Сценарий сериала дневники вампира на английском

Woods Stefan: [voice over] For over a century, I have lived in secret; hiding in the shadows, alone in the world. Until now. I am a vampire. And this is my story. [Darren and Brooke are driving in their car through the woods.] Darren: An hour's drive to hear that crap. You know, it wasn't even a band. A guy with a guitar. An hour each way. Brooke: He wasn't that bad. Darren: He sounded like James Blunt. Brooke: What's wrong with that? Darren: We already have a James Blunt. One's all we need. Bro


Stefan: [voice over] For over a century, I have lived in secret; hiding in the shadows, alone in the world. Until now. I am a vampire. And this is my story.

[Darren and Brooke are driving in their car through the woods.]

Darren: An hour’s drive to hear that crap. You know, it wasn’t even a band. A guy with a guitar. An hour each way.
Brooke: He wasn’t that bad.
Darren: He sounded like James Blunt.
Brooke: What’s wrong with that?
Darren: We already have a James Blunt. One’s all we need.
Brooke: So why did you come?
Darren: Because I love you.
Brooke: Nicely done. What’s with all the fog?
Darren: It’ll clear in a second.
Brooke: Watch out!

[They run over a man.]

Darren: Are you okay?
Brooke: We just hit someone! Oh my god!
Darren: Call for help.
Brooke: Come on, come on!
Darren: Please be alive! Oh, my god.

[The man wakes up and bites him in the neck.]

Brooke: There’s no signal! Darren! Darren?

[Brooke runs and gets dragged up into the sky.]


Salvatore Boarding House

[Stefan is on the roof.]

Stefan: I shouldn’t have come home. I know the risk. But I had no choice. I have to know her.

[Jumps off roof]

Gilbert Residence

[Elena is writing in her diary.]

Elena: Dear diary, today will be different. It has to be. I will smile, and it will be believable. My smile will say «I’m fine, thank you.» «Yes, I feel much better.» I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents. I will start fresh, be someone new. It’s the only way I’ll make it through.

[In the kitchen.]

Jenna: Toast. I can make toast.
Elena: It’s all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna.
Jeremy: Is there coffee?
Jenna: Your first day of school and I’m totally unprepared. Lunch money?
Elena: I’m good.
Jenna: Anything else? A number two pencil? What am I missing?
Elena: Don’t you have a big presentation today?
Jenna: I’m meeting with my thesis advisor at…now. Crap!
Elena: Then go. We’ll be fine. You okay?
Jeremy: Don’t start.


Bonnie’s Car

[Elena and Bonnie are driving to school in Bonnie’s car.]

Bonnie: So Grams is telling me I’m psychic. Our ancestors were from Salem, witches and all that, I know, crazy, but she’s going on and on about it, and I’m like, put this woman in a home already! But then I started thinking, I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger, and I still think Florida will break off and turn into little resort islands…Elena! Back in the car.
Elena: I did it again, didn’t I? I—I’m sorry, Bonnie. You were telling me that…
Bonnie: That I’m psychic now.
Elena: Right. Okay, then predict something. About me.
Bonnie: I see…

[A crow hits their car.]

Bonnie: What was that?! Oh, my god! Elena, are you okay?
Elena: It’s okay. I’m fine.
Bonnie: It was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere.
Elena: Really, I can’t be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.
Bonnie: I predict this year is going to be kick ass. And I predict all the sad and dark times are over and you are going to be beyond happy.

[A crow is on top of a road sign.]

Mystic Falls High School

[Stefan walks inside the school.]

[Inside the school.]

Bonnie: Major lack of male real estate. Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beech. She looks like a hot — can I still say «tranny mess»?
Elena: No, that’s over.
Bonnie: Ahh, find a man, coin a phrase. It’s a busy year.

[Elena waves to Matt. He ignores her.]

Elena: He hates me.
Bonnie: That’s not hate. That’s «you dumped me, but I’m too cool to show it, but secretly I’m listening to Air Supply’s greatest hits.»

[Caroline approaches them.]

Caroline: Elena. Oh, my god.

[Caroline hugs Elena.]

Caroline: How are you? Oh, it’s so good to see you. How is she? Is she good?
Elena: Caroline, I’m right here. And I’m fine. Thank you.
Caroline: Really?
Elena: Yes. Much better.
Caroline: Oh, you poor thing.

[Caroline hugs her again.]

Elena: Okay, Caroline.
Caroline: Oh! Okay, see you guys later?
Bonnie: OK! Bye!
Elena: No comment.
Bonnie: I’m not going to say anything.

[Outside the school.]

Jeremy: Don’t take more than two in a six-hour window.

[Vicki takes the pills.]

Tyler: Hey, Vicki. I knew I’d find you here with the crackheads.
Vicki: Hey.
Tyler: Hey, Pete Wentz called. He wants his nail polish back.
Jeremy: Pete Wentz, huh? How old school T.R.L. of you. Carson Daly fan?
Vicki: Oh, Ty, be nice. That’s Elena’s little brother.
Tyler: I know who he is. I’ll still kick his ass.

[Vicky/Tyler kiss]

[Outside the school office.]

Bonnie: Hold up. Who’s this?
Elena: All I see is back.
Bonnie: It’s a hot back.

[In the school office.]

Secretary: Your records are incomplete. You’re missing immunization records, and we do insist on transcripts.
Stefan: Please look again. I’m sure everything you need is there.

[Stefan compels the secretary.]

Secretary: Well, you’re right. So it is.

[Outside the school office.]

Bonnie: I’m sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar.
Elena: You’re really going to run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?
Bonnie: Pretty much.
Boy: Jeremy, good batch, man.
Elena: I’ll be right back.
Bonnie: Please be hot.

[Elena enters the boy’s bathroom.]

Boy: Whoa! Pants down, chick!

[Elena grabs Jeremy’s face, looking into his eyes to see if he’s high.]

Elena: Great. It’s the first day of school and you’re stoned.
Jeremy: No, I’m not.
Elena: Where is it? Is it on you?
Jeremy: Stop, all right?! You need to chill yourself, all right?
Elena: Chill myself? What is that, stoner talk? Dude, you are so cool.
Jeremy: Look, stop! I don’t have anything on me. Are you crazy?
Elena: You haven’t seen crazy, Jeremy! I gave you a summer pass, but I am done watching you destroy yourself. No, no, no, you know what? Go ahead. Keep it up. But just know that I am going to be there to ruin your buzz every time, you got it? Jeremy, I know who you are. And it’s not this person. So don’t be this person.
Jeremy: I don’t need this.

[Jeremy leaves.]

[Outside the school office, Bonnie watches Stefan.]

Stefan: Thank you.
Secretary: You’re welcome.

[Outside the boy’s bathroom.]

Stefan: Uh, pardon me. Um…is this the men’s room?
Elena: Yes. Um, I was just, Um—I was just—It’s a long story….

[Elena tries to pass. Stefan makes way for her.]

Elena: Thank you.

[In the history class.]

Tanner: Once our home state of Virginia joined confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state. People in Virginia’s northwest region had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south. Then Virginia divided in 1863 with the northwest region joining the union. (continues talking)

[Elena and Stefan exchange looks.]

Bonnie (text to Elena): HAWT-E. STARING @ U.

[Elena looks at Stefan. She then looks back to the front.]


[Elena walks into the cemetery and writes in her diary.]

Elena: Dear diary, I made it through the day. I must have said, «I’m fine, thanks,» at least thirty-seven times. And I didn’t mean it once. But no one noticed. When someone asks, «How are you?» They really don’t want an answer.

[A crow appears on her parents grave stone.]

Elena: Okay. Hi, bird. That’s not creepy or anything. Shoo!

[The bird flies off.]

Elena: That’s what I thought.

[The crow reappears and fog starts to ascend around the cemetery. A man is standing behind a tomb. Elena starts to run.]

Elena: Ahh!

[Elena trips and falls. She gets up and sees Stefan.]

Stefan: You okay?
Elena: Were you following me?
Stefan: No, I-a, uh, I-a just — I saw you fall.
Elena: Uh-huh, and you just happened to be hanging out in a cemetery.
Stefan: I’m visiting. I have family here.
Elena: Oh. Wow. Tactless. I’m sorry. It’s the fog, It’s making me foggy. And then back there, there was this — this bird, and it was all very Hitchcock for a second. That is the bird movie, right, the Hitchcock?…I’m Elena.
Stefan: I’m Stefan.
Elena: I know. We have History together.
Stefan: And English and French.
Elena: Right.

[Stefan pulls a leaf out of Elena’s hair.]

Elena: Thanks…Nice ring.
Stefan: Oh. Um, It’s a family ring, yeah. I’m kinda stuck with it. It’s weird, huh?
Elena: No, no. It’s just, I mean, there are rings and then there’s that.
Stefan: Did you hurt yourself?
Elena: Hmm?
Stefan: Did you hurt yourself?
Elena: Oh, uh, I don’t know.

[Elena pulls up her pant leg and sees a cut gushing blood.]

Elena: Oh! Would you look at that. That is not pretty.

[Stefan turns around and his face changes].

Elena: Are you okay?

[Stefan’s eyes start to change]

Stefan: You should go. Take care of that.
Elena: Really, it’s nothing.

[She turns around but Stefan has disappeared.]

Salvatore Boarding House

[Stefan is writing in his diary.]

Stefan: I lost control today. Everything I’ve kept buried inside came rushing to the surface. I’m simply not able to resist her.

Mystic Grill

Jeremy: Hey Vick.
Vicki: Working.

[She arrives at Matt and Tyler’s table.]

Matt: Thanks, Vick.
Vicki: Do you need another refill?
Tyler: I’d love one.

[Vicki leaves the table.]

Matt: Please tell me you’re not hooking up with my sister.
Tyler: I’m not hooking up with your sister.
Matt: You’re such a dick.

[Jeremy catches up to Vicki.]

Jeremy: Hey, what’s your deal? I mean, summer you act one way and then school starts and you can’t be bothered.
Vicki: Look, Jeremy, I really appreciate all the pharmaceuticals, but you can’t keep following me around like a lost puppy.
Jeremy: When’s the last time you had sex with a puppy?
Vicki: Hey, keep it down. I don’t want to tell the whole world I deflowered Elena’s kid brother.
Jeremy: Yeah, and deflowered and deflowered.
Vicki: We hooked up a few times in a drug haze. It’s over. You gotta back off before you ruin things between me and Tyler.
Jeremy: Oh,come on, the guy’s a total douche. He only wants you for your ass.
Vicki: Yeah? What do you want me for?

[Caroline and Bonnie enter.]

Caroline: His name is Stefan Salvatore. He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore Boarding House. He hasn’t lived here since he was a kid. Military family, so they moved around a lot. He’s a Gemini, and his favorite color is blue.
Bonnie: You got all of that in one day?
Caroline: Oh, please, I got all that between third and fourth period. We’re planning a June wedding.

Gilbert Residence

Elena: I’m meeting Bonnie at the grill.
Jenna: Okay, have fun. Wait, I got this. Don’t stay out late, it’s a school night.
Elena: Well done, Aunt Jenna.

[She opens the door.]

Elena: Oh.
Stefan: Sorry, I was about to knock. I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier. I know it was…strange.
Elena: No worries. I get it, blood makes you squeamish.
Stefan: Um, something like that. How’s your leg?
Elena: Oh, it’s fine. Just a scratch, barely. How did you know where I lived?
Stefan: It’s a small town. I asked the first person I saw. Um, I thought you might want this back.

[He hands her her diary.]

Elena: Oh, I must have dropped it. I—thank you.
Stefan: Don’t worry, I didn’t…read it.
Elena: No? Why not? Most people would have.
Stefan: Well, I wouldn’t want anyone to read mine.
Elena: You keep a journal?
Stefan: Yeah, if I don’t write it down, I forget it. Memories are too important.
Elena: Yeah. I’m just gonna…umm, you don’t have to stay out there.

[He tries to go in but he can’t.]

Stefan: I’m fine. Sorry, were you going somewhere?
Elena: Yeah, I’m meeting a friend. Do you want to come?

Mystic Grill

Matt: How’s Elena doing?
Bonnie: Her mom and dad died. How do you think? She’s putting on a good face, but it’s only been four months.
Matt: Has she said anything about me?
Bonnie: Oh, no. So not getting in the middle. You pick up the phone and call her.
Matt: I feel weird calling her. She broke up with me.
Bonnie: Give it more time, Matt.

[Elena enters with Stefan.]

Matt: More time, huh?

[He walks over to Elena and Stefan.]

Matt: Hey, I’m Matt, nice to meet you.
Stefan: Hi. Stefan.
Elena: Hey.
Matt: Hey.
Caroline: So, you were born in Mystic Falls?
Stefan: Mm-Hmm. And moved when I was still young.
Bonnie: Parents?
Stefan: My parents passed away.
Elena: I’m sorry. Any siblings?
Stefan: None that I talk to. I live with my uncle.
Caroline: So, Stefan, if you’re new, then you don’t know about the party tomorrow.
Bonnie: It’s a back to school thing at the falls.
Stefan (to Elena): Are you going?
Bonnie: Of course she is.

Salvatore Boarding House

Zach: You promised.

[Zach shows Stefan the newspaper article.]

Stefan: This was an animal attack.
Zach: Don’t give me that. I know the game. You tear them up enough, they always suspect an animal attack. You said you had it under control.
Stefan: And I do.
Zach: Please, Uncle Stefan. Mystic Falls is a different place now. It’s been quiet for years, but there are people who still remember. And you being here, it’s just going to stir things up.
Stefan: It’s not my intention.
Zach: Then what is? Why did you come back? After all this time, why now?
Stefan: I don’t have to explain myself.
Zach: I know that you can’t change what you are. But you don’t belong here anymore.
Stefan: Where do I belong?
Zach: I can’t tell you what to do. But coming back here was a mistake.

