Сценарий робин гуд на английском языке

Данный сценарий может быть использован для работы кружка, а также во внеурочной деятельности на английском языке.

«Robin Hood»

спектакль на английском языке

Действующие лица:

Robin Hood
7 Peasants
Gay Gisbourne
5 knights.

Act one.

Scene one. На площади:

Крестьяне танцуют с овощами.

1-st peasant: Sheriff is hunting in the forest.
2-nd peasant: For a bear or for a deer? 
3-d peasant: He is hunting for Robin Hood.
4-th peasant: It’s Robin Hood’s horn.
5-th peasant: If they catch him it will be bad for poor people.
6-th peasant: Robin Hood gives everything to peasants.
7-th peasant: He hides in the grass in his green cloak.
(Выходит Робин Гуд в зелёном плаще вместе с Джоном.)
1-st peasant: Look! It’s Robin Hood here!
(Крестьяне уходят, выходит Гай Гисбор.)

Scene two.

Gay Gisbourne: Is sheriff Nottingham’s castle far from here?
John: His castle is in the other side of the forest.
Robin Hood: Who are you?
Gay Gisbourne: I am the servant of my King the Lion-Heart.
Robin Hood: And I’m Sheriff’s chief.
Gay Gisbourne: I must catch Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest.
Robin Hood: Oh, you are in great danger.
Gay Gisbourne: Danger?
Robin Hood: You see, the forest is dark and mysterious. Robin Hood is the king in the forest.
John: Robin Hood says:” If I meet Knight Gay Gisbourne, I’ll hang him or boil him in the pot. (Надсмехается.)
Gay Gisbourne: What? (Боится.)
Robin Hood: Your clothes are very bright. John, give him my cloak. And I’ll give you my horn.
(The horn sounds.)
Gay Gisbourne: What’s this? 
Robin Hood: We must be ready for attack. Hurry up! (вытаскивает лук)
(Робин Гуд убегает, остаются Гай Гисбор и Джон. Выбегают рыцари и начальник. Крики.)

Scene three.  Рыцари.

Knight 1: He is here.
Knight 2: Look! It’s a green cloak.
Knight 3: Here he is!
Knight 4: It’s Robin Hood!
Knight 5: It is Robin Hood’s horn.
Chief: Take him to prison
(Забирают Гая Гисбора и Джона. Выходит Робин Гуд.)
Robin Hood: John! John! Poor, John. Don’t worry. Robin Hood is free.
Уходит (музыка).

Act two.

Scene one.

В замке. Сессил вышивает, поёт песню. 

I like you, I like you,
I really like you.
I like you, I like you,
I really do.

I like you, I like you,
I really like you.
I like you, I like you,
I really do.

If you like me too,
Please let me know,
If you don’t, then please
Tell me so.

I like you, I like you,
I really like you.
I like you, I like you,
I really do.

Servant: Lady! Look! The theatre is in our town. Would you like to watch the show?
Sessil: With great pleasure

Бродячий театр. Актёры.

1st artist:

I am a new moon.
I am silver.
I can shine.
And who are you?

2nd artist:

I am a lady-bird.
I am little.
I can fly.
And who are you?

3d artist:

I am a little girl.
I can sing well.
And who are you?

4th artist:

I am a clown.
I am funny.
I can jump and make fun.
And who are you?

5th artist:

I am a princess.
My name is swallow.
I can fly.
And who are you?

6th artist:

I am a bear.
I like honey.
I can climb.
And who are you?

7th artist:

I am a magician.
I am clever.
I can count 1 2 3 4 5.
And who are you?

8th artist:

I am a pretty girl.
I am from the East.
I can dance.
And who are you?

9th artist:

I am a little bug.
I am nice.
I can fly.
And who are you?

10th artist:

I am a cock.
I am bright.
I can sing.

Scene two

Servant: Lady! Robin Hood is caught! 
Sessil: Oh, Robin. He saved me from the bear one day. It’s his arrow.

Clorinda: The knights are so brave and smart. 
Sessil: No, they are stupid and ugly.
Clorinda: You are a stupid girl.

Scene three.

(Входит шериф и Гай Гисбор (переодетый Робин Гуд).)

Sheriff: What’s this?
Clorinda: Hang Robin Hood at once!
Sessil: Don’t hang Robin Hood, please!
Clorinda: Hang! Hang! Hang him!
Sheriff: Girls! It’s our guest. Gay Gisbourne, the king’s knight. My daughters Clorinda and Sessil.
Clorinda: Nice to meet you.
Sessil: Nice to meet you.
Robin Hood: Sheriff, I have a letter of my king, Richard the Lion-Heart. He orders to catch the famous robber Robin Hood!
Sheriff: He is in prison.
Robin Hood: Great! I’ll be happy to tell it to my king.
Sheriff:  Would you like to have dinner with me and my daughters, brave knight? And would you like to watch the knightly tourney?
Robin Hood: With pleasure.

