Праздники — это особые события долины Стардью, которые проводятся жителями по несколько раз за сезон. О дате проведения можно узнать в календаре, прочитать в письме (обычно приходит за день до праздника) или во всплывающем окне, непосредственно перед началом праздника.
Посещение праздников абсолютно не обязательно. Само по себе посещение праздника никак не влияет на дружбу игрока с персонажами. Начиная с версии 1.4 разговоры с жителями во время праздников влияют на отношения с ними так же, как разговоры в обычный день. Исключение составляет Луау, где можно заработать дополнительные очки дружбы со всеми жителями сразу.
Вам не понадобится кормить животных на ферме, так как игра будет считать их уже покормленными (исключение – Ночной рынок).
Закрытые магазины
Если праздник начинается раньше 19:00 (все праздники, кроме Дня всех духов и Танца полуночных медуз), то дома и магазины в долине будут закрыты. Канализация, клуб и баня остаются открыты вопреки этому правилу. Исключением является Ночной рынок: во время его проведения все магазины работают по расписанию, а время на празднике не останавливается и продолжает идти.
Дома и магазины остаются закрытыми на весь день, даже если вы не посещаете праздник.
Яичный фестиваль
Яичный фестиваль проводится в 13 день весны. Чтобы в нем участвовать, нужно зайти в город Пеликан с 9:00 до 14:00. Когда праздник закончится, вы вернётесь на ферму в 22:00.
Местные жители и вы принимаете участие в охоте за яйцами, игре, в которой за 50 секунд реального времени необходимо найти спрятанные на территории города яйца. Для победы необходимо собрать 9 и более яиц, иначе победит Абигейл. Всего на карте 27 яиц. Охота начинается после разговора с мэром. За первую победу вы получите в награду соломенную шляпу, за все последующие — 1000.
Цветочные танцы
Цветочные танцы проходят в 24 день весны. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти в Лес с 9:00 до 14:00. Когда праздник закончится, вы вернётесь на ферму в 22:00.
Танцы проходят далеко в западной части леса, южнее башни волшебника. Попасть туда можно по мосту и только во время Цветочных танцев.
На празднике вы можете станцевать с кем-то из брачных персонажей игры. Пригласить на танец кого-либо из них можно только в случае, если у вас с ним более 4 сердец дружбы, и необходимо до начала танцев дважды с ним поговорить. Однако после вступления в брак вы также можете танцевать с другими людьми. Ваши супруга/супруг тоже могут танцевать с кем-то ещё. Совместный танец увеличивает дружбу на одно сердечко (250 очков).
Луау проходит в 11 день лета. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти на пляж с 9:00 до 14:00. Когда праздник закончится, вы вернётесь на ферму в 22:00.
Это летний праздник, во время которого все жители собираются на пляже для того, чтобы приготовить суп из принесённых ими ингредиентов. В город Пеликан приезжает Губернатор Долины Стардью, и мэр Льюис не хочет упасть перед ним лицом, поэтому просит вас принести свой самый лучший продукт. Это единственный праздник в году, участие в котором может повлиять на отношение к вам других жителей города, в зависимости от ингредиента, который вы добавите.
Танец полуночных медуз
Танец полуночных медуз проходит в 28 день лета. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти на пляж с 22:00 до 00:00. Когда праздник закончится, вы вернётесь на ферму в 00:00.
На празднике жители города собираются на пристани, чтобы посмотреть на мигрирующих медуз, которых привлекает лодка со свечами, зажженными мэром Льюисом. Если вы еще не починили мост на пляже, во время фестиваля он временно будет целым, и вы сможете пройти к приливным бассейнам и поговорить с находящимися там персонажами.
Ниже домика Вилли можно увидеть редкую зелёную медузу, которую хочет увидеть Винсент.
Ярмарка долины Стардью
Ярмарка проводится в 16 день осени. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти в город Пеликан с 9:00 до 15:00. Когда праздник закончится, вы вернётесь на ферму в 00:00.
К северу от магазина Пьера у фонтана Гас готовит «Бургеры для выживания», и вы можете поесть их бесплатно.
В день ярмарки город посещают туристы и приезжие торговцы развлечениями. Кроме того, проводится выставка, на которой мэр Льюис оставил для вас свободный лоток и заранее предупредил о том, что он будет оценивать лотки. Вы можете выставить свои лучшие товары и получить звёздные жетоны. Вам потребуется принести с собой 9 предметов.
День всех духов
День всех духов проводится в 27 день осени. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти в город Пеликан с 22:00 до 23:50. Когда праздник закончится, вы вернётесь на ферму в 00:00.
Этот праздник — аналог Хэллоуина. На городской площади можно поговорить с жителями города и понаблюдать за скелетами в клетке. В городе говорят, что этих скелетов создал Волшебник. На площадке с фонтаном расположен лабиринт, главное событие праздника. Если пройти его, можно получить золотую тыкву.
Ледовый праздник
Ледовый праздник проводится в 8 день зимы. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти в Лес с 9:00 до 14:00. Когда праздник закончится, вы вернётесь на ферму в 22:00.
Во время этого праздника жители собираются южнее Ранчо Марни, чтобы погулять и полепить снеговиков. Кроме того, проводится рыболовное соревнование. Для победы нужно выловить минимум 5 рыб. В первый год в награду вы получите крючок с бородкой, украшенный спиннер, магнит и бескозырку. В последующие годы вы получите денежный приз в размере 2000.
Ночной рынок
Ночной рынок проводится с 15 по 17 день зимы. Проводится он на пляже и работает с 17:00 до 02:00, однако зайти и осмотреть его вы можете в любое время.
На ночном рынке можно найти торговцев, русалок и подводную лодку, погрузившись на которой, вы сможете выловить несколько новых рыб. В отличие от остальных праздников, в дни Ночного рынка дома и магазины в долине открыты, а время не останавливается, пока вы находитесь на пляже.
Пир Зимней звезды
Пир Зимней звезды проводится в 25 день зимы. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти в город Пеликан с 9:00 до 14:00. Когда праздник закончится, вы вернётесь на ферму в 22:00.
Главное событие праздника работает как игра «секретный Санта». За неделю (18-ый день зимы) мэр Льюис присылает вам письмо с именем случайного жителя, которому вы должны будете подарить подарок. О том, кто приготовил подарок для вас, вы узнаете только на празднике.
Праздники | |
Весна | Яичный фестиваль • Цветочные танцы |
Лето | Луау • Танец полуночных медуз |
Осень | Ярмарка долины Стардью • День всех духов |
Зима | Ледовый праздник • Ночной рынок • Пир Зимней звезды |
Праздники — это особые события в Stardew Valley. В каждое время года проходит по два праздника. Перед каждым праздником мэр Льюис присылает вам письмо с его описанием. Посещение праздников необязательно. В день праздника, когда он начнется, в левом нижнем углу экрана появится уведомление. Во время праздников время останавливается, и вы можете провести на них столько времени, сколько захотите. После праздника вы окажетесь на своей ферме ночью того же дня.
В день праздника животных не нужно кормить; игра по умолчанию считает, что они уже поели.
Посещение праздников абсолютно не обязательно. Само по себе посещение праздника никак не влияет на дружбу игрока с персонажами (однако на них вполне можно узнать что-то новое). Разговор с ними не дает игроку очков дружбы, а игнорирование — не отнимает. Однако на некоторых праздниках (вроде Луау) есть занятия, участие в которых может заработать для игрока очки дружбы.
Закрытые магазины
- Основная страница: Режимы работы магазинов
Все здания в долине Стардью закрыты в дни праздников, если этот праздник начинается раньше 19:00 (т.е. во все праздничные дни, кроме Дня всех духов и Танца полуночных медуз). Канализация, клуб и баня не закрываются и открыты всегда.
Если не ходить на праздник, некоторые дома и магазины откроются, когда время посещения праздника истечет (обычно после 14:00 или 15:00).
Яичный фестиваль
- Основная страница: Яичный фестиваль
Яичный фестиваль проходит 13 числа весны. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти в город Пеликан с 9:00 до 14:00. Когда праздник закончится, вы появитесь на ферме в 22:00.
Главная часть праздника — это охота за яйцами, где вы и другие участники ищут маленькие крашеные яйца, спрятанные на территории города. Охота за яйцами начинается после разговора с мэром Льюисом. Вы должны собрать 9 крашеных яиц за 50 секунд реального времени. Если у вас не получится, то победит Абигейл. Если победите вы, то получите соломенную шляпу в награду. Если в прошлом году или раньше вы уже побеждали, вы получите 1000 з..
На входе в город установлен киоск, где вы можете купить декоративного плюшевого кролика и семена клубники (если посадите их той же ночью, успеете собрать с кустов клубники урожай дважды до начала лета).
Праздник заканчивается, когда мэр Льюис объявляет победителя охоты за яйцами.
Цветочные танцы
- Основная страница: Цветочные танцы
Цветочные танцы проходят 24 числа весны. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти в лес Синдерсэп с 9:00 до 14:00. Когда праздник закончится, вы появитесь на ферме в 22:00.
Танцы проходят далеко в западной части леса, южнее башни волшебника. Попасть туда можно по мосту и только во время Цветочных танцев.
В киоске продаются нарциссы, одуванчики, цветочный бочонок и редкое пугало №5.
На празднике вы можете танцевать с кем-то из холостяков или холостячек. Нужно поговорить с ним/ней дважды и пригласить на танец, но вы получите отказ, если у вас с ним/ней меньше четырех сердечек дружбы. Можно поговорить и с другими персонажами, однако пригласить на танец их нельзя.
Совместный танец увеличит дружбу на одно сердечко (250 очков).
Танцы начнутся, когда вы поговорите с Льюисом. После танцев праздник заканчивается.
Смотрите видео Цветочных танцев.
- Основная страница: Луау
Луау проходит 11 числа лета. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти на пляж с 9:00 до 14:00. Когда праздник закончится, вы появитесь на ферме в 22:00.
На Луау Пьер будет продавать тропическую пальму, наклейки «джунгли», потолочные листья, простой факел, тотем и плод карамболы.
Главная часть праздника — это общий суп. Каждый житель города приносит для него ингредиенты, а губернатор пробует и оценивает суп. Дегустация супа начинается после разговора с мэром Льюисом.
Поведение губернатора и мэра Льюиса во время дегустации зависит от того, что вы положите в суп. В результате расположение к вам всех жителей города увеличится или уменьшится.
Праздник заканчивается, когда губернатор пробует суп.
Танец полуночных медуз
- Основная страница: Танец полуночных медуз
Танец полуночных медуз проходит 28 числа лета. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти на пляж с 22:00 до 00:00. Когда праздник закончится, вы появитесь на ферме в 00:00.
На празднике ничего не продается.
На празднике жители города собираются на пристани, чтобы посмотреть на мигрирующих медуз, которых привлекает лодка со свечами, зажженными мэром Льюисом. Медузы появятся после разговора с Льюисом.
После наблюдения за медузами праздник заканчивается.
Ярмарка долины Стардью
- Основная страница: Ярмарка долины Стардью
Ярмарка долины Стардью проходит 16 числа осени. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти в город Пеликан с 9:00 до 15:00. Когда праздник закончится, вы появитесь на ферме в 22:00.
На ярмарке можно поиграть в игры и получить звездные жетоны, которые в свою очередь можно обменять на призы в палатке у выхода на автобусную остановку.
На ярмарке также проводится выставка, на которой мэр Льюис оставил для вас свободный лоток. На лотке вы можете выставить всё, что произвели на ферме, и получить звездные жетоны. Поговорите с мэром Льюисом, чтобы он оценил все лотки. После оценки выставленные вещи можно забрать, они не возвращаются в инвентарь автоматически.
Но ярмарке можно бесплатно поесть «Бургеров для выживания», которые готовит Гас к северу от магазина Пьера.
Праздник заканчивается, если уйти из города.
День всех духов
- Основная страница: День всех духов
День всех духов проходит 27 числа осени. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти в город Пеликан с 22:00 до 23:50. Когда праздник закончится, вы появитесь на ферме в 00:00.
Главная составляющая праздника — лабиринт, в котором можно найти золотую тыкву. В киоске Пьера можно приобрести праздничные вещи, в том числе Редкое пугало №2, фонарь из тыквы и рецепт его изготовления.
Вход в лабиринт расположен чуть выше киоска Пьера. Там несколько тупиков, но он довольно простой. Время на празднике останавливается, так что вы можете бродить, сколько захотите. В левом верхнем углу лабиринта и слева от вывески с вопросительным знаком нужно пройти прямо через живую изгородь, а потом через пещеру к сундуку с золотой тыквой.
Праздник заканчивается, если уйти из города.
Посмотрите видео Дня всех духов.
Ледовый праздник
- Основная страница: Ледовый праздник
Ледовый праздник проходит 8 числа зимы. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти в лес Синдерсэп с 9:00 до 14:00. Когда праздник закончится, вы появитесь на ферме в 22:00.
На празднике можно полюбоваться на ледовые скульптуры и иглу. Кроме того, вы можете поучаствовать в соревновании по подлeдному лову, где вашими соперниками будут Пэм, Вилли и Эллиот. Чтобы выиграть, надо выловить минимум пять рыб. В первый раз в награду вы получите три рыболовные снасти и бескозырку. В последующие годы вы получите денежный приз в размере 2000 з..
Праздник заканчивается, когда мэр Льюис объявляет победителя соревнования по подлeдному лову.
Ночной рынок
- Основная страница: Ночной рынок
Ночной рынок проходит 15—17 числа зимы на пляже. На ночном рынке можно найти торговцев, русалок и подводную лодку, погрузившись на которой, вы сможете выловить несколько новых рыб.
В отличие от остальных праздников, в день ночного рынка дома и магазины в долине открыты, а время не останавливается, пока вы на пляже.
Пир Зимней звезды
- Основная страница: Пир Зимней звезды
Пир Зимней звезды проходит 25 числа зимы. Чтобы участвовать, нужно зайти в город Пеликан с 9:00 до 14:00. Когда праздник закончится, вы появитесь на ферме в 22:00.