[Opens a door. Pulls out a journal with what looks to be a really old picture of Elena. The writing under the picture says Katherine 1864

Mystic Falls High School

[In history class.]

Tanner: The Battle of Willow Creek took place right at the end of the war in our very own Mystic Falls. How many casualties resulted in this battle? Ms. Bennett?
Bonnie: Um…a lot? I’m not sure. Like a whole lot.
Tanner: Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Ms. Bennett. Mr. Donovan? Would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype?
Matt: It’s okay, Mr. Tanner, I’m cool with it.
Tanner: Hmm. Elena? Surely you can enlighten us about one of the town’s most significantly historical events?
Elena: I’m sorry, I—I don’t know.
Tanner: I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Elena. But the personal excuses ended with summer break.
Stefan: There were 346 casualties. Unless you’re counting local civilians.
Tanner: That’s correct. Mister…?
Stefan: Salvatore.
Tanner: Salvatore. Any relation to the original settlers here at Mystic Falls?
Stefan: Distant.
Tanner: Well, very good. Except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle.
Stefan: Actually, there were 27, sir. Confederate soldiers, they fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss. The founder’s archives are, uh, stored in civil hall if you’d like to brush up on your facts, Mr. Tanner.
Tanner: Hmm.


[Stefan arrives at the party and is listening for Elena.]

Bonnie: Just admit it, Elena.
Elena: Oh, okay, so he’s a little pretty.
Bonnie: He has that romance novel stare.

[Caroline walks up to Stefan.]

Caroline: Hey! You made it!
Stefan: I did.
Caroline: Well, let’s get you a drink.
Stefan: Well, I’m—
Caroline: Oh, come on.

[Bonnie and Elena are still talking.]

Bonnie: So where is he?
Elena: I don’t know. You tell me, you’re the psychic one.
Bonnie: Right, I forgot. Okay, so give me a sec. Grams says I have to concentrate.
Elena: Wait, you need a crystal ball.

[She gives her a bottle. Bonnie takes it and touches Elena’s hand. Bonnie spaces out for a while, comes back to her senses, and abruptly pulls her hand back.]

Elena: What?
Bonnie: That was weird. When I touched you, I saw a crow.
Elena: What?
Bonnie: A crow. There was fog, a man. I’m drunk. It’s the drinking. There’s nothing psychic about it. Yeah? Ok, I’m gonna get a refill.

[Bonnie leaves Elena alone.]

Elena: Okay? Bonnie!

[She turns around Stefan is behind her.]

Stefan: Hi.
Elena: Hi.
Stefan: I did it again, didn’t it?
Elena: Yeah.
Stefan: I’m sorry. You’re upset about something.
Elena: Oh, uh, no, it’s- it’s just Bonnie. She’s…You know what? Never mind. You’re…here.
Stefan: I’m here.

[Bridge near the party.]

Elena: You know, you’re kind of the talk of the town.
Stefan: Am I?
Elena: Mmm hmm. Mysterious new guy, oh, yeah.
Stefan: Well, you have the mysterious thing going, too. Twinged in sadness.
Elena: What makes you think that I’m sad?
Stefan: Well, we did meet in a graveyard.
Elena: Right. Well, no, technically we met in the men’s room. You don’t want to know, it’s….it’s not exactly party chit-chat.
Stefan: Well, I’ve never really been very good at, uh, chit-chat.
Elena: Last spring. . my parents’ car drove off of a bridge into the lake. And I was in the backseat and I survived, but…they didn’t. So that’s my story.
Stefan: You won’t be sad forever, Elena.

[Woods by the party.]

Vicki: No, Ty. I’m not having sex against a tree.
Tyler: Oh, come on, it would be hot.
Vicki: For who? No, it’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen, not here, not like this. No. I said no. I said no! Ow, that hurts!

[Jeremy appears.]

Jeremy: Hey, leave her alone!
Tyler: You know, you’re starting to get on my nerves, Gilbert.
Vicki: Just go, Tyler, get the hell away from me.
Tyler: Wow. Vicki Donovan says no. That’s a first.

[Tyler leaves.]

Vicki: I didn’t need your help.
Jeremy: It seems like you did.
Vicki: He was just drunk.
Jeremy: I’m drunk. Am I throwing myself at you?
Vicki: No, you’re worse. You want to talk to me, get to know me, see into my soul and screw and screw and screw until you’re done with me.
Jeremy: Is that what you think?
Vicki: That’s what I know.

[Bridge by the party.]

Stefan: I like Bonnie, she seems like a good friend.
Elena: Best friend in the world.
Stefan: And Matt, he can’t seem to, uh, take his eyes off of us.
Elena: Matt’s that friend since childhood that you start dating because you owe it to yourselves to see if you can be more.
Stefan: And?
Elena: And then my parents died, and everything changes. Anyway, Matt and I, together we just, I don’t know, it wasn’t, um…it wasn’t…
Stefan: Passionate?
Elena: No. No, it wasn’t passionate…

[Stefan’s eyes start to change.]

Elena: Hey, um, are you okay? Um, Your eye, it just, it’s—
Stefan: Oh, um…Yeah, no. It’s, um, it’s nothing. Um, are you thirsty? I’m gonna get us a drink.

[He leaves.]

[Near the party.]

Vicki: Jeremy? Is that you?…Jeremy?

[Fog descends around her. A man is standing behind her. She is attacked.]

[At the party.]

Matt: Looking for someone?
Elena: Hey.
Matt: When you broke up with me, you said it was because you needed some time alone. You don’t look so alone to me.
Elena: Matt, you don’t understand. It’s—
Matt: That’s okay, Elena. You do what you have to do. I just want to let you know that…I still believe in us. And I’m not giving up on that.
Elena: Matt…
Caroline: Hey! There you are. Have you been down to the falls yet? Because they are really cool at night. And I can show you…if you want.
Stefan: I think you’ve had too much to drink.
Caroline: Well, of course I have. So—
Stefan: Caroline. You and me, it’s not gonna happen. Sorry.

[Stefan approaches Elena.]

Elena: I was wondering who abducted you, but now I know.
Stefan: Is she like that with, uh, all the guys?
Elena: No. You’re fresh meat. She’ll back off eventually. Hmm. God, you gotta be kidding me!
Stefan: What is it?
Elena: My brother.
Stefan: The drunk one?
Elena: That would be the one. Excuse me.
Stefan: Need some help?
Elena: Trust me, you’re not going to want to witness this. Jeremy! Jeremy!

[In the woods.]

Elena: Jeremy, where the hell are you going?
Jeremy: I don’t want to hear it!
Elena: Yeah, well, too bad!

[Jeremy trips. He sees Vicki’s body, she’s been bitten.]

Jeremy: Vicki? No! Oh, my god, it’s Vicki!
Elena: Oh, my god!
Jeremy: No!

[At the party.]

Elena: Somebody help!
Matt: Vicki? Vicki, what the hell?!
Tyler: What happened to her?
Matt: Somebody, call an ambulance!
Tyler: Everybody back up, give her some space!
Elena: It’s her neck. Something bit her. She’s losing a lot of blood.
Boy: Put this on her neck.
Matt: Vicki, Vicki, come on, open your eyes, look at me.

Salvatore Boarding House

Zach: What’s going on?
Stefan: Someone else was attacked tonight, Zach, and it wasn’t me.

[Stefan enters his bedroom. A crow appears.]

Stefan: Damon.

[A man is standing on the balcony.]

Damon: Hello, brother.
Stefan: Crow’s a bit much, don’t you think?
Damon: Wait till you see what I can do with the fog.
Stefan: When’d you get here?
Damon: Well, I couldn’t miss your first day at school. Your hair’s different. I like it.
Stefan: It’s been 15 years, Damon.
Damon: Thank God. I couldn’t take another day of the nineties. That horrible grunge look? Did not suit you. Remember, Stefan, it’s important to stay away from fads.
Stefan: Why are you here?
Damon: I miss my little brother.
Stefan: You hate small towns. It’s boring. There’s nothing for you to do.
Damon: I’ve managed to keep myself busy.
Stefan: You know, you left that girl alive tonight. That’s very clumsy of you.
Damon: Ah. That can be a problem…for you.
Stefan: Why are you here now?
Damon: I could ask you the same question. However, I’m fairly certain your answer can be summed up all into one little word…Elena.


[Matt leaves by ambulance with Vicky.]

Bonnie: Hey. We’re gonna go to Mainline Coffee, wait for news.
Elena: I gotta take Jeremy home.
Bonnie: Elena, there’s no way I’m psychic. I know that. But whatever I saw, or I think I saw, I have this feeling…
Elena: Bonnie, what?
Bonnie: That it’s just the beginning.

Salvatore Boarding House

Damon: She took my breath away. Elena. She’s a dead ringer for Katherine. Is it working, Stefan? Being around her, being in her world? Does it make you feel alive?
Stefan: She’s not Katherine.
Damon: Well, let’s hope not. We both know how that ended. Tell me something, when’s the last time you had something stronger than a squirrel?
Stefan: I know what you’re doing, Damon. It’s not gonna work.
Damon: Yeah? Come on. Don’t you crave a little?

[Damon starts hitting Stefan.]

Stefan: Stop it.
Damon: Let’s do it. Together. I saw a couple girls out there. Or just, let’s just cut to the chase, let’s just go straight for Elena.
Stefan: Stop it!
Damon: Imagine what her blood tastes like!

[Stefan’s face transforms.]

Damon: I can.
Stefan: I said stop!

[Stefan runs into Damon, throwing him out of the window. When he lands on the pavement, Damon isn’t there.]

Damon: I was impressed. I give it a six. Missing style, but I was pleasantly surprised. Very good with the whole face…thing. It was good.
Stefan: You know, it’s all fun and games, Damon, huh? But wherever you go, people die.
Damon: That’s a given.
Stefan: Not here. I won’t allow it.
Damon: I take that as an invitation.
Stefan: Damon, please. After all these years, can’t we just give it a rest?
Damon: I promised you an eternity of misery, so I’m just keeping my word.
Stefan: Just stay away from Elena.
Damon: Where’s your ring? Oh, yeah, sun’s coming up in a couple of hours, and, poof, ashes to ashes. Relax. It’s right here.

[Damon grabs Stefan by the throat and throws him against the garage.]

Damon: You should know better than to think you’re stronger than me. You lost that fight when you stopped feeding on people. I wouldn’t try it again. I think we woke Zach up. Sorry, Zach.


[Jeremy is drinking a beer. Elena arrives.]

Elena: You okay? I called Jenna, she’s on her way. Those people in uniforms, last time I checked, they’re the police. People are going to stop giving you breaks, Jer. They just don’t care anymore. They don’t remember that our parents are dead, because they’ve got their own lives to deal with. The rest of the world has moved on. You should try, too.
Jeremy: I’ve seen you in the cemetery writing in your diary. Is that—is that supposed to be you moving on?
Elena: Mom and Dad wouldn’t have wanted this.

Mystic Grill

Bonnie: Are you sober yet?
Caroline: No.
Bonnie: Keep drinking. I gotta get you home. I gotta get me home.
Caroline: Why didn’t he go for me? You know, how come the guys that I want never want me?
Bonnie: I’m not touching that.
Caroline: I’m inappropriate. I always say the wrong thing. And…Elena always says the right thing. She doesn’t even try! And he just picks her. And she’s always the one that everyone picks, for everything. And I try so hard, and…I’m never the one.
Bonnie: It’s not a competition, Caroline.
Caroline: Yeah, it is.


[Matt is sitting at the hospital with Vicki. Vicki wakes up.]

Matt: Vicki…Hey. Hey, it’s okay. You’re gonna be okay.
Vicki: Matt—
Matt: Hey, don’t try to talk, okay? You’re fine.
Vicki: Vampire.

Gilbert Residence/Salvatore Boarding House

Elena: Dear diary, I couldn’t have been more wrong. I thought that I could smile, nod my way through it; pretend like it would all be ok.
Stefan: I had a plan. I wanted to change who I was; create a life as someone new, someone without the past.
Elena: Without the pain.
Elena/Stefan: Someone alive.
Elena: But it’s not that easy. The bad things stay with you.
Stefan: They follow you.

Mystic Grill

[Caroline is alone at the table. Damon looks at her.]

Stefan: [voiceover] You can’t escape them, as much as you want to.

[Damon smiles at Caroline. She smiles back.]

Gilbert Residence

[Elena is in her bedroom.]

Elena: All you can do is be ready for the good. So when it comes, you invite it in, because you need it. I need it.

[Elena sees Stefan outside her window.]

Stefan: I know it’s late. But, uh…I needed to know that you were ok.
Elena: You know, for months, that’s all anyone’s wondered about me. If I’ll be ok.
Stefan: What do you tell them?
Elena: That I’ll be fine.
Stefan: Do you ever mean it?
Elena: Ask me tomorrow. It’s warmer in the house. We can talk. Would you like to come in?
Stefan: Yes.

[Stefan enters Elena’s house.]

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The Vampire Diaries Transcripts
Season One

1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22

Season Two

1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22

Season Three

1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22

Season Four

1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23

Season Five

1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22

Season 6

1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22

Season 7

1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22

Season 8

1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16

The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017) — episodes with scripts

The vampire brothers Damon and Stefan Salvatore, eternal adolescents, having been leading «normal» lives, hiding their bloodthirsty condition, for centuries, moving on before their non-aging is noticed. They are back in the Virginia town where they became vampires. Stefan is noble, denying himself blood to avoid killing, and tries to control his evil brother Damon, who promised to Stefan an eternity of misery. Stefan falls in love with schoolgirl Elena, who has an uncanny resemblance to the Salvatore brothers old love, Katherine; and whose best friend Bonnie is a witch.

