Теремок на англ языке сценарий

Сказка Теремок на английском языке является отличной находкой для детей, изучающих английский язык с удовольствием. В ней ученики смогут изучить названия разных животных и пополнить сво

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по

английскому языку

Сказка «The little house» (Теремок)

    Цель: расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие интереса к изучению иностранного языка посредством занимательных форм обучения.


1) познавательный аспект: расширять с помощью английского языка представление

обучающихся об окружающем их мире, о языке как средстве взаимодействия с этим


2) развивающий аспект: развивать речевую культуру школьников и культуру общения,

актерские способности учащихся; способствовать развитию внимания, памяти;

3) учебный аспект: тренировать у учащихся лексико-грамматические навыки, навыки

аудирования, говорения;

4) воспитательный аспект: воспитывать у учащихся интерес к изучаемому языку,

формировать положительную мотивацию учения.


•  декорации для сказки (теремок, лавка);

•  костюмы героев (мышка, лягушка, заяц, петух, лиса, волк, медведь);

•  маски героев.



  • Mouse
  • Frog
  • Hare
  • Cock
  • Wolf
  • Fox
  • Bear
  • Ведущая

Сцена 1

На сцене стоит теремок.


There is a little house in the forest. A mouse runs by:

«Knock, knock, knock! Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?». Nobody answers. «Ooooh, I can live there» (радостная танцует под «I feel good»)


So the mouse begins to live in the little house.

Сцена 2

A frog runs by:

«Knock, knock, knock! Little house, little house, who lives in the little house?»

Мышка: «I’m a mouse. And who are you?»

Лягушка: «I’m a frog.»

Мышка: «And what can you do?»

Лягушка: «I can jump, I can bring water and I can cook pizza» (танцует под «So delicious»)

Мышка: «Woooow, I like it. Let’s live together» 


So the mouse and the frog begin to live together. 

Сцена 3

A hare runs by:

 «Knock, knock, knock! Little house, little house, who lives in the little house?»

Мышка: «I’m a mouse»

Лягушка: «I’m a frog. And who are you?»

Заяц: «I’m a hare

Звери: «What can you do?»

Заяц: I can jump, I can run and I can sing songs. (поёт под «I will always love you»)

Звери: «Woooow! It’s great. Let’s live with us»


So the mouse, the frog and the hare begin to live together.

Сцена 4

 A cock runs by:

«Knock, knock, knock! Little house, little house, who lives in the little house?»

Мышка: «I’m a mouse.»

Лягушка: « I’m a frog.»

Заяц: «I’m a hare. And who are you?»

Петух: «I’m a cock

Звери: «What can you do?»

Петух: «I can crow, I can read poetry and I can fly

Звери: «Really????»

Петух: «No!It’s a joke. But I believe I can fly. (поёт и танцует под I believe I can fly и рассказывает стих собственного сочинения)

«Cock is happy,

Fox is sad.

Cat is pretty,

Wolf is bad»

Звери: «Fantastic! Let’s live together!»


So the mouse, the frog, the hare and the cock begin to live together.

Сцена 5

A fox runs by:

«Knock, knock, knock! Little house, little house, who lives in the little house?»

Мышка: «I’m a mouse

Лягушка: «I’m a frog

Заяц: « I’m a hare

Петух: «I’m a cock!And who are you?»

Лиса: «I’m a fox.»

Звери: «What can you do?»

Лиса: «I can tidy up.»(убирается под «Pretty woman»)

«Super! Come in


So the mouse, the frog, the hare, the cock and the fox begin to live together.

Сцена 6

 A wolf runs by:

 «Knock, knock, knock! Little house, little house, who lives in the little house?»

Мышка: «I’m a mouse.»

Лягушка: « I’m a frog.»

Заяц: « I’m a hare.»

Петух: « I’m a cock.»

Лиса: «I’m a fox. And who are you?

Волк: «I’m a wolf.»

Звери: «What can you do?»

Волк: «I can howl, I can run and I can dance.” ( воет, бегает вокруг теремка и танцует под «I like to move it»)

Звери: «Wooow. You’re welcome!»


 So the mouse, the frog, the hare, the cock, the fox and the wolf begin to live together.

Сцена 7

A bear runs by:

«Knock, knock, knock! Little house, little house, who lives in the little house?»

Мышка: «I’m a mouse

Лягушка: «I’m a frog

Заяц: «I’m a hare.»

