Сценарий русалочка дисней

Сценарий мюзикла по мотивам сказки Г.Х. Андерсена "Русалочка"


Приобщение детей  к искусству музыкального театра, развитие творческой самостоятельности, эстетического вкуса.


  1. Способствовать развитию творческой активности детей.
  2. Развивать песенное, игровое и танцевальное творчество.
  3. Развивать у детей интерес к театрально-игровой деятельности.

СЦЕНАРИЙ МЮЗИКЛА  «РУСАЛОЧКА»  для детей подготовительной группы

Действующие лица и исполнители:

— Морская ведьма
— Морской царь
— Принц
— Принцесса
— Русалочка
— Сестры русалочки
— Сказочник
— Медузы
— Рыбки

                                        Действие 1

Морское дно. Водоросли. Морские рыбы, медузы. Статуя юноши.
Затонувший корабль. Трон морского царя.

Танец морских жителей

На дне морском стоит дворец,
Недосягаемый, неповторимый,
Кораллов стены тянутся наверх,
И стайкой дружной плавают дельфины.

Прозрачная и синяя вода чиста,
И отражает в себе небо
Русалки там смеются и грустят,
И тайну бережет морская пена.

Танец русалок    (после танца русалки уплывают)

Русалочка:                                                                                                                                       Самой прекрасной называют,
Синими глазами любуются,
Отчего же сердце мое плачет?
Отчего же сердце волнуется?
Русалочка обнимает статую юноши

Славный милый юноша, кто ты?
Отчего уста твои молчат?
Если б мог со мной резвиться ты!
Если б мог со мной танцевать!

— Ах, вот ты где!
— Опять грустит!
— О человеке ты тоскуешь…
— Сестренка, милая очнись!
— Нам не прожить ту жизнь, другую
— И нам ли здесь с тобой грустить?!
— Как много раковин прекрасных
— Как много жемчуга
— И звезд, как пурпур
— Ярких, красных!
Русалки смеются, уводят Русалочку

                                                Действие 2
У Русалочки день рождения. На троне морской царь. Играет музыка.
Русалочка сидит в окружении сестер .

Морской царь:
Что попросишь, будет без отсрочки,
Самая любимая из всех,
Хрупкая, загадочная дочка,
Как давно не слышали твой смех!
А мне бы стать, как люди,
Жизнь на земле прожить,
Там солнце яркое,
Там голуби воркуют, И люди там счастливее
Нас всех!

Морской царь:
Ах, что ты, милое дитя! Мы здесь не знаем,
Что на земле дается хлеб трудом,
Как много там и горя и печали.
А наш, ты посмотри, как весел дом!

Танец «Золотые рыбки»

Морской царь:
Запряжем дельфинов, коль прикажешь.
Лихо мы по морю пронесемся,
Все исполню, что не пожелаешь.
Ну, зачем, скажи тебе, так нужно солнце?

В свете дня к мечте идти желаю,
Чтобы жизнь напрасной не была,
Жизнь пуста, когда в ней лишь забава,
Жизнь пуста, когда в ней лишь игра!
Действие 3                                       

«Танец Русалочек с вуалью »
Русалочка выплыла на поверхность моря. Вдали корабль. На корабле принц. У него день рождения. Море спокойно. Русалочка подплывает к кораблю и с восхищением смотрит на принца.

Мраморный мальчик живой!
Он говорит и смеется,
В ласковых, нежных глазах
Прыгает желтое солнце.

Вот она сказка-мечта!
Люди такие прекрасные,
Я так хочу быть с тобой,
Может ждала не напрасно я?

Играет тревожная музыка. Шумят морские волны. На светлый занавес опускается темный. Начинается шторм.

Люди жить не могут в воде –
Во дворец морской ему нельзя…
Русалочка плывет к принцу. Подплывает к берегу. Оставляет принца на песке. К берегу идет молодая принцесса. Русалочка отплывает и ждет. Принцесса пугается, но потом, собравшись с духом, зовет на помощь людей.
Сюда скорее поспешите,
Здесь принц прекрасный,
Ему скорее помогите,
Он рядом, он едва живой!
На зов девушки прибегают люди.
Принц улыбается всем кто возле него. Но Русалочку не видит.
Погиб корабль, вместе с ним друзья,
Сверкали грозно молнии над морем,
И я тонул, но две руки взметнулись,
Как два крыла, как белых два крыла!
Ты, как русалка с длинными власами,
Плыла ко мне, не ведая преград,
Прошла гроза, не угрожает море,
И я увидеть тебя снова рад.
Принцесса (в сторону)
Он бредит, он устал…
И трудно разобрать,
Что хочет бедный юноша

Но он красив, и очень мил…

Принцессу зовут
Принцесса, где ты? Мы спешим!

Иду, иду, прощайте принцПринц:
Сказать «прощай» — ты не спеши.

Принц улыбнулся людям, солнцу, морю,
Но о спасительнице даже не узнал,
Русалочка печальная смотрела,
Как день взошедший плавно убывал.

Ее глаза не видел принц прекрасный,
Дитя природы скрылось за волной,
И сердце ей печально возвестило,
Что улыбнулся он совсем другой.

                                                   Действие 4.
В подводном царстве

 Танец медуз

Русалочка поет песню  для царя, сестер, морских жителей.

Песня Русалочки «Я русалочка»
Все хлопают в ладоши.
Нет прекрасней голоса
Просто колокольчик
Кто тебя не слышал, много потерял!
По такому случаю, ласковая дочка, я дарю тебе, смотри, какой коралл!

Морские жители танцуют и поют, накидывая на русалочки нитку жемчуга.Жемчугами русалку нарядим,
Будем петь для нее, танцевать.
Чтобы весело глазки сверкали,
Будем в прятки с тобою играть!

Одна из старших сестер закрывает глаза Русалочке, все разбегаются.

Русалочка уплывает в свой сад. Смотрит на мраморную фигуру.

Ты другой, не живой
Все молчишь,
Ты не знаешь ни боли,
Ни радости,
Далеко, на земле
Живет принц
Его смех то заливист,
И сладостен
Может думать, молиться
Может сердце мое покорить
Все готова отдать для него,
Для избранника моего!
Русалочка полюбила принца,
Полюбила всем сердцем своим,
Но что же поможет ей стать человеком?
Она поплыла к ведьме с горем своим!
Морская ведьма :
О дружбе со мной никого не прошу.
Меня все боятся, я злая колдунья,
И ветер на море, хочу, подниму я,
И море, как кашу, я ступкой мешу!
                                                                                                                                 Русалочка со страхом заглядывает в яму ведьмы. Отступать поздно.
Младшая, любимая дочь Царя!
Ну, иди сюда, русалочка моя!
Если б знала, ты чистая дитя,
Что ходить по ведьмам никому нельзя!
Ха ха-ха-ха!
Знаю, зачем ты пришла,
Просто никто не приходит,
Хочешь ты стать человеком,
Дорого будет стоить, эта услуга моя!
Я ничего не пожалею
Ты не спеши, я цену назову
Ну, говори, ну говори скорее
Я голос твой навеки заберу!
Ну, как тогда полюбит меня принц?
Останутся глаза твои прекрасные
Ты сможешь танцевать,
И, лучше всех,
И, волосы, и волосы атласные!
Ну, что ж согласна!
Это не все!
Если же принц тебя не полюбит,
Если женою возьмет он другую,
Ты превратишься в пену морскую
Голос тебе я уже отдаю!
Мерцание. Круговорот. Ведьма протягивает Русалочке напиток. Русалочка пьет напиток и превращается в прекрасную девушку.
                                              Действие 5

Около дворца появляется русалочка и принц
Прекрасная, откуда ты явилась?
Как солнце ярко в море заискрилось!
Русалочка молчит. Принц дает русалочке руку. Ведет ее во дворец.
Будто бы видел я в море бурливом
Лик твой, глаза.
Как ты прекрасна, как ты красива,
Нежный цветок и находка моя…                                                                                                                      

«Финальный танец Принца и Русалочки»

Scene 1

N1: Not many people know that there is a wonderful world hidden from human eyes.

There was a Great Kingdom

Under the sea

Where all the merpeople

Lived and swam free.


Выход всех морских жителей под музыку 1часть

Музыка 2 часть Все, все танцуют..

N2 The king of the mermaids

Triton the Great

Had seven pretty daughters

Ariel was a little mermaid princess who lived beneath the sea in a beautiful palace.

N1: She was very pretty

But the most beautiful thing about the girl was voice. When she sang all the creatures in the sea stop to listen

N1 She had a very interesting collection of unusual things which she found into the drowned ships

Разговор русалочек

Р1: Hello sisters! What a nice Day!

Р2: Yes , and I can’ t sit. I want to play!

Р3 : I want to play too!

Р4 ( хлопает в ладоши).Let’s play together.

( русалочки кружатся в хороводе)

Р5 But…where is our sister? Little Ariel?

Р6 Where is she? Ariel, where are you?

Все вместе: Ariel, Ariel!

Русалочки ищут Ариель

Появляется Ариель

A: Oh, what a nice day today! Maybe today I will find some more nice things for my collection? I am here! Follow me!

Р7 : Wait! Wait! Where are you going, Ariel?

A : I want to show you something very interesting!

P8: What? What is it?

P1: Is it a big beautiful octopus?

A: No.

P2: Is it a big beautiful crab?

A: No.

P3: Is it a big beautiful fish?

A: No, no, no! I want to show you a big beautiful ship!

P4,5: A ship???????

A: Yes a ship!

P6 ,7: A Ship?

A: Yes, Yes, Yes ! Can’t you hear me! A ship! S-

P8 ( в ужасе) Oh, no! No, no, no! Not a ship…

P6: Father will be very angry !

A: Come on! Don’t be afraid!

Все Р: No!

A: Please!

Все Р: NO!

A: Please dear sisters! Only for a second! Please, Please, Please!

Все Р: It’s a stupid idea!.

P1: You are not obedient daughter!

P3: Our father will be upset! Let’s go!

( сестры уходят)

A : I want to see the world of people so much! My father and sisters don’t understand me..

(Песня русалочки+ танец морских обитателей)

N1. Ariel’s best friends were Crab Sebastian and Fish Flounder. They often played together.

N2. One day the three friends swam up to play in the waves and suddenly…

A: Look! (поверхность)? What is this big thing on the surface?