Рыцарский турнир. Полонез. Танец на лошадях. Девочки с шалями.

Act Three.

Scene One.

Robin Hood: Why aren’t you with the guests?
Sessil: I am very sorry when somebody is caught.
Robin Hood: It is strange for the sheriff’s daughter. What’s the matter?
Sessil: Save the robbers.
Robin Hood: What?
Sessil: Please ask my father not to hang them. One day a robber saved my life.
Robin Hood: Really?

Сессил показывает стрелу.

Scene Two.

(Робин гуд пишет письмо. Разбойник Вили крадётся, осматривается.)

Willy: I am here, ataman.
Robin Hood: Did anybody notice you?
Willy: Nobody.
Robin Hood: Take this envelope. Run to prison and give it to the chief. Tell him that this letter is from Gay Gisbourne. Do you understand?
Willy: Yes, I do. I must run to prison and give this letter to the chief.
Robin Hood: Hurry up!

Scene Three.

(Робин гуд возвращается к шерифу с дочерьми.)

Robin Hood: I must leave your castle. I must go to London. I can’t tell you why. It is a secret. It’s my King’s order.
Sheriff: Goodbye!
Sessil: Goodbye!
Clorinda: Goodbye!

Танец “Тарантелла”

Scene four    Собирается народ.

Gay Gisbourne: I will complain to the king. Noble knights! Save me please.
Sheriff: Robin Hood.
Teerwood: Gay Gisbourne.
Sheriff: What?
Gay Gisbourne: He put me to prison.
Sheriff: But who was that knight by the gates?
Sessil: Robin Hood.
Sheriff: Robin Hood?!

(Музыка. Все выходят. Финальная песня. )

Have a good day,
Make it worthwhile,
Go out and laugh,
Go out and sing,
Go out and smile.
Go out and do,
All you should.
Go out and do something good.

Have a good day
Go out and live,
Go out and work,
Go out and love,
Go out and give.
And when you do,
Then you can say,
You’ve had a fine,
You’ve had a great,
You’ve had a good day.

The end

Есть в нашей школе замечательная традиция – отмечать день рождения школы.
Ученики начальных классов дарят свой подарок – спектакль. Результатом
творческого проекта этого года стал спектакль на английском языке – “Робин Гуд”.
В проекте приняли участие ученики с первого по четвёртый класс. Все хотели
поздравить свою любимую школу. А мы, учителя, с удовольствием возглавили этот
проект. Режиссёр – постановщик: Никитина Л.А., авторы сценария: Дементьева Е.М.,
Ермаченко О.В., Лабудович А.В., балетмейстер: Шляхова М.В., художественное
оформление: Атамалян Т.И., Техническое оформление: Привалов В.С., Кирякина Н.Г.,
Бармин М.В., компьютерный дизайн: Кривицкая О.Ю.

Цели нашего проекта: формирование навыков работы в команде,
приобретение навыков самостоятельной исследовательской деятельности, включение
каждого ученика в языковую среду, оценка каждым родителем результатов
деятельности своего ребёнка.

Задачи проекта: сформировать произносительные навыки по теме,
стимулировать интерес к иноязычной культуре.

Ход проекта.

  1. Выбор произведения.
  2. Знакомство с произведением (просмотр кинофильма “Робин Гуд”).
  3. Самостоятельный сбор информации о Робин Гуде. Доклады учеников.
  4. Написание сценария.
  5. Распределение ролей.
  6. Подбор музыкального сопровождения и песен.
  7. Постановка танцев.
  8. Разучивание текста.
  9. Оформление декораций.
  10. Подбор и изготовление костюмов.
  11. Оформление афиши, программок и пригласительных билетов.
  12. Выступление перед родителями и работниками школы.

Как легко писать на бумаге, и как трудно было все это реализовать. Но
результат превзошёл все наши ожидания. Признание публики, овации и море
положительных эмоций. Выступать юным актёрам так понравилось, что они с
удовольствием приняли приглашение участвовать в театральном фестивале “Rainbow”
в другой школе.

Robin Hood

Действующие лица:

Gay Gisbourne.
Robin Hood.

Act one.

Scene one.