Петух: «I’m a cock

Лиса: «I’m a fox

Волк: «I’m a wolf. And who are you?»

Медведь: «I’m a bear».

Звери: «What can you do?»

«I’m a bear, I can eat and sleep everywhere. Let’s live together.»

Мышка: «No! You’re too big. You can’t live in our little house!»

Медведь: «Yes, I can!!!»

Звери: «No you can’t!»

Медведь: «Yes I can!!!»

Звери: «No you can’t!!!!»

Медведь обидно рычит, начинает лезть на теремок и ломает его…


Ooooooo! Poor animals! Now they haven’t got the house! 

Звери кричат вместе: «Let’s build a new house!»

Звери дружно построив теремок:

«The new house is nice and big. Even the bear can live in it!»

Все дружно берутся за руки и начинают петь — Friends,  friends,  we’re friends, always together we’are friends

The end)

Герои сказки Теремок (Little house):

Лягушка – a frog, мышка – a mouse, волк – a wolf, лиса – a fox, медведь – a bear.


  1. Сценарий сказки
  2. Выход Мышки под музыку
  3. Выход лягушки под музыку                                                                            
  4. Выход волка под музыку
  5. Выход зайца и лисы (можно сделать по отдельности. Выходят за руки)
  6. Выход медведя под музыку

Сценарий сказки

Выход Мышки под музыку

Под музыку выбегает мышка и говорит пипипи.

Идет мышка.

Выход-Мышки Теремок

A mouse: Little house, little house.

 Who lives in the house?  Knock, knock (стучится)    


Мышка заходит в дом.

Выход лягушки под музыку                                                                            

На сцену “выпрыгивает” лягушка.

A frog: Little house, little house.

 Who lives in the house?  Knock, knock (стучится)    

Выходит мышка и говорит:

I am a mouse
I have a house

A frog:

I can walk, I can walk
I am a little, little frog   ( видит теремок, подходит)

A mouse: Come in, please!( уходят за теремок)

Выход волка под музыку

(На сцене появляется волк, видит теремок )

A wolf: Little house, little house.

 Who lives in the house?  Knock, knock (стучится)    

Выходит мышка и лягушка и говорят:

I am a mouse
I have a house

I am a frog

A wolf: I am a wolf
I can woof woof

Выход зайца и лисы (можно сделать по отдельности. Выходят за руки)

(На сцене появляется заяц и лиса)

A hare: Little house, little house.                                                                                                                        

Who lives in the house?  Knock, knock  (стучится)

Children: Hello, I am a little mouse.
Hello, I am a frog
Hello, I am a wolf                                                                                                                                                      

Who are you?

A hare: Hello,  I am a hare                                                                                                                                        

I can play.                                                                                                                                                      

Children: Come in, please.

 (Дети живут в теремке)

Утром просыпаются и идут к реке.

Поют песню This is the way i wash my hands
This is the way i wash my face

Выход медведя под музыку

( появляется медведь, видит терем, стучится)

A bear:

Little house,  little house                                                                                                                                                Who lives  in the house?
I am a bear .

Children: Oh no, bear.  You are big. Do you like to sing a song?

Поют песню вместе с движениями.

Сказка «The House in the wood»

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The mouse is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

(Выбегает Мышка — Mouse. Замечает теремок, подходит к нему)
Mouse : What a nice house!

It is very nice.

It is not small. It is not big.

Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house? (Заглядывает в теремок.) Nobody.

I can live in the house.
(Выпрыгивает Лягушка- Frog. Подходит к теремку)

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The frog is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

Frog: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?
(Мышка, выглядывая из теремка)
Mouse: I am a Mouse. I live in the house. Who are you and what can you do?
Frog: I am Frog.

I can jump, I can run,

I can sing, I can dance,

I can swim, I can not fly,

I can skip and say «good-bye!»
Mouse: Very good. Come in. (Лягушка заходит в теремок)

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The hare is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

(Выпрыгивает зайчик-Hare. Подходит к теремку)

Hare: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?
Mouse: I am a Mouse.
Frog: I am a Frog.
Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?
Hare: I am a Hare. My name is Willy. I am not happy. I have no house (плачет)

Звери поют:

Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? Why, Willy?

Why, Willy? Why?

Hare: Can I live in the house?
Mouse: Come in. Let’s live together.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The cock is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

(Выбегает Петушок-Cock. Подходит к теремку)
Cock: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?
Mouse: I am a Mouse.
Frog:. I am a Frog
Hare: I am a Hare.
Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?
Cock: I’m a cock.

