Сумерки. Сага. Новолуние
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Сумерки. Сага. Новолуние
Коль буен к радости, конец их буен…
В победе смерть их, как огонь и порох…
Они сгорают в поцелуе…
Эдвард, не надо! Она же тебя увидит.
Ба, я хочу познакомить тебя с…
С днем рождения, Белла.
С днем рождения, Беллс.
Мне казалось, мы пришли к соглашению. Никаких подарков.
Ну, тот, который от меня, не обернут.
Так что не считается.
Просто замечательный. Спасибо, пап.
Да, и этот от твоей мамы.
Мы скооперировались. То есть она скооперировалась со мной.
Сюда можешь вклеивать свои фото, выпускного класса.
Выпускной класс.
И когда ты успела так постареть?
— Неправда.
Я вовсе не старая.
— Ну не знаю.
Это не седой волос случаем?
Нет! Не может быть!
С днем рождения.
Очень смешно.
После пропажи очредного туриста, число предположительных жертв достигло трех.
Лесники продолжают поиск зверя-убийцы…
О, вот и Белла. Белла!
Сегодня великий день, Белла.
Надо сдавать эссе по «Ромео и Джульетте»?
— Ну да.
Зачем тебе искусство, Белла?
Ребят, хочу вас снять. Мама…
Хочет что бы я сделала что-то вроде
памятного альбома. О, конечно, да.
Я делаю снимки, так что меня на них не будет.
— Нет, не-ет, иди сюда.
Ты же мой нос отфотошопишь, если он получится большим, правда?
Не волнуйся так, на фото ведь буду я. На вас никто и смотреть не будет.
О, класс. Каллен приехал.
Увидимся позже.
С днем рождения. -Не напоминай.
Белла, твой день рождение — это именно то, что надо отметить.
Но не мое старение.
— Твое старение?
Мне казалось, 18 — это еще юность. Не волнуйся об этом.
Я же на год старше тебя.
Вот и нет.
Мне сто девять.
— Ух ты!
Может, мне не стоит встречаться с таким стариком.
Я наверно должна чувствовать отвращение.
Пора на занятия.
— Ага.
Кое-кто хочет с тобой поговорить.
— Джейкоб!
Я подожду в сторонке.
Привет, качок!
Знаешь, анаболики и стероиды плохо на тебя действуют.
Я просто расту, Белла.
Кстати, не было бы ничего ужасного в том, если бы мы тусовались друг с другом чуточку больше.
Можешь перевестись.
Тогда сможешь тусоваться с бледнолицыми.
Да не стоит.
Мне больше нравится школа в резервации «краснокожих».
А к вам сюда любой сброд принимают.
Понятно. А что ж ты заявился?
Я покупал запчасти для Гольфа-Жука.
Тебе стоит прийти покататься, когда я его доделаю.
Он быстрый? Ага, достаточно.
— Отлично.
Эй, с днем рождения.
Твой папа сказал моему. Так что…
Ну да, конечно, он сказал.
Я увидел это и подумал о тебе.
Он отгоняет плохие сны.
— Да не за что.
Скоро увидимся. Пока.
— Да, увидимся.
И почему же Джейкобу Блэку можно дарить тебе подарки, а мне нет?
Потому, что мне нечего подарить тебе в ответ.
Белла, ты даришь мне все, просто дыша.
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- «Новолуние»
Это вторая книга знаменитой вампирской саги, возглавившая списки бестселлеров семи стран и проданная тиражом в полтора миллиона. Влюбиться в вампира – страшно и романтично… Но потерять любимого, решившего ценой разрыва спасти свою девушку от роли пешки в вечном противостоянии кланов «ночных охотников», – это просто невыносимо. Белла Свон мучительно переживает исчезновение возлюбленного и безуспешно ищет забвения в дружбе с мальчишкой-индейцем Джейком Блэком. Она даже не подозревает, что ее лучший друг – порождение еще одного «народа Тьмы». Народа, куда более жестокого и опасного, чем аристократы-вампиры…
Читайте «Сумерки», «Новолуние» и ждите продолжения.
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Fira Sans
Книга удалена по просьбе правообладателя.
— Пожалуйста, будь умницей. — Он еще раз чмокнул меня в губы и, прежде чем отодвинуться, аккуратно положил мои руки на колени.
Бешеный пульс эхом отдавался в ушах, и я накрыла сердце ладонью. Боже, как боевой барабан!
— Это когда-то изменится? — спросила я, обращаясь в первую очередь к себе. — Сердце перестанет нестись галопом всякий раз, когда ты ко мне прикоснешься?
— Надеюсь, нет, — самодовольно отозвался Эдвард.
Я закатила глаза.
— Пошли смотреть, как рубятся Монтекки и Капулетти.
— Твое желание для меня закон.
Пока я вставляла диск и перематывала титры, Эдвард растянулся на диване, а когда присела на краешек, обнял за талию и притянул к себе. Грудь мускулистая и холодная, словно лед; конечно, не так удобно, как на диванной подушке, но для меня гораздо приятнее.
— Знаешь, Ромео мне вообще не нравится, — заявил он, когда начался фильм.
— А что с ним не так? — обиделась я. Ромео — мой любимый литературный герой. До встречи с Эдвардом именно о таком и мечтала.
— Ну, поначалу он крутит шашни с Розалиной — разве это не признак ветрености? А потом за несколько минут до свадьбы убивает двоюродного брата Джульетты — по-моему, не слишком умный поступок. Парень совершает ошибку за ошибкой; вернее способа разрушить свое счастье не придумаешь.
— Хочешь, чтобы я смотрела одна?
— Я все равно здесь сижу… — Его пальцы чертили на моем предплечье холодные узоры, от которых появилась гусиная кожа. — Плакать будешь?
— Если смотреть внимательно, то, скорее всего, да, — призналась я.
— Обещаю не отвлекать, — проговорил он, а сам легонько чмокнул в макушку — как тут не отвлечься?!
В конце концов удалось сосредоточиться на фильме, в основном благодаря Эдварду, шептавшему мне на ухо реплики Ромео. По сравнению с его серебряным баритоном голос актера казался сущим карканьем. К величайшему удивлению Каллена, я и правда рыдала, когда Джульетта обнаружила своего новоиспеченного супруга мертвым.
— Вот здесь я страшно ему завидую, — признался Эдвард, вытирая мне слезы моим же локоном.
— Она очень хорошенькая!
— Да не из-за девушки! — презрительно фыркнул Эдвард. — Из-за того, как легко он совершил самоубийство! Вам, смертным, вообще повезло: небольшой порции растительного экстракта достаточно…
— Что? — ахнула я.
— Ну, однажды я об этом думал, хотя по опыту Карлайла знал: дело нелегкое. Трудно сказать, сколько раз он пытался покончить с собой после того… после того, как понял, кем стал… — Бархатный голос омрачился, затем вновь просветлел. — А здоровье у него до сих пор отменное.
Я обернулась, чтобы заглянуть ему в глаза:
— Что ты имеешь в виду? Что значит «однажды об этом думал»?
