A152   INT. CLUB HELL - OPPOSITE BAR                                A152

       Ferguson and Noah split wide and start their move on

152    LOWREY AT BAR                                                152
       He sees Julie charging across the dance floor.   She's
       heading right for him.

153    INT. CLUB HELL OFFICE - FOUCHET                              153
       He's watching Ferguson and Noah moving in for the kill
       when Fouchet's POV SHIFTS from the dance floor TO Julie.

       as he recognizes Julie. There's an instant "oh fuck"
       look on his face as he realizes that the rules have

154    INT. CLUB HELL - DANCE FLOOR                                 154
       Lowrey meets Julie halfway. He's got her by the arm and
       is shouting over the loud music.
                What the hell are you doing here?
                The guy who killed Max.   I remember
                something he said!

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                            73.
154   CONTINUED:                                                   154
                      (starts moving her
                       toward exit)
               Well, whatever he said, you
               remember to tell me later.

      Each moving through the crowd toward Lowrey and Julie.
      Guns with silencers held tight to their sides.


               Three little angels! The guy who
               killed Max said 'three little --
      Julie sees Noah and freezes.
               The music's too loud.    What you
               say about angels?
      Noah closes the gap.    Through the crowd he draws down on

155   INT. CLUB OFFICE - NIGHT                                     155
      He pounds on the window.
               Forget the cop. Kill the girl!

156   INT. CLUB DANCE FLOOR                                        156
      Julie pulls the gun from her purse, shuts her eyes and
      starts FIRING wildly.
      BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM!
      The gun bucks and each shot goes wildly high.   Noah dives
      for the floor.

157   INT. CLUB OFFICE - FOUCHET                                   157
      He hits the deck as the WINDOW is SHATTERED by a random

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                          74.
158   INT. CLUB DANCE FLOOR - BACK TO SCENE                      158
      The room clears around Julie. Noah is back on his feet,
      once again with the gun. But...

      Launches himself off a nearby table, soars over the
      frightened crowd and comes crashing down upon Noah.
      Both Lowrey and Noah tumble to the floor. Noah's gun
      skitters into the crowd. Noah chases for it, but can't
      find it. But --


      got a clear shot at Julie. He raises his gun, only to
      find Burnett's pistol at his ear.
                Don't even think about it.
                                                CUT TO:

      as she grabs Lowrey.
                That's him!
                No shit!

      Meanwhile, Noah's on his feet and hauling ass out of the

159   BURNETT AND FERGUSON                                       159
      Burnett sees that Noah's on the run. So he cold-cocks
      Ferguson with the butt of his pistol and joins the chase.

160   OMITTED                                                    160
&                                                                &
161                                                              161

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                            75.
      Appear at the door, charging down the steps toward the
      valet and commandering a Taurus that just pulled up.
      All three dive in. Burnett behind the wheel.
               Lemme drive!
               I'm driving.     Buckle up.
      Burnett hits the gas, the CAR SCREAMS around in a tight
      circle just as -- SLAM! -- Noah's sedan backs wildly
      across the road and crunches them. Noah throws a SHOTGUN
      over the back seat of his car and FIRES through the rear
      window. BLAM! Everybody ducks. Safety glass flies
      before Noah shifts gears and drives on.

163   EXT. MIAMI STREET - NOAH'S CAR - NIGHT                      163
      Noah's already up to 70 MPH, races through a yellow
      light, hangs a left. As the light turns red --

164   INT. UNMARKED CAR - NIGHT                                   164
               You're gonna drive through that,
               aren't you?
      Burnett does, hauling through the light. Meanwhile,
      Lowrey has the bubble light in hand, reaches out the
      window to stick it on the roof, but it simply slides off.
      He reels it back in the car and hands it off to Julie.
               Hold that.

165   INT. NOAH'S CAR - NIGHT                                     165
      Noah is waving a SHOTGUN out the back -- FIRES --

166   INT. UNMARKED CAR - NIGHT                                   166
      rocks as one HEADLIGHT EXPLODES --
               C'mon, lemme drive --
               Do I backseat drive when you're
               tailing a hitman?

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                             76.
A167   EXT. GAS STATION AT ROAD DIVIDE - NIGHT                      A167
       Both speeding cars, side by side. Then Noah cranks the
       wheel and slams the Taurus, sending it to the left of
       the divider. But --

       His wheels catch the island and the snaps, and rolls
       right into --

       Noah's car clips the pumps. A geyser of gasoline sprays
       into the sky. Noah recovers from the roll. Throws his
       weight into the jammed door. It opens on the second

       which ignites automatically.

       It erupts in flames.
                                                  CUT TO:

       Just getting out of the car as the station blows.    They
       shield themselves against the explosion.

                There goes our only lead to the
                dope. We better call Howard.
                That's it. That's it.   You're
                both crazy.
       Julie takes a few steps away before she decides to give
       them the other barrel.
                Protect and serve. Sound familiar?
                Isn't that what you're supposed to
                do? 'Cuz I'd like to know whose
                butt you're protecting.

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                           77.
B167   CONTINUED:                                                 B167
                I think we protected your
                uninvited butt pretty good back
                All you care about is getting your
                dope back. No, that's not all,
                you care about getting it back in
                a way that shows how fucking macho
                and tough you are. It's all some
                big testosterone contest. Well,
                fuck that.
       As Julie walks in one direction, Burnett blows off in the
                 BURNETT                           LOWREY
       No more. Fuck this. I'm               Chill, I'll handle it.
       not goin' with it... No, I'm                (starts after
       out. I'm out. Somethin's                     Julie)
       wrong with her. Crazy woman!          Julie! Just wait a
       Burnett keeps moving and grousing while Lowrey chases
       Julie down and snags her by the arm.
                Hey, hey. Just relax!
                       (looks for words)
                Okay. It's true this whole thing
                started with missing drugs. But
                somebody I cared about. A lot.
                She got killed. And I'm not gonna
                lay down until this guy is dead
                or put away... And I promise you,
                we'll take care of you.
                That's what I'm afraid of.
       Once again, Julie pulls away. But Lowrey's got her
       tight... and close. He digs deep.
                Hey. What do I gotta say?     I
                need you, okay?
                       (then for real)
                I need you.
       Magic words.   Julie's swayed, despite herself.

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                             78.
B167   CONTINUED:   (2)                                             B167
                 Do they teach charm at the
                 Nah. Some smooth shit I got on
                 my own.
       He puts his arm around her and they walk back.

C167   EXT. GAS STATION - AFTERMATH - NIGHT                         C167
       Police units surround  -- flashing lights. Julie is
       shaken, waiting in the  back of a police unit. Meanwhile,
       Ruiz and Sanchez join  Burnett and Lowrey at the trunk of
       the toasted car. The   fire crew crowbars open the lid.
       The trunk gives way to  a ghastly, toxic smell. Everyone
                 Jesus.   What kinda shit was in
                 Smells like some kinda chemical.
                 We'll get a sample and drop it
                 back at the lab. Meanwhile, why
                 don't you two go on back to Club
                 Hell and see what you can dig up
                 on these bad guys.

167    OMITTED                                                      167
thru                                                                thru
180                                                                 180

A181   INT. BURNETT HOUSE - UPSTAIRS - NIGHT                        A181
       As Lowrey is checking the upstairs, he finds himself
       staring in on the sleeping kids.
                 One day, bro.    Gotta get yourself
                 some of them.
       Lowrey hears SOBBING. He gently shuts the kids' door
       and heads down the hall to the:

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                            79.
B181   MASTER BEDROOM                                              B181
       Where Theresa sits amongst boxes of new clothes.   Lowrey
       gives a polite rap on the door.
                Hey, hey.   That's not cryin' I
                       (wipes tears)
                Oh, it's nothing... I just bought
                some clothes. It's been so long
                since I bought anything nice...
                I just wanted something to wear
                for Marcus when he got home. But
                nothing looks right...
                       (starts crying
                He's slipping away from me, Mike.
                I can feel it.
                       (sits next to her)
                Theresa. Listen to me. Nobody's
                slipping away from you. Especially
                not Marcus. You can take my word
                on that... As for the clothes...
       Lowrey pulls a random item out of a box.   It's hideous.
                Okay. Just a minor fashion
                faux paux. Those cappuccinos
                at lunch can do that to you...
                See what else we got here.

181    INT. LOWREY'S CONDO - NIGHT                                 181
       Burnett is preparing the couch with a pillow and blanket
       when he sniffs at the air. Something foul. Burnett
       lowers his nose to the cushions. The smell gets worse.

182    INT. LOWREY'S CONDO - BEDROOM - NIGHT                       182
       Burnett crawls into the bed, fully clothed. This is
       awkward. Julie calls out from the bathroom.
                              JULIE (O.S.)
                I'm really sorry about the dog
                pee. They must be traumatized by
                the new surroundings. I'll pay
                for new cushions.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                            80.
182   CONTINUED:                                                  182
               That's perfectly alright --
      Julie suddenly flops on the bed, wearing a gorgeous
               So, Mike.   Can I ask you something?
               Do you always come to bed with your
               clothes on? Or just when there's
               a woman in it?
               I'm on protective duty. And I
               want you to feel... protected.
               So I'm dressed and ready. It's
               okay. I've done it before.
               Really. You think Marcus would
               wear clothes to bed while on
               protective duty?
               Sure he would. It's a cop thing.
               Oh, I definitely have a cop thing,
               You do?
               Well Marcus. He's very   something
               ... sexy. And the way I   came in
               tonight, he was throwing  everybody
               this way and that and he  took
               Well, I drove.
               I know.   You drove well.
               I shot the gas tank on the car.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                            80A.
182   CONTINUED:   (2)                                         182
               That's right, you did. And it was
               exciting... But Marcus...
                      (bites her lip)
               Something about him... His wife.
               What's her name?
               Theresa.   Why?
               I'll bet Theresa is takin' care of
               business right now.
               What's that supposed to mean?
               You know, relieve his tension. A
               woman'll do anything to keep a man
               like that. You know what I mean?
               Tonight... made me a little bit
               horny, I guess. I think, maybe.
               It was the car chase. Or the guns
               and everything. I've never shot a
               gun before. Maybe it's the steel
               or something. I'm feeling a
               little... funny.
               I don't know.    Do you feel a
               little funny?

               Yeah... I feel a little funny.
               Not that kind of funny.
               What kind of funny?
               You know...
                      (rubs him)
               I gotta call Marcus.
      Burnett's out of bed like a shot and headed for the
      living room.

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                             80B.
183    OMITTED                                                   183

A184   INT. MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT                               A184
       Lowrey is admiring his work.
                 That's right.    Turn around.
       Theresa turns, looking transformed in the outfit put
       together by Lowery.
                 You think he'll like it? I
                 mean, I want him to, you know,
                 want to...

       The PHONE RINGS. Lowrey is talking and picking up the
       phone at the same time.
                 Want to? Baby. Someone I know's
                 gonna burn you right to the ground.
                 Get ready!
                        (then, into phone)
                 You're on the mic with Mike...

184    INT. LOWREY'S LIVING ROOM                                 184
       CAMERA is TIGHT ON Burnett's face. He's angry as he
       stares at the phone. His worst fears have been
       confirmed. He hangs up.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                               81.
185   INT. LOWREY'S LIVING ROOM                                   185
      An angry Burnett, pulling on a jacket, he throws some
      clothes at Julie.
               Usually the guy throws me out
               after he fucks me.
               I'm different. I'm a cop.     And
               now I gotta kill a guy.

186   INT. BURNETT HOUSE - NIGHT                                  186
      From the top of the stairs we see and hear...

               G'night, Uncle Mike.
               Yeah.   Good night, Uncle Mike.
               G'night, everybody.
      Lowrey's at the window. Parked just down the street
      is the same sedan. He goes for the phone and dials.
      Waits for an answer.
               Hey, Sanchez. It's me Lowrey...
               Yeah? Same to you, pal. But
               listen. I got something you'll
               want a piece of.

      GRINDING GEARS, Burnett stops around the corner from his
      house. He turns OFF the IGNITION and turns to Julie.
               I got some jewelry for you.
      Before Julie can respond, Burnett's cuffing her to the
      steering wheel.
               You prick! First you don't want
               me. Then you drag me out...

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                             82.
187   CONTINUED:                                                 187
                             JULIE (CONT'D)
                      (then she gets
               Oh, wait. I get it. You're one
               of those post-adolescent assholes
               who didn't get any car sex in
               high school --
               Just shut the fuck up. I won't be
               long. Try and keep out of sight.
      Burnett's out of the car with the keys. Julie yanks on
      the handcuffs, then goes for the glove box. But this
      time it's empty.

188   INT. SEDAN - FERGUSON AND CASPER - NIGHT                   188
      Casper spots Burnett nearing the house.
               There's our guy. Watch him.

189   INT. BURNETT LIVING ROOM - NIGHT                           189
      Lowrey climbs under blanket on sofa, the back of which
      faces the window. Exhausted, he turns off light and
      closes his eyes. A beat. Burnett's face pops up
      furtively in window, his nose pressed against the glass,
      looking for evidence of adultery. He can't see Lowrey
      asleep on the couch. His head drops below the window
      frame, only to reappear in another window. Seeing
      nothing, he moves on.