Главное событие праздника — тайный обмен подарками. Вам сделает подарок случайно выбранный житель города, и вам в свою очередь нужно будет сделать подарок случайно выбранному жителю. Мэр Льюис пришлет вам письмо с именем вашего «тайного друга» за неделю до праздника. О том, кто приготовил подарок для вас, вы узнаете только на празднике.
Праздник заканчивается, если уйти из города.
- Во время праздников время снаружи на ферме и в зданиях на ферме идет с разной скоростью. Это заметнее всего, если у игрока есть сарай/хлев/птичник с бочонками или кадками, одна из которых стоит снаружи, чтобы легко видеть, когда закончится производство. Кадка или бочонок снаружи закончат производство раньше, чем автоматы внутри.
- В мобильной версии игры заходя в киоск во время Яичного фестиваля, Цветочных танцев, Ярмарки долины Стардью и Дня всех духов постоянно меню киоска не закрывается. Для исправления бага надо зажать палец на экране и навести на киоск.
Праздники | |
Весна | Яичный фестиваль • Цветочные танцы |
Лето | Луау • Танец полуночных медуз |
Осень | Ярмарка долины Стардью • День всех духов |
Зима | Ледовый праздник • Ночной рынок • Пир Зимней звезды |
Осень — третье время года для игрока. За осенью следует зима, ей предшествует лето. Осенью можно вырастить одни из самых ценных культур в игре.
- 1 События
- 1.1 Праздники
- 1.2 Дни рождения
- 2 Культуры
- 2.1 Один урожай
- 2.2 Несколько урожаев
- 3 Собирательство
- 4 Рыба
- Основная статья: Культуры
Эти культуры можно выращивать осенью. Обратите внимание, что показана цена семян в магазине Пьера, если не указано иное. Максимум урожаев за сезон указан без использования удобрений.
Семена артишока доступны со второго года.
Один урожай
Культура | Цена семян | Дней роста |
Максимум урожаев за сезон |
Цена продажи | Прибыль/сутки |
7 | 3 | ≈ |
8 | 3 | ||||
10 | 2 | ||||
4 | 6 | ||||
8 | 3 | ||||
4 | Осень: 6 Лето и осень: 13 |
Оазис: |
6 | 4 | ≈ |
12 | 2 | ||||
Странствующий торговец: |
24 | 1 | ≈ |
13 | 2 | ≈ |
Несколько урожаев
Обратите внимание, что каждый куст клюквы производит 2 ягоды при сборе.
Культура | Цена семян | Дней роста |
Повторное созревание |
Максимум урожаев за сезон |
Цена продажи | Прибыль/сутки (AVG) |
5 дней | 5 дней | 5 | ≈ |
10 дней | 3 дня | 6 | ||||
7 дней | 5 дней | 5 | ≈ |
14 дней | 4 дня | Осень 4 Лето и осень: 11 |
Только осень: ≈ Лето и осень: ≈ |
- Основная статья: Собирательство
Осенью можно найти и собрать следующие растения:
Вид | Название | Описание | Находится в | Прибыль | Восстанавливает | Используется в | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Черная слива | Терпкая, сочная, ароматная. | Город Пеликан |
Фундук | Какой огромный фундук! | Город Пеликан |
Ежевика | Угощение ранней осени. | Город Пеликан Везде на кустах в сезон ежевики (8-11 осени) |
Лисичка | Вкусный гриб с фруктовым ароматом и слегка острым вкусом. | Тайный лес |
Шампиньон | Хорошая текстура, вкус с ореховыми нотками. | Город Пеликан Тайный лес |
Красный гриб | Пятнистый гриб, растущий в пещерах. | Шахта Тайный лес Грибное дерево |
- Основная статья: Рыба
Некоторые виды рыбы можно поймать только в определенные сезоны. Ниже перечислена рыба, которую можно поймать осенью.
Примечание: в рецептах с тегом «любая рыба» может быть использована любая рыба (т.е., Сашими,
Высококачественное удобрение).
Изображение | Название | Описание | Цена | Локация | Время | Сезон | Погода | Используется в |
Анчоус | Маленькая серебристая океанская рыбка. | Океан | Любое время | Весна, Осень | Любая | ||
Сардина | Распространенная океанская рыба. | Океан | 6:00 – 19:00 | Весна, Осень, Зима | Любая |
Малоротый окунь | Пресноводная рыба, очень чувствительная к загрязнению воды. | Река в городе, лесной пруд | Любое время | Весна, Осень | Любая | ||
Лосось | Плывет на нерест против течения. | Река (Город+лес) | 6:00 — 19:00 | Осень | Любая | |
Желтый судак | Пресноводная рыба, овится ночью. | Река (Город+лес), лесной пруд, горное озеро | 12:00 — 2:00 | Осень | |
Сом | Редкая речная рыба. | Река (Город+Лес) В пруду Тайного леса |
Любое время | Весна, Осень, (Лето в пруду Тайного леса) | |
Угорь | Длинная, скользкая рыба. | Океан | 16:00 – 2:00 | Весна, Осень | |
Берикс | Известная рыбка красивого красного цвета. | Океан | 6:00 — 19:00 | Лето, Осень, Зима | |
Морской огурец | Скользкое и склизкое существо, живущее на дне океана. | Океан | 6:00 — 19:00 | Осень, Зима | Любая |
Чудо-огурец | Редкая фиолетовая разновидность морского огурца. | Океан | 18:00 — 2:00 | Лето, Осень | Любая |
Тигровая форель | Редкий гибрид, который не может размножаться самостоятельно. | Река (Город+лес) | 6:00 — 19:00 | Осень, Зима | Любая |
Тиляпия | Преимущественно травоядная рыба, предпочитающая теплую воду. | Океан | 6:00 — 14:00 | Лето, Осень | Любая |
Альбакор | Предпочитает температурные «границы», где теплая вода смешивается с холодной. | Океан | 6:00 — 11:00 18:00 — 2:00 |
Осень, Зима | Любая | ||
Шэд | Живет косяками в море, но возвращается в реки на нерест. | Река (Город+лес) | 9:00 — 2:00 | Весна, Лето, Осень | |
Морской черт | Приманивает жертву биолюминесцентным отростком. | Встаньте в центре деревянного мостика, который севернее ДжоджаМарта и забросьте удочку максимально на север. Лучше клюет, если встать ещё севернее этого мостика на левом берегу у деревянной ограды и удить. | Любое время | Осень | Любая |
Времена года | |
Времена года | Весна • Лето • Осень • Зима |
Festivals are special events in Stardew Valley. Mayor Lewis will send the player a letter in advance of each festival, describing when and where it will take place. On the day of the festival, a pop-up on left-hand side of the screen will let the player know when the festival has begun. If they choose to attend a festival (other than the Night Market), upon leaving they will be returned to The Farm late at night.
If it is a festival day other than the Night Market, animals do not need to be fed; the game will automatically consider them fed.
Attendance at festivals is entirely optional. Speaking to villagers at festivals will increase friendship points, the same as any other day. Some festivals can have special effects on friendship, such as increasing friendship with every known villager, or increased friendship for gifting.
In a multiplayer game, every player who is present needs to enter the festival area to proceed (except for the Night Market). The same goes for leaving it, if it doesn’t end automatically. Generally only the host can initiate further events.
Shop Closures
- Main article: Shop Schedules
All buildings and homes in Stardew Valley are «locked» on all festival days where the festival begins before 7pm (i.e., all festivals other than Spirit’s Eve and Dance of the Moonlight Jellies). The Sewers, Community Center, Movie Theater, and Spa will remain open. The exception to this rule is the Night Market, where homes and shops are open, and time continues to pass during the festival. These buildings remain locked all day, even if the player does not attend the festival.
Egg Festival
- Main article: Egg Festival
The Egg Festival takes place on the 13th of every Spring. The player enters the festival by entering Pelican Town Square between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.
The featured attraction of the Egg Festival is the Egg Hunt. The player and some other villagers search for small colored eggs hidden around Pelican Town. The Egg Hunt starts by talking to Mayor Lewis. The player must gather 9 colored eggs (in 50 seconds, real time), or else Abigail will win. (In multiplayer games, less than 9 eggs are required to win.) If they win, they will receive a Straw Hat as a reward the first year they win, and 1,000g afterwards.
There is a booth set up where the player can purchase a decorative Lawn Flamingo, Plush Bunny, Seasonal Plants, and Strawberry Seeds. (Planting the strawberry seeds on or before Spring 16, will allow the player to harvest Strawberries two times before Summer).
The festival ends after Mayor Lewis announces the winner of the Egg Hunt.
Flower Dance
- Main article: Flower Dance
The Flower Dance event takes place on the 24th of every Spring. The player enters the dance by entering Cindersap Forest between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.
The dance takes place in the far west of the forest, across the bridge that is south of the Wizard’s Tower. This area is accessible only during the Flower Dance.
There is a booth set up where the player can purchase a Dandelion, Daffodil, Tub o’ Flowers, Seasonal Decor, Seasonal Plants, and Rarecrow #5.
During this festival, the player can dance with one of the bachelors or bachelorettes, or another player in multiplayer. They must talk to them (twice) and invite them to dance, but they will refuse unless the player has at least four hearts of friendship with them. The player can talk to the other villagers and they will have event-related dialogue.
Dancing will increase friendship with their partner by 1 heart (250 points). The dance begins after talking to Lewis. The festival ends after the dance is performed.
- Main article: Luau
The Luau takes place on the 11th of every Summer. The player attends the Luau by entering The Beach between 9am and 2pm. When the Luau ends, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.
A central feature of the Luau is the potluck soup. Villagers bring different ingredients to prepare this soup for the Governor, who tastes and judges it. The soup-tasting begins by talking to Mayor Lewis.
Depending upon the type and quality of the ingredients the player supplies for the soup, there will be different reactions from the Governor and Mayor Lewis. The outcome may increase or reduce friendship points with all villagers.
The Luau ends automatically after the Governor tastes the soup.
Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
- Main article: Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
The Dance of the Moonlight Jellies takes place on the 28th of every Summer. The player enters the festival by entering The Beach between 10pm and 12am. When the festival ends, they will be returned to The Farm at 12am.
During the festival, villagers gather at the docks to watch migrating jellyfish who are attracted to the light of a torch that Mayor Lewis lights. Talk to Mayor Lewis to begin the festival.
The festival ends automatically after watching the jellyfish.
Stardew Valley Fair
- Main article: Stardew Valley Fair
The Stardew Valley Fair takes place on the 16th of Fall every year. The player enters the fair by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 3pm. When they leave the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm
There are several games where the player can gain Star Tokens, a currency that can be exchanged for prizes at the Shop near the entrance to the Bus Stop.
The Fair also has a Grange Display contest where the player can show the products of the farm and gain Star Tokens. Talking to Mayor Lewis after completing the Grange Display initiates the judging process. Once the items have been judged the player is notified and can return to Mayor Lewis to collect the results. Items displayed in the Grange Display are returned, but not automatically. If a player forgets to collect the items, they can be found in the lost and found box in the Mayor’s Manor.
During the Fair, the player can eat Survival Burgers cooked by Gus north of Pierre’s General Store for free.
The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.
Spirit’s Eve
- Main article: Spirit’s Eve
The Spirit’s Eve festival takes place on the 27th of Fall every year. The player enters the festival by entering Pelican Town between 10pm and 11:50pm. When they leave the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 12am.
The festival features a maze where it is possible to obtain the Golden Pumpkin. Pierre has a shopping booth where the player can purchase festive items including a Rarecrow, Jack-O-Lantern, and the Jack-O-Lantern recipe.
The maze is located to the north of Pierre’s festive shop. The maze has few dead ends and progresses in a nearly linear fashion. There is no time limit to complete the maze. Towards the end of the maze, in the northwest corner of the map, walk through a block of hedges to the left of a wooden sign with a question mark. Once through, go north through an open cavern and continue east to get to the Golden Pumpkin.
The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.
Festival of Ice
- Main article: Festival of Ice
The Festival of Ice takes place on the 8th of every Winter. The player enters the festival by entering Cindersap Forest between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, the player will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.
At the festival there are ice sculptures and igloos set up as well as a small shop selling festive decorations. There’s also an Ice Fishing Contest the player can take part in along with Pam, Willy, and Elliott. The player wins if they catch at least five fish. Players are automatically provided with a fishing rod for the duration of the competition. The first win earns the player two tackles, 1 Magnet bait, and a Sailor’s Cap. Subsequent years earn the player 2,000g.
The festival ends after Lewis announces the winner of the Ice Fishing contest.
Night Market
- Main article: Night Market
The Night Market takes place during Winter 15-17, on the beach, from 5pm-2am. The festival features shops, a mermaid show, and a deep-sea fishing submarine where the player can catch unique fish.
Unlike other festivals, shops and homes throughout Stardew Valley are not closed on the days of the Night Market, and time continues to pass during the festival.
Feast of the Winter Star
- Main article: Feast of the Winter Star
The Feast of the Winter Star takes place on the 25th of every Winter. The player attends the festival by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 2pm. When they leave the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.
The main event of the Feast of the Winter Star is secret gift-giving. A random villager will be selected to give the player a gift, and they are assigned a random villager to give a gift to. A week beforehand, on the 18th, Mayor Lewis will send a letter telling the player who their gift recipient is. At the festival, talking to their gift recipient will pop up their inventory to decide gift to give. Upon giving a gift, the recipient will give a response and player’s gift-receiving cutscene occurs, where they will find out who is giving them a gift at the festival.
The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.
- 1.3.27: Added Night Market.
- 1.4: Talking to villagers during festivals now gives friendship points. Time no longer passes differently inside farm buildings than outside on the farm.
