Space engineers русификатор сценариев

Жанр: space sandbox Платформы: PC Разработчик: Keen Software House Издатель: Keen Software House Дата выхода: 23 октября 2013 года   Spoiler ...
  • gnwp1987

    gnwp1987 · Опубликовано: только что

    не сочти за по…б, но можно чутка реальности? Что там за перетягивание? кого видим? Это про африканское турне Лаврова? Эритрея и кто там еще.

    Ну и разговоры о выгодности нелепы, репутация страны немного того как бы. за год так и не созданы никакие альтернативные западу боже мой альянсы. с бриксом вроде разик позумили и все.

  • Freeman665

  • Dusker

  • legusor

    legusor · Опубликовано: 7 минут назад

    Интересно только, как до сих пор со всеми “вражескими” странами торговля идёт полным ходом, в т.ч. и ураном, а у прямого врага не пострадали ни одна трубокачка и подъездные пути для транспортировки оружия…

    Вы представьте: разгар второй мировой — Сталинградские сражения, блокада Ленинграда, прочие ужасные и трагические события, а Сталин с Гитлером друг к другу в гости летают, по телефончику в дружеских беседах созваниваются и торговлю ведут, а потом обратно — каждый к себе — и дают отмашку своим пропагандистам месить каждый другого по всем информационным фронтам. Не представляется, потому что невозможное.

    Сегодня же сплошь подмена понятий, двойные стандарты, искажение реальной картины вещей и сути событий — дебилизация холопов для отъема бабла и выполнение плана по тягловой повинности под популистские бравады с обещанием в рай, в общем.

    Как же забавляет фантасмагорический чуланный микрокарлик, вернее, его PR-обслуга с этим экзальтированным ватным бредом травмированного обиженного рибёначка, у которого отобрали родную омерику.

    В квитанциях ЖКХ каждый месяц пролетарии всё сильнее замечают, что санкции с треском провалились, вернее, что паханы за счет тяглового быдла издержки компенсируют более наглыми способами.

    Вся эта движуха с пиратизацией ПО направлена лишь на то, чтобы за ворованное у “запада” платить налог родному царю и денежку в магазин, но свой, духовный. Очередной способ стрижки тяглового сословия для компенсации издержек от действий “коллективного запада”.

    А уж про то, что архистратиг с братвой сидят под глобальным проектом, не обладая и милиграммом суверенитета, и говорить нечего, иначе бы профицитный триллион бюджета 2022 за полгода не превращался в дефицитные 3 триллиона. На этот год вообще 5 трлн. дефицита по плану, вот и думайте.

  • gnwp1987

    gnwp1987 · Опубликовано: 10 минут назад

    Вот я не понимаю узколобости энного процента людей.

    Вот ладно бы власть захватила военная хунта в лице националистов, и кричала русскиевпередрусскиевперед. Затопчим гнусный запад и прочая гойда.  тогда еще понятен одобрительный вой десятилетиями угнетенных имперцев, которым нет жития без величия.

    Но про это кричат те, кто строил свое будущее на их берегах. Которые как колонию использовали РФ для личного обогащения. Сынок того же димочки где сознательную жизнь провел? Лишь стечение обстоятельств заставило их переобуться и пересесть в продукцию автоваза ( или нет)

    русский этнос всё-таки мечта для любого политикана. какие только эксперименты не проводи.

  • SatirDog

    SatirDog · Опубликовано: 11 минут назад

    @Dusker Серьезно, опять срачь хочешь развести, ну не повезло тебе с врачами такое бывает, но обобщать не надо, везде есть свои плюсы и минусы, тебе видимо не везёт но это не значит что везде так.

  • Dusker

    Dusker · Опубликовано: 11 минут назад

    Договора и соглашения не работают. В этом проблема. Они работают только внутри страны, потому что есть кому следить за их выполнением. Договора на межнациональном уровне, основаны на доверии, потому что в случае обмана, нету “Судьи, приставов,прокуров,полиции”, которые призовут нарушителя к ответственности.

  • shingo3

  • ARXanykey

    ARXanykey · Опубликовано: 14 минут назад

    Увы нет, по моему это так не работает, все как в мире животных, кто сильней тот и прав. РФ будет соблюдать, а потом хозяин скажет фу фас это враг. И все как всегда, будет не от соблюдения зависеть договоров, а от коньюктуры.