190   EXT. BURNETT HOUSE - NIGHT                                 190
      Burnett skulks into the side yard.

      The light in Theresa's bedroom is on. He sees her sil-
      houette against the curtain getting undressed.

192   EXT. SIDE YARD - BURNETT                                   192
      He climbs the trellis to second story; boosts himself
      onto ledge, inches along. Stops to peer into a window
      when the ledge under his feet crumbles and...

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                             83.
192    CONTINUED:                                                 192
       falls. Landing flat on his back on the awning. His eyes
       close with a look that says "saved." But then as he
       moves. Something CREAKS.
A193   OMITTED                                                    A193
thru                                                              thru
C193                                                              C193
193    INT. THERESA'S BEDROOM - NIGHT                             193
       Theresa hears SOMETHING and runs to the door and calls

       In a heartbeat, Lowrey charges into Theresa's room in his
                 What's the matter?
                 I heard a noise... I think
                 someone's outside...

A194   EXT. AWNING - BURNETT                                      A194
       Seemingly stuck, once again, he attempts to move.
       Another, even LOUDER CREAK, then --


       gives way. And Burnett crashes loudly into the garbage
       cans underneath. Lids and cans go every which way.

B194   EXT. DRIVEWAY - NIGHT                                      B194
       A lid rolls down and into the street.

C194   INT./EXT. CASPER'S CAR - NIGHT                             C194
       Casper and Ferguson look curiously as the lid rolls into
       the street.

194    EXT. UNDER AWNING - BURNETT - NIGHT                        194
       He crawls to his feet and as he looks up at the damage
       he's done --

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                                84.
195   EXT. THERESA'S BEDROOM WINDOW - BURNETT'S POV                195
      He sees Lowrey in his underwear and Theresa in her night-
      gown as they part the curtains and look out.

196   EXT. SIDE YARD - BURNETT                                     196
      In the bushes.   He assumes the worst.

197   INT. THERESA'S BEDROOM - NIGHT                               197
               Go into the kids' room, turn the
               lights out and wait there until
               I come get you.

198   INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT                                     198
      Lowrey takes gun from holster, slams in clip.

199   EXT. FRONT YARD - NIGHT                                      199
      Lowrey switches off the porch lights as he exits house,
      gun ready. Without warning, Burnett leaps from the
      bushes onto Lowrey's back.

      Tumbles into the flower bed. Lowrey reels with     an elbow,
      dropping Burnett to the lawn. But Burnett rolls     and
      clips Lowrey's legs. Lowrey falls. Crawls for      his gun.
      Gets hold of it, turns and is ready to fire when    --

      drives past.   The headlights, revealing Burnett.
               Marcus!   What the fuck --
               ... You doin' Theresa?    Theresa!
               What?   Me and Theresa?
               I hope you used protection...
               'cause I don't want a fourth kid
               that looks like you!

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/20/94                               84A.
199   CONTINUED:                                               199
      Lowrey hauls back and belts him. Burnett tears into
      Lowrey and the two roll around on the lawn.

200   INT. SEDAN - FERGUSON AND CASPER                         200
      They can't believe their eyes.
               Wanna explain what this shit's

201   EXT. FRONT LAWN - BURNETT AND LOWREY                     201

               This whole deal has turned you
               stupid. You're seeing things
               that aren't there.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                                85.
201   CONTINUED:                                                   201
                      (picks up a snail)
               And I suppose this isn't here?
               You were going to put Snail Guard
               on the lawn, remember?
                              THERESA (O.S.)
               Mike?   Are you okay!
               I'm fine, Theresa!
               Will you get the hell out of here
               before she sees you! You're
               supposed to be in Cleveland.

               Yeah, I wouldn't want to spoil
               your little arrangement!
               And where's Julie? You didn't
               leave her again.
               She's in the car. Got her cuffed
               to the steering wheel.
      Lowrey could kill now. He's on his feet, grabbing
      Burnett by the collar and shoving him up against the
      front door.
                      (through grit teeth)
               Now, listen to me. Look over my
               right shoulder. What do you see
               ... I said look!
               Late model Ford. Two occupants.
               Good. So who do you think's in
               there? Ed McMahon come to tell
               us we're sweepstakes winners?
               Okay.   What are we doing about it?
               We're doing nothing. I've got it
               handled. In the meantime, you
               better get back to where you
               belong before I shoot you myself.

201    CONTINUED:   (2)                                               201
       Lowrey holds and watches Burnett run off to the Porsche,
       keeping the sedan in his periphery the entire time.
                                                   CUT TO:

202    EXT. STREET - PORSCHE - NIGHT                                  202
       It pulls out and drives right past the sedan.    Julie
       in full, animated view.

203    INT. SEDAN - FERGUSON AND CASPER                               203
       Casper sees the girl.

                Sonofabitch!   There's the girl!
       But just as they start the car.    KUH-THUNK -- the
       CAR lurches.
                What the fuck?

204    EXT. BURNETT'S STREET - NIGHT                                  204
       A tow truck has pulled up to the sedan and hooked it.
       Sanchez operates the winch and Ruiz GUNS the ENGINE.
                Let's go!
       The tow truck hauls away Ferguson and Casper stuck in
       the sedan.

                                                   CUT TO:

A205   EXT. BURNETTT HOUSE - FRONT YARD - LOWREY                      A205
       On the front lawn. Satisfied grin on his face, he
       returns to the house.

205    EXT. ORANGE BOWL STADIUM - NIGHT                               205
       The tow truck wheels into the stadium and stops.
       Ferguson and Casper try to make their break, but the
       scene suddenly ignites as the Orange Bowl lights go on.
       Squad cars and about ten cops surround with guns and
       batons. Ruiz and Sanchez step from the tow truck.

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                            87.
205    CONTINUED:                                                      205
                 This oughta teach you not to fuck
                 with a cop's family.
       Then the lights go out.

206    INT. LOWREY BUILDING - LOBBY - NIGHT                            206
       Burnett enters with Julie in tow. He looks defeated,
       grass stains on his clothes, mussed hair. And here comes
                 'Evening, Mr. Lowrey. May I have
                 a word with you?
                        (pulls him aside)
                 I was thinking that... maybe I
                 could see your gun. See, we
                 don't allow guns up in the
                 apartments. Mr. Lowrey usually
                 checks his, here, at the desk
                 with me... You want me to check
       Burnett pulls his gun. But doesn't hand it to Chet.        He
       sticks it in Chet's face.
                 Oh, okay.   It's just an option.
       Burnett grabs Julie's hand and heads for the elevators.

A207   INT. NARCOTICS DIVISION - SQUAD ROOM - DAY                      A207

       A cigar-smoking Sinclair supervises the lock-down of the
       Special Narcotics Unit. Desks are being locked by IA

       enter.   Just as file cabinets are hand-trucked by them.
                 Hey.   What's goin' on here?
                 Wait a minute. That's my desk!
       Lowrey's going to make a move on Sinclair when Howard

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                             88.
A207   CONTINUED:                                                   A207
                Yeah, yeah. It's exactly how it
                looks. I.A.'s shutting us down.
                We're all being reassigned until
                their investigation is over. In
       Howard pushes them into --

       Where Ruiz and Sanchez wait with one of last night's
       Henchmen. His face is horribly bruised.

                He says he wants his lawyer.
                Yeah, but we told him we were
                desperate men without no fuckin'
                jobs, so...
                       (prods the guy)
                Okay. All I know is his name.
                Foo-shay, I think. Got this
                heavy French accent. The word
                was he offs drug dealers. And
                there was quick cash for whoever
                had the balls enough to hook up
                with him. I swear, man, watchin'
                your house was my first gig for
                the guy.

       Burnett stands over the Henchman and lifts his defeated
       chin to face him. Burnett has it in him to give the guy
       one more hard whack for good measure, but that bruised
       face proves punishment enough.
                Yeah. I guess you're tellin'
                the truth.
                I also got the lab report from
                the stuff you picked up in Noah's
       He hands it off.

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                             88A.
A207   CONTINUED:   (2)                                          A207
                 Insert substance... Highly
                 volatile drying agent? The
                 greedy motherfucker! He's cutting
                 the dope.
                 Yeah, but Julie told me his ship
                 comes in on Friday? You wanna
                 tell me who can cut a hundred
                 mil worth a dope in five days?
                 You'd need whole lotta time cards
                 to make that kinda date.

                 Or one really smart sonofabitch.
                 We're    in the shit, boys. And
                 there    ain't gonna be any more time
                 cards    for this unit unless somebody
                 pulls    a miracle out of their ass.

       Julie's handcuffed to the steering wheel again, semi-
       draped in the front seat. She can't believe it.
                 I'm getting really tired of this
207    OMITTED                                                   207

A208   INT. TIRE EMPORIUM - DAY                                  A208
       This is a yawning, tire graveyard for used and crude

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/23/94 (PM)                         89.
B208   INT. TIRE EMPORIUM - OFFICE - DAY                          B208
       Two old codgers are trading stories in front of JOJO, a
       white boy with rasta dreadlocks.
                Hey, Jojo.
       Through the office window, Jojo sees Burnett and sud-
       denly bolts out the rear door and runs smack dab into
       Lowrey, who body checks him back up against the office
                Good runnin' into you, Jojo.

208    INT. TIRE EMPORIUM - BATHROOM - DAY                        208
       Now Burnett has pushed Jojo up onto the sink.   Lowrey
       hangs back, vibrating with anticipation.
                Hey, calm down. A little rap,
                that's all. We're lookin' for
                someone who can step on a
                shitload of heroin. And do it
                real fast, and real well.
                We're lookin' for a pro.
                I'm in the rubber business now.
                We're not playin' around with
                you, Jojo. You know what we

                I'm tellin' you straight up,
                like a straight fuckin' arrow,
                okay? I'm straight as a board.
                I'm so straight it's fuckin'
                Now there's a lotta dope, Jojo.
                Who can cut it quick?
                You mean, cut it... cut it up,
                yeah. I don't know anything about
       Lowrey's had it.   He pulls his gun and pushes in.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/23/94 (PM)                          90.
208   CONTINUED:                                                  208
               Hey, man.     I can't believe you're
               puttin' a    gun on me. You're a cop.
               I turn you    into 'Hard Copy,' man.
               Put you on    the T.V. set.
               What are you doin', man?
      As Burnett tries to intercede, they talk over each other.

               LOWREY                           BURNETT
       We don't got time for            Mike. Chill with that.
       this. Jojo, I'm gonna            No. Don't do it! This
       kill you, man. I've got          is illegal! He's just
       fifteen bullets and I'm          a white ganja-smokin'
       gonna fill your rasta            motherfucker. He ain't
       ass fulla some hot               worth it.
         (reaches behind his
       Wait. Wait.
       Burnett pushes in one last time and tries to talk Lowrey
       back. Lowrey acts like he lost it. He pulls another
       gun and points it at Burnett.
               LOWREY                           BURNETT
       Back up. I'm gonna bust          Right on. Jojo, you're
       your fuckin' ass too.            on your own.
          (then, back to                   (as he walks away)
           Jojo)                        I'm sorry for you, Jojo.
       Talk to me. Tell me what         I was on your side. I'll
       I want to know. I'll do          just be over here. I
       you man, say it. Come on.        don't want no skull
                                        fragments or brain shit
                                        on me. When that shit
                                        flies, it don't wash off.

      scared shitless.   He's gonna die.   These are some crazy
                      (chimes in again)
               Remember, partner. He's no good
               to us if you splatter his ass.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/23/94 (PM)                91.
208   CONTINUED:   (2)                                  208
               Okay, okay. I definitely don't
               know for sure. But I know a
               little for sure. Three guys...
               well, two guys and one of them's
               dead. Crazy rocket-scientist,
               Einstein fuckin' guy. Got some
               rich mommy and daddy. Tell you
               where he's at.
                      (holsters guns)
               Man, it's a good thing you got
               your memory workin'. Cuz that
               dead man paperwork is a bitch.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                             91A.
      Staked out around the corner are Burnett and Lowrey.
      Each is clearly tired of the other. The silence is
      deadly until Julie breaks the silence.
               So where's the coffee and donuts?
               I thought that was the usual menu
               when cops were on stakeout. A
               little caffeine for the heart.
               Some sugar-coated dough fried in
               day old grease.
               Man. Will you get off this?
               You're making me sick.
               Oh, I'm sorry, Marcus. All     these
               hours on the case, you must    miss
               Theresa's home cooking.
                      (near Lowrey's ear)
               Bet last night she fixed you    up
               something yummy and left it    in
               the microwave for you.
      Burnett starts to steam.
               Yeah.   Somethin' yummy.
               I imagine there was something
               yummy waiting for you when you
               finally made it to bed --
               Listen, lady --
      But Burnett's face    ignites with headlights at their
      rear. Doors open.      Lowrey checks the rear-view mirror.
      He sees two private    security cops named DE SOUZA and
      TOWNE. They split     and approach either side of the
      unmarked sedan.
               Oh, man.     It's the fuckin' pretend

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                             92.
209   CONTINUED:                                                   209
               Be nice. After tomorrow we might
               need 'em for a job reference.
      Lowrey rolls down his driver's window in time to hear...
               Well, what do we have back here?
               Looks like we got us two pimps
               and a hooker.
                             DE SOUZA
               Hey, fellahs. Maybe if she does
               us both we'll let you leave with
               your pride intact.