Season 1

  • 1. Pilot
  • 2. The Night of the Comet
  • 3. Friday Night Bites
  • 4. Family Ties
  • 5. You’re Undead to Me
  • 6. Lost Girls
  • 7. Haunted
  • 8. 162 Candles
  • 9. History Repeating
  • 10. The Turning Point
  • 11. Bloodlines
  • 12. Unpleasantville
  • 13. Children of the Damned
  • 14. Fool Me Once
  • 15. A Few Good Men
  • 16. There Goes the Neighborhood
  • 17. Let the Right One In
  • 18. Under Control
  • 19. Miss Mystic Falls
  • 20. Blood Brothers
  • 21. Isobel
  • 22. Founder’s Day

Season 2

  • 1. The Return
  • 2. Brave New World
  • 3. Bad Moon Rising
  • 4. Memory Lane
  • 5. Kill or Be Killed
  • 6. Plan B
  • 7. Masquerade
  • 8. Rose
  • 9. Katerina
  • 10. The Sacrifice
  • 11. By the Light of the Moon
  • 12. The Descent
  • 13. Daddy Issues
  • 14. Crying Wolf
  • 15. The Dinner Party
  • 16. The House Guest
  • 17. Know Thy Enemy
  • 18. The Last Dance
  • 19. Klaus
  • 20. The Last Day
  • 21. The Sun Also Rises
  • 22. As I Lay Dying

Season 3

  • 1. The Birthday
  • 2. The Hybrid
  • 3. The End of the Affair
  • 4. Disturbing Behavior
  • 5. The Reckoning
  • 6. Smells Like Teen Spirit
  • 7. Ghost World
  • 8. Ordinary People
  • 9. Homecoming
  • 10. The New Deal
  • 11. Our Town
  • 12. The Ties That Bind
  • 13. Bringing Out the Dead
  • 14. Dangerous Liaisons
  • 15. All My Children
  • 16. 1912
  • 17. Break on Through
  • 18. The Murder of One
  • 19. Heart of Darkness
  • 20. Do Not Go Gentle
  • 21. Before Sunset
  • 22. The Departed

Season 4

  • 1. Growing Pains
  • 2. Memorial
  • 3. The Rager
  • 4. The Five
  • 5. The Killer
  • 6. We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes
  • 7. My Brother’s Keeper
  • 8. We’ll Always Have Bourbon Street
  • 9. O Come, All Ye Faithful
  • 10. After School Special
  • 11. Catch Me If You Can
  • 12. A View to a Kill
  • 13. Into the Wild
  • 14. Down the Rabbit Hole
  • 15. Stand by Me
  • 16. Bring It On
  • 17. Because the Night
  • 18. American Gothic
  • 19. Pictures of You
  • 20. The Originals
  • 21. She’s Come Undone
  • 22. The Walking Dead
  • 23. Graduation

Season 5

  • 1. I Know What You Did Last Summer
  • 2. True Lies
  • 3. Original Sin
  • 4. For Whom the Bell Tolls
  • 5. Monster’s Ball
  • 6. Handle with Care
  • 7. Death and the Maiden
  • 8. Dead Man on Campus
  • 9. The Cell
  • 10. Fifty Shades of Grayson
  • 11. 500 Years of Solitude
  • 12. The Devil Inside
  • 13. Total Eclipse of the Heart
  • 14. No Exit
  • 15. Gone Girl
  • 16. While You Were Sleeping
  • 17. Rescue Me
  • 18. Resident Evil
  • 19. Man on Fire
  • 20. What Lies Beneath
  • 21. Promised Land
  • 22. Home

Season 6

  • 1. I’ll Remember
  • 2. Yellow Ledbetter
  • 3. Welcome to Paradise
  • 4. Black Hole Sun
  • 5. The World Has Turned and Left Me Here
  • 6. The More You Ignore Me, the Closer I Get
  • 7. Do You Remember the First Time?
  • 8. Fade Into You
  • 9. I Alone
  • 10. Christmas Through Your Eyes
  • 11. Woke Up with a Monster
  • 12. Prayer for the Dying
  • 13. The Day I Tried to Live
  • 14. Stay
  • 15. Let Her Go
  • 16. The Downward Spiral
  • 17. A Bird in a Gilded Cage
  • 18. I Could Never Love Like That
  • 19. Because
  • 20. I’d Leave My Happy Home for You
  • 21. I’ll Wed You in the Golden Summertime
  • 22. I’m Thinking of You All the While

Season 7

  • 1. Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take
  • 2. Never Let Me Go
  • 3. Age of Innocence
  • 4. I Carry Your Heart with Me
  • 5. Live Through This
  • 6. Best Served Cold
  • 7. Mommie Dearest
  • 8. Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
  • 9. Cold as Ice
  • 10. Hell Is Other People
  • 11. Things We Lost in the Fire
  • 12. Postcards from the Edge
  • 13. This Woman’s Work
  • 14. Moonlight on the Bayou
  • 15. I Would for You
  • 16. Days of Future Past
  • 17. I Went to the Woods
  • 18. One Way or Another
  • 19. Somebody That I Used to Know
  • 20. Kill ‘Em All
  • 21. Requiem for a Dream
  • 22. Gods and Monsters

Season 8

  • 1. Hello, Brother
  • 3. You Decided That I Was Worth Saving
  • 7. The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You
  • 8. We Have History Together
  • 9. The Simple Intimacy of the Near Touch
  • 10. Nostalgia’s a Bitch
  • 11. You Made a Choice to Be Good
  • 12. What Are You?
  • 13. The Lies Will Catch Up to You
  • 14. It’s Been a Hell of a Ride
  • 15. We’re Planning a June Wedding
  • 16. I Was Feeling Epic


Elena Gilbert (TVD): 

To Stefan: 

ELENA: "I guess what I'm trying to say is that you knew me better than anyone. You always have, which is why you already know how impossible it is for me to-- to find the words to say goodbye."

STEFAN: "Don't. I can't do this, not-- not now, not ever."

ELENA: "Thank you for bumping into me that day in the hallway. I never though I would ever be happy again. Then I met you. You changed everything for me. You quite literally saved my life. I love you so much. Which is why I can't wait to find out what new life you've chosen for yourself in 60 years or 70 years or whenever I see you again."

STEFAN: (smiles sadly) "I can guarantee it won't be high school."

(They laugh, but it's clear that Stefan is not happy).

ELENA: "Just be happy. I'll see you soon."

STEFAN: "I'll see you, Elena."

(She lets go of his hand and walks away)


ELENA: Here. Say it.

MATT: (clearly upset) "No. I'm not doing this."

ELENA: (shrugs) "Fine."

(She turns to face the river)

ELENA: "I'll say it. Here lies Elena Gilbert, a fun girlfriend and an amazing friend."

(She throws the flowers in the water and laughs, but Matt is still in denial about what is happening.)

MATT: "I'm glad one of us can find humor in this."

ELENA: "I have to find humor in this, Matt. Because the alternative... (She stops for a second.) The alternative would be to say good-bye, and I'm just... I'm not ready for that yet."


Matt, dressed as a Sheriff's deputy, finally throws his dandelion bouquet in the water.

MATT: (sighs) "There, I did it. Are you happy?"

ELENA: "Very. Now it's your turn to be."

MATT: (looks down at his uniform) "So, I'm a cop, huh?"

ELENA: "That's my hope for you, Matt. In our crazy lives together, you've always stayed the same-- human, loyal, and good. My hope is that you spend the rest of your life fighting for people like you."

MATT: "You know, there's a good chance that I'll never see you again."

ELENA: Matt. (She smiles at him) "Look at everything that the two of us have survived.l

(They start to cry and they hug)

ELENA: (whispers) "I like our odds."


(Elena and Alaric are practicing fighting in the woods.)

ELENA: "You're going easy on me. Come on. This is supposed to be a special moment."

(She punches the pads again, but Alaric backs away.)

ALARIC: "Yeah, no. I can't do this."

(He pulls off the padded gloves and throws them onto the ground before walking away. Elena follows him and shakes her head)

ELENA: "Don't do that. Don't give up like that."

ALARIC: "Why not?" (He turns around so his back it to Elena) "I have nothing left to fight for."

Quotes from The Vampire Diaries

Trust is earned — I can’t just magically hand it over.

TrustElena Gilbert in The Vampire Diaries, Season 1 Episode 4

Elena: «Why don’t you ever let anyone see the good in you?»
Damon: «When people see good they expect good. And I don’t wanna live up to anyone’s expectations.»

Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries

I’m trusting you. Don’t make me regret it.

Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries

When someone asks «How are you?,» they really don’t want an answer.

Elena Gilbert in The Vampire Diaries, Season 1 Episode 1

I’ve been in love. It’s painful, pointless and overrated.

LoveDamon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries, Season 1 Episode 6

What difference does it make? Because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody you cared about used to be.

Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries, Season 4

When it’s real, you can’t walk away.

Lexi Branson in The Vampire Diaries

No one hurts my family and lives. No one!

Elijah Mikaelson in The Vampire Diaries, Season 1 Episode 6

I will always protect you. You have my word on that.

Elijah Mikaelson in The Vampire Diaries

It’s not a crime to love what you cannot explain.

Niklaus Mikaelson in The Vampire Diaries

When you lose someone, it stays with you. Always reminding you of how easy it is to get hurt.

Breakup, LossElena Gilbert in The Vampire Diaries

Girl: «Every artist has a story, you know?»
Klaus: «And what do you suppose his story is?»
Girl: «He’s angry, dark, doesn’t feel safe and doesn’t know what to do about it. He wishes he would control his demons. Instead of having his demons control him. He’s lost… alone.»

Niklaus Mikaelson in The Vampire Diaries

And it’s because I love you. I can’t be Selfish with you.

Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries

Whenever you will go to far, I will be there to pull you back — every second, every day.

Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries

True love will triumph in the end — which may or may not be a lie, but if it is a lie, then it’s the most beautiful lie we have…

Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries

I have a secret, a big. But I’ve never spoken aloud. It would not change anything! It would do me no good or can adopt a puppy. I can not be what other people want me to be. As they would have me. That’s who I am You are my existential crisis. Should I kill you or not? But I have to Jessica, because I’m not human. And I miss it. I miss it more than anything in the world. That is my secret. but there is only so much pain, the one you can bear.

Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries

The worst day of loving someone, is the day that you lose them.

Elena Gilbert in The Vampire Diaries

Because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be.

BreakupDamon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries

Stefan: «We came for you! We tried to save you!»
Katherine: «I didn’t want to be saved!»
Stefan: «So then we died for nothing! For nothing!»
Katherine: «No Stefan, you died for Love.»

Katherine Pierce in The Vampire Diaries

I believe that when you love someone and that person loves you in return, you’re uniquely vulnerable. They have a power to hurt you like nothing else.

Elijah Mikaelson in The Vampire Diaries

We all bear scars, mine just happen to be more visible than most.

ScarsRebekah Mikaelson in The Vampire Diaries

I want you to get everything you’re looking for, but now I want you to forget, that this happened

Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries

That is the promise of peace, that one day after a long life we find each other again.

Elena Gilbert in The Vampire Diaries, Season 8 Episode 16

Please don’t ask me to have hope. Hope hurts, and I don’t want to hurt anymore.

HopeBonnie Bennett in The Vampire Diaries, Season 8

I can’t be what other people want me to be. What she want’s me to be. This is who I am. I’m not human and I miss it, I miss it more than anything in the world.

Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries

Don’t underestimate the allure of darkness. Even the poorest hearts are drawn to it.

DarknessNiklaus Mikaelson in The Vampire Diaries, Season 4

The Salvatores may fight like Dogs, but in the end they would die for each other.

Rebekah Mikaelson in The Vampire Diaries, Season 3 Episode 18

I love you, Stefan. Hold on to that. Never let that go.

Elena Gilbert in The Vampire Diaries

The worst day of loving someone is the day that you lose them.

Elena Gilbert in The Vampire Diaries, Season 4 Episode 2

You are everything I didn’t know I was looking for.

Kai Parker in The Vampire Diaries

Evil will never find peace. It may triumph, but it will never find peace.

L.J. Smith in The Vampire DiariesThe Awakening

It’s called dignity. Have some. It’s free.

Bonnie Bennett in The Vampire Diaries

There’s always a choice. Whenever you make one, someone else suffers.

Bonnie Bennett in The Vampire Diaries

See, when your family decides that you’re nothing but an irredeemable piece of trash, well, guess the best thing to do is prove them right, right?

Kai Parker in The Vampire Diaries, Season 6 Episode 22

Jeremy don’t trust Vicki!

Annabelle Johnson in The Vampire Diaries, Season 3 Episode 2

I would die 100 times over just to have you standing here alive, in front of me.

Bonnie Bennett in The Vampire Diaries

I have always wanted to be loved by someone in the way that you loved me. And I would rather have these memories than a future where I destroy them.

Bonnie Bennett in The Vampire Diaries

The only person I can count on is me!

Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries

He’s very capable of being a first-rate Jackass.

Elena Gilbert in The Vampire Diaries

Look, I get why you like her. I mean, I have a soft spot for brunettes, too. What I don’t get is why she likes you.

Silas in The Vampire Diaries, Season 5 Episode 2

I came first. Vampires are nothing more than a disgusting perversion of me. I’m unkillable, I’m immortal, and I’m psychic, and, to function, I need human blood. But don’t ever call me a vampire.

