Соло сценарии gloomhaven

Набор сценариев, специально предназначенных для стратегических игр соло - сценариев, которые подчеркивали бы сильные и слабые стороны каждого класса и заставляли бы игроков научиться играть в каждый класс мастерски.Это включает в себя 24-страничную книгу сценариев из 17 совершенно новых сценариев и

Строгий просчет

Попробовала сценарии в Стиме, не понравилось. Требуется строго определенный набор карт и порядок их применения в ход, то есть вы просто будете подбирать это раза по три точно.

соло сценарии Глума могут издать

Если до 2 250 000 на предзаказе Forgotten circles наберем, то напечатают соло-сценарии и карты предметов.

эксклюзив CrowdRepublic — бумажную книгу и карты предметов получат только участники предзаказа дополнения «Забытые круги»


осталось набрать еще 500 т.р.

Наберется, можно даже не сомневаться.

StX написал 2 года назад: #

Ссылки на файлы

Оригинальная книга и предметы на гугл диске https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8ppELln5Z0rdFhFTVljWXFyTUE

Рабочая (18.04.2020) ссылка на русскую версию https://vk.com/doc-90851411_511022923?dl=04ff7cdd4a3c4d8370

Ссылка на эл. версию книги от CrowdRepublic


AlonZo написал 4 года назад: #

скрыть ответы

Это дополнение вообще где-то продаётся и стоит ли оно покупки?

Его переведут и бесплатно выложат после русификации основной игры.

AlonZo написал 3 года назад: #


Решил всё же взять. Ладно, что фактически персональные квесты выложат в будущем, но мне очень понравились дополнительные карты, особенно отсылки в них.

About This Content

The Solo Scenarios: Mercenary Challenges DLC is the digital adaptation of the Solo Scenarios board game expansion for Gloomhaven, the critically acclaimed Tactical RPG.
Face 17 new carefully crafted missions by Isaac Childres, designer of the Gloomhaven Board Game. Each scenario comes with its own unique reward. There is a twist however, you can only complete each mission with its specific mercenary!

Each deadly scenario plays around the strengths and weaknesses of a specific mercenary and the reward is tailored to them. The scenarios are unlocked once the required mercenary reaches level 5 in the Story Campaign, giving you time to hone your skills. Additionally, you can unlock the items within the Guildmaster through that character’s story scenarios.

You can also take your current multiplayer save and complete the Solo Scenarios on your own and import them into your or the hosts’ next session. Alternatively, you can spectate your friends hopelessly trying to succeed in real time!

Face your greatest challenge

Extending the narrative of the Story Campaign, these scenarios are significantly harder than the base game. Play at your own risk, mercenary.

This DLC comes with:

  • 17 new exquisitely punishing scenarios, each tailored to a specific base game Mercenary
  • 17 new items, one for each of the original Mercenaries
  • Items & scenarios reworked and rebalanced by Isaac Childres to better fit the digital version
  • New unique enemies…

To access the content of Solo Scenarios: Mercenary Challenges in multiplayer co-op, every player will need to own the DLC.

© Twin Sails Interactive 2022. Gloomhaven™ is a trademark of Cephalofair games. All rights reserved. Gloomhaven: Digital Edition developed by Flaming Fowl

What Curators Say

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Twin Sails Interactive и Flaming Fowl Studios выпустили новый DLC для Gloomhaven, The Solo Scenarios: Mercenary Challenges, в Steam, GoG и Epic Games Store для ПК и Mac. Это новое суровое DLC представляет собой цифровую адаптацию дополнения к настольной игре, разработанного Исааком Чайлдресом, которое было доработано и перебалансировано для цифровой игры. Это второе дополнение предложит 17 смертоносных одиночных сценариев, которые игроки могут выполнить, чтобы получить 17 уникальных предметов, каждый из которых предназначен для одного конкретного наемника.

Одиночные сценарии предлагают еще более жестокие испытания, чем основная игра для опытных игроков, поскольку они предназначены для прохождения только одним конкретным наемником. И награды, и сценарии были тщательно разработаны с учетом сильных и слабых сторон выбранного наемника и дадут игрокам 20 часов дополнительного контента. Чтобы получить доступ к этим захватывающим сценариям, наемник должен достичь 5-го уровня в сюжетной кампании. Как только сценарий будет завершен, наемник будет вознагражден уникальным предметом, который может использовать только он. Награды также будут доступны в режиме Guildmaster, и игрокам нужно будет выполнить 2-ю сюжетную миссию, чтобы получить к ним доступ.

Игроки могут принять вызов в одиночку в многопользовательском режиме и пройти одиночный сценарий в одиночку, пока друзья смотрят. Игроки также могут решить задачу в автономном режиме, а затем импортировать свои награды в многопользовательское сохранение.

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3DNews Новости Software Стратегия В сентябре ролевая тактика Gloomhaven по…

Самое интересное в обзорах

Разработчики из британской Flaming Fowl Studios сообщили дату релиза второго дополнения к тактической ролевой игре Gloomhaven. Solo Scenarios: Mercenary Challenges с испытаниями повышенной сложности выйдет 22 сентября.

 Источник изображений: Flaming Fowl Studios

Источник изображений: Flaming Fowl Studios

Solo Scenarios: Mercenary Challenges — это цифровая адаптация дополнения Solo Scenarios для настольной версии Gloomhaven. Все сценарии и предметы для видеоигровой адаптации переработал и сбалансировал Айзек Чилдрес (Isaac Childres), дизайнер оригинальной «настолки».

DLC будет стоить $5 и добавит следующее:

  • 17 новых «восхитительно жестоких» сценариев, каждый из которых создан для конкретного наёмника из основной игры с учётом его сильных и слабых сторон (общая продолжительность — около 20 часов);
  • 17 новых предметов, которые может использовать только один определённый наёмник;
  • новые уникальные враги и испытания.

 Gloomhaven: Solo Scenarios: Mercenary Challenges

Gloomhaven — Solo Scenarios: Mercenary Challenges

Новые испытания откроются по достижении пятого уровня наёмника в сюжетной кампании. В режиме Guildmaster при выполнении второй сюжетной миссии для каждого героя разблокируются уникальные награды. Другие пользователи, купившие DLC, смогут наблюдать за прохождением миссий в режиме зрителя. Также можно пройти новые сценарии в автономном режиме, а затем импортировать награды в мультиплеерное сохранение.

Gloomhaven — Solo Scenarios: Mercenary Challenges

Как и в настольном первоисточнике, в адаптации Gloomhaven игроки управляют бандой наёмников, выполняющих задания в окрестностях города Мрачная Гавань. Каждый персонаж наделён уникальными навыками и способностями. Сражения происходят на поле, разделённом на шестигранники. Каждый пользователь выбирает по две карты за ход, причём применить можно только верхнюю половину одной и нижнюю половину другой.

В режиме Guildmaster предлагается возглавить собственную гильдию и пройти эксклюзивные задания с новыми историями, квестами, NPC и переделанной картой мира. Игра поддерживает одиночный режим и онлайновый кооператив на четверых.

Первоначальная версия вышла в раннем доступе Steam в июле 2019 года, а в октябре 2021-го состоялся релиз финального варианта. В мае этого года вышло платное дополнение Jaws of the Lion с новыми сюжетными сценариями, наёмниками, врагами, боссами и ранее скрытой частью города. Игра получила на площадке более девяти тысяч отзывов и имеет рейтинг 87 %.

Gloomhaven также доступна в GOG. В 2023-м разработчики планируют выпустить её на PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, S и Nintendo Switch.

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Самые обсуждаемые публикации

Gloomhaven: Scenarios [Board Game Link] RSS Feed

Table of Contents

  • Creating new scenarios
  • Bonus Scenarios — Official
    • Official Demo Scenario
    • Solo Scenarios
    • DT1 The Dice Tower 2018 Scenario (The Tower of Misfortune)
    • DT2 The Dice Tower 2019 Scenario (The Catacombs of Chaos)
    • DT3 The Dice Tower 2020 Scenario (Assault on the Morning Star)
    • No Pun Included Season 1 Scenario (The End of The World)
    • No Pun Included Season 2 Scenario (Beyond the End of the World)
    • No Pun Included Season 3 Scenario (Memories of Gloomhaven)
    • The Man vs. Meeple Season 2 Scenario (The Lucky Meeple)
    • SC1 The Secret Cabal Season 1 (Secrets of the Lost Cabal)
    • SC2 The Secret Cabal Season 2 (Return of the Lost Cabal)
    • SC3 The Secret Cabal Season 3 (Twilight of the Lost Cabal)
    • Children Miracle Workers (Twitch Stream)
    • P.C.D.S Part 1 and Part 2 (Twitch Stream)
    • Extra Life 2020 Scenarios (Twitch Stream)
    • Seeker of Xorn — Bonus Quests
    • F1 Watching the Vigil
  • Bonus Campaigns — Official
    • Into The Unknown: Gloomhaven’s 2nd Printing Community-Driven Mini Campaign
      • ITU-01 Just Another Night
      • ITU-02 A Quatryl Scorned
      • ITU-03 Unreliable Medicine
      • ITU-04 Unlikely Allies
      • ITU-05 The Sun Spire
      • ITU-06 A Ship in a Storm
      • ITU-07 Arrival in Chains
      • ITU-08 The Doctor’s Lab
      • ITU-09 Skewed Perspective
      • ITU-10 Panic Room
    • Capital Intrigue: Community-Driven Mini Campaign
      • CI-01 Blood and Glory
      • CI-02 Jailbreak
      • CI-03 Slippery Slope
      • CI-04 Emergent Evidence
      • CI-05 They Just Keep Coming
      • CI-06 Peer Pressure
      • CI-07 The Chase
      • CI-08 Breaking And Entering
      • CI-09 Legal Entanglements
      • CI-10 Beasts of Order and Chaos
    • The Infinite Beyond: Community-Driven Mini Campaign
      • IB1 Planar Prison
      • IB2 Gas Giants
      • IB3 A Beast in the Clouds
      • IB4 Exposed
      • IB5 The Horn of G’threbrax
      • IB6 A House of Doors
      • IB7 Ascendance
      • IB8 The Other Side of Infinity
      • IB9 Blood in the Streets
      • IB10 The Many Paths Before Us
    • The Blacksmith and the Bear: Community-Driven Mini Campaign
      • BB-01 Rocky Start
      • BB-02 Nest of Pain
      • BB-03 Hissing in the Dark
      • BB-04 Crystal Rampage
      • BB-05 Call of the Star Iron
      • BB-06 Blood for Iron
      • BB-07 Descent into Madness
      • BB-08 Spreading Joy
      • BB-09 Emerging Malevolence
      • BB-10 Spirited Escape
    • Bonus Scenarios — Unofficial (Fan Creations)
      • The Pit
      • Ancient Labyrinth
      • One Too Many
      • Accursed Crypt
      • The Orchid’s Garden
      • Kaitum’s Hideout
      • Vault Assult
    • Bonus Campaigns — Unofficial (Fan Creations)
      • Blood and Sand
        • B&S-01 All Over the Map
        • B&S-02 Troubled Waters
      • The Lost Citadel Mini-Campaign
        • TLC-01 Chandar
      • Shivering Gloom Mini-Campaign
        • SG-01 Escape From The Kobold’s Prison
        • SG-02 The Slave Pit
        • SG-03 *TBD*
        • SG-04 The Plains of No Hope
        • SG-05 The Lost River Temple
      • The Storm Mini-Campaign
        • TS-01 Decrepit Tower
        • TS-02 Forgotten City Of Lirudru
        • TS-03 King Palace
        • TS-04 Merchant Guild
        • TS-05 Desecrated Cathedral
        • TS-06 The Ice Peak
        • TS-07 Underwater Maze
        • TS-08 Plane of Elemental Fire
        • TS-09 Altar Of The Sorcerer
        • TS-10 Carbeorn Palace
        • TS-11 Inside The Sword
        • TS-12 Return To Gloomhaven (Interlude)
        • TS-13 The Dark Pact
        • TS-14 Alone In The Darkness
        • TS-15 The Elemental Renegade
      • Reasonable Doubt Mini-Campaign
        • RD-01 Between Both Sides
      • Ice Rift Mini-Campaign
        • IR-01 The Stray Otter
        • IR-02 Unusual Customs
        • IR-03 A Ship Besieged
        • IR-04 Gloomhaven Secure Storage
        • IR-05 Secure Storage Heist
        • IR-06 Savvas Light Temple
        • IR-07 Plane of Mist
        • IR-08 Cape Horn
        • IR-09 Telling Fortunes
        • IR-10 Mountain Army
        • IR-11 Spoils of War
        • IR-12 Stormsinger
        • IR-13 Temple of the Four Elements
        • IR-14 Cold War
        • IR-15 The Calm Before The Storm
        • IR-16 War Economy
        • IR-17 A Ship Imperiled
        • IR-18 Boulder Pass
        • IR-19 Under Siege – Bridge Of Ice
        • IR-20 Under Siege – Roaring Earth
        • IR-21 Sleeping Beauty (solo)
        • IR-22 Opposites Attract (solo)
        • IR-23 Unpoisoning The Well (solo)
        • IR-24 The Perfect Prediction (solo)
      • Road to Frosthaven Mini-Campaign
      • Cloud Isle Mini-Campaign
        • ISLE-01 Messenger’s Errand
        • ISLE-02 Rendezvous Point
        • ISLE-03 Poison Fields
        • ISLE-04 Flower Temple
        • ISLE-05 Towering Tree
        • ISLE-06 Pools of Fire
        • ISLE-07 Earthen Caverns
        • ISLE-08 Heart of the Tunnels
        • ISLE-09 An Army Awaits
        • ISLE-10 Elemental Chaos
        • ISLE-11 Mountain of Glass
        • ISLE-12 Sacred Grounds
        • ISLE-13 Sky Realm
        • ISLE-14 Cloud City
        • ISLE-15 Screaming Cove
      • Return of the Eldritch Gods
        • EG1 The Festival of the King in Yellow
        • EG2 The Threat in the Museum
        • EG3 Garden of Corruption
        • EG4 The Painting in the Mansion
        • EG5 An Infernal Machine
        • EG6 Enter the Dreamlands
        • EG7 The Red Duke’s Nightmare
        • EG8 The Black Reef
        • EG9 Elder Tides
        • EG10 The Doom over Gloomhaven
      • Element Domains

