Thanksgiving day история праздника кратко на английском

День благодарения - текст на английском языке с переводом. Топик про День благодарения в США, Thanksgiving in the USA

день благодарения текст на английском языке

День благодарения (Thanksgiving) — это праздник, который любят и уважают в США и Канаде. Наверняка вы видели фильмы, сюжет которых так или иначе связан с этим праздником. Все американцы стараются непременно поспеть к праздничному столу на День благодарения, что бы ни случилось! Пропустить этот особенный день и провести его не с семьей, друзьями — это, конечно же, настоящая трагедия.

Если же говорить не о фильмах, а о настоящей жизни, то День благодарения действительно занимает особенное место в жизни американцев и канадцев (этот праздник отмечают в США и Канаде). Ниже я привожу текст на английском языке о Дне благодарения. Если вы пишете сочинение на эту тему, этот текст может вам пригодиться.

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Thanksgiving is one of the most important and popular holidays in the USA and Canada. It is a public holiday that most people spend with their families. As the name of the holiday implies, Thanksgiving is a special day when people give thanks. In the United States it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Canadians celebrate it earlier — on the second Monday of October.

The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the pilgrims after their first successful harvest in America in 1621. The pilgrims, settlers from England, hardly managed to survive after they had arrived in America on the Mayflower ship. They landed in November and many people were not able to survive the cold winter. Since the pilgrims were running out of supplies, the native people helped them and gave them corn so that it could be planted in the settlements. The first thanksgiving was a feast held in order to celebrate the first successful harvest. The native people were invited to the feast and thanked by the settlers.

Although the origin of Thanksgiving is religious, nowadays it is just a family holiday. For most people it is the day when they come together with family and friends for a special meal. Traditionally, the meal includes a roast turkey and cranberry sauce.

For Americans and Canadians, Thanksgiving is a very important day that they spend with their families and friends. Since it is an official holiday, most people do not work on that day. They spend a lot of time making the meals and decorating their houses preparing for the celebration.

In the United States, there is also a relatively new tradition of pardoning a turkey by the President. The President of the US grants an official pardon to a turkey, saving it from being cooked.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. День благодарения / Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving is one of the most important and popular holidays in the USA and Canada. День благодарения — это один из наиболее важных и популярных праздников в США и Канаде.
It is a public holiday that most people spend with their families. Это государственный праздник, который многие люди проводят с семьей.
As the name of the holiday implies, Thanksgiving is a special day when people give thanks. Как понятно из названия праздника, День благодарения — это особый день, когда люди выражают благодарность.
In the United States it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. В Соединенных Штатах его празднуют в четвертый четверг ноября.
Canadians celebrate it earlier — on the second Monday of October. Канадцы отмечают его раньше — во второй понедельник октября
The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the pilgrims after their first successful harvest in America in 1621. Первый День благодарения отметили пилигримы (отцы-пилигримы) после их первого успешного сбора урожая в Америке в 1621.
The pilgrims, settlers from England, hardly managed to survive after they had arrived in America on the Mayflower ship. Пилигримы, поселенцы из Англии, едва сумели выжить после их прибытия в Америку на корабле «Мэйфлауэр».
They landed in November and many people were not able to survive the cold winter. Они высадились в ноябре и многие люди не смогли пережить холодную зиму.
Since the pilgrims were running out of supplies, the native people helped them and gave them corn so that it could be planted in the settlements. Так как у пилигримов заканчивались припасы, коренные жители помогли им и дали им кукурузу, чтобы ее можно было посадить в поселениях.
The first thanksgiving was a feast held in order to celebrate the first successful harvest. Первым Днем благодарения был пир, устроенный чтобы отпраздновать первый успешный урожай.
The native people were invited to the feast and thanked by the settlers. Коренные жители были приглашены на пир, их благодарили поселенцы.
Although the origin of Thanksgiving is religious, nowadays it is just a family holiday. Несмотря на то, что происхождение Дня благодарения — религиозное, в наше время это просто семейный праздник.
For most people it is the day when they come together with family and friends for a special meal. Для большинства людей — это особый день, когда они собираются с семьей и друзьями на праздничную трапезу.
Traditionally, the meal includes a roast turkey and cranberry sauce. Традиционно трапеза включает жареную индейку и клюквенный соус.
For Americans and Canadians, Thanksgiving is a very important day that they spend with their families and friends. Для американцев и канадцев День благодарения — это очень важный день, который они проводят с семьей и друзьями.
Since it is an official holiday, most people do not work on that day. Так как это государственный праздник, многие не работают в этот день.
They spend a lot of time making the meals and decorating their houses preparing for the celebration. Они проводят много времени, готовя блюда и украшая дома, готовясь к празднованию.
In the United States, there is also a relatively new tradition of pardoning a turkey by the President. В Соединенных Штатах также есть относительно новая традиция «помилования» индейки Президентом.
The President of the US grants an official pardon to a turkey, saving it from being cooked. Президент США дарует официальное помилование индейке, спасая ее от приготовления.

Полезные слова из текста:

  • to give thanks – благодарить
  • public holiday – официальный, государственный праздник, нерабочий день
  • to spend time with smb – проводить время с кем-то
  • to imply – подразумевать
  • to celebrate – праздновать
  • pilgrims – отцы-пилигримы, первые британские переселенцы, прибывшие в Америку на корабле «Мэйфлауэр»
  • settlers – поселенцы
  • hardly managed – едва смогли
  • to survive – выживать
  • to land – высаживаться на берег
  • were not able – не смогли, не сумели
  • to run out of something – выражение используется, когда речь идет о том, что что-то заканчивается, подходит к концу (запасы чего-то)
  • supplies – припасы, такие как еда, вода, необходимые для выживания вещи
  • native people – коренные люди, жители
  • corn – кукуруза
  • to plant – сажать (о растении)
  • settlement – поселение
  • feast – пир
  • harvest – сбор урожая
  • religious – религиозный
  • meal – блюдо, прием пищи
  • special meal – особое блюдо
  • roast turkey – жареная индейка
  • cranberry sauce – клюквенный соус
  • to decorate – украшать
  • relatively new – относительно новый
  • to pardon, to grant a pardon – давать помилование


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Представлено сочинение на английском языке День благодарения/ Thanksgiving Day с переводом на русский язык.

Thanksgiving Day День благодарения
Thanksgiving Day is one of the most favourite holidays in the United States. Every fourth Thursday of October American people celebrate this holiday. They usually stay at home and have a big family dinner. День благодарения является одним из самых любимых праздников в Соединенных Штатах. Каждый четвертый четверг октября американцы отмечают этот праздник. Они обычно остаются дома и устраивают большой семейный ужин.
This day has a very important meaning in the history America. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by pilgrims in autumn of 1621. They were European travelers who sailed on “Mayflower” ship and tried to find the New World. Before their arrival to America the country was inhabited by Native American Indians. However, when they settled here, life was quite difficult. There was nothing to eat and nowhere to live. First winter was especially difficult and many people couldn’t survive without fresh food. In spring Native Indians taught pilgrims how to survive in America. They now could hunt, fish and grow plants. In the autumn of 1621 they had a wonderful harvest. Этот день имеет очень важное значение в истории Америки. Первый День благодарения отмечался пилигримами (паломниками) осенью 1621 года. Это были европейские путешественники, которые плыли на корабле «Мейфлауэр» и пытались найти Новый Свет. До их прибытия в Америку страну населяли коренные американские индейцы. Однако когда они поселились здесь, жизнь была достаточно сложной. Им нечего было кушать, и негде было жить. Первая зима была особенно трудной, и многие люди не смогли выжить без свежих продуктов. Весной индейцы научили паломников, как выживать в Америке. Теперь они могли охотиться, ловить рыбу и выращивать растения. Осенью 1621 года у них был замечательный урожай.
To celebrate this occasion pilgrims decided to have a Thanksgiving feast. It meant that they were very thankful for their food. During this holiday the tables were full of fresh food: corn, beans, turkey, venison, pumpkin. Their Indian friends were also invited to share the feast. Чтобы отметить это событие паломники решили устроить праздник Благодарения. Это означало, что они были очень благодарны за свою еду. Во время этого праздника столы были полны свежих продуктов: кукурузы, фасоли, индейки, оленины, тыквы. Их индейские друзья были также приглашены разделить праздник.
Nowadays Americans continue celebrating this holiday and the main dish is still turkey. The most popular dessert is a pumpkin pie. People in Canada also celebrate Thanksgiving but it falls on every second Thursday of October. Американцы и сегодня продолжают отмечать этот праздник и основное блюдо по-прежнему индейка. Самый популярный десерт тыквенный пирог. Люди в Канаде также празднуют День благодарения, но это выпадает на каждый второй четверг октября.

