Сценарий выступления на английском языке

Вашему вниманию предлагается концерт на английском языке с готовым оформлением в виде презентации.

“Enjoy English”

Цели и назначение: развитие коммуникативных навыков, создание условия для активного и творческого развития личности и повышение интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.

Задачи внеклассного мероприятия:

  1. Развивать у учащихся воображение и фантазию;
  2. Формировать умение взаимодействовать в коллективе;
  3. Воспитывать у учащихся ответственность за порученное дело, самостоятельность, чувство сопереживания;

Структура и содержание: ученики вместе с учителями готовят концерт, на котором в качестве зрителей приглашаются учащиеся из других классов, родители и учителя.

Рассказчик – 1:

Hello, boys and girls. We are glad to see you at our English concert “Enjoy English”. You’ll hear children’s rhymes and songs, try to guess riddles. We hope you’ll understand everything and enjoy our concert. Now let’s start.

Рассказчик -2:

Привет, мальчишки и девчонки. Мы рады видеть вас на нашем концерте “Enjoy English”. Вы услышите детские стихи, песни, постараетесь отгадать загадки. Мы надеемся, что вы все поймете и вам понравиться наш концерт.

Рассказчик – 1:

English boys and girls study a lot of subjects as you do. They get different marks, good and sometimes bad, as you do.  Do you know that their marks differ from yours? They are letters, the best mark is A, the worst one is D.

Рассказчик -2:

Мальчики и девочки в Англии тоже изучают много предметов. Они получают разные отметки, хорошие и плохие, как и вы. А знаете ли вы, что их отметки отличаются от ваших? Они обозначаются английскими  буквами – лучшая отметка – это А. самая плохая – это Д.

Рассказчик – 1:

Now listen to a rhyme “Books better than toys”, recited by Mohamad Amanda the 5th form “A”. This rhyme is about a boy Bobby, who liked reading very much.

Рассказчик -2:

А сейчас послушайте стихотворение «Книги лучше, чем игрушки» в исполнении ученицы 5 класса «А» Мохамад Аманды. Это стихотворение о мальчике Бобби, который большего всего на свете любит читать книги.

Рассказчик – 1:

Now listen to a song “Five little monkeys”, performed by the pupils of the 6th form “A”.

 Рассказчик -2:

А теперь послушайте песенку-считалку «5 маленьких обезьянок» в исполнении учащихся 6А класса.

Рассказчик – 1:

English people live on a big island (Great Britain) and a number of small islands. In this country you are never very far from the coast and there are lots of seaside resorts. Now listen to a rhyme “At Sea”, recited by Lazareva Elena, the pupil of the 5th form “A”.

Рассказчик -2:

Англичане живут на большом острове, который называется Великобритания и занимает территорию огромного количества маленьких островов. Где бы вы не находились в этой стране, вы никогда не будете далеко удалены от морского берега, поэтому в этой стране много морских курортов. Послушайте стихотворение «На море» в исполнении ученицы 5 класса «А» Лазаревой Елены.

Рассказчик – 1:

English people are fond of animals. They love their pets (dogs, cats) very much and take care of them. Listen to a song about exotic animals such as crocodiles, sharks performed by a pupil of the 6th form “B” Plieva Amina. And now listen to a song “Oh, where has my little dog gone?” performed by the students of the 6th form.

Рассказчик -2:

Англичане очень любят животных. Они любят кошек, собак, лошадей и ухаживают за ними. Послушайте песню о экзотических животных в исполнении ученицы 6Б класса Плиевой Амины. А теперь послушайте песню в исполнении учеников 6 класса «А» «Куда пропала моя собачка»?

Рассказчик – 1:

Now listen to a rhyme “My Dream” recited by Kydratova  Anora the pupil of the 6th form “A”. It’s about a girl who wants to have her own zoo, where animals wouldn’t be in cages and run free around.

Рассказчик -2:

А теперь послушайте стихотворение «Моя мечта» в исполнении Кудратовой Аноры ученицы 6А класса. Это стихотворение о девочке, которая мечтает иметь свой собственный зоопарк, где животные не содержались бы в клетках, а бегали на свободе.

Рассказчик – 1:

English people have a lot of traditions. They celebrate a lot of holidays. But their favourite holiday is Christmas. They give presents to each other, decorate Christmas tree and sing Christmas carols.  Listen to one of them “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” performed by the students of the 5th form.

Рассказчик -2:

У англичан есть много традиций, и они отмечают много праздников. Но самый любимый из них это – Рождество. Они дарят подарки друг другу, украшают рождественскую елку и поют рождественские песни. Послушайте одну из них в исполнении учащихся 5А класса.

Рассказчик – 1:

But the best holiday for everyone is birthday.  Now listen to a rhyme “Let’s celebrate”.

Рассказчик -2:

Но самый лучший праздник для каждого из нас – это день рождения. Послушайте стихотворение «Давайте отмечать» в исполнении Алиевой Рои ученицы 6В класса.

Рассказчик – 1:

Now let’s play a little. Listen to riddles, try to guess them and get a sweet.

Рассказчик -2:

А сейчас давайте поиграем. Послушайте загадки и постарайтесь их отгадать, чтобы получить конфетку.

Рассказчик – 1:

I have no legs, but I can run. I have no tongue, but I can tell everyone: “Time to start to work, Time to go to bed, Time to get up again! You, sleepy head!”. What is it? It’s a watch.

In our kitchen, all the year round, lives old Jack Frost, all safe and sound. What is it? It’s a fridge.

Рассказчик – 1:

Now let’s continue our concert. English people have a special holiday – Earth Day (on April, 22). They love their nature and try to protect it. They plant trees, help birds and animals in parks and forests. Now listen to a song about it, performed by the group of students from creative group “Image”

Рассказчик -2:

А сейчас продолжим наш концерт. У англичан есть особый праздник – День Земли, который они отмечают 22 апреля. Они любят свою природу и заботятся о ней. Они сажают деревья, помогают птицам и животным в парках и лесах. Послушайте об этом песню в исполнении творческого коллектива «Образ».