Creating new scenarios

Isaac has always wanted other people to create content in the Gloomhaven world: http://www.cephalofair.com/2016/10/endless-adventure.html
He has now provided the community all of the high-resolution files required to create your own professional-looking scenarios to share! Please respect his wishes and use these files to create new content rather than reproducing existing content in some other form.
Files for creation

Bonus Scenarios — Official

Created and playtested by the game’s designer Isaac Childres.

Isaac Childres

United States




Microbadge: JonGetsGames fanMicrobadge: Rahdo Runs Through fanMicrobadge: I'm a fan of Gaming Rules!Microbadge: Blue Peg Pink Peg - Pegs LogoMicrobadge: No Pun Included fan

Official Demo Scenario

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Protect the bandit until he loots the treasure tile


Availability: PDF available for download

Description: A short balanced scenario for demonstration purposes

Solo Scenarios

Requirements: Character Level 5, Gloomhaven prosperity level 3 (prosperity level optional per Isaac), 2 characters have retired

BGG Link: Solo Scenarios

Availability: PDF available for download, physical copy available for purchase

Description: Contains a solo scenario for every character included with the game. These scenarios are designed to test a player’s knowledge of the character, successful completion will unlock a unique item designed to assist that character.

DT1 The Dice Tower 2018 Scenario (The Tower of Misfortune)

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Kill the Master of Chance


Availability: Currently only available as backer reward for The Dice Tower 2018 Kickstarter Campaign or via purchase from The Dice Tower 2019 Kickstarter Campaign PledgeManager

NOTE: This scenario requires the use of MULTIPLE 6 sided dice, which are not included in the base game of Gloomhaven.

Description: Created for the The Dice Tower 2018 Kickstarter Campaign. Investigate the claims of large cube-shaped boulders disrupting trade routes.

DT2 The Dice Tower 2019 Scenario (The Catacombs of Chaos)

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Kill the Master of Chaos


Availability: November 2019. Will only be available as backer reward for The Dice Tower 2019 Kickstarter Campaign or via purchase from PledgeManager

Description: Created for the The Dice Tower 2019 Kickstarter Campaign. Hired to investigate strange symbols in Gloomhaven, you end up battling chaos itself

DT3 The Dice Tower 2020 Scenario (Assault on the Morning Star)

Requirements: None

Goal: Save Both Cave Bears


Availability: November 2020. Will only be available as backer reward for The Dice Tower 2020 Kickstarter Campaign

Description: Created for the The Dice Tower 2020 Kickstarter Campaign. You find yourself on a ship in a different plane of existence and must save the future

No Pun Included Season 1 Scenario (The End of The World)

Requirements: Party failed previous scenario

Goal: Destroy all skulls and kill the Memory Wraith

BGG Link: End Of The World

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: Created for the No Pun Included 2017 Kickstarter Campaign. After players fail a scenario, instead of retrying it, they can instead play this scenario to retroactively count the other as a victory, but the cost for losing is steep.

No Pun Included Season 2 Scenario (Beyond the End of the World)

Requirements: End of the World Scenario

Goal: Escape the Sleeping Lion


Availability: Available for purchase at The No Pun Included Website Donation Page

Description: Created for the The No Pun Included Season 2 Kickstarter Campaign. Something strange is happening at the Sleeping Lion

No Pun Included Season 3 Scenario (Memories of Gloomhaven)

Requirements: Beyond the End of the World Complete

Goal: Light both Flames


Availability: August 2019 Will only available as backer reward for The No Pun Included — Season 3 Kickstarter Campaign

Description: Available only for the The No Pun Included Season 3 Kickstarter Campaign. You investigate a strange light outside of Gloomhaven, but your memories are fuzzy

The Man vs. Meeple Season 2 Scenario (The Lucky Meeple)

Requirements: None

Goal: Recover the Lucky Meeple


Availability: Available for purchase from the Man Vs Meeple webpage MvM

Description: Created for the Man Vs Meeple Season Two Kickstarter Campaign. Players much choose which MvM personality picks up a lucky meeple. Depending on which one is chosen, the scenario itself it set up differently and the reward is different.

SC1 The Secret Cabal Season 1 (Secrets of the Lost Cabal)

Requirements: None

Author: Designed by Isaac Childres and written by Jamie Keagy

Goal: Stop the Serpent Cabal


Availability: Only available as backer reward for The Secret Cabal — 2018 Kickstarter Campaign

Description: Created for The Secret Cabal 2018 Kickstarter Campaign. A secret snake society rears its head in Gloomhaven and you investigate.

SC2 The Secret Cabal Season 2 (Return of the Lost Cabal)

Requirements: Secrets of the Lost Cabal Scenario Complete

Goal: Stop the Serpent Cabal


Availability: September 2019 — Only available as backer reward for The Secret Cabal — 2019 Kickstarter Campaign

Description: Created for The Secret Cabal 2019 Kickstarter Campaign. Takes place a year after Secrets of the Lost Cabal, the Serpent Cult has risen again and kidnapped one of your party members.

SC3 The Secret Cabal Season 3 (Twilight of the Lost Cabal)

Requirements: Return of the Lost Cabal complete

Goal: Defeat the Cabal for Once and for All


Availability: Early 2021 — Only available as backer reward for The Secret Cabal — 2020 Kickstarter Campaign

Description: Created for The Secret Cabal 2020 Kickstarter Campaign. Set one year after Return of the Lost Cabal, the scenario progresses depending on how RotLC was completed..

Children Miracle Workers (Twitch Stream)

Requirements: Play Games. Heal Kids (6 Players)

Author: Marcel Cwertetschka

Goal: Rescue all Children and kill all enemies


Availability: Available on Dropbox at Twitch.tv charity stream scenario

Description: Created for a charity stream with proceeds going to Extra Life. Prevent a childrens hospital form being overrun by demons.

P.C.D.S Part 1 and Part 2 (Twitch Stream)

Requirements: Children Miracle Workers Complete

Author: Marcel Cwertetschka

Goal: Investigate P.C.D.S.

BGG Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2535856/its-time-another-custom-extra-life-scenario-live-s

Availability: Available on Dropbox at Twitch.tv charity stream scenario

Extra Materials: Bonus PnP materials for the scenarios Cratemost Fun

Description: Created for a charity stream with proceeds going to Extra Life. After finding a Crate Marked «P.C.D.S.» in the wreckage of the children’s hospital, you investigate its origins.

Extra Life 2020 Scenarios (Twitch Stream)

Requirements: P.C.D.S Part 2 Complete

Author: Marcel Cwertetschka

Goal: Investigate the Strange Crate

BGG Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2535856/its-time-another-custom-extra-life-scenario-live-s

Availability: Available on Dropbox at Twitch.tv charity stream scenario

Extra Materials: Bonus PnP materials for the scenarios Crates of Pandora

Description: Created for a charity stream with proceeds going to Extra Life. A year after solving the P.C.D.S. mystery, a new P.C.D.S. crate appears in a warehouse that you must investigate.

Seeker of Xorn — Bonus Quests

Requirements: PQ «Seeker of Xorn»

Goal: depends on the scenario

BGG Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/article/32219673#32219673

Availability: free

Description: As sometimes you «run out of crypts», Morthai (Marcel Cwertetschka) created three additional crypts (including city events to unlock them) for those players who do not want to replay «old» crypts in casual mode.

F1 Watching the Vigil

Requirements: Founders of Gloomhaven

Goal: Kill all City Guards and City Archers


Availability: Cephalofair website https://cephalofair.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Watching-the-Vigil-PF.pdf

Description: Created as a reward for playing Founders of Gloomhaven. The scenario focuses on the founding of Gloomhaven.

Bonus Campaigns — Official

Created and playtested by the game’s designer Isaac Childres.

Isaac Childres

United States




Microbadge: JonGetsGames fanMicrobadge: Rahdo Runs Through fanMicrobadge: I'm a fan of Gaming Rules!Microbadge: Blue Peg Pink Peg - Pegs LogoMicrobadge: No Pun Included fan

Into The Unknown: Gloomhaven’s 2nd Printing Community-Driven Mini Campaign

Requirements: NONE


Availability: Comprehensive PDF available for the whole campaign; individual scenarios and events below.

Description: A 10 scenario mini-campaign, designed to be played in sequential order with new characters. After each scenario is a linked Event.

ITU-01 Just Another Night

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Kill a number of enemies equal to three times the number of players

Availability: PDF available for download, Tabletop Simulator available for free

Description: Survive a bar fight in the Sleeping Lion.

Linked Event: The Docks

ITU-02 A Quatryl Scorned

Requirements: ITU-01 Complete

Goal: Kill the Smuggler Captain

Availability: PDF available for download, Tabletop Simulator available for free

Description: A battle on the sea to apprehend or kill a smuggler.

Linked Event: The Wreckage

ITU-03 Unreliable Medicine

Requirements: ITU-02 Complete

Goal: Loot all bloodroot tokens

Availability: PDF available for download, Tabletop Simulator available for free

Description: Brave the forest to find a cure for your fallen shipmate.

Linked Event: The Forest

ITU-04 Unlikely Allies

Requirements: ITU-03 Complete

Goal: Destroy the totem and deliver an amount of meat equal to seven times the number of characters

Availability: PDF available for download, Tabletop Simulator available for free

Description: Collect Meat for the feast and destroy the sacred totem.

Linked Event: The Temple

ITU-05 The Sun Spire

Requirements: ITU-04 Complete

Goal: Save Dreyl and kill all enemies

Availability: PDF available for download, Tabletop Simulator available for free

Description: Save your former shipmate from becoming a sacrifice.

Linked Event: The Sky

ITU-06 A Ship in a Storm

Requirements: ITU-05 Complete

Goal: Protect Dreyl and Barty for 12 turns

Availability: PDF available for download, Tabletop Simulator available for free

Description: Stuck on a boat with two feuding allies. Protect the boat from enemies, and most importantly protect your allies from killing each other.

Linked Event: The Feud

ITU-07 Arrival in Chains

Requirements: ITU-06 Complete

Goal: Kill all enemies

Availability: PDF available for download, Tabletop Simulator available for free

Description: Betrayed, imprisoned, and forced to fight in gladiatorial combat, try to survive until you can escape.

Linked Event: The Escape

ITU-08 The Doctor’s Lab

Requirements: ITU-07 Complete

Goal: Kill all enemies

Availability: PDF available for download, Tabletop Simulator available for free

Description: Infiltrate the keep of your former captors.

Linked Event: The Sanctum

ITU-09 Skewed Perspective

Requirements: ITU-08 Complete

Goal: Kill the Prophet

Availability: PDF available for download, Tabletop Simulator available for free

Description: Kill the leader of a hedonistic cult.

