Sharepoint редактор сценариев

Learn how to use sharepoint script editor web part in SharePoint online, SharePoint 2019/2016/2013. how to use script editor webpart in sharepoint online, script editor webpart in sharepoint online examples.

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Want to learn about the SharePoint script editor web part? In this tutorial, I have explained what is a script editor web part in SharePoint Online or SharePoint 2013/2016/2019 and the difference between content editor and script editor web part.

I will also explain, how to add JavaScript, jQuery, CSS code inside a SharePoint script editor web part.

We will see:

  • SharePoint online script editor web part
  • How to add script editor webpart in sharepoint online
  • How to use script editor webpart in sharepoint online
  • SharePoint content editor web part vs script editor
  • SharePoint script editor add CSS
  • SharePoint script editor add javascript
  • SharePoint script editor add jquery
  • SharePoint script editor add button
  • SharePoint script editor background color
  • SharePoint script editor background image
  • SharePoint script editor redirect
  • SharePoint script editor not working
  • Script editor web part is missing in SharePoint Online Office 365
  • Add script editor web part sharepoint online modern page
  • SharePoint script editor video tutorial

The script editor web part is available in SharePoint Online as well as in SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2016, and SharePoint Server 2019.

In modern SharePoint sites, both the SharePoint script editor and content editor web parts are not available, but we will see how to fix the script editor web part is missing in SharePoint Online Office 365 issue.

As the name suggests Script editor web part is used to adding scripts to a page in SharePoint. Script editor web part has been introduced in SharePoint 2013. Apart from scripts, we can also add HTML content inside a script editor web part.

Previously in SharePoint, there was content editor web part to inject script or HTML content on the page. But there was a problem with the content editor web part if you directly add scripts inside the content editor web part.

In a content editor web part, sometimes scripts will not run, sometimes it gave an error, sometimes it also changes the code you entered. But it will work perfectly fine if you linked to a file that contained the script. The problems have been overcome in the SharePoint script editor web part.

How to add script editor web part in SharePoint Online

Before using a script editor web part in a SharePoint Online site, we need to add script editor web part to a SharePoint web part page.

You can follow exactly the same steps to add a script editor web part to a web part page in SharePoint 2019/2016/2013 sites also.

Step-1: Open the SharePoint site and then go to the web part page and then edit the web part page, then click on Add a Web Part to the page.

script editor web part
script editor web part

Step-2: You can see a list of categories, click Media and Content, and then on Script Editor. Click on Add to create the Web Part.

add script editor web part in SharePoint Online
add script editor web part in SharePoint Online

Step-3: After Clicking on Add, the Script Editor Web part is created which looks like below. It contains “EDIT SNIPPET” which is a window where JavaScript and jQuery script are written and then inserted to page in SharePoint 2016/2013/Online.

script editor web part sharepoint 2013
script editor web part SharePoint 2013

Step-4: Here I have taken a small example like adding an alert box to web part using HTML and JavaScript in SharePoint.

This is how to SharePoint script editor web part to a web part page in SharePoint 2013/2016/2019.

Read: SharePoint list view threshold

How to use script editor webpart in SharePoint online

Once you have added the script editor web part in SharePoint web part page, we can see how to use script editor webpart in SharePoint Online. Here we will add a small piece of JavaScript code to the SharePoint page.

The following script forms a heading named as “JavaScript” and a button as “Try it” when we click on this try it button it will display am an alert box.

Click on EDIT SNIPPET to insert the code and click on Insert.

<h2>JavaScript Alert</h2>
<button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>
function myFunction() {
alert("I am an alert box!");

The sharepoint online script editor web part with the script looks like below. You can also see it is rendering the HTML directly without saving.

script editor web part SharePoint 2013
script editor web part SharePoint 2013

Step-5: Click on Stop Editing from the ribbon save the page. You can see a button is created with Try it and heading as JavaScript Alert.