Festivals | |
Spring | Egg Festival • Flower Dance |
Summer | Luau • Dance of the Moonlight Jellies |
Fall | Stardew Valley Fair • Spirit’s Eve |
Winter | Festival of Ice • Night Market • Feast of the Winter Star |
Festivals are special events in Stardew Valley. Mayor Lewis will send the player a letter in advance of each festival, describing when and where it will take place. On the day of the festival, a pop-up on left-hand side of the screen will let the player know when the festival has begun. If they choose to attend a festival (other than the Night Market), upon leaving they will be returned to The Farm late at night.
If it is a festival day other than the Night Market, animals do not need to be fed; the game will automatically consider them fed.
Attendance at festivals is entirely optional. Speaking to villagers at festivals will increase friendship points, the same as any other day. Some festivals can have special effects on friendship, such as increasing friendship with every known villager, or increased friendship for gifting.
In a multiplayer game, every player who is present needs to enter the festival area to proceed (except for the Night Market). The same goes for leaving it, if it doesn’t end automatically. Generally only the host can initiate further events.
Shop Closures
- Main article: Shop Schedules
All buildings and homes in Stardew Valley are «locked» on all festival days where the festival begins before 7pm (i.e., all festivals other than Spirit’s Eve and Dance of the Moonlight Jellies). The Sewers, Community Center, Movie Theater, and Spa will remain open. The exception to this rule is the Night Market, where homes and shops are open, and time continues to pass during the festival. These buildings remain locked all day, even if the player does not attend the festival.
Egg Festival
- Main article: Egg Festival
The Egg Festival takes place on the 13th of every Spring. The player enters the festival by entering Pelican Town Square between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.
The featured attraction of the Egg Festival is the Egg Hunt. The player and some other villagers search for small colored eggs hidden around Pelican Town. The Egg Hunt starts by talking to Mayor Lewis. The player must gather 9 colored eggs (in 50 seconds, real time), or else Abigail will win. (In multiplayer games, less than 9 eggs are required to win.) If they win, they will receive a Straw Hat as a reward the first year they win, and 1,000g afterwards.
There is a booth set up where the player can purchase a decorative Lawn Flamingo, Plush Bunny, Seasonal Plants, and Strawberry Seeds. (Planting the strawberry seeds on or before Spring 16, will allow the player to harvest Strawberries two times before Summer).
The festival ends after Mayor Lewis announces the winner of the Egg Hunt.
Flower Dance
- Main article: Flower Dance
The Flower Dance event takes place on the 24th of every Spring. The player enters the dance by entering Cindersap Forest between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.
The dance takes place in the far west of the forest, across the bridge that is south of the Wizard’s Tower. This area is accessible only during the Flower Dance.
There is a booth set up where the player can purchase a Dandelion, Daffodil, Tub o’ Flowers, Seasonal Decor, Seasonal Plants, and Rarecrow #5.
During this festival, the player can dance with one of the bachelors or bachelorettes, or another player in multiplayer. They must talk to them (twice) and invite them to dance, but they will refuse unless the player has at least four hearts of friendship with them. The player can talk to the other villagers and they will have event-related dialogue.
Dancing will increase friendship with their partner by 1 heart (250 points). The dance begins after talking to Lewis. The festival ends after the dance is performed.
- Main article: Luau
The Luau takes place on the 11th of every Summer. The player attends the Luau by entering The Beach between 9am and 2pm. When the Luau ends, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.
A central feature of the Luau is the potluck soup. Villagers bring different ingredients to prepare this soup for the Governor, who tastes and judges it. The soup-tasting begins by talking to Mayor Lewis.
Depending upon the type and quality of the ingredients the player supplies for the soup, there will be different reactions from the Governor and Mayor Lewis. The outcome may increase or reduce friendship points with all villagers.
The Luau ends automatically after the Governor tastes the soup.
Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
- Main article: Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
The Dance of the Moonlight Jellies takes place on the 28th of every Summer. The player enters the festival by entering The Beach between 10pm and 12am. When the festival ends, they will be returned to The Farm at 12am.
During the festival, villagers gather at the docks to watch migrating jellyfish who are attracted to the light of a torch that Mayor Lewis lights. Talk to Mayor Lewis to begin the festival.
The festival ends automatically after watching the jellyfish.
Stardew Valley Fair
- Main article: Stardew Valley Fair
The Stardew Valley Fair takes place on the 16th of Fall every year. The player enters the fair by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 3pm. When they leave the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm
There are several games where the player can gain Star Tokens, a currency that can be exchanged for prizes at the Shop near the entrance to the Bus Stop.
The Fair also has a Grange Display contest where the player can show the products of the farm and gain Star Tokens. Talking to Mayor Lewis after completing the Grange Display initiates the judging process. Once the items have been judged the player is notified and can return to Mayor Lewis to collect the results. Items displayed in the Grange Display are returned, but not automatically. If a player forgets to collect the items, they can be found in the lost and found box in the Mayor’s Manor.
During the Fair, the player can eat Survival Burgers cooked by Gus north of Pierre’s General Store for free.
The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.
Spirit’s Eve
- Main article: Spirit’s Eve
The Spirit’s Eve festival takes place on the 27th of Fall every year. The player enters the festival by entering Pelican Town between 10pm and 11:50pm. When they leave the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 12am.
The festival features a maze where it is possible to obtain the Golden Pumpkin. Pierre has a shopping booth where the player can purchase festive items including a Rarecrow, Jack-O-Lantern, and the Jack-O-Lantern recipe.
The maze is located to the north of Pierre’s festive shop. The maze has few dead ends and progresses in a nearly linear fashion. There is no time limit to complete the maze. Towards the end of the maze, in the northwest corner of the map, walk through a block of hedges to the left of a wooden sign with a question mark. Once through, go north through an open cavern and continue east to get to the Golden Pumpkin.
The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.
Festival of Ice
- Main article: Festival of Ice
The Festival of Ice takes place on the 8th of every Winter. The player enters the festival by entering Cindersap Forest between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, the player will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.
At the festival there are ice sculptures and igloos set up as well as a small shop selling festive decorations. There’s also an Ice Fishing Contest the player can take part in along with Pam, Willy, and Elliott. The player wins if they catch at least five fish. Players are automatically provided with a fishing rod for the duration of the competition. The first win earns the player two tackles, 1 Magnet bait, and a Sailor’s Cap. Subsequent years earn the player 2,000g.
The festival ends after Lewis announces the winner of the Ice Fishing contest.
Night Market
- Main article: Night Market
The Night Market takes place during Winter 15-17, on the beach, from 5pm-2am. The festival features shops, a mermaid show, and a deep-sea fishing submarine where the player can catch unique fish.
Unlike other festivals, shops and homes throughout Stardew Valley are not closed on the days of the Night Market, and time continues to pass during the festival.
Feast of the Winter Star
- Main article: Feast of the Winter Star
The Feast of the Winter Star takes place on the 25th of every Winter. The player attends the festival by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 2pm. When they leave the festival, they will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.
The main event of the Feast of the Winter Star is secret gift-giving. A random villager will be selected to give the player a gift, and they are assigned a random villager to give a gift to. A week beforehand, on the 18th, Mayor Lewis will send a letter telling the player who their gift recipient is. At the festival, talking to their gift recipient will pop up their inventory to decide gift to give. Upon giving a gift, the recipient will give a response and player’s gift-receiving cutscene occurs, where they will find out who is giving them a gift at the festival.
The festival ends when the player leaves Pelican Town.
- 1.3.27: Added Night Market.
- 1.4: Talking to villagers during festivals now gives friendship points. Time no longer passes differently inside farm buildings than outside on the farm.
Festivals | |
Spring | Egg Festival • Flower Dance |
Summer | Luau • Dance of the Moonlight Jellies |
Fall | Stardew Valley Fair • Spirit’s Eve |
Winter | Festival of Ice • Night Market • Feast of the Winter Star |
- See also: Missable Events, Mature Events
Stardew Valley Expanded adds over 260 new events (except 10 events in cut content) to Stardew Valley, with more coming with each update. This page contains the requirements for each event with minimal spoilers.
For detailed information, check a character or topic’s main article link. For a list of events that can be missed during play, see Missable Events. For a full list of mature events with descriptions see Mature Events.
Marriage Candidates
Claire’s Events
1/5 Heart
Map | JojaMart |
Season | Spring or Summer |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must be in year 1. Player must have at least 50 friendship points with Claire. It is Tuesday or Saturday. |
2 Hearts
Map | Saloon |
Season | Any |
Time | 12:00pm — 10:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
4 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 11:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen Claire’s 2 heart event. |
6 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 11:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen Claire’s 4 heart event. |
8 Hearts
Map | Pierre’s Shop |
Season | Any |
Time | 11:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen Claire’s 6 heart event. |
10 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 8:00pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Claire’s 8 heart event. |
10 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Busstop |
Season | Any |
Time | 2:00pm — 6:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Claire’s 10 heart event and allowed a day to pass. |
12 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 8:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Claire’s 10 heart event and must be married to Claire. It must be day 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, or 11 of any season except winter. |
12 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 8:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen the part one of Claire’s 12 heart event and must be married to Claire. It must be Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. |
12 Hearts — Part 3
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen the part two of Claire’s 12 heart event and must be married to Claire. It must be Thursday. |
12 Hearts — Part 4
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen the part three of Claire’s 12 heart event and must be married to Claire. It must be Wednesday. |
14 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00AM — 7:00AM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has triggered part four of Claire’s 12 heart event and must be married to Claire. Must be a day between 1 and 13 of the season. Movie Theater is also open. |
14 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Bus Stop |
Season | Any |
Time | 3:00PM — 10:00PM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player is married to Claire and has seen her 14 heart part 1 event. Must be a day between 19 and 28 of the season. |
14 Hearts — Part 2.5
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player is married to Claire and has seen her 14 heart part 2 event. Must be a day between 7 and 19 of the season. |
14 Hearts — Part 3
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 4:00PM — 8:00PM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player is married to Claire and has seen her 14 heart part 2.5 event. Has received letter in the mail and Movie Theater is open. |
Out of Work
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 8:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | The player has completed the community center, but hasn’t completed the missing bundle. Player has at least 1 heart with Claire. Player has not seen part 1 of Claire’s 10 heart event. |
Lance’s Events
The First Slash Send Their Regards
Map | Caldera |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
0 Hearts — Lance The Combat Mage
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00AM — 10:00AM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has met Lance at the volcano caldera. Player has 1 free inventory slot. |
2 Hearts — Highland (Part 1)
Map | Adventurer’s Summit |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must seen Marlon’s Boat Part 3. |
2 Hearts — Monster Crops (Part 2)
Map | Highlands |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must seen part 1. |
2 Hearts — Fake Event (Part 3)
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must seen part 2. |
2 Hearts — Diamond Wand (Part 4)
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must seen part 3. |
4 Hearts — Blink Relic
Map | Island West |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 6:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must repair Island Farmhouse, Beach Resort, Dig Sites and met Lance at the volcano caldera and seen Swirl Stone event. |
6 Hearts — Monster Study
Map | Highland |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
8 Hearts — The First Slash
Map | Island West, Farm (not Grandpa’s Farm), Farmhouse (with Grandpa’s Farm) |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must repair Island Farmhouse and seen Lance 2 hearts event part 2.