«Turkey Day» redirects here. For the Turkish Republic Day, see Republic Day (Turkey).

Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated on various dates in the United States, Canada, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Liberia, and unofficially in countries like Brazil and Philippines. It is also observed in the Dutch town of Leiden and the Australian territory of Norfolk Island. It began as a day of giving thanks for the blessings of the harvest and of the preceding year. (Similarly named harvest festival holidays occur throughout the world during autumn, including in Germany and Japan). Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and around the same part of the year in other places. Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated as a secular holiday as well.

Thanksgiving Day
Our (Almost Traditional) Thanksgiving Dinner.jpg

A typical North American Thanksgiving dinner

Observed by Countries

  • Canada
  • Germany
  • Grenada
  • Liberia
  • Saint Lucia
  • United States

Sub-national entities

  • Leiden (Netherlands)
  • Norfolk Island (Australia)
  • Territories of the United States
  • Territories of Canada
Type National, cultural
  • 1st Sunday in October (Germany)
  • 2nd Monday in October (Canada)
  • 1st Thursday in November (Liberia)
  • Last Wednesday in November (Norfolk Island)
  • 4th Thursday in November (U.S. and Brazil)
2023 date October 1, 2023 (Germany);

October 9, 2023 (Canada);
November 2, 2023 (Liberia);
November 29, 2023 (Norfolk Island);

November 23, 2023 (U.S. and Brazil)

2024 date October 6, 2024 (Germany);

October 14, 2024 (Canada);
November 7, 2024 (Liberia);
November 27, 2024 (Norfolk Island);

November 28, 2024 (U.S. and Brazil)


Prayers of thanks and special thanksgiving ceremonies are common among most religions after harvests and at other times of the year.[1] The Thanksgiving holiday’s history in North America is rooted in English traditions dating from the Protestant Reformation. It also has aspects of a harvest festival, even though the harvest in New England occurs well before the late-November date on which the modern Thanksgiving holiday is celebrated.[1][2]

In the English tradition, days of thanksgiving and special thanksgiving religious services became important during the English Reformation in the reign of Henry VIII.[3] Before 1536 there were 95 Church holidays, plus 52 Sundays, when people were required to attend church and forego work. Though the 1536 reforms in the Church of England reduced the number of holidays in the liturgical calendar to 27, the Puritan party in the Anglican Church wished to eliminate all Church holidays apart from the weekly Lord’s Day, including the evangelical feasts of Christmas and Easter (cf. Puritan Sabbatarianism).[3] The holidays were to be replaced by specially called Days of Fasting and Days of Thanksgiving, in response to events that the Puritans viewed as acts of special providence. Unexpected disasters or threats of judgement from on high called for Days of Fasting.[4][3]

Special blessings, viewed as coming from God, called for Days of Thanksgiving, which were observed through Christian church services and other gatherings.[3] For example, Days of thanksgiving were called following the victory over the Spanish Armada in 1588 and following the deliverance of Queen Anne in 1605.[4] An unusual annual Day of Thanksgiving began in 1606 following the failure of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 and developed into Guy Fawkes Day on November 5.[4] Days of Fasting were called on account of plagues in 1604 and 1622, drought in 1611, and floods in 1613. Annual Thanksgiving prayers were dictated by the charter of English settlers upon their safe landing in America in 1619 at Berkeley Hundred in Virginia.[5]

In Canada

According to some historians, the first celebration of Thanksgiving in North America occurred during the 1578 voyage of Martin Frobisher from England in search of the Northwest Passage.[6] Other researchers, however, state that «there is no compelling narrative of the origins of the Canadian Thanksgiving day.»[7]

Antecedents for Canadian Thanksgiving are also sometimes traced to the French settlers who came to New France in the 17th century, who celebrated their successful harvests. The French settlers in the area typically had feasts at the end of the harvest season. They continued throughout the winter season, even sharing food with the indigenous peoples of the area.[8]

As settlers arrived in Nova Scotia from New England after 1700, late autumn Thanksgiving celebrations became commonplace. New immigrants into the country—such as the Irish, Scottish, and Germans—also added their own traditions to the harvest celebrations. Most of the U.S. aspects of Thanksgiving (such as the turkey) were incorporated when United Empire Loyalists began to flee from the United States during and after the American Revolution and settled in Canada.[8]

In 1859, the government of the Provinces of Canada declared a Thanksgiving Day in which «all Canadians [were asked] to spend the holiday in ‘public and solemn’ recognition of God’s mercies.»[9] On 9 October 1879, Canada’s Governor General, the Marquis of Lorne, declared November 6 as «a day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed.»[9] The Canadian Parliament on 31 January 1957 applied the same language in its proclamation for the modern holiday: «A Day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed—to be observed on the second Monday in October.»[10]

In the United States

The annual Thanksgiving holiday tradition in the United States is documented for the first time in 1619, in what is now called the Commonwealth of Virginia. Thirty-eight English settlers aboard the ship Margaret arrived by way of the James River at Berkeley Hundred in Charles City County, Virginia on December 4, 1619. The landing was immediately followed by a religious celebration, specifically dictated by the group’s charter from the London Company. The charter declared, «that the day of our ships arrival at the place assigned for plantation in the land of Virginia shall be yearly and perpetually kept holy as a day of thanksgiving to Almighty God.»[11][5] Since the mid 20th century, the original celebration has been commemorated there annually at present-day Berkeley Plantation, ancestral home of the Harrison family of Virginia.[12]

The more familiar Thanksgiving precedent is traced to the Pilgrims and Puritans who emigrated from England in the 1620s and 1630s. They brought their previous
tradition of Days of Fasting and Days of Thanksgiving with them to New England. The 1621 Plymouth, Massachusetts thanksgiving was prompted by a good harvest. The Pilgrims celebrated this with the Wampanoags, a tribe of Native Americans who, along with the last surviving Patuxet, had helped them get through the previous winter by giving them food in that time of scarcity, in exchange for an alliance and protection against the rival Narragansett tribe.[13]

Several days of Thanksgiving were held in early New England history that have been identified as the «First Thanksgiving», including Pilgrim holidays in Plymouth in 1621 and 1623, and a Puritan holiday in Boston in 1631.[14][15] According to historian Jeremy Bangs, director of the Leiden American Pilgrim Museum, the Pilgrims may have been influenced by watching the annual services of Thanksgiving for the relief of the siege of Leiden in 1574, while they were staying in Leiden.[16] Now called 3 Oktoberfeest, Leiden’s autumn thanksgiving celebration in 1617 was the occasion for sectarian disturbance that appears to have accelerated the pilgrims’ plans to emigrate to America.[17]

Later in New England, religious thanksgiving services were declared by civil leaders such as Governor Bradford, who planned the Plymouth colony’s thanksgiving celebration and feast in 1623.[18][19][20] Bradford issued a proclamation of Thanksgiving following victory in the Pequot War in the late 1630s to celebrate «the bloody victory, thanking God that the battle had been won.»[21][22] The practice of holding an annual harvest festival did not become a regular affair in New England until the late 1660s.[23]

Thanksgiving proclamations were made mostly by church leaders in New England up until 1682, and then by both state and church leaders until after the American Revolution. During the revolutionary period, political influences affected the issuance of Thanksgiving proclamations. Various proclamations were made by royal governors, and conversely by patriot leaders, such as John Hancock, General George Washington, and the Continental Congress,[24] each giving thanks to God for events favorable to their causes.[25] As President of the United States, George Washington proclaimed the first nationwide thanksgiving celebration in America marking November 26, 1789, «as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favours of Almighty God»,[26] and calling on Americans to «unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions.»[27]

Debate over first celebrations

Shrine of the first U.S. Thanksgiving in 1619 at Berkeley Hundred in Charles City County, Virginia