Linked Event: The Return

ITU-10 Panic Room

Requirements: ITU-09 Complete

Goal: All characters must escape through the exit

Availability: PDF available for download, Tabletop Simulator available for free

Description: You’ve found the hideout of the man who betrayed you.

Linked Event: NONE

Capital Intrigue: Community-Driven Mini Campaign

Requirements: NONE


Availability: Comprehensive PDF available for the whole campaign; individual scenarios and events below.

Description: A 10 scenario mini-campaign, designed to be played in sequential order with new characters. After each scenario is a linked Event.

CI-01 Blood and Glory

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Kill all enemies

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: Survive the arena battle.

Linked Event: The Bazaar

CI-02 Jailbreak

Requirements: CI-01 Complete

Goal: Kill all City Guards or all characters must escape through an exit

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: Escape from Prison.

Linked Event: The Sewers

CI-03 Slippery Slope

Requirements: CI-02 Complete

Goal: UNKNOWN — Revealed during scenario

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: Continue your flight from prison.

Linked Event: The Cavern

CI-04 Emergent Evidence

Requirements: CI-03 Complete

Goal: Escape or stop the deaths

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: Back in the city, you stumble upon a chilling attempt to murder civilians.

Linked Event: The Valrath

CI-05 They Just Keep Coming

Requirements: CI-04 Complete

Goal: Extract the Valrath from the ambush

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: Confront the person responsible for your recent misfortunes.

Linked Event: Interlude: Miles

CI-06 Peer Pressure

Requirements: CI-05 Complete

Goal: Convert or kill all City Guards and City Archers

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: Protect Miles while he attempts to convince his fellow guards.

Linked Event: Miles vs. Kahjin

CI-07 The Chase

Requirements: CI-06 Complete

Goal: Kill the Kidnapper and all revealed enemies

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: Foil the Kidnappers and rescue Miles’ son.

Linked Event: Breaking and Entering

CI-08 Breaking And Entering

Requirements: CI-07 Complete

Goal: Unknown, discovered during the scenario.

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: You stand at the entrance of Jerrik’s house, ready to confront him about his involvement with Sin-Ra and prove your innocence.

Linked Event: None

CI-09 Legal Entanglements

Requirements: CI-08 Complete

Goal: Convince the Jury of your Innocence

Availability: PDF available for download

NOTE: This is Part 1 of a two part ending to the Capital Intrigue Mini-Campaign

Description: Brought before a Jury in the Merchant’s guildhall you must fight to prove your innocence and Jerrik’s guilt.

Linked Event: None

CI-10 Beasts of Order and Chaos

Requirements: CI-09 Complete

Goal: Kill All Enemies while protecting the council members

Availability: PDF available for download

NOTE: This is Part 2 of a two part ending to the Capital Intrigue Mini-Campaign

Description: The final confrontation between the adventurers and the shadow organization Sin-Ra.

Linked Event: None

The Infinite Beyond: Community-Driven Mini Campaign

Requirements: NONE

BGG Link: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/2264875/3rd-campaign-infinite-beyond-summary

Availability: Individual scenarios and events below.

Description: A 10 scenario mini-campaign, designed to be played in sequential order with new characters. After each scenario is a linked Event.

IB1 Planar Prison

Requirements: None

Goal: Escape the prison

Availability: PDF available for download


Linked Event: Rift Event 1, Rift Event 2

IB2 Gas Giants

Requirements: IB1 Complete

Goal: Fend off the attack

Availability: PDF available for download


Linked Event: Rift Event 3, Rift Event 4

IB3 A Beast in the Clouds

Requirements: None

Goal: Kill the Beast

Availability: PDF available for download


Linked Event: Rift Event 5, Rift Event 6

IB4 Exposed

Requirements: None

Goal: Escape to safety

Availability: PDF available for download


Linked Event: Rift Event 7, Rift Event 8

IB5 The Horn of G’threbrax

Requirements: None

Goal: Protect Lys

Availability: PDF available for download


Linked Event: Rift Event 9, Rift Event 10

IB6 A House of Doors

Requirements: None

Goal: Destroy the source of the storm’s power

Availability: PDF available for download


Linked Event: Rift Event 11

IB7 Ascendance

Requirements: None

Goal: Spoiler!

Availability: PDF available for download


Bonus Materials:» PnP materials download

Linked Event: Rift Event 12

IB8 The Other Side of Infinity

Requirements: None

Goal: Survive

Availability: PDF available for download


Linked Event: Rift Event 13, Rift Event 14

IB9 Blood in the Streets

Requirements: None

Goal: Protect the buildings from the raiders

Availability: PDF available for download


Linked Event: Rift Event 15, Rift Event 16

IB10 The Many Paths Before Us

Requirements: None

Goal: Spoiler!

Availability: PDF available for download


Linked Event: Rift Event 15, Rift Event 16

The Blacksmith and the Bear: Community-Driven Mini Campaign

BB-01 Rocky Start

Requirements: None

Goal: Kill Both Saavas

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: A 10 scenario mini-campaign, designed to be played in sequential order with new characters.

BB-02 Nest of Pain

Requirements: BB-1 complete

Goal: Kill the Drake Queen

Availability: PDF available for download


BB-03 Hissing in the Dark

Requirements: BB-2 Complete

Goal: Escape to Safety

Availability: PDF available for download


BB-04 Crystal Rampage

Requirements: BB-3 Complete

Goal: Destroy all Crystals or Kill the Great White Bear

Availability: PDF available for download


BB-05 Call of the Star Iron

Requirements: BB-4 Complete

Goal: Retrieve the Star Iron and Escape

Availability: PDF available for download


BB-06 Blood for Iron

Requirements: BB-5 Complete

Goal: Escape

Availability: PDF available for download


BB-07 Descent into Madness

Requirements: BB-6 Complete

Goal: Follow the Orchid

Availability: PDF available for download


BB-08 Spreading Joy

Requirements: BB-7 Complete

Goal: Transcend All Enemies

Availability: PDF available for download


BB-09 Emerging Malevolence

Requirements: BB-8 Complete

Goal: Destroy the Evil Presence

Availability: PDF available for download


BB-10 Spirited Escape

Requirements: BB-9 Complete

Goal: Kill the Final Vestige

Availability: PDF available for download


Bonus Scenarios — Unofficial (Fan Creations)

WARNING: The following scenarios may not maintain the flow or balance of the game as intended by Cephalofair Games, and should be played with this in mind.

The Pit

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Escape the Pit

Author: Jamey Stegmaier (Stonemaier Games)

Availability: PDF available for download

NOTE: This scenario uses tokens unavailable in the 2nd Edition printing

Description: In this scenario, the disoriented characters find themselves stuck in a dark pit, and it’s up to them to figure out how to escape. The Pit is designed to take about 60 minutes, and it uses a progression system as you regain your memory (you hit your head falling into the pit, so you start with fewer cards than normal and gain more when you rest)


Requirements: Solo stand-alone scenario. Does not use any playable character included with Gloomhaven

Goal: Kill all revealed enemies, and escape the temple with the Treasure

Author: Eric Herman

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: «Several weeks had passed, and after numerous wrong turns and an unfortunate run-in with a map-stealing monkey, Indy has finally found the Temple.»

Ancient Labyrinth

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Defeat the Pyromancer and escape with the loot

Author: Eamon Burke

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: Adventure through the ruins of an labyrinthine storehouse infested with enemies.

One Too Many

Requirements: Each player has at least 2 gold.

Goal: Be the last non-exhausted player.

Author: Bernard

Availability: PDF available for download


  • This scenario calls for use of a D6. However the numbered tokens 1-6 can be substituted and randomly drawn instead of using a die.
  • This scenario makes use of a large amount of custom rules.

Description: A PvP style bar room brawl in the Sleeping Lion. Can you survive longer than your compatriots?

Accursed Crypt

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Kill All Enemies.

Author: Wester van Urk

Availability: PDF available for download

NOTE: This scenario has a custom item reward. The item can be found here.

Description: «According to the rumours that you’ve heard, a powerful necromancer used to operate from here, but it’s been magically closed off for decades. Now the magic seals have failed and the crypt is open to any adventurer looking for what such a necromancer may have left behind.»

The Orchid’s Garden

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Kill All 4 Heralds.

Author: Wester van Urk

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: Assist an Orchid in ridding their former meditation garden of the creatures overrunning it.

Kaitum’s Hideout

Requirements: Unlocked by Captain Of The Guard Road Event

Goal: Rescue Tianna

Author: Jeff Bee

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: A band of thieves is holding a young woman hostage in an attempt to free their leader, Aid the Captain of the Guard by rescuing his sister.

Vault Assult

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Kill All Enemies And Loot The Stolen Shipment

Author: Joe H

Availability: PDF available for https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/170910/vault-assault-custom-one-shot-scenario

NOTE: This scenario uses a custom tile layout mechanism. be sure to fully read the «Special Rules» section.

Description: Recover a stolen shipment from «The Vault», a secure bandit fortress in the mountains.

Bonus Campaigns — Unofficial (Fan Creations)

WARNING: The following scenarios may not maintain the flow or balance of the game as intended by Cephalofair Games, and should be played with this in mind.

Blood and Sand

Requirements: NONE

Author: Lisa Smedman

NOTE: This campaign by Frosthaven contributor Lisa Smedman is set in the Red Desert of the Valraths and is focused on exploration of that harsh landscape. It features a campaign book with rules specific to the desert, an introductory scenario, 40 new items, 6 new monsters, 3 new random dungeon cards and a map to track your expeditions. It is intended for Valrath characters, but can be played by characters of any level and race. It is available for download here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Xy8KKcggNjDoY9nLhp0LiPfvLAXgPvXT?usp=sharing

B&S-01 All Over the Map

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Kill All Enemies – or Steal a Map and Escape

Availability: PDF available for download at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Xy8KKcggNjDoY9nLhp0LiPfvLAXgPvXT?usp=sharing


  • Requires the Blood and Sand campaign book to play.

Description: «You are newcomers to the Valrath outpost of Lahl in the Red Desert, hoping to find treasure under the desert sands. In order to mount an expedition, you’re going to need a map. Unfortunately, the store that sells them has just been invaded by monsters.»

B&S-02 Troubled Waters

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Kill All Monsters

Availability: PDF available for download at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Xy8KKcggNjDoY9nLhp0LiPfvLAXgPvXT?usp=sharing


  • Requires the Blood and Sand campaign book to play.

Description: «You’ve just stocked up on water, in preparation for your next expedition into the Red Desert when some pickpockets try to steal your gold. What’s worse, the settlement’s main fountain is under attack by monsters that could drain it dry!»

The Lost Citadel Mini-Campaign

Requirements: NONE

Author: Ryan H

NOTE: This Mini-Campaign uses custom built monster decks. The author recommends using a custom version of the Gloomy Companion available HERE. Otherwise deck modifications will be listed with the specific scenario.

TLC-01 Chandar

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Kill All Enemies

Availability: PDF available for download


  • Custom Monsters: Ghouls (Bandit Guard deck), Nether Magus (Savvas Icestorm deck), Aesther Wisps (Forest Imp deck)

Description: «A long lost citadel has appeared in the wastes. The stories say a mad sorcerer named Velkus occupied the citadel during his tyrannical rule. Whatever — You’re just here because the stories also mention vaults full of gold.»

Shivering Gloom Mini-Campaign

Requirements: NONE

Author: Eric Prieur


  • This Mini-Campaign uses custom built monster decks, deck modifications will be listed with the specific scenario. Stat cards and decks can also be found here. The author has also made a Custom Gloomhaven Helper Mod that includes the monsters.
  • This Campaign introduces custom items, found here
  • This Campaign Arc is non-linear.

Description: «There is a new Evil lurking in the Paricutin Valley. It’s been snowing for weeks, the lakes and rivers are frozen, the free folks are seeking refuge south and cities are shutting their gates. This cold feel supernatural in nature and the region is in dire needs of Heroes…» Full Introduction

SG-01 Escape From The Kobold’s Prison

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Get your gear back and kill all revealed enemies

Availability: PDF available for download


  • Custom Monsters: Kobold Dragonshield (Ability deck included, Stat card included), Kobold Minion (Ability deck included, Stat card included), Rat Swarm (Ability deck included, Stat card included). The author has also made a Custom Gloomhaven Helper Mod that includes the monsters.
  • Scenario SG-03 is opened by this scenario, but is not finished yet.