With Farm and Farmhouse (Grandpa’s Farm), Player not seen event Island West. |
10 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 11:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must seen Lance 8 heart event with Island West. |
10 Hearts — Part 2 «Life On Fable Reef»
Map | Fable Reef |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 6:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must seen Lance 10 heart event part 1. |
10 Hearts — Player didn’t arrive in time
Map | Fable Reef |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:10pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must seen Lance 10 heart event part 1 and not seen part 2. |
12 Hearts — Part 1 «The Return Scepter»
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 8:00pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must married Lance and upgrade Farmhouse stage 3. |
12 Hearts — Part 2 «The Shadow Person In The Sewers»
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must married Lance. |
Magnus’ Events
The Basement
Map | The Wizard’s Basement |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
Sprite Spring
Map | The Wizard’s Tower |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has entered Sprite Spring. |
Wizard gives player access to his First Slash warp rune
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Lance 8 heart event. |
2 Hearts
Map | Cindersap Forest |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00AM — 6:00PM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 2 hearts with Magnus. |
4 Hearts
Map | The Wizard’s Tower |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has received the Magnus’ letter about the Shrine of Illusions, after reaching 4 hearts with him. |
6 Hearts
Map | Cindersap Forest |
Season | Spring, Summer, Fall |
Time | 9:00AM — 5:00PM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 6 hearts with Magnus. |
8 Hearts
Map | Wizard’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 8 hearts with Magnus. |
10 Hearts
Map | Cindersap Forest |
Season | Any |
Time | 1:30PM — 4:30PM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 10 hearts with Magnus and received his letter asking to meet in the forest. |
14 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00PM — 2:00AM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has 14 hearts with Magnus and has seen his 10 heart event. House on Ginger Island is repaired. |
14 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Island West |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00AM — 5:00PM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen part 1 of Magnus’ 14 heart event and has at least one free inventory slot. |
Olivia’s Events
2 Hearts
Map | Jenkins’ House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has not seen Victor’s 8 heart event |
4 hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 12:00pm — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 1 heart with Jodi and 1 heart with Caroline |
6 Hearts
Map | Olivia’s Cellar |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
8 Hearts
Map | Saloon |
Season | Any |
Time | 5:00pm — 11:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | The day of the week is Friday |
Beginning Romance
Map | Jenkins’ House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | The player has seen the letter Olivia sends after she and the player begin dating. |
10 Hearts
Map | Jenkins’ House |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00pm — 10:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have received the invitation to the party in the mail. Receiving this invitation requires 10 hearts with Olivia. |
12 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 8:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must be married to Olivia. It must be Tuesday. |
12 Heart — Missed Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 4:10pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must be married to Olivia. It must be Tuesday. The player did not see part 2 of the event |
12 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Pierre’s Shop |
Season | Any |
Time | 1:00pm — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has seen part 1 of Olivia’s 12 heart event. It must be Tuesday. |
14 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Summer, Fall and Winter |
Time | 7:00am — 10:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen part 2 of Olivia’s 12 heart event. Only days 1 to 27 |
14 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Spring |
Time | 6:00am — 7:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen part 1 of Olivia’s 14 heart event. Only days 2 to 28 |
14 Hearts — Part 3
Map | Railroad |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen part 2 of Olivia’s 14 heart event. |
Hidden Event
Map | Jenkins’ House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player is dating both Olivia and Victor. Event changes if player has a rabbit’s foot in their inventory. If player does not have a Rabbit’s Foot in inventory, all Victor and Olivia will express anger about the player dating them all at one time. |
Sophia’s Events
1/2 Hearts
Map | Blue Moon Vineyard |
Season | Spring or Summer |
Time | 6:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 50 friendship points with Sophia. Player has 1 free inventory slot. It is still year 1. |
2 Hearts
Map | Blue Moon Vineyard |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 8:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
4 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has seen Sophia’s 2 heart event |
6 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Town |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 8:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Rainy |
Extra | Player has seen Sophia’s 4 heart event |
6 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Sophia’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Occurs the first time the player enters Sophia’s house after seeing part 1 of the event. |
7 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Sophia’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen part 1 of Sophia’s 6 heart event. |
7 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Sophia’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen part 1 of the 7 heart event and has played for a full day. |
8 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Only occurs on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. The player has seen part 2 of Sophia’s 7 heart event. |
10 Hearts
Map | Sophia’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has seen Sophia’s 8 heart event |
12 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 7:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must be married to Sophia. It must be between the 2nd and 24th of Fall, and not the 15th or 16th. |
12 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Blue Moon Vineyard |
Season | Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Sophia’s 12 heart event. |
14 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Summer, Fall and Winter |
Time | 7:00am — 10:00pm or 6:00am — 8:00 pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must upgrade Farmhouse to level 3. Only days 1 to 27 |
14 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Spring |
Time | 6:00am — 7:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Sophia’s 14 heart event. Only days 2 to 28 |
14 Hearts — Part 3
Map | Bus Stop |
Season | Spring |
Time | 9:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen part 2 of Sophia’s 14 heart event. |
Victor’s Events
2 Hearts
Map | Jenkin’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
3 Hearts
Map | Shearwater Bridge |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 8:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has not seen Victor’s 10 heart event |
4 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 10:30am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | The day of the week is Tuesday |
6 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
8 Hearts
Map | Jenkins’ House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Victor’s 6 heart event |
10 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 11:50am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must be dating Victor |
12 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 8:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must be married to Victor and finish Community Center or Joja Membership. |
12 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Mountain |
Season | Any |
Time | 12:00pm — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Victor’s 12 heart event |
14 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 12:00pm — 11:00pm or 11:00pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must upgrade Farmhouse level 3. Only day 1 to 7. |
14 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 8:00pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Victor’s 14 heart event. Only day 21 to 28. |
14 Hearts — Part 3
Map | Shearwater Bridge |
Season | Any |
Time | 8:30pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen part 2 of Victor’s 14 heart event. |
14 Hearts — Bad Weather
Map | Shearwater Bridge |
Season | Any |
Time | 8:30pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Rainy |
Extra | Player must have seen part 2 of Victor’s 14 heart event and not seen part 3. |
Dating Olivia
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | 8:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player is dating Olivia |
SVE Villager Events
Main article: Andy
Andy’s Events
1/2 Hearts Event #1
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring |
Time | 7:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 125 friendship points with Andy, has played for at least 3 days, and is still in year 1. |
1/2 Hearts Event #2
Map | Farm |
Season | Spring |
Time | 6:00am — 7:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has played for at least 10 days and it is still year 1. Player has seen Andy’s 1/2 heart event #1. |
2 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 10:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
4 Hearts
Map | Pierre’s Shop |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have at least 50 friendship points with Sophia, Susan, and Marnie. |
6 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Rainy |
Extra | None |
8 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 9:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
The Better Life
Map | Andy’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen the community center or joja completion event |
10 Hearts
Map | Andy’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has received Andy’s letter asking them to drop by his house. This letter is sent when you have 10 hearts with Andy and have seen «The Better Life» event. |
Apples’ Events
A Change in the Forest — Part 1
Map | The Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00AM — 6:30AM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has played for 138 days (end of spring year 2), completed the Community Center, and entered the Junimo Woods at least once. If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Mysterious Writing
Map | Aurora Vineyard |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen «A Change in the Forest — Part 1.» If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Delivery Request
Map | Cindersap Forest |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen the «Mysterious Writing» event. If multiplayer, player is host. |
A Change in the Forest — Part 2
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen the «Delivery Request» event, and it is the day after completing the order at the Junimo tile in Aurora Vineyard. If multiplayer, player is host. |
A New Friend
Map | Aurora Vineyard |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has sensed a change in Aurora Vineyard. If multiplayer, player is host. |
Aurora Vineyard Starfruit
Map | Forest West |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 2 hearts with Apple |
2 Hearts
Map | Forest West |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least one free inventory slot. Player has triggered the event to grow Starfruit in Aurora Vineyard. |
4 Hearts
Map | Forest West |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has seen Apples’ 2 heart event. |
6 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
6 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Aurora Vineyard |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen part 1 of the event. |
8 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Forest West |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
8 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Aurora Vineyard |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen part 1 of the event. |
10 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Juimo Woods |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen Apples’ 8 heart event. |
10 hearts — Part 2
Map | Aurora Vineyard |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Apples’ 10 heart event. |
Gunther’s Events
2 Hearts
Map | Museum |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
4 Hearts
Map | Museum |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Gunther’s 2 heart event. |
6 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Adventurer’s Guild |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | The player has reached the bottom of the mines. |
6 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Mountain |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Gunther’s 6 heart event and agreed to his request. |
Marlon’s Events
Adventurer’s Guild Initiation
Map | Adventurer’s Guild |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has met Marlon in the mines and played for at least 10 days. |
2 Hearts
Map | Adventurer Summit |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has reached the bottom of the mines, and has seen the guild initiation event. |
Alternate Sewer Access
Map | Adventurer Summit |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Rainy |
Extra | Player has seen the guild initiation event, reached the bottom of the mines, and it is Year 2 or later but player has less than 2 heart friendship with Marlon. |
4 Hearts
Map | Railroad |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Rainy |
Extra | The player has reached the bottom of the mines. |
Slime Hutch Eggs
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has received the letter saying the Slime Hutch has been built. The player is the host, if on multiplayer. |
Galaxy Sword Event
Map | Adventurer’s Guild |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has found the galaxy sword and waited a full day. |
Void Shard Event
Map | Adventurer’s Guild |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has the void shard in their inventory. |
Sewer Curiosity
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has donated 60 items, has 5 Hearts with Marlon,, and it is year 1 and raining. |
Marlon’s Boat (Part 1)
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 11:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has 2 hearts Lance and seen Lance’s 0 heart event. |
Marlon’s Boat (Part 2)
Map | Adventurer’s Guild |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must seen Part 1. |
Marlon’s Boat (Part 3)
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
Martin’s Events
2 Hearts
Map | JojaMart or Movie Theater |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
4 Hearts
Map | Museum |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Martin’s 2 hearts event. |
6 Hearts
Map | JojaMart or Movie Theater |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Martin’s 4 heart event and is not married to Claire. |
8 Hearts
Map | Bus Stop |
Season | Spring, Summer, Fall |
Time | 6:00pm — 10:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player not dating or married Claire. |
Morgan’s Events
The Day Before
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | The player has seen the Magnus’ Shrine of Illusions event. It is not Monday or Tuesday. It is year 3. |
Map | The Wizard’s Tower |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | The player has seen «The Day Before» event. |
2 Hearts
Map | The Wizard’s Tower |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Morgan’s Introduction event |
4 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has seen Morgan’s 2 heart event. |
6 Hearts
Map | The Wizard’s Tower |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | The player has seen Morgan’s 4 heart event. |
8 Hearts
Map | The Wizard’s Tower |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | The player has a mining skill level of 7 or higher. |
10 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farm |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 8:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen Morgan’s 8 heart event |
10 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Forest West |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 6:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Morgan’s 10 heart event |
Morris’ Events
Summer, Year 1
Map | Town |
Season | Summer |
Time | 10:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has not completed the community center. It is between the 3rd and 28th of Summer in year 1. |
2 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has not completed the community center. It is year 1. |
4 Hearts
Map | Joja Mart |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00am — 6:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Morris’ 2 heart event and has not completed the community center. |
6 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 12:00am — 2:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has not completed the community center |
8 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00am — 6:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has completed the Joja Warehouse. |
10 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has seen Morris’ 8 heart event and opened the movie theater. Player is the host, if on multiplayer. |
10 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Morris’ 10 heart event. Player is the host, if on multiplayer. |
10 Hearts — Part 3
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 8:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen part 2 of Morris’ 10 heart event and waited a full day. Player is the host, if on multiplayer. |
10 Hearts — Part 4
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | 11:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen part 3 of Morris’ 10 heart event. Player is the host, if on multiplayer. |
10 Hearts — Part 5
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | Triggers immediately at the start of the day. |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Must have seen part 4 of Morris’ 10 heart event and visited town on 4 separate occasions (different days). Player is the host, if on multiplayer. |
Susan’s Events
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has played for 30 days. If no days were skipped with mods or console commands, this event will occur on the 3rd of Summer in year 1. |
2 Hearts
Map | Railroad |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 11:50am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
4 Hearts
Map | Railroad |
Season | Fall |
Time | 8:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
7 Hearts
Map | Railroad |
Season | Winter |
Time | 6:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
10 Hearts
Map | Susan’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
Canon Spouse Events
Abigail’s Events
5 Hearts
Map | Saloon |
Season | Any |
Time | 12:00pm — 5:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Abigail, has seen her 2 heart event, and hasn’t seen her 10 heart event. |
8 Hearts
Map | Junimo Village |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 11:50am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 8 hearts with Abigail and it is year 2 or later. The player has entered the Junimo Woods at least once. |
12 Hearts
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 7:00AM — 11:00PM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player is married to Abigail with at least 12 hearts, and has the third farmhouse upgrade. |
Main article: Alex
Alex’s Event
7 Hearts
Map | Railroad |
Season | Winter |
Time | 10:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | The player has at least 7 hearts with Alex, has seen Alex’s 4 heart event, and has not seen his 10 heart event. |
Elliott’s Event
5 Hearts
Map | Beach |
Season | Summer |
Time | 6:00am — 11:30am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Elliott and has not seen his 10 heart event. |
Emily’s Event
5 Hearts
Map | Saloon |
Season | Any |
Time | 5:00pm — 10:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Emily. It is Friday. |
Haley’s Event
7 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Spring or Summer |
Time | 10:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 7 hearts with Haley and hasn’t seen her 10 heart event. |
Harvey’s Event
5 Hearts
Map | Hospital |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00am — 1:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Harvey and has not seen his 10 heart event. Harvey is present at the hospital. |
Main article: Leah
Leah’s Event
1/4 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Spring |
Time | 7:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 70 friendship points with Leah (a little less than a quarter of a heart). It is year 1, and between the days 21-28. |
Main article: Maru
Maru’s Event
5 Hearts
Map | Maru’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Maru and hasn’t seen her ten heart event. Maru is in her house.
The correct answers to the questions are «2 meters squared per minute» and «0.24atm». |
Main article: Sam
Sam’s Event
5 Hearts
Map | Saloon |
Season | Any |
Time | 1:00pm — 6:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Sam. |
Shane’s Event
8 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 9:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 8 hearts with Shane and it is year 2 or later. |
12 Hearts
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Spring, Summer, Fall |
Time | 6:10am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player is married to Shane and has at least 12 hearts. Must have seen Shane’s vanilla 8 heart event. |
Canon Villager Events
Clint’s Events
8 Hearts #1
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 8 hearts with Clint and has seen the Adventurer’s Guild Initiation cut scene. |
8 Hearts #2
Map | Town |
Season | Spring, Summer, Fall |
Time | 8:00PM — 12:00AM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Must be year 2 or later with the Movie Theater unlocked. Player has at least 8 hearts with Emily and has seen Clint’s 6 heart event. |
Map | Blacksmith |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Clint’s 8 Hearts #2 event. Player is also married to Emily. |
Demetrius’ Event
Informative Conversation
Map | Town |
Season | Summer |
Time | 9:00AM — 5:00PM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has made at least 60,000g |
Evelyn’s Event
10 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Fall |
Time | 10:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has 10 hearts with Evelyn. It is year 2 or later. |
George’s Event
8 Hearts
Map | Pierre’s Shop |
Season | Any |
Time | 12:00pm — 2:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 8 hearts with George. It is year 2 or later. The day of the week is Sunday. |
Main article: Jas
Jas’ Event
1 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 1 heart with Jas and 1 heart with Marnie |
Krobus Events
Map | Sewers |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters the sewers after having Marlon introduce them to Krobus. |
Description | Upon entering Cindersap Forest, you hear a noise. Krobus is in Junimo Woods, speaking to a Junimo, who disappears off into woods.