               Excuse me. One moment.
                      (rolls up the window)
               Let's fuck with these bozos.
      Burnett nods his approval.   Lowrey lowers the window.
               Now, where were we?
               Outta the car. Hands where we can
               see 'em. Feet spread.
      Both hobby cops open the doors for Lowrey and Burnett
      respectively. Looks pass between them as they step out
      and assume the positions. And Towne starts by frisking
      Burnett's shoulders.
               Oh, that's not how you frisk a
               potential lawbreaker. You gotta
               start at the waistband. See if
               he's carrying a piece.
      Towne stalls a beat, then self-consciously goes to
      Burnett's waistband where he feels a --
      Both hobby cops instantly withdraw, their own pieces
      drawn and leveled on Burnett and Lowrey.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                          93.
209   CONTINUED:   (2)                                          209
               Whoah. You better watch it,
                      (very slowly)
               You know, it would be very bad
               if you shot and killed two
               helpless pimps and a call girl...
               But it would be even worse if you
               shot two policemen and their
               witness on a stakeout.
      Looks pass between the hobby cops.
                      (slowly turns)
               Now I'm reaching slowly for my
               shield... very slowly... here it
               comes... just about got it...
                      (reveals his badge)
               Ooh, look at that. It's a
               detective's shield! All gold and
               shiny. A smart fellah wouldn't
               fuck with somebody who had one of
               these in his pocket. So... Let's
               see. I guess that makes us
               policemen. And you...
      He shows his shield. Both hobby cops lower their guns,
      unsure about what's next. Burnett moves in.
               Now, some rent-a-cops have
               licenses to carry weapons,  where
               others do not. Which might   you
               be? You wouldn't happen to   have
               those permits handy, would  you?
      From the looks on the hobby cops' faces, Julie can see
      that they don't.
               Guess we know the answer to that

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                                  94.
210   EXT. UPPER CLASS NEIGHBORHOOD - NIGHT (LATER)                  210
      De Souza and Towne lay face down and cuffed on the
      pavement while the CAMERA LIFTS BACK TO the car.
               I bet you miss your wife, kids...
               I bet you miss them a whole lot.
               I don't worry. They're in good

211   INT. BURNETT'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT                             211
      Theresa gives a peek out the window.       There's another
      suspicious car on the street.

212   EXT. BURNETT'S STREET - UNMARKED CAR - NIGHT                   212
      Sanchez and Ruiz are on protective duty in front of
      Burnett's house.
               Are you kidding, man? Desi was
               the brains behind the whole
               operation. That's why they
               called their company Desilu.
               Desi was first. Lucy second.
               Get it? Desi-Lu?

213   INT. LOWREY AND BURNETT'S CAR - DAWN                           213
      Coral Gables stakeout. Julie's passed out and, once
      again, sleeping in the rear of the car. In the glow of
      the faltering streetlights and the approaching dawn,
      she couldn't look more beautiful. And from his post in
      the driver's seat, he's looking at her with a longing
      that goes well beyond lust. Then Burnett breaks the
               Two o'clock.     The red Civic.

      Elliot shutting the door to his little red Civic,
      jangling keys as he's hurrying up the walk to the front
      door. He looks like he hasn't slept or showered in days.

215   INT. STAKEOUT CAR - DAWN                                    215
               Let's just hope he didn't come
               home for a nap.
                                                TIME CUT TO:

216   EXT. ELLIOT'S HOUSE - MORNING                               216
      Elliot exits the house in a hurry. Hair wet from a
      shower and fresh change of clothes. He fumbles with the
      keys to his Civic, gets in and drives.

217   INT. STAKEOUT CAR - MORNING                                 217

               I'm on him.
                      (to Julie)
               Hey, buckle up back there.
      Lowrey has the keys in the ignition and is stomping on
      the gas.

218   EXT. MIAMI STREETS - MORNING                                218
      Tailing scene as Lowrey and Burnett tail Elliot through
      morning traffic.

219   EXT. BOAT YARD - MORNING                                    219

      Lowrey and Burnett's unmarked sedan stops about two
      hundred yards from the freighter.

      Elliot's out of the car in a flash and crawling aboard
      the ship. But as he disappears, Casper appears with his
      own pair of binoculars.

221   INT. STAKEOUT CAR (BOATYARD) - MORNING                      221
               They've made us. Let's move.
      Lowrey FLOORS it.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                               96.
      Lowrey's driving in his typical, pedal to the metal
      style while Burnett talks on the radio.
               Yeah. Tell Howard to assemble
               the troops. We just made the
               dope lab. We'll be at the P.D.
               in one hour.
               So what am I gonna do?
               You're gonna keep your sweet ass
               nice and quiet back at my place.

               Mike's place.     I said Mike's.
      Lowrey rolls his eyes.    He can't wait for this to end.

223   INT. BURNETT KITCHEN - MORNING                              223
      Typical pandemonium. Theresa is making/serving breakfast
      while the TV BLARES. Quincy is channel surfing on the
      TV when he comes up with the news footage of the
      explosion, followed by more footage of Lowrey, Julie, and
      Burnett at the scene.
               Hey, it's Dad and Uncle Mike.

                             NEWS ANCHOR (V.O.)
               In our continuing report on police
               violence, the most recent incident
               involving two Miami P.D. officers
               remains unexplained by department
               spokesmen. This high-speed chase
               was captured two nights ago by
               our Live Copter 9 news team. And
               while the driver was killed, both
               police officers involved in the
               incident seemed to escape without
               Kids, you go over to the
               neighbors' house. I'll be right

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                              97.
223   CONTINUED:                                                 223
               Where you going?
               Mommy's going to Cleveland.

      Bang, they're through the door.   Grubby and tired from
      the all-night stakeout.

225   INT. LOBBY - MORNING                                       225

      Theresa enters building, ignores Chet and heads straight
      for bank of elevators.
               Lady, all visitors must be
               Announce this!
      In a motherly flash, she's got Chet by the ear and she's
      dragging him over to the elevator. He yowls the whole
      way until he sticks his master pass-card in the elevator
      lock. Theresa lets  go.

226   INT. LOWREY'S CONDO - DAY                                  226
      Julie is framed in the bedroom doorway, somewhat sadly
      watching Burnett and Lowrey scramble to get ready for
      the bust.

               So, I guess when you get back, it's
               gonna be over.
               That's the plan... So, Mike. Loan
               some of those ass kicking clothes.
               Third drawer down.
                      (as doorbell rings)
               Hey, Julie. Do me a favor and see
               who that is.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                                98.
227   INT. CONDO - LIVING ROOM - DAY                               227
      Julie looks through the peephole, then opens the door.
      And there's Theresa. Julie's hip.
               Which one do you want?     The tall
               one or the short one?
               Oh, I got plenty in me to kill 'em
               both. But it's the short one I'm
               gonna divorce.
      She pushes past.
               Thought so.
      Julie watches Theresa charge headlong into --

228   INT. CONDO - BEDROOM - DAY                                   228
      Burnett's stripped to his pants and T-shirt. While
      Lowrey's down to his white boxer shorts. He's talking
      and wiping down his gun with a rag.
               Man, I can't wait to see the look
               on Howard's face when we tell
                      (seeing Theresa)
               Holy shit! Hi, Theresa... honey.
               Save your crap, Mike.

               Mike what?     What'd he do?
               Theresa.     It's not how it looks.
               It ain't Cleveland, neither.
               Where's Julie?
      Lowrey pushes past Theresa into --

229   INT. CONDO - LIVING ROOM - DAY                               229
      Where Julie is gone!    The front door is wide open.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                            99.
230   INT. LOWREY'S CONDO - ELEVATORS - DAY                       230
      Julie's inside. She hits the close door button.    But
      Lowrey's there to catch it.
                Julie. We wanted to tell you...
                I especially wanted to tell you --
                You think I didn't know? God, you
                are so stupid! And to think I let
                you use me like you did, Max.
                Julie --

                Wait. I know why. Because you
                said you needed me. Jesus, who's
                the stupid one now?
                We still need you.
      He reaches for her.
                Fuck you!
      Julie slams a fist into Lowrey's face. The elevator
      doors shut. Then Burnett comes hauling down the
      corridor with Theresa at his heels. He pounds the
      elevator button.
                You stayed away from home just one
                night too many, Marcus.
                Theresa. She's a material witness!
                It was orders!

231   INT. LOWREY'S CONDO - LOBBY - DAY                           231
      The elevator doors open and Julie makes for exit. She
      sees a cab parked outside, slips back on her spiked heel
      and starts to run for it when --

      enters, with Casper and Ferguson to either side.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                            99A.
231   CONTINUED:   (A1)                                          231
      They sweep into the lobby, stalling just inside the
      doorway when they realize that their target is right
      there in front of them, frozen like a deer caught in the
      proberbial headlights.
      To the right and left, people at the mailboxes. Chet
      on the phone behind the desk. But he's looking at
      Julie. Then...
               Grab her.
      But the doors to the second elevator open.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                                100.
231   CONTINUED:                                                  231
      Burnett and Lowrey step out in time to see Julie
      looking to them and the bad guys about to make their

      Fouchet and his henchmen LEFT. Burnett and Lowrey to
      the RIGHT. And Julie in the MIDDLE. Fouchet is the
      first one to draw down.
                  Julie!   Drop now!

      GUNS drawn and BLAZING. All three villains, plus Burnett
      and Lowrey, diving and FIRING.

      Scream and duck for cover.     Smoke and plaster fill the

      Pushes Theresa back into the elevator, making her lay on
      the floor as BULLETS CUT above.

      Slips behind a pillar as BULLETS WHIZ past.

      On floor.    In the middle.   Crawling for cover when --

      With balls the size of Pennsylvania. Two GUNS in hand,
      walks forward with barrels fixed and FIRING. Clips out
      on one, tosses the gun aside, then, with his free hand,
      reaches down and grabs Julie by the hair and lifts her
      until she stands.
                  Let's go!

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/22/94                                101.
231    CONTINUED:   (2)                                          231
       With a gun in her side, he backs away and shoves her
       through the exit. Casper and Ferguson follow.

       Swings around the pillar, gun leveled and running after
       Meanwhile --

       Into the open elevator, Burnett slides his gun over to
                Go upstairs. And don't let anybody
                in but me... Do it!
       Burnett presses the close door button. The doors close
       just as Theresa reaches for him, calling --
                Marcus, I love you.

233    EXT. LOWREY'S CONDO - DAY                                 233
       Fouchet shoves Julie into a waiting car. All three bad
       guys pile in and the CAR PEELS RUBBER just as Lowrey
       makes the doorway. Lowrey doesn't stop. He doesn't
       even wait for traffic. In nothing but his underwear,
       he appears from the building, turns the corner out the
       door, launches into traffic like a shot, spinning off
       bumpers, chasing Fouchet's car on foot.

A234   EXT./INT. FOUCHET'S CAR (INTERSECTION) - DAY              A234
       Fouchet's car slides into the intersection and stalled
       traffic. To the right: a footbridge. The car swings a
       hard right.

234    EXT. FOOTBRIDGE                                           234
       Where a male nurse pushing an old man in a wheelchair are
       in the way. SLAM! The nurse tumbles up and into
       Fouchet's windshield.

234   CONTINUED:                                               234
      Empty and spinning.

235   EXT. OTHER END OF FOOTBRIDGE                             235
      Metal pylons imbedded in concrete.
               Out of the car!
      The doors fly open and all three are out in the middle
      of the stalled traffic, Julie being drug along with
      them. The gang cuts down an alley.

236   EXT. ALLEY - LOWREY                                      236
      Turns the corner, running up over car roofs and hoods.
      He lowers his gun and tries to draw a bead on Fouchet
      and the gang. They've got Julie and now they're running.

237   EXT. ALLEY - BURNETT                                     237
      Appears behind Lowrey. Lowrey waves him in another
      direction. Burnett hauls one way. Lowrey the other.

238   INT. BEAUTY SALON - DAY                                  238
      MUZAK. Old ladies getting their hair blued and curled
      when -- BANG! Fouchet and the gang enter. Curlers fly.

      enters. He dives to the floor as Casper stops and FIRES.
      BULLETS RIP through the salon walls and mirrors. Lowrey
      ends up under an old lady's dress.

239   EXT. OCEAN BLVD. (SOUTH BEACH)                           239
      Exiting the beauty salon and stumbling through a
      crowded cafe runs Fouchet and the gang, mauling their
      way through tables and patrons. Lowrey, only moments
      behind, pushing his way through the same path.

240   EXT. INTERSECTION                                          240
      Fouchet stops right in the middle. Picks the first
      car that's headed for him. Levels a GUN on a taxi cab
      and FIRES two quick rounds -- BAM BAM!! The driver of
      the car instantly slumps. Ferguson's seen this before.
      He's around to the driver's side of the car, pulling the
      dead man out and leaving him on the street. Casper and
      Fouchet shove Julie inside and they're off again.