Description: «Waking up is getting harder now. You passed out drunk in a border village south of the frontier road days ago. The next morning it seem that the village had been hit by Kobold’s Slavers and you were one of the casualties alongside many others.»

SG-02 The Slave Pit

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Kill Ruga The Slavemaster

Availability: PDF available for download


  • Custom Monsters: Kobold Dragonshield (Ability deck and Stat card here), Kobold Minion (Ability deck and Stat card here), Ruga The Slavemaster (Boss deck, Stat card included). The author has also made a Custom Gloomhaven Helper Mod that includes the monsters.
  • Custom Items: PDF available for download

Description: «His time has come. It’s time to end the reign of this tyrant. He’s been terrorizing the region and kidnapping countless creatures for the last years. To make matter worse he’s know to play with slaves and throw them in ‘The Pit’ where they fight other creatures and beasts.»

SG-03 *TBD*

Requirements: NONE

Goal: *TBD*

Availability: Not Yet Available

NOTES: This scenario is not yet written. This is a placeholder due to it being unlocked by SG-01

Description: (No Description Yet)

SG-04 The Plains of No Hope

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Kill all enemies

Availability: PDF available for download


  • Custom Monsters: Sahuagin Raider (Ability deck included, Stat card included). The author has also made a Custom Gloomhaven Helper Mod that includes the monsters.
  • Custom Ability: Swim — Enemies ignore the hazard tile «water»
  • Custom Items: PDF available for download

Description: «Trying to avoid further Kobolds entanglement you venture south west into the Plains of No Hope. Your aim is to cross the river Cutin south of the bridge since with the current low temperature in the region it’s likely part of the river is frozen and will be crossable. The wolves disagree with that plan.»

SG-05 The Lost River Temple

Requirements: Unlocked By SG-04

Goal: Kill The Sahuagin Baron and at least 1 character must make it back to the Entrance

Availability: PDF available for download


  • Custom Monsters: Sahuagin Raider (Ability deck and Stat card here), Piranha Swarm (Uses Swarm Ability deck available here, Stat Card included]), Sahuagin Baron (Uses Boss Ability deck, Stat Card included). The author has also made a Custom Gloomhaven Helper Mod that includes the monsters.
  • Custom Ability: Swim — Enemies ignore the hazard tile «water»
  • Custom Items: PDF available for download

Description: «Those fishman were brutal and you feel lucky to be alive. Now if you go back up the underground river it seem the caves slowly turn into some kind of temple. Surely there is more fish to be had in that direction»

The Storm Mini-Campaign

Requirements: «The Power of Enhancement» COMPLETE

Author: [Lorenzo Colonna](https://www.boardgamegeek.com/user/Maouk)

Availability: Full Campaign PDF available for https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download in Low Resolution, or download in High Resolution

Description: Gloomhaven is shrouded in darkness, blankets of dark clouds cover the city. You and your party must find a way to alleviate the curse.

TS-01 Decrepit Tower

Requirements: «The Power of Enhancement» COMPLETE

Goal: Loot All Treasure Tiles

Availability: Full Campaign PDF available for https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download in Low Resolution, or download in High Resolution

Description: Investigate an abandoned tower that may be the source of Gloomhavens misfortune. Be wary, investigation may be a tiring experience.

TS-02 Forgotten City Of Lirudru

Requirements: «A New Friend» COMPLETE

Goal: Survive For 10 Rounds

Availability: Full Campaign PDF available for https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download in Low Resolution, or download in High Resolution

Description: Attempting to infiltrate the «abandoned» city you are set upon by a band of Inox who have claimed it as their home.

TS-03 King Palace

Requirements: TS-02 COMPLETE

Goal: Kill All Enemies

Availability: Full Campaign PDF available for https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download in Low Resolution, or download in High Resolution

Description: You decide to investigate the Palace, after many minutes spent attempting to prise open the sealed doors, they creak open of their own accord. Someone….or something…waits inside….

TS-04 Merchant Guild

Requirements: TS-02 COMPLETE

Goal: Kill All Enemies

Availability: Full Campaign PDF available for https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download in Low Resolution, or download in High Resolution

NOTE: Keep track of what round number you loot tokens in the first room.

Description: You decide to investigate the Merchant Guild, walking through the doors you are struck mute by the opulence of your surroundings. Jewels and precious metals garishly adorn the walls around you. Some has been looted, but a wealth still remains.

TS-05 Desecrated Cathedral

Requirements: «First Medallion» COMPLETE, «Second Medallion» COMPLETE

Goal: Kill The Bone Dragon

Availability: Full Campaign PDF available for https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download in Low Resolution, or download in High Resolution

NOTE: This scenario is referred to as Deconsecrated Cathedral in other scenarios

Description: You find the door to the Cathedral unlocked, entering the soaring building you find an eerie silence and nothing else. Your exploration eventually leads you into the darkness of the crypts.

TS-06 The Ice Peak

Requirements: TS-05 COMPLETE

Goal: Kill All Enemies And Loot The Treasure Tile

Availability: Full Campaign PDF available for https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download in Low Resolution, or download in High Resolution

Description: Acting on the first clue you adventure to the forbidding chill of The Ice Peak in search of the first piece of the Sword.

TS-07 Underwater Maze

Requirements: TS-06 COMPLETE, «Water Breathing» COMPLETE

Goal: Loot The Treasure Tile

Availability: Full Campaign PDF available for https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download in Low Resolution, or download in High Resolution

Description: Acting on the second clue you adventure into the murky confusing depths of The Underwater Maze in search of the second piece of the Sword.

TS-08 Plane of Elemental Fire

Requirements: TS-07 COMPLETE

Goal: Kill All Enemies And Loot The Treasure Tile

Availability: Full Campaign PDF available for https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download in Low Resolution, or download in High Resolution

Description: Acting on the third clue you adventure into the searing heat of the Plane of Elemental Fire in search of the third piece of the Sword.

TS-09 Altar Of The Sorcerer

Requirements: TS-08 COMPLETE

Goal: Kill All Enemies, Then Protect Thira At The Altar For Five Rounds.

Availability: Full Campaign PDF available for https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download in Low Resolution, or download in High Resolution

Description: Aid Thira in the reforging of the Sword.

TS-10 Carbeorn Palace

Requirements: TS-09 COMPLETE

Goal: Reveal The L Tile

Availability: Full Campaign PDF available for https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download in Low Resolution, or download in High Resolution

Description: Find and kill those responsible for Gloomhaven’s current predicament.

TS-11 Inside The Sword

Requirements: TS-10 COMPLETE

Goal: Kill All Enemies, Then All Characters Must Escape Through The Exit (1)

Availability: Full Campaign PDF available for https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download in Low Resolution, or download in High Resolution

Description: Having learned a valuable lesson about blindly trusting random people, you must find a way to escape your prison.

TS-12 Return To Gloomhaven (Interlude)

Requirements: TS-11 COMPLETE

Goal: Kill All Enemies, Then All Characters Must Escape Through The Exit (1)

Availability: Full Campaign PDF available for https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download in Low Resolution, or download in High Resolution

NOTE: This is not a playable Scenario, it is more of a required City Event, though normal City Events still occur.

Description: Decisions, Decisions…team up with Demons or soldier on alone….

TS-13 The Dark Pact

Requirements: «The Choice» INCOMPLETE

Goal: Kill All Enemies

Availability: Full Campaign PDF available for https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download in Low Resolution, or download in High Resolution

Description: Prove your mettle and secure yourself a horde of new allies.

TS-14 Alone In The Darkness

Requirements: «The Choice» INCOMPLETE

Goal: All Characters Must Escape Through Exit (a)

Availability: Full Campaign PDF available for https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download in Low Resolution, or download in High Resolution

Description: Access to the city is cut off, your only chance a long forgotten, and assumed collapsed, tunnel leading to a nearby wood.

TS-15 The Elemental Renegade

Requirements: «The Choice» COMPLETE

Goal: Kill Thira

Availability: Full Campaign PDF available for https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download in Low Resolution, or download in High Resolution

Description: Having gained entry to the city, confront your betrayer, ending her stranglehold on Gloomhaven and saving Hail.

Reasonable Doubt Mini-Campaign

Requirements: NONE

Author: Tristan Stevens

NOTE: This Campaign assumes the party has a high reputation.

Description: Embark on a quest to determine the innocence or guilt of a man accused of the murder of a Savvas emissary.

RD-01 Between Both Sides

Requirements: NONE

Goal: Kill All Enemies

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: While attempting to visit a witness you find their home ransacked and the witness held hostage my a group of Inox.

Ice Rift Mini-Campaign

Requirements: None

Author: Hans Vander Mierde

Availability: All materials for this campaign are available for download

Description: Try to unravel the mysteries behind the strange events occuring around Gloomhaven. Ships are disappearing and islands are shrouded in a thick mist. What evil lurks within?
This is a story-driven mini-campaign with 20 scenarios, branched storylines, 3 new bosses and 10 new items. For those who want more diversity, it also includes 4 custom classes (with PQ’s, solo scenarios and items).

IR-01 The Stray Otter

Requirements: None

Goal: Retrieve Thrax’s bag

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: You are looking for a job and Thrax has an interesting offer. Protect him and retrieve his stolen bag.

IR-02 Unusual Customs

Requirements: None

Goal: All characters must escape through the exit (a)

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: The fight in The Stray Otter has alarmed the city guards. Try to escape on your ship.

IR-03 A Ship Besieged

Requirements: None

Goal: Kill all enemies

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: In the night, your ship is invaded by monstrous creatures. Repel the attackers!

IR-04 Gloomhaven Secure Storage

Requirements: Ship repaired INCOMPLETE

Goal: Collect all artifacts and escape

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: In order to get some money to repair your ship, you take a job at the Gloomhaven Secure Storage to retrieve some artifacts. Easy enough… you think?

IR-05 Secure Storage Heist

Requirements: Ship repaired INCOMPLETE

Goal: Loot all Goal treasure tiles and escape

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: In order to get some money to repair your ship, you break in at the Gloomhaven Secure Storage to steal some artifacts.

IR-06 Savvas Light Temple

Requirements: None

Goal: Loot the Goal treasure tile

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: Finally you meet your contracter. You hope to find more clues at the Savvas Light Temple, but things don’t go exactly as planned.

IR-07 Plane of Mist

Requirements: None

Goal: Eliminate the source of the mist

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: The Scrolls of Foresight direct you to the Plane of Mist, a cold and foggy place with nasty creatures.

IR-08 Cape Horn

Requirements: None

Goal: Kill the Beast Rider

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: On Cape Horn, an island characterized by an ivory peak, a weapon is hidden that will help you in your fight against the ice creatures.

IR-09 Telling Fortunes

Requirements: Heal Zaide

Goal: Retrieve Thrax’s bag

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: Deep in the Dagger Forest resides the unfortunate witch Zaide. Try to speak to her, but be sure not to harm her friends!

IR-10 Mountain Army

Requirements: Sand in the machine INCOMPLETE

Goal: Kill all enemies

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: You decide to investigate the Mountain Stronghold where ‘an army is grown’ according to the confession of a Savvas.

IR-11 Spoils of War

Requirements: Preparations x3 COMPLETE

Goal: Kill all enemies

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: On your way to the Temple of the Four Elements, you stumble upon a group of savage Inox that are pillaging a merchant residence. This savagery cannot go unpunished!

IR-12 Stormsinger

Requirements: Head of the lion INCOMPLETE

Goal: Sabotage the wheels and escape on your ship

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: In your search for the source of the mist, you discover a factory on an island in the misty sea. Try to sabotage the machines!

IR-13 Temple of the Four Elements

Requirements: None

Goal: Gather C+1 clues

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: You discover that the Savvas corruption runs much deeper than you could have imagined. You came to the temple to make some friendly inquiries, but now you may have to resort to other interrogation techniques.

IR-14 Cold War

Requirements: Where the snow is trodden COMPLETE

Goal: Destroy as many portals as possible

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: Demons are coming in from the portals on this island. Can you stop their advance?

IR-15 The Calm Before The Storm

Requirements: None

Goal: Kill all enemies

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: While gathered in The Tipsy Cow, you are attacked by the Ice Cult. Can you survive this assassination attempt?

IR-16 War Economy

Requirements: Where the money flows COMPLETE

Goal: Loot all treasure tiles and kill the Savvas Bookkeeper

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: Waging a war costs money. Can you stop the enemy war machine by dismantling their financial structures?