    Как тоже знакомый один… ну заморозили в РФ активы теперь никто в бакс вкладывать не будет, ага счаз. А то что Ирана активы заморозили и РФ как будто забыло об этом, так это другое понимать надо :-)

    И возвращаясь к своему любимому прогнозированию, будущее еще не наступило, война будет долгой и кровавой.

    Еще не известно чем закончится, карибским кризисом 2.0 ?


    Читал мнение, админы самого рутрекера постарались… ведь при попытке входа не пишет стандартное сайт не доступен по тому что заблокирован, а просто сброс соединения, поэтому тока через впн.

  • MaxysT

    MaxysT · Опубликовано: 14 минут назад

    @Dusker какая жесть. Пользовался ОМС, пока не стало лень ждать (и финансы начали позволять). Ребёнок вожу в обычную детскую поликлинику (был грешок, каждого специалиста в 1й год потом дублем проверял по платным центрам). В детцентры теперь только за прививками/вакцинами, когда в поликлиники не хватает.

    И всё же занимательно, что все уехавшие знакомые первым делом отмечают “охереть комуналка/налоги” и “сдохнуть дешевле, чем к врачу попасть”

Обновлено: 30.01.2023

Stellaris / Стелларис | Strategium

Игорь Видар

Игорь Видар запись закреплена

Подскажите , в чем проблема ?
Объявил войну соседу, захватил несколько систем , хотел было двигаться дальше , а тут вдруг » для выбранной флотилии отсутствует маршрут в данную систему » эти системы рядом с захваченными. Что за бред ?

Влад Столярчук

Влад Столярчук

Туда есть гиперкоридор из захваченных? И если да, то есть ли в захваченных системах незахваченные планеты, помеченные магнитиком? Если да, то их нужно захватить.

Игорь Видар

Xeno Morph

Вероятность 99%, что FTL Inhibitor. Штука, которая автоматически ставиться на базы и планеты при определенных условиях и препятствует пролету через систему, пока не зхватишь базу или не разбомбишь планету. Помечается на галактической карте значком магнитика.

Игорь Видар

Xeno, т.е нужно захватить все планеты в захваченных мною системах , чтобы лететь дальше ? Оо. Ну базы то я развалил сразу , понятное дело

Xeno Morph

Игорь, Планеты нужно захватить или разбомбить. Ингибитор отключается при определенном уровне опустошения.

Колесников Антон

Игорь Видар

Xeno, хм , вроде все захватил .. странно , эта штука вроде вставится на базы как раз таки , а не на планеты , сам такие ставлю на базы )

Xeno Morph

Игорь, Она ставиться на планеты, если там построены цитадели. Это как раз один из способов блокировать проход ботам, строим хабитат и застраиваем его цитаделями, гораздо надежней, чем просто базу воткнуть.

Игорь Видар

Xeno Morph

Игорь, Можно просто разбомбить, ингибитор отключается при 50%+ опустошении.

Игорь Видар

Дмитрий Кораблин

Дмитрий Кораблин ответил Игорю

К тому моменту, как бот активно цитадели строит, как правило уже есть прыжковый двигатель. Прыгаем дальше и выносим всё остальное.

Игорь Видар

Xeno Morph

Игорь, Прыжковый двигатель позволяет прыгать по системам минуя гиперкоридоры, просто выделяя нужную систему и вжух мы уже там. Проверь, есть ли у тебя такой.

Дмитрий Кораблин

Дмитрий Кораблин ответил Игорю

Игорь, проверь свои корабли на наличие прыжкового двигателя. Тут внимательно, на прыжковый двигатель автоапгрейд не распространяется, то есть гипердвигатель-3 на него сам не заменится, поменяй ручками. Далее, чтобы им воспользоваться, у всех кораблей во флотилии прыжковый двигатель должен быть. Чтобы им воспользоваться, в меню флотилии есть кнопочка (стрелочка такая закруглённая), нажимаешь её, выбираешь систему в пределах радиуса прыжка, через 14 игровых дней ты там.

Stellaris / Стелларис | Strategium

Павел Ботнар

Павел Ботнар запись закреплена

Что значит “для выбранной флотилии отсутствует маршрут в данную систему” когда я не могу прилететь в ближайшую систему через один коридор, а флот сука облетает пол галактики

Александр Павлов

Александр Павлов

Может из за того что в системе подавитель полетов и возвращение только туда откуда пришел?

