Сценарий ральф против интернета

Мультфильм оказался не очень удачным сиквелом, но шикарным постироничным высказыванием об интернете.
«Ральф против интернета» ломает каноны Disney 4

Прошло шесть лет с тех пор, как игра Sugar Rush была спасена от вируса. Персонажи игр Ральф и Ванилопа по-прежнему лучшие друзья. Но однажды в игре Ванилопы ломается руль. Автомат закрывают, и все герои станут бездомными, если его не починить. А единственная доступная запчасть продаётся на eBay и стоит целых 200 долларов!

Ральф и Ванилопа, отправившись в интернет за сломанным рулём, слишком поздно узнают, что за него нужно платить настоящие деньги… Но в интернете есть масса возможностей заработать. Например, в онлайновых играх или на вирусных видео.

Ralph breaks the Internet

Жанр: комедийный мультфильм, сказка
Режиссёры: Рич Мур, Фил Джонстон
Роли озвучивают: Джон Си Райли, Сара Силверман, Галь Гадот, Алан Тьюдик
Роли дублируют: Станислав Дужников, Наталия Медведева, Любовь Аксенова, Ирина Горбачева, Анатолий Вассерман
Премьера в России:
22 ноября 2018
Похоже на:
«Первому игроку приготовиться»
«Эмоджи фильм» (здорового человека)
«Лего Фильм»

Вышедший в 2012 году мультфильм «Ральф» был нетипичным для студии Disney. Такой картины можно было ожидать от Pixar, но никак не от них. История о героях старых аркадных автоматов и их непростой жизни подкупала отличным юмором, ярким миром и по-настоящему обаятельными персонажами. Хотя за героями нетрудно было разглядеть их прототипы (Ральф — это, разумеется, Донки-Конг-младший), они получились оригинальными, а главное — вполне соответствующими духу той эпохи.

Отправить героев старых видеоигр в интернет — логичный шаг для сиквела. Ведь что может быть смешнее, чем столкновение устаревшей кучки пикселей с миром 4K-видео, социальных сетей и онлайновых видеоигр? Оригинальное название «Ральф ломает интернет» — отсылка к малоизвестной у нас, но ставшей мемом на Западе картинке с задницей Ким Кардашьян. Но, разумеется, мультфильм семейный, поэтому авторы вынуждены были обойти стороной эту часть интернета.

Котикам тоже внимания почти не уделили. А что останется от интернета, если у него отнять котиков и порно? Интернет в новом «Ральфе» изображён так, как его представляли ещё в восьмидесятых: яркий город с небоскрёбами-сайтами, дорогами, по которым несутся потоки данных, и аватарами пользователей. Здесь Google — гигантская башня, с которой видно всё, а даркнет — тёмный переулок с подозрительными анонимусами.

«Ральф против интернета» ломает каноны Disney

В мультфильме есть оригинальные товарные знаки большинства популярных сайтов, но непосредственно в сюжете участвует только eBay. Хотя YouTube мелькает в кадре, сам сюжет крутится вокруг аналогичной площадки BuzzTube

Мир поражает богатством деталей. Но если посмотреть на него более общим планом, это окажется обычная декорация футуристического города, за которой ничего нет. В ней нет жителей, а всё самое интересное скрыто за фасадами. К тому же без ламповой ретро-атмосферы оригинального «Ральфа» мультфильм потерял немалую долю очарования.

В какой-то момент понимаешь, что тот же сюжет можно было и не делать продолжением «Ральфа». Попав в интернет, герои почти не вспоминают о своём прошлом и своих характерах. Единственная связь с залом игровых автоматов — макгаффин-руль, погоня за которым и составляет основной сюжетный квест. За бортом остаются и яркие второстепенные персонажи оригинала: Мастер Феликс-младший, Калхун и все-все-все мелькают лишь в прологе и эпилоге.

«Ральф против интернета» ломает каноны Disney 5

Новые герои, такие как поисковик ВсёУзнай, гонщица Шэнк и алгоритм Класс, хоть они отлично нарисованы и анимированы, уступают по обаянию даже Кислому Биллу и эклертерьерам!

Впрочем, есть здесь новые герои, которые просто спасают мультфильм и крадут всё экранное время. Это принцессы Disney: от Белоснежки и Авроры до Мулан и Эльзы. Хотя они появляются всего дважды, их сцены — едва ли не лучшие в мультфильме, настолько потрясающе в них обыграны штампы и каноны классических работ студии. В каждой реплике, в каждом действии сквозит такая ядерная постирония, какой у Disney не было со времён «Зачарованной». И да, раз Ванилопа теперь принцесса, она тоже споёт — да так, что вы это запомните надолго.

— Все тоже считают, что в твоей жизни всё наладилось, когда в ней появился мужчина?
— Да…
— Ты точно принцесса!

Ральф против интернета

Многих принцесс озвучили те же актрисы, что и в оригинальных мультфильмах. В дубляже Анну и Эльзу тоже озвучили Наталия Быстрова и Анна Бутурлина

Помимо принцесс в «Ральфе» нашлось место и другим отсылкам к интеллектуальной собственности Disney. Что приятно, все эти моменты не превращают мультфильм в рекламный ролик, как казалось поначалу.

«Ральф против интернета» ломает каноны Disney 2

В эпизодах, происходящих на сайте Oh My Disney, сосредоточены лучшие шутки, а также самые яркие камео — от Ушастика и C-3PO до Грута и даже Стэна Ли!

За этой феерией почти не обращаешь внимания на фрагментарный сценарий, в котором практически нет конфликта. Герои просто идут по локациям, чтобы выполнить квест — получить руль. Но погоня за рулём здесь не главное. Главный двигатель сюжета — отношения Ральфа и Ванилопы. С самого начала герои очень близки, но им нужно понять, что значат их отношения.

Да, не спешите хвататься за голову — Disney и тут сломали шаблон, показав, что любовь необязательно должна сводиться к классическому ожиданию принца и «жили они долго и счастливо». Любить можно кого угодно и как угодно, и любовь не обязательно должна включать плотский элемент. А если любить по-настоящему, то нужно принимать любимого таким, каков он есть.

Итог: хотя «Ральф против интернета» оказался плохим продолжением «Ральфа», в одном он ему верен — он тоже сломал шаблоны. А если отвлечься от постиронии и отсылок, это неровный, но трогательный, смешной и очень зрелищный мультфильм. Кажется, таким был бы «Эмоджи Фильм», если бы его снимали талантливые люди.

Ральф против интернета

Мир гоночной игры, в которой живёт Шэнк, напоминает «Безумного Макса»



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Сергей Серебрянский


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Занявший в свое время неплохую нишу, и собравший хорошие отзывы, анимационный фильм «Ральф» получил свое заслуженное продолжение. В этот раз индустрии старых добрых аркадных автоматов придется потеснится — в их мир ломится интернет, навязывая свои высокотехнологичные штучки. Впрочем, за Ральфа можно не беспокоиться, ведь у него есть в друзьях отважная Винилопа! У которой самой проблем выше крыши.


Действие происходит спустя шесть лет после событий первого фильма. Сюжет повествует о приключениях Ральфа на пространствах Интернета, когда Wi-Fi-роутер подключается к сетевому фильтру, к которому подключены все игровые автоматы. В игровом автомате Ванилопы ломается деталь, из-за чего все жители «Сладкого Форсажа» оказываются бездомными. Феликс и Калхун удочеряют пятнадцать гонщиц из «Сладкого Форсажа».

Ванилопа переживает из-за поломки своего автомата и рассказывает Ральфу, что ей наскучила однообразная жизнь гонщицы. Чтобы достать деталь для починки автомата, Ванилопа и Ральф отправляются в Интернет. Они попадают на сайт компании Ebay, где участвуют в аукционе и выигрывают нужную деталь (руль). В поисках способа заработать нужную сумму денег они обращаются к парню из рекламы, который предлагает им заработать, играя в игры. Он даёт им задание — угнать машину Шэнк из игры «Убойные Гонки». В ходе погони Шэнк восхищается мастерством Ванилопы.

Ральфу и Ванилопе не удаётся угнать легендарную тачку, но Шэнк советует им найти более удобный способ заработать денег — она знакомит их со своей подругой — Классс. Классс видит в Ральфе нераскрытый потенциал и помогает ему стать популярным на «BuzzTube». У Ральфа появляется множество поклонников, и всё идёт по плану. Классс решает разрекламировать Ральфа и посылает Ванилопу в Disney Land, где та встречается с принцессами Disney. Принцессы рассказывают Ванилопе о том, как правильно петь «песню своей мечты». Ванилопа поёт песню и понимает, что хочет остаться в Интернете, в игре «Убойные Гонки», вместе с Шэнк.

Тем временем Ральф оплачивает счёт и пытается позвонить Ванилопе. Он становится свидетелем разговора Ванилопы и Шэнк, где Ванилопа рассказывает ей, как сильно хочет остаться здесь, но не знает, как сказать об этом Ральфу. Ральф решает запустить в игру Шэнк вирус, чтобы игра стала немного «подтормаживать», в результате чего Ванилопе стало бы скучно, и она захотела бы вернуться в «Сладкий Форсаж». Ральф вместе с рекламщиком отправляется в Тёмный Интернет (DarkNet). Ральф запускает в игру Вирус, но всё идёт немного не по плану. Затем Ральф спасает Ванилопу из перезагружающейся игры, так как её программный код может стереться, и признаёт свою вину. Ванилопа выбрасывает его медальон-сердечко и хочет вернуться в «Убойные Гонки».

Вирус выбирается на свободу и заражает весь Интернет вирусом под названием «Ральф». У Ральфа появляется армия злых клонов, которые пытаются поймать Ванилопу. Ванилопу и Ральфа спасает Классс. Она хочет провести клонов через Антивирусный Портал, и тогда они исчезнут, но её Браузер разбивается, а армия Ральфов собирается в одного гигантского монстра. Ральф и Ванилопа спасают друг друга, после чего мирятся. Ванилопа остаётся в «Убойных Гонках», так как Шэнк подключила её программный код к игре, а Ральф возвращается в свой игровой автомат.

Ralph Breaks the Internet

Theatrical release poster
Directed by
  • Rich Moore
  • Phil Johnston
Produced by Clark Spencer
Screenplay by
  • Phil Johnston[1]
  • Pamela Ribon[1]
Story by
  • Rich Moore[1]
  • Phil Johnston[1]
  • Jim Reardon[1]
  • Pamela Ribon[1]
  • Josie Trinidad[1]
  • John C. Reilly
  • Sarah Silverman
  • Gal Gadot
  • Jane Lynch
  • Jack McBrayer
  • Alan Tudyk
  • Alfred Molina
  • Ed O’Neill
  • Taraji P. Henson
Music by Henry Jackman[2][3]
  • Nathan Detroit Warner (layout)
  • Brian Leach (lighting)
Editing by Jeremy Milton
Release date(s)
  • November 5, 2018 (El Capitan Theatre)[4]
  • November 21, 2018 (United States)
Running time 112 minutes[5]
Country United States
Budget $175 million[6]
Box office $473.9 million[5]

Ralph Breaks the Internet is a 2018 American 3D computer-animated comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. It serves as the sequel to 2012’s Wreck-It Ralph and is the second installment of the Wreck-It Ralph film series. It is Walt Disney Animation Studios’ 57th feature-length film. It is directed by Rich Moore and Phil Johnston, written by Johnston and Pamela Ribon, and executive-produced by John Lasseter, Chris Williams, and Jennifer Lee. It features John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch, and Ed O’Neill reprising their roles from the first film, with Alan Tudyk returning to voice a new character, alongside new additions to the cast including Gal Gadot, Taraji P. Henson, Bill Hader (in an uncredited role), and Alfred Molina.

The plot centers on Ralph and Vanellope going into the Internet to find a replacement part to fix Sugar Rush. Along the way, they meet Shank, the fastest racer in a game called Slaughter Race, and Vanellope feels at home there, which Ralph worries may put their friendship in jeopardy that comes alongside disastrous consequences.

Talks for a Wreck-It Ralph sequel began in October 2012 and went through three different scripts before settling on the final plot. The film was officially announced in June 2016, with much of the original cast confirming they had signed on, and new cast announced in 2018. It marks the first feature-length theatrical sequel from Walt Disney Animation Studios since Winnie the Pooh in 2011 , which was a sequel to the 1977 animated film The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. It is also the studio’s first animated sequel to be created by the original film’s writing/directing team.[1]:15

Ralph Breaks the Internet had its world premiere at the El Capitan Theatre in Los Angeles on November 5, 2018, and was released in the United States on November 21, 2018.[7] The film has grossed over $285 million worldwide and received positive reviews from critics, who called it a «worthy successor» and praised the animation, humor, characters and storyline, as well as the vocal performances of Reilly and Silverman.[8][9]


Calhoun8bit.png Watch it, rookie!

This article may contain spoilers. Read at your own discretion!

Mr. Litwak breaks the steering wheel

Six years after saving the game Sugar Rush from Turbo’s revenge, Wreck-It Ralph and Vanellope von Schweetz are still best friends who hang out every night after work in Litwak’s Family Fun Center and Arcade. Vanellope’s frustration over the predictability of her game prompts Ralph to create a secret bonus track for her. She enjoys the track but overrides the player controls to race on it, causing the steering wheel to get stuck. A player accidentally pulls the wheel off the console while trying to free it and Mr. Litwak accidentally breaks it while trying to reattach it. Finding the replacement part to be prohibitively expensive, he has no choice but to unplug Sugar Rush, leaving Vanellope and its citizens homeless.

After a conversation with Fix-It Felix, Jr. in Tapper’s, Ralph decides to venture with Vanellope onto the Internet via the arcade’s newly installed Wi-Fi router, in order to obtain a new wheel on eBay. They find one being auctioned off and place a winning bid of $27,001, but must pay for it within 24 hours. To raise the money, they turn to a pop-up advertiser named Spamley, who sends them to steal a valuable car from the online game Slaughter Race.

Vanellope racing to steal the car from Shank

Ralph and Vanellope steal the car, but its owner Shank forces them to return it to her after a high-speed chase throughout Slaughter Race. Shank compliments Vanellope’s driving skills, causing Ralph to worry that this might potentially put their friendship may be in jeopardy, and points the pair toward the video sharing site BuzzzTube. After meeting with its chief algorithm Yesss, Ralph decides to raise money by creating a series of videos that play off popular trends, intending to buy the wheel and return Vanellope to Sugar Rush.

Ralph’s videos become a viral sensation, and Yesss sends her staff into the Internet to spam users with pop-up ads. Vanellope volunteers for this job and is assigned to Oh My Disney, where she meets the Disney Princesses and gains from them the inspiration to return to Slaughter Race. Meanwhile, Ralph earns enough money to cover the eBay bid, but is crushed upon reading viewers’ disparaging comments about his videos. He inadvertently overhears a conversation between Vanellope and Shank, in which Vanellope expresses her desire to leave the arcade and live permanently in Slaughter Race.

Ralph meeting Double Dan

Desperate to keep Vanellope as a friend, Ralph turns again to Spamley in search of a way to make Slaughter Race so boring that Vanellope will not want to stay. Spamley leads him to Double Dan, a virus designer hiding in the dark web. Double Dan gives Ralph a virus that can replicate and broadcast any insecurity it finds. When Ralph unleashes it in Slaughter Race, it homes in on Vanellope’s glitch and spreads it, causing the game to crash and nearly killing Ralph and Vanellope in a server reboot.

As Vanellope begins to blame herself, Ralph admits his misdeed to her. Outraged by what he’s done, she throws away the cookie medal she had made for him six years ago and abandons him. The virus escapes from Slaughter Race, scans Ralph’s insecurities, and spreads them throughout the Internet to create thousands of clones of him. As the clones begin destroying the Internet and form a giant Ralph in search of Vanellope, she, Ralph, and Yesss try to lead them into an anti-virus software trap. The tactic fails and Vanellope is captured; Ralph tries unsuccessfully to fight them off, then calls them out on their selfish possessiveness and admits that Vanellope’s desire to enter Slaughter Race does not mean that their friendship must end. With his insecurities resolved, the giant Ralph disintegrates and drops him, but the Disney Princesses save him from the fall, and Vanellope and Ralph reconcile.

Ralph and Vanellope share a hug

The Internet is restored and Vanellope decides to stay in Slaughter Race. Coming to terms with the changes in his life, Ralph returns to the arcade and begins participating in activities with other game characters, while staying in touch with Vanellope through video chats.