I’m a little boy

I want some joy.
Mouse: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The dog is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

Выбегает собачка. Подходит к теремку.

Dog: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a Mouse.
Frog: I am a Frog.
Hare: I am a Hare.
Cock: I am a Cock.
Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?
Dog: I am a Dog.
My name is Jack.
My coat is white.
My nose is black.

Mouse: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Let’s play together.

Дети поют песню с движениями «Clap your hands»

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The cat is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

Выбегает кот. Подходит к теремку.

Cat: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a Mouse.
Frog: I am a Frog.
Hare: I am a Hare.
Cock: I am a Cock.

Dog: I am a Dog.

Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?
Cat: I am a Cat. I can count.

1, 1, 1 – Little dog, run!
2, 2, 2 – Cats see you.
3, 3, 3 – Birds in the tree.
4, 4, 4 – Rats on the flour.

Mouse: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The wolf is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

Wolf: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a Mouse.
Frog: I am a Frog
Hare: I am a Hare.
Cock: I am a Cock.

Dog: I am a Dog.

Cat: I am a Cat.

Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?

Wolf: I am a singer.

I can sing the songs. Let’s sing together.

Дети поют песню “The ABC”

Mouse: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The fox is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

На сцене появляется лиса, танцует

Fox: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a Mouse.
Frog: I am a Frog.
Hare: I am a Hare.
Cock: I am a Cock.

Dog: I am a Dog.

Cat: I am a Cat.

Wolf : I am a wolf.

Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?

Fox: I’m a fox. I know the colors.

Spring is green,

Summer is bright,

Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white.

Mouse: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The bear is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

(Выходит медведь – Bear, собирает грибы и цветы)

Bear: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?
Mouse: I am a Mouse.
Frog: I am a Frog.
Hare: I am a Hare.
Cock: I am a Cock.
Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?
Bear: I am a Bear. I am kind and nice. I am not lazy.
Mouse: Very good. Come in.

(Выбегает Мышка — Mouse. Замечает теремок, подходит к нему)
Mouse : What a nice house!

It is very nice.

It is not small. It is not big.

Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house? (Заглядывает в теремок.) Nobody.

I can live in the house.

Mouse: I am a Mouse. I live in the house. Who are you and what can you do?

Mouse: Very good. Come in. (Лягушка заходит в теремок)

Mouse: I am a Mouse
Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?

Mouse: Come in. Let’s live together.

Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? Why, Willy?

Why, Willy? Why?

Frog: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?
Frog: I am Frog.

I can jump, I can run,

I can sing, I can dance,

I can swim, I can not fly,

I can skip and say «good-bye!»

Frog: I am a Frog.

Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? Why, Willy?

Why, Willy? Why?

Hare: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?

Hare: I am a Hare. My name is Willy. I am not happy. I have no house (плачет)

Hare: Can I live in the house?

Hare: I am a Hare.

Cock: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?
Cock: I’m a cock.

I’m a little boy

I want some joy.

Cock: I’m a cock

Dog: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Dog: I am a Dog.
My name is Jack.
My coat is white.
My nose is black.

Dog: I am a Dog

Cat: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Cat: I am a Cat. I can count.

1, 1, 1 – Little dog, run!
2, 2, 2 – Cats see you.
3, 3, 3 – Birds in the tree.
4, 4, 4 – Rats on the flour.

Cat: I am a Cat

Wolf: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Wolf: I am a singer.

I can sing the songs. Let’s sing together.

Wolf : I am a wolf

Fox: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Fox: I’m a fox. I know the colors.

Spring is green,

Summer is bright,

Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white.

Bear: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?

Bear: I am a Bear. I am kind and nice. I am not lazy.
Let’s play together.

Дети играют в игру

Жанр: внеклассное мероприятие.

Учебный предмет: английский язык

Класс: 2.

Ожидаемые результаты. Учащиеся смогут:


— закрепить тематическую лексику, активный
запас фраз клише;

— закрепить грамматические правила и
особенности интонации основных типов

— прочитать наизусть рифмованные произведения
детского фольклора.

Умения и навыки:

— участвовать в элементарном этикетном диалоге;

— расспрашивать собеседника, задавая простые
вопросы и отвечать на вопросы собеседника;

— выступать публично;

— использовать приобретенные знания и
коммуникативные умения в практической
деятельности и повседневной жизни.