Рассказчик – 1:

Now let’s speak about sports. Do you know that some modern sports appeared in Great Britain? For example, football. English people as many people all over the world now think more about their health, and healthy living and try to go in for different sports. Now listen to students of the 3d form “A” with the project “A way to healthy living”.

Рассказчик -2:

А теперь поговорим о спорте. Знаете ли вы, что некоторые современные виды спорта появились в Великобритании. Например. Футбол. Англичане, как многие другие люди во всем мире, сейчас задумываются о здоровье и здоровом образе жизни и стараются заниматься разными видами спорта.

Послушайте выступление учащихся 3А класса Кардаш Арину и Жакович Анну с проектом «Здоровый образ жизни»

Рассказчик – 1:

Listen to a rhyme about family “What is a family”? It’s recited by Stepa Ekaterina the 6B form.

Рассказчик -2:

Послушайте стихотворение о семье в исполнении ученицы 6Б класса Степы Екатерины.

Рассказчик – 1:

At the end of our concert let’s sing a song together “If you are happy”.

Рассказчик -2:

В завершении нашего концерта давайте вместе споем песню «Если ты счастлив».

Рассказчик – 1:

The concert is over. Thank you for your attention. Good bye.

Рассказчик -2:

Концерт окончен. Спасибо за внимание. До свидания.


внеклассного мероприятия

по английскому языку

в 5-6 классах

“Enjoy English”

Концерт подготовили

учителя английского языка:

Бармина Г.П.

Березникова Е.С.

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Ижемская средняя общеобразовательная школа»

Ижемского района Республики Коми

Сценарий концерта

иностранной песни

учитель английского языка

Братенкова Татьяна


с. Ижма

Сценарий концерта на иностранном языке

«Sing along and enjoy the language«

(Концерт можно посмотреть здесь)

Песня «Я учу английский» Настя Шерега (без объявления)

Ведущий 1. Здравствуйте, дорогие друзья! Мы рады приветствовать вас на нашем традиционном празднике иностранного языка. С вами Дурягина Арина и Чупров Иван — учащиеся Ижемской школы.

Ведущий 2. Слово для приветствия участников и гостей праздника предоставляется начальнику управления образования  Волковой Анжелике Васильевне

Ведущий 1. Наш сегодняшний концерт называется «Sing along and enjoy  the language»

Ведущий 2 Песня – это блестящий способ не только научиться говорить на иностранном языке. Сегодня мы увидим, что разучивание песен и стихов на иностранном языке помогают людям лучше понять друг друга.

Ведущий 1. Давайте начнем с такого слогана: Music is the soul of language. Музыка – это душа языка. Те слова, которые звучат в песнях, становятся понятными и близкими, потому что музыка воспринимается сердцем. Запоминая слова в песне, мы обогащаем наш лексический запас. И учить новые слова и фразы с помощью такого способа намного интереснее и проще.

Ведущий 2. Открывает наш концерт песня Imagine в исполнении Артеевой Карины и Семяшкиной Арины. Сизябская школа

Ведущий 1. Замечательное исполнение! They say А different language is a different vision of life. Другой язык – это другое видение жизни. Когда мы поем на иностранном языке, мы знакомимся с обычаями и особенностями иной страны, иной культуры.

Ведущий 2. Выступление артистов из Койинской школы — хорошее подтверждение этому. Слушаем французскую фольклорную песню Un petit garcon в исполнении Терентьевой Надежды и Эйсмонт Лианы

Ведущий 1. Как замечательно звучит французский язык. Я бы с удовольствием слушала и слушала…

Ведущий 2. No problem! Представь, что я вышел в море, Раскрыл большой парус….

Ведущий 1. При чем здесь море и парус?

Ведущий 2. Об этом споют Канева Анастасия и Кожевин Константин, ученики Брыкаланской школы в романтической песне «Sous le vent” — На ветру

Ведущий 1. С’est génial. А мы продолжим. To sing in another language is to possess a second soul. Петь на другом языке, это как иметь другую душу.

Ведущий 2. И снова на сцене Настя Шерега с песней “Dont let me down

Ученица 5 класса Ижемской школы.

Ведущий 1 Brilliant! “Music is the universal language of mankind.” 

Музыка – это универсальный язык человечества. Песни на разных языках понятны и взрослым, и детям. Как, например, песня Arabian nights . Встречаем артистов 6a класса Ижемской щколы.

Ведущий 2 Ну, раз уже начали песни из мультфильмов, давайте продолжим энергичной песней Duck tales. «Life is like a hurricane» поют ученики 5в Ижемской школы

Ведущий 1  Not to know other languages is bad, not to wish to know is worse.

Не знать языки плохо, не хотеть знать – ещё хуже. Не знать манеры, стиль общения и поведения? А мимику, жесты и речь? Культуру речи?

Всему этому нас могла бы научить знаменитая на весь мир песня «Let it be» в исполнении 7 — классников Ижмы.

Ведущий 2  Арина, ты слышала такое высказываниеMoney speaks language all nations understand. Деньги говорят на языке, который понятен всем нациям.

Ведущий 1  Честно? Не слышала. Но что-то в этом есть. Говорят, не в деньгах счастье… Но, как говорится, лучше грустить в Мазерати, чем в маршрутке!!! Об этом поем мы с одноклассниками. Money, money, money

Ведущий 2. А вот у меня контраргумент. Soon the Power of Love will replace the Love of money. Возможно, вскоре наступит время, когда власть любви заменит любовь к деньгам.