Devotees in New England and Virginia and other places have maintained contradictory claims to having held the first Thanksgiving celebration in what became the United States. The question is complicated by the concept of Thanksgiving as either a holiday celebration or a religious service. James Baker maintains, «The American holiday’s true origin was the New England Calvinist Thanksgiving. Never coupled with a Sabbath meeting, the Puritan observances were special days set aside during the week for thanksgiving and praise in response to God’s providence.»[14] Baker calls the debate a «tempest in a beanpot» and «marvelous nonsense» based on regional claims.[14]

In 1963, President John F. Kennedy acknowledged both the Virginia and Massachusetts claims. Kennedy issued Proclamation 3560 on November 5, 1963, stating, «Over three centuries ago, our forefathers in Virginia and in Massachusetts, far from home in a lonely wilderness, set aside a time of thanksgiving. On the appointed day, they gave reverent thanks for their safety, for the health of their children, for the fertility of their fields, for the love which bound them together, and for the faith which united them with their God.»[28]

Other claims include an earlier religious service by Spanish explorers in Texas at San Elizario in 1598.[29] Historians Robyn Gioia and Michael Gannon of the University of Florida argue that the earliest Thanksgiving service in what is now the United States was celebrated by the Spanish community on September 8, 1565, in current Saint Augustine, Florida.[30][31]

Fixing a date


The earlier Thanksgiving celebrations in Canada has been attributed to the earlier onset of winter in the North, thus ending the harvest season earlier.[32] Thanksgiving in Canada did not have a fixed date until the late 19th century. Prior to Canadian Confederation, many of the individual colonial governors of the Canadian provinces had declared their own days of Thanksgiving. The first official Canadian Thanksgiving occurred on April 15, 1872, when the nation was celebrating the Prince of Wales’ recovery from a serious illness.[32]

By the end of the 19th century, Thanksgiving Day was normally celebrated on November 6. In the late 19th century, the Militia staged «sham battles» for public entertainment on Thanksgiving Day. The Militia agitated for an earlier date for the holiday, so they could use the warmer weather to draw bigger crowds.[33] However, when the First World War ended, the Armistice Day holiday was usually held during the same week. To prevent the two holidays from clashing with one another, in 1957 the Canadian Parliament proclaimed Thanksgiving to be observed on its present date on the second Monday of October.[8]

United States

Thanksgiving in the United States has been observed on differing dates. From the time of the Founding Fathers until the time of Lincoln, the date of observance varied from state to state. The final Thursday in November had become the customary date in most U.S. states by the beginning of the 19th century, coinciding with, and eventually superseding the holiday of Evacuation Day (commemorating the day the British exited the United States after the Revolutionary War).[34] Modern Thanksgiving was proclaimed for all states in 1863 by Abraham Lincoln. Influenced by Sarah Josepha Hale, who wrote letters to politicians for approximately 40 years advocating an official holiday, Lincoln set national Thanksgiving by proclamation for the final Thursday in November in celebration of the bounties that had continued to fall on the Union and for the military successes in the war, also calling on the American people, «with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience .. fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty hand to heal the wounds of the nation…»[35] Because of the ongoing Civil War, a nationwide Thanksgiving celebration was not realized until Reconstruction was completed in the 1870s.

On October 31, 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a presidential proclamation changing the holiday to the next to last Thursday in November in an effort to boost the economy.[36] The earlier date created an extra seven days for Christmas shopping since at that time retailers never began promoting the Christmas season until after Thanksgiving. But making the proclamation so close to the change wreaked havoc on the holiday schedules of many people, schools, and businesses, and most Americans were not in favor of the change. Some of those who opposed dubbed the holiday «Franksgiving» that year. Some state governors went along with the change while others stuck with the original November 30 date for the holiday, and three states — Colorado, Mississippi, and Texas — observed both dates.[37] The double Thanksgiving continued for two more years, and then on December 26, 1941, Roosevelt signed a joint resolution of Congress changing the official national Thanksgiving Day to the fourth Thursday in November starting in 1942.[38]

Since 1971, when the American Uniform Monday Holiday Act took effect, the American observance of Columbus Day has coincided with the Canadian observance of Thanksgiving.[39][40]



In the Australian external territory of Norfolk Island, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the last Wednesday of November, similar to the pre–World War II American observance on the last Thursday of the month. This means the Norfolk Island observance is the day before or six days after the United States’ observance. The holiday was brought to the island by visiting American whaling ships.[41]


In Brazil, National Thanksgiving Day was instituted by President Gaspar Dutra, through Law 781 of August 17, 1949, at the suggestion of Ambassador Joaquim Nabuco, who was enthusiastic about the commemorations he saw in 1909 in St. Patrick’s Cathedral as an ambassador in Washington. In 1966, Law 5110 established that the Thanksgiving celebration would take place on the fourth Thursday of November.[42] This date is celebrated by many families of American origin, by some Protestant Christian denominations, such as the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil (which is of American origin), the Presbyterian Church, the Baptist Church, the Methodist Church, and the Church of the Nazarene, and Methodist denominational universities. The day is also celebrated by evangelical churches such as the Foursquare Gospel Church in Brazil.


Pumpkin pie is commonly served on and around Thanksgiving in North America.

Thanksgiving (French: l’Action de grâce), occurring on the second Monday in October, is an annual Canadian holiday to give thanks at the close of the harvest season. Although the original act of Parliament references God and the holiday is celebrated in churches, the holiday is mostly celebrated in a secular manner. Thanksgiving is a statutory holiday in all provinces in Canada, except for New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. While businesses may remain open in these provinces, the holiday is nonetheless recognized and celebrated regardless of its status.[43][44][45][46][47]


In the West Indian island of Grenada, in the Caribbean, there is a national holiday known as Thanksgiving Day which is celebrated on October 25. Even though it bears the same name, and is celebrated at roughly the same time as the American and Canadian versions of Thanksgiving, this holiday is unrelated to either of those celebrations. Instead, the holiday marks the anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of the island in 1983, in response to the deposition and execution of the socialist Grenadian Prime Minister Maurice Bishop[48] by a military government from within his own party.


In the West African country of Liberia, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the first Thursday of November.[49] In 1883, the Legislature of Liberia enacted a statute declaring this day as a national holiday.[50] Thanksgiving is celebrated in the country in large part due to the nation’s founding as a colony of the American Colonization Society in 1821 by former slaves and free people of color from the United States. However, the Liberian celebration of the holiday is notably different from the American celebration. While some Liberian families chose to celebrate with a feast or cook out, it is not considered a staple of the holiday and there is no specific food heavily associated with Thanksgiving. Some chose to celebrate the holiday by attending religious ceremonies, while others take it as a day for relaxation. Others view the holiday as an imposition from the American settlers of the country. In the years following the second civil war, some Liberians have taken the holiday as a time to be thankful for this new period peace and relative stability.[51][52]


Many of the Pilgrims who migrated to the Plymouth Plantation resided in the city of Leiden from 1609 to 1620 and had recorded their births, marriages, and deaths at the Pieterskerk (St. Peter’s church). In commemoration, a non-denominational Thanksgiving Day service is held each year on the morning of the American Thanksgiving Day in the Pieterskerk, a Gothic church in Leiden, noting the hospitality the Pilgrims received in Leiden on their way to the New World.[53]

Thanksgiving is observed by orthodox Protestant churches in the Netherlands on the first Wednesday in November (Dankdag [nl]). It is not a public holiday. Those who observe the day either go to church in the evening or take the day off and go to church in the morning (and occasionally afternoon) too.


The Philippines, while it was an American colony in the first half of the 20th century, celebrated Thanksgiving as a special public holiday on the same day as the Americans.[54] During the Japanese occupation during World War II, both the Americans and Filipinos celebrated Thanksgiving in secret. After Japanese withdrawal in 1945, the tradition continued until 1969. It was revived by President Ferdinand Marcos, but the date was changed to be on every September 21, when martial law was imposed in the country. After Marcos’ ouster in 1986, the tradition was no longer continued, due to the controversial events that occurred during his long administration.[55]

As of 2022, Thanksgiving has been revived as a commercial and cultural holiday, albeit stripped of its official status. SM Supermalls led the way in the slow revival of Thanksgiving Day on the same day as in the U.S., as in the old days. Many malls and hotels offer special sales on this day, which is part of the long celebration of Christmas in the Philippines, which begins in September (unlike on Black Friday in the United States).