— Магнитофон.

— Диск к УМК “Английский для малышей”
И.А.Шишкова, М.Е. Вербицкая.

— Диск/ кассета №1 к книге “Happy English” Г. Доля.

— Кассета №3 к УМК “English 2” И.Н. Верещагина и др.

— М.З. Биболетова и др. “Enjoy English”- учебник 2
класс. – Обнинск, 2010 г.

— Костюмы для артистов.

— Музыкальные инструменты (детские гитары).

— Музыкальная подборка (интернет-ресурсы).

— Текст – стихотворение для Лисы.

Действующие лица: 6 Жуков (six bugs), Мышка (a
mouse), Лягушка (a frog),Собака (a dog), Лиса (a fox), Заяц (a hare),
2 Поросёнка (2 pigs), Медведь a bear, Автор(narrator).

Narrator: There is a house in the woods, woods, woods. The bugs fly-fly-flying
through the woods.

They see the house.

Song “We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.”


I. What a nice house!

II. It is very nice.

III. It is not small. It is not big.

IV. Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house? (Заглядывают в

V. Nobody! Now we can live in it.

VI. I like this house. It’s our home now.

Mouse: What a beautiful house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?


I. We live in the house.

II. We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.

III. And who are you?

Mouse: I am a little grey mouse. My name is Mighty-Mouse.

Bugs: Can you do morning exercises?

Mouse: Yes, of course, I do.
Let’s do morning exercises!
Hands up, hands down
Bend left, bend right,
Turn around.
Jump up high
Sit down.
Stand up.
Hands up, hands down
Hands on hips,
Sit down.

Bugs: Come in. Let’s live together in the house.

Скачет лягушка.

Frog: What a good house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?


I. We live in the house.

II. We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.

Mouse: I live in the house. I am a little grey mouse. And who are you?

Frog: I am a little green frog. My name is Kwa. And what is your name?

Mouse: My name is Mighty-Mouse. What can you do?

Frog: I can jump, swim and sing. (Изображает и квакает.)

Mouse: Sing a song, please!

Frog (поет): How many eyes have you got? Just two.
How many ears have you got? Just two.
How many noses have you got? Just one.
How many heads have you got? Just one.

Bugs: Come in. Let’s live together in the house.

Бежит Собачка. Принюхивается.
Увидела дом.

Dog: What a nice house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?


I. We live in the house.

II. We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.

Mouse: I live in the house. I’m a little grey mouse.

Frog: I live in the house. I’m a little green frog. And who are you?

Dog: I’m a dog. I’m clever, brave and pretty. I am not ugly. I’m not big.

I’m small.

Frog: What is your name?

Dog: My name is Jack.

Frog: Can you dance?

Танцует собачий вальс и декламирует

Dog: Yes, I can.
I am a dog.
My name is Jack.
My coat is white.
My nose is black.

Mouse: You are very nice.

Bugs: Come in. Let’s live together.

Бежит лиса. (Звучит ламбада.)

Fox: I’m a fox. I’m very cunning. I’m pretty and clever. (Видит

What a nice house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

Звери по очереди:

We live in the house.

We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.

I am a little grey mouse. I live in the house.

I am a little green frog. I live in the house.

I’m a dog. I live in the house. And who are you?

Fox: I’m a fox.

Dog: Can you read?

Fox: Yes, I can. I like to read very much.

Dog: Read, please.

Лиса читает “One, one, one…”

1, 1, 1 – Little dog, run!
2, 2, 2 – Cats see you.
3, 3, 3 – Birds in the tree.
4, 4, 4 – Rats on the flour.

Fox: And what can you do?

Mouse: I like to skip.

Frog: I like to jump.

Dog: I like to run about.

Mouse: I like to play.

Frog: I like to sing.

Bugs: We like to laugh and shout.

Dog: Come in, Fox. Let’s live together.

Бежит заяц (звучит весёлая полька).

Hare: What a nice day! What a fine weather! What is it?

This is a small house. Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

Звери по очереди:

We live in the house.

We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.

I am a little grey mouse. I live in the house.

I am a little green frog. I live in the house.

I’m a dog. I live in the house. And who are you?

I’m a fox. I live in the house. And who are you?

Hare: I’m a hare. My name is Willy. I am not happy. I haven’t a house.


Звери поют:

Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? Why, Willy?

Why, Willy? Why?

Hare: I want to live with you.