F: I don’t know Ariel, but we’d better not find it out! It can be dangerous. They will cook us for dinner. Imagine us as the main course of the feast. Brrr.

S: Remember your father’s words! He will be very angry! Don’t go, listen to my advice.

A: No, my friends, there is nothing that can stop me now. There can be something interesting.

N1: So they swam up and saw a big ship. On the deck of the ship there were sailors singing and dancing to happy music.

S: Look! One man is wearing rich clothes and a crown! He must be a prince.

Песня моряков и принца на корабле.

  1. I’ve never seen a human this close before. Oh, he’s very handsome, isn’t he?

N2 Suddenly there was a loud crash of thunder in the sky, the wind started blowing and a huge wave hit the ship. (Музыка грома, шторм). The Ship crashed and all were thrown overboard. ( принц падает за борт)

S: Ariel, hurry up! Let’s go back home!

  1. No! !! I must save the prince, if I don’t do it he will drown! Where is he? I can’t see him now!

F: He is under the waves!

A: I must save the prince!

N1: The little Mermaid pulled the prince above the waves and swam towards the shore. Her friends were near her. (Музыка спасения)

(На берегу)

S. Is he dead? No, look! He’s breathing!!!.We have to go!

A: I wish I had legs so I could live on land and see you every day…I wonder if the wicked witch can help me! Oh, if I were a human….

Scene 2.

N1. Still dreaming about the prince Ariel swam back to the palace.


Песня морских жителей и танец русалочек.

T: Ariel! I just don’t know what we are going to do with you, young lady!!! Where have you been? You missed our celebration.

A: But father! It’s so interesting to discover the world above.

T: What? You went up to the surface again, didn’t you? What are you hiding? Show me!

A: No, it’s nothing!

(Отец видит брошь принца у дочери и вырывает ее из рук)

T: Oh, my disobedient daughter! What is it? How many times must I tell you: you couldn’t see by one of those humans!!! They are very dangerous!

A: They are not dangerous. Especially he…he is the best of all…Father, I love him!

F,S1,S1: Who!?

A: The Prince…I have just saved him!

F: Stop talking! As long as you live under my ocean you’ll obey my rules!!! You mustn’t go to the surface again .Is it clear?? Now you are punished! I will lock you in your room, Sebastian, Flounder, help me!

A: No, no!

(Русалочку уводят и запирают в комнате)

( Все успокаивают царя )

Scene 3

A He loves me…I want to see him again!!!

S.Ariel, stop talking in this way.. Down here is your home. But he can’t be with you…

A. I’ve got an idea. I’m going to see Ursula.

F: Shhh! She’s a demon, she’s a monster.…

А.I don’t care…Let me out, please!!!

F.+Sb We are with you,Ariel!!!

A: Thank you, my friends! A friend in need is a friend indeed! Now I have some business to do, see you later.

S/F. But ..But….Come on…

(Ариэль плывет в морской ведьме Урсуле)

N1 Deep in the sea ,into a big cave lived the sea witch Ursula, the ugliest and the most cunning creature ever seen. ( появляется Урсула) и поет песню и танец.

U: Come in, my child, I’ve been waiting for you and I know your sad story.

A: Can you help me?

U: It’s very easy to help you, darling. You love a human being and the only way to get what you want-is to become a human yourself.

A: Can you DO that??

U: My dear, sweet child! I will make you a potion that will turn you into a human for 3 days. But before the sun set on the third day the prince must kiss you. I t will be a kiss of true love.

A If not…

U .If he doesn’t do it you will turn back into a mermaid and –you will belong me…


A.I agree..

U But we haven’t discussed the subject of payment. You can’t get something for nothing…

A .But I don’t have any…

U: Why do you think so??? It’s just a trifle.What I want from you is..Your charming and sweet voice….

A.My voice But how can I… I agree

U: Are you sure?

A: Yes, I love him more than my life! Let’s have a deal right now!!!

(Ведьма превращает русалочку в человека. Ее голос оказывается в ракушке на шее у Урсулы!!!) Друзья русалочки помогают ей оказаться на берегу)

Ur Now your magic voice is mine. I will be able to keep it here into this shell!!!

Scene 4.

(Русалочка сидит на берегу и друзья сидят рядом с ней)

S: Ariel! What’s the matter with you? You look so strange…Where is your tail!? And what about mine?

F: You are a crab! You don’t have it! Look! She has human legs, she is not a mermaid anymore!

S: I know, Ursula has transformed her into a real girl! Stupid girl, now she looks terrible!

F: Shhh, somebody’s coming, let’s hide!

(Появляется Принц Эрик)

P .Oh, oh…Are you ok ,miss? You seem very familiar…to me. Have we met before?

A: (кивает)

P: What’s wrong? You can’t speak? You are not the girl I am looking for, but I will help you, let’s go to my palace. Come on, you’ll be ok.

(Принц берет ее за руку и ведет во дворец.)

Scene 5.

Накрывают на стол. Песня слуг

(Выходит русалочка в красивом платье. Обед. )

Все восхищаются красавицей. За столом Принц,,Русалочка и Дворецкий)))

P. You look..wonderful…

Butler: It’s not often that we have such a lovely dinner guest!!!Oh, my Prince, she is a real beauty but she is so strange, look, what is she doing?

(Русалочка причесывается вилкой)

P: It’s not a comb, it’s a fork, you use it like this.. I(показывает)

(Русалочка дует в трубку, сажа на лице дворецкого)

Butler It was amusing. But…be careful…

(Под столом сидит Себастьян, хватая клешней еду со стола и следит за русалочкой).

S (из-под стола) : Are you happy now? Is it what you wanted? Let’s go back to the palace, you have only two days to kiss the prince or you will be unhappy forever.

P: I want you to enjoy seeing some of the sights of the kingdom. Do you want to accompany me?

A/….. Убрать со стола

Scene 6.

(Русалочка с принцем катаются на лодке. Себастьян и Флаундер плывут за лодкой Песня “Kiss the girl”)) под музыку

N1 The left town and had a trip. They ended up rowing on a still lagoon in the evening.

N2 Their friend decided to create a little vocal romantic stimulation.

S. We must help them and create the mood.

F.I am ready

… Играет песня Kiss the girl

P: I feel bad because I don’t know your name, let me guess. ..Diana? Mildred? Rachel?

F: Ariel! Her name is Ariel!

P: What?

F: ARIEL! Are you deaf?

P: Ah, Ariel!

A кивает

P: What a beautiful name, it’s as beautiful as you! If only I could hear your voice!

(Принц пытается поцеловать русалочку ,но Урсула мешает им и опрокидывает лодку)

U.It was a nice work. I will have to take this matter into my tentacles!!! Triton’s daughter’s will be mine!!!. I have a plan!

(Урсула превращается в красивую девушку и очаровательным голосом русалочки и поет , сидя на берегу .ЕЕ голос околдовал принца.)

Scene 7.(Помолка Ванессы и Принца)

(Ванесса(Урсула) поет на берегу завлекая принца)

N1. The Prince heard a familiar and exciting voice, his heart started beating, He was placed under her voice!!!

N2 He ran to the shore as quickly as he could.

V: Eric, do you recognize me? I saved you the other day!

P: It’s you, my only and true love; I’ve found you at last! Come to the palace, will you marry me?

V: It’s high time for your proposal; hurry up, my future husband! The wedding will be in the evening, it’s my wish!

P .I’ll do everything you want. Nothing won’t part us!!!

N1. They decided to arrange the wedding on the same day, Poor Ariel found out this sad news and cried bitterly.

N2 What could she do? Sebastian and Flounder decided to help her.

S: Ariel! Do you know who this woman is! She’s Ursula, the witch! I saw her real reflection into the mirror.

S: We must stop the wedding, I have an idea, and I’ll call our sea friends. And his royal highness Triton!!!

F: We’ll follow the wedding ship; I will take you there because you can’t swim now. You should be there.S.hurry up!!!

Scene 8 (Появляются все морские обитатели, сестры и Тритон)

N1 Eric and Vanessa were ready for the wedding; there were a lot of guests on board the ship.

N2 The Prince took the girl’s hand and led her to the altar. Ursula was happy. All was according to her wicked plan.

N1 At this moment Ariel reached the ship and saw everything.

N2 Flounder found a way to stall the wedding –he teared her shell with Ariel’s voice off and Ariel quickly broke it. The spell was broken.

N1 Vanessa started turning into Ursula and Ariel turned into a mermaid again. She could speak at last !!!.

A: Eric!

P You –you can talk…It was you-all the time…

A I wanted to tell you all the time. She is a liar! Don’t listen to her. You wanted to marry this witch! I am your real savior.

U: It’s too late! He didn’t kiss you and you‘ll be my servant now!

T Ursula no…

U Not a chance ,Triton!!!We made a deal!!She is mine now!!It’s too late!!!

T. Let her go.

U Say good bye to your sweetheart!!!

P: I won’t lose you anymore .You can’t stop me!!!…I will kill you, oh witch!

Принц ножом убивает Урсулу. Она падает за борт.

T: Oh my dear daughter, why didn’t you tell me everything at once!

Tr She really does love him, doesn’t she, Sebastian?

S Yes. Children got to be free to lead their own lives

Tr Only one problem///How much I’m going to miss her..ok… You will be human again. Do you want to be together with the Prince?

A: It’s my only wish!

Отец превращает русалочку в девушку.

P: Forgive me! It’s all my fault! But now we can be together at last. Will you…?

A: Oh, yes!

N1 A few days later the wedding took place. All the sea creatures were invited and they could watch the ceremony.

N2 It was the most beautiful wedding ever seen.

Звучит финальная песня и танец всех участников под песню “Under the sea”)

N1 So our story has come to an end

N2 Thank you for your attention! Don’t forget that miracles can happen every moment of your life!


We should try to be happy

With everything we’ve got

And don’t wish to be any different

Or be someone we’re not.

Финальный поклон. Занавес.

А 2 Немногие люди знают о существовании прекрасного мира ,спрятанного от людских глаз.

В море синем, в глубине,

На морсом , скалистом дне,

Меж кораллов и ставрид,

Золотой дворец стоит.

Он стоит там сто веков

Средь красивейших садов

В том дворце под толщей вод

Старый царь морской живет.

А1. В Великом королевстве морские жители плавали свободно.