Called Umuganura Day, this is a Thanksgiving festival to mark the start of the harvest in Rwanda. It is celebrated on the first Friday of August.[56]

Saint Lucia

The nation of Saint Lucia celebrates Thanksgiving on the first Monday in October.[57]

United States

Thanksgiving, celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November since 1941 due to federal legislation, has been an annual tradition in the United States by presidential proclamation since 1863 and by state legislation since the Founding Fathers of the United States. Traditionally, Thanksgiving has been a celebration of the blessings of the year, including the harvest.[58] On Thanksgiving Day, it is common for Americans to share a family meal, attend church services, and view special sporting events.[59] In addition, Thanksgiving is celebrated in public places with parades such as Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade[60] in New York City, ABC Dunkin’ Donuts Thanksgiving Day Parade[61] in Philadelphia, America’s Hometown Thanksgiving Parade in Plymouth, Massachusetts, McDonald’s Thanksgiving Parade in Chicago, and Bayou Classic Thanksgiving Parade[62] in New Orleans. What Americans call the «Holiday Season» generally begins with Thanksgiving.[63] The first day after Thanksgiving Day—Black Friday—marks the start of the Christmas shopping season.[64]

Thanksgiving is usually celebrated with a family meal. Beginning in the 2010s, a new tradition has emerged to also celebrate Thanksgiving with a meal with friends, as a separate event on a different day or an alternate event on Thanksgiving day. This is referred to as Friendsgiving.[65]

Similarly named holidays


A food decoration for Erntedankfest, a Christian Thanksgiving harvest festival celebrated in Germany

The Harvest Thanksgiving Festival, Erntedankfest, is a popular German Christian festival on the first Sunday of October. The festival has a significant religious component, and many churches are decorated with autumn crops. In some places, there are religious processions or parades. Many Bavarian beer festivals, like the Munich Oktoberfest, take place within the vicinity of Erntedankfest.[original research?]


Labor Thanksgiving Day (勤労感謝の日, Kinrō Kansha no Hi) is a national holiday in Japan. It takes place annually on November 23. The law establishing the holiday, which was adopted during the American occupation after World War II, cites it as an occasion for commemorating labor and production and giving each other thanks. It has roots in the ancient Shinto harvest ceremony (Niiname-sai (新嘗祭)).

United Kingdom

The Harvest Festival of Thanksgiving does not have an official date in the United Kingdom; however, it is traditionally held on or near the Sunday of the harvest moon that occurs closest to the autumnal equinox. Harvest Thanksgiving in Britain also has pre-Christian roots when the Saxons would offer the first sheaf of barley, oats, or wheat to fertility gods. When the harvest was finally collected, communities would come together for a harvest supper.[66] When Christianity arrived in Britain many traditions remained, and today the Harvest Festival is marked by churches and schools in late September/early October (same as Canada) with singing, praying and decorating with baskets of food and fruit to celebrate a successful harvest and to give thanks.[67] Collections of food are usually held which are then given to local charities which help the homeless and those in need.

See also

  • Cyber Monday
  • List of harvest festivals
  • List of films set around Thanksgiving
  • Thanksgiving Parade


  1. ^ a b Hodgson 2006, pp. 156–59.
  2. ^ Baker 2009a, Chapter 1, esp. pp. 12–15.
  3. ^ a b c d Forbes, Bruce David (October 27, 2015). America’s Favorite Holidays: Candid Histories. University of California Press. p. 155. ISBN 978-0-520-28472-2. Prior to Henry VIII, England observed 147 religious holidays throughout the year, including Sundays. That might sound good, because they were days off work, but they were also days without pay, and church attendance was mandatory. The huge number of special days interfered with the general economy and completion of vital tasks such as harvests. So much idle time also provided occasions for troublesome public behavior. For both practical and religious reasons Henry VIII reduced the number of festival days other than Sundays to twenty-seven, but for some Puritans that still left too many. They argued that Sundays were enough, that vital Christian themes were lifted up on Sundays, and that all other holy days were unjustified Catholic additions. However, Puritans did participate in occasional days of fasting and days of thanksgiving, sometimes declared by the Church of England but developed even further by the Puritans. … A day of thanksgiving might be declared to celebrate and thank God for particular military victory, or good health following a wave of disease, or an especially bountiful harvest that saved people from starvation. … The annual days of thanksgiving consisted mainly of worship services and family dinners, and this was repeated over the years.
  4. ^ a b c Baker 2009a, pp. 1–14.
  5. ^ a b Dowdy, Clifford (1957). The Great Plantation. Rinehart and Co. pp. 29–37.
  6. ^ Mills, David; Neilson Bonikowsky, Laura; McIntosh, Andrew. «Thanksgiving in Canada». Canadian Encyclopedia. Historica Canada. Retrieved October 6, 2017.
  7. ^ Kaufman, Jason Andrew (2009). The Origins of Canadian & American Political Differences. Harvard University Press. p. 29. ISBN 978-0674031364.
  8. ^ a b c Solski, Ruth «Canada’s Traditions and Celebrations» McGill-Queen’s Press,ISBN 1550356941 p. 12
  9. ^ a b Duncan, Dorothy (September 16, 2006). Canadians at Table: Food, Fellowship, and Folklore: A Culinary History of Canada. Dundurn. ISBN 978-1-77070-235-6.
  10. ^ Kelch, Kalie (August 27, 2013). Grab Your Boarding Pass. Review & Herald Publishing Association. ISBN 978-0-8127-5654-8.
  11. ^ «The First Thanksgiving». National Geographic. Retrieved November 29, 2016.
  12. ^ Woodlief, H. Graham. «History of the First Thanksgiving». Berkeley Plantation. Retrieved November 23, 2021.
  13. ^ Julian S, The Boston Globe. «HISTORY IS SERVED».
  14. ^ a b c Baker 2009a, Chapter 1.
  15. ^ Alvin J. Schmidt (2004). How Christianity Changed the World. Zondervan. ISBN 9780310264491. Retrieved January 30, 2012. Their leader, Governor William Bradford, issued a formal proclamation commanding the people to give thanks to God for having received divine protection during a terrible winter and for having received their first harvest. It was also new that the Pilgrims celebrated their thanksgiving by eating wild turkey (an indigenous bird) and venison.
  16. ^ Jeremy Bangs. «Influences». The Pilgrims’ Leiden. Archived from the original on January 13, 2012. Retrieved September 11, 2010.
  17. ^ Bunker, Nick (2010). Making Haste From Babylon: the Mayflower Pilgrims and Their World. New York: Vintage Books. pp. 220–21. ISBN 9780307386267.
  18. ^ Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation, 1620–1647, pp. 120–21.
  19. ^ Bradford, History of Plymouth Plantation, pp. 135–42.
  20. ^ The fast and thanksgiving days of New England by William DeLoss Love, Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Cambridge, 1895
  21. ^ «6 Thanksgiving Myths and the Wampanoag Side of the Story». Retrieved September 20, 2020.
  22. ^ ESTES, NICK. (2020). OUR HISTORY IS THE FUTURE : standing rock versus the dakota access pipeline, and the long … tradition of indigenous resistance. VERSO. ISBN 978-1-78873-729-6. OCLC 1132241121.
  23. ^ Kaufman, Jason Andrew (2009). The origins of Canadian and American political differences. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. p. 28. ISBN 978-0674031364.
  24. ^ Klos, Stanley. «Thanksgiving Day Proclamations». Presidential Thanksgiving Proclamations. Retrieved October 16, 2013.
  25. ^ Hodgson 2006, pp. 159–66.
  26. ^ Hodgson 2006, p. 167.
  27. ^ «Thanksgiving Proclamation, 3 October 1789». George Washington Papers. Library of Congress. Retrieved January 26, 2008.
  28. ^ «John F. Kennedy 35th President, Thanksgiving Proclamation, Nov. 5, 1963». The American Presidency Project. Retrieved November 24, 2016.
  29. ^ C. Michael Hogan (2011). Thanksgiving. Eds. Cutler Cleveland & Peter Saundry. Encyclopedia of Earth. National Council for Science and the Environment. Washington DC Archived October 25, 2012, at the Wayback Machine
  30. ^ Wilson, Craig (November 21, 2007). «Florida teacher chips away at Plymouth Rock Thanksgiving myth». Retrieved September 5, 2011.
  31. ^ Davis, Kenneth C. (November 25, 2008). «A French Connection». The New York Times. Retrieved September 5, 2011.
  32. ^ a b Kaufman, Jason Andrew (2009). «The origins of Canadian and American political differences» Harvard University Press, ISBN 0674031369 p. 29
  33. ^ Wood, James «Militia Myths: Ideas of the Canadian Citizen Soldier, 1896-1921.» UBC Press, 2010 ISBN 978-0-7748-1765-3 p.30
  34. ^ «Evacuation Day: New York’s Former November Holiday». November 24, 2014. Retrieved April 5, 2019.
  35. ^ «Thanksgiving Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln». Retrieved October 30, 2018.
  36. ^ «31 Oct 1939, Page 1 — Green Bay Press-Gazette at».
  37. ^ Ronald G. Shafer (November 24, 2021). «Franklin Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving up a week to goose the economy. Chaos ensued». The Washington Post.
  38. ^ «Congress Establishes Thanksgiving». National Archives. August 15, 2016.
  39. ^ «LBJ Signs Bill to Set Up Five 3-Day Holidays». Sarasota Herald-Tribune. Associated Press. June 29, 1968. Retrieved December 6, 2011.The bill became the Uniform Monday Holiday Act.
  40. ^ «Text of the 1968 Uniform Monday Holiday Act». US Government Archives ( Retrieved December 6, 2011.
  41. ^ «Norfolk Island Information and Services». Archived from the original on September 20, 2010.
  42. ^ «Dia Nacional de Ações de Graças». Ministério da Justiça e Segurança Pública (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved November 29, 2019.
  43. ^ «Statutory Holidays». Archived from the original on December 18, 2010. Retrieved December 8, 2010.
  44. ^ «Thanksgiving – is it a Statutory Holiday?». Government of Nova Scotia. Retrieved October 13, 2008.
  45. ^ «Statutes, Chapter E-6.2» (PDF). Government of Prince Edward Island. Retrieved October 13, 2008.
  46. ^ «RSNL1990 Chapter L-2 – Labour Standards Act». Assembly of Newfoundland. Retrieved October 13, 2008.
  47. ^ «Statutory Holidays» (PDF). Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, Canada. Archived from the original (PDF) on February 29, 2008.
  48. ^ «Public Holidays & Events 2017». October 12, 2016. Retrieved April 17, 2017.
  49. ^ «Vice President Boakai Joins Catholic Community in Bomi to Celebrate Thanksgiving Day». The Executive Mansion. Republic of Liberia. November 5, 2010. Retrieved October 5, 2014.
  50. ^ «Ellen declares Thursday, 2 November as National Thanksgiving Day». The New Dawn Liberia. November 1, 2017. Retrieved December 2, 2021.
  51. ^ Hallett, Vicky (November 24, 2021). «Former slaves brought Thanksgiving to Liberia — and rebooted it». NPR. Retrieved December 2, 2021.
  52. ^ «Thanksgiving In Liberia». NPR. November 28, 2013. Retrieved December 2, 2021.
  53. ^ «Dutch town». The World (radio program). Retrieved November 28, 2008. The Pilgrims arrived in Leiden in 1609, after fleeing religious persecution in England. Leiden welcomed them because it needed immigrants to help rebuild its textile industry, which had been devastated by a long revolt against Spain. Here, the Pilgrims were allowed to worship as they wanted, and they even published their arguments calling for the separation of church and state. Jeremy Bangs of the Leiden American Pilgrim Museum says the Pilgrims quickly adopted Dutch customs like civil marriage and Thanksgiving.
  54. ^ «Thanksgiving in Philippines: First Celebration of the American Holiday in Eastern Colony». The St. Joseph Weekly Gazette. December 27, 1898. p. 7. Retrieved September 24, 2022.
  55. ^ «Thanksgiving in the Philippines». Philippine Presidential Museum and Library. Archived from the original on November 29, 2014. Retrieved November 27, 2015.
  56. ^ «Umuganura Day in Rwanda in 2020». Office Holidays. Retrieved April 26, 2020.
  57. ^ «Saint Lucia’s List of Holidays for the Year 2015» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on March 14, 2016. Retrieved April 17, 2017.
  58. ^
    «Thanksgiving Day». Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved November 25, 2011.
  59. ^ Counihan, Carole (October 18, 2013). Food in the USA: A Reader. Routledge. p. 5. ISBN 978-1-135-32359-2. Football games are scheduled and televised throughout the nation; an elaborately constructed, now traditional Macy’s parade may be viewed. There are special services, which some attend, and turkeys and other foods are given by churches and other charitable organizations to the poor.
  60. ^ «Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade». Retrieved April 5, 2019.
  61. ^ «6ABC THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE». Retrieved April 5, 2019.
  62. ^ «Bayou Classic». Retrieved April 5, 2019.
  63. ^ Hargis, Toni (November 4, 2013). «A Brit’s Guide to the Holiday Season». BBC America.
  64. ^ «When is Thanksgiving Day and why is it celebrated». November 22, 2018. Retrieved April 5, 2019.
  65. ^ Fetters, Ashley (November 15, 2018). «How Friendsgiving Took Over Millennial Culture». The Atlantic. Retrieved May 4, 2022.
  66. ^ «Harvest Festival UK». Archived from the original on January 28, 2020. Retrieved April 17, 2017.
  67. ^ «Harvest Festival». Archived from the original on June 23, 2015. Retrieved June 18, 2015 – via