Mouse: Don’t cry, Willy. You are lovely. Come in. Let’s live together.

Fox: What can you do?

Hare: I can count. (Обращается к залу). Let’s count with me!

Считает до 30.

Dog: Come in, Hare. Let’s live together.

Появляются два поросенка с гитарами
(звучит “тяжёлый металл”).


1. Look!

2. What a nice house!

1. Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

Звери по очереди:

We live in the house.

We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.

I am a little grey mouse. I live in the house.

I am a little green frog. I live in the house.

I’m a dog. I live in the house. And who are you?

I’m a fox. I live in the house. And who are you?

I’m a hare. I live in the house. And who are you? What are you?


1.We are brothers.

2. We are singers.

Fox: What can you do?


1. We can play the guitar.

2. We can sing merry songs.

Frog: Sing, please.

Pigs (поют): I see green, I see yellow
I see that funny fellow
I see white, I see black
I see pink, I see brown
I stand up and I sit down.
I red, I see blue.
I see you, and you, and you.

Animals: It’s great! You are merry. Let’s live together.

Появляется медведь.

Bear: What a nice house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

Звери по очереди:

We live in the house.

We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.

I am a little grey mouse. I live in the house.

I am a little green frog. I live in the house.

I’m a dog. I live in the house. And who are you?

I’m a fox. I live in the house. And who are you?

I’m a hare. I live in the house.

We are pigs. We live in the house. And who are you?

Bear: I’m a bear. I’m kind. I’m lazy a little.

Pigs: 1. What do you like to do?

Bear: I like to play tennis.

Animals: Let’s go for a walk!
“Let’s play tennis!”- says the bear.
“Let’s play football!”- says the hare.
“Let’s play basketball!”- says the frog.
“Let’s play volleyball!”- says the dog.

Animals: Summer time is fine for a play

We are happy

All the day.


  • повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка
  • развитие у школьников коммуникативных навыков
  • систематизация лексических единиц
  • развитие личности обучающегося, уверенности в себе

Действующие лица: Мышка (a mouse), Лягушка (a frog),Собака (a dog), Лиса (a fox),Кот (a cat), Поросёнок (a pig), Кролик (a rabbit), Медведь (a bear), Автор(narrator).

Narrator: There is a house in the wood. The mouse runs through the wood.

The mouse sees the house.

Mouse:   What a nice house! It is very nice. It is not small. It is not big. Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?  (Заглядывает в теремок). Nobody! Now I can live in it.

Скачет лягушка, увидела домик

Frog: What a nice house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I live in the house. I am a mouse. And who are you?

Frog: I am a frog. My name is Green.

Mouse: What can you do?

Frog: I can play football,

Hockey, tennis, basketball

I can run, I can jump,

I can have a lot of fun.

Mouse: Come in. Let’s live together in the house.

Бежит собачка, увидела теремок.

Dog: Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I live in the house. I am a mouse.

Frog: I live in the house. I am a frog. And who are you?

Dog: I am a dog. My name is Jack.

Mouse: What can you do?

Dog: I can read English poem.

One – a fox, two – a box,

Three – a cock, four –a clock,

Five – a dog, six – a frog,

Seven – a donkey, eight – a monkey,

Nine  –  a doll, ten – a ball.

 Mouse: Come in. Let’s live together in the house.

Бежит лиса, увидела теремок.

Fox: What a nice house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a mouse. I live in the house.

Frog: I am a frog. I live in the house.

Dog: I am a dog. I live in the house. And who are you?

Fox: I am a fox.

Mouse: What can you do?

Fox: I can count. ( считает от 1 до 10)

Dog: Come in. Let’s live together in the house.

Бежит кошка, увидела теремок.

Cat: What a nice house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a mouse. I live in the house.

Frog: I am a frog. I live in the house.

Dog: I am a dog. I live in the house.

Fox: I am a fox. I live in the house. Who are you?

Cat: I am a cat. I know English colours. (показывает и называет разноцветные карточки)

Fox: Come in. Let’s live together in the house.

Бежит поросёнок, увидел теремок.

Pig: What a nice house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a mouse. I live in the house.

Frog: I am a frog. I live in the house.

Dog: I am a dog. I live in the house.

Fox: I am a fox. I live in the house.

Cat: I am a cat. I live in the house. Who are you?

Pig: I am a pig. My name is Willy. (плачет)


Why do you cry Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why Willy? Why Willy?

Why Willy? Why?