— Прошлой весной, когда тебя… чуть не убили. — Эдвард глубоко вздохнул, с трудом возвращаясь к привычному насмешливому тону. — Разумеется, я надеялся найти тебя живой, однако в глубине души прикидывал и альтернативный план. Говорю же, для меня это куда сложнее, чем для людей.
На долю секунды услужливая память воскресила поездку в Финикс, и сразу стало не по себе. Я все видела с потрясающей четкостью: ослепительное солнце, раскаленный асфальт, по которому я неслась, разыскивая вампира, решившего замучить меня до смерти. Джеймс поджидал в зеркальной комнате, якобы удерживая в заложниках маму. Вернее, так думала я, не подозревая: все это — просто уловка, а Джеймс, в свою очередь, не подозревал, что мне на помощь спешит Эдвард. К счастью, он успел, едва-едва успел…
Совершенно бездумно мои пальцы коснулись серповидного шрама на запястье, который всегда был чуть холоднее, чем кожа.
Я покачала головой, пытаясь одновременно отрешиться от плохих воспоминаний и разобраться, что задумал Эдвард. Желудок болезненно сжался.
— Что еще за альтернативный план?
— Без тебя я жить не собирался, — сказал Каллен спокойно, будто это было прописной истиной. — Только как и что делать, понятия не имел. Само собой, Эмметт с Джаспером помогать бы не стали, вот я и подумал: может, направиться в Италию и каким-то образом спровоцировать Вольтури?
Даже слушать не хотелось, но золотисто-карие глаза затуманились и смотрели куда-то вдаль. Боже, да он замыслил самоубийство! Я была в ярости.
— Кто такие Вольтури?
— Такая семья, — пояснил Каллен, судя по голосу, по-прежнему размышляя о смерти.
Я едва сдерживалась.
— Очень старая и влиятельная семья, подобная нам. Наверное, в мире людей им ближе всего королевская династия. Одно время Карлайл жил с ними в Италии, до того как перебрался в Америку. Ты помнишь его историю?
— Да, конечно.
Никогда не забуду, как впервые попала в дом Калленов — огромный белый особняк в лесной глуши у самой реки — и в комнату, где у Карлайла, которого Эдвард по многим причинам считал отцом, была целая стена рисунков, отображающих его личную историю. Самое большое и яркое полотно относилось к его пребыванию в Италии. Конечно, я запомнила четверых мужчин с ангельски спокойными лицами, которые стояли на балконе над пестрой беснующейся толпой. Рисункам несколько веков, а белокурый ангел Карлайл совершенно не изменился. Трех остальных его старых знакомых я тоже не забыла. Значит, это Вольтури; мистер Каллен фамилию не упоминал, он назвал их Аро, Каем и Марком, ночными ангелами-хранителями науки и искусства…
— Так вот, Вольтури раздражать не рекомендуется, — неожиданно прервал мои мысли Эдвард. — Если, конечно, не хочешь умереть, или что там с нами происходит… — Бархатный голос такой спокойный, будто ему невыносимо скучно.
Мой гнев превратился в ужас, и я сжала мраморное лицо в ладонях.
— Никогда, никогда больше не говори ни о чем подобном! Что бы ни случилось со мной, ты не имеешь права причинять себе боль!
— Тобой я больше рисковать не намерен, так что и спорить не о чем!
— Рисковать мной?! Разве мы не договорились, что все беды из-за моей катастрофической невезучести? — С каждым словом я распалялась еще сильнее. — Не смей даже думать о таком! — При мысли о том, что после моей смерти Эдвард перестанет существовать, становилось невыносимо.
— Как бы в такой ситуации поступила ты?
— А случись нечто подобное с тобой, — смертельно побледнев, начала я, — ты бы захотел, чтобы я наложила на себя руки?
Прекрасное лицо исказила гримаса боли.
— Пожалуй, я понимаю… — признал Эдвард. — Отчасти… Но что мне без тебя делать?
— То же самое, что делал, прежде чем появилась я и усложнила твое существование.
— Можно подумать, все так просто… — вздохнул Каллен.
— Так и есть, а я — довольно неинтересная девушка.
Эдвард хотел возразить, но в последний момент передумал.
— Спорный вопрос. — Внезапно он сделал постное лицо и пересадил меня на диван, чтобы наши тела не соприкасались.
— Чарли? — догадалась я.
Каллен улыбнулся, и через секунду я услышала, как на подъездную аллею въехала патрульная машина. Я решительно взяла Эдварда за руку — ничего, папа переживет.
Вошел Чарли с большой коробкой пиццы в руках.
— Привет, ребята! — бодро прокричал он и хитро подмигнул мне. — Решил, что по случаю дня рождения тебя можно освободить от готовки и мытья посуды. Есть хотите?
— Конечно! Спасибо, папа!
Явное отсутствие аппетита у Эдварда отец деликатно оставил без внимания. Он привык, что мой бойфренд пропускает ужин.
— Разрешите похитить Беллу на остаток вечера? — спросил Эдвард, когда мы с папой расправились с пиццей.
Я с надеждой взглянула на Чарли. Вдруг он считает день рождения домашним праздником? Мы же впервые вместе отмечаем с тех пор, как мама вышла замуж и перебралась во Флориду, кто знает, какие у него привычки.
— Без проблем! Тем более сегодня бейсбол: «Чикаго уайт сокс» принимают «Сиэтл маринерс», — пояснил Чарли, и мои надежды рассыпались прахом. — Боюсь, со мной будет не очень весело. Вот! — Он схватил фотоаппарат, который выбрал по предложению Рене (нужно же чем-то заполнять ее альбом), и бросил мне.
Зря он так: у меня ведь с координацией проблемы. Выскользнув из рук, фотоаппарат полетел на пол. Эдвард поймал его в каких-то миллиметрах от линолеума.
— Отличная реакция! — похвалил Чарли. — Давай, Белла, как следует развлекись у Калленов и обязательно сфотографируйся. Ты же знаешь маму: фотографии ей нужны еще раньше, чем ты успеешь их сделать.
— Чудесная идея, Чарли! — воскликнул Эдвард, передавая мне фотоаппарат.
Повернув к нему объектив, я щелкнула затвором.
— Работает!
— Вот и отлично. Передай привет Элис, что-то она давно не заходила, — чуть заметно ухмыльнулся Чарли.
— Пап, прошло всего три дня! — Чарли обожает сестру Эдварда. Их «роман» начался весной, когда Элис помогала мне выздоравливать. Отец был страшно благодарен девушке за то, что спасла от настоящего ужаса: необходимости купать почти взрослую дочь. — Не беспокойся, передам.
— Ладно, ребята, веселитесь хорошенько! — Ясно, папе не терпится от нас отделаться, да он уже к гостиной пятится. Конечно, там же телевизор…
Торжествующе улыбнувшись, Эдвард повел меня с кухни.
У пикапа он снова открыл пассажирскую дверь, и на этот раз я не спорила: чуть заметный поворот к дому Калленов в темноте мне ни за что не найти.
Сумерки. Сага. Новолуние — второй фильм саги «Сумерки», вышедший в прокат в ноябре 2009 года. Фильм основан на книге «Новолуние» писательницы Стефани Майер. Режиссёром фильма стал Крис Вайц. В прокате фильм собрал более 700 млн. долларов, поставив рекорд для 2009 года по сборам за первую неделю проката — 142,8 млн. долл.