241   EXT. INTERSECTION                                          241
      But here comes Burnett. Crossing traffic. He's got no
      gun. So he jumps aboard Fouchet's car just as it gets
      into gear. The WHEELS SPIN. The CAR LURCHES ahead.

242   INSIDE CAB                                                 242
      Ferguson aims his pistol upward. He's about to fire
      into the roof when Julie shoves him. GUNSHOTS RING
      out sideways.

243   EXT./INT. CAB                                              243
      BULLETS RIP to either side of Burnett. Then Fouchet
      stomps on the brake and Burnett tumbles forward and
      onto the pavement.

      He rolls, makes it to one knee.   But his other leg
      gives way.

      He sees his chance and GUNS the ENGINE. The cab barrels
      at Burnett, who's stuck in the middle of the boulevard,
      about to become instant roadkill.
      Then --

244   EXT. STREET                                                244
      From out of nowhere, here comes Lowrey. Dashing out
      across the boulevard and snatching his partner from the
      deadly grille of the cab.

244   CONTINUED:                                                244
      TAXI CAB
      hauls on by. Leaving Burnett and Lowrey in a heap of
      their own, both trying to catch their breath.
                 Don't ever say I wasn't there for

245   EXT. MIAMI PD - MOTORPOOL - DAY                           245
      TAC teams and uniform cops swarm around their cars.
      All waiting as Burnett and Lowrey arrive in their
      unmarked car. Howard approaches.

                 It's about fuckin' time.
                 We lost the girl.
                 But you found the dope, right?
                 So let's go get it back.
      A bicycle BELL RINGS. Heads turn. And here comes a
      BOY on his bike, serpentining his way through the maze
      of cars and cops until he gets to Lowrey, Burnett, and
                 Which one of you's Lowrey?   I got
                 somethin' for him.
                 At least I'm me again.
                        (hand out)
                 I'm Lowrey.
      From his back pocket, the boy extracts a cellular flip
      PHONE. He hands it to Lowrey. He presses the power
      button and, almost instantly, it RINGS.
                         (presses send)
                 Yeah.   This is Lowrey.

246   INT. FREIGHTER - DOPE LAB - DAY                           246
      While dope is lifted and loaded from the open hold,
      Fouchet is revealed at the other end of the cellular

246   CONTINUED:                                                 246
               I have something for you to listen
      Fouchet lifts his PISTOL and FIRES a single shot.   BAM!

247   EXT. MIAMI PD - MOTORPOOL - LOWREY                         247
      He jolts at the sound of GUNFIRE.

248   INT. FREIGHTER - DOPE LAB - FOUCHET                        248

      Where the CAMERA SWISH PANS ACROSS TO a very dead Elliot.
               That bullet just killed the
               chemist. Now, I have but four
               hours left to make my deal. Fuck
               with my timetable and the next
               bullet kills the girl.
      Julie is gagged and sitting on the floor, scared

249   EXT. MIAMI PD - MOTORPOOL - LOWREY                         249
      He's in a vice.    Duty or the girl.   Then --
               You twisted motherfucker...
               Jojo, you sonofabitch. When I get
               my hands on you, I swear, I'm gonna
               kill you.
                      (hangs up)
               The snitch who tipped us to the
               dope lab? Turns out to be a
               bogus address.
               Bogus address?
               How's this? I'll kill the little
               prick for you. That's cuz you're
               already dead.
                      (waves at the
               Okay, you guys. Put 'em back in
               the lockers.

249   CONTINUED:                                                249
      En masse, all the cops act as if the wind had been
      knocked from their sails.

250   INT. LOW-DOWN BAR - DAY                                   250
      Empty, save for the daytime regulars at the bar and
      Burnett and Lowrey in a rear booth.
               How'd he know we were gearing up
               to go? It's like he's known all
               along where we're gonna be and

               You know that once he sells the
               dope, he's gonna kill her just
               like he did Max.
               Three little angels. Julie kept
               talking about his three little
      A barkeeper appears with two beers.   Burnett automati-
      cally reaches for his wallet.

      Where out pops a picture of his three children.
               If she dies, I'm done with it.
               The whole cop thing.

                      (looking at his
               Three little angels.

251   INT. SQUAD ROOM - DAY                                     251
      Francine is at her file desk. Looking pretty much the
      same as always. Same smile. Same easy manner. Then
      pictures on her desk. Her three little boys --
      including the one in uniform. The CAMERA TILTS TO --

      standing over her desk.

251   CONTINUED:                                                251
      Neither of them smiling.
               Hey, fellahs. What's the joke.
                      (as she gets nothing
               Really. I want to know.
      Soon, though, the facade fades.   Francine knows she's
      been caught.

252   INT. LADIES' ROOM - DAY                                   252
      Burnett holds the door while Lowrey holds Francine.
      She's broken, crying, and giving up the ghost of her
               It was a birthday party... You
               know, after hours. Just the
               civilian staff... We were drinking.
               And everybody. They all had boy
               friends or their husbands.
               So you were alone?
               He was so nice to me. He said I
               was beautiful, too. I guess I
               wanted to believe him...
                      (then ashamed,
                       starting to shake)
               He took some horrible pictures of
               me. I don't remember any of it.
               I'd had too much to drink. I
               wondered if he'd drugged me.
               Later... he threatened to show
               them to my boys... my little
               angels. Said he'd pin the
               pictures up on the grade school
               bulletin boards for all their
               classmates to see if I didn't do
               what he wanted.
               He wanted someone inside the P.D.?
               At first, it was about drug busts.
               Dealers under surveillance.

252   CONTINUED:                                                 252
                             FRANCINE (CONT'D)
               He'd steal from them before we
               could make the case. And then when
               the department gave the air
               conditioning to Mr. Orona...
               Anything you can tell us about him?
               What do you say about someone who
               rips off drug dealers? A man
               like that ain't scared of nobody.
               Not the police. Not you guys.
               He's the scariest man I ever met.
               Yeah. But does he still trust
               what you tell him?

253   EXT. BOATYARD - DAY                                        253
      Fouchet is supervising the loading of the dope onto three
      canvas-backed, military-styled trucks when his CELLULAR
      PHONE RINGS. He answers.

254   INT. HOWARD'S OFFICE - DAY                                 254
      Francine is on the phone with Howard on another
               I have some more information for
               you, Mr. Fouchet.

255   EXT. FLORIDA POWER PLANT (MIAMI) - DAY                     255
      A Florida Power van.   Inside...

256   INT. ELECTRONICS SURVEILLANCE VAN - DAY                    256
      Burnett and Lowrey wearing headsets, listening in on the
      conversation between Fouchet and Francine.

257   EXT. BOAT YARD - DRUG FREIGHTER - FOUCHET                 257
      He's surprised to hear from Francine.
               Yes, Francine... What is it?
               Miami P.D.'s called in the D.E.A.
               task force. They know the deal's
               going down in just two hours. So
               they've deployed agents to every
               point of entry, airports, marinas,
               Is that all?

               I'm very pleased, Francine.
               You're the best pet I've ever
      He hangs up.

258   INT. SURVEILLANCE VAN                                     258
      Back in the van Lowrey turns to Sanchez.
               Got him! Ma Bell says as long as
               he keeps his cellular phone turned
               on, we can track him.

               Call Howard. Tell him we're gonna
               need lotsa back-up.

      Three trucks making their way through Miami.

260   INT. REAR CABIN OF MIDDLE DOPE TRUCK                      260
      Ferguson is seated and staring across at Julie. Across
      his lap is a shotgun. She may be bruised and abused.
      But she's still got some bite.

260   CONTINUED:                                                  260
               I forget the formula. Big gun,
               big dick? No. Little gun, big
               dick? No. Big gun, little dick?
               Yeah. Yeah. I think that's it.

261   INT. FORWARD TRUCK - FOUCHET                                261
      The CAMERA ZEROES IN ON his cellular phone.    The power
      light is green.

262   INT. SURVEILLANCE VAN - DAY                                 262

      Sanchez gives the update.
               They're turning north onto the
               Orange Highway.
               We can make better time if we cut
               across the Biscayne Bridge.

263   EXT. BISCAYNE BRIDGE - DAY                                  263
      The van cuts across traffic, barely making the ramp which
      swirls up onto the bridge.

264   EXT. ORANGE COAST HIGHWAY NORTH - DAY                       264
      The dope convoy rolls OVER the CAMERA.

                                                   CUT TO:

      As the convoy makes a right turn off the highway onto an
      old tar and gravel track.

      The trucks roll toward an old airport which consists of a
      small, pilot's terminal and four or so hangars spread out
      over the ten acre site.

267   EXT. HANGAR 3 - DAY                                        267
      Two henchmen for the buyer open the yawning doors of this
      massive, five-story hangar to reveal a C-123 cargo
      aircraft. The convoy of trucks enters.

268   EXT. ORANGE HIGHWAY - DAY                                  268
      The surveillance van is parked at the side of the road.

269   INT. SURVEILLANCE VAN - DAY                                269
      THROUGH a floor-mounted SPOTTING SCOPE we see the last of
      the trucks roll into Hangar 3 and two of the buyer's
      henchmen shut the doors.

                 That's it. That's where they're
                 making the deal.
      Burnett swivels the spotting scope.

270   EXT. ORANGE CITY AIRFIELD - SCOPE'S POV                    270
      PANNING LEFT AND RIGHT ACROSS the landscape of tall reeds
      and distant buildings. Finally he STALLS ON a garbage
      truck and its four-man crew rolling dumpsters.

271   INT. HANGAR 3 - DAY                                        271
      Fouchet shakes  hands with the BUYER. Upon which time one
      forklift begins  to drive pallets full of cash from the
      open cargo door  of the aircraft while another drives
      pallets full of  dope.

                 Three hundred million and very,
                 very fresh. Too much to count,

      ON JULIE
      As Casper pulls her from the rear of a truck and
      handcuffs her to the door of a cab.
                 Who's the bimbo?
                 Simply part of another

271   CONTINUED:                                                 271
      The operation moves swiftly. Dope pallets for cash
      pallets. Smooth, just like the original heist. Two fuel
      trucks are moved in to gas up the aircraft.

272   EXT. AIRFIELD - DAY                                        272
      Rounding the corner from Hangar 3 -- here comes the
      garbage truck. CLOSER INSPECTION REVEALS Ruiz and
      Sanchez at the helm with both Lowrey and Burnett hanging
      from the sides. All of them wear dirty white jumpsuits
      and protective masks.

273   EXT. HANGAR 3 - DAY                                        273

      The two Buyer's henchmen stiffen at the sight of the
      oncoming truck. Their hands slip inside their coats to
      MP5-Ks slung under their armpits. But --

274   EXT. HANGAR 3 - GARBAGE TRUCK - DAY                        274
      It veers and swings over toward two nearby dumpsters.
      With Sanchez keeping a wary eye on the two bad guys and
      Ruiz to operate the hydraulics, Burnett and Lowrey drop
      from the truck and do their best working-for-the-city
      amble over to the dumpster. Business as usual. They
      wheel it over and position it in front of the two lifting
      forks where the garbage appears to be expertly lifted and
      dumped into the truck.

      As it lowers, the gearing seems to get hung up. The
      hydraulics' arms won't work, leaving the dumpster stuck
      in the air.

      Begin speaking Spanish, one blaming the other for this
      fiasco. Angry words. Finally, Ruiz has had enough.       He
      tosses down his gloves and hat and begins stomping off    as
      if he's just quit his stinking job. He's headed right     for
      the henchmen, his mouth moving and spewing and moving    and
      spewing. The henchmen look to each other, not knowing
      what to think. Ready for anything when --
      Both Burnett and Lowrey are right behind the henchmen with
      guns at the base of their necks.

274   CONTINUED:                                                 274
               Mouths shut, feet moving.    Now,

275   EXT. HANGAR #3 - ANGLE ON DUMPSTER                         275
      As it lifts once again to the air, this time dumping the
      two henchmen into the truck.

      As the human garbage is deposited.

276   INT. HANGAR 3 - C-123 - DAY                                276
      The Buyer buckles himself into the pilot's seat of the C-
      123. His crew shuts the cargo hatches and he gives a
      pleased salute to Fouchet. The ENGINES TURN OVER and the
      propellers move. Meanwhile --

277   INT. HANGAR 3 - TRUCK ENGINES                              277
      START. Loaded with cash, they're ready to go.   Fouchet
      gives the signal to open the doors.

      Move to open the doors. They give a good shove.   Still
      nothing. So they bang and shout.
               Hey! Wake up out there!     Open
               it up!

278   EXT. HANGAR 3 - DAY                                        278
      One of the dumpsters is parked in front of the doors.   No

279   INT. HANGAR 3 - DAY                                        279
      Just as Casper and Ferguson give a helpless look to

280   INT. HANGAR 3 - ANGLE ACROSS HANGAR - DAY                280
      The garbage truck barrels through the rear wall,
      instantly colliding with the left wing section of
      aircraft. The wheel assembly buckles and the aircraft
      twists onto one wing. Fuel spills.