В затонувших кораблях,

словно в славных теремах

обитает люд морской .
Он веселый и простой

Целый день поет и пляшет или плавниками машет

А1. Их королем был Тритон Великий и у него было (0 ) дочерей.

Ариэль была маленькой русалочкой и жила она в прекрасном дворце.

Ариэль была красива, но самой прекрасным в ней был ее голос. Когда она пела все морские жители останавливались, чтобы послушать

А1 У нее была изумительная коллекция необычных вещей которые она находила в затонувших кораблях.

Ар. Какой прекрасный день. Может быть сегодня я смогу отыскать несколько вещиц для моей коллекции?

Я так хочу увидеть мир людей! Мои сестры и папа не понимают меня!!!

А2 Лучшими ее друзьями были краб Себастьян и рыба Флаундер. Они часто играли вместе.

А1 Трое друзей резвились в волнах, когда вдруг увидели…

Ар. Смотрите! Что за огромный предмет на волнах?

Фл. Я не знаю , но лучше нам этого не знать!!!Это может быть опасно!!Они приготовят нас на обед. Представь нас в качестве главного блюда.БРРР

Себ. Помни наказ твоего отца. Он будет сердит! Не ходи туда, послушай мой совет.

Ар. Нет,друзья,ничего меня не остановит сейчас

Там может быть что-то, что пополнит мою коллекцию.

А1 Они подплыли ближе и увидели большой корабль. НА палубе было много моряков, которые пели и танцевали под веселую музыку

Себ. Посмотрите! Этот мужчина одет в богатые одежды и корону! Он ,должно быть,Принц!!

Ар. Я никогда не видела человека так близко! Он красив, не так ли?

А1 А2 Внезапно раздался удар грома, начал дуть сильный ветер и громадные волны били по кораблю. Корабль развалился и все оказались за бортом.

Себ. Ариель!! Поторапливайся! Нужно возвращаться домой!!

Ар. Я должна спасти Принца! Если я не сделаю этого, он-утонет!!Где он? Я не вижу его!

Фл.Он под волнами.

Ар. Я должна спасти его!


Русалочка подняла Принца над волнами и поплыла вперед к берегу. ЕЕ друзья были возле нее.

Себ. Он мерт? Нет, взгляни! Нам нужно уйти!

Ар. Жаль, что у меня нет ног и я не могу жить на земле и видеть тебя каждый день. Интересно, сможет ли старая морская ведьма помочь мне?

А1 Все еще мечтая о Принце, она поплыла во дворец.

Тр. Ариэль, я не знаю что и делать с тобой, юная леди!!! Где ты была!!Ты пропустила наш праздник.

Ар. Но папа! Это так интересно открывать тот мир!!!

Тр. Что? Ты опять выходила на поверхность? Что это ты прячешь? Покажи мне!!

Ар. Нет, ничего!!!

Тр.О, непослушная дочь!! Что это!! Сколько раз я должен тебе повторить ты не должна видеть людей….Они опасны!

Ар. Они не опасны. Особенно он…Он лучше всех.. Папа, я люблю его.

Тр. Молчи! Пока ты живещь здесь ты обязана соблюдать мои правила!

Ты наказана! Я запираю тебя в твоей комнате.

Ар. Нет,нет.

Ар. Он любит меня! Я хочу видеть его снова!

Себ. Ариэль не говори глупости. Твой дом здесь. Он не может быть с тобой!!

Ар. У меня есть идея.Я собираюсь навестить Урсулу.

Фл. Она ведьма, монстр, демон!

Ар. Мне все равно! Выпустите мня друзья!

Спасибо, друзья познаются в беде!

Они Но..Мы с тобой…

А1 в глубине моря в большой пещере жила

Урсула, самая безобразная и коварная ведьма из всех.

Ур. Заходи,дитя. Я ожидала тебя и знаю твою печальную историю!

Ар. Можешь мне помочь?

Ур.Легко!!! Ты любишь человека и единственный путь его получить-самой стать человеком..

Ар.Ты можешь сделать это?

Ур. Моя конфетка! Я дам тебе зелье, которое превратит тебя в человекамна 3 дня.Но пока не село солнце на 3 день ,Принц должен поцеловать тебя!

Ар.Если нет..

Ур. Если нет-ты станешь моей служанкой..

Ур. Но мы не обсудили плату. Ты не можешь получить чо-то не дав что-то взамен..

Ар. Но у меня нет ничего..

Ур. Это- пустячок; я хочу твой голос

Ар. Я – согласна!

Ур. Уверена?

Ар. Да я люблю его больше жизни. Давай заключать сделку!!!

Ур. Твой голос –мой!!! Я смогу хранить его в э

той раковин

Себ. . Ариэль!Что с тобой? Где твой хвост? И где мой?

Фл. Ты же краб!!У тебя его нет!! У нее ноги человека и она не русалка больше!!

Себ. Я знаю, что Урсула превратила ее в человека.Глупая Ариэль, она выглядит ужасно!!

Фл. Тихо!!!Кто-то идет, давай спрячемся!

Пр. Все нормально? Ты кажешься мне знакомой…Мы встречались?

Пр. Что не так? Ты не можешь говорить? Ты не та, кого искал я прежде. Пойдем во дворец, я помогу тебе!

Пр. Ты великолепна.

Двор. Не так часто в гостях у нас такое создание! Она красавица! Но что она делает?

Это не гребень, это вилка, ее используют вот так!!

Дв. Забавно, но будь аккуратней.

Себ. Ты счастлива теперь? Это то, что ты желала? Пошли назад во дворец, у тебя только 2 дня, чтобы поцеловать Принца или ты будешь вечно несчастна!!

Пр. Я хочу чтобы ты посмотрела достоприм. Моего королевства.

А. Они покинули город и плыли на лодке.

А2 Друзья решили создать романтическое настроение..

Себ. Мы должны помочь им и создать соот. Настроение.

Пр. Я хотел бы знать твое имя.Позволь догадаться…Диана? Милдред? Рейчел?


Пр. Что??

ФЛ Ариэль!!Ты глухой?


ПР. Какое красивое имя. Оно такое же прекрасное как и ты! Если бы я мог слышать твой голос!

Ур. Это была хорошая работа. Я возьму дело в свои щупальцы!! Она будет моей!!У меня план!!

А1 Принц услышав знакомый , волнующий голос, попал под его чарй!!!

А2 Он побежал на берег со всех ног.

Ван. Ты узнаешь меня? Я спасла тебя недавно!!

Пр. Да, моя настоящая любовь! Я нашел тебя! Пошли во дворей и выходи за меня!!

Ван. . Самое время для предложения , поторапливайся будущий супруг, свадьба должна быть сегодня вечером, это мое желание!!!

Пр. Все будет так как хочешь ты!!Ничто не разлучит нас!!

А1 Они решили пожениться в тот же день!!Арэль узнав эти новости, горько плакала.

А2 Что она могла поделать? Друзья решили помочь ей.

Себ. Это ведьма Урсула!!Мы идели ее отражение в зеркале!!

Себ. Мы должны все остановить!!У меня идея и я позову Тритона и морских жителей!

Фл. Мы последуем за кораблем. Мы должны быть там!!

А1 Принц и Ванесса были готовы к свадьбе. Вокруг было много гостей.


Принц взял ее за руку и повел ее к алтарю. Урсула была счастлива. Все шло по плану.

А2 Чайки нашли как остановить это, одна из них сорвала раковину с голослм Ариэль и быстро разбила ее. Проклятье было снято.

А2 Ванесса превратилась в Урсулу и Ариэль в русалочкую.


Пр. Ты-ты можешь говорить..Это всегда была ты..

Ар. Я всегда хотела сказать тебе это..

Ты хотел жениться на ведьме..

Ур. Поздно!!! Он не поцеловал тебя и ты моя служанка теперь!!

Ур. Нет шансов ,Тритон!! Мы заключили договор!!!

Тр.Отпусти ее!!

Пр.Я убью тебя и не расстанусь с тобой!!

Тр. О ,моя дочь! Почему ты все не рассказала мне!

This is the original ending to the 1989 film The Little Mermaid.

The Little Mermaid Early Original Script

It is a bright, sunny morning. Scuttle is excitedly flying toward the palace.


Ariel is asleep in her bed with a happy smile on her face. She is dreaming of romance with Eric. Sebastian is also asleep, on the stand beside the bed, SNORING loudly. Scuttle swoops through the window and enters the bedroom.

SCUTTLE (shouting) Ariel! WAKE UP!!!

Sebastian wakes up with a jolt in reaction to Scuttle’s screaming. Scuttle flies over to Ariel and frantically pulls at her clothes and her hair. She wakes up groggily.

SCUTTLE (cont.) I just heard the news! Congratulations, kiddo! We did it!

Ariel stares at the seagull blankly.

SEBASTIAN What is dis idiot babbling about?

SCUTTLE (winking conspiratorily) Right! As if you two didn’t know! The whole town’s buzzin’ about the Prince getting’ himself hitched this afternoon!

Sebastian and Ariel both look at each other, astonished. Scuttle shakes Ariel’s hand.

SCUTTLE You crazy kidder! Just wanted to wish you luck! Catch ya later Wouldn’t miss it!

Scuttle takes off out the window leaving a perplexed Ariel and Sebastian. Ariel lights up hopefully. Could this mean her dream might actually be coming true? Suddenly they hear Eric’s voice shouting from downstairs.

ERIC (O.S.) Ariel! Ariel, come down here! I’ve got something to tell you!

Ariel beams, her heart leaping. She gives Sebastian a big kiss, grabs a robe and happily runs out the door. Sebastian hurries after her.


Ariel comes dashing down the long flight of stairs with a big smile on her face. But then she stops dead in her tracks. Eric is with a very beautiful, dark haired MAIDEN. Grimbsy and Carlotta are standing toward the back of the room, looking somber. As Eric speaks, there is something odd about his manner. He seems almost as if he were in a hypnotic trance. The maiden clings tightly to Eric.

ERIC Ariel I I’d like you to meet Vanessa. She saved my life a few weeks ago. I’ve been trying to find her ever since.

The maiden smiles sweetly at Ariel. Ariel draws back in shock and confusion. How can this be? Sebastian watches from the staircase. He is also perplexed.