Speaking to Krobus later reveals that the spirits took him and showed him their village. |
4 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has seen Krobus’ Introduction Event. |
6 Hearts
Map | Sewer |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Krobus’ Introduction Event. |
Description | Krobus is in the sewers with a Shadow Brute named Ozul. He is teaching Ozul how to behave around humans, however, Ozul is afraid and attacks you when you enter the sewers. You do not actually take damage from this. |
Lewis’ Events
Joja Troubles
Map | Mountain |
Season | Spring |
Time | 8:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | It is year 1. Player has played for at least 11 days. |
Shipping Bin Specialist
Map | Farm |
Season | Spring |
Time | 6:00am — 7:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | It is year 1. The day is between the 25th and 28th. |
Map | Garden |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 6:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Year 2 or later |
Linus’ Event
10 Hearts
Map | Mountain |
Season | Spring or Summer |
Time | 6:00am — 11:30am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has 10 hearts with Linus. It is year 3 or later. |
Main article: Leo
Leo’s Event
5 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring, Summer, Fall |
Time | 9:00AM — 4:00PM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Leo, Vincent, Jas, and Morgan. |
Marnie’s Event
8 Hearts
Map | Marnie’s Shed |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00am — 8:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has 8 hearts with Marnie |
Main article: Pam
Pam’s Event
8 Hearts
Map | Bus Stop |
Season | Winter |
Time | 10:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has 8 hearts with Pam |
Pierre’s Event
8 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Fall |
Time | 12:00pm — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 8 hearts with Pierre |
Robin’s Event
Out For a Jog
Map | Backwoods |
Season | Summer |
Time | 6:00am — 11:30am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has made at least 500,000g |
Sandy’s Events
5 Hearts #1
Map | Town |
Season | Spring or Summer |
Time | 12:00pm — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Sandy and removed the boulder blocking the Summit |
5 Hearts #2
Map | Desert |
Season | Any |
Time | 12:00am — 2:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Sandy. |
Vincent’s Event
5 Hearts
Map | Beach |
Season | Summer |
Time | 12:00pm — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Vincent. It is year 2 or later. |
Willy’s Events
5 Hearts
Map | Beach |
Season | Summer |
Time | 6:00am — 11:50am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Willy |
Willy’s Joja Route Event 1
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00AM — 2:00PM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have entered Joja Emporium once and waited a full day. |
Willy’s Joja Route Event 2
Map | Beach |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Willy’s Joja Route Event 1 and have ‘Razor Trout’ in their inventory. |
Willy’s Fishing Progress Event 1
Map | Farm |
Season | Spring, Summer |
Time | 10:00AM — 6:00PM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | The player has a fishing skill level of 8 or higher. |
Willy’s Fishing Progress Event 2
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring, Summer |
Time | 6:00AM — 4:00PM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | The player has a fishing skill level of 8 or higher. |
Alesia’s Event
Map | Adventurer’s Guild |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has played for at least 90 days |
Camilla’s Events
Kittyfish Friend
Map | Shearwater Bridge |
Season | Fall |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Willy’s Event 4, and seen either the Desert Railway event or the Apples event «Delivery Request». |
Main article: Dusty
Dusty’s Event
Many Pets
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least half a heart with Alex. |
Jolyne’s Event
Map | First Slash Guest Room |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Lance 8 heart event. |
Mature Events
Mature events have to be enabled in the config.json to see the following events. These events discuss one or more mature topics which may produce negative feelings in those who have experienced similar experiences.
Caroline’s Mature Event
10 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Year 3. Player has seen Abigail’s SVE event and has 10 hearts with Caroline. |
Dwarf’s Mature Event
10 Hearts
Map | Mountain |
Season | Winter |
Time | 11:00pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has 10 hearts with the Dwarf. |
Gus’ Mature Event
2 Hearts
Map | Blue Moon Vineyard |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 2:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 2 hearts with Gus. |
Jas’ Mature Event
8 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring or Summer |
Time | 12:00pm — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | The day of the week is Friday or Sunday. Player has 8 hearts with Jas. |
Jodi’s Mature Event
10 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Summer |
Time | 10:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has 10 hearts with Jodi. It is year 2 or later. |
Pierre’s Mature Event
10 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 10:00pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Year 3. Player has seen Caroline’s mature event and has 10 hearts with Pierre. |
Sebastian’s Mature Event
7 Hearts
Map | Mountain |
Season | Spring or Summer |
Time | 8:30pm — 1:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 7 hearts with Sebastian. Player has not seen Sebastian’s ten heart event. |
Shane’s Mature Event
7 Hearts
Map | Railroad |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 10:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Rainy |
Extra | Player has 7 hearts with Shane has not seen 10 heart event. |
??? Mature Event
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Year 4. The player has seen the treasure cave event. |
Crimson Badlands
Desert Railway Event
Map | Desert Railway |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters the Desert Railway. |
Treasure Cave Event
Map | Treasure Cave |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters the treasure cave. |
Main article: Enchanted Grove/Nexus
Enchanted Grove
Enchanted Grove — Part 1
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00AM — 9:00AM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has the Galaxy Sword, met Alesia at the Adventurer Guild, removed the boulder blocking the Summit, and has finished the volcano dungeon. |
Enchanted Grove — Part 2
Map | Wizard’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 1 event. |
Enchanted Grove — Part 3
Map | Backwoods |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 2 event. |
Nexus — Emerald
Map | Adventure Guild |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00AM — 12:00AM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event. |
Nexus — Parsnip
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00AM — 6:30AM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event. Only compatible with Grandpa’s Farm, IF2R, and canon farm maps. |
Nexus — Grape Juice
Map | Aurora Vineyard |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event, completed the Community Center or Joja Mart, and met the secret CC route character and waited one day. |
Nexus — Bouquet
Map | Sprite Spring |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event, and seen the Sprite Spring Entry event and waited one day. |
Nexus — Ancient Scroll
Map | Junimo Woods |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event, and have completed the Community Center. Must have entered the Junimo Woods once before and waited one day. |
Nexus — Joja Can
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event, and have completed the Joja Emporium. Must have entered the Joja Emporium once before and waited one day. |
Nexus — Swirl Stone
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00AM — 12:00AM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event, Nexus: Emerald, Parsnip, and Bouquet events, and have seen Marlon’s Galaxy Sword event. If Community Center route, player has also seen Nexus: Grape Juice, and Ancient Scroll events. If Joja route, player has also seen Nexus: Grape Juice, and Joja Can events. Must have waited one day after the final Nexus point. |
Grandpa’s Shed
Robin’s Inspection
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 7:00am — 8:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have entered Grandpa’s Shed ruins once and played a full day. If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Storage Chest Placement
Map | Carpenter’s Shop |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Robin’s inspection event and played a full day. If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Completed Material Requirement
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have finished the special order by placing all items in the chest inside Grandpa’s Shed. If multiplayer, player is the host. (Farmhands can donate materials) |
Final Shed Event
Map | Grandpa’s Shed |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Must have seen the above event and played a full day. If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Grandpa’s Farm
Bridge Building — Part 1
Map | Grandpa’s Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00am — 6:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have finished the Grandpa’s Shed questline. If multiplayer, player is host. |
Bridge Building — Part 2
Map | Grandpa’s Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 11:50am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have finished the special order by placing all items in the chest inside Robin’s Shop. If multiplayer, player is the host. (Farmhands can donate materials) |
Grandpa’s Grove — Part 1
Map | Blacksmith |
Season | Second Year |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have finished the above event. If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Grandpa’s Grove — Part 2
Map | Grandpa’s Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have finished the special order by placing all items on the ingot table inside Clint’s Shop. If multiplayer, player is the host. (Farmhands can donate materials) |
Farm Expansion — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | At least Summer 17th, Year 3 |
Time | 8:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Must be on Grandpa’s Farm. If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Map | Manor House |
Season | Third Year (After Part 1) |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have chosen to expand in Part 1. If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Farm Expansion — Part 2: Joja Route
Map | Joja Mart |
Season | Third Year (After Part 1) |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have chosen to expand in Part 1. If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Farm Expansion — Part 3
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Third Year (After Part 1) |
Time | 6:00am — 7:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Must be on Grandpa’s Farm. Player must have purchased deed and given it to the Mayor.e If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Junimo Woods
Junimo Woods Opening
Map | Forest |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters the forest after completing the community center. |
Junimo Woods Entry
Map | Junimo Woods |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters the Junimo Woods. |
Sprite Spring
Sprite Spring Opening
Map | Forest West |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters Forest West after completing Magnus’ Magic Ink quest. |
Sprite Spring Entry
Map | SpriteSpring |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enter Sprite Spring. |
Main article: Highland
Highland Dwarf
Highlands Dwarf event — first with key
Map | Highland Cavern Prison |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters Highland Cavern Prison with key. |
Highlands Dwarf event — first without key
Map | Highland Cavern Prison |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters Highland Cavern Prison without key. |
Highlands Dwarf event — second with key
Map | Highland Cavern Prison |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters Highland Cavern Prison with key and seen event without key. |
Highlands Dwarf event — My New Home
Map | Highlands |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player need rescue Dwarf from Prison with golden key. |
Cut Content (Disabled)
The following events have been cut from Stardew Valley Expanded.
Generally, these events were too mature for the community, or they no longer served the story and have been cut or otherwise reworked. Currently, there are a total of nine of these events remaining in the mod code.
To reactivate them, search the content.json file in the [CP] folder of Stardew Valley Expanded for «//Cut Content» and locate the section with the following events.
Find the «/*» and «*/» at the beginning and ending of this section. These markers tell the mod to ignore this section of code. Remove them entirely to see these events, or place them around events you wish to keep cut from your playthrough.
Angelica’s Event
Fairy Magic
Map | Forest West |
Season | Winter |
Time | 6:00am — 8:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Year 2 or later. The player has entered Sprite Spring before. If all conditions are met, there is a 20% chance of the event taking place. |
Camilla Event
Original Introduction
Map | Forest West |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | Any |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has unlocked the Crimson Badlands |
Claus’ Event
Fairy Gifts
Map | Forest West |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Year 2 or later. The player has entered Sprite Spring before. If all conditions are met, there is a 20% chance of the event taking place. |
Haley’s Mature Event
7 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Fall |
Time | 8:30am — 2:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 7 hearts and not seen 10 heart events. Only days 17,18,19, 20, 21. |
Kent’s Mature Event
10 Hearts
Map | Summit |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 8:00am — 2:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has 10 hearts with Kent and has seen Jodi’s mature event. |
Marlon’s Events
1 Hearts
Map | Adventurer’s Guild |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen the initiation event, but has not seen the Krobus introduction event. Must have played for at least 30 days. |
8 Hearts
Map | Summit |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Rainy |
Extra | Player has 8 hearts with Marlon. Year 2. Player has reached the bottom of the mines at least once. |
Marnie’s Year 2 Event
4 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Summer |
Time | 6:00am — 18:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 4 hearts. Year 2 or later. Only day 10, 11, 12, 13. |
Morris’s Event
Spring Year 1
Map | Town |
Season | Spring |
Time | 9:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has not completed the community center. It is between the 21st and 28th of Spring in year 1. |
Penny’s Mature Event
7 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Spring and Summer |
Time | 12:00pm — 7:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 7 hearts and not seen 10 heart events. |
- See also: Missable Events, Mature Events
Stardew Valley Expanded adds over 260 new events (except 10 events in cut content) to Stardew Valley, with more coming with each update. This page contains the requirements for each event with minimal spoilers.
For detailed information, check a character or topic’s main article link. For a list of events that can be missed during play, see Missable Events. For a full list of mature events with descriptions see Mature Events.
Marriage Candidates
Claire’s Events
1/5 Heart
Map | JojaMart |
Season | Spring or Summer |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must be in year 1. Player must have at least 50 friendship points with Claire. It is Tuesday or Saturday. |
2 Hearts
Map | Saloon |
Season | Any |
Time | 12:00pm — 10:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
4 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 11:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen Claire’s 2 heart event. |
6 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 11:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen Claire’s 4 heart event. |
8 Hearts
Map | Pierre’s Shop |
Season | Any |
Time | 11:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen Claire’s 6 heart event. |
10 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 8:00pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Claire’s 8 heart event. |
10 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Busstop |
Season | Any |
Time | 2:00pm — 6:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Claire’s 10 heart event and allowed a day to pass. |
12 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 8:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Claire’s 10 heart event and must be married to Claire. It must be day 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, or 11 of any season except winter. |
12 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 8:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen the part one of Claire’s 12 heart event and must be married to Claire. It must be Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. |
12 Hearts — Part 3
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen the part two of Claire’s 12 heart event and must be married to Claire. It must be Thursday. |
12 Hearts — Part 4
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen the part three of Claire’s 12 heart event and must be married to Claire. It must be Wednesday. |
14 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00AM — 7:00AM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has triggered part four of Claire’s 12 heart event and must be married to Claire. Must be a day between 1 and 13 of the season. Movie Theater is also open. |
14 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Bus Stop |
Season | Any |
Time | 3:00PM — 10:00PM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player is married to Claire and has seen her 14 heart part 1 event. Must be a day between 19 and 28 of the season. |
14 Hearts — Part 2.5
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player is married to Claire and has seen her 14 heart part 2 event. Must be a day between 7 and 19 of the season. |
14 Hearts — Part 3
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 4:00PM — 8:00PM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player is married to Claire and has seen her 14 heart part 2.5 event. Has received letter in the mail and Movie Theater is open. |
Out of Work
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 8:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | The player has completed the community center, but hasn’t completed the missing bundle. Player has at least 1 heart with Claire. Player has not seen part 1 of Claire’s 10 heart event. |
Lance’s Events
The First Slash Send Their Regards
Map | Caldera |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
0 Hearts — Lance The Combat Mage
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00AM — 10:00AM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has met Lance at the volcano caldera. Player has 1 free inventory slot. |
2 Hearts — Highland (Part 1)
Map | Adventurer’s Summit |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must seen Marlon’s Boat Part 3. |
2 Hearts — Monster Crops (Part 2)
Map | Highlands |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must seen part 1. |
2 Hearts — Fake Event (Part 3)
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must seen part 2. |
2 Hearts — Diamond Wand (Part 4)
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must seen part 3. |
4 Hearts — Blink Relic
Map | Island West |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 6:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must repair Island Farmhouse, Beach Resort, Dig Sites and met Lance at the volcano caldera and seen Swirl Stone event. |
6 Hearts — Monster Study
Map | Highland |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
8 Hearts — The First Slash
Map | Island West, Farm (not Grandpa’s Farm), Farmhouse (with Grandpa’s Farm) |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must repair Island Farmhouse and seen Lance 2 hearts event part 2.