На площади:

2 класс (крестьяне) Танец с овощами.
1-st peasant: Sheriff is hunting in the forest.
2-nd peasant: For a bear or for a deer?
3-d peasant: He is hunting for Robin Hood.
4-th peasant: It’s Robin Hood’s horn.
5-th peasant: If he is caught it will be bad for poor people.
6-th peasant: Robin Hood gives everything to peasant.
7-th peasant: He hides in the grass in his green raincoat.
(Выходит Робин Гуд в зелёном плаще вместе с Джоном.)
1-st peasant: Look! It’s Robin Hood here!
(Крестьяне уходят, выходит Гай Гисбор.)

Scene two.

4-й класс.

Gay Gisbourne: Is sheriff Nottingham’s castle far from here?
John: His castle is in the other side of the forest.
Robin Hood: Who are you?
Gay Gisbourne: I am a servant of my King the Lion-Heart.
Robin Hood: And I’m Sheriff’s chief.
Gay Gisbourne: I’m sent to catch Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest.
Robin Hood: Oh, you are in great danger.
Gay Gisbourne: Danger?
Robin Hood: You see, the forest is dark and mysterious. Robin Hood is the
king in the forest.
John: Robin Hood said:” If I meet Knight Gay Gisbourne, I’ll hang him or
boil him in the pot. (Надсмехается.)
Gay Gisbourne: What? (Боится.)
Robin Hood: Your clothes are very bright. John, give him my raincoat. And
I present you my horn.
(The horn sounds.)
Gay Gisbourne: What’s this?
Robin Hood: We must be ready for attack. Hurry up! (вытаскивает лук)
(Убегает Робин Гуд, остаётся Гай Гисбор и Джон. Выбегают рыцари и начальник.

Scene three.

(Рыцари) 3-й класс.

Knight 1: He is here.
Knight 2: Look! It’s a green raincoat.
Knight 3: Here he is!
Knight 4: It’s Robin Hood!
Knight 5: It is Robin Hood’s horn.
Chief: Take him to prison
(Забирают Гая Гисбора и Джона. Выходит Робин Гуд.)
Robin Hood: John! John! I think he is in captivity! Poor, John. Don’t
worry, Robin Hood is free.
Уходит (музыка).

Act two.

Scene one.

В замке.

(Сессил вышивает, поёт песню. Приложение 1.)

I like you, I like you,
I really like you.
I like you, I like you,
I really do.

I like you, I like you,
I really like you.
I like you, I like you,
I really do.

If you like me too,
Please let me know,
If you don’t, then please
Tell me so.

I like you, I like you,
I really like you.
I like you, I like you,
I really do.

Servant: Lady! Look! The theatre is in our town. Would you like to
watch the show?
Sessil: With great pleasure

Театр (1-й класс).

1st artist:

I am a new moon.
I am silver.
I can swing.
And who are you?

2nd artist:

I am a lady-bird.
I am little.
I can fly.
And who are you?

3d artist:

I am a little girl.
My name is Дюймовочка.
I can sing.
And who are you?

4th artist:

I am a clown.
I am funny.
I can jump.
And who are you?

5th artist:

I am a princess.
My name is swallow.
I can fly.
And who are you?

6th artist:

I am a bear.
I like honey.
I can climb.
And who are you?

7th artist:

I am a magician.
I am clever.
I can count 1 2 3 4 5.
And who are you?

8th artist:

I am a pretty girl.
I am from the East.
I can dance.
And who are you?

9th artist:

I am a little bug.
I am nice.
I can fly.
And who are you?

10th artist:

I am a cock.
I am bright.
I can sing.
Scene two

Servant: Lady! Robin Hood is caught!
Sessil: I think I’ve met Robin Hood. It was in a dark, dark forest. I was
far from my friends. A bear went out and wanted to kill me. Suddenly I saw a man
in a mask and a green raincoat. He saved me and gave me the fragment of his
arrow. I think it was Robin Hood himself. Will he recognize this arrow?

(Входит Клоринда, поёт песню. Приложение 1.)

I like the way that I look,
The things from my parents I took.
I like the way that I
I like the way that I
I like the way that I look.
I like my nose and my face,
I take them with me every place.
I like the way that I
I like the way that I
I like the way that I look.

Clorinda: The knights are so brave and good-looking.
Sessil: No, your knights are stupid and ugly. They are worse then the
Clorinda: Don’t call the knights like this! I’ll tell my father
everything. He will punish you.
Sessil: Telltale! Telltale!
Clorinda: You are a stupid girl.

Scene three.

(Входит папа и Гай Гисбор (переодетый Робин Гуд).)