Voice cast

  • John C. Reilly as Wreck-It Ralph, a gigantic but soft-hearted man who is the antagonist of the arcade game Fix-It Felix, Jr.[10]
  • Sarah Silverman as Vanellope von Schweetz, a racer/glitch in Sugar Rush who turned out to be its lost princess-turned-president.[11]
  • Jack McBrayer as Fix-It Felix, Jr., a repairman who is the protagonist and playable character of Fix-It Felix Jr., as well as the husband of Sergeant Calhoun.[12]
  • Jane Lynch as Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun, the lead character of Hero’s Duty and Fix-It Felix Jr.’s wife.[12]
  • Gal Gadot as Shank, a racer in Slaughter Race.[13][14]
  • Taraji P. Henson as Yesss, an algorithm that determines the trending videos on BuzzzTube.[15][16] Her character is modeled after Cruella de Vil, as both characters are seen as fashionable.[17][18]
  • Bill Hader (uncredited) as J.P. Spamley, a clickbait pop-up advertiser.[1][19] He was inspired by a salesman that can’t make a sale.[20] With a fragile character hanging on by a thread, Spamley tries to run an honest business, but no one is clicking on his links.[20][21]
  • Alfred Molina as Double Dan, a virus creator who inhabits the Dark Web.[22][23]
  • Alan Tudyk as KnowsMore, a character representing a search engine of the same name, with an over-aggressive autofill. Tudyk previously voiced King Candy in Wreck-It Ralph.[16][24][25]
  • Ed O’Neill as Mr. Litwak, owner of Litwak’s Family Fun Center & Arcade.[1]
  • Flula Borg as Maybe, Yesss’ assistant.[26][27]
  • Hamish Blake as Pyro, a character in Slaughter Race.[28][29]
  • Ali Wong as Felony, a character in Slaughter Race.[22][23]
  • GloZell Green as Little Debbie, a character in Slaughter Race.[23]
  • Timothy Simons as Butcher Boy, a character in Slaughter Race.[22][23]
  • Sam Richardson as Lee, an office nerd.[1]
  • Horatio Sanz as Duncan, a donut who is a member of the Sugar Rush police department.[1]
  • Alex Moffat as Jimmy[1]
  • June Squibb as Jimmy’s Grandmother[1]
  • Phil Johnston as Surge Protector, Game Central Station’s security guard.[1]
  • John DiMaggio as Arthur, an insecurity virus[1]
  • Ana Ortiz as Ballet Mom[1][30]
  • Jason Mantzoukas as Hey Nongman[1]
  • Raymond S. Persi as Gene, the Mayor of Niceland in Fix-It Felix Jr.[1]
  • Fuschia! as Instagram Pop-Up[1]
  • Brittany Kikuchi as Baby Mo[1]
  • Nicole Scherzinger as Mo’s Mom[1]

All of the Disney Princesses appear,[4][31][32] including: Jennifer Hale as Cinderella,[33] Kate Higgins as Aurora,[33] Jodi Benson as Ariel,[33] Paige O’Hara as Belle,[33] Linda Larkin as Jasmine,[33] Irene Bedard as Pocahontas,[33] Ming-Na Wen as Mulan,[33] Anika Noni Rose as Tiana,[33] Mandy Moore as Rapunzel,[33] and Kelly Macdonald as Merida,[33] all of whom reprise their roles from previous films and other media, while screenwriter Pamela Ribon voices Snow White.[34][35] Also returning from other films are Kristen Bell as Anna,[32] Idina Menzel as Elsa,[32] and Auliʻi Cravalho as Moana.[32]

Additionally, Roger Craig Smith reprises his role as Sonic the Hedgehog,[1]:4 Maurice LaMarche reprises his role as Tapper the bartender from Tapper,[1] Brian Curless voices himself, an auctioneer, and the film’s directors Rich Moore and Phil Johnston voice auction bidders.[36] Colleen Ballinger, Dani Fernandez, and Tiffany Herrera voice cameo as themselves.[26] Tim Allen, Anthony Daniels, Vin Diesel, Michael Giacchino, Brad Garrett, and Corey Burton reprise their roles as Buzz Lightyear, C-3PO, Baby Groot, FN-3181, Eeyore, and Grumpy, respectively.[1]:4 Moore also reprises his roles from the first film as Sour Bill and Zangief.[1]:4 Moore, Kevin Deters, Jeremy Milton and Jesse Averna voice First Order Stormtroopers.[1]:4

Katie Lowes and Jamie Elman reprise their roles as Sugar Rush racers Candlehead and Rancis Fluggerbutter, respectively, while SNL cast member and impressionist Melissa Villaseñor replaces Mindy Kaling as Sugar Rush racer Taffyta Muttonfudge.[1]:4

Popular culture cameos and references

Similar to the first film, which included a number of cameos and references to video games, Ralph Breaks the Internet has additional features to Internet culture and to various Disney properties, including their own films, Pixar films, the Star Wars, Marvel Comics, and The Muppets franchises.[33] Mickey Mouse,[37] Grumpy,[38] Dumbo,[32] Humphrey the Bear,[37] Eeyore,[39] Tinker Bell,[32] Nick Wilde,[38][40] Heihei,[38] Buzz Lightyear,[41][42] Baymax,[41][42] C-3PO,[43] R2-D2,[43] Yoda, Stormtroopers,[33] Iron Man,[39] Judy Hopps, and Rocket Raccoon also appear in the film,[33] along with the video game characters Q*bert, Pac-Man, Clyde, Inky, Taizo Hori, Ken Masters, Chun-Li, Ryu, Zangief, M. Bison, Peter Pepper, Frogger, Tapper, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Doctor Eggman from the original film.[1]:13 [44][45] The band Imagine Dragons (whose song «Zero» is featured in a trailer for the film, as well as its soundtrack) make a cameo appearance in the film, with the members voicing themselves.[1]:4 [46]

Stan Lee, Marvel Comics’ former writer, editor and publisher, makes a posthumous non-speaking cameo appearance in the film talking to Iron Man.[47][48]

The filmmakers revealed that the film originally featured a joke about Kylo Ren being a «spoiled child», which was later cut from the film by request from Lucasfilm.[49][50] Like the first film, it does not have a Mario cameo despite the promise they would include him.[51]



In October 2012, director Rich Moore said that he and Disney had ideas about a sequel that would bring the characters up to date and explore different planes of the gaming universe like online gaming and console gaming, Moore noting it would be «great to work in a story about those types of games that are so prevalent, contemporary and part of today’s culture».[52] The idea of a sequel held interest for numerous people involved with the first film, including the artists, technicians, and voice actors, and Moore stated that many of the crew and voice cast were open to the sequel, believing that they have «barely scratched the surface» of the video game world they envisioned. He also stated that he planned to include Mario and Tron in the sequel.[53][54] (In the end, only the latter appeared briefly, serving as a minor foreshadowing plot device.) In 2014, the first film’s composer Henry Jackman said that a story for the sequel was being written.[55] In July 2015, John C. Reilly said he had signed on to reprise his role of Ralph in a projected sequel.[10] In September 2015, Jack McBrayer was asked by Screen Rant about the state of the projected sequel, but he revealed that he did not know much of anything and joked that it would be awkward if Felix was not in the film.[56]

Concept art for the film, released with the official announcement of its premiere date

On March 24, 2016, Moore stated that a sequel was still being planned. Moore specifically stated that a sequel would include an appearance from Mario, citing a «good relationship with Nintendo».[57] In an official announcement on June 30, 2016, Rich Moore appeared, along with Phil Johnston and John C. Reilly, to announce the film’s release date, which was originally March 9, 2018; John C. Reilly said of the plot, «Ralph leaves the arcade and wrecks the Internet».[58][59] In an interview with Oh My Disney the same day, Moore said of what could be expected in the film, that it would have «everything [people] loved about the first one and a whole lot more».[60]

In March 2017, the sequel’s title was officially announced as Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2, with Moore returning as director joined by the first film’s co-writer, Phil Johnston, in his directing debut in an animated film and Clark Spencer also returning as producer.[61][62][63]

In July 2018, Disney removed Wreck-it Ralph 2 from the film’s title.[64]


Two working versions of the script had been scrapped before settling on the one used for the film, according to head writer Josie Trinidad. In one version, Vanellope had become self-absorbed by the Internet, gaining popularity and becoming a celebrity among the users. Ralph had been thrown in jail where he met the search engine Knowsmore, and they had partnered together to escape prison and help bring Vanellope back to her normal self. A second version had Ralph becoming an Internet-famous celebrity, and would have been challenged by an anti-virus program named Bev that served as a super cop and would have been the story’s villain. Trinidad said neither of these versions captured what they felt was the centerpiece of the sequel, being how Ralph and Vanellope reacted to the new world of the Internet and realizing they have separate paths going forward.[65] In a July 2016 interview with Collider, Rich Moore stated that the movie would take place six years after Wreck-It Ralph, in the present day.[66] At D23 2017, it was announced that the film would revolve around the breakdown of Sugar Rush, and Ralph and Vanellope would venture into the internet to find a replacement part.[67]

Concept art released in January 2018

Producer Clark Spencer said that «the film is about change. Two best friends are about to realize that the world won’t always be the same. The internet is the perfect setting, really, because it’s all about change—things change by the second».[1]:17 Director of story Jim Reardon said that it was intimidating to set the film on the Internet, stating that «[They] looked at how [they] could make the internet relatable on a human level—like how Game Central Station aka the power strip mirrored a train station in the first movie. In ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet,’ any person who uses the internet has a little avatar version of themselves that does their business for them».[1]:18 Reardon, however, said that Disney «didn’t want to make the movie about the internet», wanting to instead focus on Ralph and Vanellope’s friendship, wanting to instead treat the Internet as «the place where the movie takes place».[1]:18 Josie Trinidad claimed that the filmmakers «didn’t want to just give the audience more of that friendship — [people had] to see that relationship grow.»[1]:18

The design of the scenes within the Internet was based on tours made of One Wilshire in Los Angeles, as it is one of the world’s largest telecommunications centers, serving most traffic around the Pacific Ocean.[17] The filmmakers did not approach any of the companies (outside of Disney) that are represented in the Internet, and strived to include net branding from all across the world.[17] They also explored various Internet memes, making sure to avoid those that lacked long-term presence on the Internet.[17] While the film addresses many positive elements of the Internet, the filmmakers did not want to shy away from covering some of the more unpleasant aspects about it, in part fueled by the success of tackling racism indirectly within Zootopia.[17] Such elements include Ralph reading through comment sections on videos to find users leaving disparaging messages about him, and having the pair travel to the dark web with its activities of questionable legal and ethical status. They wanted to follow the same approach as they had with Judy Hopps in Zootopia, where she experienced, learned, and overcame the racism aspects, and have Ralph similarly learn and become a better person without having to actually solve the issue of hostility on the Internet.[68]

Vanellope and the princesses taking a selfie

The scene where Vanellope is introduced to the Disney Princesses came from screenwriter Pamela Ribon. In 2014, Ribon was still working on Moana when Disney began internally pitching ideas for the sequel to Wreck-It Ralph, Ribon recognized that like the title character of Moana, Vanellope fits the definition of a Disney Princess. When work formally began on the sequel after the completion of Zootopia, Ribon pitched the idea of Disney poking fun at itself by having Vanellope meet the other Disney Princesses in the green room of OhMyDisney.com, the Disney fan-driven website.[69][70] Further inspiration came from a Buzzfeed online quiz that asked which Disney Princess the user was; Moore thought it would be interesting if Ralph had encountered that quiz and ended up in an argument with Vanellope over the result.[17] Ribon’s initial script for the scene, playing off the various tropes of the Princesses such as several being kidnapped or enslaved, remained mostly intact through production. Animators had to work out various techniques to take the different styles of animation into a single approach, and figure out the proportions of the characters to themselves using official figurines.[69] Directors Rich Moore and Phil Johnston said that a film focusing on the Disney Princesses could be made depending on the audience’s response and «if there’s a good story to be told».[71]


Reilly, Jane Lynch, Jack McBrayer, and Sarah Silverman were reported as being set to reprise their roles.[61] Rich Moore hinted in a July 2016 tweet that Alan Tudyk would return, though he didn’t provide information as to whether the actor might reprise his role as Turbo or take on an entirely new character.[25] In December 2016, Alan Tudyk confirmed his return in the sequel as a different character,[16][24] named KnowsMore. In August 2018, Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot joined the film.[13] The team was able to secure all the Disney Princesses’ original voice actresses, save for Adriana Caselotti for Snow White, Ilene Woods for Cinderella, and Mary Costa for Aurora, as Caselotti and Woods passed away in 1997 and 2010 respectively while Costa retired from acting in 2000; Jennifer Hale and Kate Higgins, the current voice actresses for Cinderella and Aurora were hired for the film while Pamela Ribon, the film’s co-screenwriter, performed Snow White’s voice for temporary tracks, but the team considered it a good substitute, allowing Ribon to voice her in the final film.[33][69]


The picture contains over 150 unique sets and 5,726 assets. It also included the highest number of characters in any Disney Animation film, with 434 individual characters with 6,752 variants.[17]

Following the June 2018 trailer for the film, which included the first shots of the Disney Princesses, Tiana, the African-American lead character from the 2009 film The Princess and the Frog, appeared to have a lighter skin tone, a narrower nose, and European features in Ralph Breaks the Internet than in the 2009 film.[72] This led to some backlashes on social media as these drew her appearance away from that expected of African-Americans.[73] As a result, Tiana’s voice actress Anika Noni Rose and the advocacy group Color of Change contacted Disney to redesign Tiana for Ralph Breaks the Internet to make her look closer to her 2009 appearance, which was reintroduced in the second trailer.[73][74] The same treatment was given to Pocahontas, the titular character of the 1995 film Pocahontas, who had been pointed out by many viewers to have also been given a much lighter skin tone.[73]

Ralph and Vanellope game jump to «Pancake Milkshake»

One of the initial scenes created for the movie involved Ralph and Vanellope invading a childrens’ game, involving feeding pancakes to a bunny to the point it appears to explode, subsequently frightening the child that was playing the game. This scene was featured in the film’s original teaser, released in March 2018, and was heavily discussed in buzz about the film. Over time as they developed the rest of the film, they found the scene no longer fit in the film they were presenting. Knowing that audiences would be asking for this scene, it was moved to the mid-credits scene, along with additional fourth wall commentary about scenes shown in trailers that go missing in the final film.[75] The final post-credits scene involves what starts as a teaser for the upcoming Frozen 2 film (due in 2019) but ends up with Ralph «rickrolling» the audience by starting to sing Rick Astley’s «Never Gonna Give You Up». While producers Spencer and Moore had an idea of Ralph doing a «Wreck Roll» early on in the film’s development, they never incorporated it into the story. Late in production, they mentioned this to studio executives who told them they should add it in. As it was one of the last scenes added, the producers had gotten Reilly, who was on vacation with his family at the time, to come in to a New York studio to record for the day so that the animators could work from that.[75]


Main article: Ralph Breaks the Internet (soundtrack)


Ralph Breaks the Internet — «A Place Called Slaughter Race» Clip

On September 19, 2018, Imagine Dragons released the lead single from the soundtrack titled «Zero», which plays during the end credits of the movie.[76] On October 23, 2018, the music video of «Zero» was posted on Imagine Dragons’ YouTube channel.[77] The film features an original song called «A Place Called Slaughter Race», performed by Sarah Silverman and Gal Gadot, written by Tom MacDougall and the film’s co-director Phil Johntson, and the music was composed by Alan Menken, while the song’s pop version, «In This Place», was performed by Julia Michaels.[78] The film also features songs from various Disney Princess movies, as well as Demi Lovato’s cover of «Let it Go» played in the beginning of the Oh My Disney scene. Ralph also rickrolls the tune «Never Gonna Give You Up» by Rick Astley in a post-credits scene. The soundtrack is composed by Henry Jackman, who also composed the score from the previous film.[2] It was released digitally on November 16, 2018,[78] and will be released on CD on November 30, 2018.[3][78]


On June 30, 2016, Walt Disney Animation Studios initially announced that the sequel, titled Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2, would be released on March 9, 2018.[59] However, in late April 2017, it was announced that its release date was moved from the originally announced March to November 2018.[7][79] In July 2018, Disney shortened the film’s title to Ralph Breaks the Internet.[64] The film was released in 3D, 2D, Dolby Cinema and IMAX 3D.[80]

The first official clip named «KnowsMore» was released on World Internet Day October 29, 2018.[81] Another entitled «Hearts» was introduced on November 5, the same date they began selling tickets before the film’s release.[82] On that same day, the film made its world premiere at Los Angeles’ El Capitan Theatre along with the song «Zero» played by Imagine Dragons at the event.[4][83][84] A clip entitled «There is No Track», featuring new character Shank, was released on November 8.[85][86]



Wreck The Net

Carvana Commercial

A new poster for the film was released on February 26, 2018. Two days later, a teaser trailer for the film was released on February 28, 2018, and it quickly became viral, getting more than 4.5 million views in 24 hours.[87] A second trailer was released on June 4, 2018 set to the Daft Punk song «Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger».[88] A sneak peek of the film was released on August 10, 2018 that included the will.i.am song «Geekin'».[89] Its final trailer, which included the song «Never Gonna Give You Up», was released on September 20, 2018.[90][91]

Carvana and Disney collaborated to promote the film’s release throughout a multi-channel campaign.[92]


Box office

As of February 1, 2019, Ralph Breaks the Internet has grossed $196.3 million in the United States and Canada, and $277.6 million in other territories, for a total worldwide gross of $473.9 million, against a production budget of $175 million.[5]

In the United States and Canada, Ralph Breaks the Internet was released alongside Creed II and Robin Hood, as well as the wide expansion of Green Book, and was originally projected to gross $67–77 million from 4,017 theaters in its five-day opening weekend.[6][93] The film made $18.5 million on its first day (including a pre-Thanksgiving record $3.8 million from Tuesday night previews) and another $10.3 million on its second, increasing five-day projections to $85–95 million. It went on to debut to $56.2 million in its opening weekend (a five-day total of $84.8 million), finishing first at the box office and marking the second-best Thanksgiving opening behind Disney’s Frozen ($93.5 million).[94][95]