Ведущий 1. Ученики 8 класса Ижемской школы поют: мне не нужны деньги Пока я чувствую бит, Мне не нужны деньги, Пока я танцую. Песня — Cheap Thrills
После песни — Cheap Thrills need no money!
Ведущий 2 For the world you may be just one person but for one person you may be the whole world. Для мира ты всего лишь один человек, а для кого-то одного ты целый мир. Вокально-инструментальный ансамбль Мохченской школы в составе Дуркиной Елены, Рочевой Татьяны, Рочевой Анастасии, Антон Анастасии исполняют песню  Lucky Strike

Ведущий 1. Надо запомнить выражение «One in a million, my lucky strike»

Ведущий 2 The future belongs to those who believe in beauty of their dreams. Будущее принадлежит тем, кто верит в свои мечты. Am I only dreaming? Cпрашивает Филиппова Эльвира, ученица 8 кл Сизябской школы в песне Eternal Flame.

Ведущий 1  The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. Границы моего языка — это границы моего мира.   Новое дарят нам книги, музыка, кино и театр. Театр учит нас традициям и обычаям иных стран, их культуре. Например, развивает чувство юмора. Музыкальный – спектакль «All Things Are Fine, My Fair Lady в исполнении учащихся 7 класса Щельяюрской школы. Встречаем — Чупрова Яна, Филиппова Светлана, Дроботова Арина, Канева Юлия, Терентьева Виктория .

Ведущий 2 Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music. Жизнь – это одна великая, сладостная песня, поэтому пой. It’s a new world, it’s a new start, It’s a new day, it’s a new plan поется в песне Here I am. Исполняет Рочев Аркадий 10 кл Красноборская школа

После исполнения — Ведущий 2 It’s a new world, it’s a new start, It’s a new day, it’s a new song!
Ведущий 1  Language is the road map of culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going. Язык- это дорожная карта культуры. Он поведает, откуда пришли люди и куда идут. Любовь к родному языку и уважение, и интерес, проявленные к иностранному языку, ведут к Гармонии и Совершенству. В исполнении Канева Дмитрия, ученика 9 класса Кельчиюрской школы звучит песня «Hallelujah»

Ведущий 2  A great song should lift your heart, warm the soul and make you feel good. Хорошая песня должна возвышать сердце, согревать душу и заставлять человека чувствовать себя easy, как в песне Thunder” Встречаем 11 класс Ижемской школы

Ведущий 1. “Music is the strongest form of magic.”  Музыка – это сильнейшая форма магии. One way or another — как мантра звучит в песне, которую исполняют 10 классники Ижемской школы.

Ведущий 1   Through music we may wander where we will in time, and find friends in every century.”  Посредством музыки мы можем странствовать во времени и находить друзей в каждом веке. Завершает наш концерт песня ……… Группа Городилова

Вместе Good bye. Hope to see you again next year!

Сценарий музыкального
фестиваля английской песни “
with us
Ведущий 1:

: Hello everybody!  Welcome to our song festival.

Dear guests! We are very glad to see you
here. Today you will listen to not
only  English, but also Turkish and German songs of the most popular singers
and bands.

 Our concert is devoted to the hits of
different years. We invite you to have a journey around musical world.

The songs will be judged by the jury. Meet

Ирина Рамисовна

Рида Рифовна

Резеда Илдусовна


 Music and songs raise our spirits, help us to overcome difficulties, make
our feelings more complicated and our life becomes more colourful.

Ведущий 2 
Начнем же наш концерт с самых юных учеников нашей школы.
Именно они начинают свои первые шаги в изучении английского языка. Послушайте,
как задорно и увлечённо они умеют петь на английском языке.
(выходят дети 2 класса)

Полина: Good
afternoon, l
dies and gentlemen!
We are glad to see you here!

Hello, hello, hello to you

     Hello, hello, we are glad to see you!

Песня  (1)Hello
How are you?

Ведущий 1:  Thank
you so much, children! (
ко 2 ведущему) they are wonderful, aren’t they?

Yes, They are. Let’s enjoy our pupils’
singing!  Lets meet our first participant!
Давлеева Эльвина with the song “Skyfall”

: It’s splendid! Learning English through
music helps us to understand and to learn the culture of England. It is very
interesting because we learn English. By the way, what did you do the day
before yesterday?

 The day before yesterday I listened to
the song Yesterday.  And yesterday I listened to the song Yesterday.

:I think you don’t mind  listening to it
now? (3) Let’s meet our participants 10a
Миннегулова Альфия and Хаертдинова Илзина with
the song Yesterday.

: Thank you very much, girls! Nowadays,
we can hear music everywhere: in the streets, at home, over the radio and TV,
and Internet, and of course, at our school, because a lot of pupils are
interested in music.

I absolutely agree with you. I’m sure that
all of us like music. We can express our thoughts and feelings, we can relax
and have fun with the help of music.  Lets meet our next participants! .    (4)
8a Cranberries Zombie

S1: Well, it’s
difficult to speak about music because music is something spiritual and
everybody understands it in different way. Lets meet our next participants
with the song
 (5) Demons Imagine dragons.  11a.

Music helps us to understand the inner
world of a person. Some people enjoy classical music, others prefer pop and
rock. So many people, so many opinions. Lets meet our next participants with
the song  (6)Old town road  11a)

Marvelous! As for me, I’m a lover of
pop-music. But we can say that all kinds of music are popular with public.  Lets
meet our next participant (7)
Камилла Галимова  with the song Seven
nation army
б )
By the way, I know that young people are
united by music and communicate through it, express their thoughts, hopes,
dreams, sorrows and joys.  Lets meet duet  (8)
Бегунова Ксения and Филиппова Ангелина
with the song “Yesterday”
________, what about the songs Happy New
Year? They are wonderful, aren’t they?
Certainly they are. In my opinion we
should decorate our festival with beautiful magic Christmas songs! Lets meet
our next participants with the song (9)Last Christmas 10
S1:     No doubts, music makes our
feelings happier and full of impressions.
I can’t stand with it. Music can control
our emotions and influence our mood.  Lets meet our next participants with the
song ! (10) 1
Jingle bells.

  Music is one of the best parts of our
life. It shows the beauty of the world. Music always can help us when we are in
trouble. Hey, what happened? What are you thinking about?

I’m thinking about summer, the Sun,
warm Black Sea, summer holidays….