Sheriff: What’s this?
Clorinda: Hang Robin Hood at once!
Sessil: Don’t hang Robin Hood, please!
Clorinda: Hang! Hang! Hang!
Sheriff: Don’t quarrel, girls! Let me introduce our noble guest. This is
Gay Gisbourne, the king’s knight. These are my daughters Clorinda and Sessil.
Clorinda: Nice to meet you.
Sessil: I think you are glad that the roads are safe and you visit us.
Robin Hood: Sheriff, here is the letter of my king, Richard the
Lion-Heart. He ordered to catch the famous robber Robin Hood!
Sheriff: He is caught and he is in prison.
Robin Hood: Great! I’ll be happy to tell it to the king.
Sheriff: It was difficult. Would you like to have dinner with me and my
daughters, brave knight? And would you like to watch the knightly tourney?
Robin Hood: With pleasure.

Рыцарский турнир – 3-й класс.


Танец на лошадях. Девочки с шалями.

Act Three.

Scene One.

Robin Hood: Why aren’t you with the guests?
Sessil: I am very sorry when somebody is caught.
Robin Hood: It is strange for the sheriff’s daughter. What’s the matter?
Sessil: Save the robbers.
Robin Hood: What?
Sessil: Please ask my father not to hang them. One day a robber saved my
Robin Hood: Really?

Сессил показывает стрелу.

Scene Two.

(Робин гуд пишет письмо. Разбойник Вили крадётся, осматривается.)

Willy: I am here, ataman.
Robin Hood: Did anybody notice you?
Willy: Nobody.
Robin Hood: Take this envelope. Run to prison and give it to the chief.
Tell him that this letter is from Gay Gisbourne. Do you understand?
Willy: Yes, I do. I must run to prison and give this letter to the chief.
Robin Hood: Hurry up!

Scene Three.

(Робин гуд возвращается к шерифу с дочерьми.)

Robin Hood: I must leave your castle. The king ordered me to go to
London. I can’t tell you why. It is a secret.
Sheriff: Goodbye!
Sessil: Goodbye!
Clorinda: Goodbye!

Танец “Тарантелла” – 5-й класс.

Scene Four.

Chief: Sir Teerwood wants to see Gay Gisbourne.
Sheriff: I think he met him. Let him come in.
Chief: Robin Hood doesn’t want to go. He says that he is not Robin.
Sheriff: What?
Chief: Then I let all prisoners go away.
Sheriff: What prisoners?
Chief: According to your order.
Sheriff: Are you healthy?
Chief: Only Robin Hood doesn’t want to go away.
Sheriff: What about Little John?
Chief: He was the first.
Sheriff: What did you do?
Chief: Here is your order.
Sheriff: What? “Let all prisoners go away…”

Scene Five.

Teerwood: Nottingham! A man by the gate said that Gay Gisbourne is in
your prison and you are going to hang him.
Sheriff: It isn’t true.
Teerwood: The knights can’t lie.
Sheriff: But it was Gay Gisbourne by the gate.
Teerwood: I know Gay. It wasn’t him.

Scene Six.

Собирается народ.

Gay Gisbourne: I will complain to the king. Noble knights! Save me
Sheriff: Robin Hood.
Teerwood: Gay Gisbourne.
Sheriff: What?
Gay Gisbourne: He put me to prison.
Sheriff: But who was that knight by the gates?
Sessil: It was Robin Hood.
Sheriff: Robin Hood?!

(Музыка. Все выходят. Финальная песня. Приложение 1.)

Have a good day,
Make it worthwhile,
Go out and laugh,
Go out and sing,
Go out and smile.
Go out and do,
All you should.
Go out and do something good.
Have a good day
Go out and live,
Go out and work,
Go out and love,
Go out and give.
And when you do,
Then you can say,
You’ve had a fine,
You’ve had a great,
You’ve had a good day.

Приложение 2.

Используемая литература:

  1. М.А. Сухоросова, А.А. Сухоросова, И.Н. Павленко, Н.Н.Федотова
    “Сценарии школьных праздников на английском языке” “Астрель” Москва 2003.
  2. Е.Б. Спасская “Уроки английского языка” “Каро” Санкт-Петербург

  В сценарий необходимо добавить песни, танцы.

Полную версию сценария с презентацией можно посмотреть на сайте


                                 ROBIN HOOD





Robin Hood

Maid Marian

Will Stutely, Little John, Will Scarlet, Much the Miller’s son, Allan a Dale, Friar Tuck

The Sheriff

The Abbot of St Mary’s

3 Archers

Sir Richard of Lea

Scene 1

Author: Robin set off on foot for Nottingham with his longbow and arrows. It was a fine morning in June. The fields were green and the sky was blue. Robin was young and strong and he felt that the world was new. He sang as he walked along the road.

Soon he entered  Sherwood Forest. Sherwood was a very large and old forest.

The forester: Where are you going, boy?