IR-17 A Ship Imperiled

Requirements: None

Goal: Loot all Goal treasure tiles

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: The flagship of the Tracker Guild is attacked at sea. It is carrying important information about the enemy machinations and it is of paramount importance that you retrieve it.

IR-18 Boulder Pass

Requirements: None

Goal: The trade caravan (a) must reach its destination (g)

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: The enemy is trying to cripple your economy. Try to prevent the assault on the trade caravan in the Watcher Mountains.

IR-19 Under Siege – Bridge Of Ice

Requirements: None

Goal: Kill all enemies and destroy all portals

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: The final battle is at hand. Can you defend Gloomhaven from the invading forces?

IR-20 Under Siege – Roaring Earth

Requirements: None

Goal: Kill all enemies and destroy both crystals (a)

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: The final battle is at hand. Can you defend Gloomhaven from the invading forces?

IR-21 Sleeping Beauty (solo)

Requirements: Specialist level 5

Goal: Kill all enemies and bring the burning torch to your house

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: Thrax tries to save his family that is trapped in a prison of ice.

IR-22 Opposites Attract (solo)

Requirements: Lightbender level 5

Goal: Bring one Sun Demon and one Night Demon to the altar (e)

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: Try to gain the respect of the Savvas High Council by proving that light and dark can co-exist.

IR-23 Unpoisoning The Well (solo)

Requirements: Wildspeaker level 5

Goal: Heal all stumps and kill all Oozes

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: Zaide returns to the place that haunts her in her nightmares. She must undo the wrongs from the past.

IR-24 The Perfect Prediction (solo)

Requirements: Statistician level 5

Goal: Remove all grey numbered tokens by dealing exactly that amount of damage

Availability: Campaign materials are available for download

Description: A wrong prediction has lead to disaster in the past. Now you are determined to perfect your calculations to never make a wrong prediction again.

Road to Frosthaven Mini-Campaign

Requirements: None

Author: Steve Rodrigue

Availability: All materials for this campaign are available for https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vvmoFOKXp0TkfUG7pgPStt_9UJaKBewS

Description: An enigmatic Aesther is in search of mercenaries to help him investigate strange disturbances north of Gloomhaven. Will your party join him?
Key features:
— Story branching (replay value).
— Non «intrusive»: you can play it with existing parties/characters or within your current campaign (similar to playing in casual mode or random dungeon).
— Many scenarios unique and new special rules.
— No hard spoilers (beside reusing 2 early GH boss from the campaign, information in the intro/rules document).
— A new resource to manage: Ration (not a game changer, I did not want to make it too difficult or cumbersome).
— Bonus (stand-alone) scenario added to commemorate year 2020: Twenty-twenty Cove Hide Alley.

Cloud Isle Mini-Campaign

Requirements: None

Author: Martin C

Availability: All materials for this campaign (15 scenario PDFs and one Town Events PDF) are available for download at BGG Link

Description: A secretive request. An Isle that is more that it looks from a casual glance. A daring party of adventurers willing to take risks… This 15-scenario mini-campaign takes place just outside of the Gloomhaven environs, and could be played as a side scenario or a stand-alone campaign. The theme was intended for players that have experienced most of the Gloomhaven campaign but that is not a requirement. The campaign begins with ISLE-01 and follows linked and branching scenarios, often containing custom scenario mechanics, items, or monsters. Additional town (i.e. city) event cards are also available for variety.

ISLE-01 Messenger’s Errand

Requirements: None

Goal: Sever the Tentacles and Kill all enemies

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: At the behest of the Captain of the Guard, you head to Cloud Isle, but the journey is not without its perils.

ISLE-02 Rendezvous Point

Requirements: ISLE-1 Complete

Goal: Kill All Enemies

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: A sprint to meet your contact before his cover is compromised.

ISLE-03 Poison Fields

Requirements: ISLE-2 Complete

Goal: Each Character brings Wolfsbane to the Shaman

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: The poison in your veins takes its toll even as you race for a cure.

ISLE-04 Flower Temple

Requirements: Isle-3 Complete

Goal: Reach the Guardian

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: Something is amiss at Cloud Isle and you must reach its Guardians to warn them. Can you reach the Frost Guardian in time?

ISLE-05 Towering Tree

Requirements: Isle-3 Complete

Goal: Kill All Enemies

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: Trouble has beat you to the Towering Tree, your lead to one of the Guardians. Dispatch the invaders before they destroy all clues.

ISLE-06 Pools of Fire

Requirements: Isle-5 Complete

Goal: Find the Frost Guardian and Escape

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: The search for the Guardians continues at the Fire Temple, but recent volcanic activity has turned up the heat.

ISLE-07 Earthen Caverns

Requirements: Isle-5 Complete

Goal: Kill All Enemies behind the door

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: The Green Guardian’s sanctum lies ahead and its defilers stand between you and your goal.

ISLE-08 Heart of the Tunnels

Requirements: Isle-3 Complete

Goal: Escape through the Exit

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: In an effort to re-unite with your contact and get to the heart of the matter, you chose to storm the gateway fortress head on.

ISLE-09 An Army Awaits

Requirements: Isle-8 Complete

Goal: Kill all Savaas Mages and Close the Portals

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: The heart is deadly and more than you can handle directly, but you have a plan and the time has come.

ISLE-10 Elemental Chaos

Requirements: Isle-9 Complete

Goal: Enter the Shell

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: Battle the aftermath and survive to find shelter.

ISLE-11 Mountain of Glass

Requirements: Isle-10 Complete

Goal: Kill the Sharded Nightmare

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: Reflection leads to understanding, if you can overcome the despair clawing at you.

ISLE-12 Sacred Grounds

Requirements: Isle-3 Complete

Goal: Resurrect the Shamans

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: You hunt for the witchdoctor to negotiate a cessation of forest folk hostilities and get a prickly welcome.

ISLE-13 Sky Realm

Requirements: Isle-12 or Isle-4 Complete

Goal: Reach Cloud City and Kill All Revealed Enemies

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: Chase down a run-away cloud city to find the Sky Seer.

ISLE-14 Cloud City

Requirements: Isle-13 Complete

Goal: Rescue the Commander and the Seer

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: A rescue mission in a sinking city – how dangerous could it be?

ISLE-15 Screaming Cove

Requirements: Isle-12 Complete and COVE BLOCKED party achievement incomplete

Goal: Find the Passage to the Ancient Tunnels

Availability: PDF available for download

Description: Haunted cove? Been there, done that… or maybe there is more to this than meets the eye? It might be your only way to get to the bottom of this mysterious isle.

Return of the Eldritch Gods

Requirements: None

Author: Clutch Player

Availability: All materials for this campaign Download
BGG Link

Description: What has your peaceful but brave friend Illucido uncovered, is Professor Nevermore bumbling over the Relics of the ghost ship a safe activity, who is this threatening but beautiful Lady, and can you solve the mystery before The Return of the Eldritch Gods consumes the world?
I will release one scenario each week. Feel free to post what stories you think inspired each scenario (sometimes more than one).
Event teasers will be released before each scenario. Kick up the debate as the event resolution will come at the same time as the scenario. The initial scenario has the event already rolled in (you drank the beer).

EG1 The Festival of the King in Yellow

Requirements: Unknown

Goal: Unknown

Availability: PDF available for Download
BGG Link

Description: A sunny jaunt to a festival in the slums turns deadly, as the adherents of a previously unknown cult bring forth an otherwordly evil.

EG2 The Threat in the Museum

Requirements: Unknown

Goal: Unknown

Availability: PDF available for Download
BGG Link

Description: Can you investigate the Arcane Relics without either going insane or dying? Do you leave the Museum in shambles, or possibly less so?

EG3 Garden of Corruption

Requirements: Unknown

Goal: Unknown

Availability: PDF available for Download
BGG Link

Description: What horror is creeping across the countryside after an item goes missing from the museum collection?

EG4 The Painting in the Mansion

Requirements: Unknown

Goal: Unknown

Availability: PDF available for Download
BGG Link

Description: Illucido’s interest in strange art has led him to venture into places he perhaps should have left alone.

EG5 An Infernal Machine

Requirements: Unknown

Goal: Unknown

Availability: PDF available for Download
BGG Link

Description: Can you bring Illucido back? Is this contraption the Professor built even safe for use, or will it unleash horrors untold?

EG6 Enter the Dreamlands

Requirements: Unknown

Goal: Unknown

Availability: PDF available for Download
BGG Link

Description: Dare you go where Illucido has gone — and can you all come back?

EG7 The Red Duke’s Nightmare

Requirements: Unknown

Goal: Unknown

Availability: PDF available for Download
BGG Link

Description: Your way out may be deeper in the dream, but is this nightmare real, or is it all just in the head?

EG8 The Black Reef

Requirements: Unknown

Goal: Unknown

Availability: PDF available for Download
BGG Link

Description: The ghost ship has its own perils, but the things from the deep are worse.

EG9 Elder Tides

Requirements: Unknown

Goal: Unknown

Availability: PDF available for Download
BGG Link

Description: A night’s stay in this sleepy fishing village may be the perfect cure for insomnia — or a death wish.

EG10 The Doom over Gloomhaven

Requirements: Unknown

Goal: Unknown

Availability: PDF available for Download
BGG Link

Description: An invisible stalker is menacing Gloomhaven, and the final battle with Roteg looms!

Element Domains

Requirements: None

Author: Thorstag

Availability: Campaign links available for Campaign


Description: A 22 scenario campaign with 2 custom classes.

Designer and creator of the Gloomhaven – Isaac Childres – never stops to positively surprise the community of that great game. One of the best examples are the Solo Scenarios for all 17 characters which he created – they can be found in that BGG thread, or directly on Google Drive.

You must be at least at prosperity 3 and have 2 retired characters to unlock them. But it is worth it! Each of them gives not only additional experience and money but also unique class items.

Our Gloomhaven Campaign in chronological order: 
#1 Black Barrow, #2 Barrow Lair, #3 Inox Encampment, #69 Well of the Unfortunate, #4 Crypt of the Damned, #5 Ruinous Crypt, #93 Sunken Vessel, #10 Plane of Elemental Power, #21 Infernal Throne, #14 Frozen Hollow, #19 Forgotten Crypt, #27 Ruinous Rift, #8 Gloomhaven Warehouse, #7 Vibrant Grotto, #20 Necromancer's Sanctum, #6 Decaying Crypt, #28 Outer Ritual Chamber, #94 Vermling Nest, #95 Payment Due, #13 Temple of the Seer, #16 Mountain Pass, #43 Drake's Nest, #18 Abandoned Sewers, #25 Icecrag Asent, #28 Outer Ritual Chamber (#3), #29 Sanctuary of Gloom, #55 Foggy Thicket, #56 Bandit's Wood, #72 Ozing Grove, #59 Forgotten Grove, #60 Alchemy Lab, #22 Temple of Elements, Solo Scenarios

When we discovered that fantastic addition to the main game, we decided we have to try it. So everybody from our 3-players team already attempted – sometimes multiple times – his scenario. Let us see how it went – I unfortunately have pictures only from my adventure.

Michal (Scoundrel)


I was the first one to play my mission. The idea was to plunder an armory – I have one friendly NPC with 35-40 HPs (depending on difficulty). He was key to many of my cards as they require enemies to be adjacent to my ally.

I started on Very Hard level but lost on last enemy. Another attempt on Hard also failed, but the third and last try on Hard was a success. In those scenarios you really have to plan well ahead.


Scoundrel scenario set-up. Wait, what that small, black guy is doing on the map? Well, I forgot to borrow the Scoundrel figure so needed some replacement 🙂
First room was piece of cake – two instant kills.
In second room I used the traps and achieved my personal best – 64 HP damage! (I used card which gives bonus for shield – and here Golem has 7 Armour, so the base attack was 2+7*2 = 16; times two and again times two…)
The last room was masterpiece of planning – one more turn and I would be dead.
Scenario barely won.

That was a relief – after 3 attempts I finally succeeded. The ROOT Vagabond definitely brought me a lot of luck in the end!

KubaJ (Soothsinger)


The second to attempt a solo mission was our Soothsinger. He was even more dependent on his allies than I was – 6 allied bandits seems a lot but not when you face multiple shielded guards on Very Hard level…  He also tried with that difficulty and also failed miserably 🙂


Soothsinger mission (click to enlarge)

Another attempt was on Hard. Not only enemies were weaker but the knowledge of the scenario much bigger which allowed Jakub to properly support his allies and in the end – with last very lucky stroke – win the game! More will come in – as usually – comprehensive comment from Jakub 🙂

KubaG (Sunkeeper)


The last one was Sunkeeper – his mission was to defend the caravan – with one room only, but three waves of enemies. Surprise, surprise! KubaG also started on very Hard level – which again, proved to be a deadly trap.