: AWW, don’t you be so sad. I know who can
help you! Let’s meet the participants from 11a with the song
“Summertime sadness”.(
Thank you so much!
I’m so excited. I believe
that music helps people from all over the world to understand each other
better. There are no boarders in music. Lets meet our next participant (12)
Имамова Элина
with Turkish song Zeynep Bastık — Her Yerde Sen

  Wow, it makes me think of happy time. On
the whole our party of foreign languages is wonderful with lots of music and
songs. (13)
Саяпова Арина with the song Copycat

 You know, The Turkish language is so
beautiful and melodious! What about listening to German song? Lets meet our
next participants! (14) 9

So exciting! Let’s listen to the amazing song “Bad Liar!”   11b, welcome to the

Thank for all our participants! And now while our jury
decides who is the best today, let’s have fun!  

2 Our first contest for the audience is to guess and name the musical
instrument in English.   Now listen!

1)      Арфа  









10)  Гармонь

11)  оргАн

12)  скрипка

13)  укулеле

Ведущий1:  the next
contest is “Guess the song ”
1) Drake  In my

2) Freddy Mercury Living on my own

3) Annenmaykeitereit Diese Welt
geht unter

4) Mohombi Hello

5) Adele Hello

6)  Billie Eilish Bad guy

7) The Beatles Yellow Submarine

8) Shawn Mendes Seniorita

9) Dance Monkey

10) .     I will always love you 
Whitney Huston

Ведущий 2 : What can be better than to have a command of it? To speak good a
foreign language means to know its grammar and vocabulary and to pronounce
Ведущий1:  To
speak a foreign language means to communicate, to understand each other.

Ведущий 2:  So we wish you all speak
поворачивается к жюри:
Now the floor is given to our judges.(
слова жюри

1: Sorry to say our festival is coming to the end. We think you enjoyed our
beautiful songs.
Dear boys and girls! Thank you for your active participation. You are brilliant
at singing.
:( к гостям).

Dear guests! We hope you liked the party. Thank you very much for your
attention. We wish you Merry Christmas!  Good bye

Time runs fast and we know our lives as English teachers are vital to increase the motivation and  interest of our students when they learn English in a non real context, thus we consider  music as a relevant factor (using songs) in the EFL classroom. 


  • An effective way  to motivate and  break  the possibly boredom in the classroom. 

  • To promote the abilities such as singing, dancing and body language.

  • Making from the classroom atmosphere less formal and the students feel more at ease.

  • Integrating the four skills ( L- S- W- RC) and enriching  gradually  the lessons. 

  • The English songs are a full-value teaching material that should be used frequently in the classroom.

  • Creating extra-curricular activities where the students practice the foreing language.

  • Enhancing the whole student-socially, cognitively and artistically. (MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES)  

Taking into account all mentioned above we planned and organized English Song Festival as a motivational strategy to increase the students´ participation in activities that promote the use of  foreign language.

Goal: to enhance student’s participation in a musical activity that promotes the use of this foreign language.

Forms: 811

Time: from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm

Place: assembly hall


We are the world”

S1: Hello everybody!  Welcome to our song festival.

S2: Today you will listen to English and American songs of the most popular singers and bands.

S1: Our concert is devoted to the hits of different years. We invite you to have a journey around musical world from the 70s till nowadays.

S2:Teams from different classes had qualified for the festival and all of them have the same goal – to win.

S1: Our participants must present their songs according to the list given some months ago. Students had to choose songs of the following singers:

S2: An American singer, songwriter, dancer, philanthropist and actor; had 410 awards and a total of 161 Records and Achievements; the best-selling male recording artist of all time; is still called the King of Pop!

(Michael Jackson )

S1: An American singer, songwriter, actress, and businesswoman; the best-selling female recording artist of all time; is called the Queen of Pop.


S2: A British rock band formed in London; their Greatest Hits album was the all-time best-selling album in UK Chart history; The show must go on, Friends will be friends can be heard everywhere, in all parts of the world!


S1: A Swedish pop band; was widely noted for the colourful and trend-setting costumes its members wore; were honoured at the 50th anniversary celebration of the Eurovision Song Contest in 2005, when their hit «Waterloo» was chosen as the best song in the competition’s history. (Abba)

 S2: A German rock band; Rolling Stone magazine describes them as «the heroes of heavy metal», and MTV called them «Ambassadors of Rock».


S1:  An English rock band, formed in Liverpool with members John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.

(The Beatles)

S2: An English musician, singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, activist, actor, and philanthropist; was the principal songwriter, lead singer for the rock band The Police  before launching a solo career. (Sting)

S1: An American singer, actress, producer, and model; the star of the feature film The Bodyguard; «I Will Always Love You«, became the best-selling single by a woman in music history.

(Whitney Houston)

S2: The songs will be judged by the jury. Meet them!

Teachers of English

  • Yevgeniya Vasilyevna

  • Olga Isakovna

  • Lidiya Alexadrovna

  • Nina Anatolyevna

  • Elena Alexandrovna

  • Olga Sergeevna

  • Anastasiya Sergeevna

And a teacher of Music – ….

S1: They will choose the winners for the following nominations:

  • Perfectness and Skill

  • Originality and Creativeness

  • The Best Arrangement Skills

  • The Art of Performing

  • Good Vocal Abilities

  • Best Choreography

  • New Generation Artist

  • Best Performance 

  • Best New Artist

S2: We wish all the participants good luck and let’s get started!

S1: The 80s are rich in musical hits.

S2: I agree with you, last weekend I went to the disco of 80s. The coolest song was “Say Say Say! “
«Say Say Say» is a pop song written and performed by Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson. It was a number one hit in the United States, Canada, Norway, Sweden, and several other countries.

S2: In 2013, Billboard magazine listed the song as the 40th biggest hit of all-time on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. The song was listed as the 22nd greatest duet of all time. Meet the 8th V form with this song!

S1: … do you believe in ghosts?