Silas in The Vampire Diaries, Season 5 Episode 1

So I’m gonna die? Is that what you’re trying to tell me? Because I’ve done it once or twice before and it’s not all that fun.

Bonnie Bennett in The Vampire Diaries

Quotes 1 to 50 of 6712 


  • In the small town of Mystic Falls, teenager Elena Gilbert and her younger brother, Jeremy, struggle to come to terms with the recent death of their parents. Elena is popular amongst her peers and the perfect straight-A student. However, she has difficulties hiding her grief from the world. Meanwhile, Jeremy treads on a dangerous path of using drugs to ease his pain. The arrival of new student Stefan Salvatore, makes Elena think about romantic possibilities. Elena is unaware about Stefan’s mysterious origins as well as his brother Damon.

  • As Mystic Falls prepares for a festival to celebrate the passing of a comet, Vicki is in the hospital recovering from the attack she can barely remember. Stefan goes to the hospital and tries to use his abilities to make sure Vicki doesn’t remember what really happened, but his attempt is cut short when Vicki’s brother Matt arrives. Jeremy continues to struggle at school and with his feelings for Vicki. At a parent/teacher conference, Mr. Tanner makes Aunt Jenna feel that she is failing as a surrogate parent, especially when it comes to the self-destructive Jeremy. …

  • Tyler tries to embarrass Stefan by throwing a football at him during practice. However, Stefan’s super-skills of catching a football impresses Mr. Tanner who tries to persuade Stefan to join the school’s football team. Meanwhile, Elena continues to ignore the semi-psychic Bonnie’s warnings that Stefan is not who he claims to be. So, Elena invites Stefan and Bonnie over for dinner at her house. She hopes that they will get know each other better, but her plan ends up backfiring. Damon crashes the dinner with Caroline whom he has now been feeding off in order to further…

  • Elena asks a reluctant Stefan to go with her to the annual Founder’s Park dance. Vicki gets Tyler to ask her, but later accuses him of hiding their drug-induced relationship from his aunt Jenna. Meanwhile, Zach reveals a family secret to Stefan. Damon finally tells Elena the secret history about the Salvatore family and how she is the dead-splitting image of Stefan’s lost love. Stefan tries to get Damon out of his life for good without giving away Damon’s (or his) secret. Also, Elena thinks that Caroline is being abused by Damon when she sees the bite marks on her …

  • With Damon still locked up and growing physically weaker, Jeremy and Vicki have gotten back together. Meanwhile, the school decides to hold a car wash to raise funds after the death of Mr. Tanner. At the car wash, Bonnie starts a fire using her special powers. She is horrified and confused so she goes to her grandmother for help. Elena and Stefan continue to have trust issues as he is still unwilling to tell Elena his secret. But later, Elena hears a shocking story about Stefan and Damon from a stranger who recognizes Stefan… from a vampire attack that happened …

  • Elena demands that Stefan explain the frightening events that have been happening in Mystic Falls. In a string of flashbacks, Stefan explains how his rivalry with Damon began back in the Civil War when they met the love of their lives Katherine, the vampire who was the one that sired both of them. In the present, Damon impulsively takes control of Vicki’s future, and a confused and frightened Vicki runs away. Also, Sheriff Forbes, Mayor Lockwood, Logan and the others take drastic steps to protect their town.

  • As Halloween draws near, Vicki’s behavior becomes more dangerous which leads Stefan to try to help her control her blood-lust. Elena tries to convince Jeremy to stay away from Vicki, but Jeremy naturally refuses to listen. Meanwhile, Caroline gives Bonnie a necklace she took from Damon to wear with her Halloween costume for the annual costume party, and when Damon tries to take it back, he is surprised by Bonnie’s abilities to repel him. Bonnie discusses the incident with her grandmother and learns more about her family’s past as voodoo witches. Elsewhere, Matt tries …

  • On his birthday, Stefan is surprised by a visit from Lexi, one of his oldest vampire friends. Still upset by the way events ended at the Halloween haunted house, Elena does her best to stay away from Stefan, but Lexi gives her some unsolicited relationship advice. Meanwhile, both Elena and Jenna are surprised by a change in Jeremy’s behavior in the wake of Vicki’s “disapearance”. But only Elena knows that Damon’s mind-wipe powers did something to her brother. At Damon’s insistence, Caroline tries to get his medallion back from Bonnie who continues to study her wican …

  • A new history teacher, named Alaric Saltzman, arrives and requests to Jeremy that he write an after-hours paper to keep his grades up. Jeremy takes a liking to his new teacher and introduces him to Jenna. Meanwhile, Bonnie continues to have terrifying dreams involving the ghost of her great-grandmother Emily Bennett who is trying to send her a message. Bonnie then decides to hold a séance with Eleana and Caroline to try to contact Emily to find out what she wants. Despite Elena’s efforts, Bonnie and Caroline argue over the medallion when Damon continues to pressure …

  • After reading a journal kept by a Gilbert ancestor, Jeremy begins to sketch again, a hobby he quit when his parents died. Meanwhile, Sheriff Forbes notifies Damon of another vampire attack and Damon offers to try to track down the killer. Alaric helps Jeremy, Tyler, and Mayor Lockwood in different ways with Jeremy’s grades, Tyler’s football practice, and the mayor with information about the vampire attacks and of his obsession with tracking the one who killed his fiancée down. Also, Elena makes a shocking discovery about Stefan and of his intentions.

  • After surviving the horrific car crash, Elena, still shaken by her resemblance to Katherine Pierce, is rescued by Damon who takes on her on a road trip to Georgia where he meets with an old friend of his, a witch/barmaid named Bree, to ask for her help on a spell that could free Katherine from her tomb. Back in Mystic Falls, Stefan tries to help Bonnie understand her wiccan powers. Meanwhile, Jeremy meets a new local girl, named Anna, who give him insight on the vampire legends about the town as he continues to research his heritage. Also, Alaric Saltzman is revealed …

  • Damon, Elena and Stefan attend a school dance with a 1950s’ theme, where Alaric introduces himself to Damon whom he suspects is the vampire that killed his wife. Stefan and Damon try to figure out the identity of the new vampire in town who is now stalking Elena in which Stefan gives Elena jewelry filled with Vervain to protect her family and friends while she continues to investigate her true origins. Meanwhile, Matt takes a job at the Mystic Grill as a busboy to make amends meet where he has a run-in with Caroline who becomes more smitten with him. The bartender of …

  • Stefan and Damon recall the incidents that led to the rift in their relationship.

  • Stefan helps Elena and Bonnie out of a dangerous situation when they are both kidnapped by Ben and Anna. Meanwhile, Jeremy asks Anna to a party in the woods, unaware that she has her own reasons for wanting to meet him there. When Stefan, Damon, and Elena work together with Bonnie and Grams to open the tomb of Katherine Pierce, everyone is shocked by what they discover.

  • Matt and Caroline are surprised by the sudden reappearance of Matt’s estranged mother Kelly who arrives back in Mystic Falls with an agenda. Stefan and Elena are worried about Damon’s new attitude, while one vampire from the crypt is loose and killing. Meanwhile, Damon is asked by Sheriff Forbes to take part in a fund-raising bachelor auction. Elsewhere, Alaric discovers shocking secrets from his own past over his late wife. With help from Jenna and Stefan, Elena is determined to find out everything she can about her birth mother, but the truth may be more than she …

  • Anna brings a surprising guest along when she pays a visit to Damon. Elena and Stefan go on an awkward double date with Caroline and Matt, but Stefan and Matt find they have some common ground. Jenna reunites with her old friend Kelly, and Jeremy’s relationship with Anna takes an unexpected direction.

  • When Stefan and Damon make a dangerous new enemy, Stefan suddenly finds himself in a perilous situation when a handful of the vampires from the tomb abduct him and hold him hostage in their farmhouse to torture him. Damon and Elena try to convince Alaric to work with them to help rescue Stefan. Meanwhile, Matt is hopeful that his mother, Kelly, may be back to stay. Jeremy tries to convince Anna to turn him into a vampire. Anna refuses, but she soon learns that Jeremy’s reason is not what she thought. After her car breaks down in a storm, Caroline makes a horrific …

  • While Stefan struggles to control his new situation of blood lust after feeding off Elena’s blood to heal, she and Jeremy are surprised by a visit from their uncle, John Gilbert, who arrives in Mystic Falls with an agenda. Meanwhile, Alaric has an awkward talk with Elena about his wife Isobel. At a Founder’s Day event, Stefan displays a rare party attitude and Damon’s attempt to find out why Uncle John has returned to town takes an ugly turn. An incident at the party causes trouble between Matt and Tyler, and the relationship between Matt and his immature and …

  • At the annual Founder’s Day Gala, Elena and Caroline compete with each other for the title of “Miss Mystic Falls” against other girls from town, whom include Tina Fell and Amber Bradley. Elena is happy to have Bonnie back in town, but Bonnie still has issues to work through over the death of her grandmother and her own developing powers. Meanwhile, John Gilbert attempts to intimidate Damon into revealing what he knows about the vamps, but his plan doesn’t have the desired effect. Also, Damon discovers that Stefan is hiding a dangerous secret that could impact everyone…

  • While Stefan struggles to come to terms with his past, both he and Damon reveal parts of their history to Elena, until she finally learns the truth about how they became vampires. Pearl has an ugly confrontation with Johnathan Gilbert. Damon and Alaric try to find a mysterious invention before Johnathan does. The friendship and flirtation between Jeremy and Anna continues to grow.

  • Isobel returns to town and stuns Alaric with her attitude and her demands that he arrange a meeting with Elena. When mother and daughter finally meet, Isobel refuses to answer most of Elena’s questions, but reveals that she will stop at nothing to find the mysterious invention Johnathan Gilbert has been searching for. Isobel’s dangerous actions lead Stefan, Damon and Bonnie to step in and help Elena deal with the situation.

  • Founder’s Day has finally arrived, and everyone is busy with last-minute preparations for floats and fireworks. Stefan is uncomfortable with Damon’s new attitude toward Elena, but Elena is more concerned about repairing her relationship with Jeremy. Jeremy is worried about Anna, but not sure he’s on board with her latest plan for the future. While Caroline is enjoying her day as Queen of the celebration, she also tries to help Matt and Tyler get their friendship back on track. Finally, although Damon and Alaric do their best to stop him, Johnathan Gilbert sets a plan …

  • Elena arrives home to a nightmare as she discovers Uncle John’s and Jeremy’s fate. At the hospital, Sheriff Forbes is comforted by Matt, Bonnie and Damon while she waits to hear if Caroline will survive the car accident. After a confusing conversation with Elena about the night’s events, Damon is the first to realize that Katherine has returned. Katherine’s arrival sends Stefan and Damon on a path to find out what she wants, why she’s back, and how much of a threat she is to the people they love. Meanwhile, still reeling from his father’s death, Tyler is surprised …

  • When a confused and desperate Caroline leaves the hospital and joins her friends at the Mystic Falls Carnival, Damon wants to take immediate action, but Stefan and Elena come to Caroline’s defense. Matt is completely mystified by Caroline’s behavior, but still tries to tell her about his feelings for her. Damon has suspicions about Tyler’s Uncle Mason and uses Tyler’s volatile personality in an attempt to get Mason to reveal his secret. Upset with everything going on around her, Bonnie takes her anger out on Damon.

  • While interacting with big cousin Mason, Tyler discretely looks for his part in dark family secrets. After a campfire party in the wood Mason made shift away from the Lockwood estate, Tyler follows him into the ruin basement. Mason, who chained himself up there, has to flee and transform into a werewolf in the car. After saving Matt who was bitten by self control-deficient novice vampire Caroline, Stefano is in those woods, fearing lycanthropes as vampires’ natural enemies. Damon is not amused how Elena plays him an eventful trip with Alaric to Duke University to …

  • Stefan is shocked that Katherine appears again to him as her and scares Elena, claiming she loves him and wants him back. He tricks Katherine to be chained and is prepared to torture her with verbena, but she proves prepared and continues her story how she tricked and betrayed the Salvatores, the Lockwoods and hence both vampires and werewolves. Mason proves himself a dangerous adversary to Damon and resists telling Tyler about the family curse, but finally sneers it’s triggered irreversibly by homicide. Matt is totally turned off by Caroline.

  • Mason earns the moonstone by telling Tyler how his Lockwood vampire curse was triggered in his student days by an accidentally fatal brawl escalation on a spring-break Miami excursion, all orchestrated by Kathryn, but leaves out that he’s in league with her. Jeremy becomes mates again with lonely Tyler. The Salvatore brothers get trapped in a forest ruin by the sheriff after Mason convinces her that Damon is a vampire. Caroline exposes herself to save them.

  • Despite Elena’s efforts to keep Jeremy safe, he offers to help Damon and Alaric deal with Katherine. Sheriff Forbes and Caroline share a few rare moments of quality mother/daughter time. Bonnie accidentally discovers new information about Mason and shares it with Stefan leading Damon to take matters into his own hands.

  • Stefan and Damon decide on a new plan to deal with Katherine at the Lockwood’s masquerade ball. Katherine calls on an old friend, Lucy, to attend the ball with her. Bonnie, Jeremy and Alaric all do what they can to help Stefan and Damon, but Katherine has a surprise planned that none of them could foresee. Things take an ugly turn when Matt and Tyler start doing shots with their friends.

  • After the masquerade, Elena is abducted to a stately, desolate country estate by ancient vampires Trevor and Rose. Jeremy is first to notice her absence, so Stefano sets out on a rescue with Damon, who learns he’s getting used to blood, after Bonnie magically locates Elena. Tyler realizes Caroline is supernatural too, but doesn’t find out the exact truth. The Salvatore brothers arrive after the ancient duo has welcomed Elijah, one of the original European vampires, who concludes a gruesome deal.