ERIC (cont.) We’re we’re going to be married on board ship at sea this afternoon at sunset. I…I want you to be there, Ariel I

Ariel is crushed. She shakes her head in disbelief. Her whole world is collapsing around her. She looks over at Grimbsy and Carlotta. They are obviously distressed about the situation but there is nothing they can do. Angry and confused, trying to fight back her tears, she reels away from Eric and races out of the room.

ERIC (cont.) Ariel?

Eric starts after Ariel but the maiden gently pulls him back. She kisses him sweetly. Unseen by anyone but the audience, a diabolical smile crosses her face. The scarf around her neck lips slightly and we see the nautilus shell, with Ariel’s voice, handing around her neck.



The brightly decorated wedding ship is departing the harbor. Its passengers include Eric and the maiden, Grimbsy and Carlotta, Max, and the wedding party. The sun is looming brightly in the sky.


Ariel is sitting on a platform on the dock, watching the wedding ship depart in the distance. Her bare feet dangle in the water. She looks very sad and forlorn. Her heart is broken.Flounder nuzzles up to Ariel in a comforting gesture. Sebastian leans over to her, overcome with emotion.

SEBASTIAN (on the brink of tears) What can I say! Humans are slime! Dere is no doubt about it!

Ariel forces a smile and gently pets Sebastian. Then, as she looks wistfully at her reflection in the water, we hear a faint reprise of «Life Under the Sea » in a melancholy strain. She sees a school of fish swim by and seems lost in thought about the world she left behind. She gazes out at the departing wedding ship which is now just barely visible on the edge of the horizon. She looks up at the sun.


It is low in the sky. Sunset is not far off. We hear the voice of Ursula reciting her conditions echoing in Ariel’s mind.

URSULA (cont.) before the sun sets on the third day the third day the third day


Scuttle is happily flying toward the wedding ship. He reacts, puzzled, as he hears the sound of Ariel’s SINGING, coming from the ship. He flies down to investigate. The voice is emanating from a porthole in the lower deck. Scuttle peers inside.


The maiden is alone in the cabin donning a beautiful wedding dress. She is singing a variation of the Witch’s song «POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS.»


She LAUGHS as she passes in front of a mirror. Scuttle’s eyes widen. The reflection in the mirror is that of.

SCUTTLE (gasps) The Sea Witch!!


Scuttle is completely flustered. He flies around in ten different directions at once.

SCUTTLE Oh no!! She’s gonna Somebody’s gotta What am I gonna I’ve gotta (screeches loudly) ARIELLLL!!!

Scuttle takes off, flying in a wild frenzy back to shore.


Ariel is still with her friends sitting on the dock.

SCUTTLE (screaming) Ariel!!

They look up and see Scuttle circling overheard. Scuttle spots them and crashlands on the dock next to Ariel.

SCUTTLE (cont.) (out of breath) Ariel the Prince he’s he’s not marrying you!

SEBASTIAN We know dat, you dodo!

SCUTTLE I I was flying looked in the porthole I saw I saw I saw

Sebastian WHACKS the gull sharply on his beak.

SCUTTLE THE SEA WITCH!!! The Prince is marrying the Sea Witch in disguise!!

They all react in shock and surprise.

SEBASTIAN Are you sure about dis?

SCUTTLE Have I ever been wrong?

Ariel looks out to sea. The boat is just barely visible on the horizon.

FLOUNDER Wh-what are we g-gonna do?!

Sebastian looks around desperately. He spots a barrel tied to a post. He SNAPS the rope with his claws. The barrel tumbles into the ocean, floating on the surface.

SEBASTIAN Ariel! Grab on to dat!

Ariel jumps into the water, holding on to the barrel to stay afloat. Sebastian dives in after her. He grabs the rope and thrusts it at Flounder.

SEBASTIAN (cont.) Flounder! Get her to dat boat as Fast as your fins can carry you!

FLOUNDER (nodding) R-r-right!

Flounder takes off, pulling the barrel, with Ariel on top, in the direction of the boat.

SEBASTIAN I got to get de Sea King ! He got to know ’bout dis!

SCUTTLE What about me?

SEBASTIAN You got to find some way to stall dat wedding!

Sebastian swims off. Scuttle flies around nervously.

SCUTTLE Stall the wedding? How do I What can I

Scuttle lights up as he gets an idea. He immediately flies off, emitting a strange CAWING, horn-like sound that resembles a military call to arms.


It is now beginning to set over the horizon.


On the upper deck of the ship, the wedding ceremony is beginning. The MINISTER, an extremely elderly gentleman, is standing at a podium at the front of the ship. There is a great deal of pomp and circumstance. Some buglers blow a FANFARE, and everyone quiets down. A group of musicians begin a variation of a WEDDING MARCH.

The maiden, looking resplendent in the beautiful wedding dress, starts down the aisle. Eric follows, dressed to the hilt, still with a slightly dazed look on his face. Grimsby, Eric’s best man, walks behind him. Eric and the maiden take their place in front of the podium.

MINISTER (speaking very slowly and deliberately) We are gathered here today


Scuttle is soaring through the skies, SHRIEKING out his call to arms at a fever pitch.


A SEA TURTLE pokes his head out of the water.

TURTLE Sounds like an emergency!

Scuttle swoops down over the turtle, emitting his YELL. The turtle takes off after Scuttle.


Scuttle flies by a group of OTTERS, sunning themselves on rocks. When they hear his call they perk up, start clapping their pays excitedly, and dive into the water.


Scuttle soars past a long beach crowded with sea creatures. They all respond to his call to action. Some LOBSTERS and a STARFISH and a DOLPHIN hurry into the water. A group of SEA GULLS all take off, flying in formation behind Scuttle.

SCUTTLE: Move it! Let’s go, we got an emergency here!


Ariel is grasping on to the barrel as Flounder pulls. The wedding ship looms in the distance. Even though Flounder is flapping his fins like mad, the barrel is creeping along.


Glut the shark is sauntering menacingly through the water. He looks up and notices the underside of Ariel and Flounder as they soar by. Glut licks his chops and starts after them.


Flounder is tiring.

FLOUNDER (out of breath) I… I can’t do it

Glut’s shark fin emerges on the surface of the water. He is running on a parallel track with Ariel and Flounder. He is closing fast. Ariel notices the shark fin. She tries to get Flounder’s attention, but can’t make a sound.

FLOUNDER (cont.) This b-barrel is too heavy

Ariel yanks hard on the rope, turning Flounder’s head just as Glut looms out of the water, mouth open wide. Flounder does a wild take as Glut SLAMS into them. Ariel is knocked off the barrel, flailing in the water.


The wedding ceremony is progressing. The maiden is getting anxious, wishing the minister would pick up the pace. She looks at the sun. It is now halfway set.

MINISTER (to Eric) keep thee only unto her so long as you both shall live?

Eric hesitates. The maiden looks in his eyes, compelling him.



Ariel is desperately clutching the barrel while Glut, mouth open hungrily, moves in for the kill. Flounder knows he has to do something. Then he gets an idea. He takes a big GULP and summons all his courage. As Glut closes in on Ariel, suddenly Flounder shoots out of the water right in front of Glut’s face, waving his fins and sticking out his tongue. Glut frowns angrily, turns away from Ariel, and starts chasing Flounder. Flounder lures Glut through the loop of rope to the barrel. Glut is lassoed by the rope. Flounder tears off after the ship. Glut pursues Flounder, dragging Ariel along the water in the process.


It is now barely visible over the horizon.


The ceremony is continuing.

MINISTER As long as you both shall live?

MAIDEN (with just a hint of arrogance) I do!


Flounder, with Glut right behind him, approaches the ship. Ariel quickly jumps off the barrel and grabs on to the rigging. She is exhausted and barely able to hang on. Glut stays on the heels of Flounder. Flounder swims toward the barrel. For the first time, we see the word, «GUNPOWDER», painted on the barrel. Flounder desperately shoves the barrel into Glut’s open mouth, then dives for cover. Glut is about to bite down on the barrel.


There is a loud offscreen EXPLOSION momentarily rocking the boat. A shower of water cascades onto the deck. Then the bent up French horn we saw Glut swallow earlier clunks down amidst the startled wedding party.

MINISTER (recovering) Uh where was I? Oh yes (clears his throat) Then by the power vested in me I hereby pronounce you man and

Suddenly there is the sound of loud CAWING, echoing from above. Everyone looks up to see Scuttle and his battalion of seagulls invading the ceremony. People turn to the sides of the boat where an army of sea creatures, otters, turtles, lobsters, dolphins, etc., have climbed up rope and rigging and are plopping on to the deck amidst the flabbergasted wedding party. They completely disrupt the ceremony in a wild comic frenzy of activity.

The animals zero in on the maiden bride. The sea gulls are pulling her hair. Some lobsters snap at her tush. Enraged, she angrily knocks them away.

MAIDEN (shouting viciously) Get away from me you slimy little

She realizes she has let down her guard and is no longer the picture of sweetness and innocence. Eric looks at her strangely. Immediately she reassumes her former attitude and clings to Eric.

MAIDEN (cont.) (meekly) Oh Eric! Eric I’m frightened!

Eric starts fighting off the creatures, defending his bride-to-be. Scuttle realizes he’s got to find some way to reveal to Eric the true identity of the maiden. He gets an idea. He flies down to the lower deck of the ship.


Scuttle flies into the cabin and grabs the mirror off the wall. It is heavy and he has difficulty maneuvering with it. He exits the cabin, carrying the mirror.


Scuttle emerges on to the upper deck clinging to the heavy mirror. He starts toward the maiden. But just as Scuttle is about to get the mirror into position, he SLAMS into a beam and drops the mirror. It SMASHES to the floor. The maiden smiles, relieved. But then, as the Prince looks down toward the floor, his eyes open wide. The invasion of the sea creatures has caused the floor of the deck to be covered in water. Eric can see the reflection of the maiden in the water. Only it is not the maiden. It is the Sea Witch. The shock breaks the effect of the maiden’s spell. Eric draws away from the maiden in horror.

MAIDEN Eric what’s wrong?

The maiden reaches forward to embrace Eric. He pushes her away. Suddenly Grimsby points toward the opposite side of the boat.

GRIMSBY (shouting) Look!

Everyone looks in the direction Grimsby is pointing. The all GASP and then a HUSH comes over the crowd. Ariel has finally managed to climb on to the deck. She is soaked and bedraggled and on the verge of collapse. She starts to faint. Eric rushes over to her.