S2: I’ve never seen ghosts but people say there are even towns full of them.

S1: I think girls from the 8th A form will prove that ghosts really exist.

Shurkina Kseniya and Shapovalova Darya.

S1: Yesterday I was surfing the Net and found interesting and rare names: Annora, Birdie, Clementina, Lorelei.

S2: Lorelei? I think I have heard it somewhere? Oh, yes, Scorpions have a song with this name.

S1: Today their song will be presented by Maria Knisch. “Lorelei!”

S1: … do you have a boyfriend?

S2: Let it be my secret.

S1: Ok, let it be! Meet the 10th B with the song “Let it be”

S1: I decided we need to go to the park tomorrow. The weather is fine and we’ll have time to relax and talk about different things.

S2: Who will go?

S1: You and I. You are my best friend and truly speaking I need your help with the biology project connected to trees.

S2: Ok, now I see. Meet the 8th A form with the song “You and I”.

S1: Will they sing about their school problems?

S2: Let’s listen and find out.

S1: Do you have a dream?

S2: I want to travel a lot, to have a big house somewhere at the seaside, to have a rich husband, to be happy and… I want, want, want… want it all! I want everything.

S1: Sounds interesting. So you want it all. The guys from the 8th G form also want everything and they want it now. Meet them!

S1: … do you like our show?

S2: Yes, all our participants are good singers and well-prepared.

S1: Right you are. So the show must go on!

S2: The 11the A is ready to go on!

S1: How are you feeling now?
S2: I`m so happy to be here and listen to all these wonderful songs!
S1: Yeah, as the show must go on l et`s listen to another song, I`m sure you`ll like it. “We built this house” by Evelina Osadchiva and Kate Nevzorova.

S1: What is music? It is more than a combination of pleasant sounds. It is an art that reflects people`s ideas and emotions.

S2: I think love is one of the most important feelings in life.

S1: May be you are right. Girls from the 11th B will tell us about it.

Somebody to love”

S1: … do you have any ideas of an ideal husband?

S2: I want to marry an Englishman.

S1: Why Englishman?

S2: Because of the 10th A song. I heard it during their rehearsal for this concert.

S1: I want to listen to this song. May be I will decide to marry an Englishman too.

S1: Cool! I will marry an Englishman and we will have the kiss forever!

S2: Forever? Is it possible?

S1: I believe so. Anyway Sayaka and Sarah are ready to sing about it.

S2: Fantastic! Let’s listen to them.

S1: Remembering pop music, we can not but say about the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.
S2: Yes, quite right, his contribution into the music world is priceless.

S1: «We Are the World» is a song and charity single.  It topped music charts throughout the world and became the fastest-selling American pop single in history. The first ever single to be certified multi-platinum, «We Are the World» received a Platinum certification by the Recording Industry Association of America. «We Are the World» was recognized with several awards following its release.

S2: Now we are having bonus track performed by our pupils. Meet them!

(“We are the world” by all the participants)

S1: Our concert is coming to an end. Meet our jury. They have worked hard and everybody is waiting for the results of our show!


S2: We all were glad to meet you here! Hope you’ve enjoyed the performance. Thank you for coming.


«Зимний фестиваль знаний 2023»

  1. Публикации 
  2. Английский язык 
  3. Мероприятия 


Английский язык


Все классы

Мероприятия по английскому языку

Мероприятия по английскому языку и другие
полезные материалы для учителя английского языка, которые вы можете выбрать и скачать бесплатно в этом разделе.

Викторина по английскому языку


Викторина по английскому языку, Влючаетс в себя разные разделы языка

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 — 11 классы

Осторожно, СНЮС!


Снюс — вид табачного изделия. Представляет собой измельчённый увлажнённый табак, который помещают между верхней (реже — нижней) губой и де

Внеклассное мероприятие «Smart bus»


Интересный материал для учащихся 6 класса. Подойдет для повторения и закрепления изученных тем в 6 классе.

Получите свидетельство о публикации сразу после загрузки работы

Получите бесплатно свидетельство о публикации сразу после добавления разработки

Цель мероприятия:

  • развитие творческой активности учащихся;
  • активизация всех форм внеклассной работы;
  • повышение интереса к языку.

Peppy: Hello everybody! How are you? I hope you are fine.

Mary Poppins: Glad to see you at our big English concert!

Peppy: Today you will listen to the English songs, rhymes and tales.

Mary: From my point of view you are very talented children. And you can proof it.

Peppy: Well, we begin. Come on lets go!

Mary: Peppy, do you have any pets?

Peppy: Yes, I do. I have got a cat. I like it very much. As far as I know the
children from the 4th form can sing a very nice song about Bingo.

Mary: Who is this? I don, t know it.

Peppy: You don, t know! Listen to the song and you, ll

(выступление учащихся 4 класса, дети исполняют
песню «Bobby-Bingo»)


Приложение №1

Mary: Thank you very much. It was great!

Peppy: Yes, it was really great. To have a dog is well. Dogs are good friends. But
I know that pupils from the 6th form have lions, a parrot, a bee, an owl:

Mary: Really? Are they zoo-keepers? Let s see!

(выступление 6 класса. Инсценировка сказки о
маленьком львёнке).


Приложение № 2

Peppy: Oh, my God! I was so worried about young lioness. All is well that ends

Mary: Don t worry! Be calm! Say me, please. Do you like to be late?

Peppy: Who? I? Never! To tell the truth the pupils from the 7th form
like to be late.

Mary: Are you sure? I don t think so.

Peppy: Sure? Am I sure? Let s see!

(Выступление 7 класса «Late again»). Приложение

Mary: Thank you very much, children. Better late than never.

Peppy: But better never late. Mary, do you know Michelle?

Mary: Michelle? No, I don t know. Who is she?

Peppy: Let s listen to the song! Meet the girls-band from the 8th form.
I am sure that they know this mysterious Michelle.

(девушки из 8 класса исполняют песню группы
«Биттлз» «Michelle»).