Pig: I have not a house.

Fox: Come in. Let’s live together in the house. What can you do?

Pig: I know English alphabet. (рассказывает алфавит).

Бежит кролик, увидел теремок.

Rabbit: What a nice house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a mouse. I live in the house.

Frog: I am a frog. I live in the house.

Dog: I am a dog. I live in the house.

Fox: I am a fox. I live in the house.

Cat: I am a cat. I live in the house.

Pig: I am a pig. I live in the house. Who are you?

Rabbit: I am a rabbit. I can dance. (танцует).

Pig: Come in. Let’s live together in the house.

Бежит медведь, увидел теремок.

Bear: What a nice house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a mouse. I live in the house.

Frog: I am a frog. I live in the house.

Dog: I am a dog. I live in the house.

Fox: I am a fox. I live in the house.

Cat: I am a cat. I live in the house.

Pig: I am a pig. I live in the house. Who are you?

Rabbit: I am a rabbit.  I live in the house. Who are you?

Bear: I am a bear. I can play with a ball. (играет с мячом и рассказывает стих)

Rain, rain, go away

Come again another day,

Little Jonny wants to play.

Bear: What a nice house! And now we live in this house together!

Просмотр содержимого документа

«Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку. Сценарий сказки «Теремок». »

The House in the Wood

Child I: Here is a house in the wood

A frog is coming through the wood.

It stops at the door.

It knocks at the door.

Frog : What a nice house! I want to live here!

Child I: Here is a house in the wood

A mouse is coming through the wood.

It stops at the door.

It knocks at the door.

Mouse: Knock , knock , knock. Who lives here?

Frog : I do.

Mouse: Who are you?

Frog: I am a frog

A little one.

I like to jump,

I cannot run.

And who are you?

Mouse: I’m a mouse

I have no house.

I like grain,

I can play.

Hello, frog!

Frog: Hello, mouse! Come in!

Mouse & Frog Sing a song:

We want to sing and play

On such a lovely day,

In the house in the wood

It is to live so good

Child I: Here is a house in the wood

A hare is coming through the wood.

It stops at the door.

It knocks at the door.

Hare: Knock , knock , knock. Who lives here?

Frog: I’m a frog.

Mouse :I’m a mouse. Who are you?

Hare: I’m a hare

Grey and nice.

I can run,

I don’t like rice.

Hello mouse! Hello, frog! May I come in?

Mouse & Frog: Yes, come in!

Mouse & Frog & Hare sing a song We want to sing and play

On such a lovely day,

In the house in the wood

It is to live so good

Child II : Here is a house in the wood

A fox is coming through the wood.

It stops at the door.

It knocks at the door.

Fox: Knock , knock , knock. Who lives here?

Frog: I’m a frog.

Hare: I’m a hare

Mouse :I’m a mouse. Who are you?

Fox: I’m a fox ,

I’m red and fine.

I like cocks,

I can tell rhymes.

May I come in?

Mouse & Frog & Hare Yes, come in!

Mouse & Frog & Hare & Fox sing a song: We want to sing and play

On such a lovely day,

In the house in the wood

It is to live so good

Child II Here is a house in the wood

A wolf is coming through the wood.

It stops at the door.

It knocks at the door.

Wolf: Knock , knock , knock. Who lives here?

Fox: I’m a fox ,

Frog: I’m a frog.

Hare: I’m a hare

Mouse :I’m a mouse. Who are you? You want to eat us!!!

Wolf: I’m a wolf,

I’m big and strong.

But I can’t eat you –

You are wrong.

May I come in?

Mouse : Yes, come in!

Mouse & Frog & Hare & Fox & wolf sing a song: We want to sing and play

On such a lovely day,

In the house in the wood

It is to live so good

Child II Here is a house in the wood

A bear is coming through the wood.

It stops at the door.

It knocks at the door.

Bear: Knock , knock , knock. Who lives here?

Wolf: I’m a wolf,

Fox: I’m a fox ,

Frog: I’m a frog.

Hare: I’m a hare

Mouse :I’m a mouse. Who are you?

Bear: I’m a bear.

Brown, big.

I can’t run.

I like to sit.

May I come in?

Mouse : No, you are too big!

Bear : I want to live here!

The bear breaks the house.

Bear : I’m sorry. I can help you to make the new house!

They put up the house and sing the song:


It was a little house

With hare , frog and mouse

Where lots of other animals

Also want to live


But once an angry bear

Here came, he is unfair

And our house

Was broken just by him.