Stellaris / Стелларис | Strategium

Игнатий Ворошилов

Игнатий Ворошилов запись закреплена

Роман Мищук

Зелёный символ означает что в системе блокиратор гиперкоридовров
А если ты попал в систему на прямом гиперпрыжке, то вообще с нее выбраться не сможешь пока не захватишь ее или из войны не выйдешь, ну или на таком же прыжке.

После попадания во вражескую систему флот перестает двигаться, он атакует врагов, которые приближаются к нему, но при это сам может только отступить. Кто нибудь сталкивался с таким?

После перехода во вражескую систему флоту требуется некоторое время, чтобы «охладить двигаетли» поэтому он определённое время просто будет висеть, а по поводу атаки врагов- там есть окошко тактики- либо атаковать всех, либо атаковать только тех, кто близко, либо сваливать при виде врага

Вроде как если во вражеской системе есть военная станция, то она притягивает к себе флот (он появляется не с краю системы, а в месте расположения станции) и накладывает определенный штраф (вокруг корабля красное свечение). В течение нескольких дней корабли не могут атаковать и двигаться.

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  • Space engineers русификатор сценариев

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Welcome… to Sunset Valley

The Lost Colony scenario is one of the a default scenarios in Space Engineers, created by community member Smokki (Mikko Saarijärvi) for Keen. It features a non-linear narrative that the player(s) can follow to discover the secrets of the world. A maximum of 4 people can play this exploration scenario in online mode. The total playtime (including exploring, gathering, mining, refining, assembling, and welding) is around 12-16 hours (solo).

Should I play it?

There is no handholding for beginners, but the mission steps and objective locations are clearly marked. This exploration-focused scenario expects players to be able to drive rovers, avoid defensive systems, manage an inventory, and repair (weld) grids. Own creative building is allowed but not required. It could be played in a group of four with mixed experience levels.


Contact has been lost with a remote colony and its your job to find out what happened. With up to four players, embark on an exciting journey through caves and mysterious underground bunkers, while exploring the valley and its history by reading data pads (96 pieces) left behind by the colonists. Data pads and loot can be found in the lockers and containers all around the map.

Tips and minor spoilers

Close-up of AGI’s Sunset Valley town (Source: Smokki)

It is useful to grind down every container after you loot it in order to know which one you have already searched. Gather and use the loot to repair and fuel the main objective.

Also, leave every door open after you search a room, to know where you’ve been already, or else you will loose track of places really fast. Especially inside safe zones where you cannot leave any other marker.

Your ammunition is limited, and it is your only way of disabling turrets and interior turrets guarding certain areas.

You can explore at your own pace. After arriving at the first location marked on your first datapad (the old prospector camp) it is recommended to next head for the Sunset valley safezone, as the numerous datapads found there will help you get oriented, locate ore deposits and caves, and mark the direction of further progress for the player.

Plot: Warning! Spoilers Ahead!

The player arrives on the planet after a distress call by an Argonaut Industries (AGI) liaison Hiroko Zhang was received from the Sunset Valley colony, housing 60 colonists. After finding the prospector camp empty and no sign of Zhang, the player starts exploring the nearby town, finding numerous sections on emergency lockdown and the nuclear reactor and communications tower sabotaged.

Using the equipment found at the surrounding locations and mines, the player repairs the reactor, while slowly discovering the city-wide corruption and the fate of every colonist from data pad entries along the way. Apparently every citizen slowly started to experience memory loss and eventally lost their sense of preforming basic routines such as eating.

After the players repair the reactor, the lockdown is lifted, finally granting the players access to the Zhang residence and the morgue. A data pad reveals the location of a hidden R.O.S. comm bunker and eventually two other R.O.S. facilities.

It is revealed that decades before the start of the story, Sunset Valley was inhabited by the Results Oriented Sciences (R.O.S.) faction who built numerous bunkers and research facilites in the valley. They discovered a cavern containing an unknown fungus that eventually broke free, resulting in a complete lockdown of the research facility. At the same time, the R.O.S. fleet was defeated by an unknown opposing faction (possibly AGI?) and due to the surface bombardment, most facilities became buried under rubble and were forgotten, with the final survivors succumbing to the fungus in the buried research facility.

