Татарские праздники на английском

New Year holidays January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8

New Year holidays January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8

Fatherland Defender’s Day February 23

International Women’s Day March 8

Holiday of Spring and Labor May 1

Victory Day May 9

Day of Russia June 12

Day of the Republic of Tatarstan (in Russ.) August 30

Day of national unity November 4

Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan (in Russ.) November 6

Religious Holidays of the Republic of Tatarstan

Christmas January 7

Id al-Fitr (Uraza Bayram) Eid al-Adha (Kurban-Bairam) (in Russ.) Date is determined according to the lunar calendar and is annually approved by decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan

The above mentioned holidays are non-working days.
When non-working days concur with regular days off, the day off is transferred to the day following the holiday.

Other official holidays

The National Folk Feast “Sabantui” (in Russ.) is traditionally held in the Republic of Tatarstan after completion of spring works. And Russian folk holiday «Karavon» (in Russ.). The dates of the feasts is fixed by the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Tatarstan.

According to Law of the Republic of Tatarstan N 1448-XII «On Holidays and Memorable Days in the Republic of Tatarstan» of February 19, 1992, Day of native language is fixed celebrated on April 26.

According to Law of the Republic of Tatarstan N 74-ЗРТ «On amendements to the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan on Holidays and Memorable Days in the Republic of Tatarstan» a Memorable date is established: 21 May — Day of the official adoption of Islam Volga Bulgaria.


Tatar national holidays

(это на английском)

Tatar holidays are enough.For example-Sabantui.

Sabantui-Tatar, Bashkir and Chuvash folk holiday, which is currently celebrated by the rest of the peoples of the Volga region. this ancient holiday has a thousand-year history.So back in the 921 year of the Christian era it was described in his writings by the famous researcher Ibn Fadlan, who arrived in Bulgar as an ambassador from Baghdad. Also in the Alkeevsky district of Tatarstan, scientists were.Such an unusual holiday!

(на русском,или же перевод)

Достаточно татарских праздников. Например — Сабантуй.

Сабантуй-татарский, башкирский и чувашский народный праздник, который в настоящее время отмечают остальные народы Поволжья.

этот древний праздник имеет тысячелетнюю историю.Так еще в 921 году христианской эры его описал в своих трудах знаменитый исследователь Ибн Фадлан, прибывший в Булгар в качестве посла из Багдада. Также в Алькеевском районе Татарстана учёными был обнаружен надгробный камень булгарского периода, надпись на котором гласила, что усопшая почила в 1120 году в день Сабантуя.Какой необычный праздник!

Я старалась,надеюсь понравится)

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My Tatarstan- The Republic of Tatarstan is located in the center of the Russi...

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • My Tatarstan- The Republic of Tatarstan is located in the center of the Russi...

    1 слайд

    My Tatarstan
    — The Republic of Tatarstan is located in the center of the Russian Federation on the East European Plain, at the confluence of two major rivers — the Volga and the Kama. The total area of the republic is 67 836.2 sq.km. The total population of the Republic of Tatarstan more than 3.7 million people

    — The capital of the republic — the city of Kazan, which is among the 13 largest Russian cities with a population of 1 million. Or more.

  • multinational republic- Tatarstan is one of the most ethnically diverse areas...

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    multinational republic
    — Tatarstan is one of the most ethnically diverse areas in Russia — representatives of more than 115 nationalities live in the country. Among the peoples of Tatarstan, the prevailing terms of population — the Tatars (more than 2 million. Pers. Or 52.9% of the total population of the country). In second place Russian — about 1.5 million. Pers. or 39.5%, in the third — Chuvash (126.5 thousand. pers. or 3.4%)

  • symbols of TatarstanEach state has an independent insignia - characters.


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    symbols of Tatarstan
    Each state has an independent insignia — characters.

    Flag, emblem, anthem — state symbols.
    National Anthem of Tatarstan wrote an outstanding composer Rustem Jachin.

  • The State Emblem of the Republic of Tatarstan. Coat of arms of the Republic o...