Приложение №4

Mary: Thanks, girls. You are right. Love is great. But to love or not to love? What
is the questions!

Peppy: What do you say? There is no doubt to love! And now meet the 10th form!

(выступление учащихся 10 класса «On the rocks»). Приложение №5

Mary: Thank very much. In my opinion the quarrel is a bad thing. Why do people
quarrel with each other? I do not know. But as far as I know the pupils of the 7th
form can answer this question.

(выступление учащихся 7 класса — «The Quarrel»). Приложение №6


Peppy: It was not bad. Thanks, children. :.Oh, my God! To tell the truth, I am
very hungry! I d like to eat banana or ice-cream with pleasure. Let, go to the

Mary: OK! And you, my dear friends, meet the pupils of the 6th form.

(учащиеся 6 класса разыгрывают сценку
«Приглашение в кафе»). Приложение

Mary: Good for you, thanks.

Peppy (поёт): «Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes:

Mary: Peppy, what are you singing?

Peppy: Oh, it is a very nice song, but I have forgotten the words.

Mary: Never mind! Children from the 4th form can help you.

(звучит песня «Head and shoulders» в исполнении
учащихся 4 класса). Приложение №8

Peppy: Thanks, children! It was great! Mary, where do you live?

Mary: I live in the city.

Peppy: And I live in the country.

Mary and Peppy (together): Where would you rather live?

(ученица 5 класса читает стихотворение » A

Приложение №9 [3]

Peppy: Good for you! You are very clever!

Mary: And now, Peppy, listen to my favorite song!

(учащиеся 4 класса исполняют песню «Trot to

Приложение №10 [1]

Peppy: Very, very talented children! But our concert is over. It is time to say

Mary: Thank you very much! We, ll meet next year. See you!

Список используемой литературы.

  1. с 1 Железнов С и Железнова Е. Английские
    песенки и стихи для детей, изучающих английский
    язык «The key of the Kingdom» (аудиокассета);
  2. с 2 Кознов С. «Все песни «Beatles» М.: ТЕРРА,
    Саратов; Издательство С.В. Кознова, 1997, — 224с.
  3. с 3 Кузовлёв В.П., Лапа Н. М Английский язык: Учеб
    для 5 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений — М.:
    Просвещение, 1998. — 368с.
  4. с 4 Клементьева Т.Б., Монк Б Счастливый
    английский. Кн. 1. Учеб. Для 5 — 6 кл. сред. шк. — М.:
    Просвещение, 1993. — 416с.
  5. с 5 Кузовлёв В.П., Лапа Н. М Английский язык: Учеб
    для 7 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений — М.:
    Просвещение, 1996.

witches free clip art, witches and cauldron, imagen de brujas  Reader’s Theater Scripts and Plays

                                                                                     Whootie Owl’s Free Teaching Materials

Complete List of Playscripts

There are more than 400 scripts. Please take a look at Page 2 and Page 3

The narrator is not included in the number of characters in each playscript.

1. Cinderella. 7 characters. Author: Brothers Grimm.

2. The Spirit Inside The Bottle. 3 characters. Author: Brothers Grimm.

3. The Mice Wedding. 10 characters ( animal characters: Mice)

4. The Chair. 3 characters. Author: Unknown. Moral Value: Faith in God.

5. The Good Man and His Son. 6 characters. Author: Aesop Fable. Moral Value: We can not always do what people want us to do. We can´t please everybody because there will always be someone who will not agree with us. Don´t listen to other people’s gossip.

6. Story of the First Thanksgiving.

7. The Sunflower. 2 characters

8. The Mousetrap. 7 characters – animal characters: Mouse, Chicken, Lamb, Cow

9. The Tree and the Woodcutter. 8 characters – (animal characters: Rabbit, Bird, Dove). Moral Value: Respect for Nature

10 . The Wolf and the Little Goats4 characters – (animal characters: Wolf, Goats)

11. The Princess and The Frog /The Golden Ball. 4 characters (animal characters: Frog). Author: Jacob and Whilhelm Grimm

12. The Blind Men and the Elephant. 8 characters – (animal characters: Elephants)

13. A Crazy Story. 8 characters – (animal characters: wolf, pigs)

14. The Suitcase. 5 characters

15. The Magic Pencil. 3 characters

16. The Little Red Flower. 3 characters.

17. Little Red Riding Hood. 3 characters (animal characters: wolf). Author: Brothers Grimm.

18. Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 4 characters — (animal characters: Bears) Folktale

19. Mr. Cat´s Party . 9 characters – (animal characters : Squirrel, Bear, Turtle , Rabbit, Crow, Deer, Moose,Cat)

20. The Puzzle. 6 characters

21. The First Day of School. 6 characters

22. Los Tres Cochinitos Contra el Virus A-H1N1. 27 y mas personajes. Author: K I D S I N C O

23. The Stork and The Fox. 2 characters. Author: Aesop Fable. Moral: One bad turn deserves another.

24. Treasure Mountain. 4 characters.

25. Sleeping Beauty. 9 characters

26. Cinderella. 9 characters. Author: Jacob and Whilhelm Grimm

27. A Peasant Boy and the Dragon. 4 characters

28. A Man, His Horse, and His Dog. 3 characters. Author: A Folktale from Egypt.

29. Mary, The Hen. 9 characters. Author: An Old English Folktale.

30. The Gingerbread Boy. 8 characters . Author: Unknown

31. Jack and the Beanstalk. 4 characters. Author: English Fairy Tale – Unknown.

32. It’s My Looks! 2 characters. Author: K I D S I N C O

33. The Tale of Petter Rabbit. 7 characters – (animal characters: Rabbits)

34.Chicken Little. 6 characters – (animal characters: Chicken, Hen, Duck, Goose,Turkey, Fox) Author: African

35. Beauty and the Beast. 5 characters .

36. The Ugly Duckling. 17 characters . ( animal characters: Ducks, Pig, Cow, Goat, Birds, Geese, Hen, Swans). Moral Value: Tolerance. : Hans Christian Andersen