Years later, AGI built a colony in the valley, using an old bunker as the sewer system for their main settlement. However, the Zhangs were secretly tasked with locating the old R.O.S. facilities to track down a «biological agent», eventually repeating history. The fungus started spreading in the colony again, at first leading to people disappearing and dying by themselves. When panic erupted, the colonists destroyed all radio equipment and sabotaged the reactor in an attempt to contain the fungus in the valley and use the reactors radiation to destroy it. Sadly, everyone got infected and eventually died. One distress call however made it through, prompting the player to discover the truth about the colony’s fate.

The final datapad that can be found contains the last words of R.O.S. Scientist Dr Saarijarvi:

«If anyone finds this, I hope the journey was worth it. But I must ask you: Whoever you are, were you even ordered to go as far as to opening this place? Or did you forget your orders along the way?

If so, I’m sorry to tell you that this is the end for you, as it was for me. Maybe you will go on a bit longer and try to find something more to do, but eventually you will find a nice cozy place to take a break and become one with the valley.

Dr Saarijarvi signing off.»

Finding this message means you have solved the mystery.

Locations, loot and vehicles:


  • Sunset Valley: the central location of the scenario, a town consisting of multiple buildings, surrounded by a safe zone. The facilities found within:

    Sunset valley bunkers map

    • The Powerplant: sabotaged by the colonists, one of the player’s objective is to repair the reactor core.
      • To restore the core: The player needs to repair the pump system (O2 generator) and supply it with Ice (around 3,000) to gain access to the reactor core room. Thereafter the reactor itself has to be repaired. Intructions on how to start up the core can be found in the lockers at the reactor controll room. Around 60 reactor components and a few superconductors can be found in the powerplant facility.
    • Freddie’s Nightclub: One of the entrances to the town sewers can be found in there. After fixing the broken storage door in the basement, you can find 1 superconductor, 4 reactor components, 2 Platinum ingots, 200 gold ore and a rapid fire rifle.
    • Apartments: Apartment «C», C — locker 3, 1 Zone Chip!
    • Saref’s Fine Dining
    • Zhang residence
    • Argonaut Industries Services
    • Contract Office: The player can take up 3 contracts, for finding 6 medical components, 5 zone chips, and finishing building the Kozlow’s Hydrogen facility.
    • Archie’s Pawn Shop: 120 magnesium powder, 205 iron ingots,
    • Water treatment and sewers: Entrance to the bunker system below Sunshine Valley. 3 datapads, 70 gold ore, 2 uranium ore, 10 reactor components, 120 iron ingots,
  • Old Prospector Camp: The first location to explore after starting the scenario. Location: X: -32781.78, Y: 35313.03, Z: 38829.25
  • Troll Base: the cave entrance is under the small bridge (get it, trolls live under bridges, hahaha….) with one interior turret guarding the entrance of the bunker. 1 Precise rifle with 3 mags, 200 Iron ore, 80 Silver ore, 20 cobalt ore and 8 reactor components.
  • AGI Silver Reserve: you can find the datapad containing the location of this site in one of the appartment lockers in Sunset Valley. You will need this silver reserve to build reactor components to restart the reactor. There are two interior turrets guarding the mine.
  • Weaver Family Barn: 500 gravel, 1 rifle ammo, 1 datapad, 3 explosives, 500 space credits
  • Billy’s Smelter: 147 Iron ingots, 1 medkit, 1 datapad, 1 rifle and 2 magazines, 5 metal grids. In the cave there is an interior turret guarding 165 Silver Ore and 50 Silver Ingots.
  • Vasquez Silicon Mining LTD: 400 gravel, 610 Silicon ore,
  • Vaughn brothers facility map