    4 слайд

    The State Emblem of the Republic of Tatarstan.
    Coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan was adopted February 7, 1992. He is the image of a winged leopard with a round shield on its side, with a raised right front paw on a background of the sun’s disc, placed in a frame of Tatar national ornament at the bottom there is an inscription «Tatarstan». Wings leopard consist of seven feathers, the socket on the board consists of eight petals. Coat of arms made in the colors of the national flag of Tatarstan, has a circular shape.

  • State flag- The national flag - a face of the country, a symbol of independen...

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    State flag
    — The national flag — a face of the country, a symbol of independence.
      colors of the National Flag of the Republic of Tatarstan:
      — Green — greens of spring, the color of Islam, revival;
      -White — the color of purity;
      -Red — maturity, energy, power, life.
    According to another version, green means ethnic Tatars living in the country, and the red color — Russian. The white stripe symbolizes peace and harmony among nations.

  • National traditions and art of the Tatar peopleThe Republic of Tatarstan has...

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    National traditions and art of the Tatar people
    The Republic of Tatarstan has a rich historical and cultural heritage. The combination of at least four types of cultural interferences:
    The presence of two religions:
    All this defines the uniqueness of these places, the uniqueness of art as well as cultural and historical values.
    In art and cultural heritage of the people as a mirror to reflect the life and the life of our ancestors, national characteristics, ideals of beauty and religion, changes in socio-economic conditions and contacts with other nations.

  • religious holidaysCorban Bairam - Muslims
Christmas - the Christians
Nowruz -...

    7 слайд

    religious holidays
    Corban Bairam — Muslims
    Christmas — the Christians
    Nowruz — the ceremonial feast of Tatars
    Mardi Gras — ritual feast in Russian
    Sabantuy — Spring Festival, Labor, friendship, which is carried out after completion of field work.
    -Korban Muslim holiday — Bayram include collective morning prayer, in which only men participate. A woman at that time prepare a holiday dinner at home. On that day they sacrificed animal, tried to treat meat as many as possible and distributed to people in need.
    Eid al-Fitr -large fasting during the month of Ramadan. In the Eid al-Fitr compulsory set common prayer, which may occur in the mosque, and the special outdoor areas.

  • Feast of the Sacrifice - the end of the Hajj Islamic holiday, celebrated on...

    8 слайд

    Feast of the Sacrifice — the end of the Hajj Islamic holiday, celebrated on the 10th day of the twelfth month of the Islamic lunar calendar.? According to the Qur’an, Gabriel appeared to the prophet Abraham in a dream and gave him a commandment from God to sacrifice his firstborn of Ishmael. Ibrahim went to Mina to the place where now stands Mecca and began cooking, but it turned out to be a test from Allah, and when the victim was almost brought to Allah substitute for Abraham sacrifice his son to sacrifice a lamb. Holiday symbolizes goodness, majesty of God and that faith — is better than sacrifice.
    Celebrate this day with an early morning start. Muslims go to the mosque for the morning prayer. The rite begins with the celebration of common prayer — prayer. At the end of the prayer imam, who read the prayer, asking Allah for his acceptance of the post, the forgiveness of sins and prosperity. After that, the believers, touching tasbeeh (taspih), collectively read dhikr. Zikr is performed according to a special formula and special way, aloud or silently, and is accompanied by certain gestures. At the end of the morning prayer believers return home.
    On this day also decided to slaughter a sheep, although I slaughtered a camel or a bull (with the words «Bismillah, Allahu Akbar»), as well accepted giving alms (share refreshments lamb). By tradition common to use a third meat treats for your family, a third to give to the poor, and a third give in charity to those who request it.
    Corban Bairam

  • religion

  • Our holidaysIn the life of every people and his country have wonderful holida...

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    Our holidays
    In the life of every people and his country have wonderful holidays. That make our lives interesting and informative.

  • Sabantuy - folk festival. The origins of the celebration Sabantui goes back t...