  • Baker, James W. (2009). Thanksgiving: The Biography of an American Holiday. UPNE. ISBN 978-1-58465-801-6.
  • Bangs, Jeremy D. «Thanksgiving on the Net: Roast Bull with Cranberry Sauce». Sail 1620. Society of Mayflower Descendants in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Archived from the original on November 2, 2012. Retrieved October 23, 2012.
  • Colman, Penny (2008). Thanksgiving: The True Story. Macmillan. p. 149. ISBN 978-0805082296.
  • Dow, Judy; Slapin, Beverly (June 12, 2006). «Deconstructing the Myths of «The First Thanksgiving»«. Archived from the original on November 29, 2010. Retrieved November 29, 2010.
  • Hillstrom, Laurie Collier (2007). The Thanksgiving book: a companion to the holiday covering its history, lore, … Omnigraphics. p. 328. ISBN 978-0780804036.
  • Hodgson, Godfrey (2006). A Great and Godly Adventure; The Pilgrims and the Myth of the First Thanksgiving. New York: Public Affairs. p. 212. ISBN 978-1586483739.

External links

  • Thanksgiving at Curlie

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Thanksgiving Day is a traditional national holiday in the USA and some other English speaking countries. It has become a tradition with Americans to get together on this day. As a rule, all the members of the family have a great holiday dinner in one house. The Americans, especially children, like this holiday very much because they eat roast turkey, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes and many other tasty things.

The story of this national holiday is the following. Thanksgiving was first celebrated in 1621 when the first people from England came to America. They came on the ship called The Mayflower and landed at the Eastern coast of America in November.

That winter was very cold, and more than half of the English settlers died of cold and hunger. The native people, the Indians, came to help the English. They gave them some corn, which the settlers planted in spring. They worked hard to grow rich crops. And in Autumn they gathered a good crop. So they decided to thank the Indians and to hold a harvest festival. The Indians were invited to the festival, and they were heartily thanked by the English.

There was a roast turkey, cranberry sauce and many other tasty things on the dinner table.

Since that time, the fourth Thursday of November has been Thanksgiving Day. And the roast turkey has become a traditional national dish. On this day Americans enjoy their holiday dinner, thank each other and wish each other a happy Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Day in Australia

Thanksgiving is not celebrated in Australia.

Thanksgiving Day in Canada

Thanksgiving is an annual Canadian holiday to give thanks for the harvest. It’s celebrated on the second Monday in October.

Thanksgiving перевод текста.

День Благодарения – это традиционный национальный праздник в Америке и в некоторых других англоговорящих странах. Собираться вместе в этот день стало американской традицией. Как правило, все члены семьи собираются на праздничный ужин за одним столом. Американцы, особенно дети, очень любят этот праздник, потому что они едят жареную индейку, клюквенный соус, сладкий картофель и много других вкусных блюд.

Вот история этого национального праздника. Впервые День Благодарения отпраздновали в 1621 году, когда первые переселенцы из Англии приехал в Америку. Они пришли на корабле под названием «Мэйфлауэр» и высадились на восточном побережье Америки в ноябре.