In its second weekend the film made $25.8 million, dropping 54% but remaining in first.[96] For the third weekend, it topped the box office once again with $16.3 million, dropping 36%.[97][98] In its second and third weekends the film finished ahead of The Grinch, marking the first time animated films were the top two spots at the box office in back-to-back weekends.[97] On the fourth-week box office, The Grinch ($893,640) finished ahead of Ralph Breaks the Internet until Aquaman and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse topped the box office in their respective weeks.[99][100]

Critical response

On review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 89% based on 201 reviews, with an average rating of 7.3/10. The website’s critical consensus reads, «Ralph Breaks the Internet levels up on its predecessor with a funny, heartwarming sequel that expands its colorful universe while focusing on core characters and relationships.»[101] On Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating to reviews, calculated a weighted average score of 71 out of 100, based on 41 critics, indicating «generally favorable reviews».[102] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of «A–» on an A+ to F scale, down from the «A» earned by the first film, while PostTrak reported filmgoers gave it 4 out of 5 stars.[94]

Bilge Ebiri, of The New York Times, gave the film a positive review, saying that «somewhere amid the film’s ornate imagery and deliriously irreverent humor, we might begin to realize that we’re watching a terrifying, incisive satire about the ways that a life lived online makes monsters of us all».[103] Brian Lowry, of CNN, said that «The colorful action should delight tykes, but the smart, media-savvy asides make it especially appealing to grownups».[104] Kerry Lengel, of The Arizona Republic, gave the film 3.5 stars out of 5, saying that «what makes the movie compelling, despite the subdued dramatic payoff, is that it is a heightened reflection of our experience — our love affair, really — with our gadgets, our apps and, yes, our brands».[105] Peter Hartalub, of The San Francisco Chronicle, also gave the film 3 stars out of 4, stating that the film is «almost always inspired in the moment» and said that «the new characters are all pretty great», though he said that the film’s first third «struggles to find its focus», and felt that Felix and Calhoun’s subplot «would have worked better as a pre-movie animated short».[106] Chris Bumbray, of JoBlo’s Movie Emporium, said that the film «is just as solid» as the first film, and said it was better than the science-fiction film Ready Player One.[107] Alex Hudson of Exclaim praised the film but criticized its «brand synergy,» calling it «a peculiar piece of meta-fiction and a shameless advertisement for Disney’s many subsidiary film studios.» [108]

Oliver Jones, of Observer, gave the film 2.5 score, saying that «Ralph Breaks the Internet is a candy coated, hard shined brick of postmodernism — a Vitamix smoothie of gags, nostalgia, product placement and Fruity Pebbles».[109] Alonso Duralde, of TheWrap, said that «Within a few years, the specifics of the viral-video gags in Ralph Breaks the Internet will be as dated as a Tay Zonday joke».[110] Peter Bradshaw, of The Guardian, said that the «sequel to the 2012 film is somewhere between Ready Player One and The Emoji Movie, summoning up a zero-gravity spectacle of dazzling colours and vertiginous perspectives, a featureless and inert mashup of memes, brands, avatars and jokes».[111]

Names in Other Languages

Language Name Meaning
French Ralph 2.0 Ralph 2.0
Italian Ralph Spacca Internet
Japanese シュガー・ラッシュ:オンライン[112] Sugar Rush: Online
Brazilian Portuguese WiFi Ralph[113] Wi-Fi Ralph
European Spanish Ralph Rompe Internet Ralph Breaks Internet
Latin American Spanish WiFi Ralph[114] Wi-Fi Ralph


Main article: Ralph Breaks the Internet/Gallery



RBTI Teaser Poster

Feburary 2018 teaser poster

RBTI Poster

June 2018 poster

RBTI Racer Poster

Shank, Ralph, and Vanellope poster

RBTI Love Poster

Yesss, Ralph, and Vanellope poster

RBTI Character Poster 01

Ralph poster

RBTI Character Poster 02

Vanellope poster

Wir 2 final poster

Theatrical release poster, revealed September 2018

Concept and Production Art

Ralph internet concept art

Ralph Breaks the Internet Story Art

The Storyboard

Wreck-It Ralph Render Comparison

Original Wreck-It Ralph render compared with Ralph Breaks the Internet render

Ralph & Vanellope Render comparison

Ralph & Vanellope Render comparison

Wreck-It Ralph in the deep web

In the Dark Web






Netizens, the people who live in the internet


Net Users, online representations of real people



Internet entry concept art

Internet entrance

Sugar Rush Steer Wheel recreation

Sugar Rush steering wheel model

Shank concept art


Ralph Breaks the Internet 2 you are here

«You are here.»



Ralph Breaks The Internet Wreck-It Ralph 2 Official Teaser Trailer

Ralph Breaks The Internet Wreck-It Ralph 2 Official Teaser Trailer

Teaser Trailer

Ralph Breaks the Internet Wreck-It Ralph 2 Official Trailer

Ralph Breaks the Internet Wreck-It Ralph 2 Official Trailer

Official Trailer

Ralph Breaks the Internet Official Trailer 2

Ralph Breaks the Internet Official Trailer 2

Second Official Trailer

Clips and Special Looks

Any Takers? - Ralph Breaks The Internet (CLIP)

Any Takers? — Ralph Breaks The Internet (CLIP)

Clip of Felix and Calhoun

Ralph Breaks the Internet "We Are In The Internet" Clip

Ralph Breaks the Internet «We Are In The Internet» Clip

«We are in the Internet!»

Ralph Breaks the Internet "KnowsMore" Clip

Ralph Breaks the Internet «KnowsMore» Clip


RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET Get Rich Playing Video Games Disney Arabia

RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET Get Rich Playing Video Games Disney Arabia

Clip of Spamley

Ralph Breaks the Internet "There Is No Track" Clip

Ralph Breaks the Internet «There Is No Track» Clip

«There is no track!»

RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET Meet Eboy, Voiced by DanTDM! Official Disney UK

RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET Meet Eboy, Voiced by DanTDM! Official Disney UK

eBoy Clip

Ralph Breaks the Internet "Hearts" Clip-0

Ralph Breaks the Internet «Hearts» Clip-0


WRECK IT RALPH 2 Baby Groot Scene (2018)

WRECK IT RALPH 2 Baby Groot Scene (2018)

Oh My Disney Clip

RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET She is a Princess Clip Official Disney UK

RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET She is a Princess Clip Official Disney UK

Princesses Clip

Ralph Breaks the Internet - Sneak Peek

Ralph Breaks the Internet — Sneak Peek

Sneak Peek

Ralph Breaks the Internet "Zero" Special Look

Ralph Breaks the Internet «Zero» Special Look

Second Sneak Peek with «Zero»

Behind the Scenes and Cast/Crew Videos

Wreck-It Ralph 2 & Disney Princesses Presentation At D23 Expo

Wreck-It Ralph 2 & Disney Princesses Presentation At D23 Expo

Presentation at D23 2017

WRECK-IT RALPH 2 Voice Recording - Behind The Scenes Movie B-Roll & Bloopers

WRECK-IT RALPH 2 Voice Recording — Behind The Scenes Movie B-Roll & Bloopers

Voice Recording on set

Ralph Breaks the Internet - Imagine Dragons Featurette

Ralph Breaks the Internet — Imagine Dragons Featurette

Ralph Breaks the Internet — Imagine Dragons Featurette

Ralph Breaks the Internet Exclusive Featurette - Into the Internet (2018) Movieclips Coming Soon

Ralph Breaks the Internet Exclusive Featurette — Into the Internet (2018) Movieclips Coming Soon

Cast Featurette

GSC x Disney Animation Studios Tour - Ralph Breaks The Internet

GSC x Disney Animation Studios Tour — Ralph Breaks The Internet

GSC Tour


WRECK-IT RALPH 2 Sarah Silverman at Disney's D23 2017

WRECK-IT RALPH 2 Sarah Silverman at Disney’s D23 2017

Interview with Sarah Silverman at D23 2017

WRECK-IT RALPH 2 Rich Moore, Phil Johnston at Disney's D23 2017

WRECK-IT RALPH 2 Rich Moore, Phil Johnston at Disney’s D23 2017

Interview with Rich Moore and Phil Johnston at D23 2017

Wreck-It Ralph Ralph Breaks the Internet Interview!

Wreck-It Ralph Ralph Breaks the Internet Interview!