Step-6: Click on Try It and you can see an alert message appears on the window.

script editor webpart in sharepoint online
script editor webpart in sharepoint online

This is how to use script editor web part in sharepoint online, and exactly the same process we can follow to use the script editor web part in the SharePoint on-premise versions.

SharePoint script editor add CSS

Let us see an example how to add css using SharePoint script editor web part. In this example, I have added a button and then use CSS code to do some styling inside a script editor web part.

We need to add the CSS code inside the <style> </style> tag, like below:

#btnClick {background-color: #4CAF50; width:150px;color: white;font-size: 16px;}
<button type="button" id="btnClick">Click Me!</button>

Now, you can see the output below:

sharepoint script editor add css
sharepoint script editor css

This is how to add css using script editor in sharepoint online.

SharePoint script editor add javascript

Now, let us another example on SharePoint script editor add javascript.

Like, CSS, if you want to use JavaScript code, then we need to write inside the <script> </script> tag. If you will not inside the script tag, then it will render the js code, like text.

#btnClick {background-color: #4CAF50; width:150px;color: white;font-size: 16px;}
function clickme() {
alert("You clicked me!");
<button type="button" id="btnClick" onclick="clickme();">Click Me!</button>

Once you add the above code, when the user clicks on the button, it will display the message, this is how to add javascript in SharePoint script editor web part.

SharePoint script editor add jquery

To work with jQuery in SharePoint, we need to add the jQuery library. In a script editor web part, we can the script to refer to the jQuery libraries.

Let us say, you can write like below, if you wan to add the jQuery file from Google CDN.

<script src=""></script>

SharePoint script editor add button

Now let us see an example of SharePoint script editor add button.

We can add any HTML controls in a SharePoint script editor web part like Button, Textbox, radio buttons, etc. You can simply add the HTML controls inside the script editor like below:

<input type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" value="Bijay"><br>
<input type="text" id="lastname" name="lastname" value="Doe"><br>
<input type="radio" id="male" name="gender" value="male">
  <label for="male">Male</label><br>
  <input type="radio" id="female" name="gender" value="female">
  <label for="female">Female</label><br>
  <input type="radio" id="other" name="gender" value="other">
  <label for="other">Other</label><br><br>
<input type="submit" id="btnSave" value="Save">

You can see the output like below:

SharePoint script editor add button
SharePoint script editor add button

SharePoint script editor change background color

Let us see an example on SharePoint script editor background color.

Here, you can see, we are changing the background color of the script editor web part in SharePoint. You can see like below:

sharepoint script editor background color
sharepoint script editor background color

This is an example on sharepoint script editor change background color.

SharePoint script editor background image

Let us see an example on SharePoint script editor background image.

Like background color, we can also set background image in SharePoint script editor web part. Here is the code, that will change the background color of the web part.

background-image: url(;

Script editor web part is missing in SharePoint Online Office 365

Sometimes, you might get the issue script editor web part not showing SharePoint online or the Script Editor Web Part is missing in SharePoint Online Office 365.

One of the main reasons for script editor missing in a SharePoint site collection is that Custom Script might not be allowed at the tenant level in Office 365 SharePoint Online. You can follow this article for more information.

Else you can also use the below PowerShell SharePoint command.

$userCredential = Get-Credential -UserName $username -Message "Your password"
Connect-SPOService -Url -Credential $userCredential
Set-SPOsite -DenyAddAndCustomizePages 0

Once you execute the about PowerShell script, wait for up to 24 hours and the script editor web part will be available in the SharePoint Online site.

Add script editor web part sharepoint online modern page

As I said before SharePoint script editor web part is not available on modern SharePoint sites. But, there is a very good article on GitHub about the Script editor web part for modern pages built in React.

By using SharePoint Framework (spfx) development you can add script editor web part in SharePoint Online modern page.

  • SharePoint online spfx script editor web part

SharePoint content editor web part vs script editor

  • SharePoint Content Editor Web Part is a rich text editor. It holds good and works fine for HTML and XHTML. However, if you try to add JavaScript to the page using the Content Editor Web Part in SharePoint 2013, the script tag of script entries will be removed or changed.
  • To overcome the issue above mentioned Script Editor is designed, just for what its name implies. In Script Editor Web Part JavaScript and JQuery script are easily added with a script tag.