Sunkeeper mission (click to enlarge)

So he downgraded to Hard and this time it went much better – all his allies survived the first round and in consecutive ones the loses were manageable, allowing him to get the so desired Shield!


Solo scenarios are great fun – you can really immerse yourselves in the game and try to solve very hard puzzle. And the rewards are fantastic:







Thank you!

Scenarios are the ‘levels’ in the Gloomhaven series…

Scenario List

Gloomhaven CampaignGloomhaven:

[⚠️SPOILERS]: Gloomhaven scenario list

Scenario Number Scenario Name Map Location Links Requirements
1 Black Barrow G-10 Barrow Lair — #2 None
2 Barrow Lair G-11 Black Barrow — #1 First Steps (Party) COMPLETE
3 Inox Encampment G-3 None The Merchant Flees (Global) INCOMPLETE
4 Crypt of the Damned E-11 None None
5 Ruinous Crypt D-6 Plane of Elemental Power — #10 None
6 Decaying Crypt F-10 None None
7 Vibrant Grotto C-12 None The Power of Enhancement (Global) and The Merchant Flees (Global) COMPLETE
8 Gloomhaven Warehouse C-18 Gloomhaven (City) Jekserah’s Plans (Party) COMPLETE and The Dead Invade (Global) INCOMPLETE
9 Diamond Mine L-2 None The Merchant Flees (Global) INCOMPLETE
10 Plane of Elemental Power C-7 Ruinous Crypt — #5, Infernal Throne — #21 The Rift Neutralized (Global) INCOMPLETE
11 Gloomhaven Square A B-16 Gloomhaven (City) End of the Invasion (Global) INCOMPLETE
12 Gloomhaven Square B B-16 Gloomhaven (City) End of the Invasion (Global) INCOMPLETE
13 Temple of the Seer N-3 None None
14 Frozen Hollow C-10 None None
15 Shrine of Strength B-11 None None
16 Mountain Pass B-6 Echo Chamber — #24 None
17 Lost Island K-17 Gloomhaven (City) None
18 Abandoned Sewers C-14 Gloomhaven (City) None
19 Forgotten Crypt M-7 None The Power of Enhancement (Global) COMPLETE
20 Necromancer’s Sanctum H-13 None The Merchant Flees (Global) COMPLETE
21 Infernal Throne C-7 Plane of Elemental Power — #10 The Rift Neutralized (Global) INCOMPLETE
22 Temple of the Elements K-8 None A Demon’s Errand (Party) or Following Clues (Party) COMPLETE
23 Deep Ruins C-15 Gloomhaven (City) None
24 Echo Chamber C-6 Mountain Pass — #16 None
25 Icecrag Ascent A-5 Scorched Summit — #34 None
26 Ancient Cistern D-15 Gloomhaven (City) Water-Breathing (Global) or Through the Ruins (Party) COMPLETE
27 Ruinous Rift E-6 None Artifact: Lost INCOMPLETE (Global) and Stonebreaker’s Censer (Party) COMPLETE
28 Outer Ritual Chamber E-4 Sanctuary of Gloom — #29 Dark Bounty (Party) COMPLETE
29 Sanctuary of Gloom E-3 Outer Ritual Chamber — #28 An Invitation (Party) COMPLETE
30 Shrine of the Depths N-15 None The Voice’s Command (Party)
31 Plane of Night A-16 Gloomhaven (City) The Power of Enhancement (Global) and Artifact: Recovered (Global) COMPLETE
32 Decrepit Wood L-11 None The Voice’s Command (Party) COMPLETE
33 Savvas Armory A-7 None The Voice’s Command (Party) or The Drake’s Command (Party) COMPLETE
34 Scorched Summit A-4 Icecrag Ascent — #25 The Drake’s Command (Party) COMPLETE and The Drake Aided (Global) INCOMPLETE
35 Gloomhaven Battlements A A-14 Gloomhaven (City) A Demon’s Errand (Party) COMPLETE and The Rift Neutralized (Global) INCOMPLETE
37 Doom Trench G-18 Gloomhaven (City) Water-Breathing (Global) COMPLETE
38 Slave Pens G-2 Tribal Assault — #44 None
39 Treacherous Divide B-11 Nightmare Peak — #46 None
40 Ancient Defense Network F-12 Timeworn Tomb — #41 The Voice’s Command (Party) and The Voice’s Treasure (Party) COMPLETE
41 Timeworn Tomb F-13 Ancient Defense Network — #40 The Voice’s Command (Party) COMPLETE
42 Realm of the Voice C-5 None The Scepter and the Voice (Party) COMPLETE and The Voice Freed (Global) INCOMPLETE
43 Drake Nest D-4 None The Power of Enhancement (Global) COMPLETE
44 Tribal Assault F-3 Slave Pens — #38 Redthorn’s Aid (Party) COMPLETE
45 Rebel Swamp M-9 None City Rule: Demonic (Global) COMPLETE
46 Nightmare Peak A-11 Treacherous Divide — #39 Across the Divide (Party) COMPLETE
47 Lair of the Unseeing Eye H-18 Gloomhaven (City) Through the Trench (Party) COMPLETE
48 Shadow Weald E-1 None Redthorn’s Aid (Party) COMPLETE
49 Rebel’s Stand N-7 None City Rule: Demonic (Global) COMPLETE
50 Ghost Fortress C-17 Gloomhaven (City) City Rule: Demonic (Global) COMPLETE and Annihilation of Order (Global) INCOMPLETE
51 The Void A-15 Gloomhaven (City) End of Corruption (Global) x3 COMPLETE
52 Noxious Cellar D-14 Gloomhaven (City) “Seeker of Xorn” personal quest
53 Crypt Basement F-11 None “Seeker of Xorn” personal quest
54 Palace of Ice D-8 None “Seeker of Xorn” personal quest, “Staff of Xorn” item equipped
55 Foggy Thicket G-5 Bandit’s Wood — #56 “Take Back the Trees” personal quest
56 Bandit’s Wood G-4 Foggy Thicket — #55 “Take Back the Trees” personal quest
57 Investigation D-14 Gloomhaven (City) “Vengeance” personal quest
58 Bloody Shack E-15 Gloomhaven (City) “Vengeance” personal quest
59 Forgotten Grove F-1 None “Finding the Cure” personal quest
60 Alchemy Lab B-15 Gloomhaven (City) “Finding the Cure” personal quest
61 Fading Lighthouse N-11 Pit of Souls — #62 “The Fall of Man” personal quest
62 Pit of Souls O-11 Fading Lighthouse — #61 “The Fall of Man” personal quest
63 Magma Pit M-1 None None

Jaws of the LionJaws of the Lion:

[⚠️SPOILERS] Jaws of the Lion scenario list:

Scenario Number Scenario Name Map Location Notes
1 Roadside Ambush B-1 Part of scenarios 1-5 walkthrough
2 A Hole in the Wall B-1 Part of scenarios 1-5 walkthrough
3 The Black Ship D-5 Part of scenarios 1-5 walkthrough
4 A Ritual in Stone C-2 Part of scenarios 1-5 walkthrough
5 A Deeper Understanding C-2 Part of scenarios 1-5 walkthrough
6 Corrupted Research B-4
7 Sunken Tumor D-2
8 Hidden Tumor C-4
9 Explosive Evolution D-2 or C-4
10 The Gauntlet E-2
11 Defiled Sewers D-2
12 Beguiling Sewers B-5
13 Vile Harvest D-3
14 Toxic Harvest B-4
15 Tainted Blood C-4
16 Mixed Results B-4
17 Red Twilight C-6
18 The Heist A-5
19 Den of Thieves A-5
20 Misplaced Goods C-5
21 Agents of Chaos C-9
22 Unfriendly Message D-1 Red Guard’s personal mission
23 Best of the Best B-5 Hatchet’s personal mission
24 Warding the Void A-3 Voidwarden’s personal mission
25 The Greatest Job in the World C-7 Demolitionist’s personal mission

Scenarios are the ‘levels’ in the Gloomhaven series…

Scenario List

Gloomhaven CampaignGloomhaven:

[⚠️SPOILERS]: Gloomhaven scenario list

Scenario Number Scenario Name Map Location Links Requirements
1 Black Barrow G-10 Barrow Lair — #2 None
2 Barrow Lair G-11 Black Barrow — #1 First Steps (Party) COMPLETE
3 Inox Encampment G-3 None The Merchant Flees (Global) INCOMPLETE
4 Crypt of the Damned E-11 None None
5 Ruinous Crypt D-6 Plane of Elemental Power — #10 None
6 Decaying Crypt F-10 None None
7 Vibrant Grotto C-12 None The Power of Enhancement (Global) and The Merchant Flees (Global) COMPLETE
8 Gloomhaven Warehouse C-18 Gloomhaven (City) Jekserah’s Plans (Party) COMPLETE and The Dead Invade (Global) INCOMPLETE
9 Diamond Mine L-2 None The Merchant Flees (Global) INCOMPLETE
10 Plane of Elemental Power C-7 Ruinous Crypt — #5, Infernal Throne — #21 The Rift Neutralized (Global) INCOMPLETE
11 Gloomhaven Square A B-16 Gloomhaven (City) End of the Invasion (Global) INCOMPLETE
12 Gloomhaven Square B B-16 Gloomhaven (City) End of the Invasion (Global) INCOMPLETE
13 Temple of the Seer N-3 None None
14 Frozen Hollow C-10 None None
15 Shrine of Strength B-11 None None
16 Mountain Pass B-6 Echo Chamber — #24 None
17 Lost Island K-17 Gloomhaven (City) None
18 Abandoned Sewers C-14 Gloomhaven (City) None
19 Forgotten Crypt M-7 None The Power of Enhancement (Global) COMPLETE
20 Necromancer’s Sanctum H-13 None The Merchant Flees (Global) COMPLETE
21 Infernal Throne C-7 Plane of Elemental Power — #10 The Rift Neutralized (Global) INCOMPLETE
22 Temple of the Elements K-8 None A Demon’s Errand (Party) or Following Clues (Party) COMPLETE
23 Deep Ruins C-15 Gloomhaven (City) None
24 Echo Chamber C-6 Mountain Pass — #16 None
25 Icecrag Ascent A-5 Scorched Summit — #34 None
26 Ancient Cistern D-15 Gloomhaven (City) Water-Breathing (Global) or Through the Ruins (Party) COMPLETE
27 Ruinous Rift E-6 None Artifact: Lost INCOMPLETE (Global) and Stonebreaker’s Censer (Party) COMPLETE
28 Outer Ritual Chamber E-4 Sanctuary of Gloom — #29 Dark Bounty (Party) COMPLETE
29 Sanctuary of Gloom E-3 Outer Ritual Chamber — #28 An Invitation (Party) COMPLETE
30 Shrine of the Depths N-15 None The Voice’s Command (Party)
31 Plane of Night A-16 Gloomhaven (City) The Power of Enhancement (Global) and Artifact: Recovered (Global) COMPLETE
32 Decrepit Wood L-11 None The Voice’s Command (Party) COMPLETE
33 Savvas Armory A-7 None The Voice’s Command (Party) or The Drake’s Command (Party) COMPLETE
34 Scorched Summit A-4 Icecrag Ascent — #25 The Drake’s Command (Party) COMPLETE and The Drake Aided (Global) INCOMPLETE
35 Gloomhaven Battlements A A-14 Gloomhaven (City) A Demon’s Errand (Party) COMPLETE and The Rift Neutralized (Global) INCOMPLETE
37 Doom Trench G-18 Gloomhaven (City) Water-Breathing (Global) COMPLETE
38 Slave Pens G-2 Tribal Assault — #44 None
39 Treacherous Divide B-11 Nightmare Peak — #46 None
40 Ancient Defense Network F-12 Timeworn Tomb — #41 The Voice’s Command (Party) and The Voice’s Treasure (Party) COMPLETE
41 Timeworn Tomb F-13 Ancient Defense Network — #40 The Voice’s Command (Party) COMPLETE
42 Realm of the Voice C-5 None The Scepter and the Voice (Party) COMPLETE and The Voice Freed (Global) INCOMPLETE
43 Drake Nest D-4 None The Power of Enhancement (Global) COMPLETE
44 Tribal Assault F-3 Slave Pens — #38 Redthorn’s Aid (Party) COMPLETE
45 Rebel Swamp M-9 None City Rule: Demonic (Global) COMPLETE
46 Nightmare Peak A-11 Treacherous Divide — #39 Across the Divide (Party) COMPLETE
47 Lair of the Unseeing Eye H-18 Gloomhaven (City) Through the Trench (Party) COMPLETE
48 Shadow Weald E-1 None Redthorn’s Aid (Party) COMPLETE
49 Rebel’s Stand N-7 None City Rule: Demonic (Global) COMPLETE
50 Ghost Fortress C-17 Gloomhaven (City) City Rule: Demonic (Global) COMPLETE and Annihilation of Order (Global) INCOMPLETE
51 The Void A-15 Gloomhaven (City) End of Corruption (Global) x3 COMPLETE
52 Noxious Cellar D-14 Gloomhaven (City) “Seeker of Xorn” personal quest
53 Crypt Basement F-11 None “Seeker of Xorn” personal quest
54 Palace of Ice D-8 None “Seeker of Xorn” personal quest, “Staff of Xorn” item equipped
55 Foggy Thicket G-5 Bandit’s Wood — #56 “Take Back the Trees” personal quest
56 Bandit’s Wood G-4 Foggy Thicket — #55 “Take Back the Trees” personal quest
57 Investigation D-14 Gloomhaven (City) “Vengeance” personal quest
58 Bloody Shack E-15 Gloomhaven (City) “Vengeance” personal quest
59 Forgotten Grove F-1 None “Finding the Cure” personal quest
60 Alchemy Lab B-15 Gloomhaven (City) “Finding the Cure” personal quest
61 Fading Lighthouse N-11 Pit of Souls — #62 “The Fall of Man” personal quest
62 Pit of Souls O-11 Fading Lighthouse — #61 “The Fall of Man” personal quest
63 Magma Pit M-1 None None