Second Interview with Rich Moore & Phil Jhonston


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 Walt Disney Studios (2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet – Press Kit. Walt Disney Studios Media File. November 23, 2018.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Han, Angie (April 6, 2014). ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ Sequel Officially in the Works, Composer Confirms. /Film. October 13, 2018.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Henry Jackman (composer) (November 15, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet. Walt Disney Records. Via Amazon. November 30, 2018.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Derschowitz, Jessica (November 6, 2018). See the Disney princesses and other stars at the Ralph Breaks the Internet premiere. Entertainment Weekly. November 14, 2018.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Box Office Mojo (2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018). IMDb. December 17, 2018.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Rubin, Rebecca (November 20, 2018). Thanksgiving Box Office Battle: ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ to Top ‘Creed II,’ ‘Robin Hood’. Variety. November 20, 2018.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Valerio, Britt (April 25, 2017). Release Dates for Frozen 2, Star Wars: Episode IX, The Lion King, and More Have Been Announced. Oh My Disney. April 25, 2017.
  8. Foreman, Alison (November 14, 2018). Critics give ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ a big thumbs up. Mashable. November 14, 2018.
  9. Campbell, Christopher (November 14, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet First Reviews: A Hilarious, Heartwarming Sequel. Rotten Tomatoes. November 27, 2018.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Otterson, Joe (July 13, 2015). John C. Reilly Says He Will Star in ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ Sequel. TheWrap. July 26, 2015.
  11. The Walt Disney Company (June 30, 2016). Sequel to “Wreck-It Ralph” Hits Theaters on March 9, 2018. The Walt Disney Company. November 27, 2018.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Radish, Christina (October 13, 2016). Jane Lynch on ‘Mascots’, Returning for ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’ and More. Collider. November 27, 2018.
  13. 13.0 13.1 D’Alessandro, Anthony (August 10, 2018). Gal Gadot Buckles Up For Disney’s ‘Ralph Breaks The Internet’. Deadline Hollywood. August 10, 2018.
  14. Gadot, Gal (August 10, 2018). I’m so excited to finally announce that I am playing a character named Shank in Disney’s #RalphBreaksTheInternet hitting theaters this November! Such an amazing experience to be apart of this project with such great creators and cast! Welcome to Slaughter Race! 🏎🏁😉. Twitter. August 11, 2018.
  15. Variety (July 14, 2017). Taraji P. Henson Joins ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ Sequel, Footage Shown at D23 Variety. August 23, 2017.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Truitt, Brian (May 30, 2018). See exclusive first photos of Taraji P. Henson, Disney princesses in ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’. USA Today. May 30, 2018.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 Rougeau, Michael (September 20, 2018). 31 Things We Learned About Ralph Breaks The Internet From A Trip To Disney Animation. GameSpot. November 21, 2018.
  18. Romano, Nick (July 15, 2017). Disney princesses unite on D23 stage for Wreck-It Ralph 2. Entertainment Weekly. July 26, 2017.
  19. Yasharoff, Hannah (November 20, 2018). 5 ways ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ totally nails online culture. Entertainment Weekly. November 22, 2018.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Julius, Jessica (2018). The Art of Ralph Breaks the Internet (1st ed.). San Francisco: Chronicle Books. ISBN 978-1452163680. p. 148.
  21. Little Gold Men podcast (June 28, 2018). The Emmy Contenders Giving Us Hope. 1:06:06 in. Vanity Fair. November 28. 2018. «Yeah, I’m doing Angry Birds 2, and I just did a small part in Wreck-It Ralph 2
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Laughing Place Disney Newsdesk (September 20, 2018). New «Ralph Breaks the Internet» Trailer, Poster, Cast, and Plot Details Revealed. Laughing Place. September 20, 2018.
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Schager, Nick (September 20, 2018). Wreck-It Ralph gets Rickrolled, visits dark web in ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ trailer. Yahoo. November 28, 2018.
  24. 24.0 24.1 Han, Angie (December 5, 2016). Alan Tudyk Will Be Back for ‘Frozen 2’ and ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’, Wants In On Marvel’s ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’. /Film. December 5, 2016.
  25. 25.0 25.1 Moore, Rich (July 9, 2016). But of course! It wouldn’t be a @DisneyAnimation movie without @AlanTudyk! 🤘😆🤘. Twitter. July 27, 2016.
  26. 26.0 26.1 Uribe, Mariana (October 5, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet Directors Announce Casting of Real-Life Internet Stars at New York Comic Con. Oh My Disney. October 5, 2018.
  27. Hogarty, Joe (October 6, 2018). «Ralph Breaks The Internet» Reveals Digital Influencer Cast At NYCC. WDW News Today. October 17, 2018.
  28. Chandra, Jessica (August 29, 2018). Hamish Blake lands voice role in upcoming Disney movie ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’. Nine Network Australia. August 29, 2018.
  29. Hadley, Nick (August 29, 2018). Big Hollywood break? Hamish Blake to voice new character in Disney’s latest animated movie Ralph Breaks The Internet alongside John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman and Gal Gadot. MSN. November 28, 2018.
  30. Sneider, Jeff (February 28, 2017). “Ugly Betty” Star Ana Ortiz Joins Voice Cast of Disney’s “Wreck-It Ralph” Sequel (Exclusive). The Tracking Board. March 5, 2017.
  31. Holmes, Adam (July 14, 2017). Wreck-It Ralph 2 Is Bringing The Original Disney Princesses Back. CinemaBlend. July 14, 2017.
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 32.5 Breznican, Anthony (July 14, 2017). Wreck-It Ralph sequel will unite the Disney princesses — and Star Wars!. Entertainment Weekly. July 15, 2017.
  33. 33.00 33.01 33.02 33.03 33.04 33.05 33.06 33.07 33.08 33.09 33.10 33.11 33.12 33.13 Johnson, Zach (June 4, 2018). Disney Princesses Meet Vanellope von Schweetz in Wreck It Ralph 2 Trailer. E! News. August 10, 2018.
  34. Ribon, Pamela (June 4, 2018). You guys. I finally get to tell you. I’m Snow White.. Twitter. June 4, 2018.
  35. Outlaw, Kofi (July 14, 2017). ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’ Bringing Back Original Disney Princess Voice Actresses. Comicbook.com. July 15, 2017.
  36. Radish, Christina (September 20, 2018). 20 Things to Know about ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’, Disney’s ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ Sequel. Collider. October 5, 2018.
  37. 37.0 37.1 Libbey, Dirk (November 23, 2018). 7 Disney References Hidden In Ralph Breaks The Internet You Probably Missed. CinemaBlend. November 24, 2018.
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 Schmidt, J.K. (November 6, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ TV Spot Features TONS of Disney Cameos. ComicBook.com. November 17, 2018.
  39. 39.0 39.1 Ridgely, Charlie (June 4, 2018). Iron Man Cameos in New ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’ Trailer. ComicBook.com. November 17, 2018.
  40. Ridgely, Charlie (October 22, 2018). ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’: New International Trailer Includes Major ‘Zootopia’ Character. ComicBook.com. October 23, 2018.
  41. 41.0 41.1 Ridgely, Charlie (September 20, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’: Buzz Lightyear and Baymax Appear in New Trailer. ComicBook.com. October 4, 2018.
  42. 42.0 42.1 Burwick, Kevin (October 10, 2018). Buzz Lightyear and Baymax Return in Wreck-It Ralph 2 International Trailer. MovieWeb. October 20, 2018.
  43. 43.0 43.1 Carbone, Gina (July 14, 2017). ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’ Brings All of the Disney Princesses Together (With C-3PO). Moviefone. July 15, 2017.
  44. Workman, Robert (August 29, 2018). Sonic the Hedgehog Coming Back For ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ Sequel. ComicBook.com. August 29, 2018.
  45. Dedmon, Tanner (November 4, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks The Internet’: All the Video Game Cameos Revealed. ComicBook.com. November 17, 2018.
  46. Dela Paz, Maggie (November 12, 2018). New Ralph Breaks the Internet TV Spot Reveals Imagine Dragons Cameo. ComingSoon.net. November 13, 2018.
  47. Fuster, Jeremy (November 12, 2018). Stan Lee Will Have a Cameo in ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’. TheWrap. November 13, 2018.
  48. Scarnato, Ryden (November 14, 2018). Stan Lee Never Saw His ‘Ralph Breaks The Internet’ Cameo. Heroic Hollywood. November 25, 2018.
  49. Collura, Scott (October 19, 2018). The Kylo Ren Joke That Had to Be Changed for Ralph Breaks the Internet. IGN. October 20, 2018.
  50. Nolan, L.D. (October 19, 2018). Disney Got a Kylo Ren Joke Changed in Ralph Breaks the Internet. Comic Book Resources. October 20, 2018.
  51. Fischer, Tyler (October 26, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ Will Not Feature A Mario Cameo. ComicBook.com. October 31, 2018.
  52. GamerHub Videos (October 25, 2012). Disney Wreck-It Ralph Director Rich Moore Is a Huge Gamer. 4:22 in. YouTube. October 25, 2012.
  53. Dekel-Daks, Tal (February 8, 2013). ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ director Rich Moore wants Nintendo’s Mario for sequel. Digital Spy. September 24, 2013.
  54. Vejvoda, Jim (February 4, 2013). Wreck-It Ralph Director Wants Tron in the Sequel. IGN. September 24, 2013.
  55. Roberts, Sheila (April 1, 2014). Composer Henry Jackman Talks Captain America: The Winter Soldier, His Influences, Wreck-It Ralph 2, The Interview, and More. Collider. April 3, 2014. «I can’t tell you more, not because I’m being coy, but I believe that it is officially on the cards. I don’t know any more other than a story is indeed being written.»
  56. Warner, Kara (September 17, 2015). Jack McBrayer Talks Cooties and Wreck-it Ralph 2. Screen Rant. December 27, 2015.
  57. Tilly, Chris (March 24, 2016). Wreck-It Ralph 2 Still Happening, Might Feature Mario. IGN. March 24, 2016.
  58. Disney (June 30, 2016). Breaking news live from Walt Disney Animation Studios! Facebook. June 30, 2016.
  59. 59.0 59.1 Snetiker, Marc (June 30, 2016). Wreck-It Ralph 2 officially announced at Disney. Entertainment Weekly. June 30, 2016.
  60. Taylor, Drew (June 30, 2016). Exclusive: John C. Reilly, Rich Moore, and Phil Johnston Detail Wreck-It Ralph Sequel. Oh My Disney. July 1, 2016.
  61. 61.0 61.1 O’Brien, Lucy (March 28, 2017). Wreck-It Ralph 2 is Called Ralph Breaks the Internet. IGN. March 29, 2017.
  62. Busch, Anita and Anthony D’Alessandro (March 28, 2017). Disney At CinemaCon: ‘Wreck It Ralph’ Sequel Now Titled ‘Ralph Breaks The Internet’. Deadline. March 29, 2017.
  63. Disney Animation (March 28, 2017). Next year, he’s gonna break it 👊. Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 opens in theatres on March 9, 2018.. Twitter. March 30, 2017.
  64. 64.0 64.1 McClintock, Pamela (July 10, 2018). Disney Pushes ‘Indiana Jones 5’ a Year to 2021, Dates ‘Maleficent 2,’ ‘Jungle Cruise’. The Hollywood Reporter. July 10, 2018.
  65. Lussier, Germain (October 25, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet Had a Few Totally Different Plots Before It Was Done io9. October 25, 2018.
  66. Weintraub, Steve (July 1, 2016). Exclusive: ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’ Director Rich Moore Teases Internet Setting, Returning Characters, and More. Collider. July 4, 2016.
  67. Anderton, Ethan (July 14, 2017). Wreck-It Ralph 2’ Brings Disney Princesses Together with Marvel & Star Wars (D23 Expo 2017) /Film. July 26, 2017.
  68. Rougeau, Michael (September 20, 2018). Wreck-It Ralph 2 Won’t Shy Away From The Internet’s Dark Side GameSpot. September 20, 2018.
  69. 69.0 69.1 69.2 Bibbiani, William (September 20, 2018). Ralph Breaks The Internet: Inside The Disney Princess Scene Everyone’s Talking About IGN. September 20, 2018.
  70. Uribe, Mariana (September 20, 2018). How Oh My Disney Became a Key Location Featuring the Disney Princesses in Ralph Breaks the Internet Oh My Disney. November 28, 2018.
  71. Eisenberg, Eric (November 5, 2018). Could The Disney Princesses Carry Their Own Film Together? Ralph Breaks The Internet’s Directors Weigh In CinemaBlend. November 25, 2018.
  72. Brucculieri, Julia (August 13, 2018). Disney Accused Of Lightening Princess Tiana’s Skin Tone In ‘Wreck It Ralph’ Sequel. The Huffington Post. October 8, 2018.
  73. 73.0 73.1 73.2 Milligan, Mercedes (September 23, 2018). Disney Reanimates ‘Ralph’s Tiana After Colorism Criticism. Animation Magazine. October 3, 2018.
  74. Gutierrez, Lisa (September 27, 2018). Anika Noni Rose goes to bat for Princess Tiana after Disney lightens her skin tone. The Kansas City Star. October 3, 2018.
  75. 75.0 75.1 Lussier, Germain (November 26, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet’s Post-Credit Scenes Came With Some Major Hurdles. io9. November 26, 2018.
  76. Ding, Sophie (September 19, 2018). Watch Imagine Dragons’ Meme-Filled Music Video For ‘Zero’. Billboard. September 19, 2018.
  77. Paur, Joey (October 23, 2018). Disney Releases Imagine Dragons’ Zany RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET Music Video Called «Zero». GeekTyrant. October 24, 2018.
  78. 78.0 78.1 78.2 Iahn, Buddy (October 26, 2018). Disney details ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ soundtrack. The Music Universe. October 24, 2018.
  79. McClintock, Pamela (April 25, 2017). ‘Star Wars: Episode IX’ Sets Summer 2019 Release Date. The Hollywood Reporter. April 25, 2017.
  80. Lieberman, David (February 22, 2017). Disney Films To Show On Imax Through 2019 With New Distribution Deal. Deadline Hollywood. March 2, 2017.
  81. Lussier, Germain (October 29, 2018). Watch How Ralph Breaks the Internet Brings the Internet to Life. io9. October 31, 2018.
  82. Lieberman, David (November 5, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet Clip Introduces Yesss; Tickets On Sale. ScreenRant. November 6, 2018.
  83. Express Web Desk (November 6, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet premiere: Imagine Dragons, Taraji P Henson and Mandy Moore attend. The Indian Express. November 8, 2018.
  84. Marotta, Jenna (November 6, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ Producer on Disney’s Delayed Release. Hollywood Reporter. November 8, 2018.
  85. El-Mahmoud, Sarah (November 8, 2018). New Ralph Breaks The Internet Video Is All About Gal Gadot’s Shank. CinemaBlend. November 9, 2018.
  86. IGN (November 8, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet — «There Is No Track» Exclusive Clip — IGN Video. IGN. November 9, 2018
  87. Disney (February 27, 2018). «There’s no one I’d rather be than me.» 😇😡. Twitter. February 27, 2018.
  88. Alexander, Julia (June 4, 2018). Wreck-It Ralph 2 trailer mocks Google’s annoying predictive search. Polygon. October 23, 2018.
  89. Bonomolo, Cameron (August 10, 2018). New ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’ Trailer Features Gal Gadot and More Disney Princesses. Comicbook.com. August 12, 2018.
  90. Liptak, Andrew (September 20, 2018). The latest trailer for Ralph Breaks the Internet Rickrolls us all. The Verge. October 15, 2018.
  91. Elderkin, Beth (September 20, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet’s New Trailer Promises to ‘Never Give You Up’. io9. November 21, 2018.
  92. Business Wire (November 2, 2018). Carvana Brings Online Car Buying to “Ralph Breaks the Internet”. Business Wire. November 4, 2018.
  93. McClintock, Pamela (November 20, 2018). Box Office Preview: ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ to Win Holiday Turkey Trot. The Hollywood Reporter. November 20, 2018.
  94. 94.0 94.1 D’Alessandro, Anthony (November 25, 2018). ‘Ralph’ Scoring 2nd Best Thanksgiving Debut With $85M+; ‘Creed II’ The Holiday’s Live-Action Opening Champ With $56M+. Deadline Hollywood. November 25, 2018.
  95. AFP (November 25, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ — and North American box office. Daily Mail. November 27, 2018.
  96. D’Alessandro, Anthony (December 2, 2018). ‘Ralph’ Breaking $25M+ 2nd Weekend; ‘Grinch’ Steals $203M+; ‘Hannah Grace’ $6M+ In Slow Post Thanksgiving Period – Sunday Update. Deadline Hollywood. December 2, 2018.
  97. 97.0 97.1 D’Alessandro, Anthony (December 9, 2018). ‘Ralph’ Keeps No. 1 Away From Greedy ‘Grinch’ For Third Weekend In A Row With $16M+ – Sunday Update. Deadline. December 9, 2018.
  98. Sakoui, Anousha (December 9, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ Pulls a Three-Peat With Fans. Forbes. December 11, 2018.
  99. Mendelson, Scott (December 20, 2018). Illumination’s ‘The Grinch’ Is Quietly Making Box Office History. Forbes. January 1, 2019.
  100. Nyren, Erin (December 15, 2018). Box Office: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’ Soars Toward $35-40 Million Debut. Variety.
  101. Rotten Tomatoes (2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018). Rotten Tomatoes. November 30, 2018.
  102. Metacritic (2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet Reviews. Metacritic. November 30, 2018.
  103. Ebiri, Bilge (November 19, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ Review: Disney Gets Caught in the Web. The New York Times. November 20, 2018.
  104. Lowry, Brian (November 19, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ runs up score on clever plot. CNN. November 20, 2018.
  105. Lengel, Kerry (November 16, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ review: All hail our pop-culture overlords. The Arizona Republic. November 20, 2018.
  106. Hartalub, Peter (November 19, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ is a fun and inspired sequel, glitches and all. San Francisco Chronicle. November 20, 2018.
  107. Bumbray, Chris (November 16, 2018). Review: Ralph Breaks the Internet. JoBlo.com. November 20, 2018.
  108. Hudson, Alex (November 16, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ Will Make You Want to Go Online Shopping. Exclaim. November 21, 2018.
  109. Jones, Oliver (November 14, 2018). The Dizzying Digital Wonderland in ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ Will Give You Whiplash. The New York Observer. November 20, 2018.
  110. Duralde, Alonso (November 14, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ Film Review: Disappointing Sequel Offers a Few Good Clicks». TheWrap. November 20, 2018.
  111. Bradshaw, Peter (November 21, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet review – virtually impossible to enjoy tiresome arcade game re-run. The Guardian. November 24, 2018.
  112. Disney Movie (April 23, 2018). “ネットの世界”におなじみのあのアイコンが!『シュガー・ラッシュ:オンライン』日本版ティザー・ポスター解禁! [An Icon Familiar to the «World of the Net»! Sugar Rush: Online Japanese Teaser Poster Revealed!] Disney Movie (in Japanese). April 23, 2018.
  113. Vasconcelos, Wladya (February 26, 2018). WiFi Ralph | Sequência de Detona Ralph ganha título oficial no Brasil e novo pôster [Detona Ralph sequel gains offiicial Brazilian title and new poster]. Cinema com Rapadura (in Brazilian Portuguese). February 28, 2018.
  114. Oh My Disney [Disneylatino] (September 22, 2017). Todo lo que sabemos sobre las próximas películas de Disney [Everything we know about upcoming Disney movies]. Oh My Disney [Disneylatino] (in Spanish). February 28, 2018.

External links

  • Official website
Ralph Breaks the Internet

Theatrical release poster
Directed by
  • Rich Moore
  • Phil Johnston
Produced by Clark Spencer
Screenplay by
  • Phil Johnston[1]
  • Pamela Ribon[1]
Story by
  • Rich Moore[1]
  • Phil Johnston[1]
  • Jim Reardon[1]
  • Pamela Ribon[1]
  • Josie Trinidad[1]
  • John C. Reilly
  • Sarah Silverman
  • Gal Gadot
  • Jane Lynch
  • Jack McBrayer
  • Alan Tudyk
  • Alfred Molina
  • Ed O’Neill
  • Taraji P. Henson
Music by Henry Jackman[2][3]
  • Nathan Detroit Warner (layout)
  • Brian Leach (lighting)
Editing by Jeremy Milton
Release date(s)
  • November 5, 2018 (El Capitan Theatre)[4]
  • November 21, 2018 (United States)
Running time 112 minutes[5]
Country United States
Budget $175 million[6]
Box office $473.9 million[5]

Ralph Breaks the Internet is a 2018 American 3D computer-animated comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. It serves as the sequel to 2012’s Wreck-It Ralph and is the second installment of the Wreck-It Ralph film series. It is Walt Disney Animation Studios’ 57th feature-length film. It is directed by Rich Moore and Phil Johnston, written by Johnston and Pamela Ribon, and executive-produced by John Lasseter, Chris Williams, and Jennifer Lee. It features John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch, and Ed O’Neill reprising their roles from the first film, with Alan Tudyk returning to voice a new character, alongside new additions to the cast including Gal Gadot, Taraji P. Henson, Bill Hader (in an uncredited role), and Alfred Molina.

The plot centers on Ralph and Vanellope going into the Internet to find a replacement part to fix Sugar Rush. Along the way, they meet Shank, the fastest racer in a game called Slaughter Race, and Vanellope feels at home there, which Ralph worries may put their friendship in jeopardy that comes alongside disastrous consequences.

Talks for a Wreck-It Ralph sequel began in October 2012 and went through three different scripts before settling on the final plot. The film was officially announced in June 2016, with much of the original cast confirming they had signed on, and new cast announced in 2018. It marks the first feature-length theatrical sequel from Walt Disney Animation Studios since Winnie the Pooh in 2011 , which was a sequel to the 1977 animated film The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. It is also the studio’s first animated sequel to be created by the original film’s writing/directing team.[1]:15

Ralph Breaks the Internet had its world premiere at the El Capitan Theatre in Los Angeles on November 5, 2018, and was released in the United States on November 21, 2018.[7] The film has grossed over $285 million worldwide and received positive reviews from critics, who called it a «worthy successor» and praised the animation, humor, characters and storyline, as well as the vocal performances of Reilly and Silverman.[8][9]


Calhoun8bit.png Watch it, rookie!

This article may contain spoilers. Read at your own discretion!

Mr. Litwak breaks the steering wheel

Six years after saving the game Sugar Rush from Turbo’s revenge, Wreck-It Ralph and Vanellope von Schweetz are still best friends who hang out every night after work in Litwak’s Family Fun Center and Arcade. Vanellope’s frustration over the predictability of her game prompts Ralph to create a secret bonus track for her. She enjoys the track but overrides the player controls to race on it, causing the steering wheel to get stuck. A player accidentally pulls the wheel off the console while trying to free it and Mr. Litwak accidentally breaks it while trying to reattach it. Finding the replacement part to be prohibitively expensive, he has no choice but to unplug Sugar Rush, leaving Vanellope and its citizens homeless.

After a conversation with Fix-It Felix, Jr. in Tapper’s, Ralph decides to venture with Vanellope onto the Internet via the arcade’s newly installed Wi-Fi router, in order to obtain a new wheel on eBay. They find one being auctioned off and place a winning bid of $27,001, but must pay for it within 24 hours. To raise the money, they turn to a pop-up advertiser named Spamley, who sends them to steal a valuable car from the online game Slaughter Race.

Vanellope racing to steal the car from Shank

Ralph and Vanellope steal the car, but its owner Shank forces them to return it to her after a high-speed chase throughout Slaughter Race. Shank compliments Vanellope’s driving skills, causing Ralph to worry that this might potentially put their friendship may be in jeopardy, and points the pair toward the video sharing site BuzzzTube. After meeting with its chief algorithm Yesss, Ralph decides to raise money by creating a series of videos that play off popular trends, intending to buy the wheel and return Vanellope to Sugar Rush.

Ralph’s videos become a viral sensation, and Yesss sends her staff into the Internet to spam users with pop-up ads. Vanellope volunteers for this job and is assigned to Oh My Disney, where she meets the Disney Princesses and gains from them the inspiration to return to Slaughter Race. Meanwhile, Ralph earns enough money to cover the eBay bid, but is crushed upon reading viewers’ disparaging comments about his videos. He inadvertently overhears a conversation between Vanellope and Shank, in which Vanellope expresses her desire to leave the arcade and live permanently in Slaughter Race.

Ralph meeting Double Dan

Desperate to keep Vanellope as a friend, Ralph turns again to Spamley in search of a way to make Slaughter Race so boring that Vanellope will not want to stay. Spamley leads him to Double Dan, a virus designer hiding in the dark web. Double Dan gives Ralph a virus that can replicate and broadcast any insecurity it finds. When Ralph unleashes it in Slaughter Race, it homes in on Vanellope’s glitch and spreads it, causing the game to crash and nearly killing Ralph and Vanellope in a server reboot.

As Vanellope begins to blame herself, Ralph admits his misdeed to her. Outraged by what he’s done, she throws away the cookie medal she had made for him six years ago and abandons him. The virus escapes from Slaughter Race, scans Ralph’s insecurities, and spreads them throughout the Internet to create thousands of clones of him. As the clones begin destroying the Internet and form a giant Ralph in search of Vanellope, she, Ralph, and Yesss try to lead them into an anti-virus software trap. The tactic fails and Vanellope is captured; Ralph tries unsuccessfully to fight them off, then calls them out on their selfish possessiveness and admits that Vanellope’s desire to enter Slaughter Race does not mean that their friendship must end. With his insecurities resolved, the giant Ralph disintegrates and drops him, but the Disney Princesses save him from the fall, and Vanellope and Ralph reconcile.