281   INT. C-123 (HANGAR 3) - ON BUYER                         281
      Tossed from his seat and thrown across throttle.   The

282   INT. HANGAR - ONE CANVAS-BACKED TRUCK                    282
      The tarpaulin rips and a pallet of cash busts open.
      Money swirls inside the hangar.

283   INT./EXT. C-123 - CARGO DOORS                            283
      Open.   Henchmen ready to kill.   Then --

284   FROM EMPTY DUMPSTER                                      284
      Pop up Burnett and Lowrey. MP5-Ks in hand. They BLAZE
      the cargo doors and CUT DOWN the rest of the Buyer's

      charge.   GUNS BLASTING.


      RIP across the dumpster, moving up into the truck cab.
      Ruiz and Sanchez dive and roll to either side.
      Meanwhile, the sparks ignite the spilled fuel.
                Move it or lose it!
      Burnett and Lowrey climb from the dumpster and run.
      Casper and Ferguson have a clear shot. They level and
      aim, but...
      The FUEL TANK on the aircraft EXPLODES. The truck drivers
      dive for cover. Charging for the open hole in the wall.

285   INT. AIRCRAFT (HANGAR 3)                                     285
      Inside the aircraft the precious dope catches fire.

286   INT. HANGAR 3 - ON CASPER AND FERGUSON                       286
      Looking through the flames. Shielding their eyes.     Ruiz
      and Sanchez appear from behind.
               Remember us?
      The two bad guys turn with their guns. The flames
      igniting their already battered faces. But they don't
      turn fast enough. Both cops FIRE in unison. Ferguson
      and Casper fall. PULL BACK --

287   INT. HANGAR 3 - WIDE ANGLE                                   287
      One aircraft ENGINE still ROARING. The money swirling
      and burning, falling from the roof like a fiery rain.
      And --

288   INT. HANGAR 3 - LOWREY AND BURNETT                           288
      Easing through the wreckage, ever-so-cautious.
                                JULIE (O.S.)

                                                CUT TO:

289   INT. HANGAR 3 - FOUCHET                                      289
      He's handcuffed himself to Julie, dragging her deeper
      and deeper into the hangar. The smoke is getting thicker
      and swirling with the burning cash.

290   INT. HANGAR 3 - BURNETT AND LOWREY                           290
      Signals between the two. They split wider.   Moving
      toward those locked doors.

291   INT. HANGAR 3 - BACK ON FOUCHET                              291
      At the locked doors. He shoves against them in a futile
      rage. Julie begins to choke on the fumes.

      Each placing their faces against their own sleeves.    The
      smoke is thicker, swirling in waves.

293   INT. HANGAR - DOORS - FOUCHET                                293
      Shoving the doors.   Pushing and pushing.    Then --

294   FROM HAIL OF SMOKE AND BURNING CASH                          294
      Appear Lowrey and Burnett. Twenty yards apart and
      closing. Guns carefully aimed. Fouchet pulls Julie

                I was going to fuck her, then
                kill her. Now it looks like I'm
                only going to do the latter.
                Either we O.D. on the air or
                the whole place blows. We're
                dying anyway.
                Let her go and you'll walk. You
                can keep the dope and the money.
                Just the girl and we all get out
                of here.
                What if I don't have the key.
                He threw it in the --
                       (yanks her)
                Shut up! It's gone. She's dead.
                Unless you move aside.
      Burnett eases further right. Gun carefully aimed. His
      eyes are stinging. Lowrey goes left. But he's lowering
      his gun.

      Pulls Julie closer. Gun at her head. Looking to
      Burnett. While Lowrey is nodding to Julie. Nodding
      for her to --

294   CONTINUED:                                                  294
                Drop, Julie!
      She drops.    Burnett has a clear shot when --

295   HANGAR DOORS                                                295
      Swing wide and way, way open. Blinding light. NOISE.
      HELICOPTERS. And about fifty cops at the ready. Rounds
      chambered. Rifles leveled.

296   QUICK SHOTS                                                 296

      Fouchet, Julie, Lowrey, Burnett. All with the same idea.
      They bolt for daylight as fast as they can go because --

297   HANGAR                                                      297
      EXPLODES in such a concussion it knocks all four of them
      to the dirt. The hangar crumbles.

298   EXT. HANGAR - CLOSE ON BURNETT                              298
      As he looks back on the conflagration.
                Sanchez and Ruiz...
      Then --


      He yanks her back up onto her feet, wild-eyed.   He's
      still got the gun on her.
                       (hands up for all
                        the cops to see)
                Don't shoot!!! Hold your fire!!!

      Twisting Julie for all to see.    The cops' rifle sights,
      all glinting in the sun.
                I'll kill the girl!!!

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                            118.
298   CONTINUED:                                                 298
      Fouchet raises Julie's hand high in the air to show all
      of them the handcuffs when -- KA-POW! -- a SHOT RINGS
      The link is snapped in two by the bullet.    Julie falls
      to the ground. While --
      UNLOAD their CLIPS in a CRESCENDO of GUNFIRE.    Fouchet
      crumples in a heap.
                                                  CUT TO:

299   EXT. HANGAR - HOWARD                                       299
      The eye behind the smoking sniper rifle.    He reveals a
      pleasured smile.
      Then he turns to Sinclair, who stands only feet away.
               Investigate that, asshole.

300   EXT. HANGAR - JULIE                                        300
      She finds her feet and runs to Lowrey. Right into his
      arms. He holds her tight, but she winces from a nasty
      cut on her shoulder.

               Ow.     This shit really hurts.
               Stick around. I'll give you a
               bullet to bite.
      Finally --

      They appear.   Alive and well. Big grins, helping Burnett
      to his feet.   Brushing him off.
               Hey, hey...
                      (then with a smile)
               Let's go get our jobs back.

      BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                             119.
301   EXT. BURNETT HOUSE - DAY                                     301
      The front door opens and all the little Burnetts come
      screaming out...
                              BURNETT KIDS
                Daddy Daddy Daddy the hero!!!
      ... into the arms of their father.     He gathers them all
      into one big hug.
                Daddy's home!
      Behind Burnett appear Lowrey and Julie, arm in arm.
      The kids run to...

                              BURNETT KIDS
                Uncle Mike, Uncle Mike.
      Theresa framed in the front doorway, looking smashing in
      the outfit Lowrey picked out for her. Burnett ambles up
      the walk into her arms. They hug and kiss, Theresa
      tossing a wink Lowrey's way.
                Manana, partner. Peace. Okay,
                kids. Pile in. And watch the
                leather and windows this time?
                You got a real way with kids,

                You see anybody complaining?
                Hey.    Where are the kids goin'?
                Didn't you know? We got us a new
      She kisses him.
                You mean...
                It's quality time, Marcus.

       BAD BOYS - Rev. 6/24/94 PM                              120.
301    CONTINUED:                                                 301
       Burnett shuts the door ON the CAMERA.    The screen GOES

302    OMITTED                                                    302
thru                                                              thru
304                                                               304

305    INT. LOWREY'S CONDO - BATHROOM - NIGHT                     305
       Little Megan is on the potty.   She catches Lowrey as
       he passes.
                                MEGAN (V.O.)
                 Uncle Mike.   I did it!

                                THE END

	Bad Boys

Writers :   Michael Barrie  Jim Mulholland  Doug Richardson
Genres :   Action  Comedy

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Bad Boys
Bad Boys.jpg

Theatrical release poster

Directed by Michael Bay
Screenplay by
  • Michael Barrie
  • Jim Mulholland
  • Doug Richardson
Story by George Gallo
Produced by
  • Don Simpson
  • Jerry Bruckheimer
  • Martin Lawrence
  • Will Smith
  • Téa Leoni
  • Tchéky Karyo
  • Theresa Randle
  • Joe Pantoliano
Cinematography Howard Atherton
Edited by Christian Wagner
Music by Mark Mancina


  • Columbia Pictures
  • Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer Films
Distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing

Release date

  • April 7, 1995

Running time

119 minutes[1]
Country United States
Language English
Budget $19 million[2][3]
Box office $141.4 million[2]

Bad Boys is a 1995 American buddy cop action comedy film directed by Michael Bay in his feature directorial debut, and produced by Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer. The film stars Martin Lawrence and Will Smith as two Miami narcotics detectives, Marcus Burnett and Mike Lowrey. The film received mixed reviews from critics, was commercially successful and spawned two sequels, Bad Boys II (2003) and Bad Boys for Life (2020).


Lifelong friends Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett are Miami police detectives investigating $100 million of seized Mafia heroin, which was stolen from a secure police vault. Internal Affairs suspects that it was an inside job and threatens to shut down the entire department unless they recover the drugs within 72 hours.

Mike asks one of his informants and ex-girlfriend Maxine «Max» Logan to look for people who are newly rich and therefore suspects. She gets herself and her best friend Julie Mott hired as escorts by Eddie Dominguez, a crooked former cop. The party is soon interrupted by Dominguez’s French drug kingpin boss Fouchet and his henchmen Casper, Ferguson, and Noah. Dominguez and Max are killed, while Julie manages to escape. The madam who hired Julie and Max is disposed of by Noah, who then knocks out Mike as he investigates Max’s death.

Frantically calling the police station, Julie insists on talking only to Mike, who is away. Knowing she never met Mike, captain Conrad Howard forces Marcus to impersonate Mike to talk to her. At her apartment, Marcus and Julie are attacked by some of Fouchet’s henchmen, one of whom Marcus kills. When they rendezvous with Mike, Marcus and Mike have to impersonate each other, with Mike living at the Burnett residence while Marcus resides with Julie at Mike’s apartment. The two struggle to keep it up in Julie’s presence, and she quickly begins to suspect the truth.

Looking through mugshots, Julie identifies Noah as one of the henchmen. The trio go to Club Hell, one of Noah’s known hangouts. After being spotted, Marcus knocks Casper unconscious during a bathroom fight. Julie tries to kill Fouchet but Marcus stops her. In the ensuing car chase, Mike kills Noah. The three manage to get away, but are caught on camera by a news helicopter and the report is later seen by Marcus’s family, who were told that Marcus was temporarily reassigned to Cleveland.

Mike and Marcus meet their old informant Jojo and learn about the location of the chemist who is cutting the stolen drugs. The three return to Mike’s apartment, where Marcus’ wife Theresa confronts them and confirms Julie’s suspicion they have been impersonating each other. Fouchet and his gang show up and kidnap Julie.

Mike and Marcus’ department is shut down by Internal Affairs. Despite being reassigned, Howard delays the order, giving Mike and Marcus more time to solve the case. They access Dominguez’s private police database profile and learn that the police secretary Francine is Dominguez’s former girlfriend, who was being blackmailed by Fouchet and Dominguez after they took nude photos of her, threatening to post them at her kids’ school.

Mike, Marcus, and two other detectives, Sanchez and Ruiz, head to the Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport. After a fierce shootout, they kill the remainder of Fouchet’s henchmen, including Casper and Ferguson, and rescue Julie. They chase a fleeing Fouchet and force his car into a concrete barrier. As Fouchet tries to flee, Mike shoots Fouchet in the leg and arrests him at gunpoint. After a tense conversation with Marcus, Fouchet surreptitiously draws a gun but is shot to death by Mike before he can kill Marcus, avenging Max’s death. An exhausted Marcus leaves Julie with Mike and heads home, eager to be reunited with his wife.


  • Martin Lawrence as Detective Sergeant Marcus Miles Burnett
  • Will Smith as Detective Sergeant Michael Eugene «Mike» Lowrey
  • Téa Leoni as Julie Mott
  • Tchéky Karyo as Fouchet
  • Theresa Randle as Theresa Burnett
  • Joe Pantoliano as Captain Conrad Howard
  • Marg Helgenberger as Captain Alison Sinclair
  • Nestor Serrano as Detective Sanchez
  • Julio Oscar Mechoso as Detective Ruiz
  • Saverio Guerra as Chet
  • Anna Thompson as Francine
  • Kevin Corrigan as Elliot
  • Michael Imperioli as Joe «Jo-Jo»
  • Vic Manni as Ferguson
  • Frank John Hughes as Casper
  • Ralph Gonzales as Kuni
  • Marc Macaulay as Noah Trafficante
  • Emmanuel Xuereb as Eddie Dominguez
  • John Salley as Fletcher (credited as Hacker «Fletcher»)
  • Karen Alexander as Max Logan
  • Shaun Toub as Store Clerk
  • Kim Coates as White Carjacker
  • Michael ‘Bear’ Taliferro as Black Carjacker
  • Lisa Boyle as Girl Decoy
  • Ed Amatrudo as Ether Van Boss


Principal photography began on June 27, 1994, at the Dade Tire company near downtown Miami, the city chosen to replace the original New York locale. Filming continued throughout the area, including South Beach’s Tides Hotel, the Mediterranean Biltmore Hotel, the Dade County Courthouse and a multimillion-dollar estate on a private island. The second floor of downtown Miami’s Alfred DuPont building was converted into a police station; a freighter on the Miami River into a drug lab. Bad Boys’ climactic scenes were filmed at the Opa-Locka Airport. Filming was quick due to the TV schedules of the stars with production wrapping on August 31. The opening sequence was written and shot during post-production.[4] In the film’s early stages of development, Simpson and Bruckheimer initially envisioned Dana Carvey and Jon Lovitz in the roles.[5] When the film was written for Carvey and Lovitz, the original title for Bad Boys was Bulletproof Hearts. Arsenio Hall turned down the role of Lowrey and cites[citation needed] that choice as the worst mistake he has ever made. The role eventually went to Smith. Both Lawrence and Smith were starring in their own hit TV shows, Martin and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, when filming Bad Boys. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air even references the film in an episode. In the season 6, episode 20, called «I Stank Horse», Nicholas «Nicky» Banks tells Will that his parents will not let him watch Bad Boys, to which Will replies, «Bad Boys, huh? What’cha gonna do?»