SharePoint script editor redirect

Here is an example of SharePoint script editor redirect.

Let us say, you wan to redirect from one SharePoint page to another SharePoint page or even to an external page, then we can use the script editor sharepoint web part to do the redirect.

On the page, you can simply add a script editor web part and then add the below redirect code.

<script language="javascript" src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.location.href = "";

Here, when the user opens the SharePoint page (where you have added the above code), then it will be redirected to the page.

SharePoint script editor not working

If your SharePoint script editor not working, the first thing you should do is disable the “Minimal Download Strategy” site feature.

Go to the Site Settings page click on then click on Manage site features which is under Site Actions, then search for Minimal Download Strategy feature and click on Deactivate if it is activated previously.

SharePoint script editor not working
SharePoint script editor not working

This should solve the SharePoint script editor not working issue.

Video Tutorial SharePoint Script Editor web part

I have also uploaded a video tutorial on the SharePoint script editor web part in SharePoint Online/2013/2016/2019.

YouTube video

If you like the video, Subscribe to EnjoySharePoint YouTube Channel.

You may like the following SharePoint web part articles:

  • SharePoint Online Highlighted Content Web Part
  • SharePoint Online quick chart web part
  • Embed Power BI report in SharePoint Online
  • SharePoint online quick links web part – How to use
  • Content Search web part in SharePoint Online
  • Content query web part SharePoint Online
  • SharePoint Online customize search box web part
  • Choice Filter Web Part in SharePoint


In this SharePoint tutorial, we learned SharePoint script editor and the below topics:

  • What is SharePoint script editor
  • SharePoint online script editor web part
  • How to add script editor webpart in sharepoint online
  • How to use script editor webpart in sharepoint online
  • SharePoint content editor web part vs script editor
  • How to add CSS in SharePoint script editor
  • Add javascript inside a SharePoint script editor web part
  • How to add jquery in SharePoint script editor web part
  • SharePoint script editor add button
  • SharePoint script editor background color
  • SharePoint script editor background image
  • SharePoint script editor redirect
  • SharePoint script editor not working
  • Script editor web part is missing in SharePoint Online Office 365
  • Add script editor web part sharepoint online modern page
  • sharepoint 2013 script editor web part
  • sharepoint 2016 script editor web part
  • sharepoint 2019 script editor web part

Bijay Kumar

I am Bijay a Microsoft MVP (8 times – My MVP Profile) in SharePoint and have more than 15 years of expertise in SharePoint Online Office 365, SharePoint subscription edition, and SharePoint 2019/2016/2013. Currently working in my own venture TSInfo Technologies a SharePoint development, consulting, and training company. I also run the popular SharePoint website

Где находятся веб-части «Редактор контента» и «Редактор скриптов» в SharePoint?

Две веб-части, недоступные в
SharePoint для современных страниц Microsoft 365 — это веб-часть редактора сценариев и веб-часть редактора содержимого. Однако существуют современные веб-части , которые можно использовать для выполнения некоторых целей. Кроме того, вы можете создавать пользовательские веб-части или переносить существующие веб-части редактора сценариев в SharePoint Framework.

Встроенные веб-части могут обрабатывать многие сценарии, в которых используются редактор скриптов и веб-части редактора содержимого без необходимости в коде. Кроме того, новые веб-части делают администрирование и управление проще.

Вот некоторые из них:

  • Веб-часть «внедрить»

    С помощью веб-части внедрить можно отобразить на странице содержимое с сайтов, которые поддерживают внедрение (например, YouTube). В зависимости от веб-сайта, с которого вы внедряете, вы можете либо использовать веб-адрес сайта, либо код внедрения, предоставленный сайтом.

  • Веб-часть Markdown

    Веб-часть «Markdown» позволяет добавить на страницу текст и отформатировать ее с помощью Markdown языка.