Влюбиться в вампира — страшно и романтично. Но потерять любимого, решившего ценой разрыва спасти свою девушку от роли пешки в вечном противостоянии кланов, — это просто невыносимо. Белла Свон мучительно переживает исчезновение Эдварда и безуспешно ищет забвения в дружбе с Джейкобом. Она даже не подозревает, что её лучший друг — тоже не-человек. Он из куда более жестокого и опасного вида, чем аристократы-вампиры.
В ролях
- Белла Свон — Кристен Стюарт (дубляж Наталья Фищук)
- Эдвард Каллен — Роберт Паттинсон (дубляж Александр Гаврилин)
- Джейкоб Блэк — Тэйлор Лотнер (дубляж Илья Хвостиков)
- Чарли Свон — Билли Бёрк (дубляж Юрий Деркач)
- Карлайл Каллен — Питер Фачинелли (дубляж Василий Дахненко)
- Эсми Каллен — Элизабет Ризер (дубляж Людмила Шувалова)
- Элис Каллен — Эшли Грин (дубляж Екатерина Корабельник)
- Джаспер Хейл — Джексон Рэтбоун (дубляж Иван Жарков)
- Розали Хейл — Никки Рид (дубляж Екатерина Африкантова)
- Эммет Каллен — Келлан Латс
- Аро — Майкл Шин (дубляж Андрей Казанцев)
- Сэм Улей — Часки Спенсер (дубляж Радик Мухаметзянов)
- Эмбри Колл — Кайова Гордон (дубляж Прохор Чеховской)
- Билли Блэк — Джил Бирмингем (дубляж Борис Токарёв)
- Джессика Стэнли — Анна Кендрик (дубляж Полина Щербакова)
- Майк Ньютон — Майкл Уэлш (дубляж Михаил Тихонов)
О продолжении фильма «Сумерки» стало известно сразу после его успеха в первые дни проката. Однако из-за пересечений рабочих графиков Кэтрин Хардвик не смогла взяться за работу над новым фильмом, и для постановки «Новолуния» был приглашён режиссёр Крис Вайц, ранее снявший фильмы «Американский пирог» и «Золотой компас». Крис Вайц хотел заменить актёра Тэйлора Лотнера, исполнившего роль Джейкоба в первом фильме. Он хотел видеть более крупного и мускулистого актёра в этой роли. Узнав об этом, Тейлор много работал в спортзале, набрал более 10 кг мышечной массы и сумел сохранить роль за собой.
Для кастинга клана оборотней был приглашён режиссёр-постановщик Рене Хейнс, которые ранее тесно работал с индейцами над фильмом «Танцы с волками». В результате каждый актёр для оборотней представлял свою индейскую национальность: Часки Спенсен — сиу, Бронсон Пелетье — метис кри, Алекс Мерац — тараско, Киова Гордон — хуалапай, Тайсон Хаусмен — кри.
На этот раз съёмочная группа отправилась для съёмок в Ванкувер, Канада. Крис Вайц хотел создать для фильма более тёплую цветовую гамму. Также для придания дополнительной реалистичности на съёмках использовались плёночные камеры, а не цифровые. Перенос съёмок в Канаду сделал проблемой соответствие первого фильма второму. Сцены на природе не зависели от этого, а вот сцены, где видна школа, пришлось снимать на зелёном экране. В случае дома Калленов съёмки «перенесли» в те комнаты, которые не появлялись в первом фильме. Несколько съёмочных дней актёры провели в Италии, в местечке Монтепульчано. Съёмки продолжались с мая по март 2009 года.
Премьеру фильма специально назначали на 16 ноября, так как в этот день было новолуние.
Фильм был очень слабо оценен критиками и был номинирован на несколько премий «Золотая малина», но получил награду от MTV в номинации «Лучший поцелуй». Тем не менее, фильм собрал в прокате в два раза больше, чем первый фильм, поэтому съёмки продолжения были неминуемы.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First edition cover of New Moon |
Author | Stephenie Meyer |
Cover artist | Gail Doobinin (design) John Grant (photograph) |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Series | Twilight series |
Genre | Young adult, romance novel, vampire fiction |
Publisher | Little, Brown |
Publication date |
Media type | Print (Hardcover, Paperback) e-Book (Kindle) Audio Book (CD) |
Pages | 563 |
ISBN | 0-316-16019-9 |
OCLC | 69104227 |
LC Class | PZ7.M5717515 New 2006 |
Preceded by | Twilight |
Followed by | Eclipse |
New Moon (stylized as new moon) is a 2006 romantic fantasy novel by author Stephenie Meyer, and is the second novel in the Twilight series. The novel continues the story of Bella Swan and vampire Edward Cullen’s relationship. When Edward leaves Bella after his brother attacks her, she is left heartbroken and depressed for months until Jacob Black becomes her best friend and helps her fight her pain. However, her life twists once more when Jacob’s nature reveals itself and Edward’s sister decides to visit.
According to Meyer, the book is about losing true love.[5] The title refers to the darkest phase of the lunar cycle, indicating that New Moon is about the darkest time of protagonist Bella Swan’s life.[6] Meyer wrote the book before Twilight was published. Writing the book was difficult for Meyer as she feared the readers’ reaction to the book and often cried as she described Bella’s pain.
The book was originally released in hardcover on September 6, 2006 with an initial print run of 100,000 copies.[7] Upon its publication in the United States, New Moon was highly successful and moved quickly to the top of bestseller lists, becoming one of the most anticipated books of the year. It peaked at #1 on both the New York Times Best Seller list and USA Today‘s Top 150 Bestsellers,[8][9] and was the biggest selling children’s paperback of 2008 with over 5.3 million copies sold.[10] Moreover, New Moon was the best-selling book of 2009[11] and has been translated into 38 languages. A film adaptation of the book was released on November 20, 2009.[12]
Reception for New Moon was more positive than that for its predecessor. Some criticized the middle section’s pacing; critics generally, however, argued the novel was more mature in tone, praising the character development and its depiction of human emotion.
On Bella Swan’s eighteenth birthday, Edward Cullen, the vampire she loves, and his family host her a birthday party at their residence. While unwrapping a gift, Bella receives a paper cut. Edward’s adopted brother, Jasper, is overwhelmed by the scent of her blood and attempts to attack her. Trying to protect her, Edward and the Cullens move away from Forks, but in an attempt to encourage Bella to move on, Edward tells her it is because he no longer loves her. With Edward’s departure, Bella suffers severe memory loss and depression for several months.