    Vaughn Brothers (Fe, Ni, Co): There is a turret guarding the outside of the facility. The ATV-8A-SV2 can be found in the upper tunnels. 20 gold ore, 30 silver ingots, 2500 space credits, 12 reactor components, 2 datapads.
  • Vaughn Brothers house: 1 turret, 4 reactor, elite rifle
  • Large Bridge
  • Small Bridge: the troll base can be found under it
  • Buried Bunker: found at the bottom level of the Vasquez Brothers (Fe, Ni, Co) mine. 2 Turrets are guarding the loot inside. 2 missiles, 200 Fe ore, 100 magnesium ore, 2 superconductors, 80 platinum ore, 2 Uranium ore, 30 Gold ore, 20 silver ingot, 2 kg uranium, 10 gold ingots.
  • Archie’s Loot Cave: 206 Silver ore, 80 Gold ore, level 2 grinder, 4 Gold Ingots, 6 Silver ingots
  • Burried Crate Cave: 4 reactor components, 2 explosives, 1 ammo container and 2 missiles
  • Burried Med Supply Cave: 6 Medical components
  • Freddie’s Treasure Cave: 2 interior turrets are guarding the entrance of the bunker. 1 datapad, 4500 credits, 2 superconductors, 8 reactor components, a Lv 3 Drill, 20 Silver ingots, 35 Gold ingots, 2 missiles, 1 zone chip
  • Gerado Acosta Cave
  • Vasquez Stuff Cave: 4 kg Uranium ingots, 12 explosives and 30 reactor components
  • Vaughn Brothers Vault Cave: hidden ladder, 2 turrets, 5kg uranium ingot, 30 reactor comp, 2 superconductors, 1 zone chip, 2 pt ingots, 40 silver and 20 gold ingots, elite rifle, 5000 space credits
  • Deep Cave: 1 explosives, 210 Si ore, 25 Cobalt ore, 120 Nickel Ore, 2 missiles, 50 Gold ore, 2 Pt ingots, 1 datapad, level 2 Drill, 40 Cobalt ingots. There are 2 interior turrets in the cave, one on the ceiling of the last loot room and one in the middle cave.
  • Mg Cave
  • Ice Cave: space credits, 1,000 Ice, klang cola
  • Communication Tower: (turret) 1 superconductor, 2 datapads, 1 elite welder, 6 radio comm equipment
  • Construction Site A1: located at Kozlow’s hydrogen, you can accept a contract to finish building this facility at the contractor office in Sunset Valley town.
  • Cobb Family Farm: 1 datapad, 1 canvas, 3 power cells. 1 skeleton can be found near the silo.
  • Hahn Family Farm: 1 Datapad, PV-4-2 vehicle, 2 motors
  • Holloway Farm
  • Weaver Family Farm: 1 datapad, 2 gold ingots
  • Freddie’s Mansion: (interior turret guarding the gold colored, custom PV-4 vehicle in the garage) Precise rifle and 2 mags, 670 space credits, 2 Silver ingots, 8 Gold ingots
  • Kaufmann Medicals
  • Klang Cola Company
  • Kozlow’s Hydrogen: 140 ice, 120 space credits, 20 cobalt ingots, 1 datapad.
  • Possible Bunker
  • R.O.S. Command Bunker
  • R.O.S Containment Facility: There is a turret guarding the entrance and 3 other turrets in the facility. 200 Ice, 16 platinum ingots, 1 zone chip, 2 superconductors, 4 reactor components, 85 uranium ore, 100 Platinum ore and 30 uranium ingots.
  • Sinkhole Bunker
  • Leroy’s Small Bunker

    ROS Research Facility map

  • ROS Research Facility: The final location to be found. The biggest hidden location in the game with the best loot found. There are over 10 of interior turrets guarding the corridors, making it a real challenge to explore alone. 5 datapads, 562 uranium ore, 535 platinum ore, 1 Zone Chip, 1 elite welder, 2 elite drills, 10 uranium ingots, 40 gold ingots, 10 thruster components, 7 superconductors, 20 gold ore.


  • AGI Rescue Rover (ATV-8X-1): an 8 wheel vehicle with 2 additional seats. If playing solo, it’s recommended choosing this vehicle out of the two spawn vehicles. Goes around 20m/s and is hard to flip. Contains a survival kit.
  • AGI Support Rover (ATV-4X-1): a 4 wheel vehicle, one of the two spawn vehicles.
  • ATV-4-SV1
  • ATV-4-SV2
  • ATV-8A-SV1
  • ATV-8A-SV2: can be found at Vasquez Brothers (Fe, Ni, Co). Equipped with two drills and cargo containers.
  • ATV-8B-SV1
  • ATV-8B-SV2: located at the Vasquez Silicon Mining LTD, Equipped with two drills and cargo containers.
  • ATV-8C-SV1: An eight wheel vehicle with a gatling turret. Can be found in the AIS garage.
  • ATV-8D-SV1: an eight wheel vehicle identical to the AGI Rescue Rover.
  • Freddie’s Custom PV-4: a nimble PV-4 with gold plated parts, found in Freddie’s Mansion garage.
  • Police-PV-4 1: located at the communications tower
  • Police-PV-4 2: located at the Hahn family farm.
  • PV-4-SV1
  • PV-4-SV2
  • PV-4-SV3
  • PV-4-SV4
  • PV-4-SV5
  • PV-6-SV1: found at the Weaver Family Farm.
  • PV-6-SV2
  • Vaughn’s Custom PV-4: a nimble PV-4 with kevlar plated parts, found at the Vaughn Brothers house.