Та зима была очень холодной, и более половины первых английских поселенцев умерли от холода и голода. Коренное население, индейцы, пришли на помощь англичанам. Они дали им немного зерна, которое поселенцы посадили весной. Они упорно трудились, чтобы вырастить богатый урожай. А осенью собрали хороший урожай.  Поселенцы решили отблагодарить индейцев и провести праздник урожая. Индейцы были приглашены на фестиваль, где получили благодарность от первых поселенцев.

На праздничном столе была жареная индейка, клюквенный соус и много других вкусных блюд.

С тех пор в четвертый четверг ноября празднуется День Благодарения. А жареная индейка стала традиционным национальным блюдом. В этот день американцы наслаждаются праздничным обедом, благодарят друг друга и желают друг другу счастливого дня Благодарения.

День благодарения в Австралии

День благодарения не празднуют в Австралии.

День благодарения в Канаде

День благодарения – ежегодный канадский праздник благодарности за урожай. Он отмечается во второй понедельник октября.

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Thanksgiving Day. День благодарения на английском языке

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the United States on the last Thursday in November. This holiday is one of the big six major holidays of the year. People of all faiths celebrate this day. They give thanks for the many good things in their lives.

Thanksgiving Day has been an official United States holiday since 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln, proclaimed that Thursday, 26 November, should be a day of national gratitude. Before that this holiday celebrated English settlers of the Plymouth colony, who had to endure a rough first winter in New England.

Thanksgiving Day is a traditional family holiday. So on that day families always come together, especially for the wonderful meal. A large roasted turkey with stuffing is the most common main dish of a Thanksgiving dinner, that’s why Thanksgiving is sometimes called “Turkey Day”. At Thanksgiving 2012, were purchased more than 46 million turkeys by Americans. Turkey usually served with sweet potatoes or mashed potatoes, vegetables, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin or apple pie. Apple cider is a traditional drink.

Before the meal begins, families or friends usually pause to give thanks for their blessings, including the joy of being united for the occasion.

If you stay in New York during Thanksgiving, don’t miss the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Musical performances, dancers, clowns and giant character balloons appear in the parade. This parade includes more than 3.5 million spectators and 10,000 participants. It is one of the largest parades in New York. Santa Clause arrives at the end. His coming marks the beginning of the Christmas season.

Thanksgiving is a special day that asks people to help those who are in need. Charitable organizations serve dinners to needy people, visit nursing-homes and local children’s hospitals. Ordinary Americans help poor people too. They invite poor friends for Thanksgiving dinner, send baskets of food to the elderly and sick or donate some food to local food bank.

Перевод текста Thanksgiving Day. День благодарения

В Соединенных Штатах День благодарения празднуют в последний четверг ноября. Этот праздник входит в большую шестерку главных праздников года. Его празднуют люди разного вероисповедания. Они благодарят Бога за все хорошее, что есть в их жизни.

День благодарения стал официальным праздником в Соединенных Штатах с 1863 года, когда президент Авраам Линкольн провозгласил четверг 26 ноября днем национальной благодарности. До этого этот праздник отмечали английские колонисты Плимутской колонии, которым пришлось выдержать первую суровую зиму в Новой Англии.

День благодарения – это традиционный семейный праздник. Поэтому в этот день семьи всегда собираются вместе специально на чудесный обед. Большая зажаренная фаршированная индейка – наиболее распространенное главное блюдо на обед в День благодарения, поэтому День благодарения часто называют “Днем Индейки”. В 2012 году американцами на День благодарения было куплено более чем 46 миллионов индеек. Индейка обычно подается со сладким картофелем или картофельным пюре, овощами, клюквенным соусом и тыквенным или яблочным пирогом. Сидр – традиционный напиток в этот день.

Прежде чем приступить к еде, семьи и друзья обычно делают паузу, чтобы отблагодарить в молитве, включая радость быть объединенным по этому поводу.

Если вы будете в Нью-Йорке на День благодарения, не пропустите Парад Мэйси в честь Дня благодарения. Музыкальные представления, танцоры, клоуны и гигантские воздушные герои появляются на параде. Этот парад включает более чем 3.5 миллиона зрителей и 10.000 участников. Это один из самых больших парадов в Нью-Йорке. Санта Клаус прибывает в конце. Его приход открывает сезон рождественских праздников.

День благодарения – особый день, в который принято помогать нуждающимся людям. Благотворительные организации предлагают обеды для бедных, посещают дома престарелых или инвалидов, или местные детские больницы. Обычные американцы также помогают бедным людям. Они приглашают бедных друзей на обед в честь Дня благодарения, посылают корзины с едой пожилым и больным, или жертвуют еду в местный благотворительный продовольственный фонд.

Дополнительные выражения

  • Thanksgiving Day / Thanksgiving – День благодарения
  • faith – вера
  • to proclaim – провозглашать, объявлять
  • gratitude – благодарность, признательность
  • settler – поселенец, колонист
  • Plymouth – г. Плимут (граф. Девоншир, Англия, Великобритания)
  • to endure – вынести, выдержать, вытерпеть
  • rough – суровый
  • roasted turkey – зажаренная индейка
  • with stuffing – с начинкой. фаршированный
  • to purchase – покупать, закупать
  • sweet potatoes – сладкий картофель, батат
  • mashed potatoes – картофельное пюре
  • cranberry sauce – клюквенный соус
  • apple cider – сидр
  • to pause – делать паузу
  • blessing – благословение
  • for the occasion – по такому случаю
  • the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade – Парад Мэйси в честь Дня Благодарения
  • giant – гигантский
  • spectator – зритель
  • participant – участник
  • to mark – означать
  • to be in need – жить в нищете, нуждаться
  • charitable organizations – благотворительные организации
  • needy people – бедняки
  • nursing-home – дом престарелых или инвалидов
  • needy – нуждающийся
  • to donate – жертвовать
  • food bank – благотворительный продовольственный фонд

The Complete Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade 2012


Day [ˌθæŋks’gɪvɪŋ] 

Pilgrim Fathers

settler [‘setlə]

seek for a place

worship [‘wɜːʃɪp]

land [lænd]



courageous [kə’reɪʤəs]
survivor [sə’vaɪvə]

plant [plɑːnt] 
corn [kɔːn]

gather [‘gæðə]
a harvest [‘hɑːvɪst]

have a feast [fiːst]

bitter climate [‘klaɪmət]

rocky soil [sɔɪl] 

pattern [‘pætən]
of the Thanksgiving celebration [ˌselə’breɪʃn] 

sauce [sɔːs]

turkey [‘tɜːkɪ] 

national [‘næʃənəl]






на берег, причаливать



в живых храбрец



пир, празднество



празднования дня Благодарения




Thanksgiving Day.

Day, the 4th
Thursday in November, is a national holiday in the USA. It was first
celebrated in 1621 by the Pilgrim Fathers after their first good
harvest. The settlers, then called Pilgrims, left England and sailed
to America in 1620 on the “Mayflower” seeking for a place where
they could have freedom to worship. After a two-month voyage they
landed at what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts, in icy November.

their first winter many of the settlers died of hunger or illnesses,
but the courageous survivors were able to found a colony.

spring they planted corn and in autumn they gathered a rich harvest.
The settlers decided to celebrate their victory at the new land, by
having a feast and thanking God who helped them in their struggle
against the bitter climate and rocky soil.

pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has not changed through the
years. It is a family day when all the members of the family gather
at the home of their parents. The family eats a large traditional
dinner, usually consisting of turkey, cranberry sauce and pumpkin

Translate into Russian:
after a two-month voyage; cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie; to gather
a rich harvest; during their first winter; the Pilgrim Fathers;
seeking for a place; in icy November; the courageous survivors; to
celebrate the victory at the new land; to die of hunger or illnesses;
all the members of the family; to have freedom to worship; to
struggle against the bitter climate and rocky soil.

into English:
форма празднования дня Благодарения;
большой традиционный ужин; сажать
кукурузу весной; четвёртый четверг
ноября; многие переселенцы; национальный
праздник США; первый хороший урожай;
семейный праздник; собираться в доме
родителей; благодарить Бога; основать
колонию; неблагоприятный климат.

Answer the questions

    1. When
      is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?

    2. Is
      it a family day?

    3. What
      do people usually have for the holiday dinner?

    4. What
      facts from the history of this day do you know?

True or false?