Robin: I’m going to Nottingham. I’m going to compete in the archery contest.

The forester:Ha, ha, ha. And what will you shoot with, little boy- a cheap bow and some old arrows?

Robin:My bow is as good as yours. And I can shoot farther and straighter than you.

The F:Can you shoot one of those deer over there?

Author:It was very hard to see the animals. They were partly hidden in the trees. Robin took his bow and took careful aim. The largest of the deer fell to the ground.

The F:He has killed one of the deer! You will be punished for this. The Sheriff of Nottingham is my cousin and I will take you to him.

R: Let me pass!

(ran into the trees)

R:I wish that forester had never spoken to me. But what was done was done. Now I’m an outlaw. I couldn’t return to my home. I couldn’t see my father or Maid Marian again.

(felt asleep as he was tired)

Scene 2


Maid Marian:Robin, you are my love (sing a LOVE song)

Robin:Marian, I will return and marry you.

Scene 3

Will Stutely, Little John, Will Scarlet,Much the Miller’s son, Allan a Dale, Friar Tuck(come out on the stage and dance and fight with Robin):

Who are you?

R:I’m Robin. I’m an outlaw. I would like to take part in the archery contest and get money then to marry Maid Marian and get some land and be a knight like my grandfather was. The Sheriff had taken the land because my grandfather couldn’t pay the Sheriff’s high taxes.

Will and others:

We don’t love the Sheriff either.

We don’t love the men who collect taxes from the common people.

Let’s join and steal the tax money from the Abbot of St Mary’s. He’s going to bring taxes to the Sheriff.

R: A good idea! We’ll welcome him and have a revenge.

(run away)

Scene 4

The Sheriff and The Abbot of St Mary’s

The Sh: I will give one hundred golden crowns to the men who brings me Robin Hood – dead or alive.

The Abbot:I will catch Robin Hood and his outlaws when they’ll attack us in the Sherwood Forest.

The Sh: I promise that I’ll hang him. I’ll hold an archery festival and Robin Hood will come because he’s a good archer.

Scene 5

BLOWING THE HORNS- the festival, the festival(глашатаи)

The Sh:Watch out for Robin Hood. I am sure he will come to the contest. But it will be a trap for him.

The archers(3): shoot the arrows, Robin in the centre, the people from Nottingham on both sides of the stage cry: hooray!

The Sh: (to Robin) You are a strange-looking man. What’s your name?

R: I’m Jack of Lincoln.

The Sh: Come forward. I need archers and I invite you to join my army.What do you say about it?

R: I say no, sir. For I’m my own man. I have no need of a lord or a master.

The Sh: You are a very rude begger. But you are the champion. Here is your prize. Get out of Nottingham.


The abbot: (read the note) We eat and drink in Sherwood, for today the Sheriff gave a golden prize away.   Robin Hood – the begger.

The Sh: (is screaming angrily)

Scene 6

The Abbot and his men are walking through the forest with bags of crowns. Robin and his outlaws rush into and they start fighting.

Sir Richard of Lea:

(comes  out )

Sir R: Stop fighting.

The abbot(The Sheriff is coming, both of them stand on their knees): My Lord, we are trying to kill the outlaws

Sir R: I shall dicide who is an outlaw and who is not. Now stop fighting. What is your name?

(all the soldiers drop the swords.)

R: I’m Robin Hood. Have you heard of me?

Sir R: I have heard of you. I am going to let you and your men go. You are all free to return to your towns and villages. You, Robin Hood, will become a knight. You will be called Sir Robin of Locksley.

(Maid Marian is coming, everyone sings a final song)