  • Веб-часть «текст»

    С помощью веб-части «текст» можно легко добавлять и форматировать текст и таблицы на странице. Панель инструментов форматирования, в которой можно форматировать текст, изменять стили и т. д. Тем не менее, в отличие от веб-части редактора содержимого, вы не можете редактировать HTML в веб-части. Вложенные таблицы пока не поддерживаются. Вы пока не можете добавлять изображения внутри веб-части «текст», но с помощью веб-части «изображение» можно добавлять изображения вместе с текстовыми веб-частями.

  • Веб-часть кнопки

    С помощью веб-части «Кнопка» можно легко добавить на страницу кнопку с надписью и ссылкой. 

  • Вызов веб-части действия

    Веб-часть «звонок на действие» создает кнопку с вызовом действия для пользователей. 

  • Веб-часть «Погода»

    В веб-части «Погода» отображается текущее Погода на странице. 

  • Веб-часть «Мировое время»

    Веб-часть «мировые часы» показывает время в разных регионах мира. 

Новые веб-части добавляются в течение всего времени, поэтому для дополнительных веб-частей нужно регулярно проверять, как это сделать.

Пользовательские веб-части

Если вы не можете найти встроенную веб-часть, которая подходит для нужного сценария, разрешите Перенос существующих веб-частей редактора сценариев или создание новых настраиваемых веб-частей с помощью SharePoint Framework (SPFx). 

Вы даже можете найти решения веб-частей, которые существуют в примерах PnP или разработанных сообществах решений. 


  • Дополнительные сведения о классической и современной веб-частях можно найти в классической и современной веб-части.

  • Список всех современных веб-частей можно найти в разделе Использование веб-частей на страницах SharePoint.

  • Современные страницы могут использоваться только в современных веб-частях и на классической странице только для использования классических веб-частей. Исключениями являются пользовательские веб-части, специально разработанные для использования на современных страницах. Для разработчиков Платформа SharePoint Framework позволяет создавать пользовательские веб-части, которые отображаются справа на панели элементов веб-частей. Кроме того, разработчики могут найти руководство и инструменты на Улучшите представление на ваших классических сайтах SharePoint. 

Нужна дополнительная помощь?

Today in this article, we will learn about how to work with script editor web part in SharePoint online.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Verify that script editor web part is not available by default:
  • Verify that script editor web part is available after executing the PowerShell Script:
  • Why Microsoft does not allow to add the script editor web part by default?
  • Summary: What we had here?
  • References
  • See Also


We have found that there are problem in the script editor web part in SharePoint online  — we cannot find the script editor web part in SharePoint online site. After some analysis we got to know that in SharePoint online site script editor web part is not
available by default. In order to make it available we need to enable the custom script from SharePoint Tenant admin center. Here, in this article we will learn how to enable this.

Verify that script editor web part is not available by default:

Navigate to the edit your web part page – > Insert -> Web Part -> Categories ->Media and Content

Here we can see that “Script Editor” web part is missing. Not only that we can not see also “Content Editor” web part and many more. Please see the below screen shot:

Now go to your tenant setting page thru this url

Note: Here “sprnd” is the test tenant name, you need to pass your tenant name.

Now see the “Custom Script” section by default both the radio button are selected as prevent – this is the default behavior and due to this script editor and content editor web part is missing from SharePoint online page.

  1. Prevent users from running custom script on personal sites.
  2. Prevent users from running custom script on self-service created sites)

Now select to allow users to run custom script for both the radio button as like below:

  1. Allow users from running custom script on personal sites.
  2. Allow users from running custom script on self-service created sites)

Now click on the ok button and once you save it , this may take 24 hours to reflect the changes – this is what the message says from Microsoft but this was not correct at least for us. We had waited for around 3 days but still didn’t see the script editor
web part in my page.

Then what to do?

Enable script editor webpart using CSOM PowerShell

overcome this issue run the below PowerShell script – this will immediately add the script editor and content editor web part in the web part category.  This is the reason to write and share this article.