In the months that follow, Bella learns that thrill-seeking activities, such as motorcycle riding and cliff-diving, allow her to «hear» Edward’s voice in her head through her subconscious mind. She also seeks comfort in her deepening friendship with Jacob Black, a cheerful companion who eases her pain over losing Edward. Sometime after losing Edward, Bella starts to enjoy Jacob’s company and friendship. After spending some time with Bella, Jacob starts experiencing some unexpected and drastic changes in his mood swings, body, and personality. As Jacob undergoes a very long, painful, and life-altering transformation, Bella and Charlie become concerned. A few weeks later, Bella notes that Jacob isn’t as happy-go-lucky as he once was. She isn’t so comfortable with Jacob’s recent changes, and shortly thereafter, she discovers that Jacob has unwillingly become a werewolf and that there are other tribe members who are werewolves too. Jacob and his pack protect Bella from the vampire, Laurent, who was a part of James’ coven, and also Victoria, who seeks revenge for her dead mate, James, whom the Cullens had killed in the previous installment. Jacob starts developing physical emotions towards Bella, but she doesn’t feel the same after experiencing a life-changing breakup with Edward. This makes him horribly sad and envious of Edward. Jacob then saves Bella from drowning after jumping off a cliff and almost kisses her in the events following.
Meanwhile, a series of miscommunications leads Edward to believe that Bella has committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. Distraught over her suspected suicide, Edward flees to Volterra, Italy to provoke the Volturi, vampire royalty who are capable of killing him, though they refuse, deeming his mind-reading ability to be too valuable. In contrast to Edward’s rash reaction to the news of Bella’s death, Alice Cullen cleverly makes a surprise visit to Bella’s house, which overwhelms Bella. Bella asks a series of questions, and Alice tells her that she saw Bella trying to kill herself. As Alice’s visions about Edward change rapidly, Alice and Bella are unable to clearly understand whether Edward is or will be safe. They rush to Italy to prevent Edward from revealing himself to humans so the Volturi are forced to kill him, arriving just in time to stop him. Before leaving Italy, the Volturi tell Edward that Bella, a human who knows that vampires exist, must either be killed or transformed into a vampire to protect the secret. When they return to Forks, Edward tells Bella that he has always loved her and only left Forks to protect her. She forgives him, and the Cullens vote in favor of Bella being transformed into a vampire, to Rosalie and Edward’s dismay. However, Jacob sternly reminds Edward about an important part of their treaty: if the Cullens bite a human for any reason, the treaty is over and the wolves will attack. When Bella reminds him that it’s none of his concern as being a vampire is what she wants, Jacob reveals it is his business as she doesn’t understand what’s going to be at stake for her and the Cullens. Before he can continue warning her, they hear an angry Charlie asking Bella to get inside the house at once. Jacob apologizes to Bella once more before leaving, and the story concludes with Charlie grounding Bella for running off to Italy.
Differences between film and novel[edit]
- In the novel, Quill was upset over Embry and Jacob not hanging out with him anymore and voiced his concerns to Bella who came for a visit. The movie omits this.
- Bella never confronted Sam in his werewolf form in the novel, but rather in his human form, which Emily later explains everything to her.
- In the novel, Jacob confronts Edward at Bella’s house and reminds him of their deal. In the film, it was in the forest.
- Unlike in the film where Charlie grounds Bella after she runs off to Italy, Charlie grounds her after he sees her with Edward at their house in the novel’s conclusion.
- In the book Jacob tells Charlie about the motorcycle they built together. In the movie, he doesn’t.
- In the novel’s end, Edward never proposed to Bella, but rather walked her in the house to explain everything to Charlie. The film omits this.
After Meyer finished writing Twilight, she found herself writing multiple, hundred-page epilogues, and has said, «I quickly realized I wasn’t ready to stop writing about Bella and Edward.»[13] She began writing a sequel, which was entitled Forever Dawn and skipped over Bella’s final year of high school.[14] While Meyer was still writing Forever Dawn, she learned that Twilight was going to be published and marketed as a young-adult novel.[14] Wanting the next book to be aimed at a similar audience, she decided to write a new sequel, New Moon, which took place during Bella’s senior year of high school.[14] Therefore, Meyer started writing the outline of the book and thinking of what her characters would do, and claims that she «swiftly regretted asking them for the story.» She didn’t like the idea of Edward leaving at first and tried to think of other plot options, but, in the end, she said that «she accepted the inevitability of it.»[14]
Meyer wrote New Moon in five months. She found the editing process «much longer and more difficult than the same process with Twilight.» Also, unlike Twilight, which Meyer intended not to publish at first, she recognized that New Moon was going to be published and had what she described as a «horrible feeling much like stage fright» while writing. However, Meyer considers Jacob to be her favorite gift the book gave, as she liked the character a lot and wanted to expand his role and presence.[14]
The confrontation with the Volturi in the clock tower at the end of the book was the first scene Meyer wrote. She did not want to use a real city as the location for the Volturi’s residence, as she did with Forks.[15] She decided to name her city «Volturin»[16] and chose a location in Tuscany, Italy because it matched her vision of the city being «very old and relatively remote.» However, when consulting a map, she found that there was a city called Volterra in the area where she had planned to place her imaginary city. Therefore, she chose Volterra and called it «a pretty creepy coincidence.»[15]
The first draft of New Moon differed significantly from the manuscript published. Originally, Bella never found out that Jacob was a werewolf, and as a result, the seventy pages following Bella’s discovery of Jacob’s nature were missing. The epilogue was also different in title and content.[17] Meyer found it difficult to write Bella’s pain over Edward’s departure and often cried while writing those parts.[14] She mentioned that she never suffered a heartbreak like Bella’s, so she couldn’t draw inspiration for her pain from personal experiences, but based it on how she thought she would feel if she lost a child,[18] while insisting that it came from her character, who is «much more open—to both pain and joy.» She claims that «the way she chose to cope with it» was unexpected.[19]
According to Meyer, the story was inspired by Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.[20]
Cover and title[edit]
Cover and Title[edit]
The cover art of New Moon was designed by Gail Doobinin and photographed by John Grant. Meyer has expressed on numerous occasions that she had no hand in choosing the cover,[21] and said that she does not like it. She described it as «a very lovely ruffled tulip that means nothing at all».[21] Originally, Meyer suggested a clock image for the cover as she saw «time» as one of the most important themes of the novel. However, the artwork team that designed the cover chose the image of a tulip losing one of its petals, aiming to represent Bella losing a drop of blood.[22]
When Meyer finished writing the book, she wanted a title that referred to a time of day to match Twilight. As it reflected the mood of the sequel, she titled the novel New Moon, «the darkest kind of night, a night with no moon», to refer to the darkest period of Bella’s life.[14]