Robin Hood
                                Действующие лица:
Peasants                                                             Servant
Gay Gisbourne                                                   Clorinda                                                    
John                                                                    Sheriff 
Robin Hood                                                        Willy
Knights                                                               Teerwood
Chief                                                                   Artists
Act one
Scene one
На площади
2 класс (крестьяне) Танец с овощами.
1st peasant: Sheriff is hunting in the forest.
2nd peasant: For a bear or for a deer? 
3d peasant: He is hunting for Robin Hood.
4th peasant: It’s Robin Hood’s horn.
5th peasant: If he is caught it will be bad for poor people.
6th peasant: Robin Hood gives everything to peasant.
7th peasant: He hides in the grass in his green raincoat.
(Выходит Робин Гуд в зелёном плаще вместе с Джоном.)
1 peasant: Look! It’s Robin Hood here!
(Крестьяне уходят, выходит Гай Гисбор.)
Scene two
4 класс
Gay Gisbourne: Is sheriff Nottingham’s castle far from here?
John: His castle is in the other side of the forest.
Robin Hood: Who are you?
Gay Gisbourne: I am a servant of my King the Lion­Heart.
Robin Hood: And I’m Sheriff’s chief.
Gay Gisbourne: I’m sent to catch Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest.
Robin Hood: Oh, you are in great danger.
Gay Gisbourne: Danger?
Robin Hood: You see, the forest is dark and mysterious. Robin Hood is the king in the forest.
John: Robin Hood said:” If I meet Knight Gay Gisbourne, I’ll hang him or boil him in the pot. 
Gay Gisbourne: What? (Боится)
Robin Hood: Your clothes are very bright. John, give him my raincoat. And I present
you my horn.
The horn sounds.
Gay Gisbourne: What’s this? 
1 Robin Hood: We must be ready for attack. Hurry up! (вытаскивает лук)
(Убегает Робин Гуд, остаётся Гай Гисбор и Джон. Выбегают рыцари и начальник. Крики.)
Scene three
(Рыцари) 3 класс
Knight 1: He is here.
Knight 2: Look! It’s a green raincoat.
Knight 3: Here he is!
Knight 4: It’s Robin Hood!
Knight 5: It is Robin Hood’s horn.
Chief: Take him to prison
(Забирают Гая Гисбора и Джона. Выходит Робин Гуд.)
Robin Hood: John! John! I think he is in captivity! Poor, John. Don’t worry, Robin Hood is free.
Уходит (музыка)
Act two
Scene one
В замке.
(Сессил вышивает, поёт песню)
I like you, I like you,
I really like you.
I like you, I like you,
I really do.
I like you, I like you,
I really like you.
I like you, I like you,
I really do.
If you like me too,
Please let me know,
If you don’t, then please
Tell me so.
I like you, I like you,
I really like you.
I like you, I like you,
I really do.
Servant: Lady! Look! The theatre is in our town. Would you like to watch the show?
Sessil: With great pleasure 
Театр(1 класс)
1st artist:     I am a new moon.
                   I am silver.
                   I can swing.
2 And who are you?
2nd artist:   I am a lady­bird.
                   I am little.
                   I can fly.
                  And who are you?
3d artist:   I am a little girl.
                 My name is Дюймовочка.
                 I can sing.
                 And who are you?
4th artist:   I am a clown.
                 I am funny.
                 I can jump.
                 And who are you?
5th artist:   I am a princess.
                 My name is swallow.
                 I can fly.
                 And who are you?
6th artist:   I am a bear.
                 I like honey.
                 I can climb.
                 And who are you?
7th artist:   I am a magician.
                 I am clever.
                 I can count 1 2 3 4 5.
                 And who are you?
8th artist:    I am a pretty girl.
                  I am from the East.
                  I can dance.
                  And who are you?
9th artist:    I am a little bug.
                  I am nice.
                  I can fly.
                  And who are you?
10th artist:  I am a cock.
                  I am bright.
                  I can sing.
Scene two
Servant: Lady! Robin Hood is caught!
Sessil: I think I’ve met Robin Hood. It was in a dark, dark forest. I was far from my friends. A 