    11 слайд

    Sabantuy — folk festival. The origins of the celebration Sabantui goes back to antiquity and are associated with the agrarian cult. This is evidenced by its name: Saban means «spring» or a different meaning — «plow» and tui — «wedding», «celebration».

  • Tatar traditions

    12 слайд

    Tatar traditions

  • Perhaps the most massive and popular festival now includes folk festivals, ce...

    13 слайд

    Perhaps the most massive and popular festival now includes folk festivals, ceremonies and various games. Literally «drinking bout» means «Festival of the Plough» (Saban — plow and tui — the holiday). Previously, he was celebrated before the start of spring field work in April, is now celebrating the drinking bout in June — at the end of sowing. ? Sabantuy begins in the morning. Women wear their most beautiful jewelry in the horses’ manes woven ribbons, bells suspended from the arc. All dress up and gather in the Maidan — a large meadow. Entertainment Sabantui great variety. The main thing — the national struggle — kөrәsh. To win it requires strength, cunning and agility. Has its own strict rules: opponents wrapped each other wide belts — sashes, the challenge is to hang the opponent on his belt in the air, and then put it on the shoulder. Winner (Batyr) receives a reward of live sheep (by tradition, but now increasingly replacing other gifts). Participate and demonstrate their strength, agility, courage can not only fight kөrәsh.

  • Традиционные соревнования сабантуя:  - Fight with sacks of hay on top of the...

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    Традиционные соревнования сабантуя: 
     — Fight with sacks of hay on top of the log. The goal — to drive the enemy «out of the saddle.» ? — Running in bags. ? — Doubles competition: one leg tied to the foot of the partner, and so run to the finish. ? — The campaign for the prize for rocking the log. ? — The game «Break the pot»: participants are blindfolded, are given a long stick, which he must break the pot. ? — Climbing on high poles tied with the top prizes. ? — Running with the spoon in his mouth. On a spoon — a raw egg. Who first come running without breaking the valuable cargo, and the winner. ? — Contests for Tatar beauties — who is faster and better narezhet noodles. ? In a clearing, where the festivities are held, you can enjoy a barbecue, rice noodles and homemade treats national Tatar: chak-chak, echpochmak, Balish, peremyach. 

  • Very bright, flashing, an international festival - Sabantuy.

    15 слайд

    Very bright, flashing, an international festival — Sabantuy.

  • Wedding ceremonies TatarsEvery conspiracy preceded the wedding, which was fr...

    16 слайд

    Wedding ceremonies Tatars
    Every conspiracy preceded the wedding, which was from the groom yauchy (Matchmaker) and someone from older relatives. If the bride’s parents consented to the marriage, in collusion addressed questions about the size of dowry, dowry of the bride, the time of the wedding, the number of invited guests. After the conclusion of «marriage contract» bride named yarashylgan Kiz — betrothed girl. Began preparations for the wedding. Groom collecting dowry, buying gifts to the bride, her parents and relatives buy things in the future home. The bride is finalizing a dowry, to collect that begins with 12-14 years. It was mostly clothes for herself and her future husband.
    The ritual of marriage and the wedding feast took place in the bride’s home. The groom was in the house of his parents and the bride surrounded by her friends spent the day in the so-called House Suite (kiyau өye — literally,. The groom’s house), which served as the house next of kin. Girls were wondering, trying to find out the fate of the bride in marriage. ? In the wedding collection (tui) Mullah commit ritual of marriage, opens a case in prayer. After reading the prayer wedding marriage was held prisoner.? At this time, the bride accompanied girlfriends and sisters, and then perform the ritual uryn kotlau — sanctification bridal bed. Guests from the bride came in kiyau өye, each of them had to touch it with your hands or a feather bed to sit on the edge of the bed. Guests left for a few coins in a specially prepared dish

  •                        nikahwedding

  • In the Tatar national costume prevail white, red, blue, green color. Tatar g...