The Lost Colony Scenario is based on Smokki’s Carcosa Valley Colony scenario. The colony’s vehicles can be found in Smokki’s workshop as well.

Welcome… to Sunset Valley

The Lost Colony scenario is one of the a default scenarios in Space Engineers, created by community member Smokki (Mikko Saarijärvi) for Keen. It features a non-linear narrative that the player(s) can follow to discover the secrets of the world. A maximum of 4 people can play this exploration scenario in online mode. The total playtime (including exploring, gathering, mining, refining, assembling, and welding) is around 12-16 hours (solo).

Should I play it?

There is no handholding for beginners, but the mission steps and objective locations are clearly marked. This exploration-focused scenario expects players to be able to drive rovers, avoid defensive systems, manage an inventory, and repair (weld) grids. Own creative building is allowed but not required. It could be played in a group of four with mixed experience levels.


Contact has been lost with a remote colony and its your job to find out what happened. With up to four players, embark on an exciting journey through caves and mysterious underground bunkers, while exploring the valley and its history by reading data pads (96 pieces) left behind by the colonists. Data pads and loot can be found in the lockers and containers all around the map.

Tips and minor spoilers

Close-up of AGI’s Sunset Valley town (Source: Smokki)

It is useful to grind down every container after you loot it in order to know which one you have already searched. Gather and use the loot to repair and fuel the main objective.

Also, leave every door open after you search a room, to know where you’ve been already, or else you will loose track of places really fast. Especially inside safe zones where you cannot leave any other marker.

Your ammunition is limited, and it is your only way of disabling turrets and interior turrets guarding certain areas.

You can explore at your own pace. After arriving at the first location marked on your first datapad (the old prospector camp) it is recommended to next head for the Sunset valley safezone, as the numerous datapads found there will help you get oriented, locate ore deposits and caves, and mark the direction of further progress for the player.

Plot: Warning! Spoilers Ahead!

The player arrives on the planet after a distress call by an Argonaut Industries (AGI) liaison Hiroko Zhang was received from the Sunset Valley colony, housing 60 colonists. After finding the prospector camp empty and no sign of Zhang, the player starts exploring the nearby town, finding numerous sections on emergency lockdown and the nuclear reactor and communications tower sabotaged.

Using the equipment found at the surrounding locations and mines, the player repairs the reactor, while slowly discovering the city-wide corruption and the fate of every colonist from data pad entries along the way. Apparently every citizen slowly started to experience memory loss and eventally lost their sense of preforming basic routines such as eating.

After the players repair the reactor, the lockdown is lifted, finally granting the players access to the Zhang residence and the morgue. A data pad reveals the location of a hidden R.O.S. comm bunker and eventually two other R.O.S. facilities.

It is revealed that decades before the start of the story, Sunset Valley was inhabited by the Results Oriented Sciences (R.O.S.) faction who built numerous bunkers and research facilites in the valley. They discovered a cavern containing an unknown fungus that eventually broke free, resulting in a complete lockdown of the research facility. At the same time, the R.O.S. fleet was defeated by an unknown opposing faction (possibly AGI?) and due to the surface bombardment, most facilities became buried under rubble and were forgotten, with the final survivors succumbing to the fungus in the buried research facility.

Years later, AGI built a colony in the valley, using an old bunker as the sewer system for their main settlement. However, the Zhangs were secretly tasked with locating the old R.O.S. facilities to track down a «biological agent», eventually repeating history. The fungus started spreading in the colony again, at first leading to people disappearing and dying by themselves. When panic erupted, the colonists destroyed all radio equipment and sabotaged the reactor in an attempt to contain the fungus in the valley and use the reactors radiation to destroy it. Sadly, everyone got infected and eventually died. One distress call however made it through, prompting the player to discover the truth about the colony’s fate.

The final datapad that can be found contains the last words of R.O.S. Scientist Dr Saarijarvi:

«If anyone finds this, I hope the journey was worth it. But I must ask you: Whoever you are, were you even ordered to go as far as to opening this place? Or did you forget your orders along the way?