Jaws of the LionJaws of the Lion:

[⚠️SPOILERS] Jaws of the Lion scenario list:

Scenario Number Scenario Name Map Location Notes
1 Roadside Ambush B-1 Part of scenarios 1-5 walkthrough
2 A Hole in the Wall B-1 Part of scenarios 1-5 walkthrough
3 The Black Ship D-5 Part of scenarios 1-5 walkthrough
4 A Ritual in Stone C-2 Part of scenarios 1-5 walkthrough
5 A Deeper Understanding C-2 Part of scenarios 1-5 walkthrough
6 Corrupted Research B-4
7 Sunken Tumor D-2
8 Hidden Tumor C-4
9 Explosive Evolution D-2 or C-4
10 The Gauntlet E-2
11 Defiled Sewers D-2
12 Beguiling Sewers B-5
13 Vile Harvest D-3
14 Toxic Harvest B-4
15 Tainted Blood C-4
16 Mixed Results B-4
17 Red Twilight C-6
18 The Heist A-5
19 Den of Thieves A-5
20 Misplaced Goods C-5
21 Agents of Chaos C-9
22 Unfriendly Message D-1 Red Guard’s personal mission
23 Best of the Best B-5 Hatchet’s personal mission
24 Warding the Void A-3 Voidwarden’s personal mission
25 The Greatest Job in the World C-7 Demolitionist’s personal mission

A list of all scenarios in Gloomhaven as well as their unlock conditions, treasures, and rewards. Minor spoilers regarding the flow of the campaign and some items, but no class spoilers.


Here is a list of all the scenarios in Gloomhaven. Before I get into the details, a few notes on how this will be formatted:

Scenario Name/Number – All scenarios will be listed with both their number and their name. The numbers aren’t displayed anywhere in digital which is why I’m including their name as well. If you’d like to check scenario numbers on your end, the scenario book is available free online, but that won’t be necessary for reading this guide.

Event Number – If a scenario is unlocked from events, I will include an event number as well as a general description of the event so that you know what options to pick. These numbers are not displayed anywhere in-game, although you can reference the exact text from the very helpful Any2Cards[github.com] on github.

Locks/Mutually Exclusive – I will be using the following terminology for scenario unlock conditions:

  • Locks – Completing this scenario will prevent you from accessing a specific scenario, but not vice versa
  • Locked if – You will be unable to complete this scenario if you’ve completed the listed scenario first, but not vice versa.
  • Mutually Exclusive – Completing one of these scenarios will lock out the other
  • Always Available – If a “+” is listed after a scenario’s name, there is no way to lock it out and it can be done at any time.

Treasure – I will list the treasure available in each scenario. If you miss a chest you can redo the scenario to get it, but you can only get any specific treasure tile once per campaign. If “Trap” is listed, that means opening the chest will hurt your character. Random Side Scenarios will unlock a side scenario at random – check out the section for details.

Rewards – Rewards for completing scenario (does not include the XP automatically earned for completing a scenario). These are only offered once per campaign.

Item rewards are added directly to a character’s available items after a scenario is completed. An item design instead means a copy of that item is added to the merchant.

Core Scenarios (1-10)

1. Black Barrow+ – Available at campaign start
Treasure: Random Side Scenario
Rewards: None

2. Barrow Lair+ – Complete scenario 1
Treasure: 10g
Rewards: 10g each, +1 prosperity

3. Inox Encampment – Complete scenario 2
Locked If: Scenario 8 completed
Treasure: Horned Helmet design
Rewards: 15g each, +1 prosperity

4. Crypt of the Damned+ – Complete scenario 2
Treasure: Ring of Skulls design, trap
Rewards: None

5. Ruinous Crypt+ – Complete scenario 4
Treasure: 15g, 15g
Rewards: None

6. Decaying Crypt+ – Complete scenario 4
Treasure: Second Skin
Rewards: 5g each

7. Vibrant Grotto – Complete scenario 8 and 14
Treasure: None
Rewards: None

8. Gloomhaven Warehouse – Complete scenario 3 or 6
Locks: Scenario 3
Mutually Exclusive: Scenario 9
Treasure: Random Side Scenario
Rewards: +2 reputation

9. Diamond Mine – Complete scenario 3
Mutually Exclusive: Scenario 8
Treasure: None
Reward: 20g each, +1 prosperity

10. Plane of Elemental Power – Complete scenario 5
Locked if: Scenario 27 or 36 completed
Treasure: Random Item Design
Reward: None

Core Scenarios (11-20)

11. Gloomhaven Square A – Complete scenario 9
Locks – This locks scenario 45, but only if you completed scenario 35 prior to this scenario (may not be accurate in digital)
Mutually Exclusive – Scenario 12
Treasure: Chainmail
Reward: 15g each, -2 reputation, +2 prosperity, Skullbane Axe design

12. Gloomhaven Square B – Complete scenario 9
Mutually Exclusive – Scenario 11
Treasure: Amulet of Life
Reward: +4 reputation, Skullbane Axe design

13. Template of the Seer – Complete scenario 8
Treasure: 10 XP
Reward: None

14. Frozen Hollow+ – Complete scenario 5, 8, or 18
Treasure: 20g
Reward: Unlocks enhancement

15. Shrine of Strength+ – Complete scenario 13 or 39
Treasure: None
Reward: 20 XP each

16. Mountain Pass+ – Complete scenario 11, 12, or 20
Treasure: Random Item Design
Reward: None

17. Lost Island+ – Complete scenario 13 or open the chest in scenario 37
Treasure: Random Side Scenario
Reward: 25g each (additionally, the scenario is covered in extra gold pickups – good for getting money)

18. Abandoned Sewers+ – Complete scenario 11, 12, or 20
Treasure: Random Item Design
Rewards: None

19. Forgotten Crypt+ – Complete scenario 5 and 14
Treasure: 20g
Rewards: +1 prosperity

20. Necromancer’s Sanctum – complete scenario 7 or 13
Treasure: Skullbane Axe
Rewards: 20g each, +2 reputation, +1 prosperity

Core Scenarios (21-30)

21, Infernal Throne – Complete scenario 10
Locked if – Scenario 27 completed
Locks – Scenario 35
Mutually Exclusive – Scenario 36
Treasure: Random Side Scenario
Rewards: 50g each, +1 prosperity, new city event (78) which unlocks scenario 94.

22, Temple of the Elements+ – Complete scenario 10 or 26
Treasure: Trap
Rewards: None

23, Deep Ruins+ – Complete scenario 18
Treasure: Trap, Fueled Falchion design
Rewards: None

24, Echo Chamber+ – Complete scenario 16
Treasure: Random Side Scenario
Rewards: None

25, Icecrag Ascent+ – Complete scenario 16
Treasure: Drakescale Helm
Rewards: None

26, Ancient Cistern+ – Complete scenario 23 and 43
Treasure: Volatile Bomb
Rewards: 10g each, +1 reputation, +2 prosperity

27, Ruinous Rift+ – Complete scenario 19 (if 35 is completed, you must also complete 21)
Locks: Scenario 10, 21, 35, and 36
Treasure: None
Rewards: 100g worth of enhancements

28, Outer Ritual Chamber – Complete scenario 6, as well as scenario 12 or 20
Treasure: Random Item Design
Rewards: None

29, Sanctuary of Gloom – Complete scenario 28
Treasure: Black Knife
Rewards: 15XP each

30, Shrine of the Depths+ – Complete scenario 24
Treasure: None
Rewards: 10g each

Core Scenarios (31-40)

31, Plane of Night+ – Complete scenario 22 and 14 (if scenario 35 is completed you must also complete 21)
Treasure: Robes of Summoning
Rewards: None

32, Decrepit Wood – Complete scenario 24
Locked if – scenario 42 completed
Treasure: None
Rewards: None

33, Savaas Armory – Complete scenario 25 or 32
Locked if – scenario 34 and 42 completed
Locks – scenario 34
Treasure: None
Rewards: Adds a new road event (66) and city event (75) if scenario 25 is also completed.

34, Scorched Summit – Complete scenario 25
Locks – scenario 33 (if 42 is also completed)
Locked if – scenario 33 completed
Treasure: Drakescale Armor
Rewards: 20g each, +2 reputation, +1 prosperity.

Note – I suspect these lock conditions for 33 and 34 may be different in digital, please let me know if you see any discrepancies.

35, Gloomhaven Battlements A – Complete scenario 22
Locked if – Complete scenarios 21 or 27
Mutually Exclusive – scenario 36[/b]
Treasure: Versatile Dagger
Rewards: 30g each, -5 reptuation, -2 prosperity, and adds a new city event (79) which has entirely negative outcomes.

36, Gloomhaven Battlements B – Complete scenario 22
Locked if – Complete scenario 27
Locks – Scenario 10
Mutually Exclusive – scenario 35
Treasure: Tower Shield
Rewards: 10g each, +4 reputation, and adds a new city event (78) which unlocks scenario 94

37, Doom Trench+ – Complete scenario 31 and 43
Treasure: Unlocks scenario 17
Rewards: None

38, Slave Pens+ – Complete scenario 31
Treasure: Endurance Footwraps
Rewards: +1 reputation

39, Treacherous Divide+ – Complete scenario 31
Treasure: Random Item Design
Rewards: 10XP each

40, Ancient Defense Network – Complete scenario 32 and 33
Locked if: Complete scenario 42
Treasure: Steam Armor
Rewards: None

Core Scenarios (41-51)

41, Timeworn Tomb – Complete scenario 32 and 33
Mutually Exclusive – Scenario 42
Treasure: Trap
Rewards: 50g each, 25XP each, 2 perk points each, +2 prosperity

42, Realm of the Voice – Complete scenario 30
Locks – Scenario 32 and 40. Locks scenario 33 if 34 was completed.
Mutually Exclusive – Scenario 41
Treasure: Perk point, perk point
Rewards: None

43, Drake Nest+ – Complete scenario 14 and 18
Treasure: Drakescale Boots
Rewards: None

44, Tribal Assault+ – Complete scenario 38
Treasure: None
Rewards: +2 reputation, unlocks Angry Face class

45, Rebel Swamp – Complete scenario 35
Locked if – Complete scenario 11 while scenario 35 is already completed (may not be accurate for digital)
Treasure: Random Item Design
Rewards: 20g each, -2 reputation

46, Nightmare Peak+ – Complete scenario 39
Treasure: 30g
Rewards: None

47, Lair of the Unseen Eye+ – Complete scenario 37
Treasure: 15g, 15g
Rewards: None

48, Shadow Weald+ – Complete scenario 38
Treasure: 30g
Rewards: None

49, Rebel’s Stand – Complete scenario 45
Mutually Exclusive – Scenario 50
Treasure: Random Side Scenario
Rewards: 50g each, -2 reputation

50, Ghost Fortress – Complete scenario 45
Mutually Exclusive – Scenario 49
Treasure: None
Rewards: +3 reputation, -2 prosperity

51, The Void – Complete scenario 46, 47, and 48
Treasure: Star Earring
Rewards: +5 reputation, +5 prosperity. Adds a new city event (81) and road event (69). Also you beat the campaign, yay! Have a cookie or something.