With Farm and Farmhouse (Grandpa’s Farm), Player not seen event Island West. |
10 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 11:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must seen Lance 8 heart event with Island West. |
10 Hearts — Part 2 «Life On Fable Reef»
Map | Fable Reef |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 6:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must seen Lance 10 heart event part 1. |
10 Hearts — Player didn’t arrive in time
Map | Fable Reef |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:10pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must seen Lance 10 heart event part 1 and not seen part 2. |
12 Hearts — Part 1 «The Return Scepter»
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 8:00pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must married Lance and upgrade Farmhouse stage 3. |
12 Hearts — Part 2 «The Shadow Person In The Sewers»
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must married Lance. |
Magnus’ Events
The Basement
Map | The Wizard’s Basement |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
Sprite Spring
Map | The Wizard’s Tower |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has entered Sprite Spring. |
Wizard gives player access to his First Slash warp rune
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Lance 8 heart event. |
2 Hearts
Map | Cindersap Forest |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00AM — 6:00PM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 2 hearts with Magnus. |
4 Hearts
Map | The Wizard’s Tower |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has received the Magnus’ letter about the Shrine of Illusions, after reaching 4 hearts with him. |
6 Hearts
Map | Cindersap Forest |
Season | Spring, Summer, Fall |
Time | 9:00AM — 5:00PM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 6 hearts with Magnus. |
8 Hearts
Map | Wizard’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 8 hearts with Magnus. |
10 Hearts
Map | Cindersap Forest |
Season | Any |
Time | 1:30PM — 4:30PM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 10 hearts with Magnus and received his letter asking to meet in the forest. |
14 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00PM — 2:00AM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has 14 hearts with Magnus and has seen his 10 heart event. House on Ginger Island is repaired. |
14 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Island West |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00AM — 5:00PM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen part 1 of Magnus’ 14 heart event and has at least one free inventory slot. |
Olivia’s Events
2 Hearts
Map | Jenkins’ House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has not seen Victor’s 8 heart event |
4 hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 12:00pm — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 1 heart with Jodi and 1 heart with Caroline |
6 Hearts
Map | Olivia’s Cellar |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
8 Hearts
Map | Saloon |
Season | Any |
Time | 5:00pm — 11:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | The day of the week is Friday |
Beginning Romance
Map | Jenkins’ House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | The player has seen the letter Olivia sends after she and the player begin dating. |
10 Hearts
Map | Jenkins’ House |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00pm — 10:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have received the invitation to the party in the mail. Receiving this invitation requires 10 hearts with Olivia. |
12 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 8:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must be married to Olivia. It must be Tuesday. |
12 Heart — Missed Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 4:10pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must be married to Olivia. It must be Tuesday. The player did not see part 2 of the event |
12 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Pierre’s Shop |
Season | Any |
Time | 1:00pm — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has seen part 1 of Olivia’s 12 heart event. It must be Tuesday. |
14 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Summer, Fall and Winter |
Time | 7:00am — 10:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen part 2 of Olivia’s 12 heart event. Only days 1 to 27 |
14 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Spring |
Time | 6:00am — 7:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen part 1 of Olivia’s 14 heart event. Only days 2 to 28 |
14 Hearts — Part 3
Map | Railroad |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen part 2 of Olivia’s 14 heart event. |
Hidden Event
Map | Jenkins’ House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player is dating both Olivia and Victor. Event changes if player has a rabbit’s foot in their inventory. If player does not have a Rabbit’s Foot in inventory, all Victor and Olivia will express anger about the player dating them all at one time. |
Sophia’s Events
1/2 Hearts
Map | Blue Moon Vineyard |
Season | Spring or Summer |
Time | 6:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 50 friendship points with Sophia. Player has 1 free inventory slot. It is still year 1. |
2 Hearts
Map | Blue Moon Vineyard |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 8:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
4 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has seen Sophia’s 2 heart event |
6 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Town |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 8:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Rainy |
Extra | Player has seen Sophia’s 4 heart event |
6 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Sophia’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Occurs the first time the player enters Sophia’s house after seeing part 1 of the event. |
7 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Sophia’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen part 1 of Sophia’s 6 heart event. |
7 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Sophia’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen part 1 of the 7 heart event and has played for a full day. |
8 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Only occurs on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. The player has seen part 2 of Sophia’s 7 heart event. |
10 Hearts
Map | Sophia’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has seen Sophia’s 8 heart event |
12 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 7:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must be married to Sophia. It must be between the 2nd and 24th of Fall, and not the 15th or 16th. |
12 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Blue Moon Vineyard |
Season | Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Sophia’s 12 heart event. |
14 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Summer, Fall and Winter |
Time | 7:00am — 10:00pm or 6:00am — 8:00 pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must upgrade Farmhouse to level 3. Only days 1 to 27 |
14 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Spring |
Time | 6:00am — 7:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Sophia’s 14 heart event. Only days 2 to 28 |
14 Hearts — Part 3
Map | Bus Stop |
Season | Spring |
Time | 9:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen part 2 of Sophia’s 14 heart event. |
Victor’s Events
2 Hearts
Map | Jenkin’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
3 Hearts
Map | Shearwater Bridge |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 8:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has not seen Victor’s 10 heart event |
4 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 10:30am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | The day of the week is Tuesday |
6 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
8 Hearts
Map | Jenkins’ House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Victor’s 6 heart event |
10 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 11:50am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must be dating Victor |
12 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 8:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must be married to Victor and finish Community Center or Joja Membership. |
12 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Mountain |
Season | Any |
Time | 12:00pm — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Victor’s 12 heart event |
14 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 12:00pm — 11:00pm or 11:00pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must upgrade Farmhouse level 3. Only day 1 to 7. |
14 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 8:00pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Victor’s 14 heart event. Only day 21 to 28. |
14 Hearts — Part 3
Map | Shearwater Bridge |
Season | Any |
Time | 8:30pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen part 2 of Victor’s 14 heart event. |
14 Hearts — Bad Weather
Map | Shearwater Bridge |
Season | Any |
Time | 8:30pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Rainy |
Extra | Player must have seen part 2 of Victor’s 14 heart event and not seen part 3. |
Dating Olivia
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | 8:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player is dating Olivia |
SVE Villager Events
Main article: Andy
Andy’s Events
1/2 Hearts Event #1
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring |
Time | 7:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 125 friendship points with Andy, has played for at least 3 days, and is still in year 1. |
1/2 Hearts Event #2
Map | Farm |
Season | Spring |
Time | 6:00am — 7:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has played for at least 10 days and it is still year 1. Player has seen Andy’s 1/2 heart event #1. |
2 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 10:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
4 Hearts
Map | Pierre’s Shop |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have at least 50 friendship points with Sophia, Susan, and Marnie. |
6 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Rainy |
Extra | None |
8 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 9:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
The Better Life
Map | Andy’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen the community center or joja completion event |
10 Hearts
Map | Andy’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has received Andy’s letter asking them to drop by his house. This letter is sent when you have 10 hearts with Andy and have seen «The Better Life» event. |
Apples’ Events
A Change in the Forest — Part 1
Map | The Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00AM — 6:30AM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has played for 138 days (end of spring year 2), completed the Community Center, and entered the Junimo Woods at least once. If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Mysterious Writing
Map | Aurora Vineyard |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen «A Change in the Forest — Part 1.» If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Delivery Request
Map | Cindersap Forest |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen the «Mysterious Writing» event. If multiplayer, player is host. |
A Change in the Forest — Part 2
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen the «Delivery Request» event, and it is the day after completing the order at the Junimo tile in Aurora Vineyard. If multiplayer, player is host. |
A New Friend
Map | Aurora Vineyard |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has sensed a change in Aurora Vineyard. If multiplayer, player is host. |
Aurora Vineyard Starfruit
Map | Forest West |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 2 hearts with Apple |
2 Hearts
Map | Forest West |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least one free inventory slot. Player has triggered the event to grow Starfruit in Aurora Vineyard. |
4 Hearts
Map | Forest West |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has seen Apples’ 2 heart event. |
6 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
6 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Aurora Vineyard |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen part 1 of the event. |
8 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Forest West |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
8 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Aurora Vineyard |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen part 1 of the event. |
10 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Juimo Woods |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen Apples’ 8 heart event. |
10 hearts — Part 2
Map | Aurora Vineyard |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Apples’ 10 heart event. |
Gunther’s Events
2 Hearts
Map | Museum |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
4 Hearts
Map | Museum |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Gunther’s 2 heart event. |
6 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Adventurer’s Guild |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | The player has reached the bottom of the mines. |
6 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Mountain |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Gunther’s 6 heart event and agreed to his request. |
Marlon’s Events
Adventurer’s Guild Initiation
Map | Adventurer’s Guild |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has met Marlon in the mines and played for at least 10 days. |
2 Hearts
Map | Adventurer Summit |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has reached the bottom of the mines, and has seen the guild initiation event. |
Alternate Sewer Access
Map | Adventurer Summit |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Rainy |
Extra | Player has seen the guild initiation event, reached the bottom of the mines, and it is Year 2 or later but player has less than 2 heart friendship with Marlon. |
4 Hearts
Map | Railroad |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Rainy |
Extra | The player has reached the bottom of the mines. |
Slime Hutch Eggs
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has received the letter saying the Slime Hutch has been built. The player is the host, if on multiplayer. |
Galaxy Sword Event
Map | Adventurer’s Guild |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has found the galaxy sword and waited a full day. |
Void Shard Event
Map | Adventurer’s Guild |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has the void shard in their inventory. |
Sewer Curiosity
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has donated 60 items, has 5 Hearts with Marlon,, and it is year 1 and raining. |
Marlon’s Boat (Part 1)
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 11:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has 2 hearts Lance and seen Lance’s 0 heart event. |
Marlon’s Boat (Part 2)
Map | Adventurer’s Guild |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must seen Part 1. |
Marlon’s Boat (Part 3)
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
Martin’s Events
2 Hearts
Map | JojaMart or Movie Theater |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
4 Hearts
Map | Museum |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Martin’s 2 hearts event. |
6 Hearts
Map | JojaMart or Movie Theater |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Martin’s 4 heart event and is not married to Claire. |
8 Hearts
Map | Bus Stop |
Season | Spring, Summer, Fall |
Time | 6:00pm — 10:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player not dating or married Claire. |
Morgan’s Events
The Day Before
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | The player has seen the Magnus’ Shrine of Illusions event. It is not Monday or Tuesday. It is year 3. |
Map | The Wizard’s Tower |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | The player has seen «The Day Before» event. |
2 Hearts
Map | The Wizard’s Tower |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Morgan’s Introduction event |
4 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has seen Morgan’s 2 heart event. |
6 Hearts
Map | The Wizard’s Tower |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | The player has seen Morgan’s 4 heart event. |
8 Hearts
Map | The Wizard’s Tower |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | The player has a mining skill level of 7 or higher. |
10 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farm |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 8:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen Morgan’s 8 heart event |
10 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Forest West |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 6:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Morgan’s 10 heart event |
Morris’ Events
Summer, Year 1
Map | Town |
Season | Summer |
Time | 10:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has not completed the community center. It is between the 3rd and 28th of Summer in year 1. |
2 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has not completed the community center. It is year 1. |
4 Hearts
Map | Joja Mart |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00am — 6:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Morris’ 2 heart event and has not completed the community center. |
6 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 12:00am — 2:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has not completed the community center |
8 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00am — 6:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has completed the Joja Warehouse. |
10 Hearts — Part 1
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has seen Morris’ 8 heart event and opened the movie theater. Player is the host, if on multiplayer. |
10 Hearts — Part 2
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen part 1 of Morris’ 10 heart event. Player is the host, if on multiplayer. |
10 Hearts — Part 3
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 8:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen part 2 of Morris’ 10 heart event and waited a full day. Player is the host, if on multiplayer. |
10 Hearts — Part 4
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | 11:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have seen part 3 of Morris’ 10 heart event. Player is the host, if on multiplayer. |
10 Hearts — Part 5
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | Triggers immediately at the start of the day. |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Must have seen part 4 of Morris’ 10 heart event and visited town on 4 separate occasions (different days). Player is the host, if on multiplayer. |
Susan’s Events
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has played for 30 days. If no days were skipped with mods or console commands, this event will occur on the 3rd of Summer in year 1. |
2 Hearts
Map | Railroad |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 11:50am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
4 Hearts
Map | Railroad |
Season | Fall |
Time | 8:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
7 Hearts
Map | Railroad |
Season | Winter |
Time | 6:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | None |
10 Hearts
Map | Susan’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | None |
Canon Spouse Events
Abigail’s Events
5 Hearts
Map | Saloon |
Season | Any |
Time | 12:00pm — 5:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Abigail, has seen her 2 heart event, and hasn’t seen her 10 heart event. |
8 Hearts
Map | Junimo Village |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 11:50am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 8 hearts with Abigail and it is year 2 or later. The player has entered the Junimo Woods at least once. |
12 Hearts
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 7:00AM — 11:00PM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player is married to Abigail with at least 12 hearts, and has the third farmhouse upgrade. |
Main article: Alex
Alex’s Event
7 Hearts
Map | Railroad |
Season | Winter |
Time | 10:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | The player has at least 7 hearts with Alex, has seen Alex’s 4 heart event, and has not seen his 10 heart event. |
Elliott’s Event
5 Hearts
Map | Beach |
Season | Summer |
Time | 6:00am — 11:30am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Elliott and has not seen his 10 heart event. |
Emily’s Event
5 Hearts
Map | Saloon |
Season | Any |
Time | 5:00pm — 10:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Emily. It is Friday. |
Haley’s Event
7 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Spring or Summer |
Time | 10:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 7 hearts with Haley and hasn’t seen her 10 heart event. |
Harvey’s Event
5 Hearts
Map | Hospital |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00am — 1:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Harvey and has not seen his 10 heart event. Harvey is present at the hospital. |
Main article: Leah
Leah’s Event
1/4 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Spring |
Time | 7:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 70 friendship points with Leah (a little less than a quarter of a heart). It is year 1, and between the days 21-28. |
Main article: Maru
Maru’s Event
5 Hearts
Map | Maru’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Maru and hasn’t seen her ten heart event. Maru is in her house.