It was a little house

With hare , frog and mouse

Where lots of other animals

Also want to live


The house in the wood

So happy and so good

It is a place , where

everyone can live.

 Сказка «The House in the wood»

Учитель: Good afternoon, my dear friends! Добрый день, дорогие друзья!

Чудный день и так светло,

Друг другу скажем мы «Hello!»

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The mice are running through the wood.

They stop at the door,

They knock at the door.

(Выбегают Мышки — Mouse. Замечают теремок, подходят к нему)Mouse1: What a nice house!

It is very nice.

Mouse2: It is not small. It is not big.

Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house? (Заглядывают в теремок.) Nobody.

Вместе: We can live in the house.

(Выпрыгивают Лягушата- Frogs. Подходят к теремку)

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The frogs are running through the wood.

They stop at the door,

They knock at the door.

Frog1: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock!

Frog2:Who lives in the house?


Мышка, выглядывая из теремка)

Mouse: I am a Mouse. I live in the house. Who are you and what can you do?

Frogs: We are Frogs.

Frog1: I can jump, I can run,

I can sing, I can dance,

Frog2: I can swim, I can not fly,

I can skip and say «good-bye!»

Mouse: Very good. Come in. (Лягушата заходят в теремок)

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The hare is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

(Выпрыгивает зайчик-Hare. Подходит к теремку)

Hare: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?

Mouse1: I am a Mouse.

Frog: I am a Frog.

Mouse2: Who are you and what can you do?

Hare: I am a Hare. My name is Willy. I am not happy. I have no house (плачет)

Звери поют:

Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? Why, Willy?

Why, Willy? Why?

Hare: Can I live in the house?

Mouse: Come in. Let’s live together.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The cock is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

(Выбегает Петушок-Cock. Подходит к теремку)

Cock: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?

Mouse1: I am a Mouse.

Frogs: We are the Frogs.

Hare: I am a Hare.

Mouse2: Who are you and what can you do?

Cock: I’m a cock.

I’m a little boy

I want some joy.

Mouse: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The dog is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

Выбегает собачка. Подходит к теремку.

Dog: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Mouse1: I am a Mouse.

Frogs: We are the Frogs.

Hare: I am a Hare.

Cock: I am a Cock.

Mouse2: Who are you and what can you do?

Dog: I am a Dog.
My name is Jack.
My coat is white.
My nose is black.

Mouse1: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Let’s play together.

Дети поют песню с движениями «Clap your hands»

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The cats are running through the wood.

They stop at the door,

They knock at the door.

Выбегают коты. Подходят к теремку.

Cat: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a Mouse.

Frogs: We are the Frogs.

Hare: I am a Hare.

Cock: I am a Cock.

Dog: I am a Dog.

Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?

Cat: I am a Cat. I can count.

1, 1, 1 – Little dog, run!
2, 2, 2 – Cats see you.
3, 3, 3 – Birds in the tree.
4, 4, 4 – Rats on the flour.

Mouse: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The wolves are running through the wood.

They stop at the door,

They knock at the door.

На сцене появляются 2 волка

Wolf1: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a Mouse.

Frogs: We are the Frogs.

Hare: I am a Hare.

Cock: I am a Cock.

Dog: I am a Dog.

Cat: I am a Cat.

Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?

Wolf: 1.We are brothers.

Wolf: 2. We are singers.

We can sing the songs. Let’s sing together.

Дети поют песню “The ABC”

Mouse: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The foxes are running through the wood.

They stop at the door,

They knock at the door.

На сцене появляется лиса, танцует

Fox: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a Mouse.

Frog: I am a Frog.

Hare: I am a Hare.

Cock: I am a Cock.

Dog: I am a Dog.

Cat: I am a Cat.

Wolves: We are wolves.

Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?

Fox: I’m a fox. I know the colors.

Spring is green,

Summer is bright,

Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white.

Mouse: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The bear is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

(Выходит медведь – Bear, собирает грибы и цветы)

Bear: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a Mouse.

Frog: I am a Frog.

Hare: I am a Hare.

Cock: I am a Cock.

Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?

Bear: I am a Bear. I am kind and nice. I am not lazy.

Mouse: Very good. Come in.


Дружно Friends- друзья живут,

И друг друга берегут!

Каждый день встречают вместе,

Исполняя эту песню!

Исполняется песня «The more we are together»

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