Publication and reception[edit]
New Moon was published by Little, Brown in the USA on September 6, 2006 with an initial print run of 100,000 copies.[7] Demand for the book was so high that advance reading copies were being sold on eBay for as high as $380.[23] New Moon immediately rose to the #1 position on the New York Times Best Seller list for Children’s Chapter Books[8] in its second week on the list, displacing popular children’s authors such as Christopher Paolini and Markus Zusak,[24] and remained in that spot for eleven weeks. It spent over 47 weeks in total on the list.[25] New Moon also remained on the USA Today Best Seller list for over 150 weeks after entering the list two weeks after its release, later peaking at #1.[9] USA Today ranked it at #29 on its 2007 top-selling books list.[26]
By 2008, Publishers Weekly reported that New Moon had sold 1.5 million copies throughout the U.S.[27] In October 2008, the book was ranked #37 on USA Today’s «Bestselling Books of Last 15 Years».[28] According to USA Today, the book was also the second biggest-selling book of 2008 behind its prequel, Twilight,[29] and the biggest-selling of 2009, giving the saga the top four positions on the list for two consecutive years.[11] It was also ranked at #27 on the list of biggest-selling books of 2010.[30]
Critical reception[edit]
The novel received mostly positive reviews with some critics feeling that it dragged in the middle. Hillias J. Martin of School Library Journal praised the book, saying, «Less streamlined than Twilight yet just as exciting, New Moon will more than feed the bloodthirsty hankerings of fans of the first volume and leave them breathless for the third».[31] Kirkus Reviews praised the novel, describing it as «an exciting page turner…This tale of tortured demon lovers entices.»[32] Moreover, Cindy Dobrez of Booklist gave New Moon a positive review, stating that Bella’s dismay at being ordinary «will strike a chord even among girls who have no desire to be immortal, and like the vampires who watch Bella bleed with «fevered eyes,» teens will relish this new adventure and hunger for more».[32] Furthermore, Norah Piehl of Teenreads.com [33] thought that in the middle «the story sometimes drags, and readers may long for the vampires’ return», though she believed that «New Moon will leave Meyer’s many fans breathless for the sequel, as Bella finally understands everything that will be at stake if she makes the ultimate choice to give up her humanity and live, like the vampires, forever.»[34] Anna Limber of About.com echoed Piehl, saying that «the middle section is a little slow» and some aspects of the story were «predictable». However, she gave the book 3.5 stars out of 5 and said that the novel as a whole «has a brooding and melancholy feel to it, capturing well the angst of its teenage characters.»[35]
New Moon won the Senior Young Reader’s Choice Award in 2009.[36]
A film adaptation of New Moon was released on November 20, 2009.[12][37][38] It is the sequel to 2008’s Twilight, which is based on the previous novel written by Meyer. The film starred Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner, reprising their roles as Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, and Jacob Black, respectively.[39] In late November 2008, Summit Entertainment greenlit the sequel, which was directed by Chris Weitz with Melissa Rosenberg returning as the screenwriter.[40] The majority of the film was shot in Vancouver, British Columbia.[41]
- ^ «New Moon (Twilight)». Amazon.com.
- ^ «New Moon». stepheniemeyer.com.
- ^ «New Moon: 2». Amazon.com.
- ^ «New Moon (Twilight Saga Book 2)». Amazon.com.
- ^ Meyer, Stephenie (Subject) (2007). Stephenie Meyer Talks About Eclipse (Video). Amazon.com. Event occurs at 00:00:18. Archived from the original on January 20, 2009. Retrieved January 18, 2009.
- ^ «Twilight Series|New Moon FAQ». StephenieMeyer.com. Archived from the original on August 7, 2011. Retrieved August 12, 2011.
- ^ a b Cecelia Goodnow (August 6, 2007). «Stephenie Meyer’s Forks-based saga of teen vampire love is now a global hit». Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Retrieved August 15, 2009.
- ^ a b «Children’s Books — New York Times». New York Times. November 12, 2006. Archived from the original on January 14, 2015. Retrieved July 23, 2009.
- ^ a b «Best-Selling Books Database». USA Today. August 2, 2009. Archived from the original on July 1, 2012. Retrieved August 9, 2009.
- ^ Diane Roback (March 23, 2009). «Bestselling Children’s Books 2008: Meyer’s Deep Run». Publishers Weekly. Archived from the original on October 16, 2009. Retrieved August 9, 2009.
- ^ a b Debarros, Anthony; Cadden, Mary; DeRamus, Kristin; Schnaars, Christopher (January 6, 2010). «Best-Selling Books: The top 100 for 2009». USA Today. Archived from the original on August 7, 2011. Retrieved May 31, 2011.
- ^ a b Larry Carroll (February 19, 2009). «‘Twilight’ Exclusive: ‘New Moon’ Art And Official Title Revealed!». MTV. Archived from the original on February 21, 2009. Retrieved February 20, 2009.
- ^ «BookStories Interview with Stephenie Meyer». BookStories. Changing Hands Bookstore. August 2006. Archived from the original on December 16, 2008. Retrieved August 15, 2009.
- ^ a b c d e f g Stephenie Meyer. «The Story Behind the Writing of New Moon«. StephenieMeyer.com. Archived from the original on November 4, 2006. Retrieved August 15, 2009.
- ^ a b «Twilight Lexicon » The Q & A from the February 2007, BYU Symposium». Twilight Lexicon. February 9, 2007. Archived from the original on May 22, 2011. Retrieved June 13, 2011.
- ^ «Stephenie Meyer answers your questions». Twilight Lexicon. November 17, 2009. Archived from the original on July 24, 2011. Retrieved June 12, 2011.
- ^ «If Jacob Didn’t Break the Rules» (PDF). Stephenie Meyer.com. Archived (PDF) from the original on June 23, 2011. Retrieved June 12, 2011.
- ^ «The Q & A from the February 2007, BYU Symposium». Twilight Lexicon. February 9, 2007. Archived from the original on July 22, 2011. Retrieved July 5, 2011.
- ^ «Twilight Lexicon » Personal Correspondence #10». Twilight Lexicon. September 19, 2006. Archived from the original on May 22, 2011. Retrieved June 12, 2011.
- ^ Proctor, Maurine (August 8, 2008). «Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight». Meridian. Archived from the original on December 1, 2008. Retrieved April 19, 2010.
- ^ a b «The Breaking Dawn Concert Tour-Seattle Q&A». Twilight Lexicon. Archived from the original on October 2, 2011. Retrieved July 5, 2011.
- ^ Meyer, Stephenie (April 2011). «Frequently Asked Questions». The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide. Little, Brown.
- ^ «Stephenie Meyer». Waterstone’s. Archived from the original on October 16, 2009. Retrieved August 15, 2009.
- ^ «New York Times Best Seller list». Nytimes.com. October 22, 2006. Archived from the original on January 17, 2016. Retrieved August 12, 2011.
- ^ «New York Times Best Seller list». Nytimes.com. July 15, 2007. Archived from the original on January 14, 2015. Retrieved August 12, 2011.
- ^ DeBarros, Anthony; Lopez, Korina; Cadden, Mary (January 14, 2010). «The top 100 books of 2007». USA Today. Archived from the original on June 4, 2011. Retrieved June 13, 2011.
- ^ «Stephenie Meyer By the Numbers». Publishers Weekly. December 5, 2008. Archived from the original on September 21, 2008. Retrieved August 15, 2009.
- ^ «USA Today’s best-selling books of last 15 years». USA Today. October 30, 2008. Archived from the original on April 14, 2009. Retrieved August 22, 2009.
- ^ Debarros, Anthony; Cadden, Mary; DeRamus, Kristin; Schnaars, Christopher (January 14, 2009). «The top 100 books of 2008». USA Today. Archived from the original on August 5, 2011. Retrieved May 31, 2011.
- ^ Minzesheimer, Bob; DeBarros, Anthony (January 12, 2011). «2010 saw a frenzy for fiction, led by Stieg Larsson’s ‘Girl’ trilogy». USA Today. Archived from the original on January 16, 2011. Retrieved June 13, 2011.