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    In the Tatar national costume prevail white, red, blue, green color. Tatar girls put on his head kalfak velvet, beaded pearls sludge. And sometimes in a special handkerchief tied

  • headgearHeaddress men was chetyrёhklinnaya hemispherical shape skullcap (tyub...

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    Headdress men was chetyrёhklinnaya hemispherical shape skullcap (tyubetey) or in the form of a truncated cone (kelepush). Woman’s headdress in the past, as a rule, contain information about the age, social and marital status of its owner.

  • Tatars

  • National clothes for women

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    National clothes for women

  • Clothing for men

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    Clothing for men

  • Kitchen, table etiquette traditionInteresting and varied Tatar national cuis...

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    Kitchen, table etiquette tradition
    Interesting and varied Tatar national cuisine that has evolved not only on the basis of their ethnic traditions. A great impact on her kitchen had neighboring nations. The legacy of the Bulgars in the Tatar cuisine remained katyk, ball-May, kabartma, complementing Tatar chak-chak, ech-pochmakom, Chinese dumplings and gave tea, Uzbek — pilaf, Tajik — Pahlavi

  • Numerous travelers who visited Kazan, called national cuisine hearty and deli...

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    Numerous travelers who visited Kazan, called national cuisine hearty and delicious, simple and refined, their surprising variety and rare combination of products, as well as hospitality, memorable stay. According to ancient tradition in honor of Tatar guest stretched festive tablecloth on the table and exhibited the best treats — sweet chak-chak, schirbet, white honey, and, of course, sweet tea. Hospitality in the East has always been prized. «Inhospitable person — defective» — ​​says the Muslims. Guests were taken not only entertain, but also to bestow gifts. According to the custom and the guest replied in kind. People say: «Kunakov ashy — Karshi car», which means «Guest treat mutual.»

  • national dishesOf the variety of dishes are most common: first, soups and bro...

    25 слайд

    national dishes
    Of the variety of dishes are most common: first, soups and broths (shulpa, tokmach) meat, dairy and lean. Second, common among the Tatars are flour baked goods — beleshi, peremyachi, bekkeny, ech-pochmaki, sumsa and other stuffed with meat, potatoes or porridge. Third, the presence of «tea table — the soul of the family» as they say Tatars, emphasizing its importance in a drinking ritual. Tea and baked goods sometimes replaces breakfast or dinner, tea — an indispensable attribute of the match, the visitors. N.Vorobev historian writes: «The most common drink among the Tatars of all classes was tea, which they drank often and much, much more than neighboring peoples.» Praises tea and Tatar folk tales Bayt: In this world, Allah many different delicious it appears not to be compared to them, however, with tea, mainly from drugs.

  • Music Tatar peopleMusic of the Tatar people, as well as other art form, passe...

    26 слайд

    Music Tatar people
    Music of the Tatar people, as well as other art form, passed the old path of historical development. Lado-intonation (pentatonic) and rhythmic features have common features with the musical traditions of Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples of the Volga, which suggests connection with lyrical melodies Tatar historical musical epic pagan era.
    All variety of Tatar folk music can be divided into songwriting and instrumental music. It is in the song clearly reflected the emotional life of the people — his sorrows and joys, celebrations and customs, way of life and historical development. Songwriting Tatars includes ritual (calendar, wedding), historical (BAIT) and lyrical songs. In the popular musical art developed a solo singing, traditional monophonic.
    In the old songs and folk dancing girls with their plasticity and grace, shy movements absent any hint of swing, expanse or binge. Repetitive movements with small steps almost at the same place in the national Tatar dance, as well as lingering sad songs, speak eloquently about the modest seclusion Muslim girls.

  •            Tatar dances

  • The most common tools of the Tatar folk music were accordion-Talianki, chick...

    28 слайд

    The most common tools of the Tatar folk music were accordion-Talianki, chicken (such as flutes) kubyz (violin), surnay (eastern Musical instruments).

  • :Tatars play on

  • Fulfilled:Galimullin Alice Aydarovna.instructor: Adgamova Alina Ildusovna.Th...