Ralph and Vanellope share a hug

The Internet is restored and Vanellope decides to stay in Slaughter Race. Coming to terms with the changes in his life, Ralph returns to the arcade and begins participating in activities with other game characters, while staying in touch with Vanellope through video chats.

Voice cast

  • John C. Reilly as Wreck-It Ralph, a gigantic but soft-hearted man who is the antagonist of the arcade game Fix-It Felix, Jr.[10]
  • Sarah Silverman as Vanellope von Schweetz, a racer/glitch in Sugar Rush who turned out to be its lost princess-turned-president.[11]
  • Jack McBrayer as Fix-It Felix, Jr., a repairman who is the protagonist and playable character of Fix-It Felix Jr., as well as the husband of Sergeant Calhoun.[12]
  • Jane Lynch as Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun, the lead character of Hero’s Duty and Fix-It Felix Jr.’s wife.[12]
  • Gal Gadot as Shank, a racer in Slaughter Race.[13][14]
  • Taraji P. Henson as Yesss, an algorithm that determines the trending videos on BuzzzTube.[15][16] Her character is modeled after Cruella de Vil, as both characters are seen as fashionable.[17][18]
  • Bill Hader (uncredited) as J.P. Spamley, a clickbait pop-up advertiser.[1][19] He was inspired by a salesman that can’t make a sale.[20] With a fragile character hanging on by a thread, Spamley tries to run an honest business, but no one is clicking on his links.[20][21]
  • Alfred Molina as Double Dan, a virus creator who inhabits the Dark Web.[22][23]
  • Alan Tudyk as KnowsMore, a character representing a search engine of the same name, with an over-aggressive autofill. Tudyk previously voiced King Candy in Wreck-It Ralph.[16][24][25]
  • Ed O’Neill as Mr. Litwak, owner of Litwak’s Family Fun Center & Arcade.[1]
  • Flula Borg as Maybe, Yesss’ assistant.[26][27]
  • Hamish Blake as Pyro, a character in Slaughter Race.[28][29]
  • Ali Wong as Felony, a character in Slaughter Race.[22][23]
  • GloZell Green as Little Debbie, a character in Slaughter Race.[23]
  • Timothy Simons as Butcher Boy, a character in Slaughter Race.[22][23]
  • Sam Richardson as Lee, an office nerd.[1]
  • Horatio Sanz as Duncan, a donut who is a member of the Sugar Rush police department.[1]
  • Alex Moffat as Jimmy[1]
  • June Squibb as Jimmy’s Grandmother[1]
  • Phil Johnston as Surge Protector, Game Central Station’s security guard.[1]
  • John DiMaggio as Arthur, an insecurity virus[1]
  • Ana Ortiz as Ballet Mom[1][30]
  • Jason Mantzoukas as Hey Nongman[1]
  • Raymond S. Persi as Gene, the Mayor of Niceland in Fix-It Felix Jr.[1]
  • Fuschia! as Instagram Pop-Up[1]
  • Brittany Kikuchi as Baby Mo[1]
  • Nicole Scherzinger as Mo’s Mom[1]

All of the Disney Princesses appear,[4][31][32] including: Jennifer Hale as Cinderella,[33] Kate Higgins as Aurora,[33] Jodi Benson as Ariel,[33] Paige O’Hara as Belle,[33] Linda Larkin as Jasmine,[33] Irene Bedard as Pocahontas,[33] Ming-Na Wen as Mulan,[33] Anika Noni Rose as Tiana,[33] Mandy Moore as Rapunzel,[33] and Kelly Macdonald as Merida,[33] all of whom reprise their roles from previous films and other media, while screenwriter Pamela Ribon voices Snow White.[34][35] Also returning from other films are Kristen Bell as Anna,[32] Idina Menzel as Elsa,[32] and Auliʻi Cravalho as Moana.[32]

Additionally, Roger Craig Smith reprises his role as Sonic the Hedgehog,[1]:4 Maurice LaMarche reprises his role as Tapper the bartender from Tapper,[1] Brian Curless voices himself, an auctioneer, and the film’s directors Rich Moore and Phil Johnston voice auction bidders.[36] Colleen Ballinger, Dani Fernandez, and Tiffany Herrera voice cameo as themselves.[26] Tim Allen, Anthony Daniels, Vin Diesel, Michael Giacchino, Brad Garrett, and Corey Burton reprise their roles as Buzz Lightyear, C-3PO, Baby Groot, FN-3181, Eeyore, and Grumpy, respectively.[1]:4 Moore also reprises his roles from the first film as Sour Bill and Zangief.[1]:4 Moore, Kevin Deters, Jeremy Milton and Jesse Averna voice First Order Stormtroopers.[1]:4

Katie Lowes and Jamie Elman reprise their roles as Sugar Rush racers Candlehead and Rancis Fluggerbutter, respectively, while SNL cast member and impressionist Melissa Villaseñor replaces Mindy Kaling as Sugar Rush racer Taffyta Muttonfudge.[1]:4

Popular culture cameos and references

Similar to the first film, which included a number of cameos and references to video games, Ralph Breaks the Internet has additional features to Internet culture and to various Disney properties, including their own films, Pixar films, the Star Wars, Marvel Comics, and The Muppets franchises.[33] Mickey Mouse,[37] Grumpy,[38] Dumbo,[32] Humphrey the Bear,[37] Eeyore,[39] Tinker Bell,[32] Nick Wilde,[38][40] Heihei,[38] Buzz Lightyear,[41][42] Baymax,[41][42] C-3PO,[43] R2-D2,[43] Yoda, Stormtroopers,[33] Iron Man,[39] Judy Hopps, and Rocket Raccoon also appear in the film,[33] along with the video game characters Q*bert, Pac-Man, Clyde, Inky, Taizo Hori, Ken Masters, Chun-Li, Ryu, Zangief, M. Bison, Peter Pepper, Frogger, Tapper, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Doctor Eggman from the original film.[1]:13 [44][45] The band Imagine Dragons (whose song «Zero» is featured in a trailer for the film, as well as its soundtrack) make a cameo appearance in the film, with the members voicing themselves.[1]:4 [46]

Stan Lee, Marvel Comics’ former writer, editor and publisher, makes a posthumous non-speaking cameo appearance in the film talking to Iron Man.[47][48]

The filmmakers revealed that the film originally featured a joke about Kylo Ren being a «spoiled child», which was later cut from the film by request from Lucasfilm.[49][50] Like the first film, it does not have a Mario cameo despite the promise they would include him.[51]



In October 2012, director Rich Moore said that he and Disney had ideas about a sequel that would bring the characters up to date and explore different planes of the gaming universe like online gaming and console gaming, Moore noting it would be «great to work in a story about those types of games that are so prevalent, contemporary and part of today’s culture».[52] The idea of a sequel held interest for numerous people involved with the first film, including the artists, technicians, and voice actors, and Moore stated that many of the crew and voice cast were open to the sequel, believing that they have «barely scratched the surface» of the video game world they envisioned. He also stated that he planned to include Mario and Tron in the sequel.[53][54] (In the end, only the latter appeared briefly, serving as a minor foreshadowing plot device.) In 2014, the first film’s composer Henry Jackman said that a story for the sequel was being written.[55] In July 2015, John C. Reilly said he had signed on to reprise his role of Ralph in a projected sequel.[10] In September 2015, Jack McBrayer was asked by Screen Rant about the state of the projected sequel, but he revealed that he did not know much of anything and joked that it would be awkward if Felix was not in the film.[56]

Concept art for the film, released with the official announcement of its premiere date

On March 24, 2016, Moore stated that a sequel was still being planned. Moore specifically stated that a sequel would include an appearance from Mario, citing a «good relationship with Nintendo».[57] In an official announcement on June 30, 2016, Rich Moore appeared, along with Phil Johnston and John C. Reilly, to announce the film’s release date, which was originally March 9, 2018; John C. Reilly said of the plot, «Ralph leaves the arcade and wrecks the Internet».[58][59] In an interview with Oh My Disney the same day, Moore said of what could be expected in the film, that it would have «everything [people] loved about the first one and a whole lot more».[60]

In March 2017, the sequel’s title was officially announced as Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2, with Moore returning as director joined by the first film’s co-writer, Phil Johnston, in his directing debut in an animated film and Clark Spencer also returning as producer.[61][62][63]

In July 2018, Disney removed Wreck-it Ralph 2 from the film’s title.[64]


Two working versions of the script had been scrapped before settling on the one used for the film, according to head writer Josie Trinidad. In one version, Vanellope had become self-absorbed by the Internet, gaining popularity and becoming a celebrity among the users. Ralph had been thrown in jail where he met the search engine Knowsmore, and they had partnered together to escape prison and help bring Vanellope back to her normal self. A second version had Ralph becoming an Internet-famous celebrity, and would have been challenged by an anti-virus program named Bev that served as a super cop and would have been the story’s villain. Trinidad said neither of these versions captured what they felt was the centerpiece of the sequel, being how Ralph and Vanellope reacted to the new world of the Internet and realizing they have separate paths going forward.[65] In a July 2016 interview with Collider, Rich Moore stated that the movie would take place six years after Wreck-It Ralph, in the present day.[66] At D23 2017, it was announced that the film would revolve around the breakdown of Sugar Rush, and Ralph and Vanellope would venture into the internet to find a replacement part.[67]

Concept art released in January 2018

Producer Clark Spencer said that «the film is about change. Two best friends are about to realize that the world won’t always be the same. The internet is the perfect setting, really, because it’s all about change—things change by the second».[1]:17 Director of story Jim Reardon said that it was intimidating to set the film on the Internet, stating that «[They] looked at how [they] could make the internet relatable on a human level—like how Game Central Station aka the power strip mirrored a train station in the first movie. In ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet,’ any person who uses the internet has a little avatar version of themselves that does their business for them».[1]:18 Reardon, however, said that Disney «didn’t want to make the movie about the internet», wanting to instead focus on Ralph and Vanellope’s friendship, wanting to instead treat the Internet as «the place where the movie takes place».[1]:18 Josie Trinidad claimed that the filmmakers «didn’t want to just give the audience more of that friendship — [people had] to see that relationship grow.»[1]:18

The design of the scenes within the Internet was based on tours made of One Wilshire in Los Angeles, as it is one of the world’s largest telecommunications centers, serving most traffic around the Pacific Ocean.[17] The filmmakers did not approach any of the companies (outside of Disney) that are represented in the Internet, and strived to include net branding from all across the world.[17] They also explored various Internet memes, making sure to avoid those that lacked long-term presence on the Internet.[17] While the film addresses many positive elements of the Internet, the filmmakers did not want to shy away from covering some of the more unpleasant aspects about it, in part fueled by the success of tackling racism indirectly within Zootopia.[17] Such elements include Ralph reading through comment sections on videos to find users leaving disparaging messages about him, and having the pair travel to the dark web with its activities of questionable legal and ethical status. They wanted to follow the same approach as they had with Judy Hopps in Zootopia, where she experienced, learned, and overcame the racism aspects, and have Ralph similarly learn and become a better person without having to actually solve the issue of hostility on the Internet.[68]

Vanellope and the princesses taking a selfie

The scene where Vanellope is introduced to the Disney Princesses came from screenwriter Pamela Ribon. In 2014, Ribon was still working on Moana when Disney began internally pitching ideas for the sequel to Wreck-It Ralph, Ribon recognized that like the title character of Moana, Vanellope fits the definition of a Disney Princess. When work formally began on the sequel after the completion of Zootopia, Ribon pitched the idea of Disney poking fun at itself by having Vanellope meet the other Disney Princesses in the green room of OhMyDisney.com, the Disney fan-driven website.[69][70] Further inspiration came from a Buzzfeed online quiz that asked which Disney Princess the user was; Moore thought it would be interesting if Ralph had encountered that quiz and ended up in an argument with Vanellope over the result.[17] Ribon’s initial script for the scene, playing off the various tropes of the Princesses such as several being kidnapped or enslaved, remained mostly intact through production. Animators had to work out various techniques to take the different styles of animation into a single approach, and figure out the proportions of the characters to themselves using official figurines.[69] Directors Rich Moore and Phil Johnston said that a film focusing on the Disney Princesses could be made depending on the audience’s response and «if there’s a good story to be told».[71]


Reilly, Jane Lynch, Jack McBrayer, and Sarah Silverman were reported as being set to reprise their roles.[61] Rich Moore hinted in a July 2016 tweet that Alan Tudyk would return, though he didn’t provide information as to whether the actor might reprise his role as Turbo or take on an entirely new character.[25] In December 2016, Alan Tudyk confirmed his return in the sequel as a different character,[16][24] named KnowsMore. In August 2018, Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot joined the film.[13] The team was able to secure all the Disney Princesses’ original voice actresses, save for Adriana Caselotti for Snow White, Ilene Woods for Cinderella, and Mary Costa for Aurora, as Caselotti and Woods passed away in 1997 and 2010 respectively while Costa retired from acting in 2000; Jennifer Hale and Kate Higgins, the current voice actresses for Cinderella and Aurora were hired for the film while Pamela Ribon, the film’s co-screenwriter, performed Snow White’s voice for temporary tracks, but the team considered it a good substitute, allowing Ribon to voice her in the final film.[33][69]


The picture contains over 150 unique sets and 5,726 assets. It also included the highest number of characters in any Disney Animation film, with 434 individual characters with 6,752 variants.[17]

Following the June 2018 trailer for the film, which included the first shots of the Disney Princesses, Tiana, the African-American lead character from the 2009 film The Princess and the Frog, appeared to have a lighter skin tone, a narrower nose, and European features in Ralph Breaks the Internet than in the 2009 film.[72] This led to some backlashes on social media as these drew her appearance away from that expected of African-Americans.[73] As a result, Tiana’s voice actress Anika Noni Rose and the advocacy group Color of Change contacted Disney to redesign Tiana for Ralph Breaks the Internet to make her look closer to her 2009 appearance, which was reintroduced in the second trailer.[73][74] The same treatment was given to Pocahontas, the titular character of the 1995 film Pocahontas, who had been pointed out by many viewers to have also been given a much lighter skin tone.[73]

Ralph and Vanellope game jump to «Pancake Milkshake»

One of the initial scenes created for the movie involved Ralph and Vanellope invading a childrens’ game, involving feeding pancakes to a bunny to the point it appears to explode, subsequently frightening the child that was playing the game. This scene was featured in the film’s original teaser, released in March 2018, and was heavily discussed in buzz about the film. Over time as they developed the rest of the film, they found the scene no longer fit in the film they were presenting. Knowing that audiences would be asking for this scene, it was moved to the mid-credits scene, along with additional fourth wall commentary about scenes shown in trailers that go missing in the final film.[75] The final post-credits scene involves what starts as a teaser for the upcoming Frozen 2 film (due in 2019) but ends up with Ralph «rickrolling» the audience by starting to sing Rick Astley’s «Never Gonna Give You Up». While producers Spencer and Moore had an idea of Ralph doing a «Wreck Roll» early on in the film’s development, they never incorporated it into the story. Late in production, they mentioned this to studio executives who told them they should add it in. As it was one of the last scenes added, the producers had gotten Reilly, who was on vacation with his family at the time, to come in to a New York studio to record for the day so that the animators could work from that.[75]


Main article: Ralph Breaks the Internet (soundtrack)


Ralph Breaks the Internet — «A Place Called Slaughter Race» Clip

On September 19, 2018, Imagine Dragons released the lead single from the soundtrack titled «Zero», which plays during the end credits of the movie.[76] On October 23, 2018, the music video of «Zero» was posted on Imagine Dragons’ YouTube channel.[77] The film features an original song called «A Place Called Slaughter Race», performed by Sarah Silverman and Gal Gadot, written by Tom MacDougall and the film’s co-director Phil Johntson, and the music was composed by Alan Menken, while the song’s pop version, «In This Place», was performed by Julia Michaels.[78] The film also features songs from various Disney Princess movies, as well as Demi Lovato’s cover of «Let it Go» played in the beginning of the Oh My Disney scene. Ralph also rickrolls the tune «Never Gonna Give You Up» by Rick Astley in a post-credits scene. The soundtrack is composed by Henry Jackman, who also composed the score from the previous film.[2] It was released digitally on November 16, 2018,[78] and will be released on CD on November 30, 2018.[3][78]


On June 30, 2016, Walt Disney Animation Studios initially announced that the sequel, titled Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2, would be released on March 9, 2018.[59] However, in late April 2017, it was announced that its release date was moved from the originally announced March to November 2018.[7][79] In July 2018, Disney shortened the film’s title to Ralph Breaks the Internet.[64] The film was released in 3D, 2D, Dolby Cinema and IMAX 3D.[80]

The first official clip named «KnowsMore» was released on World Internet Day October 29, 2018.[81] Another entitled «Hearts» was introduced on November 5, the same date they began selling tickets before the film’s release.[82] On that same day, the film made its world premiere at Los Angeles’ El Capitan Theatre along with the song «Zero» played by Imagine Dragons at the event.[4][83][84] A clip entitled «There is No Track», featuring new character Shank, was released on November 8.[85][86]