  • Elena puts herself in a dangerous position as she searches for the truth about Katherine’s past and what her own future may hold. Knowing that Stefan would never agree to her plan, Elena swears Caroline to secrecy. Damon uses a new-found confidant to help him try to discover the real purpose and power of the moonstone. Jeremy and Bonnie meet Luka, a new student with a surprising family history.

  • Elena decides to take matters into her own hands and offers a tempting incentive to Rose for her help. When things take an unexpected turn, however, Rose calls on Damon to deal with the plan Elena has set in motion. Jeremy’s reckless attempt to help Bonnie retrieve the moonstone lands him in a life-threatening position and forces Stefan to put himself in danger. Bonnie and Luka form a closer connection. Tyler shows Caroline the Lockwood cellar, where she makes a discovery that leaves them both terrified.

  • As the full moon approaches, Caroline helps Tyler prepare for the transformation he is powerless to stop. While Stefan and Katherine play mind games on one another, Damon and Alaric are suspicious when a stranger named Jules shows up in Mystic Falls, searching for her missing friend, Mason. Elena is frustrated at the lengths Jeremy and her friends have gone to in order to keep her safe. Bonnie and Luca work together on a spell, while still keeping secrets from one another. Finally, Elijah makes an unexpected appearance with an offer that could change everything.

  • Stefan has his own ideas about Elena’s new plan for the future. While Damon tries to get the truth out of Jules, he asks Elena to keep an eye on Rose, a situation that turns unexpectedly dangerous. Caroline and Matt try to be honest about their feelings for one another, and Tyler’s reaction to Caroline’s generosity comes as a surprise to her. Damon struggles to hide his true feelings when a life-and-death crisis hits him harder than he expected.

  • Johnathan Gilbert’s return to Mystic Falls comes as an unhappy surprise to Elena, Jenna and Damon. Caroline lets Stefan know about her conversation with Tyler, and Stefan does his best to reach out to a confused and conflicted Tyler. Jeremy comforts Bonnie after her disturbing conversation with Jonas. When Jules takes a hostage, the situation quickly escalates into a violent confrontation.

  • Stefan accepts to spend a quality time weekend with Elena in the Gilbert lake cabin, where they find the missing diaries. Back home, Damon attends a historical society function to meet Elijah and is captured by surprise by Elijah’s acolytes but survives torture until he can escape, while Elijah finds the moon stone anyhow. Tyler is recruited for the werewolves pack’s cause to reverse the moon spell, but won’t subscribe to the sacrifice and assures Matt that ‘helpful friend’ Caroline is still truly in love with him. Jeremy, Bonnie and Caroline learn from Luka that …

  • After confirmation by apparently terrified Katherine that the single ash-bound knife can kill an original vampire, Damon invites Elijah, her maker, to a dinner party to stab him. Alaric however finds out a nasty limitation to that method. Meanwhile Stefan tells Elena about the time when he was the vicious vampire, Damon tried to be good, and John Gilbert played a surprisingly positive part. Jeremy can’t prevent ‘immature’ witch Bonnie being questioned and suitably punished by accomplished Luka.

  • The Salvatore party is unpleasantly surprised that killing Elijah didn’t harm but release Katherine. Damon indignantly rejects her flirtation. Dr. Jonas Martin uses invisible astral projection to enable his son Luka to retrieve the ash dagger and thus revive Elijah, but Damon notices so, finds back and thus kills the unidentified knave. Grieved even worse, Jonas attacks Jeremy, traitor witch Bonnie and her girls night friends, but ends up dead and surprisingly restoring Bonnie’s powers. Alaric refuses to keep lying to Jenna, who refuses to be protected by secrecy, so …

  • Jeremy is delighted to have Bonnie restored to her powers, yet worried when accompanying her and Damon to the house where a 100 witches were burned to gather enough power to undo the moonstone’s curse. Elena’s mother Isobel Flemming’s return startles her and even Katherine, as turns out doing Klaus’s bidding for a gruesome ‘prize’. John Gilbert confesses more wrong choices, also at Jenna’s expense, yet unlike furious Alaric, Elena ends up choosing to keep her father in her life. The Salvatore brothers piece together from the Gilbert diaries what they believe equals a …

  • As the high school prepares to throw a “1960s Decade Dance,” Elena starts receiving disturbing messages from Klaus via an unusual source. Bonnie tries to reassure Jeremy that she is strong enough to help Elena, but a worried Jeremy asks Stefan for advice. Caroline talks Matt into taking her to the dance. Expecting Klaus to show up at the dance, Damon and Alaric attend as chaperones, but Klaus is playing a complicated game that keeps them on edge. Finally, Damon comes up with a new plan of action that shocks and upsets everyone.

  • Resuscitated by Elena, who even hands him the dagger as proof of alliance, Elijah explain to her how his Bulgarian family became the first, still most powerful vampires, but witches prevented them becoming invulnerable. He loved Nicolaus ‘Klaus’, being his brother, but has to turn against him in the end. They ingeniously staged the moon curse in order to get vampires and werewolves to help look for a cure for Klaus’s real curse, doubly monstrous genes. Alari-Klaus toys further with Katherina and instruct Maddocks to fetch a new body so he can leave Rick’s. Stefano …

  • Klaus completes his preparations to break the moon curse but luring Tyler home to visit his mother after a non-accidental fall. The Salvatore brothers bicker worse then ever over how to protect Elena, who wants to take risks by doing things Elijah’s way, which will kill her but relies on an ancient resuscitation elixir. Stefano takes her away on a ‘last day’ excursion. Matt finds helping the sheriff with Caroline about unbearable. Alaric’s secret is finally discovered by Jenna, who takes it well but runs into tragic trouble. Klaus refuses to wait until the next full …

  • With the arrival of the full moon, Elena tries to prepare for whatever Klaus has planned and Tyler faces his second transformation. The terrifying events quickly spin out of control, despite an unexpected act of courage. Finally, Damon admits the truth to Stefan about a terrible new development they must face.

  • While Mystic Falls presents a screening of “Gone with The Wind” in the town square, Damon’s memories of Katherine in 1864 mix with the reality of Elena in the present day. Stefan pays a terrible personal price for his attempt to prevent a tragedy, and Sheriff Forbes makes a deadly mistake while trying to keep everyone safe. More than one life hangs in the balance as the consequences of the sacrifice ritual play out to a horrifying conclusion.

  • On the morning of Elena’s 18th birthday, Caroline is busy planning a party, but Elena is focused on searching for any clues that might help her discover where Stefan is. Damon is also searching for Stefan, while trying to protect Elena and keep her from doing anything that would draw Klaus’ attention. Meanwhile, Klaus and Stefan are busy trailing a werewolf named Ray Sutton. Now working at the Mystic Grill along with Matt, Jeremy is struggling to understand why he keeps seeing the ghosts of Vicki and Anna since he was brought back to life by Bonnie’s magic. Meanwhile,…

  • Klaus puts a plan in motion that will give him even more power, but even with the unwilling participation of werewolf Ray Sutton, things don’t go exactly as Klaus had planned. Damon and Alaric reluctantly go along with Elena’s new strategy to find Stefan, leading Damon into a dangerous fight with an unexpected enemy. Jeremy turns to Matt for help as he continues to try to understand what the ghosts from his past want from him. Unaware that Caroline is in need of his help, Tyler faces an emotional confrontation with his mother.

  • Klaus and Stefan arrive in Chicago, where Stefan is reunited with a vampire who hasn’t really moved on from her interest in him decades earlier. In a flashback to Chicago in the 1920s, Stefan comes face-to-face with a shocking chapter from his wild past. After Damon gets a tip on Stefan and Klaus’ whereabouts from an unexpected source, he and Elena follow their trail. Back in Mystic Falls, Tyler is concerned about Caroline and turns to Sheriff Forbes for help.

  • Still in Chicago, Klaus uses Gloria, a witch he knew long ago, to help him track down missing information that will explain why his plan isn’t working. Gloria’s spells reveal intriguing glimpses of the truth, but she soon realizes she needs Stefan’s knowledge to complete the puzzle. When Stefan suddenly finds himself in danger, help comes from a surprising ally. Back in Mystic Falls, a frustrating new enemy pushes Damon over the brink and he lashes out in a way that will have lasting consequences. Caroline struggles with her own emotional issues, even as she tries to …

  • Despite all that has happened, Caroline is determined to see that Elena, Bonnie, Matt and Tyler all enjoy a traditional Senior Prank Night before the school year begins at Mystic Falls High School. However, when uninvited guests show up, it doesn’t take long for the evening to take a deadly turn. Damon convinces Jeremy that he can use his new connection to the other side to help find a way to defeat Klaus. Finally, Klaus deepens his hold on Stefan and uses him for increasingly violent and dangerous purposes.

  • On the first day of their senior year, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie and Matt are still reeling from recent events, while Tyler seems to be enjoying everything a little too much. Damon is annoyed by a new houseguest, and everyone is surprised by the arrival of a new student in Alaric’s history class. Matt asks Bonnie for help when he realizes he made a serious mistake. Meanwhile, Stefan continues to carry out his latest assignment from Klaus.

  • As Mystic Falls prepares to celebrate the traditional Illumination Night, the town is invaded by spirits of the dead. After a particularly violent encounter with an angry spirit, Damon asks Bonnie to find the reason behind the ghosts’ surprising power. Elena convinces Jeremy to use his connection to the other side to help her find a new way to reach Stefan, leading Jeremy to a terrible choice. Finally, Alaric discovers a long-hidden clue to the past.

  • With help from Elena and Bonnie, Alaric tries to decipher the meaning behind his recent discovery. Elena and Rebekah (Claire Holt) engage in a mean-girl power struggle, until Rebekah finally reveals some of her family’s ancient secrets and the violent past she shares with Klaus and Elijah. Damon tries a reckless new approach to make a breakthrough with Stefan, and they’re both surprised by an unlikely ally.

  • On the night of the Homecoming dance, Rebekah opens up to Elena about why the evening is so important to her, leaving Elena with conflicting emotions. Caroline and Matt are both shocked at Tyler’s behavior throughout the evening. The night takes a surreal turn when Klaus puts his latest plan into action. Determined to outsmart Klaus, Damon enters into a dangerous partnership, leading to a terrifying turn of events.

  • Stefan has hidden the coffins containing the bodies of Klaus’ family, and Klaus quickly turns to violence to convince Damon and Elena that no one will be safe until he finds Stefan and gets his family back. Tyler continues to make the most of his new abilities as a hybrid, but he has to face the disturbing consequences of his actions as well. After a terrifying incident, Elena and Alaric grow increasingly concerned about Jeremy’s attitude and, ultimately, his safety. Alaric meets the beautiful Dr. Fell, who is intrigued with his amazing ability to heal. While trying …

  • Although Caroline is in no mood to celebrate her 18th birthday, Elena, Bonnie and Matt surprise her with a small party in an unusual location. Damon and Stefan disagree on the best way to handle Klaus, and a reckless Stefan decides to test his theory by taking things to dangerous extremes. Bonnie is concerned when Elena tells her about Jeremy’s new plans. At a Founder’s meeting, Alaric once again runs into Dr. Fell, who is in the middle of an argument with her ex-boyfriend, the medical examiner. Tyler refuses to go along with Klaus’ latest demand, and is surprised …

  • Prophetic dreams about the mysterious fourth coffin lead Bonnie and Elena to a surprising source, while Tyler seeks help to break free from Klaus’ bond so he can be with Caroline. Alaric’s new friend Dr. Fell has a secret no one sees coming, and Stefan’s interference in Elena’s life reveals something that surprises even him.

  • Sheriff Forbes delivers some disturbing news to Alaric and Elena about the weapon used in a recent murder. In the Salvatore brothers’ escalating quest to kill Klaus, Stefan turns to Bonnie and Abby, while Damon reaches out to an old acquaintance for help in setting up an elaborate plan. Intent on a plan of his own, Klaus hosts a strange dinner party, where he reveals another story from his family’s violent past until an unexpected guest brings the party to an end. Meanwhile, Caroline is heartbroken when she is unable to stop a tragedy from unfolding.

  • Elena is surprised to receive an invitation to a formal ball, and when Damon and Stefan hear the party is being hosted at Klaus’s newly renovated mansion, they both insist on attending the event with her. Caroline and Matt also receive invitations to the ball from unexpected admirers. At the elegant party, Elena learns of a horrifying plan that could lead to numerous deaths and she must decide who she can trust wither her new information. Caroline discovers a side of Klaus no one would have suspected. Finally, after an evening of violence and dashed hopes, Damon finds…

  • After starting her day with a startling discovery of Damons’ latest indiscretion, Elena is frustrated to find that none of her friends agree with her on how they should react to the Original family’s internal power struggle. Once again caught up in the destiny of the Bennett witches, Bonnie and Abby find themselves playing a part in a ritual to appease the spirits of nature. When Elijah gives Damon and Stefan a dangerous ultimatum that puts Elena in danger, they turn to Alaric and Meredith for help with a plan that leads them to a terrible choice.