    30 слайд

    Fulfilled:Galimullin Alice Aydarovna.
    instructor: Adgamova Alina Ildusovna.
    Thank you for your attention.

  • List of referencesReferences:
AM Amines. History of Tatars and Tatarstan: sch...

    31 слайд

    List of references
    AM Amines. History of Tatars and Tatarstan: schemas, tables, testy. Kazan, Magarif, 2000
    I.A.Gilyazov, V.I.Piskarev, F.Sh.Huzin. History of Tatars and Tatarstan: Tatar republic publishing house «Heter», 2008

Краткое описание документа:

и одно торжество не известно за пределами республики так, как Сабантуй – татарский праздник, посвящённый началу сельскохозяйственных работ. Сейчас это торжество отмечают 23 июня, однако в давние времена дату выбирали старейшины-аксакалы отдельных селений. Незадолго до начала праздника дети отправлялись по гостям с просьбой подать им угощений. Собранные продукты малыши приносили домой, а уже там женская половина семьи готовила из них угощения к утреннему столу. В особенности внимание уделяли праздничной каше, этот обряд называли «Грачиная каша». После завтрака начинались праздничные мероприятия, первое из которых – сбор яиц детьми. Далее эти яйца красили в разные цвета. В домах пекли булочки, кренделя, маленькие шарики из теста – баурсаки.

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Russian and Tatar National Holidays Проектная работа по английскому языку учащихся 4 класса МБОУ «Уринская начальная школа – детский сад» Руководитель: Нигматзянова Алсу Фаилевна

Russian and Tatar National Holidays

Проектная работа по английскому языку учащихся 4 класса МБОУ «Уринская начальная школа – детский сад»

Руководитель: Нигматзянова Алсу Фаилевна

S a b a n t u y

S a b a n t u y

  • Sabantuy is, perhaps, the most popular festival in Tatarstan. It is «a celebration of the plough» (in the Tatar language «saban» means «plough» and «tuy» means «festival»). This holiday takes place at the beginning of summer, after the first haymaking.

During this festival there are a lot of spectacular competitions. The most exciting are the horse races . (The Bulgars' ancestors lived a nomadic life, had horses and were good riders.)

  • During this festival there are a lot of spectacular competitions. The most exciting are the horse races . (The Bulgars’ ancestors lived a nomadic life, had horses and were good riders.)

Another popular competition is the national wrestling . At the end they choose a winner. He is usually given a good prize.

N a u r u z

N a u r u z

  • «Nauruz» means the «New Year Day».
  • It is a very old festival.
  • This festival takes place on the 21st of March. On this day the daytime is as long as night. Days become longe and nights become shorter. This holiday symbolizes the end of darkness and the victory of the light over the evil. It is a bright and unforgettable festival. 

K u r b a n - b a i r a m

K u r b a n — b a i r a m

  • Muslim holidays were especially esteemed.  Kurban-bairam  is the most significant one. It is a holiday of sacrifice in memory of Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness sacrifice his son for the sake of Allah. The sacrificial animal is fattened several weeks before the holiday for an obligatory meat meal.

D a y of R e p u b l I c New holidays reflecting social and political changes were added to the national ones. The main of them is the Day of Republic on August 30. On this very day in 1990, Tatarstan adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty. The Day of Republic combine both ancient traditions and the present. It is a memory of the past and aspiration to the future. On this day, cities and villages of the republic flourish, all multinational Tatarstan people get together to see the festival open-air performance with historical customs and traditions, horse races, national wrestling, ensembles of ancient instruments and folklore groups performances.

D a y of R e p u b l I c

New holidays reflecting social and political changes were added to the national ones. The main of them is the Day of Republic on August 30. On this very day in 1990, Tatarstan adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty. The Day of Republic combine both ancient traditions and the present. It is a memory of the past and aspiration to the future. On this day, cities and villages of the republic flourish, all multinational Tatarstan people get together to see the festival open-air performance with historical customs and traditions, horse races, national wrestling, ensembles of ancient instruments and folklore groups performances.