If so, I’m sorry to tell you that this is the end for you, as it was for me. Maybe you will go on a bit longer and try to find something more to do, but eventually you will find a nice cozy place to take a break and become one with the valley.

Dr Saarijarvi signing off.»

Finding this message means you have solved the mystery.

Locations, loot and vehicles:


  • Sunset Valley: the central location of the scenario, a town consisting of multiple buildings, surrounded by a safe zone. The facilities found within:

    Sunset valley bunkers map

    • The Powerplant: sabotaged by the colonists, one of the player’s objective is to repair the reactor core.
      • To restore the core: The player needs to repair the pump system (O2 generator) and supply it with Ice (around 3,000) to gain access to the reactor core room. Thereafter the reactor itself has to be repaired. Intructions on how to start up the core can be found in the lockers at the reactor controll room. Around 60 reactor components and a few superconductors can be found in the powerplant facility.
    • Freddie’s Nightclub: One of the entrances to the town sewers can be found in there. After fixing the broken storage door in the basement, you can find 1 superconductor, 4 reactor components, 2 Platinum ingots, 200 gold ore and a rapid fire rifle.
    • Apartments: Apartment «C», C — locker 3, 1 Zone Chip!
    • Saref’s Fine Dining
    • Zhang residence
    • Argonaut Industries Services
    • Contract Office: The player can take up 3 contracts, for finding 6 medical components, 5 zone chips, and finishing building the Kozlow’s Hydrogen facility.
    • Archie’s Pawn Shop: 120 magnesium powder, 205 iron ingots,
    • Water treatment and sewers: Entrance to the bunker system below Sunshine Valley. 3 datapads, 70 gold ore, 2 uranium ore, 10 reactor components, 120 iron ingots,
  • Old Prospector Camp: The first location to explore after starting the scenario. Location: X: -32781.78, Y: 35313.03, Z: 38829.25
  • Troll Base: the cave entrance is under the small bridge (get it, trolls live under bridges, hahaha….) with one interior turret guarding the entrance of the bunker. 1 Precise rifle with 3 mags, 200 Iron ore, 80 Silver ore, 20 cobalt ore and 8 reactor components.
  • AGI Silver Reserve: you can find the datapad containing the location of this site in one of the appartment lockers in Sunset Valley. You will need this silver reserve to build reactor components to restart the reactor. There are two interior turrets guarding the mine.
  • Weaver Family Barn: 500 gravel, 1 rifle ammo, 1 datapad, 3 explosives, 500 space credits
  • Billy’s Smelter: 147 Iron ingots, 1 medkit, 1 datapad, 1 rifle and 2 magazines, 5 metal grids. In the cave there is an interior turret guarding 165 Silver Ore and 50 Silver Ingots.
  • Vasquez Silicon Mining LTD: 400 gravel, 610 Silicon ore,
  • Vaughn brothers facility map