  • The present-day murders in Mystic Falls remind Damon of a similar crime spree a century earlier. In flashbacks to 1912, Damon recalls a beautiful vampire, Sage, who showed him a whole new way to exist. Sheriff Forbes warns Damon not to get involved in her investigation, but Damon is convinced she’s going after the wrong suspect. Elena and Matt resort to breaking and entering in their search for evidence to prove Dr. Fell is a murderer. For reasons known only to her, Rebekah, becomes interested in locating one of the town’s oldest landmarks. Finally, Elena comes to a …

  • Jeremy is furious when Klaus tries to control him by putting Matt’s life in danger. Damon coaches Jeremy as he prepares to take on Klaus’ new vampires, but they find that Kol has beaten them to it. Kol makes it clear that he will stop at nothing to convince everyone to give up the search for the cure. Looking for a new ally, Rebekah reminds Stefan that they were once close friends. When Sheriff Forbes and Mayor Hopkins question Shane about his involvement in the Founders’ Council deaths, Bonnie steps in with questions of her own, and Shane’s responses push Bonnie to …

  • When Elena and Katherine have the same dream that Stefan is in danger and desperately needs their help, they convince Damon to help them find Stefan. However, their plans are thwarted by a mysterious young woman named Tessa who seems to know everything about Stefan’s history. In flashbacks to a distant time and place, Tessa reveals the shocking secrets in her past and what she has planned for the future. She also has a disturbing message for Damon about his own future. Silas forces an unwilling accomplice to help him search for Katherine, leading to a confusing and …

  • Damon and Elena try to help Stefan through a confusing time, which ends up taking Elena on an emotional journey. Caroline makes an effort to know Jesse (KENDRICK SAMPSON) better.

  • On campus, Elena is touched by a sad and secretive student named Aaron (recurring guest star SHAUN SIPOS — Melrose Place, Final Destination 2). Elena and Damon attend the Whitmore Historical Ball dressed as Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. At the ball, Elena shares a dance with Dr. Maxfield (recurring guest star RICK COSNETT), who has a disturbing message for her. Caroline’s evening at the ball takes her from happiness to heartbreak. Meanwhile, Nadia (recurring guest star OLGA FONDA) reveals her surprising history to Katherine, and Damon tries to make a deal with Silas. …

  • Silas happily announces his new goal to Damon and Elena, but they are skeptical when he promises to accomplish one important task in return for their help. Tessa (recurring guest star JANINA GAVANKAR) confidently tells Stefan about her next move, then realizes that Silas has managed to outsmart her. A desperate Katherine discovers a new and unexpected consequence of becoming human again, and realizes she needs a new place to stay. In exchange for a spot in the dorm room, she offers to show Caroline how to get answers from Dr. Maxfield (recurring guest star RICK …

  • The power of doppelgangers…. While Elena and Damon try to explain Amara’s (played by series star NINA DOBREV) situation to Stefan, Dr. Wes Maxfield (recurring guest star RICK COSNETT) gives Katherine some deeply disturbing news. Nadia (recurring guest star OLGA FONDA) shows up at Caroline’s dorm room searching for Katherine. After a surprising conversation with Amara, Jeremy and Bonnie share a glimmer of hope. Silas fails to keep a promise, causing Damon to turn to Tessa (recurring guest star JANINA GAVANKAR) for help with his new plan, and Stefan makes a …

  • At Whitmore College, Elena and Caroline decide it’s time to throw a big party, but their plans are interrupted when Jesse (recurring guest star KENDRICK SAMPSON) suddenly needs Caroline’s help. At Elena’s request, Damon comes up with an effective method to get Wes (recurring guest star RICK COSNETT) to answer his questions. At the party, Elena finds that she and Aaron (recurring guest star SEAN SIPOS) have a lot in common, and Caroline grows more concerned about Jesse. Meanwhile, Katherine does a favor for Matt and manages to get through to Stefan, who is still …

  • Damon is trapped by Dr. Wes, and realizes scary things about his past.

  • Damon realizes Elena is in danger and enlists Stefan’s help to find her. The brothers pay a visit to Aaron, and Damon shocks Stefan by revealing his first-hand knowledge of Aaron’s family. In an attempt to stop Damon, Dr. Wes unleashes his secret weapon, forcing Damon to deal with a part of his past he thought was gone forever, as well as the consequences of his decades-long plan for revenge. Meanwhile, Elena is horrified by Dr. Wes’ confessions about the dark history of Whitmore College and his own ultimate goal. Finally, a frantic Katherine turns to Matt for help, …

  • Back to Katherine’s early life 1490, Nadia helps her mom with a fighting plan.

  • Damon tries to get back together with Elena, however, Catherine has a plan and attempts to take Elena’s body permanently. Tyler is upset with Caroline and Matt is used by Catherine. Enzo finds Damon and they decide to become a team again.

  • Hoping to help everyone move past recent traumatic events, Caroline convinces Elena and Bonnie to attend Whitmore College’s “Bitter Ball” for broken-hearted students. Bonnie is intrigued with a fellow student named Liv (recurring guest star PENELOPE MITCHELL — Hemlock Grove), who appears to be dabbling in witchcraft. Tyler starts to worry about Matt’s relationship with Nadia (recurring guest star OLGA FONDA). After making a disturbing discovery, Stefan has a frustrating conversation with Damon and Enzo (recurring guest star MICHAEL MALARKEY). Dr. Wes (recurring guest …

  • As Damon’s behavior escalates from destructive to deadly, Stefan begins to regret their last conversation and decides to track Damon down and intervene. For reasons of her own, Elena volunteers to come along. Dr. Wes enlists the Travelers to set a trap that will once again test Damon’s friendship with Enzo. After a heart-to-heart talk with Nadia, Matt enlists Caroline and Tyler’s help to protect Elena, leading to a violent confrontation. Later, when Stefan tries to comfort a dejected Caroline, their conversation leads to a horrifying realization.

  • While Nadia remembers her centuries-long search for her mother, Stefan, Caroline and Matt come up with a desperate new plan to save Elena’s life. For the second time, Bonnie and Jeremy must turn to Liv for help. Damon baits Tyler into a nasty confrontation, then takes off to seek revenge on Dr. Wes. Caroline and Tyler come to a new understanding. Finally, Bonnie learns of a terrifying secret that will threaten the lives of all her friends.

  • When Stefan tries to explain recent events to a very sick Elena, her first instinct is to call Damon. At the same time, Damon is trying to figure out how to make a disturbing confession to Elena. While going through Dr. Wes’ files, Caroline discovers a frightening secret, and is surprised when Enzo (recurring guest star MICHAEL MALARKEY) appears, claiming to have the solution everyone is searching for. At Enzo’s insistence, Caroline asks Stefan to meet her at a mysterious location where they are joined by a group of Travelers, including Sloan (recurring guest star …

  • Bonnie has an unsettling encounter with Luke (CHRIS BROCHU), and learns more about his family history. The Travelers’ leader, Markos (RAFFI BARSOUMIAN), arrives in Mystic Falls.

  • Both Stefan and Elena are suddenly having unsettling dreams of an alternate version of the life they might have had together. Bonnie has a disturbing encounter with Grams, who warns her about frightening changes on the Other Side. Enzo gives Damon unwanted relationship advice, then admits he is searching for a woman he loved decades before while he was held captive by the Augustines. Liv enlists Matt, Jeremy and Tyler to help track the Travelers and keep them from taking control of Mystic Falls. Bonnie is hurt and angry when she learns that Jeremy is working with Liv …

  • Enzo holds Elena, Stefan and Bonnie hostage to uncover the truth about the love of his life. Markos performs a ritual to undo witch’s magic.

  • Damon and Caroline suspect Stefan and Elena of keeping a secret while they hide from the travelers, unaware of the dead man out for revenge. Meanwhile Matt, Jeremy and Bonnie help Tyler get rid of Julian.

  • When Stefan and Elena escape from Markos’ control, only to find themselves Stranded in a remote location, Stefan gets philosophical with Elena about her relationship with Damon. After their attempt to protect the doppelgangers goes badly, Liv and Luke come up with a dangerous new strategy. Damon recruits Matt and Jeremy to help him set a trap for Markos, who turns out to have a devastating surprise of his own. Bonnie finally admits to Caroline that she’s been keeping the truth about the Other Side from everyone. Finally, while Bonnie searches desperately for a way to …

  • Damon’s plan causes a huge explosion in Mystic Falls, and everyone is caught up in the confusion, leaving a trail of heroism, sacrifice, relief and despair.

  • Four months has gone by since the Other Side broke down and Bonnie and Damon was lost. Mystic Falls is still a supernatural-free area. Everyone is grieving in their own ways, and some worse than others.

  • Knowing she needs to come to terms with the loss of Damon, Elena turns to Alaric to help her move on with her life. Enzo convinces Caroline to join him as he tracks down a lead to get Damon and Bonnie back, but Caroline is shocked when they make an unexpected detour and uncover what Stefan has been up to. Meanwhile, Matt worries about Jeremy who is spending time with Sarah (recurring guest star GABRIELLE WALSH — Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones), a mysterious girl who has recently arrived in Mystic Falls. Elsewhere, Tripp (recurring guest star COLIN FERGUSON — …

  • Caroline admits that she has feelings for Stefan.

  • Damon and Bonnie are trying to come up with a way to come back from the otherside, while Stefan tries to help Elena start fresh.

  • Homecoming is around the corner! There is a party in a corn maze but a devastating accident turns things around quickly which makes things go from fun to bad in an instant.

  • Now that Damon is back, Elana is deciding whether or not to have her memories of him back. Things so south very quickly.

  • Elena is forced to confront her problems; Liv and Tyler get closer; Damon finds a surprising clue that renews his hope.

  • Elena gets some hopeful news from Alaric and Stefan regarding the Gemini Coven; Tyler tries to help Liv and Luke after learning of disturbing plans the coven has for them; dinner takes a drastic turn for Jo; Kai makes a dangerous discovery.

  • Matt figures out Kai is still a threat. Joe and Alaric get closer, while Stefen and Caroline have their own issues.

  • Bonnie tries to replicate her favorite traditions, while reminiscing about happier times with her friends; Sheriff Forbes brings holiday cheer to Caroline at Whitmore College; Alaric turns to Damon and Elena for help when Jo goes missing; Tyler approaches Liv and Luke with a risky plan; Jeremy helps Matt carry out a plan to take down Enzo; Stefan is forced to break some devastating news to Caroline.

  • As Kai learns how to control his magic, he holds Elena captive; Caroline and Stefan go to North Carolina in search of a cure for Sheriff Forbes; Damon realizes Elena has been kidnapped.

  • When Liv (recurring guest star PENELOPE MITCHELL) and Luke’s (recurring guest star CHRIS BROCHU) father arrives to town to celebrate their birthday, they try and convince him to let Jo (guest star JODI LYN O’KEEFE) and Kai (recurring guest star CHRIS WOOD) take their place in the merge ceremony. After Tyler finds out that the merge is happening sooner than he expected, he urges Liv to let him talk to her father. Meanwhile, after Caroline’s plan to cure her mother takes an unexpected and devastating turn, Elena, Stefan and Damon gather at the hospital, while Jo …

  • Elena is determined to celebrate Bonnie’s birthday; after learning Stefan’s secret, Enzo wants to interfere in Sarah Salvatore’s life; Caroline struggles to cope with everything going on around her.

  • Elena and Jeremy reminisce about their past; Caroline and Stefan grow closer; Sheriff Forbes asks Damon for help with a case involving Elena’s parents; Enzo lures Matt and Sarah into his plan.

  • Everybody gathers for the funeral of Liz Forbes. Elena is worried Caroline isn’t coping as well as everyone believes.

  • Stefan blames himself for Care turning off her emotions. Damon needs to tell his brother their mom’s alive. Enzo starts having feelings for Sarah.

  • Damon and Elena travel to the prison world to save his mum. Enzo and Ric try to save Caroline.

  • Damon concocts a risky plan to stop Caroline and Stefan from wreaking havoc.

  • Damon tries to decide if he should tell Elena about the cure; Bonnie learns that she was betrayed.

  • Damon and Elena talk about the consequences of Damon’s offer; Enzo asks Stefan to help with Lily.

  • Elena and Bonnie help Jo with last minute wedding preparations.

  • In the aftermath of Jo, and Alarics wedding, an unexpected guest shows up, putting Elena’s life in jeopardy. Despite Matt’s attempt to leave town to save himself, bonnie takes matters into her own hands after finding herself on the receiving end of a twisted plan…

  • Damon is faced with a new reality without the love of his life; Bonnie decides to be Damon’s moral compass, and look out for Alaric, who lost his fiancé. Stefan protects the town from Lily; Stefan protects the town from Lily; Enzo must decide Who he is loyal to.

  • Damon makes a decision that could ruin Lily and Stefan’s deal; Alraic needs Bonnie’s help with an artifact; Caroline discovers a shocking secret.

  • In the aftermath of a clever plan orchestrated by Lily (recurring guest star ANNIE WERSCHING), Damon sets off on a road trip with Bonnie and Alaric in search of leverage they can use against his mother. Meanwhile, Caroline, who is being held hostage by the Heretics, learns some shocking information about Valerie’s (recurring guest star ELIZABETH BLACKMORE) past, while Stefan learns a few unexpected details about his own past from Lily. Finally, Alaric turns to Bonnie for her help after coming clean about a secret he’s been keeping.

  • Just as Damon thinks he’s gained the upper hand in his fight against Lily, an unexpected turn of events leaves him scrambling for a plan B.

  • Bonnie, Damon, and Alaric go through a tough shock with the Phoenix stone, while Caroline sent Stefan to spend the day with his ex, Valerie

  • After being reunited with her former love Julian (guest star TODD LASANCE), Lily (recurring guest star ANNIE WERSCHING) hosts a dinner party to introduce him to Damon and Stefan and to declare peace between her family of Heretics and the residents of Mystic Falls. Damon and Stefan find themselves at an impasse when they realize they have differing views on how to handle Julian’s arrival. At the party, Bonnie and Matt uncover a strange mystery involving some unsuspecting residents, while a devastating revelation causes Alaric to reach his breaking point.