M a s l e n n i t s a Maslennitsa is a traditional Russian holiday. Maslennitsa takes place at the end of winter. In old times Slavic people believed in different Gods and Yarilo was the main of them. In his honour people fried a lot of pancakes - hot and round like the sun and put much butter on them. The holiday lasted a week. During the holiday people played snowballs, made snow castles and rode a sledge. They visited each other and celebrated this holiday together.

M a s l e n n i t s a

Maslennitsa is a traditional Russian holiday. Maslennitsa takes place at the end of winter. In old times Slavic people believed in different Gods and Yarilo was the main of them. In his honour people fried a lot of pancakes — hot and round like the sun and put much butter on them. The holiday lasted a week. During the holiday people played snowballs, made snow castles and rode a sledge. They visited each other and celebrated this holiday together.

V i c t o r y D a y Day of the Victory of Soviet people in Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is one of the military glory of Russia days.  May, 9 is a national holiday - the Victory Day. Victory Day is a day off, and is annually celebrated by military parade and artillery salute. Military parade takes place in capital of Russian Federation, city of Moscow, the use of symbolics of times of Great Domestic war predominates.

V i c t o r y D a y

Day of the Victory of Soviet people in Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is one of the military glory of Russia days. May, 9 is a national holiday — the Victory Day.

Victory Day is a day off, and is annually celebrated by military parade and artillery salute.

Military parade takes place in capital of Russian Federation, city of Moscow, the use of symbolics of times of Great Domestic war predominates.

International Workers’ Solidarity Day On the 1st May , Russians celebrate Spring and Labour day (also known as International Workers Day). This used to be a big day filled with parades, yet is is now used as a day of relaxation for most. However, some people protest or participate in demonstrations (usually politically motivated ones).   

International Workers’ Solidarity Day

On the 1st May , Russians celebrate Spring and Labour day (also known as International Workers Day). This used to be a big day filled with parades, yet is is now used as a day of relaxation for most. However, some people protest or participate in demonstrations (usually politically motivated ones).   

I n d e p e n d a n c e D a y On the 12th June , Russia celebrates its Independence Day (also known as Russia day). On this day, Russia declared sovereignty from the Soviet Union. It is also a day where people honour those who have played a big role in the history of the country itself.

I n d e p e n d a n c e D a y

On the 12th June , Russia celebrates its Independence Day (also known as Russia day). On this day, Russia declared sovereignty from the Soviet Union. It is also a day where people honour those who have played a big role in the history of the country itself.

U n I t y D a y ( День народного единства ) Last but not least, Unity Day is celebrated on the 4th November . It stands for tolerance in Russia. Unfortunately on this day ultranationalists can be found demonstrating on the streets. Not everybody agrees with this holiday, it replaced Revolution day (7th November) in 2005.

U n I t y D a y

( День народного единства )

Last but not least, Unity Day is celebrated on the 4th November . It stands for tolerance in Russia. Unfortunately on this day ultranationalists can be found demonstrating on the streets. Not everybody agrees with this holiday, it replaced Revolution day (7th November) in 2005.

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Перевод «татарский праздник» на английский

Стоит отметить, что на, казалось бы, татарский праздник Сабантуй, по традиции, приходят люди всех национальностей.

It is worth noting that, apparently, the Tatar holiday Sabantui, by tradition, come people of all nationalities.

Летом здесь традиционно отмечают Сабантуй — татарский праздник.

Here in October is traditionally celebrated Sukkot — Feast of tabernacles.

Экскурсия для представителей СМИ на татарский праздник Сабантуй.

Каргатуй Карга боткасы — традиционный татарский праздник, проводимый в весеннее время, знаменует собой окончание весенних полевых работ.

Kargatui — a traditional Tatar holiday, held in spring, marks the end of spring field work.

«Сабантуй» в переводе на русский означает «праздник плуга» — самый известный ежегодный народный татарский праздник в честь окончания весенних полевых работ.