bear went out and wanted to kill me. Suddenly I saw a man in a mask and a green raincoat. He 
saved me and gave me the fragment of his arrow. I think it was Robin Hood himself. Will he 
recognize this arrow?
(Входит Клоринда, поёт песню)
I like the way that I look,
3 The things from my parents I took.
I like the way that I
I like the way that I
I like the way that I look.
I like my nose and my face,
I take them with me every place.
I like the way that I
I like the way that I
I like the way that I look.
Clorinda: The knights are so brave and good­looking. 
Sessil: No, your knights are stupid and ugly. They are worse then the robbers. 
Clorinda: Don’t call the knights like this! I’ll tell my father everything. He will punish you.
Sessil: Telltale! Telltale!
Clorinda: You are a stupid girl.
Scene three
(Входит папа и Гай Гисбор (переодетый Робин Гуд)
Sheriff: What’s this?
Clorinda: Hang Robin Hood at once!
Sessil: Don’t hang Robin Hood, please!
Clorinda: Hang! Hang! Hang!
Sheriff: Don’t quarrel, girls! Let me introduce our noble guest. This is Gay Gisbourne, the king’s
knight. These are my daughters Clorinda and Sessil.
Clorinda: Nice to meet you.
Sessil: I think you are glad that the roads are safe and you visit us.
Robin Hood: Sheriff, here is the letter of my king, Richard the Lion­Heart. He ordered to catch 
the famous robber Robin Hood!
Sheriff: He is caught and he is in prison.
Robin Hood: Great! I’ll be happy to tell it to the king.
Sheriff: It was difficult. Would you like to have dinner with me and my daughters, brave knight? 
And would you like to watch the knightly tourney?
Robin Hood: With pleasure. 
Рыцарский турнир – 3 класс.
Танец на лошадях. Девочки с шалями.
Act Three
Scene One
Robin Hood: Why aren’t you with the guests?
Sessil: I am very sorry when somebody is caught.
Robin Hood: It is strange for the sheriff’s daughter. What’s the matter?
Sessil: Save the robbers.
Robin Hood: What?
4 Sessil: Please ask my father not to hang them. One day a robber saved my life.
Robin Hood: Really?
Сессил показывает стрелу.
Scene Two
(Робин гуд пишет письмо. Разбойник Вили крадётся, осматривается.)
Willy: I am here, ataman.
Robin Hood: Did anybody notice you?
Willy: Nobody.
Robin Hood: Take this envelope. Run to prison and give it to the chief. Tell him that this letter is
from Gay Gisbourne. Do you understand?
Willy: Yes, I do. I must run to prison and give this letter to the chief.
Robin Hood.: Hurry up!
Scene Three
(Робин гуд возвращается к шерифу с дочерьми.)
Robin Hood: I must leave your castle. The king ordered me to go to London. I can’t tell you 
why. It is a secret.
Sheriff: Goodbye!
Sessil: Goodbye!
Clorinda: Goodbye!
Танец «Тарантелла»­5 класс.
Scene Four
Chief: Sir Teerwood wants to see Gay Gisbourne.
Sheriff: I think he met him. Let him come in.
Chief: Robin Hood doesn’t want to go. He says that he is not Robin.
Sheriff: What?
Chief: Then I let all prisoners go away.
Sheriff: What prisoners?
Chief: According to your order.
Sheriff: Are you healthy?
Chief: Only Robin Hood doesn’t want to go away.
Sheriff: What about Little John?
Chief: He was the first.
Sheriff: What did you do?
Chief: Here is your order.
Sheriff: What? “Let all prisoners go away…”
Scene Five
Teerwood: Nottingham! A man by the gate said that Gay Gisbourne is in your prison and you are
going to hang him.
Sheriff: It isn’t true.
5 Teerwood: The knights can’t lie.
Sheriff: But it was Gay Gisbourne by the gate.
Teerwood: I know Gay. It wasn’t him.
Scene Six
Собирается народ.
Gay Gisbourne: I will complain to the king. Noble knights! Save me please.
Sheriff: Robin Hood.
Teerwood: Gay Gisbourne.
Sheriff: What?
Gay Gisbourne: He put me to prison.
Sheriff: But who was that knight by the gates?
Sessil: It was Robin Hood.
Sheriff: Robin Hood?!
(Музыка. Все выходят. Финальная песня)
Have a good day,
Make it worthwhile,
Go out and laugh,
Go out and sing,
Go out and smile.
Go out and do,
All you should.
Go out and do something good.
Have a good day
Go out and live,
Go out and work,
Go out and love,
Go out and give.
And when you do,
Then you can say,
You’ve had a fine,
You’ve had a great,
You’ve had a good day.
Используемая литература:
1.М.А. Сухоросова
   А.А. Сухоросова
   И.Н. Павленко
«Сценарии школьных праздников на английском языке»
«Астрель» Москва 2003
2.Е.Б. Спасская
«Уроки английского языка»
6 «Каро» Санкт­Петербург 2000