Wreck The Net

Carvana Commercial

A new poster for the film was released on February 26, 2018. Two days later, a teaser trailer for the film was released on February 28, 2018, and it quickly became viral, getting more than 4.5 million views in 24 hours.[87] A second trailer was released on June 4, 2018 set to the Daft Punk song «Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger».[88] A sneak peek of the film was released on August 10, 2018 that included the will.i.am song «Geekin'».[89] Its final trailer, which included the song «Never Gonna Give You Up», was released on September 20, 2018.[90][91]

Carvana and Disney collaborated to promote the film’s release throughout a multi-channel campaign.[92]


Box office

As of February 1, 2019, Ralph Breaks the Internet has grossed $196.3 million in the United States and Canada, and $277.6 million in other territories, for a total worldwide gross of $473.9 million, against a production budget of $175 million.[5]

In the United States and Canada, Ralph Breaks the Internet was released alongside Creed II and Robin Hood, as well as the wide expansion of Green Book, and was originally projected to gross $67–77 million from 4,017 theaters in its five-day opening weekend.[6][93] The film made $18.5 million on its first day (including a pre-Thanksgiving record $3.8 million from Tuesday night previews) and another $10.3 million on its second, increasing five-day projections to $85–95 million. It went on to debut to $56.2 million in its opening weekend (a five-day total of $84.8 million), finishing first at the box office and marking the second-best Thanksgiving opening behind Disney’s Frozen ($93.5 million).[94][95]

In its second weekend the film made $25.8 million, dropping 54% but remaining in first.[96] For the third weekend, it topped the box office once again with $16.3 million, dropping 36%.[97][98] In its second and third weekends the film finished ahead of The Grinch, marking the first time animated films were the top two spots at the box office in back-to-back weekends.[97] On the fourth-week box office, The Grinch ($893,640) finished ahead of Ralph Breaks the Internet until Aquaman and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse topped the box office in their respective weeks.[99][100]

Critical response

On review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 89% based on 201 reviews, with an average rating of 7.3/10. The website’s critical consensus reads, «Ralph Breaks the Internet levels up on its predecessor with a funny, heartwarming sequel that expands its colorful universe while focusing on core characters and relationships.»[101] On Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating to reviews, calculated a weighted average score of 71 out of 100, based on 41 critics, indicating «generally favorable reviews».[102] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of «A–» on an A+ to F scale, down from the «A» earned by the first film, while PostTrak reported filmgoers gave it 4 out of 5 stars.[94]

Bilge Ebiri, of The New York Times, gave the film a positive review, saying that «somewhere amid the film’s ornate imagery and deliriously irreverent humor, we might begin to realize that we’re watching a terrifying, incisive satire about the ways that a life lived online makes monsters of us all».[103] Brian Lowry, of CNN, said that «The colorful action should delight tykes, but the smart, media-savvy asides make it especially appealing to grownups».[104] Kerry Lengel, of The Arizona Republic, gave the film 3.5 stars out of 5, saying that «what makes the movie compelling, despite the subdued dramatic payoff, is that it is a heightened reflection of our experience — our love affair, really — with our gadgets, our apps and, yes, our brands».[105] Peter Hartalub, of The San Francisco Chronicle, also gave the film 3 stars out of 4, stating that the film is «almost always inspired in the moment» and said that «the new characters are all pretty great», though he said that the film’s first third «struggles to find its focus», and felt that Felix and Calhoun’s subplot «would have worked better as a pre-movie animated short».[106] Chris Bumbray, of JoBlo’s Movie Emporium, said that the film «is just as solid» as the first film, and said it was better than the science-fiction film Ready Player One.[107] Alex Hudson of Exclaim praised the film but criticized its «brand synergy,» calling it «a peculiar piece of meta-fiction and a shameless advertisement for Disney’s many subsidiary film studios.» [108]

Oliver Jones, of Observer, gave the film 2.5 score, saying that «Ralph Breaks the Internet is a candy coated, hard shined brick of postmodernism — a Vitamix smoothie of gags, nostalgia, product placement and Fruity Pebbles».[109] Alonso Duralde, of TheWrap, said that «Within a few years, the specifics of the viral-video gags in Ralph Breaks the Internet will be as dated as a Tay Zonday joke».[110] Peter Bradshaw, of The Guardian, said that the «sequel to the 2012 film is somewhere between Ready Player One and The Emoji Movie, summoning up a zero-gravity spectacle of dazzling colours and vertiginous perspectives, a featureless and inert mashup of memes, brands, avatars and jokes».[111]

Names in Other Languages

Language Name Meaning
French Ralph 2.0 Ralph 2.0
Italian Ralph Spacca Internet
Japanese シュガー・ラッシュ:オンライン[112] Sugar Rush: Online
Brazilian Portuguese WiFi Ralph[113] Wi-Fi Ralph
European Spanish Ralph Rompe Internet Ralph Breaks Internet
Latin American Spanish WiFi Ralph[114] Wi-Fi Ralph


Main article: Ralph Breaks the Internet/Gallery



RBTI Teaser Poster

Feburary 2018 teaser poster

RBTI Poster

June 2018 poster

RBTI Racer Poster

Shank, Ralph, and Vanellope poster

RBTI Love Poster

Yesss, Ralph, and Vanellope poster

RBTI Character Poster 01

Ralph poster

RBTI Character Poster 02

Vanellope poster

Wir 2 final poster

Theatrical release poster, revealed September 2018

Concept and Production Art

Ralph internet concept art

Ralph Breaks the Internet Story Art

The Storyboard

Wreck-It Ralph Render Comparison

Original Wreck-It Ralph render compared with Ralph Breaks the Internet render

Ralph & Vanellope Render comparison

Ralph & Vanellope Render comparison

Wreck-It Ralph in the deep web

In the Dark Web






Netizens, the people who live in the internet


Net Users, online representations of real people



Internet entry concept art

Internet entrance

Sugar Rush Steer Wheel recreation

Sugar Rush steering wheel model

Shank concept art


Ralph Breaks the Internet 2 you are here

«You are here.»



Ralph Breaks The Internet Wreck-It Ralph 2 Official Teaser Trailer

Ralph Breaks The Internet Wreck-It Ralph 2 Official Teaser Trailer

Teaser Trailer

Ralph Breaks the Internet Wreck-It Ralph 2 Official Trailer

Ralph Breaks the Internet Wreck-It Ralph 2 Official Trailer

Official Trailer

Ralph Breaks the Internet Official Trailer 2

Ralph Breaks the Internet Official Trailer 2

Second Official Trailer

Clips and Special Looks

Any Takers? - Ralph Breaks The Internet (CLIP)

Any Takers? — Ralph Breaks The Internet (CLIP)

Clip of Felix and Calhoun

Ralph Breaks the Internet "We Are In The Internet" Clip

Ralph Breaks the Internet «We Are In The Internet» Clip

«We are in the Internet!»

Ralph Breaks the Internet "KnowsMore" Clip

Ralph Breaks the Internet «KnowsMore» Clip


RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET Get Rich Playing Video Games Disney Arabia

RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET Get Rich Playing Video Games Disney Arabia

Clip of Spamley

Ralph Breaks the Internet "There Is No Track" Clip

Ralph Breaks the Internet «There Is No Track» Clip

«There is no track!»

RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET Meet Eboy, Voiced by DanTDM! Official Disney UK

RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET Meet Eboy, Voiced by DanTDM! Official Disney UK

eBoy Clip

Ralph Breaks the Internet "Hearts" Clip-0

Ralph Breaks the Internet «Hearts» Clip-0


WRECK IT RALPH 2 Baby Groot Scene (2018)

WRECK IT RALPH 2 Baby Groot Scene (2018)

Oh My Disney Clip

RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET She is a Princess Clip Official Disney UK

RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET She is a Princess Clip Official Disney UK

Princesses Clip

Ralph Breaks the Internet - Sneak Peek

Ralph Breaks the Internet — Sneak Peek

Sneak Peek

Ralph Breaks the Internet "Zero" Special Look

Ralph Breaks the Internet «Zero» Special Look

Second Sneak Peek with «Zero»

Behind the Scenes and Cast/Crew Videos

Wreck-It Ralph 2 & Disney Princesses Presentation At D23 Expo

Wreck-It Ralph 2 & Disney Princesses Presentation At D23 Expo

Presentation at D23 2017

WRECK-IT RALPH 2 Voice Recording - Behind The Scenes Movie B-Roll & Bloopers

WRECK-IT RALPH 2 Voice Recording — Behind The Scenes Movie B-Roll & Bloopers

Voice Recording on set

Ralph Breaks the Internet - Imagine Dragons Featurette

Ralph Breaks the Internet — Imagine Dragons Featurette

Ralph Breaks the Internet — Imagine Dragons Featurette

Ralph Breaks the Internet Exclusive Featurette - Into the Internet (2018) Movieclips Coming Soon

Ralph Breaks the Internet Exclusive Featurette — Into the Internet (2018) Movieclips Coming Soon

Cast Featurette

GSC x Disney Animation Studios Tour - Ralph Breaks The Internet

GSC x Disney Animation Studios Tour — Ralph Breaks The Internet

GSC Tour


WRECK-IT RALPH 2 Sarah Silverman at Disney's D23 2017

WRECK-IT RALPH 2 Sarah Silverman at Disney’s D23 2017

Interview with Sarah Silverman at D23 2017

WRECK-IT RALPH 2 Rich Moore, Phil Johnston at Disney's D23 2017

WRECK-IT RALPH 2 Rich Moore, Phil Johnston at Disney’s D23 2017

Interview with Rich Moore and Phil Johnston at D23 2017

Wreck-It Ralph Ralph Breaks the Internet Interview!

Wreck-It Ralph Ralph Breaks the Internet Interview!