  • In order to get through to Lily about Julian’s manipulating ways, Stefan and Damon confront their mother with painful memories from their childhood. However, when Lily reveals a dark secret she’s been harboring for over 160 years, Stefan and Damon are left questioning everything they’ve ever known about their family. Determined to prove himself to Lily, Enzo comes face to face with Julian and challenges him to a duel, but an unexpected twist threatens to complicate things. Elsewhere, Matt finds himself in the middle of a deepening mystery involving the residents of …

  • As Julian (recurring guest star TODD LASANCE) and Lily (recurring guest star ANNIE WERSCHING) throw a party to celebrate Mary Louise (recurring guest star TERESSA LIANE) and Nora’s (recurring guest star SCARLETT BYRNE) anniversary, Stefan and Damon set in motion a risky plan to eliminate a new threat posed by Julian. Meanwhile, following a major revelation uncovered by Valerie (recurring guest star ELIZABETH BLACKMORE), Caroline is forced to face her new reality, even as it threatens to destroy her relationship with Stefan. Finally, determined to do what’s best for …

  • With the holidays in full swing, a search for Julian leads Damon and Stefan to a small town outside of Mystic Falls. While managing a holiday toy drive at Whitmore College, Bonnie seeks help from Nora (recurring guest star SCARLETT BYRNE) and the two strike up an unlikely friendship. Elsewhere, Caroline does her best to navigate her new life as a pregnant vampire, while Alaric grows concerned that the pregnancy is affecting her more than she’s letting on. Finally, after finding himself at odds with Damon, Stefan is forced to take matters into his own hands, setting …

  • After finding himself on the wrong end of Julians plan to avenge Lilys death, Damon awakens to find himself trapped inside the Phoenix stone, tormented by a traumatic experience from his time in the Civil War and forced to face his darkest demon in order to get out of his “Hell”. On the outside, Bonnie is in a race against the clock to get Damon out before the effects of the Phoenix stone take over and leave him changed forever.

  • Caroline throws a baby shower for Alaric’s twins, and the Salavtore brothers face the hallucinations caused by the Phoniex Stone.

  • Stefan uncovers the reason behind Damon’s dark descent following his experience in the Phoenix stone.

  • Vampire hunter Rayna Cruz is on the loose and Damon has to make things right when his actions inadvertently put his loved ones in her path.

  • Stefan goes to New Orleans to lure Rayna Cruz away from his friends and comes face to face with Klaus Mikaelson, who’s suspicious of his old friend’s arrival.

  • Tired of having everyone sacrifice themselves for him, Damon decides to leave the group. Meanwhile, Bonnie’s new discovery threatens Damon’s plans to stop Rayna.

  • Stefan will find himself with a choice to make and his decision will determine the fates of everyone he cares about, especially Damon.

  • In the aftermath of his brother’s fateful decision, Stefan awakens to find himself thrown into a life or death situation with only his basic instincts to rely on. With time working against him, he sets off on a journey of survival while forced to confront a lifetime of irreversible damage Damon has done to their relationship. Meanwhile, desperate to save his brother, Damon follows an unusual lead he has come across, while Matt sends Valerie to Dallas to enlist Alaric’s help in the search for Stefan. Finally, when Rayna discovers the emergence of a new threat, she sets…

  • Determined to capture an escaped vampire named Ambrose, who may be the key to getting Stefan back safely, Damon heads to Memphis with Alaric in tow. However, reluctant to step back into his former vampire hunting ways, Alaric makes his unwillingness to participate clear, while revealing the truth about the past three Damon-less years of his life. Meanwhile, in the psych ward, Bonnie meets a young woman named Virginia, who provides her with some valuable information about why The Armory may be after her. Finally, Enzo takes matters into his own hands when he learns some devastating news from Rayna.

  • When Enzo’s efforts to protect Bonnie end up putting her life in jeopardy, they learn that Rayna may hold the key to her survival. With time running out and Rayna at the reins, Enzo and Bonnie reluctantly team up with Damon, who is desperate to save Bonnie’s life and to repair their broken friendship. Elsewhere, when Stefan travels to Dallas and comes face to face with Alaric, tensions escalate and they are forced to confront the fallout from Stefan’s absence in Caroline’s life. Finally, Enzo learns The Armory’s true motives behind their search for Bonnie.

  • With Bonnie’s life at stake and an uphill battle ahead of them, Damon and Enzo lead the charge to save Bonnie before her condition worsens. Stefan reluctantly teams up with Matt for the sake of Bonnie and uncovers the truth behind Matt’s anger towards him. Elsewhere, determined to help her best friend, Caroline joins Alaric on a mission and quickly realizes how much she’s missed her former supernatural lifestyle. Finally, after their plan takes an unexpected turn, Damon makes a fateful decision that will forever change his relationship with Bonnie.

  • When Damon’s risky attempt to save Bonnie takes an unexpected turn, the consequences of his actions forces everyone to band together to help her pull through. Meanwhile, when a new threat leaves Caroline’s life in jeopardy, Stefan makes a rash decision that ultimately forces them to face the fallout from their relationship. Elsewhere, Enzo tries to hold it together as he painfully watch Bonnie in the fight of her life, while Matt takes matters into his own hands to save one of his closest friends.

  • Despite their best efforts to help Bonnie through the harrowing predicament she now faces, Damon, Enzo and Caroline realize their options are running out and drastic measures need to be taken. With their only chance of saving their friend lying inside the Armory, Stefan breaks the news to Caroline that they may need help from an unlikely source – her and Alaric’s twin daughters. Elsewhere, Enzo keeps Bonnie preoccupied by bringing her back to their cabin but when his plan takes an unexpected turn, it’ll be up to Damon to make the ultimate sacrifice to save his closest friends.

  • Months after Damon and Enzo mysteriously vanished from the Armory vault, Stefan tirelessly pushes forward with their search, while Bonnie struggles holding onto hope that they will be found. Meanwhile, a dangerous encounter with an unexpected visitor leaves Caroline and Alaric fearing that someone – or something – may be targeting their family. Finally, after following some mysterious clues, Stefan realizes that whatever has a hold of his brother may have a more damaging grip over him than he could have ever imagined.

  • After learning that someone from Stefan’s past may be Damon and Enzo’s next target, Stefan, Bonnie and Caroline head to North Carolina. There, Bonnie takes drastic measures in an attempt to break Enzo free of whatever has a hold over him. At the Armory, Alaric and Georgie stumble upon a mysterious symbol that may be related to the supernatural force controlling Damon and Enzo. Finally, Caroline gets an unexpected surprise from Stefan.

  • As Enzo continues to fight the control over him, Bonnie finds herself at the center of a deadly game and forced to make a heart wrenching decision involving two of the most important people in her life. At the Armory, Alaric researches a mysterious artifact that he hopes will help in their fight to get Damon and Enzo back. Finally, Damon’s downward spiral leads him to Tyler Lockwood who attempts to talk some sense into him before it’s too late.

  • Tasked with finding a mysterious artifact, Damon’s latest mission takes him to Texas where a violent run-in with Peter Maxwell leads to a surprising revelation. Meanwhile, after gaining the upper hand in their fight to save Damon and Enzo, Stefan and Alaric team up and uncover the origins of the mysterious force they’re up against. Finally, Matt returns to the fray after his past and present collide in an unexpected way.

  • Spiraling down a dangerous path of self-destruction, Damon’s latest actions prove he may be beyond the point of return. Unwilling to give up on his brother, Stefan is forced to make a gut-wrenching decision that threatens to change their relationship forever. Elsewhere, Bonnie gets advice from Caroline on how to break through to Enzo, while Matt attempts to decipher a mysterious box of messages that he’s received. Finally, after tragedy strikes close to home, Stefan and the others are forced to remember what matters most to them.

  • When her children become the focus of the Siren’s latest plan, Caroline takes drastic measures to ensure nothing gets in the way of keeping her family safe. In a race against the clock, Stefan pledges to do everything he can to save the twins, while tensions between Alaric and Caroline boil over, leading them to face some harsh realities about the future of their family. Meanwhile, when Enzo finds himself unable to fight off Sybil’s latest move, Stefan dives into his subconscious and along the way, sets off a chain of events that leaves him faced with a life-changing decision.

  • Faced with the fallout from his interaction with Cade, Stefan is determined to have one thing go right – Christmas Eve with Caroline. However, when Damon and Sybil crash their Christmas Eve dinner, which had been joined by Alaric, Matt and Peter, things quickly take a dark and twisted turn. Meanwhile, in a series of flashbacks to Stefan’s past, Cade’s attempt to entice him with his mysterious agenda leaves Stefan faced with an unimaginable decision.

  • Stefan and Damon attend an anger management support group looking for their next victim. Sybil is still alive and teaching a group of high school students who she’ll later use as leverage to get Caroline to locate a historical artifact that can be used against her. Meanwhile, Stefan and Damon continue their commitment to Cade as they test the morals of a young doctor, Tara.

  • Stefan and Damon return to Mystic Falls at Sybil’s request as she is still in search of the historical artifact. Bonnie returns from Paris wearing a vile of Enzo’s blood making Caroline, wonder if she will become a vampire. Stefan, Damon, Caroline, Bonnie and Enzo all attend the Miss Mystic Falls pageant where Sybil continues to taunt Damon with memories of Elena.

  • Sybil enacts revenge on Damon by putting him in a catatonic state. Caroline and Bonnie enter Damon’s mind and run into familiar faces from the past, only to discover Stefan is the key to Damon’s fate. It’s a race against time for the bell as both Sybil and her sister Seline jockey for its control.

  • Cade returns to Mystic Falls and presents Damon and Stefan with additional assignments, each with unthinkable consequences. Even with tension growing in their friendship, Caroline and Matt do their best to protect the town’s residents from Cade’s appetite for their souls. Bonnie and Enzo hit the road on a romantic trip, taking the bell with them in hopes to keep it safe.

  • In order to save Stefan’s soul, Damon makes a deal with Cade to retrieve the Maxwell journal. Alaric and Matt refuse to hand the journal over as it may contain the key to destroying Cade. Caroline desperately tries to connect with Stefan before Cade goes through with his plan.

  • Damon and Alaric come face to face with an old enemy after they obtain a weapon that may be able to destroy Cade. Stefan is held captive by a surprising acquaintance and is forced to confront a dark secret from his past. Meanwhile, Caroline and Matt try to keep Stefan’s violent history from destroying him. Cade focuses his attention on Bonnie and digs deep into her mind.

  • Damon and Stefan must join forces against Cade in order to save Elena’s casket. Meanwhile, Caroline and Alaric deal with their daughters’ burgeoning magical powers.

  • A wedding is quickly planned in order for Damon and Stefan to lure a dangerous enemy out into the open. This looming threat puts the fate of Mystic Falls in eminent danger and must be destroyed.

  • With the fate of Mystic Falls at stake, Stefan and Damon must fight their greatest enemy for one last battle.

    The Vampire Diaries #1

    Stefans Diaries: Origins

      Stefans Diaries: Origins

    L. J. Smith

    during the Civil War, against a backdrop of grand estates, unimaginable riches, and deadly secrets, three teenagers in Mystic Falls, Virginia enter a torrid love triangle that will span eternity. Brothers Stefan and Damon Salvatore are inseparable until they meet Katherine, a stunning, mysterious woman who turns their world upside down. Siblings turned rivals, the Salvatores compete for Katherine’s affection, only to discover that her sumptuous silk dresses and glittering gems hide a terrible secret: Katherine is a vampire. And she is intent on turning them into vampires so they can live together-forever.

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    The Vampire Diaries #1

    The Hunters: Phantom

      The Hunters: Phantom

    L. J. Smith

    The past is never far… Elena Gilbert and her friends saved Fell’s Church from evil spirits bent on destroying it, but the town’s freedom came at a price: Damon Salvatore’s life. Damon’s death changes everything. He and his vampire brother, Stefan, had been locked in a vicious battle for Elena’s heart. Now that he’s gone, Elena and Stefan can finally be together. So why can’t Elena stop dreaming of Damon? As Elena’s feelings for Damon grow, a new darkness is brewing in Fell’s Church. Elena has been to hell and back, but this demon is like nothing she’s ever seen. Its only goal is to kill Elena and everyone she loves.

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    The Vampire Diaries #2

    Stefans Diaries: Bloodlust

      Stefans Diaries: Bloodlust

    L. J. Smith

    A new beginning… When Stefan Salvatore’s first love turned him into a vampire, his world—and his soul—were destroyed. Now he and his brother, Damon, must flee their hometown, where they risk being discovered . . . and killed. The brothers head to New Orleans, looking for safe haven. But the city is more dangerous than they ever imagined, full of other vampires—and vampire hunters. Will Stefan’s eternal life be forever damned? Based on the popular CW TV show inspired by the bestselling novels, Stefan’s Diaries reveals the truth about what really happened between Stefan, Damon, and Katherine—and how the Vampire Diaries love triangle began.

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    The Vampire Diaries #2

    The Hunters: Moonsong

      The Hunters: Moonsong

    L. J. Smith

    r escaping the horrors of the Dark Dimension, Elena and her friends can’t wait to attend Dalcrest College, the beautiful ivy-covered campus where Elena’s parents met. Life with Stefan is better than ever, and with her closest friends Bonnie, Meredith, and Matt by her side, Elena knows it will be their best year yet. Even Damon seems genuinely changed and is getting along with everyone. But for Elena, moving away from Fell’s Church doesn’t mean she has left her dark past behind. When students start to disappear from campus, every new acquaintance is suddenly a potential enemy. Panic soon spreads and the friends struggle to protect each other. Then Elena uncovers a long-hidden secret, one that shocks her to the core, and realizes tragedy may be unavoidable. Will Elena outrun her fate? And will it be Stefan or Damon who catches her if she falls?