MAIDEN (shouting) Eric, get away from her!

Eric embraces Ariel and cradles her in his arms.

MAIDEN (cont.) Eric (in Ursula’s voice) Eric, stop!

Everyone reacts in shock as the maiden’s youthful voice changes to the low croaky voice of the Sea Witch. The maiden quickly covers her mouth with a reaction that says, «Did that come out of me?»

Eric looks deeply into Ariel’s eyes. The emotions well up inside of him. He slowly leans forward, about to kiss her.

MAIDEN (in Witch’s voice, screaming) NO!!!


The last rays of sunlight disappear over the horizon. The reflection of the light on the water disappears.


Ariel can feel her body starting to change. She gets a panicked look on her face and pulls away from Eric.

ERIC What’s wrong?

MAIDEN (in Witch’s voice, laughing) You’re too late! You’re too late!!

Ariel frantically breaks away from Eric and dives into the water, just as the lower half of her body begins to glow magically and she changes back into a mermaid. Eric observes this transformation in wide eyed disbelief. The Witch’s offscreen voice is CACKLING victoriously. Everyone turns to look back in the direction of the maiden. They are horrified as the maiden transforms into the Sea Witch and dives into the sea.


In a furious chase, the Witch pursues the little mermaid through the ocean depths.

URSULA You can’t get away, angelfish! You’re mine now!

Flotsam and Jetsam spring into view, swimming tailgunner fashion, on each side of the Witch.

URSULA (shouting) Flotsam! Jetsam! Get her!!

Flotsam and Jetsam zoom after Ariel.


Sebastian has rounded up the Sea King and the two of them are racing to the rescue.


Eric is in a small rowboat, frantically searching for Ariel.

ERIC (calling out) Ariel! Ariel, where are you?

Suddenly Flounder springs out of the water and makes excited SQUEALING NOISES at Eric.

ERIC (cont.) (startled) You you know where she is?

Flounder nods and SQUEALS emphatically. Eric follows Flounder from the boat.


Ariel, chased by Flotsam and Jetsam, ducks in and out of a maze of coral reefs. The two eels are about to grab Ariel. Quickly she uncorks a steam jet and dodges as the eels go spraying out of the scene. For a moment it looks like she is in the clear. Suddenly, Flotsam and Jetsam spring up on each side of her. She is surrounded. They close in. The only direction Ariel can move is upward. She rapidly swims toward the surface.


Ariel’s head shoots out of the water. In the distance, Eric and Flounder see her. Then Ariel is forcefully yanked back down into the water as Flotsam and Jetsam get their coils around her.


Flotsam and Jetsam wrap themselves tightly around Ariel. She is trapped, unable to move. The Sea Witch closes in on Ariel. Ariel struggles helplessly.

URSULA Tsktsktsk Poor little princess. Don’t be frightened (smiles deviously) It’s not you I’m after. You’re merely the bait. I’ve got much bigger fish to

Suddenly a BOLT of ENERGY fires past her.

TRITON (O.S.) Ursula stop!

Ursula whirls and sees Triton approaching with Sebastian beside him. He is pointing his trident at her. She smiles sardonically.

URSULA Why King Triton! How are you? It’s been such a long time, hasn’t it?

The King raises his trident. TRITON Let my daughter go!

URSULA Kill me if you like! But I’ll take this Little minnow with me! She’s mine Now! We made a deal

Ursula FLASHES Ariel’s contract in front of Triton. He glares at it and angrily FIRES a bolt of energy full force at the contract. The energy DISSIPATES leaving the contract intact.

URSULA (cont.) (laughing) You see! It’s all fair and square and Completely unbreakable, even for you!

The Sea King stops, immobile. Ursula turns to Ariel, but the hesitates and looks slyly back at the Sea King.

URSULA (cont.) ‘Course I always was a girl with an eye for a bargain The daughter of the great Sea King is a very precious commodity

She saunters up toward the Sea King with a flirtatious attitude. She playfully pinches his cheek.

URSULA (cont.) But I might be willing to make an exchange For someone even better

Sebastian gets a horrified look on his face as he realizes what she is up to. Ariel realizes also. Ariel shakes her head vehemently as if to say «No, father! Don’t do this!» She furiously struggles, in the grip of Flotsam and Jetsam.


The waters are becoming more turbulent as Flounder and Eric try to reach the spot where they saw Ariel. There are ominous RUMBLES of THUNDER in the sky.


The Sea Witch and the King are in the midst of working out their agreement. There is a heavy solemnity hanging over the proceedings.

TRITON (measured) You will agree that none of my daughters will be harmed in any way?

URSULA (anxious) Fine! Fine! I won’t touch a hair on their Precious little noggins! Now, do we have a deal?

The Sea King nods solemnly. Instantly, Ariel’s contract rewrites itself, replacing Ariel’s signature with Triton’s. As Ariel and Sebastian watch in horror, the Witch raises her arms, preparing to perform her snake spell on the Sea King. The waters around them begin swirling, turning into whirlpools illuminated by bright FLASHES of magical light.


Eric’s boat is bouncing on the turbulent waves. Storm clouds are forming in the night sky and the winds are accelerating.

Eric looks down and can see the bright FLASHES of light beneath the water’s surface. He grabs a harpoon from out of the boat, takes a deep breath and plunges into the water.


At the spot where Triton had been we see a glowing ball of magical light. The light dissipates revealing a hideous polyp, writhing helplessly in the ground. Triton’s crown and trident lay to its side. Ariel and Sebastian are aghast. Ursula puts on the crown and picks up the trident.

URSULA (laughing hideously) Dear Triton! I hope you’ll enjoy the Garden as much as I’ll enjoy the palace!


Eric, grasping his harpoon, is holding his breath while treading water. He sees Ursula LAUGHING in the distance beside Ariel in the coils of Flotsam and Jetsam. He starts toward them.


She turns and sees Eric.

URSULA Well, well, If it isn’t lover boy! How perfect!

Ursula smiles gleefully and points the trident at Eric. She FIRES a bolt of energy. He is just barely able to dodge it. She HOWLS delightedly and FIRES several times in rapid succession. Eric keeps frantically dodging. Then he whirls, raises up, and hurls his harpoon at Ursula. IT grazes her shoulder. She grabs her arm, wincing in pain, then turns on him, enraged.

URSULA (shouting) Why you little fool!

Ursula FIRES a tremendous bolt. Once again, Eric barely dodges as the rocks behind him EXPLODE. Eric is tiring and running out of breath. He desperately tries to swim toward the surface of the water before he passes out.

While the Triton polyp watches helplessly, Flotsam and Jetsam let go of Ariel and take off after Eric. Sebastian and Flounder jump into the fray, trying to help the Prince.

As Ursula prepares to fire again, Ariel leaps at her pulling on the Witch’s fins with all her strength.

Flotsam and Jetsam latch on to Eric and start pulling him back down. Flounder and Sebastian battle the eels. Sebastian frantically SNAPS at them with his claws while Flounder gives the eels a couple of sharp WHACKS in the head. The eels let loose of Eric.

Ursula knocks Ariel away and prepares to take another blast at Eric. Ariel SLAMS back into her and the shot goes awry, hitting Flotsam and Jetsam. The two eels SHRIEK as they instantly disintegrate. Now Ursula is consumed with rage. She takes off after Eric as he approaches the surface.


There is a violent storm with THUNDER, LIGHTNING, fierce WINDS and RAIN. Eric emerges near his boat, GASPING for air. He hurls himself into the boat just as Ursula BURSTS out of the water. Eric grabs another harpoon and prepares to thrust it at the Witch. Ursula FIRES and the boat is hit, EXPLODING. Eric is shot back into the water. His harpoon goes flying.

Ursula, insane with anger, moves in on the dazed Eric. She points the trident and prepares to fire point blank at him. Ariel SLAMS into Ursula again and the trident is knocked out of the Witch’s grasp. Ursula violently slings Ariel into a coral rock formation. Ariel hits her head hard and loses consciousness.

Ursula, eyes blazing, reels back toward Eric. He is going for the trident. He is about to grasp it when Ursula furiously leaps at him, smothering him in her fishy appendages. While Eric frantically struggles in her grasp, she viciously drags him back down into the drink.


As Sebastian tries to retrieve the trident, Ursula is simultaneously drowning and strangling Eric. She is consumed with rage. Eric is near death, but with one last ditch burst of energy, he is able to wrench his arm free and grab the trident from Sebastian. He FIRES. The Witch is hit with a tremendous BOLT of ENERGY. She lets out a blood curdling SCREAM and slowly dissolves into dark, black foam. The only thing left of her is the nautilus shell containing Ariel’s voice, which sinks toward the floor of the ocean.

Eric passes out, completely drained. Sebastian and Flounder go to him and help him back up toward the surface.


It HITS the ocean floor and breaks open, releasing the glowing light of Ariel’s voice.


She is sprawled on the ocean floor, groggily starting to come to. The glowing light moves over to her and passes inside of her. Her eyes widen and she touches her throat.


We see the death of the Witch is having a magical effect on everything under her control. The ground around her domain starts to VIBRATE. The whale’s skeleton and pool of light crumble into dust. A magical GLOW passes over the garden of polyps. They transform into happy, healthy mer folk again. Even Harold is back to his old self.


A magical GLOWING LIGHT transforms the Triton polyp. Once again he is back to his original regal form.


Sebastian pulls Eric onto the edge of the beach. Flounder helps. Then Sebastian and Flounder quickly dive below the water’s surface.


Triton and Ariel tightly embrace, overcome with emotion. Sebastian and Flounder swim over to them.

TRITON (softly) It’s allright, sweetheart It’s allright

ARIEL Oh daddy! Daddy, I’m so sorry! I Love you so much!

Sebastian and Flounder look at each other, amazed that Ariel has gotten her voice back. Ariel warmly hugs her father, smiling happily. But then, very gradually, her smile fades. A sad look comes over her face as she remembers her lost Prince. Her gaze slowly drifts up toward the surface of the water.



Eric is lying unconscious at the edge of the beach. He starts to stir slightly.


She is watching Eric longingly from a rock, out in the water, a short distance from the beach. This scene parallels the earlier scene when Ariel had saved Eric’s live and was watching him from the water.