1.$adminUserID=”youradminaccount@< >”

2.$userCredential = Get-Credential -UserName $adminUserID -Message “Enter

  • It should be your tenant domain account and your actual site.
  • Here we have used the test trial tenant site.
  • In Connect-SPOService pass your tenant admin url
  • In Set-SPOsite pass the site url where you want to add the script editor web part.
  • If your tenant admin account has MFA (multi factor authentication) enabled , we cannot execute this – to execute this script use the account which does not have MFA enabled.

Verify that script editor web part is available after executing the PowerShell Script:

After executing the above script – immediately come to the same page – wow we can see the script editor, content editor and many other web parts those were not there before the script execution under “Categories”:

Why Microsoft does not allow to add the script editor web part by default?

Considering the up most security – Microsoft does not recommend to add the custom script into the page. If we want to add any custom scripting in to our SharePoint online page – we need to add these out thru the SPFx framework.

Summary: What we had here?

Hence, in this article, we have learned how to enable script editor web part in SharePoint Online and work with.


  • Allow or prevent custom script

See Also

  • Security considerations of allowing custom script
  • Getting started with SharePoint Online Management Shell

I have a page with Script Editor. now I need to add another one to try something without running the code at the first Script Editor.

Is there a method to disable the first Script Editor on my page without delete it or comment the code within it ?

asked Sep 6, 2016 at 20:01

Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar


Have you tried to add a document «script» Element after some logic?

var myscript = document.createElement('script');    

answered Sep 6, 2016 at 20:13

Marcelo Espinosa's user avatar


I have a page with Script Editor. now I need to add another one to try something without running the code at the first Script Editor.

Is there a method to disable the first Script Editor on my page without delete it or comment the code within it ?

asked Sep 6, 2016 at 20:01

Mohamed El-Qassas MVP's user avatar


Have you tried to add a document «script» Element after some logic?

var myscript = document.createElement('script');    

answered Sep 6, 2016 at 20:13

Marcelo Espinosa's user avatar


Modified on:
Tue, 5 Apr, 2022 at 2:58 AM

You have an HTML, JavaScript or CSS snippet that you want to inject into the page, without having it cleared out by the SharePoint editor? This article will show you how to do it using the Script Editor Web Part.


  • Before we begin
  • Step 1: Add the Script Editor Web Part
  • Step 2: Edit the Web Part
  • Step 3: Add the Code into the Web Part

Before we begin

Please note: This method is only applicable to Classic pages in SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016 environments. If you are using SharePoint 2019 or Office 365, please use the Code Design Element instead.

Step 1: Add the Script Editor Web Part

From ribbon bar, click Web Part (you can add it anywhere on the page, it does not matter, as it will not render anything):

Click Web Part

Under Categories, choose Media and Content > Script Editor and click Add:

Add Script Editor

Step 2: Edit the Web Part

Activate the Web Part by clicking it, then a new tab Web Part in the ribbon will appear:

Activate Web Part

Then next, click the Web Part Properties button:

Click Web Part Properties

Step 3: Add the Code into the Web Part

The page will refresh, and the Script Editor Web Part will appear now in edit mode, click on Edit Snippet, to bring up the dialog that will allow you to paste some JavaScript code into the page.

Click Edit Snippet

Now you can paste whatever HTML code you have into the Embed dialog:

Embed window

Please note, that script tags are required when adding custom JavaScript to your Sharepoint Site:

Paste script

Related articles:

  • Execute JavaScript After ShortPoint Elements Render Event
  • Introducing ShortPoint Code Design Element

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  • Question

  • Hello,

    we have Sharepoint 2013 installed and I would like to add a script editor web part to one of my pages. According to help / searches in the internet, this web part should be listed in the ‘Media and Content’ category. But it is not showing in our installation

    Any idea, why we are not seeing this web part?

    Thanks for your help,



  • Just use a content editor web part and put in <script> tags before and after your javascript. Same difference.

    • Marked as answer by

      Monday, June 8, 2015 9:04 AM

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