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    The Vampire Diaries #3

    The Hunters: Destiny Rising

      The Hunters: Destiny Rising

    L. J. Smith

    Destined for danger. . . Elena has faced countless challenges — escaping the Dark Dimension, defeating phantoms, discovering she’s a Guardian. But nothing compares to choosing between the two loves of her life: Stefan and Damon Salvatore. Elena has reunited with Stefan, while Damon, hurt by the rejection, has become dark and unpredictable. Now Elena’s torn between saving Damon’s soul and staying true to Stefan. But before Elena can decide who her heart belongs to, Dalcrest College’s campus is overrun with vampires determined to resurrect Klaus, the wicked Old One who will stop at nothing to destroy Elena — and everyone close to her. As Elena learns more about her destiny as a Guardian, a protector against evil on earth, she realizes that before she can defeat Klaus, she has to sacrifice someone close to her. Elena must decide how much — and who — she’s willing to give up before it’s too late. . . .

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    The Vampire Diaries #3

    Stefans Diaries: The Craving

      Stefans Diaries: The Craving

    L. J. Smith

    r his brother, Damon Salvatore, betrays him in New Orleans, Stefan starts over in Manhattan. Vowing never to harm another human, he roams the streets, trying to disappear into the city’s chaos. But just when he thinks he’s left his past behind, Stefan discovers that he can never escape his brother. Damon has grand plans for the vampire Salvatore brothers—whether Stefan likes it or not. Together, they take New York by storm. When their exploits end up on the society pages, an old enemy resurfaces—one hell-bent on revenge.

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    The Vampire Diaries #3

    The Return: Midnight

      The Return: Midnight

    L. J. Smith

    With the help of charming and devious Damon, Elena rescued her vampire love, Stefan, from the depths of the Dark Dimension. But neither brother returned unscathed. Stefan is weak from his long imprisonment and needs more blood than Elena alone can give him, while a strange magic has turned Damon into a human. Savage and desperate, Damon will do anything to become a vampire again—even travel back to hell. But what will happen when he accidentally takes Bonnie with him? Stefan and Elena hurry to rescue their innocent friend from the Dark Dimension, leaving Matt and Meredith to save their hometown from the dangerous spirits that have taken hold of Fell’s Church. One by one, children are succumbing to demonic designs. But Matt and Meredith soon discover that the source of the evil is darker—and closer—than they ever could have imagined…

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О фильме

imdbThe lives, loves, dangers and disasters in the town, Mystic Falls, Virginia. Creatures of unspeakable horror lurk beneath this town as a teenage girl is suddenly torn between two vampire brothers.

Рейтинг фильма: 7.7 / 10 (324989)










#несортированный эпизоды

Julie Plec

Kevin Williamson

Julie Plec

Kevin Williamson

В ролях:
Nina Dobrev

Paul Wesley

Ian Somerhalder

Steven R. McQueen

Kat Graham

Другое название:
Дневники вампира, The Vampire Diaries, Lithuania, Poland, Russia

Название # Скачаны Рейтинг фильма Latest

Season 1
11 1626548x 7.8 11.08.2015
The Night of the Comet
10 831785x 7.5 01.03.2016
Friday Night Bites
9 779709x 7.9 15.12.2016
Family Ties
8 650369x 7.9 11.11.2014
You’re Undead to Me
8 641237x 8.2 12.11.2011
Lost Girls
7 502496x 8.4 09.10.2019
11 564753x 8.2 06.07.2014
162 Candles
6 455895x 8.3 12.11.2011
History Repeating
7 479410x 8.1 26.07.2015
The Turning Point
5 459445x 8.3 12.11.2011
10 460601x 8.2 27.04.2017
5 463367x 8.1 21.11.2013
Children of the Damned
6 440218x 8.3 26.11.2013
Fool Me Once
7 412223x 8.6 27.11.2013
A Few Good Men
6 399028x 8.0 26.11.2013
There Goes the Neighborhood
7 382553x 7.9 09.07.2014
Let the Right One In
7 414973x 8.6 16.11.2011
Under Control
6 459889x 8.1 26.11.2013
Miss Mystic Falls
6 487308x 8.3 28.11.2013
Blood Brothers
8 420824x 8.3 19.05.2014
9 391017x 8.4 17.08.2017
Founder’s Day
7 427633x 9.2 19.05.2014

Season 2
The Return
6 417800x 9.0 20.06.2012
Brave New World
10 404893x 8.5 17.05.2014
Bad Moon Rising
9 418080x 8.3 12.03.2013
Memory Lane
8 403109x 8.2 30.11.2013
Kill or Be Killed
10 455656x 8.6 30.11.2013
Plan B
8 437126x 8.5 24.02.2017
11 315563x 9.1 31.01.2015
9 425041x 8.8 28.11.2014
7 349604x 8.5 22.11.2014
The Sacrifice
7 407561x 8.3 03.05.2015
By the Light of the Moon
15 375764x 8.5 27.01.2014
The Descent
7 345587x 8.5 05.02.2013
Daddy Issues
7 354605x 8.1 22.12.2015
Crying Wolf
10 369088x 8.0 04.05.2015
The Dinner Party
7 371571x 8.3 04.05.2015
The House Guest
8 326678x 8.6 04.05.2015
Know Thy Enemy
8 353644x 8.4 18.11.2015
The Last Dance
5 299440x 8.8 23.11.2014
7 383749x 8.8 04.03.2016
The Last Day
7 399287x 8.7 29.05.2014
The Sun Also Rises
11 349475x 9.1 11.07.2014
As I Lay Dying
6 309070x 8.9 23.11.2014

Season 3
The Birthday
9 485953x 8.5 20.05.2014
The Hybrid
8 512129x 8.5 07.01.2016
The End of the Affair
7 358402x 8.7 18.11.2015
Disturbing Behavior
5 351985x 8.3 21.05.2014
The Reckoning
7 328962x 9.0 06.05.2015
Smells Like Teen Spirit
7 353853x 8.6 01.11.2013
Ghost World
6 344681x 8.5 04.09.2013
Ordinary People
11 397209x 8.8 06.02.2015
8 345832x 8.9 06.11.2019
The New Deal
6 376916x 8.4 07.05.2015
Our Town
12 432475x 8.2 07.05.2015
The Ties That Bind
8 382777x 8.2 07.05.2015
Bringing Out the Dead
6 368008x 8.8 07.05.2015
Dangerous Liaisons
5 313430x 8.6 08.05.2015
All My Children
7 338496x 8.3 08.05.2015
8 354564x 7.8 08.05.2015
Break on Through
8 448941x 7.9 12.01.2016
The Murder of One
9 392915x 8.6 25.05.2014
Heart of Darkness
5 298828x 8.6 20.12.2012
Do Not Go Gentle
5 390368x 8.6 10.05.2015
Before Sunset
3 268876x 8.7 04.05.2012
The Departed
5 275354x 9.4 07.11.2019

Season 4
Growing Pains
8 380998x 8.7 04.04.2019
11 382516x 8.8 21.11.2020
The Rager
5 299791x 8.5 07.11.2019
The Five
4 296121x 8.5 07.11.2019
The Killer
4 294116x 8.3 07.11.2019
We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes
3 287783x 8.3 06.08.2018
My Brother’s Keeper
5 297343x 8.7 25.06.2015
We’ll Always Have Bourbon Street
9 257993x 8.5 21.11.2020
O Come, All Ye Faithful
4 321711x 8.6 21.11.2020
After School Special
5 311640x 8.3 24.12.2014
Catch Me If You Can
2 251672x 8.1 25.01.2013
A View to a Kill
7 354315x 8.7 21.12.2017
Into the Wild
5 246399x 8.2 16.06.2015
Down the Rabbit Hole
6 281844x 8.6 15.02.2013
Stand by Me
7 294202x 8.6 21.11.2020
Bring It On
7 299248x 7.8 12.02.2015
Because the Night
3 390244x 7.9 17.09.2013
American Gothic
3 245836x 8.6 04.06.2013
Pictures of You
4 259706x 8.3 11.08.2015
The Originals
3 257855x 8.6 21.11.2020
She’s Come Undone
8 369874x 8.3 22.06.2015
The Walking Dead
4 261217x 8.8 10.05.2013
3 248054x 9.2 17.05.2013

Season 5
I Know What You Did Last Summer
7 444156x 8.3 08.02.2019
True Lies
6 363906x 8.0 08.02.2019
Original Sin
6 378391x 8.2 08.02.2019
For Whom the Bell Tolls
6 365438x 8.2 22.04.2020
Monster’s Ball
5 420384x 7.8 08.02.2019
Handle with Care
7 273662x 8.1 06.11.2019
Death and the Maiden
6 379222x 8.2 08.02.2019
Dead Man on Campus
6 265575x 7.9 07.11.2019
The Cell
6 270411x 8.3 08.02.2019
Fifty Shades of Grayson
6 294070x 8.0 08.02.2019
500 Years of Solitude
7 317676x 8.7 08.02.2019
The Devil Inside
7 283892x 7.8 08.02.2019
Total Eclipse of the Heart
7 277694x 7.9 08.02.2019
No Exit
8 306016x 7.9 08.02.2019
Gone Girl
4 297165x 8.7 08.02.2019
While You Were Sleeping
9 281196x 7.9 08.02.2019
Rescue Me
9 279816x 7.9 08.02.2019
Resident Evil
10 257300x 7.9 08.02.2019
Man on Fire
12 274361x 8.0 08.02.2019
What Lies Beneath
10 262135x 7.8 08.02.2019
Promised Land
12 265112x 8.6 08.02.2019
10 265604x 9.0 08.02.2019

Season 6
I’ll Remember
7 408424x 7.7 04.10.2014
Yellow Ledbetter
10 300759x 8.3 11.10.2014
Welcome to Paradise
7 288806x 7.8 18.10.2014
Black Hole Sun
10 299545x 7.9 04.09.2015
The World Has Turned and Left Me Here
7 266647x 8.7 01.11.2014
The More You Ignore Me, the Closer I Get
6 281362x 8.0 08.11.2014
Do You Remember the First Time?
9 319142x 8.2 27.11.2014
Fade Into You
8 294354x 8.3 01.02.2015
I Alone
6 260510x 8.1 06.12.2014
Christmas Through Your Eyes
5 264901x 7.9 06.01.2015
Woke Up with a Monster
3 273608x 8.1 25.01.2015
Prayer for the Dying
4 252712x 8.2 01.02.2015
The Day I Tried to Live
6 272307x 8.1 10.10.2015
4 242416x 8.4 13.02.2015
Let Her Go
4 272001x 8.8 20.02.2015
The Downward Spiral
5 261897x 8.4 14.03.2015
A Bird in a Gilded Cage
5 262366x 8.1 20.03.2015
I Could Never Love Like That
3 273760x 7.8 18.04.2015
4 237028x 8.1 27.12.2015
I’d Leave My Happy Home for You
4 311034x 8.0 04.05.2015
I’ll Wed You in the Golden Summertime
5 287631x 8.7 09.05.2015
I’m Thinking of You All the While
3 284869x 8.8 15.05.2015

Season 7
Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take
3 328732x 8.4 10.10.2015
Never Let Me Go
4 309479x 8.2 14.11.2015
Age of Innocence
3 266385x 8.2 14.11.2015
I Carry Your Heart with Me
4 261890x 8.1 14.11.2015
Live Through This
3 260374x 8.4 14.11.2015
Best Served Cold
3 247419x 8.3 14.11.2015
Mommie Dearest
1 198402x 8.3 20.11.2015
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
3 260314x 8.4 07.12.2015
Cold as Ice
4 271067x 8.2 30.01.2016
Hell Is Other People
3 257229x 8.8 14.02.2016
Things We Lost in the Fire
2 273615x 7.8 06.02.2016
Postcards from the Edge
3 237334x 8.2 16.02.2016
This Woman’s Work
3 247087x 8.5 10.04.2016
Moonlight on the Bayou
5 250378x 8.8 04.04.2016
I Would for You
3 262423x 8.4 20.03.2016
Days of Future Past
3 240027x 8.1 06.04.2016
I Went to the Woods
6 291476x 8.3 04.05.2017
One Way or Another
2 230238x 8.0 15.04.2016
Somebody That I Used to Know
2 225170x 7.6 22.04.2016
Kill ‘Em All
2 217953x 7.9 29.04.2016
Requiem for a Dream
2 188664x 8.1 06.05.2016
Gods and Monsters
3 218268x 8.3 13.05.2016

Season 8
Hello, Brother
4 288180x 8.5 22.01.2017
Today Will Be Different
5 224916x 8.0 03.02.2017
You Decided That I Was Worth Saving
2 230147x 8.1 05.11.2016
An Eternity of Misery
2 227541x 8.2 12.11.2016
Coming Home Was a Mistake
3 235774x 7.9 01.02.2017
Detoured on Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell
2 218827x 8.2 03.12.2016
The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You
2 220899x 8.0 10.12.2016
We Have History Together
4 271673x 7.8 15.01.2017
The Simple Intimacy of the Near Touch
2 228025x 7.9 21.01.2017
Nostalgia’s a Bitch
4 220350x 8.8 28.01.2017
You Made a Choice to Be Good
6 235202x 9.1 16.03.2017
What Are You?
3 233116x 8.3 11.02.2017
The Lies Will Catch Up to You
4 291235x 8.2 18.02.2017
It’s Been a Hell of a Ride
5 226050x 9.0 25.02.2017
We’re Planning a June Wedding
4 362768x 8.9 04.03.2017
I Was Feeling Epic
5 257766x 9.3 11.03.2017
1 — несортированный эпизоды
The.Vampire.Diaries.S05.The.PaleyFest.2014.eng 1 629x 7.7 08.02.2019

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