  1. Thanksgiving
    Day is a national holiday in the UK.

  2. It
    was first celebrated in 1621 by the Pilgrim Fathers after their
    first winter in America.

  3. The
    settlers left England and sailed to America in 1620 on the

  4. The
    settlers decided to celebrate their victory at the new land, by
    planting corn and gathering it in autumn.

  5. The
    family eats a large traditional dinner, usually consisting of a
    pumpkin pie, candy, cookies and apples.

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Сочинение на тему «День благодарения»

на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

Thanksgiving Day

День благодарения

Thanksgiving Day is one of the most important national holidays in the USA and Canada. It is not only the nationwide holiday celebrated by every family but also the state one. Accordingly, it has official dates: the fourth Thursday of November (in the USA) and the second Monday of October (in Canada). For Americans and Canadians, Thanksgiving Day symbolizes, on the one hand, the gratefulness to relatives, to their country and God (for religious people), on the other hand – the belonging to national history.

День благодарения – это один из самых важных национальных праздников в США и Канаде. Это не только общенародный праздник, который отмечается в каждой семье, но и государственный. Соответственно, у него есть официальные даты: четвёртый четверг ноября (в США) и второй понедельник октября (в Канаде). Для американцев и канадцев День благодарения символизирует, с одной стороны, благодарность их родным, стране и Богу (для верующих людей), с другой стороны – принадлежность к национальной истории.

This holiday has a long tradition tied with the founding of the USA in the 17th century. In 1620 the first English settlers group had approached the coast of America and had founded Plymouth Colony. Of course, they had had many problems with severe natural conditions and land cultivation, but later received help from Indian tribes and gathered the first harvest. A special holiday organized on this occasion became Thanksgiving Day: it is associated with pagan harvest festivals in various cultures as well as with Christian holidays.

Этот праздник имеет долгую традицию, связанную с основанием США в XVII в. В 1620 г. первая группа английских поселенцев достигла берега Америки и основала Плимутскую колонию. Конечно, у них было много проблем с суровыми природными условиями и обработкой земли, но позже они получили помощь от индейских племён и собрали первый урожай. Особый праздник, организованный по этому поводу, стал Днём благодарения: он ассоциируется как с языческими празднествами урожая, так и с праздниками христианскими.

Modern Americans and Canadians spend this day with the family. Everyone thanks the others for all the good that happened during the past year. A necessary element of Thanksgiving Day is a festive dinner with traditional dishes: turkey, pumpkin pie, fruits, and vegetables. Besides, there are some entertainments outside the home, for example, the New York colorful parade of inflatable toys admired by children. After Thanksgiving Day comes “the black Friday” since which pre-Christmas gifts sale begins.

Современные американцы и канадцы проводят этот день в кругу семьи. Каждый благодарит остальных за всё то хорошее, что случилось в прошедшем году. Необходимым элементом Дня благодарения является праздничный ужин с традиционными блюдами: индейкой, тыквенным пирогом, фруктами и овощами. Кроме того, некоторые развлечения проходят вне дома – например, красочный парад надувных игрушек в Нью-Йорке, обожаемый детьми. После Дня благодарения наступает «Чёрная пятница», с которой начинается предрождественская распродажа подарков.

  • сочинения

Thanksgiving is a popular American holiday, which is celebrated every year. It is primarily associated with the United States, where it occurs on the fourth Thursday in November, forms an important part of the country’s culture and marks the beginning of the holiday season, which also includes Christmas and New Year.

But what it s Thanksgiving all about? Despite originating as a harvest festival, Thanksgiving is now celebrated more generally as a day for giving thanks for perceived blessings. Although the United States is the country most commonly linked to the holiday, Thanksgiving Day is also celebrated in Canada on the second Monday of October. Meanwhile, similar holidays exist in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, as well as in a single city in the Netherlands.

Thanksgiving is recognized for its importance to American culture throughout the world and features heavily in a number of popular US television shows, including The Simpsons and Friends. Generally, people know that it is a day for giving thanks and that Thanksgiving dinner consists of turkey, but what else do we know about it? In this article, we’ll give you some information about thanksgiving.

  • The origins of Thanksgiving
  • How Thanksgiving is celebrated today
  • Fun facts you might not know about Thanksgiving
  • Thanksgiving words

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The origins of Thanksgiving

In the United States, Thanksgiving history is almost always traced back to 1621 and the event which is commonly known as the First Thanksgiving. It was celebrated by the Pilgrim Fathers, a group of European settlers of the Plymouth Colony, which is today part of the state of Massachusetts.

The Pilgrims were celebrating their first harvest in the New World and marked the occasion with a lavish three-day feast, which was attended by both Pilgrims and Native Americans. It is believed that the Pilgrims were influenced in doing this by similar practices they had observed in Europe.

In the aftermath, many other colonies set aside specific days for giving thanks to God for their blessings. A proclamation from George Washington in 1789 led to Thanksgiving becoming a national celebration and it was made into a federal holiday, on the fourth Thursday of November, by Abraham Lincoln in 1863.

How Thanksgiving is celebrated today

Today, in the United States, the Thanksgiving celebration largely centers around eating a large meal, which almost always includes turkey. Indeed, it is estimated that between 85 and 91 percent of Americans eat turkey on the day, and Thanksgiving is sometimes affectionately referred to as ‘Turkey Day’. Other traditional foods eaten on Thanksgiving include pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce.

Typically, Americans will spend the day with their family or a group of friends and give thanks for the things they feel fortunate to have in their lives. This sometimes has a religious element, with many people attending religious services or saying a prayer before eating their meal.

“To me as an American, Thanksgiving means a time of year for good food, good people, and gratefulness for everything in life. The weather gets colder, but this time of year really warms your heart! The most important Thanksgiving tradition is a big meal with family or friends. Some specific dishes I love are macaroni and cheese, cranberry relish, and of course pumpkin pie.”

– Gabrielle Wallace

Many Americans attend a local Thanksgiving Day parade, and these parades are often televised. Meanwhile, for many people, American Football has a key role to play in the day’s festivities and the National Football League has played a game on Thanksgiving Day every single year since its inception.

“Thanksgiving is about spending time with friends and family, enjoying each other’s company over some tasty food. What more could you ask for? It’s my favorite holiday and the one I miss the most living in Germany.”

– Dana Newman, Wanted Adventure

Thanksgiving traditions in Canada

Although it is held on a different day, celebrations of Thanksgiving in Canada have a lot in common with the celebrations in the United States. Again, turkey forms an important part of the main Thanksgiving meal, while the Canadian Football League usually stages two games, which are televised nationally.

Other countries that celebrate thanksgiving

Outside of North America, Erntedankfest, or ‘The Harvest Festival of Thanks’, is held in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Unlike in the United States, this festival does not usually include a large feast and the religious element is more central to the celebrations. Aside from religious services, one of the most notable elements of this particular holiday is the creation of food displays, which are often used to decorate churches and other buildings.

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Fun facts you might not know about Thanksgiving

  1. A staggering 49 million turkeys were eaten on Thanksgiving Day in 2015.
  2. The day after Thanksgiving has become known as ‘Black Friday’ and many shops offer major discounts.
  3. Despite being celebrated long before; Thanksgiving was not officially signed into U.S. law until 1941.
  4. 1/5 of all cranberries consumed in the United States each year are eaten on Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving words

When discussing the Thanksgiving holiday, certain words and phrases are frequently used and these may not all be familiar to people living outside the United States or Canada. To help you out, we have compiled a list of some of the most common Thanksgiving vocabulary, complete with definitions or explanations.

 Holiday Season   A term used to describe the period running from Thanksgiving until New Year.
Turkey Day  A colloquial name for Thanksgiving, referencing the traditional meal.
The Pilgrims  A group of people who emigrated from England to America in the 17th century. They created a British colony in America called Plymouth, which is where the First Thanksgiving was held.
Yams  A colloquial term used in the United States to describe sweet potatoes.
Black Friday  The day after Thanksgiving, and traditionally a day when shops hold huge discount sales. As a result, it is one of the busiest shopping days of the year.

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День Благодарения (Thanks­giv­ing Day) – это праздник, который отмечают на территории Северной Америки, то есть в США и Канаде. У этого торжественного дня давняя история, истоки которой тянутся к первым поселенцам, но в американской и канадской версии есть некоторые отличия.