Second Interview with Rich Moore & Phil Jhonston


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 Walt Disney Studios (2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet – Press Kit. Walt Disney Studios Media File. November 23, 2018.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Han, Angie (April 6, 2014). ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ Sequel Officially in the Works, Composer Confirms. /Film. October 13, 2018.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Henry Jackman (composer) (November 15, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet. Walt Disney Records. Via Amazon. November 30, 2018.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Derschowitz, Jessica (November 6, 2018). See the Disney princesses and other stars at the Ralph Breaks the Internet premiere. Entertainment Weekly. November 14, 2018.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Box Office Mojo (2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018). IMDb. December 17, 2018.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Rubin, Rebecca (November 20, 2018). Thanksgiving Box Office Battle: ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ to Top ‘Creed II,’ ‘Robin Hood’. Variety. November 20, 2018.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Valerio, Britt (April 25, 2017). Release Dates for Frozen 2, Star Wars: Episode IX, The Lion King, and More Have Been Announced. Oh My Disney. April 25, 2017.
  8. Foreman, Alison (November 14, 2018). Critics give ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ a big thumbs up. Mashable. November 14, 2018.
  9. Campbell, Christopher (November 14, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet First Reviews: A Hilarious, Heartwarming Sequel. Rotten Tomatoes. November 27, 2018.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Otterson, Joe (July 13, 2015). John C. Reilly Says He Will Star in ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ Sequel. TheWrap. July 26, 2015.
  11. The Walt Disney Company (June 30, 2016). Sequel to “Wreck-It Ralph” Hits Theaters on March 9, 2018. The Walt Disney Company. November 27, 2018.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Radish, Christina (October 13, 2016). Jane Lynch on ‘Mascots’, Returning for ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’ and More. Collider. November 27, 2018.
  13. 13.0 13.1 D’Alessandro, Anthony (August 10, 2018). Gal Gadot Buckles Up For Disney’s ‘Ralph Breaks The Internet’. Deadline Hollywood. August 10, 2018.
  14. Gadot, Gal (August 10, 2018). I’m so excited to finally announce that I am playing a character named Shank in Disney’s #RalphBreaksTheInternet hitting theaters this November! Such an amazing experience to be apart of this project with such great creators and cast! Welcome to Slaughter Race! 🏎🏁😉. Twitter. August 11, 2018.
  15. Variety (July 14, 2017). Taraji P. Henson Joins ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ Sequel, Footage Shown at D23 Variety. August 23, 2017.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Truitt, Brian (May 30, 2018). See exclusive first photos of Taraji P. Henson, Disney princesses in ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’. USA Today. May 30, 2018.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 Rougeau, Michael (September 20, 2018). 31 Things We Learned About Ralph Breaks The Internet From A Trip To Disney Animation. GameSpot. November 21, 2018.
  18. Romano, Nick (July 15, 2017). Disney princesses unite on D23 stage for Wreck-It Ralph 2. Entertainment Weekly. July 26, 2017.
  19. Yasharoff, Hannah (November 20, 2018). 5 ways ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ totally nails online culture. Entertainment Weekly. November 22, 2018.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Julius, Jessica (2018). The Art of Ralph Breaks the Internet (1st ed.). San Francisco: Chronicle Books. ISBN 978-1452163680. p. 148.
  21. Little Gold Men podcast (June 28, 2018). The Emmy Contenders Giving Us Hope. 1:06:06 in. Vanity Fair. November 28. 2018. «Yeah, I’m doing Angry Birds 2, and I just did a small part in Wreck-It Ralph 2
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Laughing Place Disney Newsdesk (September 20, 2018). New «Ralph Breaks the Internet» Trailer, Poster, Cast, and Plot Details Revealed. Laughing Place. September 20, 2018.
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Schager, Nick (September 20, 2018). Wreck-It Ralph gets Rickrolled, visits dark web in ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ trailer. Yahoo. November 28, 2018.
  24. 24.0 24.1 Han, Angie (December 5, 2016). Alan Tudyk Will Be Back for ‘Frozen 2’ and ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’, Wants In On Marvel’s ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’. /Film. December 5, 2016.
  25. 25.0 25.1 Moore, Rich (July 9, 2016). But of course! It wouldn’t be a @DisneyAnimation movie without @AlanTudyk! 🤘😆🤘. Twitter. July 27, 2016.
  26. 26.0 26.1 Uribe, Mariana (October 5, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet Directors Announce Casting of Real-Life Internet Stars at New York Comic Con. Oh My Disney. October 5, 2018.
  27. Hogarty, Joe (October 6, 2018). «Ralph Breaks The Internet» Reveals Digital Influencer Cast At NYCC. WDW News Today. October 17, 2018.
  28. Chandra, Jessica (August 29, 2018). Hamish Blake lands voice role in upcoming Disney movie ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’. Nine Network Australia. August 29, 2018.
  29. Hadley, Nick (August 29, 2018). Big Hollywood break? Hamish Blake to voice new character in Disney’s latest animated movie Ralph Breaks The Internet alongside John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman and Gal Gadot. MSN. November 28, 2018.
  30. Sneider, Jeff (February 28, 2017). “Ugly Betty” Star Ana Ortiz Joins Voice Cast of Disney’s “Wreck-It Ralph” Sequel (Exclusive). The Tracking Board. March 5, 2017.
  31. Holmes, Adam (July 14, 2017). Wreck-It Ralph 2 Is Bringing The Original Disney Princesses Back. CinemaBlend. July 14, 2017.
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 32.5 Breznican, Anthony (July 14, 2017). Wreck-It Ralph sequel will unite the Disney princesses — and Star Wars!. Entertainment Weekly. July 15, 2017.
  33. 33.00 33.01 33.02 33.03 33.04 33.05 33.06 33.07 33.08 33.09 33.10 33.11 33.12 33.13 Johnson, Zach (June 4, 2018). Disney Princesses Meet Vanellope von Schweetz in Wreck It Ralph 2 Trailer. E! News. August 10, 2018.
  34. Ribon, Pamela (June 4, 2018). You guys. I finally get to tell you. I’m Snow White.. Twitter. June 4, 2018.
  35. Outlaw, Kofi (July 14, 2017). ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’ Bringing Back Original Disney Princess Voice Actresses. Comicbook.com. July 15, 2017.
  36. Radish, Christina (September 20, 2018). 20 Things to Know about ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’, Disney’s ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ Sequel. Collider. October 5, 2018.
  37. 37.0 37.1 Libbey, Dirk (November 23, 2018). 7 Disney References Hidden In Ralph Breaks The Internet You Probably Missed. CinemaBlend. November 24, 2018.
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 Schmidt, J.K. (November 6, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ TV Spot Features TONS of Disney Cameos. ComicBook.com. November 17, 2018.
  39. 39.0 39.1 Ridgely, Charlie (June 4, 2018). Iron Man Cameos in New ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’ Trailer. ComicBook.com. November 17, 2018.
  40. Ridgely, Charlie (October 22, 2018). ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’: New International Trailer Includes Major ‘Zootopia’ Character. ComicBook.com. October 23, 2018.
  41. 41.0 41.1 Ridgely, Charlie (September 20, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’: Buzz Lightyear and Baymax Appear in New Trailer. ComicBook.com. October 4, 2018.
  42. 42.0 42.1 Burwick, Kevin (October 10, 2018). Buzz Lightyear and Baymax Return in Wreck-It Ralph 2 International Trailer. MovieWeb. October 20, 2018.
  43. 43.0 43.1 Carbone, Gina (July 14, 2017). ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’ Brings All of the Disney Princesses Together (With C-3PO). Moviefone. July 15, 2017.
  44. Workman, Robert (August 29, 2018). Sonic the Hedgehog Coming Back For ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ Sequel. ComicBook.com. August 29, 2018.
  45. Dedmon, Tanner (November 4, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks The Internet’: All the Video Game Cameos Revealed. ComicBook.com. November 17, 2018.
  46. Dela Paz, Maggie (November 12, 2018). New Ralph Breaks the Internet TV Spot Reveals Imagine Dragons Cameo. ComingSoon.net. November 13, 2018.
  47. Fuster, Jeremy (November 12, 2018). Stan Lee Will Have a Cameo in ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’. TheWrap. November 13, 2018.
  48. Scarnato, Ryden (November 14, 2018). Stan Lee Never Saw His ‘Ralph Breaks The Internet’ Cameo. Heroic Hollywood. November 25, 2018.
  49. Collura, Scott (October 19, 2018). The Kylo Ren Joke That Had to Be Changed for Ralph Breaks the Internet. IGN. October 20, 2018.
  50. Nolan, L.D. (October 19, 2018). Disney Got a Kylo Ren Joke Changed in Ralph Breaks the Internet. Comic Book Resources. October 20, 2018.
  51. Fischer, Tyler (October 26, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ Will Not Feature A Mario Cameo. ComicBook.com. October 31, 2018.
  52. GamerHub Videos (October 25, 2012). Disney Wreck-It Ralph Director Rich Moore Is a Huge Gamer. 4:22 in. YouTube. October 25, 2012.
  53. Dekel-Daks, Tal (February 8, 2013). ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ director Rich Moore wants Nintendo’s Mario for sequel. Digital Spy. September 24, 2013.
  54. Vejvoda, Jim (February 4, 2013). Wreck-It Ralph Director Wants Tron in the Sequel. IGN. September 24, 2013.
  55. Roberts, Sheila (April 1, 2014). Composer Henry Jackman Talks Captain America: The Winter Soldier, His Influences, Wreck-It Ralph 2, The Interview, and More. Collider. April 3, 2014. «I can’t tell you more, not because I’m being coy, but I believe that it is officially on the cards. I don’t know any more other than a story is indeed being written.»
  56. Warner, Kara (September 17, 2015). Jack McBrayer Talks Cooties and Wreck-it Ralph 2. Screen Rant. December 27, 2015.
  57. Tilly, Chris (March 24, 2016). Wreck-It Ralph 2 Still Happening, Might Feature Mario. IGN. March 24, 2016.
  58. Disney (June 30, 2016). Breaking news live from Walt Disney Animation Studios! Facebook. June 30, 2016.
  59. 59.0 59.1 Snetiker, Marc (June 30, 2016). Wreck-It Ralph 2 officially announced at Disney. Entertainment Weekly. June 30, 2016.
  60. Taylor, Drew (June 30, 2016). Exclusive: John C. Reilly, Rich Moore, and Phil Johnston Detail Wreck-It Ralph Sequel. Oh My Disney. July 1, 2016.
  61. 61.0 61.1 O’Brien, Lucy (March 28, 2017). Wreck-It Ralph 2 is Called Ralph Breaks the Internet. IGN. March 29, 2017.
  62. Busch, Anita and Anthony D’Alessandro (March 28, 2017). Disney At CinemaCon: ‘Wreck It Ralph’ Sequel Now Titled ‘Ralph Breaks The Internet’. Deadline. March 29, 2017.
  63. Disney Animation (March 28, 2017). Next year, he’s gonna break it 👊. Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 opens in theatres on March 9, 2018.. Twitter. March 30, 2017.
  64. 64.0 64.1 McClintock, Pamela (July 10, 2018). Disney Pushes ‘Indiana Jones 5’ a Year to 2021, Dates ‘Maleficent 2,’ ‘Jungle Cruise’. The Hollywood Reporter. July 10, 2018.
  65. Lussier, Germain (October 25, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet Had a Few Totally Different Plots Before It Was Done io9. October 25, 2018.
  66. Weintraub, Steve (July 1, 2016). Exclusive: ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’ Director Rich Moore Teases Internet Setting, Returning Characters, and More. Collider. July 4, 2016.
  67. Anderton, Ethan (July 14, 2017). Wreck-It Ralph 2’ Brings Disney Princesses Together with Marvel & Star Wars (D23 Expo 2017) /Film. July 26, 2017.
  68. Rougeau, Michael (September 20, 2018). Wreck-It Ralph 2 Won’t Shy Away From The Internet’s Dark Side GameSpot. September 20, 2018.
  69. 69.0 69.1 69.2 Bibbiani, William (September 20, 2018). Ralph Breaks The Internet: Inside The Disney Princess Scene Everyone’s Talking About IGN. September 20, 2018.
  70. Uribe, Mariana (September 20, 2018). How Oh My Disney Became a Key Location Featuring the Disney Princesses in Ralph Breaks the Internet Oh My Disney. November 28, 2018.
  71. Eisenberg, Eric (November 5, 2018). Could The Disney Princesses Carry Their Own Film Together? Ralph Breaks The Internet’s Directors Weigh In CinemaBlend. November 25, 2018.
  72. Brucculieri, Julia (August 13, 2018). Disney Accused Of Lightening Princess Tiana’s Skin Tone In ‘Wreck It Ralph’ Sequel. The Huffington Post. October 8, 2018.
  73. 73.0 73.1 73.2 Milligan, Mercedes (September 23, 2018). Disney Reanimates ‘Ralph’s Tiana After Colorism Criticism. Animation Magazine. October 3, 2018.
  74. Gutierrez, Lisa (September 27, 2018). Anika Noni Rose goes to bat for Princess Tiana after Disney lightens her skin tone. The Kansas City Star. October 3, 2018.
  75. 75.0 75.1 Lussier, Germain (November 26, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet’s Post-Credit Scenes Came With Some Major Hurdles. io9. November 26, 2018.
  76. Ding, Sophie (September 19, 2018). Watch Imagine Dragons’ Meme-Filled Music Video For ‘Zero’. Billboard. September 19, 2018.
  77. Paur, Joey (October 23, 2018). Disney Releases Imagine Dragons’ Zany RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET Music Video Called «Zero». GeekTyrant. October 24, 2018.
  78. 78.0 78.1 78.2 Iahn, Buddy (October 26, 2018). Disney details ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ soundtrack. The Music Universe. October 24, 2018.
  79. McClintock, Pamela (April 25, 2017). ‘Star Wars: Episode IX’ Sets Summer 2019 Release Date. The Hollywood Reporter. April 25, 2017.
  80. Lieberman, David (February 22, 2017). Disney Films To Show On Imax Through 2019 With New Distribution Deal. Deadline Hollywood. March 2, 2017.
  81. Lussier, Germain (October 29, 2018). Watch How Ralph Breaks the Internet Brings the Internet to Life. io9. October 31, 2018.
  82. Lieberman, David (November 5, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet Clip Introduces Yesss; Tickets On Sale. ScreenRant. November 6, 2018.
  83. Express Web Desk (November 6, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet premiere: Imagine Dragons, Taraji P Henson and Mandy Moore attend. The Indian Express. November 8, 2018.
  84. Marotta, Jenna (November 6, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ Producer on Disney’s Delayed Release. Hollywood Reporter. November 8, 2018.
  85. El-Mahmoud, Sarah (November 8, 2018). New Ralph Breaks The Internet Video Is All About Gal Gadot’s Shank. CinemaBlend. November 9, 2018.
  86. IGN (November 8, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet — «There Is No Track» Exclusive Clip — IGN Video. IGN. November 9, 2018
  87. Disney (February 27, 2018). «There’s no one I’d rather be than me.» 😇😡. Twitter. February 27, 2018.
  88. Alexander, Julia (June 4, 2018). Wreck-It Ralph 2 trailer mocks Google’s annoying predictive search. Polygon. October 23, 2018.
  89. Bonomolo, Cameron (August 10, 2018). New ‘Wreck-It Ralph 2’ Trailer Features Gal Gadot and More Disney Princesses. Comicbook.com. August 12, 2018.
  90. Liptak, Andrew (September 20, 2018). The latest trailer for Ralph Breaks the Internet Rickrolls us all. The Verge. October 15, 2018.
  91. Elderkin, Beth (September 20, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet’s New Trailer Promises to ‘Never Give You Up’. io9. November 21, 2018.
  92. Business Wire (November 2, 2018). Carvana Brings Online Car Buying to “Ralph Breaks the Internet”. Business Wire. November 4, 2018.
  93. McClintock, Pamela (November 20, 2018). Box Office Preview: ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ to Win Holiday Turkey Trot. The Hollywood Reporter. November 20, 2018.
  94. 94.0 94.1 D’Alessandro, Anthony (November 25, 2018). ‘Ralph’ Scoring 2nd Best Thanksgiving Debut With $85M+; ‘Creed II’ The Holiday’s Live-Action Opening Champ With $56M+. Deadline Hollywood. November 25, 2018.
  95. AFP (November 25, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ — and North American box office. Daily Mail. November 27, 2018.
  96. D’Alessandro, Anthony (December 2, 2018). ‘Ralph’ Breaking $25M+ 2nd Weekend; ‘Grinch’ Steals $203M+; ‘Hannah Grace’ $6M+ In Slow Post Thanksgiving Period – Sunday Update. Deadline Hollywood. December 2, 2018.
  97. 97.0 97.1 D’Alessandro, Anthony (December 9, 2018). ‘Ralph’ Keeps No. 1 Away From Greedy ‘Grinch’ For Third Weekend In A Row With $16M+ – Sunday Update. Deadline. December 9, 2018.
  98. Sakoui, Anousha (December 9, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ Pulls a Three-Peat With Fans. Forbes. December 11, 2018.
  99. Mendelson, Scott (December 20, 2018). Illumination’s ‘The Grinch’ Is Quietly Making Box Office History. Forbes. January 1, 2019.
  100. Nyren, Erin (December 15, 2018). Box Office: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’ Soars Toward $35-40 Million Debut. Variety.
  101. Rotten Tomatoes (2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018). Rotten Tomatoes. November 30, 2018.
  102. Metacritic (2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet Reviews. Metacritic. November 30, 2018.
  103. Ebiri, Bilge (November 19, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ Review: Disney Gets Caught in the Web. The New York Times. November 20, 2018.
  104. Lowry, Brian (November 19, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ runs up score on clever plot. CNN. November 20, 2018.
  105. Lengel, Kerry (November 16, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ review: All hail our pop-culture overlords. The Arizona Republic. November 20, 2018.
  106. Hartalub, Peter (November 19, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ is a fun and inspired sequel, glitches and all. San Francisco Chronicle. November 20, 2018.
  107. Bumbray, Chris (November 16, 2018). Review: Ralph Breaks the Internet. JoBlo.com. November 20, 2018.
  108. Hudson, Alex (November 16, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ Will Make You Want to Go Online Shopping. Exclaim. November 21, 2018.
  109. Jones, Oliver (November 14, 2018). The Dizzying Digital Wonderland in ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ Will Give You Whiplash. The New York Observer. November 20, 2018.
  110. Duralde, Alonso (November 14, 2018). ‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ Film Review: Disappointing Sequel Offers a Few Good Clicks». TheWrap. November 20, 2018.
  111. Bradshaw, Peter (November 21, 2018). Ralph Breaks the Internet review – virtually impossible to enjoy tiresome arcade game re-run. The Guardian. November 24, 2018.
  112. Disney Movie (April 23, 2018). “ネットの世界”におなじみのあのアイコンが!『シュガー・ラッシュ:オンライン』日本版ティザー・ポスター解禁! [An Icon Familiar to the «World of the Net»! Sugar Rush: Online Japanese Teaser Poster Revealed!] Disney Movie (in Japanese). April 23, 2018.
  113. Vasconcelos, Wladya (February 26, 2018). WiFi Ralph | Sequência de Detona Ralph ganha título oficial no Brasil e novo pôster [Detona Ralph sequel gains offiicial Brazilian title and new poster]. Cinema com Rapadura (in Brazilian Portuguese). February 28, 2018.
  114. Oh My Disney [Disneylatino] (September 22, 2017). Todo lo que sabemos sobre las próximas películas de Disney [Everything we know about upcoming Disney movies]. Oh My Disney [Disneylatino] (in Spanish). February 28, 2018.

External links

  • Official website

Пропагандирует компьютерные игры и в целом виртуализацию жизни.
Положительного нет практически ничего.

«Ральф против интернета» — вторая часть мультфильма про ставших неразлучными друзьями великана Ральфа — разрушителя из игры «Мастер Феликс» и принцессы Пенелопы — гонщицы из игры «Сладкий форсаж».

Ральф — отрицательный персонаж без чувства юмора, у которого напрочь отсутствует стремление к каким-либо переменам: «Отработал и развлекайся! А ещё лучше вообще не работать!».
Пенелопа — юная авантюристка с мечтой жить без правил, которая не меняя себя («если не гонщица, то кто я?») хочет изменить свою жизнь (родимый дом для неё чужой).

В этот раз героям мультфильма предстоит покорить интернет в поисках нового руля для игрового автомата «Сахарные гонки», который был сломан очередной играющей девочкой, которая выбрала игрока Пенелопу, потому что та «клёво глючит» (т.е. отклонение от нормы это хорошо, а глюк — это отклонение) и съехала с игровой трассы на новую, выкопанную Ральфом, чтобы ей не было скучно.

Добывать руль они будут путём его покупки на eBay.
Несколько слов об этом: когда они и подошли к слоту с рулём, до завершения покупки (по принципу аукциона и цена стояла всего 30$) им нужно было просто за секунду до конца назвать цифру на единицу больше, но вместо этого они начали лепить цифры, кто какие знает, причём уже между собой, не обращая внимание, что другой покупатель уже молчит. Да, они думали, что это очередная игра, но зачем так бездумно-то? И дети после просмотра в такой же ситуации, будут действовать также бездумно, а чуть повзрослев, осуществлять аналогичные операции, не особо задумываясь над суммами.

С помощью рекламы (на которую все в мультфильме откликаются охотно, передавая соответствующий посыл зрителю, в одной из сцен к разместителям рекламы даже вызывается сочувствие) они находят способ заработать: получить какой-нибудь предмет в игре и продать за реальные деньги, а именно гоночный автомобиль, который они почти сразу находят, хотя геймерам на это потребовалось 30 часов (которые проводили всё время в игре, а родителям говорили, что делают домашнее задание) в игре по мнению Пенелопы «симпатичной», несмотря на обилие взрывов и даже насилие. Но получить автомобиль всё-таки не удаётся.

Тогда они отправляются в Buzzztube (не нужно говорить, что имелось в виду) и пытаются заработать там предложенным им способом с помощью лайков на видео и начинают их выкладывать (до сих пор толком ничем не занялись, а все видео в мультфильме на этом сайте показаны абсолютно глупые и ничего в себе не несут, просто потому что это популярно — «30 сек и ты не в тренде», да, и там, менее чем за 3 часа они налепили десятки роликов, но ребёнок то считать не будем, тем более, что не понимает как, и ещё не знает, что помимо этого хлама есть много конструктивных каналов), а в офисе люди только и делают, что не работают, а смотрят видео в интернете и Ральф зарабатывает нужную сумму на руль. Только Пенелопе это уже не нужно, хотя в основном из-за неё то весь сыр-бор и начался. Она решила бросить всё: дом, друзей, Ральфа и остаться, хотя по мультфильму я так и не понял, хорошо это или плохо.

Расстроившись Ральф решается запустить в игру небольшой вирус, чтобы Пенелопе стало скучно и она вернулась. Но вирус стал представлять опасность для принцессы и он кинулся её спасать ценой собственной жизни. К этому моменту я совсем запутался в его поступках: то хорошие, то плохие — мечется как белка в колесе.

После спасения Пенелопы спасать пришлось уже Ральфа в результате падения с большой высоты, и тут на помощь приходят принцессы из всех остальных мультиков Disney (у них было 2 камео: сначала знакомство с Пенелопой и собственно спасение Ральфа. После знакомства с принцессами Пенелопа переодевает их в современную одежду, мол современная модная лучше. Вся сцена связывает все предыдущие мультфильмы с новыми: мир меняется и принцессы в нём тоже. Общими усилиями девочки смягчают падение Ральфу. И… и всё. Ральф вернулся с рулём, а Пенелопа осталась в новой игре. Их дружба перешла в онлайн.

Мораль: «Иди туда, не знаю куда. Принеси то, не знаю что. И даже, зачем.»

Мультфильм рекламирует интернет во всей красе и пропагандирует его как безопасное место с кучей рекламы в том числе для детей, а так же деньги, в первую очередь виртуальные и способы заработка, ведущие к деградации.

Семья показана с отрицательной стороны: родители — пастух и пастушка, дети — садисты. Из-за появления которых даже добрый и интеллигентный Феликс начинает спиваться «газировкой», которую почему-то разливают в кружках из-под пива в пабе, в котором частенько зависают Ральф с Пенелопой. В конце в кадре появляется Ральф и другие с книгами в руках и тут же это сменяется новостью, что персонажи в мире Ральфа стали собираться по пятницам за столом (Постарались показать юным зрителям все алгоритмы «культурного питья»).

Ну и конечно виртуальный мир компьютерных игр расписали настолько привлекательным, что даже в сцене после титров мама везёт в машине маленькую девочку, ещё в специальном кресле, которая с её попустительства развлекается с помощью планшета. Про продактплейсмент говорить не приходится.