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домашнего чтения с постановкой сцен по книге «Легенды о Робин Гуде»

(Издательство «Айрис-пресс, 2010г)

Материал подготовлен для учеников 6 класса.

Цель – развитие речевых навыков и ознакомление учащихся с лучшими образцами английской литературы.

Межпредметные связи — на основе материала книги дети изучают исторический материал в живой, игровой форме.

Ожидаемые результаты – повышение интереса учащихся к чтению на английском языке.

Организация и проведение:

  • 1 Этап – чтение текстов, ответы на вопросы учителя.
  • 2 Этап – учитель пишет сценарии некоторых эпизодов и распределяет роли. Ученики готовят декорации и подбирают музыкальное оформление.
  • 3 Этап – репетиции и выступления перед учениками школы и родителями.

Сценки для представления, условные обозначения:

№ 1 – narrator 1

№ 2 — narrator 2

R.N – Robin Hood

A.D – Allan-a-Dale

L.J – Little John

Сцена № 1:


Nr1 – Robin Hood was the captain of the band of Merry Men. Next to him came Little John.

Nr2 – Robin loved Little John best of all his friends. Yet, the first time they met, they fought awfully.

Nr1 – This morning Robin took his bow and arrows and went to the forest. He came to a wide and deep river. It was crossed by a narrow bridge.

Nr2 – If two people tried to pass each other on it, one would certainly fall into the water.

Nr1 – Robin began to cross the bridge and noticed a tall man.

R.H. – Go back and wait!

L.J. – I have as good a right to the bridge as you. You can go back till I get across!

R.H. — If you don’t go back, I’ll shoot!

L.J. – You are standing with your bow and arrow when I have only a stick! You talk like a coward!

R.H. – You are a big bully! Wait until I get a stick!

Nr2 – Robin Hood saw that the stranger was much stronger than himself. That did not frighten Robin. He was fond of fighting.

L.J. – All right, I’m not afraid!

Nr1 — Bang, smash, crack, bang — they went at each other. Their blows fell fast.

Nr2 – The stranger felt he could not stand it much longer. With all his strength he sent Robin right into the river.

Nr1 – Head over heels he went and disappeared under the water.

L.J. – Hello, my good man! Where are you?

R.H. – I’m here. I am all right. I am just swimming.

L.J. – You are not an easy man to beat!

R.H. — It was a fair fight, and you won the battle. Will you shake hands and be friends with me?

L.J. — With all my heart!

R.H. – I am Robin good. If you come and live with me I’ll give you a green suit).

L.J. – I’d like it. My name is Little John. I promise to serve you truly.

Nr2 – From that day Little John always lived with Robin. They became very, very great friends!

Сцена № 2 :


N1 – One day Robin met a young knight dressed in scarlet. He sang a merry song.

N2 – The next day Robin met the same knight dressed in grey. His head hung down.

R.H. – Why are you so sad?

A.D. – My name is Allan-a-Dale. Seven years ago I fell in love with the most beautiful lady in the world. I was poor, and we were too young to marry. Her father promised that in seven years and a day we would have our wedding day. But tomorrow she will marry an old and ugly rich man.

R.H. – Do not suffer. A girl who changes her mind is not worth so much sadness.

A.D. – She loves me. Her father forces her to do this thing.

R.H. – What will you give to me, if I help you to get your true love again?

A.D. – I swear to serve you truly for ever and a day.

R.H. – Well, tomorrow is your wedding day.

Nr1 – Very early next morning Robin Hood rose. He dressed like a harper and set off for Dale Abbey. He left orders with Little John to follow.

Nr2 – Robin Hood arrived at the Abbey. The Bishop asked him to play some sweet music. Robin Hood refused to play anything before he saw the bride and the bridegroom.

Nr1 – At last the bridegroom came. So old and ugly he was! Soon the bride arrived. She was so beautiful and everyone in the church was sorry for her.

Nr2 – Robin Hood stopped the service.

R.H. – I am Robin Hood. Let the lady choose of all these men which she will have.

Nr2 – Lady Christabel chose Allan-a-Dale. Her father was so old that he could’t stop the wedding.

Nr1 – So Christabel and Allan-a-Dale were married. They went to live with Robin Hood and his Merry Men in Sherwood Forest.

Сцена № 3 :


N1 – Long before Robin came to live in Sherwood Forest, he fell in love with a very beautiful girl. Her name was Marian.

N2 – They loved each other so much that Robin asked Marian to marry him. She said “Yes”.

N1 – But just then a terrible trouble happened to Robin, and he lost everything he had. He wrote a good-bye letter to Marian and went to the Forest.

N2 – Mary became so unhappy that she could bear it no longer, so she went to Sherwood Forest to find Robin.

N1 – It was not safe for a lady to travel by herself, so she dressed like a knight.

N2 – One day Robin dressed himself as a Norman knight and went out into the forest. Suddenly he met another knight and called out:

R.H. – Stop, Sir Knight! What is your name and where are you going?

N1 – Marian thought that he was a wicked knight, so she drew her sword.

R.H. – Aha, you refuse to answer! Fight then, false knight!

N1 – They fought for more than an hour. They both were wounded. Suddenly Marian recognized Robin’s voice!

Marian – Robin, Robin!?

R.H. — Marian, can it be you?! Oh, why did you not speak before….! I hurt you! …… I do not know how I shall live in Green Wood, when you go away again!

Marian – But I’ll never go away again! I am going to stay with you always!

R.H. — ……. Dearest, you must not. It is a very uncomfortable life and not fit for a gentle lady like you!

Marian – Oh, Robin, do not be so unkind! The sun doesn’t shine and the birds forget to sing when I am away from you! … Let me stay!

R.H. — …… OK…. Let it be so.

N2 – Robin and Marian lived together for a long time. They were very happy.

N1 – That is the end of our short story. We hope you liked it!))

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