- ^ Hillias J. Martin. Editorial Reviews. ISBN 0316160199.
- ^ a b Meyer, Stephenie (November 2009). New Moon (The Twilight Saga) — Stephenie Meyer: Books. ISBN 978-0-316-07565-7. Retrieved August 12, 2011.
- ^ http://www.teenreads.com Archived 2008-07-01 at the Wayback Machine Teenreads.com
- ^ «New Moon by Stephenie Meyer». Teenreads.com. Archived from the original on July 19, 2011. Retrieved August 12, 2011.
- ^ Anna Limber. «‘New Moon’ by Stephenie Meyer — Book Review». About.com. Archived from the original on October 2, 2011. Retrieved June 13, 2011.
- ^ «2009 YRCA Winners». Pnla.org. Archived from the original on August 18, 2011. Retrieved August 12, 2011.
- ^ Jennifer Cady (February 20, 2009). «New Moon Gets an Official Title and Artwork». E! Online. Archived from the original on February 23, 2009. Retrieved February 20, 2009.
- ^ «What Rob Pattinson Misses Most & His Secret Fear». The Improper. February 21, 2009. Archived from the original on February 24, 2009. Retrieved February 21, 2009.
- ^ «Taylor Lautner to Reprise His Role as Jacob in New Moon» (Press release). Summit Entertainment. January 7, 2009. Archived from the original on February 10, 2009. Retrieved March 17, 2009.
- ^ Thompson, Anne (December 7, 2008). «No Hardwicke for ‘Twilight’ sequel». Variety. Reed Elsevier. Archived from the original on December 12, 2008. Retrieved December 12, 2008.
- ^ Malkin, Marc (January 7, 2009). «Rob Pattinson and a Bevy of Beautiful Vampires». E! Online. E! Entertainment Television, Inc. Archived from the original on June 4, 2010. Retrieved April 27, 2009.
External links[edit]
Quotations related to New Moon (novel) at Wikiquote
- Stephenie Meyer’s official New Moon website
- The Twilight Series’ official website
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First edition cover of New Moon |
Author | Stephenie Meyer |
Cover artist | Gail Doobinin (design) John Grant (photograph) |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Series | Twilight series |
Genre | Young adult, romance novel, vampire fiction |
Publisher | Little, Brown |
Publication date |
Media type | Print (Hardcover, Paperback) e-Book (Kindle) Audio Book (CD) |
Pages | 563 |
ISBN | 0-316-16019-9 |
OCLC | 69104227 |
LC Class | PZ7.M5717515 New 2006 |
Preceded by | Twilight |
Followed by | Eclipse |
New Moon (stylized as new moon) is a 2006 romantic fantasy novel by author Stephenie Meyer, and is the second novel in the Twilight series. The novel continues the story of Bella Swan and vampire Edward Cullen’s relationship. When Edward leaves Bella after his brother attacks her, she is left heartbroken and depressed for months until Jacob Black becomes her best friend and helps her fight her pain. However, her life twists once more when Jacob’s nature reveals itself and Edward’s sister decides to visit.
According to Meyer, the book is about losing true love.[5] The title refers to the darkest phase of the lunar cycle, indicating that New Moon is about the darkest time of protagonist Bella Swan’s life.[6] Meyer wrote the book before Twilight was published. Writing the book was difficult for Meyer as she feared the readers’ reaction to the book and often cried as she described Bella’s pain.
The book was originally released in hardcover on September 6, 2006 with an initial print run of 100,000 copies.[7] Upon its publication in the United States, New Moon was highly successful and moved quickly to the top of bestseller lists, becoming one of the most anticipated books of the year. It peaked at #1 on both the New York Times Best Seller list and USA Today‘s Top 150 Bestsellers,[8][9] and was the biggest selling children’s paperback of 2008 with over 5.3 million copies sold.[10] Moreover, New Moon was the best-selling book of 2009[11] and has been translated into 38 languages. A film adaptation of the book was released on November 20, 2009.[12]
Reception for New Moon was more positive than that for its predecessor. Some criticized the middle section’s pacing; critics generally, however, argued the novel was more mature in tone, praising the character development and its depiction of human emotion.
On Bella Swan’s eighteenth birthday, Edward Cullen, the vampire she loves, and his family host her a birthday party at their residence. While unwrapping a gift, Bella receives a paper cut. Edward’s adopted brother, Jasper, is overwhelmed by the scent of her blood and attempts to attack her. Trying to protect her, Edward and the Cullens move away from Forks, but in an attempt to encourage Bella to move on, Edward tells her it is because he no longer loves her. With Edward’s departure, Bella suffers severe memory loss and depression for several months.
In the months that follow, Bella learns that thrill-seeking activities, such as motorcycle riding and cliff-diving, allow her to «hear» Edward’s voice in her head through her subconscious mind. She also seeks comfort in her deepening friendship with Jacob Black, a cheerful companion who eases her pain over losing Edward. Sometime after losing Edward, Bella starts to enjoy Jacob’s company and friendship. After spending some time with Bella, Jacob starts experiencing some unexpected and drastic changes in his mood swings, body, and personality. As Jacob undergoes a very long, painful, and life-altering transformation, Bella and Charlie become concerned. A few weeks later, Bella notes that Jacob isn’t as happy-go-lucky as he once was. She isn’t so comfortable with Jacob’s recent changes, and shortly thereafter, she discovers that Jacob has unwillingly become a werewolf and that there are other tribe members who are werewolves too. Jacob and his pack protect Bella from the vampire, Laurent, who was a part of James’ coven, and also Victoria, who seeks revenge for her dead mate, James, whom the Cullens had killed in the previous installment. Jacob starts developing physical emotions towards Bella, but she doesn’t feel the same after experiencing a life-changing breakup with Edward. This makes him horribly sad and envious of Edward. Jacob then saves Bella from drowning after jumping off a cliff and almost kisses her in the events following.
Meanwhile, a series of miscommunications leads Edward to believe that Bella has committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. Distraught over her suspected suicide, Edward flees to Volterra, Italy to provoke the Volturi, vampire royalty who are capable of killing him, though they refuse, deeming his mind-reading ability to be too valuable. In contrast to Edward’s rash reaction to the news of Bella’s death, Alice Cullen cleverly makes a surprise visit to Bella’s house, which overwhelms Bella. Bella asks a series of questions, and Alice tells her that she saw Bella trying to kill herself. As Alice’s visions about Edward change rapidly, Alice and Bella are unable to clearly understand whether Edward is or will be safe. They rush to Italy to prevent Edward from revealing himself to humans so the Volturi are forced to kill him, arriving just in time to stop him. Before leaving Italy, the Volturi tell Edward that Bella, a human who knows that vampires exist, must either be killed or transformed into a vampire to protect the secret. When they return to Forks, Edward tells Bella that he has always loved her and only left Forks to protect her. She forgives him, and the Cullens vote in favor of Bella being transformed into a vampire, to Rosalie and Edward’s dismay. However, Jacob sternly reminds Edward about an important part of their treaty: if the Cullens bite a human for any reason, the treaty is over and the wolves will attack. When Bella reminds him that it’s none of his concern as being a vampire is what she wants, Jacob reveals it is his business as she doesn’t understand what’s going to be at stake for her and the Cullens. Before he can continue warning her, they hear an angry Charlie asking Bella to get inside the house at once. Jacob apologizes to Bella once more before leaving, and the story concludes with Charlie grounding Bella for running off to Italy.