День Благодарения в Америке отмечают по-разному и даже в разные дни. Так, в США праздничный ужин устраивают в ноябре в четвертый четверг каждого года, а в Канаде празднование выпадает на второй понедельник октября. Узнаем, когда День благодарения, что это за праздник и как его правильно отмечать.

День Благодарения – семейный праздник в Америке


  1. Легенда о Thanks­giv­ing Day: почему индейка
  2. Как празднуют День Благодарения
  3. Лексика о Дне Благодарения
  4. Сочинения про День Благодарения на английском

Легенда о Thanksgiving Day: почему индейка

В США и в Канаде истоки праздника тянутся к первым поселенцам, но с некоторыми различиями.

По американской версии впервые данный праздник был отмечен в 1621 первыми поселенцами-пуританами, прибывшими в Северную Америку из Англии из-за религиозных гонений в 1620 году на корабле «Майфлаувер» в поисках лучшей жизни.

Поселенцы высадились на территории нынешнего штата Массачусетс и основали Плимутскую колонию. Но первый год на новом месте выдался для поселенцев очень тяжелым, половина из них погибла от холода, голода и болезней. После сближения с местным племенем индейцев, поселенцы научились выращивать кукурузу, тыквы, отличать ядовитые растения.

Осенью 1621 года был собран богатый урожай, и поселенцы, будучи религиозными людьми решили устроить в честь этого праздничный обед для того чтобы поблагодарить бога. На праздничное тожество были приглашены и индейцы, которые принесли в дар поселенцам четырех диковинных птиц, названных впоследствии «индейками».

Позже Thanks­giv­ing Day у поселенцев праздновался только в случае обильных урожаев, в 1789 году Джордж Вашингтон утвердил празднование Дня Благодарения на государственном уровне назначив дату на 26 ноября четверг.

Затем дата празднования постоянно менялась, и в 1941 президентом Франклином Рузвельтом официально была утверждена дата – День Благодарения в США отмечается каждый четвертый четверг ноября.

По канадской версии данный праздник также связан с первыми поселенцами, но имеет некоторые отличия.

По канадской легенде английский пират и исследователь Мартин Фробишер в 1578 году искал кратчайший морской путь в Индию и Китай, но в итоге попал в ледяное заточение у берегов североамериканского материка.

Большая часть команды и кораблей погибла из-за суровых условий, в результате чего им пришлось высадится на берегах современного Лабрадора, где капитаном и был проведено первое празднование Дня Благодарения в знак того, что он и часть людей благополучно смогли пережить данное путешествие, которое подвергло их серьезным испытаниям.

День Благодарения в Канаде празднуется во второй понедельник октября.

По французской версии данный праздник связывают с исследователем Самюэлем де Чамплэйном, который с экипажем из французских поселенцев примкнул к берегам Канады и отпраздновал это событие пригласив на праздничный пир местных аборигенов, которые помогали им обустроиться на новом месте.

Как празднуют День Благодарения

Не взирая на различие в датах и легендах, празднование Дня Благодарения в обоих странах имеет общие черты.

Как правило, это торжество связано с семьей, по традиции все родственники собираются за столом у старейшины семьи, съезжаясь к нему из всех уголков страны. Традиционно на стол подают фаршированную жареную индейку, тыквенный пирог, щедро политый взбитыми сливками, и сладкий картофель ямс с ягодным соусом.

В наши дни праздник утратил религиозное значение, став светским праздником, когда за одним столом собирается вся семья для того, чтобы поделится всем тем, чего им удалось достичь в этом году. В конце ужина дужку грудной кости птицы разламывают два человека, каждый из которых загадывает желание, желание сбудется у того, кто отломит большую половину.

День Благодарения в США отмечается праздничными костюмированными шествиями в нарядах поселенцев XVII века и костюмах коренных американцев, традиционно проводятся парады с гигантскими надувными шарами.

А вечером Thanks­giv­ing Day отмечается тожественным фейерверком. Кроме этого, во время этого праздника благотворительные организации вместе с главой государства накрывают столы для бездомных и неимущих.

В США существует также одна интересная традиция, которая появилась относительно не так давно, – помилование индейки. Согласно этой традиции, как минимум одна индейка должна избежать попадания на праздничный стол.

Этим мероприятием занимается президент, где он отправляет индейку и ее дублера (которого берут для того, если с главной героиней что-то произойдет) отправляют в один из детских зоопарков.

Корни данной традиции ведут к президенту Джону Кеннеди, который в 1963 году оставил в живых полученную в подарок индейку от Национальной Ассоциации Мяса. Позже в 1989 году Джордж Буш-старший официально провел данную церемонию, которая проводится и по сей день.

К относительно новым традициям можно отнести также написание песен, посвященных Дню Благодарения, и просмотр матча команд Национальной футбольной лиги (NFL).

В отличии от США канадский День Благодарения не отличается праздничными шествиями и фейерверками. У канадцев это тихий семейный праздник, объединяющий всех членов семьи за общим столом. К данному празднеству в Канаде приурочены все осенние ярмарки и благотворительные мероприятия по сбору средств для нуждающихся.

Современные переселенцы из Америки отмечают День Благодарения в России, но ограничиваются только праздничным ужинов в кругу семьи.

Лексика о Дне Благодарения

Поскольку Thanks­giv­ing Day является одним из самых главных праздников в Америке, то при общении лексика о Дне Благодарения является из самых распространенных.

Стоит выучить несколько полезных фраз и слов для начинающих на английском языке о Дне Благодарения.

Таблица лексика на тему «День Благодарения» с переводом и транскрипцией:

Русский Английский Произношение
День благодарения Thanks­giv­ing Day [ˌθæŋk­s’gɪvɪŋ deɪ]
Новый Свет New World [nju: wɜːrld]
Индеец Indi­an [‘ɪndɪən]
Индюк, индейка Turkey [‘tɜːkɪ]
Фаршировать, начинять индейку To stuff a turkey [tə stʌf ə’tɜːkɪ]
Тыквенный пирог Pump­kin pie [ˈpʌmp­kɪn paɪ]
Признательность Grat­i­tude [ˈɡrætɪ­tuːd]
Праздник Hol­i­day [ˈhɔlədɪ]
Парад Parade [pəˈreɪd ]
Празднество, торжество Cel­e­bra­tion [ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn]
Американский, американец Amer­i­can [ə’merɪkən]
Пуританин Puri­tan [‘pjuərɪt(ə)n]
Первый колонист Pil­grim [‘pɪl­grɪm]
Благословение перед едой Bless­ing [‘blesɪŋ]
Молитва Prayer [prɛə]
Ямс, батат, сладкий картофель Yam [jæm]
Банкет, пир Feast [fiːst]
Грудная кость птицы Wish­bone [ˈwɪʃbəʊn]
Колонист Colonist [‘kɔlənɪst]
Поселенец Set­tler [‘setlə]
Путешествие Trav­el [‘træv(ə)l]
Плавание, морское путешествие Voy­age [‘vɔɪɪʤ]
Традиция, старый обычай Tra­di­tion [trə’dɪʃ(ə)n]

Выучите эти простые выражения, чтобы свободно общаться с американцами на тему Дня Благодарения.

Сочинения про День Благодарения на английском

В процессе изучения английского языка в школе или ВУЗе часто задают написать сочинение про День Благодарения на английском.

Вот несколько английских топиков на тему День Благодарения (Thanks­giv­ing Day):

Сочинения про День Благодарения на английском (Word)

There is one day a year when all Americans stay home with their families and eat a big dinner. This is Thanksgiving Day.

The pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in the fall of 1621. The pilgrims sailed to America on board the «Mayflower» ship for religious freedom. They were among the first European settlers in America. There were people living in America before the pilgrims arrived. These people were the Native American Indians.

The pilgrims first winter in the New World was very difficult. They had arrived too late to grow many crops. Without fresh food half of the pilgrims died. The following spring the Indians taught the pilgrims how to hunt, fish, plant and survive in America. The crops did well and in the fall of 1621 pilgrims had a great harvest. They were thankful and decided to celebrate with a Thanksgiving feast. They prepared a dinner of turkey, corn, beans and pumpkins. They invited their Indian friends to share this feast. The Indians brought food for the feast too (they even brought popcorn!)

Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the fall. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. Turkey is still the main dish and pumpkin pie is the most popular dessert.

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