They surface and observe Ariel. Triton watches his daughter, then looks back toward Eric, the object of her heart’s desire. Triton observes them for a long beat. He looks thoughtful. He turns toward Sebastian.

TRITON That…that human saved my life

The Sea King SIGHS. He is on the verge of making a monumental decision. He looks over at Sebastian with an attitude that says, «Should I?» Sebastian understands and nods pleadingly. The Sea King looks back at his daughter and smiles. He gestures and a magical glow comes out of his trident.


The magical glow engulfs Ariel, shimmering brightly.


He shakes his head a bit. He is starting to regain consciousness. Suddenly he hears Ariel’s voice SINGING.


Eric sees Ariel coming toward him, once again in human form. She kneels down beside him and takes his hand. The two embrace and kiss passionately. The camera TRUCKS IN tight on the couple kissing.



We pull back from the couple kissing and see that it is now a wedding kiss aboard ship. The couple have just been pronounced man and wife.

The entire wedding party aboard the ship, including Carlotta and Sir Grimsby, are all APPLAUDING and CHEERING jubilantly. Max encircles them excitedly. Sebastian and Chef Louis, now the best of friends, are sitting beside each other happily swaying to the music.

As the CAMERA continues PULLING BACK we see that surrounding the ship, in the water, are Ariel’s father, sisters, Harold, and other mer folk, Flounder, and other sea creatures. Scuttle is soaring above the ship. Everyone is APPLAUDING happily. The fish are bouncing up and down on the water and CLAPPING their fins together.

Back on the ship, Sebastian’s blissful smile fades as he looks up and sees Chef Louis coming right at him, brandishing a big, shiny knife. Sebastian’s eyes roll into his head as he faints as WHOOSH, the knife comes down. Pulling back, we see Louis has just cut a piece of wedding cake directly below Sebastian’s perch. Sebastian recovers and smiles weakly as Louis offers him some cake.

Ariel tosses her bridal bouquet out onto the ocean. Triton picks it up. He looks up at his daughter with an expression of both happiness and sadness. She returns his look. Triton and all the sea characters wave to Ariel and Eric as the ship departs, moving against the horizon. We pull back to an extreme long shot as a stirring chorus does a final reprise of «PART OF YOUR WORLD.»



Differences Between Deleted and Final Endings

  • In this ending, Eric is not so much as hypnotized by Vanessa, as much as he is intimidated by her into doing her bidding.
  • In this version, Vanessa has a scarf hiding her necklace to preserve her identity as Ursula.
  • In this version, Vanessa’s necklace isn’t broken on the wedding ship. Instead, her identity as Ursula needed to be revealed to Eric through the use of reflections.
  • In this version, Ursula doesn’t transform into a giant, but gives chase to Eric in her normal form. She is ultimately defeated by having the trident jabbed through her neck.
  • In this version, Eric does not recognize Ariel as the girl who saved him until she is made human for the final time which changes his motivation for saving her. Instead of doing it because she was the girl who saved his life, he does it because he had grown to love her.
  • Ariel doesn’t get her voice back until after Ursula has been defeated.
  • Ariel sings a reprise of Part of Your World to Eric, making her first words to him a reprise of the reprise she sang to him.




  • Ursula’s original death was used in Kingdom Hearts II, when Eric grabs the Trident and throws it at Ursula.
  • In this version of the ending, Eric is unable to communicate with Ariel’s friends, which would contradict the sequel where Eric is able to understand Sebastian (and apparently Scuttle).
  • This ending makes reference to a deleted character named Harold. Harold was a merman who would have come to Ursula in the movie, but couldn’t pay her price and thus was transformed into a polyp.
  • The reason this ending was changed was because Jeffery Katzenberg had gone to see Die Hard. After watching the film he exclaimed to the story team to, «make [the ending] more like Die Hard.» In addition, another reason, at least according to the hagiography Disney War, was because Katzenberg didn’t think Ariel ramming Ursula (who had become much more powerful) worked.
  • In this ending, Ursula turns to seafoam instead of her body part spreading across the sea. A direct reference to the original story, and how the original mermaid died.

This is the original ending to the 1989 film The Little Mermaid.

The Little Mermaid Early Original Script

It is a bright, sunny morning. Scuttle is excitedly flying toward the palace.


Ariel is asleep in her bed with a happy smile on her face. She is dreaming of romance with Eric. Sebastian is also asleep, on the stand beside the bed, SNORING loudly. Scuttle swoops through the window and enters the bedroom.

SCUTTLE (shouting) Ariel! WAKE UP!!!

Sebastian wakes up with a jolt in reaction to Scuttle’s screaming. Scuttle flies over to Ariel and frantically pulls at her clothes and her hair. She wakes up groggily.

SCUTTLE (cont.) I just heard the news! Congratulations, kiddo! We did it!

Ariel stares at the seagull blankly.

SEBASTIAN What is dis idiot babbling about?

SCUTTLE (winking conspiratorily) Right! As if you two didn’t know! The whole town’s buzzin’ about the Prince getting’ himself hitched this afternoon!

Sebastian and Ariel both look at each other, astonished. Scuttle shakes Ariel’s hand.

SCUTTLE You crazy kidder! Just wanted to wish you luck! Catch ya later Wouldn’t miss it!

Scuttle takes off out the window leaving a perplexed Ariel and Sebastian. Ariel lights up hopefully. Could this mean her dream might actually be coming true? Suddenly they hear Eric’s voice shouting from downstairs.

ERIC (O.S.) Ariel! Ariel, come down here! I’ve got something to tell you!

Ariel beams, her heart leaping. She gives Sebastian a big kiss, grabs a robe and happily runs out the door. Sebastian hurries after her.


Ariel comes dashing down the long flight of stairs with a big smile on her face. But then she stops dead in her tracks. Eric is with a very beautiful, dark haired MAIDEN. Grimbsy and Carlotta are standing toward the back of the room, looking somber. As Eric speaks, there is something odd about his manner. He seems almost as if he were in a hypnotic trance. The maiden clings tightly to Eric.

ERIC Ariel I I’d like you to meet Vanessa. She saved my life a few weeks ago. I’ve been trying to find her ever since.

The maiden smiles sweetly at Ariel. Ariel draws back in shock and confusion. How can this be? Sebastian watches from the staircase. He is also perplexed.

ERIC (cont.) We’re we’re going to be married on board ship at sea this afternoon at sunset. I…I want you to be there, Ariel I

Ariel is crushed. She shakes her head in disbelief. Her whole world is collapsing around her. She looks over at Grimbsy and Carlotta. They are obviously distressed about the situation but there is nothing they can do. Angry and confused, trying to fight back her tears, she reels away from Eric and races out of the room.

ERIC (cont.) Ariel?

Eric starts after Ariel but the maiden gently pulls him back. She kisses him sweetly. Unseen by anyone but the audience, a diabolical smile crosses her face. The scarf around her neck lips slightly and we see the nautilus shell, with Ariel’s voice, handing around her neck.



The brightly decorated wedding ship is departing the harbor. Its passengers include Eric and the maiden, Grimbsy and Carlotta, Max, and the wedding party. The sun is looming brightly in the sky.


Ariel is sitting on a platform on the dock, watching the wedding ship depart in the distance. Her bare feet dangle in the water. She looks very sad and forlorn. Her heart is broken.Flounder nuzzles up to Ariel in a comforting gesture. Sebastian leans over to her, overcome with emotion.

SEBASTIAN (on the brink of tears) What can I say! Humans are slime! Dere is no doubt about it!

Ariel forces a smile and gently pets Sebastian. Then, as she looks wistfully at her reflection in the water, we hear a faint reprise of «Life Under the Sea » in a melancholy strain. She sees a school of fish swim by and seems lost in thought about the world she left behind. She gazes out at the departing wedding ship which is now just barely visible on the edge of the horizon. She looks up at the sun.


It is low in the sky. Sunset is not far off. We hear the voice of Ursula reciting her conditions echoing in Ariel’s mind.

URSULA (cont.) before the sun sets on the third day the third day the third day


Scuttle is happily flying toward the wedding ship. He reacts, puzzled, as he hears the sound of Ariel’s SINGING, coming from the ship. He flies down to investigate. The voice is emanating from a porthole in the lower deck. Scuttle peers inside.


The maiden is alone in the cabin donning a beautiful wedding dress. She is singing a variation of the Witch’s song «POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS.»


She LAUGHS as she passes in front of a mirror. Scuttle’s eyes widen. The reflection in the mirror is that of.

SCUTTLE (gasps) The Sea Witch!!


Scuttle is completely flustered. He flies around in ten different directions at once.

SCUTTLE Oh no!! She’s gonna Somebody’s gotta What am I gonna I’ve gotta (screeches loudly) ARIELLLL!!!

Scuttle takes off, flying in a wild frenzy back to shore.


Ariel is still with her friends sitting on the dock.

SCUTTLE (screaming) Ariel!!

They look up and see Scuttle circling overheard. Scuttle spots them and crashlands on the dock next to Ariel.

SCUTTLE (cont.) (out of breath) Ariel the Prince he’s he’s not marrying you!

SEBASTIAN We know dat, you dodo!

SCUTTLE I I was flying looked in the porthole I saw I saw I saw

Sebastian WHACKS the gull sharply on his beak.

SCUTTLE THE SEA WITCH!!! The Prince is marrying the Sea Witch in disguise!!

They all react in shock and surprise.

SEBASTIAN Are you sure about dis?

SCUTTLE Have I ever been wrong?

Ariel looks out to sea. The boat is just barely visible on the horizon.

FLOUNDER Wh-what are we g-gonna do?!

Sebastian looks around desperately. He spots a barrel tied to a post. He SNAPS the rope with his claws. The barrel tumbles into the ocean, floating on the surface.

SEBASTIAN Ariel! Grab on to dat!

Ariel jumps into the water, holding on to the barrel to stay afloat. Sebastian dives in after her. He grabs the rope and thrusts it at Flounder.

SEBASTIAN (cont.) Flounder! Get her to dat boat as Fast as your fins can carry you!

FLOUNDER (nodding) R-r-right!

Flounder takes off, pulling the barrel, with Ariel on top, in the direction of the boat.

SEBASTIAN I got to get de Sea King ! He got to know ’bout dis!

SCUTTLE What about me?

SEBASTIAN You got to find some way to stall dat wedding!