Director Bay did not like the script and often engaged Smith and Lawrence in discussions about how the dialogue and scenes could improve. He often allowed them to improvise while the cameras were rolling. He secretly told Smith to call Lawrence a bitch before the car scene. The whole «two bitches in the sea» was improvised, as was Lawrence’s comment when Leoni called him gay. The scene in the convenience store, when the clerk puts a gun to Burnett and Lowrey’s heads and yells, telling them to «Freeze, mother bitches!», is also improvised. They came up with: «No, you freeze, bitch! Now back up, put the gun down and get me a pack of Tropical Fruit Bubbalicious». «And some Skittles.» According to Bay in the DVD commentary, at the end of the film when Mike and Marcus are recuperating, Mike says «I love you, man.» Bay claims that Smith refused to say the line, causing the director and actor to argue back and forth over the line. Bay wanted Smith to say the line as he felt it summed up the friendship between the cops. After their argument had lasted for half of the day’s shoot and much of the crew was ready to pack up, a fed up Bay told Smith to do whatever he wanted, after which Smith changed his mind and agreed to say the line.



Box office[edit]

Bad Boys was commercially successful, grossing $141,407,024 worldwide — $65,807,024 in North America and $75,600,000 internationally.[6]

Critical reception[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, Bad Boys has an approval rating of 43% based on reviews from 67 critics, with an average rating of 5.30/10. The site’s critical consensus reads: «Bad Boys stars Will Smith and Martin Lawrence have enjoyable chemistry; unfortunately, director Michael Bay too often drowns it out with set pieces and explosions in place of an actual story.»[7] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 41 out of 100, based on 24 critics, indicating «mixed or average reviews».[8] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of «A» on an A+ to F scale.[9]

Most of the criticisms focused on the fact that despite the production of the film and the ability of the stars, the script did not diverge from the generic plot of a buddy-cop genre film, instead opting for repeated use of formulaic scenes.[10][11][12]

Roger Ebert in his video review of the film on At the Movies noted that despite the highly energetic approach of the two lead actors and the visual style of the film, their acting talents were mostly «new wine in old bottles». He illustrated that many of the elements featured in the film including both the plot and characters had been recycled from other films, particularly those from the Lethal Weapon and Beverly Hills Cop series—recurrent stock-characters, police detective clichés and over-long action scenes. In describing the archetypal cop-buddy genre action scene adhered to by the film, Ebert noted «Whenever a movie like this starts to drag, there’s always one infallible solution; have a car-chase and then blow something up real good.»[11] Ebert gave the film 2 out of 4 stars.[13]

Gene Siskel in his appraisal of the film said that he had lost interest in the film after its introduction due to the very formulaic approach, and repeated Roger Ebert’s criticism that the talents of the lead actors were wasted; suggesting that the production company did not spend significant time producing a script which would be suitable for their talents.[11] Siskel gave the film 2 out of 4.[14]

Home media[edit]

Bad Boys was released on DVD on June 27, 2000. A Blu-ray release followed on June 1, 2010.[15] Bad Boys was released in a two movie pack that includes Bad Boys II on Ultra HD Blu-ray on September 4, 2018.[16]

See also[edit]

  • Bad Boys (franchise)
  • Bade Miyan Chote Miyan (1998), an Indian film inspired inspired from Bad boys.


  1. ^ «BAD BOYS (18)». British Board of Film Classification. May 3, 1995. Archived from the original on June 5, 2019. Retrieved May 20, 2015.
  2. ^ a b «Bad Boys (1995)». Box Office Mojo. 1995. Archived from the original on July 30, 2010. Retrieved February 19, 2020.
  3. ^ «Bad Boys (1995) — Financial Information». The Numbers. Archived from the original on May 16, 2021. Retrieved May 16, 2021.
  4. ^ Young, Paul F. (July 10, 1995). «The rationale of re-shoots». Variety. p. 5.
  5. ^ Wolff, Craig (December 31, 1992). «IN THE DRESSING ROOM WITH DANA CARVEY; Every Night Live?». The New York Times. Archived from the original on December 25, 2020. Retrieved April 26, 2010.
  6. ^ «Bad Boys (1995)». Box Office Mojo. Internet Movie Database. Archived from the original on July 30, 2010. Retrieved August 12, 2010.
  7. ^ «Bad Boys (1995)». Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango Media. Archived from the original on July 31, 2010. Retrieved January 10, 2023.
  8. ^ «Bad Boys». Metacritic. CBS. Archived from the original on August 4, 2018. Retrieved February 24, 2020.
  9. ^ «Find Cinemascore». Cinemascore. Archived from the original on July 22, 2018. Retrieved January 15, 2010.
  10. ^ McCarthy, Todd (April 3, 1995). «Bad Boys review». Variety. Reed Business Information. Archived from the original on May 13, 2008. Retrieved August 12, 2010.
  11. ^ a b c Ebert, Roger., Siskel, Gene., 1995 Bad Boys Review [Internet Video] Available at http://bventertainment.go.com/tv/buenavista/atm/reviews.html?sec=1&subsec=1313 Buena-Vista Television
  12. ^ Berardinelli, James. «Bad Boys (1995)». ReelViews. Archived from the original on December 25, 2020. Retrieved August 12, 2010.
  13. ^ Ebert, Roger (April 7, 1995). «Bad Boys». Chicago Sun-Times. RogerEbert.com. Archived from the original on August 14, 2016. Retrieved May 16, 2021.
  14. ^ Siskel, Gene (April 7, 1995). «RIVETING ‘ROB ROY’ TRIUMPHS WHERE ‘ROBIN HOOD’ COLLAPSED». Chicago Tribune. Archived from the original on April 10, 2019. Retrieved May 16, 2021.
  15. ^ «Bad Boys DVD Release Date». DVDs Release Dates. Archived from the original on March 29, 2020. Retrieved June 12, 2018.
  16. ^ «High Def Digest | Blu-ray and Games News and Reviews in High Definition». ultrahd.highdefdigest.com. Archived from the original on June 7, 2019. Retrieved June 12, 2018.

External links[edit]

  • Bad Boys at IMDb
  • Bad Boys at the TCM Movie Database
  • Bad Boys at the American Film Institute Catalog
  • Bad Boys at Box Office Mojo

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bad Boys
Bad Boys.jpg

Theatrical release poster

Directed by Michael Bay
Screenplay by
  • Michael Barrie
  • Jim Mulholland
  • Doug Richardson
Story by George Gallo
Produced by
  • Don Simpson
  • Jerry Bruckheimer
  • Martin Lawrence
  • Will Smith
  • Téa Leoni
  • Tchéky Karyo
  • Theresa Randle
  • Joe Pantoliano
Cinematography Howard Atherton
Edited by Christian Wagner
Music by Mark Mancina


  • Columbia Pictures
  • Don Simpson/Jerry Bruckheimer Films
Distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing

Release date

  • April 7, 1995

Running time

119 minutes[1]
Country United States
Language English
Budget $19 million[2][3]
Box office $141.4 million[2]

Bad Boys is a 1995 American buddy cop action comedy film directed by Michael Bay in his feature directorial debut, and produced by Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer. The film stars Martin Lawrence and Will Smith as two Miami narcotics detectives, Marcus Burnett and Mike Lowrey. The film received mixed reviews from critics, was commercially successful and spawned two sequels, Bad Boys II (2003) and Bad Boys for Life (2020).


Lifelong friends Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett are Miami police detectives investigating $100 million of seized Mafia heroin, which was stolen from a secure police vault. Internal Affairs suspects that it was an inside job and threatens to shut down the entire department unless they recover the drugs within 72 hours.

Mike asks one of his informants and ex-girlfriend Maxine «Max» Logan to look for people who are newly rich and therefore suspects. She gets herself and her best friend Julie Mott hired as escorts by Eddie Dominguez, a crooked former cop. The party is soon interrupted by Dominguez’s French drug kingpin boss Fouchet and his henchmen Casper, Ferguson, and Noah. Dominguez and Max are killed, while Julie manages to escape. The madam who hired Julie and Max is disposed of by Noah, who then knocks out Mike as he investigates Max’s death.

Frantically calling the police station, Julie insists on talking only to Mike, who is away. Knowing she never met Mike, captain Conrad Howard forces Marcus to impersonate Mike to talk to her. At her apartment, Marcus and Julie are attacked by some of Fouchet’s henchmen, one of whom Marcus kills. When they rendezvous with Mike, Marcus and Mike have to impersonate each other, with Mike living at the Burnett residence while Marcus resides with Julie at Mike’s apartment. The two struggle to keep it up in Julie’s presence, and she quickly begins to suspect the truth.

Looking through mugshots, Julie identifies Noah as one of the henchmen. The trio go to Club Hell, one of Noah’s known hangouts. After being spotted, Marcus knocks Casper unconscious during a bathroom fight. Julie tries to kill Fouchet but Marcus stops her. In the ensuing car chase, Mike kills Noah. The three manage to get away, but are caught on camera by a news helicopter and the report is later seen by Marcus’s family, who were told that Marcus was temporarily reassigned to Cleveland.

Mike and Marcus meet their old informant Jojo and learn about the location of the chemist who is cutting the stolen drugs. The three return to Mike’s apartment, where Marcus’ wife Theresa confronts them and confirms Julie’s suspicion they have been impersonating each other. Fouchet and his gang show up and kidnap Julie.

Mike and Marcus’ department is shut down by Internal Affairs. Despite being reassigned, Howard delays the order, giving Mike and Marcus more time to solve the case. They access Dominguez’s private police database profile and learn that the police secretary Francine is Dominguez’s former girlfriend, who was being blackmailed by Fouchet and Dominguez after they took nude photos of her, threatening to post them at her kids’ school.

Mike, Marcus, and two other detectives, Sanchez and Ruiz, head to the Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport. After a fierce shootout, they kill the remainder of Fouchet’s henchmen, including Casper and Ferguson, and rescue Julie. They chase a fleeing Fouchet and force his car into a concrete barrier. As Fouchet tries to flee, Mike shoots Fouchet in the leg and arrests him at gunpoint. After a tense conversation with Marcus, Fouchet surreptitiously draws a gun but is shot to death by Mike before he can kill Marcus, avenging Max’s death. An exhausted Marcus leaves Julie with Mike and heads home, eager to be reunited with his wife.


  • Martin Lawrence as Detective Sergeant Marcus Miles Burnett
  • Will Smith as Detective Sergeant Michael Eugene «Mike» Lowrey
  • Téa Leoni as Julie Mott
  • Tchéky Karyo as Fouchet
  • Theresa Randle as Theresa Burnett
  • Joe Pantoliano as Captain Conrad Howard
  • Marg Helgenberger as Captain Alison Sinclair
  • Nestor Serrano as Detective Sanchez
  • Julio Oscar Mechoso as Detective Ruiz
  • Saverio Guerra as Chet
  • Anna Thompson as Francine
  • Kevin Corrigan as Elliot
  • Michael Imperioli as Joe «Jo-Jo»
  • Vic Manni as Ferguson
  • Frank John Hughes as Casper
  • Ralph Gonzales as Kuni
  • Marc Macaulay as Noah Trafficante
  • Emmanuel Xuereb as Eddie Dominguez
  • John Salley as Fletcher (credited as Hacker «Fletcher»)
  • Karen Alexander as Max Logan
  • Shaun Toub as Store Clerk
  • Kim Coates as White Carjacker
  • Michael ‘Bear’ Taliferro as Black Carjacker
  • Lisa Boyle as Girl Decoy
  • Ed Amatrudo as Ether Van Boss


Principal photography began on June 27, 1994, at the Dade Tire company near downtown Miami, the city chosen to replace the original New York locale. Filming continued throughout the area, including South Beach’s Tides Hotel, the Mediterranean Biltmore Hotel, the Dade County Courthouse and a multimillion-dollar estate on a private island. The second floor of downtown Miami’s Alfred DuPont building was converted into a police station; a freighter on the Miami River into a drug lab. Bad Boys’ climactic scenes were filmed at the Opa-Locka Airport. Filming was quick due to the TV schedules of the stars with production wrapping on August 31. The opening sequence was written and shot during post-production.[4] In the film’s early stages of development, Simpson and Bruckheimer initially envisioned Dana Carvey and Jon Lovitz in the roles.[5] When the film was written for Carvey and Lovitz, the original title for Bad Boys was Bulletproof Hearts. Arsenio Hall turned down the role of Lowrey and cites[citation needed] that choice as the worst mistake he has ever made. The role eventually went to Smith. Both Lawrence and Smith were starring in their own hit TV shows, Martin and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, when filming Bad Boys. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air even references the film in an episode. In the season 6, episode 20, called «I Stank Horse», Nicholas «Nicky» Banks tells Will that his parents will not let him watch Bad Boys, to which Will replies, «Bad Boys, huh? What’cha gonna do?»