Differences between film and novel[edit]
- In the novel, Quill was upset over Embry and Jacob not hanging out with him anymore and voiced his concerns to Bella who came for a visit. The movie omits this.
- Bella never confronted Sam in his werewolf form in the novel, but rather in his human form, which Emily later explains everything to her.
- In the novel, Jacob confronts Edward at Bella’s house and reminds him of their deal. In the film, it was in the forest.
- Unlike in the film where Charlie grounds Bella after she runs off to Italy, Charlie grounds her after he sees her with Edward at their house in the novel’s conclusion.
- In the book Jacob tells Charlie about the motorcycle they built together. In the movie, he doesn’t.
- In the novel’s end, Edward never proposed to Bella, but rather walked her in the house to explain everything to Charlie. The film omits this.
After Meyer finished writing Twilight, she found herself writing multiple, hundred-page epilogues, and has said, «I quickly realized I wasn’t ready to stop writing about Bella and Edward.»[13] She began writing a sequel, which was entitled Forever Dawn and skipped over Bella’s final year of high school.[14] While Meyer was still writing Forever Dawn, she learned that Twilight was going to be published and marketed as a young-adult novel.[14] Wanting the next book to be aimed at a similar audience, she decided to write a new sequel, New Moon, which took place during Bella’s senior year of high school.[14] Therefore, Meyer started writing the outline of the book and thinking of what her characters would do, and claims that she «swiftly regretted asking them for the story.» She didn’t like the idea of Edward leaving at first and tried to think of other plot options, but, in the end, she said that «she accepted the inevitability of it.»[14]
Meyer wrote New Moon in five months. She found the editing process «much longer and more difficult than the same process with Twilight.» Also, unlike Twilight, which Meyer intended not to publish at first, she recognized that New Moon was going to be published and had what she described as a «horrible feeling much like stage fright» while writing. However, Meyer considers Jacob to be her favorite gift the book gave, as she liked the character a lot and wanted to expand his role and presence.[14]
The confrontation with the Volturi in the clock tower at the end of the book was the first scene Meyer wrote. She did not want to use a real city as the location for the Volturi’s residence, as she did with Forks.[15] She decided to name her city «Volturin»[16] and chose a location in Tuscany, Italy because it matched her vision of the city being «very old and relatively remote.» However, when consulting a map, she found that there was a city called Volterra in the area where she had planned to place her imaginary city. Therefore, she chose Volterra and called it «a pretty creepy coincidence.»[15]
The first draft of New Moon differed significantly from the manuscript published. Originally, Bella never found out that Jacob was a werewolf, and as a result, the seventy pages following Bella’s discovery of Jacob’s nature were missing. The epilogue was also different in title and content.[17] Meyer found it difficult to write Bella’s pain over Edward’s departure and often cried while writing those parts.[14] She mentioned that she never suffered a heartbreak like Bella’s, so she couldn’t draw inspiration for her pain from personal experiences, but based it on how she thought she would feel if she lost a child,[18] while insisting that it came from her character, who is «much more open—to both pain and joy.» She claims that «the way she chose to cope with it» was unexpected.[19]
According to Meyer, the story was inspired by Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.[20]
Cover and title[edit]
Cover and Title[edit]
The cover art of New Moon was designed by Gail Doobinin and photographed by John Grant. Meyer has expressed on numerous occasions that she had no hand in choosing the cover,[21] and said that she does not like it. She described it as «a very lovely ruffled tulip that means nothing at all».[21] Originally, Meyer suggested a clock image for the cover as she saw «time» as one of the most important themes of the novel. However, the artwork team that designed the cover chose the image of a tulip losing one of its petals, aiming to represent Bella losing a drop of blood.[22]
When Meyer finished writing the book, she wanted a title that referred to a time of day to match Twilight. As it reflected the mood of the sequel, she titled the novel New Moon, «the darkest kind of night, a night with no moon», to refer to the darkest period of Bella’s life.[14]
Publication and reception[edit]
New Moon was published by Little, Brown in the USA on September 6, 2006 with an initial print run of 100,000 copies.[7] Demand for the book was so high that advance reading copies were being sold on eBay for as high as $380.[23] New Moon immediately rose to the #1 position on the New York Times Best Seller list for Children’s Chapter Books[8] in its second week on the list, displacing popular children’s authors such as Christopher Paolini and Markus Zusak,[24] and remained in that spot for eleven weeks. It spent over 47 weeks in total on the list.[25] New Moon also remained on the USA Today Best Seller list for over 150 weeks after entering the list two weeks after its release, later peaking at #1.[9] USA Today ranked it at #29 on its 2007 top-selling books list.[26]
By 2008, Publishers Weekly reported that New Moon had sold 1.5 million copies throughout the U.S.[27] In October 2008, the book was ranked #37 on USA Today’s «Bestselling Books of Last 15 Years».[28] According to USA Today, the book was also the second biggest-selling book of 2008 behind its prequel, Twilight,[29] and the biggest-selling of 2009, giving the saga the top four positions on the list for two consecutive years.[11] It was also ranked at #27 on the list of biggest-selling books of 2010.[30]
Critical reception[edit]
The novel received mostly positive reviews with some critics feeling that it dragged in the middle. Hillias J. Martin of School Library Journal praised the book, saying, «Less streamlined than Twilight yet just as exciting, New Moon will more than feed the bloodthirsty hankerings of fans of the first volume and leave them breathless for the third».[31] Kirkus Reviews praised the novel, describing it as «an exciting page turner…This tale of tortured demon lovers entices.»[32] Moreover, Cindy Dobrez of Booklist gave New Moon a positive review, stating that Bella’s dismay at being ordinary «will strike a chord even among girls who have no desire to be immortal, and like the vampires who watch Bella bleed with «fevered eyes,» teens will relish this new adventure and hunger for more».[32] Furthermore, Norah Piehl of Teenreads.com [33] thought that in the middle «the story sometimes drags, and readers may long for the vampires’ return», though she believed that «New Moon will leave Meyer’s many fans breathless for the sequel, as Bella finally understands everything that will be at stake if she makes the ultimate choice to give up her humanity and live, like the vampires, forever.»[34] Anna Limber of About.com echoed Piehl, saying that «the middle section is a little slow» and some aspects of the story were «predictable». However, she gave the book 3.5 stars out of 5 and said that the novel as a whole «has a brooding and melancholy feel to it, capturing well the angst of its teenage characters.»[35]
New Moon won the Senior Young Reader’s Choice Award in 2009.[36]
A film adaptation of New Moon was released on November 20, 2009.[12][37][38] It is the sequel to 2008’s Twilight, which is based on the previous novel written by Meyer. The film starred Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner, reprising their roles as Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, and Jacob Black, respectively.[39] In late November 2008, Summit Entertainment greenlit the sequel, which was directed by Chris Weitz with Melissa Rosenberg returning as the screenwriter.[40] The majority of the film was shot in Vancouver, British Columbia.[41]
- ^ «New Moon (Twilight)». Amazon.com.