Sebastian swims off. Scuttle flies around nervously.

SCUTTLE Stall the wedding? How do I What can I

Scuttle lights up as he gets an idea. He immediately flies off, emitting a strange CAWING, horn-like sound that resembles a military call to arms.


It is now beginning to set over the horizon.


On the upper deck of the ship, the wedding ceremony is beginning. The MINISTER, an extremely elderly gentleman, is standing at a podium at the front of the ship. There is a great deal of pomp and circumstance. Some buglers blow a FANFARE, and everyone quiets down. A group of musicians begin a variation of a WEDDING MARCH.

The maiden, looking resplendent in the beautiful wedding dress, starts down the aisle. Eric follows, dressed to the hilt, still with a slightly dazed look on his face. Grimsby, Eric’s best man, walks behind him. Eric and the maiden take their place in front of the podium.

MINISTER (speaking very slowly and deliberately) We are gathered here today


Scuttle is soaring through the skies, SHRIEKING out his call to arms at a fever pitch.


A SEA TURTLE pokes his head out of the water.

TURTLE Sounds like an emergency!

Scuttle swoops down over the turtle, emitting his YELL. The turtle takes off after Scuttle.


Scuttle flies by a group of OTTERS, sunning themselves on rocks. When they hear his call they perk up, start clapping their pays excitedly, and dive into the water.


Scuttle soars past a long beach crowded with sea creatures. They all respond to his call to action. Some LOBSTERS and a STARFISH and a DOLPHIN hurry into the water. A group of SEA GULLS all take off, flying in formation behind Scuttle.

SCUTTLE: Move it! Let’s go, we got an emergency here!


Ariel is grasping on to the barrel as Flounder pulls. The wedding ship looms in the distance. Even though Flounder is flapping his fins like mad, the barrel is creeping along.


Glut the shark is sauntering menacingly through the water. He looks up and notices the underside of Ariel and Flounder as they soar by. Glut licks his chops and starts after them.


Flounder is tiring.

FLOUNDER (out of breath) I… I can’t do it

Glut’s shark fin emerges on the surface of the water. He is running on a parallel track with Ariel and Flounder. He is closing fast. Ariel notices the shark fin. She tries to get Flounder’s attention, but can’t make a sound.

FLOUNDER (cont.) This b-barrel is too heavy

Ariel yanks hard on the rope, turning Flounder’s head just as Glut looms out of the water, mouth open wide. Flounder does a wild take as Glut SLAMS into them. Ariel is knocked off the barrel, flailing in the water.


The wedding ceremony is progressing. The maiden is getting anxious, wishing the minister would pick up the pace. She looks at the sun. It is now halfway set.

MINISTER (to Eric) keep thee only unto her so long as you both shall live?

Eric hesitates. The maiden looks in his eyes, compelling him.



Ariel is desperately clutching the barrel while Glut, mouth open hungrily, moves in for the kill. Flounder knows he has to do something. Then he gets an idea. He takes a big GULP and summons all his courage. As Glut closes in on Ariel, suddenly Flounder shoots out of the water right in front of Glut’s face, waving his fins and sticking out his tongue. Glut frowns angrily, turns away from Ariel, and starts chasing Flounder. Flounder lures Glut through the loop of rope to the barrel. Glut is lassoed by the rope. Flounder tears off after the ship. Glut pursues Flounder, dragging Ariel along the water in the process.


It is now barely visible over the horizon.


The ceremony is continuing.

MINISTER As long as you both shall live?

MAIDEN (with just a hint of arrogance) I do!


Flounder, with Glut right behind him, approaches the ship. Ariel quickly jumps off the barrel and grabs on to the rigging. She is exhausted and barely able to hang on. Glut stays on the heels of Flounder. Flounder swims toward the barrel. For the first time, we see the word, «GUNPOWDER», painted on the barrel. Flounder desperately shoves the barrel into Glut’s open mouth, then dives for cover. Glut is about to bite down on the barrel.


There is a loud offscreen EXPLOSION momentarily rocking the boat. A shower of water cascades onto the deck. Then the bent up French horn we saw Glut swallow earlier clunks down amidst the startled wedding party.

MINISTER (recovering) Uh where was I? Oh yes (clears his throat) Then by the power vested in me I hereby pronounce you man and

Suddenly there is the sound of loud CAWING, echoing from above. Everyone looks up to see Scuttle and his battalion of seagulls invading the ceremony. People turn to the sides of the boat where an army of sea creatures, otters, turtles, lobsters, dolphins, etc., have climbed up rope and rigging and are plopping on to the deck amidst the flabbergasted wedding party. They completely disrupt the ceremony in a wild comic frenzy of activity.

The animals zero in on the maiden bride. The sea gulls are pulling her hair. Some lobsters snap at her tush. Enraged, she angrily knocks them away.

MAIDEN (shouting viciously) Get away from me you slimy little

She realizes she has let down her guard and is no longer the picture of sweetness and innocence. Eric looks at her strangely. Immediately she reassumes her former attitude and clings to Eric.

MAIDEN (cont.) (meekly) Oh Eric! Eric I’m frightened!

Eric starts fighting off the creatures, defending his bride-to-be. Scuttle realizes he’s got to find some way to reveal to Eric the true identity of the maiden. He gets an idea. He flies down to the lower deck of the ship.


Scuttle flies into the cabin and grabs the mirror off the wall. It is heavy and he has difficulty maneuvering with it. He exits the cabin, carrying the mirror.


Scuttle emerges on to the upper deck clinging to the heavy mirror. He starts toward the maiden. But just as Scuttle is about to get the mirror into position, he SLAMS into a beam and drops the mirror. It SMASHES to the floor. The maiden smiles, relieved. But then, as the Prince looks down toward the floor, his eyes open wide. The invasion of the sea creatures has caused the floor of the deck to be covered in water. Eric can see the reflection of the maiden in the water. Only it is not the maiden. It is the Sea Witch. The shock breaks the effect of the maiden’s spell. Eric draws away from the maiden in horror.

MAIDEN Eric what’s wrong?

The maiden reaches forward to embrace Eric. He pushes her away. Suddenly Grimsby points toward the opposite side of the boat.

GRIMSBY (shouting) Look!

Everyone looks in the direction Grimsby is pointing. The all GASP and then a HUSH comes over the crowd. Ariel has finally managed to climb on to the deck. She is soaked and bedraggled and on the verge of collapse. She starts to faint. Eric rushes over to her.

MAIDEN (shouting) Eric, get away from her!

Eric embraces Ariel and cradles her in his arms.

MAIDEN (cont.) Eric (in Ursula’s voice) Eric, stop!

Everyone reacts in shock as the maiden’s youthful voice changes to the low croaky voice of the Sea Witch. The maiden quickly covers her mouth with a reaction that says, «Did that come out of me?»

Eric looks deeply into Ariel’s eyes. The emotions well up inside of him. He slowly leans forward, about to kiss her.

MAIDEN (in Witch’s voice, screaming) NO!!!


The last rays of sunlight disappear over the horizon. The reflection of the light on the water disappears.


Ariel can feel her body starting to change. She gets a panicked look on her face and pulls away from Eric.

ERIC What’s wrong?

MAIDEN (in Witch’s voice, laughing) You’re too late! You’re too late!!

Ariel frantically breaks away from Eric and dives into the water, just as the lower half of her body begins to glow magically and she changes back into a mermaid. Eric observes this transformation in wide eyed disbelief. The Witch’s offscreen voice is CACKLING victoriously. Everyone turns to look back in the direction of the maiden. They are horrified as the maiden transforms into the Sea Witch and dives into the sea.


In a furious chase, the Witch pursues the little mermaid through the ocean depths.

URSULA You can’t get away, angelfish! You’re mine now!

Flotsam and Jetsam spring into view, swimming tailgunner fashion, on each side of the Witch.

URSULA (shouting) Flotsam! Jetsam! Get her!!

Flotsam and Jetsam zoom after Ariel.


Sebastian has rounded up the Sea King and the two of them are racing to the rescue.


Eric is in a small rowboat, frantically searching for Ariel.

ERIC (calling out) Ariel! Ariel, where are you?

Suddenly Flounder springs out of the water and makes excited SQUEALING NOISES at Eric.

ERIC (cont.) (startled) You you know where she is?

Flounder nods and SQUEALS emphatically. Eric follows Flounder from the boat.


Ariel, chased by Flotsam and Jetsam, ducks in and out of a maze of coral reefs. The two eels are about to grab Ariel. Quickly she uncorks a steam jet and dodges as the eels go spraying out of the scene. For a moment it looks like she is in the clear. Suddenly, Flotsam and Jetsam spring up on each side of her. She is surrounded. They close in. The only direction Ariel can move is upward. She rapidly swims toward the surface.


Ariel’s head shoots out of the water. In the distance, Eric and Flounder see her. Then Ariel is forcefully yanked back down into the water as Flotsam and Jetsam get their coils around her.


Flotsam and Jetsam wrap themselves tightly around Ariel. She is trapped, unable to move. The Sea Witch closes in on Ariel. Ariel struggles helplessly.

URSULA Tsktsktsk Poor little princess. Don’t be frightened (smiles deviously) It’s not you I’m after. You’re merely the bait. I’ve got much bigger fish to

Suddenly a BOLT of ENERGY fires past her.

TRITON (O.S.) Ursula stop!

Ursula whirls and sees Triton approaching with Sebastian beside him. He is pointing his trident at her. She smiles sardonically.

URSULA Why King Triton! How are you? It’s been such a long time, hasn’t it?

The King raises his trident. TRITON Let my daughter go!

URSULA Kill me if you like! But I’ll take this Little minnow with me! She’s mine Now! We made a deal

Ursula FLASHES Ariel’s contract in front of Triton. He glares at it and angrily FIRES a bolt of energy full force at the contract. The energy DISSIPATES leaving the contract intact.

URSULA (cont.) (laughing) You see! It’s all fair and square and Completely unbreakable, even for you!

The Sea King stops, immobile. Ursula turns to Ariel, but the hesitates and looks slyly back at the Sea King.

URSULA (cont.) ‘Course I always was a girl with an eye for a bargain The daughter of the great Sea King is a very precious commodity

She saunters up toward the Sea King with a flirtatious attitude. She playfully pinches his cheek.