Director Bay did not like the script and often engaged Smith and Lawrence in discussions about how the dialogue and scenes could improve. He often allowed them to improvise while the cameras were rolling. He secretly told Smith to call Lawrence a bitch before the car scene. The whole «two bitches in the sea» was improvised, as was Lawrence’s comment when Leoni called him gay. The scene in the convenience store, when the clerk puts a gun to Burnett and Lowrey’s heads and yells, telling them to «Freeze, mother bitches!», is also improvised. They came up with: «No, you freeze, bitch! Now back up, put the gun down and get me a pack of Tropical Fruit Bubbalicious». «And some Skittles.» According to Bay in the DVD commentary, at the end of the film when Mike and Marcus are recuperating, Mike says «I love you, man.» Bay claims that Smith refused to say the line, causing the director and actor to argue back and forth over the line. Bay wanted Smith to say the line as he felt it summed up the friendship between the cops. After their argument had lasted for half of the day’s shoot and much of the crew was ready to pack up, a fed up Bay told Smith to do whatever he wanted, after which Smith changed his mind and agreed to say the line.



Box office[edit]

Bad Boys was commercially successful, grossing $141,407,024 worldwide — $65,807,024 in North America and $75,600,000 internationally.[6]

Critical reception[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes, Bad Boys has an approval rating of 43% based on reviews from 67 critics, with an average rating of 5.30/10. The site’s critical consensus reads: «Bad Boys stars Will Smith and Martin Lawrence have enjoyable chemistry; unfortunately, director Michael Bay too often drowns it out with set pieces and explosions in place of an actual story.»[7] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 41 out of 100, based on 24 critics, indicating «mixed or average reviews».[8] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of «A» on an A+ to F scale.[9]

Most of the criticisms focused on the fact that despite the production of the film and the ability of the stars, the script did not diverge from the generic plot of a buddy-cop genre film, instead opting for repeated use of formulaic scenes.[10][11][12]

Roger Ebert in his video review of the film on At the Movies noted that despite the highly energetic approach of the two lead actors and the visual style of the film, their acting talents were mostly «new wine in old bottles». He illustrated that many of the elements featured in the film including both the plot and characters had been recycled from other films, particularly those from the Lethal Weapon and Beverly Hills Cop series—recurrent stock-characters, police detective clichés and over-long action scenes. In describing the archetypal cop-buddy genre action scene adhered to by the film, Ebert noted «Whenever a movie like this starts to drag, there’s always one infallible solution; have a car-chase and then blow something up real good.»[11] Ebert gave the film 2 out of 4 stars.[13]

Gene Siskel in his appraisal of the film said that he had lost interest in the film after its introduction due to the very formulaic approach, and repeated Roger Ebert’s criticism that the talents of the lead actors were wasted; suggesting that the production company did not spend significant time producing a script which would be suitable for their talents.[11] Siskel gave the film 2 out of 4.[14]

Home media[edit]

Bad Boys was released on DVD on June 27, 2000. A Blu-ray release followed on June 1, 2010.[15] Bad Boys was released in a two movie pack that includes Bad Boys II on Ultra HD Blu-ray on September 4, 2018.[16]

See also[edit]

  • Bad Boys (franchise)
  • Bade Miyan Chote Miyan (1998), an Indian film inspired inspired from Bad boys.


  1. ^ «BAD BOYS (18)». British Board of Film Classification. May 3, 1995. Archived from the original on June 5, 2019. Retrieved May 20, 2015.
  2. ^ a b «Bad Boys (1995)». Box Office Mojo. 1995. Archived from the original on July 30, 2010. Retrieved February 19, 2020.
  3. ^ «Bad Boys (1995) — Financial Information». The Numbers. Archived from the original on May 16, 2021. Retrieved May 16, 2021.
  4. ^ Young, Paul F. (July 10, 1995). «The rationale of re-shoots». Variety. p. 5.
  5. ^ Wolff, Craig (December 31, 1992). «IN THE DRESSING ROOM WITH DANA CARVEY; Every Night Live?». The New York Times. Archived from the original on December 25, 2020. Retrieved April 26, 2010.
  6. ^ «Bad Boys (1995)». Box Office Mojo. Internet Movie Database. Archived from the original on July 30, 2010. Retrieved August 12, 2010.
  7. ^ «Bad Boys (1995)». Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango Media. Archived from the original on July 31, 2010. Retrieved January 10, 2023.
  8. ^ «Bad Boys». Metacritic. CBS. Archived from the original on August 4, 2018. Retrieved February 24, 2020.
  9. ^ «Find Cinemascore». Cinemascore. Archived from the original on July 22, 2018. Retrieved January 15, 2010.
  10. ^ McCarthy, Todd (April 3, 1995). «Bad Boys review». Variety. Reed Business Information. Archived from the original on May 13, 2008. Retrieved August 12, 2010.
  11. ^ a b c Ebert, Roger., Siskel, Gene., 1995 Bad Boys Review [Internet Video] Available at http://bventertainment.go.com/tv/buenavista/atm/reviews.html?sec=1&subsec=1313 Buena-Vista Television
  12. ^ Berardinelli, James. «Bad Boys (1995)». ReelViews. Archived from the original on December 25, 2020. Retrieved August 12, 2010.
  13. ^ Ebert, Roger (April 7, 1995). «Bad Boys». Chicago Sun-Times. RogerEbert.com. Archived from the original on August 14, 2016. Retrieved May 16, 2021.
  14. ^ Siskel, Gene (April 7, 1995). «RIVETING ‘ROB ROY’ TRIUMPHS WHERE ‘ROBIN HOOD’ COLLAPSED». Chicago Tribune. Archived from the original on April 10, 2019. Retrieved May 16, 2021.
  15. ^ «Bad Boys DVD Release Date». DVDs Release Dates. Archived from the original on March 29, 2020. Retrieved June 12, 2018.
  16. ^ «High Def Digest | Blu-ray and Games News and Reviews in High Definition». ultrahd.highdefdigest.com. Archived from the original on June 7, 2019. Retrieved June 12, 2018.

External links[edit]

  • Bad Boys at IMDb
  • Bad Boys at the TCM Movie Database
  • Bad Boys at the American Film Institute Catalog
  • Bad Boys at Box Office Mojo


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Прошло восемь лет после событий первого фильма. Все еще работающие детективами отдела наркотиков Департамента полиции Майами Маркус Бернетт и Майк Лоури пытаются раскрыть дело о постоянно поступающих в город партиях экстази. Через своего информатора они узнают, что к этому причастно местное отделение ку-клус-клана. Одевшись в наряды ККК, детективы внедряются на их сходку, но сломавшаяся не вовремя радиосвязь заставляет их раскрыть себя. В перестрелке несколько клановцев убиты, несколько ранены. Майк случайно подстреливает Маркуса в зад. Вскоре прибывают другие полицейские и захватывают выживших членов Клана, которые, как выясняется, являются не распространителями, а лишь покупателями мелких партий наркотиков, для своего употребления.

Маркус задается вопросом, хочет ли он оставаться партнером Майка. Тем временем Майк находится в отношениях с сестрой Маркуса, Сидни, не говоря об этом Маркусу, подозревая ,что тот негативно к этому отнесется. Сидни, тем временем, является внедренным в наркобизнес агентом Управления по борьбе с наркотиками (о чем ни Майк ни Маркус не знают), отмывая деньги для российской бандитской группировки, которая распространяет экстази кубинского наркобарона Джонни Тапиа.  Майка, ни Маркуса, является агентом Управления по борьбе с наркотиками под прикрытием , отмывая деньги для российской гангстерской группировки, которая распространяет экстаз от имени кубинского наркобарона Джонни Тапиа, неоднократно судимого, но все время выходившего сухим из воды за недостатком улик.

Перевозя деньги от русских к Тапиа, Сидни подвергается нападению злющих гаитянских гангстеров, планирующих украсть бабло. Майк и Маркус случайно попадают в эту схватку, что приводит к перестрелке и автомобильной погоне, в результате которой повреждено много частной собственности в этом районе, что приводит в ярость капитана полиции Конрада Ховарда. Маркус и Майк узнают о вовлеченности в это дело Сидни, и капитан Говард требует, чтобы они нашли главного поставщика экстази, раскрыв его схему.

Маркус и Майк выслеживают гаитянскую банду, и после схватки с ними, узнают, что Тапиа, возможно, использует местный морг в качестве прикрытия для отмывания денег. Затем пара посещает особняк Тапиа, притворившись борцами против грызунов (Тапиа не успевает вывозить деньги, так как его все время прижимает полиция, поэтому огромные кучи денег у него хранятся дома, и их едят крысы). Детективы обнаруживают палец одного их русских, которых до этого начал убивать Тапиа, недовольный условиями сделки с ними. Также Тапиа начинает ухаживать за Сидни (находящейся под прикрытием с целью сбора улик), высоко ценя то, что она спасла его деньги от гаитян. 

Детективы определяют местонахождение катера, использующегося для контрабанды наркотиков, (выяснив, что клановцы все таки замешаны в контрабанде, но не в распространении), и наблюдают, как от катера отъезжает фургон из морга. Они преследуют фургон, но безуспешно. Майк и Маркус входят в морг Тапии, замаскированный под водителей скорой помощи, и узнают, что тот использует трупы для контрабанды наркотиков и денег. их почти обнаруживают, а Маркус случайно проглатывает немного экстази. Майк приказывает офицерам из засады снаружи здания врезаться в морг на машине скорой помощи, и под прикрытием суеты им удается сбежать.

В морг и особняк Тапии вламываются полицейские, наркотики и деньги перехватываются береговой охраной США . Однако во время штурма особняка, глава русских бандитов Алексей приходит к особняку, пытаясь отомстить за своих друзей. Во время перестрелки, в результате которой Алексей убит, Тапиа успевает схватить Сидни, поняв ее роль, и увозит на Кубу.

Тапиа, сидя в безопасном имении на Кубе, требует вернуть свои деньги в обмен на Сидни. Майк и Маркус с командой добровольцев из состава спецназа, сотрудников ЦРУ и агентов по борьбе с наркотиками нападают на территорию Тапиа, спасают Сидни и уничтожают здание.

Отряд сбегает, разъяренный Тапиа в погоне за ними подъезжает к американской военной базе в Гуантанамо и в погоне все вбегают на минное поле рядом с ней. Тапиа держит Майка под дулом пистолета, а солдаты с базы держат их под прицелом. Сидни взрывают одну из мин, кинув свой пистолет, как от нее требуют, убив охранника Тапии. Маркус убивает Тапиа, стреляя ему в лоб, в результате чего он падает на несколько мин, которые разрывают его тело. Майк от всей души благодарит Маркуса за то, что тот спас его, а потом Майк целует Сидни.

В Америке, они отдыхают у нового бассейна в доме Бернетта, и Маркус, наконец-то, помирится с Майком, прощая ему то, что он встречается с Сидни. Впрочем, дружелюбное отношение Маркуса заканчивается, когда Майк сообщает ему, что он и Сидни расстаются, видя как Маркус бесится.

Они спорят, потом собака разрывает бассейн и обоих детективов сносит в море. Там они уже мирятся, и возвращаются домой, напевая песню «bad boys» группы Inner Circle, хотя оба и не знают толком слов.

«Плохие парни 3» - сцены после титров и камео Майкла Бэя

В четверг, 23 января 2020 года, в российском прокате вышел комедийный
полицейский боевик «Плохие парни навсегда» (Bad Boys for Life), известный также как «Плохие парни 3» (Bad Boys 3). Спешите видеть подробный разбор сюжета и объяснение финала — если вдруг
пропустили концовку, не поняли главное в истории, забыли посмотреть сцену после
титров или не заметили камео Майкла Бэя.

Что показывают в финале «Плохие парни навсегда»? И как понимать концовку

В финале боевика «Плохие парни 3» показывают, как Майк и Маркус отправляются в
Мексику, чтобы встретиться с Изабель и Армандо — отомстить за друзей и положить
конец бойне. На помощь полицейским прилетают члены специального отряда полиции
Майами AMMO. Расформированного отряда АММО. У группы с собой куча оружия,
полученного взаймы у наркоконтроля: ведомство неофициально поможет с операцией и
получит все лавры за уничтожение Брухи себе, но в случае провала сделает вид,
что ничего не знало.

Майк отправляется на встречу с Изабель в отель Дворец Идальго. Маркус идёт по
следу, чтобы прикрыть друга, но попадает в ловушку. В результате его угрожает
убить Армандо. Между членами AMMO и наёмниками начинается шумная перестрелка. А
для эвакуации Изабель и Армандо прилетает целый вертолёт. Маркус случайно
убивает пилота и вертолёт падает прямо в холл отеля.