37. Moses Story. 6 characters

38. The Emperor´s New Clothes. 10 characters or more. Author: Hans Christian Andersen

39. The Nightingale.5 characters. Author: Hans Christian Andersen

40.The Three King´s Daughters. 7 characters

41. The Three King´s Sons. 8 characters or more

42. The Three Trees. 10 characters

43. The Princess and the Pea. 4 characters. Author: Hans Christian Andersen

44. Rapunzel. 5 characters. Author: Jacob and Whilhelm Grimm

45. Medusa and Athena. 7 characters. Author: Greek Myth

46. The Old Witch. 3 characters. Author: Brothers Grimm

47. Mother Hulda. 6 characters. Author: Jacob and Whilhelm Grimm

48. The Three Little Pigs. 6 characters – (animal characters: Pigs, Wolf). English Fairy Tale by Joseph Jacobs. Moral: When you do a job, do it good. Moral Value: Patience, Hard Work, Perseverance.

49. Mother´s Day. 2 characters

50. Brother and Sister. 7 characters. Author: Jacob and Whilhelm Grimm

51. The Wolf and the Seven Kids. 9 characters (animal characters: Wolf, Goats). Author:Jacob and Whilhelm Grimm

52. The Three Billy Goats Gruff. 4 characters (animal characters: Goats)

53. The Fisherman and His Wife. 3 characters. (animal characters: Fish) Author: Jacob and Whilhelm Grimm

54. The Lion and the Mouse. 4 characters . (animal characters: Lion, Mouse)

55. The Hare and the Tortoise . 3 characters – (animal characters: Hare, Tortoise, Fox)

56. Brementon Musicians. 6 characters . – (animal characters: Donkey, Dog, Cat, Rooster). Author:Jacob and Whilhelm Grimm

57. Twenty Five Rubies. 4 characters. Moral Value: Integrity

58. The Black Plate. 4 characters. Moral Value: Honesty

59. The Gift of Pearls. 5 characters. Moral Value: Humility

60. The Fox and The Goat. 2 characters , (animal characters: Fox, Goat)

61. The Elephant and The Dog. 6 characters. (animal characters: Dog, Elephant) Author: Jakata Tale

62. The Stone Soup. 10 characters. Author: Grimm Brothers. Moral Value: Cooperation

63. The Magic Turquoise. 4 characters

64. The Power of Rumour. 7 characters (animal characters: Hare, Lion, Parrot, Monkeys, Tigers, Elephants) Moral: Check a rumour before acting on it.

65.The Princess´s Ring. 5 characters.

66. Puss and Boots. 12 characters. (animal characters: Cat) . Author: Jacob and Whilhelm Grimm

67. The Golden Swan. 4 characters. (animal characters: Swan)

68. The Rabbit and the Coyote. 2 characters . (animal characters: Rabbit, Coyote)

69. The Fox and the Wolf. 5 or more characters . (animal characters: Fox, Wolf)

70. Independencia de Mexico. 6 characters or more. Author: Marco Antonio Fernandez

71. One Good Turn Deserves Another: 2 or more characters . (animal characters: Squirrel,Worms)

72.Why The Sea is Salt. 6 characters.

73. Ernest´s Party. 3 or more characters. (animal characters: Elephant, Monkeys)

74.Why the Bear’s Tail is Short. 4 characters. (animal characters: Fox, Bear)

75. How Jack Went to Seek His Fortune. 6 characters. (animal characters; Cat, Dog, Goat, Bull, Rooster)

76. The Swineherd. 7 or more characters. Author: Hans Christian Andersen

77. The Magic Cooking Pot. 5 characters

78. Tikki Tikki Tembo. 5 characters. Author: Chinese Folktale

79. The Story of Stone Soup. 11 characters or more. Author: Brothers Grimm

80. Grateful Prince. 9 or more characters (animals characters: Horse, Cow)

81. King Midas. 3 characters. Author: Greek Myth

82. Un Nuevo Mundo es Descubierto – 12 de Octubre de 1492

83. Camila and Her Brothers. 11 characters. Author: Jacob and Whilhelm Grimm

84. The Quails. (animal characters: Quails)

85. The Little Tree. (animal characters: Goat)

86. Snow White. 14 characters. Author: Jacob and Whilhelm Grimm

87. The Haunted House. 15 characters. By Miss Xochitl

88. The City Mouse and the Country Mouse. (animal characters: Mice)

89. The Hill On Fire. 14 characters. Author: Celtic Fairy Tale

90. Thanksgiving Day. 17 characters. Author: K I D S I N C O

91. The Wizard of Oz. 12 characters. (animal characters: Lion). Author: L. Frank Baum.

92. La Revolucion Mexicana. 5 and MORE characters. Author: Marco Antonio Fernandez Diaz.

93. Beauty, The Bull. 3 characters. (animal characters: Bull) Moral Value: Respect. A Folkktale from Bhutan.

94. A Fable. 12 characters. (animal characters: Cat, Fox, Squirrel, Bear, Cow, Donkey, Elephant, Tiger, Lion, Leopard, Camel). By Mark Twain

95. The Fisherman. 7 or more characters. Moral Value: Gratitude. Albanian Folktale

96. A Christmas Carol. 16 characters. By Charles Dickens

97. The Nativity. 16 or more characters. Author: K I D S I N C O

98. Babushka. Characters 17 or more. A Folktale from Russia. A Christmas script with the Three Wise Man.

99. The Little Match Girl. 9 characters. By Hans Christian Andersen. A Christmas or New Year Playscript.

100. The Fairy´s New Year Gift. 3 characters. By Emilie Poulsso.

101. The Selfish Giant. 17 Characters. Author: Oscar Wilde

102. The Three Magic Gifts. 6 characters. A European Folktale

103. Pandora´s Box. 11 characters. Author:Greek Myth

104. Theseus and the Minotaur. 6 characters. Author: Greek Myth

105. The Little Mermaid. 11 characters – (animal characters: Shrimp, Fish)

106. The Drying Tree. 2 characters (animal characters: Squirrel) – Moral Value: Respect for nature, Gratitude

107. The Sad Squirrel. 5 characters (animal characters: Squirrel) — Moral Value: Respect for others and nature, Gratitude