URSULA (cont.) But I might be willing to make an exchange For someone even better

Sebastian gets a horrified look on his face as he realizes what she is up to. Ariel realizes also. Ariel shakes her head vehemently as if to say «No, father! Don’t do this!» She furiously struggles, in the grip of Flotsam and Jetsam.


The waters are becoming more turbulent as Flounder and Eric try to reach the spot where they saw Ariel. There are ominous RUMBLES of THUNDER in the sky.


The Sea Witch and the King are in the midst of working out their agreement. There is a heavy solemnity hanging over the proceedings.

TRITON (measured) You will agree that none of my daughters will be harmed in any way?

URSULA (anxious) Fine! Fine! I won’t touch a hair on their Precious little noggins! Now, do we have a deal?

The Sea King nods solemnly. Instantly, Ariel’s contract rewrites itself, replacing Ariel’s signature with Triton’s. As Ariel and Sebastian watch in horror, the Witch raises her arms, preparing to perform her snake spell on the Sea King. The waters around them begin swirling, turning into whirlpools illuminated by bright FLASHES of magical light.


Eric’s boat is bouncing on the turbulent waves. Storm clouds are forming in the night sky and the winds are accelerating.

Eric looks down and can see the bright FLASHES of light beneath the water’s surface. He grabs a harpoon from out of the boat, takes a deep breath and plunges into the water.


At the spot where Triton had been we see a glowing ball of magical light. The light dissipates revealing a hideous polyp, writhing helplessly in the ground. Triton’s crown and trident lay to its side. Ariel and Sebastian are aghast. Ursula puts on the crown and picks up the trident.

URSULA (laughing hideously) Dear Triton! I hope you’ll enjoy the Garden as much as I’ll enjoy the palace!


Eric, grasping his harpoon, is holding his breath while treading water. He sees Ursula LAUGHING in the distance beside Ariel in the coils of Flotsam and Jetsam. He starts toward them.


She turns and sees Eric.

URSULA Well, well, If it isn’t lover boy! How perfect!

Ursula smiles gleefully and points the trident at Eric. She FIRES a bolt of energy. He is just barely able to dodge it. She HOWLS delightedly and FIRES several times in rapid succession. Eric keeps frantically dodging. Then he whirls, raises up, and hurls his harpoon at Ursula. IT grazes her shoulder. She grabs her arm, wincing in pain, then turns on him, enraged.

URSULA (shouting) Why you little fool!

Ursula FIRES a tremendous bolt. Once again, Eric barely dodges as the rocks behind him EXPLODE. Eric is tiring and running out of breath. He desperately tries to swim toward the surface of the water before he passes out.

While the Triton polyp watches helplessly, Flotsam and Jetsam let go of Ariel and take off after Eric. Sebastian and Flounder jump into the fray, trying to help the Prince.

As Ursula prepares to fire again, Ariel leaps at her pulling on the Witch’s fins with all her strength.

Flotsam and Jetsam latch on to Eric and start pulling him back down. Flounder and Sebastian battle the eels. Sebastian frantically SNAPS at them with his claws while Flounder gives the eels a couple of sharp WHACKS in the head. The eels let loose of Eric.

Ursula knocks Ariel away and prepares to take another blast at Eric. Ariel SLAMS back into her and the shot goes awry, hitting Flotsam and Jetsam. The two eels SHRIEK as they instantly disintegrate. Now Ursula is consumed with rage. She takes off after Eric as he approaches the surface.


There is a violent storm with THUNDER, LIGHTNING, fierce WINDS and RAIN. Eric emerges near his boat, GASPING for air. He hurls himself into the boat just as Ursula BURSTS out of the water. Eric grabs another harpoon and prepares to thrust it at the Witch. Ursula FIRES and the boat is hit, EXPLODING. Eric is shot back into the water. His harpoon goes flying.

Ursula, insane with anger, moves in on the dazed Eric. She points the trident and prepares to fire point blank at him. Ariel SLAMS into Ursula again and the trident is knocked out of the Witch’s grasp. Ursula violently slings Ariel into a coral rock formation. Ariel hits her head hard and loses consciousness.

Ursula, eyes blazing, reels back toward Eric. He is going for the trident. He is about to grasp it when Ursula furiously leaps at him, smothering him in her fishy appendages. While Eric frantically struggles in her grasp, she viciously drags him back down into the drink.


As Sebastian tries to retrieve the trident, Ursula is simultaneously drowning and strangling Eric. She is consumed with rage. Eric is near death, but with one last ditch burst of energy, he is able to wrench his arm free and grab the trident from Sebastian. He FIRES. The Witch is hit with a tremendous BOLT of ENERGY. She lets out a blood curdling SCREAM and slowly dissolves into dark, black foam. The only thing left of her is the nautilus shell containing Ariel’s voice, which sinks toward the floor of the ocean.

Eric passes out, completely drained. Sebastian and Flounder go to him and help him back up toward the surface.


It HITS the ocean floor and breaks open, releasing the glowing light of Ariel’s voice.


She is sprawled on the ocean floor, groggily starting to come to. The glowing light moves over to her and passes inside of her. Her eyes widen and she touches her throat.


We see the death of the Witch is having a magical effect on everything under her control. The ground around her domain starts to VIBRATE. The whale’s skeleton and pool of light crumble into dust. A magical GLOW passes over the garden of polyps. They transform into happy, healthy mer folk again. Even Harold is back to his old self.


A magical GLOWING LIGHT transforms the Triton polyp. Once again he is back to his original regal form.


Sebastian pulls Eric onto the edge of the beach. Flounder helps. Then Sebastian and Flounder quickly dive below the water’s surface.


Triton and Ariel tightly embrace, overcome with emotion. Sebastian and Flounder swim over to them.

TRITON (softly) It’s allright, sweetheart It’s allright

ARIEL Oh daddy! Daddy, I’m so sorry! I Love you so much!

Sebastian and Flounder look at each other, amazed that Ariel has gotten her voice back. Ariel warmly hugs her father, smiling happily. But then, very gradually, her smile fades. A sad look comes over her face as she remembers her lost Prince. Her gaze slowly drifts up toward the surface of the water.



Eric is lying unconscious at the edge of the beach. He starts to stir slightly.


She is watching Eric longingly from a rock, out in the water, a short distance from the beach. This scene parallels the earlier scene when Ariel had saved Eric’s live and was watching him from the water.


They surface and observe Ariel. Triton watches his daughter, then looks back toward Eric, the object of her heart’s desire. Triton observes them for a long beat. He looks thoughtful. He turns toward Sebastian.

TRITON That…that human saved my life

The Sea King SIGHS. He is on the verge of making a monumental decision. He looks over at Sebastian with an attitude that says, «Should I?» Sebastian understands and nods pleadingly. The Sea King looks back at his daughter and smiles. He gestures and a magical glow comes out of his trident.


The magical glow engulfs Ariel, shimmering brightly.


He shakes his head a bit. He is starting to regain consciousness. Suddenly he hears Ariel’s voice SINGING.


Eric sees Ariel coming toward him, once again in human form. She kneels down beside him and takes his hand. The two embrace and kiss passionately. The camera TRUCKS IN tight on the couple kissing.



We pull back from the couple kissing and see that it is now a wedding kiss aboard ship. The couple have just been pronounced man and wife.

The entire wedding party aboard the ship, including Carlotta and Sir Grimsby, are all APPLAUDING and CHEERING jubilantly. Max encircles them excitedly. Sebastian and Chef Louis, now the best of friends, are sitting beside each other happily swaying to the music.

As the CAMERA continues PULLING BACK we see that surrounding the ship, in the water, are Ariel’s father, sisters, Harold, and other mer folk, Flounder, and other sea creatures. Scuttle is soaring above the ship. Everyone is APPLAUDING happily. The fish are bouncing up and down on the water and CLAPPING their fins together.

Back on the ship, Sebastian’s blissful smile fades as he looks up and sees Chef Louis coming right at him, brandishing a big, shiny knife. Sebastian’s eyes roll into his head as he faints as WHOOSH, the knife comes down. Pulling back, we see Louis has just cut a piece of wedding cake directly below Sebastian’s perch. Sebastian recovers and smiles weakly as Louis offers him some cake.

Ariel tosses her bridal bouquet out onto the ocean. Triton picks it up. He looks up at his daughter with an expression of both happiness and sadness. She returns his look. Triton and all the sea characters wave to Ariel and Eric as the ship departs, moving against the horizon. We pull back to an extreme long shot as a stirring chorus does a final reprise of «PART OF YOUR WORLD.»



Differences Between Deleted and Final Endings

  • In this ending, Eric is not so much as hypnotized by Vanessa, as much as he is intimidated by her into doing her bidding.
  • In this version, Vanessa has a scarf hiding her necklace to preserve her identity as Ursula.
  • In this version, Vanessa’s necklace isn’t broken on the wedding ship. Instead, her identity as Ursula needed to be revealed to Eric through the use of reflections.
  • In this version, Ursula doesn’t transform into a giant, but gives chase to Eric in her normal form. She is ultimately defeated by having the trident jabbed through her neck.
  • In this version, Eric does not recognize Ariel as the girl who saved him until she is made human for the final time which changes his motivation for saving her. Instead of doing it because she was the girl who saved his life, he does it because he had grown to love her.
  • Ariel doesn’t get her voice back until after Ursula has been defeated.
  • Ariel sings a reprise of Part of Your World to Eric, making her first words to him a reprise of the reprise she sang to him.




  • Ursula’s original death was used in Kingdom Hearts II, when Eric grabs the Trident and throws it at Ursula.
  • In this version of the ending, Eric is unable to communicate with Ariel’s friends, which would contradict the sequel where Eric is able to understand Sebastian (and apparently Scuttle).
  • This ending makes reference to a deleted character named Harold. Harold was a merman who would have come to Ursula in the movie, but couldn’t pay her price and thus was transformed into a polyp.
  • The reason this ending was changed was because Jeffery Katzenberg had gone to see Die Hard. After watching the film he exclaimed to the story team to, «make [the ending] more like Die Hard.» In addition, another reason, at least according to the hagiography Disney War, was because Katzenberg didn’t think Ariel ramming Ursula (who had become much more powerful) worked.
  • In this ending, Ursula turns to seafoam instead of her body part spreading across the sea. A direct reference to the original story, and how the original mermaid died.

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