В самом конце показывают, как в горящем отеле остаются четверо: Армандо,
Изабель, Майк и Маркус. Во время драки Майк берёт верх над Армандо, но не
добивает его. И признаётся, что он его отец. Сын не верит и пытается выбить из
него признание в обратном. Когда Армандо спрашивает у Изабель о своём отце, она
пытается застрелить Майка. Но сын закрывает собой отца и получает пулю в

Затем на помощь приходит Рита, бывшая глава AMMO — она убивает Изабель, та
падает в огонь, напарывается на обломки на первом этаже и сгорает. Выжившие
герои спасаются из рушащегося отеля, израненные Маркус и Майк выволакивают на
себе Армандо.

В самом-самом конце показывают, что все герои выжили. Рита становится новым
капитаном. Майк, видимо, собирается остепениться — вместе с ней — и решает
присмотреть за внуком Маркуса, пока тот с женой будет отдыхать после

История становления Майка Лоури. И что на самом деле значит фраза Hasta El

До выхода боевика «Плохие парни навсегда» зрители толком ничего не знали о
прошлом Майкла Лоури. И о том, почему он одевается — по словам Маркуса — как
наркоторговец или сутенёр. И откуда в нём любовь к дорогим тачкам и вещам.

Майк рассказывает Маркусу, что во время обучения в полицейской академии
отправился работать под прикрытием в Мексику. Двадцать четыре года назад капитан
Ховард устроил его водителем к известному криминальному авторитету и
наркобарону. Всё потому, что Майк на тот момент нигде не засветился и не вызвал
бы ни у кого подозрений.

На новой работе Майк познакомился с Изабель — женой наркобарона. У них завязался
роман, молодые люди полюбили друг друга. Майк даже собирался сбежать с
возлюбленной, но в итоге сдал её полиции, потому что понял, какая она на самом
деле. Изабель оказалась кровожадной убийцей по прозвищу Ведьма — Бруха.

Майк признаётся, что именно Изабель сделала его таким, какой он есть —
легкомысленным пижоном со склонностью к насилию.

Hasta el fuego — фразочка на «ненастоящем» испанском, которую придумали Майк и
Изабель. Как она переводится? Внятного перевода у неё вроде бы нет. Но понимать
её нужно как «Вместе до самого ада» или «Сгорим вместе без остатка». В финале
создатели фильма очень буквально иллюстрируют значение фразы.

Главный сюжетный поворот: наёмник и убийца Армандо — родной сын Майка Лоури

До того, как Майк Лоури, работающий под прикрытием в картеле, сдал Изабель
властям в рамках полицейской операции, он собирался вместе с ней сбежать.
Изабель — та самая единственная женщина, которую по-настоящему любил Лоури. Они
поклялись быть вместе, но затем он её предал.

Майк не знал, что на момент ареста Изабель (она же убийца Бруха) уже месяц как
была беременной. Впоследствии она родила ребёнка в тюрьме, но так и не
призналась сыну даже спустя двадцать с лишним лет, что его отец на самом деле
полицейский. Зато Бруха решила как можно более жестоко отомстить бывшему
возлюбленному. И даже сбежала из тюрьмы, чтобы привести план мести в

После первой встречи с Армандо — драки на крыше дома — Майк понимает, что тот
ведёт себя как он сам. Армандо — более безумная и жестокая версия Майка,
которого и так нельзя назвать тихим и мирным.

«Плохие парни навсегда» — есть сцена после титров или нет?

В полицейском боевике «Плохие парни навсегда» есть целых две сцены после титров.
Первый дополнительный эпизод показывают после огромного логотипа с названием
фильма. Майк Лоури приходит в тюрьму строгого режима на свидание с сыном.
Армандо держат в клетке, он за прошедшее время зарос бородой. Майк спрашивает,
как у него дела, на что Армандо отвечает, что нормально. Сейчас он отдаёт долг
обществу. Большой долг обществу. Майк отвечает, что есть вариант отдать его
быстрее, хоть и частично, не полностью. Спрашивает сына, интересует ли его
предложение. На что он отвечает согласием.

Наверняка создатели фильма готовят зрителей к четвёртой части. И намекают, что
бывший преступник Армандо подпишется на какую-то рискованную миссию для полиции
Майами или вообще правительства США.

Во второй сцене после титров — откровенно шуточной — Маркус Барнетт присаживает
в самолёте, летящем из Майами в Мексику, к тому самому несчастному пассажиру. И
задаёт ключевой вопрос: нормально ли трахать Ведьму (известную преступницу
Бруху) без презерватива (презика)? На что пассажир отвечает, что, разумеется, не

«Плохие парни навсегда» — камео Майкла Бэя

В это сложно поверить, но после всех громких разбирательств с продюсером Джерри
Брукхаймером режиссёр первых двух частей Майкл Бэй появился в третьем фильме.
Сыграл он гостя на свадьбе дочери Маркуса Барнетта. Тот самый безымянный тамада
в камео, который передаёт право произнести тост Майку Лоури, и есть легендарный
Майкл Бэй!

Пускай Бэй так и не снял боевик «Плохие парни 3», но зато он в нём появился.

Плохие парни 1995

Плохие парни (фильм, 1995)

Bad Boys

Они — полная противоположность друг друга.

Лучшие кореша Маркус Бернетт (семейный человек с ревнивой женой) и Майк Лоури (холостяк и плейбой) — детективы из Майами, которым поручен поиск конфискованного героина на 100 миллионов долларов, который бандюки сперли из полицейского участка. Власти считают, что украсть наркоту помогли продажные полицейские, и решают закрыть этот полицейский участок, а заодно и уволить всех, кто там работает, если наркотики не найдут в течении пяти суток.

Лоури просит свою информаторшу и бывшую подругу Максин «Макс» Логан рассказать ему, если найдутся люди, которые начали сорить деньгами (ну, а вдруг). Ту и ее лучшую подругу Джули Мотт нанимает в качестве эскорта Эдди Домингес, продажный полицейский. Его вечеринка вскоре прерывается французским боссом наркобизнеса Фуше и его бандитами Каспером, Фергюсоном и Ноем. Домингес и Макс убиты, а Джули удается сбежать.

В полицейском участке Джули настаивает на том, чтобы разговаривать только с Лоури, про которого она знает со слов подруги. Но его нет. Зная, что она никогда не встречала Лоури, капитан Конрад Ховард заставляет Бернетта прикинуться Лоури, чтобы поговорить с ней. В квартире Джули на нее нападает один из людей Фуше, а Бернетту удается его убить. Не зная, как себя поведет Джули, если вскроется обман, Бернетт и Лоури решают притворяться друг другом в присутствии Джули.

Просматривая фотографии, Джули опознает Ноа. Трое отправляются в Клуб Hell, одно из известных притонов, где может скрываться Ноа. Их замечают. Бернетт вырубает Каспера во время драки в ванной. Джули пытается убить Фуше, но Бернетт останавливает ее. За ними начинается автомобильная погоня, и в ней Лоури убивает Ноя. Троице удается сбежать, но новостной вертолет успевает заснять их всех, и это видит семья Бернетта.

Лоури и Бернетт разговаривают со своим старым информатором Джоджо и узнают, где находится химик, который фасует и разбавляет украденные наркотики. Все трое возвращаются в квартиру Лоури, а пришедшая жена Бернетта скандалит с ними, и случайно разоблачает их перед Джули. Врывается банда Фуше и похищает Джули.

Дело Лоури и Бернетта закрыто властями. Несмотря на то, что им дали другую работу, Говард придерживает ее, давая Лоури и Бернетту еще немного времени для распутывания дела. Они получают доступ к личной базе данных полицейских, и, изучив личное дело Домингеса узнают, что пресс-атташе полиции Франсин — бывшая девушка Домингеса.

Бернетт, Лоури и два других детектива из Майами отправляются в аэропорт Майами-Опа Лока. После горячей перестрелки они убивают оставшихся приспешников Фуше, включая Каспера и Фергюсона, и спасают Джулию. Они преследуют уезжающего Фуше и заставляют того врезаться в бетонное ограждение. Когда Фуше пытается сбежать, Лоури стреляет Фуше в ногу и арестовывает его. После напряженного разговора, когда Лоури кое как сдерживает себя, чтоб не застрелить убившему Макс Фуше, а потом поворачивается к нему спиной, Фуше достает спрятанный пистолет. Но Лоури успевает развернуться и расстрелять его, перед тем, как тот успевает выстрелить, таким образом отомстив за Макс. Вымотанный Бернетт оставляет Джули с Лоури и отправляется домой, желая помириться со своей женой.

У этого фильма есть продолжение — Читать тут

История Создания ПЛОХИЕ ПАРНИ Часть 1 (1995) ОБЗОР Сценарий Актеры Первый фильм Майкла Бэя

История Создания ПЛОХИЕ ПАРНИ Часть 2 (1995) ОБЗОР, Как снимали, Отсылки, Тачки фильма

Похожие фильмы и сериалы

Список популярных актёров, режиссёров и сценаристов.

Елена Шевченко

Елена Шевченко

Серхат Теоман

Серхат Теоман

Тимоти Далтон

Тимоти Далтон

Мария Ильюхина

Мария Ильюхина

Владимир Самойлов

Владимир Самойлов

Дженна Коулман

Дженна Коулман

Йон Гонсалес

Йон Гонсалес

Игорь Ясулович

Игорь Ясулович

Крэйг Паркер

Крэйг Паркер

Никита Зверев

Никита Зверев

Ванесса Редгрейв

Ванесса Редгрейв

Алексей Нестеренко

Алексей Нестеренко

Светлана Старикова

Светлана Старикова

Агата Муцениеце

Агата Муцениеце

Гай Ричи

Гай Ричи

Александр Скарсгард

Александр Скарсгард

Джесси Бакли

Джесси Бакли

Стефания Сандрелли

Стефания Сандрелли

В главных ролях


Они — полная противоположность друг друга. Один из них — примерный семьянин и не имеет состояния, другой богат и пользуется всеми благами холостяцкой жизни. Помимо дружбы их объединяет работа в полиции.Их новое задание — поймать жестокого преступника, укравшего наркотики с секретного склада, а также спасти девушку, которая случайно оказалась на его пути. Но для этого друзьям придется поменяться местами…

Бюджет: 19 000 000 $

Кассовые сборы: 141 407 024 $

Длительность: 1 ч 58 мин

Производство: США

Премьера: 7 апреля 1995

Кадры и изображения

Плохие парни

Плохие парни


Роль Майка Лоури была предназначена для Арсенио Холла, пока Майкл Бэй не поймал эпизод «Свежего принца Бел-Эйр» (1990) и вместо этого хотел Уилла Смита. Холл отказался и назвал этот выбор самой худшей ошибкой, которую он когда-либо совершал.

Режиссер Майкл Бэй не любил сценарий и часто вовлекал Уилла Смита и Мартина Лоуренса в дискуссии о том, как улучшить диалог и сцены. Он часто позволял им импровизировать, пока камера катилась. Он тайно сказал Уиллу, чтобы он назвал Лоуренса сукой перед автомобильной сценой. Целые «две суки в море» были импровизированы, как и комментарий Мартина, когда Теа Леони назвал его геем.

В начале фильма Маркус (Мартин Лоуренс) комментирует, что он не получит еду от Денни, потому что ему «не нравится, как с нами обращаются». В 90-х годах Денни урегулировал несколько судебных процессов, в которых обвинялся персонал в расизме.

Эти два отведения были первоначально предназначены для Эдди Мерфи и Уэсли Снайпса.

По словам Майкла Бэя из комментария на DVD, он дрался с Уиллом Смитом за финал. За три дня до съемок финала Уилл согласился, что скажет «Я люблю тебя» Мартину Лоуренсу. В тот день, когда они собирались снимать финал, Уилл передумал и не хотел этого говорить. Майкл Бэй более двух часов боролся с Уиллом за то, почему он должен это говорить. К концу боя, в полном разочаровании, Майкл сказал Уиллу, что ему уже все равно, потому что у него было только около пятнадцати минут, чтобы снять финал к этому времени, или у него не было финала (он не был предоставлены дополнительные дни на момент съемок). Когда сцена была снята, Уилл наконец сказал «Я люблю тебя» Мартину. Этот выстрел появляется в окончательном варианте.

Производство фильма было чрезвычайно изнурительным для Майкла Бэя из-за проблем со сценарием (Бэй позже назвал бы сценарий «кусочком дерьма») и бюджетных ограничений, которые часто означали, что Бэй получит всего один день для съемок эпизодов, что заняло бы четыре дня работы над более щедро финансируемых проектов. Бэй пожертвовал частью своей зарплаты, поэтому ключевая последовательность во время кульминации фильма не была устранена.

Опыт Дона Симпсона и Джерри Брукхаймера в фильме «Беверли-Хиллз» (1984), где автомобиль, предназначенный для Сильвестра Сталлоне, стал блокбастером с Эдди Мерфи в главной роли, вдохновил их на возобновление проекта с Уиллом Смитом и Мартином Лоуренсом в главных ролях. Колумбия уже была заинтересована в создании боевика со Смитом. Симпсон и Брукхаймер получили студию, чтобы одобрить кастинг Лоуренса.

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