Sabantuy in translation from the Tatar language means «plough’s feast» — the most famous annual Tatar festival in honour of the end of spring field works.

Сабантуй — национальный татарский праздник.

Вы испытаете настоящий татарский праздник!

Первый заместитель министра промышленности и торговли Республики Татарстан Руслан Кабиров поблагодарил руководство исполнительной власти района, а также дружественный народ Азербайджана за возможность праздновать национальный татарский праздник Сабантуй.

First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan Ruslan Kabirov thanked the executive authority as well as the friendly people of Azerbaijan for the opportunity to celebrate the national

Впервые идея отметить веселый татарский праздник была озвучена в августе прошлого года на II Форуме татарской молодежи Европы в Таллинне и была поддержана Исполкомом Всемирного Конгресса татар и Всемирным форумом татарской молодежи.

The idea of the First European Sabantui was announced in August 2013, at the II Forum of Tatar youth of Europe in Tallinn and supported by the Executive Committee of the World

Другие результаты

Музыка — неотъемлемая часть татарского праздника.

Помимо перагогической и музыкальной деятельности она также была известна, как ведущая национальных татарских праздников.

In addition pedagogicheskoi and musical activities she was also known as the leading Tatar national holidays.

Ощущения татарского праздника в Москве не было.

Сабантуй является международным национальным татарским праздником, который стал государственным в Татарстане, федеральным праздником в России и официальным городским во многих городах мира.

Sabantui is the world’s national festival of Tatars and Bashkirs, which became a public holiday in Tatarstan, a federal holiday in the Russian Federation and an official state holiday in many countries all over the world.

Из поколения в поколение камышлинцы сохраняют традиции этого татарского народного праздника и передают их потомкам.

From generation to generation, the Kamyshla people keep up the traditions of this Tatar national holiday and pass them on to their descendants.

В рамках МИНЕПС VI запланированы официальные приемы, посещение соревнований III Всероссийских пляжных игр и мероприятий национального татарского праздника Сабантуй.

Тем более, что на следующий день после наших соревнований в городе планируется проведение одного из главных татарских национальных праздников — «Сабантуй».

Especially because the next day after our competitions they plan to hold one of the main Tatar national holidays — the «Sabantui».

Разговор коснулся и возможного включения национального праздника татарского народа Сабантуй в список нематериального наследия ЮНЕСКО.

Conversation has touched also possible inclusion of the national holiday of Tatar people — Sabantuy in the list of non-material heritage of UNESCO.

Обряды и праздники татарского народа во многом зависели от сельскохозяйственного цикла.

Фестиваль юбилейный, праздник татарской культуры проводится в 10 раз.

Обряды и праздники татарского народа во многом зависели от сельскохозяйственного цикла.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 61. Точных совпадений: 9. Затраченное время: 128 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


Tatar national holidays

(это на английском)

Tatar holidays are enough.For example-Sabantui.

Sabantui-Tatar, Bashkir and Chuvash folk holiday, which is currently celebrated by the rest of the peoples of the Volga region. this ancient holiday has a thousand-year history.So back in the 921 year of the Christian era it was described in his writings by the famous researcher Ibn Fadlan, who arrived in Bulgar as an ambassador from Baghdad. Also in the Alkeevsky district of Tatarstan, scientists were.Such an unusual holiday!

(на русском,или же перевод)

Достаточно татарских праздников. Например — Сабантуй.

Сабантуй-татарский, башкирский и чувашский народный праздник, который в настоящее время отмечают остальные народы Поволжья.

этот древний праздник имеет тысячелетнюю историю.Так еще в 921 году христианской эры его описал в своих трудах знаменитый исследователь Ибн Фадлан, прибывший в Булгар в качестве посла из Багдада. Также в Алькеевском районе Татарстана учёными был обнаружен надгробный камень булгарского периода, надпись на котором гласила, что усопшая почила в 1120 году в день Сабантуя.Какой необычный праздник!

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