- ^ «New Moon». stepheniemeyer.com.
- ^ «New Moon: 2». Amazon.com.
- ^ «New Moon (Twilight Saga Book 2)». Amazon.com.
- ^ Meyer, Stephenie (Subject) (2007). Stephenie Meyer Talks About Eclipse (Video). Amazon.com. Event occurs at 00:00:18. Archived from the original on January 20, 2009. Retrieved January 18, 2009.
- ^ «Twilight Series|New Moon FAQ». StephenieMeyer.com. Archived from the original on August 7, 2011. Retrieved August 12, 2011.
- ^ a b Cecelia Goodnow (August 6, 2007). «Stephenie Meyer’s Forks-based saga of teen vampire love is now a global hit». Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Retrieved August 15, 2009.
- ^ a b «Children’s Books — New York Times». New York Times. November 12, 2006. Archived from the original on January 14, 2015. Retrieved July 23, 2009.
- ^ a b «Best-Selling Books Database». USA Today. August 2, 2009. Archived from the original on July 1, 2012. Retrieved August 9, 2009.
- ^ Diane Roback (March 23, 2009). «Bestselling Children’s Books 2008: Meyer’s Deep Run». Publishers Weekly. Archived from the original on October 16, 2009. Retrieved August 9, 2009.
- ^ a b Debarros, Anthony; Cadden, Mary; DeRamus, Kristin; Schnaars, Christopher (January 6, 2010). «Best-Selling Books: The top 100 for 2009». USA Today. Archived from the original on August 7, 2011. Retrieved May 31, 2011.
- ^ a b Larry Carroll (February 19, 2009). «‘Twilight’ Exclusive: ‘New Moon’ Art And Official Title Revealed!». MTV. Archived from the original on February 21, 2009. Retrieved February 20, 2009.
- ^ «BookStories Interview with Stephenie Meyer». BookStories. Changing Hands Bookstore. August 2006. Archived from the original on December 16, 2008. Retrieved August 15, 2009.
- ^ a b c d e f g Stephenie Meyer. «The Story Behind the Writing of New Moon«. StephenieMeyer.com. Archived from the original on November 4, 2006. Retrieved August 15, 2009.
- ^ a b «Twilight Lexicon » The Q & A from the February 2007, BYU Symposium». Twilight Lexicon. February 9, 2007. Archived from the original on May 22, 2011. Retrieved June 13, 2011.
- ^ «Stephenie Meyer answers your questions». Twilight Lexicon. November 17, 2009. Archived from the original on July 24, 2011. Retrieved June 12, 2011.
- ^ «If Jacob Didn’t Break the Rules» (PDF). Stephenie Meyer.com. Archived (PDF) from the original on June 23, 2011. Retrieved June 12, 2011.
- ^ «The Q & A from the February 2007, BYU Symposium». Twilight Lexicon. February 9, 2007. Archived from the original on July 22, 2011. Retrieved July 5, 2011.
- ^ «Twilight Lexicon » Personal Correspondence #10». Twilight Lexicon. September 19, 2006. Archived from the original on May 22, 2011. Retrieved June 12, 2011.
- ^ Proctor, Maurine (August 8, 2008). «Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight». Meridian. Archived from the original on December 1, 2008. Retrieved April 19, 2010.
- ^ a b «The Breaking Dawn Concert Tour-Seattle Q&A». Twilight Lexicon. Archived from the original on October 2, 2011. Retrieved July 5, 2011.
- ^ Meyer, Stephenie (April 2011). «Frequently Asked Questions». The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide. Little, Brown.
- ^ «Stephenie Meyer». Waterstone’s. Archived from the original on October 16, 2009. Retrieved August 15, 2009.
- ^ «New York Times Best Seller list». Nytimes.com. October 22, 2006. Archived from the original on January 17, 2016. Retrieved August 12, 2011.
- ^ «New York Times Best Seller list». Nytimes.com. July 15, 2007. Archived from the original on January 14, 2015. Retrieved August 12, 2011.
- ^ DeBarros, Anthony; Lopez, Korina; Cadden, Mary (January 14, 2010). «The top 100 books of 2007». USA Today. Archived from the original on June 4, 2011. Retrieved June 13, 2011.
- ^ «Stephenie Meyer By the Numbers». Publishers Weekly. December 5, 2008. Archived from the original on September 21, 2008. Retrieved August 15, 2009.
- ^ «USA Today’s best-selling books of last 15 years». USA Today. October 30, 2008. Archived from the original on April 14, 2009. Retrieved August 22, 2009.
- ^ Debarros, Anthony; Cadden, Mary; DeRamus, Kristin; Schnaars, Christopher (January 14, 2009). «The top 100 books of 2008». USA Today. Archived from the original on August 5, 2011. Retrieved May 31, 2011.
- ^ Minzesheimer, Bob; DeBarros, Anthony (January 12, 2011). «2010 saw a frenzy for fiction, led by Stieg Larsson’s ‘Girl’ trilogy». USA Today. Archived from the original on January 16, 2011. Retrieved June 13, 2011.
- ^ Hillias J. Martin. Editorial Reviews. ISBN 0316160199.
- ^ a b Meyer, Stephenie (November 2009). New Moon (The Twilight Saga) — Stephenie Meyer: Books. ISBN 978-0-316-07565-7. Retrieved August 12, 2011.
- ^ http://www.teenreads.com Archived 2008-07-01 at the Wayback Machine Teenreads.com
- ^ «New Moon by Stephenie Meyer». Teenreads.com. Archived from the original on July 19, 2011. Retrieved August 12, 2011.
- ^ Anna Limber. «‘New Moon’ by Stephenie Meyer — Book Review». About.com. Archived from the original on October 2, 2011. Retrieved June 13, 2011.
- ^ «2009 YRCA Winners». Pnla.org. Archived from the original on August 18, 2011. Retrieved August 12, 2011.
- ^ Jennifer Cady (February 20, 2009). «New Moon Gets an Official Title and Artwork». E! Online. Archived from the original on February 23, 2009. Retrieved February 20, 2009.
- ^ «What Rob Pattinson Misses Most & His Secret Fear». The Improper. February 21, 2009. Archived from the original on February 24, 2009. Retrieved February 21, 2009.
- ^ «Taylor Lautner to Reprise His Role as Jacob in New Moon» (Press release). Summit Entertainment. January 7, 2009. Archived from the original on February 10, 2009. Retrieved March 17, 2009.
- ^ Thompson, Anne (December 7, 2008). «No Hardwicke for ‘Twilight’ sequel». Variety. Reed Elsevier. Archived from the original on December 12, 2008. Retrieved December 12, 2008.
- ^ Malkin, Marc (January 7, 2009). «Rob Pattinson and a Bevy of Beautiful Vampires». E! Online. E! Entertainment Television, Inc. Archived from the original on June 4, 2010. Retrieved April 27, 2009.
External links[edit]
Quotations related to New Moon (novel) at Wikiquote
- Stephenie Meyer’s official New Moon website
- The Twilight Series’ official website