    Vaughn Brothers (Fe, Ni, Co): There is a turret guarding the outside of the facility. The ATV-8A-SV2 can be found in the upper tunnels. 20 gold ore, 30 silver ingots, 2500 space credits, 12 reactor components, 2 datapads.
  • Vaughn Brothers house: 1 turret, 4 reactor, elite rifle
  • Large Bridge
  • Small Bridge: the troll base can be found under it
  • Buried Bunker: found at the bottom level of the Vasquez Brothers (Fe, Ni, Co) mine. 2 Turrets are guarding the loot inside. 2 missiles, 200 Fe ore, 100 magnesium ore, 2 superconductors, 80 platinum ore, 2 Uranium ore, 30 Gold ore, 20 silver ingot, 2 kg uranium, 10 gold ingots.
  • Archie’s Loot Cave: 206 Silver ore, 80 Gold ore, level 2 grinder, 4 Gold Ingots, 6 Silver ingots
  • Burried Crate Cave: 4 reactor components, 2 explosives, 1 ammo container and 2 missiles
  • Burried Med Supply Cave: 6 Medical components
  • Freddie’s Treasure Cave: 2 interior turrets are guarding the entrance of the bunker. 1 datapad, 4500 credits, 2 superconductors, 8 reactor components, a Lv 3 Drill, 20 Silver ingots, 35 Gold ingots, 2 missiles, 1 zone chip
  • Gerado Acosta Cave
  • Vasquez Stuff Cave: 4 kg Uranium ingots, 12 explosives and 30 reactor components
  • Vaughn Brothers Vault Cave: hidden ladder, 2 turrets, 5kg uranium ingot, 30 reactor comp, 2 superconductors, 1 zone chip, 2 pt ingots, 40 silver and 20 gold ingots, elite rifle, 5000 space credits
  • Deep Cave: 1 explosives, 210 Si ore, 25 Cobalt ore, 120 Nickel Ore, 2 missiles, 50 Gold ore, 2 Pt ingots, 1 datapad, level 2 Drill, 40 Cobalt ingots. There are 2 interior turrets in the cave, one on the ceiling of the last loot room and one in the middle cave.
  • Mg Cave
  • Ice Cave: space credits, 1,000 Ice, klang cola
  • Communication Tower: (turret) 1 superconductor, 2 datapads, 1 elite welder, 6 radio comm equipment
  • Construction Site A1: located at Kozlow’s hydrogen, you can accept a contract to finish building this facility at the contractor office in Sunset Valley town.
  • Cobb Family Farm: 1 datapad, 1 canvas, 3 power cells. 1 skeleton can be found near the silo.
  • Hahn Family Farm: 1 Datapad, PV-4-2 vehicle, 2 motors
  • Holloway Farm
  • Weaver Family Farm: 1 datapad, 2 gold ingots
  • Freddie’s Mansion: (interior turret guarding the gold colored, custom PV-4 vehicle in the garage) Precise rifle and 2 mags, 670 space credits, 2 Silver ingots, 8 Gold ingots
  • Kaufmann Medicals
  • Klang Cola Company
  • Kozlow’s Hydrogen: 140 ice, 120 space credits, 20 cobalt ingots, 1 datapad.
  • Possible Bunker
  • R.O.S. Command Bunker
  • R.O.S Containment Facility: There is a turret guarding the entrance and 3 other turrets in the facility. 200 Ice, 16 platinum ingots, 1 zone chip, 2 superconductors, 4 reactor components, 85 uranium ore, 100 Platinum ore and 30 uranium ingots.
  • Sinkhole Bunker
  • Leroy’s Small Bunker

    ROS Research Facility map

  • ROS Research Facility: The final location to be found. The biggest hidden location in the game with the best loot found. There are over 10 of interior turrets guarding the corridors, making it a real challenge to explore alone. 5 datapads, 562 uranium ore, 535 platinum ore, 1 Zone Chip, 1 elite welder, 2 elite drills, 10 uranium ingots, 40 gold ingots, 10 thruster components, 7 superconductors, 20 gold ore.


  • AGI Rescue Rover (ATV-8X-1): an 8 wheel vehicle with 2 additional seats. If playing solo, it’s recommended choosing this vehicle out of the two spawn vehicles. Goes around 20m/s and is hard to flip. Contains a survival kit.
  • AGI Support Rover (ATV-4X-1): a 4 wheel vehicle, one of the two spawn vehicles.
  • ATV-4-SV1
  • ATV-4-SV2
  • ATV-8A-SV1
  • ATV-8A-SV2: can be found at Vasquez Brothers (Fe, Ni, Co). Equipped with two drills and cargo containers.
  • ATV-8B-SV1
  • ATV-8B-SV2: located at the Vasquez Silicon Mining LTD, Equipped with two drills and cargo containers.
  • ATV-8C-SV1: An eight wheel vehicle with a gatling turret. Can be found in the AIS garage.
  • ATV-8D-SV1: an eight wheel vehicle identical to the AGI Rescue Rover.
  • Freddie’s Custom PV-4: a nimble PV-4 with gold plated parts, found in Freddie’s Mansion garage.
  • Police-PV-4 1: located at the communications tower
  • Police-PV-4 2: located at the Hahn family farm.
  • PV-4-SV1
  • PV-4-SV2
  • PV-4-SV3
  • PV-4-SV4
  • PV-4-SV5
  • PV-6-SV1: found at the Weaver Family Farm.
  • PV-6-SV2
  • Vaughn’s Custom PV-4: a nimble PV-4 with kevlar plated parts, found at the Vaughn Brothers house.


The Lost Colony Scenario is based on Smokki’s Carcosa Valley Colony scenario. The colony’s vehicles can be found in Smokki’s workshop as well.

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