Не забыли и про фастфуд.

При просмотре уже с осознанием того, что показывают, или точнее, что хотят донести (а смотрел я его второй раз), экранизация становится даже скучной. Хотя до этого сам просмотр диснеевских мультфильмов хоть и был достаточно приятным, послевкусие оставалось всегда неоднозначное.

«Ральф против интернета» изнутри: история создания в отсылках, цифрах и волосах принцесс

Этим летом «Афиша Daily» отправилась в Walt Disney Animation Studios, чтобы среди первых посмотреть фрагменты 57-го по счету мультфильма студии «Ральф против интернета», встретиться с режиссерами, продюсерами, художниками картины и узнать, как им удалось уместить в один фильм героев Marvel, «Звездных войн» и принцесс «Диснея».

В Бербанке, Калифорния, обрели дом, пожалуй, самые известные американские киностудии. Их ангары растянулись на десятки километров, отличить их друг от друга не могут порой даже жители Лос-Анджелеса. Но здание Roy E. Disney Animation, анимационной студии Walt Disney, не спутать с другими — все дело в той самой конусообразной шляпе Микки-Мауса из «Фантазии», которая теперь восседает на крыше. Место названо в честь племянника Уолта Диснея и последнего члена семьи, вовлеченного в дела компании. Попасть сюда не так просто — в отличие от студий Universal и Warner Bros., здесь не проводятся традиционные экскурсии на мини-трамвайчиках, здесь даже нет сувенирного магазина с заоблачными ценами, но так даже интереснее.

Внутри четырехэтажного здания Walt Disney Animation Studios сплошные лабиринты: поворачиваем в первый направо и идем по коридору, по стенам которого развешаны эскизы будущих проектов, в том числе и «Ральфа», — многие из них оформлены как посты в Instagram с забавными надписями из серии: «Я слышала, что интернет состоит из труб, по которым бегают котики». Стоит случайно забрести в другой коридор, как тут оказываешься окруженным скетчами из «Фантазии», в третий — и ты уже среди сторибордов «Моаны» и «Зверополиса». Изрядно поплутав, наконец натыкаемся на гигантские фигуры Ванилопы фон Кекс и Ральфа. Мы на месте.

Напомним, по сюжету первого «Ральфа» герой одноименной аркадной восьмибитной игры хочет перестать быть в тени положительных персонажей и отправляется в путешествие по другим играм, где встречает Ванилопу фон Кекс, чье существование в гоночной игре «Сладкий форсаж» оказывается под угрозой. В сиквеле эта парочка, как становится ясно из названия, отправится в кибермир — на поиски недостающей детали для игры фон Кекс, чтобы спасти ее от уничтожения. Для Ральфа это путешествие будет занимательным — придется не только научиться снимать вирусные видео (без котиков, конечно, не обойдется), но и читать комментарии хейтеров.

Несколько лет назад «Ральфу» удалось сделать то, что почти ни разу не удалось сделать другим. Как бы Голливуд ни старался экранизировать видеоигры, результаты их творений в итоге либо проигрывают у критиков, либо в бокс-офисе. Все чаще — по обоим фронтам. Но эта участь не постигла «Ральфа», который находился в разработке больше 30 лет (идея возникла еще в 1980 году). В 2012 году мультфильм наконец вышел на экраны и собрал почти полмиллиарда долларов в прокате, получил номинацию на «Оскар» и умудрился угодить сразу и детям, и родителям. Сиквел «Ральфа» не собирается уступать.

«Мы все видели хорошие и плохие сиквелы, но для себя мы решили — нет смысла делать продолжение, если нет цели сделать его лучше, чем оригинал»

«Именно поэтому так много работы, крови, пота и слез вложено во второго «Ральфа», — признаются режиссеры Рич Мур («Ральф», «Зверополис», «Футурама», «Симпсоны»; обладатель «Оскара») и Фил Джонстон («Ральф», «Зверополис»), а также продюсер Кларк Спенсер («Ральф», «Зверополис», «Вольт», «Лило и Стич»). В итоге над «Ральфом против интернета» работал чуть ли не каждый сотрудник Walt Disney. Мультипликаторы рассказывают о том, что в процессе создания «Ральфа против интернета» они тесно сотрудничали с сестринскими компаниями Disney — при необходимости поднимали трубку и звонили специалисту по волосам Pixar или получали консультацию по персонажам у продакшен-дизайнера «Истории игрушек». В итоге на руках режиссеров оказалось больше 280 тысяч сторибордов. Это один из множества рекордов в истории мультипликации, которые побил «Ральф-2» еще в процессе создания.

В среднем в диснеевских мультфильмах 40–60 персонажей — к примеру, в «Вольте» их было 57, но уже в первом «Ральфе» их было 223, в «Зверополисе» — 182, а в «Ральфе против интернета» их около 430. Плюс более 6000 их вариаций и различных цветовых вариаций (волос, цвета кожи, одежды), что в итоге привело к тому, что в новом Ральфе задействовано чуть ли не 500 тысяч персонажей. Среди них — герои других проектов «Диснея», Pixar, Marvel и Lucasfilm, включая диснеевских принцесс — Золушку, Белль, Ариэль, Моану и десяток других. И хотя принцесса Лея не появилась в сцене принцесс, которую увидела «Афиша Daily», «Звездные войны» не останутся за кадром «Ральфа против интернета» — у робота C-3PO будет камео в той самой сцене с принцессами, которая разошлась по интернету (не по мультяшному, а реальному).

Эпизодические роли в новом «Ральфе» получили и робот-мусорщик ВАЛЛ*И, и Дамбо. К ним присоединились и новые персонажи — резиденты интернета: персонаж Классс (голос Ирины Горбачевой), который интуитивно улавливает тренды интернета, гонщица Шэнк, которую в оригинале озвучила Галь Гадот (у нас — Любовь Аксенова), а также мистер Спамли, которого в русском дубляже внезапно органично озвучивает Элджей. В сиквеле появились и персонажи из первого фильма — мастер Феликс и сержант Калхун. В фильм добавили и несчетное количество «пасхальных яиц» — смотрите в оба, к примеру, в фильме на eBay можно купить сковородку Рапунцель или крюк Мауи. Приятным сюрпризом стали камео ежика Соника и мемы с участием Кена Боуна (тот самый человек в красном свитере, который появился в мемах после его вопроса об энергии на дебатах Трампа и Клинтон в 2016 году).

В первом фильме лейтмотивом шла мысль о том, как важно не то, что о тебе думают другие, но то, какого ты сам о себе мнения. Во втором фильме она, судя по всему, будет ставиться под сомнение, когда Ральф и фон Кекс попадут во всемирную сеть, где гонка за лайком возводится в цель жизни, а графа «комментарии» может покалечить даже самую здоровую самооценку.

Когда мы начали думать о том, как показать интернет в мультфильме, мы тут же приняли решение, что мы не можем говорить только о его положительных качествах, мы ответственны и за то, чтобы указать на его недостатки

Рич Мур

Режиссер «Ральфа против интернета»

Чтобы снять «Моану», команда «Диснея» отправлялась в южные части Тихого океана, чтобы снять «Холодное сердце» — в Норвегию, ну а для того, чтобы воссоздать интернет и его «темную сторону», команда «Ральфа» не только отсмотрела миллионы мемов, тысячи вирусных видео с котиками и прошла сотни тестов на BuzzFeed, но и совершила несколько вылазок — чуть ли не в первый день они поехали в центр Лос-Анджелеса. Именно здесь расположено здание One Wilshire, где хранится весь интернет Северной Америки. Это здание буквально росло со временем — сегодня здесь есть кабели, которые ведут чуть ли не к крыше, но никто из сотрудников не знает, зачем они и с чем соединены, и потому их боятся отсоединять.

В мультипликационном интернете появятся и знакомые компании (Google, Snapchat, eBay), и гибриды известных компаний — к примеру, BuzzTube, как и следует из названия — гибрид BuzzFeed и YouTube. В мультфильме этот сервис представляет собой огромную комнату цилиндрической формы, увешанную мониторами, на которых играют видео — каждое из которых должно быть создано и анимировано отдельно. А для того чтобы показать то, как выглядит eBay изнутри, создатели фильма пригласили Брайана Керлесса — абсолютного чемпиона в аукционном деле, его скорость речи не имеет равных (можно послушать здесь).

Кларк Спенсер - Аватар

Кларк Спенсер

Продюсер «Ральфа против интернета»

«Шесть лет назад мы просто не могли снять мир интернета. В одном кадре у нас должен быть сразу миллион персонажей, сотни зданий — отрисовать это в 2012 году было бы невозможно! Помню, когда мы снимали «Болта» и нам нужно было сделать сцену с Нью-Йорком, дико волновались — как мы это сделаем?! Ведь там столько людей! В итоге мы договорились, что будем снимать это так, словно все происходит на рассвете, в 5 утра и улицы города пусты. С интернетом такой трюк бы не сработал — в интернете даже в три утра кипит жизнь».

Так пространство интернета выглядит в «Ральфе-2»

Но, как оказалось, не создание интернета стало причиной головной боли для художников и арт-директоров фильма, а шевелюра тех самых 14 диснеевских принцесс. Волосы, как и огонь, — ночной кошмар всех мультипликаторов без исключения, именно их создание и воссоздание естественного движения занимает больше всего времени. Супервайзер фильма Эрни Петти так вспоминает об этом: «Помню, когда мы увидели сценарий и наброски к первому «Ральфу», мы все выдохнули с облегчением — тут же обратили внимание на то, что у Ральфа волосы короткие, а у Ванилопы хвостик! Но мы рано радовались — в сиквеле нам пришлось поработать со всеми принцессам Диснея — Моаной, Рапунцель и Ариэль, героинями с невероятно густыми волосами. Можете представить, сколько возни с их локонами?!» Больше всего времени ушло на принцессу Аврору, как оказалось, у нее самые графичные локоны — в далеком 1959 году мультипликаторам «Спящей красавицы» удавалось обманывать зрителей, переворачивая картинки с ее волосами, но в мультфильме в 3D этот трюк провернуть не удалось — пришлось отрисовывать каждый завиток.

Создатели фильма переживали о том, как сам офис «Диснея» отнесется к идее не только вернуть принцесс на экран, но и подарить им не самые традиционные реплики. «Мне пришло письмо от моей подруги — Элизы Алиберти, продкашен-менеджера «Моаны», она попросила, чтобы у нашей фон Кекс не было двух вещей — любовного интереса и смерти матери», — вспоминает Памела Рибон, сценарист фильма «Ральф против интернета». Действительно, в «Ральфе» поднимаются на смех стереотипы, связанные с принцессами, — будь то тот факт, что почти все они чуть ли не сироты, многих похищали, многих спасали мужчины — те появлялись из ниоткуда, и все проблемы тут же разрешались сами собой. Размышляя об этом, продюсер «Ральфа-2» Кларк Спенсер, провожая нас, заметил: «Мы подумали, почему бы не пошутить за наш собственный счет? Другие это делают, а у нас получится даже лучше!»

Ральф против интернета: всё, что нужно знать, интересные факты

Диснеевская анимационная видеоигра 2012 года, Wreck-It Ralph, дразнила поклонников перспективным продолжением мультфильма в течение нескольких лет. Первый фильм привёл нас в мир, который существует внутри наших любимых видеоигр. Теперь всё гораздо интереснее. Команда фактически начала работать над сиквелом ещё в 2014 году. Продолжение, как следует из названия, расширяет мир и берёт на себя весь интернет. С таким большим размахом может произойти почти всё, что угодно! 

Итак, Walt Disney Studios представляет! Ральф против интернета!

Сейчас 21 век. Есть три вещи, без которых мы не можем жить. Это еда, вода, воздух… и интернет.

Конечно, Ральф из игры, которой уже больше 30 лет, вероятно, не будет даже догадываться, с чего начать при навигации по сети.

Когда мы возвращаемся в маленькую аркаду Ральфа и Ванилопы, Ральф разрушает здания, Ванилопа участвует в гонках, и всё идеально. Хозяин игрового клуба, мистер Литвик, подключает Wi-Fi. В этот же день ребёнок, играющий в Sugar Rush, случайно разбивает рулевое колесо в игре, и мистер Литвик думает, что пришло время отпустить такую старую игру, потому что он не может просто заказать новое рулевое колесо от производителя (который закрылся много лет назад). Он решает, что ему просто нужно отключить игру и продать её на запчасти, оставив Ванилопу бездомной, без её игры.

Ральф не может видеть своего друга несчастным и решает, что им нужно зайти в интернет через Wi-Fi, найти руль на eBay и заказать его, чтобы спасти игру Ванилопы. И когда они это делают, интернет оказывается немного больше, чем они когда-либо себе представляли…

И теперь Ральф ломает интернет: Wreck-It Ralph 2, как следует из названия, покажет, что бывший злодейский персонаж расширяет свои горизонты в цифровой матрице за пределы своей аркадной игры, направляясь в интернет. Конечно, его компаньон с комплексным набором глюков, Ванилопа, присоединится к нему в этом путешествии по Wi-Fi. Старые знакомые появляются здесь наряду с новичками. Мы видим свирепый и весёлый экипаж гонщиков из онлайн гоночной игры Slaughter Race. Также новым в списке персонажей является Double Dan, владелец аптеки. А ещё — целая компания диснеевских принцесс!

Дисней пошел ва-банк и представил в фильме всех оригинальных принцесс: они объединяются, мы видим всех сразу, и от этого просто захватывает дух!

  • Ральф в Майшоп

Если вы не совсем любите сказки, возможно, вас удивят Star Wars и Marvel? Да, это самое эпическое воссоединение всех времён. C-3PO, R2-D2 и Йода из Star Wars, а также Железный человек и Гамора из Marvel Comics также являются частью фильма!

Disney, Marvel и Lucasfilm — всё сразу! Разные герои из разных кинокомпаний взаимодействуют друг с другом.

Говоря о новых персонажах… интернет полон двух типов пользователей: Net Users и Netizens. Net Users в основном похожи на цифровые аватары людей, использующих интернет, а Netizens — это люди, живущие интернетом, которые помогают обслуживать Net Users. Например, если бы вы сидели дома за компьютером и что-то гуглили, вы были бы новым пользователем (Net Users), а люди, работающие в Google, которые искали бы ваш ответ и анализировали выдачу — это Netizens. Эта идея является умопомрачительной и завораживающей — поместить такой удивительный образ в то, что мы делаем каждый день. Интернет — это огромная нематериальная вещь, но каким-то образом Дисней создали его визуальную версию. Они изучили мили и мили проводов и использовали это как вдохновение для дизайна интернета, который мы видим в фильме.

Команда, создающая фильм, прекрасно понимает, что интернет может быть как прекрасным, так и не очень прекрасным местом. Это не 100% хорошо или 100% плохо. И этот вопрос в фильме тоже затрагивается. Интернет может быть невероятно болезненным местом, когда люди прячутся за своими экранами и говорят всё, что хотят. Люди иногда не понимают, что человек, которого они высмеивают или критикуют, тоже человек с настоящими чувствами…

Итак, сюжет…

Как мы уже сказали, ломается руль в Sugar Rush. К сожалению, игра достаточно старая, и замены уже не производят (хотя на eBay есть замена всего за 100 долларов), но игра не так популярна, чтобы на это раскошеливаться. Ванилопа впадает в глубокую депрессию.

Примерно в это время в здании появляется Wi-Fi, и это позволяет Ральфу и Ванилопе войти в интернет, чтобы зайти на eBay и заказать руль для замены. Наши герои обнаруживают аукцион на eBay, но они неправильно понимают, как работают аукционы, и в конечном итоге должны отдать гораздо больше, чем просто сто долларов. Они должны выяснить, как заработать деньги в интернете, и это приводит к двум сценариям.

Во-первых, они идут в Grand Theft Auto, тип онлайн-игры, где Ванилопе нужно украсть редкий и ценный автомобиль. Это вызывает противоречие с владелицей по имени Шэнк, которая выступает как антагонист, но в то же время чрезвычайно впечатлена навыками Ванилопы. С другой стороны, Ванилопа влюбляется в гоночную игру без реального трека.

Поскольку Yesss является частью цифрового мира, а не реальным человеком, её волосы и одежда часто меняются, а её куртка состоит из тысяч волоконных объектов.

Между тем, Ральф работает с Yesss, субъектом, который связан с модной поп-культурой (она — персонаж с синими волосами, имеет одежду, сделанную из волоконной оптики, покровительница всего крутого, модного, современного), и помогает ей стать сенсацией YouTube, но её успех стоит дорого. Yesss — это алгоритм, который также является редактором Buzzaholic. Но Ральф натыкается на Twitter и негативные комментарии на его видео, что разрушает его уверенность в себе.

В целом, это занимательное, восхитительное и трогательное продолжение. Оба главных героя растут как персонажи.

В центре этого фильма, как и в первом, — отношения Ральфа и Ванилопы, двух некогда отверженных, которые друг в друге нашли настоящую дружбу.

Ладно, хватит разговоров.

Вы уже это видели?

Если ещё нет, срочно бегите смотреть!

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