Personal Quest Side Scenarios (52-62)

These side scenarios require you to complete the first objective in specific personal quests. Once completed, they will finish the character’s personal quest causing the character with that quest to retire.

52, Noxious Cellar – Unlocked from “Seeker of Xorn” personal quest (complete 3 scenarios with “Crypt” in their name).
Treasure: None
Reward: None

53, Crypt Basement – Complete scenario 52
Treasure: Randon Item Design
Reward: Staff of Xorn (automatically given to the Seeker. They cannot sell it)

54, Palace of Ice – Complete scenario 53
Treasure: 25g
Reward: Seeker retires. Note: Adds city event 59 and road event 59 into the deck instead of the normal events that are added on retirement.

55, Foggy Thicket – Unlocked from “Take Back the Trees” personal quest (complete 3 scenarios located in Dagger Forest).
Treasure: None (needs confirmation)
Reward: 10g (collective)

56, Bandit’s Wood – Complete scenario 55
Treasure: Random Item Design
Reward: 10g each, +2 reputation, retirement.

57, Investigation – Unlocked from “Vengeance” personal quest (complete 4 scenarios in Gloomhaven City).
Treasure: Splint Mail, Random Item Design
Reward: +1 reputation

58, Bloody Shack – Complete scenario 57
Treasure: None
Reward: +2 reputation, retirement

59, Forgotten Grove – Unlocked from “Finding the Cure” personal quest (kill 8 forest imps)
Treasure: None
Reward: None

60, Alchemy Lab – Complete scenario 59
Treasure: None
Reward: +1 prosperity, retirement

61, Fading Lookout – Unlocked from “Fall of Man” personal quest (complete 2 scenarios in Lingering Swamp)
Treasure: None
Reward: None

62, Pit of Souls – Complete scenario 61
Treasure: Random Item Design
Reward: 10XP each, retirement

Random Side Scenarios (63-71)

These scenarios are unlocked whenever you’re rewarded with a “Random Side Scenario.” The unlock is random, but only scenarios you haven’t unlocked already will be eligible. Random Side Scenarios are awarded as treasure in the following scenarios: 1+, 8, 17+, 21, 24+, 49

You also get a random side scenario whenever you would unlock a class that you’ve already unlocked, so it is possible to unlock all of these.

63, Magma Pit
Treasure: Magma Waders
Reward: 15g each

64, Underwater Lagoon – Requires 43 to be complete in addition to unlocking as a random side scenario
Treasure: Wave Crest
Reward: 10XP each

65, Sulfur Mine
Treasure: None
Reward: Ancient Drill Design

66, Clockwork Cove
Treasure: 10g, Rocket Boots Design
Reward: None

67, Arcane Library
Treasure: 10XP
Reward: Power Core

68, Toxic Moor
Treasure: Weighted Net
Reward: 2 major healing potions

69, Well of the Unfortunate
Treasure: None
Reward: 15g each

70, Chained Isle
Treasure: Hooked Chain
Reward: +2 prosperity

71, Windswept Highlands
Treasure: None
Reward: 2 Major Power Potions

Event Side Scenarios (72-83)

The remaining side scenarios are mostly unlocked from events. Some of these events are only added after retiring or unlocking specific characters – this will be mentioned in the descriptions. The number after an event refers to their physical card number in the board game for reference – this is not accessible in game.

72, Oozing Grove – Retire at least 1 character and reach wealth level 4
Treasure: None
Reward: +1 reputation, +1 prosperity

73, Rockslide Ridge – Complete scenario 72 and reach wealth level 6
Treasure: None
Reward: +1 reputation

74, Wrecked Ship – Reach 20 reputation which will add a new city event (76). In this event a merchant will ask you for assistance – accept their proposal
Treasure: Random Item Design
Reward: 10g each, +1 prosperity

Note: This scenario is significantly modified from the original “Merchant Vessel” scenario in the board game. I believe the rewards are the same, however

75, Overgrown Graveyard – Reach -20 reputation, which will add a new city event (77). In this event a man named Nick will have a proposition for you. Accept it to unlock this scenario.
Treasure: Random item Design
Reward: 60g each

76, Harrower Hive – In a city event, an urchin will challenge your bravery. Accept to unlock this scenario. Note: this event does not have a board game equivalent.
Treasure: 20g
Reward: None

77, Vault of Secrets – Complete scenario 73 and reach wealth level 7
Treasure: None
Reward: 5XP each

78, Sacrifice Pit – Unlock the Eclispe class, which adds a new city event (34). In this event, you will see a shady man in an alleyway. Choose to trail him while you have eclipse in your party. If you choose to confront the man, this scenario will be permanently unavailable.
Treasure: None
Reward: +3 reputation

79, Lost Temple – A road event (10) will have you fall into a pit. Choose to explore it, which will add a new city event (71). In that event, your sphere will wonder off – do NOT follow it into the water to add another city event (72). In that event, a smelly bandit will ask you to follow him. Accept the proposal.
Treasure: Heart of the Betrayer
Reward: 15g each

80, Vigil Keep – Retire the spears class to add a road event (49). In that events, armored guards will ask about your allegiance – any answer will unlock this scenario
Treasure: None
Reward: 10XP each

81, Temple of the Eclipse – In a city event (17), a Savaas will offer you a single coin for some goods. Accept the deal to unlock this scenario (demanding more money will make it permanently unavailable).
Treasure: Helix Ring
Reward: 10XP each

82, Burning Mountain – In a road event (24) an Inox will warn you about a burning mountain. Either option will unlock this scenario.
Treasure: Helm of the Mountain, Mountain Hammer – you will be given the option to sacrifice one of these items or escape with both
Reward: +1 reputation (if an artifact is sacrificed), -1 reputation/-2 prosperity (if both artifacts are taken). Currently bugged and both options will result in the bad reward.

83, Shadows Within – Unlock the Sun class to add a city event (31). In this event, a woman will ask you to save her daughter from the Ravens. Agree to her request, otherwise this scenario will be permanently unavailable.
Treasure: None
Rewards: 40g (collective)

Event Side Scenarios (84-95)

84, Crystalline Cave – In a road event (11), you will have to escape an earthquake. Choose the option to take cover while you have a Cragheart, Spellweaver, Triangles class, or Circles class in the party, which will add a city event (73) to the deck. In *that* event, choose the option to investigate the tremors in the university (choosing to do nothing will make this permanently unavailable).
Treasure: Random Item Design
Reward: Resonant Crystal, +1 prosperity

85, Sun Temple – Retire the Sun class to add a road event (48). In this event, Sun Demons will ask where your Sun class character went. Tell them where to find her (yes, you seriously have to betray her. If you don’t this scenario will be permanently unavailable) to add a new road event (61). In *that* road event, the sun demons will have her captive – free her to unlock the scenario.
Treasure: None
Reward: Orb of Dawn

86, Harried Village – Retire a Mindthief to add a city event (47). In that event, the mindthief will ask a guard for help investigating the water being poisoned. Ignore her (yep, you have to ignore ol’ ratty otherwise this will be permanently unavailable), which adds another city event (63) to the deck. In *that* event, agree to help a guard investigate poisoned water.
Treasure: None
Reward: +2 reputation

87, Corrupted Cover – As above, except agree to help the Mindthief. Alternatively, complete scenario 86.
Treasure: Random Item Design
Reward: +1 reputation, +1 prosperity

88, Plane of Water – Retire the Circles class to add a road event (50). In the event, you will come across a staff on the road – take it to add a city event (68). In *that* event the staff will start leaking water, don’t throw it away (otherwise this will be permanently unavailable) to unlock this scenario.
Treasure: 1 perk point, 1 perk point
Reward: Staff of Summoning

89, Syndicate Hideout – Retire the Eclipse class to add a road event (51). In this event, a town guard will ask questions about Eclipse. Rat out Eclipse (you may be noticing a theme here where we screw over our retired mercs…) to add another city event (64). In that event, Eclipse will murder some syndicate members. Listen to what he has to say to unlock this scenario.
Treasure: Trap, trap, Orb of Twilight
Reward: 50g (collective)

90, Demonic Rift – Retire a Spellweaver to add a road event (44). In this event, demons will be fighting an unknown traveler, help them instead of sneaking away to unlock this scenario.
Treasure: Random Item Design
Reward: Black Censor

91, Wild Melee – Retire the Phoenix class to add a city event (58). In this event, a man will be rambling about a vermling with a staff that shoots lightning. Hear him out to unlock this scenario (otherwise this will be permanently unavailable).
Treasure: None
Reward: 2 perk points each

92, Back Alley Brawl – Retire the Saws class to add a city event (56). In this event, Saw will ask you what he should do in life. Tell him to follow his dreams, which will add another city event (66). In that event, Saw will have racked up a bunch of debt, choose to help him escape town to add *another* city event (67). In *that* event, some thugs will demand payment for the debts – refuse to unlock this scenario. Geez.
Treasure: None
Reward: 10g each, -3 reputation

93, Sunken Vessel – In a city event (8), a merchant will offer to sell you a treasure map. Agree to buy it (requires 10 gold, event will go back into the random event pool if you don’t have enough) to unlock this scenario.
Treasure: Doomed Compass
Reward: 10XP each

94, Vermling Nest – Complete scenario 21 or 36, which will add a city event (78). A man will ask you to investigate Vermling attacks – pick either option to unlock this scenario.
Treasure: None
Reward: None

95, Payment Due – Complete scenario 94
Treasure: None
Reward: Skull of Hatred

Personal Quest Help

A few personal quests care about visiting certain location or defeating specific enemies. This section lists scenarios that qualify for those quests.


  • Dagger Forest – Scenario 3, 28, 29, 38, 43, 44, 48, 59, 81 and 91
  • Lingering Swamp – Scenario 19, 32, 45, 49, 61, 62, 68, and 79
  • Gloomhaven – Scenario 8, 11, 12, 18, 23, 26, 31, 35, 36, 50, 51, 52, 57, 58, 60, 77, 78, 83, 86, 88, 89, 92
  • Watcher Mountains – Scenario 9, 13, 63, 65, 73, 76, 80, 82, and 85
  • Copperneck Mountains – Scenario 7, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 33, 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, 46, 54, 55, 56, 66, and 84
  • Misty Sea – Scenario 17, 30, 37, 47, 64, 70, 74, and 93
  • Boss Scenarios – Scenario 2, 8, 9, 11, 12, 20, 21, 34, 35, 36, 46, 47, 48, 51, 77 and 80


  • Forest Imps – Scenario 7, 40, 48, 64, 67, 69, and 72
  • Vermlings – Scenario 9, 17, 18, 52, 63, 65, 69, 86, and 94
  • Ooze – Scenario 18, 26, 30, 52, 53, 60, 61, 64, 66, 72, 87, and 88
  • Spitting Drake – Scenario 13, 25, 34, 39, 43, 52, 60, and 71
  • Lurker – Scenario 30, 37, 47, 74, 86, 87, 88, and 93
  • Bandit/Cultist – Scenario 1, 2, 4, 5, 12, 19, 20, 22, 28, 39, 56, 74, 78, 83, 89, 91, and 92
  • Flame Demon – Scenario 5, 10, 21, 22, 27, 33, 35, 36, 40, 43, 61, 82, 84, 92, and 95
  • Frost Demon – Scenario 5, 14, 15, 21, 22, 27, 33, 35, 36, 39, 46, 54, 61, 84, 88, and 93
  • Wind Demon – Scenario 4, 15, 16, 21, 22, 27, 33, 35, 36, 42, 46, 50, 70, 71, and 90
  • Earth Demon – Scenario 4, 7, 10, 16, 21, 22, 27, 33, 35, 36, 48, 50, 58, 82, 84, 90, 92, and 95
  • Night Demon – Scenario 5, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 31, 42, 46, 50, 70, 76, 80, 85, and 90
  • Sun Demon – Scenario 10, 21, 27, 28, 50, 71, 80, and 85

Thanks to Mechalibur for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.

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