The correct answers to the questions are «2 meters squared per minute» and «0.24atm». |
Main article: Sam
Sam’s Event
5 Hearts
Map | Saloon |
Season | Any |
Time | 1:00pm — 6:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Sam. |
Shane’s Event
8 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 9:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 8 hearts with Shane and it is year 2 or later. |
12 Hearts
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Spring, Summer, Fall |
Time | 6:10am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player is married to Shane and has at least 12 hearts. Must have seen Shane’s vanilla 8 heart event. |
Canon Villager Events
Clint’s Events
8 Hearts #1
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 8 hearts with Clint and has seen the Adventurer’s Guild Initiation cut scene. |
8 Hearts #2
Map | Town |
Season | Spring, Summer, Fall |
Time | 8:00PM — 12:00AM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Must be year 2 or later with the Movie Theater unlocked. Player has at least 8 hearts with Emily and has seen Clint’s 6 heart event. |
Map | Blacksmith |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Clint’s 8 Hearts #2 event. Player is also married to Emily. |
Demetrius’ Event
Informative Conversation
Map | Town |
Season | Summer |
Time | 9:00AM — 5:00PM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has made at least 60,000g |
Evelyn’s Event
10 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Fall |
Time | 10:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has 10 hearts with Evelyn. It is year 2 or later. |
George’s Event
8 Hearts
Map | Pierre’s Shop |
Season | Any |
Time | 12:00pm — 2:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 8 hearts with George. It is year 2 or later. The day of the week is Sunday. |
Main article: Jas
Jas’ Event
1 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 1 heart with Jas and 1 heart with Marnie |
Krobus Events
Map | Sewers |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters the sewers after having Marlon introduce them to Krobus. |
Description | Upon entering Cindersap Forest, you hear a noise. Krobus is in Junimo Woods, speaking to a Junimo, who disappears off into woods.
Speaking to Krobus later reveals that the spirits took him and showed him their village. |
4 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has seen Krobus’ Introduction Event. |
6 Hearts
Map | Sewer |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Krobus’ Introduction Event. |
Description | Krobus is in the sewers with a Shadow Brute named Ozul. He is teaching Ozul how to behave around humans, however, Ozul is afraid and attacks you when you enter the sewers. You do not actually take damage from this. |
Lewis’ Events
Joja Troubles
Map | Mountain |
Season | Spring |
Time | 8:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | It is year 1. Player has played for at least 11 days. |
Shipping Bin Specialist
Map | Farm |
Season | Spring |
Time | 6:00am — 7:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | It is year 1. The day is between the 25th and 28th. |
Map | Garden |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 6:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Year 2 or later |
Linus’ Event
10 Hearts
Map | Mountain |
Season | Spring or Summer |
Time | 6:00am — 11:30am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has 10 hearts with Linus. It is year 3 or later. |
Main article: Leo
Leo’s Event
5 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring, Summer, Fall |
Time | 9:00AM — 4:00PM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Leo, Vincent, Jas, and Morgan. |
Marnie’s Event
8 Hearts
Map | Marnie’s Shed |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00am — 8:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has 8 hearts with Marnie |
Main article: Pam
Pam’s Event
8 Hearts
Map | Bus Stop |
Season | Winter |
Time | 10:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has 8 hearts with Pam |
Pierre’s Event
8 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Fall |
Time | 12:00pm — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 8 hearts with Pierre |
Robin’s Event
Out For a Jog
Map | Backwoods |
Season | Summer |
Time | 6:00am — 11:30am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has made at least 500,000g |
Sandy’s Events
5 Hearts #1
Map | Town |
Season | Spring or Summer |
Time | 12:00pm — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Sandy and removed the boulder blocking the Summit |
5 Hearts #2
Map | Desert |
Season | Any |
Time | 12:00am — 2:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Sandy. |
Vincent’s Event
5 Hearts
Map | Beach |
Season | Summer |
Time | 12:00pm — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Vincent. It is year 2 or later. |
Willy’s Events
5 Hearts
Map | Beach |
Season | Summer |
Time | 6:00am — 11:50am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 5 hearts with Willy |
Willy’s Joja Route Event 1
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00AM — 2:00PM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player must have entered Joja Emporium once and waited a full day. |
Willy’s Joja Route Event 2
Map | Beach |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Willy’s Joja Route Event 1 and have ‘Razor Trout’ in their inventory. |
Willy’s Fishing Progress Event 1
Map | Farm |
Season | Spring, Summer |
Time | 10:00AM — 6:00PM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | The player has a fishing skill level of 8 or higher. |
Willy’s Fishing Progress Event 2
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring, Summer |
Time | 6:00AM — 4:00PM |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | The player has a fishing skill level of 8 or higher. |
Alesia’s Event
Map | Adventurer’s Guild |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has played for at least 90 days |
Camilla’s Events
Kittyfish Friend
Map | Shearwater Bridge |
Season | Fall |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Willy’s Event 4, and seen either the Desert Railway event or the Apples event «Delivery Request». |
Main article: Dusty
Dusty’s Event
Many Pets
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00am — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least half a heart with Alex. |
Jolyne’s Event
Map | First Slash Guest Room |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Lance 8 heart event. |
Mature Events
Mature events have to be enabled in the config.json to see the following events. These events discuss one or more mature topics which may produce negative feelings in those who have experienced similar experiences.
Caroline’s Mature Event
10 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Any |
Time | 10:00pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Year 3. Player has seen Abigail’s SVE event and has 10 hearts with Caroline. |
Dwarf’s Mature Event
10 Hearts
Map | Mountain |
Season | Winter |
Time | 11:00pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has 10 hearts with the Dwarf. |
Gus’ Mature Event
2 Hearts
Map | Blue Moon Vineyard |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 2:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 2 hearts with Gus. |
Jas’ Mature Event
8 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring or Summer |
Time | 12:00pm — 4:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | The day of the week is Friday or Sunday. Player has 8 hearts with Jas. |
Jodi’s Mature Event
10 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Summer |
Time | 10:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has 10 hearts with Jodi. It is year 2 or later. |
Pierre’s Mature Event
10 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 10:00pm — 2:00am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Year 3. Player has seen Caroline’s mature event and has 10 hearts with Pierre. |
Sebastian’s Mature Event
7 Hearts
Map | Mountain |
Season | Spring or Summer |
Time | 8:30pm — 1:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 7 hearts with Sebastian. Player has not seen Sebastian’s ten heart event. |
Shane’s Mature Event
7 Hearts
Map | Railroad |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 10:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Rainy |
Extra | Player has 7 hearts with Shane has not seen 10 heart event. |
??? Mature Event
Map | Forest |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 3:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Year 4. The player has seen the treasure cave event. |
Crimson Badlands
Desert Railway Event
Map | Desert Railway |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters the Desert Railway. |
Treasure Cave Event
Map | Treasure Cave |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters the treasure cave. |
Main article: Enchanted Grove/Nexus
Enchanted Grove
Enchanted Grove — Part 1
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00AM — 9:00AM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has the Galaxy Sword, met Alesia at the Adventurer Guild, removed the boulder blocking the Summit, and has finished the volcano dungeon. |
Enchanted Grove — Part 2
Map | Wizard’s House |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 1 event. |
Enchanted Grove — Part 3
Map | Backwoods |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 2 event. |
Nexus — Emerald
Map | Adventure Guild |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00AM — 12:00AM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event. |
Nexus — Parsnip
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00AM — 6:30AM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event. Only compatible with Grandpa’s Farm, IF2R, and canon farm maps. |
Nexus — Grape Juice
Map | Aurora Vineyard |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event, completed the Community Center or Joja Mart, and met the secret CC route character and waited one day. |
Nexus — Bouquet
Map | Sprite Spring |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event, and seen the Sprite Spring Entry event and waited one day. |
Nexus — Ancient Scroll
Map | Junimo Woods |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event, and have completed the Community Center. Must have entered the Junimo Woods once before and waited one day. |
Nexus — Joja Can
Map | Town |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event, and have completed the Joja Emporium. Must have entered the Joja Emporium once before and waited one day. |
Nexus — Swirl Stone
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00AM — 12:00AM |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen Enchanted Grove Part 3 event, Nexus: Emerald, Parsnip, and Bouquet events, and have seen Marlon’s Galaxy Sword event. If Community Center route, player has also seen Nexus: Grape Juice, and Ancient Scroll events. If Joja route, player has also seen Nexus: Grape Juice, and Joja Can events. Must have waited one day after the final Nexus point. |
Grandpa’s Shed
Robin’s Inspection
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Any |
Time | 7:00am — 8:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have entered Grandpa’s Shed ruins once and played a full day. If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Storage Chest Placement
Map | Carpenter’s Shop |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have seen Robin’s inspection event and played a full day. If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Completed Material Requirement
Map | Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have finished the special order by placing all items in the chest inside Grandpa’s Shed. If multiplayer, player is the host. (Farmhands can donate materials) |
Final Shed Event
Map | Grandpa’s Shed |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Must have seen the above event and played a full day. If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Grandpa’s Farm
Bridge Building — Part 1
Map | Grandpa’s Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | 9:00am — 6:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have finished the Grandpa’s Shed questline. If multiplayer, player is host. |
Bridge Building — Part 2
Map | Grandpa’s Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | 6:00am — 11:50am |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have finished the special order by placing all items in the chest inside Robin’s Shop. If multiplayer, player is the host. (Farmhands can donate materials) |
Grandpa’s Grove — Part 1
Map | Blacksmith |
Season | Second Year |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have finished the above event. If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Grandpa’s Grove — Part 2
Map | Grandpa’s Farm |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have finished the special order by placing all items on the ingot table inside Clint’s Shop. If multiplayer, player is the host. (Farmhands can donate materials) |
Farm Expansion — Part 1
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | At least Summer 17th, Year 3 |
Time | 8:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Must be on Grandpa’s Farm. If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Map | Manor House |
Season | Third Year (After Part 1) |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have chosen to expand in Part 1. If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Farm Expansion — Part 2: Joja Route
Map | Joja Mart |
Season | Third Year (After Part 1) |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player must have chosen to expand in Part 1. If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Farm Expansion — Part 3
Map | Farmhouse |
Season | Third Year (After Part 1) |
Time | 6:00am — 7:00am |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Must be on Grandpa’s Farm. Player must have purchased deed and given it to the Mayor.e If multiplayer, player is the host. |
Junimo Woods
Junimo Woods Opening
Map | Forest |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters the forest after completing the community center. |
Junimo Woods Entry
Map | Junimo Woods |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters the Junimo Woods. |
Sprite Spring
Sprite Spring Opening
Map | Forest West |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters Forest West after completing Magnus’ Magic Ink quest. |
Sprite Spring Entry
Map | SpriteSpring |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enter Sprite Spring. |
Main article: Highland
Highland Dwarf
Highlands Dwarf event — first with key
Map | Highland Cavern Prison |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters Highland Cavern Prison with key. |
Highlands Dwarf event — first without key
Map | Highland Cavern Prison |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters Highland Cavern Prison without key. |
Highlands Dwarf event — second with key
Map | Highland Cavern Prison |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Takes place the first time the player enters Highland Cavern Prison with key and seen event without key. |
Highlands Dwarf event — My New Home
Map | Highlands |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player need rescue Dwarf from Prison with golden key. |
Cut Content (Disabled)
The following events have been cut from Stardew Valley Expanded.
Generally, these events were too mature for the community, or they no longer served the story and have been cut or otherwise reworked. Currently, there are a total of nine of these events remaining in the mod code.
To reactivate them, search the content.json file in the [CP] folder of Stardew Valley Expanded for «//Cut Content» and locate the section with the following events.
Find the «/*» and «*/» at the beginning and ending of this section. These markers tell the mod to ignore this section of code. Remove them entirely to see these events, or place them around events you wish to keep cut from your playthrough.
Angelica’s Event
Fairy Magic
Map | Forest West |
Season | Winter |
Time | 6:00am — 8:00pm |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Year 2 or later. The player has entered Sprite Spring before. If all conditions are met, there is a 20% chance of the event taking place. |
Camilla Event
Original Introduction
Map | Forest West |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | Any |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has unlocked the Crimson Badlands |
Claus’ Event
Fairy Gifts
Map | Forest West |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 6:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Year 2 or later. The player has entered Sprite Spring before. If all conditions are met, there is a 20% chance of the event taking place. |
Haley’s Mature Event
7 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Fall |
Time | 8:30am — 2:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 7 hearts and not seen 10 heart events. Only days 17,18,19, 20, 21. |
Kent’s Mature Event
10 Hearts
Map | Summit |
Season | Spring, Summer, or Fall |
Time | 8:00am — 2:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has 10 hearts with Kent and has seen Jodi’s mature event. |
Marlon’s Events
1 Hearts
Map | Adventurer’s Guild |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Any |
Extra | Player has seen the initiation event, but has not seen the Krobus introduction event. Must have played for at least 30 days. |
8 Hearts
Map | Summit |
Season | Any |
Time | Any |
Weather | Rainy |
Extra | Player has 8 hearts with Marlon. Year 2. Player has reached the bottom of the mines at least once. |
Marnie’s Year 2 Event
4 Hearts
Map | Forest |
Season | Summer |
Time | 6:00am — 18:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 4 hearts. Year 2 or later. Only day 10, 11, 12, 13. |
Morris’s Event
Spring Year 1
Map | Town |
Season | Spring |
Time | 9:00am — 5:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has not completed the community center. It is between the 21st and 28th of Spring in year 1. |
Penny’s Mature Event
7 Hearts
Map | Town |
Season | Spring and Summer |
Time | 12:00pm — 7:00pm |
Weather | Sunny |
Extra | Player has at least 7 hearts and not seen 10 heart events. |
На протяжении всего тяжелого года земледелия, животноводства, посадки семян, очистки земли, закупки материалов и общения в чате с местными жителями, в городе будут проходить несколько фестивалей. Они варьируются от событий, в которых игроки могут принять участие до фестивалей, которые будут предлагать игрокам некоторые уникальные предметы для выигрыша или покупки. Если вам интересно, что может предложить каждый фестиваль наряду с тем, что игроков ждет при входе, то ознакомьтесь с нашим гайдом.