108. Pinocchio. 9 characters – animal characters: fox, cat. Author: Carlo Collody. Moral Value: Truthfulness

109. The Little Red Hen. 5 characters – animal characters: red hen, pig, cat, dog, turkey. Moral Value:Hard work.

110. The Guest of Honor. 3 characters. Moral Value: Respect, Tolerance. Author: Turkish Folktale

111. The Old Man and His Grandson. 4 characters. Moral Value: Respect. Author: Brothers Grimm

112. The Greedy Sister. 4 characters. Moral Value: Love, Generosity. Author: Folktale from Spain

113. Truth and Lie. 4 characters. Moral Value: Do what is right. Author: Greek Folktale.

114. Aladdin. 8 characters. Author: Middle Eastern Folktale.

115. The Promise. 10 characters. Author: French Short Story. Moral Value: Loyalty

116.Jesus Trial. 10 and more characters. Author: K I D S I N C O. Moral Value: Humility. An Easter playscript.

117. The Prince and the Pauper. 6 and more characters. Author: Mark Twain. Moral Value. Kindness

118. Hansel and Gretel. 5 characters. Author: Grimm Brothers. Moral Value: Autonomy

119. King Arthur and the Witch. 10 characters. Author: Popular Folktale. Moral Value: Friendship, Loyalty

120. El Hombrecito de Pan de Jengibre. 8 personajes (Personajes de animales: vaca, cerdo, caballo, perro, zorro). Cuento Popular.

121. The Secret Room. 8 and more characters. Author: Bulgarian Folktale. Moral Value: Experience, Love, Wisdom.

122. The Chicken of the Golden Eggs. 7 characters. Author: AESOP Fable .

123. Los Tres Cochinitos. 8 personajes. Autor Desconocido

124. Echo and Narcissus. 5 characters. Author: Greek Mytholocy.

125. God´s Cell Phone. 3 characters. Author: K I D S I N C O. Moral Value: Love

126. Tin Soldier. 13 characters. Author: Hans Christian Andersen

127. Mount Semsi. 15 characters. Author: Brothers Grimm.

128. The Honest Woodcutter. 3 characters. Author: Jean de La Fontaine

129. Sleeping Beauty. 15 and more characters. Author: Brothers Grimm

130. Snow White. 11 characters. Author: Brothers Grimm

131. The Pied Piper of Hamelin. 24 and more characters (crowd, soldiers, children). Moral Value: Keep a Promise. Anti-Values: Betrayal and Greedy. Author: Brothers Grimm

132. The Just Judge. 6 characters. Author: Leo Tolstoi

133. Fortune and the Greedy Man. 2 characters. Author: Popular Folktale. Moral: If you are too greedy you end up with nothing.

134. I Want My Mother Back. 6 characters. A playscript for Mother’s Day.

135. Rabotity. 14 characters. Folktale from Madagascar. Moral: We are all strong. But there is always someone stronger than us. It is better to respect everybody.

136. The King and the Wise Man. 5 characters. Author: Unknown. Moral: It is not WHAT you say, but HOW you say it that counts.


The Highest Price.

3 characters. Popular Folktale.

Moral Value:


138. Fearless John. 10 characters. By Brothers Grimm.

139. The King`s Ring. 4 characters and more (king soldiers, enemy soldiers, crowd). Author: Budhist Short Story.

140. Sinbad. 3 characters. Traditional Arabic Story.

141. Scrooge – Un Cuento de Navidad. 16 personajes. Por Charles Dickens.

142. The Little Bunnies Go Shopping. 4 characters. By K I D S I N C O. An Easter Playscript.

143. Rumpelstilskin. 4 characters. By Brothers Grimm.

144. Tom Thumb. 12 characters. By Brothers Grimm.

145. The Shoemaker and the Elves. 7 characters. By Brothers Grimm

146. Alice `s Adventures in Wonderland. 19 and more characters. By Lewis Carroll.

147. Empty Tomb. 4 characters. By Four Canonical Gospels.

148. Peter and The Wolf. The Boy Who Cried Wolf. 7 characters. Author: Aesop Fable. Moral: People will not trust liers, even if they say the truth. Script about lying.

149. The Three Little Pigs. 5 characters. By Joseph Jacobs. Moral: When you do a job, do it good. Moral Value: Patience, Hard Work, Perseverance.

150. Little Red Riding Hood. 5 characters. By Brothers Grimm.

151. The Goose Girl. 9 characters, By Brothers Grimm.

152. Half Blanket. 3 characters. Author: Old Irish Folktale. Moral: Treat Others as you Would Like to be Treated. Respect Others. A playscript for Father´s Day.

153. It Can Be Too Late. 6 and more characters. A playscript for Father´s Day.

154. Peter Pan. 9 and more characters. By J.M Barrie.

155. Beauty and The Beast. 5 characters. Popular European Folktale.

156. The Enchanted Princess. 7 characters. Author: Unknown

157. Snow White. Funny Script. 11 characters. Author: Brothers Grimm.

158. George Gets Swine Flu. 4 characters. Author: K I D S I N C O

159. Grandmother`s Memories. 2 characters. Author: K I D S I N CO

160. The Brave Taylor. 4 characters. Author: Brothers Grimm

161. Frau Trude. 4 characters. Author: Brothers Grimm. Moral Values: Obedience, Respect.

162. The Three Stones. 2 characters. Author: An Arabian Folktale. Moral Values: Faith, Hope, Charity.

163. Helen Keller. 5 characters. Author: K I D S I N C O

164. The Enchanted Palace. 3 characters + crowd. Author: A Folktale from India.

165. The Empty Box. 7 characters. Author: Unknown. Moral Value: Generosity

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