Весенние фестивали
Фестиваль яйца
Проходит: Весна 13-го в 9:00 утра
Расположение: Городская площадь Пеликана
Событие: Охота и сбор девять цветных яиц
Предметы: Фаршированный Кролик, семена клубники
Фестиваль цветов
Проходит: Весна 24-го в 9:00 утра
Расположение: Лес к югу от фермы
Событие: Церемония танцев с потенциальными холостяками и холостячками
Предметы: Одуванчик, нарцисс, цветочная ванна, чучела
Летние фестивали
Проиходит: Лето 11-го в 9:00 утра
Расположение: Пляж
Событие: Жители готовят суп для губернатора
Предметы: Нет
Танец лунного желе
Проходит: Лето 28-го в 10:00 вечера
Расположение: Пляж
Событие: Жители собираются, чтобы посмотреть на медуз
Предметы: Нет
Осенние фестивали
Stardew Valley Fair
Проходит: Осень 16-го в 9:00 утра
Расположение: Городская площадь Пеликана
Событие: Несколько игроков присутствуют, чтобы заработать знаки звезды, которые впоследствии могут быть использованы для различных предметов
Предметы: Сушеный подсолнечник, мягкая фетровая шляпа, пугало
Канун Духа
Проиходит: Осень 27-го в 10:00 вечера
Расположение: Городская площадь Пеликана
Событие: Лабиринт, прохождение которого даст специальную награду
Предмет: Золотая тыква
Зимние фестивали
Фестиваль льда
Проходит: Зима 8-го в 9:00 утра
Расположение: Пирс
Событие: Подледний конкурс с рыбалкой, где игроки должны будут выловить от пяти до шести рыб
Предметы: Колючый крюк и магнит-приманка.
Фестиваль Зимней звезды
Происходит: Зима 25-го
Расположение: Городская площадь Пеликана
Событие: Секретный Санта между всеми жителями
Предметы: Случайные, в зависимости от вашего секретного Санты
Осенью в Долине Стардью есть чем заняться. Вот некоторые из лучших вариантов.
Осень – сезон сбора урожая, и в Долине Звездной Росы это действительно так. Действие происходит перед зимой, игроки захотят собрать как можно больше урожая, прежде чем они вымрут в зимний сезон. Есть также предметы для добычи, которые доступны только в осенний сезон. То же самое относится и к некоторым видам рыб.
Игроки, которые планируют заранее в Stardew Valleyиметь самые успешные фермы. Стоит заранее спланировать, чем игроки будут заниматься в каждом сезоне, так как в Stardew Valley есть гораздо больше, чем просто сельское хозяйство. Игроки также не могут забыть события, дни рождения и просто подготовку к будущему сезону.
Обновлено Анастасией Майо от 25 марта 2022 года:В таких играх, как Stardew Valley, игрокам всегда есть чем заняться, независимо от того, в какое время года они находятся. Осенний сезон — последний в году, когда игроки все еще могут собирать урожай и выращивать урожай, что делает его жизненно важным. до наступления зимы на ферме. Перед этим месячным фермерским хозяйством без урожая игроки должны тщательно подготовиться, чтобы не оказаться в затруднительном положении. Есть также несколько дополнительных действий, связанных исключительно с падением, которые стоит выполнить примерно в это время. Итак, вот что делать осенью в долине Стардью.
- 12. Приготовьтесь переставить ферму
- 11 Ремесленное снаряжение для зимы
- 10 разблокировать больше сельскохозяйственных построек
- 9 полных комплектов осенней тематики
- 8 Выращивание клюквы
- 7 Вложить все в сбор урожая
- 6 Корма для Грибы и многое другое
- 5 Подготовка к ярмарке Stardew Valley
- 4 Захват Осенняя рыба
- 3. Подготовьте подарки на восемь дней рождения
- 2. Произведите и соберите как можно больше сена
- 1 Выращивайте редкие семена
Игроки, которые целый год в Stardew Valley недовольны тем, как выглядит их ферма, будут рады знайте, что зима — лучший месяц для начала с нуля. Однако для подготовки к этому осень нужно посвятить уборке на ферме.
После того, как окончательный урожай собран, игроки могут убрать и забрать любые предметы, которые они хотят переместить, от сундуков до разбрызгивателей. Если игроки хотят и у них есть немного дополнительного свободного времени осенью, они также могут срубить дополнительные деревья на своих сельскохозяйственных угодьях, чтобы освободить место для любой перестановки и ремонта, которые они планируют сделать зимой.
11 Ремесленное снаряжение для зимы
Игроки, вероятно, соберут довольно большой урожай в конце осени, но зарабатывать деньги зимой будет непросто. Это возможно, если только игроки не потратят некоторое время осенью, создавая кучу ремесленного снаряжения поверх того, что у них уже может быть.
Рекомендуем ознакомится с другими гайдами на популярные игры tattoo-mall.ru. Расскажем про секреты и хитрости, которые можно использовать в играх со своей выгодой. А также про полезные и интересные историй в видеоиграх.
Любые культуры, которые не были превращены в ремесленные товары к осени, можно использовать для получения прибыли зимой, используя бочонки, банки для варенья и т. д. Это создаст небольшой финансовый демпфер для игроков в течение зимнего месяца, но важно начать создавать все это снаряжение и собирать для них материалы осенью.
10 разблокировать больше сельскохозяйственных построек
Еще один отличный способ подготовиться к зиме осенью — построить фермерские постройки, на которые копили игроки. Это связано с тем, что продукты животного происхождения, за исключением трюфелей, по-прежнему будут производиться зимой, при условии, что игрок позаботится о том, чтобы их животные были довольны.
Убедитесь, что у вас есть хоть какой-то тип амбара. конец осени, а также курятник. Осень — прекрасное время, чтобы запастись материалами, необходимыми для этих зданий, поскольку игрокам не следует слишком сосредотачиваться на повторной посадке урожая к концу сезона.
9 полных комплектов осенней тематики
У игроков первого или даже второго года обучения может отсутствовать несколько осенних наборов в Центре сообщества. Сосредоточьте все усилия на завершении этих наборов, потому что в противном случае игрокам придется ждать целый год, чтобы снова получить доступ ко всем необходимым культурам и предметам.
- Набор Fall Foraging : 1 обычный гриб, 1 дикая слива, 1 лесной орех, 1 ежевика
- Набор осенних культур:1 кукуруза, 1 баклажан, 1 тыква, 1 батат. это деревья, которые растут осенью.
8 Выращивание клюквы
Не секрет, что Fall порождает одни из самых ценных культур в игре. Осенью выращивают культуры с разовым урожаем, такие как свекла, ямс, подсолнечник, китайская капуста, артишоки, амарант, тыквы и сказочные розы. Есть также культуры с несколькими урожаями, такие как клюква, виноград, баклажаны и кукуруза.
По общему мнению хардкорных игроков Stardew Valley, клюква — это то, где настоящие деньги. Это связано с частотой, с которой их можно собирать. Каждое растение также дает несколько ягод. Их не нужно пересаживать, они просто производят урожай в течение всего сезона, и каждое растение дает игрокам две ягоды каждые пять дней.
7 Вложить все в сбор урожая
Не оставляйте ни одного урожая неубранным к концу осени. Они все умрут, как только наступит зима. Благодаря этому игроки стремятся сделать осень своим самым прибыльным сезоном. Это означает, что в основном нужно уделять внимание урожаю и собирать его в течение всего сезона.
Это не обязательно означает продажу всего. На самом деле разумнее сохранить часть собранного на потом. Урожай можно использовать для производства семян, блюд, ремесленных изделий или просто для продажи позже, когда потребность в золоте возрастет.
6 Корма для Грибы и многое другое
Собирательство — важная часть Долина Стардью, а в осенний сезон особенно много корма. В осенний корм входят дикие сливы, фундук, ежевика и четыре разных вида грибов. Места, где можно найти эти предметы, включают автобусную остановку, железную дорогу, лесную глушь, гору, город пеликанов, лес Синдерсап, секретный лес и лесную ферму.
Ежевика растет на кустах осенью 8–11, а фундук может упасть. из-за сотрясенных деревьев после Fall 14.
5 Подготовка к ярмарке Stardew Valley
Это событие проходит 16 числа каждого осеннего сезона. На мероприятии предстоит многое сделать, но что требует подготовки, так это Grange Display. На этом дисплее может отображаться до девяти предметов, и игроки захотят, чтобы отображались их лучшие из лучших предметов, чтобы они могли занять первое место. Первое место даст им тысячу жетонов, которые можно использовать для покупки особых предметов (звездная капля — лучший предмет, который стоит две тысячи жетонов).
Игроки должны подготовиться к этому событию и сохранить свои товары самого высокого качества. Это означает, что лучший дисплей будет иметь все девять элементов иридиевого качества. Можно отображать товары ремесленников, продукты животного происхождения, рыбу, кулинарию, овощи, фрукты, полезные ископаемые, цветы, продукты питания и сок деревьев.
4 Захват Осенняя рыба
<р>Есть пара рыб, которые появляются только в осенний сезон. Во-первых, это лосось, которого можно поймать в реке города или леса. Их можно ловить с 6 утра. до 19:00 Вторая рыба, доступная только для осени, — это удильщик, которого довольно сложно достать. Хотя его можно поймать в любое время суток в сезон, его можно поймать только в районе к северу от JojaMart на деревянном дощатом мосту. Мало того, что это ограничено одним местом, игрок должен будет ловить рыбу на третьем уровне.
Осенью можно поймать и другую рыбу: сельдь, полуночный карп, альбакор, сардину, тиляпию, тигровую форель, суперогурец, морской огурец, красного луциана, угря, зубатка, судака, малоротого окуня и анчоуса.
3. Подготовьте подарки на восемь дней рождения
Осенью дни рождения восьми персонажей: Пенни, Эллиот, Джоди, Эбигейл, Сэнди, Марни, Робин и Джордж. Стоит подготовиться к этим дням рождения и подарить каждому персонажу любимый подарок в их особенный день.
Пенни любит дыни, морскую рыбу и изумруды. Эллиот любит омаров, утиные перья и гранаты. Джоди любит жареного угря, блины и бриллианты. Эбигейл любит тыквы, аметисты и шоколадный торт. Сэнди любит нарциссы, крокусы и душистый горошек. Марни любит бриллианты, тыквенный пирог и розовый торт. Робин любит козий сыр, спагетти и персики. Джордж любит жареные грибы и лук-порей.
2. Произведите и соберите как можно больше сена
Зимой невозможно получить сено, если только игроки не готовы тратить деньги на ранчо Марни или торговать с пустынным торговцем. Поэтому, если игроки не хотят тратить деньги, им придется собрать как можно больше сена за осенний сезон, чтобы продержаться в зимнем сезоне.
Сено можно собрать из травы или пшеницы с помощью косы. Также стоит построить силос, так как он может автоматически хранить заготовленное сено. В одном бункере может храниться до 240 штук.
1 Выращивайте редкие семена
Редкие семена сложны, если у игроков нет теплицы, как есть можно купить только весной и летом у странствующей тележки. Несмотря на то, что они продаются в эти сезоны, редкие семена предназначены для осени, и для их выращивания требуется 24 дня. Это означает, что их нужно сажать в начале осени, чтобы их можно было выращивать до зимы.
Из семян получаются сладкие драгоценные ягоды, которые можно продать как минимум за 3000 золотых. Их лучше всего продать, но приберегите одну, чтобы отдать Старому мастеру Канноли в Тайном лесу. Взамен игроки получат Stardrop, который постоянно увеличивает их энергию.
Долина Звездной Росы доступна на ПК, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch. , Android, iOS и многие другие платформы.
16 июля 2021
Рубрика: Новости, Обзоры
Платформы: Android, iOS, Разные
Доброго времени суток, дорогие читатели! Сегодня мы с вами рассмотрим очередное событие — день всех духов. Это что-то вроде Хеллоуина. Праздник проходит каждую осень 27 числа. Попасть на праздник можно только с 22.00 до 23.00. До этого времени в город вы попасть не сможете. Давайте рассмотрим поподробнее.
Попав в город, вы увидите киоск Пьера, а если идти по дорожке на север, можно попасть в лабиринт.
У Пьера ничего особо интересного нет, просто декорации.
Чуть южнее от киоска можно найти клетку со скелетами, правда, взаимодействовать с ними вы не сможете.
Лабиринт не такой уж и сложный, так что шанс того что вы заблудитесь, сводится к минимуму, лично я не заблудился там вообще.
Цель лабиринта состоит в том, чтобы найти сундук с золотой тыквой. Найти ее легко, нужно лишь знать, как пройти лабиринт.
Ну, помимо обычных извилистых тупиков, в игре будет еще парочка тайников. Например, видите этот кустик, рядом с табличкой с вопросительным знаком? Через него можно пройти. После куста вам нужно будет пройти в проход, который не видно из-за дерева, а затем пройти в пещеру и вы дойдете до сундука.
Несмотря на то, что сундук стоит на жутких темных чудовищах, если вы на них встанете, ничего не случится. Нажмите на сундук и получите золотую тыкву. После этого вам нужно выйти из лабиринта, и, если вы хотите закончить праздник, то просто выйдите из города.
Несмотря на то, что для того, чтобы попасть на праздник, выделен такой маленький промежуток времени, находиться на празднике вы можете неограниченное количество времени, а значит и время прохождения лабиринта не ограничено.
Итак, в чем же смысл золотой тыквы? она, по сути, бесполезная, но очень ценная — если ее продать, вы получите аж 2500 монет.
А на этом все! Спасибо за внимание и приятной игры!
Смотрите также:
- Где найти сохранения в Stardew Valley на телефоне
- Как найти шахту в Stardew Valley
- Где найти топор Робин в Stardew Valley
- Где найти глину в Stardew Valley
- Где хранить вещи в Stardew Valley
- Как убрать грядку в Stardew Valley
- Как расширить инвентарь в Stardew Valley
- И многое другое — тут!
Автор — Enigalt